Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

not have been working alone. more with andy mccarthy coming up shortly. >> john: another fox news alert on a massive winter storm slamming the east coast. hello, and welcome to "america reports" for this monday, i'm john roberts. sandra, great to start another week off with you. >> sandra: and great stuff yesterday, john, on fox news sunday. and we are watching the powerful storm system, bringing snow and ice and winds to several states, thousands of flight cancellations, over 1500 u.s. flights alone canceled, more than 1500 delayed just today. >> john: at least two people have died. they were killed in a crash in north carolina. more than 20 inches of snow falling in that state as well as ohio since friday. dangerous travel conditions, thousands of power outages across the region. max gordon is live in rochester new york, and if you are looking for snow, max, you can usually find it in rochester. >> yes, there you go. we have seen about a foot of snow that's already fallen here in rochester, we are expecting maybe about eight inches more throughout the rest of the afternoon and into the evening hours. it's been a busy day for plow crews and other city crews here in rochester, give you a look at road conditions here in the city. all sorts of cars slipping and sliding here at this intersection of clinton and main in downtown rochester. tough travel conditions all throughout central and western new york today because not only are we contending with heavy snow, we are also talking about gusts, oh, there we go, yep, it's -- it's slippery out there. not only are we talking about lots of snow, but also gusty winds. gusts up to 45 miles per hour in some instances, it's causing limited visibility on the roadways and also talking about piling snow, drifting snow as well as slick conditions out on the roads. once again, between 12 and 18 inches expected to pile up here in rochester, new york. lots of flight delays as you mentioned, it's a wintry scene here in western new york. back to you. >> john: looks like mid january where you are, max, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: the cars are putting on a show at the intersection behind him. now the fallout from the frightening hostage situation we saw play out in texas over the weekend where a british man took a rabbi and three worshippers hostages, in an attempt to free a well-known al-qaeda operative from prison. fbi rescue team took out malik akram, and freed the hostage, but the bureau is doing damage control after the initial description of the attack downplayed a connection between the attack and the jewish community. andy mccarthy will be here on the fbi response, but begin with dan springer outside the synagogue. dan, hi. >> yeah, hi, sandra. and two days after the attack we can see fbi agents in and around the synagogue in colleyville, texas, yesterday they said they believed strongly this this hostage taker acted alone but last night police in manchester, england arrested two teenagers as part of the ongoing investigation. they are in custody and are being questioned. ordeal ended after 11 hours when the final three hostages were chased to the door by the gunman and ran out, then the fbi breached the building, gunfire and the suspect was dead. rabbi gave credit to the police and the active training he and other leaders received. 44-year-old malik faisal akram, arrived at j.f.k. airport two weeks ago on a tourist visa. he demanded the release of aafia siddiqui, convicted of trying to kill american military officers in afghanistan in 2008. she's being held in a federal prison about 20 miles from the synagogue. initially the fbi said this was not an attack directed at the jewish community, but after an outcry, the bureau walked that back saying it was terror-related and the community was targeted. akram stayed a week at a dallas homeless shelter between january 6th and the 13th and president biden said yesterday he apparently bought the gun he used in the attack illegally on the street. akram's brother also was on social media yesterday saying the family condemns what their brother did. they also said he's been suffering mental health issues. sandra. >> sandra: dan springer with the latest in texas, thank you. >> john: bring in andy mccarthy, thank you for being with us. back over what the special agent in charge said, which i guess threw him into the face of a buzz saw, said "we believe from engaging with the subject he was focussed on one issue and not specifically related to the jewish community." a huge walkback from president biden yesterday when he said this. >> hey, folks. with regard to texas and the synagogue, i spoke this morning with the attorney general and did a rundown, this was an act of terror, this was an act of terror. >> john: the fbi originally saying jewish people were not specifically targeted, president biden saying this was an act of terror. what do you make of all this, andy? >> john, it's awful when the fbi does a great job and should be almost taking a victory lap they step on it with their messaging. i don't think the special agent in charge meant to say something that came out as idiotic as this. what i think he was trying to say, the main objective the terrorist had here was to try to extort the government into releasing siddiqui, and that there was not any generalized plot on synagogues across the united states, in the sense that they were aware of an ongoing plot and that other synagogues might be targeted. but it was -- it was really dumb for him to say that the jewish community had not been targeted when it's obvious that in jihadist ideology seems with anti-semitism and perfectly natural, the plot, hostage taking at a mosque, that's what they do. >> john: and one said it was no accident the synagogue was attacked, the ongoing menace of anti-semitism. he attacks the synagogue, demanding the release of siddiqui, avowed anti-semite, that fits the definition of a terrorist attack. >> it does, and john, politically correct is a trite way of putting this. for too many years the bureau has been hypersensitive to islamist organizations and demagoguery and the way they react and like the voice of muslim americans across the country, which they are not, and they try to couch their words in a way that's not offensive to those organizations when i think they should just tell us what happened. >> john: yeah. you know, lindsey graham tweeted it's very disturbing to hear from the fbi, they do not believe the hostage taker demands had anything to do with the jewish faith. i hope the fbi will rethink, they now she was a raging anti-semite and wanted the jurors to be tested for jewish blood. quite a history here, and another issue as well, the attacker, malik faisal akram, arrived in the united states from britain on a tourist visa, so a border issue as well and vetting of somebody who comes into this country. >> yeah, there's a real issue here, john, and this has gone on for decades, and that is that we are obviously very concerned about the border as we should be and the lax security of it. but many, many of the people who come here who are a threat to the united states either overstay their visa or make misrepresentations about what they intend to do to get the visa in the first place. in many ways the people who come legally, who have terrorist ties, are in some ways a more insidious threat to us than the people who would be coming over the border. >> john: before we go here, point out the rabbi of the synagogue, charlie walker, credited recent active shooter training at that synagogue with saving lives. just the fact that the congregation went through active shooter training really is a sad statement on where we are, but let me run on the screen here some recent attacks against houses of worship. tree of life synagogue outside of pittsburgh, 11 dead in 2018, solon springs first baptist church, 25 dead, and oak creek, wisconsin, arvada, colorado, brookville, wisconsin -- sad for the nation. >> and what else can you say other than the catalogue you just gave us. but the training that the people at the synagogue got was from the fbi, and even if the brass says dumb things when they are doing their messaging, you can bet the guys from the h.r.t. team that brought this to a successful close, you know, they knew what they were dealing with when they came in. >> john: and they knew what they were doing as well. andy mccarthy, great to see you. >> john: we'll talk more about this in the next hour. >> sandra: and we'll be joined by a former fbi agent, and believes the hostage rescue team did a great job but a question wondering where the building was assaulted and the subject killed after the hostages had already run out the door. but obviously this was terrorism in the early stages of this incident. i look forward to hearing him the next hour. >> john: don't know what else you would describe it as. >> sandra: a new lawsuit, why google and facebook are accused of colluding on a secret deal. >> john: and are democrats eyeing covid relief as a trojan horse for more government spending. and some democrats say their own party is way off track. >> you don't talk about what you didn't get, that's what these democrats want. quite being a whiny party. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. as a business owner, your bottom line gold bond. is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line 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signed an agreement in 2018 that allegedly guaranteed that facebook would bid in and then win a certain amount of ad auctions. google spokesperson said the complaint is full of inaccuracies and lacks legal merit. a meta spokesperson said this, meta's nonexclusive bidding agreement with google and similar with other bidding platforms have helped to increase competition for ad placement. these business relationships enable meta to add value, and better outcomes for all. so, note the word choice here, meta is essentially saying the agreements increase competition, they make things better, when over the last few years, of course, washington has been questioning if tech giants dominate and control their markets and if they use their size as an unfair advantage as well. now, whether all these new allegations will spur further scrutiny is yet to be seen. >> john: enormous amount of ad revenue at stake. >> exactly, exactly. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: the omicron variant has some businesses feeling it is 2020 over again, hotels, clubs, just a couple of the industries requesting aid after claiming that they were left out or did not get enough of the previous funding effort that added up to over $900 billion. all of this as republican lawmakers are warning that more government spending can and will lead to more inflation. let's bring in charles payne, a pretty simple equation. spend more, prices will go up more. why does it seem that the biden administration and democrats like dick durbin in illinois, pushing for more spending, that is translating to more inflation and dropping poll numbers for their party. >> it's amazing. sandra, really is amazing. i will saying there's a couple republicans on the last one, roger wicker among others. but listen, larry summers, who is taking a victory lap right now, one of the most famous democratic economists out there warned before the 1.9 trillion went through, he warned, got on the soapbox, told the biden administration don't do it. enough money had been pushed through the american public, we got the shortest recession in history, we went to 2021 with an amazing amount of economic momentum, don't mess it up. what do we have now? inflation at the highest level in over 40 years. we just came off a christmas period. retail sales on friday, down 1.9%. administration is fond of the sayings we had a christmas, according to adobe, 6 billion out of stock orders. didn't really have a great christmas and part is things were not there and the things that were there cost too much money, and here is what we need to really be talking about. where is the money that was already approved and sent out? there's a trillion dollars sloshing around. that's why some of the cities are doing universal basic income and other pet projects. if they care about their local gym owners, give them the money. we don't need any more from the federal government. >> sandra: that's an important point and how tangible the inflation is, everybody is feeling the pain of it and the new poll that shows a major swing in 2021 as far as party identification and there has been a 14 point swing in favor of republicans when you look at what has been happening with the country, and as far as democrats calling out democrats on this issue, nobody like james carville to do just that. said this on inflation, take note. >> quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight and tell people what you did, not what you got. you don't run on what you didn't get and the stuff you got is pretty good. if they don't pass voting rights, if they don't pass build back better, run on that in 2022. >> sandra: and specifically he said this on inflation, if it reaches a certain level by the midterm elections, listen. >> if inflation is still 7% in november this year we'll lose anyway. a lot of people don't think it's the case. >> sandra: so quite whining, he tells his fellow democrats and watch inflation. that's going to be a big political issue come november as he said if it's still at 7%. it could be higher than that, charles. >> it could be higher than that. and we saw the consumer sentiment the second lowest in a decade, and the party affiliation, major shifts there. and i agree with him on one thing. the democrats are the party of woe is me. i never hear anything hopeful about the future, starting with the president on down opens their mouth. can't run on how we got out of afghanistan, you can't run on covid, more people have died under president biden, you can't run on the lack of testing, can't run on the retail sales, consumer confidence, i would try with the infrastructure bill but they need to portray a more positive image of who we are as a country. every time the president opens his mouth, sounds like we are back in 1949 on this martin luther king, jr. day, i would love to see the party look forward, acknowledge the progress that we have made, acknowledge we have more progress to make but the most important thing, we should all be confident we will make it because look where we have come and what short period of time. in my lifetime, the things we have done as a nation are beyond mind boggling. they should inspire everyone and every time one of the politicians open their mouths, you feel it's the worst country in the world. so carville is right. >> sandra: andy, executive of the fast food business is looking back and saying had they, democrats dealt with inflation pro actively, he writes this in the daily mail, the remedy might have been merely inconvenient. now we are staring down a major recession, cause serious economic pain for millions of americans as the economy jumps from the pandemic frying pan to the recession fire. i hope not, i know you are more optimistic than that, charles. but the worriers are out there. >> the federal reserve, when the cure is so painful you almost wish you could keep the disease. they may be forced into action to put us into a recession. we hope it does not happen, but it's going to be real close. >> sandra: and you are going to help us, take us through it. see you at 2:00, thank you. >> john: in new york city, a woman was pushed by a homeless man in front of an oncoming subway train and killed. what we are learning about the criminal's history and the leniency policy shift in manhattan. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> john: he's going back, the top tennis player in the world forced to pack his bags in melbourne. he was deported, he said he's extremely disappointed he lost his fight to stay and defend his title, but that he respects the ruling. under aussie law, he cannot get another visa for three years. that's good news for others. >> sandra: and reporting he may not be able to play in the french open? this is an unbelievable story. big implications. ok, we have been following that one, we will continue to. meanwhile, an asian woman killed in new york city after a homeless man pushed her in front of a subway train on saturday, comes as the city is on edge, critics are blaming soft on crime policy, the suspect has a long history policy dating back decades. brian kilmeade joins us now. way too many stories, this is absolutely horrific. not just serious crime, but then finding out that the person who carried out that crime had a lengthy rap sheet and was walking the streets. >> and people watching around the country, if you've never been to new york, a nice area. this is time square, every subway in the biggest subway in the country, i'm there at least four times a week and you know, you don't expect anything to happen there, and she's, this woman, her name is michelle, 40 years old, m.b.a. from n.y.u., waiting there at times square. she has given a lot of her time to the homeless situation and helping the underprivileged in this very city, and this guy walks up, simon marshall, and decides i'm going to wait for the train to get close enough and push her from behind into the train. she never knew what hit her, never knew the guy, she dies instantly and this guy gets on the subway, a few stops down, gets off and turns himself into a police precinct. when he's walking out, why did you do it? he's saying because i'm god. obviously he's psychotic, his family says he should not be out and ask you this. you have broken window syndrome, if someone squeegees your car, it's a gateway to other crimes, hops the turnstile. if this guy knowing they don't prosecute turnstile crimes, the psychotic lunatic, if he didn't have the fare, maybe he doesn't get there to begin with. >> sandra: horrifying and heartbreaking, so many who live in the city, they are terrified to walk the streets. mayor eric adams says the subway is safe and all the concerns out there, just perception. listen. >> we know that public safety is not only actual but it's perceived, and when you have an incident like this, the perception is what we are fighting against. this is a safe system because of the job that the transit officers have carried out, and what this chief has done in the system. >> sandra: new york post cover disagrees, usually the first thing we read, the fear is real, new yorkers are not buying adams' claim read as just perception after deadly subway push. just perception, is that our problem? >> i cannot believe, if that's his instinct, the day somebody gets thrown in front of the train and says no big deal, perfectly safe, that's one of the dumbest things i've heard a public official say. you say that is a concern, why i'm putting more and more police officers down below, which is true. i've seen more lately than the last two years, i got it. but that's not the time you say it. because no one buys it. because it's not you, that's the only reason it feels safe, but if you know her, know anybody around on the subway systems, your head is on a swivel now. >> sandra: and this is not perception, this is notable gun violence, in big cities all over the country, this weekend alone, six shot in new york city, 29 shot in chicago, four killed. philadelphia, eight shot, denver, three shot, one killed, louisville, kentucky, seven shot, two killed. that's not perception, that's real crime. >> can i add sandra. the president of the united states is going to focus on now? police reform. you need to attack the criminal, not the cop. police are not the problem. what does he not understand about that. police are not the problem. they need backing to stop the next situation. they don't need to know they are going to be reformed by somebody looking to make political gains. this is not reading the american public. the mayor is off, and now the president is going to try to jam this down our throats. through an executive action. >> sandra: the formal press conference he's holding wednesday. i hope he's asked about it. and we spent some time on "five on friday night." >> quality time. >> sandra: this crime is real, people around here, they feel it, but when i list off the numbers of shootings and killings across the country this weekend, people all over the country are feeling it as well. >> john: the idea that the problem is perception? no, a woman got pushed in front of a subway train. it's not perception, it's reality. the winter olympics weeks away. why team u.s.a. is telling all the athletes to use burner phones instead of their own personal devices. that story just ahead. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> sandra: a buccaneer superfan gets a huge surprise, quarterback tom brady give him tickets to the super bowl. watch this. >> i worked with the bucs and the nfl to get you and your family super bowl tickets this year in l.a. we certainly hope to be there, but i know you are going to be there. >> sandra: i love that moment. that is 10-year-old cancer survive noah reeb and his family. week seven he went to a buc's game, and said tom brady helped me beat brain cancer. after the game, brady saw him and gave him a hat. now he's headed to the super bowl and his family, hopes to see his favorite team there, too. and love that story and when tom brady was putting the message to noah and surprising him with the super bowl tickets, he said you know what, you have inspired me, and that's such a huge message. a little boy can do so much. >> john: how can you not like tom brady? love the fact he caught the final pass in yesterday's game with the eagles. team u.s.a. gearing up for the winter olympics in china. but according to a u.s. report, they are telling athletes to leave their personal electronics at home and use burner phones to avoid chinese spying in beijing. benjamin, i remember on a trump trip to china we all took burner equipment. >> that's right, indeed if you were travelling to russia, so putin trips also sometimes asked to leave your phones on the plane. certainly they have the ability to spy on it and long a fear for athletes heading to beijing china may be snooping on them. team u.s.a. is sharing the fears, warning to take burner phones with them and leave personal electronics in the u.s. to avoid chinese spying. team u.s.a. warns athletes they could be subject to malicious intrusion, infection and data compromise when they get to the olympics, and a minimum, wipe all personal data from the devices before arrival and upon departure. the report, according to u.s.a. today and echoed other countries says this. despite any and all safeguards in place to protect the systems and data brought to china, it should be assumed all data and communications can be monitored, compromised or blocked. the state department has warned visitors that security personnel watch foreign visitors, and possessions may be looked at without your consent or knowledge. and also emerged up to 15 state department officials are in fact travelling to provide security support operations at the games, dubbed the genocide games, so maybe not the iron clad diplomatic boycott we were led to expect. and another concern from omicron, beijing has the first few cases, we have seen what happens in other chinese cities, they lock down tens of millions of people, they put them in quarantine centers. a fear two and a half weeks from the olympics, beijing itself under stricter lockdown rules. >> time running out. sandra. >> sandra: virginia's new republican governor promising a new and better day, and wasting no time delivering major change on the first day on the job. the lieutenant governor with some fears this year, she'll join us live, next. - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. 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>> there's not a course called critical race theory. all of the principles of critical race theory, the fundamental building blocks of actually accusing one group of being oppressors and another of oppressed, actually burdening children today for sins of the past, for teaching our children to judge one another based on the color of their skin. >> john: lieutenant governor, c.r.t. according to the governor is not taught in schools, but more complicated, principles of c.r.t. have to a degree permeated the virginia department of education. what are you trying to do about it? >> they are using semantics, the other side is when it comes to c.r.t., it is taught in some form or fashion. we know last year the loudon county school board spent about 300,000 plus dollars, that's real money, going to jail money, to bring c.r.t. in a form or fashion, they used a consultant specifically for c.r.t. before all that, in 2015, the then school superintendent, the state school superintendent spoke directly about c.r.t. and encouraged the teaching of it, and then two years later you will note that the virginia state board of education on its official website recommended books on c.r.t. but let's talk about what's really happening. our children are not learning. we don't have time to teach about oppression that the child is a victim, that the white kids are the oppressors, we don't have time for that. let's talk about history, don't want to repeat it, let's teach it. nobody is saying not to teach it. we need to go forward, we can't always keep looking back. i am proof we are progressing. i am an immigrant and in the former capital of the confederacy, i'm second in command of eight some million people. when are we going to say we can make it, we are making it. let's look at life as being overcomers. this, too, we will overcome. say that to black and brown children and all other children. say that to them instead of constantly being divisive. martin luther king, jr., that's what he wanted. i want to read something to you very quickly what he said. "always feel that you have worth and always feel that your life has ultimate significance." did he talk about the oppressed, the oppressors, the victims, all that, no. light a candle, to light a candle is to find a solution, but to curse the darkness is to be a victim. i am not a victim, our children are not victims, we are going to not just survive, they are going to thrive. >> john: right. i want to stick with schools, another order signed by the governor on the weekend gives parents the option of having their children not wear a mask in school. almost immediately after he signed that, fairfax, arlington and richmond responded by saying their mandates are in place. governor youngkin threatened to use state resources to enforce that. what does that potentially mean? >> and really, at the very foundation of it, imagine that. parents get to decide about their own children. by the way, parents are their children's first teachers and secondly, who do these children belong to? they don't belong to the state, don't belong to the school board, they belong to their parents. we -- >> john: i understand that, lieutenant governor, but what might the governor do in terms of using state resources to force these school districts to comply? >> well, you know, there are certain combinations of money that we send to the state, to the local school boards and he can withhold some of that, and he could possibly, if the law allows, even give the parents the ability to decide what schools their children should attend. so, we are going to look at all that and he's just wanting the best for all children. listen, our former president, barack obama said it has consequences. we told the parents, virginians what we were going to do and they voted for us. these are the good consequences that they are seeing that imagine, politicians are going to fulfill those promises. we are going to do that. >> john: lieutenant governor from the commonwealth of virginia, thanks for being with us. >> thank you very much, and god speed to all of you. >> john: hope to see you again soon. if i could put it on the screen for a second here, sandra, when you take a look at the administration in virginia, you have glenn youngkin the governor, winsome sears as the lieutenant governor, and jason -- do we not have the full screen, as the attorney general, that looks more like a democratic ticket than a republican ticket. a lot of people are thinking this could pave the way for the future of the republican party in the midterm elections. >> sandra: her words were so powerful, i want them to speak for themselves, but our children will not just survive, they will thrive. really powerful interview there, john. >> john: interesting figure. by the way, talk more about martin luther king, jr. with alveda king coming up. >> sandra: as we approach the top of the hour, president biden heading into his final days of his first full year of office. what can he tout as a victory as he faces piles of crises and challenges. we will weigh in on the time in office so far and what's ahead of the administration ahead of his first news conference in days. thanks for bringing me with you guys today, mr. and mrs. lopez. not a problem, josh. hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? no, sir. let's have a great day! the chevy silverado offers eight cameras with up to 15 different views. find new views. find new roads. chevrolet. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> sandra: new at 2:00, a grad student with her entire life ahead of her left in a pool of blood while the man police say stabbed her simply walked away from the scene. >> john: cops calling it random and senseless. the latest murder sending shock waves through a community where, like so many others, these acts of violence have become all too common. >> sandra: so sad. good afternoon, everyone. sandra smith on new york. >> john: on the heels of the burger king shooting as well. the search for the killer. begin with the presidency in peril. attempts to change the narrative, and opponents looking to take back power. >> sandra: fox news alert, republicans pouncing on a president whose policies are failing but approaching a full year in office just days away now. and so little to show for it, not just republicans who may be looking for a change. >> john: president biden gearing up for a rare news conference on wednesday, mark a year since his inauguration. the president's poll numbers have plummeted. >> sandra: the economy, covid, russia threatening ukraine, a world of trouble. voters seem to think the solution is put republicans back in power. >> john: miranda devine a few minutes away on the seismic shift we are seeing in the polls. >> sandra: jennifer and peter kicking off for us with a plethora of problems at home, that's for sure. >> good afternoon. one of the president's biggest promises the day he was declared the winner of the 2020 election was to change the tone. >> make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. they are not our enemies. they are americans. they are americans. >> a year in, that's what he's doing, suggesting his opponents are no better than segregationists and racists unless they back progressive voting rights legislation. >> you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace. do you want to be the side of john lewis or bull connor. do you want to be the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis. >> another big difference a year into biden's term, prices. they have risen at the highest level in 40 years. the president does not plan to change his approach, pushing big increases in government spending. >> going to reduce inflation, not increase it. reduce inflation. in fact, unsolicited letter from 17nobel laureates. >> one thing that has not changed, the pandemic. and the president promised to shut down the virus. >> are you no longer going to shut it down? >> no, we have to beat it back before we shut it down. >> something else that has not changed much in president biden's first year here, all the time in delaware. he is there right now, and we expect him back later on this evening after dark. sandra. >> sandra: peter live at the white house, thank you. >> john: that's the domestic front, now the big issues piling up for president biden abroad. national security correspondent jennifer griffin live at the pentagon, plenty abroad. >> john, the one area where presidents have a the most executive power is foreign policy. president biden campaigned on his decades of foreign policy experience with promises to improve the u.s. standing among world leaders with slogans like a return to having adults in the room. a recent quinnipiac poll shows biden has 35% approval rating on foreign policy. among the first setbacks, the summit with the chinese. >> in the anchorage meeting with the chinese, the worst bilateral meeting under the biden administration, lecturing at the chinese, and chinese were lecturing at the americans, spiralling out of control. >> mistake and low point of the biden presidency have actually been the president's own mistakes. >> namely, biden's handling of afghanistan and his decision to pull all u.s. troops out of the country, led to humanitarian disaster. >> it's a very bleak situation, peopling are facing stark and severe starvation. people in pockets of food security, which is alarming, because this is all they have to survive on. you can imagine that about five months ago people had jobs, they were doing salaries, especially in the center. people are at tipping points. they are just broken by what is happening to them. no jobs, no cash, no food, no health system. something at some point has to give. >> nato allies who believed biden would consult with them after years of insults from his predecessor, president trump, were blind sided by the sudden unilateral u.s. withdrawal, leaving relations in the gulf particularly frayed as they question whether the u.s. is a reliable ally. >> those are all decisions the president made, not that the bureaucracy somehow made for the president. >> now putin remains poised with more than 100,000 troops, poised to invade ukraine. secretary of state admitted time was running out for the iran deal, and the north korea missiles, may have a hyper sonic weapon in the last week alone. >> sandra: republicans see it as an opportunity to take control of congress. >> policies have been a disaster, american people realize that. >> 52 weeks of bad weeks. people are 7% poorer because of biden inflation. >> we are going to take the house and the senate, and the senate, we have great candidates running, we are raising money, joe biden is cratering. >> people look at all this and feel it every time they fill up their car, and they see a system that's failing. and they don't see any evidence that the biden team realizes that. >> sandra: let's bring in miranda devine. it struck me this morning, some outlet, websites, networks, are usually sympathetic to the president's struggles, but cnn politics, biden beset by crises, and n.p.r., may not be a celebratory mood, and cbs, not enough focus on inflation leaves many frustrated. is this a sign this administration is losing more and more voters? >> well, look, i think that those friendly news outlets that have done nothing but puff up the administration since joe biden took office are starting to realize that they are not, it's not working. the polls, no matter how you massage them are terrible for joe biden, and that is a reflection of his deep unpopularity in the public, which really started with afghanistan. i think that was when a lot of red pills were taken by former biden voters who saw that this president makes empty promises, tells lies, and ultimately is incompetent. these self-inflicted crises are affecting people's own lives, pockets. so after ten weeks he's finally having a press conference on wednesday. it's telling in itself that is breaking news that white house press secretary jen psaki announced this press conference with great fanfare from the podium because joe biden has been hiding, he has not been accountable, whenever we see him in public talking about the american people he's railing and shouting and yelling and haranging half the country for disappointing him for not going along with the democrats' radical prescriptions on voting rights or whatever else they have in mind and i think we can only hope that these new found critical headlines will lead to some serious questions in this press conference. >> sandra: that could be good. >> the reason the white house -- the white house is impervious and unfocussed. they need tough talking to change the course. >> sandra: two days away, but meanwhile, we see jen psaki defending the multiple challenges he faces. listen. >> look back at last year and accomplish, the american rescue plan passed, he also pressed despite skeptics, and 200 million americans are now vaccinated. work of an administration continues after one year and will press forward on all those priorities. >> i'll point to the latest poll just out, shows the u.s. is shifting from a democratic preference to republican in 2021, as far as party identification andleaning. it is now majority republican, miranda. is jen psaki and defense of the president, handling of the economy and foreign affairs, is she fooling anyone? >> no, it seems like it's just a comfort blanket to try and reassure maybe the president and those around him in the white house that the poll numbers that they are seeing cratering are not really serious. it doesn't fool anybody, it doesn't help, it's certainly not going to convince the american people they need to vote for democrats. they have seen the country fall apart very quickly and joe biden's rhetoric does not reflect any seriousness of purpose or policy changes. what they need now is a real re-set, not just to try and burnish the president's, you know, reputation by getting him to go off and give food to the homeless on a sunday, that doesn't work. we need real, i guess chagrin and some admission of failure from the president and the white house, some humility and understanding they are going in the wrong direction and that joe biden was hired as a unifier and as a moderate, and he's behaved as the opposite. it's the only thing that will get them over the line. demonizing republicans, demonizing trump supporters, weaponize the apparatus of the security state is lethal to them. >> sandra: apparently the ball in the court of the republicans, if things are going so well for them and voters are leaning more republican now because of all these challenges, how should republicans seize on the moment? pitching their own solutions or rolling out the welcome mat? >> one thing you need to do is get out of the way when the opponent is making a lot of mistakes. secondly, don't rest on their laurels. these polls are for republicans, not because of anything great they have done, it's because of how bad joe biden is. they need to present as glenn youngkin did an alternative, a sober, sensible alternative. >> sandra: and a man you spoke with yesterday, glenn youngkin. >> john: interesting interview, lots of time to digest the issues as well. and lindsey graham said he would not vote for mitch mcconnell unless he has a relationship with president trump. first rule of politics, when your opponent is shooting themselves full of holes, stand back and watch. so why he would introduce that particular issue at this particular time is -- >> sandra: and w interesting. >> john: because it gives sort of the looming warfare in the republican party, they don't need if they want to win in november. concerns growing over the at home covid tests. what doctors are saying about it, plus virginia's new governor getting work to stopping mask mandates in schools. many districts are fighting back. contradictions coming from politicians on the left. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for 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pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> sandra: virginia's governor taking major action on schools, banning c.r.t. and lifting mask mandates. many officials say they are not following suit. jonathan turley is here with his take. but first, at home covid tests making it easier to find out if you are infected with covid but it could make it harder to track the big picture of the pandemic. live in atlanta to explain. hi, jonathan. >> the omicron surge is driving up demand for testing and the biden administration is trying to meet it by ramping up supply, promising up to four free test kits for each u.s. home, begin applying online on january 19th. but often positive results from these self-tests go unreported to local and state health departments raising concerns the actual numbers of covid cases will be undercounted. some county health departments are proactively adding online forms for residents to report a positive at home test result in exchange they receive guidance and get an official isolation letter they can show to their employer or school as an excuse. but some health experts argue case numbers have become an unreliable measure of the pandemic. they say instead the nation should focus on hospitalization rates. on saturday, los angeles county reported 66 covid-related deaths, that's the highest number in a single day since last spring. l.a. health officials say the majority were associated with individuals who became infected after december 20th, a time period when the omicron variant was circulating widely. that serves as a stark reminder even though omicron cases have been mild for most people, the variant still poses a threat, especially to people with underlying health conditions and the unvaccinated. new york state reported its rate of positive covid tests is now below 13%, down from a peak of 23% on january 2nd. while that is welcome news, health experts caution hospitalizations lag behind case numbers. >> so we have seen a spike that has peaked in new york, new jersey, i think in new england, probably florida and what i expect is hospitalizations to peak in the next week to ten days in those places. the rest of the country still has some ways to go. >> yes, so dr. jha predicts the u.s. as a whole is in for another difficult 3 to 4 weeks before the effects of omicron begin to subside. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: thank you. >> it is clear under law parents have a fundamental right to make decisions for their children and care. we are providing opt-out. >> john: glenn youngkin not wasting any time on schools, using executive actions to ban critical race theory and also to lift mask mandates. the governor is already getting pushback. jonathan turley, constitutional law attorney and fox news contributor. good to see you this monday afternoon. within minutes of the governor issuing that executive order giving parents the option to have their children opt out of mask wearing, fairfax, arlington and richmond all came forward and forward and said we don't care what you say, the mask policy will remain in place. and somewhat contradictory. >> you know, it's a fascinating fight that's going to inevitably end up in the courts. those are areas youngkin did the worst in the election and also opposed the school boards on a lot of these issues. but this is going to be a conflict between his inherent authority as governor and a law that many are not familiar with that passed last year in virginia. democratic senators said this weekend that he inserted a line into that law to reopen schools that effectively seeded the inherent authority of the state to make its own decisions on public health. what it said is that school districts should follow the c.d.c. and what it said. and that line could stop the efforts to fulfill his pledge from the election. he's not not that you can't wear masks but it should be up to the parents so you can keep, you know, the mask policies in place, but you have to allow parents to make the decision ultimately as to whether there is -- their children will wear a mask. >> john: you have a suggestion, jonathan, that democrats are very quick to tout the power of the executive order when it's a democratic leader who has the executive pen, but not so much if it's a republican. >> right. you know, this comes of course on the heels of the supreme court decision striking down the osha mandate, which affected 85 million workers and the supreme court ruled said he did not have the authority and could not use a work around the constitution. many of the same politicians celebrated president biden's use of his executive authority to mandate vaccines. those are the same people chastising governor youngkin for his use of executive authority. the difference is that governor youngkin has the inherent authority, public health matters rest with him and the state government and so this will now have to go to the courts and he'll have to struggle with one line inserted by a democratic member in this law last year. >> john: before it gets to the courts, though, looks like governor youngkin could take some form of action as retaliation, or not retaliation, but to force these school districts into compliance. i don't know if you saw it a second ago, but the lieutenant governor, winsome sears told us the governor may indeed withhold some state department of education funding for the school districts. would he be in his legal bounds to do that? >> there's another irony here. many democrats have objected to that. but of course the administration does the same thing on federal conditioning of funds. they say you can't b get the funds unless you yield to our policies. he can in some cases withhold funding. i'm not sure it will achieve the results to force this mandate to change. by the way, that line in that law will expire in august, and so this issue is going to come back before the legislature if they want it to continue. but the other interesting thing about this, john, is that they are fighting for a c.d.c. rule which it self has been criticized. studies back from 2020 were expressing, sorry, 2021, were expressing doubt about the paper masks, the cloth masks that most students are wearing, like the duke study suggested they are not very effective or effective at all really in protecting from the virus. and so there's a lot of critics out there saying as was said recently on another network, this is just facial decoration that we are making students wear. well, it will be interesting if it goes to litigation what youngkin's people are saying is we are following the science, c.d.c., not yielding to the fact that most people wearing masks that offer very little protection. >> john: face decoration, almost the placebo effect if you think it works it does, but in this case that's not the case. jonathan turley, always a pleasure to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you, john. >> john: sandra, long before it gets to the courts, it could be played out in the court of public opinion. jen psaki said thank you a.b.s. virginia, for standing up for the teachers in the midst of the variant, on her personal account. >> sandra: she did tweet that on her personal account. one says jen psaki wants to take her mask off when she wants to be better understood. and bring up mask wearing in a circle of parents, everyone has a strong opinion on this, john, and it's a fair point. no discretion that the students and the teachers are given to take it off if they are delivering a presentation, it's everyone has to wear it all the time. and i think it's worth bringing up, maybe, when jen psaki delivers from the white house briefing room she takes it off so she can be better understood and heard, to carol's point. >> john: and so many kids are wearing cloth masks, wouldn't want to wear the paper all day, and studies point when it comes to omicron they are not very effective. >> sandra: and on to the grad student killed in the middle of the day. her killer still on the loose. >> john: and the fbi under fire after an about face in the hostage takeoff at a synagogue. chris swecker reacts to this. >> for too many years the bureau has been hypersensitive to islamist organizations and their demagoguery and the way they react, and i think they take them to be like the voice of muslim americans across the country, which they're not, and they try to sort of couch their words in a way that's not offensive to those organizations when i think they should just tell us what happened. >> sandra: the fbi now admitting the hostage standoff at a texas synagogue did target the jewish community, after the initial statement played down a connection to the jewish faith. malik akram was shot and killed ten hours into the standoff. investigators are looking whether he was motivated by the case of a woman currently locked up in a texas prison convicted of planning terror attacks. and we are joined now, chris, did you have a sense right off and welcome, by the way, great to see you. did you have a sense right away what this is and what was happening? >> yes, i did. preface what i'm going to say, i think the fbi did a great job on the ground there but it was obvious from as soon as the news broke on this that this was terrorism, a synagogue was targeted. someone flew across the country, we later found out, to target this one synagogue. four congregants were held hostage. he was sympathizing with one of the most wanted terrorists in the country, hard core al-qaeda prisoner, notoriously anti-semitic. so the presence of the fbi under these circumstances indicated this was a terrorist incident from the start. >> sandra: you look at the stapt and it's quite clear what happened here. initially the fbi said we do believe in engaging with the suspect, updated statement read during the negotiations with law enforcement the hostage taker, akram, spoke about a terrorist serving an 86-year prison sentence in the u.s. on terrorism charges. this is a terrorism-related matter in which the jewish community was targeted and is being investigated by the joint terrorism task force. a lot of questions, bigger picture over the credibility of the fbi, looking at the messaging that happened here, chris. what questions do you have? >> yeah, he is a great agent, i served with his dad in the fbi and i would like to think he misspoke in the heat of the moment. may be the d.o.j. and justice department helped him craft that statement. it was clearly not accurate, and i think they very quickly retracted it. but one of my former colleagues made a good point this morning on fox, talked about the old fbi and the new fbi, the old fbi responding to the scenarios and the negotiators and the hostage rescue capabilities and the evidence processing afterwards, versus sort of the d.o.j. bent towards right wing domestic terrorists, which seems to be where they are spring loaded to go these days. ignore the left wing domestic terrorists, international terrorism is not as much of a problem as it used to be, let's focus only on right wing domestic terrorism, and i hate to think the fbi is buffetted by the d.o.j., the agent work hard on the ground to get the good result and tainted by that. >> sandra: you are giving a lot of credit to the h.r.t., the rescue team, did a good job in this case. but you go on chris, i'll ask you the last question. why the building was assaulted and the subject killed when the hostages had already run out the back door into the arms of several h.r.t. operators. have you gotten answers to that? >> i have not. the rabbi mentioned he had thrown a chair, he saw his, sees seized the moment, threw the chair at akram and they ran out the door quickly. it could have been the h.r.t. decided to distract him so they could not chase them out the door. but generally speaking if the hostages are rescued there's no word to assault the building. that's part of the shooting inquiry. i will note that once the hostages were out, the urgency was dissipated. >> sandra: really interesting analysis of a horrific situation we all watched play out this weekend. chris, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> john: now the grad student stabbed to death in the middle of the day. police in california calling a tragic and random attack, she was working alone at a furniture store. her killer on the loose. claudia, what a tragedy. >> oh, john, a shocking crime, a beautiful young woman attacked for no apparent reason in the middle of the afternoon, and four days later her killer who is believed to be homeless, is still out there. 24-year-old brianna kupfer was stabbed to death working alone at a furniture store in hancock park, upscale part of los angeles. a customer found her body and called police. a security camera caught the attacker leaving through a back door and walking from the scene. a tall, thin black man, wearing a dark hoodie, sunglasses, a white n95 mask and carried a dark-colored backpack. investigators are asking for the public's help. while brianna's heart broken family is mourning her senseless death. her dad says she was studying architectural design at ucla and big dreams. her boss says no words can express the shock of losing such a wonderful person. condolences are pouring in for an e.r. nurse attacked seven miles away. 70-year-old sandy shells was waiting at a bus stop near the u.s.c. medical center, a man came up and punched her in the head, knocking her to the ground and fracturing her skull. she died yesterday at the same hospital where she had worked for 38 years. within a few hours, police arrested a 48-year-old transient who was sleeping nearby and has a criminal record. l.a. police chief michael moore says it could have been prevented, tweeting a tragic and senseless murder tied to the failure of this nation's mental health resources. we can and must do better. this victim lived her life for others. we are falling short. that suspect was booked for assault but will now face murder charges while police continue to search for brianna's killer. john. >> john: similar to the horrible burger king killing in new york. hopefully as in new york, they will find whoever did this. claudia, thank you. i want to take a moment for an important clarification. on friday we showed a list of left leaning prosecutors in the united states. we need to clarify that two district attorneys on the list should not have been included. both are from california, riverside county d.a. and the san bernardino county d.a. they were both named in error. we regret the mistake and we'll do better next time. >> sandra: now to novak djokovic. australia gave him the boot. an even bigger battle brewing, john. >> john: and millions across the south buried by extreme winter weather. we are live in the record setting mess coming right up. g anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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if you are not playing, the sponsors will not be happy. i looked down and saw one of djokovic's sponsors is going to review the events with the tennis star, money talks. see what happens. >> john: don't mess with the aussies, that's for sure. >> sandra: rules are rules, says the prime minister. the winter storm bringing the east coast everything from freezing rain to suffocating snowfall. asheville, north carolina, a wind advisory now, folks are dealing with a lot, robert, because typically at 40s, 50° in january, it's 30 there now, and it's going to sink into the teens overnight. >> yeah, sandra, a hard couple days here in asheville and across the south. let me show you this. this is what's on many of the roads here, about an inch of ice, and it's all over. you see it behind me, they happened to clear this road in asheville, which is a good thing, but a lot of these hilly places are still saturated with snow and ice, and as those temperatures go down, we'll have even more issues. but let's take a look at yesterday as the winds and the snow whipped in into north carolina here in asheville, creating almost whiteout conditions, sandra. ten inches plus fell here. historic going back to 1869 when they started taking records, this is the 13th snowiest date on record in asheville since then. we are expecting the power outages to go down over the coming days. duke energy says 30,000 plus potentially households are still in the dark right now as crews continue to try and pick up the area, open up these roads and interstates. but here is the thing, sandra. you know what everyone is talking about right now, another potential system coming in at the end of the week. we'll certainly monitor that. we'll be all over it, fox weather. >> sandra: and the plows are coming, they are in short supply, drivers are in short supply, exacerbating the problems so many towns across america are experiencing. robert, appreciate it, thank you. check out fox weather for more. download the fox weather app, search the app store for fox weather. john. >> john: sandra, on this day we honor dr. martin luther king, jr. his niece, alveda king says some of the policies designed for quality and equity are instead only dividing us further. she is here with her concerns about what kids are being taught in school, among other things. that's coming up next. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> john: today we honor the legacy of dr. martin luther king jr. republicans say the far left policies are dividing america. alveda king joins us. your cousin, martin luther king, iii, just laid a wreath in honor of his uncle. today when we honor m.l.k.'s life and legacy, what do you think? >> john, good to greet you and to take that particular question on the celebration of the birthday of reverend martin luther king, jr.. my cousins are celebrating in his own way, their children. he and coretta scott king had four children. for me, it's very important to celebrate the ministry of reverend dr. martin luther king jr. many people forget that he was a preacher and a prophet. it's appropriate to celebrate those things that he believed in. human kindness, human dignity. the sanctity of life. learning to live together as brothers and i'll add sisters and not perish together as fools. some of his messages were about faith, hope and love. so i remember him as a preacher and a prophet even before he was that very great civil rights leader that we know today. >> john: m.l.k. one said hate pairlizes life. love illuminates it. not many people are listening to those words. >> there's so much division. it breeds hatred, confusion and fear. we're arguing who had a covid or not, why did or didn't you take it, what color is your skin, if your skin color is diffent from mine, i'm a victim or you're a racist. all of that is human. those are human concerns and human issues. reverend dr. martin luther king jr. answered with the word of god. he decided to stick with love. hate so too difficult to bear. god the love. so people ask me, tell us something about martin luther king jr. that we don't know. one of my favorite quotes of his and not often quoted if it ever is, he said and i'm paraphrasing, if the world were to fall apart today, i would still plant my apple tree. in other words, he was always prepared to serve, to help, to reach out. the good samaritan story was one of his favorite sermons. he did ask a question, he never said what would happen to the man who had been broken and beaten and robbed and thrown on the side of the street if i don't help him. what will happen to me and my soul if i don't stop. >> john: alveda, thanks for your recollections on what would have been his 93rd birthday. thank you. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts now. >> martha: good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum at fox news headquarters on this martin luther king jr. day. we're glad to have you with us. right now on "the story," let's take a look at some numbers that came out. very interesting. sort of a wake-up call as this brand new polling shows a dramatic shift according to gallup since president biden took office. party preferences in the united

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Story , News , French Open , Implications , Asian , City , Critics , Crime Policy , Stories , Policy Dating Back , Edge , Brian Kilmeade , Crime , Streets , Rap Sheet , Subway , Times , Time Square , Four , Situation , Name , Underprivileged , Mba , Michelle , N Y U , Guy , Train , Simon Marshall , God , Walking Out , Police Precinct , Psychotic , Car , Window Syndrome , Someone , Crimes , Turnstile , Gateway , Turnstile Crimes , Lunatic , Fare , Perception , Concerns , Eric Adams , Horrifying , System , Safety , Transit Officers , Fear , Chief , Cover , Subway Push , New York Post , Problem , Instinct , Concern , Police Officers , Public Official Say , Reason , Anybody , Head , Safe , Gun Violence , Swivel , Subway Systems , Shot , Killed , Louisville , Philadelphia , Chicago , Kentucky , Denver , Seven , Six , 29 , President , Cop , Police Reform , Backing , Gains , Press Conference , Executive Action , Throats , Numbers , Weekend , Killings , Shootings , Five On Friday Night , Five , Idea , Reality , Winter Olympics , Team Usa , Athletes , Burner Phones , Devices , Line , Home , No One , Veterans , Homeownership , Rates , Down Payment , Purchase Loans , The American Dream , Newday , Twos , Bank , Payments , Lender , Newdayusa , Newday100 Loan , 0000 , 60000 , 15 , 615 , No Other , Wayfair , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , Experts , Windshield , Technology , Vo , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Mom , Singers , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , Safelite Repair , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Tom Brady , Super Bowl , Tickets , Surprise , Bucs , Buccaneer Superfan , Cancer , L A , Nfl , Reeb , 10 , Game , Him , Hat , Brady Saw , Brain Cancer , Buc , Message , Super Bowl Tickets , Noah , John , Pass , Boy , Eagles , Electronics , Report , Spying , Beijing , China , Gearing , Ability , Trump , Phones , Plane , Russia , Trip , Spy , Burner Equipment , Benjamin , Fears , Snooping , Olympics , Departure , Minimum , Usa Today , Intrusion , Arrival , Infection , Communications , Countries , Safeguards , Systems , State Department , Visitors , Security Personnel , Possessions , Officials , Consent , Genocide Games , Games , Knowledge , Boycott , Security Support Operations , Iron Clad , Cases , Quarantine Centers , Tens , Time Running Out , Lockdown Rules , Lieutenant Governor , Governor , Change , Virginia , Szasz , Care , Prevagen , Consulting , Missouri , Columbia , Life , Difference , Clarity , Healthier Brain , Kayak , Deals , Research , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Kayak Denier , Todd , Eyes , Arr , Search One , Children , I Have A Dream , Color , Content , Politics , I Have A Dream Today , Character , Civil Rights Leader , Speech , 1963 , Reaction , Legacy , Atlanta , Annual Church Commemoration In Georgia , Steve Live In Atlanta , Dr , King , Birthday , Honor , Speeches , Link , Music , Ebenezer Baptist Church , 93 , Voting Rights , Vice President , Assault , Vote , Georgia , Laws , Freedom , Video Link , Speakers , Brian Kemp , 55 Million , Back To You , Votes , Margin , 11000 , Bit , Glenn Youngkin , Actions , Race Theory In Public Education , Concepts , Executive Orders , Education , Excellence , Banning Crt , Schools , Backlash , Up , Setting , Barack Obama , Phony War , Race Theory , Principles , Contention , Virginia Public Schools , Oppressed , Oppressors , Another , Group , Sins , Building Blocks , Side , Virginia Department Of Education , Degree , Semantics , School Board , Form , Jail Money , Fashion , Loudon County , 300000 , Consultant , State School Superintendent , School Superintendent , 2015 , Talk , Books , Website , Teaching , Virginia State Board Of Education , Victim , Kids , Child , Oppression , Let , Don T Want , Second In Command , Confederacy , Immigrant , Capital , Look At Life , Victims , Significance , Solution , Candle , Darkness , Mask , Parents , School , Option , Order , Fairfax , Arlington , State Resources , Mandates , Richmond , Teachers , Foundation , School Districts , Terms , School Boards , Combinations , Listen , Best , Consequences , Promises , Imagine , Thanks , Hope , All Of You , Speed , Winsome Sears , Second , Jason , Ticket , Interview , Figure , Office , Alveda King , Crises , Victory , Top , Piles , Coming Up , Challenges , News Conference , Guys Today , Mr , Mrs , Lopez , Josh , Silverado , Funny Business , Going On , Chevy Silverado , Cameras , Camera Views , Cam , Sir , Views , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Number , Muscle Health , Age , 16 , High Protein , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , Car Insurance , Personal Record , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu Squawks , Grad Student , Murder , Left , Pool , Shock Waves , Where , Killer , Presidency , Burger King , Heels , Search , Shooting , Violence , Acts , Sandra Smith , Policies , Opponents , Back Power , Peril , Attempts , Narrative , Republicans Pouncing , Voters , Inauguration , Trouble , Ukraine , Polls , Power , Jennifer Griffin , Shift , Miranda Devine , Election , , Problems , Winner , Plethora , Tone , Sure , Enemies , Doing , Racists , Voting Rights Legislation , George Wallace , Bull Connor , Jefferson Davis , Abraham Lincoln , Approach , Letter , Increases , Pandemic , Virus , 17nobel Laureates , 17 , Something Else , Delaware , White House , After Dark , National Security , Peter , Foreign Policy , Presidents , Area , Executive Power , Foreign Policy Experience , Pentagon , Adults , World Leaders , Standing , Return , Room , Slogans , Approval Rating , Quinnipiac Poll , 35 , Meeting , Summit , Setbacks , Mistake , Out Of Control , Decision , Mistakes , Troops , Handling , Pockets , Disaster , Peopling , Starvation , Food Security , Food , Jobs , Tipping Points , Center , Salaries , Cash , Allies , Health System , Insults , Predecessor , Nato , Blind , Decisions , Ally , Relations , Gulf , Withdrawal , Made , Secretary Of State , Bureaucracy , 100000 , Missiles , Hyper Sonic Weapon , North Korea , Control , Opportunity , Congress , 52 , House , Failing , Candidates Running , Senate , Evidence , Networks , Outlet , Websites , Struggles , Cnn , Sign , Mood , Npr , Cbs , News Outlets , Nothing , Matter , Unpopularity , Reflection , Saw , Who , Pills , Lies , Jen Psaki , Breaking News , White House Press Secretary , Ten , Accountable , Railing , Hiding , Fanfare , Podium , Prescriptions , Whatever , Shouting , Half , Questions , Headlines , Two Days Away , Unfocussed , The American , Skeptics , Rescue Plan , 200 Million , Priorities , Preference , Party Identification Andleaning , Anyone , Defense , Foreign Affairs , Comfort Blanket , Doesn T , It Doesn T , Cratering , Policy , Changes , Rhetoric , Re Set , Seriousness , Purpose , Failure , Reputation , Admission , Homeless , Sunday , Chagrin , Doesn T Work , Opposite , Unifier , Moderate , Direction , Humility , Demonizing Trump , Security State , Apparatus , Court , Ball , Opponent , Solutions , Laurels , Mat , Secondly , Alternative , Mitch Mcconnell , Rule , Sandra , Relationship , Holes , Sort , Tests , Warfare , Mask Mandates , Work , Fighting , Doctors , Districts , Contradictions , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Bipolar , Symptoms , Ask , Take Control , Medicines , Depressive , Vraylar , Patients , Death , Doctor , Episodes , Stroke , Psychosis , Behavior , Risk , Manic , Confusion , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Antidepressants , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Fever , Coma , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Diabetes , Glucerna , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Students , Parent , Remote Learning , Classroom , School Board Members , Start , Sake , Jonathan Turley , Take , Suit , Omicron Surge , The Big Picture , Supply , Results , Demand , Test Kits , January 19th , 19 , Residents , Forms , Covid Cases , Self Tests , State Health Departments , County Health Departments , Undercounted , Case Numbers , Health Experts , At Home Test Result , Isolation Letter , Guidance , Employer , Exchange , Excuse , Measure , On Saturday , Deaths , Hospitalization Rates , L A Health , 66 , Variant , Individuals , Majority , Reminder , December 20th , Peak , Health Conditions , Covid Tests , Rate , Unvaccinated , 23 , January 2nd , Hospitalizations , Spike , Florida , New England , New Jersey , Places , Yes , Whole , Jha , 4 , 3 , Right , Law Parents , Effects , Omicron Begin , Opt Out , Contributor , Pushback , Constitutional Law Attorney , Executive Order , Courts , The Mask Policy , Areas , Authority , Conflict , Worst , Public Health , Senators , Cdc , Efforts , Pledge , The Mask Policies , Suggestion , Leader , Executive Pen , Supreme Court Decision , Mandate , Workers , Supreme Court , Osha , 85 Million , Executive Authority , Use , Constitution , Vaccines , State Government , Matters , Member , Retaliation , Compliance , Irony , Bounds , State Department Of Education , Funds , Conditioning , Legislature , Paper , Studies , It Self , Doubt , Masks , Study , Cloth , Decoration , Litigation , Science , John Don T Mess , Placebo Effect , Protection , Pleasure , Court Of Public Opinion , You Abs Virginia , Account , Midst , Tweet , Circle , Opinion , Discretion , Presentation , Cloth Masks , Wouldn T , Briefing Room , Carol , Heard , Middle , Loose , Chris Swecker , Hostage Takeoff , Fire , Voice , Investigators , Malik Akram , Hostage Standoff , Standoff , Target , Planning Terror Attacks , Texas Prison , Ground , Preface , Terrorists , Sympathizing , Congregants , Presence , Prisoner , Terrorist Incident , Circumstances , Stapt , Charges , Terrorist Serving , Negotiations , Prison Sentence , Law Enforcement , 86 , Credibility , Picture , Joint Terrorism Task Force , Dad , Doj , Colleagues , Heat , Justice , Hostage Rescue , Scenarios , Negotiators , Capabilities , Versus , Wing , Let S Focus , Result , Back Door , Operators , Chair , Arms , Urgency , Inquiry , Analysis , Southern California , Furniture Store , Claudia , Tragedy , Brianna Kupfer , Hancock Park , 24 , Customer , Black Man , Walking , Security Camera , Body , Help , Heart , Hoodie , Backpack , White N95 , Sunglasses , Condolences , Dreams , Shock , Design , Nurse , Boss , Ucla , E R , Hospital , Shells , Skull , Bus Stop , Usc Medical Center , 70 , Record , Transient , Michael Moore , Tweeting , 48 , 38 , Murder Charges , Mental Health Resources , List , District Attorneys , Riverside County , Both , Clarification , Prosecutors , D A , Novak Djokovic , San Bernardino County , Error , South , Australia , Winter Weather , Boot , Setting Mess Coming , Battle Brewing , Corner , Treatment Plan , Insurance , Dentistry Work , Exam , Everything , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Step , Walk In , Aspen Dental , 800 , Worries , Break , The World Today , Investors , Gold , Unforeseeable , Landscape , Returns , Asset , Potential , Path , Wonder , Girlfriend , Photographer , Thinking , Ring Fund , Banking , Bouquet , Zen , Bank Of America , Yoga Studio , Tools , Stop Banking , Father Of The Bride , Trauma , Vaccine Law , Tennis Star , Serbia , Mainland Europe , Major , Champion , Season , Belgrade , France , Travel , Number One , Night And Day , Rules , Way Out , Exemption , Players , Distraction , Tennis , 256 , Tournament , Djokovic , Big Question , Focus , Sports Events , Competitors , Spring Tournaments , Beginning , Spectators , May , Sympathy , Organizers , Indian Wells , Attitude , Mid March , Serb , Majors , Nadal , Rafael Nadal , Won T , Seed , Shame , Tennis Player In The World , Sponsors , Money Talks , Events , Aussies , Asheville , Snowfall , Prime Minister , Wind Advisory , Freezing Rain , Robert , Teens , 50 , Road , Over , Take A Look , Temperatures , Records , 1869 , Crews , Households , Interstates , Dark , Duke Energy , 30000 , Weather , The End , Plows , Check Out Fox , Towns , Drivers , Coming , App Store , Niece , Fox Weather , Fox Weather App , Equity , Quality , Parks , Spot , Buick , Whistle Blows , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , The Field , Suv , Yup , Cousin , Wreath , Uncle , Iii , Cousins , Celebration , Ministry , Reverend , Coretta Scott King , Prophet , Preacher , Human Dignity , Brothers , Sanctity Of Life , Messages , Fools , Sisters , Mlk One , Hate Pairlizes Life , Listening , Division , Hatred , Human Issues , Skin Color , Diffent , Human , Human Concerns , Racist , Mine , Hate , Quotes , Word Of God , We Don T Know , Apple Tree , Paraphrasing , Serve , The Good Samaritan Story , Reach Out , Sermons , Recollections , Street , Don T Stop , Soul , Martha , The Story , Martha Maccallum , Polling , Preferences , Wake Up Call , United , Gallup ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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not have been working alone. more with andy mccarthy coming up shortly. >> john: another fox news alert on a massive winter storm slamming the east coast. hello, and welcome to "america reports" for this monday, i'm john roberts. sandra, great to start another week off with you. >> sandra: and great stuff yesterday, john, on fox news sunday. and we are watching the powerful storm system, bringing snow and ice and winds to several states, thousands of flight cancellations, over 1500 u.s. flights alone canceled, more than 1500 delayed just today. >> john: at least two people have died. they were killed in a crash in north carolina. more than 20 inches of snow falling in that state as well as ohio since friday. dangerous travel conditions, thousands of power outages across the region. max gordon is live in rochester new york, and if you are looking for snow, max, you can usually find it in rochester. >> yes, there you go. we have seen about a foot of snow that's already fallen here in rochester, we are expecting maybe about eight inches more throughout the rest of the afternoon and into the evening hours. it's been a busy day for plow crews and other city crews here in rochester, give you a look at road conditions here in the city. all sorts of cars slipping and sliding here at this intersection of clinton and main in downtown rochester. tough travel conditions all throughout central and western new york today because not only are we contending with heavy snow, we are also talking about gusts, oh, there we go, yep, it's -- it's slippery out there. not only are we talking about lots of snow, but also gusty winds. gusts up to 45 miles per hour in some instances, it's causing limited visibility on the roadways and also talking about piling snow, drifting snow as well as slick conditions out on the roads. once again, between 12 and 18 inches expected to pile up here in rochester, new york. lots of flight delays as you mentioned, it's a wintry scene here in western new york. back to you. >> john: looks like mid january where you are, max, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: the cars are putting on a show at the intersection behind him. now the fallout from the frightening hostage situation we saw play out in texas over the weekend where a british man took a rabbi and three worshippers hostages, in an attempt to free a well-known al-qaeda operative from prison. fbi rescue team took out malik akram, and freed the hostage, but the bureau is doing damage control after the initial description of the attack downplayed a connection between the attack and the jewish community. andy mccarthy will be here on the fbi response, but begin with dan springer outside the synagogue. dan, hi. >> yeah, hi, sandra. and two days after the attack we can see fbi agents in and around the synagogue in colleyville, texas, yesterday they said they believed strongly this this hostage taker acted alone but last night police in manchester, england arrested two teenagers as part of the ongoing investigation. they are in custody and are being questioned. ordeal ended after 11 hours when the final three hostages were chased to the door by the gunman and ran out, then the fbi breached the building, gunfire and the suspect was dead. rabbi gave credit to the police and the active training he and other leaders received. 44-year-old malik faisal akram, arrived at j.f.k. airport two weeks ago on a tourist visa. he demanded the release of aafia siddiqui, convicted of trying to kill american military officers in afghanistan in 2008. she's being held in a federal prison about 20 miles from the synagogue. initially the fbi said this was not an attack directed at the jewish community, but after an outcry, the bureau walked that back saying it was terror-related and the community was targeted. akram stayed a week at a dallas homeless shelter between january 6th and the 13th and president biden said yesterday he apparently bought the gun he used in the attack illegally on the street. akram's brother also was on social media yesterday saying the family condemns what their brother did. they also said he's been suffering mental health issues. sandra. >> sandra: dan springer with the latest in texas, thank you. >> john: bring in andy mccarthy, thank you for being with us. back over what the special agent in charge said, which i guess threw him into the face of a buzz saw, said "we believe from engaging with the subject he was focussed on one issue and not specifically related to the jewish community." a huge walkback from president biden yesterday when he said this. >> hey, folks. with regard to texas and the synagogue, i spoke this morning with the attorney general and did a rundown, this was an act of terror, this was an act of terror. >> john: the fbi originally saying jewish people were not specifically targeted, president biden saying this was an act of terror. what do you make of all this, andy? >> john, it's awful when the fbi does a great job and should be almost taking a victory lap they step on it with their messaging. i don't think the special agent in charge meant to say something that came out as idiotic as this. what i think he was trying to say, the main objective the terrorist had here was to try to extort the government into releasing siddiqui, and that there was not any generalized plot on synagogues across the united states, in the sense that they were aware of an ongoing plot and that other synagogues might be targeted. but it was -- it was really dumb for him to say that the jewish community had not been targeted when it's obvious that in jihadist ideology seems with anti-semitism and perfectly natural, the plot, hostage taking at a mosque, that's what they do. >> john: and one said it was no accident the synagogue was attacked, the ongoing menace of anti-semitism. he attacks the synagogue, demanding the release of siddiqui, avowed anti-semite, that fits the definition of a terrorist attack. >> it does, and john, politically correct is a trite way of putting this. for too many years the bureau has been hypersensitive to islamist organizations and demagoguery and the way they react and like the voice of muslim americans across the country, which they are not, and they try to couch their words in a way that's not offensive to those organizations when i think they should just tell us what happened. >> john: yeah. you know, lindsey graham tweeted it's very disturbing to hear from the fbi, they do not believe the hostage taker demands had anything to do with the jewish faith. i hope the fbi will rethink, they now she was a raging anti-semite and wanted the jurors to be tested for jewish blood. quite a history here, and another issue as well, the attacker, malik faisal akram, arrived in the united states from britain on a tourist visa, so a border issue as well and vetting of somebody who comes into this country. >> yeah, there's a real issue here, john, and this has gone on for decades, and that is that we are obviously very concerned about the border as we should be and the lax security of it. but many, many of the people who come here who are a threat to the united states either overstay their visa or make misrepresentations about what they intend to do to get the visa in the first place. in many ways the people who come legally, who have terrorist ties, are in some ways a more insidious threat to us than the people who would be coming over the border. >> john: before we go here, point out the rabbi of the synagogue, charlie walker, credited recent active shooter training at that synagogue with saving lives. just the fact that the congregation went through active shooter training really is a sad statement on where we are, but let me run on the screen here some recent attacks against houses of worship. tree of life synagogue outside of pittsburgh, 11 dead in 2018, solon springs first baptist church, 25 dead, and oak creek, wisconsin, arvada, colorado, brookville, wisconsin -- sad for the nation. >> and what else can you say other than the catalogue you just gave us. but the training that the people at the synagogue got was from the fbi, and even if the brass says dumb things when they are doing their messaging, you can bet the guys from the h.r.t. team that brought this to a successful close, you know, they knew what they were dealing with when they came in. >> john: and they knew what they were doing as well. andy mccarthy, great to see you. >> john: we'll talk more about this in the next hour. >> sandra: and we'll be joined by a former fbi agent, and believes the hostage rescue team did a great job but a question wondering where the building was assaulted and the subject killed after the hostages had already run out the door. but obviously this was terrorism in the early stages of this incident. i look forward to hearing him the next hour. >> john: don't know what else you would describe it as. >> sandra: a new lawsuit, why google and facebook are accused of colluding on a secret deal. >> john: and are democrats eyeing covid relief as a trojan horse for more government spending. and some democrats say their own party is way off track. >> you don't talk about what you didn't get, that's what these democrats want. quite being a whiny party. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ ♪♪ for skin that never holds you back. don't settle for silver. #1 for diabetic dry skin #1 for psoriasis symptom relief and #1 for eczema symptom relief. gold bond. champion your skin. as a business owner, your bottom line gold bond. is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable nationwide network. with no line 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signed an agreement in 2018 that allegedly guaranteed that facebook would bid in and then win a certain amount of ad auctions. google spokesperson said the complaint is full of inaccuracies and lacks legal merit. a meta spokesperson said this, meta's nonexclusive bidding agreement with google and similar with other bidding platforms have helped to increase competition for ad placement. these business relationships enable meta to add value, and better outcomes for all. so, note the word choice here, meta is essentially saying the agreements increase competition, they make things better, when over the last few years, of course, washington has been questioning if tech giants dominate and control their markets and if they use their size as an unfair advantage as well. now, whether all these new allegations will spur further scrutiny is yet to be seen. >> john: enormous amount of ad revenue at stake. >> exactly, exactly. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: the omicron variant has some businesses feeling it is 2020 over again, hotels, clubs, just a couple of the industries requesting aid after claiming that they were left out or did not get enough of the previous funding effort that added up to over $900 billion. all of this as republican lawmakers are warning that more government spending can and will lead to more inflation. let's bring in charles payne, a pretty simple equation. spend more, prices will go up more. why does it seem that the biden administration and democrats like dick durbin in illinois, pushing for more spending, that is translating to more inflation and dropping poll numbers for their party. >> it's amazing. sandra, really is amazing. i will saying there's a couple republicans on the last one, roger wicker among others. but listen, larry summers, who is taking a victory lap right now, one of the most famous democratic economists out there warned before the 1.9 trillion went through, he warned, got on the soapbox, told the biden administration don't do it. enough money had been pushed through the american public, we got the shortest recession in history, we went to 2021 with an amazing amount of economic momentum, don't mess it up. what do we have now? inflation at the highest level in over 40 years. we just came off a christmas period. retail sales on friday, down 1.9%. administration is fond of the sayings we had a christmas, according to adobe, 6 billion out of stock orders. didn't really have a great christmas and part is things were not there and the things that were there cost too much money, and here is what we need to really be talking about. where is the money that was already approved and sent out? there's a trillion dollars sloshing around. that's why some of the cities are doing universal basic income and other pet projects. if they care about their local gym owners, give them the money. we don't need any more from the federal government. >> sandra: that's an important point and how tangible the inflation is, everybody is feeling the pain of it and the new poll that shows a major swing in 2021 as far as party identification and there has been a 14 point swing in favor of republicans when you look at what has been happening with the country, and as far as democrats calling out democrats on this issue, nobody like james carville to do just that. said this on inflation, take note. >> quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight and tell people what you did, not what you got. you don't run on what you didn't get and the stuff you got is pretty good. if they don't pass voting rights, if they don't pass build back better, run on that in 2022. >> sandra: and specifically he said this on inflation, if it reaches a certain level by the midterm elections, listen. >> if inflation is still 7% in november this year we'll lose anyway. a lot of people don't think it's the case. >> sandra: so quite whining, he tells his fellow democrats and watch inflation. that's going to be a big political issue come november as he said if it's still at 7%. it could be higher than that, charles. >> it could be higher than that. and we saw the consumer sentiment the second lowest in a decade, and the party affiliation, major shifts there. and i agree with him on one thing. the democrats are the party of woe is me. i never hear anything hopeful about the future, starting with the president on down opens their mouth. can't run on how we got out of afghanistan, you can't run on covid, more people have died under president biden, you can't run on the lack of testing, can't run on the retail sales, consumer confidence, i would try with the infrastructure bill but they need to portray a more positive image of who we are as a country. every time the president opens his mouth, sounds like we are back in 1949 on this martin luther king, jr. day, i would love to see the party look forward, acknowledge the progress that we have made, acknowledge we have more progress to make but the most important thing, we should all be confident we will make it because look where we have come and what short period of time. in my lifetime, the things we have done as a nation are beyond mind boggling. they should inspire everyone and every time one of the politicians open their mouths, you feel it's the worst country in the world. so carville is right. >> sandra: andy, executive of the fast food business is looking back and saying had they, democrats dealt with inflation pro actively, he writes this in the daily mail, the remedy might have been merely inconvenient. now we are staring down a major recession, cause serious economic pain for millions of americans as the economy jumps from the pandemic frying pan to the recession fire. i hope not, i know you are more optimistic than that, charles. but the worriers are out there. >> the federal reserve, when the cure is so painful you almost wish you could keep the disease. they may be forced into action to put us into a recession. we hope it does not happen, but it's going to be real close. >> sandra: and you are going to help us, take us through it. see you at 2:00, thank you. >> john: in new york city, a woman was pushed by a homeless man in front of an oncoming subway train and killed. what we are learning about the criminal's history and the leniency policy shift in manhattan. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit with age comes more... get more with neutrogena® retinol pro plus. a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. and it's easy to get a quote at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows a whistle. [a vulture squawks.] oh boy. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> john: he's going back, the top tennis player in the world forced to pack his bags in melbourne. he was deported, he said he's extremely disappointed he lost his fight to stay and defend his title, but that he respects the ruling. under aussie law, he cannot get another visa for three years. that's good news for others. >> sandra: and reporting he may not be able to play in the french open? this is an unbelievable story. big implications. ok, we have been following that one, we will continue to. meanwhile, an asian woman killed in new york city after a homeless man pushed her in front of a subway train on saturday, comes as the city is on edge, critics are blaming soft on crime policy, the suspect has a long history policy dating back decades. brian kilmeade joins us now. way too many stories, this is absolutely horrific. not just serious crime, but then finding out that the person who carried out that crime had a lengthy rap sheet and was walking the streets. >> and people watching around the country, if you've never been to new york, a nice area. this is time square, every subway in the biggest subway in the country, i'm there at least four times a week and you know, you don't expect anything to happen there, and she's, this woman, her name is michelle, 40 years old, m.b.a. from n.y.u., waiting there at times square. she has given a lot of her time to the homeless situation and helping the underprivileged in this very city, and this guy walks up, simon marshall, and decides i'm going to wait for the train to get close enough and push her from behind into the train. she never knew what hit her, never knew the guy, she dies instantly and this guy gets on the subway, a few stops down, gets off and turns himself into a police precinct. when he's walking out, why did you do it? he's saying because i'm god. obviously he's psychotic, his family says he should not be out and ask you this. you have broken window syndrome, if someone squeegees your car, it's a gateway to other crimes, hops the turnstile. if this guy knowing they don't prosecute turnstile crimes, the psychotic lunatic, if he didn't have the fare, maybe he doesn't get there to begin with. >> sandra: horrifying and heartbreaking, so many who live in the city, they are terrified to walk the streets. mayor eric adams says the subway is safe and all the concerns out there, just perception. listen. >> we know that public safety is not only actual but it's perceived, and when you have an incident like this, the perception is what we are fighting against. this is a safe system because of the job that the transit officers have carried out, and what this chief has done in the system. >> sandra: new york post cover disagrees, usually the first thing we read, the fear is real, new yorkers are not buying adams' claim read as just perception after deadly subway push. just perception, is that our problem? >> i cannot believe, if that's his instinct, the day somebody gets thrown in front of the train and says no big deal, perfectly safe, that's one of the dumbest things i've heard a public official say. you say that is a concern, why i'm putting more and more police officers down below, which is true. i've seen more lately than the last two years, i got it. but that's not the time you say it. because no one buys it. because it's not you, that's the only reason it feels safe, but if you know her, know anybody around on the subway systems, your head is on a swivel now. >> sandra: and this is not perception, this is notable gun violence, in big cities all over the country, this weekend alone, six shot in new york city, 29 shot in chicago, four killed. philadelphia, eight shot, denver, three shot, one killed, louisville, kentucky, seven shot, two killed. that's not perception, that's real crime. >> can i add sandra. the president of the united states is going to focus on now? police reform. you need to attack the criminal, not the cop. police are not the problem. what does he not understand about that. police are not the problem. they need backing to stop the next situation. they don't need to know they are going to be reformed by somebody looking to make political gains. this is not reading the american public. the mayor is off, and now the president is going to try to jam this down our throats. through an executive action. >> sandra: the formal press conference he's holding wednesday. i hope he's asked about it. and we spent some time on "five on friday night." >> quality time. >> sandra: this crime is real, people around here, they feel it, but when i list off the numbers of shootings and killings across the country this weekend, people all over the country are feeling it as well. >> john: the idea that the problem is perception? no, a woman got pushed in front of a subway train. it's not perception, it's reality. the winter olympics weeks away. why team u.s.a. is telling all the athletes to use burner phones instead of their own personal devices. that story just ahead. no one deserves the american dream of homeownership more than veterans. at newday, you can buy a home with no down payment. and they're holding the line on purchase loans with rates in the twos. already own a home and need cash? with the newday100 loan, you can get up to $60,000 or more and lower your payments $615 a month. no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newdayusa. it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ some of my best memories growing up were cooking with mom. so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ ♪ find a northwestern mutual advisor at >> sandra: a buccaneer superfan gets a huge surprise, quarterback tom brady give him tickets to the super bowl. watch this. >> i worked with the bucs and the nfl to get you and your family super bowl tickets this year in l.a. we certainly hope to be there, but i know you are going to be there. >> sandra: i love that moment. that is 10-year-old cancer survive noah reeb and his family. week seven he went to a buc's game, and said tom brady helped me beat brain cancer. after the game, brady saw him and gave him a hat. now he's headed to the super bowl and his family, hopes to see his favorite team there, too. and love that story and when tom brady was putting the message to noah and surprising him with the super bowl tickets, he said you know what, you have inspired me, and that's such a huge message. a little boy can do so much. >> john: how can you not like tom brady? love the fact he caught the final pass in yesterday's game with the eagles. team u.s.a. gearing up for the winter olympics in china. but according to a u.s. report, they are telling athletes to leave their personal electronics at home and use burner phones to avoid chinese spying in beijing. benjamin, i remember on a trump trip to china we all took burner equipment. >> that's right, indeed if you were travelling to russia, so putin trips also sometimes asked to leave your phones on the plane. certainly they have the ability to spy on it and long a fear for athletes heading to beijing china may be snooping on them. team u.s.a. is sharing the fears, warning to take burner phones with them and leave personal electronics in the u.s. to avoid chinese spying. team u.s.a. warns athletes they could be subject to malicious intrusion, infection and data compromise when they get to the olympics, and a minimum, wipe all personal data from the devices before arrival and upon departure. the report, according to u.s.a. today and echoed other countries says this. despite any and all safeguards in place to protect the systems and data brought to china, it should be assumed all data and communications can be monitored, compromised or blocked. the state department has warned visitors that security personnel watch foreign visitors, and possessions may be looked at without your consent or knowledge. and also emerged up to 15 state department officials are in fact travelling to provide security support operations at the games, dubbed the genocide games, so maybe not the iron clad diplomatic boycott we were led to expect. and another concern from omicron, beijing has the first few cases, we have seen what happens in other chinese cities, they lock down tens of millions of people, they put them in quarantine centers. a fear two and a half weeks from the olympics, beijing itself under stricter lockdown rules. >> time running out. sandra. >> sandra: virginia's new republican governor promising a new and better day, and wasting no time delivering major change on the first day on the job. the lieutenant governor with some fears this year, she'll join us live, next. - i'm norm. - i'm szasz. 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>> there's not a course called critical race theory. all of the principles of critical race theory, the fundamental building blocks of actually accusing one group of being oppressors and another of oppressed, actually burdening children today for sins of the past, for teaching our children to judge one another based on the color of their skin. >> john: lieutenant governor, c.r.t. according to the governor is not taught in schools, but more complicated, principles of c.r.t. have to a degree permeated the virginia department of education. what are you trying to do about it? >> they are using semantics, the other side is when it comes to c.r.t., it is taught in some form or fashion. we know last year the loudon county school board spent about 300,000 plus dollars, that's real money, going to jail money, to bring c.r.t. in a form or fashion, they used a consultant specifically for c.r.t. before all that, in 2015, the then school superintendent, the state school superintendent spoke directly about c.r.t. and encouraged the teaching of it, and then two years later you will note that the virginia state board of education on its official website recommended books on c.r.t. but let's talk about what's really happening. our children are not learning. we don't have time to teach about oppression that the child is a victim, that the white kids are the oppressors, we don't have time for that. let's talk about history, don't want to repeat it, let's teach it. nobody is saying not to teach it. we need to go forward, we can't always keep looking back. i am proof we are progressing. i am an immigrant and in the former capital of the confederacy, i'm second in command of eight some million people. when are we going to say we can make it, we are making it. let's look at life as being overcomers. this, too, we will overcome. say that to black and brown children and all other children. say that to them instead of constantly being divisive. martin luther king, jr., that's what he wanted. i want to read something to you very quickly what he said. "always feel that you have worth and always feel that your life has ultimate significance." did he talk about the oppressed, the oppressors, the victims, all that, no. light a candle, to light a candle is to find a solution, but to curse the darkness is to be a victim. i am not a victim, our children are not victims, we are going to not just survive, they are going to thrive. >> john: right. i want to stick with schools, another order signed by the governor on the weekend gives parents the option of having their children not wear a mask in school. almost immediately after he signed that, fairfax, arlington and richmond responded by saying their mandates are in place. governor youngkin threatened to use state resources to enforce that. what does that potentially mean? >> and really, at the very foundation of it, imagine that. parents get to decide about their own children. by the way, parents are their children's first teachers and secondly, who do these children belong to? they don't belong to the state, don't belong to the school board, they belong to their parents. we -- >> john: i understand that, lieutenant governor, but what might the governor do in terms of using state resources to force these school districts to comply? >> well, you know, there are certain combinations of money that we send to the state, to the local school boards and he can withhold some of that, and he could possibly, if the law allows, even give the parents the ability to decide what schools their children should attend. so, we are going to look at all that and he's just wanting the best for all children. listen, our former president, barack obama said it has consequences. we told the parents, virginians what we were going to do and they voted for us. these are the good consequences that they are seeing that imagine, politicians are going to fulfill those promises. we are going to do that. >> john: lieutenant governor from the commonwealth of virginia, thanks for being with us. >> thank you very much, and god speed to all of you. >> john: hope to see you again soon. if i could put it on the screen for a second here, sandra, when you take a look at the administration in virginia, you have glenn youngkin the governor, winsome sears as the lieutenant governor, and jason -- do we not have the full screen, as the attorney general, that looks more like a democratic ticket than a republican ticket. a lot of people are thinking this could pave the way for the future of the republican party in the midterm elections. >> sandra: her words were so powerful, i want them to speak for themselves, but our children will not just survive, they will thrive. really powerful interview there, john. >> john: interesting figure. by the way, talk more about martin luther king, jr. with alveda king coming up. >> sandra: as we approach the top of the hour, president biden heading into his final days of his first full year of office. what can he tout as a victory as he faces piles of crises and challenges. we will weigh in on the time in office so far and what's ahead of the administration ahead of his first news conference in days. thanks for bringing me with you guys today, mr. and mrs. lopez. not a problem, josh. hey, you two. check out all these camera views in my silverado i can see in front of me, behind me, on either side of me. and it has this cam, so i can see if there's any funny business going on. you see any funny business going on? no, sir. let's have a great day! the chevy silverado offers eight cameras with up to 15 different views. find new views. find new roads. chevrolet. age is just a number. and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ >> sandra: new at 2:00, a grad student with her entire life ahead of her left in a pool of blood while the man police say stabbed her simply walked away from the scene. >> john: cops calling it random and senseless. the latest murder sending shock waves through a community where, like so many others, these acts of violence have become all too common. >> sandra: so sad. good afternoon, everyone. sandra smith on new york. >> john: on the heels of the burger king shooting as well. the search for the killer. begin with the presidency in peril. attempts to change the narrative, and opponents looking to take back power. >> sandra: fox news alert, republicans pouncing on a president whose policies are failing but approaching a full year in office just days away now. and so little to show for it, not just republicans who may be looking for a change. >> john: president biden gearing up for a rare news conference on wednesday, mark a year since his inauguration. the president's poll numbers have plummeted. >> sandra: the economy, covid, russia threatening ukraine, a world of trouble. voters seem to think the solution is put republicans back in power. >> john: miranda devine a few minutes away on the seismic shift we are seeing in the polls. >> sandra: jennifer and peter kicking off for us with a plethora of problems at home, that's for sure. >> good afternoon. one of the president's biggest promises the day he was declared the winner of the 2020 election was to change the tone. >> make progress we have to stop treating our opponents as our enemies. they are not our enemies. they are americans. they are americans. >> a year in, that's what he's doing, suggesting his opponents are no better than segregationists and racists unless they back progressive voting rights legislation. >> you want to be on the side of dr. king or george wallace. do you want to be the side of john lewis or bull connor. do you want to be the side of abraham lincoln or jefferson davis. >> another big difference a year into biden's term, prices. they have risen at the highest level in 40 years. the president does not plan to change his approach, pushing big increases in government spending. >> going to reduce inflation, not increase it. reduce inflation. in fact, unsolicited letter from 17nobel laureates. >> one thing that has not changed, the pandemic. and the president promised to shut down the virus. >> are you no longer going to shut it down? >> no, we have to beat it back before we shut it down. >> something else that has not changed much in president biden's first year here, all the time in delaware. he is there right now, and we expect him back later on this evening after dark. sandra. >> sandra: peter live at the white house, thank you. >> john: that's the domestic front, now the big issues piling up for president biden abroad. national security correspondent jennifer griffin live at the pentagon, plenty abroad. >> john, the one area where presidents have a the most executive power is foreign policy. president biden campaigned on his decades of foreign policy experience with promises to improve the u.s. standing among world leaders with slogans like a return to having adults in the room. a recent quinnipiac poll shows biden has 35% approval rating on foreign policy. among the first setbacks, the summit with the chinese. >> in the anchorage meeting with the chinese, the worst bilateral meeting under the biden administration, lecturing at the chinese, and chinese were lecturing at the americans, spiralling out of control. >> mistake and low point of the biden presidency have actually been the president's own mistakes. >> namely, biden's handling of afghanistan and his decision to pull all u.s. troops out of the country, led to humanitarian disaster. >> it's a very bleak situation, peopling are facing stark and severe starvation. people in pockets of food security, which is alarming, because this is all they have to survive on. you can imagine that about five months ago people had jobs, they were doing salaries, especially in the center. people are at tipping points. they are just broken by what is happening to them. no jobs, no cash, no food, no health system. something at some point has to give. >> nato allies who believed biden would consult with them after years of insults from his predecessor, president trump, were blind sided by the sudden unilateral u.s. withdrawal, leaving relations in the gulf particularly frayed as they question whether the u.s. is a reliable ally. >> those are all decisions the president made, not that the bureaucracy somehow made for the president. >> now putin remains poised with more than 100,000 troops, poised to invade ukraine. secretary of state admitted time was running out for the iran deal, and the north korea missiles, may have a hyper sonic weapon in the last week alone. >> sandra: republicans see it as an opportunity to take control of congress. >> policies have been a disaster, american people realize that. >> 52 weeks of bad weeks. people are 7% poorer because of biden inflation. >> we are going to take the house and the senate, and the senate, we have great candidates running, we are raising money, joe biden is cratering. >> people look at all this and feel it every time they fill up their car, and they see a system that's failing. and they don't see any evidence that the biden team realizes that. >> sandra: let's bring in miranda devine. it struck me this morning, some outlet, websites, networks, are usually sympathetic to the president's struggles, but cnn politics, biden beset by crises, and n.p.r., may not be a celebratory mood, and cbs, not enough focus on inflation leaves many frustrated. is this a sign this administration is losing more and more voters? >> well, look, i think that those friendly news outlets that have done nothing but puff up the administration since joe biden took office are starting to realize that they are not, it's not working. the polls, no matter how you massage them are terrible for joe biden, and that is a reflection of his deep unpopularity in the public, which really started with afghanistan. i think that was when a lot of red pills were taken by former biden voters who saw that this president makes empty promises, tells lies, and ultimately is incompetent. these self-inflicted crises are affecting people's own lives, pockets. so after ten weeks he's finally having a press conference on wednesday. it's telling in itself that is breaking news that white house press secretary jen psaki announced this press conference with great fanfare from the podium because joe biden has been hiding, he has not been accountable, whenever we see him in public talking about the american people he's railing and shouting and yelling and haranging half the country for disappointing him for not going along with the democrats' radical prescriptions on voting rights or whatever else they have in mind and i think we can only hope that these new found critical headlines will lead to some serious questions in this press conference. >> sandra: that could be good. >> the reason the white house -- the white house is impervious and unfocussed. they need tough talking to change the course. >> sandra: two days away, but meanwhile, we see jen psaki defending the multiple challenges he faces. listen. >> look back at last year and accomplish, the american rescue plan passed, he also pressed despite skeptics, and 200 million americans are now vaccinated. work of an administration continues after one year and will press forward on all those priorities. >> i'll point to the latest poll just out, shows the u.s. is shifting from a democratic preference to republican in 2021, as far as party identification andleaning. it is now majority republican, miranda. is jen psaki and defense of the president, handling of the economy and foreign affairs, is she fooling anyone? >> no, it seems like it's just a comfort blanket to try and reassure maybe the president and those around him in the white house that the poll numbers that they are seeing cratering are not really serious. it doesn't fool anybody, it doesn't help, it's certainly not going to convince the american people they need to vote for democrats. they have seen the country fall apart very quickly and joe biden's rhetoric does not reflect any seriousness of purpose or policy changes. what they need now is a real re-set, not just to try and burnish the president's, you know, reputation by getting him to go off and give food to the homeless on a sunday, that doesn't work. we need real, i guess chagrin and some admission of failure from the president and the white house, some humility and understanding they are going in the wrong direction and that joe biden was hired as a unifier and as a moderate, and he's behaved as the opposite. it's the only thing that will get them over the line. demonizing republicans, demonizing trump supporters, weaponize the apparatus of the security state is lethal to them. >> sandra: apparently the ball in the court of the republicans, if things are going so well for them and voters are leaning more republican now because of all these challenges, how should republicans seize on the moment? pitching their own solutions or rolling out the welcome mat? >> one thing you need to do is get out of the way when the opponent is making a lot of mistakes. secondly, don't rest on their laurels. these polls are for republicans, not because of anything great they have done, it's because of how bad joe biden is. they need to present as glenn youngkin did an alternative, a sober, sensible alternative. >> sandra: and a man you spoke with yesterday, glenn youngkin. >> john: interesting interview, lots of time to digest the issues as well. and lindsey graham said he would not vote for mitch mcconnell unless he has a relationship with president trump. first rule of politics, when your opponent is shooting themselves full of holes, stand back and watch. so why he would introduce that particular issue at this particular time is -- >> sandra: and w interesting. >> john: because it gives sort of the looming warfare in the republican party, they don't need if they want to win in november. concerns growing over the at home covid tests. what doctors are saying about it, plus virginia's new governor getting work to stopping mask mandates in schools. many districts are fighting back. contradictions coming from politicians on the left. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for 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pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> sandra: virginia's governor taking major action on schools, banning c.r.t. and lifting mask mandates. many officials say they are not following suit. jonathan turley is here with his take. but first, at home covid tests making it easier to find out if you are infected with covid but it could make it harder to track the big picture of the pandemic. live in atlanta to explain. hi, jonathan. >> the omicron surge is driving up demand for testing and the biden administration is trying to meet it by ramping up supply, promising up to four free test kits for each u.s. home, begin applying online on january 19th. but often positive results from these self-tests go unreported to local and state health departments raising concerns the actual numbers of covid cases will be undercounted. some county health departments are proactively adding online forms for residents to report a positive at home test result in exchange they receive guidance and get an official isolation letter they can show to their employer or school as an excuse. but some health experts argue case numbers have become an unreliable measure of the pandemic. they say instead the nation should focus on hospitalization rates. on saturday, los angeles county reported 66 covid-related deaths, that's the highest number in a single day since last spring. l.a. health officials say the majority were associated with individuals who became infected after december 20th, a time period when the omicron variant was circulating widely. that serves as a stark reminder even though omicron cases have been mild for most people, the variant still poses a threat, especially to people with underlying health conditions and the unvaccinated. new york state reported its rate of positive covid tests is now below 13%, down from a peak of 23% on january 2nd. while that is welcome news, health experts caution hospitalizations lag behind case numbers. >> so we have seen a spike that has peaked in new york, new jersey, i think in new england, probably florida and what i expect is hospitalizations to peak in the next week to ten days in those places. the rest of the country still has some ways to go. >> yes, so dr. jha predicts the u.s. as a whole is in for another difficult 3 to 4 weeks before the effects of omicron begin to subside. sandra, back to you. >> sandra: thank you. >> it is clear under law parents have a fundamental right to make decisions for their children and care. we are providing opt-out. >> john: glenn youngkin not wasting any time on schools, using executive actions to ban critical race theory and also to lift mask mandates. the governor is already getting pushback. jonathan turley, constitutional law attorney and fox news contributor. good to see you this monday afternoon. within minutes of the governor issuing that executive order giving parents the option to have their children opt out of mask wearing, fairfax, arlington and richmond all came forward and forward and said we don't care what you say, the mask policy will remain in place. and somewhat contradictory. >> you know, it's a fascinating fight that's going to inevitably end up in the courts. those are areas youngkin did the worst in the election and also opposed the school boards on a lot of these issues. but this is going to be a conflict between his inherent authority as governor and a law that many are not familiar with that passed last year in virginia. democratic senators said this weekend that he inserted a line into that law to reopen schools that effectively seeded the inherent authority of the state to make its own decisions on public health. what it said is that school districts should follow the c.d.c. and what it said. and that line could stop the efforts to fulfill his pledge from the election. he's not not that you can't wear masks but it should be up to the parents so you can keep, you know, the mask policies in place, but you have to allow parents to make the decision ultimately as to whether there is -- their children will wear a mask. >> john: you have a suggestion, jonathan, that democrats are very quick to tout the power of the executive order when it's a democratic leader who has the executive pen, but not so much if it's a republican. >> right. you know, this comes of course on the heels of the supreme court decision striking down the osha mandate, which affected 85 million workers and the supreme court ruled said he did not have the authority and could not use a work around the constitution. many of the same politicians celebrated president biden's use of his executive authority to mandate vaccines. those are the same people chastising governor youngkin for his use of executive authority. the difference is that governor youngkin has the inherent authority, public health matters rest with him and the state government and so this will now have to go to the courts and he'll have to struggle with one line inserted by a democratic member in this law last year. >> john: before it gets to the courts, though, looks like governor youngkin could take some form of action as retaliation, or not retaliation, but to force these school districts into compliance. i don't know if you saw it a second ago, but the lieutenant governor, winsome sears told us the governor may indeed withhold some state department of education funding for the school districts. would he be in his legal bounds to do that? >> there's another irony here. many democrats have objected to that. but of course the administration does the same thing on federal conditioning of funds. they say you can't b get the funds unless you yield to our policies. he can in some cases withhold funding. i'm not sure it will achieve the results to force this mandate to change. by the way, that line in that law will expire in august, and so this issue is going to come back before the legislature if they want it to continue. but the other interesting thing about this, john, is that they are fighting for a c.d.c. rule which it self has been criticized. studies back from 2020 were expressing, sorry, 2021, were expressing doubt about the paper masks, the cloth masks that most students are wearing, like the duke study suggested they are not very effective or effective at all really in protecting from the virus. and so there's a lot of critics out there saying as was said recently on another network, this is just facial decoration that we are making students wear. well, it will be interesting if it goes to litigation what youngkin's people are saying is we are following the science, c.d.c., not yielding to the fact that most people wearing masks that offer very little protection. >> john: face decoration, almost the placebo effect if you think it works it does, but in this case that's not the case. jonathan turley, always a pleasure to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you, john. >> john: sandra, long before it gets to the courts, it could be played out in the court of public opinion. jen psaki said thank you a.b.s. virginia, for standing up for the teachers in the midst of the variant, on her personal account. >> sandra: she did tweet that on her personal account. one says jen psaki wants to take her mask off when she wants to be better understood. and bring up mask wearing in a circle of parents, everyone has a strong opinion on this, john, and it's a fair point. no discretion that the students and the teachers are given to take it off if they are delivering a presentation, it's everyone has to wear it all the time. and i think it's worth bringing up, maybe, when jen psaki delivers from the white house briefing room she takes it off so she can be better understood and heard, to carol's point. >> john: and so many kids are wearing cloth masks, wouldn't want to wear the paper all day, and studies point when it comes to omicron they are not very effective. >> sandra: and on to the grad student killed in the middle of the day. her killer still on the loose. >> john: and the fbi under fire after an about face in the hostage takeoff at a synagogue. chris swecker reacts to this. >> for too many years the bureau has been hypersensitive to islamist organizations and their demagoguery and the way they react, and i think they take them to be like the voice of muslim americans across the country, which they're not, and they try to sort of couch their words in a way that's not offensive to those organizations when i think they should just tell us what happened. >> sandra: the fbi now admitting the hostage standoff at a texas synagogue did target the jewish community, after the initial statement played down a connection to the jewish faith. malik akram was shot and killed ten hours into the standoff. investigators are looking whether he was motivated by the case of a woman currently locked up in a texas prison convicted of planning terror attacks. and we are joined now, chris, did you have a sense right off and welcome, by the way, great to see you. did you have a sense right away what this is and what was happening? >> yes, i did. preface what i'm going to say, i think the fbi did a great job on the ground there but it was obvious from as soon as the news broke on this that this was terrorism, a synagogue was targeted. someone flew across the country, we later found out, to target this one synagogue. four congregants were held hostage. he was sympathizing with one of the most wanted terrorists in the country, hard core al-qaeda prisoner, notoriously anti-semitic. so the presence of the fbi under these circumstances indicated this was a terrorist incident from the start. >> sandra: you look at the stapt and it's quite clear what happened here. initially the fbi said we do believe in engaging with the suspect, updated statement read during the negotiations with law enforcement the hostage taker, akram, spoke about a terrorist serving an 86-year prison sentence in the u.s. on terrorism charges. this is a terrorism-related matter in which the jewish community was targeted and is being investigated by the joint terrorism task force. a lot of questions, bigger picture over the credibility of the fbi, looking at the messaging that happened here, chris. what questions do you have? >> yeah, he is a great agent, i served with his dad in the fbi and i would like to think he misspoke in the heat of the moment. may be the d.o.j. and justice department helped him craft that statement. it was clearly not accurate, and i think they very quickly retracted it. but one of my former colleagues made a good point this morning on fox, talked about the old fbi and the new fbi, the old fbi responding to the scenarios and the negotiators and the hostage rescue capabilities and the evidence processing afterwards, versus sort of the d.o.j. bent towards right wing domestic terrorists, which seems to be where they are spring loaded to go these days. ignore the left wing domestic terrorists, international terrorism is not as much of a problem as it used to be, let's focus only on right wing domestic terrorism, and i hate to think the fbi is buffetted by the d.o.j., the agent work hard on the ground to get the good result and tainted by that. >> sandra: you are giving a lot of credit to the h.r.t., the rescue team, did a good job in this case. but you go on chris, i'll ask you the last question. why the building was assaulted and the subject killed when the hostages had already run out the back door into the arms of several h.r.t. operators. have you gotten answers to that? >> i have not. the rabbi mentioned he had thrown a chair, he saw his, sees seized the moment, threw the chair at akram and they ran out the door quickly. it could have been the h.r.t. decided to distract him so they could not chase them out the door. but generally speaking if the hostages are rescued there's no word to assault the building. that's part of the shooting inquiry. i will note that once the hostages were out, the urgency was dissipated. >> sandra: really interesting analysis of a horrific situation we all watched play out this weekend. chris, thank you for your time. >> thank you. >> john: now the grad student stabbed to death in the middle of the day. police in california calling a tragic and random attack, she was working alone at a furniture store. her killer on the loose. claudia, what a tragedy. >> oh, john, a shocking crime, a beautiful young woman attacked for no apparent reason in the middle of the afternoon, and four days later her killer who is believed to be homeless, is still out there. 24-year-old brianna kupfer was stabbed to death working alone at a furniture store in hancock park, upscale part of los angeles. a customer found her body and called police. a security camera caught the attacker leaving through a back door and walking from the scene. a tall, thin black man, wearing a dark hoodie, sunglasses, a white n95 mask and carried a dark-colored backpack. investigators are asking for the public's help. while brianna's heart broken family is mourning her senseless death. her dad says she was studying architectural design at ucla and big dreams. her boss says no words can express the shock of losing such a wonderful person. condolences are pouring in for an e.r. nurse attacked seven miles away. 70-year-old sandy shells was waiting at a bus stop near the u.s.c. medical center, a man came up and punched her in the head, knocking her to the ground and fracturing her skull. she died yesterday at the same hospital where she had worked for 38 years. within a few hours, police arrested a 48-year-old transient who was sleeping nearby and has a criminal record. l.a. police chief michael moore says it could have been prevented, tweeting a tragic and senseless murder tied to the failure of this nation's mental health resources. we can and must do better. this victim lived her life for others. we are falling short. that suspect was booked for assault but will now face murder charges while police continue to search for brianna's killer. john. >> john: similar to the horrible burger king killing in new york. hopefully as in new york, they will find whoever did this. claudia, thank you. i want to take a moment for an important clarification. on friday we showed a list of left leaning prosecutors in the united states. we need to clarify that two district attorneys on the list should not have been included. both are from california, riverside county d.a. and the san bernardino county d.a. they were both named in error. we regret the mistake and we'll do better next time. >> sandra: now to novak djokovic. australia gave him the boot. an even bigger battle brewing, john. >> john: and millions across the south buried by extreme winter weather. we are live in the record setting mess coming right up. g anything it takes to make dentistry work for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients without insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plan. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. woo hoo! ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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if you are not playing, the sponsors will not be happy. i looked down and saw one of djokovic's sponsors is going to review the events with the tennis star, money talks. see what happens. >> john: don't mess with the aussies, that's for sure. >> sandra: rules are rules, says the prime minister. the winter storm bringing the east coast everything from freezing rain to suffocating snowfall. asheville, north carolina, a wind advisory now, folks are dealing with a lot, robert, because typically at 40s, 50° in january, it's 30 there now, and it's going to sink into the teens overnight. >> yeah, sandra, a hard couple days here in asheville and across the south. let me show you this. this is what's on many of the roads here, about an inch of ice, and it's all over. you see it behind me, they happened to clear this road in asheville, which is a good thing, but a lot of these hilly places are still saturated with snow and ice, and as those temperatures go down, we'll have even more issues. but let's take a look at yesterday as the winds and the snow whipped in into north carolina here in asheville, creating almost whiteout conditions, sandra. ten inches plus fell here. historic going back to 1869 when they started taking records, this is the 13th snowiest date on record in asheville since then. we are expecting the power outages to go down over the coming days. duke energy says 30,000 plus potentially households are still in the dark right now as crews continue to try and pick up the area, open up these roads and interstates. but here is the thing, sandra. you know what everyone is talking about right now, another potential system coming in at the end of the week. we'll certainly monitor that. we'll be all over it, fox weather. >> sandra: and the plows are coming, they are in short supply, drivers are in short supply, exacerbating the problems so many towns across america are experiencing. robert, appreciate it, thank you. check out fox weather for more. download the fox weather app, search the app store for fox weather. john. >> john: sandra, on this day we honor dr. martin luther king, jr. his niece, alveda king says some of the policies designed for quality and equity are instead only dividing us further. she is here with her concerns about what kids are being taught in school, among other things. that's coming up next. that's a pretty tight spot. watch this. of course your buick parks itself. that's so you. it's just up here on the right. of course you know where we're going. that's so you. i kinda got a sixth sense. and a head up display. [whistle blows] [horn honks] they're here. hit the field. warm up. you brought all these players in your buick. -yup. -that's so you. it is. there's a buick that fits your life. because at the heart of every buick suv is you. >> john: today we honor the legacy of dr. martin luther king jr. republicans say the far left policies are dividing america. alveda king joins us. your cousin, martin luther king, iii, just laid a wreath in honor of his uncle. today when we honor m.l.k.'s life and legacy, what do you think? >> john, good to greet you and to take that particular question on the celebration of the birthday of reverend martin luther king, jr.. my cousins are celebrating in his own way, their children. he and coretta scott king had four children. for me, it's very important to celebrate the ministry of reverend dr. martin luther king jr. many people forget that he was a preacher and a prophet. it's appropriate to celebrate those things that he believed in. human kindness, human dignity. the sanctity of life. learning to live together as brothers and i'll add sisters and not perish together as fools. some of his messages were about faith, hope and love. so i remember him as a preacher and a prophet even before he was that very great civil rights leader that we know today. >> john: m.l.k. one said hate pairlizes life. love illuminates it. not many people are listening to those words. >> there's so much division. it breeds hatred, confusion and fear. we're arguing who had a covid or not, why did or didn't you take it, what color is your skin, if your skin color is diffent from mine, i'm a victim or you're a racist. all of that is human. those are human concerns and human issues. reverend dr. martin luther king jr. answered with the word of god. he decided to stick with love. hate so too difficult to bear. god the love. so people ask me, tell us something about martin luther king jr. that we don't know. one of my favorite quotes of his and not often quoted if it ever is, he said and i'm paraphrasing, if the world were to fall apart today, i would still plant my apple tree. in other words, he was always prepared to serve, to help, to reach out. the good samaritan story was one of his favorite sermons. he did ask a question, he never said what would happen to the man who had been broken and beaten and robbed and thrown on the side of the street if i don't help him. what will happen to me and my soul if i don't stop. >> john: alveda, thanks for your recollections on what would have been his 93rd birthday. thank you. >> sandra: i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. "the story" with martha starts now. >> martha: good afternoon. i'm martha maccallum at fox news headquarters on this martin luther king jr. day. we're glad to have you with us. right now on "the story," let's take a look at some numbers that came out. very interesting. sort of a wake-up call as this brand new polling shows a dramatic shift according to gallup since president biden took office. party preferences in the united

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Lap , Charge , This , Government , Siddiqui , Terrorist , Objective , Plot , Synagogues , Sense , Anti Semitism , Obvious , Ideology , Hostage Taking , Mosque , Menace , Accident , Anti Semite , Definition , Way , Organizations , Terrorist Attack , Country , Words , Muslim Americans , The Voice , Anything , Lindsey Graham , Hostage Taker Demands , History , Well , Blood , Jurors , Will Rethink , Somebody , Attacker , Border Issue , Vetting , Many , Border , Threat , Security , Place , Visa , Ways , Misrepresentations , Make , Terrorist Ties , Shooter , Charlie Walker , Fact , Statement , Screen , Attacks , Houses , Lives , Congregation , Worship , Tree Of Life , Dead , Colorado , Wisconsin , Solon Springs First Baptist Church , Oak Creek , Pittsburgh , Arvada , 2018 , 25 , Nation , Sad , Catalogue , Brookville , Things , Hrt , Guys , Brass , Team , Close , Question , Agent , Hostage Rescue Team , Terrorism , Incident , Stages , Iran Deal , John Don T , Run On Covid , Lawsuit , Facebook 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Rights , Stuff , Elections , 2022 , 7 , 2022 Sandra , Lot , Case , Inflation , Whining , Affiliation , Shifts , Lowest , Consumer Sentiment , Thing , Mouth , Can T Run On , Woe , Testing , Image , Infrastructure Bill , Lack , Progress , The Party Look Forward , 1949 , Lifetime , Mind Boggling , Politicians , World , Mouths , Fast Food Business , Saying , So Carville , Millions , Inflation Pro , Remedy , Daily Mail , Economy , Recession Fire , Worriers , Frying Pan , Action , Federal Reserve , Cure , Disease , It , Front , New York City , 2 , Subway Train , Criminal , Learning , Leniency Policy Shift In Manhattan , Plan , Master , Staffing , Candidates , Job Description , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Pro Plus , Neutrogena , Retinol , Limu , Isn T , Powerful , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Wrinkles Results , 5 , Liberty John , Liberty , Whistle , Vulture Squawks , Oh Boy , Sec , Doug , Back , Tennis Player , Bags , Law , Fight , Title , Ruling , Melbourne , Aussie , Story , News , French Open , Implications , Asian , City , Critics , Crime Policy , Stories , Policy Dating Back , Edge , Brian Kilmeade , Crime , Streets , Rap Sheet , Subway , Times , Time Square , Four , Situation , Name , Underprivileged , Mba , Michelle , N Y U , Guy , Train , Simon Marshall , God , Walking Out , Police Precinct , Psychotic , Car , Window Syndrome , Someone , Crimes , Turnstile , Gateway , Turnstile Crimes , Lunatic , Fare , Perception , Concerns , Eric Adams , Horrifying , System , Safety , Transit Officers , Fear , Chief , Cover , Subway Push , New York Post , Problem , Instinct , Concern , Police Officers , Public Official Say , Reason , Anybody , Head , Safe , Gun Violence , Swivel , Subway Systems , Shot , Killed , Louisville , Philadelphia , Chicago , Kentucky , Denver , Seven , Six , 29 , President , Cop , Police Reform , Backing , Gains , Press Conference , Executive Action , Throats , Numbers , Weekend , Killings , Shootings , Five On Friday Night , Five , Idea , Reality , Winter Olympics , Team Usa , Athletes , Burner Phones , Devices , Line , Home , No One , Veterans , Homeownership , Rates , Down Payment , Purchase Loans , The American Dream , Newday , Twos , Bank , Payments , Lender , Newdayusa , Newday100 Loan , 0000 , 60000 , 15 , 615 , No Other , Wayfair , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , Experts , Windshield , Technology , Vo , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Mom , Singers , Memories , Cooking , Kitchen , Safelite Repair , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Tom Brady , Super Bowl , Tickets , Surprise , Bucs , Buccaneer Superfan , Cancer , L A , Nfl , Reeb , 10 , Game , Him , Hat , Brady Saw , Brain Cancer , Buc , Message , Super Bowl Tickets , Noah , John , Pass , Boy , Eagles , Electronics , Report , Spying , Beijing , China , Gearing , Ability , Trump , Phones , Plane , Russia , Trip , Spy , Burner Equipment , Benjamin , Fears , Snooping , Olympics , Departure , Minimum , Usa Today , Intrusion , Arrival , Infection , Communications , Countries , Safeguards , Systems , State Department , Visitors , Security Personnel , Possessions , Officials , Consent , Genocide Games , Games , Knowledge , Boycott , Security Support Operations , Iron Clad , Cases , Quarantine Centers , Tens , Time Running Out , Lockdown Rules , Lieutenant Governor , Governor , Change , Virginia , Szasz , Care , Prevagen , Consulting , Missouri , Columbia , Life , Difference , Clarity , Healthier Brain , Kayak , Deals , Research , Hundreds Of Travel Sites , Kayak Denier , Todd , Eyes , Arr , Search One , Children , I Have A Dream , Color , Content , Politics , I Have A Dream Today , Character , Civil Rights Leader , Speech , 1963 , Reaction , Legacy , Atlanta , Annual Church Commemoration In Georgia , Steve Live In Atlanta , Dr , King , Birthday , Honor , Speeches , Link , Music , Ebenezer Baptist Church , 93 , Voting Rights , Vice President , Assault , Vote , Georgia , Laws , Freedom , Video Link , Speakers , Brian Kemp , 55 Million , Back To You , Votes , Margin , 11000 , Bit , Glenn Youngkin , Actions , Race Theory In Public Education , Concepts , Executive Orders , Education , Excellence , Banning Crt , Schools , Backlash , Up , Setting , Barack Obama , Phony War , Race Theory , Principles , Contention , Virginia Public Schools , Oppressed , Oppressors , Another , Group , Sins , Building Blocks , Side , Virginia Department Of Education , Degree , Semantics , School Board , Form , Jail Money , Fashion , Loudon County , 300000 , Consultant , State School Superintendent , School Superintendent , 2015 , Talk , Books , Website , Teaching , Virginia State Board Of Education , Victim , Kids , Child , Oppression , Let , Don T Want , Second In Command , Confederacy , Immigrant , Capital , Look At Life , Victims , Significance , Solution , Candle , Darkness , Mask , Parents , School , Option , Order , Fairfax , Arlington , State Resources , Mandates , Richmond , Teachers , Foundation , School Districts , Terms , School Boards , Combinations , Listen , Best , Consequences , Promises , Imagine , Thanks , Hope , All Of You , Speed , Winsome Sears , Second , Jason , Ticket , Interview , Figure , Office , Alveda King , Crises , Victory , Top , Piles , Coming Up , Challenges , News Conference , Guys Today , Mr , Mrs , Lopez , Josh , Silverado , Funny Business , Going On , Chevy Silverado , Cameras , Camera Views , Cam , Sir , Views , Find New Roads , Chevrolet , Number , Muscle Health , Age , 16 , High Protein , Immune Support , Nutrients , Boost , Car Insurance , Personal Record , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Limu Emu Squawks , Grad Student , Murder , Left , Pool , Shock Waves , Where , Killer , Presidency , Burger King , Heels , Search , Shooting , Violence , Acts , Sandra Smith , Policies , Opponents , Back Power , Peril , Attempts , Narrative , Republicans Pouncing , Voters , Inauguration , Trouble , Ukraine , Polls , Power , Jennifer Griffin , Shift , Miranda Devine , Election , , Problems , Winner , Plethora , Tone , Sure , Enemies , Doing , Racists , Voting Rights Legislation , George Wallace , Bull Connor , Jefferson Davis , Abraham Lincoln , Approach , Letter , Increases , Pandemic , Virus , 17nobel Laureates , 17 , Something Else , Delaware , White House , After Dark , National Security , Peter , Foreign Policy , Presidents , Area , Executive Power , Foreign Policy Experience , Pentagon , Adults , World Leaders , Standing , Return , Room , Slogans , Approval Rating , Quinnipiac Poll , 35 , Meeting , Summit , Setbacks , Mistake , Out Of Control , Decision , Mistakes , Troops , Handling , Pockets , Disaster , Peopling , Starvation , Food Security , Food , Jobs , Tipping Points , Center , Salaries , Cash , Allies , Health System , Insults , Predecessor , Nato , Blind , Decisions , Ally , Relations , Gulf , Withdrawal , Made , Secretary Of State , Bureaucracy , 100000 , Missiles , Hyper Sonic Weapon , North Korea , Control , Opportunity , Congress , 52 , House , Failing , Candidates Running , Senate , Evidence , Networks , Outlet , Websites , Struggles , Cnn , Sign , Mood , Npr , Cbs , News Outlets , Nothing , Matter , Unpopularity , Reflection , Saw , Who , Pills , Lies , Jen Psaki , Breaking News , White House Press Secretary , Ten , Accountable , Railing , Hiding , Fanfare , Podium , Prescriptions , Whatever , Shouting , Half , Questions , Headlines , Two Days Away , Unfocussed , The American , Skeptics , Rescue Plan , 200 Million , Priorities , Preference , Party Identification Andleaning , Anyone , Defense , Foreign Affairs , Comfort Blanket , Doesn T , It Doesn T , Cratering , Policy , Changes , Rhetoric , Re Set , Seriousness , Purpose , Failure , Reputation , Admission , Homeless , Sunday , Chagrin , Doesn T Work , Opposite , Unifier , Moderate , Direction , Humility , Demonizing Trump , Security State , Apparatus , Court , Ball , Opponent , Solutions , Laurels , Mat , Secondly , Alternative , Mitch Mcconnell , Rule , Sandra , Relationship , Holes , Sort , Tests , Warfare , Mask Mandates , Work , Fighting , Doctors , Districts , Contradictions , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Bipolar , Symptoms , Ask , Take Control , Medicines , Depressive , Vraylar , Patients , Death , Doctor , Episodes , Stroke , Psychosis , Behavior , Risk , Manic , Confusion , Side Effects , Muscle Movements , Cholesterol , Muscles , Antidepressants , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Fever , Coma , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , Diabetes , Glucerna , Blood Sugar , Carbsteady , Students , Parent , Remote Learning , Classroom , School Board Members , Start , Sake , Jonathan Turley , Take , Suit , Omicron Surge , The Big Picture , Supply , Results , Demand , Test Kits , January 19th , 19 , Residents , Forms , Covid Cases , Self Tests , State Health Departments , County Health Departments , Undercounted , Case Numbers , Health Experts , At Home Test Result , Isolation Letter , Guidance , Employer , Exchange , Excuse , Measure , On Saturday , Deaths , Hospitalization Rates , L A Health , 66 , Variant , Individuals , Majority , Reminder , December 20th , Peak , Health Conditions , Covid Tests , Rate , Unvaccinated , 23 , January 2nd , Hospitalizations , Spike , Florida , New England , New Jersey , Places , Yes , Whole , Jha , 4 , 3 , Right , Law Parents , Effects , Omicron Begin , Opt Out , Contributor , Pushback , Constitutional Law Attorney , Executive Order , Courts , The Mask Policy , Areas , Authority , Conflict , Worst , Public Health , Senators , Cdc , Efforts , Pledge , The Mask Policies , Suggestion , Leader , Executive Pen , Supreme Court Decision , Mandate , Workers , Supreme Court , Osha , 85 Million , Executive Authority , Use , Constitution , Vaccines , State Government , Matters , Member , Retaliation , Compliance , Irony , Bounds , State Department Of Education , Funds , Conditioning , Legislature , Paper , Studies , It Self , Doubt , Masks , Study , Cloth , Decoration , Litigation , Science , John Don T Mess , Placebo Effect , Protection , Pleasure , Court Of Public Opinion , You Abs Virginia , Account , Midst , Tweet , Circle , Opinion , Discretion , Presentation , Cloth Masks , Wouldn T , Briefing Room , Carol , Heard , Middle , Loose , Chris Swecker , Hostage Takeoff , Fire , Voice , Investigators , Malik Akram , Hostage Standoff , Standoff , Target , Planning Terror Attacks , Texas Prison , Ground , Preface , Terrorists , Sympathizing , Congregants , Presence , Prisoner , Terrorist Incident , Circumstances , Stapt , Charges , Terrorist Serving , Negotiations , Prison Sentence , Law Enforcement , 86 , Credibility , Picture , Joint Terrorism Task Force , Dad , Doj , Colleagues , Heat , Justice , Hostage Rescue , Scenarios , Negotiators , Capabilities , Versus , Wing , Let S Focus , Result , Back Door , Operators , Chair , Arms , Urgency , Inquiry , Analysis , Southern California , Furniture Store , Claudia , Tragedy , Brianna Kupfer , Hancock Park , 24 , Customer , Black Man , Walking , Security Camera , Body , Help , Heart , Hoodie , Backpack , White N95 , Sunglasses , Condolences , Dreams , Shock , Design , Nurse , Boss , Ucla , E R , Hospital , Shells , Skull , Bus Stop , Usc Medical Center , 70 , Record , Transient , Michael Moore , Tweeting , 48 , 38 , Murder Charges , Mental Health Resources , List , District Attorneys , Riverside County , Both , Clarification , Prosecutors , D A , Novak Djokovic , San Bernardino County , Error , South , Australia , Winter Weather , Boot , Setting Mess Coming , Battle Brewing , Corner , Treatment Plan , Insurance , Dentistry Work , Exam , Everything , At Aspendental Com , Book Today , Step , Walk In , Aspen Dental , 800 , Worries , Break , The World Today , Investors , Gold , Unforeseeable , Landscape , Returns , Asset , Potential , Path , Wonder , Girlfriend , Photographer , Thinking , Ring Fund , Banking , Bouquet , Zen , Bank Of America , Yoga Studio , Tools , Stop Banking , Father Of The Bride , Trauma , Vaccine Law , Tennis Star , Serbia , Mainland Europe , Major , Champion , Season , Belgrade , France , Travel , Number One , Night And Day , Rules , Way Out , Exemption , Players , Distraction , Tennis , 256 , Tournament , Djokovic , Big Question , Focus , Sports Events , Competitors , Spring Tournaments , Beginning , Spectators , May , Sympathy , Organizers , Indian Wells , Attitude , Mid March , Serb , Majors , Nadal , Rafael Nadal , Won T , Seed , Shame , Tennis Player In The World , Sponsors , Money Talks , Events , Aussies , Asheville , Snowfall , Prime Minister , Wind Advisory , Freezing Rain , Robert , Teens , 50 , Road , Over , Take A Look , Temperatures , Records , 1869 , Crews , Households , Interstates , Dark , Duke Energy , 30000 , Weather , The End , Plows , Check Out Fox , Towns , Drivers , Coming , App Store , Niece , Fox Weather , Fox Weather App , Equity , Quality , Parks , Spot , Buick , Whistle Blows , Head Up Display , Sixth Sense , Horn Honks , The Field , Suv , Yup , Cousin , Wreath , Uncle , Iii , Cousins , Celebration , Ministry , Reverend , Coretta Scott King , Prophet , Preacher , Human Dignity , Brothers , Sanctity Of Life , Messages , Fools , Sisters , Mlk One , Hate Pairlizes Life , Listening , Division , Hatred , Human Issues , Skin Color , Diffent , Human , Human Concerns , Racist , Mine , Hate , Quotes , Word Of God , We Don T Know , Apple Tree , Paraphrasing , Serve , The Good Samaritan Story , Reach Out , Sermons , Recollections , Street , Don T Stop , Soul , Martha , The Story , Martha Maccallum , Polling , Preferences , Wake Up Call , United , Gallup ,

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