Transcripts For FOXNEWS Who Can Forget Christmas 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Who Can Forget Christmas 20240709

christmas specials starting with the grinch who stole christmas. >> the annual christmas specials were an event. when you first see that advertisement like. >> frosty the snowman returns tuesday night. >> was that on once. missed it, you were screwed. >> mom, mom can we watch that, can we watch that? mom? >> on sunday, december 4th, burl ives again tells the exciting new story of rudolph the red nosy reindeer. >> i was obsessed with clay nation. rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was the pinnacle. >> loved that show. >> tells the story of rudolph based on the show redorsal outsider. >> burial ives as the snowman, the elf. remember him? the castoff. >> i want to be a dentist. >> it's a lucrative business given that your boss santa gets paid in cookies. and of course you have clay immigration thing in the history of he. >> still scary. to this day when that face comes on errr. >> rudolph the red-nosed reindeer has run every year since 1964. making it the longest running christmas special. >> actual inherent message in rudolph the red-nosed reindeer bullying works. think about it would rudolph have gotten his life together if it wasn't for all that name calling behind the scenes? >> >> be prepared for cancel culture to come for rudolph it will happen. >> isn't there anyone who knows what christmas is all about? >> it's charlie brown and the peanuts gang. >> 65 one year after rudolph cbs aired another christmas classic. >> i love charlie brown christmas. what's not to love, right?ro i love the feel of it. it had that great sound track. >> someone paired jazz with a christmas special for kids. >> every time you hear it, you just got to go. >> charlie brown is a strange hero for kids because he appears to suffer from depression. i mean, he is in therapy even though his therapist is lucy and she charges 5 cents. >> kind of go through this awakening, i suppose through the christmas season. >> he was against the commercialism of christmas. >> charlie brown wrestles with all of these issues and you know, eventually lioness turns to him and shocking for the time, he cites scripture. >> for you to born in the city of david is a savior who is christ the lord. >> that's what christmas is all about charlie brown. >> these kids put on a nativity scene as part of a public school play. >> school board was against it, nynobody could understand him anyway it was workers' comp anyway it wah, wah. >> no way it is department of justice school board meeting. >> something something about the simplicity of children that makes it easier to understand the simplicity of the message of christmas. and that's, i think, what charlie brown nation. >> it is one of those ones you just hope is still on until the end of time. ♪ ♪ >> there are many christmas traditions that invoke a sense of joy, happiness. one tradition is met with anger and distaste. and that is the annual fruit cake. i haven't met a sole that likes it like it's the only place america still has common ground. how did christmas, the greatest holiday ever, get seattleed saddled with this ridiculous dessert. >> if i were christmas i would trade it to easter. >> fruit cake itself goes back centuries and it makes sense. when you taste a fruit cake it taste tastes like something invented before refridge rates radiation. >> he said it best when he said he thinks it's one fruit cake and passed it around have you ever bought a fruit cake. >> the whole thing started with fruit cake. >> no one played hot potato anymore but you do. it's called fruit cake and you play it on christmas. people say like oh, you know, fruit cake. >> you put thought into it honey, wouldn't it be funny if they spent three days in a bathroom? >> oh. >> this is oh my -- what holy space food garbage is this? would you honestly look forward to something like this. >> this is an off putting smell to it. >> i have never had fruit cake before. >> tastes formaldehyde. >> fruit roll up in. >> there do we have water? can i have it? >> there is no reason. we don't have to keep every tradition. we can let fruit cake go. ♪ ♪ loved him. >> i loved caroling. but caroling is a way to prepare the heart. >> people think because i have got a voice for television that i would have a great singing voice. i don't. >> no one wants to hear me sing. i will just say that first thing. is that your ploy to try to get me to sing? it's working. >> deck the halls with bows of holly. >> click click click. >> back in the old days caroling was called was selling. >> like the song. here we come awas selling. >> knocking on doors, i know you are rich. can you give us any wine whatever bottom rack can you get your hands on. they say we wish you a merry christmas, now bring us some tfigy pudding. >> you are demanding figy pudding whatever that is. >> figy pudding who has that? >> they used to be everywhere. you would find them at shops, at grocery stores. of course in your neighborhood from door to door. i mean, at first when you are a kid and see carolers come, this is nice. little snow outside. they are singing christmas songs and seem really reap really happy. then you realize those neighborhood people arere drunk and on the best bar crawl in the neighborhood. >> is that mr. at ter bury stumbling. >> always a good idea to have a drink or two beforehand. >> there is a social awkwardness with caroling. >> you see that house down the road that we have never been to and we have no idea who lives inside there? you knock on the door and see the guy who just had the worst day of his life. really? are you going to y start with te deck the halls? jeesh. >> these are slurred voices of amateurs and they go on and on. particularly when they do the 12 days of christmas and nothing against the song okay, but it's will also 9 minutes and 1 seconds. that's not a festive gesture that's a hostage situation. >> at its heart, it is a wonderful thing. it's better than a door-to-door salesmen. what would you rather have caroling or somebody selling steak knives. >> time for christmas pop quiz. what animated christmas special was based on a book in won the book of the year award and the toy that won the best toy award? is it a, frosty the snowman? b, an elf on the shelf or c, how the grinch stole christmas? the answer and more christmas classics were when you return. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! want to save on your home internet? 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(energetic music) just taking one golo release capsule with three balanced meals a day has been clinically proven to help repair metabolism, optimize insulin levels, and balance the hormones that make weight loss easy. release works with your body, not against it, so you can put dieting behind you and go live your life. go to now to join the millions of people who have found the right way to lose weight and get healthier with golo. ♪ ♪ what won the book of the year, best toy, the answer, elf on the shelf. legend has it elf reports back to santa every oval on the shelf every night and appears the next morning. >> i'm surprised elf what are the elf little boys and girls? is he a narc. is he ratting you out. where is the code. >> now back to the holiday countdown. >> >> in 1966 wcix in new york started broadcasting a yul log on the tv so people who didn't have a fireplace could have a fireplace on their tv. >> it was 17 second loop. they just played over and over. >> it ran commercial free it which had the added benefit of having the station employees able to go home and spend time with their family. >> you have to picture this in your head. you are changing channels and all of a sudden there is a fireplace in your living room. there is just a log burning. you are just watching a log burn on tv. >> it became a christmas tradition they would show it everyey christmas eve and christmas day. people loved it. >> it's a nice way to turn your tv into something worth watching. >> that caught fire, you know what i'm saying? >> same thing. it was brilliant. >> different channels had them. you have competing fireplace fires. >> that is truly an american phenomenon, i think. channel 7 is a little better this year. turn off that lame channel 4 you lost and cue in channel 7 goodness. >> i think yule log be transfixed by it. >> do you know what bothers me? when they have one of those gas powered yule logs. if i'm going to watch a fake fire i want it to be a real fake fire. >> then in the 1990s you would actually buy video of the yule log on vhs, on high definition blue ray dvd. >> this is something you need to get to make your apartment be christmassy. >> had'l you to the have the yue log. gone high tech you go to youtube and type in yule log there is pretty much a video for everyone. >> yule log. i think i spelled it right. >> got the traditional yule log. you'v got the fireplace burning with the cat and dog for pet lovers. can you cece a fire burning on the beach in florida as your yule log. >> 66 million views for that? my god that's like super bowl numbers. >> there is even one with nic who is sitting by the fire. you can watch your fire and nick onerman at the same time. i don't know who would want to do that but probably, i don't know, maybe a million people. >> if that is what does it for you, america, god bless you. i'm old fashioned. i like my video fireplace simple. ♪ ♪ it all started innocently though. >> a few very tasteful. reminds you of the season. > my memories of my dad puttg up lights in our house was miserable. you didn't want to be around him. >> this is what happens, michael. you have to wrap it around an old paper towel thing so that you don't -- okay? that's your job now. >> you a have to use every partf your body when you are untangling christmas lights. light, over an arm. wait a minute. if there was always that one house on the neighborhood block that really did it up for christmas. and what started out as one house starts to become more houses. and moreou houses. i don't know where we made the turn to crazy town on christmas lights. it was somewhere around the time when they started having those inflatable santas. frosty, next to a rudolph. next to an abominable snow monster. next to santa, stuff on the roof. nobody thinks about big christmas displays what the yard looked like in the morning. little kids are walking to school all these inflatables are lying dead like a rash of drive by shootings in your neighborhood. >> hang on. well, okay. so, come back later, and i will have this done, okay? >> now the neighborhood themselves have become tourist attractions. >> there are houses that put up light displays that can you set your radio too and broadcast the time together. >> >> you have got lasers maybe there is a smoke machine, there is are six tour boss buses on your block. >> less christmas and more like edm poster. >> $7 billion on christmas decorations, 7 billion. >> my parents couldn't get me that big wheel. >> i think our on sex with christmas lights and christmas decorations is exactly what charlie brown was trying to warn us about. >> wait a minute. oh, wait a minute. ♪ ♪rn >> and now who can forget michael loftus on neighborhood christmas lights battle? >> i'm into it because i'm a capitalist. and when people compete, it makes it better for me. i want everybody on the block to compete. that way i can drive by and just blike woo, looky, looky, it's l great. is it suck to have in your neighborhood? yes. is miller's house hou a little o darn bright when you are trying to sleep? yes. it will be over after new yearens. let them have their little christmas lights up. >> if you don't want to be involved, don't. hey, jim, why don't do you your house. >> do your house? that would take away from the beauty of that house. that's how i celebrate christmas. the spirit of giving. i'm giving that guy the attention. how about you. shut your hole ad get back in your car. okay? merry christmas. ♪ >> ready for another chance to show off your christmas iq? according to tradition, whoever finds this appetizing ornament on the christmas tree will have good luck. is it a, the christmas apple, b, the christmas banana? or c, the christmas pickle? the answer when we return. ♪ (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ >> welcome to fox news live i'm ashley strohmier the omicron variant causing havoc this christmas even hundreds of flights are canceled or delayed due to staffing shortages. delta and american airlines other carriers running smoothly. this is expected to be the heaviest travel period since the pandemic started. some travelers have canceled plans. many others are keeping their vacations scheduled. pope francis celebrated christmas eve mass before 200,000 people in st. peters basilica. going forward despite the resurgence of covid-19 cases that has prompted mandate for vatican employees does not aflight faithful attending masks but required to wear masks. i'm ashley strohmier who can forget christmas. for more headline go to ' ♪ ♪ >> so what decoration gives the finder good luck? the answer is c, the christmas pickle. many claim the tradition comes from germany. so no one is sure where it originated. i think pickle ornament concept is made up. it's a conspiracy by the people at 458 mark just like valentine's day. >> now back to the holiday countdown. >> they say seeing a kid's face on christmas morning, the appreciation, the love, it makes it alworth while. i think it's a different story if you are the parent that had to go out and find that toy. >> "star wars" figures, r 2 d 22 chew becca, luke and princess leia. >> in 1977 no one expected "star wars" to the monster hit that was. >> this is not going to be the hot toy. this is going to be the only. >> -- kenner caught with pants down because they did not anticipate how much demand they would have for "star wars" toys come christmas time. >> action figures not yet available this available in stores. >> you could pay 7. 9 and get a box decorated with "star wars" figures on it. open it up. and opens up into a diorama. >> i cannot imagine how unhappy children must have been tearing open the wrapping paper. >> kids loved i do i do. >> get a certificates by mail. sent to you at home between february 1st and june 1st. >> congratulations little time, you are going to get your toy in june. this was aen punch in the soul, man. >> oh i got rock 'em sock 'em robots what did you get? >> iou. that's the cultural power of this movie. i was jealous of my friends. got an empty box for christmas. >> if you got kids you got cabbage patch dolls. miami beach when the store sold out early similar coming in from our area and around the country. >> i don't think there was bigger inciter of violence in the history of the battle to get cabbage patch dolls. pudgy soft dolls that had their own birth certificates and adoption papers the thing everybody had to have. >> i remember my mom telling me that my father had to wait in line for hours and hours and hours. >> i remember my dad going out to the mall getting a shipment of cabbage patch. i swear to god he had it up like he was playing dallas on sunday. >> like the oil crisis, right in the 1970s except it was a doll. >> that year my sister got two. which means my dad probably laid somebody out. >> oh, yeah. yeah. yeah. oh, i think it just tooted. >> do you kids even know the trouble you caused? >> you love the attention, don't you? >> yes, i do. >> yes, you do. >> dude, get a time machine tonight and go back to the right rich.we are >> elmo, particular me elmo, oh, elmo, think about the cabbage patch craze, particular me elmo, tyco came out with particular me elmo. >> they had 400,000 units ready to go rosie o'donnell who had she had enormously popular daytime talk show. >> she featured particular me elmo on her show in october and the crowd went wild. >> today show also brought elmo out and made it even more popular. >> you by thanksgiving you could not find a particular me elmo on the shelf anywhere. >> elmo. >> elmo, quiet, the adults are talking. >> particular me elmo becomes like a black market item, people are putting out advertisements saying they will sell theirs for $1,000 maybe behind the bowling alley only bring cash. >> john gotti jr. went into toys r us and bought a whole case of particular me elmo dolls. >> we have got make some money, boys. fix a basketball game? no. rob a bank? no. elmo dolls. >> are you worth $7,000 elmo? [laughter] >> it is almost like it's taunting you. ha ha ha ha, you spent a fortune on me. ha ha ha ha. >> ready for another christmas pop quiz? what classic holiday song has beenid banned from some radio stations due to its content? is it a, baby it's cold outside? b, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, c, jingle bell rock? athe answer and more christmas memories when we return. ♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. some so which song? a baby it's cold outside. about a woman who wants to leave and a man who is bigger had to stay. >> i don't see what the controversy it, you listen to rap lyrics. >> now back to more. nothing says let's begin the most wonderful time of the year like sleeping in a target parking lot. every thanksgiving day parade ends with santa claus. he says, let the shopping seen begin. >> black friday for many retailers is the first day the first day of the year they are operating in the black. >> in my household we call it diversity friday. but sure, whatever you want. >> it started innocently enough. the day off of work, day after thanksgiving. kids are with you, let's head downtown in the car, and see the christmas decorations. take in the sights. maybe do shopping. >> common from -- practice for stores in open at 6 a.m. the day after thanksgiving. >> then 4:00 a.m., then people were camping out. >> the most innocent way to let people know you hate your family. >> i can't help you with the dishes, i have to go shopping, i'll be back tomorrow. >> i wish i could stay and help you clean, but, i have to go sleep on the sidewalk tonight. >> maybe these people are outdoor type, maybe they like camping. >> nothing makes humans act more responsible than gathering together in large groups in freezing cold winter in dead of night to fight for cheap items. >> it was black and blew friday. -- black and blue frida. >> call it door buster, you are asking for trouble. what do your customers do, they bust down the door. >> it is about spectating, if you are not participating you are watching the local news station, what craziness happened. >> that is as big a tradition of shopping, tuning in to see who beat the snot out of each there are in a target 200 million shop -- shoppers spending 400 each. >> they started opening them 8 p.m. on thanksgiving, making black friday, black thursday night. is that beige thursday. >> the people that have to work that night, they should get triple pay. >> in my opinion. >> new seen of who can forget. dropping this january. on fox nation. >> if 80s were a car. it would have been the delorean. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a good rip. >> where's at beef. >> where's the beef. >> lady liberty, needed help standing up, can't blame her. most of ladies i know that age prefer to sit. >> aerosmith and run-dmc. >> john mc enroe killed more rackets than the fbi. >> a lot has been said lies. >> hands across america. >> what i remember about mondale, walter is virtually nothing. >> the last thing that big to come out of the united kingdom of the the united states. >> scandal. american posed news. >> super bowl shuffle was the worst song ever but really catchy. >> it was morning in america. >> guess what, i'm just getting started. >> don't miss who can forget totally 80s new seen, january on phoenix nation. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. emale narcarb-cutting, enoudiet fatigue, the calorie-counting, and stress. (energetic music) just taking one golo release capsule with three balanced meals a day has been clinically proven to help repair metabolism, optimize insulin levels, and balance the hormones that make weight loss easy. release works with your body, not against it, so you can put dieting behind you and go live your life. go to now to join the millions of people who have found the right way to lose weight and get healthier with golo. >> mr. and mrs. martini, welcome home. >> this is what i wished for. >> there are certain movies that become stamped intoed season. it's a wonderful life is one of them. >> it is a classic. >> no matter how young or old you are, it just plays. >> every time a bell rings, an angel get his wings. >> unusual story for christmas because. the main character played by jimmy stewart attempts to commit suicide. >> then there is a intersession from heaven. guardian angel coming to help him so what his life would be like if he never existed. >> what made this movie so powerful is james stewart's performance. >> mary, dog gone to, i'll lasso the moon for. >> it is interesting how it became a part of christmas culture. >> in 70s the copyright of the not renewed. >> by early 80, eve tv station in america, could put it on, it became a staple. >> it brings a tear on your eye and realize what is important in life. >> you could have a lousy day in the christmas rush, you come home and watch it's a wonderful life and wall all with right. >> too many people lost sight of the true meaning of christmas. >> hush. >> shut up ralphy. and a christmas story is the greatest christmas movie ever made. >> a must watch. >> he reached into every american's head, took out their best christmas memory and threw it into the script. >> ralphy wants a red rider bbgun. >> father getsa leg lamp. he insists to putting in the window. >> you see what it looks like. >> not a box arrives on my doorstep that says fragile, that i don't say out loud. >> fragil-e, it must be italian in we tried it. it does freeze to the pole. >> i triple dog dare you. >> it of a triple dog dare, you can have to do it. >> i'm an elf. well, i'm a human but i was raised by elves. >> i love elf. >> probably my favorite pris christmas move, this solidified will farrell as a movie star, he embraces this car, like nothing i have seen. >> does he ever wear real clothes. >> his uncanny excitement go everything christmas. >> i know him. >> you sit on a throne of lies. >> like snot came out of my nose i was laughing so hard, the casting was so great. >> bob newhart. the late great edasner. >> we have a christmas class classic from 2003 in this short of time, become such a popular film. >> and while we're weighing in on movies, yes, die hard is a christmas tblik. flick. >> what classic christmas song was recorded by the von trap family? this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? our very own energizer bunny! energizer ultimate lithium. [snowball splat and windshield wiper] the #1 longest-lasting aa battery. >> what christmas classic was first recorded by the von trapp family, the answer, the little drummer boy. he performs for baby jesus in the manger. >> so crazy, it changes the vibe, usually following rocking around the christmas tree then, what just happened. >> now back to more of what makes the season memorable. >> santa claus has more -- aliases than a secret agent. >> father christmas. the guy in the big red suit. >> how did germany make santa a little spooky. >> he most recognizable image in the world, yet no one has seen him. he sees you what you are sleeping, he knows when you are awake. >> before alexa there was santa as for as surveilling kids. >> his ability to manufacture toys throughout the year, he has a grip on that workforce of his. >> if jeff bezos could get his hands on santa's elves a guarantee he would do it. >> and the amazing amount of duplicate santas he hand-picked to go out and sit in malls and the street corners. >> the smelly kids with their runny noses, we deserve them a debt of gratitude. >> santa is magic. how does he get the toys to every kid on christmas eve? >> the sheer volume of toys he has to deliver in such a short amount of time that puts fedex to shame. >> santa makes it around the world in one night, he is tracked by norad. >> norad is receiving reports from air force pace command that santa has started his journey. >> norad santa track ser my favorite thing about the christmas holiday, seeing where santa circumstance how many people he has delivered toys to. >> important to federal government know where santa claus is. >> can you imagine the first time this happened during the cube missile crisis. >> i could not imagine santa did what he did and was not starving by the time he got to my house. >> my kids, the modern world, we leave cheese and crackers. you would think to your little 8-year-old self, this is the year, i will stay up all night. >> you wake up and you -- how did i fall asleep. >> we never caught santa, there is still hope, as technology getting better we're upping our game. >> maybe i have seen him. where do you think i got this suit. >> if you are friends with santa. you call him on december 26, you go straight to voicemail. >> after the night of delivering presents, he deserves a vacation. >> he is going to florida with a beach cocktail. with an umbrella in it. >> getting a massage, soaking his fight, getting in a relaxation day. >> i don't know what santa does on december 26, it probably involved bourbon or titos. >> people talk about christmas traditions. and there is a lot of secular traditions, greatest is going to church. >> i think that is tens of millions of others that is what christmas is to us. >> i love christmas eve service. there is there is something very special go-getting dressed up in change. >> i love how the church is packed. >> you see the nativity scene and hear the stories about what, why are we're here now, what brought us to this holiday. >> the kids, get really quiet. and listen. it was really beautiful. always a beautiful service. >> christmas eve night is when music of the best, the a-choir came out to sing. >> beautiful christmas songs, it goes through your soul. >> something wonderful with entire congregation sings joy to the world or o holy night. >> silent night was last song. >> silence night, holy night, all is calm. all is bright. it is enough to give you goose bumps every time. >> there is a time there, on christmas eve in particular, where there is a solis you can't describe, it comes from. the true means of christmas. >> as a kid, it always, siting to get the presents. but looking back, it is really about the family that is surrounding you. >> there is something about the hustle and bustle of christmas that wears you don't, but when christmas arrives it is about family faith and togetherness. >> you don't need a lot of fancy stuff or toys or gives or whatever it is. you don't need a lot of fruitcake. all you need it a christmas spirit. you have to the christmas spirit. you feel complete. >> that is the finding of christmas. >> that is the means of christmas. >> a very merry christmas america. you have earned it. >> that right. dog gone it merry christmas. >> merry christmas to everyone watching. >> wishing every a blessed and merry, merry christmas. >> to all a good night. >> have a merry, merry christmas. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> merry christmas, welcome to a special christmas eve eight edition of "tucker carlson tonight," which we have thought there a little bit. we are not going to bring you the usual depressing slog for the underbelly of american politics. we do a lot of that. that's the nature of news and the nature of cable news. but for tonight, christmas eve, we will do something a little different trade will focus on stories of struggle and hardship, that's where meaning comes from. but stories that gave rise to

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Holiday Season , Merry Christmas , Special Report , Mike Emanuel , Thanks , Omicron Surge , Little E , Fox News Sunday , Washington , People , Season , Families , Warmth , Video Screen , Neighbors , Tis , Holiday , Cake , Merry , Snowy Unwrapped Angelic , Dare , Name , Magical , Jolly , Peace Areful , 10 , Halls , Evening , Frosty The Snowman , It , Specials , Event , Advertisement , The Grinch Who Stole Christmas , Christmas Specials , Mom , Story Of Rudolph The Red , On Sunday , Burl Ives , December 4th , 4 , Sunday December 4th , Show , Burial Ives , Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer , Story Of Rudolph , Pinnacle , Clay Nation , Nosy Reindeer , Show Redorsal Outsider , Course , Business , Castoff , Boss , Dentist , Cookies , Immigration Thing , History , Errr , Life , Works , It Wasn T , Longest Running Christmas Special , Message , Bullying , Name Calling Behind The Scenes , 1964 , Charlie Brown , Rudolph , Anyone , Isn T , Culture , Rudolph Cbs , Peanuts Gang , 65 , One , Kids , Special , Love , Charlie Brown Christmas , Ro , Someone , Sound Track , Feel , Jazz , Aired Another Christmas Classic , Therapist , Therapy , Hero , Depression , Lucy , Wall , Commercialism , Kind , Awakening , Issues , 5 , Nativity Scene , Part , Savior , Scripture , Lord , Public School , City Of David , Way , School Board , Play , Wah , Department Of Justice , School Board Meeting , Nynobody , Something , Hope , Simplicity , Children , Nation , Ones , Tradition , Traditions , Sense , Anger , Joy , Happiness , Distaste , Fruit Cake , America , Sole , Haven T , Ground , Place , Seattleed , Dessert , Fruit Cake It Taste Tastes , Refridge Rates Radiation , Thing , No One , Potato , Wouldn T , It Honey , Bathroom , Holy Space Food Garbage , Three , Smell , Tastes Formaldehyde , Reason , Fruit Roll Up , Water , Caroling , Heart , Loved Caroling , Voice , Ploy , I Don T , Television , Song , Back , Doors , Selling , Holly , Bows , Deck The Halls , Awas Selling , Bottom Rack , Tfigy Pudding , We Wish You A Merry Christmas , Wine , Figy , Neighborhood , Pudding , Grocery Stores , Door To , Shops , Everywhere , Figy Pudding , Smart Kid , Songs , Mr , Snow , Carolers , Bar Crawl , Ter Bury Stumbling , Guy , House , Door , Idea , Awkwardness , Road , Drink , Two , Nothing , Amateurs , On And , Voices , Jeesh , Okay , 9 , 1 , 12 , Somebody , Gesture , Hostage Situation , Salesmen , Toy , Book , Pop Quiz , Steak Knives , Award , Christmas Special , Answer , Shelf , C , B , Classics , Investor , Plan , Owner , Future , Access , Tools , Advice , Vanguard , Music , Symptoms , Xiidra , Relief , Eye Drops , Inflammation , Eye Disease , Eyes , Why Don T , Eye , Eye Drop , Discomfort , Container , Taste Sensation , Side Effects , Signs , Vision , Eye Irritation , Surface , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Contacts , Doctor , Umph , 15 , Home , Internet , Credit , Xfinity , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , Internet Service , Program , Equipment , Value , Xfinity Mobile , 0 , 50 , Meals , Calorie Counting , Stress , Fatigue , Store , One Golo , Click , Call , Enoudiet , Emale Narcarb Cutting , Body , Repair Metabolism , Release , Help , Hormones , Weight Loss , Optimize Insulin Levels , Dieting , Golo Com , Weight , Millions , Golo , It Elf Reports , Legend , Oval , Elf On The Shelf , Boys And Girls , Holiday Countdown , Narc , Code , Fireplace , Didn T , Tv , Loop , Yul Log , New York , 1966 , 17 , Employees , Family , Channels , Head , Station , Benefit , Everyey Christmas Eve , Burning , Living Room , Log Burn On Tv , Real Fake Fire , Fireplace Fires , Yule Log , Phenomenon , Channel 7 , Cue , Goodness , Channel 4 , 7 , Video , Gas , Logs , Yule Log On Vhs , 1990 , Ray Dvd , Christmassy , Apartment , Everyone , Type , Yue Log , You V , Had L , Youtube , Dog , God , Pet Lovers , Nic , Florida , Cat , Views , Numbers , Super Bowl , Fire Burning On The Beach , 66 Million , God Bless You , Fire , I M Old Fashioned , Nick Onerman , A Million , Memories , Video Fireplace Simple , Few , Paper Towel , Michael , Partf , Light , Neighborhood Block , Arm , Job , Untangling Christmas Lights , Houses , Moreou Houses , Christmas Lights , Somewhere , Crazy Town , Big Christmas , Morning , Inflatable Santas , Snow Monster , Stuff , Roof , Nobody , Yard , Inflatables , Hang On , Drive , Shootings , Rash , Done , Displays , Smoke Machine , Radio , Tour Boss , Tourist Attractions , Lasers , Six , Block , Big Wheel , Parents , Poster , Edm , Sex , 7 Billion , Billion , Decorations , Michael Loftus On Neighborhood Christmas Lights Battle , Rn , Everybody , Capitalist , Looky , The Block , Blike Woo , Yes , Yearens , Is Miller S House Hou A Little O , Jim , Car , Attention , Hole Ad , Spirit , Beauty , Giving , Luck , Chance , Ornament , Christmas Tree , Iq , It A , Apple , More , Discount , Burke , Policies , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Lot , Man , Discounts , Wife , Jet Skis , Honey , Hon , Boat , Forty Five , Dad , Bum , Things , Sup , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Fox News Live , Ashley Strohmier , American Airlines , Staffing Shortages , Havoc , Hundreds , Flights , Carriers , Omicron Variant , Delta , Others , Pandemic , People In St , Vacations , Plans , Travelers , Pope Francis , Peters Basilica , 200000 , Masks , Resurgence , Cases , Mandate , Covid , Vatican , 19 , Decoration , Headline , Foxnews Com , Finder , Germany , Claim , Conspiracy , Christmas Pickle , Pickle Ornament Concept , Valentine S Day , Face , 458 , Story , Star Wars , Figures , Appreciation , Parent , Alworth , 22 , 2 , Hit , Monster , Pants , Luke , Chew Becca , Princess Leia , Kenner , 1977 , Toys , Stores , Action Figures , Box , It Up , Diorama , Mail , Wrapping Paper , Congratulations , June 1st , February 1st , Movie , Friends , Soul , Punch , Iou , Power , Aen , Rock Em Sock Robots , Cabbage Patch Dolls , Miami Beach , Country , Battle , Area , Inciter , Violence , Pudgy , Father , Adoption Papers , Birth Certificates , Line , Doll , Oil Crisis , Mall , Shipment , Sister , Playing Dallas On Sunday , 1970 , Trouble , Don T You , Elmo Out , Me Elmo , Time Machine , Dude , Rosie O Donnell , Tyco , Units , Cabbage Patch Craze , 400000 , Talk Show , Crowd , Anywhere , Black Market Item , Advertisements , Adults , Quiet , Case , Bowling Alley , Money , Me Elmo Dolls , Cash , John Gotti Jr , 000 , 1000 , Laughter , Boys , Basketball Game , Rob A Bank , Taunting , Elmo Dolls , 7000 , Classic Holiday Song , Radio Stations , Content , Ha , Fortune On Me , Beenid , Baby It S Cold Outside , Let It Snow , It Snow , Athe , Jingle Bell Rock , Retailers , Subaru , Vo , Fourteen , Donor , Aspca , Now Subaru , Meals On Wheels , Love Event , Charity , Share , National Park Foundation , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Woman , Controversy It , Rap Lyrics , Sleeping , Parking Lot , Target , Santa Claus , Shopping , Household , Black , Black Friday , Work , Christmas Decorations , Let , Head Downtown In The Car , Sights , 6 , 00 , Sleep , Sidewalk , Dishes , I Ll Be Back , Groups , Camping , Humans , Cold Winter , Items , It Door Buster , Black And Blue Frida , Customers , Craziness , News Station , Spectating , Big A Tradition Of Shopping , Tuning , Snot , 200 Million , Black Thursday , Beige , 8 , 400 , Pay , Opinion , Beef , Rip , On Fox Nation , Delorean , 80 , Help Standing Up , Most , Rackets , Lady Liberty , Ladies , John Mc Enroe , Aerosmith , Run Dmc , Fbi , Lies , Hands Across America , Walter , Mondale , News , Super Bowl Shuffle , Guess What , Scandal , United Kingdom , Miss , Centrum , Immune System , Defenses , Phoenix Nation , Routine , Look , D , Ace , Support , Vitamin C , Zinc , Angie , Bill , Lou , Phone , Yep , Mobile , 5g , Cost , Network , Savings , Moon Christmas Special , Go , Gotta , Switch Squad , Mrs , Martini , Movies , Classic , It S A Wonderful Life , Matter , Welcome Home , Intoed , Angel , Rings , Guardian Angel , Intersession , Character , Wings , Suicide , Heaven , Jimmy Stewart , Performance , Dog Gone , Moon , Mary , Tv Station , Copyright , Christmas Culture , 70 , Staple , Tear , Rush , Right , Sight , Hush , Up Ralphy , True Meaning Of Christmas , Memory , A Christmas Story , Ralphy , Script , Window , Red Rider Bbgun , Getsa Leg Lamp , Doorstep , Fragil E , Triple Dog Dare , Pole , Human , Will Farrell , Elves , Movie Star , Elf , Pris Christmas Move , Clothes , Throne , Excitement Go Everything Christmas , Casting , Nose , Bob Newhart , Great Edasner , Film , Christmas Class Classic , Die Hard , 2003 , Classic Christmas Song , Flick , Trap Family , Christmas Tblik , Von , Gift , Energizer Bunny , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Aa Battery , Snowball Splat , Windshield Wiper , Von Trapp Family , Manger , The Little Drummer Boy , Baby Jesus , Rocking , Vibe , Father Christmas , Aliases , Agent , Big Red Suit , World , Image , Surveilling Kids , Grip , Ability , Jeff Bezos , Guarantee , Hands , Workforce , Amount , Santas , He , Street , Sit , Malls , Corners , Noses , Gratitude , Debt , Magic , Norad , Volume , Shame , Fedex , Norad Santa Track Ser , Pace Command , Journey , Air Force , Time , Government , Cube Missile Crisis , Cheese , Crackers , Self , Technology , Game , Suit , Voicemail , Vacation , Beach Cocktail , Umbrella , December 26 , 26 , Massage , Fight , Bourbon , Tens , Church , Titos , Service , Change , Stories , What , A Choir , Best , Beautiful , Silence Night , Silent Night , Calm , O Holy Night , Congregation , Joy To The World , Particular , Solis , Siting , Means , Presents , Hustle , Family Faith , Bustle , Fancy Stuff , Togetherness , Finding , Christmas Spirit , Night , Blessed , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Bit , Edition , Underbelly , Slog , American Politics , Eight , Nature , Trade , Meaning , Cable News , Hardship , Struggle ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Who Can Forget Christmas 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Who Can Forget Christmas 20240709

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christmas specials starting with the grinch who stole christmas. >> the annual christmas specials were an event. when you first see that advertisement like. >> frosty the snowman returns tuesday night. >> was that on once. missed it, you were screwed. >> mom, mom can we watch that, can we watch that? mom? >> on sunday, december 4th, burl ives again tells the exciting new story of rudolph the red nosy reindeer. >> i was obsessed with clay nation. rudolph the red-nosed reindeer was the pinnacle. >> loved that show. >> tells the story of rudolph based on the show redorsal outsider. >> burial ives as the snowman, the elf. remember him? the castoff. >> i want to be a dentist. >> it's a lucrative business given that your boss santa gets paid in cookies. and of course you have clay immigration thing in the history of he. >> still scary. to this day when that face comes on errr. >> rudolph the red-nosed reindeer has run every year since 1964. making it the longest running christmas special. >> actual inherent message in rudolph the red-nosed reindeer bullying works. think about it would rudolph have gotten his life together if it wasn't for all that name calling behind the scenes? >> >> be prepared for cancel culture to come for rudolph it will happen. >> isn't there anyone who knows what christmas is all about? >> it's charlie brown and the peanuts gang. >> 65 one year after rudolph cbs aired another christmas classic. >> i love charlie brown christmas. what's not to love, right?ro i love the feel of it. it had that great sound track. >> someone paired jazz with a christmas special for kids. >> every time you hear it, you just got to go. >> charlie brown is a strange hero for kids because he appears to suffer from depression. i mean, he is in therapy even though his therapist is lucy and she charges 5 cents. >> kind of go through this awakening, i suppose through the christmas season. >> he was against the commercialism of christmas. >> charlie brown wrestles with all of these issues and you know, eventually lioness turns to him and shocking for the time, he cites scripture. >> for you to born in the city of david is a savior who is christ the lord. >> that's what christmas is all about charlie brown. >> these kids put on a nativity scene as part of a public school play. >> school board was against it, nynobody could understand him anyway it was workers' comp anyway it wah, wah. >> no way it is department of justice school board meeting. >> something something about the simplicity of children that makes it easier to understand the simplicity of the message of christmas. and that's, i think, what charlie brown nation. >> it is one of those ones you just hope is still on until the end of time. ♪ ♪ >> there are many christmas traditions that invoke a sense of joy, happiness. one tradition is met with anger and distaste. and that is the annual fruit cake. i haven't met a sole that likes it like it's the only place america still has common ground. how did christmas, the greatest holiday ever, get seattleed saddled with this ridiculous dessert. >> if i were christmas i would trade it to easter. >> fruit cake itself goes back centuries and it makes sense. when you taste a fruit cake it taste tastes like something invented before refridge rates radiation. >> he said it best when he said he thinks it's one fruit cake and passed it around have you ever bought a fruit cake. >> the whole thing started with fruit cake. >> no one played hot potato anymore but you do. it's called fruit cake and you play it on christmas. people say like oh, you know, fruit cake. >> you put thought into it honey, wouldn't it be funny if they spent three days in a bathroom? >> oh. >> this is oh my -- what holy space food garbage is this? would you honestly look forward to something like this. >> this is an off putting smell to it. >> i have never had fruit cake before. >> tastes formaldehyde. >> fruit roll up in. >> there do we have water? can i have it? >> there is no reason. we don't have to keep every tradition. we can let fruit cake go. ♪ ♪ loved him. >> i loved caroling. but caroling is a way to prepare the heart. >> people think because i have got a voice for television that i would have a great singing voice. i don't. >> no one wants to hear me sing. i will just say that first thing. is that your ploy to try to get me to sing? it's working. >> deck the halls with bows of holly. >> click click click. >> back in the old days caroling was called was selling. >> like the song. here we come awas selling. >> knocking on doors, i know you are rich. can you give us any wine whatever bottom rack can you get your hands on. they say we wish you a merry christmas, now bring us some tfigy pudding. >> you are demanding figy pudding whatever that is. >> figy pudding who has that? >> they used to be everywhere. you would find them at shops, at grocery stores. of course in your neighborhood from door to door. i mean, at first when you are a kid and see carolers come, this is nice. little snow outside. they are singing christmas songs and seem really reap really happy. then you realize those neighborhood people arere drunk and on the best bar crawl in the neighborhood. >> is that mr. at ter bury stumbling. >> always a good idea to have a drink or two beforehand. >> there is a social awkwardness with caroling. >> you see that house down the road that we have never been to and we have no idea who lives inside there? you knock on the door and see the guy who just had the worst day of his life. really? are you going to y start with te deck the halls? jeesh. >> these are slurred voices of amateurs and they go on and on. particularly when they do the 12 days of christmas and nothing against the song okay, but it's will also 9 minutes and 1 seconds. that's not a festive gesture that's a hostage situation. >> at its heart, it is a wonderful thing. it's better than a door-to-door salesmen. what would you rather have caroling or somebody selling steak knives. >> time for christmas pop quiz. what animated christmas special was based on a book in won the book of the year award and the toy that won the best toy award? is it a, frosty the snowman? b, an elf on the shelf or c, how the grinch stole christmas? the answer and more christmas classics were when you return. ♪ at vanguard, you're more than just an investor, you're an owner with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! want to save on your home internet? 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(energetic music) just taking one golo release capsule with three balanced meals a day has been clinically proven to help repair metabolism, optimize insulin levels, and balance the hormones that make weight loss easy. release works with your body, not against it, so you can put dieting behind you and go live your life. go to now to join the millions of people who have found the right way to lose weight and get healthier with golo. ♪ ♪ what won the book of the year, best toy, the answer, elf on the shelf. legend has it elf reports back to santa every oval on the shelf every night and appears the next morning. >> i'm surprised elf what are the elf little boys and girls? is he a narc. is he ratting you out. where is the code. >> now back to the holiday countdown. >> >> in 1966 wcix in new york started broadcasting a yul log on the tv so people who didn't have a fireplace could have a fireplace on their tv. >> it was 17 second loop. they just played over and over. >> it ran commercial free it which had the added benefit of having the station employees able to go home and spend time with their family. >> you have to picture this in your head. you are changing channels and all of a sudden there is a fireplace in your living room. there is just a log burning. you are just watching a log burn on tv. >> it became a christmas tradition they would show it everyey christmas eve and christmas day. people loved it. >> it's a nice way to turn your tv into something worth watching. >> that caught fire, you know what i'm saying? >> same thing. it was brilliant. >> different channels had them. you have competing fireplace fires. >> that is truly an american phenomenon, i think. channel 7 is a little better this year. turn off that lame channel 4 you lost and cue in channel 7 goodness. >> i think yule log be transfixed by it. >> do you know what bothers me? when they have one of those gas powered yule logs. if i'm going to watch a fake fire i want it to be a real fake fire. >> then in the 1990s you would actually buy video of the yule log on vhs, on high definition blue ray dvd. >> this is something you need to get to make your apartment be christmassy. >> had'l you to the have the yue log. gone high tech you go to youtube and type in yule log there is pretty much a video for everyone. >> yule log. i think i spelled it right. >> got the traditional yule log. you'v got the fireplace burning with the cat and dog for pet lovers. can you cece a fire burning on the beach in florida as your yule log. >> 66 million views for that? my god that's like super bowl numbers. >> there is even one with nic who is sitting by the fire. you can watch your fire and nick onerman at the same time. i don't know who would want to do that but probably, i don't know, maybe a million people. >> if that is what does it for you, america, god bless you. i'm old fashioned. i like my video fireplace simple. ♪ ♪ it all started innocently though. >> a few very tasteful. reminds you of the season. > my memories of my dad puttg up lights in our house was miserable. you didn't want to be around him. >> this is what happens, michael. you have to wrap it around an old paper towel thing so that you don't -- okay? that's your job now. >> you a have to use every partf your body when you are untangling christmas lights. light, over an arm. wait a minute. if there was always that one house on the neighborhood block that really did it up for christmas. and what started out as one house starts to become more houses. and moreou houses. i don't know where we made the turn to crazy town on christmas lights. it was somewhere around the time when they started having those inflatable santas. frosty, next to a rudolph. next to an abominable snow monster. next to santa, stuff on the roof. nobody thinks about big christmas displays what the yard looked like in the morning. little kids are walking to school all these inflatables are lying dead like a rash of drive by shootings in your neighborhood. >> hang on. well, okay. so, come back later, and i will have this done, okay? >> now the neighborhood themselves have become tourist attractions. >> there are houses that put up light displays that can you set your radio too and broadcast the time together. >> >> you have got lasers maybe there is a smoke machine, there is are six tour boss buses on your block. >> less christmas and more like edm poster. >> $7 billion on christmas decorations, 7 billion. >> my parents couldn't get me that big wheel. >> i think our on sex with christmas lights and christmas decorations is exactly what charlie brown was trying to warn us about. >> wait a minute. oh, wait a minute. ♪ ♪rn >> and now who can forget michael loftus on neighborhood christmas lights battle? >> i'm into it because i'm a capitalist. and when people compete, it makes it better for me. i want everybody on the block to compete. that way i can drive by and just blike woo, looky, looky, it's l great. is it suck to have in your neighborhood? yes. is miller's house hou a little o darn bright when you are trying to sleep? yes. it will be over after new yearens. let them have their little christmas lights up. >> if you don't want to be involved, don't. hey, jim, why don't do you your house. >> do your house? that would take away from the beauty of that house. that's how i celebrate christmas. the spirit of giving. i'm giving that guy the attention. how about you. shut your hole ad get back in your car. okay? merry christmas. ♪ >> ready for another chance to show off your christmas iq? according to tradition, whoever finds this appetizing ornament on the christmas tree will have good luck. is it a, the christmas apple, b, the christmas banana? or c, the christmas pickle? the answer when we return. ♪ (burke) with farmers auto multi-policy discount, the more policies you have with us, the more you could save on your auto insurance. (man) hey, hon! (wife) hi, honey! (man) like what? (burke) well, you'd get a discount for insuring your jet skis... and ...home and more. you could save up to forty-five percent. (man) that's a whole lot of discounts. (burke) well, we offer coverage for a whole lot of things, and you could save a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. (kid) sup, dad! (burke) seventeen-car garage you got there? ♪we are farmers♪ ♪bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum♪ >> welcome to fox news live i'm ashley strohmier the omicron variant causing havoc this christmas even hundreds of flights are canceled or delayed due to staffing shortages. delta and american airlines other carriers running smoothly. this is expected to be the heaviest travel period since the pandemic started. some travelers have canceled plans. many others are keeping their vacations scheduled. pope francis celebrated christmas eve mass before 200,000 people in st. peters basilica. going forward despite the resurgence of covid-19 cases that has prompted mandate for vatican employees does not aflight faithful attending masks but required to wear masks. i'm ashley strohmier who can forget christmas. for more headline go to ' ♪ ♪ >> so what decoration gives the finder good luck? the answer is c, the christmas pickle. many claim the tradition comes from germany. so no one is sure where it originated. i think pickle ornament concept is made up. it's a conspiracy by the people at 458 mark just like valentine's day. >> now back to the holiday countdown. >> they say seeing a kid's face on christmas morning, the appreciation, the love, it makes it alworth while. i think it's a different story if you are the parent that had to go out and find that toy. >> "star wars" figures, r 2 d 22 chew becca, luke and princess leia. >> in 1977 no one expected "star wars" to the monster hit that was. >> this is not going to be the hot toy. this is going to be the only. >> -- kenner caught with pants down because they did not anticipate how much demand they would have for "star wars" toys come christmas time. >> action figures not yet available this available in stores. >> you could pay 7. 9 and get a box decorated with "star wars" figures on it. open it up. and opens up into a diorama. >> i cannot imagine how unhappy children must have been tearing open the wrapping paper. >> kids loved i do i do. >> get a certificates by mail. sent to you at home between february 1st and june 1st. >> congratulations little time, you are going to get your toy in june. this was aen punch in the soul, man. >> oh i got rock 'em sock 'em robots what did you get? >> iou. that's the cultural power of this movie. i was jealous of my friends. got an empty box for christmas. >> if you got kids you got cabbage patch dolls. miami beach when the store sold out early similar coming in from our area and around the country. >> i don't think there was bigger inciter of violence in the history of the battle to get cabbage patch dolls. pudgy soft dolls that had their own birth certificates and adoption papers the thing everybody had to have. >> i remember my mom telling me that my father had to wait in line for hours and hours and hours. >> i remember my dad going out to the mall getting a shipment of cabbage patch. i swear to god he had it up like he was playing dallas on sunday. >> like the oil crisis, right in the 1970s except it was a doll. >> that year my sister got two. which means my dad probably laid somebody out. >> oh, yeah. yeah. yeah. oh, i think it just tooted. >> do you kids even know the trouble you caused? >> you love the attention, don't you? >> yes, i do. >> yes, you do. >> dude, get a time machine tonight and go back to the right rich.we are >> elmo, particular me elmo, oh, elmo, think about the cabbage patch craze, particular me elmo, tyco came out with particular me elmo. >> they had 400,000 units ready to go rosie o'donnell who had she had enormously popular daytime talk show. >> she featured particular me elmo on her show in october and the crowd went wild. >> today show also brought elmo out and made it even more popular. >> you by thanksgiving you could not find a particular me elmo on the shelf anywhere. >> elmo. >> elmo, quiet, the adults are talking. >> particular me elmo becomes like a black market item, people are putting out advertisements saying they will sell theirs for $1,000 maybe behind the bowling alley only bring cash. >> john gotti jr. went into toys r us and bought a whole case of particular me elmo dolls. >> we have got make some money, boys. fix a basketball game? no. rob a bank? no. elmo dolls. >> are you worth $7,000 elmo? [laughter] >> it is almost like it's taunting you. ha ha ha ha, you spent a fortune on me. ha ha ha ha. >> ready for another christmas pop quiz? what classic holiday song has beenid banned from some radio stations due to its content? is it a, baby it's cold outside? b, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow, c, jingle bell rock? athe answer and more christmas memories when we return. ♪ (vo) for fourteen years, subaru and our retailers have been sharing the love with those who need it most. now subaru is the largest automotive donor to make-a-wish and meals on wheels. and the largest corporate donor to the aspca and national park foundation. get a new subaru during the share the love event and subaru will donate two hundred and fifty dollars to charity. some so which song? a baby it's cold outside. about a woman who wants to leave and a man who is bigger had to stay. >> i don't see what the controversy it, you listen to rap lyrics. >> now back to more. nothing says let's begin the most wonderful time of the year like sleeping in a target parking lot. every thanksgiving day parade ends with santa claus. he says, let the shopping seen begin. >> black friday for many retailers is the first day the first day of the year they are operating in the black. >> in my household we call it diversity friday. but sure, whatever you want. >> it started innocently enough. the day off of work, day after thanksgiving. kids are with you, let's head downtown in the car, and see the christmas decorations. take in the sights. maybe do shopping. >> common from -- practice for stores in open at 6 a.m. the day after thanksgiving. >> then 4:00 a.m., then people were camping out. >> the most innocent way to let people know you hate your family. >> i can't help you with the dishes, i have to go shopping, i'll be back tomorrow. >> i wish i could stay and help you clean, but, i have to go sleep on the sidewalk tonight. >> maybe these people are outdoor type, maybe they like camping. >> nothing makes humans act more responsible than gathering together in large groups in freezing cold winter in dead of night to fight for cheap items. >> it was black and blew friday. -- black and blue frida. >> call it door buster, you are asking for trouble. what do your customers do, they bust down the door. >> it is about spectating, if you are not participating you are watching the local news station, what craziness happened. >> that is as big a tradition of shopping, tuning in to see who beat the snot out of each there are in a target 200 million shop -- shoppers spending 400 each. >> they started opening them 8 p.m. on thanksgiving, making black friday, black thursday night. is that beige thursday. >> the people that have to work that night, they should get triple pay. >> in my opinion. >> new seen of who can forget. dropping this january. on fox nation. >> if 80s were a car. it would have been the delorean. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a good rip. >> where's at beef. >> where's the beef. >> lady liberty, needed help standing up, can't blame her. most of ladies i know that age prefer to sit. >> aerosmith and run-dmc. >> john mc enroe killed more rackets than the fbi. >> a lot has been said lies. >> hands across america. >> what i remember about mondale, walter is virtually nothing. >> the last thing that big to come out of the united kingdom of the the united states. >> scandal. american posed news. >> super bowl shuffle was the worst song ever but really catchy. >> it was morning in america. >> guess what, i'm just getting started. >> don't miss who can forget totally 80s new seen, january on phoenix nation. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! hey, angie! you forgot your phone! hey lou! angie forget her phone again? yep. lou! mom said she could save up to $400 on her wireless bill by switching to xfinity internet and mobile. with nationwide 5g at no extra cost. and lou! on the most reliable network, lou! smart kid, bill. oh oh so true. and now, the moon christmas special. gotta go! take the savings challenge at or visit an xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes switching fast and easy this holiday season. emale narcarb-cutting, enoudiet fatigue, the calorie-counting, and stress. (energetic music) just taking one golo release capsule with three balanced meals a day has been clinically proven to help repair metabolism, optimize insulin levels, and balance the hormones that make weight loss easy. release works with your body, not against it, so you can put dieting behind you and go live your life. go to now to join the millions of people who have found the right way to lose weight and get healthier with golo. >> mr. and mrs. martini, welcome home. >> this is what i wished for. >> there are certain movies that become stamped intoed season. it's a wonderful life is one of them. >> it is a classic. >> no matter how young or old you are, it just plays. >> every time a bell rings, an angel get his wings. >> unusual story for christmas because. the main character played by jimmy stewart attempts to commit suicide. >> then there is a intersession from heaven. guardian angel coming to help him so what his life would be like if he never existed. >> what made this movie so powerful is james stewart's performance. >> mary, dog gone to, i'll lasso the moon for. >> it is interesting how it became a part of christmas culture. >> in 70s the copyright of the not renewed. >> by early 80, eve tv station in america, could put it on, it became a staple. >> it brings a tear on your eye and realize what is important in life. >> you could have a lousy day in the christmas rush, you come home and watch it's a wonderful life and wall all with right. >> too many people lost sight of the true meaning of christmas. >> hush. >> shut up ralphy. and a christmas story is the greatest christmas movie ever made. >> a must watch. >> he reached into every american's head, took out their best christmas memory and threw it into the script. >> ralphy wants a red rider bbgun. >> father getsa leg lamp. he insists to putting in the window. >> you see what it looks like. >> not a box arrives on my doorstep that says fragile, that i don't say out loud. >> fragil-e, it must be italian in we tried it. it does freeze to the pole. >> i triple dog dare you. >> it of a triple dog dare, you can have to do it. >> i'm an elf. well, i'm a human but i was raised by elves. >> i love elf. >> probably my favorite pris christmas move, this solidified will farrell as a movie star, he embraces this car, like nothing i have seen. >> does he ever wear real clothes. >> his uncanny excitement go everything christmas. >> i know him. >> you sit on a throne of lies. >> like snot came out of my nose i was laughing so hard, the casting was so great. >> bob newhart. the late great edasner. >> we have a christmas class classic from 2003 in this short of time, become such a popular film. >> and while we're weighing in on movies, yes, die hard is a christmas tblik. flick. >> what classic christmas song was recorded by the von trap family? this holiday season, give your family the gift that keeps on... going? our very own energizer bunny! energizer ultimate lithium. [snowball splat and windshield wiper] the #1 longest-lasting aa battery. >> what christmas classic was first recorded by the von trapp family, the answer, the little drummer boy. he performs for baby jesus in the manger. >> so crazy, it changes the vibe, usually following rocking around the christmas tree then, what just happened. >> now back to more of what makes the season memorable. >> santa claus has more -- aliases than a secret agent. >> father christmas. the guy in the big red suit. >> how did germany make santa a little spooky. >> he most recognizable image in the world, yet no one has seen him. he sees you what you are sleeping, he knows when you are awake. >> before alexa there was santa as for as surveilling kids. >> his ability to manufacture toys throughout the year, he has a grip on that workforce of his. >> if jeff bezos could get his hands on santa's elves a guarantee he would do it. >> and the amazing amount of duplicate santas he hand-picked to go out and sit in malls and the street corners. >> the smelly kids with their runny noses, we deserve them a debt of gratitude. >> santa is magic. how does he get the toys to every kid on christmas eve? >> the sheer volume of toys he has to deliver in such a short amount of time that puts fedex to shame. >> santa makes it around the world in one night, he is tracked by norad. >> norad is receiving reports from air force pace command that santa has started his journey. >> norad santa track ser my favorite thing about the christmas holiday, seeing where santa circumstance how many people he has delivered toys to. >> important to federal government know where santa claus is. >> can you imagine the first time this happened during the cube missile crisis. >> i could not imagine santa did what he did and was not starving by the time he got to my house. >> my kids, the modern world, we leave cheese and crackers. you would think to your little 8-year-old self, this is the year, i will stay up all night. >> you wake up and you -- how did i fall asleep. >> we never caught santa, there is still hope, as technology getting better we're upping our game. >> maybe i have seen him. where do you think i got this suit. >> if you are friends with santa. you call him on december 26, you go straight to voicemail. >> after the night of delivering presents, he deserves a vacation. >> he is going to florida with a beach cocktail. with an umbrella in it. >> getting a massage, soaking his fight, getting in a relaxation day. >> i don't know what santa does on december 26, it probably involved bourbon or titos. >> people talk about christmas traditions. and there is a lot of secular traditions, greatest is going to church. >> i think that is tens of millions of others that is what christmas is to us. >> i love christmas eve service. there is there is something very special go-getting dressed up in change. >> i love how the church is packed. >> you see the nativity scene and hear the stories about what, why are we're here now, what brought us to this holiday. >> the kids, get really quiet. and listen. it was really beautiful. always a beautiful service. >> christmas eve night is when music of the best, the a-choir came out to sing. >> beautiful christmas songs, it goes through your soul. >> something wonderful with entire congregation sings joy to the world or o holy night. >> silent night was last song. >> silence night, holy night, all is calm. all is bright. it is enough to give you goose bumps every time. >> there is a time there, on christmas eve in particular, where there is a solis you can't describe, it comes from. the true means of christmas. >> as a kid, it always, siting to get the presents. but looking back, it is really about the family that is surrounding you. >> there is something about the hustle and bustle of christmas that wears you don't, but when christmas arrives it is about family faith and togetherness. >> you don't need a lot of fancy stuff or toys or gives or whatever it is. you don't need a lot of fruitcake. all you need it a christmas spirit. you have to the christmas spirit. you feel complete. >> that is the finding of christmas. >> that is the means of christmas. >> a very merry christmas america. you have earned it. >> that right. dog gone it merry christmas. >> merry christmas to everyone watching. >> wishing every a blessed and merry, merry christmas. >> to all a good night. >> have a merry, merry christmas. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> merry christmas, welcome to a special christmas eve eight edition of "tucker carlson tonight," which we have thought there a little bit. we are not going to bring you the usual depressing slog for the underbelly of american politics. we do a lot of that. that's the nature of news and the nature of cable news. but for tonight, christmas eve, we will do something a little different trade will focus on stories of struggle and hardship, that's where meaning comes from. but stories that gave rise to

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Simple , Few , Paper Towel , Michael , Partf , Light , Neighborhood Block , Arm , Job , Untangling Christmas Lights , Houses , Moreou Houses , Christmas Lights , Somewhere , Crazy Town , Big Christmas , Morning , Inflatable Santas , Snow Monster , Stuff , Roof , Nobody , Yard , Inflatables , Hang On , Drive , Shootings , Rash , Done , Displays , Smoke Machine , Radio , Tour Boss , Tourist Attractions , Lasers , Six , Block , Big Wheel , Parents , Poster , Edm , Sex , 7 Billion , Billion , Decorations , Michael Loftus On Neighborhood Christmas Lights Battle , Rn , Everybody , Capitalist , Looky , The Block , Blike Woo , Yes , Yearens , Is Miller S House Hou A Little O , Jim , Car , Attention , Hole Ad , Spirit , Beauty , Giving , Luck , Chance , Ornament , Christmas Tree , Iq , It A , Apple , More , Discount , Burke , Policies , Farmers , Auto Insurance , Lot , Man , Discounts , Wife , Jet Skis , Honey , Hon , Boat , Forty Five , Dad , Bum , Things , Sup , Garage , Coverage , Farmers Policy Perks , Pa Dum , Seventeen , Fox News Live , Ashley Strohmier , American Airlines , Staffing Shortages , Havoc , Hundreds , Flights , Carriers , Omicron Variant , Delta , Others , Pandemic , People In St , Vacations , Plans , Travelers , Pope Francis , Peters Basilica , 200000 , Masks , Resurgence , Cases , Mandate , Covid , Vatican , 19 , Decoration , Headline , Foxnews Com , Finder , Germany , Claim , Conspiracy , Christmas Pickle , Pickle Ornament Concept , Valentine S Day , Face , 458 , Story , Star Wars , Figures , Appreciation , Parent , Alworth , 22 , 2 , Hit , Monster , Pants , Luke , Chew Becca , Princess Leia , Kenner , 1977 , Toys , Stores , Action Figures , Box , It Up , Diorama , Mail , Wrapping Paper , Congratulations , June 1st , February 1st , Movie , Friends , Soul , Punch , Iou , Power , Aen , Rock Em Sock Robots , Cabbage Patch Dolls , Miami Beach , Country , Battle , Area , Inciter , Violence , Pudgy , Father , Adoption Papers , Birth Certificates , Line , Doll , Oil Crisis , Mall , Shipment , Sister , Playing Dallas On Sunday , 1970 , Trouble , Don T You , Elmo Out , Me Elmo , Time Machine , Dude , Rosie O Donnell , Tyco , Units , Cabbage Patch Craze , 400000 , Talk Show , Crowd , Anywhere , Black Market Item , Advertisements , Adults , Quiet , Case , Bowling Alley , Money , Me Elmo Dolls , Cash , John Gotti Jr , 000 , 1000 , Laughter , Boys , Basketball Game , Rob A Bank , Taunting , Elmo Dolls , 7000 , Classic Holiday Song , Radio Stations , Content , Ha , Fortune On Me , Beenid , Baby It S Cold Outside , Let It Snow , It Snow , Athe , Jingle Bell Rock , Retailers , Subaru , Vo , Fourteen , Donor , Aspca , Now Subaru , Meals On Wheels , Love Event , Charity , Share , National Park Foundation , Two Hundred And Fifty Dollars , Two Hundred And Fifty , Woman , Controversy It , Rap Lyrics , Sleeping , Parking Lot , Target , Santa Claus , Shopping , Household , Black , Black Friday , Work , Christmas Decorations , Let , Head Downtown In The Car , Sights , 6 , 00 , Sleep , Sidewalk , Dishes , I Ll Be Back , Groups , Camping , Humans , Cold Winter , Items , It Door Buster , Black And Blue Frida , Customers , Craziness , News Station , Spectating , Big A Tradition Of Shopping , Tuning , Snot , 200 Million , Black Thursday , Beige , 8 , 400 , Pay , Opinion , Beef , Rip , On Fox Nation , Delorean , 80 , Help Standing Up , Most , Rackets , Lady Liberty , Ladies , John Mc Enroe , Aerosmith , Run Dmc , Fbi , Lies , Hands Across America , Walter , Mondale , News , Super Bowl Shuffle , Guess What , Scandal , United Kingdom , Miss , Centrum , Immune System , Defenses , Phoenix Nation , Routine , Look , D , Ace , Support , Vitamin C , Zinc , Angie , Bill , Lou , Phone , Yep , Mobile , 5g , Cost , Network , Savings , Moon Christmas Special , Go , Gotta , Switch Squad , Mrs , Martini , Movies , Classic , It S A Wonderful Life , Matter , Welcome Home , Intoed , Angel , Rings , Guardian Angel , Intersession , Character , Wings , Suicide , Heaven , Jimmy Stewart , Performance , Dog Gone , Moon , Mary , Tv Station , Copyright , Christmas Culture , 70 , Staple , Tear , Rush , Right , Sight , Hush , Up Ralphy , True Meaning Of Christmas , Memory , A Christmas Story , Ralphy , Script , Window , Red Rider Bbgun , Getsa Leg Lamp , Doorstep , Fragil E , Triple Dog Dare , Pole , Human , Will Farrell , Elves , Movie Star , Elf , Pris Christmas Move , Clothes , Throne , Excitement Go Everything Christmas , Casting , Nose , Bob Newhart , Great Edasner , Film , Christmas Class Classic , Die Hard , 2003 , Classic Christmas Song , Flick , Trap Family , Christmas Tblik , Von , Gift , Energizer Bunny , Energizer Ultimate Lithium , Aa Battery , Snowball Splat , Windshield Wiper , Von Trapp Family , Manger , The Little Drummer Boy , Baby Jesus , Rocking , Vibe , Father Christmas , Aliases , Agent , Big Red Suit , World , Image , Surveilling Kids , Grip , Ability , Jeff Bezos , Guarantee , Hands , Workforce , Amount , Santas , He , Street , Sit , Malls , Corners , Noses , Gratitude , Debt , Magic , Norad , Volume , Shame , Fedex , Norad Santa Track Ser , Pace Command , Journey , Air Force , Time , Government , Cube Missile Crisis , Cheese , Crackers , Self , Technology , Game , Suit , Voicemail , Vacation , Beach Cocktail , Umbrella , December 26 , 26 , Massage , Fight , Bourbon , Tens , Church , Titos , Service , Change , Stories , What , A Choir , Best , Beautiful , Silence Night , Silent Night , Calm , O Holy Night , Congregation , Joy To The World , Particular , Solis , Siting , Means , Presents , Hustle , Family Faith , Bustle , Fancy Stuff , Togetherness , Finding , Christmas Spirit , Night , Blessed , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Bit , Edition , Underbelly , Slog , American Politics , Eight , Nature , Trade , Meaning , Cable News , Hardship , Struggle ,

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