Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

become an asu student. details coming up in a live report. and shortages and inflation may be damaging america's christmas spirit with families hit hard by pricing will make price increases. congressman joins us live to help crunch the numbers prebubble again tonight with the president's winter coat featuring travel testing requirements and extending mask mandates among other things. white house correspondent kevin corke is taking a closer look at what else to expect. >> a lot on that story tonight. good evening to you. more hoops for u.s. travelers to hop through as the biden administration continues a shifting approach to attacking the covid-19 crisis. this time, new flight rules regardless of vaccine status. and you probably heard this too. an emphasis on pretesting. speak out the actions i am announcing that all americans can rally behind. and it should unite us in the fight against covid-19. >> it was a familiar refrain from the bite in white house. if i covid-19, we all need to stick together. by which they mean take the shot or you are simply not doing your part to keep the country safe. two parts persuasion, one part aspirational pitch by the president just ahead of what could be a long covid winter. >> i know covid-19 is very pervasive to become a political issue which is a sad, sad commentary. it shouldn't be. but it has been. now through the winter and facing the challenges of this new variance, this is a moment where we can put the divisiveness behind is. >> the updated plan to tackle covid-19 including the new variant requires all inbound international passengers to test covid within 24 hours departure. extends travel mask requirements on all domestic flights in public transportation through march 18th 2022. and makes at home rapid tests free and reimbursable through private insurance. they are the latest moves by the administration meant to stem the spread of the new omicron variant of the coronavirus. and not a moment too soon as at least 23 countries have now identified omicron cases, and that number is expected to rise in the coming days and weeks according to the w.h.o. critics meanwhile are expressing alarm at the administration's plan to use the cdc to collect traveler vaccine data at international airports in atlanta, newark, new york, and san francisco. those agencies suggest information would enhance contact tracing for an omicron case identified. this as four states here in the u.s. have now identified new cases of the omicron variance. with health officials from minnesota, new york, colorado, all announcing cases of the new, highly mutated variant just one day after a case in california it was discovered. and just within the hour, we have learned that the state of hawaii also has a recently reported case. we will keep an eye on that. now, as for the requirements, 24-hour testing will go into effect on monday, which again means that travelers regardless of vaccination which the decision chip status will be subject to the change in regulation. that decision now according to experts could adversely impact the airline industry at a time when it is desperate to recover from dramatic slowdowns during the pandemic. >> shannon: been an interesting year in the air. kevin, thank you, see you in just a minute. the extension of the federal mask mende on travel and trends are revealed as part of the biden administration's grand plan to try to control the spread of covid as winter approaches. talk about that. what kind of real-world impact they could have with fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary and political editor guy benson. welcome back to both of you. great to see you. >> good evening. >> shannon: going to read this from the cleveland clinic. they are talking about mutations of viruses over time. citing an md who says most of the time mutations are so solid don't significantly affect how it works or them they make the virus weaker. so doctor, are we right to be -- there seems to be an elevated fear about omicron. and new mutations read, and generally get weaker. what we know at this point question marks because that is right. most mutations of a virus are downward patients. mayor frey to increase. when it does, it has to outperform the delta strain which has already very contagious. so right now all the molecular modeling, that is computer simulation, they can show you exactly the shape of the spike protein of omicron and antibodies and it shows good binding. another was, it shows the immune system works. it is also predicted by immunologists to be encompassed by the dash on the ground we are seeing a mild virus. we are not seeing severe disease with omicron. so all the indicators is that this is part of the endemic seasonality and we're going to see for a long time because i believe this probably came from an animal reservoir and were going to continue to see mutations come out. >> shannon: part of what the president talked about with this. dr. nicole saphier also familiar to our fox family tweeted part of the dash to provide monoclonal antibodies and other treatments to people infected. it is a great move. one that was met with criticism when it was done months ago by governor ron desantis. guys. >> you have to imagine they are sitting down there in tallahassee or wherever he is traveling saying that seems like a really good idea. maybe someone should have thought of that. and of course that is precisely what he did in the state of florida. he was criticized for it. first they called it sort of quackery. wasn't going to work, was an proven science and then more doctors came and said this is a very effective treatment for covid. so the next allegation was that somehow this was corruption on the part of governor desantis, that he was pay for play or involved with something like that. that did not pan out at all and they have the president incorporating precisely this exact same idea in his national strategy, the battle plan for the winter against covid and it looks like governor desantis down in florida is emerging again as a leader. >> shannon: these unlikable treatments. i know people who have them after being diagnosed positive and they seem to work well. so let's hope they can offer hope as well. in germany here's the headline. germany locks unvaccinated out of public life. mandate -- excluded from unofficial stores, sports, cultural venues. chancellor angela merkel announced they will announce a general vaccine mende as part of efforts to curb infections. i want to ask you this against the backdrop of we know against the mic about omicron. the first four base is only cases that were reported in germany so for the cases they were reported as this last check, two is really doctors -- to travelers in hong kong, fully vax. the first u.s. kids have a cold, california it was a fully vaccinated individual. so is separating unvaccinated people and calling it the pandemic of the unvaccinated going to solve the problem? >> no it's not. and right now there is a bit of his skewed sampling because people who travel tent -- the vast majority tend to be vaccinated. so that may be a bunching of what we are saying. both very -- one of the working theories that is his peer speculation right now among scientists is that may be that with omicron you are more likely to get a breakthrough mild infection. in other words, not severe but mild or asymptomatic. the cases outside of south africa report by europe have had the mike the mike half have been asymptomatic in half an mile. >> shannon: the atlantic says this. talking about opening schools. that they were able to do that successfully. it would not the disasters some critics would say. they say one of the frustrating things about the pandemic is that our inability, even at this late date, to understand why surges occur. they hate communities with and without mask mandates. important to understand preventing new cases is nearly impossible. continuing to regulate behavior where they've already achieved a massive level of vaccination is likely to backfire. our goal needs to be safe enough, not perfection. i'm hearing from a lot of the blue check left tonight lockdown and mandatory vaccines to fly domestically. they don't sound like they're heading in this direction. how do we find common ground? >> i am not sure about common ground at this point. i can obviously agree that vaccines are a good idea and if you are eligible for a booster shot and you talk to your doctor and that is what you want to do, then go for it. but my goodness, if we are talking about domestic travel vaccine requirements, let's forget about what we just talked about regarding germany, i think that what we read in the atlantic that you just quoted from in that piece, there are items think some hopeful signs that some people on that blue check mark brigade on the left might be finally coming around and trying to gently persuade some of their fellow travelers. hey, we cannot continue along this path. the american people aren't going to stand for it much longer and i think you saw some of those frustrations really bubbled to the surface in virginia and new jersey early last month. and of people continue to keep doubling and tripling done on mitigation matters that are at best, questionable, i think you'll see that frustration continue to build and a lot of americans, not just in red states, probably primarily actually in blue states where they are disproportionately affected by the stuff in the months to come. >> shannon: before we go, can you estimate any sort of timeline where we will have more solid evidence on omicron and what it means. >> i think two weeks. ironically the dash should be doing the experiment right now to give us the answer in 24 hours but i think in two weeks will have a good feel. >> shannon: doctor, guy, great to see you both. thank you. and breaking tonight, congress is once again narrowly avoided a government shutdown. passing a stop gap built upon the government through february 18th. earlier tonight, the senate ejected a g.o.p. amendment that would have blocked funding for president biden is federal vaccine mandates. republicans are bound tonight they will bring back a boat over at those mandates again. >> this continuing resolution is going to expire and you can imagine in the unfortunate event the president persists in keeping this in effect and threatening the american people this way, yeah, it is going to come up again with the next continuing resolution. and that it should. >> shannon: our capitol hill correspondent chad points how ironically white smoke was mysteriously walking out of the roof of the senate wing, just as the deal was struck tonight. we are in protest watch night for activity on the campus of arizona state university where students demonstrated on wednesday against the mere possibility that kyle rittenhouse may re-enroll as an asu student at some point. chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher is on the case tonight. good evening, trey's. >> good evening. the primary group leading these protests, the students for socialism asu and along with their demonstrations, the group is also given the university a list of demands saying the school needs to "deny collar and house further admission to asu, release a statement against white supremacy and reese's killer bryant dominic halloran house, reaffirm support for the multicultural center campus as assay pays from white supremacy, redirect funding from asu police department to support the multicultural center and establishment of a care center on campus. and here are two students who amplified those demands. watch. >> we're marching because killer kyle should not be coming to this campus. that is white supremacy at its peak. >> the american justice system -- not the objective morality in america. nowhere. founded on and child's delivery. the morality -- >> neither that student nor any other protester has provided any evidence that kyle rittenhouse is a white supremacist and we can't ask him the mic them because they won't respond to fox news so it is notable that calvin house has had that he supports black lives matter. here are two car dominic students -- >> there is not -- but there is clear evidence that he did it on himself and the fact we actually have -- that they didn't watch the trial or they don't love this country. >> we should have zero bias towards him whatsoever of what school he goes to ohio where he wants to be educated at because he was acquitted. he is has not committed crimes or is free to go where he wants to go. >> and for the record, dimension, collar and house is not currently enrolled at arizona state and the spokesperson says asu professors have advised him to withdraw, that we do not know on what basis these professors are offering that advice. shannon. >> shannon: trace gallagher. thank you very much. alec baldwin says he did not pull the trigger of the gun that fired killing a crewmember during the production of the movie in october. baldwin telling abc news in an interview that aired tonight he has no idea how we live bullet got onto the movie set. >> you have the cold 45 and you hold -- >> far back as possible without caulking. how about that -- do you see that? let go the hammer. bang. the gun goes. it was supposed to be empty. i was told i was handed an empty gun. >> shannon: cinematographer helena hutchins -- was killed. the director was wounded. the star and producer of that western titled "russ." prosecutions rested their case today arguing he staged a crime against himself back in 2019. both brothers troops he allegedly played to attack him took the witness stand as the cross-examination from his attorney foul attorney. a tense moment when walker questioned one of the brothers about whether his past text were homophobic. the judge intervened to call the line of questioning collateral. walker asked for a mistrial which the judge denied. jeffrey epstein's former housekeeper testified today in the trial against his confidant, jolene maxwell, that she was "the lady of the house" and the financiers home beach home and that she was there 95% of the time that epstein was. alleged he found tapes and found text with dominic to toys. tasked with picking up girls including one a and steen's accusers and taking her to epstein's house. also to the airport. he also said acts will give him a booklet of work instructions including to "see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing" regarding epstein, mexico, and their guestses measuring and grabbing from -- in an apparent organized effort to flash mob rob retailers. peter doocy asked why have the mike white house press secretary about what is driving this. >> so in a huge group of criminals, organizes themselves and they want to go lose a store, cvs, nordstrom, home depot, do you think that is because of the pandemic? >> i think a root cause and a lot of communities is the pandemic, yes. >> shannon: although it has seemed to be pointing at the pandemic, critics say the blind lies with progressive policies that are soft on crime. the justice department declining to comment tonight on new york city's decision to "overdose prevention centers" which actually supervise places for illegal drug users to get high with a government safety net. correspondent david lee miller taking a closer look tonight. >> drug addicts in new york city can shoot up like never before. the city has authorized overdose production centers. so-called legal shooting galleries to save lives. not everyone approves. for the first time anywhere in the u.s., drug addicts can come to facilities in upper manhattan without fear of prosecution get a fix. users are provided for needles and counseling. they must provide their own drugs. >> it is been a blessing for everybody. nobody wants to see addicts on the streets using. >> according to cdc's most recent, new yorkers overdosing on drugs increased 36% over the year before. >> that is why we launched yesterday the nation's first overdose prevention centers. this is a crucial stuff to saving lives. the bottom line of an overdose prevention center is in one of these hunters -- very important for people to understand for this is a medical facility. this is a place for medical personnel are present to save lives. >> some neighbors oppose. she says the facilities promote illegal drug use. >> this is a direct violation of the controlled substance act. i have written to the department of justice, the new attorney general, merrick garland today, asking him to intervene. >> the operators of the centers have the right treatment to combat addiction. for this man, he says he got hooked on painkillers, it could be the help he needs. >> this by far has been the worst, and i just wanted to end, man. >> the department of justice has not commented on the legality of the centers. success here could pave the way for similar facilities in other cities. >> shannon: thank you very much. we are going to track. the stunning images from outer space as nasa astronauts complete a six hour spacewalk. plus, a car trapped under smi on the highway. there is a driver in there. that truck barrels i had what happened next? we are going to tell you. the days's best viral videos our next. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. up to one million dollars. that's how much university of phoenix is committing to create 400 scholarships this month alone. because we believe everybody deserves a chance. see what scholarships you may qualify for at a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better, everything will be fun and nice. but i 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one point can see the driver they're actually waving for help. the truck was able to be ohmic slow down before any harm is done beyond the destruction of the car. there were no injuries reported. that is a miracle. now this. dramatic footage released by the coast guard. it is 69-year-old man saved after drifting out to sea for 22 hours in open waters. he radioed into a friend that his boat had capsized. rescuers finally found him. they spotted him sitting on the edge of the capsized boat on the propeller. great job to everyone involved. he is going to be fine. two astronauts replaced an antenna and -- on the international space station today for the operation lasted six hours 32 minutes. marked the 245th spacewalk for an asset. well done, team. moving on. months of this. that is when the volcanic eruptions began on the spanish island of obama. antennae, new flow was causing concerns for neighborhood just a half-mile from the lava. evacuations are underway as the level of volcanic activity increases. we will continue to keep an eye on that. and finally, check out -- going viral on the inter-web for his diy basketball tree. very creative. it looks great. nicely done. if you have the video you want to share, we would love to see it. hit us up on social media. his beaumont conservative lawmakers are calling on the biden administration and social media companies for what they claim is censorship. as gigi stone sidestepped questions about her past questionable remarks. hillary vaughn checking on that story for us tonight. >> so you're referring to my tweets that are now pretty famous. >> were pretty infamous. gigi stone, biden is picked to be commissioner, she should be in charge of the very news agency. she has publicly attacked repeatedly on twitter. stone says fox is "state-sponsored propaganda" she also questions -- asking if the sec will ask to take sinclair off the airways. stone also had some sharp jabs for the geo. replicants say stone is just the latest example of a pattern abided nominees. >> seems like one of the ways to get nominated for a position in this instrumentation is to get some really good nasty tweets against republicans. republicans are racist, the usual b.s. >> maybe the tone was a little sharper, maybe i should have -- those are my words, my opinions. but they will have no bearing on how i would act if confirmed. >> she has a decade-long of experience of advocating on important telecommunication policies. >> stone says she regrets her tone that was silent when we asked her if she takes him back. >> do you still stand by all the things they said on twitter? do you stand by those comments? >> as fcc commissioner, she would be a key factor in making changes to the rule that shields social media sites for being sued over the content decisions as social media sites make calls i continue to turn them questions on capitol hill. >> do you believe big tech should be censoring more or less than they do right now? >> i don't have an opinion on that. >> if stone is confirmed, it would be a democrat for the majority control at the fcc. and she was asked if she is going to have a problem getting along with the other two republican commissioners still there. stone says that will not be a problem. she gets along with republicans. he even said she was in the former fcc chair and appointee edge eat pie fantasy football league >> shannon: thank you so much. kevin corke is back. we had to settle some ongoing christmas debates. what do you put on the top of your tree and you go with white lights or multicolored? >> exactly. here is debates. actually gotten hotter i think it is fair to say since the introduction of l.e.d. lights. in her all the white lights or do you prefer but say a colorful mix? and how do you talk your tree? with a star, an angel, or maybe something else altogether? so i want to ask shannon but i want to lead you with this first. stat of the night. christmas trees both real and fake costing up to 30% more this year. holy smokes. the reasons we are told by growers include inflation, a truck shortage, and record heat in both oregon and washington. a number of trees come from that part of the country. so if you're going to get a tree, get it out there. saw a bunch at whole foods today. bunch of nurseries around the area. so i may go out and get mine this weekend. but to the top or first. >> shannon: and angel, but this year i actually bought a sparkling kind of sort of thing that we are going to try. having gone there yet. can't wait to see it. what about you? >> always an angel. always. although i've seen some stars that are actually pretty. they can sparkle and turn different colors. i'm an angel guy. how about the lights. white or color's question marks be one group with a giant colored ones like in the bushes on the tree everything. so that feels like really traditional. but when i do i do the white lights. >> you and i once again in lockstep. i always do all white lights but growing up it was always colored lights. i do a huge. and we had glass ornaments. so if you knocked one over, it was glass everywhere. now everything is plastic. >> shannon: last year when biscuit cream was a pop we didn't put up a tree. i think she has matured. she is ready now. thank you kevin. good news coming out. see you. with economic abuse driving presents poll numbers down and all of your price tags up, how the president -- he joins us live. but first, a beautiful look at the national christmas tree lighting here tonight here in washington as a whole is officially kicks off in d.c. they have a star. there you go. that's what the white house uses. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, 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than $40,000 a year confirm the higher prices have caused financial hardship. with the colder weather at winter moving in, heating costs will rise. both oil and natural gas prices are projected to go up, adding that bird into the burgeoning cost of gas and food. and with the peak of the holiday shopping underway, consumers complain they are just not seeing the sales they hoped for. the price hike may mean fewer presents under the christmas tree but supply chain disruption, bad weather, and later shortages please also mean fewer trees. the reduced supply of both real and artificial trees this season. >> the heat wave, then the virus, drought, and just everything combined has just really taking a hit on the christmas tree industry. >> expect to pay more for those lovely chain ohmic branches come up to 30% more. shannon. >> shannon: thank you so much. breaking tonight. congress has agreed to avert a shutdown and fund the government for a couple of months. but between crises of inflation and the backlog supply chain, let's take a little deeper into all these issues. david mcintosh. also a former member of congress or do love to get your take on once again coming to the cliff and passing the funding deal. >> and that's the way -- the only way they seem to get it done right now is right after the mic up to the deadline. if they don't have something than the government shuts down. i'm glad to see they did get something through until next year. without adding a lot of the new biden expenses that would make that inflation and supply chain problems and energy problems even worse. spiegelman so the president says he is help on the way folks go along with inflation. here's what he said today about inflation and all these other issues. >> just about every country in the world is grappling with higher prices right now. as they recover from the pandemic. our republican friends are talking a lot about prices. but they are lined up against my build back better plan, which would go right at the problems writing costs for families. >> shannon: is a multitrillion dollar plan. the president says it is a bright option to help the country stabilize these issues of price inflation and other issues. what you say? >> in fact, the build back better plan, as he calls it, would make all of that much worse. it would contribute even more inflation so people would see higher gas prices, higher food prices, they would see higher heating oil prices. all because the government adds another $1.6 trillion of debt with that bill. >> shannon: there seems to be some skepticism even among democrats, summing coming out publicly saying the cost don't match up with it with the white house is been telling them. do you think there will be enough democratic hesitancy of the president not to get the votes he needs on this? >> what we are seeing -- we run a lot of polling around the country and different elections and races. we are seeing that people no longer trust the biden administration to do the right thing. so i think the democrats were going to be up for reelection are saying this is a bad bill. there we are being forced to vote for it as a loyalty test but it is not good for the american people. and thank goodness for senator sinema and center mansion for standing up and saying this is not good for the country. we shouldn't do as the democrat party appeared to be one reporting out of d.c. today that the white house shakes up economic messages as biden battles inflation a low poll numbers. alice had advised noah has to accept that voters think the economy is getting worse. in the reporting to republican legislators -- to lower cost for middle-class americans." there that continues talking about the good you are doing but it is also fair to pivot to say why the republicans offering you anything? do you realize they are actively sabotaging progress on the economy and covid. that comes from a former obama administration official. so the plan i was to point to the republics and show how they are blocking progress. >> of course i would try to shift the blame for their disastrous policies that have goodness energy crisis, supply chain crisis, inflation crisis. republicans do have good solutions. we would cut taxes which would let americans keep more of their paycheck. republicans would stop the runaway spending which is building higher and higher inflation. so yes, bring it on. the republicans have the right agenda for turning the economy around. we saw that in the trump administration where we had record growth, record unemployment, the lowest prices in history -- in recent history at least. so yes, i will take that challenge any day. >> shannon: gallup has new pulling out that people making less than $40,000 a year have the recent price increases caused him hardship. 71% say yes. you can try to mess with the american people as much as he would like but when the reality is what the extremes every day trying to fill up the gas tank and be with their families, that speaks more loudly than any messaging regardless of party. thanks for being with us. >> great to be with you. you are exactly right. the american people are smart. they see the effects of inflation every day as they go about their lives. and something has to be done. >> shannon: the real world impact that we all get. thank you so much. the biden administration has reached a deal with mexico to reinstate the trump era border policy requiring asylum-seekers to the u.s. to wait in mexico before they get their hearings here in the u.s. it is as a result of a lawsuit filed by texas and missouri. it is force the administration's hand. meanwhile, william and arizona looking into what is happening with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tax funded materials that were purchased for border wall construction which has been canceled by president biden. >> supposed to be a gate here. and there is just a hole here now. speak out miles of fence with no cameras. gates with no power. stands with no lights. former border chief tony examines miles of fencing that remains unfinished. speak out your probably talking at least a hundred miles or more before you going to see other cameras. >> so where did it all go? found one stockpile near yunnan. so mild on the road something the government does not want you to see. miles of fiber-optic cable for lights, cameras, sensors, polls. miles electric cables of the gates actually work. alt-left baking in the sun exposed to the elements. that you paid for by it sits there because president biden canceled the border wall system contracts. canceled effectively $16 billion of wall contract stopping noxious wall construction but installation of supporting technology. >> a lot of this will be in litigation probably for years but it is going to cost more to cancel the contract then it would have just complete the wall. >> former border -- because that taxpayer ways but in canceling the contracts come in the government also relinquished any contactor guarantees when they were forced off the job. >> is haplessly sickening to be transparent. >> most of the canceled contracts are in texas where the immigration crisis continues. >> we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars at minimum and probably billions of dollars -- it's disgraceful. >> says he doesn't know how much it will cost to unwind these contrast. how much money could be redirected from the wall to humanitarian efforts and how much unused inventory remains. what we do know is the corps of engineers is now offering the stockpile to other government agencies before it goes to auction or scrapped. william, fox news. >> shannon: cutting your own tree. a live nativity. chestnuts on an open fire. what makes great small-town christmas is? well megan alexander is exploring a lot of homework where they cheer and a lot of locales and her brand-new show. you need some good news. you want to hear about this. that is next. love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! >> shannon: there is a new holiday travel show airing the sender that will take unit tour of communities across the country that seriously up their christmas game during the festive season. joining us now is the executive producer and host of speech 19, milliken alexander. welcome back. >> good evening. >> shannon: i don't know how you do everything. you have a family, travel, executive host and producer. but i love that you're focusing on small towns. because i think that some of the best traditions and most heartfelt things are found there. we have some video but tell us what you are up to and what we can see. >> yeah, i completely agree. our small towns in our smart businesses are the heartbeat of america. information i've always loved christmas. love the holidays. 's birth and all the plants and music but i love to travel during the time of the year and see what that what that is the spin on that small-town christmas present or what there's been an on the hot cocoa and i thought it would be so need to do a holiday travel show. where we visit all the small towns that have unique traditions and festivals. just one things that they have done for years and years. and bring it to viewers. i think what we need is cheer, especially coming off of the past year that we have had. >> shannon: every year they get this together where it's like a club sponsoring christmas parade or sent that were local charities that bond together that don't like to do things. some of these things actually have christmas at like all year whether it's a hotel that stays decorated that way or a shot. that's kind of like my dream. >> yes. i completely agree. so it's very difficult to choose the four towns but we ended up going with branson, missouri, for our first episode and there is so much to talk about there but i would say they do a really neat military christmas tree. in honor of our veterans who have served. bethlehem, pennsylvania, is the second episode. bethlehem paired they take their name very seriously. the only small town in the country that performs a live advent with their local businesses. it's incredible. we will shape that. the third episode is in louisiana where it's a party and they do fireworks. you get a sneak peek of that. and then the end it is somerville south carolina which is the essential small-town. and i sit down would just an incredible priest who tells me about the true meaning of christmas and what he does in his church. so there is something for everyone. >> shannon: i know that you are very interested in featuring small towns in part because there is only small businesses. we have some stats from harvard university's opportunity insights about the businesses that would really hurt during covid. this had hospitality and leisure were down 50%. retail and transportation about 30% down. education and health services 50 -- over 18%. how did you find these little businesses are faring and how much does the holiday mean to them and their bottom line? >> it means everything to them, shannon, and one of the coolest parts of producing this show is the way these towns support each other. in any town, the local businesses, they talk about each other, they collaborate. i would call one store and they would say make sure you check in with this gentleman. for example, in bethlehem, pennsylvania, the bookstore is the world's oldest continuously operating bookstore. that is in bethlehem, pennsylvania. over to robin kathy who run the christmas tree farm on mistletoe lane in somerville south carolina, they been doing it for ten years and they are hanging in there. but they need our support and our love. it was a pleasure to feature the small businesses and faces behind them. >> shannon: when can we watch, how can much, where can we watch? >> "small town christmas" airs sunday nights on tv. you can go up and find out when errors in your city or you can download the up app to get all of the episodes of "small town christmas." just thrilled to do the show. and hope that he can give any buddy a big 30 minute warm hug for every episode and give everybody happy holidays and merry christmas. >> shannon: going to watch every episode. i cannot wait. thank you so much. >> thank you, shannon. merry christmas and white lights for me. >> shannon: okay! kevin, we have another vote. another vote for white lights. we also have a vote for you to bring in some more good news. >> think you're going to love this one. went to iowa, des moines in fact for this good news good night. for years, julie and her husband had used their amazing neighborhood christmas light extravaganza as a way to collect food and donations for the food bank of iowa. well, last year, they collected 1500 pounds of food. incredible. but i was actually -- survived two strokes and heart attack. in stepped a man named bob who owns a construction company. they helped to get it all together. they did all the lights. thank you and congrats. >> shannon: that is wonderful. thank you very much for highlighting that. that is that from washington. i am shannon bream. without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? 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Greg , Shannon Bream , America , Fox News Night , Thanks , Evil , I Love You , Kat Timpf , Joe , Greg Gutfeld , Studio Audience , States , Washington , Breaking Tonight , Omicron Variant , Biden , Winter , Contributor , Students , Possibility , Plans , Rittenhouse , Dream Team Panel , Arizona State , Marty Makary , 19 , Inflation , Price Increases , Families , Shortages , Pricing , Congressman , Report , Asu Student , Details , Things , Kevin Corke , Mask Mandates , Requirements , Numbers , Look , Winter Coat Featuring Travel Testing , White House , Lot , Administration , I Covid 19 , Crisis , Vaccine Status , Travelers , Hoops , Story Tonight , Approach , Flight Rules , To Hop , Actions , Emphasis , Pretesting , Fight , Refrain , Country , Part , Safe , Need , Bite , Sad , Issue , Commentary , It Shouldn T , Persuasion , Pitch , Long Covid Winter , One , Two , Plan , Variant , Variance , Challenges , Divisiveness , Passengers , Travel Mask Requirements , Departure , Home , Flights , Reimbursable , Insurance , Public Transportation Through March 18th 2022 , 24 , 18 , March 18th 2022 , 2022 , Number , Spread , Countries , Omicron Cases , Moves , 23 , Airports , Alarm , Traveler Vaccine Data , Cdc , Critics , Cases , Information , Omicron Variance , Agencies , Contact Tracing , Omicron Case , New York , Atlanta , Newark , San Francisco , Four , Case , State Of Hawaii , Health Officials , California , Colorado , Minnesota , Vaccination , Eye , Effect , Decision Chip Status , Change , Testing , Subject , Pandemic , Experts , Decision , Airline Industry , Regulation , Slowdowns , Air , Fox News , Impact , Kind , Winter Approaches , Mask Mende On Travel , Extension , Trends , Mutations , Both , Viruses , Townhall Com Political Editor , Guy Benson , Cleveland Clinic , Doctor , I Don T , Virus , Md , Fear , Mayor , Point Question , Patients , Delta Strain , Spike Protein , Computer Simulation , Antibodies , Modeling , Shape , Dash , Ground , Another , Indicators , Disease , Binding , Immunologists , Immune System Works , Animal Reservoir , Seasonality , People , Ron Desantis , Treatments , Move , Criticism , Fox Family , Monoclonal Antibodies , Nicole Saphier , Someone , Idea , Course , Saying , Wherever , Guys , Tallahassee , Wasn T , Doctors , Work , Treatment , State , Corruption , Science , Allegation , Quackery , Florida , Something , Governor , Strategy , Battle Plan , Pay , Play , Leader , Life , Hope , Germany , Stores , Mandate , Headline , Sports , Locks Unvaccinated , Mic , Efforts , Vaccine Mende , Angela Merkel , Infections , Venues , Backdrop , Check , Base , Cold , Kids , Vax , Hong Kong , It , Problem , Bit , Individual , Unvaccinated , Sampling , Theories , Breakthrough , Peer Speculation , Scientists , Bunching , Majority , Travel Tent , Words , Infection , Asymptomatic , Mike Half , Mike , Atlantic , Europe Have , South Africa , Opening Schools , Inability , Disasters , Communities , Behavior , Level , Surges , Goal , Vaccines , Perfection , Direction , Lockdown , Enough , Blue , Goodness , Point , Booster Shot , Items , Signs , Piece , Domestic Travel Vaccine Requirements , Some , The American People Aren T , Check Mark , Left , Brigade , Path , Frustration , Frustrations , Surface , Tripling , Mitigation , Doubling , Virginia , New Jersey , Sort , Blue States , Stuff , Red States , Timeline , Evidence , Experiment , Feel , Answer , Government , Congress , Senate , Government Shutdown , Stop Gap , February 18th , Resolution , Boat , Amendment , Vaccine Mandates , Mandates , Funding , Gop , Way , Event , Capitol Hill , Activity , Deal , Points , Campus , Smoke , Wing , Roof , Student , Group , Trace Gallagher , Evening , Chief Breaking News , Trey S , Rittenhouse May Re Enroll , Collar , Demands , School , Admission , Asu , Protests , Demonstrations , University A List , Socialism , Dominic , Care Center On Campus , White Supremacy , Killer , Statement , Center , Assay , Reaffirm Support , Asu Police Department , Reese , Bryant , Halloran , Watch , Establishment , Morality , Child , Justice , Peak , Supremacy , System , The American , Nowhere , Delivery , Lives , Protester , Supremacist , Matter , Fact , Trial , Record , Ohio , House , Crimes , Dimension , Bias , Zero , Professors , Basis , Spokesperson , Advice , Alec Baldwin , Gun , Interview , Trigger , Production , Movie , Crewmember , Abc News , Baldwin , Caulking , Hammer , Movie Set , 45 , Producer , Director , The Star , Bang , Gun Goes , Cinematographer Helena Hutchins , Western , Russ , Crime , Brothers , Prosecutions , Troops , Witness Stand , 2019 , Mistrial , Walker , Judge , Text , Attorney Foul , Line , Questioning Collateral , Cross Examination , Homophobic , Housekeeper , Jeffrey Epstein , Confidant , Financiers , Home Beach , The Lady Of House , Jolene Maxwell , 95 , Girls , Tapes , Accusers , Dominic To Toys , Steen , Acts , Say Nothing , Work Instructions , Nothing , Mexico , Airport , Booklet , Guestses Measuring , Effort , Rob Retailers , Flash Mob , Mike White House Press Secretary , Peter Doocy , Criminals , Store , Root Cause , Home Depot , Nordstrom , Cvs , Policies , Pointing , Department , Yes , Lies , Overdose Prevention Centers , Drug , Users , Drug Addicts , David Lee Miller , Places , Government Safety Net , A Closer Look , Everyone , Anywhere , Facilities , Time , Overdose Production Centers , City , Galleries , Upper Manhattan , Everybody , Counseling , Addicts , Fix , Drugs , Prosecution , Needles , Nobody , Streets , New Yorkers Overdosing On Drugs , Blessing , Bottom Line , Overdose Prevention Center , Nation , 36 , Place , Facility , Neighbors , Personnel , Hunters , Attorney General , Violation , Illegal Drug Use , Department Of Justice , Controlled Substance Act , Man , Help , Centers , Painkillers , Operators , Worst , Combat Addiction , Merrick Garland , Astronauts , Success , Spacewalk , Outer Space , Legality , Cities , Images , Nasa , Six , Driver , Videos , Highway , Smi , Truck Barrels , Second , Item , Next , Twist , Safer , Packaging , Sir , Pack , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Baby Got Back , Discover , Unlimited Cashback Match , One Million , One Million Dollars , Copd , Walk In The Park , University Of Phoenix , Chance , Scholarships , 400 , Everything , Lungs , Flare Ups , Protection , Cough , Breathing , World , Medicine , Breztri , Real Protection Of Breztri , Flare Up Protection , Symptom Improvement , 52 , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Thrush , Risk , Heart Condition , Problems , Pain , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , First Up , Truck , Semi Truck , Ohmic , Illinois , Black Sedan Being , Harm , Miracle , Footage , Destruction , Sea , Injuries , Coast Guard , 69 , 22 , Job , Rescuers , Edge , Friend , Propeller , Operation , Space Station , 245th Spacewalk , Antenna , Team , Asset , 245 , 32 , Neighborhood , Antennae , Eruptions , Island , Concerns , Lava , Obama , Moving On , Spanish , Diy Basketball Tree , Increases , Evacuations , Inter Web , Check Out , Lawmakers , Share , Up On Social Media , Hit , His Beaumont , Gigi Stone , Questions , Social Media Companies , Censorship , Remarks , Story , Tweets , Commissioner , Hillary Vaughn , Stone , News Agency , Charge , State Sponsored Propaganda , Twitter , Example , Ways , Geo , Jabs , Replicants , Nominees , Pattern , Sinclair Off The Airways , Sec , Tone , B S , Instrumentation , Position , Sharper , Opinions , Telecommunication Policies , Experience , Advocating , Bearing , Comments , Changes , Factor , Rule , Fcc , More , Tech , Decisions , Sites , Social Media Sites , Social Media , Calls , Democrat , Majority Control , Commissioners , Opinion , Chair , Eat Pie Fantasy Football League Shannon , Lights , Tree , Debates , Led Lights , Multicolored , Top , Introduction , Angel , Star , Stat , Christmas Trees , Mix , First , Trees , Heat , Growers , Truck Shortage , Holy Smokes , Oregon , 30 , Area , Nurseries , Whole Foods , Saw A Bunch , Bunch , Thing , Stars , Sparkle , Angel Guy , Colors , Tree Everything , Question Marks , Color , Lockstep , Ones , Bushes , Glass , Over , Up A Tree , Cream , Ornaments , Everywhere , Pop , Wall , News , Poll Numbers , Driving , Price Tags , Abuse , Lighting , National Christmas Tree , Whole , Relief , Congestion , Children , Noses , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Vicks Sinex , Service , Girl , Windshield , Singers , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Kinder , Autism , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Millions , Autism Spectrum , Autismspeaks Org , Traders , Jack , Kim , Download , Version , Em Thinkorswim , Aren T , Td Ameritrade , Web , Platforms , Thinkorswim Trading , Pre Set Trade Strategy , Business Stands , Books , Accounts , Live Bookkeeping , Yep , Intuit Quickbooks , Dogs , Chewable , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Simparica Trio , Fleas , Round , Ticks , Hookworms , Heartworm Disease , History , Heart , Class , Use , Seizures , Reactions , Caution , Disorders , Inflation Crisis , Supply Chain Problems , Breadth , Depth , Holiday Season , Cost , Supply , Gas , Symbols , Groceries , Temperatures , Prices , Households , Hardship , Degree , Pocketbooks , 10 , Weather , Standard , Income , November , 0000 , 40000 , 7 , 35 , Food , Consumers , Bird , Natural Gas Prices , Heating Costs , Oil , Burgeoning , Season , Christmas Tree , Sales , Supply Chain Disruption , Price Hike , Chain Ohmic Branches , Heat Wave , Drought , Christmas Tree Industry , Backlog Supply Chain , Crises , Little , Shutdown , Couple , Love , Issues , Funding Deal , Member , Cliff , David Mcintosh , Biden Expenses , Energy Problems , Folks , Spiegelman , Build , Friends , Dollar Plan , Price Inflation , Costs , Option , Gas Prices , Heating Oil Prices , Food Prices , Bill , Democrats , Debt , Summing , Skepticism , Hesitancy , 1 6 Trillion , 6 Trillion , Votes , Polling , Elections , Races , Loyalty Test , Reelection , Senator , Sinema , Center Mansion , Reporting , Messages , Economy , Voters , Noah , Legislators , Alice , Show , Republics , Progress , Official , Anything , Supply Chain Crisis , Taxes , Blame , Solutions , Goodness Energy Crisis , Spending , Agenda , Paycheck , Challenge , Growth , Trump , Record Unemployment , Gallup , Gas Tank , Reality , Extremes , Say Yes , 71 , Party , To Be With You , Effects , Messaging , Smart , Get , The Real World , Hearings , Result , Asylum Seekers , Lawsuit , Hand , Arizona , Missouri , William , Border Policy Requiring , Texas , Border Wall Construction , Hundreds , Hole , Gate , Materials , Tax , Dollars Worth , Cameras , Tony , Stands , Fence , Fencing , Power , Gates , Stockpile , Miles , Cable , Road , Yunnan , A Hundred , Polls , Cables , Sensors , Baking , Elements , Alt , Miles Electric , The Sun , Installation , Technology , Border Wall System Contracts , Wall Contract , Litigation , Noxious Wall Construction , 16 Billion , 6 Billion , Contracts , Contactor , Border , Contract , Taxpayer , Immigration Crisis , Most , Contrast , Money , Inventory Remains , Corps Of Engineers , Government Agencies , Know , Well Megan Alexander , Homework , Nativity , Chestnuts , Fire , Locales , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Whoa , Face , Germs , Intensity , Faces , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Holiday Travel Show , Sender , Executive Producer , Unit Tour , Host , Game , Speech , Milliken Alexander , Towns , Traditions , Travel , Family , Executive Host , Businesses , Holidays , Heartbeat , Loved Christmas , Birth , Plants , Spin , Music , Cocoa , Cheer , Festivals , Viewers , Sent , Hotel , Charities , Bond , Like A Club Sponsoring Christmas Parade , Episode , Shot , Dream , Branson , Town , Veterans , Bethlehem , Military Christmas Tree , Honor , Name , Pennsylvania , South Carolina , Louisiana , Fireworks , Sneak Peek , Mistletoe Lane In Somerville , Advent , Priest , Church , True Meaning Of Christmas , Stats , Transportation , Opportunity Insights , Leisure , Harvard University , Retail , Hospitality , 50 , Holiday , Services , Health , Education , Down , Each Other , Parts , Gentleman , Bookstore , Robin Kathy , Run The Christmas Tree Farm , Who , Support , Pleasure , Ten , Episodes , Small Town Christmas , Tv , Errors , Up , App , Airs , Tv Com Channel , Buddy A , Merry Christmas , Vote , Julie , Donations , Food Bank , Husband , Iowa , Des Moines , Construction Company , Strokes , Heart Attack , Bob , Incredible , 1500 , Downy , Congrats , Perfumes , Dyes , Towel , Why Don T , Didn T , Skin , Gentle , Punches , Livelihood , Truck Is , Jesse Small It , Welcome To The Show , Hate Crime , Ton , Tucker , Chicago , Felony Charges , Prison , Lawyer , Little Bow , Three ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News At Night With Shannon Bream 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News at Night With Shannon Bream 20240709

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become an asu student. details coming up in a live report. and shortages and inflation may be damaging america's christmas spirit with families hit hard by pricing will make price increases. congressman joins us live to help crunch the numbers prebubble again tonight with the president's winter coat featuring travel testing requirements and extending mask mandates among other things. white house correspondent kevin corke is taking a closer look at what else to expect. >> a lot on that story tonight. good evening to you. more hoops for u.s. travelers to hop through as the biden administration continues a shifting approach to attacking the covid-19 crisis. this time, new flight rules regardless of vaccine status. and you probably heard this too. an emphasis on pretesting. speak out the actions i am announcing that all americans can rally behind. and it should unite us in the fight against covid-19. >> it was a familiar refrain from the bite in white house. if i covid-19, we all need to stick together. by which they mean take the shot or you are simply not doing your part to keep the country safe. two parts persuasion, one part aspirational pitch by the president just ahead of what could be a long covid winter. >> i know covid-19 is very pervasive to become a political issue which is a sad, sad commentary. it shouldn't be. but it has been. now through the winter and facing the challenges of this new variance, this is a moment where we can put the divisiveness behind is. >> the updated plan to tackle covid-19 including the new variant requires all inbound international passengers to test covid within 24 hours departure. extends travel mask requirements on all domestic flights in public transportation through march 18th 2022. and makes at home rapid tests free and reimbursable through private insurance. they are the latest moves by the administration meant to stem the spread of the new omicron variant of the coronavirus. and not a moment too soon as at least 23 countries have now identified omicron cases, and that number is expected to rise in the coming days and weeks according to the w.h.o. critics meanwhile are expressing alarm at the administration's plan to use the cdc to collect traveler vaccine data at international airports in atlanta, newark, new york, and san francisco. those agencies suggest information would enhance contact tracing for an omicron case identified. this as four states here in the u.s. have now identified new cases of the omicron variance. with health officials from minnesota, new york, colorado, all announcing cases of the new, highly mutated variant just one day after a case in california it was discovered. and just within the hour, we have learned that the state of hawaii also has a recently reported case. we will keep an eye on that. now, as for the requirements, 24-hour testing will go into effect on monday, which again means that travelers regardless of vaccination which the decision chip status will be subject to the change in regulation. that decision now according to experts could adversely impact the airline industry at a time when it is desperate to recover from dramatic slowdowns during the pandemic. >> shannon: been an interesting year in the air. kevin, thank you, see you in just a minute. the extension of the federal mask mende on travel and trends are revealed as part of the biden administration's grand plan to try to control the spread of covid as winter approaches. talk about that. what kind of real-world impact they could have with fox news medical contributor dr. marty makary and political editor guy benson. welcome back to both of you. great to see you. >> good evening. >> shannon: going to read this from the cleveland clinic. they are talking about mutations of viruses over time. citing an md who says most of the time mutations are so solid don't significantly affect how it works or them they make the virus weaker. so doctor, are we right to be -- there seems to be an elevated fear about omicron. and new mutations read, and generally get weaker. what we know at this point question marks because that is right. most mutations of a virus are downward patients. mayor frey to increase. when it does, it has to outperform the delta strain which has already very contagious. so right now all the molecular modeling, that is computer simulation, they can show you exactly the shape of the spike protein of omicron and antibodies and it shows good binding. another was, it shows the immune system works. it is also predicted by immunologists to be encompassed by the dash on the ground we are seeing a mild virus. we are not seeing severe disease with omicron. so all the indicators is that this is part of the endemic seasonality and we're going to see for a long time because i believe this probably came from an animal reservoir and were going to continue to see mutations come out. >> shannon: part of what the president talked about with this. dr. nicole saphier also familiar to our fox family tweeted part of the dash to provide monoclonal antibodies and other treatments to people infected. it is a great move. one that was met with criticism when it was done months ago by governor ron desantis. guys. >> you have to imagine they are sitting down there in tallahassee or wherever he is traveling saying that seems like a really good idea. maybe someone should have thought of that. and of course that is precisely what he did in the state of florida. he was criticized for it. first they called it sort of quackery. wasn't going to work, was an proven science and then more doctors came and said this is a very effective treatment for covid. so the next allegation was that somehow this was corruption on the part of governor desantis, that he was pay for play or involved with something like that. that did not pan out at all and they have the president incorporating precisely this exact same idea in his national strategy, the battle plan for the winter against covid and it looks like governor desantis down in florida is emerging again as a leader. >> shannon: these unlikable treatments. i know people who have them after being diagnosed positive and they seem to work well. so let's hope they can offer hope as well. in germany here's the headline. germany locks unvaccinated out of public life. mandate -- excluded from unofficial stores, sports, cultural venues. chancellor angela merkel announced they will announce a general vaccine mende as part of efforts to curb infections. i want to ask you this against the backdrop of we know against the mic about omicron. the first four base is only cases that were reported in germany so for the cases they were reported as this last check, two is really doctors -- to travelers in hong kong, fully vax. the first u.s. kids have a cold, california it was a fully vaccinated individual. so is separating unvaccinated people and calling it the pandemic of the unvaccinated going to solve the problem? >> no it's not. and right now there is a bit of his skewed sampling because people who travel tent -- the vast majority tend to be vaccinated. so that may be a bunching of what we are saying. both very -- one of the working theories that is his peer speculation right now among scientists is that may be that with omicron you are more likely to get a breakthrough mild infection. in other words, not severe but mild or asymptomatic. the cases outside of south africa report by europe have had the mike the mike half have been asymptomatic in half an mile. >> shannon: the atlantic says this. talking about opening schools. that they were able to do that successfully. it would not the disasters some critics would say. they say one of the frustrating things about the pandemic is that our inability, even at this late date, to understand why surges occur. they hate communities with and without mask mandates. important to understand preventing new cases is nearly impossible. continuing to regulate behavior where they've already achieved a massive level of vaccination is likely to backfire. our goal needs to be safe enough, not perfection. i'm hearing from a lot of the blue check left tonight lockdown and mandatory vaccines to fly domestically. they don't sound like they're heading in this direction. how do we find common ground? >> i am not sure about common ground at this point. i can obviously agree that vaccines are a good idea and if you are eligible for a booster shot and you talk to your doctor and that is what you want to do, then go for it. but my goodness, if we are talking about domestic travel vaccine requirements, let's forget about what we just talked about regarding germany, i think that what we read in the atlantic that you just quoted from in that piece, there are items think some hopeful signs that some people on that blue check mark brigade on the left might be finally coming around and trying to gently persuade some of their fellow travelers. hey, we cannot continue along this path. the american people aren't going to stand for it much longer and i think you saw some of those frustrations really bubbled to the surface in virginia and new jersey early last month. and of people continue to keep doubling and tripling done on mitigation matters that are at best, questionable, i think you'll see that frustration continue to build and a lot of americans, not just in red states, probably primarily actually in blue states where they are disproportionately affected by the stuff in the months to come. >> shannon: before we go, can you estimate any sort of timeline where we will have more solid evidence on omicron and what it means. >> i think two weeks. ironically the dash should be doing the experiment right now to give us the answer in 24 hours but i think in two weeks will have a good feel. >> shannon: doctor, guy, great to see you both. thank you. and breaking tonight, congress is once again narrowly avoided a government shutdown. passing a stop gap built upon the government through february 18th. earlier tonight, the senate ejected a g.o.p. amendment that would have blocked funding for president biden is federal vaccine mandates. republicans are bound tonight they will bring back a boat over at those mandates again. >> this continuing resolution is going to expire and you can imagine in the unfortunate event the president persists in keeping this in effect and threatening the american people this way, yeah, it is going to come up again with the next continuing resolution. and that it should. >> shannon: our capitol hill correspondent chad points how ironically white smoke was mysteriously walking out of the roof of the senate wing, just as the deal was struck tonight. we are in protest watch night for activity on the campus of arizona state university where students demonstrated on wednesday against the mere possibility that kyle rittenhouse may re-enroll as an asu student at some point. chief breaking news correspondent trace gallagher is on the case tonight. good evening, trey's. >> good evening. the primary group leading these protests, the students for socialism asu and along with their demonstrations, the group is also given the university a list of demands saying the school needs to "deny collar and house further admission to asu, release a statement against white supremacy and reese's killer bryant dominic halloran house, reaffirm support for the multicultural center campus as assay pays from white supremacy, redirect funding from asu police department to support the multicultural center and establishment of a care center on campus. and here are two students who amplified those demands. watch. >> we're marching because killer kyle should not be coming to this campus. that is white supremacy at its peak. >> the american justice system -- not the objective morality in america. nowhere. founded on and child's delivery. the morality -- >> neither that student nor any other protester has provided any evidence that kyle rittenhouse is a white supremacist and we can't ask him the mic them because they won't respond to fox news so it is notable that calvin house has had that he supports black lives matter. here are two car dominic students -- >> there is not -- but there is clear evidence that he did it on himself and the fact we actually have -- that they didn't watch the trial or they don't love this country. >> we should have zero bias towards him whatsoever of what school he goes to ohio where he wants to be educated at because he was acquitted. he is has not committed crimes or is free to go where he wants to go. >> and for the record, dimension, collar and house is not currently enrolled at arizona state and the spokesperson says asu professors have advised him to withdraw, that we do not know on what basis these professors are offering that advice. shannon. >> shannon: trace gallagher. thank you very much. alec baldwin says he did not pull the trigger of the gun that fired killing a crewmember during the production of the movie in october. baldwin telling abc news in an interview that aired tonight he has no idea how we live bullet got onto the movie set. >> you have the cold 45 and you hold -- >> far back as possible without caulking. how about that -- do you see that? let go the hammer. bang. the gun goes. it was supposed to be empty. i was told i was handed an empty gun. >> shannon: cinematographer helena hutchins -- was killed. the director was wounded. the star and producer of that western titled "russ." prosecutions rested their case today arguing he staged a crime against himself back in 2019. both brothers troops he allegedly played to attack him took the witness stand as the cross-examination from his attorney foul attorney. a tense moment when walker questioned one of the brothers about whether his past text were homophobic. the judge intervened to call the line of questioning collateral. walker asked for a mistrial which the judge denied. jeffrey epstein's former housekeeper testified today in the trial against his confidant, jolene maxwell, that she was "the lady of the house" and the financiers home beach home and that she was there 95% of the time that epstein was. alleged he found tapes and found text with dominic to toys. tasked with picking up girls including one a and steen's accusers and taking her to epstein's house. also to the airport. he also said acts will give him a booklet of work instructions including to "see nothing, hear nothing, say nothing" regarding epstein, mexico, and their guestses measuring and grabbing from -- in an apparent organized effort to flash mob rob retailers. peter doocy asked why have the mike white house press secretary about what is driving this. >> so in a huge group of criminals, organizes themselves and they want to go lose a store, cvs, nordstrom, home depot, do you think that is because of the pandemic? >> i think a root cause and a lot of communities is the pandemic, yes. >> shannon: although it has seemed to be pointing at the pandemic, critics say the blind lies with progressive policies that are soft on crime. the justice department declining to comment tonight on new york city's decision to "overdose prevention centers" which actually supervise places for illegal drug users to get high with a government safety net. correspondent david lee miller taking a closer look tonight. >> drug addicts in new york city can shoot up like never before. the city has authorized overdose production centers. so-called legal shooting galleries to save lives. not everyone approves. for the first time anywhere in the u.s., drug addicts can come to facilities in upper manhattan without fear of prosecution get a fix. users are provided for needles and counseling. they must provide their own drugs. >> it is been a blessing for everybody. nobody wants to see addicts on the streets using. >> according to cdc's most recent, new yorkers overdosing on drugs increased 36% over the year before. >> that is why we launched yesterday the nation's first overdose prevention centers. this is a crucial stuff to saving lives. the bottom line of an overdose prevention center is in one of these hunters -- very important for people to understand for this is a medical facility. this is a place for medical personnel are present to save lives. >> some neighbors oppose. she says the facilities promote illegal drug use. >> this is a direct violation of the controlled substance act. i have written to the department of justice, the new attorney general, merrick garland today, asking him to intervene. >> the operators of the centers have the right treatment to combat addiction. for this man, he says he got hooked on painkillers, it could be the help he needs. >> this by far has been the worst, and i just wanted to end, man. >> the department of justice has not commented on the legality of the centers. success here could pave the way for similar facilities in other cities. >> shannon: thank you very much. we are going to track. the stunning images from outer space as nasa astronauts complete a six hour spacewalk. plus, a car trapped under smi on the highway. there is a driver in there. that truck barrels i had what happened next? we are going to tell you. the days's best viral videos our next. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. tide pods child-guard pack helps keep your laundry pacs in a safe place and your child safer. to close, twist until it clicks. tide pods child-guard packaging. ♪ baby got back by sir mix-a-lot ♪ unlimited cashback match... only from discover. up to one million dollars. that's how much university of phoenix is committing to create 400 scholarships this month alone. because we believe everybody deserves a chance. see what scholarships you may qualify for at a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better, everything will be fun and nice. but i still have bad days... flare-ups, (cough cough) which can permanently damage my lungs. my lungs need protection against flare-ups. so it's time to get real. because in the real world... our lungs deserve the real protection of breztri. breztri gives you better breathing... symptom improvement, and flare-up protection. it's the first and only copd medicine proven to reduce flare-ups by 52%. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling... problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. for real protection, ask your doctor about breztri. >> shannon: first up, harrowing video out of illinois. a black sedan being dragged while stuck underneath a semi truck. at one point can see the driver they're actually waving for help. the truck was able to be ohmic slow down before any harm is done beyond the destruction of the car. there were no injuries reported. that is a miracle. now this. dramatic footage released by the coast guard. it is 69-year-old man saved after drifting out to sea for 22 hours in open waters. he radioed into a friend that his boat had capsized. rescuers finally found him. they spotted him sitting on the edge of the capsized boat on the propeller. great job to everyone involved. he is going to be fine. two astronauts replaced an antenna and -- on the international space station today for the operation lasted six hours 32 minutes. marked the 245th spacewalk for an asset. well done, team. moving on. months of this. that is when the volcanic eruptions began on the spanish island of obama. antennae, new flow was causing concerns for neighborhood just a half-mile from the lava. evacuations are underway as the level of volcanic activity increases. we will continue to keep an eye on that. and finally, check out -- going viral on the inter-web for his diy basketball tree. very creative. it looks great. nicely done. if you have the video you want to share, we would love to see it. hit us up on social media. his beaumont conservative lawmakers are calling on the biden administration and social media companies for what they claim is censorship. as gigi stone sidestepped questions about her past questionable remarks. hillary vaughn checking on that story for us tonight. >> so you're referring to my tweets that are now pretty famous. >> were pretty infamous. gigi stone, biden is picked to be commissioner, she should be in charge of the very news agency. she has publicly attacked repeatedly on twitter. stone says fox is "state-sponsored propaganda" she also questions -- asking if the sec will ask to take sinclair off the airways. stone also had some sharp jabs for the geo. replicants say stone is just the latest example of a pattern abided nominees. >> seems like one of the ways to get nominated for a position in this instrumentation is to get some really good nasty tweets against republicans. republicans are racist, the usual b.s. >> maybe the tone was a little sharper, maybe i should have -- those are my words, my opinions. but they will have no bearing on how i would act if confirmed. >> she has a decade-long of experience of advocating on important telecommunication policies. >> stone says she regrets her tone that was silent when we asked her if she takes him back. >> do you still stand by all the things they said on twitter? do you stand by those comments? >> as fcc commissioner, she would be a key factor in making changes to the rule that shields social media sites for being sued over the content decisions as social media sites make calls i continue to turn them questions on capitol hill. >> do you believe big tech should be censoring more or less than they do right now? >> i don't have an opinion on that. >> if stone is confirmed, it would be a democrat for the majority control at the fcc. and she was asked if she is going to have a problem getting along with the other two republican commissioners still there. stone says that will not be a problem. she gets along with republicans. he even said she was in the former fcc chair and appointee edge eat pie fantasy football league >> shannon: thank you so much. kevin corke is back. we had to settle some ongoing christmas debates. what do you put on the top of your tree and you go with white lights or multicolored? >> exactly. here is debates. actually gotten hotter i think it is fair to say since the introduction of l.e.d. lights. in her all the white lights or do you prefer but say a colorful mix? and how do you talk your tree? with a star, an angel, or maybe something else altogether? so i want to ask shannon but i want to lead you with this first. stat of the night. christmas trees both real and fake costing up to 30% more this year. holy smokes. the reasons we are told by growers include inflation, a truck shortage, and record heat in both oregon and washington. a number of trees come from that part of the country. so if you're going to get a tree, get it out there. saw a bunch at whole foods today. bunch of nurseries around the area. so i may go out and get mine this weekend. but to the top or first. >> shannon: and angel, but this year i actually bought a sparkling kind of sort of thing that we are going to try. having gone there yet. can't wait to see it. what about you? >> always an angel. always. although i've seen some stars that are actually pretty. they can sparkle and turn different colors. i'm an angel guy. how about the lights. white or color's question marks be one group with a giant colored ones like in the bushes on the tree everything. so that feels like really traditional. but when i do i do the white lights. >> you and i once again in lockstep. i always do all white lights but growing up it was always colored lights. i do a huge. and we had glass ornaments. so if you knocked one over, it was glass everywhere. now everything is plastic. >> shannon: last year when biscuit cream was a pop we didn't put up a tree. i think she has matured. she is ready now. thank you kevin. good news coming out. see you. with economic abuse driving presents poll numbers down and all of your price tags up, how the president -- he joins us live. but first, a beautiful look at the national christmas tree lighting here tonight here in washington as a whole is officially kicks off in d.c. they have a star. there you go. that's what the white house uses. for fast drug free relief vicks sinex. instantly clear everyday congestion. and try vicks sinex children's saline. safe and gentle relief for children's noses. >> man: what's my safelite story? my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, 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than $40,000 a year confirm the higher prices have caused financial hardship. with the colder weather at winter moving in, heating costs will rise. both oil and natural gas prices are projected to go up, adding that bird into the burgeoning cost of gas and food. and with the peak of the holiday shopping underway, consumers complain they are just not seeing the sales they hoped for. the price hike may mean fewer presents under the christmas tree but supply chain disruption, bad weather, and later shortages please also mean fewer trees. the reduced supply of both real and artificial trees this season. >> the heat wave, then the virus, drought, and just everything combined has just really taking a hit on the christmas tree industry. >> expect to pay more for those lovely chain ohmic branches come up to 30% more. shannon. >> shannon: thank you so much. breaking tonight. congress has agreed to avert a shutdown and fund the government for a couple of months. but between crises of inflation and the backlog supply chain, let's take a little deeper into all these issues. david mcintosh. also a former member of congress or do love to get your take on once again coming to the cliff and passing the funding deal. >> and that's the way -- the only way they seem to get it done right now is right after the mic up to the deadline. if they don't have something than the government shuts down. i'm glad to see they did get something through until next year. without adding a lot of the new biden expenses that would make that inflation and supply chain problems and energy problems even worse. spiegelman so the president says he is help on the way folks go along with inflation. here's what he said today about inflation and all these other issues. >> just about every country in the world is grappling with higher prices right now. as they recover from the pandemic. our republican friends are talking a lot about prices. but they are lined up against my build back better plan, which would go right at the problems writing costs for families. >> shannon: is a multitrillion dollar plan. the president says it is a bright option to help the country stabilize these issues of price inflation and other issues. what you say? >> in fact, the build back better plan, as he calls it, would make all of that much worse. it would contribute even more inflation so people would see higher gas prices, higher food prices, they would see higher heating oil prices. all because the government adds another $1.6 trillion of debt with that bill. >> shannon: there seems to be some skepticism even among democrats, summing coming out publicly saying the cost don't match up with it with the white house is been telling them. do you think there will be enough democratic hesitancy of the president not to get the votes he needs on this? >> what we are seeing -- we run a lot of polling around the country and different elections and races. we are seeing that people no longer trust the biden administration to do the right thing. so i think the democrats were going to be up for reelection are saying this is a bad bill. there we are being forced to vote for it as a loyalty test but it is not good for the american people. and thank goodness for senator sinema and center mansion for standing up and saying this is not good for the country. we shouldn't do as the democrat party appeared to be one reporting out of d.c. today that the white house shakes up economic messages as biden battles inflation a low poll numbers. alice had advised noah has to accept that voters think the economy is getting worse. in the reporting to republican legislators -- to lower cost for middle-class americans." there that continues talking about the good you are doing but it is also fair to pivot to say why the republicans offering you anything? do you realize they are actively sabotaging progress on the economy and covid. that comes from a former obama administration official. so the plan i was to point to the republics and show how they are blocking progress. >> of course i would try to shift the blame for their disastrous policies that have goodness energy crisis, supply chain crisis, inflation crisis. republicans do have good solutions. we would cut taxes which would let americans keep more of their paycheck. republicans would stop the runaway spending which is building higher and higher inflation. so yes, bring it on. the republicans have the right agenda for turning the economy around. we saw that in the trump administration where we had record growth, record unemployment, the lowest prices in history -- in recent history at least. so yes, i will take that challenge any day. >> shannon: gallup has new pulling out that people making less than $40,000 a year have the recent price increases caused him hardship. 71% say yes. you can try to mess with the american people as much as he would like but when the reality is what the extremes every day trying to fill up the gas tank and be with their families, that speaks more loudly than any messaging regardless of party. thanks for being with us. >> great to be with you. you are exactly right. the american people are smart. they see the effects of inflation every day as they go about their lives. and something has to be done. >> shannon: the real world impact that we all get. thank you so much. the biden administration has reached a deal with mexico to reinstate the trump era border policy requiring asylum-seekers to the u.s. to wait in mexico before they get their hearings here in the u.s. it is as a result of a lawsuit filed by texas and missouri. it is force the administration's hand. meanwhile, william and arizona looking into what is happening with hundreds of millions of dollars worth of tax funded materials that were purchased for border wall construction which has been canceled by president biden. >> supposed to be a gate here. and there is just a hole here now. speak out miles of fence with no cameras. gates with no power. stands with no lights. former border chief tony examines miles of fencing that remains unfinished. speak out your probably talking at least a hundred miles or more before you going to see other cameras. >> so where did it all go? found one stockpile near yunnan. so mild on the road something the government does not want you to see. miles of fiber-optic cable for lights, cameras, sensors, polls. miles electric cables of the gates actually work. alt-left baking in the sun exposed to the elements. that you paid for by it sits there because president biden canceled the border wall system contracts. canceled effectively $16 billion of wall contract stopping noxious wall construction but installation of supporting technology. >> a lot of this will be in litigation probably for years but it is going to cost more to cancel the contract then it would have just complete the wall. >> former border -- because that taxpayer ways but in canceling the contracts come in the government also relinquished any contactor guarantees when they were forced off the job. >> is haplessly sickening to be transparent. >> most of the canceled contracts are in texas where the immigration crisis continues. >> we are talking about hundreds of millions of dollars at minimum and probably billions of dollars -- it's disgraceful. >> says he doesn't know how much it will cost to unwind these contrast. how much money could be redirected from the wall to humanitarian efforts and how much unused inventory remains. what we do know is the corps of engineers is now offering the stockpile to other government agencies before it goes to auction or scrapped. william, fox news. >> shannon: cutting your own tree. a live nativity. chestnuts on an open fire. what makes great small-town christmas is? well megan alexander is exploring a lot of homework where they cheer and a lot of locales and her brand-new show. you need some good news. you want to hear about this. that is next. love again. just one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn. because life starts when heartburn stops. take the challenge at prilosecotc dot com. these are the faces of listerine. the face of millions of germs zapped in seconds. the face of clean. the face of whoa! some are of intensity, others joy. all are of... various: ahhh... listerine. feel the whoa! >> shannon: there is a new holiday travel show airing the sender that will take unit tour of communities across the country that seriously up their christmas game during the festive season. joining us now is the executive producer and host of speech 19, milliken alexander. welcome back. >> good evening. >> shannon: i don't know how you do everything. you have a family, travel, executive host and producer. but i love that you're focusing on small towns. because i think that some of the best traditions and most heartfelt things are found there. we have some video but tell us what you are up to and what we can see. >> yeah, i completely agree. our small towns in our smart businesses are the heartbeat of america. information i've always loved christmas. love the holidays. 's birth and all the plants and music but i love to travel during the time of the year and see what that what that is the spin on that small-town christmas present or what there's been an on the hot cocoa and i thought it would be so need to do a holiday travel show. where we visit all the small towns that have unique traditions and festivals. just one things that they have done for years and years. and bring it to viewers. i think what we need is cheer, especially coming off of the past year that we have had. >> shannon: every year they get this together where it's like a club sponsoring christmas parade or sent that were local charities that bond together that don't like to do things. some of these things actually have christmas at like all year whether it's a hotel that stays decorated that way or a shot. that's kind of like my dream. >> yes. i completely agree. so it's very difficult to choose the four towns but we ended up going with branson, missouri, for our first episode and there is so much to talk about there but i would say they do a really neat military christmas tree. in honor of our veterans who have served. bethlehem, pennsylvania, is the second episode. bethlehem paired they take their name very seriously. the only small town in the country that performs a live advent with their local businesses. it's incredible. we will shape that. the third episode is in louisiana where it's a party and they do fireworks. you get a sneak peek of that. and then the end it is somerville south carolina which is the essential small-town. and i sit down would just an incredible priest who tells me about the true meaning of christmas and what he does in his church. so there is something for everyone. >> shannon: i know that you are very interested in featuring small towns in part because there is only small businesses. we have some stats from harvard university's opportunity insights about the businesses that would really hurt during covid. this had hospitality and leisure were down 50%. retail and transportation about 30% down. education and health services 50 -- over 18%. how did you find these little businesses are faring and how much does the holiday mean to them and their bottom line? >> it means everything to them, shannon, and one of the coolest parts of producing this show is the way these towns support each other. in any town, the local businesses, they talk about each other, they collaborate. i would call one store and they would say make sure you check in with this gentleman. for example, in bethlehem, pennsylvania, the bookstore is the world's oldest continuously operating bookstore. that is in bethlehem, pennsylvania. over to robin kathy who run the christmas tree farm on mistletoe lane in somerville south carolina, they been doing it for ten years and they are hanging in there. but they need our support and our love. it was a pleasure to feature the small businesses and faces behind them. >> shannon: when can we watch, how can much, where can we watch? >> "small town christmas" airs sunday nights on tv. you can go up and find out when errors in your city or you can download the up app to get all of the episodes of "small town christmas." just thrilled to do the show. and hope that he can give any buddy a big 30 minute warm hug for every episode and give everybody happy holidays and merry christmas. >> shannon: going to watch every episode. i cannot wait. thank you so much. >> thank you, shannon. merry christmas and white lights for me. >> shannon: okay! kevin, we have another vote. another vote for white lights. we also have a vote for you to bring in some more good news. >> think you're going to love this one. went to iowa, des moines in fact for this good news good night. for years, julie and her husband had used their amazing neighborhood christmas light extravaganza as a way to collect food and donations for the food bank of iowa. well, last year, they collected 1500 pounds of food. incredible. but i was actually -- survived two strokes and heart attack. in stepped a man named bob who owns a construction company. they helped to get it all together. they did all the lights. thank you and congrats. >> shannon: that is wonderful. thank you very much for highlighting that. that is that from washington. i am shannon bream. without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. ♪day to night to morning,♪ ♪keep with me in the moment♪ ♪i'd let you had i known it, why don't you say so?♪ ♪didn't even notice,♪ ♪no punches left to roll with♪ ♪you got to keep me focused♪ >> man: what's my safelite story? ♪no punches left to roll with♪ my my livelihood. so when my windshield cracked... the experts at safelite autoglass came right to me... with service i could trust. right, girl? >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ a lot of people think dealing with copd is a walk in the park. if i have something to help me breathe better, everything will be fun and nice. but i still have bad days... flare-ups, (cough cough) which can permanently damage my lungs. my lungs need protection against flare-ups. so it's time to get real. because in the real world... our lungs deserve the real protection of breztri. breztri gives you better breathing... symptom improvement, and flare-up protection. it's the first and only copd medicine proven to reduce flare-ups by 52%. breztri won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. it is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition... or high blood pressure before taking it. don't take breztri more than prescribed. breztri may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling... problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. for real protection, ask your doctor about breztri. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> tucker: good evening, and welcome to the show. a ton going on as always but we couldn't resist noting that actor jesse small it finally went on trial this week for faking a hate crime in chicago way back in 2019. want to put a little bow on that new story. he faces six felony charges for which he did. he could spend three years in prison if convicted on all of them. his lawyer argued hilariously that

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Perfection , Direction , Lockdown , Enough , Blue , Goodness , Point , Booster Shot , Items , Signs , Piece , Domestic Travel Vaccine Requirements , Some , The American People Aren T , Check Mark , Left , Brigade , Path , Frustration , Frustrations , Surface , Tripling , Mitigation , Doubling , Virginia , New Jersey , Sort , Blue States , Stuff , Red States , Timeline , Evidence , Experiment , Feel , Answer , Government , Congress , Senate , Government Shutdown , Stop Gap , February 18th , Resolution , Boat , Amendment , Vaccine Mandates , Mandates , Funding , Gop , Way , Event , Capitol Hill , Activity , Deal , Points , Campus , Smoke , Wing , Roof , Student , Group , Trace Gallagher , Evening , Chief Breaking News , Trey S , Rittenhouse May Re Enroll , Collar , Demands , School , Admission , Asu , Protests , Demonstrations , University A List , Socialism , Dominic , Care Center On Campus , White Supremacy , Killer , Statement , Center , Assay , Reaffirm Support , Asu Police Department , Reese , Bryant , Halloran , Watch , Establishment , Morality , Child , Justice , Peak , Supremacy , System , The American , Nowhere , Delivery , Lives , Protester , Supremacist , Matter , Fact , Trial , Record , Ohio , House , Crimes , Dimension , Bias , Zero , Professors , Basis , Spokesperson , Advice , Alec Baldwin , Gun , Interview , Trigger , Production , Movie , Crewmember , Abc News , Baldwin , Caulking , Hammer , Movie Set , 45 , Producer , Director , The Star , Bang , Gun Goes , Cinematographer Helena Hutchins , Western , Russ , Crime , Brothers , Prosecutions , Troops , Witness Stand , 2019 , Mistrial , Walker , Judge , Text , Attorney Foul , Line , Questioning Collateral , Cross Examination , Homophobic , Housekeeper , Jeffrey Epstein , Confidant , Financiers , Home Beach , The Lady Of House , Jolene Maxwell , 95 , Girls , Tapes , Accusers , Dominic To Toys , Steen , Acts , Say Nothing , Work Instructions , Nothing , Mexico , Airport , Booklet , Guestses Measuring , Effort , Rob Retailers , Flash Mob , Mike White House Press Secretary , Peter Doocy , Criminals , Store , Root Cause , Home Depot , Nordstrom , Cvs , Policies , Pointing , Department , Yes , Lies , Overdose Prevention Centers , Drug , Users , Drug Addicts , David Lee Miller , Places , Government Safety Net , A Closer Look , Everyone , Anywhere , Facilities , Time , Overdose Production Centers , City , Galleries , Upper Manhattan , Everybody , Counseling , Addicts , Fix , Drugs , Prosecution , Needles , Nobody , Streets , New Yorkers Overdosing On Drugs , Blessing , Bottom Line , Overdose Prevention Center , Nation , 36 , Place , Facility , Neighbors , Personnel , Hunters , Attorney General , Violation , Illegal Drug Use , Department Of Justice , Controlled Substance Act , Man , Help , Centers , Painkillers , Operators , Worst , Combat Addiction , Merrick Garland , Astronauts , Success , Spacewalk , Outer Space , Legality , Cities , Images , Nasa , Six , Driver , Videos , Highway , Smi , Truck Barrels , Second , Item , Next , Twist , Safer , Packaging , Sir , Pack , Laundry Pacs , Tide Pods , Baby Got Back , Discover , Unlimited Cashback Match , One Million , One Million Dollars , Copd , Walk In The Park , University Of Phoenix , Chance , Scholarships , 400 , Everything , Lungs , Flare Ups , Protection , Cough , Breathing , World , Medicine , Breztri , Real Protection Of Breztri , Flare Up Protection , Symptom Improvement , 52 , High Blood Pressure , Won T , Breathing Problems , Rescue Inhaler , Asthma , Thrush , Risk , Heart Condition , Problems , Pain , Chest Pain , Vision Changes , Pneumonia , Osteoporosis , Swelling , Mouth , Tongue , First Up , Truck , Semi Truck , Ohmic , Illinois , Black Sedan Being , Harm , Miracle , Footage , Destruction , Sea , Injuries , Coast Guard , 69 , 22 , Job , Rescuers , Edge , Friend , Propeller , Operation , Space Station , 245th Spacewalk , Antenna , Team , Asset , 245 , 32 , Neighborhood , Antennae , Eruptions , Island , Concerns , Lava , Obama , Moving On , Spanish , Diy Basketball Tree , Increases , Evacuations , Inter Web , Check Out , Lawmakers , Share , Up On Social Media , Hit , His Beaumont , Gigi Stone , Questions , Social Media Companies , Censorship , Remarks , Story , Tweets , Commissioner , Hillary Vaughn , Stone , News Agency , Charge , State Sponsored Propaganda , Twitter , Example , Ways , Geo , Jabs , Replicants , Nominees , Pattern , Sinclair Off The Airways , Sec , Tone , B S , Instrumentation , Position , Sharper , Opinions , Telecommunication Policies , Experience , Advocating , Bearing , Comments , Changes , Factor , Rule , Fcc , More , Tech , Decisions , Sites , Social Media Sites , Social Media , Calls , Democrat , Majority Control , Commissioners , Opinion , Chair , Eat Pie Fantasy Football League Shannon , Lights , Tree , Debates , Led Lights , Multicolored , Top , Introduction , Angel , Star , Stat , Christmas Trees , Mix , First , Trees , Heat , Growers , Truck Shortage , Holy Smokes , Oregon , 30 , Area , Nurseries , Whole Foods , Saw A Bunch , Bunch , Thing , Stars , Sparkle , Angel Guy , Colors , Tree Everything , Question Marks , Color , Lockstep , Ones , Bushes , Glass , Over , Up A Tree , Cream , Ornaments , Everywhere , Pop , Wall , News , Poll Numbers , Driving , Price Tags , Abuse , Lighting , National Christmas Tree , Whole , Relief , Congestion , Children , Noses , Vicks Sinex Children S Saline , Vicks Sinex , Service , Girl , Windshield , Singers , Safelite , My Truck Is Livelihood , Safelite Repair , Kinder , Autism , Finding Understanding Doesn T , Millions , Autism Spectrum , Autismspeaks Org , Traders , Jack , Kim , Download , Version , Em Thinkorswim , Aren T , Td Ameritrade , Web , Platforms , Thinkorswim Trading , Pre Set Trade Strategy , Business Stands , Books , Accounts , Live Bookkeeping , Yep , Intuit Quickbooks , Dogs , Chewable , Simparica Trio It S Triple Protection , Simparica Trio , Fleas , Round , Ticks , Hookworms , Heartworm Disease , History , Heart , Class , Use , Seizures , Reactions , Caution , Disorders , Inflation Crisis , Supply Chain Problems , Breadth , Depth , Holiday Season , Cost , Supply , Gas , Symbols , Groceries , Temperatures , Prices , Households , Hardship , Degree , Pocketbooks , 10 , Weather , Standard , Income , November , 0000 , 40000 , 7 , 35 , Food , Consumers , Bird , Natural Gas Prices , Heating Costs , Oil , Burgeoning , Season , Christmas Tree , Sales , Supply Chain Disruption , Price Hike , Chain Ohmic Branches , Heat Wave , Drought , Christmas Tree Industry , Backlog Supply Chain , Crises , Little , Shutdown , Couple , Love , Issues , Funding Deal , Member , Cliff , David Mcintosh , Biden Expenses , Energy Problems , Folks , Spiegelman , Build , Friends , Dollar Plan , Price Inflation , Costs , Option , Gas Prices , Heating Oil Prices , Food Prices , Bill , Democrats , Debt , Summing , Skepticism , Hesitancy , 1 6 Trillion , 6 Trillion , Votes , Polling , Elections , Races , Loyalty Test , Reelection , Senator , Sinema , Center Mansion , Reporting , Messages , Economy , Voters , Noah , Legislators , Alice , Show , Republics , Progress , Official , Anything , Supply Chain Crisis , Taxes , Blame , Solutions , Goodness Energy Crisis , Spending , Agenda , Paycheck , Challenge , Growth , Trump , Record Unemployment , Gallup , Gas Tank , Reality , Extremes , Say Yes , 71 , Party , To Be With You , Effects , Messaging , Smart , Get , The Real World , Hearings , Result , Asylum Seekers , Lawsuit , Hand , Arizona , Missouri , William , Border Policy Requiring , Texas , Border Wall Construction , Hundreds , Hole , Gate , Materials , Tax , Dollars Worth , Cameras , Tony , Stands , Fence , Fencing , Power , Gates , Stockpile , Miles , Cable , Road , Yunnan , A Hundred , Polls , Cables , Sensors , Baking , Elements , Alt , Miles Electric , The Sun , Installation , Technology , Border Wall System Contracts , Wall Contract , Litigation , Noxious Wall Construction , 16 Billion , 6 Billion , Contracts , Contactor , Border , Contract , Taxpayer , Immigration Crisis , Most , Contrast , Money , Inventory Remains , Corps Of Engineers , Government Agencies , Know , Well Megan Alexander , Homework , Nativity , Chestnuts , Fire , Locales , Zero Heartburn , Prilosecotc Dot Com , Whoa , Face , Germs , Intensity , Faces , Joy , Listerine , Ahhh , Holiday Travel Show , Sender , Executive Producer , Unit Tour , Host , Game , Speech , Milliken Alexander , Towns , Traditions , Travel , Family , Executive Host , Businesses , Holidays , Heartbeat , Loved Christmas , Birth , Plants , Spin , Music , Cocoa , Cheer , Festivals , Viewers , Sent , Hotel , Charities , Bond , Like A Club Sponsoring Christmas Parade , Episode , Shot , Dream , Branson , Town , Veterans , Bethlehem , Military Christmas Tree , Honor , Name , Pennsylvania , South Carolina , Louisiana , Fireworks , Sneak Peek , Mistletoe Lane In Somerville , Advent , Priest , Church , True Meaning Of Christmas , Stats , Transportation , Opportunity Insights , Leisure , Harvard University , Retail , Hospitality , 50 , Holiday , Services , Health , Education , Down , Each Other , Parts , Gentleman , Bookstore , Robin Kathy , Run The Christmas Tree Farm , Who , Support , Pleasure , Ten , Episodes , Small Town Christmas , Tv , Errors , Up , App , Airs , Tv Com Channel , Buddy A , Merry Christmas , Vote , Julie , Donations , Food Bank , Husband , Iowa , Des Moines , Construction Company , Strokes , Heart Attack , Bob , Incredible , 1500 , Downy , Congrats , Perfumes , Dyes , Towel , Why Don T , Didn T , Skin , Gentle , Punches , Livelihood , Truck Is , Jesse Small It , Welcome To The Show , Hate Crime , Ton , Tucker , Chicago , Felony Charges , Prison , Lawyer , Little Bow , Three ,

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