Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

we're able to identify folks that haven't communicated or weren't able to that they're okay. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." before we go to kentucky, i want to alert you to another development today at the corner of wall and broad where stocks were racing on the notion that interest rates are going up and maybe not a little bit either. the federal reserve indicating that they'll see inflation for what it is, a problem and addressing it but aggressively moving to tighten money. we'll get you to the implications of that. might surprise you that stocks were up on the notion that we might have closure on the way to addressing inflation. we shall see. now back to kentucky and robert ray on what is happening as we speak. robert? >> neil, good afternoon. it's breezy and cloudy here in mayfield. president biden left here about 45 minutes ago and headed to dawson springs, about 60, 70 miles away from here. he toured mayfield, walked the ground and toured it from the air as well. he spoke to a woman that was sitting on a pile of bricks just like behind me. discussed with her what she has gone through. he saw the damage from the air. tremendous amount of damage here as day four after this tornado and the activity of people picking up still and trying to figure out exactly what came through here, whether it was an ef-4 or ef-5. the national weather service looking at that. biden gave some remarks. let's listen to what he had to say. >> there's a lot of people that need help. a lot of business people will be wondering what's going on. there may be things available that will be helpful six weeks, six months from now that you're unaware of. so i've instructed my team to make you aware of everything that is available from the federal level. >> now president biden and his team put out an amendment saying they would give more funds for the pickup here. this region is reeling and people trying to pick up the pieces as the loss of life continues. >> neil: robert, thanks very much for that. robert ray following that. now kentucky governor andy beshear touring the area with the president. let's take you there. okay. maybe not. this is marcus coleman, right? all right. i apologize. now the governor introducing the president of the united states. >> the generosity and outpouring of love, pour, unconditional love from around this country and around this world has been overwhelming. millions of dollars and more, water, diaper, sweatshirts, household goods have poured in. as a state, we're also not alone. president biden and the federal government have offered more aid and acted faster than we have ever seen in the history of the united states of america. i received three personal calls from the president on day one. first, when he could get through and then at the end of the day. we got an immediate disaster declaration that didn't happen. a full day later, a major disaster declaration. starting yesterday, there were people in fema shirts walking house to house to start processing claims to get people back on their feet. we've gone from looking for our dead to haul away the death and destruction around us and the steps to rebuilding have already begun. i cannot thank the president never. i know our federal delegation feels the same way. they have been hugely supportive. thank you, congressman comer for being strong and pushing for everything in washington d.c. you've been a wonderful partner. i hope the people of kentucky know that i care deeply about them and the president does, too. hex here. in dawson springs, kentucky because we're hurting. i'm so thankful for the full unwavering support of our federal delegation. i'm so thankful for the president that said yes to every ask we've made. we know he will have news about another ask that i made. one that i thought there was no way that we could get a yes to. but it's going to mean the federal government isn't just here, isn't just doing things we've never seen before, but is fully behind every single family that has suffered any loss. on behalf of brittany and i to the people of kentucky, we love you. i never thought in my life i'd be able to introduce the president. i wish there were different circumstances. but i'm still very honored to be able to introduce the president in my dad's hometown, president joe biden. >> gov, thank you. i want to introduce you to a new friend of mine. this is dane. dane lived down the street. dane and all of his -- he has cousins that are all together. one cousin, i don't know where he is -- there she is. come on up here, honey. come here. she's about to graduate from u.k. on friday. on friday. and i just want you to meet them. i'm sorry to keep you waiting. i got a chance to hang out with the extended family down there. i want you to meet a soon-to-be graduate -- wants to go to graduate school -- come on, honey. abbey is here. we're going to figure out something special for her graduation day. imagine that. this friday she graduates from u.k. the best thing that ever came out of kentucky was my sister in a law. she's all blue. she went to u.k. and then to duke law school. she married my brother. we're all thankful for her marrying my president. remember me when you're president, right? >> yeah. >> thank you. i want you to meet the folks i was hanging with. thank you, gov. you remember forebearance is commandable. this has to be an emotional for you, the family, the congressman. thanks for the passport into your district. i appreciate it. i want to thank everyone here that took the time to be here. you know, one of the things, back in the 1900s, dawson springs is a place where people came to be healed because of the mineral waters. it was a place that you came to heal. now it's our team to help the entire town to heal. i granted the request for the first emergency declaration and major disaster declaration the moment i received it. i got to know the governor's father. i knew nothing would come if it wasn't real. i mean that for real. yesterday i also approved an emergency declaration for the state of illinois and tennessee. i intend to do whatever it takes as long as it takes, as long as it takes to support your state, your local leaders and because you recover and rebuild. you will recover and you will rebuild. you know, the scope and scale of this destruction is almost beyond belief. look around, it's almost beyond belief. these tornadoes detoured everything in their path. you know, as i flew over here in the helicopter, you can look down. you see a house, 20 yards away from a house that is devastated. the house is in good shape. it's just -- tornadoes are such devastating storms. back where i'm from, we're used to hurricanes and floods and high water, but these tornadoes are just something totally different. devoured everything in the path, your homes, businesses, houses of worship, your dreams, your lives. the governor confirmed, i think he said 74 fatalities? in kentucky? making these among the deadliest to ever strike this state. almost 14 people are confirmed dead in other states with dozens of people still fearful of where they are. i met one i don't have permission to use their name. i met a couple on the way up said they're still looking for four of their friends. they don't know where they are. those that lost someone, there's no words for the pain of losing someone. a lot of us know it. a lot of us understand it, especially around the holidays when everything is supposed to be happy and joyful. it was a long time ago, i got a phone call around the holidays and found out -- i was in washington as a young senator. not sworn in yet. about to be hiring staff and i got a call from a first responder that there had been an accident, an accident broad-sided my wife with a christmas tree. my wife and daughter are dead. my mother said out of something terrible something good will happen. something good has to happen. we have to make it better. so folks, those that lost someone know, know how tough it is. you know how tough it is. in mayfield, just hours before the storm, the gibson pharmacy had been full of families of children waiting to meet santa. now it's gone. so many businesses over the community have been damaged and destroyed as well. your town as well, a saying in small towns, people know about it when you're born and care about it when you die. they know about it when you're born and care about it when you die. in so many places destruction was met with compassion. neighbors and first responders, racing to help save each others lives and support. i'm not joking. i asked when i go to mayfield what the first thing -- what fema and the -- what they heard. they said they're amazed. all they heard is people going out and helping one another. everybody. everybody. just stepping up. it's incredible. it's incredible how you step up. and so folks, you know, the fact is that i'm going to make sure the federal government steps up and makes sure we do every single thing. for years and years a as a u.s. senator, we had a lot of hurricanes and oceans rising, a lot of things. it took a long time. there's no reason why it should take any time. with have the wherewithal to get it done. we'll get everything you need and make sure the federal government does what they need. at the state's request for search and rescue teams, working in kentucky right now, those without power, fema provided 61 generators, power inteams ready to assist. and we provided critical supplies. 144,000 liters of drinking water, 24,000 meals. i just -- 74,000. look, thousands of cots and blankets. there's seven shelters open in kentucky that are taking care of 300 families. covid is a concern. we want to provide some certainty for people. i've been involved in responding to a lot of disasters. you can see it in people's faces what they're looking for. i said what three looking for is to put their head down on a pillow and close their eyes, be take a deep breath and go to sleep and make sure their kids are okay. a lot of hard work will happen in the next two and three months to bring it all the way back. so folks, i want to provide you the certainty as well. i just approved the request that i wasn't sure i had the authority to do but turns out i do. the government will cover 100% of the cost, 100% of the cost for the first 30 days from all the emergency work. every cost the federal government will take care of. includes debris removal, cost of overtime and law enforcement, emergency services personnel and shelter. that will get you through. by the way, i want to thank your wife. she started a toy drive for this part of the state. make sure how many -- come here. i've taking credit for something i have nothing to do with. >> how would you? >> tell them what you have so far. >> as of this morning, we think that we have around 20,000 gifts donated and three more days to go. >> 20,000 gifts. no kids will go to sleep without a gift. god love you. we also need to recognize the people that suffered mental and emotional problems. the costs are unknown. people talk about post traumatic stress in afghanistan and the battlefield, a lot of post traumatic stress comes from lying in your house and the roof blows off and wondering where you kids are. i mean it. the shock of losing a home and a business and the grief of losing 1 is happening before the holidays, i said and we're going make sure that you have all the help you need including mental help that is needed in difficult times. folks, fema has opened mobile disaster recovery centers in mayfield and dawson springs. it has disaster survivor assistance teams on the ground in kentucky to help people ready with assistance. as i said when i talked to the governor, not only we're going to get what you need, we're going to make sure that you know everything is available. you don't always know all that is available. that's what we're going to do. folks, you know, if you live in affected areas, which you're standing here watching me do, you visit or call 1-800-621-fema. that's 800-621, 3362. you're going to hear, recover and build and be stronger than before. we're going to build back better better than it was. when i come back, i have one beautiful lady and her husband promised me a heal. apparently a hell of a cook. so i'm coming back for the meal. thank you for being here and to all the families here, keep the faith. we're going to get this done. i promise you. the governor is not walking away. your county judges are not walking away, your congressman is not walking away. nobody is walking away. we're in this for the long haul. thanks for your patience. >> are you going to need more money from congress to fund this? >> not now. we don't need it yet. there has been because of weather disasters just this year over 99 billion in losses. 99 billion in losses. and as i flew over, i was telling folks here, as i was out with the governor in california and idaho and other states, as you fly over those territories looking down, every single solitary thing is levelled because of the fires. nothing there. the forests, the homes, the businesses. guess what? so much area has burned this year because of climate changes that is larger than the entire state of new jersey. the entire state of new jersey. that's how much land has been burned to the ground. we have a lot to do, a lot to do. but the american people are ready to do it. this is the united states of america. there's not a darn thing we can't do. thank you. >> neil: all right. you've been watching the president of the united states with the governor of kentucky, andy beshear. we have seen changing numbers, improving numbers from some of the original statistics out of the area. 71 confirmed deaths. there was reports of 74. apparently there were duplicated lists. the same of unaccounted for. you might recall early this morning, they were still having no idea better than 100 people that were missing or unable to be tracked down. as power returns to some, not all areas but some, they've had a better chance for those people to let the world know, hey, we're okay. everything is okay. 59 unaccounted for. so again, very early on in this process and a process the president plans provide federal ample aid, the first 30 days everything covered by the federal government. marcus is the director of the dhs for faith-based communities. thanks for what you're doing. how are things looking there? >> thanks very much, neil. i've been on with faith based and community based partners since saturday. as we speak, there's a call with more than 100 faith and community-based partners from operation barbecue, samaritans purse, the american red cross, all trying to coordinate and collaborate to help support the needs of survivors. i sat with a pastor who parishioners of losted loved ones. their church is destroyed. i'm grateful despite the pain that they continue to provide hope and federaling to disaster survivors. we add female alongside the state of kentucky will continue to stand with our faith and community-based partners. we continue to support all of the survivors that have been impacted. >> marcus, maybe you can help us out. a lot of folks want to help you out what do folks need? what do you recommend? >> so cash is best. one of the things that i recommend and that you have a lot of people around this time of year, you may be already donating to a nonprofit, an organization of choice, that offers barbecue, samaritan's purse, team rubicon. you're promoting red cost to help donate. those are sources of trusted partners that are collecting donations. if you're looking for a list of organizations that are active on the ground in kentucky, ndoad, the national voluntary organizations. more than 70 partners are coordinating together to help provide support for this disaster and other impacted areas across the country. >> as you pointed out, marcus, it's not always something tangible. some people are just shell-shocked. their homes gone and many cases loved ones are gone. what do you say? >> it's a hard process. one of the areas that we're coming alongside to support as mentioned, this is a large emotional and spiritual care mission. to your point about being shell shocked. we want to make sure that folks have a resource available to them as well. i encourage everybody to dial 800-985-5990. that is the disaster distress mental help line available 24 hours a day. another service provided to anyone that needs it. we understand that the recovery process will be long for many people. after that get that call, we want people to deal 80 or 621, 3362 to start their disaster recovery process. we know it's a hard process as president biden mentioned. we have meme on the ground. we're going to do the best we can to get directly to the neighborhoods and people impacted and make sure that they have people that can help them walk through a process in a very difficult time of year. >> neil: thanks for all you're doing, marcus. the directer of dh center for faith-based partnership projects. all of this at a time that we're getting more word of more tornadoes not specifically from kentucky. marissa torres has more. what's going on? >> this is the worst thing that we're seeing unfold through nebraska. we have confirmation hoff tornadoes on the ground in part of nebraska at this point. all part of a destructive system. you can see the area of low pressure swinging through this line of thunderstorms at this point cutting through nebraska. we had several severe thunderstorm warnings and tornado warnings and confirmation of tornadoes on the ground in nebraska. we're watching the tornado watches spread out from nebraska, iowa, even part of minnesota. these will likely be upgraded in through tornado warnings as we continue to go through the evening hours. the storms are moving fast, anywhere from 70 to 80 miles per hour. that is the pace of a racing car on a highway. this is a dangerous situation, destructive situation. highlighting much of iowa. we see that line coming through nebraska and taking aim at parts of minnesota. the damaging wind threat. so ahead of this storm we're seeing areas, see winds excess of 60 to 70 miles per hour. so you're seeing the winds ahead of the front, the strong winds in the front. we could have damaging straight line winds out of this. the damaging threat here where you could see 80 to 100 miles per hour wind gusts. we're talking about the potential for hurricane force winds on the ground in the same areas. it's very likely where you see the hash marks there. you're seeing the dynamic system where you have storms on the front end, snow squall warnings behind it and once that pass it, we're talking about high wind warnings from new mexico through the upper grade lakes. that is wednesday through thursday. this is in the wake of this front passing through. we're watching it, tracking the tornados and the warnings and watches and watch them throughout the evening. neil? >> neil: a general question. it's december. we know this tornado activity is the worst on record for december. obviously complicated by the cold weather after they hit. what's going on? >> it's a great question. so that's what we saw last week. so ahead of this cold front coming through -- i'll see if it can reverse it. you have warm, humid air coming up from the gulf of mexico. behind this system, you have very cold, very dry air. these are two conflicting air masses. when the cold air comes rushing in, it's scooping up and pushing the warm air. it's dynamic in the sense that it's activating very strong and dangerous storms. again, very similar to the setup we saw last week. not something that you see this far into december and aweek away from the official started of winter. >> neil: thanks for that. we'll keep an eye on this and also keeping an eye on a party that ended officially today. the federal reserve announcing they're taking the punch bowl away. we've been getting spoiled by interest rates that have been very low for ridiculously long amount of time. the federal reserve indicating today that stops. the interest rate hikes start and things will quickly change. but the markets like what they heard. we'll tell you why after this. wow... that's so nice! is that a photo of tepechitlan? 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let's go to susan li. >> probably one of the most anticipated federal reserve decisions since the pandemic started confirming today that inflation and higher prices are pushing the central bank to cut back on stimulus and raise rates earlier than indicated. the fed will cut bond purchases by $30 million a month, this is part of the plan to get the economy going again during covid. the fed will likely raise interest rates three times next year, enough to deal with higher than expected consumer prices. they reiterated that they expected inflation to come down next year with easing in the supply chain crisis. powell has dropped transitory and is focusing on high prices. >> we understand high inflation hurts those trying to take care of food, housing and transportation. we will use our tools to support the economy and a strong labor market and prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched. >> and powell said that they're ahead of the curve after consumer prices hitting multiyear highs. investors like certainty, as you know. this is what they expected from the central bank and less aggressive than they have forecast. >> neil: thanks, susan. they like the certainty of knowing what they were uncertain about 24 hours ago. to charlie gasparino on that. a weird day. what do you think, charlie? >> strange. the word out of powell is maybe we are going to raise rates more, a lot of maybes. what the street took from this, my read and the read of traders that i've been talking to, he's a little weaker than they thought. there's a lot of wiggle room. if covid spikes up he may bake off the rates. we have the variant right now. so put that together. there was a relief rally. you can see it not just in the overall stocks, i saw it in crypto which is an inflation hedge. their prices went up. so there was a clear everybody is thinking that the rate increases may not be that big of a deal, right? here's the irony here, neil and the maybe contradiction of sorts. i don't think that just because you have a spike in covid and more shut downs or businesses not doing as much because of that, not bringing their workers back to the office, i still think we're going to get inflation. it's just the nature of what's going on with the supply chain. the supply chain has problems because there's so much welfare benefits being pumped through the system. and build back better, looks like that won't happen but even without that, there's incentive not to work and that will continue to cause inflation. the real problem that powell has, you know, he's going forward. he says you have to watch the inflation numbers now. he's been unreliable on this. he's been horrible. he missed the boat so many times. we think three rate hikes are good enough? i wouldn't. >> neil: thanks. charlie referring to the fact that the federal reserve has been taking the notes and bonds. $130 billion at our peak every month. they hope to bring that down by another 130 bill. they stop buying, the notion that interest rates rise. we shall see. stay with us. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ ♪ no two dreams are the same. but there is one van equipped to handle them all. for over 120 years, mercedes-benz vans have been built, upfitted and ready to go. because we believe dreams - should never stay that way. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! retirement income is complicated. all are of... as your broker, i've solved it. various: ahhh... that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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>> it's interesting. in california, there was the ebd. once that payment stopped, seems like there was the level of desperation that arose in people across the board. unfortunately there's not a profile because it's not just grab and runs, smash and grabs. we also recently had a celebrity stylist try to borrow a ring and, you know, disappear with the ring. so there's all kinds of different levels of that happening right now that are unimaginable really. >> neil: what was security doing or local police? when you asked for or wanted help, what was going on? >> you know, in instances with security at the beverly center, when you record something, they'll say they will watch out for them but there's nothing we can do. they say sorry, there's nothing that we can do. a lot of stores were just watching people walk off with their merchandise, which is very frustrating. you know, if the measures are not put in place by the centers to help us, we're at a loss. even when we had to record the celebrity stylist to the police, we had to talk to three or four police before we could get to a detective. we were told make the record online. it's a $50,000 ring. how can i report it online? >> neil: incredible. so what do you do now? >> now it's about trying and always to find the safest place possible. you used to say, okay, i'm in beverly hills, these type of things went happen. but you have the robbery of the beverly hills restaurant. things happened in hancock park. so as a retailer, it's not only about protecting my brand but the people that work for me. i can't ask someone the work for me to protect the diamond ring when they have weapons. so it's a tough climate and difficult to navigate and find out where is the best place to open and how do we open and still stay safe. >> neil: i hope you're okay and safe. thanks, elle. keep us posted. a lot of people are saying they hope that you reopen. be well, be safe. >> thank you so much. >> neil: incredible, right? a san diego county district attorney. i heard about this summer and i heard about others recite that almost line and verse the same story. what's going on? last year at this time we would see sporadic incidents. now it's more frequent. there's no help. there's no effort to help these folks out. what is happening? >> yeah, neil. it's really terrible to watch the images on television. to see the lack of accountability. what has happened is unfortunately in some regions of california and across the united states, there's some district attorneys that don't believe in the rule of law. they don't believe in accountability. they create consequence-free zones. we don't have that issue in san diego. actually, law enforcement likes it when there's a series of these kinds of situations where you have these organized retail thefts and they end up in san diego because that's the wrong place to be. we prosecute, we have an organized team. we work with chp, law enforcement and we go after them. we make sure that there is accountability. you know, the criminals out there, they know, they have a pulse as to what is happening. unfortunately the pulse that they're getting from regions outside san diego is that anything goes and that there are no victims rights. >> neil: what happens with the l.a. district attorney, gascon, was asked act this. he said it's one thing overhyped in the media. and there's obligations that go way beyond his office. yet we do know that these issues are not addressed, people are not apprehended. i used to think not long ago when there was a limit on how much you could steal or take out before you'd be brought up on charges let alone brought in to an establishment. so what is he saying to you about this? >> well, he's not saying anything unfortunately that makes any sense. that's the problem. there's no clarity. criminals know that they basically have a free card to do whatever they want. the policies, they're not only sanctioned, these economic thefts, they sanction violence. >> neil: what happens when these incidents occur? often times i see the perpetrators walking, not running out and not in the middle of the night, broad daylight. so what happens? >> well, you know, store owners and retail, i just met with them this morning. especially small business owners. they're not even calling police because they feel like they have given up. there's no account ability. that is not happening. we just did a case that has $700,000 loss that we took from the entire state. so this is just -- you have to have the rule of law. you have to have district attorneys that follow the law. that way police can couldn't on when they do their job, we will bring a case and victims know that they have the accountability. what you're seeing is the result of series of really bad decisions that prioritized crime over victims and community safety. >> neil: just amazing, summer. the san diego county district attorney. we reached out to the l.a. county district attorney to respond to the criticisms that he's not doing enough or making light of it and we have not heard back. meantime, following what is happening on the build back better. we might know a thing or two more about interest rates going up. right now we have very few indications that this thing is even going to be voted on before christmas. stay with us because senator john kennedy of louisiana is here. as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. [ marcia ] my dental health was not good. i had periodontal disease, and i just didn't feel well. but then i found clearchoice. [ forde ] replacing marcia's teeth with dental implants at clearchoice was going to afford her that permanent solution. [ marcia ] clearchoice dental implants gave me the ability to take on the world. i feel so much better, and i think that that is the key. . . (kate) this holiday, verizon has the deal that gets better and better and better. get iphone 13 pro, on us, when you trade in your old or damaged phone. here, the phone everyone wants, on america's most reliable network. better? (guy) better. (kate) that's not all. the new iphone, and up to 7 entertainment subscriptions for your family. like apple music, apple arcade, and more. better? (family) betttterrrrrr. (kate) not done. the new iphone, the entertainment, and up to $1,000 when you switch. (carolers) [singing] betttttter. 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because the criminals are not unhappy. they can get to be criminals. and i think that's what we have in our country. the genesis of part of it, anyway, watt defund the police movement it wasn't just defund the police, it was disrespect the police. it caused a lot of our police officers to retire. caused a lot of them to be more cautious. caused a lot of them become disillusioned and some of these cities did cut the police funding. >> neil: it did feed on itself. senator, in chicago and even in california some cities, the finger pointing goes to the retailers themselves that they're not doing enough. what did you think of that? >> >> i thought that was nonsense. the first responsibility of government is to protect people and property. i mean, that's why we founded the social contract. and it's government's job to do that. and if any public official tries to blame it on the victim, shame on them. >> neil: if i could swish gears, sir, because there is a lot going on, only a couple of minutes with you, which i treasure, of course. the federal reserve indicated it's going to start hiking interest rates maybe at least three times next year and three times the year after that what do you think of all of that? , we have got a problem. big problem with inflation. i know president biden's economists say that covid caused inflation. and i agree with them that inflation is spreading but, as one commentator put it last week, people aren't walking around coughing inflation on each other. inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. it's caused in this case by the breathtaking spending and borrowing by the federal government. it's going it require our federal reserve to raise interest rates much sooner than we thought. i'm really worried about the impact of that on our economy. we don't have a choice. we have got to control inflation because it's a tax on all of us but, on the other hand, i don't want an interest rate rise to throw us into a recession. and it might. >> neil: do you think that's going to happen? you know the administration has already claim you pass build back better none of that happens. what do you say? >> i think that's just rhetoric. i think build back better will be a cause a massive increase in inflation. i mean, it's -- the bill is breathtaking, neil in its scope. it's $5 trillion. it's $3 trillion of borrowing. $2 trillion of new taxes. i think the administration is really playing with fire here. >> neil: all right. we will watch it very closely. senator, always good having you. senator john kennedy beautiful state of louisiana, looking at crime and inflation and all of these issues. by the way, the figure he was quoting the $3 trillion extra that's from a cbo report that analyzed if a lot of these programs didn't expire as they are intended to, what would be the real cost of that package and they came up with something closer to $5 trillion not the $2 trillion that it is billed for. and anyoneflationary environment that is definitely not the news you would like to hear. but for now, the inflationary fight is on. we will see how that goes with the fed. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello everyone i'm dana perino, with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters and brian kilmeade. this is the "the five." democrats accused of being outright delusional after the latest by president biden despite sinking polls and tumultuous afghanistan and the border and now problems with the economy. president biden claims his party is poised to win big in 2022 and even tell republicans they need to watch out. >>

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Joe Biden , Story , News , Course , Wednesday December 15 , 15 , Neil Cavuto , World , Kentucky , Turnover , Relief Effort , Martha , Andy Beshear , Dawson Springs , Mayfield , Devastation , Front , Unaccounted , Power , Cell Service , Dead , 71 , 59 , Folks , Corner , Development , Wall , Stocks , Weren T , Haven T , Inflation , Interest Rates , Problem , Money , Reserve , Notion , Racing , Bit , Way , Robert Ray On , Implications , Closure , 45 , 70 , 60 , Ground , Air , Woman , Bricks , Pile , People , Damage , Amount , Tornado , Activity , Ef 5 , 5 , Four , 4 , Lot , Things , What S Going On , Business People , Weather Service , Remarks , Everything , Team , Six , There Wasn T , Region , Pickup , Amendment , Funds , Area , Loss , Life , Pieces , Robert Ray , Marcus Coleman , President , Country , Generosity , United States , Unconditional Love , Love , Outpouring , State , Water , More , Household Goods , Millions , Dollars , Diaper , Sweatshirts , Government , Aid , Calls , History Of The United States America , Three , First , Day One , One , Disaster Declaration , Didn T , House , Death , Shirts , Feet , Destruction , Delegation , Steps , Rebuilding , Congressman Comer , Partner , Washington D C , Hex , Support , Ask , Wasn T , Family , Isn T , Behalf , We Love You , Brittany , Dad , Hometown , Circumstances , Dane , Friend , Gov , The Street , Cousin , Cousins , I Don T , U K , On Friday , Honey , Chance , Graduation Day , Graduate School , Something Special , Come On , Abbey , Thing , Law , Sister , Blue , Brother , Law School , Thanks , Congressman , District , Emotional , Commandable , Passport , Everyone , 1900 , Request , Place , Heal , Town , Waters , Nothing , Emergency Declaration , Father , It Wasn T Real , Leaders , Tennessee , Illinois , Tornadoes , Belief , Scope , Scale , Path , Shape , Helicopter , 20 , Businesses , Something , Storms , Homes , Hurricanes , Floods , Dreams , Lives , Deadliest , Worship , Fatalities , 74 , 14 , States , Couple , Dozens , Friends , Permission , Name , It , Someone , Holidays , Pain , Words , Call , Senator , Responder , Staff , Phone Call , Wife , Daughter , Mother , Accident , Christmas Tree , Storm , Pharmacy , In Mayfield , Gibson , Families , Community , Children , Saying , Meet Santa , Care , Neighbors , Places , Responders , Towns , Compassion , Everybody , Fact , Fema , Another , U S Senator , Reason , Wherewithal , Teams , Search And Rescue , 61 , 144000 Liters Of Drinking Water , Power Inteams , Generators , 24000 , 144000 , Shelters , Blankets , Cots , Thousands , 74000 , Seven , Certainty , Disasters , Covid , Concern , 300 , Kids , Hard Work , Pillow , Head , Eyes , Take A Deep Breath , Authority , Two , Cost , Care Of , Emergency Work , Debris Removal , 100 , 30 , Part , Law Enforcement , Many , Shelter , Emergency Services Personnel , Toy Drive , Gifts , Credit , 20000 , Gift , God , Problems , Stress , Costs , Battlefield , Afghanistan , Roof , Business , Help , Shock , 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Process , 80 , Best , Neighborhoods , Meme , Word , Dh Center , Doing , Directer , Partnership Projects , Marissa Torres , System , Nebraska , Pressure , Thunderstorm Warnings , Thunderstorms , Point Cutting , Tornado Warnings , Confirmation , Tornado Watches , Iowa , Minnesota , Situation , Anywhere , Pace , Fast , Racing Car On A Highway , Wind Threat , Aim , Winds , Threat , Potential , Hurricane Force Winds , Warnings , Snow Squall , End , There , Hash Marks , Grade Lakes , Wake , New Mexico , Record , Question , Tornados , Tornado Activity , Worst , Evening , Watches , Cold Front , Weather , Sense , Dynamic , Gulf Of Mexico , Air Masses , Winter , Setup , Aweek , Party , Eye , Punch Bowl Away , Markets , Interest Rate Hikes , Stops , Bonds , Ancestry , Walk , Photo , History , Nose , Papa , Tepechitlan , Holiday , Vo , Verizon , Stuff , 5g , Hotspot Data , Data , Concourse , Business Expert , Clients , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Store , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Low , Crowd , Appointment , 0 , Comfort , Neck , Chest , Mess , Allstate , Sfx , Radio , Bit Wrong , Back , Band Plays , Hands , Auto Rate , Protection , Winterfest Event , Lowe S , Indications , Rush , Joe Manchin , Car , Mom , Tam , Merry Christmas , Get Set , Hike , Case , It Didn T , Let S Go , Susan Li , Rattling , Rates , Decisions , Prices , Central Bank , Stimulus , Pandemic , Economy , Fed , Consumer Prices , Plan , Bond Purchases , 30 Million , 0 Million , Supply Chain Crisis , Easing , Powell , Housing , Food , Labor Market , Transportation , Tools , Investors , Highs , Curve , Charlie Gasparino , Read , Traders , Street , Maybes , Strange , Wiggle Room , Inflation Hedge , Variant , Relief Rally , Crypto , Deal , Thinking , Rate Increases , Contradiction , Irony , Office , Because , Downs , Workers , Sorts , Spike , Supply Chain , Welfare Benefits , Nature , Won T , Incentive , Inflation Numbers , Rate Hikes , Has , Boat , Wouldn T , Notes , Bill , Peak , Buying , 130 , 30 Billion , 130 Billion , Stay , Interest , Cooking , Heart , Seal , Hello , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Van , Vans , Upfitted , Mercedes Benz , 120 , Face , Whoa , Intensity , Faces , Germs , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Penalties , Retirement Income , Broker , Fee , Track , Carl , Portfolio , Schwab Intelligent Income , Cool , Approach , Schwab , Simple , Windshield , Experts , Singers , Safelite , Wealth Management , Man , Girl , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Official , Public , Smash , Retailers , Stores , Grove , Kelly , Los Angeles , Kelly O Grady , Hi , Officials , Attorney General , Hit , Fences , Blame Game , Yesterday California S , Nordstrom , Barbed Wire , Finger , Goods , Crime Rings , Response Strategies , Tech Companies , Programs , Marketplace , Company , Crime Activity , Police Resources , Tactics , Item , Shortage , Bail , Spokesperson , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Crime , Security , Policies , Residents , Sentencing , Fines , Small Business Owners , Taser , Police Officers , Mall , Conversation , Angelinos , Accountability , Nation , National Retail Association , Dealing , Fashion Designs , Draw , Ellie , Labels , Ducks , Hit And Run , Beverly Center , Tiffanys , Fendi , Doors , Any , Runs , Price Points , Sitting Duck , Products , Closing , Level , Desperation , Payment , Ebd , Celebrity Stylist , Profile , Board , Grabs , Police , The Ring , Kinds , Levels , Security Doing , Instances , Measures , Merchandise , Centers , Detective , Incredible , Make , 0000 , 50000 , Type , Robbery , Beverly Hills , Brand , Retailer , Work , Diamond Ring , Weapons , Beverly Hills Restaurant , Hancock Park , Safe , Elle , San Diego County District Attorney , Summer , Others , Verse , Incidents , Neil , Effort , District Attorneys , Regions , Lack , Images On Television , San Diego , Issue , Zones , Rule Of Law , Series , Situations , Retail Thefts , Criminals , Chp , Anything , Pulse , Victims Rights , District Attorney , Issues , Obligations , Act , Media , Gascon , Charges , Limit , Establishment , Clarity , Card , Violence , Walking , Thefts , Middle , Perpetrators , Store Owners , Retail , Account Ability , 00000 , 700000 , Victims , Job , Community Safety , Result , Criticisms , L A County , Light , Element Securing Portfolios , Risk , Reward , Gold , John Kennedy , Louisiana , Marcia , Health , Advantage , Periodontal Disease , Clearchoice , Dental Implants , Key , Solution , Ability , Teeth , Forde , Phone , Phone Everyone Wants , Network , Kate , On America S , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , Better , Iphone , Betttterrrrrr , Betttttter , Entertainment , Singing , Entertainment Subscriptions , Music , Carolers , Apple , Guy , Apple Arcade , 7 , 1000 , 000 , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Libre 2 , 2 , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Record Label , Candidates , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Taking Off , Idaho Potato Truck , Job Description , Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire Hello , Bigion , Milk , Lactose , Isn T Real Milk , Lactaid , Dairy , Isn T A Real Cow , Mabel , Reasons , Opinion , Solutions , Variety , Don T Arrest , Rise , Genesis , Watt Defund The Police Movement , Cities , Pointing , Police Funding , Chicago , Property , Responsibility , Nonsense , Victim , Social Contract , Tries , Shame , Gears , Hiking Interest Rates , Sir , Economists , Coughing Inflation , Commentator , Other , People Aren T , Borrowing , Impact , Administration , All Of Us , Hand , Interest Rate Rise , Recession , Tax , None , Increase , Rhetoric , Taxes , Playing With Fire , 3 Trillion , Trillion , 2 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Figure , John Kennedy Beautiful State Of Louisiana , Report , Cbo , Package , Anyoneflationary Environment , Fight , Dana Perino , Jeanine Pirro , Jesse Watters , Brian Kilmeade , Democrats , Five , Big , Border , Polls , Republicans , 2022 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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we're able to identify folks that haven't communicated or weren't able to that they're okay. welcome. i'm neil cavuto. this is "your world." before we go to kentucky, i want to alert you to another development today at the corner of wall and broad where stocks were racing on the notion that interest rates are going up and maybe not a little bit either. the federal reserve indicating that they'll see inflation for what it is, a problem and addressing it but aggressively moving to tighten money. we'll get you to the implications of that. might surprise you that stocks were up on the notion that we might have closure on the way to addressing inflation. we shall see. now back to kentucky and robert ray on what is happening as we speak. robert? >> neil, good afternoon. it's breezy and cloudy here in mayfield. president biden left here about 45 minutes ago and headed to dawson springs, about 60, 70 miles away from here. he toured mayfield, walked the ground and toured it from the air as well. he spoke to a woman that was sitting on a pile of bricks just like behind me. discussed with her what she has gone through. he saw the damage from the air. tremendous amount of damage here as day four after this tornado and the activity of people picking up still and trying to figure out exactly what came through here, whether it was an ef-4 or ef-5. the national weather service looking at that. biden gave some remarks. let's listen to what he had to say. >> there's a lot of people that need help. a lot of business people will be wondering what's going on. there may be things available that will be helpful six weeks, six months from now that you're unaware of. so i've instructed my team to make you aware of everything that is available from the federal level. >> now president biden and his team put out an amendment saying they would give more funds for the pickup here. this region is reeling and people trying to pick up the pieces as the loss of life continues. >> neil: robert, thanks very much for that. robert ray following that. now kentucky governor andy beshear touring the area with the president. let's take you there. okay. maybe not. this is marcus coleman, right? all right. i apologize. now the governor introducing the president of the united states. >> the generosity and outpouring of love, pour, unconditional love from around this country and around this world has been overwhelming. millions of dollars and more, water, diaper, sweatshirts, household goods have poured in. as a state, we're also not alone. president biden and the federal government have offered more aid and acted faster than we have ever seen in the history of the united states of america. i received three personal calls from the president on day one. first, when he could get through and then at the end of the day. we got an immediate disaster declaration that didn't happen. a full day later, a major disaster declaration. starting yesterday, there were people in fema shirts walking house to house to start processing claims to get people back on their feet. we've gone from looking for our dead to haul away the death and destruction around us and the steps to rebuilding have already begun. i cannot thank the president never. i know our federal delegation feels the same way. they have been hugely supportive. thank you, congressman comer for being strong and pushing for everything in washington d.c. you've been a wonderful partner. i hope the people of kentucky know that i care deeply about them and the president does, too. hex here. in dawson springs, kentucky because we're hurting. i'm so thankful for the full unwavering support of our federal delegation. i'm so thankful for the president that said yes to every ask we've made. we know he will have news about another ask that i made. one that i thought there was no way that we could get a yes to. but it's going to mean the federal government isn't just here, isn't just doing things we've never seen before, but is fully behind every single family that has suffered any loss. on behalf of brittany and i to the people of kentucky, we love you. i never thought in my life i'd be able to introduce the president. i wish there were different circumstances. but i'm still very honored to be able to introduce the president in my dad's hometown, president joe biden. >> gov, thank you. i want to introduce you to a new friend of mine. this is dane. dane lived down the street. dane and all of his -- he has cousins that are all together. one cousin, i don't know where he is -- there she is. come on up here, honey. come here. she's about to graduate from u.k. on friday. on friday. and i just want you to meet them. i'm sorry to keep you waiting. i got a chance to hang out with the extended family down there. i want you to meet a soon-to-be graduate -- wants to go to graduate school -- come on, honey. abbey is here. we're going to figure out something special for her graduation day. imagine that. this friday she graduates from u.k. the best thing that ever came out of kentucky was my sister in a law. she's all blue. she went to u.k. and then to duke law school. she married my brother. we're all thankful for her marrying my president. remember me when you're president, right? >> yeah. >> thank you. i want you to meet the folks i was hanging with. thank you, gov. you remember forebearance is commandable. this has to be an emotional for you, the family, the congressman. thanks for the passport into your district. i appreciate it. i want to thank everyone here that took the time to be here. you know, one of the things, back in the 1900s, dawson springs is a place where people came to be healed because of the mineral waters. it was a place that you came to heal. now it's our team to help the entire town to heal. i granted the request for the first emergency declaration and major disaster declaration the moment i received it. i got to know the governor's father. i knew nothing would come if it wasn't real. i mean that for real. yesterday i also approved an emergency declaration for the state of illinois and tennessee. i intend to do whatever it takes as long as it takes, as long as it takes to support your state, your local leaders and because you recover and rebuild. you will recover and you will rebuild. you know, the scope and scale of this destruction is almost beyond belief. look around, it's almost beyond belief. these tornadoes detoured everything in their path. you know, as i flew over here in the helicopter, you can look down. you see a house, 20 yards away from a house that is devastated. the house is in good shape. it's just -- tornadoes are such devastating storms. back where i'm from, we're used to hurricanes and floods and high water, but these tornadoes are just something totally different. devoured everything in the path, your homes, businesses, houses of worship, your dreams, your lives. the governor confirmed, i think he said 74 fatalities? in kentucky? making these among the deadliest to ever strike this state. almost 14 people are confirmed dead in other states with dozens of people still fearful of where they are. i met one i don't have permission to use their name. i met a couple on the way up said they're still looking for four of their friends. they don't know where they are. those that lost someone, there's no words for the pain of losing someone. a lot of us know it. a lot of us understand it, especially around the holidays when everything is supposed to be happy and joyful. it was a long time ago, i got a phone call around the holidays and found out -- i was in washington as a young senator. not sworn in yet. about to be hiring staff and i got a call from a first responder that there had been an accident, an accident broad-sided my wife with a christmas tree. my wife and daughter are dead. my mother said out of something terrible something good will happen. something good has to happen. we have to make it better. so folks, those that lost someone know, know how tough it is. you know how tough it is. in mayfield, just hours before the storm, the gibson pharmacy had been full of families of children waiting to meet santa. now it's gone. so many businesses over the community have been damaged and destroyed as well. your town as well, a saying in small towns, people know about it when you're born and care about it when you die. they know about it when you're born and care about it when you die. in so many places destruction was met with compassion. neighbors and first responders, racing to help save each others lives and support. i'm not joking. i asked when i go to mayfield what the first thing -- what fema and the -- what they heard. they said they're amazed. all they heard is people going out and helping one another. everybody. everybody. just stepping up. it's incredible. it's incredible how you step up. and so folks, you know, the fact is that i'm going to make sure the federal government steps up and makes sure we do every single thing. for years and years a as a u.s. senator, we had a lot of hurricanes and oceans rising, a lot of things. it took a long time. there's no reason why it should take any time. with have the wherewithal to get it done. we'll get everything you need and make sure the federal government does what they need. at the state's request for search and rescue teams, working in kentucky right now, those without power, fema provided 61 generators, power inteams ready to assist. and we provided critical supplies. 144,000 liters of drinking water, 24,000 meals. i just -- 74,000. look, thousands of cots and blankets. there's seven shelters open in kentucky that are taking care of 300 families. covid is a concern. we want to provide some certainty for people. i've been involved in responding to a lot of disasters. you can see it in people's faces what they're looking for. i said what three looking for is to put their head down on a pillow and close their eyes, be take a deep breath and go to sleep and make sure their kids are okay. a lot of hard work will happen in the next two and three months to bring it all the way back. so folks, i want to provide you the certainty as well. i just approved the request that i wasn't sure i had the authority to do but turns out i do. the government will cover 100% of the cost, 100% of the cost for the first 30 days from all the emergency work. every cost the federal government will take care of. includes debris removal, cost of overtime and law enforcement, emergency services personnel and shelter. that will get you through. by the way, i want to thank your wife. she started a toy drive for this part of the state. make sure how many -- come here. i've taking credit for something i have nothing to do with. >> how would you? >> tell them what you have so far. >> as of this morning, we think that we have around 20,000 gifts donated and three more days to go. >> 20,000 gifts. no kids will go to sleep without a gift. god love you. we also need to recognize the people that suffered mental and emotional problems. the costs are unknown. people talk about post traumatic stress in afghanistan and the battlefield, a lot of post traumatic stress comes from lying in your house and the roof blows off and wondering where you kids are. i mean it. the shock of losing a home and a business and the grief of losing 1 is happening before the holidays, i said and we're going make sure that you have all the help you need including mental help that is needed in difficult times. folks, fema has opened mobile disaster recovery centers in mayfield and dawson springs. it has disaster survivor assistance teams on the ground in kentucky to help people ready with assistance. as i said when i talked to the governor, not only we're going to get what you need, we're going to make sure that you know everything is available. you don't always know all that is available. that's what we're going to do. folks, you know, if you live in affected areas, which you're standing here watching me do, you visit or call 1-800-621-fema. that's 800-621, 3362. you're going to hear, recover and build and be stronger than before. we're going to build back better better than it was. when i come back, i have one beautiful lady and her husband promised me a heal. apparently a hell of a cook. so i'm coming back for the meal. thank you for being here and to all the families here, keep the faith. we're going to get this done. i promise you. the governor is not walking away. your county judges are not walking away, your congressman is not walking away. nobody is walking away. we're in this for the long haul. thanks for your patience. >> are you going to need more money from congress to fund this? >> not now. we don't need it yet. there has been because of weather disasters just this year over 99 billion in losses. 99 billion in losses. and as i flew over, i was telling folks here, as i was out with the governor in california and idaho and other states, as you fly over those territories looking down, every single solitary thing is levelled because of the fires. nothing there. the forests, the homes, the businesses. guess what? so much area has burned this year because of climate changes that is larger than the entire state of new jersey. the entire state of new jersey. that's how much land has been burned to the ground. we have a lot to do, a lot to do. but the american people are ready to do it. this is the united states of america. there's not a darn thing we can't do. thank you. >> neil: all right. you've been watching the president of the united states with the governor of kentucky, andy beshear. we have seen changing numbers, improving numbers from some of the original statistics out of the area. 71 confirmed deaths. there was reports of 74. apparently there were duplicated lists. the same of unaccounted for. you might recall early this morning, they were still having no idea better than 100 people that were missing or unable to be tracked down. as power returns to some, not all areas but some, they've had a better chance for those people to let the world know, hey, we're okay. everything is okay. 59 unaccounted for. so again, very early on in this process and a process the president plans provide federal ample aid, the first 30 days everything covered by the federal government. marcus is the director of the dhs for faith-based communities. thanks for what you're doing. how are things looking there? >> thanks very much, neil. i've been on with faith based and community based partners since saturday. as we speak, there's a call with more than 100 faith and community-based partners from operation barbecue, samaritans purse, the american red cross, all trying to coordinate and collaborate to help support the needs of survivors. i sat with a pastor who parishioners of losted loved ones. their church is destroyed. i'm grateful despite the pain that they continue to provide hope and federaling to disaster survivors. we add female alongside the state of kentucky will continue to stand with our faith and community-based partners. we continue to support all of the survivors that have been impacted. >> marcus, maybe you can help us out. a lot of folks want to help you out what do folks need? what do you recommend? >> so cash is best. one of the things that i recommend and that you have a lot of people around this time of year, you may be already donating to a nonprofit, an organization of choice, that offers barbecue, samaritan's purse, team rubicon. you're promoting red cost to help donate. those are sources of trusted partners that are collecting donations. if you're looking for a list of organizations that are active on the ground in kentucky, ndoad, the national voluntary organizations. more than 70 partners are coordinating together to help provide support for this disaster and other impacted areas across the country. >> as you pointed out, marcus, it's not always something tangible. some people are just shell-shocked. their homes gone and many cases loved ones are gone. what do you say? >> it's a hard process. one of the areas that we're coming alongside to support as mentioned, this is a large emotional and spiritual care mission. to your point about being shell shocked. we want to make sure that folks have a resource available to them as well. i encourage everybody to dial 800-985-5990. that is the disaster distress mental help line available 24 hours a day. another service provided to anyone that needs it. we understand that the recovery process will be long for many people. after that get that call, we want people to deal 80 or 621, 3362 to start their disaster recovery process. we know it's a hard process as president biden mentioned. we have meme on the ground. we're going to do the best we can to get directly to the neighborhoods and people impacted and make sure that they have people that can help them walk through a process in a very difficult time of year. >> neil: thanks for all you're doing, marcus. the directer of dh center for faith-based partnership projects. all of this at a time that we're getting more word of more tornadoes not specifically from kentucky. marissa torres has more. what's going on? >> this is the worst thing that we're seeing unfold through nebraska. we have confirmation hoff tornadoes on the ground in part of nebraska at this point. all part of a destructive system. you can see the area of low pressure swinging through this line of thunderstorms at this point cutting through nebraska. we had several severe thunderstorm warnings and tornado warnings and confirmation of tornadoes on the ground in nebraska. we're watching the tornado watches spread out from nebraska, iowa, even part of minnesota. these will likely be upgraded in through tornado warnings as we continue to go through the evening hours. the storms are moving fast, anywhere from 70 to 80 miles per hour. that is the pace of a racing car on a highway. this is a dangerous situation, destructive situation. highlighting much of iowa. we see that line coming through nebraska and taking aim at parts of minnesota. the damaging wind threat. so ahead of this storm we're seeing areas, see winds excess of 60 to 70 miles per hour. so you're seeing the winds ahead of the front, the strong winds in the front. we could have damaging straight line winds out of this. the damaging threat here where you could see 80 to 100 miles per hour wind gusts. we're talking about the potential for hurricane force winds on the ground in the same areas. it's very likely where you see the hash marks there. you're seeing the dynamic system where you have storms on the front end, snow squall warnings behind it and once that pass it, we're talking about high wind warnings from new mexico through the upper grade lakes. that is wednesday through thursday. this is in the wake of this front passing through. we're watching it, tracking the tornados and the warnings and watches and watch them throughout the evening. neil? >> neil: a general question. it's december. we know this tornado activity is the worst on record for december. obviously complicated by the cold weather after they hit. what's going on? >> it's a great question. so that's what we saw last week. so ahead of this cold front coming through -- i'll see if it can reverse it. you have warm, humid air coming up from the gulf of mexico. behind this system, you have very cold, very dry air. these are two conflicting air masses. when the cold air comes rushing in, it's scooping up and pushing the warm air. it's dynamic in the sense that it's activating very strong and dangerous storms. again, very similar to the setup we saw last week. not something that you see this far into december and aweek away from the official started of winter. >> neil: thanks for that. we'll keep an eye on this and also keeping an eye on a party that ended officially today. the federal reserve announcing they're taking the punch bowl away. we've been getting spoiled by interest rates that have been very low for ridiculously long amount of time. the federal reserve indicating today that stops. the interest rate hikes start and things will quickly change. but the markets like what they heard. we'll tell you why after this. wow... that's so nice! is that a photo of tepechitlan? 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[sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back. here, things work the way you wish they would. and better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. the holidays are happening at lowe's. thank you! shop our winterfest event online now for pick up at the store. bye! >> neil: build back better? from joe manchin, not so fast. growing indications he's in no rush to get it done before christmas and maybe not at all. we're on that after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, tam-tam! i was thinking maybe... your mom's car? you up for a little night work? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you. merry christmas, dad. ♪ ♪ >> neil: on your mark, get set, hike. the federal reserve is putting the end of the days of easy money or the promise to. that will mean likely higher interest rates. in case you thought this was rattling stocks, it didn't. why is that? let's go to susan li. >> probably one of the most anticipated federal reserve decisions since the pandemic started confirming today that inflation and higher prices are pushing the central bank to cut back on stimulus and raise rates earlier than indicated. the fed will cut bond purchases by $30 million a month, this is part of the plan to get the economy going again during covid. the fed will likely raise interest rates three times next year, enough to deal with higher than expected consumer prices. they reiterated that they expected inflation to come down next year with easing in the supply chain crisis. powell has dropped transitory and is focusing on high prices. >> we understand high inflation hurts those trying to take care of food, housing and transportation. we will use our tools to support the economy and a strong labor market and prevent higher inflation from becoming entrenched. >> and powell said that they're ahead of the curve after consumer prices hitting multiyear highs. investors like certainty, as you know. this is what they expected from the central bank and less aggressive than they have forecast. >> neil: thanks, susan. they like the certainty of knowing what they were uncertain about 24 hours ago. to charlie gasparino on that. a weird day. what do you think, charlie? >> strange. the word out of powell is maybe we are going to raise rates more, a lot of maybes. what the street took from this, my read and the read of traders that i've been talking to, he's a little weaker than they thought. there's a lot of wiggle room. if covid spikes up he may bake off the rates. we have the variant right now. so put that together. there was a relief rally. you can see it not just in the overall stocks, i saw it in crypto which is an inflation hedge. their prices went up. so there was a clear everybody is thinking that the rate increases may not be that big of a deal, right? here's the irony here, neil and the maybe contradiction of sorts. i don't think that just because you have a spike in covid and more shut downs or businesses not doing as much because of that, not bringing their workers back to the office, i still think we're going to get inflation. it's just the nature of what's going on with the supply chain. the supply chain has problems because there's so much welfare benefits being pumped through the system. and build back better, looks like that won't happen but even without that, there's incentive not to work and that will continue to cause inflation. the real problem that powell has, you know, he's going forward. he says you have to watch the inflation numbers now. he's been unreliable on this. he's been horrible. he missed the boat so many times. we think three rate hikes are good enough? i wouldn't. >> neil: thanks. charlie referring to the fact that the federal reserve has been taking the notes and bonds. $130 billion at our peak every month. they hope to bring that down by another 130 bill. they stop buying, the notion that interest rates rise. we shall see. stay with us. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. ♪ ♪ no two dreams are the same. but there is one van equipped to handle them all. for over 120 years, mercedes-benz vans have been built, upfitted and ready to go. because we believe dreams - should never stay that way. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! retirement income is complicated. all are of... as your broker, i've solved it. various: ahhh... that's great, carl. but we need something better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> neil: all right. for the second time in as many weeks, a top public official has claimed all of these smash and grabs going on in stores, retailers could be doing more in the stores where it's happening. kelly o'grady in los angeles with more on that kelly? >> hi, neil. i'm here at the grove with the nordstrom was hit just before thanksgiving. to keep things out, they're installing barbed wire fences every night. this is turning into a blame game between officials and retailers. yesterday california's attorney general convened businesses to discuss response strategies. crime rings resell their stolen goods online. that's where the finger pointing started at tech companies. and e-bay spokesperson said the company supports tactics. they said they have zero tolerance for crime activity. we have programs to monitor our marketplace for stolen item. the shortage of police resources as well as lacks bail and sentencing policies are being blamed. i asked l.a. residents what they thought we should do about crime. >> there needs to be stricter penalties and fines if people get caught. >> i think more security. it's scary. especially for businessers and small business owners. >> i carry a taser because as a woman, i have to keep myself safe. i mean, if we're not going to have police patrolling the area, in a mall like this, i have to do what i have to do. >> there you have it. angelinos want more police officers. i had a conversation with the national retail association. . she said accountability is key when they know they're going to let back out. >> neil: thanks, kelly. even if one of the nation's more premier fashion designs has given up, a major major draw for people that love her stuff. but now, she gave up dealing with the crime. ellie good to have you. explain what happened. >> yeah, it was really good to open up. we had really great neighbors with tiffanys and fendi's. those are labels that draw a lot of hit-and-run. we were sitting ducks in the beverly center. there wasn't the level of security to really look out for us as retailers. even from how we would access our store. it was accessible to everyone. the doors automatically open and any can walk in, check to see if they're open. it's not only grab and runs. we're told there's nothing that they can do. we're just really left open and exposed. unfortunately with the level of, you know, products that i have in the store and the price points, i wasn't able to leave myself in a sitting duck. >> neil: very sad. you had great stuff. people swore by it. when they heard you were closing, they swore what happened to you. i was wondering. kept happening in broad daylight. when did this accelerate? >> it's interesting. in california, there was the ebd. once that payment stopped, seems like there was the level of desperation that arose in people across the board. unfortunately there's not a profile because it's not just grab and runs, smash and grabs. we also recently had a celebrity stylist try to borrow a ring and, you know, disappear with the ring. so there's all kinds of different levels of that happening right now that are unimaginable really. >> neil: what was security doing or local police? when you asked for or wanted help, what was going on? >> you know, in instances with security at the beverly center, when you record something, they'll say they will watch out for them but there's nothing we can do. they say sorry, there's nothing that we can do. a lot of stores were just watching people walk off with their merchandise, which is very frustrating. you know, if the measures are not put in place by the centers to help us, we're at a loss. even when we had to record the celebrity stylist to the police, we had to talk to three or four police before we could get to a detective. we were told make the record online. it's a $50,000 ring. how can i report it online? >> neil: incredible. so what do you do now? >> now it's about trying and always to find the safest place possible. you used to say, okay, i'm in beverly hills, these type of things went happen. but you have the robbery of the beverly hills restaurant. things happened in hancock park. so as a retailer, it's not only about protecting my brand but the people that work for me. i can't ask someone the work for me to protect the diamond ring when they have weapons. so it's a tough climate and difficult to navigate and find out where is the best place to open and how do we open and still stay safe. >> neil: i hope you're okay and safe. thanks, elle. keep us posted. a lot of people are saying they hope that you reopen. be well, be safe. >> thank you so much. >> neil: incredible, right? a san diego county district attorney. i heard about this summer and i heard about others recite that almost line and verse the same story. what's going on? last year at this time we would see sporadic incidents. now it's more frequent. there's no help. there's no effort to help these folks out. what is happening? >> yeah, neil. it's really terrible to watch the images on television. to see the lack of accountability. what has happened is unfortunately in some regions of california and across the united states, there's some district attorneys that don't believe in the rule of law. they don't believe in accountability. they create consequence-free zones. we don't have that issue in san diego. actually, law enforcement likes it when there's a series of these kinds of situations where you have these organized retail thefts and they end up in san diego because that's the wrong place to be. we prosecute, we have an organized team. we work with chp, law enforcement and we go after them. we make sure that there is accountability. you know, the criminals out there, they know, they have a pulse as to what is happening. unfortunately the pulse that they're getting from regions outside san diego is that anything goes and that there are no victims rights. >> neil: what happens with the l.a. district attorney, gascon, was asked act this. he said it's one thing overhyped in the media. and there's obligations that go way beyond his office. yet we do know that these issues are not addressed, people are not apprehended. i used to think not long ago when there was a limit on how much you could steal or take out before you'd be brought up on charges let alone brought in to an establishment. so what is he saying to you about this? >> well, he's not saying anything unfortunately that makes any sense. that's the problem. there's no clarity. criminals know that they basically have a free card to do whatever they want. the policies, they're not only sanctioned, these economic thefts, they sanction violence. >> neil: what happens when these incidents occur? often times i see the perpetrators walking, not running out and not in the middle of the night, broad daylight. so what happens? >> well, you know, store owners and retail, i just met with them this morning. especially small business owners. they're not even calling police because they feel like they have given up. there's no account ability. that is not happening. we just did a case that has $700,000 loss that we took from the entire state. so this is just -- you have to have the rule of law. you have to have district attorneys that follow the law. that way police can couldn't on when they do their job, we will bring a case and victims know that they have the accountability. what you're seeing is the result of series of really bad decisions that prioritized crime over victims and community safety. >> neil: just amazing, summer. the san diego county district attorney. we reached out to the l.a. county district attorney to respond to the criticisms that he's not doing enough or making light of it and we have not heard back. meantime, following what is happening on the build back better. we might know a thing or two more about interest rates going up. right now we have very few indications that this thing is even going to be voted on before christmas. stay with us because senator john kennedy of louisiana is here. as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. 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because the criminals are not unhappy. they can get to be criminals. and i think that's what we have in our country. the genesis of part of it, anyway, watt defund the police movement it wasn't just defund the police, it was disrespect the police. it caused a lot of our police officers to retire. caused a lot of them to be more cautious. caused a lot of them become disillusioned and some of these cities did cut the police funding. >> neil: it did feed on itself. senator, in chicago and even in california some cities, the finger pointing goes to the retailers themselves that they're not doing enough. what did you think of that? >> >> i thought that was nonsense. the first responsibility of government is to protect people and property. i mean, that's why we founded the social contract. and it's government's job to do that. and if any public official tries to blame it on the victim, shame on them. >> neil: if i could swish gears, sir, because there is a lot going on, only a couple of minutes with you, which i treasure, of course. the federal reserve indicated it's going to start hiking interest rates maybe at least three times next year and three times the year after that what do you think of all of that? , we have got a problem. big problem with inflation. i know president biden's economists say that covid caused inflation. and i agree with them that inflation is spreading but, as one commentator put it last week, people aren't walking around coughing inflation on each other. inflation is caused by too much money chasing too few goods. it's caused in this case by the breathtaking spending and borrowing by the federal government. it's going it require our federal reserve to raise interest rates much sooner than we thought. i'm really worried about the impact of that on our economy. we don't have a choice. we have got to control inflation because it's a tax on all of us but, on the other hand, i don't want an interest rate rise to throw us into a recession. and it might. >> neil: do you think that's going to happen? you know the administration has already claim you pass build back better none of that happens. what do you say? >> i think that's just rhetoric. i think build back better will be a cause a massive increase in inflation. i mean, it's -- the bill is breathtaking, neil in its scope. it's $5 trillion. it's $3 trillion of borrowing. $2 trillion of new taxes. i think the administration is really playing with fire here. >> neil: all right. we will watch it very closely. senator, always good having you. senator john kennedy beautiful state of louisiana, looking at crime and inflation and all of these issues. by the way, the figure he was quoting the $3 trillion extra that's from a cbo report that analyzed if a lot of these programs didn't expire as they are intended to, what would be the real cost of that package and they came up with something closer to $5 trillion not the $2 trillion that it is billed for. and anyoneflationary environment that is definitely not the news you would like to hear. but for now, the inflationary fight is on. we will see how that goes with the fed. ♪ ♪ >> dana: hello everyone i'm dana perino, with judge jeanine pirro, jesse watters and brian kilmeade. this is the "the five." democrats accused of being outright delusional after the latest by president biden despite sinking polls and tumultuous afghanistan and the border and now problems with the economy. president biden claims his party is poised to win big in 2022 and even tell republicans they need to watch out. >>

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Couple , Dozens , Friends , Permission , Name , It , Someone , Holidays , Pain , Words , Call , Senator , Responder , Staff , Phone Call , Wife , Daughter , Mother , Accident , Christmas Tree , Storm , Pharmacy , In Mayfield , Gibson , Families , Community , Children , Saying , Meet Santa , Care , Neighbors , Places , Responders , Towns , Compassion , Everybody , Fact , Fema , Another , U S Senator , Reason , Wherewithal , Teams , Search And Rescue , 61 , 144000 Liters Of Drinking Water , Power Inteams , Generators , 24000 , 144000 , Shelters , Blankets , Cots , Thousands , 74000 , Seven , Certainty , Disasters , Covid , Concern , 300 , Kids , Hard Work , Pillow , Head , Eyes , Take A Deep Breath , Authority , Two , Cost , Care Of , Emergency Work , Debris Removal , 100 , 30 , Part , Law Enforcement , Many , Shelter , Emergency Services Personnel , Toy Drive , Gifts , Credit , 20000 , Gift , God , Problems , Stress , Costs , Battlefield , Afghanistan , Roof , Business , Help , Shock , Home , Grief , 1 , Times , Disaster , Survivor , Disaster Recovery , Assistance , Areas , 1 800 621 Fema , 800 , 621 , 3362 , Lady , Build , Hell , Meal , Husband , Done , County Judges , Keep The Faith , Congress , Nobody , Haul , Patience , Weather Disasters , Losses , 99 Billion , Governor , California , Fires , Forests , Territories , Idaho , Down , Climate , Changes , New Jersey , Land , Some , Numbers , Statistics , Deaths , Same , Lists , Idea , Know , Power Returns , Process , Plans , Faith , Communities , Director , Dhs , Partners , Operation Barbecue , Samaritans Purse , Survivors , Parishioners , Needs , Church , Pastor , Loved Ones , American Red Cross , Losted , Federaling , Hope , Cash , Choice , Organization , Barbecue , Nonprofit , Organizations , Sources , List , Donate , Red , Donations , Team Rubicon , Ndoad , Cases , Ones , Point , Mission , Resource , Anyone , Service , Line , Recovery Process , Disaster Distress , 800 985 5990 , 24 , 985 , 5990 , Disaster Recovery Process , 80 , Best , Neighborhoods , Meme , Word , Dh Center , Doing , Directer , Partnership Projects , Marissa Torres , System , Nebraska , Pressure , Thunderstorm Warnings , Thunderstorms , Point Cutting , Tornado Warnings , Confirmation , Tornado Watches , Iowa , Minnesota , Situation , Anywhere , Pace , Fast , Racing Car On A Highway , Wind Threat , Aim , Winds , Threat , Potential , Hurricane Force Winds , Warnings , Snow Squall , End , There , Hash Marks , Grade Lakes , Wake , New Mexico , Record , Question , Tornados , Tornado Activity , Worst , Evening , Watches , Cold Front , Weather , Sense , Dynamic , Gulf Of Mexico , Air Masses , Winter , Setup , Aweek , Party , Eye , Punch Bowl Away , Markets , Interest Rate Hikes , Stops , Bonds , Ancestry , Walk , Photo , History , Nose , Papa , Tepechitlan , Holiday , Vo , Verizon , Stuff , 5g , Hotspot Data , Data , Concourse , Business Expert , Clients , Blue Line , Cupcake , Bakery , Store , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Low , Crowd , Appointment , 0 , Comfort , Neck , Chest , Mess , Allstate , Sfx , Radio , Bit Wrong , Back , Band Plays , Hands , Auto Rate , Protection , Winterfest Event , Lowe S , Indications , Rush , Joe Manchin , Car , Mom , Tam , Merry Christmas , Get Set , Hike , Case , It Didn T , Let S Go , Susan Li , Rattling , Rates , Decisions , Prices , Central Bank , Stimulus , Pandemic , Economy , Fed , Consumer Prices , Plan , Bond Purchases , 30 Million , 0 Million , Supply Chain Crisis , Easing , Powell , Housing , Food , Labor Market , Transportation , Tools , Investors , Highs , Curve , Charlie Gasparino , Read , Traders , Street , Maybes , Strange , Wiggle Room , Inflation Hedge , Variant , Relief Rally , Crypto , Deal , Thinking , Rate Increases , Contradiction , Irony , Office , Because , Downs , Workers , Sorts , Spike , Supply Chain , Welfare Benefits , Nature , Won T , Incentive , Inflation Numbers , Rate Hikes , Has , Boat , Wouldn T , Notes , Bill , Peak , Buying , 130 , 30 Billion , 130 Billion , Stay , Interest , Cooking , Heart , Seal , Hello , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Obsessed , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Van , Vans , Upfitted , Mercedes Benz , 120 , Face , Whoa , Intensity , Faces , Germs , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Penalties , Retirement Income , Broker , Fee , Track , Carl , Portfolio , Schwab Intelligent Income , Cool , Approach , Schwab , Simple , Windshield , Experts , Singers , Safelite , Wealth Management , Man , Girl , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Official , Public , Smash , Retailers , Stores , Grove , Kelly , Los Angeles , Kelly O Grady , Hi , Officials , Attorney General , Hit , Fences , Blame Game , Yesterday California S , Nordstrom , Barbed Wire , Finger , Goods , Crime Rings , Response Strategies , Tech Companies , Programs , Marketplace , Company , Crime Activity , Police Resources , Tactics , Item , Shortage , Bail , Spokesperson , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Crime , Security , Policies , Residents , Sentencing , Fines , Small Business Owners , Taser , Police Officers , Mall , Conversation , Angelinos , Accountability , Nation , National Retail Association , Dealing , Fashion Designs , Draw , Ellie , Labels , Ducks , Hit And Run , Beverly Center , Tiffanys , Fendi , Doors , Any , Runs , Price Points , Sitting Duck , Products , Closing , Level , Desperation , Payment , Ebd , Celebrity Stylist , Profile , Board , Grabs , Police , The Ring , Kinds , Levels , Security Doing , Instances , Measures , Merchandise , Centers , Detective , Incredible , Make , 0000 , 50000 , Type , Robbery , Beverly Hills , Brand , Retailer , Work , Diamond Ring , Weapons , Beverly Hills Restaurant , Hancock Park , Safe , Elle , San Diego County District Attorney , Summer , Others , Verse , Incidents , Neil , Effort , District Attorneys , Regions , Lack , Images On Television , San Diego , Issue , Zones , Rule Of Law , Series , Situations , Retail Thefts , Criminals , Chp , Anything , Pulse , Victims Rights , District Attorney , Issues , Obligations , Act , Media , Gascon , Charges , Limit , Establishment , Clarity , Card , Violence , Walking , Thefts , Middle , Perpetrators , Store Owners , Retail , Account Ability , 00000 , 700000 , Victims , Job , Community Safety , Result , Criticisms , L A County , Light , Element Securing Portfolios , Risk , Reward , Gold , John Kennedy , Louisiana , Marcia , Health , Advantage , Periodontal Disease , Clearchoice , Dental Implants , Key , Solution , Ability , Teeth , Forde , Phone , Phone Everyone Wants , Network , Kate , On America S , Iphone 13 Pro , 13 , Better , Iphone , Betttterrrrrr , Betttttter , Entertainment , Singing , Entertainment Subscriptions , Music , Carolers , Apple , Guy , Apple Arcade , 7 , 1000 , 000 , Ray , Vacations , Diabetes , No , Glucose Levels , Mystery , A1c , Libre 2 , 2 , Sound Engineer , Indeed Instant Match , Record Label , Candidates , Visit Freestylelibre Us , Taking Off , Idaho Potato Truck , Job Description , Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire Hello , Bigion , Milk , Lactose , Isn T Real Milk , Lactaid , Dairy , Isn T A Real Cow , Mabel , Reasons , Opinion , Solutions , Variety , Don T Arrest , Rise , Genesis , Watt Defund The Police Movement , Cities , Pointing , Police Funding , Chicago , Property , Responsibility , Nonsense , Victim , Social Contract , Tries , Shame , Gears , Hiking Interest Rates , Sir , Economists , Coughing Inflation , Commentator , Other , People Aren T , Borrowing , Impact , Administration , All Of Us , Hand , Interest Rate Rise , Recession , Tax , None , Increase , Rhetoric , Taxes , Playing With Fire , 3 Trillion , Trillion , 2 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Figure , John Kennedy Beautiful State Of Louisiana , Report , Cbo , Package , Anyoneflationary Environment , Fight , Dana Perino , Jeanine Pirro , Jesse Watters , Brian Kilmeade , Democrats , Five , Big , Border , Polls , Republicans , 2022 ,

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