Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

does not want to see schools closed across the country. >> martha: what will he put behind those questions is the question. the american academy of pediatrics and three large health agencies have declared a national state of emergency in the united states stating this: we're caring for young people with soaring rates of depression and anxiety, trauma, loneliness and suicidality that will have lasting impacts on them. long after the pandemic is over, folks. $122 billion has gone to schools to provide money for mitigation measures, testing, where did that money go and safety. the focus on the white house, from the white house and the cdc has clearly been on vaccines. what about this other huge national emergency health issue facing this country. these parents lost their children to suicide during the pandemic. they know the heart breaking damage first half. >> the after-school activities like sports that was his community. that's what kept him involved. >> and that was gone. >> had covid not happened or our country's response to covid had been better, that he would still be alive today. >> gillian turner has more for us. hi, gillian. >> hi, martha. experts say grief and anxiety children have endured as a result of the closures and forced isolation is now boiling over. one mother says her high school er behavior changed dramatically. >> he was failing. he fell into a deep depression. there was not a lot of communication between us. he was wandering, pacing, almost -- it was not a good thing. you could see the anxiety was all over. >> a mother of 9-year-old described a similar pattern of withdrawing and lashing out. >> he doesn't want to go outside, doesn't want to talk to anybody. he just isolates himself. we're still working on his combative behavior. he has daily meltdowns, daily breakdowns, screaming, crying. >> suicide attempts among adolescents are rising sharply, most acutely girls. boys are not immune. >> looked at me in my face and he said i'm afraid to fall asleep so i can kill myself. he was 9. >> child psychologists say it's normal for children to have tense negative emotions when they're separated from their peers. >> despite their development, they want to be with people their age. they wonder what their identity is. they engage, they learn about themselves. >> experts tell us a lot of parents report crying and disruptive behavior can kids and increased violence with added a -- adolescents. you can call the suicide prevention hot line with the number on the screen. martha? >> martha: dr. jeffery is here with us, associate professor from toro college here in new york city. good to have you on, doctor. i guess the question becomes when you look at the risk benefit, we have schools shut down and some schools going remote and balance that against what -- that is the threat of covid. the other side, you have the threat of isolation and mental illness. how do those weigh for you? what is more important at this point? >> there's no easy answer to that, martha. we want our kids to be safe. we also know through the pandemic we've seen that our children have lost an average of five months in mathematics and four months with regard to reading. those numbers are even higher in impoverished parts of the various cities of america. so certainly it's a very difficult decision and why many schools are saying yes, we must do this in a more hybrid fashion. if we close, we do it temporarily and try to get the kids back as quickly as possible. again, the health of the children, the safety of the children is what is most important. >> martha: they need socialization and time together. we need therapy programs in schools. one of the things that you just touched on in the loss of learning, that increases anxiety in kids. when they're nervous that they're left behind or that they're going to get in school and they're not going to be able to keep up. here's -- students that scored proficient and above over 2021, that proficiency level in math fell by 14.2%. in reading language arts by 6.3%. those are big drops. so my question is, for teachers across the country, if your students are not meeting the proficiency level, shouldn't we consider holding them back so that they have time to catch up and then advance to the next grade when they're ready? >> i think many teachers and school administrators have talked about that. i think the alternative, what they found is perhaps to have summer glasses, perhaps to have classes outdoors. hoping that perhaps there will be less of a spread of covid during the warmer months. that is very important. but you bring up also very -- incredibly important point. that in seeing those drops in scores, we're also seeing that high schoolers now are tending to more likely drop out of school and as well many students that thought about college now are so disillusioned by feeling that they have lost so much in school, lost that school spirit, they're not even thinking about college at this point. so this is a major issue. it is a state of emergency with regard to the mental health of our children and this is something that we now have to give all of our resources towards. >> martha: so what would you say to the department of education? they've been quiet on this issue of making sure that kids are proficient before they move on or making sure that we work now. it's january on a summer school program for this summer. why aren't we hearing specifics about that? as a psychologist, what would you say to the department of education on what they could do? >> we have to bring in academic programs to help children to catch up and then after that, staying proficient in these grades. also as part of that, martha, they have to look at bringing in mental health services and integrating them every single day in to the programs that these kids have. it's not just the laws and academics as you pointed out but also the loss of the social skills that you address. schools are not just about reading, writing and arithmetic. they're about finding a safe place to find who they are and be able to develop their personalities and individualization. much of that has been lost. so the department of education and schools across the country are really having to look at the mental health component being combined with the academic component. >> martha: we can all say that that's what they need to do. that message needs to come from the top. we need a national program, catch up our kids academically that leads to more confidence that helps them with the social side as well. we need to have a national program to catch up our kids. i don't know if there's a better name for it than that. i'd love to hear about it from the department of education to hear their plan. thanks, jeffery. thanks very much for being here today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so a story exclusive with the attorney taking on the chicago teacher's union alleging that a strike is not only harmful to kids and to the obligation of educating them but he says it's illegal based on their contracts. that's next. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. veteran homeowners, newday's rates have dropped again. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, it's time to refinance. newday's low rate refi offers their lowest rate in history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year and there are no upfront costs. not one dollar. the newday low rate refi. take advantage of these record low rates so you and your family can save. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> martha: how about this? parents in chicago are launching a lawsuit against the teacher's union accusing them of holding an illegal strike. the union voted to switch to remote learning last week, cancel school. it's now gone into the fourth day. we're in the second week of school cancellations. i'm going to speak with a lawyer for the parents that are suing. first, garrett tenney is live with more. hi, garrett. >> hi, martha. so seven parents filed this lawsuit against the teacher's union to get the courts to force teachers back into the classroom. the lawsuit claims the teachers are carrying out an illegal strike by refusing to show up to their classrooms to teach in-person as the district has mandated. it states that parents of children of cps students will be harmed because the children will be denied schooling and forced to arrange child care because their children are unable to attend school. earlier today, our photographers caught that frustration on camera when several teachers were outside a high school protesting the safety measures. a woman pulled up to give them a piece of their mind. >> shame on you. this is not an answer. we all have to work. stop treating our children this way. >> i care about your children. >> this weekend, mayor lori lightfoot says outrage from the parents is her best stance. she refused the teachers to let them back in the classroom but compromising to make a deal. >> we don't like bullying. we don't like tyrants. we're not going to be bullied or pushed into a corner. we're asking for basic common sense safety measures. >> to be clear, the union wants their teachers back in the classroom. they don't want students there until the number of cases have gone down or get a deal that includes more robust testing. more that? >> martha: thanks, garrett. let's bring? jeffery shaub. thanks for being here. $5 billion went to the state of illinois for common sense safety measures that we just heard the union talking about. let's play this parent. this is a chicago parent on the said of the teacher's union and then we'll get your response. >> i have a kindergarten and a first grader, first grader does not attend school. medical reasons. so it's been 2019 since covid started. it's been a hard situation. my 5-year-old, she's the one that goes in-person. i do not think it's the safest place to send her. i think students should be virtual. >> martha: that's both sides of the story from our reporter, garrett tenney and that woman you just heard from. what do you say? >> in this case, we filed a lawsuit because the ctu has unilaterally decided for all 340,000 kids in chicago that they can't go to school. so what we're saying is you don't have that option. let the people decide, let the parents have the input, let teachers have input and let the school district decide how they want to handle it. the schools can decide on an individual basis. parents can decide on an individual basis. the union can't decide for everybody. >> martha: who is the boss here? they're saying we're not striking. we just won't go to work. lori lightfoot, the mayor says, you can be fired if you don't show up. who will actually push that when push comes to shove? who will take it to that level? >> that's why we filed this lawsuit. the law and the contract are clear that the union can't go on strike. the problem is that nobody is enforcing the law or the contract against the union. so that's why our parents are seven parents of cps kids have stepped up and they have said enough is enough. the last 1 1/2 years, the union has threatened the strike or engaged in strikes and now they're doing it again. they're keeping kids out of school. they're deciding for everybody what they want without parent input, without student input. >> martha: is there any indication from the mayor that she will follow-through and fire these teachers for not showing up at work? >> no. cps and the mayor have had plenty of opportunities to stop the mayor from engaging in this illegal strike tactic. that's why we filed the lawsuit. >> martha: i looked this up. the teachers have to have 176 days of teaching. is part of this negotiation and discussion, they now lost four of those. when do they plan to make them up and will they be held to that? that's what these students, the promise that we make to these students, 176 days of education. >> yes. i hope that they will have to make these days up. in the meantime, the kids are at home and they're not learning. they've been at home nor the two-week break. that's been basically extended for another week. they need to be back in school. as your last segment shows, they need to see the friends and socialize and be with other kids. they're not getting the opportunity because ctu has taken the law in their own hands. >> martha: i don't understand how this happens. in most cases, if you don't show up for your job over a certain period of time, you get fired. so everybody watches this. they know the rules that apply for the rest of the country. they don't understand what's going on. people say they hope that they make up the days, but you know, either they have to get 176 days of education or they don't. so much wiggle room and the students are getting hurt like that woman yelling at the people on the side of the street expressed. we'll follow this case. thanks, jeffery. good to have you here. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so activist ahmadinejad will tell us about more in afghanistan on the crackdown of women. and attorney brian claypool will join us news. more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. ♪♪ because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. only eggland's best. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> there's fewer than 3,500 current pediatric hospitalizations from covid-19. is that true? >> yeah. >> it's roughly 3,500 in hospitals >> yes. >> martha: yes. bret baier trying to clear things up with the cdc director because of what justice sotomayor said. we're waiting on the supreme court's decision about workers and employees that have to get vaccinated or wear masks. a testing requirement for the unvaccinated set to kick in next month. here's what justice sotomayor said about the covid cases in the u.s. and children getting sick. watch this. >> we have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. we have over 100,000 children which we have never had before in serious condition. many on ventilators. >> martha: not true. the number is 3,500. that's on the high side according to the numbers that we looked at. let's bring in karl rove, co-founder of american crossroads and a fox news contributor. karl, the question i put to a couple of supreme court experts, is she required to make a clarification? make a correction on this? this is part of the supreme court record and people heard it and it's completely false. >> yeah, she would be well-advised to do so in whatever opinion she renders on his case. her credibility is tattered today. not only are there 3,500 children in the hospital but the number of those on ventilators, the cdc had suggested dr. walensky that there might be zero on ventilators. she's not aware of any that are. >> martha: that's right. that is problematic. the other thing that is propmatic when you look at this case and companies are watching this closely, there's a piece in the "wall street journal." omicron bakes biden's mandates obsolete. it's interesting. it's put out by the doctor that discovers hiv. you know, it says one preparent study found that after three 0 days, the moderna and pfizer vaccines no longer had a positive effect against omicron. after 90 days, it went negative. for example, vaccinated people were more susceptible to omicron infection based on data from denmark and canada, vaccinated people had higher rates of omicron infection than unvaccinated people. this is enough to make your head spin. the point of this, karl, is why are the justices ruling on a vaccine that really treats the earlier stages of covid when 95% of what people have now is omicron and we have no idea yet how powerful the vaccines that they're talking about mandating are against this omicron. >> you're right. the doctor also quoted the cdc itself that said we don't know if there's in efficacy of these current vaccines against omicron. the supreme court is dealing with two questions. the issue that the nobel prize winner in the constitutional scholar brought up, is it essential to curbing the pandemic. when you listen closely to the supreme court, they kept the -- the advocates of the mandates talked about jacobson versus massachusetts. the supreme court held that there was a right to refuse medical treatment could be overrused if it was necessary to spread -- to stop the spread of a contagious disease. this is one question. is it essential to curbing the pandemic. the point made in the journal article is we don't have any evidence that the current vaccines would do anything to stop it. here's the more fundamental question. in a case involving massachusetts in 1905, it involved the ability of the government, the right of an individual to refuse treatment. there's a more fundamental question that we discussed last week which is does the government have the legal authority to do this. where in statute was the intention or authority granted to the federal government to take this kind of an action? there was clearly a lot of skepticism on behalf of most of the members of the supreme court that the osha law passed in 1970 was intended for the far reaching power of the federal government. my suspicion is they're doing to strike down the osha mandate, where over 100 employees have to be vaccinated. they uphold the ruling of healthcare workers by the federal government to be vaccinated. >> martha: it's stunning. the you have a more liberal interpretation of what should happen under an emergency circumstance, you have to prove the remedy you're mandating to peoples that been scientifically proven to be effective. we don't have that here. it may be, but we don't have it yet. >> if fact, we have evidence to the contrary. there's 50 different variations in this latest omicron variant that don't -- that are a ways to get around the safety, the security provided by the vaccines. we know that for a fact. >> this is important. these are the facts as we have them. it's really important especially for the supreme court justices to be aware of what's going on with all of this and what the actual numbers are. karl, thank you. great to see you. karl rowe joining us this afternoon. also breaking, fox pressing the white house on a plan to distribute 50 million covid tests and whether by the time they arrive, omicron might be over. >> the president talked about a winter of severe illness and death. at the rate you're going, these won't be available until spring. will you admit that these free tests that you promised won't be ready until after the omicron surge? >> martha: we'll show you the answer to that question. dr. ben carson is standing by listening to this and he will weigh-in. the biden administration has been prioritizing race when it comes to covid therapies. does he think that is a fair and effective way to address the virus when we come back. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. >> martha: fox pressing the white house on how they're going to get free tests to americans during a surge of record cases. joining us now, dr. ben carson, but first, peter doocy. welcome back. >> good to be back. in a few minutes, a big admission in the white house briefing room. the white houses that not finalized the contracts for the 500 free tests -- 500 million free tests that they promised to send out to any america that wants them. >> the president is there on television talking about winter of severe illness and death. why he's saying that publicly, why are you not doing more to prepare for the winter? >> peter, everybody decides where they will get a test. we make a range of options available. you can purchase tests online. we'll have details on how 150 million americans that have health insurance can get reimbursed for tests. the 500 million tests, i noted and i gave you an update on the timeline, we'll have more later this week. >> an administration official revealed that january 15 is when americans will get reimbursed for tests. as she talked about americans deciding where they're going for tests, the cdc's guidance is that if you test positive or think you might have covid or think you might have been exposed, you're supposed to stay home for five days. so for a lot of americans receiving a test in the mail is the only way to go to see if they're sick. but that's not happening at least not the way the administration has promised for a few more weeks. martha? >> martha: thanks, peter doocy drilling down on the tests. dr. ben carson is now here with us, former secretary of the department of housing and urban development in the trump administration. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> martha: this omicron situation, people are waiting for tests. when is it going to level off and do you think the tests will arrive in time to serve that need? >> well, it's quite clear the tests won't arrive in time. maybe that's not a bad thing. you know, the more tests you have the more positive people you'll have. if you don't have a good plan for what you're going to do with those positive people, it adds more to the confusion. what we really need to be thinking about is what is exactly happening with this virus. it's clearly getting walker and more contagious which means it's going to spread widely throughout our entire society. what are we going to do about that? are we going to be afraid of it or are we going to hunker down and hide from it or use the knowledge that we have in order to live effectively with it. we have some very effective therapeutics. we need to be concentrating on early therapy, making it available for people. it should be the same kind of urgency that we had in terms of getting out the vaccine. that's what needs to happen. >> martha: i want to go back and ask you. are you suggesting that people shouldn't test and they shouldn't -- doesn't matter if they know they're positive or not by the first comment you made there? >> i'm saying that we need to be more measured and who we're testing. to just go out widely and test everybody when you have spread that is spreading this first and you don't have a plan to deal with it, all you're doing is adding to the confusion. yes, certainly people that are at risk, those are the people we should be saving the tests for. people who have to interface with a lot of people who perhaps have high risk, those are people that should be tested. let's not be just indiscriminately testing people and throwing up our hands when we have so many people that are positive and not knowing what to to with them. >> martha: it would be great if you could apply to receive a test based on the people you're exposing yourselves to or elderly members of the family or others for different reasons and target that population. it's an interesting idea. with regard to treatments, what do you think about the efforts to decide based on race what should be first in line for treatment? >> you know, i grew up -- i've been around long enough to remember going to tennessee when i was 6 years old. seeing the white and colored drinking fountains. seeing the dogs and the hoses being used on people. suffering all kinds of insults on the base of your race. the millions of people of all races that work so hard to get rid of discrimination. here we are trying to bring it back. it's unbelievable. truly is unbelievable. the fact of the matter is, yes, members of certain minority communities have higher incidents of diabetes and hypertension and other types of underlying conditions that increase their risks. but they have those anyway. you don't have to throw race into this. treat the people that need to be treated. probably a higher number of those individuals will be treated because they have a greater incidence of it. >> martha: yeah. if you target the conditions, not the color of people's skin, then you're serving everybody who needs to be served based on the conditions that they have and not the color of their skin. i guarantee you the virus doesn't look for people deciding whether -- >> martha: it's amazing that we're having those conversations. that's where we are. dr. carson, great to see you. thanks for coming by. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: so this is an interesting image, right? they're sawing the heads off of female mannequins at the request of the taliban. what is going on there? that's next. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. throughout history i've observed markets shaped orby the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> martha: so the taliban's latest target is mannequins. an afghan journalist says that militants were telling store owners to chop the heads off of all of the mannequins saying it's against islam to worship idols. the taliban also detaining a kabul university professor that confronted a senior official on live tv. journalist, activist masih alinejad is here with us. first, to trey yingst live. >> martha, good afternoon. life under taliban rules continues to deteriorate for the afghan people. shop owners were told to behead mannequins. all of this related to what some taliban members decided with a sinful idol representation. the ministry of vice and virtual issued a decree banning people from worshipping anyone or anything other than allah. mannequins were told to be removed first, but then settled on their heads. this is not representative of the muslim world but the newality for those speaking out in afghanistan. a law professor was taken in to custody inspector speaking out against afghanistan. a small baby that was separated from his parents during the evacuation process was reunited this week after he was found. he was in the custody basically of a taxi driver that picks him up from the airport. he was reunited with his family. >> martha: thanks. let's bring in masih alinejad, journalist and activist, author of "my fight for freedom in modern iran." welcome. good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: what is your reaction from what is happening and the beheading of these mannequins. what is the meaning of this and what does this tell us about the bigger picture? >> from the first time when i saw the video of the shop owners beheading all of the female man can its, it took me to my country, iran. so we, the people of afghanistan and iran, we share the pain. we experienced this. i have to say that yes, you see the mannequins are being beheaded. in reality in afghanistan and iran under sharia law, if you don't want to be a muslim, if you criticize the law, the crime of whats -- blashmeyy, you be will beheaded women of afghanistan are taking to the streets. they are calling the rest of the world to hear their voices al well. >> martha: you have dedicated your life to making people aware of the oppression that happens in iran and pointing out what is halving in afghanistan because of the taliban. john androstic posted a video on youtube against the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan and the atrocities. it got pulled down from youtube. he did an interview with dana perino earlier today. here's what he said. >> it's abandoning our allies, our citizens a political message? no. it's a moral message. what about the women's rights? lesbians and gays afghans are being hunted. children are being sold for food. where are all these people that like to stand on their soap box and preach to us about moral compassion. >> martha: yeah, where are they in this country? where are the people that fight for the freedoms and why are they not more outraged about what is happening in your country and other places? >> to be honest, it's very hard breaking. i call it like this is a betrayal. not only from the biden administration, it is a betrayal for all of those politicians around the world that are witnessing how people are being beheaded in afghanistan. how people are getting shot in iran. how people are suffering from having basic freedom, but at the same time like the whole world abandoning them. martha, i'm in too much with a light of women in afghanistan. they're really angry with the american government. they cannot believe overnight all of their rights have been taken away and now nobody is not talking about the women, all of those young girls being banned from going to school. can you believe that? in 21st century and people are only like just asking for their rights and being a ban donned by the world. >> martha: i remember bring back our girls, the nigerian girls were abducted. there was a national outcry. where is that? people don't want to look because because it's not too comfortable. i have to leave it there, masih. we'll talk more later. we'll do a podcast. thank you for having me. >> thank you. >> martha: absolutely. alec baldwin's new rant after he reports -- after there were reports that he refused to cooperate in the investigation of halyna hutchins death. we'll show you what he said next. >> can't just go through your phone and take your photos or your love letters to your wife or what have you. i don't know. their only friend? the open road. i have friends. 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>> good to see you again. look out ringling brothers, a new circus in town. the new circus is the alec baldwin investigation. he's resisting a court order. a search warrant is a court order from a judge in new mexico. most people who are not celebrities wouldn't have fought with this. he's forcing them to issue a new search warrant. there's something deeper here. we is there no investigation from the suffolk county prosecution? why don't they have a new search issue to defeat this issue? why is it 3 1/2 weeks out? last point i want to make is, he said on the instagram video, looked like a commercial for splenda. he said on the video, oh, i want the truth. all the truth. if you really want the truth, dude, give up your phone like any other person in the united states would have to do so that we can get to the truth. >> martha: here's another part of that, in that instagram video. watch this. >> i've spoken to the sheriff's department multiple times. i don't have anything to hide. the facts as i have seen them is what i've stated on the report. >> martha: obviously that is not instagram. that is from the interview that he did with george stephanopoulos. he's been very forward in speaking out but clearly trying to control the narrative because he still hasn't turned over the phone. >> that's right, particular that. the optics important alec baldwin are awful. you're right. he's been trying to create a script from day one, right? he gives the interview where he said he did pull the trigger. he said i didn't really pull the trigger and now the police want the third interview. what's on the phone? that phone is the most critical piece of evidence other than the gun. he needs to give it up. >> martha: i can't understand what is taking so long. as you point out, we should look into the suffolk county a.g. office there and why they have not issued another warrant. thanks, brian. >> thank you. >> martha: what a horrific fire this was over the weekend. this firefighter rescuing a baby from the fire, the deadliest in 30 years in new york. 17 people were killed including 8 children. the numbers changed after this "new york post" went to press. some of them ran out of oxygen and they kept fighting through the inferno to save as many people as they could. investigators is a i it was a malfunctioning space heater that started that fire. we pray for those families involved. that's "the story" here in new york. i'll see you back here tomorrow. >> neil: all right. fox on top of two very big worries. soaring prices and omicron soaring cases. will we ever get a handle on either? welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." the surge with omicron is real. so far not very dangerous. but it is real. the surge in prices is real, too. but it is getting to be economically dangerous and it is spreading like wild fire as well. let's go to peter doocy at the

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Rest , Wiggle Room , The Street , Afghanistan , Activist Ahmadinejad , Brian Claypool , Women , News , Crackdown , Taste , Superior Nutrition , Anything , Customization , Dj , Only Eggland S Best , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Hospitalizations , 19 , 3500 , Hospitals , Director , Bret Baier , Supreme Court , Employees , Justice , Workers , Sotomayor , Masks , Testing Requirement , Set , Sick , Ventilators , Condition , Capacity , On Ventilators , 100000 , Karl Rove , Contributor , American Crossroads , Couple Of Supreme Court , Clarification , Correction , Credibility , Opinion , Walensky , Any , That S Right , Dr , Zero , Companies , Hiv , Wall Street Journal , Omicron Bakes Biden , Omicron , Omicron Infection , Effect , Example , Pfizer , Moderna , 90 , Justices , Head Spin , Canada , Denmark , Vaccine , Idea , Stages , Efficacy , Nobel Prize , It Essential , Scholar , Up , Advocates , Mandates , Winner , Treatment , Right , Overrused , Disease , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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does not want to see schools closed across the country. >> martha: what will he put behind those questions is the question. the american academy of pediatrics and three large health agencies have declared a national state of emergency in the united states stating this: we're caring for young people with soaring rates of depression and anxiety, trauma, loneliness and suicidality that will have lasting impacts on them. long after the pandemic is over, folks. $122 billion has gone to schools to provide money for mitigation measures, testing, where did that money go and safety. the focus on the white house, from the white house and the cdc has clearly been on vaccines. what about this other huge national emergency health issue facing this country. these parents lost their children to suicide during the pandemic. they know the heart breaking damage first half. >> the after-school activities like sports that was his community. that's what kept him involved. >> and that was gone. >> had covid not happened or our country's response to covid had been better, that he would still be alive today. >> gillian turner has more for us. hi, gillian. >> hi, martha. experts say grief and anxiety children have endured as a result of the closures and forced isolation is now boiling over. one mother says her high school er behavior changed dramatically. >> he was failing. he fell into a deep depression. there was not a lot of communication between us. he was wandering, pacing, almost -- it was not a good thing. you could see the anxiety was all over. >> a mother of 9-year-old described a similar pattern of withdrawing and lashing out. >> he doesn't want to go outside, doesn't want to talk to anybody. he just isolates himself. we're still working on his combative behavior. he has daily meltdowns, daily breakdowns, screaming, crying. >> suicide attempts among adolescents are rising sharply, most acutely girls. boys are not immune. >> looked at me in my face and he said i'm afraid to fall asleep so i can kill myself. he was 9. >> child psychologists say it's normal for children to have tense negative emotions when they're separated from their peers. >> despite their development, they want to be with people their age. they wonder what their identity is. they engage, they learn about themselves. >> experts tell us a lot of parents report crying and disruptive behavior can kids and increased violence with added a -- adolescents. you can call the suicide prevention hot line with the number on the screen. martha? >> martha: dr. jeffery is here with us, associate professor from toro college here in new york city. good to have you on, doctor. i guess the question becomes when you look at the risk benefit, we have schools shut down and some schools going remote and balance that against what -- that is the threat of covid. the other side, you have the threat of isolation and mental illness. how do those weigh for you? what is more important at this point? >> there's no easy answer to that, martha. we want our kids to be safe. we also know through the pandemic we've seen that our children have lost an average of five months in mathematics and four months with regard to reading. those numbers are even higher in impoverished parts of the various cities of america. so certainly it's a very difficult decision and why many schools are saying yes, we must do this in a more hybrid fashion. if we close, we do it temporarily and try to get the kids back as quickly as possible. again, the health of the children, the safety of the children is what is most important. >> martha: they need socialization and time together. we need therapy programs in schools. one of the things that you just touched on in the loss of learning, that increases anxiety in kids. when they're nervous that they're left behind or that they're going to get in school and they're not going to be able to keep up. here's -- students that scored proficient and above over 2021, that proficiency level in math fell by 14.2%. in reading language arts by 6.3%. those are big drops. so my question is, for teachers across the country, if your students are not meeting the proficiency level, shouldn't we consider holding them back so that they have time to catch up and then advance to the next grade when they're ready? >> i think many teachers and school administrators have talked about that. i think the alternative, what they found is perhaps to have summer glasses, perhaps to have classes outdoors. hoping that perhaps there will be less of a spread of covid during the warmer months. that is very important. but you bring up also very -- incredibly important point. that in seeing those drops in scores, we're also seeing that high schoolers now are tending to more likely drop out of school and as well many students that thought about college now are so disillusioned by feeling that they have lost so much in school, lost that school spirit, they're not even thinking about college at this point. so this is a major issue. it is a state of emergency with regard to the mental health of our children and this is something that we now have to give all of our resources towards. >> martha: so what would you say to the department of education? they've been quiet on this issue of making sure that kids are proficient before they move on or making sure that we work now. it's january on a summer school program for this summer. why aren't we hearing specifics about that? as a psychologist, what would you say to the department of education on what they could do? >> we have to bring in academic programs to help children to catch up and then after that, staying proficient in these grades. also as part of that, martha, they have to look at bringing in mental health services and integrating them every single day in to the programs that these kids have. it's not just the laws and academics as you pointed out but also the loss of the social skills that you address. schools are not just about reading, writing and arithmetic. they're about finding a safe place to find who they are and be able to develop their personalities and individualization. much of that has been lost. so the department of education and schools across the country are really having to look at the mental health component being combined with the academic component. >> martha: we can all say that that's what they need to do. that message needs to come from the top. we need a national program, catch up our kids academically that leads to more confidence that helps them with the social side as well. we need to have a national program to catch up our kids. i don't know if there's a better name for it than that. i'd love to hear about it from the department of education to hear their plan. thanks, jeffery. thanks very much for being here today. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so a story exclusive with the attorney taking on the chicago teacher's union alleging that a strike is not only harmful to kids and to the obligation of educating them but he says it's illegal based on their contracts. that's next. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at it's my woke-up-like-this migraine medicine. it's ubrelvy. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within 2 hours. don't take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. veteran homeowners, newday's rates have dropped again. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, it's time to refinance. newday's low rate refi offers their lowest rate in history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year and there are no upfront costs. not one dollar. the newday low rate refi. take advantage of these record low rates so you and your family can save. every day in business brings something new. so get the flexibility of the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> martha: how about this? parents in chicago are launching a lawsuit against the teacher's union accusing them of holding an illegal strike. the union voted to switch to remote learning last week, cancel school. it's now gone into the fourth day. we're in the second week of school cancellations. i'm going to speak with a lawyer for the parents that are suing. first, garrett tenney is live with more. hi, garrett. >> hi, martha. so seven parents filed this lawsuit against the teacher's union to get the courts to force teachers back into the classroom. the lawsuit claims the teachers are carrying out an illegal strike by refusing to show up to their classrooms to teach in-person as the district has mandated. it states that parents of children of cps students will be harmed because the children will be denied schooling and forced to arrange child care because their children are unable to attend school. earlier today, our photographers caught that frustration on camera when several teachers were outside a high school protesting the safety measures. a woman pulled up to give them a piece of their mind. >> shame on you. this is not an answer. we all have to work. stop treating our children this way. >> i care about your children. >> this weekend, mayor lori lightfoot says outrage from the parents is her best stance. she refused the teachers to let them back in the classroom but compromising to make a deal. >> we don't like bullying. we don't like tyrants. we're not going to be bullied or pushed into a corner. we're asking for basic common sense safety measures. >> to be clear, the union wants their teachers back in the classroom. they don't want students there until the number of cases have gone down or get a deal that includes more robust testing. more that? >> martha: thanks, garrett. let's bring? jeffery shaub. thanks for being here. $5 billion went to the state of illinois for common sense safety measures that we just heard the union talking about. let's play this parent. this is a chicago parent on the said of the teacher's union and then we'll get your response. >> i have a kindergarten and a first grader, first grader does not attend school. medical reasons. so it's been 2019 since covid started. it's been a hard situation. my 5-year-old, she's the one that goes in-person. i do not think it's the safest place to send her. i think students should be virtual. >> martha: that's both sides of the story from our reporter, garrett tenney and that woman you just heard from. what do you say? >> in this case, we filed a lawsuit because the ctu has unilaterally decided for all 340,000 kids in chicago that they can't go to school. so what we're saying is you don't have that option. let the people decide, let the parents have the input, let teachers have input and let the school district decide how they want to handle it. the schools can decide on an individual basis. parents can decide on an individual basis. the union can't decide for everybody. >> martha: who is the boss here? they're saying we're not striking. we just won't go to work. lori lightfoot, the mayor says, you can be fired if you don't show up. who will actually push that when push comes to shove? who will take it to that level? >> that's why we filed this lawsuit. the law and the contract are clear that the union can't go on strike. the problem is that nobody is enforcing the law or the contract against the union. so that's why our parents are seven parents of cps kids have stepped up and they have said enough is enough. the last 1 1/2 years, the union has threatened the strike or engaged in strikes and now they're doing it again. they're keeping kids out of school. they're deciding for everybody what they want without parent input, without student input. >> martha: is there any indication from the mayor that she will follow-through and fire these teachers for not showing up at work? >> no. cps and the mayor have had plenty of opportunities to stop the mayor from engaging in this illegal strike tactic. that's why we filed the lawsuit. >> martha: i looked this up. the teachers have to have 176 days of teaching. is part of this negotiation and discussion, they now lost four of those. when do they plan to make them up and will they be held to that? that's what these students, the promise that we make to these students, 176 days of education. >> yes. i hope that they will have to make these days up. in the meantime, the kids are at home and they're not learning. they've been at home nor the two-week break. that's been basically extended for another week. they need to be back in school. as your last segment shows, they need to see the friends and socialize and be with other kids. they're not getting the opportunity because ctu has taken the law in their own hands. >> martha: i don't understand how this happens. in most cases, if you don't show up for your job over a certain period of time, you get fired. so everybody watches this. they know the rules that apply for the rest of the country. they don't understand what's going on. people say they hope that they make up the days, but you know, either they have to get 176 days of education or they don't. so much wiggle room and the students are getting hurt like that woman yelling at the people on the side of the street expressed. we'll follow this case. thanks, jeffery. good to have you here. >> thank you, martha. >> martha: so activist ahmadinejad will tell us about more in afghanistan on the crackdown of women. and attorney brian claypool will join us news. more fresh and delicious taste. plus, superior nutrition. which is now more important than ever. ♪♪ because the way we care... is anything but ordinary. only eggland's best. ♪♪ as a dj, i know all about customization. that's why i love liberty mutual. only eggland's best. they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? you got it. ♪ liberty, liberty - liberty, liberty ♪ uh, i'll settle for something i can dance to. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> there's fewer than 3,500 current pediatric hospitalizations from covid-19. is that true? >> yeah. >> it's roughly 3,500 in hospitals >> yes. >> martha: yes. bret baier trying to clear things up with the cdc director because of what justice sotomayor said. we're waiting on the supreme court's decision about workers and employees that have to get vaccinated or wear masks. a testing requirement for the unvaccinated set to kick in next month. here's what justice sotomayor said about the covid cases in the u.s. and children getting sick. watch this. >> we have hospitals that are almost at full capacity with people severely ill on ventilators. we have over 100,000 children which we have never had before in serious condition. many on ventilators. >> martha: not true. the number is 3,500. that's on the high side according to the numbers that we looked at. let's bring in karl rove, co-founder of american crossroads and a fox news contributor. karl, the question i put to a couple of supreme court experts, is she required to make a clarification? make a correction on this? this is part of the supreme court record and people heard it and it's completely false. >> yeah, she would be well-advised to do so in whatever opinion she renders on his case. her credibility is tattered today. not only are there 3,500 children in the hospital but the number of those on ventilators, the cdc had suggested dr. walensky that there might be zero on ventilators. she's not aware of any that are. >> martha: that's right. that is problematic. the other thing that is propmatic when you look at this case and companies are watching this closely, there's a piece in the "wall street journal." omicron bakes biden's mandates obsolete. it's interesting. it's put out by the doctor that discovers hiv. you know, it says one preparent study found that after three 0 days, the moderna and pfizer vaccines no longer had a positive effect against omicron. after 90 days, it went negative. for example, vaccinated people were more susceptible to omicron infection based on data from denmark and canada, vaccinated people had higher rates of omicron infection than unvaccinated people. this is enough to make your head spin. the point of this, karl, is why are the justices ruling on a vaccine that really treats the earlier stages of covid when 95% of what people have now is omicron and we have no idea yet how powerful the vaccines that they're talking about mandating are against this omicron. >> you're right. the doctor also quoted the cdc itself that said we don't know if there's in efficacy of these current vaccines against omicron. the supreme court is dealing with two questions. the issue that the nobel prize winner in the constitutional scholar brought up, is it essential to curbing the pandemic. when you listen closely to the supreme court, they kept the -- the advocates of the mandates talked about jacobson versus massachusetts. the supreme court held that there was a right to refuse medical treatment could be overrused if it was necessary to spread -- to stop the spread of a contagious disease. this is one question. is it essential to curbing the pandemic. the point made in the journal article is we don't have any evidence that the current vaccines would do anything to stop it. here's the more fundamental question. in a case involving massachusetts in 1905, it involved the ability of the government, the right of an individual to refuse treatment. there's a more fundamental question that we discussed last week which is does the government have the legal authority to do this. where in statute was the intention or authority granted to the federal government to take this kind of an action? there was clearly a lot of skepticism on behalf of most of the members of the supreme court that the osha law passed in 1970 was intended for the far reaching power of the federal government. my suspicion is they're doing to strike down the osha mandate, where over 100 employees have to be vaccinated. they uphold the ruling of healthcare workers by the federal government to be vaccinated. >> martha: it's stunning. the you have a more liberal interpretation of what should happen under an emergency circumstance, you have to prove the remedy you're mandating to peoples that been scientifically proven to be effective. we don't have that here. it may be, but we don't have it yet. >> if fact, we have evidence to the contrary. there's 50 different variations in this latest omicron variant that don't -- that are a ways to get around the safety, the security provided by the vaccines. we know that for a fact. >> this is important. these are the facts as we have them. it's really important especially for the supreme court justices to be aware of what's going on with all of this and what the actual numbers are. karl, thank you. great to see you. karl rowe joining us this afternoon. also breaking, fox pressing the white house on a plan to distribute 50 million covid tests and whether by the time they arrive, omicron might be over. >> the president talked about a winter of severe illness and death. at the rate you're going, these won't be available until spring. will you admit that these free tests that you promised won't be ready until after the omicron surge? >> martha: we'll show you the answer to that question. dr. ben carson is standing by listening to this and he will weigh-in. the biden administration has been prioritizing race when it comes to covid therapies. does he think that is a fair and effective way to address the virus when we come back. first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something. i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. it's your home. and there's no place like wayfair to make the morning chaos, organized chaos. however you make it, make your home a place like no other. >> martha: fox pressing the white house on how they're going to get free tests to americans during a surge of record cases. joining us now, dr. ben carson, but first, peter doocy. welcome back. >> good to be back. in a few minutes, a big admission in the white house briefing room. the white houses that not finalized the contracts for the 500 free tests -- 500 million free tests that they promised to send out to any america that wants them. >> the president is there on television talking about winter of severe illness and death. why he's saying that publicly, why are you not doing more to prepare for the winter? >> peter, everybody decides where they will get a test. we make a range of options available. you can purchase tests online. we'll have details on how 150 million americans that have health insurance can get reimbursed for tests. the 500 million tests, i noted and i gave you an update on the timeline, we'll have more later this week. >> an administration official revealed that january 15 is when americans will get reimbursed for tests. as she talked about americans deciding where they're going for tests, the cdc's guidance is that if you test positive or think you might have covid or think you might have been exposed, you're supposed to stay home for five days. so for a lot of americans receiving a test in the mail is the only way to go to see if they're sick. but that's not happening at least not the way the administration has promised for a few more weeks. martha? >> martha: thanks, peter doocy drilling down on the tests. dr. ben carson is now here with us, former secretary of the department of housing and urban development in the trump administration. thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> martha: this omicron situation, people are waiting for tests. when is it going to level off and do you think the tests will arrive in time to serve that need? >> well, it's quite clear the tests won't arrive in time. maybe that's not a bad thing. you know, the more tests you have the more positive people you'll have. if you don't have a good plan for what you're going to do with those positive people, it adds more to the confusion. what we really need to be thinking about is what is exactly happening with this virus. it's clearly getting walker and more contagious which means it's going to spread widely throughout our entire society. what are we going to do about that? are we going to be afraid of it or are we going to hunker down and hide from it or use the knowledge that we have in order to live effectively with it. we have some very effective therapeutics. we need to be concentrating on early therapy, making it available for people. it should be the same kind of urgency that we had in terms of getting out the vaccine. that's what needs to happen. >> martha: i want to go back and ask you. are you suggesting that people shouldn't test and they shouldn't -- doesn't matter if they know they're positive or not by the first comment you made there? >> i'm saying that we need to be more measured and who we're testing. to just go out widely and test everybody when you have spread that is spreading this first and you don't have a plan to deal with it, all you're doing is adding to the confusion. yes, certainly people that are at risk, those are the people we should be saving the tests for. people who have to interface with a lot of people who perhaps have high risk, those are people that should be tested. let's not be just indiscriminately testing people and throwing up our hands when we have so many people that are positive and not knowing what to to with them. >> martha: it would be great if you could apply to receive a test based on the people you're exposing yourselves to or elderly members of the family or others for different reasons and target that population. it's an interesting idea. with regard to treatments, what do you think about the efforts to decide based on race what should be first in line for treatment? >> you know, i grew up -- i've been around long enough to remember going to tennessee when i was 6 years old. seeing the white and colored drinking fountains. seeing the dogs and the hoses being used on people. suffering all kinds of insults on the base of your race. the millions of people of all races that work so hard to get rid of discrimination. here we are trying to bring it back. it's unbelievable. truly is unbelievable. the fact of the matter is, yes, members of certain minority communities have higher incidents of diabetes and hypertension and other types of underlying conditions that increase their risks. but they have those anyway. you don't have to throw race into this. treat the people that need to be treated. probably a higher number of those individuals will be treated because they have a greater incidence of it. >> martha: yeah. if you target the conditions, not the color of people's skin, then you're serving everybody who needs to be served based on the conditions that they have and not the color of their skin. i guarantee you the virus doesn't look for people deciding whether -- >> martha: it's amazing that we're having those conversations. that's where we are. dr. carson, great to see you. thanks for coming by. >> thanks, martha. >> martha: so this is an interesting image, right? they're sawing the heads off of female mannequins at the request of the taliban. what is going on there? that's next. some of my best memories growing up, were cooking with mom. she always said, “food is love.” so when she moved in with us, a new kitchen became part of our financial plan. ♪ i want to make the most of every meal we have together. ♪ at northwestern mutual, our version of financial planning helps you live your dreams today. find a northwestern mutual advisor at people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. throughout history i've observed markets shaped orby the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns. >> martha: so the taliban's latest target is mannequins. an afghan journalist says that militants were telling store owners to chop the heads off of all of the mannequins saying it's against islam to worship idols. the taliban also detaining a kabul university professor that confronted a senior official on live tv. journalist, activist masih alinejad is here with us. first, to trey yingst live. >> martha, good afternoon. life under taliban rules continues to deteriorate for the afghan people. shop owners were told to behead mannequins. all of this related to what some taliban members decided with a sinful idol representation. the ministry of vice and virtual issued a decree banning people from worshipping anyone or anything other than allah. mannequins were told to be removed first, but then settled on their heads. this is not representative of the muslim world but the newality for those speaking out in afghanistan. a law professor was taken in to custody inspector speaking out against afghanistan. a small baby that was separated from his parents during the evacuation process was reunited this week after he was found. he was in the custody basically of a taxi driver that picks him up from the airport. he was reunited with his family. >> martha: thanks. let's bring in masih alinejad, journalist and activist, author of "my fight for freedom in modern iran." welcome. good to have you with us. >> thanks for having me. >> martha: what is your reaction from what is happening and the beheading of these mannequins. what is the meaning of this and what does this tell us about the bigger picture? >> from the first time when i saw the video of the shop owners beheading all of the female man can its, it took me to my country, iran. so we, the people of afghanistan and iran, we share the pain. we experienced this. i have to say that yes, you see the mannequins are being beheaded. in reality in afghanistan and iran under sharia law, if you don't want to be a muslim, if you criticize the law, the crime of whats -- blashmeyy, you be will beheaded women of afghanistan are taking to the streets. they are calling the rest of the world to hear their voices al well. >> martha: you have dedicated your life to making people aware of the oppression that happens in iran and pointing out what is halving in afghanistan because of the taliban. john androstic posted a video on youtube against the u.s. withdrawal from afghanistan and the atrocities. it got pulled down from youtube. he did an interview with dana perino earlier today. here's what he said. >> it's abandoning our allies, our citizens a political message? no. it's a moral message. what about the women's rights? lesbians and gays afghans are being hunted. children are being sold for food. where are all these people that like to stand on their soap box and preach to us about moral compassion. >> martha: yeah, where are they in this country? where are the people that fight for the freedoms and why are they not more outraged about what is happening in your country and other places? >> to be honest, it's very hard breaking. i call it like this is a betrayal. not only from the biden administration, it is a betrayal for all of those politicians around the world that are witnessing how people are being beheaded in afghanistan. how people are getting shot in iran. how people are suffering from having basic freedom, but at the same time like the whole world abandoning them. martha, i'm in too much with a light of women in afghanistan. they're really angry with the american government. they cannot believe overnight all of their rights have been taken away and now nobody is not talking about the women, all of those young girls being banned from going to school. can you believe that? in 21st century and people are only like just asking for their rights and being a ban donned by the world. >> martha: i remember bring back our girls, the nigerian girls were abducted. there was a national outcry. where is that? people don't want to look because because it's not too comfortable. i have to leave it there, masih. we'll talk more later. we'll do a podcast. thank you for having me. >> thank you. >> martha: absolutely. alec baldwin's new rant after he reports -- after there were reports that he refused to cooperate in the investigation of halyna hutchins death. we'll show you what he said next. >> can't just go through your phone and take your photos or your love letters to your wife or what have you. i don't know. their only friend? the open road. i have friends. 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>> good to see you again. look out ringling brothers, a new circus in town. the new circus is the alec baldwin investigation. he's resisting a court order. a search warrant is a court order from a judge in new mexico. most people who are not celebrities wouldn't have fought with this. he's forcing them to issue a new search warrant. there's something deeper here. we is there no investigation from the suffolk county prosecution? why don't they have a new search issue to defeat this issue? why is it 3 1/2 weeks out? last point i want to make is, he said on the instagram video, looked like a commercial for splenda. he said on the video, oh, i want the truth. all the truth. if you really want the truth, dude, give up your phone like any other person in the united states would have to do so that we can get to the truth. >> martha: here's another part of that, in that instagram video. watch this. >> i've spoken to the sheriff's department multiple times. i don't have anything to hide. the facts as i have seen them is what i've stated on the report. >> martha: obviously that is not instagram. that is from the interview that he did with george stephanopoulos. he's been very forward in speaking out but clearly trying to control the narrative because he still hasn't turned over the phone. >> that's right, particular that. the optics important alec baldwin are awful. you're right. he's been trying to create a script from day one, right? he gives the interview where he said he did pull the trigger. he said i didn't really pull the trigger and now the police want the third interview. what's on the phone? that phone is the most critical piece of evidence other than the gun. he needs to give it up. >> martha: i can't understand what is taking so long. as you point out, we should look into the suffolk county a.g. office there and why they have not issued another warrant. thanks, brian. >> thank you. >> martha: what a horrific fire this was over the weekend. this firefighter rescuing a baby from the fire, the deadliest in 30 years in new york. 17 people were killed including 8 children. the numbers changed after this "new york post" went to press. some of them ran out of oxygen and they kept fighting through the inferno to save as many people as they could. investigators is a i it was a malfunctioning space heater that started that fire. we pray for those families involved. that's "the story" here in new york. i'll see you back here tomorrow. >> neil: all right. fox on top of two very big worries. soaring prices and omicron soaring cases. will we ever get a handle on either? welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." the surge with omicron is real. so far not very dangerous. but it is real. the surge in prices is real, too. but it is getting to be economically dangerous and it is spreading like wild fire as well. let's go to peter doocy at the

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Rest , Wiggle Room , The Street , Afghanistan , Activist Ahmadinejad , Brian Claypool , Women , News , Crackdown , Taste , Superior Nutrition , Anything , Customization , Dj , Only Eggland S Best , Liberty Mutual , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Uh , Hospitalizations , 19 , 3500 , Hospitals , Director , Bret Baier , Supreme Court , Employees , Justice , Workers , Sotomayor , Masks , Testing Requirement , Set , Sick , Ventilators , Condition , Capacity , On Ventilators , 100000 , Karl Rove , Contributor , American Crossroads , Couple Of Supreme Court , Clarification , Correction , Credibility , Opinion , Walensky , Any , That S Right , Dr , Zero , Companies , Hiv , Wall Street Journal , Omicron Bakes Biden , Omicron , Omicron Infection , Effect , Example , Pfizer , Moderna , 90 , Justices , Head Spin , Canada , Denmark , Vaccine , Idea , Stages , Efficacy , Nobel Prize , It Essential , Scholar , Up , Advocates , Mandates , Winner , Treatment , Right , Overrused , Disease , Massachusetts , Evidence , Journal Article , Government , Authority , Ability , Individual , 1905 , Members , Kind , Most , Statute , Intention , Action , Behalf , Skepticism , Mandate , Suspicion , Power , Osha , 1970 , Liberal , Interpretation , Healthcare Workers , Ruling , 100 , Fact , Peoples , Contrary , Emergency Circumstance , Remedy , Variations , Security , Ways , Omicron Variant That Don T , 50 , Facts , Karl Rowe , Death , Winter , Illness , 50 Million , Tests , Won T , Standing , Ben Carson , Spring , Administration , Virus , Prioritizing Race , Covid Therapies , Psoriatic Arthritis , Psoriasis , Risk , Symptoms , Cosentyx , Infections , Walking , Tuberculosis , Reactions , Infection , Crohn S Disease , Rheumatologist , Wayfair , No Other , Organized Chaos , Morning Chaos , Surge , Fox Pressing The White House , Peter Doocy , Houses , Admission , Briefing Room , Television , 500 Million , 500 , Test , Options , Range , Timeline , Health Insurance , Update , Details , 150 Million , Official , January 15 , 15 , Guidance , Mail , Secretary , Department Of Housing And Urban Development , Omicron Situation , Need , Confusion , Walker , Society , Order , Therapeutics , Knowledge , Therapy , Terms , Urgency , Test , Comment , Doesn T Matter , Doing , Race , Treatments , Population , Others , Efforts , Drinking Fountains , 6 , Millions , Insults , Kinds , Hoses , Base , Dogs , Matter , Races , Discrimination , Conditions , Risks , Communities , Types , Incidents , Hypertension , Minority , Individuals , Incidence , Virus Doesn T , Skin , Color , Image , Conversations , Whether , Carson , Taliban , Food , Growing Up , Some , Love , Request , Mom , Cooking , Memories , Heads Off Of Female Mannequins , Kitchen , Meal , Planning , Version , Advisor , Northwestern Mutual , Choices , Moderate , Splash , Otezla , Pill , Plaque Psoriasis , Cream , Choice , Entrance , 75 , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Weight Loss , Feelings , Thoughts , Weight , Headache , Medicines , Upper 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Betrayal , Politicians , Freedom , Light , Suffering , Rights , Ban , 21 , Outcry , Nigerian , Alec Baldwin , Reports , Podcast , Rant , Phone , Investigation , Halyna Hutchins , Photos , Can T , Wife , Love Letters , Friend , I Don T Know , Chuckles , Open Road , Progressive , Lack , Protection , Jeremy , 79 , Stop Rybelsus , Type 2 Diabetes , Everywhere , Blood Sugar , Majority , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Don T Take Rybelsus , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Swelling , Help , 7 , 1 , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Changes , Sulfonylurea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Possibility , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 3 , Car , Vo , Music Vo , Windshield , Singers , Technology , Decompression Zone , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , Apr Financing , Limits , Lexus Gx , Apple Carplay Support , 2 49 , 2022 , Sound Engineer , Record Label , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Job 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