Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

after two inmates at a texas facility were killed in a clash involving the notorious ms-13 gang. we have breaking details. we are breaking down the spotify controversy between wildly popular podcast host joe rogan and classic rocker neil young among others. the panel with steve hilton. dr. marc siegel. standing by. we begin with the crime crisis. as the president meets with many governors and tells them to hire more police officers. kevin corke reporting. good evening. >> busy day. evening. the nation's largest police union is accusing white house press secretary jen psaki of mocking americans concerns about rising crime. patrick is the president of the national fraternal order of police and he wrote this in a statement "i think it's wrong, very wrong for ms. psaki to suggest violent crime in our country is of no concern or to just laugh it off." the white house says that's simply not true but the sharp criticism comes after comments made by psaki in a podcast even as the nation continues to struggle with the surge in crime. >> on fox's jeanine pirro talking about soft on crime consequences. what does that even mean? so there's an alternate universe on some coverage. >> psaki's comments came on the liberal podcast "pod save america" in which she giggled, apparently bemused about the rising crime across the country. she may feel safe in the white house, one of the most protected buildings in the united states, but not everyone feels safe in their workplace. add patrick yost, the world we find ourselves in is dangerous and increasingly more so. to whit, the number of democratic run cities that have recorded a number of homicides last year, devastating trend that shows no sign of abatement in 2022. at the white house given the chance to walk back her comments, psaki doubled down. >> in the american rescue plan there was additional funding to support local cops programs. something that every single republican voted against. i said in that interview that i know they don't like it will recall that out. >> speech to be 23 sounded convincing. it should be noted that the liberal "washington post" fact-checkers rated that claim is mostly false with three pinocchios, writing in july that g.o.p. lawmakers wouldn't vote for the panic -- plan because democrats wouldn't guarantee that three and $50 billion in state and local aid would affect the funnel to police department. >> the surge in gun violence since the start of the pandemic. i made it clear we should use the funds to combat violent crime as well. including hiring additional police officers. community violence intervention, improving communities. >> the president hosting today's trick of the nation's governors, imploring them to use the funds they have just come back the surge. 81% were extremely or very concerned about high crime. >> it's not just gun violence on the rise. shoplifting, snatch and grab, carjackings, assault. all part of the national conversation thanks to a steady stream of video showing those crimes. even for terrible measure over new york, transit crime is up by more than 65%, a snapshot of why people feel the way they do. >> shannon: it makes sense. we know in these situations perception is reality for people living in these communities. kevin, thank you very much. see you in a few. >> see you soon. >> shannon: breaking tonight: the federal prison system going on a nationwide lockdown monday after ms-13 gang related violence broke out in the federal facility in beaumont, texas. leaving two prisoners dead and two others injured. the u.s. bureau of prisons says the nationwide lockdown impacting more than 120 prisons. an abundance of caution. gun fire erupting on the streets of washington, d.c., in a popular tourist area. one man is dead. the suspect was still at large. the shooting happened in an upscale historic area known as georgetown near the famous georgetown cupcake bakery. the shooting appears to be targeted. an actress and teacher in new york city, both out of their jobs tonight after their respective social media posts critical of friday's gathering of thousands of police officers on fifth avenue as they were paying tribute to their fallen comrade, jason rivera. senior correspondent laura ingle has the latest on the crime crisis tonight. >> shannon, as new york city prepares to honor the second nypd officer killed during an ambush, the fallout continues over some controversial complaints made by a few over the large-scale show of support these officers have been shown. just like the week before, during the funeral for officer jason rivera, manhattan is expected to see thousands of officers lining the streets tuesday and wednesday for the wake and funeral of nypd officer wilbert mora who was shot alongside his partner. both officers were killed by a gunman who opened fire on them as they responded to a family dispute january 21st in harlem. while tens of thousands of police officers and new yorkers paused and remembered, a few complained on social media about the street closures and turn outcome including a brooklyn teacher who reportedly suggested someone might drive a car into the crowd. he has since lost his job and so has a new york city actress after she posted this rant online. >> do not need to shut down most of lower manhattan because one cop died because he probably did his job incorrectly. they kill people every single day for no good reason and we don't shutdown the city for them. this is [bleep] ridiculous. this is [bleep] ridiculous. what if somebody's having a heart attack in this area. nobody can get to them because it's all blocked off for one [bleep] cop. >> in stockton, california, fire firefighter was shot and killed. the captain, max fortuna, a veteran of the stockton fire department was killed. the suspect now in custody. police working the streets coast-to-coast continue to deal with the rash of shoplifting. our own eric shawn of fox news witnessed how bad the problem is, filming the shoplifter stuff a bag full of merchandise and walk out the door. eric followed him and went on the -- saying it happens all the time. nypd officers are working under a deadline to get vaccinated or soon be out of a job. those officers are not alone. police, firefighters and other city employees have been given a final deadline to get vaccinated against covid-19 or be fired. february 11. shannon. >> shannon: laura ingle, thank you very much an update on that train car theft we have been chronicling. we are learning the dozens of handguns and shotguns were among the items stolen by those thieves ransacking their real containers. just a few of the 82 guns that are known to of been stolen have been recovered and investigators are not sure how many more firearms may have been looted. joe rogan accused of peddling covid misinformation, answering critics and spotify's taking action to address the matter as well. matt finn has details live from los angeles. >> joe rogan breaking his silence with an online video saying he's actually a fan of neil young and joni mitchell and is sorry that spotify is dealing with backlash after the artists remove their catalog from the music app. in protest they say for allowing rogan to peddle misinformation about covid. the particular episodes getting attention feature two well-known doctors, a highly published cardiologist and one of the people responsible for inventing mrna technology. rogan says he booked tests with all types of opinions. he wants to diversify his podcast even more now. he's challenging the definition of misinformation. >> the problem i have with the term misinformation especially today is that many of the things that we thought of as misinformation just a short while ago are now accepted as fact. like for instance, eight months ago if you said, if you get vaccinated, you can still catch covid and you can still spread covid, you would be removed from social media. they would ban you from certain platforms. now that's accepted as fact. if you said i don't think cloth masks work, you would be banned from social media. now that's openly repeatedly stated on cnn. >> spotify's founder and ceo announced the company will soon add warnings to all podcasts that discuss covid-19 directing listeners to credible health sources, writing in part "this new effort to combat misinformation will roll out to countries around world in the coming days. this content advisory is the first of its kind. critics like joey behar say they wanted even more artists are quick spotify to show what they believe in. >> hasn't he been chastise and corrected and he just goes back to his craziness. i don't know that he can be reformed. i was disappointed more musicians did not pull out. >> rogan says he supports spotify adding a warning before it podcast telling people to just talk to their own doctor. since the story broke prince harry and meghan markle have expressed their concern about rogan's podcast. doing the rock johnson is publicly supporting rogan. >> shannon: may be that's an episode we will have to watch. rogan and the rock. calls for censorship, accusations about misinformation and possible changes in the biden administration covid-19 team. masks, vaccine efficacy. let's bring in the panel. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. steve hilton. great to have you back. i want to start with the call for censorship, the backlash. the spotify had a statement that said we are working to add content advisor at any podcast episode that includes a discussion about covid-19. the advisory will direct listeners to the covid-19 hub. this effort will roll out to countries around the world in the coming days. they are not saying they going to cancel anyone. they say they want a free flow of ideas. >> looked, they are just trying to deal with the backlash from these ridiculous virtue signaling idiots who now use the term misinformation to describe any opinion that they don't agree with. when they express their concern about misinformation when they are really doing is calling for censorship. thank goodness spotify hasn't gone all the way in that direction although i went to look at their covid-19 hub it is laughable because it full of content from the real people, if you want to use the term, have been spreading lies and misinformation since the start of the pandemic and that's fauci, the cdc. they have been pushing this information, not just mistakes, not just things we didn't know at the start of the pandemic. from the beginning we knew that cloth masks don't work but they pushed it anyway. from the beginning we knew that social distancing didn't work. the 6 feet thing didn't work. aerosols and it travels further than 6 feet. from the beginning we knew that natural immunity as with other viruses, is a powerful factor. they denied it. for years. also look at the arguments about the origin of the pandemic. fauci lying and lying. he lied just last week about the origins of the pandemic. they are the ones that need a warning label. >> shannon: doctor, you heard joe rogan say, who decides what is misinformation. he goes through example after example. something that would've gotten you kicked out six months ago is now mainstream thought. how do we decide who gets to decide what's misinformation and what has to be silenced? >> exactly, shannon. i agree with you and steve. i do not like the term misinformation. we are a country built on dissent, debate. what happened to that word? who decides what's right and what isn't? i remember sitting in the basement at the beginning of the pandemic on skype of all things talking to steve hilton about how lockdown student work. it came from 1918 about how cloth masks didn't work. about how a lot of the things, when we are ahead of the curve at that point we were marginalized and ridiculed for it. but i want to show another side to this because i actually think it's not censorship. here's where i look at this a little differently. i think both sides are entitled to their opinion. i think that neil young and joni mitchell had polio as young children and i think that in the 1990s joni mitchell how to post polio syndrome. i think they are focused on vaccines here. even if they're not using the word. i think they are vaccine zealots. they are passionate about vaccines because they didn't have the polio vaccines when they got polio and they have suffered a lifetime for it and they are allergic to the words of peter mccullough and malone. he started with mrna technology we didn't really work on the vaccines. they are saying that the vaccines don't work but there is a lot of evidence that they decrease severity and a lot of evidence that they decrease spread to some extent. so i think that's where this is coming from. here's my final point. they have a right to remove their music. he has a right at the podcast there. he has a right to have whatever guest on he wants, period. all of this stirring around as anti-american. >> shannon: many of the doctors he's had that have contrary opinions to what is mainstream has said that they are vaccinated. they have concerns that shouldn't be a blanket or a mandated situation for everybody. he deftly has opinions all over the spectrum any cities going to try to do more to make sure it's balanced. steve, i want to ask. this is out in beautiful california. this weekend, the governor was among those who was spotted not wearing a mask. there are mask mandates as far as i understand with these nfl playoff games. >> yes. it is beautiful here in california. the democrats doing their best to make it less so with their policies that append social disaster. it's a big factor in terms of our people are so furious with all of this because not only is gavin newsom yet again breaking his own rules, he's not actually delivering on any of the real things people want dealt with. and specifically in that stadium, there's a mask mandate, and indoor mask mandate. the thing that's really driven people crazy here today, there's been such a lot of anger expressed over it. in california we have masking, compulsory mass mandates for kids in school. my kids go to school and out doors they are forced to wear a mask all day long. here he is going along, breaking the rules and then compounding it when he was called out on it last night. today, guess what he said. he said i only took my mask off, he literally said, for a brief second to take a picture. magic johnson wanted to take a picture because he's so great. gavin newsom is so great. i took it off for a brief second, there is video, pictures emerging all day long of gas of- of gavin newsom. the only thing i hope for, yet again, like french laundry a couple years ago, galvanizes the movement against him. maybe this time when he runs for reelection in november, he'll be gone. >> shannon: he did survive the recall. quickly, i want to ask about the monmouth poll that show 70% of people say it's time we accept covid is here to stay. we have to get on with our lives. final word. >> completely agree, that is where we have to go. steve hilton just explained how we do it. we don't deal with his hypocrisy of leaders that you never see wearing a mask properly. let's pull back these mandates of all kinds. let's learn to live with it, and government, how about giving us more tools. where is your rapid testing? where is the paxlovid, the pill, where are the monoclonal antibodies that we had with the trump administration. it's a joke. they are replacing the tools that we need with chastisement. i agree with steve about the masks. >> completely agree. >> shannon: the mutual admiration society with you too and we always say you've got to talk to your doctor and figure out what's right for you and your family. thank you both very much. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: coming up, teacher finds his unpopular opinion might actually be more popular than he thinks. a dad stays up all night for a special surprise for his kids. today's best viral videos are next. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ as a business owner, your bottom line ♪ is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ >> shannon: first step, a fifth-grade teacher showing what he calls unpopular opinions on tiktok including elementary students should not have homework, recess should not be taken away as punishment, and if a student can't stay awake in class, let them sleep. based on some of the responses that looks like those opinions are not so unpopular after all. new york city, you know you've seen them. we see them all the time. the naked cowboy. he's showing he's not worried about the snow standing almost completely and his birthday suit in the middle of times square strumming away on his guitar. no big deal. >> we are going to the super bowl! >> shannon: well, a cincinnati bengals man showed his excitement yesterday. unable to contain his excitement he ran outside into the snow. his friends filming it. the los angeles rams fan getting hyped. looking forward to watching the big game. let us know who you are going to be cheering for. is there anything cuter than baby animal videos? we do not think so. the cleveland zoo. a baby gorilla who has just learned to crawl around. the first gorilla born there in this he was asking the public to help name him. you can enter the naming contest by donating. totally adorable. another dad going the extra mile for his kids last week. we told you about the one who built a zamboni. the south carolina dad stayed up all night with his homemade snow making machine so that children can go. we hope after all that hard work it didn't melt too quickly. if you have videos you think should go viral, hit us up at @shannonbream or @foxnewsnight on social media. portland, oregon, experiencing an epidemic of auto theft. almost 10,000 last year. police know where the cars are but they are essentially powerless to do anything about it. correspondent dan springer shows us. >> driving through portland, oregon, is like a tour of auto graveyards. the last three months were records for stolen vehicles. 2021 set a 26 year high with 9,057 cars and trucks taken. increasingly they are ending up in tent city open air chop shops. >> our city council and mayor are idiots. straight up idiots. they don't seem to care. >> there are 100 different homeless encampments in portland, nearly all allowed to stay and grow during the covid pandemic. this shop is near delta park, a sprawling homeless magnet. >> have a car partly pulled apart and then come back the next day and they have taken even more parts out of the vehicle. to them over, burn them on the street. >> he owns this towing company could easily spot the stolen cars coming from the homeless encampments, stripped of batteries, catalytic converters, tires and usually set on fire. he has seen a total breakdown of law and order. speak with the punishment for the crime, there's nothing there. seems like we hear more and more that if you get pulled over in a stolen car, you just say i didn't know, they send you on your way. >> portland police recover 78% of stolen vehicles within 30 days in a variety of conditions. almost never investigate. there hasn't been an auto theft unit for 16 years and in the wake of racial justice protests and record homicide numbers, it's pushed car theft off the priority list. >> their staffing issue is going to play a role in our ability to address this and we know the problem is bigger than we can handle right now. >> auto thefts across the u.s. rose 11% in 2020 with a car stolen every 36 seconds. the problem got even worse last year. as for all those open air chop shops in portland, the mayor's office has police staffing is at a 28 year low. it's a real issue. we need to do better. we have to do better. shannon. >> shannon: dan springer, thank you very much. arkansas senator tom cotton is threatening to block justice department nominations if the biden administration does not provide legal support for u.s. marshals who were attacked by demonstrators while defending the portland courthouse in 2020. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie has the story for estimate from capitol hill. >> i'm not aware of the specifics, i'm happy to check with the counsel's office. >> the white house is looking into fox reporting that the department of justice is failing to defend its own federal agents. after they defended the portland federal courthouse from violent protesters in 2020. it comes and senator tom cotton threatened to block all department nominees if the doj doesn't change its course. violent clashes between protesters and u.s. deputy marshals sent in by the trump administration spawned several lawsuits, with protesters alleging excessive force. fox news exclusively obtained what appeared to be an official letter from the deputy assistant attorney general informing one of those deputies sued in the aftermath "after careful review and consideration of the information currently available, i have determined that representation would not be in the interests of the united states." accordingly the request for representation is denied. >> these employees now have to go bankrupt or sell their homes and be in a terrible financial position only because they followed orders. >> the law enforcement legal defense fund is stepping into provide cash for the legal defense of that agent and three other deputy marshals who say they are still waiting for a doj response. senator cotton isn't waiting around. in a letter sent to attorney general merrick garland, he warned he will be compelled to object to department nominations both in the judiciary committee and on the senate floor. if he doesn't receive a response from the department by tuesday. shannon, the doj says they will respond to the senator's letter adding "the department currently represents or has paid for representation of over 70 federal employees who have been sued in connection with the events in portland." the department has denied legal representation for only one federal employee in these cases. shannon. >> shannon: aishah hasnie on capitol hill, thank you very much. it's time to bring kevin corke back. february 1st here on the east coast. two weeks until valentine's day. you've got some scoop on what people actually want to get for gifts. >> i promise we are not going to overdo valentines. i wanted to share this, i think you might like it. christmas, if you're not into the holiday, they call you a grinch or a scrooge if you're just not into the whole gift giving thing. for valentine's day, maybe you're more of a garfield. you couldn't be bothered. if that's you, believe it or not, you got some company because according to a brand-new poll, a survey taken, of some 20,000 u.s. adults, 33% say they lack a card for valentines. 29 say sure, dinner would be okay. 28% say chocolates or candy. 18% say forget the gifts. i don't want anything for valentine's day. i found that fascinating. what say you? >> shannon: you know, our first date years and years ago was figure 13, so we actually celebrate on that day and set a february 14 when everybody elses like you can't get a reservation anywhere and it's busy. we are due our own thing. what do you think about valentines? >> i have been one of those people come i want to give whatever you want but at the same time maybe i am like the 18%. i don't need these things. if you give me a card, candy, great, good, happy, thank you. a good meal and a kiss good night, i'm all right. [laughs] >> shannon: a kiss good night. keeping it clean. we like that, kevin. you're a gentleman and a scholar. see you for some good news and a little bit. >> see you soon. >> shannon: thanks, kevin. how the growing crisis at the southern borders leading to tension between border patrol leaders and the agents who are the ones on the front line. that's next. my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! 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"the new york times" writes a piece saying the headline, they are quoting an agent -- excuse me, national guardsmen. "we are basically mall cops." he may have complained of problems. too many who are engaged the mission has appeared ad hoc, ill-defined, politically motivated. attorney general, how do you answer those folks at the state level. they are saying the state response isn't working. >> we are limited, limited by what the law allows us to do according to u.s. supreme court decisions on federal law. we are limited and we don't have the funds necessary to do the full job. it takes billions of dollars to build a wall, to put border agents on the border, and protect our country. we are doing our best. i think that legislature has spent a billion dollars the last couple years putting more state troopers, national guard, and also trying to build the wall. we are doing our best with the resources we have. we need the federal government to step up. we've seen in the trump administration that it works. >> shannon: julio, you talked about how agents are feeling. do they have enough personnel to keep up? what do you think some of their complaints or their asks would be of the federal government if they had a wish list? >> no, they are severely undermanned. they were undermanned before the surge. it's only gotten worseecause not only are there fewer agents actually patrolling and that's how things are getting by them. but also there's a lot of agents that are leaving because they are frustrated because they literally can't do the main job they signed up to do which is to secure the border and keep the country safe and that's what's really dangerous with the consequences of this crisis. again, i can't emphasize it's going to get worse as long as this continues. again, i can't emphasize enough that the agents that leaked the audio and video to us are very brief because at the hearing that the leadership was upset that that was given to us but the agents felt they had no other recourse. hopefully things can change soon. but i don't think things will in the immediate future unfortunately. >> shannon: they take on very difficult jobs, dangerous jobs willingly, voluntarily trying to protect the homeland and we appreciate what they are doing. julio, mr. attorney general, thank you for joining us to talk about this. >> thank you for having us on. >> shannon: as russia mobilizes more troops, some ukrainian citizens are training and say that they are ready to fight if they have to as president biden pledges u.s. troops to the region but not for combat. mark green just back from ukraine, met with ukraine's president and he is going to join us live to talk about it next cold coming on? 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>> it's pretty scary. 127,000 russian troops of the border of ukraine both from the southeast and north. with those troops going into belarus, that puts the russian buildup on the border of a nato ally, poland. so it looks like as of monday they started getting blood and plasma into the hospitals on the russian side. that means they are serious. there's a shelf life to that blood. this is very concerning. obviously the people of ukraine are concerned. they may have a fight on their hands. >> shannon: greg palkot is over there. here's some video that he got of people making preparations to try to fight for themselves. he says these are civilians, they are learning the basics of combat in case of an invasion. they say men, women, and children all going through their paces. military staffers and veterans, all kind of people instructing them. it's heartbreaking to look at this and see that there are people who feel this may be such a threat to them. civilians out there trying to stand up to the russian army. what chance would they have? >> what the goal is is to create as much pain for vladimir putin as possible. having talked to the people of ukraine on the streets, they want to fight. even those that are merely russian speaking. vladimir putin pushes this disinformation that the russian speakers really don't want to be in ukraine and that's why -- very much like hitler did in '38, he's got to go in there and save those people. that's false. all ukrainians want to fight. they have had a taste of democracy. they are fighting russia right now. they lost 3,000 of their citizens fighting against russia. they are determined and they want to be free. >> shannon: what do you say to those who say listen, the u.s. has gotten entangled in all kinds of things. trying to get out of afghanistan, lost 13 young men and women who did not need to die. those worried about the u.s. getting involved in another international entanglement. what should be our role here? >> i think that's most important question. thanks for asking it. china is watching what's going on in ukraine. despots all over the world are watching. north korea, the missile launch, iran bombing the uae. china flying 74 fighter aircraft into taiwan's airspace. everybody is watching this. you ask why now. well, because of the weakness president joe biden showed in afghanistan, terrible withdrawal. it's empowered them. we can't let it continue by empowering them again. with troops in belarus on the polish border, a nato ally, so i think this is very important. by the way, twice last century americans waited too long and the conflagration in europe got so bad that it cost us too much. we can act now and perhaps create enough deterrence that putin won't go further, maybe we can save it and keep it from getting to that level. >> shannon: to avoid, yeah, the conflict and save lives, the ultimate goal. congressman, thank you for your time. thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> shannon: good news maury say good night. the golden retriever safe and sound after chasing geese and falling into a frozen pond. the owner called 911. the firefighter jumped into action with a rope in hand, dove into the freezing water and got watson to safety. another woman and her dog were rescued from the very same spot five days ago. watching the video had me on the edge of my seat. watson, i am told, is fine. >> good for watson. take you to georgia for this good news good night. a pint-sized prodigy on skates. he ruled the rink in the process. the youngster is jamming to the beat. not only did he put on a great show skating with the adults come as you can see, his godfather doubled as his height man. the video has been seen by millions. well done, little guy. well done. >> shannon: he is so adorable! all right, kevin, let's do it again tomorrow. see you back here tuesday. good night from washington. i'm shannon bream. i didn't know what to do but thankfully i had my back. lifelock alerts you to identity politics and if there's a problem we work to fix my thoughts, provide some protection. i need help. protect what your life like identity theft protection call right now. do you feel like the way you clean your ears at home doesn't work well enough? 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240708

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after two inmates at a texas facility were killed in a clash involving the notorious ms-13 gang. we have breaking details. we are breaking down the spotify controversy between wildly popular podcast host joe rogan and classic rocker neil young among others. the panel with steve hilton. dr. marc siegel. standing by. we begin with the crime crisis. as the president meets with many governors and tells them to hire more police officers. kevin corke reporting. good evening. >> busy day. evening. the nation's largest police union is accusing white house press secretary jen psaki of mocking americans concerns about rising crime. patrick is the president of the national fraternal order of police and he wrote this in a statement "i think it's wrong, very wrong for ms. psaki to suggest violent crime in our country is of no concern or to just laugh it off." the white house says that's simply not true but the sharp criticism comes after comments made by psaki in a podcast even as the nation continues to struggle with the surge in crime. >> on fox's jeanine pirro talking about soft on crime consequences. what does that even mean? so there's an alternate universe on some coverage. >> psaki's comments came on the liberal podcast "pod save america" in which she giggled, apparently bemused about the rising crime across the country. she may feel safe in the white house, one of the most protected buildings in the united states, but not everyone feels safe in their workplace. add patrick yost, the world we find ourselves in is dangerous and increasingly more so. to whit, the number of democratic run cities that have recorded a number of homicides last year, devastating trend that shows no sign of abatement in 2022. at the white house given the chance to walk back her comments, psaki doubled down. >> in the american rescue plan there was additional funding to support local cops programs. something that every single republican voted against. i said in that interview that i know they don't like it will recall that out. >> speech to be 23 sounded convincing. it should be noted that the liberal "washington post" fact-checkers rated that claim is mostly false with three pinocchios, writing in july that g.o.p. lawmakers wouldn't vote for the panic -- plan because democrats wouldn't guarantee that three and $50 billion in state and local aid would affect the funnel to police department. >> the surge in gun violence since the start of the pandemic. i made it clear we should use the funds to combat violent crime as well. including hiring additional police officers. community violence intervention, improving communities. >> the president hosting today's trick of the nation's governors, imploring them to use the funds they have just come back the surge. 81% were extremely or very concerned about high crime. >> it's not just gun violence on the rise. shoplifting, snatch and grab, carjackings, assault. all part of the national conversation thanks to a steady stream of video showing those crimes. even for terrible measure over new york, transit crime is up by more than 65%, a snapshot of why people feel the way they do. >> shannon: it makes sense. we know in these situations perception is reality for people living in these communities. kevin, thank you very much. see you in a few. >> see you soon. >> shannon: breaking tonight: the federal prison system going on a nationwide lockdown monday after ms-13 gang related violence broke out in the federal facility in beaumont, texas. leaving two prisoners dead and two others injured. the u.s. bureau of prisons says the nationwide lockdown impacting more than 120 prisons. an abundance of caution. gun fire erupting on the streets of washington, d.c., in a popular tourist area. one man is dead. the suspect was still at large. the shooting happened in an upscale historic area known as georgetown near the famous georgetown cupcake bakery. the shooting appears to be targeted. an actress and teacher in new york city, both out of their jobs tonight after their respective social media posts critical of friday's gathering of thousands of police officers on fifth avenue as they were paying tribute to their fallen comrade, jason rivera. senior correspondent laura ingle has the latest on the crime crisis tonight. >> shannon, as new york city prepares to honor the second nypd officer killed during an ambush, the fallout continues over some controversial complaints made by a few over the large-scale show of support these officers have been shown. just like the week before, during the funeral for officer jason rivera, manhattan is expected to see thousands of officers lining the streets tuesday and wednesday for the wake and funeral of nypd officer wilbert mora who was shot alongside his partner. both officers were killed by a gunman who opened fire on them as they responded to a family dispute january 21st in harlem. while tens of thousands of police officers and new yorkers paused and remembered, a few complained on social media about the street closures and turn outcome including a brooklyn teacher who reportedly suggested someone might drive a car into the crowd. he has since lost his job and so has a new york city actress after she posted this rant online. >> do not need to shut down most of lower manhattan because one cop died because he probably did his job incorrectly. they kill people every single day for no good reason and we don't shutdown the city for them. this is [bleep] ridiculous. this is [bleep] ridiculous. what if somebody's having a heart attack in this area. nobody can get to them because it's all blocked off for one [bleep] cop. >> in stockton, california, fire firefighter was shot and killed. the captain, max fortuna, a veteran of the stockton fire department was killed. the suspect now in custody. police working the streets coast-to-coast continue to deal with the rash of shoplifting. our own eric shawn of fox news witnessed how bad the problem is, filming the shoplifter stuff a bag full of merchandise and walk out the door. eric followed him and went on the -- saying it happens all the time. nypd officers are working under a deadline to get vaccinated or soon be out of a job. those officers are not alone. police, firefighters and other city employees have been given a final deadline to get vaccinated against covid-19 or be fired. february 11. shannon. >> shannon: laura ingle, thank you very much an update on that train car theft we have been chronicling. we are learning the dozens of handguns and shotguns were among the items stolen by those thieves ransacking their real containers. just a few of the 82 guns that are known to of been stolen have been recovered and investigators are not sure how many more firearms may have been looted. joe rogan accused of peddling covid misinformation, answering critics and spotify's taking action to address the matter as well. matt finn has details live from los angeles. >> joe rogan breaking his silence with an online video saying he's actually a fan of neil young and joni mitchell and is sorry that spotify is dealing with backlash after the artists remove their catalog from the music app. in protest they say for allowing rogan to peddle misinformation about covid. the particular episodes getting attention feature two well-known doctors, a highly published cardiologist and one of the people responsible for inventing mrna technology. rogan says he booked tests with all types of opinions. he wants to diversify his podcast even more now. he's challenging the definition of misinformation. >> the problem i have with the term misinformation especially today is that many of the things that we thought of as misinformation just a short while ago are now accepted as fact. like for instance, eight months ago if you said, if you get vaccinated, you can still catch covid and you can still spread covid, you would be removed from social media. they would ban you from certain platforms. now that's accepted as fact. if you said i don't think cloth masks work, you would be banned from social media. now that's openly repeatedly stated on cnn. >> spotify's founder and ceo announced the company will soon add warnings to all podcasts that discuss covid-19 directing listeners to credible health sources, writing in part "this new effort to combat misinformation will roll out to countries around world in the coming days. this content advisory is the first of its kind. critics like joey behar say they wanted even more artists are quick spotify to show what they believe in. >> hasn't he been chastise and corrected and he just goes back to his craziness. i don't know that he can be reformed. i was disappointed more musicians did not pull out. >> rogan says he supports spotify adding a warning before it podcast telling people to just talk to their own doctor. since the story broke prince harry and meghan markle have expressed their concern about rogan's podcast. doing the rock johnson is publicly supporting rogan. >> shannon: may be that's an episode we will have to watch. rogan and the rock. calls for censorship, accusations about misinformation and possible changes in the biden administration covid-19 team. masks, vaccine efficacy. let's bring in the panel. fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. steve hilton. great to have you back. i want to start with the call for censorship, the backlash. the spotify had a statement that said we are working to add content advisor at any podcast episode that includes a discussion about covid-19. the advisory will direct listeners to the covid-19 hub. this effort will roll out to countries around the world in the coming days. they are not saying they going to cancel anyone. they say they want a free flow of ideas. >> looked, they are just trying to deal with the backlash from these ridiculous virtue signaling idiots who now use the term misinformation to describe any opinion that they don't agree with. when they express their concern about misinformation when they are really doing is calling for censorship. thank goodness spotify hasn't gone all the way in that direction although i went to look at their covid-19 hub it is laughable because it full of content from the real people, if you want to use the term, have been spreading lies and misinformation since the start of the pandemic and that's fauci, the cdc. they have been pushing this information, not just mistakes, not just things we didn't know at the start of the pandemic. from the beginning we knew that cloth masks don't work but they pushed it anyway. from the beginning we knew that social distancing didn't work. the 6 feet thing didn't work. aerosols and it travels further than 6 feet. from the beginning we knew that natural immunity as with other viruses, is a powerful factor. they denied it. for years. also look at the arguments about the origin of the pandemic. fauci lying and lying. he lied just last week about the origins of the pandemic. they are the ones that need a warning label. >> shannon: doctor, you heard joe rogan say, who decides what is misinformation. he goes through example after example. something that would've gotten you kicked out six months ago is now mainstream thought. how do we decide who gets to decide what's misinformation and what has to be silenced? >> exactly, shannon. i agree with you and steve. i do not like the term misinformation. we are a country built on dissent, debate. what happened to that word? who decides what's right and what isn't? i remember sitting in the basement at the beginning of the pandemic on skype of all things talking to steve hilton about how lockdown student work. it came from 1918 about how cloth masks didn't work. about how a lot of the things, when we are ahead of the curve at that point we were marginalized and ridiculed for it. but i want to show another side to this because i actually think it's not censorship. here's where i look at this a little differently. i think both sides are entitled to their opinion. i think that neil young and joni mitchell had polio as young children and i think that in the 1990s joni mitchell how to post polio syndrome. i think they are focused on vaccines here. even if they're not using the word. i think they are vaccine zealots. they are passionate about vaccines because they didn't have the polio vaccines when they got polio and they have suffered a lifetime for it and they are allergic to the words of peter mccullough and malone. he started with mrna technology we didn't really work on the vaccines. they are saying that the vaccines don't work but there is a lot of evidence that they decrease severity and a lot of evidence that they decrease spread to some extent. so i think that's where this is coming from. here's my final point. they have a right to remove their music. he has a right at the podcast there. he has a right to have whatever guest on he wants, period. all of this stirring around as anti-american. >> shannon: many of the doctors he's had that have contrary opinions to what is mainstream has said that they are vaccinated. they have concerns that shouldn't be a blanket or a mandated situation for everybody. he deftly has opinions all over the spectrum any cities going to try to do more to make sure it's balanced. steve, i want to ask. this is out in beautiful california. this weekend, the governor was among those who was spotted not wearing a mask. there are mask mandates as far as i understand with these nfl playoff games. >> yes. it is beautiful here in california. the democrats doing their best to make it less so with their policies that append social disaster. it's a big factor in terms of our people are so furious with all of this because not only is gavin newsom yet again breaking his own rules, he's not actually delivering on any of the real things people want dealt with. and specifically in that stadium, there's a mask mandate, and indoor mask mandate. the thing that's really driven people crazy here today, there's been such a lot of anger expressed over it. in california we have masking, compulsory mass mandates for kids in school. my kids go to school and out doors they are forced to wear a mask all day long. here he is going along, breaking the rules and then compounding it when he was called out on it last night. today, guess what he said. he said i only took my mask off, he literally said, for a brief second to take a picture. magic johnson wanted to take a picture because he's so great. gavin newsom is so great. i took it off for a brief second, there is video, pictures emerging all day long of gas of- of gavin newsom. the only thing i hope for, yet again, like french laundry a couple years ago, galvanizes the movement against him. maybe this time when he runs for reelection in november, he'll be gone. >> shannon: he did survive the recall. quickly, i want to ask about the monmouth poll that show 70% of people say it's time we accept covid is here to stay. we have to get on with our lives. final word. >> completely agree, that is where we have to go. steve hilton just explained how we do it. we don't deal with his hypocrisy of leaders that you never see wearing a mask properly. let's pull back these mandates of all kinds. let's learn to live with it, and government, how about giving us more tools. where is your rapid testing? where is the paxlovid, the pill, where are the monoclonal antibodies that we had with the trump administration. it's a joke. they are replacing the tools that we need with chastisement. i agree with steve about the masks. >> completely agree. >> shannon: the mutual admiration society with you too and we always say you've got to talk to your doctor and figure out what's right for you and your family. thank you both very much. >> thanks, shannon. >> shannon: coming up, teacher finds his unpopular opinion might actually be more popular than he thinks. a dad stays up all night for a special surprise for his kids. today's best viral videos are next. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ as a business owner, your bottom line ♪ is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ >> shannon: first step, a fifth-grade teacher showing what he calls unpopular opinions on tiktok including elementary students should not have homework, recess should not be taken away as punishment, and if a student can't stay awake in class, let them sleep. based on some of the responses that looks like those opinions are not so unpopular after all. new york city, you know you've seen them. we see them all the time. the naked cowboy. he's showing he's not worried about the snow standing almost completely and his birthday suit in the middle of times square strumming away on his guitar. no big deal. >> we are going to the super bowl! >> shannon: well, a cincinnati bengals man showed his excitement yesterday. unable to contain his excitement he ran outside into the snow. his friends filming it. the los angeles rams fan getting hyped. looking forward to watching the big game. let us know who you are going to be cheering for. is there anything cuter than baby animal videos? we do not think so. the cleveland zoo. a baby gorilla who has just learned to crawl around. the first gorilla born there in this he was asking the public to help name him. you can enter the naming contest by donating. totally adorable. another dad going the extra mile for his kids last week. we told you about the one who built a zamboni. the south carolina dad stayed up all night with his homemade snow making machine so that children can go. we hope after all that hard work it didn't melt too quickly. if you have videos you think should go viral, hit us up at @shannonbream or @foxnewsnight on social media. portland, oregon, experiencing an epidemic of auto theft. almost 10,000 last year. police know where the cars are but they are essentially powerless to do anything about it. correspondent dan springer shows us. >> driving through portland, oregon, is like a tour of auto graveyards. the last three months were records for stolen vehicles. 2021 set a 26 year high with 9,057 cars and trucks taken. increasingly they are ending up in tent city open air chop shops. >> our city council and mayor are idiots. straight up idiots. they don't seem to care. >> there are 100 different homeless encampments in portland, nearly all allowed to stay and grow during the covid pandemic. this shop is near delta park, a sprawling homeless magnet. >> have a car partly pulled apart and then come back the next day and they have taken even more parts out of the vehicle. to them over, burn them on the street. >> he owns this towing company could easily spot the stolen cars coming from the homeless encampments, stripped of batteries, catalytic converters, tires and usually set on fire. he has seen a total breakdown of law and order. speak with the punishment for the crime, there's nothing there. seems like we hear more and more that if you get pulled over in a stolen car, you just say i didn't know, they send you on your way. >> portland police recover 78% of stolen vehicles within 30 days in a variety of conditions. almost never investigate. there hasn't been an auto theft unit for 16 years and in the wake of racial justice protests and record homicide numbers, it's pushed car theft off the priority list. >> their staffing issue is going to play a role in our ability to address this and we know the problem is bigger than we can handle right now. >> auto thefts across the u.s. rose 11% in 2020 with a car stolen every 36 seconds. the problem got even worse last year. as for all those open air chop shops in portland, the mayor's office has police staffing is at a 28 year low. it's a real issue. we need to do better. we have to do better. shannon. >> shannon: dan springer, thank you very much. arkansas senator tom cotton is threatening to block justice department nominations if the biden administration does not provide legal support for u.s. marshals who were attacked by demonstrators while defending the portland courthouse in 2020. congressional correspondent aishah hasnie has the story for estimate from capitol hill. >> i'm not aware of the specifics, i'm happy to check with the counsel's office. >> the white house is looking into fox reporting that the department of justice is failing to defend its own federal agents. after they defended the portland federal courthouse from violent protesters in 2020. it comes and senator tom cotton threatened to block all department nominees if the doj doesn't change its course. violent clashes between protesters and u.s. deputy marshals sent in by the trump administration spawned several lawsuits, with protesters alleging excessive force. fox news exclusively obtained what appeared to be an official letter from the deputy assistant attorney general informing one of those deputies sued in the aftermath "after careful review and consideration of the information currently available, i have determined that representation would not be in the interests of the united states." accordingly the request for representation is denied. >> these employees now have to go bankrupt or sell their homes and be in a terrible financial position only because they followed orders. >> the law enforcement legal defense fund is stepping into provide cash for the legal defense of that agent and three other deputy marshals who say they are still waiting for a doj response. senator cotton isn't waiting around. in a letter sent to attorney general merrick garland, he warned he will be compelled to object to department nominations both in the judiciary committee and on the senate floor. if he doesn't receive a response from the department by tuesday. shannon, the doj says they will respond to the senator's letter adding "the department currently represents or has paid for representation of over 70 federal employees who have been sued in connection with the events in portland." the department has denied legal representation for only one federal employee in these cases. shannon. >> shannon: aishah hasnie on capitol hill, thank you very much. it's time to bring kevin corke back. february 1st here on the east coast. two weeks until valentine's day. you've got some scoop on what people actually want to get for gifts. >> i promise we are not going to overdo valentines. i wanted to share this, i think you might like it. christmas, if you're not into the holiday, they call you a grinch or a scrooge if you're just not into the whole gift giving thing. for valentine's day, maybe you're more of a garfield. you couldn't be bothered. if that's you, believe it or not, you got some company because according to a brand-new poll, a survey taken, of some 20,000 u.s. adults, 33% say they lack a card for valentines. 29 say sure, dinner would be okay. 28% say chocolates or candy. 18% say forget the gifts. i don't want anything for valentine's day. i found that fascinating. what say you? >> shannon: you know, our first date years and years ago was figure 13, so we actually celebrate on that day and set a february 14 when everybody elses like you can't get a reservation anywhere and it's busy. we are due our own thing. what do you think about valentines? >> i have been one of those people come i want to give whatever you want but at the same time maybe i am like the 18%. i don't need these things. if you give me a card, candy, great, good, happy, thank you. a good meal and a kiss good night, i'm all right. [laughs] >> shannon: a kiss good night. keeping it clean. we like that, kevin. you're a gentleman and a scholar. see you for some good news and a little bit. >> see you soon. >> shannon: thanks, kevin. how the growing crisis at the southern borders leading to tension between border patrol leaders and the agents who are the ones on the front line. that's next. my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! 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"the new york times" writes a piece saying the headline, they are quoting an agent -- excuse me, national guardsmen. "we are basically mall cops." he may have complained of problems. too many who are engaged the mission has appeared ad hoc, ill-defined, politically motivated. attorney general, how do you answer those folks at the state level. they are saying the state response isn't working. >> we are limited, limited by what the law allows us to do according to u.s. supreme court decisions on federal law. we are limited and we don't have the funds necessary to do the full job. it takes billions of dollars to build a wall, to put border agents on the border, and protect our country. we are doing our best. i think that legislature has spent a billion dollars the last couple years putting more state troopers, national guard, and also trying to build the wall. we are doing our best with the resources we have. we need the federal government to step up. we've seen in the trump administration that it works. >> shannon: julio, you talked about how agents are feeling. do they have enough personnel to keep up? what do you think some of their complaints or their asks would be of the federal government if they had a wish list? >> no, they are severely undermanned. they were undermanned before the surge. it's only gotten worseecause not only are there fewer agents actually patrolling and that's how things are getting by them. but also there's a lot of agents that are leaving because they are frustrated because they literally can't do the main job they signed up to do which is to secure the border and keep the country safe and that's what's really dangerous with the consequences of this crisis. again, i can't emphasize it's going to get worse as long as this continues. again, i can't emphasize enough that the agents that leaked the audio and video to us are very brief because at the hearing that the leadership was upset that that was given to us but the agents felt they had no other recourse. hopefully things can change soon. but i don't think things will in the immediate future unfortunately. >> shannon: they take on very difficult jobs, dangerous jobs willingly, voluntarily trying to protect the homeland and we appreciate what they are doing. julio, mr. attorney general, thank you for joining us to talk about this. >> thank you for having us on. >> shannon: as russia mobilizes more troops, some ukrainian citizens are training and say that they are ready to fight if they have to as president biden pledges u.s. troops to the region but not for combat. mark green just back from ukraine, met with ukraine's president and he is going to join us live to talk about it next cold coming on? 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>> it's pretty scary. 127,000 russian troops of the border of ukraine both from the southeast and north. with those troops going into belarus, that puts the russian buildup on the border of a nato ally, poland. so it looks like as of monday they started getting blood and plasma into the hospitals on the russian side. that means they are serious. there's a shelf life to that blood. this is very concerning. obviously the people of ukraine are concerned. they may have a fight on their hands. >> shannon: greg palkot is over there. here's some video that he got of people making preparations to try to fight for themselves. he says these are civilians, they are learning the basics of combat in case of an invasion. they say men, women, and children all going through their paces. military staffers and veterans, all kind of people instructing them. it's heartbreaking to look at this and see that there are people who feel this may be such a threat to them. civilians out there trying to stand up to the russian army. what chance would they have? >> what the goal is is to create as much pain for vladimir putin as possible. having talked to the people of ukraine on the streets, they want to fight. even those that are merely russian speaking. vladimir putin pushes this disinformation that the russian speakers really don't want to be in ukraine and that's why -- very much like hitler did in '38, he's got to go in there and save those people. that's false. all ukrainians want to fight. they have had a taste of democracy. they are fighting russia right now. they lost 3,000 of their citizens fighting against russia. they are determined and they want to be free. >> shannon: what do you say to those who say listen, the u.s. has gotten entangled in all kinds of things. trying to get out of afghanistan, lost 13 young men and women who did not need to die. those worried about the u.s. getting involved in another international entanglement. what should be our role here? >> i think that's most important question. thanks for asking it. china is watching what's going on in ukraine. despots all over the world are watching. north korea, the missile launch, iran bombing the uae. china flying 74 fighter aircraft into taiwan's airspace. everybody is watching this. you ask why now. well, because of the weakness president joe biden showed in afghanistan, terrible withdrawal. it's empowered them. we can't let it continue by empowering them again. with troops in belarus on the polish border, a nato ally, so i think this is very important. by the way, twice last century americans waited too long and the conflagration in europe got so bad that it cost us too much. we can act now and perhaps create enough deterrence that putin won't go further, maybe we can save it and keep it from getting to that level. >> shannon: to avoid, yeah, the conflict and save lives, the ultimate goal. congressman, thank you for your time. thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> shannon: good news maury say good night. the golden retriever safe and sound after chasing geese and falling into a frozen pond. the owner called 911. the firefighter jumped into action with a rope in hand, dove into the freezing water and got watson to safety. another woman and her dog were rescued from the very same spot five days ago. watching the video had me on the edge of my seat. watson, i am told, is fine. >> good for watson. take you to georgia for this good news good night. a pint-sized prodigy on skates. he ruled the rink in the process. the youngster is jamming to the beat. not only did he put on a great show skating with the adults come as you can see, his godfather doubled as his height man. the video has been seen by millions. well done, little guy. well done. >> shannon: he is so adorable! all right, kevin, let's do it again tomorrow. see you back here tuesday. good night from washington. i'm shannon bream. i didn't know what to do but thankfully i had my back. lifelock alerts you to identity politics and if there's a problem we work to fix my thoughts, provide some protection. i need help. protect what your life like identity theft protection call right now. do you feel like the way you clean your ears at home doesn't work well enough? 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Stomach , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Ulcers , Meet Plenity , Weight , Weight Management Aid , Diet , Exercise , Fda , Bmi , 40 , 25 , Women , Ingredients , Treatment , Building Blocks , My Name Is Douglas , Line , Director , Somewhere , Help , Writer , Life , Game Changer , Memory , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Master , Plan , Staffing , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Size , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Brand , Qunol , Key Nutrientson , Qunol Sleep , 5 , Triumph , Men , Resentment , Border , Julio Rosas , Both , Failure , Ken Paxton , Place , Migrants , Leave , Desert , Idea , Guadalajara , Decision , Language , Hardships , Law , Immigration , Drug Overdoses , 300 , Question , Laws , Follow Federal Law , Being , Abc , Disapproval , Most , Poll , People Haven T , Approval , 34 , 64 , Gains , Games , Steps , Doing , Day One , Disaster , Audio , Progress , It Wasn T Perfect , Laredo , Spot , Open Border Politics , Air , Level , Component , Handling , Mall Cops , Guard 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Night , Firefighter , Hand , Owner , Sound , Geese , Retriever , Pond , Rope , Dove , 911 , Woman , Safety , Fine , Got Watson , Water , Edge , Seat , Dog , Five , Youngster , Jamming , Skates , Prodigy , Process , Rink , Beat , Georgia , Godfather , Show Skating , Height , Millions , Little Guy , Shannon Bream , Let S Do It , Identity Politics , Lifelock , Thoughts , Identity Theft Protection Call , Protection , Home Doesn T Work , Ears , Wax Record , Ear Wash , System , Clinics , Earwax , Reusable Waxrx System , Ear System , Inconvenience , Wax , Wal Mart , Walgreens , Movie , Thirty Five , Celebrities , Nobody Searchability , Fabian , Dirty Dashcam , Johnny Coorganizer , Event , Dancing , Fox Sundari , Twenty , Super Beta , Men Thrust , Formula , Urges , Supplement , Urologists , Effect , Bathroom Trips , Supplements , Couch , Brand Urologist , Selling , Programbl Culo I Lostwe Fifty Pounds , Dotcom , Jacket , Fifty , Almanzora Right , Caitlyn Jenner , 50 , Book , Retirement , Baby Boomers , Income , Book Annuity , Firm , Secrets , Annuity Strategies , Annuity Rate Report , Annuity , Bonus , Choices , Twelve Hundred , Annuities , Supplies , Annuity Rate , Insurers , Rates , Benefits , Annuity General , Annuity Dos , Eight Hundred Two , Twenty One Hundred , Ost , Western Worldke , Tucker Carlson , English , Western W , Thoughre , Liberal , Omnipotent , Glol Climate Change , Themnt Talk ,

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