Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709

of his hits. >> look, look, um, so, look, look, very few schools are closing. over 59% are still open. 95% are still open. and i got strom thurman to vote for it again, i'm taking too long answering your questions, i apologize. i think that. >> pete: despite plenty of awkward pauses and lots of whispering, biden made sure to pat himself on the back for the failure his presidency has become. >> i didn't overpromise. but i have, probably, outperformed what anybody thought would happen. look, um, i didn't overpromise, but, i think if you take a look at what we have been able to do you would have to acknowledge we made enormous progress. >> pete: yeah, just take a look at the record. not sure what country sleepy joe is waking up in or napping in. but not only have we failed to make progress, however he defines it, under his standard under biden, buff the country is actually moving in the wrong direction. just look at how much more expensive your life has become in joe biden's america. overall prices are up 7%. your food will cost you 6% more if you can find some with bare shelves biden. gas is up almost 50% and energy costs have jumped nearly 30%. that goes straight to your bottom line. but, go on, joe, continue to tell us how good of a job -- how great of a job you're doing. maybe the funniest or the saddest part of all is that biden thinks none of this is his fault. it's those pesky republicans who are tripping him up, fooling him that tom followry and malarkey at every chance. for a man who ran for president under the guise of uniting the country, he sure is doing a lot of dividing. >> one thing i haven't been able to do so far is get my republican friends to get in the game of making things better in this country. i did not anticipate that there would be such a stalwart effort to make sure that the most important thing was that president biden didn't get anything done think about this what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing they are for. he loved debating a straw man what the g.o.p. would stand they stand for maybe closed borders, actual borders, states' rights, federalism, protecting the sanctity of life, defending the second amendment, cutting taxes, how about energy independence. that might hit gas prices just a little bit. how about ensuring your personal freedoms when a government wants to lock you down and mandate you. the list goes on and on. what about you and your party, joe? what do you stand for? >> the difference is i'm going to be out on the road a lot making the case around the country country colleagues up for re-election and others making the case of what we did do and what we want to do we need -- >> pete: so the answer is joe biden is going to hit the road, more joe, more hearing his incoherence. that was certainly the answer we were all waiting for. was there an answer in there anywhere? don't worry, he made sure to tell us what his party stands for, and it's only three letters bbb. >> single best way to take the burden off middle class and working class folks is to pass the build back better piece that are things that they are paying a lot of money for now. if you get to trade-off higher gases, putting up with higher price of hamburgers and gas, versus whether or not you are going to have to -- you are going to be able to pay for education and/or, um, child care and the like. i think most people would make the trade. >> pete: man, that inspires a lot of confidence. that's how joe views build back better. it's going to be painful for you but it will win him political points, he thinks. so this is just another example of how joe doesn't actually care about -- about you know what's going on in your life or policy views in your family. administration pay for something more than a failed social spending bill, right? well, biden has spent a lot of time trying to federalize our elections. you know, that whole constitution thing is pesky. and smearing anyone's standing in his way. anyone that doesn't agree with him is, of course, a racist. listen to how joe biden characterized his opponents last week. >> do you want to be the sign -- the side of there king or george wallace. do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull conner? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? >> pete: so if you want to keep the federal government out of elections, somehow you are bull conner or george wallace or jefferson davis. and when biden was pressed on it today, he got angry, grumpy. and you won't like him when joe. >> look what i said. go back and read what i said! and tell me if you think i called anyone who voted on the side of the position taken by bull conner that they were bull conner? and that is an interesting reading to make. i assume you got in the journal because you like to write. >> pete: we just played the tape. i think somebody touched a nerve. he had to explain that two or three times. and he never did. that's a perfect encapsulation of biden's speech/preapproved press conference. he tried to gaslight you into believing our country is doing great while it goes to hell around him. and when he was pressed on it, he gets angry, it's your fault, it's the republicans fault. you are not smart enough to understand the amazing things i have done for you. today was classic biden, no sizzleand no substance. joining me now is dan bongino. host of unfiltered. on nights like this you just want to talk to smart people. dan, what was your take today? >> let's get to the good stuff in the speech, first. okay, done. now, let's get onto the actual speech, okay? because there was no good stuff. i sat there, painfully, through two plus hours of that. >> pete: did i too. >> beg egg he could wrap up so i could watch "the five" and not get screened up by this guy on tv, but very important, this is critical, i mean, this being serious for a moment. i know i can be sarcastic. the most damaging political narratives, pete, candidates, anyone else, politicians are ones that they destroy some pre-existing notion you had of who that person was, right? well, that works in the other direction, too. if you are a failure and based on the polling, the majority of americans right now think biden's a failure so that's their pre-existing notion now of who he is. what he wanted to do was change that and give a different narrative, okay? it works the other way, too. none of that happened. he did nothing in this speech, nothing and believe me, i served through various social media accounts to see what the blue checkmark brigade on the left is says too. you know, there is a couple acolytes kissing his butt because that's what they always do. everyone else is like blah blah blah on the whole thing. couple things, some of the absurdities in this speech. he out performed expectations? wait, what? that's like saying like this fighter sucks so bad we expect him to lose 30 seconds in the first round, pete. and he made it 50 and everybody is taking a victory lap like man, this guy is great. he made it 20 seconds more than we thought. out performed expectations. second, he has no apologies for afghanistan? listen, man, you hosted the patriot awards in a very touching moment. i sat next to the table those families who lost those -- the 13. the 13 heroes, heroes, you know, i would like to apologize for him saying you had no apology hijack segment here, inflation his answer for inflation was down right hilarious. so inflation is more money printing fewer goods, right? a simple -- his answer to that this is what we have got to do, pete, print more money in the build back worse plan. people are listening to this like really? a total failure of a speech. >> pete: and his solution was the build back better plan that's never going to pass. i mean, it was never an answer. when he was asked about the three things he wants to do differently. i am going to get out there more often and talk to the people. talk to the experts like think tanks and editorial boards and going to get deeply involved in elections which brings me to next soundbite. he was asked about whether or not if his voting -- so-called voting voting rights bill was not passed 22 midterm elections be fair here is what joe biden said. >> speaking ever voting rights legs if this isn't passed do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be legitimate? >> well, it all depends on, u., whether or not we're able to make the case to the american people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election? >> pete: so, dan, who is sowing doubt in our elections right now? >> wait, that's a great point like, but getting past that which is so obvious it should slam america in the face that the democrats and the media oh my gosh, how dare anyone question election results ever. you can't do that it's hairsy, everybody should be put in prison and hung by your toes for even mentioning it and yet, joe biden just did that and of course -- beyond that the real kind of almost tragically comical portion of this whole thing the democrats have never accepted the results of an election you don't like. you doubt me? go to a search engine and put bush v. gore. they still think al gore won the popular vote in florida. he never won one single recount. democrats still believe that they still think vladimir putin was given donald trump back rubs and they colluded to win the 2016 election and that hillary should be president. stacey abrams thinks she is run for reelections as governor of georgia. so, you know, forgive me the holler outrage when republicans say hey, you know what? , suppress that hunter biden story, it's super weird before the election and wouldn't change people's outcomes based on polling, we are going to ask some questions and then you guys screaming and yelling at us. how dare you question elections. we are going to reserve all of that for joe biden today. we are only going to let him question elections. >> pete: it's amazing not to mention it's so true. did you go down the entire list. they build up a straw man of their opponents to demonize. and this was the guy who was going to unite us. we don't have time for the clip, dan, he went on to compliment -- attempt to compliment mitt romney which says a lot of things, anyway. when mitt romney was a presidential candidate joe biden who said they were going to put you all back in chains. this is a partisan guy who picks his moment and in this point i mean, it's all a fraud. >> pete, listener, i was an agent on george w. bush's detail when there were code pinkerring going you murdered -- you are a murderer and a killer. then all of a sudden donald trump gets in office we didn't think bush was so bad. now the guy, again, who told people romney was going to put them back in chains who harry reid went on the senate floor and accused them basically financial crimes. lying on his tax returns. now mitt romney is some kind of, you know, hero? he beat find saint hood. show some dignity on the left once in a while. >> pete: yeah, we were told we might see joe 2.0. man, if that is joe 2.0, the white house has got some serious problems tonight. dan bongino, thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thanks, buddy. >> pete: all right, well, tonight, as you may have noticed, our back drop looks a bit different. we are live from the greater richmond convention center in downtown richmond, virginia where tomorrow morning starting at 9:00 a.m. eastern time we will be live on fox nation for the miseducation of "america live" summit. i released five part series miseducation of america fox nation. tomorrow on the stage you are looking at right there. we host a live summit that will amplify that steer series and further expose and dissect the 100 year progressive takeover of our classrooms as well as outline some solutions for taking back our schools. more on the fox nation series later in tonight's program and i hope you join us tomorrow morning on fox nation at 9:00 a.m. ♪ up next on the program tonight, joe biden well he is standing by his woman. >> she is going to be my running mate, number one. and number two, i did put her in charge and she is doing a good job. >> pete: stephen miller will react to that and more coming up next. ♪ ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. ♪ >> vice president harris in charge of voting rights. are you satisfied with her work on this issue and can you guarantee, do you commit that she will be your running mate in 2024, provided that you run again? >> pete: looks like sleepy joe hasn't realized what the rest of us figured out a long time ago. kamala harris is a disaster. and shouldn't be given any responsibility over anything. look no further, of course than the southern border. cbp data indicates in fiscal year 221 officials 7.1 million migrants crossing illegally or seeking asylum. what is our so-called border czar doing about it no, no, no, she is not going to texas or arizona or even mexico going back to south america to track down pesky root causes. will she get anything done this time or will we have a repeat of last disastrous trip. >> okay. >> do you have any plans to visit the border. >> at some point, you know, we are going to the border. we have been to the border. so, this whole-this whole -- this whole thing about the border, we have been to the border. we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. >> pete: here now stephen miller founder of america first legal. steve, i want to get your overall reaction to the press conference. but, first, the quick clip as well. joe biden was asked about claims that the trump administration is the root cause to the border crisis. take a listen to what he said on that. >> why are people leaving and how are you going to reform your own system. and we were moving in the right direction under the last administration -- obama-biden administration. but so much damage was done as a consequence of foreign policy decisions of the last president made in latin america, central america, and south america we're having great difficulty making up for the mistakes made in the last four years. >> pete: deefn steven, it's donald trump's fault and kamala harris is going go to south america a second time and fix the root causes. >> well, first of all, joe biden spoke for two hours and he spent all of his time focusing on the wrong border which is ukraine's border and not america's southern border. let's be very clear, what's happening 00 our southern border today and tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that is getting americans killed. killed with drugs, killed with gangs, killed with crime. it's resulting in hospitals being overloaded. our schools being overloaded our police departments being overloaded public health, public financing system. it is ongoing catastrophe. we need to focus on our border here at home. let's be very clear about something. when donald trump left office there was no catch and release. if you crossed illegally, you either went home, you went to mexico, or a willing, safe, third country, period. joe biden inherited that perfect, seemless system. and he ripped it to shred. just like he ripped apart our vetting system that was used to keep out foreign nationals like the individual who committed a terrorist attack at the synagogue. biden owns and biden created the never ending disaster on our border. >> pete: yeah, and kamala harris still can't find her wayed to the border and neither can he. of course everybody knows she is not going to solve the root causes so it's not a real attempt. steve. press conference president trump, president trump attempted to strict answers for him. he would have said get out of the what did you see, 2.0, what do you see at the podium. >> you get glimpses of the real joe biden here and there when he is off note. a great example of this, was the angry snapped, very angry snapped at a reporter asking him about holding republicans, as well as manchin and sinema something grey gations and slave owners by comparing them to bull conner and jefferson davis and george wallace. and he insisted against all reason that the problem lie with the reporter for apparently a failure to grasp english and not understanding the words on the page. there is no way -- and you led with this tonight, there is just no way to read that other than he is comparing republicans and two democrat senators to segregationists and slave owners. it showed a man who is angry and inpatient with the american people for not getting how greatest. that is a losing political strategy. yelling at people, berating them, lecturing to them, barking with them to tell them that they don't understand how great you are. they are not reading things correctly. they don't know. they are confused. they think the store shelves are empty. the store shelves aren't empty. don't you see joe biden is out performing everybody and everything. can't get them to believe something that their own life isn't true. >> pete: you are right. that was the underlying take away you don't understand or appreciate the great things that we are being doing. you are being spun to think otherwise. >> all cable news' fault. they have convinced you that the dollar sin flighted. it's not your pocketbook. >> pete: you are right. it's my fault. i will take it all right. stephen miller, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> pete: all right, coming up, joe biden thinks he is doing excellent job battling covid. he says he is very satisfied with how he has handled covid-19. he really did. well, are you satisfied? plus, major developments in the murder of a 24-year-old brianna kupfer in los angeles. we will bring you the latest in this tragic story after the break. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ with hepatitis c i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. mavyret is 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and called 911. gave police fake name and then identity confirmed with a fingerprint. smith is believed to be homeless and learning more about extensive criminal history across the country. the most serious charge appears to be firing a weapon in a car with a man in and young son in it in charleston, south carolina in 2019. smith left that state in 2020 free on bond. critics say another example of criminal being let go too early. fox bill melugin reports smith was also arrested here in los angeles in october of 2020 for stolen property, but the case was rejected by los angeles district attorney gascon for insufficient evidence. smith was released even though he was arrested with the stolen items on him out the furniture store where brianna kupfer work. he walked into the store and plunged a knife into kupfer and leaving the young woman to die. smith was seen is a short while later on 7-eleven surveillance video to appearing to casually buy a vape pen. kupfer sent a message getting bad vibes from someone in the store believed to be smith. smith is likely to be charged and making first court appearance by friday, pete. >> pete: wow, matt, thank you very much. a rap sheet like that. thank you so much, matt. meanwhile joe biden used today as an opportunity to take victory lap for all of his covid accomplishment. you may be asking what are those accomplishments? for a guy who spent a year campaigning on shutting down utterly crushing the virus, it's going to be gone because joe is in town. he sure seems to have been a disaster in actually dealing with that virus. but if you ask joe, he has got a different tale he will tell you. >> am i satisfied with the way in which we have dealt with, um, covid? and all the things that, that two along with it? yeah, i am satisfied. i think we have done remarkably well. >> pete: once again, joe biden does not have a grasp on what we might call reality. realize we are going to have to live with the virus. covid-19 is not going to give up and accept things you know, just not going to go away. >> pete: where was that? we were going to crush it, now it's not going away. patrice onwuka justin hart you, thank you both for being here. justin, let me start on the covid side of this first. you are one of the people all over the data as it pertains to covid. you understand the reality of what we're up against and the frankly the disconnect between what most politicians talk about. when you look at his shift away from we are not going to crush it well, it's going to stick around, what's your take away from what people should read from this? >> look, context. this war has been ensuing for almost two years now between team apocalypse which includes president biden, dr. fauci, dr. walensky who want to weld you inside your house and outside of your school versus those of us as you mentioned on team reality who have been looking at the data saying hold off, this is not exactly as you purport to be. but, of late, it's been a curious terrible miscommunication because members of team apocalypse are abandoning ship and they are grasping onto the life last few weeks pcr test that we loathe and hate and that dr. fauci wants to put more of 75 days. dr. fauci those are in the hospital are not necessarily there from covid but are there infection. then on this very news channel dr. walensky last week admitted that possibly over the 860,000 supposed deaths from covid, many of those may not be attributable to covid at all. the numbers are wrong, the communication is wrong. and they keep doing the wrong things. >> pete: he was asked about the utter and complete confusion. he claimed in the press conference to say well, it's just because we keep following the science. but time and time again we learn about the science, justin as you know and it should lead us to the opposite conclusion of what our political leaders and so-called scientists are taking us in. patricia, when you watched this press conference, you know, what did you take away? >> i took away that the president lacks a real grasp of exactly what's going on. he continues to gaslight americans into believing that they -- to tell them that they shouldn't believe what they see. whether that's at the grocery store, the gas pump, you know, or with dealing with their children's schools and their children's education. i mean, the fact that it was totally glossed over, the impact on educational black and brown students. you know, the devastating emotional and psychological impact students have had. young girls, suicide among teenage girls rising. he didn't even touch that the softball question about how republicans are going to utilize school closures to their benefit in november? that was thrown at him. is he like oh, yeah, sure. they probably are going to do it. no, there is real anger among parents, righteous anger over how children have been thrown under the bus in advance of, you know, narratives that would expand the government's power, emergency powers just so they can, you know, claim some sort of false victory that as we have seen never materialize. never seem to materialize. justin, if there is one thing you want to hear from a leader right now there as we try to emerge from this, what would it be? real quick? >> send us back to normal. there is no reason to be doing any of this. the risks are very, very low for the vast majority of people. we try to protect everybody, and we ended up protecting nobody. >> well said justin patrice, thank you so much both of you for your time tonight. we appreciate. >> it thank you. >> pete: up next, children across america are still struggling with remote learning thanks to antiscience school lockdowns. that's a oak with joe biden. we will tell you why after the break. ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with 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think just chicago. when it documents their education, joe biden, he is looking at a glass that's 95% full. >> very few schools are closing. we're 95% still open. so you all phrase the questions -- i don't think it's deliberate on your part but you phrase the question if anybody watches this on television my god there must be all those schools must be closing. what are we going to do? 95% are still open. >> pete: shouldn't the answer be there should be 0 percent closed? but if there is anything about our kids remote learning this year eyes of parents open radical agenda being forced fed to their children and now they are finally fighting back against it, joining me now is david good win the president of the association of classical christian schools, a friend of mine and a participant tomorrow in the miseducation of america summit we have here. david, thanks so much for being here. >> great to be here, pete. >> pete: thanks for being here and all your work on this project. before we get to the subject of the series and the summit. when you look at closures and schools. what impact has it had. he said we got 95% don't worry about it out of the woods. the future is going to tell us what impact it's having today. the positive impact it's having is that parents are g tion getting to see what's going on in the school system. >> pete: you are saying because the parents trapped in zoom classrooms even if briefly because many are back to school, their eyes are wide open about another virus? >> yes, well, you know, it's been the case that for many, many, many years and all of us have been subject to this yellow bus picks your kids up in the morning, drops them off at 3:00. they get their snacks, you go on with your day, nobody really paid attention what happened during those hours. it is starting to change and we're grateful for that. >> pete: catch-22 back in the classroom but still getting a different kind of poison in the ideology that they are getting. so we are fighting over getting them back in class but now the next fight is what they are being taught. what is the scariest part of the reality of the radicalism we are seeing in classes today? >> i think you coined term 1619. covid 19 has given us the ability to see some of the radical agendas in some of the more radical parts of the country. but we also have to remember that the infrastructure that has made american education what it is sort of radicalizes the entire system in some respect. now, there is a lot of good public school teachers. the whole system is designed by progressives. >> the whole entire system including private schools. you run a classical christian association which has said we are going to do it entirely differently. it is possible to escape the progressive pipeline in america today? >> it's very hard. we did get off the bus about 30 years ago. we are going to try doing this the way it was done before the progressives took over. this isn't a new thesis. i mean, if you look at any historical text or anything they will say here with doing today in the public schools is called progressive education. and that's not an accident. >> pete: things like essential to studies which we all took. basic understanding we have of the way our kids are educated today crafted by the progressives. >> they were. and this is what we are talking about tomorrow, i think. >> pete: by the way, full disclosure, i call david goodwin my sherpa. no, this project of miseducation of america we are going to talk a little bit more in the next block. and certainly tomorrow at the summit was born of a lot of research that you did. a lot of people think it was the 1960s when our schools started to get radicalized. you are saying it was much earlier. >> yes. i didn't know that either. i ran across it reading progressive magazines from the early part of the 20th century trying to figure out when we took a wrong turn because, you know, c.s. lewis has this famous saying if you have taken a wrong turn the most progressive thing can you could is to go back and do the old way. >> pete: not progressive to keep going in the wrong direction. >> does not help. >> pete: certainly what we have done. when we spin our wheels about covid and shutting our kids out of the classroom. which is detrimental to them. sitting in front of a screen doesn't work. triggered the next level conversation okay as we get them back in the classroom or in front of a zoom screen, what in the heck are they actually learning. >> yeah. parents are waking up and we are excited, you know, to try to see where we can take this. you know, there is a lot of opportunity in america right now. >> pete: including and i say this with a number of my kids in classical christian education the opportunity for classical christian education which is a complete rejection of the progressive model. it can be done in america today. and what percentage of your schools are open for business? >> 100 percent as far as i know. >> pete: that's better than 95% good to. >> good to be with you. >> pete: see you on stage tomorrow on the miseducation of america summit. more on the miseducation of america next. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ allergies with nasal congestion only pay for what you need. overwhelming you? 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[bell rings] ♪ ♪ >> wooden parents in gary, indiana, still have expected the bible to be in schools? >> they certainly did, which is why in gary, indiana, they had a pullout period where kids could go off site and be trained in whatever religious course that their family wanted. >> therein lies the most controversial component of the gary plan. in gary, children continue to their limited, individualized religious instruction, off school grounds, and were taught to embrace a new progressive symbol of the divine ideal. the american flag. >> do you think they would say, well, our motive was benevolent? we are trying to give practical application to students? who don't really need all this highfalutin latin stuff. we are not evil progressives cooking up a plot, we are just moving into the modern era. >> there were many good things that came out of the progressive movement. unfortunately, we are taught all those things in the public school today, leaves out the western christian idea was what they had to remove to make those fit. >> within a plan of just a few years, the gary plan's spread from gary, indiana, to the greatest cities in the nation. >> there's always good news. ill-founded and ill-conceived took hold in america. i didn't take hold for very long because people started to shift back, was they realized that learning was being compromised. >> pete: the gary plan, long forgotten, we remember it and you can watch it. before five-part series, "the miseducation of america," is available right now. only on fox nation. this beautiful hall i am in right now, i will be hosting a live summit tomorrow morning, starting at 9:00 a.m. live on fox nation, go to to watch it or on your app. we are going to have an amazing lineup of really smart folks who know a lot about education and are going to add to what we are doing with this series in "the miseducation of america." if you do not have a sub script into fox nation, go to right now or download the app. you know how to get apps. using the promo code "classroom" to get a 90 day free trial, plenty of time to watch what you want totally free for 90 days. i'm pete hegseth. i will see you tomorrow night. tucker carlson of next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." joe biden shuffled forth from seclusion this afternoon for a rare solo press conference. you may have seen it. it is about as common as exciton he feel emerging. in fact, according to statistician to keep track of the sort of think of it is only the second since taking office a full year ago. by the end, we were wishing joe biden spoke in less often. the whole tng

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Unfiltered , Speech , Stuff , Guy , Five , Tv , Beg Egg , Politicians , Narratives , Notion , Ones , Candidates , Person , Anyone Else , Polling , Majority , Narrative , Left , Nothing , Social Media , Blue Checkmark Brigade , Wait , Expectations , Some , Everyone , Acolytes , Butt , Absurdities , Blah , Everybody , Victory Lap , Fighter , Apologies , Round , Second , 20 , Families , Heroes , Table , The Patriot Awards , Listen , Afghanistan , 13 , Inflation , Goods , Money Printing , Apology , Segment , Plan , Simple , Answer , Gary Plan , Solution , Experts , Think Tanks , Voting , Soundbite , Boards , Voting Rights , 22 , Isn T , Election , Results , Rights , U , Outcome , Point , Democrats , Oh My Gosh , Question Election Results , Doubt , Face , Kind , Hairsy , Prison , Portion , Toes , Al Gore , Search Engine , Recount , Popular Vote , Bush V Gore , Florida , Donald Trump , Stacey Abrams , Governor , Back Rubs , Reelections , Georgia , Hillary , Vladimir Putin , 2016 , Wouldn T Change People , Outcomes , Hunter Biden Story , Holler Outrage , The Miseducation Of America , Mitt Romney , Compliment , Candidate , Chains , Agent , Fraud , Detail , George W Bush , Listener , Code Pinkerring , Killer , People Romney , Murderer , Floor , Harry Reid , Crimes , Tax Returns , Once , Hero , He Beat , Saint Hood , Dignity , Joe 2 0 , Problems , Buddy , White House , 2 0 , Greater Richmond Convention Center In Downtown , Fox Nation , Back Drop , Virginia , 9 , America Summit , Series , Miseducation , Stage , America Live , Classrooms , Program , Fox , Nation , Progressive Takeover , Solutions , 100 , Woman , Charge , Number , Number One , Here Now Stephen Miller , Owner , Future , Tools , Investor , Access , Advice , Vanguard , Treatment , Contracture , Option , Surgery , Dupuytren S Contracture , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Kamala Harris , Work , Running Mate , Issue , Disaster , Shouldn T , Rest , Looks , Sleepy Joe Hasn T , 2024 , Southern Border , Cbp Data , Asylum , Responsibility , 7 1 Million , 221 , Border Czar Doing , Texas , Arizona , Causes , Plans , Whole , Trip , Repeat , Haven T , Founder , Europe , America First Legal , First , Reaction , Claims , Steve , Crisis , System , Damage , Obama , David Good , Central America , Latin America , Difficulty , Consequence , Mistakes , Foreign Policy Decisions , Four , Border , Root , Deefn Steven , Ukraine , Crime , Drugs , Hospitals , Gangs , Catastrophe , Public Financing System , Police Departments , Public Health , Seemless System , Catch , Release , Safe , Mexico , Individual , Vetting System , Nationals , Terrorist Attack , Synagogue , Wayed , Attempt , Neither , Answers , Podium , Reporter , Glimpses , Note , Angry , Reason , Owners , Problem , Holding Republicans , Slave , Manchin , Grey Gations , Sinema , Senators , Words , Page , English , Berating Them , Strategy , Inpatient , Slave Owners , Don T , Store , They Don T Know , Isn T True , Everything , Doing , Cable News , Pocketbook , Dollar Sin Flighted , Coming Up , Covid 19 , Murder , Battling Covid , Los Angeles , Developments , Brianna Kupfer , 24 , 19 , Car Insurance , Break , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Story , Chances , Bull Rider , Someone , Turn , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Liberty , Felt I Couldn T , Reminders , My Hep C , Hepatitis Ci , 8 , Liver Problems , Hepatitis B , Doctor , Cause , Types , Mavyret , Hep C , Liver , Medicines , Have , Conditions , Rifampin , Atazanavir , Don T Take Mavyret , 1 , Side Effects , Confusion , Swelling , Symptoms , Signs , Abdominal Pain , Bleeding , Bruising , Skin , Yellowing , Liver Disease , Headache , Tiredness , Me , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Heart Attack , Stroke , Ulcers , Help , Benefits , Mind , Heart Protection , Sean Laval Smith , Police , Fox News Alert , Furniture Store , Manhunt , Matt Finn , Latest , Walking , Employee , Law Enforcement Force , Southern California , Pasadena , 31 , Car , 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Fullest , Miracle Ear , Starts , Technology , Miracle Earmini , Trial , Obligation , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Thirty , There S Industrial Grade , Music , Flight , Analytical Software , Walls , Assembly Lines , Threats , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Idea , Takeover , Statements , Feedback , Humbling , Viewer , Stories , Least , Race Theory , Gender Theory , Activism , Episode , Lunacy , Concept , Indiana , Schoo , Model , Thr , 1905 , Motive , Scratch , Industrial Town , Jobs , Citizens , Greeks , Freethinkers , Freeing , Stonemason , William , Admirer , Eighth Grade , Role , Superintendent , John Dewey , Physical Education , Art Courses , Platoons , Subjects , Art , Platoon , 12th Grade , Core , 12 , High School , Components , Facilities , Aspect , Bells , Bell Rang , Seven , Bible , Site , Bell Rings , Component , Ideal , Instruction , Progressive Symbol , Flag , Off School Grounds , Plot , Progressive Movement , Application , Highfalutin Latin Stuff , Public School Today , Fit , Western Christian , News , Cities , Spread , Ill , Live On Fox Nation , App , Lineup , Apps , Promo Code , Script , Tucker Carlson , 90 , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Seclusion , Think , Statistician , Track , He , Tng , The End ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX News Primetime 20240709

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of his hits. >> look, look, um, so, look, look, very few schools are closing. over 59% are still open. 95% are still open. and i got strom thurman to vote for it again, i'm taking too long answering your questions, i apologize. i think that. >> pete: despite plenty of awkward pauses and lots of whispering, biden made sure to pat himself on the back for the failure his presidency has become. >> i didn't overpromise. but i have, probably, outperformed what anybody thought would happen. look, um, i didn't overpromise, but, i think if you take a look at what we have been able to do you would have to acknowledge we made enormous progress. >> pete: yeah, just take a look at the record. not sure what country sleepy joe is waking up in or napping in. but not only have we failed to make progress, however he defines it, under his standard under biden, buff the country is actually moving in the wrong direction. just look at how much more expensive your life has become in joe biden's america. overall prices are up 7%. your food will cost you 6% more if you can find some with bare shelves biden. gas is up almost 50% and energy costs have jumped nearly 30%. that goes straight to your bottom line. but, go on, joe, continue to tell us how good of a job -- how great of a job you're doing. maybe the funniest or the saddest part of all is that biden thinks none of this is his fault. it's those pesky republicans who are tripping him up, fooling him that tom followry and malarkey at every chance. for a man who ran for president under the guise of uniting the country, he sure is doing a lot of dividing. >> one thing i haven't been able to do so far is get my republican friends to get in the game of making things better in this country. i did not anticipate that there would be such a stalwart effort to make sure that the most important thing was that president biden didn't get anything done think about this what are republicans for? what are they for? name me one thing they are for. he loved debating a straw man what the g.o.p. would stand they stand for maybe closed borders, actual borders, states' rights, federalism, protecting the sanctity of life, defending the second amendment, cutting taxes, how about energy independence. that might hit gas prices just a little bit. how about ensuring your personal freedoms when a government wants to lock you down and mandate you. the list goes on and on. what about you and your party, joe? what do you stand for? >> the difference is i'm going to be out on the road a lot making the case around the country country colleagues up for re-election and others making the case of what we did do and what we want to do we need -- >> pete: so the answer is joe biden is going to hit the road, more joe, more hearing his incoherence. that was certainly the answer we were all waiting for. was there an answer in there anywhere? don't worry, he made sure to tell us what his party stands for, and it's only three letters bbb. >> single best way to take the burden off middle class and working class folks is to pass the build back better piece that are things that they are paying a lot of money for now. if you get to trade-off higher gases, putting up with higher price of hamburgers and gas, versus whether or not you are going to have to -- you are going to be able to pay for education and/or, um, child care and the like. i think most people would make the trade. >> pete: man, that inspires a lot of confidence. that's how joe views build back better. it's going to be painful for you but it will win him political points, he thinks. so this is just another example of how joe doesn't actually care about -- about you know what's going on in your life or policy views in your family. administration pay for something more than a failed social spending bill, right? well, biden has spent a lot of time trying to federalize our elections. you know, that whole constitution thing is pesky. and smearing anyone's standing in his way. anyone that doesn't agree with him is, of course, a racist. listen to how joe biden characterized his opponents last week. >> do you want to be the sign -- the side of there king or george wallace. do you want to be on the side of john lewis or bull conner? do you want to be on the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis? >> pete: so if you want to keep the federal government out of elections, somehow you are bull conner or george wallace or jefferson davis. and when biden was pressed on it today, he got angry, grumpy. and you won't like him when joe. >> look what i said. go back and read what i said! and tell me if you think i called anyone who voted on the side of the position taken by bull conner that they were bull conner? and that is an interesting reading to make. i assume you got in the journal because you like to write. >> pete: we just played the tape. i think somebody touched a nerve. he had to explain that two or three times. and he never did. that's a perfect encapsulation of biden's speech/preapproved press conference. he tried to gaslight you into believing our country is doing great while it goes to hell around him. and when he was pressed on it, he gets angry, it's your fault, it's the republicans fault. you are not smart enough to understand the amazing things i have done for you. today was classic biden, no sizzleand no substance. joining me now is dan bongino. host of unfiltered. on nights like this you just want to talk to smart people. dan, what was your take today? >> let's get to the good stuff in the speech, first. okay, done. now, let's get onto the actual speech, okay? because there was no good stuff. i sat there, painfully, through two plus hours of that. >> pete: did i too. >> beg egg he could wrap up so i could watch "the five" and not get screened up by this guy on tv, but very important, this is critical, i mean, this being serious for a moment. i know i can be sarcastic. the most damaging political narratives, pete, candidates, anyone else, politicians are ones that they destroy some pre-existing notion you had of who that person was, right? well, that works in the other direction, too. if you are a failure and based on the polling, the majority of americans right now think biden's a failure so that's their pre-existing notion now of who he is. what he wanted to do was change that and give a different narrative, okay? it works the other way, too. none of that happened. he did nothing in this speech, nothing and believe me, i served through various social media accounts to see what the blue checkmark brigade on the left is says too. you know, there is a couple acolytes kissing his butt because that's what they always do. everyone else is like blah blah blah on the whole thing. couple things, some of the absurdities in this speech. he out performed expectations? wait, what? that's like saying like this fighter sucks so bad we expect him to lose 30 seconds in the first round, pete. and he made it 50 and everybody is taking a victory lap like man, this guy is great. he made it 20 seconds more than we thought. out performed expectations. second, he has no apologies for afghanistan? listen, man, you hosted the patriot awards in a very touching moment. i sat next to the table those families who lost those -- the 13. the 13 heroes, heroes, you know, i would like to apologize for him saying you had no apology hijack segment here, inflation his answer for inflation was down right hilarious. so inflation is more money printing fewer goods, right? a simple -- his answer to that this is what we have got to do, pete, print more money in the build back worse plan. people are listening to this like really? a total failure of a speech. >> pete: and his solution was the build back better plan that's never going to pass. i mean, it was never an answer. when he was asked about the three things he wants to do differently. i am going to get out there more often and talk to the people. talk to the experts like think tanks and editorial boards and going to get deeply involved in elections which brings me to next soundbite. he was asked about whether or not if his voting -- so-called voting voting rights bill was not passed 22 midterm elections be fair here is what joe biden said. >> speaking ever voting rights legs if this isn't passed do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be legitimate? >> well, it all depends on, u., whether or not we're able to make the case to the american people that some of this is being set up to try to alter the outcome of the election? >> pete: so, dan, who is sowing doubt in our elections right now? >> wait, that's a great point like, but getting past that which is so obvious it should slam america in the face that the democrats and the media oh my gosh, how dare anyone question election results ever. you can't do that it's hairsy, everybody should be put in prison and hung by your toes for even mentioning it and yet, joe biden just did that and of course -- beyond that the real kind of almost tragically comical portion of this whole thing the democrats have never accepted the results of an election you don't like. you doubt me? go to a search engine and put bush v. gore. they still think al gore won the popular vote in florida. he never won one single recount. democrats still believe that they still think vladimir putin was given donald trump back rubs and they colluded to win the 2016 election and that hillary should be president. stacey abrams thinks she is run for reelections as governor of georgia. so, you know, forgive me the holler outrage when republicans say hey, you know what? , suppress that hunter biden story, it's super weird before the election and wouldn't change people's outcomes based on polling, we are going to ask some questions and then you guys screaming and yelling at us. how dare you question elections. we are going to reserve all of that for joe biden today. we are only going to let him question elections. >> pete: it's amazing not to mention it's so true. did you go down the entire list. they build up a straw man of their opponents to demonize. and this was the guy who was going to unite us. we don't have time for the clip, dan, he went on to compliment -- attempt to compliment mitt romney which says a lot of things, anyway. when mitt romney was a presidential candidate joe biden who said they were going to put you all back in chains. this is a partisan guy who picks his moment and in this point i mean, it's all a fraud. >> pete, listener, i was an agent on george w. bush's detail when there were code pinkerring going you murdered -- you are a murderer and a killer. then all of a sudden donald trump gets in office we didn't think bush was so bad. now the guy, again, who told people romney was going to put them back in chains who harry reid went on the senate floor and accused them basically financial crimes. lying on his tax returns. now mitt romney is some kind of, you know, hero? he beat find saint hood. show some dignity on the left once in a while. >> pete: yeah, we were told we might see joe 2.0. man, if that is joe 2.0, the white house has got some serious problems tonight. dan bongino, thank you very much. appreciate your time. >> thanks, buddy. >> pete: all right, well, tonight, as you may have noticed, our back drop looks a bit different. we are live from the greater richmond convention center in downtown richmond, virginia where tomorrow morning starting at 9:00 a.m. eastern time we will be live on fox nation for the miseducation of "america live" summit. i released five part series miseducation of america fox nation. tomorrow on the stage you are looking at right there. we host a live summit that will amplify that steer series and further expose and dissect the 100 year progressive takeover of our classrooms as well as outline some solutions for taking back our schools. more on the fox nation series later in tonight's program and i hope you join us tomorrow morning on fox nation at 9:00 a.m. ♪ up next on the program tonight, joe biden well he is standing by his woman. >> she is going to be my running mate, number one. and number two, i did put her in charge and she is doing a good job. >> pete: stephen miller will react to that and more coming up next. ♪ ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. we're here today to set the record straight about dupuytren's contracture. surgery is not your only treatment option. people may think their contracture has to be severe to be treated, but it doesn't. visit today to get started. ♪ >> vice president harris in charge of voting rights. are you satisfied with her work on this issue and can you guarantee, do you commit that she will be your running mate in 2024, provided that you run again? >> pete: looks like sleepy joe hasn't realized what the rest of us figured out a long time ago. kamala harris is a disaster. and shouldn't be given any responsibility over anything. look no further, of course than the southern border. cbp data indicates in fiscal year 221 officials 7.1 million migrants crossing illegally or seeking asylum. what is our so-called border czar doing about it no, no, no, she is not going to texas or arizona or even mexico going back to south america to track down pesky root causes. will she get anything done this time or will we have a repeat of last disastrous trip. >> okay. >> do you have any plans to visit the border. >> at some point, you know, we are going to the border. we have been to the border. so, this whole-this whole -- this whole thing about the border, we have been to the border. we have been to the border. >> you haven't been to the border. >> and i haven't been to europe. >> pete: here now stephen miller founder of america first legal. steve, i want to get your overall reaction to the press conference. but, first, the quick clip as well. joe biden was asked about claims that the trump administration is the root cause to the border crisis. take a listen to what he said on that. >> why are people leaving and how are you going to reform your own system. and we were moving in the right direction under the last administration -- obama-biden administration. but so much damage was done as a consequence of foreign policy decisions of the last president made in latin america, central america, and south america we're having great difficulty making up for the mistakes made in the last four years. >> pete: deefn steven, it's donald trump's fault and kamala harris is going go to south america a second time and fix the root causes. >> well, first of all, joe biden spoke for two hours and he spent all of his time focusing on the wrong border which is ukraine's border and not america's southern border. let's be very clear, what's happening 00 our southern border today and tomorrow and the day after that and the day after that is getting americans killed. killed with drugs, killed with gangs, killed with crime. it's resulting in hospitals being overloaded. our schools being overloaded our police departments being overloaded public health, public financing system. it is ongoing catastrophe. we need to focus on our border here at home. let's be very clear about something. when donald trump left office there was no catch and release. if you crossed illegally, you either went home, you went to mexico, or a willing, safe, third country, period. joe biden inherited that perfect, seemless system. and he ripped it to shred. just like he ripped apart our vetting system that was used to keep out foreign nationals like the individual who committed a terrorist attack at the synagogue. biden owns and biden created the never ending disaster on our border. >> pete: yeah, and kamala harris still can't find her wayed to the border and neither can he. of course everybody knows she is not going to solve the root causes so it's not a real attempt. steve. press conference president trump, president trump attempted to strict answers for him. he would have said get out of the what did you see, 2.0, what do you see at the podium. >> you get glimpses of the real joe biden here and there when he is off note. a great example of this, was the angry snapped, very angry snapped at a reporter asking him about holding republicans, as well as manchin and sinema something grey gations and slave owners by comparing them to bull conner and jefferson davis and george wallace. and he insisted against all reason that the problem lie with the reporter for apparently a failure to grasp english and not understanding the words on the page. there is no way -- and you led with this tonight, there is just no way to read that other than he is comparing republicans and two democrat senators to segregationists and slave owners. it showed a man who is angry and inpatient with the american people for not getting how greatest. that is a losing political strategy. yelling at people, berating them, lecturing to them, barking with them to tell them that they don't understand how great you are. they are not reading things correctly. they don't know. they are confused. they think the store shelves are empty. the store shelves aren't empty. don't you see joe biden is out performing everybody and everything. can't get them to believe something that their own life isn't true. >> pete: you are right. that was the underlying take away you don't understand or appreciate the great things that we are being doing. you are being spun to think otherwise. >> all cable news' fault. they have convinced you that the dollar sin flighted. it's not your pocketbook. >> pete: you are right. it's my fault. i will take it all right. stephen miller, thank you very much for joining us tonight. >> thank you so much. thank you. >> pete: all right, coming up, joe biden thinks he is doing excellent job battling covid. he says he is very satisfied with how he has handled covid-19. he really did. well, are you satisfied? plus, major developments in the murder of a 24-year-old brianna kupfer in los angeles. we will bring you the latest in this tragic story after the break. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ with hepatitis c i felt i couldn't be at my best for my family. in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. i faced reminders of my hep c every day. i worried about my hep c. but in only 8 weeks with mavyret i was cured. mavyret is 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and called 911. gave police fake name and then identity confirmed with a fingerprint. smith is believed to be homeless and learning more about extensive criminal history across the country. the most serious charge appears to be firing a weapon in a car with a man in and young son in it in charleston, south carolina in 2019. smith left that state in 2020 free on bond. critics say another example of criminal being let go too early. fox bill melugin reports smith was also arrested here in los angeles in october of 2020 for stolen property, but the case was rejected by los angeles district attorney gascon for insufficient evidence. smith was released even though he was arrested with the stolen items on him out the furniture store where brianna kupfer work. he walked into the store and plunged a knife into kupfer and leaving the young woman to die. smith was seen is a short while later on 7-eleven surveillance video to appearing to casually buy a vape pen. kupfer sent a message getting bad vibes from someone in the store believed to be smith. smith is likely to be charged and making first court appearance by friday, pete. >> pete: wow, matt, thank you very much. a rap sheet like that. thank you so much, matt. meanwhile joe biden used today as an opportunity to take victory lap for all of his covid accomplishment. you may be asking what are those accomplishments? for a guy who spent a year campaigning on shutting down utterly crushing the virus, it's going to be gone because joe is in town. he sure seems to have been a disaster in actually dealing with that virus. but if you ask joe, he has got a different tale he will tell you. >> am i satisfied with the way in which we have dealt with, um, covid? and all the things that, that two along with it? yeah, i am satisfied. i think we have done remarkably well. >> pete: once again, joe biden does not have a grasp on what we might call reality. realize we are going to have to live with the virus. covid-19 is not going to give up and accept things you know, just not going to go away. >> pete: where was that? we were going to crush it, now it's not going away. patrice onwuka justin hart you, thank you both for being here. justin, let me start on the covid side of this first. you are one of the people all over the data as it pertains to covid. you understand the reality of what we're up against and the frankly the disconnect between what most politicians talk about. when you look at his shift away from we are not going to crush it well, it's going to stick around, what's your take away from what people should read from this? >> look, context. this war has been ensuing for almost two years now between team apocalypse which includes president biden, dr. fauci, dr. walensky who want to weld you inside your house and outside of your school versus those of us as you mentioned on team reality who have been looking at the data saying hold off, this is not exactly as you purport to be. but, of late, it's been a curious terrible miscommunication because members of team apocalypse are abandoning ship and they are grasping onto the life last few weeks pcr test that we loathe and hate and that dr. fauci wants to put more of 75 days. dr. fauci those are in the hospital are not necessarily there from covid but are there infection. then on this very news channel dr. walensky last week admitted that possibly over the 860,000 supposed deaths from covid, many of those may not be attributable to covid at all. the numbers are wrong, the communication is wrong. and they keep doing the wrong things. >> pete: he was asked about the utter and complete confusion. he claimed in the press conference to say well, it's just because we keep following the science. but time and time again we learn about the science, justin as you know and it should lead us to the opposite conclusion of what our political leaders and so-called scientists are taking us in. patricia, when you watched this press conference, you know, what did you take away? >> i took away that the president lacks a real grasp of exactly what's going on. he continues to gaslight americans into believing that they -- to tell them that they shouldn't believe what they see. whether that's at the grocery store, the gas pump, you know, or with dealing with their children's schools and their children's education. i mean, the fact that it was totally glossed over, the impact on educational black and brown students. you know, the devastating emotional and psychological impact students have had. young girls, suicide among teenage girls rising. he didn't even touch that the softball question about how republicans are going to utilize school closures to their benefit in november? that was thrown at him. is he like oh, yeah, sure. they probably are going to do it. no, there is real anger among parents, righteous anger over how children have been thrown under the bus in advance of, you know, narratives that would expand the government's power, emergency powers just so they can, you know, claim some sort of false victory that as we have seen never materialize. never seem to materialize. justin, if there is one thing you want to hear from a leader right now there as we try to emerge from this, what would it be? real quick? >> send us back to normal. there is no reason to be doing any of this. the risks are very, very low for the vast majority of people. we try to protect everybody, and we ended up protecting nobody. >> well said justin patrice, thank you so much both of you for your time tonight. we appreciate. >> it thank you. >> pete: up next, children across america are still struggling with remote learning thanks to antiscience school lockdowns. that's a oak with joe biden. we will tell you why after the break. ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ we have to be able to repair the enamel on a daily basis. with 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think just chicago. when it documents their education, joe biden, he is looking at a glass that's 95% full. >> very few schools are closing. we're 95% still open. so you all phrase the questions -- i don't think it's deliberate on your part but you phrase the question if anybody watches this on television my god there must be all those schools must be closing. what are we going to do? 95% are still open. >> pete: shouldn't the answer be there should be 0 percent closed? but if there is anything about our kids remote learning this year eyes of parents open radical agenda being forced fed to their children and now they are finally fighting back against it, joining me now is david good win the president of the association of classical christian schools, a friend of mine and a participant tomorrow in the miseducation of america summit we have here. david, thanks so much for being here. >> great to be here, pete. >> pete: thanks for being here and all your work on this project. before we get to the subject of the series and the summit. when you look at closures and schools. what impact has it had. he said we got 95% don't worry about it out of the woods. the future is going to tell us what impact it's having today. the positive impact it's having is that parents are g tion getting to see what's going on in the school system. >> pete: you are saying because the parents trapped in zoom classrooms even if briefly because many are back to school, their eyes are wide open about another virus? >> yes, well, you know, it's been the case that for many, many, many years and all of us have been subject to this yellow bus picks your kids up in the morning, drops them off at 3:00. they get their snacks, you go on with your day, nobody really paid attention what happened during those hours. it is starting to change and we're grateful for that. >> pete: catch-22 back in the classroom but still getting a different kind of poison in the ideology that they are getting. so we are fighting over getting them back in class but now the next fight is what they are being taught. what is the scariest part of the reality of the radicalism we are seeing in classes today? >> i think you coined term 1619. covid 19 has given us the ability to see some of the radical agendas in some of the more radical parts of the country. but we also have to remember that the infrastructure that has made american education what it is sort of radicalizes the entire system in some respect. now, there is a lot of good public school teachers. the whole system is designed by progressives. >> the whole entire system including private schools. you run a classical christian association which has said we are going to do it entirely differently. it is possible to escape the progressive pipeline in america today? >> it's very hard. we did get off the bus about 30 years ago. we are going to try doing this the way it was done before the progressives took over. this isn't a new thesis. i mean, if you look at any historical text or anything they will say here with doing today in the public schools is called progressive education. and that's not an accident. >> pete: things like essential to studies which we all took. basic understanding we have of the way our kids are educated today crafted by the progressives. >> they were. and this is what we are talking about tomorrow, i think. >> pete: by the way, full disclosure, i call david goodwin my sherpa. no, this project of miseducation of america we are going to talk a little bit more in the next block. and certainly tomorrow at the summit was born of a lot of research that you did. a lot of people think it was the 1960s when our schools started to get radicalized. you are saying it was much earlier. >> yes. i didn't know that either. i ran across it reading progressive magazines from the early part of the 20th century trying to figure out when we took a wrong turn because, you know, c.s. lewis has this famous saying if you have taken a wrong turn the most progressive thing can you could is to go back and do the old way. >> pete: not progressive to keep going in the wrong direction. >> does not help. >> pete: certainly what we have done. when we spin our wheels about covid and shutting our kids out of the classroom. which is detrimental to them. sitting in front of a screen doesn't work. triggered the next level conversation okay as we get them back in the classroom or in front of a zoom screen, what in the heck are they actually learning. >> yeah. parents are waking up and we are excited, you know, to try to see where we can take this. you know, there is a lot of opportunity in america right now. >> pete: including and i say this with a number of my kids in classical christian education the opportunity for classical christian education which is a complete rejection of the progressive model. it can be done in america today. and what percentage of your schools are open for business? >> 100 percent as far as i know. >> pete: that's better than 95% good to. >> good to be with you. >> pete: see you on stage tomorrow on the miseducation of america summit. more on the miseducation of america next. don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ allergies with nasal congestion only pay for what you need. overwhelming you? 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[bell rings] ♪ ♪ >> wooden parents in gary, indiana, still have expected the bible to be in schools? >> they certainly did, which is why in gary, indiana, they had a pullout period where kids could go off site and be trained in whatever religious course that their family wanted. >> therein lies the most controversial component of the gary plan. in gary, children continue to their limited, individualized religious instruction, off school grounds, and were taught to embrace a new progressive symbol of the divine ideal. the american flag. >> do you think they would say, well, our motive was benevolent? we are trying to give practical application to students? who don't really need all this highfalutin latin stuff. we are not evil progressives cooking up a plot, we are just moving into the modern era. >> there were many good things that came out of the progressive movement. unfortunately, we are taught all those things in the public school today, leaves out the western christian idea was what they had to remove to make those fit. >> within a plan of just a few years, the gary plan's spread from gary, indiana, to the greatest cities in the nation. >> there's always good news. ill-founded and ill-conceived took hold in america. i didn't take hold for very long because people started to shift back, was they realized that learning was being compromised. >> pete: the gary plan, long forgotten, we remember it and you can watch it. before five-part series, "the miseducation of america," is available right now. only on fox nation. this beautiful hall i am in right now, i will be hosting a live summit tomorrow morning, starting at 9:00 a.m. live on fox nation, go to to watch it or on your app. we are going to have an amazing lineup of really smart folks who know a lot about education and are going to add to what we are doing with this series in "the miseducation of america." if you do not have a sub script into fox nation, go to right now or download the app. you know how to get apps. using the promo code "classroom" to get a 90 day free trial, plenty of time to watch what you want totally free for 90 days. i'm pete hegseth. i will see you tomorrow night. tucker carlson of next. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." joe biden shuffled forth from seclusion this afternoon for a rare solo press conference. you may have seen it. it is about as common as exciton he feel emerging. in fact, according to statistician to keep track of the sort of think of it is only the second since taking office a full year ago. by the end, we were wishing joe biden spoke in less often. the whole tng

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Change People , Outcomes , Hunter Biden Story , Holler Outrage , The Miseducation Of America , Mitt Romney , Compliment , Candidate , Chains , Agent , Fraud , Detail , George W Bush , Listener , Code Pinkerring , Killer , People Romney , Murderer , Floor , Harry Reid , Crimes , Tax Returns , Once , Hero , He Beat , Saint Hood , Dignity , Joe 2 0 , Problems , Buddy , White House , 2 0 , Greater Richmond Convention Center In Downtown , Fox Nation , Back Drop , Virginia , 9 , America Summit , Series , Miseducation , Stage , America Live , Classrooms , Program , Fox , Nation , Progressive Takeover , Solutions , 100 , Woman , Charge , Number , Number One , Here Now Stephen Miller , Owner , Future , Tools , Investor , Access , Advice , Vanguard , Treatment , Contracture , Option , Surgery , Dupuytren S Contracture , Visit Findahandspecialist Com , Kamala Harris , Work , Running Mate , Issue , Disaster , Shouldn T , Rest , Looks , Sleepy Joe Hasn T , 2024 , Southern Border , Cbp Data , Asylum , Responsibility , 7 1 Million , 221 , Border Czar Doing , Texas , Arizona , Causes , Plans , Whole , Trip , Repeat , Haven T , Founder , Europe , America First Legal , First , Reaction , Claims , Steve , Crisis , System , Damage , Obama , David Good , Central America , Latin America , Difficulty , Consequence , Mistakes , Foreign Policy Decisions , Four , Border , Root , Deefn Steven , Ukraine , Crime , Drugs , Hospitals , Gangs , Catastrophe , Public Financing System , Police Departments , Public Health , Seemless System , Catch , Release , Safe , Mexico , Individual , Vetting System , Nationals , Terrorist Attack , Synagogue , Wayed , Attempt , Neither , Answers , Podium , Reporter , Glimpses , Note , Angry , Reason , Owners , Problem , Holding Republicans , Slave , Manchin , Grey Gations , Sinema , Senators , Words , Page , English , Berating Them , Strategy , Inpatient , Slave Owners , Don T , Store , They Don T Know , Isn T True , Everything , Doing , Cable News , Pocketbook , Dollar Sin Flighted , Coming Up , Covid 19 , Murder , Battling Covid , Los Angeles , Developments , Brianna Kupfer , 24 , 19 , Car Insurance , Break , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Story , Chances , Bull Rider , Someone , Turn , Tex , Hang On , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , 665 , 665 Dollars , Liberty , Felt I Couldn T , Reminders , My Hep C , Hepatitis Ci , 8 , Liver Problems , Hepatitis B , Doctor , Cause , Types , Mavyret , Hep C , Liver , Medicines , Have , Conditions , Rifampin , Atazanavir , Don T Take Mavyret , 1 , Side Effects , Confusion , Swelling , Symptoms , Signs , Abdominal Pain , Bleeding , Bruising , Skin , Yellowing , Liver Disease , Headache , Tiredness , Me , Life Saving Aspirin , Stomach , Vazalore , Aspirin Capsule , Heart Attack , Stroke , Ulcers , Help , Benefits , Mind , Heart Protection , Sean Laval Smith , Police , Fox News Alert , Furniture Store , Manhunt , Matt Finn , Latest , Walking , Employee , Law Enforcement Force , Southern California , Pasadena , 31 , Car , Police Fake Name , Fingerprint , History , Weapon , Park Bench , 911 , Let Go , Estate , Son , Bond , Bill Melugin Reports Smith , Charleston , South Carolina , Critics , 2019 , 2020 , Evidence , Items , Stolen Property , Gascon , Los Angeles District Attorney , October Of 2020 , Kupfer , Knife , Brianna Kupfer Work , 7 Eleven , Eleven , Vape Pen , Video , Vibes , Message , Charged And Making First Court Appearance , Opportunity , Rap Sheet , Friday , Wow , Virus , Accomplishment , Accomplishments , Campaigning , Town , Tale , Grasp , Reality , Patrice Onwuka Justin Hart You , Data , Disconnect , Shift , Covid Side , Team , Apocalypse , Fauci , Context , War , Gary School , Hold , Team Reality , House , Walensky , Members , Hate , Miscommunication , Test , Ship , Hospital , 75 , Many , Dr , Numbers , Communication , Deaths , News Channel , Infection , 860000 , Science , Leaders , Conclusion , Scientists , Patricia , Children , Grocery Store , What S Going On , Gas Pump , Students , Fact , Impact , Girls , Over , Suicide , School Closures , Softball Question , Benefit , Parents , Bus , Anger , Sort , Power , Emergency Powers , Advance , Victory , Leader , Nobody , Risks , Justin Patrice , Learning , Up Next , Both , Oak , Antiscience School Lockdowns , Sure , Name , Enamel , Toothpaste , Repair Toothpaste , Basis , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Brand , Statin Medication , Statin Drug , Levels , Cholesterol , Qunol , Qunol Coq10 , Stop Trulicity , Daughter , Type 2 Diabetes , Change , Blood Sugar , A1c , Dose , Ten , 2 , It Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Use , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lump , Neck , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome Type 2 , Kidney Problems , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Taking Trulicity , Stomach Pain , Vision , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Diabetic Retinopathy , Comcast Business Mobile , Business Owner , Service , Term , Data Plans , Contracts , Gig , Network , Line Activation Fees , 500 , Business , Comcast Business , Internet , Customers , Powering Possibilities , Classroom , Glass , Thousands , Welcome Back , Threat , Chicago , Phrase , Question , On Television My God , 0 , Kids , Eyes , Agenda , Participant , Win , Association Of Classical Christian Schools , Project , Subject , Closures , Out Of The Woods , School System , Zoom Classrooms , Briefly , Attention , Morning , Snacks , 3 , Fighting , Poison , Ideology , Catch 22 , Classes , Fight , Agendas , Radicalism , Ability , 1619 , Infrastructure , Parts , Public School , Respect , Teachers , Progressives , Pipeline , Progressive Education , Thesis , Text , Studies , Accident , Research , David Goodwin My Sherpa , Magazines , 1960 , Wrong Turn , Wheels , C S , Front , Conversation , Level , Zoom Screen , Heck , Screen Doesn T Work , Rejection , Percentage , Progressive Model , Don T Go , America Next , Congestion , Allergies , Powerful Claritin D Get , Urggghhhh , Allergy , Nasal Congestion , Relief , Claritin D Breathe Better , Fullest , Miracle Ear , Starts , Technology , Miracle Earmini , Trial , Obligation , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , Thirty , There S Industrial Grade , Music , Flight , Analytical Software , Walls , Assembly Lines , Threats , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Idea , Takeover , Statements , Feedback , Humbling , Viewer , Stories , Least , Race Theory , Gender Theory , Activism , Episode , Lunacy , Concept , Indiana , Schoo , Model , Thr , 1905 , Motive , Scratch , Industrial Town , Jobs , Citizens , Greeks , Freethinkers , Freeing , Stonemason , William , Admirer , Eighth Grade , Role , Superintendent , John Dewey , Physical Education , Art Courses , Platoons , Subjects , Art , Platoon , 12th Grade , Core , 12 , High School , Components , Facilities , Aspect , Bells , Bell Rang , Seven , Bible , Site , Bell Rings , Component , Ideal , Instruction , Progressive Symbol , Flag , Off School Grounds , Plot , Progressive Movement , Application , Highfalutin Latin Stuff , Public School Today , Fit , Western Christian , News , Cities , Spread , Ill , Live On Fox Nation , App , Lineup , Apps , Promo Code , Script , Tucker Carlson , 90 , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Seclusion , Think , Statistician , Track , He , Tng , The End ,

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