Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

briefing where john kirby announced that lloyd austin has ordered a range of active duty military units here in the united states to be placed on heightened to deploy order if activated to support nato's response force. the troops and their families are told that they could be called up in a matter of days. >> the numbers of forces that the secretary has placed on heightened alert has come up to 8,500 personnel. >> the troops would be under general todd walters. if requests, the nrf could draw up to 40,000 troops and placed on the easter flank as a deterrent to russia. the pentagon says the troops would not be going to ukraine. >> if nato is a defensive alliance and if these troops are activated are defensive and for front line nato states, how does it stop putin from going to ukraine? >> it's designed to re-assure our nato allies. we're taking -- how does it protect ukraine? >> it sends a clear signal to mr. putin that we take our responsibilities to nato seriously. >> the troops would not be sent to ukraine but would go to hungary, the baltics if asked. nato allies began committing heavy equipment bombers and warships to the build-up to protect nato's eastern flank. putin is showing no signs of deescalating. he's sent more troops and equipment in recent days to ukraine's border. now nato is preparing for what comes next. charles? >> thanks. is all of this enough to deter russia? here's commander lippold. you think of crimea, you think how vladimir putin was able to walk in and take it despite the threats. are we on the cusp of seeing something similar now? when you look at it, putin has shown a propensity for taking land. he's aided the rebel forces. 525 miles from moscow to kiev. the bottom line is he sees no penalty. he sees this ascending a strong signal that i'm not going to have something like a western capitalist democracy on my western flank that could threaten my ability to rule my country with an iron fist. >> there's records that the biden administration is saying hey, your concerns about ukraine becoming a member of nato are premature. it's not going to happen. if it did, it would happen a long time from now. he brought up democracy. all weekend long, i'm thinking why. we understand crimea, how important they were strategically. why go through a possible military cost of personnel and money and then the following financial considerations. what is the main reason, commander, that vladimir putin would want ukraine? >> i think he wants ukraine because it will provide him with a buffer state. putin has never forgiveen the solve yet union to collapse. he sees that of the greatest down fall of a greater russia itself. he wants to create the conditions where these countries can join in a coalition to maintain their power base. in reality, that isn't going to happen. putin as a dictator in that part of the world is not a matter of if but when. russia will be part of a larger community of nations in that area. they're going to eventually have to work together. it may be decades before they get there because of what putin is doing today. >> martha: so i look at the military forces, the comparison between ukraine and russia. three million to one million troops. fighter attack jets, 67 to 1,500. attack helicopters, 34 to 538. tanks 2,000 to 13,000. it's obvious they're outmanned. even with the resources that we sent and albeit a lot of folks believe the administration was late on sending in the proper military equipment, if they decided to go to war, it wouldn't be a long war, would it? >> the purpose if they go to war is going to move quickly, get in to kiev, knock it down, take the government out and then back out, which would allow europe having to rebuild the country, get a government back in place and do it in a manner that may not appear threatening. when you look at the nato alliance, i understand what john kirby was saying. here's the bottom line. we have nato allies today that are not helping nato in the power projection necessary to keep ukraine safe. principally germany. they cannot be relied upon. the baltic states are terrified that we do not show and demonstrate that we don't stick up for them, nato may start to crack. that is true for poland, hungary and romania. we need to maintain that rock solid. germany needs to step up. >> i saw a report on the countries that were sending planes. noticeably absent is germany obvious relying on that's gal from germany. a lot of states are on top of each other. thanks, commander. appreciate it. >> thank you, charles. >> tensions over there sending stocks win sawing over here. at one point, the dow jones was 1,000 points. made an amazing comeback. we're going to have more on your money and where it stands with this cry it is as it escalates. the houston police chief naming the suspect in the ambush shooting of a deputy constable. the head of the precinct correcting anyone who calls this a "attack." he says it's murder, brutal murder. he's coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. as a business owner, your bottom line is priceless. is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business: powering possibilities. >> charles: wall street investors had their heads spinning. the down was down over 1,000 in part to escalating tensions with russia and ukraine. more so over these worries of inflation, run-away inflation, interest rates ahead of the federal reserve meeting on wednesday. just not sure what to make of it all. we want to bring in kenny paulcari. we're down big time this morning. this market cracks. everyone is making wagers on how low it will go. everyone is moving out of the way. what was that all about? was the cherry -- there's no new news per se. although everything else that we've been worried about got worse. >> right. so it was comments out of goldman and morgan over the weekend that they thought it could get worse than what they originally thought. number 2, we have the fed meeting this weekend. the fed has gone into quiet mode now and have not said a word. you haven't heard anything from the fed the last couple days. that just sets it up for what do they think which way it will go. toss in the geo political stuff, whether it's russia and ukraine, concerns over what china will do with taiwan after the olympics or what is happening between yemen and the united arab emirates. that adds to the fire. the nervousness and angst. you saw europe down 2% at 6:00 a.m. suddenly went down 3% as we were getting ready to open. boom, felt like the bottom was bottoming out and it felt like today was a capitulation day. this was it in the old day, but yet -- >> charles: last year the worst we saw the draw down on the market was 5%. so to see 4% across the board today on 14% for i think the nasdaq all total, this snow ball is quickly becoming a boulder, if you will. people are getting out of the way. what about the lack of confidence and the ability to fix these things? how much is that weighing on this market? >> i think that is weighing -- that is weighing on some investors minds. that's why they're saying why am i going to move in front of this freight train. the big worry is will the fed fix this. seems like they're behind the eight ball right now. we traded -- the s&p traded down to 4,222. that is a list where the resistance and tested and resistance and popped through and came support and we traded down. when we did, that is when you saw the market start to settle in. then they started coming after them, which was great, a lot of bargain hunting in there. i don't think it means that the turbulence is over. >> charles: the turbulence is probably here to stay. it's about finding a bottom. we have the huti situation last week. that helped spike crude oil prices. they settled down a little bit. feels like gasoline will go a lot higher. the oil part of this story, particularly when you look at the players from russia to iran, to now the huthi rebels. are we talking guyer gasoline prices? >> j.p. morgan put a $150 target. expect if the invasion happens, it will go to 150. one way or another, i still think demand is so strong that gas prices will go higher. don't forget, the united states in the northern hemisphere will be coming out of winter. the summer driving season. so demand is going to be up especially we're getting through this omicron and people are dieing to get out. >> charles: it's too bad we don't allow our country to drill more. we have so much. thanks. thanks, my friend. meanwhile, a man hunt underway in texas apartment a deputy constable is shot dead in a traffic stop. houston police releasing a photo of the suspect and asking for help. the head of the precinct is here. >> these are not assaults or attacks. these are brutal murders. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> houston police say they know who killed one of the city's constables over the weekend, this is a big development. they say they're closing in on him. first, more on the back story. it was early sunday morning when corporal charles galloway was initiating a traffic stop in the southwest part of houston when the white toyota avalon that he pulled over came to a stop. authorities say the driver hopped out and opened fire on the constable still inside his vehicle. the driver that was just identified as 51-year-old oscar rosales who fled the scene. now a man hunt is still underway for him. we can tell you that they have recovered the toyota and also arrested two family members charging them with campering with evidence. here's the city's police chief not long ago. listen. >> we have video evidence of him shooting our constable. i want everybody to get in to the fight of finding him. this is our community. >> officials say there was nothing that they could do sadly for corporal charles galloway that died at the scene. fellow law enforcement gathering at the hospital to pay respects as the ambulance carrying the body of their comrad passed by. corporal galloway's car riddled with bullets. you can see the windshield blown out. the 47-year-old had been with the constable's office, that particular precinct, more than 12 years. despite his seniority, he volunteered to work the night shift just so that he could help train new recruits. he volunteered to do that shift, not to desirable. he survives by a daughter and a sister. charles? >> charles: thanks, casey. i want to get right to my next guest, harris county constable ted heath. what can you tell us about the search for the shooter? how is that going so far? >> as we just released in a press conference, the shooter has been identified. he is still at large. we're to the point now to whereby bringing in the public, we feel we are going to close that net around him. with the houston police department leading this investigation, which is enabling me to spend time with the family and to grieve with the men and women of this department here, i'm very confident that we'll have this wrapped up shortly. >> charles: this constable was committed to not just doing his job but making sure that his fellow officers had proper training by taking this particular shift and training younger officers. what is his family saying to you right now? you visited with them. what are they saying? >> his family is grieving, as you can expect. this is a horrible thing. they are just very, very thankful that the family in blue, the police department across harris county, the city of houston, i've been in contact with the federal authorities, with our state authorities, with the governor abbott of texas. everybody is joining together. this man will not escape. and because of that, they feel confident in the fact that there's justice for loved ones. right now they're grieving. we're just trying to pull together as a family. this was a horrific, a horrific scene. it was nothing short of an execution. >> charles: constable, you were blunt about this being a brutal murder. i felt -- i think a lot of people probably do, that you weren't just talking about this incident in particular but the need to start talking about these things in real terms so things can curb these actions. as a citizen, i feel the police are never given the proper respect by the media with respect to the dangers that they go through every day. we hear about s.u.v. violence, we hear about gun violence. no. this is human being violence and perpetrated against the people that keep us safe. what is going through your mind? why is it so important for you to be so blunt? >> i lived this going on four decades. i have seen our communities change. i've seen the disregard for human life and how that has become more prevalent. i'm no different than anybody else. i'm a father and a grandfather. i want to be able to raise my children and see my grandchildren raised in a community that is safe. right now that is not the case. we need to be able to unite together and to say as the possible, to say as the people who, you know, elect our officials that this is no longer acceptable. that we will no longer tolerate this. we understand in law enforcement that 98% of the people support us. but it's the 2%, the 2% that make it so difficult. it's not a job that is easy. >> charles: they make it difficult for their all the communities, not just the police. i have less than a minute. i don't want to let you go. i'm reading there were 120 deaths in the line of duty. there's a dozen ways that police officers in houston were killed or died in the line of can youty. just only 73 were gun fire. you had an automobile crash, vehicular assault. you know, just -- just gives you a sense of the risk that the men and women in blue go through every day. i'll give you the final word. >> you're so correct. unfortunately we just experienced a death of a sergeant with our sheriff's department last night. just one on top of another. this is by a suspected individual who was driving while intoxicated. so i mean, whether or not you're trying to direct traffic, whether or not you're just trying to executed a traffic stop or responding to a family violence call, the threat is out there. these officers know and they still go into this job to protect the public that they live in. >> charles: constable, we grieve with you and the family. let they them know that. we appreciate and your follow officers. thank you. >> thank you, charles. >> charles: peter doocy pressing jen psaki on the crime crisis. he's coming up. plus -- >> how many more will it take before our leaders wake up? you know what? they will never wake up. you know why? they don't care. but we do. >> charles: the chicago pastor sounding off after an eight--year-old girl was shot in the head. the latest in a string of children shot to death there. the pastor is here. ukraine calling our state department's move to evacuate u.s. citizens premature. so what is the state department saying? we'll have the latest. >> charles: as crime surges, children are getting caught in the cross fire. in chicago, 8-year-old melissa ortega was killed over the weekend after being hit by a stray bullet. my next guest says the city leaders are not doing enough. new beginnings church pastor talks to me now. we reached out to mayor lori lightfoot. she was unavailable. pastor, thanks for joining us. you know, chicago, the murders, we've been talking about this well over a decade. the story, seems to get worse every year. you're in the heart of it. what is going on there? >> well, we continue to see rampant unhearted and wickedness and criminals taking possession of everything that they can. seems like everything is out of control in our city. it's unfortunate. we have a beautiful city. i want to bring as much attention to the violence of chicago until we do something about it. it all starts with leadership. we have to do a better job. >> charles: what would you like to see from leadership? >> one, we have to get these individuals that are likely to be shot or likely to be shooters. we definitely need to get them alternatives and opportunity. for those that want to accept them or those that don't want to accept them, unfortunately they need to be locked up and put away. we have a lot of criminals on the street, serial criminals perpetuaing violence every day. now children being shot and killed. last week we had six children being shot and killed. if that went on in any other community, there would be total outrage. this is the type of chaos that we're seeing in chicago. now an 8-year-old girl being shot and killed. >> charles: pastor, why is it the popular thing now to have so much sympathy for the criminals? we have sympathy for people that grew up against the odds and have more hurdles to clear. these sort of criminals who are like career criminals, they've been in and out of jail nine, 10, 12 times. that i have rap sheets. why so many efforts to let them out of jail so they don't post bail? they reach deadly havoc on the communities that purportedly folks that feel bad from them are trying to keep safe. >> i believe the protests by the organizations that claim to help black community have added to the fact that you have a lot of those that are in the a little profession, especially like prosecutors that don't want to prosecute to the fullest extent. they feel they're going to lose votes. those that claim to be helping the black community is very unfortunate that their protests, their propaganda is doing nothing but crippling us. we have to continue to leave in these communities and deal with the criminals every day. the truth of the matter is, someone needs to make sure the criminals are prosecuted and taken off the streets. we need to do it and do it now. >> charles: and they have to be kept off the streets. i grew up in harlem. i saw people commit assault, knife, gun, anything. six months later, they're back on the street. you're never going to tell the police, you're never going to cooperate with the police if that's the situation. you live in fear all the time. i whatn't to point out your rooftop protest. this is how you rose to prominence. you had a 94 day protest against a run-down hotel. they tour it down and going to make a $23 million state of the art community center. you've done amazing things already. how is this galvanizing the community? how many people are behind you and how can we grow it? >> we have a whole community behind us and a city and a country behind us. thanks to fox to express our point of views. we're on rooftop revelations every day. people have gone to they've sen money and letters. our city is behind us and our neighborhood is behind us. we know that we are needed in this community to transform from being called 0 block, named after a gang member to security block. that's what needs to happen in this dangerous corner of the city we list in. >> charles: thanks, pastor brooks. we'll check on you again. god bless you. >> thank you. god bless you. >> charles: so some heat at the white house briefing with peter doocy pressing jen psaki on the president's action on all of this crime. peter joins us now. he's at the white house with the very latest. peter, had a ruckus, huh? >> you'll see the clip in a second. a lot of biden officials have been trying to focus on voting legislation. but a new poll shows that voter suppression is near the bottom of things that people care about. inflation and crime are at the top. over the weekend, we heard democratic members of congress talking about that. here at the white house, the president has talked about the pandemic ten times more than crime. officials are starting to blame the rise in crime on guns and covid. there's no plan to start doing things any differently. >> crime is a 25 year high. would he consider trying something different? >> trying something other than supporting a massive funding effort, working to support community policing programs and police departments across the country? i think most people that want to fight crime would agree that is the right approach. >> so they're basically saying that think crime was on the rise when they took over and they have no plan to change the crime fighting strategy in place when they took over even though the violent crime and the murder rates are trending upwards. we expect to hear from the president in about 20 minutes. it's unclear if it's going to come up or what they focus on what they say he will, rising prices and inflation. >> charles: peter, people that are victims of this don't care who is responsible. they just want solutions. forget the finger pointing. >> there's so much focus on covid from this administration because of the risk that it presents and as presented to the american public. crime and murder presents a risk to the american people as well. we have not seen the president spend nearly enough -- as much time on crime as he has on covid. >> charles: peter doocy, thanks so much. meanwhile, the ukraine ripping the state department for urging u.s. citizens to evacuate there. how is the state department responding? meantime, inflation soaring. president joe biden minutes away from a meeting focused on lowering prices. are more government moves the right answer? some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> charles: the state department doubling down on the embassy draw down after the ukraine called the move premature. benjamin hall has the very latest from the state department. benjamin? >> a fair amount of criticism about the u.s. to draw all embassy out of kiev. the ukraines are instilling fear and panic that putin wants to instill. they're drawing down all family members in kiev and placing do not travel warning on the country. they also continue to say that they do not know how many americans are in the country. >> we do not have an account that we consider to be accurate of the number of americans, private americans that are residents in ukraine. >> department officials continue to insist that they don't know either whether putin plans to invade but he is ready to do so and if that happens, the u.s. would be unable to evacuate and save their own citizens. they have warned russia about threats to americans. >> we have made it abundantly clear to the russians, the priority we attach to the safety and security of the american people. >> the u.s. delivered about 80 tons of weapons totalling $200 million. more will arrive. it's not the hardware that the ukraines say that they need are air and missile defenses. it's not hard to think about afghanistan when they don't know how many americans are in country. what the state department is doing is acting in caution rather than when it's too late. as you pointed out, there's countries saying this was the wrong move at a time when u.s. needs to show its strength. charles? >> charles: with that, i'd like to bring in -- by the way, the state department is reiterating that de -- diplomacy is the best way forward. christian, you served several administrations. you understand this better than anyone else. is this the right move right now? it's interesting that ukraine would be critical of it. >> yeah, i don't think it's the right move at this point. because as you mentioned, afghanistan just happening. u.s. citizens in ukraine are not looking to the u.s. government for a lot of wisdom on whether or not to get out by removing family members, diplomats and suggesting that other americans leave the country, not just the eastern part. i think it does send a signal of panic and weakness. >> charles: does it say hey, if something were to happen, again, going back to retreat from afghanistan, that is something that -- we already told you we didn't know. we don't have any idea because they were criticized for not having the information during that retreat. >> it does sound like that. ned price said we have imperfect information on what is in the country and go to this website and register. so they're trying to basically, you know, ensure themselves against criticism. >> charles: ukraine saying the money is fine but we need hard way. how much hardware do they need? i'm hearing and reading that it's too late to get them all of the resources that they would need. >> it's far too late. russia has a military of one million people. this is not grenada or panama or iraq. a very serious nuclear armed country. frankly sending the entire force of the u.s. military would be insufficient. this is a real problem throughout this crisis. the idea of fighting in the eastern ukraine or the black sea has not occurred to the national security bureaucracy. >> charles: what would their role think? >> the white house thinks they're clever and signalling allies of our re-assurance. that's what they're telling people. in reality, it's a joke. 8,500 guys against a million man army. the russians, the russians with a lot of heavy material, heavy tanks. if you look at nato, it's not unified. nato knows it's not unified. the germans are not going along with what the u.s. would want. spain, italy that have no interest in fighting russia. >> charles: thanks, christian. >> thank you. >> charles: with prices going up, president joe biden about to hold a meeting on ways to bring them down. will any of this stop the polls from dropping down? 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they bring us life. i hope with this plan together? >> you put $8 billion in the pocket of electric park micah carmakers but you can't get truckers parking spots. it's interesting how the hours worked so they drive for 11 and rest for ten to come up that's pretty much how i work as well. but i want to talk about female drivers, looking at statistics, we need to get more than 8% of women in trucking. that statistic needs to improve and more trucks on the world as well. >> of the market was all over the place today, steve. it seemed like dual messages. one concern about the inflation problem that you brought up to feds that, but also sort of oversold. what's the likelihood that we should be watching us market now, sort of as a barometer? i think it sent as a shock wave that we should pay attention to today. >> it's a great question. i lived through the 1970s and i think that you did it, too. the 70s was the worst decade since the 1930s for the stock market. and you're a little younger than i am. but my point is, there is this mythology on the street that somehow high inflation, while in the short term it increases profits but in the long and medium term, inflation is not just bad for consumers and bad for stocks as well. >> over the weekend i saw a threat by kellogg's, they ran out of everything. how do you fix something like this, how do they turn something like this around? >> and don't forget, mcdonald's and starbucks are cutting back their hours, you can't go through the drive-through at midnight if you have this french fry cravings but talking about kellogg's, companies like kellogg's like the other consumer brands like procter & gamble are able to raise prices in this inflationary environment and they been rewarded by the stock market. so inflation's shortages are helping companies that have pricing power like kellogg's and definitely p&g. >> procter & gamble is one of the biggest winners out there. i wanted to let everyone know that we did reach out to kellogg's for a statement. across consumer goods, manufacturing and retail since the pandemic began in march of 2020. throughout this time, we have seen higher at-home consumption consumption and increased demand for our beloved and trusted brands including frosted flakes, that's me. they say they've been experiencing a challenge for the entire food chain. >> you're a tony the tiger guy, right? >> they are also going on to say this affects every community and they are also always looking out for the shoppers as best they can, it will be persistent. susan and steve, thank you very much. we really appreciate it. also folks, you've got to watch tomorrow, it really was a crazy end of the market today. one of the wildest i've seen, sort of like those football games over the weekend. and now, "the five" starts. musical medical >> dana: hello, everyone, my dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., greg gutfeld and jesse watters. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." it was a buddy we can for law enforcement across the country. liberal crime policy is facing intense new scrutiny after several police officers were gunned down. the nypd isn't grieving the loss of rookie officer jason rivera's who was shot and killed responded to a depth like a domestic dispute. his partner is not

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Unit , Adams , For Today , Crime Increase , Police , The Story , 2020 , U S , Eastern Ukraine , Greater Russia , Thanks , Evening , Show , Monday , Monday January 24 , 24 , State Department , Nato , Troops , Invasion , Investors , Edge , 8500 , Charles Payne , World , More , Pentagon , Pentagon Briefing , Points , Session , Dow , Jennifer Griffin , Neil Cavuto , 1000 , Duty , Order , Military Units , Range , Lloyd Austin , John Kirby , Matter , Forces , Families , Numbers , Alert , Secretary , Response Force , Personnel , Requests , Todd Walters , Nrf , 40000 , Alliance , Deterrent , States , Allies , Front Line , Signal , Responsibilities , Mr , Putin , Equipment , Build Up , Signs , Warships , Bombers , Hungary , Baltics , Eastern Flank , Border , Deescalating , Commander Lippold , Wall , Crimea , Something , It , Threats , Cusp , Propensity , Bottom Line , Kiev , Land , The Rebel Forces 525 , 525 , Democracy , Ability , Flank , Capitalist , Penalty , Country , Administration , Joe 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Mom , Grown In Idaho , Kids , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Grandfather , Connection , Documents , Signature , Registration Card , Memory , Ancestry , Draft , World War Two , Uh , Two , Legacy , Pay , Mind , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Business Owner , Service , Gig , Network , Term , Internet , Business , Comcast Business , Contracts , Customers , Line Activation Fees , Powering Possibilities , 00 , 500 , Wall Street , Down , Heads Spinning , Inflation , Meeting , Interest Rates , Worries , Federal Reserve , Dana Perino , Market Cracks , Big Time , Kenny Paulcari , Everything , Way , Comments , News , Cherry , Per Se , Number , Word , J P Morgan , Mode , Goldman , 2 , Anything , Toss , You Haven T , Olympics , Geo Political Stuff , China , Taiwan , Fire , Yemen , Nervousness , Angst , United Arab Emirates , 3 , 6 , Bottom , Boom , Market , Draw , 14 , 5 , 4 , People , Things , Snow Ball , Confidence , Boulder , Lack , Nasdaq , Minds , Front , Fix , Worry , Freight Train , List , Resistance , Ball , S P , 4222 , Eight , Turbulence , Bargain Hunting , Crude Oil Prices , Gasoline , Bit , Feels , Huti Situation Last , Story , Oil , Rebels , Players , Iran , Huthi , Another , Gasoline Prices , Target , One Way , Guyer , 50 , 150 , Demand , Gas Prices , Winter , Summer Driving Season , Don T Forget , Northern Hemisphere , Man Hunt , Texas , Omicron , Friend , Apartment , Dieing , Traffic Stop , Help , Murders , Attacks , Assaults , Photo , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Doug , Thirty Four , Liberty , Limu , Personal Record , New York City , Leaders , Pastor , Chicago , Coming Up , Cross Fire , Prices , Ways , Restyle , Aisles , Style , Event , Touches , Finishing , Save , Lowe S , Bath Style , 0 , Safe , Super Emma , Skin , Detergent , Cape , Hypoallergenic , Tide Hygienic , Hundreds Of Nypd , Officers , Partner , Line , Jason Rivera , Fighting , Life , Loss , Harlem , Streets Of New York City , 22 , Ted Hipp , Hospital , Harris County , Deputy , Traffic Stop Sunday , Weekend , Constables , Back Story , Development , First , Casey Stegall , Corporal Galloway , Stop , Driver , Avalon , Authorities , Toyota , Sunday Morning , Scene , Oscar Rosales , Vehicle , 51 , Family Members , Evidence , Video Evidence , Campering , Officials , Constable , Everybody , Fight , Nothing , Respects , Ambulance , Body , Law Enforcement Gathering , Comrad , Office , Car , Bullets , Windshield , Seniority , 47 , 12 , Shift , Train , Recruits , Daughter , Sister , Night Shift , Shooter , Guest , Press Conference , Search , Ted Heath , Public , Houston Police Department , Family , Women , Department , Men , Investigation , Job , Training , Thing , Police Department , Grieving , Blue , Governor , Estate , Man , Contact , Fact , Horrific , Justice , Loved Ones , Need , You Weren T , Execution , Incident , Respect , Media , Terms , Citizen , Actions , Dangers , Violence , Gun Violence , Suv Violence , Human Being , Four , Communities , Human Life , Anybody Else , Disregard , Father , Case , Children , Grandchildren , Law Enforcement , 98 , Police Officers , Deaths , Assault , Automobile Crash , Gun Fire , Can Youty , 120 , 73 , Risk , Death , Sense , Individual , Traffic , Sergeant , Sheriff , Department Last Night , Threat , Family Violence Call , Peter Doocy , Follow Officers , Crime Crisis , Jen Psaki , They Don T Care , Citizens , Move , Latest , String , Old Girl , Crime Surges , Hit , Melissa Ortega , 8 , Lori Lightfoot , Stray Bullet , New Beginnings Church Pastor Talks , Criminals , Possession , Control , Wickedness , Rampant Unhearted , Leadership , Attention , Starts , Don T , Individuals , Shooters , Shot , Opportunity , Away , The Street , Criminals Perpetuaing , Type , Outrage , Chaos , Old Girl Being , Six , Sympathy , Odds , Times , Career Criminals , Jail , Efforts , Hurdles , Rap Sheets , 10 , Nine , Protests , Organizations , Bail , Havoc , Profession , Extent , Prosecutors , Propaganda , Claim , Votes , Streets , Truth , Gun , Knife , Fear , Situation , Rooftop Protest , Whatn T , Prominence , Hotel , 94 , Galvanizing , State Of The Art Community Center , 23 Million , 3 Million , Views , Fox , Rooftop Revelations , Security Block , City , Neighborhood , Letters , Projecthood Org , Gang Member , Corner , God Bless You , Pastor Brooks , Crime , President , White House , Action , Briefing , Heat , Ruckus , Poll , Voter Suppression , Second , Clip , Voting Legislation , Members , Congress , Plan , Pandemic , Rise , Covid , High , Guns , 25 , Ten , Effort , Funding , Police Departments , Approach , Community Policing Programs , Murder Rates , Crime Fighting Strategy , 20 , Don T Care , Focus , Pointing , Solutions , Finger , Victims , Some , Memories , Kitchen , Inflation Soaring , Nm Com Charles , Advisor , Embassy , Criticism , Benjamin , Amount , Benjamin Hall , Placing , Warning , Account , Plans , Residents , Russians , Safety , Priority , Security , Hardware , 00 Million , 200 Million , 80 , Acting , Doing , Missile , Defenses , Caution , Air , Diplomacy , De , Strength , Christian , Administrations , Anyone Else , Afghanistan , Whether , Wisdom , Weakness , Diplomats , Panic , Idea , Information , Ned Price , Retreat , Sound , Website , Register , Military , Reading , Panama , Grenada , Problem , Force , Crisis , Iraq , Bureaucracy , Black Sea , Signalling , Re Assurance , Role , Man Army , Material , Joke 8500 Guys , A Million , Spain , Germans , Italy , Polls , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Turn , Tex , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Medicine , Healthcare System , Record , Hang On , Mass General Brigham , Research , Hospitals , Centers , Doctors , Physicians , Biotech Innovates , Boston , Harvard Medical School , Five , Care , Ones , Brigham , One Mass General , Money Manager , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Wave , Investments , Commissions , Commission Products , Client , Client Portfolios , Fiduciary , Act , Clients , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Yep , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Majority , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , 1 , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Changes , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Fox Poll , Won T , Price Spikes , Go Away , 40 , Susan Li , Steve Moore , Growth , Needle , Reserve , Look , 90 , Trading , Curve , Rate Hikes , Broader S P , Over The Edge , Conundrum , Words , Out Of My Mouth , Unemployment Claims , Unemployed , Increase , Gains , Environment , Rates , Production , Sales , Kind , Making , Somebody , Me Charles , What S Going On , Analysis , Oil Gas , Natural Gas , Power , Rush , Re Empowering Peden , Big Way , Price , Natural Gas Industry , Fossil Fuels , Truckers , Parking , Problems , Pages , Page , Rescue , Infrastructure Bill , 2300 , Nowhere , Products , Trucker , Somewhere , Trucking , Pete Buttigieg , Shortage , Course , 30000 , Milk , Supply Chain Problem , Grocery Store , Wife , Half , Eggs , Food , Merchandise , Store , Shelves , Survey , Gas Charting Stations , Thought , Rest , Truckers Parking Spots , Pocket , Electric Park Micah Carmakers , Billion , 8 Billion , 11 , Statistics , Trucks , Drivers , Needs , Inflation Problem , Likelihood , Shock Wave , Messages , Oversold , Feds , Barometer , Concern , Stock Market , Question , The 70s , 1930 , 1970 , 70 , Street , Mythology , Consumers , Profits , Kellogg S , Companies , Starbucks , Consumer Brands , Procter Gamble , Mcdonald S , Winners , Shortages , Pricing Power , Statement , Consumption , Retail , Consumer Goods , Reach Out To Kellogg S , March Of 2020 , Brands , Food Chain , Challenge , Frosted Flakes , Tony The Tiger Guy , Shoppers , Dana , End , Wildest , Football Games , Jeanine Pirro , Buddy , Harold Ford Jr , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , Crime Policy , Scrutiny , Domestic Dispute , Depth ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240708

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briefing where john kirby announced that lloyd austin has ordered a range of active duty military units here in the united states to be placed on heightened to deploy order if activated to support nato's response force. the troops and their families are told that they could be called up in a matter of days. >> the numbers of forces that the secretary has placed on heightened alert has come up to 8,500 personnel. >> the troops would be under general todd walters. if requests, the nrf could draw up to 40,000 troops and placed on the easter flank as a deterrent to russia. the pentagon says the troops would not be going to ukraine. >> if nato is a defensive alliance and if these troops are activated are defensive and for front line nato states, how does it stop putin from going to ukraine? >> it's designed to re-assure our nato allies. we're taking -- how does it protect ukraine? >> it sends a clear signal to mr. putin that we take our responsibilities to nato seriously. >> the troops would not be sent to ukraine but would go to hungary, the baltics if asked. nato allies began committing heavy equipment bombers and warships to the build-up to protect nato's eastern flank. putin is showing no signs of deescalating. he's sent more troops and equipment in recent days to ukraine's border. now nato is preparing for what comes next. charles? >> thanks. is all of this enough to deter russia? here's commander lippold. you think of crimea, you think how vladimir putin was able to walk in and take it despite the threats. are we on the cusp of seeing something similar now? when you look at it, putin has shown a propensity for taking land. he's aided the rebel forces. 525 miles from moscow to kiev. the bottom line is he sees no penalty. he sees this ascending a strong signal that i'm not going to have something like a western capitalist democracy on my western flank that could threaten my ability to rule my country with an iron fist. >> there's records that the biden administration is saying hey, your concerns about ukraine becoming a member of nato are premature. it's not going to happen. if it did, it would happen a long time from now. he brought up democracy. all weekend long, i'm thinking why. we understand crimea, how important they were strategically. why go through a possible military cost of personnel and money and then the following financial considerations. what is the main reason, commander, that vladimir putin would want ukraine? >> i think he wants ukraine because it will provide him with a buffer state. putin has never forgiveen the solve yet union to collapse. he sees that of the greatest down fall of a greater russia itself. he wants to create the conditions where these countries can join in a coalition to maintain their power base. in reality, that isn't going to happen. putin as a dictator in that part of the world is not a matter of if but when. russia will be part of a larger community of nations in that area. they're going to eventually have to work together. it may be decades before they get there because of what putin is doing today. >> martha: so i look at the military forces, the comparison between ukraine and russia. three million to one million troops. fighter attack jets, 67 to 1,500. attack helicopters, 34 to 538. tanks 2,000 to 13,000. it's obvious they're outmanned. even with the resources that we sent and albeit a lot of folks believe the administration was late on sending in the proper military equipment, if they decided to go to war, it wouldn't be a long war, would it? >> the purpose if they go to war is going to move quickly, get in to kiev, knock it down, take the government out and then back out, which would allow europe having to rebuild the country, get a government back in place and do it in a manner that may not appear threatening. when you look at the nato alliance, i understand what john kirby was saying. here's the bottom line. we have nato allies today that are not helping nato in the power projection necessary to keep ukraine safe. principally germany. they cannot be relied upon. the baltic states are terrified that we do not show and demonstrate that we don't stick up for them, nato may start to crack. that is true for poland, hungary and romania. we need to maintain that rock solid. germany needs to step up. >> i saw a report on the countries that were sending planes. noticeably absent is germany obvious relying on that's gal from germany. a lot of states are on top of each other. thanks, commander. appreciate it. >> thank you, charles. >> tensions over there sending stocks win sawing over here. at one point, the dow jones was 1,000 points. made an amazing comeback. we're going to have more on your money and where it stands with this cry it is as it escalates. the houston police chief naming the suspect in the ambush shooting of a deputy constable. the head of the precinct correcting anyone who calls this a "attack." he says it's murder, brutal murder. he's coming up. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. i always dreamed of having kids of my own. ♪ ♪ now i'm ready for someone to call me mom. at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. i always had a connection to my grandfather... i always wanted to learn more about him. i discovered some very interesting documents on ancestry. this is the uh registration card for the draft for world war two. and this is his signature which blew me away. being able to... make my grandfather real... not just a memory... is priceless. his legacy...lives on. as a business owner, your bottom line is priceless. is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business: powering possibilities. >> charles: wall street investors had their heads spinning. the down was down over 1,000 in part to escalating tensions with russia and ukraine. more so over these worries of inflation, run-away inflation, interest rates ahead of the federal reserve meeting on wednesday. just not sure what to make of it all. we want to bring in kenny paulcari. we're down big time this morning. this market cracks. everyone is making wagers on how low it will go. everyone is moving out of the way. what was that all about? was the cherry -- there's no new news per se. although everything else that we've been worried about got worse. >> right. so it was comments out of goldman and morgan over the weekend that they thought it could get worse than what they originally thought. number 2, we have the fed meeting this weekend. the fed has gone into quiet mode now and have not said a word. you haven't heard anything from the fed the last couple days. that just sets it up for what do they think which way it will go. toss in the geo political stuff, whether it's russia and ukraine, concerns over what china will do with taiwan after the olympics or what is happening between yemen and the united arab emirates. that adds to the fire. the nervousness and angst. you saw europe down 2% at 6:00 a.m. suddenly went down 3% as we were getting ready to open. boom, felt like the bottom was bottoming out and it felt like today was a capitulation day. this was it in the old day, but yet -- >> charles: last year the worst we saw the draw down on the market was 5%. so to see 4% across the board today on 14% for i think the nasdaq all total, this snow ball is quickly becoming a boulder, if you will. people are getting out of the way. what about the lack of confidence and the ability to fix these things? how much is that weighing on this market? >> i think that is weighing -- that is weighing on some investors minds. that's why they're saying why am i going to move in front of this freight train. the big worry is will the fed fix this. seems like they're behind the eight ball right now. we traded -- the s&p traded down to 4,222. that is a list where the resistance and tested and resistance and popped through and came support and we traded down. when we did, that is when you saw the market start to settle in. then they started coming after them, which was great, a lot of bargain hunting in there. i don't think it means that the turbulence is over. >> charles: the turbulence is probably here to stay. it's about finding a bottom. we have the huti situation last week. that helped spike crude oil prices. they settled down a little bit. feels like gasoline will go a lot higher. the oil part of this story, particularly when you look at the players from russia to iran, to now the huthi rebels. are we talking guyer gasoline prices? >> j.p. morgan put a $150 target. expect if the invasion happens, it will go to 150. one way or another, i still think demand is so strong that gas prices will go higher. don't forget, the united states in the northern hemisphere will be coming out of winter. the summer driving season. so demand is going to be up especially we're getting through this omicron and people are dieing to get out. >> charles: it's too bad we don't allow our country to drill more. we have so much. thanks. thanks, my friend. meanwhile, a man hunt underway in texas apartment a deputy constable is shot dead in a traffic stop. houston police releasing a photo of the suspect and asking for help. the head of the precinct is here. >> these are not assaults or attacks. these are brutal murders. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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[limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> charles: another child caught in the cross fire. coming up, a chicago pastor that says the city leaders are not doing enough to stop it. we're back with him in second 0 seconds. with your finishing touches. with aisles of ways to refresh and restyle. for whatever style you're feeling. at prices you're really feelin. shop the lowe's bath style & save event now in-store and online. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ super emma just about sleeps in her cape. but when we realized she was battling sensitive skin, ♪ ♪ we switched to tide hygienic clean free. it's gentle on her skin, and out cleans our old free detergent. tide hygienic clean free. hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin. >> charles: hundreds of nypd officers are lining the streets of new york city to mourn the loss of one of their own. 22-year-old jason rivera was killed in the line of duty during an ambush shooting in harlem. his partner was shot in the head and is fighting for his life from the hospital. now the texas on a suspect has been named after a houston deputy was shot and killed in a traffic stop sunday. we'll be speaking to harris county constable ted hipp coming up. first to casey stegall. casey? >> houston police say they know who killed one of the city's constables over the weekend, this is a big development. they say they're closing in on him. first, more on the back story. it was early sunday morning when corporal charles galloway was initiating a traffic stop in the southwest part of houston when the white toyota avalon that he pulled over came to a stop. authorities say the driver hopped out and opened fire on the constable still inside his vehicle. the driver that was just identified as 51-year-old oscar rosales who fled the scene. now a man hunt is still underway for him. we can tell you that they have recovered the toyota and also arrested two family members charging them with campering with evidence. here's the city's police chief not long ago. listen. >> we have video evidence of him shooting our constable. i want everybody to get in to the fight of finding him. this is our community. >> officials say there was nothing that they could do sadly for corporal charles galloway that died at the scene. fellow law enforcement gathering at the hospital to pay respects as the ambulance carrying the body of their comrad passed by. corporal galloway's car riddled with bullets. you can see the windshield blown out. the 47-year-old had been with the constable's office, that particular precinct, more than 12 years. despite his seniority, he volunteered to work the night shift just so that he could help train new recruits. he volunteered to do that shift, not to desirable. he survives by a daughter and a sister. charles? >> charles: thanks, casey. i want to get right to my next guest, harris county constable ted heath. what can you tell us about the search for the shooter? how is that going so far? >> as we just released in a press conference, the shooter has been identified. he is still at large. we're to the point now to whereby bringing in the public, we feel we are going to close that net around him. with the houston police department leading this investigation, which is enabling me to spend time with the family and to grieve with the men and women of this department here, i'm very confident that we'll have this wrapped up shortly. >> charles: this constable was committed to not just doing his job but making sure that his fellow officers had proper training by taking this particular shift and training younger officers. what is his family saying to you right now? you visited with them. what are they saying? >> his family is grieving, as you can expect. this is a horrible thing. they are just very, very thankful that the family in blue, the police department across harris county, the city of houston, i've been in contact with the federal authorities, with our state authorities, with the governor abbott of texas. everybody is joining together. this man will not escape. and because of that, they feel confident in the fact that there's justice for loved ones. right now they're grieving. we're just trying to pull together as a family. this was a horrific, a horrific scene. it was nothing short of an execution. >> charles: constable, you were blunt about this being a brutal murder. i felt -- i think a lot of people probably do, that you weren't just talking about this incident in particular but the need to start talking about these things in real terms so things can curb these actions. as a citizen, i feel the police are never given the proper respect by the media with respect to the dangers that they go through every day. we hear about s.u.v. violence, we hear about gun violence. no. this is human being violence and perpetrated against the people that keep us safe. what is going through your mind? why is it so important for you to be so blunt? >> i lived this going on four decades. i have seen our communities change. i've seen the disregard for human life and how that has become more prevalent. i'm no different than anybody else. i'm a father and a grandfather. i want to be able to raise my children and see my grandchildren raised in a community that is safe. right now that is not the case. we need to be able to unite together and to say as the possible, to say as the people who, you know, elect our officials that this is no longer acceptable. that we will no longer tolerate this. we understand in law enforcement that 98% of the people support us. but it's the 2%, the 2% that make it so difficult. it's not a job that is easy. >> charles: they make it difficult for their all the communities, not just the police. i have less than a minute. i don't want to let you go. i'm reading there were 120 deaths in the line of duty. there's a dozen ways that police officers in houston were killed or died in the line of can youty. just only 73 were gun fire. you had an automobile crash, vehicular assault. you know, just -- just gives you a sense of the risk that the men and women in blue go through every day. i'll give you the final word. >> you're so correct. unfortunately we just experienced a death of a sergeant with our sheriff's department last night. just one on top of another. this is by a suspected individual who was driving while intoxicated. so i mean, whether or not you're trying to direct traffic, whether or not you're just trying to executed a traffic stop or responding to a family violence call, the threat is out there. these officers know and they still go into this job to protect the public that they live in. >> charles: constable, we grieve with you and the family. let they them know that. we appreciate and your follow officers. thank you. >> thank you, charles. >> charles: peter doocy pressing jen psaki on the crime crisis. he's coming up. plus -- >> how many more will it take before our leaders wake up? you know what? they will never wake up. you know why? they don't care. but we do. >> charles: the chicago pastor sounding off after an eight--year-old girl was shot in the head. the latest in a string of children shot to death there. the pastor is here. ukraine calling our state department's move to evacuate u.s. citizens premature. so what is the state department saying? we'll have the latest. >> charles: as crime surges, children are getting caught in the cross fire. in chicago, 8-year-old melissa ortega was killed over the weekend after being hit by a stray bullet. my next guest says the city leaders are not doing enough. new beginnings church pastor talks to me now. we reached out to mayor lori lightfoot. she was unavailable. pastor, thanks for joining us. you know, chicago, the murders, we've been talking about this well over a decade. the story, seems to get worse every year. you're in the heart of it. what is going on there? >> well, we continue to see rampant unhearted and wickedness and criminals taking possession of everything that they can. seems like everything is out of control in our city. it's unfortunate. we have a beautiful city. i want to bring as much attention to the violence of chicago until we do something about it. it all starts with leadership. we have to do a better job. >> charles: what would you like to see from leadership? >> one, we have to get these individuals that are likely to be shot or likely to be shooters. we definitely need to get them alternatives and opportunity. for those that want to accept them or those that don't want to accept them, unfortunately they need to be locked up and put away. we have a lot of criminals on the street, serial criminals perpetuaing violence every day. now children being shot and killed. last week we had six children being shot and killed. if that went on in any other community, there would be total outrage. this is the type of chaos that we're seeing in chicago. now an 8-year-old girl being shot and killed. >> charles: pastor, why is it the popular thing now to have so much sympathy for the criminals? we have sympathy for people that grew up against the odds and have more hurdles to clear. these sort of criminals who are like career criminals, they've been in and out of jail nine, 10, 12 times. that i have rap sheets. why so many efforts to let them out of jail so they don't post bail? they reach deadly havoc on the communities that purportedly folks that feel bad from them are trying to keep safe. >> i believe the protests by the organizations that claim to help black community have added to the fact that you have a lot of those that are in the a little profession, especially like prosecutors that don't want to prosecute to the fullest extent. they feel they're going to lose votes. those that claim to be helping the black community is very unfortunate that their protests, their propaganda is doing nothing but crippling us. we have to continue to leave in these communities and deal with the criminals every day. the truth of the matter is, someone needs to make sure the criminals are prosecuted and taken off the streets. we need to do it and do it now. >> charles: and they have to be kept off the streets. i grew up in harlem. i saw people commit assault, knife, gun, anything. six months later, they're back on the street. you're never going to tell the police, you're never going to cooperate with the police if that's the situation. you live in fear all the time. i whatn't to point out your rooftop protest. this is how you rose to prominence. you had a 94 day protest against a run-down hotel. they tour it down and going to make a $23 million state of the art community center. you've done amazing things already. how is this galvanizing the community? how many people are behind you and how can we grow it? >> we have a whole community behind us and a city and a country behind us. thanks to fox to express our point of views. we're on rooftop revelations every day. people have gone to they've sen money and letters. our city is behind us and our neighborhood is behind us. we know that we are needed in this community to transform from being called 0 block, named after a gang member to security block. that's what needs to happen in this dangerous corner of the city we list in. >> charles: thanks, pastor brooks. we'll check on you again. god bless you. >> thank you. god bless you. >> charles: so some heat at the white house briefing with peter doocy pressing jen psaki on the president's action on all of this crime. peter joins us now. he's at the white house with the very latest. peter, had a ruckus, huh? >> you'll see the clip in a second. a lot of biden officials have been trying to focus on voting legislation. but a new poll shows that voter suppression is near the bottom of things that people care about. inflation and crime are at the top. over the weekend, we heard democratic members of congress talking about that. here at the white house, the president has talked about the pandemic ten times more than crime. officials are starting to blame the rise in crime on guns and covid. there's no plan to start doing things any differently. >> crime is a 25 year high. would he consider trying something different? >> trying something other than supporting a massive funding effort, working to support community policing programs and police departments across the country? i think most people that want to fight crime would agree that is the right approach. >> so they're basically saying that think crime was on the rise when they took over and they have no plan to change the crime fighting strategy in place when they took over even though the violent crime and the murder rates are trending upwards. we expect to hear from the president in about 20 minutes. it's unclear if it's going to come up or what they focus on what they say he will, rising prices and inflation. >> charles: peter, people that are victims of this don't care who is responsible. they just want solutions. forget the finger pointing. >> there's so much focus on covid from this administration because of the risk that it presents and as presented to the american public. crime and murder presents a risk to the american people as well. we have not seen the president spend nearly enough -- as much time on crime as he has on covid. >> charles: peter doocy, thanks so much. meanwhile, the ukraine ripping the state department for urging u.s. citizens to evacuate there. how is the state department responding? meantime, inflation soaring. president joe biden minutes away from a meeting focused on lowering prices. are more government moves the right answer? some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> charles: the state department doubling down on the embassy draw down after the ukraine called the move premature. benjamin hall has the very latest from the state department. benjamin? >> a fair amount of criticism about the u.s. to draw all embassy out of kiev. the ukraines are instilling fear and panic that putin wants to instill. they're drawing down all family members in kiev and placing do not travel warning on the country. they also continue to say that they do not know how many americans are in the country. >> we do not have an account that we consider to be accurate of the number of americans, private americans that are residents in ukraine. >> department officials continue to insist that they don't know either whether putin plans to invade but he is ready to do so and if that happens, the u.s. would be unable to evacuate and save their own citizens. they have warned russia about threats to americans. >> we have made it abundantly clear to the russians, the priority we attach to the safety and security of the american people. >> the u.s. delivered about 80 tons of weapons totalling $200 million. more will arrive. it's not the hardware that the ukraines say that they need are air and missile defenses. it's not hard to think about afghanistan when they don't know how many americans are in country. what the state department is doing is acting in caution rather than when it's too late. as you pointed out, there's countries saying this was the wrong move at a time when u.s. needs to show its strength. charles? >> charles: with that, i'd like to bring in -- by the way, the state department is reiterating that de -- diplomacy is the best way forward. christian, you served several administrations. you understand this better than anyone else. is this the right move right now? it's interesting that ukraine would be critical of it. >> yeah, i don't think it's the right move at this point. because as you mentioned, afghanistan just happening. u.s. citizens in ukraine are not looking to the u.s. government for a lot of wisdom on whether or not to get out by removing family members, diplomats and suggesting that other americans leave the country, not just the eastern part. i think it does send a signal of panic and weakness. >> charles: does it say hey, if something were to happen, again, going back to retreat from afghanistan, that is something that -- we already told you we didn't know. we don't have any idea because they were criticized for not having the information during that retreat. >> it does sound like that. ned price said we have imperfect information on what is in the country and go to this website and register. so they're trying to basically, you know, ensure themselves against criticism. >> charles: ukraine saying the money is fine but we need hard way. how much hardware do they need? i'm hearing and reading that it's too late to get them all of the resources that they would need. >> it's far too late. russia has a military of one million people. this is not grenada or panama or iraq. a very serious nuclear armed country. frankly sending the entire force of the u.s. military would be insufficient. this is a real problem throughout this crisis. the idea of fighting in the eastern ukraine or the black sea has not occurred to the national security bureaucracy. >> charles: what would their role think? >> the white house thinks they're clever and signalling allies of our re-assurance. that's what they're telling people. in reality, it's a joke. 8,500 guys against a million man army. the russians, the russians with a lot of heavy material, heavy tanks. if you look at nato, it's not unified. nato knows it's not unified. the germans are not going along with what the u.s. would want. spain, italy that have no interest in fighting russia. >> charles: thanks, christian. >> thank you. >> charles: with prices going up, president joe biden about to hold a meeting on ways to bring them down. will any of this stop the polls from dropping down? 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they bring us life. i hope with this plan together? >> you put $8 billion in the pocket of electric park micah carmakers but you can't get truckers parking spots. it's interesting how the hours worked so they drive for 11 and rest for ten to come up that's pretty much how i work as well. but i want to talk about female drivers, looking at statistics, we need to get more than 8% of women in trucking. that statistic needs to improve and more trucks on the world as well. >> of the market was all over the place today, steve. it seemed like dual messages. one concern about the inflation problem that you brought up to feds that, but also sort of oversold. what's the likelihood that we should be watching us market now, sort of as a barometer? i think it sent as a shock wave that we should pay attention to today. >> it's a great question. i lived through the 1970s and i think that you did it, too. the 70s was the worst decade since the 1930s for the stock market. and you're a little younger than i am. but my point is, there is this mythology on the street that somehow high inflation, while in the short term it increases profits but in the long and medium term, inflation is not just bad for consumers and bad for stocks as well. >> over the weekend i saw a threat by kellogg's, they ran out of everything. how do you fix something like this, how do they turn something like this around? >> and don't forget, mcdonald's and starbucks are cutting back their hours, you can't go through the drive-through at midnight if you have this french fry cravings but talking about kellogg's, companies like kellogg's like the other consumer brands like procter & gamble are able to raise prices in this inflationary environment and they been rewarded by the stock market. so inflation's shortages are helping companies that have pricing power like kellogg's and definitely p&g. >> procter & gamble is one of the biggest winners out there. i wanted to let everyone know that we did reach out to kellogg's for a statement. across consumer goods, manufacturing and retail since the pandemic began in march of 2020. throughout this time, we have seen higher at-home consumption consumption and increased demand for our beloved and trusted brands including frosted flakes, that's me. they say they've been experiencing a challenge for the entire food chain. >> you're a tony the tiger guy, right? >> they are also going on to say this affects every community and they are also always looking out for the shoppers as best they can, it will be persistent. susan and steve, thank you very much. we really appreciate it. also folks, you've got to watch tomorrow, it really was a crazy end of the market today. one of the wildest i've seen, sort of like those football games over the weekend. and now, "the five" starts. musical medical >> dana: hello, everyone, my dana perino along with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford jr., greg gutfeld and jesse watters. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." it was a buddy we can for law enforcement across the country. liberal crime policy is facing intense new scrutiny after several police officers were gunned down. the nypd isn't grieving the loss of rookie officer jason rivera's who was shot and killed responded to a depth like a domestic dispute. his partner is not

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Unit , Adams , For Today , Crime Increase , Police , The Story , 2020 , U S , Eastern Ukraine , Greater Russia , Thanks , Evening , Show , Monday , Monday January 24 , 24 , State Department , Nato , Troops , Invasion , Investors , Edge , 8500 , Charles Payne , World , More , Pentagon , Pentagon Briefing , Points , Session , Dow , Jennifer Griffin , Neil Cavuto , 1000 , Duty , Order , Military Units , Range , Lloyd Austin , John Kirby , Matter , Forces , Families , Numbers , Alert , Secretary , Response Force , Personnel , Requests , Todd Walters , Nrf , 40000 , Alliance , Deterrent , States , Allies , Front Line , Signal , Responsibilities , Mr , Putin , Equipment , Build Up , Signs , Warships , Bombers , Hungary , Baltics , Eastern Flank , Border , Deescalating , Commander Lippold , Wall , Crimea , Something , It , Threats , Cusp , Propensity , Bottom Line , Kiev , Land , The Rebel Forces 525 , 525 , Democracy , Ability , Flank , Capitalist , Penalty , Country , Administration , Joe Biden , Concerns , Ukraine , Records , Member , Iron Fist , Military Cost , Money , Commander , Buffer State , Considerations , Reason , Union , Down Fall , Countries , Part , Conditions , Reality , Isn T , Power Base , Coalition , Dictator , Community , Nations , Area , Comparison , Martha , Attack Helicopters , Fighter Attack Jets , 34 , 1500 , 538 , 67 , Three Million , One Million , Lot , Resources , Folks , Tanks , Military Equipment , Sending , 13000 , 2000 , It Wouldn T , War , Purpose , Government , It Down , Europe , Long War , Place , Manner , Government Back , Germany , Power Projection , Ukraine Safe , Baltic , Rock Solid , Poland , Romania , Top , Each Other , Planes , Obvious , Report , Gal , Point , Stocks , Tensions , Sawing , Comeback , One , Deputy Constable , Houston , Precinct , Suspect , Ambush Shooting , Anyone , Head , Police Chief , Attack , Cry , Murder , Cooking , Interest , Heart , Hello , Idaho Potatoes , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Obsessed , Someone , Seal , Mom , Grown In Idaho , Kids , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Grandfather , Connection , Documents , Signature , Registration Card , Memory , Ancestry , Draft , World War Two , Uh , Two , Legacy , Pay , Mind , Comcast Business Mobile , Data , Data Plans , Business Owner , Service , Gig , Network , Term , Internet , Business , Comcast Business , Contracts , Customers , Line Activation Fees , Powering Possibilities , 00 , 500 , Wall Street , Down , Heads Spinning , Inflation , Meeting , Interest Rates , Worries , Federal Reserve , Dana Perino , Market Cracks , Big Time , Kenny Paulcari , Everything , Way , Comments , News , Cherry , Per Se , Number , Word , J P Morgan , Mode , Goldman , 2 , Anything , Toss , You Haven T , Olympics , Geo Political Stuff , China , Taiwan , Fire , Yemen , Nervousness , Angst , United Arab Emirates , 3 , 6 , Bottom , Boom , Market , Draw , 14 , 5 , 4 , People , Things , Snow Ball , Confidence , Boulder , Lack , Nasdaq , Minds , Front , Fix , Worry , Freight Train , List , Resistance , Ball , S P , 4222 , Eight , Turbulence , Bargain Hunting , Crude Oil Prices , Gasoline , Bit , Feels , Huti Situation Last , Story , Oil , Rebels , Players , Iran , Huthi , Another , Gasoline Prices , Target , One Way , Guyer , 50 , 150 , Demand , Gas Prices , Winter , Summer Driving Season , Don T Forget , Northern Hemisphere , Man Hunt , Texas , Omicron , Friend , Apartment , Dieing , Traffic Stop , Help , Murders , Attacks , Assaults , Photo , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Car Insurance , Limu Emu Squawks , Limu Emu , Doug , Thirty Four , Liberty , Limu , Personal Record , New York City , Leaders , Pastor , Chicago , Coming Up , Cross Fire , Prices , Ways , Restyle , Aisles , Style , Event , Touches , Finishing , Save , Lowe S , Bath Style , 0 , Safe , Super Emma , Skin , Detergent , Cape , Hypoallergenic , Tide Hygienic , Hundreds Of Nypd , Officers , Partner , Line , Jason Rivera , Fighting , Life , Loss , Harlem , Streets Of New York City , 22 , Ted Hipp , Hospital , Harris County , Deputy , Traffic Stop Sunday , Weekend , Constables , Back Story , Development , First , Casey Stegall , Corporal Galloway , Stop , Driver , Avalon , Authorities , Toyota , Sunday Morning , Scene , Oscar Rosales , Vehicle , 51 , Family Members , Evidence , Video Evidence , Campering , Officials , Constable , Everybody , Fight , Nothing , Respects , Ambulance , Body , Law Enforcement Gathering , Comrad , Office , Car , Bullets , Windshield , Seniority , 47 , 12 , Shift , Train , Recruits , Daughter , Sister , Night Shift , Shooter , Guest , Press Conference , Search , Ted Heath , Public , Houston Police Department , Family , Women , Department , Men , Investigation , Job , Training , Thing , Police Department , Grieving , Blue , Governor , Estate , Man , Contact , Fact , Horrific , Justice , Loved Ones , Need , You Weren T , Execution , Incident , Respect , Media , Terms , Citizen , Actions , Dangers , Violence , Gun Violence , Suv Violence , Human Being , Four , Communities , Human Life , Anybody Else , Disregard , Father , Case , Children , Grandchildren , Law Enforcement , 98 , Police Officers , Deaths , Assault , Automobile Crash , Gun Fire , Can Youty , 120 , 73 , Risk , Death , Sense , Individual , Traffic , Sergeant , Sheriff , Department Last Night , Threat , Family Violence Call , Peter Doocy , Follow Officers , Crime Crisis , Jen Psaki , They Don T Care , Citizens , Move , Latest , String , Old Girl , Crime Surges , Hit , Melissa Ortega , 8 , Lori Lightfoot , Stray Bullet , New Beginnings Church Pastor Talks , Criminals , Possession , Control , Wickedness , Rampant Unhearted , Leadership , Attention , Starts , Don T , Individuals , Shooters , Shot , Opportunity , Away , The Street , Criminals Perpetuaing , Type , Outrage , Chaos , Old Girl Being , Six , Sympathy , Odds , Times , Career Criminals , Jail , Efforts , Hurdles , Rap Sheets , 10 , Nine , Protests , Organizations , Bail , Havoc , Profession , Extent , Prosecutors , Propaganda , Claim , Votes , Streets , Truth , Gun , Knife , Fear , Situation , Rooftop Protest , Whatn T , Prominence , Hotel , 94 , Galvanizing , State Of The Art Community Center , 23 Million , 3 Million , Views , Fox , Rooftop Revelations , Security Block , City , Neighborhood , Letters , Projecthood Org , Gang Member , Corner , God Bless You , Pastor Brooks , Crime , President , White House , Action , Briefing , Heat , Ruckus , Poll , Voter Suppression , Second , Clip , Voting Legislation , Members , Congress , Plan , Pandemic , Rise , Covid , High , Guns , 25 , Ten , Effort , Funding , Police Departments , Approach , Community Policing Programs , Murder Rates , Crime Fighting Strategy , 20 , Don T Care , Focus , Pointing , Solutions , Finger , Victims , Some , Memories , Kitchen , Inflation Soaring , Nm Com Charles , Advisor , Embassy , Criticism , Benjamin , Amount , Benjamin Hall , Placing , Warning , Account , Plans , Residents , Russians , Safety , Priority , Security , Hardware , 00 Million , 200 Million , 80 , Acting , Doing , Missile , Defenses , Caution , Air , Diplomacy , De , Strength , Christian , Administrations , Anyone Else , Afghanistan , Whether , Wisdom , Weakness , Diplomats , Panic , Idea , Information , Ned Price , Retreat , Sound , Website , Register , Military , Reading , Panama , Grenada , Problem , Force , Crisis , Iraq , Bureaucracy , Black Sea , Signalling , Re Assurance , Role , Man Army , Material , Joke 8500 Guys , A Million , Spain , Germans , Italy , Polls , I Don T , Chances , Bull Rider , Turn , Tex , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 Dollars , 665 , Medicine , Healthcare System , Record , Hang On , Mass General Brigham , Research , Hospitals , Centers , Doctors , Physicians , Biotech Innovates , Boston , Harvard Medical School , Five , Care , Ones , Brigham , One Mass General , Money Manager , Judith , Fisher Investments , Money Managers , Wave , Investments , Commissions , Commission Products , Client , Client Portfolios , Fiduciary , Act , Clients , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Yep , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Majority , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , 7 , 1 , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Lump , Reaction , Changes , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Prescription , Healthcare Provider , Fox Poll , Won T , Price Spikes , Go Away , 40 , Susan Li , Steve Moore , Growth , Needle , Reserve , Look , 90 , Trading , Curve , Rate Hikes , Broader S P , Over The Edge , Conundrum , Words , Out Of My Mouth , Unemployment Claims , Unemployed , Increase , Gains , Environment , Rates , Production , Sales , Kind , Making , Somebody , Me Charles , What S Going On , Analysis , Oil Gas , Natural Gas , Power , Rush , Re Empowering Peden , Big Way , Price , Natural Gas Industry , Fossil Fuels , Truckers , Parking , Problems , Pages , Page , Rescue , Infrastructure Bill , 2300 , Nowhere , Products , Trucker , Somewhere , Trucking , Pete Buttigieg , Shortage , Course , 30000 , Milk , Supply Chain Problem , Grocery Store , Wife , Half , Eggs , Food , Merchandise , Store , Shelves , Survey , Gas Charting Stations , Thought , Rest , Truckers Parking Spots , Pocket , Electric Park Micah Carmakers , Billion , 8 Billion , 11 , Statistics , Trucks , Drivers , Needs , Inflation Problem , Likelihood , Shock Wave , Messages , Oversold , Feds , Barometer , Concern , Stock Market , Question , The 70s , 1930 , 1970 , 70 , Street , Mythology , Consumers , Profits , Kellogg S , Companies , Starbucks , Consumer Brands , Procter Gamble , Mcdonald S , Winners , Shortages , Pricing Power , Statement , Consumption , Retail , Consumer Goods , Reach Out To Kellogg S , March Of 2020 , Brands , Food Chain , Challenge , Frosted Flakes , Tony The Tiger Guy , Shoppers , Dana , End , Wildest , Football Games , Jeanine Pirro , Buddy , Harold Ford Jr , Jesse Watters , Greg Gutfeld , Crime Policy , Scrutiny , Domestic Dispute , Depth ,

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