Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

protecting kids in school. >> parents have a fundamental right to make decisions for their children'sup bring, their education and their care. >> long-time democrat strategist james carville wants the democrats to stop whining so much. >> democrats whine too much. quit being a whiny party. >> mahomes is going deep down field wide open. going to take it all the way. touchdown. ♪ >> steve: you can see that snowplow in the middle of the street in albany new york. it's got to clear the streets because it's a snowy, icy, rainy day to start this monday, january 17th, 2022. throughout the northeast as you look at albany, and all across america. good morning, everybody, it is a federal holiday. it's great to have you right here on "fox & friends." >> rachel: good morning, steve and brian. great to be here with you guys. you are right it is very cold outside. i'm waiting to see, brian, if my kids are actually going to go to school this morning or not. >> brian: they are tough. your kids are used to this snow. i do not doubt they will be sitting there telling the teachers, get going. this is nothing for us. but knowledge and newark tend to be paralyzed lower. upper that first shot of albany new york, go to syracuse, buffalo, albany, they play in this stuff. they get it. they're like minnesota. they are like wisconsin. they understand that this is part of life there. one thing that's part of life is today is martin luther king day. it's a national holiday and it should be from frederick douglass to booker t. washington. we will salute those who knew him and want to honor him like his northeast alveda king. byron mcdonald's who says he has been inspiration to him. hunt served in the military going ivy league institution somebody going to be running in congress in georgia. is he going to be here live. carol swain best selling book about race today. they will be here and observation of martin luther king jr. >> rachel: great line up. >> steve: it signed into law by rondell reagan in 19 2, something like that. and it is now commemorated all across the country. all 50 states on the third monday in january, which is today. meanwhile, throughout the northeast it is rainy and snowy and sizy. bitterly cold as well. particularly on a roof top in chicago. lawrence jones is live from a roof top in one of that city's most dangerous neighborhoods where pastor corey brooks, we have been which canning in on him over the last 50 or 60 days. camped out as he calls for the end of the stipulates violence. lawrence, i know it's chilly out there. the last time we checked in with him it was 8 degrees. right now it's 28 degrees in chicago. lawrence yeah. some would say that's a victory, brother. good morning, family happy mlk day to you. we are at the epicenter violence in chicago. known as the third ward or o block for folks here in chicago. one man leading the charge is pastor corey brooks. a man on top of the roof, a pastor that is saying enough is enough. it's time for the community to come together and fight the violence in this city. we have been following his journey conducting interviews with him from the studio. but we thought it would be necessary to talk to the pastor in person and see what's actually happening on the ground. we got the pastor and you can follow his journey on he is going to be coming up in the show as well as the counsel councilman. we will be here all morning. >> rachel: what great message. i have a daughter that lives in a city very young girl. i'm happy to see someone taking a stand on crime. i don't want to mom you, lawrence but i really wish you would zip that coat up. >> lawrence: i promise you after this i am going to zip the coat up. i. >> rachel: i know you are a fashion icon. >> steve: look cool. >> lawrence: got to highlight the turtle neck. if you do you will mess it up, rachel. >> rachel: it doesn't matter what you wear, lawrence, you always look good. we will check in later with you on the show as well. >> lawrence: thanks, friend. >> rachel: a major weather storm dumping snow and ice. after bringing a rare wintry mix to the south. millions of americans are under weather alerts and advisories stretching nearly a thousand miles all the way from georgia to maine. tens of thousands of americans are now without power along the coast. the storm forcing the cancellations of thousands of flights over the holiday weekend. we're going to check in right now with meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. good morning, janice. ment. >> janice: good morning. if there is any silver lining it's happening on a holiday. hopefully people are heeding the warning, staying inside. i will tell you we have hundreds of thousands without power along the east coast and with temperatures very cold, that's going to be concerning. people are urged to stay off the roads as well across portions of the south where we had over a quarter of an inch of ice on the roads and the power lines so, this is not done yet the northeast is getting the brunt of the storm with hurricane force winds along the coast and coastal flood advisories as well as over a foot of snow forecast for the interior sections. here is the storm right now crarnging up. this is a classic nor'easter along the coast though it's warm. so we have got a rain-wind event. some ice mixed in across interior sections and then all snow for parts of upstate new york and pennsylvania in towards new england. there is the future track. so it's going to be with us throughout the day today. strong gusty winds are going to be along the coast. flood advisories posted as well. those are your wind alerts and in some cases especially for new england, hurricane force winds. so the boston area upwards of 7o throughout the day today. so that water is going to continue to move inland and there is your wind gust forecast, 30, 40 miles per hour. that's definitely going to cancel flights and going to be problematic on the roads as well, so,be safe. if you don't have to be outside, if you don't have to be on the roads, i would highly recommend you stay indoors and make sure that the first responders are able to get out there and clear the roadways. all right. steve, and rachel, and brian? >> brian: i think every other day someone tells knee stay indoors for some other reason but again you are saying be safe. we are always indoors. >> janice: the weather. i'm the weather person. >> brian: thanks so much, janice, to a fox news alert. officials in united kingdom two teenagers in connection with to the texas synagogue siege as the investigation goes international. development comes as the fbi corrects itself after saying the attack did not target the jewish community. yeah, we know what happened in the synagogue. greg palkot joins us. >> u.k. links to facial hostage-taking at fort worth area synagogue. took four people hostage including the synagogue's rabbi saturday and held them for 11 hours until they fled, the gunman was killed. two teens allegedly linked to the incident were nabbed by british police in the city of manchester overnight. the gunman is a 44-year-old british national. he was demanding the release of the convicted terrorist held in a prison not far from synagogue. reports are he flew into jfk a few weeks ago. he was on a tourist visa and not on a terror watch list and yes while officials did say at first there was no link to anti-semitism, they now say the faith was a target. grateful for all the emergency training he got so he and his congregants could get out alive. brother in the u.k. expresses regrets. the attacker apparently bought his gun after arrival at jfk and shear what president biden had to say about it. >> allegedly he purchased it on the street. now, what that means, i don't know. so many guns that have been sold of late, it's just redick also. and it's because of the failure of us to focus as hard as we should an consistently as we should on gun purchases, gun sales, ghost guns and a whole range of things i'm trying to do. >> and focusing on a lot of terror on both sides of the atlantic. british counter-terrorism police saying they are working with the fbi to figure out exactly whether this was just a lone wolf attack or broader links to other individuals or groups. back to you. >> steve: breg palkot live from london. his brother said how did my brother with a lengthy criminal record get a visa to fly to the united states? you know, he wasn't on a terrorist watch list but he did have criminal record. why did he get that tourist visa. meanwhile, he also just mentioned that the rabbi there said very enful the training they got. the fbi came into that synagogue to train them what to do in essentially a live shooter situation and in the last hour, the gunman apparently was becoming increasingly belligerent and without the instruction rachel the rabbi says they would not have been prepared to act and run when the situation presented itself which is what they did which is what could have saved their lives. >> rachel: taking this type of training because we know they are a target. which is why it is so interesting that the fbi came out so quickly to say oh this has nothing to do with the fact that this is a synagogue that these are jews. this was not anti-semitism. i was on air yesterday with will and pete when that statement came out. boy, we were really taken aback by that and then members of the jewish community came out and showed how upset they were. it's obvious to them when they know that anti-semitism is on the rise right now here is a clip from is a new york state assemblyman he is slamming the fbi for these claims. >> anti-semitism unfortunately is alive and growing and for the fbi to do what it did did though need to explain this to the american people. they need to explain this to the jewish community. this is the most bizarre thing i have ever seen when it comes to anti-still. a synagogue attacked, a synagogue by chun who is trying to free a terrorist, for god's sake. something very, very common in the middle east, that israel deals with all the time and for the fbi to say na, this was not about the jewish community. hey, it was about the jews for god's sake. >> brian: in the a synagogue goes without saying so crazy. the fbi continues to the let us down in some ways and yet so competent in other ways. this is a terrorism related matter which the jewish community was targeted and being investigated by the task force. no kidding. couple things stand out. quickly, president biden pivots to guns, really? are you kidding? should you investigate everything from how the hell he got here to how he got a gun within two days what he was occupy to, yes. should we say be saying why is this woman, the female al-qaeda terrorist even in texas to begin with. that makes everyone in texas susceptible with these warped mutant minds of these terrorists that somehow have a sim bios sis with her. you have to get these people to gitmo. we are paying a zl dollars to have them there. don't pivot to guns. call it as it is. this is the type of polarization says excuse me i'm a little horrified what i just watched this weekend and right the way you have me defending why i need a gun again. back to the future again, steve. >> steve: let's see if police in he can demand have any information about the two teenagers arrested and being questioned and no other details so far have been released. all right. it is 6:13 here in the east a fox news alert. north korea launching two more missiles overnight. what we're learning about this latest act of aggression coming up. plus, would you like some cheese with that wine? >> democrats whine too much, chuck. quit being a whiny party and get out there. if. >> steve: strategist james carville slamming democrats after biden's very bad year. coming up next live on martin luther king day. with my hectic life you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. hey mom, can i go play video 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there is a lot of talk. and there is a blast from the past. somebody coming out from out of nowhere, james carville a long time democrat strategist and he says that part of the problem is that democrats are whiny. and that if they want to do this reboot, they need to start talking about all the good things that they're doing. i'm not sure what those are yet. but let's take a listen to what he had to tell nbc yesterday. >> i think a lot of the democratic base has not been told or informed of the things that president biden and this congress has accomplished. but, to me, those are the things that if i'm a democrat i much mother care about that than some word in the dictionary that children are going to bed with a full stomach and a warm house. i care that somebody, hourly worker is not stlight working away at 7.25 an hour and see these signs all over louisiana, $700 sign up bonus. those are real accomplishments. something can you run on. and, again, you don't talk about what you didn't get. that's what these -- democrats whine too much, chuck. quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight and tell people what did you. and tell people the exact truth. >> brian: james carville just left a rugby game in order to do that quick spot. i guess it snuck up on him he didn't have a chance to break out the suit and tie. what he was say not guilty interview is joe biden did so much they just don't talk about it we know that's not true. we know maureen dowd writes in the "new york times" today that she even points out as much as she wants him do well that he is not doing well. that points out over and over again the things where he has fallen short. if you look at what he has done and not done, the $2 trillion build back better plan is dead on arrival. they will try to rebuild it no clear path forward on the voting rights. it's called voter integrity. try to mix that with race relations. covid hospitalizations have hit a high although they are flattening in washington and new york. the border encounters totally ignoring. inflation up 7%. the failed withdrawal from afghanistan -- he has the challenges with russia. failed withdrawal from average is when his numbers started to plummet and did not come back. what i think is interesting cbs did a poll, listener, if you could tell joe biden to improve anything, what would it be? 63 percent said get inflation under control. he never talks about it. he only talks about unemployment. yeah. but we can't find employers. nobody works. the starbucks are open at 10:00 and close at 3:00. not because they prefer it because they can't get anyone to work. the same thing with target. look at all these places, yeah, you are paying people more. in turn, the products are more expensive, which plays into this whole cycle, just play this game out. and, also, 24% say i prefer you come back with build back better. nobody wants build back better. including the democratic party. and the last thing i will add to this is a 2 letters. one to the biden administration from democrats. 50 lawmakers and senators separate letter. essentially said you should have seen the covid surge coming. where are the tests? where are the therapeutics. where is the messaging? and these are democrats upset with a democratic administration. >> steve: brian, one jaw dropping number out of that cbs u gov poll of people who do not approve of joe biden. and keep in mind a majority of americans do not approve of him given that he is under water on that. 76% say they would like him less if build back better actually passes. because people are seeing how much when you pump all that money into the economy, you know, that's how we wound up with this run away inflation that people have not seen in 40 years. but, so today is the 17th day of january. his anniversary for his first year is three days away. what did he promise? he promised to unite the country. he promised to kill the virus. he has done neither. you know, and what's interesting is one of the other things he ran on was he said if you hire me as president, to replace donald trump, i bring decades of experience to the job. all right. he has had the job for a year now. the decades of experience really haven't paid off because when you look at the things, the major accomplishment he has got really that he is touting is they were trying to pivot on friday, was they are going to talk about infrastructure. which was passed in a bipartisan method and way. but all the big things he is trying to do and the things he is trying to promote, he is just trying to do them with sun side. that's why he was promoting and speaking out in atlanta last week at that voting rights bill down at the martin luther king center down in atlanta, and, brian, you mentioned maureen dowd. peggy noonan over the weekend page of the "wall street journal" wrote with that speech it was so toxic and so one sided and so political. he may actually have damaged his presidency which coming from her says something, rachel. >> rachel: yeah. it's just interesting to me with carville that he would say let's talk about full stomachs and warm houses well, heating costs are up like 125%. and full bellies, well it's hard to do that when your grocery store bill is through the roof. it's special hard on poor people and those on fixed income. i'm not sure what they are going to pivot to when you don't have a lot of success on that side of the ledger, two u.k. teens under arrest in connection with to the hot damage stand offat sex senegal, hear why our next guest says this case highlights the radicalization of islam. a life look from heinz field in pittsburgh where a winter storm is wreaking havoc. a live report from our fox weather team on the ground. ♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> rachel: thank you, katie. turn now to senior meteorologist janice dean tracking the storm. >> janice: good morning, rachel yeah, this was a doocy a lot of folks from the southeast, mississippi river valley and plant and we still have hundreds of thousands of people without power from north carolina towards west virginia and pennsylvania. that's a problem. because people are blow freezing for a lot of these areas. in terms of top snow events, look at this north carolina, over 15 inches. yaw over 14. ohio, arkansas as well and we are not done yet. we are going to see over a foot for the interior sections of the northeast today. ice reports, that's the really dangerous weather event. we have got over a quarter of an inch on the roads and the power lines in south carolina, north carolina. and as i mentioned with temperatures below freezing, this isn't going anywhere. we will be talking about the storm system throughout the day today. bringing several inches of snow across the interior northeast, rain along the coast and coastal flood advisories from the mid-atlantic all the way up towards new england. steve, we will keep you up to date, my friend, back to you. >> steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. 6:34 in the east. now, turning to a fox news alert. police in the united kingdom have arrested two teenagers tied to the investigation into the hostage attack at that texas synagogue. the arrests come as we learn more about the suspect. a 44-year-old british citizen who traveled to the u.s. earlier this month. joining us right now with reaction dr. zuhdi jasser, the president of the american islamic forum for democracy. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. good to see you. >> steve: now the fbi says it was a terrorism-related matter: initially they said that the people in the synagogue were not being targeted. now they have amended that what do you make of what we have been able to piece together so far? >> yeah, there is no doubt that he is a terrorist and was a terrorist and thankfully he was extinguished in his attempt. and the bottom line is he is a terrorist because he is part of this, movement found in average. we tried to apprehend her. she shot at our fbi agents and army officers and others. found with documents related to attacks that were being planned in the united states, chemical attacks. she was married into the family of sheikh mohammed and but her cause has become a cause celeb among islamic groups from the taliban to isis that have been trying to get her released. isis even asked to do a prisoner swap with james foley or kayla mueller and ultimately we did not do that. so he flew out to fort worth where this terrorist flies out to fort worth where she is being held. she was recently injured. and the islamist group in america rallying muslim a few months ago said that she is -- her case is on the verge of a turning point. things have been boiling under for many who may not know who siddiqui is, these radical groups radicalize our communities taking edges stream cases obviously guilty and using conspiracy theories and other things to radicalize vulnerable people and say so america is evil and that they don't get justice, et cetera. then have you mainstream groups. steve, a man out of texas who nancy pelosi chose to give the invocation gave a speech two months ago calling for her release. which shows how deeply radicalizing this issue is. >> steve: sure, dr. jasser, this terrorist as you refer to him, his brother said, you know, he has a lengthy criminal record. he has mention problems. how did he get a visa to go to the united states a tourist visa? at the same time, have you the breaking news that apparently the authorities in the united kingdom have arrested and are questioning two teenagers. what's the connection there, do you think? >> well, as we see in every one of these cases back from terrorist incidents in europe, where terrorists might travel, we saw a case back in '16 where one incident happened in paris and they go to belgium all of a sudden weeks later, other friends and family are arrested. odds are within the tribal aspects of the insular community, there is youth and others, adults, family members that may have known something. they knew he was sort of getting on edge. usually as they become more unstable to commit this type of act, terrorists will telegraph it out. saying that he is going to go do something to free the woman. a pattern to show they are telegraphing what's happening. >> steve: let's see if they from the united kingdom release further details later today. dr. jasser, thank you very much for getting up early out west. >> any time, thanks, steve. >> steve: all right. 6:38 here in the east. coming up next, people in chicago are becoming too familiar with police lights and crime scene tape like that. as the city there shatters crime records. lawrence jones is with a man on a mission live on the roof trying to make a change. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, steve, it is a crisis that is hitting all parts of the country but chicago has become the epicenter, the man leading to change that pastor corey brooks with project hood. that's next on "fox & friends." n your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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"fox & friends" enterprise reporter lawrence jones is joining pastor brooks live from the roof top. lawrence, you guys take it away. >> thanks so much, brian. pastor brooks, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> lawrence: this is something near and dear to your heart? >> absolutely. >> lawrence: why this campaign. >> we want to bring as much attention to the violence as we can in chicago. it's time that we all do something about it it's so important that we give the children that are young people in neighborhood an opportunity that they haven't been having. and that's an opportunity to have a peaceful place to live and an opportunity to have a peaceful place to change their lives. so it's so important. >> lawrence: all these kids deserve that opportunity. so often it's robbed from them. so for so many people they see it as a headline because it's covered especially on our network a lot. for a lot of members they decide not to cover this story. paint what live is for people in the ward. >> no opportunities. 80% of the households that live right here are single parent households. you are talking about a lot of fatherlessness. you are talking about an he had carriage system that has wrecked the lives of a lot of young people. i run into fifth, sixth graders all the time who can't even read. they are not predictor in reading. so you infuse that with drugs and infuse that with gangs, and you got a volatile situation at any time that can jump off. that's what we are experiencing in niece pockets all across the city of chicago. >> lawrence: pastor, talk about the climate with the community going back and forth with the police right now. it's clear that the community needs the police. they need leadership with pastors like you and brothers walking the street that we have seen before. we need the cops here working side by side. >> absolutely. we should never ever talk about defunding the police. especially here in chicago. that should never be mentioned. if anything, we should be trying to empower them. we should be trying to build better relationships with them. and the police department here is trying to build trust with our community and it's needed because the only way we are going to get some of these criminals off the street is that we have the interaction between the community and the police, so we cannot afford to defund police. we cannot afford to not have interaction with the police. and we cannot afford to have distrust. so those things are essential if we are ever going to turn these neighborhoods around. >> lawrence: it all works together. pastor, talk about the leadership. it seems like they have abandoned the city. come out election time. until it's time for them to campaign. >> here in chicago, you are talking about years of bad policies. you are talking about years of bad leadership that have led to the situations on the south side and the west side being deplorable. to the state of, you see all the confusion and the chaos and the violence. and until we get the leadership in place that's going to make changes, we never going to see the type of environment that is going to be beneficial to outcome people changing their lives. >> lawrence: exactly right. it starts with the mayor as well as the d.a. kim foxx that is allowing these people to come back on the streets. >> amen. >> lawrence: pastor, we will be with you all morning talk about the kids of chicago and fight back what he is doing. check his blog out on follow his journey. donate to project h.o.o.d. send it back to you, brian. >> brian: what a perfect day to donate martin luther king jr. day if people want to do something positive. there you go. lawrence, thanks so much. appreciate it guess what president biden wants to do. he says i'm going to do police reform. fantastic. let's not focus on crime, crack down on cops. unbelievable. speaker gingrich -- alveda king pays tribute to her uncle next. >> go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 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[applause] >> rachel: here to pay tribute to her uncle, fox news contributor and chair of afb. alveda king. great to have you here today. your uncle would be 93 years old today. you, alveda were only 17 years old on the day that he was assassinated. i know that his memory and his legacy has shaped so much of your rife. life. what do you think his message to americans would be today in 2022. >> i believe that if my uncle were here today, he would encourage us to have faith. hope, and love, to care more about others than ourselves. and to serve others. today, on his birthday, i will be visiting communities of the single parents and the elderly and some school parents, people who can't easily get out in this weather. we are having terrible weather in georgia and around america actually and carrying food and hope and prayer. there is a little known quote from my uncle. i may be paraphrasing it a bit. he said if i knew the world was going to fall apart tomorrow, i would still plant my apple tree today. so, in other words, i believe he would encourage us to have hope in the midst of every circumstance, to care about others. now, i believe he would definitely say fear not but to be wise and have courage. but be kind to others as well. i'm thinking about, you know, the arguments about who had a covid shot, who didn't. what color is your skin. what is racism? he would ask us because here is his own quote we must learn live together as brothers and i will add as sisters or perish together as fools. he believed in acts 17:26. we were created of one blood, that's why we could be brothers and sisters. we are in the necessarily colorblind. we can see et miss city and regard it womb to the tomb and care about one another. today, one of the best ways to remember him is to remember others and to be kind to others and to serve others. >> rachel: absolutely. martin luther king did so much for our country. but he was a special source of hope and inspiration for the black community. i'm thinking about back when he was alive, just before he passed away only 24% alveda of black children were born out of wedlock. and today that number is approaching 70%. yesterday, i had the ex-nfl player jack brewer on and he told me thought fatherlessness was the civil rights issue of our times. we hear a lot of other issues being talked about on thousand help the african-american community and, yet, jack brewer said the civil rights issue is -- do you think your uncle would agree with that. >> i have a saying where peripherals clyde will imminent. the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb, the little baby born. when the baby is born, that mother and father really definitely should both be there. >> jack is so right, fathers have to come back into the central part of the family. and not just the black fathers but all fathers. across america and around the world. fatherhood is very, very important. our babies would be even safer in the womb and at birth if the father and the mother are there united working together to raise them. so, jack, i believe, is on to something. where together it as well. >> rachel: absolutely. you are right to point out father arelessness is not just in the african-american community. it has become a cultural epidemic. alveda, always so great to hear from you. thank you for reminding us about your uncle, his legacy and his impact on our most wonderful country. thank you, alveda. >> thank you. god bless. >> rachel: god bless you. we have a big show still ahead so stick with us. ♪ beeping warning] [silence] how bout tacos? 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limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> mainly winter storm is dumping snow and ice over the northeast this morning. >> hundreds of thousands without power. >> this new storm already canceling over 1200 u.s. flights for today. >> griff: newly meanted virginia governor glenn youngkin taking immediate action. >> you have the fund meng right to make decisions for children. >> glenn youngkin is delivering promises that he gave on campaign and day one he will kept them. >> officials in the united kingdom arrested two teens in connection with the texas synagogue siege. >> odds are in the tribal will community. family members may have known something. >> today we honor the life and legacy of dr. martin luther king jr. >> remember he said we must learn to live together as brothers and i will add as sisters or perish together as fools. >> takes off running the football. whoa, i don't think this is going to work out. oh my god. >> it's over. the game is over as san francisco survives ♪ america ♪ hello america. ♪ >> brian: not a good day to be playing football and bad news for the steelers fans they are not. they lost 42-21 yesterday heinz field is the place they call home and that's pretty much what is happening in all of pennsylvania and different parts of the coast. different parts of the east. thankfully, we had rain here but i'm not sure that's happening everywhere else. kind of sad with roethlisberger obviously going to retire after that loss yesterday. kansas city. 42-21. eli manning retired a couple of years ago. philip rivers retired last year. that is it for that quarterback class. but i think all three go to the hall of fame, steve. >> steve: well, let's see. all i know is my kansas city chiefs advance and that's what it is all about. as we look at heinz field though, brian, it's not just snow throughout the northeast, we have a nor'easter going on and we have snow and ice and rain it all depends on how close you are to the coast. and it is, you know, it's a treacherous travel day and so, rachel, it's a pretty good thing that today because it's a national holiday. a federal holiday a lot of people will not be traveling. >> rachel: yeah, a lot of people will not be traveling. my kids actually have school today but just waiting to see if they actually have to end up going or not. as you said, those roads are pretty treacherous, today by the way, both of you. we will be celebrating as you know all day on this show martin luther king jr.'s birthday. his national holiday here and we actually had alveda king, his niece on just a little earlier. we are also going to have congressman byron donalds, wesley hunt and the great carol swain, stay with us for updates on that. >> brian: one thing pretty cool is now that zoom has become an option and no one likes it. is it better than a snow day? so would you rather fire up the zoom, not count it as a snow day in the northeast, o you know, anywhere in the midwest and this way you don't get that taken off your spring break in the end. i'm wondering if the one thing that could come out of the pandemic zoom could be an option to save your spring break. >> steve: but the problem, brian, is the fact that if a kid is using your computer, it is hard to do online shopping. just saying i got mine open right now look for coffee pods. >> brian: good luck with that. >> steve: supply chain stuff. >> brian: we are about to talk about that in a moment about the economy. the real economy and how you feel about it right now i want to check back in with lawrence jones. with him 20 minutes ago. is he back with us. pastor corey brooks and lawrence are up trying to bring attention to the dangerous neighborhoods in chicago and they are in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in chicago. right, lawrence? >> lawrence: good morning, family. happy mlk to you. third ward people were shot and killed over the weekend and there has been 24 people that have been shot around chicago. so, this is where the tragedy is. pastor corey brooks has been the man at the center of this, on top of one of the roofs here. but the i want you had guys to actually meet pastor brooks and see one of these tents in the area. pastor, show us how the life is in the tent? >> come on, in okay? >> lawrence: pastor, you say that this area right here is a lot of ceos, people that donate to the cause. they come out here, right? >> yeah. so it's a ceo challenge we have ceos across america that have been coming like steve murray and others. they come and stay here in the tent and help us to raise funds for great cause. >> it's not just you, although you are here all the time and you are doing this for 100 days. >> yeah. >> other people decided they want to give back. they want a chance of the experience as well? >> absolutely. i'm here for 100 days. i don't go down at all. not even to use the bathroom or take a baath. i do all of that in my tent but ceos we are inner violating them from across america to stay to be a part of the journey and help us do what we are trying to accomplish. >> lawrence: what's the goal. >> our goal is 35 million. we have a long way to go. god has been so good. a lot of the american people have been so good especially on fox giving and we really appreciate it. >> lawrence: because of the fox audience, have you already reached part of your goal. you were telling me earlier that the funds just continue after every single hit because of our audience that believe in the cause. they may not come to chicago but they believe in the mission. >> absolutely. if it were not for the fox audience and fox, we would not be anywhere near where we are. i'm eternally grateful for everything that has happened. we are going to reach our goal. >> lawrence: thank you so much. we will be with the pastor all morning. if you really want to follow this journey because the pass door does this blog every single day, go to and view the blog and see it. back to you to new york. >> steve: lawrence, we have been following him since the get-go since today is a day of service, what is the website so people who are watching can donate? >> the website is project >> brian: pastor, quick question, this is all about gang violence, isn't it? no one is tackle the fundamental of gang violence. the fact is a lot of cops look the other way or p and political figures, gangs are just shooting each other. for some reason that's acceptable. >> yeah. we are saying it's not acceptable. it's not normal for us to just look beyond their behavior. we target specifically gangs, we target those who are shooters and those who are likely to be shot. we have to change the trajectory of their lives if we are ever going to have a great city and a great country. we are focused on them and we are dedicated and committed toward changing their lives. >> steve: and that's why you are up on the roof where it is 28 degrees for 100 days. thank you very much, pastor and lawrence as well. >> lawrence: thank you. >> steve: 7:07 here in the east. turn to a fox news weather alert. thousands of people are suffering through power outages and if you are out at the airport, there is a chance their flight just goes canceled because a major winter nor'easter is slamming the east coast. the powerful system bringing rare freezing rain, snow and ice to parts of the south. weather alert, and advisories warning millions to stay off the roads and stay home and watch tv. there have been hundreds of accidents along the coast. two people are dead after their vehicle went off the road and struck several trees in the median in north carolina. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather. janice, portions of the carolina has close to a foot of snow with this thing. >> janice: yeah, foot of snow and over half an inch of ice which is so dangerous. the temperatures are still below freezing in a lot of these areas. so, it's hard to get those roads cleared and it's kinds of a good thing that we are into a holiday monday situation. a lot of people should not be on the roads. we are still dealing with this storm that's really been crank up for the last couple of days started in the plains. snow in parts of south carolina, north carolina. we broke records and there is the storm right now. this is a bona fide nor'easter along the coast it's too warm for a big snow event but interior sections will get over a foot of snow really from the mountains, the appalachians up towards the green and white mountains towards new england. this is going to be with us throughout the day today. not only the snow but the blowing snow. we have wind gusts in excess of 70 miles per hour along the coast. it is shaking things up from new england down towards long. also new york city and your winter weather alerts continue for millions of folks who got over 200,000 people without power and more snow on the way and the blowing snow coastal flooding advisories as well from the mid-atlantic to new england where we have got, you know, all of those winds, the water being pushed up along the coast. that's causing flooding concerns. we have got everything with the storm. actually even had tornadoes over the weekend with the artic cold front. we will keep you posted with fox weather. steve, rachel, brian, back to you. >> rachel: janice, thank you some for that report it looks treacherous if you are in north carolina. stay home and watch tv like steve said: we are going to move over to virginia because one of the signs that people were fed up with so many democrat policies especially in terms of education and how it relates to their kids wases very unlikely elections of glenn youngkin, glenn youngkin as you know was elected. he was sworn in here on saturday in richmond, virginia, and he has decided to get right to work. >> we have -- several executive orders, he said, masks should be not mandatory. it should be up to the parents. he is banning crt in the school. there is lots of other efforts that he is making in terms of crime in virginia as well. here is governor youngkin on why parents should be the ones to decide whether masks are worn or not in school. >> it is clear under law that parents have a fundamental right to make decisions for their children's upbringing. their education and their care. and so we are providing parents an opt out we are providing them the opportunity to make the right decision for their child with regard to their child's well-being. we are going to use all the authority i have to consider all options to protect that right. >> brian: i think this guy sounds a lot like ron desantis. he is not telling you not to wear mask. he is it saying give parents a chance to wear mask or make a decision when it comes to their kids. they know the kids are not learning and payrolls of remote learning but he also knows there is safety. maybe older kid, maybe live with 82-year-old. let the parent make the decisions. arlington, virginia will maintain our current a.p. -- arlington district, will maintain our current mask requirement for students, staff and visitors. masks required inside our facilities and school buses. if this is the same game plan that governor desantis uses in florida, then you will see a lawsuit to make then let parents have a decision. what i think is also interesting is jen psaki had to weigh in i guess on a sunday she was a little bored. she said hi there, arlington county parent here, i don't believe you are glenn youngkin but correct me if i am wrong to thank you for standing up to our teachers and administrators and the safety in the midst of this transmissible variant. she can do whatever she wants, steve. it's up to the governor saying it's up to the parent to make a decision. as the parent, put your kid in a space suit if you want. >> steve: right. glenn youngkin said the fact that the tweet came out from arlington county within minutes of my executive order, that tells me is that they have not listened to parents yet. brian ever. >> steve: one president is rachel, she is out in loudoun county which is to the west of arlington, she thinks it's great what the governor is doing. >> glenn youngkin is delivering on promises that he gave throughout his campaign and on day one he kept them. it all matters to me because it effects our children from the crt theory that he this want to divide our children. they want to put them into separate classes whether they are vaccinated or unvac snantd. whether they are oppressed or oppressor? our children have had enough. i think this is enough. i think our children need to be able to go to school. they need to see each other's faces. they need to be able to understand how to enunciate their words. they need to be able to relate to other people face to face. i'm just thank that. youngkin decided to take these steps. run for office and actually uphold the promises that he made. >> steve: well. he absolutely was trying to honor that campaign promise. but, and so it will be in effect. he got rid of the mask mandate for schools. except in the counties of arlington as we just heard, richmond, alexandria and fairfax. they all say that their mask policies will stay in effect. but, rachel, the governor said i've got some legal options. i'm going to look at things and figure out what i can do to follow through with what i promised. >> rachel: if this is my problem with glenn youngkin's approach. i don't mean to rain on the parade. i'm happy for that parent and i would like to be optimistic. i'm just not that optimistic. and i'm not a fan of his approach. is he going to spend the rest of his time fighting and litigating these schools because, as you can see from the reaction, just to taking off a mask, that they don't care. they are going to do what they want to do. and you can say i ban crt. but, guess what? all of these teachers have been trained in crt. it's part of their whole world view. so it may not show up in the curriculum and they might not show you a book that they are teaching, but it is going to be infused in that curriculum. the real answer to this problem, brian and steve, is not to fund the schools. it's to fund the child. and let the parent. >> steve: that's what he is trying to do pull the money back. >> rachel: if jen psaki wants to mask her child or put her in a space suit, she can send her kid to a school that does that but everybody else will have the money to go to another school that actually meets and matches their values and teaches what they want their child to be taught. that's what i think would be the best answer because if your kit is in kindergarten right now. it's going to take five years before they fix it. >> brian: rachel, i understand your sentiment that's a very practical approach. now when these parents like yourself in virginia or arlington. lean back on a governor that's got your back for the first time in 10 years, 12 years. you could actually say listen, this is the homework. this is banned. that's a problem. hey, principal you have got to be account being. hey, the school boofers you have gotten to accountable. they now have ranking from a high ranking official in virginia. the more pressure you button them. a lot of teachers want snow one has their back. embolden with this curriculum. doing the right thing. even if practically it's not going to render everything that you want it to. when he comes in and says i have 11 executive orders, you know what i say? he is looking at florida. and he is saying, you know what? i'm actually paying my teachers even more here. there is a lot more positives, maybe, money coming from defense contracts and community rather than floral. i see desantis' success i will try to mirror that. he didn't get everything he wanted but you knew exactly where he was, right? >> rachel: it's definitely a mo in the right direction. as the a parent they are busy. they want to don't want to spend time fighting school boards and systems. give us the money we will find a school for our kids. >> brian: we will see if he can do it. >> rachel: we are going to go to ashley strohmier. >> ashley: fox news alert. teens two teens arrested in connection with texas synagogue siege as the investigation into what happens goes international. not much is known about the time. could hostage it situation at the coleville synagogue. a thankfully all hostages were able to escape. 24-year-old briana was working alone at high end furniture store in l.a. when an unknown man stabbed her before fleeing. and an elderly los angeles nurse dies after being attacked by a homeless man. the suspect has been arrested on charges of attempted murder and the in the healthcare workers' death. djokovic losing appeal to stay and compete in the open. the country refuses to allow exemptions from its new vaccine law. buccaneer's q.b. tom brady giving a young noon survived brain cancer a surprise of a lifetime. take a look. >> i worked with both the bucs and the nfl to get you and your family super bowl tickets this year in l.a. we certainly hope to be there but i know you are going to be there. >> ashley: what a shock. that's 10-year-old noah reeve with a priceless reaction to the news. brady and the bucs got one step closer to joining noah and his family at the big game after beating the eagles 31-15. and those are your headlines guys. back to you. >> steve: not just noah but noah and his whole family. that is epic. tom brady, end. will thank you very much, ashley. coming up on 7:20 here in the east. coming up, a very bad year so far for president biden. the president set to face the press on wednesday 4:00 in the east room as he hits that milestone. former speaker of the house newt gingrich sums up the last year. you are going to want to hear that he is coming up. plus the questionable comparison transswimmer lia thomas is making to an icon who changed the face of major league baseball. ♪ ♪ go your own way ♪ go your own way ♪ throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> brian: the ncaa staying silent in the criticism or trans athlete policy. swim team compares herself to jackie robinson. teammate tell next guest in interview says she is like the jacque robinson in transsports. she mocks the situation instead of caring what she is doing to her feel mates. washington examiner chris joins us now. chris, who did you speak to for this story? >> hi, brian, thanks for having me. i spoke to one of the swimmers on the u penn swimming team. obviously for giving the political climate, she requested anonymity. because she was worried about potential, you know, future ramifications if she identified herself. >> brian: she says that la referred to her as the jackie robinson of trans swimming or trans sports? >> yeah. that's really hard to believe that's what it came to. that's what she told me. made that comparison she is the jackie robinson of trans sports. >> brian: they are quiet your reporting reveals. never talks about the team and never talks about the impact it's going to have on the team women sports. i'm sure these women wanted to be ncaa champions individually but you can't. and lia will say at least i'm still number one, correct? >> yeah. i mean, it's kind of ridiculous situation all together. i mean, imagine if i just said to you right now hey, brian, i identify as a member of "fox & friends" and, you know, i want to place there and all of a sudden i'm on there tomorrow and identifying myself as a civil rights hero. and from what i could also tell a lot of source of the anger and resentment is not only in the situation that the penn swimmers were placed in because you have got remember. when the athletic teams go out and actively recruiting women in high school. so they promise them fair and equal competition to entice them to come to their school and now they have it so that instead of thinking that they're getting fair and equal competition among their peers and women. now they have to compete against biological men from. what i was told in my interview, a lot of that anger source of anger comes from that the lia pretty much did not have any sympathy, remorse, or empathy as far as, you know, approaching biologically born female swimmers and has from what i was told a sense of entitlement or arrogance and not following team rules. so it's kind of all an unpleasant situation together. >> brian: case in point they were told to travel. being that the u pen is creating so much controversy. they say don't wear u penn stuff. you don't want to be in the middle of something controversial. they leave it all home except for lia. >> correct. yeah. that was one of the main things that my source spoke to me that was frustrating and more so angering. if you think about it a whole women team who are basically kind of -- were baited and switched by university of pennsylvania ivy league. >> brian: absolutely. >> told they were going to swim against swimmers now have to make all these accommodations for lia thomas. and lia thomas is the one going out and violating what they were told to do. there is a sense of pride as my source told me in wearing their school colors and representing their school and having to be infringed and not do that and restricted upon doing that that kind of angered them. and to do all that for the person who they are doing it for to basically just, you know, ignore that was kind of resentful. >> brian: i thought we were in the middle of me too movement women sports mattered that's what title 19 is all about. >> absolutely. >> brian: now it doesn't seem to matter. at least doing original reporting on it chris, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: all right. we reached out to the ncaa for a statement. we did not hear back. they have been quiet on this whole thing. up next on this show, we have been telling you about chicago pastor taking drastic measures to curb crime in chicago. lawrence jones is with pastor brooks live from the roof top. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, brian, we have been talking about this crime crisis in chicago all morning. but, we never see some leaders here to talk about it or do something about it one leader that has taken it head on, here in chicago. he is next on "fox & friends." ♪ 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your 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winter storm is slamming the east coast this morning and millions of americans are under water alerts and advisory. fox weather correspondent max gordon joins us live in rochester, new york with the latest. max, good morning. >> hey, good morning. welcome to beautiful, snowy rochester new york we are expecting anywhere 15 to 20 inches of snow when this snow is all said and done. rochester was in a snow drought before this storm. 18 inches belly average before the storm. but as you can see, conditions have now changed. crews have been hard at work. clearing the sidewalks. you see they are doing a great job of clearing the sidewalk and they are clearing the roads. buses are running. you can see them going by right now. still travel conditions are going to be tricky in western and central new york. we are seeing gusts of up to 45 miles per hour. that's creating very tough driving conditions in a lot of areas. roads are slick in some places. and we're seeing some flight cancellations, too. here in rochester dozens of flights have been canceled because of the storm. having impacts throughout central and western new york as well. again, between 18 and 24 inches of snow expected here in rochester, a beautiful sight to see. guys, toss it back to you. >> rachel: looks beautiful there thanks for that report. >> thank you. >> rachel: all right. let's turn now to senior meteorologist janice dean who is tracking the storm. >> janice: we had epic snowfall totals across the south. over a foot of snow for parts of south carolina and north carolina. here are some of the totals that we're looking at right now. over 15 inches in north carolina. of course, the storm started across the plain states. arkansas, 14 inches, iowa over a foot of snow. and we will definitely see over a foot of snow for the interior northeast. but, also, the ice reports, okay, like a half an inch of ice on the roads and the power lines in south carolina and that's why we have tens of how far to sands of people without power today. and the temperatures are cold. so this is going to be an ongoing story. the good news is, it's a holiday, so a lot of people are off the roads. they are not driving into work. there is the future track. we are still going to see the potential for snow across interior sections of the northeast. across the appalachians as well. and then coastal flood alerts from the mid-atlantic all the way up to the northeast with wind gusts in excess of 450 to 60 miles per hour. so the water is being pushed up along these coastal areas and potentially see the flooding during high tide. wind gusts in excess of 60 to 7e coast up towards new england. we are not done yet. and, rachel, i am concerned with the power outages and temperatures below freezing in a lot of these southern states. we will certain you keep you up to date. >> rachel: yeah. >> we have concerning for a lot of people who just aren't used to that. >> steve: that would add insult to injury. all right. thank you, j.d., very much. meanwhile, some breaking news out of chicago. two 14-year-old boys are among the city's latest victims killed by out of control crime in the windy city as chicago starts off another year with violence after 2021 marked chicago's deadliest year in a quarter of a century. today the community is demanding change as we check back in with lawrence jones and pastor corey brooks on day 58 of the pastor's 100 day mission to bring awareness to chicago violence. there is the audio check right there. they are joined right now up on the roof by chicago alderman raimondo lopez. all right, lawrence, take it away lawrence thank you so much. as you know fluid situation. found out breaking news, a shooting happened just down the street. a carjacking. so we are still getting some details. hopefully we will have that information later in the show as that developed. that just shows you we are right here in the center of what is happening in chicago. pastor brooks, alderman lopez has been at the center of this. pastor, i want to go to you first. you talk about your mission here and just as we are lirntion more and more about a shooting down the street. this is never going to stop until there is real leadership, right? >> everything rises and falls on responsibility for the city. we have to do our part to make sure that things change, that means we have to vote for the right people in office. to lead us in the right correction. so everything rises and falls on leadership. >> alderman lopez, i have been out here on the streets with you, have you given me a tour, the people love new chicago, the criminals hate you as they should. you have been attacked when it documents people throwing stuff at your office. criminals trying to push you out. you have not been deterred. why? >> i take ownership for my city. just as pastor brooks takes ownership for his church, his neighborhood, his community. it's about taking ownership and saying this is not who we are. we want to do better. and, you know, whether you are here on the roof top or are in the corner fighting. you have to take ownership and say that you are going to be willing to push back and show the entire city that we can do better. and pastor brooks has been a champion of that and we need more leaders like that. >> lawrence: you know, alderman, everything is politics these days. chicago is about democrats. you are a democrat. this is not even your district and you are here. why? >> what happens here isn't just an on island to itself. crime spreads and it not only impacts woodlawn, impact lincoln park, whether they know it or not. we can't turn a blind eye what's going on here and say that's somebody else's problem. it doesn't impact me. it impacts all of us. until we take for each other. nothing will ever change in this city we are here today to help push that message that we are here for each other. >> pastor, how bad is it? >> it's really tough for kids to grow up in an area like this where violence is rampant is everything harnessed in the wrong direction. so trying to create an environment so kids can thrive and young people can change their lives is a really tough situation. i do believe leadership like alderman lopez and others really diligently jent tackling the issues. it transforms it takes a lot to do it but i believe we can do it. >> lawrence: arrestedman lopez. why aren't alderman lopez, why aren't there others here today. where is the mayor and district attorney kim foxx allowing criminals back on the street? where a all the leaders. >> i would love for all of our leaders to be up here. actually, i was telling pastor i'm going to challenge every elected official in chicago to spend the night up here and with a check. that's what we have to do but to stand up here and listen to what this sounds like at night. you just heard the helicopters flying around. the police officers down the street. this is daily life for so many people in the city of chicago and to be in your comfortable home surrounded by your security keeps you away from the realness of what is going on. i hope we can challenged entire city council and others to be here to spend the night to see what it's like and what so many people live with on a daily basis. it's easy to act like you don't know when you don't hear. we need people to start hearing what people live with. >> lawrence: what needs to happen right now to stop. this right now from the city's perspective. we need to giving pastor brooks who have a. start investing in them with city dollars. this is $16 billion municipal operation that gives this man not one dollar for trying to stop the violence and build up communities. and that is shameful. we waste more money on this city on projects and on patronage going towards keeping people in poverty as opposed to lifting them up. i think my challenge to the mayor would be to start focus okay leaders that have action plans in the neighborhoods. don't look for cookie cutter solutions but meet them where they are and fund them the way they need to be funded. >> lawrence: giving all this money to programs that don't work and don't benefit the community at large. alderman, thank you so much. pastor thank you so much. you will be here all morning, guys, talking about these stories. because it really matters. it's settings the tone for the country. crime crisis all across the country but definitely here in chicago. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> steve: all right. lawrence, thank you very much. also thanks to corey brooks and the alderman as well. coming up on this program, president biden nearing the end of his first year in office on poll wise a low note. former house speaker newt gingrich on what biden's bad year means for the democrats and the republicans. ♪ ♪ she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern 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remains stalled within his own party as the country still grapples with a pandemic, surging inflation, and a border crisis. fox news contributor and former house speaker newt gingrich is the author of the book beyond biden and he joins us now. speaker gingrich always great to have you on the show. you have such a great perspective. you became the speaker of the house in 1984 after the democrats lost the house and had a she lacking and bill clinton did a pretty good job of, you know, hearing the message and changing course. we know president biden has this press conference coming up. he is trying to get his message back in order. do you think is he capable of that. >> well, he may be capable, but i'm not sure he's to. if you look at his last two speeches, the one in the capitol and the one in atlanta, they were viciously partisan. >> we have hostile, guaranteed to divide the country. they were sort of biden at his worst. gallup just reported biden entered the year with the democrats having a 9-point advantage in party identity and ended the year with the republicans having a 5 point advantage in party identity. party identity is a very hard thing to shift. they shifted it 14 points if you add the two together. 14 points in one year in reaction to the biden presidency. and i think part of it is reality as you pointed out. you know, you have 101 ships still sitting off long beach, california. you have a logistic supply chain mess. you have the former head of walmart saying his stores like like the soviet era in russia. they can't put anything on the shelves. i think people look at all of this and they feel it every time they fill up their car. and they see a system that's failing. and they don't see any evidence that the biden team realizes that. >> rachel: yeah. you bring up that former ceo bill simon of walmart. he did say that it looked like the former soviet union. but he also said if i was joe biden, he gave him advice, i would only talk about inflation and supply chain. that's it. and, yet, as you point out, that's not what he is doing. you don't think even after this terrible week that he just had in this new press conference that he might, you know, get the message, finally or at least the people around him? >> and, look, i think the problem the democrats have is that they are absolutely fixed on their radical wing. they believe in big government socialism which just doesn't work. and they desperately have to change the election law because if they can't find a way to rig the elections, they are going to get wiped out. and i think they know that they know that straight-up, honest election, where everybody has to prove who they are. that, in fact, they are going to lose. they need to be able to pack the ballots, they need to be able to have their illegal votes and have same day voting where you don't know who the person is and that's why their election bill is so desperately important to them. and i think they know that they are at the edge of a cliff and if they can't change the game, the american people are just going to repudiate them. they can't fix these problems this year. they can't get inflation down enough to matter. they can't solve the supply chain. if anything, with the potential strike of longshoremen, if the difficulties with truckers, i think it's possible that the supply chain will get worse, not better. and it's beyond that though still have an enormous number of illegal immigrants coming in this country. i just did a podcast with the mayor of yuma, arizona declared emergency for his city shear 2,500 percent increase in the number of illegal immigrants coming to their city since joe biden was sworn in. so, you look at all the different things he can't fix and his problem is reality. it's not rhetoric. because the average american goes out. they see all of this. they are living it. and i think that's the problem he has got. >> rachel: it sure is. it's our problem, too. speaker gingrich, thank you so much for joining us this morning. always great talking to you. >> thank you. >> rachel: all right. well, we observe martin luther king jr. day, he is wesley hunt, dr. carol swain both reflect on the legacy of the civil rights leader and what we can learn from him today. >> what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 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volcano. the initial blast sent tsunami waves. on the island of 100 -- there are reports of damage and some casualties. and after fleeing to florida and catching covid, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says forcing people to go back to work is "sociopathic." writing on instagram after recovering from the virus, "covid was no joke. the term mild is misleading when the -- mild cases can result in long covid which includes a range of conditions. those are your headlines, steve. >> all right, actually, thank you very much. before his assassination in 1968, dr. martin luther king jr. stood on front lines of the civil justice movement fighting for equality for black americans. >> i have a dream. my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. >> well, today, we celebrate his dream and his life and his legacy and reflect on lessons we can still learn from this civil rights icon. joining us right now is u.s. congressional candidate an army veteran wesley hunting coauthor of "black eye for america." let's start with you. when you were at vanderbilt teaching the college kids, how would you describe what martin luther king meant to america? >> i can tell you that even then, i left in 2017 that dr. king's message was being erased by some people on the political left. but i can tell you that for the people that i understood dr. king and who had read his letter in a birmingham jail and heard the "i have a dream" speech, it was powerful. and i think if you look at this moment we are in today with race relations, if people would go back and read that letter from a birmingham jail, listen to the "i have a dream" speech. you can see that dr. king preached a message that is so applicable today. he would be appalled by the racism that is coming from the political left and the reversal of all the gains of the civil rights movement. because of him, we passed three major civil rights bills in the 1960s that i would argue ended systemic racism under the law and made it possible for people like me to come from poverty and have equal opportunity in america. and so dr. king change so many millions of lives for white people as well as black people. he was inclusive. >> talking about her family, and your family, you have got people who grew up on plantations and were. >> yes, that's correct. dr. martin luther king had died dream that we will be judged by the content of my character and my family, the living product of that dream. my great, great grandfather was a. my brother, my sister, and i are all west point graduates. we buy the opportunity to serve the greatest country in the world because of that dream good for me, that dream continues. i have the opportunity to run for united states congress in a republican seat in a white majority district. we are there clear front runner because here in houston, the citizens are judging me by the content of my character, not by the color of my skin. his dream is still alive today. i don't like the left tell you otherwise. it is still the greatest country in the world but we are progressing quite well and my family is a product of that dream. >> dr. king was famous for peaceful protests. what would he make of the way people protest today? >> i mean, it is the opposite of everything he stood for. andy talked about how the destinies of and blacks we are tied together. eddie also recognize that america was diverse and wasn't just about white people and black people. when he started his discussions of economic justice after the passage of the civil rights bill, he was working for all poor people. he wasn't just saying black people. he was always someone that believed in the american dream, the declaration of independence, the constitution. he used christian principles that were integrated in his arguments. that is what he was so effective. >> i will give you the final word. >> you know, his dream was meant for us to not being monolithic. to think freely, to have our own ideas, to have our own thoughts. you can be up black man, a democrat, republican, or whatever you want to be. it's basically about freedom. it's basic about rising up as a people together regardless of what we look like. that is the american dream. that's dr. martin luther king's dream and i'm honored to be a part of it. >> we are honored to have both of you. thank you very much for joining us on this martin luther king jr. holiday. it is 8:00 in the east and our number three "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ thousands of people are suffering through power outages because i'm major winter nor'easter is slamming the east coast. >> is kind of a good thing that we are into a holiday monday situation because a lot of people should not be on the road. >> arresting two teams in connection to the texas synagogue sees. this was not about -- that is crazy. that is insane. >> manchin and kyrsten sinema have spoken about changing the rules. >> this is not about the people in the black community. this is about the black community and voting block. >> the democrats have, they are actually fixed on their radical ways. they believe in big government socialism. >> the best way to remember him is to remember others and be kind to others and to serve others. ♪ ♪ >> good morning. that is a beautiful shot of chicago where we will be taking you later on to see lawrence jones. recording for us on the top of a roof with a pastor who is putting the focus on crime. good morning brian and steve. >> absolutely. a lot of people have chosen to be off today. we are highlighting mlk day. where we are with race relations especially when it comes to the inner-city. just a quick note. the one thing chicago has in common with new york is no one's winning in those cities in football and no one is winning in our cities. we just have nothing to do in the first and second city on sundays except watch other people be happy. and i resent it. >> you should be from kansas city, because i am from kansas and i am happy. it's not just all about you. and for the people from tampa bay, they are happy today. the people in dallas, not so happy. meanwhile, you are talking about chicago. let's go right now because close to 60 days, pastor cory brooks has been up on a rooftop. and he is trying to raise money to build a center to turn around that dangerous neighborhood. >> that is exactly right, steve. happy martin luther king day to you guys. before i go to the past, i want to bring you guys the breaking news that we are hearing from our sources. what happen down the street was a carjacking. there was a shooting with this carjacking. what police have found out is that a car that was trying to be stolen, that person was a car jack her as well. that shows you the volatile situation here in chicago. some that were here doing security had to the rush to the scene as well. this is right in the center of this. the man that is leading the charge, this is back here. this is a fire pit that you have. just quickly, your reaction to this shooting they just happen. >> it's unfortunate that this is become normal in the city of chicago. this type of behavior has become the order of the day. we have to continue to work very hard to make sure that we make our city a safer city. this is the type of situation that we definitely should not be tolerating. >> does it ever become just normal? >> i try to make sure that it does not become normal for me. i think that the violence and the crime sometimes desensitizes people. we have to make sure that people know that this is not normal. we should not become desensitized. we should continually keep our efforts going to get rid of the violence, and we have to all continue to do that. >> our audience found your story to be so inspiring. they are giving by the numbers you have been able to tell me some of the stories. how are you able to survive up here. you've got people that want to see it but you've got a fire pit. tell us about what life is up here. >> it's tough. it turned the daytime is pretty bearable. at night he can get cold and chilly when the temperature gets below 10. we made this little fire pit so that we can sit around it and do our fireside chats and our rooftop revelations and we have conversations here and it keeps you warm underneath. sometimes we even cook on a grill. we cooked some vegetables and skewers and we try to do the best we can to make people feel as comfortable as possible being on the roof on the south side of chicago. you know, it's tough, but we've got to do it. we have to get this center built and there is no other way. >> just a quick update on how the funds are doing. tell the audience how's it going? >> we are trying to raise $35 million. we have raised almost upward of $2.5 million. we are moving two or $3 million which is really encouraging. we have a $2 million commitment and we are hoping that others ceos and other people from around the country, all of this giving has taken place from people all across the country from all races. this is a great day for people to give toward an effort like this on martin luther king day. >> you can see that pastor on fox. go to to follow that journey. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> thank you, lawrence. what an incredible commitment to endure those nights, 100 nights that he's going to spend therefore project could. thanks, lawrence. >> thanks, guys. >> we are going to turn to the fox weather alert. a winter storm is dumping snow and ice over the northeast this morning after bringing rare wintry mix to the south. millions of americans are under weather alerts and advisories stretching nearly 1,000 miles all the way from georgia up to maine, tens of thousands of americans are now without power along the coast. the storm is forcing the cancellation of thousands of flights over this holiday weekend. let's check in right now with our good friend meteorologist. for our fox weather forecast. good morning. >> good morning. he talked about the power outages. we have over 250,000 americans without power. a lot of them having to do with this winter storm that barreled up the east coast, the southeast. we saw power outages as well as tornadoes in florida as well. we are going to continue to monitor that. when temperatures are below freezing across the carolina, the ports of the atlantic in the northeast, this becomes a dangerous storm. it's a holiday. a lot of people are not traveling. they need to be off the roads. we have half an inch of ice and the roads in the power lines over the weekend and still looking at the massive storm, very powerful move up towards new england and eventually into canada. we are going to be doing with this for the next 12-24 hours. interior sections where you will see the snow pile up. along the coast, it's too warm for snow. it's a wind driven rain. that is exactly what is happening really from portions up toward new england where we have high wind mornings. we are talking about winds in excess of hurricane force. boston, you could see winds up to 60 to 70 miles an hour. this will force all of that water. of that is why we have coastal flood advisories. we have had it all. without tornadoes and ice and heavy snow across the south, record-breaking snow. another wind gusts along the coast. download the app. we will bring you the very latest and forecast details. back to you. >> thanks so much, janice, the cities with experience -- officials in the united kingdom arresting teens in connection to the texas synagogue sees in the investigation goes international. the development comes after saying the attack did not target the jewish community. really? joining us live at the latest. >> that is right, there is some u.k. connections to the horror that happened over the weekend at the synagogue. a gun and took four people hostage including the synagogue rabbi and held them for 11 hours until they were able to flee and the gunman was killed. two teens allegedly linked to the incident were arrested by british police and the city of manchester overnight. the hostage taker was identified, a 44-year-old british national. he was demanding the release of a convicted terrorist held in a prison not far from the synagogue. reports are he flew into jfk a few weeks ago on a tourist visa, not on a terror watch. his brother saying in part, we would like to say that we as a family do not condone any of his actions and would like to sincerely apologize wholeheartedly for all the victims involved in the unfortunate incident. the rabbi said in part, i am thankful and filled with appreciation for all the vigils and prayers and love and support. although law enforcement first responders and all of the security training that helps save us. he added, he's happy to be allowed. officials did say at first, there was no link to anti-semitism in the act, they now say the jewish faith was a target for the hostage taker apparently bought his gun after arrival in the states. here is what president biden had to say. >> allegedly, he purchased it on the street. what that means, i don't know. there are so many guns that have been sold of late, it is just ridiculous. it's because of the failure of us to focus as hard as we should and consistent as we should on gun purchases, gun sails, and a whole range of things i'm trying to do. >> that dead suspect might have had some experience in buying guns. his brother told a reporter here in the u.k. that he had a criminal record. we do not yet have confirmation of that. a lot more investigating to do. >> all right, live in london with a very latest. thank you very much. talking about the rabbi, he credits the fbi. the fbi came in a period of time i go into the synagogue to show them about live shooter training and the rabbis said he encourages others in similar situations to get the same stuff. he's in the last hour when they were taken hostage, the gunman was increasingly getting belligerent and said without the instruction, they would not have been prepared to act and run in this situation presented itself. the situation presented itself when the fbi's elite hostage rescue team came in and saved the day. now, that's great. but initially -- this was a head scratching. initially, the fbi said that this guy was not targeting the jewish people. you know what? the fbi says it was a terrorism related matter, which is the way a former new york state democratic assembly man says it should have been seen in the first place. >> anti-semitism unfortunately is alive and growing. for the fbi to do what it did, they need to explain this to the american people. they need to explain this to the jewish community. this is the most bizarre thing i have ever seen when it comes to anti-semitism. i synagogue -- attack the synagogue by someone who is trying to flee a terrance beard something very, very common in the middle east that israel deals with all that's on. for the fbi to say this was not about the jewish community, it was about the. >> good for him. it was about the jewish community. it's also about international terrorism. terrorist came from england. this is embarrassing for the administration, brian and steve. they spent the last year trying to convince the american people that the biggest threat to america our domestic terrorist like white supremacist who actually don't agree with joe biden and in fact this last week the doj started a new division to investigate all these white supremacists that are running around. they should have known, brian, that this could have happened because after the hold the bikee debacle, you just empowered andd so many more terrorists, because this was emboldening to them to see your embarrassing humiliating and deadly exit from afghanistan. you left billions of dollars are weapons for the taliban. this should have been expected. instead of focusing on our border and our visas which is apparently how this man -- this british man got in, they have been focusing on january 6th and domestic terrorist. here we go. i believe that is why they were so slow to come to admit what this really was. >> they wanted to blow up new york with a dirty bomb. she should be -- you go ahead. go threaten cuba. instead, texas under siege because this woman has kept it in a super max prison. the fbi blew it with their communications. obviously, very adept at diffusing that situation. that's pivotably cannot talk about domestic politics. one year since joe biden took office. and really since he started over 50% approval rating and gradually dropped. nothing else are they more than his disastrous exit from afghanistan and the way he continued to point it as a success. reportedly, you can't bring it up in the white house. you look at his handling of covid-19, you see disaster. he says you've got it all wrong. we've got child tax credits. the bipartisan infrastructure bill which by the way, president biden defused right away. we passed this bipartisan bill. i'm going to put it up for a boat until i get billed back better. then he had to walk that statement back and it has been that keystone ever since. he said, hey, democrats, emphasize the good, not the bad, hey, listen. speak out i think a lot of the democratic base is not been told or informed of the things that president biden and this congress has accomplished. to me, those are the things that if i'm a democrat, i'm much more care about that than some word in a dictionary that children are going to bed with a full stomach and a warm house. i care that somebody hourly worker is not sitting there working away at $7.25 an hour. in south mississippi, -- those are real accomplishments. there is something that you can run on. you don't talk about what you didn't get. democrats wind too much, chuck. quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight and tell people what you did. tell people the exact truth. >> keeps saying unemployment when most people are not working. keep saying it is going great even though inflation is 7%. you got a raise about the race is not counter but the rise of inflation is. that's why he's getting 38% approval rating when it comes to the economy. you can sit there a lot of the american public in his ridiculous rugby t-shirt. i don't know if someone surprised him with this tv appearance or if it snuck up on him or it came up the playing field. i thought "the new york times" had an era tour health that i think encapsulated joe biden right now. about last week and last year. the tribulations of joe biden, kyrsten sinema humiliated him. the supreme court blocked him. vladimir putin's going to him. fight him, covid stopped him. that is president joe biden, steve. >> the problem for president joe biden is he had such lofty dreams a year ago. fast forward to this week. just look at everything that has gone haywire. to trillion dollar bills back better. it's not going to happen. no clear path on voting rights despite that fiery speech in atlanta. covid is at record high numbers. it it is sweeping through nursing homes again at a very high number. the borders amount to inflation of 7%. we haven't seen that for 40 years. now, rasha is talking about a new cold war. ultimately, i get why james was saying. americans are in a bad mood because of coronavirus and everything else. how do you sell the good stuff to a country, not in a receptive mood. you need to promote and gloat. that is why he said talk about the stuff that we have passed. unfortunately, this stuff that joe biden is talking about ad nauseam is stuff that has no chance. you are talking about the infrastructure bill. that passed with bipartisan support of both houses. now he's talking about things that only one party is interested in doing, rachel. he's talking about blowing up the filibuster to get something done. people who do not approve of joe biden which is the majority of the country. 76% say they would like him less if billed back better passes. if i was joe biden, i'm thinking, do i really want to push that? maybe i should talk more about infrastructure. >> do you know which demographic likes him the least? that's been a sucker for him. that poll came out to add to all the bad news. look at the weather we are facing right now. heating costs are up 125%. people feel that. you can't just tell them as jen psaki said, rainbows and unicorns and bunnies, they have to buy food every day. they know darn well that the fact that he shut down and declared a war on american energy on his first day, they are not stupid. they have connected the dots between our energy and not being number one in the world and our inflation costs. the fact that he's printing money in the fact that he wants to keep spending money at these record levels. they know exactly who is to blame. it looks like the press has finally caught up. i think that will be the really interesting thing to happen on wednesday it has press conferences. as the press going to ask the tough questions? the american people know exactly what they want him to do. he is just not willing to do it. he is beholden to aoc. we will have to move on. i attribute to martin luther king jr. who he credits for enabling every american including himself to access the american dream. ♪ ♪ ♪ and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> we are back with some headlines that we start with the fox news alert. north korea launching long-range missiles into the sea overnight. of these images are from the third launch just days ago. japanese officials say the missiles landed outside the exclusive economic zone and is condemning north korea's actions and threats to peace. the woman pushed in front of a subway train is identified as michelle. simon marshall showing no emotion as he allegedly shot of the 40-year-old, the victim with a senior manager at a top consulting firm and volunteered as an advocate for the homeless. those are your headlines. back to you. >> thank you very much, actually. a powerful ef 2 tornado left a trail of damage across southwest florida. the storm destroying dozens of homes and businesses 24 hours ago. at this hour, hundreds of people around fort myers are without power. it all happened in congressman byron donalds area. congressman, what is the very latest numberwise with the number of people who are not in their homes this morning? >> we are still trying to get a final count to everybody that will be displaced. this tornado is something that we get tornado warnings every now and again. we haven't seen a touch down in my time here for 20 years. it has been longer than that. we try to get a final assessment. it looks like about 68 of our homes may not be livable at this point. we really wanted people to try to contact the red cross and get as much assistance as they can. we will get all the help that you need and we will try to help those people get to the next place where they can move on with their lives. we are actually really happy that we are not getting reports of loss of life. that is always a blessing. now we are trying to understand what the full damages. >> on this monday morning even though it is a holiday, working the phones to make sure everyone gets the help they need. yesterday, maxine waters was talking about 2 democratic senators who don't seem to be on the same page as the balance of her caucus. watch this. >> we have 2 democrats, manchin has sinema, and they are holding up the democratic agenda. they have decided that they are going to stick with support of the filibuster. they don't care about minorities. they don't care about blocks. they don't care about people. in their own districts where they are going to deny their voting rights. >> congressman, what do you make of what she had to say? >> i think it is completely outrageous. it is not based on facts. the reality is what she and what the democrats want to pass by breaking the filibuster, something they have defended every single year that the senate has been in existence up until right now. what they want to do is just basically have the federal government take over all elections in the united states. if you think that is the democratic agenda, i completely disagree with you. i think they are doing the right thing by maintaining a filibuster because its purpose is to protect the minority of voices in the united states senate. we are not a pure democracy. the filibuster is one of the mechanisms that helps to maintain the republic. >> right. today is martin luther king jr. holiday, a federal holiday. i know, congressman, you feel that thanks to, you know, his message back in the '60s, you are able to be where you are today. >> without question. i think that, you know, his efforts, his leadership, though he led with courage, the way he lead with love, you know, that is the thing that helped spur our country to where it is right now. we are always striving to be that more perfect union. we have actually accomplished that in leaps and bounds over the last 70 or 80 years here in the united states. we still have places that we want to get better. there's no doubt about that. the key thing to understand is that his legacy is in the true progression of america. the thing that allowed people like myself to be able to have a real shot at the american dream. countless others who are not going to be on tv screens who are living that dream out every single day. the fact that they are raising their families in harmony and peace in communities that aren't all homogeneous black communities but all across the community is proof positive of that. >> thank you very much for joining us today. >> any time. >> you bet. 8:30 here in the east. another daggett deadly weekend in chicago. lawrence jones is live on top of a roof. actually, it's on top of a number of shipping containers with a pastor on a mission to build a center to stop the violence. >> we have been telling you about the crisis in chicago all morning. the one that is leading the charge says that this program works, meet the young man that went through the program, changed his life. we will talk more on "fox & friends." >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone 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power along the coast and thousands of flights have been canceled. let's check in right now. our fox weather forecast. boy, do we need you this morning, janice. >> thank you so much. download the app and we will give you the latest in america's weather. this one was a doozy. it started out in the plains and moved across the mississippi and tennessee river valley. brought records note the south carolina, north carolina and we are still dealing with the snow and ice and then ran along the coast. this is a bona fide nor'easter as it crawled up the coast last night. the temperature we could see along the coast are too warm for snow. it is mainly a wind driven rain event. 16 miles per hour along the coast, parts of new england including the boston area's could get when bust of 70 miles per our way. you can see the future track. the storm itself northward into canada. we will see some leftover snow over parts of the mountains, the great lakes and down toward the appalachians where we have winter weather advisories. these will be posted throughout the day as the storm wraps up and moved. we could still see parts of new england. over 200 thousands of people without power including the carolinas and georgia up towards mid atlantic and temperatures are cold. that is what i am concerned about. listen to your officials and weather forecasts as well. back to you. >> we might talk about navigating the ice. that old segment is still on 2021 was one of the deadliest years in chicago's history and this year is off to a violent start. at least 4 people were killed in the 17-year-old boy was among 19 others heard in shootings this weekend. as check in again with lawrence jones. day 58 of the pastors 100-day mission. >> brian, thanks so much. pastor, devon and brian were part of the program. we have seen what they have been able to make of their life. >> brian has been with us since he was at 12 years old kid. he went out to school, howard law school. he's backed helping us hold time our programs. devon is the poster child for what we are trying to do. he is working for our wonderful company. construction here in the city of chicago. he's doing a great job. >> you see what's happening in this city. what was this program able to do to change your life? >> it was very expanding and they gave me a broader look at construction side. i came from doing real estate initially. first, i was pushed a little bit. once i open my mind and i decided to take it on as a challenge, it was one of the best decisions. he is the ceo of reconstruction. he connected me with this gentleman. he reached out to me offering me a position with the company. learning how to do hands-on construction was something i was not open to it first. i'm really glad that i made that stop and push forward and went along with that. >> salome, why didn't you choose the streets? what made you decide that you were going to choose this route instead of the other route? >> a block away from here, i witnessed a lot of my friends lose their lives to the streets and the violence. some lost their way just due to the fact that they were products of their environment. i told myself that if i could make a way, then i'm going to make a way someway somehow. that was not blocking myself out of different opportunities, anything that presented itself, take it on as a challenge. i could give myself a chance. >> tell me about your story. you are here running health and wellness. you grew up in the church. >> i grew up in the church year since i was 12 years old. it graduated high school here and went off to attend howard university. i was in politics for a while and i got sick of parachuting into communities. after covid, i had an opportunity to evaluate the impact and wasn't really happy with. what i have accomplished so far, it really provided me an immediate opportunity to serve directly. it is an immediate need and situation that really requires all of it. it's really great for the opportunity to serve the community that i grew up in. >> why is your group so important? >> may not have opportunities the high opportunities. it is important because we are stopping violence. the statement that poverty ran in his family. that is exactly what we are trying to do. alleviate poverty and violence. programs like ours, organizations are so important to our community to get rid of these ills that we are facing. we made up in our mind we are not gonna wait up on government or anybody to fly in and save us. we are going to solve the problems with positive solutions and help young black brothers to change their community and their lives forever. >> poverty versus poverty mind-set. my dad is a truck driver. even though we were growing up poor, don't have the poverty mind-set. speak to that. >> we want to make sure that individuals know that just because you grew up in the hood, the hood does not have to be with you. it does not mean that you cannot succeed, that you could not achieve, that if you put hard work in, if you are committed and courageous, you can achieve the american dream that everyone is out to get. that is so important for all the young men in our community especially those who are committing these violent crimes. we have to find a way to put them on a different path. >> we want to say thank you to the audience. the stories that you guys have been funding this program. you have been tuning in on to see the story and what is happening here on this roof top. i think this is really going to be the turning point for chicago. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> great reporting. everybody, thank you very much. 18 minutes now before the top of the hour. the one and only unfiltered coming up next. >> staff sergeant randy -- >> we are here today to read the names of those. so many americans signed up because of what happened on 9/11. they gave their lives for our country. >> reading the names of all of our fall and is going to ensure that americans never 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already jumping ship with a new analysis revealing nearly triple the amount of jobs offered to residents who don't even live there. hosts of unfiltered and florida residents move from new york to florida. he joins us now. i am seeing this all over the place. obviously, you are in florida. the floridians are saying you can calm, but don't you bring your politics here. >> let me throw this out. my liberty loving libertarian conservative. you do you. we are not tyrants like you. i don't want to crush your free speech or where to live or where not to live. i've said this multiple times. this what i don't understand. you claim to hate on us. we think liberals are people with bad ideas. liberals think we are bad people with ideas. that is why they called us all these nasty names all the time and comparisons to and terrace s we are racist. if you really believe that which you don't because you are a bunch of phonies and always have been, why do you want to be our neighbors? everyone take a moment and take a few seconds to think about that. why do you want to live near us? we don't want to live near you. nobody i know, exactly zero people i know are relocating from florida back to maryland or new york. nobody. i can name probably 100 names right now of people i just saw at this party i was out this weekend with my daughter they can't wait to move to florida. we don't want you down there. we are not going to be mean. we don't try to silence you and attack you and burn your buildings down. but i don't understand. you voted for your communist utopia. you have it and you can't get the hell out of there any faster. just stay where you -- why come down and ruin our places. it is not just state to state. it's happening counties. just ask frederick county maryland. what happened with all the montgomery county people moved up and destroyed frederick county. this is happening within states. stay where you are. why do you want to live near us? >> is happening from blue state to blue state. i know a lot of people who live in new jersey. i don't want to work in new york anymore. not because of covid, they are afraid they are going to get mugged on their way to their office in new york city. you and i both know has become unlivable. it is just an unlivable place. >> of the saddest part of this whole thing is we know what works. there was a police officer in new york city when broken windows policing was implemented. to take care of the small stuff, put people in jail and the big stuff goes away. they don't want to do it. x like you want the body bags. people vote for this stuff. this new d.a. ran on this. he said we are going to decriminalize resisting arrest. i can just tell the cop i'm not getting arrested today, officer smith or whatever your name is. have a nice day. the guy won by 60 points. you understand, you voted for this. what is wrong with you? you voted for it. >> they voted for it. such a great point. you get me wide awake in the morning. thank you for joining us this morning. have a great time in florida. i wish i was there. all right. tennis star is back in serbia this morning after getting kicked out of australia. they travis reacts next. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. expand your limits in the 2022 lexus gx with apple carplay support. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 gx 460. ♪♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> good morning. we're learning more about this incident in the synagogue in texas. how deep does this plot run? serious crimes of murder in new york city. why were these suspects on the street? is your government hoarding to make the white house look good? that as that allegation by by a leading governor. they begin a brand-new week. we will see you then at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> is back and home in this country of serbia this morning after being deported from australia. the tennis superstar who is not vaccinated against covid said he's "disappointed" but respects the court ruling that ended his hopes of defending a title and winning an all-time number of grand slam spirit he thought he was going to get a hero's welcome when he came back. he didn't get that. how is he being viewed? >> i think it depends on where you are asking is even being viewed? in australia, he became a political pawn. he was a convenient target to help to change the overall narrative and focus in australia appeared in serbia, people love him. in most of the world, a lot of people wanted to see him play in the australian open. he's one of the greatest tennis players of all time. it really depends to a large extent on how your country is right now. that is a stand-in of your opinions who became an easy representation of people who don't take covid too seriously or people who have recognized that covid is never going away and it is time to get back with your life. i think australia wildly overreacted. i don't think the country is any safer at all than they would have been if he had been allowed to stay and play in the tennis tournament. >> they have 13 million locks down in china. how's that going? australia is getting slammed by the virus. sweden gets slammed by the virus. the virus is calling all the shots spirit of the french open who have mandated vaccines -- the italians have mandated vaccines. the french open is next. is he going to be allowed to play? i don't think so. they will demand to get vaccinated. >> i hope by this summer we will be in a different place. some of the craziness surrounding our response to covid is going to begin to vanish. most of what we have done has been relatively unimpactful. if we look at all that data, we like to convince ourselves that social distancing and mask wearing. washing your hands. we had 15 days to stop the spread and we are all about 700 days in to 15 days to stop the spread. i don't believe that very many of our actions have had very many impact at all. if you look at the american sports league, they are deciding testing isn't making very much sense at all. nfl playoffs are underway. no one is testing positive. nba is rolling back its testing. the idea that we could test our way out of this situation is also disappearing. the virus has shown that the virus is gonna virus and much of our responses, the worst response of all which has been taking kids out of school have not really changed in any way that spread over all of covid. >> you have aaron rodgers locally. kai rearming, he said i'm just not getting it. i will only play away games. it depends on where you are at. he's a hero or villain. aaron rodgers, the same thing this year. it's just amazing how the sports world is not immune. >> what i would say too, also, brian, you shouldn't be required to get a vaccine. almost none of them were willing to speak out and say anything publicly in his defense because they are all afraid of being targets themselves. the same reason why aaron rodgers and kai rearming are comfortable speaking out is because they have guaranteed contracts and they are very good at their sport and they know that there can be no significant consequences in terms of cutting them. there's lots of guys out there on nfl rosters on nba rosters who are barely keeping a job. the last thing they want to do is make themselves a target and put their own jobs at risk. you need big time superstars to speak out. in order to get back to a place of normalcy. >> top story. >> people are crazy about the nfl. we are set for our final four. people can't get enough of nfl playoff action. >> thanks so much. clay travis, i appreciate it. rachel, you have a bit special birthday announcement. >> she is beautiful, she is smart and is determined and strong-willed as your dad. happy birthday, isabel. congratulations on raising such a great girl. >> absolutely. to his wife and to his wife, paula was a wonderful mother and a great cook i might add as well, brian. >> joined me on radio. see you tomorrow. >> bill: culminating in a heart stopping escape. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. "america's newsroom." in fact, there were fewer hostages than there might have been because they were doing a lot of this on the livestream. >> bill: as we watched this, too, dana, we also saw an initial reaction to this as being rather what would you say stand offish when

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U S , Fox Friends , Friends , Hand , Cold Monday , Rest , Ashley , Steve Murray , Instruction Rachel , Brian , It , Winter Storm Impacting Millions , Norrer , 50 , Fbi , Officials , Connection , Teens , United Kingdom , Texas Synagogue Siege , Griff , Nuts , 60 , Two , Missiles , North Korea , West Virginia , Powerful , Governor , Executive Action , Ground Running , Weapons , Insane , Crazy , South Korean , School , Parents , Care , James Carville , Democrat , Right , Decisions , Education , Kids , Children Sup , Way , Whiny Party , Touchdown , Patrick Mahomes , Snowplow , Middle , Wall , Street , New York , Streets , Snowy , Rainy Day , Albany , Icy , 17 , 2022 , Monday January 17th 2022 , Holiday , Everybody , Guys , Snow , Nothing , Teachers , Outside , Knowledge , Life , Part , Stuff , Shot , Buffalo , Paralyzed Lower , Go To Syracuse , Minnesota , Wisconsin , Thing , Martin Luther King , Day , Frederick Douglass , Booker T Washington , One , Northeast , Alveda King , Byron Mcdonald S , Inspiration , Military , Congress , Jr , Somebody , Race Today , Best Selling Book , Observation , Georgia , Ivy League , Carol Swain , Something , Country , States , Line Up , Law , Third Monday In January , Rondell Reagan , 2 , 19 , Pastor Brooks , New York City , Lawrence Jones , Day One , Chicago , Neighborhoods , Roof Top , Sizy , Gang Violence , End , Canning , 28 , 8 , Family , Brother , Victory , Epicenter Violence , O Block , Some , Third Ward , Community , Man , Roof , Journey , Folks , Top , It S Time , Interviews , Charge , Pastor , Ground , Show , Person , Counsel , Studio , Foxnews Com , Message , Daughter , Councilman , Girl , Lawrence , Someone , Mom , Coat , Stand On Crime , Turtle Neck , Fashion Icon , It Doesn T Matter , Look Cool , Janice Dean Tracking The Storm , Fox Weather , Advisories , Ice , Thanks , South , Weather Alerts , Millions , Friend , Mix , A Thousand , Coast , Power , Flights , Thousands , Cancellations , Tens Of Thousands Americans , Georgia To Maine , People , Janice , Janice Dean , Warning , Hundreds Of Thousands , Weather Forecast , Ment , Find New Roads , Temperatures , Power Lines , Portions , East Coast , Foot , Sections , Flood , Nor Easter , Snow Forecast , Classic , Hurricane Force Winds , Brunt , Parts , New England , Track , Upstate New York , Rain Wind , Pennsylvania , Event , Area , Cases , Winds , Flood Advisories , Wind Alerts , Boston , 7 , Water , Safe , Wind Gust Forecast , Well , 30 , 40 , Roadways , Responders , Fox News Alert , Reason , Knee Stay , Jewish Community , Teenagers , Investigation , Attack , Development , Texas Synagogue , Synagogue , Fort Worth , Links , Rabbi Saturday , Greg Palkot , Four , Gunman , Police , Incident , Manchester , 11 , 44 , Tourist Visa , Terrorist , Release , Terror Watch List , Prison , Link , Jfk , Anti Semitism , Target , Attacker , Faith , Congregants , Emergency Training , Regrets , What Biden , Guns , Arrival , Gun , The Street , Don T Know , Shear , Lot , Things , Gun Sales , Terror , Sides , Range , Failure , Gun Purchases , Ghost , Groups , Counter Terrorism Police , Individuals , Atlantic , Lone Wolf , Visa , Criminal Record , He Wasn T , Breg Palkot , London , Rabbi , Terrorist Watch List , Have Criminal Record , Situation , Training , Shooter , Rachel , Lives , Type , Fact , Statement , Will , Boy , Pete , Jews , Members , Rise , Clip , New York State Assemblyman , Claims , Sake , Synagogue By Chun , Deals , Middle East , God , Anti Still , Israel , Say Na , Ways , Matter , President , Terrorism , Kidding , Task Force , Biden Pivots , Everything , Woman , Texas , Hell , Yes , Al Qaeda , Terrorists , Mutant , Everyone , Minds , Zl , Sim Bios Sis , Gitmo , You Don T , Back To The Future , Pivot , Polarization , Details , Information , Let S See , Act , Learning , Plus , East A , Aggression , Cheese , 6 , 13 , Party , There , Chuck , Martin Luther King Day , Voya , Last Thing On My Mind , Homework , Video Games , Retirement , Most , Solutions , Somebody Else S Problem , Workplace , Wifi Password , Benefits , Here You Go , Well Invested , Vehicle , Premium , Lineup , Grade , Mass Market Brands , Sales Satisfaction , Gmc , 1 , Recording Artist , Elodia , Students , Internet , Comcast , Emmanuel , Projectup , 10 , 10 Million , Tools , Possibilities , Billion , 1 Billion , Ash , Sea Of Japan , Japanese , Territory , Actions , Personnel , Pacific Command , Threat , Throats Peace , Launch , Images , Exclusive Economic Zone , Three , Saying , Weekend , Death , Mayor , Quote , Subways , Platform , Heinous Act , Times Square , New York City Subway , 107 , Fear , Crimes , Witness , Subway System , Perception , Simon Marshall , Emotion , Homes , Tornado , Trail , Sunday Morning , Dozens , Tracks , Executive , Damage , Southwest Florida , Ef , Businesses , Playoffs , Home Win , Chiefs , Steelers , Injuries , Nfl , Fort Myers , Ben Roethlisberger , Game , Turnovers , Touchdowns , Eagles , Buccaneers , Win , Tom Brady , Story Sunday , Tampa Bay , 31 , 5 , 15 , Woe , Play , Watch , 49ers , Dallas , 49 , Oh My Gosh , Dak Prescott , Ball , Calm Down , San Francisco , 23 , Attempt , Cardinal , Scratching Head Running Fly , It Niners Matchup , The Rams , Matchup Wheen , Administration , Headlines , Plays Brady And The Bucs Next Sunday , Average , Presidency , Withdrawal , Talk , Out Of Nowhere , Disarray , Blast From The Past , Strategist , Reboot , Whiny , Listen , Base , Nbc , Mother , Word , Dictionary , Children , Worker , Stomach , Bed , House , Louisiana , 7 25 , Democrats , Accomplishments , Sign Up Bonus , 700 , 00 , Order , Rugby Game , Spot , Truth , Chance , Interview , Maureen Dowd , New York Times , Suit , Tie , Voting Rights , Points , Plan , Path , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Inflation , Hospitalizations , Voter Integrity , Race Relations , Border , Covid , High , Encounters , Flattening , Washington , Anything , Cbs , Poll , Numbers , Challenges , Listener , Afghanistan , Russia , Nobody , Unemployment , Employers , Starbucks , 63 , 3 , Say , Products , Places , Turn , Anyone , Cycle , 24 , Letters , Build , Senators , Lawmakers , Messaging , Letter , Tests , Surge , Therapeutics , Number , Mind , Majority , Money , Economy , Run , 76 , Anniversary , Experience , Job , Virus , Donald Trump , Haven T , Accomplishment , Infrastructure , Sun Side , Atlanta , Method , Speech , Page , Martin Luther King Center , Wall Street Journal , Peggy Noonan , Grocery Store Bill , Houses , Special , Stomachs , Heating Costs , Bellies , 125 , Success , Side , Arrest , Fixed Income , Ledger , Hot Damage Stand Offat Sex Senegal , Winter Storm , Case , Pittsburgh , Report , Weather Team , Guest , Radicalization Of Islam , Life Look From Heinz Field , Wreaking Havoc , Asthma , Nunormal , Help , Reactions , Face , Breathing Problems , Swelling , Nucala , Add On Treatment , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Headache , Back Pain , Fatigue , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Asthma Specialist , Tongue , Trouble , Mouth , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Pay , Limu , Limu Emu Squawks , Car Insurance , Liberty , Personal Record , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Room , Lots , Singers , Career , Opportunities , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Song , Difference , Katie , Latest , Fox Weather Media , 12 , 2010 , Weather , Crumbles , Roads , Snowplows , Bit , News Conference , Age , Senior Meteorologist , Plows , 70 , North Carolina , Southeast , Mississippi River Valley , Areas , Terms , Snow Events , Blow Freezing , Ohio , Arkansas , 14 , South Carolina , Ice Reports , Weather Event , Quarter , Isn T , Rain , Anywhere , Storm System , Freezing , Mid Atlantic , East , Back To You , J D , 34 , Zuhdi Jasser , Dr , Citizen , Suspect , Arrests , Hostage Attack , American Islamic Forum For Democracy , No Doubt , Line , Movement , Others , Cause , Chemical Attacks , Officers , Agents , Army , Documents , Celeb , Sheikh Mohammed , James Foley , Prisoner Swap , Islamic , Taliban , Isis , Kayla Mueller , Group , Terrorist Flies , America Rallying Muslim Matters Org , Communities , Many , Edges , Turning Point , Verge , Nancy Pelosi , Don T Get Justice , Conspiracy Theories , Et Cetera , Issue , Invocation , News , Mention Problems , Authorities , Terrorist Incidents , Europe , Odds , Youth , Aspects , Paris , Belgium , 16 , Adults , Family Members , Edge , Telegraphing , Pattern , On A Mission , Crime Records , Police Lights , Crime Scene Tape , 38 , Change , Crisis , Epicenter , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Project Hood , A1c , Risk , Events , Weight , Heart Disease , Stroke , Don T Take Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Needles , Pens , Share , Reuse , Reaction , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Lump , Neck , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Pancreatitis , Provider , Changes , Kidney Problems , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Prescription , 25 , Ancestors , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Itching , Pain , Burning , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Gift , Symptoms , Skin , Vaccine , Ability , Roof Top Revelation , 100 , 58 , 2021 , Call , Skyline , Enterprise , Campaign , Attention , Heart , Place , Opportunity , Neighborhood , Network , Headline , Story , Households , 80 , Paint , Ward , 80 , Parent , Fatherlessness , Carriage System , Graders , Reading , Fifth , Drugs , Predictor , Gangs , Niece , Climate , Leadership , Brothers , Cops , Pastors , Side By , Criminals , Police Department , Relationships , Trust , Interaction , Distrust , Policies , Confusion , Estate , Situations , Being , West Side , South Side , Chaos , Led , Environment , Kim Foxx , D A , Blog , Positive , Police Reform , Crime , Speaker Gingrich , Uncle Next , Crack Down On Cops , Unbelievable , Nation , History , Applause , Demonstration , Freedom , Rhythm , Breaking Point , Best , Nutrients , Emergen C , Blend , Employees , Vacation Request Approvals , Suite Special , Vacation Request , Emergen C Aloha , Style , Schedule A Demo Today , Software , Single , Hr Data , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Um , Legacy , I Have A Dream , Color , I Have A Dream Today , Content , Character , Uncle , Contributor , Chair , Afb , 93 , Memory , Rife , Hope , Love , School Parents , Birthday , Elderly , Food , World , Prayer , Little Known Quote From My Uncle , Words , Midst , Courage , Apple Tree , Circumstance , Who Didn T , Racism , Arguments , Covid Shot , Sisters , Fools , Blood , Brothers And Sisters , 26 , Kind , Tomb , Miss , Another , King , Source , Jack Brewer On , Wedlock , African American Community , Rights , Issues , Times , Jack Brewer , Womb , Little Baby Born , Peripherals Clyde Will Imminent , Fathers , Father , Jack , Baby , Babies , Fatherhood , Birth , Around The World , Epidemic , Arelessness , Impact , Big Show , God Bless , God Bless You , Safety , Technology , Beeping Warning , Silence , Tacos , Emergency Braking , Automatic , Chevy Equinox , Six , Tool , Pivoting Metal Head , Style Master , Hair Care Products , Versatility , Stubble , Comb Lengths , C Gillette , Chevrolet , Work , Animals , Myasthenia Gravis , Treatment , Activities , Dinner , Family Photos , Fda , There S Industrial Grade , Analytical Software , Flight , Assembly Lines , Music , Data , Neurologist , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Walls , Threats , Insurance , Doug , Sec , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Hundreds , Glenn Youngkin , Storm , Action , Newly Meanted , Fund Meng , 1200 , Promises , Will Community , Oh My God , America Hello , Bad News , Heinz Field , Fans , 42 , 21 , Home , Everywhere , Sad , Quarterback Class , Loss , Couple , Kansas , Philip Rivers , Eli Manning , Hall Of Fame , Kansas City Chiefs , Treacherous Travel Day , Martin Luther King Jr S Birthday , Byron Donalds , Little , Both , Snow Day , Zoom , Option , Stay , Updates , Wesley Hunt , Spring Break , The End , O You , Kid , Computer , Shopping , Pandemic Zoom , Supply Chain Stuff , Luck , Coffee Pods , 20 , Tragedy , Center , Roofs , Tents , Ceos , Tent , Challenge , Ceo , Funds , Don T Go Down , Bathroom , Baath , Goal , Long Way To Go , 35 Million , Mission , Audience , Hit , Morning , Website , Service , Get Go , No One , Question , Fundamental , Project Hoodorg , Figures , P , Shooters , Each Other , Behavior , Trajectory , Weather Alert , Suffering , 07 , System , Power Outages , Winter Nor Easter , Freezing Rain , Airport , Tv , Road , Accidents , Trees , Kinds , Holiday Monday Situation , Records , Plains , Bona Fide , Mountains , Snow Event , Appalachians Up , Blowing Snow , Wind Gusts , Winter Weather , Flooding , 200000 , Tornadoes , Artic , Flooding Concerns , Cold Front , Elections , Richmond , Kids Wases , Masks , Crt , Executive Orders , Efforts , The School , Ones , Decision , Upbringing , Mask , Child , Options , Ron Desantis , Well Being , Authority , Guy , Remote Learning , Payrolls , Mask Requirement , Arlington District , Arlington , 82 , Jen Psaki , Visitors , Florida , Staff , Game Plan , School Buses , Lawsuit , Facilities , Sunday , Administrators , Space Suit , Tweet , Transmissible Variant , Loudoun County , Executive Order , West , Matters , Classes , Want , Crt Theory , Oppressor , Unvac Snantd , Faces , Office , Campaign Promise , Steps , Schools , Effect , Counties , Mask Policies , Mask Mandate , Alexandria , Fairfax , Approach , Problem , Fighting , Parade , Fan , Care , Guess What , World View , Curriculum , Answer , Book , Teaching , Kindergarten , Kit , Values , Five , Back , Sentiment , Or Arlington , Official , Ranking , Pressure , Account Being , Principal , The School Boofers , Defense Contracts , Positives , Direction , Systems , School Boards , Mo , Ashley Strohmier , Hostage It Situation , Coleville Synagogue , Furniture Store , Hostages , Charges , Nurse , Attempted Murder , Healthcare Workers , Djokovic , Los Angeles , Appeal , The Open , Tom Brady Giving A Young Noon , Lifetime , Brain Cancer , Vaccine Law , Take A Look , Bucs , Exemptions , Surprise , Q B , Noah , Big Game , Shock , Noah Reeve , One Step Closer , Epic , Speaker , Press , Set , Milestone , Newt Gingrich , Coming Up , East Room , 4 , Comparison , Icon , Lia Thomas , Transswimmer , Major League Baseball , Investors , Markets , Unforeseeable , Gold , Landscape , Potential , Asset , Returns , Big Deal , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Store , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Save , Silent , Criticism , Ncaa , Teammate , Athlete Policy , Swim Team , Jackie Robinson , Chris , Caring , Feel , Mates , Transsports , Jacque Robinson , Washington Examiner Chris , Hi , Swimmers , U Penn Swimming Team , Ramifications , Anonymity , Jackie Robinson Of Trans Swimming Or Sports , Women , Reporting , Team , Lia , Champions , Women Sports , Member , Number One , Anger , Athletic Teams , Resentment , Penn , Civil Rights Hero , Competition , Thinking , High School , Sympathy , Men , Remorse , Peers , Empathy , Sense , Point , Team Rules , Entitlement , Arrogance , Don T , Controversy , Penn Stuff , U Pen , More , Women Team , Correct , Accommodations , Pride , School Colors , Title , Movement Women Sports Mattered That S , It Chris , Measures , Leaders , Crime Crisis , Leader , Substitute Teaching , Head On , Calling , Addition , 68 , Prevagen , Cowboys , Hang On , Elephant , Liberty Mutual , Healthier Brain , Tex , Ooo , Record , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Master , Size , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Experts , Car , Windshield , Vo , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Look , Fox Weather Alert , Rochester , Max Gordon , Water Alerts , Advisory , Snow Drought , Snowy Rochester , 18 , Conditions , Sidewalks , Sidewalk , Buses , Crews , Clearing , Flight Cancellations , Gusts , 45 , Impacts , Western New York , Sight , Epic Snowfall Totals , Course , Totals , Iowa , Power Today , Tens , Half , Appalachians , 450 , Breaking News , Boys , Insult To Injury , Violence , City , Victims , Out Of Control , Audio Check , Awareness , Shooting , Raimondo Lopez , Up On The Roof , Carjacking , Responsibility , Rises , Correction , Tour , Ownership , Church , Champion , Corner , Politics , District , Island , Crime Spreads , Impact Lincoln Park , Impacts Woodlawn , Blind Eye , It Doesn T , Other , Help Push , Jent , Aren T , Arrestedman Lopez , Aren T Alderman Lopez , Check , Sounds , At Night , Police Officers , Realness , Security , Helicopters , City Council , Basis , Perspective , Start Investing , Operation , Projects , City Dollars , Dollar , Patronage , 6 Billion , 16 Billion , One Dollar , Poverty , Action Plans , Cookie Cutter , Alderman , Stories , Programs , Don T Work , Tone , Program , House Speaker , Note , Republicans , Kitchen , Meal , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Sister , The Rock , Chemotherapy , Keytruda , Types , Cancer , Lung Cancer , Medicine , Battle , Patients , Clinical Trial , Immune System , Fight Cancer , Chemotherapies , Immunotherapy , Alk , Gene , Nonsquamous Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Egfr , Eye Problems , Lead , Breath , Chest Pain , Light Sensitivity , Body , Tenderness , Shortness , Cough , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Thirst , Appetite , Rash , Fainting , Weakness , Dizziness , Fever , Urine , Extreme Tiredness , Flushing , Immune System Problems , Chest Area , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Condition , Radiation , Nervous System , Tru , Merck , Approval Ratings , Author , Border Crisis , Pandemic , The Book Beyond Biden , Aagenda , 1984 , Press Conference , Job Of , Bill Clinton , The One , Speeches , Capitol , Identity , Advantage , Worst , Gallup , 9 , Head , Reality , Supply Chain Mess , Walmart , California , Long Beach , 101 , Stores , Failing , Evidence , Shelves , Soviet , Bill Simon , Advice , Joe Biden , Supply Chain , Socialism , Government , Doesn T Work , Wing , Election Law , Election , Ballots , 2500 , Zero , Zero Dollars , Thirty , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , 1968 , 2017 , 1960 , 2 Million , 5 Million , 2 5 Million , 5 Million , Million , 3 Million , 1000 , 250000 , January 6th , 25 , 200 Thousands , 9 11 , Cyp3 , 2 49 , 460 , 125 Million , February 15th , 25 Million , 13 Million ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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protecting kids in school. >> parents have a fundamental right to make decisions for their children'sup bring, their education and their care. >> long-time democrat strategist james carville wants the democrats to stop whining so much. >> democrats whine too much. quit being a whiny party. >> mahomes is going deep down field wide open. going to take it all the way. touchdown. ♪ >> steve: you can see that snowplow in the middle of the street in albany new york. it's got to clear the streets because it's a snowy, icy, rainy day to start this monday, january 17th, 2022. throughout the northeast as you look at albany, and all across america. good morning, everybody, it is a federal holiday. it's great to have you right here on "fox & friends." >> rachel: good morning, steve and brian. great to be here with you guys. you are right it is very cold outside. i'm waiting to see, brian, if my kids are actually going to go to school this morning or not. >> brian: they are tough. your kids are used to this snow. i do not doubt they will be sitting there telling the teachers, get going. this is nothing for us. but knowledge and newark tend to be paralyzed lower. upper that first shot of albany new york, go to syracuse, buffalo, albany, they play in this stuff. they get it. they're like minnesota. they are like wisconsin. they understand that this is part of life there. one thing that's part of life is today is martin luther king day. it's a national holiday and it should be from frederick douglass to booker t. washington. we will salute those who knew him and want to honor him like his northeast alveda king. byron mcdonald's who says he has been inspiration to him. hunt served in the military going ivy league institution somebody going to be running in congress in georgia. is he going to be here live. carol swain best selling book about race today. they will be here and observation of martin luther king jr. >> rachel: great line up. >> steve: it signed into law by rondell reagan in 19 2, something like that. and it is now commemorated all across the country. all 50 states on the third monday in january, which is today. meanwhile, throughout the northeast it is rainy and snowy and sizy. bitterly cold as well. particularly on a roof top in chicago. lawrence jones is live from a roof top in one of that city's most dangerous neighborhoods where pastor corey brooks, we have been which canning in on him over the last 50 or 60 days. camped out as he calls for the end of the stipulates violence. lawrence, i know it's chilly out there. the last time we checked in with him it was 8 degrees. right now it's 28 degrees in chicago. lawrence yeah. some would say that's a victory, brother. good morning, family happy mlk day to you. we are at the epicenter violence in chicago. known as the third ward or o block for folks here in chicago. one man leading the charge is pastor corey brooks. a man on top of the roof, a pastor that is saying enough is enough. it's time for the community to come together and fight the violence in this city. we have been following his journey conducting interviews with him from the studio. but we thought it would be necessary to talk to the pastor in person and see what's actually happening on the ground. we got the pastor and you can follow his journey on he is going to be coming up in the show as well as the counsel councilman. we will be here all morning. >> rachel: what great message. i have a daughter that lives in a city very young girl. i'm happy to see someone taking a stand on crime. i don't want to mom you, lawrence but i really wish you would zip that coat up. >> lawrence: i promise you after this i am going to zip the coat up. i. >> rachel: i know you are a fashion icon. >> steve: look cool. >> lawrence: got to highlight the turtle neck. if you do you will mess it up, rachel. >> rachel: it doesn't matter what you wear, lawrence, you always look good. we will check in later with you on the show as well. >> lawrence: thanks, friend. >> rachel: a major weather storm dumping snow and ice. after bringing a rare wintry mix to the south. millions of americans are under weather alerts and advisories stretching nearly a thousand miles all the way from georgia to maine. tens of thousands of americans are now without power along the coast. the storm forcing the cancellations of thousands of flights over the holiday weekend. we're going to check in right now with meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. good morning, janice. ment. >> janice: good morning. if there is any silver lining it's happening on a holiday. hopefully people are heeding the warning, staying inside. i will tell you we have hundreds of thousands without power along the east coast and with temperatures very cold, that's going to be concerning. people are urged to stay off the roads as well across portions of the south where we had over a quarter of an inch of ice on the roads and the power lines so, this is not done yet the northeast is getting the brunt of the storm with hurricane force winds along the coast and coastal flood advisories as well as over a foot of snow forecast for the interior sections. here is the storm right now crarnging up. this is a classic nor'easter along the coast though it's warm. so we have got a rain-wind event. some ice mixed in across interior sections and then all snow for parts of upstate new york and pennsylvania in towards new england. there is the future track. so it's going to be with us throughout the day today. strong gusty winds are going to be along the coast. flood advisories posted as well. those are your wind alerts and in some cases especially for new england, hurricane force winds. so the boston area upwards of 7o throughout the day today. so that water is going to continue to move inland and there is your wind gust forecast, 30, 40 miles per hour. that's definitely going to cancel flights and going to be problematic on the roads as well, so,be safe. if you don't have to be outside, if you don't have to be on the roads, i would highly recommend you stay indoors and make sure that the first responders are able to get out there and clear the roadways. all right. steve, and rachel, and brian? >> brian: i think every other day someone tells knee stay indoors for some other reason but again you are saying be safe. we are always indoors. >> janice: the weather. i'm the weather person. >> brian: thanks so much, janice, to a fox news alert. officials in united kingdom two teenagers in connection with to the texas synagogue siege as the investigation goes international. development comes as the fbi corrects itself after saying the attack did not target the jewish community. yeah, we know what happened in the synagogue. greg palkot joins us. >> u.k. links to facial hostage-taking at fort worth area synagogue. took four people hostage including the synagogue's rabbi saturday and held them for 11 hours until they fled, the gunman was killed. two teens allegedly linked to the incident were nabbed by british police in the city of manchester overnight. the gunman is a 44-year-old british national. he was demanding the release of the convicted terrorist held in a prison not far from synagogue. reports are he flew into jfk a few weeks ago. he was on a tourist visa and not on a terror watch list and yes while officials did say at first there was no link to anti-semitism, they now say the faith was a target. grateful for all the emergency training he got so he and his congregants could get out alive. brother in the u.k. expresses regrets. the attacker apparently bought his gun after arrival at jfk and shear what president biden had to say about it. >> allegedly he purchased it on the street. now, what that means, i don't know. so many guns that have been sold of late, it's just redick also. and it's because of the failure of us to focus as hard as we should an consistently as we should on gun purchases, gun sales, ghost guns and a whole range of things i'm trying to do. >> and focusing on a lot of terror on both sides of the atlantic. british counter-terrorism police saying they are working with the fbi to figure out exactly whether this was just a lone wolf attack or broader links to other individuals or groups. back to you. >> steve: breg palkot live from london. his brother said how did my brother with a lengthy criminal record get a visa to fly to the united states? you know, he wasn't on a terrorist watch list but he did have criminal record. why did he get that tourist visa. meanwhile, he also just mentioned that the rabbi there said very enful the training they got. the fbi came into that synagogue to train them what to do in essentially a live shooter situation and in the last hour, the gunman apparently was becoming increasingly belligerent and without the instruction rachel the rabbi says they would not have been prepared to act and run when the situation presented itself which is what they did which is what could have saved their lives. >> rachel: taking this type of training because we know they are a target. which is why it is so interesting that the fbi came out so quickly to say oh this has nothing to do with the fact that this is a synagogue that these are jews. this was not anti-semitism. i was on air yesterday with will and pete when that statement came out. boy, we were really taken aback by that and then members of the jewish community came out and showed how upset they were. it's obvious to them when they know that anti-semitism is on the rise right now here is a clip from is a new york state assemblyman he is slamming the fbi for these claims. >> anti-semitism unfortunately is alive and growing and for the fbi to do what it did did though need to explain this to the american people. they need to explain this to the jewish community. this is the most bizarre thing i have ever seen when it comes to anti-still. a synagogue attacked, a synagogue by chun who is trying to free a terrorist, for god's sake. something very, very common in the middle east, that israel deals with all the time and for the fbi to say na, this was not about the jewish community. hey, it was about the jews for god's sake. >> brian: in the a synagogue goes without saying so crazy. the fbi continues to the let us down in some ways and yet so competent in other ways. this is a terrorism related matter which the jewish community was targeted and being investigated by the task force. no kidding. couple things stand out. quickly, president biden pivots to guns, really? are you kidding? should you investigate everything from how the hell he got here to how he got a gun within two days what he was occupy to, yes. should we say be saying why is this woman, the female al-qaeda terrorist even in texas to begin with. that makes everyone in texas susceptible with these warped mutant minds of these terrorists that somehow have a sim bios sis with her. you have to get these people to gitmo. we are paying a zl dollars to have them there. don't pivot to guns. call it as it is. this is the type of polarization says excuse me i'm a little horrified what i just watched this weekend and right the way you have me defending why i need a gun again. back to the future again, steve. >> steve: let's see if police in he can demand have any information about the two teenagers arrested and being questioned and no other details so far have been released. all right. it is 6:13 here in the east a fox news alert. north korea launching two more missiles overnight. what we're learning about this latest act of aggression coming up. plus, would you like some cheese with that wine? >> democrats whine too much, chuck. quit being a whiny party and get out there. if. >> steve: strategist james carville slamming democrats after biden's very bad year. coming up next live on martin luther king day. with my hectic life you'd think retirement would be the last thing on my mind. hey mom, can i go play video games? sure, after homework. thankfully, voya provides comprehensive solutions and shows me how to get the most out of my workplace benefits. what's the wifi password again? cool. thanks. no problem. voya helps me feel like i've got it all under control. because i do. oh she is good. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. [struggling vehicle] think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc. rated #1 in sales satisfaction among mass market brands. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. rated #1 in sales satisfaction 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. ash we are back with a fox news alert. north korea launching two short range missiles into the sea of japan overnight. the fourth such act this month. japanese officials say the officials landed outside its exclusive economic zone and condemning north korea's actions as throats peace. images from a launch three days ago. u.s. in the pacific command says today's launch does not pose an immediate threat to u.s. personnel or territory. and homeless man pushing a woman to her death from a new york city subway platform. heinous act happening over the weekend at the times square stop. new york city's mayor insist the subways are still safe saying, quote: i think it's at 107% crimes occur on the subway system. think about that for a moment what we must do is remove the perception of fear. a witness though recalling simon marshall showed no emotion as he shoved 40-year-old an executive on the tracks. and now to a fox weather alert where a powerful ef 2 tornado lives a trail of damage across southwest florida, the storm destroying dozens of homes and businesses early sunday morning, and right now thousands of people around fort myers are without power. four people are apparently hurt. their injuries are not serious. and to the nfl playoffs as the chiefs get a dominant home win over the steelers in what may turn out to be the ben roethlisberger's last game. patrick mahomes throwing 5 touchdowns in the victory. tom brady and the buccaneers also blowing right past the eagles. tampa bay forcing three turnovers and the 31-15 win. but the major story sunday was dallas falling to the 49ers on the last play. watch. >> takes off running the football, woe, i don't think it's going to work out. calm down. >> oh my gosh official gets in the way. the game is over. >> oh my gosh. that's what everybody is saying, san francisco winning 23-17 after cowboys dak prescott before the ball inspires scratching head running fly time for the attempt to tie the game. sets up a it niners matchup. today would final card matchup wheen the rams and cardinal also determine who plays brady and the bucs next sunday. everybody is worried about tom brady, guys, those are your headlines. >> thank you, ashley. well, steve and brian, the biden administration is coming off, as you know, one of the worst weeks of joe biden's presidency since the disgraceful and deadly withdrawal from average. and a lot of democrats are in disarray right now. what do we do? there is a lot of talk. and there is a blast from the past. somebody coming out from out of nowhere, james carville a long time democrat strategist and he says that part of the problem is that democrats are whiny. and that if they want to do this reboot, they need to start talking about all the good things that they're doing. i'm not sure what those are yet. but let's take a listen to what he had to tell nbc yesterday. >> i think a lot of the democratic base has not been told or informed of the things that president biden and this congress has accomplished. but, to me, those are the things that if i'm a democrat i much mother care about that than some word in the dictionary that children are going to bed with a full stomach and a warm house. i care that somebody, hourly worker is not stlight working away at 7.25 an hour and see these signs all over louisiana, $700 sign up bonus. those are real accomplishments. something can you run on. and, again, you don't talk about what you didn't get. that's what these -- democrats whine too much, chuck. quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight and tell people what did you. and tell people the exact truth. >> brian: james carville just left a rugby game in order to do that quick spot. i guess it snuck up on him he didn't have a chance to break out the suit and tie. what he was say not guilty interview is joe biden did so much they just don't talk about it we know that's not true. we know maureen dowd writes in the "new york times" today that she even points out as much as she wants him do well that he is not doing well. that points out over and over again the things where he has fallen short. if you look at what he has done and not done, the $2 trillion build back better plan is dead on arrival. they will try to rebuild it no clear path forward on the voting rights. it's called voter integrity. try to mix that with race relations. covid hospitalizations have hit a high although they are flattening in washington and new york. the border encounters totally ignoring. inflation up 7%. the failed withdrawal from afghanistan -- he has the challenges with russia. failed withdrawal from average is when his numbers started to plummet and did not come back. what i think is interesting cbs did a poll, listener, if you could tell joe biden to improve anything, what would it be? 63 percent said get inflation under control. he never talks about it. he only talks about unemployment. yeah. but we can't find employers. nobody works. the starbucks are open at 10:00 and close at 3:00. not because they prefer it because they can't get anyone to work. the same thing with target. look at all these places, yeah, you are paying people more. in turn, the products are more expensive, which plays into this whole cycle, just play this game out. and, also, 24% say i prefer you come back with build back better. nobody wants build back better. including the democratic party. and the last thing i will add to this is a 2 letters. one to the biden administration from democrats. 50 lawmakers and senators separate letter. essentially said you should have seen the covid surge coming. where are the tests? where are the therapeutics. where is the messaging? and these are democrats upset with a democratic administration. >> steve: brian, one jaw dropping number out of that cbs u gov poll of people who do not approve of joe biden. and keep in mind a majority of americans do not approve of him given that he is under water on that. 76% say they would like him less if build back better actually passes. because people are seeing how much when you pump all that money into the economy, you know, that's how we wound up with this run away inflation that people have not seen in 40 years. but, so today is the 17th day of january. his anniversary for his first year is three days away. what did he promise? he promised to unite the country. he promised to kill the virus. he has done neither. you know, and what's interesting is one of the other things he ran on was he said if you hire me as president, to replace donald trump, i bring decades of experience to the job. all right. he has had the job for a year now. the decades of experience really haven't paid off because when you look at the things, the major accomplishment he has got really that he is touting is they were trying to pivot on friday, was they are going to talk about infrastructure. which was passed in a bipartisan method and way. but all the big things he is trying to do and the things he is trying to promote, he is just trying to do them with sun side. that's why he was promoting and speaking out in atlanta last week at that voting rights bill down at the martin luther king center down in atlanta, and, brian, you mentioned maureen dowd. peggy noonan over the weekend page of the "wall street journal" wrote with that speech it was so toxic and so one sided and so political. he may actually have damaged his presidency which coming from her says something, rachel. >> rachel: yeah. it's just interesting to me with carville that he would say let's talk about full stomachs and warm houses well, heating costs are up like 125%. and full bellies, well it's hard to do that when your grocery store bill is through the roof. it's special hard on poor people and those on fixed income. i'm not sure what they are going to pivot to when you don't have a lot of success on that side of the ledger, two u.k. teens under arrest in connection with to the hot damage stand offat sex senegal, hear why our next guest says this case highlights the radicalization of islam. a life look from heinz field in pittsburgh where a winter storm is wreaking havoc. a live report from our fox weather team on the ground. ♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. 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>> rachel: thank you, katie. turn now to senior meteorologist janice dean tracking the storm. >> janice: good morning, rachel yeah, this was a doocy a lot of folks from the southeast, mississippi river valley and plant and we still have hundreds of thousands of people without power from north carolina towards west virginia and pennsylvania. that's a problem. because people are blow freezing for a lot of these areas. in terms of top snow events, look at this north carolina, over 15 inches. yaw over 14. ohio, arkansas as well and we are not done yet. we are going to see over a foot for the interior sections of the northeast today. ice reports, that's the really dangerous weather event. we have got over a quarter of an inch on the roads and the power lines in south carolina, north carolina. and as i mentioned with temperatures below freezing, this isn't going anywhere. we will be talking about the storm system throughout the day today. bringing several inches of snow across the interior northeast, rain along the coast and coastal flood advisories from the mid-atlantic all the way up towards new england. steve, we will keep you up to date, my friend, back to you. >> steve: all right, j.d., thank you very much. 6:34 in the east. now, turning to a fox news alert. police in the united kingdom have arrested two teenagers tied to the investigation into the hostage attack at that texas synagogue. the arrests come as we learn more about the suspect. a 44-year-old british citizen who traveled to the u.s. earlier this month. joining us right now with reaction dr. zuhdi jasser, the president of the american islamic forum for democracy. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. good to see you. >> steve: now the fbi says it was a terrorism-related matter: initially they said that the people in the synagogue were not being targeted. now they have amended that what do you make of what we have been able to piece together so far? >> yeah, there is no doubt that he is a terrorist and was a terrorist and thankfully he was extinguished in his attempt. and the bottom line is he is a terrorist because he is part of this, movement found in average. we tried to apprehend her. she shot at our fbi agents and army officers and others. found with documents related to attacks that were being planned in the united states, chemical attacks. she was married into the family of sheikh mohammed and but her cause has become a cause celeb among islamic groups from the taliban to isis that have been trying to get her released. isis even asked to do a prisoner swap with james foley or kayla mueller and ultimately we did not do that. so he flew out to fort worth where this terrorist flies out to fort worth where she is being held. she was recently injured. and the islamist group in america rallying muslim a few months ago said that she is -- her case is on the verge of a turning point. things have been boiling under for many who may not know who siddiqui is, these radical groups radicalize our communities taking edges stream cases obviously guilty and using conspiracy theories and other things to radicalize vulnerable people and say so america is evil and that they don't get justice, et cetera. then have you mainstream groups. steve, a man out of texas who nancy pelosi chose to give the invocation gave a speech two months ago calling for her release. which shows how deeply radicalizing this issue is. >> steve: sure, dr. jasser, this terrorist as you refer to him, his brother said, you know, he has a lengthy criminal record. he has mention problems. how did he get a visa to go to the united states a tourist visa? at the same time, have you the breaking news that apparently the authorities in the united kingdom have arrested and are questioning two teenagers. what's the connection there, do you think? >> well, as we see in every one of these cases back from terrorist incidents in europe, where terrorists might travel, we saw a case back in '16 where one incident happened in paris and they go to belgium all of a sudden weeks later, other friends and family are arrested. odds are within the tribal aspects of the insular community, there is youth and others, adults, family members that may have known something. they knew he was sort of getting on edge. usually as they become more unstable to commit this type of act, terrorists will telegraph it out. saying that he is going to go do something to free the woman. a pattern to show they are telegraphing what's happening. >> steve: let's see if they from the united kingdom release further details later today. dr. jasser, thank you very much for getting up early out west. >> any time, thanks, steve. >> steve: all right. 6:38 here in the east. coming up next, people in chicago are becoming too familiar with police lights and crime scene tape like that. as the city there shatters crime records. lawrence jones is with a man on a mission live on the roof trying to make a change. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, steve, it is a crisis that is hitting all parts of the country but chicago has become the epicenter, the man leading to change that pastor corey brooks with project hood. that's next on "fox & friends." n your type 2 diabetes zone? once-weekly ozempic® can help. ♪ oh, oh, oh, ozempic®! ♪ ♪ oh, oh, oh ♪ ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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"fox & friends" enterprise reporter lawrence jones is joining pastor brooks live from the roof top. lawrence, you guys take it away. >> thanks so much, brian. pastor brooks, thanks so much for being with us this morning. >> thank you. >> lawrence: this is something near and dear to your heart? >> absolutely. >> lawrence: why this campaign. >> we want to bring as much attention to the violence as we can in chicago. it's time that we all do something about it it's so important that we give the children that are young people in neighborhood an opportunity that they haven't been having. and that's an opportunity to have a peaceful place to live and an opportunity to have a peaceful place to change their lives. so it's so important. >> lawrence: all these kids deserve that opportunity. so often it's robbed from them. so for so many people they see it as a headline because it's covered especially on our network a lot. for a lot of members they decide not to cover this story. paint what live is for people in the ward. >> no opportunities. 80% of the households that live right here are single parent households. you are talking about a lot of fatherlessness. you are talking about an he had carriage system that has wrecked the lives of a lot of young people. i run into fifth, sixth graders all the time who can't even read. they are not predictor in reading. so you infuse that with drugs and infuse that with gangs, and you got a volatile situation at any time that can jump off. that's what we are experiencing in niece pockets all across the city of chicago. >> lawrence: pastor, talk about the climate with the community going back and forth with the police right now. it's clear that the community needs the police. they need leadership with pastors like you and brothers walking the street that we have seen before. we need the cops here working side by side. >> absolutely. we should never ever talk about defunding the police. especially here in chicago. that should never be mentioned. if anything, we should be trying to empower them. we should be trying to build better relationships with them. and the police department here is trying to build trust with our community and it's needed because the only way we are going to get some of these criminals off the street is that we have the interaction between the community and the police, so we cannot afford to defund police. we cannot afford to not have interaction with the police. and we cannot afford to have distrust. so those things are essential if we are ever going to turn these neighborhoods around. >> lawrence: it all works together. pastor, talk about the leadership. it seems like they have abandoned the city. come out election time. until it's time for them to campaign. >> here in chicago, you are talking about years of bad policies. you are talking about years of bad leadership that have led to the situations on the south side and the west side being deplorable. to the state of, you see all the confusion and the chaos and the violence. and until we get the leadership in place that's going to make changes, we never going to see the type of environment that is going to be beneficial to outcome people changing their lives. >> lawrence: exactly right. it starts with the mayor as well as the d.a. kim foxx that is allowing these people to come back on the streets. >> amen. >> lawrence: pastor, we will be with you all morning talk about the kids of chicago and fight back what he is doing. check his blog out on follow his journey. donate to project h.o.o.d. send it back to you, brian. >> brian: what a perfect day to donate martin luther king jr. day if people want to do something positive. there you go. lawrence, thanks so much. appreciate it guess what president biden wants to do. he says i'm going to do police reform. fantastic. let's not focus on crime, crack down on cops. unbelievable. speaker gingrich -- alveda king pays tribute to her uncle next. >> go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 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[applause] >> rachel: here to pay tribute to her uncle, fox news contributor and chair of afb. alveda king. great to have you here today. your uncle would be 93 years old today. you, alveda were only 17 years old on the day that he was assassinated. i know that his memory and his legacy has shaped so much of your rife. life. what do you think his message to americans would be today in 2022. >> i believe that if my uncle were here today, he would encourage us to have faith. hope, and love, to care more about others than ourselves. and to serve others. today, on his birthday, i will be visiting communities of the single parents and the elderly and some school parents, people who can't easily get out in this weather. we are having terrible weather in georgia and around america actually and carrying food and hope and prayer. there is a little known quote from my uncle. i may be paraphrasing it a bit. he said if i knew the world was going to fall apart tomorrow, i would still plant my apple tree today. so, in other words, i believe he would encourage us to have hope in the midst of every circumstance, to care about others. now, i believe he would definitely say fear not but to be wise and have courage. but be kind to others as well. i'm thinking about, you know, the arguments about who had a covid shot, who didn't. what color is your skin. what is racism? he would ask us because here is his own quote we must learn live together as brothers and i will add as sisters or perish together as fools. he believed in acts 17:26. we were created of one blood, that's why we could be brothers and sisters. we are in the necessarily colorblind. we can see et miss city and regard it womb to the tomb and care about one another. today, one of the best ways to remember him is to remember others and to be kind to others and to serve others. >> rachel: absolutely. martin luther king did so much for our country. but he was a special source of hope and inspiration for the black community. i'm thinking about back when he was alive, just before he passed away only 24% alveda of black children were born out of wedlock. and today that number is approaching 70%. yesterday, i had the ex-nfl player jack brewer on and he told me thought fatherlessness was the civil rights issue of our times. we hear a lot of other issues being talked about on thousand help the african-american community and, yet, jack brewer said the civil rights issue is -- do you think your uncle would agree with that. >> i have a saying where peripherals clyde will imminent. the sanctity of life from the womb to the tomb, the little baby born. when the baby is born, that mother and father really definitely should both be there. >> jack is so right, fathers have to come back into the central part of the family. and not just the black fathers but all fathers. across america and around the world. fatherhood is very, very important. our babies would be even safer in the womb and at birth if the father and the mother are there united working together to raise them. so, jack, i believe, is on to something. where together it as well. >> rachel: absolutely. you are right to point out father arelessness is not just in the african-american community. it has become a cultural epidemic. alveda, always so great to hear from you. thank you for reminding us about your uncle, his legacy and his impact on our most wonderful country. thank you, alveda. >> thank you. god bless. >> rachel: god bless you. we have a big show still ahead so stick with us. ♪ beeping warning] [silence] how bout tacos? 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limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ >> mainly winter storm is dumping snow and ice over the northeast this morning. >> hundreds of thousands without power. >> this new storm already canceling over 1200 u.s. flights for today. >> griff: newly meanted virginia governor glenn youngkin taking immediate action. >> you have the fund meng right to make decisions for children. >> glenn youngkin is delivering promises that he gave on campaign and day one he will kept them. >> officials in the united kingdom arrested two teens in connection with the texas synagogue siege. >> odds are in the tribal will community. family members may have known something. >> today we honor the life and legacy of dr. martin luther king jr. >> remember he said we must learn to live together as brothers and i will add as sisters or perish together as fools. >> takes off running the football. whoa, i don't think this is going to work out. oh my god. >> it's over. the game is over as san francisco survives ♪ america ♪ hello america. ♪ >> brian: not a good day to be playing football and bad news for the steelers fans they are not. they lost 42-21 yesterday heinz field is the place they call home and that's pretty much what is happening in all of pennsylvania and different parts of the coast. different parts of the east. thankfully, we had rain here but i'm not sure that's happening everywhere else. kind of sad with roethlisberger obviously going to retire after that loss yesterday. kansas city. 42-21. eli manning retired a couple of years ago. philip rivers retired last year. that is it for that quarterback class. but i think all three go to the hall of fame, steve. >> steve: well, let's see. all i know is my kansas city chiefs advance and that's what it is all about. as we look at heinz field though, brian, it's not just snow throughout the northeast, we have a nor'easter going on and we have snow and ice and rain it all depends on how close you are to the coast. and it is, you know, it's a treacherous travel day and so, rachel, it's a pretty good thing that today because it's a national holiday. a federal holiday a lot of people will not be traveling. >> rachel: yeah, a lot of people will not be traveling. my kids actually have school today but just waiting to see if they actually have to end up going or not. as you said, those roads are pretty treacherous, today by the way, both of you. we will be celebrating as you know all day on this show martin luther king jr.'s birthday. his national holiday here and we actually had alveda king, his niece on just a little earlier. we are also going to have congressman byron donalds, wesley hunt and the great carol swain, stay with us for updates on that. >> brian: one thing pretty cool is now that zoom has become an option and no one likes it. is it better than a snow day? so would you rather fire up the zoom, not count it as a snow day in the northeast, o you know, anywhere in the midwest and this way you don't get that taken off your spring break in the end. i'm wondering if the one thing that could come out of the pandemic zoom could be an option to save your spring break. >> steve: but the problem, brian, is the fact that if a kid is using your computer, it is hard to do online shopping. just saying i got mine open right now look for coffee pods. >> brian: good luck with that. >> steve: supply chain stuff. >> brian: we are about to talk about that in a moment about the economy. the real economy and how you feel about it right now i want to check back in with lawrence jones. with him 20 minutes ago. is he back with us. pastor corey brooks and lawrence are up trying to bring attention to the dangerous neighborhoods in chicago and they are in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in chicago. right, lawrence? >> lawrence: good morning, family. happy mlk to you. third ward people were shot and killed over the weekend and there has been 24 people that have been shot around chicago. so, this is where the tragedy is. pastor corey brooks has been the man at the center of this, on top of one of the roofs here. but the i want you had guys to actually meet pastor brooks and see one of these tents in the area. pastor, show us how the life is in the tent? >> come on, in okay? >> lawrence: pastor, you say that this area right here is a lot of ceos, people that donate to the cause. they come out here, right? >> yeah. so it's a ceo challenge we have ceos across america that have been coming like steve murray and others. they come and stay here in the tent and help us to raise funds for great cause. >> it's not just you, although you are here all the time and you are doing this for 100 days. >> yeah. >> other people decided they want to give back. they want a chance of the experience as well? >> absolutely. i'm here for 100 days. i don't go down at all. not even to use the bathroom or take a baath. i do all of that in my tent but ceos we are inner violating them from across america to stay to be a part of the journey and help us do what we are trying to accomplish. >> lawrence: what's the goal. >> our goal is 35 million. we have a long way to go. god has been so good. a lot of the american people have been so good especially on fox giving and we really appreciate it. >> lawrence: because of the fox audience, have you already reached part of your goal. you were telling me earlier that the funds just continue after every single hit because of our audience that believe in the cause. they may not come to chicago but they believe in the mission. >> absolutely. if it were not for the fox audience and fox, we would not be anywhere near where we are. i'm eternally grateful for everything that has happened. we are going to reach our goal. >> lawrence: thank you so much. we will be with the pastor all morning. if you really want to follow this journey because the pass door does this blog every single day, go to and view the blog and see it. back to you to new york. >> steve: lawrence, we have been following him since the get-go since today is a day of service, what is the website so people who are watching can donate? >> the website is project >> brian: pastor, quick question, this is all about gang violence, isn't it? no one is tackle the fundamental of gang violence. the fact is a lot of cops look the other way or p and political figures, gangs are just shooting each other. for some reason that's acceptable. >> yeah. we are saying it's not acceptable. it's not normal for us to just look beyond their behavior. we target specifically gangs, we target those who are shooters and those who are likely to be shot. we have to change the trajectory of their lives if we are ever going to have a great city and a great country. we are focused on them and we are dedicated and committed toward changing their lives. >> steve: and that's why you are up on the roof where it is 28 degrees for 100 days. thank you very much, pastor and lawrence as well. >> lawrence: thank you. >> steve: 7:07 here in the east. turn to a fox news weather alert. thousands of people are suffering through power outages and if you are out at the airport, there is a chance their flight just goes canceled because a major winter nor'easter is slamming the east coast. the powerful system bringing rare freezing rain, snow and ice to parts of the south. weather alert, and advisories warning millions to stay off the roads and stay home and watch tv. there have been hundreds of accidents along the coast. two people are dead after their vehicle went off the road and struck several trees in the median in north carolina. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for the fox weather. janice, portions of the carolina has close to a foot of snow with this thing. >> janice: yeah, foot of snow and over half an inch of ice which is so dangerous. the temperatures are still below freezing in a lot of these areas. so, it's hard to get those roads cleared and it's kinds of a good thing that we are into a holiday monday situation. a lot of people should not be on the roads. we are still dealing with this storm that's really been crank up for the last couple of days started in the plains. snow in parts of south carolina, north carolina. we broke records and there is the storm right now. this is a bona fide nor'easter along the coast it's too warm for a big snow event but interior sections will get over a foot of snow really from the mountains, the appalachians up towards the green and white mountains towards new england. this is going to be with us throughout the day today. not only the snow but the blowing snow. we have wind gusts in excess of 70 miles per hour along the coast. it is shaking things up from new england down towards long. also new york city and your winter weather alerts continue for millions of folks who got over 200,000 people without power and more snow on the way and the blowing snow coastal flooding advisories as well from the mid-atlantic to new england where we have got, you know, all of those winds, the water being pushed up along the coast. that's causing flooding concerns. we have got everything with the storm. actually even had tornadoes over the weekend with the artic cold front. we will keep you posted with fox weather. steve, rachel, brian, back to you. >> rachel: janice, thank you some for that report it looks treacherous if you are in north carolina. stay home and watch tv like steve said: we are going to move over to virginia because one of the signs that people were fed up with so many democrat policies especially in terms of education and how it relates to their kids wases very unlikely elections of glenn youngkin, glenn youngkin as you know was elected. he was sworn in here on saturday in richmond, virginia, and he has decided to get right to work. >> we have -- several executive orders, he said, masks should be not mandatory. it should be up to the parents. he is banning crt in the school. there is lots of other efforts that he is making in terms of crime in virginia as well. here is governor youngkin on why parents should be the ones to decide whether masks are worn or not in school. >> it is clear under law that parents have a fundamental right to make decisions for their children's upbringing. their education and their care. and so we are providing parents an opt out we are providing them the opportunity to make the right decision for their child with regard to their child's well-being. we are going to use all the authority i have to consider all options to protect that right. >> brian: i think this guy sounds a lot like ron desantis. he is not telling you not to wear mask. he is it saying give parents a chance to wear mask or make a decision when it comes to their kids. they know the kids are not learning and payrolls of remote learning but he also knows there is safety. maybe older kid, maybe live with 82-year-old. let the parent make the decisions. arlington, virginia will maintain our current a.p. -- arlington district, will maintain our current mask requirement for students, staff and visitors. masks required inside our facilities and school buses. if this is the same game plan that governor desantis uses in florida, then you will see a lawsuit to make then let parents have a decision. what i think is also interesting is jen psaki had to weigh in i guess on a sunday she was a little bored. she said hi there, arlington county parent here, i don't believe you are glenn youngkin but correct me if i am wrong to thank you for standing up to our teachers and administrators and the safety in the midst of this transmissible variant. she can do whatever she wants, steve. it's up to the governor saying it's up to the parent to make a decision. as the parent, put your kid in a space suit if you want. >> steve: right. glenn youngkin said the fact that the tweet came out from arlington county within minutes of my executive order, that tells me is that they have not listened to parents yet. brian ever. >> steve: one president is rachel, she is out in loudoun county which is to the west of arlington, she thinks it's great what the governor is doing. >> glenn youngkin is delivering on promises that he gave throughout his campaign and on day one he kept them. it all matters to me because it effects our children from the crt theory that he this want to divide our children. they want to put them into separate classes whether they are vaccinated or unvac snantd. whether they are oppressed or oppressor? our children have had enough. i think this is enough. i think our children need to be able to go to school. they need to see each other's faces. they need to be able to understand how to enunciate their words. they need to be able to relate to other people face to face. i'm just thank that. youngkin decided to take these steps. run for office and actually uphold the promises that he made. >> steve: well. he absolutely was trying to honor that campaign promise. but, and so it will be in effect. he got rid of the mask mandate for schools. except in the counties of arlington as we just heard, richmond, alexandria and fairfax. they all say that their mask policies will stay in effect. but, rachel, the governor said i've got some legal options. i'm going to look at things and figure out what i can do to follow through with what i promised. >> rachel: if this is my problem with glenn youngkin's approach. i don't mean to rain on the parade. i'm happy for that parent and i would like to be optimistic. i'm just not that optimistic. and i'm not a fan of his approach. is he going to spend the rest of his time fighting and litigating these schools because, as you can see from the reaction, just to taking off a mask, that they don't care. they are going to do what they want to do. and you can say i ban crt. but, guess what? all of these teachers have been trained in crt. it's part of their whole world view. so it may not show up in the curriculum and they might not show you a book that they are teaching, but it is going to be infused in that curriculum. the real answer to this problem, brian and steve, is not to fund the schools. it's to fund the child. and let the parent. >> steve: that's what he is trying to do pull the money back. >> rachel: if jen psaki wants to mask her child or put her in a space suit, she can send her kid to a school that does that but everybody else will have the money to go to another school that actually meets and matches their values and teaches what they want their child to be taught. that's what i think would be the best answer because if your kit is in kindergarten right now. it's going to take five years before they fix it. >> brian: rachel, i understand your sentiment that's a very practical approach. now when these parents like yourself in virginia or arlington. lean back on a governor that's got your back for the first time in 10 years, 12 years. you could actually say listen, this is the homework. this is banned. that's a problem. hey, principal you have got to be account being. hey, the school boofers you have gotten to accountable. they now have ranking from a high ranking official in virginia. the more pressure you button them. a lot of teachers want snow one has their back. embolden with this curriculum. doing the right thing. even if practically it's not going to render everything that you want it to. when he comes in and says i have 11 executive orders, you know what i say? he is looking at florida. and he is saying, you know what? i'm actually paying my teachers even more here. there is a lot more positives, maybe, money coming from defense contracts and community rather than floral. i see desantis' success i will try to mirror that. he didn't get everything he wanted but you knew exactly where he was, right? >> rachel: it's definitely a mo in the right direction. as the a parent they are busy. they want to don't want to spend time fighting school boards and systems. give us the money we will find a school for our kids. >> brian: we will see if he can do it. >> rachel: we are going to go to ashley strohmier. >> ashley: fox news alert. teens two teens arrested in connection with texas synagogue siege as the investigation into what happens goes international. not much is known about the time. could hostage it situation at the coleville synagogue. a thankfully all hostages were able to escape. 24-year-old briana was working alone at high end furniture store in l.a. when an unknown man stabbed her before fleeing. and an elderly los angeles nurse dies after being attacked by a homeless man. the suspect has been arrested on charges of attempted murder and the in the healthcare workers' death. djokovic losing appeal to stay and compete in the open. the country refuses to allow exemptions from its new vaccine law. buccaneer's q.b. tom brady giving a young noon survived brain cancer a surprise of a lifetime. take a look. >> i worked with both the bucs and the nfl to get you and your family super bowl tickets this year in l.a. we certainly hope to be there but i know you are going to be there. >> ashley: what a shock. that's 10-year-old noah reeve with a priceless reaction to the news. brady and the bucs got one step closer to joining noah and his family at the big game after beating the eagles 31-15. and those are your headlines guys. back to you. >> steve: not just noah but noah and his whole family. that is epic. tom brady, end. will thank you very much, ashley. coming up on 7:20 here in the east. coming up, a very bad year so far for president biden. the president set to face the press on wednesday 4:00 in the east room as he hits that milestone. former speaker of the house newt gingrich sums up the last year. you are going to want to hear that he is coming up. plus the questionable comparison transswimmer lia thomas is making to an icon who changed the face of major league baseball. ♪ ♪ go your own way ♪ go your own way ♪ throughout history i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> brian: the ncaa staying silent in the criticism or trans athlete policy. swim team compares herself to jackie robinson. teammate tell next guest in interview says she is like the jacque robinson in transsports. she mocks the situation instead of caring what she is doing to her feel mates. washington examiner chris joins us now. chris, who did you speak to for this story? >> hi, brian, thanks for having me. i spoke to one of the swimmers on the u penn swimming team. obviously for giving the political climate, she requested anonymity. because she was worried about potential, you know, future ramifications if she identified herself. >> brian: she says that la referred to her as the jackie robinson of trans swimming or trans sports? >> yeah. that's really hard to believe that's what it came to. that's what she told me. made that comparison she is the jackie robinson of trans sports. >> brian: they are quiet your reporting reveals. never talks about the team and never talks about the impact it's going to have on the team women sports. i'm sure these women wanted to be ncaa champions individually but you can't. and lia will say at least i'm still number one, correct? >> yeah. i mean, it's kind of ridiculous situation all together. i mean, imagine if i just said to you right now hey, brian, i identify as a member of "fox & friends" and, you know, i want to place there and all of a sudden i'm on there tomorrow and identifying myself as a civil rights hero. and from what i could also tell a lot of source of the anger and resentment is not only in the situation that the penn swimmers were placed in because you have got remember. when the athletic teams go out and actively recruiting women in high school. so they promise them fair and equal competition to entice them to come to their school and now they have it so that instead of thinking that they're getting fair and equal competition among their peers and women. now they have to compete against biological men from. what i was told in my interview, a lot of that anger source of anger comes from that the lia pretty much did not have any sympathy, remorse, or empathy as far as, you know, approaching biologically born female swimmers and has from what i was told a sense of entitlement or arrogance and not following team rules. so it's kind of all an unpleasant situation together. >> brian: case in point they were told to travel. being that the u pen is creating so much controversy. they say don't wear u penn stuff. you don't want to be in the middle of something controversial. they leave it all home except for lia. >> correct. yeah. that was one of the main things that my source spoke to me that was frustrating and more so angering. if you think about it a whole women team who are basically kind of -- were baited and switched by university of pennsylvania ivy league. >> brian: absolutely. >> told they were going to swim against swimmers now have to make all these accommodations for lia thomas. and lia thomas is the one going out and violating what they were told to do. there is a sense of pride as my source told me in wearing their school colors and representing their school and having to be infringed and not do that and restricted upon doing that that kind of angered them. and to do all that for the person who they are doing it for to basically just, you know, ignore that was kind of resentful. >> brian: i thought we were in the middle of me too movement women sports mattered that's what title 19 is all about. >> absolutely. >> brian: now it doesn't seem to matter. at least doing original reporting on it chris, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: all right. we reached out to the ncaa for a statement. we did not hear back. they have been quiet on this whole thing. up next on this show, we have been telling you about chicago pastor taking drastic measures to curb crime in chicago. lawrence jones is with pastor brooks live from the roof top. lawrence? >> lawrence: hey, brian, we have been talking about this crime crisis in chicago all morning. but, we never see some leaders here to talk about it or do something about it one leader that has taken it head on, here in chicago. he is next on "fox & friends." ♪ 68 years old. i do motivational speaking in addition to the substitute teaching. i honestly feel that that's my calling-- to give back to younger people. i think most adults will start realizing that they don't recall things as quickly as they used to or they don't remember things as vividly as they once did. i've been taking prevagen for about three years now. people say to me periodically, "man, you've got a memory like an elephant." it's really, really helped me tremendously. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your 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winter storm is slamming the east coast this morning and millions of americans are under water alerts and advisory. fox weather correspondent max gordon joins us live in rochester, new york with the latest. max, good morning. >> hey, good morning. welcome to beautiful, snowy rochester new york we are expecting anywhere 15 to 20 inches of snow when this snow is all said and done. rochester was in a snow drought before this storm. 18 inches belly average before the storm. but as you can see, conditions have now changed. crews have been hard at work. clearing the sidewalks. you see they are doing a great job of clearing the sidewalk and they are clearing the roads. buses are running. you can see them going by right now. still travel conditions are going to be tricky in western and central new york. we are seeing gusts of up to 45 miles per hour. that's creating very tough driving conditions in a lot of areas. roads are slick in some places. and we're seeing some flight cancellations, too. here in rochester dozens of flights have been canceled because of the storm. having impacts throughout central and western new york as well. again, between 18 and 24 inches of snow expected here in rochester, a beautiful sight to see. guys, toss it back to you. >> rachel: looks beautiful there thanks for that report. >> thank you. >> rachel: all right. let's turn now to senior meteorologist janice dean who is tracking the storm. >> janice: we had epic snowfall totals across the south. over a foot of snow for parts of south carolina and north carolina. here are some of the totals that we're looking at right now. over 15 inches in north carolina. of course, the storm started across the plain states. arkansas, 14 inches, iowa over a foot of snow. and we will definitely see over a foot of snow for the interior northeast. but, also, the ice reports, okay, like a half an inch of ice on the roads and the power lines in south carolina and that's why we have tens of how far to sands of people without power today. and the temperatures are cold. so this is going to be an ongoing story. the good news is, it's a holiday, so a lot of people are off the roads. they are not driving into work. there is the future track. we are still going to see the potential for snow across interior sections of the northeast. across the appalachians as well. and then coastal flood alerts from the mid-atlantic all the way up to the northeast with wind gusts in excess of 450 to 60 miles per hour. so the water is being pushed up along these coastal areas and potentially see the flooding during high tide. wind gusts in excess of 60 to 7e coast up towards new england. we are not done yet. and, rachel, i am concerned with the power outages and temperatures below freezing in a lot of these southern states. we will certain you keep you up to date. >> rachel: yeah. >> we have concerning for a lot of people who just aren't used to that. >> steve: that would add insult to injury. all right. thank you, j.d., very much. meanwhile, some breaking news out of chicago. two 14-year-old boys are among the city's latest victims killed by out of control crime in the windy city as chicago starts off another year with violence after 2021 marked chicago's deadliest year in a quarter of a century. today the community is demanding change as we check back in with lawrence jones and pastor corey brooks on day 58 of the pastor's 100 day mission to bring awareness to chicago violence. there is the audio check right there. they are joined right now up on the roof by chicago alderman raimondo lopez. all right, lawrence, take it away lawrence thank you so much. as you know fluid situation. found out breaking news, a shooting happened just down the street. a carjacking. so we are still getting some details. hopefully we will have that information later in the show as that developed. that just shows you we are right here in the center of what is happening in chicago. pastor brooks, alderman lopez has been at the center of this. pastor, i want to go to you first. you talk about your mission here and just as we are lirntion more and more about a shooting down the street. this is never going to stop until there is real leadership, right? >> everything rises and falls on responsibility for the city. we have to do our part to make sure that things change, that means we have to vote for the right people in office. to lead us in the right correction. so everything rises and falls on leadership. >> alderman lopez, i have been out here on the streets with you, have you given me a tour, the people love new chicago, the criminals hate you as they should. you have been attacked when it documents people throwing stuff at your office. criminals trying to push you out. you have not been deterred. why? >> i take ownership for my city. just as pastor brooks takes ownership for his church, his neighborhood, his community. it's about taking ownership and saying this is not who we are. we want to do better. and, you know, whether you are here on the roof top or are in the corner fighting. you have to take ownership and say that you are going to be willing to push back and show the entire city that we can do better. and pastor brooks has been a champion of that and we need more leaders like that. >> lawrence: you know, alderman, everything is politics these days. chicago is about democrats. you are a democrat. this is not even your district and you are here. why? >> what happens here isn't just an on island to itself. crime spreads and it not only impacts woodlawn, impact lincoln park, whether they know it or not. we can't turn a blind eye what's going on here and say that's somebody else's problem. it doesn't impact me. it impacts all of us. until we take for each other. nothing will ever change in this city we are here today to help push that message that we are here for each other. >> pastor, how bad is it? >> it's really tough for kids to grow up in an area like this where violence is rampant is everything harnessed in the wrong direction. so trying to create an environment so kids can thrive and young people can change their lives is a really tough situation. i do believe leadership like alderman lopez and others really diligently jent tackling the issues. it transforms it takes a lot to do it but i believe we can do it. >> lawrence: arrestedman lopez. why aren't alderman lopez, why aren't there others here today. where is the mayor and district attorney kim foxx allowing criminals back on the street? where a all the leaders. >> i would love for all of our leaders to be up here. actually, i was telling pastor i'm going to challenge every elected official in chicago to spend the night up here and with a check. that's what we have to do but to stand up here and listen to what this sounds like at night. you just heard the helicopters flying around. the police officers down the street. this is daily life for so many people in the city of chicago and to be in your comfortable home surrounded by your security keeps you away from the realness of what is going on. i hope we can challenged entire city council and others to be here to spend the night to see what it's like and what so many people live with on a daily basis. it's easy to act like you don't know when you don't hear. we need people to start hearing what people live with. >> lawrence: what needs to happen right now to stop. this right now from the city's perspective. we need to giving pastor brooks who have a. start investing in them with city dollars. this is $16 billion municipal operation that gives this man not one dollar for trying to stop the violence and build up communities. and that is shameful. we waste more money on this city on projects and on patronage going towards keeping people in poverty as opposed to lifting them up. i think my challenge to the mayor would be to start focus okay leaders that have action plans in the neighborhoods. don't look for cookie cutter solutions but meet them where they are and fund them the way they need to be funded. >> lawrence: giving all this money to programs that don't work and don't benefit the community at large. alderman, thank you so much. pastor thank you so much. you will be here all morning, guys, talking about these stories. because it really matters. it's settings the tone for the country. crime crisis all across the country but definitely here in chicago. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> steve: all right. lawrence, thank you very much. also thanks to corey brooks and the alderman as well. coming up on this program, president biden nearing the end of his first year in office on poll wise a low note. former house speaker newt gingrich on what biden's bad year means for the democrats and the republicans. ♪ ♪ she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern 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remains stalled within his own party as the country still grapples with a pandemic, surging inflation, and a border crisis. fox news contributor and former house speaker newt gingrich is the author of the book beyond biden and he joins us now. speaker gingrich always great to have you on the show. you have such a great perspective. you became the speaker of the house in 1984 after the democrats lost the house and had a she lacking and bill clinton did a pretty good job of, you know, hearing the message and changing course. we know president biden has this press conference coming up. he is trying to get his message back in order. do you think is he capable of that. >> well, he may be capable, but i'm not sure he's to. if you look at his last two speeches, the one in the capitol and the one in atlanta, they were viciously partisan. >> we have hostile, guaranteed to divide the country. they were sort of biden at his worst. gallup just reported biden entered the year with the democrats having a 9-point advantage in party identity and ended the year with the republicans having a 5 point advantage in party identity. party identity is a very hard thing to shift. they shifted it 14 points if you add the two together. 14 points in one year in reaction to the biden presidency. and i think part of it is reality as you pointed out. you know, you have 101 ships still sitting off long beach, california. you have a logistic supply chain mess. you have the former head of walmart saying his stores like like the soviet era in russia. they can't put anything on the shelves. i think people look at all of this and they feel it every time they fill up their car. and they see a system that's failing. and they don't see any evidence that the biden team realizes that. >> rachel: yeah. you bring up that former ceo bill simon of walmart. he did say that it looked like the former soviet union. but he also said if i was joe biden, he gave him advice, i would only talk about inflation and supply chain. that's it. and, yet, as you point out, that's not what he is doing. you don't think even after this terrible week that he just had in this new press conference that he might, you know, get the message, finally or at least the people around him? >> and, look, i think the problem the democrats have is that they are absolutely fixed on their radical wing. they believe in big government socialism which just doesn't work. and they desperately have to change the election law because if they can't find a way to rig the elections, they are going to get wiped out. and i think they know that they know that straight-up, honest election, where everybody has to prove who they are. that, in fact, they are going to lose. they need to be able to pack the ballots, they need to be able to have their illegal votes and have same day voting where you don't know who the person is and that's why their election bill is so desperately important to them. and i think they know that they are at the edge of a cliff and if they can't change the game, the american people are just going to repudiate them. they can't fix these problems this year. they can't get inflation down enough to matter. they can't solve the supply chain. if anything, with the potential strike of longshoremen, if the difficulties with truckers, i think it's possible that the supply chain will get worse, not better. and it's beyond that though still have an enormous number of illegal immigrants coming in this country. i just did a podcast with the mayor of yuma, arizona declared emergency for his city shear 2,500 percent increase in the number of illegal immigrants coming to their city since joe biden was sworn in. so, you look at all the different things he can't fix and his problem is reality. it's not rhetoric. because the average american goes out. they see all of this. they are living it. and i think that's the problem he has got. >> rachel: it sure is. it's our problem, too. speaker gingrich, thank you so much for joining us this morning. always great talking to you. >> thank you. >> rachel: all right. well, we observe martin luther king jr. day, he is wesley hunt, dr. carol swain both reflect on the legacy of the civil rights leader and what we can learn from him today. >> what will go down in history as the greatest demonstration for freedom in the history of our nation. 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volcano. the initial blast sent tsunami waves. on the island of 100 -- there are reports of damage and some casualties. and after fleeing to florida and catching covid, congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez says forcing people to go back to work is "sociopathic." writing on instagram after recovering from the virus, "covid was no joke. the term mild is misleading when the -- mild cases can result in long covid which includes a range of conditions. those are your headlines, steve. >> all right, actually, thank you very much. before his assassination in 1968, dr. martin luther king jr. stood on front lines of the civil justice movement fighting for equality for black americans. >> i have a dream. my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. >> well, today, we celebrate his dream and his life and his legacy and reflect on lessons we can still learn from this civil rights icon. joining us right now is u.s. congressional candidate an army veteran wesley hunting coauthor of "black eye for america." let's start with you. when you were at vanderbilt teaching the college kids, how would you describe what martin luther king meant to america? >> i can tell you that even then, i left in 2017 that dr. king's message was being erased by some people on the political left. but i can tell you that for the people that i understood dr. king and who had read his letter in a birmingham jail and heard the "i have a dream" speech, it was powerful. and i think if you look at this moment we are in today with race relations, if people would go back and read that letter from a birmingham jail, listen to the "i have a dream" speech. you can see that dr. king preached a message that is so applicable today. he would be appalled by the racism that is coming from the political left and the reversal of all the gains of the civil rights movement. because of him, we passed three major civil rights bills in the 1960s that i would argue ended systemic racism under the law and made it possible for people like me to come from poverty and have equal opportunity in america. and so dr. king change so many millions of lives for white people as well as black people. he was inclusive. >> talking about her family, and your family, you have got people who grew up on plantations and were. >> yes, that's correct. dr. martin luther king had died dream that we will be judged by the content of my character and my family, the living product of that dream. my great, great grandfather was a. my brother, my sister, and i are all west point graduates. we buy the opportunity to serve the greatest country in the world because of that dream good for me, that dream continues. i have the opportunity to run for united states congress in a republican seat in a white majority district. we are there clear front runner because here in houston, the citizens are judging me by the content of my character, not by the color of my skin. his dream is still alive today. i don't like the left tell you otherwise. it is still the greatest country in the world but we are progressing quite well and my family is a product of that dream. >> dr. king was famous for peaceful protests. what would he make of the way people protest today? >> i mean, it is the opposite of everything he stood for. andy talked about how the destinies of and blacks we are tied together. eddie also recognize that america was diverse and wasn't just about white people and black people. when he started his discussions of economic justice after the passage of the civil rights bill, he was working for all poor people. he wasn't just saying black people. he was always someone that believed in the american dream, the declaration of independence, the constitution. he used christian principles that were integrated in his arguments. that is what he was so effective. >> i will give you the final word. >> you know, his dream was meant for us to not being monolithic. to think freely, to have our own ideas, to have our own thoughts. you can be up black man, a democrat, republican, or whatever you want to be. it's basically about freedom. it's basic about rising up as a people together regardless of what we look like. that is the american dream. that's dr. martin luther king's dream and i'm honored to be a part of it. >> we are honored to have both of you. thank you very much for joining us on this martin luther king jr. holiday. it is 8:00 in the east and our number three "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪ thousands of people are suffering through power outages because i'm major winter nor'easter is slamming the east coast. >> is kind of a good thing that we are into a holiday monday situation because a lot of people should not be on the road. >> arresting two teams in connection to the texas synagogue sees. this was not about -- that is crazy. that is insane. >> manchin and kyrsten sinema have spoken about changing the rules. >> this is not about the people in the black community. this is about the black community and voting block. >> the democrats have, they are actually fixed on their radical ways. they believe in big government socialism. >> the best way to remember him is to remember others and be kind to others and to serve others. ♪ ♪ >> good morning. that is a beautiful shot of chicago where we will be taking you later on to see lawrence jones. recording for us on the top of a roof with a pastor who is putting the focus on crime. good morning brian and steve. >> absolutely. a lot of people have chosen to be off today. we are highlighting mlk day. where we are with race relations especially when it comes to the inner-city. just a quick note. the one thing chicago has in common with new york is no one's winning in those cities in football and no one is winning in our cities. we just have nothing to do in the first and second city on sundays except watch other people be happy. and i resent it. >> you should be from kansas city, because i am from kansas and i am happy. it's not just all about you. and for the people from tampa bay, they are happy today. the people in dallas, not so happy. meanwhile, you are talking about chicago. let's go right now because close to 60 days, pastor cory brooks has been up on a rooftop. and he is trying to raise money to build a center to turn around that dangerous neighborhood. >> that is exactly right, steve. happy martin luther king day to you guys. before i go to the past, i want to bring you guys the breaking news that we are hearing from our sources. what happen down the street was a carjacking. there was a shooting with this carjacking. what police have found out is that a car that was trying to be stolen, that person was a car jack her as well. that shows you the volatile situation here in chicago. some that were here doing security had to the rush to the scene as well. this is right in the center of this. the man that is leading the charge, this is back here. this is a fire pit that you have. just quickly, your reaction to this shooting they just happen. >> it's unfortunate that this is become normal in the city of chicago. this type of behavior has become the order of the day. we have to continue to work very hard to make sure that we make our city a safer city. this is the type of situation that we definitely should not be tolerating. >> does it ever become just normal? >> i try to make sure that it does not become normal for me. i think that the violence and the crime sometimes desensitizes people. we have to make sure that people know that this is not normal. we should not become desensitized. we should continually keep our efforts going to get rid of the violence, and we have to all continue to do that. >> our audience found your story to be so inspiring. they are giving by the numbers you have been able to tell me some of the stories. how are you able to survive up here. you've got people that want to see it but you've got a fire pit. tell us about what life is up here. >> it's tough. it turned the daytime is pretty bearable. at night he can get cold and chilly when the temperature gets below 10. we made this little fire pit so that we can sit around it and do our fireside chats and our rooftop revelations and we have conversations here and it keeps you warm underneath. sometimes we even cook on a grill. we cooked some vegetables and skewers and we try to do the best we can to make people feel as comfortable as possible being on the roof on the south side of chicago. you know, it's tough, but we've got to do it. we have to get this center built and there is no other way. >> just a quick update on how the funds are doing. tell the audience how's it going? >> we are trying to raise $35 million. we have raised almost upward of $2.5 million. we are moving two or $3 million which is really encouraging. we have a $2 million commitment and we are hoping that others ceos and other people from around the country, all of this giving has taken place from people all across the country from all races. this is a great day for people to give toward an effort like this on martin luther king day. >> you can see that pastor on fox. go to to follow that journey. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> thank you, lawrence. what an incredible commitment to endure those nights, 100 nights that he's going to spend therefore project could. thanks, lawrence. >> thanks, guys. >> we are going to turn to the fox weather alert. a winter storm is dumping snow and ice over the northeast this morning after bringing rare wintry mix to the south. millions of americans are under weather alerts and advisories stretching nearly 1,000 miles all the way from georgia up to maine, tens of thousands of americans are now without power along the coast. the storm is forcing the cancellation of thousands of flights over this holiday weekend. let's check in right now with our good friend meteorologist. for our fox weather forecast. good morning. >> good morning. he talked about the power outages. we have over 250,000 americans without power. a lot of them having to do with this winter storm that barreled up the east coast, the southeast. we saw power outages as well as tornadoes in florida as well. we are going to continue to monitor that. when temperatures are below freezing across the carolina, the ports of the atlantic in the northeast, this becomes a dangerous storm. it's a holiday. a lot of people are not traveling. they need to be off the roads. we have half an inch of ice and the roads in the power lines over the weekend and still looking at the massive storm, very powerful move up towards new england and eventually into canada. we are going to be doing with this for the next 12-24 hours. interior sections where you will see the snow pile up. along the coast, it's too warm for snow. it's a wind driven rain. that is exactly what is happening really from portions up toward new england where we have high wind mornings. we are talking about winds in excess of hurricane force. boston, you could see winds up to 60 to 70 miles an hour. this will force all of that water. of that is why we have coastal flood advisories. we have had it all. without tornadoes and ice and heavy snow across the south, record-breaking snow. another wind gusts along the coast. download the app. we will bring you the very latest and forecast details. back to you. >> thanks so much, janice, the cities with experience -- officials in the united kingdom arresting teens in connection to the texas synagogue sees in the investigation goes international. the development comes after saying the attack did not target the jewish community. really? joining us live at the latest. >> that is right, there is some u.k. connections to the horror that happened over the weekend at the synagogue. a gun and took four people hostage including the synagogue rabbi and held them for 11 hours until they were able to flee and the gunman was killed. two teens allegedly linked to the incident were arrested by british police and the city of manchester overnight. the hostage taker was identified, a 44-year-old british national. he was demanding the release of a convicted terrorist held in a prison not far from the synagogue. reports are he flew into jfk a few weeks ago on a tourist visa, not on a terror watch. his brother saying in part, we would like to say that we as a family do not condone any of his actions and would like to sincerely apologize wholeheartedly for all the victims involved in the unfortunate incident. the rabbi said in part, i am thankful and filled with appreciation for all the vigils and prayers and love and support. although law enforcement first responders and all of the security training that helps save us. he added, he's happy to be allowed. officials did say at first, there was no link to anti-semitism in the act, they now say the jewish faith was a target for the hostage taker apparently bought his gun after arrival in the states. here is what president biden had to say. >> allegedly, he purchased it on the street. what that means, i don't know. there are so many guns that have been sold of late, it is just ridiculous. it's because of the failure of us to focus as hard as we should and consistent as we should on gun purchases, gun sails, and a whole range of things i'm trying to do. >> that dead suspect might have had some experience in buying guns. his brother told a reporter here in the u.k. that he had a criminal record. we do not yet have confirmation of that. a lot more investigating to do. >> all right, live in london with a very latest. thank you very much. talking about the rabbi, he credits the fbi. the fbi came in a period of time i go into the synagogue to show them about live shooter training and the rabbis said he encourages others in similar situations to get the same stuff. he's in the last hour when they were taken hostage, the gunman was increasingly getting belligerent and said without the instruction, they would not have been prepared to act and run in this situation presented itself. the situation presented itself when the fbi's elite hostage rescue team came in and saved the day. now, that's great. but initially -- this was a head scratching. initially, the fbi said that this guy was not targeting the jewish people. you know what? the fbi says it was a terrorism related matter, which is the way a former new york state democratic assembly man says it should have been seen in the first place. >> anti-semitism unfortunately is alive and growing. for the fbi to do what it did, they need to explain this to the american people. they need to explain this to the jewish community. this is the most bizarre thing i have ever seen when it comes to anti-semitism. i synagogue -- attack the synagogue by someone who is trying to flee a terrance beard something very, very common in the middle east that israel deals with all that's on. for the fbi to say this was not about the jewish community, it was about the. >> good for him. it was about the jewish community. it's also about international terrorism. terrorist came from england. this is embarrassing for the administration, brian and steve. they spent the last year trying to convince the american people that the biggest threat to america our domestic terrorist like white supremacist who actually don't agree with joe biden and in fact this last week the doj started a new division to investigate all these white supremacists that are running around. they should have known, brian, that this could have happened because after the hold the bikee debacle, you just empowered andd so many more terrorists, because this was emboldening to them to see your embarrassing humiliating and deadly exit from afghanistan. you left billions of dollars are weapons for the taliban. this should have been expected. instead of focusing on our border and our visas which is apparently how this man -- this british man got in, they have been focusing on january 6th and domestic terrorist. here we go. i believe that is why they were so slow to come to admit what this really was. >> they wanted to blow up new york with a dirty bomb. she should be -- you go ahead. go threaten cuba. instead, texas under siege because this woman has kept it in a super max prison. the fbi blew it with their communications. obviously, very adept at diffusing that situation. that's pivotably cannot talk about domestic politics. one year since joe biden took office. and really since he started over 50% approval rating and gradually dropped. nothing else are they more than his disastrous exit from afghanistan and the way he continued to point it as a success. reportedly, you can't bring it up in the white house. you look at his handling of covid-19, you see disaster. he says you've got it all wrong. we've got child tax credits. the bipartisan infrastructure bill which by the way, president biden defused right away. we passed this bipartisan bill. i'm going to put it up for a boat until i get billed back better. then he had to walk that statement back and it has been that keystone ever since. he said, hey, democrats, emphasize the good, not the bad, hey, listen. speak out i think a lot of the democratic base is not been told or informed of the things that president biden and this congress has accomplished. to me, those are the things that if i'm a democrat, i'm much more care about that than some word in a dictionary that children are going to bed with a full stomach and a warm house. i care that somebody hourly worker is not sitting there working away at $7.25 an hour. in south mississippi, -- those are real accomplishments. there is something that you can run on. you don't talk about what you didn't get. democrats wind too much, chuck. quit being a whiny party and get out there and fight and tell people what you did. tell people the exact truth. >> keeps saying unemployment when most people are not working. keep saying it is going great even though inflation is 7%. you got a raise about the race is not counter but the rise of inflation is. that's why he's getting 38% approval rating when it comes to the economy. you can sit there a lot of the american public in his ridiculous rugby t-shirt. i don't know if someone surprised him with this tv appearance or if it snuck up on him or it came up the playing field. i thought "the new york times" had an era tour health that i think encapsulated joe biden right now. about last week and last year. the tribulations of joe biden, kyrsten sinema humiliated him. the supreme court blocked him. vladimir putin's going to him. fight him, covid stopped him. that is president joe biden, steve. >> the problem for president joe biden is he had such lofty dreams a year ago. fast forward to this week. just look at everything that has gone haywire. to trillion dollar bills back better. it's not going to happen. no clear path on voting rights despite that fiery speech in atlanta. covid is at record high numbers. it it is sweeping through nursing homes again at a very high number. the borders amount to inflation of 7%. we haven't seen that for 40 years. now, rasha is talking about a new cold war. ultimately, i get why james was saying. americans are in a bad mood because of coronavirus and everything else. how do you sell the good stuff to a country, not in a receptive mood. you need to promote and gloat. that is why he said talk about the stuff that we have passed. unfortunately, this stuff that joe biden is talking about ad nauseam is stuff that has no chance. you are talking about the infrastructure bill. that passed with bipartisan support of both houses. now he's talking about things that only one party is interested in doing, rachel. he's talking about blowing up the filibuster to get something done. people who do not approve of joe biden which is the majority of the country. 76% say they would like him less if billed back better passes. if i was joe biden, i'm thinking, do i really want to push that? maybe i should talk more about infrastructure. >> do you know which demographic likes him the least? that's been a sucker for him. that poll came out to add to all the bad news. look at the weather we are facing right now. heating costs are up 125%. people feel that. you can't just tell them as jen psaki said, rainbows and unicorns and bunnies, they have to buy food every day. they know darn well that the fact that he shut down and declared a war on american energy on his first day, they are not stupid. they have connected the dots between our energy and not being number one in the world and our inflation costs. the fact that he's printing money in the fact that he wants to keep spending money at these record levels. they know exactly who is to blame. it looks like the press has finally caught up. i think that will be the really interesting thing to happen on wednesday it has press conferences. as the press going to ask the tough questions? the american people know exactly what they want him to do. he is just not willing to do it. he is beholden to aoc. we will have to move on. i attribute to martin luther king jr. who he credits for enabling every american including himself to access the american dream. ♪ ♪ ♪ and there you have it. woah. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> we are back with some headlines that we start with the fox news alert. north korea launching long-range missiles into the sea overnight. of these images are from the third launch just days ago. japanese officials say the missiles landed outside the exclusive economic zone and is condemning north korea's actions and threats to peace. the woman pushed in front of a subway train is identified as michelle. simon marshall showing no emotion as he allegedly shot of the 40-year-old, the victim with a senior manager at a top consulting firm and volunteered as an advocate for the homeless. those are your headlines. back to you. >> thank you very much, actually. a powerful ef 2 tornado left a trail of damage across southwest florida. the storm destroying dozens of homes and businesses 24 hours ago. at this hour, hundreds of people around fort myers are without power. it all happened in congressman byron donalds area. congressman, what is the very latest numberwise with the number of people who are not in their homes this morning? >> we are still trying to get a final count to everybody that will be displaced. this tornado is something that we get tornado warnings every now and again. we haven't seen a touch down in my time here for 20 years. it has been longer than that. we try to get a final assessment. it looks like about 68 of our homes may not be livable at this point. we really wanted people to try to contact the red cross and get as much assistance as they can. we will get all the help that you need and we will try to help those people get to the next place where they can move on with their lives. we are actually really happy that we are not getting reports of loss of life. that is always a blessing. now we are trying to understand what the full damages. >> on this monday morning even though it is a holiday, working the phones to make sure everyone gets the help they need. yesterday, maxine waters was talking about 2 democratic senators who don't seem to be on the same page as the balance of her caucus. watch this. >> we have 2 democrats, manchin has sinema, and they are holding up the democratic agenda. they have decided that they are going to stick with support of the filibuster. they don't care about minorities. they don't care about blocks. they don't care about people. in their own districts where they are going to deny their voting rights. >> congressman, what do you make of what she had to say? >> i think it is completely outrageous. it is not based on facts. the reality is what she and what the democrats want to pass by breaking the filibuster, something they have defended every single year that the senate has been in existence up until right now. what they want to do is just basically have the federal government take over all elections in the united states. if you think that is the democratic agenda, i completely disagree with you. i think they are doing the right thing by maintaining a filibuster because its purpose is to protect the minority of voices in the united states senate. we are not a pure democracy. the filibuster is one of the mechanisms that helps to maintain the republic. >> right. today is martin luther king jr. holiday, a federal holiday. i know, congressman, you feel that thanks to, you know, his message back in the '60s, you are able to be where you are today. >> without question. i think that, you know, his efforts, his leadership, though he led with courage, the way he lead with love, you know, that is the thing that helped spur our country to where it is right now. we are always striving to be that more perfect union. we have actually accomplished that in leaps and bounds over the last 70 or 80 years here in the united states. we still have places that we want to get better. there's no doubt about that. the key thing to understand is that his legacy is in the true progression of america. the thing that allowed people like myself to be able to have a real shot at the american dream. countless others who are not going to be on tv screens who are living that dream out every single day. the fact that they are raising their families in harmony and peace in communities that aren't all homogeneous black communities but all across the community is proof positive of that. >> thank you very much for joining us today. >> any time. >> you bet. 8:30 here in the east. another daggett deadly weekend in chicago. lawrence jones is live on top of a roof. actually, it's on top of a number of shipping containers with a pastor on a mission to build a center to stop the violence. >> we have been telling you about the crisis in chicago all morning. the one that is leading the charge says that this program works, meet the young man that went through the program, changed his life. we will talk more on "fox & friends." >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ real cowboys get customized car insurance with liberty mutual, so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone 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power along the coast and thousands of flights have been canceled. let's check in right now. our fox weather forecast. boy, do we need you this morning, janice. >> thank you so much. download the app and we will give you the latest in america's weather. this one was a doozy. it started out in the plains and moved across the mississippi and tennessee river valley. brought records note the south carolina, north carolina and we are still dealing with the snow and ice and then ran along the coast. this is a bona fide nor'easter as it crawled up the coast last night. the temperature we could see along the coast are too warm for snow. it is mainly a wind driven rain event. 16 miles per hour along the coast, parts of new england including the boston area's could get when bust of 70 miles per our way. you can see the future track. the storm itself northward into canada. we will see some leftover snow over parts of the mountains, the great lakes and down toward the appalachians where we have winter weather advisories. these will be posted throughout the day as the storm wraps up and moved. we could still see parts of new england. over 200 thousands of people without power including the carolinas and georgia up towards mid atlantic and temperatures are cold. that is what i am concerned about. listen to your officials and weather forecasts as well. back to you. >> we might talk about navigating the ice. that old segment is still on 2021 was one of the deadliest years in chicago's history and this year is off to a violent start. at least 4 people were killed in the 17-year-old boy was among 19 others heard in shootings this weekend. as check in again with lawrence jones. day 58 of the pastors 100-day mission. >> brian, thanks so much. pastor, devon and brian were part of the program. we have seen what they have been able to make of their life. >> brian has been with us since he was at 12 years old kid. he went out to school, howard law school. he's backed helping us hold time our programs. devon is the poster child for what we are trying to do. he is working for our wonderful company. construction here in the city of chicago. he's doing a great job. >> you see what's happening in this city. what was this program able to do to change your life? >> it was very expanding and they gave me a broader look at construction side. i came from doing real estate initially. first, i was pushed a little bit. once i open my mind and i decided to take it on as a challenge, it was one of the best decisions. he is the ceo of reconstruction. he connected me with this gentleman. he reached out to me offering me a position with the company. learning how to do hands-on construction was something i was not open to it first. i'm really glad that i made that stop and push forward and went along with that. >> salome, why didn't you choose the streets? what made you decide that you were going to choose this route instead of the other route? >> a block away from here, i witnessed a lot of my friends lose their lives to the streets and the violence. some lost their way just due to the fact that they were products of their environment. i told myself that if i could make a way, then i'm going to make a way someway somehow. that was not blocking myself out of different opportunities, anything that presented itself, take it on as a challenge. i could give myself a chance. >> tell me about your story. you are here running health and wellness. you grew up in the church. >> i grew up in the church year since i was 12 years old. it graduated high school here and went off to attend howard university. i was in politics for a while and i got sick of parachuting into communities. after covid, i had an opportunity to evaluate the impact and wasn't really happy with. what i have accomplished so far, it really provided me an immediate opportunity to serve directly. it is an immediate need and situation that really requires all of it. it's really great for the opportunity to serve the community that i grew up in. >> why is your group so important? >> may not have opportunities the high opportunities. it is important because we are stopping violence. the statement that poverty ran in his family. that is exactly what we are trying to do. alleviate poverty and violence. programs like ours, organizations are so important to our community to get rid of these ills that we are facing. we made up in our mind we are not gonna wait up on government or anybody to fly in and save us. we are going to solve the problems with positive solutions and help young black brothers to change their community and their lives forever. >> poverty versus poverty mind-set. my dad is a truck driver. even though we were growing up poor, don't have the poverty mind-set. speak to that. >> we want to make sure that individuals know that just because you grew up in the hood, the hood does not have to be with you. it does not mean that you cannot succeed, that you could not achieve, that if you put hard work in, if you are committed and courageous, you can achieve the american dream that everyone is out to get. that is so important for all the young men in our community especially those who are committing these violent crimes. we have to find a way to put them on a different path. >> we want to say thank you to the audience. the stories that you guys have been funding this program. you have been tuning in on to see the story and what is happening here on this roof top. i think this is really going to be the turning point for chicago. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> great reporting. everybody, thank you very much. 18 minutes now before the top of the hour. the one and only unfiltered coming up next. >> staff sergeant randy -- >> we are here today to read the names of those. so many americans signed up because of what happened on 9/11. they gave their lives for our country. >> reading the names of all of our fall and is going to ensure that americans never forget. >> my dad -- >> it's really important for our nation to recognize that sacrifice. to say those names out loud and bring them into the present moment. in this season of hope, help us to pay off a mortgage a day for great heroes. go to the website to donate $11 a month now. graine medicine. it's ubrelvy. for anytime, anywhere, migraine strikes. without worrying if it's too late or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. unlike older medicines ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy and learn how abbvie can help you save. >> i think this whole wokeness thing has gone too far. we don't want them here. we don't want to turn this estate ever. >> outrage florida residents in the morning woke new yorkers, keep your politics and far left views out of our state. new york city residents are already jumping ship with a new analysis revealing nearly triple the amount of jobs offered to residents who don't even live there. hosts of unfiltered and florida residents move from new york to florida. he joins us now. i am seeing this all over the place. obviously, you are in florida. the floridians are saying you can calm, but don't you bring your politics here. >> let me throw this out. my liberty loving libertarian conservative. you do you. we are not tyrants like you. i don't want to crush your free speech or where to live or where not to live. i've said this multiple times. this what i don't understand. you claim to hate on us. we think liberals are people with bad ideas. liberals think we are bad people with ideas. that is why they called us all these nasty names all the time and comparisons to and terrace s we are racist. if you really believe that which you don't because you are a bunch of phonies and always have been, why do you want to be our neighbors? everyone take a moment and take a few seconds to think about that. why do you want to live near us? we don't want to live near you. nobody i know, exactly zero people i know are relocating from florida back to maryland or new york. nobody. i can name probably 100 names right now of people i just saw at this party i was out this weekend with my daughter they can't wait to move to florida. we don't want you down there. we are not going to be mean. we don't try to silence you and attack you and burn your buildings down. but i don't understand. you voted for your communist utopia. you have it and you can't get the hell out of there any faster. just stay where you -- why come down and ruin our places. it is not just state to state. it's happening counties. just ask frederick county maryland. what happened with all the montgomery county people moved up and destroyed frederick county. this is happening within states. stay where you are. why do you want to live near us? >> is happening from blue state to blue state. i know a lot of people who live in new jersey. i don't want to work in new york anymore. not because of covid, they are afraid they are going to get mugged on their way to their office in new york city. you and i both know has become unlivable. it is just an unlivable place. >> of the saddest part of this whole thing is we know what works. there was a police officer in new york city when broken windows policing was implemented. to take care of the small stuff, put people in jail and the big stuff goes away. they don't want to do it. x like you want the body bags. people vote for this stuff. this new d.a. ran on this. he said we are going to decriminalize resisting arrest. i can just tell the cop i'm not getting arrested today, officer smith or whatever your name is. have a nice day. the guy won by 60 points. you understand, you voted for this. what is wrong with you? you voted for it. >> they voted for it. such a great point. you get me wide awake in the morning. thank you for joining us this morning. have a great time in florida. i wish i was there. all right. tennis star is back in serbia this morning after getting kicked out of australia. they travis reacts next. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. expand your limits in the 2022 lexus gx with apple carplay support. get 2.49% apr financing on the 2022 gx 460. ♪♪ my asthma felt anything but normal. ♪ ♪ it was time for a nunormal with nucala. nucala reduces asthma attacks it's a once-monthly add-on treatment for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occured. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala. the pandemic made teaching and learning really hard. but instead of working to help students safely return to the classroom, the san francisco school board focused on renaming schools and playing politics. and they've even saddled our district with a $125 million deficit. our children can't wait for new leadership. here's our chance for a fresh start. on february 15th, please recall school board members collins, lópez and moliga before our kids fall even further behind. this is elodia. she's a recording artist. 1 of 10 million people that comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. >> good morning. we're learning more about this incident in the synagogue in texas. how deep does this plot run? serious crimes of murder in new york city. why were these suspects on the street? is your government hoarding to make the white house look good? that as that allegation by by a leading governor. they begin a brand-new week. we will see you then at the top of the hour. ♪ ♪ >> is back and home in this country of serbia this morning after being deported from australia. the tennis superstar who is not vaccinated against covid said he's "disappointed" but respects the court ruling that ended his hopes of defending a title and winning an all-time number of grand slam spirit he thought he was going to get a hero's welcome when he came back. he didn't get that. how is he being viewed? >> i think it depends on where you are asking is even being viewed? in australia, he became a political pawn. he was a convenient target to help to change the overall narrative and focus in australia appeared in serbia, people love him. in most of the world, a lot of people wanted to see him play in the australian open. he's one of the greatest tennis players of all time. it really depends to a large extent on how your country is right now. that is a stand-in of your opinions who became an easy representation of people who don't take covid too seriously or people who have recognized that covid is never going away and it is time to get back with your life. i think australia wildly overreacted. i don't think the country is any safer at all than they would have been if he had been allowed to stay and play in the tennis tournament. >> they have 13 million locks down in china. how's that going? australia is getting slammed by the virus. sweden gets slammed by the virus. the virus is calling all the shots spirit of the french open who have mandated vaccines -- the italians have mandated vaccines. the french open is next. is he going to be allowed to play? i don't think so. they will demand to get vaccinated. >> i hope by this summer we will be in a different place. some of the craziness surrounding our response to covid is going to begin to vanish. most of what we have done has been relatively unimpactful. if we look at all that data, we like to convince ourselves that social distancing and mask wearing. washing your hands. we had 15 days to stop the spread and we are all about 700 days in to 15 days to stop the spread. i don't believe that very many of our actions have had very many impact at all. if you look at the american sports league, they are deciding testing isn't making very much sense at all. nfl playoffs are underway. no one is testing positive. nba is rolling back its testing. the idea that we could test our way out of this situation is also disappearing. the virus has shown that the virus is gonna virus and much of our responses, the worst response of all which has been taking kids out of school have not really changed in any way that spread over all of covid. >> you have aaron rodgers locally. kai rearming, he said i'm just not getting it. i will only play away games. it depends on where you are at. he's a hero or villain. aaron rodgers, the same thing this year. it's just amazing how the sports world is not immune. >> what i would say too, also, brian, you shouldn't be required to get a vaccine. almost none of them were willing to speak out and say anything publicly in his defense because they are all afraid of being targets themselves. the same reason why aaron rodgers and kai rearming are comfortable speaking out is because they have guaranteed contracts and they are very good at their sport and they know that there can be no significant consequences in terms of cutting them. there's lots of guys out there on nfl rosters on nba rosters who are barely keeping a job. the last thing they want to do is make themselves a target and put their own jobs at risk. you need big time superstars to speak out. in order to get back to a place of normalcy. >> top story. >> people are crazy about the nfl. we are set for our final four. people can't get enough of nfl playoff action. >> thanks so much. clay travis, i appreciate it. rachel, you have a bit special birthday announcement. >> she is beautiful, she is smart and is determined and strong-willed as your dad. happy birthday, isabel. congratulations on raising such a great girl. >> absolutely. to his wife and to his wife, paula was a wonderful mother and a great cook i might add as well, brian. >> joined me on radio. see you tomorrow. >> bill: culminating in a heart stopping escape. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i'm dana perino. "america's newsroom." in fact, there were fewer hostages than there might have been because they were doing a lot of this on the livestream. >> bill: as we watched this, too, dana, we also saw an initial reaction to this as being rather what would you say stand offish when

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Sunday , Tampa Bay , 31 , 5 , 15 , Woe , Play , Watch , 49ers , Dallas , 49 , Oh My Gosh , Dak Prescott , Ball , Calm Down , San Francisco , 23 , Attempt , Cardinal , Scratching Head Running Fly , It Niners Matchup , The Rams , Matchup Wheen , Administration , Headlines , Plays Brady And The Bucs Next Sunday , Average , Presidency , Withdrawal , Talk , Out Of Nowhere , Disarray , Blast From The Past , Strategist , Reboot , Whiny , Listen , Base , Nbc , Mother , Word , Dictionary , Children , Worker , Stomach , Bed , House , Louisiana , 7 25 , Democrats , Accomplishments , Sign Up Bonus , 700 , 00 , Order , Rugby Game , Spot , Truth , Chance , Interview , Maureen Dowd , New York Times , Suit , Tie , Voting Rights , Points , Plan , Path , 2 Trillion , Trillion , Inflation , Hospitalizations , Voter Integrity , Race Relations , Border , Covid , High , Encounters , Flattening , Washington , Anything , Cbs , Poll , Numbers , Challenges , Listener , Afghanistan , Russia , Nobody , Unemployment , Employers , Starbucks , 63 , 3 , Say , Products , Places , Turn , Anyone , Cycle , 24 , Letters , Build , Senators , Lawmakers , Messaging , Letter , Tests , Surge , Therapeutics , Number , Mind , Majority , Money , Economy , Run , 76 , Anniversary , Experience , Job , Virus , Donald Trump , Haven T , Accomplishment , Infrastructure , Sun Side , Atlanta , Method , Speech , Page , Martin Luther King Center , Wall Street Journal , Peggy Noonan , Grocery Store Bill , Houses , Special , Stomachs , Heating Costs , Bellies , 125 , Success , Side , Arrest , Fixed Income , Ledger , Hot Damage Stand Offat Sex Senegal , Winter Storm , Case , Pittsburgh , Report , Weather Team , Guest , Radicalization Of Islam , Life Look From Heinz Field , Wreaking Havoc , Asthma , Nunormal , Help , Reactions , Face , Breathing Problems , Swelling , Nucala , Add On Treatment , Infections , Doctor , Infection , Headache , Back Pain , Fatigue , Breathing , Injection Site Reactions , Asthma Specialist , Tongue , Trouble , Mouth , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Pay , Limu , Limu Emu Squawks , Car Insurance , Liberty , Personal Record , Liberty Mutual Customizes , Room , Lots , Singers , Career , Opportunities , Safelite , Safelite Repair , Song , Difference , Katie , Latest , Fox Weather Media , 12 , 2010 , Weather , Crumbles , Roads , Snowplows , Bit , News Conference , Age , Senior Meteorologist , Plows , 70 , North Carolina , Southeast , Mississippi River Valley , Areas , Terms , Snow Events , Blow Freezing , Ohio , Arkansas , 14 , South Carolina , Ice Reports , Weather Event , Quarter , Isn T , Rain , Anywhere , Storm System , Freezing , Mid Atlantic , East , Back To You , J D , 34 , Zuhdi Jasser , Dr , Citizen , Suspect , Arrests , Hostage Attack , American Islamic Forum For Democracy , No Doubt , Line , Movement , Others , Cause , Chemical Attacks , Officers , Agents , Army , Documents , Celeb , Sheikh Mohammed , James Foley , Prisoner Swap , Islamic , Taliban , Isis , Kayla Mueller , Group , Terrorist Flies , America Rallying Muslim Matters Org , Communities , Many , Edges , Turning Point , Verge , Nancy Pelosi , Don T Get Justice , Conspiracy Theories , Et Cetera , Issue , Invocation , News , Mention Problems , Authorities , Terrorist Incidents , Europe , Odds , Youth , Aspects , Paris , Belgium , 16 , Adults , Family Members , Edge , Telegraphing , Pattern , On A Mission , Crime Records , Police Lights , Crime Scene Tape , 38 , Change , Crisis , Epicenter , Oh Ozempic , Oh , Type 2 Diabetes , Project Hood , A1c , Risk , Events , Weight , Heart Disease , Stroke , Don T Take Ozempic , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Needles , Pens , Share , Reuse , Reaction , Side Effects , Stomach Pain , Vision Problems , Lump , Neck , Stop Ozempic , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Pancreatitis , Provider , Changes , Kidney Problems , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Insulin , Blood Sugar Risk , Health Care Provider , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Prescription , 25 , Ancestors , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Itching , Pain , Burning , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Gift , Symptoms , Skin , Vaccine , Ability , Roof Top Revelation , 100 , 58 , 2021 , Call , Skyline , Enterprise , Campaign , Attention , Heart , Place , Opportunity , Neighborhood , Network , Headline , Story , Households , 80 , Paint , Ward , 80 , Parent , Fatherlessness , Carriage System , Graders , Reading , Fifth , Drugs , Predictor , Gangs , Niece , Climate , Leadership , Brothers , Cops , Pastors , Side By , Criminals , Police Department , Relationships , Trust , Interaction , Distrust , Policies , Confusion , Estate , Situations , Being , West Side , South Side , Chaos , Led , Environment , Kim Foxx , D A , Blog , Positive , Police Reform , Crime , Speaker Gingrich , Uncle Next , Crack Down On Cops , Unbelievable , Nation , History , Applause , Demonstration , Freedom , Rhythm , Breaking Point , Best , Nutrients , Emergen C , Blend , Employees , Vacation Request Approvals , Suite Special , Vacation Request , Emergen C Aloha , Style , Schedule A Demo Today , Software , Single , Hr Data , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Um , Legacy , I Have A Dream , Color , I Have A Dream Today , Content , Character , Uncle , Contributor , Chair , Afb , 93 , Memory , Rife , Hope , Love , School Parents , Birthday , Elderly , Food , World , Prayer , Little Known Quote From My Uncle , Words , Midst , Courage , Apple Tree , Circumstance , Who Didn T , Racism , Arguments , Covid Shot , Sisters , Fools , Blood , Brothers And Sisters , 26 , Kind , Tomb , Miss , Another , King , Source , Jack Brewer On , Wedlock , African American Community , Rights , Issues , Times , Jack Brewer , Womb , Little Baby Born , Peripherals Clyde Will Imminent , Fathers , Father , Jack , Baby , Babies , Fatherhood , Birth , Around The World , Epidemic , Arelessness , Impact , Big Show , God Bless , God Bless You , Safety , Technology , Beeping Warning , Silence , Tacos , Emergency Braking , Automatic , Chevy Equinox , Six , Tool , Pivoting Metal Head , Style Master , Hair Care Products , Versatility , Stubble , Comb Lengths , C Gillette , Chevrolet , Work , Animals , Myasthenia Gravis , Treatment , Activities , Dinner , Family Photos , Fda , There S Industrial Grade , Analytical Software , Flight , Assembly Lines , Music , Data , Neurologist , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Walls , Threats , Insurance , Doug , Sec , Whistles , Vulture Squawks , Hundreds , Glenn Youngkin , Storm , Action , Newly Meanted , Fund Meng , 1200 , Promises , Will Community , Oh My God , America Hello , Bad News , Heinz Field , Fans , 42 , 21 , Home , Everywhere , Sad , Quarterback Class , Loss , Couple , Kansas , Philip Rivers , Eli Manning , Hall Of Fame , Kansas City Chiefs , Treacherous Travel Day , Martin Luther King Jr S Birthday , Byron Donalds , Little , Both , Snow Day , Zoom , Option , Stay , Updates , Wesley Hunt , Spring Break , The End , O You , Kid , Computer , Shopping , Pandemic Zoom , Supply Chain Stuff , Luck , Coffee Pods , 20 , Tragedy , Center , Roofs , Tents , Ceos , Tent , Challenge , Ceo , Funds , Don T Go Down , Bathroom , Baath , Goal , Long Way To Go , 35 Million , Mission , Audience , Hit , Morning , Website , Service , Get Go , No One , Question , Fundamental , Project Hoodorg , Figures , P , Shooters , Each Other , Behavior , Trajectory , Weather Alert , Suffering , 07 , System , Power Outages , Winter Nor Easter , Freezing Rain , Airport , Tv , Road , Accidents , Trees , Kinds , Holiday Monday Situation , Records , Plains , Bona Fide , Mountains , Snow Event , Appalachians Up , Blowing Snow , Wind Gusts , Winter Weather , Flooding , 200000 , Tornadoes , Artic , Flooding Concerns , Cold Front , Elections , Richmond , Kids Wases , Masks , Crt , Executive Orders , Efforts , The School , Ones , Decision , Upbringing , Mask , Child , Options , Ron Desantis , Well Being , Authority , Guy , Remote Learning , Payrolls , Mask Requirement , Arlington District , Arlington , 82 , Jen Psaki , Visitors , Florida , Staff , Game Plan , School Buses , Lawsuit , Facilities , Sunday , Administrators , Space Suit , Tweet , Transmissible Variant , Loudoun County , Executive Order , West , Matters , Classes , Want , Crt Theory , Oppressor , Unvac Snantd , Faces , Office , Campaign Promise , Steps , Schools , Effect , Counties , Mask Policies , Mask Mandate , Alexandria , Fairfax , Approach , Problem , Fighting , Parade , Fan , Care , Guess What , World View , Curriculum , Answer , Book , Teaching , Kindergarten , Kit , Values , Five , Back , Sentiment , Or Arlington , Official , Ranking , Pressure , Account Being , Principal , The School Boofers , Defense Contracts , Positives , Direction , Systems , School Boards , Mo , Ashley Strohmier , Hostage It Situation , Coleville Synagogue , Furniture Store , Hostages , Charges , Nurse , Attempted Murder , Healthcare Workers , Djokovic , Los Angeles , Appeal , The Open , Tom Brady Giving A Young Noon , Lifetime , Brain Cancer , Vaccine Law , Take A Look , Bucs , Exemptions , Surprise , Q B , Noah , Big Game , Shock , Noah Reeve , One Step Closer , Epic , Speaker , Press , Set , Milestone , Newt Gingrich , Coming Up , East Room , 4 , Comparison , Icon , Lia Thomas , Transswimmer , Major League Baseball , Investors , Markets , Unforeseeable , Gold , Landscape , Potential , Asset , Returns , Big Deal , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Store , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Save , Silent , Criticism , Ncaa , Teammate , Athlete Policy , Swim Team , Jackie Robinson , Chris , Caring , Feel , Mates , Transsports , Jacque Robinson , Washington Examiner Chris , Hi , Swimmers , U Penn Swimming Team , Ramifications , Anonymity , Jackie Robinson Of Trans Swimming Or Sports , Women , Reporting , Team , Lia , Champions , Women Sports , Member , Number One , Anger , Athletic Teams , Resentment , Penn , Civil Rights Hero , Competition , Thinking , High School , Sympathy , Men , Remorse , Peers , Empathy , Sense , Point , Team Rules , Entitlement , Arrogance , Don T , Controversy , Penn Stuff , U Pen , More , Women Team , Correct , Accommodations , Pride , School Colors , Title , Movement Women Sports Mattered That S , It Chris , Measures , Leaders , Crime Crisis , Leader , Substitute Teaching , Head On , Calling , Addition , 68 , Prevagen , Cowboys , Hang On , Elephant , Liberty Mutual , Healthier Brain , Tex , Ooo , Record , Indeed Instant Match , Staffing , Master , Size , Candidates , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Experts , Car , Windshield , Vo , Music Vo , Decompression Zone , Look , Fox Weather Alert , Rochester , Max Gordon , Water Alerts , Advisory , Snow Drought , Snowy Rochester , 18 , Conditions , Sidewalks , Sidewalk , Buses , Crews , Clearing , Flight Cancellations , Gusts , 45 , Impacts , Western New York , Sight , Epic Snowfall Totals , Course , Totals , Iowa , Power Today , Tens , Half , Appalachians , 450 , Breaking News , Boys , Insult To Injury , Violence , City , Victims , Out Of Control , Audio Check , Awareness , Shooting , Raimondo Lopez , Up On The Roof , Carjacking , Responsibility , Rises , Correction , Tour , Ownership , Church , Champion , Corner , Politics , District , Island , Crime Spreads , Impact Lincoln Park , Impacts Woodlawn , Blind Eye , It Doesn T , Other , Help Push , Jent , Aren T , Arrestedman Lopez , Aren T Alderman Lopez , Check , Sounds , At Night , Police Officers , Realness , Security , Helicopters , City Council , Basis , Perspective , Start Investing , Operation , Projects , City Dollars , Dollar , Patronage , 6 Billion , 16 Billion , One Dollar , Poverty , Action Plans , Cookie Cutter , Alderman , Stories , Programs , Don T Work , Tone , Program , House Speaker , Note , Republicans , Kitchen , Meal , Version , Planning , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Sister , The Rock , Chemotherapy , Keytruda , Types , Cancer , Lung Cancer , Medicine , Battle , Patients , Clinical Trial , Immune System , Fight Cancer , Chemotherapies , Immunotherapy , Alk , Gene , Nonsquamous Non Small Cell Lung Cancer , Egfr , Eye Problems , Lead , Breath , Chest Pain , Light Sensitivity , Body , Tenderness , Shortness , Cough , Memory Problems , Muscle Pain , Irregular Heartbeat , Constipation , Thirst , Appetite , Rash , Fainting , Weakness , Dizziness , Fever , Urine , Extreme Tiredness , Flushing , Immune System Problems , Chest Area , Organ Transplant , Stem Cell Transplant , Condition , Radiation , Nervous System , Tru , Merck , Approval Ratings , Author , Border Crisis , Pandemic , The Book Beyond Biden , Aagenda , 1984 , Press Conference , Job Of , Bill Clinton , The One , Speeches , Capitol , Identity , Advantage , Worst , Gallup , 9 , Head , Reality , Supply Chain Mess , Walmart , California , Long Beach , 101 , Stores , Failing , Evidence , Shelves , Soviet , Bill Simon , Advice , Joe Biden , Supply Chain , Socialism , Government , Doesn T Work , Wing , Election Law , Election , Ballots , 2500 , Zero , Zero Dollars , Thirty , 1 800 Miracle , 800 , 1968 , 2017 , 1960 , 2 Million , 5 Million , 2 5 Million , 5 Million , Million , 3 Million , 1000 , 250000 , January 6th , 25 , 200 Thousands , 9 11 , Cyp3 , 2 49 , 460 , 125 Million , February 15th , 25 Million , 13 Million ,

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