Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

conditions are getting sick. even the "view" whoopi goldberg who is a friend of mine, she has covid-19 and she did everything they told her to do. take a look. >> it was like wait, what? it was a shock. i am triple vaxxed. i have not been anywhere. that's the thing about omicron. you don't know where it is. it's one of those things, you think i have done everything i am supposed to do. it doesn't stop omicron. that's the problem with a variant. it gets stronger and does different stuff to you. unless everybody gets vaccinated this is what we will be facing for the next little while. >> sean: we are praying for a speedy recovery for you. they told us if you got vaccinated you will never get covid. we played that tape over and over. yesterday joe biden again is telling us that we are experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. joe, you are lying or weak. you went from promising to shut down the virus now telling us it's not your problem and there is no federal solution and biden's right-hand man ron klain one of the dumbest people in washington. in 2020 check out his tweet. testing is still isn't fixed. most people could not find them over christmas. we ordered more tests, too little too late. why did you reject ordering the recommended 732 million tests every month starting if october reported in "vanity fair" to raise supplies for the holiday surge for hanukkah, christmas and new year's eve. it's a travesty not to have enough test. under joe it's a dereliction of duty. americans are waiting in lines for hours and hours just to get the chance to get one of the few remains tests on the market. explain that, ron or joe? how did you not see this come something why did you reject the recommendation of the science experts to get them in october? hopefully president biden and ron klain will get back to this. joe doesn't answer any questions or is not capable of answering questions anymore. he just stares silently. when will we have the tests? that's what he did this week to the media. as reporters are shouting from across the room. poor joe doesn't know what year it is. yesterday he told us there are a lot of reasons to be hopeful in 2020. he said 2020. it's 2022. today white house propagandaist jen psaki told reporters joe doesn't have enough time to think. the guy just got back from vacation. what are you talking about? take a look -- >> the president has a number of meetings with policy teams. that's what he is doing behind-the-scenes. if he were standing here today he would say we don't give him time to think. >> sean: he averages less than one event a day. today zero public events. yesterday biden stopped working at 4 after one public event. on monday he did not get to the white house until noon after a vacation at the beach while the rest of america was waiting if line to find a test. joe said go to google to it find your test. joe biden has all the time in the world but it's still more than he can handle. with covid cases reaching historic levels, who needs to hear from the president? a million new cases announced on monday. when biden's trusted messengers big bird are on the job. >> you have the jonas brothers and others? >> we have looked for trusted messengers. >> sean: maybe you should try rolling them out to sell build back broke again which is dead in the water. you will like it once you know what it is in first but it has to be passed first. >> build back better isn't passed. people like the components of the bill but don't know exactly what is in build back better and what it means. it's easier to tell it a package to the public once it's passed. that's our objective. >> sean: nancy pelosi said the same thing about obamacare. now all of your healthcare premiums are through the roof. millions lost doctors and plans. build back broke plan is stalled and mid-terms are around the corner. for the democratic party to have any shot of not getting blown out in november. swallow your pride and hold joe biden accountable for his failures and demand answers on why we have a covid testing and a shortage on monoclonal antibodies. demand answers on the origins of the covid virus and on the bizarre mandates and guidelines for children when science doesn't back it up. get this country back to normal. you might want to warp speed the anti-virals that so many doctors like. let somebody else direct the country. or adopt donald trump's programs because they work. there is a new variant in france. it's a rare illness with the flu and covid infect somebody at the same time. i encourage everybody to stay safe. i am not a doctor. consult your own doctor and look at your current condition. the hysteria has gone on long enough. fox news medical team dr. marc siegel is with us and dr. nicole saphier. they told us in the beginning selling vaccines, they said if you got the vaccine you are protected from getting covid. false. that's not true. i know people now and you are seeing the same thing, people fully vaccinated are getting omicron and with a booster they are getting omicron. people fully vaccinated with a booster and natural immunity, they are all getting omicron. what was the point of the boosters and all of the mandates? >> well, sean, the good news the covid vaccine is what we have accepted with the flu shot. the flu shot doesn't prevent someone from getting the flu but if you get the flu shot and get the flu you have a less likely chance of having severe illness and being out of work or school and being hospitalized and requiring oxygen. the same thing is true with covid vaccines. the fda expanded their edict recommending boosters in young adolescents. they put out a youtube video by a doctor. when did the fda start putting out info-merials? it's embarrassing. when you look at the science talked about in that video, it falls flat. no data was presented to show that a booster in younger populations, healthy people decrease their low risk of severe illness. they said there is low risk of mild myocarditis. what is the benefit? they have not proved the benefit. any symptomatic illness will be short lived. we need to focus on high risk people and have high quality masks and have access to vaccines and boosters and doing everything to make sure they is the rapid tests. stop our focus on the younger and healthier populations. they are very low risk and not contributing as much to the trance mission as you think. -- everyone is transmitting the virus. zero covid is not realistic. >> sean: joe biden doesn't have to reinvent the wheel. i said why isn't he using operation warp speed tactics to get tickets and build out the monoclonals we never had a shortage of. -- a lot of doctors are raving about the anti-virals from pfizer and merck. why aren't we doing that? >> because we have operation snail speed. >> sean: i wish i had thought of that. >> you would have thought of it 5 seconds later. the other word is incompetent. nicole is right the vaccines are imperfect. they are useful to booster your immunity. vaccines are all he talks about. again this week shaming the unvaccinated. you know what the vaccine do? they decrease severity. it can keep you out of the hospital. that's the way it should be sold. that's the way it is scientifically. your point about no rapid tests, he had every reason -- not just that he was warned in october. he was warned a year ago by a major scientist at harvard. i can't prescribe monoclonal antibodies and they need them and regeneron. you just said what about paxlovid and the pfizer drug? i have people that are high risk and broke through the amazing vaccines. they broke through natural immunity which this administration still won't talk about. won't do what israel and the european union is dooling. -- doing. say you had covid and it gives you immunity. they lose credibility. we have to have all of the tools to fight this. he's got one tool. he is using it it to bludgeon people with. incompetent. >> sean: operation snail speed. it's a repulsive failure for the american people. they need not at this late date going into the third year with this be looking and searching for tests and being told you might want to look on google which is what joe said. doctors, thank you. >> americans hostage. >> sean: 144 days since joe biden stabbed americans in the back. our friends and allies and military families left behind he abandoned. today i could not believe it. i tip the hat to the new yorker magazine. they described what life is like afghanistan. a lot of this we reported. they had other news that it we had not reported. the taliban established a repressive state that carried out more than 100 targeted killings and abduction of former afghan officials. limited girls education and banning women from many workplaces. silencing local journalists and beaten female protestors in the street with whips. the report continues: people were left behind during the chaotic american withdrawal. that's sloweda a crawl. we failed americans and thousands of military families -- and people with green cards and our afghan allies. it's an embarrassment. here's former white house chief of staff and a former state departments spokesperson. i am having a hard time understanding why, americans held hostage. day 120. the world watched. the media it's a blackout on this topic. washington, d.c. virtual blackout. i can't forget our fellow americans that he abandoned. why is everyone else ignoring it? >> well, you can never and should never forget your fellow americans. it's the trust that people have here in the united states that their government would never forget them. the intentional policy decisions made there are creating a spiraling crisis across the world. when joe biden ran for office he said he would restore dignified and respected leadership across the world? you outlined what is going on in afghanistan and the humanitarian crisis and in ukraine we are challenged by russia and china in taiwan. other silos of decisions made by the president that spiraled out of control. he said he would stop covid. he stumbled out of the blocks and stumbled on the tests. and said he wished he had ordered 500 million test kits 2 months ago and it took kamala harris to tell the world no, it's true. we missed the omicron virus and the delta variant. the economy. he was warned that if you poured more money into the economy, we would have inflation because you have more money and fewer goods and we would have a supply chain crisis. on the border he said he would put up guard rails and keep security at the border. he invited a swarm of illegal immigrants on the border. 2 million across the border. what did he invite into our country? covid and fentanyl which also kills thousands of americans. these are intentional decisions that are a result of bad leadership that have spiraled out of control in 4 different important categories. >> sean: unbelievable. morgan, you worked closely with mike pompeo. unfortunately i know many private groups have been willing to charter very expensive airplanes to evacuate americans. with little to no help and obstruction from our own state department. that seems to have ended. it seems like now there is no way out. knock seems to care. what does that mean for the people left behind. green card holders and military family members and americans and afghan allies? >> there is no coordinated u.s. effort to get american citizens and green card holders out that i am aware of. i would be happy to be proven wrong by this administration. my twitter is always open for looking for ways. i am happy to help people. isn't it crazy that former administration officials and people former career military officials are using private sector means to get people out. joe biden left americans behind enemy lines. it's shameful. one thing that he just said, he talked about what candidate joe biden promised to do. another thing he promised in february 2020, he said he would bear zero responsibility of what happened to the fate of women and children in afghanistan. the media was desperate to get rid of president trump and were not paying attention. the media act surprise these decisions that biden made. you should not have been. if you were paying attention to the campaigning in the basement, he was consistent in his callousness towards afghan women and children. the one thing that every american needs to remember when they go to the polls this november is 7 months. that's how long it took for president biden to be in office, for afghanistan to fall and for the taliban to take over. it's one of the worst foreign policy decisions in my lifetime. the consequences will last for generations. >> sean: he had time to get everybody out safely and the military equipment and technology that was left behind. thank you both. straight ahead. democrats in congress obsessed with the riot that took place at their house. they don't give a lick about the ones that took place in your city where you live. mark meadows is next straight ahead. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? 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what about the thousands of police officers injured severely? where is that committee? what about the cities that defunded the police and inviteed in more crime and eliminated all bail laws. how is that working out. kamala harris the vice-president. promoting a fund to bail out violent criminals and her comments, she said they won't stop. they should not stop and we won't stop. where is the liz cheney investigation into that. now that liz is siding with the democrats who called her father a war criminal, murderer and crook and worse. darth cheney. tomorrow you with expect lies and smears from political attacks from joe biden and the democrats and liz cheney as entire sham probe is only another reason for them to obsess over all things donald trump. the guy that said many ever you will now peacefully march to the capitol so your voices may be heard. truth hurts a little bit. we have a programming note. tomorrow night's show. here for reaction mark meadows is with us. one thing, going to january 6th first. did donald trump and did you ask knowing so many people were coming into town, knowing that tensions were high post 2020 election, did you both ask for the national guard to be called up? >> without a doubt. we made that very clear. not just once but on numerous occasions. we wanted plenty of national guard in the ready in case there was violence. you are right. tomorrow will be spent on january 6th. the focus there because the january 6th commission is more about a political operation than securing the capitol. it's more about securing the white house in 2024 than it is about providing security in the capitol. sadly what we are seeing play out every day, sean, is the fact that they are willing to do whatever it takes to spin their narrative it. the left has another agenda. they want to increase the supreme court to 13 members so they can get rulings their way and break the filibuster. they want to make sure the socialists take over washington, d.c. and that it's complete. >> sean: mark meadows's book is out. the chief's chief. you asked numerous times and donald trump asked for the national guard knowing you would have massive crowds and political tensions were high. that's a common sense thing to do. you condemned what happened on january 6th. i condemned it on radio and this program that night. i condemn all rioting. we had the capitol police chief request the national guard. who makes that decision about calling up the national guard? does nancy pelosi have a role? is she being subpoenaed? will she testify to the january 6th committee with a pre-determined outcome? >> not to my knowledge. she hasn't been subpoenaed and hasn't been asked to give testimony. there are two people who need to provide some answers. neither of them worked in the west wing. one is the mayor of washington, d.c. the other is speaker pelosi. when the phone calls came in to the west wing the answer was yes. an immediate yes. there was no request that was ever denied. yet that is the narrative the january 6th commission puts out there. it's not accurate as it relates to president trump or anybody else in the west wing. >> sean: once they kicked jordan and banks off the committee and replaced them with the 2 biggest republican trump haters the deck was stacked. 7 democrats and 2 never-trumpers. the riots. in that riots people were killed and police officers injured and billion dollars of property damage. where is that committee, mark meadows? i have not heard of it. they are probably forming it right now. the very same people. they don't care about the one riot that impacts them but not the riots that impact other americans? >> well, there are 2 different committees that need to take place. one that looks at all of that, that happened over the summer of 2020. it was applauded by many on the left. you remember the defund the police effort that was a slogan that was echoed over and over again until they figured out it did not poll well. there is another commission that needs to take. how about the 13 service members that lost their lives in afghanistan? the withdrawal that didn't have to happen that way? why not look into that. tonight those 13 service members deserve just as well. the american people see the hypocrisy of all of this. it's a political narrative that is driven by this commission instead of one that gets to the bottom and solves the problem and upholds the rule of law on main street or capitol hill. >> sean: i understand people don't like donald trump's style. i am from new york and is it doesn't bother me. he accomplished a lot. i doubt he would have abandoned americans if afghanistan. kept his promises on cutting taxes -- and ending the bureaucracy and on judges and free and fair trade deals all over europe. canada and mexio, japan and china. we worked hard to get us out of endless walls. built -- wars and built the wall and gave us energy independence and record economy especially for minorities. i don't see that happening with joe? >> that's why his poll numbers ary so far down. it's something the american people, republican, independent or even some democrats, they see it as well. all of that long list they saw president trump that hes able to accomplish during his 4 years, they see it and they see it's not getting done now. that's what the democrats are so fearful of. they don't have a record to run on. they want to run on a narrative instead of joe biden's record. you will see more of that tomorrow sadly. we will take a solemn day and politicize it. another group is rejoicing with us, that's our foreign adversaries, they love to do harm to america and focus on the difficulties that we have had. i have a news flash for our foreign adversaries: don't underestimate the resolve of the american people. we enjoy freedoms 365 days of the year and you are celebrating january 6th. >> sean: you condemned january 6th and i have and condemned the 574 other riots. we will have a program that is different from the rest of the country tomorrow night considering all the coverage is going to be an echo chamber. mark meadows, thanks for joining us. his new book is the chief's chief. you won't believe what the new york new radical d.a. is planning for the city of the new york. gregg jarrett has the latest and democrats are putting your kids' educations last. larry elder will weigh in when we return: straight ahead. or atopic dermatitis under control? 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>> not well as any intelligent person would recognize. the answer to surging crime is not less law and order. it's more of it it. alvin bragg with a far left progressive in manhattan. you use a deadly weapon in a business or a store and threaten to kill the clerk or the owner, armed robbery is a petty theft and you will walk free. bragg says this will make us safer. that's absurd. his rationale is putting somebody behind bars has a negative impact on their life. he said that. he claims the casualties of crime are not the victims. it's the criminals. they are misunderstood and the victims of racism and housing problems and poverty and mental illness. we need to help them. to hell with their innocent victims. he doesn't care about crime and punishment. he cares about crime and no pavement. instead of embracing law and order he is advocating for disorder and creates an incentedive for criminals to commit more crimes -- now they have free rain. this is the growing trend for democrats with progressive mayors in los angeles, san francisco, philadelphia, and chicago and in wisconsin a man who should have been behind bars used his suv to murder 6-6 -- 6 innocent people. who is to blame? the voters in these cities who put these stupid people into office supported by george soros. they will get what they deserve. >> sean: gregg jarrett, thanks for that report. now another failing far left city. teachers in chicago tonight are finding new excuses not to show up for work. the teachers unions voted to resume remote learning after the state of illinois received $5 billion in taxpayer aid to keep schools open. tonight we are learning there will be no in person or remote instruction tomorrow for chicago public schools. the mayor of chicago laurie lightfoot is threatening to withhold pay from teachers that refuse to show up to the classroom. he is radio talk show host larry elder. education is key to the ladder of success. we are failing our kids. >> it is. think tanks on the left and right don't agree about a whole lot but agree the first step towards leaving poverty is to finish high school where you can read and write and compute. there was a study on where public school teachers with school aged kids, nationwide families have their kids in private schools. 6% of black families do. 39% of chicago school teachers put their own kids in private schools. it's like opening up a restaurant and say come in and eat the food but we won't do it. before the pandemic shut down schools in 2020 only 34% of third graders in chicago public schools could read at standard levels. they didn't release the test scores last year. only 18% in 2021 could. they are already behind. now 72% of chicago public school teachers voted to disband in person education for the coming school year. it's outrageous. the science is. greater depression and suicides because they are abandoning in school education. outrageous. >> sean: thank you. sara carter of give us part 2 of her exclusive reporting on biden's border crisis. she will take you inside a texas drug warehouse. you don't want to miss it. next. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? 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is it the little thing that says "record?" or do you think people have the actual box? the dvr? do you know what i'm saying? for a long time my kids download mild apps on the dvr's. a simple procedure. >> on your

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U S , Episode , Meaning , Amazing , Joe Biden , Sean Hannity , Hannity , Tucker Carlson , Feature , 6 , Covid 19 , Leadership , Hand , Independence , 19 , People , Boosters , Virus , Wall , Immunity , Sick , Of Biden S Second Dark Winter , Death , Disease , Whoopi Goldberg , Everything , Friend , Conditions , Mine , View , Thing , It Doesn T Stop Omicron , Wait , Take A Look , Shock , Anywhere , Triple Vaxxed , One , Variant , Problem , Things , Everybody , Recovery , Stuff , Pandemic , Tape , Unvaccinated , Yesterday Biden , Ron Klain , Solution , Tweet , Washington , 2020 , Testing , Isn T , Tests , 732 Million , Supplies , Hanukkah , Holiday Surge , Vanity Fair , Test , Killing Thousands Of Americans , Lines , Travesty , Dereliction Of Duty , Chance , Market , Joe Doesn T , Questions , Science Experts , Something , Recommendation , Media , Reporters , Answering , Room , Poor Joe Doesn T , Lot , Reasons , Propagandaist , White House , 2022 , Number , Vacation , Guy , Meetings , 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Myocarditis , Masks , Focus , Trance Mission , Everyone , Joe Biden Doesn T Have To Reinvent The Wheel , Tickets , Operation Warp Speed Tactics , Isn T He , Monoclonals , Shortage Of , It , Aren T , Speed , Pfizer , Merck , Operation Snail , Nicole , Word , 5 , Way , Severity , Hospital , Reason , Scientist , Harvard , Drug , Regeneron , Administration , Won T , Dooling , Israel And The European Union , Talk About , Tools , Tool , Credibility , Doing , Failure , Operation Snail Speed , Incompetent , Google , Being , Allies , Families , Hostage , Friends , Back , 144 , Life , Afghanistan , Hat , New Yorker Magazine , Taliban , Officials , State , Killings , Girls Education , Abduction , 100 , Report , Women , Protestors , Workplaces , The Street , Whips , Journalists , Chaotic American Withdrawal , Sloweda A Crawl , Thousands , Chief Of Staff , Cards , Embarrassment , State Departments Spokesperson , Day 120 , 120 , Washington D C , Blackout , Topic , Government , Trust , Office , Crisis , Policy Decisions , Dignified , Ran , Decisions , Silos , Ukraine , China , Russia , Taiwan , Control , Blocks , Kamala Harris , Omicron Virus , 2 , 500 Million , Economy , Money , Supply Chain Crisis , Inflation , Goods , Delta Variant , Border , Security , Guard Rails , Immigrants , Swarm , 2 Million , Fentanyl , Result , Groups , Categories , Morgan , Mike Pompeo , No Way Out , Airplanes , Help , Obstruction , State Department , Holders , Green Card , Family Members , Knock , Care , Citizens , Effort , Career Military Officials , Twitter , Ways , It Crazy , Sector , Behind Enemy Lines , February 2020 , Fate , Responsibility , President , Attention , Surprise , Basement , Campaigning , Needs , Callousness , Polls , Afghan Women And Children , 7 , Foreign Policy Decisions , Lifetime , Military Equipment , Consequences , Generations , Technology , Big City In America , Riot , Mark Meadows , Place , Lick , House , Ones , Must , Medicine Cabinet , Cold , It Shortens Colds , Cold Shortening Brand , Love Zicam , Zifans , Unique Zinc Formula , 1 , Supplements , Qunol Turmeric , Turmeric , Benefits , Inflammation Support , Brand , Qunol , Superior Absorption , Joints , Difference , San Francisco , Employee , Recology , That S Why , Recycling System , Workers , Ground Up , Language , Gracias , Outcome , Attempt , Sham January 6th Investigation , January 6th , Protests , Summer , Riots , Investigation , 574 , Police Officer , Americansed , Looting , Property Damage Due , Arson , 2 Billion , Billion , Committee , Police Officers , Cities , Crime , Bail Laws , Vice President , Police , Inviteed , Fund , Criminals , Comments , Siding , Liz Cheney Investigation , War Criminal , Murderer , Crook , Lies , Darth Cheney , Smears , Attacks , Sham Probe , Liz Cheney , Capitol , Voices , Truth , Programming Note , Bit , Tomorrow Night S Show , January 6th First , Reaction , Town , Guard , Tensions , Ask , Election , Doubt , Case , Occasions , Violence , National Guard , January 6th Commission , Operation , 2024 , Fact , Left , Agenda , Play , Members , Socialists , Filibuster , Supreme Court , 13 , Chief , Times , Book , Crowds , Program , Police Chief , Rioting , Radio , Common Sense , Decision , January 6th Committee , Role , Testimony , She Hasn T , Knowledge , Hasn T , Answers , Two , Answer , Mayor , Other , Phone Calls , West Wing , Narrative , Request , Yes , President Trump , Banks , Deck , Anybody , Jordan , Republican , Trump Haters , Never Trumpers , Property Damage , Committees , Defund The Police Effort , Many , Commission , Slogan , Lives , Didn T , Withdrawal , Hypocrisy , Bottom , New York , Main Street , Rule Of Law , Capitol Hill , Style , Promises , Cutting Taxes , Judges , Bureaucracy , Walls , Fair Trade , Europe , Mexio , Japan , Canada , Record , Poll Numbers , Energy Independence , Minorities , Wars , Trump , List , Run On , Adversaries , Group , More , Rejoicing , Difficulties , Harm , Resolve , News Flash , 365 , Thanks , Coverage , Echo Chamber , Planning , Radical D A , Kids , Larry Elder , Gregg Jarrett , Democrats , Educations , Under Control , Latest , Atopic Dermatitis , Skin , Dupixent , Eczema , Step , Itch , Root Cause , Anaphylaxis , Kind , Change , Reactions , Feels , Eye Problems , Vision Changes , Eye Pain , Asthma Medicines , Infection , Don T Change , Child , Eczema Specialist , West Coast , Alvin Bragg , Crime Policy , Lawlessness , Weapons , Robbers , Unprosecuted , Memo , Agent , Drug Dealers , Seller , Larceny , Ceryl , Burglars , Class , Misdemeanor Possession , Home , Felony , Dismantle , Person , Law And Order , Progressive , Business , Store , Weapon , Manhattan , Theft , Owner , Armed Robbery , Clerk , Bars , Impact , Rationale , Safer , Victims , Poverty , Housing , Problems , Mental Illness , Racism , Casualties , He Doesn T , Crime And Punishment , Pavement , Crimes , Law , Disorder , Incentedive , Rain , Trend , Mayors , Chicago , Los Angeles , Philadelphia , Wisconsin , Voters , Murder , Suv , George Soros , Teachers , Learning , Unions , Illinois , 5 Billion , Chicago Public Schools , Taxpayer Aid , Instruction , Education , Classroom , Pay , Ladder , Talk Show , Laurie Lightfoot , Success , Think Tanks , Public School Teachers , High School , Compute , Study , Chicago School , 39 , Restaurant , Food , 34 , Graders , 2021 , 18 , School Year , Suicides , Depression , 72 , Sara Carter , Reporting , Part , Border Crisis , School Education , Outrageous , Texas Drug Warehouse , Next , Industrial Grade , There S Industrial Grade , Co Pilot , Flight , Meet Honeywell Forge , Analytical Software , Assembly Lines , Threats , Question , You Re Not Alone , Six , Support , Calhope , Calhope Org , 317 , 833 317 4673 , 833 , 4673 , Fentanyl Crisis , Texas Dps Drug Warehouse , Inside A , Drugs , Crime Lab Scientists , Drug Analysis , Location , Facility , Marijuana , Cocaine , 20000 , Pills , Some , Nation , Issues , 10 , States , Drug Traffickers , Parents , Pill , Individuals , Ingesting , Party , Use , Addicts , Drug Aducts , Killing Thousands , Pain Medication , Farthered , Father , College , Action , Border Policies , Guarding Americans , Texans , It Ceiling Drugs , Warehouse , Stench , Floor , 14 , Law Enforcement Officials , Salt , Grains , Correct , 250 , Warning , Crime Labs , Overdoses , Texas , 93000 , Players , Numbers , Cartels , Deaths , Coroner , Ohio , Distributors , Law Enforcement , No One , Family , Killer , Russian Roulette , Great Reporting , Preventible , Break , Tragedy , Worker , Comp , Small Business , Growing Business , Claims , Pie , 15 , 20 , Company , Bank , Quote At Easyaspie Com , Start To Finish , Evening , Show , Dvr , Hearts , Laura Ingraham , 12 , Lauren , Box , Dvr S , Procedure , Apps ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Hannity 20240709

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conditions are getting sick. even the "view" whoopi goldberg who is a friend of mine, she has covid-19 and she did everything they told her to do. take a look. >> it was like wait, what? it was a shock. i am triple vaxxed. i have not been anywhere. that's the thing about omicron. you don't know where it is. it's one of those things, you think i have done everything i am supposed to do. it doesn't stop omicron. that's the problem with a variant. it gets stronger and does different stuff to you. unless everybody gets vaccinated this is what we will be facing for the next little while. >> sean: we are praying for a speedy recovery for you. they told us if you got vaccinated you will never get covid. we played that tape over and over. yesterday joe biden again is telling us that we are experiencing a pandemic of the unvaccinated. joe, you are lying or weak. you went from promising to shut down the virus now telling us it's not your problem and there is no federal solution and biden's right-hand man ron klain one of the dumbest people in washington. in 2020 check out his tweet. testing is still isn't fixed. most people could not find them over christmas. we ordered more tests, too little too late. why did you reject ordering the recommended 732 million tests every month starting if october reported in "vanity fair" to raise supplies for the holiday surge for hanukkah, christmas and new year's eve. it's a travesty not to have enough test. under joe it's a dereliction of duty. americans are waiting in lines for hours and hours just to get the chance to get one of the few remains tests on the market. explain that, ron or joe? how did you not see this come something why did you reject the recommendation of the science experts to get them in october? hopefully president biden and ron klain will get back to this. joe doesn't answer any questions or is not capable of answering questions anymore. he just stares silently. when will we have the tests? that's what he did this week to the media. as reporters are shouting from across the room. poor joe doesn't know what year it is. yesterday he told us there are a lot of reasons to be hopeful in 2020. he said 2020. it's 2022. today white house propagandaist jen psaki told reporters joe doesn't have enough time to think. the guy just got back from vacation. what are you talking about? take a look -- >> the president has a number of meetings with policy teams. that's what he is doing behind-the-scenes. if he were standing here today he would say we don't give him time to think. >> sean: he averages less than one event a day. today zero public events. yesterday biden stopped working at 4 after one public event. on monday he did not get to the white house until noon after a vacation at the beach while the rest of america was waiting if line to find a test. joe said go to google to it find your test. joe biden has all the time in the world but it's still more than he can handle. with covid cases reaching historic levels, who needs to hear from the president? a million new cases announced on monday. when biden's trusted messengers big bird are on the job. >> you have the jonas brothers and others? >> we have looked for trusted messengers. >> sean: maybe you should try rolling them out to sell build back broke again which is dead in the water. you will like it once you know what it is in first but it has to be passed first. >> build back better isn't passed. people like the components of the bill but don't know exactly what is in build back better and what it means. it's easier to tell it a package to the public once it's passed. that's our objective. >> sean: nancy pelosi said the same thing about obamacare. now all of your healthcare premiums are through the roof. millions lost doctors and plans. build back broke plan is stalled and mid-terms are around the corner. for the democratic party to have any shot of not getting blown out in november. swallow your pride and hold joe biden accountable for his failures and demand answers on why we have a covid testing and a shortage on monoclonal antibodies. demand answers on the origins of the covid virus and on the bizarre mandates and guidelines for children when science doesn't back it up. get this country back to normal. you might want to warp speed the anti-virals that so many doctors like. let somebody else direct the country. or adopt donald trump's programs because they work. there is a new variant in france. it's a rare illness with the flu and covid infect somebody at the same time. i encourage everybody to stay safe. i am not a doctor. consult your own doctor and look at your current condition. the hysteria has gone on long enough. fox news medical team dr. marc siegel is with us and dr. nicole saphier. they told us in the beginning selling vaccines, they said if you got the vaccine you are protected from getting covid. false. that's not true. i know people now and you are seeing the same thing, people fully vaccinated are getting omicron and with a booster they are getting omicron. people fully vaccinated with a booster and natural immunity, they are all getting omicron. what was the point of the boosters and all of the mandates? >> well, sean, the good news the covid vaccine is what we have accepted with the flu shot. the flu shot doesn't prevent someone from getting the flu but if you get the flu shot and get the flu you have a less likely chance of having severe illness and being out of work or school and being hospitalized and requiring oxygen. the same thing is true with covid vaccines. the fda expanded their edict recommending boosters in young adolescents. they put out a youtube video by a doctor. when did the fda start putting out info-merials? it's embarrassing. when you look at the science talked about in that video, it falls flat. no data was presented to show that a booster in younger populations, healthy people decrease their low risk of severe illness. they said there is low risk of mild myocarditis. what is the benefit? they have not proved the benefit. any symptomatic illness will be short lived. we need to focus on high risk people and have high quality masks and have access to vaccines and boosters and doing everything to make sure they is the rapid tests. stop our focus on the younger and healthier populations. they are very low risk and not contributing as much to the trance mission as you think. -- everyone is transmitting the virus. zero covid is not realistic. >> sean: joe biden doesn't have to reinvent the wheel. i said why isn't he using operation warp speed tactics to get tickets and build out the monoclonals we never had a shortage of. -- a lot of doctors are raving about the anti-virals from pfizer and merck. why aren't we doing that? >> because we have operation snail speed. >> sean: i wish i had thought of that. >> you would have thought of it 5 seconds later. the other word is incompetent. nicole is right the vaccines are imperfect. they are useful to booster your immunity. vaccines are all he talks about. again this week shaming the unvaccinated. you know what the vaccine do? they decrease severity. it can keep you out of the hospital. that's the way it should be sold. that's the way it is scientifically. your point about no rapid tests, he had every reason -- not just that he was warned in october. he was warned a year ago by a major scientist at harvard. i can't prescribe monoclonal antibodies and they need them and regeneron. you just said what about paxlovid and the pfizer drug? i have people that are high risk and broke through the amazing vaccines. they broke through natural immunity which this administration still won't talk about. won't do what israel and the european union is dooling. -- doing. say you had covid and it gives you immunity. they lose credibility. we have to have all of the tools to fight this. he's got one tool. he is using it it to bludgeon people with. incompetent. >> sean: operation snail speed. it's a repulsive failure for the american people. they need not at this late date going into the third year with this be looking and searching for tests and being told you might want to look on google which is what joe said. doctors, thank you. >> americans hostage. >> sean: 144 days since joe biden stabbed americans in the back. our friends and allies and military families left behind he abandoned. today i could not believe it. i tip the hat to the new yorker magazine. they described what life is like afghanistan. a lot of this we reported. they had other news that it we had not reported. the taliban established a repressive state that carried out more than 100 targeted killings and abduction of former afghan officials. limited girls education and banning women from many workplaces. silencing local journalists and beaten female protestors in the street with whips. the report continues: people were left behind during the chaotic american withdrawal. that's sloweda a crawl. we failed americans and thousands of military families -- and people with green cards and our afghan allies. it's an embarrassment. here's former white house chief of staff and a former state departments spokesperson. i am having a hard time understanding why, americans held hostage. day 120. the world watched. the media it's a blackout on this topic. washington, d.c. virtual blackout. i can't forget our fellow americans that he abandoned. why is everyone else ignoring it? >> well, you can never and should never forget your fellow americans. it's the trust that people have here in the united states that their government would never forget them. the intentional policy decisions made there are creating a spiraling crisis across the world. when joe biden ran for office he said he would restore dignified and respected leadership across the world? you outlined what is going on in afghanistan and the humanitarian crisis and in ukraine we are challenged by russia and china in taiwan. other silos of decisions made by the president that spiraled out of control. he said he would stop covid. he stumbled out of the blocks and stumbled on the tests. and said he wished he had ordered 500 million test kits 2 months ago and it took kamala harris to tell the world no, it's true. we missed the omicron virus and the delta variant. the economy. he was warned that if you poured more money into the economy, we would have inflation because you have more money and fewer goods and we would have a supply chain crisis. on the border he said he would put up guard rails and keep security at the border. he invited a swarm of illegal immigrants on the border. 2 million across the border. what did he invite into our country? covid and fentanyl which also kills thousands of americans. these are intentional decisions that are a result of bad leadership that have spiraled out of control in 4 different important categories. >> sean: unbelievable. morgan, you worked closely with mike pompeo. unfortunately i know many private groups have been willing to charter very expensive airplanes to evacuate americans. with little to no help and obstruction from our own state department. that seems to have ended. it seems like now there is no way out. knock seems to care. what does that mean for the people left behind. green card holders and military family members and americans and afghan allies? >> there is no coordinated u.s. effort to get american citizens and green card holders out that i am aware of. i would be happy to be proven wrong by this administration. my twitter is always open for looking for ways. i am happy to help people. isn't it crazy that former administration officials and people former career military officials are using private sector means to get people out. joe biden left americans behind enemy lines. it's shameful. one thing that he just said, he talked about what candidate joe biden promised to do. another thing he promised in february 2020, he said he would bear zero responsibility of what happened to the fate of women and children in afghanistan. the media was desperate to get rid of president trump and were not paying attention. the media act surprise these decisions that biden made. you should not have been. if you were paying attention to the campaigning in the basement, he was consistent in his callousness towards afghan women and children. the one thing that every american needs to remember when they go to the polls this november is 7 months. that's how long it took for president biden to be in office, for afghanistan to fall and for the taliban to take over. it's one of the worst foreign policy decisions in my lifetime. the consequences will last for generations. >> sean: he had time to get everybody out safely and the military equipment and technology that was left behind. thank you both. straight ahead. democrats in congress obsessed with the riot that took place at their house. they don't give a lick about the ones that took place in your city where you live. mark meadows is next straight ahead. a must in your medicine cabinet! less sick days! cold coming on? 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what about the thousands of police officers injured severely? where is that committee? what about the cities that defunded the police and inviteed in more crime and eliminated all bail laws. how is that working out. kamala harris the vice-president. promoting a fund to bail out violent criminals and her comments, she said they won't stop. they should not stop and we won't stop. where is the liz cheney investigation into that. now that liz is siding with the democrats who called her father a war criminal, murderer and crook and worse. darth cheney. tomorrow you with expect lies and smears from political attacks from joe biden and the democrats and liz cheney as entire sham probe is only another reason for them to obsess over all things donald trump. the guy that said many ever you will now peacefully march to the capitol so your voices may be heard. truth hurts a little bit. we have a programming note. tomorrow night's show. here for reaction mark meadows is with us. one thing, going to january 6th first. did donald trump and did you ask knowing so many people were coming into town, knowing that tensions were high post 2020 election, did you both ask for the national guard to be called up? >> without a doubt. we made that very clear. not just once but on numerous occasions. we wanted plenty of national guard in the ready in case there was violence. you are right. tomorrow will be spent on january 6th. the focus there because the january 6th commission is more about a political operation than securing the capitol. it's more about securing the white house in 2024 than it is about providing security in the capitol. sadly what we are seeing play out every day, sean, is the fact that they are willing to do whatever it takes to spin their narrative it. the left has another agenda. they want to increase the supreme court to 13 members so they can get rulings their way and break the filibuster. they want to make sure the socialists take over washington, d.c. and that it's complete. >> sean: mark meadows's book is out. the chief's chief. you asked numerous times and donald trump asked for the national guard knowing you would have massive crowds and political tensions were high. that's a common sense thing to do. you condemned what happened on january 6th. i condemned it on radio and this program that night. i condemn all rioting. we had the capitol police chief request the national guard. who makes that decision about calling up the national guard? does nancy pelosi have a role? is she being subpoenaed? will she testify to the january 6th committee with a pre-determined outcome? >> not to my knowledge. she hasn't been subpoenaed and hasn't been asked to give testimony. there are two people who need to provide some answers. neither of them worked in the west wing. one is the mayor of washington, d.c. the other is speaker pelosi. when the phone calls came in to the west wing the answer was yes. an immediate yes. there was no request that was ever denied. yet that is the narrative the january 6th commission puts out there. it's not accurate as it relates to president trump or anybody else in the west wing. >> sean: once they kicked jordan and banks off the committee and replaced them with the 2 biggest republican trump haters the deck was stacked. 7 democrats and 2 never-trumpers. the riots. in that riots people were killed and police officers injured and billion dollars of property damage. where is that committee, mark meadows? i have not heard of it. they are probably forming it right now. the very same people. they don't care about the one riot that impacts them but not the riots that impact other americans? >> well, there are 2 different committees that need to take place. one that looks at all of that, that happened over the summer of 2020. it was applauded by many on the left. you remember the defund the police effort that was a slogan that was echoed over and over again until they figured out it did not poll well. there is another commission that needs to take. how about the 13 service members that lost their lives in afghanistan? the withdrawal that didn't have to happen that way? why not look into that. tonight those 13 service members deserve just as well. the american people see the hypocrisy of all of this. it's a political narrative that is driven by this commission instead of one that gets to the bottom and solves the problem and upholds the rule of law on main street or capitol hill. >> sean: i understand people don't like donald trump's style. i am from new york and is it doesn't bother me. he accomplished a lot. i doubt he would have abandoned americans if afghanistan. kept his promises on cutting taxes -- and ending the bureaucracy and on judges and free and fair trade deals all over europe. canada and mexio, japan and china. we worked hard to get us out of endless walls. built -- wars and built the wall and gave us energy independence and record economy especially for minorities. i don't see that happening with joe? >> that's why his poll numbers ary so far down. it's something the american people, republican, independent or even some democrats, they see it as well. all of that long list they saw president trump that hes able to accomplish during his 4 years, they see it and they see it's not getting done now. that's what the democrats are so fearful of. they don't have a record to run on. they want to run on a narrative instead of joe biden's record. you will see more of that tomorrow sadly. we will take a solemn day and politicize it. another group is rejoicing with us, that's our foreign adversaries, they love to do harm to america and focus on the difficulties that we have had. i have a news flash for our foreign adversaries: don't underestimate the resolve of the american people. we enjoy freedoms 365 days of the year and you are celebrating january 6th. >> sean: you condemned january 6th and i have and condemned the 574 other riots. we will have a program that is different from the rest of the country tomorrow night considering all the coverage is going to be an echo chamber. mark meadows, thanks for joining us. his new book is the chief's chief. you won't believe what the new york new radical d.a. is planning for the city of the new york. gregg jarrett has the latest and democrats are putting your kids' educations last. larry elder will weigh in when we return: straight ahead. or atopic dermatitis under control? hide our skin? not us. because dupixent targets a root cause of eczema, it helps heal your skin from within, keeping you one step ahead of it. and for kids ages 6 and up, that means clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. hide my skin? not me. by helping to control eczema with dupixent, you can change how their skin looks and feels. and that's the kind of change you notice. hide my skin? not me. don't use if you're allergic to dupixent. serious allergic reactions can occur, including anaphylaxis, which is severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems, such as eye pain or vision changes, or a parasitic infection. if you take asthma medicines, don't change or stop them without talking to your doctor. when you help heal your skin from within, you can show more with less eczema. talk to your child's eczema specialist about dupixent, a breakthrough eczema treatment. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: apparently you are on follow the failures of the far left d.a.s on the west coast. the new york d.a. alvin bragg wants to bring even more lawlessness to new york city unveiling a destructive democratic crime policy that let's violent criminals go free and unprosecuted. his memo reveals updated guidelines that allows armed robbers using deadly weapons to be prosecuted for petty larceny. drug dealers acting as a low-level agent of a ceryl seller will be prosecuted for misdemeanor possession. and burglars that steal from home storage sheds they will be charged with a lower class felony. here is gregg jarrett. defund. dismantle. no bail laws and now this. tell me how will that end? >> not well as any intelligent person would recognize. the answer to surging crime is not less law and order. it's more of it it. alvin bragg with a far left progressive in manhattan. you use a deadly weapon in a business or a store and threaten to kill the clerk or the owner, armed robbery is a petty theft and you will walk free. bragg says this will make us safer. that's absurd. his rationale is putting somebody behind bars has a negative impact on their life. he said that. he claims the casualties of crime are not the victims. it's the criminals. they are misunderstood and the victims of racism and housing problems and poverty and mental illness. we need to help them. to hell with their innocent victims. he doesn't care about crime and punishment. he cares about crime and no pavement. instead of embracing law and order he is advocating for disorder and creates an incentedive for criminals to commit more crimes -- now they have free rain. this is the growing trend for democrats with progressive mayors in los angeles, san francisco, philadelphia, and chicago and in wisconsin a man who should have been behind bars used his suv to murder 6-6 -- 6 innocent people. who is to blame? the voters in these cities who put these stupid people into office supported by george soros. they will get what they deserve. >> sean: gregg jarrett, thanks for that report. now another failing far left city. teachers in chicago tonight are finding new excuses not to show up for work. the teachers unions voted to resume remote learning after the state of illinois received $5 billion in taxpayer aid to keep schools open. tonight we are learning there will be no in person or remote instruction tomorrow for chicago public schools. the mayor of chicago laurie lightfoot is threatening to withhold pay from teachers that refuse to show up to the classroom. he is radio talk show host larry elder. education is key to the ladder of success. we are failing our kids. >> it is. think tanks on the left and right don't agree about a whole lot but agree the first step towards leaving poverty is to finish high school where you can read and write and compute. there was a study on where public school teachers with school aged kids, nationwide families have their kids in private schools. 6% of black families do. 39% of chicago school teachers put their own kids in private schools. it's like opening up a restaurant and say come in and eat the food but we won't do it. before the pandemic shut down schools in 2020 only 34% of third graders in chicago public schools could read at standard levels. they didn't release the test scores last year. only 18% in 2021 could. they are already behind. now 72% of chicago public school teachers voted to disband in person education for the coming school year. it's outrageous. the science is. greater depression and suicides because they are abandoning in school education. outrageous. >> sean: thank you. sara carter of give us part 2 of her exclusive reporting on biden's border crisis. she will take you inside a texas drug warehouse. you don't want to miss it. next. ♪ music ♪ there's software. and then there's industrial grade software. capable of optimizing your flight by turning data into your co-pilot. meet honeywell forge. analytical software that helps assembly lines build walls against cyber threats. and makes sure you're ready for game day every day. that's honeywell forge. industrial grade software ♪ music ♪ earn about covid-19, the more questions we have. the biggest question now, what's next? 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is it the little thing that says "record?" or do you think people have the actual box? the dvr? do you know what i'm saying? for a long time my kids download mild apps on the dvr's. a simple procedure. >> on your

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