Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

the meeting was very significant. the cdc's chief medical officer, a person called kathleen dooling, she unveiled her plan to distribute the vaccines nationally. she began by acknowledging that older americans indeed faced the greatest risk, as everyone understood. so if you wanted to save as many americans as possible from dying, you would give preference, the first shots, to people over 65, that's the obvious policy. it may be the only morally defensible policy but there was a problem with doing that, she explained, older americans were too white. "racial and ethnic minority groups are underrepresented among adults age 65 and older." this meant according to her, they could not be allowed to get to the first covid shots whether they needed them or not. so instead dooling recommended a group that the government orotted calling essential workers. they were less white than old people.ou that's what the cdc went with. it's panel overwhelmingly approved kathleen dooling's tirecommendation. none of this got a lot of notice at the time but it was a major never in american history, modern history a in any case, as the federal government made it official policy to withhold life-saving medical treatment for americans on the basis of their skin color. but that's exactly what the cdc did. those most likely to die of covid had to wait weeks until their vaccines were approved. how many of them died in the meantime as they waited? no one kept track of those numbers because nobody seems to care and because nobody cared, the trend continued. race had become a deciding factor in the distribution of critical health care in this country. several states made it explicit. whites would go last in the covid vaccine key regardless of need. the state of vermont did this. so did the state of montana. the moment he was declared president-elect, joe biden made it official. a concept called equity, hyperaggressive racially hostile affirmative action would form the basis of everything the new administration did beginning with covid policy. here is biden before even being sworn in last year. >> i want to be very clear what my priorities are for distributing this emergency aid swiftlyy and equitably. our focus will be on small businesses on main street that aren't wealthy and well-connected but are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own. our priority will be black, latino, asian, native american owned small businesses, women owned businesses. >> tucker: you notice the assumption in that sentence which undergirds all the assumptions in the equity policy and that is that nonwhite means poor and nonwhite means less healthy. as a factual matter, that's certainly not true, it's not close to true. they have run with it. he made good on that promise. in its first year the biden administration awarded billions of dollars in covid relief to black farmers purely on the basis of their skin color. race is the only criterion. doing that was illegal obviously. it violated all kinds of federal laws and the federal court struck it down with the white house accelerated and apply that same standard to everything very much including the allocation of health care. health care for all? that was the slogan for generations. theas new slogan under the biden administration was health care for favored groups. those policies continue tonight. they are illegal, immoral and all but ignored by the media and by republican lawmakers. several weeks ago the food and drug administration released a fact sheet on a monoclonal antibody. it's the only monoclonal antibody treatment proven effective against the latest variant. of the coronavirus. the fda provided guidance, telling states how to determine which states should get the criticalte treatment. physicians,, the fda explained, should consider "race and ethnicity" as they minister treatment so positions are doing that across the country. in utah, covid patients are triaged by a scoring system that determines whether or not they qualify for these potentially life-saving antibody treatments. lookre at this chart. it shows the scoring chart. srace often counts more than physical health. the state of utah gives two points to anyone simply for not being white. you win if you're not white. if you have congestive heart failure at the same time, you get one point. soot if you are a white congeste heart failure patient, that's not enough for you. it's the same story in minnesota.a. minnesota awards two points to so-called bipoc patients, that's someone who's not white. if you have high blood pressure and you are 60, you get one point. tough luck for you. imagine if it was one of your parents. it is one of someone's parents. in new york, in a shocking new piece, "racial minorities are automatically eligible for scarce covid-19 therapeutics acregardless of age or underlyig conditions." it doesn't matter what kind of health they are in. all that matters is their skin color. white don't qualify.he this is not health care. it's punishment. punishment meted out on the basis of skin color. the justification for all of this and the authorities could not be clear about it. they have taken their ideas directly from america's colleges. they'll tell you why they're doing it. the justification is history. the united states has mistreated racial minorities in centuries past, they say. therefore whites must suffer now. so your ancestors did a bad hithing, or people who looked le your ancestors did bad things, so now we are withholding medicine for you. it's not equity. its collectiveba punishment. it's north korean standards. it's the definition of evil. in case you're wondering if that's what it is, consider this. a young haitian man could cross the border andd legally stay. many have. that person could show up at a clinic in new york tomorrow for covid treatment and get preference over an elderly american citizen purely because of his appearance. think about that. the haitian has not suffered frome systemic racism in ameri, whatever that is. he just got here. he goes to the front of the line anyway. that's not a criticism of haitians. it's notot his fault. he. didn't make the rules. but the americans who did make the rules to make them on the basis of public health, they made them in an effort to hurt a specific group of americans.. and they are succeeding. this is happening everywhere, even in places you never expected to happen. watch as this man talks to an employee at a texas medical facility to find out exactly what the policies are. >> so i'm not going to be able to get it today because i don't qualify? what if i, what if i smoke and vape? okay? i what if i were black and hispanic? then i would be able to qualify? okay. i am being denied medical service because of my race? >> tucker: so you can't get life-saving drugs from the government of texas if you're the wrong color. think about that. we reached out to the texas department of health about this back in november and they denied allocating any health care on the basis of race. of course they were lying. the north central texas covid-19 regional infusion center was created by the texas department of health. last year the infusion center's website which says it's state-funded featured informationfu sheet that explicy listed race as an factor for getting antibody therapy. that's what you saw. someone being denied medical treatment because he's the wrong color. without even assessing the relative health risks involved. the websitela maintained by the county in texas explains that being nonwhite automatically makes you eligible for treatment. this is still happening on a wide scale. the question is why are americans putting up with it? it's immoral. we are used to hearing that your kids can't get into a certain school if they are the wrong color or get a certain job if they don't have the g right appearance, and apparently we've accepted that. the only sin is complaining about that makes you a monster. but denying health care to american citizens because of their race? that is too much. actually it's terrifying. vivek ramaswamy have been thinking about the intersection of politics and race and science, he's a lawyer and a scientist or he's also the author of "woke inc" and he ,joins us. thank i you for coming on. all kinds of things to say about this but i can't help but think that trust in a doctor is the key to our entire health care system. you have to believe that the doctor has your interests at heart. i can't think of anything that destroys that trust more quickly or permanently than policies like this. >> exactly. it's a political agenda all the way down disguised in the veneer of science? they justify it by saying that outcomes are worse for nonwhite populationsif than white populations resulting from covid-19. guesste what, it's also true tht men are more likely to die of covid infection than none of those documents propose apportioning care for men rather than women. there is long-standing supreme court document that says rany state-based classification on the basis of race is subject to strict scrutiny and any constitutional scholar who isn't lying to you will tell you this is hands-down failing that test. i come from the john robertsme school. the best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop this ruminating -- discriminating on the basis of race. instead we seem hell-bent at every corner and going in the opposite direction and if we keep doing it i think this is the beginning of the end of the american experiment as we know it. >> tucker: i agree and i'm really struck by the lack of good faith. you look carefully at the policies. they are not designed to help anybody. they are designed to hurt people. so if you're giving preference and medical treatment to a young healthy person over senior citizen with a profound and underlying ailment, then you are by definition trying to hurt the older person. like, why are no lawmaker saying anything about this? >> it's hurting people in every direction. you mentioned the point about the vaccines. from a year ago, it's a good point where let's look and see how well the policy worked in convincing black americans to get vaccinated. over 60% of americans are fully vaccinated.n i think that number is close to one-third of black americans are e-lly vaccinated. shouldn't be surprising if we get the fastest vaccines ever in history and we say by the way we would like black americans to go first. you think it's going to build trust and the black community let alone the unfairness in every other direction. i think of fails black americans, white americans and everyone in between. where is the mention of economic class in any of this? i am not equity person. i'm not an equality outcomes guy, but if you want equality of outcomes, let's do it on the basis of economics rather than orace but they don't seem interested in that anymore. >> tucker: it never is. if you want to to make population radical and distrustful and conspiracy minded if you want to destroy the bonds that hold people to go this is exactly what you would do. i appreciate your coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: so here's an interesting story. for two years we have talked about the numbers. what are the numbers? it turns out we don't really know what the numbers are because there's too much lying. this was obtained in december 2020 email chain between cdc officials, the deputy chief of staff. at the time. email top officials to ask why covid was listed as a cause of death for nearly 30,000 cases of sepsis. n784 hiv cases, many drug overdoses. somebody struck by lightning. those didn't seem like covid deaths to him, but the officials defended the policy of marking the deaths as covid deaths even though they didn't make sense. bob anderson, head of the cdc's mortality statistics branch said in many cases these comorbidities would not be fatal on their own. oh. the lightning strike, for example. now over a year later with trump safely out of office, the cdc is publicly acknowledging yeah, they lied. >> i want to ask you about those encouraging headlines that we are talking about, this study showing how well vaccines are working to prevent severe illness. given that is it time to start rethinking how we are living with his virus that is potentially here to stay? >> with the overwhelming number of deaths, over 75% occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities.d they are people who were unwell to begin with. >> tucker: and it's not just the feds. in the state of new york the governor is acknowledging nearly half, nearly half of the states hospitalized covid patients were actually admitted for reasons that had nothing to do with covid. >> looking at the 4th of january, we realized 39% of the people are hospitalized with noncovid related reasons. yesterday's numbers, that number was 42%. that's our statewide average. but it's important to look at the variations in our different partsnt of the state. the most number of people admitted for noncovid reasons as of yesterday, a couple days ago, are in new york city. it's about 50/50. 50/50. so half of the hospitalizations in new york city are someone who needs to be there because of the severity of their covid situation. the other half are there for other reasons. >> tucker: the other half are there for other reasons? it's been two years. this is not some esoteric number.. it's not a footnote in the study. these are the hospitalizations numbers.. these are the most basic numbers that we have, the ones we talk about every slow day. the ones upon which all covid policy is based. turns out they are completely wrong? completely wrong. liars. dr. scott atlas is a former coronavirus advisor and the trump white house, the author of "a plague upon our house." an amazing book about his experiences. he joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. we've had this conversation a number of times. you were stunned by how political the process was when you got a look at it first hand. even as cynical as you became from that experience, are you a little shocked to find out that half the hospitalizations in new york were not from covid?th >> well, no. because i knew that then. this is not news. this is just newly revealed. i tried, this is a continuation of the denial of science then and the facts, the basic facts about covid. we have already seen almost a even the medical literature, stanford pediatrics published a paper showing that more than half of pediatric hospitalizations for covid had zero symptoms of covid, zero. it's in the medical literature. throughout the spring of 2020, except while i was in the white house in the summer, late summer, early fall of 2020, we knew this because we were defining covid differently on the basis of simply a positive test. so there was a complicated system of reimbursement and other incentives of these people were called covidbu hospitalizations. ten symptoms of a disease, that's not the reason obviously for being hospitalized. he just happened to test positive. this is always a remembrance for me of how it was. when i was talking about the risk factors to the task force, the people on the task force didn't understand, didn't know or simply deny the facts. we know now it's two-thirds of deaths of americans from covid are people with six or more comorbidities. yet the message was out there that anybody with hypertension, high blood pressure, was at high risk for covid. that was false. we knew i showed the papers to the people and task force back in the summer of 2020. they didn't just deny it or didn't know it. they simply said i was an outlier and kept repeating this information. so we have to remember, these people were not only, as you say, incompetent. i was stunned. there was a moral bankruptcy, complete failure of public health leadership which continues today because these people don't take it upon himself to know and to say it truthfully. they have inculcated this culture of severe fear. you should read about this in my book but basically this was an intentional inculcation of fear in the american public. it was admitted to me in the task force room itself. this couldor never happen again. we cannot have public bureaucrats, public health bureaucrats the end charge and be deemed experts. the american people now are in a position where we have to know the data ourselves, figure out who is speaking truthfully on the basis of their consistency, and showing facts. and then rely on them. we can never trust these kind of bureaucrats and people with credentials again, simply based on their credentials alone. >>re tucker: for greatest crime in american history. nothing comes close. one correction: they didn't describe you as an outlier. they tried to destroy your life for telling the truth. i watched it happen. thank you, dr. scott atlas. >> i just want to have a shout out to my friend and colleague at stanford. reassuring during that time, that the truth will prevail and everything you're saying is exactly right. currently we are starting to see that with these admissions of a hospitalizations and deaths. >> tucker: i hope so. no one else said it. scott atlas, thank you. we're waiting on the supreme court to rule on joe biden's completely lunatic vaccine mandate which is in fact an attack on americans. most important decision in a very long time. that's next. we come back to the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: welcome back to the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." federal coronavirus policies, the crime of the century. the supreme court heard arguments about the biden administration's vaccine mandates. a window into what it's like out there, just as sonia sotomayor use the opportunity to show she knows absolutely nothing at all. listen to her describe the effects of the virus on young people. >> we have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. we have over 100,000 children, which we have never had before, in serious condition. and many on ventilators. >> tucker: 100,000 children in serious condition, many on ventilators. you mean 100,000 children who can't read, who are considering suicide, whose lives have been destroyed, in fact many times that? as for the kids in the hospital with corona, the numbers are a tiny, tiny fraction of that. even the cdc director rochelle walensky said that. in an interview with fox. the actual number of kids hospitalized with covid, not necessarily from covid, tiny percentage. >> it's roughly 3500 in the hospitals. >> yes, and in fact what i will say is wow pediatric hospitalizations are rising, they are still about 15 fold less than hospitalizations in older age demographics. >> tucker: that's not really an answer. why don't they just tell us the numbers? these people are paid to have the numbers, honest numbers, not fake numbers they make up. real numbers. we never get them. jd nance wants them. that's why he's running for senate from the state of ohio. thanks so much for coming on. when you hear, you are an attorney, when you hear a supreme court justice say something that is so disconnected from reality that it's laughable, what does it make you think? >> it makes me think it's who these people are. i used to like to think we were ruled by smart people, people who are public spirited. sonia sotomayor revealed she's an idiot. people who would think the way she thinks are also idiots and these people have an incredible amount of power over our lives because not -- because they have to be given these positions for one reason or another. we have to remind ourselves this is not just a harmless disinformation. she didn't tell a little white lie. she told a lie about 100,000 children. you i'm the father of three young kids myself. that disinformation i'm sure caused a ton of hysterical liberals to double down on their lockdown and school closure policies which of course affects our entire country. these people are disconnected from reality and they are disconnected in a way that's ruining our lives. >> tucker: so what do you think? i will say, you went to yale law school which i think has produced more supreme court justices lately than any other. you're familiar with this world, the conservative part of it. what do you think the chances are it is up in court upholds what is clearly unconstitutional, terrifying attack on basic human rights, these vaccination mandates. >> i am sort of a fake lawyer. i've been in the business world for a long time. typically a very good chance of winning. meaning the vaccine mandates are very likely to be struck down. they are ridiculous and of course they distract federal policymakers from actually making a difference in the pandemic and the economic carnage their decisions have made. i think joe biden has blood on his hands. why? he spent the last year forcing vaccine mandates down the throats of americans, we have terrible antibody shortages that could have saved hundreds, thousands of lives. why aren't our leaders ever focused on real problems? and so they are focused on doling out care based on skin color or forcing mandates down the throats of people will even though all those mandates seem to do is divide us and make us hate one another. they don't solve any of the actual problems the country faces. >> tucker: long, long, long topic, a long answer potentially. why are we not talk about treatment for the last two years? why are they against treating this disease that they claim to take so seriously? >> it's always useful to ask who gets rich from this and who doesn't? of course we know that the pharmaceutical companies that are producing the vaccines, they are selling it as a recurring therapy. if you have to take a shot every single person in the country, the government forces you to do it, every three months, every six months, you make a whole lot more money than a one-off person who happens to have severe covid getting an antibody treatment. i think the hidden secret of this is that the government has conspired with the pharmaceutical industry to force the most extensive treatment instead of doing something that would save the most lives and cost the least disruption. >> tucker: as long as you are not criticizing pfizer, which i don't think is allowed anymore. i appreciated. j.d. nance, great to see you. harmeet dhillon, the famous civil rights attorney, directly involved in this case and represent and the client was fighting against the vaccine mandate. harmeet dhillon is with the center for american liberties and joins us tonight to explain the latest. thank you for coming on. where do you think this is going? >> i think there may be a split ruling out of the court. i think on the case where i am representing the daily wire, challenging the large employer mandate, it looks like we have five or six votes to enjoin that order but on the one regarding medical facilities, because the order is tied to federal funding, i think there are some different arguments there and the justices seem more likely to uphold the osha mandate on medical facilities. that's what i think, and for my client, today is day one when the compliance is supposed to be occurring and that's true for 80 million employees around the country, so the fact the court is still sitting on this and hasn't ruled yet produces tremendous expense, uncertainty, stress and disruption to the american economy. i really hope for the sake of all those employees, employers that the court rules quickly so that we can move on and arrange our affairs accordingly. >> tucker: do you think there's any supreme court justice who might ask, wait a second. since when do politicians know more about health care than nurses? >> i think some of the justices did hint at that. the questioning. it didn't really come out, it was pretty opaque, very legalistic questions being asked but underlying all that is the issue of deference to administrative agencies. i think there are many justices who are keyed in and believe that this is not in the federal power at all, although one of the lawyers arguing before the court for ohio conceded that states have the power to impose such a vaccine mandate, so we are not out of the woods at all, tucker, if the court strikes it down, there will be many states, probably new york, california and other states, that decide it's within their power to order this type of thing and we will have a fresh round of litigation over it. meanwhile we all know that this vaccine is not particularly effective against the current version of the virus. so it all really undermines both citizen confidence in the judiciary and the legislature and in public health. this is really a bad situation for the future of public health in our country, the way the government is handling this particular situation. >> tucker: i don't think anyone can look at this and say i want these people to be in charge. there's a lot of evidence, a steaming pile of evidence that this vaccine, the so-called booster, the third vaxx is negatively correlated to the new variant. you are more likely to get it. so crazy. i appreciate you fighting this fight directly. the omicron variant is much more mild than past variants. we don't have real numbers on how many people have died from it. doesn't seem like very many, not that we can trust the numbers but it doesn't seem that way. everyone you know has it. yet weirdly the covid hysteria is increasing. the left is ginning up the fear. maybe we should acknowledge this could be good news, maybe the end of the pandemic. that's next. know ♪ ♪ >> tucker: welcome back >> tucker: welcome back to this special edition of "tucker carlson tonight" on the crime of the century. a lot of this covid stuff is pretty complicated. the numbers are big and you're probably not good at math, so we will bottom line it for you. you should be terrified because it's the scariest thing that's ever happened and if you emerge from your constant state of run back to it. that is telling you about the omicron variant. hospitalization rates are nine times lower than previous trains. deaths are negligible. why are people panicked? heather mcdonald has thought about this deeply. she has a brand-new piece on it in the spectator. heather, thanks so much for coming on. why are people so afraid of an illness that objectively speaking probably shouldn't terrify people? s>> i have been so depressed by the media, i'm calling everything covid. because the media has perfected a set of strategies to keep people terrified over the last couple months. they are working marvelously. strategy number one: the case count. if all you hear from the press is cases, cases are rising, it tells you one thing. deaths have been a terrible disappointment because if the media could say deaths are rising, deaths are rising, that's all we would hear about. with omicron, deaths have stayed absolutely low and they aren't going anywhere. strategy number two, create a group norm of fear. the man on the street interviews, and they are females, it's one parade of neurotics after another. a female who says i am so scared to even go out of my house. i've canceled my restaurant reservations, not traveling. there is a social psychology to make you think of everybody around me is scared, then i should be scared too and that media does the same selection with their experts. they choose only those experts to quote who prefer an unknown hypothetical of fear over known facts. so well, yes, maybe omicron seems mild. but it could get really bad. we just don't know yet. we really don't know. no, we know the facts. they have been in from south africa from the beginningf it's nothing to be afraid of. it's something to be celebrated because it's going to create herdit immunity with very little public health costs. >> tucker: you have got to wonder how long this can continue. can you keep 325 million people in a continuous state of terror and hysteria? >> i keep thinking people are going to get fed up, but i can tell you in blue state dystopia in manhattan, i people are gettg scareder and scareder. when i see healthy young males not just masked outdoors where there is no chance of transmission period, the double mask outdoors, i do despair. red state america may be in a different condition but here i would assume the progressive left would have gotten fed up by now and said come on. let's take our chances and go back to normal. no signs of that. l people prefer, it seems, to live in a state of fear. it makes them feel alive somehow, engaged in a great dramatic struggle when it fact thanks to modern technology, things to the rule of law, life is veryt safe and good for virtually all americans today. >> tucker: it gives meaning to their sad, barren lives. this is kind of the end point to consumer society. heather mcdonald, thank you for your wisdom is always. >> thank you. >> tucker: here is a weird story. weirder than anything about ufos that we have ever brought you. michael jackson was cited on live television over the weekend. michael jackson, who died 12 years ago? yeah, we have the tape. that's next on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight," the crime of the century. ♪ ♪ earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: yesterday was sunday and you may have found yourself on the couch flipping around the tv dial. if youou flipped far enough, you could have the shock of your life. michael jackson was on "face the nation." let's be clear. it wasn't a video of michael jackson performing his hit songs of the 1990s. it appeared to be a living version of the international pop star that news reports claimed died of a drug o.d. more than a dozen years ago. despite those claims there he was, fully, undeniably michael jackson talking on television. how could that be? honestly we have no idea. we are not theologians. it'sho merely a news program. we can only show you what we saw. here it is. >> there's nothing more important for us to do than protect our constitution and our democracy. the republicans are doing, what they are doing across the country as a legislative continuation of what they did on january 6th which is to tteundermine our democracy. >> tucker: see? michael jackson. that was him. no billie jean. apparently he's given up singing and he's telling lies about politics. if you've ever seen michael jackson, you cannot forget the face. admittedly you he's had a lot of work done since we signed last. long before he hosted the show "dirty jobs," mike rowe was the host for the home shopping network qvc. to get the job, he had to pass a test. he had to sell a number two pencil in 8 minutes. we asked, how did you do it? d his answer is one of the greatest things we've ever caught on tape. mike rowe explaining how to sell a pencil. what did you say about the pencil? >> the first thing you do is you get into the benefits. it's yellow. that's feature.s what's the benefit? you're a busy person and when you open your cluttered desk drawer looking for the pencil, that bright canary yellow pops out so you don't waste valuable time rummaging around. you talk about the eraser but not just the fact that it's there. you talk about the fact that it's there in the exact proportion needed to last the life of the pencil based on careful studies that will indicate the amount of erased saying that the average pencil will require during the course of its life. uras you sharpen it, it gets smaller. this pencil is made with everything you need and nothing you don't. and then of course you talk about the little silver thing that attaches the eraser to the pencil. now, in my case, aii said it's actual silver, whh is rare, that's why the pencil is $20 but the money raised from the pencil will come back to help the kids in madagascar because madagascar graphite is what's inside, not lead. that's important because if you lick the tip of lead, you'll go crazy with the poisoning from the lead but the madagascar graphite. >> tucker: [laughs] >> i'm just going on and on. now i am 2 minutes in so you start talking about yourself. the first love i wrote to heather, i wrote in pencil. the first crossword puzzle i ever did in the last one, i do it in pencil because you need to be able to correct your mistakes. every great theorem from einstein was written in a pencil.ei the list goes on. so you start talking about the impact of a pencil, not jnd you craft it as a tool. when you put it in the hands of a tradesman, what comes out the other end? if you are picasso, priceless sketches. now the question is, the pencil goes to you. what will you do with it? >> tucker: [laughs] you sit down and you talk to mike rowe for about an hour about his life and you find out he's exactly the man you thought he was, maybe even better. you can watch the whole conversation with mike rowe on fox nation. head over to part two is out wednesday. the irresistiblele sandy cortez has finally contracted the coronavirus even though she was boosted. the coronavirus just couldn't keep itself off of sandy cortez. many feel that way. jesse watters joins us next on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight," the crime of the century. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: sandy cortez announced that she is too sexy to lead a normal life. people are so attracted to her it makes it really hard. you try being that. we shouldn't be surprised to learn that sandy cortez has tested positive for covid. shee is telling us the lesson of her infection is that you must get the booster despite the fact that it didn't help her. the real lesson is that sandy cortez is so sexy she picked up covid. jesse watters has been named the new permanent host of the 7:00 p.m. hour that precedes this one. it will be called jesse watters prime time, debuting january 24th. we could not be more thrilled to announce this. we can't think of a better man for the job. he knows exactly who the audience is. he understands them, cares about their concerns and he is hilarious. jesse watters joins us now. congratulations. that's the best news. it made my day and the day of everyone who knows you and watches congrats. >> thank you, so much tucker. really appreciate it. >> tucker: that's heartfelt and it also means you are sexy, maybe not as much as sandy cortez. obviously i have to say that i don't want to date aoc but clearly omicron wants to date aoc and was successful. because aoc's press release says she is resting bed comfortably with coronavirus. congratulations to omicron. tucker, thank you for having me oncr your show during this big announcement for the 7:00 to talk about a woman of color who is bedridden from a virus that she caught at a drag brunch. this is a very safe topic for me. i just want to stay in all seriousness, i hope aoc is okay. i'm not going to wonder if she's taking ivermectin or if it was easy for her to get tested while her queens constituents had to wait in long lines or what they even served at a drag brunch, what kind of cuisine do they serve? i'm not going to mask shame her, not going to covid shame her. she is already in big trouble with the squad, the squad is livid that she is gone to desantis' sunny south florida and caught the 'cron because this is where liberals have flockedd for the entire pandemi. >> tucker: f exactly. >> for fun and freedom and now she's exposing -- i actually have a source that i haven't confirmed but omar is so mad it aoc that she told her to inject bleach. i have not confirmed that yet but we are working on it. >> tucker: can i ask you a question, why don't any of these people vacation in baltimore or gary, indiana? na>> or in california. newsom has a great track record, it sunny there. no, no. they go to miami because deep down they want to party like conservatives. >> tucker: totally true. they want to go to someone else's state and wreck it. jesse watters, we are so excited about this. we really a mean it. i don't know what you're going to do but i know we are going to be watching it and it's going to be great. i just couldn't be happier for you. wcongrats. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: that's it for us tonight. brand-new episode of tucker carlson today featuring mike rowe and if you have watched mike rowe for years and wondered what he really like, you'll find out because after an hour of listening to someone, you can to make an informed conclusion of what they are really like. great guy. fox nation is accessible by going to we will be back every night. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. have a fantastic evening. and in the spirit of good cheer we are passing to sean hannity nine seconds early. >> sean: we have to face the reality. it truly is "watters world" and we are just part of it. it's all watters world. >> tucker: i'm okay with that. >> sean: congratulations. he has worked hard and we are very happy for him. he's a big part of our team here at fox. tucker, thank you. welcome to the special edition of "hannity."ck failure of the liberal elites. tonight, we'll expose the misinformation campaign on vaccines and covid-19 testing, treatments, therapeutics. we begin with the misinformation surrounding the democrats favorite and basically only topic of conversation and that is a january 6th, 2021. for the past year if you tur

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I Ll Be Back , Vaccines , Hospitalized Covid , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Officials , Little , Joe Biden , People , The Americans , Virus , Pandemic , Help , Treatment Protocol , Wavaccines , 2020 , December Of 2020 , 65000 , Person , Everyone , Cdc , Risk , Chief Medical Officer , Meeting , Kathleen Dooling , Policy , Preference , Shots , Dying , Obvious , 65 , Groups , Problem , Minority , Government , Group , Essential Workers , Orotted , Panel , Case , Lot , None , Notice , Change Ve , Tirecommendation , Basis , Treatment , Skin Color , Americans , Many , Numbers , Race , Country , Health Care , Factor , Nobody , Trend , Track , Distribution , No One , One , Estate , Whites , Equity , Vaccine , States , State Of Montana , Concept , Hyperaggressive , Need , President Elect , Vermont , Everything , Administration , Covid Policy , Priorities , Affirmative Action , Emergency Aid Swiftlyy , Businesses , Fault , Hardships , Priority , Focus , Wealthy , Black , Aren T , Main Street , Know Tucker , Women , Equity Policy , Sentence , Native American , Assumptions , Assumption , Nonwhite , Latino , Asian , It Doesn T , Billions , Promise , Farmers , Kinds , Criterion , Federal Court , Laws , Wall , Slogan , Allocation , Generations , White House , Theas , Policies , Media , Monoclonal Antibody , Fact Sheet , Lawmakers , Food And Drug Administration , Republican , Guidance , Monoclonal Antibody Treatment , Variant , Patients , Scoring System , Physicians , Positions , Minister Treatment , Ethnicity , Utah , Criticalte , Health , Points , Anyone , Antibody Treatments , White , Chart , Scoring Chart , Lookre , Srace , Two , Someone , Point , Story , Heart Failure , Congestive Heart Failure , Patient , Soot , Bipoc Patients , White Congeste , Minnesota A , New York , Piece , Blood Pressure , Minorities , Parents , Luck , 60 , Kind , Matters , White Don T Qualify , Conditions , Underlyig , Covid 19 Therapeutics Acregardless , 19 , Justification , Punishment , Ideas , Authorities , Colleges , Ancestors , Bad Hithing , Haitian , Things , Man , Definition , Standards , Withholding Medicine , Evil , Collectiveba Punishment , Border Andd , Citizen , Appearance , Ameri , Have , Covid Treatment , Clinic , Racism , Didn T , Public Health , Rules , Line , Criticism , Front , Effort , Haitians , Notot , Everywhere , Employee , Man Talks , Places , Texas Medical Facility , It , Hispanic , Vape , Color , Texas Department Of Health , Drugs , Service , Course , Regional Infusion Center , Back , Website , Websitela , Antibody Therapy , Informationfu Sheet , Explicy , Question , County , Scale , Kids , Job , Citizens , School , Hearing , Sin , Monster , It Ar , Politics , Vivek Ramaswamy , Science , Lawyer , Scientist , Author , Thinking , Intersection , Woke Inc , Anything , Trust , Doctor , Interests , Heart , Health Care System , Way , Outcomes , Populations , Agenda , Veneer , Supreme Court , Men , Document , Apportioning Care , Infection , Documents , Guesste What , Test , Scholar , Isn T , Subject , Classification , Scrutiny , Rany , Direction , Discrimination , Experiment , John Robertsme School , Discriminating , Ruminating , Corner , The Beginning Of End , Anybody , Faith , Lack , Lawmaker , Ailment , Number , Black Americans , Shouldn T , White Americans , Community , Unfairness , Equality , Any , Mention , Class , Economics , Guy , Conspiracy , Population , Cases , Death , Deputy Chief Of Staff , Cause , Sepsis , Hiv , Drug Overdoses , Email Chain , 30000 , December 2020 , Deaths , Statistics , Bob Anderson , Somebody , Branch , Lightning , Mortality , Didn T Make Sense , Comorbidities , Lightning Strike , Example , Illness , Headlines , Office , Trump , Given , Feds , Four , 75 , Reasons , Half , Nothing , Governor , 4 , 4th Of January , 39 , Average , Noncovid , 42 , Variations , Partsnt , 50 , Hospitalizations , Situation , Severity , Hospitalizations Numbers , Study , Footnote , Dr , Scott Atlas , House , Advisor , Liars , Plague , Conversation , Times , The Process , Book , Experiences , Hand , Look , Experience , Th Well , Facts , Continuation , Stanford Pediatrics , Paper Showing , Denial , Spring , Symptoms , Literature , Zero , Disease , Covid , Covidbu Hospitalizations , Incentives , Reimbursement , System , Ten , Reason , Remembrance , Task Force , Risk Factors , Task Force Didn T , Six , High Blood Pressure , Summer , Hypertension , Message , Papers , Failure , Outlier , Information , Bankruptcy , Incompetent , Fear , Leadership , Culture , Public , Couldor , Inculcation , Task Force Room , The End , Experts , Bureaucrats , Position , Data , Figure , Credentials , Re Tucker For Greatest Crime In American History , Consistency , Correction , Life , Truth , Colleague , Friend , Stanford , Someone Else , Admissions , Saying , Fact , Vaccine Mandate , Special Edition , Attack , Decision , Thank You , Federal Coronavirus Policies , Vaccine Mandates , Hospitals , Sonia Sotomayor , Arguments , Effects , Opportunity , Capacity , Window , Children , Condition , Ventilators , 100000 Children In Serious Condition , 100000 , Barren Lives , Suicide , Hospital , Corona , Rochelle Walensky , Fox , Interview , Fraction , Rising , Percentage , Yes , 3500 , Answer , Demographics , 15 , Something , Reality , Jd Nance , Thanks , Attorney , Supreme Court Justice , Senate , Ohio , Power , Another , Amount , Idiot , Idiots , Disinformation , Father , Ton , Lie , Little White Lie , Three , Yale Law School , Liberals , School Closure , Lockdown , Justices , World , Part , Chances , Other , Chance , Vaccination Mandates , Human Rights , Hands , Policymakers , Blood , Difference , Decisions , Winning , Carnage , Problems , Antibody Shortages , Throats , Leaders , Thousands , Hundreds , Mandates , Care , Hate , Pharmaceutical Companies , Therapy , Money , Antibody Treatment , Secret , Pfizer , Disruption , Nance , Pharmaceutical Industry , J D , Client , Center , Latest , Liberties , Fighting , Harmeet Dhillon , Famous Civil Rights Attorney , Court , Employer , Split Ruling , Daily Wire , Mandate , Facilities , Order , Funding , Osha , Votes , Five , Employees , Expense , Compliance , Hasn T , Uncertainty , 80 Million , Employers , Stress , Economy , Affairs , Sake , It Didn T , Questions , Questioning , Second , Politicians , Hint , Issue , Agencies , Deference , California , Lawyers , Out Of The Woods , Thing , Version , Type , Litigation , Round , Legislature , Judiciary , Citizen Confidence , Booster , Evidence , Pile , Vaxx , Omicron Variant , Variants , Fight , Left , Hysteria , Ginning , End , News , Line It , Welcome Back Tucker , Crime , Covid Stuff , Math , Run , Hospitalization Rates , Nine , Heather Mcdonald , Trains , Spectator , Everything Covid , Strategy , Press , Case Count , Number One , Strategies , Set , Marvelously , Anywhere , Disappointment , Female , Everybody , Interviews , Street , Social Psychology , Neurotics , Parade , Restaurant Reservations , Females , Selection , Don T Know , Beginningf , South Africa , Herdit Immunity , Costs , Terror , Fed Up , Blue State Dystopia , Manhattan , Gettg Scareder , 325 Million , Despair , Males , Mask , Scareder , Red State America , Progressive , Come On , Struggle , Technology , Rule Of Law , Signs , Wisdom , Sad , Consumer Society , Michael Jackson , Tape , Weekend , Television , Ufos , 12 , Calhope , You Re Not Alone , Support , 317 , 833 , 833 317 4673 , 4673 , Calhope Org , Tv Dial , Couch , Hit Songs , Video , Shock , Face The Nation , It Wasn T A , Youou , 1990 , Talking On Television , Drug , Pop Star , News Reports , Democracy , Constitution , News Program , Idea , Theologians , It Sho , Republicans , January 6th , Doing , 6 , Face , Singing , Lies , No Billie Jean , Pencil , Pomposity , Mike Rowe , Work , Host , Dirty Jobs , Home Shopping Network Qvc , 8 , Desk Drawer , Benefits , Benefit , Feature S , Canary Yellow , Eraser , Studies , Proportion , Little Silver , Uras , Aii , Silver , Madagascar Graphite , Madagascar , Whh , 20 , 0 , Lead , Laughs , Tip , Poisoning , 2 , Crossword Puzzle , Love , Theorem , Mistakes , Tool , Impact , Pencil Ei The List , Einstein , Tradesman , Sketches , On Fox Nation , Irresistiblele Sandy Cortez , Tuckercarlson Com , Head , Coronavirus Just Couldn T , Jesse Watters , Feel , Lesson , We Shouldn T , Up Covid , Shee , Prime Time , January 24th , 00 , 7 , 24 , Congratulations , Concerns , Audience , You Ad Congrats , Resting Bed , Aoc , Date Aoc , Press Release , Woman , Announcement , Topic , Drag Brunch , Seriousness , Constituents , Shame , Ivermectin , Lines , Queens , Cuisine , Squad , Pandemi , Trouble , Cron , Flockedd , Desantis , Sunny South Florida , Haven T , Source , It Aoc , Bleach , Freedom , Omar , Track Record , Vacation , Newsom , Baltimore , Indiana , Gary , Conservatives , Miami , Episode , Wcongrats , Listening , Conclusion , Great Guy , Enemy , Evening , Lying , Groupthink , Smugness , Watters World , Spirit , Cheer , Sean Hannity , Hannity , Team , Elites , Ck Failure , Treatments , Testing , Therapeutics , Misinformation , Misinformation Campaign , Democrats , January 6th 2021 , 2021 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

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the meeting was very significant. the cdc's chief medical officer, a person called kathleen dooling, she unveiled her plan to distribute the vaccines nationally. she began by acknowledging that older americans indeed faced the greatest risk, as everyone understood. so if you wanted to save as many americans as possible from dying, you would give preference, the first shots, to people over 65, that's the obvious policy. it may be the only morally defensible policy but there was a problem with doing that, she explained, older americans were too white. "racial and ethnic minority groups are underrepresented among adults age 65 and older." this meant according to her, they could not be allowed to get to the first covid shots whether they needed them or not. so instead dooling recommended a group that the government orotted calling essential workers. they were less white than old people.ou that's what the cdc went with. it's panel overwhelmingly approved kathleen dooling's tirecommendation. none of this got a lot of notice at the time but it was a major never in american history, modern history a in any case, as the federal government made it official policy to withhold life-saving medical treatment for americans on the basis of their skin color. but that's exactly what the cdc did. those most likely to die of covid had to wait weeks until their vaccines were approved. how many of them died in the meantime as they waited? no one kept track of those numbers because nobody seems to care and because nobody cared, the trend continued. race had become a deciding factor in the distribution of critical health care in this country. several states made it explicit. whites would go last in the covid vaccine key regardless of need. the state of vermont did this. so did the state of montana. the moment he was declared president-elect, joe biden made it official. a concept called equity, hyperaggressive racially hostile affirmative action would form the basis of everything the new administration did beginning with covid policy. here is biden before even being sworn in last year. >> i want to be very clear what my priorities are for distributing this emergency aid swiftlyy and equitably. our focus will be on small businesses on main street that aren't wealthy and well-connected but are facing real economic hardships through no fault of their own. our priority will be black, latino, asian, native american owned small businesses, women owned businesses. >> tucker: you notice the assumption in that sentence which undergirds all the assumptions in the equity policy and that is that nonwhite means poor and nonwhite means less healthy. as a factual matter, that's certainly not true, it's not close to true. they have run with it. he made good on that promise. in its first year the biden administration awarded billions of dollars in covid relief to black farmers purely on the basis of their skin color. race is the only criterion. doing that was illegal obviously. it violated all kinds of federal laws and the federal court struck it down with the white house accelerated and apply that same standard to everything very much including the allocation of health care. health care for all? that was the slogan for generations. theas new slogan under the biden administration was health care for favored groups. those policies continue tonight. they are illegal, immoral and all but ignored by the media and by republican lawmakers. several weeks ago the food and drug administration released a fact sheet on a monoclonal antibody. it's the only monoclonal antibody treatment proven effective against the latest variant. of the coronavirus. the fda provided guidance, telling states how to determine which states should get the criticalte treatment. physicians,, the fda explained, should consider "race and ethnicity" as they minister treatment so positions are doing that across the country. in utah, covid patients are triaged by a scoring system that determines whether or not they qualify for these potentially life-saving antibody treatments. lookre at this chart. it shows the scoring chart. srace often counts more than physical health. the state of utah gives two points to anyone simply for not being white. you win if you're not white. if you have congestive heart failure at the same time, you get one point. soot if you are a white congeste heart failure patient, that's not enough for you. it's the same story in minnesota.a. minnesota awards two points to so-called bipoc patients, that's someone who's not white. if you have high blood pressure and you are 60, you get one point. tough luck for you. imagine if it was one of your parents. it is one of someone's parents. in new york, in a shocking new piece, "racial minorities are automatically eligible for scarce covid-19 therapeutics acregardless of age or underlyig conditions." it doesn't matter what kind of health they are in. all that matters is their skin color. white don't qualify.he this is not health care. it's punishment. punishment meted out on the basis of skin color. the justification for all of this and the authorities could not be clear about it. they have taken their ideas directly from america's colleges. they'll tell you why they're doing it. the justification is history. the united states has mistreated racial minorities in centuries past, they say. therefore whites must suffer now. so your ancestors did a bad hithing, or people who looked le your ancestors did bad things, so now we are withholding medicine for you. it's not equity. its collectiveba punishment. it's north korean standards. it's the definition of evil. in case you're wondering if that's what it is, consider this. a young haitian man could cross the border andd legally stay. many have. that person could show up at a clinic in new york tomorrow for covid treatment and get preference over an elderly american citizen purely because of his appearance. think about that. the haitian has not suffered frome systemic racism in ameri, whatever that is. he just got here. he goes to the front of the line anyway. that's not a criticism of haitians. it's notot his fault. he. didn't make the rules. but the americans who did make the rules to make them on the basis of public health, they made them in an effort to hurt a specific group of americans.. and they are succeeding. this is happening everywhere, even in places you never expected to happen. watch as this man talks to an employee at a texas medical facility to find out exactly what the policies are. >> so i'm not going to be able to get it today because i don't qualify? what if i, what if i smoke and vape? okay? i what if i were black and hispanic? then i would be able to qualify? okay. i am being denied medical service because of my race? >> tucker: so you can't get life-saving drugs from the government of texas if you're the wrong color. think about that. we reached out to the texas department of health about this back in november and they denied allocating any health care on the basis of race. of course they were lying. the north central texas covid-19 regional infusion center was created by the texas department of health. last year the infusion center's website which says it's state-funded featured informationfu sheet that explicy listed race as an factor for getting antibody therapy. that's what you saw. someone being denied medical treatment because he's the wrong color. without even assessing the relative health risks involved. the websitela maintained by the county in texas explains that being nonwhite automatically makes you eligible for treatment. this is still happening on a wide scale. the question is why are americans putting up with it? it's immoral. we are used to hearing that your kids can't get into a certain school if they are the wrong color or get a certain job if they don't have the g right appearance, and apparently we've accepted that. the only sin is complaining about that makes you a monster. but denying health care to american citizens because of their race? that is too much. actually it's terrifying. vivek ramaswamy have been thinking about the intersection of politics and race and science, he's a lawyer and a scientist or he's also the author of "woke inc" and he ,joins us. thank i you for coming on. all kinds of things to say about this but i can't help but think that trust in a doctor is the key to our entire health care system. you have to believe that the doctor has your interests at heart. i can't think of anything that destroys that trust more quickly or permanently than policies like this. >> exactly. it's a political agenda all the way down disguised in the veneer of science? they justify it by saying that outcomes are worse for nonwhite populationsif than white populations resulting from covid-19. guesste what, it's also true tht men are more likely to die of covid infection than none of those documents propose apportioning care for men rather than women. there is long-standing supreme court document that says rany state-based classification on the basis of race is subject to strict scrutiny and any constitutional scholar who isn't lying to you will tell you this is hands-down failing that test. i come from the john robertsme school. the best way to stop discrimination on the basis of race is to stop this ruminating -- discriminating on the basis of race. instead we seem hell-bent at every corner and going in the opposite direction and if we keep doing it i think this is the beginning of the end of the american experiment as we know it. >> tucker: i agree and i'm really struck by the lack of good faith. you look carefully at the policies. they are not designed to help anybody. they are designed to hurt people. so if you're giving preference and medical treatment to a young healthy person over senior citizen with a profound and underlying ailment, then you are by definition trying to hurt the older person. like, why are no lawmaker saying anything about this? >> it's hurting people in every direction. you mentioned the point about the vaccines. from a year ago, it's a good point where let's look and see how well the policy worked in convincing black americans to get vaccinated. over 60% of americans are fully vaccinated.n i think that number is close to one-third of black americans are e-lly vaccinated. shouldn't be surprising if we get the fastest vaccines ever in history and we say by the way we would like black americans to go first. you think it's going to build trust and the black community let alone the unfairness in every other direction. i think of fails black americans, white americans and everyone in between. where is the mention of economic class in any of this? i am not equity person. i'm not an equality outcomes guy, but if you want equality of outcomes, let's do it on the basis of economics rather than orace but they don't seem interested in that anymore. >> tucker: it never is. if you want to to make population radical and distrustful and conspiracy minded if you want to destroy the bonds that hold people to go this is exactly what you would do. i appreciate your coming on. >> thank you. >> tucker: so here's an interesting story. for two years we have talked about the numbers. what are the numbers? it turns out we don't really know what the numbers are because there's too much lying. this was obtained in december 2020 email chain between cdc officials, the deputy chief of staff. at the time. email top officials to ask why covid was listed as a cause of death for nearly 30,000 cases of sepsis. n784 hiv cases, many drug overdoses. somebody struck by lightning. those didn't seem like covid deaths to him, but the officials defended the policy of marking the deaths as covid deaths even though they didn't make sense. bob anderson, head of the cdc's mortality statistics branch said in many cases these comorbidities would not be fatal on their own. oh. the lightning strike, for example. now over a year later with trump safely out of office, the cdc is publicly acknowledging yeah, they lied. >> i want to ask you about those encouraging headlines that we are talking about, this study showing how well vaccines are working to prevent severe illness. given that is it time to start rethinking how we are living with his virus that is potentially here to stay? >> with the overwhelming number of deaths, over 75% occurred in people who had at least four comorbidities.d they are people who were unwell to begin with. >> tucker: and it's not just the feds. in the state of new york the governor is acknowledging nearly half, nearly half of the states hospitalized covid patients were actually admitted for reasons that had nothing to do with covid. >> looking at the 4th of january, we realized 39% of the people are hospitalized with noncovid related reasons. yesterday's numbers, that number was 42%. that's our statewide average. but it's important to look at the variations in our different partsnt of the state. the most number of people admitted for noncovid reasons as of yesterday, a couple days ago, are in new york city. it's about 50/50. 50/50. so half of the hospitalizations in new york city are someone who needs to be there because of the severity of their covid situation. the other half are there for other reasons. >> tucker: the other half are there for other reasons? it's been two years. this is not some esoteric number.. it's not a footnote in the study. these are the hospitalizations numbers.. these are the most basic numbers that we have, the ones we talk about every slow day. the ones upon which all covid policy is based. turns out they are completely wrong? completely wrong. liars. dr. scott atlas is a former coronavirus advisor and the trump white house, the author of "a plague upon our house." an amazing book about his experiences. he joins us tonight. thank you so much for coming on. we've had this conversation a number of times. you were stunned by how political the process was when you got a look at it first hand. even as cynical as you became from that experience, are you a little shocked to find out that half the hospitalizations in new york were not from covid?th >> well, no. because i knew that then. this is not news. this is just newly revealed. i tried, this is a continuation of the denial of science then and the facts, the basic facts about covid. we have already seen almost a even the medical literature, stanford pediatrics published a paper showing that more than half of pediatric hospitalizations for covid had zero symptoms of covid, zero. it's in the medical literature. throughout the spring of 2020, except while i was in the white house in the summer, late summer, early fall of 2020, we knew this because we were defining covid differently on the basis of simply a positive test. so there was a complicated system of reimbursement and other incentives of these people were called covidbu hospitalizations. ten symptoms of a disease, that's not the reason obviously for being hospitalized. he just happened to test positive. this is always a remembrance for me of how it was. when i was talking about the risk factors to the task force, the people on the task force didn't understand, didn't know or simply deny the facts. we know now it's two-thirds of deaths of americans from covid are people with six or more comorbidities. yet the message was out there that anybody with hypertension, high blood pressure, was at high risk for covid. that was false. we knew i showed the papers to the people and task force back in the summer of 2020. they didn't just deny it or didn't know it. they simply said i was an outlier and kept repeating this information. so we have to remember, these people were not only, as you say, incompetent. i was stunned. there was a moral bankruptcy, complete failure of public health leadership which continues today because these people don't take it upon himself to know and to say it truthfully. they have inculcated this culture of severe fear. you should read about this in my book but basically this was an intentional inculcation of fear in the american public. it was admitted to me in the task force room itself. this couldor never happen again. we cannot have public bureaucrats, public health bureaucrats the end charge and be deemed experts. the american people now are in a position where we have to know the data ourselves, figure out who is speaking truthfully on the basis of their consistency, and showing facts. and then rely on them. we can never trust these kind of bureaucrats and people with credentials again, simply based on their credentials alone. >>re tucker: for greatest crime in american history. nothing comes close. one correction: they didn't describe you as an outlier. they tried to destroy your life for telling the truth. i watched it happen. thank you, dr. scott atlas. >> i just want to have a shout out to my friend and colleague at stanford. reassuring during that time, that the truth will prevail and everything you're saying is exactly right. currently we are starting to see that with these admissions of a hospitalizations and deaths. >> tucker: i hope so. no one else said it. scott atlas, thank you. we're waiting on the supreme court to rule on joe biden's completely lunatic vaccine mandate which is in fact an attack on americans. most important decision in a very long time. that's next. we come back to the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: welcome back to the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight." federal coronavirus policies, the crime of the century. the supreme court heard arguments about the biden administration's vaccine mandates. a window into what it's like out there, just as sonia sotomayor use the opportunity to show she knows absolutely nothing at all. listen to her describe the effects of the virus on young people. >> we have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. we have over 100,000 children, which we have never had before, in serious condition. and many on ventilators. >> tucker: 100,000 children in serious condition, many on ventilators. you mean 100,000 children who can't read, who are considering suicide, whose lives have been destroyed, in fact many times that? as for the kids in the hospital with corona, the numbers are a tiny, tiny fraction of that. even the cdc director rochelle walensky said that. in an interview with fox. the actual number of kids hospitalized with covid, not necessarily from covid, tiny percentage. >> it's roughly 3500 in the hospitals. >> yes, and in fact what i will say is wow pediatric hospitalizations are rising, they are still about 15 fold less than hospitalizations in older age demographics. >> tucker: that's not really an answer. why don't they just tell us the numbers? these people are paid to have the numbers, honest numbers, not fake numbers they make up. real numbers. we never get them. jd nance wants them. that's why he's running for senate from the state of ohio. thanks so much for coming on. when you hear, you are an attorney, when you hear a supreme court justice say something that is so disconnected from reality that it's laughable, what does it make you think? >> it makes me think it's who these people are. i used to like to think we were ruled by smart people, people who are public spirited. sonia sotomayor revealed she's an idiot. people who would think the way she thinks are also idiots and these people have an incredible amount of power over our lives because not -- because they have to be given these positions for one reason or another. we have to remind ourselves this is not just a harmless disinformation. she didn't tell a little white lie. she told a lie about 100,000 children. you i'm the father of three young kids myself. that disinformation i'm sure caused a ton of hysterical liberals to double down on their lockdown and school closure policies which of course affects our entire country. these people are disconnected from reality and they are disconnected in a way that's ruining our lives. >> tucker: so what do you think? i will say, you went to yale law school which i think has produced more supreme court justices lately than any other. you're familiar with this world, the conservative part of it. what do you think the chances are it is up in court upholds what is clearly unconstitutional, terrifying attack on basic human rights, these vaccination mandates. >> i am sort of a fake lawyer. i've been in the business world for a long time. typically a very good chance of winning. meaning the vaccine mandates are very likely to be struck down. they are ridiculous and of course they distract federal policymakers from actually making a difference in the pandemic and the economic carnage their decisions have made. i think joe biden has blood on his hands. why? he spent the last year forcing vaccine mandates down the throats of americans, we have terrible antibody shortages that could have saved hundreds, thousands of lives. why aren't our leaders ever focused on real problems? and so they are focused on doling out care based on skin color or forcing mandates down the throats of people will even though all those mandates seem to do is divide us and make us hate one another. they don't solve any of the actual problems the country faces. >> tucker: long, long, long topic, a long answer potentially. why are we not talk about treatment for the last two years? why are they against treating this disease that they claim to take so seriously? >> it's always useful to ask who gets rich from this and who doesn't? of course we know that the pharmaceutical companies that are producing the vaccines, they are selling it as a recurring therapy. if you have to take a shot every single person in the country, the government forces you to do it, every three months, every six months, you make a whole lot more money than a one-off person who happens to have severe covid getting an antibody treatment. i think the hidden secret of this is that the government has conspired with the pharmaceutical industry to force the most extensive treatment instead of doing something that would save the most lives and cost the least disruption. >> tucker: as long as you are not criticizing pfizer, which i don't think is allowed anymore. i appreciated. j.d. nance, great to see you. harmeet dhillon, the famous civil rights attorney, directly involved in this case and represent and the client was fighting against the vaccine mandate. harmeet dhillon is with the center for american liberties and joins us tonight to explain the latest. thank you for coming on. where do you think this is going? >> i think there may be a split ruling out of the court. i think on the case where i am representing the daily wire, challenging the large employer mandate, it looks like we have five or six votes to enjoin that order but on the one regarding medical facilities, because the order is tied to federal funding, i think there are some different arguments there and the justices seem more likely to uphold the osha mandate on medical facilities. that's what i think, and for my client, today is day one when the compliance is supposed to be occurring and that's true for 80 million employees around the country, so the fact the court is still sitting on this and hasn't ruled yet produces tremendous expense, uncertainty, stress and disruption to the american economy. i really hope for the sake of all those employees, employers that the court rules quickly so that we can move on and arrange our affairs accordingly. >> tucker: do you think there's any supreme court justice who might ask, wait a second. since when do politicians know more about health care than nurses? >> i think some of the justices did hint at that. the questioning. it didn't really come out, it was pretty opaque, very legalistic questions being asked but underlying all that is the issue of deference to administrative agencies. i think there are many justices who are keyed in and believe that this is not in the federal power at all, although one of the lawyers arguing before the court for ohio conceded that states have the power to impose such a vaccine mandate, so we are not out of the woods at all, tucker, if the court strikes it down, there will be many states, probably new york, california and other states, that decide it's within their power to order this type of thing and we will have a fresh round of litigation over it. meanwhile we all know that this vaccine is not particularly effective against the current version of the virus. so it all really undermines both citizen confidence in the judiciary and the legislature and in public health. this is really a bad situation for the future of public health in our country, the way the government is handling this particular situation. >> tucker: i don't think anyone can look at this and say i want these people to be in charge. there's a lot of evidence, a steaming pile of evidence that this vaccine, the so-called booster, the third vaxx is negatively correlated to the new variant. you are more likely to get it. so crazy. i appreciate you fighting this fight directly. the omicron variant is much more mild than past variants. we don't have real numbers on how many people have died from it. doesn't seem like very many, not that we can trust the numbers but it doesn't seem that way. everyone you know has it. yet weirdly the covid hysteria is increasing. the left is ginning up the fear. maybe we should acknowledge this could be good news, maybe the end of the pandemic. that's next. know ♪ ♪ >> tucker: welcome back >> tucker: welcome back to this special edition of "tucker carlson tonight" on the crime of the century. a lot of this covid stuff is pretty complicated. the numbers are big and you're probably not good at math, so we will bottom line it for you. you should be terrified because it's the scariest thing that's ever happened and if you emerge from your constant state of run back to it. that is telling you about the omicron variant. hospitalization rates are nine times lower than previous trains. deaths are negligible. why are people panicked? heather mcdonald has thought about this deeply. she has a brand-new piece on it in the spectator. heather, thanks so much for coming on. why are people so afraid of an illness that objectively speaking probably shouldn't terrify people? s>> i have been so depressed by the media, i'm calling everything covid. because the media has perfected a set of strategies to keep people terrified over the last couple months. they are working marvelously. strategy number one: the case count. if all you hear from the press is cases, cases are rising, it tells you one thing. deaths have been a terrible disappointment because if the media could say deaths are rising, deaths are rising, that's all we would hear about. with omicron, deaths have stayed absolutely low and they aren't going anywhere. strategy number two, create a group norm of fear. the man on the street interviews, and they are females, it's one parade of neurotics after another. a female who says i am so scared to even go out of my house. i've canceled my restaurant reservations, not traveling. there is a social psychology to make you think of everybody around me is scared, then i should be scared too and that media does the same selection with their experts. they choose only those experts to quote who prefer an unknown hypothetical of fear over known facts. so well, yes, maybe omicron seems mild. but it could get really bad. we just don't know yet. we really don't know. no, we know the facts. they have been in from south africa from the beginningf it's nothing to be afraid of. it's something to be celebrated because it's going to create herdit immunity with very little public health costs. >> tucker: you have got to wonder how long this can continue. can you keep 325 million people in a continuous state of terror and hysteria? >> i keep thinking people are going to get fed up, but i can tell you in blue state dystopia in manhattan, i people are gettg scareder and scareder. when i see healthy young males not just masked outdoors where there is no chance of transmission period, the double mask outdoors, i do despair. red state america may be in a different condition but here i would assume the progressive left would have gotten fed up by now and said come on. let's take our chances and go back to normal. no signs of that. l people prefer, it seems, to live in a state of fear. it makes them feel alive somehow, engaged in a great dramatic struggle when it fact thanks to modern technology, things to the rule of law, life is veryt safe and good for virtually all americans today. >> tucker: it gives meaning to their sad, barren lives. this is kind of the end point to consumer society. heather mcdonald, thank you for your wisdom is always. >> thank you. >> tucker: here is a weird story. weirder than anything about ufos that we have ever brought you. michael jackson was cited on live television over the weekend. michael jackson, who died 12 years ago? yeah, we have the tape. that's next on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight," the crime of the century. ♪ ♪ earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: yesterday was sunday and you may have found yourself on the couch flipping around the tv dial. if youou flipped far enough, you could have the shock of your life. michael jackson was on "face the nation." let's be clear. it wasn't a video of michael jackson performing his hit songs of the 1990s. it appeared to be a living version of the international pop star that news reports claimed died of a drug o.d. more than a dozen years ago. despite those claims there he was, fully, undeniably michael jackson talking on television. how could that be? honestly we have no idea. we are not theologians. it'sho merely a news program. we can only show you what we saw. here it is. >> there's nothing more important for us to do than protect our constitution and our democracy. the republicans are doing, what they are doing across the country as a legislative continuation of what they did on january 6th which is to tteundermine our democracy. >> tucker: see? michael jackson. that was him. no billie jean. apparently he's given up singing and he's telling lies about politics. if you've ever seen michael jackson, you cannot forget the face. admittedly you he's had a lot of work done since we signed last. long before he hosted the show "dirty jobs," mike rowe was the host for the home shopping network qvc. to get the job, he had to pass a test. he had to sell a number two pencil in 8 minutes. we asked, how did you do it? d his answer is one of the greatest things we've ever caught on tape. mike rowe explaining how to sell a pencil. what did you say about the pencil? >> the first thing you do is you get into the benefits. it's yellow. that's feature.s what's the benefit? you're a busy person and when you open your cluttered desk drawer looking for the pencil, that bright canary yellow pops out so you don't waste valuable time rummaging around. you talk about the eraser but not just the fact that it's there. you talk about the fact that it's there in the exact proportion needed to last the life of the pencil based on careful studies that will indicate the amount of erased saying that the average pencil will require during the course of its life. uras you sharpen it, it gets smaller. this pencil is made with everything you need and nothing you don't. and then of course you talk about the little silver thing that attaches the eraser to the pencil. now, in my case, aii said it's actual silver, whh is rare, that's why the pencil is $20 but the money raised from the pencil will come back to help the kids in madagascar because madagascar graphite is what's inside, not lead. that's important because if you lick the tip of lead, you'll go crazy with the poisoning from the lead but the madagascar graphite. >> tucker: [laughs] >> i'm just going on and on. now i am 2 minutes in so you start talking about yourself. the first love i wrote to heather, i wrote in pencil. the first crossword puzzle i ever did in the last one, i do it in pencil because you need to be able to correct your mistakes. every great theorem from einstein was written in a pencil.ei the list goes on. so you start talking about the impact of a pencil, not jnd you craft it as a tool. when you put it in the hands of a tradesman, what comes out the other end? if you are picasso, priceless sketches. now the question is, the pencil goes to you. what will you do with it? >> tucker: [laughs] you sit down and you talk to mike rowe for about an hour about his life and you find out he's exactly the man you thought he was, maybe even better. you can watch the whole conversation with mike rowe on fox nation. head over to part two is out wednesday. the irresistiblele sandy cortez has finally contracted the coronavirus even though she was boosted. the coronavirus just couldn't keep itself off of sandy cortez. many feel that way. jesse watters joins us next on the special edition of "tucker carlson tonight," the crime of the century. ♪ ♪ >> tucker: sandy cortez announced that she is too sexy to lead a normal life. people are so attracted to her it makes it really hard. you try being that. we shouldn't be surprised to learn that sandy cortez has tested positive for covid. shee is telling us the lesson of her infection is that you must get the booster despite the fact that it didn't help her. the real lesson is that sandy cortez is so sexy she picked up covid. jesse watters has been named the new permanent host of the 7:00 p.m. hour that precedes this one. it will be called jesse watters prime time, debuting january 24th. we could not be more thrilled to announce this. we can't think of a better man for the job. he knows exactly who the audience is. he understands them, cares about their concerns and he is hilarious. jesse watters joins us now. congratulations. that's the best news. it made my day and the day of everyone who knows you and watches congrats. >> thank you, so much tucker. really appreciate it. >> tucker: that's heartfelt and it also means you are sexy, maybe not as much as sandy cortez. obviously i have to say that i don't want to date aoc but clearly omicron wants to date aoc and was successful. because aoc's press release says she is resting bed comfortably with coronavirus. congratulations to omicron. tucker, thank you for having me oncr your show during this big announcement for the 7:00 to talk about a woman of color who is bedridden from a virus that she caught at a drag brunch. this is a very safe topic for me. i just want to stay in all seriousness, i hope aoc is okay. i'm not going to wonder if she's taking ivermectin or if it was easy for her to get tested while her queens constituents had to wait in long lines or what they even served at a drag brunch, what kind of cuisine do they serve? i'm not going to mask shame her, not going to covid shame her. she is already in big trouble with the squad, the squad is livid that she is gone to desantis' sunny south florida and caught the 'cron because this is where liberals have flockedd for the entire pandemi. >> tucker: f exactly. >> for fun and freedom and now she's exposing -- i actually have a source that i haven't confirmed but omar is so mad it aoc that she told her to inject bleach. i have not confirmed that yet but we are working on it. >> tucker: can i ask you a question, why don't any of these people vacation in baltimore or gary, indiana? na>> or in california. newsom has a great track record, it sunny there. no, no. they go to miami because deep down they want to party like conservatives. >> tucker: totally true. they want to go to someone else's state and wreck it. jesse watters, we are so excited about this. we really a mean it. i don't know what you're going to do but i know we are going to be watching it and it's going to be great. i just couldn't be happier for you. wcongrats. >> thanks, tucker. >> tucker: that's it for us tonight. brand-new episode of tucker carlson today featuring mike rowe and if you have watched mike rowe for years and wondered what he really like, you'll find out because after an hour of listening to someone, you can to make an informed conclusion of what they are really like. great guy. fox nation is accessible by going to we will be back every night. the show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink. have a fantastic evening. and in the spirit of good cheer we are passing to sean hannity nine seconds early. >> sean: we have to face the reality. it truly is "watters world" and we are just part of it. it's all watters world. >> tucker: i'm okay with that. >> sean: congratulations. he has worked hard and we are very happy for him. he's a big part of our team here at fox. tucker, thank you. welcome to the special edition of "hannity."ck failure of the liberal elites. tonight, we'll expose the misinformation campaign on vaccines and covid-19 testing, treatments, therapeutics. we begin with the misinformation surrounding the democrats favorite and basically only topic of conversation and that is a january 6th, 2021. for the past year if you tur

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Authorities , Colleges , Ancestors , Bad Hithing , Haitian , Things , Man , Definition , Standards , Withholding Medicine , Evil , Collectiveba Punishment , Border Andd , Citizen , Appearance , Ameri , Have , Covid Treatment , Clinic , Racism , Didn T , Public Health , Rules , Line , Criticism , Front , Effort , Haitians , Notot , Everywhere , Employee , Man Talks , Places , Texas Medical Facility , It , Hispanic , Vape , Color , Texas Department Of Health , Drugs , Service , Course , Regional Infusion Center , Back , Website , Websitela , Antibody Therapy , Informationfu Sheet , Explicy , Question , County , Scale , Kids , Job , Citizens , School , Hearing , Sin , Monster , It Ar , Politics , Vivek Ramaswamy , Science , Lawyer , Scientist , Author , Thinking , Intersection , Woke Inc , Anything , Trust , Doctor , Interests , Heart , Health Care System , Way , Outcomes , Populations , Agenda , Veneer , Supreme Court , Men , Document , Apportioning Care , Infection , Documents , Guesste 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, Conversation , Times , The Process , Book , Experiences , Hand , Look , Experience , Th Well , Facts , Continuation , Stanford Pediatrics , Paper Showing , Denial , Spring , Symptoms , Literature , Zero , Disease , Covid , Covidbu Hospitalizations , Incentives , Reimbursement , System , Ten , Reason , Remembrance , Task Force , Risk Factors , Task Force Didn T , Six , High Blood Pressure , Summer , Hypertension , Message , Papers , Failure , Outlier , Information , Bankruptcy , Incompetent , Fear , Leadership , Culture , Public , Couldor , Inculcation , Task Force Room , The End , Experts , Bureaucrats , Position , Data , Figure , Credentials , Re Tucker For Greatest Crime In American History , Consistency , Correction , Life , Truth , Colleague , Friend , Stanford , Someone Else , Admissions , Saying , Fact , Vaccine Mandate , Special Edition , Attack , Decision , Thank You , Federal Coronavirus Policies , Vaccine Mandates , Hospitals , Sonia Sotomayor , Arguments , Effects , Opportunity , Capacity , Window , Children , Condition , Ventilators , 100000 Children In Serious Condition , 100000 , Barren Lives , Suicide , Hospital , Corona , Rochelle Walensky , Fox , Interview , Fraction , Rising , Percentage , Yes , 3500 , Answer , Demographics , 15 , Something , Reality , Jd Nance , Thanks , Attorney , Supreme Court Justice , Senate , Ohio , Power , Another , Amount , Idiot , Idiots , Disinformation , Father , Ton , Lie , Little White Lie , Three , Yale Law School , Liberals , School Closure , Lockdown , Justices , World , Part , Chances , Other , Chance , Vaccination Mandates , Human Rights , Hands , Policymakers , Blood , Difference , Decisions , Winning , Carnage , Problems , Antibody Shortages , Throats , Leaders , Thousands , Hundreds , Mandates , Care , Hate , Pharmaceutical Companies , Therapy , Money , Antibody Treatment , Secret , Pfizer , Disruption , Nance , Pharmaceutical Industry , J D , Client , Center , Latest , Liberties , Fighting , Harmeet 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Madagascar Graphite , Madagascar , Whh , 20 , 0 , Lead , Laughs , Tip , Poisoning , 2 , Crossword Puzzle , Love , Theorem , Mistakes , Tool , Impact , Pencil Ei The List , Einstein , Tradesman , Sketches , On Fox Nation , Irresistiblele Sandy Cortez , Tuckercarlson Com , Head , Coronavirus Just Couldn T , Jesse Watters , Feel , Lesson , We Shouldn T , Up Covid , Shee , Prime Time , January 24th , 00 , 7 , 24 , Congratulations , Concerns , Audience , You Ad Congrats , Resting Bed , Aoc , Date Aoc , Press Release , Woman , Announcement , Topic , Drag Brunch , Seriousness , Constituents , Shame , Ivermectin , Lines , Queens , Cuisine , Squad , Pandemi , Trouble , Cron , Flockedd , Desantis , Sunny South Florida , Haven T , Source , It Aoc , Bleach , Freedom , Omar , Track Record , Vacation , Newsom , Baltimore , Indiana , Gary , Conservatives , Miami , Episode , Wcongrats , Listening , Conclusion , Great Guy , Enemy , Evening , Lying , Groupthink , Smugness , Watters World , Spirit , Cheer , Sean Hannity , Hannity , Team , Elites , Ck Failure , Treatments , Testing , Therapeutics , Misinformation , Misinformation Campaign , Democrats , January 6th 2021 , 2021 ,

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