Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

rattles the u.s. charles kicked us off with the very latest from atlanta. merry christmas. >> good morning. good morning and merry christmas, griff. taking time off to spend this holiday with their family. the omicron is certainly hard at work. u.s. daily covid cases up with more than 260,000 americans testing positive. according to john's hopkins university 3354 deaths were reported. more than a 50% increase in a single day. hard to find at home test kits is surely complicating matters. cvs and walgreens announced their limiting the number of tests folks can purchase due to a significant increase in demand long lines form at testing sites around the country while demand swells at unimaginable proportions. >> we have had people in sheer exhaustion. people are just exhausted. we cannot keep staff because they are just so worn out. >> new york state positive covid cases are turning up at record levels. more than 44,000 daily new cases reported on friday. new york city mayor bill de blasio said the cities new year celebration will be scaled back to allow those ringing in 2022 from times square to social distance. this set the surgeon omicron cases forces many to stop production. keeping critical workers on the job. new york governor says the state is shortening the quarantine requirements for those that test positive under new guidelines faxing inessential workers that that are asymptomatic and returned to work after five days instead of the previous 10 day requirement. anita: we want to make sure that our critical workforce we have relied on from the beginning and my heart goes out with them filled with gratitude. they are the ones that got us through the first many months of anxiety. we need you again. we need you to be able to go to work. reporter: this christmas will look a lot different for the nba as they try to manage their own covid outbreaks. players are cycling in and out of the protocol. kevin durant and six other places are out tonight as the net take on lebron james and the los angeles lakers. what was supposed to be one of the premier matchups in the mba slate of christmas games. more big stars out. atlanta hawks expected to go against the knicks tonight who are also missing players. griff: charles, thank you. anita: west virginia senator joe mansion dealing a crushing blow to president biden's bill back better bill saying he will vote no sending democrats back to the drawing board on the massive spending plan. alexandria is live in washington with the very latest. merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas to you. holding onto the gift of hope that the president will back better spending bill will survive in some form. the president hoped he would mark his second legislative win. without joe mansion support it is not likely. >> i don't want to be the grinch that stole christmas, but i do not think the build back better act will get through the senate. so i think that we need to do what we can to get the victories that we can and create a build back better act that includes the most important priorities that we can get mansion on board with. >> senator mansion does not hold all the power here. still able to have portions of this $1.7 trillion bill if they do not align with the rules. republicans ready to push challenges. >> joe mansion did the right thing here. willing to stand off against their own party and do what is right. anita: chuck schumer plan to hold a vote on this bill and expand the social safety net and bolster climate action. any delay could pose a risk. >> could spill into january or february. their risk for democrats is the longer the legislation goes on past, the greater the risk of something happening that then distracts either the senate or the country as a whole from this legislation. >> senator mansion has declared that at the legislation dancy will vote no. the question remains the boat is called my other moderate democrats follow his lead. anita: so much drama on this on capitol hill. alexandria hoff thank you so much for that live report. for more on this we have democratic congresswoman from michigan and member of the house energy committee debbie. thank you so much for joining us today. merry christmas to you. it's great to have you back on this program with us. >> merry christmas to you and everybody. i hope everyone has a wonderful peaceful hopeful holiday. anita: me too. very well put. i have heard you say you were absolutely stunned about the old mansions decision to vote against build back better. why were you so stunned? certainly giving lots of warning signs about his vote. >> i think i was surprised of the timing. the fact of the matter is, the week has passed. i think a lot of people are taking a deep breath. we have a year ago we were all scared about covid, which, by the way, many of us are having to be very careful again. we have american rescue plan. we have shots in arms. we've got people back to work. we passed the bill. presidents have been trying to do that for decades. people are exhausted. i believe both joe biden and the president have said they are talking to each other. there are important things in this bill. childcare, my bill long-term care. i think everybody needs to take a deep breath. we have to come back after christmas, figure out where the common ground is. i have that hope, the president has that hope and i think joe mansion has made it clear he will continue to talk to the president. anita: the president said last week, he and joe mansion will get something done. they will get in a room together presumably to talk. you are willing to get into a room and talk to joe mansion about the issues that are important to him, both the seniors and the parents in his state of west virginia. how are you going to reach common ground on this? what are you going to say to joe mansion? >> let me give you a different example. i have known him for a long time. he and my husband were close friends. he is a good friend of mine. it does not mean you cannot respect each other and have disagreements. in this bill, very important things on the environment. when we see the dramatic weather that we have seen this year, we know that it is real. i am working to try to get electric vehicles. the innovation of technology said, debbie, what are we going to do about those minerals? i have my colleagues in california and the uaw workers. we will talk about. >> people want to see a lot about what is in there. we voted for the infrastructure bill in that money is already going out the door. we have to keep talking. tired and surprised. i just will not take hope away from anybody as we end the year. too many things in this bill that people need that we will not abandon. we will figure out how to keep that. anita: president biden has said he is not giving up on it. we will see what happens in january. meantime, congresswoman, thank you so much. go enjoy your christmas now. we will be talking to you soon. >> merry christmas. anita: tomorrow, mike emanuel is anchoring fox news sunday. you do not want to miss mike anchoring that show. he will have interviews. check your local listings for the time and channel. and howard kurtz will take a look at how the press is covering the biden administration handling of omicron. joe mansion and his party, that is all tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern. griff: anita, for reaction on the other side of the aisle let's go to republican congress and from texas, tony gonzales. you are spending the holiday, christmas, merry christmas, by the way, doing something very important on the border. you heard your colleague debbie talking about not giving up hope despite senator mansion to repeating the build back better. she believes that they may get done in the new year. your reaction. >> first off, merry christmas. merry christmas to the american people. joe mansion stepping up and making sure that socialist bill does not go anywhere. i'm glad it died in 2021. i hope it dies forever. the bottom line is inflation is through the roof. the last thing we need to do is this. i am glad senator mansion keep set up. >> let's turn to the border. you are doing something very unique on christmas day. explain. >> spending so much time at the border. i appreciate that. you are an honorary texan. our agents are on the job 365 days of the year. we visited border patrol agents. i will visit sanderson. our border patrol agents have had a brutal year and they are doing everything possible. it is really groundhog day in south texas. when i was in the del rio processing center, over 100 migrants already. it was not even 8:00 o'clock. these agents have done everything possible to keep america safe. >> my hats off to them. the texas dps working around the clock. looking at pictures you sent and from just this morning when you weren't del rio and eagle pass. talk to me just for a moment. in the air away from families working hard today. what is them around like among the men and women? >> it is really tough to see. they are numb to it. best way i can put it. they are numb. many of them have families. hard-working americans. put their boots on and go to work every day. including christmas. they are out there on the front lines keeping america safe. i urge people to go to border find the latest on what is happening. whether it is christmas or any other day. the border is on fire. it has not slowed down one bit. agents are tired and they need help. we should all be rooting for border patrol to be successful to prevent another 9/11 type of occurrence from happening. i am grateful for them. >> congressman, it is not just people. we have to remind americans a narcotics that come across border, when i was down in eagle pass last week with the texas dps, showing me the drugs that they have ceased and talking about, and, specifically, the rio grande valley, this is texas dps, not even the border patrol. 887 pounds of fentanyl. legal doses. >> i am in del rio texas. right on the border right now. every city in america has become a border city. just what you mentioned. the fentanyl and the illegal narcotics that are coming over. it is killing our children. it is a very real threat. i just wanted to highlight today, christmas, spending time with our families and loved ones, just no border patrol agents are standing watch and protecting americans. sadly many of them are in processing centers. we need to get them out of the processing center and get them back in the field where they belong so they can keep the drugs and terrorists away from our border. griff: get them back on the line. they have consistently told me they need three things. manpower, technology and infrastructure. we entered the show last saturday from down where texas is building their own wall. are you getting a sense about whether that may try and help things? >> it will. bottom line is this is a federal government issue. ultimately solve this. solve it with policy. that is why i urge the biden administration to come together. secure our border. that is everybody's best interest. see the state of texas take a lead effort on it. there can be more of it. the biden administration recently reimplemented the same policy. the numbers, only 188 folks have been processed under that policy you are seeing thousands come over. it is a drop in the bucket. more needs to be done. we will implement some of these policy changes speed up to one we will try to keep track of those numbers. thank you so much, congressman. we wish you and your family a very merry christmas as well as we extend that to all the men and women at the border patrol working today. thank you, sir. griff: tomorrow during fox news live at 1:00 p.m. i will speak with arizona attorney general from border crisis to crime across the nation. there is so much to discuss. stay tuned for that. this holiday season, many christmas travelers are stranded at airports. we will tell you why and where right after the break. ♪♪ ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? (throws punch) our new virtual classes were designed for you and millions of seniors like you. you can now choose from thousands of live virtual classes every week. get moving wherever you have an internet connection. and when you're ready, enjoy access to thousands of locations nationwide. with silversneakers, you're free to move. enroll today at no additional cost by visiting getsilversneakers dot com. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. anita: welcome back. thousands of travelers stuck at airports this holiday weekend. airlines canceled over 3800 flights nobly over the surge in omicron cases. david lee miller has the latest from laguardia airport in new york city. david, hello. reporter: anita. merry christmas. the best christmas gift for many travelers this christmas season would be a fight that is not canceled. although today is normally one of the best days to flight because few people do travel, there is nevertheless a great deal of frustration and stress for the second day in a row due to staff shortages caused by covid a number of u.s. carriers have canceled hundreds of flights. according to the latest data delta has canceled 14% of its scheduled flights, united 12%, jetblue also 12%, 120 plan takeoffs i did not happen. one day after hundreds of other cancellations on christmas eve. trying to get people to their destination. for many passengers, the efforts were not enough. >> i think we have to roll with the punches. everybody needs to be safe. if it gets canceled, you have to have a good attitude and have christmas in the airport. >> we kind of expected it. everything is delayed or shut down. >> the cancellations took a lot of passengers by surprise. there was concern that the omicron virus would cause some serious destruction. asking the government to shorten the isolation. four people testing positive. despite all the cancellations, yesterday alone bay screened 1.7 million passengers. just a few days from now, those same people will be returning home. a strain on the system is not over. anita. anita: david lee, those passengers seem to be taking it in stride's for the most part. i appreciate their good attitude thank you for that report at laguardia airport. merry christmas. ♪♪ anita: okay. i will take it from here. twenty-one coming to a close. we are joined by mitch rochelle. macro trends advisor, founding partner and visiting research fellow at the university of san diego school of business. well hello to you both. so, we are talking about, someone can tell me in the year that this is griff segment. one more time. we are chatting with our guest. okay. why don't i handed off to our guests. tell us what you are here to chat about today. >> well, hi, anita. merry christmas. anita: sorry about that. >> the reality is that everyone has been out holiday shopping and every american has felt the pain from the supply chain. the labor shortages that are out there. all of which has caused prices to rise. what we have done with our economy as we have stimulated demand like crazy at a time when goods and services are under tremendous pressure which has caused prices to rise. the number one kitchen table issue i think for most americans starting 2022 all asking the same question when prices continue to go up. anita: sorry about that. i could not hear what we were doing before. i can jump on this now. we have been covering this issue for quite some time. so many factors that are causing inflation. a 40 year high. a lot of people want to blame us problem, most of it on covid, the rising cases, the latest variant. let's talk about the labor shortage and all of the other things that are going on. it really seems like a perfect storm. it is happening right at christmas. >> right. it is unfair to blame all of this on covid. i would blame some of it on covid, at least the origins of the supply chain crisis started there where factories were shut down around the world for as long as six months. all of which was a shock to the supply side of our economy. at the same time, from a policy perspective, we stimulated demand. there were reasons to have done that in the immediate wake of the outbreak and lockdowns, but the current administration continued that policy. when you have too much money chasing too few things, you get inflation. it is going to continue to be a problem unless the administration steps in working with the fed and comes up with a solution. inflation can run hot and out of control. >> we don't want to see that happening into the new year. a lot of of people say part of the problem is so many american factories have already closed. we had to look to other nations for help. is this going to cause a shift or a rethinking of creating and producing products here at home what should mark. >> i think so. this is, you know, a 2-year-old phenomenon. we could not get ppe for masks and shields and the like. we realize how much of that was important and how crucial it was from a security perspective to manufacture those things at home. antibiotics, 80% of the active ingredients that we need to live and stay safe and healthy are manufactured in china. i think companies large and small started rethinking where they source products and how they source their supply chain. the problem is, and i talk to business owners all the time, it can take years. for now i think we are still stuck in this mess of trying to figure out where to source goods you have done plenty of segments on this. look at all the ships offshore, we are still heavily dependent on imported goods for basic household needs. anita: there are still so many job openings in the u.s. jobs that can fill that supply chain line. do you still see employers offering employees bonuses and higher salaries to get the supply chain going again? >> yes. part of the problem there -- ideal -- i am in florida right now where they are not creating jobs and people are not taking jobs unlike other parts of the country, taking jobs at higher wages, that will continue to drive up higher prices. we do not manufacture, 70% of our economy is services. we create and perform on the backs of people. the cost of the services to the consumer, the business that your cures those services, it will go up. what we do need to do is create policies that incentivize people to go back to work. as opposed to the policies we have had for the last two years. anita: thank you for bearing with me. thank you so much for your time on this christmas day. we hope to see you again soon. >> you bet. merry christmas. anita: president biden's spending bill is still stuck in the senate. there seems to be no end. our panel joins us to discuss what to expect in the new year when we come back. ♪♪ they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ 's griff: covid vaccine card in new york could cost you up to a year and present. new york governor signing an update to the law wednesday. now it is a felony to forge your vaccine status on a government document. in the past week the average number of new yorkers testing positive for covid-19 has doubled. around 21,000 cases a day to more than 44,000 per day. anita. anita: california governor gavin newsom is proposing $300 million to battle the smash and grab crime spree that is plaguing the state. many of the progressive colleagues don't like how the plan involves refunding the police. now to discuss is founder of the foundation for liberty in american greatness and policy analyst and strategist. thank you so much for joining us on this holiday. really appreciate it. i want to talk about president biden's spending bill. we are seeing the smash and grab robberies in major cities right at christmas time. people are afraid to go shopping. here in california, the governor gavin newsom called for more funds for police. this was a reaction from the very progressive da in san francisco. in an op-ed he writes, we are blaming the wrong things or san francisco retail theft. the common response to this crime has called for more policing and attacks on progressive reform. these are knee-jerk reactions and they are shortsighted. these types of thefts with multiple people running in a store not neal. these crimes go back years. facing a very serious recall in san francisco. is this knee-jerk and shortsighted? combating the crime wave? >> i am with governor newsom. something needs to be done to combat this issue. reports indicate that there are organized crimes. these are not isolated events. the bigger scheme of things, california is the golden state. it is wealthy, it is beautiful. the economy of california's bigger than that of great britain, france, germany, australia, new zealand, you name it. talking smack about california, it's the golden state and a dream for many people to live there. anita: it is a dream. i've been living here for a long time. i appreciate that. if cities start hiring more cops, they still have to deal with watered-down sentencing laws like proposition 47 here in california. hard to put anyone in jail for anything. how hard is it to change the guidelines and for the electorate? >> first of all, merry christmas for you. every californian has received a great gift in this news because for the last couple of months, governor gavin newsom has made california a mockery. not just united states, but the entire world. people able to break the law openly and nothing happens to them. the first sign of the decline of civilization. i am glad that governor newsom has discovered some fortitude and plans on doing something about what has been happening. you've got it right. he also faces a very steep challenge with these watered down laws that are in place. essentially, allowing people to get away with everything with a simple grab. if you steal less than $150, it is not even noted by the police that you have done something wrong. there are a lot of problems with california. a long time before california can fill its potential. anita: i think it is $900. >> why don't you come to california. [inaudible] >> lets come down to earth and talk about reality speed. anita: let's change the subject. let's talk about the president spending bill. we had congresswoman debbie dingell on earlier. she was stunned that joe mansion would vote no on the bill. the president is vowing not to give up. >> it was really disappointing to see senator mansion finally pulled the plug on this and say no. especially the way in which he rejected his state voting board build back better as the social spending. many democrats have political. we have 50 democrats and 50 republicans in the senate. whereas michalski. child tax credits. there is a lot of social spending that is good. here is what happened. they are scared. don't worry about the primaries. they will come out and that is what you have to deal with. >> are there some good aspects of the bill that you like that you think are worth saving? can there be some compromise? >> i want to try to find some common ground. today is a day where we are all meant to get along. i am sure that they are elements of that spending bill that are good things that need to happen. i've got to tell you, i think what joe mansion has done is terrific. acting like the greeks against the italians. i think what would be absolutely terrible for the united states, we already have massive debt, joe biden's spending like a drunken sailor. we have people kind of tugging down to keep him more in place. you know, i think the spending bill would have terrible ramifications and i think joe mansion is demonstrate in some patriotism. anita: all right. thank you so much. thk you for keeping it simple on christmas day. happy holidays and thanks for coming. griff: a deadly shark attack at a california beach. a surfer killed while riding the waves. details right after the break. ♪♪ (kate) this holiday, verizon has the deal that gets better and better and better. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪♪ anita: a surfer or possible bogey border killed and what authorities seem to say was a great white shark attack offered california's central coast on christmas eve. christina coleman is live in los angeles with the set details. merry christmas, by the way. reporter: married christmas -- merry christmas to you. authorities just identify this man is a 31-year-old. they have not released his name he. he was 31 years old. a woman surfing saw the victims body. a popular spot for beachgoers. the patrol stepped in to assist. there were no witnesses even though 25-30 people were within a mile where this victim was found. no one else was hurt. authorities did not release the details on the extent of the victim's injuries. the harbor patrol directors at the bite in the victim was consistent with that of a great white shark. when the harbor patrol reach the surfer he was deceased. people were ordered to stay out of the water for 24 hours following yesterday's attack. the harbor patrol director tells me that although the great white shark population has rebounded over the past 25 years, fatal shark attacks and that area are very rare. the last time there was one was back in 2003. griff. griff: christina coleman live force in los angeles. thank you. anita. ♪♪ anita: president biden releasing a christmas message today. reading in part, on behalf of our family we wish a merry christmas to everyone in the united states and around the world to us celebrating the birth of jesus christ and the promise of hope and renewal. as we celebrate our first christmas in the white house, we see the world the eyes of the child born on this day of hope and love. a christmas message from the bidens. in other news, kentucky residents in dire need of help after historic outbreak of tornadoes devastated. volunteering to help those in need. stay with us. ♪♪ my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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could you share that with us? >> first of all, i met with law enforcement, the sheriff of the police, these people had all of their facilities destroyed. the mayor of the city. mayfield looks like a picture out of world war two. it is just incredible. i have not seen that kind of total destruction of a community as what you see in downtown mayfield. we had a chance to meet with people that had lost everything. the despair and the hopelessness that so many of these people feel, they just do not know what to do. there was loss of life. a number of people lost their lives in that candle factory and other areas of that city. they are grieving. this was just two weeks ago last night that these storms hit. they are grieving. they are hurting. we need to pray for the people of mayfield, pray for the people of kentucky. we are working there today. we will be there for weeks to come. these people just need our prayers. it just tugged on my heart as i met with these people and talked with them and prayed with him and try to encourage them. it will be a tough time. >> let me just say also, broadening from what they are doing on the ground, there are, perhaps, millions of americans today that are struggling to find the joy in christmas. what would you say, reverend, directly to them? >> we go in life through storms. all of us has a storm from time to time. it can be cancer, our marriage failing, storms with children, the lord jesus christ himself went through a storm on the sea of galilee when the waves went over the ship and the boat was about to sink and the disciples were afraid he was going to die. he rebuked the wind and the waves and it was calm. when you are in the boat with jesus, we do not have to worry. griff: we don't. we've got to leave it there. we have ran out of time. thank you for all you are doing. we will be right back. stay with us. ♪♪ a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at president biden hoping to salvage their massive social spending bill in the yard. joe manchin announced he has a note on the measure in the form. welcome to fox news live, merry christmas. i am griff jacobs. anita: merry christmas, i am anita vogel. senator manchin sending his party back to the drawing board. some are wondering if people are going to break into smaller parts. alexandra hoff is live with more on this. >> some democrats say senator manchin and still be wooed by the likely courts will involve legislation being dismantled, $1.720 bill senator manchin announced he could not justify the tops of the people he represents. >> joe manchin did the right thing here, in the senate are willing to save up against their own party and do what's right i think he knows best what's good for the people of virginia, no anyone else. >> democrats are holding on to help the legislation extending the social safety net and climate action in salvage its pieces. >> let's have a plan b for what we are going to do as soon as we get back to washington and if the president's optimism is rewarded and senator manchin decides he is a yes vote on the existing build back better act, great but i don't think that's going to happen. >> by the time this came out, the president helped the market second legislative with, he spoke on it this week. >> we have passed more legislation than anybody in their first year ever, ever, ever. i haven't given up on this. >> senator joe manchin doesn't hold all the power here, the senate parliamentarian is able to act in portions of the bill if they don't align with these rules. if a boat is held which he plans to do what next month, there's a possibility other moderate democrat could follow manchin sleep. anita: so interesting. thank you, alex. griff. griff: anita, we are awaiting president biden in a special christmas message for the troops. we will be able to hear that when it happens. he's meeting virtually with service members surveying around the world. six service branches, let's listen in as we watch. >> by this commander. [laughter] >> there he is. >> sixteen weeks old. hello, everybody. mary christmas. i wanted to see you all but as joe said, he'd rather be home today. jill and i, is harder for your husband, wife, mom, dad and children to be part, on duty during a season of togetherness and we understand that. every once in a while we look at that and service for your country whether you are in iraq, both spent a year in iraq and the national guard, remember that, what it felt like and all of those birthdays and other locations and celebrations, we are not together so as your commander-in-chief, i want to take the opportunity to say thank you, i understand, i want you to know how much we care, we are grateful for your courage and sacrifice, not only your sacrifice for your family sacrifice. holidays bring into focus, it is just part of the job, a hard part of the job but it's who you are, i get criticized for saying this, a solid steel spine of the nation, we really are. always vigilant, always pretty duty calls 365 days of the year. during the holiday season as we pray for peace and spread joy, we look for hope towards the possibility of a better year and to give thanks for everything we've got, your families and to give you as much space as you need. we are going to send this by over but we have to give you so much to make prosperity possible, you are the best, your families serve alongside with you during your deployment. we are your family. as a nation, of many obligations, there's only one true obligation, equipped those and we send you into harms way, to care for you and your families while you are gone and when you return help because all of you are out there and what you are doing, americans across the nation will spend the day with blessings of security of our american democracy and we are so grateful. we've got army, navy, marine corps, spaceguard all on the line here, i'm looking forward to hearing from all of you about the work you are doing and what's on your mind and you can ask your commander-in-chief anything you want and i will try to answer. thank you. >> will take a brief pause for a moment. thank you. [silence] griff: we've been with listening to president biden and jill biden speaking with six branches of the military. sailors, soldiers, airmen, marines, coast guard men and still on the screen there, the space force as well. you're looking now at the white house where the president was. we welcome back if there is more on that to report. meanwhile, we are joined now, but bring and doctor marty makary, merry christmas. thank you for taking the time today. as we just saw, the president and first lady, issues certainly facing the president is the resurgence of the covid omicron, a lot of families trying to stay safe, let me just let you weigh in on where we stand and how families should be addressing it today and this weekend. >> worldwide we saw significant problem, 93% of the population of poor countries in the world have not received any vaccine whatsoever. the united states we got strong vaccination rates, high natural amenities rate which means there's two different issues. one, the risk of mild infection with those with immunity and those who have immunity, natural or vaccinated, we should feel good about that immune protection and then there ten or 20 million of adults with no immune protection and they are the ones still at risk coming into the hospitals very sick and filling up icu beds so we need to focus on that and at the same time, let people know they should feel good about their immune protection if they have it. griff: you mentioned feeling good, that's what i was going to ask you today, you're always gracious to come on, you are so insightful with your analysis but is there good news, is it the merck pill for pfizer pill, is there something from a bright spot in all of this darkness? >> on a policy level we are recognizing got to learn to live with the virus. ten to 25% of the population will get a respiratory infection every year and now you are seeing the recognition we can't just close things down and pointing people ten days, we are seeing the cdc for the first time thursday make a move to say use whatever quarantine. you find reasonable given your situation. the hospital or central workers, five days or whatever you believe is appropriate. that is good on the policy side. on the pharmaceutical side, we got medications that cut covid deaths 20, two of them. mark and visors cut covid deaths 20. between the two trials, zero deaths from covid in the treatment arms so that's a significant and to the pandemic in the united states once we can get it disseminated. griff: you touched on a policy issue, i think americans are thinking about it, that's the news, the healthcare workers on the front lines, quarantine five or seven days instead of ten so what about regular americans thinking about maybe they should quarantine for less time? >> i think every american is an essential worker and we see the flexibility of hospitals, a very high risk setting, we got to extend across entire society and you see that around the world, is a "wall street journal" this morning talking about misrecognizing they have to find ways to live with us. the prime minister of australia said we are going to get away from policies mandating things relying on individuals response abilities. we got to move to this reasonable approach, if you are around somebody vulnerable, be careful. if you've been exposed, wear a mask. if you have symptoms, don't show up. move away from adjudicating on every aspect of american life, more reasonable policies because we will have infections every year and we can't have restrictions like this. griff: this past week, president talking about 500 million tests but not until after the new year end we've seen lines of americans scrambling to get tested so my question is, has the administration dropped the ball as we prepare for the test, how important is ramping up testing going forward into 2022? >> certainly there's lack of preparation, i'm sympathetic to that being unaware we get a contagious virus so what i say is too little, too late but we cannot have the administration sending out mixed messages where they want people to engage in universal screening with broad screening criteria for every gathering at the same time have limited test, you cannot ration small supply of 500 million tests over couple of months when you need to to 3 billion tests a week to do mass screening protocols recommended by health officials so we've got to move away from universal testing and screening to selective testing and screening, what we have done with influenza, we don't test every one of the 41:00 p.m. we people over the course of a few months, could you imagine daily cases, we got to move toward selective testing. griff: merry christmas to you and your family, thank you for taking the time today. anita: always good to hear from doctor makary. nearly 900 flights canceled this christmas day according to the tracker flight aware, thousands remain stranded. david lee miller is at the laguardia airport with the latest on this. how is the mood there? >> people are holding up pretty well considering the fact that before they even take off, there's a great deal of turbulence for customers this christmas. from coast to coast, hundreds of flights, more than 800 today have been canceled because of shortages due to covid. this is a worldwide problem with 2500 cancellations globally, only about a third involved travel in the u.s. with little consolation if your flight is among them. delta, united and jetblue canceled at least 11% of their flights scheduled for today and that follows significant cancellations history, part of the busiest travel days of your christmas eve. many cancellations were made in advance of the scheduled flight before people left home but still, there were delays. listen to this, finally made it to salt lake city after a difficult ordeal. >> we got laid over seven hours and we slept in the nursing little room with nowhere to go we had to figure out a flight. >> traveling with a toddler can be difficult but a seven hour layover? >> to help having shortages, some countries reduced pointing time for people who tested positive, some u.s. carriers saw a similar change in u.s. regulation. this holiday season aaa has said its forecasting six and a half million americans are going to be flying, traveling right now. today, christmas day and new year's day, january 1 are the best day to take to the air because fewer people are traveling. anita: all right, david lee miller, hopefully the folks get to where they are supposed to be going. griff: no verdict yet but the jury in the humane maxwell trial over the holiday. that's when we come back. ♪♪ vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. molnupiravir former minneapolis police officer kim potter guilty of first and second degree manslaughter for her role in the police shooting of doctor wright. she's facing up to 15 years in prison, mistook her handgun for her taser and shot body camera footage and it shook the nation, it played a key part in her trial. anita: elizabeth holmes once named one of the youngest self-made billionaires for founding the blood testing company. the same outlet declaring her net worth as zero she's facing up to 20 years in prison for fraud. joining us now to discuss, criminal defense attorney, brian claypool. merry christmas to you, thank you for joining us, we love your legal insight here. this is an interesting case, hi there. elizabeth holmes was one of the most youngest entrepreneurs five or six years ago, her company promise at home blood testing kits, it almost seemed too good to be true, it turns out maybe it was she's facing 11 counts of wire fraud and conspiracy. defendant argues she did not potentially dupe people, she testified for many days in her own defense that she made mistakes, yes but she believes her devices worked. do you think the jury believed her? >> merry christmas, anita. great to see you it's interesting because elizabeth holmes probably woke up this morning and ran over her stocking over the fireplace, hoping to open it up and find an acquittal. i got an acquittal. well, she has a decent chance of having her christmas dream come true because wire fraud in california, let's talk about that, it's a really difficult charge to proof, prosecutors have to prove homes intended to deceive the investors, how do you prove that? she was on this call with investors i believe in 2134 she's making representations about the company but she has the face of the company. how do you prove to a jury that she absolutely knew the test pricking your finger and getting a blood sample will hear all of these diseases? how do you prove that? prosecutors have to prove there was a scheme that was set up by her at another to defraud these investors and that is a daunting task. real quick, let's talk about her defenses, her defenses, she has a different cult mistake of fact, that's the defense lawyers used. wait a minute, i'm pitching this company, relying on information provided by others within the company, i believe in this product, i believe we were going to get involved, i believed we were going to get contracted with the military and i was mistaken, it didn't work out but that is not fraud. anita: if you look at the people who joined her board, former u.s. secretary of state george schultz, henry kissinger and other executives, she had all of these people eating out of the palm of her hand, so charming and convincing so maybe she did make a compelling case for herself, we'll see. i want to switch over to another high profile trial, ghislaine maxwell this is a confidant of jeffrey epstein accused of enticing minors into engage in illegal sex's. she did not take the stand in her case, you and i talked about this last week, you thought was a mistake, why do you think that is? >> it is interesting because i forgot to mention holmes testified for seven days at her trial, why do you think the jury is struggling in her case? they bonded with her for seven days. the longer that goes, the more likely she will get a hung jury or acquittal but maxwell, in a child sexual abuse case, these were minors, they are not testifying as an adult. when a victim takes the stand, that is dramatic. you've got the facts wrong or the years wrong but that is difficult, victims of abuse suppress it. the only way to refute that is the he said she said. all of these victims took the stand and that's a great opportunity to get up on the stand, saying i wasn't in the room, epstein is a monster and the jury heard about that, they heard he's a bad guy, why did she say he brainwashed me as well? human belated me and it's his fault dump as his doorstop. i don't think that's going to be the case with maxwell, the best chance she's got is a hung jury and she might be convicted. anita: there must be some reason her defense team didn't put her up to testify, perhaps she's not as compelling as a defendant as elizabeth holmes. you mentioned victims being testified in this case, you think they will feel justice if maxwell is convicted even though they allegedly carry out the abuse, jeffrey epstein is dead and can never be held accountable? >> great question, i think the answer is yes. when minors are involved in sexual abuse, there is what's called a grooming process where either the molester or somebody else aiming at betting, they start treating the kids, here are some gifts, let me buy you some clothes and take you to a ballgame or concert and that's what happened. let me take you on a trip. that's called grooming and that leads up to the abuse and it's allegedly what maxwell did in the argument is for max dropping a female bonding with young females taking so way to present them to epstein on a platter in his bedroom, this might never have happened so i think there will be justice. anita: we are going to find out soon, the jury has both cases and we could hear from them next week. brian claypool, thank you for coming in today. >> you bet, merry christmas. griff: in california, this is still a big problem. people are working to find a long-term solution. find out after the break. ♪♪ historic achievement decades in the making, space telescope lifting off this morning with $10 billion joints by massa, the space agency some of the most powerful observatory in to space. telescope traveling 1 million miles away from earth as it was billions of years ago. anita. anita: with, pressure on local officials in los angeles to find solutions to the large homeless population wrapping up, we are joined by people hoping to help. chief executive officer of the peoples concerned, john put very and ka equities daniels. many are taking the time to talk with us on christmas day, appreciate it. this is the time when people watching at home right now gathered in the kitchen door around the tree getting ready for celebrations with family and friend, we take that for granted. hundreds of thousands of people around the nation for a variety of reasons, will be spending christmas on the streets. that is just the reality we live and. your organization, people concern in los angeles is one of the organizations having success with permanent supportive houses for the homeless, you have 92% retention rate, how are you doing that? >> good morning and thanks for having us on. we've been working 1994 and the reason we have high retention rate is not just providing housing but it's the wraparound services, access to care and treatment for people living with mental illness or substance addiction or chronic health problems. it's not just about getting people out, it's getting and keeping them out as well. anita: i think we have pictures of a recent housing development here in los angeles you are able to build, it's interesting with 54 converted shipping containers converted into 16 two-bedroom units, that's creative thinking. daniel, you are a private developer, you've worked with john before but i know you work on these projects, why do you take the time to team up with people like john to work on this? >> we are hoping to work with john shortly there. my background is real estate development primarily workforce housing, being in that space, i do a lot with nonprofits and public agencies to house them. over the last few years we've noticed an uptick in the need for housing units. as we got more involved in the state, we decided to see if there's a way to develop a model sustainable that addresses homeless housing and we found there is a model, the last few years we've delivered several hundred beds and seven more projects and it's being done using private capitol. anita: that is interesting. i want to go back to the pictures again of the recent development john built in downtown l.a. and the interesting things about this, let's put up the numbers on the screen, this is a development john built with flyaway homes, one third the cost at one third the time, look at the numbers. for a unit, 175,000 unit, public-private partnership versus 550,000 unit government dollars and a third of the time from 18 months versus three to five years. john, your providing wraparound services and medical services, i know you say it's a blueprint for the nation, how do you take this program and expand it nationwide? >> the way we do that is do what daniel and i are trying to do, what we have done is create and harness private capitol. we have to build faster and cheaper, we cannot scale $550,000 a unit and take three to five unit to bring a project online so we bring the private market into the equation on the front end, land acquisition for predevelopment and construction cost and we can move faster to house more people. anita: daniel, can you take this show on the road and do this around the nation? >> the short answer is yes, we are doing this in the bay area where we have purchased 100 units. housing and converting it into affordable housing serving income earners at 80% imi levels, with public at 30 to 40% of the units toward almost housing and in addition, another 40 plus units on the site and we are doing it in partnership with the city, i take my hat off to for being creative and willing to take a chance on this newer model and will deliver 210 units serving low income housing population and it's being done with private finances. anita: that is amazing and john, can you explain to people what kind of an impact is needed for someone to have a roof over their head? that is the key to solving the problem plaguing los angeles all over the nation. >> the solution to homelessness, if we don't want people living off the streets, we have to provide a place for them. this is a problem, i know it's large and retractable but it is resolvable, we are doing everything in los angeles with the project you are featuring here as well as dozens more so we can turn the tide and move people. anita: you could work on any product you want, you are a developer, you could do a high-rise luxury condo if you wanted by spending your time on this, how is it going? >> it's something i've been involved with and having now been involved with organizations like people concern, working closely with the city obviously we are a private developer and sustainability profits are a need to continue to exist but it's created a greater sense of purpose within our own company and it's something to be able to be part of a solution tackling an issue in the face of homelessness is extremely rewarding and as i got more entrenched in the state, there is a sense of obligation and civic duty to offer solution when i feel we have a model that is sustainable and can be applied across the country. anita: daniel and john, thank you for your time today and thank you for your good work and merry christmas to both of you. >> take care. griff: a belief order killed in california and while authorities believe is a shark attack. we will bring you a lift report. ♪♪ was on retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. is now a good time for a flare-up? enough, crohn's! for adults with moderate to severe crohn's or ulcerative colitis, stelara® can provide relief, and is the first approved medication to reduce inflammation on and below the surface of the intestine in uc. you, getting on that flight? back off, uc! stelara® may increase your risk of infections, some serious, and cancer. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you have an infection, flu-like symptoms, sores, new skin growths, have had cancer, or if you need a vaccine. pres, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition, may be possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur. lasting remission can start with stelara®. janssen can help you explore cost support options. you may be more likely to miss out on christmas camp this year thanks to omicron. according to a new study, researchers say unless your symptoms are more common in the new variant, loss of appetite. it's not all bad news, it's indicating omicron is less severe and booster shots provide protection. anita. anita: 31-year-old bogey border who was killed by while authorities call a potential great white shark attack in california. believed to be the first fatal shark attack this year. christina coleman joins us from here in los angeles with more on that. christina, tell us about this. >> a woman surfing saw the victim's body facedown boogie boarding yesterday morning, a popular spot, beachgoers on the central coast, the woman was in shallow water, or control stepped into a system with no witnesses to the shark attack even though about 25 to 30 people or within a mile of where the victim was found. fortunately no one else was hurt. authorities didn't release details on the extent of the victim's injuries but the harbor patrol director said the bite in the victim was consistent with that of a great white shark. director said when the harbor patrol reached the bogey border, fled the scene identified as a 31-year-old man though authorities have not released his name yet. people were order to stay out of the water 24 hours following the attack. harbor patrol director saying although the great white shark population has rebounded the past 25 years, fatal shark attacks are extremely rare for the area. the last time there was one, in 2003. anita: that is an awful story but thank you. griff: this holiday season we are remembering those who served our country. we will talk with final salute inc. to help women veterans find themselves on the streets with their service. their service. ♪ and if you try a little kindness ♪ ♪♪ ♪ (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. death toll from typhoon rise surging to 375 and hundreds of thousands of others in the philippines now homeless. the governor of the worst begging people not to forget them. prayers for survivors were added in this predominantly roman catholic country. ♪♪ griff: we heard about potential solutions to rising population homeless in los angeles. veterans are also experiencing homelessness including tens of thousands of women that joined by the founder to help bring americans together, jazz, merry christmas, thank you for taking time from this "issue is" important because many americans may not know how significant a problem homelessness is for women and veterans. tell me about that and the challenges they face. >> merry christmas and thank you for discussing this very serious situation. most americans do not know women veterans are currently the fastest growing mistrust of the homeless population but it's growing and most women veterans who are homeless have children in their care which adds to the issues of getting supportive services, a lot of the homeless services, even veteran homelessness services by hud or the va do not take into account the children so they do not house many of the children. they have issues with the age and sex of the children so it's an obstacle and such -- it's an issue because these women are sister and arms who raise their hands and sacrifice for our great nation and they take on the same stresses as our brothers, they seem to be discriminated against when they come back from war for any services they've encountered in their time. griff: it's important their service, your motto because she served, too. why are you doing this? why found this organization? >> i was also homeless during my service and i was a single mother and that gave me the opportunity to see the services and gaps in services and i was a soldier 17 years. i am honoring that commitment as a veteran so it's not just because i experienced it but i have the responsibility to continue my battle outside of my uniform. griff: you've created a couple of programs, home program and safe program from explain. >> our home program is a housing program we have, transitional housing facilities for homeless women and veterans and their children in alexander, virginia. a period of up to two years and they come from all over the country and we have programs that are very vital because of the coronavirus situation, many veterans are underemployed or unemployed. emergency financial assistance in getting housing and keeping them in their homes where they just made need financial assistance to get them through. everyone is going through this pandemic situation. griff: a woman better for anyone who knows a veteran suffering like that right now on this special day, how do they get contact with you, what should they do if they are watching this? >> the first think they can do, resources locally, show them those resources, anyone can donate to our organization and i will say we have been thankful to our donors because during the pandemic, we have not had to turn one woman and her child away because of the financial assistance. helping keep their children that and keeping the lights on and helping them get gas in their cars, we are still engaged in the fight, we are still here for you and you are not alone. griff: we have a number on the bottom of our screen. 24/7 call center for homeless veterans. thank you very much, thank you for your service. i'll give you the last few seconds if you have a message you wish to share with the nation. >> family is important and we should strive to keep families together and i know we support homeless veterans and children we love our brothers in arms, my husband is a marine corps combat veteran and this is one organization to ensure all veterans are taken care of. happy holidays and thank you from the bottom of my heart. griff: thank you for your entirely services from your family. thank you. anita: of that was a great segment. thanks so much. it is dismissed day, a day to celebrate with joy and festivities, we will show you how the rest of the world is celebrating despite covid. ♪♪ ♪ what a pain in the a— —alice? ♪ if it's “let's wrap this up?” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ son of a bi— beth? if it's “i thought we said no gifts” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ ♪ you don't become a runner, who breaks eight world records... after age 65, without a serious support system. kathy martin has one in medicare from blue cross blue shield. she won't go a day without the right card. because she can't go a day without running. the medicare coverage trusted by more doctors. this is the benefit of blue. find your local blue cross and blue shield plan at . . griff: for a look at some of hour head lions. pope francis hosts christmas eve mass to a crowd of around 2,000. the number of attendees was limited due to the omicron covid surge. the smaller crowd was reminiscent of last year when the cap was 200. worshipers in bethlehem gathering for a midnight mass at the church of the nativity which houses the from toe where many people believe jesus was born. the streets were more lively, with hundreds gathered in major scare to watch drummers and bagpipers play for passers by. the seal swimming club showing taking the traditional christmas swim in the icy lake near berlin, germany. the water temperature was 37 degrees fahrenheit. the air temperature a freezing 23 degrees. ♪. anita: we'd like to close our program by sharing how our families are celebrating christmas this year. so griff, i would like to share our family christmas card. i think we have a picture of that. merry christmas from the family, my husband mark, daughter evangeline, stepchildren, mattie, jackson, lauren. we'll get together later today to have a holiday barbecue weather permitting. just celebrate the holidays. celebrate christmas. griff: amazing and gorgeous car. we're celebrating, i have my sweet 89-year-old mother, sylvia jenkins with my two daughters ma contendings sy and madeleine. my mom and i took a total toe in front of the white house. she thought would not travel again. my daughter flu down to florida to get her back. she will have a great time here. covid, we have to keep ourselves together. we're all together. that is what matters. family so very important this christmas. anita? anita: gorgeous family, thanks for sharing that, griff. that is all for us this hour. we have a little more time. we'll wrap it up, "fox news live" continues with mike emanuel. don't want to miss that. thanks for sharing two hours with me, griff. i'm anita vogel. griff: merry christmas, anita. merry christmas to mike emanuel who we hand over the reins. thanks for having us in your living rooms this holiday christmas. have a safe around special holiday. don't forget, family matters the most. mike? ♪. ♪. mike: merry christmas everyone. welcome to "fox news live." i'm mike emanuel. eric shawn, arthel neville have some time off. thanks for spending some much your holiday with us. president biden speaking with u.s. troops last hour. he thanked them for keeping us safe this christmas and everyday as they serve on u.s. s

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Anita Vogel , Nationwide Covid Spike , Merry Christmas , Everyone , Airlines , Holiday Plans , Fox News Live , Griff Jacobs , Broadway , Covid Wave , Travel , Sports Games , Businesses , Loved Ones , Hello , U S , Charles , Atlanta , Family , Cases , Omicron , Work , Americans Testing Positive , 260000 , Number , Increase , Deaths , Matters , Home Test Kits , Walgreens , John S Hopkins University , Cvs , 3354 , 50 , Demand , Lines , Folks , Tests , People , Proportions , Exhaustion , Staff , Bill De Blasio , New York , Celebration , Record Levels , Ringing , 2022 , 44000 , Many , Job , Workers , Production , Surgeon , Set , Times Square To Social Distance , Governor , State , Test , Quarantine Requirements , Guidelines Faxing , Five , 10 , Heart , Ones , Workforce , Requirement , Gratitude , Beginning , Anxiety , Lot , Reporter , Nba , Players , Protocol , Outbreaks , Cycling , Kevin Durant , Six , One , Places , Games , Mba Slate , Matchups , Stars , Los Angeles Lakers , Lebron James , Senator , Joe Mansion , West Virginia , Knicks , Atlanta Hawks , Joe Biden , Bill , Spending , Plan , Drawing Board , Democrats , Alexandria , Crushing Blow , Washington , Hope , Gift , Spending Bill , Form , Joe Mansion Support , Win , Holding , Senate , Act , Build , Grinch That Stole Christmas , Mansion , Victories , Power , Priorities , Board , Portions , Challenges , Republicans , Rules , 7 Trillion , 1 7 Trillion , Thing , Party , Vote , Climate Action , Chuck Schumer , Safety Net , Legislation , Risk , Delay , Something , Question , Boat , Whole , Legislation Dancy , Congresswoman , Lead , Report , Member , Alexandria Hoff , Drama , House Energy Committee Debbie , Capitol Hill , Michigan , Program , Holiday , Everybody , Mansions , Fact , Warning Signs , Matter , Lots , Timing , Way , Breath , Presidents , Arms , Rescue Plan , Things , President , Each Other , Have , Childcare , Bill Long Term Care , Common Ground , Figure , Deep Breath , Room , Issues , Ground , Seniors , Parents , Husband , Friend , Friends , Disagreements , Example , Vehicles , Weather , Environment , Innovation Of Technology Said , Colleagues , Debbie Dingell , Minerals , Uaw , Anybody , Infrastructure Bill , Money , Door , Biden Has , Fox News Sunday , Interviews , Show , Mike Emanuel , Mike Anchoring , Administration , Howard Kurtz , Press , Channel , Look , Listings , Reaction , Let S Go To Republican Congress , South Texas , Side , Eastern , Tony Gonzales , 00 , 11 , Border , Colleague , Anywhere , Socialist , First Off , It , Bottom Line , Inflation , Roof , 2021 , Let , Agents , Border Patrol , 365 , Everything , Border Patrol Agents , Groundhog Day , Visit Sanderson , Hats , America Safe , Del Rio Processing Center , 8 , 100 , Families , Pictures , Air , Texas Dps Working Around The Clock , Eagle Pass , Weren T Del Rio , Women , Men , Including Christmas , Hard Working Americans , Boots , Latest , Fire , Type , Occurrence , 9 11 , Drugs , Congressman , Texas Dps , Americans A Narcotics , Fentanyl , The Rio Grande Valley , 887 , Border City , Doses , Del Rio , Children , Narcotics , Threat , Processing Center , Processing Centers , Terrorists , Field , Line , Down , Technology , Infrastructure , Manpower , Three , Issue , Government , Sense , Wall , Policy , Interest , Numbers , Effort , 188 , Thousands , Needs , Drop , Bucket , Border Patrol Working Today , Track , Sir , Nation , Crime , Border Crisis , Attorney General , Arizona , 1 , Break , Travelers , Holiday Season , Airports , Diabetes , Musician , Austin James , My Name , A1c , System , Challenge , Glucose Numbers , Scan , Libre 2 , Fingersticks , 2 , 8 2 , 6 7 , Mystery , Stream , Tv , Directv , Matrix , Serena Williams , Best , Punch , Silversneakers , Classes , Locations , Millions , Access , Internet Connection , Cost , Dot Com , Visiting Getsilversneakers , Mom , Car , Tam , Dad , Flights , David Lee Miller , Laguardia Airport , Surge , 3800 , Season , Fight , Deal , Shortages , Hundreds , Data Delta , Stress , Carriers , Row Due , Frustration , United , Plan Takeoffs , Jetblue , 14 , 12 , 120 , Cancellations , Passengers , Destination , Efforts , Safe , Attitude , Airport , Punches , Virus , Positive , Destruction , Concern , Isolation , Surprise , Four , Home , Strain , 1 7 Million , Part , Stride , David Lee , Partner , Macro Trends Advisor , Close , Research Fellow , School Of Business , Mitch Rochelle , University Of San Diego , Twenty One , Someone , Segment , One More Time , Don T , Guest , Guests , Hi , Prices , Supply Chain , Labor Shortages , Reality , Pain , Economy , Services , Imported Goods , Pressure , Kitchen Table Issue , Crazy , We Saw Significant Problem , Factors , Most , High , 40 , Storm , Talk , Labor Shortage , World , Some , Factories , Supply Chain Crisis , Origins , Reasons , Supply Side , Policy Perspective , Shock , Wake , Outbreak , Lockdowns , Solution , Out Of Control , Steps , Fed , Help , Rethinking , Nations , Shift , Products , Phenomenon , Ppe , Shields , Masks , Like , 80 , Security Perspective , Antibiotics , Ingredients , 80 , Business Owners , China , Mess , Segments , Ships , Jobs , Supply Chain Line , Household Needs , Job Openings , Employers , Yes , Employees , Salaries , Bonuses , Florida , Parts , 70 , Wages , 70 , Business , Consumer , Backs , Cures , Policies , Bearing , Two , End , You Bet , Panel , Story , Liberty , Safelite , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Man , Service , Experts , Windshield , Girl , Singers , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , S Griff , Vaccine Card , Law , Vaccine Status , Felony , Update , Government Document , 19 , Gavin Newsom , California , Crime Spree , Smash And Grab , 21000 , 300 Million , 00 Million , Police , Liberty In American Greatness , Founder , Foundation , Strategist , Policy Analyst , Cities , Shopping , Robberies , Funds , Progressive Da In San Francisco , Reactions , Policing , Attacks , Op Ed , Response , San Francisco , Retail Theft , Progressive Reform , Crimes , Store , Types , Thefts , Recall , Reports , Knee Jerk , Shortsighted , Crime Wave , Events , Scheme , Australia , France , Germany , Great Britain , New Zealand , Dream , Anything , Anyone , Cops , Sentencing Laws , Proposition , Guidelines , Jail , Electorate , 47 , News , A Mockery , Nothing , Sign , Decline , Civilization , Fortitude , Place , Laws , Plans , Happening , Problems , Grab , 150 , Potential , 900 , President Spending Bill , Down To Earth , Reality Speed , Subject , Inaudible , State Voting Board Build , Senator Mansion , Plug , Child Tax Credits , Michalski , Primaries , Compromise , Aspects , Saving , Elements , Debt , Greeks , Italians , Sailor , Tugging , Thk , Patriotism , Ramifications , Holidays , Thanks , Shark Attack , Waves , Details , Surfer , California Beach , Kate , Verizon , More , Better , Iphone , Music , Phone , Phone Everyone Wants , Entertainment Subscriptions , Network , Iphone 13 Pro , Guy , Apple , Apple Arcade , 13 , 7 , Journey , Entertainment , Carolers , Growing Business , 1000 , 000 , Questions , Surprises , Ride , Customers , Tech Solutions , Advisor , Dell , Authorities , Great White Shark Attack , Central Coast , Bogey , Los Angeles , Married Christmas , Christina Coleman , Man , Woman Surfing Saw , Spot , Name , Beachgoers , Body , 31 , Victim , Witnesses , Patrol , Hurt , No One Else , 25 , 30 , Great White Shark , Bite , Extent , Injuries , Harbor Patrol , Harbor Patrol Directors , Director , Attack , Water , Great White Shark Population , Deceased , 24 , Shark Attacks , Area , Christina Coleman Live Force , 2003 , Jesus Christ , Message , Birth , Biden Releasing A Christmas , Promise , Reading , Behalf , Renewal , Child , White House , Need , Kentucky , Bidens , Eyes , Residents , Love , Tornadoes , Stay , Volunteering , Weight , Cv Risk , Game , Zone , Adults , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Death , Isn T , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Stroke , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Lump , Swelling , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Type 2 Diabetes , Health Care Provider , Oh , 3 , 5 , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Innovation , Support , Interfaces , Trading , Level , Education , Orders , Charts , Perspective , Trading Experience , Style , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Arkansas Hard , 1600 , Homeowners , Samaritans , Homesites , Trees , Community , Rubble , Kinds , Yards , Lunch , 2000 , 1700 , Gym , Kitchen , High School , Lap , Food , Sins , Cross , God , Life , Faith , Presence , Trust , Eternity , Disclosure , Honor , Viewers , Oklahoma , Light , Darkness , Jesus , Statement , Tornado , Points , Scripture , Samaritans Purse , Interaction , Any , Arkansas , Volunteers , Facilities , Mayor , Law Enforcement , Sheriff , Downtown Mayfield , Chance , Kind , Picture , World War Two , Loss , Hopelessness , Despair , Lives , Areas , Candle Factory , Storms Hit , Prayers , Joy , Broadening , Reverend , All Of Us , Cancer , Storms , Marriage Failing , Ship , Storm On The Sea Of Galilee , Disciples , Wind , Ran Out Of Time , We Don T , Retinol , Powerful , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Neutrogena , Senator Manchin , Yard , Note , Measure , Courts , 720 , 1 720 , Virginia , Tops , Anyone Else , Action , Climate , Pieces , Plan B , Optimism , The Market Second Legislative With , Parliamentarian , Haven T , Doesn T , Alex , Possibility , Democrat , Manchin Sleep , Troops , Biden In A Special Christmas , Members , Meeting , Commander , Service Branches , Laughter , Joe Said , Mary Christmas , Wife , Jill Biden , Sixteen , Duty , Togetherness , Birthdays , National Guard , Iraq , Opportunity , Celebrations , Commander In Chief , Sacrifice , We Care , Family Sacrifice , Courage , Focus , Spine , Spread , Peace , Space , Prosperity , Deployment , Care , Obligation , Obligations , Democracy , Security , Blessings , Army , Doing , Hearing , Mind , Spaceguard , Marine Corps , Navy , Pause , Screen , Marines , Military , Listening , Branches , Space Force , Soldiers , Sailors , Silence , Coast Guard , Airmen , Doctor Makary , Saw , Resurgence , First Lady , Population , Vaccine , Vaccination Rates , Countries , 93 , Protection , Infection , Immunity , Amenities , Hospitals , 20 Million , Ten , Feeling Good , Merck Pill , Analysis , Pfizer Pill , Policy Level , Move , Cdc For The First Time , Recognition , Use , Situation , Hospital , Quarantine , Medications , Policy Side , 20 , Treatment , Trials , Husband Mark , Visors , Zero , Pandemic , Policy Issue , Significant , Healthcare Workers , Essential Worker , Seven , Society , Around The World , Flexibility , Risk Setting , Wall Street Journal , Approach , Somebody , Ways , Individuals , Abilities , Prime Minister , Infections , Symptoms , Mask , Aspect , Adjudicating , Don T Show Up , Restrictions , 500 Million , Testing , Ball , Lack , Preparation , Screening , Messages , Supply , Gathering , Screening Criteria , Screening Protocols , Health Officials , 3 Billion , Influenza , Course , 41 , Tracker Flight , Mood , Turbulence , Coast To , Flight , Consolation , 2500 , 800 , Ordeal , Delays , Advance , Salt Lake City , Traveling , Nowhere , Nursing , Change , Layover , Toddler , Regulation , Half , Flying , January 1 , Jury , Trial , Verdict , Humane Maxwell , Relief , Congestion , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Vicks Sinex , Noses , Molnupiravir , Kim Potter , Prison , Degree Manslaughter , Handgun , Shot , Role , Police Shooting , Taser , Minneapolis , Doctor Wright , 15 , Elizabeth Holmes , Holmes , Camera , Footage , Fraud , Billionaires , Blood Testing Company , Outlet , Net Worth , Criminal Defense Attorney , Case , Brian Claypool , Insight , Hi There , Company , Defendant , Counts , Conspiracy , Wire Fraud , Blood Testing Kits , Defense , Mistakes , Devices , Acquittal , Fireplace , Stocking , Homes , Prosecutors , Charge , Dream Come True Because Wire Fraud In California , Proof , Let S Talk , Investors , Face , Call , Representations , 2134 , Finger , Diseases , Blood Sample , Defenses , Mistake , Task , Defense Lawyers , Cult , Product , Others , Information , Secretary Of State , Executives , Her Board , Didn T Work Out , George Schultz , Henry Kissinger , Ghislaine Maxwell , Jeffrey Epstein , Profile Trial , Hand , Confidant , Palm , Sex , The Stand , Minors , Hung Jury , Abuse , Stand , Adult , Victims , Facts , Epstein , Monster , Bad Guy , Doorstop , Fault Dump , Human Belated , Reason , Didn T , Defense Team , Answer , Justice , Maxwell , Sexual Abuse , Betting , Molester , Grooming Process , Gifts , Concert , Ballgame , , Clothes , Kids , Females , Grooming , Trip , Bonding , Argument , Max Dropping A , Platter , Bedroom , Making , Space Telescope , Achievement , Space Agency , Observatory , Joints , Massa , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Homeless Population Wrapping Up , Officials , Earth , 1 Million , Peoples , Chief Executive Officer , John Put Very And Ka Equities Daniels , On Christmas Day , Tree , Organization , Streets , Organizations , Homeless , Houses , Variety , Success , Retention Rate , 92 , Housing , Substance , Addiction , Mental Illness , Wraparound , 1994 , Health Problems , Housing Development , Shipping Containers , 54 , Development John Built , Projects , Developer , Thinking , Units , Daniel And John , 16 , Real Estate Development , Background , Workforce Housing , Nonprofits , Housing Units , Agencies , Uptick , Model , Capitol , Beds , Downtown L A , Unit , Public Private Partnership Versus 550000 Unit , 550000 , 175000 , Blueprint , 18 , Is , Project , Land Acquisition , Construction , Equation , 50000 , On The Road , Levels , Serving Income Earners , Bay Area , Imi , Partnership , Hat , Addition , Site , Finances , 210 , Head , Key , Impact , Homelessness , Problem , Resolvable , Tide , Dozens , Condo , Sustainability , Profits , Purpose , Both , Belief , Take Care , Lift Report , Retirement Income , Broker , Penalties , Fee , Carl , Schwab Intelligent Income , Portfolio , Cool , Schwab , Simple , Helen , Exercise , Wealth Management , Activity , Glucose Levels , Glucose , Medicare , Crohn S , Medication , Flare Up , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Intestine , Inflammation , Surface , Serious , Uc , Doctor , Sores , Tb , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Skin Growths , Brain Condition , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Variant , Shots , Appetite , Study , Booster , Researchers , Bogey Border , Body Facedown Boogie Boarding , Woman , Mile , Else , Authorities Didn T , Order , Scene , Women Veterans , Country , Final Salute Inc , Try A Little Kindness , Greetings , Typhoon , Death Toll , Audi , Philippines , 375 , Solutions , Population Homeless , Survivors , Roman Catholic , Veterans , Tens Of Thousands , Jazz , Mistrust , Homelessness Services , Account , Va , Hud , Obstacle , Stresses , Hands , Brothers , War , Motto , Mother , Gaps , Commitment , Veteran , My Battle Outside Of Uniform , Soldier , Responsibility , 17 , Programs , Housing Program , Home Program , Couple , Transitional Housing Facilities , Alexander , Emergency Financial Assistance , Unemployed , Assistance , Contact , Suffering , Resources , Donors , Gas , Lights , Cars , Bottom , Call Center , 24 7 , Brothers In Arms , Combat , Care Of , Rest , Festivities , Alice , Runner , Without A Serious Support System , World Records , Son , Bi , Beth , 65 , Eight , Kathy Martin , Card , Running , Coverage , Blue Cross Shield , Benefit , Doctors , Blue , Lions , Pope Francis , Crowd , Cap , Attendees , Omicron Covid Surge , 200 , Worshipers In Bethlehem Gathering , Toe , Scare , Midnight Mass , Church Of The Nativity , Passers , Water Temperature , Play , Drummers , Bagpipers , Icy Lake , Seal Swimming Club , Berlin , Air Temperature , 23 , 37 , Daughter Evangeline , Holiday Barbecue Weather Permitting , Mattie , Stepchildren , Lauren , Jackson , Sylvia Jenkins , Daughters , Front , Amazing And Gorgeous Car , Madeleine , Contendings Sy , 89 , Back , Daughter , Gorgeous Family , Griff , Holiday Christmas , Rooms , Reins , Merry Christmas Everyone , Arthel Neville , Eric Shawn ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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rattles the u.s. charles kicked us off with the very latest from atlanta. merry christmas. >> good morning. good morning and merry christmas, griff. taking time off to spend this holiday with their family. the omicron is certainly hard at work. u.s. daily covid cases up with more than 260,000 americans testing positive. according to john's hopkins university 3354 deaths were reported. more than a 50% increase in a single day. hard to find at home test kits is surely complicating matters. cvs and walgreens announced their limiting the number of tests folks can purchase due to a significant increase in demand long lines form at testing sites around the country while demand swells at unimaginable proportions. >> we have had people in sheer exhaustion. people are just exhausted. we cannot keep staff because they are just so worn out. >> new york state positive covid cases are turning up at record levels. more than 44,000 daily new cases reported on friday. new york city mayor bill de blasio said the cities new year celebration will be scaled back to allow those ringing in 2022 from times square to social distance. this set the surgeon omicron cases forces many to stop production. keeping critical workers on the job. new york governor says the state is shortening the quarantine requirements for those that test positive under new guidelines faxing inessential workers that that are asymptomatic and returned to work after five days instead of the previous 10 day requirement. anita: we want to make sure that our critical workforce we have relied on from the beginning and my heart goes out with them filled with gratitude. they are the ones that got us through the first many months of anxiety. we need you again. we need you to be able to go to work. reporter: this christmas will look a lot different for the nba as they try to manage their own covid outbreaks. players are cycling in and out of the protocol. kevin durant and six other places are out tonight as the net take on lebron james and the los angeles lakers. what was supposed to be one of the premier matchups in the mba slate of christmas games. more big stars out. atlanta hawks expected to go against the knicks tonight who are also missing players. griff: charles, thank you. anita: west virginia senator joe mansion dealing a crushing blow to president biden's bill back better bill saying he will vote no sending democrats back to the drawing board on the massive spending plan. alexandria is live in washington with the very latest. merry christmas to you. >> merry christmas to you. holding onto the gift of hope that the president will back better spending bill will survive in some form. the president hoped he would mark his second legislative win. without joe mansion support it is not likely. >> i don't want to be the grinch that stole christmas, but i do not think the build back better act will get through the senate. so i think that we need to do what we can to get the victories that we can and create a build back better act that includes the most important priorities that we can get mansion on board with. >> senator mansion does not hold all the power here. still able to have portions of this $1.7 trillion bill if they do not align with the rules. republicans ready to push challenges. >> joe mansion did the right thing here. willing to stand off against their own party and do what is right. anita: chuck schumer plan to hold a vote on this bill and expand the social safety net and bolster climate action. any delay could pose a risk. >> could spill into january or february. their risk for democrats is the longer the legislation goes on past, the greater the risk of something happening that then distracts either the senate or the country as a whole from this legislation. >> senator mansion has declared that at the legislation dancy will vote no. the question remains the boat is called my other moderate democrats follow his lead. anita: so much drama on this on capitol hill. alexandria hoff thank you so much for that live report. for more on this we have democratic congresswoman from michigan and member of the house energy committee debbie. thank you so much for joining us today. merry christmas to you. it's great to have you back on this program with us. >> merry christmas to you and everybody. i hope everyone has a wonderful peaceful hopeful holiday. anita: me too. very well put. i have heard you say you were absolutely stunned about the old mansions decision to vote against build back better. why were you so stunned? certainly giving lots of warning signs about his vote. >> i think i was surprised of the timing. the fact of the matter is, the week has passed. i think a lot of people are taking a deep breath. we have a year ago we were all scared about covid, which, by the way, many of us are having to be very careful again. we have american rescue plan. we have shots in arms. we've got people back to work. we passed the bill. presidents have been trying to do that for decades. people are exhausted. i believe both joe biden and the president have said they are talking to each other. there are important things in this bill. childcare, my bill long-term care. i think everybody needs to take a deep breath. we have to come back after christmas, figure out where the common ground is. i have that hope, the president has that hope and i think joe mansion has made it clear he will continue to talk to the president. anita: the president said last week, he and joe mansion will get something done. they will get in a room together presumably to talk. you are willing to get into a room and talk to joe mansion about the issues that are important to him, both the seniors and the parents in his state of west virginia. how are you going to reach common ground on this? what are you going to say to joe mansion? >> let me give you a different example. i have known him for a long time. he and my husband were close friends. he is a good friend of mine. it does not mean you cannot respect each other and have disagreements. in this bill, very important things on the environment. when we see the dramatic weather that we have seen this year, we know that it is real. i am working to try to get electric vehicles. the innovation of technology said, debbie, what are we going to do about those minerals? i have my colleagues in california and the uaw workers. we will talk about. >> people want to see a lot about what is in there. we voted for the infrastructure bill in that money is already going out the door. we have to keep talking. tired and surprised. i just will not take hope away from anybody as we end the year. too many things in this bill that people need that we will not abandon. we will figure out how to keep that. anita: president biden has said he is not giving up on it. we will see what happens in january. meantime, congresswoman, thank you so much. go enjoy your christmas now. we will be talking to you soon. >> merry christmas. anita: tomorrow, mike emanuel is anchoring fox news sunday. you do not want to miss mike anchoring that show. he will have interviews. check your local listings for the time and channel. and howard kurtz will take a look at how the press is covering the biden administration handling of omicron. joe mansion and his party, that is all tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. eastern. griff: anita, for reaction on the other side of the aisle let's go to republican congress and from texas, tony gonzales. you are spending the holiday, christmas, merry christmas, by the way, doing something very important on the border. you heard your colleague debbie talking about not giving up hope despite senator mansion to repeating the build back better. she believes that they may get done in the new year. your reaction. >> first off, merry christmas. merry christmas to the american people. joe mansion stepping up and making sure that socialist bill does not go anywhere. i'm glad it died in 2021. i hope it dies forever. the bottom line is inflation is through the roof. the last thing we need to do is this. i am glad senator mansion keep set up. >> let's turn to the border. you are doing something very unique on christmas day. explain. >> spending so much time at the border. i appreciate that. you are an honorary texan. our agents are on the job 365 days of the year. we visited border patrol agents. i will visit sanderson. our border patrol agents have had a brutal year and they are doing everything possible. it is really groundhog day in south texas. when i was in the del rio processing center, over 100 migrants already. it was not even 8:00 o'clock. these agents have done everything possible to keep america safe. >> my hats off to them. the texas dps working around the clock. looking at pictures you sent and from just this morning when you weren't del rio and eagle pass. talk to me just for a moment. in the air away from families working hard today. what is them around like among the men and women? >> it is really tough to see. they are numb to it. best way i can put it. they are numb. many of them have families. hard-working americans. put their boots on and go to work every day. including christmas. they are out there on the front lines keeping america safe. i urge people to go to border find the latest on what is happening. whether it is christmas or any other day. the border is on fire. it has not slowed down one bit. agents are tired and they need help. we should all be rooting for border patrol to be successful to prevent another 9/11 type of occurrence from happening. i am grateful for them. >> congressman, it is not just people. we have to remind americans a narcotics that come across border, when i was down in eagle pass last week with the texas dps, showing me the drugs that they have ceased and talking about, and, specifically, the rio grande valley, this is texas dps, not even the border patrol. 887 pounds of fentanyl. legal doses. >> i am in del rio texas. right on the border right now. every city in america has become a border city. just what you mentioned. the fentanyl and the illegal narcotics that are coming over. it is killing our children. it is a very real threat. i just wanted to highlight today, christmas, spending time with our families and loved ones, just no border patrol agents are standing watch and protecting americans. sadly many of them are in processing centers. we need to get them out of the processing center and get them back in the field where they belong so they can keep the drugs and terrorists away from our border. griff: get them back on the line. they have consistently told me they need three things. manpower, technology and infrastructure. we entered the show last saturday from down where texas is building their own wall. are you getting a sense about whether that may try and help things? >> it will. bottom line is this is a federal government issue. ultimately solve this. solve it with policy. that is why i urge the biden administration to come together. secure our border. that is everybody's best interest. see the state of texas take a lead effort on it. there can be more of it. the biden administration recently reimplemented the same policy. the numbers, only 188 folks have been processed under that policy you are seeing thousands come over. it is a drop in the bucket. more needs to be done. we will implement some of these policy changes speed up to one we will try to keep track of those numbers. thank you so much, congressman. we wish you and your family a very merry christmas as well as we extend that to all the men and women at the border patrol working today. thank you, sir. griff: tomorrow during fox news live at 1:00 p.m. i will speak with arizona attorney general from border crisis to crime across the nation. there is so much to discuss. stay tuned for that. this holiday season, many christmas travelers are stranded at airports. we will tell you why and where right after the break. ♪♪ ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at with directv stream i can get live tv and on demand anywhere. look, serena williams... matrix... serena... matrix... serena... matrix... ♪ ♪ ♪ get your tv together with the best of live and on demand. introducing directv stream. welcome to silversneakers. are you ready to get moving? (throws punch) our new virtual classes were designed for you and millions of seniors like you. you can now choose from thousands of live virtual classes every week. get moving wherever you have an internet connection. and when you're ready, enjoy access to thousands of locations nationwide. with silversneakers, you're free to move. enroll today at no additional cost by visiting getsilversneakers dot com. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ merry christmas, dad. anita: welcome back. thousands of travelers stuck at airports this holiday weekend. airlines canceled over 3800 flights nobly over the surge in omicron cases. david lee miller has the latest from laguardia airport in new york city. david, hello. reporter: anita. merry christmas. the best christmas gift for many travelers this christmas season would be a fight that is not canceled. although today is normally one of the best days to flight because few people do travel, there is nevertheless a great deal of frustration and stress for the second day in a row due to staff shortages caused by covid a number of u.s. carriers have canceled hundreds of flights. according to the latest data delta has canceled 14% of its scheduled flights, united 12%, jetblue also 12%, 120 plan takeoffs i did not happen. one day after hundreds of other cancellations on christmas eve. trying to get people to their destination. for many passengers, the efforts were not enough. >> i think we have to roll with the punches. everybody needs to be safe. if it gets canceled, you have to have a good attitude and have christmas in the airport. >> we kind of expected it. everything is delayed or shut down. >> the cancellations took a lot of passengers by surprise. there was concern that the omicron virus would cause some serious destruction. asking the government to shorten the isolation. four people testing positive. despite all the cancellations, yesterday alone bay screened 1.7 million passengers. just a few days from now, those same people will be returning home. a strain on the system is not over. anita. anita: david lee, those passengers seem to be taking it in stride's for the most part. i appreciate their good attitude thank you for that report at laguardia airport. merry christmas. ♪♪ anita: okay. i will take it from here. twenty-one coming to a close. we are joined by mitch rochelle. macro trends advisor, founding partner and visiting research fellow at the university of san diego school of business. well hello to you both. so, we are talking about, someone can tell me in the year that this is griff segment. one more time. we are chatting with our guest. okay. why don't i handed off to our guests. tell us what you are here to chat about today. >> well, hi, anita. merry christmas. anita: sorry about that. >> the reality is that everyone has been out holiday shopping and every american has felt the pain from the supply chain. the labor shortages that are out there. all of which has caused prices to rise. what we have done with our economy as we have stimulated demand like crazy at a time when goods and services are under tremendous pressure which has caused prices to rise. the number one kitchen table issue i think for most americans starting 2022 all asking the same question when prices continue to go up. anita: sorry about that. i could not hear what we were doing before. i can jump on this now. we have been covering this issue for quite some time. so many factors that are causing inflation. a 40 year high. a lot of people want to blame us problem, most of it on covid, the rising cases, the latest variant. let's talk about the labor shortage and all of the other things that are going on. it really seems like a perfect storm. it is happening right at christmas. >> right. it is unfair to blame all of this on covid. i would blame some of it on covid, at least the origins of the supply chain crisis started there where factories were shut down around the world for as long as six months. all of which was a shock to the supply side of our economy. at the same time, from a policy perspective, we stimulated demand. there were reasons to have done that in the immediate wake of the outbreak and lockdowns, but the current administration continued that policy. when you have too much money chasing too few things, you get inflation. it is going to continue to be a problem unless the administration steps in working with the fed and comes up with a solution. inflation can run hot and out of control. >> we don't want to see that happening into the new year. a lot of of people say part of the problem is so many american factories have already closed. we had to look to other nations for help. is this going to cause a shift or a rethinking of creating and producing products here at home what should mark. >> i think so. this is, you know, a 2-year-old phenomenon. we could not get ppe for masks and shields and the like. we realize how much of that was important and how crucial it was from a security perspective to manufacture those things at home. antibiotics, 80% of the active ingredients that we need to live and stay safe and healthy are manufactured in china. i think companies large and small started rethinking where they source products and how they source their supply chain. the problem is, and i talk to business owners all the time, it can take years. for now i think we are still stuck in this mess of trying to figure out where to source goods you have done plenty of segments on this. look at all the ships offshore, we are still heavily dependent on imported goods for basic household needs. anita: there are still so many job openings in the u.s. jobs that can fill that supply chain line. do you still see employers offering employees bonuses and higher salaries to get the supply chain going again? >> yes. part of the problem there -- ideal -- i am in florida right now where they are not creating jobs and people are not taking jobs unlike other parts of the country, taking jobs at higher wages, that will continue to drive up higher prices. we do not manufacture, 70% of our economy is services. we create and perform on the backs of people. the cost of the services to the consumer, the business that your cures those services, it will go up. what we do need to do is create policies that incentivize people to go back to work. as opposed to the policies we have had for the last two years. anita: thank you for bearing with me. thank you so much for your time on this christmas day. we hope to see you again soon. >> you bet. merry christmas. anita: president biden's spending bill is still stuck in the senate. there seems to be no end. our panel joins us to discuss what to expect in the new year when we come back. ♪♪ they customize my car insurance, so i only pay for what i need. how about a throwback? ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ 's griff: covid vaccine card in new york could cost you up to a year and present. new york governor signing an update to the law wednesday. now it is a felony to forge your vaccine status on a government document. in the past week the average number of new yorkers testing positive for covid-19 has doubled. around 21,000 cases a day to more than 44,000 per day. anita. anita: california governor gavin newsom is proposing $300 million to battle the smash and grab crime spree that is plaguing the state. many of the progressive colleagues don't like how the plan involves refunding the police. now to discuss is founder of the foundation for liberty in american greatness and policy analyst and strategist. thank you so much for joining us on this holiday. really appreciate it. i want to talk about president biden's spending bill. we are seeing the smash and grab robberies in major cities right at christmas time. people are afraid to go shopping. here in california, the governor gavin newsom called for more funds for police. this was a reaction from the very progressive da in san francisco. in an op-ed he writes, we are blaming the wrong things or san francisco retail theft. the common response to this crime has called for more policing and attacks on progressive reform. these are knee-jerk reactions and they are shortsighted. these types of thefts with multiple people running in a store not neal. these crimes go back years. facing a very serious recall in san francisco. is this knee-jerk and shortsighted? combating the crime wave? >> i am with governor newsom. something needs to be done to combat this issue. reports indicate that there are organized crimes. these are not isolated events. the bigger scheme of things, california is the golden state. it is wealthy, it is beautiful. the economy of california's bigger than that of great britain, france, germany, australia, new zealand, you name it. talking smack about california, it's the golden state and a dream for many people to live there. anita: it is a dream. i've been living here for a long time. i appreciate that. if cities start hiring more cops, they still have to deal with watered-down sentencing laws like proposition 47 here in california. hard to put anyone in jail for anything. how hard is it to change the guidelines and for the electorate? >> first of all, merry christmas for you. every californian has received a great gift in this news because for the last couple of months, governor gavin newsom has made california a mockery. not just united states, but the entire world. people able to break the law openly and nothing happens to them. the first sign of the decline of civilization. i am glad that governor newsom has discovered some fortitude and plans on doing something about what has been happening. you've got it right. he also faces a very steep challenge with these watered down laws that are in place. essentially, allowing people to get away with everything with a simple grab. if you steal less than $150, it is not even noted by the police that you have done something wrong. there are a lot of problems with california. a long time before california can fill its potential. anita: i think it is $900. >> why don't you come to california. [inaudible] >> lets come down to earth and talk about reality speed. anita: let's change the subject. let's talk about the president spending bill. we had congresswoman debbie dingell on earlier. she was stunned that joe mansion would vote no on the bill. the president is vowing not to give up. >> it was really disappointing to see senator mansion finally pulled the plug on this and say no. especially the way in which he rejected his state voting board build back better as the social spending. many democrats have political. we have 50 democrats and 50 republicans in the senate. whereas michalski. child tax credits. there is a lot of social spending that is good. here is what happened. they are scared. don't worry about the primaries. they will come out and that is what you have to deal with. >> are there some good aspects of the bill that you like that you think are worth saving? can there be some compromise? >> i want to try to find some common ground. today is a day where we are all meant to get along. i am sure that they are elements of that spending bill that are good things that need to happen. i've got to tell you, i think what joe mansion has done is terrific. acting like the greeks against the italians. i think what would be absolutely terrible for the united states, we already have massive debt, joe biden's spending like a drunken sailor. we have people kind of tugging down to keep him more in place. you know, i think the spending bill would have terrible ramifications and i think joe mansion is demonstrate in some patriotism. anita: all right. thank you so much. thk you for keeping it simple on christmas day. happy holidays and thanks for coming. griff: a deadly shark attack at a california beach. a surfer killed while riding the waves. details right after the break. ♪♪ (kate) this holiday, verizon has the deal that gets better and better and better. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? 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(carolers) ♪better♪ (kate) this year, holiday better, with verizon. because everyone deserves better. to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪ but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. ♪♪ anita: a surfer or possible bogey border killed and what authorities seem to say was a great white shark attack offered california's central coast on christmas eve. christina coleman is live in los angeles with the set details. merry christmas, by the way. reporter: married christmas -- merry christmas to you. authorities just identify this man is a 31-year-old. they have not released his name he. he was 31 years old. a woman surfing saw the victims body. a popular spot for beachgoers. the patrol stepped in to assist. there were no witnesses even though 25-30 people were within a mile where this victim was found. no one else was hurt. authorities did not release the details on the extent of the victim's injuries. the harbor patrol directors at the bite in the victim was consistent with that of a great white shark. when the harbor patrol reach the surfer he was deceased. people were ordered to stay out of the water for 24 hours following yesterday's attack. the harbor patrol director tells me that although the great white shark population has rebounded over the past 25 years, fatal shark attacks and that area are very rare. the last time there was one was back in 2003. griff. griff: christina coleman live force in los angeles. thank you. anita. ♪♪ anita: president biden releasing a christmas message today. reading in part, on behalf of our family we wish a merry christmas to everyone in the united states and around the world to us celebrating the birth of jesus christ and the promise of hope and renewal. as we celebrate our first christmas in the white house, we see the world the eyes of the child born on this day of hope and love. a christmas message from the bidens. in other news, kentucky residents in dire need of help after historic outbreak of tornadoes devastated. volunteering to help those in need. stay with us. ♪♪ my zone... lowering my a1c, cv risk, and losing some weight... now, back to the game! ozempic® is proven to lower a1c. most people who took ozempic® reached an a1c under 7 and maintained it. and you may lose weight. adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. in adults also with known heart disease, ozempic® lowers the risk of major cardiovascular events such as heart attack, stroke, or death. ozempic® helped me get back in my type 2 diabetes zone. ozempic® isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. don't share needles or pens, or reuse needles. don't take ozempic® if you or your family ever had medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if allergic to it. stop ozempic® and get medical help right away if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, or an allergic reaction. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. looking to get back in your type 2 diabetes zone? 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could you share that with us? >> first of all, i met with law enforcement, the sheriff of the police, these people had all of their facilities destroyed. the mayor of the city. mayfield looks like a picture out of world war two. it is just incredible. i have not seen that kind of total destruction of a community as what you see in downtown mayfield. we had a chance to meet with people that had lost everything. the despair and the hopelessness that so many of these people feel, they just do not know what to do. there was loss of life. a number of people lost their lives in that candle factory and other areas of that city. they are grieving. this was just two weeks ago last night that these storms hit. they are grieving. they are hurting. we need to pray for the people of mayfield, pray for the people of kentucky. we are working there today. we will be there for weeks to come. these people just need our prayers. it just tugged on my heart as i met with these people and talked with them and prayed with him and try to encourage them. it will be a tough time. >> let me just say also, broadening from what they are doing on the ground, there are, perhaps, millions of americans today that are struggling to find the joy in christmas. what would you say, reverend, directly to them? >> we go in life through storms. all of us has a storm from time to time. it can be cancer, our marriage failing, storms with children, the lord jesus christ himself went through a storm on the sea of galilee when the waves went over the ship and the boat was about to sink and the disciples were afraid he was going to die. he rebuked the wind and the waves and it was calm. when you are in the boat with jesus, we do not have to worry. griff: we don't. we've got to leave it there. we have ran out of time. thank you for all you are doing. we will be right back. stay with us. ♪♪ a powerful .05% retinol that's also gentle on skin. for wrinkles results in one week. neutrogena®. for people with skin. ♪♪♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at president biden hoping to salvage their massive social spending bill in the yard. joe manchin announced he has a note on the measure in the form. welcome to fox news live, merry christmas. i am griff jacobs. anita: merry christmas, i am anita vogel. senator manchin sending his party back to the drawing board. some are wondering if people are going to break into smaller parts. alexandra hoff is live with more on this. >> some democrats say senator manchin and still be wooed by the likely courts will involve legislation being dismantled, $1.720 bill senator manchin announced he could not justify the tops of the people he represents. >> joe manchin did the right thing here, in the senate are willing to save up against their own party and do what's right i think he knows best what's good for the people of virginia, no anyone else. >> democrats are holding on to help the legislation extending the social safety net and climate action in salvage its pieces. >> let's have a plan b for what we are going to do as soon as we get back to washington and if the president's optimism is rewarded and senator manchin decides he is a yes vote on the existing build back better act, great but i don't think that's going to happen. >> by the time this came out, the president helped the market second legislative with, he spoke on it this week. >> we have passed more legislation than anybody in their first year ever, ever, ever. i haven't given up on this. >> senator joe manchin doesn't hold all the power here, the senate parliamentarian is able to act in portions of the bill if they don't align with these rules. if a boat is held which he plans to do what next month, there's a possibility other moderate democrat could follow manchin sleep. anita: so interesting. thank you, alex. griff. griff: anita, we are awaiting president biden in a special christmas message for the troops. we will be able to hear that when it happens. he's meeting virtually with service members surveying around the world. six service branches, let's listen in as we watch. >> by this commander. [laughter] >> there he is. >> sixteen weeks old. hello, everybody. mary christmas. i wanted to see you all but as joe said, he'd rather be home today. jill and i, is harder for your husband, wife, mom, dad and children to be part, on duty during a season of togetherness and we understand that. every once in a while we look at that and service for your country whether you are in iraq, both spent a year in iraq and the national guard, remember that, what it felt like and all of those birthdays and other locations and celebrations, we are not together so as your commander-in-chief, i want to take the opportunity to say thank you, i understand, i want you to know how much we care, we are grateful for your courage and sacrifice, not only your sacrifice for your family sacrifice. holidays bring into focus, it is just part of the job, a hard part of the job but it's who you are, i get criticized for saying this, a solid steel spine of the nation, we really are. always vigilant, always pretty duty calls 365 days of the year. during the holiday season as we pray for peace and spread joy, we look for hope towards the possibility of a better year and to give thanks for everything we've got, your families and to give you as much space as you need. we are going to send this by over but we have to give you so much to make prosperity possible, you are the best, your families serve alongside with you during your deployment. we are your family. as a nation, of many obligations, there's only one true obligation, equipped those and we send you into harms way, to care for you and your families while you are gone and when you return help because all of you are out there and what you are doing, americans across the nation will spend the day with blessings of security of our american democracy and we are so grateful. we've got army, navy, marine corps, spaceguard all on the line here, i'm looking forward to hearing from all of you about the work you are doing and what's on your mind and you can ask your commander-in-chief anything you want and i will try to answer. thank you. >> will take a brief pause for a moment. thank you. [silence] griff: we've been with listening to president biden and jill biden speaking with six branches of the military. sailors, soldiers, airmen, marines, coast guard men and still on the screen there, the space force as well. you're looking now at the white house where the president was. we welcome back if there is more on that to report. meanwhile, we are joined now, but bring and doctor marty makary, merry christmas. thank you for taking the time today. as we just saw, the president and first lady, issues certainly facing the president is the resurgence of the covid omicron, a lot of families trying to stay safe, let me just let you weigh in on where we stand and how families should be addressing it today and this weekend. >> worldwide we saw significant problem, 93% of the population of poor countries in the world have not received any vaccine whatsoever. the united states we got strong vaccination rates, high natural amenities rate which means there's two different issues. one, the risk of mild infection with those with immunity and those who have immunity, natural or vaccinated, we should feel good about that immune protection and then there ten or 20 million of adults with no immune protection and they are the ones still at risk coming into the hospitals very sick and filling up icu beds so we need to focus on that and at the same time, let people know they should feel good about their immune protection if they have it. griff: you mentioned feeling good, that's what i was going to ask you today, you're always gracious to come on, you are so insightful with your analysis but is there good news, is it the merck pill for pfizer pill, is there something from a bright spot in all of this darkness? >> on a policy level we are recognizing got to learn to live with the virus. ten to 25% of the population will get a respiratory infection every year and now you are seeing the recognition we can't just close things down and pointing people ten days, we are seeing the cdc for the first time thursday make a move to say use whatever quarantine. you find reasonable given your situation. the hospital or central workers, five days or whatever you believe is appropriate. that is good on the policy side. on the pharmaceutical side, we got medications that cut covid deaths 20, two of them. mark and visors cut covid deaths 20. between the two trials, zero deaths from covid in the treatment arms so that's a significant and to the pandemic in the united states once we can get it disseminated. griff: you touched on a policy issue, i think americans are thinking about it, that's the news, the healthcare workers on the front lines, quarantine five or seven days instead of ten so what about regular americans thinking about maybe they should quarantine for less time? >> i think every american is an essential worker and we see the flexibility of hospitals, a very high risk setting, we got to extend across entire society and you see that around the world, is a "wall street journal" this morning talking about misrecognizing they have to find ways to live with us. the prime minister of australia said we are going to get away from policies mandating things relying on individuals response abilities. we got to move to this reasonable approach, if you are around somebody vulnerable, be careful. if you've been exposed, wear a mask. if you have symptoms, don't show up. move away from adjudicating on every aspect of american life, more reasonable policies because we will have infections every year and we can't have restrictions like this. griff: this past week, president talking about 500 million tests but not until after the new year end we've seen lines of americans scrambling to get tested so my question is, has the administration dropped the ball as we prepare for the test, how important is ramping up testing going forward into 2022? >> certainly there's lack of preparation, i'm sympathetic to that being unaware we get a contagious virus so what i say is too little, too late but we cannot have the administration sending out mixed messages where they want people to engage in universal screening with broad screening criteria for every gathering at the same time have limited test, you cannot ration small supply of 500 million tests over couple of months when you need to to 3 billion tests a week to do mass screening protocols recommended by health officials so we've got to move away from universal testing and screening to selective testing and screening, what we have done with influenza, we don't test every one of the 41:00 p.m. we people over the course of a few months, could you imagine daily cases, we got to move toward selective testing. griff: merry christmas to you and your family, thank you for taking the time today. anita: always good to hear from doctor makary. nearly 900 flights canceled this christmas day according to the tracker flight aware, thousands remain stranded. david lee miller is at the laguardia airport with the latest on this. how is the mood there? >> people are holding up pretty well considering the fact that before they even take off, there's a great deal of turbulence for customers this christmas. from coast to coast, hundreds of flights, more than 800 today have been canceled because of shortages due to covid. this is a worldwide problem with 2500 cancellations globally, only about a third involved travel in the u.s. with little consolation if your flight is among them. delta, united and jetblue canceled at least 11% of their flights scheduled for today and that follows significant cancellations history, part of the busiest travel days of your christmas eve. many cancellations were made in advance of the scheduled flight before people left home but still, there were delays. listen to this, finally made it to salt lake city after a difficult ordeal. >> we got laid over seven hours and we slept in the nursing little room with nowhere to go we had to figure out a flight. >> traveling with a toddler can be difficult but a seven hour layover? >> to help having shortages, some countries reduced pointing time for people who tested positive, some u.s. carriers saw a similar change in u.s. regulation. this holiday season aaa has said its forecasting six and a half million americans are going to be flying, traveling right now. today, christmas day and new year's day, january 1 are the best day to take to the air because fewer people are traveling. anita: all right, david lee miller, hopefully the folks get to where they are supposed to be going. griff: no verdict yet but the jury in the humane maxwell trial over the holiday. that's when we come back. ♪♪ vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. molnupiravir former minneapolis police officer kim potter guilty of first and second degree manslaughter for her role in the police shooting of doctor wright. she's facing up to 15 years in prison, mistook her handgun for her taser and shot body camera footage and it shook the nation, it played a key part in her trial. anita: elizabeth holmes once named one of the youngest self-made billionaires for founding the blood testing company. the same outlet declaring her net worth as zero she's facing up to 20 years in prison for fraud. joining us now to discuss, criminal defense attorney, brian claypool. merry christmas to you, thank you for joining us, we love your legal insight here. this is an interesting case, hi there. elizabeth holmes was one of the most youngest entrepreneurs five or six years ago, her company promise at home blood testing kits, it almost seemed too good to be true, it turns out maybe it was she's facing 11 counts of wire fraud and conspiracy. defendant argues she did not potentially dupe people, she testified for many days in her own defense that she made mistakes, yes but she believes her devices worked. do you think the jury believed her? >> merry christmas, anita. great to see you it's interesting because elizabeth holmes probably woke up this morning and ran over her stocking over the fireplace, hoping to open it up and find an acquittal. i got an acquittal. well, she has a decent chance of having her christmas dream come true because wire fraud in california, let's talk about that, it's a really difficult charge to proof, prosecutors have to prove homes intended to deceive the investors, how do you prove that? she was on this call with investors i believe in 2134 she's making representations about the company but she has the face of the company. how do you prove to a jury that she absolutely knew the test pricking your finger and getting a blood sample will hear all of these diseases? how do you prove that? prosecutors have to prove there was a scheme that was set up by her at another to defraud these investors and that is a daunting task. real quick, let's talk about her defenses, her defenses, she has a different cult mistake of fact, that's the defense lawyers used. wait a minute, i'm pitching this company, relying on information provided by others within the company, i believe in this product, i believe we were going to get involved, i believed we were going to get contracted with the military and i was mistaken, it didn't work out but that is not fraud. anita: if you look at the people who joined her board, former u.s. secretary of state george schultz, henry kissinger and other executives, she had all of these people eating out of the palm of her hand, so charming and convincing so maybe she did make a compelling case for herself, we'll see. i want to switch over to another high profile trial, ghislaine maxwell this is a confidant of jeffrey epstein accused of enticing minors into engage in illegal sex's. she did not take the stand in her case, you and i talked about this last week, you thought was a mistake, why do you think that is? >> it is interesting because i forgot to mention holmes testified for seven days at her trial, why do you think the jury is struggling in her case? they bonded with her for seven days. the longer that goes, the more likely she will get a hung jury or acquittal but maxwell, in a child sexual abuse case, these were minors, they are not testifying as an adult. when a victim takes the stand, that is dramatic. you've got the facts wrong or the years wrong but that is difficult, victims of abuse suppress it. the only way to refute that is the he said she said. all of these victims took the stand and that's a great opportunity to get up on the stand, saying i wasn't in the room, epstein is a monster and the jury heard about that, they heard he's a bad guy, why did she say he brainwashed me as well? human belated me and it's his fault dump as his doorstop. i don't think that's going to be the case with maxwell, the best chance she's got is a hung jury and she might be convicted. anita: there must be some reason her defense team didn't put her up to testify, perhaps she's not as compelling as a defendant as elizabeth holmes. you mentioned victims being testified in this case, you think they will feel justice if maxwell is convicted even though they allegedly carry out the abuse, jeffrey epstein is dead and can never be held accountable? >> great question, i think the answer is yes. when minors are involved in sexual abuse, there is what's called a grooming process where either the molester or somebody else aiming at betting, they start treating the kids, here are some gifts, let me buy you some clothes and take you to a ballgame or concert and that's what happened. let me take you on a trip. that's called grooming and that leads up to the abuse and it's allegedly what maxwell did in the argument is for max dropping a female bonding with young females taking so way to present them to epstein on a platter in his bedroom, this might never have happened so i think there will be justice. anita: we are going to find out soon, the jury has both cases and we could hear from them next week. brian claypool, thank you for coming in today. >> you bet, merry christmas. griff: in california, this is still a big problem. people are working to find a long-term solution. find out after the break. ♪♪ historic achievement decades in the making, space telescope lifting off this morning with $10 billion joints by massa, the space agency some of the most powerful observatory in to space. telescope traveling 1 million miles away from earth as it was billions of years ago. anita. anita: with, pressure on local officials in los angeles to find solutions to the large homeless population wrapping up, we are joined by people hoping to help. chief executive officer of the peoples concerned, john put very and ka equities daniels. many are taking the time to talk with us on christmas day, appreciate it. this is the time when people watching at home right now gathered in the kitchen door around the tree getting ready for celebrations with family and friend, we take that for granted. hundreds of thousands of people around the nation for a variety of reasons, will be spending christmas on the streets. that is just the reality we live and. your organization, people concern in los angeles is one of the organizations having success with permanent supportive houses for the homeless, you have 92% retention rate, how are you doing that? >> good morning and thanks for having us on. we've been working 1994 and the reason we have high retention rate is not just providing housing but it's the wraparound services, access to care and treatment for people living with mental illness or substance addiction or chronic health problems. it's not just about getting people out, it's getting and keeping them out as well. anita: i think we have pictures of a recent housing development here in los angeles you are able to build, it's interesting with 54 converted shipping containers converted into 16 two-bedroom units, that's creative thinking. daniel, you are a private developer, you've worked with john before but i know you work on these projects, why do you take the time to team up with people like john to work on this? >> we are hoping to work with john shortly there. my background is real estate development primarily workforce housing, being in that space, i do a lot with nonprofits and public agencies to house them. over the last few years we've noticed an uptick in the need for housing units. as we got more involved in the state, we decided to see if there's a way to develop a model sustainable that addresses homeless housing and we found there is a model, the last few years we've delivered several hundred beds and seven more projects and it's being done using private capitol. anita: that is interesting. i want to go back to the pictures again of the recent development john built in downtown l.a. and the interesting things about this, let's put up the numbers on the screen, this is a development john built with flyaway homes, one third the cost at one third the time, look at the numbers. for a unit, 175,000 unit, public-private partnership versus 550,000 unit government dollars and a third of the time from 18 months versus three to five years. john, your providing wraparound services and medical services, i know you say it's a blueprint for the nation, how do you take this program and expand it nationwide? >> the way we do that is do what daniel and i are trying to do, what we have done is create and harness private capitol. we have to build faster and cheaper, we cannot scale $550,000 a unit and take three to five unit to bring a project online so we bring the private market into the equation on the front end, land acquisition for predevelopment and construction cost and we can move faster to house more people. anita: daniel, can you take this show on the road and do this around the nation? >> the short answer is yes, we are doing this in the bay area where we have purchased 100 units. housing and converting it into affordable housing serving income earners at 80% imi levels, with public at 30 to 40% of the units toward almost housing and in addition, another 40 plus units on the site and we are doing it in partnership with the city, i take my hat off to for being creative and willing to take a chance on this newer model and will deliver 210 units serving low income housing population and it's being done with private finances. anita: that is amazing and john, can you explain to people what kind of an impact is needed for someone to have a roof over their head? that is the key to solving the problem plaguing los angeles all over the nation. >> the solution to homelessness, if we don't want people living off the streets, we have to provide a place for them. this is a problem, i know it's large and retractable but it is resolvable, we are doing everything in los angeles with the project you are featuring here as well as dozens more so we can turn the tide and move people. anita: you could work on any product you want, you are a developer, you could do a high-rise luxury condo if you wanted by spending your time on this, how is it going? >> it's something i've been involved with and having now been involved with organizations like people concern, working closely with the city obviously we are a private developer and sustainability profits are a need to continue to exist but it's created a greater sense of purpose within our own company and it's something to be able to be part of a solution tackling an issue in the face of homelessness is extremely rewarding and as i got more entrenched in the state, there is a sense of obligation and civic duty to offer solution when i feel we have a model that is sustainable and can be applied across the country. anita: daniel and john, thank you for your time today and thank you for your good work and merry christmas to both of you. >> take care. griff: a belief order killed in california and while authorities believe is a shark attack. we will bring you a lift report. ♪♪ was on retirement income is complicated. as your broker, i've solved it. that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. helen knew exercise could help her diabetes. but she didn't know what was right for her. no. nope. no way. but then helen went from no to know. with freestyle libre 2, now she knows what activity helps lower her glucose. and can see what works best for her. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. freestyle libre 2. now covered by medicare for those who qualify. is now a good time for a flare-up? 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why found this organization? >> i was also homeless during my service and i was a single mother and that gave me the opportunity to see the services and gaps in services and i was a soldier 17 years. i am honoring that commitment as a veteran so it's not just because i experienced it but i have the responsibility to continue my battle outside of my uniform. griff: you've created a couple of programs, home program and safe program from explain. >> our home program is a housing program we have, transitional housing facilities for homeless women and veterans and their children in alexander, virginia. a period of up to two years and they come from all over the country and we have programs that are very vital because of the coronavirus situation, many veterans are underemployed or unemployed. emergency financial assistance in getting housing and keeping them in their homes where they just made need financial assistance to get them through. everyone is going through this pandemic situation. griff: a woman better for anyone who knows a veteran suffering like that right now on this special day, how do they get contact with you, what should they do if they are watching this? >> the first think they can do, resources locally, show them those resources, anyone can donate to our organization and i will say we have been thankful to our donors because during the pandemic, we have not had to turn one woman and her child away because of the financial assistance. helping keep their children that and keeping the lights on and helping them get gas in their cars, we are still engaged in the fight, we are still here for you and you are not alone. griff: we have a number on the bottom of our screen. 24/7 call center for homeless veterans. thank you very much, thank you for your service. i'll give you the last few seconds if you have a message you wish to share with the nation. >> family is important and we should strive to keep families together and i know we support homeless veterans and children we love our brothers in arms, my husband is a marine corps combat veteran and this is one organization to ensure all veterans are taken care of. happy holidays and thank you from the bottom of my heart. griff: thank you for your entirely services from your family. thank you. anita: of that was a great segment. thanks so much. it is dismissed day, a day to celebrate with joy and festivities, we will show you how the rest of the world is celebrating despite covid. ♪♪ ♪ what a pain in the a— —alice? ♪ if it's “let's wrap this up?” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ son of a bi— beth? if it's “i thought we said no gifts” season, it's walgreens season. ♪ ♪ you don't become a runner, who breaks eight world records... after age 65, without a serious support system. kathy martin has one in medicare from blue cross blue shield. she won't go a day without the right card. because she can't go a day without running. the medicare coverage trusted by more doctors. this is the benefit of blue. find your local blue cross and blue shield plan at . . griff: for a look at some of hour head lions. pope francis hosts christmas eve mass to a crowd of around 2,000. the number of attendees was limited due to the omicron covid surge. the smaller crowd was reminiscent of last year when the cap was 200. worshipers in bethlehem gathering for a midnight mass at the church of the nativity which houses the from toe where many people believe jesus was born. the streets were more lively, with hundreds gathered in major scare to watch drummers and bagpipers play for passers by. the seal swimming club showing taking the traditional christmas swim in the icy lake near berlin, germany. the water temperature was 37 degrees fahrenheit. the air temperature a freezing 23 degrees. ♪. anita: we'd like to close our program by sharing how our families are celebrating christmas this year. so griff, i would like to share our family christmas card. i think we have a picture of that. merry christmas from the family, my husband mark, daughter evangeline, stepchildren, mattie, jackson, lauren. we'll get together later today to have a holiday barbecue weather permitting. just celebrate the holidays. celebrate christmas. griff: amazing and gorgeous car. we're celebrating, i have my sweet 89-year-old mother, sylvia jenkins with my two daughters ma contendings sy and madeleine. my mom and i took a total toe in front of the white house. she thought would not travel again. my daughter flu down to florida to get her back. she will have a great time here. covid, we have to keep ourselves together. we're all together. that is what matters. family so very important this christmas. anita? anita: gorgeous family, thanks for sharing that, griff. that is all for us this hour. we have a little more time. we'll wrap it up, "fox news live" continues with mike emanuel. don't want to miss that. thanks for sharing two hours with me, griff. i'm anita vogel. griff: merry christmas, anita. merry christmas to mike emanuel who we hand over the reins. thanks for having us in your living rooms this holiday christmas. have a safe around special holiday. don't forget, family matters the most. mike? ♪. ♪. mike: merry christmas everyone. welcome to "fox news live." i'm mike emanuel. eric shawn, arthel neville have some time off. thanks for spending some much your holiday with us. president biden speaking with u.s. troops last hour. he thanked them for keeping us safe this christmas and everyday as they serve on u.s. s

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Ppe , Shields , Masks , Like , 80 , Security Perspective , Antibiotics , Ingredients , 80 , Business Owners , China , Mess , Segments , Ships , Jobs , Supply Chain Line , Household Needs , Job Openings , Employers , Yes , Employees , Salaries , Bonuses , Florida , Parts , 70 , Wages , 70 , Business , Consumer , Backs , Cures , Policies , Bearing , Two , End , You Bet , Panel , Story , Liberty , Safelite , Car Insurance , Throwback , Liberty Man , Service , Experts , Windshield , Girl , Singers , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , S Griff , Vaccine Card , Law , Vaccine Status , Felony , Update , Government Document , 19 , Gavin Newsom , California , Crime Spree , Smash And Grab , 21000 , 300 Million , 00 Million , Police , Liberty In American Greatness , Founder , Foundation , Strategist , Policy Analyst , Cities , Shopping , Robberies , Funds , Progressive Da In San Francisco , Reactions , Policing , Attacks , Op Ed , Response , San Francisco , Retail Theft , Progressive Reform , Crimes , Store , Types , Thefts , Recall , Reports , Knee Jerk , Shortsighted , Crime Wave , Events , Scheme , Australia , France , Germany , Great Britain , New Zealand , Dream , Anything , Anyone , Cops , Sentencing Laws , Proposition , Guidelines , Jail , Electorate , 47 , News , A Mockery , Nothing , Sign , Decline , Civilization , Fortitude , Place , Laws , Plans , Happening , Problems , Grab , 150 , Potential , 900 , President Spending Bill , Down To Earth , Reality Speed , Subject , Inaudible , State Voting Board Build , Senator Mansion , Plug , Child Tax Credits , Michalski , Primaries , Compromise , Aspects , Saving , Elements , Debt , Greeks , Italians , Sailor , Tugging , Thk , Patriotism , Ramifications , Holidays , Thanks , Shark Attack , Waves , Details , Surfer , California Beach , Kate , Verizon , More , Better , Iphone , Music , Phone , Phone Everyone Wants , Entertainment Subscriptions , Network , Iphone 13 Pro , Guy , Apple , Apple Arcade , 13 , 7 , Journey , Entertainment , Carolers , Growing Business , 1000 , 000 , Questions , Surprises , Ride , Customers , Tech Solutions , Advisor , Dell , Authorities , Great White Shark Attack , Central Coast , Bogey , Los Angeles , Married Christmas , Christina Coleman , Man , Woman Surfing Saw , Spot , Name , Beachgoers , Body , 31 , Victim , Witnesses , Patrol , Hurt , No One Else , 25 , 30 , Great White Shark , Bite , Extent , Injuries , Harbor Patrol , Harbor Patrol Directors , Director , Attack , Water , Great White Shark Population , Deceased , 24 , Shark Attacks , Area , Christina Coleman Live Force , 2003 , Jesus Christ , Message , Birth , Biden Releasing A Christmas , Promise , Reading , Behalf , Renewal , Child , White House , Need , Kentucky , Bidens , Eyes , Residents , Love , Tornadoes , Stay , Volunteering , Weight , Cv Risk , Game , Zone , Adults , Don T Take Ozempic , Heart Attack , Type 1 Diabetes , Death , Isn T , Heart Disease , Type 2 Diabetes Zone , Stroke , Share , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Needles , Lump , Swelling , Stop Ozempic , Pens , Reuse , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Side Effects , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Nausea , Dehydration , Provider , Prescription , Type 2 Diabetes , Health Care Provider , Oh , 3 , 5 , Td Ameritrade , Thinkorswim , Trading Platform , Innovation , Support , Interfaces , Trading , Level , Education , Orders , Charts , Perspective , Trading Experience , Style , Trade Desk , You Trade Forever , Arkansas Hard , 1600 , Homeowners , Samaritans , Homesites , Trees , Community , Rubble , Kinds , Yards , Lunch , 2000 , 1700 , Gym , Kitchen , High School , Lap , Food , Sins , Cross , God , Life , Faith , Presence , Trust , Eternity , Disclosure , Honor , Viewers , Oklahoma , Light , Darkness , Jesus , Statement , Tornado , Points , Scripture , Samaritans Purse , Interaction , Any , Arkansas , Volunteers , Facilities , Mayor , Law Enforcement , Sheriff , Downtown Mayfield , Chance , Kind , Picture , World War Two , Loss , Hopelessness , Despair , Lives , Areas , Candle Factory , Storms Hit , Prayers , Joy , Broadening , Reverend , All Of Us , Cancer , Storms , Marriage Failing , Ship , Storm On The Sea Of Galilee , Disciples , Wind , Ran Out Of Time , We Don T , Retinol , Powerful , Skin , Wrinkles Results , Neutrogena , Senator Manchin , Yard , Note , Measure , Courts , 720 , 1 720 , Virginia , Tops , Anyone Else , Action , Climate , Pieces , Plan B , Optimism , The Market Second Legislative With , Parliamentarian , Haven T , Doesn T , Alex , Possibility , Democrat , Manchin Sleep , Troops , Biden In A Special Christmas , Members , Meeting , Commander , Service Branches , Laughter , Joe Said , Mary Christmas , Wife , Jill Biden , Sixteen , Duty , Togetherness , Birthdays , National Guard , Iraq , Opportunity , Celebrations , Commander In Chief , Sacrifice , We Care , Family Sacrifice , Courage , Focus , Spine , Spread , Peace , Space , Prosperity , Deployment , Care , Obligation , Obligations , Democracy , Security , Blessings , Army , Doing , Hearing , Mind , Spaceguard , Marine Corps , Navy , Pause , Screen , Marines , Military , Listening , Branches , Space Force , Soldiers , Sailors , Silence , Coast Guard , Airmen , Doctor Makary , Saw , Resurgence , First Lady , Population , Vaccine , Vaccination Rates , Countries , 93 , Protection , Infection , Immunity , Amenities , Hospitals , 20 Million , Ten , Feeling Good , Merck Pill , Analysis , Pfizer Pill , Policy Level , Move , Cdc For The First Time , Recognition , Use , Situation , Hospital , Quarantine , Medications , Policy Side , 20 , Treatment , Trials , Husband Mark , Visors , Zero , Pandemic , Policy Issue , Significant , Healthcare Workers , Essential Worker , Seven , Society , Around The World , Flexibility , Risk Setting , Wall Street Journal , Approach , Somebody , Ways , Individuals , Abilities , Prime Minister , Infections , Symptoms , Mask , Aspect , Adjudicating , Don T Show Up , Restrictions , 500 Million , Testing , Ball , Lack , Preparation , Screening , Messages , Supply , Gathering , Screening Criteria , Screening Protocols , Health Officials , 3 Billion , Influenza , Course , 41 , Tracker Flight , Mood , Turbulence , Coast To , Flight , Consolation , 2500 , 800 , Ordeal , Delays , Advance , Salt Lake City , Traveling , Nowhere , Nursing , Change , Layover , Toddler , Regulation , Half , Flying , January 1 , Jury , Trial , Verdict , Humane Maxwell , Relief , Congestion , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Vicks Sinex , Noses , Molnupiravir , Kim Potter , Prison , Degree Manslaughter , Handgun , Shot , Role , Police Shooting , Taser , Minneapolis , Doctor Wright , 15 , Elizabeth Holmes , Holmes , Camera , Footage , Fraud , Billionaires , Blood Testing Company , Outlet , Net Worth , Criminal Defense Attorney , Case , Brian Claypool , Insight , Hi There , Company , Defendant , Counts , Conspiracy , Wire Fraud , Blood Testing Kits , Defense , Mistakes , Devices , Acquittal , Fireplace , Stocking , Homes , Prosecutors , Charge , Dream Come True Because Wire Fraud In California , Proof , Let S Talk , Investors , Face , Call , Representations , 2134 , Finger , Diseases , Blood Sample , Defenses , Mistake , Task , Defense Lawyers , Cult , Product , Others , Information , Secretary Of State , Executives , Her Board , Didn T Work Out , George Schultz , Henry Kissinger , Ghislaine Maxwell , Jeffrey Epstein , Profile Trial , Hand , Confidant , Palm , Sex , The Stand , Minors , Hung Jury , Abuse , Stand , Adult , Victims , Facts , Epstein , Monster , Bad Guy , Doorstop , Fault Dump , Human Belated , Reason , Didn T , Defense Team , Answer , Justice , Maxwell , Sexual Abuse , Betting , Molester , Grooming Process , Gifts , Concert , Ballgame , , Clothes , Kids , Females , Grooming , Trip , Bonding , Argument , Max Dropping A , Platter , Bedroom , Making , Space Telescope , Achievement , Space Agency , Observatory , Joints , Massa , 10 Billion , 0 Billion , Homeless Population Wrapping Up , Officials , Earth , 1 Million , Peoples , Chief Executive Officer , John Put Very And Ka Equities Daniels , On Christmas Day , Tree , Organization , Streets , Organizations , Homeless , Houses , Variety , Success , Retention Rate , 92 , Housing , Substance , Addiction , Mental Illness , Wraparound , 1994 , Health Problems , Housing Development , Shipping Containers , 54 , Development John Built , Projects , Developer , Thinking , Units , Daniel And John , 16 , Real Estate Development , Background , Workforce Housing , Nonprofits , Housing Units , Agencies , Uptick , Model , Capitol , Beds , Downtown L A , Unit , Public Private Partnership Versus 550000 Unit , 550000 , 175000 , Blueprint , 18 , Is , Project , Land Acquisition , Construction , Equation , 50000 , On The Road , Levels , Serving Income Earners , Bay Area , Imi , Partnership , Hat , Addition , Site , Finances , 210 , Head , Key , Impact , Homelessness , Problem , Resolvable , Tide , Dozens , Condo , Sustainability , Profits , Purpose , Both , Belief , Take Care , Lift Report , Retirement Income , Broker , Penalties , Fee , Carl , Schwab Intelligent Income , Portfolio , Cool , Schwab , Simple , Helen , Exercise , Wealth Management , Activity , Glucose Levels , Glucose , Medicare , Crohn S , Medication , Flare Up , Moderate , Ulcerative Colitis , Stelara , Intestine , Inflammation , Surface , Serious , Uc , Doctor , Sores , Tb , Pres , Lung Inflammation , Remission , Skin Growths , Brain Condition , Janssen , Cost Support Options , Variant , Shots , Appetite , Study , Booster , Researchers , Bogey Border , Body Facedown Boogie Boarding , Woman , Mile , Else , Authorities Didn T , Order , Scene , Women Veterans , Country , Final Salute Inc , Try A Little Kindness , Greetings , Typhoon , Death Toll , Audi , Philippines , 375 , Solutions , Population Homeless , Survivors , Roman Catholic , Veterans , Tens Of Thousands , Jazz , Mistrust , Homelessness Services , Account , Va , Hud , Obstacle , Stresses , Hands , Brothers , War , Motto , Mother , Gaps , Commitment , Veteran , My Battle Outside Of Uniform , Soldier , Responsibility , 17 , Programs , Housing Program , Home Program , Couple , Transitional Housing Facilities , Alexander , Emergency Financial Assistance , Unemployed , Assistance , Contact , Suffering , Resources , Donors , Gas , Lights , Cars , Bottom , Call Center , 24 7 , Brothers In Arms , Combat , Care Of , Rest , Festivities , Alice , Runner , Without A Serious Support System , World Records , Son , Bi , Beth , 65 , Eight , Kathy Martin , Card , Running , Coverage , Blue Cross Shield , Benefit , Doctors , Blue , Lions , Pope Francis , Crowd , Cap , Attendees , Omicron Covid Surge , 200 , Worshipers In Bethlehem Gathering , Toe , Scare , Midnight Mass , Church Of The Nativity , Passers , Water Temperature , Play , Drummers , Bagpipers , Icy Lake , Seal Swimming Club , Berlin , Air Temperature , 23 , 37 , Daughter Evangeline , Holiday Barbecue Weather Permitting , Mattie , Stepchildren , Lauren , Jackson , Sylvia Jenkins , Daughters , Front , Amazing And Gorgeous Car , Madeleine , Contendings Sy , 89 , Back , Daughter , Gorgeous Family , Griff , Holiday Christmas , Rooms , Reins , Merry Christmas Everyone , Arthel Neville , Eric Shawn ,

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