Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

in person learning is essential. >> switching back to remote learning again without public health reasons -- amplifies the social and economic turbulence. >> and the cbs -- cdc is facing backlash tonight. the agency is updating its guidance on masking and letter and 95 masks versus cloth mask. and there under fire tonight for not releasing data. by if they are being caused by a covid or somebody who dies with covid. omicron surges. we will head to georgia to discuss voting rights. the filibuster in an effort to push through an overhaul. we begin tonight with the cdc taking heat from both sides of the political aisle. kevin corke has that story tonight. >> happy monday, my friend. this time there under fire for inadequate the -- isolation, quarantine and most recently on testing, it's availability and wind delivery might happen, who needs it and went and who ends up paying for the test when they are picked up by consumers. many of the barbs are coming from people inside and outside the administration, as well as on the political right and left. >> the white house says insurance companies will be required to cover eight over-the-counter test per person each month beginning saturday, expanding access to highly sought after kids as americans continue to grapple with cases. all 500 million cats will not arrive at the same time. they will be delivered in batches over the next months. the u.s. postal service will handle fulfillment and shipment of the test right to americans doorsteps. still there is rising frustration of what many perceive as the administrations model messaging. >> before you took this job officially, one of your primary goals was to restore public trust. but in this time you think that it's fair to say that the trust and confidence of the public has gone down with the cdc? >> you know, this is hard. we have ever evolving science with an ever evolving. my job is to provide updated guidance in the context of rapidly rising cases. >> other than president biden himself, dr. walensky has faced the brunt of criticism over the missteps. consistency over isolation, quarantine, testing guidance, and uneven performances and interviews like this one on fox news on sunday. >> do you know how many of the deaths in us are linked to covid are from covid or how many are with covid but they had other morbidities. you had that break down? >> of course, with omicron we are following that carefully. our depth registry takes a few weeks to collect and omicron has just been with us for a few weeks but the data will be forthcoming. >> she seemed to suggest an interview that over 75% of people who died from the virus had at least four -- calling it really encouraging news in the context of omicron. in prepared remarks shared ahead of tuesday's senate hearing with walensky, patty murray vented. people back in washington state and across the country are frustrated and worried about the course of this pandemic and its persistent challenges like how hard it is to get a test. have also heard from people who found the communication about new isolation and quarantine guidance confusing and frustrating. as you probably have heard by now, walensky and dr. fauci will testify on the hill tomorrow. we will have live coverage, which should make a very interesting day on capitol hill. >> shannon: can you eat popcorn for breakfast? it's going to be a very interesting hearing to watch. kevin, the white house today declined to address the false claims that over 100,000 children in us are in serious condition because of covid and many are ventilators. it does not look like we will get any kind of statement from her. >> it is one of those circumstances where you have to know if you're going to throw out a number and that justice faced a lot of criticism i thought she said. she claimed that over 100,000 children for seriously ill with covid-19 and many run ventilators, which is not true. only a few thousand kids have actually been hospitalized with either confirm or expected covid-19 and some are still awaiting lab results. as you probably saw over the weekend about the discrepancy and truth be told, this is why we have not heard from the white house. she tried to tiptoe around the air by the justice but she said the real number is around 3500 and nowhere near the 100,000 number quoted by justice sotomayor. >> >> shannon: we don't know how many of those kids -- we wish them speedy recoveries. nobody wants their baby in the hospital. we've got things to discuss. >> a fun segment about who is moving where in the country. >> shannon: very illuminating numbers. thank you, kevin. >> so students in the chicago public school system are going to be going back to classes on wednesday after an agreement was reached with the chief -- teachers union. it's going to have a plan for testing and a plan to close schools of their outbreaks. the teachers kept 340,000 kids out of school for a week and this action began with the union vote to reinstate virtual instruction. that is what the union wanted. the safety particles for the school are now included in the steal. the situation created tensions between parents and teachers. >> that is not an answer. [indiscernible] >> they are basically using our children as a pawn. our kids have been pond since the beginning of this pandemic starting to break years ago. we want them back in the classroom where they belong. teaching our children. >> there are alarming reports night about the psychological damage being caused our nations children by schools closure some isolation triggered by the pandemic. julia turner has that part of the story tonight. >> major medical associations including the american academy of pediatrics have declared a national state of emergency if children -- for children present mental health caused by covid. depression among children fighting schools closures and isolation as the primary culprit . >> they will have a little bit of ptsd having to sit in front of a computer for 6.5 hours a day. >> one mother says her sons behavior change dramatically during the month of his school shut down. >> he was failing. he fell into depression. you can see his anxiety was bubbling over. >> a mother to her nine-year-old son described a similar pattern of withdrawing. >> he would have family meltdowns, daily grind. >> adolescence are rising sharply most acutely among 17 -year-old girls. 51% since the start of the pandemic of that boys are not immune. >> [indiscernible] he was nine. >> child psychologist they've not uncommon for children to feel intense negative emotions when they are separated from their peers. >> this is where they learn about where their identity has. >> that crying and disruptive behavior and increase violence among adolescents are signs to which parents should pay close attention. now the cdc is also reported a dramatic rise in adolescent visits and mental health crises. if your child needs help, you can call for the prevention hotline at 82738255. shannon. >> thank you very much. such important information to consider. with all this computing guidance coming out of the cdc, now some in the mainstream media are calling out the agency for losing the public's truss. >> i'm concerned about this new cdc guidance. i know that the science is evolving and that our knowledge is evolving, but now the cdc is saying after five days of being infected you don't have to test negative but you have to go out and you can go back to work and wear a mask. i don't believe that. >> the cdc has turned into a punch line. it's so sad but it's true. the cdc has turned into a punch line. >> of 40% in some hospitals with covert don't have problematic covid. there it because they got in a car accident. they are there because they bumped their head and they are being included as in the hospital with covid. that number seems misleading. >> let's bring in dr. marty makary. i want to start with you because we've heard so much of the last 48 hours or so primarily from the cdc. that has raised eyebrows. dr. walensky and meeting that vaccines are working ball but that what they can't do is prevent transmission. we were hearing that from pharmaceutical companies as well whether depth is with or from covid, we get the numbers on the cdc says we are working on it. there's all kinds of things changing the recommendation -- recommendations on mask. people are confused and angry. >> one of the problems is we developed a tremendous dependency on the cdc to adjudicate on every aspect of american life and we have lost sight of the fact that most of what they say is just advisory. they would recommend nobody eat red meat. so when you have this incredible dependency, everybody is blaming the cdc for the guidance being complicated but the bigger question is why are we quarantining immune people at all. these big questions are lost because of this tremendous dependency. >> they also say not eat raw cookie dough but i'm not complying with that regulation. we try to get information seriously from groups like this. you have been fighting for information from the fda. we were told that it was going to take forever to get the information they used to consider the efficacy and safety but you've been engage in a legal fight. here's what the washington examiner said. rather than producing 500 pages a month, they ordered the agency to turn over 55,000 pages a month. that means all the fiserv vaccine data should be public by the end of september rather than the year 2097, the deadline that the fda wanted. do you feel confident the you're going to get this information and why wouldn't have been okay for all of us to break till 2097 >> it wasn't okay. it was never okay. they promised transparency but a it came to the vaccine. the fact that it wanted to wake 75 years to fully produce that they'd it is troubling. the judge agreed it should be produced this year so that independent sides are free of fda influence can we do the -- review that data. and we are confident that the fda will comply with the judges order and and produce those documents as demanded. >> we are all awaiting a decision from the supreme court on two vaccine mandates from the federal level. in the meantime an opinion piece by couple of -- one is somebody who won a nobel prize and the others a constitutional scholar. they say it would be a brush legally and contrary to the public interest for the government to mandate vaccines after evidence that the -- yet that is exactly what is happening here. the cdc has admitted it is not going to stop infection or transmission and the hope that is it stops hospitalization. the mandates are about stopping transmission. how can they stand? >> that's right. the calculus on mandates has changed entirely, not just because of dealing with a different virus, 95% of the cases, for example now, are believed to be with omicron but also the therapeutic is much different. we've heard from our public health officials right up until this week that if we get everyone vaccinated that will and the pandemic and just this week we heard from the cdc what the vaccine can't do anymore is stopped transmission. that is a key admission that changes the calculus on the wrist threshold. it really renders mandates obsolete. >> i know that you have a lot of claims, or your firm does, have people fighting exemptions. what is your sense of how that is going with employers and companies likes to you said that a change in the trend? >> general if we've been pretty successful in getting exemptions for employees in the workplace. the sepals rights act has pretty strong protections. in terms of whether or not there's going to be a change with how employers view those exemptions because of the cdc admission that the vaccine that the stop transmission, that remains to be seen with the omicron, of course, the cdc made that same admission with delta and we have made that point many times to employers when it comes to their statement, they don't have an ability to accommodate granting exemptions and they we say certainly they can because the vaccine to suspect transmission anyway. >> we will now wait to see what the court does. they've announced that it will render opinions on thursday. this has been fast tracked and employers and employees across the country are waiting themselves. great to have you with us. >> thanks, sharon. thank you, shannon. >> shannon: fans are fired up tonight. the tennis star may be allowed to play in the australian open after all following and monday legal victory over his vaccine exemption. the world number one player could still have another roadblock before tournament next week. we have the latest twist and turns and the so opera tonight. good evening. >> the judge in australia reinstated after pulling the tennis star was back give you the time to talk to his attorney during initial decision position selector fork mcknight confined to an immigration hotel , number one tennis player in the world was released at almost immediately have the court. take a look at this picture of djokovic wearing a shirt and he tweeted out the quarter after the judge's ruling. he wrote in part i'm pleased and grateful that the judge overturned my visa cancellation. despite all that is happen, i want to stay and try to compete. i remain focused on that. djokovic flew to austria and vaccinated under the assumption that he was exempt due to his recent recovery from covid-19. he could be deported that the immigration it -- issues of personal power of cancellation. this is all about politics. >> [indiscernible] he's fighting for the liberty of choice. [indiscernible] >> he will be free and he will play. >> of female check tennis player went through something nearly identical as djokovic. she used a medical exceptional after recovering from covid but was pulled after playing one match of the tournament. however, she has since left australia. >> i cannot say it's anger since this happened. you can even imagine that it's possible in the 21st century to have this happen in this country. >> she's like others hope that djokovic will be up to play. protester celebrated that the decision to release djokovic. the tennis star person brother credits putting pressure to reduce the decision. mcdowell called the story a circus and supports his rival being able to play. yesterday and open officially starts in less than a week beginning january 17. shana, stay tuned. that a lot of time. >> shannon: so much can happen . thank you. at least 17 people are dead, including eight children, as a result of an apartment fire in the bronx. officials i am malfunctioning space heater sparked a deadly blaze and that smoke inhalation likely killed most of the victims. investigators want to know why safety doors didn't operate properly after the fire broke out. people are still in critical condition tonight. the championship game -- takes on alabama 33-18. coming from behind three times in putting up 20 points in the fourth quarter two take down the crimson tide. the process georgia likes of its first national title since 1980. snow day gone very wrong. one man jumped into action to save his friend's life. what kind of animals used to be on this -- your eyes may be deceiving you. stay tuned for our viral videos next. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. and there you have it. woah. mabel here isn't a real cow. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> shannon: dramatic video of a daring rescue. the lapd is saving a pilot who made an emergency landing on over a protracted the officer being praised for quickly pulling that meant the safety seconds before a train plowed into his airplane. it is amazing stuff. the pilot was the only person on board and he is in stable condition and without those guys he would not have made it. you will not leave your eyes on this one. doing a double take after spying this animal from their balcony. it appears to be a dog and when i cut does a dock get up here stick around. it is actually a cat. no,, it is a cat. a chilly looking site from lake michigan where waves have ice pancakes. this is in st. joseph, michigan. pancakes are a rare phenomenon. i'm a poor girl and i'm freezing looking at the video. and another amazing a rescue. a wyoming man said he's incredibly thankful to be alive after his friend saved him from an avalanche. they're all still appealing in this whole thing was caught on camera by the other guy that shows him jumping on a snowmobile and taking out his friend. it is breathtaking to watch this his friend is fighting for breath and he gets his helmet off and they are okay, both of them. amazing. he is going to own for life. this capture fight at drone in the colors of that sky, i'm more of a sunset kind of gal but nicely done beautifully capturing these photos. if you've any videos that should go viral, hit us up on shannon bream or fox news "fox news at night" social media. >> some shoppers out there purporting bare shelves that that their market. supply chain issues of getting worse driven by winter weather distribution loads. the taking a closer look at this growing problem tonight. pd pink, laura. >> some say it's beginning to feel a lot like the beginning of the pandemic with store shelves wiped out and all eyes on the supply chain. many wondering how this is all going to play out in the new year. as photos of empty store shelves make the rounds on social media, so that is the hashtag they are shelves biden. it's been his has take over the last several days. people sharing frustration that they're not able to find what they're looking for. each individual short story being shared on social. we know that the holidays put a strain on the already troubled supply chain on top of fire. >> related stabbings shortages and bad weather and delivery of goods. according to some shoppers hard-to-find items include meat, produce, and dairy, and in the park to keep up with demand, some grocery stores are reportedly stocking shelves with off brands to avoid having empty shelves. while frustrated shoppers and some of the media are hounding on the president of the problem, the pipe and ministration says that the supply chains are actually operating at record levels. last week the white house supply chain task force work to answer some questions about what is going on. >> when bottlenecks in the global supply chains, it can take more time for goods to reach store shelves and it can lead to price increases. that is why the president has taken such aggressive action to alleviate these blockages and we've seen significant process -- progress. there is one thing that people are starting to see again, those store shelves with on-demand items. shannon. >> thank you very much, laura. kevin is back to talk about were americans are moving to win from >> a lot of americans, frankly, frustrated by the fire. >> lockdowns and rising housing costs and let's just put it out there. millions of taken the roads to find a new place to live in according to data which has been compiled by you hope growth index, a lot of movers are going to the lone star state of texas. texas, florida number two, by the way. tennessee. not tennessee. south carolina and arizona get the top five ad indiana, colorado, maine, idaho, and new mexico. so where are people saying i'm out of here. california, illinois led by chicago. that city is emptying out. is losing a lot of people did pennsylvania. that's a bit of a surprise. massachusetts, or as some people like to call at taxachusetts. >> how about you. if you're going to leave this area, where with you go? >> shannon: i would go home to florida. my heart is always there. there's sunshine they are. but the good reasons to go. what about you? >> i love florida having lived there. i lived in miami. i would put back to florida in a heartbeat. up to florida, i'm fascinated by tennessee. i think it's a lot of fun down there. great food. that would be my second choice. i think that i would join you in the sunshine state. >> shannon: they are income tax free and they have amazing people. we are taking some road trips. >> let's do it. >> shannon: aussie you for some could do that a minute. >> that got when you are going to love. i'll see you later. >> shannon: are democrats about the flop the filibuster in order to do an election law overhaul. the latest twist in that fight next. felite story? >> vo: my car is more than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. must pass legislation to protect people's right to go. >> what he wants to do would not protect our democracy or our system of government. it would destroy a key feature of american government forever. senators on both sides know it. >> shannon: senate leaders are odds as democrats may take to alter the filibuster proof in an effort to pass massive changes to election laws without a single republican vote. president biden by and vice president harris had to georgia to make their case. host of the straight shot and political strategist, great to have you back. >> always glad to be here. thanks, shannon. >> shannon: so a number of these groups that that have been working on that group down to georgia, they're not excited about the top leader coming in. they set the help i don't come to atlanta without an actual plan to pass the law. the statement for the voting rights groups said they will reject any visit by president biden that does not include an announcement about finalize voting rights plan that will passed both chambers not being stop at the filibuster and being signed into law. anything less is insufficient. they're sending this message liquid giving a speech is an prominent -- promising as things. they don't think this is getting it done. they think this is crying wolf. >> i'm quite proud of the coalition that decided to use my phrase straight shot no chaser because after the last two years , they are just at a point and when i say two years and talking about not just the first year that president biden was in office, but all of the year prior when he was being -- when he was going the process of being elected, making these promises to be the leader. he had flat out slapped them in the face. so they are at a point where they have to be honest because it is so obvious to the voters that the promises have not been made. and i tell people this all the time and say, well, he shouldn't be going this market and alabaster and we don't believe that they should remove the filibuster. the bottom line is those that elected president biden in this ministration, he made this promise. he talked about this on the campaign trail and he has failed in this and so many other things . so the issue to clear statement that says stay home and don't come to atlanta. stay in dc and get them under joe manchin's thumb. of course they didn't say that part. but clearly it's a problem. they want to see results. what can they do to get them on board, such as start organizing to make sure that mentioned loses his seat. start taking away committee assignments. reduce the power that he has the consequences and repercussions. >> shannon: you know that he is wildly popular in west virginia and he said i can explain it to people when i go home that i can't vote for it. they say the legislative filibuster has often frustrated our policy -- and is a time it didn't work for them. we support as of the straight of the political passions of the moment. but it democratic breaking of the legislation, -- and regrading any number of billing programs. democrats have bemoaned in the past getting rid of the filibuster. could you come back haunt them? >> not even a matter of haunting them. what's going to haunt them is losing and being slaughtered in 2022. but you have restrictive voting bills on the ballot right now, that hurts people getting to the vote. in addition to fat, both oppression of what people not feeling motivated to vote because this administration has not passed but they said they would pass. this is not a republican thing. is not about joe manchin explaining it to his hometown. it's about joe biden explaining it to the people that put him in office, particularly the black community, the same guy that said if you don't bow for me, you're not black. if he does not do what black voters are asking him to do, then black voters cannot sound they stand for him again and support his efficient to have. so it's quite clear that this is about joe biden explaining, not joe manchin explaining. >> shannon: weevil track that visit tomorrow and have full coverage. thank you always for joining us. good to see you. >> thank you. >> shannon: new york real estate heir robert ayres has died at the age of 78. he was serving a life sentence for killing his best friend and 2000. his lawyer said he died from natural causes due to a number of ailments in a state prison hospital facility in stockton, california. was also going to face trial in new york for the killing of his wife who disappeared in 1982. >> we have unresponsive guests that's not breathing and no balls. >> shannon: authorities in south florida investigating the depth of actor and comedian bob saget, found unresponsive in it and orlando hotel room sunday. we have the latest tonight. >> i'm stoked, whatever that means. >> millions of americans grew up watching bob saget on tv. the standup comedian at heart, he was best known as an erotic but lovable dad on the show full house. apparently dying in his own hotel room in orlando. >> we don't have too many people in hollywood these days that bring everybody together, and i hope that is what bob's legacy will be. >> according to the orange county sheriffs office, they received call about unresponsive man and found him dead inside his room sunday at the ritz-carlton. they found no signs of foul play or drug use. the medical examiner purports his left arm was across his chest had no signs of trauma received. he was in florida as part of his i don't do negative, detour, seeming extremely happy. in his lance instagram post he wrote i'm backing, he like i was when i wouldn't -- when i was 26 but i'm loving every moment of it. >> in los angeles they paid tribute to saget as well including a standing ovation in his memory. a comedian but americo really knew him as a tv star. aside from paul house, he also host hosted the wild popular america's home that videos for ten years. he was also the narrator on the show how i met your mother. he leaves behind his wife, kelly rizzo, and three daughters from a previous marriage. family members are devastated and inviting everyone to remember the love and laughter that bob brought to the world. the medical examiner's office will determine the cause of depth likely in about ten weeks. the former costars of saget including john stay most said the and the olsen twins all expressing devastation today at the loss of their friend. bob saget was 65. >> thank you very much. our condolences to the saget family. all of his loved ones and those who loved him. it was a easy decision -- clearchoice. [ awada ] the health of our teeth plays a significant role in our overall health. chantell was suffering, and we had to put an end to that. the absolute best way to do that was through dental implants. [ chantell ] clearchoice dental implants changed everything. my digestive health is much better now. i feel more energetic. the person that i've always been has shown up to the party again. >> shannon: time now for night court. the department of labor enjoying and and of employment that went viral last year. you may remember this. a wheelbarrow load up with about 100,000 pennies. his former employer made the delivery after he complained complained to department of labor yet that got in his final paycheck for $915. that georgia auto repair shop or he had worked. from the owners argued that the payment was made with legal tender, the labor department argues this was retaliation against former employee and that is a potential violation of labor laws. we have robert patel and president and general counsel david gibbs. great to see you here i'm going to start a pot with exhibit a. this is with the complaint. within hours of complaining about not getting his last paycheck, they decided to pay him and pennies. defended walker said hockey make this time realize what a disgusting example of a human being's. i've got plenty of pennies. out use them. he's as of march 12, 2021, left the pennies on his driveway. defend is a copy of this paycheck with an expletive written on the outside. >> they are clearly for tell you a big to the complaining witness in this case. they had nine hours of work to clear this from the yard. they had to be coiled up and put in the bank as legal tender. they meant to retaliate against this individual and that is not protected by federal law. >> shannon: exhibit b, this is the former employer. he posted online and this was taken down. he says that us department of labor approved the payment. we specifically asked if we could pay them in cash of any denomination and us department of later -- labors labor stated on record they did not care how he paid him. there were -- that is a lot more than we were legally obligated to give him. >> shannon, first of all the weight they get it was ridiculous. these are oily coins dunked in a yard. they did pay him, he determined that the department of labor has a wide range of authority that they can look at. they can make sure that an hour spoke worked at overtime was paid. of what occurred here plus an employer instead of being smart and paying the employee exactly what it was open to hadn't opened up a whole investigation that of us have turned into a $40,000 nightmare. so looking at this the retaliation was one factor, but they're also looking at the hours, the record-keeping, and they have open themselves up. this is kind of like getting in an argument with an irs agent that is investigating or auditing you. things never go well when you go that direction. >> the department of labor exhibit c says that deficient determined that the employer violated the overtime provisions , paying them straight time for all their hours work and all kinds of other things. they say it went beyond this penny prank. >> the point is that at the end of the day everything has an actual value. if you were able to about this imply to pay in or the pennies -- i dunked three tons of horse excrement on your yard. >> i don't ever want to work for robert. i'm scared of how he might try to pay me. i don't know if there is any value to that. >> you have to accept to that is why the department of labor is stopping them from doing it. >> shannon: we are going to leave it there and track the cases see which one of you comes on top. this is going all the way. thank you both. happy new year. >> always fun to be on night court. >> shannon: good news before say good night. a man's best friend reunited with the rotors after missing for three years. after getting loose daisy took off on a thousand mile plus journey and finally ended up in indiana, found in a porch were the homeowners took her to the vet to see if she was microchips she was in that led to her owners. they were thrilled when they got back call that their puppy had been found. they groped indiana to take daisy back home. how was she surviving that whole time? >> that's amazing. a lot of people helped along the way. is not every day to get the celebrate someone who turns 106. we want to celebrate with dorothy. she's a south philadelphia native and turned 106 on friday. she has a great, great grandmother to one and a great grandmother 109. her secret is serving the lord and her love of big macs. happy birthday, dorothy. you deserve the very best. >> jesus and big macs. i can do that. >> i love it. >> shannon: thank you. that is a fabulous story. good to see you, kevin. we want back here tomorrow night .er so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> woman: what's my safelite story? only pay for what you need. >> vo: my car is more than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? qunol sleep formula matcombines 5 key nutrientson. that can help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up refreshed. the brand i trust is qunol. i'll be back for the whole week ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening and welcome to "tucker carlson tonight." in the week before joe biden took office a little over a year ago federal officials met to decide how they were going to distribute the new covid vaccines. you'll remember that december of 2020 was the deadliest month to date in the covid pandemic. more than 65,000 americans died that month. people were afraid of the virus then. there was no treatment protocol for it. wavaccines seemed lengthy only help.

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, Administrations , Messaging , Trust , Model , Perceive , Goals , Public Trust , Science , Public , Confidence , Biden By , Dr , Criticism , Walensky , Context , Missteps , Brunt , Testing Guidance , Interviews , Consistency , Performances , Deaths , Fox News On Sunday , Omicron , Depth Registry , Morbidities , Interview , Virus , Four , 75 , Country , Pandemic , Hearing , News , Remarks , Washington State , Patty Murray , Tuesday , Senate , Communication , Challenges , Coverage , Breakfast , The Hill , Capitol Hill , Fauci , Condition , Claims , Ventilators , 100000 , Lot , Statement , Number , Justice , Kind , Circumstances , Some , Run Ventilators , Confirm , 19 , Weekend , Lab Results , Truth , Discrepancy , Air , Real Number , Recoveries , Nowhere , Sotomayor , 3500 , Things , Hospital , Nobody , Baby , Fun Segment , Plan , Numbers , Classes , Agreement , Chief , Chicago Public School System , Teachers Union , Action , Vote , Schools , School , Union , Outbreaks , 340000 , Parents , Wanted , Safety Particles , Instruction , Steal , Tensions , Situation , Beginning , Indiscernible , Answer , Pawn , Pond , Being , Classroom , Teaching , Damage , Nations , Part , State Of Emergency , Julia Turner , American Academy Of Pediatrics , Bit , Depression , Computer , Schools Closures , Culprit , Front , Ptsd , 6 5 , Mother , Behavior , Sons , Anxiety , Shut Down , Nine , Pattern , Adolescence , Son , Family Meltdowns , Daily Grind , 17 , Start , Boys , 51 , Child Psychologist , Peers , Emotions , Signs , Identity , Violence , Adolescents , Attention , I Don T Come To Atlanta , Child , Rise , Visits , Mental Health Crises , Prevention Hotline , 82738255 , Information , Media , Computing Guidance , Truss , Evolving , Knowledge , Five , Mask , Punch Line , Hospitals , 40 , It , Head , Covert Don T , Car Accident , Eyebrows , Marty Makary , 48 , Depth , Vaccines , Pharmaceutical Companies , Ball , Prevent Transmission , Meeting , Kinds , Dependency , Recommendation , Recommendations , Problems , Fact , Everybody , Life , Most , Red Meat , Aspect , Sight , Questions , Question , Fighting , Fda , Regulation , Cookie Dough , Groups , Safety , Fight , Examiner , Efficacy , 500 , Fiserv Vaccine Data , Pages , The End , 2097 , 55000 , Wouldn T , Vaccine , Wall , Transparency , Wasn T Okay , Judge , Documents , Judges , Influence , Review , Clearchoice , Vaccine Mandates , Level , Others , Couple , Opinion Piece , Supreme Court On Two , Nobel Prize , Two , American Government , Evidence , Scholar , Brush , The Public Interest , Transmission , Mandates , Hospitalization , Hope , Infection , Stopping Transmission , Example , Calculus , Dealing , Therapeutic , Officials , Health , Everyone , Will , Admission , Exemptions , Wrist Threshold , Firm , Employers , Change , Sense , General , Companies , Trend , Employees , Workplace , Protections , Whether , Terms , Stop Transmission , Sepals Rights Act , Point , Times , Ability , Delta , Court , Granting Exemptions , Opinions , Tennis Star , Thanks , Fans , Sharon , Australian Open , World , Tournament , Twist , Vaccine Exemption , Player , Roadblock , Victory , Opera Tonight , Following , Australia , Tennis Player , Fork Mcknight , Immigration Hotel , Number One , Attorney , Djokovic , Look , Shirt , Visa Cancellation , Picture , Ruling , Release Djokovic , Recovery , Assumption , Power , Immigration It , Politics , Cancellation , Choice , Liberty , Something , Anger , Exceptional , Match , 21 , Mcdowell , Pressure , Tennis Star Person Brother Credits , Decision , Protester , Story A Circus , Stay , Shana , Rival , January 17 , Apartment Fire , Result , Victims , Investigators , Space Heater , Smoke Inhalation , Blaze , Bronx , Championship Game , Safety Doors , Alabama , 18 , 33 , Process Georgia , Points , Title , Crimson Tide , 20 , 1980 , Man , Videos , Eyes , Animals , Pay , Aspirin , Theaters , Stomach , December 17th , Aspirin Capsule , Vazalore , Ulcers , Milk , Lactose , Lactaid , 100 , Anyone , Dairy , Isn T Real Milk , Isn T A Real Cow , Mabel , Network , Big Deal , Bucks , 30 , 30 Bucks , Internet , Wireless , 5g , Savings , Sweet , 5 , Store , Save , Hundreds , Switch Squad , Xfinity , Video , Lapd , Rescue , Pilot , Officer , Train , Emergency Landing , Saving A , Stuff , Take , Animal , Airplane , Guys , Balcony , Cat , Dock , Dog , Ice Pancakes , Site , Waves , Lake Michigan , Joseph , Wyoming Man , Girl , Pancakes , Phenomenon , Thing , Camera , Guy , Snowmobile , Avalanche , Breath , Capture Fight , Colors , Both , Helmet , Drone , Sky , Okay , Amazing , Photos , Gal , Fox News , Social Media , Hit , Shoppers , Shelves , Market , Winter Weather Distribution Loads , Supply Chain Issues , Supply Chain , Problem , Store Shelves , Laura , Pd Pink , Rounds On Social Media , Hashtag , Individual , Holidays , Short Story Being Shared On Social , Goods , Items , In The Park , Top , Strain , Shortages , Weather , Meat , Produce , Stabbings , Grocery Stores , Brands , Demand , Hounding , Supply Chains , Ministration , Record Levels , Bottlenecks , Pipe , Supply Chain Task Force , Process , Price Increases , Blockages , Progress , Place , Millions , Lockdowns , Growth Index , Roads , Housing Costs , Movers , Florida Number Two , Indiana , Tennessee , Lone Star State Of Texas , South Carolina , Texas , Arizona , City , Surprise , Pennsylvania , Colorado , California , New Mexico , Idaho , Maine , Illinois , Area , Taxachusetts , Massachusetts , Heart , Sunshine , Fun , In A Heartbeat , Food , Up To , Miami , Road Trips , Sunshine State , Income Tax , Election Law Overhaul , Order , Flop , Aussie , Someone , Car , Vo , Woman , Experts , Windshield , Wheels , Felite Story , Safelite Autoglass , Decompression Zone , Safety Systems , Service , Technology , Glass , Chest , Singers , Loved Ones , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Mess , Comfort , Neck , Legislation , System , Democracy , Feature , Forever , Senators , Democrats , Changes , Odds , Leaders , Election Laws , Filibuster Proof , Republican , Case , Harris , Strategist , Host , Leader , Group , President , Law , Visit , Voting Rights Groups , Chambers , Announcement , Prominent , Message , Anything , Speech , Wolf , Coalition , Chaser , Phrase , Office , Year , Promises , Voters , He Shouldn T , Say , Face , Bottom Line , Promise , Campaign Trail , Joe Manchin , Home , Issue , Don T Come To Atlanta , Stay In Dc , Thumb , Results , Assignments , Seat , Consequences , Repercussions , West Virginia , Didn T , Breaking , Policy , Passions , Billing Programs , Ballot , Voting Bills , Fat , Addition , Oppression , 2022 , Joe Biden , Hometown , Community , Track , Robert Ayres , Best Friend , Natural Causes , Age , Life Sentence , Ailments , Lawyer , New York , Real Estate , State Prison Hospital Facility , 78 , 2000 , Wife , Killing , Trial , Guests , Stockton , 1982 , Bob Saget , Hotel Room , Actor , Orlando , Balls , Authorities , How I Met Your Mother , Dad , Standup Comedian At Heart , On Tv , Sheriffs Office , Call , Orange County , Bob S Legacy , Hollywood , Medical Examiner , Foul Play , Room , Arm , Drug Use , Trauma , Ritz Carlton , Negative , Backing , Detour , Instagram , 26 , Americo , Tv Star , Standing Ovation , Memory , Paul House , Los Angeles , Narrator , Marriage , Daughters , Family Members , Kelly Rizzo , Ten , Olsen Twins , Love , Cause , Costars , John , Laughter , Condolences , Devastation , Loss , Saget Family , 65 , End , Implants , Teeth , Suffering , Chantell , Awada , Role , Everything , Party , Dental Implants , Department Of Labor , Employment , Pennies , Wheelbarrow Load Up , Night Court , Employer , Owners , Paycheck , Auto Repair Shop , 15 , 915 , Retaliation , Payment , David Gibbs , Employee , Violation , Labor Laws , Robert Patel , Complaint , Pot , Exhibit A , Human Being , Hockey , Driveway , Walker , 12 , March 12 2021 , 2021 , On The Outside , Copy , Expletive , Witness , Work , Yard , Bank , Federal Law , Exhibit B , Labors Labor , Department , Cash , Denomination , Weight , Coins , Authority , Range , Investigation , Hadn T , Nightmare , Factor , 40000 , 0000 , Record Keeping , Irs , Department Of Labor Exhibit C , Agent , Argument , Direction , Overtime Provisions , Penny Prank , Value , Horse , Rotors , Say Good Night , Homeowners , Daisy , Led , Porch , Vet , Microchips , A Thousand , Puppy , Dorothy , Grandmother , South Philadelphia , 106 , 109 , Secret , Lord , Birthday , Big Macs , The Very Best , Jesus , Kevin , Record , Turn , Hang On , Tex , Ooo , Scholarships , University Of Phoenix , Indeed Instant Match , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Candidates , Taking Off , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Key Nutrientson , Qunol Sleep , Brand , Qunol , I Ll Be Back , Little , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Treatment Protocol , Wavaccines , 2020 , 65000 , December Of 2020 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

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in person learning is essential. >> switching back to remote learning again without public health reasons -- amplifies the social and economic turbulence. >> and the cbs -- cdc is facing backlash tonight. the agency is updating its guidance on masking and letter and 95 masks versus cloth mask. and there under fire tonight for not releasing data. by if they are being caused by a covid or somebody who dies with covid. omicron surges. we will head to georgia to discuss voting rights. the filibuster in an effort to push through an overhaul. we begin tonight with the cdc taking heat from both sides of the political aisle. kevin corke has that story tonight. >> happy monday, my friend. this time there under fire for inadequate the -- isolation, quarantine and most recently on testing, it's availability and wind delivery might happen, who needs it and went and who ends up paying for the test when they are picked up by consumers. many of the barbs are coming from people inside and outside the administration, as well as on the political right and left. >> the white house says insurance companies will be required to cover eight over-the-counter test per person each month beginning saturday, expanding access to highly sought after kids as americans continue to grapple with cases. all 500 million cats will not arrive at the same time. they will be delivered in batches over the next months. the u.s. postal service will handle fulfillment and shipment of the test right to americans doorsteps. still there is rising frustration of what many perceive as the administrations model messaging. >> before you took this job officially, one of your primary goals was to restore public trust. but in this time you think that it's fair to say that the trust and confidence of the public has gone down with the cdc? >> you know, this is hard. we have ever evolving science with an ever evolving. my job is to provide updated guidance in the context of rapidly rising cases. >> other than president biden himself, dr. walensky has faced the brunt of criticism over the missteps. consistency over isolation, quarantine, testing guidance, and uneven performances and interviews like this one on fox news on sunday. >> do you know how many of the deaths in us are linked to covid are from covid or how many are with covid but they had other morbidities. you had that break down? >> of course, with omicron we are following that carefully. our depth registry takes a few weeks to collect and omicron has just been with us for a few weeks but the data will be forthcoming. >> she seemed to suggest an interview that over 75% of people who died from the virus had at least four -- calling it really encouraging news in the context of omicron. in prepared remarks shared ahead of tuesday's senate hearing with walensky, patty murray vented. people back in washington state and across the country are frustrated and worried about the course of this pandemic and its persistent challenges like how hard it is to get a test. have also heard from people who found the communication about new isolation and quarantine guidance confusing and frustrating. as you probably have heard by now, walensky and dr. fauci will testify on the hill tomorrow. we will have live coverage, which should make a very interesting day on capitol hill. >> shannon: can you eat popcorn for breakfast? it's going to be a very interesting hearing to watch. kevin, the white house today declined to address the false claims that over 100,000 children in us are in serious condition because of covid and many are ventilators. it does not look like we will get any kind of statement from her. >> it is one of those circumstances where you have to know if you're going to throw out a number and that justice faced a lot of criticism i thought she said. she claimed that over 100,000 children for seriously ill with covid-19 and many run ventilators, which is not true. only a few thousand kids have actually been hospitalized with either confirm or expected covid-19 and some are still awaiting lab results. as you probably saw over the weekend about the discrepancy and truth be told, this is why we have not heard from the white house. she tried to tiptoe around the air by the justice but she said the real number is around 3500 and nowhere near the 100,000 number quoted by justice sotomayor. >> >> shannon: we don't know how many of those kids -- we wish them speedy recoveries. nobody wants their baby in the hospital. we've got things to discuss. >> a fun segment about who is moving where in the country. >> shannon: very illuminating numbers. thank you, kevin. >> so students in the chicago public school system are going to be going back to classes on wednesday after an agreement was reached with the chief -- teachers union. it's going to have a plan for testing and a plan to close schools of their outbreaks. the teachers kept 340,000 kids out of school for a week and this action began with the union vote to reinstate virtual instruction. that is what the union wanted. the safety particles for the school are now included in the steal. the situation created tensions between parents and teachers. >> that is not an answer. [indiscernible] >> they are basically using our children as a pawn. our kids have been pond since the beginning of this pandemic starting to break years ago. we want them back in the classroom where they belong. teaching our children. >> there are alarming reports night about the psychological damage being caused our nations children by schools closure some isolation triggered by the pandemic. julia turner has that part of the story tonight. >> major medical associations including the american academy of pediatrics have declared a national state of emergency if children -- for children present mental health caused by covid. depression among children fighting schools closures and isolation as the primary culprit . >> they will have a little bit of ptsd having to sit in front of a computer for 6.5 hours a day. >> one mother says her sons behavior change dramatically during the month of his school shut down. >> he was failing. he fell into depression. you can see his anxiety was bubbling over. >> a mother to her nine-year-old son described a similar pattern of withdrawing. >> he would have family meltdowns, daily grind. >> adolescence are rising sharply most acutely among 17 -year-old girls. 51% since the start of the pandemic of that boys are not immune. >> [indiscernible] he was nine. >> child psychologist they've not uncommon for children to feel intense negative emotions when they are separated from their peers. >> this is where they learn about where their identity has. >> that crying and disruptive behavior and increase violence among adolescents are signs to which parents should pay close attention. now the cdc is also reported a dramatic rise in adolescent visits and mental health crises. if your child needs help, you can call for the prevention hotline at 82738255. shannon. >> thank you very much. such important information to consider. with all this computing guidance coming out of the cdc, now some in the mainstream media are calling out the agency for losing the public's truss. >> i'm concerned about this new cdc guidance. i know that the science is evolving and that our knowledge is evolving, but now the cdc is saying after five days of being infected you don't have to test negative but you have to go out and you can go back to work and wear a mask. i don't believe that. >> the cdc has turned into a punch line. it's so sad but it's true. the cdc has turned into a punch line. >> of 40% in some hospitals with covert don't have problematic covid. there it because they got in a car accident. they are there because they bumped their head and they are being included as in the hospital with covid. that number seems misleading. >> let's bring in dr. marty makary. i want to start with you because we've heard so much of the last 48 hours or so primarily from the cdc. that has raised eyebrows. dr. walensky and meeting that vaccines are working ball but that what they can't do is prevent transmission. we were hearing that from pharmaceutical companies as well whether depth is with or from covid, we get the numbers on the cdc says we are working on it. there's all kinds of things changing the recommendation -- recommendations on mask. people are confused and angry. >> one of the problems is we developed a tremendous dependency on the cdc to adjudicate on every aspect of american life and we have lost sight of the fact that most of what they say is just advisory. they would recommend nobody eat red meat. so when you have this incredible dependency, everybody is blaming the cdc for the guidance being complicated but the bigger question is why are we quarantining immune people at all. these big questions are lost because of this tremendous dependency. >> they also say not eat raw cookie dough but i'm not complying with that regulation. we try to get information seriously from groups like this. you have been fighting for information from the fda. we were told that it was going to take forever to get the information they used to consider the efficacy and safety but you've been engage in a legal fight. here's what the washington examiner said. rather than producing 500 pages a month, they ordered the agency to turn over 55,000 pages a month. that means all the fiserv vaccine data should be public by the end of september rather than the year 2097, the deadline that the fda wanted. do you feel confident the you're going to get this information and why wouldn't have been okay for all of us to break till 2097 >> it wasn't okay. it was never okay. they promised transparency but a it came to the vaccine. the fact that it wanted to wake 75 years to fully produce that they'd it is troubling. the judge agreed it should be produced this year so that independent sides are free of fda influence can we do the -- review that data. and we are confident that the fda will comply with the judges order and and produce those documents as demanded. >> we are all awaiting a decision from the supreme court on two vaccine mandates from the federal level. in the meantime an opinion piece by couple of -- one is somebody who won a nobel prize and the others a constitutional scholar. they say it would be a brush legally and contrary to the public interest for the government to mandate vaccines after evidence that the -- yet that is exactly what is happening here. the cdc has admitted it is not going to stop infection or transmission and the hope that is it stops hospitalization. the mandates are about stopping transmission. how can they stand? >> that's right. the calculus on mandates has changed entirely, not just because of dealing with a different virus, 95% of the cases, for example now, are believed to be with omicron but also the therapeutic is much different. we've heard from our public health officials right up until this week that if we get everyone vaccinated that will and the pandemic and just this week we heard from the cdc what the vaccine can't do anymore is stopped transmission. that is a key admission that changes the calculus on the wrist threshold. it really renders mandates obsolete. >> i know that you have a lot of claims, or your firm does, have people fighting exemptions. what is your sense of how that is going with employers and companies likes to you said that a change in the trend? >> general if we've been pretty successful in getting exemptions for employees in the workplace. the sepals rights act has pretty strong protections. in terms of whether or not there's going to be a change with how employers view those exemptions because of the cdc admission that the vaccine that the stop transmission, that remains to be seen with the omicron, of course, the cdc made that same admission with delta and we have made that point many times to employers when it comes to their statement, they don't have an ability to accommodate granting exemptions and they we say certainly they can because the vaccine to suspect transmission anyway. >> we will now wait to see what the court does. they've announced that it will render opinions on thursday. this has been fast tracked and employers and employees across the country are waiting themselves. great to have you with us. >> thanks, sharon. thank you, shannon. >> shannon: fans are fired up tonight. the tennis star may be allowed to play in the australian open after all following and monday legal victory over his vaccine exemption. the world number one player could still have another roadblock before tournament next week. we have the latest twist and turns and the so opera tonight. good evening. >> the judge in australia reinstated after pulling the tennis star was back give you the time to talk to his attorney during initial decision position selector fork mcknight confined to an immigration hotel , number one tennis player in the world was released at almost immediately have the court. take a look at this picture of djokovic wearing a shirt and he tweeted out the quarter after the judge's ruling. he wrote in part i'm pleased and grateful that the judge overturned my visa cancellation. despite all that is happen, i want to stay and try to compete. i remain focused on that. djokovic flew to austria and vaccinated under the assumption that he was exempt due to his recent recovery from covid-19. he could be deported that the immigration it -- issues of personal power of cancellation. this is all about politics. >> [indiscernible] he's fighting for the liberty of choice. [indiscernible] >> he will be free and he will play. >> of female check tennis player went through something nearly identical as djokovic. she used a medical exceptional after recovering from covid but was pulled after playing one match of the tournament. however, she has since left australia. >> i cannot say it's anger since this happened. you can even imagine that it's possible in the 21st century to have this happen in this country. >> she's like others hope that djokovic will be up to play. protester celebrated that the decision to release djokovic. the tennis star person brother credits putting pressure to reduce the decision. mcdowell called the story a circus and supports his rival being able to play. yesterday and open officially starts in less than a week beginning january 17. shana, stay tuned. that a lot of time. >> shannon: so much can happen . thank you. at least 17 people are dead, including eight children, as a result of an apartment fire in the bronx. officials i am malfunctioning space heater sparked a deadly blaze and that smoke inhalation likely killed most of the victims. investigators want to know why safety doors didn't operate properly after the fire broke out. people are still in critical condition tonight. the championship game -- takes on alabama 33-18. coming from behind three times in putting up 20 points in the fourth quarter two take down the crimson tide. the process georgia likes of its first national title since 1980. snow day gone very wrong. one man jumped into action to save his friend's life. what kind of animals used to be on this -- your eyes may be deceiving you. stay tuned for our viral videos next. ow! i'm ok! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ only in theaters december 17th. your plain aspirin could be hurting your stomach. vazalore... is the first liquid-filled aspirin capsule clinically shown to cause fewer ulcers than plain aspirin. try new vazalore. aspirin made amazing! lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive to dairy. so anyone who says lactaid isn't real milk is also saying mabel here isn't a real cow. and she really hates that. and there you have it. woah. mabel here isn't a real cow. wireless on the most reliable network nationwide. wow. big deal. we get unlimited for just 30 bucks. sweet, but mine has 5g included. relax people. my wireless is crushing it. that's because you all have xfinity mobile with your internet. it's wireless so good, it keeps one-upping itself. take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. >> shannon: dramatic video of a daring rescue. the lapd is saving a pilot who made an emergency landing on over a protracted the officer being praised for quickly pulling that meant the safety seconds before a train plowed into his airplane. it is amazing stuff. the pilot was the only person on board and he is in stable condition and without those guys he would not have made it. you will not leave your eyes on this one. doing a double take after spying this animal from their balcony. it appears to be a dog and when i cut does a dock get up here stick around. it is actually a cat. no,, it is a cat. a chilly looking site from lake michigan where waves have ice pancakes. this is in st. joseph, michigan. pancakes are a rare phenomenon. i'm a poor girl and i'm freezing looking at the video. and another amazing a rescue. a wyoming man said he's incredibly thankful to be alive after his friend saved him from an avalanche. they're all still appealing in this whole thing was caught on camera by the other guy that shows him jumping on a snowmobile and taking out his friend. it is breathtaking to watch this his friend is fighting for breath and he gets his helmet off and they are okay, both of them. amazing. he is going to own for life. this capture fight at drone in the colors of that sky, i'm more of a sunset kind of gal but nicely done beautifully capturing these photos. if you've any videos that should go viral, hit us up on shannon bream or fox news "fox news at night" social media. >> some shoppers out there purporting bare shelves that that their market. supply chain issues of getting worse driven by winter weather distribution loads. the taking a closer look at this growing problem tonight. pd pink, laura. >> some say it's beginning to feel a lot like the beginning of the pandemic with store shelves wiped out and all eyes on the supply chain. many wondering how this is all going to play out in the new year. as photos of empty store shelves make the rounds on social media, so that is the hashtag they are shelves biden. it's been his has take over the last several days. people sharing frustration that they're not able to find what they're looking for. each individual short story being shared on social. we know that the holidays put a strain on the already troubled supply chain on top of fire. >> related stabbings shortages and bad weather and delivery of goods. according to some shoppers hard-to-find items include meat, produce, and dairy, and in the park to keep up with demand, some grocery stores are reportedly stocking shelves with off brands to avoid having empty shelves. while frustrated shoppers and some of the media are hounding on the president of the problem, the pipe and ministration says that the supply chains are actually operating at record levels. last week the white house supply chain task force work to answer some questions about what is going on. >> when bottlenecks in the global supply chains, it can take more time for goods to reach store shelves and it can lead to price increases. that is why the president has taken such aggressive action to alleviate these blockages and we've seen significant process -- progress. there is one thing that people are starting to see again, those store shelves with on-demand items. shannon. >> thank you very much, laura. kevin is back to talk about were americans are moving to win from >> a lot of americans, frankly, frustrated by the fire. >> lockdowns and rising housing costs and let's just put it out there. millions of taken the roads to find a new place to live in according to data which has been compiled by you hope growth index, a lot of movers are going to the lone star state of texas. texas, florida number two, by the way. tennessee. not tennessee. south carolina and arizona get the top five ad indiana, colorado, maine, idaho, and new mexico. so where are people saying i'm out of here. california, illinois led by chicago. that city is emptying out. is losing a lot of people did pennsylvania. that's a bit of a surprise. massachusetts, or as some people like to call at taxachusetts. >> how about you. if you're going to leave this area, where with you go? >> shannon: i would go home to florida. my heart is always there. there's sunshine they are. but the good reasons to go. what about you? >> i love florida having lived there. i lived in miami. i would put back to florida in a heartbeat. up to florida, i'm fascinated by tennessee. i think it's a lot of fun down there. great food. that would be my second choice. i think that i would join you in the sunshine state. >> shannon: they are income tax free and they have amazing people. we are taking some road trips. >> let's do it. >> shannon: aussie you for some could do that a minute. >> that got when you are going to love. i'll see you later. >> shannon: are democrats about the flop the filibuster in order to do an election law overhaul. the latest twist in that fight next. felite story? >> vo: my car is more than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. must pass legislation to protect people's right to go. >> what he wants to do would not protect our democracy or our system of government. it would destroy a key feature of american government forever. senators on both sides know it. >> shannon: senate leaders are odds as democrats may take to alter the filibuster proof in an effort to pass massive changes to election laws without a single republican vote. president biden by and vice president harris had to georgia to make their case. host of the straight shot and political strategist, great to have you back. >> always glad to be here. thanks, shannon. >> shannon: so a number of these groups that that have been working on that group down to georgia, they're not excited about the top leader coming in. they set the help i don't come to atlanta without an actual plan to pass the law. the statement for the voting rights groups said they will reject any visit by president biden that does not include an announcement about finalize voting rights plan that will passed both chambers not being stop at the filibuster and being signed into law. anything less is insufficient. they're sending this message liquid giving a speech is an prominent -- promising as things. they don't think this is getting it done. they think this is crying wolf. >> i'm quite proud of the coalition that decided to use my phrase straight shot no chaser because after the last two years , they are just at a point and when i say two years and talking about not just the first year that president biden was in office, but all of the year prior when he was being -- when he was going the process of being elected, making these promises to be the leader. he had flat out slapped them in the face. so they are at a point where they have to be honest because it is so obvious to the voters that the promises have not been made. and i tell people this all the time and say, well, he shouldn't be going this market and alabaster and we don't believe that they should remove the filibuster. the bottom line is those that elected president biden in this ministration, he made this promise. he talked about this on the campaign trail and he has failed in this and so many other things . so the issue to clear statement that says stay home and don't come to atlanta. stay in dc and get them under joe manchin's thumb. of course they didn't say that part. but clearly it's a problem. they want to see results. what can they do to get them on board, such as start organizing to make sure that mentioned loses his seat. start taking away committee assignments. reduce the power that he has the consequences and repercussions. >> shannon: you know that he is wildly popular in west virginia and he said i can explain it to people when i go home that i can't vote for it. they say the legislative filibuster has often frustrated our policy -- and is a time it didn't work for them. we support as of the straight of the political passions of the moment. but it democratic breaking of the legislation, -- and regrading any number of billing programs. democrats have bemoaned in the past getting rid of the filibuster. could you come back haunt them? >> not even a matter of haunting them. what's going to haunt them is losing and being slaughtered in 2022. but you have restrictive voting bills on the ballot right now, that hurts people getting to the vote. in addition to fat, both oppression of what people not feeling motivated to vote because this administration has not passed but they said they would pass. this is not a republican thing. is not about joe manchin explaining it to his hometown. it's about joe biden explaining it to the people that put him in office, particularly the black community, the same guy that said if you don't bow for me, you're not black. if he does not do what black voters are asking him to do, then black voters cannot sound they stand for him again and support his efficient to have. so it's quite clear that this is about joe biden explaining, not joe manchin explaining. >> shannon: weevil track that visit tomorrow and have full coverage. thank you always for joining us. good to see you. >> thank you. >> shannon: new york real estate heir robert ayres has died at the age of 78. he was serving a life sentence for killing his best friend and 2000. his lawyer said he died from natural causes due to a number of ailments in a state prison hospital facility in stockton, california. was also going to face trial in new york for the killing of his wife who disappeared in 1982. >> we have unresponsive guests that's not breathing and no balls. >> shannon: authorities in south florida investigating the depth of actor and comedian bob saget, found unresponsive in it and orlando hotel room sunday. we have the latest tonight. >> i'm stoked, whatever that means. >> millions of americans grew up watching bob saget on tv. the standup comedian at heart, he was best known as an erotic but lovable dad on the show full house. apparently dying in his own hotel room in orlando. >> we don't have too many people in hollywood these days that bring everybody together, and i hope that is what bob's legacy will be. >> according to the orange county sheriffs office, they received call about unresponsive man and found him dead inside his room sunday at the ritz-carlton. they found no signs of foul play or drug use. the medical examiner purports his left arm was across his chest had no signs of trauma received. he was in florida as part of his i don't do negative, detour, seeming extremely happy. in his lance instagram post he wrote i'm backing, he like i was when i wouldn't -- when i was 26 but i'm loving every moment of it. >> in los angeles they paid tribute to saget as well including a standing ovation in his memory. a comedian but americo really knew him as a tv star. aside from paul house, he also host hosted the wild popular america's home that videos for ten years. he was also the narrator on the show how i met your mother. he leaves behind his wife, kelly rizzo, and three daughters from a previous marriage. family members are devastated and inviting everyone to remember the love and laughter that bob brought to the world. the medical examiner's office will determine the cause of depth likely in about ten weeks. the former costars of saget including john stay most said the and the olsen twins all expressing devastation today at the loss of their friend. bob saget was 65. >> thank you very much. our condolences to the saget family. all of his loved ones and those who loved him. it was a easy decision -- clearchoice. [ awada ] the health of our teeth plays a significant role in our overall health. chantell was suffering, and we had to put an end to that. the absolute best way to do that was through dental implants. [ chantell ] clearchoice dental implants changed everything. my digestive health is much better now. i feel more energetic. the person that i've always been has shown up to the party again. >> shannon: time now for night court. the department of labor enjoying and and of employment that went viral last year. you may remember this. a wheelbarrow load up with about 100,000 pennies. his former employer made the delivery after he complained complained to department of labor yet that got in his final paycheck for $915. that georgia auto repair shop or he had worked. from the owners argued that the payment was made with legal tender, the labor department argues this was retaliation against former employee and that is a potential violation of labor laws. we have robert patel and president and general counsel david gibbs. great to see you here i'm going to start a pot with exhibit a. this is with the complaint. within hours of complaining about not getting his last paycheck, they decided to pay him and pennies. defended walker said hockey make this time realize what a disgusting example of a human being's. i've got plenty of pennies. out use them. he's as of march 12, 2021, left the pennies on his driveway. defend is a copy of this paycheck with an expletive written on the outside. >> they are clearly for tell you a big to the complaining witness in this case. they had nine hours of work to clear this from the yard. they had to be coiled up and put in the bank as legal tender. they meant to retaliate against this individual and that is not protected by federal law. >> shannon: exhibit b, this is the former employer. he posted online and this was taken down. he says that us department of labor approved the payment. we specifically asked if we could pay them in cash of any denomination and us department of later -- labors labor stated on record they did not care how he paid him. there were -- that is a lot more than we were legally obligated to give him. >> shannon, first of all the weight they get it was ridiculous. these are oily coins dunked in a yard. they did pay him, he determined that the department of labor has a wide range of authority that they can look at. they can make sure that an hour spoke worked at overtime was paid. of what occurred here plus an employer instead of being smart and paying the employee exactly what it was open to hadn't opened up a whole investigation that of us have turned into a $40,000 nightmare. so looking at this the retaliation was one factor, but they're also looking at the hours, the record-keeping, and they have open themselves up. this is kind of like getting in an argument with an irs agent that is investigating or auditing you. things never go well when you go that direction. >> the department of labor exhibit c says that deficient determined that the employer violated the overtime provisions , paying them straight time for all their hours work and all kinds of other things. they say it went beyond this penny prank. >> the point is that at the end of the day everything has an actual value. if you were able to about this imply to pay in or the pennies -- i dunked three tons of horse excrement on your yard. >> i don't ever want to work for robert. i'm scared of how he might try to pay me. i don't know if there is any value to that. >> you have to accept to that is why the department of labor is stopping them from doing it. >> shannon: we are going to leave it there and track the cases see which one of you comes on top. this is going all the way. thank you both. happy new year. >> always fun to be on night court. >> shannon: good news before say good night. a man's best friend reunited with the rotors after missing for three years. after getting loose daisy took off on a thousand mile plus journey and finally ended up in indiana, found in a porch were the homeowners took her to the vet to see if she was microchips she was in that led to her owners. they were thrilled when they got back call that their puppy had been found. they groped indiana to take daisy back home. how was she surviving that whole time? >> that's amazing. a lot of people helped along the way. is not every day to get the celebrate someone who turns 106. we want to celebrate with dorothy. she's a south philadelphia native and turned 106 on friday. she has a great, great grandmother to one and a great grandmother 109. her secret is serving the lord and her love of big macs. happy birthday, dorothy. you deserve the very best. >> jesus and big macs. i can do that. >> i love it. >> shannon: thank you. that is a fabulous story. good to see you, kevin. we want back here tomorrow night .er so we only pay for what we need. -hey tex, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> woman: what's my safelite story? only pay for what you need. >> vo: my car is more than four wheels. it's my after-work decompression zone. so when my windshield broke... >> woman: what?! >> vo: ...i searched for someone who really knew my car. i found the experts at safelite autoglass. with their exclusive technology, they fixed my windshield... then recalibrated the camera attached to my glass so my safety systems still work. who knew that was a thing?! >> woman: safelite has service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ at university of phoenix, we have scholarships for everyone hard at work, no matter where you work. get up to a $3,000 scholarship, starting with your first course. explore your opportunities at your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit do you struggle to fall asleep and stay asleep? 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