Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

scene, a count of witnesses and update where the investigation stands right now. plus i'm american struggling with the highest inflation rate for decades. the biden administration continues to blame it on vladimir putin, the bream team panel weighs in. what changed, president biden first came there time using the word to rush as a trustee and ukraine. we began with a manhunt underway around new york city tonight for the person of interest in tuesday's mass shooting, senior correspondent laura ingle on-site in england with the latest, good evening, laura. >> could evening, shannon investigators continued to work the scene at the sunset part of brooklyn looking for a gunman who boarded a train today with weapons and smoke grenades and clearly intent on violent peer those are they are words from earlier today. the nypd do not have anyone in custody tonight, but are searching for this man who you name 62-year-old frank james who was only identified as a person of interest in this case at this point. last hour, we saw investigators carry out bags of evidence from the subway station where the police are canvassing the area turning to business owners and residents and many being asked if they have surveillance video from tuesday morning. that is because there were no working cameras at the 36 street subway station. but there were plenty of working cell phones. many passengers able to capture the chaos and terror as it unfolded after a man in manhattan found a train and pulled a gas mask over his face while on the train started shooting. he fired all 33 rounds, striking ten people, critically injuring five and all expected to survive. when it was all over, stand and injured passengers bloody and a lying on the platform with a cloud of smoke. the gunmen the items he left behind were significant. >> we come upon the scene with a block 70 9-millimeter handgun. three extended block type magazines. one was still in the weapon. one under the seat, one in the backpack. we had 33 discharged showcases. 15 bullets, five bullet fragments, two detonated smoke grenades, two nondetonated smoke grenades. a hatchet, black garbage can, a black milk type style bowling caught with gasoline and a u-haul key. >> shannon: okay the police say the key to the u-haul proved to be a critical piece of evidence once they identified james as the person who rented the van and philadelphia after all day search located about 5 miles from the scene searched and then towed away. the shooting most every commuter will tell you is a worst-case scenario being trapped in a train car with a gunman with nowhere to go between stops. the police had this could have been much worse with so many people on board during the morning commute. and we also want to mention the nypd released screenshot of a man matching jameses description on a youtube channel. that is what we showed you at the top. that channel shows a man delivering long tirades about race and violence and even goes on about the mayor's policies in new york. because of that the nypd are peeping up patrol for the mayor has precaution at this point. of course, we have more to go on the story as the manhunt continues, we will bring more as we learn that year in brookland. back to you. >> shannon: more and more clues coming in, laura thank you for the update. experts into what investigators could be up to tonight in efforts to locate a person of interest frank james. former supervisor special agent in the secret service charles marino and nypd founder, thank you for being with us tonight. >> good evening. >> hi, shannon. >> shannon: "washington post" said this tonight they are not saying frank james is the sugar it at this time but a person of interest. investigators are confident he was at the scene of the shooting based on the discovery of credit card in the rented officials familiar with the matter. new york police commissioner added if they are concerning social media post connected to james and talked about the city and homelessness. laura touched on those things. sergeant, tonight what is happening? the search for this man from what else is being pieced together? >> well, they are behind the eight ball with no video inside the train station. thank god for people using their phones. they will scrub every video in and around the train station and a piece of evidence they believe this person possibly did rent the vehicle and they will go to social media peer those rants will be big and dissect every word that person said and try to tie him to a statement that he will show up in a location where the incident happens. and many, many people appear they will look into the previous history and emotionally disturbed history and any criminal history. they will try to piece it together and watch those videos to show he is possibly the person shown in those videos that committed at the scene of this crime. >> shannon: folks are coming out this morning, commuters saying i am done. i don't feel safe in my own city and not riding the subway. this is the latest and obviously it is dramatic on so many levels. here is a little bit about the rise in crime in new york city and subways between 2020 and 2021. the murders up 33.3%, up 14.3% felony assault of 27.7% and charles, what are we to do with this information because it seems like it's not improving around here. >> channon, there is an expectation to remain safe and secure by new yorkers. i don't think that is a crazy request to have. they should be able to go to work, go to school, and expect to live. it is as simple as that. listen the mayor has inherited some bad policies from the former mayor bill de blasio and he bought into defining the police. he defunded the budget significantly almost $1 billion. that led to overall retention issues. mass retirements, mass resignations and impacted recruitment. so the nypd is not the police department that it was prior to this defunded movement. as a result, this has impacted the lawlessness that we have seen run rampant through new york city. mayor adams has a very important decision to make. and that is, either you will secure the city including the subways or you will shut the subway system down. people are too much at risk here on a daily basis based on the percentage increase that you just described. >> shannon: sergeant, do the officers feel like they have what they need or it is coming? >> i think the police commissioner a breath of fresh air. the bill de blasio administration but at the end of the day they have to be allowed to do their jobs. high visibility and that's what we need. this person might not have done it like turnstiles. if you saw a police officer going through the the turnstiles, he might not have done it. and knowing that you will go to jail god forbid you do get caught, we need the legal system and police officers doing their job at the lawyers and judges willing to keep them behind bars. >> want to ask you about this case out of d.c. getting stranger and stranger about a couple of guys accused of posing as federal agents trying to cozy up the secret service agent. this is what we found out today about the investigation involving them. they figured out they were under investigation and the secret service investigator reached out to one of the men's business email about an internal investigation of the secret service. the attorney told the magistrate during a hearing on to state the slip up secret service to beat up the process and recommend a name they might have otherwise. charles, having served with the secret service, what do we know about this case so far with these two men? >> very disturbing, very concerning. i know senior leadership is distraught and concerned about it and taking it seriously. listen, the actions of four members of the secret service and also, let's remember there were other agencies involved and got caught up in this from dhs and the department of defense has a peer of this department where individuals operating out of was what i would've called target rich government employees. and they all bought into this. the good news so far is that it doesn't look like in a national security information was put in jeopardy based on the ruling to release these two suspects. but the judge earlier today. so that is the good news. but the bad news is that how can experience and trained federal agents fall victim to this type of, you know, ridiculousness in terms of pretending from being part of an agency that doesn't even exist within the department of homeland security and then finally come accepting gifts to include free rent and close to 50,000 per apartment without reporting it back to the secret service. these are the issues that the agency and the department of homeland security and the fbi are investigating right now. >> shannon: it is very strange. the more they tell us, the more questions that i have. it is like a bad lifetime for me but much more serious. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. we appreciate your time. >> thank shannon. >> thank you. >> shannon: the white house and everyday americans like us paying the highest prices and 41 euros for essentials like food, gas, rent. white house correspondent kevin corke with a close look at the biden administration's ongoing blame putin narrative. good evening to mike kevin. >> the white house as you pointed out frankly pointing to a number of factors they say really impact with the rise in inflation. but critics charged the mic charge that today was the latest round in a never ending blame game where the administration never accepts responsibility for its failures. ever. >> your family budget, the ability to fill up your tank none should hinge on whether a dictator declares war, commits genocide half a world away. >> his remarks in iowa, joe biden attempted to tie rising fuel costs to gresham vladimir putin's war in ukraine. just the latest in a litany attempt to blame for domestic policy fails. and according to the white house previously blame surging inflation on the pandemic, supply chain woes coming back as far as last year it was all transitory, which of course, it wasn't. now members of biden's own party pushing back. among them west virginia senator joe manchin who said this "the federal reserve and the biden administration bill to act fast enough in today's data is a snapshot in time of the consequences being felt across the country. joe manchin's remark came after the labor department released new data that shows inflation increased about 8.5% from the 12 months ending in march. the fastest rate in decades again. and while soaring gas prices and housing cost get the lion share of the attention, consider how much the cost for common grocery items have gone up year-over-year. meet up by 15%, poultry more than 13% more expensive. ditto for eggs, coffee, fruits and vegetables. >> indeed it adds up when you are trying to feed your family. in addition to the labor department report on tuesday, the department of agriculture said in a report late last week it expected food prices to continue to rise another 3% or 4% for the best of 2022, shannon. >> shannon: all right, by the way from another development with the white house today, the president has been avoiding using the word genocide and being specific with russia's war in ukraine until today. can you tell us what changed? >> very interesting selection of words and speaks to future action down the road. the president, as you pointed out called the russian forces in ukraine genocide for the first time. a classification and frankly he previously has shied away from using. >> i call it genocide because it is clearer and clearer to wipe out the ability to even feed ukrainians. the mountain of evidence is mounting. >> now, pay attention down the road, shannon over the next few weeks. first the u.s. and other nation leaders around the globe do the same thing and this, of course to lead to something international. in the meantime twitter ukraine's president zelenskyy expressing his approval with the comments by the president true words. of a true leader, shannon. >> shannon: all right, kevin we have some to dig into from now. an interesting fact about americans. >> they really think they know what they are doing. we will tell you about that in a few. >> shannon: we will see how you rate yourself at home. much more head on the inflation site means for president biden in your wallets the dream team annual, just minutes away. 49 oh fresh has more on ukraine getting new information and confirmation about atrocities committed in the key suburb of bucha. griff jenkins with the latest live from lviv, wednesday morning donning there, hello, griff. >> good evening, shannon president biden is calling putin accusing him of carrying out genocide. president putin is causing atrocities in bucha fake. peace talks have hit a dead end. watch. >> you could hear the major issues created problems with final agreements acceptable for everyone on thin negotiating track. >> this has no satellite images show russian forces deploying and moving into eastern ukraine for a new defensive in donbas region and heavy fighting and shelling continues in the south in and around mariupol with smoke and fire observed coming from buildings. it comes as ukraine's interior ministry says 700 people, shannon have been killed in bucha and surrounding areas of kyiv. now after 50 days of fighting with the capital still standing, president zelenskyy remains defiant, and he is blasting putin's failure to keep major objectives. >> but to be honest, no one in the world understands how such a time could even emerge. how could a plan for providing the deaths of tens of thousands of-year-old soldiers a little more than a month of war? who could have approved of such a plan? >> meanwhile, a senior official tells fox news that the administration is considering sending in my 17 soviet era helicopters and their ukrainians can fly part of $70 million package and they would be able to do transformative work but carry out an attack roll to help ukrainians if it comes to renewed fight. we expect the british defense ministry saying in about two weeks for things to really heat up in the eastern front, shannon. >> shannon: griff jenkins, we will check back with you. thank you very much. authorities in guatemala reportedly bracing for new migrant caravans expected to depart from honduras early friday morning about 2,000 strong. with the ultimate goal of reaching the u.s. border with mexico. it is unclear if the caravan and second line believed to be organizing next monday are hoping to reach the u.s. before or after title 42 restrictions are set to lift may 23rd. meanwhile a group of republican senators sent a letter to dh secretary alejandro mayorkas saying "rescinding title 42 during a border crisis is a serious threat to public safety." asking the administration to provide information whether there will be adequate staffing at the border to handle expected mass influx of illegal immigrants. new allegations in a trial between johnny depp and his ex-wife amber heard. during opening arguments of the defamation trial, he claimed publicly for the first time that sexually assaulted her. johnny depp filed dual defamation against each other running to tens of millions of dollars. the drum is expected to play out of the next six weeks in fairfax county north virginia court room testimony like james franco, and maybe even elon musk. still to come, passengers begging to get off of an airplane to no avail and again, when reaction with up and close personal foul ball. today's best viral videos up next. ♪ ♪ i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't always have to wear reading glasses? 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apparently a lot of people think they do, kevin would have some deeds for us but i will say up front, i don't have that delusion and i know i couldn't do it. >> i think we should kind of file this either you know what you're doing or have a pretty big ego. you know what i'm saying? two-thirds of those surveyed and we are talking about americans that they are confident they can live off of the land and all other alternatives have become exhaustive. one-third of americans armchair farmers think they could last a year. so sufficiently taken care of themselves. this survey which interviewed a thousand rule americans in another 1,000 city and suburbanites found two-thirds sy both walks of life would not have any problem growing their own food and their own produce if stores closed nationwide. i live as you know in group and call colorado primarily and what have you but mostly a colorado kid. when you live in colorado get this mountains, skiing but also the eastern plains, which is really very aggie, okay. so i've been out there. i've seen the aggie life. i assure you if you don't know what you are doing, you need to button it. >> shannon: most folks actually do. they know what they are doing and they see the rest of the country. and the egg people, farmers, yes folks rural i have more confidence than us. i would be a complete green acres situation which is dating myself. but luckily, i do live with someone who i think could do all of that. so you have to have mr. shannon bream around. >> i'm great with the lawn. i'm not roaming any food. and so i would definitely -- i'm taking a seat. >> shannon: i'm taking a seat too but bravo to those that can actually do this. we honor you and thank you. all right, kevin see you at the end of the show for good news. we need that. >> great news coming up. see you then. >> shannon: covid lockdown going to the extreme in china with scrounging for food as communist company pursued zero covid. it gets tough. the very latest is next. ♪ ♪ ng. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: following a fierce public backlash against strict covid lockdown, china is allowing a little more than a quarter of 25 million people to go outdoors. but the severity of the restrictions put the residents and chinese cities on edge. cheap breaking news correspondent trace gallagher is on the case tonight, good evening, trace. >> 6 million shanghai's 20 million population are being allowed to go outside for at least a little while each day, but they reportedly are not allowed to leave the neighborhoods. the mild easing of the lockdown's now in its third week came after some residence rebelled and were captured on video breaking into a local market looking for food. and that lack of supplies appears to be a citywide trend. shanghai residents forced to stay inside of their homes are struggling to get food and medicine. as dystopian as the images appear, listen to the sounds of the starting starving city. and either with the draconian lock downs, they are tens of thousands of new infections in shanghai every day. now many other chinese city. the lockdowns may be coming their way. for example in the southern port city of -- after handful of covid infections all 18 million residents face mandatory testing or some believe the mandatory lockdowns are next. but the chinese government is trying to convince residents if more lockdowns are needed, there will be ample supplies of food and medicine. the early evidence does not support that claim. in the meantime the u.s. state department ordering all to leave shanghai immediately. just last week the departure from shanghai was voluntary and the chinese foreign ministry sees the evacuation order as an attack on china. >> we are strongly dissatisfied with and opposed to the politicized station in instrument and then i say skin and evacuation by the west. nstar complaints. the u.s. should immediately stop attacking china. and stop political manipulation of the issue and stop smearing and discrediting china. >> but here in the u.s. the prebeacon has reported eight democrat senators and more than two dozen house democrats to have their offices closed because of covid, which means the taxpayer-funded offices are inaccessible to constituents. did we mention philadelphia has a new indoor mask mandate? shannon? >> shannon: it does, trace gallagher, thank you very much. president biden visited iowa tuesday touting administration's efforts to combat gas prices, new inflation numbers show record high prices across the board. talk about what it all means for your bottom line for the presidents record low approval numbers with the dream team panel, leslie marshall, jason rantz, great to see both. >> shannon: the editorial board tonight said this is not putin's inflation but began a year ago the onset of the biden presidency and accelerated the last 12 months before he decided to invade. if you want to know why americans are sour, this is it. the real wages are falling while the price is up everyday goods and services are rising. jason, how does the administration handled this not only from substantive viewpoint but messaging viewpoint? >> well, just blaming putin into the mic to some degree trump will not cut it. joe biden was supposed to be the man with a plan that i don't he has a plan. real wages down 0.2%. record prices i went to pull up my f-150 today and topped $100. it is just an absolute disaster of their own making by spending record amounts of money. vladimir putin or anybody else and democrats have the house and senate and the penn state is by shutting down the energy sector. that is why you see $6 plus gasoline that you see on the screen. >> shannon: the hill today talked about how difficult for democrats and a midterm year and historically the midterm election after the president's election is not good for his or her. okay, so they say democrats are facing a nightmare scenario was six months to go before the midterm elections. inflation, immigration the war in ukraine and still lingering covid-19 pandemic make for a dreadful atmosphere for joe biden's party. i think this will be a biblical disaster. that is from one democratic strategist who did not wish to be named, leslie. >> i would not save biblical. covid, by the way, the polls show most people do not believe covid is a big deal and behind them left or right. but james carville said in the clinton administration and that has not changed before james carville said that and even today in 2022 pair that is what voters want. it doesn't matter if democrat or republican. even though we can try to find some silver lining not with inflation but we look to the stock market today and the largest retail we saw in the first 30 minutes, 2% to 8% gain and gas prices have dropped 6% on a national average. and hopefully, that will be a trend. but right now what americans are feeling is not necessarily some of those glimmers of hope. what americans and not just that they are reading and the headlines because you can even read the numbers are good. it is what americans are feeling. certainly come americans feel more so at the gas pump. that really hurts a lot of individuals because they need to fill up their cars to go to work and maybe they can't use their car and have to find a different mode of transportation. the bottom line is the bottom line and the economy. that is going to be difficult for any party, my own party included, if the party is not to blame for them. whether inherited or worldwide mass, which it is right now. certainly putin invading ukraine did not help that. >> shannon: to that point for republicans who would say this is not a pollutant issue. economic counsel advisor putin and senator rick scott, a republican fully in lockstep and blaming biden for putin price hike so surprising. jason, what do you make economic counsel and biden administration linking putin with a republican senator? >> obviously an act of desperation and people see through it. the democrats have the house and senate and presidency. they can try to point the fingers but when you are in charge, it is not a good look to go out and say it's somebody else's fault. again i don't think joe biden and kamala harris have a plan. if they have when they should state it because it's not working as my colleague, former colleague jim jordan likes to say if the biden plan is working how come it's not working? the democrats don't have answers. >> shannon: and the pulling on the president with economy and inflation and recent fox news poll 59% disapprove how handling the economy. 56% disapprove how handling inflation. final words to you, leslie, how he will handle those numbers midterm. >> one of the things that we all know and it doesn't matter again democrat, republican who you want to blame who is in power as the federal reserve has the power when it comes to inflation. a lot of people blame the federal reserve for acting too slowly when it comes to interest rates not being as aggressive, you know, people say they have been passive. so, you know whether donald trump, joe biden -- >> biden reappointed him. biden reappointed them. >> it is the federal reserve. >> shannon: we have to leave it there and i thank you both and hope you will come back soon. thanks, guys. >> thank you, thank you. >> shannon: black lives matter depending its multimillion dollar mansion purchase and some of the latest woke west coast stories you have to hear to believe. jason rantz is back and live next. 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. hi. we're zerowater. and we believe everyone deserves find your future. the purest tasting water. that's why we strive for zero. you see, to some it means nothing. but to us, it means everything. here, take a look. this meter showing triple zeros means our five-stage filter did its job, and that virtually all dissolved solids or tds have been removed. and all that's left is the purest tasting water. let's compare. a two-stage brita filter stops here. but our five-stage filter doesn't quit. zerowater. we strive for zero. migraine attacks? 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>> i'm looking there working on patrice color is a cofounder of blm in washington this past friday. she responded to these reports that basically saying and we heard on twitter from the activists you are racist and sexist if you criticize anything they are doing. and they hold this position that all the rules surrounding nonprofit, the rules surrounding how supposed to come to expect management of funds. if you expect that to come from the group, you are racist and sexist because they have bigger plans here appear they have a bigger justification for running things the way that they hope to rent him because of course they are fighting against dismantling and oppressive system that is keeping black people down. but let's be clear, there is no defending any of this kind of stuff. you are not misspending to further the cause. you are misspending to become very, very wealthy and to be placed in these mansions. you cannot be a marxist and buy a whole bunch of mansions with the money off of the facts of the activists who you are sending out the streets for the most peaceful riot. >> shannon: and i noticed during the commercial shawn campbell who wrote this big expose piece that sparked a lot of attention they are upset about is a black man who said he was raised by a single black woman. i had guns pointed at me. this is the hardest article he ever wrote because he didn't want it to take him down the path that the facts took him down. okay get to the next piece you are telling us about a seattle murder case. how it was put trade ins media. i think we have some audio that you obtain from a 911 call on this. we will play that. >> 911, what are you reporting? >> you want to reporting murder? >> yes, ma'am was on my account 204. >> you said the murder was on your account, what does that mean? yes, ma'am, there was a murderer here. >> shannon: jason, what is going on? >> this is a really brutal pace. court documents allege tyrone bernard wells basically told the police he was awake for days. he recently had taken him methamphetamines and were inspired and the 911 call that he said he killed in service of all love. this is someone who against his girlfriend accused of murdering her with a hatchet come up old cutters and a drum set. it is gruesome. yet, not a single tv station in seattle broadcast the full story. "the seattle times" flat out lied and claimed there was no motive offered. they don't trust their audience enough. so, they are keeping out the allegations that he says he was motivated by the quran and by allah and i think the reporters hear someone citing islam in that way will effectively get the public to think all muslims are dangerous. now, obviously the quran does not tell you to murder your girlfriend no one actually believes that. it is a condescending claim but ultimately it does a disservice to the audience. it shows you the bias and how the media frames these sorts. if this guy a bible reading white dude who cited jesus christ, we would expect they would be talking about it on the news and seattle times. they are choosing at this case not to because they view someone who is potentially -- we don't even know if he is muslim, by the way but an oppressed group so they don't want to even be perceived as criticizing him. >> shannon: yeah, clearly a deranged not well individual. a very disturbing case. jason, we hope you will bring us more interesting stories very soon. thank you for coming in tonight. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: and before we say good night world war ii veteran being recognized at home and abroad. edward chan who listed in the army on his 18th birthday was an army medic and help to deliver france. just honored as a night in the order of the french legion of honor, one of the highest honors and hosted by the maumelle county board of commissioners. and under the 97-year-old for his service on behalf of and he said he was doing his job and that his faith sustained him throughout the war. kevin, a true hero and beautiful to see that celebration for him. >> where they have a good news good night salute. that is a great story. i want to take it to this good news good night, in two weeks thousands of runners to make their way to the square of the boston marathon. however among those out there running an army veteran attempting to marathon for the first time navigating those hills isn't the only challenge though for ron. he is legally blind. he enlisted and had an accident double vision in both of his eyes. he will be running and 15th overall, make that 14th overall marathon. congrats to him and best of luck. >> shannon: very inspiring. kevin, thank you very much and we will see you tomorrow night. from new york, i am shannon bream. mply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. irresistible are now starting in 1899 of etsi and thend neighborhood your city manager left to find themselves leaving you loved you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do indeed. instant instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description, visiting .com sort of a crack trustwave like this customer had autographed image but he was busy working home so he's go to a safe place and just a few 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the cook government statistics our leaders have devised to hide inflati

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Manhattan , 33 , Smoke , Over , Items , Platform , Gunmen , Lying , Cloud , Five , One , Seat , Backpack , Handgun , Weapon , Type Magazines , 70 9 Millimeter , 9 , 70 , Three , Garbage Can , Bullets , Bullet Fragments , Nondetonated , 15 , Two , Piece , Gasoline , Key , Style , Black Milk , Bowling , Commuter , Van , Philadelphia , 5 , Car , Morning Commute , Scenario , Screenshot , Stops , Nowhere , Mayor , Policies , Race , Jameses , Channel , Description , Top , Tirades , Violence , Youtube Channel , Course , Story , Patrol , Precaution , Clues , Brookland , Secret Service , Special Agent , Efforts , Experts , Founder , Supervisor , A Person Of Interest , Charles Marino , Sugar It , Hi , Washington Post , Starving City , Police Commissioner , Social Media , Matter , Homelessness , Officials , Discovery , Credit Card , Things , Video , Ball , Sergeant , Train Station , Search , God , Eight , Rants , Phones , Vehicle , Videos , Statement , History , Location , Incident , Crime , Folks , Subway , Safe , Murders , Subways , Rise , Bit , Levels , 14 3 , 33 3 , 2021 , 2020 , Information , Expectation , Channon , Felony Assault , 27 7 , Work , Request , School , Bill De Blasio , Issues , Mass Resignations , Budget , Retention , Led , Mass Retirements , 1 Billion , Billion , Police Department , Recruitment , Lawlessness , Result , Defunded Movement , Risk , Decision , Basis , Subway System Down , Adams , Officers , A Breath Of Fresh Air , It , Jobs , Turnstiles , Visibility , Police Officer , System , Job , Police Officers , Lawyers , Bars , D C , Agents , Men , Secret Service Agent , Investigator , Posing , Guys , Couple , Magistrate , Hearing , Business Email , Attorney , Name , Process , Leadership , Members , Department , Agencies , Actions , Dhs , Department Of Defense , Listen , Four , News , Government , Individuals , Doesn T , Employees , Security , Target Rich , Bad News , Type Of , Jeopardy , Ruling , Judge , Victim , Suspects , Agency , Ridiculousness , Part , Gifts , Department Of Homeland Security , Terms , Rent , Apartment , Fbi , 50000 , More , Thank Shannon , Serious , Lifetime , Questions , Gentlemen , Thousand Rule Americans , Look , Food , Kevin Corke , White House , Prices , Gas , Essentials , 41 Euros , 41 , Inflation , Blame Game , Number , Critics , Factors , Mic Charge , Round , Blame , Narrative , Mike Kevin , War , Ability , Responsibility , Dictator , Failures , Family Budget , Tank None , Joe Biden , Domestic Policy , Litany Attempt , Fuel Costs , Remarks , Iowa , Genocide Half A World Away , Gresham , Party , Wasn T , Pandemic , Supply Chain Woes , Joe Manchin , Data , Bill , Rem Sleep Act , Reserve , Snapshot , West Virginia , Country , Remark , Consequences , Labor Department , 12 , 8 5 , Attention , Cost , Gas Prices , Housing , Rate , Grocery Items , Share , Lion , Family , Eggs , Fruits , Vegetables , Coffee , Addition , Labor Department Report On Tuesday , 13 , Department Of Agriculture , Food Prices , Shannon , Best , 3 , 4 , 2022 , Way , Genocide , Development , Selection , Russia , Time , Road , Forces , Action , Classification , Ukrainians , Mountain , Something , Zelenskyy , Approval , Thing , Leaders , Comments , Nation , Globe , Fact , Leader , President , Home , Few , Inflation Site , Head , Wallets , Dream Team , Ukraine , Atrocities , Confirmation , Suburb , Bucha , Griff Jenkins , Oh Fresh , Lviv , 49 , President Putin , Peace Talks , Dead End , Bucha Fake , Everyone , Problems , Negotiating Track , Satellite Images , Watch , Agreements , Fighting , Defensive , South , Shelling , Buildings , Fire , Region , Mariupol , Donbas , Areas , Capital , Interior Ministry , Kyiv , Still Standing , 50 , 700 , Biden Plan , Tens Of Thousands , World , Advisor , Failure , Objectives , No One , Deaths , Fox News , Official , Soldiers , Attack , Package , Soviet , 17 , 70 Million , 0 Million , Fight , Defense Ministry , Eastern Front , British , Mexico , Migrant Caravans , Caravan , Goal , Authorities , Guatemala , 2000 , Restrictions , Senators , Title , Republican , Group , Letter , Line , Lift May 23rd , 42 , May 23rd , 23 , Alejandro Mayorkas , Threat , Safety , Border Crisis , Saying , Staffing , Allegations , Johnny Depp , Amber Heard , Immigrants , Influx , Trial , Defamation Trial , Arguments , Defamation , Drum , Millions , Tens , Dollars , Running , Court Room Testimony , Fairfax County , James Franco , North Virginia , Six , Avail , Airplane , Reaction , Elon Musk , Reading Glasses , Wait , Vuitytm , Eyes , Eye , Drop , Focus , Uh Huh , Yep , Vision , Activities , Prescription Eye Drop , Caution , Machinery , Doctor , Vuity , Side Effects , Headache , Eye Redness , Vision Loss , Project Managers , Projects , Candidates , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , What S Going On , Apoquel , Itch , Issue , Skin Inflammation , Talking Dog , Chronic Problem , 10 Million , Dogs , Problem , Dog , Control , Talking Dog Thing , Itching , Atopic Dermatitis , 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Colorado , Mountains , Skiing , Kid , Eastern Plains , Button It , Doing , Rest , Farmers , Confidence , Situation , Green Acres , Someone , Wall , Lawn , Mr , Bravo , Show , The End , Lockdown , Covid , China , Company , Scrounging , Zero Covid , Zero , Pace , Ng , Town , Pods , Public , Team , Backlash , 25 Million , Shanghai , Trace Gallagher , Edge , Cities , Severity , 6 Million , Easing , Neighborhoods , Residence , Little , Rebelled , Population , 20 Million , Supplies , Trend , Homes , Market , Lack , Medicine , Images , Draconian Lock Downs , Sounds , Lockdowns , Example , Handful , Testing , Southern Port City Of , 18 Million , Claim , Departure , Evacuation Order , U S State Department , Foreign Ministry , Station , Complaints , Skin , Instrument , Evacuation , West , Nstar , Discrediting , Manipulation , Smearing , House Democrats , Democrat , The Prebeacon , Offices , Constituents , Mask , Bottom Line , Board , Inflation Numbers , Both , Numbers , Jason Rantz , Presidents , Editorial Board , Dream Team Panel , Leslie Marshall , Presidency , This Is It , Onset , Price , Wages , Viewpoint , Services , Goods , Messaging , Degree Trump , Mic , F 150 , 0 2 , 150 , House , Money , Disaster , Record , Senate , Penn State , Making , Anybody , Energy Sector , 100 , , 00 , 6 , Screen , Election , The Hill , Nightmare Scenario , Elections , Her , Immigration , Atmosphere , 19 , Leslie , Deal , Polls , James Carville , Silver Lining , Stock Market Today , It Doesn T , Pair , Voters , Retail We Saw , Feeling , Gain , Average , 2 , 8 , 30 , Headlines , Reading , Glimmers Of Hope , Gas Pump , Economy , Mode , Cars , Transportation , Mass , Republicans , Whether , Counsel , Rick Scott , Pollutant Issue , Lockstep , Price Hike , Desperation , Putin , Fingers , Charge , Jim Jordan , Colleague , Somebody Else S Fault , Kamala Harris , Democrats Don T , Poll , 59 , Power , Know , 56 , Interest Rates , Federal Reserve , Passive , Donald Trump , Lives , Purchase , Stories , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

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scene, a count of witnesses and update where the investigation stands right now. plus i'm american struggling with the highest inflation rate for decades. the biden administration continues to blame it on vladimir putin, the bream team panel weighs in. what changed, president biden first came there time using the word to rush as a trustee and ukraine. we began with a manhunt underway around new york city tonight for the person of interest in tuesday's mass shooting, senior correspondent laura ingle on-site in england with the latest, good evening, laura. >> could evening, shannon investigators continued to work the scene at the sunset part of brooklyn looking for a gunman who boarded a train today with weapons and smoke grenades and clearly intent on violent peer those are they are words from earlier today. the nypd do not have anyone in custody tonight, but are searching for this man who you name 62-year-old frank james who was only identified as a person of interest in this case at this point. last hour, we saw investigators carry out bags of evidence from the subway station where the police are canvassing the area turning to business owners and residents and many being asked if they have surveillance video from tuesday morning. that is because there were no working cameras at the 36 street subway station. but there were plenty of working cell phones. many passengers able to capture the chaos and terror as it unfolded after a man in manhattan found a train and pulled a gas mask over his face while on the train started shooting. he fired all 33 rounds, striking ten people, critically injuring five and all expected to survive. when it was all over, stand and injured passengers bloody and a lying on the platform with a cloud of smoke. the gunmen the items he left behind were significant. >> we come upon the scene with a block 70 9-millimeter handgun. three extended block type magazines. one was still in the weapon. one under the seat, one in the backpack. we had 33 discharged showcases. 15 bullets, five bullet fragments, two detonated smoke grenades, two nondetonated smoke grenades. a hatchet, black garbage can, a black milk type style bowling caught with gasoline and a u-haul key. >> shannon: okay the police say the key to the u-haul proved to be a critical piece of evidence once they identified james as the person who rented the van and philadelphia after all day search located about 5 miles from the scene searched and then towed away. the shooting most every commuter will tell you is a worst-case scenario being trapped in a train car with a gunman with nowhere to go between stops. the police had this could have been much worse with so many people on board during the morning commute. and we also want to mention the nypd released screenshot of a man matching jameses description on a youtube channel. that is what we showed you at the top. that channel shows a man delivering long tirades about race and violence and even goes on about the mayor's policies in new york. because of that the nypd are peeping up patrol for the mayor has precaution at this point. of course, we have more to go on the story as the manhunt continues, we will bring more as we learn that year in brookland. back to you. >> shannon: more and more clues coming in, laura thank you for the update. experts into what investigators could be up to tonight in efforts to locate a person of interest frank james. former supervisor special agent in the secret service charles marino and nypd founder, thank you for being with us tonight. >> good evening. >> hi, shannon. >> shannon: "washington post" said this tonight they are not saying frank james is the sugar it at this time but a person of interest. investigators are confident he was at the scene of the shooting based on the discovery of credit card in the rented officials familiar with the matter. new york police commissioner added if they are concerning social media post connected to james and talked about the city and homelessness. laura touched on those things. sergeant, tonight what is happening? the search for this man from what else is being pieced together? >> well, they are behind the eight ball with no video inside the train station. thank god for people using their phones. they will scrub every video in and around the train station and a piece of evidence they believe this person possibly did rent the vehicle and they will go to social media peer those rants will be big and dissect every word that person said and try to tie him to a statement that he will show up in a location where the incident happens. and many, many people appear they will look into the previous history and emotionally disturbed history and any criminal history. they will try to piece it together and watch those videos to show he is possibly the person shown in those videos that committed at the scene of this crime. >> shannon: folks are coming out this morning, commuters saying i am done. i don't feel safe in my own city and not riding the subway. this is the latest and obviously it is dramatic on so many levels. here is a little bit about the rise in crime in new york city and subways between 2020 and 2021. the murders up 33.3%, up 14.3% felony assault of 27.7% and charles, what are we to do with this information because it seems like it's not improving around here. >> channon, there is an expectation to remain safe and secure by new yorkers. i don't think that is a crazy request to have. they should be able to go to work, go to school, and expect to live. it is as simple as that. listen the mayor has inherited some bad policies from the former mayor bill de blasio and he bought into defining the police. he defunded the budget significantly almost $1 billion. that led to overall retention issues. mass retirements, mass resignations and impacted recruitment. so the nypd is not the police department that it was prior to this defunded movement. as a result, this has impacted the lawlessness that we have seen run rampant through new york city. mayor adams has a very important decision to make. and that is, either you will secure the city including the subways or you will shut the subway system down. people are too much at risk here on a daily basis based on the percentage increase that you just described. >> shannon: sergeant, do the officers feel like they have what they need or it is coming? >> i think the police commissioner a breath of fresh air. the bill de blasio administration but at the end of the day they have to be allowed to do their jobs. high visibility and that's what we need. this person might not have done it like turnstiles. if you saw a police officer going through the the turnstiles, he might not have done it. and knowing that you will go to jail god forbid you do get caught, we need the legal system and police officers doing their job at the lawyers and judges willing to keep them behind bars. >> want to ask you about this case out of d.c. getting stranger and stranger about a couple of guys accused of posing as federal agents trying to cozy up the secret service agent. this is what we found out today about the investigation involving them. they figured out they were under investigation and the secret service investigator reached out to one of the men's business email about an internal investigation of the secret service. the attorney told the magistrate during a hearing on to state the slip up secret service to beat up the process and recommend a name they might have otherwise. charles, having served with the secret service, what do we know about this case so far with these two men? >> very disturbing, very concerning. i know senior leadership is distraught and concerned about it and taking it seriously. listen, the actions of four members of the secret service and also, let's remember there were other agencies involved and got caught up in this from dhs and the department of defense has a peer of this department where individuals operating out of was what i would've called target rich government employees. and they all bought into this. the good news so far is that it doesn't look like in a national security information was put in jeopardy based on the ruling to release these two suspects. but the judge earlier today. so that is the good news. but the bad news is that how can experience and trained federal agents fall victim to this type of, you know, ridiculousness in terms of pretending from being part of an agency that doesn't even exist within the department of homeland security and then finally come accepting gifts to include free rent and close to 50,000 per apartment without reporting it back to the secret service. these are the issues that the agency and the department of homeland security and the fbi are investigating right now. >> shannon: it is very strange. the more they tell us, the more questions that i have. it is like a bad lifetime for me but much more serious. gentlemen, thank you for joining us. we appreciate your time. >> thank shannon. >> thank you. >> shannon: the white house and everyday americans like us paying the highest prices and 41 euros for essentials like food, gas, rent. white house correspondent kevin corke with a close look at the biden administration's ongoing blame putin narrative. good evening to mike kevin. >> the white house as you pointed out frankly pointing to a number of factors they say really impact with the rise in inflation. but critics charged the mic charge that today was the latest round in a never ending blame game where the administration never accepts responsibility for its failures. ever. >> your family budget, the ability to fill up your tank none should hinge on whether a dictator declares war, commits genocide half a world away. >> his remarks in iowa, joe biden attempted to tie rising fuel costs to gresham vladimir putin's war in ukraine. just the latest in a litany attempt to blame for domestic policy fails. and according to the white house previously blame surging inflation on the pandemic, supply chain woes coming back as far as last year it was all transitory, which of course, it wasn't. now members of biden's own party pushing back. among them west virginia senator joe manchin who said this "the federal reserve and the biden administration bill to act fast enough in today's data is a snapshot in time of the consequences being felt across the country. joe manchin's remark came after the labor department released new data that shows inflation increased about 8.5% from the 12 months ending in march. the fastest rate in decades again. and while soaring gas prices and housing cost get the lion share of the attention, consider how much the cost for common grocery items have gone up year-over-year. meet up by 15%, poultry more than 13% more expensive. ditto for eggs, coffee, fruits and vegetables. >> indeed it adds up when you are trying to feed your family. in addition to the labor department report on tuesday, the department of agriculture said in a report late last week it expected food prices to continue to rise another 3% or 4% for the best of 2022, shannon. >> shannon: all right, by the way from another development with the white house today, the president has been avoiding using the word genocide and being specific with russia's war in ukraine until today. can you tell us what changed? >> very interesting selection of words and speaks to future action down the road. the president, as you pointed out called the russian forces in ukraine genocide for the first time. a classification and frankly he previously has shied away from using. >> i call it genocide because it is clearer and clearer to wipe out the ability to even feed ukrainians. the mountain of evidence is mounting. >> now, pay attention down the road, shannon over the next few weeks. first the u.s. and other nation leaders around the globe do the same thing and this, of course to lead to something international. in the meantime twitter ukraine's president zelenskyy expressing his approval with the comments by the president true words. of a true leader, shannon. >> shannon: all right, kevin we have some to dig into from now. an interesting fact about americans. >> they really think they know what they are doing. we will tell you about that in a few. >> shannon: we will see how you rate yourself at home. much more head on the inflation site means for president biden in your wallets the dream team annual, just minutes away. 49 oh fresh has more on ukraine getting new information and confirmation about atrocities committed in the key suburb of bucha. griff jenkins with the latest live from lviv, wednesday morning donning there, hello, griff. >> good evening, shannon president biden is calling putin accusing him of carrying out genocide. president putin is causing atrocities in bucha fake. peace talks have hit a dead end. watch. >> you could hear the major issues created problems with final agreements acceptable for everyone on thin negotiating track. >> this has no satellite images show russian forces deploying and moving into eastern ukraine for a new defensive in donbas region and heavy fighting and shelling continues in the south in and around mariupol with smoke and fire observed coming from buildings. it comes as ukraine's interior ministry says 700 people, shannon have been killed in bucha and surrounding areas of kyiv. now after 50 days of fighting with the capital still standing, president zelenskyy remains defiant, and he is blasting putin's failure to keep major objectives. >> but to be honest, no one in the world understands how such a time could even emerge. how could a plan for providing the deaths of tens of thousands of-year-old soldiers a little more than a month of war? who could have approved of such a plan? >> meanwhile, a senior official tells fox news that the administration is considering sending in my 17 soviet era helicopters and their ukrainians can fly part of $70 million package and they would be able to do transformative work but carry out an attack roll to help ukrainians if it comes to renewed fight. we expect the british defense ministry saying in about two weeks for things to really heat up in the eastern front, shannon. >> shannon: griff jenkins, we will check back with you. thank you very much. authorities in guatemala reportedly bracing for new migrant caravans expected to depart from honduras early friday morning about 2,000 strong. with the ultimate goal of reaching the u.s. border with mexico. it is unclear if the caravan and second line believed to be organizing next monday are hoping to reach the u.s. before or after title 42 restrictions are set to lift may 23rd. meanwhile a group of republican senators sent a letter to dh secretary alejandro mayorkas saying "rescinding title 42 during a border crisis is a serious threat to public safety." asking the administration to provide information whether there will be adequate staffing at the border to handle expected mass influx of illegal immigrants. new allegations in a trial between johnny depp and his ex-wife amber heard. during opening arguments of the defamation trial, he claimed publicly for the first time that sexually assaulted her. johnny depp filed dual defamation against each other running to tens of millions of dollars. the drum is expected to play out of the next six weeks in fairfax county north virginia court room testimony like james franco, and maybe even elon musk. still to come, passengers begging to get off of an airplane to no avail and again, when reaction with up and close personal foul ball. today's best viral videos up next. ♪ ♪ i did. it's an innovative way to... so, wait. i don't always have to wear reading glasses? 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apparently a lot of people think they do, kevin would have some deeds for us but i will say up front, i don't have that delusion and i know i couldn't do it. >> i think we should kind of file this either you know what you're doing or have a pretty big ego. you know what i'm saying? two-thirds of those surveyed and we are talking about americans that they are confident they can live off of the land and all other alternatives have become exhaustive. one-third of americans armchair farmers think they could last a year. so sufficiently taken care of themselves. this survey which interviewed a thousand rule americans in another 1,000 city and suburbanites found two-thirds sy both walks of life would not have any problem growing their own food and their own produce if stores closed nationwide. i live as you know in group and call colorado primarily and what have you but mostly a colorado kid. when you live in colorado get this mountains, skiing but also the eastern plains, which is really very aggie, okay. so i've been out there. i've seen the aggie life. i assure you if you don't know what you are doing, you need to button it. >> shannon: most folks actually do. they know what they are doing and they see the rest of the country. and the egg people, farmers, yes folks rural i have more confidence than us. i would be a complete green acres situation which is dating myself. but luckily, i do live with someone who i think could do all of that. so you have to have mr. shannon bream around. >> i'm great with the lawn. i'm not roaming any food. and so i would definitely -- i'm taking a seat. >> shannon: i'm taking a seat too but bravo to those that can actually do this. we honor you and thank you. all right, kevin see you at the end of the show for good news. we need that. >> great news coming up. see you then. >> shannon: covid lockdown going to the extreme in china with scrounging for food as communist company pursued zero covid. it gets tough. the very latest is next. ♪ ♪ ng. pack at your pace. store your things until you're ready. then we deliver to your new home - across town or across the country. pods, your personal moving and storage team. ♪ ♪ >> shannon: following a fierce public backlash against strict covid lockdown, china is allowing a little more than a quarter of 25 million people to go outdoors. but the severity of the restrictions put the residents and chinese cities on edge. cheap breaking news correspondent trace gallagher is on the case tonight, good evening, trace. >> 6 million shanghai's 20 million population are being allowed to go outside for at least a little while each day, but they reportedly are not allowed to leave the neighborhoods. the mild easing of the lockdown's now in its third week came after some residence rebelled and were captured on video breaking into a local market looking for food. and that lack of supplies appears to be a citywide trend. shanghai residents forced to stay inside of their homes are struggling to get food and medicine. as dystopian as the images appear, listen to the sounds of the starting starving city. and either with the draconian lock downs, they are tens of thousands of new infections in shanghai every day. now many other chinese city. the lockdowns may be coming their way. for example in the southern port city of -- after handful of covid infections all 18 million residents face mandatory testing or some believe the mandatory lockdowns are next. but the chinese government is trying to convince residents if more lockdowns are needed, there will be ample supplies of food and medicine. the early evidence does not support that claim. in the meantime the u.s. state department ordering all to leave shanghai immediately. just last week the departure from shanghai was voluntary and the chinese foreign ministry sees the evacuation order as an attack on china. >> we are strongly dissatisfied with and opposed to the politicized station in instrument and then i say skin and evacuation by the west. nstar complaints. the u.s. should immediately stop attacking china. and stop political manipulation of the issue and stop smearing and discrediting china. >> but here in the u.s. the prebeacon has reported eight democrat senators and more than two dozen house democrats to have their offices closed because of covid, which means the taxpayer-funded offices are inaccessible to constituents. did we mention philadelphia has a new indoor mask mandate? shannon? >> shannon: it does, trace gallagher, thank you very much. president biden visited iowa tuesday touting administration's efforts to combat gas prices, new inflation numbers show record high prices across the board. talk about what it all means for your bottom line for the presidents record low approval numbers with the dream team panel, leslie marshall, jason rantz, great to see both. >> shannon: the editorial board tonight said this is not putin's inflation but began a year ago the onset of the biden presidency and accelerated the last 12 months before he decided to invade. if you want to know why americans are sour, this is it. the real wages are falling while the price is up everyday goods and services are rising. jason, how does the administration handled this not only from substantive viewpoint but messaging viewpoint? >> well, just blaming putin into the mic to some degree trump will not cut it. joe biden was supposed to be the man with a plan that i don't he has a plan. real wages down 0.2%. record prices i went to pull up my f-150 today and topped $100. it is just an absolute disaster of their own making by spending record amounts of money. vladimir putin or anybody else and democrats have the house and senate and the penn state is by shutting down the energy sector. that is why you see $6 plus gasoline that you see on the screen. >> shannon: the hill today talked about how difficult for democrats and a midterm year and historically the midterm election after the president's election is not good for his or her. okay, so they say democrats are facing a nightmare scenario was six months to go before the midterm elections. inflation, immigration the war in ukraine and still lingering covid-19 pandemic make for a dreadful atmosphere for joe biden's party. i think this will be a biblical disaster. that is from one democratic strategist who did not wish to be named, leslie. >> i would not save biblical. covid, by the way, the polls show most people do not believe covid is a big deal and behind them left or right. but james carville said in the clinton administration and that has not changed before james carville said that and even today in 2022 pair that is what voters want. it doesn't matter if democrat or republican. even though we can try to find some silver lining not with inflation but we look to the stock market today and the largest retail we saw in the first 30 minutes, 2% to 8% gain and gas prices have dropped 6% on a national average. and hopefully, that will be a trend. but right now what americans are feeling is not necessarily some of those glimmers of hope. what americans and not just that they are reading and the headlines because you can even read the numbers are good. it is what americans are feeling. certainly come americans feel more so at the gas pump. that really hurts a lot of individuals because they need to fill up their cars to go to work and maybe they can't use their car and have to find a different mode of transportation. the bottom line is the bottom line and the economy. that is going to be difficult for any party, my own party included, if the party is not to blame for them. whether inherited or worldwide mass, which it is right now. certainly putin invading ukraine did not help that. >> shannon: to that point for republicans who would say this is not a pollutant issue. economic counsel advisor putin and senator rick scott, a republican fully in lockstep and blaming biden for putin price hike so surprising. jason, what do you make economic counsel and biden administration linking putin with a republican senator? >> obviously an act of desperation and people see through it. the democrats have the house and senate and presidency. they can try to point the fingers but when you are in charge, it is not a good look to go out and say it's somebody else's fault. again i don't think joe biden and kamala harris have a plan. if they have when they should state it because it's not working as my colleague, former colleague jim jordan likes to say if the biden plan is working how come it's not working? the democrats don't have answers. >> shannon: and the pulling on the president with economy and inflation and recent fox news poll 59% disapprove how handling the economy. 56% disapprove how handling inflation. final words to you, leslie, how he will handle those numbers midterm. >> one of the things that we all know and it doesn't matter again democrat, republican who you want to blame who is in power as the federal reserve has the power when it comes to inflation. a lot of people blame the federal reserve for acting too slowly when it comes to interest rates not being as aggressive, you know, people say they have been passive. so, you know whether donald trump, joe biden -- >> biden reappointed him. biden reappointed them. >> it is the federal reserve. >> shannon: we have to leave it there and i thank you both and hope you will come back soon. thanks, guys. >> thank you, thank you. >> shannon: black lives matter depending its multimillion dollar mansion purchase and some of the latest woke west coast stories you have to hear to believe. jason rantz is back and live next. 4-wheel steer a multi-flex midgate and up to a 400-mile range on a full charge and the only way to reserve it is at find your future. find new roads. hi. we're zerowater. and we believe everyone deserves find your future. the purest tasting water. that's why we strive for zero. you see, to some it means nothing. but to us, it means everything. here, take a look. this meter showing triple zeros means our five-stage filter did its job, and that virtually all dissolved solids or tds have been removed. and all that's left is the purest tasting water. let's compare. a two-stage brita filter stops here. but our five-stage filter doesn't quit. zerowater. we strive for zero. migraine attacks? 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>> i'm looking there working on patrice color is a cofounder of blm in washington this past friday. she responded to these reports that basically saying and we heard on twitter from the activists you are racist and sexist if you criticize anything they are doing. and they hold this position that all the rules surrounding nonprofit, the rules surrounding how supposed to come to expect management of funds. if you expect that to come from the group, you are racist and sexist because they have bigger plans here appear they have a bigger justification for running things the way that they hope to rent him because of course they are fighting against dismantling and oppressive system that is keeping black people down. but let's be clear, there is no defending any of this kind of stuff. you are not misspending to further the cause. you are misspending to become very, very wealthy and to be placed in these mansions. you cannot be a marxist and buy a whole bunch of mansions with the money off of the facts of the activists who you are sending out the streets for the most peaceful riot. >> shannon: and i noticed during the commercial shawn campbell who wrote this big expose piece that sparked a lot of attention they are upset about is a black man who said he was raised by a single black woman. i had guns pointed at me. this is the hardest article he ever wrote because he didn't want it to take him down the path that the facts took him down. okay get to the next piece you are telling us about a seattle murder case. how it was put trade ins media. i think we have some audio that you obtain from a 911 call on this. we will play that. >> 911, what are you reporting? >> you want to reporting murder? >> yes, ma'am was on my account 204. >> you said the murder was on your account, what does that mean? yes, ma'am, there was a murderer here. >> shannon: jason, what is going on? >> this is a really brutal pace. court documents allege tyrone bernard wells basically told the police he was awake for days. he recently had taken him methamphetamines and were inspired and the 911 call that he said he killed in service of all love. this is someone who against his girlfriend accused of murdering her with a hatchet come up old cutters and a drum set. it is gruesome. yet, not a single tv station in seattle broadcast the full story. "the seattle times" flat out lied and claimed there was no motive offered. they don't trust their audience enough. so, they are keeping out the allegations that he says he was motivated by the quran and by allah and i think the reporters hear someone citing islam in that way will effectively get the public to think all muslims are dangerous. now, obviously the quran does not tell you to murder your girlfriend no one actually believes that. it is a condescending claim but ultimately it does a disservice to the audience. it shows you the bias and how the media frames these sorts. if this guy a bible reading white dude who cited jesus christ, we would expect they would be talking about it on the news and seattle times. they are choosing at this case not to because they view someone who is potentially -- we don't even know if he is muslim, by the way but an oppressed group so they don't want to even be perceived as criticizing him. >> shannon: yeah, clearly a deranged not well individual. a very disturbing case. jason, we hope you will bring us more interesting stories very soon. thank you for coming in tonight. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: and before we say good night world war ii veteran being recognized at home and abroad. edward chan who listed in the army on his 18th birthday was an army medic and help to deliver france. just honored as a night in the order of the french legion of honor, one of the highest honors and hosted by the maumelle county board of commissioners. and under the 97-year-old for his service on behalf of and he said he was doing his job and that his faith sustained him throughout the war. kevin, a true hero and beautiful to see that celebration for him. >> where they have a good news good night salute. that is a great story. i want to take it to this good news good night, in two weeks thousands of runners to make their way to the square of the boston marathon. however among those out there running an army veteran attempting to marathon for the first time navigating those hills isn't the only challenge though for ron. he is legally blind. he enlisted and had an accident double vision in both of his eyes. he will be running and 15th overall, make that 14th overall marathon. congrats to him and best of luck. >> shannon: very inspiring. kevin, thank you very much and we will see you tomorrow night. from new york, i am shannon bream. mply irresistible♪ applebee's irresist-a-bowls are back. now starting at $8.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. irresistible are now starting in 1899 of etsi and thend neighborhood your city manager left to find themselves leaving you loved you need to hire. i need indeed indeed you do indeed. instant instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description, visiting .com sort of a crack trustwave like this customer had autographed image but he was busy working home so he's go to a safe place and just a few 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the cook government statistics our leaders have devised to hide inflati

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Colorado , Mountains , Skiing , Kid , Eastern Plains , Button It , Doing , Rest , Farmers , Confidence , Situation , Green Acres , Someone , Wall , Lawn , Mr , Bravo , Show , The End , Lockdown , Covid , China , Company , Scrounging , Zero Covid , Zero , Pace , Ng , Town , Pods , Public , Team , Backlash , 25 Million , Shanghai , Trace Gallagher , Edge , Cities , Severity , 6 Million , Easing , Neighborhoods , Residence , Little , Rebelled , Population , 20 Million , Supplies , Trend , Homes , Market , Lack , Medicine , Images , Draconian Lock Downs , Sounds , Lockdowns , Example , Handful , Testing , Southern Port City Of , 18 Million , Claim , Departure , Evacuation Order , U S State Department , Foreign Ministry , Station , Complaints , Skin , Instrument , Evacuation , West , Nstar , Discrediting , Manipulation , Smearing , House Democrats , Democrat , The Prebeacon , Offices , Constituents , Mask , Bottom Line , Board , Inflation Numbers , Both , Numbers , Jason Rantz , Presidents , Editorial Board , Dream Team Panel , Leslie Marshall , Presidency , This Is It , Onset , Price , Wages , Viewpoint , Services , Goods , Messaging , Degree Trump , Mic , F 150 , 0 2 , 150 , House , Money , Disaster , Record , Senate , Penn State , Making , Anybody , Energy Sector , 100 , , 00 , 6 , Screen , Election , The Hill , Nightmare Scenario , Elections , Her , Immigration , Atmosphere , 19 , Leslie , Deal , Polls , James Carville , Silver Lining , Stock Market Today , It Doesn T , Pair , Voters , Retail We Saw , Feeling , Gain , Average , 2 , 8 , 30 , Headlines , Reading , Glimmers Of Hope , Gas Pump , Economy , Mode , Cars , Transportation , Mass , Republicans , Whether , Counsel , Rick Scott , Pollutant Issue , Lockstep , Price Hike , Desperation , Putin , Fingers , Charge , Jim Jordan , Colleague , Somebody Else S Fault , Kamala Harris , Democrats Don T , Poll , 59 , Power , Know , 56 , Interest Rates , Federal Reserve , Passive , Donald Trump , Lives , Purchase , Stories , Dollar Mansion , West Coast , Multi Flex Midgate , Chevy Com , Find New Roads , 400 , Nothing , Everything , Filter , Future , Tasting Water , Take A Look , Meter , Zerowater , Zeros , Brita Filter , Tds , Solids , Migraine Attacks , Quliptatm , Changes , Pill , Outside , Quliptatm Helps What S Going On Inside , Cause , Abbvie , Episodic Migraine , Treatment , Constipation , Tiredness , Nausea , Protein , Cgrp , California , Change , First Step In Tonight S Real News , 32 , Rates , Companies , Employers , Overtime Pay , Work Pay , 500 , Coverage , Health Coverage Eligibility , 9000 , 19000 , 64 , Age , Classes , Honors , Income , Equity Concerns , Patrick Henry High School , Insurance , San Diego Union Tribune , Kids , Disparity , Stigma , Enrollment , Alabama , Law , Kay Ivey , Families , Law Banning Hormone Treatments , Lawsuit , Colleges , Birth , Lord , Boy , Campaign , Girl , Grow , Blm In Washington This Past Friday , Funds , Articles , Bom , Racist , Million , Media Attention , Seattle , Distress , Lightning Round , Radio Host , Gift , Conditions , Mansion , Base , Fit , Explanation , Creators , Craft , Systems , Cofounder , Creative Industries , Patrice Color , Activists , Anything , Twitter , Rules , Position , Management , Nonprofit , Plans , Any , Justification , Dismantling , Facts , Mansions , Bunch , Kind , Stuff , Marxist , Misspending , Black Man , Shawn Campbell , Streets , Riot , Expose , Article , Path , Guns , Single , Audio , Trade Ins Media , 911 , Account , Murderer , Ma Am , Yes , 204 , Tyrone Bernard Wells , Court Documents , Service , Girlfriend , Call , Love , Cutters , Drum Set , Audience , Tv Station , Motive , Seattle Times , Flat , Quran , Reporters , Allah , Islam , White Dude , Media , Disservice , Guy A Bible Reading , Bias , Jesus Christ , Edward Chan , Army , Veteran , Army Medic , 18th Birthday , Night World War Ii , 18 , Night , Help , French Legion Of Honor , Order , Behalf , France , Maumelle County Board Of Commissioners , 97 , Celebration , Faith , Salute , Runners , Marathon , Square , Boston Marathon , Hills Isn T , Ron , Accident Double Vision , Congrats , 15th Overall , 14th Overall Marathon , 14 , Luck , Applebee S , Irresist A Bowls , Mply , Neighborhood , Shipping Manager , City Manager , Good , Eatin , Find Themself , Thend , Etsi , 1899 , 99 , 8 99 , Com , Customer , Crack Trustwave , Image , Job Description , Place , Clicks , Wipers To , Working Home , Mike Huckabee , Candidate , Meeting , You Rs Let S , Great Lite , Site Gazoo , Arkansas , 2016 , Sleep , Mind , Most , Turning , Adult , Life Tossing , Eric Celebrity , Tv , Ad , Neurologist , Key Factors , Insomnia , Refreshed , Relaxing Exclusive Triple Action Formula , Made In The Usa , Money Back Guarantee , Nothing To Lose , Pillow , Wife , Customers , Difference , Promo Code , Visit Try , Shipping , 800 , Seven , 804 , Quarters , Co2 Emissions , Children , Rpi , American Home Shield , Mike Dell , Mypillow Retailer Shopping Channels , Savings , Times , Support , Banks , Low , Cotton , Dream Bed Sheets , Nine Ninety , Sahara Desert Amendatory , Ninety Nine , 60 , Thirty Nine , Geezer Dream Bed Sheets , Sheets , Warranty , Nile River , Mypillow , Breathing , Identity Theft Protection , Identity , Dangers , Liveblog , Steam Inhaler , Steam , Sinuses , Ultra Pure , Haven T , Tucker Carlson , Inflation Hit , Government Statistics , High , The Cascade Of Absurdities ,

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