Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

they're very much so right now. let's go to rich edson in mcclean, very very with terry mcauliffe and his night to get his old job back as governor. rich? >> good afternoon. we're here at mcauliffe headquarters setting up for the big watch party event tonight. the polls close at 7:00 p.m. they say they're encouraged by the reports that they're hearing around the state as to where people are showing up on this election day. show me a pessimistic politician, we'll acknowledge something pessimistic on election day. it's a tough ask here. terry mcauliffe has had a quiet day. he showed up earliner falls church and met with a number of union supporters. he's been getting a boost from politicians in the democratic party from washington, congressional democrats and especially from president joe biden who campaigned with him last week and now from across the pond in europe he's doing so again today. >> i think we're going to win in virginia. you know, you're reporting it being close. the race is very close. it about who shows up, who turns out. granted, i did win by a large margin. but the point of the matter is that i think that this is going to be what we all knew, a tight race. >> so it's president biden in europe and last week vice president kamala harris also campaigning for the democratic candidate here in virginia along with a number of congressional democrats. senator tim kaine, jim clyburn from south carolina. he said he wanted to come out and support mcauliffe here to turn out the african american vote in the state because he said it's so important. now early voting started in this state in the middle part of september. that process ended saturday. mcauliffe's folks said that they're encouraged by where the totals are coming from. about a 1/5 voted by saturday in this race. who happens between now and 7:00 p.m. will determine who kent of an event that they here have in northern virginia. back to you. >> neil: thanks, rich. now let's go to glenn youngkin's campaign. think about it, a few months ago, he was pulling 2%. that is with a 3% margin of error. that was then a different and tight race. now alexandria huff joins us from san chill -- chantilly, virginia. >> yeah, glenn's bus just arrived. he put thousands of miles on this bus in the past 1 1/2 weeks. he's confident that the voter engagement will lead to a sellation tonight. earlier today, the republican started shooting hoops of all things. that came after meeting with voters in a polling place in fairfax county where he told us enthusasm is on his side. >> when you get to travel around this amazing state and meet with -- i think we met with 25,000 and 30,000 virginiians the last ten days and seeing everybody come together. >> he says he felt increasing support coming from the base and independents as well, which would be crucial in counties in northern virginia that have turned blue. despite that, he left the big games and the big party players after of the campaign trail. whether he -- where he found his footing is clearly on dish -- the issue of education. so the push is big. a lot of people are watching this. if this pays off, we'll see parents front and center in nationwide elections to come, neil. >> neil: thanks, alexandria. this was not lost on the president in scotland. whether he was in fact a drag on democrats and getting out the democratic vote in virginia or for that matter anywhere else. take a look. >> i don't believe and i've not seen any evidence that whether or not i am doing well or poorly, whether or not i've got my agenda passed or not is going to have any real impact on winning or losing. >> neil: all right. so let's go to bob cusack, my friend at the hill. bob, i can't imagine that he's not a factor. the question becomes how much of one. >> yeah, i think he's a significant factor. if the race were in july, terry mcauliffe would have easily won. but the race is today. youngkin as he mentioned does have all the momentum. i think you got to be looking at loudoun county in the outskirts of washington d.c., the suburbs that went for democrats that county went heavily for biden. less so for hillary clinton. if youngkin can keep that to the single loses, lose by five or six points, he will win this. i see a lot of signs of youngkin in northern virginia which trends blue. that's a good sign. he's been a good candidate. the biden numbers hurt mcauliffe. they do. >> neil: i'm curious what you make of this failure on the part of democrats thus far to get either of the infrastructure packages closer to fruition. is it that much of an issue? you remind me local races are local races. is there frustration among democratic voters who say, all right, we're on the verge of getting something and now it looks like it's delayed, maybe denied? what do you think? >> i think it matters. maybe a little overstated. would the bipartisan bill have passed, would it make a difference if it passed three weeks ago, four weeks ago? you look at it as biden victories. yes, he got the covid-19 bill through. that was a big victory. that was an eternity ago in politics. since then, you've had afghanistan and all of these headlines of democratic infighting. if youngkin wins, this infighting will be turning into a civil war tomorrow. >> neil: i was thinking of that. knowing you were coming on wondering the finger pointing would begin. if it turns out that way, will moderates blame progressives for forcing an issue, delaying things, confusing the american people? you can take a lot of leaping here but where would it go? >> i don't think it's going to lead to any productive resolution. the moderates will say that. and the progressives will say, hey, we should have gone bigger. we went small ball. they're going to blame each other. >> so let's sort of look at the world environment right here. the president is half a world away in scotland. leading the climate change charge. none of that seems to be resonating. it might. we might be premature dismissing it. the president looks powerless in the face of a potential wave. how would you describe his predicament? >> it's a bad sign that biden dropped ten plus points. this is the first year of his presidency. that's the problem for the mid-terms going forward. of course, there's a lot of lawmakers that we talked to in the house and senate, democratic lawmakers that know history and know the house is likely to flip to republicans. the senate is tougher because republicans defending more seats but that could also flip. there's a lot of angst because they haven't gotten the legislative wins that they thought they would have grotten to by the end of october. >> do you get a sense here and i know i'm dating myself here, but i can remember almost at this point a little later in the regan presidency, the first time, with stagflation continuing, rates rising that he might not get re-elected. we know what happened. is there a danger here seizing this as a snapshot that it's like a permanent shot? >> there is. you have to look at history. look at barack obama. he lost the house and senate. he went a second turn. look at bill clinton. he lost and everybody thought he was done. you mentioned regan. the white house has to change. they have to change direction. if they lose virginia, the status quo won't work. they have to mix it up. i don't know what they're going to do but doing the same thing will not work. >> neil: all right. you know, bob, i was reading my history books. i don't remember that whole thing. i understand it was a big deal with reagan. thanks, bob cusack from the hill. we're going to new jersey, taking a close up look at that. while virginia gets the attention, it's not only the governorship that is at stake there but the legislature, the assembly. they're going to watch how many hold on to their jobs all the way up to phil murphy himself. remember this about new jersey, it rare list re-elects democratic governors. the last time it did so was in 1977. so phil murphy is not only fighting republicans but could be fighting history. christy todd wittman on that after this. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit every day in business brings something new. ma so get the flexibility ofn. the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> neil: new jersey is one of the bluest of blue states in the country but a number of republican governors have won there just like in other states that are liberal like massachusetts. the anomaly for a democratic governor seeking re-election is remarkable. no democratic governor has gotten re-elected since brendan bern did it in 1977. so it does raise questions that phil murphy is not only battling the grand old party but stubborn old history. let's get the latest from alexis in jersey city, new jersey. alexis? >> good afternoon. that's right. new jersey is deciding to keep the democratic governor, phil murphy, for a second term or replace him. voters here say that taxes as well as the covid response during the pandemic are some of the most important issues for them during this election. i caught up with both candidates. jack ciattarelli has been highly critical of the governor's handling of the covid-19 pandemic and says he's focused on fixing the taxes in new jersey which are the high nest the nation. he says he needs to get the votes that he needs. >> over the last ten days, we've had five or six rallies in new jerseys, diners and town halls t crowds are overwhelming. we're right where we need to be. >> now, new jersey governor phil murphy, a democrat, is the favorite in this race. he's been focusing on what he believes are his first term accomplishments. some of those include raising the minimum wage and enacting a tax on wealthy residents and extending paid family leave. >> we take nothing for granted. it's why i'm running around the state. we never put our feet up. we won't. we're going to run through the tape. >> both candidates have been campaigning today having several stops to make sure that they get the voters out to the polls. in new jersey, it's been steady. new jersey has more registered democrats than republicans, the race is pretty tight, more tight this than people expected. it's been 44 years since the democratic governor has been re-elected in new jersey. more than 40 years since this happened. so the polls close at 8:00. we'll see how it plays out. back to you, neil. >> neil: you're hitting the ground welcome. great to have you aboard. great to have you. >> thanks. happy to be part of the fox family. >> as are we. let's go to christy todd wittman, the former new jersey governor. re-elected one of those governors that was re-elected along with the likes of tom cane and chris christie. it's tough for a democrat to get elected because it's an overwhelmingly democratic state. what do you think it is? >> what i go back the first time an incumbent was hearing 1993. but because democrats have a huge advantage in registration, democrats get lazy. this season a off year election. they assume they're going to win. they have in the past. that's going to be a key factor here. certainly what the republicans are counting on. jack ciattarelli is counting on the conservative republican base. that's how he's been running and those people come out to vote. he knows that. he asked to get them out and that's what he's doing today. murphy is trying his hardest. he's not the most exciting candidate that gets people's passions up but he has to overcome the off-year elections. >> neil: it's interesting, governor. where he gets high marks is handling of covid in the state. it depends on voters in different states that don't like heavy-handed approaches to things and mandates and all the rest even though he tried to juggle that. it's on that issue that he seems to be running the most favorable among voters. the concern about high property taxes in the state, which remain among the nation's highest, that's not been able to sting him yet. i'm wondering if that's a sleeper issue that no one appreciates? >> it's been an issue forever in new jersey. the main reason being the state doesn't impose the property tax or spend it. that's local spending that does that. the state government obviously can have a lot of impact by relieving some of the local government of their responsibility, some of the services they provide by giving them more money. they don't correct it. everybody who runs says they're going to go after this issue. so i think voters here in the state have said, okay, we heard that before. we wish you luck. hope you do it. the most important thing to my immediate future is what has happened with covid. we feel very comfortable the voters in general have felt comfortable with the way that phil murphy has handled it. the results have been very good. >> a lot of people are making a big deal of the taped conversations that were picked up. i don't know what is true or not, governor, where he was secretly planning to launch after the election, you know, mandates and the like. that would be far wider than anything he seemed to telegraph on the stump. would that come back -- as an issue, would that be something that could hurt him? >> i don't think so. i haven't heard anything about that here. it's not something that we -- that's been talked about a lot. that sounds like more conspiracy theory thing. it hasn't been at the forefront. jack ciattarelli has not mentioned it. >> neil: so that move to say that the governor will change stripes and maybe establish some crackdowns, you don't think that's in the cards? >> i have no way of knowing. i haven't heard anything about it. i don't think it's going to be a major factor in people's deciding how to vote today. >> now, you know, a lot of people look at the message of new jersey and we forget, governor, that, you know, there's a legislature here, a number of seats could be lost, democrats could lose them. how would you look at this even if it's a close contest to the end and governor murphy hangs on? what do you look at? >> well, the important thing is what is happening as you point out in the legislature. that's going to determine a great deal of what the governor can or can't accomplish. if many seats change hands, that will be a warning for the democrats in the state. they're going to have a lot more work to do if those seats go republican. it's obviously going to set up a lot of discussion about what will happen in 2022. as you know, two years is a lifetime. six months is a lifetime in politics. so much could change between now and then. but certainly it's going to be -- if the democrats lose a lot of seats and the senate or the assembly, it's going to be a wake-up call to them. if republicans are the ones that lose seats, they have to stop and reevaluate how they campaign in this state. >> neil: you're right. things change. long-term to me is breakfast tomorrow morning. take it from there very good seeing you again. >> good to see you. >> neil: thanks, christine todd, the former two-term governor of new jersey. if the markets are worried about how things factor out, they had a funny way of showing it. as the major averages are hitting records again. the dow closing above 36,000. more after this. (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. >> neil: joe manchin is holding up the progressives. what does mark warner think of the democratic food fight that has gotten nasty? it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> neil: all right. the president's trip in europe wrapping up. the president summing up a journey that he says was very productive. alex hogan has more. alex? >> hi, neil. the president highlighting the importance of this summit here in scotland and also underscoring the u.s.' commitment to combat climate change. some scientists say they're kept school because really none of this is a done deal. senator joe manchin vowing to not get behind this 1.7 trillion infrastructure plan. joe biden tonight responding saying that he believes that he can get manchin on board. this plan will not raise inflation. the other topics, biden calling out china, russia and saudi arabia for not showing up. they say it's a lack of leadership on the world stage. >> showing up, the rest of the world will look to china and say what value have they provided? they have lost in the building of the influence of people around the world and all the people here at cop. >> biden touched on everything from the build back better frame work. a goes that a climate focus could create more jobs. he talked about the success of the summit so far. the president touting the stride towards ending deforestation by 2030, 114 countries are promising to restore land, access and address wild fires and also plant more trees around the globe. the president also talked about the importance for activists, those with this passion for consering the environment, young adults and teens. the ability that they've had in pushing this movement forward. neil? >> neil: thanks, alex. one of the other things that you've heard championed by joe manchin and some other maybe more moderate democrats and economists is all of this government spending is inflationary. the proof is in the pudding. pudding prices have doubled. didn't know that. it's a worry. wondering how much of a worry and concern on all of these crucial contests. let's go to hans nichols from axios, pick his brain. what do you think? inflation as a factor. >> maybe not right now. might be playing on the margins in virginia. seems like the race in virginia is defined by school, critical race theory, mask mandates. when you talk to democrats privately and republicans are pushing this publicly, inflation is front and center. when you look at the latest lines out of the federal reserve, they're suggests this isn't transitory, could be with us for some time but an undeterminant timeline. the crucial question politically is whether or not this will affect the mid-terms. so will there be 4%, 5% inflations when voter goes to the polls in a year. overlaying all of this is the decision on who biden will appoint to the federal reserve. he just gave us a tease there. he said he will make an announcement fairly quickly. i'll let you tease that out on just how imminent a fed announcement might be, neil. >> neil: i'm throwing this out there as a wild card event. the fed reserve wraps up a two-day meeting tomorrow and will start taking the punch bowl away. they've been buying a lot of treasury notes and bonds to the tune of $22 billion a month. if the guy orchestrating that is out and not reappointed, then what is the fallout from that? >> depends what the market does. if they go with someone that is more sort of do havish on inflation, which would be the natural place if they don't go with jay powell and they go with someone like brainerd, then you could have markets be more concerned about inflation. from the senators talking to the white house about the appointment, they're concerned about market reaction. that's why some like john tester. markets like powell, he deserves a second term. so what extent that factors in to the white house, we don't know. it's clearly in the either. >> neil: i get a read from a lot of moderate democrats are not keen on the bigger spending package, not the roughly $1 trillion infrastructure package. the better part of valor might be to lose it and just stake your claim on getting the infrastructure-only package through. that is so controversial. it could make this inflation situation worse. that might get past their legislative skis here, but what did you make of that? >> well, maybe not lose it but delay it. we have news that just broke here where you have five house moderates, murphy, gottheimer, names that you're aware of, house centrists saying they will not vote nor the big package, the $2 trillion package, 1.75 trillion unless the congressional budget office has a firm score that means how much it's going to cost and how much they're going to raise. theywant 72 hours to read it all. all that tells you, neil, is don't plan for a vote this week. okay? they could work out a lot of things. when you listen to manchin and take a step back, he's always been on a 20-22 time frame that means he couldn't be for something in december. he's talking about next year for all this. to your point, he wants to see what the effects are on all of this spending on inflation. just real quickly, on the other side, the white house says there's an increase supply, help supply chains and have downward pressure on inflation and they say it's fully paid for so won't tip the ledger in terms of any additional money out there in the overall monetary supply. neil? >> neil: interesting. hope springs eternal, i guess. thanks, hans. to hans point, a nod from the congressional budget office could take days, maybe longer. that is something that senator manchin is saying that he's willing to wait for. is his virginia democratic colleague mark warner? we'll ask him. he's next. as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. (vo) wildfires have reached historic levels. as fires keep raging, the need to replant trees keeps growing. so subaru is growing our commitment to protect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests. subaru. more than a car company. >> if you take a look at what economy is growing? united states. it's growing. it has problems. mainly because of covid and supply chain, but it's growing. >> neil: always unsettles me when he does that whisper thing. it's growing! i say am i missing something? hurts any voice when i do that. anyway, just unsettles me. whatever works for him. anyway, larry glazer here. whatever is going on is working for the markets. all the major averages hitting records. a lot of them convinced that say what you will of the politics and nastiness, corporate earnings keep childrening, coming in better than expected and even those worried about supply chain issues. so what is driving this? >> neil, i knew i was in trouble last night when my wife said you better get the thanksgiving day turkey now. actually get two just in case. i think that's the world we're living in. the markets are relieved. they think the tax hikes won't be as bad as they feared. at the end of the day when the president's approval rating comes down, they lose confidence policy will happen. that is good for the market. a low approval rating is good because the markets like gridlock. that may not be the market that we like. that's the market that we have. what we've seen here is american business has been so resilient in the face of increased regulation, increased costs, labor issues. covid. everything thrown at it. people get up, go to work and the small business owners have proven that america is the place to be. we want to keep it that way. let's not screw it up in washington. sausage making is front and center. independents realize it's getting old. nobody like old sausage. that's for certain here. >> neil: sausage prices have doubled, especially italian sausage. i digress. i'm curious though, what drives the thinking though? you mentioned how the street has been running through these tax hikes that have been proposed. i'm wondering -- i can understand the glee that they won't being a big, might be delayed but might not happen at all. i'm wondering if the markets are sniffing around that possibility that these tax hikes they're fearing might not come to fruition? >> i think you're right. there's a sense of optimism that things could be okay. we're going to get through it. some of the fear mongering coming out of washington may not come to fruition. business will be okay. we're going to get through covid, open the economy and get people traveling, get people back to work. the biggest concern is we have these massive supply chain issues. everybody knows your christmas ship is on a container ship off of long beach and may never get here. people want to work. demand is not the issue. it's the supply chain issues. that's where washington has been tone deaf. they have yet to supply the issues. the labor challenges. families are struggling. they have to make a choice between food and fuel. there's nothing in this legislation. spending trillions and you're going to make the situation worse. so that's where people, independents today are voting with their wallets. middle class families will take center stage. go to the gas pump and get punched in the stomach every day and didn't have to be that way. >> there's a consensus building how awful the isn't doing. he's presiding over a strong economy hence the inflation that is stirring up right now. with the inflation, he's done, three day old fish. get rid of him. i can remember rough period in the middle of ronald reagan's first term i mentioned with another guest where he looked like a certain one-termer. so i was wondering whether we get ahead of ourselves on this stuff. >> a lot of data points coming up. consumer sentiment has been coming down. the fed is meeting amount big fed meeting. jobs data coming up, a slew of economic data. a lot of optimism despite the frustrations and concerns with what's going on in washington. most people want less washington, monday main street economy and less stimulus that will create more supply chain issue. they want less inflation and want to go back to work. that's the economy we want to be in despite what washington will throw at us. >> neil: yeah, the big picture is pretty stable for all of this screaming back and forth. >> it is. >> neil: i can play out a variety of ways. we're following these five moderate democrats that are talking of a deal to get a price score on all of this from the congressional budget office and then and only then to take the next step as to whether they should proceed and vote on this. we're a long way from solving this. we have mark warner from virginia coming up and the latest where this drama stands on capitol hill with chad pergram. stay with us. you're watching "your world." ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? 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>> neil: chad pergram, thanks very much. last time we spoke to mark warner said nobody would be quick but it would be deliberate. now what? we'll ask him. hey, hey, hey! check it out! we got to get these lights set up. dad! ♪ ♪ at lowe's, we put our decorations and gifts out earlier. yeah! so, you can make the most of the season. it's all at the one place that has everything you need. ♪ ♪ that was quick. and rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. 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let's ask mark warner, the democratic senator and also a former governor of virginia. so obviously quite attuned to what is happening today in that fine state. senator warner, very good to have you. do you think in the end, senator, the president is right that joe manchin will get on board with this? >> listen, neil, i wasn't surprised at all by what joe manchin said yesterday. it's been what he's telling me and telling everybody. i also agree that we should have voted for the bipartisan infrastructure deal back in september when it first came up. that would have helped the president. it would have helped turn mcauliffe in virginia. would have shown the economy in terms of relief on whether it is roads and bridges long-term or broad band or resiliency. we are where we are. the final details -- if i told you this has taken more time than i thought about, but when you talk about tax policy changes, taking it time to get it right is the right thing to do. one of my critiques is the 2017 trump tax cuts is it was rushed through. as a finance guy, there's devil in the details on the tax policy. >> neil: you said hit the lack of action in washington could have blowback for terry mcauliffe. if he were to lose today and i know you're convinced he will still pull out a victory, could it be traced to this lack of action? >> neil, i'll let you draw any kind of conclusions. i'll tell you this much about -- i'll tell you this. i feel better today than i did yesterday afternoon. basically because early vote ended up coming in 1.2 million votes. again, we don't have much to compare it to. last year it was high. but we had covid. the vote in northern virginia and charlottesville and in some of the cities from richmond to hampton roads is coming in strong. so i feel better but it's going to be a close race. glenn youngkin, first-time candidate. a strong job. >> neil: is the president hurting the candidate right now? is he hurting democrats nationwide in these select contests? >> what i think -- what i wish the democrats would have done and i say that as a democrat, that we should have taken the win we had in the spring, in terms of coming out of covid, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that got 69 votes, first time in 60 years that we addressed infrastructure. it was a joke line under president trump. every other week was infrastructure week and nothing happened. we produced a bipartisan bill. i agree with the vast majority of the president's agenda in the build back better agenda. we could have sequenced that infrastructure vote in september. but we get this done, the sausage making people will forget very quickly and what they'll remember is the country stepped up on climate change, the country stepped up on child care so women could get back to work. we did it in a way that was paid for. as you heard today, even the vast majority of fox viewers support that we have to bring down our prescription drug costs. makes no sense that americans pay five and ten times more for the drugs that are sold cheapner candy and the u.k. >> neil: all right. let me ask you about where we go from here. a lot of presidents or parties also change after mid-terms. bill clinton did that and working with newt gingrich after his party was shaken in the 94 landslide. which is not a mid-term. if his key candidates go down to defeat, you think it should be treated that way? you think a democrat should moderate? you think the progressives should tone it down? >> are you referring to just virginia or the new jersey race or -- what happens -- >> neil: i'd say primarily virginia. so you don't think he should change his posture one way or the other? it's -- >> we have to argue virginia shouldn't be the center of the universe. i'm optimistic that terry will pull it out. i've been on your show many times. i come at this more business-minded than some of my colleagues. the numbers always need to add up. candidly having a bit more time -- we'll have that regardless of what happens in the house this week because of the craziness of the reconciliation process. we get these details right, i think that's a better product at the end of the day. >> the fact that you said you're have a good financial background, the numbers should add up. the wrath against your colleagues is they're not good at american and adding up numbers. you think that is a problem? >> neil, i said the very same shell games, tricks of the trade that with used to pay for the republican tax cuts in 2017 dynamic scoring and other cliffs that were creating, putting tax cuts in place that would end, these are tried and true tactics that both sides have used and frankly i think both sides come with relatively unclean hands on these tools. >> neil: we'll have to watch it very closely. senator mark warner, thanks very much. we'll see how the races ensue in your state and new jersey and as he pointed out, a number of crucial contests in new york city. fox will watch it all tonight and we'll be looking at the market impact of this tomorrow. >> hello. i'm jesse waters with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford,jr., dagen mcdowell and greg gutfeld. this is "the five." >> we're going to win. it's about who will turn out. granted, i won by a large margin. i have not seen any evidence

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Campaign , Who , Kent , 3 , 2 , U S , Error , Chantilly , San Chill , Now Alexandria Huff , Republican , Bus , Thousands , Voter Engagement , Sellation , 1 2 , Things , Voters , Meeting , Polling Place , Hoops , Fairfax County , Side , Meet , 25000 And 30000 Virginiians , Enthusasm , Ten , 30000 , 25000 , Counties , Base , Support , Independents , Blue , Party , Footing , Players , Campaign Trail , Dish , Games , Lot , Issue , Center , Elections , Push , Education , Alexandria , Fact , Drag On Democrats , Take A Look , Anywhere , Scotland , Impact , Evidence , Agenda , Losing , Factor , One , Bob Cusack , Question , The Hill , Outskirts , Loudoun County , Momentum , Points , Loses , Single , Hillary Clinton , Five , Six , Numbers , Signs , Failure , Northern Virginia Which Trends Blue , Infrastructure , Races , Fruition , Frustration , Bill , Covid , Victory , Victories , Eternity , Difference , Yes , Three , Four , 19 , Politics , Infighting , Headlines , Youngkin Wins , Afghanistan , 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Relief , Band , Tax Policy Changes , Critiques , 2017 , Tax Cuts , Action , Tax Policy , Finance Guy , Devil , Blowback , Conclusions , Kind , About , 1 2 Million , Cities , Richmond , Charlottesville , Hampton Roads , Spring , Joke Line , Trump , 60 , 69 , Majority , Infrastructure Vote , Done , Women , Child Care , Viewers , Times , Drugs , Candy , Prescription Drug Costs , Americans , Cheapner , U K , Presidents , Parties , Newt Gingrich , 94 , Defeat , Landslide , Other , Show , Posture , Center Of The Universe , Terry , Colleagues , Craziness , Background , Wrath , Product , Reconciliation Process , Tricks , Trade , Sides , Scoring , Cliffs , Tactics , Tools , Jeanine Pirro , Market Impact , New York City , Harold Ford Jr , Dagen Mcdowell , Greg Gutfeld ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Your World With Neil Cavuto 20240709

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they're very much so right now. let's go to rich edson in mcclean, very very with terry mcauliffe and his night to get his old job back as governor. rich? >> good afternoon. we're here at mcauliffe headquarters setting up for the big watch party event tonight. the polls close at 7:00 p.m. they say they're encouraged by the reports that they're hearing around the state as to where people are showing up on this election day. show me a pessimistic politician, we'll acknowledge something pessimistic on election day. it's a tough ask here. terry mcauliffe has had a quiet day. he showed up earliner falls church and met with a number of union supporters. he's been getting a boost from politicians in the democratic party from washington, congressional democrats and especially from president joe biden who campaigned with him last week and now from across the pond in europe he's doing so again today. >> i think we're going to win in virginia. you know, you're reporting it being close. the race is very close. it about who shows up, who turns out. granted, i did win by a large margin. but the point of the matter is that i think that this is going to be what we all knew, a tight race. >> so it's president biden in europe and last week vice president kamala harris also campaigning for the democratic candidate here in virginia along with a number of congressional democrats. senator tim kaine, jim clyburn from south carolina. he said he wanted to come out and support mcauliffe here to turn out the african american vote in the state because he said it's so important. now early voting started in this state in the middle part of september. that process ended saturday. mcauliffe's folks said that they're encouraged by where the totals are coming from. about a 1/5 voted by saturday in this race. who happens between now and 7:00 p.m. will determine who kent of an event that they here have in northern virginia. back to you. >> neil: thanks, rich. now let's go to glenn youngkin's campaign. think about it, a few months ago, he was pulling 2%. that is with a 3% margin of error. that was then a different and tight race. now alexandria huff joins us from san chill -- chantilly, virginia. >> yeah, glenn's bus just arrived. he put thousands of miles on this bus in the past 1 1/2 weeks. he's confident that the voter engagement will lead to a sellation tonight. earlier today, the republican started shooting hoops of all things. that came after meeting with voters in a polling place in fairfax county where he told us enthusasm is on his side. >> when you get to travel around this amazing state and meet with -- i think we met with 25,000 and 30,000 virginiians the last ten days and seeing everybody come together. >> he says he felt increasing support coming from the base and independents as well, which would be crucial in counties in northern virginia that have turned blue. despite that, he left the big games and the big party players after of the campaign trail. whether he -- where he found his footing is clearly on dish -- the issue of education. so the push is big. a lot of people are watching this. if this pays off, we'll see parents front and center in nationwide elections to come, neil. >> neil: thanks, alexandria. this was not lost on the president in scotland. whether he was in fact a drag on democrats and getting out the democratic vote in virginia or for that matter anywhere else. take a look. >> i don't believe and i've not seen any evidence that whether or not i am doing well or poorly, whether or not i've got my agenda passed or not is going to have any real impact on winning or losing. >> neil: all right. so let's go to bob cusack, my friend at the hill. bob, i can't imagine that he's not a factor. the question becomes how much of one. >> yeah, i think he's a significant factor. if the race were in july, terry mcauliffe would have easily won. but the race is today. youngkin as he mentioned does have all the momentum. i think you got to be looking at loudoun county in the outskirts of washington d.c., the suburbs that went for democrats that county went heavily for biden. less so for hillary clinton. if youngkin can keep that to the single loses, lose by five or six points, he will win this. i see a lot of signs of youngkin in northern virginia which trends blue. that's a good sign. he's been a good candidate. the biden numbers hurt mcauliffe. they do. >> neil: i'm curious what you make of this failure on the part of democrats thus far to get either of the infrastructure packages closer to fruition. is it that much of an issue? you remind me local races are local races. is there frustration among democratic voters who say, all right, we're on the verge of getting something and now it looks like it's delayed, maybe denied? what do you think? >> i think it matters. maybe a little overstated. would the bipartisan bill have passed, would it make a difference if it passed three weeks ago, four weeks ago? you look at it as biden victories. yes, he got the covid-19 bill through. that was a big victory. that was an eternity ago in politics. since then, you've had afghanistan and all of these headlines of democratic infighting. if youngkin wins, this infighting will be turning into a civil war tomorrow. >> neil: i was thinking of that. knowing you were coming on wondering the finger pointing would begin. if it turns out that way, will moderates blame progressives for forcing an issue, delaying things, confusing the american people? you can take a lot of leaping here but where would it go? >> i don't think it's going to lead to any productive resolution. the moderates will say that. and the progressives will say, hey, we should have gone bigger. we went small ball. they're going to blame each other. >> so let's sort of look at the world environment right here. the president is half a world away in scotland. leading the climate change charge. none of that seems to be resonating. it might. we might be premature dismissing it. the president looks powerless in the face of a potential wave. how would you describe his predicament? >> it's a bad sign that biden dropped ten plus points. this is the first year of his presidency. that's the problem for the mid-terms going forward. of course, there's a lot of lawmakers that we talked to in the house and senate, democratic lawmakers that know history and know the house is likely to flip to republicans. the senate is tougher because republicans defending more seats but that could also flip. there's a lot of angst because they haven't gotten the legislative wins that they thought they would have grotten to by the end of october. >> do you get a sense here and i know i'm dating myself here, but i can remember almost at this point a little later in the regan presidency, the first time, with stagflation continuing, rates rising that he might not get re-elected. we know what happened. is there a danger here seizing this as a snapshot that it's like a permanent shot? >> there is. you have to look at history. look at barack obama. he lost the house and senate. he went a second turn. look at bill clinton. he lost and everybody thought he was done. you mentioned regan. the white house has to change. they have to change direction. if they lose virginia, the status quo won't work. they have to mix it up. i don't know what they're going to do but doing the same thing will not work. >> neil: all right. you know, bob, i was reading my history books. i don't remember that whole thing. i understand it was a big deal with reagan. thanks, bob cusack from the hill. we're going to new jersey, taking a close up look at that. while virginia gets the attention, it's not only the governorship that is at stake there but the legislature, the assembly. they're going to watch how many hold on to their jobs all the way up to phil murphy himself. remember this about new jersey, it rare list re-elects democratic governors. the last time it did so was in 1977. so phil murphy is not only fighting republicans but could be fighting history. christy todd wittman on that after this. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit every day in business brings something new. ma so get the flexibility ofn. the new mobile service designed for your small business. introducing comcast business mobile. you get the most reliable network with nationwide 5g included. and you can get unlimited data for just $30 per line per month when you get four lines or mix and match data options. available now for comcast business internet customers with no line-activation fees or term contract required. see if you can save by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities. >> neil: new jersey is one of the bluest of blue states in the country but a number of republican governors have won there just like in other states that are liberal like massachusetts. the anomaly for a democratic governor seeking re-election is remarkable. no democratic governor has gotten re-elected since brendan bern did it in 1977. so it does raise questions that phil murphy is not only battling the grand old party but stubborn old history. let's get the latest from alexis in jersey city, new jersey. alexis? >> good afternoon. that's right. new jersey is deciding to keep the democratic governor, phil murphy, for a second term or replace him. voters here say that taxes as well as the covid response during the pandemic are some of the most important issues for them during this election. i caught up with both candidates. jack ciattarelli has been highly critical of the governor's handling of the covid-19 pandemic and says he's focused on fixing the taxes in new jersey which are the high nest the nation. he says he needs to get the votes that he needs. >> over the last ten days, we've had five or six rallies in new jerseys, diners and town halls t crowds are overwhelming. we're right where we need to be. >> now, new jersey governor phil murphy, a democrat, is the favorite in this race. he's been focusing on what he believes are his first term accomplishments. some of those include raising the minimum wage and enacting a tax on wealthy residents and extending paid family leave. >> we take nothing for granted. it's why i'm running around the state. we never put our feet up. we won't. we're going to run through the tape. >> both candidates have been campaigning today having several stops to make sure that they get the voters out to the polls. in new jersey, it's been steady. new jersey has more registered democrats than republicans, the race is pretty tight, more tight this than people expected. it's been 44 years since the democratic governor has been re-elected in new jersey. more than 40 years since this happened. so the polls close at 8:00. we'll see how it plays out. back to you, neil. >> neil: you're hitting the ground welcome. great to have you aboard. great to have you. >> thanks. happy to be part of the fox family. >> as are we. let's go to christy todd wittman, the former new jersey governor. re-elected one of those governors that was re-elected along with the likes of tom cane and chris christie. it's tough for a democrat to get elected because it's an overwhelmingly democratic state. what do you think it is? >> what i go back the first time an incumbent was hearing 1993. but because democrats have a huge advantage in registration, democrats get lazy. this season a off year election. they assume they're going to win. they have in the past. that's going to be a key factor here. certainly what the republicans are counting on. jack ciattarelli is counting on the conservative republican base. that's how he's been running and those people come out to vote. he knows that. he asked to get them out and that's what he's doing today. murphy is trying his hardest. he's not the most exciting candidate that gets people's passions up but he has to overcome the off-year elections. >> neil: it's interesting, governor. where he gets high marks is handling of covid in the state. it depends on voters in different states that don't like heavy-handed approaches to things and mandates and all the rest even though he tried to juggle that. it's on that issue that he seems to be running the most favorable among voters. the concern about high property taxes in the state, which remain among the nation's highest, that's not been able to sting him yet. i'm wondering if that's a sleeper issue that no one appreciates? >> it's been an issue forever in new jersey. the main reason being the state doesn't impose the property tax or spend it. that's local spending that does that. the state government obviously can have a lot of impact by relieving some of the local government of their responsibility, some of the services they provide by giving them more money. they don't correct it. everybody who runs says they're going to go after this issue. so i think voters here in the state have said, okay, we heard that before. we wish you luck. hope you do it. the most important thing to my immediate future is what has happened with covid. we feel very comfortable the voters in general have felt comfortable with the way that phil murphy has handled it. the results have been very good. >> a lot of people are making a big deal of the taped conversations that were picked up. i don't know what is true or not, governor, where he was secretly planning to launch after the election, you know, mandates and the like. that would be far wider than anything he seemed to telegraph on the stump. would that come back -- as an issue, would that be something that could hurt him? >> i don't think so. i haven't heard anything about that here. it's not something that we -- that's been talked about a lot. that sounds like more conspiracy theory thing. it hasn't been at the forefront. jack ciattarelli has not mentioned it. >> neil: so that move to say that the governor will change stripes and maybe establish some crackdowns, you don't think that's in the cards? >> i have no way of knowing. i haven't heard anything about it. i don't think it's going to be a major factor in people's deciding how to vote today. >> now, you know, a lot of people look at the message of new jersey and we forget, governor, that, you know, there's a legislature here, a number of seats could be lost, democrats could lose them. how would you look at this even if it's a close contest to the end and governor murphy hangs on? what do you look at? >> well, the important thing is what is happening as you point out in the legislature. that's going to determine a great deal of what the governor can or can't accomplish. if many seats change hands, that will be a warning for the democrats in the state. they're going to have a lot more work to do if those seats go republican. it's obviously going to set up a lot of discussion about what will happen in 2022. as you know, two years is a lifetime. six months is a lifetime in politics. so much could change between now and then. but certainly it's going to be -- if the democrats lose a lot of seats and the senate or the assembly, it's going to be a wake-up call to them. if republicans are the ones that lose seats, they have to stop and reevaluate how they campaign in this state. >> neil: you're right. things change. long-term to me is breakfast tomorrow morning. take it from there very good seeing you again. >> good to see you. >> neil: thanks, christine todd, the former two-term governor of new jersey. if the markets are worried about how things factor out, they had a funny way of showing it. as the major averages are hitting records again. the dow closing above 36,000. more after this. (man) still asleep. (woman vo) so, where to next? (vo) reflect on the past, celebrate the future. season's greetings from audi. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. >> neil: joe manchin is holding up the progressives. what does mark warner think of the democratic food fight that has gotten nasty? it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? >> tech: that's service the way you need it. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ >> neil: all right. the president's trip in europe wrapping up. the president summing up a journey that he says was very productive. alex hogan has more. alex? >> hi, neil. the president highlighting the importance of this summit here in scotland and also underscoring the u.s.' commitment to combat climate change. some scientists say they're kept school because really none of this is a done deal. senator joe manchin vowing to not get behind this 1.7 trillion infrastructure plan. joe biden tonight responding saying that he believes that he can get manchin on board. this plan will not raise inflation. the other topics, biden calling out china, russia and saudi arabia for not showing up. they say it's a lack of leadership on the world stage. >> showing up, the rest of the world will look to china and say what value have they provided? they have lost in the building of the influence of people around the world and all the people here at cop. >> biden touched on everything from the build back better frame work. a goes that a climate focus could create more jobs. he talked about the success of the summit so far. the president touting the stride towards ending deforestation by 2030, 114 countries are promising to restore land, access and address wild fires and also plant more trees around the globe. the president also talked about the importance for activists, those with this passion for consering the environment, young adults and teens. the ability that they've had in pushing this movement forward. neil? >> neil: thanks, alex. one of the other things that you've heard championed by joe manchin and some other maybe more moderate democrats and economists is all of this government spending is inflationary. the proof is in the pudding. pudding prices have doubled. didn't know that. it's a worry. wondering how much of a worry and concern on all of these crucial contests. let's go to hans nichols from axios, pick his brain. what do you think? inflation as a factor. >> maybe not right now. might be playing on the margins in virginia. seems like the race in virginia is defined by school, critical race theory, mask mandates. when you talk to democrats privately and republicans are pushing this publicly, inflation is front and center. when you look at the latest lines out of the federal reserve, they're suggests this isn't transitory, could be with us for some time but an undeterminant timeline. the crucial question politically is whether or not this will affect the mid-terms. so will there be 4%, 5% inflations when voter goes to the polls in a year. overlaying all of this is the decision on who biden will appoint to the federal reserve. he just gave us a tease there. he said he will make an announcement fairly quickly. i'll let you tease that out on just how imminent a fed announcement might be, neil. >> neil: i'm throwing this out there as a wild card event. the fed reserve wraps up a two-day meeting tomorrow and will start taking the punch bowl away. they've been buying a lot of treasury notes and bonds to the tune of $22 billion a month. if the guy orchestrating that is out and not reappointed, then what is the fallout from that? >> depends what the market does. if they go with someone that is more sort of do havish on inflation, which would be the natural place if they don't go with jay powell and they go with someone like brainerd, then you could have markets be more concerned about inflation. from the senators talking to the white house about the appointment, they're concerned about market reaction. that's why some like john tester. markets like powell, he deserves a second term. so what extent that factors in to the white house, we don't know. it's clearly in the either. >> neil: i get a read from a lot of moderate democrats are not keen on the bigger spending package, not the roughly $1 trillion infrastructure package. the better part of valor might be to lose it and just stake your claim on getting the infrastructure-only package through. that is so controversial. it could make this inflation situation worse. that might get past their legislative skis here, but what did you make of that? >> well, maybe not lose it but delay it. we have news that just broke here where you have five house moderates, murphy, gottheimer, names that you're aware of, house centrists saying they will not vote nor the big package, the $2 trillion package, 1.75 trillion unless the congressional budget office has a firm score that means how much it's going to cost and how much they're going to raise. theywant 72 hours to read it all. all that tells you, neil, is don't plan for a vote this week. okay? they could work out a lot of things. when you listen to manchin and take a step back, he's always been on a 20-22 time frame that means he couldn't be for something in december. he's talking about next year for all this. to your point, he wants to see what the effects are on all of this spending on inflation. just real quickly, on the other side, the white house says there's an increase supply, help supply chains and have downward pressure on inflation and they say it's fully paid for so won't tip the ledger in terms of any additional money out there in the overall monetary supply. neil? >> neil: interesting. hope springs eternal, i guess. thanks, hans. to hans point, a nod from the congressional budget office could take days, maybe longer. that is something that senator manchin is saying that he's willing to wait for. is his virginia democratic colleague mark warner? we'll ask him. he's next. as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. (vo) wildfires have reached historic levels. as fires keep raging, the need to replant trees keeps growing. so subaru is growing our commitment to protect the environment. in partnership with the national forest foundation, subaru and our retailers are proud to help replant 1 million trees to help restore our forests. subaru. more than a car company. >> if you take a look at what economy is growing? united states. it's growing. it has problems. mainly because of covid and supply chain, but it's growing. >> neil: always unsettles me when he does that whisper thing. it's growing! i say am i missing something? hurts any voice when i do that. anyway, just unsettles me. whatever works for him. anyway, larry glazer here. whatever is going on is working for the markets. all the major averages hitting records. a lot of them convinced that say what you will of the politics and nastiness, corporate earnings keep childrening, coming in better than expected and even those worried about supply chain issues. so what is driving this? >> neil, i knew i was in trouble last night when my wife said you better get the thanksgiving day turkey now. actually get two just in case. i think that's the world we're living in. the markets are relieved. they think the tax hikes won't be as bad as they feared. at the end of the day when the president's approval rating comes down, they lose confidence policy will happen. that is good for the market. a low approval rating is good because the markets like gridlock. that may not be the market that we like. that's the market that we have. what we've seen here is american business has been so resilient in the face of increased regulation, increased costs, labor issues. covid. everything thrown at it. people get up, go to work and the small business owners have proven that america is the place to be. we want to keep it that way. let's not screw it up in washington. sausage making is front and center. independents realize it's getting old. nobody like old sausage. that's for certain here. >> neil: sausage prices have doubled, especially italian sausage. i digress. i'm curious though, what drives the thinking though? you mentioned how the street has been running through these tax hikes that have been proposed. i'm wondering -- i can understand the glee that they won't being a big, might be delayed but might not happen at all. i'm wondering if the markets are sniffing around that possibility that these tax hikes they're fearing might not come to fruition? >> i think you're right. there's a sense of optimism that things could be okay. we're going to get through it. some of the fear mongering coming out of washington may not come to fruition. business will be okay. we're going to get through covid, open the economy and get people traveling, get people back to work. the biggest concern is we have these massive supply chain issues. everybody knows your christmas ship is on a container ship off of long beach and may never get here. people want to work. demand is not the issue. it's the supply chain issues. that's where washington has been tone deaf. they have yet to supply the issues. the labor challenges. families are struggling. they have to make a choice between food and fuel. there's nothing in this legislation. spending trillions and you're going to make the situation worse. so that's where people, independents today are voting with their wallets. middle class families will take center stage. go to the gas pump and get punched in the stomach every day and didn't have to be that way. >> there's a consensus building how awful the isn't doing. he's presiding over a strong economy hence the inflation that is stirring up right now. with the inflation, he's done, three day old fish. get rid of him. i can remember rough period in the middle of ronald reagan's first term i mentioned with another guest where he looked like a certain one-termer. so i was wondering whether we get ahead of ourselves on this stuff. >> a lot of data points coming up. consumer sentiment has been coming down. the fed is meeting amount big fed meeting. jobs data coming up, a slew of economic data. a lot of optimism despite the frustrations and concerns with what's going on in washington. most people want less washington, monday main street economy and less stimulus that will create more supply chain issue. they want less inflation and want to go back to work. that's the economy we want to be in despite what washington will throw at us. >> neil: yeah, the big picture is pretty stable for all of this screaming back and forth. >> it is. >> neil: i can play out a variety of ways. we're following these five moderate democrats that are talking of a deal to get a price score on all of this from the congressional budget office and then and only then to take the next step as to whether they should proceed and vote on this. we're a long way from solving this. we have mark warner from virginia coming up and the latest where this drama stands on capitol hill with chad pergram. stay with us. you're watching "your world." ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ certified turbocharger, suspension and fuel injection. translation: certified goosebumps. certified from headlamp to tailpipe. that's certified head turns. and it's all backed by our unlimited mileage warranty. that means unlimited peace of mind. mercedes-benz certified pre-owned. translation: the mercedes of your dreams is closer than you think. >> neil: some movement on this spending here. chad pergram has more from capitol. what have you learned? >> it comes down to joe manchin and kyrsten sinema. manchin threw on the brakes yesterday. >> the white house knew where i concerned. a come of concerns to work through. to automatically say that you signed off on things. when you say you sign off on things, you ought to keep your word. i'm not a liar and maybe anybody else a liar. >> president biden says he believes manchin will ultimately vote for the bill. the gop knows the problems democrats have passing this bill. they're not so secretly rooting for manchin and sinema. >> manchin and/or sinema are going to write the bill. i would observe it's quite a challenging exercise for them. i'm glad it is. >> chuck schumer just announced a deal with sinema to bring down the cost of medicine covered by medicare. is. >> but empowering medicare to directly negotiate prices in part b and part d, this deal will directly reduce out of pocket drug spending for millions of patients every time that they visit the pharmacy or doctor and senator sinema has told me she supports this agreement. i think we're there. >> we're starting to get clarity on timing. nancy pelosi believes we should have bill text tonight. schumer says the senate needs next week the scrub the bill. schumer tends to put it on the floor the week of november 15. that's why the house could vote hear this week but it's unclear in the house could handle potential changes by the senate. neil? >> neil: chad pergram, thanks very much. last time we spoke to mark warner said nobody would be quick but it would be deliberate. now what? we'll ask him. hey, hey, hey! check it out! we got to get these lights set up. dad! ♪ ♪ at lowe's, we put our decorations and gifts out earlier. yeah! so, you can make the most of the season. it's all at the one place that has everything you need. ♪ ♪ that was quick. and rewarding. i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. that means i earn on my bug spray and my sunscreen. you ready to go fishing? i got the bait. i also earn 5% on travel purchased through chase on this rental car. that lake is calling my name! don't you get seasick? we'll find out! come on. and i earn 3% on dining including takeout. so much for catching our dinner. some people are hunters. some are gatherers. i'm a diner. pow! earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. 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let's ask mark warner, the democratic senator and also a former governor of virginia. so obviously quite attuned to what is happening today in that fine state. senator warner, very good to have you. do you think in the end, senator, the president is right that joe manchin will get on board with this? >> listen, neil, i wasn't surprised at all by what joe manchin said yesterday. it's been what he's telling me and telling everybody. i also agree that we should have voted for the bipartisan infrastructure deal back in september when it first came up. that would have helped the president. it would have helped turn mcauliffe in virginia. would have shown the economy in terms of relief on whether it is roads and bridges long-term or broad band or resiliency. we are where we are. the final details -- if i told you this has taken more time than i thought about, but when you talk about tax policy changes, taking it time to get it right is the right thing to do. one of my critiques is the 2017 trump tax cuts is it was rushed through. as a finance guy, there's devil in the details on the tax policy. >> neil: you said hit the lack of action in washington could have blowback for terry mcauliffe. if he were to lose today and i know you're convinced he will still pull out a victory, could it be traced to this lack of action? >> neil, i'll let you draw any kind of conclusions. i'll tell you this much about -- i'll tell you this. i feel better today than i did yesterday afternoon. basically because early vote ended up coming in 1.2 million votes. again, we don't have much to compare it to. last year it was high. but we had covid. the vote in northern virginia and charlottesville and in some of the cities from richmond to hampton roads is coming in strong. so i feel better but it's going to be a close race. glenn youngkin, first-time candidate. a strong job. >> neil: is the president hurting the candidate right now? is he hurting democrats nationwide in these select contests? >> what i think -- what i wish the democrats would have done and i say that as a democrat, that we should have taken the win we had in the spring, in terms of coming out of covid, the bipartisan infrastructure bill that got 69 votes, first time in 60 years that we addressed infrastructure. it was a joke line under president trump. every other week was infrastructure week and nothing happened. we produced a bipartisan bill. i agree with the vast majority of the president's agenda in the build back better agenda. we could have sequenced that infrastructure vote in september. but we get this done, the sausage making people will forget very quickly and what they'll remember is the country stepped up on climate change, the country stepped up on child care so women could get back to work. we did it in a way that was paid for. as you heard today, even the vast majority of fox viewers support that we have to bring down our prescription drug costs. makes no sense that americans pay five and ten times more for the drugs that are sold cheapner candy and the u.k. >> neil: all right. let me ask you about where we go from here. a lot of presidents or parties also change after mid-terms. bill clinton did that and working with newt gingrich after his party was shaken in the 94 landslide. which is not a mid-term. if his key candidates go down to defeat, you think it should be treated that way? you think a democrat should moderate? you think the progressives should tone it down? >> are you referring to just virginia or the new jersey race or -- what happens -- >> neil: i'd say primarily virginia. so you don't think he should change his posture one way or the other? it's -- >> we have to argue virginia shouldn't be the center of the universe. i'm optimistic that terry will pull it out. i've been on your show many times. i come at this more business-minded than some of my colleagues. the numbers always need to add up. candidly having a bit more time -- we'll have that regardless of what happens in the house this week because of the craziness of the reconciliation process. we get these details right, i think that's a better product at the end of the day. >> the fact that you said you're have a good financial background, the numbers should add up. the wrath against your colleagues is they're not good at american and adding up numbers. you think that is a problem? >> neil, i said the very same shell games, tricks of the trade that with used to pay for the republican tax cuts in 2017 dynamic scoring and other cliffs that were creating, putting tax cuts in place that would end, these are tried and true tactics that both sides have used and frankly i think both sides come with relatively unclean hands on these tools. >> neil: we'll have to watch it very closely. senator mark warner, thanks very much. we'll see how the races ensue in your state and new jersey and as he pointed out, a number of crucial contests in new york city. fox will watch it all tonight and we'll be looking at the market impact of this tomorrow. >> hello. i'm jesse waters with judge jeanine pirro, harold ford,jr., dagen mcdowell and greg gutfeld. this is "the five." >> we're going to win. it's about who will turn out. granted, i won by a large margin. i have not seen any evidence

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, Nod , Hope Springs Eternal , Senator , Element Securing Portfolios , Reward , Investors , Risk , Gold , Subaru , Levels , Wildfires , Need , Partnership , Retailers , Car Company , Forests , National Forest Foundation , 1 Million , Economy , Problems , Whisper Thing , Supply Chain , It S Growing , Voice , Whatever , Nastiness , Say , Larry Glazer , Supply Chain Issues , Childrening , Wife , Earnings , Tax Hikes , Case , Approval Rating , Confidence Policy , Gridlock , Costs , Regulation , Owners , American Business , Sausage Making , Nobody , The Street , Thinking , Sausage , Italian Sausage , , Sausage Prices , Big , Glee , Optimism , Possibility , Sniffing , Fear Mongering , Ship , Container Ship , Demand , Long Beach , Families , Legislation , Fuel , Food , Labor Challenges , Trillions , Situation , Choice , Tone Deaf , Wallets , Middle Class , Consensus , Stomach , Gas Pump , Center Stage , Isn T Doing , Fish , Guest , Termer , Data Points , Middle , Stuff , Coming Up , Concerns , Frustrations , Fed Meeting , Consumer Sentiment , Supply Chain Issue , What S Going On In Washington , Stimulus , Monday Main Street , Forth , The Big Picture , Democrats , Price Score , Step , Ways , Variety , Limu Emu , Chad Pergram , Stay , Capitol Hill , Drama Stands , Liberty Mutual , Couple , Limu , Bogeys , Bird , Car Insurance , Helicopter , Kid , Pay , Looks , Woooooooooooooo , Certified Goosebumps , Certified , Certified Turbocharger , Head , Turns , Mileage , Suspension , Tailpipe , Warranty , Headlamp , Dreams , Mercedes Benz , Peace Of Mind , Certified Pre Owned , Brakes , Kyrsten Sinema , Liar , Word , Anybody , Come , Medicine , Medicare , Exercise , Chuck Schumer , Patients , Pocket Drug Spending , Prices , Pharmacy , Empowering Medicare , Part B , Part D , Millions , Doctor , Clarity , Agreement , Timing , Bill Text , Nancy Pelosi , In The House , Floor , Scrub , November 15 , 15 , Changes , Dad , Lights , Most , Gifts , Decorations , At Lowe S , Drugstores , Rental Car , Cash , Fishing , Name , Come On , Bug Spray , Sunscreen , Lake , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Bait , More , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Diner , Takeout , Dinner , Pow , Fee , Hunters , Gatherers , Chase , Upbeat Pop Music , My Name , Sam Davis , Exciting Medicare Advantage , Coverage , Premiums , Prescription Drugs , Hospital , Doctor Office Visits , Each , Deductible , Medicare Supplement Plan , Plans , Prescription Drug Coverage , Deductibles , Co Insurance , Take A Look At Humana S Medicare Advantage , Hospital Stays , 2020 , Members , Prescription Drug , Prescription Costs , Fitness Program , Average , Vision , Dental , Silversneakers , 400 , 8400 , Telehealth Coverage , Low , Copay , Humana , Decision Guide , Facts , Obligation , Areas , Screen , Prescriptions , Human Way , Healthcare , Infrastructure Bill , Enemy , Perfect , Detail , Proposal , Words , Initiatives , Fine Print , Infrastructure Deal , Turn Mcauliffe , Details , Roads , Resiliency , Long Term , Relief , Band , Tax Policy Changes , Critiques , 2017 , Tax Cuts , Action , Tax Policy , Finance Guy , Devil , Blowback , Conclusions , Kind , About , 1 2 Million , Cities , Richmond , Charlottesville , Hampton Roads , Spring , Joke Line , Trump , 60 , 69 , Majority , Infrastructure Vote , Done , Women , Child Care , Viewers , Times , Drugs , Candy , Prescription Drug Costs , Americans , Cheapner , U K , Presidents , Parties , Newt Gingrich , 94 , Defeat , Landslide , Other , Show , Posture , Center Of The Universe , Terry , Colleagues , Craziness , Background , Wrath , Product , Reconciliation Process , Tricks , Trade , Sides , Scoring , Cliffs , Tactics , Tools , Jeanine Pirro , Market Impact , New York City , Harold Ford Jr , Dagen Mcdowell , Greg Gutfeld ,

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