Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708 : c

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708

>> jesse: a famous man once said you dent know where you are going unless you know where you are going. and that famous man was me. so what we're going to do tonight is tell you where "jesse watters primetime" is going. before we do that let's talk about where we are now. the american people have run out of patience. and we are tired of being disrespected. ignorant, greedy leaders sold out our factories and pride to the chinese chinese communist for unpatriotic profits. deployments in iraq and afghanistan. wars shamefully mismanaged took a physical and mental tool. we were oversaturated with highly addictive pain killers while wall street blew up the economy and escaped with golden parachutes instead of prison stripes. six warriors divided us by race to distract us from the real division, class. as we erupted and tried to fix all of this, a steady diet of hopes and hatred was forced down our throat. the left row manhattan sized rage and resistance for four straight years. now they want to cancel you for just daring to disagree. and just as we came up for air, a sketchy virus slipped out of the very country we arrogantly misjudged two decades ago when we brought them in to the wto. then they locked us down. shuttered our businesses, and closed our schools. well, they bought the dip and cap at that pointized on the new normal. the permanent pandemic power grab. and after everything, turns out we were right from the very beginning, weren't we? am i being too dramatic? probably. but i do know what i'm talking about? of course i do. the american people have been disrespected for far too long and that stops tonight. we will be exposing the counsel scoundrels celebrating the patriots and making sure we are respected. whenever some snob or idiot disrespects us, we will confront them and tell them what's up. and they better start listening. they can't pretend like they don't hear us anymore. the same goes for all the crooked politicians out there. we're in a republic and we give our represents power to represent us. not themselves. every night we'll remind them they work for us. >> am i taking myself too seriously? maybe. but we'll figure it out. bottom line, the country is screaming out listen to us and we will. here's one way how. as most of you know my mom is always texting me to tell me how she feels. that's not fair. especially for me, because she is such a big lib. so we are going to try something new. i'm going to give out my phone number so you can text me, too. it will always be right there at the bottom of your screen. make sure to include your name, city, and state. if you are old fashioned, email waters at remember, name, city and state. jesse watters is always, always been about connecting with the people and telling it straight. in fact, i did that earlier right here in new york city ♪ ♪ >> jesse: new show launching "jesse watters primetime." are you excited? >> yes, i am. >> have you ever heard of "jesse watters primetime." >> no, no, i haven't. >> do you know who jesse watters is. >> no. >> i'm watters. >> you are jesse watters? >> yeah. [laughter] >> jesse: "jesse watters primetime" drops monday at 7:00. >> that's amazing. i love 7:00. >> i'm pumped up. i'm all good and ready. >> jesse watters he is the man right here. >> oh, god, dude, every time i [bleep] see you it just hurts my brain. [laughter] the fact that you exist. >> it's a gam goodsed thing he doesn't know how much i hate his guts. >> what do you watch at 7:00 right now? >> bat woman. >> i'm not going to be wearing any leather. >> that's the point. >> reality shows. >> news. >> jesse: well, you are in luck. that's what i do. >> okay. >> jesse: what kind of news do you watch? >> cnn. >> jesse: fake news? >> cnn is fake news. don't talk to me. >> on "jesse watters primetime" what news topics do you want to see me cover? >> anything that's real. >> real news of the week. >> immigration. >> world peace, man. >> jesse: what topics in the news would you like to see me cover. >> odor in the air. people don't like that. >> you smell this? what is that? what is that smell? >> the omicron variant. >> did you get omicron? >> yes. >> jesse: did you? >> yeah. >> jesse: what were your symptoms. >> i haven't experienced any type of symptoms. thankfully i got -- >> pills are good. >> pills are good. >> jesse: i'm very concerned about the casinos because i don't understand the graduates to gordon take their graduation money and go to the casinos right away. >> rain man? >> yeah. >> jesse: which guest would you like to see me have on? >> ron desantis. >> judge jeanine. >> kyle rittenhouse. >> kevin hart. >> pick me. choose me. love me. >> jesse: should i interview a.o.c. >> yeah, interview her. where is she in the city? what is she doing for the city? she like laughed. is she making my drinks? >> jesse: should i interview joe biden? >> sure, why not? >> jesse: how is he doing? >> i would imagine he is doing lovely. >> jesse: you have a great imagination. anyone you at this point in time say hi to at fox right now? >> oh, tucker carlson. chose to wear a bow time. oh my [bleep] god. >> sean and especially tucker. >> homer simpson. [laughter] >> jesse: any words of advice for me. >> keep on rocking. >> keep up the good work. >> do you remember who i am? >> huh-uh. >> i'm watters. >> john watters. >> jesse: and this is my world. >> this is your world. hi world. >> jesse: can i pop your bubble? >> oh. [laughter] i would love that yeah,here you go. >> jesse: we will keep connecting to the country on the streets on tv. yeah, can you text me. "primetime" will represent the people and respect the people. for example, we sent producers to joe biden's hometown, scranton, pennsylvania, to ask if the president has been true to his scranton roots. let's just say he is not the hometown hero the media told you he was. just know, this we have a sense of purpose. and a sense of humor. no one says the news has to be boring. and i promise this show will not be boring. so ride with "primetime," we will take the trip together. not the trip gutfeld is talking about. if that's your thing, fine. i have a good feeling where this is all going. you already know by this point i have never been wrong. >> jesse: i'm also predicting aaron rodgers is going to win. >> mvp. >> jesse: a chfment he is going to win the super bowl. >> jesse: okay, so maybe i was wrong once. >> we have rare. just don't tell me you don't feel what's happening. something rising up from the bottom, parents have been activated while workers have begun bargaining for a better lifestyle. people voting with their feet. fleeing from blue to red states. day traders and social media stars making a fortune or a name for themselves outside the confines of corporate america. hispanic americans swerving into the republican party. black americans questioning the democrat monopoly on their vote. the rise of independents. all of us sick of being manipulated for money. censored for political power and abused by partisan prosecutors. stick with me for one reason, because i love you. this is a love story. and unlike biden, i actually will out perform expectations. joining me now the host of "tucker carlson tonight" tucker carlson. all right, tucker carlson. you gave me some great advice before i came on the air. i can't share all of it because, you know, we don't want to give the secret sauce away. >> tucker: it was profane. >> jesse: but it works. >> tucker: yeah. >> jesse: tell me, you know, at this point, what we are looking at "jesse watters primetime" teeing up tucker carlson? >> tucker: well, i'm grateful that you are. i was glad to see you preview all your coming guests there in the taped package. taking a putting them on. i could not be more thrilled that you are doing this i think that your -- and that script just proved it which you wrote, i happen to know, one of the most insightful people on tv. there is a depth that that you don't brag about. because you are not insecure. i'm so smart. you are smart obviously because you know what the problems are and you are also to continue the heart felt suck-up totally hilarious. and people who are as funny as you are don't take themselves seriously but they also see what's really going on. that's where the hilarity lies is in the insight and you definitely have it i'm psyched you writing my script at the last minute 7:00 p.m. hour. i brought my ipad onto the desk so i can watch you. i plan to do that every night. >> jesse: you can text me if you want too. just keep it clean, tucker. >> tucker: impossible. >> jesse: i'm sure i'm going to get so much porn sent to this text number we will have to apologize to the producers going through it we will weed it out and get to the good stuff. before the show has already launched, cnn, the media is already hating on me. here is someone at cnn who thinks i'm a really bad person. listen. >> when fox needs to fill up its prime timeline up, who do they install? tucker light who has fashioned himself in the image of fox's demagogue of delusion and delineation. clear cut case how to cultivate an echo chamber or gremlin. water it, feed it, until it multiplies. the only thing that stops it, unsunlight. >> tucker: i love that girl. that's the former morning zoo lady from that comb marks washington. i think, if i'm not getting it wrong. also a former beauty pageant contestant. think she is hilarious. i would say my only connection to cnn because i don't have a tv is the clips that we play. and if i give you one serious piece of advice i would just ignore all of it ignore the noise. they are trying to get in your head. i don't think they will. they are certainly going to try. as far away as can you stay from people who only have malice and only want to hurt you and knot telling you anything you need to know that's good. internet bad. internet bad if i can sum it up. >> jesse: i think you just broke news on "primetime" that tucker doesn't have a television. is it true you really don't have a television? >> tucker: no, never have. >> jesse: never have? >> tucker: i love tv. i like writing for tv. my job, i have done it for a long time. no, look, i mean, you know, i think people who work in, you know, a transmission shop probably don't have transmissions in their living room either. you get enough of it at work. >> jesse: miss good football this weekend other than that probably a pretty good idea. you probably didn't see this then because "the view" is all over you. you did a piece on m&ms going woke. i think what are they changing their outfits? i don't know what they're doing to this candy, but "the view" is very mad at you, tucker. here is theview. >> it must be nice for tucker carlson and others to spend so much time worrying about the shoes of m&ms so that they don't have to worry about gun violence and climate change and voter suppression. >> jesse: what was wrong with the shoes of m&m's? >> tucker: when the ladies of "the view" dismiss you as frivolous and silly, have you really reached a new high. look, i liked the previous sexy version of the m&ms coded candy shoes that they had the high boots. actually, i never noticed any of it but it was m&ms very concerned about reinforcing gender stereotypes as they said ladies in charge wear frumpy shoes. i was raising my voice in dissent you don't have to wear ugly shoes because you are in charge you can wear attractive shoes. that felt like a valuable edition to the fashion log. i'm sorry they didn't like it. >> jesse: the guy didn't like your fashion out on the street the bow tie. >> tucker: fair. >> jesse: i take advice with anything but fashion. it's an honor to lead in to your show. i will be your advertise appetizer and thank you for all your great advice tuck you can it he we are grateful you are here. i'm not just saying that all our producers feel the same way. >> jesse: appreciate it, tucker. up next the president of the united states just called a fox report a stupid son of a bitch. it's an honor to cover this on my first show. ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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people feel that insecurity and uncertainty now and more than that, they are blaming joe biden close to 70% don't want him to run again. it's not just joe biden, either. it's his vice president sun popular and the democratic party. so those were lining up and salivating that we'll get rid of incapacitated joe don't realize they will still have the incompetent democratic party and they are part of it these fools went into his cabinet. they voted for his terrible legislation on capitol hill. so they are like joe biden, jesse, they are going to own and eat all of his policies, crime, it's just like 194 all over again. i worked contract of america frank luntz, newt gingrich with haley barbour and that contract with america by the time we were polling the public and polling candidates and office holders and other opinion crime was up there as a top issue. go back and look at the polls in the summer of 1994. seeing that all over again. it means that security and affordability are the two themes going into these two midterms. on both joe biden scores very poorly. >> jesse: cable networks are denying crime is a problem. i don't see how that is going to solve their credibility crisis. that's just idiocy. something happened today. i'm a little bit jealous because it didn't happen to me. we'll set it up this way. remember when joe biden said on his first day in office? roll it. >> i'm not joking when i say this. if you ever working with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot. on the spot. >> jesse: well, joe might not realize it but he is fired. listen. >> will you take questions on inflation then? >> listen. >> thank you. >> thank you all. >> do you think inflation is a political liability on midterms. >> that's a great asset. for inflation. what a stupid son of a bitch. >> jesse: i'm the only one that's allowed to say that the president can't say that. >> they are working overtime social media i'm sure with the what aboutism. and trump, et cetera. this is the second time in a week that a fox news white house correspondent has been derided and castigated by the president of the united states. >> jesse: jacqui heinrich. i hate twitter but i tweeted out jackie was accused of asking a quote stupid question it was excellent and timely question about sanctions against russia and there president biden called her question stupid. here he called the actual reporter stupid. but this is a guy who that same nbc news poll, jesse, is seen as no longer easy going and likeable. so his personal attributes have cratered along with job approval of these major issues. and this is a guy, remember he said he would like to take donald trump out behind the high school gymnasium and punch him in the nose? this is a guy with a terrible temper. not taking happy pills on the weekend in wilmington, clearly. on the serious point on the crime thing quickly george gascon in l.a. larry krasner in philadelphia, alvin bragg here in manhattan, these are guys, they are forcing our law enforcement to retire early, to resign. they are not arresting. they are doing no cash bail. they enhanced sentencings are happening in l.a. the train people, united pacific asked for help with the supply chain crisis. criminals ransack and have a second chance to do the same week this diseerous. they want you to believe mom sides. we had 12 cities breaking homicide records last year on joe biden's watch. it's a real thing. >> jesse: if biden would get as angry as he did with peter doocy about crime in this country, i think people would respect that a lot more. >> it's a democratic problem not just a joe biden problem. good luck. >> jesse: kellyanne has no problems. trust me. biden won't defend our borders or protect our people. if you happen to live half way across the world, he has your back. we'll look at that next. ♪ one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. [sirens] [gunfire] [gunfire] >> get on the ground. [gunfire] >> get down on the ground. [gunfire] gunfire. >> jesse: terrifying violence ravaging our cities while savage cartelling control the border that biden abandoned. americans don't feel safe and secure. the president's foe success is elsewhere as usual. is he concerned with the safety and security of other citizens thousands of miles away from the united states on the ukrainian border. violence and border integrity in europe make the president mobilize soldiers and hold very important meetings but why not here? ukraine isn't even a member of nato. the entire washington establishment is fixated on another continent while not a single american life is at stake. i will explain what we should do with putin later in the week and he will pay a price in ukraine, believe me. but it's not even safe to ride the subway in new york city. yet, biden is ladieser focused on safety in the streets of kyiv. we can deal with kyiv, but can we deal with, i don't know, california first? ucla grad student slashed to death by an ex-con out on bail and biden hasn't said a single word about it it's been international news, not a phone call to the family. if russia squares off with western europe, that's what going to do with to it oil markets? gallon of gas here 4 bucks is biden thinking about this? is he thinking about anything? you know, the best thing he can do? watch "jesse watters primetime." because we will just tell him what to do. here now dana loesch, nationally syndicated radio host and stephen miller, america first legal founder. all right. dana, we will start with you, ladies first. because i'm on "jesse watters primetime." do you think the country sees joe biden squaring off with putin and thinks to himself my god if he only had that kind of passion to control violence and the border in this country maybe we could actually get behind a guy like that. >> right? and first off, jesse, congratulations on your new "primetime" program. and thank you for having me on your first episode. >> jesse: thank you. >> very well honor well deserved. to answer your question, i don't think that joe biden has a passion on this. i had a piece on this earlier. we went from knowing where we stood with foreign policy and a president who sat there and stared down angela merkel and demanding that she pay at least meet the bear minimum 2% toward nato and we knew where the lines were. and everyone was on their best behavior until now we have this president who did everything he could to help destabilize energy reliance on europe to help reduce our effectiveness here at home with regards to energy exports. i mean, i could go on and on. joe biden doesn't have passion in anything except market researching out whether it's the vice president's office, jesse or the vice presidential office. market researching out whatever office he finds himself in to the financial benefit of his family. maybe it would be great if he has some passion. we are already end of year one and this is a mess that this administration has made. >> jesse: yeah, they made a pretty penny over in ukraine for the biden family. maybe if hunter had been making cash in mexico, steven, maybe he would be down there stopping the cartel intrusion. that's what this is about. we have got cartels controlling our own southern border. >> yes, well, first of all, it's an honor as well to be on your inaugural broadcast. congratulations to you. >> jesse: thank you. >> and here's the bottom line. why would any foreign leader anywhere in the world take seriously anything joe biden has to say when biden has left his own people defenseless and unprotected at the mercy of criminals, drug dealers, foreign cartels, and the most ruthless tabs national criminal organizations on planet earth. ask yourself this question. in the whole history of this country, has any foreign adversary done more damage to the security of our southern border than joe biden has done himself of his own free will and volition? no. joe biden daily, through his edicts, through his repeal of president trump's policies. has handed over control of our southern border. to foreign cartels that are killing innocent people and putting poisonous drugs into our communities and helping to fuel this violent crime wave across our country in league with the soros prosecutors. joe biden did all of that to us. while he is talking about the eastern border of ukraine, our southern border is bleeding and our people are dying. >> jesse: dana loesch, i can't imagine in this is a wag the dog situation the president gets us into some crazy war in europe to distract us from his domestic problems. you don't think we are looking at that situation, are you? democrats used the old jim crow relic of filibuster. the man has green lit the completion of nord stream 2. it has further regulations to go through. but it's an absolute mess. i do think it is a distraction. i think that they would welcome a distraction from their plummeting approval rating. the person red pilling democrats and liberal is joe biden. joe biden has done a great job of winning over more people toward being liberty-minded. the only other person better was donald trump. for all right reasons, for all the wrong reasons joe biden is doing it when you look at the crime justice obsessed d.a.s unwillingness to prosecute people or reduce their pleas down to nothing. repeat offenders, recidivism increasings crime escalating and people just afraid to even go on the sunway in new york city. law abiding people are blamed with the phrase gun violence. they creativity this mob. i think you will all of this cribs to the declining favorability of joe biden they would love to have consider people to rally around. no troops for any kind of foreign conflict that does not protect american interest. this is not one of them. >> jesse: all right, steven, i will give you the last word. he must get polling delivered to him in the oval every day. he has got to see that crime is killing him. it's killing the american people. it's killing his poll numbers. is that registering or not? >> i don't think anything is registering through joe biden right now. i'm sure if you asked him he couldn't tell you what day of the week it was. i doubt he could tell you what month it is. here is the tragedy. are people our suffering. they feel unsafe to leave their homes, they feel unsafe to send their kids to will school. and because of our open border, we are seeing a crime wave and a drug wave and a trafficking wave in this country that is more reminiscent of the third world it all is because of the choices he made. if you have will excuse me if i am not interested in what he has to say about ukraine when our country is in a state of misery. >> jesse: all right. thanks for your insights, guys. we really appreciate it. >> dana: thanks, jesse. >> thank you. >> jesse: right before she was set to face off against the "new york times," sarah palin caught covid and then all hell broke loose. she is in "primetime" when we come back. ♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ [♪♪] only pay for what you need. did you know you can shorten your cold with cold-eeze® lozenges? cold-eeze® can shorten your cold by 42% try cold-eeze® the number one best-selling zinc lozenge. and try new cold-eeze® ultramelt™ chews in a great-tasting orange flavor that quickly dissolves on your tongue. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. ♪ >> jesse: civil war breaking out on the left over covid-19. bill maher leading the charge and he has had enough. >> it's just gone on too long. nobody cares anymore. i don't want to live in your paranoid world anymore. your mass paranoid world. did you go out, it's silly now. you know, you have masks. you have to have a car. you have to have a booster. they scan your head. [laughter] like you are a cashier and i'm a bunch of ba bananas. >> jesse: welcome to the club, bill. america is confused by mandates and everyone is going nuts. >> hell of a time celebrating loser president. loser [bleep] stop invading our territory. go the [bleep] home. >> jesse: but some on the left love the permits pandemic. it's given their lives meaning and a sense of moral superiority which they lack because deep down feelings of inadequacy. friends at "the view" strongly disagree take a look. >> this is not something we are doing because it's sexually gratifying. this is what we are doing to protect our families. and you don't have to do it but stay away from everybody. stay out of the public, man. this is not -- nobody wants this. >> jesse: stay out of the public. live live in the basement like the rest of us. joining me now is sarah palin former alaska governor and g.o.p. vice presidential candidate. so, governor palin, when you see maher finally come around on covid-19 does that make you feel glad or oh my gosh what took you so long, dude. >> he as an individual a little too little too late. done damage to the truth and the cause of justice. he really has. yeah, like you said, welcome to the team. i say welcome to the team, too, i guess we will take him. because he does have a voice. this is madness though, this overreach, overregulation. overreaction, it's a shame that it's become a red and blue issue. i don't know who decided that this was going to be one that was going to be politicized and weaponized, science, a virus? a virus that has just turned into something that is just something to control the people -- well, that's exactly what it's become and it's a shame. and i think that somebody like bill maher finally gets it. that's indicative of a lot people more coming on board. >> jesse: i think you are right. millions of people watch mar and like him and very relieved he finally said what they have all been thinking. governor, it was all over the news today. you came into new york. you got a big slander trial vs. the "new york times" for defamation. and right before the trial started, the media said you cawd caught covid-19 and all hell broke lose. is that true? is that actually what happened? >> it is and of course i can't talk about the case, blame that on my attorney jesse, yes, having covid, evidently as of it this morning being confirmed and, yeah. it is what it is. so the trial is postponed for about a week. but yeah. i feel totally fine. >> jesse: you look fine. you feel fine? it seems like you feel fine. >> absolutely normal. yep. >> jesse: but they had to push the trial back because you tested positive. is that what happened? >> yeah. i don't know if i'm the only one who tested positive but i did. and, yes. but, you know, okay. that is what it is. and moving forward i think what we all need to move forward on is allowing people to hear truth and science when it comes to this virus. and the realization there are more viruses on earth than there are stars on the sky. we are never going to eradicate this earth of viruses. and this certainly, as i said say, has become something to control the people and i'm just really happy that more and more people are understanding that. >> jesse: do you worry that some of these permanent pandemic power grabbers are going to cling to these emergency powers and telling people what to wear on their face? they are going to declare, i think, racism now a public health crisis? guns, public health crisis? do you think that that's what they are drying to do going forward? >> it's the nature of the beast of government. when government mandates especially the federal government mandating protocols they call them on top of we, the people. government never takes those back again. they don't erase what they have done. they expand their mandates. they expand their regulations. so, unless enough people state enough and actually take action against what's going on, no, it's going to get worse. >> jesse: all right. governor sarah palin and bill maher agree on something. what a world we live in. thank you very much. governor. feel better. next, gutfeld and perino spent the last hour drinking in the green room and they are going to review the show. i'm i'm scared. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the first show of jesse watters prime time is all most of the books, but before we go, i want to know, how did i do? i arity know how i did, the show was amazing, but i want to hear from someone else, someone unbiased worried we brought them in to call balls and strikes because they know a thing about it. let's bring in my cohosts of "the five," dana perino and greg gutfeld. are you guys taking this seriously or not? >> no. >> jesse: you're not -- >> they are not serious. because they are very serious. what does that say, dana? >> can't read that. atrocious? [laughs] >> let's start with the stuff that i kind of liked about it. i notice that you're not doing as many bill o'reilly cadence mannerisms anymore. >> jesse: i'm not? >> you've kind of come into your own smarmy this, which i find amazing. the show looks great buried gleaming machine shiny just like a monday night football promo, but i don't know if that's enough to cover up your incompetence. there's not enough red meat. you have too many rhinos on this show. i want more drone footage of immigrants running across the rio grande. >> jesse: it's monday, wait until you see tomorrow! >> we did get a call from disney and there is a lawsuit about your logo. >> jesse: already? >> it took off of "star wars" so we are going to have to deal with that tomorrow the lawyers, we are going to deal with that. >> jesse: a lawsuit on the first day, i expected it. >> i love something that greg is not going to love, that he brought back movie clips and top 40 music. >> jesse: i have to do that to compensate for my lack of talent. >> i love how you -- so you are the opposite, you love to burn up time with clips and teases and music bumps and -- so it's actually very smart. >> jesse: i like to burn up time? have you seen the got filled show? all thing is a waste of time! >> i've heard about the show. >> jesse: i have two new bells and whistles? my goodness! >> how dare you. >> i love the opening, is that something you're doing every night? i know you have a gigantic staff. >> are you jealous about the size of my staff? that came out wrong. >> you know what would be really weird, since it's your first night it at a show, to do like a male segment, because how can you get mail you mack get mail! >> jesse: did you see to be -- you mean actual mail. i got text messages. and we got 1100 text messages -- >> 1100? >> jesse: it broke my phone. we are only going to read a few -- do want to get to those right now? >> i've got to be here for this. if >> jesse: the first one -- thank you, great. we will have to have you stay on for a while. louisiana, i always appreciate the truth being told so eloquently with the perfect combination of bluntness and sarcasm. it's a breath of fresh air. i love you. cindy, fort myers, florida, love you, jessie, keep doing what you do best, asking questions most of us can't. this is really obvious and gratuitous, but i love it. wadia, north carolina, congratulations, you are so deserving. is there any hate mail? >> their producers. they're terrified of you. >> jesse: they are, and they should be. miami, florida, hair on pointe for the first show. don't forget to text your mom later. my mom's texts are coming in hot after the miller segment. not a fan of stephen miller. alabama, why is no one asking who is making a lot of money on the manufacturing of covid tests and masks? well, we just asked that question. >> that's great. >> jesse: marcia, indianapolis, indiana. i hope your show will be more serious than gutfeld's show. love him, but can only take them in small doses. he is a small dose. but you're going to take me for light. >> jesse: children's side -- frank. that's it for tonight, tucker carlson is next. should i do the i'm waters, this is my world thing? >> it's your thing! >> jesse: going to do it. i waters, and this is my world. >> what a terrible world it is. >> congratulations! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." when permanent washington pushes for a war with russia, who benefits? we don't ask that question enough. it's obvious to anyone who things about it for a second, it is so glaringly obvious, in fact when the people pushing this more immediately denounce you as a trader if you point that out. they are betraying our country's interest but somehow you're the one who's disloyal. ukraine's borders are

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Energy Exports , Regards , Lines , Office , Market , Jesse Or The Vice , On And , Presidential Office , Benefit , Mess , Cash , Penny , Steven , Administration , Hunter , Biden Family , Mexico , Cartels , Cartel Intrusion , Broadcast , Leader , Mercy , Anywhere , Drug Dealers , Damage , Planet Earth , Adversary , Criminal Organizations , Tabs , History , Control , Repeal , Free Will , Volition , Edicts , Joe Biden Daily , Crime Wave , Communities , Drugs , League , Soros , War , Wag The Dog , Jim Crow , Distraction , Regulations , Relic , Approval Rating , Filibuster , Completion , Nord Stream 2 , Reasons , Person Red Pilling Democrats , Minded , D A S Unwillingness , Pleas , Repeat Offenders , Recidivism Increasings , Phrase Gun Violence , Law , Sunway , Mob , Interest , Conflict , Cribs , Favorability , Troops , Poll Numbers , Registering , Oval , Homes , Tragedy , Suffering , Trafficking Wave , Wave , Reminiscent , Drug , Choices , Misery , Sarah Palin , New York Times , Insights , Covid , Hell Broke Loose , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , Turn , Record , Hang On , Tex , 665 Dollars , 665 , Cold Eeze , Cold , Number One , Zinc Lozenge , Ultramelt , 42 , Flavor , Tongue , Pandemic , Students , Parent , Teachers , Best , Classroom , Remote Learning , School Board , School Board Members , Three , 18 , Sake , Start , Civil War , Nobody , Left , Charge , Bill Maher , 19 , Masks , Car , Cashier , Bunch , Booster , Mandates , Welcome To The Club , Ba Bananas , Nuts , Hell Of A Time Celebrating Loser , Loser , Love , Feelings , Superiority , Territory , Lives , Public , Everybody , Take A Look , Families , Inadequacy , Friends , Governor , Vice , Basement , Rest , Presidential Candidate , Alaska , Gosh , Truth , Team , Individual , Justice , Little , Cause , Shame , Overreaction , Overreach , Overregulation , Madness , Red , Weaponized , Science , Millions , Trial , Thinking , Defamation , Big Slander Trial Vs , Hell , Attorney , Evidently , Yep , Realization , Viruses , Say , Sky , Public Health Crisis , Power Grabbers , Emergency Powers , Face , Racism , Government , Guns , Protocols , Top , Nature Of The Beast , What S Going On , Action , Feel , Drinking , Dana Perino , Next , Books , Someone Else , Balls , Strikes , Five , Cohosts , Greg Gutfeld , Cadence Mannerisms , This , The Show Looks Great Buried Gleaming Machine Shiny , Bill O Reilly , Drone Footage , Red Meat , Rhinos , Incompetence , Monday Night Football Promo , Lawsuit , Call , Immigrants , Star Wars , Logo , It S Monday , Rio Grande , Disney , Music , Greg , Movie Clips , Lawyers , 40 , Clips , Talent , Lack , Bumps , Opposite , Waste , Opening , Whistles , Bells , How Dare You , Staff , Wrong , Segment , Size , You Mack , Text Messages , Mail , Few , Phone , 1100 , Combination , Bluntness , Louisiana , Jessie , Breath , I Love You , Sarcasm , Cindy , Fresh Air , Florida , Fort Myers , Hate Mail , Hair , North Carolina , Miami , Wadia , Texts , Fan , Alabama , Manufacturing , Indiana , Indianapolis , Covid Tests , Marcia , Love Him , Dose , Doses , Children , Side , Waters , Obvious , Trader , You Re The One , Second ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Jesse Watters Primetime 20240708

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>> jesse: a famous man once said you dent know where you are going unless you know where you are going. and that famous man was me. so what we're going to do tonight is tell you where "jesse watters primetime" is going. before we do that let's talk about where we are now. the american people have run out of patience. and we are tired of being disrespected. ignorant, greedy leaders sold out our factories and pride to the chinese chinese communist for unpatriotic profits. deployments in iraq and afghanistan. wars shamefully mismanaged took a physical and mental tool. we were oversaturated with highly addictive pain killers while wall street blew up the economy and escaped with golden parachutes instead of prison stripes. six warriors divided us by race to distract us from the real division, class. as we erupted and tried to fix all of this, a steady diet of hopes and hatred was forced down our throat. the left row manhattan sized rage and resistance for four straight years. now they want to cancel you for just daring to disagree. and just as we came up for air, a sketchy virus slipped out of the very country we arrogantly misjudged two decades ago when we brought them in to the wto. then they locked us down. shuttered our businesses, and closed our schools. well, they bought the dip and cap at that pointized on the new normal. the permanent pandemic power grab. and after everything, turns out we were right from the very beginning, weren't we? am i being too dramatic? probably. but i do know what i'm talking about? of course i do. the american people have been disrespected for far too long and that stops tonight. we will be exposing the counsel scoundrels celebrating the patriots and making sure we are respected. whenever some snob or idiot disrespects us, we will confront them and tell them what's up. and they better start listening. they can't pretend like they don't hear us anymore. the same goes for all the crooked politicians out there. we're in a republic and we give our represents power to represent us. not themselves. every night we'll remind them they work for us. >> am i taking myself too seriously? maybe. but we'll figure it out. bottom line, the country is screaming out listen to us and we will. here's one way how. as most of you know my mom is always texting me to tell me how she feels. that's not fair. especially for me, because she is such a big lib. so we are going to try something new. i'm going to give out my phone number so you can text me, too. it will always be right there at the bottom of your screen. make sure to include your name, city, and state. if you are old fashioned, email waters at remember, name, city and state. jesse watters is always, always been about connecting with the people and telling it straight. in fact, i did that earlier right here in new york city ♪ ♪ >> jesse: new show launching "jesse watters primetime." are you excited? >> yes, i am. >> have you ever heard of "jesse watters primetime." >> no, no, i haven't. >> do you know who jesse watters is. >> no. >> i'm watters. >> you are jesse watters? >> yeah. [laughter] >> jesse: "jesse watters primetime" drops monday at 7:00. >> that's amazing. i love 7:00. >> i'm pumped up. i'm all good and ready. >> jesse watters he is the man right here. >> oh, god, dude, every time i [bleep] see you it just hurts my brain. [laughter] the fact that you exist. >> it's a gam goodsed thing he doesn't know how much i hate his guts. >> what do you watch at 7:00 right now? >> bat woman. >> i'm not going to be wearing any leather. >> that's the point. >> reality shows. >> news. >> jesse: well, you are in luck. that's what i do. >> okay. >> jesse: what kind of news do you watch? >> cnn. >> jesse: fake news? >> cnn is fake news. don't talk to me. >> on "jesse watters primetime" what news topics do you want to see me cover? >> anything that's real. >> real news of the week. >> immigration. >> world peace, man. >> jesse: what topics in the news would you like to see me cover. >> odor in the air. people don't like that. >> you smell this? what is that? what is that smell? >> the omicron variant. >> did you get omicron? >> yes. >> jesse: did you? >> yeah. >> jesse: what were your symptoms. >> i haven't experienced any type of symptoms. thankfully i got -- >> pills are good. >> pills are good. >> jesse: i'm very concerned about the casinos because i don't understand the graduates to gordon take their graduation money and go to the casinos right away. >> rain man? >> yeah. >> jesse: which guest would you like to see me have on? >> ron desantis. >> judge jeanine. >> kyle rittenhouse. >> kevin hart. >> pick me. choose me. love me. >> jesse: should i interview a.o.c. >> yeah, interview her. where is she in the city? what is she doing for the city? she like laughed. is she making my drinks? >> jesse: should i interview joe biden? >> sure, why not? >> jesse: how is he doing? >> i would imagine he is doing lovely. >> jesse: you have a great imagination. anyone you at this point in time say hi to at fox right now? >> oh, tucker carlson. chose to wear a bow time. oh my [bleep] god. >> sean and especially tucker. >> homer simpson. [laughter] >> jesse: any words of advice for me. >> keep on rocking. >> keep up the good work. >> do you remember who i am? >> huh-uh. >> i'm watters. >> john watters. >> jesse: and this is my world. >> this is your world. hi world. >> jesse: can i pop your bubble? >> oh. [laughter] i would love that yeah,here you go. >> jesse: we will keep connecting to the country on the streets on tv. yeah, can you text me. "primetime" will represent the people and respect the people. for example, we sent producers to joe biden's hometown, scranton, pennsylvania, to ask if the president has been true to his scranton roots. let's just say he is not the hometown hero the media told you he was. just know, this we have a sense of purpose. and a sense of humor. no one says the news has to be boring. and i promise this show will not be boring. so ride with "primetime," we will take the trip together. not the trip gutfeld is talking about. if that's your thing, fine. i have a good feeling where this is all going. you already know by this point i have never been wrong. >> jesse: i'm also predicting aaron rodgers is going to win. >> mvp. >> jesse: a chfment he is going to win the super bowl. >> jesse: okay, so maybe i was wrong once. >> we have rare. just don't tell me you don't feel what's happening. something rising up from the bottom, parents have been activated while workers have begun bargaining for a better lifestyle. people voting with their feet. fleeing from blue to red states. day traders and social media stars making a fortune or a name for themselves outside the confines of corporate america. hispanic americans swerving into the republican party. black americans questioning the democrat monopoly on their vote. the rise of independents. all of us sick of being manipulated for money. censored for political power and abused by partisan prosecutors. stick with me for one reason, because i love you. this is a love story. and unlike biden, i actually will out perform expectations. joining me now the host of "tucker carlson tonight" tucker carlson. all right, tucker carlson. you gave me some great advice before i came on the air. i can't share all of it because, you know, we don't want to give the secret sauce away. >> tucker: it was profane. >> jesse: but it works. >> tucker: yeah. >> jesse: tell me, you know, at this point, what we are looking at "jesse watters primetime" teeing up tucker carlson? >> tucker: well, i'm grateful that you are. i was glad to see you preview all your coming guests there in the taped package. taking a putting them on. i could not be more thrilled that you are doing this i think that your -- and that script just proved it which you wrote, i happen to know, one of the most insightful people on tv. there is a depth that that you don't brag about. because you are not insecure. i'm so smart. you are smart obviously because you know what the problems are and you are also to continue the heart felt suck-up totally hilarious. and people who are as funny as you are don't take themselves seriously but they also see what's really going on. that's where the hilarity lies is in the insight and you definitely have it i'm psyched you writing my script at the last minute 7:00 p.m. hour. i brought my ipad onto the desk so i can watch you. i plan to do that every night. >> jesse: you can text me if you want too. just keep it clean, tucker. >> tucker: impossible. >> jesse: i'm sure i'm going to get so much porn sent to this text number we will have to apologize to the producers going through it we will weed it out and get to the good stuff. before the show has already launched, cnn, the media is already hating on me. here is someone at cnn who thinks i'm a really bad person. listen. >> when fox needs to fill up its prime timeline up, who do they install? tucker light who has fashioned himself in the image of fox's demagogue of delusion and delineation. clear cut case how to cultivate an echo chamber or gremlin. water it, feed it, until it multiplies. the only thing that stops it, unsunlight. >> tucker: i love that girl. that's the former morning zoo lady from that comb marks washington. i think, if i'm not getting it wrong. also a former beauty pageant contestant. think she is hilarious. i would say my only connection to cnn because i don't have a tv is the clips that we play. and if i give you one serious piece of advice i would just ignore all of it ignore the noise. they are trying to get in your head. i don't think they will. they are certainly going to try. as far away as can you stay from people who only have malice and only want to hurt you and knot telling you anything you need to know that's good. internet bad. internet bad if i can sum it up. >> jesse: i think you just broke news on "primetime" that tucker doesn't have a television. is it true you really don't have a television? >> tucker: no, never have. >> jesse: never have? >> tucker: i love tv. i like writing for tv. my job, i have done it for a long time. no, look, i mean, you know, i think people who work in, you know, a transmission shop probably don't have transmissions in their living room either. you get enough of it at work. >> jesse: miss good football this weekend other than that probably a pretty good idea. you probably didn't see this then because "the view" is all over you. you did a piece on m&ms going woke. i think what are they changing their outfits? i don't know what they're doing to this candy, but "the view" is very mad at you, tucker. here is theview. >> it must be nice for tucker carlson and others to spend so much time worrying about the shoes of m&ms so that they don't have to worry about gun violence and climate change and voter suppression. >> jesse: what was wrong with the shoes of m&m's? >> tucker: when the ladies of "the view" dismiss you as frivolous and silly, have you really reached a new high. look, i liked the previous sexy version of the m&ms coded candy shoes that they had the high boots. actually, i never noticed any of it but it was m&ms very concerned about reinforcing gender stereotypes as they said ladies in charge wear frumpy shoes. i was raising my voice in dissent you don't have to wear ugly shoes because you are in charge you can wear attractive shoes. that felt like a valuable edition to the fashion log. i'm sorry they didn't like it. >> jesse: the guy didn't like your fashion out on the street the bow tie. >> tucker: fair. >> jesse: i take advice with anything but fashion. it's an honor to lead in to your show. i will be your advertise appetizer and thank you for all your great advice tuck you can it he we are grateful you are here. i'm not just saying that all our producers feel the same way. >> jesse: appreciate it, tucker. up next the president of the united states just called a fox report a stupid son of a bitch. it's an honor to cover this on my first show. ♪ ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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people feel that insecurity and uncertainty now and more than that, they are blaming joe biden close to 70% don't want him to run again. it's not just joe biden, either. it's his vice president sun popular and the democratic party. so those were lining up and salivating that we'll get rid of incapacitated joe don't realize they will still have the incompetent democratic party and they are part of it these fools went into his cabinet. they voted for his terrible legislation on capitol hill. so they are like joe biden, jesse, they are going to own and eat all of his policies, crime, it's just like 194 all over again. i worked contract of america frank luntz, newt gingrich with haley barbour and that contract with america by the time we were polling the public and polling candidates and office holders and other opinion crime was up there as a top issue. go back and look at the polls in the summer of 1994. seeing that all over again. it means that security and affordability are the two themes going into these two midterms. on both joe biden scores very poorly. >> jesse: cable networks are denying crime is a problem. i don't see how that is going to solve their credibility crisis. that's just idiocy. something happened today. i'm a little bit jealous because it didn't happen to me. we'll set it up this way. remember when joe biden said on his first day in office? roll it. >> i'm not joking when i say this. if you ever working with me and i hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, i promise you i will fire you on the spot. on the spot. >> jesse: well, joe might not realize it but he is fired. listen. >> will you take questions on inflation then? >> listen. >> thank you. >> thank you all. >> do you think inflation is a political liability on midterms. >> that's a great asset. for inflation. what a stupid son of a bitch. >> jesse: i'm the only one that's allowed to say that the president can't say that. >> they are working overtime social media i'm sure with the what aboutism. and trump, et cetera. this is the second time in a week that a fox news white house correspondent has been derided and castigated by the president of the united states. >> jesse: jacqui heinrich. i hate twitter but i tweeted out jackie was accused of asking a quote stupid question it was excellent and timely question about sanctions against russia and there president biden called her question stupid. here he called the actual reporter stupid. but this is a guy who that same nbc news poll, jesse, is seen as no longer easy going and likeable. so his personal attributes have cratered along with job approval of these major issues. and this is a guy, remember he said he would like to take donald trump out behind the high school gymnasium and punch him in the nose? this is a guy with a terrible temper. not taking happy pills on the weekend in wilmington, clearly. on the serious point on the crime thing quickly george gascon in l.a. larry krasner in philadelphia, alvin bragg here in manhattan, these are guys, they are forcing our law enforcement to retire early, to resign. they are not arresting. they are doing no cash bail. they enhanced sentencings are happening in l.a. the train people, united pacific asked for help with the supply chain crisis. criminals ransack and have a second chance to do the same week this diseerous. they want you to believe mom sides. we had 12 cities breaking homicide records last year on joe biden's watch. it's a real thing. >> jesse: if biden would get as angry as he did with peter doocy about crime in this country, i think people would respect that a lot more. >> it's a democratic problem not just a joe biden problem. good luck. >> jesse: kellyanne has no problems. trust me. biden won't defend our borders or protect our people. if you happen to live half way across the world, he has your back. we'll look at that next. ♪ one of my favorite supplements is qunol turmeric. turmeric helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. unlike regular turmeric supplements qunol's superior absorption helps me get the full benefits of turmeric. the brand i trust is qunol. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. [sirens] [gunfire] [gunfire] >> get on the ground. [gunfire] >> get down on the ground. [gunfire] gunfire. >> jesse: terrifying violence ravaging our cities while savage cartelling control the border that biden abandoned. americans don't feel safe and secure. the president's foe success is elsewhere as usual. is he concerned with the safety and security of other citizens thousands of miles away from the united states on the ukrainian border. violence and border integrity in europe make the president mobilize soldiers and hold very important meetings but why not here? ukraine isn't even a member of nato. the entire washington establishment is fixated on another continent while not a single american life is at stake. i will explain what we should do with putin later in the week and he will pay a price in ukraine, believe me. but it's not even safe to ride the subway in new york city. yet, biden is ladieser focused on safety in the streets of kyiv. we can deal with kyiv, but can we deal with, i don't know, california first? ucla grad student slashed to death by an ex-con out on bail and biden hasn't said a single word about it it's been international news, not a phone call to the family. if russia squares off with western europe, that's what going to do with to it oil markets? gallon of gas here 4 bucks is biden thinking about this? is he thinking about anything? you know, the best thing he can do? watch "jesse watters primetime." because we will just tell him what to do. here now dana loesch, nationally syndicated radio host and stephen miller, america first legal founder. all right. dana, we will start with you, ladies first. because i'm on "jesse watters primetime." do you think the country sees joe biden squaring off with putin and thinks to himself my god if he only had that kind of passion to control violence and the border in this country maybe we could actually get behind a guy like that. >> right? and first off, jesse, congratulations on your new "primetime" program. and thank you for having me on your first episode. >> jesse: thank you. >> very well honor well deserved. to answer your question, i don't think that joe biden has a passion on this. i had a piece on this earlier. we went from knowing where we stood with foreign policy and a president who sat there and stared down angela merkel and demanding that she pay at least meet the bear minimum 2% toward nato and we knew where the lines were. and everyone was on their best behavior until now we have this president who did everything he could to help destabilize energy reliance on europe to help reduce our effectiveness here at home with regards to energy exports. i mean, i could go on and on. joe biden doesn't have passion in anything except market researching out whether it's the vice president's office, jesse or the vice presidential office. market researching out whatever office he finds himself in to the financial benefit of his family. maybe it would be great if he has some passion. we are already end of year one and this is a mess that this administration has made. >> jesse: yeah, they made a pretty penny over in ukraine for the biden family. maybe if hunter had been making cash in mexico, steven, maybe he would be down there stopping the cartel intrusion. that's what this is about. we have got cartels controlling our own southern border. >> yes, well, first of all, it's an honor as well to be on your inaugural broadcast. congratulations to you. >> jesse: thank you. >> and here's the bottom line. why would any foreign leader anywhere in the world take seriously anything joe biden has to say when biden has left his own people defenseless and unprotected at the mercy of criminals, drug dealers, foreign cartels, and the most ruthless tabs national criminal organizations on planet earth. ask yourself this question. in the whole history of this country, has any foreign adversary done more damage to the security of our southern border than joe biden has done himself of his own free will and volition? no. joe biden daily, through his edicts, through his repeal of president trump's policies. has handed over control of our southern border. to foreign cartels that are killing innocent people and putting poisonous drugs into our communities and helping to fuel this violent crime wave across our country in league with the soros prosecutors. joe biden did all of that to us. while he is talking about the eastern border of ukraine, our southern border is bleeding and our people are dying. >> jesse: dana loesch, i can't imagine in this is a wag the dog situation the president gets us into some crazy war in europe to distract us from his domestic problems. you don't think we are looking at that situation, are you? democrats used the old jim crow relic of filibuster. the man has green lit the completion of nord stream 2. it has further regulations to go through. but it's an absolute mess. i do think it is a distraction. i think that they would welcome a distraction from their plummeting approval rating. the person red pilling democrats and liberal is joe biden. joe biden has done a great job of winning over more people toward being liberty-minded. the only other person better was donald trump. for all right reasons, for all the wrong reasons joe biden is doing it when you look at the crime justice obsessed d.a.s unwillingness to prosecute people or reduce their pleas down to nothing. repeat offenders, recidivism increasings crime escalating and people just afraid to even go on the sunway in new york city. law abiding people are blamed with the phrase gun violence. they creativity this mob. i think you will all of this cribs to the declining favorability of joe biden they would love to have consider people to rally around. no troops for any kind of foreign conflict that does not protect american interest. this is not one of them. >> jesse: all right, steven, i will give you the last word. he must get polling delivered to him in the oval every day. he has got to see that crime is killing him. it's killing the american people. it's killing his poll numbers. is that registering or not? >> i don't think anything is registering through joe biden right now. i'm sure if you asked him he couldn't tell you what day of the week it was. i doubt he could tell you what month it is. here is the tragedy. are people our suffering. they feel unsafe to leave their homes, they feel unsafe to send their kids to will school. and because of our open border, we are seeing a crime wave and a drug wave and a trafficking wave in this country that is more reminiscent of the third world it all is because of the choices he made. if you have will excuse me if i am not interested in what he has to say about ukraine when our country is in a state of misery. >> jesse: all right. thanks for your insights, guys. we really appreciate it. >> dana: thanks, jesse. >> thank you. >> jesse: right before she was set to face off against the "new york times," sarah palin caught covid and then all hell broke loose. she is in "primetime" when we come back. ♪ as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ [♪♪] only pay for what you need. did you know you can shorten your cold with cold-eeze® lozenges? cold-eeze® can shorten your cold by 42% try cold-eeze® the number one best-selling zinc lozenge. and try new cold-eeze® ultramelt™ chews in a great-tasting orange flavor that quickly dissolves on your tongue. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. ♪ >> jesse: civil war breaking out on the left over covid-19. bill maher leading the charge and he has had enough. >> it's just gone on too long. nobody cares anymore. i don't want to live in your paranoid world anymore. your mass paranoid world. did you go out, it's silly now. you know, you have masks. you have to have a car. you have to have a booster. they scan your head. [laughter] like you are a cashier and i'm a bunch of ba bananas. >> jesse: welcome to the club, bill. america is confused by mandates and everyone is going nuts. >> hell of a time celebrating loser president. loser [bleep] stop invading our territory. go the [bleep] home. >> jesse: but some on the left love the permits pandemic. it's given their lives meaning and a sense of moral superiority which they lack because deep down feelings of inadequacy. friends at "the view" strongly disagree take a look. >> this is not something we are doing because it's sexually gratifying. this is what we are doing to protect our families. and you don't have to do it but stay away from everybody. stay out of the public, man. this is not -- nobody wants this. >> jesse: stay out of the public. live live in the basement like the rest of us. joining me now is sarah palin former alaska governor and g.o.p. vice presidential candidate. so, governor palin, when you see maher finally come around on covid-19 does that make you feel glad or oh my gosh what took you so long, dude. >> he as an individual a little too little too late. done damage to the truth and the cause of justice. he really has. yeah, like you said, welcome to the team. i say welcome to the team, too, i guess we will take him. because he does have a voice. this is madness though, this overreach, overregulation. overreaction, it's a shame that it's become a red and blue issue. i don't know who decided that this was going to be one that was going to be politicized and weaponized, science, a virus? a virus that has just turned into something that is just something to control the people -- well, that's exactly what it's become and it's a shame. and i think that somebody like bill maher finally gets it. that's indicative of a lot people more coming on board. >> jesse: i think you are right. millions of people watch mar and like him and very relieved he finally said what they have all been thinking. governor, it was all over the news today. you came into new york. you got a big slander trial vs. the "new york times" for defamation. and right before the trial started, the media said you cawd caught covid-19 and all hell broke lose. is that true? is that actually what happened? >> it is and of course i can't talk about the case, blame that on my attorney jesse, yes, having covid, evidently as of it this morning being confirmed and, yeah. it is what it is. so the trial is postponed for about a week. but yeah. i feel totally fine. >> jesse: you look fine. you feel fine? it seems like you feel fine. >> absolutely normal. yep. >> jesse: but they had to push the trial back because you tested positive. is that what happened? >> yeah. i don't know if i'm the only one who tested positive but i did. and, yes. but, you know, okay. that is what it is. and moving forward i think what we all need to move forward on is allowing people to hear truth and science when it comes to this virus. and the realization there are more viruses on earth than there are stars on the sky. we are never going to eradicate this earth of viruses. and this certainly, as i said say, has become something to control the people and i'm just really happy that more and more people are understanding that. >> jesse: do you worry that some of these permanent pandemic power grabbers are going to cling to these emergency powers and telling people what to wear on their face? they are going to declare, i think, racism now a public health crisis? guns, public health crisis? do you think that that's what they are drying to do going forward? >> it's the nature of the beast of government. when government mandates especially the federal government mandating protocols they call them on top of we, the people. government never takes those back again. they don't erase what they have done. they expand their mandates. they expand their regulations. so, unless enough people state enough and actually take action against what's going on, no, it's going to get worse. >> jesse: all right. governor sarah palin and bill maher agree on something. what a world we live in. thank you very much. governor. feel better. next, gutfeld and perino spent the last hour drinking in the green room and they are going to review the show. i'm i'm scared. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> jesse: the first show of jesse watters prime time is all most of the books, but before we go, i want to know, how did i do? i arity know how i did, the show was amazing, but i want to hear from someone else, someone unbiased worried we brought them in to call balls and strikes because they know a thing about it. let's bring in my cohosts of "the five," dana perino and greg gutfeld. are you guys taking this seriously or not? >> no. >> jesse: you're not -- >> they are not serious. because they are very serious. what does that say, dana? >> can't read that. atrocious? [laughs] >> let's start with the stuff that i kind of liked about it. i notice that you're not doing as many bill o'reilly cadence mannerisms anymore. >> jesse: i'm not? >> you've kind of come into your own smarmy this, which i find amazing. the show looks great buried gleaming machine shiny just like a monday night football promo, but i don't know if that's enough to cover up your incompetence. there's not enough red meat. you have too many rhinos on this show. i want more drone footage of immigrants running across the rio grande. >> jesse: it's monday, wait until you see tomorrow! >> we did get a call from disney and there is a lawsuit about your logo. >> jesse: already? >> it took off of "star wars" so we are going to have to deal with that tomorrow the lawyers, we are going to deal with that. >> jesse: a lawsuit on the first day, i expected it. >> i love something that greg is not going to love, that he brought back movie clips and top 40 music. >> jesse: i have to do that to compensate for my lack of talent. >> i love how you -- so you are the opposite, you love to burn up time with clips and teases and music bumps and -- so it's actually very smart. >> jesse: i like to burn up time? have you seen the got filled show? all thing is a waste of time! >> i've heard about the show. >> jesse: i have two new bells and whistles? my goodness! >> how dare you. >> i love the opening, is that something you're doing every night? i know you have a gigantic staff. >> are you jealous about the size of my staff? that came out wrong. >> you know what would be really weird, since it's your first night it at a show, to do like a male segment, because how can you get mail you mack get mail! >> jesse: did you see to be -- you mean actual mail. i got text messages. and we got 1100 text messages -- >> 1100? >> jesse: it broke my phone. we are only going to read a few -- do want to get to those right now? >> i've got to be here for this. if >> jesse: the first one -- thank you, great. we will have to have you stay on for a while. louisiana, i always appreciate the truth being told so eloquently with the perfect combination of bluntness and sarcasm. it's a breath of fresh air. i love you. cindy, fort myers, florida, love you, jessie, keep doing what you do best, asking questions most of us can't. this is really obvious and gratuitous, but i love it. wadia, north carolina, congratulations, you are so deserving. is there any hate mail? >> their producers. they're terrified of you. >> jesse: they are, and they should be. miami, florida, hair on pointe for the first show. don't forget to text your mom later. my mom's texts are coming in hot after the miller segment. not a fan of stephen miller. alabama, why is no one asking who is making a lot of money on the manufacturing of covid tests and masks? well, we just asked that question. >> that's great. >> jesse: marcia, indianapolis, indiana. i hope your show will be more serious than gutfeld's show. love him, but can only take them in small doses. he is a small dose. but you're going to take me for light. >> jesse: children's side -- frank. that's it for tonight, tucker carlson is next. should i do the i'm waters, this is my world thing? >> it's your thing! >> jesse: going to do it. i waters, and this is my world. >> what a terrible world it is. >> congratulations! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." when permanent washington pushes for a war with russia, who benefits? we don't ask that question enough. it's obvious to anyone who things about it for a second, it is so glaringly obvious, in fact when the people pushing this more immediately denounce you as a trader if you point that out. they are betraying our country's interest but somehow you're the one who's disloyal. ukraine's borders are

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It , Fact , Situation , Special Report , Suit , Report , Thanks , Home , Origins , Search , Coronavirus , Jesse Watters Primetime , Fair , Premier , Unafrand , Jesse Watters , America , Man , People , Factories , Patience , Leaders , Pride , Being Disrespected , Chinese Communist , Chinese , Ignorant , Wars , Tool , Profits , Deployments , Pain Killers , Economy , Wall Street , Iraq , Afghanistan , Wall , Diet , Prison Stripes , Class , Race , Parachutes , Warriors , Division , Hopes , Hatred , Six , Country , Air , Virus , Throat , Resistance , Rage , Row , Four , Schools , Businesses , Wto , Cap , Dip , Pointized , Down , The New Normal , Two , Everything , Course , Pandemic Power Grab , Weren T We , Patriots , Counsel , Disrespected , Scoundrels , Idiot , Snob , Power , Same , Politicians , Republic , Start Listening , Way , Bottom Line , One , Something , Mom , Phone Number , Most , Big Lib , New York City , Name , Bottom , Estate , Email Waters , Screen , Jesse , Show Launching , Laughter , John Watters , Haven T , Bleep , God , Brain , Dude , 00 , 7 , Thing , Leather , He Doesn T , Guts , Woman , Bat , Gam Goodsed , News , Point , Kind , Just Don T , Cnn , Reality Shows , Luck , Talk To Me , Anything , News Topics , Immigration , World Peace , Omicron , Smell , Odor , Omicron Variant , Symptoms , Pills , Yes , Type , Casinos , Graduation Money , Graduates , Guest , Rain Man , Ron Desantis , Judge , Aoc Yeah , Jeanine , Kyle Rittenhouse , Kevin Hart , Joe Biden Doesn T , Drinks , Tucker Carlson , Anyone , Imagination , At Fox , Say Hi , Oh My , Sean , Homer Simpson , World , Advice , Work , Words , Rocking , Huh Uh , Tv , Streets , Hi World , Bubble , Prime Time , President , Producers , Media , Hometown , Roots , Example , Scranton , Hometown Hero , Pennsylvania , The Show , Sense , Ride , No One , Humor , Sense Of Purpose , Unsunlight , Feeling , Trip Gutfeld , Going , Trip , Fine , Mvp , Aaron Rodgers , Workers , Bargaining , Parents , Super Bowl , A Chfment , Tell Me You Don T Feel What S Happening , Stars , Social Media , Day Traders , Red States , Fortune , Lifestyle , Confines , Corporate America , Feet , Hispanic Americans Swerving Into , Black Americans , Money , Vote , Monopoly , Rise , Independents , Sick , Censored , Republican Party , Democrat , Love Story , Prosecutors , Reason , Stick , Expectations , Host , On The Air , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Sauce , Teeing Up , Script , Guests , Package , Them , Problems , Depth , Suck Up , Lies , Insight , Heart , Funny , Hilarity , Felt , Ipad , Desk , Someone , Stuff , Text Number , Porn , Fox , Timeline , Person , Image , Tucker Light , Case , Water It , Delineation , Demagogue , Delusion , Feed It , Echo Chamber , Or Gremlin , It Multiplies , Beauty Pageant Contestant , Comb Marks Washington , Girl , Morning Zoo Lady , Connection , Piece , Head , Noise , Malice , Internet , Television , Tucker Doesn T , Job , Transmission Shop , Work In , The View , Living Room , Football , Transmissions , Idea , Others , Candy , Outfits , Shoes , Ladies , Gun Violence , Voter Suppression , M Ms , Climate Change , M S , High , Boots , Version , Silly , M Ms Coded Candy Shoes , Voice , Gender Stereotypes , Dissent , Frumpy Shoes , Honor , Fashion , Guy Didn T , Fashion Log , Edition , Bow Tie , The Street , Appetizer , Tuck , Advertise , Fox Report A Stupid Son Of Bitch , Show , Xiidra , Eye , Inflammation , Relief , Eye Drops , Drops , Burn , Ache , Eyes , Let S Kick Ken , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Room , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Side Effects , Vision , Discomfort , Eye Irritation , Surface , Fifteen , Doctor , Dry Eye , Blood Clots , Ton , Life Changing , Info , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu , Doug , Limu , Personal Record , Limu Emu Squawks , Thirty Four , Pay , Liberty , Difference , San Francisco , Need , Employee , Recology , Upu , That S Why , 100 , Big City In America , Recycling System , Ground Up , Language , Gracias , Show Of Hands , Place , Spot , Poll , Identity A Bet , Nbc , Presidency , Failure , Mainstream Media , Biden Doesn T , Rate , Commander In Chief , Agenda , Mistake A Business Decision , Senate , Lame Duck , Media Power Brokers , Christmas Tree , Curb , Fate , Undecorated , Things , Cnn Can T , Let Go Of Joe , Notch , Enders , Wasn T Around , Crime , Lot , House , Crime Problem , Morality , Threats , Morality Threats , The Fear Mongering , Kids , Race Theory , Gear Rated , Exsass , Immigrant Hoards , Virginia Electing Youngkin , Nothing , Murder Rates , Cloth , Bending , Faces , Extremism , Recklessness , Clown Car , Ark , John , Trump Kellyanne , Counselor , Shooting , Don Ter , Chaos , Congratulations , Word , Extremist , Ratings , White House , Jesse Derangement Syndrome , Watters Universe , Border , Ukraine , Uncertainty , Insecurity , Turmoil , Everywhere , Grocery Store , Tweets , Gas Pump , Remark , School , Workplaces , Prices , Him , 70 , Sun Popular , Salivating , Part , Fools , Incapacitated Joe Don T , Contract With America , Policies , Cabinet , Legislation , Capitol Hill , Frank Luntz , Newt Gingrich , 194 , Polling , Issue , Polls , Candidates , Office Holders , Opinion , Haley Barbour , 1994 , Security , Joe Biden Problem , Midterms , Credibility Crisis , Cable Networks , Affordability , Themes , Roll It , Idiocy , Disrespect , Colleague , Questions , Inflation , Liability , Asset , I M The Only One , Son Of A Bitch , Aboutism , Trump , Correspondent , Et Cetera , Jacqui Heinrich , Guy , Question , Jackie , Reporter , Nbc News , Sanctions , Russia , Donald Trump , Issues , Job Approval , Attributes , Nose , Gymnasium , High School , Crime Thing , Guys , Weekend , Temper , Manhattan , Wilmington , Alvin Bragg , Philadelphia , George Gascon , In L A Larry Krasner , Help , Sentencings , Supply Chain Crisis , Cash Bail , Law Enforcement , Train , L A , United , Pacific , Criminals , Cities , Chance , Mom Sides , Homicide , Diseerous , Peter Doocy , 12 , Borders , Back , Turmeric , Joints , Benefits , Supplements , Inflammation Support , Qunol Turmeric , Qunol , Superior Absorption , Psoriatic Arthritis , Tremfya , Brand , Adults , Emerge Tremfyant , Reactions , Patients , Infections , Infection , Ability , Risk , Vaccine , Sirens , Gunfire , Ground , The Border , Violence , Savage Cartelling , Safety , Citizens , Success , Elsewhere , Foe , Thousands , Americans Don T Feel Safe , Ukraine Isn T , Establishment , Western Europe , Integrity , Meetings , Member , Soldiers , Nato , Continent , Life , Putin , Price , Stake , Subway , Death , Don T Know , Ladieser , Kyiv , California First , Grad Student , Ex Con Out On Bail , Ucla , Biden Hasn T , Family , It Oil Markets , Phone Call , Gas , Russia Squares , Bucks , 4 , 4 Bucks , Dana Loesch , Stephen Miller , America First , Ladies First , Passion , Program , Episode , Angela Merkel , Sat , Foreign Policy , 2 , Everyone , Effectiveness , Energy , Behavior , Energy Exports , Regards , Lines , Office , Market , Jesse Or The Vice , On And , Presidential Office , Benefit , Mess , Cash , Penny , Steven , Administration , Hunter , Biden Family , Mexico , Cartels , Cartel Intrusion , Broadcast , Leader , Mercy , Anywhere , Drug Dealers , Damage , Planet Earth , Adversary , Criminal Organizations , Tabs , History , Control , Repeal , Free Will , Volition , Edicts , Joe Biden Daily , Crime Wave , Communities , Drugs , League , Soros , War , Wag The Dog , Jim Crow , Distraction , Regulations , Relic , Approval Rating , Filibuster , Completion , Nord Stream 2 , Reasons , Person Red Pilling Democrats , Minded , D A S Unwillingness , Pleas , Repeat Offenders , Recidivism Increasings , Phrase Gun Violence , Law , Sunway , Mob , Interest , Conflict , Cribs , Favorability , Troops , Poll Numbers , Registering , Oval , Homes , Tragedy , Suffering , Trafficking Wave , Wave , Reminiscent , Drug , Choices , Misery , Sarah Palin , New York Times , Insights , Covid , Hell Broke Loose , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Wooo , Woooooo , Yeaa , Turn , Record , Hang On , Tex , 665 Dollars , 665 , Cold Eeze , Cold , Number One , Zinc Lozenge , Ultramelt , 42 , Flavor , Tongue , Pandemic , Students , Parent , Teachers , Best , Classroom , Remote Learning , School Board , School Board Members , Three , 18 , Sake , Start , Civil War , Nobody , Left , Charge , Bill Maher , 19 , Masks , Car , Cashier , Bunch , Booster , Mandates , Welcome To The Club , Ba Bananas , Nuts , Hell Of A Time Celebrating Loser , Loser , Love , Feelings , Superiority , Territory , Lives , Public , Everybody , Take A Look , Families , Inadequacy , Friends , Governor , Vice , Basement , Rest , Presidential Candidate , Alaska , Gosh , Truth , Team , Individual , Justice , Little , Cause , Shame , Overreaction , Overreach , Overregulation , Madness , Red , Weaponized , Science , Millions , Trial , Thinking , Defamation , Big Slander Trial Vs , Hell , Attorney , Evidently , Yep , Realization , Viruses , Say , Sky , Public Health Crisis , Power Grabbers , Emergency Powers , Face , Racism , Government , Guns , Protocols , Top , Nature Of The Beast , What S Going On , Action , Feel , Drinking , Dana Perino , Next , Books , Someone Else , Balls , Strikes , Five , Cohosts , Greg Gutfeld , Cadence Mannerisms , This , The Show Looks Great Buried Gleaming Machine Shiny , Bill O Reilly , Drone Footage , Red Meat , Rhinos , Incompetence , Monday Night Football Promo , Lawsuit , Call , Immigrants , Star Wars , Logo , It S Monday , Rio Grande , Disney , Music , Greg , Movie Clips , Lawyers , 40 , Clips , Talent , Lack , Bumps , Opposite , Waste , Opening , Whistles , Bells , How Dare You , Staff , Wrong , Segment , Size , You Mack , Text Messages , Mail , Few , Phone , 1100 , Combination , Bluntness , Louisiana , Jessie , Breath , I Love You , Sarcasm , Cindy , Fresh Air , Florida , Fort Myers , Hate Mail , Hair , North Carolina , Miami , Wadia , Texts , Fan , Alabama , Manufacturing , Indiana , Indianapolis , Covid Tests , Marcia , Love Him , Dose , Doses , Children , Side , Waters , Obvious , Trader , You Re The One , Second ,

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