Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

covid cases are averaging nearly double what they were at the start of november doctor anthony fauci said americans need to remain vigilant. >> even though were pleased by the evidence for multiple countries, it looks like there is a lesser degree of severity, we have to be careful we don't get complacent about that. as it might lead to a lot of hospitalizations in the united states. >> were following the latest from our southern border, texas attorney general ken paxton is asking courts to force abiding the administration to restart border wall construction, more on that in just a moment. we begin this hour with charles watson lida hartfield jackson international airport in atlanta with more on the holiday travel nightmare. what is the move there? >> is pretty common here right now but it's been chaotic with thousands of people flying this holiday weekend and it continues with another wave of cancellations. today airlines dropping more than 2300 flights globally, more than a third of the cancellations coming from flights within leaving or coming to the u.s., delta, united airlines is claiming omicron staffing shortages in bad weather and parts of the country for the cancellations. nearly 800 flights dropped collectively between today and christmas with holiday plans and dozens of people to spend less than the year with family and friends. >> right before we were supposed to board we found out our flight was canceled. >> it is frustrating because it's scary. >> covid, should not be safer than to be working. >> airlines are apologizing and promising to rebook stranded passengers, meantime they're hoping the new cdc guidelines that allow essential workers to get back on the job with the week after testing positive for covid will help avoid trouble nightmares like we see this weekend, doctor anthony fauci said higher vaccination rates will be a big help to. >> anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome. but with regard to the spread of virus in the country, i think if you look at wearing a mask in the filtration on planes things are reasonably safe. >> the airlines are saying when they expect these disruptions to end but will we had to monday like cancellations this will be far fewer than what were seen today. anita: some good news for the beginning of next week, charles watson ivan hartsfield jackson international airport in atlanta, thank you so much. julie: new york city's vaccine mandate for private businesses is set to go into effect tomorrow, as omicron variant spread across the country other major cities are set to impose similar mandates, david lee is in the new york city live with the very latest this afternoon. happy sunday david. >> happy sunday, ager cities are planning to implement vaccine mandates but the one that will take effect tomorrow morning in new york city is arguably going to be the strictest possibly in the entire country, almost all private sector workers in the city must be partially vaccinated and lesser working from home. it affects roughly 184,000 businesses, testing is not an option. lawyers said the mandate is too burdensome and requires them a vaccination records and fines for violations started $1000 more than 90% of new york city adults are vaccinated in the latest data from the city shows 14000 new covid cases today. according to an infectious disease expert people taking precautions should not worry about getting together for the holidays. >> people should have a test before getting together with diverse people. unfortunately when we have plenty of vaccine supply that's not a problem but unfortunately we do not have enough test. >> is expected more vaccine mandates are gonna take effect next month. philadelphia, boston, washington, d.c. will put in place new or beefed up restrictions, at least 21 states including florida, kansas and texas are being improve vaccine requirements or the so-called vaccine passports for certain indoor activities. doctor anthony fauci indicated today he only expects to see the number of covid cases continue to increase, he said every day it goes up and up. while he acknowledged the omicron variant is less severe, as we heard you mention moments ago he is warning americans not to become complacent. julie: david lee miller in new york city, thank you. democrats are scrambling to keep the build back better bill alive after west virginia senator joe manchin said that he would vote no on a multitrillion dollar plan. now democrats are suggesting president joe biden should use his executive action to get them off the ground. joining is now the washington examiner susan, always great to see you. manchin wants many things, he wants a lot of changes made to this before it's going to pass, at least through him. he wants to reform the 2017 changes to the tax code and president trump of the republicans and unlike most democrats he is concerned for tax increases saying they could go too far, her jobs, hurt the economy. a lot of things that republicans agree with. well the democrats hear them out on these issues? >> they have to the senate is even split, the average passes will require all 50 democrats and the vice president in order to get across the finish line. democrats want to stop losing to joe manchin, the very frustrated, you can hear the frustration this past week. the problem is they cannot force them to vote for the bill and they cannot pass it without him, they will listen to him and i think the attempt to pass little pieces of this if they can. he does want to reform the tax code, there is room to increase taxes on wealthier corporation. he has clearly open to those possibilities and is interested in the child tax credit with certain reforms like a work requirement were making sure it is less stronger than one year. visible interested in the bill we could see consensus with democrats certainly not the big broad builder looking for. then you run into the problem of the progressive wing stayed retired and negotiated with joe manchin and that she been talking about president biden doing things through executive action there are limits to that but also a lot of extensions execs stories with executive action. president obama legalize the so-called dreamers through executive action, that was a biggest achievement for democrats all done throughout the congress. i think you get is the accommodation of efforts, you will see them talk to joe manchin continuing but i do expect president biden will try to do things out of barack obama's playbook which is to circumvent congress when things are getting done. that's what i see in the coming years. julie: ben cardin pointed out the back better obviously is not going to pass as it stands now. here's what they believe needs to be done now. >> that is a strategy decision that is being negotiated we are open to a way to reach the finish line it will be fully paid for, that is very clear we understand the risks of inflation and committed to making sure we offset all expenses. i think with those parameters we want to see the comprehensive as possible but we need to make sure the votes are there to pass it so that means it'll be different than some of us would like to see. julie: here is an additional, i want to talk about modification that manchin wants to see, take child tax credit for example. he's interested in that, however, interested in posing a work requirement for the child tax credit. also environmental policies will have to be neutral no singling out electric vehicles tax credit. how hard will it be to accomplish a compromise here. >> very hard democrats 35-amp with a fellow democrat joe manchin, they feel like they compromised enough, this bill started on $3 trillion range. they thought 3 trillion was a compromise and they cut in half. they're very wary and that will drag things out, the longer you drag it out you getting into election season. things really stop happening in congress around march of an election year and this is a hot election year, close races, and evenly divided senate, fear majority for democrats in the house. it's going to be tough to get swing district democrats behind tax increases as they get closer to their own reelection that is why time is not on their side right now. nor is the terms of the bill. two things working against him it's a lot of work to be done in a big difference between their holdout kyrsten sinema we don't talk about much she's been very quiet but she's a potential holdout two. it seems like only two senators we can get past this. it has not worked so far and neither has budged on their demands. as time goes on it becomes more and more difficult and what goes across the finish line is likely to shrink quite a bit if anything gets done this year. julie: let's remind the viewers the midterms in 2022 right around the corner maybe we should remind democrats, this is not going to help them. >> their plan was we are going to passes in 2021 andy 2022 working ablaze and go out there and tell everybody about all the wonderful things in this bill that will help them they will go out on the campaign trail and sell this and that would help them hold onto the house and senate that was their plan. they returning in january to face their leftovers, we did not get this thing done is nowhere closed and is taking steps back in their nowhere near passing this thing, it gets harder and starts to combine to get more difficult. they are also facing removing federal spending in february and other obligations throughout the course of the year. it's going to get tough to get anything done at all, especially in an election year. julie: susan, washington examiner, chief congressional correspondent, we thank you for joining us. anita: up next texas is taking president biden to court over the unfinished border wall, more on that with the state attorney general ken paxton right after the break. ♪ what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from 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he was not going to do that, that's not the way things work in a constitutional public, it's his job to spend the money the weights appropriated not to wait which is exactly what is doing allowing the contractors to get paid but that should not do the job. anita: why not use state funds like the texas governor is to expand the wall, he recently debuted 900, not too much but a little bit there using state-funded donations. we need funds on the federal government that have been appropriate. we need everything appropriate by congress and what the state legislature is appropriate. anita: i want to put two people enter pieces of information, first we have some numbers, to show the number of migrant encounters along the border, showing in november of this year 2021, they are over 173,000 compared with the past november, 72000 and before that 42000, quite an increase, those numbers are astonishing. now i would like to put up a piece of an op-ed from the washington post on biden's policies. the headline here, president biden's inconsistent policies contributed to a soaring death toll at the border. the administration was received in central america as a green light or a blinking yellow one, with the body count mounted, that is a tough op-ed. they are right, the story has not been cover which is the number of migrants, i talked about the number of overdoses as well as 100,000 in the numbers are dramatically increasing and fatten all overdoses because the border is not secured and obviously an increase in deaths because of illegal immigration and the spread of people all over the country. this is a story that i've heard very few people cover. thank the washington post for highlighting the realities that these numbers for migrants are actually going up. it's a dangerous situation for everyone. anita: describe the conditions that you see along the border right now. >> what is so sad the cartel, if you are going to come across the border it is very likely, highly likely you have to pay the cartel about $8000 a person. his control and the people coming across and because the people will have to be monitored by border patrol in process, now you have a greater drug trade because are not being monitored like they were before. we have an increased structure, design situation people afraid for the lives and afraid for their own property. anita: we hear stories of increased crime and property damage. what are you hearing from texas citizens who live right there along the border on the front lines of the massive influx of people and drugs. >> these are the people i wish the president would talk to he will not talk to law enforcement or his own people were people, at least talking to the people along the border that are terrified, there terrified to go open the doors because they don't have the cartel members some are losing their property and summer leaving the border and leaving their property and kept in unguarded because they're afraid for their lives. anita: a scary situation on the border for so many reasons. texas attorney general ken paxton, thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you, have a great day. julie: coming up three and half years after them president trump left the iran nuclear deal, new efforts are underway to bring it back, president biden support, that is next. iz♪ ay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ julie: nuclear deal talks with iran are set to resume tomorrow in vienna according to the european union lead negotiator. the former secretary of state mike pompeo says the needing's are a waste of time. >> 's income principal to me and as a mortgage understand the ayatollah wants to wipe israel off the face of the earth and he wants to make america go away where the second big one, why you would negotiate is demonstrably indicated that they will not abide by any agreement that they sign. julie: the u.s. is taking part in directly which aim to revive the 2015 nuclear deal president trump as you may remember withdrew the u.s. from the iran nuclear deal in 2018 and reimpose sanctions, iran me time has ramped up the enrichment ever since. president biden has signaled he will rejoin if iran agrees to abide by the guidelines. >> the u.s. and russia reportedly moving closer to scheduling talks next month over the tension surrounding ukraine, the meetings will be held in geneva, this amid reports of vladimir putin had withdrawn some of his troops from the ukraine border. alexandria hoff has more on this from washington. >> a new report claims more than 10000 russian troops have withdrawn from the ukrainian border that is according to reuters shared by the interfax news agency, tens of thousands of additional troops remain in the region near ukraine. here's what the vice president had to say. >> will direct conversations with russia we are very clear that russia should not invade the sovereignty of ukraine for the territorial integrity, formative or 150,000 russian troops have been running drills you the ukrainian border signal to u.s. intelligence officials that russia was gearing up for an attack following a talk that putin said today he is weighing his options at the u.s. to not give into demands of security guarantees alongside a commitment to halt nato's expansion into eastern europe representatives from russia, europe and the u.s. are said to continue discussions sometimes next month in geneva, president biden said he will give put no guarantees, here is secretary of state mike pompeo weighed in on "sunday morning features". >> the actions you saw him say today in russia are consistent with his belief that we are weak leadership in the absence of resolve and he's going to purchase as far as he can. >> the vice president added if russia invades the ukraine they risk sanctions unlike anything experienced before. >> alexandria hoff live in washington, thank you so much. anita: china is looking for a way to keep soldiers to operate weapons with just their minds, fox's national security correspondent jennifer christian explained. >> it would be like putting the device into your brain that could launch a missile. >> is sound like a sci-fi thriller, new intelligence shows china is using technology like gene editing to enhance military capabilities and control its own people. machines that could allow a chinese commander to discharge a weapon with just a thought not a trigger finger. >> that's what they mean control technology, to newfield. >> targeting emerging threat by levying sanctions on 37 chinese biotechnology companies. they have ties to the research that experts say with my control weapons, former dni john ratcliffe warns against the u.s. tried to keep up with china's unscrupulous efforts. >> we are not going to place our own soldiers, sailors and airmen at risk which is what the intelligence tells us the chinese are willing to do they want to advance any cost including those that are harmful to their own population. >> the u.s. has no scruples about spinning china by every means. >> the pentagon says beijing already uses these technologies including biometric recognition and suppress the uighurs. broadly speaking. >> china in the military continues to develop advanced technologies and capabilities which are designed to reinforce the very coercive and aggressive behavior. >> republican lawmakers called on secretary against dozens of chinese biotechnology's to do more, senator marco rubio has proposed a bill to restrict u.s. investment and more chinese military companies, companies that may one day produce mind control weapons. at the pentagon, jennifer griffin, fox news. anita: for more on this spring in asia expert jordan chang senior fellow and author of the great u.s. china tech were, gordon, always interesting to pick your brain, if you don't mind me using a phrase. what about this report that china is online control to potentially use as a weapon and as jennifer mentioned were talking about things like gene editing, human performance and brain sheen interfaces to create super soldiers, this does sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, can you expand on that. >> will certainly cover what we are seeing is china using gene editing, although the u.s. knows how to do this, matter of fact we develop the tool to gene edit. we are not doing things like this because we consider it to be unethical. so does most of the rest of the world. but china put a lot of money into this has the gene editing. the actually produced the first live births from gene edited embryos, they were doing that to make 20 girls hiv resistant but there are arguments that they were using these gene editing to enhance intelligence. were talking about new jetix. therefore we should not be surprised about anything that china is doing. >> the u.s. but a number of research institution, jennifer mentioned this in china on export blacklists for supposedly helping the chinese military pursue equipment that can control human consciousness during combat operations. >> this is really scary stuff. >> is certainly is, china is committing genocide and crimes against humanity, the northwestern province that the uighurs and others believe is an independent country. these are horrific, these are comparable to what they did prior to the massive 1941. therefore we've got to understand that the using technology to commit atrocities that the world is not seen since the second world war. anita: let's switch over to the topic, news that president biden has signed a law banning imports from that region over concerns of the security crackdown in forced labor on ethnic uighurs and muslim, this is bipartisan legislation, the white house called a genocide against the ethnic groups. , we got a lot of pressure and pushback like apple who lobbied against the legislation. companies like intel tasting california actually apologized to china after they told customers not to use products produced by slave labor. take a look at this. it says this is from intel, this is an internal letter we thank everyone for raising their questions and concerns in respect to sensitivity of the issue in china for causing trouble to our esteemed chinese customers, partners and the general public, we express our sincere apology they are apologizing to people for taking a stance against china and then they pulled back. >> intel which is happy to lecture the immigrant people about racism has essentially supported racism in sing john, how this started the intel said to its suppliers don't buy from shandong because of forced labor and slavery concerns. and then intel walk that back without apology. what we have is hypocrisy in the u.s. company supporting the worse crimes against humanity that we can think of. >> it is amazing very touchy stuff. gordon chang, thank you so much for your time today we really appreciate your insights and have a great weekend. >> thank you, happy new year. anita: the heartland still reeling from the tornadoes a tort to the midwest earlier this month. next time churches are helping people put their lives back together. clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. >> a devastating fire in a pennsylvania home on christmas morning killing a father into a his sons. dan springer with more on the tragedy now. >> incredibly sad story it happened in quakertown pennsylvania. investigators are looking at the christmas tree in the possibility that faulty lights started the tragic fire. the fire department was called to 1:30 a.m. christmas morning. the fire likely started with the whole family was upstairs sleeping. the tree was in the main room downstairs when the crews arrived they tried to get into the front door but pushback by the flames. when they finally got inside they discovered the body of a father and his two young sons. 41-year-old eric king died with his son 11-year-old liam and 8-year-old patrick, kristen king and the families will display 13 euro brady made it out safely. they suffered minor burns and were treated and released at the local hospital. the community is devastated. here is a classmate of one of the boys. >> he was so happy and hearing that his house got burned down in his family wasn't it toward me. >> the school district releases statement, this news is devastating for the district community and the quakertown area. eric and kristen are very active in the community and the kind of people to make this a special place to live and attend school. the school district sent its heartfelt empathy to the king family and their many friends and relatives. >> they set up a gofundme page and the responses been overwhelming as you might expect, within 7500 people contributed, more than $520,000, the fire marshal investigates exactly what happened but early on it looks like perhaps a dry christmas tree in those lights. >> what is christmas day tragedy, preschool out to the family, thank you for that story. >> it is been over three weeks, speaking of devastation since the tornado outbreak tour across the heartland and in kentucky, they've only just begun picking up the pieces many turning to churches and community centers for help and hope, joining us now sister martha keller from saint jerome's paris in kentucky, thank you for talking to us this one day after christmas, many of us celebrated in our homes and many out there in kentucky do not have homes to celebrate in maybe you could tell us what you're doing for disaster relief receiving a distribution center that is helping people out there. >> first of all thank you for allowing me too be with you. as i mentioned st. joseph here at saint jerome we are located 10 miles northwest of the county in mayfield and since december 11, saturday morning they have been responding to people in need. my pastor the red cross temporary shelter so we did that until monday december 13, we housed in the fed shelter for different families of mayfield, 25 people with adults and children in the following monday guess it was, sunday evening or last family was relocated and we received a distribution center. we moved to another location on campus and people have been calling and pouring in supplies and donations i just served in the logistics working in the army in our pastor had just been trying to utilize her gifts and generosity of our parishioners. >> sorry to cut you off i want to talk about the cases and stories the devastating stories you are hearing i was reading about how 25 people were housed in the parish hall including a woman's best friend had lost her 3-year-old dollar in the storm i cannot imagine another heartbreaking story like your hearing from this one, what is been the response to the help? >> the responses been overwhelming. would you repeat the question i got caught up in what you're telling me because i was reliving that, the one particular woman and best friend, the 3-year-old child. >> her daughters and children were playing in the resilient they were playing and i went over and sat down and said do you need anything, how can i help you and she said i cannot concentrate my best friend has a 3-year-old daughter that was killed in the tornado. we sit there and cried together. [silence] >> i don't want to cut you off there is a delay on a satellite. the monetary donations are really, really needed right now, www.saint jerome's fancy also a phone number for donations (270)623-8181, what is the need right now so people can help you guys out. >> we have many supplies but we can always use the monetary donations, gift cards that we can hand out to people that were responding to an many of our local people from surrounding areas that are just hearing of our willingness to help them. anything that you could do to help will be put to good use and make a difference. >> plus you and all the team members helping you. it is inspiring to see people helping their neighbor, thank you so much sister martha keller for joining us, good luck to you and god bless. coming up the world mourns the death of an iconic apartheid activist, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ julie: former south african arch bishop desmond tutu died at the age of 90, he was an icon for speaking out against racist abuse and injustice in his country and worldwide. trey yingst is live in jerusalem with more on tutu's life and remembering his legacy. >> good afternoon archbishop died at 90 years old, although he leaves behind it accomplished and purposeful life through the nobel peace prize winner was one of the light under driving forces by ending apartheid and south africa, he was known for interfaith religious services in fighting against racism in all forms he was describing south african president as a man of extraordinary intellect, integrity and admissibility. reactions of condolences around the world, boris johnson tweeted he was deeply saddened by his debt, this is french president said to to dedicated his life to human rights and equality between people. pope francis released a statement to tutu's family as to the dalai lama, former president barack obama called him a friend and described him as the universal spirit president joe biden released a statement saying he and the first lady are heartbroken over who they call a true servant of god. it's great to see so many world leaders coming together for the same thing, all of them agreed that desmond tutu was a good man who had a purpose on earth. back to you. julie: trey yingst, a man who lived a life of purpose as you said, thank you so much for the live report. julie: if you missed or forgot the most viral caught on camera moments of 2021 you are in luck, jonathan hunt takes a look back. >> even in the turbulent times there's one thing we can count on year after year people get caught on camera doing good things, bad things or just funny things in 2021 is no exception. take this 9-year-old boy for instance who hitched a ride on the airport conveyor belt, surveillance footage capturing the moment he hopped on board and calmly made his way through the baggage system. a florida woman coming face-to-face with an alligator while paddle boarding, together getting close enough to bite the board before swimming away. >> my stock just exploded. >> an unexpected party guest unless it's a celebrity, tom hanks crashed as california's wedding ceremony and even stayed to give marriage advice. cameras love crime and they captured a lot of it to. from high-speed car chases to the porch private. >> this naked intruder was trying on clothes and a southern california home. things taken a turn when he killed the families peppered, before being taken into custody by police. frightening bystander video capturing attends hostage association at the complex. a man can be seen holding a gun to the back of a woman's head is swat team leader entering the apartment taking down the suspect. while we saw the worst of humanity this year, we also witnessed the best of it too. from heartwarming reunions to dramatic rescues. like the scene into new york, police officer teaming up to save an infant trapped underneath the car. >> i cannot get it hooked up. >> the michigan officer pulling over a speeding driver who confessed to having a bad day. instead of handing out a ticket the officer followed the man home and helped him hook up his tv. a homeless vietnam veteran reunited with his lost service dog rerun. the family who helped find the pop sending a dog tag and food to the grateful owner. no matter what the new year brings one thing is for sure with more surveillance technology expected in 2022, even more buzzworthy moments will be captured. in los angeles jonathan hunt fox news. julie: coming up the longest-running christmas tradition you do not know about. stay with us. ♪ because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. . . ♪. julie: all right. this is funny, a pair of bothers from new hampshire taking a regifting to a whole new level. ryan and eric lawson have been regifting the same box of lifesavers for over 30 years. it started in 1987 who gave it to his gift to hiss brother and who hates the hard card did not i. they get creative. freezing it in a block of ice. setting in jell-o mode and setting into it a teddy bear. i bet they're steal though. >> what i could give for my children not to enjoy hard candy. we before we to. i have a personal video. roll the tape. >> santa claus is coming our way. those are my kids, my son harrison there in the mask. the north pole express aboard the epic steam train in connecticut t draws more than 150,000 people annually. we climbed aboard among all those people, aboard a vintage passenger cars from 1890s station for a magical 90 minute trip to the north pole. i boarded the train with my family. which was truly a magical experience. the valley railroad company has been serving the lower connecticut river valley since 1971. my family and i do it for five years. we may have had it an annual tradition of ours. unfortunately because of covid it was canceled last year. we were able to do it this year taking safely the trip. after going on sale the tickets sold out in one day. get your tickets next year. essex stream this is just a magical experience for children. so it was just really special. i personally really enjoyed it too. julie: i want to come to the east coast next year, julie. >> would love to have you join us. you have to wear your christmas pajamas. i'm julie banderas. ♪. >> hello, everyone, katie pavlich, griff jenkins, david webb, with dr. nicole saphier. welcome to the bilge sunday show. here is what is on tap tonight, david. [kamala harris feeling reflective of the time as vp. >> what is your biggest failure at this point? >> not to get out of d.c. more [laughter]. >> why didn't she go to the border at more. harris on defense. that is coming up.

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Vaccine Mandate , Beginning , Ivan Hartsfield Jackson International Airport In Atlanta , Effect , Cities , Businesses , Mandates , Afternoon , Omicron Variant Spread , Happy Sunday David , Julie David Lee Miller , Vaccine Mandates , Happy Sunday , One , Planning , Strictest , Ager , City , Mandate , Option , Sector , Lawyers , Working From Home , 184000 , Adults , Fines , Data , Violations , Infectious Disease , Vaccination Records , 000 , 1000 , 14000 , 90 , Test , Vaccine Supply , Holidays , Precautions , Problem , Gonna Take , Texas , Washington D C , Place , Vaccine Passports , Restrictions , Vaccine Requirements , Florida , Boston , Philadelphia , Kansas , 21 , Number , Activities , Democrats , Warning , Joe Biden , Bill , Joe Manchin , Build , Dollar Plan , West Virginia , Executive Action , Susan , Changes , Tax Code , Ground , 2017 , President , Republicans , Tax , Jobs , Economy , Vice President , Senate , Passes , Issues , Order , Finish Line , Split , 50 , Pieces , Attempt , Frustration , Him , Child Tax Credit , Room , Work Requirement , Possibilities , Corporation , Taxes , Reforms , Consensus , Wing , Big Broad Builder Looking , Stories , President Obama , Dreamers , Congress , Efforts , Accommodation , Achievement , Playbook , Ben Cardin , Way , Strategy Decision , Risks , Inflation , Votes , Expenses , Some , Comprehensive , Parameters , Modification , Example , Compromise , Policies , Tax Credit , Vehicles , No , 35 , Half , Trillion , 3 Trillion , Election , Season , Races , District , Reelection , Tax Increases , White House , Fear Majority , Side , Kyrsten Sinema , Difference , Terms , Work , We Don T , Potential Holdout Two , Two , Demands , Senators , Neither , Midterms , Corner , Viewers , 2022 , Plan , Everybody , 2021 , Thing , House , Campaign Trail , Leftovers , Nowhere , Course , Obligations , Spending , Wall , Up Next Texas , Chief Congressional , Washington Examiner , Break , Border Wall , Activity , Glucose , Libre 2 , 2 , Mystery , Glucose Levels , A1c , Medicare , Migrants , Government , Jointing , Hands , Exits , Step , Missouri , Judge , Trump , Legislation , Argument , Lawsuit , Budget , Borders , Nation , Money , Contractors , Public , State Funds , Weights , Donations , Governor , 900 , State Legislature , Everything , Numbers , Information , Encounters , Increase , Showing , 173000 , 42000 , 72000 , Headline , Piece , On Biden , Death Toll , Op Ed , The Washington Post , Light , Yellow , Central America , Story , Overdoses , Cover , Body Count , Deaths , 100000 , Situation , Realities , Immigration , Cartel , Conditions , Person , 8000 , Control , Drug Trade , Process , Border Patrol , Crime , Property , Lives , Design , Property Damage , Structure , Citizens , Lines , Influx , Drugs , Doors , Cartel Members , Law Enforcement , Reasons , Coming Up Three , Three , Biden Support , Deal , It Back , Iran , Iz Ay , Liberty , Safelite , Liberty Man , My Truck Is Livelihood , Experts , Service , Girl , Singers , Windshield , Safelite Repair , Secretary Of State , Lead , Negotiator , Nuclear Deal Talks , Waste , Mike Pompeo , Vienna , European Union , Ayatollah , Face , Big One , Earth , Mortgage , S Income , America Go Away , Israel , Part , Agreement , Aim , Nuclear Deal , 2015 , Sanctions , Enrichment , Me Time , Reimpose , 2018 , Russia , Reports , Geneva , Meetings , Tension , Ukraine , Report , Troops , Ukraine Border , Alexandria Hoff , Vladimir Putin , 10000 , Region , The Interfax , Conversations , Tens Of Thousands , Integrity , Sovereignty , Officials , Security , Talk , Formative , Options , Attack , Drills , Ukrainian Border Signal , 150000 , 150000 Russian , Commitment , Representatives , Discussions , Eastern Europe , Europe , Nato , Leadership , Belief , Absence , Guarantees , Actions , Sunday Morning Features , Alexandria Hoff Live In Washington , Resolve , China , Soldiers , Jennifer Christian , Minds , Fox S National Security , Weapons , Gene Editing , Brain , Sci Fi Thriller , Sound , Technology , Missile , Device , Machines , Weapon , Capabilities , Control Technology , Commander , Thought , Trigger Finger , To Newfield , Biotechnology Companies , Control Weapons , Levying Sanctions , Research , Threat , John Ratcliffe , Dni , 37 , Intelligence , Risk , Airmen , Cost , Sailors , Technologies , Recognition , Population , Scruples , Pentagon , Beijing , Uighurs , Military , Marco Rubio , Secretary , Behavior , Lawmakers , Chinese Biotechnology , Companies , Military Companies , Mind Control Weapons , Fox News , Spring , Investment , Jennifer Griffin , Phrase , Author , Gordon Chang , China Tech , Asia , Expert Jordan Chang Senior Fellow , Jennifer , Brain Sheen Interfaces , Human Performance , Gene , Matter , Sci Fi Movie , Something , Fact , Tool , World , Most , Births , Rest , Girls Hiv , Arguments , Embryos , Jetix , 20 , Human Consciousness , Export Blacklists , Combat Operations , Equipment , Research Institution , Genocide , Stuff , Crimes Against Humanity , Northwestern Province , Others , 1941 Therefore , 1941 , Concerns , Atrocities , Security Crackdown , Topic , Law Banning Imports , Second World War , Intel , Labor , Pushback , Pressure , Groups , Muslim , Apple , Look , Customers , Products , Slave Labor , California S , Respect , Partners , Letter , Questions , Issue , Sensitivity , General Public , Racism , Apology , Stance , Back , Suppliers , Slavery , Sing John , Shandong , Humanity , Company , Crimes , Hypocrisy , Happy New Year , Weekend , Insights , Heartland , Churches , Tornadoes , Tort , Midwest , Sore Throat Pain , Sore Throat Relief , Clerk , Honey Lemon Chill , Vicks Vapocool , Wooo Vaporize , Honey Lemon , Fire , Home , More , Father , Tragedy , Christmas Tree , Investigators , Sons , Quakertown Pennsylvania , Dan Springer , Lights , Tree , Possibility , Upstairs Sleeping , Crews , Fire Department , 30 , 1 , Kristen King , Eric King , Door , Son , Body , The Flames , 11 , 41 , 8 , Families , Hearing , Classmate , Community , Hospital , One Of The Boys , Burns , Euro Brady , 13 , 13 Euro , Statement , School District , Wasn T It , School , Area , Attend , Kind , Responses , Empathy , King , Relatives , Gofundme Page , Fire Marshal , 7500 , 20000 , 520000 , Tornado Outbreak Tour , Devastation , Martha Keller , Saint Jerome , Community Centers , Hope , Kentucky , Paris , Many , Homes , Disaster Relief , Distribution Center , Joseph , County , Mayfield , December 11 , 10 , Pastor , People In Need , Red Cross Temporary Shelter , Monday December 13 , Children , Shelter , Fed , 25 , Campus , Location , Supplies , Logistics Working , Calling , Generosity , Parishioners , Gifts , Army , Best Friend , Woman , Storm , Dollar , Parish Hall , 3 , Question , Response , Reliving , Playing , Sat , Daughters , Tornado , Daughter , Delay , Silence , Satellite , Phone Number , Fancy Farm Com , Www , 270 , 8181 , 70 623 8181 , 623 , Areas , Gift Cards , Willingness , Team Members , Use , Luck , Death , Neighbor , Iconic Apartheid Activist , God Bless , Anywhere , Don T Go , Car , Mom , Tam , Merry Christmas , Dad , South African Arch , Life , Desmond Tutu , Icon , Abuse , Age , Injustice , Trey Yingst , Legacy , Archbishop , Winner , Nobel Peace Prize , Man , Intellect , Admissibility , Services , Condolences , Forces , Fighting , Reactions , Ending Apartheid , South Africa , Equality , Human Rights , Debt , Boris Johnson , French , Pope Francis , Friend , Former , Over , Spirit , First Lady , Servant Of God , Dalai Lama , Purpose , World Leaders , Camera , Viral , Jonathan Hunt , Times , Exception , Ride , Surveillance Footage , Boy , Instance , Baggage System , Airport Conveyor Belt , 9 , Paddle Boarding , Alligator , Face To , Stock , Cameras , Party Guest , Wedding Ceremony , Celebrity , Marriage Advice , Tom Hanks , Intruder , Clothes , Southern California , Police , Hostage Association , Video Capturing , Frightening Bystander , Complex , Swat Team Leader , Apartment , Gun , Suspect , Head , Worst , Best , Police Officer , Reunions , Rescues , Infant , Scene , Officer , Speeding Driver , Michigan , Vietnam Veteran , Homeless , Ticket , Tv , Pop Sending A Dog Tag , Service Dog Rerun , Food , Owner , Surveillance Technology , Los Angeles , Tradition , Immune System , Stay , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Advisor , Challenges , Tech Solutions , Business , Centrum Multigummies , Journey , Dell , Nothing , Regifting , Funny , Level , Pair , New Hampshire , Lifesavers , Gift , Box , Hiss Brother , Eric Lawson , Ryan , 1987 , Setting , Jell O , Card , It , Ice , Block , Teddy Bear , Video , Tape , Kids , Son Harrison , Santa Claus , Hard Candy , Passenger Cars , Steam Train , North Pole , Connecticut T , Epic , 1890 , Experience , Station , Train , Valley Railroad Company , Lower Connecticut River Valley , Tickets , Trip , Sale , Five , 1971 , Stream Train Com , Essex , East Coast , Pajamas , Dr , Kamala Harris , Bilge Sunday Show , Hello , Griff Jenkins , Katie Pavlich , David Webb , Nicole Saphier , Tap Tonight , Failure , Vp , Point , Laughter , Defense , Didn T ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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covid cases are averaging nearly double what they were at the start of november doctor anthony fauci said americans need to remain vigilant. >> even though were pleased by the evidence for multiple countries, it looks like there is a lesser degree of severity, we have to be careful we don't get complacent about that. as it might lead to a lot of hospitalizations in the united states. >> were following the latest from our southern border, texas attorney general ken paxton is asking courts to force abiding the administration to restart border wall construction, more on that in just a moment. we begin this hour with charles watson lida hartfield jackson international airport in atlanta with more on the holiday travel nightmare. what is the move there? >> is pretty common here right now but it's been chaotic with thousands of people flying this holiday weekend and it continues with another wave of cancellations. today airlines dropping more than 2300 flights globally, more than a third of the cancellations coming from flights within leaving or coming to the u.s., delta, united airlines is claiming omicron staffing shortages in bad weather and parts of the country for the cancellations. nearly 800 flights dropped collectively between today and christmas with holiday plans and dozens of people to spend less than the year with family and friends. >> right before we were supposed to board we found out our flight was canceled. >> it is frustrating because it's scary. >> covid, should not be safer than to be working. >> airlines are apologizing and promising to rebook stranded passengers, meantime they're hoping the new cdc guidelines that allow essential workers to get back on the job with the week after testing positive for covid will help avoid trouble nightmares like we see this weekend, doctor anthony fauci said higher vaccination rates will be a big help to. >> anything that could get people more vaccinated would be welcome. but with regard to the spread of virus in the country, i think if you look at wearing a mask in the filtration on planes things are reasonably safe. >> the airlines are saying when they expect these disruptions to end but will we had to monday like cancellations this will be far fewer than what were seen today. anita: some good news for the beginning of next week, charles watson ivan hartsfield jackson international airport in atlanta, thank you so much. julie: new york city's vaccine mandate for private businesses is set to go into effect tomorrow, as omicron variant spread across the country other major cities are set to impose similar mandates, david lee is in the new york city live with the very latest this afternoon. happy sunday david. >> happy sunday, ager cities are planning to implement vaccine mandates but the one that will take effect tomorrow morning in new york city is arguably going to be the strictest possibly in the entire country, almost all private sector workers in the city must be partially vaccinated and lesser working from home. it affects roughly 184,000 businesses, testing is not an option. lawyers said the mandate is too burdensome and requires them a vaccination records and fines for violations started $1000 more than 90% of new york city adults are vaccinated in the latest data from the city shows 14000 new covid cases today. according to an infectious disease expert people taking precautions should not worry about getting together for the holidays. >> people should have a test before getting together with diverse people. unfortunately when we have plenty of vaccine supply that's not a problem but unfortunately we do not have enough test. >> is expected more vaccine mandates are gonna take effect next month. philadelphia, boston, washington, d.c. will put in place new or beefed up restrictions, at least 21 states including florida, kansas and texas are being improve vaccine requirements or the so-called vaccine passports for certain indoor activities. doctor anthony fauci indicated today he only expects to see the number of covid cases continue to increase, he said every day it goes up and up. while he acknowledged the omicron variant is less severe, as we heard you mention moments ago he is warning americans not to become complacent. julie: david lee miller in new york city, thank you. democrats are scrambling to keep the build back better bill alive after west virginia senator joe manchin said that he would vote no on a multitrillion dollar plan. now democrats are suggesting president joe biden should use his executive action to get them off the ground. joining is now the washington examiner susan, always great to see you. manchin wants many things, he wants a lot of changes made to this before it's going to pass, at least through him. he wants to reform the 2017 changes to the tax code and president trump of the republicans and unlike most democrats he is concerned for tax increases saying they could go too far, her jobs, hurt the economy. a lot of things that republicans agree with. well the democrats hear them out on these issues? >> they have to the senate is even split, the average passes will require all 50 democrats and the vice president in order to get across the finish line. democrats want to stop losing to joe manchin, the very frustrated, you can hear the frustration this past week. the problem is they cannot force them to vote for the bill and they cannot pass it without him, they will listen to him and i think the attempt to pass little pieces of this if they can. he does want to reform the tax code, there is room to increase taxes on wealthier corporation. he has clearly open to those possibilities and is interested in the child tax credit with certain reforms like a work requirement were making sure it is less stronger than one year. visible interested in the bill we could see consensus with democrats certainly not the big broad builder looking for. then you run into the problem of the progressive wing stayed retired and negotiated with joe manchin and that she been talking about president biden doing things through executive action there are limits to that but also a lot of extensions execs stories with executive action. president obama legalize the so-called dreamers through executive action, that was a biggest achievement for democrats all done throughout the congress. i think you get is the accommodation of efforts, you will see them talk to joe manchin continuing but i do expect president biden will try to do things out of barack obama's playbook which is to circumvent congress when things are getting done. that's what i see in the coming years. julie: ben cardin pointed out the back better obviously is not going to pass as it stands now. here's what they believe needs to be done now. >> that is a strategy decision that is being negotiated we are open to a way to reach the finish line it will be fully paid for, that is very clear we understand the risks of inflation and committed to making sure we offset all expenses. i think with those parameters we want to see the comprehensive as possible but we need to make sure the votes are there to pass it so that means it'll be different than some of us would like to see. julie: here is an additional, i want to talk about modification that manchin wants to see, take child tax credit for example. he's interested in that, however, interested in posing a work requirement for the child tax credit. also environmental policies will have to be neutral no singling out electric vehicles tax credit. how hard will it be to accomplish a compromise here. >> very hard democrats 35-amp with a fellow democrat joe manchin, they feel like they compromised enough, this bill started on $3 trillion range. they thought 3 trillion was a compromise and they cut in half. they're very wary and that will drag things out, the longer you drag it out you getting into election season. things really stop happening in congress around march of an election year and this is a hot election year, close races, and evenly divided senate, fear majority for democrats in the house. it's going to be tough to get swing district democrats behind tax increases as they get closer to their own reelection that is why time is not on their side right now. nor is the terms of the bill. two things working against him it's a lot of work to be done in a big difference between their holdout kyrsten sinema we don't talk about much she's been very quiet but she's a potential holdout two. it seems like only two senators we can get past this. it has not worked so far and neither has budged on their demands. as time goes on it becomes more and more difficult and what goes across the finish line is likely to shrink quite a bit if anything gets done this year. julie: let's remind the viewers the midterms in 2022 right around the corner maybe we should remind democrats, this is not going to help them. >> their plan was we are going to passes in 2021 andy 2022 working ablaze and go out there and tell everybody about all the wonderful things in this bill that will help them they will go out on the campaign trail and sell this and that would help them hold onto the house and senate that was their plan. they returning in january to face their leftovers, we did not get this thing done is nowhere closed and is taking steps back in their nowhere near passing this thing, it gets harder and starts to combine to get more difficult. they are also facing removing federal spending in february and other obligations throughout the course of the year. it's going to get tough to get anything done at all, especially in an election year. julie: susan, washington examiner, chief congressional correspondent, we thank you for joining us. anita: up next texas is taking president biden to court over the unfinished border wall, more on that with the state attorney general ken paxton right after the break. ♪ what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from 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he was not going to do that, that's not the way things work in a constitutional public, it's his job to spend the money the weights appropriated not to wait which is exactly what is doing allowing the contractors to get paid but that should not do the job. anita: why not use state funds like the texas governor is to expand the wall, he recently debuted 900, not too much but a little bit there using state-funded donations. we need funds on the federal government that have been appropriate. we need everything appropriate by congress and what the state legislature is appropriate. anita: i want to put two people enter pieces of information, first we have some numbers, to show the number of migrant encounters along the border, showing in november of this year 2021, they are over 173,000 compared with the past november, 72000 and before that 42000, quite an increase, those numbers are astonishing. now i would like to put up a piece of an op-ed from the washington post on biden's policies. the headline here, president biden's inconsistent policies contributed to a soaring death toll at the border. the administration was received in central america as a green light or a blinking yellow one, with the body count mounted, that is a tough op-ed. they are right, the story has not been cover which is the number of migrants, i talked about the number of overdoses as well as 100,000 in the numbers are dramatically increasing and fatten all overdoses because the border is not secured and obviously an increase in deaths because of illegal immigration and the spread of people all over the country. this is a story that i've heard very few people cover. thank the washington post for highlighting the realities that these numbers for migrants are actually going up. it's a dangerous situation for everyone. anita: describe the conditions that you see along the border right now. >> what is so sad the cartel, if you are going to come across the border it is very likely, highly likely you have to pay the cartel about $8000 a person. his control and the people coming across and because the people will have to be monitored by border patrol in process, now you have a greater drug trade because are not being monitored like they were before. we have an increased structure, design situation people afraid for the lives and afraid for their own property. anita: we hear stories of increased crime and property damage. what are you hearing from texas citizens who live right there along the border on the front lines of the massive influx of people and drugs. >> these are the people i wish the president would talk to he will not talk to law enforcement or his own people were people, at least talking to the people along the border that are terrified, there terrified to go open the doors because they don't have the cartel members some are losing their property and summer leaving the border and leaving their property and kept in unguarded because they're afraid for their lives. anita: a scary situation on the border for so many reasons. texas attorney general ken paxton, thank you so much for joining us today. >> thank you, have a great day. julie: coming up three and half years after them president trump left the iran nuclear deal, new efforts are underway to bring it back, president biden support, that is next. iz♪ ay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ julie: nuclear deal talks with iran are set to resume tomorrow in vienna according to the european union lead negotiator. the former secretary of state mike pompeo says the needing's are a waste of time. >> 's income principal to me and as a mortgage understand the ayatollah wants to wipe israel off the face of the earth and he wants to make america go away where the second big one, why you would negotiate is demonstrably indicated that they will not abide by any agreement that they sign. julie: the u.s. is taking part in directly which aim to revive the 2015 nuclear deal president trump as you may remember withdrew the u.s. from the iran nuclear deal in 2018 and reimpose sanctions, iran me time has ramped up the enrichment ever since. president biden has signaled he will rejoin if iran agrees to abide by the guidelines. >> the u.s. and russia reportedly moving closer to scheduling talks next month over the tension surrounding ukraine, the meetings will be held in geneva, this amid reports of vladimir putin had withdrawn some of his troops from the ukraine border. alexandria hoff has more on this from washington. >> a new report claims more than 10000 russian troops have withdrawn from the ukrainian border that is according to reuters shared by the interfax news agency, tens of thousands of additional troops remain in the region near ukraine. here's what the vice president had to say. >> will direct conversations with russia we are very clear that russia should not invade the sovereignty of ukraine for the territorial integrity, formative or 150,000 russian troops have been running drills you the ukrainian border signal to u.s. intelligence officials that russia was gearing up for an attack following a talk that putin said today he is weighing his options at the u.s. to not give into demands of security guarantees alongside a commitment to halt nato's expansion into eastern europe representatives from russia, europe and the u.s. are said to continue discussions sometimes next month in geneva, president biden said he will give put no guarantees, here is secretary of state mike pompeo weighed in on "sunday morning features". >> the actions you saw him say today in russia are consistent with his belief that we are weak leadership in the absence of resolve and he's going to purchase as far as he can. >> the vice president added if russia invades the ukraine they risk sanctions unlike anything experienced before. >> alexandria hoff live in washington, thank you so much. anita: china is looking for a way to keep soldiers to operate weapons with just their minds, fox's national security correspondent jennifer christian explained. >> it would be like putting the device into your brain that could launch a missile. >> is sound like a sci-fi thriller, new intelligence shows china is using technology like gene editing to enhance military capabilities and control its own people. machines that could allow a chinese commander to discharge a weapon with just a thought not a trigger finger. >> that's what they mean control technology, to newfield. >> targeting emerging threat by levying sanctions on 37 chinese biotechnology companies. they have ties to the research that experts say with my control weapons, former dni john ratcliffe warns against the u.s. tried to keep up with china's unscrupulous efforts. >> we are not going to place our own soldiers, sailors and airmen at risk which is what the intelligence tells us the chinese are willing to do they want to advance any cost including those that are harmful to their own population. >> the u.s. has no scruples about spinning china by every means. >> the pentagon says beijing already uses these technologies including biometric recognition and suppress the uighurs. broadly speaking. >> china in the military continues to develop advanced technologies and capabilities which are designed to reinforce the very coercive and aggressive behavior. >> republican lawmakers called on secretary against dozens of chinese biotechnology's to do more, senator marco rubio has proposed a bill to restrict u.s. investment and more chinese military companies, companies that may one day produce mind control weapons. at the pentagon, jennifer griffin, fox news. anita: for more on this spring in asia expert jordan chang senior fellow and author of the great u.s. china tech were, gordon, always interesting to pick your brain, if you don't mind me using a phrase. what about this report that china is online control to potentially use as a weapon and as jennifer mentioned were talking about things like gene editing, human performance and brain sheen interfaces to create super soldiers, this does sound like something out of a sci-fi movie, can you expand on that. >> will certainly cover what we are seeing is china using gene editing, although the u.s. knows how to do this, matter of fact we develop the tool to gene edit. we are not doing things like this because we consider it to be unethical. so does most of the rest of the world. but china put a lot of money into this has the gene editing. the actually produced the first live births from gene edited embryos, they were doing that to make 20 girls hiv resistant but there are arguments that they were using these gene editing to enhance intelligence. were talking about new jetix. therefore we should not be surprised about anything that china is doing. >> the u.s. but a number of research institution, jennifer mentioned this in china on export blacklists for supposedly helping the chinese military pursue equipment that can control human consciousness during combat operations. >> this is really scary stuff. >> is certainly is, china is committing genocide and crimes against humanity, the northwestern province that the uighurs and others believe is an independent country. these are horrific, these are comparable to what they did prior to the massive 1941. therefore we've got to understand that the using technology to commit atrocities that the world is not seen since the second world war. anita: let's switch over to the topic, news that president biden has signed a law banning imports from that region over concerns of the security crackdown in forced labor on ethnic uighurs and muslim, this is bipartisan legislation, the white house called a genocide against the ethnic groups. , we got a lot of pressure and pushback like apple who lobbied against the legislation. companies like intel tasting california actually apologized to china after they told customers not to use products produced by slave labor. take a look at this. it says this is from intel, this is an internal letter we thank everyone for raising their questions and concerns in respect to sensitivity of the issue in china for causing trouble to our esteemed chinese customers, partners and the general public, we express our sincere apology they are apologizing to people for taking a stance against china and then they pulled back. >> intel which is happy to lecture the immigrant people about racism has essentially supported racism in sing john, how this started the intel said to its suppliers don't buy from shandong because of forced labor and slavery concerns. and then intel walk that back without apology. what we have is hypocrisy in the u.s. company supporting the worse crimes against humanity that we can think of. >> it is amazing very touchy stuff. gordon chang, thank you so much for your time today we really appreciate your insights and have a great weekend. >> thank you, happy new year. anita: the heartland still reeling from the tornadoes a tort to the midwest earlier this month. next time churches are helping people put their lives back together. clerk: hello, how can i? sore throat pain? ♪honey lemon♪ try vicks vapocool drops. in honey lemon chill. for fast-acting sore throat relief. wooo vaporize sore throat pain with vicks vapocool drops. >> a devastating fire in a pennsylvania home on christmas morning killing a father into a his sons. dan springer with more on the tragedy now. >> incredibly sad story it happened in quakertown pennsylvania. investigators are looking at the christmas tree in the possibility that faulty lights started the tragic fire. the fire department was called to 1:30 a.m. christmas morning. the fire likely started with the whole family was upstairs sleeping. the tree was in the main room downstairs when the crews arrived they tried to get into the front door but pushback by the flames. when they finally got inside they discovered the body of a father and his two young sons. 41-year-old eric king died with his son 11-year-old liam and 8-year-old patrick, kristen king and the families will display 13 euro brady made it out safely. they suffered minor burns and were treated and released at the local hospital. the community is devastated. here is a classmate of one of the boys. >> he was so happy and hearing that his house got burned down in his family wasn't it toward me. >> the school district releases statement, this news is devastating for the district community and the quakertown area. eric and kristen are very active in the community and the kind of people to make this a special place to live and attend school. the school district sent its heartfelt empathy to the king family and their many friends and relatives. >> they set up a gofundme page and the responses been overwhelming as you might expect, within 7500 people contributed, more than $520,000, the fire marshal investigates exactly what happened but early on it looks like perhaps a dry christmas tree in those lights. >> what is christmas day tragedy, preschool out to the family, thank you for that story. >> it is been over three weeks, speaking of devastation since the tornado outbreak tour across the heartland and in kentucky, they've only just begun picking up the pieces many turning to churches and community centers for help and hope, joining us now sister martha keller from saint jerome's paris in kentucky, thank you for talking to us this one day after christmas, many of us celebrated in our homes and many out there in kentucky do not have homes to celebrate in maybe you could tell us what you're doing for disaster relief receiving a distribution center that is helping people out there. >> first of all thank you for allowing me too be with you. as i mentioned st. joseph here at saint jerome we are located 10 miles northwest of the county in mayfield and since december 11, saturday morning they have been responding to people in need. my pastor the red cross temporary shelter so we did that until monday december 13, we housed in the fed shelter for different families of mayfield, 25 people with adults and children in the following monday guess it was, sunday evening or last family was relocated and we received a distribution center. we moved to another location on campus and people have been calling and pouring in supplies and donations i just served in the logistics working in the army in our pastor had just been trying to utilize her gifts and generosity of our parishioners. >> sorry to cut you off i want to talk about the cases and stories the devastating stories you are hearing i was reading about how 25 people were housed in the parish hall including a woman's best friend had lost her 3-year-old dollar in the storm i cannot imagine another heartbreaking story like your hearing from this one, what is been the response to the help? >> the responses been overwhelming. would you repeat the question i got caught up in what you're telling me because i was reliving that, the one particular woman and best friend, the 3-year-old child. >> her daughters and children were playing in the resilient they were playing and i went over and sat down and said do you need anything, how can i help you and she said i cannot concentrate my best friend has a 3-year-old daughter that was killed in the tornado. we sit there and cried together. [silence] >> i don't want to cut you off there is a delay on a satellite. the monetary donations are really, really needed right now, www.saint jerome's fancy also a phone number for donations (270)623-8181, what is the need right now so people can help you guys out. >> we have many supplies but we can always use the monetary donations, gift cards that we can hand out to people that were responding to an many of our local people from surrounding areas that are just hearing of our willingness to help them. anything that you could do to help will be put to good use and make a difference. >> plus you and all the team members helping you. it is inspiring to see people helping their neighbor, thank you so much sister martha keller for joining us, good luck to you and god bless. coming up the world mourns the death of an iconic apartheid activist, don't go anywhere. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ julie: former south african arch bishop desmond tutu died at the age of 90, he was an icon for speaking out against racist abuse and injustice in his country and worldwide. trey yingst is live in jerusalem with more on tutu's life and remembering his legacy. >> good afternoon archbishop died at 90 years old, although he leaves behind it accomplished and purposeful life through the nobel peace prize winner was one of the light under driving forces by ending apartheid and south africa, he was known for interfaith religious services in fighting against racism in all forms he was describing south african president as a man of extraordinary intellect, integrity and admissibility. reactions of condolences around the world, boris johnson tweeted he was deeply saddened by his debt, this is french president said to to dedicated his life to human rights and equality between people. pope francis released a statement to tutu's family as to the dalai lama, former president barack obama called him a friend and described him as the universal spirit president joe biden released a statement saying he and the first lady are heartbroken over who they call a true servant of god. it's great to see so many world leaders coming together for the same thing, all of them agreed that desmond tutu was a good man who had a purpose on earth. back to you. julie: trey yingst, a man who lived a life of purpose as you said, thank you so much for the live report. julie: if you missed or forgot the most viral caught on camera moments of 2021 you are in luck, jonathan hunt takes a look back. >> even in the turbulent times there's one thing we can count on year after year people get caught on camera doing good things, bad things or just funny things in 2021 is no exception. take this 9-year-old boy for instance who hitched a ride on the airport conveyor belt, surveillance footage capturing the moment he hopped on board and calmly made his way through the baggage system. a florida woman coming face-to-face with an alligator while paddle boarding, together getting close enough to bite the board before swimming away. >> my stock just exploded. >> an unexpected party guest unless it's a celebrity, tom hanks crashed as california's wedding ceremony and even stayed to give marriage advice. cameras love crime and they captured a lot of it to. from high-speed car chases to the porch private. >> this naked intruder was trying on clothes and a southern california home. things taken a turn when he killed the families peppered, before being taken into custody by police. frightening bystander video capturing attends hostage association at the complex. a man can be seen holding a gun to the back of a woman's head is swat team leader entering the apartment taking down the suspect. while we saw the worst of humanity this year, we also witnessed the best of it too. from heartwarming reunions to dramatic rescues. like the scene into new york, police officer teaming up to save an infant trapped underneath the car. >> i cannot get it hooked up. >> the michigan officer pulling over a speeding driver who confessed to having a bad day. instead of handing out a ticket the officer followed the man home and helped him hook up his tv. a homeless vietnam veteran reunited with his lost service dog rerun. the family who helped find the pop sending a dog tag and food to the grateful owner. no matter what the new year brings one thing is for sure with more surveillance technology expected in 2022, even more buzzworthy moments will be captured. in los angeles jonathan hunt fox news. julie: coming up the longest-running christmas tradition you do not know about. stay with us. ♪ because a healthy life. starts with a healthy immune system. with vitamins c and d, and zinc. getting out there has never tasted so good. try centrum multigummies. every business is on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. ♪ your dell technologies advisor can help you find the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. . . ♪. julie: all right. this is funny, a pair of bothers from new hampshire taking a regifting to a whole new level. ryan and eric lawson have been regifting the same box of lifesavers for over 30 years. it started in 1987 who gave it to his gift to hiss brother and who hates the hard card did not i. they get creative. freezing it in a block of ice. setting in jell-o mode and setting into it a teddy bear. i bet they're steal though. >> what i could give for my children not to enjoy hard candy. we before we to. i have a personal video. roll the tape. >> santa claus is coming our way. those are my kids, my son harrison there in the mask. the north pole express aboard the epic steam train in connecticut t draws more than 150,000 people annually. we climbed aboard among all those people, aboard a vintage passenger cars from 1890s station for a magical 90 minute trip to the north pole. i boarded the train with my family. which was truly a magical experience. the valley railroad company has been serving the lower connecticut river valley since 1971. my family and i do it for five years. we may have had it an annual tradition of ours. unfortunately because of covid it was canceled last year. we were able to do it this year taking safely the trip. after going on sale the tickets sold out in one day. get your tickets next year. essex stream this is just a magical experience for children. so it was just really special. i personally really enjoyed it too. julie: i want to come to the east coast next year, julie. >> would love to have you join us. you have to wear your christmas pajamas. i'm julie banderas. ♪. >> hello, everyone, katie pavlich, griff jenkins, david webb, with dr. nicole saphier. welcome to the bilge sunday show. here is what is on tap tonight, david. [kamala harris feeling reflective of the time as vp. >> what is your biggest failure at this point? >> not to get out of d.c. more [laughter]. >> why didn't she go to the border at more. harris on defense. that is coming up.

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Classmate , Community , Hospital , One Of The Boys , Burns , Euro Brady , 13 , 13 Euro , Statement , School District , Wasn T It , School , Area , Attend , Kind , Responses , Empathy , King , Relatives , Gofundme Page , Fire Marshal , 7500 , 20000 , 520000 , Tornado Outbreak Tour , Devastation , Martha Keller , Saint Jerome , Community Centers , Hope , Kentucky , Paris , Many , Homes , Disaster Relief , Distribution Center , Joseph , County , Mayfield , December 11 , 10 , Pastor , People In Need , Red Cross Temporary Shelter , Monday December 13 , Children , Shelter , Fed , 25 , Campus , Location , Supplies , Logistics Working , Calling , Generosity , Parishioners , Gifts , Army , Best Friend , Woman , Storm , Dollar , Parish Hall , 3 , Question , Response , Reliving , Playing , Sat , Daughters , Tornado , Daughter , Delay , Silence , Satellite , Phone Number , Fancy Farm Com , Www , 270 , 8181 , 70 623 8181 , 623 , Areas , Gift Cards , Willingness , Team Members , Use , Luck , Death , 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Suspect , Head , Worst , Best , Police Officer , Reunions , Rescues , Infant , Scene , Officer , Speeding Driver , Michigan , Vietnam Veteran , Homeless , Ticket , Tv , Pop Sending A Dog Tag , Service Dog Rerun , Food , Owner , Surveillance Technology , Los Angeles , Tradition , Immune System , Stay , Vitamins C , D , Zinc , Advisor , Challenges , Tech Solutions , Business , Centrum Multigummies , Journey , Dell , Nothing , Regifting , Funny , Level , Pair , New Hampshire , Lifesavers , Gift , Box , Hiss Brother , Eric Lawson , Ryan , 1987 , Setting , Jell O , Card , It , Ice , Block , Teddy Bear , Video , Tape , Kids , Son Harrison , Santa Claus , Hard Candy , Passenger Cars , Steam Train , North Pole , Connecticut T , Epic , 1890 , Experience , Station , Train , Valley Railroad Company , Lower Connecticut River Valley , Tickets , Trip , Sale , Five , 1971 , Stream Train Com , Essex , East Coast , Pajamas , Dr , Kamala Harris , Bilge Sunday Show , Hello , Griff Jenkins , Katie Pavlich , David Webb , Nicole Saphier , Tap Tonight , Failure , Vp , Point , Laughter , Defense , Didn T ,

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