Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 : co

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

illness and death," democratic mayors across the country took steps to ban them from society. in washington, d.c. mayor muriel bowser just announced a citywide vaccine mandate for indoor spaces. muriel bowser didn't explain how getting a vaccine would make d.c. resident saver or prevent them from getting covid, because muriel bowser like her fellow democrats, doesn't have to explain. they still think it is march 2020. they still think the vaccines prevent transmission. and they can believe those things because they make the rules, you obey them. it also doesn't matter that washington, d.c., is a city that is nearly 70% fully vaccinated or that city officials have acknowledged hospitals and outs are not increasing with new cases. t d.c. residents will not have to be vaccinated if they want to live normally and participate in society. but the shot isn't enough, they will have toto wear masks, too. >> we will be dialing up our mask guidance from the mask advisory that has been in place to the mask mandated beginning tomorrow at 6:00 a.m., and i will issue a mayors order that leaves the mask mandate in place through the month of january. >> jesse: meanwhile chicago mayor lori lightfoot clarified how democrats really feel about the unvaccinated coming his it wasn't already obvious. if you are unvaxxed "your time is up." using her emergency power that she has u had for nearly two years, lori lightfoot announced vaccines will be mandatory in the windy city starting on january 3rd. >> the unvaccinated are affecting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the rest of us. to put it simply, if you have been living without having a vaccination, it is time for a change. if you wish to live life as normally as possible, doing them things that you love, you must be vaccinated in the city of chicago starting january 3rd. this order may pose an inconvenience to the unvaccinated, and in fact it is inconvenient by design. >> jesse: thankfully lori lightfoot laid out the science. she didn't explain how vaccine passports stop the spread of shcovid, but she did say that if you hold your breath while entering a coffee shop just to pick up your order, you don't have to show proof of vaccination. even if you touch the door or come within 6 feet of another person, however if you try to take a bite out of your muffin well, that is not allowed. >> if you are going into thet coffee shop to pick up and go you don't need to show proof. but if you are going to linger you're going to eat that muffin you're going to sit down with that laptop, you've got to show proof of vaccination. >> jesse:: lori lightfoot borrow that logic from outgoing city mayor bill de blasio, who she is trying to challenge for braggingsh rights as the worst mayor in america. she helped create the playbook for bullying americans into submission that many americans are now following. they don't care if your job and livelihood stand in yourin way. >> i believe with enough leadership, left mandates, we will get a hell of a lot more people vaccinated. we know these vaccines worksh ad the people respond. human beings are pretty predictable. if you say your paycheck depends on it or your ability to enjoy life or do the things you want to do, people will make a practical decisionbl overwhelmingly and it will get vaccinated but we are not pushing hard off. we've got to go farther. to. >> jesse: thousands of americans are standing up to these immoral mandates including americans who riskre their lives every day to protect their communities. in boston, first responders recently gathered to protest that city's new vaccine mandate. we ask every resident of the city of boston to rise up. we will not allow our first responder community to be attacked. and they have been significantl increased, why is this happening ? "the washington post" covid tracker reports but hospitalizations are "flat." 0% change over the last week. even though cases are up nearly 30% over the very exact same time frame. so why are democrats insistent on punishing people who won't get the job? according to his holiness anthony fauci, it's because of the "raging omicron variant." but thankfully we have data from south africa, where omicron was first so we don't have to listen to anthony fauci. according to a brand-new study from that country, omicron has an 80% lower risk of hospitalization then passed covid variants. south africa's hospitalization rate even fell by 91% during the omicron wave. and less than 2% of all covid positive south africans were hospitalized. that is compared to 19% of covid positive south africans who were hospitalized in the third delta variant wave. health officials in south africa also added that the low hospitalization number i is also inflated because even mild covid cases are now being admitted toe hospitals now that they have the capacity that they didn't have before. here's one doctor explaining how mild the omicron variant is. >> with the curve, it sort of coming down. we were the epicenter, it is now much lower. it is however n going straight into the eastern and western cape because of the holidays but all over, in total if you look at our numbers it's going down. we don't see alo high death rate with omicron. >> jesse: and that is in a country where just about a quarter of the population is fully vaxxed. even the unvaccinated are surviving omicron. in this country amid the omicron surge, democrats and the media keep trying to scare us about the white house is claiming 73% of americans are fully vaccinated. 30% of those have also received a third booster. new york city, one of the most vaccinated cities in america and yet cases are surging. just moments ago joe biden summed up his administration perfectly and admitted his covid plan j isn't working. >> we are nearly two years into this pandemic, you are a year into this presidency, empty shelves and no test kits in some places three days before christmas when it is so important. is that good enough? >> no, nothing has been good enough. >> jesse: so if it is becoming more obvious that two or three shots won't stop people from getting covid, what will? six shots? maybe eight. boosters forever. at least according to this doc on msnbc. >> are you saying that at three months from our booster we probably need another booster? >> i think so, and again, it's to prevent infection and long covid particularly among our health care workers. i will leave it to the federal agencies when they offer an opinion about the general population but at least let's protect that population because that is absolutely critical. >> jesse: it won't be long until democrats start taking cues from abroad, like spain where masks are now mandated outdoors. corrado, canada, which has told residents to just assume they have omicron if they can't get tested. the people are refusing to recognize that covid is here to stay, so instead they double down. more masks, more vaccines. it is so highly effective, you need to take it every three months for all of eternity. fail to comply, and they'll crush you. matt walsh is the host of "the matt walsh show" and he joins us now. muffin mandate in the windy city. what is going to happen next? >> that is what the science says, if you're eating a pastry there is a greater probability of spreading covid. i guess that is just science. you touched on it and this is what it comes down to, i think is that we know now that the vaccine does not stop the spread of b30 and even the people who were selling it one way are now basically admitting that. if it doesn't stop the spread of covid than these vaccine mandates make no rational sense at all. even leaving aside the constitutional and moral problems, if you can leave that aside which the powers that be have, it doesn't make any rational sense because no matter if you arere vaccinated or not e are all a bunch of unclean super spreaders, it turns out. they told us early in the pandemic, they say now even we are all in this together and we know this is bogus and the way that they made it. a but it turns out in a certain sense it is true. we are all in this together in that we can all spread covid and that is why it doesn't make any sense to be segregating people liketh this. the risk is basically the same for everyone, it turns out. >> jesse: why would we use reason now since we haven't used it since the very beginning? i don't know, i look at the numbers in new york, i look at them in chicago, i look at them in d.c. these are cities with a combined population of over 10 million people and i can count on my hand, maybe some days i need to use my toes, the number of covid deaths combined in these cities. it's minuscule. more people are dying of heart disease, car accidents. yet they have turned all of our lives completely upside down to stop something that is honestly right now unstoppable.ha >> this is good news. there are people who don't want the good news with covid and that should probably tell you something. it's a good news that this omicron variant is according to all the data, very, very mild. it's a cold, is what it is. omicron is a cold, for all atents and purposes it is cold. the primary symptoms are like runny nose, night sweats. it's unpleasant, we've all had colds, that is what it is. if this is now the dominant strain in our country and across the world, that is a good thing. sign me up. considering we are going to have covid forever, it is always going to be with w us as you pot out, if this becomes the dominant strain, sign me up for that one. if i have to get some kind of covid, which we all will get it if we haven't yet, than that is a good thing. they should be considered sort of the end game of the pandemic when it becomes just endemic basically a head but the powers that be of course, they don't want that because for them it is all i abt control and they can't use it to control us anymore if it is this mild situation. >> jesse: well, you and scientists and everybody seems to be following the science except the politicians shouldn't surprise anybody. matt walsh, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> jesse: when the public and health officials and the media talk about omicron they only talk about surging case numbers but is that all we should be focusing on? a physician and retired surgeon says we should be screening for immunity, not infection, and he joins us now. doctor, explain what you mean by screening for immunity and why that is so important. >> hey, jesse, thanks for having me here. i think the deviation that we are witnessing f from science by the biden administration, by the cdc for the science is frankly on par with the intelligence failure at pearl harbor and i will tell you why. what is going on with this vaccine and with the virus is that we need immunity on an individual basis to fight it. the pathway to that immunity could be vaccination. the vaccine that was developed by operation warp speed is extremely effective at mountingv icg responses and prime t cells and it could be used as the dominant pathway by on immune people. pathway which the biden administration has ignored, from a scientific perspective this is deplorable.. they have ignored immunity and quite frankly does the gold standard for every other viral infection we deal with, to check for antibodies. we've known about this. i have communicated directly with doctors and multiple companies, dr. woodcock herself has acknowledged this. i think it is absolutely, it is a catastrophic failure in the scientific intelligence for us not to focus efficiently on these are quite simple tests. we have the defense production act plugged into these screening tests, which i think are important, obviously. you want to know if you're positive but the key is, the president of the united states wants to bring peace of mind everyday americans, we should have been focusing on checking immunity levels. this is not something that is out of this world. i repeated this with tucker and will repeat it with you. we put a rover on mars. we are technologically sophisticated company. we are able to do sophisticated things and the fact that we are unable to provide everyday americans with an understanding of how immune they are is a catastrophicnd intelligence failure that is being led by the president of the united states. really what should be happening is the defense production act should be getting plugged into t corporations, we have some very high level medical device that within a span of a week or couple months could come up with home test for antibodies and we could really let people know what their level of susceptibility is. these screening tests that we are wasting taxpayer dollars on with the defense production act are frankly null and void in two seconds. literally you can get your test done at the super spreading testing center. >> jesse: the super spreader testing center. you should see manhattan, they are lined up across the box. if we don't have situational awareness with regard to herd immunity, and you can have that in combination with vaccines. it is something that is not talked about. i don't think it has even allowed to be talked about. you can't even say herd immunity or you are banished from social media. >> herd immunity was a nice concept to talk about but what matters is whether jesse watters has antibodies in their blood at a high enough level to fight infection. you either know that or you don't. the president of the united states really wants to bring peace and comfort to americans instead of shoving these draconian mandates down everyone's throats, what we should be doing on an individual level, and we can do this, this is not out of this world, we should be checking for immunity. they are quite widely available these lab tes, and we should be doing them. >> jesse: thank you so much for coming on "tucker carlson." >> merry christmas. >> jesse: you too. if i'd made a big announcement about his reelection plans. kevin corke has details. >> good evening. will he or won't he run again in 2024 >> president biden: tonight joe biden said sure, why not. in an interview with abc which of course is what you're supposed to say when you are the president but in what could best be described as a flash of reflection biden also admitted that a lot could happen between now and then. >> you said you would absolutely serve eight years if you were reelection. you plan to run for reelection?e >> yes, but look, i'm a great respecter of fate. fate has intervened in my life many, many times. if i am in the health i am in now, if i am in good health then i would run again. >> it if that means a rematch against donald trump? >> you are trying to tempt me now.ld sure, why would i not run against trump as a nominee? that would increase the prospect of running. >> listen to what he said, he i those comments came as the country watched him cough his way through remarks about the white house was a risk run a virus response, raising quite frankly uncomfortable questions about a man, were he to run and win in 2024, would be 86 before the end of his second term. jesse? >> jesse: kevin corke thank you. >> you bet. >> jesse: a medical doctor responds to that, next. ♪ ♪ b >> jesse: a medical doctor responds to that, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we just told you about the major reelection announcement. he said he will run for reelection if he is healthy. >> you said you would absolutely serve eight years if reelected. do you plan to run for reelection? >> yes, but look, i'm a great respecter of fate. fate has intervened in my life many, many times. if i am in the health i am inn now, if i am in good health then in fact i would run again. >> and if that means a rematch against donald trump?en >> you're trying to tempt me now. [laughs] sure, why would i not run against donald trump is a nominee? that would increase the prospect of running. >> jesse: dr. siegel, fox news contributor with reaction, he has swung the door wide open to the possibility that he would not seek reelection because of possible health reason. what does that tell you? >> good evening. i've been following presidentias health for some time, as you know and also president biden's health and i've never heard a candidate ever say this. maybe, if. you always hear the president or a candidate say of course i'm in good health, of course i'm going to run. now i'm not his physician, i've never examined him but that is certainly eyebrow raising for a physician. we have seen p a recent report from his physician, dr. kevin o'connor which was for the most part flying colors except for one thing, showed a sick gate he didn'te have a year ago and that is eyebrow raising and that led to a neurological evaluation except for one thing, we never saw the mri or the nerve conduction studies. we never saw any of that. we know he has atrial fibrillation which can lead to problems, he had -- clipped years ago, which can lead to problems. we know he loses his train of thought, we know he snaps at people. all of that has us worried and thatea causes nervousness and we don't need nervousness right now. we need strong leadership in the time that we are going through right now, decisiveness. >> jesse: not only do we need that, i think our enemies need to know the guy is okay, our allies need to know that absolutely. you say they ran a bunch of head tests on them. obviously, they have not been released. with those results of the head test to be given to the president or with a kind of massage those? >> i think he knows and i'm kind of wondering, i don't want to connect to many thoughts here, i don't know that he had an mri of the brain or the spine but he probably should have and i don't know what they showed but there were several conditions they might have that could lead to the stiff gate.dopi i want to know as a physician, i want to be certain the they would have to fully disclose it to the patient, to the president but what we don't want to know is if or maybe because he's going to be in his 80s. as kevin was saying, he was already 79 years old. we've already had health scares going on.masrs sometimes he posts with the mask off and he stands at the desk and the mask goes off in the mask goes on again. you've been talking about that. i think we need a sense of good health. some of the good health was definitely seen in that physical exam he had but not entirely. i don't want to see there was a smoke screen there but i am curious about some of the tests i didn't see. not only don't make even a mental status examination. not even cognitive >> jesse: this is very early not even finished with the first year, to drop a bomb like this it's unprecedented. dr. siegel, thank you so much for your medical expertise. >> always, thank you. >> jesse: elon musk just slammed cancel culture and liberals in a new interview. that is straight ahead. ♪ ♪ slammed cancel culture and liberals in a new interview. that is straight ahead. ♪ ♪ do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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is it trying to push you in aop particular directiono or getting to an essential truth that is humorous? and when it stops trying to get to an essential truth that is humorous, it is just not that funny. >> jesse: elon cracked some of his own jokes and took a swipe at cnn. >> you could be on cnn rightlo now. [laughter] >> a real news organization. i'm just throwing it out there i don't know. >> fortunately, i haven't, what was it you said, the requirement for being on cnn -- >> are you a pervert. >> i'm not perverted enough. [laughter] >> jesse: you just saw elon musk there are, what does it tell you that one of the richest most powerful men in the world, any news anchor, chose "the babylon bee," a satire outlet. >> we were trying to be a little bit self-deprecating there in asking him what is happening here, why are we talking to you? we don't even understand why we are having this conversation. you could be with a real news outlet like cnn. i left it as a response, that asking him what is happening opportunity to take a job at them is really funny appeared he's been a fan of ours for a while, which we love, he engages with our content from time to time. we were dancing around and finally we threw it out there can we interview you? he said fly to me and we will make it happen. >> jesse: how exciting is it to see a guy that rich, usually you see these industrialists these errors and things like that, or these tech nerdsng traditionally, but you've never seen a young billionaire. a reverent, unafraid to take on the political class. i think it's breathtakingly fresh and it looks like he has the political class running scared. >> he is in a unique position. i think he is one of the people you could consider uncancelable. it's crazy too because his words carry so much ways, he can impact the stock market with anywhere that he says so he has to choose his words very carefully, but even in choosing his words very carefully and deliberately he is not afraid to speak the truth. he speaks the truth very loudly and boldly and i wanted to stand up and clap and say amen over and over because he was reallyk the one speaking truth to power. he says he's a billionaire but he's talking back to this woke ideology, this progressive stuff that is coming from the top down and he is really speaking truth to power even though he is a billionaire. >> jesse: not only what he said about comedy and you can see the ratings fall off a cliff on late night because they do push propaganda. what he said about woke culture is it just gives jerks an excusy to be jerks. and then when you call them out for being jerks they say no, ius am virtuous, i'm so virtuous. >> that is how they score their virtue points, is by enforcing woke ideology on everyone else trying to make you think like them. it's really a form of oppression and tyranny and it is wrapped in virtue. it's like they're trying to stick up for the little guy, the marginalized oppressor but in the process they are pressing people who disagree with them and trying to bully them into silence and submission and the fact that somebody is influential as elon musk is speaking out on that and giving us the platform to help us carry that voice into culture is a great opportunity for us. >> jesse: i hope you asked if he can send you into outer space because that would have been my first question. >> satire in space, we need that. >> jesse: seth dillon thank you so much, we love your stuff. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: what happens to society when man forgets god? a best selling author has pondered that question. to tucker carlson he talked about those whog are willing to sell our souls for power and those who believe in god and here's part of that conversation. ♪ ♪ >> when things are this crazy you know and i know that anyone with a modicum of sanity and a common sense also sees that things are crazy and they are all asking the same question and you're asking it implicitly and i talk about it, what is happening, what is happening? the reason we are saying what is happening is because, id have seen crazy stuff but i've never seen anything on this level. it doesn't seem -- i can't account for it. >> tucker: that is it, i can't account for it. >> if we had a president or fake president who was just a totalal idiot, he wouldn't be able to push forward this level of chaos and insanity so it can't just be incompetence. what is it? is there a handful of billionaire are kabbalists who are leading -- what is happening? but most people know clearly this is unprecedented. anybody who has been alive in america. i mean, 1968 and the madness of that, the doesn't compare to this. so you say, what is going on? in the bottom of it,t when i wrote the book i wasn't thinking about this but at the bottom of it ultimately, the book starts with a famous quote. he said, when the horrors were unleashed by the bolsheviks, old russian people said that all these things that are happening now, how did they happen? they happen because man has forgotten god. you realize that at the end of the day there are two worldviews. if you were an american you get this better than anybody. one is there is a god who lovess us and wants is to be free and have the most limited government, the most freedom and you need god, you need for virtue.. you can force virtue so that is the conundrum at the heart of american self-government, but that is the best system for human flourishing and at the other end of the spectrum, the most government power, whether it's marxism of any kind whether it is the ccp today or whether it is the nazis or north korea, the only thing that threatens their power and ability to crush people and treat them as slaves is people who believe beyond the human state. >> tucker: exactly. it's because of you believe in god you are a horrifying threat to anybody with that kind of marxist big stage of you who simply wants power and in our lifetimes we have never seen the battle lines drawn this way. there has always been this people kind of playing patty cake big statessism or whatever. it's never been as dramatic as it is right now. but right now we have an absolutely astonishing unprecedented division between people who are willing to sell their souls for power on one hand and the people over here who are saying this isn't right what is causing it? >> jesse: you can watch tucker's full conversation right now on fox nation. just go to the chinese communist party was just caught infiltrating the w w ivy league. that is next. ♪ ♪pa ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> every year the chinese communist party's deals billion of dollars and intellectual property from the united states. one of the way they do this is infiltratingay american college and universities in pain professors who work at them. just yesterday a harvard professor named charles lieber was just found guilty on all counts for hiding his ties to the chinese communist party. gordon chang is a gatestone institute senior fellow and he joins us now. how did this all go down? >> the important thing is the justice department knew that charles lieber was taking money but they couldn't go after what they really wanted, which was espionage or even treason. so they got him on pretty minor counts. six of them. basically income tax evasion failing to report. that is a good thing but the problem is he is not going to get very much time in federal prison, if any time at all. so we are going to have to have congress increased the penalties for crimes related to china because anytime someone commits a crime for china that is a stab on the heart of america.edim >> jesse: how do you flip these guys? you guys have access to some of the most innovative technological stuff that the u.s. traffics in. did theyy target him because he is chinese american? >> lieber wasn't but they do target a lot of chinese americans and they that because they can pressure relatives back in china, or they can appeal to patriotism. they have done that but someone like charles lieber it could be sex, it could be money, but once he takes money for the first time than they've got him because then he knows he is vulnerable to being disclosed, so there's all sorts of things. we look at fang fang, the ministry state security agent at the heart of the chrishe swallwl manner, that is a very simple way to turn on american. >> jesse: sex is probably the biggest booby-trap but what about cash, with the giving him cash? how did this happen? >> they were giving them something like $50,000h a month that is quite large -- >> jesse: that is hunter biden money. that is no small change. >> it doesn't necessarily have to be a lot of money, it just has to be a little bit of money because that what happens is they know they have committed a crime, they know they are vulnerable to blackmail and extortion and then we start to see more and more information getting leaked out. so it doesn't take very much to turn an american like this. and remember the harvard academic that they talked about every american can be bought. >> jesse: bought or flipped in the bedroom like swalwell, like we see on the and then when officials really zero in on these chinese tactics, they use the line, oh they are after me because theyey are discriminating against us. they are bigoted towards china and we can't have bigotry and the media falls for it. so we are like the victim of our own woke culture, is that right? >> that is certainly right, and we've got to remember that the national intelligence love 2017 and requires every chinese national to commit espionage if the authorities demanded. also in the top down situation nobody can resist demand from the party, so i think we have a legitimate interest in looking at chinese nationals because china has actually profiled them for us. it's not that we are doing the profiles, it is beijing doing it. >> jesse: we don't know how much leverage they have over the biden family because of what -- disclosed peer but we will never know. gordon chang, thank you so muche >> merry christmas, jesse, and thank you. >> jesse: merry christmas. the european union is suggesting eating insects for food shortages. for the record, this show has experimented with that and we have some thoughts straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ speak of the european union just approved bugs as human crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers will now hit superstores on the continent an frozen, dried, and powdered for straight it's their solution to pafood shortages. and went to the bugs that grow in pots. in outdoor adventure and bug eating expert. it is coming to america, just like beatlemania came, this is the real deal. i know it's coming. as a novice bug eater, what would be a scrumptious bug that i could sink my teeth into? >> jesse, scrumptious is a bit of a stretch. i don't think it matters who yo are. they're not all squeamish and they're not all thatsh for the same analogy could be made with chicken, right? if you eat raw chicken it doesn't taste like anything. if you eat of playing cricket hasn't allman need favor. it's up to certain chefs to mak those things taste good and the really good taste good. what you see me doing here does not taste good at all. so you're seeing that chef has f to dress it up. anything to make it not taste like a bug?asn entomology as it's known as potentially a sickly good solution to world hunger. eating these r.creepy crawlies good. to get high-protein, high calcium, high iron. they're is good things for a. they're is a weird of eating them and even myself as a wildlife biologist and explorer i have a hard time shoving the bugs in my mouthe , but when sh get used to it it's a really great way to get protein and it's good for the plannet. >> i am pro stigma very dear saying global warming supply chain problems, everything is going to make this a possibilit here in the united states. besides a cricket, are we talking beetles or are we talking wormsses? we're not talking mosquitoes or wasps, are we? >> i sure hope not and i'm not really an expert, but i'll tell you scorpions taste just like crab, they're quite delicious. mealworms, they're not bad. they're really not afraid i don't think it's a cure-all or end-all to world hunger, but i think eating a couple of bugs here and there b is an interest bridge to sustainable protein. >> tucker he looks like he's getting all the he can handle there with the cicada cookie.a >> is cicada cookie? what do we have going on here? you tell me, would you eat it? that being said, i'd probably rather have that the state cookie. and it's organic, right? >> it beats me, but i imagine so . forest as his name. no pun intended. thank you. that's about it for us tonight freight don't forget a brand-ne episode of tucker carlson now and you can stream on fox nation on and we've got chief is in for sean. i don'tn't think as -- know. >> oh, yeah, we've got to bring you to a state fair. we've got to get you out there. slap a little butter on it and it taste good. >> i'm in. >> you always learn something when you watch it jesse watters. a good segue into the "hannity" program. all right, welcome to "hannity." i am in for sean. breaking earlier tonight, the u.s. supreme court just announced that it would to hear

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Brian Kilmeade Com , Tucker Time , Snare Drums , Jesse Watters , Joe Biden , Tucker Carlson , Possibility , It , Evening , Answer , Tucker Carlson Tonight , Reelection Ghat , Unvaccinated Americans , Country , Didn T , Democrats , Winter , Crusade , White House , Washington D C , Society , Vaccine Mandate , Mayors , Muriel Bowser , Death , Spaces , Steps , Illness , Spreading Covid , Vaccine , D C , Resident Saver , Doesn T , Things , Vaccines , City , Transmission , Doesn T Matter , Rules , March 2020 , 2020 , Residents , Cases , Hospitals , City Officials , Outs , T D C , Isn T Enough , 70 , Mask , Masks , Place , Mask Advisory , Mask Guidance , Wear , Toto , Wasn T , Mask Mandate , Unvaccinated , Thankfully Lori Lightfoot , Chicago , 6 , 00 , Emergency Power , 3 , Two , January 3rd , Health , Vaccination , U S , Well Being , Livelihoods , Rest , Living , Life , Change , Science , Order , Fact , Spread , Inconvenience , Design , Shcovid , Vaccine Passports , Muffin , Coffee Shop , Door , Breath , Bite , Person , Proof , Well , Feet , Laptop , Bill De Blasio , Submission , Mayor , Playbook , Logic , Bullying , Braggingsh Rights , People , Job , Mandates , They Don T , Leadership , Hell , Livelihood , Care , Stand , Yourin Way , Paycheck , Ability , Human Beings , Decisionbl , Thousands Of Americans , Riskre , Responders , Communities , Boston , Responder , Community , Resident , Happening , Hospitalizations , Flat , Tracker Reports , Significantl , Washington Post , 0 , 30 , Anthony Fauci , Frame , Won T , Omicron , Data , Risk , Study , South Africa , Raging Omicron Variant , 80 , Hospitalization , Hospitalization Rate , Covid Variants , Omicron Wave , 19 , 2 , 91 , Number , Health Officials , Toe Hospitals , Delta Variant Wave , Doctor , Epicenter , Curve , Capacity , One , Numbers , N , Holidays , Over , Western Cape , Population , Death Rate , Quarter , Vaxxed , Media , Cities , Booster , New York City , Omicron Surge , 73 , Administration , Pandemic , Presidency , Shelves , Test Kits , Plan J Isn T Working , Obvious , Shots , Enough , Nothing , Getting Covid , Three , Infection , Boosters , Doc On Msnbc , Six , Eight , Agencies , Covid , Health Care Workers , Opinion , It Won T , Corrado , Cues , Spain , Canada , Stay , Wall , Matt Walsh , Host , Eternity , Matt Walsh Show , Probability , Mandate , Pastry , Way , Sense , Vaccine Mandates , B30 , Problems , Bunch , Aside , Super Spreaders , Matter , Powers That Be , Spread Covid , Everyone , Reason , Haven T , Hand , Deaths , Toes , 10 Million , Something , News , Lives , Heart Disease , Car Accidents , Cold , Purposes , Atents , Thing , World , Colds , Strain , Nose , Night Sweats , Symptoms , You Pot Out , Covid Forever , Kind , The Powers That Be , We Haven T , Head , Game , The End , Cold De , Anybody , Course , Situation , Thanks , Politicians , Abt Control , Scientists , Everybody , Shouldn , Immunity , Officials , Physician , Screening , Case Numbers , Surgeon , Deviation , F , Cdc , Virus , Intelligence Failure , Par , Basis , Pearl Harbor , Pathway , Operation Warp Speed , Responses , On Immune People , T Cells , Mountingv Icg , Perspective , Antibodies , Defense Production Act , Screening Tests , Catastrophicnd , Tests , Intelligence , Doctors , Dr , Companies , Woodcock , President , Peace , Out Of This World , Mind , Immunity Levels , Key , Rover , Company , Mars , Understanding , T Corporations , Level , Home Test , Device , Susceptibility , Span , Test , Testing Center , Void , Taxpayer , Herd Immunity , Regard , Awareness , Super Spreader Testing Center , Manhattan , The Box , Social Media , Combination , Blood , Concept , Merry Christmas , Lab Tes , Throats , Reelection Plans , Announcement , Details , Kevin Corke , 2024 , Lot , Interview , Reflection Biden , Flash , Abc , Reelection , Fate , Times , Respecter , Many , In My Life , E Yes , Rematch , Donald Trump , Me Now Ld Sure , Nominee , Running , Prospect , Trump , Man , B Jesse , Virus Response , Comments , Questions , Remarks , Term , Risk Run , Win , You Bet , 86 , Reelection Announcement , Inn , Yes , Siegel , Reaction , Fox News , Part , Candidate , Eyebrow , Report , Which , Pa , Say , Flying Colors , Kevin O Connor , Mri , Any , Led , Evaluation , Nerve Conduction Studies , Gate , Atrial Fibrillation , Train Of Thought , Nervousness , Thatea , Head Tests , Guy , Allies , Enemies , Decisiveness , Head Test , Results , Massage , Thoughts , Conditions , Brain , Spine , Gate Dopi , Patient , Saying , Health Scares , On Masrs , 79 , Desk , Some , Smoke Screen , Exam , Mental Status Examination , Culture , Elon Musk , Expertise , Bomb , Liberals , Policy , Retirement , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Coventry , Life Insurance , Asset , Bills , Income , Pay , Friend , Research , Coventry Direct , Payments , 00000 , 100000 , Policy Lapse , Screen , Insurance , Worth , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Finding Out , Few , Men , Tesla , Wokeness , Twitter , Threats , 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Modicum , Sanity , Anyone , Common Sense , Crazy , It Doesn T , Anything , Id , Wouldn T , Insanity , Chaos , Totalal Idiot , Incompetence , Handful , Kabbalists , Bottom , Madness , 1968 , Book , Horrors , Book Starts With A Famous Quote , The Bolsheviks , American , Worldviews , Who , Lovess Us , Government , Freedom , Government Power , End , System , Conundrum , Self Government , Marxism , Spectrum , Human Flourishing , Ccp , Nazis , North Korea , Human State , Slaves , Marxist Big Stage , Lifetimes , Whatever , Battle , Playing Patty Cake , Division , Isn T Right , Chinese Communist Party , Fox Nation , Ivy League , Ww , Pain Professors , Intellectual Property , Universities , American College , Infiltratingay , Gordon Chang , Harvard , Counts , Charles Lieber , Professor , Ties , Gatestone Institute Senior Fellow , Money , Department , Couldn T Go , Espionage , Treason , Justice , China , Crime , Someone , Problem , America Edim Jesse , Stab , Crimes , Guys , Income Tax Evasion , Prison , Penalties , Congress , Chinese Americans , Lieber Wasn T , Target , Traffics , Theyy , Relatives , Patriotism , Sex , Fang , Time , Sorts , Manner , Chrishe Swallwl , The Ministry State Security , Cash , Booby Trap , Hunter Biden Money , 0000 , 50000 , Bit , Extortion , Information , Bedroom , Swalwell , Screen Li , Bigotry , Line , Tactics , Theyey , Zero , Victim , Authorities , Demand , Love , Nobody , 2017 , Nationals , Interest , Party , Profiles , What , Peer , Family , Insects , Show , Food Shortages , Record , European Union , Bugs , Solution , Mealworms , Powdered , Continent , Human Crickets , Superstores , Shortages , Grasshoppers , Pafood , Pots , Bug Eating Expert , Beatlemania , Outdoor Adventure , Bug , Deal , Teeth , Bug Eater , Stretch , Scrumptious , Thatsh , Chicken , Yo , Analogy , Chef , Taste , Chefs , Playing Cricket Hasn T Allman , Asn Entomology , Protein , World Hunger , Eating , Calcium , R Creepy Crawlies , Explorer , Sh , Plannet , Shoving , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Tucker Carlson Tonight 20240709

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illness and death," democratic mayors across the country took steps to ban them from society. in washington, d.c. mayor muriel bowser just announced a citywide vaccine mandate for indoor spaces. muriel bowser didn't explain how getting a vaccine would make d.c. resident saver or prevent them from getting covid, because muriel bowser like her fellow democrats, doesn't have to explain. they still think it is march 2020. they still think the vaccines prevent transmission. and they can believe those things because they make the rules, you obey them. it also doesn't matter that washington, d.c., is a city that is nearly 70% fully vaccinated or that city officials have acknowledged hospitals and outs are not increasing with new cases. t d.c. residents will not have to be vaccinated if they want to live normally and participate in society. but the shot isn't enough, they will have toto wear masks, too. >> we will be dialing up our mask guidance from the mask advisory that has been in place to the mask mandated beginning tomorrow at 6:00 a.m., and i will issue a mayors order that leaves the mask mandate in place through the month of january. >> jesse: meanwhile chicago mayor lori lightfoot clarified how democrats really feel about the unvaccinated coming his it wasn't already obvious. if you are unvaxxed "your time is up." using her emergency power that she has u had for nearly two years, lori lightfoot announced vaccines will be mandatory in the windy city starting on january 3rd. >> the unvaccinated are affecting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the rest of us. to put it simply, if you have been living without having a vaccination, it is time for a change. if you wish to live life as normally as possible, doing them things that you love, you must be vaccinated in the city of chicago starting january 3rd. this order may pose an inconvenience to the unvaccinated, and in fact it is inconvenient by design. >> jesse: thankfully lori lightfoot laid out the science. she didn't explain how vaccine passports stop the spread of shcovid, but she did say that if you hold your breath while entering a coffee shop just to pick up your order, you don't have to show proof of vaccination. even if you touch the door or come within 6 feet of another person, however if you try to take a bite out of your muffin well, that is not allowed. >> if you are going into thet coffee shop to pick up and go you don't need to show proof. but if you are going to linger you're going to eat that muffin you're going to sit down with that laptop, you've got to show proof of vaccination. >> jesse:: lori lightfoot borrow that logic from outgoing city mayor bill de blasio, who she is trying to challenge for braggingsh rights as the worst mayor in america. she helped create the playbook for bullying americans into submission that many americans are now following. they don't care if your job and livelihood stand in yourin way. >> i believe with enough leadership, left mandates, we will get a hell of a lot more people vaccinated. we know these vaccines worksh ad the people respond. human beings are pretty predictable. if you say your paycheck depends on it or your ability to enjoy life or do the things you want to do, people will make a practical decisionbl overwhelmingly and it will get vaccinated but we are not pushing hard off. we've got to go farther. to. >> jesse: thousands of americans are standing up to these immoral mandates including americans who riskre their lives every day to protect their communities. in boston, first responders recently gathered to protest that city's new vaccine mandate. we ask every resident of the city of boston to rise up. we will not allow our first responder community to be attacked. and they have been significantl increased, why is this happening ? "the washington post" covid tracker reports but hospitalizations are "flat." 0% change over the last week. even though cases are up nearly 30% over the very exact same time frame. so why are democrats insistent on punishing people who won't get the job? according to his holiness anthony fauci, it's because of the "raging omicron variant." but thankfully we have data from south africa, where omicron was first so we don't have to listen to anthony fauci. according to a brand-new study from that country, omicron has an 80% lower risk of hospitalization then passed covid variants. south africa's hospitalization rate even fell by 91% during the omicron wave. and less than 2% of all covid positive south africans were hospitalized. that is compared to 19% of covid positive south africans who were hospitalized in the third delta variant wave. health officials in south africa also added that the low hospitalization number i is also inflated because even mild covid cases are now being admitted toe hospitals now that they have the capacity that they didn't have before. here's one doctor explaining how mild the omicron variant is. >> with the curve, it sort of coming down. we were the epicenter, it is now much lower. it is however n going straight into the eastern and western cape because of the holidays but all over, in total if you look at our numbers it's going down. we don't see alo high death rate with omicron. >> jesse: and that is in a country where just about a quarter of the population is fully vaxxed. even the unvaccinated are surviving omicron. in this country amid the omicron surge, democrats and the media keep trying to scare us about the white house is claiming 73% of americans are fully vaccinated. 30% of those have also received a third booster. new york city, one of the most vaccinated cities in america and yet cases are surging. just moments ago joe biden summed up his administration perfectly and admitted his covid plan j isn't working. >> we are nearly two years into this pandemic, you are a year into this presidency, empty shelves and no test kits in some places three days before christmas when it is so important. is that good enough? >> no, nothing has been good enough. >> jesse: so if it is becoming more obvious that two or three shots won't stop people from getting covid, what will? six shots? maybe eight. boosters forever. at least according to this doc on msnbc. >> are you saying that at three months from our booster we probably need another booster? >> i think so, and again, it's to prevent infection and long covid particularly among our health care workers. i will leave it to the federal agencies when they offer an opinion about the general population but at least let's protect that population because that is absolutely critical. >> jesse: it won't be long until democrats start taking cues from abroad, like spain where masks are now mandated outdoors. corrado, canada, which has told residents to just assume they have omicron if they can't get tested. the people are refusing to recognize that covid is here to stay, so instead they double down. more masks, more vaccines. it is so highly effective, you need to take it every three months for all of eternity. fail to comply, and they'll crush you. matt walsh is the host of "the matt walsh show" and he joins us now. muffin mandate in the windy city. what is going to happen next? >> that is what the science says, if you're eating a pastry there is a greater probability of spreading covid. i guess that is just science. you touched on it and this is what it comes down to, i think is that we know now that the vaccine does not stop the spread of b30 and even the people who were selling it one way are now basically admitting that. if it doesn't stop the spread of covid than these vaccine mandates make no rational sense at all. even leaving aside the constitutional and moral problems, if you can leave that aside which the powers that be have, it doesn't make any rational sense because no matter if you arere vaccinated or not e are all a bunch of unclean super spreaders, it turns out. they told us early in the pandemic, they say now even we are all in this together and we know this is bogus and the way that they made it. a but it turns out in a certain sense it is true. we are all in this together in that we can all spread covid and that is why it doesn't make any sense to be segregating people liketh this. the risk is basically the same for everyone, it turns out. >> jesse: why would we use reason now since we haven't used it since the very beginning? i don't know, i look at the numbers in new york, i look at them in chicago, i look at them in d.c. these are cities with a combined population of over 10 million people and i can count on my hand, maybe some days i need to use my toes, the number of covid deaths combined in these cities. it's minuscule. more people are dying of heart disease, car accidents. yet they have turned all of our lives completely upside down to stop something that is honestly right now unstoppable.ha >> this is good news. there are people who don't want the good news with covid and that should probably tell you something. it's a good news that this omicron variant is according to all the data, very, very mild. it's a cold, is what it is. omicron is a cold, for all atents and purposes it is cold. the primary symptoms are like runny nose, night sweats. it's unpleasant, we've all had colds, that is what it is. if this is now the dominant strain in our country and across the world, that is a good thing. sign me up. considering we are going to have covid forever, it is always going to be with w us as you pot out, if this becomes the dominant strain, sign me up for that one. if i have to get some kind of covid, which we all will get it if we haven't yet, than that is a good thing. they should be considered sort of the end game of the pandemic when it becomes just endemic basically a head but the powers that be of course, they don't want that because for them it is all i abt control and they can't use it to control us anymore if it is this mild situation. >> jesse: well, you and scientists and everybody seems to be following the science except the politicians shouldn't surprise anybody. matt walsh, thanks for coming on. >> thank you. >> jesse: when the public and health officials and the media talk about omicron they only talk about surging case numbers but is that all we should be focusing on? a physician and retired surgeon says we should be screening for immunity, not infection, and he joins us now. doctor, explain what you mean by screening for immunity and why that is so important. >> hey, jesse, thanks for having me here. i think the deviation that we are witnessing f from science by the biden administration, by the cdc for the science is frankly on par with the intelligence failure at pearl harbor and i will tell you why. what is going on with this vaccine and with the virus is that we need immunity on an individual basis to fight it. the pathway to that immunity could be vaccination. the vaccine that was developed by operation warp speed is extremely effective at mountingv icg responses and prime t cells and it could be used as the dominant pathway by on immune people. pathway which the biden administration has ignored, from a scientific perspective this is deplorable.. they have ignored immunity and quite frankly does the gold standard for every other viral infection we deal with, to check for antibodies. we've known about this. i have communicated directly with doctors and multiple companies, dr. woodcock herself has acknowledged this. i think it is absolutely, it is a catastrophic failure in the scientific intelligence for us not to focus efficiently on these are quite simple tests. we have the defense production act plugged into these screening tests, which i think are important, obviously. you want to know if you're positive but the key is, the president of the united states wants to bring peace of mind everyday americans, we should have been focusing on checking immunity levels. this is not something that is out of this world. i repeated this with tucker and will repeat it with you. we put a rover on mars. we are technologically sophisticated company. we are able to do sophisticated things and the fact that we are unable to provide everyday americans with an understanding of how immune they are is a catastrophicnd intelligence failure that is being led by the president of the united states. really what should be happening is the defense production act should be getting plugged into t corporations, we have some very high level medical device that within a span of a week or couple months could come up with home test for antibodies and we could really let people know what their level of susceptibility is. these screening tests that we are wasting taxpayer dollars on with the defense production act are frankly null and void in two seconds. literally you can get your test done at the super spreading testing center. >> jesse: the super spreader testing center. you should see manhattan, they are lined up across the box. if we don't have situational awareness with regard to herd immunity, and you can have that in combination with vaccines. it is something that is not talked about. i don't think it has even allowed to be talked about. you can't even say herd immunity or you are banished from social media. >> herd immunity was a nice concept to talk about but what matters is whether jesse watters has antibodies in their blood at a high enough level to fight infection. you either know that or you don't. the president of the united states really wants to bring peace and comfort to americans instead of shoving these draconian mandates down everyone's throats, what we should be doing on an individual level, and we can do this, this is not out of this world, we should be checking for immunity. they are quite widely available these lab tes, and we should be doing them. >> jesse: thank you so much for coming on "tucker carlson." >> merry christmas. >> jesse: you too. if i'd made a big announcement about his reelection plans. kevin corke has details. >> good evening. will he or won't he run again in 2024 >> president biden: tonight joe biden said sure, why not. in an interview with abc which of course is what you're supposed to say when you are the president but in what could best be described as a flash of reflection biden also admitted that a lot could happen between now and then. >> you said you would absolutely serve eight years if you were reelection. you plan to run for reelection?e >> yes, but look, i'm a great respecter of fate. fate has intervened in my life many, many times. if i am in the health i am in now, if i am in good health then i would run again. >> it if that means a rematch against donald trump? >> you are trying to tempt me now.ld sure, why would i not run against trump as a nominee? that would increase the prospect of running. >> listen to what he said, he i those comments came as the country watched him cough his way through remarks about the white house was a risk run a virus response, raising quite frankly uncomfortable questions about a man, were he to run and win in 2024, would be 86 before the end of his second term. jesse? >> jesse: kevin corke thank you. >> you bet. >> jesse: a medical doctor responds to that, next. ♪ ♪ b >> jesse: a medical doctor responds to that, next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> we just told you about the major reelection announcement. he said he will run for reelection if he is healthy. >> you said you would absolutely serve eight years if reelected. do you plan to run for reelection? >> yes, but look, i'm a great respecter of fate. fate has intervened in my life many, many times. if i am in the health i am inn now, if i am in good health then in fact i would run again. >> and if that means a rematch against donald trump?en >> you're trying to tempt me now. [laughs] sure, why would i not run against donald trump is a nominee? that would increase the prospect of running. >> jesse: dr. siegel, fox news contributor with reaction, he has swung the door wide open to the possibility that he would not seek reelection because of possible health reason. what does that tell you? >> good evening. i've been following presidentias health for some time, as you know and also president biden's health and i've never heard a candidate ever say this. maybe, if. you always hear the president or a candidate say of course i'm in good health, of course i'm going to run. now i'm not his physician, i've never examined him but that is certainly eyebrow raising for a physician. we have seen p a recent report from his physician, dr. kevin o'connor which was for the most part flying colors except for one thing, showed a sick gate he didn'te have a year ago and that is eyebrow raising and that led to a neurological evaluation except for one thing, we never saw the mri or the nerve conduction studies. we never saw any of that. we know he has atrial fibrillation which can lead to problems, he had -- clipped years ago, which can lead to problems. we know he loses his train of thought, we know he snaps at people. all of that has us worried and thatea causes nervousness and we don't need nervousness right now. we need strong leadership in the time that we are going through right now, decisiveness. >> jesse: not only do we need that, i think our enemies need to know the guy is okay, our allies need to know that absolutely. you say they ran a bunch of head tests on them. obviously, they have not been released. with those results of the head test to be given to the president or with a kind of massage those? >> i think he knows and i'm kind of wondering, i don't want to connect to many thoughts here, i don't know that he had an mri of the brain or the spine but he probably should have and i don't know what they showed but there were several conditions they might have that could lead to the stiff gate.dopi i want to know as a physician, i want to be certain the they would have to fully disclose it to the patient, to the president but what we don't want to know is if or maybe because he's going to be in his 80s. as kevin was saying, he was already 79 years old. we've already had health scares going on.masrs sometimes he posts with the mask off and he stands at the desk and the mask goes off in the mask goes on again. you've been talking about that. i think we need a sense of good health. some of the good health was definitely seen in that physical exam he had but not entirely. i don't want to see there was a smoke screen there but i am curious about some of the tests i didn't see. not only don't make even a mental status examination. not even cognitive >> jesse: this is very early not even finished with the first year, to drop a bomb like this it's unprecedented. dr. siegel, thank you so much for your medical expertise. >> always, thank you. >> jesse: elon musk just slammed cancel culture and liberals in a new interview. that is straight ahead. ♪ ♪ slammed cancel culture and liberals in a new interview. that is straight ahead. ♪ ♪ do you have a life insurance policy you no longer need? 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is it trying to push you in aop particular directiono or getting to an essential truth that is humorous? and when it stops trying to get to an essential truth that is humorous, it is just not that funny. >> jesse: elon cracked some of his own jokes and took a swipe at cnn. >> you could be on cnn rightlo now. [laughter] >> a real news organization. i'm just throwing it out there i don't know. >> fortunately, i haven't, what was it you said, the requirement for being on cnn -- >> are you a pervert. >> i'm not perverted enough. [laughter] >> jesse: you just saw elon musk there are, what does it tell you that one of the richest most powerful men in the world, any news anchor, chose "the babylon bee," a satire outlet. >> we were trying to be a little bit self-deprecating there in asking him what is happening here, why are we talking to you? we don't even understand why we are having this conversation. you could be with a real news outlet like cnn. i left it as a response, that asking him what is happening opportunity to take a job at them is really funny appeared he's been a fan of ours for a while, which we love, he engages with our content from time to time. we were dancing around and finally we threw it out there can we interview you? he said fly to me and we will make it happen. >> jesse: how exciting is it to see a guy that rich, usually you see these industrialists these errors and things like that, or these tech nerdsng traditionally, but you've never seen a young billionaire. a reverent, unafraid to take on the political class. i think it's breathtakingly fresh and it looks like he has the political class running scared. >> he is in a unique position. i think he is one of the people you could consider uncancelable. it's crazy too because his words carry so much ways, he can impact the stock market with anywhere that he says so he has to choose his words very carefully, but even in choosing his words very carefully and deliberately he is not afraid to speak the truth. he speaks the truth very loudly and boldly and i wanted to stand up and clap and say amen over and over because he was reallyk the one speaking truth to power. he says he's a billionaire but he's talking back to this woke ideology, this progressive stuff that is coming from the top down and he is really speaking truth to power even though he is a billionaire. >> jesse: not only what he said about comedy and you can see the ratings fall off a cliff on late night because they do push propaganda. what he said about woke culture is it just gives jerks an excusy to be jerks. and then when you call them out for being jerks they say no, ius am virtuous, i'm so virtuous. >> that is how they score their virtue points, is by enforcing woke ideology on everyone else trying to make you think like them. it's really a form of oppression and tyranny and it is wrapped in virtue. it's like they're trying to stick up for the little guy, the marginalized oppressor but in the process they are pressing people who disagree with them and trying to bully them into silence and submission and the fact that somebody is influential as elon musk is speaking out on that and giving us the platform to help us carry that voice into culture is a great opportunity for us. >> jesse: i hope you asked if he can send you into outer space because that would have been my first question. >> satire in space, we need that. >> jesse: seth dillon thank you so much, we love your stuff. >> thanks, jesse. >> jesse: what happens to society when man forgets god? a best selling author has pondered that question. to tucker carlson he talked about those whog are willing to sell our souls for power and those who believe in god and here's part of that conversation. ♪ ♪ >> when things are this crazy you know and i know that anyone with a modicum of sanity and a common sense also sees that things are crazy and they are all asking the same question and you're asking it implicitly and i talk about it, what is happening, what is happening? the reason we are saying what is happening is because, id have seen crazy stuff but i've never seen anything on this level. it doesn't seem -- i can't account for it. >> tucker: that is it, i can't account for it. >> if we had a president or fake president who was just a totalal idiot, he wouldn't be able to push forward this level of chaos and insanity so it can't just be incompetence. what is it? is there a handful of billionaire are kabbalists who are leading -- what is happening? but most people know clearly this is unprecedented. anybody who has been alive in america. i mean, 1968 and the madness of that, the doesn't compare to this. so you say, what is going on? in the bottom of it,t when i wrote the book i wasn't thinking about this but at the bottom of it ultimately, the book starts with a famous quote. he said, when the horrors were unleashed by the bolsheviks, old russian people said that all these things that are happening now, how did they happen? they happen because man has forgotten god. you realize that at the end of the day there are two worldviews. if you were an american you get this better than anybody. one is there is a god who lovess us and wants is to be free and have the most limited government, the most freedom and you need god, you need for virtue.. you can force virtue so that is the conundrum at the heart of american self-government, but that is the best system for human flourishing and at the other end of the spectrum, the most government power, whether it's marxism of any kind whether it is the ccp today or whether it is the nazis or north korea, the only thing that threatens their power and ability to crush people and treat them as slaves is people who believe beyond the human state. >> tucker: exactly. it's because of you believe in god you are a horrifying threat to anybody with that kind of marxist big stage of you who simply wants power and in our lifetimes we have never seen the battle lines drawn this way. there has always been this people kind of playing patty cake big statessism or whatever. it's never been as dramatic as it is right now. but right now we have an absolutely astonishing unprecedented division between people who are willing to sell their souls for power on one hand and the people over here who are saying this isn't right what is causing it? >> jesse: you can watch tucker's full conversation right now on fox nation. just go to the chinese communist party was just caught infiltrating the w w ivy league. that is next. ♪ ♪pa ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> every year the chinese communist party's deals billion of dollars and intellectual property from the united states. one of the way they do this is infiltratingay american college and universities in pain professors who work at them. just yesterday a harvard professor named charles lieber was just found guilty on all counts for hiding his ties to the chinese communist party. gordon chang is a gatestone institute senior fellow and he joins us now. how did this all go down? >> the important thing is the justice department knew that charles lieber was taking money but they couldn't go after what they really wanted, which was espionage or even treason. so they got him on pretty minor counts. six of them. basically income tax evasion failing to report. that is a good thing but the problem is he is not going to get very much time in federal prison, if any time at all. so we are going to have to have congress increased the penalties for crimes related to china because anytime someone commits a crime for china that is a stab on the heart of america.edim >> jesse: how do you flip these guys? you guys have access to some of the most innovative technological stuff that the u.s. traffics in. did theyy target him because he is chinese american? >> lieber wasn't but they do target a lot of chinese americans and they that because they can pressure relatives back in china, or they can appeal to patriotism. they have done that but someone like charles lieber it could be sex, it could be money, but once he takes money for the first time than they've got him because then he knows he is vulnerable to being disclosed, so there's all sorts of things. we look at fang fang, the ministry state security agent at the heart of the chrishe swallwl manner, that is a very simple way to turn on american. >> jesse: sex is probably the biggest booby-trap but what about cash, with the giving him cash? how did this happen? >> they were giving them something like $50,000h a month that is quite large -- >> jesse: that is hunter biden money. that is no small change. >> it doesn't necessarily have to be a lot of money, it just has to be a little bit of money because that what happens is they know they have committed a crime, they know they are vulnerable to blackmail and extortion and then we start to see more and more information getting leaked out. so it doesn't take very much to turn an american like this. and remember the harvard academic that they talked about every american can be bought. >> jesse: bought or flipped in the bedroom like swalwell, like we see on the and then when officials really zero in on these chinese tactics, they use the line, oh they are after me because theyey are discriminating against us. they are bigoted towards china and we can't have bigotry and the media falls for it. so we are like the victim of our own woke culture, is that right? >> that is certainly right, and we've got to remember that the national intelligence love 2017 and requires every chinese national to commit espionage if the authorities demanded. also in the top down situation nobody can resist demand from the party, so i think we have a legitimate interest in looking at chinese nationals because china has actually profiled them for us. it's not that we are doing the profiles, it is beijing doing it. >> jesse: we don't know how much leverage they have over the biden family because of what -- disclosed peer but we will never know. gordon chang, thank you so muche >> merry christmas, jesse, and thank you. >> jesse: merry christmas. the european union is suggesting eating insects for food shortages. for the record, this show has experimented with that and we have some thoughts straight ahead. ♪ ♪ ♪ speak of the european union just approved bugs as human crickets, mealworms, grasshoppers will now hit superstores on the continent an frozen, dried, and powdered for straight it's their solution to pafood shortages. and went to the bugs that grow in pots. in outdoor adventure and bug eating expert. it is coming to america, just like beatlemania came, this is the real deal. i know it's coming. as a novice bug eater, what would be a scrumptious bug that i could sink my teeth into? >> jesse, scrumptious is a bit of a stretch. i don't think it matters who yo are. they're not all squeamish and they're not all thatsh for the same analogy could be made with chicken, right? if you eat raw chicken it doesn't taste like anything. if you eat of playing cricket hasn't allman need favor. it's up to certain chefs to mak those things taste good and the really good taste good. what you see me doing here does not taste good at all. so you're seeing that chef has f to dress it up. anything to make it not taste like a bug?asn entomology as it's known as potentially a sickly good solution to world hunger. eating these r.creepy crawlies good. to get high-protein, high calcium, high iron. they're is good things for a. they're is a weird of eating them and even myself as a wildlife biologist and explorer i have a hard time shoving the bugs in my mouthe , but when sh get used to it it's a really great way to get protein and it's good for the plannet. >> i am pro stigma very dear saying global warming supply chain problems, everything is going to make this a possibilit here in the united states. besides a cricket, are we talking beetles or are we talking wormsses? we're not talking mosquitoes or wasps, are we? >> i sure hope not and i'm not really an expert, but i'll tell you scorpions taste just like crab, they're quite delicious. mealworms, they're not bad. they're really not afraid i don't think it's a cure-all or end-all to world hunger, but i think eating a couple of bugs here and there b is an interest bridge to sustainable protein. >> tucker he looks like he's getting all the he can handle there with the cicada cookie.a >> is cicada cookie? what do we have going on here? you tell me, would you eat it? that being said, i'd probably rather have that the state cookie. and it's organic, right? >> it beats me, but i imagine so . forest as his name. no pun intended. thank you. that's about it for us tonight freight don't forget a brand-ne episode of tucker carlson now and you can stream on fox nation on and we've got chief is in for sean. i don'tn't think as -- know. >> oh, yeah, we've got to bring you to a state fair. we've got to get you out there. slap a little butter on it and it taste good. >> i'm in. >> you always learn something when you watch it jesse watters. a good segue into the "hannity" program. all right, welcome to "hannity." i am in for sean. breaking earlier tonight, the u.s. supreme court just announced that it would to hear

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