Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240709 : com

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240709

the s.w.a.t. team responded to congregation beth israel, the synagogue in colleyville about 17 miles northeast of fort worth. they responded to what is, what we now know, to a hostage situation. abc news is reporting there are four people being held hostage including the rabbi of that synagogue. the rabbi of that synagogue is named as rabbi charlie citron walker, known to be the full-time rabbi of congregation beth israel. right before 2:00 there was a live stream of services there this morning for the sabbath today, a religious day, obviously, for jews. and on this live stream it was cut right before people could kind of hear muffling in the synagogue. you couldn't really see much, but there was a fixed camera shot of the pulpit, you could hear the faint voice of a man heard in the background. the fort worth telegram is reporting that this man repeatedly mentioned his sister and islam, and he said a few times that he didn't want to hurt anyone, and he mentioned he had children. he also said repeated arely that he believes -- repeatedly that he believes he's going to die. we do not know whether this man is armed. there have been no reported injuries. from what we now understand based on the reporting of abc news, this person is reportedly purported to be, he's saying that he is the brother of aafia saw dickey who's a pakistani neuroscientist who's serving an 86-year sentence in the u.s. for trying to kill american soldiers in afghanistan in 2008. avaya was transferred to the federal medical center for medical reasons. now, we have to really exercise caution here. fox news cannot independently confirm that, but this is what's being reported by abc news. we have to exercise caution and understand that there have been protests for the release of avaya saw dickey by those in pakistan and elsewhere world wild, even a protest here last fall in new york calling on her release. this could be a blood relation, it could be just anybody who is demanding for this person -- for this terrorist who is known as lady al-qaeda to be released. from what we now understand also, we are getting tweets from all over, the u.s. ambassador to israel, tom leads, is tweeting i am closely monitoring to having the hostage situation in texas where the community has gathered, playing if -- praying for an immediate and safe end. the prime minister of israel tweeted: i am closely monitoring the hostage situation taking place in congregation beth israel in colleyville, texas. we pray for the safety of the hostages and rescuers. our affiliate, kdfw, is reporting a 911 call was made to a rabbi in new york city from a rabbi in texas who is believed to be one of the people being held hostage. from what we understand, there is only the one full-time rabbi. that rabbi, charlie citron walker, he is a husband, has two children. this is a synagogue that's been in the community since 1999, fairly new, but it has been there for the last two decades. and from what we are trying to gather now as we're trying to see where these negotiations now stand. but at this hour, from what we understand from reports, this is an ongoing hostage situation with as many as four people inside including a rabbi, and we are monitoring for any updates from the colleyville police. we know the fbi is on scene as well as the texas department of public safety. jackie? >> bryan, obviously, the situation's very fluid. my understanding is that the residents in the immediate area are also being advantage -- evacuatedded, and the conversations with the hostage negotiators are ongoing. obviously, want to try to keep everybody safe, you know, if you can evacuate people from the building that aren't in the immediate vicinity of where this gentleman is, you know, how are people on the ground trying to defuse it? >> reporter: that's a great question. we do know earlien on, around 11 a.m. central time, that tweet came out from colleyville police department that swath9 teams were going in to -- s.w.a.t teams were going in to evacuate the area. the police department has said there is no threat to the general public which means there is no threat that they believe for the people living in and around that synagogue. but we do know that there have been reports that this person inside the synagogue is threatening they have placed bombs somewhere. again, fox news can't independently confirm that, but that is kind of the nature of the situation that we're dealing with. an fbi spokeswoman saying this is an evolving situation and it very much is. but from what we now understand, at the very least we know that nobody has been injured and that the negotiations are very much ongoing. >> bryan llenas, thank you so much for that. i want to bring in a 34-year police veteran, retired with the new york city police department's longest standing hostage negotiation team commander. jack, thank you so much for joining us. you know, i just want to ask you, this is going on well over four hours right now, and our understanding is the negotiators are trying to talk to this person, trying to keep him talking, that's the goal, to keep everybody from being hurt -- unhurt, rather, as long as possible. and the question is over four hours, from your past experience, is there any way to get a sense from the timing of this how these conversations are developing, how they're going? >> well, ideally, the longer the incident goes on would want violence, the better chance -- without violence, the better chance of concluding successfully. emotions are starting to wine down at this point. the most dangerous time of a negotiation is usually the first 15-45 minutes of a negotiation because that's when emotions run the highest. so with this four-hour time period, it can't possibly be viewed -- it can possibly be viewed maybe as a positive thing for the police. there are also some other positives. i've been taking some notes here. interestingly enough, i just returned from texas last night, allen are, texas, where i just conducted a five-day hostage negotiation class for the negotiators, so it's interesting that now we have another incident going on in texas. but there are some negatives, of course. the fact that his brother -- on the side of the police -- this brother is, you know, convicted of being a terrorist. his sister, i understand, is in jail for 86 years. i was taking notes as i was watching earlier: i just learned about this a little while ago. so from the police side, what does he want, what is his motivation. often times when police negotiators arrive on the scene, it's lined -- kind of like the middle of a movie, the drama's already unfolded on screen, and now you have to piece together how do we get to this part of the drama in the movie, how do you get to this part of the drama in the negotiations. so the police are going to have to start to backtrack and figure that out. and they probably have a good sense of it now. from what i've been hearing on fox news so far, that there are some positives as well. the fact that, as we just discussed, that he's been talking for four hours, that can be deemed as a positive. the fact that he likes the rabbi, as i had heard reported, the rabbi let him in, so he seems to like him. that's a good thing. maybe building a rapport going back and forth with both of them. the fact that he, according to him, he adores his children, his family. so that can be a positive, something that the police can look to work that a angle, maybe bring them in as third party intermediaries. although the rule is with third party intermediaries is that they -- the family -- >> thank you. jack, jack? hi, lee owe terrell here. -- leo terrell. i want to set aside all the reports from other sources. the fact that we have not heard from law enforcement, the fact that law enforcement hasn't told us anything, i want to separate what's been report by third party and focus on the fact that this has been going on for four and a half hours. we have not heard anything directly from law enforcement. what does that tell yousome. >> well, what it's telling me, they probably realize that he is watching. he's watching fox news. he's watching the other network newscasts. so they are very cautious as to what they will release in this -- at this point in time to the media with. it's just, they don't want to give away my strategies or tactics. talking to people who, i don't know, subject matter experts, for example, what they might be suggesting. so he, our individual here, our terrorist who is doing this, now hostage taker, he is listening right now. >> okay. because i think one of -- we believe the report, the fact that the police have not been reporting anything, can we believe the report, can we believe that he's hearing things absent anything from law enforcement? >> well, i believe, you know, they're keeping it, you know, quiet for a reason. but i believe no news is good news, as the old adage says. the fact that they have reported no one's been hurt, well, that's the information that's being put forth out there, that's a good thing. so he realizes that by him keeping these hostages alive, it's preventing a police tactical intervention. so he wants to get his story out. maybe there's some mental health issues here. maybe he wants his 15 minutes of fame. you know, in this case, four and a half hours sor. but what is the motivation. why is he doing what he's doing. he hasn't said. at least it hasn't been reported. >> hey, jack, lara trump here. just want to ask you in that vein, the fact that this is happening in a synagogue, the fact that he did mention something about islam earlier we know when this all first unfolded, does that add a certain dynamic to things? do you approach things as a negotiator differently because of that, the location of things, or is this just, you know, business as usual if you're a hostage negotiator? if. >> well, for the negotiators, you know, we have a certain strategy that we look to proceed on. active listening and trying to understand the motivation of that individual. i think the dynamics of the setting, as you just asked, lara, was that synagogue, he probably realized this is going to generate worldwide attention. it's a synagogue. and there's always those sensitive issues attached to that. and if that's what his motivation is, if that's what he's thinking, well, then he's getting what he's playing into. the fact that it even came to the attention of the president of the united states, the attention of israel. i think he made -- if that's what he was looking to do, then he, you know, achieved that objective, certainly. >> hey, jack, this is joey jones here. you know, being in the military and having a little bit of training on -- not the same kind of situation, but similar situations, i would have to imagine you're looking for a peaceful surrender of the person. that's what you're -- perp, that's what you're planning towards. but you're also gathering information, learning what you can going on inside that building. what factors would have to change, what would have to change or happen for that second route to become the primary, for them to need to take kinetic action? >> well, joey, it's a matter -- right now he's talking, so while he's talking -- >> yeah. >> -- he's not shooting. i can't really see what weapons he is -- he has,s if any. i don't have that information. but assuming that he does, once he starts hurting people, then negotiations are no longer an option at this point. he decided how this incident will play out. if he hurts somebody, then it's probably, more than likely going to be an immediate tactical action. so by keeping these individuals safe at this point, knows that the police will probably not come in in all likelihood as long as he keeps them safe. and we saw this in the pulse if nightclub five years ago where the police, when they finally got into the pulse nightclub after this individual, omar mateen, had shot and killed 49 individuals, seriously injured 52 others, when the police finally got into the nightclub, they chased him into a bathroom where there were hostages x. at this point they had to look to slow it down and got negotiators involved and started negotiating with this guy because they knew if they went in there prior to that, there was 11 hostages, as i recall. there would have been -- >> yeah. -- they might have been taken out. the officers might have as well. but those innocent victims would probably also have been victims of police bullets. so they know that at this point right now it's talking through this incident. while he's talking he's not shooting, if he has a gun, and that's the approach right now. and how that will change is if he decided to change that. >> yeah. >> at which time the miswill go in. police will go in. >> jack cambria, i want to thank you for your time and your insight. obviously, we're going to continue this coverage of the hostage situation in that synagogue. next we're going to talk to a reporter who is at the scene right now, his firsthand account of the ongoing situation. ♪ ♪ and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. it■s hard eating healthy. unless you happen to be a dog. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. >> we're back with a fox news alert. monitoring a developing hostage situation at a texas synagogue where a rabbi and three others are being held captive. joining us now on the phone is clayton neville, a local radio reporter for wbap in dallas. clayton, you've been there for several hours now. set the scene for us. what is the mood on the ground, how does everything feel in the local areasome -- area? >> well, it's a dangerous situation, there's no doubt about that. the media teams are about a quarter mile or so away from the seven going here in the immediate area. it's been evacuated and completely blocked off to through traffic. so a heavy police presence, we're talking colleyville police, which is the local police department, regional police, state police and the fbi. we're being told that the fbi is part of the ongoing negotiation with the suspect. as far as the scene is concerned, we're staged in a church nearby, and there's several people who are not allowed back in their neighborhood that are here waiting word from police that they can go back in. but at this point it's still very much an active situation, and they could be waiting here for quite some time. >> clayton, leo terrell, can can you hear me? i want to ask you, based on your local knowledge of the area, have there been previous, prior incidents involving this synagogue? any type of protest on this particular subject matter in the last six months to a year? >> there have not. in fact, in the entire that's fort worth metroplex -- dallas/fort worth area, there hasn't been anything that jump out on the radar. as far as the motive, still very early on that part of it, but, no, there hasn't been anything in that area. although i will point out that the9 mayor of dallas, which is very nearby, has said they have sent extra police patrols to synagogues across dallas. they're on the phone with the jewish federation having conversations about ways to make sure that other synagogues are safe just because of the fact that this is an ongoing situation now getting local and national attention, and we're at the four or five hour mark. so people nervous, taking precautions if they can. >> clayton, this is jackie deangelis in new york. i'm wondering if on the ground because of the pandemic, you know, you typically think of these shabbat services, they can be very crowded in person. we're talking about a hostage situation with only four people at the moment from our understanding. so i'm wondering, you know, if the pandemic impacted how many people were in that synagogue, what the rules are like, how people are feeling down there as a result of it. >> yeah. you know, certainly the pandemic could be the reason why there weren't a lot of people inside. we don't have the specifics yet as to what exactly is going on, was it right in the mid of -- middle of the service or after. but again, as we have heard and as we witnessed, i watched for about 45 minutes, for a while now the live stream which was available for some who maybe weren't able to go because of covid or whatever reason, it picked up a good chunk of this situation. and i was watching it, and all of a sudden immediately the live video ended, and that happened about an hour or so, maybe a little bit longer into the situation. we weren't able to see much on the video stream, but you did hear a lot of the conversation, a lot of the yelling between the suspect, and you were able to hear a little bit from the hostages as well before that video cut off. >> hey, clayton, this is joey jones. i'm a former bomb technician myself. just curious, i know we've seen unconfirmed reports that there could be explosives this person might have put somewhere. i guess my question to you being there on the ground, have you seen anything -- i know we know there's a cordon in the immediate area that's been evacuated, but have you seen anything like a bomb squad or anything from the police response to make anyone believe that there's a credible threat to anyone outside this specific location where these hostages are? >> you know, as far as explosives are concerned, i haven't seen much of a response in that aspect. not to say they're not here because, again, we're not allowed in the immediate area. however, what i am seeing is a very heavy s.w.a.t. presence. i saw one of those big s.w.a.t. trucks that you see and the team standing by the truck. that was pretty close to the synagogue itself, really between where we'ring with -- we're being held and the synagogue. at this point just heavy law enforcement and s.w.a.t. teams. haven't seen atf or bomb squad on the site at this point, but again, it's pretty cordoned off. >> all right. well, clayton neville, thank you so much for all the information, keeping us updated, and we are going to have continuing coverage of the hostage situation at the synagogue. next, we're going to talk to the head of a organization that works with jewish communities across the country. ♪ ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ hi, my name is cherrie. and i'm 76 and i liveght. on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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i don't know exactly how this came to light, but i've heard reports that the rabbi in the synagogue made a call to a rabbi in new york and curious if you guys know anything about that. >> well, there's a lot of things that we can't see at -- say at this point that are still developing, but what i can tell you is our team of intelligence analysts and our operations command center identified this incident shortly after it took off. through the live stream and several comments made on social media and started coordinating immediately with local, state and federal law enforcement. and members of our staff are very familiar with that synagogue because we've been in there. we've done training with the wrap rabbi -- rabbi before on how to deal with a situation exactly like this. >> oh, wow. >> wow. well, it's great to know that you guys, mike, have -- michael, have had at least some training in a situation like this. but the fact that you actually have had to do this training, it does beg the question about the safety of sin goings. we've seen synagogues targeted before. what do you make of that situation? is this a relatively new thing that you have to start training rabbis in synagogues how to handle a situation like this? it's terrifying, but we seem to see it happen more often than not, unfortunately. >> yeah. unfortunately, anti-semitism is not a new phenomenon. it's about 3,000 years old. but that reality combined with the increase in violence in this country directed at the faith-based community is simply unacceptable in this country that someone has to worry when walking into a sin going or a church or -- synagogue or a simple or mosque that they might be the victim of a hate crime or violence. that simply shouldn't be sol rated. what we are doing is -- tolerated. what we are doing is working to prepare the community so they have the skills and resources necessary to share information, to be prepared, to protect themselves and to work collaboratively with law enforcement who we're very grateful for. >> michael, leo terrell. let me piggyback on what lara just said. do you look at a situation like this and then go back and see where information could have been missing? do you rook at social media -- look at social media to see if chatter is being raised any particular location? if so, do you alert the particular institution, and what information would you get from law enforcement on matters such as attacks on synagogues? >> so we have a 24/7/365 operations command center that is continuously monitoring social media. we coordinate diligently with our law enforcement partners, and i want to commend the fbi particularly and department of homeland security. we're passing threats and tips every day, and then we're coordinating with local communities. so there is a jewish federation security director, the jewish federation of greater dallas, they have a security director. we have 50 professionals like that around the country from large communities to small that we work with on these threats and work to analyze them and address them in a manner of ways to include training which is one of the most vital things we can do, and we saw that in pittsburgh. >> michael, thank you for joining us. i hope that this turns out exactly how we all pray it does, which is peacefully and this person gives up whatever cause they have and we get those people out of their safe. thank you for all the work we've done. >> we'll keep a good thought to all of them, and great thanks to law enforcement. >> all right. continuing coverage of the hostage situation at the texas synagogue next. we'll have an update on the suspect and his reported claim that his sister is a convicted terrorist. ♪ ♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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>> reporter: well, jackie, the hostage taker reportedly says he has children, no doubt they'll be part, potentially, of any negotiations with him. reportedly, she has ties to al-qaeda and, you're right, aafia siddiqui is currently serving an 86-year sentence for an attempted murder of u.s. army soldiers in eastern afghanistan in 2008. what happened was she was actually hiding behind a curtain, grabbed a soldier's m-4 rifle and tried to kill soldiers. actually, a brave afghan interpreter jumped in, pushed her out of the way and prevented the loss of american life at the time. she have then transported to the united states where she faced trial in manhattan, and that's where she's serving time. however, it has not been confirmed that this is the brother -- her brother. remember, it is husband claim. everybody's still -- his claim. everybody's still trying to confirm this information. but in terms of the hostage negotiations, of course, even's mindful that these are very delicate situations and, certainly, no one wants to see any loss of life, especially if explosives or heavy weapons are involved, jackie. >> you know, lucas, like you just said, we haven't confirmed this man actually has any ties to the terrorist that's in jail, but her being someone that has advocate or worked on behalf of al-qaeda, is there anything coming out of the pentagon that we've known that al-qaeda or any group here in the states or abroad have asked for, tried to negotiate for or threatened for her reliefs lease? is this something -- her release? has there been anything on their radar to say, hey, someone may do something bad to advocate on person's behalf? >> reporter: joey, as you remember from your time in the service, normally al-qaeda does like to post messages and claim responsibility for instances. because this is a breaking situation only hours old, it's too soon to tell right now. right now there's no public claim from al-qaeda being responsible or taking any kind of credit for this attack. of course, as we've seen in past hostage situations or killing, attacks at fort hoard when nidal hasan -- ford -- fort hood, he was in communication with terrorists in the arabian peninsula are. right now the pentagon is not saying anything publicly, and the white house is pushing all comment down to the fbi. closely monitoring the situation. we have recently learned that the dallas police department, this synagogue being in the dallas/fort worth area, has stepped up police presence at all synagogues in the dallas area, so we'll continue to monitor the situation, joey. >> hey, lucas, lara trump. i just want to piggyback a little bit on what joey was asking is. how about the individual that is actually there in the synagogue? is in any indication that he was on some sort of a watch list or that he was at all being watched by law enforcement prior to today? >> well, his sister allegedly is a pakistani neurosurgeon being held in jail. we're still trying to scramble to find information about this individual. whether or not he was on a watch list, it's just too soon to tell, lara. certainly ad good question, something law enforcement is certainly looking at and i'm sure a lot of our viewers as well. if this is, indeed, the brother who is monitoring, how was he able to do and this -- do this and certainly striking on the jewish sap bath -- sabbath, just a horrific situation. >> lucas, leo terrell here. let me make an assumption. i don't want to make the assumption, but do i take it that the president, the international community involves, do i take it now that this is now a federal investigation, that they're in charge of this matter in dallas and that the dallas police department is providing support? it has now been taken over by the federal government? is that a false assumption or what do you think? >> reporter: actually, leo,ing the fbi is saying that the local dallas authorities are still in the lead, but there's no question fbi's assisting. they're on site helping with this association -- negotiation, but right now local authorityies are in charge9 and the fbi's in a support role. as you know, that can change quickly. >> all right, lucas. thank you very much and thanks for all the information. please let us know if you find anything else out. >> reporter: sure will. [laughter] >> continuing coverage of the hostage situation at the texas synagogue next. pastor robert jeff rest is robert jeff rest is going to talk about threats to religion. ) how do your clients know that? (naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. (other money manager) sounds like a big responsibility. 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[laughter] so i think we just have to be aware of our times. i know that sounds strange to some people, but the bible says we live in a time of great threat. jesus talked about satan being a killer, a thief, a destroyer, and we have to realize that we need to protect ourselves against those who would do harm against god's people. >> pastor, you bring up a great point here. you walk around new york city and pretty much every temple around has a lot of private security. they're very visible, you know, clearly giving a message to folks don't, you know, come here and try to do something nefarious. and i'm wondering if you think that that essentially is going to have to be the trend across the country to be able to prevent attacks like this, essentially, you know, congregation members paying their dues and being able to put those teams together to stay safe? because this just keeps happening. >> look, whether it's a mega church like first baptist church dallas or it's a small church of 50 people, we need to be prepared. and i think about this tragedy that occurred just a few years ago. i was here on fox talking about it, first baptist the church sutherland springs and that horrific massacre that occurred there. and the fact is no church is immune from this kind of attack, and every church, every synagogue needs to be prepared regardless of the size. and even if a church can't afford a security or team, a paid security team, you can have your own members trained to take care of situations like this, and the congregation ought to know exactly what to do in case of an manger situation -- emergency situation like this. >> pastor, i know that in a christian church and ill say most places of worship kind of have an open door policy. hey, come on in, this is a place that welcomes you and wants you here. you're a new face and that's okay. by my count, i believe this is the third place of worship in the state of texas in the last several years to have something like this happen. is there a moment where you have to start almost vetting people coming in, or does that greatly change just how you're able to reach people with your faithsom? >> there need to always be people with eyes on who's coming in the church. for example, we have a policy at our church, we don't allow backpacks in our church for any reason. it's just not a smart thing to do. we have ushers who are trained to watch out for certain people who are coming. i mean, everybody of every race and creed and economic background is welcome in our church, but who isn't welcome are those who might do harm to our church. and we're watching out for that. >> pastor jeff rest, we want to thank you very much and appreciate your time on this very important and tragic situation. hopefully, it'll come out well. thank you for your time. more on the understood -- unfolding hostage situation at a texas synagogue in minutes. ♪ ♪ in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. so it was a happy ending... ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ welcome back, here's the latest on what we know right now, for people are held hostage of the congregation at israel synagogue in texas. rabbi is among those hostages. according to authorities, fbi negotiators make contact with the person in the building. there are unconfirmed reports the hostage taker is the brother of a convicted terrorist and is demanding sister be released. white house press secretary jen psaki tweeting the president has been briefed about the developing hostage situation in the dallas area, continuing to receive updates as a situation develops. senior members of the security team are in touch with federal law enforcement leadership. this is a fluid situation, we are waiting for more details. it's an unfortunate situation and one we see all too often across the country. >> if i may -- go ahead, joey. >> one interesting thing to me, we get training in the military and they keep most of your information to yourself but do talk about your family and things that might evoke empathy whoever it is that has you captive and it's interesting early on in this reporting we are hearing the hostage taker was talking about how he had hurt people and i hope we've learned in this hour rabbi has training and hope that's the direction this is going. let's hope this person empathizes with the poor people there and does give themselves up and no one is injured. regardless if this is the brother of a terrorist or not, it's a human being holding for other human beings hostage an opportunity for empathy is hopefully there and something fell for hostages are exercising. >> i couldn't agree more. we are all hoping for an right outcome, i keep thinking how important it is to have a robust police force in a situation like this. thank goodness police were available to respond, training in this sort of thing, it goes to show you god forbid you ever have a situation like this in your town anywhere near you, you want to know law enforcement authorities are trained, prepared and ready to go at a moments notice and can handle the situation just like this so thank you to law enforcement and hoping for a good outcome. >> what i like about this, what i think is important is pastor jeffrey, the rally of all the different religions during the program, i got a text from pastor james from james wayne church rally, the tremendous amount of religious support for the jewish community and that's what makes this country so great. a true freedom of religious and religious freedom. >> you offer up great points and we are praying for everyone and hoping the outcome in this situation will be a positive outcome, it seems to be a good response, conversations are ongoing but we will bring more details when we have that. that doesn't for us, we'll see you back here tomorrow 5:00 p.m. eastern for the big sunday shelf. fox report with jon scott starts right now. ♪♪ jon: hostage standoff continues right now at a synagogue in texas. good evening, i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪♪ jon: the situation still unfolding near fort worth. police say a man took multiple hostages during saturday's services at the israel synagogue. standoff began shortly before noon central time, 1:00 p.m. eastern. the synagogue was live streaming services on facebook earlier this afternoon. s.w.a.t. teams are on s

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Texas Synagogue , Man , Brother , Details , Houston , We Don T Know , Eric , Hostage Situation , Texas , Everyone , Hello , Rabbi , Hostage , Joey Jones , Others , Leo Terrell , Jackie Deangelis , Lara Trump , Big Saturday Show , Three , Reporter , Suspect , Terrorist , Woman , Bryan Llenas , Synagogue In Colleyvilleing , 11 , Israel Synagogue , Fort Worth , Swat Team , Congregation Beth Israel , 17 , People , Reporting , Rabbi Charlie Citron Walker , Abc News , Four , Stream , Services , Sabbath , Jews , 2 , 00 , Sister , Couldn T , Background , Telegram , Muffling , Camera , Voice , Pulpit , Children , Times , Anyone , Arely , Islam , Person , Injuries , Aafia Saw Dickey , Pakistani , Neuroscientist , U S , Soldiers , Sentence , Center , Avaya , Afghanistan , 86 , 2008 , Fox News , Release , Cannot , Protests , Reasons , Caution , Protest , Blood Relation , Anybody , New York , World Wild , Tweeting , Al Qaeda , Tweets , Lady , Ambassador , Over , Tom , Community , Safe , End , In Colleyville , Hostage Situation Taking Place , Prime Minister , One , Hostages , Safety , Rescuers , Call , Kdfw , 911 , Sam , Two , 1999 , Reports , Negotiations , Talking Colleyville Police , Fbi , Scene , Updates , Many , Texas Department Of Public Safety , Situation , Everybody , Conversations , Area , Understanding , Hostage Negotiators , Evacuatedded , Residents , Advantage , Obviously , Bryan , Question , Ground , Building , Vicinity , Aren T , Know Earlien On , Gentleman , Threat , Colleyville Police Department , Police Department , Central Time , Tweet , Public , Swath9 Teams , Kind , Somewhere , Bombs , Nature , Spokeswoman , Nobody , Jack Cambria , Standing Hostage Negotiation Team Commander , New York City Police Department , Police Veteran , 34 , Negotiators , Goal , Being , Way , Sense , Experience , Timing , Point , Incident , Negotiation , Violence , Emotions , Chance , Concluding , Thing , Highest , 45 , 15 , Notes , Texas Last Night , Positives , Interesting , Hostage Negotiation Class , Allen Are , Five , Fact , Course , Side , Negatives , Motivation , Police Side , Part , Drama , Movie , Middle , Screen , Hearing , Positive , Rapport , Rabbi Let Him In , Something , Family , Both , Angle , Intermediaries , Jack , Rule , Third Party , Hi , Lee , Anything , Law Enforcement , Law Enforcement Hasn T , Sources , Tell Yousome , Network Newscasts , Media , Strategies , Hostage Taker , I Don T Know , Subject Matter Experts , Tactics , People Who , Report , Hearing Things , Reason , News , No One , It , Adage , Hurt , Information , Intervention , Mental Health , Story , Tactical , Hasn T , Case , Issues , He Hasn T , Sor , 15 Minutes Of Fame , Vein , Add , Things , Location , Negotiator , Hostage Negotiator , Just , Dynamic , Business As Usual , Strategy , Dynamics , Setting , Listening , Attention , Synagogue , Thinking , President Of The United States , Objective , Situations , Bit , Surrender , Perp , Training On , Factors , Change , Primary , Planning , Learning , Route , Weapons , Matter , Action , Talking , Somebody , Option , Individuals , Pulse , Likelihood , Police , Nightclub , Bathroom , Omar Mateen , 49 , 52 , Negotiating , Guy , Hostages X , Victims , Police Bullets , Officers , Miswill Go In , Gun , Approach , Coverage , Insight , Account , Protein , Muscle Health , High Protein , Nutrients , Boost , 20 , 16 , Immune Support , Hard Eating Healthy , Sound , Breathing , Nature Breathing , Dog , Fasenra , Asthma , Eosinophils , Asthma Attacks , Asthma Medication , Steroid , Add On Treatment , Use , Steroids , Inhaler , Maintenance Dose , 8 , Adults , Rescue Medication , Reactions , Conditions , 7 , 10 , Doctor , Help , Face , Don T , Headache , Tongue , Mouth , Trouble , Sore Throat , Swelling , Infection , Fox News Alert , Captive , Clayton Neville , Phone , Radio Reporter , Wbap In Dallas , Mood , Everything , Areasome , Media Teams , Seven , No Doubt , Presence , Traffic , Church , Neighborhood , Word , Knowledge , Greater Dallas , Metroplex , Subject Matter , Incidents , There Hasn T , Type , Six , Motive , Radar , Mayor , Synagogues , Jewish , Ways , Federation , Patrols , Pandemic , Precautions , Mark , Shabbat Services , Lot , There Weren T , Specifics , Rules , Result , Mid , Service , Some , Covid , Chunk , Wall , Video , Video Stream , Conversation , Bomb Technician , Yelling , Cut Off , Explosives , Cordon , Response , Bomb Squad , Haven T , Aspect , Truck , Team , Swat Presence , Standing , Itself , Big Swat Trucks , Teams , Site , Swat , Atf , We Ring , Organization , Head , Country , Communities , Money , Move , Feel , Loan , Personal Loan , Rate , Sofi , 0 , My Name Is Cherrie , On The Beach , Daughters , Oregon Coast , 76 , 53 , Memory , Granddaughters , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Taking Prevagen , Memories , Life , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Eye , Symptoms , Inflammation , Burn , Ache , Let S Kick Ken , Xiidra , Eyes , Relief , Eye Drops , Drops , Eye Disease , Side Effects , Eye Drop , Signs , Vision , Eye Irritation , Discomfort , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Surface , Room , Fifteen , Dry Eye , Greg Abbott , Michael Masters , Mow , Security , Community Network , Thanks , Director , Ceo , Jewish Community , Department Of Homeland Security , Liaison , North America , Communication , Guys , Light , Curious , Intelligence Analysts , Social Media , Members , Operations , Estate , Comments , Law , Enforcement , Staff , Training , Wrap , Sin , Goings , Have , You Guys , Mike , Training Rabbis , Terrifying , Anti Semitism , Phenomenon , Increase , Reality , 3000 , Someone , Victim , Mosque , Hate Crime , Shouldn T Be Sol Rated , Doing , Skills , Resources , Attacks , Matters , Institution , Chatter , 24 , Law Enforcement Partners , 365 , Threats , Professionals , Federation Security Director , Security Director , Tips , 50 , Manner , Work , Pittsburgh , Claim , Update , Texas Synagogue Next , Thought , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Insurance , Sec , Sleep Number , Pay , Liberty , Liberty It S Time , Season , Prices , Vulture Squawks , 360 , Sleep , Movements , Problem , Bed , Smart Bed , Cold , Temperature Balancing , Care , Interest , Weekend Special , Science , Miss , Delivery , Base , Night After , Plus , Ends Monday , 36 , 1000 , 000 , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Strength , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Death , Changes , Behavior , Episodes , Psychosis , Stroke , Risk , Patients , Manic , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Cholesterol , Reaction , Antidepressants , Thoughts , High Blood Sugar , Fever , Confusion , Weight Gain , Coma , Sleepiness , Restlessness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , President , Lucas Tomlinson , Cat , Delaware , Wilmington , Hugh , Jen Psaki , Quote , White House , Security Team , Law Enforcement Leadership , Touch , Administration , Shabbat , Beth Israel , Biden , Tally Bennett , Mass , The Press , Guysesome , Experts , Air , Posited , Theories , Elited , Kinds , Nonstarter , Demands , Go On Into , Turn , Ties , Attempted Murder , Aafia Siddiqui , U S Army , Loss , Brave Afghan Interpreter Jumped In , Curtain , Rifle , Grabbed A Soldier S M 4 , 4 , Trial , Manhattan , Hostage Negotiations , Terms , Wants , Jail , Behalf , States , Group , We Haven T , Pentagon , Reliefs , Responsibility , Messages , Instances , Attack , Nidal Hasan , Hostage Situations , Killing , Credit , Fort Hood , Ford , Terrorists , Comment , Dallas Police Department , Arabian Peninsula , Police Presence , Sort , Individual , Watch List , Indication , Neurosurgeon , Whether , Viewers , Sap Bath , Assumption , Support , Leo , Investigation , Ing , Charge , Government , Authorities , Authorityies , Lead , Support Role , Association , Laughter , Robert Jeff Rest , Will , Naj , Money Manager , Religion , Clients , Fiduciary , Retirement , Fees , Fisher Investments , Helen , Exercise , Diabetes , Activity , Glucose , Mystery , Glucose Levels , A1c , Libre 2 , Medicare , Questions , Covid 19 , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , 833 , Pastor , Contributor , First Baptist Church Of Dallas , All Of Us , Robert Jeffress , Worship , Houses , Handling , Cooperation , Priest , Congregation , Nightmare , First Baptist Church In Dallas , Friends , Kong Redivisions , Congregants , Faith , Place , Nation , World , The Bible , Forces , Christians , 3500 , Lara In , Acts , Kong Regants , Quarter , Security Force , Shooting , Shooter , Killer , Bible , Satan , Destroyer , Thief , Jesus , Harm , Temple , Folks Don T , Message , God , Trend , Congregation Members , Dues , First Baptist The Church Sutherland Springs , Tragedy , Massacre , Size , Places , Christian Church , Manger , Count , Open Door Policy , Come On In , Policy , Faithsom , Ushers , Backpacks , Creed , Race , Who , Isn T Welcome , More , Drink , Landscaper Larry , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Hunger , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Ending , Kid , Car , Progressive , Vo , Crew , Timber , Decompression Zone , Music Vo , Technology , Windshield , Singers , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Welcome Back , Contact , Fluid Situation , Empathy , Military , Talk , Direction , Hope , Human Beings , Opportunity , Human Being Holding , Exercising , Outcome , Police Force , Goodness , Law Enforcement Authorities , Town , Jeffrey , Text , Religions , Program , Rally , Amount , True Freedom Of Religious And , James Wayne Church Rally , Points , Fox Report , Jon Scott , Eastern , Hostage Standoff , Big Sunday Shelf , 5 , Standoff , Facebook , 1 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Big Saturday Show 20240709

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the s.w.a.t. team responded to congregation beth israel, the synagogue in colleyville about 17 miles northeast of fort worth. they responded to what is, what we now know, to a hostage situation. abc news is reporting there are four people being held hostage including the rabbi of that synagogue. the rabbi of that synagogue is named as rabbi charlie citron walker, known to be the full-time rabbi of congregation beth israel. right before 2:00 there was a live stream of services there this morning for the sabbath today, a religious day, obviously, for jews. and on this live stream it was cut right before people could kind of hear muffling in the synagogue. you couldn't really see much, but there was a fixed camera shot of the pulpit, you could hear the faint voice of a man heard in the background. the fort worth telegram is reporting that this man repeatedly mentioned his sister and islam, and he said a few times that he didn't want to hurt anyone, and he mentioned he had children. he also said repeated arely that he believes -- repeatedly that he believes he's going to die. we do not know whether this man is armed. there have been no reported injuries. from what we now understand based on the reporting of abc news, this person is reportedly purported to be, he's saying that he is the brother of aafia saw dickey who's a pakistani neuroscientist who's serving an 86-year sentence in the u.s. for trying to kill american soldiers in afghanistan in 2008. avaya was transferred to the federal medical center for medical reasons. now, we have to really exercise caution here. fox news cannot independently confirm that, but this is what's being reported by abc news. we have to exercise caution and understand that there have been protests for the release of avaya saw dickey by those in pakistan and elsewhere world wild, even a protest here last fall in new york calling on her release. this could be a blood relation, it could be just anybody who is demanding for this person -- for this terrorist who is known as lady al-qaeda to be released. from what we now understand also, we are getting tweets from all over, the u.s. ambassador to israel, tom leads, is tweeting i am closely monitoring to having the hostage situation in texas where the community has gathered, playing if -- praying for an immediate and safe end. the prime minister of israel tweeted: i am closely monitoring the hostage situation taking place in congregation beth israel in colleyville, texas. we pray for the safety of the hostages and rescuers. our affiliate, kdfw, is reporting a 911 call was made to a rabbi in new york city from a rabbi in texas who is believed to be one of the people being held hostage. from what we understand, there is only the one full-time rabbi. that rabbi, charlie citron walker, he is a husband, has two children. this is a synagogue that's been in the community since 1999, fairly new, but it has been there for the last two decades. and from what we are trying to gather now as we're trying to see where these negotiations now stand. but at this hour, from what we understand from reports, this is an ongoing hostage situation with as many as four people inside including a rabbi, and we are monitoring for any updates from the colleyville police. we know the fbi is on scene as well as the texas department of public safety. jackie? >> bryan, obviously, the situation's very fluid. my understanding is that the residents in the immediate area are also being advantage -- evacuatedded, and the conversations with the hostage negotiators are ongoing. obviously, want to try to keep everybody safe, you know, if you can evacuate people from the building that aren't in the immediate vicinity of where this gentleman is, you know, how are people on the ground trying to defuse it? >> reporter: that's a great question. we do know earlien on, around 11 a.m. central time, that tweet came out from colleyville police department that swath9 teams were going in to -- s.w.a.t teams were going in to evacuate the area. the police department has said there is no threat to the general public which means there is no threat that they believe for the people living in and around that synagogue. but we do know that there have been reports that this person inside the synagogue is threatening they have placed bombs somewhere. again, fox news can't independently confirm that, but that is kind of the nature of the situation that we're dealing with. an fbi spokeswoman saying this is an evolving situation and it very much is. but from what we now understand, at the very least we know that nobody has been injured and that the negotiations are very much ongoing. >> bryan llenas, thank you so much for that. i want to bring in a 34-year police veteran, retired with the new york city police department's longest standing hostage negotiation team commander. jack, thank you so much for joining us. you know, i just want to ask you, this is going on well over four hours right now, and our understanding is the negotiators are trying to talk to this person, trying to keep him talking, that's the goal, to keep everybody from being hurt -- unhurt, rather, as long as possible. and the question is over four hours, from your past experience, is there any way to get a sense from the timing of this how these conversations are developing, how they're going? >> well, ideally, the longer the incident goes on would want violence, the better chance -- without violence, the better chance of concluding successfully. emotions are starting to wine down at this point. the most dangerous time of a negotiation is usually the first 15-45 minutes of a negotiation because that's when emotions run the highest. so with this four-hour time period, it can't possibly be viewed -- it can possibly be viewed maybe as a positive thing for the police. there are also some other positives. i've been taking some notes here. interestingly enough, i just returned from texas last night, allen are, texas, where i just conducted a five-day hostage negotiation class for the negotiators, so it's interesting that now we have another incident going on in texas. but there are some negatives, of course. the fact that his brother -- on the side of the police -- this brother is, you know, convicted of being a terrorist. his sister, i understand, is in jail for 86 years. i was taking notes as i was watching earlier: i just learned about this a little while ago. so from the police side, what does he want, what is his motivation. often times when police negotiators arrive on the scene, it's lined -- kind of like the middle of a movie, the drama's already unfolded on screen, and now you have to piece together how do we get to this part of the drama in the movie, how do you get to this part of the drama in the negotiations. so the police are going to have to start to backtrack and figure that out. and they probably have a good sense of it now. from what i've been hearing on fox news so far, that there are some positives as well. the fact that, as we just discussed, that he's been talking for four hours, that can be deemed as a positive. the fact that he likes the rabbi, as i had heard reported, the rabbi let him in, so he seems to like him. that's a good thing. maybe building a rapport going back and forth with both of them. the fact that he, according to him, he adores his children, his family. so that can be a positive, something that the police can look to work that a angle, maybe bring them in as third party intermediaries. although the rule is with third party intermediaries is that they -- the family -- >> thank you. jack, jack? hi, lee owe terrell here. -- leo terrell. i want to set aside all the reports from other sources. the fact that we have not heard from law enforcement, the fact that law enforcement hasn't told us anything, i want to separate what's been report by third party and focus on the fact that this has been going on for four and a half hours. we have not heard anything directly from law enforcement. what does that tell yousome. >> well, what it's telling me, they probably realize that he is watching. he's watching fox news. he's watching the other network newscasts. so they are very cautious as to what they will release in this -- at this point in time to the media with. it's just, they don't want to give away my strategies or tactics. talking to people who, i don't know, subject matter experts, for example, what they might be suggesting. so he, our individual here, our terrorist who is doing this, now hostage taker, he is listening right now. >> okay. because i think one of -- we believe the report, the fact that the police have not been reporting anything, can we believe the report, can we believe that he's hearing things absent anything from law enforcement? >> well, i believe, you know, they're keeping it, you know, quiet for a reason. but i believe no news is good news, as the old adage says. the fact that they have reported no one's been hurt, well, that's the information that's being put forth out there, that's a good thing. so he realizes that by him keeping these hostages alive, it's preventing a police tactical intervention. so he wants to get his story out. maybe there's some mental health issues here. maybe he wants his 15 minutes of fame. you know, in this case, four and a half hours sor. but what is the motivation. why is he doing what he's doing. he hasn't said. at least it hasn't been reported. >> hey, jack, lara trump here. just want to ask you in that vein, the fact that this is happening in a synagogue, the fact that he did mention something about islam earlier we know when this all first unfolded, does that add a certain dynamic to things? do you approach things as a negotiator differently because of that, the location of things, or is this just, you know, business as usual if you're a hostage negotiator? if. >> well, for the negotiators, you know, we have a certain strategy that we look to proceed on. active listening and trying to understand the motivation of that individual. i think the dynamics of the setting, as you just asked, lara, was that synagogue, he probably realized this is going to generate worldwide attention. it's a synagogue. and there's always those sensitive issues attached to that. and if that's what his motivation is, if that's what he's thinking, well, then he's getting what he's playing into. the fact that it even came to the attention of the president of the united states, the attention of israel. i think he made -- if that's what he was looking to do, then he, you know, achieved that objective, certainly. >> hey, jack, this is joey jones here. you know, being in the military and having a little bit of training on -- not the same kind of situation, but similar situations, i would have to imagine you're looking for a peaceful surrender of the person. that's what you're -- perp, that's what you're planning towards. but you're also gathering information, learning what you can going on inside that building. what factors would have to change, what would have to change or happen for that second route to become the primary, for them to need to take kinetic action? >> well, joey, it's a matter -- right now he's talking, so while he's talking -- >> yeah. >> -- he's not shooting. i can't really see what weapons he is -- he has,s if any. i don't have that information. but assuming that he does, once he starts hurting people, then negotiations are no longer an option at this point. he decided how this incident will play out. if he hurts somebody, then it's probably, more than likely going to be an immediate tactical action. so by keeping these individuals safe at this point, knows that the police will probably not come in in all likelihood as long as he keeps them safe. and we saw this in the pulse if nightclub five years ago where the police, when they finally got into the pulse nightclub after this individual, omar mateen, had shot and killed 49 individuals, seriously injured 52 others, when the police finally got into the nightclub, they chased him into a bathroom where there were hostages x. at this point they had to look to slow it down and got negotiators involved and started negotiating with this guy because they knew if they went in there prior to that, there was 11 hostages, as i recall. there would have been -- >> yeah. -- they might have been taken out. the officers might have as well. but those innocent victims would probably also have been victims of police bullets. so they know that at this point right now it's talking through this incident. while he's talking he's not shooting, if he has a gun, and that's the approach right now. and how that will change is if he decided to change that. >> yeah. >> at which time the miswill go in. police will go in. >> jack cambria, i want to thank you for your time and your insight. obviously, we're going to continue this coverage of the hostage situation in that synagogue. next we're going to talk to a reporter who is at the scene right now, his firsthand account of the ongoing situation. ♪ ♪ and mine's unlisted. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. it■s hard eating healthy. unless you happen to be a dog. this is the sound of nature breathing. and this is the sound of better breathing. fasenra is a different kind of asthma medication. it's not a steroid or inhaler. fasenra is an add-on treatment for asthma driven by eosinophils. it's one maintenance dose every 8 weeks. it helps prevent asthma attacks, improve breathing, and lower use of oral steroids. nearly 7 out of 10 adults with asthma may have elevated eosinophils. fasenra is designed to target and remove them. fasenra is not a rescue medication or for other eosinophilic conditions. fasenra may cause allergic reactions. get help right away if you have swelling of your face, mouth, and tongue, or trouble breathing. don't stop your asthma treatments unless your doctor tells you to. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection or your asthma worsens. headache and sore throat may occur. this is the sound of fasenra. ask your doctor about fasenra. >> we're back with a fox news alert. monitoring a developing hostage situation at a texas synagogue where a rabbi and three others are being held captive. joining us now on the phone is clayton neville, a local radio reporter for wbap in dallas. clayton, you've been there for several hours now. set the scene for us. what is the mood on the ground, how does everything feel in the local areasome -- area? >> well, it's a dangerous situation, there's no doubt about that. the media teams are about a quarter mile or so away from the seven going here in the immediate area. it's been evacuated and completely blocked off to through traffic. so a heavy police presence, we're talking colleyville police, which is the local police department, regional police, state police and the fbi. we're being told that the fbi is part of the ongoing negotiation with the suspect. as far as the scene is concerned, we're staged in a church nearby, and there's several people who are not allowed back in their neighborhood that are here waiting word from police that they can go back in. but at this point it's still very much an active situation, and they could be waiting here for quite some time. >> clayton, leo terrell, can can you hear me? i want to ask you, based on your local knowledge of the area, have there been previous, prior incidents involving this synagogue? any type of protest on this particular subject matter in the last six months to a year? >> there have not. in fact, in the entire that's fort worth metroplex -- dallas/fort worth area, there hasn't been anything that jump out on the radar. as far as the motive, still very early on that part of it, but, no, there hasn't been anything in that area. although i will point out that the9 mayor of dallas, which is very nearby, has said they have sent extra police patrols to synagogues across dallas. they're on the phone with the jewish federation having conversations about ways to make sure that other synagogues are safe just because of the fact that this is an ongoing situation now getting local and national attention, and we're at the four or five hour mark. so people nervous, taking precautions if they can. >> clayton, this is jackie deangelis in new york. i'm wondering if on the ground because of the pandemic, you know, you typically think of these shabbat services, they can be very crowded in person. we're talking about a hostage situation with only four people at the moment from our understanding. so i'm wondering, you know, if the pandemic impacted how many people were in that synagogue, what the rules are like, how people are feeling down there as a result of it. >> yeah. you know, certainly the pandemic could be the reason why there weren't a lot of people inside. we don't have the specifics yet as to what exactly is going on, was it right in the mid of -- middle of the service or after. but again, as we have heard and as we witnessed, i watched for about 45 minutes, for a while now the live stream which was available for some who maybe weren't able to go because of covid or whatever reason, it picked up a good chunk of this situation. and i was watching it, and all of a sudden immediately the live video ended, and that happened about an hour or so, maybe a little bit longer into the situation. we weren't able to see much on the video stream, but you did hear a lot of the conversation, a lot of the yelling between the suspect, and you were able to hear a little bit from the hostages as well before that video cut off. >> hey, clayton, this is joey jones. i'm a former bomb technician myself. just curious, i know we've seen unconfirmed reports that there could be explosives this person might have put somewhere. i guess my question to you being there on the ground, have you seen anything -- i know we know there's a cordon in the immediate area that's been evacuated, but have you seen anything like a bomb squad or anything from the police response to make anyone believe that there's a credible threat to anyone outside this specific location where these hostages are? >> you know, as far as explosives are concerned, i haven't seen much of a response in that aspect. not to say they're not here because, again, we're not allowed in the immediate area. however, what i am seeing is a very heavy s.w.a.t. presence. i saw one of those big s.w.a.t. trucks that you see and the team standing by the truck. that was pretty close to the synagogue itself, really between where we'ring with -- we're being held and the synagogue. at this point just heavy law enforcement and s.w.a.t. teams. haven't seen atf or bomb squad on the site at this point, but again, it's pretty cordoned off. >> all right. well, clayton neville, thank you so much for all the information, keeping us updated, and we are going to have continuing coverage of the hostage situation at the synagogue. next, we're going to talk to the head of a organization that works with jewish communities across the country. ♪ ♪ feel stuck and need a loan? move to sofi and feel what it's like to get your money right. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ move to a sofi personal loan. earn $10 just for viewing your rate — and get your money right. ♪ hi, my name is cherrie. and i'm 76 and i liveght. on the oregon coast. my husband, sam, we've been married 53 years. we love to walk on the beach. i have two daughters and then two granddaughters. i noticed that memories were not there like they were when i was much younger. since taking prevagen, my memory has gotten better and it's like the puzzle pieces have all been [click] put together. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ dry eye symptoms keep driving you crazy? 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i don't know exactly how this came to light, but i've heard reports that the rabbi in the synagogue made a call to a rabbi in new york and curious if you guys know anything about that. >> well, there's a lot of things that we can't see at -- say at this point that are still developing, but what i can tell you is our team of intelligence analysts and our operations command center identified this incident shortly after it took off. through the live stream and several comments made on social media and started coordinating immediately with local, state and federal law enforcement. and members of our staff are very familiar with that synagogue because we've been in there. we've done training with the wrap rabbi -- rabbi before on how to deal with a situation exactly like this. >> oh, wow. >> wow. well, it's great to know that you guys, mike, have -- michael, have had at least some training in a situation like this. but the fact that you actually have had to do this training, it does beg the question about the safety of sin goings. we've seen synagogues targeted before. what do you make of that situation? is this a relatively new thing that you have to start training rabbis in synagogues how to handle a situation like this? it's terrifying, but we seem to see it happen more often than not, unfortunately. >> yeah. unfortunately, anti-semitism is not a new phenomenon. it's about 3,000 years old. but that reality combined with the increase in violence in this country directed at the faith-based community is simply unacceptable in this country that someone has to worry when walking into a sin going or a church or -- synagogue or a simple or mosque that they might be the victim of a hate crime or violence. that simply shouldn't be sol rated. what we are doing is -- tolerated. what we are doing is working to prepare the community so they have the skills and resources necessary to share information, to be prepared, to protect themselves and to work collaboratively with law enforcement who we're very grateful for. >> michael, leo terrell. let me piggyback on what lara just said. do you look at a situation like this and then go back and see where information could have been missing? do you rook at social media -- look at social media to see if chatter is being raised any particular location? if so, do you alert the particular institution, and what information would you get from law enforcement on matters such as attacks on synagogues? >> so we have a 24/7/365 operations command center that is continuously monitoring social media. we coordinate diligently with our law enforcement partners, and i want to commend the fbi particularly and department of homeland security. we're passing threats and tips every day, and then we're coordinating with local communities. so there is a jewish federation security director, the jewish federation of greater dallas, they have a security director. we have 50 professionals like that around the country from large communities to small that we work with on these threats and work to analyze them and address them in a manner of ways to include training which is one of the most vital things we can do, and we saw that in pittsburgh. >> michael, thank you for joining us. i hope that this turns out exactly how we all pray it does, which is peacefully and this person gives up whatever cause they have and we get those people out of their safe. thank you for all the work we've done. >> we'll keep a good thought to all of them, and great thanks to law enforcement. >> all right. continuing coverage of the hostage situation at the texas synagogue next. we'll have an update on the suspect and his reported claim that his sister is a convicted terrorist. ♪ ♪ and it's easy to customize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? 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>> reporter: well, jackie, the hostage taker reportedly says he has children, no doubt they'll be part, potentially, of any negotiations with him. reportedly, she has ties to al-qaeda and, you're right, aafia siddiqui is currently serving an 86-year sentence for an attempted murder of u.s. army soldiers in eastern afghanistan in 2008. what happened was she was actually hiding behind a curtain, grabbed a soldier's m-4 rifle and tried to kill soldiers. actually, a brave afghan interpreter jumped in, pushed her out of the way and prevented the loss of american life at the time. she have then transported to the united states where she faced trial in manhattan, and that's where she's serving time. however, it has not been confirmed that this is the brother -- her brother. remember, it is husband claim. everybody's still -- his claim. everybody's still trying to confirm this information. but in terms of the hostage negotiations, of course, even's mindful that these are very delicate situations and, certainly, no one wants to see any loss of life, especially if explosives or heavy weapons are involved, jackie. >> you know, lucas, like you just said, we haven't confirmed this man actually has any ties to the terrorist that's in jail, but her being someone that has advocate or worked on behalf of al-qaeda, is there anything coming out of the pentagon that we've known that al-qaeda or any group here in the states or abroad have asked for, tried to negotiate for or threatened for her reliefs lease? is this something -- her release? has there been anything on their radar to say, hey, someone may do something bad to advocate on person's behalf? >> reporter: joey, as you remember from your time in the service, normally al-qaeda does like to post messages and claim responsibility for instances. because this is a breaking situation only hours old, it's too soon to tell right now. right now there's no public claim from al-qaeda being responsible or taking any kind of credit for this attack. of course, as we've seen in past hostage situations or killing, attacks at fort hoard when nidal hasan -- ford -- fort hood, he was in communication with terrorists in the arabian peninsula are. right now the pentagon is not saying anything publicly, and the white house is pushing all comment down to the fbi. closely monitoring the situation. we have recently learned that the dallas police department, this synagogue being in the dallas/fort worth area, has stepped up police presence at all synagogues in the dallas area, so we'll continue to monitor the situation, joey. >> hey, lucas, lara trump. i just want to piggyback a little bit on what joey was asking is. how about the individual that is actually there in the synagogue? is in any indication that he was on some sort of a watch list or that he was at all being watched by law enforcement prior to today? >> well, his sister allegedly is a pakistani neurosurgeon being held in jail. we're still trying to scramble to find information about this individual. whether or not he was on a watch list, it's just too soon to tell, lara. certainly ad good question, something law enforcement is certainly looking at and i'm sure a lot of our viewers as well. if this is, indeed, the brother who is monitoring, how was he able to do and this -- do this and certainly striking on the jewish sap bath -- sabbath, just a horrific situation. >> lucas, leo terrell here. let me make an assumption. i don't want to make the assumption, but do i take it that the president, the international community involves, do i take it now that this is now a federal investigation, that they're in charge of this matter in dallas and that the dallas police department is providing support? it has now been taken over by the federal government? is that a false assumption or what do you think? >> reporter: actually, leo,ing the fbi is saying that the local dallas authorities are still in the lead, but there's no question fbi's assisting. they're on site helping with this association -- negotiation, but right now local authorityies are in charge9 and the fbi's in a support role. as you know, that can change quickly. >> all right, lucas. thank you very much and thanks for all the information. please let us know if you find anything else out. >> reporter: sure will. [laughter] >> continuing coverage of the hostage situation at the texas synagogue next. pastor robert jeff rest is robert jeff rest is going to talk about threats to religion. ) how do your clients know that? (naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. (other money manager) sounds like a big responsibility. 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[laughter] so i think we just have to be aware of our times. i know that sounds strange to some people, but the bible says we live in a time of great threat. jesus talked about satan being a killer, a thief, a destroyer, and we have to realize that we need to protect ourselves against those who would do harm against god's people. >> pastor, you bring up a great point here. you walk around new york city and pretty much every temple around has a lot of private security. they're very visible, you know, clearly giving a message to folks don't, you know, come here and try to do something nefarious. and i'm wondering if you think that that essentially is going to have to be the trend across the country to be able to prevent attacks like this, essentially, you know, congregation members paying their dues and being able to put those teams together to stay safe? because this just keeps happening. >> look, whether it's a mega church like first baptist church dallas or it's a small church of 50 people, we need to be prepared. and i think about this tragedy that occurred just a few years ago. i was here on fox talking about it, first baptist the church sutherland springs and that horrific massacre that occurred there. and the fact is no church is immune from this kind of attack, and every church, every synagogue needs to be prepared regardless of the size. and even if a church can't afford a security or team, a paid security team, you can have your own members trained to take care of situations like this, and the congregation ought to know exactly what to do in case of an manger situation -- emergency situation like this. >> pastor, i know that in a christian church and ill say most places of worship kind of have an open door policy. hey, come on in, this is a place that welcomes you and wants you here. you're a new face and that's okay. by my count, i believe this is the third place of worship in the state of texas in the last several years to have something like this happen. is there a moment where you have to start almost vetting people coming in, or does that greatly change just how you're able to reach people with your faithsom? >> there need to always be people with eyes on who's coming in the church. for example, we have a policy at our church, we don't allow backpacks in our church for any reason. it's just not a smart thing to do. we have ushers who are trained to watch out for certain people who are coming. i mean, everybody of every race and creed and economic background is welcome in our church, but who isn't welcome are those who might do harm to our church. and we're watching out for that. >> pastor jeff rest, we want to thank you very much and appreciate your time on this very important and tragic situation. hopefully, it'll come out well. thank you for your time. more on the understood -- unfolding hostage situation at a texas synagogue in minutes. ♪ ♪ in the nutritional drink you choose. try boost glucose control®. it's clinically shown to help manage blood sugar levels and contains high quality protein to help manage hunger and support muscle health. try boost® today. once upon a time, at the magical everly estate, landscaper larry and his trusty crew... were delayed when the new kid totaled his truck. timber... fortunately, they were covered by progressive, so it was a happy ending... for almost everyone. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. so it was a happy ending... ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ welcome back, here's the latest on what we know right now, for people are held hostage of the congregation at israel synagogue in texas. rabbi is among those hostages. according to authorities, fbi negotiators make contact with the person in the building. there are unconfirmed reports the hostage taker is the brother of a convicted terrorist and is demanding sister be released. white house press secretary jen psaki tweeting the president has been briefed about the developing hostage situation in the dallas area, continuing to receive updates as a situation develops. senior members of the security team are in touch with federal law enforcement leadership. this is a fluid situation, we are waiting for more details. it's an unfortunate situation and one we see all too often across the country. >> if i may -- go ahead, joey. >> one interesting thing to me, we get training in the military and they keep most of your information to yourself but do talk about your family and things that might evoke empathy whoever it is that has you captive and it's interesting early on in this reporting we are hearing the hostage taker was talking about how he had hurt people and i hope we've learned in this hour rabbi has training and hope that's the direction this is going. let's hope this person empathizes with the poor people there and does give themselves up and no one is injured. regardless if this is the brother of a terrorist or not, it's a human being holding for other human beings hostage an opportunity for empathy is hopefully there and something fell for hostages are exercising. >> i couldn't agree more. we are all hoping for an right outcome, i keep thinking how important it is to have a robust police force in a situation like this. thank goodness police were available to respond, training in this sort of thing, it goes to show you god forbid you ever have a situation like this in your town anywhere near you, you want to know law enforcement authorities are trained, prepared and ready to go at a moments notice and can handle the situation just like this so thank you to law enforcement and hoping for a good outcome. >> what i like about this, what i think is important is pastor jeffrey, the rally of all the different religions during the program, i got a text from pastor james from james wayne church rally, the tremendous amount of religious support for the jewish community and that's what makes this country so great. a true freedom of religious and religious freedom. >> you offer up great points and we are praying for everyone and hoping the outcome in this situation will be a positive outcome, it seems to be a good response, conversations are ongoing but we will bring more details when we have that. that doesn't for us, we'll see you back here tomorrow 5:00 p.m. eastern for the big sunday shelf. fox report with jon scott starts right now. ♪♪ jon: hostage standoff continues right now at a synagogue in texas. good evening, i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪♪ jon: the situation still unfolding near fort worth. police say a man took multiple hostages during saturday's services at the israel synagogue. standoff began shortly before noon central time, 1:00 p.m. eastern. the synagogue was live streaming services on facebook earlier this afternoon. s.w.a.t. teams are on s

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Texas Synagogue , Man , Brother , Details , Houston , We Don T Know , Eric , Hostage Situation , Texas , Everyone , Hello , Rabbi , Hostage , Joey Jones , Others , Leo Terrell , Jackie Deangelis , Lara Trump , Big Saturday Show , Three , Reporter , Suspect , Terrorist , Woman , Bryan Llenas , Synagogue In Colleyvilleing , 11 , Israel Synagogue , Fort Worth , Swat Team , Congregation Beth Israel , 17 , People , Reporting , Rabbi Charlie Citron Walker , Abc News , Four , Stream , Services , Sabbath , Jews , 2 , 00 , Sister , Couldn T , Background , Telegram , Muffling , Camera , Voice , Pulpit , Children , Times , Anyone , Arely , Islam , Person , Injuries , Aafia Saw Dickey , Pakistani , Neuroscientist , U S , Soldiers , Sentence , Center , Avaya , Afghanistan , 86 , 2008 , Fox News , Release , Cannot , Protests , Reasons , Caution , Protest , Blood Relation , Anybody , New York , World Wild , Tweeting , Al Qaeda , Tweets , Lady , Ambassador , Over , Tom , Community , Safe , End , In Colleyville , Hostage Situation Taking Place , Prime Minister , One , Hostages , Safety , Rescuers , Call , Kdfw , 911 , Sam , Two , 1999 , Reports , Negotiations , Talking Colleyville Police , Fbi , Scene , Updates , Many , Texas Department Of Public Safety , Situation , Everybody , Conversations , Area , Understanding , Hostage Negotiators , Evacuatedded , Residents , Advantage , Obviously , Bryan , Question , Ground , Building , Vicinity , Aren T , Know Earlien On , Gentleman , Threat , Colleyville Police Department , Police Department , Central Time , Tweet , Public , Swath9 Teams , Kind , Somewhere , Bombs , Nature , Spokeswoman , Nobody , Jack Cambria , Standing Hostage Negotiation Team Commander , New York City Police Department , Police Veteran , 34 , Negotiators , Goal , Being , Way , Sense , Experience , Timing , Point , Incident , Negotiation , Violence , Emotions , Chance , Concluding , Thing , Highest , 45 , 15 , Notes , Texas Last Night , Positives , Interesting , Hostage Negotiation Class , Allen Are , Five , Fact , Course , Side , Negatives , Motivation , Police Side , Part , Drama , Movie , Middle , Screen , Hearing , Positive , Rapport , Rabbi Let Him In , Something , Family , Both , Angle , Intermediaries , Jack , Rule , Third Party , Hi , Lee , Anything , Law Enforcement , Law Enforcement Hasn T , Sources , Tell Yousome , Network Newscasts , Media , Strategies , Hostage Taker , I Don T Know , Subject Matter Experts , Tactics , People Who , Report , Hearing Things , Reason , News , No One , It , Adage , Hurt , Information , Intervention , Mental Health , Story , Tactical , Hasn T , Case , Issues , He Hasn T , Sor , 15 Minutes Of Fame , Vein , Add , Things , Location , Negotiator , Hostage Negotiator , Just , Dynamic , Business As Usual , Strategy , Dynamics , Setting , Listening , Attention , Synagogue , Thinking , President Of The United States , Objective , Situations , Bit , Surrender , Perp , Training On , Factors , Change , Primary , Planning , Learning , Route , Weapons , Matter , Action , Talking , Somebody , Option , Individuals , Pulse , Likelihood , Police , Nightclub , Bathroom , Omar Mateen , 49 , 52 , Negotiating , Guy , Hostages X , Victims , Police Bullets , Officers , Miswill Go In , Gun , Approach , Coverage , Insight , Account , Protein , Muscle Health , High Protein , Nutrients , Boost , 20 , 16 , Immune Support , Hard Eating Healthy , Sound , Breathing , Nature Breathing , Dog , Fasenra , Asthma , Eosinophils , Asthma Attacks , Asthma Medication , Steroid , Add On Treatment , Use , Steroids , Inhaler , Maintenance Dose , 8 , Adults , Rescue Medication , Reactions , Conditions , 7 , 10 , Doctor , Help , Face , Don T , Headache , Tongue , Mouth , Trouble , Sore Throat , Swelling , Infection , Fox News Alert , Captive , Clayton Neville , Phone , Radio Reporter , Wbap In Dallas , Mood , Everything , Areasome , Media Teams , Seven , No Doubt , Presence , Traffic , Church , Neighborhood , Word , Knowledge , Greater Dallas , Metroplex , Subject Matter , Incidents , There Hasn T , Type , Six , Motive , Radar , Mayor , Synagogues , Jewish , Ways , Federation , Patrols , Pandemic , Precautions , Mark , Shabbat Services , Lot , There Weren T , Specifics , Rules , Result , Mid , Service , Some , Covid , Chunk , Wall , Video , Video Stream , Conversation , Bomb Technician , Yelling , Cut Off , Explosives , Cordon , Response , Bomb Squad , Haven T , Aspect , Truck , Team , Swat Presence , Standing , Itself , Big Swat Trucks , Teams , Site , Swat , Atf , We Ring , Organization , Head , Country , Communities , Money , Move , Feel , Loan , Personal Loan , Rate , Sofi , 0 , My Name Is Cherrie , On The Beach , Daughters , Oregon Coast , 76 , 53 , Memory , Granddaughters , Click , Puzzle Pieces , Taking Prevagen , Memories , Life , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Eye , Symptoms , Inflammation , Burn , Ache , Let S Kick Ken , Xiidra , Eyes , Relief , Eye Drops , Drops , Eye Disease , Side Effects , Eye Drop , Signs , Vision , Eye Irritation , Discomfort , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Contacts , Taste Sensation , Surface , Room , Fifteen , Dry Eye , Greg Abbott , Michael Masters , Mow , Security , Community Network , Thanks , Director , Ceo , Jewish Community , Department Of Homeland Security , Liaison , North America , Communication , Guys , Light , Curious , Intelligence Analysts , Social Media , Members , Operations , Estate , Comments , Law , Enforcement , Staff , Training , Wrap , Sin , Goings , Have , You Guys , Mike , Training Rabbis , Terrifying , Anti Semitism , Phenomenon , Increase , Reality , 3000 , Someone , Victim , Mosque , Hate Crime , Shouldn T Be Sol Rated , Doing , Skills , Resources , Attacks , Matters , Institution , Chatter , 24 , Law Enforcement Partners , 365 , Threats , Professionals , Federation Security Director , Security Director , Tips , 50 , Manner , Work , Pittsburgh , Claim , Update , Texas Synagogue Next , Thought , Limu , Whistles , Isn T , Insurance , Sec , Sleep Number , Pay , Liberty , Liberty It S Time , Season , Prices , Vulture Squawks , 360 , Sleep , Movements , Problem , Bed , Smart Bed , Cold , Temperature Balancing , Care , Interest , Weekend Special , Science , Miss , Delivery , Base , Night After , Plus , Ends Monday , 36 , 1000 , 000 , Highs , Lows , Kindness , Bipolar , Ask , Medicines , Strength , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Death , Changes , Behavior , Episodes , Psychosis , Stroke , Risk , Patients , Manic , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Cholesterol , Reaction , Antidepressants , Thoughts , High Blood Sugar , Fever , Confusion , Weight Gain , Coma , Sleepiness , Restlessness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , President , Lucas Tomlinson , Cat , Delaware , Wilmington , Hugh , Jen Psaki , Quote , White House , Security Team , Law Enforcement Leadership , Touch , Administration , Shabbat , Beth Israel , Biden , Tally Bennett , Mass , The Press , Guysesome , Experts , Air , Posited , Theories , Elited , Kinds , Nonstarter , Demands , Go On Into , Turn , Ties , Attempted Murder , Aafia Siddiqui , U S Army , Loss , Brave Afghan Interpreter Jumped In , Curtain , Rifle , Grabbed A Soldier S M 4 , 4 , Trial , Manhattan , Hostage Negotiations , Terms , Wants , Jail , Behalf , States , Group , We Haven T , Pentagon , Reliefs , Responsibility , Messages , Instances , Attack , Nidal Hasan , Hostage Situations , Killing , Credit , Fort Hood , Ford , Terrorists , Comment , Dallas Police Department , Arabian Peninsula , Police Presence , Sort , Individual , Watch List , Indication , Neurosurgeon , Whether , Viewers , Sap Bath , Assumption , Support , Leo , Investigation , Ing , Charge , Government , Authorities , Authorityies , Lead , Support Role , Association , Laughter , Robert Jeff Rest , Will , Naj , Money Manager , Religion , Clients , Fiduciary , Retirement , Fees , Fisher Investments , Helen , Exercise , Diabetes , Activity , Glucose , Mystery , Glucose Levels , A1c , Libre 2 , Medicare , Questions , Covid 19 , 19 , You Re Not Alone , Calhope , Calhope Org , 4673 , 833 317 4673 , 317 , 833 , Pastor , Contributor , First Baptist Church Of Dallas , All Of Us , Robert Jeffress , Worship , Houses , Handling , Cooperation , Priest , Congregation , Nightmare , First Baptist Church In Dallas , Friends , Kong Redivisions , Congregants , Faith , Place , Nation , World , The Bible , Forces , Christians , 3500 , Lara In , Acts , Kong Regants , Quarter , Security Force , Shooting , Shooter , Killer , Bible , Satan , Destroyer , Thief , Jesus , Harm , Temple , Folks Don T , Message , God , Trend , Congregation Members , Dues , First Baptist The Church Sutherland Springs , Tragedy , Massacre , Size , Places , Christian Church , Manger , Count , Open Door Policy , Come On In , Policy , Faithsom , Ushers , Backpacks , Creed , Race , Who , Isn T Welcome , More , Drink , Landscaper Larry , Glucose Control , Blood Sugar Levels , Hunger , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Ending , Kid , Car , Progressive , Vo , Crew , Timber , Decompression Zone , Music Vo , Technology , Windshield , Singers , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Welcome Back , Contact , Fluid Situation , Empathy , Military , Talk , Direction , Hope , Human Beings , Opportunity , Human Being Holding , Exercising , Outcome , Police Force , Goodness , Law Enforcement Authorities , Town , Jeffrey , Text , Religions , Program , Rally , Amount , True Freedom Of Religious And , James Wayne Church Rally , Points , Fox Report , Jon Scott , Eastern , Hostage Standoff , Big Sunday Shelf , 5 , Standoff , Facebook , 1 ,

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