Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709 : compareme

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

staff with respect, how can he treat us first. >> cdc recommending boosters foragers 12 to 15. >> no data was really presented to show that a booster in younger populations actually decrease their very low risk of severe illness. >> california congressman eric swalwell spotted hanging out maskless. >> we have no bias when it comes to public health initiative. none of the people pushing them follow them themselves and we all know that ♪ ♪age you be my glass of wine ♪ i'll be your glass of whiskey ♪ you be my sunny day ♪ i'll be your shade tree. >> steve: it's 6:01. currently clear there with a high today of about 40. right now it is 38 degrees as we look in live. good morning, folks on this, the 6th dave january, 2022. it's good -- happy new year, brian and ainsley. >> ainsley: welcome back, steve. it's so good to have you back. did you have a fun vacation? >> steve: you know, it was -- we gathered together as a family and then we -- a lot of people trade gifts. we traded omicron. it pretty much went through our whole family. i got it, my wife got it, peter got it, sally and mary had delta so, the tell was what omicron does is, remember delta hits you in the chest. omicron hits you right in the throat. i wound up calling my ent dr. ten he said you know what? you probably have omicron. so, sure enough, after waiting in line for five hours, they said you have got omicron. bryan brian did you get a test at home or a home test? >> steve: no. there are absolutely no home tests available. so, what i did was i did what everybody says, you know, joe biden said, you know, go and get a test. i tried to get a test, there were no home tests, so i called walgreen's, i went online and i was able to schedule a test for seven days later. and then they told me that once you get the test, we will have the pcr results in seven more days. so it would have been two weeks. so, i wound up going to an urgent care place because i was afraid i was going to infect my entire family, and after i waited over four hours, they said hey, good news, you don't have the flu. but you have got omicron. >> brian: up guess you could assume you had it. i'm sorry, go ahead, ainsley. >> ainsley: how did kathy fair with it i know she has had health initials the past. >> steve: as a cancer survivor we were worried about her under doctor's care she is doing better. peter was out of commission. but he is going back to the white house i think on monday. >> ainsley: okay, good. hi, brian, good morning to you, how are you doing? >> brian: i'm doing good. also, i see the long lines here. and it's about 22 degrees. yesterday was nice. the last few days in their 20's. i feel so bad for people waiting in line obviously not healthy or concerned or want to get on a flight internationally and just waiting in line. i see a lot of little kids too waiting in line. i think we have to, at this point being such an epic fail from this administration. they didn't order this stuff ahead of time. the money was there. we gave it to them in march. they did not order ahead of time. they did not order the therapeutics ahead of time. because of that and a lot of these schools, nobody followed up to find out if they got these schools fitted to be virus friendly because of that we are in a situation we didn't have to be. in we are not responsible for omicron but the fact that we weren't ready is a bureaucratic problem. i think that brings us, steve, right to the first issue, and that's kids in school. >> steve: you are absolutely right, brian. you know, you were talking about how the administration was caught flat footed. they were completely unprepared. remember, it was months ago when joe biden said this is going to be the winter of death and severe illness. we didn't even know about omicron at that point but that's when they should have been doing something behind the scenes and they weren't doing anything. in a couple of hours, we're going to have ron desantis on from florida. he is actually secured for his state hundreds of thousands of at home tests which is exactly what the people down in florida need. but, nonetheless, in chicago, where they duke it 'illinois took $5 billion of covid money to make the schools more covid-proof, essentially. better ventilation, masking, plexiglass, stuff like that. and now the chicago public teachers still, after negotiating apparently last night, no deal, classes are canceled again today, leaving parents up in the air and kids as well. there is a real good possibility they will not have school tomorrow. and next week is up in the air. here is the union president in chicago explaining why it just ain't safe for them. >> right now, going into schools puts us at risk, puts our students and families at risk. we would rather be in our classes teaching. we would like to have in person school open. and what we are saying though is that right now we are in the middle of a dangerous surge. it is breaking all the records. >> ainsley: lori lightfoot, the mayor of chicago, she is now saying she is threatening to take away their pay if the teachers don't show up. she is fighting for these kids to get back in class. she says we owe that to our children who are suffering learning loss. the worst possible thing we can do is abandon the science and the data. steve, the $5 billion that illinois got out of that $130 billion american rescue package, well, chicago, yesterday, we were reporting spent $32 million on curriculum, equity initiatives under the guise of public health. so, which is basically crt. they are taking that money. they are saying that cr. >> it is a public health issue and they are using this money that was supposed to go toward ventilations and masks and testing. in congress when they allocate this money to go toward making our schools safer, they need to make sure they put wording in there that it has to be used for specific things, ventilation, masks, testing and not crt. brian. >> brian: absolutely. the question is anthony fauci, to me, somebody who has been behind the 8 ball every single moment. then you have the secretary of education and now the president all saying we have got to get the schools open and they are not listening. i wish the president and through jen psaki would take the zone as they do with horrible people unvaccinated ridicules them his patience is wearing thin. can your patience possibly run thin when it comes to kids in school from first to fourth to seventh to 11th here is jen psaki yesterday quietly outlining why she believes the kids belong in school. >> we are more than equipped to ensure schools are open and to keep our children and educator who selflessly serve their community safe but ensure that children are not enduring the mental health impacts of not being in school, that they are not gaps in learning. this includes schools everywhere. including in chicago. >> brian: we we know also, real quick. we know also this. kids will get it. this is very transmutable but also not something nearly as severe. in fact, many people have outlined, looked atom chron and said could be a blessing, because it gives you the antibodies you need to fight the virus. at the same time gives you mild symptoms with the virus for the most part. now, i understand that there are things challenges bus drivers and actual teachers who get it you can't go in. if you are steve doocy on monday you are not teaching a class. i understand that. there is 4500 schools who took at least one day off there are school districts in atlanta and milwaukee, 80 in philadelphia that took days off that said you have got to go remote. we get that. that's called trying to get into school and sometimes it doesn't work because the teachers are i can sick. the questions are you trying, are you really sick? are you sending the right message to the kids when in trouble we find the way to persevere we don't hide. the at this mid at this along with missing the interaction is really hurting kids, steve. >> steve: well, first of all, brian, i don't know how you don't know i wasn't teaching class on monday. >> brian: right. i was wrong to say. >> steve: here's the thing. what we have learned about omicron i started by saying people just tuning in it gets your throat first and that's how it got me when they are looking at how this is impacting people they are essentially say we could have dodged a bullet with this particular variant which is good news because delta and alpha impacted your throats. omicron hits you in the throat. what if the next variant doesn't hit your throat? what if the next variant hits your lungs or heart or brain? we just don't know. that is one of the reasons why the best protection for people is to get the vaccine. we have all been vaccinated. i have been boosted i have had omicron, i'm at the gold level for immunity. but, nonetheless, there are people who have extenuating circumstances like a chicago teacher, who is battling cancer but he knows that it is so important. i believe he has been boosted and he has been double vaccinated. but he knows that he has got to go to school because that's where the teachers belong, and he won't stop in person classes. and, in fact, i think 10% of the chicago teachers went to school yesterday to try to open things up. here is joseph oko who is a chicago teacher with cancer on making a difference in students' lives. >> i joined the chicago public schools as a teacher first and foremost as a teacher. and my role, i believe my role should be inside the classroom with my students. despite my battling cancer. i still have a role to play right now and just want to make my life relevant somehow. the thought that i can still be of service to my students, i had done the remote learning for more than a year with the students. and i have seen the limitations and the challenges that a teacher faces with remote learning. it's not really effective. it's not also fair to the parents. the parents need to be with the students when they should be earning a living. >> ainsley: he went on to say that he wants to make his life relevant and he wants to make a difference in the lives of these children. he became a teacher to teach. not be a are the pa of the union. yale university, they are telling the students they are not allowed to leave campus and go to a local restaurant. they have to quarantine there on the campus until february 7th. new york city teachers unions ramping up pressure to go remote. new mayor eric adams says he wants to keep the schools open. in new jersey, where you live, steve, they are looking for retired teachers because of all the staff shortages from covid. >> brian: i would like to add i'm not sure they know what's what they are doing when this comes to vaccines and shots. i know so many people double vaxxed and boosted and getting this at the same rate as horrible unvaccinated people. >> steve: right. >> brian: i want to slow down a little. i don't want to be getting a shot every three months until they figure it out. i don't want to be a pin cushion and experimental show horse for a government that is showing nothing but incompetence over the last year because now you are talking about our health in an extreme way. i don't want politicians in control of my 18-year-old, my 20-year-old, my 25-year-old. and not me. and so i'm losing a lot of faith in go get another shot because i think we are going to be here in two months hearing how darryl you got get a fourth shot. somehow selfish not getting a fifth shot. get ahold of yourself. settle down. we need a third party outside government, no political bent to give us an idea of what is actually hitting us in america. meanwhile, up next, business owners. >> steve: brian, can i add something? here's the thing, you don't trust government. and i get that a lot of people don't. however, do you know who i trust? i trust my doctor. in talking to my doctor yesterday about omicron, and, you know, the thing about omicron is the vaccines have not been as effective with that as it was with delta. and he said think about it this way, steve. he said think of the vaccine as like wearing a kevlar vest. it is not going to-i essentially what the kevlar vest is going to do it will stop the bullet. but it won't let the bullet kill. that's why i trust the doctors, i trust the science. you know, it's the only game we got right now is to get vaccinated and boosted. and unfortunately this omicron is sweeping through the area. >> ainsley: can i ask something? every doctor you talked to has a dinner answer. i talked to one doctor about vaccinating my daughter not over my dead body he saidly vaccinate my grandchildren. talked to another doctor more children -- the flu is probably a little bit more deadlier that's what we are seeing to past years. if you want your doctor to go to events in new york. then you will have to get her vaccinated. another doctor say yes, absolutely get your child vaccinated. three different opinions for different reasons. >> brian: the mrna vaccine on joe rogan listened to him three hours yesterday. the creator of the virus thinks this is out of control. i find that relatively disturbing because when he said that the creator of the virus with the patent, he gets -- he comes out and he gets sidelined off social media. this is getting a little scary. steve, you are 100 percent right to go to a doctor and not your local politician. business owners in new york city are on edge as a new district attorney looks to go soft on crime. his shocking deference for the far left policy. another one bites the dust. another exodus for the vice president's office. i'm not kidding ♪ free and easy down the road i go. ♪ i keep rolling like an old banjo ♪ free and easy down the road i go ♪ rn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ ♪ 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>> brian: it's unbelievable that this came out yesterday. and the manhattan d.a. will not prosecute for marijuana misdemeanors not a big surprise. how about this? not going to push for resisting arrest or interfering with arrests. if you are a cop on the street like so many here we see every day and so many retired ones kind enough to work for us here at fox, why would you even think to yourself i'm going to go back to the way i was policing under bratton and kelly. if you are not going to have my back when it comes to resisting arrest, trespassing, if you go a portion of somebody's home where there is no people like a detached garage and take your valuables, they will downgrade it to a misdemeanor so it goes on and on from there. this is going to be san francisco 2.0. it's going to be the smash-and-grab capital of the world where we don't prosecute anything. where it becomes criminal first law and disorder. alvin bragg flew in the face in everything this new mayor ran on. even though this new mayor hasn't disavowed his new tenant and mow you dison ren day. expanding on approach to be the manhattan d.a. >> what we're doing now is not working plain and simple. this is our path forward. this is ohio we reduce violent crime. >> policies give criminals a green light. >> no. it depends upon your definition of criminal. >> steve: no consequence for crime. essentially john who are ritz will post said basically thunder guy's plan, unless you murder somebody, you are not going to jail. yesterday, he tweeted this out. quote: i have prosecuted gun cases and if you use a gun to rob a store or any armed robbery, you will be prosecuted i prosecuted cases involving law enforcement. if you punch a police officer you will be prosecuted, so clearly there is some push back a lot of people in new york city. people want to go back to work and they want to go back to life as it was before the pandemic. the problem was new york city is not the same place it was two years ago when it comes to safety. people are terrified to walk the streets. >> that's why thousands are moving out and moving down to safer, more republican areas. all these progressive judges are making decisions or progressive prosecutors are making decisions. we saw that in wisconsin. when the christmas tree parade was run over by this guy who should have been behind bars, a repeat criminal. we are seeing this across our country, especially in the northern states that are democratic and people are moving out because of that i'm telling you, as a new yorker, i live in new york city and i love this city but it's a different place now. we are all worried that we are going to go back to the way it used to be. brian, you grew up in new york. you were here when rudy giuliani cleaned up the city. i hear that times square was a red light district. this guy wants to say that it's fine to be a prostitute. it's fine to trespass. it's fine to jump over a turnstile in the subway and not pay your way through. all of that won't be prosecuted. you can do all of that as long as you don't have a gun on you or you are not holding someone up at gunpoint, what's the definition of a criminal? you break the law? you are a criminal. you are a prostitute, that's break egg the law. you are jumping the turn styles, that's breaking the law. you are a criminal if you break the law. what does he mean is there a soft definition of a criminal? >> brian: no, i hear you. it's anti-broken window syndrome. where you prosecute the small crime and stop the big crime. what happens is that eric adams said well i support him. well, i didn't hear everything he said. a little bit of willing gel room i hope he said i can't run the city if you are going to run it like that. this is what got to look out for. i thought i'm not a conspiracy person, but george soros absolutely has this organization. he absolutely funded all these das from san francisco to los angeles to houston to chicago, to philadelphia. and absolutely resulted in chaos and crime and murder running the streets. he gave this guy a million bucks. a million bucks in an election that not many people pay attention to goes a long way. he did it in houston. a prominent businessman wreath the other day he has destroyed the city by putting criminal first prosecutors, excuse me, attorney generals in place. so, we have to stop this. if he gives a million, these republicans have to find a way to give 1.1 million. put candidates out there just going to look out for the people and enforce the crimes -- excuse me, enforce the criminal code on the books. that's all. real quick, let's pivot to kamala harris because she has got more problems and coming from within. we knew how terrible she was running her campaign. now we find out even though she has been terrible in front of the camera, behind the scenes she has been even worse. she cannot lead an organization. they are going at each other's throats the ones that are remaining. add another one to the list of people confirmed departures from the vice president's office. adding to that, somebody else has gone. take a look at everybody that is leaving her office. and by the way, the exit interviews and the statements don't praise the vice president. so that says a lot, doesn't it, steve? >> steve: indeed. as you like at that image the guy second from the right. vince evans, the deputy director of public engagement and intergovernment affairs he has quit. he is going back to work for the congressional black caucus which he has worked with before. he is the latest in answer go of people who are reporting that she is terrible to work for. here's the thing. forget about her poll numbers actually worse than joe biden or that she said, you know, we didn't see this omicron thing coming. we didn't see any of this stuff coming. >> brian: or the delta. >> steve: at this point, you know, given what has been happening over the last year with joe biden. a lot of people would normally be saying you know maybe it's time for joe and kamala could be taking over. as it turns out, nobody really -- the loud voices, nobody is really that confident in the vice president. so that's why we have seen these trial balloons floated in big northeastern papers about well, if it's not her, who will it be? will it be pete buttigieg or whomever. jerry me hunt army vet, yale law student describes exactly what's been going on in the vice president's office and why so many people might be saying, you know what? we are almost a year in, i think i'm going to say areeve differenty. >> these were reports coming out of our stats should be taken. she has had toxic work environment the words they are saying. these are very far left liberal staffers these are people that worked for her 10 years. staffers are saying the same thing. >> ainsley: well, if you read some of these reports, there are claims of turmoil, dysfunction, one claim describes kamala as a bully who dishes out soul destroying criticism. a source close to the latest person who left, mr. vincent evans says they are on good terms but he is not limping to the previous criticisms. jen psaki when asked about the turmoil in kamala harris' office said oh, it's natural. it's a very positive thing for people to leave. it is 30 minutes after the top of the hour. desperate times call for desperate measures. rhode island hospitals now allowing covid positive staff to work after firing their unvaccinated workers. a once hailed healthcare hero who lost her job reacts next. ♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. 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>> my last shift is october 1st. >> brian: october 1st. you didn't take the vaccine. part of the reasons was your neurologist told you not to. also, you said you didn't like there wasn't enough data on this for a healthcare professional like you. so you didn't want to take it. how do you feel about this new revelation that if you are positive you can go back? >> it's just -- we have abandoned common sense at this point. it makes me so frustrated. they would rather have someone who does have minimal risk of transmission over someone testing negative who has no risk of transmission. it doesn't make any sense. >> brian: so you as a professional. when you first hear about this virus and start being affected by it 2019, 2020 up until october 1st. what was this life like when this virus slammed this country. >> we were terrified. we didn't know what we didn't know. and we all just sort of banded together and said we are going to get through this. and we are going to do what we need to do. and we were ppe shortage. we were making due with what we had and going in and keeping it going i mean, we were afraid to infect our families. we were changing in our backyards. some people were living in hotels. it was really stressful. >> brian: right. you appreciated, i think, in new york banging pots and pans every time nurses went to work. you still got the virus. you have the antibodies. then you find out a mandate comes down from a politician. you are the healthcare worker says get the vaccine or you are fired. have you wrapped your head around to what has happened to your career? >> it's so surreal like saying the facts out loud is like are you kidding? we were fine to work before. and you know, you use the same methodology that you used all the protective measures. and we were tested constantly. but that suddenly was not acceptable and we asked to be -- i don't know. >> brian: what is your hesitancy with the vaccine. >> i need long-term data. >> that's it. like, yes, i do trust science, i do. but we are living the science right now it doesn't exist yet. i don't think there is anything wrong with saying i just want to wait. >> brian: what is seeing all these breakthroughs from people not only double faxed but boosted, what has that done for your school of thought when it came to your stance on the virus? >> well, we just walked away from what we already knew about virology and how viruses mutate and get less and less severe. we already knew all of this. but it suddenly didn't apply to covid and i mean, yeah, they are vaccinated and boosted but it changed. and now they are all vulnerable again. and the people that in my limited experience, i found the people that had natural immunity have not been getting these variants. they are more covered. that's just my experience. but, yeah. bribe brian i feel so bad you have to go through this but a lot of states love your expertise. suspects so fair you have to pick up your family and destroy your life because of some politician. >> i know. >> brian: hanna, thank you for joining today. hope to have you on when you say you got your job back. >> yes! >> brian: meanwhile i have a statement to read from the rhode island department of health, like other states throughout the country, rhode island is implementing the cdc's quarantine and isolation guidance. there is no facility -- faculties in rhode island -- fittings in rhode island right now who currently have positive staff on site. for now. meanwhile, straight ahead. the white house says president biden has no time to think despite spending a quarter of his presidency on vacation walking with his new dog on the beach with a mask on. fox news contributor lara trump watching her father work overtime in the office has something to say about that. ♪ oh baby ♪ you're making me crazy ♪ it's making me crazy ♪ >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. neutrogena® save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. ♪ ♪ learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. ♪ >> i know the president doesn't have public events today. he does have a number of meetings with policy teams and that's often what he is doing behind the scenes. if he were standing here today, which i know he is always invited which is what guys would say he would say we never give him any free time or time think and that is probably true. >> ainsley: president biden isn't getting enough time to think. the white house facing backlash now for those comments as records reveal 27% of his presidency has been spent in delaware. fox news contributor lara trump joins us now. good morning, lara. >> good morning, ainsley. can i real quick just say a very happy birthday to my husband eric today. happy birthday. everybody send him message. >> ainsley: happy birthday. we are so glad you were born, eric. happy birthday. you are a great husband and great father and great son. so we wish you the best. all right. let's talk about what's happening in the white house because jen psaki is saying that he needs time to rest. 27% of his presidency in delaware on vacation. what do you say to that? >> oh my gosh. well, i do have a quick news flash for jen psaki i guess joe biden and the entire administration, you don't get time off when you are president, ainsley, i mean, this is just basic stuff here. obviously we knew joe biden would not have the stamina necessary to actually execute the office of president of the united states. and here they are telling us even with 95 days vacationing 27% of his time on vacation, as president, it still is too much for this guy handle it. and unfortunately you see the result. you see that everything in america has basically been downgraded since joe biden took office. you compare where we are in america now in one year in office with joe biden versus donald trump's first year in office. do you know within the first year in office with donald trump, we had passed a tax cuts and jobs act. resulting in the biggest tax cuts in american history for the people of this country. donald trump put in place in office where for every regulation that he implemented, 22 were rolled back, so 860 regulations rolled back year one of the trump presidency. it resulted in businesses wanting to come to america. and then just a very small thing, eradicating isis happened year one of the trump presidency. so the difference couldn't be more obvious whenever you look at the two presidents. you don't get time off, joe biden as president of the united states. >> ainsley: think about afghanistan. think about the border. we have seen 110% increase in apprehensions of unaccompanied minors at the border. is he telling border agents not to arrest the human smugglers. he is not taking many questions from reporters. he hasn't taken a question since last friday. didn't answer questions on monday or tuesday. we have record high covid numbers. and then he took the day off to write his speech that he is going to give today on capitol hill. now, if you look at the number of one-on-one interviews. joe biden has given 16 as of december 22nd. president trump had given 72 at that point in his presidency. and barack obama 155. why do you think they are taking him to delaware, keeping him there for 27% of the presidency and not putting him in front of the camera? >> i think it's pretty obvious, ainsley. joe biden cannot handle this position. we know that every time he is in front of the camera, if he is not scripted they are trying to get him out of there. he is a liability to the entire administration. unfortunately he is a liability to our country. at this point he is bumbling through everything he says. he does not inspire confidence for the american people. certainly our adversaries around the world are looking at joe biden and saying man, this guy does not have it together. so, they probably want to keep him hidden. hey, they did it the entire campaign. he was allowed campaign for president out of his basement. never pressed on anything. ice cream photo op.s and went down in the basement. this is nothing new. they do not want joe biden out in front of the cameras. they don't want kamala harris out in want photograph the cameras either. no one out there representing america. nobody answering questions for anybody. unfortunately it's to the detriment of the american people. >> ainsley: thank you, lara, for coming on. happy birthday to eric. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. all right. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. hey, j.d. >> janice: good morning. the cold air and snow the big headlines today. take look at it. cold air as far as south as texas. parts of tennessee and kentucky area as we have our next storm developing. and wind chills, minus 46 in parts of north dakota. minus 8 in chicago. minus 22 in minneapolis. let's track this latest storm system as it moves across the tennessee and kentucky area in towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast. it's going to be our big, our first measurable snow for the northeast including new york city. the bulls eye is really going to be the mountains of kentucky in towards west virginia and up towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast where we have our winter weather advisories. we are thinking 2 to 5 inches in and around the new york area. we will fine tune the forecast but for the latest snowfall totals fox download the app. and we will give you the latest. i prom missed my kids at least an inch of snow tomorrow so fingers crossed. >> ainsley: my daughter is excited too. thanks so much, janice, florida's governor ron desantis is going to join us live. more americans than ever are calling it quits. former mcdonald's ceo ed renzi tells us what can be done to stop the great resignation. ♪ still like that old time rock and roll ♪ that kind of music just sooths the soul ♪ ucala? 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[sighs] >> brian: think about antibody level. hard to think about it now. you get a perfect score on antibodies. >> steve: hold on a second. you are right. that's what my doctor, dr. ken says, everybody is going to wind up getting this. so, you might as well, you know, just be prepared, be boosted and vaxxed and stuff like that. i'm going to go ahead and cross the doesies off that list because we all got it. the whole family. >> ainsley: we have all been infected by it in some way though. i wasn't able to go to south carolina to spend christmas with my family because i was exposed to it and i was around people who had it and i was afraid i would take it home to my mom who was sick. then we had to cancel a trip to mexico. >> steve: you did the right thing. >> ainsley: we were scared if we got down there and tested positive we wouldn't be able to come back. we have all been affected by it i'm glad everyone in your house is doing okay though. >> steve: thank you, ainsley. we are all on the mend. peter doocy was sidelined at the white house he will be back, i believe on monday. >> brian: therapeutic that pfizer invented and ready. we forgot to order it. hand him an invoice. we will need tests next year rapid and the bigger one and also need therapeutics because we invented them. i know you don't like to give them to us but we invented them. >> ainsley: to test or not to test, brian. that is the question. disease control sparking outrage leaving so many people confused. are you supposed toest it. how many days do you quarantine, five days, 10 days? do you wear a mask? mark meredith outside the white house as it insists the cdc's decisions are led by science. good morning lawrence. >> glad you are feeling better. it's no secret the u.s. is shattering covid records on a near daily basis. the white house is showing strategy. it says it is simply following the science. the cdc, which certainly come under a lot of criticism, ever since the pandemic began is still trying to clear up some confusion it created over its latest shortened quarantine guidelines. shorten the time frame people should isolate because recent studies showed people were not nearly as contagious after five days. even the american medical association here says the latest guidelines are confusing. given that my colleague jacqui heinrich asked jen psaki why americans should still trust the information coming from the cdc. >> will new cdc guidelines getting criticism that it's confusing. >> the cdc is absolutely led by data and science. and, you know, again, if they hadn't changed their recommendations over the course of time, schools would probably be closed across the country. >> it's no secret trying to find a covid test can be quite difficult, if not impossible depending on where you live or work. the white house insists it is working to ramp up testing capabilities. but the surge in cases has certainly led to increase in demand. this is interesting, last year, before he was chief of staff, actually since data 2020 ron klain tweeted it's still not fixed. it's not fixed. richest country on earth still testing isn't fixed. that was ron klain back in june 2020. now the white house says it is in best. i was just looking online just for the hell of it to see and i couldn't find a test here in the d.c. area to get an appointment at any cvs for the next four days out. steve, ainsley, and brian a lot of people in the same boat trying to figure out where to get a test. >> brian: what the government is saying and what we find practically and anecdotally. thanks mark meredith. the whole thing is with the cdc if they're not caving to the teachers unions and changing their policies it seems because we don't have enough tests. after five days say just assume you are done. anthony fauci goes wait a second i don't like the way that sounds i would like to have a test. okay, if you want to take a test, take a test but make it a rapid test. don't have one, take three. so the best of three. let's hope you get two of three and move onto the next round of the playoffs which might be semi likely not to transfer the virus which gives you for the most part minor symptoms and among the people upset by it is the ama, they say nearly two years into the pandemic the omicron cases surging across the country the american people should be able to count on the cdc. we cannot count on the cdc. that's what's going on. with we talk about what the president is doing, he needs long walks in the open beach by himself with a mask on. he needs more time to think. he is just too busy. even though he spends a lot of time in proportion to the previous president on vacation. here's the spokesperson for the president. >> i know the president doesn't have public events today. he does have a number of meetings with policy teams and that's often what he is doing behind the scenes. if he were standing here today, which i know he is always invited is what you guys will say, but he will say we never give him any free time or any time to think, and that is probably true. >> here's the thing. yesterday he was probably working on that speech that he is going to deliver later today in statuary hall, one year after january 6th. and, you know, what he is going to be talking about today is bawl voting rights. and how we need to pass the voting rights bill through congress. this is something that his party has been pushing for over two years. they were pushing this before -- one year before last year, while people want to hear about omicron and covid and where the heck is my test, today the president is going to be talking about voting rights which is an important issue. here's the thing looking at interviews president has done. at this point through december 22nd, just before christmas, joe biden has only done 16. donald trump did 72. and barack obama, essentially did double that amount. lara trump is the daughter-in-law of the former president and had this observation about why joe is taking time off and maybe he didn't get the memo you don't get to do that as potus. >> news flash for jen psaki, i guess joe biden and the entire administration, you don't get time off when you are president. obviously we knew joe biden would not have the stamina necessary to actually execute the office of president of the united states. and here they are telling us even with 95 days vacationing 27% of his time on vacation as president, it still is too much for this guy. he cannot handle it. and, unfortunately, you see the result. >> ainsley: you know, he doesn't even talk to reporters that on. he doesn't take a lot of questions. jen psaki has advised him or someone inned white house has advised him not to take any questions. the last time he took questions was on friday. meanwhile, record high covid numbers. i know that he took the day off yesterday to write his speech. he will be giving that speech today, yes, later today on january 6th. but that's almost a week without talking to reporters. where is he on the border? 110% increase in apprehensions of unaccompanied minors at the border. where he is telling the border agents not to arrest these human smugglers. take some of that vacation time and go town there. article in vanity fair he rejected a proposal to order 732 million covid tests. those home tests to prepare for the holiday surge. and now they are saying no, we plan to order 500 million home tests. well, where are they? it's a little too late. it's after christmas. we needed those at christmas. steve, you said you couldn't find tests. i couldn't find tests. weeks before we could find them. but christmas hits. everybody needs test to go back home to destinations or be with their family at christmas or send kids back to school you can't find the tests. lines wrapped around buildings waiting to get in to get a test. this is just ridiculous. what has he accomplished? what has he done? look at afghanistan, brian. >> brian: yeah, steve, you had something to say? >> steve: i was going to say regarding testing, you know, joe biden said and the cdc said get a test if you can. and joe biden said google the closest place to get a test. i'm at home and i could not get a test for -- we couldn't get any of the at home stuff. i went online for my walgreen's and it said it would be seven days. and then the pcr tests would come seven days after that. so it would take me two weeks to know whether or not i had covid. did i have covid as it turns out. my ent said go to a -- one of those urgent care places and i did. and i stood in line for five hours. the frustration in that line of five hours was palpable. and, you know, joe biden said, yes, sir easy to get a test. go get a test. i have a feeling joe biden lost a lot of support of in that line because people are frustrated is an understatement. of the government said, joe biden said a couple of months ago, it's going to be a winter of death and severe illness. okay. they knew that coming in. why didn't they do something about it, brian. >> brian: right, steve. the last line i waited on that long was to see the police in 1981 in a concert at shay stadium. >> steve: not worth it. >> brian: and the group broke up. and i assume i was negative for the coronavirus at that point. i think i was in the 11th grade. >> steve: positive for the police. >> ainsley: clarified you it was a concert. when i heard police i thought in line up? you were in line up for five hours? >> brian: more sting. epic fail. the president loves talking about the pandemic because he has high ratings for it now he wants to talk only about are january 6th and blame donald trump think that's the only thing. overplay his hand and boomerang. the other thing he has to run from that virginia was a canary in a coal mine for was crime. if you look at what is happening in san francisco, philadelphia, what's happening in los angeles, you see crime running rampant. the police chief saying high hands have been tied by district attorneys. now you see in beverly hills them trying to recall the district attorney who was put there by george soros who wanted to see the prisons emptied and crime running rampant and america america destroyed. democratic lawmaker assemblyman who said this, i kid you not. enough is enough. fight back against the criminals stealing from our communities. we have seen the unintended consequences of prop 47 which means you don't prosecute for any theft under $1,000. weakening of our theft laws and our belief that california voters are ready to make their voices heard on this issue again. know what they are doing, steve? they are blurring the lines between democrat and republican in the most polarized environment in our lifetime. they are making the american people act for their families as much as they. to act for their parties. that's what we are seeing when it comes to school. and that's what we are seeing when it comes to crime. it's not right and left. it's right and wrong. >> steve: out in california, gavin newsom actually voted for proposition 47 back in 2014. and so when you have got this democratic assemblyman by the name of rudy salas who wants to reverse it. we haven't heard a comment from the governor. he said i will talk about it when it lands on my desk. interesting, the whole threshold has been prop 47 put the threshold at if you steal 950 bucks worth of stuff, then we are going to prosecute them. essentially what this assemblyman is calling for is to lower it to 400 bucks. so, what that means is somebody who is working in that store that we are looking at right there, if they see people stealing things, they have essentially got to itemize things in their head. >> brian: exactly. >> steve: $75. 125. >> brian: more people. >> steve: he is up to 200 bucks. >> steve: exactly. they can say they are for it, but, unless they go back to the way things were, where there was not -- i remember when the threshold was like 25 or 50 bucks. wife make it 400 bucks? why make it 950? it just, ainsley, seems kind of crazy. >> the california voters will need to vote. it's called a.b. 1603 in order to pass it good for him. enough is enough. we are tired of reporting on this. seeing these smash and grabs. someone had to buy all of that merchandise. if that's a mom and pop store, i know many of these are big box stores or like a niemann marcus. some of them are mom and pop stores. what if you spent all your life-saving to open up your own business and someone comes in smash and grab misdemeanor get it wiped off their record and do community service time. people are not being prosecuted for these crimes. hard to watch. hard earned average every day americans had to spend their money to buy this merchandise. >> brian: i have been handed the 10 commandments. one says here, ainsley, you might want to jot this down you shall not steal. >> ainsley: you shall not steal. it goes back to faith and family and what we need to be teaching our kids, too brian. >> brian: absolutely. that he was why we have fox nation and the bible study. it's all there you get a little bit deeper. >> ainsley: that's right. >> brian: ashley, what else do you have on tap for us. >> ghislaine maxwell lawyers say mistrial two jurors claim they discussed their own childhood abuse during deliberations. one juror telling the independent he shared his sexual abuse stories to convince other jurors to believe a woman who testified against maxwell. another telling the "new york times" they were sexually assaulted as a child and discussed it while deciding maxwell's fate. maxwell was convicted of five counts related to sex trafficking faced up to 65 years in prison. and in chicago, it's a showdown as the teachers union forces last-minute school closures for a second straight day. union crites omicron thread for refusal to work. lori lightfoot is threatening to withhold teacher pay or educators if don't get back to work. jen psaki insists schools are more than equipped to operate safely. and bmw taking high tech to a new level. color changing car ix flow and it ink exterior color of the car based upon the driver input. uses the same technology that powers screens as ebook readers, bmw says it brings the car's body to life and could be used to change the vehicle's interior in the future as well. pretty cool stuff there. back to you guys. >> brian: pretty cool. ashley, thanks so much. hey, let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead. a big two hours. up next, cases of flu ronna are popping up across the country. how serious is this? it's a hybrid, it's a double whammy, dr. nicole saphier breaks that down for you. stuart scheller joins "fox & friends" after first live interview after being discharged for doing what everybody was doing behind the scenes. that's criticizing our commanders in afghanistan. enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night 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>> i love the way that the media love to sensationalize something. this will be new headline flurona people calling when somebody is testing positive for covid-19 as well as the flu. not a new variation of the vice. having a positive test for covid and it flu. same as testing positive for flu and rsv. a lot of times when you get sick, it's not just one culprit making you feel that way it will keep a close eye on whether hospitalization rates increase because of having covid and the flu. however, i can tell you prevaccine the rate of hospitalization for covid in kids was about that of the flu. so this is way will media trying to keep people in perpetual state of panic. apes ains last year didn't see any cases of flu. >> we have few this year but more covid cases. if you look at hospitalizations, almost 60,000 covid cases in the hospitals now and flu compare that to the flu 1.8000. almost 2,000. so not as many with the flu this year which one is more serious in your opinion? omicron or the flu? >> well, great question. and the truth is the flu and covid are very low risk for otherwise healthy children and adults. but both can be more severe, specifically in children under the age of 5. specifically if they also test positive for rsv. those have higher rates of hospitalization. at the end of the day, the recommendation is to get flu shots for all children and especially those that are high risk the same as the covid vaccine. especially children who have not already recovered from covid-19 so they don't have the protection of natural immunity. >> ainsley: are you seeing more flu cases? last year we were quarantined. people were staying inside with their families and masking up. >> undoubtedly. the reason we are seeing rise in influenza cases international travel has resumed. you see seasonal variations because we have so much global travel. and it's not -- it's not scary, it's not unexpected. we have always had a flu season. it's still very low for what we're used to. i expect overtime that will continue to rise. we have to turn our omindset not just having a flu season but a flu and covid season with that now is very different where we were at last year. we have vaccines and boosters part of our arsenal dense covid. they come along with the new treatments that we have as well as retrofitted existing drugs that we have now to combat covid-19. so we are nowhere now where we were the last two years. we are in a much better place. >> ainsley: okay, great. dr. saphier, great to see you. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: you are welcome. stuart scheller jr. is going to join "fox & friends" for his first live interview after being discharged for criticizing the botched exit from afghanistan. that's coming up. 2 diabetes arp to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. 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>> first of all, brian, thank you for having me on the show. there is things i would have done differently. there are statements i might have gone back and tweaked because they took away from the content of what i was saying. i wouldn't have changed anything. this is very personal for me. i believe in everything that i said. so, i'm not apologetic. this is things i would have done differently to be more effective. but the matily, this is one of the most important conversations we can have right now. i just didn't see anybody else having it. >> brian: not only a marine a masters in military science. you knew what happened in vietnam. and they blamed it on the draft era and it happened again. commanders not being accountable. we failed again and embarrassed ourselves on the world stage. the president said this is not going to be like saigon. i believe it was worse. is that your assessment? >> you know, there's a lot of similarities, yeah. i think the president was trying to get people out, but, you know, a lot of my statements, if you go back and look in the media, they talk about joe biden, me tritt sizing joe biden. quite honestly in my statements i never brought up joe biden. the closest i got to is saying i have a agreeing discontent and contempt for political leadership. the president the way we hold the president accountable is through voting. my real target of this whole ordeal has been on the general officer level. so the general officers that advised the president should have advised better. the president basically, based on forced restraint said no, here is the resources and restrictions that you are going to have. so the generals failed to advise on the appropriate plan. at that point in my opinion, the general had an option to resign. the general chols not to resign. so, when the general failed to advise an appropriate plan and then the general refused to resign at that point he is responsible. he doesn't after the fact get to go back and say well, no, i offered him other plans and he told me this is what we are doing. the military general's responsibility is to advise on military policy and they can do that in an artful way and just through and through i feel like where we are failing at wars is that the operational and strategic level. and, exactly like you said, same thing happened in vietnam. there was a lot of operational and strategic failures in vietnam. and after vietnam, all we did was blame it on the draft. we blamed it on, you know, drug use within the military and increased standards on junior service member. the same thing is happening with the generation. yeah, for all those reasons i felt the need to speak out. >> brian: already lost the war. not you guys you won every battle you were edge gauged in. >> that's right. >> brian: you missed the birth of your son and not able to attend the funerals of all your grandparents. all you wanted it do was fight for this country and they put you in jail for speaking out because they didn't act in the best interest, in your view, and i agree, for the country. so, after the fact, it was time for the generals, with you in jail to go in front of congress and explain themselves. i want you to hear millie, mackenzie, and austin. >> my assessment was back in the fall of 20 and remained consistent throughout that we should keep a steady state of 2500. >> i -78ded that we maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. those were my personal views. i also have a view that the withdrawal of those forces would lead inevitably to the collapse of the afghan military forces and eventually the afghan government. >> their input was received by the and considered by the president for sure. >> brian: so, was that good enough? i told them, they didn't listen, not my fault. >> exactly right, brian. they had the ability, any staff officer knows how to artfully present a plan and get that boss to accept the plan. they didn't do that and then once they had the resources, they didn't resign, so you own the plan at that point. you don't get to go back and say no, i told him and he didn't listen to me so it's not my fault. that's not how it works. >> brian: you have a huge problem with mckenzie in particular because mckenzie could have stopped it this political president, more political than any i can remember, if mckenzie had resigned he wouldn't have been able to go ahead with that plan. why is your focus on mckenzie? >> most americans don't understand how the different agencies divide up the globe and milley has a lot of contempt and discontent towards him right now justifiably because of the things he has done. but that's just not the way it works. centcom combat and command are the people that should have developed the military plan. general mckenzie works directly for the sef desk he doesn't have to ask the joint chiefs on how to build a military plan. most people don't fundamentally understand that in terms of the afghanistan withdrawal. general milley is not even player. it is general mckenzie to the secretary of defense lloyd austin to the president. there is no one, i mean general mckenzie was there from president trump to president biden, it was 100 percent his responsibility to have a better plan. >> brian: when 13 guys die, some of which you know and 169 are wounded. mckenzie's response is to kill seven civilians of course not intentionally. does he pay the price for that? you cut two tapes you go prison, lose your rank, lose your pension, does he pay a price for that? >> brian, i was fired like before lunch the next day after the first video. no investigation. general mckenzie killed people, civilians, women, children, they knew it, and then they said well let's let an investigation take place. didn't fire him over that just the difference between my situation and his, the hypocrisy perfectly illustrates the problems facing our military. and then after the investigation was complete, they came out and publicly said yeah, it was a mistake. it was a bad mistake. but he is okay. we're going to let him keep doing what he is doing. it just makes your head want to explode. >> brian: yes. and it's not -- i'm not the one who fought for 17 years. you were. you were on the way possibly to becoming a general. it's not going to happen now. and i know you're divorced and just coming out of prison and you got make your own way. find another career. so you have sacrificed a lot. we have left between 30 and $80 billion worth of hardware there and thousands of people left behind, including afghan commandos who have now pleaded for us to help them get out. that we spent millions training, do we have an obligation to get them out? the american people out and should there be somebody accountable for the billions left behind? >> i mean the answer to your last question is just emphatically yes. there should be some accountability. will that happen? well, i'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure it does. do we go back? that's a more complicated question. the best -- the way you do it is to not mess it up in the first place. so if you go back, now it starts getting more complicated are you putting more at risk by going back in? but, you know, i'm still upset benghazi. americans don't leave americans behind. that's the bottom line. we have fallen into this trap of making these decisions that just go against the ethos values of what america stands for, i will leave it at that. >> brian: if every colonel speaks out when they don't like what their commanders say the military would have probability of what do you say to critics yeah, you are right but you shouldn't have done it? >> i think if everyone believes my statements to be correct, but nobody is speaking out, i think the system might implode much faster than if we all spoke up, had an honest conversation were, able to fix some of thesis systemic problems facing the military. so i would submit by them being obedient, cowardly and not speaking out, they are actually damaging the system more than what i'm trying to do right now. >> brian: colonel, i'm sickened every day by the way we left and i didn't sacrifice what you sacrificed, obviously. i'm so sorry all the stuff happened to you and glad you said it we need scrutiny on the people on charge. our national reputation at stake. paying the price right now in ukraine rush has muscles and does china all because of the weakness we have shown. you showed the strength to sacrifice and speak out so much. i appreciate the parents speaking out on your behalf and it was great to see your family. i'm so sorry what's happened with you and your wife. but i'm so glad you are fighting on our side. going to continue to fight for america. colonel, hope to have you back. >> thanks, brian. hope to be back. >> brian: right. thank you. meanwhile, it's great interview. i watched it last night. "tucker carlson today" has 49 minutes with the colonel. we had seven. so much more to say there. so two tune in to "tucker carlson today." meanwhile, still ahead, a major break in the case a new hampshire girl reported missing two years after she was seen. the charges just filed. ♪ t metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. vanguard. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ steve twek back, a break in the disappearance of a girl missing two years after she was last seen. police have arrested harmony montgomery's father adam in connection with to her disappearance. the d.a. says montgomery was wanted for allegedly assaulting his daughter in 2019. let's bring in the son of john walsh and co-host of in pursuit with john walsh callahan walsh. callahan, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: i know that this particular girl, you know, apparently the father had given a number of conflicting stories about when he last saw her. and that's usually a very telling thing, when the police ask you a straight question and you give them a bunch of different answers, if that's the case. >> yeah. exactly. all accounts this guy gave conflicting testimony at first stories about when he last had custody of his daughter, who he gave the daughter to. and then he clammed up and he stopped talking to law enforcement all together. showed very little sign of remorse, if any at all. when law enforcement was telling him how serious this issue is, and he refused to help. it is a very, very telling instance in this case. i can't wait to hear more from this guy. hopefully he does talk, but right now luckily he is in the custody of the police. >> steve: there is his mugshot right there callahan, we were just looking at images of little 7-year-old harmony and she is just adorable and she is missing. the stories about the father, according to an uncle, he did spank her hard at times. but then he had little harmony there scrub her own -- her toilet with her own toothbrush. what kind of a person does that? >> yeah. hearing the accounts of what this little girl had to endure is just heart breaking. and knowing that she wasn't in the best place. she did have loving family around her in the fact that she was with her father who on all accounts who was abusive both physically and psychologically, it's horrible thing to hear about. and now that we find out that she has been missing the last time anybody has ever seen her was two years ago. the clock was ticking. that started two years too late. we are working retroactively in this case. that's why it's been so difficult for law enforcement to recover her at this point. >> steve: if anybody has any information contact the manchester police department. callahan, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> steve: about a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. let's check in with my old buddy senior meteorologist janice dean with the fox weather forecast for this thursday. >> janice: hi, steve. nice to see you back, my friend. you know what? we are going to see a snow storm overnight tonight and tomorrow another area of low pressure that's going to develop across the mid south and come up all the way east coast. cold air in place. and that means more snow on top of places that got over a foot just this past week. so this area of low pressure is going to bring the potential for icy conditions, across the tennessee river valley and comes all the way up towards the northeast. depending on where this low swats itself will mean whether we get 1 inch to maybe 5 to 8 inches of snow. so, you know, we are still ironing out that forecast. you want to stay tuned to fox and we will give you the very latest. snow still to come. certainly for the mountains of kentucky, west virginia, in towards tennessee. that's where we have the bulls eye. and then across coastal new england tomorrow morning. that's where we are going to see the highest snow fall total, southern new jersey as well. still refining those details. we will keep you up to date. if you are commuting tomorrow morning, be aware there are going to be delays, steve doocy, back to you my friend. >> steve: all right j.d. thank you very much. looks like a january "foxcast." could businesses see another round of stimulus as cities and states slowly slow down omicron. j.d. vance on the government's endless spending program he is coming up next. voltaren, the joy of movement. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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how do you feel? >> no, i'm not. i mean, i think we are at a point in the pandemic where our leaders need to start reasoning with our citizens and saying look, it's time to get back to socialization. time to get back to living a normal life. we need to stop subsidizing the panic. if you think about the incenses of this, ainsley, maybe you are a purple city, a medium size city. you are thinking about whether to shut down which at this point is a terrible decision. the promise of federal dollars, basically knowing that there are no economic consequences to taking these really drastic actions might encourage people to do it. i think we all know what coronavirus is at this point. we have therapeutics that work that make it less deadly. we know owho it effect and who it doesn't. it's time to put away the crazy pills. take a deep breath and get back to normal life. >> steve: brian? >> brian: i didn't know it was my turn. senator, there's a lot of unspent money in the system, i mean, that's what joe manchin was saying originally, he said we have not spent a lot of this money. there has to be accountability, although we feel terrible for gym owners and restaurants because of terrible politicians they have been forced to suffer so much more. how do you go back in there, use your ivy league business background, and try to get some of this money out of this conglomerate? [laughter] >> yeah, well, look, at the end of the day, that's exactly right. and the problem right now is that we're probably throwing too much money at the problem. right? this is not 18 months ago. this is not everybody is shutting down. everybody is terrified. nobody knows what's going on. we have this terrible new virus from china. recall. we also have a terrible inflation crisis. i don't think you necessarily want to get as many federal dollars out the door as possible right now because we're at a new stage of the pandemic. we are at a new stage of the economy where what we should be prioritizing is helping people get back to normal. it's crazy what's going on right now. we have schools talking about closing again. we have businesses talking about shutting down, whole cities talking about shutting down. this has gone on for too long. we need to step back from the ledge and prevent ourselves from doing another round of costly shutdowns. additional federal money is going to make the problem worse. >> steve: well, and j.d. you know the administration realizes that lockdowns don't work and that's why the president isn't pushing it. there are a lot of people hurting and something has got to be done. >> look, absolutely.f orse our s for especially those in the service industry who have had their livelihoods destroyed by this pandemic more than anything. i think what those people need more than anything is for our leaders to say it's time to stop the panic and time to get back to normal. will i actually went tout a restaurant yesterday. it was pretty full. things were going well here in cincinnati. we need leaders to stop scaring people. >> steve: right. >> start reasoning with them and start encouraging all of us to get back to some sense of normalcy. >> steve: indeed, j.d., thank you for joining us from cincinnati, sir. >> ainsley: thank you, j.d. >> thank you. >> steve: we're going to step aside, coming up next, florida governor ron desantis has breaking news. you are going t want to hear it straight ahead. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th >> right now, going into schools puts us at risk. >> chicago educators force last minute school closures for a second day. >> there is no reason for them to be at home. my kids are being held hostage. >> newly sworn in district attorney. >> policy give criminals a green light. >> no. it just depends on your definition of criminals. >> this man is looking to create lawlessness and anarchy in new york city. >> brian: cases of flurona popping up across the country. how serious is this? >> i don't expect to see anything out of the ordinary. i think this is just the media's way of trying to keep people in their perpetual state of panic. >> eric swalwell the latest liberal lawmaker to go maskless. >> why we have no bias when it comes to health initiatives. none of people are following them themselves and we all know that. ♪ might as well be walking on the sun ♪ ♪ >> brian: yeah, that looks terrible. i would not like it to be sunny and nice on the beach and a beautiful as the sunrises in the morning. i am so glad it's 22 trees in new york city and 8 hours away from a snow storm. working out great for us. also a special thanks, thanks for joining us on the final hour. i would like to also add that florida is the place where people like eric swalwell who like to oppress in his state and aoc who like to clamp down in her district, like to go and just unwind, take the mask off, kick back and hug somebody in a crowded environment. much like i guess the average person who is not running for office. >> steve: brian, they have obviously got good taste they go to -- listen, going to go to canada in the first week of january? >> brian: no, are you kidding? >> steve: going to go florida and get a cocktail with one of those little umbrellas in it and then have another. and then you are not going to be able to feel your toes, but that's a completely different story. we are going to be talking to the governor of the great state of florida, ron desantis within the next couple of minutes. he has some breaking news that you will hear exclusively on "fox & friends," ainsley. >> ainsley: you know, if you are a billionaire, they want to take your money. you have earned it but they want to take your money. and if you flock to florida, because they don't have high taxes, and you flock to texas, they don't have high taxes, they are like maybe there is something to this. let me check this out. aoc is down there without a mask. eric swalwell is there without a mask. rules for thee but not for me. in their states they are saying lock down. lock down in california until the first week of february. he wants to go to florida because there is no masks there and he is there with his baby and meeting someone and they are talking, sitting in these chairs. no mask. so, i completely understand it i was down in florida. both of you were down in florida. so, it's a great place to be. >> brian: right. but don't condemn other people in your state for not wearing masks and come down and go out and have a kick ass time in somebody else's statement while you are criticizing them and calling them like death santa which is just the opposite. meanwhile, let's talk about what is happening. no more important story than keeping our schools open all levels. from the preschool to the grammar school to the high school, to the college. we got to get these kids, young men and women back to school in a holistic way. not only the things they learn on the chalkboard but the interaction. that they are just not getting and experiencing. it appears the challenges you might get in the hallway is just not happening. now, in philadelphia, i know there are districts that can't open schools because bus drivers are tested positive. routes can't be done. i understand, sometimes teachers are hit really legitimately, a teachers union situation in chicago. the third biggest school district in the country. now we are watching something that used to take place between donald trump officials and taking place with anthony fauci, the secretary the education, the president of the united states and the liberal mayor of chicago, lori lightfoot. she is saying go back to school or we're not going to pay you. the teachers unions are saying we are not going to back to school. here is jeffy sharky a chicago teachers union president. >> right now, going into schools puts us at risk puts our students and families at risk. we would rather be in our classes teaching. we would like to have in person school open, and what we are saying though is that right now we are in the middle of a columbus surge. >> steve: the omicron is sweeping through places like wildfire. it swept through our family two weeks ago. they canceled school for again today. uncertain if they will be back tomorrow or even next week. new york city pretty muched the pressured the cityto go remote. what is doctoring is in the state of new jersey where we make our home, they have been -- some teachers, this is to your point, brian, a moment ago, where there are not enough bus drivers or teachers to teach, so they are caught short staffed. so what they are doing is they are saying hey, if you are a retired new jersey teacher, we will take you back and you can draw both your pension and your salaries simultaneously. we just need the help. because phil murphy. >> brian: great idea. >> steve: even though he did lock things down at the height of the pandemic, you know, new jersians don't have an appetite for that and as jen psaki said yesterday the schools are the place for the kids to be open, do you know why? because they are safe. watch. >> we are more than equipped to ensure that schools are open and to keep our children and educators who selflessly serve their community safe but to ensure that children are not enduring the mental health impact of not being in school. they are not gaps in learning. this includes schools everywhere, including in chicago. >> ainsley: i'm thrilled to hear her say that. and i'm thrilled to hear the president say he thinks schools should stay open. i'm thrilled to hear that lori lightfoot wants it open. a year ago they were all fine with the teachers unions closing down the schools. i'm not sure why the change of tune, maybe because they are getting so much pressure from people after two years of this. everyone is just ready to go back to normal. a friend of mine told me yesterday her home country in europe is now just saying the heck with all the rules anymore. we are going back to normal. >> brian: yep. >> ainsley: i understand that. everyone is ready for that look at the number that was spent, american rescue plan, the president gave $130 billion to make sure our schools had ventilation, to make sure they had masks and all the testing and all the plexiglass, whatever they needed to do to get back safely. well, they called it -- some of these school districts have taken that money and they're using it for crt and saying it's for health reasons that they need to teach crt that that makes us healthier. there is verbiage in the money that was allocated to make sure the schools were safe, that says it can be used for health initiatives and then they are using that for crt and saying that's a health crisis. and do you know who is doing that? chicago did this. illinois got $5 billion of that money. chicago spent 32 million of the money they got on curriculum, equity initiatives under the guise of public health. >> brian: right. by the way. i know i appreciate the president's sentiment. i also know he loves the yellow people unvaccinated. take the same tone with the teachers union. talk about your disdain and like for kids and grand kids and try to image that and get some of that anger and put it towards the teachers union. they are not going to vote for republicans. don't worry about it. but do the right thing for the country for a change. let's bring in florida governor ron desantis. he knows all about the challenges of getting therapeutics for his state wells testing. governor, always great to see you. even your critics would say you are a man of action. we are in a nationwide shortage when it comes to tests. do you have something to say to the people of florida? >> yeah, brian, you know, the biden administration promised they were going to send all these at home tests, they said all you had to do was go online and get it. nothing has happened in a month and a half of doing that we look at in florida and say you know, the point of the matter is not every single person needs to be going out always getting tested. you have healthy people. that's not a good strategy. what is a good strategy is to have these at home tests available for our vulnerable population. we have secured 1 million at home tests. we are going to be distributing them to nursing homes and long-term care facilities throughout the state of florida. and then to the broader senior communities throughout our population. because, we view testing as something that should lead to then a clinical result. so we have embraced early treatments in florida. so if you have somebody that's elderly that may be vulnerable to covid they can get a quick test at home don't have to wait in line. if they are upon, they have the ability, potentially to get treatment. we would like to have more treatments but the federal government is being very scarce with those. so we're fighting for more. so that floridians get what they need. >> steve: sure, absolutely. so, it is amazing that you are able to announce details before the federal government is because you would think the federal government, you know, the whole enchilada they should be able to do things whereas you have taken, obviously, matters into your own hands to try to get it to the people. but, you know, i like what you have just said, regarding the fact that you are -- not everybody needs to be tested but the vulnerable do. because, ultimately, what we are seeing with the omicron is, you know, my whole family had it around christmas time. and we didn't know we had it. and it wasn't until one of us got -- i got the first test where it's like okay, you need to keep away from your family, it was too late. >> i already infected everybody. but you have got to stay away from grandma. that's what you are talking about with the most vulnerable because people do need to be vaccinated, boosted, and tested to keep everybody safe. >> well, that's the thing. i think you have a situation where omicron, thankfully much less pa though genic than delta. a lot of the hospital admissions in florida and around the country are people getting admitted for something else and happen to test positive. they are not enough from covid to be treated in a hospital. that is in many ways a good development for how this thing has evolved. but you do have vulnerable people and elderly people. and those are the folks that we want to make sure we are able to enh the idea that some how far if you are just a young and healthy person you just need to be going out and getting tested four or five times a week or force people to test to be able to go to school or to be able to do their job. that is not a good use of resources. and that's part of the reason why you are seeing the shortage because you have a lot of low value testing going on. >> ainsley: governor, there is an article in vanity fair says in october there was a proposal. they approached biden about you need to buy a lot of these tests. you need to buy 732 million tests because we need to be prepared for the holiday surge. so many i know a lot of new yorkers went down to florida. i'm sure a lot of others did, too because people didn't want to go out of the country because you couldn't back in if you were 'and you could be positive for months. this put a lot of pressure on you and your state. we came down there and all looking for tests. in the middle of the vacation the tests were gone at cvss and grocery stores and. we would get a phone call and rush over there they just run out. when can we expect those to be in the krogers or walgreen's or cvss down there? >> these will likely go to nursing homes, long-term care facilities and likely go to local communities where they can focus them on elderly people. i agree i think we need to have the shelves restocked commercially. we had had really no problem with the that for months and months. but because omicron is so widespread you see that i think that there actually been some catch up on that, ainsley. i think there was an initial panic when omicron hit and media hysteria. people are starting to understand this is something that's out there. for most people it is more akin to a cold or flu. that's a great thing. you don't necessarily need to be going out and doing these tests for no reason. tests if there is a reason clinically to be able to generate an outcome. i think what we did will be helpful. i do think you are going to start to see more and more of those tests in the stores. >> brian: a couple of things, governor. you mentioned therapeutics. you mentioned the monoclonal antibodies. also the pfizer. ordered another 10 million pfizer. we have 20 million pfizer pills. you need five pills in 30 days once you get this so steve wouldn't have this or anyone watching this right now the omicron, you get right through it quickly, you no you see the pull back on therapeutics the president was dismissive you are not going to need the pills but we have the pills. why do you think the federal government does not want us to have therapeutics? >> well, i think if you look back, there is a number of big failures in this pandemic, the school closures which i know you guys were talking about, some of the lockdown policies, of course. but the failure from the outset to really focus on therapeutics, i think, has cost a huge number of lives. it was almost like they said, lockdown masks and then once vaccines came vaccine and this was it as we have seen now particular buy with omicron people are still getting affected regardless of vaccination status. you need to have emphasis on therapeutics. i think it's counter to their messaging and narrative. when i rolled out our monoclonal antibody sites this summer they attacked me, you are against vaccine if you are for therapeutics when actually we had a lot of vaccinated people going it wasn't all unvaccinated. regardless you want to have treatment options. in florida we have really stressed that. our surgeon general has done a good job talking about it it's been a huge, huge problem from the pandemic response and particularly under the biden administration where not only are they not promoting therapeutics they are actually trying to stymie the distribution of things like monoclonal an at this point bodies. >> brian: that's criminal. people are dying because of this. >> ainsley: that is criminal. >> no question. so long people didn't even know there were options for treatment. when we rolled out the sites. we started getting messages to my office from other states people saying hey, i didn't even know this was out there. can you help me get it in my state? and that's a real, real problem that people didn't know that there was help available. >> steve: well, and the federal government obviously, governor, knew there was going to be trouble right about now because joe biden, a couple months ago said that we're entering the winter of death. and it's going to be a winter of severe illness. but then, you know, yesterday or the day before, joe biden said hey, we know it's bad, but give us more time. so we can get the tests out. so we can get the pfizer pills out and things like that. but, you know, that's why he was elected. he and ron klain made the pitch when they were running, when he was running for president, ron klain was one of his assistants. he said, you know, hire me because evan in government my whole life and i can get stuff done. and now i think that's the frustration. not only down in florida but all across the country because the federal government also a handled it so badly. there are a lot of people who want tests, who want treatment and can't get it. >> his promise was he would shut down the virus. and he demagogued donald trump every day. he blamed trump for covid cases and deaths. he didn't blame china, which is really where the blame belongs. but he said it was all trump's fault and he would shut it down. not only has he not shut it down. you have cases and shoppings in parts of the country like we have never seen before. so that fundamental promise he made to the american people he has absolutely failed upon. and honestly, it was demagoguery from the beginning. you can't just magically shut down a respiratory virus. he should have talked about what he would do to help mitigate and provide these treatments. that wasn't what he was doing that central promise has failed. he should not have been demagoguing trump like he did. now, when he sees the results he is saying well it's not really the federal government's responsibility. it's all about what the states should be doing. i can tell you, steve, that's not what he was saying to florida and texas this summer. he was blaming us for not imposes mandates and restrictions even though we have done much better in terms of our society and economy and education. so, that is just what they are doing. and i think they have got themselves in a big rut because they made all these grand promises. they used it to try to win the election. and now the bills are coming due and they are just not able to cash the debt. >> ainsley: representative eric swalwell out in california he was just a few days ago blaming republicans for prolonging covid. this is what he tweeted out as we end 2021 mired in a deadly pandemic you should know who has prolonged it. these guys republican liars. your vacation canceled, your kids back to virtual learning and back to masks everywhere for blame, look no farther than #these guys. yet, he travels to florida and he is caught without a mask. as he is sitting down in a chair. not at a dinner table. talking to these down there during the christmas break and new year's. she was seen without a mask and hugging people and having -- which you are allowed to take your mask off at a dinner table. so thats with a fine. but hugging people at this party or at this club. and dancing around. no mask. and then i heard you, i think you were on with sean on fox. and you said there were six governors that you know of from some of these democratic states that you know has been down in the state of florida vacationing. what do you make of this? rules for thee and not for me? >> well, ainsley, the number of lockdown politicians that have locked down their people, lectured their people, cast dispersions on florida who turn around and seek refuge in florida is so much become a cottage industry. you have governors, you have mayors, you have members of congress, they say one thing and then they live under different sets of rules. i think the thing about florida is we have said you have the ability to make your own decisions. you know, we are not going to use the heavy hand of government to temperature kale your freedoms and ruin your livelihoods. those policies were policy that's all those people railed against and yet, they will come down here and bask in the florida sunshine and florida freedom. i'm glad that florida is a refuge for people. we are happy with what we are doing. but, it really shows you that this is a ruling class mentality where they think that they can impose these on other people but should not have to follow all the dick indicates they constantly espouse. >> brian: trying to run a state and run a family. and your wife casey is going through cancer treatment. i know how tough things have been. just know we are pulling for you and we know special with a young family there is no time-outs. so best of luck with the treatment. >> the outpouring for my wife has been fantastic. a lot of your viewers, and just he know she and i very much appreciate that. it makes a difference. and the prayers make a big difference. so, thanks, everybody, who has had her back. >> brian: thank you. governor, thanks for joining us today. >> thank you. >> brian: you got it governor ron desantis. new york city new d.a. will stop seeking prison sentences in a slew of cases but he says it won't encourage crime. really? >> policies give criminals the green light. >> no -- i mean, it just depends upon your definition of criminal. >> brian: nypd union president and local business owner join us live to react. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we 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florida is charged with attempted felony murder after allegedly strangling a woman at a bus stop. the shocking attack was caught on camera. the attacker allegedly using a shoe lace. miami-dade police say the attack was stopped when the person's identity unclear chased off the attacker. the suspect is held on $250,000 bond. and watch this: an officer in upstate new york races to the rescue of a dog that fell into the icy water of a partially frozen lake. police say the dog was trapped about 50 yards from shore. officer john smith brought the pooch safely back to shore and reunited it with its owners, officer smith is also credited with saving a woman from a burning house. he is the guy you want to have around, steve. >> steve: no kidding, right place at the right time, ashley, thank you very much. meanwhile new york city's progressive new district attorney on the defense as he faces backlash over his plan to go easy on criminals. >> what we are doing now is not working, plain and simple. and so this is our path forward. this is how we reduce violent crime. >> wouldn't these policies give criminals a green light. >> no! -- i mean, it just depends on your definition of criminal. >> steve: exactly. well, under his updated guidelines, a whole slew of crimes will no locker be considered a felony, a move local police and business owners including our next guest fear will make crime surge even more. joining us right now police department union president paul digiacomo along with new york city business owner nic good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: paul, let's start with you, essentially came out with this list on monday and said unless you kill somebody, you're not going to jail. and then yesterday such blow back, he clarified, you will still be prosecuted if you are involved in an armed robbery or an assault on a police officer. but if you just assault your neighbor, apparently that's okay. there is no consequence with in guy when it comes to crime. >> no, there is no consequence. and it puts the public and new york city dee detectives and police officers in danger. you know, you are giving criminal element, the authority to resist arrest and to get injured. it's not fair to law-abiding citizen and the law enforcement officers here in new york city put their lives on the line every day protecting the people of new york. >> steve: sure, nick, can you understand what this guy is trying to do? >> no, i cannot. and thank you for having me, steve. it's great to see you this morning. >> steve: you bet. >> nobody has a monopoly on good ideas. god almighty this is a bad one. i have never seen one policy that anybody can come up with, which can at the same time demoralize one faction, our police departments and on the other hand give give criminals a checklist of things that they can do that can no longer be considered crimes. >> steve: right. exactly. essentially he issued a list of literally hey, a list of get out of jail free things you could do in new york city. but, paul, let me ask you this, you know, new york has just installed a brand new mayor, eric adams, former law enforcement, who ran on law and order but then you have got this guy who once the police arrest somebody it's his job to charge them and do something with them if it rises to the level of prosecution. essentially the d.a. is now the police, the judge and the jury so you have got to wonder what the new mayor is going to say to his d.a. >> you know, it's going to be very interesting. it's going to be instrumental in keeping his new york city safe, you need the d.a.s to work hand in hand with the police department. if they don't work hand in hand with the police department, you know, it's not going to work and people in the city are going to suffer. you know, he want to not arrest or not summons for fare evasion. people walk through a gate. what if people wanted for a murder and homicide and rape walk past the police on a train and. he has an obligation to help keep the people of this city safe. >> steve: absolutely. nic, you are one of the people of new york city. there is a palpable feeling on the streets of new york that things are -- are irretrievably going to the wrong direction. we are in a ditch. and this is not going to help because people don't feel safe when you are out and about. >> absolutely. and, you know, as a business owner, my top priority is to have the people who work with us, our teams feel comfortable, feel safe. want to come to work. want to provide for the economy of our great city. and for our city to move forward. and the policies that -- have been put forthright now don't seem to encourage that. quite the opposite as a matter of fact. and we're seeing concerns, you know, whether it's -- i own a flower shop. whether it's the teams that make deliveries, whether it's the set-up crews or the people that have to come in at 5:00 in the morning and travel throughout the city. you know, it's a challenge and i want to be able to provide a good livelihood for my feel people. a living wage and comfortable work environment. i don't think i'm asking for much. >> steve: well, you are not the only one who is saying the same thing. nic and paul, we thank you both for joining us on this thursday. >> thank you very much. have a great day. >> you bet. >> thank you very much. >> steve: meanwhile, still ahead, do you use paypal, venmo or cash app. those services could now cost you in a way you never thought about. watch. ♪ each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or 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the morning rush hour. finally out of here by tomorrow afternoon but it is going to cause some problems. cold air in place across the upper midwest. >> the great lakes and ohio valley and push into the northeast and set the table for the snow storm we are going to have overnight tonight into friday. wind chill, yes, it's very cold. dangerously cold for cities from the northern plains down towards the texas panhandle. below freezing is what it feels like and in some cases it's just dangerous to be outside for any period of time. so let's talk about our big weather maker. i have to make mention some of the snow is going to come on top of over the foot of snow that we saw in. so cities across the mid-atlantic. remember we saw all the cars on i 95 that couldn't go anywhere this could be a big problem. listen to local officials and weather forecasters, winter weather alerts. winter storm warnings from tennessee to kentucky toward the mid-atlantic. we think the bulls eye across the coast of among but stay tuned because we are still refining our forecast but we think along the i-459 corridor from d.c. to boston 3 to 5 inches with some areas getting a little bit more than that we will keep you posted fox download the app. and we will keep you up to date. steve, ainsley, and brian here comes the snows, my friends. >> ainsley: all right. the kids love it. the drivers not so much. thank you so much, janice. >> janice: you got it. ains ain't the biden administration cracking down on payments made through a third party app. like venmo requiring platforms like paypal and cash app. to report a user's transaction to theist if they exceed $600 a year. >> steve: well, charles payne thinks that is dangerous and a threat to every taxpayer and he joins us. charles, i know this applies just to small businesses do you know what if you have a family member who you venmo 600 bucks for and you don't declare them on your income tax. the irs is not going to know that's not a third party. i bet that winds up getting reported. >> there is going to be a lot of confusion about it. i think we shouldn't just say just small business owners. let's talk about this number. 600 bucks total activity in the course of a year. 600 bucks. i mean, president biden he said we are going to go after jeff bezos and go after elon musk, no, instead they are getting the small struggling hair salon owner, someone who has a pickup truck and hustling around a neighborhood because there is no jobs. this is crazy, but i think it also is more dangerous. because i think we need to look beyond even the most obvious. even the most obvious things, which is another harsh reality for small businesses is that we're all going to end up, i think, potentially with something very similar to what they do in china. a social credit score. the government monitors everything people spend over there everyone starts off with a score of 1,000. if you buy things the government deems unessential, frivolous or unpatriotic, your score goes down. your score gets low enough, they will stop your kids from going to college. they will stop you from going to certain hotels. this sets up -- just the data alone scares the hell out of me. so, yeah, it's for small business but everyone needs to pay attention. >> brian: right now when you look at the president's economy 60% of the country not satisfied. 40% approve. think about this, he got 82 million votes. so he is losing a lot of people as they look at their wallets and look at their bank accounts. i ask you this, charles. when the president comes out of vacation and starts attacking big meat and things like that. do you see that as a way to try to get back in america's good graces? >> i think he thinks that's a way to do it. that's always been class warfare and politics of envy, hey, look over there i think president biden makes a huge mistake every time he speaks to the american public. starts off every one of these by bragging about something. it's so infuriating and so insulting. earlier in the week he talked about being able to find tests because he let america down. everyone knew there would be a surge. don't tell me about omicron caught you off-guard. everyone knew there would be a winter surge. why didn't he have tests particularly since they are so important to this administration. the bottom line is every time president biden opens his mouth he brags about something and insults the american public. no, we didn't botch afghanistan. no we didn't botch the testing. no, you should be able to find a site. go on the google, they have it on the google. you will find it there. so the american public knows yeah, the economy is doing great. but let's be honest about this. we have poured trillions of dollars into the economy. what i love about these polls is not that they are negative or positive, it's just so that the american public is smart. do you know what? i may have a lot more money in the bank than i did a year ago, but i know how i got it. i know that if we don't have organic growth in this economy that free money is going to go away. people understand this meanwhile, inflation is through the roof. in part because of the war on fossil fuels and other regulations. people get this so much more than i think politicians and certainly their p.r. departments understand. >> ainsley: okay, charles. the jobs report is coming out tomorrow. we look forward to seeing that thank you so much. >> you got it. >> ainsley: we looking forward to your "making money" on the fox business channel that's today every day monday through friday at 2:00 p.m. it is now 41 minutes after the top of the hour. will if teachers unions reignite the fight over reef moat learning, we will catch up with one district that's kept its doors open since fall of 2020. ♪ [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing 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ash ash yeah, guys, governor ron desantis telling you earlier this hour his plan to help floridians knowing whether they have coronavirus as cases spike around the country. >> not every single person needs to be going out getting tested. you have healthy people that's not a good strategy. what is a good strategy is to have these at home tests available for our vulnerable population. we have secured 1 million at home tests. we are going to be distributing them to nursing homes and long-term care facilities throughout the state of florida. and then to the broader senior communities throughout our population because we view testing as something that should lead to then a clinical result. >> desantis has faced criticism for many on the left for not implementing strict coronavirus lockdowns but desantis is turning the table and calling out the president and the federal government. >> failure from the outset to really focus on therapeutics, i think, has cost a huge number of lives. people are still getting infected regardless of their vaccination status. so you need to have an emphasis on therapeutics. >> florida is releasing new guidelines on when to get tested but prioritizing the elderly and the most at risk. >> somebody that's elderly, that may be vulnerable to covid, they can get a quick test in home. they don't have to wait in line. and then if they're positive, they have the ability, potentially, to get treatments. we would like to have more treatments, but the federal government is being very scarce with those. >> this all comes just days after the president told americans to google where they could get tested. ainsley? >> ainsley: okay. thank you so much, ashley. well, this morning thousands of children across the united states are logging in to school remotely as covid fears are pushing students out of the classroom once again. but down in texas in the waco area, there's a district that's committed to keeping their schools open. midway independence school district has been open since the fall of 2020 and that's where wes is the principal of wood gate intermedial school. good morning, wes. >> good morning, thanks for having me on. >> ainsley: good morning. thanks for coming on. i can relate to this. our school has done the same thing. i'm so grateful. i know the parents in yourary are. what have you done to make it successful? >> i think in education especially right now educators sign up with just the commitment to put student success at the forefront and i think every decision we make across this country needs to be filtered through that lens right there. i'm always putting students first and we know that there is an achievement gap in this country. we know that in person learning enables us to effectively instruct, intervene quickly and ensure the success of our students educational experience into post secondary success. i think that filter is one that we need to really adhere to. we need to common sense in a common sense way not paint broad strokes and policy and practice and even our protocols. we need to really be sifting through the noise and looking at the research and the data to make decisions that are fluid in nature and responsive to local entities and populations and then transparency and collaboration. those are three of the ingredients that we have experienced here and guy by the grace of the lord we have been able to stay open. >> ainsley: i love that i have been reading that masks are optional for the faculty, for teachers, and for the kids and no social distancing anymore. i mean, i think that's wonderful the parents, if they're worried about their kids getting covid then they can put a mask on their child. if they are not and want their child's mouth to be seen by the teacher, then they don't have to wear them. >> absolutely. absolutely. we love choice around here. it's a texas right. masks are optional. if you look at what we did from the spring of 2020 going into the fall of 2020, versus the fall of 2021, you will see vastly different approaches to what we do on campus and through virtual learning. and that has morphed and evolved over time to fit our current context. right now currently, under the leadership of dr. george and dr. jeanne johnson we are using situational -- a covid situational may trick that kind of outlines how we respond to certain percentages. >> ainsley: i hate to interrupt the principal. i hate to disappoint you. i'm so sorry. we are out of time. god bless you. thank you for what you do for these children. you are amazing. i come from a long line of educators and i know how hard you work. >> we have a lot of heroes around here, thanks. >> more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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fox nfl reporter jen hail with the latest on the story and he went on to say i saw a surgeon, had surgery. they shot me up with something illegal. this is really getting deep. >> bombshell accusations here, brian, no doubt about it. it was one of the most curious situations i've covered in 11 years with the nfl on fox. odd thing is pre-game everybody was on the same page. we spoke with the coach saturday night. brown was a game-time decision because of that ankle injury. he told us if he goes we'll split carries and the workload between him and mike evans. mike is on the snap count. that's why i went and found ab pre-game. are you 95%? what's your story. he was in a great mood. he said it is not 100%, somewhere around 90 but i want to go today. i need to get in rhythm with tom brady what happened between the explosion at the end of that third quarter on the sidelines and then, man, there is a lot to dig into. >> he is dancing shirtless. looked like his ankle was fine. it certainly wasn't broken. he wanted to go see a surgeon, bucs surgeon and a junior surgeon. he still is on the roster, correct? >> he actually has been removed. but exactly what the designation will be, how the bucs do that matters. that will determine whether he gets picked up by another team or not. he is not available for other teams yet but certainly no longer a member of the bucs. >> maybe not healthy enough if you were to believe him. let's talk about the football players playing. the 49ers have to win this game. 4:25 game on sunday. your thoughts? >> showdown in the west. this is the one to watch, guys, absolutely. rams are going for that number 2 seed. they want to keep it out of the hands of the bucs. yes, you're right. the 49ers have to win this one if they want to keep playoff hopes alive. a must-win for both. the big question mark will jim be healthy to go or another showing of trey lance? a fun one to watch. >> packers against the lions, >> certainly seems like he will be a full go. he said i want all my guys out there, starters to stay in rhythm. sometimes when you take too much time off it can be more detrimental. i think aaron rodgers will play the entire game probably not but at least through -- he is on a huge trajectory to win another mvp. >> anything at stakes with the falcons? >> absolutely. saints, if they win and the 49ers lose they're in the playoff picture. it's a huge one nor the black and gold. >> stay over the hottest stories in sports. appreciate it. fox bet super six week 18. season finale. it's giving everyone a free chance at $100,000. download the app and enter for your chance to win. jen hale has been great as usual. thank you for keeping my book on "the new york times" list. ainsley and steve we're all weather anchors, right? >> yes, yes, i will definitely be here tomorrow. i'm reading about epiphany when the wise men went to go visit jesus after his birth. >> steve, will you, too? >> that's why i'm wearing a red tie today. thank you very much. good to be back after a little longer than normal holiday but we're all together virtually and that's 2022 so far, baby. >> right. on to radio. >> that's right. >> dana: fox news alert we're waiting to hear from the president and vice president as america marks one year since the deadly attack on the u.s. capitol. bill is off today. good morning, trace. >> trace: good morning everyone. i'm trace gallagher. this is "america's newsroom." a day we won't soon forget when rioters stormed the halls of congress as lawmakers worked to certify the presidential election. >> dana: as we wait to hear from the president i want to bring in bret baier. about 15 minutes ago we got word that the president's motorcade had already left the white house. very punk

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Gunpoint , Shop Owner , Food , Modu Wade , Quote , I M Sorry , Neighborhood , Knife , Michelle , Deterrent , Punishment , Tease , The Star , Floral Down , Chelsey , Ones , Arrest , Street , Arrests , Marijuana Misdemeanors , Surprise , Cop , Back , Portion , Fox , Trespassing , Bratton , Kelly , Anything , Misdemeanor , Valuables , San Francisco , Garage , Smash And Grab Capital Of The World , 2 0 , He Hasn T , Face , Mayor , Ran On , Law And Disorder , Tenant , Mow , Alvin Bragg , Dison , Policies , Path , Approach , Criminal , Plan , Jail , John , Gun Cases , Consequence , Thunder Guy , Yesterday , Cases , Gun , Police Officer , Law Enforcement , Armed Robbery , Pandemic , Push , Streets , Safer , Areas , Judges , Republican , Guy , Making Decisions , Prosecutors , Wisconsin , Bars , Christmas Tree Parade , Country , States , New Yorker , Prostitute , Turnstile , Red Light District , Subway , Times Square , Rudy Giuliani , Someone , Law , Break Egg , Styles , Window Syndrome , George Soros , Person , Conspiracy , Gel Room , Election , Murder , Das , Chaos , Los Angeles , A Million , A Million Bucks , Attorney Generals , Houston , Attention , Businessman Wreath , Candidates , Republicans , Books , Criminal Code , 1 Million , Front , Camera , Campaign , Problems , Pivot , Behind The Scenes , List , Departures , Statements , Take A Look , Exit Interviews , Image , Congressional Black Caucus , Vince Evans , Right , Public Engagement , Affairs , Reporting , Answer , Latest , Omicron Thing , Poll , The Delta , Voices , Trial Balloons , Big Northeastern Papers , Yale Law Student , Jerry Me Hunt Army Vet , Or Whomever , Pete Buttigieg , Stats , Work Environment , Areeve Differenty , Saying , Staffers , Words , Some , Criticism , Dysfunction , Reports , Claim , Bully , Soul , Dishes , Source , Claims , Turmoil , Vincent Evans , Terms , Criticisms , Left , Mr , Times , Rhode Island , Measures , Top , 30 , Workers , Job , Healthcare Hero , Body , Immune System , Defenses , Centrum , Routine , Season , Vitamin C , Support , D , Ace , Gillettelabs , Exfoliating Bar , Zinc , Stroke , Shave , Gentle Exfoliation , Shaving , Band Plays , Allstate , Sfx , Radio , Everyone , Bit Wrong , Hands , Kinder Bueno , Auto Rate , Ding , Crispy , Ahh , Woooow , Enjoy The Ride , Creamy Hazelnut Filling , Chocolate Bar , Crispy Wafer , Jobs , Hospital Workers , Staffing Shortages , Firing Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers , Health Department Justifying The Decision Writing Quote , 19 , Course , Guidance , Nurse , Guest , Coronavirus Transmission , Neurologist , Shift , October 1st , Handna , Hanna , Healthcare , Revelation , Transmission , Someone Testing Negative , Common Sense , It Doesn T , Sense , Professional , 2019 , 2020 , Ppe Shortage , Backyards , Hotels , Nurses , Mandate , Pots , Head , Career , Healthcare Worker , Facts , Methodology , Data , Trust Science , Hesitancy , Breakthroughs , Viruses , Stance , Virology , Experience , Variants , Hope , Expertise , Suspects , Statement , Quarantine , Facility , Isolation , Faculties , Rhode Island Department Of Health , Presidency , On The Beach , Mask On , Site , Fittings , Lara Trump , Father , Baby , Me Crazy Vo , Car , Decompression Zone , Music , Experts , Technology , Windshield , Music Vo , Singers , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , There S Industrial Grade , Analytical Software , Assembly Lines , Walls , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Skin , Kim , Congestion , Serum , Saw , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , 4 , 92 , Mucinex , Australia , Save It Slimeball , 3 , Freedom , Character , Hard Work , Essential , God , Principles , Hillsdale College , Purposes , Number , Meetings , Doesn T Have Public Events Today , Policy Teams , Biden Isn T , Backlash , Delaware , Comments , 27 , Eric Today , Birthday , Son , Born , News Flash , Oh My Gosh , Stamina , President Of The United States , 95 , Donald Trump , Result , Versus , Tax Cuts , Put , History , Jobs Act , Businesses , Regulations , Regulation , 860 , Presidents , Isis , Border , Reporters , Human Smugglers , Apprehensions , Increase , Afghanistan , Border Agents , Unaccompanied Minors , 110 , Speech , Numbers , Interviews , Didn T , Monday Or Tuesday , 16 , December 22nd , Barack Obama , 155 , 72 , Liability , Position , Cannot , World , Confidence , Adversaries , Basement , Op S , Ice Cream , Anybody , Cameras , Detriment , Janice , Janice Dean , Weather Forecast , J D , Snow , Parts , Chills , Texas , Kentucky , Wind , Headlines Today , South , Tennessee , Storm Developing , North Dakota , Minus 46 , Minus 8 , Mid Atlantic , Northeast , Storm System , Big , Bulls Eye , Minneapolis , Minus 22 , Snowfall , West Virginia , Winter Weather Advisories , Mountains , Fox Weather Com , 2 , 5 , Thanks , Xfinity , Why Americans , Ed Renzi , Resignation , Mcdonald S , Old Time Rock And Roll , Help , Breathing Problems , Mouth , Swelling , Reactions , Kind , Add On Injection , Asthma Attacks , Asthma , Nucala , Soul Ucala , Infections , Breathing , Tongue , Infection , Back Pain , Headache , Nunormal , Fatigue , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Jobs Report , Let S Talk , Baby Boomers , Aren T , 1 5 , 7 Million , Tax , Market , Quality , Investment Portfolio , Places , Crime Rate Starting , Inflation Rate , Inflation , Soar , Services , Confluence , Positives , Shortages , Household Income , Negative , Goods , Workforce , North , Employees , Solutions , Solution , Lack , Moms , Particular , Producers , State , Water , Mothers , Grandma , Unemployment Rate , Education Situation , 400000 , Stuart Scheller Jr , Time , You Inteed , Take Care , You Bet , Interview , Exit , Trelegy , Ways , Copd , Copd Medicine , High Blood Pressure , Medicines , Heart Condition , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Eye , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Stand , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Problems Urinating , Price , Singlecare , Word , Savings , Meds , Trelegy Com , Insurance , Pharmacy , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Location , Store Managers , Applicants , Advisors , Hiring Site , Announcer , Car Sfx , Safety System , Traffic , Intuitive Tech , Lexus Nx , Beep , Interest , Hello , Cooking , Advanced , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Crisis Messaging , Lyrics , Hokie Pokey , City Council , Beverly Hills , Democrat , Criminal Agenda , It Sill , Gorge Gascon , Departure , Powerball Tickets , Don T Play , Jackpot , Power Ball History , Th , Weekend , High , Weather , Happiest Place On Earth , Disney World , Morning Orlando , 56 , 76 , Temperature , Low , 81 , Rides , What S Going On , Cutting Costs , Whatever , Destination Place , Maintenance , Aoc , Mask , Brian , Rules , Contributor , Score , Antibody Level , Hold On A Second , Ken , Doesies , Mom , Trip , South Carolina , Mexico , We Wouldn T , Mend , Hand , Pfizer , Invoice , Peter Doocy , Tests , Disease Control , Outrage , Toest , Decisions , Secret , Daily , Basis , Lawrence , Mark Meredith , Strategy , Quarantine Guidelines , Confusion , Guidelines , Jacqui Heinrich , Studies , American Medical Association , Information , Covid Test , Recommendations , Testing Capabilities , Ron Klain , Chief Of Staff , Demand , 2020 Ron , Isn T , Hell , Earth , June 2020 , Appointment , Cvs , Boat , D C , Anecdotally , Playoffs , Best , Round , Second , Don T Have One , Semi , Ama , Doing , Walks , Proportion , Spokesperson , Statuary Hall , Voting Rights , Party , Congress , Before , Heck , Daughter In Law , Observation , Amount , Has , Yes , Record , Agents , Proposal , Holiday Surge , Article , Town , Vanity Fair , 732 Million , 500 Million , Destinations , Hits , Buildings , Pcr Tests , Frustration , Go To A , Feeling , Understatement , Sir , Police , Couple , Concert At Shay Stadium , 1981 , Positive , Coronavirus , Group , Concert , 11th Grade , Line Up , Sting , Ratings , Think , Boomerang , Canary , Coal Mine , Overplay , Prisons , Police Chief , Crime Running Rampant , Lawmaker Assemblyman , Communities , America , Prop , Voters , Unintended Consequences , Weakening , Theft , Theft Laws , Belief , 47 , 1000 , 000 , Lifetime , Parties , Environment , Proposition , Wrong , Gavin Newsom , 2014 , Threshold , We Haven T , Desk , Assemblyman , Comment , Name , Rudy Salas , Bucks Worth , 400 Bucks , 950 Bucks , 950 , 400 , 200 , 200 Bucks , 125 , 75 , Bucks , 50 Bucks , 50 , A B 1603 , Crazy , Order , Grabs , Smash , 1603 , Business , Merchandise , Pop , These , Box Stores , Stores , Life Saving , Niemann Marcus , Community Service , Commandments , Fox Nation , Jurors , That S Right , Childhood , Deliberations , Abuse , Tap , Ghislaine Maxwell , Lawyers , Woman , Stories , Another , New York Times , Juror , Sexual Abuse , Fate , Against Maxwell , Prison , Counts , Showdown , School Closures , Sex Trafficking , Teachers Union Forces , 65 , Educators , Thread , Teacher Pay , Union Crites Omicron , Get Back , Refusal , Color , Bmw , Flow , Exterior , Car Ix , Interior , Readers , Driver Input , Screens , Vehicle , Flu Ronna , Hybrid , Double Whammy , Pretty Cool , Commanders , Nicole Saphier , Cake , Chocolate Cake , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Birth , Condition , Narrator , Lexi Struggle , Doesn T Exist , Surgery , Conditions , Operation Smile , Cleft , Countries , Healing , Futures , Teams , Supporter , Smiles , Operationsmile Org , Act , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Cost , Security , Family Safe Browsing , Pause Wifi , Country Health Officials , Defense , Contagious Omicron Variant , Booster Shot , Age Group , North Carolina , Flew Ronna , Mississippi , Media , Testing Positive , Headline Flurona , Vice , Variation , Rsv , Hospitalization Rates , Culprit , Hospitalization , Hospitalizations , Hospitals , Panic , Apes Ains Last Year Didn T , 1 8000 , 60000 , Opinion , Great Question , Truth , 2000 , Both , Recommendation , Flu Shots , Rates , Adults , Flu Cases , International Travel , Masking , Influenza Cases , Variations , Rise , Flu Season , Travel , Omindset , Treatments , Drugs , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Majority , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Changes , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Healthcare Provider , 0 , Projects , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Shortlist , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Bargain Detergent , Stains , Wash , Tide , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Emergen C , Nutrients , Blend , Military Policy , Officials , Chairmans , Member , Joint Chief , Afghanistan Forever , Rank , Scathing Rebuke , Air Base , Table , Set , Title , Bagram Airfield , Colonel , Pension , Bat , Marine Corps , Million , Tape , Off , Release , Regrets , Tapes , Show , Content , Conversations , Matily , Draft , Vietnam , The World Stage , Marine A Masters In Military Science , Assessment , Similarities , Saigon , Discontent , Closest , Contempt , Officer , Officers , Accountable , Leadership , Voting , Ordeal , Target , Generals , Resources , Restrictions , Restraint , The General , Option , General , Chols , Responsibility , Military General , Wars , Failures , Drug Use , Generation , Junior Service Member , Standards , War , Battle , View , Funerals , Grandparents , Act , Millie , Austin , Mackenzie , I 78ded , Afghan Military Forces , Withdrawal , Collapse , Views , Troops , 2500 , Fault , Input , Enough , Staff Officer , Boss , Mckenzie , Milley , Agencies , Focus , Globe , Combat , Command , Military Plan , He Doesn T , Centcom , Sef , Player , Secretary Of Defense , Chiefs , Lloyd Austin , Civilians , Response , 13 , 169 , Lunch , Investigation , Women , Didn T Fire Him , Difference , Video , Military , Mistake , Afghan Commandos , Hardware , 80 Billion , 0 Billion , Somebody Accountable , Billions , Training , Obligation , Rest , Accountability , Americans Don T Leave , Bottom Line , Ethos Values , Trap , Benghazi , Probability , Critics , System , Spoke Up , Thesis , Conversation , Obedient , Sacrifice , Reputation , Muscles , Stake , Scrutiny , Ukraine Rush , Because , Weakness , Behalf , Strength , Tucker Carlson Today , 49 , Girl , Case , Break , Tune , New Hampshire , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Breast Cancer , Kisqali , Pill , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Hr , Disease , Liver Problems , Skin Reactions , Change , Blood Cell , Yellowing , Cough , Dizziness , Eyes , Breastfeeding , Treatment , Appetite , Loss , Tiredness , Urine , Fever , Rash , Bleeding , Grapefruit , Bruising , Future , Investor , Advice , Access , Vanguard , Vo , Six , 360 , 36 , 8 Billion , 68 Billion , 20 Million , 2021 , 00 , 899 , 99 , 30 Bucks , 250000 , 50000 , Zero , Zero Dollars , 459 , 600 , 600 Bucks , 82 Million , 60 , 41 , 665 Dollars , 665 , 9 , 90 , 00000 , 100000 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends 20240709

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staff with respect, how can he treat us first. >> cdc recommending boosters foragers 12 to 15. >> no data was really presented to show that a booster in younger populations actually decrease their very low risk of severe illness. >> california congressman eric swalwell spotted hanging out maskless. >> we have no bias when it comes to public health initiative. none of the people pushing them follow them themselves and we all know that ♪ ♪age you be my glass of wine ♪ i'll be your glass of whiskey ♪ you be my sunny day ♪ i'll be your shade tree. >> steve: it's 6:01. currently clear there with a high today of about 40. right now it is 38 degrees as we look in live. good morning, folks on this, the 6th dave january, 2022. it's good -- happy new year, brian and ainsley. >> ainsley: welcome back, steve. it's so good to have you back. did you have a fun vacation? >> steve: you know, it was -- we gathered together as a family and then we -- a lot of people trade gifts. we traded omicron. it pretty much went through our whole family. i got it, my wife got it, peter got it, sally and mary had delta so, the tell was what omicron does is, remember delta hits you in the chest. omicron hits you right in the throat. i wound up calling my ent dr. ten he said you know what? you probably have omicron. so, sure enough, after waiting in line for five hours, they said you have got omicron. bryan brian did you get a test at home or a home test? >> steve: no. there are absolutely no home tests available. so, what i did was i did what everybody says, you know, joe biden said, you know, go and get a test. i tried to get a test, there were no home tests, so i called walgreen's, i went online and i was able to schedule a test for seven days later. and then they told me that once you get the test, we will have the pcr results in seven more days. so it would have been two weeks. so, i wound up going to an urgent care place because i was afraid i was going to infect my entire family, and after i waited over four hours, they said hey, good news, you don't have the flu. but you have got omicron. >> brian: up guess you could assume you had it. i'm sorry, go ahead, ainsley. >> ainsley: how did kathy fair with it i know she has had health initials the past. >> steve: as a cancer survivor we were worried about her under doctor's care she is doing better. peter was out of commission. but he is going back to the white house i think on monday. >> ainsley: okay, good. hi, brian, good morning to you, how are you doing? >> brian: i'm doing good. also, i see the long lines here. and it's about 22 degrees. yesterday was nice. the last few days in their 20's. i feel so bad for people waiting in line obviously not healthy or concerned or want to get on a flight internationally and just waiting in line. i see a lot of little kids too waiting in line. i think we have to, at this point being such an epic fail from this administration. they didn't order this stuff ahead of time. the money was there. we gave it to them in march. they did not order ahead of time. they did not order the therapeutics ahead of time. because of that and a lot of these schools, nobody followed up to find out if they got these schools fitted to be virus friendly because of that we are in a situation we didn't have to be. in we are not responsible for omicron but the fact that we weren't ready is a bureaucratic problem. i think that brings us, steve, right to the first issue, and that's kids in school. >> steve: you are absolutely right, brian. you know, you were talking about how the administration was caught flat footed. they were completely unprepared. remember, it was months ago when joe biden said this is going to be the winter of death and severe illness. we didn't even know about omicron at that point but that's when they should have been doing something behind the scenes and they weren't doing anything. in a couple of hours, we're going to have ron desantis on from florida. he is actually secured for his state hundreds of thousands of at home tests which is exactly what the people down in florida need. but, nonetheless, in chicago, where they duke it 'illinois took $5 billion of covid money to make the schools more covid-proof, essentially. better ventilation, masking, plexiglass, stuff like that. and now the chicago public teachers still, after negotiating apparently last night, no deal, classes are canceled again today, leaving parents up in the air and kids as well. there is a real good possibility they will not have school tomorrow. and next week is up in the air. here is the union president in chicago explaining why it just ain't safe for them. >> right now, going into schools puts us at risk, puts our students and families at risk. we would rather be in our classes teaching. we would like to have in person school open. and what we are saying though is that right now we are in the middle of a dangerous surge. it is breaking all the records. >> ainsley: lori lightfoot, the mayor of chicago, she is now saying she is threatening to take away their pay if the teachers don't show up. she is fighting for these kids to get back in class. she says we owe that to our children who are suffering learning loss. the worst possible thing we can do is abandon the science and the data. steve, the $5 billion that illinois got out of that $130 billion american rescue package, well, chicago, yesterday, we were reporting spent $32 million on curriculum, equity initiatives under the guise of public health. so, which is basically crt. they are taking that money. they are saying that cr. >> it is a public health issue and they are using this money that was supposed to go toward ventilations and masks and testing. in congress when they allocate this money to go toward making our schools safer, they need to make sure they put wording in there that it has to be used for specific things, ventilation, masks, testing and not crt. brian. >> brian: absolutely. the question is anthony fauci, to me, somebody who has been behind the 8 ball every single moment. then you have the secretary of education and now the president all saying we have got to get the schools open and they are not listening. i wish the president and through jen psaki would take the zone as they do with horrible people unvaccinated ridicules them his patience is wearing thin. can your patience possibly run thin when it comes to kids in school from first to fourth to seventh to 11th here is jen psaki yesterday quietly outlining why she believes the kids belong in school. >> we are more than equipped to ensure schools are open and to keep our children and educator who selflessly serve their community safe but ensure that children are not enduring the mental health impacts of not being in school, that they are not gaps in learning. this includes schools everywhere. including in chicago. >> brian: we we know also, real quick. we know also this. kids will get it. this is very transmutable but also not something nearly as severe. in fact, many people have outlined, looked atom chron and said could be a blessing, because it gives you the antibodies you need to fight the virus. at the same time gives you mild symptoms with the virus for the most part. now, i understand that there are things challenges bus drivers and actual teachers who get it you can't go in. if you are steve doocy on monday you are not teaching a class. i understand that. there is 4500 schools who took at least one day off there are school districts in atlanta and milwaukee, 80 in philadelphia that took days off that said you have got to go remote. we get that. that's called trying to get into school and sometimes it doesn't work because the teachers are i can sick. the questions are you trying, are you really sick? are you sending the right message to the kids when in trouble we find the way to persevere we don't hide. the at this mid at this along with missing the interaction is really hurting kids, steve. >> steve: well, first of all, brian, i don't know how you don't know i wasn't teaching class on monday. >> brian: right. i was wrong to say. >> steve: here's the thing. what we have learned about omicron i started by saying people just tuning in it gets your throat first and that's how it got me when they are looking at how this is impacting people they are essentially say we could have dodged a bullet with this particular variant which is good news because delta and alpha impacted your throats. omicron hits you in the throat. what if the next variant doesn't hit your throat? what if the next variant hits your lungs or heart or brain? we just don't know. that is one of the reasons why the best protection for people is to get the vaccine. we have all been vaccinated. i have been boosted i have had omicron, i'm at the gold level for immunity. but, nonetheless, there are people who have extenuating circumstances like a chicago teacher, who is battling cancer but he knows that it is so important. i believe he has been boosted and he has been double vaccinated. but he knows that he has got to go to school because that's where the teachers belong, and he won't stop in person classes. and, in fact, i think 10% of the chicago teachers went to school yesterday to try to open things up. here is joseph oko who is a chicago teacher with cancer on making a difference in students' lives. >> i joined the chicago public schools as a teacher first and foremost as a teacher. and my role, i believe my role should be inside the classroom with my students. despite my battling cancer. i still have a role to play right now and just want to make my life relevant somehow. the thought that i can still be of service to my students, i had done the remote learning for more than a year with the students. and i have seen the limitations and the challenges that a teacher faces with remote learning. it's not really effective. it's not also fair to the parents. the parents need to be with the students when they should be earning a living. >> ainsley: he went on to say that he wants to make his life relevant and he wants to make a difference in the lives of these children. he became a teacher to teach. not be a are the pa of the union. yale university, they are telling the students they are not allowed to leave campus and go to a local restaurant. they have to quarantine there on the campus until february 7th. new york city teachers unions ramping up pressure to go remote. new mayor eric adams says he wants to keep the schools open. in new jersey, where you live, steve, they are looking for retired teachers because of all the staff shortages from covid. >> brian: i would like to add i'm not sure they know what's what they are doing when this comes to vaccines and shots. i know so many people double vaxxed and boosted and getting this at the same rate as horrible unvaccinated people. >> steve: right. >> brian: i want to slow down a little. i don't want to be getting a shot every three months until they figure it out. i don't want to be a pin cushion and experimental show horse for a government that is showing nothing but incompetence over the last year because now you are talking about our health in an extreme way. i don't want politicians in control of my 18-year-old, my 20-year-old, my 25-year-old. and not me. and so i'm losing a lot of faith in go get another shot because i think we are going to be here in two months hearing how darryl you got get a fourth shot. somehow selfish not getting a fifth shot. get ahold of yourself. settle down. we need a third party outside government, no political bent to give us an idea of what is actually hitting us in america. meanwhile, up next, business owners. >> steve: brian, can i add something? here's the thing, you don't trust government. and i get that a lot of people don't. however, do you know who i trust? i trust my doctor. in talking to my doctor yesterday about omicron, and, you know, the thing about omicron is the vaccines have not been as effective with that as it was with delta. and he said think about it this way, steve. he said think of the vaccine as like wearing a kevlar vest. it is not going to-i essentially what the kevlar vest is going to do it will stop the bullet. but it won't let the bullet kill. that's why i trust the doctors, i trust the science. you know, it's the only game we got right now is to get vaccinated and boosted. and unfortunately this omicron is sweeping through the area. >> ainsley: can i ask something? every doctor you talked to has a dinner answer. i talked to one doctor about vaccinating my daughter not over my dead body he saidly vaccinate my grandchildren. talked to another doctor more children -- the flu is probably a little bit more deadlier that's what we are seeing to past years. if you want your doctor to go to events in new york. then you will have to get her vaccinated. another doctor say yes, absolutely get your child vaccinated. three different opinions for different reasons. >> brian: the mrna vaccine on joe rogan listened to him three hours yesterday. the creator of the virus thinks this is out of control. i find that relatively disturbing because when he said that the creator of the virus with the patent, he gets -- he comes out and he gets sidelined off social media. this is getting a little scary. steve, you are 100 percent right to go to a doctor and not your local politician. business owners in new york city are on edge as a new district attorney looks to go soft on crime. his shocking deference for the far left policy. another one bites the dust. another exodus for the vice president's office. i'm not kidding ♪ free and easy down the road i go. ♪ i keep rolling like an old banjo ♪ free and easy down the road i go ♪ rn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪ ♪ 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>> brian: it's unbelievable that this came out yesterday. and the manhattan d.a. will not prosecute for marijuana misdemeanors not a big surprise. how about this? not going to push for resisting arrest or interfering with arrests. if you are a cop on the street like so many here we see every day and so many retired ones kind enough to work for us here at fox, why would you even think to yourself i'm going to go back to the way i was policing under bratton and kelly. if you are not going to have my back when it comes to resisting arrest, trespassing, if you go a portion of somebody's home where there is no people like a detached garage and take your valuables, they will downgrade it to a misdemeanor so it goes on and on from there. this is going to be san francisco 2.0. it's going to be the smash-and-grab capital of the world where we don't prosecute anything. where it becomes criminal first law and disorder. alvin bragg flew in the face in everything this new mayor ran on. even though this new mayor hasn't disavowed his new tenant and mow you dison ren day. expanding on approach to be the manhattan d.a. >> what we're doing now is not working plain and simple. this is our path forward. this is ohio we reduce violent crime. >> policies give criminals a green light. >> no. it depends upon your definition of criminal. >> steve: no consequence for crime. essentially john who are ritz will post said basically thunder guy's plan, unless you murder somebody, you are not going to jail. yesterday, he tweeted this out. quote: i have prosecuted gun cases and if you use a gun to rob a store or any armed robbery, you will be prosecuted i prosecuted cases involving law enforcement. if you punch a police officer you will be prosecuted, so clearly there is some push back a lot of people in new york city. people want to go back to work and they want to go back to life as it was before the pandemic. the problem was new york city is not the same place it was two years ago when it comes to safety. people are terrified to walk the streets. >> that's why thousands are moving out and moving down to safer, more republican areas. all these progressive judges are making decisions or progressive prosecutors are making decisions. we saw that in wisconsin. when the christmas tree parade was run over by this guy who should have been behind bars, a repeat criminal. we are seeing this across our country, especially in the northern states that are democratic and people are moving out because of that i'm telling you, as a new yorker, i live in new york city and i love this city but it's a different place now. we are all worried that we are going to go back to the way it used to be. brian, you grew up in new york. you were here when rudy giuliani cleaned up the city. i hear that times square was a red light district. this guy wants to say that it's fine to be a prostitute. it's fine to trespass. it's fine to jump over a turnstile in the subway and not pay your way through. all of that won't be prosecuted. you can do all of that as long as you don't have a gun on you or you are not holding someone up at gunpoint, what's the definition of a criminal? you break the law? you are a criminal. you are a prostitute, that's break egg the law. you are jumping the turn styles, that's breaking the law. you are a criminal if you break the law. what does he mean is there a soft definition of a criminal? >> brian: no, i hear you. it's anti-broken window syndrome. where you prosecute the small crime and stop the big crime. what happens is that eric adams said well i support him. well, i didn't hear everything he said. a little bit of willing gel room i hope he said i can't run the city if you are going to run it like that. this is what got to look out for. i thought i'm not a conspiracy person, but george soros absolutely has this organization. he absolutely funded all these das from san francisco to los angeles to houston to chicago, to philadelphia. and absolutely resulted in chaos and crime and murder running the streets. he gave this guy a million bucks. a million bucks in an election that not many people pay attention to goes a long way. he did it in houston. a prominent businessman wreath the other day he has destroyed the city by putting criminal first prosecutors, excuse me, attorney generals in place. so, we have to stop this. if he gives a million, these republicans have to find a way to give 1.1 million. put candidates out there just going to look out for the people and enforce the crimes -- excuse me, enforce the criminal code on the books. that's all. real quick, let's pivot to kamala harris because she has got more problems and coming from within. we knew how terrible she was running her campaign. now we find out even though she has been terrible in front of the camera, behind the scenes she has been even worse. she cannot lead an organization. they are going at each other's throats the ones that are remaining. add another one to the list of people confirmed departures from the vice president's office. adding to that, somebody else has gone. take a look at everybody that is leaving her office. and by the way, the exit interviews and the statements don't praise the vice president. so that says a lot, doesn't it, steve? >> steve: indeed. as you like at that image the guy second from the right. vince evans, the deputy director of public engagement and intergovernment affairs he has quit. he is going back to work for the congressional black caucus which he has worked with before. he is the latest in answer go of people who are reporting that she is terrible to work for. here's the thing. forget about her poll numbers actually worse than joe biden or that she said, you know, we didn't see this omicron thing coming. we didn't see any of this stuff coming. >> brian: or the delta. >> steve: at this point, you know, given what has been happening over the last year with joe biden. a lot of people would normally be saying you know maybe it's time for joe and kamala could be taking over. as it turns out, nobody really -- the loud voices, nobody is really that confident in the vice president. so that's why we have seen these trial balloons floated in big northeastern papers about well, if it's not her, who will it be? will it be pete buttigieg or whomever. jerry me hunt army vet, yale law student describes exactly what's been going on in the vice president's office and why so many people might be saying, you know what? we are almost a year in, i think i'm going to say areeve differenty. >> these were reports coming out of our stats should be taken. she has had toxic work environment the words they are saying. these are very far left liberal staffers these are people that worked for her 10 years. staffers are saying the same thing. >> ainsley: well, if you read some of these reports, there are claims of turmoil, dysfunction, one claim describes kamala as a bully who dishes out soul destroying criticism. a source close to the latest person who left, mr. vincent evans says they are on good terms but he is not limping to the previous criticisms. jen psaki when asked about the turmoil in kamala harris' office said oh, it's natural. it's a very positive thing for people to leave. it is 30 minutes after the top of the hour. desperate times call for desperate measures. rhode island hospitals now allowing covid positive staff to work after firing their unvaccinated workers. a once hailed healthcare hero who lost her job reacts next. ♪ to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! introducing the all-new gillettelabs with exfoliating bar. it combines shaving and gentle exfoliation into one efficient stroke, for a shave as quick and easy as washing your face. 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>> my last shift is october 1st. >> brian: october 1st. you didn't take the vaccine. part of the reasons was your neurologist told you not to. also, you said you didn't like there wasn't enough data on this for a healthcare professional like you. so you didn't want to take it. how do you feel about this new revelation that if you are positive you can go back? >> it's just -- we have abandoned common sense at this point. it makes me so frustrated. they would rather have someone who does have minimal risk of transmission over someone testing negative who has no risk of transmission. it doesn't make any sense. >> brian: so you as a professional. when you first hear about this virus and start being affected by it 2019, 2020 up until october 1st. what was this life like when this virus slammed this country. >> we were terrified. we didn't know what we didn't know. and we all just sort of banded together and said we are going to get through this. and we are going to do what we need to do. and we were ppe shortage. we were making due with what we had and going in and keeping it going i mean, we were afraid to infect our families. we were changing in our backyards. some people were living in hotels. it was really stressful. >> brian: right. you appreciated, i think, in new york banging pots and pans every time nurses went to work. you still got the virus. you have the antibodies. then you find out a mandate comes down from a politician. you are the healthcare worker says get the vaccine or you are fired. have you wrapped your head around to what has happened to your career? >> it's so surreal like saying the facts out loud is like are you kidding? we were fine to work before. and you know, you use the same methodology that you used all the protective measures. and we were tested constantly. but that suddenly was not acceptable and we asked to be -- i don't know. >> brian: what is your hesitancy with the vaccine. >> i need long-term data. >> that's it. like, yes, i do trust science, i do. but we are living the science right now it doesn't exist yet. i don't think there is anything wrong with saying i just want to wait. >> brian: what is seeing all these breakthroughs from people not only double faxed but boosted, what has that done for your school of thought when it came to your stance on the virus? >> well, we just walked away from what we already knew about virology and how viruses mutate and get less and less severe. we already knew all of this. but it suddenly didn't apply to covid and i mean, yeah, they are vaccinated and boosted but it changed. and now they are all vulnerable again. and the people that in my limited experience, i found the people that had natural immunity have not been getting these variants. they are more covered. that's just my experience. but, yeah. bribe brian i feel so bad you have to go through this but a lot of states love your expertise. suspects so fair you have to pick up your family and destroy your life because of some politician. >> i know. >> brian: hanna, thank you for joining today. hope to have you on when you say you got your job back. >> yes! >> brian: meanwhile i have a statement to read from the rhode island department of health, like other states throughout the country, rhode island is implementing the cdc's quarantine and isolation guidance. there is no facility -- faculties in rhode island -- fittings in rhode island right now who currently have positive staff on site. for now. meanwhile, straight ahead. the white house says president biden has no time to think despite spending a quarter of his presidency on vacation walking with his new dog on the beach with a mask on. fox news contributor lara trump watching her father work overtime in the office has something to say about that. ♪ oh baby ♪ you're making me crazy ♪ it's making me crazy ♪ >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ for people who could use a lift new neutrogena® rapid firming. a triple-lift serum with pure collagen. 92% saw visibly firmer skin in just 4 weeks. neutrogena® for people with skin. kim is now demonstrating her congestion. neutrogena® save it slimeball. i've upgraded to mucinex. we still have 12 hours to australia. mucinex lasts 12 hours, so i'm good. now move! kim, no! mucinex lasts 3x longer for 12 hours. ♪ ♪ learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college. ♪ >> i know the president doesn't have public events today. he does have a number of meetings with policy teams and that's often what he is doing behind the scenes. if he were standing here today, which i know he is always invited which is what guys would say he would say we never give him any free time or time think and that is probably true. >> ainsley: president biden isn't getting enough time to think. the white house facing backlash now for those comments as records reveal 27% of his presidency has been spent in delaware. fox news contributor lara trump joins us now. good morning, lara. >> good morning, ainsley. can i real quick just say a very happy birthday to my husband eric today. happy birthday. everybody send him message. >> ainsley: happy birthday. we are so glad you were born, eric. happy birthday. you are a great husband and great father and great son. so we wish you the best. all right. let's talk about what's happening in the white house because jen psaki is saying that he needs time to rest. 27% of his presidency in delaware on vacation. what do you say to that? >> oh my gosh. well, i do have a quick news flash for jen psaki i guess joe biden and the entire administration, you don't get time off when you are president, ainsley, i mean, this is just basic stuff here. obviously we knew joe biden would not have the stamina necessary to actually execute the office of president of the united states. and here they are telling us even with 95 days vacationing 27% of his time on vacation, as president, it still is too much for this guy handle it. and unfortunately you see the result. you see that everything in america has basically been downgraded since joe biden took office. you compare where we are in america now in one year in office with joe biden versus donald trump's first year in office. do you know within the first year in office with donald trump, we had passed a tax cuts and jobs act. resulting in the biggest tax cuts in american history for the people of this country. donald trump put in place in office where for every regulation that he implemented, 22 were rolled back, so 860 regulations rolled back year one of the trump presidency. it resulted in businesses wanting to come to america. and then just a very small thing, eradicating isis happened year one of the trump presidency. so the difference couldn't be more obvious whenever you look at the two presidents. you don't get time off, joe biden as president of the united states. >> ainsley: think about afghanistan. think about the border. we have seen 110% increase in apprehensions of unaccompanied minors at the border. is he telling border agents not to arrest the human smugglers. he is not taking many questions from reporters. he hasn't taken a question since last friday. didn't answer questions on monday or tuesday. we have record high covid numbers. and then he took the day off to write his speech that he is going to give today on capitol hill. now, if you look at the number of one-on-one interviews. joe biden has given 16 as of december 22nd. president trump had given 72 at that point in his presidency. and barack obama 155. why do you think they are taking him to delaware, keeping him there for 27% of the presidency and not putting him in front of the camera? >> i think it's pretty obvious, ainsley. joe biden cannot handle this position. we know that every time he is in front of the camera, if he is not scripted they are trying to get him out of there. he is a liability to the entire administration. unfortunately he is a liability to our country. at this point he is bumbling through everything he says. he does not inspire confidence for the american people. certainly our adversaries around the world are looking at joe biden and saying man, this guy does not have it together. so, they probably want to keep him hidden. hey, they did it the entire campaign. he was allowed campaign for president out of his basement. never pressed on anything. ice cream photo op.s and went down in the basement. this is nothing new. they do not want joe biden out in front of the cameras. they don't want kamala harris out in want photograph the cameras either. no one out there representing america. nobody answering questions for anybody. unfortunately it's to the detriment of the american people. >> ainsley: thank you, lara, for coming on. happy birthday to eric. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. all right. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. hey, j.d. >> janice: good morning. the cold air and snow the big headlines today. take look at it. cold air as far as south as texas. parts of tennessee and kentucky area as we have our next storm developing. and wind chills, minus 46 in parts of north dakota. minus 8 in chicago. minus 22 in minneapolis. let's track this latest storm system as it moves across the tennessee and kentucky area in towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast. it's going to be our big, our first measurable snow for the northeast including new york city. the bulls eye is really going to be the mountains of kentucky in towards west virginia and up towards the mid-atlantic and the northeast where we have our winter weather advisories. we are thinking 2 to 5 inches in and around the new york area. we will fine tune the forecast but for the latest snowfall totals fox download the app. and we will give you the latest. i prom missed my kids at least an inch of snow tomorrow so fingers crossed. >> ainsley: my daughter is excited too. thanks so much, janice, florida's governor ron desantis is going to join us live. more americans than ever are calling it quits. former mcdonald's ceo ed renzi tells us what can be done to stop the great resignation. ♪ still like that old time rock and roll ♪ that kind of music just sooths the soul ♪ ucala? 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[sighs] >> brian: think about antibody level. hard to think about it now. you get a perfect score on antibodies. >> steve: hold on a second. you are right. that's what my doctor, dr. ken says, everybody is going to wind up getting this. so, you might as well, you know, just be prepared, be boosted and vaxxed and stuff like that. i'm going to go ahead and cross the doesies off that list because we all got it. the whole family. >> ainsley: we have all been infected by it in some way though. i wasn't able to go to south carolina to spend christmas with my family because i was exposed to it and i was around people who had it and i was afraid i would take it home to my mom who was sick. then we had to cancel a trip to mexico. >> steve: you did the right thing. >> ainsley: we were scared if we got down there and tested positive we wouldn't be able to come back. we have all been affected by it i'm glad everyone in your house is doing okay though. >> steve: thank you, ainsley. we are all on the mend. peter doocy was sidelined at the white house he will be back, i believe on monday. >> brian: therapeutic that pfizer invented and ready. we forgot to order it. hand him an invoice. we will need tests next year rapid and the bigger one and also need therapeutics because we invented them. i know you don't like to give them to us but we invented them. >> ainsley: to test or not to test, brian. that is the question. disease control sparking outrage leaving so many people confused. are you supposed toest it. how many days do you quarantine, five days, 10 days? do you wear a mask? mark meredith outside the white house as it insists the cdc's decisions are led by science. good morning lawrence. >> glad you are feeling better. it's no secret the u.s. is shattering covid records on a near daily basis. the white house is showing strategy. it says it is simply following the science. the cdc, which certainly come under a lot of criticism, ever since the pandemic began is still trying to clear up some confusion it created over its latest shortened quarantine guidelines. shorten the time frame people should isolate because recent studies showed people were not nearly as contagious after five days. even the american medical association here says the latest guidelines are confusing. given that my colleague jacqui heinrich asked jen psaki why americans should still trust the information coming from the cdc. >> will new cdc guidelines getting criticism that it's confusing. >> the cdc is absolutely led by data and science. and, you know, again, if they hadn't changed their recommendations over the course of time, schools would probably be closed across the country. >> it's no secret trying to find a covid test can be quite difficult, if not impossible depending on where you live or work. the white house insists it is working to ramp up testing capabilities. but the surge in cases has certainly led to increase in demand. this is interesting, last year, before he was chief of staff, actually since data 2020 ron klain tweeted it's still not fixed. it's not fixed. richest country on earth still testing isn't fixed. that was ron klain back in june 2020. now the white house says it is in best. i was just looking online just for the hell of it to see and i couldn't find a test here in the d.c. area to get an appointment at any cvs for the next four days out. steve, ainsley, and brian a lot of people in the same boat trying to figure out where to get a test. >> brian: what the government is saying and what we find practically and anecdotally. thanks mark meredith. the whole thing is with the cdc if they're not caving to the teachers unions and changing their policies it seems because we don't have enough tests. after five days say just assume you are done. anthony fauci goes wait a second i don't like the way that sounds i would like to have a test. okay, if you want to take a test, take a test but make it a rapid test. don't have one, take three. so the best of three. let's hope you get two of three and move onto the next round of the playoffs which might be semi likely not to transfer the virus which gives you for the most part minor symptoms and among the people upset by it is the ama, they say nearly two years into the pandemic the omicron cases surging across the country the american people should be able to count on the cdc. we cannot count on the cdc. that's what's going on. with we talk about what the president is doing, he needs long walks in the open beach by himself with a mask on. he needs more time to think. he is just too busy. even though he spends a lot of time in proportion to the previous president on vacation. here's the spokesperson for the president. >> i know the president doesn't have public events today. he does have a number of meetings with policy teams and that's often what he is doing behind the scenes. if he were standing here today, which i know he is always invited is what you guys will say, but he will say we never give him any free time or any time to think, and that is probably true. >> here's the thing. yesterday he was probably working on that speech that he is going to deliver later today in statuary hall, one year after january 6th. and, you know, what he is going to be talking about today is bawl voting rights. and how we need to pass the voting rights bill through congress. this is something that his party has been pushing for over two years. they were pushing this before -- one year before last year, while people want to hear about omicron and covid and where the heck is my test, today the president is going to be talking about voting rights which is an important issue. here's the thing looking at interviews president has done. at this point through december 22nd, just before christmas, joe biden has only done 16. donald trump did 72. and barack obama, essentially did double that amount. lara trump is the daughter-in-law of the former president and had this observation about why joe is taking time off and maybe he didn't get the memo you don't get to do that as potus. >> news flash for jen psaki, i guess joe biden and the entire administration, you don't get time off when you are president. obviously we knew joe biden would not have the stamina necessary to actually execute the office of president of the united states. and here they are telling us even with 95 days vacationing 27% of his time on vacation as president, it still is too much for this guy. he cannot handle it. and, unfortunately, you see the result. >> ainsley: you know, he doesn't even talk to reporters that on. he doesn't take a lot of questions. jen psaki has advised him or someone inned white house has advised him not to take any questions. the last time he took questions was on friday. meanwhile, record high covid numbers. i know that he took the day off yesterday to write his speech. he will be giving that speech today, yes, later today on january 6th. but that's almost a week without talking to reporters. where is he on the border? 110% increase in apprehensions of unaccompanied minors at the border. where he is telling the border agents not to arrest these human smugglers. take some of that vacation time and go town there. article in vanity fair he rejected a proposal to order 732 million covid tests. those home tests to prepare for the holiday surge. and now they are saying no, we plan to order 500 million home tests. well, where are they? it's a little too late. it's after christmas. we needed those at christmas. steve, you said you couldn't find tests. i couldn't find tests. weeks before we could find them. but christmas hits. everybody needs test to go back home to destinations or be with their family at christmas or send kids back to school you can't find the tests. lines wrapped around buildings waiting to get in to get a test. this is just ridiculous. what has he accomplished? what has he done? look at afghanistan, brian. >> brian: yeah, steve, you had something to say? >> steve: i was going to say regarding testing, you know, joe biden said and the cdc said get a test if you can. and joe biden said google the closest place to get a test. i'm at home and i could not get a test for -- we couldn't get any of the at home stuff. i went online for my walgreen's and it said it would be seven days. and then the pcr tests would come seven days after that. so it would take me two weeks to know whether or not i had covid. did i have covid as it turns out. my ent said go to a -- one of those urgent care places and i did. and i stood in line for five hours. the frustration in that line of five hours was palpable. and, you know, joe biden said, yes, sir easy to get a test. go get a test. i have a feeling joe biden lost a lot of support of in that line because people are frustrated is an understatement. of the government said, joe biden said a couple of months ago, it's going to be a winter of death and severe illness. okay. they knew that coming in. why didn't they do something about it, brian. >> brian: right, steve. the last line i waited on that long was to see the police in 1981 in a concert at shay stadium. >> steve: not worth it. >> brian: and the group broke up. and i assume i was negative for the coronavirus at that point. i think i was in the 11th grade. >> steve: positive for the police. >> ainsley: clarified you it was a concert. when i heard police i thought in line up? you were in line up for five hours? >> brian: more sting. epic fail. the president loves talking about the pandemic because he has high ratings for it now he wants to talk only about are january 6th and blame donald trump think that's the only thing. overplay his hand and boomerang. the other thing he has to run from that virginia was a canary in a coal mine for was crime. if you look at what is happening in san francisco, philadelphia, what's happening in los angeles, you see crime running rampant. the police chief saying high hands have been tied by district attorneys. now you see in beverly hills them trying to recall the district attorney who was put there by george soros who wanted to see the prisons emptied and crime running rampant and america america destroyed. democratic lawmaker assemblyman who said this, i kid you not. enough is enough. fight back against the criminals stealing from our communities. we have seen the unintended consequences of prop 47 which means you don't prosecute for any theft under $1,000. weakening of our theft laws and our belief that california voters are ready to make their voices heard on this issue again. know what they are doing, steve? they are blurring the lines between democrat and republican in the most polarized environment in our lifetime. they are making the american people act for their families as much as they. to act for their parties. that's what we are seeing when it comes to school. and that's what we are seeing when it comes to crime. it's not right and left. it's right and wrong. >> steve: out in california, gavin newsom actually voted for proposition 47 back in 2014. and so when you have got this democratic assemblyman by the name of rudy salas who wants to reverse it. we haven't heard a comment from the governor. he said i will talk about it when it lands on my desk. interesting, the whole threshold has been prop 47 put the threshold at if you steal 950 bucks worth of stuff, then we are going to prosecute them. essentially what this assemblyman is calling for is to lower it to 400 bucks. so, what that means is somebody who is working in that store that we are looking at right there, if they see people stealing things, they have essentially got to itemize things in their head. >> brian: exactly. >> steve: $75. 125. >> brian: more people. >> steve: he is up to 200 bucks. >> steve: exactly. they can say they are for it, but, unless they go back to the way things were, where there was not -- i remember when the threshold was like 25 or 50 bucks. wife make it 400 bucks? why make it 950? it just, ainsley, seems kind of crazy. >> the california voters will need to vote. it's called a.b. 1603 in order to pass it good for him. enough is enough. we are tired of reporting on this. seeing these smash and grabs. someone had to buy all of that merchandise. if that's a mom and pop store, i know many of these are big box stores or like a niemann marcus. some of them are mom and pop stores. what if you spent all your life-saving to open up your own business and someone comes in smash and grab misdemeanor get it wiped off their record and do community service time. people are not being prosecuted for these crimes. hard to watch. hard earned average every day americans had to spend their money to buy this merchandise. >> brian: i have been handed the 10 commandments. one says here, ainsley, you might want to jot this down you shall not steal. >> ainsley: you shall not steal. it goes back to faith and family and what we need to be teaching our kids, too brian. >> brian: absolutely. that he was why we have fox nation and the bible study. it's all there you get a little bit deeper. >> ainsley: that's right. >> brian: ashley, what else do you have on tap for us. >> ghislaine maxwell lawyers say mistrial two jurors claim they discussed their own childhood abuse during deliberations. one juror telling the independent he shared his sexual abuse stories to convince other jurors to believe a woman who testified against maxwell. another telling the "new york times" they were sexually assaulted as a child and discussed it while deciding maxwell's fate. maxwell was convicted of five counts related to sex trafficking faced up to 65 years in prison. and in chicago, it's a showdown as the teachers union forces last-minute school closures for a second straight day. union crites omicron thread for refusal to work. lori lightfoot is threatening to withhold teacher pay or educators if don't get back to work. jen psaki insists schools are more than equipped to operate safely. and bmw taking high tech to a new level. color changing car ix flow and it ink exterior color of the car based upon the driver input. uses the same technology that powers screens as ebook readers, bmw says it brings the car's body to life and could be used to change the vehicle's interior in the future as well. pretty cool stuff there. back to you guys. >> brian: pretty cool. ashley, thanks so much. hey, let me tell you what's coming up straight ahead. a big two hours. up next, cases of flu ronna are popping up across the country. how serious is this? it's a hybrid, it's a double whammy, dr. nicole saphier breaks that down for you. stuart scheller joins "fox & friends" after first live interview after being discharged for doing what everybody was doing behind the scenes. that's criticizing our commanders in afghanistan. enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night 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>> i love the way that the media love to sensationalize something. this will be new headline flurona people calling when somebody is testing positive for covid-19 as well as the flu. not a new variation of the vice. having a positive test for covid and it flu. same as testing positive for flu and rsv. a lot of times when you get sick, it's not just one culprit making you feel that way it will keep a close eye on whether hospitalization rates increase because of having covid and the flu. however, i can tell you prevaccine the rate of hospitalization for covid in kids was about that of the flu. so this is way will media trying to keep people in perpetual state of panic. apes ains last year didn't see any cases of flu. >> we have few this year but more covid cases. if you look at hospitalizations, almost 60,000 covid cases in the hospitals now and flu compare that to the flu 1.8000. almost 2,000. so not as many with the flu this year which one is more serious in your opinion? omicron or the flu? >> well, great question. and the truth is the flu and covid are very low risk for otherwise healthy children and adults. but both can be more severe, specifically in children under the age of 5. specifically if they also test positive for rsv. those have higher rates of hospitalization. at the end of the day, the recommendation is to get flu shots for all children and especially those that are high risk the same as the covid vaccine. especially children who have not already recovered from covid-19 so they don't have the protection of natural immunity. >> ainsley: are you seeing more flu cases? last year we were quarantined. people were staying inside with their families and masking up. >> undoubtedly. the reason we are seeing rise in influenza cases international travel has resumed. you see seasonal variations because we have so much global travel. and it's not -- it's not scary, it's not unexpected. we have always had a flu season. it's still very low for what we're used to. i expect overtime that will continue to rise. we have to turn our omindset not just having a flu season but a flu and covid season with that now is very different where we were at last year. we have vaccines and boosters part of our arsenal dense covid. they come along with the new treatments that we have as well as retrofitted existing drugs that we have now to combat covid-19. so we are nowhere now where we were the last two years. we are in a much better place. >> ainsley: okay, great. dr. saphier, great to see you. thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: you are welcome. stuart scheller jr. is going to join "fox & friends" for his first live interview after being discharged for criticizing the botched exit from afghanistan. that's coming up. 2 diabetes arp to what's possible... with rybelsus®. the majority of people taking rybelsus® lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than 7. rybelsus® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't take rybelsus® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop rybelsus® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking rybelsus® with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. wake up to the possibility of lower a1c with rybelsus®. you may pay as little as $10 for up to a 3-month prescription. ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. 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>> first of all, brian, thank you for having me on the show. there is things i would have done differently. there are statements i might have gone back and tweaked because they took away from the content of what i was saying. i wouldn't have changed anything. this is very personal for me. i believe in everything that i said. so, i'm not apologetic. this is things i would have done differently to be more effective. but the matily, this is one of the most important conversations we can have right now. i just didn't see anybody else having it. >> brian: not only a marine a masters in military science. you knew what happened in vietnam. and they blamed it on the draft era and it happened again. commanders not being accountable. we failed again and embarrassed ourselves on the world stage. the president said this is not going to be like saigon. i believe it was worse. is that your assessment? >> you know, there's a lot of similarities, yeah. i think the president was trying to get people out, but, you know, a lot of my statements, if you go back and look in the media, they talk about joe biden, me tritt sizing joe biden. quite honestly in my statements i never brought up joe biden. the closest i got to is saying i have a agreeing discontent and contempt for political leadership. the president the way we hold the president accountable is through voting. my real target of this whole ordeal has been on the general officer level. so the general officers that advised the president should have advised better. the president basically, based on forced restraint said no, here is the resources and restrictions that you are going to have. so the generals failed to advise on the appropriate plan. at that point in my opinion, the general had an option to resign. the general chols not to resign. so, when the general failed to advise an appropriate plan and then the general refused to resign at that point he is responsible. he doesn't after the fact get to go back and say well, no, i offered him other plans and he told me this is what we are doing. the military general's responsibility is to advise on military policy and they can do that in an artful way and just through and through i feel like where we are failing at wars is that the operational and strategic level. and, exactly like you said, same thing happened in vietnam. there was a lot of operational and strategic failures in vietnam. and after vietnam, all we did was blame it on the draft. we blamed it on, you know, drug use within the military and increased standards on junior service member. the same thing is happening with the generation. yeah, for all those reasons i felt the need to speak out. >> brian: already lost the war. not you guys you won every battle you were edge gauged in. >> that's right. >> brian: you missed the birth of your son and not able to attend the funerals of all your grandparents. all you wanted it do was fight for this country and they put you in jail for speaking out because they didn't act in the best interest, in your view, and i agree, for the country. so, after the fact, it was time for the generals, with you in jail to go in front of congress and explain themselves. i want you to hear millie, mackenzie, and austin. >> my assessment was back in the fall of 20 and remained consistent throughout that we should keep a steady state of 2500. >> i -78ded that we maintain 2500 troops in afghanistan. those were my personal views. i also have a view that the withdrawal of those forces would lead inevitably to the collapse of the afghan military forces and eventually the afghan government. >> their input was received by the and considered by the president for sure. >> brian: so, was that good enough? i told them, they didn't listen, not my fault. >> exactly right, brian. they had the ability, any staff officer knows how to artfully present a plan and get that boss to accept the plan. they didn't do that and then once they had the resources, they didn't resign, so you own the plan at that point. you don't get to go back and say no, i told him and he didn't listen to me so it's not my fault. that's not how it works. >> brian: you have a huge problem with mckenzie in particular because mckenzie could have stopped it this political president, more political than any i can remember, if mckenzie had resigned he wouldn't have been able to go ahead with that plan. why is your focus on mckenzie? >> most americans don't understand how the different agencies divide up the globe and milley has a lot of contempt and discontent towards him right now justifiably because of the things he has done. but that's just not the way it works. centcom combat and command are the people that should have developed the military plan. general mckenzie works directly for the sef desk he doesn't have to ask the joint chiefs on how to build a military plan. most people don't fundamentally understand that in terms of the afghanistan withdrawal. general milley is not even player. it is general mckenzie to the secretary of defense lloyd austin to the president. there is no one, i mean general mckenzie was there from president trump to president biden, it was 100 percent his responsibility to have a better plan. >> brian: when 13 guys die, some of which you know and 169 are wounded. mckenzie's response is to kill seven civilians of course not intentionally. does he pay the price for that? you cut two tapes you go prison, lose your rank, lose your pension, does he pay a price for that? >> brian, i was fired like before lunch the next day after the first video. no investigation. general mckenzie killed people, civilians, women, children, they knew it, and then they said well let's let an investigation take place. didn't fire him over that just the difference between my situation and his, the hypocrisy perfectly illustrates the problems facing our military. and then after the investigation was complete, they came out and publicly said yeah, it was a mistake. it was a bad mistake. but he is okay. we're going to let him keep doing what he is doing. it just makes your head want to explode. >> brian: yes. and it's not -- i'm not the one who fought for 17 years. you were. you were on the way possibly to becoming a general. it's not going to happen now. and i know you're divorced and just coming out of prison and you got make your own way. find another career. so you have sacrificed a lot. we have left between 30 and $80 billion worth of hardware there and thousands of people left behind, including afghan commandos who have now pleaded for us to help them get out. that we spent millions training, do we have an obligation to get them out? the american people out and should there be somebody accountable for the billions left behind? >> i mean the answer to your last question is just emphatically yes. there should be some accountability. will that happen? well, i'm going to spend the rest of my life making sure it does. do we go back? that's a more complicated question. the best -- the way you do it is to not mess it up in the first place. so if you go back, now it starts getting more complicated are you putting more at risk by going back in? but, you know, i'm still upset benghazi. americans don't leave americans behind. that's the bottom line. we have fallen into this trap of making these decisions that just go against the ethos values of what america stands for, i will leave it at that. >> brian: if every colonel speaks out when they don't like what their commanders say the military would have probability of what do you say to critics yeah, you are right but you shouldn't have done it? >> i think if everyone believes my statements to be correct, but nobody is speaking out, i think the system might implode much faster than if we all spoke up, had an honest conversation were, able to fix some of thesis systemic problems facing the military. so i would submit by them being obedient, cowardly and not speaking out, they are actually damaging the system more than what i'm trying to do right now. >> brian: colonel, i'm sickened every day by the way we left and i didn't sacrifice what you sacrificed, obviously. i'm so sorry all the stuff happened to you and glad you said it we need scrutiny on the people on charge. our national reputation at stake. paying the price right now in ukraine rush has muscles and does china all because of the weakness we have shown. you showed the strength to sacrifice and speak out so much. i appreciate the parents speaking out on your behalf and it was great to see your family. i'm so sorry what's happened with you and your wife. but i'm so glad you are fighting on our side. going to continue to fight for america. colonel, hope to have you back. >> thanks, brian. hope to be back. >> brian: right. thank you. meanwhile, it's great interview. i watched it last night. "tucker carlson today" has 49 minutes with the colonel. we had seven. so much more to say there. so two tune in to "tucker carlson today." meanwhile, still ahead, a major break in the case a new hampshire girl reported missing two years after she was seen. the charges just filed. ♪ t metastatic breast cancer means asking for what we want. and need. and we need more time. so, we want kisqali. women are living longer than ever before with kisqali when taken with an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant in postmenopausal women with hr+, her2- metastatic breast cancer. kisqali is a pill that's significantly more effective at delaying disease progression versus an aromatase inhibitor or fulvestrant alone. kisqali can cause lung problems, or an abnormal heartbeat, which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. avoid grapefruit during treatment. ask your doctor about living longer with kisqali. at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. >> vo: my car is my after-work decompression zone. vanguard. ♪ music ♪ >> vo: so when my windshield broke... i found the experts at safelite autoglass. they have exclusive technology and service i can trust. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ steve twek back, a break in the disappearance of a girl missing two years after she was last seen. police have arrested harmony montgomery's father adam in connection with to her disappearance. the d.a. says montgomery was wanted for allegedly assaulting his daughter in 2019. let's bring in the son of john walsh and co-host of in pursuit with john walsh callahan walsh. callahan, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: i know that this particular girl, you know, apparently the father had given a number of conflicting stories about when he last saw her. and that's usually a very telling thing, when the police ask you a straight question and you give them a bunch of different answers, if that's the case. >> yeah. exactly. all accounts this guy gave conflicting testimony at first stories about when he last had custody of his daughter, who he gave the daughter to. and then he clammed up and he stopped talking to law enforcement all together. showed very little sign of remorse, if any at all. when law enforcement was telling him how serious this issue is, and he refused to help. it is a very, very telling instance in this case. i can't wait to hear more from this guy. hopefully he does talk, but right now luckily he is in the custody of the police. >> steve: there is his mugshot right there callahan, we were just looking at images of little 7-year-old harmony and she is just adorable and she is missing. the stories about the father, according to an uncle, he did spank her hard at times. but then he had little harmony there scrub her own -- her toilet with her own toothbrush. what kind of a person does that? >> yeah. hearing the accounts of what this little girl had to endure is just heart breaking. and knowing that she wasn't in the best place. she did have loving family around her in the fact that she was with her father who on all accounts who was abusive both physically and psychologically, it's horrible thing to hear about. and now that we find out that she has been missing the last time anybody has ever seen her was two years ago. the clock was ticking. that started two years too late. we are working retroactively in this case. that's why it's been so difficult for law enforcement to recover her at this point. >> steve: if anybody has any information contact the manchester police department. callahan, thank you for joining us today. >> thank you. >> steve: about a dozen minutes before the top of the hour. let's check in with my old buddy senior meteorologist janice dean with the fox weather forecast for this thursday. >> janice: hi, steve. nice to see you back, my friend. you know what? we are going to see a snow storm overnight tonight and tomorrow another area of low pressure that's going to develop across the mid south and come up all the way east coast. cold air in place. and that means more snow on top of places that got over a foot just this past week. so this area of low pressure is going to bring the potential for icy conditions, across the tennessee river valley and comes all the way up towards the northeast. depending on where this low swats itself will mean whether we get 1 inch to maybe 5 to 8 inches of snow. so, you know, we are still ironing out that forecast. you want to stay tuned to fox and we will give you the very latest. snow still to come. certainly for the mountains of kentucky, west virginia, in towards tennessee. that's where we have the bulls eye. and then across coastal new england tomorrow morning. that's where we are going to see the highest snow fall total, southern new jersey as well. still refining those details. we will keep you up to date. if you are commuting tomorrow morning, be aware there are going to be delays, steve doocy, back to you my friend. >> steve: all right j.d. thank you very much. looks like a january "foxcast." could businesses see another round of stimulus as cities and states slowly slow down omicron. j.d. vance on the government's endless spending program he is coming up next. voltaren, the joy of movement. i don't just play someone brainy on tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? 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how do you feel? >> no, i'm not. i mean, i think we are at a point in the pandemic where our leaders need to start reasoning with our citizens and saying look, it's time to get back to socialization. time to get back to living a normal life. we need to stop subsidizing the panic. if you think about the incenses of this, ainsley, maybe you are a purple city, a medium size city. you are thinking about whether to shut down which at this point is a terrible decision. the promise of federal dollars, basically knowing that there are no economic consequences to taking these really drastic actions might encourage people to do it. i think we all know what coronavirus is at this point. we have therapeutics that work that make it less deadly. we know owho it effect and who it doesn't. it's time to put away the crazy pills. take a deep breath and get back to normal life. >> steve: brian? >> brian: i didn't know it was my turn. senator, there's a lot of unspent money in the system, i mean, that's what joe manchin was saying originally, he said we have not spent a lot of this money. there has to be accountability, although we feel terrible for gym owners and restaurants because of terrible politicians they have been forced to suffer so much more. how do you go back in there, use your ivy league business background, and try to get some of this money out of this conglomerate? [laughter] >> yeah, well, look, at the end of the day, that's exactly right. and the problem right now is that we're probably throwing too much money at the problem. right? this is not 18 months ago. this is not everybody is shutting down. everybody is terrified. nobody knows what's going on. we have this terrible new virus from china. recall. we also have a terrible inflation crisis. i don't think you necessarily want to get as many federal dollars out the door as possible right now because we're at a new stage of the pandemic. we are at a new stage of the economy where what we should be prioritizing is helping people get back to normal. it's crazy what's going on right now. we have schools talking about closing again. we have businesses talking about shutting down, whole cities talking about shutting down. this has gone on for too long. we need to step back from the ledge and prevent ourselves from doing another round of costly shutdowns. additional federal money is going to make the problem worse. >> steve: well, and j.d. you know the administration realizes that lockdowns don't work and that's why the president isn't pushing it. there are a lot of people hurting and something has got to be done. >> look, absolutely.f orse our s for especially those in the service industry who have had their livelihoods destroyed by this pandemic more than anything. i think what those people need more than anything is for our leaders to say it's time to stop the panic and time to get back to normal. will i actually went tout a restaurant yesterday. it was pretty full. things were going well here in cincinnati. we need leaders to stop scaring people. >> steve: right. >> start reasoning with them and start encouraging all of us to get back to some sense of normalcy. >> steve: indeed, j.d., thank you for joining us from cincinnati, sir. >> ainsley: thank you, j.d. >> thank you. >> steve: we're going to step aside, coming up next, florida governor ron desantis has breaking news. you are going t want to hear it straight ahead. ♪ limu emu... & doug ♪ ♪ superpowers from a spider bite? i could use some help showing the world how liberty mutual customizes their car insurance so they only pay for what they need. (gasps) ♪ did it work? only pay for what you need ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ spider-man no way home in theaters december 17th >> right now, going into schools puts us at risk. >> chicago educators force last minute school closures for a second day. >> there is no reason for them to be at home. my kids are being held hostage. >> newly sworn in district attorney. >> policy give criminals a green light. >> no. it just depends on your definition of criminals. >> this man is looking to create lawlessness and anarchy in new york city. >> brian: cases of flurona popping up across the country. how serious is this? >> i don't expect to see anything out of the ordinary. i think this is just the media's way of trying to keep people in their perpetual state of panic. >> eric swalwell the latest liberal lawmaker to go maskless. >> why we have no bias when it comes to health initiatives. none of people are following them themselves and we all know that. ♪ might as well be walking on the sun ♪ ♪ >> brian: yeah, that looks terrible. i would not like it to be sunny and nice on the beach and a beautiful as the sunrises in the morning. i am so glad it's 22 trees in new york city and 8 hours away from a snow storm. working out great for us. also a special thanks, thanks for joining us on the final hour. i would like to also add that florida is the place where people like eric swalwell who like to oppress in his state and aoc who like to clamp down in her district, like to go and just unwind, take the mask off, kick back and hug somebody in a crowded environment. much like i guess the average person who is not running for office. >> steve: brian, they have obviously got good taste they go to -- listen, going to go to canada in the first week of january? >> brian: no, are you kidding? >> steve: going to go florida and get a cocktail with one of those little umbrellas in it and then have another. and then you are not going to be able to feel your toes, but that's a completely different story. we are going to be talking to the governor of the great state of florida, ron desantis within the next couple of minutes. he has some breaking news that you will hear exclusively on "fox & friends," ainsley. >> ainsley: you know, if you are a billionaire, they want to take your money. you have earned it but they want to take your money. and if you flock to florida, because they don't have high taxes, and you flock to texas, they don't have high taxes, they are like maybe there is something to this. let me check this out. aoc is down there without a mask. eric swalwell is there without a mask. rules for thee but not for me. in their states they are saying lock down. lock down in california until the first week of february. he wants to go to florida because there is no masks there and he is there with his baby and meeting someone and they are talking, sitting in these chairs. no mask. so, i completely understand it i was down in florida. both of you were down in florida. so, it's a great place to be. >> brian: right. but don't condemn other people in your state for not wearing masks and come down and go out and have a kick ass time in somebody else's statement while you are criticizing them and calling them like death santa which is just the opposite. meanwhile, let's talk about what is happening. no more important story than keeping our schools open all levels. from the preschool to the grammar school to the high school, to the college. we got to get these kids, young men and women back to school in a holistic way. not only the things they learn on the chalkboard but the interaction. that they are just not getting and experiencing. it appears the challenges you might get in the hallway is just not happening. now, in philadelphia, i know there are districts that can't open schools because bus drivers are tested positive. routes can't be done. i understand, sometimes teachers are hit really legitimately, a teachers union situation in chicago. the third biggest school district in the country. now we are watching something that used to take place between donald trump officials and taking place with anthony fauci, the secretary the education, the president of the united states and the liberal mayor of chicago, lori lightfoot. she is saying go back to school or we're not going to pay you. the teachers unions are saying we are not going to back to school. here is jeffy sharky a chicago teachers union president. >> right now, going into schools puts us at risk puts our students and families at risk. we would rather be in our classes teaching. we would like to have in person school open, and what we are saying though is that right now we are in the middle of a columbus surge. >> steve: the omicron is sweeping through places like wildfire. it swept through our family two weeks ago. they canceled school for again today. uncertain if they will be back tomorrow or even next week. new york city pretty muched the pressured the cityto go remote. what is doctoring is in the state of new jersey where we make our home, they have been -- some teachers, this is to your point, brian, a moment ago, where there are not enough bus drivers or teachers to teach, so they are caught short staffed. so what they are doing is they are saying hey, if you are a retired new jersey teacher, we will take you back and you can draw both your pension and your salaries simultaneously. we just need the help. because phil murphy. >> brian: great idea. >> steve: even though he did lock things down at the height of the pandemic, you know, new jersians don't have an appetite for that and as jen psaki said yesterday the schools are the place for the kids to be open, do you know why? because they are safe. watch. >> we are more than equipped to ensure that schools are open and to keep our children and educators who selflessly serve their community safe but to ensure that children are not enduring the mental health impact of not being in school. they are not gaps in learning. this includes schools everywhere, including in chicago. >> ainsley: i'm thrilled to hear her say that. and i'm thrilled to hear the president say he thinks schools should stay open. i'm thrilled to hear that lori lightfoot wants it open. a year ago they were all fine with the teachers unions closing down the schools. i'm not sure why the change of tune, maybe because they are getting so much pressure from people after two years of this. everyone is just ready to go back to normal. a friend of mine told me yesterday her home country in europe is now just saying the heck with all the rules anymore. we are going back to normal. >> brian: yep. >> ainsley: i understand that. everyone is ready for that look at the number that was spent, american rescue plan, the president gave $130 billion to make sure our schools had ventilation, to make sure they had masks and all the testing and all the plexiglass, whatever they needed to do to get back safely. well, they called it -- some of these school districts have taken that money and they're using it for crt and saying it's for health reasons that they need to teach crt that that makes us healthier. there is verbiage in the money that was allocated to make sure the schools were safe, that says it can be used for health initiatives and then they are using that for crt and saying that's a health crisis. and do you know who is doing that? chicago did this. illinois got $5 billion of that money. chicago spent 32 million of the money they got on curriculum, equity initiatives under the guise of public health. >> brian: right. by the way. i know i appreciate the president's sentiment. i also know he loves the yellow people unvaccinated. take the same tone with the teachers union. talk about your disdain and like for kids and grand kids and try to image that and get some of that anger and put it towards the teachers union. they are not going to vote for republicans. don't worry about it. but do the right thing for the country for a change. let's bring in florida governor ron desantis. he knows all about the challenges of getting therapeutics for his state wells testing. governor, always great to see you. even your critics would say you are a man of action. we are in a nationwide shortage when it comes to tests. do you have something to say to the people of florida? >> yeah, brian, you know, the biden administration promised they were going to send all these at home tests, they said all you had to do was go online and get it. nothing has happened in a month and a half of doing that we look at in florida and say you know, the point of the matter is not every single person needs to be going out always getting tested. you have healthy people. that's not a good strategy. what is a good strategy is to have these at home tests available for our vulnerable population. we have secured 1 million at home tests. we are going to be distributing them to nursing homes and long-term care facilities throughout the state of florida. and then to the broader senior communities throughout our population. because, we view testing as something that should lead to then a clinical result. so we have embraced early treatments in florida. so if you have somebody that's elderly that may be vulnerable to covid they can get a quick test at home don't have to wait in line. if they are upon, they have the ability, potentially to get treatment. we would like to have more treatments but the federal government is being very scarce with those. so we're fighting for more. so that floridians get what they need. >> steve: sure, absolutely. so, it is amazing that you are able to announce details before the federal government is because you would think the federal government, you know, the whole enchilada they should be able to do things whereas you have taken, obviously, matters into your own hands to try to get it to the people. but, you know, i like what you have just said, regarding the fact that you are -- not everybody needs to be tested but the vulnerable do. because, ultimately, what we are seeing with the omicron is, you know, my whole family had it around christmas time. and we didn't know we had it. and it wasn't until one of us got -- i got the first test where it's like okay, you need to keep away from your family, it was too late. >> i already infected everybody. but you have got to stay away from grandma. that's what you are talking about with the most vulnerable because people do need to be vaccinated, boosted, and tested to keep everybody safe. >> well, that's the thing. i think you have a situation where omicron, thankfully much less pa though genic than delta. a lot of the hospital admissions in florida and around the country are people getting admitted for something else and happen to test positive. they are not enough from covid to be treated in a hospital. that is in many ways a good development for how this thing has evolved. but you do have vulnerable people and elderly people. and those are the folks that we want to make sure we are able to enh the idea that some how far if you are just a young and healthy person you just need to be going out and getting tested four or five times a week or force people to test to be able to go to school or to be able to do their job. that is not a good use of resources. and that's part of the reason why you are seeing the shortage because you have a lot of low value testing going on. >> ainsley: governor, there is an article in vanity fair says in october there was a proposal. they approached biden about you need to buy a lot of these tests. you need to buy 732 million tests because we need to be prepared for the holiday surge. so many i know a lot of new yorkers went down to florida. i'm sure a lot of others did, too because people didn't want to go out of the country because you couldn't back in if you were 'and you could be positive for months. this put a lot of pressure on you and your state. we came down there and all looking for tests. in the middle of the vacation the tests were gone at cvss and grocery stores and. we would get a phone call and rush over there they just run out. when can we expect those to be in the krogers or walgreen's or cvss down there? >> these will likely go to nursing homes, long-term care facilities and likely go to local communities where they can focus them on elderly people. i agree i think we need to have the shelves restocked commercially. we had had really no problem with the that for months and months. but because omicron is so widespread you see that i think that there actually been some catch up on that, ainsley. i think there was an initial panic when omicron hit and media hysteria. people are starting to understand this is something that's out there. for most people it is more akin to a cold or flu. that's a great thing. you don't necessarily need to be going out and doing these tests for no reason. tests if there is a reason clinically to be able to generate an outcome. i think what we did will be helpful. i do think you are going to start to see more and more of those tests in the stores. >> brian: a couple of things, governor. you mentioned therapeutics. you mentioned the monoclonal antibodies. also the pfizer. ordered another 10 million pfizer. we have 20 million pfizer pills. you need five pills in 30 days once you get this so steve wouldn't have this or anyone watching this right now the omicron, you get right through it quickly, you no you see the pull back on therapeutics the president was dismissive you are not going to need the pills but we have the pills. why do you think the federal government does not want us to have therapeutics? >> well, i think if you look back, there is a number of big failures in this pandemic, the school closures which i know you guys were talking about, some of the lockdown policies, of course. but the failure from the outset to really focus on therapeutics, i think, has cost a huge number of lives. it was almost like they said, lockdown masks and then once vaccines came vaccine and this was it as we have seen now particular buy with omicron people are still getting affected regardless of vaccination status. you need to have emphasis on therapeutics. i think it's counter to their messaging and narrative. when i rolled out our monoclonal antibody sites this summer they attacked me, you are against vaccine if you are for therapeutics when actually we had a lot of vaccinated people going it wasn't all unvaccinated. regardless you want to have treatment options. in florida we have really stressed that. our surgeon general has done a good job talking about it it's been a huge, huge problem from the pandemic response and particularly under the biden administration where not only are they not promoting therapeutics they are actually trying to stymie the distribution of things like monoclonal an at this point bodies. >> brian: that's criminal. people are dying because of this. >> ainsley: that is criminal. >> no question. so long people didn't even know there were options for treatment. when we rolled out the sites. we started getting messages to my office from other states people saying hey, i didn't even know this was out there. can you help me get it in my state? and that's a real, real problem that people didn't know that there was help available. >> steve: well, and the federal government obviously, governor, knew there was going to be trouble right about now because joe biden, a couple months ago said that we're entering the winter of death. and it's going to be a winter of severe illness. but then, you know, yesterday or the day before, joe biden said hey, we know it's bad, but give us more time. so we can get the tests out. so we can get the pfizer pills out and things like that. but, you know, that's why he was elected. he and ron klain made the pitch when they were running, when he was running for president, ron klain was one of his assistants. he said, you know, hire me because evan in government my whole life and i can get stuff done. and now i think that's the frustration. not only down in florida but all across the country because the federal government also a handled it so badly. there are a lot of people who want tests, who want treatment and can't get it. >> his promise was he would shut down the virus. and he demagogued donald trump every day. he blamed trump for covid cases and deaths. he didn't blame china, which is really where the blame belongs. but he said it was all trump's fault and he would shut it down. not only has he not shut it down. you have cases and shoppings in parts of the country like we have never seen before. so that fundamental promise he made to the american people he has absolutely failed upon. and honestly, it was demagoguery from the beginning. you can't just magically shut down a respiratory virus. he should have talked about what he would do to help mitigate and provide these treatments. that wasn't what he was doing that central promise has failed. he should not have been demagoguing trump like he did. now, when he sees the results he is saying well it's not really the federal government's responsibility. it's all about what the states should be doing. i can tell you, steve, that's not what he was saying to florida and texas this summer. he was blaming us for not imposes mandates and restrictions even though we have done much better in terms of our society and economy and education. so, that is just what they are doing. and i think they have got themselves in a big rut because they made all these grand promises. they used it to try to win the election. and now the bills are coming due and they are just not able to cash the debt. >> ainsley: representative eric swalwell out in california he was just a few days ago blaming republicans for prolonging covid. this is what he tweeted out as we end 2021 mired in a deadly pandemic you should know who has prolonged it. these guys republican liars. your vacation canceled, your kids back to virtual learning and back to masks everywhere for blame, look no farther than #these guys. yet, he travels to florida and he is caught without a mask. as he is sitting down in a chair. not at a dinner table. talking to these down there during the christmas break and new year's. she was seen without a mask and hugging people and having -- which you are allowed to take your mask off at a dinner table. so thats with a fine. but hugging people at this party or at this club. and dancing around. no mask. and then i heard you, i think you were on with sean on fox. and you said there were six governors that you know of from some of these democratic states that you know has been down in the state of florida vacationing. what do you make of this? rules for thee and not for me? >> well, ainsley, the number of lockdown politicians that have locked down their people, lectured their people, cast dispersions on florida who turn around and seek refuge in florida is so much become a cottage industry. you have governors, you have mayors, you have members of congress, they say one thing and then they live under different sets of rules. i think the thing about florida is we have said you have the ability to make your own decisions. you know, we are not going to use the heavy hand of government to temperature kale your freedoms and ruin your livelihoods. those policies were policy that's all those people railed against and yet, they will come down here and bask in the florida sunshine and florida freedom. i'm glad that florida is a refuge for people. we are happy with what we are doing. but, it really shows you that this is a ruling class mentality where they think that they can impose these on other people but should not have to follow all the dick indicates they constantly espouse. >> brian: trying to run a state and run a family. and your wife casey is going through cancer treatment. i know how tough things have been. just know we are pulling for you and we know special with a young family there is no time-outs. so best of luck with the treatment. >> the outpouring for my wife has been fantastic. a lot of your viewers, and just he know she and i very much appreciate that. it makes a difference. and the prayers make a big difference. so, thanks, everybody, who has had her back. >> brian: thank you. governor, thanks for joining us today. >> thank you. >> brian: you got it governor ron desantis. new york city new d.a. will stop seeking prison sentences in a slew of cases but he says it won't encourage crime. really? >> policies give criminals the green light. >> no -- i mean, it just depends upon your definition of criminal. >> brian: nypd union president and local business owner join us live to react. from the beginning, newday has been the mortgage company for enlisted veterans, helping thousands buy a home, get cash, or lower their mortgage payments. we start by asking one simple question: how can we 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florida is charged with attempted felony murder after allegedly strangling a woman at a bus stop. the shocking attack was caught on camera. the attacker allegedly using a shoe lace. miami-dade police say the attack was stopped when the person's identity unclear chased off the attacker. the suspect is held on $250,000 bond. and watch this: an officer in upstate new york races to the rescue of a dog that fell into the icy water of a partially frozen lake. police say the dog was trapped about 50 yards from shore. officer john smith brought the pooch safely back to shore and reunited it with its owners, officer smith is also credited with saving a woman from a burning house. he is the guy you want to have around, steve. >> steve: no kidding, right place at the right time, ashley, thank you very much. meanwhile new york city's progressive new district attorney on the defense as he faces backlash over his plan to go easy on criminals. >> what we are doing now is not working, plain and simple. and so this is our path forward. this is how we reduce violent crime. >> wouldn't these policies give criminals a green light. >> no! -- i mean, it just depends on your definition of criminal. >> steve: exactly. well, under his updated guidelines, a whole slew of crimes will no locker be considered a felony, a move local police and business owners including our next guest fear will make crime surge even more. joining us right now police department union president paul digiacomo along with new york city business owner nic good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: paul, let's start with you, essentially came out with this list on monday and said unless you kill somebody, you're not going to jail. and then yesterday such blow back, he clarified, you will still be prosecuted if you are involved in an armed robbery or an assault on a police officer. but if you just assault your neighbor, apparently that's okay. there is no consequence with in guy when it comes to crime. >> no, there is no consequence. and it puts the public and new york city dee detectives and police officers in danger. you know, you are giving criminal element, the authority to resist arrest and to get injured. it's not fair to law-abiding citizen and the law enforcement officers here in new york city put their lives on the line every day protecting the people of new york. >> steve: sure, nick, can you understand what this guy is trying to do? >> no, i cannot. and thank you for having me, steve. it's great to see you this morning. >> steve: you bet. >> nobody has a monopoly on good ideas. god almighty this is a bad one. i have never seen one policy that anybody can come up with, which can at the same time demoralize one faction, our police departments and on the other hand give give criminals a checklist of things that they can do that can no longer be considered crimes. >> steve: right. exactly. essentially he issued a list of literally hey, a list of get out of jail free things you could do in new york city. but, paul, let me ask you this, you know, new york has just installed a brand new mayor, eric adams, former law enforcement, who ran on law and order but then you have got this guy who once the police arrest somebody it's his job to charge them and do something with them if it rises to the level of prosecution. essentially the d.a. is now the police, the judge and the jury so you have got to wonder what the new mayor is going to say to his d.a. >> you know, it's going to be very interesting. it's going to be instrumental in keeping his new york city safe, you need the d.a.s to work hand in hand with the police department. if they don't work hand in hand with the police department, you know, it's not going to work and people in the city are going to suffer. you know, he want to not arrest or not summons for fare evasion. people walk through a gate. what if people wanted for a murder and homicide and rape walk past the police on a train and. he has an obligation to help keep the people of this city safe. >> steve: absolutely. nic, you are one of the people of new york city. there is a palpable feeling on the streets of new york that things are -- are irretrievably going to the wrong direction. we are in a ditch. and this is not going to help because people don't feel safe when you are out and about. >> absolutely. and, you know, as a business owner, my top priority is to have the people who work with us, our teams feel comfortable, feel safe. want to come to work. want to provide for the economy of our great city. and for our city to move forward. and the policies that -- have been put forthright now don't seem to encourage that. quite the opposite as a matter of fact. and we're seeing concerns, you know, whether it's -- i own a flower shop. whether it's the teams that make deliveries, whether it's the set-up crews or the people that have to come in at 5:00 in the morning and travel throughout the city. you know, it's a challenge and i want to be able to provide a good livelihood for my feel people. a living wage and comfortable work environment. i don't think i'm asking for much. >> steve: well, you are not the only one who is saying the same thing. nic and paul, we thank you both for joining us on this thursday. >> thank you very much. have a great day. >> you bet. >> thank you very much. >> steve: meanwhile, still ahead, do you use paypal, venmo or cash app. those services could now cost you in a way you never thought about. watch. ♪ each lasting 4 hours or more, you're not the only one with questions about botox®. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine before they even start, with about 10 minutes of treatment once every 3 months. so, ask your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if a sample is available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, speaking, breathing, eye problems, or 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the morning rush hour. finally out of here by tomorrow afternoon but it is going to cause some problems. cold air in place across the upper midwest. >> the great lakes and ohio valley and push into the northeast and set the table for the snow storm we are going to have overnight tonight into friday. wind chill, yes, it's very cold. dangerously cold for cities from the northern plains down towards the texas panhandle. below freezing is what it feels like and in some cases it's just dangerous to be outside for any period of time. so let's talk about our big weather maker. i have to make mention some of the snow is going to come on top of over the foot of snow that we saw in. so cities across the mid-atlantic. remember we saw all the cars on i 95 that couldn't go anywhere this could be a big problem. listen to local officials and weather forecasters, winter weather alerts. winter storm warnings from tennessee to kentucky toward the mid-atlantic. we think the bulls eye across the coast of among but stay tuned because we are still refining our forecast but we think along the i-459 corridor from d.c. to boston 3 to 5 inches with some areas getting a little bit more than that we will keep you posted fox download the app. and we will keep you up to date. steve, ainsley, and brian here comes the snows, my friends. >> ainsley: all right. the kids love it. the drivers not so much. thank you so much, janice. >> janice: you got it. ains ain't the biden administration cracking down on payments made through a third party app. like venmo requiring platforms like paypal and cash app. to report a user's transaction to theist if they exceed $600 a year. >> steve: well, charles payne thinks that is dangerous and a threat to every taxpayer and he joins us. charles, i know this applies just to small businesses do you know what if you have a family member who you venmo 600 bucks for and you don't declare them on your income tax. the irs is not going to know that's not a third party. i bet that winds up getting reported. >> there is going to be a lot of confusion about it. i think we shouldn't just say just small business owners. let's talk about this number. 600 bucks total activity in the course of a year. 600 bucks. i mean, president biden he said we are going to go after jeff bezos and go after elon musk, no, instead they are getting the small struggling hair salon owner, someone who has a pickup truck and hustling around a neighborhood because there is no jobs. this is crazy, but i think it also is more dangerous. because i think we need to look beyond even the most obvious. even the most obvious things, which is another harsh reality for small businesses is that we're all going to end up, i think, potentially with something very similar to what they do in china. a social credit score. the government monitors everything people spend over there everyone starts off with a score of 1,000. if you buy things the government deems unessential, frivolous or unpatriotic, your score goes down. your score gets low enough, they will stop your kids from going to college. they will stop you from going to certain hotels. this sets up -- just the data alone scares the hell out of me. so, yeah, it's for small business but everyone needs to pay attention. >> brian: right now when you look at the president's economy 60% of the country not satisfied. 40% approve. think about this, he got 82 million votes. so he is losing a lot of people as they look at their wallets and look at their bank accounts. i ask you this, charles. when the president comes out of vacation and starts attacking big meat and things like that. do you see that as a way to try to get back in america's good graces? >> i think he thinks that's a way to do it. that's always been class warfare and politics of envy, hey, look over there i think president biden makes a huge mistake every time he speaks to the american public. starts off every one of these by bragging about something. it's so infuriating and so insulting. earlier in the week he talked about being able to find tests because he let america down. everyone knew there would be a surge. don't tell me about omicron caught you off-guard. everyone knew there would be a winter surge. why didn't he have tests particularly since they are so important to this administration. the bottom line is every time president biden opens his mouth he brags about something and insults the american public. no, we didn't botch afghanistan. no we didn't botch the testing. no, you should be able to find a site. go on the google, they have it on the google. you will find it there. so the american public knows yeah, the economy is doing great. but let's be honest about this. we have poured trillions of dollars into the economy. what i love about these polls is not that they are negative or positive, it's just so that the american public is smart. do you know what? i may have a lot more money in the bank than i did a year ago, but i know how i got it. i know that if we don't have organic growth in this economy that free money is going to go away. people understand this meanwhile, inflation is through the roof. in part because of the war on fossil fuels and other regulations. people get this so much more than i think politicians and certainly their p.r. departments understand. >> ainsley: okay, charles. the jobs report is coming out tomorrow. we look forward to seeing that thank you so much. >> you got it. >> ainsley: we looking forward to your "making money" on the fox business channel that's today every day monday through friday at 2:00 p.m. it is now 41 minutes after the top of the hour. will if teachers unions reignite the fight over reef moat learning, we will catch up with one district that's kept its doors open since fall of 2020. ♪ [ kimberly ] before clearchoice, my dental health was so bad i would be in a lot of pain. i was unable to eat. it was very hard. kimberly came to clearchoice with a bunch of missing 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ash ash yeah, guys, governor ron desantis telling you earlier this hour his plan to help floridians knowing whether they have coronavirus as cases spike around the country. >> not every single person needs to be going out getting tested. you have healthy people that's not a good strategy. what is a good strategy is to have these at home tests available for our vulnerable population. we have secured 1 million at home tests. we are going to be distributing them to nursing homes and long-term care facilities throughout the state of florida. and then to the broader senior communities throughout our population because we view testing as something that should lead to then a clinical result. >> desantis has faced criticism for many on the left for not implementing strict coronavirus lockdowns but desantis is turning the table and calling out the president and the federal government. >> failure from the outset to really focus on therapeutics, i think, has cost a huge number of lives. people are still getting infected regardless of their vaccination status. so you need to have an emphasis on therapeutics. >> florida is releasing new guidelines on when to get tested but prioritizing the elderly and the most at risk. >> somebody that's elderly, that may be vulnerable to covid, they can get a quick test in home. they don't have to wait in line. and then if they're positive, they have the ability, potentially, to get treatments. we would like to have more treatments, but the federal government is being very scarce with those. >> this all comes just days after the president told americans to google where they could get tested. ainsley? >> ainsley: okay. thank you so much, ashley. well, this morning thousands of children across the united states are logging in to school remotely as covid fears are pushing students out of the classroom once again. but down in texas in the waco area, there's a district that's committed to keeping their schools open. midway independence school district has been open since the fall of 2020 and that's where wes is the principal of wood gate intermedial school. good morning, wes. >> good morning, thanks for having me on. >> ainsley: good morning. thanks for coming on. i can relate to this. our school has done the same thing. i'm so grateful. i know the parents in yourary are. what have you done to make it successful? >> i think in education especially right now educators sign up with just the commitment to put student success at the forefront and i think every decision we make across this country needs to be filtered through that lens right there. i'm always putting students first and we know that there is an achievement gap in this country. we know that in person learning enables us to effectively instruct, intervene quickly and ensure the success of our students educational experience into post secondary success. i think that filter is one that we need to really adhere to. we need to common sense in a common sense way not paint broad strokes and policy and practice and even our protocols. we need to really be sifting through the noise and looking at the research and the data to make decisions that are fluid in nature and responsive to local entities and populations and then transparency and collaboration. those are three of the ingredients that we have experienced here and guy by the grace of the lord we have been able to stay open. >> ainsley: i love that i have been reading that masks are optional for the faculty, for teachers, and for the kids and no social distancing anymore. i mean, i think that's wonderful the parents, if they're worried about their kids getting covid then they can put a mask on their child. if they are not and want their child's mouth to be seen by the teacher, then they don't have to wear them. >> absolutely. absolutely. we love choice around here. it's a texas right. masks are optional. if you look at what we did from the spring of 2020 going into the fall of 2020, versus the fall of 2021, you will see vastly different approaches to what we do on campus and through virtual learning. and that has morphed and evolved over time to fit our current context. right now currently, under the leadership of dr. george and dr. jeanne johnson we are using situational -- a covid situational may trick that kind of outlines how we respond to certain percentages. >> ainsley: i hate to interrupt the principal. i hate to disappoint you. i'm so sorry. we are out of time. god bless you. thank you for what you do for these children. you are amazing. i come from a long line of educators and i know how hard you work. >> we have a lot of heroes around here, thanks. >> more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ nucala reduces eosinophils, a key cause of severe asthma. nucala is not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? 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fox nfl reporter jen hail with the latest on the story and he went on to say i saw a surgeon, had surgery. they shot me up with something illegal. this is really getting deep. >> bombshell accusations here, brian, no doubt about it. it was one of the most curious situations i've covered in 11 years with the nfl on fox. odd thing is pre-game everybody was on the same page. we spoke with the coach saturday night. brown was a game-time decision because of that ankle injury. he told us if he goes we'll split carries and the workload between him and mike evans. mike is on the snap count. that's why i went and found ab pre-game. are you 95%? what's your story. he was in a great mood. he said it is not 100%, somewhere around 90 but i want to go today. i need to get in rhythm with tom brady what happened between the explosion at the end of that third quarter on the sidelines and then, man, there is a lot to dig into. >> he is dancing shirtless. looked like his ankle was fine. it certainly wasn't broken. he wanted to go see a surgeon, bucs surgeon and a junior surgeon. he still is on the roster, correct? >> he actually has been removed. but exactly what the designation will be, how the bucs do that matters. that will determine whether he gets picked up by another team or not. he is not available for other teams yet but certainly no longer a member of the bucs. >> maybe not healthy enough if you were to believe him. let's talk about the football players playing. the 49ers have to win this game. 4:25 game on sunday. your thoughts? >> showdown in the west. this is the one to watch, guys, absolutely. rams are going for that number 2 seed. they want to keep it out of the hands of the bucs. yes, you're right. the 49ers have to win this one if they want to keep playoff hopes alive. a must-win for both. the big question mark will jim be healthy to go or another showing of trey lance? a fun one to watch. >> packers against the lions, >> certainly seems like he will be a full go. he said i want all my guys out there, starters to stay in rhythm. sometimes when you take too much time off it can be more detrimental. i think aaron rodgers will play the entire game probably not but at least through -- he is on a huge trajectory to win another mvp. >> anything at stakes with the falcons? >> absolutely. saints, if they win and the 49ers lose they're in the playoff picture. it's a huge one nor the black and gold. >> stay over the hottest stories in sports. appreciate it. fox bet super six week 18. season finale. it's giving everyone a free chance at $100,000. download the app and enter for your chance to win. jen hale has been great as usual. thank you for keeping my book on "the new york times" list. ainsley and steve we're all weather anchors, right? >> yes, yes, i will definitely be here tomorrow. i'm reading about epiphany when the wise men went to go visit jesus after his birth. >> steve, will you, too? >> that's why i'm wearing a red tie today. thank you very much. good to be back after a little longer than normal holiday but we're all together virtually and that's 2022 so far, baby. >> right. on to radio. >> that's right. >> dana: fox news alert we're waiting to hear from the president and vice president as america marks one year since the deadly attack on the u.s. capitol. bill is off today. good morning, trace. >> trace: good morning everyone. i'm trace gallagher. this is "america's newsroom." a day we won't soon forget when rioters stormed the halls of congress as lawmakers worked to certify the presidential election. >> dana: as we wait to hear from the president i want to bring in bret baier. about 15 minutes ago we got word that the president's motorcade had already left the white house. very punk

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Soros , Person , Conspiracy , Gel Room , Election , Murder , Das , Chaos , Los Angeles , A Million , A Million Bucks , Attorney Generals , Houston , Attention , Businessman Wreath , Candidates , Republicans , Books , Criminal Code , 1 Million , Front , Camera , Campaign , Problems , Pivot , Behind The Scenes , List , Departures , Statements , Take A Look , Exit Interviews , Image , Congressional Black Caucus , Vince Evans , Right , Public Engagement , Affairs , Reporting , Answer , Latest , Omicron Thing , Poll , The Delta , Voices , Trial Balloons , Big Northeastern Papers , Yale Law Student , Jerry Me Hunt Army Vet , Or Whomever , Pete Buttigieg , Stats , Work Environment , Areeve Differenty , Saying , Staffers , Words , Some , Criticism , Dysfunction , Reports , Claim , Bully , Soul , Dishes , Source , Claims , Turmoil , Vincent Evans , Terms , Criticisms , Left , Mr , Times , Rhode Island , Measures , Top , 30 , Workers , Job , Healthcare Hero , Body , Immune System , Defenses , Centrum , Routine , Season , Vitamin C , Support , D , Ace , Gillettelabs , Exfoliating Bar , Zinc , Stroke , Shave , Gentle Exfoliation , Shaving , Band Plays , Allstate , Sfx , Radio , Everyone , Bit Wrong , Hands , Kinder Bueno , Auto Rate , Ding , Crispy , Ahh , Woooow , Enjoy The Ride , Creamy Hazelnut Filling , Chocolate Bar , Crispy Wafer , Jobs , Hospital Workers , Staffing Shortages , Firing Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers , Health Department Justifying The Decision Writing Quote , 19 , Course , Guidance , Nurse , Guest , Coronavirus Transmission , Neurologist , Shift , October 1st , Handna , Hanna , Healthcare , Revelation , Transmission , Someone Testing Negative , Common Sense , It Doesn T , Sense , Professional , 2019 , 2020 , Ppe Shortage , Backyards , Hotels , Nurses , Mandate , Pots , Head , Career , Healthcare Worker , Facts , Methodology , Data , Trust Science , Hesitancy , Breakthroughs , Viruses , Stance , Virology , Experience , Variants , Hope , Expertise , Suspects , Statement , Quarantine , Facility , Isolation , Faculties , Rhode Island Department Of Health , Presidency , On The Beach , Mask On , Site , Fittings , Lara Trump , Father , Baby , Me Crazy Vo , Car , Decompression Zone , Music , Experts , Technology , Windshield , Music Vo , Singers , Safelite Autoglass , Safelite Repair , There S Industrial Grade , Analytical Software , Assembly Lines , Walls , Co Pilot , Meet Honeywell Forge , Skin , Kim , Congestion , Serum , Saw , Neutrogena , Rapid Firming , Pure Collagen , 4 , 92 , Mucinex , Australia , Save It Slimeball , 3 , Freedom , Character , Hard Work , Essential , God , Principles , Hillsdale College , Purposes , Number , Meetings , Doesn T Have Public Events Today , Policy Teams , Biden Isn T , Backlash , Delaware , Comments , 27 , Eric Today , Birthday , Son , Born , News Flash , Oh My Gosh , Stamina , President Of The United States , 95 , Donald Trump , Result , Versus , Tax Cuts , Put , History , Jobs Act , Businesses , Regulations , Regulation , 860 , Presidents , Isis , Border , Reporters , Human Smugglers , Apprehensions , Increase , Afghanistan , Border Agents , Unaccompanied Minors , 110 , Speech , Numbers , Interviews , Didn T , Monday Or Tuesday , 16 , December 22nd , Barack Obama , 155 , 72 , Liability , Position , Cannot , World , Confidence , Adversaries , Basement , Op S , Ice Cream , Anybody , Cameras , Detriment , Janice , Janice Dean , Weather Forecast , J D , Snow , Parts , Chills , Texas , Kentucky , Wind , Headlines Today , South , Tennessee , Storm Developing , North Dakota , Minus 46 , Minus 8 , Mid Atlantic , Northeast , Storm System , Big , Bulls Eye , Minneapolis , Minus 22 , Snowfall , West Virginia , Winter Weather Advisories , Mountains , Fox Weather Com , 2 , 5 , Thanks , Xfinity , Why Americans , Ed Renzi , Resignation , Mcdonald S , Old Time Rock And Roll , Help , Breathing Problems , Mouth , Swelling , Reactions , Kind , Add On Injection , Asthma Attacks , Asthma , Nucala , Soul Ucala , Infections , Breathing , Tongue , Infection , Back Pain , Headache , Nunormal , Fatigue , Shingles , Don T Stop Steroids , Jobs Report , Let S Talk , Baby Boomers , Aren T , 1 5 , 7 Million , Tax , Market , Quality , Investment Portfolio , Places , Crime Rate Starting , Inflation Rate , Inflation , Soar , Services , Confluence , Positives , Shortages , Household Income , Negative , Goods , Workforce , North , Employees , Solutions , Solution , Lack , Moms , Particular , Producers , State , Water , Mothers , Grandma , Unemployment Rate , Education Situation , 400000 , Stuart Scheller Jr , Time , You Inteed , Take Care , You Bet , Interview , Exit , Trelegy , Ways , Copd , Copd Medicine , High Blood Pressure , Medicines , Heart Condition , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , Eye , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Stand , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Thrush , Problems Urinating , Price , Singlecare , Word , Savings , Meds , Trelegy Com , Insurance , Pharmacy , Copay , Singlecare The Musical , Ziprecruiter , Shop , Hiring , Growth , Location , Store Managers , Applicants , Advisors , Hiring Site , Announcer , Car Sfx , Safety System , Traffic , Intuitive Tech , Lexus Nx , Beep , Interest , Hello , Cooking , Advanced , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Idaho Potatoes , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Crisis Messaging , Lyrics , Hokie Pokey , City Council , Beverly Hills , Democrat , Criminal Agenda , It Sill , Gorge Gascon , Departure , Powerball Tickets , Don T Play , Jackpot , Power Ball History , Th , Weekend , High , Weather , Happiest Place On Earth , Disney World , Morning Orlando , 56 , 76 , Temperature , Low , 81 , Rides , What S Going On , Cutting Costs , Whatever , Destination Place , Maintenance , Aoc , Mask , Brian , Rules , Contributor , Score , Antibody Level , Hold On A Second , Ken , Doesies , Mom , Trip , South Carolina , Mexico , We Wouldn T , Mend , Hand , Pfizer , Invoice , Peter Doocy , Tests , Disease Control , Outrage , Toest , Decisions , Secret , Daily , Basis , Lawrence , Mark Meredith , Strategy , Quarantine Guidelines , Confusion , Guidelines , Jacqui Heinrich , Studies , American Medical Association , Information , Covid Test , Recommendations , Testing Capabilities , Ron Klain , Chief Of Staff , Demand , 2020 Ron , Isn T , Hell , Earth , June 2020 , Appointment , Cvs , Boat , D C , Anecdotally , Playoffs , Best , Round , Second , Don T Have One , Semi , Ama , Doing , Walks , Proportion , Spokesperson , Statuary Hall , Voting Rights , Party , Congress , Before , Heck , Daughter In Law , Observation , Amount , Has , Yes , Record , Agents , Proposal , Holiday Surge , Article , Town , Vanity Fair , 732 Million , 500 Million , Destinations , Hits , Buildings , Pcr Tests , Frustration , Go To A , Feeling , Understatement , Sir , Police , Couple , Concert At Shay Stadium , 1981 , Positive , Coronavirus , Group , Concert , 11th Grade , Line Up , Sting , Ratings , Think , Boomerang , Canary , Coal Mine , Overplay , Prisons , Police Chief , Crime Running Rampant , Lawmaker Assemblyman , Communities , America , Prop , Voters , Unintended Consequences , Weakening , Theft , Theft Laws , Belief , 47 , 1000 , 000 , Lifetime , Parties , Environment , Proposition , Wrong , Gavin Newsom , 2014 , Threshold , We Haven T , Desk , Assemblyman , Comment , Name , Rudy Salas , Bucks Worth , 400 Bucks , 950 Bucks , 950 , 400 , 200 , 200 Bucks , 125 , 75 , Bucks , 50 Bucks , 50 , A B 1603 , Crazy , Order , Grabs , Smash , 1603 , Business , Merchandise , Pop , These , Box Stores , Stores , Life Saving , Niemann Marcus , Community Service , Commandments , Fox Nation , Jurors , That S Right , Childhood , Deliberations , Abuse , Tap , Ghislaine Maxwell , Lawyers , Woman , Stories , Another , New York Times , Juror , Sexual Abuse , Fate , Against Maxwell , Prison , Counts , Showdown , School Closures , Sex Trafficking , Teachers Union Forces , 65 , Educators , Thread , Teacher Pay , Union Crites Omicron , Get Back , Refusal , Color , Bmw , Flow , Exterior , Car Ix , Interior , Readers , Driver Input , Screens , Vehicle , Flu Ronna , Hybrid , Double Whammy , Pretty Cool , Commanders , Nicole Saphier , Cake , Chocolate Cake , Superpowers , Spider Bite , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Birth , Condition , Narrator , Lexi Struggle , Doesn T Exist , Surgery , Conditions , Operation Smile , Cleft , Countries , Healing , Futures , Teams , Supporter , Smiles , Operationsmile Org , Act , Xfinity Xfi , Peace Of Mind , Cost , Security , Family Safe Browsing , Pause Wifi , Country Health Officials , Defense , Contagious Omicron Variant , Booster Shot , Age Group , North Carolina , Flew Ronna , Mississippi , Media , Testing Positive , Headline Flurona , Vice , Variation , Rsv , Hospitalization Rates , Culprit , Hospitalization , Hospitalizations , Hospitals , Panic , Apes Ains Last Year Didn T , 1 8000 , 60000 , Opinion , Great Question , Truth , 2000 , Both , Recommendation , Flu Shots , Rates , Adults , Flu Cases , International Travel , Masking , Influenza Cases , Variations , Rise , Flu Season , Travel , Omindset , Treatments , Drugs , Stop Rybelsus , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Blood Sugar , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Majority , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Reaction , Changes , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Insulin , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Healthcare Provider , 0 , Projects , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Shortlist , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Bargain Detergent , Stains , Wash , Tide , Breaking Point , Rhythm , Emergen C , Nutrients , Blend , Military Policy , Officials , Chairmans , Member , Joint Chief , Afghanistan Forever , Rank , Scathing Rebuke , Air Base , Table , Set , Title , Bagram Airfield , Colonel , Pension , Bat , Marine Corps , Million , Tape , Off , Release , Regrets , Tapes , Show , Content , Conversations , Matily , Draft , Vietnam , The World Stage , Marine A Masters In Military Science , Assessment , Similarities , Saigon , Discontent , Closest , Contempt , Officer , Officers , Accountable , Leadership , Voting , Ordeal , Target , Generals , Resources , Restrictions , Restraint , The General , Option , General , Chols , Responsibility , Military General , Wars , Failures , Drug Use , Generation , Junior Service Member , Standards , War , Battle , View , Funerals , Grandparents , Act , Millie , Austin , Mackenzie , I 78ded , Afghan Military Forces , Withdrawal , Collapse , Views , Troops , 2500 , Fault , Input , Enough , Staff Officer , Boss , Mckenzie , Milley , Agencies , Focus , Globe , Combat , Command , Military Plan , He Doesn T , Centcom , Sef , Player , Secretary Of Defense , Chiefs , Lloyd Austin , Civilians , Response , 13 , 169 , Lunch , Investigation , Women , Didn T Fire Him , Difference , Video , Military , Mistake , Afghan Commandos , Hardware , 80 Billion , 0 Billion , Somebody Accountable , Billions , Training , Obligation , Rest , Accountability , Americans Don T Leave , Bottom Line , Ethos Values , Trap , Benghazi , Probability , Critics , System , Spoke Up , Thesis , Conversation , Obedient , Sacrifice , Reputation , Muscles , Stake , Scrutiny , Ukraine Rush , Because , Weakness , Behalf , Strength , Tucker Carlson Today , 49 , Girl , Case , Break , Tune , New Hampshire , Aromatase Inhibitor , Fulvestrant , Breast Cancer , Kisqali , Pill , Heartbeat , Lung Problems , Hr , Disease , Liver Problems , Skin Reactions , Change , Blood Cell , Yellowing , Cough , Dizziness , Eyes , Breastfeeding , Treatment , Appetite , Loss , Tiredness , Urine , Fever , Rash , Bleeding , Grapefruit , Bruising , Future , Investor , Advice , Access , Vanguard , Vo , Six , 360 , 36 , 8 Billion , 68 Billion , 20 Million , 2021 , 00 , 899 , 99 , 30 Bucks , 250000 , 50000 , Zero , Zero Dollars , 459 , 600 , 600 Bucks , 82 Million , 60 , 41 , 665 Dollars , 665 , 9 , 90 , 00000 , 100000 ,

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