Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 : comparemela

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

disturbance outside when the gunman began shooting. laura begins our coverage with more. >> hi, griff. it was a horrifying scene in houston overnight. as you mentioned those three deputies being shot in what investigators are now calling an ambush, shot from behind by a suspect with a rifle, as they were going outside of a nightclub and wrestling with the suspect they were trying to take into custody. it happened after 2 a.m. local time in houston as three harris county deputies were working the security job at a bar and lounge. and what they know so far. >> they went outside to address a disturbance that may have been a robbery, and they were intervening in, and they were probably unknown to them at that time. they were trying to arrest a suspect or detain a suspect and they were wrestling with them when they were ambushed. it's a tragedy in that, you know, i've got a dad there that i have to talk to, i've got a wife there and i've got a deceased son and husband, i've got two other deputies in surgery. >> well, police say it's unclear if the deputies were able to return fire or not and say while they do have one person of interest in custody who was near the scene, they're not sure if it's a witness or a suspect at this point. investigators are looking for another suspect, a hispanic male in his early 20's. you mentioned at the top today is the 40th annual national peace officers memorial service taking place at noon in d.c. president biden will be in attendance. the event honoring law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. and taking a look at the numbers for this year so far, 38 officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty and today's of course makes 39 shot and killed. more to come as we get it. griff. griff: laura engle live with the latest, we'll check back as we have more. jacqui. jacqui: griff, joining us with more a former homicide detective ted williams. ted joining us by phone. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure under the circumstances. jacqui: i want to get your reaction to today's incident and your message to the families that have been impacted by this. >> you know, jacqui, first i'd like to offer my deepest condolences to the law enforcement officer that has lost his life. this, unfortunately, is happening all too often in this country right now, whether it is a lack of respect for law enforcement officers and that there are individuals out here who are willing to take law enforcement officers' lives or in this instance, as you know, these two officers, the three of them, were working at a bar off duty, but then they heard something going on outside. they went outside. they went toward the danger. and in this circumstance, they were ambushed. and now you have one deputy that was shot in the back fighting for his life, one deputy who was actually killed, and one who was shot in the foot. and they're certainly now looking for a person of interest, but what is so tragic about this is that on this very day at this very time, the president of the united states is on capitol hill for the 40th annual national police memorial service honoring police officers who have given the ultimate sacrifice, their lives to protect the citizens of this country. it's just a tragedy. jacqui: it is. and ted, you know, i want to ask you, just as of three days ago, as 260 officers were shot, 48 killed according to the nam national fraternal order of police over the past year and fop is commemorating those who lost their lives at the capitol and they say that ambush style attacks on law enforcement is up 153% from this time in 2020. what do you feel has contributed to those statistics? >> i think it's the criminal element out here and politicians looking the other way, unfortunately, while crime is running rampant or in these various cities, and when you look the at the criminal element, they're emboldened out here and being emboldened, they are in fact taking lives. jacqui, you're dealing with griff jenkins there, griff and i have covered many of these sad situations, but one of the things that is just there and that is a lack of disrespect for law enforcement officers and the job that they do. jacqui: you know, there was an effort, ted, on capitol hill to get comprehensive reform to try and mend the relationship between police and communities and try to address the crime. there was so much disagreement between the rural and police organizations taking part in those talks that there was an impasse and that effort died. do you think that they need to go back, double back and try again? is that going to make a difference? . i hope that they will revisit police reform. i am clearly a person who believes that there needs to be some reform within the law enforcement community, but in a direct manner, that has nothing, unfortunately, to do with criminals who are -- lack any substance that go out here and just are willing to kill a police officer because that person is a police officer. that is what we're facing in this country, and that is what we need to attack. there is this disrespect for law enforcement officers and the first time that something goes on in a community of any criminal sort, the first thing we want to do is to call these law enforcement officers and these law enforcement officers, they run toward danger and not away from danger, and this is what you found that happened in houston there last night, unfortunately. griff: ted, it's griff. let me ask you, because as we're looking here at the crowd gathered to hear from president biden, the law enforcement officers memorial in this moment every year, you and i have gone and covered this. it is so very special, that, of course, you're looking at the memorial itself down the street from where we are here on capitol hill and every year-- one rear i even rode with the police on bikes to go there. it's such an important moment and it's really when the brothers and sisters of law enforcement from around the country can spend time together and remember their loved ones and also, that camaraderie of what service is all about, getting up every day, walking out of the door, leaving your loved ones at home not knowing whether you'll come back. and it strikes me that this speech, given the tragic events in houston the last 24 hours, this is a critically important address the president is about to give in just minutes from now. what would you like to hear him say, ted? >> i would like to hear the president of the united states say and honor these fallen heroes that just that, that they died heroes. i would like to hear the president of the united states address politicians out here. i would like to hear the president of the united states address community leaders and members of the community to say that these are human beings that want to do a job, just to serve and protect the citizens of their communities, and that many of them, unfortunately, as they're being on the day, have made the ultimate sacrifice. they've given their lives. and i'm hoping that america will find a way to embrace these police officer's families because they need it at this day and time in our history. and that is some of the things that i want to hear from our president biden. jacqui: your point is noted, ted and we've heard that before, that there's this desire to hear from leaders, especially democratic leaders, you know, language that humanizes police officers especially after the year last year and movements to defund police and how important it is to have people recognize that these officers dedicate their lives to their jobs and that they gave the ultimate sacrifice. ted williams, thank you so much for joining us. we will continue to watch for the president to make his remarks at the fallen police memorial. griff. >> my pleasure. >> counterterrorism officers are leading an investigation into the death of british lawmaker after he was fatally stabbed at a meeting in england. u.k. is calling it a terrorist atook. kitty logan is there for us in london. hi, kitty. >> hi, griff, the say that amos was attacked was a meeting with local residents, police quickly arrested a suspect at the scene. sir david amos was a longstanding member of parliament, served almost 40 years and well-liked by party members and opposition politicians and earlier today we saw the prime minister boris johnson visiting the scene of the attack in essex, side by side, with the leader of the opposition, presenting a uniteded front there across political divides. shocked local residents have also been laying their floral tributes. sir david was a popular politician and liked to engage with the public face-to-face as is typical here for british parliamentarians. but with no personal security outside of parliament, it does leave them vulnerable and five years ago, another member of parliament, joe cox, killing outside of parliament, and this attack on sir david amos is unclear, but police believe there could be a link to islamic extremism. they're questioning the suspect, a 25-year-old british somali man and they've been searching two london properties overnight. police say they don't believe anyone else was involved in the attack, but the government is now urgently reviewing security arrangements for other members of parliament. griff: kitty logan live for us in london. thank you. jacqui. concerns are growing over shipping issues, and lawmakers are pressing president biden to take action. david spunt is live from the white house with that. hi, david. >> jacqui, good afternoon to you, as we're ready to wrap up the year in a few months, it's clear that the supply chain crisis may last well into 2022. this may not be a few weeks situation. it's been going on for a while. this is a day after #bareshelvesbiden, and all kidding aside, this is as cargo continues to sit in an ocean parking lot. new numbers from the labor department show import prices rose after falling in august. transportation secretary pete buttigieg facing tough questions about taking paternity time off with his husband to take care of twins. they're saying he's been in touch with major policy decisions and is now working back for the country. a lo the-- a lot of this is not how long the ports are open, it's also the trucks and chassises and truckers to drive them. and the truckers have been on the frontline of this pandemic and they want to be paid well and they want to be respected and we have an issue with a shortage of truck drivers in the country. >> in 2020 then candidate biden during the food shortage in the first few months of covid then blamed then president trump for that. >> it's not a food shortage, it's a lack of leadership. it's a lack of leadership. i'd harness the industry to get food to those who need it and billions of laid off workers back to work and jobs, that's what they're doing. this is not rocket science, it's leadership. >> as the president spends the weekend at the white house in washington, other crises that loom up, the debt ceiling and looking at the government running out of funding, but don't forget that special spending bill and originally the president and progressives were hoping for 3.5 trillion. and they're well aware we're not looking at a number anywhere near 3.5 trillion. >> and the talks continue. griff. griff: and rangers are looking at shots fired from the mexico side of the border. we've live at the border next. oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? so you only pay for what you need. sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> good afternoon, jacqui. last evening we had 100 migrants along the rio grand and this has been a very busy stretch for migration. it's slowed down over the last couple of weeks and the local officials say they expect the caravans headed north for that to pick up. the texas law enforcement officials say as you mention they're getting gunfire coming from the mexican side across the river, the texas department of public safety in a statement says, quote, on thursday, october 14th just before noon, two shots were fired across the border from mexico into starr county about an hour west of us, believed to be aimed at texas national guard personnel. there were no injuries and the texas rangers are investigating this incident. meanwhile, the biden administration is complying with a court order and will reinstate the trump era remain in mexico policy. that requires migrants claiming asylum to wait out our cases in camps in mexico. they canceled the program and the biden administration went about it the wrong way. so the department of homeland security is reluctantly reviving the policy and officials say they'll move to terminate it again in a way that complies with the court order. dhs also says it's building temporary immigration courts along the border to process these asylum claims. we are also awaiting border patrol apprehension numbers for the month of september, that's the final month of the 2021 fiscal year. already in that fiscal year there have been more apprehensions down here along the southwest border than any year since 2000. so depending on the september figures, if you get 200,000 or so, we could have for the fiscal year of 2021, the busiest year for southwest border apprehensions in recorded history and though we have to wait for the figures to come out and probably anticipating the next few days, the pattern when we get the figures. back to you. >> rich edson down at the border, thank you so much. griff: jacqui, the biden administration is preparing to reinstate the trump era policy after being ordered by the court to do so. for more on the border, republican congressman from texas, a member of the house appropriations committee, tony gonzalez. before we get to the border, i want to give you a moment, an opportunity to weigh in, to react to this tragic ambush on the three text test constable deputies one of whom we know has lost their life this morning. congressman? >> yeah, no, my heart goes out to the law enforcement officers here in texas that are doing everything they can to keep our community safe. what i'd like to see from the biden administration and in his speech shortly is the president being crystal clear that america is behind law enforcement officers, and to be crystal clear that we will apprehend the people responsible for this and they will be brought to justice, full justice and we will seek the death penalty for those that have killed innocent police officers. it needs to be that clean a speech, you know, this rhetoric of encouraging anti-law enforcement rhetoric to be spewed by democrats in particular, has become deadly. >> such an important point, congressman, because as we now turn the conversation to the border, so many of the agents, men and women, working around the clock, overwhelmed on the border, feel some loss of confidence with this administration, with the decisions they've made. now, when i have talked to agents, they tell me if remain in mexico is reinstated and the court ordered to do so it may help. your thoughts? >> myself and many of my republican colleagues have been pushing to reinstate the trump policies that work, the remain in mexico policy worked. it's encouraging to see this administration start to go down that route and we have to hold them accountable. i'm not stopping until i see that reinstated. on the border, the cartels are controlling everything. it's chaos. on the space you're seeing the migrant situation, but underneath the surface, you're seeing the deadly area na encourages terrorism, that encourages the cartels that are very sophisticated. they're working with cryptocurrency. they are exploiting our border at all levels and all facets. it's not just the migrants that we see on the surface. griff: you wrote an important op-ed in the hill newspaper this past week about cartels and cryptocurrency. is it your view that the cartels are stronger than they've ever been and only growing? >> these cartels are extremely sophisticated and they pose a danger far more than we've seen on the surface. we've seen the danger utilizing the cryptocurrencies and it's an attack against the u.s. dollar. it's a battle that the united states is in a battle with the cartels and the bottom line, we're losing and it's up to the biden administration not only to gain a hold of the southern border to protect innocent people that live along the border, but protect our financial institutions and other things as these cartels continue to become more sophisticated. you know, emergency instead of coming over with a backpack full of cash, imagine you come over with a thumb drive filled with cryptocurrency? >> as we look at images from our flight team, la hoya, texas, in the rgv, and heaviest areas and where you're not too far. i went this week down to the kun of the panama, all the way down to the jungle, the densest on earth, where we're seeing tens of thousands particularly haitian migrants coming through there. the cartel has a virtual pipeline that runs from south america all the way across our border, and you were able to speak with a foreign minister of panama, erica moynes, somewhat desperate, and what did she tell you? >> i met with the foreign minister two weeks ago and she was sounding the alarm on what's happening in panama. one i think this, they've encountered over 80,000 migrants. there's more on the way and they've encountered many folks associated with terrorism. once again, this is a direct threat to the united states. and these folks don't just arrive at our southern border. it's happening well in advance. what we saw in del rio weeks ago, we will see over and over again unless something happens. i appreciate you going down to the darian gap and covering it firsthand. historically those numbers around 8,000 migrants pass through there a year. that number is ten times as much and only getting worse. this administration has to act and it has to act now. griff: it does, indeed. we're out of time and i've got to let you go. i was trying to find out when i got back last night if anything had changed on the spending negotiations on capitol hill. just 10 seconds, do you have insight where we are? >> spending is out of control. when you're negotiating from 3 and a half trillion to one trillion it's a loser all the way around. inflation continues to spiral out of control. griff: thank you for taking the time and have a congratulate rest of your saturday. jacqui: more on spending on the negotiations on capitol hill. a member from california, jared huffman. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, good morning. jacqui: appreciate your time. this week the white house really for the first time sort of signaled impatience here that there's not been progress since the vote on, and it's been stalled. and the democrats are pushing for a deadline and you just appeared in a town hall with alexandria ocasio-cortez to make the case for the climate provision. what are you holding out for? >> well, i'm holding out for a package of legislation that's net positive for the climate because we're running out of time to address the most important economic, environmental and moral imperative of our time, the climate crisis. this may be our last best chance to do that and we've got to get it right. jacqui: do you really believe that more time is going to make a difference when you have folks like senator joe manchin firing back at people like bernie sanders, pushing him to get on board and responded to sander op-ed and aligning him avenue and senator sinema with the republican conference. and wrote senator sander's answer throwing money at an already overheated economy and other senators from grave concerns about this approach and he's aligning himself with this and do you think he's going to move? >> i don't know, i certainly hope he will. i'm not calling for an infinite amount of time and i don't think my democratic colleagues are. in a few weeks i'm in a delegation going to glasgow for the climate summit. i don't want to go empty handed to that summit. i want to take in hand, legislation that we've approved so we can ask the same of the international community. so i feel a great sense of urgency to get this done and we're getting cards on the table from senator manchin and senator sinema and you have to do that. jacqui: and i'll see you in glasgow and the president is going on that trip and we'll cover it. and you touched on something i wanted to ask, also does this stall reflect poorly on the president, showing up as it hands right now, emptyhanded on these things. this is a truncated period of time to get this done for the first couple of days of november? >> it's harder for the united states to go into the world stage a few weeks from now and try to lead other countries to new commitments to this higher ambition goal so we can confront the climate crisis. it lot harder if we haven't got our own house in order. i think it underscored the urgency of this moment and i think it's why the white house is fully engaged and it's why many of us, quite frankly, are so frustrated with senator manchin. jacqui: would you disagree with the congresswoman who said that we can do the temporary transportation funding many, many more times? we've done it before and we can do it again? you disagree with that? >> she's right, that's a fact, but that climate summit is set for the middle of november and the fact is, we do need to take something into that summit that shows american leadership. so i'm still hoping that we can keep the pressure on. i think it's useful. and i want that pressure to be especially focused on senator manchin and he's the key and many of us are very frustrated that so far at least he appears unwilling to do the right thing on climate and clean energy. jacqui: thank you for joining us. >> thank you. coming up, president biden is addressing the national peace officers memorial commemorating the lives lost in the line of duty over the last two years. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. i would have urges for chocolates and chips. those were my downfalls. boost® high protein also has key nutrients thanks to golo, i wasn't craving those anymore. the weight was coming off, the energy was coming in, and now, i'm doing cartwheels. (female announcer) go to to lose weight and feel great. >> you're looking live now, president biden will soon deliver the keynote address of the 40th annual peace officer's memorial service. it's an event hosted by the national fraternal order of police and honors the 491 law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty during 2019 and 2020 and he's being introduced now by james smallwood, the national treasurer for the fraternal order of police. the president earlier today ordering that all flags on federal buildings and public buildings to be flown at half staff to honor their service and sacrifice. it is an interesting moment as we tragically have been reporting on what happened in houston. the ambush of three constable deputies, one of whom lost their life already. this is had a moment when you have law enforcement officers across the country tuning in to remember those who paid the ultimate price and really a testament to why they're so brave to get up and walk out of the floor, jackie, knowing they may not come home, but doing so, even in this environment, at this moment in history when the defund the police movement has gained more momentum than it's ever had and comes at a time when the president himself known as a long-time ally of law enforcement dating back to his time in the senate when he, of course, had the 1994 crime bill and he was a hero to cops everywhere and now, whether or not his embrace of the defund movement and catering to that quarter of the political spectrum is certainly something people will be watching when the president gets up and delivers remarks here in just a moment. jacqui: well, certainly there have been democrats in his party who embraced that message and the president has distanced himself from that and repeatedly aligned himself with causes to bolster police funding, but i do want to note it's fitting that's happening on the west front of the capitol where you saw officers had to defend against the january 6th riots. and also an attack on the capitol back in april that took a police officer's life and these officers have been working so hard. we want to pause now because the president looks like he's coming up to the podium to begin his speech. let's listen in to the president. [applause]. thank you, sergeant, my name is joe biden, i'm jill biden's husband. that's how i'm better known. president yost, execs auxiliary president layman, and jimmy pasco, director, thank you for this invitation to be here today homeland security mayorkas, thank you for the job you're doing for us, thank you very, very much. it's a tough job. most importantly, the families here today, this is all about you, about you. you know, i've been coming to this memorial for 40 years, missed a couple, but -- and i've spoken at many, too many police memorials all around the country. and it all amazes me how the public doesn't fully understand what we expect of our law enforcement officers. we expect you to be people ready to stand in the way and take a bullet for us. we expect you to be able to track down the bad guys. we expect you to be the psychologist who talks, the couple that are having violent confrontation together, to step back. we expect you to be everything. we expect everything of you and it's beyond the capacity of anyone to meet the total expectations. being a cop today is one hell of a lot harder than it's ever been. and to the families of the fallen, you've suffered an enormous loss, but understand, your loss is also america's loss. america's loss. and your pain is america's pain. we're waking up to the notion that unless we change the environment in which the job can be done, we're going to have trouble having enough women and men come forward who want to do the job. i hope all the families, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, moms, dads, i hope you're able to take a measure of comfort and strength from the extended family you have here and all around you. and remembrance and respect of this memorial this day, i ordered our flag to be flown at half staff. we've met here in front of this united states capitol many times before to memorialize our fallen heroes. it's particularly appropriate today. here nine months ago your brothers and sisters thwarted an unconstitutional and fundamentally un-american attack on our nation's values and our votes. and because of you, democracy survived, but only because of the women and men, the u.s. capitol police force, washington d.c. metropolitan police department, other law enforcement agencies who once again literally put their bodies on the line to protect our democracy. that's why i have no hesitation, had none at all, in signing the law, awarding the congressional gold medal of congress, the highest expression of our nation's appreciation, to the u.s. capitol police in washington d.c. metropolitan police and other responding law enforcement agencies. [applause] >> because of these men and women we have avoided catastrophe, but their heroism game at a cost to you and your families. five lost in the attack's aftermath. the toll on this profession this past years has been heavy, too heavy. 2020 was the deadliest year for law enforcement on record and today we're here to remember nearly 500 of your brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, sons and daughters. 2019 and 2020 we lost so much. i attended this memorial service many times, as i said, to pay my respects. sometimes i've been the speaker, other times i've sat on the stage and just thought about all of you sitting on the lawn. although this year, i don't know any personally who have fallen, any of the individuals, i've gone through the names and i feel i know without having ever met them. you see, i grew up in a neighborhood, neighborhood in scranton, pennsylvania, claymont, delaware and bellfont, where i grew up with the guys and women that we're honoring today. one of my best friends in grade school, eddie hill became a superintendent in delaware state police, a great friend and competitor and the other major high school we played ball against one another, charlie doherty became the head of the police force and so many more. so although i didn't know them personally, i know you. i know you. i always joked that i grew up in places where you either became a cop, a firefighter or a priest. i wasn't qualified for them so i had to settle for this. [laughter] >> but all kidding aside, over the years, chairman of the judiciary committee, i've got to know you. even as kids we could see in the women and men around us who the ones who had the heart. they're the ones who ran in to help you, whenever everyone else was running away. they ran toward, even when they were in grade school, knowing they'd be able to help a little bit, even if they were outnumbered. and i'm not making this up. think about it. think about your son, your daughter, your husband, your wife, who they were, what was inside them. it was about service to protect, defend. this isn't just what law enforcement does, it's who you are. it's what makes you who you are. and when you put on that shield in the morning and walk out the door each day, every family member dreads the possibility of receiving that phone call. talking about this, just as our son beau was in kosovo for six months and in iraq for a year, he was a chief officer attorney general and i'd watched every morning, and she left before i did, and i left for the train, jill mouthing a prayer over the cup of coffee at the sink, praying, praying, for beau, he did it every day. and there was a line from an english poet, john milton, he said they also serve while we stand and wait. how long have you had to stand and wait and wonder when you heard something on the news or saw it on television? thousands and thousands of american families stand and wait for their husbands, wives, their fathers, their mothers, sons and daughters can serve the rest of us. we not only owe them, we owe you. it's not hyperbole, i mean this from the bottom of my heart, we owe you, fully to support them and too many of you sitting out there have received that terrible call that your loved one won't be coming home at the end of his or her shift. to the mothers and fathers here today, my heart aches for you. believe it or not, jill and i understand. we got one of those calls in a different circumstance. no parent should have to bury a child. i lost a baby daughter in an accident, i lost a brave son to cancer after coming home from a year in iraq. you know what? what you've gone through is hard. the fact that he was a chief law enforcement officer in delaware, he wasn't out there literally, he'd go on patrol, he wasn't out there walking up those stairs to make that arrest or try to stop that fight. it was always about family. it's like losing a piece of your soul. some of you still have that feeling like you've been sucked into a black hole in your chest wondering, my god, will it ever change? sergeant mclane from detroit, decorated for exemplary service for his career, he turned down promotions so he could work as a mentor for other officers in his district. every two weeks he'd send his wife flowers at work like clock work to brighten her day and her office. he was killed responding to a domestic violence call. officer tiffany victoria enrique from honolulu. she was one of two officers killed while responding to a call, was the first female officer to die in the line of duty in the honolulu police department. her boyfriend, also an officer, called her quote, the most hardest working, fearest officer i've ever known. my heart is shattered and she was my love, my rock, my strength. so many. officer charles excuse me, brazildo passed away in 2016, but he was recognized in his line of duty this year. he was part of an elite unit, the port authority of new york, and new jersey, and trained to perform rescue operations. after the terrorist attack on september 11th he was assigned to search and recover, recovery efforts in the world trade tower. he, like so many others, contracted cancer. he died of cancer following that assignment. he made friends wherever he went. he loved the outdoors, he was his neighborhood go-to guy organizing almost anything, including hunting expeditions. as you call the roll today, we're acutely aware that behind each name are families. as i said, we know from personal experience that every time there's a ceremony or a memorial honoring your lost husband or wife, son or daughter, it can summon that pride, but also that terrible feeling as if you're just hearing the news for the first time. so i want you to know, i know although you look forward to honoring your family member, it's hard. it's hard. i mean this sincerely. jill and i admire your courage for just being here. it will help you take some comfort in the knowledge that the men and women here assembled today, they'll always be with you, not a joke, they'll always be with you. wherever you are, even if you don't know them, a city, town, a place you've never been before. as much as we hope not, there are going to be more names added to this roll call of bravery and sorrow, there have been. as i was preparing these remark early this morning in houston the deputy killed, one deputy killed and two wounded. chief from houston is here today. i don't know where he is, but he's here today, i'm told. seven houston police officers in his department were killed in the line of duty since 2019. chief, i'm here for you, pal, so is everybody else. we mourn the fallen. we pray for the recovery of the wounded. as i said, i've spoken many, too many times, too many funerals for police officers, too many funerals for brave servants who kept us safe. the mournful sound of the bagpipes, we must also hear something else, call to do better, to do more to keep you safe, to keep our communities safer, for us to step up, trust and respect and heal the breach we now see in so many communities. to recognize the promise of equality and justice remains a promise, but not always a reality for you or others. particularly in low income communities. too many communities, black and brown, too many families are briefing unnecessary losses of their sons, their daughters, their fathers, player brothers. i want to acknowledge the fop as was mentioned earlier, for sincerely trying to reach an agreement on meaningful reforms, congressional reforms and negotiations over the george floyd policing act. and here is the part, a lot of the help has to come to police departments. they need help to do better. i want to thank -- we haven't got any respectful player, we haven't got there. there's too much at stake for the safety of those who serve. it's a hard time to be a police officer in america. i just want to make sure that you have the tools to be the partners and protectors to the communities in need. when you look at what your communities need and what you're asked to do, there isn't going to be-- there are going to be more resources not fewer resources to help you do your job. that's why i propose we invest in community policing we know works. one thing to protect cops is another cop. the training you in the community have requested, the community-based programs, interventions that can stop violence before it starts. provides specific guidance, explaining the communities can and should use funds from the american rescue plan. 350 billion in aids cities, states, tribes to hire and retain officers. many cities from albuquerque to st. paul are doing just like that and propose additional 300 million in my budget to support policing across the country. it's hard when you don't know the community. and the most important way to get to know them has more police. we're also investing in community violence program, which have a proven track record of reducing violence up to 60% in cities across the nation. the same time, we have to stop asking law enforcement officers to do every single job under the sun. i'm committed to investing in mental health services, mental health specialists can respond to mental health crisis beside you. you shouldn't be the one trying to talk someone off the edge of the roof, you should have professional help with you. support our law enforcement officer requires we invest in systems that provide adequate health care, counseling, drug treatment housing, education, social services in the community so there's not the discord. we need to work together to confront the epidemic of gun violence. your brothers and sisters have told me over the years, sometimes you feel like you're outgunned. right now the justice department leadership of attorney general garland is working with state and local law enforcement across the country, to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. they now have zero tolerance for gun dealers who willfully violate the law, putting firearms in the hand of people who are a danger to the community. and you, your state's to adopt red flag laws. laws that allow family members or law enforcement in position of court order to temporarily remove firearms for people in crisis representing a danger to themselves and to others. by the way, more people die of gunshot wounds in america as a consequence of suicide than any other reason. i've called on congress to the violence against women acts and close the domestic violence loophole to keep guns out of the hands of abuser. 40% of all calls that result in an officer's death were domestic violence related. 40%. these steps will protect you, protect the people you serve. and finally, and tragically in the past two years, covid-19 has caused more deaths in the line of duty than all the other causes combined. many of those lost their lives keeping our society safe, serving on the front lines in the dark early days of the pandemic, but now, let us prevent the preventible tragedies. the last time i stood here was to take the oath of office as your president. i said that day we have much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build, much to gain. it remains true. i believe with all my heart there's nothing you're not able to do if we equip you, and we can reunite this nation and fight our common foes, anger, resentment, hatred, extremism, racism, lawness, disease, joblessness, hopelessness. we have never ever failed in america when we've acted together. so let's act together to support you in the service of the nation we love. in closing, let me say that i know there are no words, no memorials that can fill that void, that black hole in your chest so many of you feel. but i promise you-- >> you've been listening to president biden address the national peace officer's memorial. it honors 491 men and women who lost their lives in the line of duty across 42 states and an important speech on an important day. griff: fox news alert, investigation underway in houston, texas after 3 police officers were shot early this morning in an ambition attack levering one dead and the other injured. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins. jacqui: and i'm jacqui heinrich. we are following the story. 3 officers were working extra shift and fired from behind. griff: for president addressing what happened and addressing as the president was speaking to all families across the country on the national peace officers memorial service. it's a very important one. i've had the honor and covering it because it specifically takes a moment to say thank you to those men and women that walked out of the door tragically in houston, one constable deputy lost his life and two others shot and it really talks about and speaks to the great sacrifice that they make, the service was honoring 491 across 42 states. obviously the state of texas front and center on this day. jacqui: another family now dealing with the loss himself. laura ionle live with the latest on the investigation underway in texas. laura. reporter: good afternoon, yeah, police in houston are trying to piece together exactly what happened in the early morning hours when 3 deputies came under fire by a suspect who came seemingly out of nowhere with a rifle coming from behind. they are calling it an ambition and just started shooting. now, it all happened just after 2:00 a.m. as 3 harris county constable deputies were working an extra security job at the 45 north bar and lounge, they went outside and walked into what police say may have been a robbery in progress as they were wrestling with the suspect. >> we believe that they were ambushed, shot from behind with a suspect with a rifle. 3 constables were shot. we do not know at this time if they were able to return fire or not. we are still -- still ongoing investigation. there's a lot of unknowns at this point. we have a person of interest in custody. we are not sure if that's a witness or suspect. reporter: yeah, and while they are determining who that person was, they are not sure again if that is a witness or a suspect. investigators are still looking for another suspect, hispanic male in early 20's. all of this unfolding just hours ahead of the 40th annual peace officers memorial service which is obviously underway right now as we have been watching on fox news in dc to honor law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. president biden speaking today. we will continue to monitor this situation. back to you. jacqui: laura ingle live for us on that story, thank you so much. griff. griff: well, while the holiday season is just around the corner, many fear the supply chain won't be able to recover in time. pressure is increasing for the president to take action. david spunt is live at the white house with the latest, hi, david. david: hi, griff, we just saw president biden on the u.s. capitol down the street from the white house here. he will be making his way back to the white house after honoring the fallen officers and yet several crises on his plate here specifically that supply chain crisis that you just mentioned. that's something that has been brewing for several months now and may go well into 2022 over the next few months, not just for the holidays, a little bit of joking online. #bareshelves biden was top trending tweets. no joking matter for people that are concerned about jobs, about money, about the economic situation with inflation in this country. cargo ships continue to sit in an ocean parking lot off the coast of california as millions of goods are still in limbo, new numbers from the labor department they show import prices rose last month after falling the month before. transportation secretary pete buttigieg who was on with bret baier on special report last night. he's facing questions about taking some paternity time off with his husband to care for their two little babies in the middle of this crisis but pete buttigieg and the white house are defending the move, arguing, listen, this is important that he take his time and been in touch on major policy decisions and is back working. >> so you're saying -- >> more than ever before, we are seeing record goods coming through our ports, the demand is there which is great news and represents a policy success. now we have to make sure the supply chains are there to support it. david: in 2020 during the first few months to have covid-19 crisis it was then candidate joe biden who blamed the food shortage crisis on then president donald trump saying, we need new leadership. now president biden is in the white house with this crisis, griff. griff: david spunt, live for us in the white house, david, thank you. jacqui. >> government should not require any texan to show proof of vaccination and reveal private health information just to go about their daily lives. >> bottom line is we are going to continue to implement the law which the president of the united states has the ability, the authority, the legal authority to do. jacqui: texas governor greg abbott and jen psaki sparring over the legality over the biden administration's vaccine mandate as the fight between white house and republican governors heats up. joining us now for reaction urban reform president and member of the texas advisory committee of the u.s. commission on civil rights charles blane. thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks for having me, jacqui. jacqui: walk us through, charles, what's your take on where things stand right now. >> applaud the governor for doing what he did. i think one of the big things that has been a part of the conversation about vaccine and vaccine mandates is that one of the big groups that have been reluctant to get them, they look like me. so we are talking about black and hispanic folks, largely folks who are wage workers who are working public facing jobs so they are really going to feel the crunch of a vaccine mandate. and so with the governor stepping in, it's ensuring that they don't have to make the decision of their livelihood and continuing to put food on the table versus what they feel is right for their personal health. so i applaud the decision and i think he needs to hold steady on it. jacqui: in your view what would be the better role of the government then to try tone courage vaccine hesitant populations to get vaccinated? >> well, i think, you know, locally here in harris county in houston we have seen our local officials getting out there and going to community events, holding vaccination events, really showing that they are getting it themselves and that it's safe and effective way of combating the virus but the mandate doesn't seem to be the answer. especially black and hispanic folks are hesitant of government and they have a deep mistrust of government, so mandating something from government is not going to fly with them. and so i really think that just getting out there and communicating continuing to communicate the message of the need for vaccines and the need for ensure that the population is safe is going to be with the answer is. i don't think mandates are it. jacqui: in your view the mandate does the opposite, it makes them for hesitant? charles: oh, without a doubt. it makes them more hesitant and i think it makes them question the motives of government simply because now you're saying that they have to make the decision between their livelihood and what they choose for their personal health. i definitely think it does the complete opposite and there were -- there was conversation shortly after handing out of the mandate that black voters who supported previously were a little more questioning what he was doing and they were more reluctant to support him going forward and that's a long-standing thing if he continues to shove this down a population's throat that has a deep mistrust of government. jacqui: the biden administration also has been careful to try to find ways where they do have legal ground to do that in terms of, you know, encouraging businesses to make these mandates where they cannot reach over in their federal capacity. do you think that makes a difference if it's coming from, you know, your employer at the urging of the government versus, you know, some sort of a mandate that's enacted by the department of labor for certain employers, more than 100 workers, do you think that that makes a difference if it's coming from the white house versus the person you work for? >> charles: i don't think it makes a difference for the average person because at the end of the day, they then have to make the decision between what they're choosing for personal health care and put food on the table and bring paycheck every two weeks or the end of the month. i don't think it makes much of a difference and i think people recognize that the force of this is still coming from government. that whether or not their employers choose to adhere to a mandate or violate it themselves and put themselves at risk, that force, that strong arm of the federal government is still coming down and so you know that's why, again, i applaud governor abbott for what he did and i'm applauding our texas legislature for considering legislation to codify what his executive order says. jacqui: charles blain, enjoyed the conversation, hope to talk to you soon. griff: jacqui along with masks and vaccine mandate what children learn in schools is a hot-button issue in virginia. for more on the virginia's governor's fellow, amy, amy, thank you for taking time and it is almost voting day in virginia and crt, critical race theory, obviously front and center. i want to play for you it appears that gop challenger glen youngkin taking advantage of something that terry mcallough said at the end of september and how the gop is using it in an add, watch. >> i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. i get really tired of everybody running down teachers. griff: amy, do you think that will have an impact and if so why? >> well, first of all, griff thanks for having me. i do think it will have an impact. as a former teacher and school principal, someone who has been in federal education policy, i can tell you that parental involvement is essential and having parents involved in students' education for 50 years have shown that it actually is part of what is critical to achieving student success and so having those positive relationships with parents, building trust, allowing there to be transparency and accountability, absolutely necessary in order for us to provide students with the opportunities that they need to be successful. griff: amy, a lot of american voters agree with you in our latest fox news poll which we can show you. we polled specifically parents themselves, 57% say that parents should tell schools what to teach. 34% said they should not. you look at the other column there which is parents and other voters as well. it's still a 50-40 percent. why has this become such a hot-button issue, ai: mee? >> griff, i think that the pandemic provide an opportunity for parent to be more involved in their children's education than they had ever before been and so at the kitchen table in my own home i have 3 children, parents were -- were essentially part of the education process and as a result they have seen the material that their children are being taught, they are more aware than ever of the message that are being utilized and now that there are -- you mentioned at the beginning to have segment, vaccine mandate, mask mandates in addition to material and the methodology that's being used, parents have the -- the desire to be advocates on behalf of their children and they have every right and frankly the responsibility to do so. griff: we are seeing some impacted parents have had in lowden county virginia for crt debate, we saw resignation from beth barr, a school board member that has now stepped down because of the pressure in lowden county and parents like you are describing speaking out. where does this go? >> that's a great question, griff. i believe that the -- the situation that is happening across the country we see kind of in a very interesting way specifically in lowden county and i do feel that parents more than ever are being empowered to participate in this basic democratic process which is the process in which they are involved in their school boards and in their school board elections and in their school board meetings and now is the time to continue to encourage parents to continue to be advocates for their children, to look for ways in which they can be part of the process. i would encourage parents to, you know, i know that there is a certain focus on school board meetings and being present at school board meetings and speaking at school board meetings but there are also many other ways that parents can advocate for their children and can utilize their voice and so i encourage parents to continue to not just, you know, attend meetings and speak in a way that's respectful and that provides good civil civic discourse, but i also encourage them to continue to do the very basic things which are visit their child's school, ask questions of their child's teacher, be involved with the principal at the school level and so my hope with everything that is going on and the situation in loudoun county that parents across the country will be involved. griff: that's right, get involved. aimee viana, you can look her up. jacqui: president bill clinton remains at the california hospital in irvine hospital in orange county getting treatment for a serious infection, learning more details now. correspondent claudia cowan with the very latest on the prognosis, what is going on, claudia? reporter: hey, there, jacqui, nice to see you. the president waking up on fifth day on uc irvine in orange medical center and could be last day because by all accounts is doing much better, up around around, reading books, talking to world leaders from his hospital room and he could be leaving the hospital, we are told very soon. and in a statement a clinton spokesperson said, quote, all health indicators are trending in the right direction including his white blood cell count which has decreased significantly. former first lady hillary clinton visited her husband here yesterday and president biden has been on the phone with him as well. >> let me say they're all thinking about president clinton today and sending him good wishes and speedy recovery. he's always been the comeback kid and getting out of the hospital, everything is going well but he wanted to send his best. reporter: the 75-year-old former president resides in new york but he was in southern california this week visiting some friends ahead of an event nor the nonprofit clinton foundation on thursday when he started feeling fatigued. he was admitted to the intensive care unit on tuesday with urinary tract infection that spread into his blood stream but clinton's reps are playing it down saying he's in the icu to provide the former president more privacy, not because of his medical condition and they want today make it very clear he does not have covid. now, the former president has had some heart issues in the past, he underwent quadruple bypass surgery but doctors say this medical scare has nothing to do with his heart. they say he's in good spirits and responding well to antibiotics, so jacqui, we are waiting to see when the former president will be discharged. i can tell you there has been some activity here behind was the secret service, the hp sheriffs deputies, you can see the barricades are up to provide a secure and safe opportunity for when the president is discharged. we will keep you posted. jacqui: sepsis is no joke, glad the president is doing better and responding to his treatment. claudia cowan, thank you so much. griff. griff: jacqui, british police are calling fatal stabbing of british lawmaker david ms a terrorist incident, the long-serving member attacked during meeting with constituents at english church. katie logan live with the latest in london. hi, kitty. kitty: yes, police arrested the suspect at the scene immediately after the horrific attack and they are now investigating a possible link to islamic extremism as a motive. now david was conservative member of parliament serving over 40 years. he was very well liked by fellow party members and opposition politicians and we saw that earlier today when prime minister boris johnson visited the scene of the attack at leon and he was side by side with the leader of the opposition, both united across political divides. also residents in the area shocked by what's happened, floral, tributes today. david was a popular politician. he liked to engage with the public face to face. this is, of course, standard practice for british parliamentarians but with no personal security provided outside of parliament, this does leave them very vulnerable and we saw 5 years ago another british member of parliament cox murdered on the streets by a far-right extremist. now as for this particular attack, police have revealed few details so far. they are questioning the suspect, a 25-year-old british somali man. they searched two london properties overnight. this was an extremely brutal attack but for now police don't believe that anyone else was involved but the government is urgently seeking better security measures for other members of parliament. back to you. griff: kitty logan live for us in london, thank you. jacqui: face gunfire from across the border. we will get that and much more next. ♪ ♪ ♪ in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. area. what happens from that point, border apatrol apprehends and process them and usually if they're traveling as family, they are paroled into the united states with requests to appear before an immigration court or register at a local immigration office. now the tempo around here has slowed, the local officials say they expect that could soon change. >> even if it's order, it will alleviate a lot of the issues we have. now, of course, we understand the calm before the storm because allegedly there's like a giant caravan of haitians coming in and we are concerned about it and, of course, we are trying to be prepared. >> rich: armed gangs are shooting into the united states from mexico end, quote, before noon, two shots fired across from mexico into star county believed to be aimed at texas national guard personnel. there were no injuries and the texas rangers are investigating this incident. meanwhile the biden administration is complying with a court order will reinstate the trump-era remain in mexico policy. that requires migrants claiming asylum to wait out their cases in camps in mexico. the white house canceled this program and then a federal court said the biden administration went about it the wrong way so the department of homeland security is reluctantly reviving the policy. officials say they should be ready to reinstate it by mid-november but they'll move to terminate again in a way that complies with the court order. also as part of this, the administration says it is building temporary courts on this side of the border in texas to try to deal with this so-called soft-sided buildings to try to alleviate all of this going on down here at the border. back to you, griff. griff: rich edison live for us in pinetas, thank you. for more on this fox news contributor and former director of ice tom homan, great to have you in studio first of all sit right across from each other to talk about this since you and i have had an opportunity to do this more than a million and a half immigrants across the border and the biden administration reinstating the trump-era, mpp remain in mexico, what's your reaction, it will help? >> it will help if they do it right. we had to sue them to do that. i was part of the lawsuit. i filed more affidavits suing the president than my whole career. we sued them. they weren't doing it so the court had to come back and tell them, you need to make this happen and made all of the excuse that we don't have the process in place, we have to start from the ground up and more affidavits filed up. we've already done this. this has been done. dust off the plane and start making work. they said they were going to do it. let's be clear, they were made to do this. they don't want to do this. they are still trying to kill the program. it won't be effective because they don't want it to be effective. they want more migrants to cross the border. this is open borders. they will push back and they don't support it. griff: why are they doing this? they want this, why? tom: in their eyes this is future democratic voters. they also overturned trump census rule, they will be counted which is going to results for more seats and house for democrats. in their minds these are future democratic voters and that's why they have open borders. there's no other reason to open the border. there's no downside of having a secure border. griff: it seems that national security is really something that needs to be a bigger part of this conversation, tom, and in full disclosure we talk often about it. i was just in panamá the last week, foreign minister erika telling tony gonzales who was on the program earlier that some 52 known terrorist individuals crossed that dangerous jungle where i was and it's this pipeline, tom, that runs from south america all the way to our border in texas where you are seeing there you can see the boat, those migrants, most of them haitians, they are coming across the jungle and then they are being taken to a little town called las blancas and go 12 straight hours directly to costa rican border and be let out to continue their journey yet this has implications of national security. >> absolutely. let's be clear, there is no national security. there is no homeland security. without border security. that's just common sense. as i've said for months, this is a national security crisis because half of the border patrol is off the line taking care of large groups, that's when the cartel use open borders to move drugs, to move gang members and to move suspected terrorists. the gap for the last decade has been a major role for known suspected terrorism -- terrorists to come through there. we've actually -- when i was ice director we had agents down there working with the panamenian government, were in the gap and made the journey and final destination, many of them was the united states. you have great covers down there and people need to understand, there's tens of thousands people coming through the daring gap, suspected terrorists will embed themselves in the group. griff: we have to leave the conversation there but when i was there they had a department of state secretary rosea meeting with the president and maybe they will do something down there to stop it before it comes to our border. tom homan thank you for coming to the studio. great to have you. meanwhile -- critical race theory debate coming up. i would have urges for chocolates and chips. those were my downfalls. thanks to golo, i wasn't craving those anymore. the weight was coming off, the energy was coming in, and now, i'm doing cartwheels. 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>> thanks for having me, virginia is a microcosm of what's going on in the rest of the country and what the rest of the people feel about crt. with the failed policy of the biden administration and with what we are seeing happening in virginia, the rest of the country wants change and this change means parents have an opportunity to tell their -- not have the federal government tell their kids what's to be taught in their schools and to make sure that parents have -- have saying and crt has no room in the classroom. >> how do you see it kristin, worth pointing out that mcauliffe is still by at least 5 points in the latest polls. do you believe that people are as passionate and fired up about this crt issue as -- as walt says they are? >> i think people -- the attentions are not just in virginia. they are their election right now unlike many other states. tensions are high, i mean, the politics are pretty divisive right now, so not just over the issue of crt but a lot of different things and it's not surprising that it's coming out as, you know, this governor's race heats up. i would say that you can't tell virginia voters what to do. i mean, the idea that as a democrat we have fought to gain ground in virginia for a very long time but these are independent thinkers and they will go into the polls and say that the absentee ballots and mail-in ballots have swayed in in mcauliffe's favor but not surprising that people are getting upset. i think a lot of feelings and, you know, bubble over when you have elections and right now all eyes are on virginia. griff: kristin, you raise an interesting point. democrats work very hard to turn virginia blue. president biden won if my recollection is correct by ten points and now yet this tight race, what does that tell you all? >> well, that tells me that persons are changing and virginia, again, is a microcosm of harass going on in the country and people want real leadership and the biden administration hasn't demonstrated that and in the race in virginia that's a key indicator in that and in my race in particular in arizona it's the same way. we want leadership in our country, leadership in our state. we want to be able to control what happens to our children in the school, crt is something that we do not need, it victimizes or continues to teach black and brown children that they are victims and it also places the blame of something that happened over 200 years ago that kids that had nothing to do with it. we need to move forward son only of the issues. the biden administration says they want the country to come together. they are not doing this by pushing the failed agenda kind of educational policy in the states and also in to our schools and most of all to american families. griff: kristin, i want to give you a chance to react to that. >> i think that pushing an agenda is a little strong here. i think, you know, we need to think about the racial inequalities in our country and, you know, i know a bunch of states have laws, idaho, some other states on this, but, you know, in some ways, you know, i'd like to talk about the broader conversation rather than this. griff: all right, talking about racial inequalities and some of the interesting things that we have seen happening not many people yet know about story in chicago which has been plagued with a number of issues, but this is the art institute of chicago mass firing all of their doses for our viewers, a dosin a person at the museum who is working for free, they are a volunteer but they are trained, very trained to explain the art in the museum, to give them a tour, to walk them through it and give them some context for it and what happened was the art institute fired all of them because in their words it was a racial inequality issue in so far as most of them were, more than 80% of the doses were older white women. walt, your thought? >> well, look this goes against the spirit of the 1964 civil rights act and this is something that the democrats tried to get behind and push. we shouldn't be fire people because of their color and that's exactly what's happening. where i see this is going, it's just not separate but equal. you can stand here but you can't go over here because you don't have the dose. we need to come together as a country and we need leadership in the country to be able to do that. the biden administration said they want to do that and failed at it and chicago is another example of what we are seeing across the country and what americans want to change with. griff: speaking of change, kristin, i want to get your reaction to that story. it seems to me that it might have been more prudent to look at the volunteer workforce and say, you know, we need diversity here, let's start -- find a way to change the makeup perhaps by bringing in more diverse dosets but mass firing them all and leaving at ear piece instead, that doesn't seem like the smartest move, your reaction? >> yeah, i don't quite understand it. they tried to diversify, it didn't work. i mean, you know, i don't know why this was the answer to that, so -- >> griff: it seems that the stories gain momentum and go viral because people look at it and say that really defies logic, walt, we are almost out of time. do you think it's the cultural stories that perhaps may really end up hurting democrats in the next election? >> i think it's going to hurt them very badly and it's funny how the democrats when they don't have an answer for something, when they are talk about diversity, they say i don't have an answer for it. i don't know why they did, they did it because it's an agenda. they are pushing an agenda that's failed this country again. this is the spirit of the 1964 civil rights act that was violated with these people being fired. you don't need to fire people because they do not have what -- what happened here in chicago. griff: in fairness, i have 10 seconds, kristin, i will leave you the last word? >> thank you. you know, i didn't say i didn't know. the democrats are pushing an agenda, we are on the right side of history. a lot of things that we are doing and in support of what biden is doing right now. griff: have a great rest of your saturday. >> thank you. >> thank you. griff: jacqui. jacqui: griff coming up, we will talk about your trip down in panamá tracking migrants as they are making their way up to the u.s. border. more on griff's adventure next. ♪ ♪ ♪ griff: welcome back, just taking a moment to talk about what happened this past week because my day job monday through friday is a reporter oftentimes covering the border. we traveled down to the country of panamá. looking into the treacherous path that so many migrants are making right now to get to the u.s. border because and you see here i'm on a boat pointing to a bet of haitians on the chucanaca river on panamá and it's important, jacqui, to tell the story because this is the source. i'm not the only one. several other news organizations have done this but the source of this pipeline of migration that runs from south america to our border, what we witnessed in del rio, 15,000 migrants underneath that bridge made this very trip to this very camp. this is la blancas and the first place that migrants come to after crossing 5 to 6 days in a jungle where they are sick, injured. i tried to get one woman who spoke perfect english from haiti to talk to me and she was in tears saying she couldn't bring herself, she was traumatized and robbed and terrible things happened to her. you see the raw human toll that this crisis is having on these folks and i am told by someone who helped organize this caravans in 2019 which we covered mejica, he's in tapachula, mexico waiting to lead a caravan of 20,000 haitians to the u.s. border upset with how mexico is handling them so it's important story where you have to go to the source to see really what's fully happening. jacqui: i know that you had jump through some hoops. i hope to watch your video on fox news website. it's actually an amazing piece and worth seeing. in the latest twist in the murdoch family mystery, father alex murdoch is facing related to death of house keeper, more on that coming up next. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. guys, it's time to step up your game. force factor's alpha king boosts total testosterone for more lean muscle, more energy, and more passion and drive so you can rule the bedroom. rush to walmart for alpha king, from the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand in america. probioslim apple cider vinegar gummies with added probiotics for irresistible benefits. don't settle for basic. unleash your potential with probioslim acv gummies from force factor. >> that is alex murdough attorney and murdough facingalses for death of maid's family. this story seems to have so many legs, what strikes you most about the case that we are learning right now? >> all right, what strikes me the most about the case involving his housekeeper is that the cause of death was determined to be natural causes. that doesn't make any sense because it was an alleged trip and fall and then when she was in the hospital she had immediating in the brain. she had a brain hemorrhage so that looks to me that somebody probably pushed her, she fell and hit her head and died. i think you're seeing, jacqui, the tip of the iceberg that alex mardaugh is going to face. they should do a more copious investigation. they have opened a case in the house keeper's murder. $2.8 million actually that has disappeared that should have gone to the two sons of the housekeeper. >> to pull something like that if that were to be the case, there had to be help from somebody to get a death certificate with a natural death ruling on it, right? >> that's a great point that i would like to talk about. something is fishy is going on in this small town in south carolina not only the housekeeper's death but maggie and both cases of wife and housekeeper there are a lot of pieces missing. why wasn't an autopsy, for example, done of the housekeeper? that should have been done liquidity split. that wasn't done. why wasn't there gunshot residue of mardaugh in june and mardaugh financial records related to maggie's death, maybe he funneled money and look at financial records with respect to the housekeeper, was money being shifted to somebody else that might have been involved in the housekeeper's death as well. i think there's a lot of missing links that are going on into these investigations of both of these -- alleged deaths. jacqui: real quickly, 10 seconds left, with tim going to prison, may get more or less difficult to track someone else that might have been involved? >> well, i think it actually helps that he is arrested now for additional charge in prison. why? because of anybody else helped they are next in line so maybe then law enforcement can put more pressure on any cohorts that we think might be involved, put pressure on them to maybe plea deal so that they don't b face criminal charges. we are we are out of time. appreciate it. hope to talk to you soon. griff: fox news live continues with eric and arthel. i'm griff jenkins ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. ensure complete! each one suffering with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette, who needed help, because every step brought her pain. their only hope is a ship unlike any other. mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world to bring free surgeries and care for people who have no other hope. only 62 cents a day, $19 a month, will help provide urgently needed surgery for the world's forgotten poor. if you have ever wondered: "how can i, just one person, make a difference?" this is your answer. so many are still suffering. so don't wait. call the number on your screen. or donate now at that's the number on your screen. ♪ ♪ ♪darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪oh no, babe girl, if i could only make you see♪ ♪and make you understand♪ get a dozen double crunch shrimp for $1 with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you whether you need a single line or lines for family members, with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's our everyday price. plus, our plans always come with unlimited talk, text and data included. so, switch to t-mobile and get 2 lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. only at t-mobile. the leader in 5g. 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Camaraderie , Bikes , Loved Ones , Door , Events , Speech , 24 , Address , Heroes , Community Leaders , Human Beings , Members , History , Some , Leaders , Desire , Language , Before , People , Jobs , Movements , Remarks , Counterterrorism Officers , Fallen Police Memorial , Death , Meeting , Lawmaker , British , England , Terrorist Atook , David Amos , Residents , Say , Amos , London , Kitty Logan , Kitty , Joe Cox , Opposition , Boris Johnson , Party Members , Attack , Leader , Tributes , Sir , Divides , Side By , Presenting A Uniteded Front , Essex , Parliament , Security , Politician , Parliamentarians , Public , Face To , Killing Outside , Five , Police , Extremism , Link , Properties , Islamic , 25 , Government , Anyone Else , Security Arrangements , White House , Issues , Concerns , Action , Shipping , Lawmakers , David Spunt , Situation , Supply Chain Crisis , 2022 , Ocean Parking Lot , Kidding Aside , Cargo , After , Pete Buttigieg , Questions , Labor Department Show Import 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Streaming Box , Pshh , Adorable , 4k , Xfinity Xfi , Memorial Service , Keynote Address , Stage , Administration , Images , Southern Border , Court Order , Order , Program , Roma On The Other Side , Supply , Mid November , Migrants , Ground , Rio Grand , 100 , Officials , Texas , Texas Department Of Public Safety , Migration , Caravans , Gunfire , Stretch , Quote , Statement , Starr County , River , On Thursday , October 14th , Thursday October 14th , 14 , Policy , Personnel , Injuries , Texas National Guard , Texas Rangers , Way , Cases , Department Of Homeland Security , Camps , Asylum , Building Temporary Immigration Courts , Asylum Claims , Apprehension Numbers , Apprehensions , Fiscal Year , September , Border Patrol , 2000 , Figures , Southwest Border Apprehensions , 200000 , Rich Edson , Pattern , Congressman , Court , Republican , House Appropriations Committee , Tony Gonzalez , Heart , Opportunity , Text Test Constable , Morning , Everything , Community Safe , Justice , Death Penalty , Conversation , Democrats , Rhetoric , Enforcement Rhetoric , Loss , Agents , Decisions , Confidence , Clock , Men And Women , Thoughts , Colleagues , Policies , Work , Route , Cartels , Surface , Terrorism , Area , Chaos , Space , Newspaper , Facets , Levels , Op Ed , The Hill , Cryptocurrency , View , Battle , Dollar , Cryptocurrencies , Bottom Line , Hold , Institutions , Backpack , Thumb Drive , Cash , Emergency , Areas , Flight Team , Rgv , La Hoya , Tens Of Thousands , Pipeline , Kun Of The Panama , Jungle , Cartel , Earth , Erica Moynes , Panama , Alarm , Folks , Threat , Advance , 80000 , Del Rio , Darian Gap , 8000 , Times , Hunting Expeditions , Ten , Negotiations , Insight , Control , Negotiating , Half , Loser , 10 , 3 , Rest , Inflation , Out Of Control , Saturday , Southern California , Jared Huffman , Impatience , Progress , Case , Town Hall , Vote , On , Alexandria Ocasio Cortez , Climate Provision , Legislation , Climate , Climate Crisis , Package , Economic , Positive , Imperative , Senator Manchin , Chance , Firing , Senator Sander , Bernie Sanders , Economy , Conference , Answer Throwing Money , Sinema , Him Avenue , Senators , Approach , Climate Summit , Amount , Delegation , Glasgow , Summit , Hand , Sense , Same , Urgency , Senator , Cards On The Table , Stall , Trip , Couple , World , Emptyhanded , It , We Haven T , House , Ambition , Countries , Goal , Congresswoman , Transportation Funding , Middle , Pressure , Coming Up , Muscle Health , Peace Officers Memorial Commemorating , Weight , Thanks , High Protein , Downfalls , Chips , Chocolates , Immune Support , Golo , Boost , 16 , Cartwheels , Announcer , Peace Officer , Fraternal Order Of Police , 40th Annual , Ordering , Treasurer , Flags , James Smallwood , Half Staff , Buildings , Reporting , Country Tuning , Environment , Home , Price , Testament , Floor , Defund The Police Movement , Jackie , Momentum , Hero , Crime Bill , Ally , Law Enforcement Dating , Senate , 1994 , Cops , Everywhere , Spectrum , Embrace , Catering , The Defund Movement , Causes , Party , Police Funding , Front , Fitting , January 6th Riots , January 6th , 6 , Applause , Podium , My Name Is Joe Biden , Sergeant , Yost , Execs Auxiliary , Jimmy Pasco , Invitation , Homeland Security Mayorkas , Layman , Memorials , Amazes , Guys , Bullet , Psychologist , Confrontation , Firefighter , Capacity , Hell , Anyone , Expectations , Notion , Women , Daughters , Sons , Men , Husbands , Wives , Trouble , Moms , Dads , Family , Strength , Comfort , Measure , Flag , Remembrance , Nine , Nation , Democracy , Votes , Values , Metropolitan Police Department , Bodies , U S Capitol Police Force , Washington D C , Law , Congress , Medal , None , Hesitation , Appreciation , Expression , Cost , Heroism Game , Catastrophe , Record , Aftermath , Toll , Heavy , Lost , Profession , Husbands And Wives , 500 , Respects , Speaker , Any , Personally , Lawn , Names , Delaware , Claymont , Scranton , Pennsylvania , Friends , Grade School , Delaware State Police , Friend , Superintendent , Eddie Hill , Bellfont , High School , Head , Another , Police Force , Ball , Competitor , Charlie Doherty , Places , Priest , Chairman , Judiciary Committee , Laughter , Ones , Kids , Everyone Else , Bit , Daughter , Up , Isn T , Shield , Family Member , Phone Call , Possibility , Attorney General , Son Beau , Iraq , Six , Jill Mouthing , Train , Coffee , Sink , Prayer , Cup , John Milton , Beau , English , News , Thousands , Television , Saw , Fathers , Mothers , Hyperbole , Call , Bottom , Supply Chain Won T , Her , Calls , Coming Home , The End , Heart Aches , Child , Parent , Baby Daughter , Cancer , Accident , He Wasn T Out There Literally , He Wasn T Out There , Patrol , Stairs , Arrest , Feeling , Fight , Piece , Soul , Sergeant Mclane , Chest , Black Hole , God , Detroit , Career , Clock Work , District , Mentor , Wife Flowers , Promotions , Victoria , Office , Domestic Violence , Enrique , Honolulu , Tiffany , Officer , Honolulu Police Department , Boyfriend , Working , Fearest , Brazildo , 2016 , Terrorist Attack , Unit , Rescue Operations , Port Authority Of New York , New Jersey , September 11th , 11 , Others , Recovery Efforts , Outdoors , Assignment , World Trade Tower , Guy Organizing , Name , Experience , Ceremony , Pride , Courage , Knowledge , Jill , Joke , Men And Women Here Assembled Today , City , Roll Call , Remark , Bravery , Sorrow , Chief , Here Today , Pal , Department , Everybody Else , Seven , Recovery , Funerals , Wounded , Safe , Servants , Bagpipes , Sound , Something Else , Promise , Safer , Breach , Trust , Equality , Losses , Reality , Income , Player Brothers , Brown , Reforms , Agreement , George Floyd Policing Act , Help , Police Departments , Player , Safety , Stake , Resources , Need , Partners , Protectors , Tools , Community Policing , Works , Training , Violence , Interventions , Programs , Funds , Rescue , Guidance , 350 Billion , States , Policing , Tribes , Budget , Paul , Albuquerque To St , 300 Million , Community Violence Program , Track Record , 60 , Mental Health Services , Mental Health Specialists , The Sun , Mental Health Crisis , Shouldn T , Be The One , Edge , Roof , Education , Health Care , Drug Treatment Housing , Counseling , Systems , Services , Discord , Epidemic , State , Gun Violence , Department Leadership , Garland , Firearms , Hands , Guns , Gun Dealers , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Crisis , Laws , Family Members , Position , Red Flag , Reason , Consequence , Suicide , Gunshot Wounds , Result , Acts , Loophole , Deaths , Steps , 19 , Lines , Society , Heal , Build , Tragedies , Oath , Repair , Restore , Foes , Anger , Act , Hopelessness , Resentment , Joblessness , Racism , Hatred , Lawness , Disease , Words , Closing , Void , Listening , The National , Biden Address , Fox News Alert , 42 , Injured , Honor , Peace Officers Memorial Service , Constable Deputy , Center , Laura Ionle , Hispanic Male , Reporter , Nowhere , 00 , 45 , Unknowns , Peace Officers , Story , Holiday Season , Fear , Corner , Laura Ingle , The Street , Plate , Brewing , Joking Matter , Bareshelves Biden , Holidays , Trending Tweets , Money , Goods , Millions , Cargo Ships , Labor Department , Coast , Limbo , Babies , Bret Baier On Special Report Last Night , Prices , Saying , Move , Listen , Arguing , Demand , Supply Chains , Policy Success , Food Shortage Crisis , Donald Trump , Vaccination , Proof , Greg Abbott , Authority , President Of The United States , Ability , Health Information , Vaccine Mandate , Jen Psaki , Governors , Texas Advisory Committee , Sparring , Legality , Reaction Urban Reform , U S Commission On Civil Rights , Take , Charles Blane , Groups , Vaccine , Mandates , Wage Workers , Facing , Livelihood , Decision , Table , Crunch , Stepping In , Role , Populations , Community Events , Holding Vaccination , Virus , Mandate , Answer , Deep Mistrust , Population , Opposite , Vaccines , Doubt , Motives , Voters , Throat , Questioning , Ways , Businesses , Terms , Employers , Employer , Urging , Versus , Whether , Force , Paycheck , Governor , Arm , Texas Legislature , Children , Hope , Schools , Executive Order , Masks , Charles Blain , Crt , Virginia , Hot Button Issue , Amy , Glen Youngkin , Advantage , Terry Mcallough , Parents , Everybody , Teachers , Add , Watch , Impact , Education Policy , Teacher , School Principal , Students , Involvement , Student Success , Opportunities , Transparency , Relationships , Accountability , Building Trust , Poll , 57 , Column , Ai , 34 , Education Process , Kitchen Table , Mee , Material , Methodology , Mask Mandates , Behalf , Addition , Segment , Resignation , Responsibility , Debate , Lowden County Virginia For Crt , Beth Barr , Lowden County , Question , Kind , Process , Elections , Meetings , School Boards , School Board , Focus , School Board Meetings , Voice , Civil Civic Discourse , School , Loudoun County , Principal , Level , That S Right , President Bill Clinton , Aimee Viana , Claudia Cowan , Details , Treatment , Orange County , Infection , California Hospital In Irvine , Accounts , Prognosis , In Orange Medical Center , Nice , Uc Irvine , Hospital , World Leaders , Health Indicators , Direction , Hospital Room , Trending , Reading Books , Clinton Spokesperson , Hillary Clinton , Blood Cell Count , Thinking , Wishes , Best , New York , Comeback Kid , 75 , Intensive Care Unit , Urinary Tract Infection , Nonprofit Clinton Foundation , Reps , Blood Stream , Condition , Icu , Privacy , Quadruple Bypass Surgery , Spirits , Scare , Doctors , Secret Service , Activity , Sheriffs Deputies , Antibiotics , Barricades , Hp , Sepsis , Member , Constituents , Terrorist Incident , Lawmaker David , Stabbing , Ms , Katie Logan , English Church , Motive , Yes , Member Of Parliament , Fellow Party Members , United , Leon , Practice , Tributes Today , Floral , Streets , Extremist , Cox , 5 , Somali Man , Security Measures , Business Internet , Add Securityedge , Network , Threats , Setbacks , Business , Customers , Employees , Business Securityedge , Cybersecurity Options , Offer , Device , Comcast , Yours , Prepaid Card , Call Today , Requests , Immigration Office , Immigration Court , Tempo , Register , Haitians , Caravan , Calm Before The Storm , Rich , Gangs , Mexico Into Star County , Mexico End , Federal Court , Courts , Rich Edison , Pinetas , Studio , Ice Tom Homan , Other , Contributor , Director , Each , Sit , Immigrants , Mpp , A Million , Affidavits , Lawsuit , Excuse , Plane , Making Work , Dust , Borders , Eyes , Results , Seats , Census , Rule , Downside , Minds , Tony Gonzales , Foreign Minister , Terrorist , Disclosure , 52 , Most , Boat , Journey , National Security , Implications , Las Blancas , Costa Rican , 12 , Homeland Security , Border Security , Common Sense , Terrorists , Gap , Gang Members , Drugs , Ice Director , Destination , Group , Covers , Department Of State Secretary , Race Theory Debate , Narrator , Outcast , Little Light Of Mine , Suffering , Waiting , Operationsmile Org , Autism , Version , Dream Job , Planning , Lavender Baths , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Mood Swings , The Ups And Downs , Nm Com , Bipolar , Adults , Vraylar , Highs , Medicines , Lows , Depression , Episodes , Relief , Symptoms , Pill , Fever , Changes , Muscles , Confusion , Psychosis , Behavior , Antidepressants , Stroke , Patients , Side Effects , Cholesterol , Muscle Movements , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Weight Gain , Sleepiness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , 0 , Prescriptions , Virginia Voters Education , Ups And Downs , Race , Priority , Terry Mcallife , Alexandria Hoff , Terry Mcauliffe , Lead , Republican Hasn T Won Seat , 2009 , Complaint , Watchdog , Error , Margin , Hatch Act , Election Results , Explosive Mcauliffe , Back Statement , Superintendent Schools , Heartaches , Student , Turnout , Voting , Walt Blackman , Lath , Kristin Haugn , Matter , State Representative , Mind , Arizona , Microcosm , What S Going On , Change , Polls , Points , Room , Classroom , Worth , Election , Attentions , Politics , Tensions , Thinkers , Absentee Ballots , Idea , Race Heats , Upset , Ballots , Feelings , Favor , Bubble , In Mcauliffe , Recollection , Virginia Blue , Persons , Hasn T , Indicator , Agenda , Blame , Victims , 200 , Inequalities , Idaho , Bunch , Chicago , Art Institute Of Chicago , Museum , Doses , Viewers , Volunteer , Dosin , Art Institute , Context , Inequality , Art , Tour , Spirit , Thought , 1964 Civil Rights Act , 1964 , 80 , We Shouldn T , Dose , Equal , Push , Color , Example , Speaking Of Change , Diversity , Volunteer Workforce , Dosets , Makeup , Let , Didn T Work , Ear , Stories , Logic , Word , Fairness , Support , Tracking Migrants , Griff S Adventure Next , Welcome Back , Path , I M On A Boat Pointing , Bet , Chucanaca River On Panama , Source , News Organizations , Camp , Bridge , La Blancas , 15000 , Woman , Perfect English , Sick , Tears , Raw Human Toll , Tapachula , Mejica , 20000 , Alex Murdoch , Video , Seeing , Hoops , Website , Twist , Murdoch , Mystery , House Keeper , Hello , Cooking , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Obsessed , Idaho Potatoes , Grown In Idaho , It S Time , Force Factor , Muscle , Testosterone , Men S Health , Game , King , Passion , Seal , Bedroom , Brand , Rush To Walmart For Alpha King , Probiotics , Gummies , Benefits , Apple Cider Vinegar , Potential , Probioslim , Don T Settle For Basic , Probioslim Acv Gummies , Alex Murdough , Factor , Murdough Facingalses , Housekeeper , Right , Cause , Maid , Legs , Learning , Brain , Immediating , Brain Hemorrhage , Somebody , Alex Mardaugh , The Tip Of Iceberg , Murder , Keeper , 8 Million , 2 8 Million , Death Certificate , Maggie , Town , South Carolina , Wasn T , Gunshot Residue , Pieces , Wasn T An Autopsy , Liquidity Split , Mardaugh , Investigations , Links , Prison , Tim , Both , Charge , Anybody , Cohorts , Criminal Charges , B Face , Deal , Arthel , Everyone , Mission , Minerals , Nutrition , Vitamins , Whoo Hoo , 27 , Female Narrator , Step , Ravette , 30 , Ship , Surgeries , Mercy Ships , 62 , 9 , Screen , Don T Wait , 55 , 27 50 , 7 50 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Fox News Live 20240709

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disturbance outside when the gunman began shooting. laura begins our coverage with more. >> hi, griff. it was a horrifying scene in houston overnight. as you mentioned those three deputies being shot in what investigators are now calling an ambush, shot from behind by a suspect with a rifle, as they were going outside of a nightclub and wrestling with the suspect they were trying to take into custody. it happened after 2 a.m. local time in houston as three harris county deputies were working the security job at a bar and lounge. and what they know so far. >> they went outside to address a disturbance that may have been a robbery, and they were intervening in, and they were probably unknown to them at that time. they were trying to arrest a suspect or detain a suspect and they were wrestling with them when they were ambushed. it's a tragedy in that, you know, i've got a dad there that i have to talk to, i've got a wife there and i've got a deceased son and husband, i've got two other deputies in surgery. >> well, police say it's unclear if the deputies were able to return fire or not and say while they do have one person of interest in custody who was near the scene, they're not sure if it's a witness or a suspect at this point. investigators are looking for another suspect, a hispanic male in his early 20's. you mentioned at the top today is the 40th annual national peace officers memorial service taking place at noon in d.c. president biden will be in attendance. the event honoring law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. and taking a look at the numbers for this year so far, 38 officers have been shot and killed in the line of duty and today's of course makes 39 shot and killed. more to come as we get it. griff. griff: laura engle live with the latest, we'll check back as we have more. jacqui. jacqui: griff, joining us with more a former homicide detective ted williams. ted joining us by phone. thank you for joining us. >> my pleasure under the circumstances. jacqui: i want to get your reaction to today's incident and your message to the families that have been impacted by this. >> you know, jacqui, first i'd like to offer my deepest condolences to the law enforcement officer that has lost his life. this, unfortunately, is happening all too often in this country right now, whether it is a lack of respect for law enforcement officers and that there are individuals out here who are willing to take law enforcement officers' lives or in this instance, as you know, these two officers, the three of them, were working at a bar off duty, but then they heard something going on outside. they went outside. they went toward the danger. and in this circumstance, they were ambushed. and now you have one deputy that was shot in the back fighting for his life, one deputy who was actually killed, and one who was shot in the foot. and they're certainly now looking for a person of interest, but what is so tragic about this is that on this very day at this very time, the president of the united states is on capitol hill for the 40th annual national police memorial service honoring police officers who have given the ultimate sacrifice, their lives to protect the citizens of this country. it's just a tragedy. jacqui: it is. and ted, you know, i want to ask you, just as of three days ago, as 260 officers were shot, 48 killed according to the nam national fraternal order of police over the past year and fop is commemorating those who lost their lives at the capitol and they say that ambush style attacks on law enforcement is up 153% from this time in 2020. what do you feel has contributed to those statistics? >> i think it's the criminal element out here and politicians looking the other way, unfortunately, while crime is running rampant or in these various cities, and when you look the at the criminal element, they're emboldened out here and being emboldened, they are in fact taking lives. jacqui, you're dealing with griff jenkins there, griff and i have covered many of these sad situations, but one of the things that is just there and that is a lack of disrespect for law enforcement officers and the job that they do. jacqui: you know, there was an effort, ted, on capitol hill to get comprehensive reform to try and mend the relationship between police and communities and try to address the crime. there was so much disagreement between the rural and police organizations taking part in those talks that there was an impasse and that effort died. do you think that they need to go back, double back and try again? is that going to make a difference? . i hope that they will revisit police reform. i am clearly a person who believes that there needs to be some reform within the law enforcement community, but in a direct manner, that has nothing, unfortunately, to do with criminals who are -- lack any substance that go out here and just are willing to kill a police officer because that person is a police officer. that is what we're facing in this country, and that is what we need to attack. there is this disrespect for law enforcement officers and the first time that something goes on in a community of any criminal sort, the first thing we want to do is to call these law enforcement officers and these law enforcement officers, they run toward danger and not away from danger, and this is what you found that happened in houston there last night, unfortunately. griff: ted, it's griff. let me ask you, because as we're looking here at the crowd gathered to hear from president biden, the law enforcement officers memorial in this moment every year, you and i have gone and covered this. it is so very special, that, of course, you're looking at the memorial itself down the street from where we are here on capitol hill and every year-- one rear i even rode with the police on bikes to go there. it's such an important moment and it's really when the brothers and sisters of law enforcement from around the country can spend time together and remember their loved ones and also, that camaraderie of what service is all about, getting up every day, walking out of the door, leaving your loved ones at home not knowing whether you'll come back. and it strikes me that this speech, given the tragic events in houston the last 24 hours, this is a critically important address the president is about to give in just minutes from now. what would you like to hear him say, ted? >> i would like to hear the president of the united states say and honor these fallen heroes that just that, that they died heroes. i would like to hear the president of the united states address politicians out here. i would like to hear the president of the united states address community leaders and members of the community to say that these are human beings that want to do a job, just to serve and protect the citizens of their communities, and that many of them, unfortunately, as they're being on the day, have made the ultimate sacrifice. they've given their lives. and i'm hoping that america will find a way to embrace these police officer's families because they need it at this day and time in our history. and that is some of the things that i want to hear from our president biden. jacqui: your point is noted, ted and we've heard that before, that there's this desire to hear from leaders, especially democratic leaders, you know, language that humanizes police officers especially after the year last year and movements to defund police and how important it is to have people recognize that these officers dedicate their lives to their jobs and that they gave the ultimate sacrifice. ted williams, thank you so much for joining us. we will continue to watch for the president to make his remarks at the fallen police memorial. griff. >> my pleasure. >> counterterrorism officers are leading an investigation into the death of british lawmaker after he was fatally stabbed at a meeting in england. u.k. is calling it a terrorist atook. kitty logan is there for us in london. hi, kitty. >> hi, griff, the say that amos was attacked was a meeting with local residents, police quickly arrested a suspect at the scene. sir david amos was a longstanding member of parliament, served almost 40 years and well-liked by party members and opposition politicians and earlier today we saw the prime minister boris johnson visiting the scene of the attack in essex, side by side, with the leader of the opposition, presenting a uniteded front there across political divides. shocked local residents have also been laying their floral tributes. sir david was a popular politician and liked to engage with the public face-to-face as is typical here for british parliamentarians. but with no personal security outside of parliament, it does leave them vulnerable and five years ago, another member of parliament, joe cox, killing outside of parliament, and this attack on sir david amos is unclear, but police believe there could be a link to islamic extremism. they're questioning the suspect, a 25-year-old british somali man and they've been searching two london properties overnight. police say they don't believe anyone else was involved in the attack, but the government is now urgently reviewing security arrangements for other members of parliament. griff: kitty logan live for us in london. thank you. jacqui. concerns are growing over shipping issues, and lawmakers are pressing president biden to take action. david spunt is live from the white house with that. hi, david. >> jacqui, good afternoon to you, as we're ready to wrap up the year in a few months, it's clear that the supply chain crisis may last well into 2022. this may not be a few weeks situation. it's been going on for a while. this is a day after #bareshelvesbiden, and all kidding aside, this is as cargo continues to sit in an ocean parking lot. new numbers from the labor department show import prices rose after falling in august. transportation secretary pete buttigieg facing tough questions about taking paternity time off with his husband to take care of twins. they're saying he's been in touch with major policy decisions and is now working back for the country. a lo the-- a lot of this is not how long the ports are open, it's also the trucks and chassises and truckers to drive them. and the truckers have been on the frontline of this pandemic and they want to be paid well and they want to be respected and we have an issue with a shortage of truck drivers in the country. >> in 2020 then candidate biden during the food shortage in the first few months of covid then blamed then president trump for that. >> it's not a food shortage, it's a lack of leadership. it's a lack of leadership. i'd harness the industry to get food to those who need it and billions of laid off workers back to work and jobs, that's what they're doing. this is not rocket science, it's leadership. >> as the president spends the weekend at the white house in washington, other crises that loom up, the debt ceiling and looking at the government running out of funding, but don't forget that special spending bill and originally the president and progressives were hoping for 3.5 trillion. and they're well aware we're not looking at a number anywhere near 3.5 trillion. >> and the talks continue. griff. griff: and rangers are looking at shots fired from the mexico side of the border. we've live at the border next. oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? so you only pay for what you need. sorry? limu, you're an animal! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i brought in ensure max protein, with thirty grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! 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>> good afternoon, jacqui. last evening we had 100 migrants along the rio grand and this has been a very busy stretch for migration. it's slowed down over the last couple of weeks and the local officials say they expect the caravans headed north for that to pick up. the texas law enforcement officials say as you mention they're getting gunfire coming from the mexican side across the river, the texas department of public safety in a statement says, quote, on thursday, october 14th just before noon, two shots were fired across the border from mexico into starr county about an hour west of us, believed to be aimed at texas national guard personnel. there were no injuries and the texas rangers are investigating this incident. meanwhile, the biden administration is complying with a court order and will reinstate the trump era remain in mexico policy. that requires migrants claiming asylum to wait out our cases in camps in mexico. they canceled the program and the biden administration went about it the wrong way. so the department of homeland security is reluctantly reviving the policy and officials say they'll move to terminate it again in a way that complies with the court order. dhs also says it's building temporary immigration courts along the border to process these asylum claims. we are also awaiting border patrol apprehension numbers for the month of september, that's the final month of the 2021 fiscal year. already in that fiscal year there have been more apprehensions down here along the southwest border than any year since 2000. so depending on the september figures, if you get 200,000 or so, we could have for the fiscal year of 2021, the busiest year for southwest border apprehensions in recorded history and though we have to wait for the figures to come out and probably anticipating the next few days, the pattern when we get the figures. back to you. >> rich edson down at the border, thank you so much. griff: jacqui, the biden administration is preparing to reinstate the trump era policy after being ordered by the court to do so. for more on the border, republican congressman from texas, a member of the house appropriations committee, tony gonzalez. before we get to the border, i want to give you a moment, an opportunity to weigh in, to react to this tragic ambush on the three text test constable deputies one of whom we know has lost their life this morning. congressman? >> yeah, no, my heart goes out to the law enforcement officers here in texas that are doing everything they can to keep our community safe. what i'd like to see from the biden administration and in his speech shortly is the president being crystal clear that america is behind law enforcement officers, and to be crystal clear that we will apprehend the people responsible for this and they will be brought to justice, full justice and we will seek the death penalty for those that have killed innocent police officers. it needs to be that clean a speech, you know, this rhetoric of encouraging anti-law enforcement rhetoric to be spewed by democrats in particular, has become deadly. >> such an important point, congressman, because as we now turn the conversation to the border, so many of the agents, men and women, working around the clock, overwhelmed on the border, feel some loss of confidence with this administration, with the decisions they've made. now, when i have talked to agents, they tell me if remain in mexico is reinstated and the court ordered to do so it may help. your thoughts? >> myself and many of my republican colleagues have been pushing to reinstate the trump policies that work, the remain in mexico policy worked. it's encouraging to see this administration start to go down that route and we have to hold them accountable. i'm not stopping until i see that reinstated. on the border, the cartels are controlling everything. it's chaos. on the space you're seeing the migrant situation, but underneath the surface, you're seeing the deadly area na encourages terrorism, that encourages the cartels that are very sophisticated. they're working with cryptocurrency. they are exploiting our border at all levels and all facets. it's not just the migrants that we see on the surface. griff: you wrote an important op-ed in the hill newspaper this past week about cartels and cryptocurrency. is it your view that the cartels are stronger than they've ever been and only growing? >> these cartels are extremely sophisticated and they pose a danger far more than we've seen on the surface. we've seen the danger utilizing the cryptocurrencies and it's an attack against the u.s. dollar. it's a battle that the united states is in a battle with the cartels and the bottom line, we're losing and it's up to the biden administration not only to gain a hold of the southern border to protect innocent people that live along the border, but protect our financial institutions and other things as these cartels continue to become more sophisticated. you know, emergency instead of coming over with a backpack full of cash, imagine you come over with a thumb drive filled with cryptocurrency? >> as we look at images from our flight team, la hoya, texas, in the rgv, and heaviest areas and where you're not too far. i went this week down to the kun of the panama, all the way down to the jungle, the densest on earth, where we're seeing tens of thousands particularly haitian migrants coming through there. the cartel has a virtual pipeline that runs from south america all the way across our border, and you were able to speak with a foreign minister of panama, erica moynes, somewhat desperate, and what did she tell you? >> i met with the foreign minister two weeks ago and she was sounding the alarm on what's happening in panama. one i think this, they've encountered over 80,000 migrants. there's more on the way and they've encountered many folks associated with terrorism. once again, this is a direct threat to the united states. and these folks don't just arrive at our southern border. it's happening well in advance. what we saw in del rio weeks ago, we will see over and over again unless something happens. i appreciate you going down to the darian gap and covering it firsthand. historically those numbers around 8,000 migrants pass through there a year. that number is ten times as much and only getting worse. this administration has to act and it has to act now. griff: it does, indeed. we're out of time and i've got to let you go. i was trying to find out when i got back last night if anything had changed on the spending negotiations on capitol hill. just 10 seconds, do you have insight where we are? >> spending is out of control. when you're negotiating from 3 and a half trillion to one trillion it's a loser all the way around. inflation continues to spiral out of control. griff: thank you for taking the time and have a congratulate rest of your saturday. jacqui: more on spending on the negotiations on capitol hill. a member from california, jared huffman. congressman, thank you for joining us. >> thank you, good morning. jacqui: appreciate your time. this week the white house really for the first time sort of signaled impatience here that there's not been progress since the vote on, and it's been stalled. and the democrats are pushing for a deadline and you just appeared in a town hall with alexandria ocasio-cortez to make the case for the climate provision. what are you holding out for? >> well, i'm holding out for a package of legislation that's net positive for the climate because we're running out of time to address the most important economic, environmental and moral imperative of our time, the climate crisis. this may be our last best chance to do that and we've got to get it right. jacqui: do you really believe that more time is going to make a difference when you have folks like senator joe manchin firing back at people like bernie sanders, pushing him to get on board and responded to sander op-ed and aligning him avenue and senator sinema with the republican conference. and wrote senator sander's answer throwing money at an already overheated economy and other senators from grave concerns about this approach and he's aligning himself with this and do you think he's going to move? >> i don't know, i certainly hope he will. i'm not calling for an infinite amount of time and i don't think my democratic colleagues are. in a few weeks i'm in a delegation going to glasgow for the climate summit. i don't want to go empty handed to that summit. i want to take in hand, legislation that we've approved so we can ask the same of the international community. so i feel a great sense of urgency to get this done and we're getting cards on the table from senator manchin and senator sinema and you have to do that. jacqui: and i'll see you in glasgow and the president is going on that trip and we'll cover it. and you touched on something i wanted to ask, also does this stall reflect poorly on the president, showing up as it hands right now, emptyhanded on these things. this is a truncated period of time to get this done for the first couple of days of november? >> it's harder for the united states to go into the world stage a few weeks from now and try to lead other countries to new commitments to this higher ambition goal so we can confront the climate crisis. it lot harder if we haven't got our own house in order. i think it underscored the urgency of this moment and i think it's why the white house is fully engaged and it's why many of us, quite frankly, are so frustrated with senator manchin. jacqui: would you disagree with the congresswoman who said that we can do the temporary transportation funding many, many more times? we've done it before and we can do it again? you disagree with that? >> she's right, that's a fact, but that climate summit is set for the middle of november and the fact is, we do need to take something into that summit that shows american leadership. so i'm still hoping that we can keep the pressure on. i think it's useful. and i want that pressure to be especially focused on senator manchin and he's the key and many of us are very frustrated that so far at least he appears unwilling to do the right thing on climate and clean energy. jacqui: thank you for joining us. >> thank you. coming up, president biden is addressing the national peace officers memorial commemorating the lives lost in the line of duty over the last two years. try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for muscle health. versus 16 grams in ensure high protein. boost® high protein also has key nutrients for immune support. boost® high protein. i would have urges for chocolates and chips. those were my downfalls. boost® high protein also has key nutrients thanks to golo, i wasn't craving those anymore. the weight was coming off, the energy was coming in, and now, i'm doing cartwheels. (female announcer) go to to lose weight and feel great. >> you're looking live now, president biden will soon deliver the keynote address of the 40th annual peace officer's memorial service. it's an event hosted by the national fraternal order of police and honors the 491 law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty during 2019 and 2020 and he's being introduced now by james smallwood, the national treasurer for the fraternal order of police. the president earlier today ordering that all flags on federal buildings and public buildings to be flown at half staff to honor their service and sacrifice. it is an interesting moment as we tragically have been reporting on what happened in houston. the ambush of three constable deputies, one of whom lost their life already. this is had a moment when you have law enforcement officers across the country tuning in to remember those who paid the ultimate price and really a testament to why they're so brave to get up and walk out of the floor, jackie, knowing they may not come home, but doing so, even in this environment, at this moment in history when the defund the police movement has gained more momentum than it's ever had and comes at a time when the president himself known as a long-time ally of law enforcement dating back to his time in the senate when he, of course, had the 1994 crime bill and he was a hero to cops everywhere and now, whether or not his embrace of the defund movement and catering to that quarter of the political spectrum is certainly something people will be watching when the president gets up and delivers remarks here in just a moment. jacqui: well, certainly there have been democrats in his party who embraced that message and the president has distanced himself from that and repeatedly aligned himself with causes to bolster police funding, but i do want to note it's fitting that's happening on the west front of the capitol where you saw officers had to defend against the january 6th riots. and also an attack on the capitol back in april that took a police officer's life and these officers have been working so hard. we want to pause now because the president looks like he's coming up to the podium to begin his speech. let's listen in to the president. [applause]. thank you, sergeant, my name is joe biden, i'm jill biden's husband. that's how i'm better known. president yost, execs auxiliary president layman, and jimmy pasco, director, thank you for this invitation to be here today homeland security mayorkas, thank you for the job you're doing for us, thank you very, very much. it's a tough job. most importantly, the families here today, this is all about you, about you. you know, i've been coming to this memorial for 40 years, missed a couple, but -- and i've spoken at many, too many police memorials all around the country. and it all amazes me how the public doesn't fully understand what we expect of our law enforcement officers. we expect you to be people ready to stand in the way and take a bullet for us. we expect you to be able to track down the bad guys. we expect you to be the psychologist who talks, the couple that are having violent confrontation together, to step back. we expect you to be everything. we expect everything of you and it's beyond the capacity of anyone to meet the total expectations. being a cop today is one hell of a lot harder than it's ever been. and to the families of the fallen, you've suffered an enormous loss, but understand, your loss is also america's loss. america's loss. and your pain is america's pain. we're waking up to the notion that unless we change the environment in which the job can be done, we're going to have trouble having enough women and men come forward who want to do the job. i hope all the families, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, moms, dads, i hope you're able to take a measure of comfort and strength from the extended family you have here and all around you. and remembrance and respect of this memorial this day, i ordered our flag to be flown at half staff. we've met here in front of this united states capitol many times before to memorialize our fallen heroes. it's particularly appropriate today. here nine months ago your brothers and sisters thwarted an unconstitutional and fundamentally un-american attack on our nation's values and our votes. and because of you, democracy survived, but only because of the women and men, the u.s. capitol police force, washington d.c. metropolitan police department, other law enforcement agencies who once again literally put their bodies on the line to protect our democracy. that's why i have no hesitation, had none at all, in signing the law, awarding the congressional gold medal of congress, the highest expression of our nation's appreciation, to the u.s. capitol police in washington d.c. metropolitan police and other responding law enforcement agencies. [applause] >> because of these men and women we have avoided catastrophe, but their heroism game at a cost to you and your families. five lost in the attack's aftermath. the toll on this profession this past years has been heavy, too heavy. 2020 was the deadliest year for law enforcement on record and today we're here to remember nearly 500 of your brothers and sisters, husbands and wives, sons and daughters. 2019 and 2020 we lost so much. i attended this memorial service many times, as i said, to pay my respects. sometimes i've been the speaker, other times i've sat on the stage and just thought about all of you sitting on the lawn. although this year, i don't know any personally who have fallen, any of the individuals, i've gone through the names and i feel i know without having ever met them. you see, i grew up in a neighborhood, neighborhood in scranton, pennsylvania, claymont, delaware and bellfont, where i grew up with the guys and women that we're honoring today. one of my best friends in grade school, eddie hill became a superintendent in delaware state police, a great friend and competitor and the other major high school we played ball against one another, charlie doherty became the head of the police force and so many more. so although i didn't know them personally, i know you. i know you. i always joked that i grew up in places where you either became a cop, a firefighter or a priest. i wasn't qualified for them so i had to settle for this. [laughter] >> but all kidding aside, over the years, chairman of the judiciary committee, i've got to know you. even as kids we could see in the women and men around us who the ones who had the heart. they're the ones who ran in to help you, whenever everyone else was running away. they ran toward, even when they were in grade school, knowing they'd be able to help a little bit, even if they were outnumbered. and i'm not making this up. think about it. think about your son, your daughter, your husband, your wife, who they were, what was inside them. it was about service to protect, defend. this isn't just what law enforcement does, it's who you are. it's what makes you who you are. and when you put on that shield in the morning and walk out the door each day, every family member dreads the possibility of receiving that phone call. talking about this, just as our son beau was in kosovo for six months and in iraq for a year, he was a chief officer attorney general and i'd watched every morning, and she left before i did, and i left for the train, jill mouthing a prayer over the cup of coffee at the sink, praying, praying, for beau, he did it every day. and there was a line from an english poet, john milton, he said they also serve while we stand and wait. how long have you had to stand and wait and wonder when you heard something on the news or saw it on television? thousands and thousands of american families stand and wait for their husbands, wives, their fathers, their mothers, sons and daughters can serve the rest of us. we not only owe them, we owe you. it's not hyperbole, i mean this from the bottom of my heart, we owe you, fully to support them and too many of you sitting out there have received that terrible call that your loved one won't be coming home at the end of his or her shift. to the mothers and fathers here today, my heart aches for you. believe it or not, jill and i understand. we got one of those calls in a different circumstance. no parent should have to bury a child. i lost a baby daughter in an accident, i lost a brave son to cancer after coming home from a year in iraq. you know what? what you've gone through is hard. the fact that he was a chief law enforcement officer in delaware, he wasn't out there literally, he'd go on patrol, he wasn't out there walking up those stairs to make that arrest or try to stop that fight. it was always about family. it's like losing a piece of your soul. some of you still have that feeling like you've been sucked into a black hole in your chest wondering, my god, will it ever change? sergeant mclane from detroit, decorated for exemplary service for his career, he turned down promotions so he could work as a mentor for other officers in his district. every two weeks he'd send his wife flowers at work like clock work to brighten her day and her office. he was killed responding to a domestic violence call. officer tiffany victoria enrique from honolulu. she was one of two officers killed while responding to a call, was the first female officer to die in the line of duty in the honolulu police department. her boyfriend, also an officer, called her quote, the most hardest working, fearest officer i've ever known. my heart is shattered and she was my love, my rock, my strength. so many. officer charles excuse me, brazildo passed away in 2016, but he was recognized in his line of duty this year. he was part of an elite unit, the port authority of new york, and new jersey, and trained to perform rescue operations. after the terrorist attack on september 11th he was assigned to search and recover, recovery efforts in the world trade tower. he, like so many others, contracted cancer. he died of cancer following that assignment. he made friends wherever he went. he loved the outdoors, he was his neighborhood go-to guy organizing almost anything, including hunting expeditions. as you call the roll today, we're acutely aware that behind each name are families. as i said, we know from personal experience that every time there's a ceremony or a memorial honoring your lost husband or wife, son or daughter, it can summon that pride, but also that terrible feeling as if you're just hearing the news for the first time. so i want you to know, i know although you look forward to honoring your family member, it's hard. it's hard. i mean this sincerely. jill and i admire your courage for just being here. it will help you take some comfort in the knowledge that the men and women here assembled today, they'll always be with you, not a joke, they'll always be with you. wherever you are, even if you don't know them, a city, town, a place you've never been before. as much as we hope not, there are going to be more names added to this roll call of bravery and sorrow, there have been. as i was preparing these remark early this morning in houston the deputy killed, one deputy killed and two wounded. chief from houston is here today. i don't know where he is, but he's here today, i'm told. seven houston police officers in his department were killed in the line of duty since 2019. chief, i'm here for you, pal, so is everybody else. we mourn the fallen. we pray for the recovery of the wounded. as i said, i've spoken many, too many times, too many funerals for police officers, too many funerals for brave servants who kept us safe. the mournful sound of the bagpipes, we must also hear something else, call to do better, to do more to keep you safe, to keep our communities safer, for us to step up, trust and respect and heal the breach we now see in so many communities. to recognize the promise of equality and justice remains a promise, but not always a reality for you or others. particularly in low income communities. too many communities, black and brown, too many families are briefing unnecessary losses of their sons, their daughters, their fathers, player brothers. i want to acknowledge the fop as was mentioned earlier, for sincerely trying to reach an agreement on meaningful reforms, congressional reforms and negotiations over the george floyd policing act. and here is the part, a lot of the help has to come to police departments. they need help to do better. i want to thank -- we haven't got any respectful player, we haven't got there. there's too much at stake for the safety of those who serve. it's a hard time to be a police officer in america. i just want to make sure that you have the tools to be the partners and protectors to the communities in need. when you look at what your communities need and what you're asked to do, there isn't going to be-- there are going to be more resources not fewer resources to help you do your job. that's why i propose we invest in community policing we know works. one thing to protect cops is another cop. the training you in the community have requested, the community-based programs, interventions that can stop violence before it starts. provides specific guidance, explaining the communities can and should use funds from the american rescue plan. 350 billion in aids cities, states, tribes to hire and retain officers. many cities from albuquerque to st. paul are doing just like that and propose additional 300 million in my budget to support policing across the country. it's hard when you don't know the community. and the most important way to get to know them has more police. we're also investing in community violence program, which have a proven track record of reducing violence up to 60% in cities across the nation. the same time, we have to stop asking law enforcement officers to do every single job under the sun. i'm committed to investing in mental health services, mental health specialists can respond to mental health crisis beside you. you shouldn't be the one trying to talk someone off the edge of the roof, you should have professional help with you. support our law enforcement officer requires we invest in systems that provide adequate health care, counseling, drug treatment housing, education, social services in the community so there's not the discord. we need to work together to confront the epidemic of gun violence. your brothers and sisters have told me over the years, sometimes you feel like you're outgunned. right now the justice department leadership of attorney general garland is working with state and local law enforcement across the country, to keep guns out of the hands of dangerous individuals. they now have zero tolerance for gun dealers who willfully violate the law, putting firearms in the hand of people who are a danger to the community. and you, your state's to adopt red flag laws. laws that allow family members or law enforcement in position of court order to temporarily remove firearms for people in crisis representing a danger to themselves and to others. by the way, more people die of gunshot wounds in america as a consequence of suicide than any other reason. i've called on congress to the violence against women acts and close the domestic violence loophole to keep guns out of the hands of abuser. 40% of all calls that result in an officer's death were domestic violence related. 40%. these steps will protect you, protect the people you serve. and finally, and tragically in the past two years, covid-19 has caused more deaths in the line of duty than all the other causes combined. many of those lost their lives keeping our society safe, serving on the front lines in the dark early days of the pandemic, but now, let us prevent the preventible tragedies. the last time i stood here was to take the oath of office as your president. i said that day we have much to repair, much to restore, much to heal, much to build, much to gain. it remains true. i believe with all my heart there's nothing you're not able to do if we equip you, and we can reunite this nation and fight our common foes, anger, resentment, hatred, extremism, racism, lawness, disease, joblessness, hopelessness. we have never ever failed in america when we've acted together. so let's act together to support you in the service of the nation we love. in closing, let me say that i know there are no words, no memorials that can fill that void, that black hole in your chest so many of you feel. but i promise you-- >> you've been listening to president biden address the national peace officer's memorial. it honors 491 men and women who lost their lives in the line of duty across 42 states and an important speech on an important day. griff: fox news alert, investigation underway in houston, texas after 3 police officers were shot early this morning in an ambition attack levering one dead and the other injured. welcome to fox news live, i'm griff jenkins. jacqui: and i'm jacqui heinrich. we are following the story. 3 officers were working extra shift and fired from behind. griff: for president addressing what happened and addressing as the president was speaking to all families across the country on the national peace officers memorial service. it's a very important one. i've had the honor and covering it because it specifically takes a moment to say thank you to those men and women that walked out of the door tragically in houston, one constable deputy lost his life and two others shot and it really talks about and speaks to the great sacrifice that they make, the service was honoring 491 across 42 states. obviously the state of texas front and center on this day. jacqui: another family now dealing with the loss himself. laura ionle live with the latest on the investigation underway in texas. laura. reporter: good afternoon, yeah, police in houston are trying to piece together exactly what happened in the early morning hours when 3 deputies came under fire by a suspect who came seemingly out of nowhere with a rifle coming from behind. they are calling it an ambition and just started shooting. now, it all happened just after 2:00 a.m. as 3 harris county constable deputies were working an extra security job at the 45 north bar and lounge, they went outside and walked into what police say may have been a robbery in progress as they were wrestling with the suspect. >> we believe that they were ambushed, shot from behind with a suspect with a rifle. 3 constables were shot. we do not know at this time if they were able to return fire or not. we are still -- still ongoing investigation. there's a lot of unknowns at this point. we have a person of interest in custody. we are not sure if that's a witness or suspect. reporter: yeah, and while they are determining who that person was, they are not sure again if that is a witness or a suspect. investigators are still looking for another suspect, hispanic male in early 20's. all of this unfolding just hours ahead of the 40th annual peace officers memorial service which is obviously underway right now as we have been watching on fox news in dc to honor law enforcement officers who lost their lives in the line of duty. president biden speaking today. we will continue to monitor this situation. back to you. jacqui: laura ingle live for us on that story, thank you so much. griff. griff: well, while the holiday season is just around the corner, many fear the supply chain won't be able to recover in time. pressure is increasing for the president to take action. david spunt is live at the white house with the latest, hi, david. david: hi, griff, we just saw president biden on the u.s. capitol down the street from the white house here. he will be making his way back to the white house after honoring the fallen officers and yet several crises on his plate here specifically that supply chain crisis that you just mentioned. that's something that has been brewing for several months now and may go well into 2022 over the next few months, not just for the holidays, a little bit of joking online. #bareshelves biden was top trending tweets. no joking matter for people that are concerned about jobs, about money, about the economic situation with inflation in this country. cargo ships continue to sit in an ocean parking lot off the coast of california as millions of goods are still in limbo, new numbers from the labor department they show import prices rose last month after falling the month before. transportation secretary pete buttigieg who was on with bret baier on special report last night. he's facing questions about taking some paternity time off with his husband to care for their two little babies in the middle of this crisis but pete buttigieg and the white house are defending the move, arguing, listen, this is important that he take his time and been in touch on major policy decisions and is back working. >> so you're saying -- >> more than ever before, we are seeing record goods coming through our ports, the demand is there which is great news and represents a policy success. now we have to make sure the supply chains are there to support it. david: in 2020 during the first few months to have covid-19 crisis it was then candidate joe biden who blamed the food shortage crisis on then president donald trump saying, we need new leadership. now president biden is in the white house with this crisis, griff. griff: david spunt, live for us in the white house, david, thank you. jacqui. >> government should not require any texan to show proof of vaccination and reveal private health information just to go about their daily lives. >> bottom line is we are going to continue to implement the law which the president of the united states has the ability, the authority, the legal authority to do. jacqui: texas governor greg abbott and jen psaki sparring over the legality over the biden administration's vaccine mandate as the fight between white house and republican governors heats up. joining us now for reaction urban reform president and member of the texas advisory committee of the u.s. commission on civil rights charles blane. thank you so much for being with us. >> thanks for having me, jacqui. jacqui: walk us through, charles, what's your take on where things stand right now. >> applaud the governor for doing what he did. i think one of the big things that has been a part of the conversation about vaccine and vaccine mandates is that one of the big groups that have been reluctant to get them, they look like me. so we are talking about black and hispanic folks, largely folks who are wage workers who are working public facing jobs so they are really going to feel the crunch of a vaccine mandate. and so with the governor stepping in, it's ensuring that they don't have to make the decision of their livelihood and continuing to put food on the table versus what they feel is right for their personal health. so i applaud the decision and i think he needs to hold steady on it. jacqui: in your view what would be the better role of the government then to try tone courage vaccine hesitant populations to get vaccinated? >> well, i think, you know, locally here in harris county in houston we have seen our local officials getting out there and going to community events, holding vaccination events, really showing that they are getting it themselves and that it's safe and effective way of combating the virus but the mandate doesn't seem to be the answer. especially black and hispanic folks are hesitant of government and they have a deep mistrust of government, so mandating something from government is not going to fly with them. and so i really think that just getting out there and communicating continuing to communicate the message of the need for vaccines and the need for ensure that the population is safe is going to be with the answer is. i don't think mandates are it. jacqui: in your view the mandate does the opposite, it makes them for hesitant? charles: oh, without a doubt. it makes them more hesitant and i think it makes them question the motives of government simply because now you're saying that they have to make the decision between their livelihood and what they choose for their personal health. i definitely think it does the complete opposite and there were -- there was conversation shortly after handing out of the mandate that black voters who supported previously were a little more questioning what he was doing and they were more reluctant to support him going forward and that's a long-standing thing if he continues to shove this down a population's throat that has a deep mistrust of government. jacqui: the biden administration also has been careful to try to find ways where they do have legal ground to do that in terms of, you know, encouraging businesses to make these mandates where they cannot reach over in their federal capacity. do you think that makes a difference if it's coming from, you know, your employer at the urging of the government versus, you know, some sort of a mandate that's enacted by the department of labor for certain employers, more than 100 workers, do you think that that makes a difference if it's coming from the white house versus the person you work for? >> charles: i don't think it makes a difference for the average person because at the end of the day, they then have to make the decision between what they're choosing for personal health care and put food on the table and bring paycheck every two weeks or the end of the month. i don't think it makes much of a difference and i think people recognize that the force of this is still coming from government. that whether or not their employers choose to adhere to a mandate or violate it themselves and put themselves at risk, that force, that strong arm of the federal government is still coming down and so you know that's why, again, i applaud governor abbott for what he did and i'm applauding our texas legislature for considering legislation to codify what his executive order says. jacqui: charles blain, enjoyed the conversation, hope to talk to you soon. griff: jacqui along with masks and vaccine mandate what children learn in schools is a hot-button issue in virginia. for more on the virginia's governor's fellow, amy, amy, thank you for taking time and it is almost voting day in virginia and crt, critical race theory, obviously front and center. i want to play for you it appears that gop challenger glen youngkin taking advantage of something that terry mcallough said at the end of september and how the gop is using it in an add, watch. >> i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. i get really tired of everybody running down teachers. griff: amy, do you think that will have an impact and if so why? >> well, first of all, griff thanks for having me. i do think it will have an impact. as a former teacher and school principal, someone who has been in federal education policy, i can tell you that parental involvement is essential and having parents involved in students' education for 50 years have shown that it actually is part of what is critical to achieving student success and so having those positive relationships with parents, building trust, allowing there to be transparency and accountability, absolutely necessary in order for us to provide students with the opportunities that they need to be successful. griff: amy, a lot of american voters agree with you in our latest fox news poll which we can show you. we polled specifically parents themselves, 57% say that parents should tell schools what to teach. 34% said they should not. you look at the other column there which is parents and other voters as well. it's still a 50-40 percent. why has this become such a hot-button issue, ai: mee? >> griff, i think that the pandemic provide an opportunity for parent to be more involved in their children's education than they had ever before been and so at the kitchen table in my own home i have 3 children, parents were -- were essentially part of the education process and as a result they have seen the material that their children are being taught, they are more aware than ever of the message that are being utilized and now that there are -- you mentioned at the beginning to have segment, vaccine mandate, mask mandates in addition to material and the methodology that's being used, parents have the -- the desire to be advocates on behalf of their children and they have every right and frankly the responsibility to do so. griff: we are seeing some impacted parents have had in lowden county virginia for crt debate, we saw resignation from beth barr, a school board member that has now stepped down because of the pressure in lowden county and parents like you are describing speaking out. where does this go? >> that's a great question, griff. i believe that the -- the situation that is happening across the country we see kind of in a very interesting way specifically in lowden county and i do feel that parents more than ever are being empowered to participate in this basic democratic process which is the process in which they are involved in their school boards and in their school board elections and in their school board meetings and now is the time to continue to encourage parents to continue to be advocates for their children, to look for ways in which they can be part of the process. i would encourage parents to, you know, i know that there is a certain focus on school board meetings and being present at school board meetings and speaking at school board meetings but there are also many other ways that parents can advocate for their children and can utilize their voice and so i encourage parents to continue to not just, you know, attend meetings and speak in a way that's respectful and that provides good civil civic discourse, but i also encourage them to continue to do the very basic things which are visit their child's school, ask questions of their child's teacher, be involved with the principal at the school level and so my hope with everything that is going on and the situation in loudoun county that parents across the country will be involved. griff: that's right, get involved. aimee viana, you can look her up. jacqui: president bill clinton remains at the california hospital in irvine hospital in orange county getting treatment for a serious infection, learning more details now. correspondent claudia cowan with the very latest on the prognosis, what is going on, claudia? reporter: hey, there, jacqui, nice to see you. the president waking up on fifth day on uc irvine in orange medical center and could be last day because by all accounts is doing much better, up around around, reading books, talking to world leaders from his hospital room and he could be leaving the hospital, we are told very soon. and in a statement a clinton spokesperson said, quote, all health indicators are trending in the right direction including his white blood cell count which has decreased significantly. former first lady hillary clinton visited her husband here yesterday and president biden has been on the phone with him as well. >> let me say they're all thinking about president clinton today and sending him good wishes and speedy recovery. he's always been the comeback kid and getting out of the hospital, everything is going well but he wanted to send his best. reporter: the 75-year-old former president resides in new york but he was in southern california this week visiting some friends ahead of an event nor the nonprofit clinton foundation on thursday when he started feeling fatigued. he was admitted to the intensive care unit on tuesday with urinary tract infection that spread into his blood stream but clinton's reps are playing it down saying he's in the icu to provide the former president more privacy, not because of his medical condition and they want today make it very clear he does not have covid. now, the former president has had some heart issues in the past, he underwent quadruple bypass surgery but doctors say this medical scare has nothing to do with his heart. they say he's in good spirits and responding well to antibiotics, so jacqui, we are waiting to see when the former president will be discharged. i can tell you there has been some activity here behind was the secret service, the hp sheriffs deputies, you can see the barricades are up to provide a secure and safe opportunity for when the president is discharged. we will keep you posted. jacqui: sepsis is no joke, glad the president is doing better and responding to his treatment. claudia cowan, thank you so much. griff. griff: jacqui, british police are calling fatal stabbing of british lawmaker david ms a terrorist incident, the long-serving member attacked during meeting with constituents at english church. katie logan live with the latest in london. hi, kitty. kitty: yes, police arrested the suspect at the scene immediately after the horrific attack and they are now investigating a possible link to islamic extremism as a motive. now david was conservative member of parliament serving over 40 years. he was very well liked by fellow party members and opposition politicians and we saw that earlier today when prime minister boris johnson visited the scene of the attack at leon and he was side by side with the leader of the opposition, both united across political divides. also residents in the area shocked by what's happened, floral, tributes today. david was a popular politician. he liked to engage with the public face to face. this is, of course, standard practice for british parliamentarians but with no personal security provided outside of parliament, this does leave them very vulnerable and we saw 5 years ago another british member of parliament cox murdered on the streets by a far-right extremist. now as for this particular attack, police have revealed few details so far. they are questioning the suspect, a 25-year-old british somali man. they searched two london properties overnight. this was an extremely brutal attack but for now police don't believe that anyone else was involved but the government is urgently seeking better security measures for other members of parliament. back to you. griff: kitty logan live for us in london, thank you. jacqui: face gunfire from across the border. we will get that and much more next. ♪ ♪ ♪ in business, setbacks change everything. so get comcast business internet and add securityedge. it helps keep your network safe by scanning for threats every 10 minutes. and unlike some cybersecurity options, this helps protect every connected device. yours, your employees' and even your customers'. so you can stay ahead. get started with a great offer and ask how you can add comcast business securityedge. plus for a limited time, ask how to get a $500 prepaid card when you upgrade. call today. area. what happens from that point, border apatrol apprehends and process them and usually if they're traveling as family, they are paroled into the united states with requests to appear before an immigration court or register at a local immigration office. now the tempo around here has slowed, the local officials say they expect that could soon change. >> even if it's order, it will alleviate a lot of the issues we have. now, of course, we understand the calm before the storm because allegedly there's like a giant caravan of haitians coming in and we are concerned about it and, of course, we are trying to be prepared. >> rich: armed gangs are shooting into the united states from mexico end, quote, before noon, two shots fired across from mexico into star county believed to be aimed at texas national guard personnel. there were no injuries and the texas rangers are investigating this incident. meanwhile the biden administration is complying with a court order will reinstate the trump-era remain in mexico policy. that requires migrants claiming asylum to wait out their cases in camps in mexico. the white house canceled this program and then a federal court said the biden administration went about it the wrong way so the department of homeland security is reluctantly reviving the policy. officials say they should be ready to reinstate it by mid-november but they'll move to terminate again in a way that complies with the court order. also as part of this, the administration says it is building temporary courts on this side of the border in texas to try to deal with this so-called soft-sided buildings to try to alleviate all of this going on down here at the border. back to you, griff. griff: rich edison live for us in pinetas, thank you. for more on this fox news contributor and former director of ice tom homan, great to have you in studio first of all sit right across from each other to talk about this since you and i have had an opportunity to do this more than a million and a half immigrants across the border and the biden administration reinstating the trump-era, mpp remain in mexico, what's your reaction, it will help? >> it will help if they do it right. we had to sue them to do that. i was part of the lawsuit. i filed more affidavits suing the president than my whole career. we sued them. they weren't doing it so the court had to come back and tell them, you need to make this happen and made all of the excuse that we don't have the process in place, we have to start from the ground up and more affidavits filed up. we've already done this. this has been done. dust off the plane and start making work. they said they were going to do it. let's be clear, they were made to do this. they don't want to do this. they are still trying to kill the program. it won't be effective because they don't want it to be effective. they want more migrants to cross the border. this is open borders. they will push back and they don't support it. griff: why are they doing this? they want this, why? tom: in their eyes this is future democratic voters. they also overturned trump census rule, they will be counted which is going to results for more seats and house for democrats. in their minds these are future democratic voters and that's why they have open borders. there's no other reason to open the border. there's no downside of having a secure border. griff: it seems that national security is really something that needs to be a bigger part of this conversation, tom, and in full disclosure we talk often about it. i was just in panamá the last week, foreign minister erika telling tony gonzales who was on the program earlier that some 52 known terrorist individuals crossed that dangerous jungle where i was and it's this pipeline, tom, that runs from south america all the way to our border in texas where you are seeing there you can see the boat, those migrants, most of them haitians, they are coming across the jungle and then they are being taken to a little town called las blancas and go 12 straight hours directly to costa rican border and be let out to continue their journey yet this has implications of national security. >> absolutely. let's be clear, there is no national security. there is no homeland security. without border security. that's just common sense. as i've said for months, this is a national security crisis because half of the border patrol is off the line taking care of large groups, that's when the cartel use open borders to move drugs, to move gang members and to move suspected terrorists. the gap for the last decade has been a major role for known suspected terrorism -- terrorists to come through there. we've actually -- when i was ice director we had agents down there working with the panamenian government, were in the gap and made the journey and final destination, many of them was the united states. you have great covers down there and people need to understand, there's tens of thousands people coming through the daring gap, suspected terrorists will embed themselves in the group. griff: we have to leave the conversation there but when i was there they had a department of state secretary rosea meeting with the president and maybe they will do something down there to stop it before it comes to our border. tom homan thank you for coming to the studio. great to have you. meanwhile -- critical race theory debate coming up. i would have urges for chocolates and chips. those were my downfalls. thanks to golo, i wasn't craving those anymore. the weight was coming off, the energy was coming in, and now, i'm doing cartwheels. 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>> thanks for having me, virginia is a microcosm of what's going on in the rest of the country and what the rest of the people feel about crt. with the failed policy of the biden administration and with what we are seeing happening in virginia, the rest of the country wants change and this change means parents have an opportunity to tell their -- not have the federal government tell their kids what's to be taught in their schools and to make sure that parents have -- have saying and crt has no room in the classroom. >> how do you see it kristin, worth pointing out that mcauliffe is still by at least 5 points in the latest polls. do you believe that people are as passionate and fired up about this crt issue as -- as walt says they are? >> i think people -- the attentions are not just in virginia. they are their election right now unlike many other states. tensions are high, i mean, the politics are pretty divisive right now, so not just over the issue of crt but a lot of different things and it's not surprising that it's coming out as, you know, this governor's race heats up. i would say that you can't tell virginia voters what to do. i mean, the idea that as a democrat we have fought to gain ground in virginia for a very long time but these are independent thinkers and they will go into the polls and say that the absentee ballots and mail-in ballots have swayed in in mcauliffe's favor but not surprising that people are getting upset. i think a lot of feelings and, you know, bubble over when you have elections and right now all eyes are on virginia. griff: kristin, you raise an interesting point. democrats work very hard to turn virginia blue. president biden won if my recollection is correct by ten points and now yet this tight race, what does that tell you all? >> well, that tells me that persons are changing and virginia, again, is a microcosm of harass going on in the country and people want real leadership and the biden administration hasn't demonstrated that and in the race in virginia that's a key indicator in that and in my race in particular in arizona it's the same way. we want leadership in our country, leadership in our state. we want to be able to control what happens to our children in the school, crt is something that we do not need, it victimizes or continues to teach black and brown children that they are victims and it also places the blame of something that happened over 200 years ago that kids that had nothing to do with it. we need to move forward son only of the issues. the biden administration says they want the country to come together. they are not doing this by pushing the failed agenda kind of educational policy in the states and also in to our schools and most of all to american families. griff: kristin, i want to give you a chance to react to that. >> i think that pushing an agenda is a little strong here. i think, you know, we need to think about the racial inequalities in our country and, you know, i know a bunch of states have laws, idaho, some other states on this, but, you know, in some ways, you know, i'd like to talk about the broader conversation rather than this. griff: all right, talking about racial inequalities and some of the interesting things that we have seen happening not many people yet know about story in chicago which has been plagued with a number of issues, but this is the art institute of chicago mass firing all of their doses for our viewers, a dosin a person at the museum who is working for free, they are a volunteer but they are trained, very trained to explain the art in the museum, to give them a tour, to walk them through it and give them some context for it and what happened was the art institute fired all of them because in their words it was a racial inequality issue in so far as most of them were, more than 80% of the doses were older white women. walt, your thought? >> well, look this goes against the spirit of the 1964 civil rights act and this is something that the democrats tried to get behind and push. we shouldn't be fire people because of their color and that's exactly what's happening. where i see this is going, it's just not separate but equal. you can stand here but you can't go over here because you don't have the dose. we need to come together as a country and we need leadership in the country to be able to do that. the biden administration said they want to do that and failed at it and chicago is another example of what we are seeing across the country and what americans want to change with. griff: speaking of change, kristin, i want to get your reaction to that story. it seems to me that it might have been more prudent to look at the volunteer workforce and say, you know, we need diversity here, let's start -- find a way to change the makeup perhaps by bringing in more diverse dosets but mass firing them all and leaving at ear piece instead, that doesn't seem like the smartest move, your reaction? >> yeah, i don't quite understand it. they tried to diversify, it didn't work. i mean, you know, i don't know why this was the answer to that, so -- >> griff: it seems that the stories gain momentum and go viral because people look at it and say that really defies logic, walt, we are almost out of time. do you think it's the cultural stories that perhaps may really end up hurting democrats in the next election? >> i think it's going to hurt them very badly and it's funny how the democrats when they don't have an answer for something, when they are talk about diversity, they say i don't have an answer for it. i don't know why they did, they did it because it's an agenda. they are pushing an agenda that's failed this country again. this is the spirit of the 1964 civil rights act that was violated with these people being fired. you don't need to fire people because they do not have what -- what happened here in chicago. griff: in fairness, i have 10 seconds, kristin, i will leave you the last word? >> thank you. you know, i didn't say i didn't know. the democrats are pushing an agenda, we are on the right side of history. a lot of things that we are doing and in support of what biden is doing right now. griff: have a great rest of your saturday. >> thank you. >> thank you. griff: jacqui. jacqui: griff coming up, we will talk about your trip down in panamá tracking migrants as they are making their way up to the u.s. border. more on griff's adventure next. ♪ ♪ ♪ griff: welcome back, just taking a moment to talk about what happened this past week because my day job monday through friday is a reporter oftentimes covering the border. we traveled down to the country of panamá. looking into the treacherous path that so many migrants are making right now to get to the u.s. border because and you see here i'm on a boat pointing to a bet of haitians on the chucanaca river on panamá and it's important, jacqui, to tell the story because this is the source. i'm not the only one. several other news organizations have done this but the source of this pipeline of migration that runs from south america to our border, what we witnessed in del rio, 15,000 migrants underneath that bridge made this very trip to this very camp. this is la blancas and the first place that migrants come to after crossing 5 to 6 days in a jungle where they are sick, injured. i tried to get one woman who spoke perfect english from haiti to talk to me and she was in tears saying she couldn't bring herself, she was traumatized and robbed and terrible things happened to her. you see the raw human toll that this crisis is having on these folks and i am told by someone who helped organize this caravans in 2019 which we covered mejica, he's in tapachula, mexico waiting to lead a caravan of 20,000 haitians to the u.s. border upset with how mexico is handling them so it's important story where you have to go to the source to see really what's fully happening. jacqui: i know that you had jump through some hoops. i hope to watch your video on fox news website. it's actually an amazing piece and worth seeing. in the latest twist in the murdoch family mystery, father alex murdoch is facing related to death of house keeper, more on that coming up next. hello, for the last few years, i've been a little obsessed with chasing the big idaho potato truck. but it's not like that's my only interest. i also love cooking with heart-healthy, idaho potatoes. always look for the grown in idaho seal. guys, it's time to step up your game. force factor's alpha king boosts total testosterone for more lean muscle, more energy, and more passion and drive so you can rule the bedroom. rush to walmart for alpha king, from the #1 fastest-growing men's health brand in america. probioslim apple cider vinegar gummies with added probiotics for irresistible benefits. don't settle for basic. unleash your potential with probioslim acv gummies from force factor. >> that is alex murdough attorney and murdough facingalses for death of maid's family. this story seems to have so many legs, what strikes you most about the case that we are learning right now? >> all right, what strikes me the most about the case involving his housekeeper is that the cause of death was determined to be natural causes. that doesn't make any sense because it was an alleged trip and fall and then when she was in the hospital she had immediating in the brain. she had a brain hemorrhage so that looks to me that somebody probably pushed her, she fell and hit her head and died. i think you're seeing, jacqui, the tip of the iceberg that alex mardaugh is going to face. they should do a more copious investigation. they have opened a case in the house keeper's murder. $2.8 million actually that has disappeared that should have gone to the two sons of the housekeeper. >> to pull something like that if that were to be the case, there had to be help from somebody to get a death certificate with a natural death ruling on it, right? >> that's a great point that i would like to talk about. something is fishy is going on in this small town in south carolina not only the housekeeper's death but maggie and both cases of wife and housekeeper there are a lot of pieces missing. why wasn't an autopsy, for example, done of the housekeeper? that should have been done liquidity split. that wasn't done. why wasn't there gunshot residue of mardaugh in june and mardaugh financial records related to maggie's death, maybe he funneled money and look at financial records with respect to the housekeeper, was money being shifted to somebody else that might have been involved in the housekeeper's death as well. i think there's a lot of missing links that are going on into these investigations of both of these -- alleged deaths. jacqui: real quickly, 10 seconds left, with tim going to prison, may get more or less difficult to track someone else that might have been involved? >> well, i think it actually helps that he is arrested now for additional charge in prison. why? because of anybody else helped they are next in line so maybe then law enforcement can put more pressure on any cohorts that we think might be involved, put pressure on them to maybe plea deal so that they don't b face criminal charges. we are we are out of time. appreciate it. hope to talk to you soon. griff: fox news live continues with eric and arthel. i'm griff jenkins ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. ♪ ♪ - [female narrator] they line up by the thousands. ensure complete! each one suffering with a story that breaks your heart. like ravette, who needed help, because every step brought her pain. their only hope is a ship unlike any other. mercy ships. the largest floating civilian hospital in the world to bring free surgeries and care for people who have no other hope. only 62 cents a day, $19 a month, will help provide urgently needed surgery for the world's forgotten poor. if you have ever wondered: "how can i, just one person, make a difference?" this is your answer. so many are still suffering. so don't wait. call the number on your screen. or donate now at that's the number on your screen. ♪ ♪ ♪darling, i, i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪girl, i don't know, i don't know,♪ ♪i don't know why i can't get enough of your love babe♪ ♪oh no, babe girl, if i could only make you see♪ ♪and make you understand♪ get a dozen double crunch shrimp for $1 with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. if you're 55 and up, t-mobile has plans built just for you whether you need a single line or lines for family members, with any steak entrée. only at applebee's. you'll get great value on america's most reliable 5g network. like 2 lines of unlimited for just $27.50 a line. that's our everyday price. plus, our plans always come with unlimited talk, text and data included. so, switch to t-mobile and get 2 lines of unlimited for only $27.50 a line. that's half the price of verizon or at&t. only at t-mobile. the leader in 5g. 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Streaming Box , Pshh , Adorable , 4k , Xfinity Xfi , Memorial Service , Keynote Address , Stage , Administration , Images , Southern Border , Court Order , Order , Program , Roma On The Other Side , Supply , Mid November , Migrants , Ground , Rio Grand , 100 , Officials , Texas , Texas Department Of Public Safety , Migration , Caravans , Gunfire , Stretch , Quote , Statement , Starr County , River , On Thursday , October 14th , Thursday October 14th , 14 , Policy , Personnel , Injuries , Texas National Guard , Texas Rangers , Way , Cases , Department Of Homeland Security , Camps , Asylum , Building Temporary Immigration Courts , Asylum Claims , Apprehension Numbers , Apprehensions , Fiscal Year , September , Border Patrol , 2000 , Figures , Southwest Border Apprehensions , 200000 , Rich Edson , Pattern , Congressman , Court , Republican , House Appropriations Committee , Tony Gonzalez , Heart , Opportunity , Text Test Constable , Morning , Everything , Community Safe , Justice , Death Penalty , Conversation , Democrats , Rhetoric , Enforcement Rhetoric , Loss , Agents , Decisions , Confidence , Clock , Men And Women , Thoughts , Colleagues , Policies , Work , Route , Cartels , Surface , Terrorism , Area , Chaos , Space , Newspaper , Facets , Levels , Op Ed , The Hill , Cryptocurrency , View , Battle , Dollar , Cryptocurrencies , Bottom Line , Hold , Institutions , Backpack , Thumb Drive , Cash , Emergency , Areas , Flight Team , Rgv , La Hoya , Tens Of Thousands , Pipeline , Kun Of The Panama , Jungle , Cartel , Earth , Erica Moynes , Panama , Alarm , Folks , Threat , Advance , 80000 , Del Rio , Darian Gap , 8000 , Times , Hunting Expeditions , Ten , Negotiations , Insight , Control , Negotiating , Half , Loser , 10 , 3 , Rest , Inflation , Out Of Control , Saturday , Southern California , Jared Huffman , Impatience , Progress , Case , Town Hall , Vote , On , Alexandria Ocasio Cortez , Climate Provision , Legislation , Climate , Climate Crisis , Package , Economic , Positive , Imperative , Senator Manchin , Chance , Firing , Senator Sander , Bernie Sanders , Economy , Conference , Answer Throwing Money , Sinema , Him Avenue , Senators , Approach , Climate Summit , Amount , Delegation , Glasgow , Summit , Hand , Sense , Same , Urgency , Senator , Cards On The Table , Stall , Trip , Couple , World , Emptyhanded , It , We Haven T , House , Ambition , Countries , Goal , Congresswoman , Transportation Funding , Middle , Pressure , Coming Up , Muscle Health , Peace Officers Memorial Commemorating , Weight , Thanks , High Protein , Downfalls , Chips , Chocolates , Immune Support , Golo , Boost , 16 , Cartwheels , Announcer , Peace Officer , Fraternal Order Of Police , 40th Annual , Ordering , Treasurer , Flags , James Smallwood , Half Staff , Buildings , Reporting , Country Tuning , Environment , Home , Price , Testament , Floor , Defund The Police Movement , Jackie , Momentum , Hero , Crime Bill , Ally , Law Enforcement Dating , Senate , 1994 , Cops , Everywhere , Spectrum , Embrace , Catering , The Defund Movement , Causes , Party , Police Funding , Front , Fitting , January 6th Riots , January 6th , 6 , Applause , Podium , My Name Is Joe Biden , Sergeant , Yost , Execs Auxiliary , Jimmy Pasco , Invitation , Homeland Security Mayorkas , Layman , Memorials , Amazes , Guys , Bullet , Psychologist , Confrontation , Firefighter , Capacity , Hell , Anyone , Expectations , Notion , Women , Daughters , Sons , Men , Husbands , Wives , Trouble , Moms , Dads , Family , Strength , Comfort , Measure , Flag , Remembrance , Nine , Nation , Democracy , Votes , Values , Metropolitan Police Department , Bodies , U S Capitol Police Force , Washington D C , Law , Congress , Medal , None , Hesitation , Appreciation , Expression , Cost , Heroism Game , Catastrophe , Record , Aftermath , Toll , Heavy , Lost , Profession , Husbands And Wives , 500 , Respects , Speaker , Any , Personally , Lawn , Names , Delaware , Claymont , Scranton , Pennsylvania , Friends , Grade School , Delaware State Police , Friend , Superintendent , Eddie Hill , Bellfont , High School , Head , Another , Police Force , Ball , Competitor , Charlie Doherty , Places , Priest , Chairman , Judiciary Committee , Laughter , Ones , Kids , Everyone Else , Bit , Daughter , Up , Isn T , Shield , Family Member , Phone Call , Possibility , Attorney General , Son Beau , Iraq , Six , Jill Mouthing , Train , Coffee , Sink , Prayer , Cup , John Milton , Beau , English , News , Thousands , Television , Saw , Fathers , Mothers , Hyperbole , Call , Bottom , Supply Chain Won T , Her , Calls , Coming Home , The End , Heart Aches , Child , Parent , Baby Daughter , Cancer , Accident , He Wasn T Out There Literally , He Wasn T Out There , Patrol , Stairs , Arrest , Feeling , Fight , Piece , Soul , Sergeant Mclane , Chest , Black Hole , God , Detroit , Career , Clock Work , District , Mentor , Wife Flowers , Promotions , Victoria , Office , Domestic Violence , Enrique , Honolulu , Tiffany , Officer , Honolulu Police Department , Boyfriend , Working , Fearest , Brazildo , 2016 , Terrorist Attack , Unit , Rescue Operations , Port Authority Of New York , New Jersey , September 11th , 11 , Others , Recovery Efforts , Outdoors , Assignment , World Trade Tower , Guy Organizing , Name , Experience , Ceremony , Pride , Courage , Knowledge , Jill , Joke , Men And Women Here Assembled Today , City , Roll Call , Remark , Bravery , Sorrow , Chief , Here Today , Pal , Department , Everybody Else , Seven , Recovery , Funerals , Wounded , Safe , Servants , Bagpipes , Sound , Something Else , Promise , Safer , Breach , Trust , Equality , Losses , Reality , Income , Player Brothers , Brown , Reforms , Agreement , George Floyd Policing Act , Help , Police Departments , Player , Safety , Stake , Resources , Need , Partners , Protectors , Tools , Community Policing , Works , Training , Violence , Interventions , Programs , Funds , Rescue , Guidance , 350 Billion , States , Policing , Tribes , Budget , Paul , Albuquerque To St , 300 Million , Community Violence Program , Track Record , 60 , Mental Health Services , Mental Health Specialists , The Sun , Mental Health Crisis , Shouldn T , Be The One , Edge , Roof , Education , Health Care , Drug Treatment Housing , Counseling , Systems , Services , Discord , Epidemic , State , Gun Violence , Department Leadership , Garland , Firearms , Hands , Guns , Gun Dealers , Zero Tolerance , Zero , Crisis , Laws , Family Members , Position , Red Flag , Reason , Consequence , Suicide , Gunshot Wounds , Result , Acts , Loophole , Deaths , Steps , 19 , Lines , Society , Heal , Build , Tragedies , Oath , Repair , Restore , Foes , Anger , Act , Hopelessness , Resentment , Joblessness , Racism , Hatred , Lawness , Disease , Words , Closing , Void , Listening , The National , Biden Address , Fox News Alert , 42 , Injured , Honor , Peace Officers Memorial Service , Constable Deputy , Center , Laura Ionle , Hispanic Male , Reporter , Nowhere , 00 , 45 , Unknowns , Peace Officers , Story , Holiday Season , Fear , Corner , Laura Ingle , The Street , Plate , Brewing , Joking Matter , Bareshelves Biden , Holidays , Trending Tweets , Money , Goods , Millions , Cargo Ships , Labor Department , Coast , Limbo , Babies , Bret Baier On Special Report Last Night , Prices , Saying , Move , Listen , Arguing , Demand , Supply Chains , Policy Success , Food Shortage Crisis , Donald Trump , Vaccination , Proof , Greg Abbott , Authority , President Of The United States , Ability , Health Information , Vaccine Mandate , Jen Psaki , Governors , Texas Advisory Committee , Sparring , Legality , Reaction Urban Reform , U S Commission On Civil Rights , Take , Charles Blane , Groups , Vaccine , Mandates , Wage Workers , Facing , Livelihood , Decision , Table , Crunch , Stepping In , Role , Populations , Community Events , Holding Vaccination , Virus , Mandate , Answer , Deep Mistrust , Population , Opposite , Vaccines , Doubt , Motives , Voters , Throat , Questioning , Ways , Businesses , Terms , Employers , Employer , Urging , Versus , Whether , Force , Paycheck , Governor , Arm , Texas Legislature , Children , Hope , Schools , Executive Order , Masks , Charles Blain , Crt , Virginia , Hot Button Issue , Amy , Glen Youngkin , Advantage , Terry Mcallough , Parents , Everybody , Teachers , Add , Watch , Impact , Education Policy , Teacher , School Principal , Students , Involvement , Student Success , Opportunities , Transparency , Relationships , Accountability , Building Trust , Poll , 57 , Column , Ai , 34 , Education Process , Kitchen Table , Mee , Material , Methodology , Mask Mandates , Behalf , Addition , Segment , Resignation , Responsibility , Debate , Lowden County Virginia For Crt , Beth Barr , Lowden County , Question , Kind , Process , Elections , Meetings , School Boards , School Board , Focus , School Board Meetings , Voice , Civil Civic Discourse , School , Loudoun County , Principal , Level , That S Right , President Bill Clinton , Aimee Viana , Claudia Cowan , Details , Treatment , Orange County , Infection , California Hospital In Irvine , Accounts , Prognosis , In Orange Medical Center , Nice , Uc Irvine , Hospital , World Leaders , Health Indicators , Direction , Hospital Room , Trending , Reading Books , Clinton Spokesperson , Hillary Clinton , Blood Cell Count , Thinking , Wishes , Best , New York , Comeback Kid , 75 , Intensive Care Unit , Urinary Tract Infection , Nonprofit Clinton Foundation , Reps , Blood Stream , Condition , Icu , Privacy , Quadruple Bypass Surgery , Spirits , Scare , Doctors , Secret Service , Activity , Sheriffs Deputies , Antibiotics , Barricades , Hp , Sepsis , Member , Constituents , Terrorist Incident , Lawmaker David , Stabbing , Ms , Katie Logan , English Church , Motive , Yes , Member Of Parliament , Fellow Party Members , United , Leon , Practice , Tributes Today , Floral , Streets , Extremist , Cox , 5 , Somali Man , Security Measures , Business Internet , Add Securityedge , Network , Threats , Setbacks , Business , Customers , Employees , Business Securityedge , Cybersecurity Options , Offer , Device , Comcast , Yours , Prepaid Card , Call Today , Requests , Immigration Office , Immigration Court , Tempo , Register , Haitians , Caravan , Calm Before The Storm , Rich , Gangs , Mexico Into Star County , Mexico End , Federal Court , Courts , Rich Edison , Pinetas , Studio , Ice Tom Homan , Other , Contributor , Director , Each , Sit , Immigrants , Mpp , A Million , Affidavits , Lawsuit , Excuse , Plane , Making Work , Dust , Borders , Eyes , Results , Seats , Census , Rule , Downside , Minds , Tony Gonzales , Foreign Minister , Terrorist , Disclosure , 52 , Most , Boat , Journey , National Security , Implications , Las Blancas , Costa Rican , 12 , Homeland Security , Border Security , Common Sense , Terrorists , Gap , Gang Members , Drugs , Ice Director , Destination , Group , Covers , Department Of State Secretary , Race Theory Debate , Narrator , Outcast , Little Light Of Mine , Suffering , Waiting , Operationsmile Org , Autism , Version , Dream Job , Planning , Lavender Baths , Northwestern Mutual , Advisor , Mood Swings , The Ups And Downs , Nm Com , Bipolar , Adults , Vraylar , Highs , Medicines , Lows , Depression , Episodes , Relief , Symptoms , Pill , Fever , Changes , Muscles , Confusion , Psychosis , Behavior , Antidepressants , Stroke , Patients , Side Effects , Cholesterol , Muscle Movements , High Blood Sugar , Coma , Weight Gain , Sleepiness , Stomach , Movement Dysfunction , 0 , Prescriptions , Virginia Voters Education , Ups And Downs , Race , Priority , Terry Mcallife , Alexandria Hoff , Terry Mcauliffe , Lead , Republican Hasn T Won Seat , 2009 , Complaint , Watchdog , Error , Margin , Hatch Act , Election Results , Explosive Mcauliffe , Back Statement , Superintendent Schools , Heartaches , Student , Turnout , Voting , Walt Blackman , Lath , Kristin Haugn , Matter , State Representative , Mind , Arizona , Microcosm , What S Going On , Change , Polls , Points , Room , Classroom , Worth , Election , Attentions , Politics , Tensions , Thinkers , Absentee Ballots , Idea , Race Heats , Upset , Ballots , Feelings , Favor , Bubble , In Mcauliffe , Recollection , Virginia Blue , Persons , Hasn T , Indicator , Agenda , Blame , Victims , 200 , Inequalities , Idaho , Bunch , Chicago , Art Institute Of Chicago , Museum , Doses , Viewers , Volunteer , Dosin , Art Institute , Context , Inequality , Art , Tour , Spirit , Thought , 1964 Civil Rights Act , 1964 , 80 , We Shouldn T , Dose , Equal , Push , Color , Example , Speaking Of Change , Diversity , Volunteer Workforce , Dosets , Makeup , Let , Didn T Work , Ear , Stories , Logic , Word , Fairness , Support , Tracking Migrants , Griff S Adventure Next , Welcome Back , Path , I M On A Boat Pointing , Bet , Chucanaca River On Panama , Source , News Organizations , Camp , Bridge , La Blancas , 15000 , Woman , Perfect English , Sick , Tears , Raw Human Toll , Tapachula , Mejica , 20000 , Alex Murdoch , Video , Seeing , Hoops , Website , Twist , Murdoch , Mystery , House Keeper , Hello , Cooking , Big Idaho Potato Truck , Obsessed , Idaho Potatoes , Grown In Idaho , It S Time , Force Factor , Muscle , Testosterone , Men S Health , Game , King , Passion , Seal , Bedroom , Brand , Rush To Walmart For Alpha King , Probiotics , Gummies , Benefits , Apple Cider Vinegar , Potential , Probioslim , Don T Settle For Basic , Probioslim Acv Gummies , Alex Murdough , Factor , Murdough Facingalses , Housekeeper , Right , Cause , Maid , Legs , Learning , Brain , Immediating , Brain Hemorrhage , Somebody , Alex Mardaugh , The Tip Of Iceberg , Murder , Keeper , 8 Million , 2 8 Million , Death Certificate , Maggie , Town , South Carolina , Wasn T , Gunshot Residue , Pieces , Wasn T An Autopsy , Liquidity Split , Mardaugh , Investigations , Links , Prison , Tim , Both , Charge , Anybody , Cohorts , Criminal Charges , B Face , Deal , Arthel , Everyone , Mission , Minerals , Nutrition , Vitamins , Whoo Hoo , 27 , Female Narrator , Step , Ravette , 30 , Ship , Surgeries , Mercy Ships , 62 , 9 , Screen , Don T Wait , 55 , 27 50 , 7 50 ,

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