Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

>> lots of grieving in harlem grieving the life of a 22-year-old n.y.p.d. cop who has shot in harlem. this is what we know about how it unfolded. it happened last night around 6:00. investigators responding to a call from a woman who said she was fighting with her son. two n.y.p.d. cops enter the back room to speak to the man. he kicked over the door and ambushed them, killed one man and the other in critical kin. jason rivera joined in 2020, a husband, father and a son. with violence against officers on the rise, investigators are calling for help. >> our hearts are broken, we're in shock. our knees are buckling and we're angry because we've been here before. we're angry because we saw it coming. we're angry because we said it was going to happen and it lapped happened again. a horrible tragedy here. this is the gunman on the screen identified as 47-year-old lashaun mcneil. he was shot and critically wounded by a third n.y.p.d. officer last night as he tried to run out of the apartment after he opened fire himself. and that mcneil was on probation for a felony drug charge and arrested nearly a half dozen times over the past several years for a variety of offenses. moore has been with the n.y.p.d. and remains in the hospital this morning and investigators say he has several cops and family by the bedside hoping he'll be able to pull through. and just this month. five n.y.p.d. officers have been shot and violence keeps rising. alvin bragg has been criticized for many soft on crime and put out a statement saying that violence against officers in new york city will not be tolerated. they'll be visiting the precinct for both of the officers shot. we'll get you latest as soon as we get it. jacqui: president biden backing more funding for police during his address at the nation mayor's conference, but his actions could be contradicting his words. >> the latest for us. >> violent crime was the discussion of the conference of mayors. and he tried to stay on message with his personal belief that police departments should be well-funded. here is what he said. >> we shouldn't be cutting funding for police department. i proposed increasing funding. look, you know, we ask cops to do everything. >> of course, that fouls out-- that falls out of line with progressives who called to dismantle police department. and republicans said what he said falls out of line with respent actions. >> chuck grassley condemning an executive order they say would limit nonlethal police resources like armored vehicles and flash bang devices, and wrote, police officers will face a grime reality, if their life saving equipment is kept from them. and the press secretary jen psaki said yesterday the administration previously held back on executive action in the hopes of passing bipartisan legislation. jacqui. jacqui: alexandria huff, thank you for that report. griff, over to you. griff: with more on the relentless crime crisis gripping cities across america and what happened in new york city, let's turn to ted williams, a former washington d.c. police officer, ted. we wish we had you here for a better reason, but we don't. tragedy striking in new york last night. your reaction this morning? >> griff, let me if i can offer my deepest condolences to the family of jason rivera, this 22-year-old rookie of the new york police department who made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life for his city. and let me also send out prayers to wilbert morrow, another police officer there in new york who is clinging for his life. you know, griff, you and i have unfortunately been to this scene before. i remember in 2014, you and i covering the death of two new york city police officers, lou and ramus and at that time i thinkway both were hoping and prayer that we would never have to see this happen again, and yet, again and again in our nation we're seeing law enforcement officers gunned down. and you know, these are individuals who put on their uniform, go out and try to serve their communities on a daily basis. and griff, our hearts just have to bleed for them. griff: and ted, you raised -- that's an interesting point referring back to 2014 when lou and ramos were killed. we saw in alexis adams' report, a sound bite from the n.y.p.d. union president, angry, visibly angry, saying that we've seen this before. i think that's a reference, perhaps, directly to lou and ramos. my question is why, why does it continue to happen? why is it worse now this the fifth police officer for the n.y.p.d. shot this month? >> it happens because unfortunately, in america there is a disrespect for police officers, and it shouldn't be that way. we should take these police officers, and i'm asking individuals out there that are listening and hearing us this morning, go up and look at a police officer and hug that police officer because that police officer's doing whatever they can to serve and protect you, the members of that community. or it happens over and over because we have some low lives out here who don't give a damn about the lives of these law enforcement officers. we take the guys that shot and killed officer rivera there last night and wounded his partner. that person was in or had a glock that had been manufactured and a magazine was attached to it where he could shoot as many people as he possibly could. and he had stolen that, or the gun itself was stolen in baltimore in 2017. and then we look at these cases, griff, of where you see police officers who are using excessive force against citizens and you think that's the norm in police work, but it's not. i'm always on the side of getting individual who harm our citizens out here or should we say police officers who harm citizens, but the vast majority of these men and women put that uniform on and they respect their community and they're there driving to serve the community. we found out that officer rivera, he joined the police department because he wanted to help his community, not abuse or hurt his community. and i salute that officer. griff: ted, is there some blame for not just bragg in new york, but across the country, so many of these d.a.'s refusing to enforce the law? >> you know, that is one of the most difficult problems that we're faced with here in america today is that we have some d.a.'s, and i can name some of them. george gaston in l.a., kim foxx in chicago, you look at bragg in manhattan there, who says that he-- for certain crimes, where a gun was used, that he was not going to prosecute those people as felonies, but for misdemeanors. we have got people who are in these positions who have little or no respect and i mean these prosecutors, for people that have given the ultimate sacrifice like jason rivera, and they need to be called out and called to the carpet. griff: ted, just in the moments we have left. i want you to reflect, you raise a really important point that officer rivera was a rookie wanting to do good to protect the community. as someone who has a long history and experience as a police officer yourself, what are your thoughts now to reflect on about officer rivera? >> my thoughts are that this was a wonderful man, he was a father. he was a husband, and all he wanted to do was to serve and protect that community. and he did so as a rookie until his untimely death here. but officer rivera is representative of a lot and many law enforcement officers in america, that put that uniform on a daily basis, so, i take my hat off. certainly, again, offer my condolences. my heart is bleeding for the officer riveras all over this country that serve and protect us, griff. griff: well-said. ted williams, thank you for your insight. have a great rest of the saturday. now for lawmaker reaction to last night's deadly shooting of a new york city police officer, we're joined now by republican congresswoman from new york malliotakis. and congresswoman thank you for coming on today and an opportunity to share your thoughts on what's happened in new york city. >> it's absolutely tragic. i share so much of the sadness and frustration you heard from the police president, and ensure that we put these bad guys behind bars. repeated we've warned about it and the dangerous democrat laws are leading to more people being released and a detectives union told me that nine out of 10 people found with criminal possession of a weapon are released back on the street and 50% of people that shoot somebody are back on the street because of these laws and really, i'm begging my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, let's work together to fix our city. the mayor to his credit says he wants to do this, but it's been three weeks. we've already seen five police officers shot and one now fatally, and i pray for police officer morrow that he makes a speedy and full recovery. we're so sad about the death of police officer rivera. what you're also seeing in albany, the governor's appointed parole board releasing cop killers over and over again, a dozen in the last couple years alone. we have to change the sentiment and keep these bad guys behind bars. we can't have the policies and the district attorney who say they refuse to prosecute crime that you're not going to-- if you're caught with a, you know, drugs, they're going to-- selling drugs they'll charge you with just possession. if you do a gun point robbery they'll charge you with petty larsening. if you murder somebody, you're not going to put you in prison life without parole. those have consequences and they're playing before our eyes. griff: as we are looking on the screen, the procession for the officers shot. before i turn to you, i have to get to that in a nutshell. you say this was preventible what happened in new york city. where would you begin to make it so that it's not going to happen again? >> well, first of all, it's the messaging coming out of the politicians. you can't have district attorney saying they're not going to prosecute crimes. we need better judges. someone who shot another cop last week potentially getting out with bail despite the pleas of the district attorney, they want the person to be held without bail. better judges, but the bail law in albany is a big one. nine out of 10 people with a weapon released. >> and tensions are running on an all-time high as many people are worried that russia is about to invade ukraine. what would you apologize the administration to do? >> well, look, we need to be imposing sanctions, we need to be sending wednesday to ukraine so they can defend themselves. we need to be working with our allies, particularly in n.a.t.o., to provide support to ukraine. all of this needs to be on the front end, not after they do the invasion. we need to prevent this invasion. the only way we're going to do that is if we set a very strong tone with putin. it's 100 years since the soviet union was created and he's trying to put it back together. and everyone is watching what president biden is doing, china, iran, north korea, all of our adversaries are looking, he made a botched withdrawal from afghanistan. that was noted what a disaster that was. and seeing him red light-- green light, rather, the nord stream pipeline. this is why we're here in this position at this moment because of some of the things he's done, including reducing our energy independence and putting, helping putin fund this invasion. that's what's happening right now from our president. griff: and just in the time we have left, just 30 seconds or so, very interesting question from my colleague jacqui heinrich at the white house this past week, asking the president why he's waiting for russia to make the first move and the president of course said at that was a stupid question, and really, does it appear to you we've missed opportunities that things are headed to a place where we should have acted before puth does? >> yeah, i could tell you as a member of the foreign affairs committee, that representatives on both sides of the aisle are saying the same thing, we need to deter this. we don't, can't respond afterwards, it's going to create a lot of ramifications and we don't want to go down that route. look 2014 with the annexation crimea. and that was another with obama administration, and bad foreign policy and we urge the president to be proactive and deter. griff: representative nicole malliotakis, thank you for your time. >> let's bring in democratic congressman jim hines, a member of the house financial and services committee. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. jacqui: preparations are underway for possible evacuations are americans. the white house has framed this as standard contingency planning, but we've heard monday for evacuation of embassy personnel. what does it say to you about where things stand? does it indicate that u.s. officials are hedging toward a belief that the diplomacy phase might be over here? >> yeah, look, i can only state for myself not for the officials, but on the intelligence committee, i think there's a better than every chance that putin invades ukraine. we don't know exactly what that looks like and it also means that we have limited, limited time to make that prospect particularly ugly for putin, including very specific about sanctions and really ramping up the delivery of aid for ukraine, and i tell this as a member of the intelligence committee, we'll share real-time intelligence for ukrainians. >> do you agree with your colleague nicole malliotakis, that we should be imposing sanctions now before the invasion happens, harder to do after the fact? >> i don't agree with that, right, i mean, sanctions are leverage, sanctions are if you do this, this will happen. if we make this happen, the sanctions happen now you've lost your leverage and so, no, you wait. you wait to impose sanctions until there is sanctionable behavior, but sanctions are important, but i tell myself, this is why i'm so focused on intelligence sharing and gets into ukraine. remember, the russians are the people who survived the siege of stalingrad. if you don't know about siege of stalingrad, look it up. everybody feels the pain of sanctions, but we shouldn't rely just on sanctions to deter. we need a more comprehensive threat than just sanctions. jacqui: to your point, you know, the trigger has been invasion or aggression, that's been sort of the threshold for u.s. response, but russia has continued to add troops to its border. listening to what the pentagon press secretary said yesterday. >> as i've said before, one significant key way for us to get deescalated is to get the russians, to pull some of the forces out back away from the border with ukraine. they've shown no indication for that and continue to add to the force presence there. jacqui: so we have not evidently, you know, responded in the full way that we've said we would if russia goes across to ukraine. do you think their adding force border should trigger a u.s. response? >> we've watched the them outside of ukraine for many, many weeks. i would like to see the flow of weapons into ukraine be faster. what we need to do now is deter this because if putin does go across the ukrainian border, there will be limited appetite in n.a.t.o. and the united states to fight him over this. i didn't hear my republican colleague miss malliotakis say we should send in troops. what we need to do in the next weeks making it clear to putin, but it would be devastation to the compli, but russians left afghanistan and-- part of that was by arming people in afghanistan and-- >> sir, we're running out of time about 10 seconds left. thank you for coming on and love to continue this conversation at another time and we're all hoping for the best outcome in ukraine. be right back. were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the 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include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> long awaited ice report from the biden administration now almost a month late. the report, which contains key data on ice's arrest and deportation for the fiscal year 2021 will sign a light on as record numbers are pouring into the u.s. and bill from la joya, texas. >> good afternoon to you. we're picking up where we left off just in the first three months of fiscal year 2022, there have already been half a million migrants down here at the southern border more than doubled the first three months of fiscal year 2021. take a look at video we shot in la joya, yesterday. we have a winter storm through the area, migrants showing up. and we're not seeing as many families, but we did see this family, including a little girl, one year old, from honduras. she didn't have any shoes and she was barefoot. they traveled for 25 days and the little girl almost died from hypothermia along the way. none of them get here without paying for a smuggling organization or the cartels. and they'll show up with cartel wristbands and they told us in the past they had to pay thousands of dollars to get here on u.s. soil. take a listen to what the retired ice agent had to say to us about the power of those drug cartels. >> the cartel not only controls the border of mexico in mexico, they control the country. this is the part that people don't understand. they run a parallel government in mexico. this is how powerful the cartels are. >> and then you take a look at this video right here, this is earlier this week, right here in la joya, where we saw a mixture of migrants apprehended by border patrol, a mix of runners and people who are voluntarily giving themselves up from a dh source this morning. and just from october 1st, there have been more than 157,000 migrants encounters, again, huge numbers, those numbers up 143% compared to the same time last year. back here live, the ice report with the federal government still has not released. another thing they haven't released are the official numbers for the month much december. here we are pushing into late january. they have not released the december apprehension numbers though in a federal court filing they know the numbers, they say it's about 178,000, if that turns out to be true, calendar year 2021 is going to push over two millions encounters in total at our southern border. jacqui: bill melugin for us. griff: and migrants maybe over the borders in record setting numbers, where do they get to the u.s.? mark kerkorian, mark, i believe you may be the best to answer that truth is we don't know where they're going. try to give us perspective where they go? >> it's a black box. the government isn't telling the state governments where they're going. if there are unaccompanied minors and put those words in quotes because they're accompanied by smugglers and a lot of them aren't minors. the government completes the smuggling process by paying with u.s. taxpayer money to deliver them to their relatives in the u.s. usually their parents, almost always illegal immigrants. so that's what happens to the up accompanied minors. the adults who bring kids with them, they call them family units, family migrant units, they are just basically dropped off at the bus station, i've been down to mccallum, texas, border patrol drops them off, they get tickets, sometimes nonprofits pay for, and go to wherever their relatives are, miami, denver, wherever they are. griff: you bring a great point. there is no way to track where they're going. the and sister who is running this in mcallen, there was a map in 2019 attempted to locate where the migrants are going, many of them from that northern triangle, guatemala, el salvador and honduras, we know in this unprecedented past fiscal year 2021, coming from 150 countries, mark, do you think that the government should set up a tracking system so we have a better grasp? >> well, first of all, they shouldn't be releasing all of these people, it's illegal. the law specifically says they're either supposed to be detained or wait on the other side of the line in mexico. this is remain in mexico program. if you're going to release them, yes, tracking them better and they don't do a good job of that. a lot of them instead of a court summons where if they don't show up they're ordered deported in absentia. some of them are given a hall pass to turn in to ice where their relatives are, half of them they don't bother and nobody is looking for them. we're not even using the tools that we have to try to effectively track people if we let them go which frankly we shouldn't be doing in the first place. griff: the last question in the time we've got left in the last 30 seconds, tell me what has the impact been on our schools and hospitals and the like? >> the cost is different, one state to the other. the florida numbers before it happened 2019 numbers, it cost $8600 just for education costs for each child that comes with these illegal immigrant families. now, you know the kids in school that's fine, but it's costing a lot of money and when you add medicaid cost that the illegal immigrants get certain programs, just in 2019, just those two things for illegal immigrants were $2 billion just for florida. griff: $2 billion. very insightful. mark, thank you. >> thank you. griff: coming up in the next hour we'll speak with fox news contributor and former acting director of immigration and customs enforcement tom homan. stay tuned. ] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home 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against russia-backed separatist fighters. outside of ukraine, a buildup of 125,000 russian troops, and tanks, and the latest the deployment of russian jet fighters to belarus posing a threat of possible invasion and it's got folks here concerned. take a look at what we saw. >> the ukrainian military improved a lot since it was using the soviet era tanks placed now in a kiev park. if it's going up against a state of the art russian foe, it needs a whole lot more help. >> we need the international community to help us. i'm scared we can't defend the country by ourselves. >> of course, army is ready, but not only men, but women and children are ready to stay for our country. >> now, we were also at a spirited rally in the center of kiev, parking what they called unity day when the country on paper was brought together in the last century. a lot of patriotic speeches and banners and flags, in hopes that the country doesn't get broken up again. >> thank you, griff. griff: lucas tomlinson is tracking the administration's reactions to the movements along the ukrainian border. what are you hearing about americans could be leaving ukraine as early as monday. >> that's right, griff. u.s. officials tell fox the state department is expected to announce early next week that some family members of u.s. embassy personnel in the ukraine are beginning or expected to leave the country beginning next week. now, in geneva, secretary of state tony blinken met with his russian counterpart. >> this is not negotiation, but a candid exchange of concerns and ideas. i made clear to minister lavrov there are fundamental principles that the united states and our allies are going to defend. >> in addition to the weapons shipments that greg mentioned last night u.s. officials tell that javelin anti-tank missiles from the u.s. military stock pile will begin to arrive in ukraine next week as well. and stinger missiles, u.s. supplied javelin's and use to destroy soviet armor, expected to be used during a russian invasion. and the president ruled out deploying any u.s. troops to ukraine. back here at the white house, president biden refused to answer questions about russia before leaving to camp david this weekend where he will huddle with the national security team this weekend to discuss the situation in ukraine. >> the reason we're not going to have any time for questions now is these guys got to get quickly on a plane and you guys will ask me about russia and nothing something to do with chips. >> and this week marked president biden's first year in office and it looks like the year two will begin with americans coming back. >> a trip to both russia and n.a.t.o. that's coming up next. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. welcome to allstate. where auto insurance now costs less. ♪ and savings like that follow 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think that diplomacy only has a little life left in it and i think today's meetings at camp david, with the president's advisors, are going to look at now only how do we respond for the request for a written response to russia's one-sided proposal or what more could be done to deter a russian attack. the delivery of additional weapons to the ukrainian armed forces is important. i think we could be doing more to show we mean it when we say we are going to put a buildup of n.a.t.o. troops along the border if russia goes ahead with that. we have to line up with our allies to make sure we have this robust package of sanctions really to rollout and i'm worried there is still some waiver ing on the part of our allies. jacqui: there's reports that germany is not fully on board with the swiss accounts, and the united states hasn't had the commitment that they would take nord stream two off line, but pretty confident that won't come online if that happens? . >> it's a difficult issue and always a challenge to get all 30 allies on the same page, but i think we're getting there and i think on nord stream two, the germans have clarified their position in the right way. some of the other sanctions, whether they're going to be cut off from the swiss system or whether other financial sanctions may actually have more of an impact, particularly in the short and medium term, than swiss remains to be seen. we have to settle this before the balloon goes up in ukraine and not be squabbling with our allies. >> and what are the sanctions outside of the banking system. >> and being barred from the u.s. banking system it forces others to be dealing with russian. and there are other deals, that could hurt their industries and high-tech industries, i think that the u.s. has teed up a robust package, i don't think they've put up all the details, keep the russians guessing a little bit. so, i think that, plus the continued armaments of the ukrainian armed forces and would i like to see precipitation for moving more n.a.t.o. forces along the border, i think the rushes shuns have been seeing they're paying a price and he may be prepared to endure the cost because of the determination to subjugate ukraine. jacqui: i have two other quick questions to get it, we're running out of time. you know putin as well as anybody. what's your take on russia's request, that the u.s. submit answered to their demands in writing? isn't that kind of a bit of a trap that could weaken the u.s. negotiating position and should the u.s. make those answers public given that putin could go ahead and release them anyway if we don't and try to embarrass the president here? >> yeah, it is, a little bit of a risk, but i think as long as our proposals that we put back on the table are consistent with our principles and the international system and don't cave to the unacceptable russian demands. i don't think at this point we can avoid it. but the key is to keep our allies on the same page, what is acceptable and what is not and try to steer the russians away from this completely outrageous demand to roll back the last 25 years of history, and instead, look for some technical arms control solutions and confidence building measures that could actually address concrete concerns, but continue to preserve a europe whole free and at peace. jacqui: we've been told working in close coordination with our allies is a big priority in writing these responses. we learned that yesterday. so, you know, wait for that in the coming days i suppose. thank you so much for joining us, sir, we've run out of time, but hope to have you soon, alexander vershbow. griff. >> a pleasure. griff: duelling protesters gathering near the step of the supreme court this hour as pro choice and pro-life rallies face off on the 49th anniversary of the roe vs wade decision. tensions are especially high this year as the court weighs a challenge to mississippi's 15-week abortion ban, a decision which many believe would overturn the landmark 1973 ruling. many on the pro-life steps there believe it could be their last rally before the landmark ruling is overturned. we'll be following that. and the very public battle between pop star britney spears and her kid sister jamie lynn shows no signs of stpg. we'll get the latest on that feud next. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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family feud is continuing to unfold. the pop star, britney spears lashing out at her sister and she sat down for this tell-all interview and she's done a few tell-all interviews ahead of her new memoir, but britney accused of selling her book at her expense and sent her sister a cease and desist letter, griff. griff: my question is why do we care, i have two daughters 20's and 16. and this is playing out in social media. jacqui: and we wonder how much we didn't see, when britney spears didn't have access. and they're 10 years apart, 40 and 30 and you wonder how much jamie lynn was around when britney was hitting her stride. that toxic song by the way i referenced has more than 500 million views. the little sister's living in big sister's shadow. jacqui: sure is. and funny, too, these arguments between them and making the rounds on tik tok, if you lead them in a louisiana accent, it does read differently. griff: sure do. jacqui: all right, we'll get the latest on the shooting of two n.y.p.d. officers and the crime crisis affecting big cities next. for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ jacqui: moments ago eric adams visited nypd 32nd precinct where two police officers worked that were shot last night in harlem. one of those officers is dead. the other critically wounded pictured here after responding to a domestic violence call. the suspect was shot twice by police and is also in crystal condition. welcome to fox news live i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: i'm griff jenkins, the other is 27-year-old fighting for his life. alexis mcadams joins us live from outside the harlem precinct with the latest. reporter: we saw the mayor as you mentioned talking to the officers at the precinct where the two officers shot in harlem both worked. investigators grieving loss of 22-year-old after police ambush inside of apartment and the may calling it an attack in the city of n. take a look at the video. investigators getting 911 call. 3 nypd officers went out there and two officers walked into the back room to talk to the man and that's when they say he kicked over the door and started shooting. the ambush left one officer dead and another in critical condition. nypd now identifying the officer who was killed 22-year-old jason rivera, rivera joined the department back in november of 2020. he was a husband, father and a son. with violence against officers on the rise the mayor calling for the public's help. listen. >> this was just not an attack on 3 brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york. it is an attack of the children and families of the city. reporter: police say this is the gunman that you see on the screen. identified as 47-year-old lashan mcnile, mcnile shot and wounded by third officer after he tried to run out after he opened fire. mcnile was on probation for felony, drug charge out of, no w york city and second officer wilbur mora. back out here live we can tell you this is the fifth nypd officer that's been shot so far this month as they grieve the loss of the 22-year-old and wait for update of the 27-year-old officer, police morale in the city was already very low. it's also about bragg being criticized being soft on crime. we are waiting to hear from the mayor. griff and jacqui, we will bring it back to you. griff: thank you. we are hearing from president biden on this tragedy just moments ago tweeting this. jill and i are saddened to hear two nypd officers were shot last night, one fatally. we are keeping them and their families in our prayers, officers put on the badge and head into harm's way every day, we are grateful to them and their families for their extraordinary sacrifice. when we get more, we will bring it to you, jacqui. jacqui: first shipment of u.s. lethal aid arrived in ukraine after tensions arise over two nation's borders. lucas tomlinson at the white house but first we begin with fox news senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palcok live. >> the military aid might be getting just in time. it came overnight. allotment of $200 million worth of security systems from the united states. it is basically ammunition and it's destined to frontline ukrainian troops they are facing off as we speak as russian backed separatist fighters in eastern ukraine. outside of ukraine's border this is what we have been tracking for the past several weeks. build-up of 125,000 russian troops, tanks, other hardware continues including today the deployment of russian jet fighters to nearby belarus all posing threat of a possible invasion. today we went to military part where old armaments are in display including soviet tanks and got people thinking of a looming of new war with russia and the fighting already going on. take a listen. >> i hope that it won't happen but anything is possible. >> it's 8 years since the war started and our desire to win has only increased. greg: today, jacqui, the unity day in ukraine. patriotic national holiday. a lot of people singing songs, aweing banners and hoping -- and waving banners and hoping for the best. griff: lucas, what can you tell us? lucas: u.s. officials tell state department expect u.s. embassy personnel in ukraine to begin departing as next week. after meeting russian counterpart tony blinken outlined next steps. >> foreign minister larvov agree that it's important for diplomatic process to continue. following the consultations that will have in the coming days with allies and partners we anticipate that we will be able to share with russia our concerns and ideas in more detail and in writing next week. lucas: just a few days ago blinken said there would be no written response to russian demands. no official orders has been given for families to depart ukraine in addition to weapon shipment that is arrived last night that greg mentioned, antitank missiles from the baltic states, 3 nato allies and u.s. maillot river stockpiles will begin arriving early next week as well to fortify ukrainian defenses. the defense minister of latvia says he's sending antiaircraft missiles as well. u.s. supplied challenge have been shipped in the past during trump administration back in early december president biden ruled out deploying any u.s. troops to ukraine handle the crisis. back here at the white house president biden refused to answer questions about russia before leaving with camp david where he will huddle to discus the situation in ukraine. >> the reason we are not going to have any time for questions now is because guys have to get on quickly on a plane and you will ask me about russia and not anything having to do with ships. >> this week marks first year in office, year two with tensions mounting in highest levels since cold war. griff: they are, indeed. lucas, thank you. jacqui. jacqui: america's crime crisis continues in new york city as two nypd officers were shot and killed in the line of duty one of them killed, excuse me. with us matt schlapp and richard fowler, fox news contributor. thank you both for being with us. appreciate your time. >> good to be here, jacqui. jacqui: yesterday the president addressed mayor's conference and we didn't hear him bring up crime during his address even though so many big cities are dealing with the surge we have been watching for months. the white house has resisted weighing in on policies from some district attorney who is have come under fire for downgrading or not prosecuting crimes. i want to start with you, matt, do you think the president should come out more strongly on this issue given he's had a tough time pointing distance between himself and progressives on issues like defunding police? matt: yeah, i think it's awfully regard. i mean, all politicians are against crime, all of us decent people are against problem. the problem for democrats is they embrace that radical movement of black lives matter which has as number 1 tenant defunding the cops. that somehow the cops are malignant force in the cities and the result of that is and we all predicted, those who were critical, is that you can fight racism in america without making it harder for cops to do their jobs in these cities because the victims of the increasing crime which is what we have seen over the course of the last two years will be, you know, skewed toward minority populations. and that's what we are seeing in all of the major cities. these mayors like may mayor bowser need to paint over the signs which has number 1 goal to defend cops and need to make sure there's no tolerance for crime. when you're allowed to grab and go and steal thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and culture that crime is okay and allowable because it's a racial grievance. we will have chaos and the victims will be young black kids, black families, people of color, immigrants, the madness needs to stop. jacqui: richard, go ahead and respond to that. >> well, number 1, it's nod radical to say that a black life matters, right? this is is where the debates has to start. you can say black lives matter and when we put officers on the streets we will give them resources that they need but in return for the resources we demand good policing. if you take a look at what is happening in new york city under mayor adams, that's exactly what he is saying. i will give the police everything that they need but if they do bad policing i will be a mayor that calls them on that and that's what we have to find the balance, one, we've got to say, black life does matter and we have to have right training so we see good policing in the street and three, when donald trump and republicans said we have to change the criminal justice system, democrats applauded them. now it's time to take the next step and look at the entirety of the criminal justice system, are we prosecuting right crimes and some crimes that require mental health versus putting somebody in jail and are police keeping our community safe and police need extra resources. are there calls social workers show up better than police officers, conversations that they should be having local and national level. matt: jacqui, can i say real quickly, that the organization black lives matter incorporated has its number one policy goal defunding the cops. you can't both defund the cops and then say actually cops should get more funding for training. i agree with richard they should get the resources they need but black lives matter is an organization. you cannot both endorse that organization and say you're for cops and for more funding. >> all throughout communities of collar and all throughout america whether it's black homes or white homes or hispanic homes, folks have black lives matter t-shirt, yard signs because they believe that black lives matter and you could believe that -- >> jacqui: let's pull this back for a moment because richard you touched on something that i want to dive into which is some of the policies from these district attorneys and prosecutors are trying to determine how they want to approach certain crimes and you had the manhattan da alvin bragg had to clarify what the memo meant. he -- he spoke earlier this week saying sorry for some confusion around that. we do intend to prosecute armed robberies and felonies, we won't tolerate violence against police officers but, you know, you do see a trend of prosecutors trying to decide whether they want to pair back how the justice system deals with certain crimes, historically and change it in response to the public pressure. but the other end of that, is what message does that send to police are having to enforce the laws that are not being prosecuted? matt, you first and then richard, i will have you respond. matt: yeah, look, the american conservative union which i chair is the leading voice in conservative circles on criminal justice reform but that reform does not mean that we should stop prosecuting violent crimes. that's what we are getting confused about which is this idea that if you are a violent criminal you actually do need to be in prison. do we put too many people in prison, absolutely. but when we have people who have been elected district attorneys and prosecutors in states like virginia, new york, and the other george soros' funded candidates that have basically wanted to allow violent people back out on the street and they don't want to us to prosecute the crimes, it will result in the cities dying. we will have broken blue cities and you are seeing people fleeing the cities of all colors because they are not safe. nobody wants to be murdered or carjacked and that's what's going on in the country. it's one of the reasons that joe biden and the democrats are having trouble because, yes, we are all against crime but they are the beneficiaries of this radical policy making like black lives matter which has to stop. we can all be -- >> jacqui: richard, i want to have you respond. >> this is where i will stop you. if you read very carefully the number that was released by the district attorney in new york, what you would find is this. he's saying the same thing that matt is saying, he's also saying the same thing that donald trump was saying when he was the president and passed the first step act, there are crimes that we prosecute, there are people we put in jail, they would be better serve today have drug could believer or mental health therapy, ie small drug offenses, ie, people who are crimes of desperation, mother that decides to walk into a grocery store to steal food for her children. those people don't belong in jail. those people -- that's what's in his memo. if you're saying you disagree to memo, maybe you should go back and read it. jacqui: we have a minute left, gentlemen, i do want to get to a second topic which is ukraine. without getting into a lot of the setup for this. there's debate on whether the biden administration is responding correctly right now to this threat from russia if the chance for diplomacy is over and if there should be more to be done before an invasion happens to deter that from happening. richard, to you first and then matt to you, does biden need to take a different approach, is he handling this correctly? >> where the president gets for me is he took options off the table. you want to have all our option, diplomatic or military. never do it in a public fashion. with that being said where we are right now with the sort of sanctions packet that seems to be making its way through the diplomatic channels as well as where we saw the congress, in a bipartisan saying we will do everything in our power to protect ukraine is the right direction. we have to do everything in our power to protect our nato alliance especially poland and ensure we do not put troops in the ground which is something that the american people seem to be very much against. jacqui: matt, what's your take? matt: joe biden has projected weakness, the opposite of ronald reagan of peace through strength. we told military officials kick out people that won't get a vaccine and brave marines are getting kicked out -- >> we are talking about ukraine, man. matt: white rage. it's in the white rage, it's chinese rage. that's the reason why we have a military so people fear it and instead we are focusing on all the wrong things. joe biden has failed. jacqui: we have run out of time, gentlemen. appreciate you both being here. richard fowler and matt schlapp, thank you so much. griff. griff: jackie, check local listing and they will break down press conference with former white house press secretary and "fox & friends" will cain at 11:00 eastern on fox news channel. as president biden start his second year in office, we will talk to a former acting ice director about whether this year we will' even more skyrocketing numbers of migrants entering the u.s. illegally, that's in the case. high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in 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go to and see how golo can change your life. that's jacqui: the biden administration delaying release of a key ice report on arrest and deportations for nearly a month. bill live in la joya, texas for us. hey, bill. bill: hey, jacqui, good afternoon to you. for the last couple of days we've had winter weather with borderline freezing temperatures and that has somewhat slowed down traffic when it comes the family units but the runners, they don't care what the weather is, they are always going to be showing up. take a look at the video we shot yesterday in sullivan city, ten minutes away from where we are, migrant runners that run illegally in texas and were hoping to evade border patrol. didn't work out for them. most of them they wear the dark clothing, these are the ones actively trying to get away from law enforcement and get deeper into the united states. just in the last 3 months here in the rio grande valley sector dhs sources telling fox news there have been over 157,000 migrant apprehensions. huge numbers and those number up 143% compared to same time period last year. meanwhile take a look at this video we shot earlier this week in la joya, also more migrants being apprehended. a mixture of family units turning themselves in as well as runners caught by border patrol and all this in the context of ice still has not released its fiscal year 2021 annual report. the fiscal year ended nearly 4 months ago on september 30th, here we are pushing late into january and the agency has not released report, which lists enforcement actions and deportation and numbers drastically lower during historic border surge. we talked to a retired ice agent about this and he says he gave his thoughts on why this report is being slow walked. take a listen to what he had to say. >> the got-aways are always a hard number to detect but what's important about this one is the deportation numbers that the reason it's not being released it's because there are none. the biden administration has basically disassembled systemically abolished ice. bill: it's actually the first time in a decade that ice has failed to release that annual report by the end of the calendar year meanwhile you heard him talk about got aways just here in the rio grande valley sector since october 1st, the dhs source telling fox news there have been more than 14,500 got aways just here the sector in the last few months meanwhile the activity not just limited to the southern border. some news from the northern border yesterday. border patrol in plain, washington reporting that yesterday a car full of romanians actually went flying through the border into the united states and tried to speed away. didn't work out for them, though, they were all caught and arrested by border patrol. we will send it back to you. jacqui: bill for us in texas, griff. griff: jacqui for more on the crisis of the southern border, former ice director under president trump tom homan, tom, you heard about the outstanding year-end ice report still not in and you heard from the former ice agent saying that the reason that they won't release it is because they fundamentally abolished ice, your thoughts? tom: first of all, i've said for weeks. they are not releasing the report for two reasons, number 1, they are trying to figure out how to spin the numbers. the report has been done since the middle of october. we did the report 12 years in headquarters, know the report is done by mid-october. the report sitting in the white house, they are trying to figure out how to spin it and they will not release it that on february 1st, little bit over a week, i tom homan will be testifying in court in texas in the biden administration lawsuit on how they abolished the ice mission and the report would be exhibit a. everything i have said in the past year is true. you will see less than 60,000 removals, 70% decline from last year, 80% decline from trump's last year and as far as the arrests, the arrest is going to be less than 60,000. there's 5,000 agents. if you do the math, every agent in ice made an arrest every three months, made one arrest every three months. it's devastating. it's going to be the lowest number in the history of this agency and it's going to prove what we have been saying, griff that this administration has abolitioned mission by ice. griff: i happened to tune in because i was curious to hear what he said. this didn't get much attention in the media or really where i saw. listen to a little bit of what he had to say. >> unlawful presence in the united states will alone not be a basis for an immigration enforcement action but rather we will allocate our efforts, we will allocate our resources on those individuals who present a current public safety threat, a threat to national security or a threat to our border security. griff: tom, it sounds like he's saying it's okay to illegally cross our border as long as you're a good person and don't commit any serious crimes, but what message does that send south of the border? >> it's okay to enter the country illegally. when you enter the country illegally it is a crime. he's swelling sworn officers that you can't arrest somebody for being here illegally, that's just going to be another magnet to bring people here. i tell you something else, he wants to concentrate and focus on the criminals. i guaranty you when this report gets continued the numbers will be down at least 50%. i know that. i talk to ice every day. their hands are tied. he's not the secretary of homeland security. he's a secretary of homeland insecurity. this country is less safe under his leadership and president biden. he needs to be impeached for that very statement he made telling sworn officers, ignore the law, ignore the oath you took, this is open borders and we can't stop it. griff: tom, they are also not releasing dhs won't release the december apprehension numbers. we found in a court filing it's 178,000 according to filing, if you look at first 3 months, october, november and december, the traditionally slowest months in the border last year's numbers pail in comparison to what we are seeing this year alone in the first 3 months, more than 500,000 apprehensions. what are we headed for? tom: look, the numbers will continue to rise because no consequence. there's no deterrence. they know they can cross illegally, they know they will be released and not detained. even if they get ordered, even if they show up in court which most don't and the judge orders them removed, you heard the secretary. ice can't execute the order. shut down the immigration courts. why issue -- why order -- you must leave the country when ice can't go arrest them and kick them out of the country. the secretary just said, being in the country illegally is not enough to make an arrest. why are we sending all of these people to immigration court, have a federal judge making decision to remove them but we can't remove them? it's disgusting. under president trump it was a game-changer. illegal immigration down 83%. this president is first president in history in my life in the history of this nation that came into office and intentionally and purposely unsecured the border and fentanyl cost a hundred thousand deaths and known and suspected terrorists across the border. there's half a million got aways. how many are none suspected terrorists, griff. griff: fentanyl up 134%. tom homan, we look forward to follow your testimony as we wait for the ice report, thank you, sir. jacqui. jacqui: after announcing it has plans to have schools continue remote learning indefinitely. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ griff: in flint, michigan this week public schools are turning to remote learning indefinite i will say almost 40% positivity rate is forcing them to make the call. joining me now the man who signed off on that decision, flint public schools superintendent jones, mr. jones, thank you for taking time to join us. there's been so much talk about our schools, the president saying he wants them open but you say this was a tough decision you had to make. why did you do it? >> well, we have been working with our local health officials since march 2020 when this pandemic closed down all of our schools and as we looked at the positivity rate before our break, the holiday break, it was in the 20's, it was lower but it skyrocketed and it's at 38.4% at this time and 1,232 new covid per 100,000 weekly. and we are in the middle of a surge and we did not feel comfortable as a district and school board to send our children back in those conditions. griff: mr. jones, many parents are very upset saying that you're not taking stock, not considering the psychological challenges that it poses for the children. how do you respond? >> i first want to let our families know that you're not alone. we are in this together. i too have a son in flint community schools that's in the fifth grade class and we understand the struggle, however, you know, after giving our scholars hot spots and devices to ensure that they can connect with their teachers, looking at the attendance rates go up as we are in our distance learning program, we want our families to hang in there. we are doing all we can to get those scholars back into their classrooms with their teachers as soon as possible. indefinitely does not mean that we are going until the end of the year. it means that we are watching the numbers and when this surge subsides and we begin to see a trend downward, we are making plans to get our scholars back in school. griff: where is that line that you draw to -- to open the schools back up. 38.4% now, what rate could you get at that you will change your mind and lift the virtual learning? >> well, griff, i'm not the expert in that data but i will say that we are working with our local health officials to see a trend that we were constantly at before. we went out on school break. i can't give you a definite number but we are watching the trend to go downward. and when we come together we meet every week. when we can come together and see that it is safer to bring our scholars back, that's exactly what we are going to do, griff. griff: in the last 15 seconds that i've got, what has been the response from parents, have you gotten phone calls, emails? >> i've had under 5 emails and phone calls of families who are asking me for -- to bring their scholars face to face and we have offered them another virtual option which would give them an opportunity to take care work at their schedules. the complaints were mostly about not being able to do it at the time that families have to go out and work and so we are doing all we can and we are doing the best we can to help our scholars and our families and we are providing meals every day to ensure that they eat and we are going to get our scholars back to school, thank you, griff. griff: kevelin jones, flint, michigan public schools, thank you for taking the time. >> thank you. griff: michigan parents are in an uproar over a since deleted facebook by the state's democratic party dismissing the role of parents in shaping school curriculums. joining me now is a republican candidate for michigan's governor tutor dixon, i want to talk about the facebook post but you may have gotten a chance to listen to jones in flint, michigan, your reaction? >> yes, griff, thank you so much for bringing attention to this because as you heard earlier this week the president of the united states are saying schools are open, schools aren't closed. who is going to stand up for them? we just heard the superintendent saying i don't have the data on when we can reopen. we cannot say enough. flint public schools are close today in-person learning indefinitely and where is the media darling gretchen whitmer, apparently hiding in her basement because we are not hearing her come out and stand up for students? griff: the governor's office want schools open as the president alluded to as well but my question is, we -- the year we went through last year with our kids in schools, are things headed for another difficult year there in michigan now? >> this is the fear and you have to remember that the data does show that we have higher suicide rates than we've ever had before. i heard you mention mental health. thank you so much for doing that because right now we are seeing the 3 and 5 students either know another student who has considered self-harm or suicide. we are in a situation where we are looking at life or death when it comes to keeping these schools open and flint, for example, they received the highest numbers of dollars from michigan government keeping schools open, over $155 million to that school to keep it open and now we are shutting it down. what were were the dollars going for and when are we going to say the future of michigan, our youth is the most important part of the state? in fact, we are looking at these students and we are saying kids bounce back, they are resilient. kids do not bounce back from these things. that's what the data shows us. my children, i'm a mom of 4, my children were out of school for 3 and a half months and my 10-year-old looked at me through tearful eyes and said, mom, i think this is what depression feels like. that was the first time i heard that from one of my kids. griff: hard words to hear. i want you to address the now deleted facebook post from the democratic party where they essentially said that parents shouldn't have a say in schools. they took it down. you see the purpose of public education and public and the client of the public school is not the parents but the community. are we headed tudor in michigan to what happened in virginia? >> absolutely. you're not learning -- the democratic party is not learning much from what happened in virginia. the minute terry mcauliffe came out and said parents do not belong in the public schools that was the end of the election, guess what, there's one thing that parents will stand up beyond a shadow of a doubt and that is their children and their future so to hear democrats come out and say, hey, you don't belong in public schools, that's a huge mistake. that's why they deleted the post and now parents in michigan are on high alert rightfully so and they are ready to take back their child's education. griff: gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon. thank you very much. jacqui. jacqui: now being classified as a federal hate crime by the fbi. charles watson live with the latest on that, hey, charles. charles: hi, jacqui. fbi and doj making it clear that the hostage situation last week in colleyville was an act of terrorism and -- and hate crime directed at the jewish community. this week attorney general merrick garland coming out forcefully against the alleged targeted attack. >> we will not tolerate this. we will not tolerate attacks on synagogues or other houses of worship. we will not tolerate violence or threats of violence fueled by anti-semitism, hatred, racism or bigotry of any kind. charles: authorities say 44-year-old british national malik akram's demand met definition of terrorism as he held four people hostage a week ago today. special agent in charge matt desarno saying the now deceased suspect demanded the united states release of convicted al-qaeda terrorist in exchange for the safe return of those he held hostage, officials say those demands sparked an international investigation, nearly 11 hours later the fbi says it authorized a team to go into the synagogue and use deadly force after akram's behavior became increasingly agitated. one hostage said he was terrified. >> we were constantly looking. we were constantly looking for an opportunity to leave and it was very, very hard to find an opportunity where we all could leave. charles: and the rabbi and other hostages luckily made it out safely. authorities say they are working with international partners to identify any one who was in contact with akram while he was in the colleyville area but at this hour, jacqui, it is not clear if any accomplices are or will face charges in the future, jacqui. jacqui: thank you so much. griff. griff: jacqui, could we if b at a real turning point in the covid pandemic despite widespread cases of the omicron variant? well, we will ask the top doctor pnext. ♪ ♪ ♪ teady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. jacqui: record levels of pediatric covid cases have many parents worried and wondering when omicron will reach its peak, codirector of the texas children's hospital center for vaccine development, dr. peter hotez, thank you so much, doctor, for joining us. doctor: thanks for having me today. jacqui: the data is complicated to unpack. hospitals and icu's in some states that are full even as you're seeing cases start to plateau or decline in the last 7 days and other areas indicating that omicron can be peaking in some parts in the northeast and overseas you have conflicting situation. the uk is starting to roll back restrictions and hong kong under massive lockdown. where do thing stands right now? doctor: certainly with regards to omicron it has started to decline where it first came up in northeast, new york, new jersey, washington, d.c. area. so now thankfully those cases are going down. the hope is that it continues to go down as quickly as it went up although we don't know that for certain and in the uk it's starting to stall and we have seen that before. so the best situation now in the northeast is starting to decline and that will be the beginning of a decline subsequently across the rest of the nation so as we -- by the end of february, maybe the best case scenario we will be out of the omicron wave. it may get stalled halfway down and continue for a couple of months afterwards but i'm hoping for the better scenario. jacqui: hot spots where we are seeing highest case numbers. omicron is not as deadly, hasn't been as deadly as, you know, we were seeing with prior variants but, you know, you still have a massive strain in hospitals. how -- how long do you see this sort of lingering and what can people look forward to in the post omicron world or should we be fearing that some other variant is on its heels? doctor: two points to that, one of the reasons that omicron has been awful is not only do we have huge amount of transmission, omicron is far more transmissible than anything that we have seen before but overall it produces less severity because we have knocked out a significant percentage of the workforce who is at home with omicron infection and can't come in to work, that in itself creates a dangerous situation. so that's why we are hoping this start to go down pretty quickly. and in the event let's say by march we are out of the omicron wave, what comes next? the problem is jacqui that we have failed the lowest and middle-income countries, southeast asia and parts of latin america and we have seen what's happened, the delta rose out of unvaccinated population, omicron out of africa. jacqui: we have ten seconds on a hard break. we have information on the website on where you can find vaccines. dr. hotez, thank you for joining us. doctor: thank you. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. griff: hours away from the early nfl division round of playoffs at 4:30 eastern, cincinnati bengals taking on tennessee titans in freezing tennessee game and later this evening on fox the san francisco 49ers go head to head with green bay packers and jacqui tomorrow you have a showdown in tampa bay, la rams taking on the bucks and brady's game because he's going to have to try and repeat what he did last year. i'm going to get on a plane in a few hours to fly in tampa bay because brady hasn't indicated either way whether he will retire after this season. it could be his last. he's the greatest to play -- ever play quarterback. he has 7 super bowl rings, nor than any single nfl franchise and i can't pass the opportunity to go see him in action if, indeed, he might retire. i know now as a new englander you must like tom brady as well. jacqui: i should say yes to that i'm sure a lot of new england misses tom brady very much. we are sad to have lost him. that is for sure. football just isn't the same these days. griff: we will see if he can pull out the game. there's a bills-chiefs game going on tomorrow. a lot of action happening. very exciting if you believe weekend and i can't wait to get down there. i think it's going to be warmer in tampa, hopefully a good game and good weather. jacqui: i hope that you have a great time with your daughter i believe is joining us. griff: that's right, madeline and her boyfriend evan. jacqui: that is all for us this hour, fox news live is continuing with eric and arthel, i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: and i'm griff jenkins. thanks for watching. have a great weekend. critics. arthel: nypd officers killed another and clinging to life after gunmen opened fire on them during a domestic disturbance call in harlan. such an attack this week on new york city's police officers. we are also following closely at this hour the tension at ukraine's border were over 100,000 russian troops are still mask a strip searching washington and moscow stall in geneva. the u.s. delivering's first shipment of promised security

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New York City , Cop , Another , One , Griff Jenkins , Condition , Police , Harlem , Suspect , Domestic Violence , Officers , Jacqui Heinrich , Precincts , Incidents , Alexis Adams , Two , Third Nypd , Life , Grieving , Lots , 22 , Man , Investigators , Son , Woman , Call , Back Room , Door , 6 , 00 , Jason Rivera , Father , Other , Husband , Critical Kin , 2020 , Violence , Help , Hearts , Rise , Shock , Knees , Screen , Gunman , Tragedy , Lashaun Mcneil , 47 , Officer , Fire , Probation , Felony Drug Charge , Apartment , Mcneil , Moore , Times , Hospital , Variety , Offenses , Morning , Family , Cops , Bedside , Five , Crime , Both , Precinct , Statement , Alvin Bragg , Jacqui , President , Mayor , Funding , Actions , Conference , Nation , Address , Biden Backing , U S , Latest , Words , Message , Mayors , Violent Crime , Discussion , Everything , Course , Belief , Police Department , We Shouldn T , Police Departments , Fouls , Line , Progressives , Falls , Republicans , Respent , 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Crimes , Felonies , Misdemeanors , Bragg In Manhattan , Chicago , Prosecutors , Respect , Positions , Someone , Rookie , Carpet , In My Life , Thoughts , Experience , Yourself , Wall , Lot , Hat Off , Representative , Put , Riveras , Rest , Heart , Insight , Well Said , Congresswoman , Nicole Malliotakis , Shooting , Lawmaker , Republican , Opportunity , Sadness , Bars , Frustration , Weapon , Laws , Possession , The Street , Democrat , Detectives Union , 10 , Nine , Somebody , Aisle , Credit , Street , Colleagues , 50 , Recovery , Three , Governor , Cop Killers , Albany , Parole Board , Policies , District Attorney , Drugs , Sentiment , Gun Point Robbery , Prison Life Without Parole , Petty Larsening , Eyes , Consequences , Procession , Nutshell , Politicians , Messaging , Judges , Bail , Pleas , Big Sister , Bail Law , Eastern Ukraine , Tensions , Russia , High , Sanctions , Allies , Nato , Support , End , Needs , Invasion , Putin , Soviet Union , Tone , 100 , Joe Biden , Everyone , Adversaries , North Korea , Iran , China , Things , Position , Disaster , Red Light , Afghanistan , Withdrawal , Green Light , Nord Stream Pipeline , Left , Colleague , Energy Independence , Helping Putin , Putting , 30 , Move , White House , Thing , Member , Place , Representatives , Sides , Opportunities , Foreign Affairs Committee , Puth , We Don T , Can T , Route , Ramifications , Annexation Crimea , Foreign Policy , Obama , Jim Hines , House Financial And Services Committee , Contingency Planning , Evacuations , Preparations , Officials , Embassy Personnel , Hedging , Evacuation , Diplomacy Phase , Estate , Chance , Intelligence Committee , Aid , Delivery , Prospect , Intelligence , Leverage , Fact , Ukrainians , Sanctionable Behavior , Russians , Sharing , Siege Of Stalingrad , Threat , Everybody , Sort , Threshold , Trigger , Pain , Aggression , Border , Response , Troops , Add , Pentagon Press Secretary , Forces , Presence , There , Indication , Weapons , Flow , Appetite , Miss 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, Drug Cartels , Cartel , Soil , Look , Government , Border Patrol , Runners , Mixture , Source , Mix , Numbers , Encounters , October 1st , 143 , 157000 , 1 , Court , December Apprehension , Haven T , Filing , Bill Melugin , 178000 , Borders , Record Setting Numbers , Best , Mark Kerkorian , Perspective , Truth , Isn T , Governments , Minors , Quotes , Black Box , Immigrants , Parents , Money , Relatives , Smuggling Process , Smugglers , Taxpayer , Aren T Minors , Kids , Family Units , Bus Station , Family Migrant Units , Mccallum , Tickets , Nonprofits , Sister , Miami , Denver , Triangle , Map , Guatemala , El Salvador , In Mcallen , 2019 , They Shouldn T , Countries , Tracking System , Grasp , 150 , Program , Job , Yes , Hall Pass , Court Summons , Absentia , Nobody , Tools , Half , Schools , Cost , Hospitals , Impact , Florida , The Last Question , Like , School , Education Costs , Child , Immigrant , Fine , 8600 , 600 , Programs , Medicaid , 2 Billion , Billion , Trump Tom Homan , Diabetes , Fox News , Acting , Contributor , Confidence , Director , Drink , Immigration And Customs Enforcement , Stay Tuned , Protein , Glucose Control , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Hunger , No One , Homeownership , Veterans , The American Dream , Home , More , Rates , Purchase Loans , Down Payment , Payments , Newday , Newday100 Loan , Twos , 0000 , 615 , 60000 , 15 , Bank , Lender , Newdayusa , The World Today , Break , Worries , Name , Temperatures , Embassy , Accord , Neighbor , Kiev , 200 , Military Aid , Greg Palkot , Region , Separatist Fighters , Military Assistance , 200 Million , Tanks , Buildup , Jet Fighters , Deployment , 125000 , Folks , Ukrainian Military , Kiev Park , Russian Foe , State Of The Art , Army , Rally , Unity Day , Center , Parking , Paper , Banners , Lucas Tomlinson , Movements , Reactions , Doesn T , Speeches , Flags , Ukraine , Family Members , Tell Fox The State Department , Tony Blinken , Concerns , Ideas , Counterpart , Exchange , Personnel , Negotiation , Geneva , Addition , Principles , Weapons Shipments , Minister Lavrov , Missiles , Stinger Missiles , U S Military Stock Pile , Armor , Supplied Javelin , Situation , Questions , Camp David , Security , Team , Something , Plane , Nothing , Chips , Trip , Challenges , Advisor , Journey , Tech Solutions , Technologies , Business , Ride , Dell , Allstate , Auto Insurance , Everywhere , Customers , Savings , Hands , 888 , 1 888 Allstate , Quote Today , Implications , Conversations , Pleasure , Secretary General , Ambassador , Debate , Action , Show , Mind , Decision , Concessions , Sense , War , Diplomacy , Talks , Advisors , Meetings , Attack , Request , Proposal , Package , Reports , Ing , Waiver , Germany , Hasn T , Commitment , Won T , Accounts , Nord Stream Two Off Line , Swiss , Issue , Challenge , Page , Germans , Swiss System , Term , Balloon , Banking System , Others , Industries , Details , Deals , Bit , Precipitation , Armaments , Determination , Shuns , 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Living , 500 Million , 40 , Accent , Funny , Arguments , Rounds On Tik Tok , Big Sister S Shadow , Louisiana , Crime Crisis , Energy , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Loan , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 0 , 32nd Precinct , Moments Ago Eric Adams , 32 , Fox News Live , Crystal , Fighting , Harlem Precinct , Alexis Mcadams , Reporter , Ambush , Loss , May , 911 , 3 , Department , November Of 2020 , Public , Lashan Mcnile , Wilbur Mora , Drug , Felony , York City , Mcnile , No W , Police Morale , Update , Manhattan Da Alvin Bragg , Hearing , Jill , Head , Harm , Badge , Shipment , Foreign Affairs , Senior , Greg Palcok Live , Correspondent , Security Systems , Ammunition , Allotment , 00 Million , Fighters , Build Up , Hardware , Tracking , Military Part , Posing Threat , Display , Anything , Cold War , Listen , Desire , Looming , 8 , Holiday , Songs , Aweing , Officials Tell State Department , Foreign Minister , Larvov , Partners , Consultations , Process , Detail , 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States , Candidates , Virginia , George Soros , Colors , Reasons , What S Going On , Democrats , Carjacked , Trouble , Beneficiaries , Policy Making Like Black Lives , Be , Saying , The First Step Act , Mother , Believer , Grocery Store , Mental Health Therapy , Food , Desperation , Ie , Ie Small Drug Offenses , Topic , Gentlemen , Setup , Option , Approach , Options , Channels , Military , Sanctions Packet , Being , Fashion , Congress , Direction , Alliance , Poland , Ground , Opposite , Take , Against , Weakness , Ronald Reagan , Rage , Marines , Vaccine , White Rage , Chinese , Check Local Listing , Jackie , Press Conference , Fox Friends , White House Press Secretary , Will Cain , 11 , Skyrocketing Numbers , Acting Ice Director , Biden Start , Case , High Protein , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , Record Label , Taking Off , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Weight , Most , Insulin Resistance , I , Don T , Control Stress , Starvation , Golo , They Don T Work , Eating , Sugar Cravings , G O L Com , Deportations , Release , Weather , Units , Winter Weather , Care , Traffic , Clothing , Law Enforcement , Migrant Runners , Ones , Didn T Work Out , Ten , Sources , Migrant Apprehensions , Sector Dhs , Rio Grande Valley , Context , Agency , September 30th , 4 , Enforcement Actions , Border Surge , Deportation Numbers , Got Aways , Time , The End , Systemically Abolished Ice , Sector , Activity , 14500 , Reporting , News , Plain , Car , Washington , Romanians , Ice Director , Middle , Headquarters , Mid October , 12 , Lawsuit , Exhibit A Everything , Ice Mission , February 1st , Decline , Agents , Arrests , Trump , Math , Removals , 70 , 80 , 5000 , Attention , Abolitioned Mission , Didn T , Media , Immigration Enforcement Action , Efforts , Border Security , Public Safety , South Of The Border , Swelling , Criminals , Magnet , Something Else , Secretary , Homeland Security , Safe , Homeland Insecurity , Leadership , Sworn Officers , Dhs Won T , Oath , Comparison , Pail , November , Deterrence , Apprehensions , Consequence , 500000 , Order , Judge , Immigration Courts , Ice Can T , Ice Can T Go , Immigration Court , Immigration , Game Changer , History , 83 , Terrorists , Deaths , Fentanyl , Unsecured , A Hundred Thousand , Thank You , Testimony , 134 , Learning , Plans , Positivity Rate , Michigan , Flint , Flint Community Schools , Superintendent Jones , Mr , Talk , Health Officials , Pandemic , March 2020 , Holiday Break , Covid , 1232 , 38 4 , District , Conditions , School Board , 100000 , Stock , Class , Struggle , Grade , Scholars , Teachers , Attendance Rates , Distance Learning Program , Spots , Classrooms , Data , Expert , School Break , Emails , Phone Calls , 5 , Care Work , Schedules , Face To , Complaints , Meals , Back To School , Uproar , Kevelin Jones , Tutor Dixon , Candidate , The State , Shaping School Curriculums , Role , Facebook , Superintendent , Schools Aren T Closed , Gretchen Whitmer , Media Darling , Students , Basement , Fear , Student , Suicide , Self Harm , Government Keeping Schools , Dollars , Example , 55 Million , 155 Million , Youth , Mom , Depression , Education , Purpose , Say , Public School , Client , Tudor , Election , Stand Up Beyond A Shadow Of Doubt , Terry Mcauliffe , Mistake , Post , Candidate Tudor Dixon , Hate Crime , Fbi , Charles Watson , Terrorism , Merrick Garland , Jewish Community , Hostage Situation , Act , Colleyville , Hi , Doj , Houses , Attacks , Synagogues , Worship , Threats , Anti Semitism , Bigotry , Hatred , Authorities , British , 44 , Special Agent , Terrorist , Definition , Malik Akram , Al Qaeda , Matt Desarno , Four , Hostage , Investigation , Synagogue , Hostages , Rabbi , Contact , Charges , Accomplices , Omicron Variant , B , Turning Point , Doctor Pnext , Enamel , Blood Sugar , Teady , Glucerna , Voiceover , Wanderers , On The Road Of Life , Repair Toothpaste , Toothpaste , Riders , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Destination , Coffee , Road , I , Uh , Announcer , Protection , Freedom , Coffee Shop , Nope , Biker , 9 , 79 , Omicron , Thanks , Peter Hotez , Dr , Peak , Texas Children S Hospital Center For Vaccine Development , Codirector , Parts , Areas , Peaking , Icu , Unpack , 7 , Regards , Restrictions , Lockdown , Hong Kong , Northeast , New Jersey , Case Scenario , Beginning , Case Numbers , Couple , Scenario , Omicron Wave , Variants , Strain , Points , Variant , World , Heels , Workforce , Severity , Transmission , Percentage , Amount , Work , Event , Infection , Lowest , Delta , Omicron Out Of Africa , Southeast Asia , Unvaccinated Population , Website , Vaccines , Information , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , A1c , Heart Disease , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Share , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , Lump , Needles , Stomach Pain , Don T Take Ozempic , Stop Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Provider , Health Care Provider , Prescription , Division Round , Playoffs , Nfl , Game , Showdown , Green Bay Packers , Tennessee , Cincinnati Bengals , Tennessee Titans , San Francisco 49ers , Brady Hasn T , Repeat , Tampa Bay , Bucks And Brady , La Rams , Greatest , Last , Franchise , Season , Single , Super Bowl , Quarterback , Englander , Tom Brady , New England , Action Happening , Football Just Isn T , Madeline , That S Right , Daughter , Boyfriend , Watching , Arthel , Weekend , Critics , Gunmen , Disturbance , Harlan , Tension , Strip Searching Washington And Moscow Stall In Geneva ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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>> lots of grieving in harlem grieving the life of a 22-year-old n.y.p.d. cop who has shot in harlem. this is what we know about how it unfolded. it happened last night around 6:00. investigators responding to a call from a woman who said she was fighting with her son. two n.y.p.d. cops enter the back room to speak to the man. he kicked over the door and ambushed them, killed one man and the other in critical kin. jason rivera joined in 2020, a husband, father and a son. with violence against officers on the rise, investigators are calling for help. >> our hearts are broken, we're in shock. our knees are buckling and we're angry because we've been here before. we're angry because we saw it coming. we're angry because we said it was going to happen and it lapped happened again. a horrible tragedy here. this is the gunman on the screen identified as 47-year-old lashaun mcneil. he was shot and critically wounded by a third n.y.p.d. officer last night as he tried to run out of the apartment after he opened fire himself. and that mcneil was on probation for a felony drug charge and arrested nearly a half dozen times over the past several years for a variety of offenses. moore has been with the n.y.p.d. and remains in the hospital this morning and investigators say he has several cops and family by the bedside hoping he'll be able to pull through. and just this month. five n.y.p.d. officers have been shot and violence keeps rising. alvin bragg has been criticized for many soft on crime and put out a statement saying that violence against officers in new york city will not be tolerated. they'll be visiting the precinct for both of the officers shot. we'll get you latest as soon as we get it. jacqui: president biden backing more funding for police during his address at the nation mayor's conference, but his actions could be contradicting his words. >> the latest for us. >> violent crime was the discussion of the conference of mayors. and he tried to stay on message with his personal belief that police departments should be well-funded. here is what he said. >> we shouldn't be cutting funding for police department. i proposed increasing funding. look, you know, we ask cops to do everything. >> of course, that fouls out-- that falls out of line with progressives who called to dismantle police department. and republicans said what he said falls out of line with respent actions. >> chuck grassley condemning an executive order they say would limit nonlethal police resources like armored vehicles and flash bang devices, and wrote, police officers will face a grime reality, if their life saving equipment is kept from them. and the press secretary jen psaki said yesterday the administration previously held back on executive action in the hopes of passing bipartisan legislation. jacqui. jacqui: alexandria huff, thank you for that report. griff, over to you. griff: with more on the relentless crime crisis gripping cities across america and what happened in new york city, let's turn to ted williams, a former washington d.c. police officer, ted. we wish we had you here for a better reason, but we don't. tragedy striking in new york last night. your reaction this morning? >> griff, let me if i can offer my deepest condolences to the family of jason rivera, this 22-year-old rookie of the new york police department who made the ultimate sacrifice, giving his life for his city. and let me also send out prayers to wilbert morrow, another police officer there in new york who is clinging for his life. you know, griff, you and i have unfortunately been to this scene before. i remember in 2014, you and i covering the death of two new york city police officers, lou and ramus and at that time i thinkway both were hoping and prayer that we would never have to see this happen again, and yet, again and again in our nation we're seeing law enforcement officers gunned down. and you know, these are individuals who put on their uniform, go out and try to serve their communities on a daily basis. and griff, our hearts just have to bleed for them. griff: and ted, you raised -- that's an interesting point referring back to 2014 when lou and ramos were killed. we saw in alexis adams' report, a sound bite from the n.y.p.d. union president, angry, visibly angry, saying that we've seen this before. i think that's a reference, perhaps, directly to lou and ramos. my question is why, why does it continue to happen? why is it worse now this the fifth police officer for the n.y.p.d. shot this month? >> it happens because unfortunately, in america there is a disrespect for police officers, and it shouldn't be that way. we should take these police officers, and i'm asking individuals out there that are listening and hearing us this morning, go up and look at a police officer and hug that police officer because that police officer's doing whatever they can to serve and protect you, the members of that community. or it happens over and over because we have some low lives out here who don't give a damn about the lives of these law enforcement officers. we take the guys that shot and killed officer rivera there last night and wounded his partner. that person was in or had a glock that had been manufactured and a magazine was attached to it where he could shoot as many people as he possibly could. and he had stolen that, or the gun itself was stolen in baltimore in 2017. and then we look at these cases, griff, of where you see police officers who are using excessive force against citizens and you think that's the norm in police work, but it's not. i'm always on the side of getting individual who harm our citizens out here or should we say police officers who harm citizens, but the vast majority of these men and women put that uniform on and they respect their community and they're there driving to serve the community. we found out that officer rivera, he joined the police department because he wanted to help his community, not abuse or hurt his community. and i salute that officer. griff: ted, is there some blame for not just bragg in new york, but across the country, so many of these d.a.'s refusing to enforce the law? >> you know, that is one of the most difficult problems that we're faced with here in america today is that we have some d.a.'s, and i can name some of them. george gaston in l.a., kim foxx in chicago, you look at bragg in manhattan there, who says that he-- for certain crimes, where a gun was used, that he was not going to prosecute those people as felonies, but for misdemeanors. we have got people who are in these positions who have little or no respect and i mean these prosecutors, for people that have given the ultimate sacrifice like jason rivera, and they need to be called out and called to the carpet. griff: ted, just in the moments we have left. i want you to reflect, you raise a really important point that officer rivera was a rookie wanting to do good to protect the community. as someone who has a long history and experience as a police officer yourself, what are your thoughts now to reflect on about officer rivera? >> my thoughts are that this was a wonderful man, he was a father. he was a husband, and all he wanted to do was to serve and protect that community. and he did so as a rookie until his untimely death here. but officer rivera is representative of a lot and many law enforcement officers in america, that put that uniform on a daily basis, so, i take my hat off. certainly, again, offer my condolences. my heart is bleeding for the officer riveras all over this country that serve and protect us, griff. griff: well-said. ted williams, thank you for your insight. have a great rest of the saturday. now for lawmaker reaction to last night's deadly shooting of a new york city police officer, we're joined now by republican congresswoman from new york malliotakis. and congresswoman thank you for coming on today and an opportunity to share your thoughts on what's happened in new york city. >> it's absolutely tragic. i share so much of the sadness and frustration you heard from the police president, and ensure that we put these bad guys behind bars. repeated we've warned about it and the dangerous democrat laws are leading to more people being released and a detectives union told me that nine out of 10 people found with criminal possession of a weapon are released back on the street and 50% of people that shoot somebody are back on the street because of these laws and really, i'm begging my colleagues on the other side of the aisle, let's work together to fix our city. the mayor to his credit says he wants to do this, but it's been three weeks. we've already seen five police officers shot and one now fatally, and i pray for police officer morrow that he makes a speedy and full recovery. we're so sad about the death of police officer rivera. what you're also seeing in albany, the governor's appointed parole board releasing cop killers over and over again, a dozen in the last couple years alone. we have to change the sentiment and keep these bad guys behind bars. we can't have the policies and the district attorney who say they refuse to prosecute crime that you're not going to-- if you're caught with a, you know, drugs, they're going to-- selling drugs they'll charge you with just possession. if you do a gun point robbery they'll charge you with petty larsening. if you murder somebody, you're not going to put you in prison life without parole. those have consequences and they're playing before our eyes. griff: as we are looking on the screen, the procession for the officers shot. before i turn to you, i have to get to that in a nutshell. you say this was preventible what happened in new york city. where would you begin to make it so that it's not going to happen again? >> well, first of all, it's the messaging coming out of the politicians. you can't have district attorney saying they're not going to prosecute crimes. we need better judges. someone who shot another cop last week potentially getting out with bail despite the pleas of the district attorney, they want the person to be held without bail. better judges, but the bail law in albany is a big one. nine out of 10 people with a weapon released. >> and tensions are running on an all-time high as many people are worried that russia is about to invade ukraine. what would you apologize the administration to do? >> well, look, we need to be imposing sanctions, we need to be sending wednesday to ukraine so they can defend themselves. we need to be working with our allies, particularly in n.a.t.o., to provide support to ukraine. all of this needs to be on the front end, not after they do the invasion. we need to prevent this invasion. the only way we're going to do that is if we set a very strong tone with putin. it's 100 years since the soviet union was created and he's trying to put it back together. and everyone is watching what president biden is doing, china, iran, north korea, all of our adversaries are looking, he made a botched withdrawal from afghanistan. that was noted what a disaster that was. and seeing him red light-- green light, rather, the nord stream pipeline. this is why we're here in this position at this moment because of some of the things he's done, including reducing our energy independence and putting, helping putin fund this invasion. that's what's happening right now from our president. griff: and just in the time we have left, just 30 seconds or so, very interesting question from my colleague jacqui heinrich at the white house this past week, asking the president why he's waiting for russia to make the first move and the president of course said at that was a stupid question, and really, does it appear to you we've missed opportunities that things are headed to a place where we should have acted before puth does? >> yeah, i could tell you as a member of the foreign affairs committee, that representatives on both sides of the aisle are saying the same thing, we need to deter this. we don't, can't respond afterwards, it's going to create a lot of ramifications and we don't want to go down that route. look 2014 with the annexation crimea. and that was another with obama administration, and bad foreign policy and we urge the president to be proactive and deter. griff: representative nicole malliotakis, thank you for your time. >> let's bring in democratic congressman jim hines, a member of the house financial and services committee. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. jacqui: preparations are underway for possible evacuations are americans. the white house has framed this as standard contingency planning, but we've heard monday for evacuation of embassy personnel. what does it say to you about where things stand? does it indicate that u.s. officials are hedging toward a belief that the diplomacy phase might be over here? >> yeah, look, i can only state for myself not for the officials, but on the intelligence committee, i think there's a better than every chance that putin invades ukraine. we don't know exactly what that looks like and it also means that we have limited, limited time to make that prospect particularly ugly for putin, including very specific about sanctions and really ramping up the delivery of aid for ukraine, and i tell this as a member of the intelligence committee, we'll share real-time intelligence for ukrainians. >> do you agree with your colleague nicole malliotakis, that we should be imposing sanctions now before the invasion happens, harder to do after the fact? >> i don't agree with that, right, i mean, sanctions are leverage, sanctions are if you do this, this will happen. if we make this happen, the sanctions happen now you've lost your leverage and so, no, you wait. you wait to impose sanctions until there is sanctionable behavior, but sanctions are important, but i tell myself, this is why i'm so focused on intelligence sharing and gets into ukraine. remember, the russians are the people who survived the siege of stalingrad. if you don't know about siege of stalingrad, look it up. everybody feels the pain of sanctions, but we shouldn't rely just on sanctions to deter. we need a more comprehensive threat than just sanctions. jacqui: to your point, you know, the trigger has been invasion or aggression, that's been sort of the threshold for u.s. response, but russia has continued to add troops to its border. listening to what the pentagon press secretary said yesterday. >> as i've said before, one significant key way for us to get deescalated is to get the russians, to pull some of the forces out back away from the border with ukraine. they've shown no indication for that and continue to add to the force presence there. jacqui: so we have not evidently, you know, responded in the full way that we've said we would if russia goes across to ukraine. do you think their adding force border should trigger a u.s. response? >> we've watched the them outside of ukraine for many, many weeks. i would like to see the flow of weapons into ukraine be faster. what we need to do now is deter this because if putin does go across the ukrainian border, there will be limited appetite in n.a.t.o. and the united states to fight him over this. i didn't hear my republican colleague miss malliotakis say we should send in troops. what we need to do in the next weeks making it clear to putin, but it would be devastation to the compli, but russians left afghanistan and-- part of that was by arming people in afghanistan and-- >> sir, we're running out of time about 10 seconds left. thank you for coming on and love to continue this conversation at another time and we're all hoping for the best outcome in ukraine. be right back. were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. ♪♪ three times the electorlytes and half the 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include sleepiness and stomach issues. movement dysfunction and restlessness are also common. you are greater than your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. >> long awaited ice report from the biden administration now almost a month late. the report, which contains key data on ice's arrest and deportation for the fiscal year 2021 will sign a light on as record numbers are pouring into the u.s. and bill from la joya, texas. >> good afternoon to you. we're picking up where we left off just in the first three months of fiscal year 2022, there have already been half a million migrants down here at the southern border more than doubled the first three months of fiscal year 2021. take a look at video we shot in la joya, yesterday. we have a winter storm through the area, migrants showing up. and we're not seeing as many families, but we did see this family, including a little girl, one year old, from honduras. she didn't have any shoes and she was barefoot. they traveled for 25 days and the little girl almost died from hypothermia along the way. none of them get here without paying for a smuggling organization or the cartels. and they'll show up with cartel wristbands and they told us in the past they had to pay thousands of dollars to get here on u.s. soil. take a listen to what the retired ice agent had to say to us about the power of those drug cartels. >> the cartel not only controls the border of mexico in mexico, they control the country. this is the part that people don't understand. they run a parallel government in mexico. this is how powerful the cartels are. >> and then you take a look at this video right here, this is earlier this week, right here in la joya, where we saw a mixture of migrants apprehended by border patrol, a mix of runners and people who are voluntarily giving themselves up from a dh source this morning. and just from october 1st, there have been more than 157,000 migrants encounters, again, huge numbers, those numbers up 143% compared to the same time last year. back here live, the ice report with the federal government still has not released. another thing they haven't released are the official numbers for the month much december. here we are pushing into late january. they have not released the december apprehension numbers though in a federal court filing they know the numbers, they say it's about 178,000, if that turns out to be true, calendar year 2021 is going to push over two millions encounters in total at our southern border. jacqui: bill melugin for us. griff: and migrants maybe over the borders in record setting numbers, where do they get to the u.s.? mark kerkorian, mark, i believe you may be the best to answer that truth is we don't know where they're going. try to give us perspective where they go? >> it's a black box. the government isn't telling the state governments where they're going. if there are unaccompanied minors and put those words in quotes because they're accompanied by smugglers and a lot of them aren't minors. the government completes the smuggling process by paying with u.s. taxpayer money to deliver them to their relatives in the u.s. usually their parents, almost always illegal immigrants. so that's what happens to the up accompanied minors. the adults who bring kids with them, they call them family units, family migrant units, they are just basically dropped off at the bus station, i've been down to mccallum, texas, border patrol drops them off, they get tickets, sometimes nonprofits pay for, and go to wherever their relatives are, miami, denver, wherever they are. griff: you bring a great point. there is no way to track where they're going. the and sister who is running this in mcallen, there was a map in 2019 attempted to locate where the migrants are going, many of them from that northern triangle, guatemala, el salvador and honduras, we know in this unprecedented past fiscal year 2021, coming from 150 countries, mark, do you think that the government should set up a tracking system so we have a better grasp? >> well, first of all, they shouldn't be releasing all of these people, it's illegal. the law specifically says they're either supposed to be detained or wait on the other side of the line in mexico. this is remain in mexico program. if you're going to release them, yes, tracking them better and they don't do a good job of that. a lot of them instead of a court summons where if they don't show up they're ordered deported in absentia. some of them are given a hall pass to turn in to ice where their relatives are, half of them they don't bother and nobody is looking for them. we're not even using the tools that we have to try to effectively track people if we let them go which frankly we shouldn't be doing in the first place. griff: the last question in the time we've got left in the last 30 seconds, tell me what has the impact been on our schools and hospitals and the like? >> the cost is different, one state to the other. the florida numbers before it happened 2019 numbers, it cost $8600 just for education costs for each child that comes with these illegal immigrant families. now, you know the kids in school that's fine, but it's costing a lot of money and when you add medicaid cost that the illegal immigrants get certain programs, just in 2019, just those two things for illegal immigrants were $2 billion just for florida. griff: $2 billion. very insightful. mark, thank you. >> thank you. griff: coming up in the next hour we'll speak with fox news contributor and former acting director of immigration and customs enforcement tom homan. stay tuned. ] if you have diabetes, it's important to have confidence in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home 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against russia-backed separatist fighters. outside of ukraine, a buildup of 125,000 russian troops, and tanks, and the latest the deployment of russian jet fighters to belarus posing a threat of possible invasion and it's got folks here concerned. take a look at what we saw. >> the ukrainian military improved a lot since it was using the soviet era tanks placed now in a kiev park. if it's going up against a state of the art russian foe, it needs a whole lot more help. >> we need the international community to help us. i'm scared we can't defend the country by ourselves. >> of course, army is ready, but not only men, but women and children are ready to stay for our country. >> now, we were also at a spirited rally in the center of kiev, parking what they called unity day when the country on paper was brought together in the last century. a lot of patriotic speeches and banners and flags, in hopes that the country doesn't get broken up again. >> thank you, griff. griff: lucas tomlinson is tracking the administration's reactions to the movements along the ukrainian border. what are you hearing about americans could be leaving ukraine as early as monday. >> that's right, griff. u.s. officials tell fox the state department is expected to announce early next week that some family members of u.s. embassy personnel in the ukraine are beginning or expected to leave the country beginning next week. now, in geneva, secretary of state tony blinken met with his russian counterpart. >> this is not negotiation, but a candid exchange of concerns and ideas. i made clear to minister lavrov there are fundamental principles that the united states and our allies are going to defend. >> in addition to the weapons shipments that greg mentioned last night u.s. officials tell that javelin anti-tank missiles from the u.s. military stock pile will begin to arrive in ukraine next week as well. and stinger missiles, u.s. supplied javelin's and use to destroy soviet armor, expected to be used during a russian invasion. and the president ruled out deploying any u.s. troops to ukraine. back here at the white house, president biden refused to answer questions about russia before leaving to camp david this weekend where he will huddle with the national security team this weekend to discuss the situation in ukraine. >> the reason we're not going to have any time for questions now is these guys got to get quickly on a plane and you guys will ask me about russia and nothing something to do with chips. >> and this week marked president biden's first year in office and it looks like the year two will begin with americans coming back. >> a trip to both russia and n.a.t.o. that's coming up next. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. welcome to allstate. where auto insurance now costs less. ♪ and savings like that follow 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think that diplomacy only has a little life left in it and i think today's meetings at camp david, with the president's advisors, are going to look at now only how do we respond for the request for a written response to russia's one-sided proposal or what more could be done to deter a russian attack. the delivery of additional weapons to the ukrainian armed forces is important. i think we could be doing more to show we mean it when we say we are going to put a buildup of n.a.t.o. troops along the border if russia goes ahead with that. we have to line up with our allies to make sure we have this robust package of sanctions really to rollout and i'm worried there is still some waiver ing on the part of our allies. jacqui: there's reports that germany is not fully on board with the swiss accounts, and the united states hasn't had the commitment that they would take nord stream two off line, but pretty confident that won't come online if that happens? . >> it's a difficult issue and always a challenge to get all 30 allies on the same page, but i think we're getting there and i think on nord stream two, the germans have clarified their position in the right way. some of the other sanctions, whether they're going to be cut off from the swiss system or whether other financial sanctions may actually have more of an impact, particularly in the short and medium term, than swiss remains to be seen. we have to settle this before the balloon goes up in ukraine and not be squabbling with our allies. >> and what are the sanctions outside of the banking system. >> and being barred from the u.s. banking system it forces others to be dealing with russian. and there are other deals, that could hurt their industries and high-tech industries, i think that the u.s. has teed up a robust package, i don't think they've put up all the details, keep the russians guessing a little bit. so, i think that, plus the continued armaments of the ukrainian armed forces and would i like to see precipitation for moving more n.a.t.o. forces along the border, i think the rushes shuns have been seeing they're paying a price and he may be prepared to endure the cost because of the determination to subjugate ukraine. jacqui: i have two other quick questions to get it, we're running out of time. you know putin as well as anybody. what's your take on russia's request, that the u.s. submit answered to their demands in writing? isn't that kind of a bit of a trap that could weaken the u.s. negotiating position and should the u.s. make those answers public given that putin could go ahead and release them anyway if we don't and try to embarrass the president here? >> yeah, it is, a little bit of a risk, but i think as long as our proposals that we put back on the table are consistent with our principles and the international system and don't cave to the unacceptable russian demands. i don't think at this point we can avoid it. but the key is to keep our allies on the same page, what is acceptable and what is not and try to steer the russians away from this completely outrageous demand to roll back the last 25 years of history, and instead, look for some technical arms control solutions and confidence building measures that could actually address concrete concerns, but continue to preserve a europe whole free and at peace. jacqui: we've been told working in close coordination with our allies is a big priority in writing these responses. we learned that yesterday. so, you know, wait for that in the coming days i suppose. thank you so much for joining us, sir, we've run out of time, but hope to have you soon, alexander vershbow. griff. >> a pleasure. griff: duelling protesters gathering near the step of the supreme court this hour as pro choice and pro-life rallies face off on the 49th anniversary of the roe vs wade decision. tensions are especially high this year as the court weighs a challenge to mississippi's 15-week abortion ban, a decision which many believe would overturn the landmark 1973 ruling. many on the pro-life steps there believe it could be their last rally before the landmark ruling is overturned. we'll be following that. and the very public battle between pop star britney spears and her kid sister jamie lynn shows no signs of stpg. we'll get the latest on that feud next. ♪ limu emu and doug.♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. 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family feud is continuing to unfold. the pop star, britney spears lashing out at her sister and she sat down for this tell-all interview and she's done a few tell-all interviews ahead of her new memoir, but britney accused of selling her book at her expense and sent her sister a cease and desist letter, griff. griff: my question is why do we care, i have two daughters 20's and 16. and this is playing out in social media. jacqui: and we wonder how much we didn't see, when britney spears didn't have access. and they're 10 years apart, 40 and 30 and you wonder how much jamie lynn was around when britney was hitting her stride. that toxic song by the way i referenced has more than 500 million views. the little sister's living in big sister's shadow. jacqui: sure is. and funny, too, these arguments between them and making the rounds on tik tok, if you lead them in a louisiana accent, it does read differently. griff: sure do. jacqui: all right, we'll get the latest on the shooting of two n.y.p.d. officers and the crime crisis affecting big cities next. for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ jacqui: moments ago eric adams visited nypd 32nd precinct where two police officers worked that were shot last night in harlem. one of those officers is dead. the other critically wounded pictured here after responding to a domestic violence call. the suspect was shot twice by police and is also in crystal condition. welcome to fox news live i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: i'm griff jenkins, the other is 27-year-old fighting for his life. alexis mcadams joins us live from outside the harlem precinct with the latest. reporter: we saw the mayor as you mentioned talking to the officers at the precinct where the two officers shot in harlem both worked. investigators grieving loss of 22-year-old after police ambush inside of apartment and the may calling it an attack in the city of n. take a look at the video. investigators getting 911 call. 3 nypd officers went out there and two officers walked into the back room to talk to the man and that's when they say he kicked over the door and started shooting. the ambush left one officer dead and another in critical condition. nypd now identifying the officer who was killed 22-year-old jason rivera, rivera joined the department back in november of 2020. he was a husband, father and a son. with violence against officers on the rise the mayor calling for the public's help. listen. >> this was just not an attack on 3 brave officers. this was an attack on the city of new york. it is an attack of the children and families of the city. reporter: police say this is the gunman that you see on the screen. identified as 47-year-old lashan mcnile, mcnile shot and wounded by third officer after he tried to run out after he opened fire. mcnile was on probation for felony, drug charge out of, no w york city and second officer wilbur mora. back out here live we can tell you this is the fifth nypd officer that's been shot so far this month as they grieve the loss of the 22-year-old and wait for update of the 27-year-old officer, police morale in the city was already very low. it's also about bragg being criticized being soft on crime. we are waiting to hear from the mayor. griff and jacqui, we will bring it back to you. griff: thank you. we are hearing from president biden on this tragedy just moments ago tweeting this. jill and i are saddened to hear two nypd officers were shot last night, one fatally. we are keeping them and their families in our prayers, officers put on the badge and head into harm's way every day, we are grateful to them and their families for their extraordinary sacrifice. when we get more, we will bring it to you, jacqui. jacqui: first shipment of u.s. lethal aid arrived in ukraine after tensions arise over two nation's borders. lucas tomlinson at the white house but first we begin with fox news senior foreign affairs correspondent greg palcok live. >> the military aid might be getting just in time. it came overnight. allotment of $200 million worth of security systems from the united states. it is basically ammunition and it's destined to frontline ukrainian troops they are facing off as we speak as russian backed separatist fighters in eastern ukraine. outside of ukraine's border this is what we have been tracking for the past several weeks. build-up of 125,000 russian troops, tanks, other hardware continues including today the deployment of russian jet fighters to nearby belarus all posing threat of a possible invasion. today we went to military part where old armaments are in display including soviet tanks and got people thinking of a looming of new war with russia and the fighting already going on. take a listen. >> i hope that it won't happen but anything is possible. >> it's 8 years since the war started and our desire to win has only increased. greg: today, jacqui, the unity day in ukraine. patriotic national holiday. a lot of people singing songs, aweing banners and hoping -- and waving banners and hoping for the best. griff: lucas, what can you tell us? lucas: u.s. officials tell state department expect u.s. embassy personnel in ukraine to begin departing as next week. after meeting russian counterpart tony blinken outlined next steps. >> foreign minister larvov agree that it's important for diplomatic process to continue. following the consultations that will have in the coming days with allies and partners we anticipate that we will be able to share with russia our concerns and ideas in more detail and in writing next week. lucas: just a few days ago blinken said there would be no written response to russian demands. no official orders has been given for families to depart ukraine in addition to weapon shipment that is arrived last night that greg mentioned, antitank missiles from the baltic states, 3 nato allies and u.s. maillot river stockpiles will begin arriving early next week as well to fortify ukrainian defenses. the defense minister of latvia says he's sending antiaircraft missiles as well. u.s. supplied challenge have been shipped in the past during trump administration back in early december president biden ruled out deploying any u.s. troops to ukraine handle the crisis. back here at the white house president biden refused to answer questions about russia before leaving with camp david where he will huddle to discus the situation in ukraine. >> the reason we are not going to have any time for questions now is because guys have to get on quickly on a plane and you will ask me about russia and not anything having to do with ships. >> this week marks first year in office, year two with tensions mounting in highest levels since cold war. griff: they are, indeed. lucas, thank you. jacqui. jacqui: america's crime crisis continues in new york city as two nypd officers were shot and killed in the line of duty one of them killed, excuse me. with us matt schlapp and richard fowler, fox news contributor. thank you both for being with us. appreciate your time. >> good to be here, jacqui. jacqui: yesterday the president addressed mayor's conference and we didn't hear him bring up crime during his address even though so many big cities are dealing with the surge we have been watching for months. the white house has resisted weighing in on policies from some district attorney who is have come under fire for downgrading or not prosecuting crimes. i want to start with you, matt, do you think the president should come out more strongly on this issue given he's had a tough time pointing distance between himself and progressives on issues like defunding police? matt: yeah, i think it's awfully regard. i mean, all politicians are against crime, all of us decent people are against problem. the problem for democrats is they embrace that radical movement of black lives matter which has as number 1 tenant defunding the cops. that somehow the cops are malignant force in the cities and the result of that is and we all predicted, those who were critical, is that you can fight racism in america without making it harder for cops to do their jobs in these cities because the victims of the increasing crime which is what we have seen over the course of the last two years will be, you know, skewed toward minority populations. and that's what we are seeing in all of the major cities. these mayors like may mayor bowser need to paint over the signs which has number 1 goal to defend cops and need to make sure there's no tolerance for crime. when you're allowed to grab and go and steal thousands of dollars worth of merchandise and culture that crime is okay and allowable because it's a racial grievance. we will have chaos and the victims will be young black kids, black families, people of color, immigrants, the madness needs to stop. jacqui: richard, go ahead and respond to that. >> well, number 1, it's nod radical to say that a black life matters, right? this is is where the debates has to start. you can say black lives matter and when we put officers on the streets we will give them resources that they need but in return for the resources we demand good policing. if you take a look at what is happening in new york city under mayor adams, that's exactly what he is saying. i will give the police everything that they need but if they do bad policing i will be a mayor that calls them on that and that's what we have to find the balance, one, we've got to say, black life does matter and we have to have right training so we see good policing in the street and three, when donald trump and republicans said we have to change the criminal justice system, democrats applauded them. now it's time to take the next step and look at the entirety of the criminal justice system, are we prosecuting right crimes and some crimes that require mental health versus putting somebody in jail and are police keeping our community safe and police need extra resources. are there calls social workers show up better than police officers, conversations that they should be having local and national level. matt: jacqui, can i say real quickly, that the organization black lives matter incorporated has its number one policy goal defunding the cops. you can't both defund the cops and then say actually cops should get more funding for training. i agree with richard they should get the resources they need but black lives matter is an organization. you cannot both endorse that organization and say you're for cops and for more funding. >> all throughout communities of collar and all throughout america whether it's black homes or white homes or hispanic homes, folks have black lives matter t-shirt, yard signs because they believe that black lives matter and you could believe that -- >> jacqui: let's pull this back for a moment because richard you touched on something that i want to dive into which is some of the policies from these district attorneys and prosecutors are trying to determine how they want to approach certain crimes and you had the manhattan da alvin bragg had to clarify what the memo meant. he -- he spoke earlier this week saying sorry for some confusion around that. we do intend to prosecute armed robberies and felonies, we won't tolerate violence against police officers but, you know, you do see a trend of prosecutors trying to decide whether they want to pair back how the justice system deals with certain crimes, historically and change it in response to the public pressure. but the other end of that, is what message does that send to police are having to enforce the laws that are not being prosecuted? matt, you first and then richard, i will have you respond. matt: yeah, look, the american conservative union which i chair is the leading voice in conservative circles on criminal justice reform but that reform does not mean that we should stop prosecuting violent crimes. that's what we are getting confused about which is this idea that if you are a violent criminal you actually do need to be in prison. do we put too many people in prison, absolutely. but when we have people who have been elected district attorneys and prosecutors in states like virginia, new york, and the other george soros' funded candidates that have basically wanted to allow violent people back out on the street and they don't want to us to prosecute the crimes, it will result in the cities dying. we will have broken blue cities and you are seeing people fleeing the cities of all colors because they are not safe. nobody wants to be murdered or carjacked and that's what's going on in the country. it's one of the reasons that joe biden and the democrats are having trouble because, yes, we are all against crime but they are the beneficiaries of this radical policy making like black lives matter which has to stop. we can all be -- >> jacqui: richard, i want to have you respond. >> this is where i will stop you. if you read very carefully the number that was released by the district attorney in new york, what you would find is this. he's saying the same thing that matt is saying, he's also saying the same thing that donald trump was saying when he was the president and passed the first step act, there are crimes that we prosecute, there are people we put in jail, they would be better serve today have drug could believer or mental health therapy, ie small drug offenses, ie, people who are crimes of desperation, mother that decides to walk into a grocery store to steal food for her children. those people don't belong in jail. those people -- that's what's in his memo. if you're saying you disagree to memo, maybe you should go back and read it. jacqui: we have a minute left, gentlemen, i do want to get to a second topic which is ukraine. without getting into a lot of the setup for this. there's debate on whether the biden administration is responding correctly right now to this threat from russia if the chance for diplomacy is over and if there should be more to be done before an invasion happens to deter that from happening. richard, to you first and then matt to you, does biden need to take a different approach, is he handling this correctly? >> where the president gets for me is he took options off the table. you want to have all our option, diplomatic or military. never do it in a public fashion. with that being said where we are right now with the sort of sanctions packet that seems to be making its way through the diplomatic channels as well as where we saw the congress, in a bipartisan saying we will do everything in our power to protect ukraine is the right direction. we have to do everything in our power to protect our nato alliance especially poland and ensure we do not put troops in the ground which is something that the american people seem to be very much against. jacqui: matt, what's your take? matt: joe biden has projected weakness, the opposite of ronald reagan of peace through strength. we told military officials kick out people that won't get a vaccine and brave marines are getting kicked out -- >> we are talking about ukraine, man. matt: white rage. it's in the white rage, it's chinese rage. that's the reason why we have a military so people fear it and instead we are focusing on all the wrong things. joe biden has failed. jacqui: we have run out of time, gentlemen. appreciate you both being here. richard fowler and matt schlapp, thank you so much. griff. griff: jackie, check local listing and they will break down press conference with former white house press secretary and "fox & friends" will cain at 11:00 eastern on fox news channel. as president biden start his second year in office, we will talk to a former acting ice director about whether this year we will' even more skyrocketing numbers of migrants entering the u.s. illegally, that's in the case. high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in 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go to and see how golo can change your life. that's jacqui: the biden administration delaying release of a key ice report on arrest and deportations for nearly a month. bill live in la joya, texas for us. hey, bill. bill: hey, jacqui, good afternoon to you. for the last couple of days we've had winter weather with borderline freezing temperatures and that has somewhat slowed down traffic when it comes the family units but the runners, they don't care what the weather is, they are always going to be showing up. take a look at the video we shot yesterday in sullivan city, ten minutes away from where we are, migrant runners that run illegally in texas and were hoping to evade border patrol. didn't work out for them. most of them they wear the dark clothing, these are the ones actively trying to get away from law enforcement and get deeper into the united states. just in the last 3 months here in the rio grande valley sector dhs sources telling fox news there have been over 157,000 migrant apprehensions. huge numbers and those number up 143% compared to same time period last year. meanwhile take a look at this video we shot earlier this week in la joya, also more migrants being apprehended. a mixture of family units turning themselves in as well as runners caught by border patrol and all this in the context of ice still has not released its fiscal year 2021 annual report. the fiscal year ended nearly 4 months ago on september 30th, here we are pushing late into january and the agency has not released report, which lists enforcement actions and deportation and numbers drastically lower during historic border surge. we talked to a retired ice agent about this and he says he gave his thoughts on why this report is being slow walked. take a listen to what he had to say. >> the got-aways are always a hard number to detect but what's important about this one is the deportation numbers that the reason it's not being released it's because there are none. the biden administration has basically disassembled systemically abolished ice. bill: it's actually the first time in a decade that ice has failed to release that annual report by the end of the calendar year meanwhile you heard him talk about got aways just here in the rio grande valley sector since october 1st, the dhs source telling fox news there have been more than 14,500 got aways just here the sector in the last few months meanwhile the activity not just limited to the southern border. some news from the northern border yesterday. border patrol in plain, washington reporting that yesterday a car full of romanians actually went flying through the border into the united states and tried to speed away. didn't work out for them, though, they were all caught and arrested by border patrol. we will send it back to you. jacqui: bill for us in texas, griff. griff: jacqui for more on the crisis of the southern border, former ice director under president trump tom homan, tom, you heard about the outstanding year-end ice report still not in and you heard from the former ice agent saying that the reason that they won't release it is because they fundamentally abolished ice, your thoughts? tom: first of all, i've said for weeks. they are not releasing the report for two reasons, number 1, they are trying to figure out how to spin the numbers. the report has been done since the middle of october. we did the report 12 years in headquarters, know the report is done by mid-october. the report sitting in the white house, they are trying to figure out how to spin it and they will not release it that on february 1st, little bit over a week, i tom homan will be testifying in court in texas in the biden administration lawsuit on how they abolished the ice mission and the report would be exhibit a. everything i have said in the past year is true. you will see less than 60,000 removals, 70% decline from last year, 80% decline from trump's last year and as far as the arrests, the arrest is going to be less than 60,000. there's 5,000 agents. if you do the math, every agent in ice made an arrest every three months, made one arrest every three months. it's devastating. it's going to be the lowest number in the history of this agency and it's going to prove what we have been saying, griff that this administration has abolitioned mission by ice. griff: i happened to tune in because i was curious to hear what he said. this didn't get much attention in the media or really where i saw. listen to a little bit of what he had to say. >> unlawful presence in the united states will alone not be a basis for an immigration enforcement action but rather we will allocate our efforts, we will allocate our resources on those individuals who present a current public safety threat, a threat to national security or a threat to our border security. griff: tom, it sounds like he's saying it's okay to illegally cross our border as long as you're a good person and don't commit any serious crimes, but what message does that send south of the border? >> it's okay to enter the country illegally. when you enter the country illegally it is a crime. he's swelling sworn officers that you can't arrest somebody for being here illegally, that's just going to be another magnet to bring people here. i tell you something else, he wants to concentrate and focus on the criminals. i guaranty you when this report gets continued the numbers will be down at least 50%. i know that. i talk to ice every day. their hands are tied. he's not the secretary of homeland security. he's a secretary of homeland insecurity. this country is less safe under his leadership and president biden. he needs to be impeached for that very statement he made telling sworn officers, ignore the law, ignore the oath you took, this is open borders and we can't stop it. griff: tom, they are also not releasing dhs won't release the december apprehension numbers. we found in a court filing it's 178,000 according to filing, if you look at first 3 months, october, november and december, the traditionally slowest months in the border last year's numbers pail in comparison to what we are seeing this year alone in the first 3 months, more than 500,000 apprehensions. what are we headed for? tom: look, the numbers will continue to rise because no consequence. there's no deterrence. they know they can cross illegally, they know they will be released and not detained. even if they get ordered, even if they show up in court which most don't and the judge orders them removed, you heard the secretary. ice can't execute the order. shut down the immigration courts. why issue -- why order -- you must leave the country when ice can't go arrest them and kick them out of the country. the secretary just said, being in the country illegally is not enough to make an arrest. why are we sending all of these people to immigration court, have a federal judge making decision to remove them but we can't remove them? it's disgusting. under president trump it was a game-changer. illegal immigration down 83%. this president is first president in history in my life in the history of this nation that came into office and intentionally and purposely unsecured the border and fentanyl cost a hundred thousand deaths and known and suspected terrorists across the border. there's half a million got aways. how many are none suspected terrorists, griff. griff: fentanyl up 134%. tom homan, we look forward to follow your testimony as we wait for the ice report, thank you, sir. jacqui. jacqui: after announcing it has plans to have schools continue remote learning indefinitely. that's coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ griff: in flint, michigan this week public schools are turning to remote learning indefinite i will say almost 40% positivity rate is forcing them to make the call. joining me now the man who signed off on that decision, flint public schools superintendent jones, mr. jones, thank you for taking time to join us. there's been so much talk about our schools, the president saying he wants them open but you say this was a tough decision you had to make. why did you do it? >> well, we have been working with our local health officials since march 2020 when this pandemic closed down all of our schools and as we looked at the positivity rate before our break, the holiday break, it was in the 20's, it was lower but it skyrocketed and it's at 38.4% at this time and 1,232 new covid per 100,000 weekly. and we are in the middle of a surge and we did not feel comfortable as a district and school board to send our children back in those conditions. griff: mr. jones, many parents are very upset saying that you're not taking stock, not considering the psychological challenges that it poses for the children. how do you respond? >> i first want to let our families know that you're not alone. we are in this together. i too have a son in flint community schools that's in the fifth grade class and we understand the struggle, however, you know, after giving our scholars hot spots and devices to ensure that they can connect with their teachers, looking at the attendance rates go up as we are in our distance learning program, we want our families to hang in there. we are doing all we can to get those scholars back into their classrooms with their teachers as soon as possible. indefinitely does not mean that we are going until the end of the year. it means that we are watching the numbers and when this surge subsides and we begin to see a trend downward, we are making plans to get our scholars back in school. griff: where is that line that you draw to -- to open the schools back up. 38.4% now, what rate could you get at that you will change your mind and lift the virtual learning? >> well, griff, i'm not the expert in that data but i will say that we are working with our local health officials to see a trend that we were constantly at before. we went out on school break. i can't give you a definite number but we are watching the trend to go downward. and when we come together we meet every week. when we can come together and see that it is safer to bring our scholars back, that's exactly what we are going to do, griff. griff: in the last 15 seconds that i've got, what has been the response from parents, have you gotten phone calls, emails? >> i've had under 5 emails and phone calls of families who are asking me for -- to bring their scholars face to face and we have offered them another virtual option which would give them an opportunity to take care work at their schedules. the complaints were mostly about not being able to do it at the time that families have to go out and work and so we are doing all we can and we are doing the best we can to help our scholars and our families and we are providing meals every day to ensure that they eat and we are going to get our scholars back to school, thank you, griff. griff: kevelin jones, flint, michigan public schools, thank you for taking the time. >> thank you. griff: michigan parents are in an uproar over a since deleted facebook by the state's democratic party dismissing the role of parents in shaping school curriculums. joining me now is a republican candidate for michigan's governor tutor dixon, i want to talk about the facebook post but you may have gotten a chance to listen to jones in flint, michigan, your reaction? >> yes, griff, thank you so much for bringing attention to this because as you heard earlier this week the president of the united states are saying schools are open, schools aren't closed. who is going to stand up for them? we just heard the superintendent saying i don't have the data on when we can reopen. we cannot say enough. flint public schools are close today in-person learning indefinitely and where is the media darling gretchen whitmer, apparently hiding in her basement because we are not hearing her come out and stand up for students? griff: the governor's office want schools open as the president alluded to as well but my question is, we -- the year we went through last year with our kids in schools, are things headed for another difficult year there in michigan now? >> this is the fear and you have to remember that the data does show that we have higher suicide rates than we've ever had before. i heard you mention mental health. thank you so much for doing that because right now we are seeing the 3 and 5 students either know another student who has considered self-harm or suicide. we are in a situation where we are looking at life or death when it comes to keeping these schools open and flint, for example, they received the highest numbers of dollars from michigan government keeping schools open, over $155 million to that school to keep it open and now we are shutting it down. what were were the dollars going for and when are we going to say the future of michigan, our youth is the most important part of the state? in fact, we are looking at these students and we are saying kids bounce back, they are resilient. kids do not bounce back from these things. that's what the data shows us. my children, i'm a mom of 4, my children were out of school for 3 and a half months and my 10-year-old looked at me through tearful eyes and said, mom, i think this is what depression feels like. that was the first time i heard that from one of my kids. griff: hard words to hear. i want you to address the now deleted facebook post from the democratic party where they essentially said that parents shouldn't have a say in schools. they took it down. you see the purpose of public education and public and the client of the public school is not the parents but the community. are we headed tudor in michigan to what happened in virginia? >> absolutely. you're not learning -- the democratic party is not learning much from what happened in virginia. the minute terry mcauliffe came out and said parents do not belong in the public schools that was the end of the election, guess what, there's one thing that parents will stand up beyond a shadow of a doubt and that is their children and their future so to hear democrats come out and say, hey, you don't belong in public schools, that's a huge mistake. that's why they deleted the post and now parents in michigan are on high alert rightfully so and they are ready to take back their child's education. griff: gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon. thank you very much. jacqui. jacqui: now being classified as a federal hate crime by the fbi. charles watson live with the latest on that, hey, charles. charles: hi, jacqui. fbi and doj making it clear that the hostage situation last week in colleyville was an act of terrorism and -- and hate crime directed at the jewish community. this week attorney general merrick garland coming out forcefully against the alleged targeted attack. >> we will not tolerate this. we will not tolerate attacks on synagogues or other houses of worship. we will not tolerate violence or threats of violence fueled by anti-semitism, hatred, racism or bigotry of any kind. charles: authorities say 44-year-old british national malik akram's demand met definition of terrorism as he held four people hostage a week ago today. special agent in charge matt desarno saying the now deceased suspect demanded the united states release of convicted al-qaeda terrorist in exchange for the safe return of those he held hostage, officials say those demands sparked an international investigation, nearly 11 hours later the fbi says it authorized a team to go into the synagogue and use deadly force after akram's behavior became increasingly agitated. one hostage said he was terrified. >> we were constantly looking. we were constantly looking for an opportunity to leave and it was very, very hard to find an opportunity where we all could leave. charles: and the rabbi and other hostages luckily made it out safely. authorities say they are working with international partners to identify any one who was in contact with akram while he was in the colleyville area but at this hour, jacqui, it is not clear if any accomplices are or will face charges in the future, jacqui. jacqui: thank you so much. griff. griff: jacqui, could we if b at a real turning point in the covid pandemic despite widespread cases of the omicron variant? well, we will ask the top doctor pnext. ♪ ♪ ♪ teady to help you manage your blood sugar. and more protein to keep you moving with diabetes. glucerna live every moment we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with pronamel repair toothpaste, we can help actively repair enamel in its weakened state. it's innovative. my go to toothpaste is going to be pronamel repair. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. jacqui: record levels of pediatric covid cases have many parents worried and wondering when omicron will reach its peak, codirector of the texas children's hospital center for vaccine development, dr. peter hotez, thank you so much, doctor, for joining us. doctor: thanks for having me today. jacqui: the data is complicated to unpack. hospitals and icu's in some states that are full even as you're seeing cases start to plateau or decline in the last 7 days and other areas indicating that omicron can be peaking in some parts in the northeast and overseas you have conflicting situation. the uk is starting to roll back restrictions and hong kong under massive lockdown. where do thing stands right now? doctor: certainly with regards to omicron it has started to decline where it first came up in northeast, new york, new jersey, washington, d.c. area. so now thankfully those cases are going down. the hope is that it continues to go down as quickly as it went up although we don't know that for certain and in the uk it's starting to stall and we have seen that before. so the best situation now in the northeast is starting to decline and that will be the beginning of a decline subsequently across the rest of the nation so as we -- by the end of february, maybe the best case scenario we will be out of the omicron wave. it may get stalled halfway down and continue for a couple of months afterwards but i'm hoping for the better scenario. jacqui: hot spots where we are seeing highest case numbers. omicron is not as deadly, hasn't been as deadly as, you know, we were seeing with prior variants but, you know, you still have a massive strain in hospitals. how -- how long do you see this sort of lingering and what can people look forward to in the post omicron world or should we be fearing that some other variant is on its heels? doctor: two points to that, one of the reasons that omicron has been awful is not only do we have huge amount of transmission, omicron is far more transmissible than anything that we have seen before but overall it produces less severity because we have knocked out a significant percentage of the workforce who is at home with omicron infection and can't come in to work, that in itself creates a dangerous situation. so that's why we are hoping this start to go down pretty quickly. and in the event let's say by march we are out of the omicron wave, what comes next? the problem is jacqui that we have failed the lowest and middle-income countries, southeast asia and parts of latin america and we have seen what's happened, the delta rose out of unvaccinated population, omicron out of africa. jacqui: we have ten seconds on a hard break. we have information on the website on where you can find vaccines. dr. hotez, thank you for joining us. doctor: thank you. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? ask your health care provider today about once-weekly ozempic®. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ you may pay as little as $25 for a 3-month prescription. griff: hours away from the early nfl division round of playoffs at 4:30 eastern, cincinnati bengals taking on tennessee titans in freezing tennessee game and later this evening on fox the san francisco 49ers go head to head with green bay packers and jacqui tomorrow you have a showdown in tampa bay, la rams taking on the bucks and brady's game because he's going to have to try and repeat what he did last year. i'm going to get on a plane in a few hours to fly in tampa bay because brady hasn't indicated either way whether he will retire after this season. it could be his last. he's the greatest to play -- ever play quarterback. he has 7 super bowl rings, nor than any single nfl franchise and i can't pass the opportunity to go see him in action if, indeed, he might retire. i know now as a new englander you must like tom brady as well. jacqui: i should say yes to that i'm sure a lot of new england misses tom brady very much. we are sad to have lost him. that is for sure. football just isn't the same these days. griff: we will see if he can pull out the game. there's a bills-chiefs game going on tomorrow. a lot of action happening. very exciting if you believe weekend and i can't wait to get down there. i think it's going to be warmer in tampa, hopefully a good game and good weather. jacqui: i hope that you have a great time with your daughter i believe is joining us. griff: that's right, madeline and her boyfriend evan. jacqui: that is all for us this hour, fox news live is continuing with eric and arthel, i'm jacqui heinrich. griff: and i'm griff jenkins. thanks for watching. have a great weekend. critics. arthel: nypd officers killed another and clinging to life after gunmen opened fire on them during a domestic disturbance call in harlan. such an attack this week on new york city's police officers. we are also following closely at this hour the tension at ukraine's border were over 100,000 russian troops are still mask a strip searching washington and moscow stall in geneva. the u.s. delivering's first shipment of promised security

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New York City , Cop , Another , One , Griff Jenkins , Condition , Police , Harlem , Suspect , Domestic Violence , Officers , Jacqui Heinrich , Precincts , Incidents , Alexis Adams , Two , Third Nypd , Life , Grieving , Lots , 22 , Man , Investigators , Son , Woman , Call , Back Room , Door , 6 , 00 , Jason Rivera , Father , Other , Husband , Critical Kin , 2020 , Violence , Help , Hearts , Rise , Shock , Knees , Screen , Gunman , Tragedy , Lashaun Mcneil , 47 , Officer , Fire , Probation , Felony Drug Charge , Apartment , Mcneil , Moore , Times , Hospital , Variety , Offenses , Morning , Family , Cops , Bedside , Five , Crime , Both , Precinct , Statement , Alvin Bragg , Jacqui , President , Mayor , Funding , Actions , Conference , Nation , Address , Biden Backing , U S , Latest , Words , Message , Mayors , Violent Crime , Discussion , Everything , Course , Belief , Police Department , We Shouldn T , Police Departments , Fouls , Line , Progressives , Falls , Republicans , Respent , Police Officers , Resources , Devices , Executive Order , Vehicles , Chuck Grassley , Flash Bang , Administration , Jen Psaki , Executive Action , Grime Reality , Life Saving Equipment , Report , Cities , Hopes , Crisis , Legislation , Alexandria Huff , Police Officer , Reason , Ted , Ted Williams , Tragedy Striking , Washington D C , Let , Reaction , Condolences , Sacrifice , Last Night , City , Prayers , Clinging , Wilbert Morrow , Death , Lou , Scene , Ramus , 2014 , Law Enforcement Officers , Prayer , Point , Individuals , Basis , Uniform , Communities , We Saw , Union , Ramos , Angry , Question , Reference , Way , It Shouldn T , Disrespect , Doing , Listening , It Won T , Community , Lives , Guys , Members , Damn , Person , Rivera , Glock , Partner , People , Gun , Magazine , Baltimore , 2017 , Force , Citizens , Cases , Side , Police Work , Norm , Women , Men , Individual , Majority , Country , Many , Law , Blame , D A , Some , Problems , George Gaston In L A , D A S , Kim Foxx , Crimes , Felonies , Misdemeanors , Bragg In Manhattan , Chicago , Prosecutors , Respect , Positions , Someone , Rookie , Carpet , In My Life , Thoughts , Experience , Yourself , Wall , Lot , Hat Off , Representative , Put , Riveras , Rest , Heart , Insight , Well Said , Congresswoman , Nicole Malliotakis , Shooting , Lawmaker , Republican , Opportunity , Sadness , Bars , Frustration , Weapon , Laws , Possession , The Street , Democrat , Detectives Union , 10 , Nine , Somebody , Aisle , Credit , Street , Colleagues , 50 , Recovery , Three , Governor , Cop Killers , Albany , Parole Board , Policies , District Attorney , Drugs , Sentiment , Gun Point Robbery , Prison Life Without Parole , Petty Larsening , Eyes , Consequences , Procession , Nutshell , Politicians , Messaging , Judges , Bail , Pleas , Big Sister , Bail Law , Eastern Ukraine , Tensions , Russia , High , Sanctions , Allies , Nato , Support , End , Needs , Invasion , Putin , Soviet Union , Tone , 100 , Joe Biden , Everyone , Adversaries , North Korea , Iran , China , Things , Position , Disaster , Red Light , Afghanistan , Withdrawal , Green Light , Nord Stream Pipeline , Left , Colleague , Energy Independence , Helping Putin , Putting , 30 , Move , White House , Thing , Member , Place , Representatives , Sides , Opportunities , Foreign Affairs Committee , Puth , We Don T , Can T , Route , Ramifications , Annexation Crimea , Foreign Policy , Obama , Jim Hines , House Financial And Services Committee , Contingency Planning , Evacuations , Preparations , Officials , Embassy Personnel , Hedging , Evacuation , Diplomacy Phase , Estate , Chance , Intelligence Committee , Aid , Delivery , Prospect , Intelligence , Leverage , Fact , Ukrainians , Sanctionable Behavior , Russians , Sharing , Siege Of Stalingrad , Threat , Everybody , Sort , Threshold , Trigger , Pain , Aggression , Border , Response , Troops , Add , Pentagon Press Secretary , Forces , Presence , There , Indication , Weapons , Flow , Appetite , Miss , Devastation , Malliotakis , Part , Sir , Compli , Arming , Kid , Conversation , Outcome , Love , Truck , Progressive , Sugar , Timber , Ending , Electorlytes , Feel , Powder Packs , Pedialyte , Strength , Bipolar , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Adults , Symptoms , Ask , Take Control , Medicines , Depressive , Episodes , Relief , Vraylar , Manic , Children , Risk , Confusion , Doctor , Changes , Stroke , Muscles , Behavior , Antidepressants , Psychosis , Fever , Patients , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Issues , High Blood Sugar , Restlessness , Stomach , Coma , Weight Gain , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Ice Report , Arrest , Texas , Bill , On Ice , Record Numbers , Deportation , Light , La Joya , 2021 , Migrants , A Million , 2022 , Video , Area , Take A Look , Winter Storm , Families , Little Sister , Old , Honduras , Shoes , Cartels , None , Smuggling Organization , Girl , Hypothermia , Cartel Wristbands , 25 , Ice , Controls , Mexico , Power , Agent , Thousands , Drug Cartels , Cartel , Soil , Look , Government , Border Patrol , Runners , Mixture , Source , Mix , Numbers , Encounters , October 1st , 143 , 157000 , 1 , Court , December Apprehension , Haven T , Filing , Bill Melugin , 178000 , Borders , Record Setting Numbers , Best , Mark Kerkorian , Perspective , Truth , Isn T , Governments , Minors , Quotes , Black Box , Immigrants , Parents , Money , Relatives , Smuggling Process , Smugglers , Taxpayer , Aren T Minors , Kids , Family Units , Bus Station , Family Migrant Units , Mccallum , Tickets , Nonprofits , Sister , Miami , Denver , Triangle , Map , Guatemala , El Salvador , In Mcallen , 2019 , They Shouldn T , Countries , Tracking System , Grasp , 150 , Program , Job , Yes , Hall Pass , Court Summons , Absentia , Nobody , Tools , Half , Schools , Cost , Hospitals , Impact , Florida , The Last Question , Like , School , Education Costs , Child , Immigrant , Fine , 8600 , 600 , Programs , Medicaid , 2 Billion , Billion , Trump Tom Homan , Diabetes , Fox News , Acting , Contributor , Confidence , Director , Drink , Immigration And Customs Enforcement , Stay Tuned , Protein , Glucose Control , Muscle Health , Blood Sugar Levels , Hunger , No One , Homeownership , Veterans , The American Dream , Home , More , Rates , Purchase Loans , Down Payment , Payments , Newday , Newday100 Loan , Twos , 0000 , 615 , 60000 , 15 , Bank , Lender , Newdayusa , The World Today , Break , Worries , Name , Temperatures , Embassy , Accord , Neighbor , Kiev , 200 , Military Aid , Greg Palkot , Region , Separatist Fighters , Military Assistance , 200 Million , Tanks , Buildup , Jet Fighters , Deployment , 125000 , Folks , Ukrainian Military , Kiev Park , Russian Foe , State Of The Art , Army , Rally , Unity Day , Center , Parking , Paper , Banners , Lucas Tomlinson , Movements , Reactions , Doesn T , Speeches , Flags , Ukraine , Family Members , Tell Fox The State Department , Tony Blinken , Concerns , Ideas , Counterpart , Exchange , Personnel , Negotiation , Geneva , Addition , Principles , Weapons Shipments , Minister Lavrov , Missiles , Stinger Missiles , U S Military Stock Pile , Armor , Supplied Javelin , Situation , Questions , Camp David , Security , Team , Something , Plane , Nothing , Chips , Trip , Challenges , Advisor , Journey , Tech Solutions , Technologies , Business , Ride , Dell , Allstate , Auto Insurance , Everywhere , Customers , Savings , Hands , 888 , 1 888 Allstate , Quote Today , Implications , Conversations , Pleasure , Secretary General , Ambassador , Debate , Action , Show , Mind , Decision , Concessions , Sense , War , Diplomacy , Talks , Advisors , Meetings , Attack , Request , Proposal , Package , Reports , Ing , Waiver , Germany , Hasn T , Commitment , Won T , Accounts , Nord Stream Two Off Line , Swiss , Issue , Challenge , Page , Germans , Swiss System , Term , Balloon , Banking System , Others , Industries , Details , Deals , Bit , Precipitation , Armaments , Determination , Shuns , Price , Demands , It , Trap , Kind , Writing , Anybody , Running Out Of Time , Negotiating , Answers Public Given , Table , Proposals , System , Don T Cave , Demand , Key , Confidence Building , Concrete Concerns , Arms Control Solutions , Europe , Peace , Responses , Priority , Coordination , Hope , Step , Duelling Protesters Gathering , Alexander Vershbow , Rallies , Pro Choice , Abortion Ban , Mississippi , Roe Vs Wade Decision , 49th Anniversary , 49 , Steps , Believe , Landmark 1973 Ruling , Landmark Ruling , 1973 , Battle Between Pop Star , Jamie Lynn , Signs , Britney Spears , Stpg , Limu , Whistles , Insurance , Feud , Doug , Limu Emu , Sec , Pay , Liberty , Vulture Squawks , Sisters , Guess What , Fan , Pop Star , Britney , Brat , Instagram , House , Family Feud , Spears , Halls , Mama , Interview Girl , Interview , Interviews , Memoir , Lashing , Book , , Cease And Desist , Expense , Letter , 20 , Social Media , Britney Spears Didn T Have Access , 16 , Song , Stride , Views , Living , 500 Million , 40 , Accent , Funny , Arguments , Rounds On Tik Tok , Big Sister S Shadow , Louisiana , Crime Crisis , Energy , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Woo Hoo , 27 , Loan , Personal Loan , Sofi , Rate , 0 , 32nd Precinct , Moments Ago Eric Adams , 32 , Fox News Live , Crystal , Fighting , Harlem Precinct , Alexis Mcadams , Reporter , Ambush , Loss , May , 911 , 3 , Department , November Of 2020 , Public , Lashan Mcnile , Wilbur Mora , Drug , Felony , York City , Mcnile , No W , Police Morale , Update , Manhattan Da Alvin Bragg , Hearing , Jill , Head , Harm , Badge , Shipment , Foreign Affairs , Senior , Greg Palcok Live , Correspondent , Security Systems , Ammunition , Allotment , 00 Million , Fighters , Build Up , Hardware , Tracking , Military Part , Posing Threat , Display , Anything , Cold War , Listen , Desire , Looming , 8 , Holiday , Songs , Aweing , Officials Tell State Department , Foreign Minister , Larvov , Partners , Consultations , Process , Detail , Orders , Weapon Shipment , Blinken , Defense Minister , Baltic States , River Stockpiles , Antiaircraft , Defenses , Fortify , Maillot , Latvia , Office , Levels , Ships , Matt Schlapp , Richard Fowler , Duty , Surge , Downgrading , Defunding Police , Problem , Movement , The Cops , Victims , Racism , Jobs , Result , Who , Minority , Populations , Goal , Bowser , Tolerance , Merchandise , Culture , Dollars Worth , Number , Life Matters , Grievance , Color , Madness , Nod Radical , Chaos , Black Kids , Matter , Streets , Return , Debates , Policing , Police Everything , Adams , Criminal Justice System , Balance , Donald Trump , Jail , Mental Health , Entirety , Level , Workers , Organization , Number One , Policy Goal , Training , Homes , Collar , T Shirt , Hispanic Homes , Yard Signs , Back , District Attorneys , Memo , Robberies , Trend , Pressure , Justice System Deals , American Conservative Union , Voice , Prison , Reform , Criminal , Idea , Need , Criminal Justice , Circles , States , Candidates , Virginia , George Soros , Colors , Reasons , What S Going On , Democrats , Carjacked , Trouble , Beneficiaries , Policy Making Like Black Lives , Be , Saying , The First Step Act , Mother , Believer , Grocery Store , Mental Health Therapy , Food , Desperation , Ie , Ie Small Drug Offenses , Topic , Gentlemen , Setup , Option , Approach , Options , Channels , Military , Sanctions Packet , Being , Fashion , Congress , Direction , Alliance , Poland , Ground , Opposite , Take , Against , Weakness , Ronald Reagan , Rage , Marines , Vaccine , White Rage , Chinese , Check Local Listing , Jackie , Press Conference , Fox Friends , White House Press Secretary , Will Cain , 11 , Skyrocketing Numbers , Acting Ice Director , Biden Start , Case , High Protein , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , Record Label , Taking Off , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Weight , Most , Insulin Resistance , I , Don T , Control Stress , Starvation , Golo , They Don T Work , Eating , Sugar Cravings , G O L Com , Deportations , Release , Weather , Units , Winter Weather , Care , Traffic , Clothing , Law Enforcement , Migrant Runners , Ones , Didn T Work Out , Ten , Sources , Migrant Apprehensions , Sector Dhs , Rio Grande Valley , Context , Agency , September 30th , 4 , Enforcement Actions , Border Surge , Deportation Numbers , Got Aways , Time , The End , Systemically Abolished Ice , Sector , Activity , 14500 , Reporting , News , Plain , Car , Washington , Romanians , Ice Director , Middle , Headquarters , Mid October , 12 , Lawsuit , Exhibit A Everything , Ice Mission , February 1st , Decline , Agents , Arrests , Trump , Math , Removals , 70 , 80 , 5000 , Attention , Abolitioned Mission , Didn T , Media , Immigration Enforcement Action , Efforts , Border Security , Public Safety , South Of The Border , Swelling , Criminals , Magnet , Something Else , Secretary , Homeland Security , Safe , Homeland Insecurity , Leadership , Sworn Officers , Dhs Won T , Oath , Comparison , Pail , November , Deterrence , Apprehensions , Consequence , 500000 , Order , Judge , Immigration Courts , Ice Can T , Ice Can T Go , Immigration Court , Immigration , Game Changer , History , 83 , Terrorists , Deaths , Fentanyl , Unsecured , A Hundred Thousand , Thank You , Testimony , 134 , Learning , Plans , Positivity Rate , Michigan , Flint , Flint Community Schools , Superintendent Jones , Mr , Talk , Health Officials , Pandemic , March 2020 , Holiday Break , Covid , 1232 , 38 4 , District , Conditions , School Board , 100000 , Stock , Class , Struggle , Grade , Scholars , Teachers , Attendance Rates , Distance Learning Program , Spots , Classrooms , Data , Expert , School Break , Emails , Phone Calls , 5 , Care Work , Schedules , Face To , Complaints , Meals , Back To School , Uproar , Kevelin Jones , Tutor Dixon , Candidate , The State , Shaping School Curriculums , Role , Facebook , Superintendent , Schools Aren T Closed , Gretchen Whitmer , Media Darling , Students , Basement , Fear , Student , Suicide , Self Harm , Government Keeping Schools , Dollars , Example , 55 Million , 155 Million , Youth , Mom , Depression , Education , Purpose , Say , Public School , Client , Tudor , Election , Stand Up Beyond A Shadow Of Doubt , Terry Mcauliffe , Mistake , Post , Candidate Tudor Dixon , Hate Crime , Fbi , Charles Watson , Terrorism , Merrick Garland , Jewish Community , Hostage Situation , Act , Colleyville , Hi , Doj , Houses , Attacks , Synagogues , Worship , Threats , Anti Semitism , Bigotry , Hatred , Authorities , British , 44 , Special Agent , Terrorist , Definition , Malik Akram , Al Qaeda , Matt Desarno , Four , Hostage , Investigation , Synagogue , Hostages , Rabbi , Contact , Charges , Accomplices , Omicron Variant , B , Turning Point , Doctor Pnext , Enamel , Blood Sugar , Teady , Glucerna , Voiceover , Wanderers , On The Road Of Life , Repair Toothpaste , Toothpaste , Riders , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Destination , Coffee , Road , I , Uh , Announcer , Protection , Freedom , Coffee Shop , Nope , Biker , 9 , 79 , Omicron , Thanks , Peter Hotez , Dr , Peak , Texas Children S Hospital Center For Vaccine Development , Codirector , Parts , Areas , Peaking , Icu , Unpack , 7 , Regards , Restrictions , Lockdown , Hong Kong , Northeast , New Jersey , Case Scenario , Beginning , Case Numbers , Couple , Scenario , Omicron Wave , Variants , Strain , Points , Variant , World , Heels , Workforce , Severity , Transmission , Percentage , Amount , Work , Event , Infection , Lowest , Delta , Omicron Out Of Africa , Southeast Asia , Unvaccinated Population , Website , Vaccines , Information , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , 2 , A1c , Heart Disease , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Events , Share , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Pens , Reuse , Lump , Needles , Stomach Pain , Don T Take Ozempic , Stop Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Neck , Pancreatitis , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Provider , Health Care Provider , Prescription , Division Round , Playoffs , Nfl , Game , Showdown , Green Bay Packers , Tennessee , Cincinnati Bengals , Tennessee Titans , San Francisco 49ers , Brady Hasn T , Repeat , Tampa Bay , Bucks And Brady , La Rams , Greatest , Last , Franchise , Season , Single , Super Bowl , Quarterback , Englander , Tom Brady , New England , Action Happening , Football Just Isn T , Madeline , That S Right , Daughter , Boyfriend , Watching , Arthel , Weekend , Critics , Gunmen , Disturbance , Harlan , Tension , Strip Searching Washington And Moscow Stall In Geneva ,

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