Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

white house attending damage control as vice president kamala harris says she president biden haven't talked about 2024. carley: the president has bad news on his social spending bill. we have more on this front. >> reporter: this is either communications issue in the white house are coming from the white house, vice president harris told the wall street journal, quote, we do not talk about nor have we talked about reelection because we haven't completed the first year and we are in the middle of the pandemic but they will share the ticket again. according to the white house, despite the fact the president would be 86 years old. >> i can't speak to a conversation the vice president what they had, and what the president said himself, he's planning to run for reelection in 2024. i don't have more than that. >> the president plans to run again, he needs with harris on the ticket? >> yes, he does. there is no change. >> reporter: with the american people, the latest foxbusiness poll shows a majority of americans disapprove of the president's job performance, 43% of registered voters approve of how the vice president has done in the administration suffered another blow in the senate commentary rejected immigration reform provisions built into the bills back that are spending plan. the president conceded the bill will likely not pass before the christmas deadline. >> i think built back there is that not just for 2021 but forever. >> the partisan for such a bill was passed last month and progressives wanted both bills to be swallowed together. >> the agreement among all the democrats was we would push those things together. obviously we are having some problems with the second half of that across the finish line. >> reporter: president biden has been in negotiations with senator joe manchin, a moderate democrat hold out who said more time is needed. carley: thank you so much. on the kamala harris president biden front i haven't thought about 2024 nor have we spoken about it doesn't inspire confidence that they are on good terms. maybe there are communication issues. if i were to venture a guess i would say president biden isn't going to run again and kamala harris isn't going to either and maybe pete buttigieg 2024. todd: we are in a different page when it comes to the underlying background of all this. i think kamala is not telling the truth. i think at some point they have to have had some modicum of a discussion, you don't think they've spoken? carley: the overall point is it is increasingly clear there is friction between them. this all started with that cnn reporting the president biden's people were frustrated with kamala harris because they thought she was unprepared and causing issues for the president and kamala harris's people felt the biden folks were throwing kamala harris under a bus and giving her jobs that would set her up for failure like the border. think of those perspectives you see where both sides are coming from. this all boils down to the issue of the fact that president biden shouldn't have chosen kamala harris as his running mate, should have chosen somebody stronger in interviews and with more political experience. >> what who supports your take on this the white house is pretty good if you will keeping kamala's voice and speaking under wraps because when she does open her mouth she gets herself at the white house in trouble and she opened her mouth to the wall street journal and what are we doing? talking about it this morning because it is confusion, shows lack of united front coming from this white house. you saw the numbers on screen, majority of americans do not find her favorable and to your point that all comes together and says these two individuals won't be on the 2024 ticket. carley: very issues facing the country, the woman whose mother had to fight off a smash and grab robert with a chair, the immigration issue we talked about the border and how those that was increase for the first time since july. inflation the number one issue in americans are facing in terms of what americans say when asked by pollsters and senator rick scott says lack of action from the white house is the issue hurting the biden administration on all those fronts. >> didn't do anything about the border, they don't do anything about getting gas prices down food prices down, they've done nothing on the supply chain. i said i'm not going to let any nominees go to the senate until buttigieg tells us what they are doing on the supply chain. we had a call this week, they have done nothing so they are doing nothing on crime, nothing to stop indoctrination of our kids. it is not what average americans want or low-income americans want or any american wants. carley: when you think of crime, even though it is merely a local issue, he could make an oval office speech about this when you think about the fact in 12 cities the murder rate is the highest it has ever been, that is an issue worthy of a speech on that front but i don't think he will go there. todd: a storeowner using a chair to defend herself. f from joining us later this hour to discuss the dysfunction in the white house. we moved to a fox news alert, baltimore police officer fighting for her life after being shot multiple times a day. thursday morning. in our family pleading with leaders of the embattled city to do something. >> before she was a police officer she is a mother, a daughter. stuff up, baltimore, you can be better. neil: officer holly is on life support, she was shot in a target attack when working an extra shift she volunteered for because of these policing shortages and surging violence plaguing the city. authorities offering a 118,$000 reward for information leading to an arrest. 7 minutes after the hour, san francisco police association saying the mayor's promise to crop down on crime shows left-wing policies -- carley: the white house taking no blame calling on city leaders to take action as crime sores. ashley joins us with more on this front. >> reporter: the series of initiatives announced by the city's mayor shows democrats push to fund the police didn't work. london bream called on police to increase public safety. listen. >> it is time that the rain of criminals who are destroying our city, time for it to come to a end. more aggressive with the changes in our policy and less tolerant of all the bleep that has destroyed the city. >> the police union responding the announcement yesterday deploying more police officers to address the acceptable level of crime and portions of the city is an acknowledgment the push to fund the pd was a mistake. the white house says mayors need to step up and keep communities safe examining the program all policies. >> if you are a mayor or local leader there is a crime problem in the community we think you should step up and do something about it as many mayors are already doing and we've made clear we are going to offer federal support to help you do that and to keep communities safe. >> senator ted cruz on crime running wild in liberal cities. >> you have left-wing politicians trying to abolish the police and number 2, these left-wing district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crime and it is real simple. if you live in san francisco and if you go into a target and grab a tv and run out the front door nothing will happen to you, surprise surprise, incentives work. >> reporter: recent foxbusiness poll shows 57% disapprove of president biden is handling of crime with only 36% approving. a lot of changes going on. carley: let's turn to overseas news, china and russia, two of america's biggest opponent tailing close ties after a virtual summit this week. vladimir putin and xi jinping amid heightened tensions in washington over the build-up of russian troops near the ukrainian border. processes china back demand for nato to stay away from the issue saying the chinese leader understands russia's concerns until he supports this initiative to work out the security guarantees for russia. president biden awarding 3 medals of honor in a ceremony thursday, two of the metals going to servicemembers who made the ultimate sacrifice. master sergeant earl lumley accepting the metal in person. he was a member of the army special forces who helped send off an attack by taliban suicide bombers in afghanistan. >> the president awarding the middle to a heroic army ranger who died leading an evacuation in afghanistan in 2018 and sergeant first class paul mc cash you saved several soldiers from the burning car in iraq well mortally wounded in 2005 he is the first black medal of honor recipient since vietnam. carley: the time is 10 minutes after the hour, a model moved to new york city says he is lucky to be alive after being put in a chokehold, punched in the face and robbed on the subway. carley: a horrific attack but she's here to tell her story because she does not want this to happen to anyone else. and you can help take control of 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greater than your bipolar i. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at neil: five are dead after a second round of storms blessed the heartland. high winds -- and bashears says -- >> a model moved to new york city from thailand since she's lucky to be alive after being attacked from behind and robbed on a subway platform. joining me now, she and her attorney, eric barnes, thank you for joining us. you are so brave to talk about this. if you could walk us through what happened that night. >> okay. just grabbed something to eat real quick and also said goodbye to my friend about to go home on the train on 34 tower square and announced -- when like no more and grabbed me from behind like i did not see anything at all. carley: he can't you by surprise. difficult to relive and talk about. you said this happened 30 fourth street, one of the most busy and popular subway stations. was there anybody else around and how did you contact police to let them know this had happened? >> bringing me up there -- the police. todd: this was all caught on camera. have police said anything about who her attacker was? >> no information has been released to my knowledge. the two clips from the nda. carley: why did you want to talk about this this morning? your story is getting a lot of attention. was motivated you to want to speak out so publicly? >> that this happened to me is not supposed to happen to anyone at all and i just want to catch the guy as soon as possible so this kind of thing does not happen to anyone else. let's catch the guys as soon as possible because and we have the video it is pretty teary in the video but i wanted -- and why did not catch a guy, i just wonder. carley: this can't happen to anybody else and we are glad you are here and safe, you are healthy and so beautiful. eric, do you think speaking out and being so brave this could elevate the crime and hopefully police -- there is some footage of him, he's wearing a mask that you see some distant wishing features about him. >> undoubtedly this is going to help, the more we have been able, she has been able to speak about this, it seems there is a lot of positive attention from this and i am certain this will help elevate the case. carley: what happened to you is an example of a trend that is happening across this country right now. why do you think there is so much crime in cities across the united states. >> a combination of factors, not just one thing but with that said, it is something that cannot be tolerated in a country founded online and order, a country that leads by example, for us to continue to do this is a reflection of ourselves as americans and we know we can do better. ashley: you have big dreams, what is next for you? >> okay. have changed -- i have to go in and catch the guy, tried to do my best. and move on. carley: hopefully this will help and we hope justice is served in this case and we are glad you are here and able to tell this story. thank you for joining us. carley: a brave young lady. todd: some of the major retailers asking congress for help with smash and grab supported the movement to defend the police. we will tell you which ones and tomorrow, not too late to be involved and tell you how. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. carley: parents of swimmers competing against transgender leah thomas since as the naacp bar her from future events. several parent sensing a letter labeling thomas's participation in girls swimming is a, quote, direct threat to female athletes in every sport, they call our allowing her to compete with women but competing on the men's team for years as recently as 2019. the university defend the pool saying we support swimming student-athlete and wants to help the community navigate with success in the pool this winter. the ncaa has not responded. the justice department suspending settlement negotiations with family separated at the border. the doj informing the families they will have to go back to court and the news comes after the white house face political pressure over potential payments up to 450,$000 to the families. a spokesperson for the justice department says, quote, the parties have been unable to reach a global settlement agreement, at this time we remain committed to engaging with the plaintiffs and to bring justice to the victims of this according to policy. todd: folks in kentucky right about now, the annual national wreaths across america ceremony is set for tomorrow, 2 million volunteers at cemeteries across the nation will honor our fallen heroes one week before christmas. here with how you can get involved executive director reads across america, got your name raised this week now that i know you are from there. for those that don't know this drive happens tomorrow. >> reach are -- wreaths across america day, 3100 patients across the country, placing veterans reese on the graves of men and women who served this country, brought us that freedom. great thanks to all the locations and volunteers who have been working year-round to spread the mission to honor and teach. it culminates tomorrow as we go into the cemetery. we say their names and take an opportunity to teach our kids about their heritage because knowing their heritage is the best building block for our kids future we possibly could stand on. todd: this is so important at a time like now where oftentimes we forget, not you obviously but too many people forget the sacrifices that have been made so we can live in the country that we live in. how can our viewers get involved? >> and find a location near you. look for time because the times very and the cdc pools, dealing with covid, please take the opportunity, take your kids, talk to them about the history, heritage, their future because the best of what we are as a country is represented in those cemeteries and it is amazing for communities to come together. this is the best country in the world. these kids need to know that and to be there ready to preserve their freedom in the future. we do you mentioned the importance of children learning about our heritage but for families of the fallen on whose graves you put these reefs, what is their reaction when you do a gesture like this? >> it is an emotional bonds, many know a week ago, traveling in different communities. if they left me from traveling to arlington, volunteer trucking companies from all over the country taking wreaths to all of these communities, communities come together and it is so important. for years i have been in arlington and always go to section 60 with my husband at the gratitude of the family, a lot of tears, they need to know their sacrifices are remembered, fully understand their loved ones died but they also lived and it was a life that was sacrificed, so embracing them, our history, our heritage, the courage of these men and women who served and to preserve freedom they need to love this country, learn about this country, learn about themselves and we need to come together as a country to do that. todd: a beautiful site to see the green on those gravestones, a beautiful gesture. thank you so much, good luck. >> thank you. carley: let's turn to janice dean with a look at the forecast, it is not feeling like christmas. todd: feel like april. >> janice: feels like springtime, that warm air ahead of the cold front bringing some wintry weather to the great lakes and new england region over the next 12 to 24 hours. 60 in new york, 62 in dallas but behind that front cold air and potential for snow. a tale of two seasons if you will. there is our future track saturday, you can see we are getting that snow and freezing rain, that will be difficult for travel. listen to your local forecast and on your airway. severe threat today because of the cold front plowing through very warm unstable air, we could see potential for large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes texas through oklahoma. look at the potential record highs today out of the cold front. tampa, florida, 85, 85 new orleans. i don't know if we will send as many as we have this past week but incredible temperatures. a chance for snow next week. depending on where you live. happy friday. todd: happy friday. carley: it is 30 after the hour. did you see this? elon musk trading jabs with the elizabeth warren and joy read couldn't help getting involved. >> is appropriate black for negative for his purposes elon musk is the worst. you know who gets involved in response? that guy, joe concha, he is live next. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label 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but serious blood clots. regulators spotted earlier the benefits of the j&j shot outweigh the risk. we have known for quite some time there was a rare risk of blood shots with the j&j vaccines, hence they are always behind the curve every time they are behind the curve. we knew this was the deal but they are saying if you get pfizer and moderna do that. carley: some businesses want help from police. >> there's this letter signed by 2 dozen retail chiefs asking congress for help. that letter is raising eyebrows. target, nordstrom, levi strauss and home depot. those companies signed the letter. foxbusiness learned many countries is companies donated to black lives matter, aclu, those groups rallied to defund the police. i said before on the show, when companies go out and get into social justice or any social issue that doesn't have to do with the core business because you end up in the middle of the controversy and being robbed and targeted. todd: kind of a mess is an understatement. finally when a sitting member of congress does not understand how congress works. >> reporter: this is going after one particular senator. congresswoman cori bush, talking about the massive special spending package, she called out one person, we must not undermine our power as a government or the power of the people, with the fate of built back better at the seat of senator joe manchin who has veto power in the senate and the christmas deadline. todd: that is how the senate works. thank you. fox news on that argues the difference between the white house and the media cannot save president biden from his sinking poll numbers. carley: the author that piece, joe concha, joins us. there were secret meetings between the white house and the media? >> that is correct and that report from a few days ago, the polls continue to show the president failing on every front, handling of the economy, solid majority blame the president and rising inflation, on crime mister biden is in the 30s. on the border in the 20s. add it up we live in a more expensive country, less safe country and easier country to enter illegally. hard to spin that, the white house is trying to work anyway and it appears to be working. from the cnn report on this, conversations were productive with anchors and reporters giving to talk with officials. since those meetings the coverage seems to have changed. washington post had an op-ed last week that says resident biden's media coverage is worse and more negative than donald trump was during his presidency and said it with a straight face, chuck todd saying the president's poll numbers are at his fault, we had dozens of examples but finite time. the good news is many of these organizations lost their credibility. their influence is a fraction what it was, americans don't trust the messenger anymore and inflation and crime, these are things people in cities and towns across the country feel, you can't spin that. neil: have cnbc's jim cramer, a lot of people go to from any advice. the economy is the strongest, a marvel to behold, he doesn't know when inflation is. cnn gushing over gas prices falling a few pennies which doesn't matter because it has gone back up again. i thought the job of the light was to hold the powerful accountable. why the brazenness, immediately following the meeting with the white house. >> it is no longer about journalism but activism. they were shamed on some level to say if you continue to report facts on this president you will get donald trump back in three years and you don't want that to happen so make sure you focus on the positive if you can find it or try to spin something like the economy or inflation and make it better but doesn't seem to be having an impact on the president's poll numbers because he continues to languish in the low 40s in overall approval and major issues lower than that. carley: let's talk about elon musk who was named time magazine's person of the year and senate elizabeth warren attacked him because she hates billionaires and rich people and joy read chimed in. watch this. >> being a freeloader and a disrespectful one and misappropriating black vernacular for narcissistic purposes elon musk is the worst. carley: elon musk posted as we responding to joy read saying lack of joy read is a lobbyist for senator karen, he called senator warren karen on social media. who wins this war? >> joy read fired back, don't know where to begin with this, joy read argued elon musk appropriated the term karen from, quote, black vernacular for misogynistic purposes to attack elizabeth warren. the same senator who culturally appropriated herself by falsely claiming she comes from native american ancestry. from cable news to cartoons to take off the year, that begins and ends with joy read. uncle clarence, glenn youngerkin, running on the education because it is code for white parents to teach about race. you get the idea. she play the race card from the bottom of the deck and bosses at m s nbc continue to promote her. that is where we are in media in 2021. people stay stupid things. todd: have a great weekend, see you on monday. >> good job with the orange. very happy with your time. >> my favorite fashion advice. families of the service members killed in kabul given patriotic works of art. behind that special tribute to the nation's fallen heroes. ♪♪ anytime i hear ♪♪ 21 on ♪♪ get $1500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪♪ ♪♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope. ♪♪ donate now at psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. ♪♪ emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor 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mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. >> it is friday, good morning. on "fox and friends" in 13 minutes, south dakota governor will join us live as her new bill will ban transgender athletes from competing in women's sports. speaking out on the fight for fairness and general jack keane, they show a united front among rising tensions in the united states and the doctor is in causing the cdc to endorse pfizer and moderna vaccine over j and j. doctor nicole saphier tells us what you and your kids could do. all that and more starting twice minutes. todd and carly back to you. >> two teens climb out of the window their high-rise, the black smoke billowing out, onto a construction site down four stories to safety, suffered minor injuries. both teenagers are okay. terrified. todd: father and son joining forces to donate customized middle art to those killed in afghanistan. carley: justice henderson, founder flagged by justice here with us, a beautiful flag they create together. your joining forces. >> flags on the garage when you are 10 years old. he built this for years and developed a knack for the chemical, hands splattered process and went crazy and started across from mine called flags for justice. it is huge. todd: events of late august touched the nation in many different ways. why did you feel compelled to do this? >> always had to get back to the country, this is a creative way we came up with to give back to people who have sacrificed. the families -- carley: you reach out on social media to the families of the 13 who died in afghanistan and injured as well. >> yes. carley: day at any feedback from them? >> on instagram or social media, the whole story. todd: pooling back, what does the flag means you? >> a great sacrifice for the usa. >> a symbol of everything the country stands for. a shame what part of the country is doing but we are here to lift up the other side and it is awesome. >> without a doubt. if you look at these they are beautiful and you could tell it was top notch craftsmanship. how much time it would take to make these pieces of art. >> these open up. they are more than flags. neil: comes with wine and cash the passport. carley: i didn't even know that. >> they are kicking butt right now. >> how much does this cost? >> 115 and you can customize them with your name and do all sorts of things. todd: what is the website? >> and carley: you can get these there. >> it has gotten to be so full of work with your daughter and your dad. todd: with of that, 51 after the hour. president biden and kamala harris on different pages when it comes to 2020. carley: lara trump reacts coming up next. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. music: ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on ♪ ♪ joy. fully. . . for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. todd: the white house saying president biden plans to run in 2024 alongside kamala harris. >> that's not what joe biden told the "wall street journal." lara trump, the white house says that biden is running for president again but then when the "wall street journal" talked to kamala harris she says she doesn't know what's going on. what do you make of this? >> well, having gone through two presidential campaigns, i can tell you guys that the second one campaign ends you are planning for the next one. so certainly there are a lot of people talking about this. the democrats have sort of woked themselves into a corner here. obviously with joe biden and kamala harris no democrat in their right mind would want either of these two anywhere near a presidential ticket because they have done a terrible job leading our country. you see that they have basically destroyed america in less than a year in office. then you have less than a year away, basically the democrats in eminent danger of losing the majority in the house and the senate. they know the midterm elections are going to be incredibly tough for them and they don't really have, guys, any viable candidates to replace the current occupants of the white house. so it is a very tough position that the democrats have found themselves in unfortunately for them. it's of their own making. but certainly there are people discussing who will be you running for president in 2024. perhaps they are waiting to talk to kamala until she addresses the root cause of immigration or something along those lines. we just don't know. but it is being discussed and i think they are very, very nervous. todd: it sort of raises alarm bells to as their working relationship if this is a leak or a slip-up it's just a disaster. i want to get your thoughts on this. it's republicans fault. they want to keep prices high. they want to keep prizing to hurt president biden. they are fan of inflation. let's take a listen to the acting white house press secretary yesterday. >> republicans are actively seeking to hurt the pandemic response. explicitly rooting for -- pardon me, inflation to get worse. and so there are -- they're blocking what we are trying to do for the american people. todd: a defensive comment like that proof that they know they are in huge trouble on inflation? carley: yeah, i think you are exactly right, todd. look, nobody wants to see inflation continue to rise. this is hurting the american people. it is weakening our country. every single day. obviously the press secretary there was having a hard time getting the words out because even she knows that's a little bit ridiculous that nobody would want to see this trend continue. does it paint a very clear picture what you get under republican leadership like we had with president donald trump when we had an economy that was soaring. when we had so many people working, unemployment at record low numbers versus democrat leadership under joe biden and kamala harris and the democrat party where you see where we are now, so quickly after they took control of things. it's really been tough for people out there. prices continue to rise. gas prices, everything else is more expensive that you have to deal with on a daily basis. it is unsustainable for people. they can't get their basic needs met. so no one wants to see this continue. but it certainly paints a clear picture as to what you get with republicans and what you get with democrats, nobody what we have got happening now to continue. carley: ing the number of border apprehensions up 174,000 apprehensions. crime is also up across the country. the biden administration is blaming the pandemic on both fronts and, i mean, when you look at the poll numbers. i just don't think that the american people are buying it at all. lara, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, guys, great to see you. todd: to your point i think you are going to hear it's production' fault, let's blame them. let's blame the pandemic. they are going to do this. they are not going to take the blame themselves. as result, i think the american people see through that and that's going to hurt them in 2022. carley: great spending two hourh you on a friday morning. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ be. brian: brian there you go. that is our christmas tree. tradition has it has to get on a ladder and put the star on top of the

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Kamala Harris , Democrats , Plans , Pages , Biden S , Same , Answer , 2024 , 17 , Friday December 17th , Police , Crime , Chuck Todd , Numbers , Video , Chances , Thanks , Midterms , Defunding , 2022 , Carley , Teens , Side , Seats , Edge , Apartment , Fox And Friends First , Two , Biden Front I Haven T , White House , Vice President , Front , Bill , Spending , Bad News , Damage Control , 2024 Carley , Reporter , Quote , Wall Street Journal , Communications , Ticket , Fact , Reelection , Middle , We Haven T , Pandemic , 86 , Conversation , People , President , Millions Of Americans , Majority , Planning , Poll , Change , Job Performance , Yes , Foxbusiness , 43 , Bills , Senate , Administration , Commentary , Immigration Reform Provisions , Spending Plan , Voters , Blow , Partisan , Progressives , Agreement , 2021 , Things , Half , Problems , Finish Line , Negotiations , Joe Manchin , Biden Isn T , Issues , Terms , Communication , Confidence , Guess , Doesn T , Point , Background , Page , Isn T , Truth , Pete Buttigieg , Friction , Discussion , Modicum , Folks , Cnn , Reporting , Border , Jobs , Sides , Perspectives , Bus , Failure , Issue , Experience , Wall , Somebody , Interviews , Biden Shouldn T , Running Mate , Mouth , Wraps , Voice , Confusion , Trouble , Lack , Individuals , Screen , United Front , Country , Daughter , Chair , Woman , Smash And Grab Robert , Inflation , Rick Scott , Time , Immigration Issue , Pollsters , Increase , One , Gas Prices , Action , Anything , Fronts , Didn T , Food Prices , Nominees , Nothing , Call , Supply Chain , Buttigieg , Kids , Wants , Indoctrination , American , Office , Cities , Murder Rate , Speech , 12 , F , Dysfunction , Storeowner , Fox News Alert , New York City , Something , Police Officer , Life , Times , Leaders , Family Pleading , Baltimore , Officer , Neil , Stuff Up , Target Attack , Life Support , Shift , Information , Mayor , Down On Crime , Authorities , Violence , Policing Shortages , Crop , San Francisco Police Association , 118 , 000 , 00 , 7 , Policies , City Leaders , Initiatives , Ashley , Blame , Crime Sores , Series , Changes , City , Criminals , Public Safety , Bream , Rain , End , Police Didn T Work , London , Policy , Bleep , Police Officers , Announcement , Union , Communities , Level , Mayors , Acknowledgment , Portions , Mistake , Pd , Push , Program , Community , Leader , Crime Problem , Ted Cruz , Support , Communities Safe , Number , District Attorneys , Politicians , San Francisco , Running Wild , 2 , Handling , Target , Disapprove , Door , Tv , Incentives Work , Surprise , 57 , Lot , 36 , News , Tensions , Build Up , Ties , Summit , Opponent Tailing , Russia , Washington , China , Xi Jinping , Vladimir Putin , Biden Awarding , Security , Initiative , Troops , Back Demand , Concerns , Medals Of Honor In A Ceremony Thursday , Chinese , Nato , 3 , Member , Earl Lumley , Sacrifice , Attack , Servicemembers , Person , Metals , Metal , Suicide Bombers , Army Special Forces , Taliban , Afghanistan , Evacuation , Heroic Army Ranger , Model , Sergeant , Car , Cash , Soldiers , Recipient , Medal Of Honor , Vietnam , First Class , Iraq , Paul Mc , 2005 , 2018 , 10 , Story , Subway , Chokehold , Symptoms , Highs , Anyone Else , Ask , Medicines , Take Control , Depressive , Lows , Vraylar , Death , Risk , Doctor , Children , Patients , Adults , Bipolar , Thoughts , Relief , Episodes , Psychosis , Stroke , Behavior , Antidepressants , Manic , Muscle Movements , Side Effects , Reaction , Cholesterol , Muscles , Fever , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Weight Gain , Sleepiness , Stomach , Restlessness , Movement Dysfunction , Hello , I , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Interest , Cooking , Heart , Seal , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Show , Gonna , Promises , Mom , Mommy , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Www Xfinity Com Sing2 Neil , Round , Storms , Heartland , Five , High Winds , Thailand , Bashears , Eric Barnes , Behind , Subway Platform , Friend , Train , Home , Goodbye , Tower Square , 34 , More , Street , Subway Stations , He Can T You , 30 , Anybody , Attacker , Knowledge , Camera , Attention , Clips , Nda , Anyone , Joe Concha , Kind , Thing , Guys , Safe , Help , Mask , Footage , Features , Case , Trend , Example , Factors , Combination , Order , Reflection , Dreams , Best , Department Suspending Settlement , Move On , Congress , Movement , Retailers , High Blood Pressure , Doctors , Pain , Joint Pain , Tylenol , Way , Blood Pressure , Trust Tylenol , Aleve , Motrin , Letter , Parent , Events , Parents , Swimmers , Bar , Transgender Leah Thomas , Naacp , Athletes , Threat , Participation , Labeling , Girls Swimming , Sport , Men , Pool , Women , Swimming Student Athlete , Team , University , Success , Winter , Ncaa , 2019 , Families , Family , Pressure , Doj , Payments , Parties , Plaintiffs , Spokesperson , Justice Department , Global Settlement Agreement , 450 , Wreaths , Victims , America Ceremony , Kentucky , 2 Million , Nation , Cemeteries , Executive Director , Heroes , Name , Drive , Reach , America Day , Don T , 3100 , Freedom , Graves , Volunteers , Locations , Men And Women , Veterans Reese , Heritage , Opportunity , Cemetery , Names , Teach , Mission , Building Block , Kids Future , Location , Viewers , Reefacrossamerica Org , Cdc , History , Pools , Covid , World , Gesture , Reefs , Importance , Volunteer Trucking Companies , Bonds , Arlington , Section , Husband , 60 , Loved Ones , Sacrifices , Gratitude , Tears , Courage , Gravestones , Site , Green , Luck , Air , Forecast , Janice , Region , Dean , Look , Weather , New England , Great Lakes , Potential , Cold , Dallas , 62 , 24 , Track , Seasons , Tale , Airway , Difficult For Travel , Freezing Rain , Record , Winds , Hail , Tornadoes , Plowing , Oklahoma , Many , Chance , Temperatures , New Orleans , Tampa , Florida , 85 , Foxweather Com , Elon Musk , Worst , Response , Black , Negative , Joy Read Couldn T , Trading Jabs , Elizabeth Warren , Liberty Mutual , I Don T , Car Insurance , Bull Rider , Woooooo , Wooo , Yeaa , Someone , Turn , Hang On , Liberty , Tex , Pay , 665 , 665 Dollars , Everything , Up Shipstation , Labels , Clicks , Business , Postage , Running , Arm , Leg , Money , Seamless , Label , Shipping , Cut , Sellers , Choice , The Box , Costs , 1 , Vaccine , Meeting , Heather , Current , Health , Crisis , Omicron Variant , Band Plays Christmas Music , Johnson , Warning , Other , Booster Shot , Illness , Unvaccinated , Moderna Vaccine Over J , Pfizer , J One , Advisory Panel , Hospitalization , Concern , Family Members , Benefits , Blood Clots , Regulators , 60 Million , Curve , Vaccines , Blood , Shots , Deal , Moderna , Businesses , Retail Chiefs , Companies , Eyebrows , Levi Strauss , Home Depot , Nordstrom , Countries , Groups , Lives , Aclu , Social Justice , Controversy , Understatement , Core Business , Mess , Senator , Works , Congresswoman Cori Bush , Power , Government , Special Spending Package , Veto Power , Seat , Fate , Poll Numbers , Media , Fox News , Difference , Cannot Save , Meetings , Piece , Economy , Report , Polls , On Crime Mister Biden , Add It , Conversations , 20 , Washington Post , Reporters , Officials , Media Coverage , Coverage , Anchors , Op Ed , Fault , Donald Trump , Presidency , Examples , Dozens , Face , Organizations , Influence , Fraction , Credibility , Towns , Feel , The Messenger , Americans Don T Trust , Strongest , Advice , Jim Cramer , Have Cnbc S , Marvel To Behold , Job , Accountable , Matter , Gushing , Pennies , Light , Brazenness , Facts , Journalism , Activism , Three , Positive , Impact , Person Of The Year , Approval , Let S Talk , Time Magazine , 40 , Joy , Billionaires , Freeloader , Chimed , Senator Warren Karen On Social Media , Lobbyist , Purposes , Vernacular , Term , War , Joy Read , Don T Know , Black Vernacular For Misogynistic Purposes , Cable News , Cartoons , Native American Ancestry , Glenn Youngerkin , Uncle Clarence , Bosses , Idea , Race , Education , Code , Deck , Ms , Bottom , Nbc , Race Card , Weekend , Orange , Members , Fashion Advice , Service , Works Of Art , Tribute , 21 , Lease Cash , Rx , 1500 , 500 , Disaster , Hope , Redcross Org Psoriatic Arthritis , 350 , Joints , Emerge Tremfyant , Tremfya , Reactions , Psoriatic Arthritis , Infections , Infection , Ability , Credit , Xfinity , Internet Service , Internet , Emergency Broadband Benefit Program , 0 , 50 , Store , Click , Equipment , Value , Xfinity Mobile , 15 , 5 , Squad , Switch , Carriers , Info , Carrier , Phone , Save , 5g Phone , 200 , Switch Squad , Governor , Women S Sports , South Dakota , 13 , Jack Keane , Fight , Fairness , J Doctor Nicole Saphier , Carly , Back To You , Smoke Billowing Out , Stories , Safety , Window , Teenagers , Construction Site , Injuries , Four , Art , Forces , Terrified , Father And Son , Flags , Flag , Justice Henderson , Garage , Hands , Chemical , Process , Knack , Ways , Social Media , Pooling Back , Feedback , Instagram , Symbol , Shame , Part , Doubt , Craftsmanship , Passport , Pieces , Sorts , Butt , Cost , 115 , Work , Website , Flagsforjustice Com , Freedomcabinet Com , Lara Trump , Dad , 51 , 2020 , Music , I Got You Babe , Waiting On Joy , Guests , Groceries , Gifts , Etta James , Migraine , Pill , Dose , Tracks , Older Medicines , Anywhere Migraine Strikes , Ubrelvy , Anywhere Migraine Medicine , Cause , Inhibitors , Nausea , Tiredness , Serena , Cgrp Protein , Cyp3a4 , Cyp3 , What S Going On , Campaigns , Woked , Corner , One Campaign , Anywhere , Mind , House , Elections , Danger , Candidates , Occupants , Position , Making , Immigration , Lines , Root Cause , 2024 Perhaps , Prices , Republicans , Leak , Working Relationship , Alarm Bells , Prizing , Acting , Listen , Fan , White House Press Secretary , Proof , Comment , Nobody , Picture , Leadership , Press Secretary , Words , Control , Unemployment , Met , Basis , Border Apprehensions Up 174000 , Ing , 174000 , Production , Result , Great Spending Two Hourh , 2022 Carley , Tradition , Christmas Tree , Top , Ladder , Brian , The Star ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX Friends First 20240709

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white house attending damage control as vice president kamala harris says she president biden haven't talked about 2024. carley: the president has bad news on his social spending bill. we have more on this front. >> reporter: this is either communications issue in the white house are coming from the white house, vice president harris told the wall street journal, quote, we do not talk about nor have we talked about reelection because we haven't completed the first year and we are in the middle of the pandemic but they will share the ticket again. according to the white house, despite the fact the president would be 86 years old. >> i can't speak to a conversation the vice president what they had, and what the president said himself, he's planning to run for reelection in 2024. i don't have more than that. >> the president plans to run again, he needs with harris on the ticket? >> yes, he does. there is no change. >> reporter: with the american people, the latest foxbusiness poll shows a majority of americans disapprove of the president's job performance, 43% of registered voters approve of how the vice president has done in the administration suffered another blow in the senate commentary rejected immigration reform provisions built into the bills back that are spending plan. the president conceded the bill will likely not pass before the christmas deadline. >> i think built back there is that not just for 2021 but forever. >> the partisan for such a bill was passed last month and progressives wanted both bills to be swallowed together. >> the agreement among all the democrats was we would push those things together. obviously we are having some problems with the second half of that across the finish line. >> reporter: president biden has been in negotiations with senator joe manchin, a moderate democrat hold out who said more time is needed. carley: thank you so much. on the kamala harris president biden front i haven't thought about 2024 nor have we spoken about it doesn't inspire confidence that they are on good terms. maybe there are communication issues. if i were to venture a guess i would say president biden isn't going to run again and kamala harris isn't going to either and maybe pete buttigieg 2024. todd: we are in a different page when it comes to the underlying background of all this. i think kamala is not telling the truth. i think at some point they have to have had some modicum of a discussion, you don't think they've spoken? carley: the overall point is it is increasingly clear there is friction between them. this all started with that cnn reporting the president biden's people were frustrated with kamala harris because they thought she was unprepared and causing issues for the president and kamala harris's people felt the biden folks were throwing kamala harris under a bus and giving her jobs that would set her up for failure like the border. think of those perspectives you see where both sides are coming from. this all boils down to the issue of the fact that president biden shouldn't have chosen kamala harris as his running mate, should have chosen somebody stronger in interviews and with more political experience. >> what who supports your take on this the white house is pretty good if you will keeping kamala's voice and speaking under wraps because when she does open her mouth she gets herself at the white house in trouble and she opened her mouth to the wall street journal and what are we doing? talking about it this morning because it is confusion, shows lack of united front coming from this white house. you saw the numbers on screen, majority of americans do not find her favorable and to your point that all comes together and says these two individuals won't be on the 2024 ticket. carley: very issues facing the country, the woman whose mother had to fight off a smash and grab robert with a chair, the immigration issue we talked about the border and how those that was increase for the first time since july. inflation the number one issue in americans are facing in terms of what americans say when asked by pollsters and senator rick scott says lack of action from the white house is the issue hurting the biden administration on all those fronts. >> didn't do anything about the border, they don't do anything about getting gas prices down food prices down, they've done nothing on the supply chain. i said i'm not going to let any nominees go to the senate until buttigieg tells us what they are doing on the supply chain. we had a call this week, they have done nothing so they are doing nothing on crime, nothing to stop indoctrination of our kids. it is not what average americans want or low-income americans want or any american wants. carley: when you think of crime, even though it is merely a local issue, he could make an oval office speech about this when you think about the fact in 12 cities the murder rate is the highest it has ever been, that is an issue worthy of a speech on that front but i don't think he will go there. todd: a storeowner using a chair to defend herself. f from joining us later this hour to discuss the dysfunction in the white house. we moved to a fox news alert, baltimore police officer fighting for her life after being shot multiple times a day. thursday morning. in our family pleading with leaders of the embattled city to do something. >> before she was a police officer she is a mother, a daughter. stuff up, baltimore, you can be better. neil: officer holly is on life support, she was shot in a target attack when working an extra shift she volunteered for because of these policing shortages and surging violence plaguing the city. authorities offering a 118,$000 reward for information leading to an arrest. 7 minutes after the hour, san francisco police association saying the mayor's promise to crop down on crime shows left-wing policies -- carley: the white house taking no blame calling on city leaders to take action as crime sores. ashley joins us with more on this front. >> reporter: the series of initiatives announced by the city's mayor shows democrats push to fund the police didn't work. london bream called on police to increase public safety. listen. >> it is time that the rain of criminals who are destroying our city, time for it to come to a end. more aggressive with the changes in our policy and less tolerant of all the bleep that has destroyed the city. >> the police union responding the announcement yesterday deploying more police officers to address the acceptable level of crime and portions of the city is an acknowledgment the push to fund the pd was a mistake. the white house says mayors need to step up and keep communities safe examining the program all policies. >> if you are a mayor or local leader there is a crime problem in the community we think you should step up and do something about it as many mayors are already doing and we've made clear we are going to offer federal support to help you do that and to keep communities safe. >> senator ted cruz on crime running wild in liberal cities. >> you have left-wing politicians trying to abolish the police and number 2, these left-wing district attorneys who refuse to prosecute crime and it is real simple. if you live in san francisco and if you go into a target and grab a tv and run out the front door nothing will happen to you, surprise surprise, incentives work. >> reporter: recent foxbusiness poll shows 57% disapprove of president biden is handling of crime with only 36% approving. a lot of changes going on. carley: let's turn to overseas news, china and russia, two of america's biggest opponent tailing close ties after a virtual summit this week. vladimir putin and xi jinping amid heightened tensions in washington over the build-up of russian troops near the ukrainian border. processes china back demand for nato to stay away from the issue saying the chinese leader understands russia's concerns until he supports this initiative to work out the security guarantees for russia. president biden awarding 3 medals of honor in a ceremony thursday, two of the metals going to servicemembers who made the ultimate sacrifice. master sergeant earl lumley accepting the metal in person. he was a member of the army special forces who helped send off an attack by taliban suicide bombers in afghanistan. >> the president awarding the middle to a heroic army ranger who died leading an evacuation in afghanistan in 2018 and sergeant first class paul mc cash you saved several soldiers from the burning car in iraq well mortally wounded in 2005 he is the first black medal of honor recipient since vietnam. carley: the time is 10 minutes after the hour, a model moved to new york city says he is lucky to be alive after being put in a chokehold, punched in the face and robbed on the subway. carley: a horrific attack but she's here to tell her story because she does not want this to happen to anyone else. and you can help take control of 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greater than your bipolar i. with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at neil: five are dead after a second round of storms blessed the heartland. high winds -- and bashears says -- >> a model moved to new york city from thailand since she's lucky to be alive after being attacked from behind and robbed on a subway platform. joining me now, she and her attorney, eric barnes, thank you for joining us. you are so brave to talk about this. if you could walk us through what happened that night. >> okay. just grabbed something to eat real quick and also said goodbye to my friend about to go home on the train on 34 tower square and announced -- when like no more and grabbed me from behind like i did not see anything at all. carley: he can't you by surprise. difficult to relive and talk about. you said this happened 30 fourth street, one of the most busy and popular subway stations. was there anybody else around and how did you contact police to let them know this had happened? >> bringing me up there -- the police. todd: this was all caught on camera. have police said anything about who her attacker was? >> no information has been released to my knowledge. the two clips from the nda. carley: why did you want to talk about this this morning? your story is getting a lot of attention. was motivated you to want to speak out so publicly? >> that this happened to me is not supposed to happen to anyone at all and i just want to catch the guy as soon as possible so this kind of thing does not happen to anyone else. let's catch the guys as soon as possible because and we have the video it is pretty teary in the video but i wanted -- and why did not catch a guy, i just wonder. carley: this can't happen to anybody else and we are glad you are here and safe, you are healthy and so beautiful. eric, do you think speaking out and being so brave this could elevate the crime and hopefully police -- there is some footage of him, he's wearing a mask that you see some distant wishing features about him. >> undoubtedly this is going to help, the more we have been able, she has been able to speak about this, it seems there is a lot of positive attention from this and i am certain this will help elevate the case. carley: what happened to you is an example of a trend that is happening across this country right now. why do you think there is so much crime in cities across the united states. >> a combination of factors, not just one thing but with that said, it is something that cannot be tolerated in a country founded online and order, a country that leads by example, for us to continue to do this is a reflection of ourselves as americans and we know we can do better. ashley: you have big dreams, what is next for you? >> okay. have changed -- i have to go in and catch the guy, tried to do my best. and move on. carley: hopefully this will help and we hope justice is served in this case and we are glad you are here and able to tell this story. thank you for joining us. carley: a brave young lady. todd: some of the major retailers asking congress for help with smash and grab supported the movement to defend the police. we will tell you which ones and tomorrow, not too late to be involved and tell you how. some people have joint pain, plus have high blood pressure. they may not be able to take just anything for pain. that's why doctors recommend tylenol®. it won't raise blood pressure the way that advil® aleve® or motrin® sometimes can. for trusted relief, trust tylenol®. carley: parents of swimmers competing against transgender leah thomas since as the naacp bar her from future events. several parent sensing a letter labeling thomas's participation in girls swimming is a, quote, direct threat to female athletes in every sport, they call our allowing her to compete with women but competing on the men's team for years as recently as 2019. the university defend the pool saying we support swimming student-athlete and wants to help the community navigate with success in the pool this winter. the ncaa has not responded. the justice department suspending settlement negotiations with family separated at the border. the doj informing the families they will have to go back to court and the news comes after the white house face political pressure over potential payments up to 450,$000 to the families. a spokesperson for the justice department says, quote, the parties have been unable to reach a global settlement agreement, at this time we remain committed to engaging with the plaintiffs and to bring justice to the victims of this according to policy. todd: folks in kentucky right about now, the annual national wreaths across america ceremony is set for tomorrow, 2 million volunteers at cemeteries across the nation will honor our fallen heroes one week before christmas. here with how you can get involved executive director reads across america, got your name raised this week now that i know you are from there. for those that don't know this drive happens tomorrow. >> reach are -- wreaths across america day, 3100 patients across the country, placing veterans reese on the graves of men and women who served this country, brought us that freedom. great thanks to all the locations and volunteers who have been working year-round to spread the mission to honor and teach. it culminates tomorrow as we go into the cemetery. we say their names and take an opportunity to teach our kids about their heritage because knowing their heritage is the best building block for our kids future we possibly could stand on. todd: this is so important at a time like now where oftentimes we forget, not you obviously but too many people forget the sacrifices that have been made so we can live in the country that we live in. how can our viewers get involved? >> and find a location near you. look for time because the times very and the cdc pools, dealing with covid, please take the opportunity, take your kids, talk to them about the history, heritage, their future because the best of what we are as a country is represented in those cemeteries and it is amazing for communities to come together. this is the best country in the world. these kids need to know that and to be there ready to preserve their freedom in the future. we do you mentioned the importance of children learning about our heritage but for families of the fallen on whose graves you put these reefs, what is their reaction when you do a gesture like this? >> it is an emotional bonds, many know a week ago, traveling in different communities. if they left me from traveling to arlington, volunteer trucking companies from all over the country taking wreaths to all of these communities, communities come together and it is so important. for years i have been in arlington and always go to section 60 with my husband at the gratitude of the family, a lot of tears, they need to know their sacrifices are remembered, fully understand their loved ones died but they also lived and it was a life that was sacrificed, so embracing them, our history, our heritage, the courage of these men and women who served and to preserve freedom they need to love this country, learn about this country, learn about themselves and we need to come together as a country to do that. todd: a beautiful site to see the green on those gravestones, a beautiful gesture. thank you so much, good luck. >> thank you. carley: let's turn to janice dean with a look at the forecast, it is not feeling like christmas. todd: feel like april. >> janice: feels like springtime, that warm air ahead of the cold front bringing some wintry weather to the great lakes and new england region over the next 12 to 24 hours. 60 in new york, 62 in dallas but behind that front cold air and potential for snow. a tale of two seasons if you will. there is our future track saturday, you can see we are getting that snow and freezing rain, that will be difficult for travel. listen to your local forecast and on your airway. severe threat today because of the cold front plowing through very warm unstable air, we could see potential for large hail, damaging winds, isolated tornadoes texas through oklahoma. look at the potential record highs today out of the cold front. tampa, florida, 85, 85 new orleans. i don't know if we will send as many as we have this past week but incredible temperatures. a chance for snow next week. depending on where you live. happy friday. todd: happy friday. carley: it is 30 after the hour. did you see this? elon musk trading jabs with the elizabeth warren and joy read couldn't help getting involved. >> is appropriate black for negative for his purposes elon musk is the worst. you know who gets involved in response? that guy, joe concha, he is live next. as a professional bull-rider i'm used to taking chances. but when it comes to my insurance i don't. i use liberty mutual, they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wooo, yeaa, woooooo and, by switching you could even save 665 dollars. hey tex, can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. yeah. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ when we started our business we were paying an arm and a leg for postage. i remember setting up shipstation. one or two clicks and everything was up and running. i was printing out labels and saving money. shipstation saves us so much time. it makes it really easy and seamless. pick an order, print everything you need, slap the label onto the box, and it's ready to go. our costs for shipping were cut in half. just like that. shipstation. the #1 choice of online sellers. go to and get 2 months free. todd: do you think the band plays christmas music? >> omicron variant is the biggest current for the global health after the crisis meeting. heather: millions of americans get the johnson & johnson vaccine the cdc says they don't recommend it. what is going on? >> reporter: they are favoring the other to be you can still say -- be safe with j and j but president biden wearing a mask issuing a dire warning about this. >> unvaccinated, looking at severe illness and death but the good news. if you are vaccinated and have your booster shot, you can avoid hospitalization and death period. >> reporter: the cdc advisory panel recommends pfizer and moderna vaccine over j and j. one member stating i would not recommend the vaccine to my family members. the 60 million americans to receive j and j, the concern is it causes a rare but serious blood clots. regulators spotted earlier the benefits of the j&j shot outweigh the risk. we have known for quite some time there was a rare risk of blood shots with the j&j vaccines, hence they are always behind the curve every time they are behind the curve. we knew this was the deal but they are saying if you get pfizer and moderna do that. carley: some businesses want help from police. >> there's this letter signed by 2 dozen retail chiefs asking congress for help. that letter is raising eyebrows. target, nordstrom, levi strauss and home depot. those companies signed the letter. foxbusiness learned many countries is companies donated to black lives matter, aclu, those groups rallied to defund the police. i said before on the show, when companies go out and get into social justice or any social issue that doesn't have to do with the core business because you end up in the middle of the controversy and being robbed and targeted. todd: kind of a mess is an understatement. finally when a sitting member of congress does not understand how congress works. >> reporter: this is going after one particular senator. congresswoman cori bush, talking about the massive special spending package, she called out one person, we must not undermine our power as a government or the power of the people, with the fate of built back better at the seat of senator joe manchin who has veto power in the senate and the christmas deadline. todd: that is how the senate works. thank you. fox news on that argues the difference between the white house and the media cannot save president biden from his sinking poll numbers. carley: the author that piece, joe concha, joins us. there were secret meetings between the white house and the media? >> that is correct and that report from a few days ago, the polls continue to show the president failing on every front, handling of the economy, solid majority blame the president and rising inflation, on crime mister biden is in the 30s. on the border in the 20s. add it up we live in a more expensive country, less safe country and easier country to enter illegally. hard to spin that, the white house is trying to work anyway and it appears to be working. from the cnn report on this, conversations were productive with anchors and reporters giving to talk with officials. since those meetings the coverage seems to have changed. washington post had an op-ed last week that says resident biden's media coverage is worse and more negative than donald trump was during his presidency and said it with a straight face, chuck todd saying the president's poll numbers are at his fault, we had dozens of examples but finite time. the good news is many of these organizations lost their credibility. their influence is a fraction what it was, americans don't trust the messenger anymore and inflation and crime, these are things people in cities and towns across the country feel, you can't spin that. neil: have cnbc's jim cramer, a lot of people go to from any advice. the economy is the strongest, a marvel to behold, he doesn't know when inflation is. cnn gushing over gas prices falling a few pennies which doesn't matter because it has gone back up again. i thought the job of the light was to hold the powerful accountable. why the brazenness, immediately following the meeting with the white house. >> it is no longer about journalism but activism. they were shamed on some level to say if you continue to report facts on this president you will get donald trump back in three years and you don't want that to happen so make sure you focus on the positive if you can find it or try to spin something like the economy or inflation and make it better but doesn't seem to be having an impact on the president's poll numbers because he continues to languish in the low 40s in overall approval and major issues lower than that. carley: let's talk about elon musk who was named time magazine's person of the year and senate elizabeth warren attacked him because she hates billionaires and rich people and joy read chimed in. watch this. >> being a freeloader and a disrespectful one and misappropriating black vernacular for narcissistic purposes elon musk is the worst. carley: elon musk posted as we responding to joy read saying lack of joy read is a lobbyist for senator karen, he called senator warren karen on social media. who wins this war? >> joy read fired back, don't know where to begin with this, joy read argued elon musk appropriated the term karen from, quote, black vernacular for misogynistic purposes to attack elizabeth warren. the same senator who culturally appropriated herself by falsely claiming she comes from native american ancestry. from cable news to cartoons to take off the year, that begins and ends with joy read. uncle clarence, glenn youngerkin, running on the education because it is code for white parents to teach about race. you get the idea. she play the race card from the bottom of the deck and bosses at m s nbc continue to promote her. that is where we are in media in 2021. people stay stupid things. todd: have a great weekend, see you on monday. >> good job with the orange. very happy with your time. >> my favorite fashion advice. families of the service members killed in kabul given patriotic works of art. behind that special tribute to the nation's fallen heroes. ♪♪ anytime i hear ♪♪ 21 on ♪♪ get $1500 lease cash toward a 2022 rx 350. ♪♪ ♪♪ the only thing a disaster can't destroy is hope. ♪♪ donate now at psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff,... ...swollen, painful. ♪♪ emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor 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mobile. talk with our helpful switch squad at your local xfinity store today. >> it is friday, good morning. on "fox and friends" in 13 minutes, south dakota governor will join us live as her new bill will ban transgender athletes from competing in women's sports. speaking out on the fight for fairness and general jack keane, they show a united front among rising tensions in the united states and the doctor is in causing the cdc to endorse pfizer and moderna vaccine over j and j. doctor nicole saphier tells us what you and your kids could do. all that and more starting twice minutes. todd and carly back to you. >> two teens climb out of the window their high-rise, the black smoke billowing out, onto a construction site down four stories to safety, suffered minor injuries. both teenagers are okay. terrified. todd: father and son joining forces to donate customized middle art to those killed in afghanistan. carley: justice henderson, founder flagged by justice here with us, a beautiful flag they create together. your joining forces. >> flags on the garage when you are 10 years old. he built this for years and developed a knack for the chemical, hands splattered process and went crazy and started across from mine called flags for justice. it is huge. todd: events of late august touched the nation in many different ways. why did you feel compelled to do this? >> always had to get back to the country, this is a creative way we came up with to give back to people who have sacrificed. the families -- carley: you reach out on social media to the families of the 13 who died in afghanistan and injured as well. >> yes. carley: day at any feedback from them? >> on instagram or social media, the whole story. todd: pooling back, what does the flag means you? >> a great sacrifice for the usa. >> a symbol of everything the country stands for. a shame what part of the country is doing but we are here to lift up the other side and it is awesome. >> without a doubt. if you look at these they are beautiful and you could tell it was top notch craftsmanship. how much time it would take to make these pieces of art. >> these open up. they are more than flags. neil: comes with wine and cash the passport. carley: i didn't even know that. >> they are kicking butt right now. >> how much does this cost? >> 115 and you can customize them with your name and do all sorts of things. todd: what is the website? >> and carley: you can get these there. >> it has gotten to be so full of work with your daughter and your dad. todd: with of that, 51 after the hour. president biden and kamala harris on different pages when it comes to 2020. carley: lara trump reacts coming up next. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. music: ♪ “i got you babe” by etta james ♪ get groceries, gifts, & more fast and easy so last minute guests are the only thing you'll be waiting on ♪ ♪ joy. fully. . . for anytime, anywhere migraine strikes, without worrying if it's too late, or where i am. one dose can quickly stop my migraine in its tracks within two hours. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks cgrp protein, believed to be a cause of migraine. do not take with strong cyp3a4 inhibitors. most common side effects were nausea and tiredness. serena: ask about ubrelvy. the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. todd: the white house saying president biden plans to run in 2024 alongside kamala harris. >> that's not what joe biden told the "wall street journal." lara trump, the white house says that biden is running for president again but then when the "wall street journal" talked to kamala harris she says she doesn't know what's going on. what do you make of this? >> well, having gone through two presidential campaigns, i can tell you guys that the second one campaign ends you are planning for the next one. so certainly there are a lot of people talking about this. the democrats have sort of woked themselves into a corner here. obviously with joe biden and kamala harris no democrat in their right mind would want either of these two anywhere near a presidential ticket because they have done a terrible job leading our country. you see that they have basically destroyed america in less than a year in office. then you have less than a year away, basically the democrats in eminent danger of losing the majority in the house and the senate. they know the midterm elections are going to be incredibly tough for them and they don't really have, guys, any viable candidates to replace the current occupants of the white house. so it is a very tough position that the democrats have found themselves in unfortunately for them. it's of their own making. but certainly there are people discussing who will be you running for president in 2024. perhaps they are waiting to talk to kamala until she addresses the root cause of immigration or something along those lines. we just don't know. but it is being discussed and i think they are very, very nervous. todd: it sort of raises alarm bells to as their working relationship if this is a leak or a slip-up it's just a disaster. i want to get your thoughts on this. it's republicans fault. they want to keep prices high. they want to keep prizing to hurt president biden. they are fan of inflation. let's take a listen to the acting white house press secretary yesterday. >> republicans are actively seeking to hurt the pandemic response. explicitly rooting for -- pardon me, inflation to get worse. and so there are -- they're blocking what we are trying to do for the american people. todd: a defensive comment like that proof that they know they are in huge trouble on inflation? carley: yeah, i think you are exactly right, todd. look, nobody wants to see inflation continue to rise. this is hurting the american people. it is weakening our country. every single day. obviously the press secretary there was having a hard time getting the words out because even she knows that's a little bit ridiculous that nobody would want to see this trend continue. does it paint a very clear picture what you get under republican leadership like we had with president donald trump when we had an economy that was soaring. when we had so many people working, unemployment at record low numbers versus democrat leadership under joe biden and kamala harris and the democrat party where you see where we are now, so quickly after they took control of things. it's really been tough for people out there. prices continue to rise. gas prices, everything else is more expensive that you have to deal with on a daily basis. it is unsustainable for people. they can't get their basic needs met. so no one wants to see this continue. but it certainly paints a clear picture as to what you get with republicans and what you get with democrats, nobody what we have got happening now to continue. carley: ing the number of border apprehensions up 174,000 apprehensions. crime is also up across the country. the biden administration is blaming the pandemic on both fronts and, i mean, when you look at the poll numbers. i just don't think that the american people are buying it at all. lara, thank you so much for joining us. >> thanks, guys, great to see you. todd: to your point i think you are going to hear it's production' fault, let's blame them. let's blame the pandemic. they are going to do this. they are not going to take the blame themselves. as result, i think the american people see through that and that's going to hurt them in 2022. carley: great spending two hourh you on a friday morning. "fox & friends" begins right now. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ be. brian: brian there you go. that is our christmas tree. tradition has it has to get on a ladder and put the star on top of the

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