Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

>> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> microsoft word have tools to check your spelling and now your political correctness. >> we have these silicon valley elites. silicon valley leftist their woke reality oversight. >> overnight canceling smoke djokovic's visa for a second just days before the australian open. ♪ ♪ >> brian: right before the before the show started can somebody put your lights on. don't tell me nobody is up. okay we will do it. not everybody got the message. had to leave a bunch of voice mails. that is atlanta. the mayor is andre dickens. i don't know if he is doing a good job or not. i will look into that. one city that like to lead. buckhead like to do their own thing and 3 star hotel plus $147 if you are looking to stay there but you don't want luxury or in-hotel bar, steve. >> steve: right. it used to be wikipedia and now you are on trip adviser? is that how we start the show now? >> brian: people need ideas. steve: coming up in the next hour brian will start reading yelp reviews. >> brian: it was supposed to be a surprise but you blue it. >> steve: tgif thank goodness it's fox on friday. >> ainsley: that's exactly right. good morning to you, gentlemen. and good morning to everyone at home. yes, we made it through the workweek. it is friday. we have so much to talk about. brian, you don't need a hotel if you go to atlanta. my best friends al and cindy live there. they will let you stay for free they have a basement. >> brian: i know you do your friends ranking. do they continue to be best friend? >> ainsley: cindy and lindsey have been best friends since fourth grade. we all transferred to elementary school in south carolina. we stayed in touch. i had a great group of friends. they're like my sisters, brian. >> brian: i know where to go to unauthorized biography which i am working on. happy anniversary, mr. president. let's review the last year, the last day, the last week. high court, the supreme court blocking biden's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate for private businesses as democrats crush president biden's hopes of changing senate rules right before our eyes. griff jenkins joins us live from washington with more on the white house disappointments. griff, take it away. >> griff: good morning, brian, ainsley and steve. the only way you can put it is it has been a horrible, terrible, bad, no good week for the president. first the supreme court dealing a major blow to the president's vaccine mandate for large businesses ruling 6-3 that osha does not have the authority to shoman date for some 80 million americans. they did withhold for federal healthcare workers. showing disappointment asking businesses to just do it on their own. saying i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up and institute vaccine requirements for workers, customers and communities. and the hits kept coming on capitol hill. two democrat senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema dealt a death blow on voting rights legislation refusing to kill the filibuster. >> i support these bills i will not support separate actions that worsen the under lying disease of division infecting our country. >> griff: manchin adding, quote the filibuster plays an important role in protecting our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority. now, with no path forward, the president admits defeat. >> anyway, i hope we can get this done, but i'm not sure. if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we miss this time, we missed this time. >> griff: what now? majority leader schumer postponed action on the bill citing covid and looming snow storm as a reason for delay. meanwhile the white house about an hour ago issued a fact sheet on infrastructure 60 days in trying to hit the reset button on this week's hot mess. brian, ainsley and steve? >> steve: thank you very much, griff. absolutely right. hot mess change the subject. today they will start talking about infrastructure, which did pass. it's like one of the only things because he is having a very bad week. but here's the thing. so essentially what the u.s. supreme court said yesterday during the worst week ever for the biden administration, they said that for these mandates to happen, being instituted by osha, in fact, the states would need to pass a law or congress would need to pass a law and they didn't do that. and essentially, had the court blessed the mandate on private employers, the message to regulators would have been they can do whatever they want as long as they call it an emergency and here's the thing. the states are still calling it an emergency in some places like new york, where our home base is, and that's why those mandates continue. and when it comes to private employers, your boss is mandate whatever they want. you know, a lot of businesses said, okay, they are going to tell us to do it so we are going to do it. the big question is given what the supreme court did yesterday, 'will businesses say you know what? we are going to hit the brakes. there is story out today, this morning, citibank, one of the biggest employers in new york which has hit the 99% vaccination rate. they are going to continue to fire people who were not vaccinated, ainsley, by yesterday. >> ainsley: yeah, i read that this morning, steve. that's such a loss for many of those folks who need their paycheck to pay their rents and pay their bills, take care of their kids. i would argue, i know this last week has been terrible for joe biden. but i would also argue yesterday might have been one of the worst days of his presidency. when you look at what happened with the vax mandates and what the supreme court decided can the filibuster and without the filibuster, he can't push through the election bill. he can't push through packing the court. he can't push through making puerto rico and d.c. a state. and then you had kamala harris' interview yesterday that was a disaster. she couldn't answer the questions. and we will play a little of that later on. you also had the president getting up to speak and that was a disaster. inflation, we reported yesterday at its highest level in 40 years. 7 cents is taken away from every dollar. the value of our dollar is decreased by 7 cents. brian go through this list why the week was so bad for him. >> brian: i will do it because ainsley i owe you a failure: the president decides to pivot on voting right with a speech even members of his own party panned. stacey abrams did not show up for an event in her own state on her own issue, inflation hits a four decade high, consumers complain about bare shelves because they have a camera phone with them. they have proof. stories about a 2024 ticket without biden or harris. harris mocked for rough tv interview. we will talk about that in about five minutes. and the president stumbles through teleprompter, yesterday the covid event asked for his new hire tom ingelsby's name. it's his czar. admits voting rights will likely fail. i will add this there are certain things that happen in life that do you not have control over. certain things that you absolutely do. for example, who wrote that speech in georgia that even dick durbin said was over the top. that was absolutely polarizing and totally inaccurate and did not portray exactly what people were talking about the 20 states that people say they have a problem with the state laws change when it comes to voting. when it comes to test we ask you to fill out an invoice. when you hand out masks to congress it says made in china on them. you got to be kidding me. and to get and put your prestige on the line at the senate again. meanwhile, before you go senator sinema is there saying it's a fruitless walk. it's an embarrassing result, because i will not go along with blowing up the filibuster like i have been telling you for five months. just like joe manchin who then comes out and says oh, you want to know about build back better? you want to know about this? i have not talked to the president since christmas. so what did he expect to accomplish? how did he expect any success yesterday? it's like he was determined to make thursday just so terrible that anything would be better on friday, steve. >> steve: well, you know, brian, when you look at the speech he gave on january 6th, which was partisan from statuary hall. and when you look at the speech he gave the other day from atlanta, you know, what he is trying to do is he is trying to as we mentioned at the outset of this segment, he is trying to change the subject. there is so much stuff brian brian to what? >> steve: he cannot control his own party. he has got democrats who will not sign on with him trying to motivate his base and nothing gets his base more excited than thed idea of voting rights talking about january of 6th and stuff like that. telling the base don't add ban done me, i'm working for you, okay? i'm getting a lot done. that's why is he going to talk about infrastructure. look, we passed that a while back and it's going to build stuff which i told you we would do. he can't get anything else done yesterday in the briefing room a reporter from bloomberg framed it and said you know, so much stuff is going wrong. when are you guys going to have a meeting where you all sit in the same room, socially distanced with masks, of course, and say this isn't working, let's change our approach? asked that question. wait until you hear what jen psaki had to say. >> frankly things seem like they are going pretty poorly right now. i wonder at what point do you take stock and say things need to change internally. >> we don't see it through the same prism. >> so as far as things going well there is no change for now. >> i think having worked in the white house before, you do hard things in white houses, you have every challenge at your feet -- laid at your feet, whether it's global or domestically and we could certainly propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream but that wouldn't be very rewarding to the american people. the president's view is we are going to keep push for hard things and going to keep pushing the boulders up the hill to get it done. >> brian: what spin, unbelievable, ainsley. >> ainsley: even the -- remember the six administrators or people who used to work for his administration during the transition team wrote that letter saying you need to think about changing courts. maybe we need to think about just living with this virus and you can't get monoclonals and you can't get the test and you can't get the antiviral pills. all the governors we interviewed say they are requesting more and more. ron desantis says he needs two to three times what they are giving him so that the elderly can get the monoclonals so they can be free from the virus if they get it so they don't have to worry about getting really sick on day 10. they need to change their course and stop saying we are making progress. you need to get the vax. the vax, even if you have a booster you can still get this virus. your own son, peter doocy, asked her about that said i was triple vaxxed, you were triple vaxxed both of us got covid. they need to change their tune and talk to the american people because people are frustrated. >> steve: ainsley, to that point, peter was saying to jen psaki he said why keep calling it a pandemic of the unvaccinated. obviously they want everybody to get vaccinated because it's a pandemic for everybody. people who are triple vaxxed like me i got covid after christmas. they need to change their message. i just noticed one bit of bad news for the president of the united states, to their credit, the washington fact checker glenn kessler pointed out and gave joe biden four pinocchios because earlier in the week, in atlanta, he repeated that he had been arrested during the civil rights demonstration. that is not true. >> brian: right. it's very hard to keep up with your fictional stories if you are the president of the united states. thanks so much. meanwhile, if you guys would stick around, we have a lot more show in the prompter. kamala harris gives head scratching response when pressed on the white house's bungled strategy. listen to this. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> brian: exactly. we're going to talk about more of that cringe worthy comment of that interview next. and did you hear about this? 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(gentle music) ♪ >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. this morning north korea firing two short range ballistic missiles towards the east. this is the third launch from north korea in just one month. it is not yet clear where the missiles landed and in iraq at least four rockets are fired at the u.s. embassy in baghdad. american officials are calling it an attack by terrorist groups. pro-iranian militias are suspected of being responsible after iran vowed revenge for the 2020 killing of qasem soleimani they say two civilians were hurt. check out the video the moment a good samaritan tried to put a coat on a homeless man is mugged and beaten up. this video obtained by the "new york post," the homeless man was later arrested and is being held on second degree robbery charges. but his lawyers are arguing he should have been released saying prosecutors aren't abiden by new york city lenient bail policies, can't make it up. australia canceling djokovic's visz is a for a second time setting him up for deportation days before the australian open. djokovic's lawyers asking australian court for injunction to block the deportation, but this means the number one seed in the open will not likely be able to play in the tournament, which starts on monday. immigration officials have asked djokovic to appear for interview tomorrow morning. djokovic's visa was first revoked last week upon arrival after the australian government said he failed to provide evidence to receive a vaccine exemption. what a mess over there in australia, guys. over to you. >> ainsley: bless his heart. the number one player, he should be able to play. this is ridiculous. thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you bet. >> ainsley: we have been talking about this cringe worthy interview she gave craig nell m. i was watching it this morning. she has a hard time answering normal questions. she is the -- one of the highest leaders, the vice president of our country and should have some answers. but watch this. here is an example when craig melvin asked about changing the strategy. is it time to change and go on a different course? >> at what point does the administration say, you know what? this strategy isn't working? we are going to change directions. six former administration officials last week wrote that open letter urging the administration to change course, to change strategy. is it time? >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. everyday it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. >> brian: feel so much better now. now that she was able, go ahead, ainsley. >> ainsley: brian and steve it's like it is time for us to be doing what we have been doing. the time is every day. every day is the time. so what we'll be doing is what we are doing. what kind of an answer is that? and then when she was asked about the covid tests because everyone wants these free covid tests sent to their houses. 500,000 will go out next week. they said no, no, no. the cracks haven't been awarded yet. we will work on that over the next two weeks and hopefully you will get them by the end of the month. >> brian: there are so many easy answers if you are living there. someone went up to you to say what has the show been like over the last five years. you don't need to go over it because you lived it when mike pence is asked how is the pandemic response. you might not like the answers because living it. she is memorizing. she is not doing a good job. we are beginning to pivot as a country and as a administration to living with this virus. in the beginning we didn't know what it is. the bottom line is, she is embarrassed. she is embarrassed if she looks at this and say all we had to do reorder tests that have been created, we didn't do it. all we had to do is to provide ppe for the entire country and we didn't do it. all we had to do was provide testing sites and operators and the money has been there since march and we didn't do it. all we had to do is to be able to learn to live with a virus. instead they just now are saying keep open schools. the other thing talked about federalizing elections. she had no answer on federalizing elections. she brought up a 2006 law that people voted on. okay. what is the problem in georgia? what is the problem in texas? in those 39 states or the 19 states that he has a problem with? and then the easiest ever, steve, is thomas freidman writes a column where he compares what happened in israel's coalition government shouldn't that happen here? and he gives a suggestion. he says why not mitt romney or liz cheney run with joe biden next time? all you have to do is say we are running together in four years. we just want to get there to be as successful as possible. and to think that one columnist would change the dialogue in a country is ridiculous for a guy that just wants clicks that it doesn't rise up to national policy or certainly my career. instead she has no policy as to when is she running again? that's the easiest answer is yes. even if it's no you say yes. >> steve: if you were to google the expression word salad, there should be a link to that soundbite. because that was the ultimate word salad. and here's the thing. she went on to talk to "the today show" because it's part of her rehabilitation tour to because there have been all these stories out about how she is a terrible person to work for, and she is off message. that proves it look, there is a reason why the person in the administration who is on tv every day is jen psaki. jen psaki is a messaging genius. she is able to stay on message, unlike the president of the united states and unlike the vice president of the united states. you know, it's very telling the other day when joe biden, in atlanta, said, you know, i'm not going to be quiet anymore. who is telling him to be quiet in the communications team is saying, mr. president, you keep knocking yourself off of the message. just read what is in the teleprompter. these are your policies, but read the teleprompter. unfortunately yesterday, when we saw he was talking about his new testing czar, apparently he needs a stronger prescription in his contacts or something because he could not make the name out. nonetheless, jen psaki is great at putting out the administration's message, which is sad commentary on the fact that the president and the vice president are not as good as messaging as she is. >> brian: but, steve, it was in the prompter. his speech in the prompter was horrific. whoever loaded that speech, he's got the worse staff in america in history. >> steve: brian, i go back to my earlier point, the reason he said what he said in his speech is because his policy people and his administration are trying to appeal to his base. because as we have seen from the polls, he is down to 33%. everybody is abandoning him. it's hey base, i'm doing everything i can for you. >> brian: it should be hey moderates. >> ainsley: people are really worried everywhere we go and people we talk to say they are worried about the direction of this country. with not supporting law enforcement. with this woke mob mentality and microsoft is the latest now jumping on this woke agenda. they have software now -- when you go on microsoft word you want to write a letter, let's say to an employer or write your resume. now if you go on there if you use certain words they will change them for you instead of postman you have to say mail carrier or postal worker. and if you don't say that it will switch it for you instead of -- that's right. instead of massive kind. human kind. what about one giant step for human kind? is that what we are going to say now instead of show girl it's going to suggest dancer, performer instead of mistress brian or steve going to suggest it to the word lover. show girl word is. what's wrong with being a show girl. people put that on their resume, i thought and mistress, lover. is that everything don't be mad at me it's my lover and not my mistress. >> steve: i'm going to type in joe manchin is now joe personchin. way to go, microsoft. >> brian: another treason shop around. >> steve: there is a reason i use an apple. l right. 6:28 in the east coast. straight ahead the first it petition to block joe biden private businessman date says america won in yesterday's release. the president and ceo of the job creators network going to join us live coming up next. and if you have got kids, this song probably haunts you baby shark. taking a bite out of the internet. the incredible new record numbers of views on youtube. you won't believe how many people are saying doo doo doo doo doo doo baby shark, baby. daddy shark doo doo doo doo doo ♪ daddy shark ♪ grandma shark doo doo doo doo ♪ grandma shark doo doo doo doo doo grandma shark ♪ indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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reportedly telling her son face to face at windsor castle that he will no longer be regarded as his royal heinous. a u.s. judge ruling he will be tried after the prince attempted to shield himself with a 2009 settlement between his accuser and jeffrey epstein. prince andrew maintains his innocence. the former ceo of walmart says inflation is driving the national labor shortage which he called the great resignation, listen to this. >> where you could have found somebody at 12 or $14, you are now paying 20 or $22 an hour to do. while that's good for the worker, it's not great for the business. and from the workers' perspective, when ground beef is touching on $7 a pound, even $20 an hour is not really enough. >> carley: he says leaders like president biden are prioritizing things like the federal election overhaul rather than inflation. and do you remember this ear worm? ♪ baby shark doo doo doo ♪ baby shark doo doo doo doo ♪ baby shark doo doo doo ♪ baby shark. >> carley: baby shark taking a huge bite out of the internet the first video who hit 10 billion views on internet. the song holds the record for the most views -- the most viewed video on the platform. congratulations to the song, guys. over to you. >> steve: 10 billion times. that's crazy. thank you very much, carley. >> carley: you bet. >> steve: our top story the u.s. supreme court yesterday deelgt biggest blow yet to the biden administration mask or vax mandate for large employers with more than 100 employees. even as it allows for the requirement for most healthcare workers. the job creators network was the first organization to petition the supreme court to block the mandate. president and ceo alfredo ortez joins us right now. good morning to you and congratulations you win. >> yes. america won, actually, steve. it was a great day for liberties for our freedoms. great day for constitution and even more importantly, actually, it was a great day for tour small businesses who disproportionately have been hurt by this mandate. >> steve: absolutely. you know, ever since the pandemic, businesses have been trying to dig out. and so, you know, we just heard from the ceo of walmart because of the pandemic i used to pay $12 an hour now i have to pay $20 an hour. it has made business very tough for you guys. >> absolutely. steve. small businesses across the country are already fighting the extraordinary high inflation, highest, in fact, of 40 years. labor shortages, supply chain issues. and then to have the mandate on top of it with fines of up to almost $140,000. i mean, steve, we always took great issue with the way the biden administration actually positioned this mandate as for-a mandate for the largest employers of our country. well, 100 and more is actually not our largest employers. the small business administration itself defines small businesses as 500 or less. so we were very concerned about that population between the 100 and 500. which represents so many literally thousands and thousands of small businesses across the country, which you know, from our work and our polling we found they probably would have been losing 20 to 25% of their workforce, which would have pretty much shut down many of these small businesses across the country. >> steve: sure. alfredo listen to what the white house said yesterday about where we go from here for employers. >> the supreme court's decision on the osha mandate essentially means that in this pandemic it is up to individual employers to determine whether their workplaces will be safe for employees and whether their business also be safe for consumers. >> steve: okay. so, going forward, if the mandate is not there from osha, will employers continue? although we heard from citibank they said they will continue the mandate. anybody who didn't get the shot as of yesterday is going to get laid off or not paid. so, what do you think the average business will do, alfredo? >> yeah. it's a great question, steve. one thing that there is a clear difference here between small businesses and large businesses. you know, citibank loses 1% to 3% of their workforce, it's not going to shut citibank down. you might have slower response from the operators. if you lose 20% to 25% of your workforce on a small business, you have 100 people, let's say, you are shutting down that business. that's a huge difference. look, like i said, this was great day for our freedoms and our liberties, small businesses, large businesses, i don't care what size business, it's up to them to decide what they are going to do. it was never an issue to decide whether or not to do something about the covid vaccine or whether covid was an issue or not an issue. this was just an issue of who had the authority to issue an actual mandate. and the justices clearly sent out the message to the biden administration that it's actually our elected officials in congress or the states. not unelected bureaucrats in washington, d.c. >> steve: absolutely. they overstepped their authority. you can't just do something because you want to and say it's an emergency. the supreme court said 6-3, stop it. because you are breaking the law. all right. alfredo, congratulations once again and thank you very much for joining us today. >> absolutely. >> steve: from the beautiful city of atlanta. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: you bet. all right. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. a professor at penn state asked his class to write an essay explaining why the taliban is not a terrorist organization. hmmm. we will talk to a student who sounded the alarm coming up next. ♪ [coughing] ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps 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planned. well invested. well protected. ♪ >> brian: let's talk college. this was the very first assignment of this semester for online class at penn state. explain why the taliban are not terrorists. the professor writing, quote: in one page explain why the taliban are not and are still not a terrorist organization. you are not allowed to answer this question any other way. any attempt to avoid this prompt as written or trying to argue otherwise will result in a failing grade. well that obviously is unacceptable to you guys out there. i think for most of you have and certainly for kylie stone a student who has since transferred out of the class was just offended by the question. kylie, were you surprised to get this assignment out of the gate? >> i was completely shocked. i had made it through my first four years of college without having anything this insane and, of course, my last semester my teacher basically say you have to agree with me or i'm going to fail you. so it was very surprising to me. >> brian: so what did you do? >> well, first i was like am i overreacting? so i work at turning point u.s.a. so i went in and i sat down with the professor people. and they started looking into everything and they found his twitter account as well and everyone is like you are not insane. this is not okay to be asking a student to write this. >> brian: who is he? >> his name is christopher cook. he is the professor at world campus. >> brian: you look at this and you say describe the taliban as a government or describe, you know, you could define it the way you want. some people might believe what this professor believes. but the fact is you had no wiggle room. you had to actually agree that they are not a terrorist organization and you can't do that. >> no. it was completely inappropriate. i have had assignments where they asked me to argue both sides. i love doing that kind of stuff. i think it's so beneficial to every student to be doing that but that's not what this assignment was. >> brian: true, kylie, so you have dropped out of the class. did you ever confront the professor and because it's remote learning. when you are on the world campus you are remote learning did. you ever try to confront the professor and say can we massage this topic sentence? >> did i not try to confront the professor. did i reach out to the dean. after i saw his tweets i was like there is no way to have a conversation with this person. so i reached out to the dean, he also did respond to a bunch of people on my twitter was arguing with him. and then deleted his twitter after that. so, that was kind of the only conversation i had with him. >> brian: show the professor some of the video from the five for fighting video. seeing women being beat senseless by men. women being hanged by families or kids being sold into slavery, maybe that would change the assignment or perhaps not, he is still there and you are out of the class. you went to the dean, they say they are looking at it they gave us this statement they say penn state does not align with such violent groups whose values are so dispirit from ours, as the course professor has shared himself, the taliban is a horrible vicious group that have committed atrocities, the purpose of the assignment was to get students to think about perception and biases about the taliban from the opposite slant. what does that mean from you? >> i think it's assignment was to make us think about it from the opposite slant, it would have made us think about it from every slant. there was a complete bias in that assignment. when you are only allowed to agree with the professor. >> brian: i think you are 100 percent right. kylie, best of luck. is this your last semester. >> yes, it is. >> brian: you will be in the real world soon. what is your major it? >> is political science. >> brian: all right. i look forward apply here at fox, we have good human resources situation. >> thank you. >> brian: thanks, kylie. >> thank you so much. >> brian: good luck the rest of the semester. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for a fox weather forecast. >> janice: good morning, brian. we have baking winter storm that's happening. if you live across the plain states, the tennessee river valley, mississippi river valley, mid-atlantic region, areas that got hit hard by several storms within the last couple of weeks, got another one behind it. take a look. we have got the snow falling across portions of the plain states and the midwest and then this is going to move across the mid south and the mid-atlantic region in towards the northeast on monday. so, yes, measurable snow for our friends in tennessee as well as the appalachians up towards of the interior northeast and new england. we have this area of low pressure that's moving into the atlantic today. that's going to set the stage and bring some of that cold air down from canada and that is going to bring the potential for mainly a snow event across interior sections. we are going to have to watch this carefully as we get into the weekend. will it be cold enough for snow along the big cities of the i-95 corridor still yet to be determined. but i will point out one of the most dangerous parts of the storm will be the icing over the carolinas, parts of the mid-atlantic region, and that is going to be problematic on the roads and on the power lines and we could see extensive power outages here and travel is going to be very difficult, if not impossible. so listen to your local weather officials. fox download the app. we will give you the very latest in the winter storm details. all right, brian, you know i don't think dawn is going to have to shovel but i will keep you posted. >> brian: for some reason your snow storms are monday through friday when i'm at work causing a lot of stress at my house which can't be overstated. thank you so much, janice. rise in crime record homicides. how woke movement has left one major city without enough officers to protect its residents. that story next. >> ainsley: this blockbuster tran economize is calling once again to give us all a scream. >> certain rules to surviving believe me, i know they always come back. the killer is something in the past. here to watch kevin mccarthy, kevin, hey, good to see you. happy comeer to you. i actually still have my original scream tickets when i was a kid. the. >> ainsley: no? >> the first three of them. this is my favorite scream since the 1996 west craven masterpiece. i remember being 12 years old, sneaking in the first movie my buddy's dad bought us three particulars. he let us go in the theater left the theater and let us watch it. i never forget leaving that movie and understanding what a game changing masterpiece. he reinvented the horror genre. made me appreciate horror even more. all these years later i'm 37 years old. sitting in the theater watching that same feeling of excitement, horror and intensity again except this time i'm not worried about being kicked out of the movie theater for being too young. this movie honors the leg gales of the scream franchise. it's brutal there are stakes in it and bringing back campbell and david arquette and courtney cox. the first four wes craven. he unfortunately passed away in 2014. this movie is dedicated to him and made by screen fans actually talented and brought a beautiful, beautiful legacy to this franchise. i love this movie. it's my favorite scream since the original. the whole new cast is fantastic. jazmine savoy brown. jack quaid who is the son of meg ryan and dennis quaid. phenomenal allege tore from the show the boise. i gave this 4.5 out of 5. i did talk to campbell and arquette if you want to see the interview it's available on my instagram kevin mccarthy tv. as a scream fan this movie delivers and people will be blown away. so surprising. keeps you on the edge of your seat. you are guessing the whole time. it's awesome. >> ainsley: i wonder if your mom was upset with your friend's dad that took you into the theater. look you are making a living talking talking about it what about euphoria. it's a zeroes on hbo and season 2 just started. >> my mom was not by that. my mom is watching right now. i love you. thank you for doing movie reviews. euphoria is amazing. i love the show. season 2. won the emmy for season one. i do want to make sure this is not for kid even though r rated look at the high school experience it has amazing performances. hunter shaffer. jacob. i love what this show has done in terms of cinematography, it's gorgeous to look at. episode 2 airs this sunday. also want to mention a show called yellow jacket. it's a show on show time. that show has a finale this weekend. juliet lewis amazing show as well. >> all right. thank you so much. kevin, great job. good to see you. >> bye, good to see you, ainsley. >> ainsley: more "fox & friends" coming up. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever 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always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. ask your doctor about living longer with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. >> brian: joe biden no good week continues. vaccine mandate for businesses get shut down by the supreme court. >> great day for our liberties and our freedom and more importantly, actually, a great day for our small businesses. >> joe manchin and kyrsten sinema refusing to kill the filibuster shutting down any path on voting rights legislation. >> i do not support separate action that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> kamala harris had another painstaking interview. >> six former administration officials urging the administration to change course. is it time? >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> microsoft word has tools to check your spelling and now your political correctness. >> we have these silicon valley elites, silicon valley leftist, their woke reality aside. >> overnight, australia canceling tennis star novak djokovic's visa for a second time setting him up for deportation just days before the australian open. ♪ ♪ it's friday ♪ i'm in love. >> steve: it is friday. we are in love with the fact that it's friday as you look live as our camera pushes in to downtown tampa florida on this friday, january 1st, 2022, you know long, long time ago before those skyscrapers were built in tampa in the 1500s that's when punksy de leon came to florida looking for the fountain of youth and wound up naming florida florida as an homage to spain's easter celebration which is called pascula, florida. that's why they call it florida. >> >> ainsley: we used to go to tampa for some of the games. go watch the football and go out to eat more. you always make fun of me for talking about my friends that's where the other best friend is tampa. i'm supposed to, weather permitting see them this weekend. >> brian: i just hope that you understand you have to dress like it's summer because of it's nicer there steve, did he discover disney or was disney something it that happen after. are you the name ponce has not caught on? i don't know another ponce. >> steve: that is such a good point. i know poncho. >> brian: that doesn't count. if your name is ponce, write us. >> steve: brian, you brought up the disney thing and you are right. ponce deleon was one of the first investors in the disney comers. it was like buying google at two bucks. >> brian: right. >> steve: he made a killing on disney stock back in the 1500s. not. >> brian: explorer something you put-there are was a lot of explorers. we don't have any explorers anymore. marco polo, you had columbus. that gel alan. >> steve: what about dora? >> brian: that's a good pointed. again, steve, you came with the facts. i appreciate it. >> steve: there you go, just the facts. >> ainsley: there is always dora the explorer. >> brian: exactly. fantastic. >> ainsley: she is at our house. >> brian: and she is bilingual. >> ainsley: that's true. >> brian: there you go. >> steve: thank you for joining us on this friday. let's start hour two of "fox & friends" on this friday starts with this. the president is striking out on everything. >> brian: look at that shot. >> steve: that is a beautiful shot. the supreme court yesterday blocked joe biden's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate for private businesses with 100 employees or more as joe biden loses hope on passing a federal election overhaul. griff jenkins joins us live from washington. griff, as you said it earlier, the president has had a very bad, awful, terrible, rotten week. and so what is he doing? he is going to change the subject. forget about all that stuff i have blown, i have got something new to talk about. >> griff: pivot time, steve, ainsley, and brian good morning. it's been almost one year since taking office and biden is bombing on every big issue from build back better to covid strategy to voting rights legislation. now dead on arrival. two democrats joe manchin and kyrsten sinema refused to kill the filibuster. >> and while i continue to support thieves bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> griff: manchin adding quote the filibuster plays important role in protecting our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority now with no path forward, the president is admitting defeat. >> anyway, i hope we can get this done, but i'm not sure. if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we missed this time. we missed this time. >> griff: meanwhile the supreme court shut down the president's vaccine mandate for large businesses ruling 6-3 that osha does not have the authority to issue such a mandate. they did uphold the requirement for most healthcare workers. the president says he is disappointed telling businesses just to ignore the ruling, saying i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up and institute vaccination requirements to protect their workers, customers, and communities. and now as you mentioned, steve, the administration trying to hit that reset button this morning, putting out a 60 day fact sheet on infrastructure accomplishments. it's about 8 pages long. they would like to you talk about this, not all those other major epic failures. steve, ainsley, brian? >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, griff. well, let's talk about some of those epic failures even though they don't want us to as griff was saying. i think yesterday was probably his worse day of presidency exempt maybe afghanistan. if you look at all things came to a head yesterday. we realized his policy also not be pushed through because of what is happening in congress. and with these two senators that are democrats. but let's start at the top. he lost the supreme court with the vaccine mandates. manchin and cinema are saying no to eliminating the filibuster. which also means the election bill bill will not pass for that pack the court is dead on arrival. d.c. and puerto rico will not become states. kamala had interview that was a disaster. joe biden tried to make a public appearance that was disaster. his build back better is dead. inflation yesterday 40 year high costing the average family $5,000 extra a year. the dollar bill seven cents less. oil $1 a barrel. could go as high as 125 a barrel. kamala has no answer if biden, if she and biden will be on the ticket in 2024 democratic president they have control of the senate and the house what does that tell you. >> brian: tells you need 60 votes. the thing is, ainsley, businessman comes out of the woodwork billionaire becomes president. this is why needed a guy like mike pence. you have the most experienced politician in america. i think outside of mitch mcconnell he has done it longer than anybody else in america. he knows about the president's cachet, he knows how much prestige you can have and push and leverage that you can retain, juice properly. build back better blew up in his face. he went in there never even asked for of the vote. then when he decided voting reform would be an issue. he actually showed up at the white house after senator sinema already said i'm not embarrassing and shows cluelessness you would expect of 40-year-old one term senator like barack obama and say well, is he so new or senators kennedy only a year. in this guy is 55 years into this job. he knows how to convince the senators because he was one. he knows the executive power because he was in the executive branch. and he just came out and said i went into a meeting. it was solemn. i'm not going to quit. what's going to change in the only thing that should change is senator it manchin and senator sinema such pressure they need security. senator sinema already getting harassed. real quick to the soundbite on business. ron klain chief of staff also proves to be totally inept. he came out and retweeted an anchor from msnbc who wrote the osha move was a work around of the constitution, essentially in order to force private businesses to mandate vaccines. that was used in the argument against this osha move by the president. this is his chief of staff. here is alfredo or tease, he is the ceo of the job creators network. is he thankful. >> it was a great day for our liberties. a great day for our freedoms. auto grit day for our constitution. and even more importantly, actually, it was a great day for our small businesses who disproportionately have been hurt, you know, by this mandate this was never an issue of whether or not we should do something about the covid vaccine this was just an issue of who had the authority to issue an actual mandate. and the justices clearly sent out the message to the biden administration that it's actually our elected officials in congress or the states. not unelected bureaucrats in washington, d.c. >> steve: that's exactly right. that's why by the margin of 6-3, the supreme court said the biden administration cannot just by fiat, essentially say, okay, because it's an emergency, we're going to have osha rewrite the law. they can't do that. and that's why they said you can't do this anymore. now, here's the problem going forward. private business, even the ones with more than 100 employees can still decide whether or not they want to have a private businessman date. they get to decide. citibank already decided they are keeping that. even though their employees are vaccinated at a rate of 99%. the other thing though is, you know, states and localities, for instance in new york, new york has got some mandates, they will stand. and as long as their legislature, as we just heard from mr. or tease say. mr. or tease say.that's the lawt get shot down there is a state senator who so much admired what ron desantis was doing down in florida when it came to remember all those flights we detailed back in november, that the department of homeland security was flying these migrant children and their families into various parts deep in the united states, including a number of flights into jacksonville, florida in the cover of darkness. you know, what ron desantis said. well, now, this state senator has sponsored a bill and it says in the very near future, i intend to introduce legislation to the pennsylvania state senate to address the influx of illegal migrants being relocated into pennsylvania. how many illegal immigrants has the president relocated to his own state of delaware? if it is good enough for pennsylvania, then why not redirect the relocation to delaware, which is essentially what ron desantis said in november. watch. >> ainsley: ron desantis in november said we will provide buses and i will send them to delaware and i will do that meanwhile, we are getting information from border patrol about some of these people that they are apprehending on the border. and this week they apprehended a child molester, two convicted murderers and three ms-13 gang members, brian. these are some scary people that are in the mix. and where are they going? some of them came out to your area, brian. there was one of these secret flights that went into west chester and put them on buses and put them in different various parts of the new york area. a bunch of them went out to long island to your area, brian, i know you have talked to some friends that are teaching some of these kids now in the classroom. >> brian: some of these classes have doubled. and if you are a teacher and you speak up, they move you out. and the union does not protect you. which is unbelievable. because we have had our problems with teachers unions but not teachers. they are doing this -- this is a public service. and if it was a republican administration i would feel the exact same way. so above board why do you do it in the middle of night with an airline dropping people off and then you quickly scurry them to a medium location or an ngo like a catholic charities group which i think a lot of catholics, including me, have a huge problem with, who go ahead and take these illegal immigrant families, clothe them, put them into these districts and all of a sudden they are part of a community and the community without even knowing it has got to use taxpayer dollars to support them because their kids are now more important than our kids. because they will not crack down on the border. and i think that governor desantis has started a great thing. other people, not republicans, but other penal concerned about who is in our country. have to do the same thing. and can we just add? we are in a pandemic. you are worried about me getting a booster while you are letting over 2 million people come in illegally who i guarantee you don't have a vax card. all right? that goes without saying and that is part of the problem with the president's terrible messaging. he won't do two things, guys. he won't crack down on crime. and he won't seal the border. that is something that he could fix and his popularity would go up 10 points but he refuses. meanwhile, carley shimkus doesn't need any fixing. according to reports she is perfect and you have the news. >> carley: two all three of you. we begin our headlines with this update on tragedy here. charge four people with the robbery and murder of off duty police officer. fernando was shot monday while house hunting with his girlfriend in los angeles. authorities say three of the suspects are gang members. they believe he was targeted because of two silver chains he was wearing around his neck. all four suspects are facing federal racketeering charges. baltimore's state attorney marilyn mosby is indicted on federal charges for making false mortgage applications and perjury. court documents allege mosby lied when citing pandemic hardship two withdrawals from city retirement account and allegedly using the money for down payments on two separate florida vacation homes. the indictment states mosby received her full $247,000 salary in 2020 and did not experience any adverse financial consequences due to covid. mosby's attorney says she has done nothing wrong. president biden announces plans to purchase another 500 million covid tests for americans. he also says his administration will give high quality face masks to all citizens for free. meanwhile, the house of representatives got its own mask shipment but, check this out. lawmakers outraged to see a giant made in china label stamped on each one of them. tomorrow the nfl playoffs kick off with super wild card weekend. here's a look at the match up. the raiders get things started against joe burrow and the bengals. and the rams and cardinals will close things out with the first wild card monday game. but be sure to catch tom brady start his quest for an 8th super bowl victory against jaylen hurts and the eagles on sunday. that game only on fox. this is the first time the bengals and the eagles are playing in the playoffs, brian. over to you. >> brian: at the same time. not each other. carley, thank you so much. steve, what do you have coming up? >> steve: coming up, brian, breaking overnight. north korea firing two more missiles in an apparent reaction to new u.s. sanctions. general jack keane joins us on the other side of the time-out for his point of view regarding that. ♪ plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. 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>> well, i think the relates of what is taking place here is that north korea has never recovered from the frustration they experienced this 2019 with president trump at the summit. when president trump picked up the table and walked out. and he walked out because it was obvious that north korea was just seeking sanction relief and concessions from us and wasn't going to give us anything in return. and he has done about -- since that time somewhere in the neighborhood of close to 50 rocket and missile tests. he has avoided the long range icbm test where a missile could actually reach the united states. he is going to continue to do this and i think eventually under the biden administration he will probably return to icbm testing to see if he can get back to the table with this administration and get some concessions out of them. he, by the way, has been refusing to negotiate with anybody since president trump walked out on the summit. i do believe at some point he will. now, here's the other problem that biden administration get after this, we have to tighten up the enforcement of the sanctions on north korea. not all the countries are enforcing them and it's something you have to watch every single day and the russians are out there at sea as a third party providing fuel to the north koreans. and that is -- that has been known for some time. it was actually going on in the trump administration. this is something we can put a stop to. tighten up the sanctions. >> brian: okay. speaking of russia, massive cyberattack hits the ukrainian government website. it's pretty huge. everyone knows it's the russians. this comes on the heals of the end of fruitless negotiations with nato and the u.s. from the russian perspective how surprised are you that the russians are walking away with no concessions. >> they walked away with cyberattacks. russians you actively describing it the ukrainians have recovered pretty quickly from this. certainly if there is a military intervention, in ukraine there will also be a corollary cyberattack for sure. listen, the good news coming out of the negotiations that the united states and our european allies and particularly our -- we were worried about the french and germans who were clearly soft on russia. we have made no concessions. we have stood our ground in terms of the right to expand nato as we see fit, if countries want to join and they are qualified. and, two, we are not going to change our disposition and composition of our forces in nato countries that border on russia. actually what russia was seeking was the dismantling of nato, kind of absurd but nonetheless he put that right on the table. it gives you a sense of where he is heading with this. but that's the good news, brian. we made no concessions. we stuck together during this thing. and i think putin is going to have a choice here to make. does he want to take on consequential economic sanctions and more troops posted in nato countries than what are there now and more missiles in those countries than what are there now? or is he going to conduct a limited attack eastern ukraine. i don't think is he going to conduct an all out invasion. >> brian: you don't? that's interesting. jake sullivan said yesterday he believes they will concoct aggression and say they had no choice but go in. they also said this the deputy foreign minister came out and he said moscow might decide to dispatch military infrastructure to venezuela and cuba if tensions with washington continue and they always make the analogy would we let mexico get weapons? why should we let offensive weapons against us, why should we let the ukrainians have offensive weapons against them? >> yeah, well, certainly that's a hand that putin can play there. obviously this administration would confront that. certainly we have allies that would do the same thing. getting back to the likelihood, an all-out invasion to take control of ukraine, i don't see that as the likely offense for putin. he hasn't broadcast that to his people. he hasn't prepared them for war. he hasn't prepared them for 3 to 5,000 casualties coming home. he is still talking we have no intention to conduct a military operation in ukraine. that's the narrative. most likely operation is putting russian troops in the eastern ukraine in the dom bass region and build the land bridge to crimena. that's the most likely option if is he going to take military incursion. i suspect that's the direction we're heading up. >> brian: what about nord stream 2 pipeline, if the germans and nato allies see the confrontational tone of russia and know they will be controlling their energy source, why would they want to do a deal with them? is there any indication they will sober up and realize they are better buying the natural gas from us. even if it's a little bit more expensive in the short-term than getting in bed and getting the crack pipe of their oil and gas from moscow? >> well, we have had a problem with the germans and angela merkel right from the beginning when she initiated this and she had significant european opposition, western european as well as eastern european opposition to it certainly the trump administration fought this tooth and nail to get it stopped. she now has a successor schultz who is a little left of center from her and he is someone that we have been very concerned about because is he soft on russia here. but the united states is attempting to do with him is get a commitment out of him if the russians go in the ukraine, that he will shut down that pipeline. and i'm not convinced he has got the wherewithal to stand up to russia and do that. >> brian: we could provide the backbone if they would just provide the words, but they don't seem to want to do that and they are crazy. general keane, thanks so much. >> have a great weekend, brian. >> brian: dangerous world we are. in kamala harris gives a head-scratching response when pressed on the white house's bungled pandemic strategy. will, pete, and rachel will be scratching their heads with us. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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>> well, we have been very engaged for the last year trying to push back against the fentanyl crisis because that's how middle america sees the immigration problem. there are huge issues of people streaming across the border. but, in states like west virginia, ohio, and across the country, we're seeing an influx of fentanyl that is off the charts. and it's killing people. the majority of the deaths that occur in west virginia on the drug side are caused by the fentanyl crisis. and most of the fentanyl that we are see something derived from down in mexico. we are actually asking the secretary of state, blinken, to clamp down to really start to push back on china because they are sending the ingredients, the precursors to fentanyl over to the mexican drug cartels and so much of it is flooding across the border. i will be down on the border in a couple of weeks. we have been working to push back. i have sued the homeland security department over their fentanyl policies because they are literally killing people. we have to make sure we stop that. and we are getting a lot of states to pay attention to what's not going on down at the border. >> ainsley: yeah. and all it takes is just a little bit. thank you so much, mr. attorney general, for being with us. >> hey, thanks so much. of great to be with you today. >> ainsley: thank you. coming up, the weekend crew, they are on deck. we have will and pete and rachel and we will see them in just a minute on the other side of the break. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. 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[laughter] >> rachel: i will say this. it actually tracks with what her disgruntled staff has said she is not preparing. she refuses to read the briefing books, she sounds, frankly, to me like a beauty pageant contestant who got thrown a curve ball on, you know, an interview question. and, this, as pete said, this was an obvious question she was going to be asked. she should have had the answer for it. and you are right, steve, they need a new approach. they need a new strategy on covid because the vax for everybody isn't working. it's not curbing omicron. they need to stop taking directives from big pharma and start thinking outside the box. save the vaccines for people who actually need it and start looking at therapeutics and other things that people need in order to get behind this. we can't live in this constant, you know, pandemic fear, you know, country. we need to get past this and obviously their strategy is not working. good on craig melvin who said should you have a new strategy here. of course she had no answer for it. it shows that the media is starting to get tired of covering up for them. >> ainsley: craig is a south carolina guy. a nice guy. hey, will, what did you think of it? because we have been kind of laughing this morning about it. it reminds me of a skit on snl like what is your new plan? what is your new strategy she like well, we are going to do what we have been doing, that is the time every day, so we will be doing what we're doing now, now is the time to do what we're doing every day. >> will: everyday, everyday, and tomorrow we will do as well because that's what we do. [laughter] >> will: my thought is, ainsley, first of all, she is not a candidate. i think about all the candidates that were essentially canceled or lost over one moment. remember howard dean ahhh moment ended his presidential candidacy. and there was so many moments for mitt romney, the dog on the top of the car or whatever it may be, and here we have kamala harris who racks them up every week. racks up cringe worthy cancellation worthy moments on a weekly basis. i understand she is already in office. and i will build on my two co-host' analogies rachel says she is unprepared. sounds like somebody trying to give a book report for a book she did not read. to build on pete's sports met tore. a person only shadow boxed. been in the mirror, throwing punches and preening at her form. she has never been in the ring to fight anyone. in other words, she has never been pressed. just the slight bit of a cross-examination, just craig melvin asking one more follow-up and the shadow boxing falls apart. that's on us. it's not on brian, steve, ainsley, you know, rich chilly, will and pete particularly, it's on the media at large for letting somebody go through with absolutely no vetting. she just simply shadow boxed her way through, made people faces meme faces shefolds at the slig. >> brian: we are in the middle of a pandemic country has not seen in two and a half life times. can't get out of it. everything living with the virus. that would have been her answer, pivoting because of this new variant that has limited effect with the vaccine and with the booster. we are starting to realize with the survival rate so high. and that's great news, with the diminish six or seven separate states. we believe the worst is over and we are going to turn the page shortly. that is an answer that could actually help her but she doesn't give it but, pete, most importantly, during this time in which we are focused on day-to-day activities. you are thinking big picture. you are thinking education. you have a few new episodes and special coming out on education in america on fox nation. >> will: you are exactly right, brian. during this covid-19 moment parents have been at home seeing what their kids are learning. this is a perfect opportunity for us to release an upcoming series. it comes out next week it's called "the missed education of america." brian, you have done some fantastic series i have had the pleasure of doing battle of the warriors and battle in the holy land. it uncovers the 100-year progressive takeover of the classroom. how did we get critical race theory? how did we get all the gender theory that we are seeing in our classrooms, all the -- it didn't come out of nowhere. that's simply the tip of the iceberg of 100 year intentional movement by the left to change the way our kids are educated. and i think you will be shocked, saddened, but also suddenly, i believe, wide awake as to what the left has done. it drops on tuesday. i'm really excited about it "miss education of america" 90 days free of fox nation if you use the code word classroom. >> steve: okay. perfect. there you see the code right there. in the meantime, take a look. here is from the he had sewed about the freedom of conscious -- conscience, watch this. >> kids now are used to writing in papers things they don't believe so that they can get a decent grade. one mother says my daughter doesn't see anything wrong with this now. she has done so many times. invasion of individual liberty and freedom of conscience. >> ainsley: looks very fascinating. we are going to watch that. it drops on tuesday. >> pete: that's me sitting outs of my high school where i went to school in minnesota. great school i'm proud to have graduated from there. when you look at what the curriculum has done and how it's changed in minnesota it's pretty scary. >> brian: will, who have you booked this weekend? >> ainsley: what's coming up on the weekend show? >> will: i will tell you what, in anticipation of pete's special which we all will be watching. we will be talking to alveda king, byron dondle. and melissa joan hart come in saturday and sunday morning. >> steve: great. >> brian: all right. look forward to it. hopefully you will have a great show all 8 hours it will be fantastic thanks, guys, tell you what is coming up on our show. can liberals soft on crime policies are sending the wrong message. i'm not kidding. listen. >> i shouldn't be out right now. tells anybody oh i can go shoot somebody or i can go attempt to shoot somebody and i will be completely fine. ♪ how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> good morning. i'm meteorologist janice dean. we have a doozie of a storm impacting the tennessee valley, in towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast. tens of millions being affected by this storm system. so the area of low pressure right now is across the plains states. going to deliver a punch across iowa over a foot of snow we think in that region. then crossing over places like kentucky and tennessee, into the mid-atlantic. i'm concerned about the ice threat, ice on the roads and the power lines. that's going to cause power outages and make travel impossible. thank goodness this is coming on a weekend, people can hunker down and stay indoors, and then we watch this storm system come off the coast and wind up as a nor'easter. now, we do think it's going to be too warm along the coast for measurable snow, but any wobble of the area of low pressure is going to mean the difference between rain and freezing rain, ice and snow. so we'll have to track this this weekend. stay tuned to your local forecasters, of course, get your latest details on our app and then we're going to have very cold air behind this system. dangerous windchills saturday, sunday into monday. so any of the snow that's arrived across the spearior northeast of new england is going to stay put. if you live in any of the areas i mentioned, stay close to your local forecast and listen to your local officials. plan in advance. have an emergency kit at your home, in your workplace, in your car. you do not want to be stranded on the roads when the storm comes in. hopefully everyone will hunker down inside. all right, steve, ainsley and brian will keep you up. this is a doozie. back to you. >> steve: thank you, we'll keep an eye on it. all right, j.d., coming up, criticism of the soft on crime policies are nothing new, but this time it's from an admitted arsonist in baltimore who set his girlfriend's house on fire. he served six months in jail, he's out and he said why am i out? >> i was just charged with 18 different counts that was dropped to ten and then it was dropped to one when i shouldn't be out right now. that's tells anybody, oh, i can go shoot anybody, i can go attempt to shoot anybody, i'll be completely fine. >> steve: here with reaction is clyde boatright, from the fraternal order of police. clyde, this guy who is alleged to have tried to murder three people, he says i shouldn't be out. and he's right. >> yes. i mean, good morning, steve. i think, you know, our communities deserve better. we should not have people who are hellbent on creating chaos and who are trying to intentionally murder people to be -- to have the ability to receive a reduced sentence down to six months in jail when you intentionally set the house on fire. that is a problem. >> steve: right. clyde, what is the deterrent? you know, there should -- you know, the average person knows where the line is. you can't cross that line or you're going to get in trouble. the line has disappeared for so many crimes. it's like, well, that is a crime, but it's not a big enough crime for us to go after you. >> so what we're seeing, steve, is a political stunt to increase the felony conviction rates by the gentleman -- well, the criminal pleading down from 18 counts down to one, this is a two for one thing. he gets out and he's able to go on the streets to hurt someone else, and the prosecutor's office gets to say that they had a felony conviction in this case. that's the problem. who speaks for the victims? why are our communities being subject to this type of violence? >> steve: right. he got the plea deal from baltimore state's attorney, marilyn mosby. the breaking news yesterday was patient, she has been -- apparently, she has been indicted on perjury and filing false mortgage applications related to her purchase of two florida vacation homes. a former prosecutor in baltimore city had this to say about what is at play with this particular case earlier on "fox & friends" first. >> i don't know how miss mosley who has been indicted by the u.s. attorney's office can really work with the u.s. attorney's office. she needs to take a leave of absence or step down or so that the city can get back to functioning. when we allow violent crime to go unaddressed we cause more violence in this city. it doesn't matter if you're liberal or conservative, it needs to be addressed. >> steve: and clyde, she's absolutely right. crime needs to be addressed. if somebody breaks a law, even a misdemeanor, there should be some sort of consequence, because right now in too many localities there's no consequence for crime. >> yes, and what we're seeing across the country these progressive prosecutors they're running on a campaign of being tough on crime, but once they're in office they throw all of that out the door and they start pushing these, you know, agendas of people that are supporters. the people that support them have an agenda. they put these people in office and, you know, everyone else is left to suffer from that. our communities deserve better. again, i say again, who speaks for the victims. we have victims in this case that deserve justice, and we can't have these political people leave the citizens out the dry because they want to push an agenda. >> steve: well, clyde, don't forget the police officers. you're with the fraternal order of police. if there's no consequence for crime, what's to stop the bad guy from doing something stupid to that cop who's trying to symptom him? . >> i mean, we just had an office ambushed and killed in her vehicle. the criminals are emboldened because they know there are no consequences. we need to get tough on crime and take the bad guys and get them off the streets. >> steve: there you go. amen. a lot of people across the country have said that guy knows what he's talking about. clyde, stay safe and good luck. >> you guys be safe as well. thank you for having me. >> steve: all right. it is 8:00 on the east coast, and this is hour three of "fox & friends" for a friday. >> joe biden very bad week continues as the vaccine mandates get shut down in the supreme court. >> the supreme court made the absolutely correct decision. that was one of the most egregious examples of federal -- that we have seen in a long time. >> joe manchin and can kyrsten sinema shutting down the filibuster controversy. >> kamala harris had another painstaking interview. >> six former administration officials urging the administration to change course. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> she does sound like someone trying to give a book report for a book she did not read. ♪♪ ♪ baby, baby, ♪ >> well, baby shark taking a huge bite out of to internet becoming the first video to hit 10 billion views on youtube. ♪♪ ♪ no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in ♪ ♪ no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips ♪ >> ainsley: gorgeous shot of atlanta. look at the sun coming up. you'll have a high of 55 degrees today. but it is going to snow there with a mix of some rain and some snow on sunday with a low of 27 degrees. but monday and tuesday will be very sunny. look at the traffic. everyone there says they love atlanta but hate the traffic. >> brian: i think most people will be indoors this weekend, ainsley, because round one of the playoffs, the nfl playoffs. there are sports fans, but it seems like everyone is betting, no one is rooting anymore. wearing the eye black, the face paint. i don't have to pay my mortgage if the patriots find a way to win do you find that same thing? >> steve: no, i don't know anybody who does -- you're talking about the online gambling, you can do on your phone. >> brian: everywhere, caesars. >> steve: it's a very big business, but brian, given the fact it's so cold, what they did was yesterday, they went out into their trees and they got pineapples because they know it's going to be a very cold couple of days and if they wanted fruit that is not cantaloupe, they have to go out and get the pineapple, which is tom way to get them. >> brian: right. i was confusing that with coconuts in retrospect. >> steve: how do you confuse that with a coconut? >> brian: i was thinking tropical. >> steve: but bananas grow on trees. >> brian: we have to jot it down. what fruit is grown where. >> ainsley: so many people were talking about this yesterday and my friend diane kept sending me throughout the day, all of the. >> darren:s that you can make with cantaloupe. i think you tasted one of them. then a lot of people -- at the end of the show, we had a surprise favorite. did you put the producers up to that? we ended the show with a picture of a pineapple growing from the ground and we all just died laughing. that was the end of the show. >> brian: look, most people believe with me. i polled the entire country. not the quinnipiac poll. i called all of ainsley's friends. cantaloupe is overrated. keep in mind, the word cantaloupe, they don't want you eating it. can't don't elope. >> steve: that's a different method. nothing to do with breakfast food. >> ainsley: pineapples are good too. all right. let's get to some news. the president striking out on everything from capitol hill to the high court. the supreme court blocking biden's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate as he loses hope on passing a voting overhaul. griff jenkins has more. he needs the 60 votes, he doesn't have them. >> reporter: nowhere close and good morning. we know why the president got the new dog, because he's running out of friends in washington. starting with the supreme court dealing a major blow to the vaccine mandate, ruling 6-3, that osha does not have the authority to issue a mandate impacting 80 million americans. they did uphold the requirement for most health care workers. now, the president said he's disappointed in the ruling but telling companies to simply ignore it, saying, quote, i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up and instituted vaccination requirements. meanwhile, on capitol hill, democrats manchin and sinema dealt the death blow, refusing to kill the filibuster. >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our yet. >> reporter: manchin said the filibuster protects our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority. now, with no path forward, the president admits defeat. >> anyway, i hope we can get this done, but i'm not sure. if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we miss this time, we miss this time. >> reporter: and this morning the administration trying to hit the reset button. pivoting to their 60-day fact sheet on infrastructure accomplishments. if you're in the betting business, you might want to bet that a cat arrives at the white house. remember, jen psaki said you might see a feline when things get going rough. >> brian: thanks so much. that's a lot of losing in one day. thanks so much. >> let's bring in ben shapiro. he's the host of "the ben shapiro show and podcast." he created the whole thing and he moved it across the country. ben, how does it feel to take on the government and win? >> we here at daily wire are really excited about this and we put our money where our mouth was. we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we were the first company in america to file against the vax mandate and watching them going down in flaming defeat is well worth that cost. joe biden, by the way, his approval rating more people now like certain types of bowel cancer than like joe biden at this point and i think that's well deserved. >> brian: wow. going forward, given what the supreme court said yesterday, it will up to every business now to decide whether or not they're going to have a mandate, but it won't be mandated by osha. it would be from the company. so going forward, we heard this morning that apparently citibank based in new york city, they're going to keep the mandate. they have got 99% of their employees vaccinated and they said, you know what, we think it's a good policy so it's going up to every company now to decide how to manage this pandemic going forward, because we have seen the vaccines are not as effective perhaps as we were sold. so people have got to figure out how to manage coronavirus maybe forever. >> well this is one of the big problems here, the vaccines are not preventing infection. they're preventing hospitalization and death and that's wonderful and very important, but they're not preventing infection which means a lot of the vax mandates don't in fact achieve their stated purpose and what the government was threatening to does with to put businesses completely underground. destroy the businesses if you didn't force your employees to vax or regularly test and mask. we weren't willing to the that at the daily wire and our daily wire offices in tennessee, people were crying when they watched the decision coming down because people thought they'd lose their up jobs over this. there were tens of millions of people across the country who felt that same way. and by the way, it's worth noting here if not for the fact that president trump was able to appoint three justices no question that the administrative state would do whatever the hell it would want in this country. there are three leftist judges who said that osha could with no statutory authority, create a vaccine mandate and that the cdc could issue eviction more toria indefinitely. >> steve: great point. >> ainsley: yeah, you're right. well, it was a big blow for joe biden yesterday, but it's not the only one that's experienced yesterday or this week. it's been one of the worst week of his presidency, except for maybe afghanistan. but let's go over some of the things that happened this week that weren't good for him. the cdc fact checks, liberals pushing the vaccine mandate, finding a covid test is really hard, record cases across the country, hospitals reaching capacity, potus pivots to voting rights with a speech even members of his own party panned. stacey abrams didn't show up for that. and consumers complain about the bare stores and a 2024 ticket without harris or biden on it. potus stumbles through the teleprompter and asks for the czar's name, he didn't know his name. he admits the voting rights bill will likely fail as senator sinema takes on the floor before he arrives at the hill to talk about it. senator manchin says he hasn't talked to the president before christmas and there's no renegotiation of the build back better. scotus knocks down the vaccine mandate for businesses over 100 employees. and there's no further talks with the russians and then two more things. right, two more things. north korea fires fresh missiles lashing out over our third round of the u.s. sanctions and the dhs says that 4,000 migrants and only 50,000 were checked in with i.c.e. our producers put that together, spent a lot of time and just show the people how bad this week was for the president. what's your reaction? >> well, he has fallen and he cannot get up. he came into the office making two specific promises he could not keep. one, you could spend your way and now we have massive inflation and that the government would be able to quote/unquote shut down the virus. it was a lie when he told it and he continues to maintain that lie and he's boxed himself in. he can't get out of this. these are problems of his own making. he could control the border if he wanted to. he could leave the economy alone but he can't do that either. he's created the box, now he can't get out of it. now he's railing at the wind and shouting at the clouds like grandpa simpson and trying to convince the 7 in 10 americans who don't like him are segregationists. no wonder he's so unpopular. >> brian: ben, he's in office for three more years. we have watched bill clinton pivot and other presidents pivot. it constantsly happens. so bill clinton recommended to him, go back with build back better, pick two things you want, and reintroduce it. pull back. if you're him, you have to fire everyone, beginning with ron klain. whoever loaded the prompter for that speech in georgia has to be fired. whoever sent him to capitol hill while senator sinema was on the floor has to be fired. they are -- his staff is as inept as his speeches. so where do you go from here with three more years? >> i mean, the biggest problem for joe biden is forget his staff. joe biden, his entire image was he was gentle and pathetic grandpa and then he allowed afghanistan to fall to eighth century cavemen and got americans killed and left many behind. then he decided to call everyone who disagreed with him on federalization of all the voting procedures a segregationist or a slave holder. his image has been so tarnished at this point i don't think he can pivot to the center the same way that bill clinton did. bill clinton never lost the image of at least being this sort of genial person who felt your pain. joe biden has lost that and once you lose it i'm not sure you can regain it. >> steve: we're doomed. ultimately, people who voted for joe biden has buyer's remorse and now fast forward to close to the end of his first year in office, people are going, now, why did we pick him again? it was because he ran as a moderate, but once he got into office then suddenly, the leftists in his party and the people he installed in the white house pulled him so far to the left. i think if he goes into the lane where he ran, i don't know that he would win re-election but i think certainly his poll numbers would go up because i think a lot of people, you know, they are -- they're smacked in the face with the inflation and everything else and it hits them all day. bad decisions by this administration impact me all day. whether i'm in the grocery store, whether i'm at the gas station, whether i'm wearing a mask somewhere. all day, ben. >> yeah, i agree with that i mean, listen, he made a historic political blunder by deciding to move to the left and deciding to be fdr and he had a slim majority. it was amazing, he beat bernie sanders because he was not bernie sanders and then he allowed bernie sanders to body snatch him and suddenly he was doing bernie sanders' agenda. that was never going to be successful. the only way he has a possibility of re-election or successor of his has an election, is when he goes back to what -- not being trump. i'm a guy who is not trump. as much as he's close to being alive, he has alienated an enormous number of people. >> ainsley: ben, thank you very much for coming on. great job. >> appreciate that. >> steve: congratulations. >> ainsley: yes. let's hand it over to carley shimkus for more headline. >> carley: yes, the crime crisis is one of them and listen to this. two 14-year-old boys are shot and killed hours apart in chicago. one of the boys was just standing on the sidewalk when he was struck twice in the chest. the other boy was walking with a friend when he was fatally shot by someone in a dark colored sedan. a pregnant mother was shot in her car one day earlier. no arrests have been made in any of the shootings. this comes as chicago closes out 2021 with almost 800 homicides, more than any other city nationwide. >> this was a very first assignment of the semester for an online class at penn state. explain why the taliban are not terrorists. the assignment saying, quote, trying to argue otherwise will result in a failing grade. one of the students so shocked by the assignment, she joined us earlier. take a listen. >> i had made it through my first four years of college without having anything this insane, and of course, my last semester my teacher is basically saying you have to agree me or i'm going to fail you. >> she's transferred out of the class. we haven't heard the last of bob sagat. listen to his message about his love for comedy recorded less than one month before his passing. >> it was a defense mechanism and it truly helped me survive. it helped keep me mentally alive. >> he was found dead at the age of 65 in his hotel room in florida. he is survived by his wife and daughters. >> a 10-year-old cancer patient's wish to be sworn in to 100 law enforcement agencies is coming true. watch. >> d.j. daniel has captured the hearts of countless people and he will fulfill his dream of bing an honorary law enforcement officer. welcome. [cheers and applause] >> the young boy was diagnosed with terminal brain and spine cancer. he has been sworn into 45 law enforcement agencies. hopefully, some police officers are watching, they can help him reach his goal of 100. he has 55 more to go. >> brian: wow. that was good to see though. all right. hopefully he'll make his way out here and on to our couch one day. meanwhile, straight ahead, let's talk more about this pandemic. dr. fauci's hot mic moment comes back to bite. >> senator marshall, dr. fauci has answered you, it's public information and he's happy to give it to you if you would ask. senator moran. >> what a moron, jesus christ. >> brian: yeah, what a moron, that's what he called him. how that senator is putting it into law. >> and the largest bonus ever, just to help recruitment. michael waltz joins us to react and plus a special announcement. don't miss it. ♪♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit this is elodia. she's a recording artist. m 1 of 10 million people that. comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> where will they be if they're public knowledge, where? >> it is totally accessible to you. >> for the public is it accessible? >> to the public. you are totally incorrect. what a moron. jesus christ. >> steve: well, the person doing the calling of the moron, that was dr. anthony fauci, caught on a hot mic insulting a republican senator who asked about the doctor's finances. that lawmaker, senator roger marshall of kansas, is now planning to introduce the fauci act. he uses the name fauci as an acronym standing for financial accountability for uniquely compensated individuals. it's going to require a list of all confidential government employees whose financial disclosures are not made public. there he is already, you popped up, fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. good morning. >> reporter: i wondered happened to mr. smith goes to washington, it seems like the feud between marshall and fauci is very, very unseemly. in the context of 850,000 dead americans, it would seem to me that the gentlemen would -- if they had, you know, a legitimate problem that they would work together to resolve it. not this, this cat fight. and the way senator marshall was speaking to fauci was so disrespectful. it really was -- you know, i would have called marshall a moron in that context also, steve. yes, we want to know and we desperately need to know about the funding of the wuhan lab, what did we know, when did we know it, did we invest in gain of function research on those viruses, those deadly viruses. those are all very, very important things, but when you reduce everything to this ad hominem personal attacks i have my own personal act here. find a united country indivisible. how about working together to solve the problems rather than trying to cut each other apart, steve. >> steve: geraldo, i'm shocked that you're not a little disappointed in dr. fauci for referring to a member of congress as a moron and then using -- you know -- look, i'm a believer -- i'm a believer in civility with your public servants. and ultimately the larger issue is the fact that marshall's people could not find his disclosure. i just looked at dr. fauci's disclosure with his financial breakdown. there are pages and pages where the amounts are completely blacked out. who gets to decide, you know, he -- dr. fauci is paid more than the president of the united states, he's paid more than any other government employee and i think dr. marshall's plan is -- we would like to know about the finances of this guy who is making all of these determinations on behalf of all of us. i think that's fair. >> geraldo: it would seem to me, yes, it is fair. fauci maintains that 35 years of his finances have been disclosed and are accessible. >> steve: why are they redacted? >> geraldo: i don't know, i'm in favor of full disclosure and selling the stocks and shorting the stocks and all of the rest of it. i recognize that senator marshall is a fellow kansan. maybe you have an affection -- >> steve: i'm not a name caller. >> geraldo: well, he certainly was. wasn't senator marshall the way he was speaking to fauci -- >> he didn't call him a name. >> geraldo: that he was a crook, and joni ernst has her own, underwriting chinese act. we should be working together to solve this dreadful epidemic. we're trying to find solutions, we are flailing around. but fauci has been in it from the beginning but he's not the only one who guessed wrong. >> steve: but there's a lot of frustration on the republican side, because republicans feel like dr. fauci is not being truthful about the funding of the wuhan lab. it's one thing -- our intel community can't figure out whether or not this, you know -- the virus came from the lab, but nonetheless, we would like to know about the funding of gain of function and the republicans appear to have information that it was funded by the federal government. however, the way the nih lawyers have defined it essentially puts dr. fauci in a place where he's safe because he's hiding behind the lawyers when, in fact, the u.s. government did fund them. >> geraldo: i believed that this is an absolute noble goal to find out what the hell happened in wuhan and how this virus started. i believed from the get-go this was an accident in the wuhan lab that the chinese covered up. i believe that. i also i'm extremely curious about how the united states helped fund some of that research. but that, steve, while that noble goal is very important to the american people, you do not reach that by saying, you're a jerk and you're a moron, and you're a crook and where'd you get all this money from and you get paid more than the president. i mean, it has become so personal. when you see rand paul talk to anthony fauci it's like you want to go take a shower. it is absolutely appalling ineffective if the goal you seek is the truth, steve. >> steve: it's hard to get to the truth when you have pages and pages of the financial information that has been redacted and apparently that's the way that washington works because a lot of people don't have a problem with it. anyway, geraldo, thank you very much for joining us live. have a great weekend in cleveland. >> geraldo: you too, brother. >> steve: okay, i'm his brother. take a look at this. see that homeless guy? he attacks a good samaritan who puts his coat over him. more on that coming up next. y has been the mortgage company for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we help that veteran? with more ways to help more veterans, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. sh is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. >> ainsley: we are back with some headlines developing right now. a top nato official is asked to support ukraine just hours after they were hit by a massive cyberattack. nato's secretary-general said that nato and ukraine will sign an agreement on enhanced cyber cooperation including access to the malware information sharing platforms. ukraine's foreign minister said it's too early to determine who is responsible but added that russia has a quote, long record of similar attacks against ukraine. >> and check out this video that shows the chilling moment a good samaritan who tried to put a coat on a homeless man is mugged and beaten up. this video was obtained by "the new york post." now, the homeless man was later arrest and is being held on second degree robbery charges, but the lawyers say that the prosecutors aren't abiding by the lenient bail policies. that is so sad and scary, ainsley. he was trying to do the right thing and it backfired. >> ainsley: you can't even help a homeless person out now, my gosh. thank you. >> joe lombberto is now on a mission to flip nevada's governor's mansion red. he's raised a record breaking $3.1 million. joining me now is the governor hopeful himself, joe lombardo. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: i'm doing well, thank you. what made you want to run for governor? >> well, currently, the state of nevada is going in the wrong direction. you know, we're under single party rule. we're lacking in economic diversity. our education system is constantly rated at the bottom, and as far as law and order, the support for law and order is waning within the state. i believe i have the vision and the leadership skills to change all of that. my resume speaks for that. i believe -- you know, quite often, people couch me as a cop or a police officer and do i have the skills and ability to be the governor of the state, and i have to say yes to that question. i have a history as a ceo of a very large company, that being the las vegas metropolitan police department, to the tune of 6,000 employees and $1.3 billion budget. i believe that's the job of a governor, to run a big business and all of the nuances that go along with running a big business. >> ainsley: you have raised $3.1 million since you entered the race in june. that is record breaking for a nonelection year. no one has ever done that in your state's history, so what about your message is resonating with the people? >> just like i said, i mean, being a ceo of a big company, being -- having conservative values is part of being the head of a law enforcement community which brings those conservative values. it's entrenched in the conservative values and people are tired of what they're saying, especially in the state of inform and the direction we're going. >> ainsley: joe biden did narrowly beat president trump a few years ago. i think by three points. less than three points. what makes you think as a republican that you can flip that state? >> my ability to affect change on the police department, within clark county which is where the major population is living in the state of nevada. you know, the work history that i have performed, the leadership that i have performed, the ability to affect change which i believe is needed in the state of nevada is entrenched in my history and my leadership skills and i believe i have that ability to change the state also. >> ainsley: sheriff, tell us a little bit about your personal life. how long were you in law enforcement? >> well, i was born in japan, and we bounced around europe in my formative years and i attended the local high school here and i attended up attending unlv where i got a master's degree in emergency management. i think that's very important, when you talk about the emergency management piece and response to covid and mandates and ability to communicate and provide leadership and direction in the heels of a crisis, all that comes to bear. that is what i have done for the state of nevada and what i plan to do for the state of nevada and i'm married. i have a daughter that's in law school. i have another daughter that works for the cdc under the auspices of the drug enforcement agency and i have a son that's attending college in salt lake city. and like you just mentioned i have been in law enforcement for 33 years. and, you know, i have to go forward with just a little bit quick. thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: i'm sorry, we're out of time, but god bless you, sheriff. thanks for your service and for your dad's service. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. coming up, did you hear about this? 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is it going beyond our channel? >> i live here in columbus, ohio, i can tell you my neighbors here are fed up with this and that goes beyond politics. left, right, center. classical liberals are every bit as fed up as conservatives on this issue, but i think that creates the opportunity for what i call the 150 million, brian, in this country who are hungry for messages that go beyond the diversity, equity, inclusion woke orthodoxy that corporate america has embraced to basic american principles that we took for granted 20 years ago. the content of your character trumps the color of your skip. the idea that capitalism is great at lifting people up out of poverty. if that means saving capitalism from corporal america, it will take brave souls to do it and i think it's coming in the next couple of years. >> when you have people like bill maher and others speaking out and other superstars saying i can't do standup comedy now, now i can't go only microsoft word without being harassed, hopefully people will agree with us. thanks so much and i appreciate it. have a great weekend. >> thank you, brian. you too. >> brian: meanwhile, i want to check in with meteorologist janice dean for a fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> janice: you have lots of power. i've told you on and off the screen. on and off. let's take a look at the developing winter storm. this is happening across the midwest and the plains states. diving over the mississippi and the tennessee river valley, bringing measurable and snow and ice to parts of the south. that's what i'm concerned with. if there's any good news it's happening on the weekend so people will be inside and not on the roadways, fortunately. as it comes up towards the northeast, it looks like along the coastal areas the i-95 corridor it will too warm for that, but here's our best estimate right now. still several inches of snow for parts top midwest. look at the snow around nashville, the appalachians into the northeast. we think the interior northeast is going to get the bull's-eye of the snowfall and the mountain regions, but we're also dealing with ice. this going to cause big problems for travel and possibly power outages for millions. so bottom line is, know your local forecast. every single hour, you can download our app, for the latest details and listen to your local forecasters and your officials who will give you the latest updates. by the power vested in me, brian, back to you. >> brian: thanks so much. right to dana perino and bill hemmer. weatherperson -- noticed i have adjusted? >> well a florida green beret will weigh in on the upcoming recruitment problem. but first, dana perino for what she's telling bill on what they're discussing on the show. >> dana: the biden administration has a terrible week and i'm looking for the good news, and brian deese will be here from the white house. >> another republican has entered the u.s. senate race in pennsylvania. we'll introduce you to dave mccormick. >> a shocking discovery online. teens can buy vape pen and they're laced with fentanyl. we'll talk to a dad who lost their son. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. because we want to go out to dinner with our friends. because, in family photos, we want to be able to smile. a new fda-approved treatment for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis could help them do more of the daily activities they care about. to learn more, go to and talk to your neurologist. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. . >> steve: for the first time, the u.s. army is offering $50,000 for high demand roles. the competitive job market and covid complications are presenting challenges. army vet and national guard colonel michael waltz joins us now with the reaction. michael, back in the day i bet you would have liked to have 50,000 bucks. where does this say about where we are? >> well, you know, i wore my own recruiting platform today to try to help out. but here's the -- in all seriousness, here's the issues. one, the recruiters haven't had access to the schools because the schools have been shut down for the last couple of years, particularly in the major inner cities. they also tend to host big job fairs and they haven't been able to do that. and then even a broader societal issue, 70% of young people now don't have the basic qualifications to enter the army. they have a drug abuse background or sadly, they're too out of shape to meet the basic requirements. all that combined in the competitive job market are why you're seeing the military throwing this kind of money at the issue. but, if you're ready to be an airborne ranger, that's 60,000 bucks. >> brian: that's right. in 2021 there was 57,000 and their goal is 57,5 hundred. so they offered more to do it. do you believe that the whole vaccination, get vaxxed or get out hurts the cause? >> i don't think it helps. i think the stain of afghanistan isn't helping either, but back to the vaccine piece. you know, the vast majority of the active duty like 97% was vaccinated and the issue is in the national guard right now is sitting around 60%. their deadline is not until june, but that could be a massive blow to our readiness. as you know, the national guard has been overworked between wildfires, hurricanes, covid and their overseas deployments and the pentagon has to think twice. fortunately, we have got language in the last defense bill that told them to incorporate natural immunity into their calculations. >> ainsley: well, we are so excited for you, speaking of army. we know that you and julia just welcomed a baby boy and you named him army. i hope julia is doing well. 9 pounds, 5 ounces. there's his picture. he's so beautiful. congratulations. how is it going? >> oh, it's going great. julia has more combat tours than i do, so she's a trooper. he came -- he hit the drop zone heavy at 9 1/2 pounds. but i have him here today, if that's okay, as a special guest. >> ainsley: oh, look at him. >> we have him in full army ranger style here. so he's doing -- look, he's doing great. our hearts are full. i have the army's newest recruit in 18 years. >> brian: can i say one thing, michael? i wouldn't put him on a morning show, his eyes aren't open yet so i don't think he's a morning guy. >> yeah. no, not yet. but he's -- we're doing our early morning pt right after this. so we'll get him nice and awake. >> brian: handsome kid. >> steve: so you named him army, what were the backup names? >> it's short for armand. it means hope in arabic and army for short and there are no backups, steve. it's full speed ahead. go army has taken on a new meaning in the waltz household. >> ainsley: and tell the folks at home who your three -- two sister-in-laws are. what an incredible family you have. >> well, my wife julia who has served in the state department of the white house and combat tours in afghanistan and iraq, and of course dr. neshawatt a fox news contributor. >> brian: ten seconds. >> so it's an amazing family that i'm blessed to have married into. >> brian: congratulations, michael. good job. >> the army salutes you. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> bill: moderate democrats kill another aspect of the agenda. hello, dana. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom," how are you? sfwl i have a question for you. you mentioned the bad horrible week a moment ago. i got out a book the good news from dew point. where is the good news for this white house? >> dana: if i were jen psaki e

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Dehydration , Vomiting , Nausea , Healthcare Provider , Music Vo , Back Firing , 30 , Commission , Department , Police Chief , Austin , Police Funds , 30 , 882 , Patrol Officers , Research , Calls , Staffing Levels , 911 , Student Lender , Police Officers , Student Loans , Austin Police Department , 108 , 107 Billion , 07 Billion , Agreement , Loans , Litigation , Borrowers , Deceptive Practices , 66000 , 1 2 , Carley , Blow , Any , West Virginia , Mat , The Mountain State S Attorney General , Trick Morsey , 27 , To Be With You , Mood , Ask , Examples , Overreach , Down , Rule , Laugh , Attorney General , Law Standpoint , Respect , Know , Cms Mandate , Arguments , Clause , Type , Dots , Fentanyl , Fentanyl Crisis , Plan , Arizona , Immigration Problem , Issues , Ohio , Deaths , Charts , Drug , Down In Mexico , Blinken , Flooding , Ingredients , Drug Cartels , Precursors , Fentanyl Policies , Couple , Attention , Bit , Crew , Deck , Break , Rachel , Pete , Inflammation , Xiidra , Eye Drops , Drops , Burn , Ache , Let S Kick Ken , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Vision , Discomfort , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , Surface , Fifteen , Dry Eye , Hearing , Names , A , Kyron , In America On Fox Nation , Law Degree , Ivy League School , Gossip Inside , Today Is The Day , Rags , Quarterback , Offensive Coordinator , Communications , Image , Coach , Signature Issue , Better , Neither , Beauty Pageant Contestant , Laughter , Briefing Books , Interview Question , Curve Ball On , Obvious , Thinking Outside The Box , Directives , Big Pharma , Omicron , Constant , Therapeutics , Fear , Will , Media , Skit , Howard Dean , Candidate , Candidates , Candidacy , Cancellation , Dog , Racks , Basis , Analogies Rachel , Book , Book Report , Sports , Tore , Punches , Anyone , Mirror , Preening , Form , Ring , Cross Examination , Shadow Boxing , Brian , Meme , Vetting , Rich Chilly , Shefolds , Can T , Half Life Times , Everything Living , Slig , Effect , Pivoting , Survival Rate , Variant , Worst , Activities , Picture , Series , Special , Parents , Opportunity , Episodes , Education , Progressive Takeover , Pleasure , Battle Of The Warriors And In Holy Land , Out Of Nowhere , Classrooms , Race Theory , Gender Theory , Tip , Iceberg , Code Word Classroom , Miss Education , Nation , Code , Sewed , Perfect , 90 , Daughter , Conscience , Papers , Grade , Mother , Individual Liberty And Freedom Of Conscience , Curriculum , There , School , Minnesota , Anticipation , Melissa Joan Hart , Alveda King , Byron Dondle , Sunday Morning , Ten , 00 , 4000 , 50000 , 2021 , 800 , 65 , 45 , 10 Million , 1 Billion , Billion , 850000 , 35 , 1 Million , 3 1 Million , 6000 , 1 3 Billion , 3 Billion , 360 , 200 , 899 , 250 Million , 150 Million , 0000 , 50000 Bucks , 70 , 60000 Bucks , 57000 , 60000 , 575 Hundred , 97 , 9 , 9 1 2 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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>> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> microsoft word have tools to check your spelling and now your political correctness. >> we have these silicon valley elites. silicon valley leftist their woke reality oversight. >> overnight canceling smoke djokovic's visa for a second just days before the australian open. ♪ ♪ >> brian: right before the before the show started can somebody put your lights on. don't tell me nobody is up. okay we will do it. not everybody got the message. had to leave a bunch of voice mails. that is atlanta. the mayor is andre dickens. i don't know if he is doing a good job or not. i will look into that. one city that like to lead. buckhead like to do their own thing and 3 star hotel plus $147 if you are looking to stay there but you don't want luxury or in-hotel bar, steve. >> steve: right. it used to be wikipedia and now you are on trip adviser? is that how we start the show now? >> brian: people need ideas. steve: coming up in the next hour brian will start reading yelp reviews. >> brian: it was supposed to be a surprise but you blue it. >> steve: tgif thank goodness it's fox on friday. >> ainsley: that's exactly right. good morning to you, gentlemen. and good morning to everyone at home. yes, we made it through the workweek. it is friday. we have so much to talk about. brian, you don't need a hotel if you go to atlanta. my best friends al and cindy live there. they will let you stay for free they have a basement. >> brian: i know you do your friends ranking. do they continue to be best friend? >> ainsley: cindy and lindsey have been best friends since fourth grade. we all transferred to elementary school in south carolina. we stayed in touch. i had a great group of friends. they're like my sisters, brian. >> brian: i know where to go to unauthorized biography which i am working on. happy anniversary, mr. president. let's review the last year, the last day, the last week. high court, the supreme court blocking biden's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate for private businesses as democrats crush president biden's hopes of changing senate rules right before our eyes. griff jenkins joins us live from washington with more on the white house disappointments. griff, take it away. >> griff: good morning, brian, ainsley and steve. the only way you can put it is it has been a horrible, terrible, bad, no good week for the president. first the supreme court dealing a major blow to the president's vaccine mandate for large businesses ruling 6-3 that osha does not have the authority to shoman date for some 80 million americans. they did withhold for federal healthcare workers. showing disappointment asking businesses to just do it on their own. saying i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up and institute vaccine requirements for workers, customers and communities. and the hits kept coming on capitol hill. two democrat senators joe manchin and kyrsten sinema dealt a death blow on voting rights legislation refusing to kill the filibuster. >> i support these bills i will not support separate actions that worsen the under lying disease of division infecting our country. >> griff: manchin adding, quote the filibuster plays an important role in protecting our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority. now, with no path forward, the president admits defeat. >> anyway, i hope we can get this done, but i'm not sure. if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we miss this time, we missed this time. >> griff: what now? majority leader schumer postponed action on the bill citing covid and looming snow storm as a reason for delay. meanwhile the white house about an hour ago issued a fact sheet on infrastructure 60 days in trying to hit the reset button on this week's hot mess. brian, ainsley and steve? >> steve: thank you very much, griff. absolutely right. hot mess change the subject. today they will start talking about infrastructure, which did pass. it's like one of the only things because he is having a very bad week. but here's the thing. so essentially what the u.s. supreme court said yesterday during the worst week ever for the biden administration, they said that for these mandates to happen, being instituted by osha, in fact, the states would need to pass a law or congress would need to pass a law and they didn't do that. and essentially, had the court blessed the mandate on private employers, the message to regulators would have been they can do whatever they want as long as they call it an emergency and here's the thing. the states are still calling it an emergency in some places like new york, where our home base is, and that's why those mandates continue. and when it comes to private employers, your boss is mandate whatever they want. you know, a lot of businesses said, okay, they are going to tell us to do it so we are going to do it. the big question is given what the supreme court did yesterday, 'will businesses say you know what? we are going to hit the brakes. there is story out today, this morning, citibank, one of the biggest employers in new york which has hit the 99% vaccination rate. they are going to continue to fire people who were not vaccinated, ainsley, by yesterday. >> ainsley: yeah, i read that this morning, steve. that's such a loss for many of those folks who need their paycheck to pay their rents and pay their bills, take care of their kids. i would argue, i know this last week has been terrible for joe biden. but i would also argue yesterday might have been one of the worst days of his presidency. when you look at what happened with the vax mandates and what the supreme court decided can the filibuster and without the filibuster, he can't push through the election bill. he can't push through packing the court. he can't push through making puerto rico and d.c. a state. and then you had kamala harris' interview yesterday that was a disaster. she couldn't answer the questions. and we will play a little of that later on. you also had the president getting up to speak and that was a disaster. inflation, we reported yesterday at its highest level in 40 years. 7 cents is taken away from every dollar. the value of our dollar is decreased by 7 cents. brian go through this list why the week was so bad for him. >> brian: i will do it because ainsley i owe you a failure: the president decides to pivot on voting right with a speech even members of his own party panned. stacey abrams did not show up for an event in her own state on her own issue, inflation hits a four decade high, consumers complain about bare shelves because they have a camera phone with them. they have proof. stories about a 2024 ticket without biden or harris. harris mocked for rough tv interview. we will talk about that in about five minutes. and the president stumbles through teleprompter, yesterday the covid event asked for his new hire tom ingelsby's name. it's his czar. admits voting rights will likely fail. i will add this there are certain things that happen in life that do you not have control over. certain things that you absolutely do. for example, who wrote that speech in georgia that even dick durbin said was over the top. that was absolutely polarizing and totally inaccurate and did not portray exactly what people were talking about the 20 states that people say they have a problem with the state laws change when it comes to voting. when it comes to test we ask you to fill out an invoice. when you hand out masks to congress it says made in china on them. you got to be kidding me. and to get and put your prestige on the line at the senate again. meanwhile, before you go senator sinema is there saying it's a fruitless walk. it's an embarrassing result, because i will not go along with blowing up the filibuster like i have been telling you for five months. just like joe manchin who then comes out and says oh, you want to know about build back better? you want to know about this? i have not talked to the president since christmas. so what did he expect to accomplish? how did he expect any success yesterday? it's like he was determined to make thursday just so terrible that anything would be better on friday, steve. >> steve: well, you know, brian, when you look at the speech he gave on january 6th, which was partisan from statuary hall. and when you look at the speech he gave the other day from atlanta, you know, what he is trying to do is he is trying to as we mentioned at the outset of this segment, he is trying to change the subject. there is so much stuff brian brian to what? >> steve: he cannot control his own party. he has got democrats who will not sign on with him trying to motivate his base and nothing gets his base more excited than thed idea of voting rights talking about january of 6th and stuff like that. telling the base don't add ban done me, i'm working for you, okay? i'm getting a lot done. that's why is he going to talk about infrastructure. look, we passed that a while back and it's going to build stuff which i told you we would do. he can't get anything else done yesterday in the briefing room a reporter from bloomberg framed it and said you know, so much stuff is going wrong. when are you guys going to have a meeting where you all sit in the same room, socially distanced with masks, of course, and say this isn't working, let's change our approach? asked that question. wait until you hear what jen psaki had to say. >> frankly things seem like they are going pretty poorly right now. i wonder at what point do you take stock and say things need to change internally. >> we don't see it through the same prism. >> so as far as things going well there is no change for now. >> i think having worked in the white house before, you do hard things in white houses, you have every challenge at your feet -- laid at your feet, whether it's global or domestically and we could certainly propose legislation to see if people support bunny rabbits and ice cream but that wouldn't be very rewarding to the american people. the president's view is we are going to keep push for hard things and going to keep pushing the boulders up the hill to get it done. >> brian: what spin, unbelievable, ainsley. >> ainsley: even the -- remember the six administrators or people who used to work for his administration during the transition team wrote that letter saying you need to think about changing courts. maybe we need to think about just living with this virus and you can't get monoclonals and you can't get the test and you can't get the antiviral pills. all the governors we interviewed say they are requesting more and more. ron desantis says he needs two to three times what they are giving him so that the elderly can get the monoclonals so they can be free from the virus if they get it so they don't have to worry about getting really sick on day 10. they need to change their course and stop saying we are making progress. you need to get the vax. the vax, even if you have a booster you can still get this virus. your own son, peter doocy, asked her about that said i was triple vaxxed, you were triple vaxxed both of us got covid. they need to change their tune and talk to the american people because people are frustrated. >> steve: ainsley, to that point, peter was saying to jen psaki he said why keep calling it a pandemic of the unvaccinated. obviously they want everybody to get vaccinated because it's a pandemic for everybody. people who are triple vaxxed like me i got covid after christmas. they need to change their message. i just noticed one bit of bad news for the president of the united states, to their credit, the washington fact checker glenn kessler pointed out and gave joe biden four pinocchios because earlier in the week, in atlanta, he repeated that he had been arrested during the civil rights demonstration. that is not true. >> brian: right. it's very hard to keep up with your fictional stories if you are the president of the united states. thanks so much. meanwhile, if you guys would stick around, we have a lot more show in the prompter. kamala harris gives head scratching response when pressed on the white house's bungled strategy. listen to this. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> brian: exactly. we're going to talk about more of that cringe worthy comment of that interview next. and did you hear about this? 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(gentle music) ♪ >> carley: we are back with a fox news alert. this morning north korea firing two short range ballistic missiles towards the east. this is the third launch from north korea in just one month. it is not yet clear where the missiles landed and in iraq at least four rockets are fired at the u.s. embassy in baghdad. american officials are calling it an attack by terrorist groups. pro-iranian militias are suspected of being responsible after iran vowed revenge for the 2020 killing of qasem soleimani they say two civilians were hurt. check out the video the moment a good samaritan tried to put a coat on a homeless man is mugged and beaten up. this video obtained by the "new york post," the homeless man was later arrested and is being held on second degree robbery charges. but his lawyers are arguing he should have been released saying prosecutors aren't abiden by new york city lenient bail policies, can't make it up. australia canceling djokovic's visz is a for a second time setting him up for deportation days before the australian open. djokovic's lawyers asking australian court for injunction to block the deportation, but this means the number one seed in the open will not likely be able to play in the tournament, which starts on monday. immigration officials have asked djokovic to appear for interview tomorrow morning. djokovic's visa was first revoked last week upon arrival after the australian government said he failed to provide evidence to receive a vaccine exemption. what a mess over there in australia, guys. over to you. >> ainsley: bless his heart. the number one player, he should be able to play. this is ridiculous. thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you bet. >> ainsley: we have been talking about this cringe worthy interview she gave craig nell m. i was watching it this morning. she has a hard time answering normal questions. she is the -- one of the highest leaders, the vice president of our country and should have some answers. but watch this. here is an example when craig melvin asked about changing the strategy. is it time to change and go on a different course? >> at what point does the administration say, you know what? this strategy isn't working? we are going to change directions. six former administration officials last week wrote that open letter urging the administration to change course, to change strategy. is it time? >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. everyday it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down. >> brian: feel so much better now. now that she was able, go ahead, ainsley. >> ainsley: brian and steve it's like it is time for us to be doing what we have been doing. the time is every day. every day is the time. so what we'll be doing is what we are doing. what kind of an answer is that? and then when she was asked about the covid tests because everyone wants these free covid tests sent to their houses. 500,000 will go out next week. they said no, no, no. the cracks haven't been awarded yet. we will work on that over the next two weeks and hopefully you will get them by the end of the month. >> brian: there are so many easy answers if you are living there. someone went up to you to say what has the show been like over the last five years. you don't need to go over it because you lived it when mike pence is asked how is the pandemic response. you might not like the answers because living it. she is memorizing. she is not doing a good job. we are beginning to pivot as a country and as a administration to living with this virus. in the beginning we didn't know what it is. the bottom line is, she is embarrassed. she is embarrassed if she looks at this and say all we had to do reorder tests that have been created, we didn't do it. all we had to do is to provide ppe for the entire country and we didn't do it. all we had to do was provide testing sites and operators and the money has been there since march and we didn't do it. all we had to do is to be able to learn to live with a virus. instead they just now are saying keep open schools. the other thing talked about federalizing elections. she had no answer on federalizing elections. she brought up a 2006 law that people voted on. okay. what is the problem in georgia? what is the problem in texas? in those 39 states or the 19 states that he has a problem with? and then the easiest ever, steve, is thomas freidman writes a column where he compares what happened in israel's coalition government shouldn't that happen here? and he gives a suggestion. he says why not mitt romney or liz cheney run with joe biden next time? all you have to do is say we are running together in four years. we just want to get there to be as successful as possible. and to think that one columnist would change the dialogue in a country is ridiculous for a guy that just wants clicks that it doesn't rise up to national policy or certainly my career. instead she has no policy as to when is she running again? that's the easiest answer is yes. even if it's no you say yes. >> steve: if you were to google the expression word salad, there should be a link to that soundbite. because that was the ultimate word salad. and here's the thing. she went on to talk to "the today show" because it's part of her rehabilitation tour to because there have been all these stories out about how she is a terrible person to work for, and she is off message. that proves it look, there is a reason why the person in the administration who is on tv every day is jen psaki. jen psaki is a messaging genius. she is able to stay on message, unlike the president of the united states and unlike the vice president of the united states. you know, it's very telling the other day when joe biden, in atlanta, said, you know, i'm not going to be quiet anymore. who is telling him to be quiet in the communications team is saying, mr. president, you keep knocking yourself off of the message. just read what is in the teleprompter. these are your policies, but read the teleprompter. unfortunately yesterday, when we saw he was talking about his new testing czar, apparently he needs a stronger prescription in his contacts or something because he could not make the name out. nonetheless, jen psaki is great at putting out the administration's message, which is sad commentary on the fact that the president and the vice president are not as good as messaging as she is. >> brian: but, steve, it was in the prompter. his speech in the prompter was horrific. whoever loaded that speech, he's got the worse staff in america in history. >> steve: brian, i go back to my earlier point, the reason he said what he said in his speech is because his policy people and his administration are trying to appeal to his base. because as we have seen from the polls, he is down to 33%. everybody is abandoning him. it's hey base, i'm doing everything i can for you. >> brian: it should be hey moderates. >> ainsley: people are really worried everywhere we go and people we talk to say they are worried about the direction of this country. with not supporting law enforcement. with this woke mob mentality and microsoft is the latest now jumping on this woke agenda. they have software now -- when you go on microsoft word you want to write a letter, let's say to an employer or write your resume. now if you go on there if you use certain words they will change them for you instead of postman you have to say mail carrier or postal worker. and if you don't say that it will switch it for you instead of -- that's right. instead of massive kind. human kind. what about one giant step for human kind? is that what we are going to say now instead of show girl it's going to suggest dancer, performer instead of mistress brian or steve going to suggest it to the word lover. show girl word is. what's wrong with being a show girl. people put that on their resume, i thought and mistress, lover. is that everything don't be mad at me it's my lover and not my mistress. >> steve: i'm going to type in joe manchin is now joe personchin. way to go, microsoft. >> brian: another treason shop around. >> steve: there is a reason i use an apple. l right. 6:28 in the east coast. straight ahead the first it petition to block joe biden private businessman date says america won in yesterday's release. the president and ceo of the job creators network going to join us live coming up next. and if you have got kids, this song probably haunts you baby shark. taking a bite out of the internet. the incredible new record numbers of views on youtube. you won't believe how many people are saying doo doo doo doo doo doo baby shark, baby. daddy shark doo doo doo doo doo ♪ daddy shark ♪ grandma shark doo doo doo doo ♪ grandma shark doo doo doo doo doo grandma shark ♪ indian? 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(throws punch) our new virtual classes were designed for you and millions of seniors like you. you can now choose from thousands of live virtual classes every week. get moving wherever you have an internet connection. and when you're ready, enjoy access to thousands of locations nationwide. with silversneakers, you're free to move. enroll today at no additional cost by visiting getsilversneakers dot com. ♪ >> carley: we are back with your headlines, starting with this: an off duty police detective shot while trying to stop a robbery. officials say the suspect attempted to steal a car with three children inside. the driver ran into a nearby business when the suspect attempted to rob her. the detective intervened and was shot several times by the suspect. police have an 18-year-old and 17-year-old in custody. luckily the detective is in stable condition. prince andrew is now stripped of his military titles and charities as he is accused in a lawsuit of sexual abuse. queen elizabeth reportedly telling her son face to face at windsor castle that he will no longer be regarded as his royal heinous. a u.s. judge ruling he will be tried after the prince attempted to shield himself with a 2009 settlement between his accuser and jeffrey epstein. prince andrew maintains his innocence. the former ceo of walmart says inflation is driving the national labor shortage which he called the great resignation, listen to this. >> where you could have found somebody at 12 or $14, you are now paying 20 or $22 an hour to do. while that's good for the worker, it's not great for the business. and from the workers' perspective, when ground beef is touching on $7 a pound, even $20 an hour is not really enough. >> carley: he says leaders like president biden are prioritizing things like the federal election overhaul rather than inflation. and do you remember this ear worm? ♪ baby shark doo doo doo ♪ baby shark doo doo doo doo ♪ baby shark doo doo doo ♪ baby shark. >> carley: baby shark taking a huge bite out of the internet the first video who hit 10 billion views on internet. the song holds the record for the most views -- the most viewed video on the platform. congratulations to the song, guys. over to you. >> steve: 10 billion times. that's crazy. thank you very much, carley. >> carley: you bet. >> steve: our top story the u.s. supreme court yesterday deelgt biggest blow yet to the biden administration mask or vax mandate for large employers with more than 100 employees. even as it allows for the requirement for most healthcare workers. the job creators network was the first organization to petition the supreme court to block the mandate. president and ceo alfredo ortez joins us right now. good morning to you and congratulations you win. >> yes. america won, actually, steve. it was a great day for liberties for our freedoms. great day for constitution and even more importantly, actually, it was a great day for tour small businesses who disproportionately have been hurt by this mandate. >> steve: absolutely. you know, ever since the pandemic, businesses have been trying to dig out. and so, you know, we just heard from the ceo of walmart because of the pandemic i used to pay $12 an hour now i have to pay $20 an hour. it has made business very tough for you guys. >> absolutely. steve. small businesses across the country are already fighting the extraordinary high inflation, highest, in fact, of 40 years. labor shortages, supply chain issues. and then to have the mandate on top of it with fines of up to almost $140,000. i mean, steve, we always took great issue with the way the biden administration actually positioned this mandate as for-a mandate for the largest employers of our country. well, 100 and more is actually not our largest employers. the small business administration itself defines small businesses as 500 or less. so we were very concerned about that population between the 100 and 500. which represents so many literally thousands and thousands of small businesses across the country, which you know, from our work and our polling we found they probably would have been losing 20 to 25% of their workforce, which would have pretty much shut down many of these small businesses across the country. >> steve: sure. alfredo listen to what the white house said yesterday about where we go from here for employers. >> the supreme court's decision on the osha mandate essentially means that in this pandemic it is up to individual employers to determine whether their workplaces will be safe for employees and whether their business also be safe for consumers. >> steve: okay. so, going forward, if the mandate is not there from osha, will employers continue? although we heard from citibank they said they will continue the mandate. anybody who didn't get the shot as of yesterday is going to get laid off or not paid. so, what do you think the average business will do, alfredo? >> yeah. it's a great question, steve. one thing that there is a clear difference here between small businesses and large businesses. you know, citibank loses 1% to 3% of their workforce, it's not going to shut citibank down. you might have slower response from the operators. if you lose 20% to 25% of your workforce on a small business, you have 100 people, let's say, you are shutting down that business. that's a huge difference. look, like i said, this was great day for our freedoms and our liberties, small businesses, large businesses, i don't care what size business, it's up to them to decide what they are going to do. it was never an issue to decide whether or not to do something about the covid vaccine or whether covid was an issue or not an issue. this was just an issue of who had the authority to issue an actual mandate. and the justices clearly sent out the message to the biden administration that it's actually our elected officials in congress or the states. not unelected bureaucrats in washington, d.c. >> steve: absolutely. they overstepped their authority. you can't just do something because you want to and say it's an emergency. the supreme court said 6-3, stop it. because you are breaking the law. all right. alfredo, congratulations once again and thank you very much for joining us today. >> absolutely. >> steve: from the beautiful city of atlanta. >> thank you, steve. >> steve: you bet. all right. 21 minutes before the top of the hour. a professor at penn state asked his class to write an essay explaining why the taliban is not a terrorist organization. hmmm. we will talk to a student who sounded the alarm coming up next. ♪ [coughing] ♪ birds flyin' high, you know how i feel. ♪ ♪ breeze driftin' on by... ♪ if you've been playing down your copd,... ♪ it's a new dawn, it's a new day,... ♪'s time to make a stand. start a new day with trelegy. ♪...and i'm feelin' good. ♪ no once-daily copd medicine... has the power to treat copd in as many ways as trelegy. with three medicines in one inhaler, trelegy helps 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planned. well invested. well protected. ♪ >> brian: let's talk college. this was the very first assignment of this semester for online class at penn state. explain why the taliban are not terrorists. the professor writing, quote: in one page explain why the taliban are not and are still not a terrorist organization. you are not allowed to answer this question any other way. any attempt to avoid this prompt as written or trying to argue otherwise will result in a failing grade. well that obviously is unacceptable to you guys out there. i think for most of you have and certainly for kylie stone a student who has since transferred out of the class was just offended by the question. kylie, were you surprised to get this assignment out of the gate? >> i was completely shocked. i had made it through my first four years of college without having anything this insane and, of course, my last semester my teacher basically say you have to agree with me or i'm going to fail you. so it was very surprising to me. >> brian: so what did you do? >> well, first i was like am i overreacting? so i work at turning point u.s.a. so i went in and i sat down with the professor people. and they started looking into everything and they found his twitter account as well and everyone is like you are not insane. this is not okay to be asking a student to write this. >> brian: who is he? >> his name is christopher cook. he is the professor at world campus. >> brian: you look at this and you say describe the taliban as a government or describe, you know, you could define it the way you want. some people might believe what this professor believes. but the fact is you had no wiggle room. you had to actually agree that they are not a terrorist organization and you can't do that. >> no. it was completely inappropriate. i have had assignments where they asked me to argue both sides. i love doing that kind of stuff. i think it's so beneficial to every student to be doing that but that's not what this assignment was. >> brian: true, kylie, so you have dropped out of the class. did you ever confront the professor and because it's remote learning. when you are on the world campus you are remote learning did. you ever try to confront the professor and say can we massage this topic sentence? >> did i not try to confront the professor. did i reach out to the dean. after i saw his tweets i was like there is no way to have a conversation with this person. so i reached out to the dean, he also did respond to a bunch of people on my twitter was arguing with him. and then deleted his twitter after that. so, that was kind of the only conversation i had with him. >> brian: show the professor some of the video from the five for fighting video. seeing women being beat senseless by men. women being hanged by families or kids being sold into slavery, maybe that would change the assignment or perhaps not, he is still there and you are out of the class. you went to the dean, they say they are looking at it they gave us this statement they say penn state does not align with such violent groups whose values are so dispirit from ours, as the course professor has shared himself, the taliban is a horrible vicious group that have committed atrocities, the purpose of the assignment was to get students to think about perception and biases about the taliban from the opposite slant. what does that mean from you? >> i think it's assignment was to make us think about it from the opposite slant, it would have made us think about it from every slant. there was a complete bias in that assignment. when you are only allowed to agree with the professor. >> brian: i think you are 100 percent right. kylie, best of luck. is this your last semester. >> yes, it is. >> brian: you will be in the real world soon. what is your major it? >> is political science. >> brian: all right. i look forward apply here at fox, we have good human resources situation. >> thank you. >> brian: thanks, kylie. >> thank you so much. >> brian: good luck the rest of the semester. check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for a fox weather forecast. >> janice: good morning, brian. we have baking winter storm that's happening. if you live across the plain states, the tennessee river valley, mississippi river valley, mid-atlantic region, areas that got hit hard by several storms within the last couple of weeks, got another one behind it. take a look. we have got the snow falling across portions of the plain states and the midwest and then this is going to move across the mid south and the mid-atlantic region in towards the northeast on monday. so, yes, measurable snow for our friends in tennessee as well as the appalachians up towards of the interior northeast and new england. we have this area of low pressure that's moving into the atlantic today. that's going to set the stage and bring some of that cold air down from canada and that is going to bring the potential for mainly a snow event across interior sections. we are going to have to watch this carefully as we get into the weekend. will it be cold enough for snow along the big cities of the i-95 corridor still yet to be determined. but i will point out one of the most dangerous parts of the storm will be the icing over the carolinas, parts of the mid-atlantic region, and that is going to be problematic on the roads and on the power lines and we could see extensive power outages here and travel is going to be very difficult, if not impossible. so listen to your local weather officials. fox download the app. we will give you the very latest in the winter storm details. all right, brian, you know i don't think dawn is going to have to shovel but i will keep you posted. >> brian: for some reason your snow storms are monday through friday when i'm at work causing a lot of stress at my house which can't be overstated. thank you so much, janice. rise in crime record homicides. how woke movement has left one major city without enough officers to protect its residents. that story next. >> ainsley: this blockbuster tran economize is calling once again to give us all a scream. >> certain rules to surviving believe me, i know they always come back. the killer is something in the past. here to watch kevin mccarthy, kevin, hey, good to see you. happy comeer to you. i actually still have my original scream tickets when i was a kid. the. >> ainsley: no? >> the first three of them. this is my favorite scream since the 1996 west craven masterpiece. i remember being 12 years old, sneaking in the first movie my buddy's dad bought us three particulars. he let us go in the theater left the theater and let us watch it. i never forget leaving that movie and understanding what a game changing masterpiece. he reinvented the horror genre. made me appreciate horror even more. all these years later i'm 37 years old. sitting in the theater watching that same feeling of excitement, horror and intensity again except this time i'm not worried about being kicked out of the movie theater for being too young. this movie honors the leg gales of the scream franchise. it's brutal there are stakes in it and bringing back campbell and david arquette and courtney cox. the first four wes craven. he unfortunately passed away in 2014. this movie is dedicated to him and made by screen fans actually talented and brought a beautiful, beautiful legacy to this franchise. i love this movie. it's my favorite scream since the original. the whole new cast is fantastic. jazmine savoy brown. jack quaid who is the son of meg ryan and dennis quaid. phenomenal allege tore from the show the boise. i gave this 4.5 out of 5. i did talk to campbell and arquette if you want to see the interview it's available on my instagram kevin mccarthy tv. as a scream fan this movie delivers and people will be blown away. so surprising. keeps you on the edge of your seat. you are guessing the whole time. it's awesome. >> ainsley: i wonder if your mom was upset with your friend's dad that took you into the theater. look you are making a living talking talking about it what about euphoria. it's a zeroes on hbo and season 2 just started. >> my mom was not by that. my mom is watching right now. i love you. thank you for doing movie reviews. euphoria is amazing. i love the show. season 2. won the emmy for season one. i do want to make sure this is not for kid even though r rated look at the high school experience it has amazing performances. hunter shaffer. jacob. i love what this show has done in terms of cinematography, it's gorgeous to look at. episode 2 airs this sunday. also want to mention a show called yellow jacket. it's a show on show time. that show has a finale this weekend. juliet lewis amazing show as well. >> all right. thank you so much. kevin, great job. good to see you. >> bye, good to see you, ainsley. >> ainsley: more "fox & friends" coming up. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever 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always discreet invented a pad that protects differently. ask your doctor about living longer with two rapiddry layers. for strong protection, that's always discreet. question your protection. try always discreet. >> brian: joe biden no good week continues. vaccine mandate for businesses get shut down by the supreme court. >> great day for our liberties and our freedom and more importantly, actually, a great day for our small businesses. >> joe manchin and kyrsten sinema refusing to kill the filibuster shutting down any path on voting rights legislation. >> i do not support separate action that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> kamala harris had another painstaking interview. >> six former administration officials urging the administration to change course. is it time? >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> microsoft word has tools to check your spelling and now your political correctness. >> we have these silicon valley elites, silicon valley leftist, their woke reality aside. >> overnight, australia canceling tennis star novak djokovic's visa for a second time setting him up for deportation just days before the australian open. ♪ ♪ it's friday ♪ i'm in love. >> steve: it is friday. we are in love with the fact that it's friday as you look live as our camera pushes in to downtown tampa florida on this friday, january 1st, 2022, you know long, long time ago before those skyscrapers were built in tampa in the 1500s that's when punksy de leon came to florida looking for the fountain of youth and wound up naming florida florida as an homage to spain's easter celebration which is called pascula, florida. that's why they call it florida. >> >> ainsley: we used to go to tampa for some of the games. go watch the football and go out to eat more. you always make fun of me for talking about my friends that's where the other best friend is tampa. i'm supposed to, weather permitting see them this weekend. >> brian: i just hope that you understand you have to dress like it's summer because of it's nicer there steve, did he discover disney or was disney something it that happen after. are you the name ponce has not caught on? i don't know another ponce. >> steve: that is such a good point. i know poncho. >> brian: that doesn't count. if your name is ponce, write us. >> steve: brian, you brought up the disney thing and you are right. ponce deleon was one of the first investors in the disney comers. it was like buying google at two bucks. >> brian: right. >> steve: he made a killing on disney stock back in the 1500s. not. >> brian: explorer something you put-there are was a lot of explorers. we don't have any explorers anymore. marco polo, you had columbus. that gel alan. >> steve: what about dora? >> brian: that's a good pointed. again, steve, you came with the facts. i appreciate it. >> steve: there you go, just the facts. >> ainsley: there is always dora the explorer. >> brian: exactly. fantastic. >> ainsley: she is at our house. >> brian: and she is bilingual. >> ainsley: that's true. >> brian: there you go. >> steve: thank you for joining us on this friday. let's start hour two of "fox & friends" on this friday starts with this. the president is striking out on everything. >> brian: look at that shot. >> steve: that is a beautiful shot. the supreme court yesterday blocked joe biden's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate for private businesses with 100 employees or more as joe biden loses hope on passing a federal election overhaul. griff jenkins joins us live from washington. griff, as you said it earlier, the president has had a very bad, awful, terrible, rotten week. and so what is he doing? he is going to change the subject. forget about all that stuff i have blown, i have got something new to talk about. >> griff: pivot time, steve, ainsley, and brian good morning. it's been almost one year since taking office and biden is bombing on every big issue from build back better to covid strategy to voting rights legislation. now dead on arrival. two democrats joe manchin and kyrsten sinema refused to kill the filibuster. >> and while i continue to support thieves bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our country. >> griff: manchin adding quote the filibuster plays important role in protecting our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority now with no path forward, the president is admitting defeat. >> anyway, i hope we can get this done, but i'm not sure. if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we missed this time. we missed this time. >> griff: meanwhile the supreme court shut down the president's vaccine mandate for large businesses ruling 6-3 that osha does not have the authority to issue such a mandate. they did uphold the requirement for most healthcare workers. the president says he is disappointed telling businesses just to ignore the ruling, saying i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up and institute vaccination requirements to protect their workers, customers, and communities. and now as you mentioned, steve, the administration trying to hit that reset button this morning, putting out a 60 day fact sheet on infrastructure accomplishments. it's about 8 pages long. they would like to you talk about this, not all those other major epic failures. steve, ainsley, brian? >> ainsley: all right. thank you so much, griff. well, let's talk about some of those epic failures even though they don't want us to as griff was saying. i think yesterday was probably his worse day of presidency exempt maybe afghanistan. if you look at all things came to a head yesterday. we realized his policy also not be pushed through because of what is happening in congress. and with these two senators that are democrats. but let's start at the top. he lost the supreme court with the vaccine mandates. manchin and cinema are saying no to eliminating the filibuster. which also means the election bill bill will not pass for that pack the court is dead on arrival. d.c. and puerto rico will not become states. kamala had interview that was a disaster. joe biden tried to make a public appearance that was disaster. his build back better is dead. inflation yesterday 40 year high costing the average family $5,000 extra a year. the dollar bill seven cents less. oil $1 a barrel. could go as high as 125 a barrel. kamala has no answer if biden, if she and biden will be on the ticket in 2024 democratic president they have control of the senate and the house what does that tell you. >> brian: tells you need 60 votes. the thing is, ainsley, businessman comes out of the woodwork billionaire becomes president. this is why needed a guy like mike pence. you have the most experienced politician in america. i think outside of mitch mcconnell he has done it longer than anybody else in america. he knows about the president's cachet, he knows how much prestige you can have and push and leverage that you can retain, juice properly. build back better blew up in his face. he went in there never even asked for of the vote. then when he decided voting reform would be an issue. he actually showed up at the white house after senator sinema already said i'm not embarrassing and shows cluelessness you would expect of 40-year-old one term senator like barack obama and say well, is he so new or senators kennedy only a year. in this guy is 55 years into this job. he knows how to convince the senators because he was one. he knows the executive power because he was in the executive branch. and he just came out and said i went into a meeting. it was solemn. i'm not going to quit. what's going to change in the only thing that should change is senator it manchin and senator sinema such pressure they need security. senator sinema already getting harassed. real quick to the soundbite on business. ron klain chief of staff also proves to be totally inept. he came out and retweeted an anchor from msnbc who wrote the osha move was a work around of the constitution, essentially in order to force private businesses to mandate vaccines. that was used in the argument against this osha move by the president. this is his chief of staff. here is alfredo or tease, he is the ceo of the job creators network. is he thankful. >> it was a great day for our liberties. a great day for our freedoms. auto grit day for our constitution. and even more importantly, actually, it was a great day for our small businesses who disproportionately have been hurt, you know, by this mandate this was never an issue of whether or not we should do something about the covid vaccine this was just an issue of who had the authority to issue an actual mandate. and the justices clearly sent out the message to the biden administration that it's actually our elected officials in congress or the states. not unelected bureaucrats in washington, d.c. >> steve: that's exactly right. that's why by the margin of 6-3, the supreme court said the biden administration cannot just by fiat, essentially say, okay, because it's an emergency, we're going to have osha rewrite the law. they can't do that. and that's why they said you can't do this anymore. now, here's the problem going forward. private business, even the ones with more than 100 employees can still decide whether or not they want to have a private businessman date. they get to decide. citibank already decided they are keeping that. even though their employees are vaccinated at a rate of 99%. the other thing though is, you know, states and localities, for instance in new york, new york has got some mandates, they will stand. and as long as their legislature, as we just heard from mr. or tease say. mr. or tease say.that's the lawt get shot down there is a state senator who so much admired what ron desantis was doing down in florida when it came to remember all those flights we detailed back in november, that the department of homeland security was flying these migrant children and their families into various parts deep in the united states, including a number of flights into jacksonville, florida in the cover of darkness. you know, what ron desantis said. well, now, this state senator has sponsored a bill and it says in the very near future, i intend to introduce legislation to the pennsylvania state senate to address the influx of illegal migrants being relocated into pennsylvania. how many illegal immigrants has the president relocated to his own state of delaware? if it is good enough for pennsylvania, then why not redirect the relocation to delaware, which is essentially what ron desantis said in november. watch. >> ainsley: ron desantis in november said we will provide buses and i will send them to delaware and i will do that meanwhile, we are getting information from border patrol about some of these people that they are apprehending on the border. and this week they apprehended a child molester, two convicted murderers and three ms-13 gang members, brian. these are some scary people that are in the mix. and where are they going? some of them came out to your area, brian. there was one of these secret flights that went into west chester and put them on buses and put them in different various parts of the new york area. a bunch of them went out to long island to your area, brian, i know you have talked to some friends that are teaching some of these kids now in the classroom. >> brian: some of these classes have doubled. and if you are a teacher and you speak up, they move you out. and the union does not protect you. which is unbelievable. because we have had our problems with teachers unions but not teachers. they are doing this -- this is a public service. and if it was a republican administration i would feel the exact same way. so above board why do you do it in the middle of night with an airline dropping people off and then you quickly scurry them to a medium location or an ngo like a catholic charities group which i think a lot of catholics, including me, have a huge problem with, who go ahead and take these illegal immigrant families, clothe them, put them into these districts and all of a sudden they are part of a community and the community without even knowing it has got to use taxpayer dollars to support them because their kids are now more important than our kids. because they will not crack down on the border. and i think that governor desantis has started a great thing. other people, not republicans, but other penal concerned about who is in our country. have to do the same thing. and can we just add? we are in a pandemic. you are worried about me getting a booster while you are letting over 2 million people come in illegally who i guarantee you don't have a vax card. all right? that goes without saying and that is part of the problem with the president's terrible messaging. he won't do two things, guys. he won't crack down on crime. and he won't seal the border. that is something that he could fix and his popularity would go up 10 points but he refuses. meanwhile, carley shimkus doesn't need any fixing. according to reports she is perfect and you have the news. >> carley: two all three of you. we begin our headlines with this update on tragedy here. charge four people with the robbery and murder of off duty police officer. fernando was shot monday while house hunting with his girlfriend in los angeles. authorities say three of the suspects are gang members. they believe he was targeted because of two silver chains he was wearing around his neck. all four suspects are facing federal racketeering charges. baltimore's state attorney marilyn mosby is indicted on federal charges for making false mortgage applications and perjury. court documents allege mosby lied when citing pandemic hardship two withdrawals from city retirement account and allegedly using the money for down payments on two separate florida vacation homes. the indictment states mosby received her full $247,000 salary in 2020 and did not experience any adverse financial consequences due to covid. mosby's attorney says she has done nothing wrong. president biden announces plans to purchase another 500 million covid tests for americans. he also says his administration will give high quality face masks to all citizens for free. meanwhile, the house of representatives got its own mask shipment but, check this out. lawmakers outraged to see a giant made in china label stamped on each one of them. tomorrow the nfl playoffs kick off with super wild card weekend. here's a look at the match up. the raiders get things started against joe burrow and the bengals. and the rams and cardinals will close things out with the first wild card monday game. but be sure to catch tom brady start his quest for an 8th super bowl victory against jaylen hurts and the eagles on sunday. that game only on fox. this is the first time the bengals and the eagles are playing in the playoffs, brian. over to you. >> brian: at the same time. not each other. carley, thank you so much. steve, what do you have coming up? >> steve: coming up, brian, breaking overnight. north korea firing two more missiles in an apparent reaction to new u.s. sanctions. general jack keane joins us on the other side of the time-out for his point of view regarding that. ♪ plaque psoriasis, the burning, itching. the pain. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. not only do centrum multigummies taste great. 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>> well, i think the relates of what is taking place here is that north korea has never recovered from the frustration they experienced this 2019 with president trump at the summit. when president trump picked up the table and walked out. and he walked out because it was obvious that north korea was just seeking sanction relief and concessions from us and wasn't going to give us anything in return. and he has done about -- since that time somewhere in the neighborhood of close to 50 rocket and missile tests. he has avoided the long range icbm test where a missile could actually reach the united states. he is going to continue to do this and i think eventually under the biden administration he will probably return to icbm testing to see if he can get back to the table with this administration and get some concessions out of them. he, by the way, has been refusing to negotiate with anybody since president trump walked out on the summit. i do believe at some point he will. now, here's the other problem that biden administration get after this, we have to tighten up the enforcement of the sanctions on north korea. not all the countries are enforcing them and it's something you have to watch every single day and the russians are out there at sea as a third party providing fuel to the north koreans. and that is -- that has been known for some time. it was actually going on in the trump administration. this is something we can put a stop to. tighten up the sanctions. >> brian: okay. speaking of russia, massive cyberattack hits the ukrainian government website. it's pretty huge. everyone knows it's the russians. this comes on the heals of the end of fruitless negotiations with nato and the u.s. from the russian perspective how surprised are you that the russians are walking away with no concessions. >> they walked away with cyberattacks. russians you actively describing it the ukrainians have recovered pretty quickly from this. certainly if there is a military intervention, in ukraine there will also be a corollary cyberattack for sure. listen, the good news coming out of the negotiations that the united states and our european allies and particularly our -- we were worried about the french and germans who were clearly soft on russia. we have made no concessions. we have stood our ground in terms of the right to expand nato as we see fit, if countries want to join and they are qualified. and, two, we are not going to change our disposition and composition of our forces in nato countries that border on russia. actually what russia was seeking was the dismantling of nato, kind of absurd but nonetheless he put that right on the table. it gives you a sense of where he is heading with this. but that's the good news, brian. we made no concessions. we stuck together during this thing. and i think putin is going to have a choice here to make. does he want to take on consequential economic sanctions and more troops posted in nato countries than what are there now and more missiles in those countries than what are there now? or is he going to conduct a limited attack eastern ukraine. i don't think is he going to conduct an all out invasion. >> brian: you don't? that's interesting. jake sullivan said yesterday he believes they will concoct aggression and say they had no choice but go in. they also said this the deputy foreign minister came out and he said moscow might decide to dispatch military infrastructure to venezuela and cuba if tensions with washington continue and they always make the analogy would we let mexico get weapons? why should we let offensive weapons against us, why should we let the ukrainians have offensive weapons against them? >> yeah, well, certainly that's a hand that putin can play there. obviously this administration would confront that. certainly we have allies that would do the same thing. getting back to the likelihood, an all-out invasion to take control of ukraine, i don't see that as the likely offense for putin. he hasn't broadcast that to his people. he hasn't prepared them for war. he hasn't prepared them for 3 to 5,000 casualties coming home. he is still talking we have no intention to conduct a military operation in ukraine. that's the narrative. most likely operation is putting russian troops in the eastern ukraine in the dom bass region and build the land bridge to crimena. that's the most likely option if is he going to take military incursion. i suspect that's the direction we're heading up. >> brian: what about nord stream 2 pipeline, if the germans and nato allies see the confrontational tone of russia and know they will be controlling their energy source, why would they want to do a deal with them? is there any indication they will sober up and realize they are better buying the natural gas from us. even if it's a little bit more expensive in the short-term than getting in bed and getting the crack pipe of their oil and gas from moscow? >> well, we have had a problem with the germans and angela merkel right from the beginning when she initiated this and she had significant european opposition, western european as well as eastern european opposition to it certainly the trump administration fought this tooth and nail to get it stopped. she now has a successor schultz who is a little left of center from her and he is someone that we have been very concerned about because is he soft on russia here. but the united states is attempting to do with him is get a commitment out of him if the russians go in the ukraine, that he will shut down that pipeline. and i'm not convinced he has got the wherewithal to stand up to russia and do that. >> brian: we could provide the backbone if they would just provide the words, but they don't seem to want to do that and they are crazy. general keane, thanks so much. >> have a great weekend, brian. >> brian: dangerous world we are. in kamala harris gives a head-scratching response when pressed on the white house's bungled pandemic strategy. will, pete, and rachel will be scratching their heads with us. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. i just had sushi for lunch yesterday. indian? ehh, maybe... how bout seafood? you know i don't like seafood. 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>> well, we have been very engaged for the last year trying to push back against the fentanyl crisis because that's how middle america sees the immigration problem. there are huge issues of people streaming across the border. but, in states like west virginia, ohio, and across the country, we're seeing an influx of fentanyl that is off the charts. and it's killing people. the majority of the deaths that occur in west virginia on the drug side are caused by the fentanyl crisis. and most of the fentanyl that we are see something derived from down in mexico. we are actually asking the secretary of state, blinken, to clamp down to really start to push back on china because they are sending the ingredients, the precursors to fentanyl over to the mexican drug cartels and so much of it is flooding across the border. i will be down on the border in a couple of weeks. we have been working to push back. i have sued the homeland security department over their fentanyl policies because they are literally killing people. we have to make sure we stop that. and we are getting a lot of states to pay attention to what's not going on down at the border. >> ainsley: yeah. and all it takes is just a little bit. thank you so much, mr. attorney general, for being with us. >> hey, thanks so much. of great to be with you today. >> ainsley: thank you. coming up, the weekend crew, they are on deck. we have will and pete and rachel and we will see them in just a minute on the other side of the break. ♪ ♪ trelegy for copd. 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[laughter] >> rachel: i will say this. it actually tracks with what her disgruntled staff has said she is not preparing. she refuses to read the briefing books, she sounds, frankly, to me like a beauty pageant contestant who got thrown a curve ball on, you know, an interview question. and, this, as pete said, this was an obvious question she was going to be asked. she should have had the answer for it. and you are right, steve, they need a new approach. they need a new strategy on covid because the vax for everybody isn't working. it's not curbing omicron. they need to stop taking directives from big pharma and start thinking outside the box. save the vaccines for people who actually need it and start looking at therapeutics and other things that people need in order to get behind this. we can't live in this constant, you know, pandemic fear, you know, country. we need to get past this and obviously their strategy is not working. good on craig melvin who said should you have a new strategy here. of course she had no answer for it. it shows that the media is starting to get tired of covering up for them. >> ainsley: craig is a south carolina guy. a nice guy. hey, will, what did you think of it? because we have been kind of laughing this morning about it. it reminds me of a skit on snl like what is your new plan? what is your new strategy she like well, we are going to do what we have been doing, that is the time every day, so we will be doing what we're doing now, now is the time to do what we're doing every day. >> will: everyday, everyday, and tomorrow we will do as well because that's what we do. [laughter] >> will: my thought is, ainsley, first of all, she is not a candidate. i think about all the candidates that were essentially canceled or lost over one moment. remember howard dean ahhh moment ended his presidential candidacy. and there was so many moments for mitt romney, the dog on the top of the car or whatever it may be, and here we have kamala harris who racks them up every week. racks up cringe worthy cancellation worthy moments on a weekly basis. i understand she is already in office. and i will build on my two co-host' analogies rachel says she is unprepared. sounds like somebody trying to give a book report for a book she did not read. to build on pete's sports met tore. a person only shadow boxed. been in the mirror, throwing punches and preening at her form. she has never been in the ring to fight anyone. in other words, she has never been pressed. just the slight bit of a cross-examination, just craig melvin asking one more follow-up and the shadow boxing falls apart. that's on us. it's not on brian, steve, ainsley, you know, rich chilly, will and pete particularly, it's on the media at large for letting somebody go through with absolutely no vetting. she just simply shadow boxed her way through, made people faces meme faces shefolds at the slig. >> brian: we are in the middle of a pandemic country has not seen in two and a half life times. can't get out of it. everything living with the virus. that would have been her answer, pivoting because of this new variant that has limited effect with the vaccine and with the booster. we are starting to realize with the survival rate so high. and that's great news, with the diminish six or seven separate states. we believe the worst is over and we are going to turn the page shortly. that is an answer that could actually help her but she doesn't give it but, pete, most importantly, during this time in which we are focused on day-to-day activities. you are thinking big picture. you are thinking education. you have a few new episodes and special coming out on education in america on fox nation. >> will: you are exactly right, brian. during this covid-19 moment parents have been at home seeing what their kids are learning. this is a perfect opportunity for us to release an upcoming series. it comes out next week it's called "the missed education of america." brian, you have done some fantastic series i have had the pleasure of doing battle of the warriors and battle in the holy land. it uncovers the 100-year progressive takeover of the classroom. how did we get critical race theory? how did we get all the gender theory that we are seeing in our classrooms, all the -- it didn't come out of nowhere. that's simply the tip of the iceberg of 100 year intentional movement by the left to change the way our kids are educated. and i think you will be shocked, saddened, but also suddenly, i believe, wide awake as to what the left has done. it drops on tuesday. i'm really excited about it "miss education of america" 90 days free of fox nation if you use the code word classroom. >> steve: okay. perfect. there you see the code right there. in the meantime, take a look. here is from the he had sewed about the freedom of conscious -- conscience, watch this. >> kids now are used to writing in papers things they don't believe so that they can get a decent grade. one mother says my daughter doesn't see anything wrong with this now. she has done so many times. invasion of individual liberty and freedom of conscience. >> ainsley: looks very fascinating. we are going to watch that. it drops on tuesday. >> pete: that's me sitting outs of my high school where i went to school in minnesota. great school i'm proud to have graduated from there. when you look at what the curriculum has done and how it's changed in minnesota it's pretty scary. >> brian: will, who have you booked this weekend? >> ainsley: what's coming up on the weekend show? >> will: i will tell you what, in anticipation of pete's special which we all will be watching. we will be talking to alveda king, byron dondle. and melissa joan hart come in saturday and sunday morning. >> steve: great. >> brian: all right. look forward to it. hopefully you will have a great show all 8 hours it will be fantastic thanks, guys, tell you what is coming up on our show. can liberals soft on crime policies are sending the wrong message. i'm not kidding. listen. >> i shouldn't be out right now. tells anybody oh i can go shoot somebody or i can go attempt to shoot somebody and i will be completely fine. ♪ how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> good morning. i'm meteorologist janice dean. we have a doozie of a storm impacting the tennessee valley, in towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast. tens of millions being affected by this storm system. so the area of low pressure right now is across the plains states. going to deliver a punch across iowa over a foot of snow we think in that region. then crossing over places like kentucky and tennessee, into the mid-atlantic. i'm concerned about the ice threat, ice on the roads and the power lines. that's going to cause power outages and make travel impossible. thank goodness this is coming on a weekend, people can hunker down and stay indoors, and then we watch this storm system come off the coast and wind up as a nor'easter. now, we do think it's going to be too warm along the coast for measurable snow, but any wobble of the area of low pressure is going to mean the difference between rain and freezing rain, ice and snow. so we'll have to track this this weekend. stay tuned to your local forecasters, of course, get your latest details on our app and then we're going to have very cold air behind this system. dangerous windchills saturday, sunday into monday. so any of the snow that's arrived across the spearior northeast of new england is going to stay put. if you live in any of the areas i mentioned, stay close to your local forecast and listen to your local officials. plan in advance. have an emergency kit at your home, in your workplace, in your car. you do not want to be stranded on the roads when the storm comes in. hopefully everyone will hunker down inside. all right, steve, ainsley and brian will keep you up. this is a doozie. back to you. >> steve: thank you, we'll keep an eye on it. all right, j.d., coming up, criticism of the soft on crime policies are nothing new, but this time it's from an admitted arsonist in baltimore who set his girlfriend's house on fire. he served six months in jail, he's out and he said why am i out? >> i was just charged with 18 different counts that was dropped to ten and then it was dropped to one when i shouldn't be out right now. that's tells anybody, oh, i can go shoot anybody, i can go attempt to shoot anybody, i'll be completely fine. >> steve: here with reaction is clyde boatright, from the fraternal order of police. clyde, this guy who is alleged to have tried to murder three people, he says i shouldn't be out. and he's right. >> yes. i mean, good morning, steve. i think, you know, our communities deserve better. we should not have people who are hellbent on creating chaos and who are trying to intentionally murder people to be -- to have the ability to receive a reduced sentence down to six months in jail when you intentionally set the house on fire. that is a problem. >> steve: right. clyde, what is the deterrent? you know, there should -- you know, the average person knows where the line is. you can't cross that line or you're going to get in trouble. the line has disappeared for so many crimes. it's like, well, that is a crime, but it's not a big enough crime for us to go after you. >> so what we're seeing, steve, is a political stunt to increase the felony conviction rates by the gentleman -- well, the criminal pleading down from 18 counts down to one, this is a two for one thing. he gets out and he's able to go on the streets to hurt someone else, and the prosecutor's office gets to say that they had a felony conviction in this case. that's the problem. who speaks for the victims? why are our communities being subject to this type of violence? >> steve: right. he got the plea deal from baltimore state's attorney, marilyn mosby. the breaking news yesterday was patient, she has been -- apparently, she has been indicted on perjury and filing false mortgage applications related to her purchase of two florida vacation homes. a former prosecutor in baltimore city had this to say about what is at play with this particular case earlier on "fox & friends" first. >> i don't know how miss mosley who has been indicted by the u.s. attorney's office can really work with the u.s. attorney's office. she needs to take a leave of absence or step down or so that the city can get back to functioning. when we allow violent crime to go unaddressed we cause more violence in this city. it doesn't matter if you're liberal or conservative, it needs to be addressed. >> steve: and clyde, she's absolutely right. crime needs to be addressed. if somebody breaks a law, even a misdemeanor, there should be some sort of consequence, because right now in too many localities there's no consequence for crime. >> yes, and what we're seeing across the country these progressive prosecutors they're running on a campaign of being tough on crime, but once they're in office they throw all of that out the door and they start pushing these, you know, agendas of people that are supporters. the people that support them have an agenda. they put these people in office and, you know, everyone else is left to suffer from that. our communities deserve better. again, i say again, who speaks for the victims. we have victims in this case that deserve justice, and we can't have these political people leave the citizens out the dry because they want to push an agenda. >> steve: well, clyde, don't forget the police officers. you're with the fraternal order of police. if there's no consequence for crime, what's to stop the bad guy from doing something stupid to that cop who's trying to symptom him? . >> i mean, we just had an office ambushed and killed in her vehicle. the criminals are emboldened because they know there are no consequences. we need to get tough on crime and take the bad guys and get them off the streets. >> steve: there you go. amen. a lot of people across the country have said that guy knows what he's talking about. clyde, stay safe and good luck. >> you guys be safe as well. thank you for having me. >> steve: all right. it is 8:00 on the east coast, and this is hour three of "fox & friends" for a friday. >> joe biden very bad week continues as the vaccine mandates get shut down in the supreme court. >> the supreme court made the absolutely correct decision. that was one of the most egregious examples of federal -- that we have seen in a long time. >> joe manchin and can kyrsten sinema shutting down the filibuster controversy. >> kamala harris had another painstaking interview. >> six former administration officials urging the administration to change course. >> it is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is every day. >> she does sound like someone trying to give a book report for a book she did not read. ♪♪ ♪ baby, baby, ♪ >> well, baby shark taking a huge bite out of to internet becoming the first video to hit 10 billion views on youtube. ♪♪ ♪ no one else can feel it for you, only you can let it in ♪ ♪ no one else, no one else can speak the words on your lips ♪ >> ainsley: gorgeous shot of atlanta. look at the sun coming up. you'll have a high of 55 degrees today. but it is going to snow there with a mix of some rain and some snow on sunday with a low of 27 degrees. but monday and tuesday will be very sunny. look at the traffic. everyone there says they love atlanta but hate the traffic. >> brian: i think most people will be indoors this weekend, ainsley, because round one of the playoffs, the nfl playoffs. there are sports fans, but it seems like everyone is betting, no one is rooting anymore. wearing the eye black, the face paint. i don't have to pay my mortgage if the patriots find a way to win do you find that same thing? >> steve: no, i don't know anybody who does -- you're talking about the online gambling, you can do on your phone. >> brian: everywhere, caesars. >> steve: it's a very big business, but brian, given the fact it's so cold, what they did was yesterday, they went out into their trees and they got pineapples because they know it's going to be a very cold couple of days and if they wanted fruit that is not cantaloupe, they have to go out and get the pineapple, which is tom way to get them. >> brian: right. i was confusing that with coconuts in retrospect. >> steve: how do you confuse that with a coconut? >> brian: i was thinking tropical. >> steve: but bananas grow on trees. >> brian: we have to jot it down. what fruit is grown where. >> ainsley: so many people were talking about this yesterday and my friend diane kept sending me throughout the day, all of the. >> darren:s that you can make with cantaloupe. i think you tasted one of them. then a lot of people -- at the end of the show, we had a surprise favorite. did you put the producers up to that? we ended the show with a picture of a pineapple growing from the ground and we all just died laughing. that was the end of the show. >> brian: look, most people believe with me. i polled the entire country. not the quinnipiac poll. i called all of ainsley's friends. cantaloupe is overrated. keep in mind, the word cantaloupe, they don't want you eating it. can't don't elope. >> steve: that's a different method. nothing to do with breakfast food. >> ainsley: pineapples are good too. all right. let's get to some news. the president striking out on everything from capitol hill to the high court. the supreme court blocking biden's unconstitutional federal vaccine mandate as he loses hope on passing a voting overhaul. griff jenkins has more. he needs the 60 votes, he doesn't have them. >> reporter: nowhere close and good morning. we know why the president got the new dog, because he's running out of friends in washington. starting with the supreme court dealing a major blow to the vaccine mandate, ruling 6-3, that osha does not have the authority to issue a mandate impacting 80 million americans. they did uphold the requirement for most health care workers. now, the president said he's disappointed in the ruling but telling companies to simply ignore it, saying, quote, i call on business leaders to immediately join those who have already stepped up and instituted vaccination requirements. meanwhile, on capitol hill, democrats manchin and sinema dealt the death blow, refusing to kill the filibuster. >> while i continue to support these bills, i will not support separate actions that worsen the underlying disease of division infecting our yet. >> reporter: manchin said the filibuster protects our democracy from the transitory passions of the majority. now, with no path forward, the president admits defeat. >> anyway, i hope we can get this done, but i'm not sure. if we miss the first time, we can come back and try it a second time. we miss this time, we miss this time. >> reporter: and this morning the administration trying to hit the reset button. pivoting to their 60-day fact sheet on infrastructure accomplishments. if you're in the betting business, you might want to bet that a cat arrives at the white house. remember, jen psaki said you might see a feline when things get going rough. >> brian: thanks so much. that's a lot of losing in one day. thanks so much. >> let's bring in ben shapiro. he's the host of "the ben shapiro show and podcast." he created the whole thing and he moved it across the country. ben, how does it feel to take on the government and win? >> we here at daily wire are really excited about this and we put our money where our mouth was. we spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and we were the first company in america to file against the vax mandate and watching them going down in flaming defeat is well worth that cost. joe biden, by the way, his approval rating more people now like certain types of bowel cancer than like joe biden at this point and i think that's well deserved. >> brian: wow. going forward, given what the supreme court said yesterday, it will up to every business now to decide whether or not they're going to have a mandate, but it won't be mandated by osha. it would be from the company. so going forward, we heard this morning that apparently citibank based in new york city, they're going to keep the mandate. they have got 99% of their employees vaccinated and they said, you know what, we think it's a good policy so it's going up to every company now to decide how to manage this pandemic going forward, because we have seen the vaccines are not as effective perhaps as we were sold. so people have got to figure out how to manage coronavirus maybe forever. >> well this is one of the big problems here, the vaccines are not preventing infection. they're preventing hospitalization and death and that's wonderful and very important, but they're not preventing infection which means a lot of the vax mandates don't in fact achieve their stated purpose and what the government was threatening to does with to put businesses completely underground. destroy the businesses if you didn't force your employees to vax or regularly test and mask. we weren't willing to the that at the daily wire and our daily wire offices in tennessee, people were crying when they watched the decision coming down because people thought they'd lose their up jobs over this. there were tens of millions of people across the country who felt that same way. and by the way, it's worth noting here if not for the fact that president trump was able to appoint three justices no question that the administrative state would do whatever the hell it would want in this country. there are three leftist judges who said that osha could with no statutory authority, create a vaccine mandate and that the cdc could issue eviction more toria indefinitely. >> steve: great point. >> ainsley: yeah, you're right. well, it was a big blow for joe biden yesterday, but it's not the only one that's experienced yesterday or this week. it's been one of the worst week of his presidency, except for maybe afghanistan. but let's go over some of the things that happened this week that weren't good for him. the cdc fact checks, liberals pushing the vaccine mandate, finding a covid test is really hard, record cases across the country, hospitals reaching capacity, potus pivots to voting rights with a speech even members of his own party panned. stacey abrams didn't show up for that. and consumers complain about the bare stores and a 2024 ticket without harris or biden on it. potus stumbles through the teleprompter and asks for the czar's name, he didn't know his name. he admits the voting rights bill will likely fail as senator sinema takes on the floor before he arrives at the hill to talk about it. senator manchin says he hasn't talked to the president before christmas and there's no renegotiation of the build back better. scotus knocks down the vaccine mandate for businesses over 100 employees. and there's no further talks with the russians and then two more things. right, two more things. north korea fires fresh missiles lashing out over our third round of the u.s. sanctions and the dhs says that 4,000 migrants and only 50,000 were checked in with i.c.e. our producers put that together, spent a lot of time and just show the people how bad this week was for the president. what's your reaction? >> well, he has fallen and he cannot get up. he came into the office making two specific promises he could not keep. one, you could spend your way and now we have massive inflation and that the government would be able to quote/unquote shut down the virus. it was a lie when he told it and he continues to maintain that lie and he's boxed himself in. he can't get out of this. these are problems of his own making. he could control the border if he wanted to. he could leave the economy alone but he can't do that either. he's created the box, now he can't get out of it. now he's railing at the wind and shouting at the clouds like grandpa simpson and trying to convince the 7 in 10 americans who don't like him are segregationists. no wonder he's so unpopular. >> brian: ben, he's in office for three more years. we have watched bill clinton pivot and other presidents pivot. it constantsly happens. so bill clinton recommended to him, go back with build back better, pick two things you want, and reintroduce it. pull back. if you're him, you have to fire everyone, beginning with ron klain. whoever loaded the prompter for that speech in georgia has to be fired. whoever sent him to capitol hill while senator sinema was on the floor has to be fired. they are -- his staff is as inept as his speeches. so where do you go from here with three more years? >> i mean, the biggest problem for joe biden is forget his staff. joe biden, his entire image was he was gentle and pathetic grandpa and then he allowed afghanistan to fall to eighth century cavemen and got americans killed and left many behind. then he decided to call everyone who disagreed with him on federalization of all the voting procedures a segregationist or a slave holder. his image has been so tarnished at this point i don't think he can pivot to the center the same way that bill clinton did. bill clinton never lost the image of at least being this sort of genial person who felt your pain. joe biden has lost that and once you lose it i'm not sure you can regain it. >> steve: we're doomed. ultimately, people who voted for joe biden has buyer's remorse and now fast forward to close to the end of his first year in office, people are going, now, why did we pick him again? it was because he ran as a moderate, but once he got into office then suddenly, the leftists in his party and the people he installed in the white house pulled him so far to the left. i think if he goes into the lane where he ran, i don't know that he would win re-election but i think certainly his poll numbers would go up because i think a lot of people, you know, they are -- they're smacked in the face with the inflation and everything else and it hits them all day. bad decisions by this administration impact me all day. whether i'm in the grocery store, whether i'm at the gas station, whether i'm wearing a mask somewhere. all day, ben. >> yeah, i agree with that i mean, listen, he made a historic political blunder by deciding to move to the left and deciding to be fdr and he had a slim majority. it was amazing, he beat bernie sanders because he was not bernie sanders and then he allowed bernie sanders to body snatch him and suddenly he was doing bernie sanders' agenda. that was never going to be successful. the only way he has a possibility of re-election or successor of his has an election, is when he goes back to what -- not being trump. i'm a guy who is not trump. as much as he's close to being alive, he has alienated an enormous number of people. >> ainsley: ben, thank you very much for coming on. great job. >> appreciate that. >> steve: congratulations. >> ainsley: yes. let's hand it over to carley shimkus for more headline. >> carley: yes, the crime crisis is one of them and listen to this. two 14-year-old boys are shot and killed hours apart in chicago. one of the boys was just standing on the sidewalk when he was struck twice in the chest. the other boy was walking with a friend when he was fatally shot by someone in a dark colored sedan. a pregnant mother was shot in her car one day earlier. no arrests have been made in any of the shootings. this comes as chicago closes out 2021 with almost 800 homicides, more than any other city nationwide. >> this was a very first assignment of the semester for an online class at penn state. explain why the taliban are not terrorists. the assignment saying, quote, trying to argue otherwise will result in a failing grade. one of the students so shocked by the assignment, she joined us earlier. take a listen. >> i had made it through my first four years of college without having anything this insane, and of course, my last semester my teacher is basically saying you have to agree me or i'm going to fail you. >> she's transferred out of the class. we haven't heard the last of bob sagat. listen to his message about his love for comedy recorded less than one month before his passing. >> it was a defense mechanism and it truly helped me survive. it helped keep me mentally alive. >> he was found dead at the age of 65 in his hotel room in florida. he is survived by his wife and daughters. >> a 10-year-old cancer patient's wish to be sworn in to 100 law enforcement agencies is coming true. watch. >> d.j. daniel has captured the hearts of countless people and he will fulfill his dream of bing an honorary law enforcement officer. welcome. [cheers and applause] >> the young boy was diagnosed with terminal brain and spine cancer. he has been sworn into 45 law enforcement agencies. hopefully, some police officers are watching, they can help him reach his goal of 100. he has 55 more to go. >> brian: wow. that was good to see though. all right. hopefully he'll make his way out here and on to our couch one day. meanwhile, straight ahead, let's talk more about this pandemic. dr. fauci's hot mic moment comes back to bite. >> senator marshall, dr. fauci has answered you, it's public information and he's happy to give it to you if you would ask. senator moran. >> what a moron, jesus christ. >> brian: yeah, what a moron, that's what he called him. how that senator is putting it into law. >> and the largest bonus ever, just to help recruitment. michael waltz joins us to react and plus a special announcement. don't miss it. ♪♪ ♪ ♪making your way in the world today♪ ♪takes everything you've got♪ ♪ ♪taking a break from all your worries ♪ ♪sure would help a lot ♪ ♪wouldn't you like to get away? ♪ ♪ ♪ sometimes you want to go ♪ ♪where everybody knows your name ♪ ♪ ♪and they're always glad you came ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit this is elodia. she's a recording artist. m 1 of 10 million people that. comcast has connected to affordable internet in the last 10 years. and this is emmanuel, a future recording artist, and one of the millions of students we're connecting throughout the next 10. through projectup, comcast is committing $1 billion so millions more students, past... and present, can continue to get the tools they need to build a future of unlimited possibilities. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. >> where will they be if they're public knowledge, where? >> it is totally accessible to you. >> for the public is it accessible? >> to the public. you are totally incorrect. what a moron. jesus christ. >> steve: well, the person doing the calling of the moron, that was dr. anthony fauci, caught on a hot mic insulting a republican senator who asked about the doctor's finances. that lawmaker, senator roger marshall of kansas, is now planning to introduce the fauci act. he uses the name fauci as an acronym standing for financial accountability for uniquely compensated individuals. it's going to require a list of all confidential government employees whose financial disclosures are not made public. there he is already, you popped up, fox news correspondent at large geraldo rivera. good morning. >> reporter: i wondered happened to mr. smith goes to washington, it seems like the feud between marshall and fauci is very, very unseemly. in the context of 850,000 dead americans, it would seem to me that the gentlemen would -- if they had, you know, a legitimate problem that they would work together to resolve it. not this, this cat fight. and the way senator marshall was speaking to fauci was so disrespectful. it really was -- you know, i would have called marshall a moron in that context also, steve. yes, we want to know and we desperately need to know about the funding of the wuhan lab, what did we know, when did we know it, did we invest in gain of function research on those viruses, those deadly viruses. those are all very, very important things, but when you reduce everything to this ad hominem personal attacks i have my own personal act here. find a united country indivisible. how about working together to solve the problems rather than trying to cut each other apart, steve. >> steve: geraldo, i'm shocked that you're not a little disappointed in dr. fauci for referring to a member of congress as a moron and then using -- you know -- look, i'm a believer -- i'm a believer in civility with your public servants. and ultimately the larger issue is the fact that marshall's people could not find his disclosure. i just looked at dr. fauci's disclosure with his financial breakdown. there are pages and pages where the amounts are completely blacked out. who gets to decide, you know, he -- dr. fauci is paid more than the president of the united states, he's paid more than any other government employee and i think dr. marshall's plan is -- we would like to know about the finances of this guy who is making all of these determinations on behalf of all of us. i think that's fair. >> geraldo: it would seem to me, yes, it is fair. fauci maintains that 35 years of his finances have been disclosed and are accessible. >> steve: why are they redacted? >> geraldo: i don't know, i'm in favor of full disclosure and selling the stocks and shorting the stocks and all of the rest of it. i recognize that senator marshall is a fellow kansan. maybe you have an affection -- >> steve: i'm not a name caller. >> geraldo: well, he certainly was. wasn't senator marshall the way he was speaking to fauci -- >> he didn't call him a name. >> geraldo: that he was a crook, and joni ernst has her own, underwriting chinese act. we should be working together to solve this dreadful epidemic. we're trying to find solutions, we are flailing around. but fauci has been in it from the beginning but he's not the only one who guessed wrong. >> steve: but there's a lot of frustration on the republican side, because republicans feel like dr. fauci is not being truthful about the funding of the wuhan lab. it's one thing -- our intel community can't figure out whether or not this, you know -- the virus came from the lab, but nonetheless, we would like to know about the funding of gain of function and the republicans appear to have information that it was funded by the federal government. however, the way the nih lawyers have defined it essentially puts dr. fauci in a place where he's safe because he's hiding behind the lawyers when, in fact, the u.s. government did fund them. >> geraldo: i believed that this is an absolute noble goal to find out what the hell happened in wuhan and how this virus started. i believed from the get-go this was an accident in the wuhan lab that the chinese covered up. i believe that. i also i'm extremely curious about how the united states helped fund some of that research. but that, steve, while that noble goal is very important to the american people, you do not reach that by saying, you're a jerk and you're a moron, and you're a crook and where'd you get all this money from and you get paid more than the president. i mean, it has become so personal. when you see rand paul talk to anthony fauci it's like you want to go take a shower. it is absolutely appalling ineffective if the goal you seek is the truth, steve. >> steve: it's hard to get to the truth when you have pages and pages of the financial information that has been redacted and apparently that's the way that washington works because a lot of people don't have a problem with it. anyway, geraldo, thank you very much for joining us live. have a great weekend in cleveland. >> geraldo: you too, brother. >> steve: okay, i'm his brother. take a look at this. see that homeless guy? he attacks a good samaritan who puts his coat over him. more on that coming up next. y has been the mortgage company for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we help that veteran? with more ways to help more veterans, no bank, no lender, no one knows veterans like newday usa. we hit the bike trails every weekend shinges doesn't care. i grow all my own vegetables shingles doesn't care. we've still got the best moves you've ever seen good for you, but shingles doesn't care. because 1 in 3 people will get shingles, you need protection. but, no matter how healthy you feel, your immune system declines as you age increasing your risk for getting shingles. so, what can protect you? shingrix protects. you can protect yourself from shingles with a vaccine proven to be over 90% effective. sh is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen. the most common side effects are pain, redness, and swelling at the injection site, muscle pain, tiredness, headache, shivering, fever, and upset stomach. ask your pharmacist or doctor about shingrix. shingles doesn't care. but you should. >> ainsley: we are back with some headlines developing right now. a top nato official is asked to support ukraine just hours after they were hit by a massive cyberattack. nato's secretary-general said that nato and ukraine will sign an agreement on enhanced cyber cooperation including access to the malware information sharing platforms. ukraine's foreign minister said it's too early to determine who is responsible but added that russia has a quote, long record of similar attacks against ukraine. >> and check out this video that shows the chilling moment a good samaritan who tried to put a coat on a homeless man is mugged and beaten up. this video was obtained by "the new york post." now, the homeless man was later arrest and is being held on second degree robbery charges, but the lawyers say that the prosecutors aren't abiding by the lenient bail policies. that is so sad and scary, ainsley. he was trying to do the right thing and it backfired. >> ainsley: you can't even help a homeless person out now, my gosh. thank you. >> joe lombberto is now on a mission to flip nevada's governor's mansion red. he's raised a record breaking $3.1 million. joining me now is the governor hopeful himself, joe lombardo. >> good morning, ainsley. >> ainsley: i'm doing well, thank you. what made you want to run for governor? >> well, currently, the state of nevada is going in the wrong direction. you know, we're under single party rule. we're lacking in economic diversity. our education system is constantly rated at the bottom, and as far as law and order, the support for law and order is waning within the state. i believe i have the vision and the leadership skills to change all of that. my resume speaks for that. i believe -- you know, quite often, people couch me as a cop or a police officer and do i have the skills and ability to be the governor of the state, and i have to say yes to that question. i have a history as a ceo of a very large company, that being the las vegas metropolitan police department, to the tune of 6,000 employees and $1.3 billion budget. i believe that's the job of a governor, to run a big business and all of the nuances that go along with running a big business. >> ainsley: you have raised $3.1 million since you entered the race in june. that is record breaking for a nonelection year. no one has ever done that in your state's history, so what about your message is resonating with the people? >> just like i said, i mean, being a ceo of a big company, being -- having conservative values is part of being the head of a law enforcement community which brings those conservative values. it's entrenched in the conservative values and people are tired of what they're saying, especially in the state of inform and the direction we're going. >> ainsley: joe biden did narrowly beat president trump a few years ago. i think by three points. less than three points. what makes you think as a republican that you can flip that state? >> my ability to affect change on the police department, within clark county which is where the major population is living in the state of nevada. you know, the work history that i have performed, the leadership that i have performed, the ability to affect change which i believe is needed in the state of nevada is entrenched in my history and my leadership skills and i believe i have that ability to change the state also. >> ainsley: sheriff, tell us a little bit about your personal life. how long were you in law enforcement? >> well, i was born in japan, and we bounced around europe in my formative years and i attended the local high school here and i attended up attending unlv where i got a master's degree in emergency management. i think that's very important, when you talk about the emergency management piece and response to covid and mandates and ability to communicate and provide leadership and direction in the heels of a crisis, all that comes to bear. that is what i have done for the state of nevada and what i plan to do for the state of nevada and i'm married. i have a daughter that's in law school. i have another daughter that works for the cdc under the auspices of the drug enforcement agency and i have a son that's attending college in salt lake city. and like you just mentioned i have been in law enforcement for 33 years. and, you know, i have to go forward with just a little bit quick. thank you, ainsley. >> ainsley: i'm sorry, we're out of time, but god bless you, sheriff. thanks for your service and for your dad's service. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you're welcome. coming up, did you hear about this? 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is it going beyond our channel? >> i live here in columbus, ohio, i can tell you my neighbors here are fed up with this and that goes beyond politics. left, right, center. classical liberals are every bit as fed up as conservatives on this issue, but i think that creates the opportunity for what i call the 150 million, brian, in this country who are hungry for messages that go beyond the diversity, equity, inclusion woke orthodoxy that corporate america has embraced to basic american principles that we took for granted 20 years ago. the content of your character trumps the color of your skip. the idea that capitalism is great at lifting people up out of poverty. if that means saving capitalism from corporal america, it will take brave souls to do it and i think it's coming in the next couple of years. >> when you have people like bill maher and others speaking out and other superstars saying i can't do standup comedy now, now i can't go only microsoft word without being harassed, hopefully people will agree with us. thanks so much and i appreciate it. have a great weekend. >> thank you, brian. you too. >> brian: meanwhile, i want to check in with meteorologist janice dean for a fox weather forecast. hey, janice. >> janice: you have lots of power. i've told you on and off the screen. on and off. let's take a look at the developing winter storm. this is happening across the midwest and the plains states. diving over the mississippi and the tennessee river valley, bringing measurable and snow and ice to parts of the south. that's what i'm concerned with. if there's any good news it's happening on the weekend so people will be inside and not on the roadways, fortunately. as it comes up towards the northeast, it looks like along the coastal areas the i-95 corridor it will too warm for that, but here's our best estimate right now. still several inches of snow for parts top midwest. look at the snow around nashville, the appalachians into the northeast. we think the interior northeast is going to get the bull's-eye of the snowfall and the mountain regions, but we're also dealing with ice. this going to cause big problems for travel and possibly power outages for millions. so bottom line is, know your local forecast. every single hour, you can download our app, for the latest details and listen to your local forecasters and your officials who will give you the latest updates. by the power vested in me, brian, back to you. >> brian: thanks so much. right to dana perino and bill hemmer. weatherperson -- noticed i have adjusted? >> well a florida green beret will weigh in on the upcoming recruitment problem. but first, dana perino for what she's telling bill on what they're discussing on the show. >> dana: the biden administration has a terrible week and i'm looking for the good news, and brian deese will be here from the white house. >> another republican has entered the u.s. senate race in pennsylvania. we'll introduce you to dave mccormick. >> a shocking discovery online. teens can buy vape pen and they're laced with fentanyl. we'll talk to a dad who lost their son. why do people who live with generalized myasthenia gravis want a new treatment option? because we want to be able to get up and get ready for work. because the animals need to be cared for, and we like taking care of them. because we want to go out to dinner with our friends. because, in family photos, we want to be able to smile. a new fda-approved treatment for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis could help them do more of the daily activities they care about. to learn more, go to and talk to your neurologist. it's been nearly two years since the pandemic started. our students and teachers tried their best, but as a parent, i can tell you that nearly 18 months of remote learning was really hard. i'm so angry that instead of helping our kids get back in the classroom, the school board focused on renaming schools schools that weren't even open . please recall all three school board members now. for the sake of our kids, we can't wait one more day, never mind a whole year for a fresh start. . >> steve: for the first time, the u.s. army is offering $50,000 for high demand roles. the competitive job market and covid complications are presenting challenges. army vet and national guard colonel michael waltz joins us now with the reaction. michael, back in the day i bet you would have liked to have 50,000 bucks. where does this say about where we are? >> well, you know, i wore my own recruiting platform today to try to help out. but here's the -- in all seriousness, here's the issues. one, the recruiters haven't had access to the schools because the schools have been shut down for the last couple of years, particularly in the major inner cities. they also tend to host big job fairs and they haven't been able to do that. and then even a broader societal issue, 70% of young people now don't have the basic qualifications to enter the army. they have a drug abuse background or sadly, they're too out of shape to meet the basic requirements. all that combined in the competitive job market are why you're seeing the military throwing this kind of money at the issue. but, if you're ready to be an airborne ranger, that's 60,000 bucks. >> brian: that's right. in 2021 there was 57,000 and their goal is 57,5 hundred. so they offered more to do it. do you believe that the whole vaccination, get vaxxed or get out hurts the cause? >> i don't think it helps. i think the stain of afghanistan isn't helping either, but back to the vaccine piece. you know, the vast majority of the active duty like 97% was vaccinated and the issue is in the national guard right now is sitting around 60%. their deadline is not until june, but that could be a massive blow to our readiness. as you know, the national guard has been overworked between wildfires, hurricanes, covid and their overseas deployments and the pentagon has to think twice. fortunately, we have got language in the last defense bill that told them to incorporate natural immunity into their calculations. >> ainsley: well, we are so excited for you, speaking of army. we know that you and julia just welcomed a baby boy and you named him army. i hope julia is doing well. 9 pounds, 5 ounces. there's his picture. he's so beautiful. congratulations. how is it going? >> oh, it's going great. julia has more combat tours than i do, so she's a trooper. he came -- he hit the drop zone heavy at 9 1/2 pounds. but i have him here today, if that's okay, as a special guest. >> ainsley: oh, look at him. >> we have him in full army ranger style here. so he's doing -- look, he's doing great. our hearts are full. i have the army's newest recruit in 18 years. >> brian: can i say one thing, michael? i wouldn't put him on a morning show, his eyes aren't open yet so i don't think he's a morning guy. >> yeah. no, not yet. but he's -- we're doing our early morning pt right after this. so we'll get him nice and awake. >> brian: handsome kid. >> steve: so you named him army, what were the backup names? >> it's short for armand. it means hope in arabic and army for short and there are no backups, steve. it's full speed ahead. go army has taken on a new meaning in the waltz household. >> ainsley: and tell the folks at home who your three -- two sister-in-laws are. what an incredible family you have. >> well, my wife julia who has served in the state department of the white house and combat tours in afghanistan and iraq, and of course dr. neshawatt a fox news contributor. >> brian: ten seconds. >> so it's an amazing family that i'm blessed to have married into. >> brian: congratulations, michael. good job. >> the army salutes you. >> brian: stay within yourself. >> bill: moderate democrats kill another aspect of the agenda. hello, dana. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom," how are you? sfwl i have a question for you. you mentioned the bad horrible week a moment ago. i got out a book the good news from dew point. where is the good news for this white house? >> dana: if i were jen psaki e

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Republicans , Vax Card , 2 Million , Crime , Popularity , News , Points , Fixing , Suspects , Fernando , Police Officer , Girlfriend , Update , Murder , Tragedy , Authorities , House Hunting , Los Angeles , Marilyn Mosby , Charges , Neck , Chains , Racketeering , Baltimore , Vacation Homes , Mortgage Applications , City Retirement Account , Perjury , Payments , Court Documents , Withdrawals , Consequences , Attorney , Indictment , Salary , 247000 , 47000 , House Of Representatives , Plans , Citizens , Mask Shipment , 500 Million , Playoffs , Lawmakers , Look , Giant , Label , Super Wild Card , Nfl , Bengals , Tom Brady , Quest , Raiders , Cardinals , Victory , Joe Burrow , Rams , 8th Super Bowl , Other , Hurts , Playing , Eagles , Eagles On Sunday , Sanctions , Reaction , Side , Time Out , General Keane , Firing , Point Of View , Plaque Psoriasis , Moderate , Burning , Itching , 16 , Defenses , Immune System , Centrum Multigummies Taste Great , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Isn T , Pay , Quote At Libertymutual Com , Limu , Whistle , Oh Boy , Sec , Doug , Vulture Squawks , Company , Liberty Use , Report , Social Security Number , Hr Software , Expense , Phone , Wife , Jams , Machine , Eleven , 11 , Business Software Working , Hr Data , Hr , Paycom , Visit Paycom Com , Demo , First Off , Hon , Each Other , Rogue Nation , Star , Stance , General , Adrops , Jenna , Place , Missile Launches , Frustration , Concessions , Relief , Table , Summit , Sanction , 2019 , Missile , Icbm Test , Wasn T , Somewhere , Rocket , Neighborhood , 50 , Icbm Testing , The Way , Enforcement , Countries , Russians , Third Party , Sea , Fuel , Cyberattack , Government Website , Ukrainian , Nato , Negotiations , Heals , Cyberattacks , Ukrainians , Allies , Military Intervention , Listen , Corollary Cyberattack , European , Germans , Ground , Fit , French , Sense , Composition , Forces , Disposition , Dismantling , Putin , Choice , Troops , Invasion , You Don T , Aggression , Jake Sullivan , Weapons , Foreign Minister , Military Infrastructure , Tensions , Analogy , Mexico , Moscow , Venezuela , Cuba , Hand , He Hasn T , Likelihood , Offense , Coming Home , Intention , Military Operation , Operation , Narrative , War , Option , Land Bridge , Region , Crimena , Military Incursion , Dom Bass , Pipeline , Indication , Deal , Tone , Energy Source , Nord Stream , Angela Merkel , Bed , Crack Pipe , Gas , Natural Gas , Left , Successor , Opposition , Eastern European , Western European , Tooth And Nail , Commitment , Center , Backbone , Wherewithal , Pandemic Strategy , Pete Hegseth , Rachel Campos Duffy , Heads , Will Cain , Sushi , Lunch , Indian , Type 2 Diabetes , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Lump , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Possibility , Insulin , Sulfonylurea , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Nausea , Healthcare Provider , Music Vo , Back Firing , 30 , Commission , Department , Police Chief , Austin , Police Funds , 30 , 882 , Patrol Officers , Research , Calls , Staffing Levels , 911 , Student Lender , Police Officers , Student Loans , Austin Police Department , 108 , 107 Billion , 07 Billion , Agreement , Loans , Litigation , Borrowers , Deceptive Practices , 66000 , 1 2 , Carley , Blow , Any , West Virginia , Mat , The Mountain State S Attorney General , Trick Morsey , 27 , To Be With You , Mood , Ask , Examples , Overreach , Down , Rule , Laugh , Attorney General , Law Standpoint , Respect , Know , Cms Mandate , Arguments , Clause , Type , Dots , Fentanyl , Fentanyl Crisis , Plan , Arizona , Immigration Problem , Issues , Ohio , Deaths , Charts , Drug , Down In Mexico , Blinken , Flooding , Ingredients , Drug Cartels , Precursors , Fentanyl Policies , Couple , Attention , Bit , Crew , Deck , Break , Rachel , Pete , Inflammation , Xiidra , Eye Drops , Drops , Burn , Ache , Let S Kick Ken , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Signs , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Vision , Discomfort , Taste Sensation , Eye Irritation , Surface , Fifteen , Dry Eye , Hearing , Names , A , Kyron , In America On Fox Nation , Law Degree , Ivy League School , Gossip Inside , Today Is The Day , Rags , Quarterback , Offensive Coordinator , Communications , Image , Coach , Signature Issue , Better , Neither , Beauty Pageant Contestant , Laughter , Briefing Books , Interview Question , Curve Ball On , Obvious , Thinking Outside The Box , Directives , Big Pharma , Omicron , Constant , Therapeutics , Fear , Will , Media , Skit , Howard Dean , Candidate , Candidates , Candidacy , Cancellation , Dog , Racks , Basis , Analogies Rachel , Book , Book Report , Sports , Tore , Punches , Anyone , Mirror , Preening , Form , Ring , Cross Examination , Shadow Boxing , Brian , Meme , Vetting , Rich Chilly , Shefolds , Can T , Half Life Times , Everything Living , Slig , Effect , Pivoting , Survival Rate , Variant , Worst , Activities , Picture , Series , Special , Parents , Opportunity , Episodes , Education , Progressive Takeover , Pleasure , Battle Of The Warriors And In Holy Land , Out Of Nowhere , Classrooms , Race Theory , Gender Theory , Tip , Iceberg , Code Word Classroom , Miss Education , Nation , Code , Sewed , Perfect , 90 , Daughter , Conscience , Papers , Grade , Mother , Individual Liberty And Freedom Of Conscience , Curriculum , There , School , Minnesota , Anticipation , Melissa Joan Hart , Alveda King , Byron Dondle , Sunday Morning , Ten , 00 , 4000 , 50000 , 2021 , 800 , 65 , 45 , 10 Million , 1 Billion , Billion , 850000 , 35 , 1 Million , 3 1 Million , 6000 , 1 3 Billion , 3 Billion , 360 , 200 , 899 , 250 Million , 150 Million , 0000 , 50000 Bucks , 70 , 60000 Bucks , 57000 , 60000 , 575 Hundred , 97 , 9 , 9 1 2 ,

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