Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

devastated by last weekend's tornadoes. the president is meeting with local officials on the ground and expected to tour a neighborhood in hard hit mayfield just a short time from now. welcome. i am sandra smith and trace great to with you. i am trace gallagher in for john roberts. clean up efforts under way across several states. as families are putting their lives back on track. kentucky's donation fund collected $10 million for more than 6,000 people -- 66,000 people. state officials are asking people to donate toys for kids who are homeless just weeks before christmas. >> sandra: so sad. alexis is on the ground in mayfield at a church helping collect donations. god bless them. so much help is needed and so many kids 2 weeks before christmas are left with nothing. >> they don't even know where they will go later this afternoon or get their next meal. what the church is doing is so important in mayfield, kentucky. we are inside in this warehouse inside a church. mayfield was destroyed. some of the action going on inside the church right now in mayfield, kentucky. the church just a short drive away from where people need help. volunteers are so important here. they are packing different canned goods and whatever they think they need. putting all of that into these boxes and shipping it off to those in need. look around. inside the warehouse, some you can see some of the other items. diapers and clothing. we talked to a pastor who told us what is going on in here and how they need more help. listen. >> we are 10 miles from ground zero. it feels like you go into a different country. it looks like a war zone. the pictures don't do it justice. seeing the devastation and looking into the eyes of people is hopelessness. that's why the church shines and gives hope in the middle of hopelessness. >> there is so much need in kentucky. people lost their neighbors, houses and family members. they don't know what to do next. a lot of people are still in shock. look at this box they are setting up for people to come pick up at this church in mayfield. toilet paper and bread and blankets. you name it. different types of hygiene products. they need a lot more of that. they need more people to come down here and help them box up items. a lot more work needs to be done in western kentucky. >> sandra: they are grateful for that church and others who are stepping up to help out during this time. >> trace: president biden suffered a setback in his bid to oppose a vaccine mandate has more institutions sidestep the measures and a new poll shows the president's numbers sinking on covid. only 46% of voters approving of how he handled the pandemic. arkansas senator tom cotton will join us in a moment but we begin with jacqui heinrich on the north lawn. >> the white house has told private businesses and federal contractors to prepare for that deadline to comply with the vaccine mandate or face fines despite the fact that courthouse have blocked the administration from endorsing the mandate while the legal challenges are heard. that's what amtrak was doing with predicting staffing shortages. the white house tried to argue this was unrelated. >> we anticipate having to temp rarly reduce some staffing with a plan to fully restore all services by march. >> they are working to ensure there are adequate employees on the job. there was some reporting last week about delays. amtrak delays which they attributed to issues outside of the vaccination environment. >> it caused questions whether the president's policies are undermining his legislation? >> he just signed into law the infrastructure bill that gave amtrak billion dollars in funding. republican congressman graves said the administration will send $60 billion to amtrak. but it would deliver less service. amtrak allowed unvaccinated employees to get tested but jen psaki deflected on this question. >> vaccination or testing is something we recommended from the federal government. i don't think we have any concern. >> the states are bringing back mask mandates and the white house is staying out of that battle. they said states can make their own decision led by cdc guidelines. dr. fauci said there is no need for an omicron specific vaccine and the current vaccines give protection against the omicron variant. >> trace: more on that later on. jacqui heinrich, thanks. >> sandra: senator tom cotton. the senate repealed the biden federal vaccine mandate for businesses. many republicans made the case this is too brutal on businesses still trying to recover. even if the house approves this, it faces a 53ses a biden veto. what do you believe is the fate? >> i was pleased a bipartisan majority in the senate blocked this. the magertie of americans are pro-vaccination but anti-mandate.jority of american pro-vaccination but anti-mandate. the department of defense is being used as a tool in biden's campaign to restore his political standing. you have young healthy troops that don't want the vaccination. it will help them or our national security to discharge them from the military? >> sandra: that's a small percentage of the military? >> it is, but it could be thousands of troops. again at a time when we have a tight labor market that makes it hard to recruit and retrain troops and thousands of troops have put their lives on the line to defend our country. shouldn't we back off these mandates just like joe biden did for unionized federal employees and like amtrak did. >> sandra: what do you say to chuck schumer who is slamming your efforts to repeal this mandate saying some of the anti-vaxxers remind me of what happened 400 years ago when people were clinging to the fact the sun revolved arounded earth. they didn't believe science. you say what? >> i don't know what chuck schumer is insulting his own democrat senators who voted to appeal joe biden's unpopular mandate. you can be pro-vaccination and anti-mandate. the federal should not be for the first time in history imposing mandates on the american people. nor should people lose their livelihoods because they heard well coronavirus and have natural immunity. this one size fits all mandate from joe biden doesn't work. >> sandra: fair enough. the senate has passed the 778-billion dollars bill. this just came in. it establishes a commission. you can expand on this. it will investigate the afghanistan withdrawal and make changes to the military justice system. what we know about the commission that will be doing this is that it's a 16 member bipartisan group. they will study the u.s. involvement in afghanistan from 2001 to 2021. they will report their progress to congress and officials involved in the war are barred from serving. we know the pentagon is conducting this review. the state and defense department are looking into the withdrawal as well with their own investigation. what is the point of this commission? what will the american people learn about the war in afghanistan and particularly the withdrawal? >> first, i was pleased the defense bill passed again today. the democrats dropped a lot of radical social engineering proposals. this commission in particular is going to take a broad look at our war in afghanistan over 20 years. there are a lot of questions about the end of the war. why the state department was so slow in processing visas for persons who had legal rights to immigrate out of afghanistan. over 20 years we had a lot of twists and wrong turns in the afghan war. some in the earlierest days after the cia opposed the taliban. why we tried to create a person style democracy in afghanistan as opposed to working with local afghans supporting leaders that were traditional in their society to create a stable government. maybe it didn't meet the standards of western democracy, but it would have been stable and not been a threat to the united states. these are important questions to the american people. they can inform our decision making in the future about afghanistan and other places as well. >> sandra: the american people look forward to any feedback they get. senator, thank you very much. live on the ground in kentucky, the president has arrived. he is touring hard hit mayfield this afternoon. we are just getting live images. he will meet with local leaders on the ground. trace, we spoke to alexis there in a church collecting every day items for folks left with almost nothing. thankfully those that saved their own lives in the hard hit areas where you have dozens of confirmed dead. in small communities -- the president there is the live images as arrived. >> trace: he is in mayfield and he will be speaking a few different times today. the president while on the ground in kentucky will be mobile. you will notice and it speaks to the infrastructure what is happening there in mayfield. there is very little infrastructure left. what is happening they don't have gas, electricity or we have the water treatment. they don't have wifi. as the president moves around. we have cameras in different areas and the signal is weaker. there is not much left of the wifi system in mayfield. for our pictures to get to you they need a boost from the wifi to get to the satellite. it's interesting because if you go through here, this is one of the first natural disasters the president has faced and went into firsthand. goth a wide scale view of what is going on and what the people of mayfield as senator rand paul articulated yesterday. what they need right now is people on the ground to get them the things they need back in place. money is great. it's a great motivator, but the people first is really what they need here. the president is talking to the people and leaders. >> sandra: when we can pick up on any of the audio we will listen. 88 killed in the storms in the midwest and the south. 74 in kentucky. i think i hear the president. >> [inaudible]. >> sandra: he is touring right now with the governor. holding the hand of the governor's wife i am told as we take in these images. 74 confirmed dead in kent. -- kentucky. andy beshear confirmed that 100 individuals in kentucky are still missing at this hour. the president continues to tour there. trace, to your point about lack of electricity. there are still at this hour 18,500 power outages. as the governor said on this program 2 days ago, he looks at a recovery effort that will not just last weeks but months and years. you see so many starting to pick up the pieces. >> trace: yes. as you see the pictures and we saw them first come in over the weekend of the devastation, time after time. reporter after reporter said they have never seen anything like this. no president has ever seen tornado damage like what president biden is about to view here. it will be fascinating to see how he interacts with the people and what his first initial response is and how the federal government can come in and help the state government in this case get these people back on their feet. you can see right here. you will have a lot of this. cameras are coming in and going out. swapping out cameras and trying get you the best of different angles. only relying on a limited infrastructure. our trucks are on the scene. you bound bounce it up to the satellite. wifi won't happen. you will see moments like this along the way. this is live television on the ground in a natural disaster event. you see the president right there. walking with the governor and mrs. beshear. >> [inaudible]. >> [very low audio]. >> [inaudible]. >> sandra: we can't hear the president. so far he's been amazed at what the communities have done in the wake of the storms. talking to some folks that have lost everything there. he said people come out of nowhere to help the community. that's what it's supposed to be. that's what america is supposed to be. he said there are no red or blue tornadoes when this happens. i think in my experience it brings people together or knocks them apart and moving together is what we see here." it's a sentiment we want to believe happens across the country. these communities are stepping up and coming together. they are helping each other. anybody who can lend a helping hand has shown up. you have heard that from families walking around in the rubble. how many people are crossing state lines to help. as we watch the president. >> trace: yes. you're absolutely right. you hear a lot of social media, americans are at each other's throats. from being in hurricane harvey a few years back and you saw miles and miles of trucks and boat lined up to go in there and help the rescue effort. you can see the picture there. it's going in and out. we are roaming and relying on limited infrastructure. know that on the outside, outside of the scope of this as the camera goes dark there, there are people waiting to come into kentucky to help them with the clean up. to help them go through this and try to cope with this. it's not just the people with the trucks trying to clean up. you have the red cross and psychologist and psychiatrists and people dealing with the mental health issues. you see the physical damage but you don't see the mental damage. you have mental health experts on the ground to help them deal with what we are watching on-screen. it is a vast testament to this country to know people are giving up their vacation time to get in their trucks to help out the people in kentucky. >> sandra: the president will make a couple more stops. we don't have the shot now but will go back to the president. >> trace: new details on smash and grab in california and minnesota. some organized on social media platforms and carried out by people who didn't know each other. the flash mobs are formed after someone posts a target and a time. leo terrell joins us now. a civil rights attorney. you saw the images of the torino. the images of the smash and grab they are also something that is imprinted upon america. now we are learning the mo. you have these bosses. they are on a safe distance and on social media organizing foot soldiers and pointing them which stores to go to. what items to grab. they take those and sell those things online. what is the fix? >> the fix here is simple. the police are trying to apprehend meas individuals. -- these individuals. the police department is being set up. they could arrest every single person involved in these crimes. but they get released! trace, you live in california like i do. the chief of the police in l.a. said we arrested 14 people and they were released the next day. you have left leaning prosecutors who are not going to convict, what is the purpose of arrest? the police department is being set up. all it takes is one disputed shooting or arrest and all hell will break loose. all of this will be the liberal prosecutors will go after the police. the police department know what is going on. these individuals are released because of left leaning george soros prosecutors. >> trace: they then is a losing issue and the mayor in san francisco saying there will be consequences and governor gavin newsom said there will be consequences and the attorney general of california saying, when folks know there are consequences, there will be accountability and that's how we represent it. -- prevent it." but the police chief in los angeles said 14 people were arrested in a smash and grab robby of $340,000 worth of merchandise and all 14 were quickly released. there are no consequences. >> which that's the game. the democrats talk a good game byou they are soft on crime. those livers who are out in the street, they don't a george floyd situation. they don't want sharpton to come to l.a. you are one disputed arrest away from chaos. the democrats have not put the prosecutors in position to convict and imprison. what is the purpose of arresting if the prosecutors aren't going to convict? you can't believe gavin newsom or george gasgone or laurie lightfoot. >> trace: and jason said put these people's feet to a fire and he is under a recall. the sound bite of the san francisco mayor. watch. >> it's time that the rein of criminals who are destroying our city, it's time for it to come to an end. be more aggressive and less tolerant of the [bleep] that steroid our city. >> trace: -- destroyed our city. >> trace: a year ago she was going to take $100-million away from the police department. now she is on board with the police. some retailers could hire security guards. their hands are tied. i have a buddy who said we are told not to do anything when somebody comes in shoplifts. >> she has no credibility. she can't follow her own covid mandate. she was trying to defund the police last year. the security guards you can't shoot someone. they for a no win situation. these liberals are waiting for one disputed situation. it's dangerous to be a police officer right now in the democratic cities. no support. >> trace: last week they broke up a wing and they had $8 million worth of items. they are stealing million dollars worth of stuff. leo terrell, thank you. >> sandra: first they went after oil and gas companies. now the biden white house is going after another major industry as prices continue to rise. katie pavlich will react. >> keep making the case and i believe we will win. let me say this again. we will win in 2022. >> trace: president biden boasting about his party's chances in the next year's mid-terms even though polling tells a different story. is there a democratic disconnect? 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>> sandra, there are a lot of different components. we heard about the supply chain. inflation didn't just mean a 20% increase on beef. it's an increase in every part of the supply chain. the grain to feed the animals that is brought by trucks paying more for oil. every aspect increased in cost and it's passed on to the consumer because the companies can't afford not to raise their prices. for the biden administration they are more concerned about maintaining their narrative. even the agriculture secretary is arguing this is a matter of corporate greed. that's not the case. the biden administration can't admit that with jen psaki or president biden or the agculture secretary because that would destroy their argument for build back better which is something they want to pass with trillion dollars in spending. according to the "wall street journal" a 3 trillion dollars increase in the deficit. they can't be honest why we are seeing price increases on items like beef and poultry and pork. they have to say it's a corporate problem because they want more government spending which is causing the problem in the first place. >> sandra: if it's deflection on the part of the white house they are not acknowledging the problem. we saw this with gas. this winter it will be hard times for american families dealing with this. you saw the "wall street journal" article. it's lower income families that deal with the inflation crisis the most. it hits them hard. does deflection work? >> no, the american people are seeing through that. they are telling americany it's somebody else's fault. they have a pattern of doing this. the oil and gas companies going up. the administration had cut off the supply from the pipeline they caused that increase in prices and turned around and blamed the private sector. >> sandra: we have a minute left. this the san francisco chronicle headline on kamala harris. she's been in charge of a lot of major crises this country faces. she chose to talk about redecoraing her office. the meaning behind her choices. she said she won't be distracted by ridiculous headlines! she's been in charge of the border for over 200 days and we still have a crisis at the southern border. things are not going well inside the white house. why is she talking about redecoraing her office? >> i don't think the american people will be distracted by this ridiculous headline. this is why you should be concerned about the meaning behind her choices when all of the things she was put in charge of got worse. she is in charge of the border crisis but hasn't been in touch with the presidents of those countries. these puff pieces work if things are going well for the administration. they are having a crisis of her likeability. they are trying to soften her image. but that's not going to work with a 35% approval rating. >> sandra: she has a lot on her place. redecorating her office is an interesting headline in the middle of all of that. >> trace: what happened on the day on november 1963. brand new documents released about the jfk assassination. that's coming up. >> before i would just let them walk around. i don't know if they are going to buy or not. i will let them walk away without a mask. now with a $1,000 fine i can't risk that. >> sandra: that's a new york business owner upset about the sweeping mask mandate. counties are calling it silly. a person running for governor will tell us what he would do differently. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? 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when he is paying a huge chunk of taxes in this country. >> trace: can't wait to hear that. >> sandra: just in to fox. the archives released documents related to the jfk assassination. researchers wanted more transparency surrounding the 1963 shooting. mark meredith is in washington. any major reveals? >> still going through. 1500 documents all posted on online. all tied to the government's investigation into the jfk assassination. there are a wide range of tidbits. a memo from may 1964 that details a call to the u.s. ambassador in australia who claimed to know about a plot. that source stated that the iron curtain countries were paying for the assassination of president kennedy. some believed it was a prank call. ever since jisk jfk's death there have been many conspiracy jfk's death there have been many conspiracy theros. more documents will come out. they want to disclose all information concerning the assassination except when the strongest reasons state otherwise. some documents are never going to be seen by the light of day. we will have to wait another year to find out. already people are going online to look at documents. we have a link right now. >> sandra: mark, thank you very much. >> trace: that's fascinating. president biden is predicting democrats will outperform in the upcoming mid-terms despite polls. is the president and his party out of touch with reality? mark will give us his take. >> sandra: and the waukesha attack. coverage has disappeared. some critics say because the tragedy doesn't fit a certain narr stiff. -- narrative. >> there is no narrative how we will stop elevaing the rights of criminals. the democrats say criminals are more important than the victims. we have to rebalance that. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at . >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: president biden giving top democrats a pep talk during last night's dnc holiday party. >> we are going to win in 2022! i want to tell our republican friends, get ready, pal, you for for a problem. >> trace: marc thiessen is a former speech writer and fox news contributor. i will put his approval numbers on the screen: you have to love the confidence tellingepublicans they are in for a problem. he is not making us forget about the '27 yankees. >> he's got to say what he will say. he will lose. the question is how badly? since world war ii the party that controls the white house lost an average of 26 seats in the house and 4 in the senate. putting aside anything having to do with joe biden the odds are they will lose at least one house of congress. joe biden has the second lowest approval rating of any president in 7 years. the first was donald trump but he started out with 56% approval. he is now 7 points underwater. he had a 27 point swing in approval since he took off. and 77% of americans disapprove the job congress is doing. it's hard to see how they will have a -- that the republicans will have a big problem. >> trace: instead of democrats saying we have work to do. you have this pennsylvania congresswoman that said i would like to see his numbers turn around because i think there is a false narrative about supply chain shortages and gas prices. and the "washington post" said the republican party is engineering parties they blame on biden. afghanistan and the border and inflation. that's fancy engineering. >> amazing how mitch mcconnell is responsible for the withdrawal from afghanistan and all of these crises and denying they exist is delusional. the democrats know the writing is on the wall. they took a drubbing in virginia and in new jersey. the answer would be if you thought you could win, okay, the moderate independent voters turned away from us because we went to the left. tack to the center. but they are doubling down on socialism and pushing the build back better that will be 3.5 trillion dollars. they are pushing it because they know they will lose power. they have a small window of opportunity to get through as much of the radical agenda between now and november when they lose control of at least one house of congress. get as much done as they can and hand over at least one house of congress to the republicans. >> trace: you mark kelly saying the election is in a year. 2 years ago covid-19 was not a thing. he is being reactive. is that a good strategy? wait and see what comes up next? >> no. not a good strategy. the winning message for democrats is clear. if joe biden should go to the american people and say i promise to reunite the country and i delivered. he can't do that because he didn't even try. he passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill and even that gave his blessings to the radicals in congress to take it hostage for this massive social spending bill. he could have police reform and bipartisan and said i am uniting the country. he can't do that because he didn't even try. he is not responding to what the voters wanted. >> trace: marc thiessen, thank you, sir. >> sandra: rolling into hour 2. president biden visiting tornado ravaged communities in kentucky. hard hit towns pleading for help to rebuild. we will be on the ground in kentucky as president biden meets with local official and hiking interest rates. larry kudlow will weigh in. the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> sandra: fox news alert. on the omicron variant explosion. number of new infections spiking 7 times over just the last week. a warning sign according to the fed of a potential tidal wave of cases coast to coast. >> trace: with symptoms mild and not one death in the u.s. linked to omicron why is the cdc sounding it alarm? >> sandra: a doctor will make sense of all of the confusing contradictions with this strain and what we need to know ahead of next week's holiday travel rush. good afternoon. i am sandra smith. he will provide some clarity. we are gearing up to meet with family and friends. >> trace: he is the best. i am trace gallagher in for john roberts. breaking news right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: a news alert from the federal reserve in washington, d.c. everyone one of us will feel its affects. a new announcement which indicates it plans to end the key bond buying program that larry kudlow talks about. they will end it earlier than expected. we will explain what that means. this is a move that could spark a jump in interest rates. that means it will cost you more to get a loan or mortgage and put a dent in your 401k. and the fed is doing a reality check on the inflation. the biden administration referred to it as transitory. that was asked to be retired. wall street saying inflation won't last long. >> trace: transparency could last a decade. they retired that word. the government is admitting it's not a temporary blip but we could have rising prices for longer than thought. rich edson in washington with how this announcement will be felt by families. >> this is a major report that tells us what federal reserve officials are doing and thinking about the economy. from the headlines acrossing just now, it looks like the fed will leave interest rates where they are. they are pulling back their intervention in the economy. doing it faster than expected here. that's because of inflation to make sure price increases are not run away. federal reserve has 2 doles. -- goals. make sure the economy is solid and inflation is under control. it sets target interest rates for buying assets. the drop in the unemployment rate and rising inflation is a recipe for the fed to pull back on the money. republicans argue it's an argument to spike the democrat's spending plans. >> the last time inflation was this high, hi an afro. that was that was a long time ago. the early 1980s. we have to forge forward by reducing spending from the federal government and allowing raises in the private sector. >> they are looking at the economy for signs of how it will pull back more. the fed sees the unemployment rate declining. hitting 4.3% this year. dropping to 3.3% next year. chairman powell has a press conference in a half-hour. markets will watch that closely as well. >> sandra: some of the breaking news putting the big board up on the screen. 2 hours left in trading. a lot of americans have 401ks. they are watching the stock market. their retirement depends on it. flat right now. the dow started in the red. we are watching the markets because the markets watch the fed so closely. what we just got was word that the federal reserve will accelerate the pull back of economic support. we see the prices going up on everything. the big news. they foresee 3 rate hikes in 2022. that's tightening the money supply. the market were enjoying records highs. as they tighten markets will watch that closely. >> exactly. the calculation that the fed is trying to figure out: it wants to put more money in the economy if they see risks to the economy. that's covid and these other challenges. the problem is putting money in the economy it increases prices. it's trying to thread that needle here. probably the reason that you are seeing the economy or the market right now where it is is because investors have taken a look at this information. they see the unemployment rate come down and the economy and consumer spending doing well. compare that and put inflation on top of that, they know the fed has to pull back. they are looking at the specifics. 3 rate hikes next year. not something markets want to hear. we will get more information and the fed's thinking about the state of the economy and what they may do from here in the press conference at 2:30. >> sandra: we will be watching. watching the market reaction. see that green line on the screen on the far right-hand side. there is a clear reaction in the markets to the fed's move. the markets were down and have gone into the green. we have seen the fed focussing on unemployment. trying to get the unemployment rate down emerging from the pandemic. one could make the case and market critics said the fed had its high too closely on the employment situation and were not watching the inflation situation closely enough. spiking prices. now they retired the word transitory, now they have to watch this situation. it could spiral out of control. that's what the markets are concerned about. larry kudlow who joinsous this program said this is a strong economy. the markets reflected that. us this program said this is a strong economy. the markets reflected that. his idea is to get out of the way and let the economy recovery but with massive spending it's in a spiral. if we see the fed raise interest rates 3 times in the new year, markets could get jittery. so far so good. markets in the green. >> absolutely. this shows that the fed is concerned about prices. it's very concerned about inflation. this is its plan to deal with it. what the fed does in the law, they have to look at maximum employment and a great economy but also inflation. that's what a central bank's role is. raising interest rates just signaling to markets that they are going to raise interest rates in the future is enough to say we have been trying to pump the economy with money. there are major risks with the pandemic. we will do pull that back. the economy is doing okay but we are concerned about the prices. that's what they have done here. a change since the financial crisis is the fed about communication now. we used to cover this on the business network, i remember some of the old folks covering the fed for years. we used to get a statement faxed to us that said fed met today. did not touch interest rates. now they are writing detailed releases. putting the fed chairman out there for press conferences. they want to telegraph as much in advance to not catch the markets off guard when they do things like this and say next year, we will start raising interest rates because inflation is an issue. >> sandra: to bring this in here. watching the stock market reaction. the 10 year treasury yield jumped. 3 rate hikes in 2022. this is all big news. markets are reacting to it. larry kudlow will join us to react to that. explaining what this means to you and your family. >> trace: continuing coverage of breaking news in the south. president biden on the ground in kentucky seeing firsthand the devastation from the historic tornado out break that left at least 88 people dead. the president running behind on his visit. we expect to see him soon as he visits two of the hardest hits part of the kentucky. alexis is live in mayfield that took the worst the tornado strike. >> you have to see some of the damage to understand the scope of what kentucky is dealing with trying to move forward. four tornadoes on the ground for 200 miles in kentucky with lots of damage. we are inside of a local church a short drive away from devastation. kentucky people have hope and donations but need a lot more. these are all generators that will go to some of the local businesses and homes and other power tools as well as people feed to rebuild. we talked to a volunteer. take a listen. >> i long they need prayers and we need people to come and help. over time we will need support to rebuild. people are starting back from scratch. >> those tornadoes destroyed everything in its path. that's part of mayfield. one of the most hard hit areas in the tornado's path in western kentucky. president biden surveying the damage in mayfield. 71 people killed in kentucky and the death toll expected to lives. hundreds lost their homes and are look for federal help. listen what people are saying about how it looks out there. >> i have lived here my whole life. walking through the downtown area i got lost. no clue where i was. no markers. no signs. it's just rubble and devastation. >> the power grid knocked out in mayfield. that won't take weeks or months but possibly more than a year to put all of this back together. we have seen so many crews working around-the-clock to get everything back to as norm as possible. there is so much devastation. just take a look around. they have hygiene items. they are sleeping in cars and going to shelters. they are taking donations from locals or people who are coming in from other states and businesses shipping in from across the nation. we were talking to some volunteers who lost their neighbors or family members and they are trying to make a difference. they continue to check the names to see if they know people who lost their lives. >> trace: the situation is desperate in mayfield, kentucky. when you see alexis pointing out generators how the supply chain crisis will affect the recovery. >> sandra: the president said kentucky don't hesitate to ask for anything. we will watch the president in kentucky. nobody has ever accused san francisco's mayor of being conservative but compared to nancy pelosi's latest take on crime the mayor is taking a hard turn to the right. what both leaders on the left say about the spike in crime and who is to blame for it. >> trace: a mass casualty attack on americans and the media going silent. residents of waukesha, wisconsin, said they were forgotten after the parade attack that left people dead. >> the democrats have not put the prosecutors in position to arrest, convict and imprison. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young 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biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. we begin with claudia just across the golden gate bridge in california. >> it's a pivot for the democratic mayor who supported defund the police. now she wants to empower the police and give them more tools to combat a serious spike in crime. some of her tough talk yesterday. >> it's time that the rein of criminals destroying our city, it's time for it to come to an end. it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement. more dressgress with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all of the [bleep] that destroyed our city. >> she wants to clean up an open air drug market. she knows some won't like the idea of more police but she doesn't care. she said the safety of san francisco is the most important thing. the mayor doesn't control the district attorney office and some critics argue nothing will change until more criminals are prosecuted. >> they need the police department to have the confidence if they make arrest and put their lives on the line, something will come of that arrest. there will be accountability. that doesn't exist in san francisco today. >> the district attorney was absent yesterday at the press conference. facing a recall vote in june. >> trace: i wondered where he was. >> sandra: team coverage with garrett on live on the ground in chicago with murders hit a 30 year high in the windy city. what are officials doing? >> that's a question a lot of folks are asking. what are city leaders doing? it doesn't appear to be working. >> [sirens wailing]. >> we heard shots. >> he knows the cost of rampant street violence. >> he was not only my son but my best friend. >> his son was shot and killed in october. just 1 of the more 767 people killed in chicago. the highest number of murders in 3 decades. city officials are struggling to address the violence and the daytime robberies near the magnificent mile. last week mayor laurie lightfoot put some blame on the business owners. >> i am disappointed they are not doing more to make safety a prior. >> chicago is not alone. across the midwest. >> i was the victim of a carjacking. >> all i could see was a hood highway. >> -- hoodie. >> some local activists like a pastor says they can't rely on city leaders to fix this. >> i am not waiting on defendant to fix our problems. if they were going to fix them, they would have been fixed by now. tell only continue to get worse. >> one neighborhood is so fed up with the rising crime that it is hiring its own private security group and asking folks to help pay for it. >> trace: a man killed 6 people in the waukesha parade. people say the media moved on about pressuring officials on getting tougher on crime. the wisconsin state representative who represents waukesha and lives there. thanks for joining us. we have been talking about how the governors in blue states are fed up. yet we have asked the white house about specifically these far left prosecutors puttings people back on the streets. they refuse to answer the question. what would your message be to the white house? what would waukesha's message be to the white house? >> thanks for having me. we are fed up with all of the crime. we have left leaning d.a.'s that feels all criminals should be let out no matter how violent. our left leaning governor is doing nothing. [muffled audio]. we are suffering from the criminals out on the streets. >> trace: what is the status on the left leaning d.a.? is there a push against him? >> people in waukesha are pushing back. he claims it was a mistake. this was not a mistake. this is a standard operating procedure in milwaukee. we have the highest murder rate we very far had. there was not a mistake letting in person out. that's the policy that chisholm has. >> trace: state lawmakers believe the media abandoned waukesha. this is the wisconsin state senator who said: the left was so symptetic to kyle rittenhouse's victims but not saying a word about the victims here. and cnn a week after said waukesha will hold a moment of silence marking one week since a car killed 6 people and injuring scores of others." the media you believe has abandoned you? >> yes, i think so. it doesn't fit their narrative. they won't talk about the fact they are soft on crime. it's coming out to our community. we need the governor to step up and call on chisholm to resign his office. look at his policies putting dangerous criminals back on the straight and putting lives at risk. >> trace: we talked to residentses in your city. a lot feel like they can't speak out. because it's been made about race. i will look like a white supremacist but i am married on an african-american. don't label us here. >> we are not racist because we are conservative. we have a loving community. i don't care if you are black, whited, green or purple. if you mao down people in a parade, you belong in prison. a parade, you belong in prison. he should have been in prison before this when he tried to mo down his girlfriend. >> trace: thank you very much. >> merry christmas. >> trace: you as well. >> sandra: things are cracking down to slow the spread of the omicron variant but so far those who have had it have mild symptoms. we will make sense of all of this. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ [engine humming] [clapping] “we will rock you” by queen ♪ the new gmc sierra with hands-free driving offers the most advanced and luxurious pick-up in its class. ♪ yeah, it rocks. new vicks vapostick. strong soothing vapors... help comfort your loved ones. for chest, neck, and back. it goes on clear. no mess just soothing comfort. try new vicks vapostick. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. i may have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. or psoriatic arthritis. but we are so much more. we're team players and artists. designers and do-it-yourselfers. parents and friends. if joint pain is getting in the way of who you are, it's time to talk to your doctor about enbrel. enbrel helps relieve joint pain, and helps stop permanent joint damage. plus enbrel helps skin get clearer in psoriatic arthritis. ask your doctor about enbrel, so you can get back to your true self. play ball! enbrel may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, nervous system and blood disorders and allergic reactions have occurred. tell your doctor if you've been someplace where fungal infections are common. or if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if you have persistent fever, bruising, bleeding or paleness. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. visit to see how your joint damage could progress. enbrel. eligible patients may pay as little as $5 per month. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: okay, we are watching jay powell speaking at the federal reserve. an announcement came in a short time ago. larry kudlow is on set here. we just learned the fed is projecting 3 rate hikes next year. we have been watching the market reaction. the dow and s&p 500 came off their highs. i said things people at home won't understand. what the fed is doing in a very important economic environment. what does this mean for american families? >> having me on is your worst nightmare. >> sandra: no, it's the best. >> the inflation is hurt middle-class and lower income people. wages are raising. we are in an economic boom but the inflation. it's not beneficial anymore. folks are hurting and it's public enemy number 1. second point, i want the fed to be tougher and stronger. come on, fellows, where is your backbone? they should have ended the bond buying, the money creation now. right at this meeting. they should have done it 6 months ago. and get ready to start raising their short term rates targets next month. do it sequentially. the sooner -- i am not a killjoy here. the sooner they act, they have enabled federal spending and the cause of inflation. the sooner they act, they will put out the fire. whatever corrections that will occur will be more modest. >> sandra: your take is the economy is strong. get out of the way and kill the bill? the federal reserve for its part and you are saying jay powell got this prong. -- wrong. they are focussed on the employment and not the inflation. now they have to focus on inflation. does it rein it in? >> i think this is too late and too soft. i want them to be much tougher. end the money creation now. i would like to have heard that announcement. i didn't hear it. three rate hikes next year. next years a long time away. it's 12 months. the market already knew about that. no new information there. i don't want that. i want rate hikes in january, february and march, april, may, june. i want to see in between meetings. my pal kevin said that on our show. they should move one-half of 1%. i don't want to destroy the economy. i am saying if they do this you will face short lived pain. but that's all. the boom can continue. can go on. the longer they wait -- look, the inflation rate is 7%. it could be 10% in a month or 2. is that what we want? does that help anybody? >> sandra: what does that do? >> food and gasoline and home prices and furniture prices. does that help anybody? >> sandra: would we be in an economic environment where businesses pass along higher prices? >>, the word i love is kevin's word on the show on monday. he was a member of the federal reserve board. he said the fed is the enabler. enabled all of the federal spending and all of the price hikes. >> sandra: the emergency is over? >> it's been over for 6 to 9 months. the guy who had this story right, better than most joe manchin. he's been warning about inflation since early last summer. he is saying no more spending. that creates inflation. he said to the fed, stop your money creation. the guy is a genius. doing the right thing. elon musk is so smart and such a libertarian free-enterpriser he would limit inflation. he uniquely qualified to run the federal reserve. i had dealings with him in the white house and i was impressed. he said electric car subsidies. i don't want your bill. >> sandra: he is so wealthy he is willing to stay it like it is. you bring up elon musk. in a spat with elizabeth warren. i can't stop watching it on twitter. elizabeth warren tweeted this out. let's change the tax codo the person of the year will pay taxes and stop free loading off everyone else. musk said if you open your eyes for 2 seconds you would realize i will pay more taxes than any american in history this year. he is continuing. he is posting pictures of her getting off private planes. >> she is a hypocrite. elizabeth warren spent her life trying to punish successful people. she will try to develop a socialist system. elizabeth warren is the queen of all of the economy. unfortunately for her and fortunatelily for americans, we don't have that state control. if americans kill the bill we never will. maybe elizabeth warren doesn't understand this. he is selling big pieces of his stock. it's being scored as capital gains. under the current rate which is 20%. that's going to yield the federal government a fortune in revenues. more money than elizabeth warren could possibly steal from the rest of us. elon will do it. he is selling into this rally. i am sure he has his own reasons. he doesn't consult me on stock sales. at the existing rate the country will make a fortune. >> sandra: musk said don't spend it all at once -- wait you did it already. >> he would give elizabeth warren all of this money and lord knows how she will spend it. >> sandra: his show is on the fox business network and i will join you. >> trace: the world health organization is warning that omicron is spreading faster than any covid variant and elected officials are cracking down with mask mandates in new york and california but so far omicron cases appear to be mild and 70% of adults are vaccinated. critics say the panic is overblown. here is a doctor from john hopkins school of public health and the smartest guy we know. thanks for joining us. we don't have any deaths from the u.s. from omicron but they are trying to scare the daylights out of us. the nih director said there is a great concern about omicron because it has over 50 mutations and 30 in the spike proteins. should we pause on this before we frighten the whole world and see what data comes in? >> trace, there is nothing we should be doing differently. i wish as part of that statement that he gave he would reveal the results of a research study done at nih showing the activated t-cells from immunity encompass omicron as they did delta. the u.k. only 10 hospitalizations and 1 death worldwide. >> trace: you talk about people being scared and losing public trust. this poll, i will put it on the screen: 60% of the population feels like they are worn-out by the pandemic. does that lead to less cooperation, the loss of public trust? >> 2 does. -- it does. the worst thing you can do in public health is tell people to things they won't do. kids will wear masks from kindergarten until college graduation. look at the massive over-response of colleges and universities now to require boosters because of a fear of omicron being more lethal which it does not appear to be? they are requiring boosters in young low risk people. >> trace: pfizer said this reduces the risk of hospitalization or death in the high risk adult populations treated within 3 days of symptoms on set. does that mean they might relax saying i don't need a booster. >> if we are honest to people, this cut covid deaths to zero. the researchers focussed on hospitalizations because that's how the trial was designed. what is missing from the headlines today is this cut deaths to zero. no one who got this drug died covid and it was given to high risk people. 9 people died in the placebo trial. the headline should be this drug cut covid deaths to zero and has implications for vaccine mandate rendering them obsolete. >> trace: doctor, thanks for coming on. >> sandra: thanks, trace. people in prisons in reeducation process to brain wash the masses sounds like science fiction but it's linked to a company selling cellphones in a new bomb cell report. we will have that after the break. superpowers from a spider bite? 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listen closely to the very different tune from san francisco mayor london breeze. watch this. >> it's time that the reign of criminals destroy

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Everyone , America Reports , Thanks , All Of You , Joe Biden , Sandra Smith , Pandemic , Efforts , Approval Numbers , Handling , Fox News Alert , Covid Running Legal Road Blocks , States , Mandates , Institutions , John Roberts , Tank , Ground Zero , Communities , Western Kentucky , Amtrak , Officials , Hard Hit Mayfield , Tornadoes , Meeting , Neighborhood , Way , Families , Lives , Track , To , Donation Fund , Trace Gallagher , People , Kids , State Officials , Toys , 0 Million , 66000 , 6000 , 10 Million , Church In Mayfield , Help , Ground , Donations , Alexis , God , 2 , Nothing , Doing , Meal , Warehouse Inside A Church , Some , Volunteers , Church , Action , Drive , Wall , Need , Warehouse , Goods , Boxes , U S , Items , Pastor , Diapers , Clothing , 10 , Country , Pictures , Devastation , Hopelessness , Eyes , It Justice , War Zone , Zero , Houses , Middle , Family Members , Neighbors , Hope , Lot , They Don T Want Sharpton , Bread , Shock , Box , Toilet Paper , More , Work , Blankets , Hygiene Products , Types , Trace , Others , Bid , Setback , Vaccine Mandate , Voters , Covid 19 , Numbers , Poll , Measures , 46 , Businesses , White House , Tom Cotton , Contractors , Jacqui Heinrich , North Lawn , Arkansas , Administration , Mandate , Fact , Challenges , Fines , Face , Courthouse , Staffing Shortages , Plan , Rarly , Staffing , Employees , Delays , Reporting , Job , Services By March , Law , Infrastructure Bill , Questions , Policies , Issues , Vaccination Environment , Legislation , Congressman , Funding , Graves , Republican , 0 Billion , 60 Billion , Question , Vaccination , Service , Testing , Jen Psaki , Something , Government , Concern , Battle , Dr , Decision Led , Cdc Guidelines , Fauci , Trace A Mass Casualty Attack On Americans , Encompass Omicron , Vaccine , Vaccines , Protection , Case , Senate , Fate , Biden Veto , 53 , Majority , Magertie , Anti Mandate , Department Of Defense , Tool , Campaign , Anti Mandate Jority Of American Pro Vaccination , Security , Troops , Military , Percentage , Standing , Labor Market , Line , Thousands , Chuck Schumer , Shouldn T , Anti Vaxxers , Science , Clinging , Arounded , Earth , Sun , 400 , Senators , Democrat , Time , Livelihoods , Immunity , Size , Joe Biden Doesn T Work , One , Commission , Bill , 778 Billion , 778 Billion Dollars , Withdrawal , Afghanistan , Changes , Group , Member , Military Justice System , 16 , Job Congress , War , Progress , Serving , Involvement , Pentagon , 2001 , 2021 , Point , State , Investigation , Department , Defense , Review , War In Afghanistan , First , Defense Bill , Radical Social Engineering , Inflation Rate , Particular , Proposals , 20 , Persons , Rights , State Department , Turns , Visas , Twists , Democracy , Cia , Taliban , Leaders , Afghans , Society , Western Democracy , Threat , Standards , Places , Decision Making , Feedback , Folks , Images , Day Items , Hit Areas , Dozens , President , Infrastructure , Times , Gas , Cameras , Electricity , Signal , Areas , Water Treatment , They Don T Have Wifi , Boost , Satellite , Wifi System , Wifi , Rand Paul , Firsthand , Disasters , View , Scale , Goth , Things , Money , Place , Motivator , Audio , Storms , Any , 88 , Inaudible , 74 , Governor , Individuals , Hand , Kent , Wife , Andy Beshear , 100 , Lack , Joinsous , Recovery Effort , Pieces , Power Outages , 18500 , Anything , Reporter , Weekend , Yes , Tornado Damage , Response , Feet , State Government , Swapping , Trucks , Won T , Television , Scene , Angles , Walking , Natural Disaster Event , Mrs , Everything , Wake , Community , Experience , Nowhere , Red , Sentiment , Each Other , Rubble , Anybody , Helping Hand , Crossing State Lines , Social Media , Throats , Being , Boat , Hurricane Harvey , Effort , Picture , Scope , Rescue , Outside , Roaming , Up , Camera , Damage , Mental Health , Psychiatrists , Psychologist , Red Cross , Mental Health Experts , Testament , Shot , Stops , Someone , California , Flash Mobs , Didn T , Target , Details , Smash And Grab , Minnesota , Social Media Platforms , Civil Rights Attorney , Smash , Leo Terrell , Torino , Distance , Bosses , Mo , Fix , Soldiers , Police , Person , Police Department , Crimes , Prosecutors , Chief , L A , 14 , Arrest , Purpose , Convict , It Takes , Hell , Left Leaning , George Soros , Mayor , Issue , San Francisco , Consequences , Gavin Newsom , Accountability , Attorney General , Saying , Police Chief , Merchandise , Smash And Grab Robby , 340000 , 40000 , Crime , Game , Livers , The Street , Byou , Chaos , George Floyd Situation , Position , Imprison , Laurie Lightfoot , George Gasgone , It S Time , Rein , Watch , Fire , Recall , Sound Bite , Jason , Criminals , Windy City , End , Bleep , Steroid , Away , Retailers , 100 Million , 00 Million , Security Guards , Buddy , Somebody , Hands , Credibility , Shoplifts , Situation , No Win Situation , Liberals , Support , Police Officer , Cities , Wing , Million , 8 Million , Companies , Oil , Stuff , Prices , Industry , Katie Pavlich , 2022 , Story , Dnc Holiday Party , Chances , Mid Terms , Polling , Disconnect , Health , Clearchoice , Role , Teeth , Suffering , Chantell , Awada , Implants , Dental Implants , Energy , Protein , Strength , Mission , Nutrition , Vitamins , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , 30 , 27 , Seat , Table , Flavors , Dishes , The Business , Plans , Data , Concourse , 5g , Hotspot Data , Vo , Anywhere , Clients , Blue Line , Verizon , Cupcake , Bakery , 5 , Store , Business Expert , Team , Low , Appointment , 0 , Mom , Business , Instacart , Crowd , Short Ribs , Ingredients , Love , Music , Symptoms , Back , Relief , Eye Drops , Xiidra , Side Effects , Eye , Signs , Inflammation , Eye Drop , Eye Disease , Eye Irritation , Dry Eye Disease , Fda , Container , Contacts , Vision , Holiday , Taste Sensation , Discomfort , Surface , 15 , Spending , Doctor , Umph , Taxpayers , Revenue Department , Facing Push , 80 Billion Dollars , 80 Billion , Groups , Counting , Scenes , Revenue , Chad , Taxes , Tax Records , Cost , Wealth , Abuses , Conservatives , Army , Irs , Rules , Playing Field , Message , Rule , Guys , Information , Home , Family , Merry Christmas , Let S Go , Will Bill By , Greed , Inflation Crisis , Meat , Suspect , Joe Manchin , Meat Industry , 18 , It , Meat Conglomerates , Polls , Contributor , Facts , Sky , Pork , Beef Prices , Chicken Prices , 21 , Inflation Didn T , Supply Chain , Meat Companies , Components , Fault , Part , Increase , Animals , Beef , Grain , Narrative , Aspect , Consumer , Matter , Agriculture Secretary , Argument , Build , Secretary , Agculture , Price , Wall Street Journal , Deficit , 3 Trillion , 3 Trillion Dollars , Problem , Government Spending , Deflection , Most , Deal , Article , Income , Americany , Pattern , Somebody Else S Fault , Cut , Left , Supply , Sector , Pipeline , San Francisco Chronicle Headline , Kamala Harris , Crises , Charge , Office , Headlines , Choices , Meaning , Redecoraing , Crisis , Border , 200 , Headline , Presidents , Hasn T , Countries , Puff Pieces , Touch , Got Worse , Approval Rating , Image , Likeability , 35 , Redecorating , Documents , Jfk Assassination , Brand New , 1963 , November 1963 , Mask , Fine , 000 , 1000 , Mask Mandate , Counties , Business Owner , Upset , New York , Value , Homeowners , Newday 100 Va Loan , Running , 60000 , 0000 , Rates , Values , Highs , Lows , Veteran , Call , Veterans , Home Equity , Calling Newday , Cash , Advantage , Central Bank , Amount , Pace , Pool , Grandkids , Kitchen , Gifts , Surprise , Buick , Massaging Seat , Holiday Lights , Steering Wheel , Alexa , Head Up Display , Life , Gift , Technology , Pain , Medicines , Patients , You , Study , Pain Severity , Reductions , Quality , Salonpas Patch , Medicine , Shipping Manager , Indeed Instant Match , Candidates , Salonpas , Find Themself , Job Description , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Economy , Risk , Investors , Assets , World , Nature , Reward , Mathat , Beingn , Enabler , Gold , Protector , Element , Decisions , Asset , Portfolios , Elizabeth Warren , Partner , Musk , Time Magazine , Loading Off , Fair , Elon Musk , History , Everyone Else , Pack , Larry Kudlow , Stories , Demon Ice , Success , Chunk , Transparency , Researchers , Mark Meredith , Shooting , Washington , Major , 1500 , Memo , Tidbits , Plot , Ambassador , Range , Australia , May 1964 , 1964 , Assassination , Source , President Kennedy , Iron Curtain , Death , Conspiracy , Prank Call , Jisk Jfk , Theros , Theros Fk Jfk , Reasons , Light , Link , Waukesha , Take , Attack , Coverage , Reality , Doesn T , Critics , Narr , Victims , Immune System , Body , Routine , Vitamin C , Ace , Centrum , Defenses , Season , D , Zinc , Hello , Obsessed , Interest , Heart , Cooking , Seal , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Grown In Idaho , Idaho Potatoes , Show , Gonna , Same , Mommy , Promises , Snow , Oh My Goodness , Friends , Pep Talk During Last Night , Pal , Get Ready , Screen , Approval , Marc Thiessen , Speech Writer , Confidence , Yankees , The Party , Average , Seats , World War Ii , 26 , House , Aside , Odds , 4 , Points , Point Swing , Donald Trump , 56 , 7 , 77 , Congresswoman , Supply Chain Shortages , Pennsylvania , Gas Prices , Washington Post , Inflation , Engineering , Writing , Mitch Mcconnell , Answer , Drubbing , Virginia , New Jersey , Power , Center , Socialism , Tack , 3 5 Trillion Dollars , 3 5 Trillion , Window , Agenda , Opportunity , Election , Thing , Strategy , 19 , It Hostage , Radicals , Blessings , Police Reform , Thank You , Sir , Hit Towns , Biden Visiting Tornado , Interest Rates , Skin , Hiking , Burning , Stinging , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Joints , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Painful , Infections , Reactions , Infection , Ability , Medication , Kind , Man , Safelite , Livelihood , Truck , Windshield , Rock Music Man , Expert Service , Friend , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Thirty , Psoriasis , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Two , Tuberculosis , Cosentyx , Crohn S Disease , Rheumatologist , Smart Move , Equity , Number , Fed , Warning Sign , Tidal Wave , Cases , Coast To , Cdc , Sense , Contradictions , Strain , It Alarm , Holiday Travel Rush , News , Best , Breaking News , Clarity , Announcement , Reserve , One Of Us , Affects , Move , Bond Buying Program , Loan , Mortgage , Jump , Reality Check , Dent , 401k , Word , Blip , Rich Edson , Report , Intervention , Price Increases , Doles , Goals , Unemployment Rate , Drop , Recipe , High , Spending Plans , Afro , 1980 , Raises , Markets , Press Conference , Chairman , 3 , 4 3 , Stock Market , Dow , Retirement , 401ks , Trading , Flat , Big Board Up , 401 , In The Red , Pull , Rate Hikes , Market , Calculation , Money Supply , Records Highs , Risks , Needle , Thread , Reason , Consumer Spending , Top , Market Reaction , Thinking , Green Line , Reaction , Side , Green , Fed Focussing On Unemployment , Inflation Situation , Employment Situation , Control , Idea , Program , Spiral , Employment , Change , Communication , The Business Network , Statement , Releases , Met , Press Conferences , Advance , Telegraph , Stock Market Reaction , Kentucky , South , Break , Tornado , Visit , Hits , Worst , Tornado Strike , Four , Generators , Lots , Homes , Power Tools , Volunteer , Listen , Prayers , Path , Scratch , Hundreds , Death Toll , 71 , Clue , Downtown Area , Markers , Power Grid , Hygiene Items , Crews , Shelters , Cars , Nation , Locals , Names , Difference , Supply Chain Crisis , Recovery , Nobody , Spike , Turn , Right , Say , Nancy Pelosi , Residents , Wisconsin , Media Going Silent , Parade , Kindness , Bipolar , Ask , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Manic , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Psychosis , Episodes , Stroke , Behavior , Muscle Movements , Fever , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , Weight Gain , High Blood Sugar , Sleepiness , Children , Coma , Stomach , Mortgage Rates , Owners , Mortgage Rate , Alert , Restlessness , Movement Dysfunction , Apr , Newday Two , Va Loans Who Haven T , Lowest , 2 48 , Appraisal , Pocket Costs , 3000 , Six , Calhope , You Re Not Alone , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , Golden Gate Bridge , Defund The Police , Pivot , Tools , Talk , Steps , Law Enforcement , Dressgress , Open Air Drug Market , Safety , Elizabeth Warren Doesn T , District Attorney Office , Doesn T Care , Doesn T Exist In San Francisco , District Attorney , Recall Vote , Team Coverage , City Leaders , Murders , Shots , Sirens Wailing , Rampant Street Violence , Son , Best Friend , 767 , 1 , Laurie , City Officials , Violence , Robberies , Blame , Magnificent Mile , Victim , Hood Highway , Carjacking , Midwest , Activists , Hoodie , Problems , Defendant , Security Group , Media , Pay , Waukesha Parade , 6 , Governors , Wisconsin State Representative , Blue States , Streets , Leaning D A , Status , Muffled Audio , Mistake , Operating Procedure , Him , Policy , Murder Rate , Milwaukee , Wisconsin State Senator , Chisholm , State Lawmakers , Car , Scores , Moment Of Silence , Kyle Rittenhouse , Cnn , It Doesn T , City , Feel , African American , Race , Supremacist , Care , Purple , Black , Prison , Girlfriend , Mo Down , Spread , Experts , My Truck Is Livelihood , Engine Humming , Gmc Sierra , Queen , Pick Up , Driving , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Class , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Loved Ones , Neck , Chest , Mess , Comfort , Artists , Players , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Designers , Do It Yourselfers , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Parents , Clearer , Nervous System , Events , True Self , Blood Disorders , Cancers , Lymphoma , Have , Bleeding , Heart Failure , Hepatitis B , Sores , Paleness , Bruising , Flu , Cuts , Visit Enbrel Com , , Jay Powell , Home Won T , S P 500 , 500 , Environment , Boom , Nightmare , Raising , Wages , Public Enemy , Come On , Money Creation , Backbone , Bond Buying , Fellows , It Sequentially , Killjoy , Cause , Corrections , Prong , Three , Kevin , Meetings , May , June , 12 , Furniture Prices , Gasoline , Food , Price Hikes , Emergency , Guy , Warning , 9 , Genius , Libertarian , He , Dealings , Subsidies , Spat , Twitter , Loading , Tax , Person Of The Year , Posting , Planes , System , Hypocrite , State Control , Fortunatelily , Rate , Stock , Capital Gains , Fortune , Revenues , Rest , Rally , Elon , Stock Sales , Lord , Variant , Fox Business Network , World Health Organization , Panic , Mask Mandates , 70 , Deaths , John Hopkins School Of Public Health , Mutations , Nih Director , Daylights Out , 50 , Spike Proteins , Research Study , Nih , Results , T Cells , Delta , Hospitalizations , Public Trust , U K , Cooperation , Lead , Population , 60 , Loss , Boosters , Fear , Masks , Kindergarten , Over Response , Colleges , Universities , College Graduation , Pfizer , Adult , Hospitalization , Populations , Booster , Cut Covid , Set , No One , Drug , Trial , Headlines Today , Placebo Trial , Implications , Prisons , Vaccine Mandate Rendering , Company , Cellphones , Science Fiction , Brain , Bomb Cell Report , Superpowers , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Spider Bite , Car Insurance , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Wrinkles Results , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Comcast Business , Network , Voice , Internet , Savings Sale , Gig Speeds , Prepaid Card , Bundles , 00 , Price Guarantee , Savings , 4 99 , 64 99 , Possibilities , Adversaries , Chinese , Counterpart , Vladimir Putin , Ties , Russian , Trey , Ping , Agreement , Russia Treaty , Acting , Nightmare Scenario , Defense Pact , Analysts , Ukraine , Taiwan , 120000 , Possibility , Nato , Expansion East , Area , Xi , Invasion , President Xi , Force , Tech Giant , Citizens , Jillian Turner Live , Community Party Spy , Charges , Pop Stars , Communist Party , Telecom Giant , Celebrities , Evidence , Spy , Anyone , Prisoners , Sound , Campus , It Suspicions , Re Education , Concerns , Beginning , Relationship , Jake Sullivan , Knowledge , Spokesperson , Crime Crisis , Refi , The Story With Martha Maccallum , 2 25 , Costs , Pocket , Mortgage Payments , Lock , Billions , Greetings , Workers , Packages , Mail , 160 Million , Postal Service , Everywhere , Members , American Postal Workers Union , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , One Million , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Hospital , Baby , Harm , Arb , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Kidney Problems , Potassium , Blood , Martha , Martha Maccallum , Terms , Politically , Breeze , Tune , Reign , London ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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devastated by last weekend's tornadoes. the president is meeting with local officials on the ground and expected to tour a neighborhood in hard hit mayfield just a short time from now. welcome. i am sandra smith and trace great to with you. i am trace gallagher in for john roberts. clean up efforts under way across several states. as families are putting their lives back on track. kentucky's donation fund collected $10 million for more than 6,000 people -- 66,000 people. state officials are asking people to donate toys for kids who are homeless just weeks before christmas. >> sandra: so sad. alexis is on the ground in mayfield at a church helping collect donations. god bless them. so much help is needed and so many kids 2 weeks before christmas are left with nothing. >> they don't even know where they will go later this afternoon or get their next meal. what the church is doing is so important in mayfield, kentucky. we are inside in this warehouse inside a church. mayfield was destroyed. some of the action going on inside the church right now in mayfield, kentucky. the church just a short drive away from where people need help. volunteers are so important here. they are packing different canned goods and whatever they think they need. putting all of that into these boxes and shipping it off to those in need. look around. inside the warehouse, some you can see some of the other items. diapers and clothing. we talked to a pastor who told us what is going on in here and how they need more help. listen. >> we are 10 miles from ground zero. it feels like you go into a different country. it looks like a war zone. the pictures don't do it justice. seeing the devastation and looking into the eyes of people is hopelessness. that's why the church shines and gives hope in the middle of hopelessness. >> there is so much need in kentucky. people lost their neighbors, houses and family members. they don't know what to do next. a lot of people are still in shock. look at this box they are setting up for people to come pick up at this church in mayfield. toilet paper and bread and blankets. you name it. different types of hygiene products. they need a lot more of that. they need more people to come down here and help them box up items. a lot more work needs to be done in western kentucky. >> sandra: they are grateful for that church and others who are stepping up to help out during this time. >> trace: president biden suffered a setback in his bid to oppose a vaccine mandate has more institutions sidestep the measures and a new poll shows the president's numbers sinking on covid. only 46% of voters approving of how he handled the pandemic. arkansas senator tom cotton will join us in a moment but we begin with jacqui heinrich on the north lawn. >> the white house has told private businesses and federal contractors to prepare for that deadline to comply with the vaccine mandate or face fines despite the fact that courthouse have blocked the administration from endorsing the mandate while the legal challenges are heard. that's what amtrak was doing with predicting staffing shortages. the white house tried to argue this was unrelated. >> we anticipate having to temp rarly reduce some staffing with a plan to fully restore all services by march. >> they are working to ensure there are adequate employees on the job. there was some reporting last week about delays. amtrak delays which they attributed to issues outside of the vaccination environment. >> it caused questions whether the president's policies are undermining his legislation? >> he just signed into law the infrastructure bill that gave amtrak billion dollars in funding. republican congressman graves said the administration will send $60 billion to amtrak. but it would deliver less service. amtrak allowed unvaccinated employees to get tested but jen psaki deflected on this question. >> vaccination or testing is something we recommended from the federal government. i don't think we have any concern. >> the states are bringing back mask mandates and the white house is staying out of that battle. they said states can make their own decision led by cdc guidelines. dr. fauci said there is no need for an omicron specific vaccine and the current vaccines give protection against the omicron variant. >> trace: more on that later on. jacqui heinrich, thanks. >> sandra: senator tom cotton. the senate repealed the biden federal vaccine mandate for businesses. many republicans made the case this is too brutal on businesses still trying to recover. even if the house approves this, it faces a 53ses a biden veto. what do you believe is the fate? >> i was pleased a bipartisan majority in the senate blocked this. the magertie of americans are pro-vaccination but anti-mandate.jority of american pro-vaccination but anti-mandate. the department of defense is being used as a tool in biden's campaign to restore his political standing. you have young healthy troops that don't want the vaccination. it will help them or our national security to discharge them from the military? >> sandra: that's a small percentage of the military? >> it is, but it could be thousands of troops. again at a time when we have a tight labor market that makes it hard to recruit and retrain troops and thousands of troops have put their lives on the line to defend our country. shouldn't we back off these mandates just like joe biden did for unionized federal employees and like amtrak did. >> sandra: what do you say to chuck schumer who is slamming your efforts to repeal this mandate saying some of the anti-vaxxers remind me of what happened 400 years ago when people were clinging to the fact the sun revolved arounded earth. they didn't believe science. you say what? >> i don't know what chuck schumer is insulting his own democrat senators who voted to appeal joe biden's unpopular mandate. you can be pro-vaccination and anti-mandate. the federal should not be for the first time in history imposing mandates on the american people. nor should people lose their livelihoods because they heard well coronavirus and have natural immunity. this one size fits all mandate from joe biden doesn't work. >> sandra: fair enough. the senate has passed the 778-billion dollars bill. this just came in. it establishes a commission. you can expand on this. it will investigate the afghanistan withdrawal and make changes to the military justice system. what we know about the commission that will be doing this is that it's a 16 member bipartisan group. they will study the u.s. involvement in afghanistan from 2001 to 2021. they will report their progress to congress and officials involved in the war are barred from serving. we know the pentagon is conducting this review. the state and defense department are looking into the withdrawal as well with their own investigation. what is the point of this commission? what will the american people learn about the war in afghanistan and particularly the withdrawal? >> first, i was pleased the defense bill passed again today. the democrats dropped a lot of radical social engineering proposals. this commission in particular is going to take a broad look at our war in afghanistan over 20 years. there are a lot of questions about the end of the war. why the state department was so slow in processing visas for persons who had legal rights to immigrate out of afghanistan. over 20 years we had a lot of twists and wrong turns in the afghan war. some in the earlierest days after the cia opposed the taliban. why we tried to create a person style democracy in afghanistan as opposed to working with local afghans supporting leaders that were traditional in their society to create a stable government. maybe it didn't meet the standards of western democracy, but it would have been stable and not been a threat to the united states. these are important questions to the american people. they can inform our decision making in the future about afghanistan and other places as well. >> sandra: the american people look forward to any feedback they get. senator, thank you very much. live on the ground in kentucky, the president has arrived. he is touring hard hit mayfield this afternoon. we are just getting live images. he will meet with local leaders on the ground. trace, we spoke to alexis there in a church collecting every day items for folks left with almost nothing. thankfully those that saved their own lives in the hard hit areas where you have dozens of confirmed dead. in small communities -- the president there is the live images as arrived. >> trace: he is in mayfield and he will be speaking a few different times today. the president while on the ground in kentucky will be mobile. you will notice and it speaks to the infrastructure what is happening there in mayfield. there is very little infrastructure left. what is happening they don't have gas, electricity or we have the water treatment. they don't have wifi. as the president moves around. we have cameras in different areas and the signal is weaker. there is not much left of the wifi system in mayfield. for our pictures to get to you they need a boost from the wifi to get to the satellite. it's interesting because if you go through here, this is one of the first natural disasters the president has faced and went into firsthand. goth a wide scale view of what is going on and what the people of mayfield as senator rand paul articulated yesterday. what they need right now is people on the ground to get them the things they need back in place. money is great. it's a great motivator, but the people first is really what they need here. the president is talking to the people and leaders. >> sandra: when we can pick up on any of the audio we will listen. 88 killed in the storms in the midwest and the south. 74 in kentucky. i think i hear the president. >> [inaudible]. >> sandra: he is touring right now with the governor. holding the hand of the governor's wife i am told as we take in these images. 74 confirmed dead in kent. -- kentucky. andy beshear confirmed that 100 individuals in kentucky are still missing at this hour. the president continues to tour there. trace, to your point about lack of electricity. there are still at this hour 18,500 power outages. as the governor said on this program 2 days ago, he looks at a recovery effort that will not just last weeks but months and years. you see so many starting to pick up the pieces. >> trace: yes. as you see the pictures and we saw them first come in over the weekend of the devastation, time after time. reporter after reporter said they have never seen anything like this. no president has ever seen tornado damage like what president biden is about to view here. it will be fascinating to see how he interacts with the people and what his first initial response is and how the federal government can come in and help the state government in this case get these people back on their feet. you can see right here. you will have a lot of this. cameras are coming in and going out. swapping out cameras and trying get you the best of different angles. only relying on a limited infrastructure. our trucks are on the scene. you bound bounce it up to the satellite. wifi won't happen. you will see moments like this along the way. this is live television on the ground in a natural disaster event. you see the president right there. walking with the governor and mrs. beshear. >> [inaudible]. >> [very low audio]. >> [inaudible]. >> sandra: we can't hear the president. so far he's been amazed at what the communities have done in the wake of the storms. talking to some folks that have lost everything there. he said people come out of nowhere to help the community. that's what it's supposed to be. that's what america is supposed to be. he said there are no red or blue tornadoes when this happens. i think in my experience it brings people together or knocks them apart and moving together is what we see here." it's a sentiment we want to believe happens across the country. these communities are stepping up and coming together. they are helping each other. anybody who can lend a helping hand has shown up. you have heard that from families walking around in the rubble. how many people are crossing state lines to help. as we watch the president. >> trace: yes. you're absolutely right. you hear a lot of social media, americans are at each other's throats. from being in hurricane harvey a few years back and you saw miles and miles of trucks and boat lined up to go in there and help the rescue effort. you can see the picture there. it's going in and out. we are roaming and relying on limited infrastructure. know that on the outside, outside of the scope of this as the camera goes dark there, there are people waiting to come into kentucky to help them with the clean up. to help them go through this and try to cope with this. it's not just the people with the trucks trying to clean up. you have the red cross and psychologist and psychiatrists and people dealing with the mental health issues. you see the physical damage but you don't see the mental damage. you have mental health experts on the ground to help them deal with what we are watching on-screen. it is a vast testament to this country to know people are giving up their vacation time to get in their trucks to help out the people in kentucky. >> sandra: the president will make a couple more stops. we don't have the shot now but will go back to the president. >> trace: new details on smash and grab in california and minnesota. some organized on social media platforms and carried out by people who didn't know each other. the flash mobs are formed after someone posts a target and a time. leo terrell joins us now. a civil rights attorney. you saw the images of the torino. the images of the smash and grab they are also something that is imprinted upon america. now we are learning the mo. you have these bosses. they are on a safe distance and on social media organizing foot soldiers and pointing them which stores to go to. what items to grab. they take those and sell those things online. what is the fix? >> the fix here is simple. the police are trying to apprehend meas individuals. -- these individuals. the police department is being set up. they could arrest every single person involved in these crimes. but they get released! trace, you live in california like i do. the chief of the police in l.a. said we arrested 14 people and they were released the next day. you have left leaning prosecutors who are not going to convict, what is the purpose of arrest? the police department is being set up. all it takes is one disputed shooting or arrest and all hell will break loose. all of this will be the liberal prosecutors will go after the police. the police department know what is going on. these individuals are released because of left leaning george soros prosecutors. >> trace: they then is a losing issue and the mayor in san francisco saying there will be consequences and governor gavin newsom said there will be consequences and the attorney general of california saying, when folks know there are consequences, there will be accountability and that's how we represent it. -- prevent it." but the police chief in los angeles said 14 people were arrested in a smash and grab robby of $340,000 worth of merchandise and all 14 were quickly released. there are no consequences. >> which that's the game. the democrats talk a good game byou they are soft on crime. those livers who are out in the street, they don't a george floyd situation. they don't want sharpton to come to l.a. you are one disputed arrest away from chaos. the democrats have not put the prosecutors in position to convict and imprison. what is the purpose of arresting if the prosecutors aren't going to convict? you can't believe gavin newsom or george gasgone or laurie lightfoot. >> trace: and jason said put these people's feet to a fire and he is under a recall. the sound bite of the san francisco mayor. watch. >> it's time that the rein of criminals who are destroying our city, it's time for it to come to an end. be more aggressive and less tolerant of the [bleep] that steroid our city. >> trace: -- destroyed our city. >> trace: a year ago she was going to take $100-million away from the police department. now she is on board with the police. some retailers could hire security guards. their hands are tied. i have a buddy who said we are told not to do anything when somebody comes in shoplifts. >> she has no credibility. she can't follow her own covid mandate. she was trying to defund the police last year. the security guards you can't shoot someone. they for a no win situation. these liberals are waiting for one disputed situation. it's dangerous to be a police officer right now in the democratic cities. no support. >> trace: last week they broke up a wing and they had $8 million worth of items. they are stealing million dollars worth of stuff. leo terrell, thank you. >> sandra: first they went after oil and gas companies. now the biden white house is going after another major industry as prices continue to rise. katie pavlich will react. >> keep making the case and i believe we will win. let me say this again. we will win in 2022. >> trace: president biden boasting about his party's chances in the next year's mid-terms even though polling tells a different story. is there a democratic disconnect? 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(crowd) business! no one can deliver your mom's homemade short ribs. that's why instacart helps deliver the ingredients. and you add the love. ♪ christmas music ♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ if your dry eye symptoms keep coming back, what?! no! over the counter eye drops typically work by lubricating the eyes and may provide temporary relief. xiidra works differently, targeting inflammation that can cause dry eye disease. it can provide lasting relief. xiidra is the only fda-approved non-steroid eye drop specifically for the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease. one drop in each eye, twice a day. don't use if you are allergic to xiidra. common side effects include eye irritation, discomfort or blurred vision when applied to the eye, and unusual taste sensation. don't touch container tip to your eye or any surface. after using xiidra wait 15 minutes before reinserting contacts. ♪♪♪ this holiday, ask your doctor about xiidra. umph! >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: president biden's massive social spending bill facing push back over the 80 billion dollars going to the internal revenue department. it could target middle-class taxpayers and conservative groups. chad live for us. >> the bill is not complete. work continues behind-the-scenes. the bill is expensive but democrats need revenue to pay for the bill. they are counting for higher taxes by the wealth to cover the cost. but they must investigate some tax records of middle-class americans. >> why trust this army that the democrats are calling for in their super-sized irs. we already know the abuses in the past where conservatives were targeted by the irs. >> democrats say they are focussed on everyone paying what is required. >> i think every american wants a legal playing field. they play by the rules. they want the big guys to play by the rule. right now we are losing billion dollars because people are avoiding taxes. send a message we will enforce the law and make sure it's fair. >> the gop said private information from wealthy taxpayers and republicans want to know how they got the information. it is looking less likely that the senate will approve will bill by which is. >> merry christmas and let's go home to our family. >> democrats lack the suspect of joe manchin. >> trace: thanks you. >> sandra: the greed of meat is contributing to the current inflation crisis. president biden is taking on the meat industry asking about 18 -- anti-competitive prices. watch jen psaki. >> the president spoke to the greed of the meat conglomerates. the prices are higher because of corporate greed. >> sandra: okay. here to take that it on fox news contributor, katie pavlich. you are good year up to go. let's start with the facts. these prices have sky rocketed. this is showing up in the polls. people are not happy and blame the white house for this. beef prices up 21%. pork and chicken prices are up. we are paying a lot more for this. is it the fault of the meat companies that our prices are going up? >> sandra, there are a lot of different components. we heard about the supply chain. inflation didn't just mean a 20% increase on beef. it's an increase in every part of the supply chain. the grain to feed the animals that is brought by trucks paying more for oil. every aspect increased in cost and it's passed on to the consumer because the companies can't afford not to raise their prices. for the biden administration they are more concerned about maintaining their narrative. even the agriculture secretary is arguing this is a matter of corporate greed. that's not the case. the biden administration can't admit that with jen psaki or president biden or the agculture secretary because that would destroy their argument for build back better which is something they want to pass with trillion dollars in spending. according to the "wall street journal" a 3 trillion dollars increase in the deficit. they can't be honest why we are seeing price increases on items like beef and poultry and pork. they have to say it's a corporate problem because they want more government spending which is causing the problem in the first place. >> sandra: if it's deflection on the part of the white house they are not acknowledging the problem. we saw this with gas. this winter it will be hard times for american families dealing with this. you saw the "wall street journal" article. it's lower income families that deal with the inflation crisis the most. it hits them hard. does deflection work? >> no, the american people are seeing through that. they are telling americany it's somebody else's fault. they have a pattern of doing this. the oil and gas companies going up. the administration had cut off the supply from the pipeline they caused that increase in prices and turned around and blamed the private sector. >> sandra: we have a minute left. this the san francisco chronicle headline on kamala harris. she's been in charge of a lot of major crises this country faces. she chose to talk about redecoraing her office. the meaning behind her choices. she said she won't be distracted by ridiculous headlines! she's been in charge of the border for over 200 days and we still have a crisis at the southern border. things are not going well inside the white house. why is she talking about redecoraing her office? >> i don't think the american people will be distracted by this ridiculous headline. this is why you should be concerned about the meaning behind her choices when all of the things she was put in charge of got worse. she is in charge of the border crisis but hasn't been in touch with the presidents of those countries. these puff pieces work if things are going well for the administration. they are having a crisis of her likeability. they are trying to soften her image. but that's not going to work with a 35% approval rating. >> sandra: she has a lot on her place. redecorating her office is an interesting headline in the middle of all of that. >> trace: what happened on the day on november 1963. brand new documents released about the jfk assassination. that's coming up. >> before i would just let them walk around. i don't know if they are going to buy or not. i will let them walk away without a mask. now with a $1,000 fine i can't risk that. >> sandra: that's a new york business owner upset about the sweeping mask mandate. counties are calling it silly. a person running for governor will tell us what he would do differently. veteran homeowners, need a financial boost? the newday 100 va loan lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value and take out up to $60,000 or more. give them a call. veteran homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. surprise! it's a new buick. you got me new buick? oh! and there are more gifts inside. wow! i don't even know what to open first. how about this? you got me the head up display. heated steering wheel. it's a massaging seat. do you love it? okay okay, what next? watch this, mom. alexa, turn on holiday lights. this year, give the gift of technology in every buick s(you)v. this year, give the gift of technology in a recent clinical study, patients using salonpas patch reported reductions in pain severity, using less or a lot less oral pain medicines. and improved quality of life. that's why we recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit i've spent centuries evolving with the world. mathat's the nature of beingn. the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: time magazine partner of the year musk and warren went at it after she accused him of not paying his fair. taxes. stop free loading off of everyone else. musk clapped pack and said i will pay more taxes than any american in history and added don't spend it all at once. oh, wait, you already did. and elon musk has a fair point. he will pay an enormous amount. >> sandra: absolutely. who loves to weigh in on these stories, larry kudlow. i can almost predict what he will say in the next hour. why would you want to demon ice success? when he is paying a huge chunk of taxes in this country. >> trace: can't wait to hear that. >> sandra: just in to fox. the archives released documents related to the jfk assassination. researchers wanted more transparency surrounding the 1963 shooting. mark meredith is in washington. any major reveals? >> still going through. 1500 documents all posted on online. all tied to the government's investigation into the jfk assassination. there are a wide range of tidbits. a memo from may 1964 that details a call to the u.s. ambassador in australia who claimed to know about a plot. that source stated that the iron curtain countries were paying for the assassination of president kennedy. some believed it was a prank call. ever since jisk jfk's death there have been many conspiracy jfk's death there have been many conspiracy theros. more documents will come out. they want to disclose all information concerning the assassination except when the strongest reasons state otherwise. some documents are never going to be seen by the light of day. we will have to wait another year to find out. already people are going online to look at documents. we have a link right now. >> sandra: mark, thank you very much. >> trace: that's fascinating. president biden is predicting democrats will outperform in the upcoming mid-terms despite polls. is the president and his party out of touch with reality? mark will give us his take. >> sandra: and the waukesha attack. coverage has disappeared. some critics say because the tragedy doesn't fit a certain narr stiff. -- narrative. >> there is no narrative how we will stop elevaing the rights of criminals. the democrats say criminals are more important than the victims. we have to rebalance that. to support a strong immune system your body needs a routine. centrum helps your immune defenses every day, with vitamin c, d and zinc* season after season. ace your immune support with centrum. now with a new look! hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. mom, hurry! our show's gonna start soon! i promised i wouldn't miss the show and mommy always keeps her promises. oh, no! seriously? hmm! it's not the same if she's not here. oh. -what the. oh my goodness! i don't suppose you can sing, can you? ♪ the snow's comin' down ♪ -mommy? ♪ i'm watching it fall ♪ watch the full story at . >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: president biden giving top democrats a pep talk during last night's dnc holiday party. >> we are going to win in 2022! i want to tell our republican friends, get ready, pal, you for for a problem. >> trace: marc thiessen is a former speech writer and fox news contributor. i will put his approval numbers on the screen: you have to love the confidence tellingepublicans they are in for a problem. he is not making us forget about the '27 yankees. >> he's got to say what he will say. he will lose. the question is how badly? since world war ii the party that controls the white house lost an average of 26 seats in the house and 4 in the senate. putting aside anything having to do with joe biden the odds are they will lose at least one house of congress. joe biden has the second lowest approval rating of any president in 7 years. the first was donald trump but he started out with 56% approval. he is now 7 points underwater. he had a 27 point swing in approval since he took off. and 77% of americans disapprove the job congress is doing. it's hard to see how they will have a -- that the republicans will have a big problem. >> trace: instead of democrats saying we have work to do. you have this pennsylvania congresswoman that said i would like to see his numbers turn around because i think there is a false narrative about supply chain shortages and gas prices. and the "washington post" said the republican party is engineering parties they blame on biden. afghanistan and the border and inflation. that's fancy engineering. >> amazing how mitch mcconnell is responsible for the withdrawal from afghanistan and all of these crises and denying they exist is delusional. the democrats know the writing is on the wall. they took a drubbing in virginia and in new jersey. the answer would be if you thought you could win, okay, the moderate independent voters turned away from us because we went to the left. tack to the center. but they are doubling down on socialism and pushing the build back better that will be 3.5 trillion dollars. they are pushing it because they know they will lose power. they have a small window of opportunity to get through as much of the radical agenda between now and november when they lose control of at least one house of congress. get as much done as they can and hand over at least one house of congress to the republicans. >> trace: you mark kelly saying the election is in a year. 2 years ago covid-19 was not a thing. he is being reactive. is that a good strategy? wait and see what comes up next? >> no. not a good strategy. the winning message for democrats is clear. if joe biden should go to the american people and say i promise to reunite the country and i delivered. he can't do that because he didn't even try. he passed a bipartisan infrastructure bill and even that gave his blessings to the radicals in congress to take it hostage for this massive social spending bill. he could have police reform and bipartisan and said i am uniting the country. he can't do that because he didn't even try. he is not responding to what the voters wanted. >> trace: marc thiessen, thank you, sir. >> sandra: rolling into hour 2. president biden visiting tornado ravaged communities in kentucky. hard hit towns pleading for help to rebuild. we will be on the ground in kentucky as president biden meets with local official and hiking interest rates. larry kudlow will weigh in. the burning. the stinging. my skin was no longer mine. my psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen... painful. emerge tremfyant®. with tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis... ...can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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homeowners- with home values at all-time highs and rates at near all-time lows now's the time to do more with your home equity. veterans are calling newday at a record pace to take advantage of the newday 100 va loan. you can borrow up to 100% of your home's value to upgrade the kitchen, add a pool for the grandkids, or have the security of cash in the bank. with an average cash out amount of $60,000, you can do more. >> sandra: fox news alert. on the omicron variant explosion. number of new infections spiking 7 times over just the last week. a warning sign according to the fed of a potential tidal wave of cases coast to coast. >> trace: with symptoms mild and not one death in the u.s. linked to omicron why is the cdc sounding it alarm? >> sandra: a doctor will make sense of all of the confusing contradictions with this strain and what we need to know ahead of next week's holiday travel rush. good afternoon. i am sandra smith. he will provide some clarity. we are gearing up to meet with family and friends. >> trace: he is the best. i am trace gallagher in for john roberts. breaking news right now. >> ♪ ♪ >> sandra: a news alert from the federal reserve in washington, d.c. everyone one of us will feel its affects. a new announcement which indicates it plans to end the key bond buying program that larry kudlow talks about. they will end it earlier than expected. we will explain what that means. this is a move that could spark a jump in interest rates. that means it will cost you more to get a loan or mortgage and put a dent in your 401k. and the fed is doing a reality check on the inflation. the biden administration referred to it as transitory. that was asked to be retired. wall street saying inflation won't last long. >> trace: transparency could last a decade. they retired that word. the government is admitting it's not a temporary blip but we could have rising prices for longer than thought. rich edson in washington with how this announcement will be felt by families. >> this is a major report that tells us what federal reserve officials are doing and thinking about the economy. from the headlines acrossing just now, it looks like the fed will leave interest rates where they are. they are pulling back their intervention in the economy. doing it faster than expected here. that's because of inflation to make sure price increases are not run away. federal reserve has 2 doles. -- goals. make sure the economy is solid and inflation is under control. it sets target interest rates for buying assets. the drop in the unemployment rate and rising inflation is a recipe for the fed to pull back on the money. republicans argue it's an argument to spike the democrat's spending plans. >> the last time inflation was this high, hi an afro. that was that was a long time ago. the early 1980s. we have to forge forward by reducing spending from the federal government and allowing raises in the private sector. >> they are looking at the economy for signs of how it will pull back more. the fed sees the unemployment rate declining. hitting 4.3% this year. dropping to 3.3% next year. chairman powell has a press conference in a half-hour. markets will watch that closely as well. >> sandra: some of the breaking news putting the big board up on the screen. 2 hours left in trading. a lot of americans have 401ks. they are watching the stock market. their retirement depends on it. flat right now. the dow started in the red. we are watching the markets because the markets watch the fed so closely. what we just got was word that the federal reserve will accelerate the pull back of economic support. we see the prices going up on everything. the big news. they foresee 3 rate hikes in 2022. that's tightening the money supply. the market were enjoying records highs. as they tighten markets will watch that closely. >> exactly. the calculation that the fed is trying to figure out: it wants to put more money in the economy if they see risks to the economy. that's covid and these other challenges. the problem is putting money in the economy it increases prices. it's trying to thread that needle here. probably the reason that you are seeing the economy or the market right now where it is is because investors have taken a look at this information. they see the unemployment rate come down and the economy and consumer spending doing well. compare that and put inflation on top of that, they know the fed has to pull back. they are looking at the specifics. 3 rate hikes next year. not something markets want to hear. we will get more information and the fed's thinking about the state of the economy and what they may do from here in the press conference at 2:30. >> sandra: we will be watching. watching the market reaction. see that green line on the screen on the far right-hand side. there is a clear reaction in the markets to the fed's move. the markets were down and have gone into the green. we have seen the fed focussing on unemployment. trying to get the unemployment rate down emerging from the pandemic. one could make the case and market critics said the fed had its high too closely on the employment situation and were not watching the inflation situation closely enough. spiking prices. now they retired the word transitory, now they have to watch this situation. it could spiral out of control. that's what the markets are concerned about. larry kudlow who joinsous this program said this is a strong economy. the markets reflected that. us this program said this is a strong economy. the markets reflected that. his idea is to get out of the way and let the economy recovery but with massive spending it's in a spiral. if we see the fed raise interest rates 3 times in the new year, markets could get jittery. so far so good. markets in the green. >> absolutely. this shows that the fed is concerned about prices. it's very concerned about inflation. this is its plan to deal with it. what the fed does in the law, they have to look at maximum employment and a great economy but also inflation. that's what a central bank's role is. raising interest rates just signaling to markets that they are going to raise interest rates in the future is enough to say we have been trying to pump the economy with money. there are major risks with the pandemic. we will do pull that back. the economy is doing okay but we are concerned about the prices. that's what they have done here. a change since the financial crisis is the fed about communication now. we used to cover this on the business network, i remember some of the old folks covering the fed for years. we used to get a statement faxed to us that said fed met today. did not touch interest rates. now they are writing detailed releases. putting the fed chairman out there for press conferences. they want to telegraph as much in advance to not catch the markets off guard when they do things like this and say next year, we will start raising interest rates because inflation is an issue. >> sandra: to bring this in here. watching the stock market reaction. the 10 year treasury yield jumped. 3 rate hikes in 2022. this is all big news. markets are reacting to it. larry kudlow will join us to react to that. explaining what this means to you and your family. >> trace: continuing coverage of breaking news in the south. president biden on the ground in kentucky seeing firsthand the devastation from the historic tornado out break that left at least 88 people dead. the president running behind on his visit. we expect to see him soon as he visits two of the hardest hits part of the kentucky. alexis is live in mayfield that took the worst the tornado strike. >> you have to see some of the damage to understand the scope of what kentucky is dealing with trying to move forward. four tornadoes on the ground for 200 miles in kentucky with lots of damage. we are inside of a local church a short drive away from devastation. kentucky people have hope and donations but need a lot more. these are all generators that will go to some of the local businesses and homes and other power tools as well as people feed to rebuild. we talked to a volunteer. take a listen. >> i long they need prayers and we need people to come and help. over time we will need support to rebuild. people are starting back from scratch. >> those tornadoes destroyed everything in its path. that's part of mayfield. one of the most hard hit areas in the tornado's path in western kentucky. president biden surveying the damage in mayfield. 71 people killed in kentucky and the death toll expected to lives. hundreds lost their homes and are look for federal help. listen what people are saying about how it looks out there. >> i have lived here my whole life. walking through the downtown area i got lost. no clue where i was. no markers. no signs. it's just rubble and devastation. >> the power grid knocked out in mayfield. that won't take weeks or months but possibly more than a year to put all of this back together. we have seen so many crews working around-the-clock to get everything back to as norm as possible. there is so much devastation. just take a look around. they have hygiene items. they are sleeping in cars and going to shelters. they are taking donations from locals or people who are coming in from other states and businesses shipping in from across the nation. we were talking to some volunteers who lost their neighbors or family members and they are trying to make a difference. they continue to check the names to see if they know people who lost their lives. >> trace: the situation is desperate in mayfield, kentucky. when you see alexis pointing out generators how the supply chain crisis will affect the recovery. >> sandra: the president said kentucky don't hesitate to ask for anything. we will watch the president in kentucky. nobody has ever accused san francisco's mayor of being conservative but compared to nancy pelosi's latest take on crime the mayor is taking a hard turn to the right. what both leaders on the left say about the spike in crime and who is to blame for it. >> trace: a mass casualty attack on americans and the media going silent. residents of waukesha, wisconsin, said they were forgotten after the parade attack that left people dead. >> the democrats have not put the prosecutors in position to arrest, convict and imprison. your kindness outshines your highs and lows. your strength can outlast any bad day. because you are greater than your bipolar i, and you can help take control of your symptoms - and ask about vraylar. some medicines only treat the lows or highs, once-daily vraylar is proven to treat depressive, acute manic, and mixed episodes of bipolar i in adults. full-spectrum relief for all bipolar i symptoms. elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis have an increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about unusual changes in behavior or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants can increase these in children and young 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biggest question now, what's next? what will covid bring in six months, a year? if you're feeling anxious about the future, you're not alone. calhope offers free covid-19 emotional support. call 833-317-4673, or live chat at today. we begin with claudia just across the golden gate bridge in california. >> it's a pivot for the democratic mayor who supported defund the police. now she wants to empower the police and give them more tools to combat a serious spike in crime. some of her tough talk yesterday. >> it's time that the rein of criminals destroying our city, it's time for it to come to an end. it comes to an end when we take the steps to be more aggressive with law enforcement. more dressgress with the changes in our policies and less tolerant of all of the [bleep] that destroyed our city. >> she wants to clean up an open air drug market. she knows some won't like the idea of more police but she doesn't care. she said the safety of san francisco is the most important thing. the mayor doesn't control the district attorney office and some critics argue nothing will change until more criminals are prosecuted. >> they need the police department to have the confidence if they make arrest and put their lives on the line, something will come of that arrest. there will be accountability. that doesn't exist in san francisco today. >> the district attorney was absent yesterday at the press conference. facing a recall vote in june. >> trace: i wondered where he was. >> sandra: team coverage with garrett on live on the ground in chicago with murders hit a 30 year high in the windy city. what are officials doing? >> that's a question a lot of folks are asking. what are city leaders doing? it doesn't appear to be working. >> [sirens wailing]. >> we heard shots. >> he knows the cost of rampant street violence. >> he was not only my son but my best friend. >> his son was shot and killed in october. just 1 of the more 767 people killed in chicago. the highest number of murders in 3 decades. city officials are struggling to address the violence and the daytime robberies near the magnificent mile. last week mayor laurie lightfoot put some blame on the business owners. >> i am disappointed they are not doing more to make safety a prior. >> chicago is not alone. across the midwest. >> i was the victim of a carjacking. >> all i could see was a hood highway. >> -- hoodie. >> some local activists like a pastor says they can't rely on city leaders to fix this. >> i am not waiting on defendant to fix our problems. if they were going to fix them, they would have been fixed by now. tell only continue to get worse. >> one neighborhood is so fed up with the rising crime that it is hiring its own private security group and asking folks to help pay for it. >> trace: a man killed 6 people in the waukesha parade. people say the media moved on about pressuring officials on getting tougher on crime. the wisconsin state representative who represents waukesha and lives there. thanks for joining us. we have been talking about how the governors in blue states are fed up. yet we have asked the white house about specifically these far left prosecutors puttings people back on the streets. they refuse to answer the question. what would your message be to the white house? what would waukesha's message be to the white house? >> thanks for having me. we are fed up with all of the crime. we have left leaning d.a.'s that feels all criminals should be let out no matter how violent. our left leaning governor is doing nothing. [muffled audio]. we are suffering from the criminals out on the streets. >> trace: what is the status on the left leaning d.a.? is there a push against him? >> people in waukesha are pushing back. he claims it was a mistake. this was not a mistake. this is a standard operating procedure in milwaukee. we have the highest murder rate we very far had. there was not a mistake letting in person out. that's the policy that chisholm has. >> trace: state lawmakers believe the media abandoned waukesha. this is the wisconsin state senator who said: the left was so symptetic to kyle rittenhouse's victims but not saying a word about the victims here. and cnn a week after said waukesha will hold a moment of silence marking one week since a car killed 6 people and injuring scores of others." the media you believe has abandoned you? >> yes, i think so. it doesn't fit their narrative. they won't talk about the fact they are soft on crime. it's coming out to our community. we need the governor to step up and call on chisholm to resign his office. look at his policies putting dangerous criminals back on the straight and putting lives at risk. >> trace: we talked to residentses in your city. a lot feel like they can't speak out. because it's been made about race. i will look like a white supremacist but i am married on an african-american. don't label us here. >> we are not racist because we are conservative. we have a loving community. i don't care if you are black, whited, green or purple. if you mao down people in a parade, you belong in prison. a parade, you belong in prison. he should have been in prison before this when he tried to mo down his girlfriend. >> trace: thank you very much. >> merry christmas. >> trace: you as well. >> sandra: things are cracking down to slow the spread of the omicron variant but so far those who have had it have mild symptoms. we will make sense of all of this. >> man: what's my safelite story? 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>> having me on is your worst nightmare. >> sandra: no, it's the best. >> the inflation is hurt middle-class and lower income people. wages are raising. we are in an economic boom but the inflation. it's not beneficial anymore. folks are hurting and it's public enemy number 1. second point, i want the fed to be tougher and stronger. come on, fellows, where is your backbone? they should have ended the bond buying, the money creation now. right at this meeting. they should have done it 6 months ago. and get ready to start raising their short term rates targets next month. do it sequentially. the sooner -- i am not a killjoy here. the sooner they act, they have enabled federal spending and the cause of inflation. the sooner they act, they will put out the fire. whatever corrections that will occur will be more modest. >> sandra: your take is the economy is strong. get out of the way and kill the bill? the federal reserve for its part and you are saying jay powell got this prong. -- wrong. they are focussed on the employment and not the inflation. now they have to focus on inflation. does it rein it in? >> i think this is too late and too soft. i want them to be much tougher. end the money creation now. i would like to have heard that announcement. i didn't hear it. three rate hikes next year. next years a long time away. it's 12 months. the market already knew about that. no new information there. i don't want that. i want rate hikes in january, february and march, april, may, june. i want to see in between meetings. my pal kevin said that on our show. they should move one-half of 1%. i don't want to destroy the economy. i am saying if they do this you will face short lived pain. but that's all. the boom can continue. can go on. the longer they wait -- look, the inflation rate is 7%. it could be 10% in a month or 2. is that what we want? does that help anybody? >> sandra: what does that do? >> food and gasoline and home prices and furniture prices. does that help anybody? >> sandra: would we be in an economic environment where businesses pass along higher prices? >>, the word i love is kevin's word on the show on monday. he was a member of the federal reserve board. he said the fed is the enabler. enabled all of the federal spending and all of the price hikes. >> sandra: the emergency is over? >> it's been over for 6 to 9 months. the guy who had this story right, better than most joe manchin. he's been warning about inflation since early last summer. he is saying no more spending. that creates inflation. he said to the fed, stop your money creation. the guy is a genius. doing the right thing. elon musk is so smart and such a libertarian free-enterpriser he would limit inflation. he uniquely qualified to run the federal reserve. i had dealings with him in the white house and i was impressed. he said electric car subsidies. i don't want your bill. >> sandra: he is so wealthy he is willing to stay it like it is. you bring up elon musk. in a spat with elizabeth warren. i can't stop watching it on twitter. elizabeth warren tweeted this out. let's change the tax codo the person of the year will pay taxes and stop free loading off everyone else. musk said if you open your eyes for 2 seconds you would realize i will pay more taxes than any american in history this year. he is continuing. he is posting pictures of her getting off private planes. >> she is a hypocrite. elizabeth warren spent her life trying to punish successful people. she will try to develop a socialist system. elizabeth warren is the queen of all of the economy. unfortunately for her and fortunatelily for americans, we don't have that state control. if americans kill the bill we never will. maybe elizabeth warren doesn't understand this. he is selling big pieces of his stock. it's being scored as capital gains. under the current rate which is 20%. that's going to yield the federal government a fortune in revenues. more money than elizabeth warren could possibly steal from the rest of us. elon will do it. he is selling into this rally. i am sure he has his own reasons. he doesn't consult me on stock sales. at the existing rate the country will make a fortune. >> sandra: musk said don't spend it all at once -- wait you did it already. >> he would give elizabeth warren all of this money and lord knows how she will spend it. >> sandra: his show is on the fox business network and i will join you. >> trace: the world health organization is warning that omicron is spreading faster than any covid variant and elected officials are cracking down with mask mandates in new york and california but so far omicron cases appear to be mild and 70% of adults are vaccinated. critics say the panic is overblown. here is a doctor from john hopkins school of public health and the smartest guy we know. thanks for joining us. we don't have any deaths from the u.s. from omicron but they are trying to scare the daylights out of us. the nih director said there is a great concern about omicron because it has over 50 mutations and 30 in the spike proteins. should we pause on this before we frighten the whole world and see what data comes in? >> trace, there is nothing we should be doing differently. i wish as part of that statement that he gave he would reveal the results of a research study done at nih showing the activated t-cells from immunity encompass omicron as they did delta. the u.k. only 10 hospitalizations and 1 death worldwide. >> trace: you talk about people being scared and losing public trust. this poll, i will put it on the screen: 60% of the population feels like they are worn-out by the pandemic. does that lead to less cooperation, the loss of public trust? >> 2 does. -- it does. the worst thing you can do in public health is tell people to things they won't do. kids will wear masks from kindergarten until college graduation. look at the massive over-response of colleges and universities now to require boosters because of a fear of omicron being more lethal which it does not appear to be? they are requiring boosters in young low risk people. >> trace: pfizer said this reduces the risk of hospitalization or death in the high risk adult populations treated within 3 days of symptoms on set. does that mean they might relax saying i don't need a booster. >> if we are honest to people, this cut covid deaths to zero. the researchers focussed on hospitalizations because that's how the trial was designed. what is missing from the headlines today is this cut deaths to zero. no one who got this drug died covid and it was given to high risk people. 9 people died in the placebo trial. the headline should be this drug cut covid deaths to zero and has implications for vaccine mandate rendering them obsolete. >> trace: doctor, thanks for coming on. >> sandra: thanks, trace. people in prisons in reeducation process to brain wash the masses sounds like science fiction but it's linked to a company selling cellphones in a new bomb cell report. we will have that after the break. superpowers from a spider bite? 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listen closely to the very different tune from san francisco mayor london breeze. watch this. >> it's time that the reign of criminals destroy

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Marc Thiessen , Speech Writer , Confidence , Yankees , The Party , Average , Seats , World War Ii , 26 , House , Aside , Odds , 4 , Points , Point Swing , Donald Trump , 56 , 7 , 77 , Congresswoman , Supply Chain Shortages , Pennsylvania , Gas Prices , Washington Post , Inflation , Engineering , Writing , Mitch Mcconnell , Answer , Drubbing , Virginia , New Jersey , Power , Center , Socialism , Tack , 3 5 Trillion Dollars , 3 5 Trillion , Window , Agenda , Opportunity , Election , Thing , Strategy , 19 , It Hostage , Radicals , Blessings , Police Reform , Thank You , Sir , Hit Towns , Biden Visiting Tornado , Interest Rates , Skin , Hiking , Burning , Stinging , Psoriatic Arthritis , Adults , Tremfya , Plaque Psoriasis , Joints , Moderate , Emerge Tremfyant , Painful , Infections , Reactions , Infection , Ability , Medication , Kind , Man , Safelite , Livelihood , Truck , Windshield , Rock Music Man , Expert Service , Friend , Girl , Singers , Safelite Repair , Thirty , Psoriasis , Nutrients , Sugar , Sighs Wearily , Excited Yell , Two , Tuberculosis , Cosentyx , Crohn S Disease , Rheumatologist , Smart Move , Equity , Number , Fed , Warning Sign , Tidal Wave , Cases , Coast To , Cdc , Sense , Contradictions , Strain , It Alarm , Holiday Travel Rush , News , Best , Breaking News , Clarity , Announcement , Reserve , One Of Us , Affects , Move , Bond Buying Program , Loan , Mortgage , Jump , Reality Check , Dent , 401k , Word , Blip , Rich Edson , Report , Intervention , Price Increases , Doles , Goals , Unemployment Rate , Drop , Recipe , High , Spending Plans , Afro , 1980 , Raises , Markets , Press Conference , Chairman , 3 , 4 3 , Stock Market , Dow , Retirement , 401ks , Trading , Flat , Big Board Up , 401 , In The Red , Pull , Rate Hikes , Market , Calculation , Money Supply , Records Highs , Risks , Needle , Thread , Reason , Consumer Spending , Top , Market Reaction , Thinking , Green Line , Reaction , Side , Green , Fed Focussing On Unemployment , Inflation Situation , Employment Situation , Control , Idea , Program , Spiral , Employment , Change , Communication , The Business Network , Statement , Releases , Met , Press Conferences , Advance , Telegraph , Stock Market Reaction , Kentucky , South , Break , Tornado , Visit , Hits , Worst , Tornado Strike , Four , Generators , Lots , Homes , Power Tools , Volunteer , Listen , Prayers , Path , Scratch , Hundreds , Death Toll , 71 , Clue , Downtown Area , Markers , Power Grid , Hygiene Items , Crews , Shelters , Cars , Nation , Locals , Names , Difference , Supply Chain Crisis , Recovery , Nobody , Spike , Turn , Right , Say , Nancy Pelosi , Residents , Wisconsin , Media Going Silent , Parade , Kindness , Bipolar , Ask , Take Control , Depressive , Vraylar , Manic , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Psychosis , Episodes , Stroke , Behavior , Muscle Movements , Fever , Cholesterol , Muscles , Confusion , Weight Gain , High Blood Sugar , Sleepiness , Children , Coma , Stomach , Mortgage Rates , Owners , Mortgage Rate , Alert , Restlessness , Movement Dysfunction , Apr , Newday Two , Va Loans Who Haven T , Lowest , 2 48 , Appraisal , Pocket Costs , 3000 , Six , Calhope , You Re Not Alone , 833 317 4673 , 833 , Calhope Org , 317 , 4673 , Golden Gate Bridge , Defund The Police , Pivot , Tools , Talk , Steps , Law Enforcement , Dressgress , Open Air Drug Market , Safety , Elizabeth Warren Doesn T , District Attorney Office , Doesn T Care , Doesn T Exist In San Francisco , District Attorney , Recall Vote , Team Coverage , City Leaders , Murders , Shots , Sirens Wailing , Rampant Street Violence , Son , Best Friend , 767 , 1 , Laurie , City Officials , Violence , Robberies , Blame , Magnificent Mile , Victim , Hood Highway , Carjacking , Midwest , Activists , Hoodie , Problems , Defendant , Security Group , Media , Pay , Waukesha Parade , 6 , Governors , Wisconsin State Representative , Blue States , Streets , Leaning D A , Status , Muffled Audio , Mistake , Operating Procedure , Him , Policy , Murder Rate , Milwaukee , Wisconsin State Senator , Chisholm , State Lawmakers , Car , Scores , Moment Of Silence , Kyle Rittenhouse , Cnn , It Doesn T , City , Feel , African American , Race , Supremacist , Care , Purple , Black , Prison , Girlfriend , Mo Down , Spread , Experts , My Truck Is Livelihood , Engine Humming , Gmc Sierra , Queen , Pick Up , Driving , Clapping , We Will Rock You , Class , Vicks Vapostick , Vapors , Loved Ones , Neck , Chest , Mess , Comfort , Artists , Players , Rheumatoid Arthritis , Designers , Do It Yourselfers , Enbrel , Joint Pain , Parents , Clearer , Nervous System , Events , True Self , Blood Disorders , Cancers , Lymphoma , Have , Bleeding , Heart Failure , Hepatitis B , Sores , Paleness , Bruising , Flu , Cuts , Visit Enbrel Com , , Jay Powell , Home Won T , S P 500 , 500 , Environment , Boom , Nightmare , Raising , Wages , Public Enemy , Come On , Money Creation , Backbone , Bond Buying , Fellows , It Sequentially , Killjoy , Cause , Corrections , Prong , Three , Kevin , Meetings , May , June , 12 , Furniture Prices , Gasoline , Food , Price Hikes , Emergency , Guy , Warning , 9 , Genius , Libertarian , He , Dealings , Subsidies , Spat , Twitter , Loading , Tax , Person Of The Year , Posting , Planes , System , Hypocrite , State Control , Fortunatelily , Rate , Stock , Capital Gains , Fortune , Revenues , Rest , Rally , Elon , Stock Sales , Lord , Variant , Fox Business Network , World Health Organization , Panic , Mask Mandates , 70 , Deaths , John Hopkins School Of Public Health , Mutations , Nih Director , Daylights Out , 50 , Spike Proteins , Research Study , Nih , Results , T Cells , Delta , Hospitalizations , Public Trust , U K , Cooperation , Lead , Population , 60 , Loss , Boosters , Fear , Masks , Kindergarten , Over Response , Colleges , Universities , College Graduation , Pfizer , Adult , Hospitalization , Populations , Booster , Cut Covid , Set , No One , Drug , Trial , Headlines Today , Placebo Trial , Implications , Prisons , Vaccine Mandate Rendering , Company , Cellphones , Science Fiction , Brain , Bomb Cell Report , Superpowers , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Spider Bite , Car Insurance , Theaters , December 17th , 17 , Wrinkles Results , Retinol , Powerful , Age , Neutrogena , Pro Plus , Comcast Business , Network , Voice , Internet , Savings Sale , Gig Speeds , Prepaid Card , Bundles , 00 , Price Guarantee , Savings , 4 99 , 64 99 , Possibilities , Adversaries , Chinese , Counterpart , Vladimir Putin , Ties , Russian , Trey , Ping , Agreement , Russia Treaty , Acting , Nightmare Scenario , Defense Pact , Analysts , Ukraine , Taiwan , 120000 , Possibility , Nato , Expansion East , Area , Xi , Invasion , President Xi , Force , Tech Giant , Citizens , Jillian Turner Live , Community Party Spy , Charges , Pop Stars , Communist Party , Telecom Giant , Celebrities , Evidence , Spy , Anyone , Prisoners , Sound , Campus , It Suspicions , Re Education , Concerns , Beginning , Relationship , Jake Sullivan , Knowledge , Spokesperson , Crime Crisis , Refi , The Story With Martha Maccallum , 2 25 , Costs , Pocket , Mortgage Payments , Lock , Billions , Greetings , Workers , Packages , Mail , 160 Million , Postal Service , Everywhere , Members , American Postal Workers Union , Entresto , Heart Failure Brand , Cardiologists , One Million , Angioedema , Blood Pressure , Hospital , Baby , Harm , Arb , Aliskiren , Ace Inhibitor , Kidney Problems , Potassium , Blood , Martha , Martha Maccallum , Terms , Politically , Breeze , Tune , Reign , London ,

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