Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World Special 20240709 : compar

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World Special 20240709

and cloudy: california, on where you will be driving and what you will be paying at the pump. first, susan. >> despite more expensive price takes this or, more than 150 million americans are expected to go bargain hunting. that is roughly half of the u.s. population, according to the national retail federation. that will shop at some point, this thanksgiving through cyber monday to spend expected to go up by six or 10% this year according to forecast peer there will be some pent-up demand with target joining the list of business retailers that are now closing on thanksgiving day. so shoppers can focus on the turkey and the football instead. if you can't wait, there are a few that will be open, including big lots, dollar general, and bass pro shops but really, the main event kicks off early on black friday. doors open at 5:00 a.m. at best buy, walmart, jcpenney and kohl's. door buster deals start at 6:00 a.m. at home depot, lowes, and macy's. costco starts business at 9:00 a.m. also remember that this holiday shopping tradition will run throughout the entire weekend. small business saturday is expected to draw over 58 million americans to shop in local bookstores, toy sellers, and clothing boutiques as we head into cyber monday and cyber week. now americans have been buying their holiday gifts a lot earlier this year. frontloading their purchases, concerned over supply chain issues and inflation peered october retail sales came in higher for a third straight month and that is despite consumer prices skyrocketing at the fastest pace in over 30 years. americans have been conditioned to grab what they can this year, after being disappointed by notices that have been four times higher than back in 2019. and yes, they are willing to pay more now than risk a higher price later. charles. >> charles: thank you so much susan. i want to get right into our retail watch. what she makes of this current holiday shopping season. trey, we have been hearing that a whole lot of people have been doing their shopping, obviously a lot of people want to lock in these lower prices for they think that if they wait the prices will go appear but then there is a supply-chain issue concerned that maybe if you wait too long, what you want might not be on the shelf. what do you think? >> i think that is exactly right. i think that people need to shop on the early side and because of a supply-chain issue, they don't get those items now, those shelves might be better later in the season. >> charles: 13 that is been making the rounds is that people are sort of worried because of that to shop online right now. and that this might give the sort of boost to brick-and-mortar sellers will been doing pretty well, at least their stocks have been doing well. are we seeing a return to the brick-and-mortar retailers? >> i think we are in some cases. obviously, tomorrow being black friday will be huge in-store. historically it is an in-store day. but online shopping really is taking a bite out of in-store shopping. we will see a lot of sales on black friday and then of course cyber monday is an often online sale date only. i think it's going to be pretty exciting in both places. in 2020, both black friday and cyber monday beat records for online sales. i expect that we will see that again this year. >> charles: i've also been reading that we should expect, should not expect too many bargains. because of higher prices naturally in the supply-chain issue. are there bargains out there? >> i'm seen a lot of sales, but probably not as many as we typically see. consumer stated make an effort to save a little bit more in creative ways. for instance, just today, ideal site that i work with, i set a dealer for air pots because i've been too much of a penny pincher to pay for them. i just saved $100 on a pair of air air pods pro. i would strongly suggest for your viewers out there to take the time to utilize the deal side, look for ways to save, earn cash back. because, the sales, the deals come they may not be as exciting as they have been in years prior. >> charles: i've got to tell you, there is a sort of tradition, at least i think is it is a tradition. i've seen families get together during the black friday shopping. i know my wife and sisters get together. is that going to go away? you hate think that everything is going to be point-and-click. >> right. i do think that black friday is going to be exciting in-store, because of the popularity of online shopping. it's not going to be that big door buster day were people are fighting each other to get to the door. i do think that families that have that tradition to go shopping on black friday will still do so. >> charles: now, we get small business saturday in between both of these. i really try my best take to get out there. unfortunately, i see fewer and fewer of them. how does someone go about that, just maybe start in your local town and start to circle outwards? >> that's a great question. so i do really recommend that people go to their downtown and check out what the petite downtown has. however, if they are not comfortable shopping in stores just yet, because of the pandemic, there are a lot of ways that you can support small businesses online peered so for instance, facebook and instagram have been really good about highlighting small businesses, particularly black-owned businesses. they have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. you can go on facebook or instagram to their shop taps and actually check out what small businesses are doing and shop with them that way. of course, there is always sea and common goods. these are all sites that you can shop to support small businesses online. >> charles: yeah. etsy. i keep telling people that etsy is the next amazon. it has been absolutely phenomenal. thank you very much, always appreciate your helpful information. >> thanks so much for having me back. >> charles: happy thanksgiving. 36% of voters approve of the president's handling of the economy. 58 percent do not appear this is according to the latest fox news poll. let's get to read from fox news political ad assist. democrat extract was david bursting in washington examiner's kaylee may go eat white. going to start with you. i think the numbers speak for themselves. although the white house does not want to succeed and sweat just yet. >> yeah the white house is trying to play the numbers off as if they don't really matter, as if they might change in the near future. but, if the recent polls are any indication, biden's numbers keep getting worse. there is no reason to believe that it is going to change, unless something within the administration changes and they actually start paying attention to what the public wants. the spending bill that they're trying to pass right now is just not what the public wants. >> charles: to that point, it really is amazing to me, just a couple of weeks ago and his pulse came end. i'm talking nbc and cnn polls. people are saying, i think that we pass these two bills that will harm my family. the plurality said that it's like 35% versus 25%. we thought it would help their family. is america getting hip to the notion that maybe too much free money can be a bad thing? >> i think so. the latest poll shows that 43% of americans are against these new spending plan because they believe that it won't be great for their families. i think that it is an important port. i feel for the little boys and little girls across the country who won't get the christmas gift they want because joe biden a lump of coal in their stocking and there is hyperinflation. it is particularly problematic. this is a problem that i think the biden administration thought that they could fix with social spending programs like the new deal era or the great society of the 1960s. it never accomplish their goals in those two pieces of legislation. never limited poverty and he is not going to be able to do that now. i'm here in london right now, with a pretty much have taken away all of the restrictions from covid, and that is what the president of the united states should be doing. putting people back to work and using the money to flow from those tax dollars and put people back with a need to be. that will create a better country for all of us. >> charles: it seems to me, that the gambit here is okay, throw the cash in there, hope that this inflation thing sort of eases down a little bit ahead of the midterm elections. every president thinks that their plan is the best. it looks like that is what they are trying to do. your thoughts on that? >> look, i think it's a little bit more complicated than that. obviously inflation has been bad and it's something people have been worried about for some time. it may be very well applied at this point. i think we are complaining two things here. programs that are very popular, inside these bills and people's perception of the biden administration and the environment that we all sit in. when you pull these individual programs that we disagree with, things like giving, the child tax credit, bringing families out of poverty and expanding that program which is part of the legislation paired these are things that are ultimately going to be very popular. i think that they will take some time to work. we saw this for instance with obamacare, which got more and more popular over time. it pulled differently when you call it obamacare versus the affordable care act. i think that what we are seeing is some conflation of very popular programs that have been discussed for a long time and then actually do pull well with the negative feelings about the overall political climate. it may have for the present. but, this president came into office to do the right thing, not to do what is politically popular. i think it's well look at the reality, he may not even run for second term. he actually has the ability to do some things we wanted to do for a long time. we've been talking about infrastructure in this country for years. president trump cannot get it done, president obama cannot get it done. we have to do something about it. >> charles: some of it is real infrastructure. but schiano, in this next bill, child tax credits for families make up 300,000 paired electric vehicles for 17,000. $80,000, a gift to rich folks who live in new york, new jersey, and california. i'm not sure that the american public is going to like this is much was david thinks they will. >> not to mention, the money that the press is going to get in this new bill if they were to be successful. i'm going to tell you the truth. david i do not know you were a comedian, because you are saying that if joe biden wants to do the right thing while he has lied a number of times, they should bring back "the washington post." he said he wasn't going to leave americans behind in afghanistan. he did. he said he was going to eradicate the covert problem. he lied about that. more americans have died since he started his administration in donald trump. this president is the liar in chief and it is shocking to me that you would come on this network and tell that kind of narrative which is false. it is not true or base in. >> charles: let me bring kaylee back in because i will say this much. something is wrong for the american public is connecting the dots. and if you are in the white house, the ideas that maybe they will learn to like this, maybe they will no, they will become accustomed to it. so far people are rejecting this. there is a reason they are rejecting it. even though their wages have gone out, they have so much less purchasing power that they are suspect now. they are saying hey, maybe something isn't right. we've got 11 million jobs open and i know people who don't want to go to work. something is not working here. >> i think americans are concerned about the costs, but the pushback on dave a little bit as well, i think that they are also concerned by the content of the bill. i think that if you programs that are included in build back better tends to pull very well, including the trials tax credit. there are other programs that were originally included in the initial bill proposed by democrats that are just not popular at all. we are talking about free community college education, amnesty, all of these programs that tends to be very divisive among the public. people remember, that those policies were originally included in that bill and it has turned them off to the bill at large. >> charles: it was mostly civil discussion. probably just like most thanksgiving dinners today. all right fan. talk to you later. filling up on your face, filling up your car is still going to cost you a fortune. that is not stopping you from hitting the road. but how long will your pain at the pump last? you still passing the turkey and probably still talking about politics. maybe try to talk fast politics. did someone say food fight? ♪ ♪ spewing you might not be giving thanks for all of those high gas prices but that is not stopping you from hitting the rail this hot holiday season. in mill valley california at the very latest. claudia. >> he charles payne many americans celebrated thanks given on zoom last year. not so much this year. according to the auto trevon to auto club and aaa appeared more than 50,000 americans are traveling this holiday weekend here that is up 13% over this time last year. when just over 47 million people left town. experts say come with vaccinations up and hospitalizations down, people feel safer about in person reunions. >> last year we were still being recommended not to gather. now, it is generally safer to get together with friends and family. thanksgiving is one of those times where you really want to be with friends and family. people who may have missed out on last year's festivities want to be around with close friends. we are seeing that desire for people to travel. >> the vast majority, more than 48 million americans are traveling by car. even though they are paying sky high prices at the pump. the national average is around 3.40 a gallon for unleaded. roughly 60% higher than this time last year. >> gas prices are pretty ridiculous right now. obviously i drive a brand-new sierra, 1500. i'm spending about a hundred or 210, hundred and 20 a full tank. >> i think they are ridiculous. but luckily i do have a hybrid so it kind of helps. >> does not seem to be a real good reason why they are this high. i understand the logistics issues, but these seem to be dramatically higher. >> the white house agrees and has ordered 50 million barrels of crude oil to be released from the strategic reserve to lower gas prices. but that is going to take some time, won't help folks filling up this week. we might see some relief in time for christmas, which falls on a saturday this year. so your pro tip for both of these holidays, if you have to head back home on sunday, leave before noon if you can. charles. >> charles: claudia thank you very much. president biden is trying to ease your pain at the pump by releasing that oil from the strategic reserves. many think it is just a quick fix. we will still need more than just those barrels and how long before they run dry. we want to bring in a oriole guru phil flynn. phil, 50 million barrels sound like a lot, but we consume a lot of burials in this country every day. don't we? >> we sure do. in fact, i think we consume that much, i was waiting to go on the air today since breakfast. we are talking a global market, charles. that amount of oil is equivalent to about half a day supply. even if you looked at the united states by themselves, we are talking about three and a half days of supply. so this is nothing more than a band-aid to try to not only lower gasoline prices, but to raise president biden polls numbers which seem to be going the opposite direction of the gasoline prices. >> charles: yet we know that these oil shocks of not only lead to presidencies in office, but almost every major recession has been sparked in part by the rise of oil prices. so, the white house will maybe have to do more than this. it is one thing to do a public relations stunt. it is another to really truly try to curb it. we are such a powerful producer, phil, why don't we produce more oil and lower the price that way? >> you are absolutely right, charles. this is the only way to send a message to bring down gasoline prices. listen, the biden administration is desperate right now. this release from the fdr, even though it was in conjunction with other countries, was a sign of desperation. you got the entire democratic party looking for answers to the high gasoline prices. they are talking about a ban on oil exports. look at oil company's making money and things like that. at the end of the day, if they want to bring down gasoline prices, sent a message to the world. opec and russia, we are not going to take it anymore. we are going to unleash the u.s. oriole energy machine and when that happens, you want to see how quickly opec and russia retreat. it will happen very quickly and prices will come back down. but until we take that dramatic stand, i think we're going to continue being in a new era of rising prices. >> charles: there is no way we can be at war with our own oil producers and bring the price down. i don't think it's going to happen. opec is lashing at us. phil, thank you so much my friend. always great to see you. >> thank you charles. doing so from the road to the sky's the holiday travel season we've not seen since before the pandemic. seems like this going to be the new normal for a while? we report while you fly. >> i mike emanuel in washington. happy thanks given to all. here's a look at today's headlines. president biden is spending his thanksgiving in nantucket where he visited a coast guard station. >> am i thankful for? i'm not joking when i say that i'm thankful to these guys. i'm thankful to them and everybody and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. wherever they are, people wonder what america is in a look and they see them. >> the new york police department's highest ranking uniformed officer is retiring. ronnie harrison is the first person to ever arise from cadet to chief of the nation's largest police department. harrison was the first african-american chief of detectives. festive floats and people dress for some holiday fun made their way through miles of manhattan, is the macy's thanksgiving day parade made its come back after laster's pandemic restrictions. i mike emanuel please join me for a live special report at 6:00 p.m. eastern. ♪ ♪ >> charles: over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go. but, get ready for traffic on the roads in long lines at the airports. what can travelers expect for the rest of the holiday season? let's get to read from travel expert bobby lori. bobby, we are hearing the crowds are going to be longer than normal. you had on there, maybe some tsa issues with respect to the covert vaccine mandate. should we be bracing for an even tougher travel than normal? >> yeah i think so. i think that if you're planning on flying around the this holiday, it is already things giving day, but even right after thanksgiving, he should be planning to go to the airport much earlier than normal. you should begin on those three or three and a half hours before rather than the usual two hours before your flight. this is the true test of whether or not the airlines have recovered from the layoffs that they suffered at the beginning of the pandemic. and if they were able to bring all those employees back quick enough to be ready for this holiday surge. >> charles: there is no doubt that we want to travel. it has been two years. people just want to get out there. the demand should not be the issue right? >> exactly. i think that it may have taken the airlines by surprise. especially the start of the holiday season. mostly because, as the delta variance started to pick up again, airlines started to cut back again. but then, is more folks got vaccinated, they decided that they wanted to see their friends and family this year, after not traveling last year. because of that, some airlines just before thanksgiving started adding some flights back to their schedules. on the flip side of that, you need the pilots and flight attendants to work on those planes. it takes a little bit of time to get those folks retrained, if they have been off-line for an extended period of time. i don't think a lot of people realize, flight attendant or pilot is grounded for longer than six or nine months, have to go back to training before they are allowed to operate a flight again. >> charles: so you are a travel expert. but i also remember that you were a flight attendant yourself at some point. are we starting to see scenes, those initial scenes, i don't know if you'd call it cabin fever or not. but when people initially started traveling, we saw some pretty ugly scenes. wasn't the friendly skies at all. is that stuff starting to simmer down will bit? >> yeah i think it really is starting to simmer down. i think, especially with the faa coming down on those unruly passengers and actually finding them, when i was a flight attendant and i stopped flying five years ago. when i did fly, i flew for over ten years. i've encountered my fair share of unruly passengers. not to the extremes that they were recently paid but to the extremes back then. the difference was, he would tell them that they were in trouble, especially someone who was smoking in the bathroom. you would tell on them that they broke the law and they have done something bad and that the authorities are going to meet them. but back then, they got a slap on the wrist for just a warning. nowadays, they are actually getting that fine eared i think the news is getting around that these folks are getting tens of thousands of dollars worth of fines. for behaving badly and starting to simmer that down. i also think, at this point, if you want to go see your friends and family and you want to go over the river and through the woods to grandma's house, just like you said earlier, you know that you have to put that mascot if you want to get on an airplane. i think those are the folks that are getting on those planes. they are going there with the mind-set of i need to do this, i want to see grandma. if you only i don't think a lot of people want to get banned for life from some of these airlines. that may be the only route. got about ten of advice, anything else we need to know? >> i would say, we are all in this together. the flight attendants are on that plane with you. the pilots were there. especially today be in the holiday. they have given up their holiday to get you two years. be kind to them. they are staying in a hotel, probably with no access with thanksgiving dinner. be nice to them, be nice to the passengers at the airport around you. do what you're supposed to do and everyone can enjoy a happy and healthy holiday. >> charles: bobby thank you so much. happy thanksgiving. >> thanks charles, happy things given to you too appeared to be one so here are some to give thanks work on the stock market. if there's anything that can derail this freight train we're going to do a rail that. when it comes to relationships, it comes out it's all about the green. but guess what, it has nothing to do with money. we will explain. >> charles: giving thanks for stocks. the markets continued the 2021 surge, despite inflation and supply chain woes peered what is driving this? and of course, can it keep going higher? let's bring it to the best. heather's in moraga from zoomer global. heather, we got to start with you. this market has been on one heck of a run. obviously everyone wants to know, will continue? >> while i think so, charles. at least for the time being. as the cp effect is in full force. but if yours, if you are not aware, almost every day going into the close, as the markets had higher, we call that the cp or charles payne effect. look, if you are out there, you're an investor, you are calling their financial advisors and what should i do my portfolio is doing real well. we are seen a ship from growth back into value. mega cap growth stocks in the u.s. account for almost all of the outperformance when you look at things on a broad relative to the global market, so to speak. that shift from growth to value with interest rates heading higher, i think that you look at some all caps they are undervalued. international stocks as well. as long as we have inflation with low rates, the markets will head higher. >> charles: that has been the interesting thing about this. when one area gets wobbly, the money does not really come out, go somewhere else. it is those big names, those big technology names, microsoft of the world. when they are not working out, it's the energy stocks. that gives us the sort of sense of comfort. should also give us confidence? >> it should. because what that tells you is that the money is not leaving the market. the reality of the situation is that the liquidity is the driver here. the companies that are performing or going to do very well appear the companies that are not are going to get shellacked. we saw that recently, just prior to the holidays with some of the big retail names. it was a big surprise. technology come all that stuff can move forward pair that's how the world turns. wyatt turns, and more importantly where the monies going. >> charles: so we do have some dark clouds and question marks out there. dark clouds will be potentially higher taxes. potentially the build back powder plan goes through. corporations are certainly going to be paying higher taxes. this sort of inflation, lingering longer and longer. at some point, could that derail this rally? >> willet code from the standpoint of if and when we see higher interest rates. we just saw federal reserve chair powell confirmed for another term. markets like certainty. so you will see lower rates for longer because of the federal reserve has kept interest rates to zero. now, if interest rates start heading higher, bonds become more attractive for your average baby boomer or retiree out there. they move back out of stock into bonds, where you can get some sort of return. you just not getting right now. until that happens, and until this build back better social spending plan is going to be passed, which the senate is dead on arrival. they will pardon it up like a turkey. send it back to the house and hopefully some of those tax increases as well as that spending, that agenda will be derailed. it was the best for the american economy and it would help pamper the runaway inflation that most americans are experiencing right now. >> charles: it's one of the things that it's been a driver to is the meta-verse. we are in a forced industrial revolution. i'm not necessarily a believer in the meta-verse. i will be the last to go in there. but i tell everyone, i'm throwing my wallet in right now. something amazing is happening in terms of technology and digitalization and cryptocurrency. should everyone try to get a piece of that action? >> no doubt in my mind, charles. this is our future. it does not matter whether you're talking about an auto body shop, grocery store, this is not just big tech. like some people are making a mistake of thinking right now. this is technology transforming every aspect of our life. companies that are embracing that are going to have better profit margins, better profits, better sales, better engagement with the customers. that's where you want to be going as an investor. i think you got a couple digital currencies, just as much shift to cover the technology itself. >> charles: absolutely. i hope you both are having a great thanksgiving. it's always a great pleasure to see both your talk again soon. thanks peered >> thanks. >> charles: so no room on your plate for politics. you're not alone. why most americans are hoping to enjoy today's food, without the feud. >> charles: turkey, stuffing, and a side of politics peered not likely this year. that's because nearly two-thirds of americans say that they are taking political discussion off the table for the thanksgiving meal. this, according to a new poll. what about for my next guest, politics podcast host alex clark. and gutman. politics and thanksgiving just seem to go together over the last two years. as it's a part of your new tradition? >> here's the thing. thanksgiving stands for family, food, and fights. because, they are inevitable that they are going to happen. everybody goes in and they're going to say hey, no were going to keep things cordial, no one is going to fight. you have a couple glasses of wine. somebody brings up how expensive gas was on the way over to whoever's house. and all of a sudden, it is absolute mayhem. i understand people say that we had a stressful two years with the coronavirus and wanted to calm things down here that is not going to happen. for once though, i'm happy that i'm probably not going to get the blame this time. whoever is a democrat should be very worried at the dinner table, because biden has really messed things up. it's the democrats this year that are going to get it at the dinner table. >> charles: alex, it does not take much to spark it, does it? >> no. it never does. but actually think this of is a fantastic rule to have peered so fantastic it should be implement it for families all year long. not just on things given. the no fighting about politics rule should extend to social media, because it is pretty awkward when your aunt is blowing up your comments on facebook: you're a racist for being conservative and then you end up sitting next to her at thanksgiving. or getting her in the family secret santa exchange. it will be too aggressive to tell your family that there is a rule that we're not talking politics, just come up with some games are fun things to talk about so that they can't talk politics hopes, sorry were playing a game we can't. if you want to their point, i have to ignore people. he saw their posts over the last year. you sow they put out there pretty knew a couple times they were talking about you, even when they weren't. now you're talking about, alex, we break out the monopoly board. i'm going around on monopoly and next thing i say i want to be a hotel tycoon. what's going to have an expert whose name is going to come up next? >> you got to bring a monopoly and then you got to tell your liberal family members, i'm so sorry you guys, distribution of wealth, you have to give me all your monopoly money and i win. that's how it goes. >> charles: the houses should be free. you can have boardwalk and park place, hotels will go up and then they will say no, you get a tax. that's the new version of it. >> it's amazing what happens when things come up policies go against the people that keep implementing it for everybody else. when it comes to, here's the thing. you know it is inevitable. it's going to happen. i would just go in, kind of remain calm. you know, you know you know, if it has not already happened today, it will probably happen. if the alcohol keeps flowing. it is part of thanksgiving. it's a thanksgiving tradition. >> charles: it really is. >> it is inevitable. >> charles: we should have a new holiday after called the family makeup day. i think i would be the next holiday. by the way, speaking of conflicts, a lot of couples are fighting over green. not money. actually, who was better at being green. there is a new survey saying that a third of couples admit that they are fighting over who is more environmentally friendly. alex, i drive a ram t-rex. it is the biggest truck on the road. it gets 9 miles to the gallon. my wife drives a navigator. we don't have us fight in my house. but what do you make about it? >> i want to know where these adults were that they were serving. it has to be portland or salt lake city or place like that. couples in texas, for example, would never argue about who recycles more. they just can argue but where the best tex-mex is. i think it is really sad. the left is conjured up a real panic and fear in people about the environment. they truly believe that the world is going to end in a couple of years because of the climate change. but to be honest, i think that if this is what you're fighting about, your relationship, you should consider self thankfulness thanksgiving. that's a first world problem if i've ever heard one. if all you fight about is recycling and going green. >> charles: yeah. who's got the best compost. >> i feel like, you should probably figure this out before you start dating somebody. like if they are just going to lose their minds over the environment, of all things. you probably should figure that out over he started dating. listen, i'm all about recycling. i recycle. good for me. if someone is going to start yelling at me because i use a plastic bag from the grocery store. please, if that is really going to break up our relationship then we probably should not be dating in the first place. >> charles: they are saying that they are fighting over who was the more environmentally friendly. on your first day, you both pull up in an electric vehicle and you both pull out your own utensils. you know it's going to be an amazing relationship. you've got a lot in common, but it's going to be competitive. >> that is all up front. i think it is because it's the trending and cool thing to do right now. to be environmental, environmentally friendly right now. it's like oh, everyone is trying to compete with each other. it's all a front. a lot of people don't really believe that. i don't buy it. i do not buy that. >> charles: yet. it's hard for me to believe. i'm with you alex, this had to be in downtown portland. hey guys. have a great thanksgiving. thank you both very much. up next, 25 years of fox news. 25 years of your world. we have been bringing you the news. also, bringing some laughs. on the way. >> charles: we have been celebrating and giving thanks to fox news all year during the 25th anniversary. here in your world, neil cavuto has covered it all. we had a lot of fun along the way. take a look. >> in fact i'm already smelling the bird. >> here i'm next to look at an even bigger mess. you remind me of that character and austin powers. he was funny. you are just gross. get in my belly. >> let me entertain you. >> neil cavuto is a gentleman's name. this swinging cool cat is at the top of his game. >> i'm a financial superhero. >> looking after in washington. >> howard berg, world's' fastest reader. we are sad to report, stumps, staggering, jostled, confused. we don't know. he has been reading the max markets measure that is 1500 pages. >> here is that look again. that's all i need. it scares me. >> you know what would make me feel at home and comfortable, if you would wear my hat during our interview. >> we are never going to go there. there is not a hat big enough. >> you must wear about a size nine. >> look how many sins i was forgiven of. neil i know you are not committed many. but i know that there is a few that you have committed. correct? >> is it getting hot in here? >> you don't get fox business. i've got to demand it. are you the guy that gives them the business. >> frankie start bringing the business in. bring the business in. >> right now if you order the next 50 minutes, we will come over your house and make you dinner. >> pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. oh lord. don't pay attention. >> could you ever get past the beautiful part. i deal with this in my career. i never try to tell people. he's a newsman. you can understand. >> you know what, people say, i don't want to talk to dreyfus because he does not give simple answers. he's always so complicated. >> i don't know how you always put up with this noise. >> both parties and both houses seem to be spending like drunken sailors, no offense to canadians of course. >> how much money have you made just individually since you've been sitting down? >> astronomical it really is. >> i raise the level of the pain is coming up and i lower it when i don't need as much. i turned in on a turnoff and opens my garage door. >> i should tell you. last week we interviewed the president of the united states. you have gotten more emails and buzz just promoting this interview then he did. >> well, i feel pretty good about it. >> i still want to see you smiling when your taxes go up. >> and yours too. >> it is that the key to the ginseng for you. these are not easy work outs. >> when you work out you want to do it everyday. off-season i think about took about two or three weeks off. every day. >> it can't be every other month? >> that ring you're holding up young man is worth 67 grand. >> it's worth a lot more than that neil. i can tell you that. >> remember i tried to steal that from you. you wouldn't let me. >> obviously, one bad product can spark. >> how much do invest in these things? and all your name here that's about all you have. you put your name into something, it better work. >> there we go. >> nasdaq has legs. this has legs. he went on my phone and pushed on the buzzer. >> are you kidding me. you've got to be kidding me. >> that was my impression. >> i know. >> i heard that in the supermarket yesterday. >> when they hear that you are 82 years old, like this one tweet. i can't believe he's 82. >> i can't leave him 82 either. >> howdy do that. >> it's genetic. >> keep yourself open. find a $7,000 spot. >> because you're a tall guy. 6'3", 6'4"? >> there is no way that you can fit. >> i don't believe you. i do not believe you. >> i was surprised myself. >> you've reached the cavuto residence, how are you. speak on very well. i'm fortunate that neil cavuto was out at this moment. driving in his open top rolls-royce along the beaches. >> you have to make a music video. we will make a high class. make a prosciutto or something like that. >> we can do that. >> everyone. i have to shake your hand. i thought it was good. >> they do. when they wave at me they say, do you neil. i say yeah i do. can we have your picture. ♪ ♪ >> charles: great stuff. it has been really great having you all along for the past 25 years. we all have so much to be thankful for. and we hope that you're having a terrific thanksgiving holiday. that will do it here. remember, you can catch me on fox business everyday at 2:00 p.m. eastern. for making money, the five is next. ♪ ♪ >> hello everybody i'm jesse watters along with dagen mcdowell appeared geraldo rivera's, dana perino, and tyrus. it is 5:00 in new york city. this is the five. ♪ ♪ happy thanksgiving paired hopefully you are on your second meal of this turkey day. have not gone into any arguments over politics. get ready for lots of fun. we are going to answer your fan mail questions for the entire hour appeared so let's get started paired first question, instagram question.

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Griff , Everyone , Wife , Daughter , Duke , Things , Viewers , Grates , Americans , World , Shopping , Charles Vander , Price , White House , Hello , Neil Cavuto , Stuff , Addition , Lot , Black Friday , Holidays , Roads , Ticking , Clock , Skies , Buying , Pump , Bargain Hunting , Susan , U S Population , First , California , 150 Million , Point , Demand , Peer , National Retail Federation , 10 , Six , Few , Turkey , List , Shoppers , Business Retailers , Target , Football , Dollar General , Big Lots , Doors , Kohl S , Bass Pro Shops , Costco , Door Buster , Macy S , The Main Event , Best Buy , Jcpenney , Walmart , Home Depot , Lowes , 6 , 5 , 00 , Small Business Saturday , Weekend , Bookstores , Cyber Monday , Holiday Shopping Tradition , Boutiques , Toy Sellers , 9 , 58 Million , Inflation , Supply Chain Issues , Purchases , October Retail Sales , Prices , Times , Notices , Consumer , Pace , Four , 2019 , 30 , People , Season , Hearing , Risk , Retail Watch , Trey , Supply Chain Issue , Shelf , Side , Shelves , Items , Rounds , 13 , Sort , Stocks , Return , Retailers , Sellers , Boost , Cases , Sales , Course , Store , Bite , Sale , Places , Beat Records , 2020 , Many , Reading , Bargains , Ways , Instance , Dealer , Site , Penny Pincher , Air Pots , Effort , Cash , Deals , Deal Side , Pair , Air Pods Pro , 100 , Families , Tradition , Sisters , Everything , Popularity , Big Door Buster Day , Both , These , Other , Door , Someone , Instagram Question , Town , Fewer , Downtown , Circle Outwards , Businesses , Pandemic , Facebook , Stores , Way , Shop , Sites , Sea , Goods , Thanks , Etsy , Information , Amazon , President , Poll , Fox News , Handling , Voters , 58 , 36 , Numbers , Democrat , Extract , Kaylee May Go Eat White , Washington Examiner , David Bursting , Joe Biden , Something , Reason , Administration , Polls , Changes , Matter , Indication , Couple , Attention , Wants , Spending Bill , Pulse , End , Family , Bills , Plurality , Notion , Hip , Saying , Cnn , Nbc , 25 , Two , 35 , Money , Thing , Spending Plan , 43 , Problem , Gift , Country , Girls , Boys , Port , Won T , Stocking , Hyperinflation , Joe Biden A Lump Of Coal , Programs , Spending , Poverty , Legislation , Deal , Pieces , Goals , The Great Society , 1960 , Wall , Restrictions , Tax Dollars , Need , United States , Covid , London , Plan , Best , Inflation Thing , Bit , Gambit , Elections , Hope , Thoughts , Environment , Sit In , Perception , Part , Program , Child Tax Credit , Giving , Conflation , Obamacare , Office , Climate , Feelings , Reality , Infrastructure , It Done , Ability , Trump Cannot , Second Term , Obama , Bill , Folks , Some , Child Tax Credits , New York , Electric Vehicles , Schiano , New Jersey , 80000 , 0000 , 300000 , 17000 , Public , Press , Comedian , David , Truth , Number , Afghanistan , Washington Post , Kind , Liar , Much , Kaylee Back , Narrative , Network , Base , Donald Trump , Wages , Ideas , American , Dots , Don T , Isn T Right , Jobs , Purchasing Power , Suspect , 11 Million , Build , Tax Credit , Costs , Pushback , Content , Dave A Little Bit , Community College Education , Amnesty , Policies , Discussion , Dinners , Pain , Road , Car , Face , Fan , Fortune , Politics , Food , Gas Prices , Rail , Zoom , He , Claudia , Charles Payne , Mill Valley , Auto Trevon To Club , Aaa , Experts , Vaccinations , Hospitalizations , 50000 , 47 Million , Friends , Reunions , Friends And Family , One , Festivities , Desire , Majority , 48 Million , Sky High , Average , Unleaded , 3 40 , 60 , It , Tank , Sierra , 210 , A Hundred , 20 , 1500 , Barrels , Issues , Crude Oil , Logistics , High , 50 Million , Relief , Reserve , Help , Pro Tip , Oil , Reserves , Sunday , Phil Flynn , Fix , Burials , Oriole Guru , Market , Fact , Supply , Amount , Breakfast , On The Air , Gasoline Prices , Nothing , Direction , Band Aid , Three , Oil Prices , Presidencies , Oil Shocks , Recession , Rise , Public Relations , Producer , Why Don T , Message , Release , Countries , Conjunction , Desperation , Sign , Listen , Fdr , Making Money , Answers , Oil Company , Ban , Oil Exports , Opec , Russia , Russia Retreat , Oriole Energy Machine , Stand , Oil Producers , War , Friend , Normal , Lashing , Sky , Holiday Travel Season , In Washington , Mike Emanuel , Thanksgiving , Everybody , Guys , Look , Coast Guard Station , Headlines , Nantucket , Officer , Person , Nation , Heart , Chief , Ronnie Harrison , Bottom , Ranking , Cadet , New York Police Department , Fun , Its , African American , Police Department , Miles , Floats , Chief Of Detectives , Macy S Thanksgiving Day Parade , Manhattan , Eastern , Grandmother S House We Go , Special Report , Over The River And Through Woods , Laster , Holiday Season , Crowds , Airports , Rest , Travelers , Lines , Traffic , Travel Expert Bobby Lori , Travel , Vaccine Mandate , Respect , Terrific Thanksgiving Holiday , Airlines , Flight , Planning , Airport , Test , Whether , Layoffs , Doubt 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Interest Rates , Shift , Rates , Caps , Names , Technology Names , Somewhere , Area , Microsoft , Driver , Energy Stocks , Liquidity , Comfort , Sense , Situation , Confidence , Companies , Technology , Retail Names , Shellacked , Taxes , Wyatt Turns , Build Back Powder Plan , Corporations , Clouds , Monies , Dark Clouds , Standpoint , Rally , Willet Code , Bonds , Term , Chair Powell , Certainty , Federal Reserve , Zero , Stock , Retiree , Baby Boomer , House , Tax , Agenda , Arrival , Senate , Meta Verse , Runaway Inflation , Economy , Believer , Industrial Revolution , Last , Terms , Wallet , Digitalization , Cryptocurrency , Grocery Store , Thinking , Auto Body Shop , Tech , Piece , Mind , Mistake , Action , No Doubt , Profits , Aspect , Customers , Engagement , Profit Margins , Currencies , Talk , You Re Not Alone , Pleasure , Plate , Room , Feud , Stuffing , Alex Clark , Meal , Table , Guest , Politics Podcast Host , Gutman , Fights , Somebody , No , Gas , No One , Glasses , All 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World Special 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World Special 20240709

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and cloudy: california, on where you will be driving and what you will be paying at the pump. first, susan. >> despite more expensive price takes this or, more than 150 million americans are expected to go bargain hunting. that is roughly half of the u.s. population, according to the national retail federation. that will shop at some point, this thanksgiving through cyber monday to spend expected to go up by six or 10% this year according to forecast peer there will be some pent-up demand with target joining the list of business retailers that are now closing on thanksgiving day. so shoppers can focus on the turkey and the football instead. if you can't wait, there are a few that will be open, including big lots, dollar general, and bass pro shops but really, the main event kicks off early on black friday. doors open at 5:00 a.m. at best buy, walmart, jcpenney and kohl's. door buster deals start at 6:00 a.m. at home depot, lowes, and macy's. costco starts business at 9:00 a.m. also remember that this holiday shopping tradition will run throughout the entire weekend. small business saturday is expected to draw over 58 million americans to shop in local bookstores, toy sellers, and clothing boutiques as we head into cyber monday and cyber week. now americans have been buying their holiday gifts a lot earlier this year. frontloading their purchases, concerned over supply chain issues and inflation peered october retail sales came in higher for a third straight month and that is despite consumer prices skyrocketing at the fastest pace in over 30 years. americans have been conditioned to grab what they can this year, after being disappointed by notices that have been four times higher than back in 2019. and yes, they are willing to pay more now than risk a higher price later. charles. >> charles: thank you so much susan. i want to get right into our retail watch. what she makes of this current holiday shopping season. trey, we have been hearing that a whole lot of people have been doing their shopping, obviously a lot of people want to lock in these lower prices for they think that if they wait the prices will go appear but then there is a supply-chain issue concerned that maybe if you wait too long, what you want might not be on the shelf. what do you think? >> i think that is exactly right. i think that people need to shop on the early side and because of a supply-chain issue, they don't get those items now, those shelves might be better later in the season. >> charles: 13 that is been making the rounds is that people are sort of worried because of that to shop online right now. and that this might give the sort of boost to brick-and-mortar sellers will been doing pretty well, at least their stocks have been doing well. are we seeing a return to the brick-and-mortar retailers? >> i think we are in some cases. obviously, tomorrow being black friday will be huge in-store. historically it is an in-store day. but online shopping really is taking a bite out of in-store shopping. we will see a lot of sales on black friday and then of course cyber monday is an often online sale date only. i think it's going to be pretty exciting in both places. in 2020, both black friday and cyber monday beat records for online sales. i expect that we will see that again this year. >> charles: i've also been reading that we should expect, should not expect too many bargains. because of higher prices naturally in the supply-chain issue. are there bargains out there? >> i'm seen a lot of sales, but probably not as many as we typically see. consumer stated make an effort to save a little bit more in creative ways. for instance, just today, ideal site that i work with, i set a dealer for air pots because i've been too much of a penny pincher to pay for them. i just saved $100 on a pair of air air pods pro. i would strongly suggest for your viewers out there to take the time to utilize the deal side, look for ways to save, earn cash back. because, the sales, the deals come they may not be as exciting as they have been in years prior. >> charles: i've got to tell you, there is a sort of tradition, at least i think is it is a tradition. i've seen families get together during the black friday shopping. i know my wife and sisters get together. is that going to go away? you hate think that everything is going to be point-and-click. >> right. i do think that black friday is going to be exciting in-store, because of the popularity of online shopping. it's not going to be that big door buster day were people are fighting each other to get to the door. i do think that families that have that tradition to go shopping on black friday will still do so. >> charles: now, we get small business saturday in between both of these. i really try my best take to get out there. unfortunately, i see fewer and fewer of them. how does someone go about that, just maybe start in your local town and start to circle outwards? >> that's a great question. so i do really recommend that people go to their downtown and check out what the petite downtown has. however, if they are not comfortable shopping in stores just yet, because of the pandemic, there are a lot of ways that you can support small businesses online peered so for instance, facebook and instagram have been really good about highlighting small businesses, particularly black-owned businesses. they have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. you can go on facebook or instagram to their shop taps and actually check out what small businesses are doing and shop with them that way. of course, there is always sea and common goods. these are all sites that you can shop to support small businesses online. >> charles: yeah. etsy. i keep telling people that etsy is the next amazon. it has been absolutely phenomenal. thank you very much, always appreciate your helpful information. >> thanks so much for having me back. >> charles: happy thanksgiving. 36% of voters approve of the president's handling of the economy. 58 percent do not appear this is according to the latest fox news poll. let's get to read from fox news political ad assist. democrat extract was david bursting in washington examiner's kaylee may go eat white. going to start with you. i think the numbers speak for themselves. although the white house does not want to succeed and sweat just yet. >> yeah the white house is trying to play the numbers off as if they don't really matter, as if they might change in the near future. but, if the recent polls are any indication, biden's numbers keep getting worse. there is no reason to believe that it is going to change, unless something within the administration changes and they actually start paying attention to what the public wants. the spending bill that they're trying to pass right now is just not what the public wants. >> charles: to that point, it really is amazing to me, just a couple of weeks ago and his pulse came end. i'm talking nbc and cnn polls. people are saying, i think that we pass these two bills that will harm my family. the plurality said that it's like 35% versus 25%. we thought it would help their family. is america getting hip to the notion that maybe too much free money can be a bad thing? >> i think so. the latest poll shows that 43% of americans are against these new spending plan because they believe that it won't be great for their families. i think that it is an important port. i feel for the little boys and little girls across the country who won't get the christmas gift they want because joe biden a lump of coal in their stocking and there is hyperinflation. it is particularly problematic. this is a problem that i think the biden administration thought that they could fix with social spending programs like the new deal era or the great society of the 1960s. it never accomplish their goals in those two pieces of legislation. never limited poverty and he is not going to be able to do that now. i'm here in london right now, with a pretty much have taken away all of the restrictions from covid, and that is what the president of the united states should be doing. putting people back to work and using the money to flow from those tax dollars and put people back with a need to be. that will create a better country for all of us. >> charles: it seems to me, that the gambit here is okay, throw the cash in there, hope that this inflation thing sort of eases down a little bit ahead of the midterm elections. every president thinks that their plan is the best. it looks like that is what they are trying to do. your thoughts on that? >> look, i think it's a little bit more complicated than that. obviously inflation has been bad and it's something people have been worried about for some time. it may be very well applied at this point. i think we are complaining two things here. programs that are very popular, inside these bills and people's perception of the biden administration and the environment that we all sit in. when you pull these individual programs that we disagree with, things like giving, the child tax credit, bringing families out of poverty and expanding that program which is part of the legislation paired these are things that are ultimately going to be very popular. i think that they will take some time to work. we saw this for instance with obamacare, which got more and more popular over time. it pulled differently when you call it obamacare versus the affordable care act. i think that what we are seeing is some conflation of very popular programs that have been discussed for a long time and then actually do pull well with the negative feelings about the overall political climate. it may have for the present. but, this president came into office to do the right thing, not to do what is politically popular. i think it's well look at the reality, he may not even run for second term. he actually has the ability to do some things we wanted to do for a long time. we've been talking about infrastructure in this country for years. president trump cannot get it done, president obama cannot get it done. we have to do something about it. >> charles: some of it is real infrastructure. but schiano, in this next bill, child tax credits for families make up 300,000 paired electric vehicles for 17,000. $80,000, a gift to rich folks who live in new york, new jersey, and california. i'm not sure that the american public is going to like this is much was david thinks they will. >> not to mention, the money that the press is going to get in this new bill if they were to be successful. i'm going to tell you the truth. david i do not know you were a comedian, because you are saying that if joe biden wants to do the right thing while he has lied a number of times, they should bring back "the washington post." he said he wasn't going to leave americans behind in afghanistan. he did. he said he was going to eradicate the covert problem. he lied about that. more americans have died since he started his administration in donald trump. this president is the liar in chief and it is shocking to me that you would come on this network and tell that kind of narrative which is false. it is not true or base in. >> charles: let me bring kaylee back in because i will say this much. something is wrong for the american public is connecting the dots. and if you are in the white house, the ideas that maybe they will learn to like this, maybe they will no, they will become accustomed to it. so far people are rejecting this. there is a reason they are rejecting it. even though their wages have gone out, they have so much less purchasing power that they are suspect now. they are saying hey, maybe something isn't right. we've got 11 million jobs open and i know people who don't want to go to work. something is not working here. >> i think americans are concerned about the costs, but the pushback on dave a little bit as well, i think that they are also concerned by the content of the bill. i think that if you programs that are included in build back better tends to pull very well, including the trials tax credit. there are other programs that were originally included in the initial bill proposed by democrats that are just not popular at all. we are talking about free community college education, amnesty, all of these programs that tends to be very divisive among the public. people remember, that those policies were originally included in that bill and it has turned them off to the bill at large. >> charles: it was mostly civil discussion. probably just like most thanksgiving dinners today. all right fan. talk to you later. filling up on your face, filling up your car is still going to cost you a fortune. that is not stopping you from hitting the road. but how long will your pain at the pump last? you still passing the turkey and probably still talking about politics. maybe try to talk fast politics. did someone say food fight? ♪ ♪ spewing you might not be giving thanks for all of those high gas prices but that is not stopping you from hitting the rail this hot holiday season. in mill valley california at the very latest. claudia. >> he charles payne many americans celebrated thanks given on zoom last year. not so much this year. according to the auto trevon to auto club and aaa appeared more than 50,000 americans are traveling this holiday weekend here that is up 13% over this time last year. when just over 47 million people left town. experts say come with vaccinations up and hospitalizations down, people feel safer about in person reunions. >> last year we were still being recommended not to gather. now, it is generally safer to get together with friends and family. thanksgiving is one of those times where you really want to be with friends and family. people who may have missed out on last year's festivities want to be around with close friends. we are seeing that desire for people to travel. >> the vast majority, more than 48 million americans are traveling by car. even though they are paying sky high prices at the pump. the national average is around 3.40 a gallon for unleaded. roughly 60% higher than this time last year. >> gas prices are pretty ridiculous right now. obviously i drive a brand-new sierra, 1500. i'm spending about a hundred or 210, hundred and 20 a full tank. >> i think they are ridiculous. but luckily i do have a hybrid so it kind of helps. >> does not seem to be a real good reason why they are this high. i understand the logistics issues, but these seem to be dramatically higher. >> the white house agrees and has ordered 50 million barrels of crude oil to be released from the strategic reserve to lower gas prices. but that is going to take some time, won't help folks filling up this week. we might see some relief in time for christmas, which falls on a saturday this year. so your pro tip for both of these holidays, if you have to head back home on sunday, leave before noon if you can. charles. >> charles: claudia thank you very much. president biden is trying to ease your pain at the pump by releasing that oil from the strategic reserves. many think it is just a quick fix. we will still need more than just those barrels and how long before they run dry. we want to bring in a oriole guru phil flynn. phil, 50 million barrels sound like a lot, but we consume a lot of burials in this country every day. don't we? >> we sure do. in fact, i think we consume that much, i was waiting to go on the air today since breakfast. we are talking a global market, charles. that amount of oil is equivalent to about half a day supply. even if you looked at the united states by themselves, we are talking about three and a half days of supply. so this is nothing more than a band-aid to try to not only lower gasoline prices, but to raise president biden polls numbers which seem to be going the opposite direction of the gasoline prices. >> charles: yet we know that these oil shocks of not only lead to presidencies in office, but almost every major recession has been sparked in part by the rise of oil prices. so, the white house will maybe have to do more than this. it is one thing to do a public relations stunt. it is another to really truly try to curb it. we are such a powerful producer, phil, why don't we produce more oil and lower the price that way? >> you are absolutely right, charles. this is the only way to send a message to bring down gasoline prices. listen, the biden administration is desperate right now. this release from the fdr, even though it was in conjunction with other countries, was a sign of desperation. you got the entire democratic party looking for answers to the high gasoline prices. they are talking about a ban on oil exports. look at oil company's making money and things like that. at the end of the day, if they want to bring down gasoline prices, sent a message to the world. opec and russia, we are not going to take it anymore. we are going to unleash the u.s. oriole energy machine and when that happens, you want to see how quickly opec and russia retreat. it will happen very quickly and prices will come back down. but until we take that dramatic stand, i think we're going to continue being in a new era of rising prices. >> charles: there is no way we can be at war with our own oil producers and bring the price down. i don't think it's going to happen. opec is lashing at us. phil, thank you so much my friend. always great to see you. >> thank you charles. doing so from the road to the sky's the holiday travel season we've not seen since before the pandemic. seems like this going to be the new normal for a while? we report while you fly. >> i mike emanuel in washington. happy thanks given to all. here's a look at today's headlines. president biden is spending his thanksgiving in nantucket where he visited a coast guard station. >> am i thankful for? i'm not joking when i say that i'm thankful to these guys. i'm thankful to them and everybody and i mean that from the bottom of my heart. wherever they are, people wonder what america is in a look and they see them. >> the new york police department's highest ranking uniformed officer is retiring. ronnie harrison is the first person to ever arise from cadet to chief of the nation's largest police department. harrison was the first african-american chief of detectives. festive floats and people dress for some holiday fun made their way through miles of manhattan, is the macy's thanksgiving day parade made its come back after laster's pandemic restrictions. i mike emanuel please join me for a live special report at 6:00 p.m. eastern. ♪ ♪ >> charles: over the river and through the woods to grandmother's house we go. but, get ready for traffic on the roads in long lines at the airports. what can travelers expect for the rest of the holiday season? let's get to read from travel expert bobby lori. bobby, we are hearing the crowds are going to be longer than normal. you had on there, maybe some tsa issues with respect to the covert vaccine mandate. should we be bracing for an even tougher travel than normal? >> yeah i think so. i think that if you're planning on flying around the this holiday, it is already things giving day, but even right after thanksgiving, he should be planning to go to the airport much earlier than normal. you should begin on those three or three and a half hours before rather than the usual two hours before your flight. this is the true test of whether or not the airlines have recovered from the layoffs that they suffered at the beginning of the pandemic. and if they were able to bring all those employees back quick enough to be ready for this holiday surge. >> charles: there is no doubt that we want to travel. it has been two years. people just want to get out there. the demand should not be the issue right? >> exactly. i think that it may have taken the airlines by surprise. especially the start of the holiday season. mostly because, as the delta variance started to pick up again, airlines started to cut back again. but then, is more folks got vaccinated, they decided that they wanted to see their friends and family this year, after not traveling last year. because of that, some airlines just before thanksgiving started adding some flights back to their schedules. on the flip side of that, you need the pilots and flight attendants to work on those planes. it takes a little bit of time to get those folks retrained, if they have been off-line for an extended period of time. i don't think a lot of people realize, flight attendant or pilot is grounded for longer than six or nine months, have to go back to training before they are allowed to operate a flight again. >> charles: so you are a travel expert. but i also remember that you were a flight attendant yourself at some point. are we starting to see scenes, those initial scenes, i don't know if you'd call it cabin fever or not. but when people initially started traveling, we saw some pretty ugly scenes. wasn't the friendly skies at all. is that stuff starting to simmer down will bit? >> yeah i think it really is starting to simmer down. i think, especially with the faa coming down on those unruly passengers and actually finding them, when i was a flight attendant and i stopped flying five years ago. when i did fly, i flew for over ten years. i've encountered my fair share of unruly passengers. not to the extremes that they were recently paid but to the extremes back then. the difference was, he would tell them that they were in trouble, especially someone who was smoking in the bathroom. you would tell on them that they broke the law and they have done something bad and that the authorities are going to meet them. but back then, they got a slap on the wrist for just a warning. nowadays, they are actually getting that fine eared i think the news is getting around that these folks are getting tens of thousands of dollars worth of fines. for behaving badly and starting to simmer that down. i also think, at this point, if you want to go see your friends and family and you want to go over the river and through the woods to grandma's house, just like you said earlier, you know that you have to put that mascot if you want to get on an airplane. i think those are the folks that are getting on those planes. they are going there with the mind-set of i need to do this, i want to see grandma. if you only i don't think a lot of people want to get banned for life from some of these airlines. that may be the only route. got about ten of advice, anything else we need to know? >> i would say, we are all in this together. the flight attendants are on that plane with you. the pilots were there. especially today be in the holiday. they have given up their holiday to get you two years. be kind to them. they are staying in a hotel, probably with no access with thanksgiving dinner. be nice to them, be nice to the passengers at the airport around you. do what you're supposed to do and everyone can enjoy a happy and healthy holiday. >> charles: bobby thank you so much. happy thanksgiving. >> thanks charles, happy things given to you too appeared to be one so here are some to give thanks work on the stock market. if there's anything that can derail this freight train we're going to do a rail that. when it comes to relationships, it comes out it's all about the green. but guess what, it has nothing to do with money. we will explain. >> charles: giving thanks for stocks. the markets continued the 2021 surge, despite inflation and supply chain woes peered what is driving this? and of course, can it keep going higher? let's bring it to the best. heather's in moraga from zoomer global. heather, we got to start with you. this market has been on one heck of a run. obviously everyone wants to know, will continue? >> while i think so, charles. at least for the time being. as the cp effect is in full force. but if yours, if you are not aware, almost every day going into the close, as the markets had higher, we call that the cp or charles payne effect. look, if you are out there, you're an investor, you are calling their financial advisors and what should i do my portfolio is doing real well. we are seen a ship from growth back into value. mega cap growth stocks in the u.s. account for almost all of the outperformance when you look at things on a broad relative to the global market, so to speak. that shift from growth to value with interest rates heading higher, i think that you look at some all caps they are undervalued. international stocks as well. as long as we have inflation with low rates, the markets will head higher. >> charles: that has been the interesting thing about this. when one area gets wobbly, the money does not really come out, go somewhere else. it is those big names, those big technology names, microsoft of the world. when they are not working out, it's the energy stocks. that gives us the sort of sense of comfort. should also give us confidence? >> it should. because what that tells you is that the money is not leaving the market. the reality of the situation is that the liquidity is the driver here. the companies that are performing or going to do very well appear the companies that are not are going to get shellacked. we saw that recently, just prior to the holidays with some of the big retail names. it was a big surprise. technology come all that stuff can move forward pair that's how the world turns. wyatt turns, and more importantly where the monies going. >> charles: so we do have some dark clouds and question marks out there. dark clouds will be potentially higher taxes. potentially the build back powder plan goes through. corporations are certainly going to be paying higher taxes. this sort of inflation, lingering longer and longer. at some point, could that derail this rally? >> willet code from the standpoint of if and when we see higher interest rates. we just saw federal reserve chair powell confirmed for another term. markets like certainty. so you will see lower rates for longer because of the federal reserve has kept interest rates to zero. now, if interest rates start heading higher, bonds become more attractive for your average baby boomer or retiree out there. they move back out of stock into bonds, where you can get some sort of return. you just not getting right now. until that happens, and until this build back better social spending plan is going to be passed, which the senate is dead on arrival. they will pardon it up like a turkey. send it back to the house and hopefully some of those tax increases as well as that spending, that agenda will be derailed. it was the best for the american economy and it would help pamper the runaway inflation that most americans are experiencing right now. >> charles: it's one of the things that it's been a driver to is the meta-verse. we are in a forced industrial revolution. i'm not necessarily a believer in the meta-verse. i will be the last to go in there. but i tell everyone, i'm throwing my wallet in right now. something amazing is happening in terms of technology and digitalization and cryptocurrency. should everyone try to get a piece of that action? >> no doubt in my mind, charles. this is our future. it does not matter whether you're talking about an auto body shop, grocery store, this is not just big tech. like some people are making a mistake of thinking right now. this is technology transforming every aspect of our life. companies that are embracing that are going to have better profit margins, better profits, better sales, better engagement with the customers. that's where you want to be going as an investor. i think you got a couple digital currencies, just as much shift to cover the technology itself. >> charles: absolutely. i hope you both are having a great thanksgiving. it's always a great pleasure to see both your talk again soon. thanks peered >> thanks. >> charles: so no room on your plate for politics. you're not alone. why most americans are hoping to enjoy today's food, without the feud. >> charles: turkey, stuffing, and a side of politics peered not likely this year. that's because nearly two-thirds of americans say that they are taking political discussion off the table for the thanksgiving meal. this, according to a new poll. what about for my next guest, politics podcast host alex clark. and gutman. politics and thanksgiving just seem to go together over the last two years. as it's a part of your new tradition? >> here's the thing. thanksgiving stands for family, food, and fights. because, they are inevitable that they are going to happen. everybody goes in and they're going to say hey, no were going to keep things cordial, no one is going to fight. you have a couple glasses of wine. somebody brings up how expensive gas was on the way over to whoever's house. and all of a sudden, it is absolute mayhem. i understand people say that we had a stressful two years with the coronavirus and wanted to calm things down here that is not going to happen. for once though, i'm happy that i'm probably not going to get the blame this time. whoever is a democrat should be very worried at the dinner table, because biden has really messed things up. it's the democrats this year that are going to get it at the dinner table. >> charles: alex, it does not take much to spark it, does it? >> no. it never does. but actually think this of is a fantastic rule to have peered so fantastic it should be implement it for families all year long. not just on things given. the no fighting about politics rule should extend to social media, because it is pretty awkward when your aunt is blowing up your comments on facebook: you're a racist for being conservative and then you end up sitting next to her at thanksgiving. or getting her in the family secret santa exchange. it will be too aggressive to tell your family that there is a rule that we're not talking politics, just come up with some games are fun things to talk about so that they can't talk politics hopes, sorry were playing a game we can't. if you want to their point, i have to ignore people. he saw their posts over the last year. you sow they put out there pretty knew a couple times they were talking about you, even when they weren't. now you're talking about, alex, we break out the monopoly board. i'm going around on monopoly and next thing i say i want to be a hotel tycoon. what's going to have an expert whose name is going to come up next? >> you got to bring a monopoly and then you got to tell your liberal family members, i'm so sorry you guys, distribution of wealth, you have to give me all your monopoly money and i win. that's how it goes. >> charles: the houses should be free. you can have boardwalk and park place, hotels will go up and then they will say no, you get a tax. that's the new version of it. >> it's amazing what happens when things come up policies go against the people that keep implementing it for everybody else. when it comes to, here's the thing. you know it is inevitable. it's going to happen. i would just go in, kind of remain calm. you know, you know you know, if it has not already happened today, it will probably happen. if the alcohol keeps flowing. it is part of thanksgiving. it's a thanksgiving tradition. >> charles: it really is. >> it is inevitable. >> charles: we should have a new holiday after called the family makeup day. i think i would be the next holiday. by the way, speaking of conflicts, a lot of couples are fighting over green. not money. actually, who was better at being green. there is a new survey saying that a third of couples admit that they are fighting over who is more environmentally friendly. alex, i drive a ram t-rex. it is the biggest truck on the road. it gets 9 miles to the gallon. my wife drives a navigator. we don't have us fight in my house. but what do you make about it? >> i want to know where these adults were that they were serving. it has to be portland or salt lake city or place like that. couples in texas, for example, would never argue about who recycles more. they just can argue but where the best tex-mex is. i think it is really sad. the left is conjured up a real panic and fear in people about the environment. they truly believe that the world is going to end in a couple of years because of the climate change. but to be honest, i think that if this is what you're fighting about, your relationship, you should consider self thankfulness thanksgiving. that's a first world problem if i've ever heard one. if all you fight about is recycling and going green. >> charles: yeah. who's got the best compost. >> i feel like, you should probably figure this out before you start dating somebody. like if they are just going to lose their minds over the environment, of all things. you probably should figure that out over he started dating. listen, i'm all about recycling. i recycle. good for me. if someone is going to start yelling at me because i use a plastic bag from the grocery store. please, if that is really going to break up our relationship then we probably should not be dating in the first place. >> charles: they are saying that they are fighting over who was the more environmentally friendly. on your first day, you both pull up in an electric vehicle and you both pull out your own utensils. you know it's going to be an amazing relationship. you've got a lot in common, but it's going to be competitive. >> that is all up front. i think it is because it's the trending and cool thing to do right now. to be environmental, environmentally friendly right now. it's like oh, everyone is trying to compete with each other. it's all a front. a lot of people don't really believe that. i don't buy it. i do not buy that. >> charles: yet. it's hard for me to believe. i'm with you alex, this had to be in downtown portland. hey guys. have a great thanksgiving. thank you both very much. up next, 25 years of fox news. 25 years of your world. we have been bringing you the news. also, bringing some laughs. on the way. >> charles: we have been celebrating and giving thanks to fox news all year during the 25th anniversary. here in your world, neil cavuto has covered it all. we had a lot of fun along the way. take a look. >> in fact i'm already smelling the bird. >> here i'm next to look at an even bigger mess. you remind me of that character and austin powers. he was funny. you are just gross. get in my belly. >> let me entertain you. >> neil cavuto is a gentleman's name. this swinging cool cat is at the top of his game. >> i'm a financial superhero. >> looking after in washington. >> howard berg, world's' fastest reader. we are sad to report, stumps, staggering, jostled, confused. we don't know. he has been reading the max markets measure that is 1500 pages. >> here is that look again. that's all i need. it scares me. >> you know what would make me feel at home and comfortable, if you would wear my hat during our interview. >> we are never going to go there. there is not a hat big enough. >> you must wear about a size nine. >> look how many sins i was forgiven of. neil i know you are not committed many. but i know that there is a few that you have committed. correct? >> is it getting hot in here? >> you don't get fox business. i've got to demand it. are you the guy that gives them the business. >> frankie start bringing the business in. bring the business in. >> right now if you order the next 50 minutes, we will come over your house and make you dinner. >> pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. oh lord. don't pay attention. >> could you ever get past the beautiful part. i deal with this in my career. i never try to tell people. he's a newsman. you can understand. >> you know what, people say, i don't want to talk to dreyfus because he does not give simple answers. he's always so complicated. >> i don't know how you always put up with this noise. >> both parties and both houses seem to be spending like drunken sailors, no offense to canadians of course. >> how much money have you made just individually since you've been sitting down? >> astronomical it really is. >> i raise the level of the pain is coming up and i lower it when i don't need as much. i turned in on a turnoff and opens my garage door. >> i should tell you. last week we interviewed the president of the united states. you have gotten more emails and buzz just promoting this interview then he did. >> well, i feel pretty good about it. >> i still want to see you smiling when your taxes go up. >> and yours too. >> it is that the key to the ginseng for you. these are not easy work outs. >> when you work out you want to do it everyday. off-season i think about took about two or three weeks off. every day. >> it can't be every other month? >> that ring you're holding up young man is worth 67 grand. >> it's worth a lot more than that neil. i can tell you that. >> remember i tried to steal that from you. you wouldn't let me. >> obviously, one bad product can spark. >> how much do invest in these things? and all your name here that's about all you have. you put your name into something, it better work. >> there we go. >> nasdaq has legs. this has legs. he went on my phone and pushed on the buzzer. >> are you kidding me. you've got to be kidding me. >> that was my impression. >> i know. >> i heard that in the supermarket yesterday. >> when they hear that you are 82 years old, like this one tweet. i can't believe he's 82. >> i can't leave him 82 either. >> howdy do that. >> it's genetic. >> keep yourself open. find a $7,000 spot. >> because you're a tall guy. 6'3", 6'4"? >> there is no way that you can fit. >> i don't believe you. i do not believe you. >> i was surprised myself. >> you've reached the cavuto residence, how are you. speak on very well. i'm fortunate that neil cavuto was out at this moment. driving in his open top rolls-royce along the beaches. >> you have to make a music video. we will make a high class. make a prosciutto or something like that. >> we can do that. >> everyone. i have to shake your hand. i thought it was good. >> they do. when they wave at me they say, do you neil. i say yeah i do. can we have your picture. ♪ ♪ >> charles: great stuff. it has been really great having you all along for the past 25 years. we all have so much to be thankful for. and we hope that you're having a terrific thanksgiving holiday. that will do it here. remember, you can catch me on fox business everyday at 2:00 p.m. eastern. for making money, the five is next. ♪ ♪ >> hello everybody i'm jesse watters along with dagen mcdowell appeared geraldo rivera's, dana perino, and tyrus. it is 5:00 in new york city. this is the five. ♪ ♪ happy thanksgiving paired hopefully you are on your second meal of this turkey day. have not gone into any arguments over politics. get ready for lots of fun. we are going to answer your fan mail questions for the entire hour appeared so let's get started paired first question, instagram question.

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Griff , Everyone , Wife , Daughter , Duke , Things , Viewers , Grates , Americans , World , Shopping , Charles Vander , Price , White House , Hello , Neil Cavuto , Stuff , Addition , Lot , Black Friday , Holidays , Roads , Ticking , Clock , Skies , Buying , Pump , Bargain Hunting , Susan , U S Population , First , California , 150 Million , Point , Demand , Peer , National Retail Federation , 10 , Six , Few , Turkey , List , Shoppers , Business Retailers , Target , Football , Dollar General , Big Lots , Doors , Kohl S , Bass Pro Shops , Costco , Door Buster , Macy S , The Main Event , Best Buy , Jcpenney , Walmart , Home Depot , Lowes , 6 , 5 , 00 , Small Business Saturday , Weekend , Bookstores , Cyber Monday , Holiday Shopping Tradition , Boutiques , Toy Sellers , 9 , 58 Million , Inflation , Supply Chain Issues , Purchases , October Retail Sales , Prices , Times , Notices , Consumer , Pace , Four , 2019 , 30 , People , Season , Hearing , Risk , Retail Watch , Trey , Supply Chain Issue , Shelf , Side , Shelves , Items , Rounds , 13 , Sort , Stocks , Return , Retailers , Sellers , Boost , Cases , Sales , Course , Store , Bite , Sale , Places , Beat Records , 2020 , Many , Reading , Bargains , Ways , Instance , Dealer , Site , Penny Pincher , Air Pots , Effort , Cash , Deals , Deal Side , Pair , Air Pods Pro , 100 , Families , Tradition , Sisters , Everything , Popularity , Big Door Buster Day , Both , These , Other , Door , Someone , Instagram Question , Town , Fewer , Downtown , Circle Outwards , Businesses , Pandemic , Facebook , Stores , Way , Shop , Sites , Sea , Goods , Thanks , Etsy , Information , Amazon , President , Poll , Fox News , Handling , Voters , 58 , 36 , Numbers , Democrat , Extract , Kaylee May Go Eat White , Washington Examiner , David Bursting , Joe Biden , Something , Reason , Administration , Polls , Changes , Matter , Indication , Couple , Attention , Wants , Spending Bill , Pulse , End , Family , Bills , Plurality , Notion , Hip , Saying , Cnn , Nbc , 25 , Two , 35 , Money , Thing , Spending Plan , 43 , Problem , Gift , Country , Girls , Boys , Port , Won T , Stocking , Hyperinflation , Joe Biden A Lump Of Coal , Programs , Spending , Poverty , Legislation , Deal , Pieces , Goals , The Great Society , 1960 , Wall , Restrictions , Tax Dollars , Need , United States , Covid , London , Plan , Best , Inflation Thing , Bit , Gambit , Elections , Hope , Thoughts , Environment , Sit In , Perception , Part , Program , Child Tax Credit , Giving , Conflation , Obamacare , Office , Climate , Feelings , Reality , Infrastructure , It Done , Ability , Trump Cannot , Second Term , Obama , Bill , Folks , Some , Child Tax Credits , New York , Electric Vehicles , Schiano , New Jersey , 80000 , 0000 , 300000 , 17000 , Public , Press , Comedian , David , Truth , Number , Afghanistan , Washington Post , Kind , Liar , Much , Kaylee Back , Narrative , Network , Base , Donald Trump , Wages , Ideas , American , Dots , Don T , Isn T Right , Jobs , Purchasing Power , Suspect , 11 Million , Build , Tax Credit , Costs , Pushback , Content , Dave A Little Bit , Community College Education , Amnesty , Policies , Discussion , Dinners , Pain , Road , Car , Face , Fan , Fortune , Politics , Food , Gas Prices , Rail , Zoom , He , Claudia , Charles Payne , Mill Valley , Auto Trevon To Club , Aaa , Experts , Vaccinations , Hospitalizations , 50000 , 47 Million , Friends , Reunions , Friends And Family , One , Festivities , Desire , Majority , 48 Million , Sky High , Average , Unleaded , 3 40 , 60 , It , Tank , Sierra , 210 , A Hundred , 20 , 1500 , Barrels , Issues , Crude Oil , Logistics , High , 50 Million , Relief , Reserve , Help , Pro Tip , Oil , Reserves , Sunday , Phil Flynn , Fix , Burials , Oriole Guru , Market , Fact , Supply , Amount , Breakfast , On The Air , Gasoline Prices , Nothing , Direction , Band Aid , Three , Oil Prices , Presidencies , Oil Shocks , Recession , Rise , Public Relations , Producer , Why Don T , Message , Release , Countries , Conjunction , Desperation , Sign , Listen , Fdr , Making Money , Answers , Oil Company , Ban , Oil Exports , Opec , Russia , Russia Retreat , Oriole Energy Machine , Stand , Oil Producers , War , Friend , Normal , Lashing , Sky , Holiday Travel Season , In Washington , Mike Emanuel , Thanksgiving , Everybody , Guys , Look , Coast Guard Station , Headlines , Nantucket , Officer , Person , Nation , Heart , Chief , Ronnie Harrison , Bottom , Ranking , Cadet , New York Police Department , Fun , Its , African American , Police Department , Miles , Floats , Chief Of Detectives , Macy S Thanksgiving Day Parade , Manhattan , Eastern , Grandmother S House We Go , Special Report , Over The River And Through Woods , Laster , Holiday Season , Crowds , Airports , Rest , Travelers , Lines , Traffic , Travel Expert Bobby Lori , Travel , Vaccine Mandate , Respect , Terrific Thanksgiving Holiday , Airlines , Flight , Planning , Airport , Test , Whether , Layoffs , Doubt , Holiday Surge , Beginning , Employees , Surprise , Issue , Start , Delta Variance , Flights , Schedules , Flight Attendant , Planes , Flight Attendants , Pilots , Pilot , Off Line , Flip , Nine , Scenes , Training , Travel Expert , It Cabin Fever , Passengers , Wasn T The Friendly Skies , Faa , Extremes , Difference , Share , Ten , Five , News , Authorities , Trouble , Bathroom , Law , Wrist , Warning , Eared , Slap , Tens Of Thousands , Fines , The River And Through Woods To Grandma S House , Dollars Worth , Down , Life , Grandma , Airplane , Mascot , Mind Set , Anything , Plane , Advice , Route , Dinner , Hotel , Access , Stock Market , Thanks Charles , Relationships , Freight Train , Green , Guess What , Markets , Surge , Supply Chain Woes , Heather , Zoomer Global , In Moraga , 2021 , Cp Effect , Force , Run , Heck , Least , Investor , Cp , Advisors , Close , Charles Payne Effect , Growth , Portfolio , Growth Stocks , Relative , Value , Ship , Account , Outperformance , Cap , Interest Rates , Shift , Rates , Caps , Names , Technology Names , Somewhere , Area , Microsoft , Driver , Energy Stocks , Liquidity , Comfort , Sense , Situation , Confidence , Companies , Technology , Retail Names , Shellacked , Taxes , Wyatt Turns , Build Back Powder Plan , Corporations , Clouds , Monies , Dark Clouds , Standpoint , Rally , Willet Code , Bonds , Term , Chair Powell , Certainty , Federal Reserve , Zero , Stock , Retiree , Baby Boomer , House , Tax , Agenda , Arrival , Senate , Meta Verse , Runaway Inflation , Economy , Believer , Industrial Revolution , Last , Terms , Wallet , Digitalization , Cryptocurrency , Grocery Store , Thinking , Auto Body Shop , Tech , Piece , Mind , Mistake , Action , No Doubt , Profits , Aspect , Customers , Engagement , Profit Margins , Currencies , Talk , You Re Not Alone , Pleasure , Plate , Room , Feud , Stuffing , Alex Clark , Meal , Table , Guest , Politics Podcast Host , Gutman , Fights , Somebody , No , Gas , No One , Glasses , All Of A Sudden , Mayhem , Coronavirus , Dinner Table , Fighting , Rule , Social Media , Comments , Conservative , Aunt , Racist , Secret Santa Exchange , Games , Game , Hopes , Posts , Monopoly , Expert , Weren T , Monopoly Board , Hotel Tycoon , Name , Houses , Monopoly Money , Family Members , Distribution Of Wealth , Version , Boardwalk , Hotels , Park Place , Everybody Else , Calm , Alcohol , Couples , On The Road , T Rex , Conflicts , Third , Survey , Being Green , Place , Fight In My House , Gallon , Example , Navigator , Portland , Salt Lake City , Texas , Adults , Left , Panic , Fear , Tex Mex Is , Relationship , Thankfulness , Compost , Climate Change , Dating , Dating Somebody , Minds , Recycling , Plastic Bag , Vehicle , Common , Utensils , Trending , Each Other , I M With You Alex , Front , Downtown Portland , Laughs , Take A Look , 25th Anniversary , Character , Mess , Bird , Austin Powers , Belly , Gentleman , Let Me Entertain You , Superhero , Top , Washington , Swinging Cool Cat , Howard Berg , Report , Stumps , Max Markets Measure , World S , Confused , Staggering , Pages , Interview , Hat , Hat Big , Size , Guy , Business , Don T Get Fox Business , Sins , Man , The Business In , Frankie Start , 50 , Pay Attention , Career , Curtain , Lord , Newsman , Parties , Noise , Offense , Sailors , Canadians , Garage Door , Turnoff , Level , President Of The United States , Emails , Key , Work Outs , Ginseng , Ring , Grand , 67 , Invest , Product , Wouldn T , Nasdaq , Legs , Work , Phone , Buzzer , Supermarket , Him , Impression , Tweet , 82 , Find A , 7000 , 3 , 000 , 4 , Residence , Driving , Beaches , Music Video , Class , Rolls Royce , Hand , Prosciutto , Picture , Great Stuff , Fox Business Everyday , 2 , Jesse Watters , Geraldo Rivera , Dana Perino , Dagen Mcdowell , Tyrus , Questions , Lots , Turkey Day , Arguments , Fan Mail ,

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