Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

confounding antics and ceaseless wanderings we would have had less material. laura: our first clip is the perfect tribute to president biden's unintended comedic prowess. i know you were closely watching biden's public events today. what did you see? >> with biden i always say it is not what he says, it is what we see the telltale. today the president was demanding everyone get vaccinated and boosted the to avoid the new covid variant but apparently routinely touching orifices is not a covid risk at the white house. just watch? >> there are 3 messages about the new variant. the best vaccine in the world and now we are seeing deaths come down. we are going to fight and beat this new variant as well. a fully vaccinated, boosted person is the most protected against covid. raymond: the vaccine is not enough, you need to be a booster person, united multiple boosters if you go near the president. preschoolers don't touch their noses and eyes and bows as much as he does. i've never seen anything like it. laura: he looked like he fell asleep during that. i thought is he still with us? i am your burster person always. i'm always going to be on your corner in your corner, your booster person. >> a different take on booster person, the white house shared the annual christmas decorations with the media along with the usual trees and garland there was a gingerbread white house surrounded by buildings meant to represent first responders but i found it curious that the bakers would include a prominent gas station right in front of the white house. why would they remind people about gas? fuel is 60% more expensive than it was a year ago. this would be like the carters putting little gingerbread hostages next to their white house of the clintons adding gummy female interns around the white house. why would you want to commemorate it? >> did you have to say gummy female interns? did you write that line. a horrible image. that is -- i can see the little $7.25 a gallon. if you look closely you see where they want gas prices to go, look closely. >> you can't depict that in gingerbread. it has got to be digital as you get to the west wing. also today the president met with ceos to show he's on top of the supply chain crisis. only someone else ran the meeting and you would swear biden has never been to the white house. >> brian will moderate, but i intervene with questions. isn't this a pretty place? >> isn't this pretty? like he has never been there before in his life, this is why, moments like this that explains the slipping whole numbers and the federal trade commission after he met with the ceos or didn't, the federal trade commission demanded all these large retailers hand over their files to try to explain their study look into why those shelves are empty, they will try to blame these retailers before it is over for the supply chain crisis. watch. raymond: also in dc, i'm always looking for the cultural edge. the smithsonian has unveiled the future exhibit at the arts and industries building. it may not be a future any of us care to visit. according to just the news, one kiosk asks visitors when there might be a single global government, you can choose between 10 years to never. my question is why would an american institute funded by taxpayers suggest that a one world government is ever an acceptable vision for the future, who would plant that idea in the minds of tourists, children and visitors? it is crazy. laura: to george soros for the exhibit? brought to you by the kids behind the great reset? is that what it says? >> i will explain who funded it in just a second. this is a new genderless voice assistant, this is at the smithsonian, for your phone. you can make the voice more feminine or more masculine depending on your preference. >> i am the world's first genderless voice assistant, think of me like. or alexa but neither male or female. i'm created for a future where we are no longer defined by gender but rather how we define ourselves. raymond: just what we need, another faceless queue that is normally anonymous but has no gender. the gender fluid one world future comes courtesy of ford oracle, amazon web services, comcast nbc but the nfl who are sponsors of this lovely vision of the future, can't wait to dive in. laura: i also didn't like the talking friday good, the fried egg talking. i am uncomfortable. that creeps me out and i'm going to have nightmares. the next segment was almost like something out of the movies. raymond: it had everything from romance to a villain to america's favorite dog. watch. >> the mod displays from the white house crew that caught your attention. >> it seems as if spring has unleashed the romantic in everyone. may all of us live long enough to get the reaction kamala harris got from her husband when she appeared before the joint address to congress. ♪♪ raymond: either he is the most slaphappy lovesick romantic ever or the most insecure spouse in dc. whatever the case you don't need to do a home i'm act of devotion and love and all of that. when you have to work that hard after many years of marriage something is wrong. can you invite doctor phil to explain this to me? i don't mind the affection but the gratuitous -- we don't care and don't need to see it. laura: get a room as i would say. >> a big empty one. laura: a romantic setting with 200 people nodding off in the room. what else? qubit also struck president biden on his way out to what was it, marine one? raymond: it was a sweet gesture, maybe the poor man didn't know. neil: didn't try to pick a lemon off of jill's dress. it reminded me that touching movie moment when frankenstein shares daisies with the little girl by the lake. he was a bit confused too and so, america was the media. abc, the hill, all fond over this moment. reuters put it this way, ever the romantic, president biden picked a dandelion from the grass and presented it to first lady jill biden. i am glad they are in love. i hope they are in love. my problem is the media attention to this was what is really is is heartwarming filler so they don't have to cover $6 trillion of proposed spending, $480 billion to the abortion industry in america. that is hardly romantic and we haven't touched on the $80 billion to the irs to try to get more taxes from people, this is not a good day. laura: there was a related issue. during obama we call to the razzle-dazzle when they were due date night or have the romantic moment in the driveway, that was all covered but trump and milania could be making out in the rose garden, you know what i mean? raymond: a full moon that night. because this story that we saw today again is about distracting people, in the worst in media earlier this may have been the best, nbc is keeping those important narratives in the forefront of people's minds when it comes to biden. watch. >> there's a question millions of americans have been wondering for a number of weeks now. major. the first dog. >> president biden: we were going to bring him in to see. >> is he back in the white house? >> he is such a sweet lovable dog. >> the first family was adopting a cat. >> waiting in the wings. she is waiting in the wings. >> major biden had trouble adjusting and now he's going to be forced to continue with a cat as well. >> that was part of his training. laura: when we had socks the cat and bow the dog with the obamas, now we have major and champ with the bidens. these are shiny objects to distract you from what is really going on. the dog may not be the only member of the biden household who has been trained. listen to these two admissions from the president this week. ♪♪ >> president biden: looking for my mask. i'm in trouble. >> president biden: the last question i will take or i'm really going to be in trouble. >> he's the president of the united states. yc in trouble for talking to reporters and losing a mask. this lends credibility to the suspicion the staff is programming this presidency and maybe even bullying the president himself. it is only wrong, it is cool. ashley: city find the mass? >> president biden: he found it, it was written in his binder. he didn't get in trouble, probably got an extra dandelion or two from the white house. laura: we would not be complete without biden blunders. laura: we received so much feedback, people crying with laughter. laura: it was kind of scary when he got behind the wheel. >> let's get right into it. biden gave a big commencement speech at the coast guard -- academy -- >> president biden: i want to thank you. lieutenant commander -- i am going to embarrass her. janice mc crone of the class of 2007. square your metal. you have to make sure that women have a chance to succeed and thrive throughout their careers. raymond: this was a mess of an address, slurs and stumbles, forgotten names throughout and biden tried to reuse an old ronald reagan line. here is the original followed by the reboot. >> the coast guard is the hard nucleus about which the navy forms in time of war. >> president biden: the coast guard is the hard nucleus around the navy forms in times of war. you are a really dull class. can come on, man. is this on getting to you? i would think you would have an opportunity when i say that about the navy you clap. >> i see a sign. what did he think he was going to be received as? david schwimmer at the friends reunion? the man was dropping words, first you never do as a performer is blame the audience when your jokes don't land. it is not their fault. it failed because biden dropped the middle of the line. you heard when reagan's that it. the plagiarized line didn't make sense since that's at the cadets. this is apparently a pattern. just five days ago the new york times ran a story, bunnies president biden's folksy demeanor, a short fuse and up session with details. according to the report, annoyances prompt an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity. laura: the elderly get that sundowner syndrome later in the day, you lose a little bit of your perspective. he got frustrated with the cadets and should i think maybe next time performing for his actual base, the media has he did a new electric truck the other day. >> no, you can't. step on it. >> the test driver. raymond: the best everything ever. even when threatened, those reporters, got even points. when i saw biden behind the wheel i thought we were in for an olivia soprano moment. look out below. reagan and biden, reagan was 77 and that by, biden is 78, look at the difference. >> it may not be joe but jill biden people need to look at, look at the new politico story. >> reporting on a new book and remember the debate were kamala harris charged biden with racism. according to this book, doctor jill laid into him on the call was supported saying kamala, quote, go to yourself, she said the word, the first lady's office is not commenting, they did say it was a historical administration and they are making history. speaking of history did you see the famous wax museum in paris, they are unveiling a new figure of president biden, did you see? come on, guys, that is not the wax figure. i knew they put up the wrong clip because the wax figure is so lively and fresh and young. >> doesn't mess up the pronunciation so much. the wax figures always scare me, they are terrifying. biden on waxed looks terrifying. >> a joker look about it. i don't like the mouth. >> look like a halloween mask, thank you for that to the image i won't get out of my head. tv hosts, parents, authors, we both have great producers but this year we took on a different role. >> we became tick-tock stars which are viral moment is up next. you do not want to miss this, you don't want to miss this. .. >> that vega cnn piece over the weekend, kamala harris teen in that big cnn piece kamala harris's allies complain she has been sidelined by the white house. >> jen psaki disputed that claiming the vp is a valued member of the team but the start of the infrastructure signing ceremony told a different tale. >> please welcome heather curtinbok. >> in a moment. >> he didn't even get an introduction. she had to elbow her way to the front of lawmakers to get in the photos. it is no mystery why kamala harris has been cast aside. her poll numbers are 10 below and was probably hired so he could have job you're ready but the cnn piece claims she was a victim of sexism and racism. all you have to do is watch her performance in france to know why she was sidelined. this could be titled build back bluster. see if you can fall any of this. >> we must together work together to see where we are, where we are headed, where we are going, and our vision where we should be but also see it as a moment together, to address the challenges and to work on the opportunities presented by this moment. >> what else are you going to do to fix this problem? >> let's start with this. prices have gone up. >> in that hang time, interest rates went up. could she take any more time. >> remember they use to ridicule dan quayle, they would camera him morning, noon and night. takes my breath away. she's been hanging around biden too long. remember the new york times said was one of the worst campaigns they had ever seen, presidential campaigns. maybe kamala has been hanging out with biden too long. this is from today. >> president biden: a couple of my friends will be coming out here, i'm told, cabinet members, but here we go. we are there, buddy. jill is a hero, attorney general. what we got. >> they are worried about high-speed internet, i'm worried about slow speed presidents and vice presidents, that might be the leash on tv but the most-watched is yellowstone, 14.7 million people watched the premiere of that kevin costner show, king lear said in the west, bonanza meets yellow, there's a reason people are in love with this. it is an antidote to the politics and all those woke storylines in so many shows today. i was watching an episode of you where measles came up. laura: went i mentioned measles? raymond: i don't know. it was on you. laura: what was on me, what are you talking about? i never had the measles. >> it was on you. >> we never did a measles and vaccine episode. is this a joke? laura: raymond: he was on you. laura: i never had measles, what are you talking about? raymond: it was an episode of the show. laura: what are called? raymond: it is a so-called you on netflix. laura: is a so-called lure ingrail netflix? raymond: i can't explain this to you. this was covered by rolling stone, the guardian, people magazine and so many others, the tick-tock video was viewed nearly 30 million times, many asked the same question, was it real? so we decided to set the record straight. people have asked the question for days, was it real, was it scripted, everybody has an opinion, even you actually, the actor chimed in tweeting definitely a but, his delivery is great. laura: andy richter tweeted the fact that people are actually laughing at laura ingraham, that whole thing makes me feel i wasted the last 35 years of my life. his delivery is great. >> people are asking was it real or was it scripted. laura: what do you think? >> i think people are craving something authentic and real and got a bit of that. laura: there are a lot of liberals out there who don't like conservatives having fun. that is the thing. i think they haven't gotten a laugh in 30 years and we practiced 30 seconds and got 20 million views on youtube as we can't match don rickles but whatever the case with all the publicity, the show you should be really happy. >> the show me and the private me are really happy. laura: the show you. laura: this is so stupid now. the show you because all the publicity they got. raymond: the show me and the private me is doing fine. laura: there's a lot of pressure with this crowd as you've got to go on the road. if there's one thing everyone on the team knows is i do not do well with insects. >> except the spider saved christmas. >> the floods of never stopped. >> christmas eves. >> it truly -- fine but by raymond's fire book. i really dislike bugs and raymond saw an opportunity to prank me when he covered this. i go outside today to walk the dog and i was this close to swallowing a cicada and you know how i scream at bugs. it is horrifying. we've got to get past the cicadas. >> the white house press had its own was with cicadas. they were headed for the uk, stuck on the tarmac for hours last night due to the cicadas warming dc. only when the potomac starts running red and the frogs show up. i will be there for that and this morning and is waiting with the pesky bugs attacked the commander-in-chief, secret service did not intervene but cnn was giddy. >> a cicada. >> was that really -- >> president biden: i just got one. it got me. >> he brought the cicadas. the first presidential cicada we have on record. >> i can't even with the cicadas. >> not the first presidential cicada interaction. that cnn show has given cicadas more coverage than a piece summit. in a desperate quest for ratings, breanna q is covered these things. they should never be covered in this way. you will see what i mean. >> the fungus causes cicadas buts and genitals to fall off and leaves these red eyed beggars in fertile and yet still staggeringly horny. if you ever wondered what cicadas taste like that. raymond: the crunch. >> the thing hanging out of my mouth is literally in there. raymond: of the morning thing doesn't work out she could be a judge on master chef. eating in a level things without retching, but this pushes things too far. laura: there's nothing that would make me a cicada but they did spend -- they will spend more time on the cicada storm in china's impending swarm. raymond: biden did escape the cicada swarm and brought his trademark band of speechmaking to the uk. >> president biden: democratic ideals, a vision of the future where every voice matters. where the rights, where the rights of all people. with the us army air force formed the 100 bombardment group. by the way, just so you know, my uncle -- i keep forgetting i am president. >> this must be very reassuring to the allies. given his waving sanctions against russia for the pipeline in germany they all probably have forgotten he is president as well or maybe they are trying to. >> when we lecture the troops about the military history they just learned, the normandy anniversary -- >> no mention of normandy. he didn't mention it on the 70 seventh anniversary. he says the greatest threat to the us security is climate change. it is actually national change of dominance in the world and speaking of england, the queen who biden will meet this weekend is being canceled at oxford university. graduate students voted to remove queen elizabeth's portrait from a common room at magdalen college citing her ties to britain's colonial history. not surprisingly the grad who called the vote to cancel the queen was a visiting american from maryland. >> it does not surprise me in the slightest. will president biden dared to meet with the epitome of colonization and domination this weekend? come on, man. >> president biden: >> the bricks they declare is a colony and just to teach us some civility. >> is a true the lis pendens gotten controversial, they did not give permission for the name of it was her nickname? raymond: a crazy name. weight. is there -- should i put this -- what should i do with this. laura: raymond swatter -- you know -- raymond knows the fica bug i can't help but scream. this was not planned, so don't think it was planned. i officially hate you, so embarrassed. coming up, a cnn analyst caught with his pants down. raymond exposes the dirty details next. i will bless those who bless you here in israel and across the former soviet union there are thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. they're helping abandoned holocaust survivors. we want to be with them in their time of need and you can do that with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". wherever in the world the jewish people have the greatest need our spiritual mandate is to feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans. please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". >> welcome to fox news live, pope francis celebrate christmas eve mass despite covid surge in italy, for the second anaerobically says new cases top 50,000, 2000 worshipers joining in st. peter's basilica going masksless despite a new vaccine mandate by the vatican, sistine chapel choir kicking off christmas at the vatican. travel restrictions on 8 african countries lifted new year's eve, to blunt the spread of the omicron variant. the white house as the temporary travel restrictions were imposed to give scientists time to study the new covid variant of the world health organization's were critical the travel ban saying it has been effective. all non-us citizens who visited the eight countries. now back to the ingraham angle special. laura: you spied a theme in the cultural news. >> this week marked the welcome end, unwelcome return of some familiar faces. remember legal analyst jeffrey toobin was tossed off the air at cnn after he disgraced himself during a zoom call, this week cnn brought him back and it was an awkward reentry. >> i feel like we should address what happened in the month since we have seen you. you were on a zoom call with your colleagues from new yorker magazine. everyone took a break for several minutes during which time you were caught masturbating on camera. he was subsequently fired from that job after 27 years of working there and since then have been on leave from cnn. to quote jay lehto, what the hell were you thinking? >> obviously i wasn't thinking very well or very much and it was something that was inextricable to me. i didn't think i was on the call. i didn't think anybody could see me. >> he seems to have things well in hand. if people are looking for partisan legal analysis, tube and is not one for pulling of the most obvious thing, he digs around to find something original and is willing to explain it to the audience no matter the consequences. what is cnn thinking? where is accountability, where our standards as we will get into it, rick santorum was booted recently from cnn. laura: is a true kids are using the phrase youtubeing now? >> should be. laura: i don't even have words for this. if the shoe were on the other for hands on the other sure i don't know what we would say. laura: i didn't know the camera was on. is this normal operating procedure at the tube and household, in between zoom calls and meetings in the middle of the living room, something is seriously wrong. laura: then it is totally fine, you didn't think the camera was on. the fourth amendment issue we were on today, the subject. >> speaking of comebacks, harrison ford was spotted shooting the fifth indiana jones movie this weekend, he was 78 years old. at that age you might call this indiana jones and the raiders of the lost project. a cancellation controversy swirling around the character owing to the scene. >> i learned to hate you in the last 10 years. >> i never meant to hurt you. >> i was a child, i was in love, it was wrong and you knew it. >> you know what you are doing. >> now i do. raymond: there have been charges he had an inappropriate relationship with an underage girl but karen allen, the actress says in the movie she imagined the girl she played was 16. but who cares? it never says they had relations. it is amazingly hold fictional characters to a higher standard than we hold real people and networks for instance. laura: how many networks execs and newspaper editors have huge age gaps between he and she, they don't care about it. now a movie is a problem? these people are the biggest hypocrites ever and the biggest standard across the board. raymond: we don't want it to become indiana jones and the last cancellation. another character, familiar, beloved character returning to screen three years after tyler perry announced he was retiring his medea character. >> coming back, can't wait to take it. raymond: like arthur conan doyle trying to kill sherlock holmes off only to bring it back after the audience demanded it. hard to let beloved characters go so medea will return on netflix, perry says the country needs to laugh but there could be another motivation. a great movie title, medea's big happy paycheck. laura: who predicted this? raymond: you did. years ago. laura: medea is awesome. i love all the medea movie that he should never have entertained that idea. a shared final concert never comes. it is always another concert. it is part of the promotion. it is patently ridiculous. chaos ensued and raymond took over the ingraham angle for one night this year, you don't want to miss it. laura: earlier this year i took a measly day off -- still, he soldiered on. this is what happened. >> what happened to your voice? you've got a sore throat. it sounds worse than you feel. it happens to me but it goes right for the vocal cords. and it i'm going to step aside and jason will take over. i will be back next week. >> hope you feel better. you look fine. raymond arroyo -- and i experienced this. laura: really guest host to need a guest host. >> we need a host with a voice. are you available? laura: it is live when it happened. >> you've not stopped ridiculing him and giving him hell. laura: how do you know me? >> i've known you for 25 years. laura: enough from you. >> is raymond arroyo mad at you? >> just because you got his subbing off by two weeks, no problem. >> you had been on vacation. >> he is good. are you not going to bring up raymond arroyo again? you seem to have a session with that. >> hannity got -- a poster bag. can i cut in here? i have a little interruption. i need a graphic made that says arroyo held hostage today 14. the full investigation. it is going to be mean and ruthless, and we've all been through this. when we got on air -- laura: how does it explain anthony fauci's voice? >> i made the best of it. trying to keep the seat warm and retain the shape of the show. is jason chaffetz here. laura: when we come back our christmas eve message. hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. laura: that is it for us. do you have anything to say? raymond: this is christmas eve when life came into the world. i'm thankful because a lot of people embrace this and allow us to be part of their lives. as we bring our coverage to folks, that is an honor. laura: every night people make a decision to watch or not watch. how do you not watch? what else are you doing? the sock drawer can only be cleaned so many times. we are very blessed and we take that for granted. we all do. we go about our busy lives and take it all for granted and we need to remember this gift of freedom and liberty takes a lot to win it and takes a lot, probably more, to preserve each generation. reagan always said that, every generation has a battle to fight. we meant that rhetorically before everyone started jumping on christmas eve, it is a battle that could keep all the memories of our history alive and by the way if your tree is missing an ornament, every inch of raymond's -- freedom matters ornament, get one in time for next year, go to everything is here, all the proceeds go to the big oak ranch. thank you for watching this special edition of the in the graham angle, it is america now and forever, happy and merry christmas. greg gutfeld. lled takes it all from here. ♪ >> merry christmas, everyone. i can confidently say that his home right now very drunk enjoining his bottle of wine fo the day. that doesn't mean you can't hav fun with me from earlier this week. we had a bunch of awesome shows over the past few months. i picked a few of my favorites to share tonight. recently kat timpf said she wanted to be on s

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Little Girl , The Hill , Abc , Dandelion , Grass , Problem , Media Attention , Filler , Trillion , 6 Trillion , Haven T , Irs , Taxes , Spending , Abortion Industry , 80 Billion , 0 Billion , 480 Billion , Issue , Driveway , Razzle Dazzle , Trump , Rose Garden , Milania , Full Moon , Story , Worst , Best , Question Millions , Forefront , Narratives , Number , Trouble , Cat , Waiting In The Wings , Part , Training , Member , Bidens , Household , Champ , Socks , Obamas , Admissions , Objects , Two , Mask , Reporters , President Of The United States , Credibility , Yc , Presidency , Staff , Suspicion , Ashley , Binder , Blunders , City Find The Mass , Commencement Speech , Laughter , Feedback , Behind The Wheel , Coast Guard , Academy , Lieutenant Commander , Class , Women , Chance , Mc Crone , Metal , 2007 , Careers , Navy , Nucleus , Ronald Reagan , War , Mess , Names , Original , Stumbles , Slurs , Reboot , Times , Opportunity , Words , Man , Sign , Friends Reunion , David Schwimmer , Audience , Performer , Fault , Middle , Don T Land , Plagiarized Line Didn T Make Sense , New York Times , Cadets , Pattern , Fuse , Demeanor , Ran A Story , Bunnies , Five , Details , Report , Frustration , Profanity , Outburst , Annoyances , Perspective , Sundowner Syndrome , Electric Truck , Base , Step , Test Driver , Wheel , Points , Olivia Soprano Moment , 77 , 78 , Book , Difference , Politico Story , Debate , Reporting , Call , Racism , History , Office , Figure , Word , Administration , Quote , The First Lady , Paris , Famous Wax Museum , Wax Figure , Come On , Guys , Wax Figures , Doesn T , Pronunciation , Mouth , Tv Hosts , Halloween Mask , Joker , Head , Authors , Parents , Tick Tock , Role , Producers , Cnn , Piece , Allies , Vp , Teen , Big , Jen Psaki , Team , Start , Tale , Infrastructure Signing Ceremony , Heather Curtinbok , Introduction , Mystery , Photos , Lawmakers , Cast , Job , Performance , Poll Numbers , Victim , Sexism , France , Build Back Bluster , Opportunities , Challenges , Interest Rates , Prices , Morning Noon And Night , Breath , Dan Quayle , Campaigns , Friends , Cabinet Members , Couple , Buddy , Attorney General , Presidents , Vice Presidents , Internet , Speed , Tv , Leash , Show , Bonanza , Premiere , Reason , West , Kevin Costner , Is Yellowstone , King Lear , 14 7 Million , Shows , Measles , Episode , Antidote , Storylines , Politics , I Don T Know , Joke , Netflix , Lure Ingrail Netflix , Guardian , Others , People Magazine , Video , Rolling Stone , 30 Million , Everybody , Record , Opinion , Actor Chimed , Thing , Delivery , Tweeting , Fact , My Life , Andy Richter , 35 , Lot , Fun , Liberals , Conservatives , Laugh , Match , Don Rickles , Views , 30 , 20 Million , Publicity , Fine , The Show Me , Pressure , On The Road , Crowd , Saved Christmas , Insects , Floods , Raymond S Fire Book , Christmas Eves , Bugs , Saw , Cicadas , Cicada , Tarmac , Uk , Morning , Red , Potomac , Frogs , Cicadas Warming Dc , Secret Service , Commander In Chief , Things , Coverage , Quest , Interaction , Summit , Ratings , Breanna Q , Fungus , Beggars , Buts , Genitals , Doesn T Work Out , Taste , Master Chef , Judge , The Crunch , Nothing , Eating , Retching , Swarm , Storm , China S , Speechmaking , Trademark Band , Voice Matters , Democratic Ideals , Rights , Us Army Air Force , Bombardment Group , 100 , Uncle , Pipeline , Waving , Sanctions , Russia , Troops , Normandy , Germany , Change , Threat , Mention , Security , Climate Change , 70 , Queen , Queen Elizabeth , Dominance , Portrait , Students , Common Room , Magdalen College , England , Oxford University , Grad , Vote , Slightest , Visiting American , Maryland , Colony , Colonization , Domination , Epitome , Bricks , Lis Pendens , Name , Civility , Nickname , Weight , Permission , Fica Bug , Scream , Analyst , Pants , Coming Up , Jews , Thousands , Destitute , Israel , Soviet Union , Ramzia , Food , Refridgerator , Holocaust Survivor , Gift , Help , 25 , 5 , Smile , Comfort , International Fellowship Of Christians And Jews , Impact , Survivors , Save Lives , Holocaust , Yael Eckstein , Work , Survival Food Box , Volunteer , I Will Save A Life Today , One Dollar , Mandate , Orphans , Widows , People Israel , Fox News Live , Cases , Surge , Going Masksless , Pope Francis , Peter S Basilica , Italy , Second Anaerobically , Worshipers Joining In St , 2000 , 50000 , Travel Restrictions , Spread , Countries , Vaccine Mandate , Vatican , Sistine Chapel Choir , 8 , Travel Ban , World Health Organization , Citizens , Theme , Ingraham Angle Special , Eight , Zoom Call , Air , Return , End , Faces , Jeffrey Toobin , Colleagues , Reentry , New Yorker Magazine , Break , Leave , Masturbating On Camera , 27 , Quote Jay Lehto , Anybody , What The Hell , Tube , Analysis , Hand , Thinking , Accountability , Consequences , Standards , Phrase Youtubeing , Rick Santorum , Camera , Other , Hands , Sure , Shoe , Procedure , Zoom Calls , Meetings , The Living Room , Subject , Amendment , Comebacks , Harrison Ford , Character , Project , Raiders , Controversy Swirling , Scene , Indiana Jones , Child , Karen Allen , Girl , Charges , Relationship , Characters , Newspaper Editors , Relations , Instance , Networks , Age Gaps , Execs , 16 , Standard , Board , Hypocrites , Cancellation , Medea , Tyler Perry , Familiar , Three , Coming Back , Country , Beloved Characters Go So Medea Will Return On Netflix , Motivation , Movie Title , Sherlock Holmes , Arthur Conan Doyle , Paycheck , Concert , Medea Movie , Chaos , Promotion , He Soldiered On , Sore Throat , Vocal Cords , Jason , Hope You , Guest Host , Raymond Arroyo , Host , Ridiculing , No Problem , Is Raymond Arroyo Mad , Subbing , Vacation , Hannity Got , Interruption , Session , Graphic , 14 , Investigation , Anthony Fauci , Shape , Seat , Jason Chaffetz , Message , Hydration , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Bond , Skin , Lives , Night People , Honor , Folks , Decision , Sock Drawer , Battle , Generation , Freedom , Liberty , Tree , Memories , Ornament , Proceeds , Big Oak Ranch , Angle , Merry Christmas , America Now And Forever , Lled , Greg Gutfeld , Hav , Bottle , Kat Timpf , Few , Bunch , Favorites ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Ingraham Angle 20240709

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confounding antics and ceaseless wanderings we would have had less material. laura: our first clip is the perfect tribute to president biden's unintended comedic prowess. i know you were closely watching biden's public events today. what did you see? >> with biden i always say it is not what he says, it is what we see the telltale. today the president was demanding everyone get vaccinated and boosted the to avoid the new covid variant but apparently routinely touching orifices is not a covid risk at the white house. just watch? >> there are 3 messages about the new variant. the best vaccine in the world and now we are seeing deaths come down. we are going to fight and beat this new variant as well. a fully vaccinated, boosted person is the most protected against covid. raymond: the vaccine is not enough, you need to be a booster person, united multiple boosters if you go near the president. preschoolers don't touch their noses and eyes and bows as much as he does. i've never seen anything like it. laura: he looked like he fell asleep during that. i thought is he still with us? i am your burster person always. i'm always going to be on your corner in your corner, your booster person. >> a different take on booster person, the white house shared the annual christmas decorations with the media along with the usual trees and garland there was a gingerbread white house surrounded by buildings meant to represent first responders but i found it curious that the bakers would include a prominent gas station right in front of the white house. why would they remind people about gas? fuel is 60% more expensive than it was a year ago. this would be like the carters putting little gingerbread hostages next to their white house of the clintons adding gummy female interns around the white house. why would you want to commemorate it? >> did you have to say gummy female interns? did you write that line. a horrible image. that is -- i can see the little $7.25 a gallon. if you look closely you see where they want gas prices to go, look closely. >> you can't depict that in gingerbread. it has got to be digital as you get to the west wing. also today the president met with ceos to show he's on top of the supply chain crisis. only someone else ran the meeting and you would swear biden has never been to the white house. >> brian will moderate, but i intervene with questions. isn't this a pretty place? >> isn't this pretty? like he has never been there before in his life, this is why, moments like this that explains the slipping whole numbers and the federal trade commission after he met with the ceos or didn't, the federal trade commission demanded all these large retailers hand over their files to try to explain their study look into why those shelves are empty, they will try to blame these retailers before it is over for the supply chain crisis. watch. raymond: also in dc, i'm always looking for the cultural edge. the smithsonian has unveiled the future exhibit at the arts and industries building. it may not be a future any of us care to visit. according to just the news, one kiosk asks visitors when there might be a single global government, you can choose between 10 years to never. my question is why would an american institute funded by taxpayers suggest that a one world government is ever an acceptable vision for the future, who would plant that idea in the minds of tourists, children and visitors? it is crazy. laura: to george soros for the exhibit? brought to you by the kids behind the great reset? is that what it says? >> i will explain who funded it in just a second. this is a new genderless voice assistant, this is at the smithsonian, for your phone. you can make the voice more feminine or more masculine depending on your preference. >> i am the world's first genderless voice assistant, think of me like. or alexa but neither male or female. i'm created for a future where we are no longer defined by gender but rather how we define ourselves. raymond: just what we need, another faceless queue that is normally anonymous but has no gender. the gender fluid one world future comes courtesy of ford oracle, amazon web services, comcast nbc but the nfl who are sponsors of this lovely vision of the future, can't wait to dive in. laura: i also didn't like the talking friday good, the fried egg talking. i am uncomfortable. that creeps me out and i'm going to have nightmares. the next segment was almost like something out of the movies. raymond: it had everything from romance to a villain to america's favorite dog. watch. >> the mod displays from the white house crew that caught your attention. >> it seems as if spring has unleashed the romantic in everyone. may all of us live long enough to get the reaction kamala harris got from her husband when she appeared before the joint address to congress. ♪♪ raymond: either he is the most slaphappy lovesick romantic ever or the most insecure spouse in dc. whatever the case you don't need to do a home i'm act of devotion and love and all of that. when you have to work that hard after many years of marriage something is wrong. can you invite doctor phil to explain this to me? i don't mind the affection but the gratuitous -- we don't care and don't need to see it. laura: get a room as i would say. >> a big empty one. laura: a romantic setting with 200 people nodding off in the room. what else? qubit also struck president biden on his way out to what was it, marine one? raymond: it was a sweet gesture, maybe the poor man didn't know. neil: didn't try to pick a lemon off of jill's dress. it reminded me that touching movie moment when frankenstein shares daisies with the little girl by the lake. he was a bit confused too and so, america was the media. abc, the hill, all fond over this moment. reuters put it this way, ever the romantic, president biden picked a dandelion from the grass and presented it to first lady jill biden. i am glad they are in love. i hope they are in love. my problem is the media attention to this was what is really is is heartwarming filler so they don't have to cover $6 trillion of proposed spending, $480 billion to the abortion industry in america. that is hardly romantic and we haven't touched on the $80 billion to the irs to try to get more taxes from people, this is not a good day. laura: there was a related issue. during obama we call to the razzle-dazzle when they were due date night or have the romantic moment in the driveway, that was all covered but trump and milania could be making out in the rose garden, you know what i mean? raymond: a full moon that night. because this story that we saw today again is about distracting people, in the worst in media earlier this may have been the best, nbc is keeping those important narratives in the forefront of people's minds when it comes to biden. watch. >> there's a question millions of americans have been wondering for a number of weeks now. major. the first dog. >> president biden: we were going to bring him in to see. >> is he back in the white house? >> he is such a sweet lovable dog. >> the first family was adopting a cat. >> waiting in the wings. she is waiting in the wings. >> major biden had trouble adjusting and now he's going to be forced to continue with a cat as well. >> that was part of his training. laura: when we had socks the cat and bow the dog with the obamas, now we have major and champ with the bidens. these are shiny objects to distract you from what is really going on. the dog may not be the only member of the biden household who has been trained. listen to these two admissions from the president this week. ♪♪ >> president biden: looking for my mask. i'm in trouble. >> president biden: the last question i will take or i'm really going to be in trouble. >> he's the president of the united states. yc in trouble for talking to reporters and losing a mask. this lends credibility to the suspicion the staff is programming this presidency and maybe even bullying the president himself. it is only wrong, it is cool. ashley: city find the mass? >> president biden: he found it, it was written in his binder. he didn't get in trouble, probably got an extra dandelion or two from the white house. laura: we would not be complete without biden blunders. laura: we received so much feedback, people crying with laughter. laura: it was kind of scary when he got behind the wheel. >> let's get right into it. biden gave a big commencement speech at the coast guard -- academy -- >> president biden: i want to thank you. lieutenant commander -- i am going to embarrass her. janice mc crone of the class of 2007. square your metal. you have to make sure that women have a chance to succeed and thrive throughout their careers. raymond: this was a mess of an address, slurs and stumbles, forgotten names throughout and biden tried to reuse an old ronald reagan line. here is the original followed by the reboot. >> the coast guard is the hard nucleus about which the navy forms in time of war. >> president biden: the coast guard is the hard nucleus around the navy forms in times of war. you are a really dull class. can come on, man. is this on getting to you? i would think you would have an opportunity when i say that about the navy you clap. >> i see a sign. what did he think he was going to be received as? david schwimmer at the friends reunion? the man was dropping words, first you never do as a performer is blame the audience when your jokes don't land. it is not their fault. it failed because biden dropped the middle of the line. you heard when reagan's that it. the plagiarized line didn't make sense since that's at the cadets. this is apparently a pattern. just five days ago the new york times ran a story, bunnies president biden's folksy demeanor, a short fuse and up session with details. according to the report, annoyances prompt an outburst of frustration, often laced with profanity. laura: the elderly get that sundowner syndrome later in the day, you lose a little bit of your perspective. he got frustrated with the cadets and should i think maybe next time performing for his actual base, the media has he did a new electric truck the other day. >> no, you can't. step on it. >> the test driver. raymond: the best everything ever. even when threatened, those reporters, got even points. when i saw biden behind the wheel i thought we were in for an olivia soprano moment. look out below. reagan and biden, reagan was 77 and that by, biden is 78, look at the difference. >> it may not be joe but jill biden people need to look at, look at the new politico story. >> reporting on a new book and remember the debate were kamala harris charged biden with racism. according to this book, doctor jill laid into him on the call was supported saying kamala, quote, go to yourself, she said the word, the first lady's office is not commenting, they did say it was a historical administration and they are making history. speaking of history did you see the famous wax museum in paris, they are unveiling a new figure of president biden, did you see? come on, guys, that is not the wax figure. i knew they put up the wrong clip because the wax figure is so lively and fresh and young. >> doesn't mess up the pronunciation so much. the wax figures always scare me, they are terrifying. biden on waxed looks terrifying. >> a joker look about it. i don't like the mouth. >> look like a halloween mask, thank you for that to the image i won't get out of my head. tv hosts, parents, authors, we both have great producers but this year we took on a different role. >> we became tick-tock stars which are viral moment is up next. you do not want to miss this, you don't want to miss this. .. >> that vega cnn piece over the weekend, kamala harris teen in that big cnn piece kamala harris's allies complain she has been sidelined by the white house. >> jen psaki disputed that claiming the vp is a valued member of the team but the start of the infrastructure signing ceremony told a different tale. >> please welcome heather curtinbok. >> in a moment. >> he didn't even get an introduction. she had to elbow her way to the front of lawmakers to get in the photos. it is no mystery why kamala harris has been cast aside. her poll numbers are 10 below and was probably hired so he could have job you're ready but the cnn piece claims she was a victim of sexism and racism. all you have to do is watch her performance in france to know why she was sidelined. this could be titled build back bluster. see if you can fall any of this. >> we must together work together to see where we are, where we are headed, where we are going, and our vision where we should be but also see it as a moment together, to address the challenges and to work on the opportunities presented by this moment. >> what else are you going to do to fix this problem? >> let's start with this. prices have gone up. >> in that hang time, interest rates went up. could she take any more time. >> remember they use to ridicule dan quayle, they would camera him morning, noon and night. takes my breath away. she's been hanging around biden too long. remember the new york times said was one of the worst campaigns they had ever seen, presidential campaigns. maybe kamala has been hanging out with biden too long. this is from today. >> president biden: a couple of my friends will be coming out here, i'm told, cabinet members, but here we go. we are there, buddy. jill is a hero, attorney general. what we got. >> they are worried about high-speed internet, i'm worried about slow speed presidents and vice presidents, that might be the leash on tv but the most-watched is yellowstone, 14.7 million people watched the premiere of that kevin costner show, king lear said in the west, bonanza meets yellow, there's a reason people are in love with this. it is an antidote to the politics and all those woke storylines in so many shows today. i was watching an episode of you where measles came up. laura: went i mentioned measles? raymond: i don't know. it was on you. laura: what was on me, what are you talking about? i never had the measles. >> it was on you. >> we never did a measles and vaccine episode. is this a joke? laura: raymond: he was on you. laura: i never had measles, what are you talking about? raymond: it was an episode of the show. laura: what are called? raymond: it is a so-called you on netflix. laura: is a so-called lure ingrail netflix? raymond: i can't explain this to you. this was covered by rolling stone, the guardian, people magazine and so many others, the tick-tock video was viewed nearly 30 million times, many asked the same question, was it real? so we decided to set the record straight. people have asked the question for days, was it real, was it scripted, everybody has an opinion, even you actually, the actor chimed in tweeting definitely a but, his delivery is great. laura: andy richter tweeted the fact that people are actually laughing at laura ingraham, that whole thing makes me feel i wasted the last 35 years of my life. his delivery is great. >> people are asking was it real or was it scripted. laura: what do you think? >> i think people are craving something authentic and real and got a bit of that. laura: there are a lot of liberals out there who don't like conservatives having fun. that is the thing. i think they haven't gotten a laugh in 30 years and we practiced 30 seconds and got 20 million views on youtube as we can't match don rickles but whatever the case with all the publicity, the show you should be really happy. >> the show me and the private me are really happy. laura: the show you. laura: this is so stupid now. the show you because all the publicity they got. raymond: the show me and the private me is doing fine. laura: there's a lot of pressure with this crowd as you've got to go on the road. if there's one thing everyone on the team knows is i do not do well with insects. >> except the spider saved christmas. >> the floods of never stopped. >> christmas eves. >> it truly -- fine but by raymond's fire book. i really dislike bugs and raymond saw an opportunity to prank me when he covered this. i go outside today to walk the dog and i was this close to swallowing a cicada and you know how i scream at bugs. it is horrifying. we've got to get past the cicadas. >> the white house press had its own was with cicadas. they were headed for the uk, stuck on the tarmac for hours last night due to the cicadas warming dc. only when the potomac starts running red and the frogs show up. i will be there for that and this morning and is waiting with the pesky bugs attacked the commander-in-chief, secret service did not intervene but cnn was giddy. >> a cicada. >> was that really -- >> president biden: i just got one. it got me. >> he brought the cicadas. the first presidential cicada we have on record. >> i can't even with the cicadas. >> not the first presidential cicada interaction. that cnn show has given cicadas more coverage than a piece summit. in a desperate quest for ratings, breanna q is covered these things. they should never be covered in this way. you will see what i mean. >> the fungus causes cicadas buts and genitals to fall off and leaves these red eyed beggars in fertile and yet still staggeringly horny. if you ever wondered what cicadas taste like that. raymond: the crunch. >> the thing hanging out of my mouth is literally in there. raymond: of the morning thing doesn't work out she could be a judge on master chef. eating in a level things without retching, but this pushes things too far. laura: there's nothing that would make me a cicada but they did spend -- they will spend more time on the cicada storm in china's impending swarm. raymond: biden did escape the cicada swarm and brought his trademark band of speechmaking to the uk. >> president biden: democratic ideals, a vision of the future where every voice matters. where the rights, where the rights of all people. with the us army air force formed the 100 bombardment group. by the way, just so you know, my uncle -- i keep forgetting i am president. >> this must be very reassuring to the allies. given his waving sanctions against russia for the pipeline in germany they all probably have forgotten he is president as well or maybe they are trying to. >> when we lecture the troops about the military history they just learned, the normandy anniversary -- >> no mention of normandy. he didn't mention it on the 70 seventh anniversary. he says the greatest threat to the us security is climate change. it is actually national change of dominance in the world and speaking of england, the queen who biden will meet this weekend is being canceled at oxford university. graduate students voted to remove queen elizabeth's portrait from a common room at magdalen college citing her ties to britain's colonial history. not surprisingly the grad who called the vote to cancel the queen was a visiting american from maryland. >> it does not surprise me in the slightest. will president biden dared to meet with the epitome of colonization and domination this weekend? come on, man. >> president biden: >> the bricks they declare is a colony and just to teach us some civility. >> is a true the lis pendens gotten controversial, they did not give permission for the name of it was her nickname? raymond: a crazy name. weight. is there -- should i put this -- what should i do with this. laura: raymond swatter -- you know -- raymond knows the fica bug i can't help but scream. this was not planned, so don't think it was planned. i officially hate you, so embarrassed. coming up, a cnn analyst caught with his pants down. raymond exposes the dirty details next. i will bless those who bless you here in israel and across the former soviet union there are thousands of destitute, elderly jews who are alone and in need of basic food. ramzia is a holocaust survivor. she keeps saying my refridgerator is empty. she's embarrassed to ask for help. their need as you can see is extremely urgent. right now, you can give a gift of life of $25. the international fellowship of christians and jews will bring comfort and food to ramzia and thousands of others. ramzia has had such a hard life and to see this smile. you can save a life, just like ramzia. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. they're helping abandoned holocaust survivors. we want to be with them in their time of need and you can do that with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. a life-saving $25 gift helps send a volunteer with one urgently needed survival food box. when you call right now, your gift's impact will be doubled to help save lives. for less than one dollar a day you can say, "i will bless and comfort the jewish people". "i will save a life today". wherever in the world the jewish people have the greatest need our spiritual mandate is to feed the hungry and to care for the widows and orphans. please call or go online now and say, "i will bless his people israel". >> welcome to fox news live, pope francis celebrate christmas eve mass despite covid surge in italy, for the second anaerobically says new cases top 50,000, 2000 worshipers joining in st. peter's basilica going masksless despite a new vaccine mandate by the vatican, sistine chapel choir kicking off christmas at the vatican. travel restrictions on 8 african countries lifted new year's eve, to blunt the spread of the omicron variant. the white house as the temporary travel restrictions were imposed to give scientists time to study the new covid variant of the world health organization's were critical the travel ban saying it has been effective. all non-us citizens who visited the eight countries. now back to the ingraham angle special. laura: you spied a theme in the cultural news. >> this week marked the welcome end, unwelcome return of some familiar faces. remember legal analyst jeffrey toobin was tossed off the air at cnn after he disgraced himself during a zoom call, this week cnn brought him back and it was an awkward reentry. >> i feel like we should address what happened in the month since we have seen you. you were on a zoom call with your colleagues from new yorker magazine. everyone took a break for several minutes during which time you were caught masturbating on camera. he was subsequently fired from that job after 27 years of working there and since then have been on leave from cnn. to quote jay lehto, what the hell were you thinking? >> obviously i wasn't thinking very well or very much and it was something that was inextricable to me. i didn't think i was on the call. i didn't think anybody could see me. >> he seems to have things well in hand. if people are looking for partisan legal analysis, tube and is not one for pulling of the most obvious thing, he digs around to find something original and is willing to explain it to the audience no matter the consequences. what is cnn thinking? where is accountability, where our standards as we will get into it, rick santorum was booted recently from cnn. laura: is a true kids are using the phrase youtubeing now? >> should be. laura: i don't even have words for this. if the shoe were on the other for hands on the other sure i don't know what we would say. laura: i didn't know the camera was on. is this normal operating procedure at the tube and household, in between zoom calls and meetings in the middle of the living room, something is seriously wrong. laura: then it is totally fine, you didn't think the camera was on. the fourth amendment issue we were on today, the subject. >> speaking of comebacks, harrison ford was spotted shooting the fifth indiana jones movie this weekend, he was 78 years old. at that age you might call this indiana jones and the raiders of the lost project. a cancellation controversy swirling around the character owing to the scene. >> i learned to hate you in the last 10 years. >> i never meant to hurt you. >> i was a child, i was in love, it was wrong and you knew it. >> you know what you are doing. >> now i do. raymond: there have been charges he had an inappropriate relationship with an underage girl but karen allen, the actress says in the movie she imagined the girl she played was 16. but who cares? it never says they had relations. it is amazingly hold fictional characters to a higher standard than we hold real people and networks for instance. laura: how many networks execs and newspaper editors have huge age gaps between he and she, they don't care about it. now a movie is a problem? these people are the biggest hypocrites ever and the biggest standard across the board. raymond: we don't want it to become indiana jones and the last cancellation. another character, familiar, beloved character returning to screen three years after tyler perry announced he was retiring his medea character. >> coming back, can't wait to take it. raymond: like arthur conan doyle trying to kill sherlock holmes off only to bring it back after the audience demanded it. hard to let beloved characters go so medea will return on netflix, perry says the country needs to laugh but there could be another motivation. a great movie title, medea's big happy paycheck. laura: who predicted this? raymond: you did. years ago. laura: medea is awesome. i love all the medea movie that he should never have entertained that idea. a shared final concert never comes. it is always another concert. it is part of the promotion. it is patently ridiculous. chaos ensued and raymond took over the ingraham angle for one night this year, you don't want to miss it. laura: earlier this year i took a measly day off -- still, he soldiered on. this is what happened. >> what happened to your voice? you've got a sore throat. it sounds worse than you feel. it happens to me but it goes right for the vocal cords. and it i'm going to step aside and jason will take over. i will be back next week. >> hope you feel better. you look fine. raymond arroyo -- and i experienced this. laura: really guest host to need a guest host. >> we need a host with a voice. are you available? laura: it is live when it happened. >> you've not stopped ridiculing him and giving him hell. laura: how do you know me? >> i've known you for 25 years. laura: enough from you. >> is raymond arroyo mad at you? >> just because you got his subbing off by two weeks, no problem. >> you had been on vacation. >> he is good. are you not going to bring up raymond arroyo again? you seem to have a session with that. >> hannity got -- a poster bag. can i cut in here? i have a little interruption. i need a graphic made that says arroyo held hostage today 14. the full investigation. it is going to be mean and ruthless, and we've all been through this. when we got on air -- laura: how does it explain anthony fauci's voice? >> i made the best of it. trying to keep the seat warm and retain the shape of the show. is jason chaffetz here. laura: when we come back our christmas eve message. hydration. no parabens, dyes, or fragrances. gold bond. champion your skin. laura: that is it for us. do you have anything to say? raymond: this is christmas eve when life came into the world. i'm thankful because a lot of people embrace this and allow us to be part of their lives. as we bring our coverage to folks, that is an honor. laura: every night people make a decision to watch or not watch. how do you not watch? what else are you doing? the sock drawer can only be cleaned so many times. we are very blessed and we take that for granted. we all do. we go about our busy lives and take it all for granted and we need to remember this gift of freedom and liberty takes a lot to win it and takes a lot, probably more, to preserve each generation. reagan always said that, every generation has a battle to fight. we meant that rhetorically before everyone started jumping on christmas eve, it is a battle that could keep all the memories of our history alive and by the way if your tree is missing an ornament, every inch of raymond's -- freedom matters ornament, get one in time for next year, go to everything is here, all the proceeds go to the big oak ranch. thank you for watching this special edition of the in the graham angle, it is america now and forever, happy and merry christmas. greg gutfeld. lled takes it all from here. ♪ >> merry christmas, everyone. i can confidently say that his home right now very drunk enjoining his bottle of wine fo the day. that doesn't mean you can't hav fun with me from earlier this week. we had a bunch of awesome shows over the past few months. i picked a few of my favorites to share tonight. recently kat timpf said she wanted to be on s

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Opportunities , Challenges , Interest Rates , Prices , Morning Noon And Night , Breath , Dan Quayle , Campaigns , Friends , Cabinet Members , Couple , Buddy , Attorney General , Presidents , Vice Presidents , Internet , Speed , Tv , Leash , Show , Bonanza , Premiere , Reason , West , Kevin Costner , Is Yellowstone , King Lear , 14 7 Million , Shows , Measles , Episode , Antidote , Storylines , Politics , I Don T Know , Joke , Netflix , Lure Ingrail Netflix , Guardian , Others , People Magazine , Video , Rolling Stone , 30 Million , Everybody , Record , Opinion , Actor Chimed , Thing , Delivery , Tweeting , Fact , My Life , Andy Richter , 35 , Lot , Fun , Liberals , Conservatives , Laugh , Match , Don Rickles , Views , 30 , 20 Million , Publicity , Fine , The Show Me , Pressure , On The Road , Crowd , Saved Christmas , Insects , Floods , Raymond S Fire Book , Christmas Eves , Bugs , Saw , Cicadas , Cicada , Tarmac , Uk , Morning , Red , Potomac , Frogs , Cicadas Warming Dc , Secret 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Generation , Freedom , Liberty , Tree , Memories , Ornament , Proceeds , Big Oak Ranch , Angle , Merry Christmas , America Now And Forever , Lled , Greg Gutfeld , Hav , Bottle , Kat Timpf , Few , Bunch , Favorites ,

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