Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 2024

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

an odd reluctance for some american workers to get back at it. the administration is blaming the pandemic, a number of things. the reasons for this, why people have not gone back to take jobs. critics say vaccine mandates are a factor here and the unemployment benefits are hurting. the president made brief remarks on the report. he left the room, didn't take any questions on the economy or the report. he insists progress is being made. >> jobs up, wages up, unemployment down. that's progress. >> martha: here now, andy puzder from cke restaurants and author of "time to let america work again." mollie hemmingway from the federalist and a fox news contributor. great to have you with us. andy, obviously the president is going to try to put this in the best light possible when he looks at these numbers. but he says it's progress. he likes the fact that the unemployment number is lower. what is your take? >> number 1, we missed numbers two months in a row by a lot. in fact, the economists, the experts are baking in the covid problems that the president talks about. so that's not the problem. the problem is and the president went through a number of programs that he's proposing that will create more jobs and will give benefits to people that aren't working. the problem is we don't have a jobs shortage as your numbers showed at the beginning of the show. we have almost 11 million job openings and 7.7 million people unemployed. the problem is not a shortage of jobs. it's workers. so if the programs you're are proposing to create jobs, we don't need to create jobs. we have the jobs. the other thing you're spending on is discouraging people from working by providing benefits to people that don't work, you're hurting the problems, enhancing the problem of not enough workers. we don't have a jobs shortage, we have a worker shortage. it would be helpful if the white house would come to grips with the problem we're facing. >> molly, they point to a number of things. some of which andy just touched on. they talk about the number 1 factor is fear of coronavirus in terms of why people don't want to go back to work or chosen not to go back to work yet. vax mandates for some people are creating an issue in keeping them out of the work force. child care worker shortages. a lot of child care centers don't have enough staff. it's a circular problem when it goes around to that. so really, you know, covid has wreaked havoc up and down the line. >> that's right. the response to the covid pandemic has so disrupted what had been this very functioning engine of our economy. you still have schools not operating at capacity. that puts a burden on child care. people have difficulties with child care. they can't work. you have vaccine mandates and other issues making people not want to work. we haven't even understood all of the disruptions that we are now experiencing as a result of our response to the pandemic. but it's clear that we're experiencing a very sluggish recovery. it's reminiscent of what was happening during the obama era and not totally surprisingly because president biden, vice president biden shared the same views on how to thwart economic growth. he's trying to implement those. so this is the direct result of a lot of the policies that he has enacted. >> martha: i'm going to jump in. head back to the press briefing. she's talking about gas prices. watch this. >> watching at home with american companies and instead asking opec for more production, where that production is not as environmentally regulated. is there any consideration for being given to this, you know, keeping in mind rising gas prices? >> we are in touch -- we're not a member of opec as you know. we're in regular touch with opec and we have raised issues of supply in meetings that members of our national security team and others have had in recent weeks as i confirmed from here. we want to address the short term supply issues. one of them as we know was related to hurricane ida and the impacts in the region which we took steps to address at the time. our view to go back to your original question is also that well, we need to take steps to address short term supply issues and keep our eye on the long-term and the impact of the climate. the crisis that we're in the middle of and ensure that we're continuing to encourage the production and rise of renewables and the clean energy industry, which is what the president's proposals would do. go ahead. >> as the january 6 committee looks to enforce the subpoenas that they have been issuing for witnesses -- >> martha: okay. we wanted to hear her response to that. andy puzder, the increase in gas prices in americans is inflationary issue. we know that we have seen the end of the xl pipe line is one of the first things that the president did. we know that nord stream 2 is supplying from russia to germany, which is another issue here. you have a lot less of u.s. energy production in our pipeline so to speak and now we're asking opec, can you loosen the spigot a little bit. she clearly wants again doubled down on their perspective from the white house is that the bigger emergency is climate change. so working on alternative energy forms is more important than figuring out how to lower gas prices in the u.s. what do you say? >> how on earth does it help prevent carbon emissions if we use opec's and russia's oil instead of our oil? doesn't make sense. if you use the oil, it's the same carbon emissions. we're the third largest energy exportner the world. our production capacity is down 15%. if we need more oil to keep prices down and we do, inflation is raging, part of that is energy prices, all due to biden's policies. if we want to bring the prices down, encourage american energy producers, open the federal land and open the keystone pipeline and stop begging russia and saudi arabia to give us oil. makes us pay more for our energy costs and doesn't solve the problem. >> martha: molly, what is your take? >> just amazing to think back to the 2020 campaign when president biden was saying he wouldn't restrict energy supply. made it one of the first things that he did when he took office. now you have jen psaki not just what we just heard but did it the other day, admitting that they care more about their own personal beliefs on climate change than managing energy policy that makes sense after killing the keystone pipeline, they have gone to opec asking for more supply, have been shut down. this is -- again, this is -- these are the byproducts of policy decisions that this administration has made and are now reaping the consequences. it's not going particularly well for them. really not going well for the country. >> you know, andy, i want to ask you -- i want to go back to the initial topic for a moment. the child tax credit, which is another check in the mail, this is not something that you deduct when you do your taxes. it's a physical check that arrives in the mail that is unprecedented. by one account in the "wall street journal" said it would lead to 1.5 million fewer workers, 2.6% of working parents. another element that families are making that decision, we're getting this check so we're not going back to the work force. what do you think about that? >> number 1, joe manchin just last week said this doesn't make sense. why would we have this child tax credit and not have a work requirement? the kind that bill clinton and newt gingrich added to the u.s. code and had a tremendous impact on getting people back to work, particularly women back in the work force and increasing the labor participation rate. it was a spectacular idea and a great idea. we should be helping people but encouraging them to work. if you want to get child poverty down, this isn't something that people talk about. in 2019, the child poverty dropped to 15.4%. that was down from the 18% rate that president trump inherited. so if we have economic growth, if people are working, if we have jobs, if we encourage people to work, you'll see child poverty decline without this government largesse that encourages people not to work, this is all very counter productive. i don't understand it. it's politics. i wanted to cry after i heard the president's press conference it was so bad. >> martha: molly, i want your thoughts on another moment for the press conference. peter doocy was pressing jen psaki. reminds me of del rio. it's a very clear visual. when you look at what is going on with these containers off the coast of california. you don't need a economics degree that everything is stacked up and nothing is moving and you ordered something six months ago and it's not here yet. it's clear as we look at that what is going on. her answer is that they have a task force and a range of steps that they're taking. hosting industry leaders to talk about this. the fact of the matter remains, there's a huge backup here. you know, if government is so good at handling things, why aren't we seeing more action on this front? >> our government clearly is not very good at handling problems that face americans, this is an issue that we knew at the on set when the lock downs were first enforced. so this should have been worked on for many months now, that they're finally taking it seriously is good, but there's -- let's hope that they have a good plan. it's complicated. >> martha: it would be great to see the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg front and center, here's the plan. we haven't seen that yet. thanks, molly and andy. great to see you both. >> thanks. >> martha: the mom that stood up to her school board about the teaching that she was hearing coming back from schools, that america is a racist country, she got a standing ovation when she got this information about the doj wants to target the parents at these meetings. >> i really think at this point the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the public school system. that's it. >> keisha king. only here when "the story" continues after this. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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'cause we are. >> martha: a mom from florida getting a standing ovation after she called for dramatic action as the department of justice bumps school board battles for the fbi for investigation. watch this. >> i mean, you're at home wanting -- trying to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for kids and the fbi could be knocking at your door because you said the wrong thing at a school board meeting. these people are not -- they're serious. they want to silence us and shut us down. i really think at this point the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the school system. that's it. >> everybody was up on their feet. seconds later, keisha king had more to say. a mom standing up for parental rights. thanks so much. great to have you with us today. so you know, were you surprised when you said we need to have a mass exodus? you said it should be organized, we have to do it at the same time and everybody was up on their feet. >> i was very surprised. we've always been talking about it. i really didn't think i was saying anything that we have already been talking about. but i guess it just -- at this moment in time, i guess it really resonated with a lot of parents. just concerned citizens. so we've been working all morning. we're getting this together. we're organizing. we are pulling our children out of these indoctrination camps. >> martha: that's what i wanted to ask you about. it was a call to arm, so to speak, or a call to fight together. you said it's going to make a big statement if a lot of people do it and coordinated at the same time. how are you going about organizing that? >> well, right now we're trying to figure out what the most concerns are that parents have. is it transportation, you know, getting your child to this new school or is it that you want to home school but you're maybe not the best person to home school your child. you need a teacher or can we get a group of parents together a group of kids together. you know, we have retired teacher or something. so right now we're trying to figure out what the concerns are. find solutions for those concerns. that way, you know, there's no excuse and we can just do it all together. say good-bye. at this point they're not hearing us, they're not following what we want for our own children. they have basically just tried to silence us. i think that at this point when the fbi gets involved, i think that we've been pushed so far aside that that is the only thing left to do. >> it's interesting. we have already seen about 3% of public school children leave the public school system since the pandemic began, which is a big number. no doubt it's getting the attention of public schools and teacher's unions across this country. i want to point out that initially you got involved in this. you didn't like what your children were being taught. that america is a racist country essentially. that was shocking to you. it's shocking to a lot of parents. you know, when you read this letter from the department of justice, which says threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run couldn't tore the nation's core values. those that dedicate time and energy to assure that we deserve to do work without fear for their safety. what do you say to that? >> yes, i -- i don't know any parent that condones acts of violence. at the same time, i'm not seeing parents being violent at these school board meetings. so the premise of the memo, the letter in my opinion is false. we are still the -- we have the authority over our children to decide what is best for them. i get that they are elected officials, buts that the thing. they're elected officials. they're elected by the public. they are public service members. we're the public. they work for us. they're supposed to be implementing curriculum and ideas and thing in to the school that we decide that is best for the children. for our children. when they have so drastically decided that they don't care what we think anymore and we are basically just supposed to send them our tax dollars and just let them do whatever they wish with our children, i find that to be absurd. of course we're going to stand up and push back when it comes to our children. these are our most precious resources and given to us by god and we're supposed to be good stewards over our children. of course we're going to push back when they start pushing these radical ideas on our children. >> martha: keisha, thanks very much. some states like west virginia have portability with your school tax dollars for school choice. florida talked about that as well. you should take the money you put in for school taxes if you decide to make a difference choice, you should decide to do that. keisha, i hope you keep us posted. i'd love to hear the next steps as we go forward. thanks, keisha. good to see you. >> thank you. >> joining me now, christopher rufo, from the discovery institute center on wealth and poverty. he's been all over this for a long time. good to have you here today. i want to start with you if i may, by pulling up this letter from senator mcconnell to attorney general merrick garland. this issue has focused attention on merrick garland and what kind of attorney general he is around whether or nothe's got just jurisdiction to go after parents. mcconnell should be telling local schools what to teach. this is the basis of representative government. they do this in electioned and as protected by the first amendment and petitioning government, telling officials they're wrong is democracy, not intimidation. what do you say about that, chris? >> i think that's absolutely right. we have to understand that this entire saga is predicated on a verifiable lie. in the original national school board association letter asking the justice department or the fbi to start cracking down on parents, they created this myth that there's somehow a rash of cases of violence and intimidation and harassment all over this country. i went through the report citation by citation. they only actually provided one single example of a single battery in illinois, which is condemnable obviously. people should be protesting peacefully. it's hardly the justification for a nationwide drag net by the fbi on domestic terrorism grounds. the thing is predicated on a lie and it's being used to suppress speech and being used frankly to run interference for the school board association and the teacher's union that are begging the federal government to intervene after now a year of failure after failure to educate our kids, to open schools and to get rid of the divisive ideology like critical race theory. >> martha: it's clearly an attempt to chill dissent and keep people home. they might think what if i get caught up in somebody? i went through it, too. there's almost nothing there. when someone steps out of line or breaks the law or assaults someone or harasses someone, local law enforcement is quick to deal with that as they should. that is wrong. there's already something in place to take care of that. chris, thanks very much. good to see you today. >> thank you. >> martha: so president biden is going to meet with president jinping by year's end to get answers on the origins of kevin, which they say they want to do. so one researcher says that science is closing in on this issue and leads directly to the lab leak theory. he's done an intense amount of work on this. one of the foremost experts in the country. he's next. veteran homeowners, mortgage rates have dropped to near record lows. with home values at all time highs, now is the best time ever to use your va benefits to turn your home equity into cash. newday usa lets you borrow 100% of your home's value and take out $50,000 or more for security today or retirement tomorrow. get the cash and peace of mind every veteran family deserves. so make the call. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. there is no place like home y'all! and these people extraorknow thatth rich, there is no place like wayfair. i never thought i'd buy a pink velvet sofa, but when i saw it, i was like 'ah'. and then i sat on it, and i was like 'ooh'. ooh! stylish and napable. okay now. i can relate to this one. i'm a working mom with three boys. 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what do you say to that, doctor? >> you know, david is a fellow, but he's exactly right in the sense that all of the answers, the absolute answers are, inside that institution. my work has shown that we don't need to get inside the institution to answer these questions. that's an important thing that people realize. there's a lot of kicking the can down the road. after two years we've done a lot of studies. all of the evidence points to the laboratory. there's no evidence that supports a natural origin at this point. so i think we're done with the investigation at this point. >> martha: you think you're done? you think you can conclusively say it leaked from the lab in wuhan? >> yeah, i think there's no animal after studying 80,000 a one in a million probability. there's no infections in humans in 10,000 blood samples that were taken. again, we were expecting 400. that is also one in a million probability. the three things, the animal, the virus and the human all point to a laboratory accident. i think the additional piece that i want to be sure to emphasize here, i have gotten inside the wuhan institute of virology in patient specimens in december of 2019. what i found there, the lab was contaminated with viral research ahead of sars research. so this is not -- if you didn't like the pandemic that was 1% lethal, this thing they're working on in december 2019 has an 80% lethality. it needs to be stopped. >> so you -- you know, we know from the investigation that david asher was part of that he said there was a military presence in the lab. when you talk about a virus, you're talking about another virus that they're working on and you have evidence of that that is 80% lethal. what is -- is there any scientific reason for concocting something like that other than to kill people? >> well, i mean, you're studying that virus because it's 80% people. it's called nepa virus. there would be a legitimate reason to prevent that from becoming an epidemic. what we did, we took patient samples that were delivered in december of 2019 that data was run through a secrecy machine. the raw data was put up in the u.s. gene bank at the nih. we went down and teased around inside that. we saw sars covid. there's synthetic biology with handles attached to nepa virus. the only reason you're doing that, you're moving the genes around just like we believed happened with sars covid. so this is the next project, if i could call it that. >> martha: i have to ask you again. so when you say it's their next project, is there any scientific reason for this project or is it a project of bio weapons? >> well, look, i don't want to get in the weeds but there's something called pseudo viruss that can be used to study ebola and nipa. you can answer all the questions you want to with this pseudovirus. this was a large -- a third of the entire genome of the nipa virus being moved around somewhere via synthetic biology. it's a completely synthetic version of nipa and have a lab accident like i believe sars covid was. we have a virus that has a higher lethality. we really need to focus on it, this dangerous research. >> martha: yeah. i mean, i don't think you can emphasize that enough. dr. quay says we need to stop what is going on at the wuhan lab with this other more lethal virus. hope you come back, this is a very important story in the larger scheme of what is going on with china. thanks, dr. quay. >> thank you. >> martha: we'll stay on that. meantime, here's another thing to be worried about. is instagram tearing down your teenager's self-esteem and what to do about it. with the star of netflix important documentary on just that called "social dilemma." we'll talk to him next. >> we evolve to care about whether other people in our tribe think well of us or not. because it matters. were we evolved to be aware of what 10,000 people think of us? 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>> it will take a whole of society response. parents have a responsibility. the thing that i saw in tuesday for the first time and i've been working on this for eight years, my only focus, how do we create humane technology and recognizing the big models at stake. for the first time tuesday, i saw a bipartisan consensus. a lot of senators and congress members have teenage daughters. i talked to them. when i talk to them about the issues, national security, china, what social media is doing to polarization, when i talk to teens, that's when their heart stops. they see it in their own home. it's not rocket science. apple has a role as well. they can set up better controls for parents. it's the business model that maximizes engagement. what creates the most reactivity in society. facebook claims they're showing you a mirror but showing you a fun house mirror that is warped that reflects back to things that got the most reactivity. that's the core thing that we have to change across all of these apps. >> you're so right. i have three kids that grew up with this stuff. fomo, fear of missing out is a said thing. it really says a lot. fear of missing out when you look at someone's picture, what they look like or the party they went to or the vacation that they took, it's toxic for society. that's why it's resonating. everybody has seen the sad look on their kid face when they look at the phone. thanks so much. >> and they profit from it. thank you so much. >> martha: you're right. that is the key thing. we'll talk again, i hope. thank you, sir. >> thanks. >> so it has been more than two weeks since we learned that gabby petito was murdered. we don't know exactly what happened. renowned pathologist dr. michael bodin finds that peculiar. he will tell us why after this. ♪ you already pay for car insurance, ♪ why not take your home along for the ride? 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[swords clashing] - had enough? - no... arthritis. here. new aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. >> martha: police said they did everything that they could to keep an eye on brian laundrie before he vanished more than three weeks ago. they're not giving details of saying how he got away without his girlfriend, gabby petito. the coroner identified her two weeks ago. why do we not know the actual cause of death? links bring in dr. michael bodin, pathologist and fox news contributor that helped investigate president kennedy's assassination and testified at the o.j. simpson trial. good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> martha: i'd like to start by playing a piece of this interview that laura ingle did with jim schmidt on their understanding of what is going on. let's watch this. >> we were holding out hope that they would do the autopsy and release her. they had to bring in a lot of expert forensic pathologists and people that come in and do the autopsy. they felt it was important to hold on to her remains for the investigation. >> martha: so dr. bodin, bring in a lot of expert forensic pathologists. what do you read into this? >> i think that is extremely unusual to be holding on to a body and not allow a proper disposition by the family of the remains. for it to be a homicide, you have to know what the cause of death is. that would have been known on the day the autopsy was pe formed. it was the cause of death and manner of death was determined at that time. why they delayed and only released the homicide, the manner of death is very unusual. and it isn't the matter of hiding something from the perpetrator. the perpetrator knows what the cause of death is. it's the public doesn't know. the coroner knows, the police know, the fbi knows the cause of death. there's no reason to hold on to the body, whatever has to be identified on the body, dna, trace evidence, tissue samples can all be done at the time of the autopsy. that's why we do an autopsy. holding on to the body, not releasing the cause of death, but knowing that it's a homicide from the autopsy is very extremely unusual. >> martha: just covering these stories, it all feels unusual to me as well. why they wouldn't -- originally said they would do toxicology. and they found a piece of clothing and that helped to identify her. >> number 1, the clothing was kept. the body is released. whatever clothing on the body would have been kept by the medical examiner and by the police. so there's no reason to keep the body. i have not heard of any agency -- i think the fbi is being overly cautious about it. if they do the proper autopsy and save the proper tissues and laboratory materials, there's no reason to hold on to the body. the fact that the toxicology isn't done yet does not affect the cause of death. that's the circumstances. >> martha: okay. a lot to think about, dr. michael baden, thanks very much. thanks for being with us today. another california company relocating to texas where everything is bigger and the cost of doing business is cheaper. that story is next. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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"your world" starts right now. have a great weekend. >> neil: welcome to "your world." i'm neil cavuto. we have a conundrum on our hands. we have 11 million job openings in our country. but we had only 190,000 americans taking advantage of that in the latest month. here's the thing. we were expecting at least 500,000 to do so. what could explain that? how is it that an economy that has so many employers looking to hire so many potential employees that they can't find them or the workers they're try

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15 , Keystone Pipeline , Pay , Land , Energy Costs , Doesn T , Saudi Arabia , It , Office , Campaign , Energy Supply , Jen Psaki , 2020 , Sense , Energy Policy , Beliefs , Policy Decisions , Consequences , Byproducts , Something , Country , Child Tax Credit , Check , Mail , Taxes , Topic , Account , Working Parents , Wall Street Journal , 2 6 , 1 5 Million , Element , Families , Decision , Joe Manchin , Work , Kind , Code , Women , Work Requirement , Bill Clinton , Newt Gingrich , Isn T , Idea , Labor Participation Rate , Child Poverty Down , Child Poverty , 2019 , Rate , Working , 15 4 , 18 , Government , Child Poverty Decline , Politics , Largesse , Thoughts , Press Conference , President S Press Conference , Peter Doocy , Del Rio , Nothing , California , Everything , Containers , Coast , Economics Degree , Six , Matter , Remains , Task Force , Answer , Backup , Industry Leaders , Range , Action , Front , Aren T , Hope , Lock Downs , Plan , It S Complicated , Center , We Haven T , 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Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS The Story With Martha MacCallum 20240709

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an odd reluctance for some american workers to get back at it. the administration is blaming the pandemic, a number of things. the reasons for this, why people have not gone back to take jobs. critics say vaccine mandates are a factor here and the unemployment benefits are hurting. the president made brief remarks on the report. he left the room, didn't take any questions on the economy or the report. he insists progress is being made. >> jobs up, wages up, unemployment down. that's progress. >> martha: here now, andy puzder from cke restaurants and author of "time to let america work again." mollie hemmingway from the federalist and a fox news contributor. great to have you with us. andy, obviously the president is going to try to put this in the best light possible when he looks at these numbers. but he says it's progress. he likes the fact that the unemployment number is lower. what is your take? >> number 1, we missed numbers two months in a row by a lot. in fact, the economists, the experts are baking in the covid problems that the president talks about. so that's not the problem. the problem is and the president went through a number of programs that he's proposing that will create more jobs and will give benefits to people that aren't working. the problem is we don't have a jobs shortage as your numbers showed at the beginning of the show. we have almost 11 million job openings and 7.7 million people unemployed. the problem is not a shortage of jobs. it's workers. so if the programs you're are proposing to create jobs, we don't need to create jobs. we have the jobs. the other thing you're spending on is discouraging people from working by providing benefits to people that don't work, you're hurting the problems, enhancing the problem of not enough workers. we don't have a jobs shortage, we have a worker shortage. it would be helpful if the white house would come to grips with the problem we're facing. >> molly, they point to a number of things. some of which andy just touched on. they talk about the number 1 factor is fear of coronavirus in terms of why people don't want to go back to work or chosen not to go back to work yet. vax mandates for some people are creating an issue in keeping them out of the work force. child care worker shortages. a lot of child care centers don't have enough staff. it's a circular problem when it goes around to that. so really, you know, covid has wreaked havoc up and down the line. >> that's right. the response to the covid pandemic has so disrupted what had been this very functioning engine of our economy. you still have schools not operating at capacity. that puts a burden on child care. people have difficulties with child care. they can't work. you have vaccine mandates and other issues making people not want to work. we haven't even understood all of the disruptions that we are now experiencing as a result of our response to the pandemic. but it's clear that we're experiencing a very sluggish recovery. it's reminiscent of what was happening during the obama era and not totally surprisingly because president biden, vice president biden shared the same views on how to thwart economic growth. he's trying to implement those. so this is the direct result of a lot of the policies that he has enacted. >> martha: i'm going to jump in. head back to the press briefing. she's talking about gas prices. watch this. >> watching at home with american companies and instead asking opec for more production, where that production is not as environmentally regulated. is there any consideration for being given to this, you know, keeping in mind rising gas prices? >> we are in touch -- we're not a member of opec as you know. we're in regular touch with opec and we have raised issues of supply in meetings that members of our national security team and others have had in recent weeks as i confirmed from here. we want to address the short term supply issues. one of them as we know was related to hurricane ida and the impacts in the region which we took steps to address at the time. our view to go back to your original question is also that well, we need to take steps to address short term supply issues and keep our eye on the long-term and the impact of the climate. the crisis that we're in the middle of and ensure that we're continuing to encourage the production and rise of renewables and the clean energy industry, which is what the president's proposals would do. go ahead. >> as the january 6 committee looks to enforce the subpoenas that they have been issuing for witnesses -- >> martha: okay. we wanted to hear her response to that. andy puzder, the increase in gas prices in americans is inflationary issue. we know that we have seen the end of the xl pipe line is one of the first things that the president did. we know that nord stream 2 is supplying from russia to germany, which is another issue here. you have a lot less of u.s. energy production in our pipeline so to speak and now we're asking opec, can you loosen the spigot a little bit. she clearly wants again doubled down on their perspective from the white house is that the bigger emergency is climate change. so working on alternative energy forms is more important than figuring out how to lower gas prices in the u.s. what do you say? >> how on earth does it help prevent carbon emissions if we use opec's and russia's oil instead of our oil? doesn't make sense. if you use the oil, it's the same carbon emissions. we're the third largest energy exportner the world. our production capacity is down 15%. if we need more oil to keep prices down and we do, inflation is raging, part of that is energy prices, all due to biden's policies. if we want to bring the prices down, encourage american energy producers, open the federal land and open the keystone pipeline and stop begging russia and saudi arabia to give us oil. makes us pay more for our energy costs and doesn't solve the problem. >> martha: molly, what is your take? >> just amazing to think back to the 2020 campaign when president biden was saying he wouldn't restrict energy supply. made it one of the first things that he did when he took office. now you have jen psaki not just what we just heard but did it the other day, admitting that they care more about their own personal beliefs on climate change than managing energy policy that makes sense after killing the keystone pipeline, they have gone to opec asking for more supply, have been shut down. this is -- again, this is -- these are the byproducts of policy decisions that this administration has made and are now reaping the consequences. it's not going particularly well for them. really not going well for the country. >> you know, andy, i want to ask you -- i want to go back to the initial topic for a moment. the child tax credit, which is another check in the mail, this is not something that you deduct when you do your taxes. it's a physical check that arrives in the mail that is unprecedented. by one account in the "wall street journal" said it would lead to 1.5 million fewer workers, 2.6% of working parents. another element that families are making that decision, we're getting this check so we're not going back to the work force. what do you think about that? >> number 1, joe manchin just last week said this doesn't make sense. why would we have this child tax credit and not have a work requirement? the kind that bill clinton and newt gingrich added to the u.s. code and had a tremendous impact on getting people back to work, particularly women back in the work force and increasing the labor participation rate. it was a spectacular idea and a great idea. we should be helping people but encouraging them to work. if you want to get child poverty down, this isn't something that people talk about. in 2019, the child poverty dropped to 15.4%. that was down from the 18% rate that president trump inherited. so if we have economic growth, if people are working, if we have jobs, if we encourage people to work, you'll see child poverty decline without this government largesse that encourages people not to work, this is all very counter productive. i don't understand it. it's politics. i wanted to cry after i heard the president's press conference it was so bad. >> martha: molly, i want your thoughts on another moment for the press conference. peter doocy was pressing jen psaki. reminds me of del rio. it's a very clear visual. when you look at what is going on with these containers off the coast of california. you don't need a economics degree that everything is stacked up and nothing is moving and you ordered something six months ago and it's not here yet. it's clear as we look at that what is going on. her answer is that they have a task force and a range of steps that they're taking. hosting industry leaders to talk about this. the fact of the matter remains, there's a huge backup here. you know, if government is so good at handling things, why aren't we seeing more action on this front? >> our government clearly is not very good at handling problems that face americans, this is an issue that we knew at the on set when the lock downs were first enforced. so this should have been worked on for many months now, that they're finally taking it seriously is good, but there's -- let's hope that they have a good plan. it's complicated. >> martha: it would be great to see the transportation secretary, pete buttigieg front and center, here's the plan. we haven't seen that yet. thanks, molly and andy. great to see you both. >> thanks. >> martha: the mom that stood up to her school board about the teaching that she was hearing coming back from schools, that america is a racist country, she got a standing ovation when she got this information about the doj wants to target the parents at these meetings. >> i really think at this point the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the public school system. that's it. >> keisha king. only here when "the story" continues after this. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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'cause we are. >> martha: a mom from florida getting a standing ovation after she called for dramatic action as the department of justice bumps school board battles for the fbi for investigation. watch this. >> i mean, you're at home wanting -- trying to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for kids and the fbi could be knocking at your door because you said the wrong thing at a school board meeting. these people are not -- they're serious. they want to silence us and shut us down. i really think at this point the only thing to do is have a mass exodus from the school system. that's it. >> everybody was up on their feet. seconds later, keisha king had more to say. a mom standing up for parental rights. thanks so much. great to have you with us today. so you know, were you surprised when you said we need to have a mass exodus? you said it should be organized, we have to do it at the same time and everybody was up on their feet. >> i was very surprised. we've always been talking about it. i really didn't think i was saying anything that we have already been talking about. but i guess it just -- at this moment in time, i guess it really resonated with a lot of parents. just concerned citizens. so we've been working all morning. we're getting this together. we're organizing. we are pulling our children out of these indoctrination camps. >> martha: that's what i wanted to ask you about. it was a call to arm, so to speak, or a call to fight together. you said it's going to make a big statement if a lot of people do it and coordinated at the same time. how are you going about organizing that? >> well, right now we're trying to figure out what the most concerns are that parents have. is it transportation, you know, getting your child to this new school or is it that you want to home school but you're maybe not the best person to home school your child. you need a teacher or can we get a group of parents together a group of kids together. you know, we have retired teacher or something. so right now we're trying to figure out what the concerns are. find solutions for those concerns. that way, you know, there's no excuse and we can just do it all together. say good-bye. at this point they're not hearing us, they're not following what we want for our own children. they have basically just tried to silence us. i think that at this point when the fbi gets involved, i think that we've been pushed so far aside that that is the only thing left to do. >> it's interesting. we have already seen about 3% of public school children leave the public school system since the pandemic began, which is a big number. no doubt it's getting the attention of public schools and teacher's unions across this country. i want to point out that initially you got involved in this. you didn't like what your children were being taught. that america is a racist country essentially. that was shocking to you. it's shocking to a lot of parents. you know, when you read this letter from the department of justice, which says threats against public servants are not only illegal, they run couldn't tore the nation's core values. those that dedicate time and energy to assure that we deserve to do work without fear for their safety. what do you say to that? >> yes, i -- i don't know any parent that condones acts of violence. at the same time, i'm not seeing parents being violent at these school board meetings. so the premise of the memo, the letter in my opinion is false. we are still the -- we have the authority over our children to decide what is best for them. i get that they are elected officials, buts that the thing. they're elected officials. they're elected by the public. they are public service members. we're the public. they work for us. they're supposed to be implementing curriculum and ideas and thing in to the school that we decide that is best for the children. for our children. when they have so drastically decided that they don't care what we think anymore and we are basically just supposed to send them our tax dollars and just let them do whatever they wish with our children, i find that to be absurd. of course we're going to stand up and push back when it comes to our children. these are our most precious resources and given to us by god and we're supposed to be good stewards over our children. of course we're going to push back when they start pushing these radical ideas on our children. >> martha: keisha, thanks very much. some states like west virginia have portability with your school tax dollars for school choice. florida talked about that as well. you should take the money you put in for school taxes if you decide to make a difference choice, you should decide to do that. keisha, i hope you keep us posted. i'd love to hear the next steps as we go forward. thanks, keisha. good to see you. >> thank you. >> joining me now, christopher rufo, from the discovery institute center on wealth and poverty. he's been all over this for a long time. good to have you here today. i want to start with you if i may, by pulling up this letter from senator mcconnell to attorney general merrick garland. this issue has focused attention on merrick garland and what kind of attorney general he is around whether or nothe's got just jurisdiction to go after parents. mcconnell should be telling local schools what to teach. this is the basis of representative government. they do this in electioned and as protected by the first amendment and petitioning government, telling officials they're wrong is democracy, not intimidation. what do you say about that, chris? >> i think that's absolutely right. we have to understand that this entire saga is predicated on a verifiable lie. in the original national school board association letter asking the justice department or the fbi to start cracking down on parents, they created this myth that there's somehow a rash of cases of violence and intimidation and harassment all over this country. i went through the report citation by citation. they only actually provided one single example of a single battery in illinois, which is condemnable obviously. people should be protesting peacefully. it's hardly the justification for a nationwide drag net by the fbi on domestic terrorism grounds. the thing is predicated on a lie and it's being used to suppress speech and being used frankly to run interference for the school board association and the teacher's union that are begging the federal government to intervene after now a year of failure after failure to educate our kids, to open schools and to get rid of the divisive ideology like critical race theory. >> martha: it's clearly an attempt to chill dissent and keep people home. they might think what if i get caught up in somebody? i went through it, too. there's almost nothing there. when someone steps out of line or breaks the law or assaults someone or harasses someone, local law enforcement is quick to deal with that as they should. that is wrong. there's already something in place to take care of that. chris, thanks very much. good to see you today. >> thank you. >> martha: so president biden is going to meet with president jinping by year's end to get answers on the origins of kevin, which they say they want to do. so one researcher says that science is closing in on this issue and leads directly to the lab leak theory. he's done an intense amount of work on this. one of the foremost experts in the country. he's next. veteran homeowners, mortgage rates have dropped to near record lows. with home values at all time highs, now is the best time ever to use your va benefits to turn your home equity into cash. newday usa lets you borrow 100% of your home's value and take out $50,000 or more for security today or retirement tomorrow. get the cash and peace of mind every veteran family deserves. so make the call. people with moderate to severe psoriasis, are rethinking the choices they make like the splash they create the entrance they make, the surprises they initiate. otezla. it's a choice you can make. otezla is not a cream. it's a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. with otezla, 75% clearer skin is achievable. don't use if you're allergic to otezla. it may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. some people taking otezla reported weight loss. your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. tell your doctor about your medicines, and if you're pregnant or planning to be. otezla. show more of you. ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. there is no place like home y'all! and these people extraorknow thatth rich, there is no place like wayfair. i never thought i'd buy a pink velvet sofa, but when i saw it, i was like 'ah'. and then i sat on it, and i was like 'ooh'. ooh! stylish and napable. okay now. i can relate to this one. i'm a working mom with three boys. 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what do you say to that, doctor? >> you know, david is a fellow, but he's exactly right in the sense that all of the answers, the absolute answers are, inside that institution. my work has shown that we don't need to get inside the institution to answer these questions. that's an important thing that people realize. there's a lot of kicking the can down the road. after two years we've done a lot of studies. all of the evidence points to the laboratory. there's no evidence that supports a natural origin at this point. so i think we're done with the investigation at this point. >> martha: you think you're done? you think you can conclusively say it leaked from the lab in wuhan? >> yeah, i think there's no animal after studying 80,000 a one in a million probability. there's no infections in humans in 10,000 blood samples that were taken. again, we were expecting 400. that is also one in a million probability. the three things, the animal, the virus and the human all point to a laboratory accident. i think the additional piece that i want to be sure to emphasize here, i have gotten inside the wuhan institute of virology in patient specimens in december of 2019. what i found there, the lab was contaminated with viral research ahead of sars research. so this is not -- if you didn't like the pandemic that was 1% lethal, this thing they're working on in december 2019 has an 80% lethality. it needs to be stopped. >> so you -- you know, we know from the investigation that david asher was part of that he said there was a military presence in the lab. when you talk about a virus, you're talking about another virus that they're working on and you have evidence of that that is 80% lethal. what is -- is there any scientific reason for concocting something like that other than to kill people? >> well, i mean, you're studying that virus because it's 80% people. it's called nepa virus. there would be a legitimate reason to prevent that from becoming an epidemic. what we did, we took patient samples that were delivered in december of 2019 that data was run through a secrecy machine. the raw data was put up in the u.s. gene bank at the nih. we went down and teased around inside that. we saw sars covid. there's synthetic biology with handles attached to nepa virus. the only reason you're doing that, you're moving the genes around just like we believed happened with sars covid. so this is the next project, if i could call it that. >> martha: i have to ask you again. so when you say it's their next project, is there any scientific reason for this project or is it a project of bio weapons? >> well, look, i don't want to get in the weeds but there's something called pseudo viruss that can be used to study ebola and nipa. you can answer all the questions you want to with this pseudovirus. this was a large -- a third of the entire genome of the nipa virus being moved around somewhere via synthetic biology. it's a completely synthetic version of nipa and have a lab accident like i believe sars covid was. we have a virus that has a higher lethality. we really need to focus on it, this dangerous research. >> martha: yeah. i mean, i don't think you can emphasize that enough. dr. quay says we need to stop what is going on at the wuhan lab with this other more lethal virus. hope you come back, this is a very important story in the larger scheme of what is going on with china. thanks, dr. quay. >> thank you. >> martha: we'll stay on that. meantime, here's another thing to be worried about. is instagram tearing down your teenager's self-esteem and what to do about it. with the star of netflix important documentary on just that called "social dilemma." we'll talk to him next. >> we evolve to care about whether other people in our tribe think well of us or not. because it matters. were we evolved to be aware of what 10,000 people think of us? 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>> it will take a whole of society response. parents have a responsibility. the thing that i saw in tuesday for the first time and i've been working on this for eight years, my only focus, how do we create humane technology and recognizing the big models at stake. for the first time tuesday, i saw a bipartisan consensus. a lot of senators and congress members have teenage daughters. i talked to them. when i talk to them about the issues, national security, china, what social media is doing to polarization, when i talk to teens, that's when their heart stops. they see it in their own home. it's not rocket science. apple has a role as well. they can set up better controls for parents. it's the business model that maximizes engagement. what creates the most reactivity in society. facebook claims they're showing you a mirror but showing you a fun house mirror that is warped that reflects back to things that got the most reactivity. that's the core thing that we have to change across all of these apps. >> you're so right. i have three kids that grew up with this stuff. fomo, fear of missing out is a said thing. it really says a lot. fear of missing out when you look at someone's picture, what they look like or the party they went to or the vacation that they took, it's toxic for society. that's why it's resonating. everybody has seen the sad look on their kid face when they look at the phone. thanks so much. >> and they profit from it. thank you so much. >> martha: you're right. that is the key thing. we'll talk again, i hope. thank you, sir. >> thanks. >> so it has been more than two weeks since we learned that gabby petito was murdered. we don't know exactly what happened. renowned pathologist dr. michael bodin finds that peculiar. he will tell us why after this. ♪ you already pay for car insurance, ♪ why not take your home along for the ride? 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[swords clashing] - had enough? - no... arthritis. here. new aspercreme arthritis. full prescription-strength? reduces inflammation? thank the gods. don't thank them too soon. kick pain in the aspercreme. >> martha: police said they did everything that they could to keep an eye on brian laundrie before he vanished more than three weeks ago. they're not giving details of saying how he got away without his girlfriend, gabby petito. the coroner identified her two weeks ago. why do we not know the actual cause of death? links bring in dr. michael bodin, pathologist and fox news contributor that helped investigate president kennedy's assassination and testified at the o.j. simpson trial. good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> martha: i'd like to start by playing a piece of this interview that laura ingle did with jim schmidt on their understanding of what is going on. let's watch this. >> we were holding out hope that they would do the autopsy and release her. they had to bring in a lot of expert forensic pathologists and people that come in and do the autopsy. they felt it was important to hold on to her remains for the investigation. >> martha: so dr. bodin, bring in a lot of expert forensic pathologists. what do you read into this? >> i think that is extremely unusual to be holding on to a body and not allow a proper disposition by the family of the remains. for it to be a homicide, you have to know what the cause of death is. that would have been known on the day the autopsy was pe formed. it was the cause of death and manner of death was determined at that time. why they delayed and only released the homicide, the manner of death is very unusual. and it isn't the matter of hiding something from the perpetrator. the perpetrator knows what the cause of death is. it's the public doesn't know. the coroner knows, the police know, the fbi knows the cause of death. there's no reason to hold on to the body, whatever has to be identified on the body, dna, trace evidence, tissue samples can all be done at the time of the autopsy. that's why we do an autopsy. holding on to the body, not releasing the cause of death, but knowing that it's a homicide from the autopsy is very extremely unusual. >> martha: just covering these stories, it all feels unusual to me as well. why they wouldn't -- originally said they would do toxicology. and they found a piece of clothing and that helped to identify her. >> number 1, the clothing was kept. the body is released. whatever clothing on the body would have been kept by the medical examiner and by the police. so there's no reason to keep the body. i have not heard of any agency -- i think the fbi is being overly cautious about it. if they do the proper autopsy and save the proper tissues and laboratory materials, there's no reason to hold on to the body. the fact that the toxicology isn't done yet does not affect the cause of death. that's the circumstances. >> martha: okay. a lot to think about, dr. michael baden, thanks very much. thanks for being with us today. another california company relocating to texas where everything is bigger and the cost of doing business is cheaper. that story is next. i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. >> tech: when you get a chip in your windshield... trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market... when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. and with their insurance, it was no cost to them. >> woman: really? 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"your world" starts right now. have a great weekend. >> neil: welcome to "your world." i'm neil cavuto. we have a conundrum on our hands. we have 11 million job openings in our country. but we had only 190,000 americans taking advantage of that in the latest month. here's the thing. we were expecting at least 500,000 to do so. what could explain that? how is it that an economy that has so many employers looking to hire so many potential employees that they can't find them or the workers they're try

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Billion , Billion , 50 Million , 10 , Florida , Investigation , Home , Fbi , Sandwiches , Jelly , Door , Peanut Butter , Bumps School Board Battles , School Board Meeting , Everybody , Feet , School System , Mom Standing Up , Rights , Citizens , Children , Call , Indoctrination Camps , Arm , Statement , School , Teacher , Child , Concerns , It Transportation , Person , Home School , Solutions , Group , Excuse , Say Good Bye , Public School , 3 , No Doubt , Attention , Unions , Letter , Servants , Couldn T , Threats , Values , Energy , Safety , Nation , Violence , Parent , Premise , Acts , Memo , School Board Meetings , Yes , Officials , Authority , Opinion , Buts , Ideas , Public , Curriculum , The Public , Care , Course , Tax Dollars , Stewards , God , Money , States , School Choice , School Taxes , School Tax Dollars , West Virginia , Difference , Choice , Christopher Rufo , Poverty , Wealth , Senator Mcconnell To , Discovery Institute Center , Merrick Garland , Jurisdiction , Mcconnell , Nothe , Representative Government , Basis , Democracy , Amendment , Electioned , Intimidation , Lie , Saga , Chris , Justice , Department , National School Board Association Letter , Citation , Myth , Cases , Harassment , Rash , Example , Justification , Battery , On Domestic Terrorism Grounds , Illinois , School Board Association , Failure , Union , Speech , Interference , Attempt , Race Theory , Ideology , Dissent , Someone , Law Enforcement , Somebody , Law , Origins , Kevin , Researcher , Science , Jinping , Homeowners , Lows , Mortgage Rates , Lab Leak Theory , Amount , Highs , Va , Cash , Family , Peace Of Mind , Value , Retirement , Newday Usa , Home Equity , 100 , 50000 , 0000 , Choices , Moderate , Splash , Pill , Otezla , Plaque Psoriasis , Cream , Entrance , 75 , Feelings , Depression , Vomiting , Nausea , Diarrhea , Weight , History , Weight Loss , Treatment , Planning , Headache , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Velvet Sofa , Wayfair , Creamy , Yogurt , Delicious Fage , Extraorknow Thatth , Working Mom , Ah , Ooh , Boys , Yelling , Napable , Three , Therapy , Spreadsheets , Amen , Kim , Yup , Ocean , Kayak , Visit Indeed Com Hire Martha , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Candidates , Pressure , National Security , China , Diplomat , Jake Sullivan , Chinese , 19 , Death , Dr , Millions , Globe , Founder , Wuhan , Stephen Quay , Research , Side , Therapeutics , David Asher , Aggressiveness , Weapons , Lack , Iranian , Virology , Missile Program , Wuhan Institute , Allies , North Korea , Institution , Answers , Fellow , Evidence , Laboratory , Studies , Points , Road , Lab , Origin , Probability , Animal , One In A Million , A Million , 80000 , Virus , Humans , Blood Samples , Laboratory Accident , Human , 400 , 10000 , Piece , Patient Specimens , December Of 2019 , Sars Research , December 2019 , Lethality , Military Presence , 80 , Reason , Concocting , Nepa Virus , Patient Samples , Data , Epidemic , Secrecy Machine , Raw Data , Gene Bank , Nih , Handles , Genes , Biology , Project , Pseudo Viruss , Bio Weapons , Weeds , Nipa , Third , Ebola , Genome , Pseudovirus , Somewhere , Lab Accident , Version , Synthetic Biology , Enough , Quay , More , Scheme , Instagram , Teenager , Self Esteem , The Star Of Netflix , Dilemma , It Matters , Documentary , Tribe , Approval , Bipolar Depression , Latuda , Stories , Fog , Art , Everyone , Teens , Movements , Mood Changes , Confusion , Life Threatening , Muscles , Muscle , Behaviors , Adults , Antidepressants , Stroke , Fever , Dementia Patients , Prescription , Side Effects , 0 , , Takeout , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Fee , Chase , Uh Oh , Boom , Bodies , Snap Chat , Tik Tok , Friends , Augmented Reality , Redit , Facebook , Lifestyles , Wow , Effects , Whistle Blower , Little , Congress , Social Media , Dangers , Frances Haugen , Internal Research , Go Home , Comparison , High School Student , Feeling , Case , Testimony , Bullying , Instagram Profits , 24 7 , Findings , Escape , Harms , Professions , Health , Nicotine , Side By , Big Tobacco , Big Tobacco Hearing , Mark Zuckerberg , Magazine , Pictures , Genius , Person Of The Year , 2021 , 2010 , Tide Turning , Restructuring , Individuals , Face , Technology , Time , Society Response , Responsibility , Whole , Focus , Eight , Consensus , For The First Time , Senators , Models , Stake , Daughters , Apple , Heart Stops , Rocket Science , Polarization , Role , Society , Reactivity , Controls , Fun House , Mirror , Engagement , Business Model , Core , Apps , Stuff , Fomo , Party , Picture , Vacation , Resonating , Sir , Look , Phone , Michael Bodin , Pathologist , Gabby Petito , Peculiar , Allstate , Hands , Ride , Rates , Refi , Newday Two , You Haven T , Apr , 2 48 , Thousands , Fees , Pocket , Swords Clashing , Arthritis , Inflammation , Strength , Kick Pain , Gods , Aspercreme , Police , Brian Laundrie , Details , Cause , Coroner , Links , Girlfriend , President Kennedy S Assassination , Interview , O J , Simpson Trial , Jim Schmidt , Laura Ingle , Autopsy , Understanding , Pathologists , Body , Holding On , Homicide , Manner , Disposition , Pe , Hiding , Perpetrator , Police Know , Dna , Doesn T Know , Tissue Samples , Trace Evidence , Clothing , Toxicology , Wouldn T , Examiner , Agency , Tissues , Materials , Circumstances , Texas , Business , Michael Baden , Investors , Assets , Portfolios , Nature , Reward , Advantage , Gold , Decisions , Protector , Asset , Enabler , Stop Rybelsus , Sunshine , You Are My Sunshine , Everywhere , Type 2 Diabetes , Sulfonylurea , Blood Sugar , Sugar , Diabetes , Don T Take Rybelsus , Ways , Majority , Food , Isn T For Peopl , Type 1 Diabetes , A1c , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Lost , 7 , 8 , Reaction , Lump , Stomach Pain , Swelling , Neck , Pancreatitis , Endocrin Neoplasia Syndrome , Vision Problems , Kidney Problems , Blood Sugar Risk , Changes , Dehydration , Provider , Healthcare Provider , Possibl , Confidence , Retirement Plan , Special Needs , Well Invested , Voya , Guys , Elon Musk , Move , Tesla , Quarters , California Plant , State , Headquarters , Battery Plant , Reporting , Manufacturing , Bay Area , William La Jeunesse , L A Hi , Reno , Nevada , Hewlett Packard , Executives , Half , 74 , Employees , Applause , Meeting , Housing , Commute , Shareholder , Quality Of Life , Musk , Limit , Agencies , Pool , Homelessness , Make , Crime , California S Aging Infrastructure , 500 , Income Tax Rate , Competition , Production Costs , 13 5 , Backdrop , Red Texas , Blue State , Zero , Governor , Win , Ding For Newsome , The Story Goes On , 00 , Friday October 8 2021 , Weekend , Neil Cavuto , Conundrum , 190000 , Employers ,

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