Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

i felt humiliation for the country. i really did. and that is just the delivery. the substance was an unmitigated disaster. that could have ramifications all around the globe in what was a blatant attempt to look strong and confident, joe biden looked deeply unwell. tonight, coming up, we are going to fact-check his many lives. we will call out his election conspiracy theories. we will actually answer one of his dumb rhetorical questions, and we will tell you how his pathetic rhetoric surrounding russia and nato could have potentially explosive and very deadly consequences around the entire globe. peter doocy, who just faced off against biden, will join us again. the great one mark levin, we will get his take, and greg gutfeld, moments away. we will show you president trump's initial reaction, as well. but we begin with perhaps the biggest lies of the day, and that is despite major crises on multiple fronts, and an all-time low approval rating of 33%, joe biden just proudly announced that his administration has exceeded all expectations. oh, okay, sure. >> inflation is up. your signature domestic legislation is stalled in congress. a few hours from now, the senate -- and effort in the senate to deal with voting rights and voting reform legislation is going to fail. covid-19 is still taking the lives of 1500 americans every day, and the nation's divisions are just as raw as they were a year ago. did you overpromise to the american public what you could achieve in your first year in office, and how do you plan to course correct going forward? >> why are you such an optimist? look, i didn't overpromise. and what i have probably outperformed what anybody thought would happen. can you think of any other president who has done as much in one year? name one for me. >> i'm asking you. >> i'm serious. >> sean: all right, since you asked, joe, let's take a look at donald trump's first year in office, shall we? in 2017, president trump, he signed 117 bills into law. that included dozens of major legislative achievements. he repealed the individual mandate in obamacare. he signed what was the biggest tax cut in american history. he eliminated more regulations than the last white, five, eight presidents combined? he opened up oil expiration in mr and alaska, oversaw an economic growth, nominated neil gorsuch to the supreme court, set a record for first year judicial appointments to federal applet courts, oversaw a historic reduction in illegal immigration, bombed the living adam schiff out of isis and destroyed the caliphate and forced nato numbers to up their contributions. what did joe do over the past year? okay, true, you spend so much money on handouts that inflation is now at a record 40 year high, while the worker shortage remains dire in the country. the average american family because of your policies is now spending $5,000 more this year because of your inflation tax. biden shut down the keystone xl pipeline, but he did green light putin's pipeline, the nord stream 2 pipeline to europe. he blocked oil exploration on federal lands, he ended trump's energy independence policies, a year ago, this country was a net exporter of energy and energy independent, and now he is begging and pleading with opec and russia to produce more energy. that too is a national embarrassment, and worst of all for you, the american consumer, all of us are paying, well come about $1.50 more per gallon of gasoline. we are going to pay him close to $1,000 more on average heating or home this year and we now pay more for every single product we buy at every store that we go to. and there is no end in sight as now the price of a barrel of oil worldwide is now headed to $100 a barrel and may be higher. that is a huge reason for the 40 year high in inflation, and joe obviously has zero understanding of economics 101, because he never tied those two things together. instead, he is lashing out, blaming businesses and industries and saying his policies did not cause this. and remember, he also ended trump's order policies. he stopped construction of the border wall. he also entered the state in mexico policy that was working. it cost record levels of illegal immigration we had not seen in what, 20-25 years. we can never forget the 13 americans who were killed because of biden's botched withdrawal from afghanistan, or the thousands of americans and green card holders and allies that he abandoned when he said he wouldn't do it. remember he also promised to shut down the virus. that never happened, either. joe was lying the entire time. not only did he not shut it down, we had more people that died from covid-19 in 2021 van 2020. he said "i didn't the omicron coming," and in the meantime, when we needed him most, he ran out of covid test, he ran out of monoclonal antibodies, he has done nothing to mass-produced antivirals that for the first time today he even mentioned. now more americans dead under his watch then donald trump. but according to the white house, biden did build a lot of new windmills and electric charging stations. okay, that is really helping us all out a lot. but as for the unity that joe promised, in his inauguration speech, well, today, joe couldn't even be honest about that. take a look. >> i know that you dispute the characterization that you called folks who would oppose those voting bills as being george wallace, but you said they would be sort of in the same camp. >> no, i didn't say that. look what i said. go back and read what i said. and tell me if you think i called anyone who voted on the side, the position taken by bull connor that they were bull connor. that is an interesting read and i assume you got it in the journal because you like to write. >> i ask elected official in america, how do you want to be remembered? a consequential moment in history, they present a choice. do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? >> sean: well come he chose to be beside let's see the core murder my former klansman robert byrd and stop integration of schools because he did not want public schools to be racial jungles. it was lie after lie after lie in this presser today. even jo's old friend dick durbin thought that speech was too divisive. joe does not seem to grasp reality at this point in time. he just lies and lies over and over again. here are a few more examples, take a look, you decide. >> why are you trying so hard in your first year to pull the country so far to the left? >> well, i'm not. you notice i haven't attacked anybody publicly. any senator. and a congresswoman. my build fact that her plan will address the biggest cost of working families face every day. do all of this without raising a single penny in taxes. on people making under $400,000 a year. and for the first time in a long time, this country's working people actually got a raise. we've seen record job creation, record economic growth in the past year. anybody listening to the speech, i did not say that they were going to be george wallacer bull connor. >> sean: biden's blatant lies are a culmination of two deeply concerning issues. one, he has always been kind of a slimy, dishonest politician, to be blunt. two, joe is now in a very steep, very obvious cognitive decline. it is becoming harder and harder for him to keep his tall tales straight, and as a result, you, the american people, well, you don't seem to have much confidence or belief that joe is competent to serve. today, james rosen asked joe biden about this cognitive decline and joe was not interested in giving an answer. totally unaware. take a look. >> i'd like to -- i'd like to raise a delicate subject, but with utmost respect for your life accomplishments and the high office you hold, a poll released this morning by "politico" morning consult, found 49% of registered voters disagreeing with the statement "joe biden is mentally fit." not even a majority of democrats who responded. strongly affirmed that statement. >> well, i make the judgment -- >> the question i have for you, if you let me finish, why do you you's oppose such large segments of the american electric have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness? thank you. >> i have no idea of. >> sean: no idea whatsoever. we must admit we are away little head of the curve because we were telling you about this during the campaign. and by the way, he is living in an alternate universe. remember, how did he not know what "let's go brandon" meant, and today at the presser come in between a few lucid moments, biden, he struggled mightily, we have a tape to prove it. again, we will let you decide. >> pass a lot of things that people don't even understand all that's in it, understandably. one of the things that i remember saying come and i'll end it. i think it is extremely realistic to say to people because -- let me back up. so whether or not we can actually get election -- and by the way, haven't given up. we haven't finished the vote yet on what is going on on voting rights, the john lewis bill and others. allison harris. very few schools are closing. over 95% are still open. it's becoming much more informed on the motives of some of the political players and some of the political parties. >> one more question, mr. president. >> by the way, i'm going to do this -- easy questions, i will give you quick answers. >> sean: there's a reason i stopped joking about it a long time ago, because it's not funny. our enemies are watching this. it's scary. it's troubling. we the american people can see what's going on. you are witnessing an obvious cognitive decline. but the saddest part of all of this, so are america's enemies. you know vladimir putin, resident she come of the mullahs in iran, in fact putin is amassing troops at the border of ukraine ready to attack and caua massive war in europe, putin likely thinks biden is too weak to respond and today biden essentially, well, not only confirmed but fast track to putin's plan to invade ukraine so long as it is -- is it going to be a minor incursion? wow. take a look. >> russia will be held accountable. if it invades. and it depends on what it does. one thing if it is a minor incursion, and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. >> sean: do you think putin is going to hold back now? 200,000 troops he has amassed there. ukrainian officials are now at this hour freaking out, rightly so, with some expressing complete shock and grief at biden's comments. u.s. intel officials, they are now reportedly deeply concerned and troubled but by the way they were at the start of the state. our nato allies are frankly terrified of what they saw today and what might happen next because of what biden said at this press conference. now clearly, more by putin is imminent, and kind of got the green light from joe biden that there's not going to be any real significant consequences. we are going to put sanctions on them. oh, okay, that is going to work. you don't know how to put sanctions on them because if you did you have to out produce him as far as energy goes, and that would mean you would be supplying our western european allies with the lifeblood of the world's economy that we have the ability to provide that you prevent us from providing. if this is why we cannot have a president that is a cognitive mess in our white house. the consequences will be felt all over the world. and today, former president trump had this to say about joe's disastrous day. listen to this. >> i imagine you saw most of his press conference -- >> i did. i did. >> joe biden said he has had enormous progress during his presidency. i don't see it that way. do you? >> well, progress in destroying our country, yes, that has been tremendous. i'd like them to do well. we want to know the truth, forget about politics, love for him to do well and be represent in our country. i think it is the lowest our country has ever been. you look at the border with millions of people coming in, you look at inflation, you look at no more energy independence. we have a much different country than we did a year ago. >> sean: we have an announcement about president trump later in the show. we will have more of this interview. the great one mark levin will also join us. but first, i want to take a moment and answer a question that joe biden asked at today's press conference. here's the question he asked, well, numerous times. take a listen. >> think about this. what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing they are for. >> sean: well, for the record, i'm just a conservative, but i vote republican because that's pretty much the only party that is even near conservative. now, just one, joe, because my list is expansive. let's start with energy independence that you took away from this country. let's start with the keystone xl pipeline. let's get it back online. drilling on federal lands, lowering taxes, ending burdensome regulation, open schools, school choice, parents and control of their kids education, law and order, safety, security so every american can pursue happiness, free and fair trade deals, peace through strength, free-market solutions to health care, yes, that also protect pre-existing conditions. we believe in liberty, in freedom and capitalism in our constitution, and the u.s. bill of rights upheld by constitutionalists on the bench. but joe isn't particularly familiar with any of those beliefs because joe doesn't actually talk to any republicans or conservatives, and he doesn't reach across the aisle. republicans were pushed out of any negotiation with build back better or build back broke, as i call it, they were not at all involved in this power grab that they are trying even at this hour tonight, which we will talk about in a minute. instead, he is hiding away at the white house and spending 25% of his time at the beach somewhere in delaware all while his socialist handlers are fundamentally trying to transform this country into a new green deal socialist utopia with the slimmest of my majorities in the house and the senate. so i guess congratulations, joey, he might be the worst president in modern american history but don't worry, joey, you will be the last to know it because it appears your steep cognitive decline is only getting worse. here with reaction from our very own peter doocy, who was in the room. i saw -- i did notice -- and i will say, i'm a very harsh critic of the media. i felt there were a number of pretty good questions asked today. now, where they grew questions i would have asked? no, but with that said -- and i like your question today because he is moving hard left, and he just wanted to dismiss it. what was it like in the room, especially, you noticed, the media kept going back to putin and ukraine because it seems like joe was giving putin a green light. >> well, to talk about, first, the president appearing to give putin a green light, very, very shortly after he said this, a minor incursion might be treated differently, jen psaki came out with a statement cleaning that up. she said any kind -- any russian military forces move across the ukrainian border, that is a renewed invasion. that would trigger the u.s. response. so that from jen psaki a lot harder than what we learned from president biden, but in the room, i tell you, i've beenh joe biden on the beat for more than three years now, and that is the longest i have ever seen him by himself talking. then there were 30 reporters in the room. 24 got questions. there was a lot of russia. if i had been given a follow-up, i was going to ask him about crime, especially because he had a new and i had not heard him use before. he was saying that people in this country just want three squares and to be safe. well, as we know, a lot of people right now in this country do not feel safe as the murder rate has risen to a near 25 year high and even the new mayor of new york says he does not feel safe riding the subway. but being in the room, everybody that was there even though it was one hour and 51 minutes, a lot of time to be anywhere, everybody really seems to take advantage of the chance for the first time -- >> sean: let me ask you one quick question. i don't need a long answer. look, there were moments where he just is silent and can't put his thoughts together, mumbling, fumbling, stumbling, dazed and confused. does the rest of the media acknowledge that privately behind the scenes, or do many? you don't have to mention names. >> no, and i would say being there in the room, it doesn't seem like he is pausing for as long as may be when you see it on tape. i got a feeling today that as far as these things go, agree or disagree with what he was saying, that he was actually about as prepared as he gets for these things. >> sean: where has he been the last five days, peter? he has been preparing. that's my bet. i would bet everything i had. he has been missing in action. they prepped him to death. anyway, peter, thank you. we appreciate you beaming with us. if here with reaction from a former senior advisor to president trump kellyanne conway and joe concha. kellyanne conway your reaction. >> now you know why they don't let biden do these conferences. he is our game with reporters at his polling numbers, which are . just today, morning consult "politico" poll came out with a report card, not joe biden's report card on joe biden, it is america's. 37% gave him an f, combined 31% gave a or b. it takes an awful lot for americans to want to fail the president and the presidency. we have lived during these times. we want the country to be prosperous and successful and intact and secure. and people just don't feel that. so for two hours today, joe biden reinforced why he is an unpopular president. why his polling numbers according to the gallup poll, 46% approve, 56% disapprove, after one year the lowest on record that she has lower than donald trump's, who did not have the mainstream media pushing for him, covering for him, and of course voting for him. i would have asked the media different question, which is due any of you regret voting for him? to any of your regret covering up stories about his corrupt son? do any of you regret not pushing him more on the policies and issues and forcing him out on his groundhog day basement when he was campaigning or not campaigning? because this is what we have and it's a serious point that his numbers have cratered among independents, even cnn had to admit today, sean, that among independents, joe biden at this point a year ago was over 60%. he is now at 33% approval. among democrats, he was at 98% one year ago. he is at 82%. the attrition is not just right wingers and conservatives are people who do not like for joe biden. it is all some believe he isincapacitatedr number believe he is incompetent. and i think the incompetents measure is the most adorable one because it is a reflection on the entire democratic party. until we change the policies and until we change the president, this country is not going to get back on the track where they were. they missed the policies, they missed that america first agenda and accomplish matthew ran through because people felt more secure and more prosperous. they had more space in the office of the presidency. >> sean: joe, on top of the ukraine disaster that is now unfolding as a disaster, you know, president trump said something to mark levin who interviewed him right after the press conference. i actually prefer that he succeed. you know, he's bragging about his economic numbers but the average american household is paying $5,000 more a year because of his inflation that he caused. unless he reverses course, that is not going to change, is it? >> and what we saw today from this press conference, sean, is he is not going to reverse course. it is likely heard the same song again and again, which he said during the campaign, and now as president. and when you watch any presidential press conference, you look for what are the big three headlines you can take out of it, right? here's what i have. headline one: biden says republicans will change vote totals if voting legislation doesn't pass. wait, i thought that such rhetoric was chilling a tax on democracy. this is a president of the united states sowing doubt in future elections, and every political pundit out there who said it was wrong for the 45th president when he did it is awfully silent tonight as far as when joe biden does it and it shows you how phony all the outrage on tv was about that. headline two poll: biden says hs encompassed more in his first year than any president in history. given the 40 year inflation that you just mentioned or given record violent crime, homicides, more than 2 million people crossing the southern border illegally, that is a fascinating claim to me. speaking of crime, despite two hours, dozens of questions, not one, not one on violent crime impacting so many americans. i know peter doocy had it as question two but did not have the opportunity. so here's where we are. that was an unmitigated disaster today, sean, and those praising the president for longevity of this press conference, it is all about quality, not quantity, as far as the answers. >> sean: great analysis, kellyanne and joe. when we come back, the great one mark levin spoke with president trump following biden's disastrous press conference today. he is not. we will get greg gutfeld's take them he will join us. and we have an announcement at the end of the show. stay with us. ♪ ♪ aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. ♪ ♪ >> sean: breaking news this hour, the senate floor, majority leader chuckie schumer trying to turn this country into a banana republic, those are his words, as he barrels her head on his doomed effort to carve out an elimination to try to pass the democrats election takeover bill. in other words, their election fraud bill. here to explain come out on chad pergram. he offers the hitchhikers guide to all things swamp, sewer, all things, in other words, d.c. sir, how are you? >> good evening, sean. we just had a vote on the floor, a procedural vote to end the filibuster on the voting rights bill. you need 60 votes they are. they did not get 60 votes. so what chuck schumer is teeing up in the next hour or so is what we call a nuclear option. this is an effort to change the filibuster provisions and what chuck schumer is going to propose on the senate floor in just a few minutes is a one-time exception to the senate filibuster, exclusively for this bill. essentially what he is going to propose is that senators can talk twice as long, elongating this. vice president harris served as president of the senate. she was here just a few minutes ago. she has left. in order to execute this nuclear option, you need 51 votes. here's the problem: democrats only have 50 votes on their side. joe manchin and kyrsten sinema will vote no, so even if they were here to vote yes, then you would need kamala harris to break the tie. she is not here, which indicates they don't have the votes to make this one time change to pass the voting rights bill here in the senate. sean? >> sean: so it will fail. >> it will fail. >> sean: thank you for being with us, chad come appreciate it. now joe biden absolutely humiliated himself and frankly the country today. it's sad. telling agenda failing. here's how former president trump reacted. he did an interview earlier on a great one, mark levin's radio show. take a listen. >> i imagine you saw most of this press conference -- >> oh, i did. i did. >> joe biden said he has had enormous progress during his presidency. i don't see it that way, do you? >> well, progress in destroying our country, yes, i think that has been tremendous. he also said something that i assume was a mistake. he said he expects putin to go in. he said "i expect him to go in," to go into ukraine. i thought that was a very unusual answer. i don't know if he knew what ite was saying because he said that as part of another question that he was a little confused. and the whole thing was just so horrible but you look at the border with billions of people coming in, you look at inflatioe energy independence, no, we have a much different country than we had a year ago. >> sean: here with reaction, author of the best seller, the best-selling book for all of 2021, "american marxism" from he hosts "life liberty and live in" right here on the fox news channel and i call him the great one, nationally syndicated radio host mark levi. two questions come i want to get your take on biden's presser and give us a preview of what the president said. >> my take on it is joe biden -- >> sean: what's with the bobblehead? what's that? >> i like the bobblehead. it reminds me of the president, i can't help it. every now and then i talked to him. anyway, -- >> sean: does he answer? >> no, i speak for him, you know. people say they have never seen him talk so long, for two hours today. live with him, he probably talks to himself a lot. anyway, here is the thing. the president is exactly right. what he said about russia, you know, putin might act and so forth, that was an incredibly provocative statement. it was outrageous. putin is watching this, too, and he just -- and he says he has made enormous progress, more than any president in history at this time. what the hell is he talking about? he is the john tyler of our time, the james buchanan of our time. more progress? you know who has made the most progress? the regime in iran, the regime in north korea, the regime in china, the regime in russia. they are making a hell of a lot of progress. do you know who is making a lot of progress? illegal aliens are making progress. they are making a lot of progress. there's like two americas here, the democrat party that lives in the sort of cocoon, and the rest of the nation. there is inflation come he says it is no big deal. we didn't talk about schools, crime, people have mentioned that's true, the border is totally out of control. the issues that affect americans across the board, he talks about, oh, we voted to spend this and we voted to spend this, so we passed this law and did this law, because that is how these clowns in the democrat party in washington, d.c., think. you cast a loss of my life is better? no, that is not the way it works, and he talked about other things. seems to suggest the democrats lose in the midterm election, that it is not legitimate, he was specifically asked, the upcoming election won't be fair, fairly conducted, quote unquote, without passing the voting rights bill. this is not a voting rights bill. can anybody tell me a single provision that actually protects voting rights? they keep talking about -- republicans don't want blacks to vote -- this is poisonous, cancerous language. tell me, where all these people that can't vote? where is the class action lawsuit that has been brought in federal court? where are the lawsuits brought under the 1965 civil rights act? for all these people who couldn't vote, you can vote here if i'm going to tell you how to vote. you want me to do a public service announcement, sean? get off your ass on election day and go to the precinct and vote. there, i did it. so every election prior to this one has been illegitimate, you see. so the election of barack obama was a legitimate? and it is amazing thing, concha touched on it. some of these supporters bring it up, republican legislators, real, serious, substantive issues. joe biden, in anticipation of the democrats losing the house and maybe the senate come has already said effectively this election will be illegitimate. in 2016! they tried to depose a legitimately elected president. no commission on that with russia collusion. the fbi and intelligence agencies, the democrat party, hillary clinton, law firms, slip and fall lawyers, all involved in it. 2016. but you can to talk about 2020. i think the president will be better off and i really do slamming away on joe biden and his agenda. donald trump had a fantastically successful presidency. in four years' time. this is one of the things that drives the left and the media nuts. a fantastically successful president despite the war against him, despite these never-trumpers led by mcconnell and others trying to undermine him. i don't think we have ever seen anything like that. in fact, joe biden is wrong. he says enormous progress, more than any president in history at this time. no, trump did more than any president in history at this time. all right, i hear the music, so joe and i are going to leave. that's it. >> sean: [laughs] >> that's it, i'm done. >> sean: great one, mark levin, don't forget his show on the weeknights, sunday nights, 8:00 p.m., ragging on fox news channel, peter schweizer on this week. when we come back, greg gutfeld, he pointed out earlier today, we touched on it, biden totally contradicting himself on the election takeover bill. we will get his take when we come back. and more. thanks for being with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: now amid joe biden never amending flubs, failures, far left lou to see that we found full display today, joey didn't even seem to realize he totally contradicting himself on this election takeovr bill that will be failing any moment now, and greg gutfeld immediately pointed out after the presser that i'm the one hae passed to prevent voter suppression and then bragging about the historic turn out and stored voting numbers in 2020. anyway, here to explain more, cohost of "the five" and host of "gutfeld," but before we get started, nothing -- will you please keep doing that? that makes me very happy. >> the only sad part is it is so easy, sean. i wish i had to work a little harder. >> sean: it seems like you are having too much fun doing it all in the process. >> i have to enjoy it. i have to enjoy it. >> sean: you do. i can tell you do. >> [laughs] >> sean: let me ask you. so i am watching the presser. you come up first, you give commentary. i'm like, you are absolutely right. you say we have a historic turn out and you say there is voter suppression. >> yeah, generally come in a debate, you marshal evidence to bolster your position. miraculously, he did the opposite in record time. he's like saying there is no such thing as a pink unicorn and then he shows you a pink uniform. in this case, he said voter suppression happens because of republicans, and then he says the 2020 election was an amazing record turnout. literally like 20 seconds, he contradicted and negated the need for this voting bill. he undermines this myth that there is some kind of subversiom by republicans. it is kind of amazing he did not even see it coming in his own head. i admire that. >> sean: [laughs] all right, next question, give me your overall sense, obviously i feel how i feel. what was your biggest takeaways from this presser tonight? >> i love all-you-can-eat restaurants, chinese barbecue, but i don't like sushi. joe gave us an all-you-can-eat buffet of sushi. no meat, all fish. if you are going to do more. if you're going to say more is better, the substance better be desirable. now we understand why the democrats hit him in a basement, chained him to a radiator next to an old solo flex, because they knew that more is bad. the thing is, it's actually, i feel -- it is not his fault, in a way. to me, he seems wistful and stunned. so when you talk to him about the big issues americans face, crime especially, no mention of crime, economy, inflation, the cost of food, he had a low point in his life where you know what? that stuff is going to pass because most of his life is behind him, so he is wistful and he is done and not bothered by the things that bother most of america because for him, these are the twilight years, right? he's going to be in bed. it is all good. that is kind of a sad thing about it. >> sean: it is sad. all good humor is rooted in truth, right? and you know behind the scenes -- let me put it a delicate way. their adam schiff thing in their pants the whole time because this guy stops talking and you never know when he's going to pick it up again. he is saying things that don't connect, and then, of course, he is like starting a war with russia and ukraine and giving his blessing. >> the russia thing is really important because this is the least interesting topic to the american public. the american public wants cheap gas, food on their table, they don't want to get stabbed in the subway, so instead, the press, the elite press goes no, it is all about russia, it is all about russia, and what does it do? it screws their main guy. if they had just stuck to the meat and potatoes issues that americans care about, he would have done so much better, but they pushed him on russia and then he goes "yeah, you know what, he'll probably invade," but you have to know the history. you have to know the history of russia. putin is a very serious man. a bit hurt by the berlin wall. i don't need this psychoanalysis. i want to know, are we going to stop this crime wave? he doesn't say anything. >> sean: here is the question. do you think he really -- i think he is a cognitive mess and they are covering it up, agree or disagree? >> i think is best years are behind him, to put it diplomatically. >> sean: is he a cognitive mess or -- i think -- this is the reason why we don't see him. that's the reason. it's pretty transparent. yeah, it's all going to be a minor incursion into kyiv or ukraine, you'll see. >> they are probably just going to get the potatoes. that is all it is. potato stew. that is all they are doing. they are going to get potatoes and then leave. >> sean: guys come right home. sit in the tanks and 200,000 troops to the border. i got it now. i got to go. when we come back, alec baldwin, he is a more legal trouble tonight, being sued by one of the families of marines killed in afghanistan. and an announcement coming up at the end of the show. stay with us. glad you are here. ♪ ♪ work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. ♪ ♪ >> sean: turned to another development tonight as the family of one of the fallen marines in afghanistan, riley mccollum, is suing actor alec baldwin him accusing him of falsely claiming the marine sister, royce mccollum, was a january 6th rider, which he says is absolutely not true. the lawsuit stems from a post that baldwin shared on instagram earlier this month. that is after he gave $5,000 to the widow of riley to help with their newborn daughter, but after baldwin discovered that mccallum's sister was pictured at the washington monument on january the 6th, baldwin rode to her, "when i sent the money for your late brother out of real respect for his service to this country, i did not know you were a january 6th rider. royce mccollum then responded, protesting is perfectly legal in the country and i have already had my sit down with the fbi, thanks, have a nice day. baldwin then went on to repost the photo and call royce an insurrectionist, to his 2.4 million instagram followers, which prompted a wave of hateful comments. we reached out to baldwin for comment. shockingly, aren't surprised we have not heard back. here with moore's royce mccollum and her attorney is wi. thank you both. you were there january 6th. you went to the rally, and you did not go into the capital, correct? >> correct. i went to protest january 6th, i was at the capital, but i never went inside. i sat with a police officer most of the night and never had an issue. came home and had an old coworker reported me to the fbi, so they came about a week later and had a sit down with me. why was not guilty of anything, they never followed up, there was no charges, i was just there protesting. >> sean: okay, so he went to a rally. that is basically it. is this, dennis, from a legal perspective, is this liable, is this slander? she is not a public figure. >> thanks for having us. >> sean: uh-oh, may be losing our connection. did we get it back? we are trying to get your attorney -- all right, we will try it one more time. dennis, go ahead. >> yeah, so what i was saying, we sued for defamation because these charges are false, number one. keep in mind also that the widow, gg, and also roice's sister, joining us in the suit, they were not even present when the protest was going on and they were sucked into this, as well, so we are alleging defamation and negligence, invasion of privacy potential infliction of emotional distress. >> sean: okay, now let's talk about the law. for example, i as a public figure, i take a lot of lies, smearing, slandering, besmirching, and there is not much i can do about it because i have to prove the absence malice so it is a pretty high bar but it should not be the case with roice. so you take this case and bring it before a jury. i would assume your odds are pretty good of winning. >> well, we think so. you are absolutely correct, there is a doctrine with a public figure, even in that case, we allege in the lawsuit that baldwin is a serial offender come has done this over and over again over the course of years, and he knows very well what is going to happen when he sensed something to 2.4 million people, which by the way is five times the population of the state where roice lives. the reach is incredible and the harm was immediate. roice will tell you she immediately started getting hateful messages, death threats, the same for her sister and lance corporal mccollum's widow. >> sean: what did you make of the fact, roice, he initially i assume was trying to be nice, and that it ends up this way? >> when i got his message, we were actually kind of shocked. he asked if he could send it gigi money and i gave an address, and he sent it to me and i passed it along to her when we got it. and that was back in september, and then, yeah, i posted a picture, it was a few days before the sixth. i just happened to be going through pictures and saw one and shared the massive crowd that was out front, and when he commented on it and immediately followed up with the message, which you read, and i replied, and then he followed it up with, not going to get away with it. >> sean: yep. >> and then posted it to his page. >> sean: well, we are going to follow your suit and wish you the best of luck. thank you. sorry you had to go through that and sorry about your brother. major programming announcement next. >> tomorrow night former president donald trump will join us for an exclusive interview. will get his stance on the disastrous first year in office. we hope you never miss an episode let not your heart be troubled we have laura ingraham's take on this press conference today jeff on watching it? >> laura: it was agony you know what made it worse was because i had things going on with my kids so i had to keep pushing because so it's bad enough, it's bad enough when you watch it straight through but when you make it even longer by having apposite, it was a nightmare. at [laughs] all my god it was about the worst as i can remember from our president frankly. >> eye is an american and i don't say this with any joy as i felt embarrassed. i felt it was humiliating

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Withdrawal , Holders , Afghanistan , 25 , 13 , 20 , People , Virus , Nothing , Monoclonal Antibodies , Covid 19 , Van 2020 , Omicron Coming , Covid Test , 2021 , 2020 , Lot , Time , Charging Stations , White House , Antivirals , Watch , Windmills , Joe Couldn T , Folks , Unity , Characterization , Inauguration Speech , Voting Bills , Camp , George Wallace , Position , Side , Bull Connor , Anyone , Official , Choice , Journal , Dr , King , John Lewis , Abraham Lincoln , Jefferson Davis , Schools , Lie , Dick Durbin , Robert Byrd , Integration , Presser Today , Core Murder , Jungles , Stop , Jo , Point , Speech , Reality , Examples , Congresswoman , Senator , Left , We Haven T , Taxes , Cost , Plan , Build Fact , Penny , Working Families , 00000 , 400000 , Record Job Creation , Raise , Kind , Issues , Politician , George Wallacer , Culmination , Decline , Belief , Confidence , Steep , Result , Tales , Answer , Respect , Subject , James Rosen , Life , Poll , Voters , Politico , Morning 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

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i felt humiliation for the country. i really did. and that is just the delivery. the substance was an unmitigated disaster. that could have ramifications all around the globe in what was a blatant attempt to look strong and confident, joe biden looked deeply unwell. tonight, coming up, we are going to fact-check his many lives. we will call out his election conspiracy theories. we will actually answer one of his dumb rhetorical questions, and we will tell you how his pathetic rhetoric surrounding russia and nato could have potentially explosive and very deadly consequences around the entire globe. peter doocy, who just faced off against biden, will join us again. the great one mark levin, we will get his take, and greg gutfeld, moments away. we will show you president trump's initial reaction, as well. but we begin with perhaps the biggest lies of the day, and that is despite major crises on multiple fronts, and an all-time low approval rating of 33%, joe biden just proudly announced that his administration has exceeded all expectations. oh, okay, sure. >> inflation is up. your signature domestic legislation is stalled in congress. a few hours from now, the senate -- and effort in the senate to deal with voting rights and voting reform legislation is going to fail. covid-19 is still taking the lives of 1500 americans every day, and the nation's divisions are just as raw as they were a year ago. did you overpromise to the american public what you could achieve in your first year in office, and how do you plan to course correct going forward? >> why are you such an optimist? look, i didn't overpromise. and what i have probably outperformed what anybody thought would happen. can you think of any other president who has done as much in one year? name one for me. >> i'm asking you. >> i'm serious. >> sean: all right, since you asked, joe, let's take a look at donald trump's first year in office, shall we? in 2017, president trump, he signed 117 bills into law. that included dozens of major legislative achievements. he repealed the individual mandate in obamacare. he signed what was the biggest tax cut in american history. he eliminated more regulations than the last white, five, eight presidents combined? he opened up oil expiration in mr and alaska, oversaw an economic growth, nominated neil gorsuch to the supreme court, set a record for first year judicial appointments to federal applet courts, oversaw a historic reduction in illegal immigration, bombed the living adam schiff out of isis and destroyed the caliphate and forced nato numbers to up their contributions. what did joe do over the past year? okay, true, you spend so much money on handouts that inflation is now at a record 40 year high, while the worker shortage remains dire in the country. the average american family because of your policies is now spending $5,000 more this year because of your inflation tax. biden shut down the keystone xl pipeline, but he did green light putin's pipeline, the nord stream 2 pipeline to europe. he blocked oil exploration on federal lands, he ended trump's energy independence policies, a year ago, this country was a net exporter of energy and energy independent, and now he is begging and pleading with opec and russia to produce more energy. that too is a national embarrassment, and worst of all for you, the american consumer, all of us are paying, well come about $1.50 more per gallon of gasoline. we are going to pay him close to $1,000 more on average heating or home this year and we now pay more for every single product we buy at every store that we go to. and there is no end in sight as now the price of a barrel of oil worldwide is now headed to $100 a barrel and may be higher. that is a huge reason for the 40 year high in inflation, and joe obviously has zero understanding of economics 101, because he never tied those two things together. instead, he is lashing out, blaming businesses and industries and saying his policies did not cause this. and remember, he also ended trump's order policies. he stopped construction of the border wall. he also entered the state in mexico policy that was working. it cost record levels of illegal immigration we had not seen in what, 20-25 years. we can never forget the 13 americans who were killed because of biden's botched withdrawal from afghanistan, or the thousands of americans and green card holders and allies that he abandoned when he said he wouldn't do it. remember he also promised to shut down the virus. that never happened, either. joe was lying the entire time. not only did he not shut it down, we had more people that died from covid-19 in 2021 van 2020. he said "i didn't the omicron coming," and in the meantime, when we needed him most, he ran out of covid test, he ran out of monoclonal antibodies, he has done nothing to mass-produced antivirals that for the first time today he even mentioned. now more americans dead under his watch then donald trump. but according to the white house, biden did build a lot of new windmills and electric charging stations. okay, that is really helping us all out a lot. but as for the unity that joe promised, in his inauguration speech, well, today, joe couldn't even be honest about that. take a look. >> i know that you dispute the characterization that you called folks who would oppose those voting bills as being george wallace, but you said they would be sort of in the same camp. >> no, i didn't say that. look what i said. go back and read what i said. and tell me if you think i called anyone who voted on the side, the position taken by bull connor that they were bull connor. that is an interesting read and i assume you got it in the journal because you like to write. >> i ask elected official in america, how do you want to be remembered? a consequential moment in history, they present a choice. do you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace? do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull connor? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? >> sean: well come he chose to be beside let's see the core murder my former klansman robert byrd and stop integration of schools because he did not want public schools to be racial jungles. it was lie after lie after lie in this presser today. even jo's old friend dick durbin thought that speech was too divisive. joe does not seem to grasp reality at this point in time. he just lies and lies over and over again. here are a few more examples, take a look, you decide. >> why are you trying so hard in your first year to pull the country so far to the left? >> well, i'm not. you notice i haven't attacked anybody publicly. any senator. and a congresswoman. my build fact that her plan will address the biggest cost of working families face every day. do all of this without raising a single penny in taxes. on people making under $400,000 a year. and for the first time in a long time, this country's working people actually got a raise. we've seen record job creation, record economic growth in the past year. anybody listening to the speech, i did not say that they were going to be george wallacer bull connor. >> sean: biden's blatant lies are a culmination of two deeply concerning issues. one, he has always been kind of a slimy, dishonest politician, to be blunt. two, joe is now in a very steep, very obvious cognitive decline. it is becoming harder and harder for him to keep his tall tales straight, and as a result, you, the american people, well, you don't seem to have much confidence or belief that joe is competent to serve. today, james rosen asked joe biden about this cognitive decline and joe was not interested in giving an answer. totally unaware. take a look. >> i'd like to -- i'd like to raise a delicate subject, but with utmost respect for your life accomplishments and the high office you hold, a poll released this morning by "politico" morning consult, found 49% of registered voters disagreeing with the statement "joe biden is mentally fit." not even a majority of democrats who responded. strongly affirmed that statement. >> well, i make the judgment -- >> the question i have for you, if you let me finish, why do you you's oppose such large segments of the american electric have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness? thank you. >> i have no idea of. >> sean: no idea whatsoever. we must admit we are away little head of the curve because we were telling you about this during the campaign. and by the way, he is living in an alternate universe. remember, how did he not know what "let's go brandon" meant, and today at the presser come in between a few lucid moments, biden, he struggled mightily, we have a tape to prove it. again, we will let you decide. >> pass a lot of things that people don't even understand all that's in it, understandably. one of the things that i remember saying come and i'll end it. i think it is extremely realistic to say to people because -- let me back up. so whether or not we can actually get election -- and by the way, haven't given up. we haven't finished the vote yet on what is going on on voting rights, the john lewis bill and others. allison harris. very few schools are closing. over 95% are still open. it's becoming much more informed on the motives of some of the political players and some of the political parties. >> one more question, mr. president. >> by the way, i'm going to do this -- easy questions, i will give you quick answers. >> sean: there's a reason i stopped joking about it a long time ago, because it's not funny. our enemies are watching this. it's scary. it's troubling. we the american people can see what's going on. you are witnessing an obvious cognitive decline. but the saddest part of all of this, so are america's enemies. you know vladimir putin, resident she come of the mullahs in iran, in fact putin is amassing troops at the border of ukraine ready to attack and caua massive war in europe, putin likely thinks biden is too weak to respond and today biden essentially, well, not only confirmed but fast track to putin's plan to invade ukraine so long as it is -- is it going to be a minor incursion? wow. take a look. >> russia will be held accountable. if it invades. and it depends on what it does. one thing if it is a minor incursion, and we end up having to fight about what to do and not do, et cetera. >> sean: do you think putin is going to hold back now? 200,000 troops he has amassed there. ukrainian officials are now at this hour freaking out, rightly so, with some expressing complete shock and grief at biden's comments. u.s. intel officials, they are now reportedly deeply concerned and troubled but by the way they were at the start of the state. our nato allies are frankly terrified of what they saw today and what might happen next because of what biden said at this press conference. now clearly, more by putin is imminent, and kind of got the green light from joe biden that there's not going to be any real significant consequences. we are going to put sanctions on them. oh, okay, that is going to work. you don't know how to put sanctions on them because if you did you have to out produce him as far as energy goes, and that would mean you would be supplying our western european allies with the lifeblood of the world's economy that we have the ability to provide that you prevent us from providing. if this is why we cannot have a president that is a cognitive mess in our white house. the consequences will be felt all over the world. and today, former president trump had this to say about joe's disastrous day. listen to this. >> i imagine you saw most of his press conference -- >> i did. i did. >> joe biden said he has had enormous progress during his presidency. i don't see it that way. do you? >> well, progress in destroying our country, yes, that has been tremendous. i'd like them to do well. we want to know the truth, forget about politics, love for him to do well and be represent in our country. i think it is the lowest our country has ever been. you look at the border with millions of people coming in, you look at inflation, you look at no more energy independence. we have a much different country than we did a year ago. >> sean: we have an announcement about president trump later in the show. we will have more of this interview. the great one mark levin will also join us. but first, i want to take a moment and answer a question that joe biden asked at today's press conference. here's the question he asked, well, numerous times. take a listen. >> think about this. what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing they are for. >> sean: well, for the record, i'm just a conservative, but i vote republican because that's pretty much the only party that is even near conservative. now, just one, joe, because my list is expansive. let's start with energy independence that you took away from this country. let's start with the keystone xl pipeline. let's get it back online. drilling on federal lands, lowering taxes, ending burdensome regulation, open schools, school choice, parents and control of their kids education, law and order, safety, security so every american can pursue happiness, free and fair trade deals, peace through strength, free-market solutions to health care, yes, that also protect pre-existing conditions. we believe in liberty, in freedom and capitalism in our constitution, and the u.s. bill of rights upheld by constitutionalists on the bench. but joe isn't particularly familiar with any of those beliefs because joe doesn't actually talk to any republicans or conservatives, and he doesn't reach across the aisle. republicans were pushed out of any negotiation with build back better or build back broke, as i call it, they were not at all involved in this power grab that they are trying even at this hour tonight, which we will talk about in a minute. instead, he is hiding away at the white house and spending 25% of his time at the beach somewhere in delaware all while his socialist handlers are fundamentally trying to transform this country into a new green deal socialist utopia with the slimmest of my majorities in the house and the senate. so i guess congratulations, joey, he might be the worst president in modern american history but don't worry, joey, you will be the last to know it because it appears your steep cognitive decline is only getting worse. here with reaction from our very own peter doocy, who was in the room. i saw -- i did notice -- and i will say, i'm a very harsh critic of the media. i felt there were a number of pretty good questions asked today. now, where they grew questions i would have asked? no, but with that said -- and i like your question today because he is moving hard left, and he just wanted to dismiss it. what was it like in the room, especially, you noticed, the media kept going back to putin and ukraine because it seems like joe was giving putin a green light. >> well, to talk about, first, the president appearing to give putin a green light, very, very shortly after he said this, a minor incursion might be treated differently, jen psaki came out with a statement cleaning that up. she said any kind -- any russian military forces move across the ukrainian border, that is a renewed invasion. that would trigger the u.s. response. so that from jen psaki a lot harder than what we learned from president biden, but in the room, i tell you, i've beenh joe biden on the beat for more than three years now, and that is the longest i have ever seen him by himself talking. then there were 30 reporters in the room. 24 got questions. there was a lot of russia. if i had been given a follow-up, i was going to ask him about crime, especially because he had a new and i had not heard him use before. he was saying that people in this country just want three squares and to be safe. well, as we know, a lot of people right now in this country do not feel safe as the murder rate has risen to a near 25 year high and even the new mayor of new york says he does not feel safe riding the subway. but being in the room, everybody that was there even though it was one hour and 51 minutes, a lot of time to be anywhere, everybody really seems to take advantage of the chance for the first time -- >> sean: let me ask you one quick question. i don't need a long answer. look, there were moments where he just is silent and can't put his thoughts together, mumbling, fumbling, stumbling, dazed and confused. does the rest of the media acknowledge that privately behind the scenes, or do many? you don't have to mention names. >> no, and i would say being there in the room, it doesn't seem like he is pausing for as long as may be when you see it on tape. i got a feeling today that as far as these things go, agree or disagree with what he was saying, that he was actually about as prepared as he gets for these things. >> sean: where has he been the last five days, peter? he has been preparing. that's my bet. i would bet everything i had. he has been missing in action. they prepped him to death. anyway, peter, thank you. we appreciate you beaming with us. if here with reaction from a former senior advisor to president trump kellyanne conway and joe concha. kellyanne conway your reaction. >> now you know why they don't let biden do these conferences. he is our game with reporters at his polling numbers, which are . just today, morning consult "politico" poll came out with a report card, not joe biden's report card on joe biden, it is america's. 37% gave him an f, combined 31% gave a or b. it takes an awful lot for americans to want to fail the president and the presidency. we have lived during these times. we want the country to be prosperous and successful and intact and secure. and people just don't feel that. so for two hours today, joe biden reinforced why he is an unpopular president. why his polling numbers according to the gallup poll, 46% approve, 56% disapprove, after one year the lowest on record that she has lower than donald trump's, who did not have the mainstream media pushing for him, covering for him, and of course voting for him. i would have asked the media different question, which is due any of you regret voting for him? to any of your regret covering up stories about his corrupt son? do any of you regret not pushing him more on the policies and issues and forcing him out on his groundhog day basement when he was campaigning or not campaigning? because this is what we have and it's a serious point that his numbers have cratered among independents, even cnn had to admit today, sean, that among independents, joe biden at this point a year ago was over 60%. he is now at 33% approval. among democrats, he was at 98% one year ago. he is at 82%. the attrition is not just right wingers and conservatives are people who do not like for joe biden. it is all some believe he isincapacitatedr number believe he is incompetent. and i think the incompetents measure is the most adorable one because it is a reflection on the entire democratic party. until we change the policies and until we change the president, this country is not going to get back on the track where they were. they missed the policies, they missed that america first agenda and accomplish matthew ran through because people felt more secure and more prosperous. they had more space in the office of the presidency. >> sean: joe, on top of the ukraine disaster that is now unfolding as a disaster, you know, president trump said something to mark levin who interviewed him right after the press conference. i actually prefer that he succeed. you know, he's bragging about his economic numbers but the average american household is paying $5,000 more a year because of his inflation that he caused. unless he reverses course, that is not going to change, is it? >> and what we saw today from this press conference, sean, is he is not going to reverse course. it is likely heard the same song again and again, which he said during the campaign, and now as president. and when you watch any presidential press conference, you look for what are the big three headlines you can take out of it, right? here's what i have. headline one: biden says republicans will change vote totals if voting legislation doesn't pass. wait, i thought that such rhetoric was chilling a tax on democracy. this is a president of the united states sowing doubt in future elections, and every political pundit out there who said it was wrong for the 45th president when he did it is awfully silent tonight as far as when joe biden does it and it shows you how phony all the outrage on tv was about that. headline two poll: biden says hs encompassed more in his first year than any president in history. given the 40 year inflation that you just mentioned or given record violent crime, homicides, more than 2 million people crossing the southern border illegally, that is a fascinating claim to me. speaking of crime, despite two hours, dozens of questions, not one, not one on violent crime impacting so many americans. i know peter doocy had it as question two but did not have the opportunity. so here's where we are. that was an unmitigated disaster today, sean, and those praising the president for longevity of this press conference, it is all about quality, not quantity, as far as the answers. >> sean: great analysis, kellyanne and joe. when we come back, the great one mark levin spoke with president trump following biden's disastrous press conference today. he is not. we will get greg gutfeld's take them he will join us. and we have an announcement at the end of the show. stay with us. ♪ ♪ aleve-x. it's fast, powerful long-lasting relief with a revolutionary, rollerball design. because with the right pain reliever... life opens up. aleve it... and see what's possible. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. ♪ ♪ >> sean: breaking news this hour, the senate floor, majority leader chuckie schumer trying to turn this country into a banana republic, those are his words, as he barrels her head on his doomed effort to carve out an elimination to try to pass the democrats election takeover bill. in other words, their election fraud bill. here to explain come out on chad pergram. he offers the hitchhikers guide to all things swamp, sewer, all things, in other words, d.c. sir, how are you? >> good evening, sean. we just had a vote on the floor, a procedural vote to end the filibuster on the voting rights bill. you need 60 votes they are. they did not get 60 votes. so what chuck schumer is teeing up in the next hour or so is what we call a nuclear option. this is an effort to change the filibuster provisions and what chuck schumer is going to propose on the senate floor in just a few minutes is a one-time exception to the senate filibuster, exclusively for this bill. essentially what he is going to propose is that senators can talk twice as long, elongating this. vice president harris served as president of the senate. she was here just a few minutes ago. she has left. in order to execute this nuclear option, you need 51 votes. here's the problem: democrats only have 50 votes on their side. joe manchin and kyrsten sinema will vote no, so even if they were here to vote yes, then you would need kamala harris to break the tie. she is not here, which indicates they don't have the votes to make this one time change to pass the voting rights bill here in the senate. sean? >> sean: so it will fail. >> it will fail. >> sean: thank you for being with us, chad come appreciate it. now joe biden absolutely humiliated himself and frankly the country today. it's sad. telling agenda failing. here's how former president trump reacted. he did an interview earlier on a great one, mark levin's radio show. take a listen. >> i imagine you saw most of this press conference -- >> oh, i did. i did. >> joe biden said he has had enormous progress during his presidency. i don't see it that way, do you? >> well, progress in destroying our country, yes, i think that has been tremendous. he also said something that i assume was a mistake. he said he expects putin to go in. he said "i expect him to go in," to go into ukraine. i thought that was a very unusual answer. i don't know if he knew what ite was saying because he said that as part of another question that he was a little confused. and the whole thing was just so horrible but you look at the border with billions of people coming in, you look at inflatioe energy independence, no, we have a much different country than we had a year ago. >> sean: here with reaction, author of the best seller, the best-selling book for all of 2021, "american marxism" from he hosts "life liberty and live in" right here on the fox news channel and i call him the great one, nationally syndicated radio host mark levi. two questions come i want to get your take on biden's presser and give us a preview of what the president said. >> my take on it is joe biden -- >> sean: what's with the bobblehead? what's that? >> i like the bobblehead. it reminds me of the president, i can't help it. every now and then i talked to him. anyway, -- >> sean: does he answer? >> no, i speak for him, you know. people say they have never seen him talk so long, for two hours today. live with him, he probably talks to himself a lot. anyway, here is the thing. the president is exactly right. what he said about russia, you know, putin might act and so forth, that was an incredibly provocative statement. it was outrageous. putin is watching this, too, and he just -- and he says he has made enormous progress, more than any president in history at this time. what the hell is he talking about? he is the john tyler of our time, the james buchanan of our time. more progress? you know who has made the most progress? the regime in iran, the regime in north korea, the regime in china, the regime in russia. they are making a hell of a lot of progress. do you know who is making a lot of progress? illegal aliens are making progress. they are making a lot of progress. there's like two americas here, the democrat party that lives in the sort of cocoon, and the rest of the nation. there is inflation come he says it is no big deal. we didn't talk about schools, crime, people have mentioned that's true, the border is totally out of control. the issues that affect americans across the board, he talks about, oh, we voted to spend this and we voted to spend this, so we passed this law and did this law, because that is how these clowns in the democrat party in washington, d.c., think. you cast a loss of my life is better? no, that is not the way it works, and he talked about other things. seems to suggest the democrats lose in the midterm election, that it is not legitimate, he was specifically asked, the upcoming election won't be fair, fairly conducted, quote unquote, without passing the voting rights bill. this is not a voting rights bill. can anybody tell me a single provision that actually protects voting rights? they keep talking about -- republicans don't want blacks to vote -- this is poisonous, cancerous language. tell me, where all these people that can't vote? where is the class action lawsuit that has been brought in federal court? where are the lawsuits brought under the 1965 civil rights act? for all these people who couldn't vote, you can vote here if i'm going to tell you how to vote. you want me to do a public service announcement, sean? get off your ass on election day and go to the precinct and vote. there, i did it. so every election prior to this one has been illegitimate, you see. so the election of barack obama was a legitimate? and it is amazing thing, concha touched on it. some of these supporters bring it up, republican legislators, real, serious, substantive issues. joe biden, in anticipation of the democrats losing the house and maybe the senate come has already said effectively this election will be illegitimate. in 2016! they tried to depose a legitimately elected president. no commission on that with russia collusion. the fbi and intelligence agencies, the democrat party, hillary clinton, law firms, slip and fall lawyers, all involved in it. 2016. but you can to talk about 2020. i think the president will be better off and i really do slamming away on joe biden and his agenda. donald trump had a fantastically successful presidency. in four years' time. this is one of the things that drives the left and the media nuts. a fantastically successful president despite the war against him, despite these never-trumpers led by mcconnell and others trying to undermine him. i don't think we have ever seen anything like that. in fact, joe biden is wrong. he says enormous progress, more than any president in history at this time. no, trump did more than any president in history at this time. all right, i hear the music, so joe and i are going to leave. that's it. >> sean: [laughs] >> that's it, i'm done. >> sean: great one, mark levin, don't forget his show on the weeknights, sunday nights, 8:00 p.m., ragging on fox news channel, peter schweizer on this week. when we come back, greg gutfeld, he pointed out earlier today, we touched on it, biden totally contradicting himself on the election takeover bill. we will get his take when we come back. and more. thanks for being with us. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: now amid joe biden never amending flubs, failures, far left lou to see that we found full display today, joey didn't even seem to realize he totally contradicting himself on this election takeovr bill that will be failing any moment now, and greg gutfeld immediately pointed out after the presser that i'm the one hae passed to prevent voter suppression and then bragging about the historic turn out and stored voting numbers in 2020. anyway, here to explain more, cohost of "the five" and host of "gutfeld," but before we get started, nothing -- will you please keep doing that? that makes me very happy. >> the only sad part is it is so easy, sean. i wish i had to work a little harder. >> sean: it seems like you are having too much fun doing it all in the process. >> i have to enjoy it. i have to enjoy it. >> sean: you do. i can tell you do. >> [laughs] >> sean: let me ask you. so i am watching the presser. you come up first, you give commentary. i'm like, you are absolutely right. you say we have a historic turn out and you say there is voter suppression. >> yeah, generally come in a debate, you marshal evidence to bolster your position. miraculously, he did the opposite in record time. he's like saying there is no such thing as a pink unicorn and then he shows you a pink uniform. in this case, he said voter suppression happens because of republicans, and then he says the 2020 election was an amazing record turnout. literally like 20 seconds, he contradicted and negated the need for this voting bill. he undermines this myth that there is some kind of subversiom by republicans. it is kind of amazing he did not even see it coming in his own head. i admire that. >> sean: [laughs] all right, next question, give me your overall sense, obviously i feel how i feel. what was your biggest takeaways from this presser tonight? >> i love all-you-can-eat restaurants, chinese barbecue, but i don't like sushi. joe gave us an all-you-can-eat buffet of sushi. no meat, all fish. if you are going to do more. if you're going to say more is better, the substance better be desirable. now we understand why the democrats hit him in a basement, chained him to a radiator next to an old solo flex, because they knew that more is bad. the thing is, it's actually, i feel -- it is not his fault, in a way. to me, he seems wistful and stunned. so when you talk to him about the big issues americans face, crime especially, no mention of crime, economy, inflation, the cost of food, he had a low point in his life where you know what? that stuff is going to pass because most of his life is behind him, so he is wistful and he is done and not bothered by the things that bother most of america because for him, these are the twilight years, right? he's going to be in bed. it is all good. that is kind of a sad thing about it. >> sean: it is sad. all good humor is rooted in truth, right? and you know behind the scenes -- let me put it a delicate way. their adam schiff thing in their pants the whole time because this guy stops talking and you never know when he's going to pick it up again. he is saying things that don't connect, and then, of course, he is like starting a war with russia and ukraine and giving his blessing. >> the russia thing is really important because this is the least interesting topic to the american public. the american public wants cheap gas, food on their table, they don't want to get stabbed in the subway, so instead, the press, the elite press goes no, it is all about russia, it is all about russia, and what does it do? it screws their main guy. if they had just stuck to the meat and potatoes issues that americans care about, he would have done so much better, but they pushed him on russia and then he goes "yeah, you know what, he'll probably invade," but you have to know the history. you have to know the history of russia. putin is a very serious man. a bit hurt by the berlin wall. i don't need this psychoanalysis. i want to know, are we going to stop this crime wave? he doesn't say anything. >> sean: here is the question. do you think he really -- i think he is a cognitive mess and they are covering it up, agree or disagree? >> i think is best years are behind him, to put it diplomatically. >> sean: is he a cognitive mess or -- i think -- this is the reason why we don't see him. that's the reason. it's pretty transparent. yeah, it's all going to be a minor incursion into kyiv or ukraine, you'll see. >> they are probably just going to get the potatoes. that is all it is. potato stew. that is all they are doing. they are going to get potatoes and then leave. >> sean: guys come right home. sit in the tanks and 200,000 troops to the border. i got it now. i got to go. when we come back, alec baldwin, he is a more legal trouble tonight, being sued by one of the families of marines killed in afghanistan. and an announcement coming up at the end of the show. stay with us. glad you are here. ♪ ♪ work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. ♪ ♪ >> sean: turned to another development tonight as the family of one of the fallen marines in afghanistan, riley mccollum, is suing actor alec baldwin him accusing him of falsely claiming the marine sister, royce mccollum, was a january 6th rider, which he says is absolutely not true. the lawsuit stems from a post that baldwin shared on instagram earlier this month. that is after he gave $5,000 to the widow of riley to help with their newborn daughter, but after baldwin discovered that mccallum's sister was pictured at the washington monument on january the 6th, baldwin rode to her, "when i sent the money for your late brother out of real respect for his service to this country, i did not know you were a january 6th rider. royce mccollum then responded, protesting is perfectly legal in the country and i have already had my sit down with the fbi, thanks, have a nice day. baldwin then went on to repost the photo and call royce an insurrectionist, to his 2.4 million instagram followers, which prompted a wave of hateful comments. we reached out to baldwin for comment. shockingly, aren't surprised we have not heard back. here with moore's royce mccollum and her attorney is wi. thank you both. you were there january 6th. you went to the rally, and you did not go into the capital, correct? >> correct. i went to protest january 6th, i was at the capital, but i never went inside. i sat with a police officer most of the night and never had an issue. came home and had an old coworker reported me to the fbi, so they came about a week later and had a sit down with me. why was not guilty of anything, they never followed up, there was no charges, i was just there protesting. >> sean: okay, so he went to a rally. that is basically it. is this, dennis, from a legal perspective, is this liable, is this slander? she is not a public figure. >> thanks for having us. >> sean: uh-oh, may be losing our connection. did we get it back? we are trying to get your attorney -- all right, we will try it one more time. dennis, go ahead. >> yeah, so what i was saying, we sued for defamation because these charges are false, number one. keep in mind also that the widow, gg, and also roice's sister, joining us in the suit, they were not even present when the protest was going on and they were sucked into this, as well, so we are alleging defamation and negligence, invasion of privacy potential infliction of emotional distress. >> sean: okay, now let's talk about the law. for example, i as a public figure, i take a lot of lies, smearing, slandering, besmirching, and there is not much i can do about it because i have to prove the absence malice so it is a pretty high bar but it should not be the case with roice. so you take this case and bring it before a jury. i would assume your odds are pretty good of winning. >> well, we think so. you are absolutely correct, there is a doctrine with a public figure, even in that case, we allege in the lawsuit that baldwin is a serial offender come has done this over and over again over the course of years, and he knows very well what is going to happen when he sensed something to 2.4 million people, which by the way is five times the population of the state where roice lives. the reach is incredible and the harm was immediate. roice will tell you she immediately started getting hateful messages, death threats, the same for her sister and lance corporal mccollum's widow. >> sean: what did you make of the fact, roice, he initially i assume was trying to be nice, and that it ends up this way? >> when i got his message, we were actually kind of shocked. he asked if he could send it gigi money and i gave an address, and he sent it to me and i passed it along to her when we got it. and that was back in september, and then, yeah, i posted a picture, it was a few days before the sixth. i just happened to be going through pictures and saw one and shared the massive crowd that was out front, and when he commented on it and immediately followed up with the message, which you read, and i replied, and then he followed it up with, not going to get away with it. >> sean: yep. >> and then posted it to his page. >> sean: well, we are going to follow your suit and wish you the best of luck. thank you. sorry you had to go through that and sorry about your brother. major programming announcement next. >> tomorrow night former president donald trump will join us for an exclusive interview. will get his stance on the disastrous first year in office. we hope you never miss an episode let not your heart be troubled we have laura ingraham's take on this press conference today jeff on watching it? >> laura: it was agony you know what made it worse was because i had things going on with my kids so i had to keep pushing because so it's bad enough, it's bad enough when you watch it straight through but when you make it even longer by having apposite, it was a nightmare. at [laughs] all my god it was about the worst as i can remember from our president frankly. >> eye is an american and i don't say this with any joy as i felt embarrassed. i felt it was humiliating

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Withdrawal , Holders , Afghanistan , 25 , 13 , 20 , People , Virus , Nothing , Monoclonal Antibodies , Covid 19 , Van 2020 , Omicron Coming , Covid Test , 2021 , 2020 , Lot , Time , Charging Stations , White House , Antivirals , Watch , Windmills , Joe Couldn T , Folks , Unity , Characterization , Inauguration Speech , Voting Bills , Camp , George Wallace , Position , Side , Bull Connor , Anyone , Official , Choice , Journal , Dr , King , John Lewis , Abraham Lincoln , Jefferson Davis , Schools , Lie , Dick Durbin , Robert Byrd , Integration , Presser Today , Core Murder , Jungles , Stop , Jo , Point , Speech , Reality , Examples , Congresswoman , Senator , Left , We Haven T , Taxes , Cost , Plan , Build Fact , Penny , Working Families , 00000 , 400000 , Record Job Creation , Raise , Kind , Issues , Politician , George Wallacer , Culmination , Decline , Belief , Confidence , Steep , Result , Tales , Answer , Respect , Subject , James Rosen , Life , Poll , Voters , Politico , Morning Consult , Accomplishments , 49 , Statement , Democrats , Majority , Judgment , Question , Segments , Concerns , American Electric , Way , Campaign , Idea , Head , Fitness , Curve , Tape , Universe , Let S Go Brandon , It , Allison Harris , Bill , Others , Haven T Given Up , Closing , 95 , Some , Motives , Players , Answers , Parties , Part , Enemies , What S Going On , Cognitive Decline , Border , Ukraine , War , Vladimir Putin , Troops , Mullahs In Iran , Incursion , Accountable , Fast Track , Thing , Minor , Et Cetera , 200000 , Comments , Start , Officials , Intel , Rightly , Shock , Grief , Light , Sanctions , Lifeblood , Western European , Energy Goes , Mess , Economy , World , Ability , Progress , Presidency , Most , Former , Truth , Politics , Love , Show , Announcement , Energy Independence , Millions , Interview , Listen , Republicans Don T Want Blacks , Times , Party , Conservative , Republican , List , Regulation , Drilling On Federal Lands , Control , Parents , Law And Order , Safety , Deals , School Choice , Health Care , Strength , Peace , Kids Education , Free Market Solutions , Security , Happiness , Fair Trade , Any , Freedom , Constitution , Constitutionalists , Joe Doesn T , Bill Of Rights , Joe Isn T , Capitalism , Liberty , Beliefs , Bench , Conditions , Reach , He Doesn T , Conservatives , Build , Aisle , Power Grab , Negotiation , Hiding , Handlers , Delaware , Somewhere , House , Majorities , Last , Congratulations , Slimmest , Joey Didn T , Green Deal Socialist Utopia , Don T Worry , Room , Media , Number , Critic , Notice , First , Green Light , Jen Psaki , Statement Cleaning , Invasion , Response , Forces , The Beat , Beenh , Reporters , Three , 24 , 30 , Crime , Safe , Squares , Murder Rate , Being , Subway , Everybody , Mayor , Riding , Anywhere , New York , 51 , Chance , Advantage , Rest , Scenes , Thoughts , Names , Mumbling , Dazed And Confused , Fumbling , Stumbling , Saying , Feeling , Everything , Action , Death , Bet , Senior Advisor , Kellyanne Conway , Joe Concha , Report Card , Game , Conferences , Polling Numbers , Combined , F , 37 , 31 , Course Voting , Voting , Disapprove , Lowest , , 46 , 56 , Regret , Son , Groundhog Day , Stories , Cnn , Independents , Approval , Point A , 60 , Wingers , Attrition , 98 , 82 , Measure , Track , Reflection , Matthew , Space , Top , America First Agenda , Something , Household , Song , Big Three , Headline One , Tax , Vote Totals , Voting Legislation Doesn T Pass , Pundit , Outrage , Elections , Democracy , Doubt , Tv , 45 , History , Homicides , 2 Million , Claim , Opportunity , Impacting , Longevity , Quality , Quantity , Great Analysis , Stay , Aleve X , Relief , Pain Reliever , Revolutionary , Aleve , Rollerball Design , Best , Students , Remote Learning , Parent , Pandemic , Teachers , 18 , Kids , Classroom , Sake , School Board , School Board Members , Floor , Chuckie Schumer , Breaking News , Election Takeover Bill , Words , Election Fraud Bill , Elimination , Banana Republic , Chad Pergram , D C , Sewer , Sir , Hitchhikers Guide , Chuck Schumer , Votes , Option , Senators , Filibuster Provisions , Elongating This , Order , Problem , 50 , Kamala Harris , Tie , Vote Yes , Joe Manchin , Sad , Agenda Failing , Radio Show , Trump , Mistake , Ite , To Go Into Ukraine , Billions , Best Seller , Author , Book , Inflatioe Energy Independence , Great One , Life Liberty And Live In , Mark Levi , Fox News Channel , Radio Host , American Marxism , Bobblehead , Preview , Sean , Hell , John Tyler , James Buchanan , Regime , Aliens , China , North Korea , Deal , Two Americas , Sort , Cocoon , Board , Clowns , Washington D C , Think , Loss , Fair , Voting Rights Bill , Provision , Language , Without Passing The Voting Rights , Quote Unquote , Class Action Lawsuit , Public Service Announcement , Lawsuits , Federal Court , Civil Rights Act , 1965 , Election Day , Ass , Legitimate , Concha , Precinct , Barack Obama , Supporters , Anticipation , Come , Legislators , Real , Fbi , Intelligence , Commission , Agencies , Russia Collusion , 2016 , Agenda , Law Firms , Lawyers , Hillary Clinton , Trumpers , Media Nuts , Four , Anything , Mcconnell , Laughs , Don T , Music , Ragging On Fox News Channel , The Weeknights , 8 , Peter Schweizer , More , Thanks , Failures , Display , Amending Flubs , Voter Suppression , Turn , The One Hae , Host , Cohost , Voting Numbers , Fun , Little , Process , Commentary , Evidence , Case , Opposite , Unicorn , Uniform , Myth , Voting Bill , Turnout , Need , Sense , Subversiom , Takeaways , Restaurants , Chinese Barbecue , Sushi , Meat , Basement , Buffet , Fish , Fault , Radiator , Flex , Food , Stuff , Mention , Good , Bed , Guy , Humor , Pants , Blessing , Don T Connect , The Elite Press , Press , Public , Topic , Table , Gas , Potatoes , History Of Russia , Man , Crime Wave , Psychoanalysis , Berlin Wall , Say Anything , Kyiv , Guys Come Right Home , Potato Stew , Alec Baldwin , Sit , Tanks , Trouble , Learning , Faith , Marines , Character , Hard Work , Families , Work , The End , God , Principles , Essential , Purposes , Hillsdale College , Development , Riley Mccollum , Royce Mccollum , Lawsuit , Post , January 6th Rider , Instagram , 6 , January 6th , Widow , Brother , Baldwin , Mccallum , Sister , Daughter , Washington Monument On January , January The 6th , Service , Call Royce An Insurrectionist , Have A Nice Day , Wave , Photo , Instagram Followers , 2 4 Million , Attorney , Comment , Aren T , Wi , Shockingly , Moore , Capital , Rally , Police Officer , Correct , Issue , Sit Down , Coworker , Figure , Charges , Slander , Perspective , Dennis , Connection , Uh Oh , Defamation , One More Time , Number One , Mind , Go , Suit , Protest , Roice , Well , Negligence , Gg , Infliction , Example , Privacy , Distress , Potential , Smearing , Slandering , Besmirching , Bar , Jury , Winning , Odds , Absence Malice , Doctrine , Population , Offender , Roice Lives , Messages , Same , Harm , Death Threats , Message , Picture , Saw , Pictures , Address , Sixth , Front , Crowd , Programming Announcement , Page , Luck , Yep , Stance , Heart , Episode , Jeff , Laura Ingraham , Nightmare , Apposite , American , Eye , Joy ,

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