Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts S

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

few days ago. the numbers diminishing from 10,000 migrants to about 3,000 now. >> sandra: it all comes as democrats compare the situation to slavery with false claims of agents on horseback using whips to control crowds of migrants. the white house now facing widespread criticism for failing to offer meaningful solutions to the crisis. >> john: questions linger over how many haitians are being deported and how many are being allowed to stay in the united states. we have live fox team coverage to kick off this friday afternoon. chris wallace joins us in just a minute. >> sandra: we begin with jeff paul live in del rio, he kicks things off for us. >> yes, big changes in del rio, texas, we think about a couple of days ago there were thousands and thousands of people camped out underneath the international bridge here in del rio, now you can see it's pretty much all cleared out. and you have heavy machinery out here cleaning trees and moving things along. and that's what we have been seeing pretty much all day today, and even just 24 hours ago. you would've seen a bunch of tense out here, and have taken a big turn and change. and reporting back to haiti, roughly around 2,000. another 3900 have been moved from the camp. they are still u.s. custody and likely given a notice to reappear or being excelled under title 42. then there is a portion of that group who has probably gone back to mexico. it comes back to the viral images of border patrol agents confronting migrants a few days ago. to some things are being changed as a result. now the department of homeland security says it has temporarily suspended the use of those horse patrols here and the sector. they face a lot of criticism after some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle found treatment of aggressive and appalling. the president on the union that represents border patrol agents is responding saying those agents weren't trying to hurt anyone. they were just doing their job. >> we put that uniform on because we care about people. we want to protect people. we want to protect the united states. law enforcement officers throughout the country are extremely good people. they go out there and they serve every single day. >> now as far as who is left here. you know, it looks like there really isn't anybody here left it to camp out from underneath the bridge in del rio, texas. but we spoke with the source that tells us a little bit further up the way there is around 2,000 people who still need to be processed, and we continue to still see people come in from places like venezuela, cuba, or other places to seek asylum. >> sandra: jeff paul reporting live from del rio, texas. thank you. >> john: for more and thus we will bring an chris wallace anchor of "fox news sunday." asked it a pointed question of whether he bears responsibility for the situation in del rio. he deflected in through the border patrol under the bus. listen here. >> of course i take responsibility, i am president. but it was horrible to see what you saw. to see people treated like they did, and write at people being strapped. it's outrageous. i promise you those people will pay. >> john: not only did he change the subject, but he repeated what the photographer who took the photo says is a false narrative. nobody was strapped or whipped by the border patrol. >> i was kind of impressed with the speed that he pivoted from the border situation to going after the people on horseback. and you are exactly right. the photographer who took the picture said that they weren't being whipped. they were twirling because that's how they controlled the horses. i have to say i think it's a bad book saying people on horseback pushing back people coming over the border illegally. this comes to the whole question of the biden policy. because he is saying they can move over. and in a terrible encampment, and the border patrol on horses trying to stop the flow, so what is humane? having tough measures that prevent them from coming across the border in the first place? or opening the border and then ending up with this mess? >> john: in terms of changing the subject, the administration seems to be speaking with one voice. listen to what kamala harris said on "the view" earlier today. >> i was outraged by it, it was horrible and deeply troubling. there has been now an investigation that is being conducted, which i fully support and there needs to be consequence in accountability. >> john: you can question the appropriateness of using horses to stop migrants from coming across the border. but she says that was the horrible image, not the image of 15,000 people living in squalor under a bridge. >> or the flood you just saw of people coming across the dam into del rio. it gets to the question of whether supposedly humane asked, rolling back some of the trump policies remain in mexico. it was bad and means that a lot of people are living in mexico. the flip side is you have people peeling the doors open and coming across the border and ending up in very bad situations. one of the reasons that the president was pushing back so hard on kamala harris also pushing back so hard is because they are taking heat on this particular part of the issue on the border crisis about the horses and the alleged whipping from the left, from their base as opposed to taking it from the right who they don't care taking criticism from so much. >> john: also a lot of heat on the $3.5 trillion on both sides of the aisle as well, and a split within the democratic party itself. "the wall street journal" in an editorial today saying about the $3.5 trillion taxing program, $3.5 trillion is a phony number, budget tricks disguise the true cost of the vast entitlement plans. the committee for a responsible federal budget says some set provisions in that bill could mask the true cost which is more like five or five and half trillion dollars. >> that is just over this decade and then it would be more. i've read "the wall street journal" editorial, absolutely fascinating, because it is one of the things that they do in washington where you start a program, but you started two years after tommy started in 2023, or you sunset it in 2025 with the full assumption that the new congress will extend it because you are not going to want to take away something that people are already depending on good and as you say, if you take the real cost of the program over a decade, it's more like 5 trillion, not 3 trillion, and then assuming you continue at its another 5 trillion for the next decade. so once you've set up a government program, it's really hard to roll it back. >> sandra: and also saying that because it is not deficit neutral, because it actually cost more, it should not be subject to reconciliation. that it should be subject to a 60% threshold. "the wall street journal" taking aim at the media for the fact that it will be far more from being hit in, saying that the press has reported almost none of this which is how democrats like it. what do you think of that? >> i suppose that's true, i have to say i did not know it, i did not know that you knew it. i thought the article was an eye-opener. >> john: i was emailed a month to go about it. >> it's very good reporting. i'm not sure i blame the mainstream media so much for this one, i do credit "the wall street journal" for pointing out the true cause and i hope going forward that it is out there beyond john roberts email where people will start paying attention to it. >> john: we did mention it. >> i promise you we will on "fox news sunday." >> john: who is coming up? >> we will talk about the border and we have an exclusive interview with the governor of texas greg abbott, and we will talk about both that and the budget issues, we talk about government shutdown next friday morning at midnight if they don't find a way to fund the government. >> john: good to have you back on the bureau full-time. >> way to rub it in, yes, okay. i'm back full-time, but i'm happy to share the desk with you. >> john: we will see you sunday, sandra. it's been on good stuff. we will have a lot more on that coming up. brandon judge joining us, national border patrol president. and weighing in on kamala harris is appearance on "the view" this morning, martha maccallum will join us at head of secretary mayorkas at that white house briefing a few minutes from now and tom homan and as the situation in the border continues. >> john: it may be friday, but we are pulling out all of the stops. >> sandra: jam-packed show coming up. the fbi has set an arrest warrant for brian laundrie after the death of gabby was found a homicide paired but want to per bank card fraud not murder. here where investigators are again searching that swampy wilderness for this man. phil. >> sandra, we are well into day six now come six hours and, probably six hours to go in the search for 23-year-old brian laundrie. behind me in the swampy florida back country. and laundrie is no longer just a person of interest and the disappearance and death of his former fiancee on a 2-year-old gabby petito. he is now a wanted fugitive. that's because late yesterday a federal grand jury indicted laundrie in the state of wyoming, issuing a warrant for his arrest with him use it eyes -- unauthorized uses two devices, following the death of gabby petito. that laundrie committed debit card fraud between august 30th-september 1st and implied that laundrie was using perhaps petito's atm card for withdrawals totaling more than $1,000. and if it was in fact his bank card as the data would suggest, they believe investigators that petito was dead after august 30th and that laundrie was then using her debit card as they drove their white van without her all the way back home to northport, florida, where he arrived september 1st alone. the federal indictment is not related to her death. that is ruled a homicide paired her body was found sunday in wyoming. now per the fbi last night, while this warrant allows law enforcement to arrest mr. laundrie, the fbi and our partners across the country continue to investigate the circumstances of ms. petito's homicide paired we urge individuals with knowledge of mr. laundrie's role in the matter or his current whereabouts to contact the fbi. and his whereabouts have been a mystery for ten days, leading them to search the florida nature reserve where his mother says he has gone on a hike last tuesday of the previous week. so now any on authorized agent who spots brian laundrie is now compelled by the federal or arrest warrant to put him in handcuffs. but first they have to find laundrie who has evaded the searchers all week. >> sandra: phil keating in venice, florida. we will have a lot more reaction to this coming up. so many new developments everything the day. fact of the matter, he is still missing. and the fbi is obviously actively searching for him. and mercedes colwin will join in coming up. >> john: my observation the fact that they are trying to pin the debit card fraud on him is an indication in terms of gabby's murder, they don't have much evidence, at least not enough to charge anybody. >> sandra: seems like we should probably know more soon, we will see if he is trying to survive on its own, how much does he have and how much can it last? >> john: we will follow for you. us democrats taking action on abortion, approving bill that that would write roe v. wade into federal law stopping states from restricting women's access to abortions like the recent measure that was enacted in texas. critics say that women's health protection act is a publicity stunt to attract women voters before next year's midterms. according to a brand-new fox news poll, 60% of voters want the supreme court to keep roe v. wade in place up from 61% last october, sandra. >> sandra: fox news alert to now, we are learning more about the man behind a grocery store shooting spree. investigators revealing his relation to the store he targeted and what may have happened that drove him to kill. >> john: plus new emails from hunter biden revealing more about the president's son's foreign business affairs per the live report on that you don't want to miss coming up next. >> that's how sleazy this all was, hunter biden was out, right around the 2015 time frame, same time he joined the board, they were cashing in on the vice president's name. ♪ ♪ est ratehistory.r two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. newday's holding the line on rates so veterans can save thousands. this isn't just a walk up the stairs. when you have an irregular heartbeat, it's more. it's dignity. the freedom to go where you want, knowing your doctor can watch over your heart. ♪♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? 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>> great question, sandra. they are taking their time. they are going step-by-step. they have gabby petito's body. they have done the autopsy. they have not been able to speak to brian laundrie, because he has been evasive since the moment he went back to florida. no one can get him, no law enforcement can get him until days after he was allegedly missing. so they are taking their time because frankly, what we have right now could, if they can link him to the visa cards and seized other money within the laundrie home, they are just taking their time. the great thing about charging him now is the fact that he is required to come, and maybe he does not seek authority, but obviously he doesn't, he can raise the constitutional right not to speak to authorities. but now they have the reason to bring him into custody. once they have them in custody, if he does not want to speak, great, but that's when the pressure will start. your parents could be accused of accessory after the fact. we know that gabby petito was killed. she was not something that she did on her own, this is something that having spoken to -- our gifted colleague, i asked dr. just a couple of days ago saying how is it so clear that she was killed? that she was actually murdered? he said i don't know specifically, but as an enemy and has been for decades, is that her neck bones are broken, which means she probably died of manual strangulation. so they are going to have all of this facing brian laundrie in their custody if he is found alive. if so, that pressure will start and it will start them when it he is in their custody. it is to be on just, just brutal. and you see his parents not answering questions, not cooperating, and it's horrifying to think that this is just the way the system works knowing so much. this is directly from the arrest warrant. i want to put it up on the screen because we also have that tip line is we always do when we are covering the story to call the fbi if you have seen anything. while the warrant allows law enforcement to arrest laundrie, the fbi and our partners continue to investigate the facts and circumstances of ms. petito's homicide. we urge individuals with knowledge of laundrie's role in the matter or his current whereabouts to contact the fbi. it is all these people and their tips that are going to find him. >> isn't it amazing? a social media sleuth has done so much here. they were able to recover her body, it was because someone literally driving by and took a snapshot of the van at the time and that's how they found the body. it will take all of us to bring justice. >> sandra: she join us on the show and talked about chills, and that's what ultimately led to finding her. mercedes, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> sandra: president biden claiming that $3.5 trillion spending package will force the wealthy to start paying their fair share. he said it a lot today. the critics say the real price tag is a lot more than what we are being told by this white house, and it is small businesses who will eventually pay the price. larry kudlow is fired up to talk about what we heard from the president today. he will talk to us coming up. >> john: looking forward to that, the center of disease control, endorsing boosters for adults working high-risk jobs. so why'd she do that? dr. marty makary on deck to weigh in. ♪ ♪ the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. these rates could cut thousands off your mortgage payments every year. with their two and a quarter refi, there's no money out of pocket and no upfront fees. newday's holding the line on those low rates so every veteran family can save. why bother mastering something? 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you at this hour, south carolina state police are asking for that fbi help in the murdoch case. paul murdoch and his mother maggie were shot to death in june. alex murdoch prominent lawyer charge last week with allegedly planning his own death as part of an insurance scam to give millions of dollars to his surviving son. >> john: so much for promises of changing their ways, a taliban founder says expectations and amputations will resume as forms of punishment. and warrants countries with interfering with the new rulers. >> sandra: and the vienna station chief of mismanagement of syndrome with agents suffering symptoms of the disorder. the health issue has affected 20 american diplomats in the austrian capital. download the fox news app, scan the qr code on your screen or go to >> john: the head of center for ditzy use control making a very unusual move overruling recommendations from her own agency scientists. the decision allows booster shots were people on the front lines like health care workers, something that the agency panel voted against. the move also gives president biden a big boost as he pushes to get booster shots to huge groups of americans. the medical contributor dr. marty makary joins us now and also a physician and professor at johns hopkins university. as of the daily coronavirus briefing, saying i did not overrule my own folks, listen to what she said. >> i want to be very clear that i did not overrule an advisory committee. i listen to the votes and that comments on the votes, and this was a scientific close call, and you can tell by the duration of the meeting in the discussions that this was a scientific close call. in that situation it was my call to make. >> john: if she did not overrule the advisory panel, what did she do? >> well, she did overrule the advisory panel, because they discuss this very issue, and that is young and healthy people who may be at increased risk of contracting the virus. by the way, that's almost everybody. the delta virus is so contagious that you could argue any person in any setting, any employment setting, almost any home setting is at risk of contracting the virus now. so the language was so vague that it basically opened the booster's upper everybody. that was something that specifically the fda panel and cdc did not want to get into. >> john: was so was this scientific or political? >> so there is a slight leaning in the fisa vaccine efficacy against breakthrough infections. that's distracting and there are some unintended harm of giving of does to people who are young and healthy. we have seen that with young boys at a high rate of one and 6,000, and there is no global equity issue. so it is distracting and is interfering with the global equity issue and i think it's not a good time to be talking about boosters for young healthy people. >> john: one of the things that you have talked about frequently is the spacing of vaccine doses. you have an editorial in mid page today where you say there is a growing body of research suggests robust immune response with extended dosing interval. so they have it at three weeks right now, you're suggesting and had been suggesting that it should be spaced out longer, but is anybody listening? >> i don't think so. unfortunately we are hearing guidance that is very top-heavy and assaying sticks to the three year four week interval after your first test of an mrna vaccine, i recommend people wait three months, your immune response is at least three times stronger. we probably would not even be having this conversation about boosters if we appropriately spaced the second two dose three months out. putting them so close together, which we only did to finish the trial quickly last year, putting them them so close together essentially functions as one primer dose. >> john: so sunday gets the first ghost though it meant dose, they are scheduled for a second three or four weeks out, could you delay that? >> that's what i did for myself, john. >> john: how do you do it? >> i had a gun to my head when i was getting the first dose, you have to come back in three weeks. i said i'm not, i'm coming back in three months, that's when it is more efficacious. you can wait. you live in a free country. and nobody is going to find you unbound you with duct tape and force you to come back in three weeks and get a second dose. >> john: one of the other topics is that all the emphasis has been on vaccines, not therapeutics and there is a growing body of evidence that simple things like saline nasal washes can be effective against covid. >> and someday had covid in the past, we told them to sit at home, there is nothing you can do. turns out that there is a lot you can do, if you use a high salt saline spray, stuff you buy off the counter that the risk of hospitalization is reduced by about 19 fold, and they're a bunch of these things, aspirin, vitamin d, but the salient sprays are showing some more promise, and there are vaccines that are being evaluated as a celine administered a vaccine. there are about seven those in trial right now. >> john: a lot of stuff out there not being talked about, thank goodness we have you to tell us about it. always good to see you, thanks. >> sandra: delta hub pushing to ground unruly passengers after some bad behavior in the friendly skies, could other airlines follow their lead? >> john: and critics are hammering the biden administration for blaming everyone but themselves for the border crisis. the next guest is says he would arrest the president for aiding and abetting lawbreakers if he was not president. much more with brandon judd coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome to allstate. where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. is mealtime a struggle? introducing ore-ida potato pay. where ore-ida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this... ...with this. when kids won't eat 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grounded for good. delta air lines reportedly pushing to ban unruly passengers from the skies and is calling on other airlines to ban together and share their internal lists. of people who have been misbehaving. delta has grounded some 1600 passengers from their plane since the pandemic started, mostly for refusing to wear a mask, but i don't know if you saw that video, it's out there on youtube of the guy who is yelling the blue streak on a delta flight and a duct taped him to the seat. >> sandra: just brutal, it feels like everyday there is an unruly passenger story out there, and as stressful as it is, i think that we can all do the flight attendants a favor if we are just kind and respectful. >> john: yeah, everybody just calm down a little bit. >> sandra: we are waiting on that white house press briefing set to get in short time from now. we will hear from jen psaki and she will take questions from reporters but we will see homeland security secretary alejandra mallorca's will be present at that briefing. we will take it live. all of this is happening as the bud and a administration is being accused of rushing to clear out the camps in texas because it is planned a black lives matter protest could be bad optics. brandon judd, board of the council and wants us now, so much to take in here, we will see what the secretary has to say when he appears at the white house press briefing, because as we are not hearing president biden or kamala harris for that matter directly address the crisis that is growing at our southern border, what is your statement today as far as what is going on? >> the main thing that we look at us where's the accountability? why is the not the biden administration looking at what they cause and why are they holding anybody accountable? in all honesty and i'm not trying to be cheeky, but the only thing that secretary mayorkas could do today is resign. the border is out of control, what we saw under the bridge was absolute the most inhumane conditions i've seen in my entire life. we continue to apprehend people crossing the border illegally. the biden administration continues to encourage people to put themselves in the hands of dangerous smugglers, the biden administration is facilitating profits that we have never seen before for criminal cartels. again, it's crazy what is going on in the border, and told the public up and let them know they will not stand for it. >> sandra: one can make a case that we see approval ratings for the president. you want alejandro mayorkas to resign, probably not what is going to happen when he speaks, but he is saying publicly that they will fix this. it is fixable, they are addressing the problem, there was an opportunity to ask kamala harris, the borders are about this, she was on "the view" this morning, although it turned out to be a nine minute interview because of a covid debacle onset, but she was only asked, not about fixing the problems at the border, she was asked about those border agents on horses. here is the exchange. listen. >> human being should not be treated that way. as we know, it also invokes images of some of the worst moments of our history. where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country has been used against african-americans during times of slavery. and so i'm glad to know that alejandro mayorkas is taking it very seriously. >> sandra: to be clear, all of this reaction is to photographs of that happening, and the response of the administration is to the images that we have seen. since then, a photographer who took those pictures from the mexico side has come out and said this. he said i've never seen them with anyone. he said "he was swinging at, but it can be misconstrued when you are looking at the picture" said the photographer, brandon. this is a "wall street journal" opinion editorial board this morning writing about the scapegoats at the texas border. the bite and white house blaming border agents who are overwhelmed, and then president biden through those border agents under the bus when he spoke this morning. here's a bit from the president. >> of course i take responsibility, i am president, but it was horrible to see as you saw, to see people treated like they did, horses running them over and people being strapped is outrageous. i promise you those people will pay. >> sandra: so are those border agents scapegoats? >> they are. this is politics. he is putting the safety and security of the american public ahead of everything because of politics. he wants to pander to his base. there is no due process in his statement paid he does not care about an investigation could he does not want to know what the investigation comes out. i can personally tell you that any investigation, they are going to take those reins and test them for dna. there will be no dna. the photographer clearly said nobody was strapped using joe biden's words. nobody was run over. nobody was injured in that altercation, they were running from the horse patrol agents and they had a duty to control that area. to control that situation, and they were doing the best that they can. and by the way, new horse patrol agents right now being trained under the biden administration are training under those exact same protocols. this is politics, and he is willing to put -- he is willing to politicize law enforcement for his own benefit. >> sandra: we will see what alejandro mayorkas says, the department of homeland security secretary will be speaking a short time from now. his initial response was to defend the border agents saying that they were acting properly and this was common process used by border agents, but bowing to public backlash showed his outrage for it. so he will likely be asked by reporters about that in just a few moments. thank you for joining us, brandon judd. >> thank you. >> john: that was a pretty sharp about-face by the secretary perdue the attorney general slamming the biden administration over the growing covid risk as thousands of migrants flood across the southern border. marc siegel ahead with a deeper dive on that. >> sandra: plus push to defund the police creating a new crisis in a major u.s. city, why folks are being told to call someone else for help when reporting nonemergency crimes. ♪ ♪ one, two! one, two, three! only pay for what you need! with customized car insurance from liberty mutual! nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no.' everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to... and...when he wants to. so ray...can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit what makes new salonpas arthritis gel so good for arthritis pain? now you know. try it for 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you failed, your highness. i am a jedi. like my father before me. >> john: well, luke skywalker better watch what he says before he gets canceled, why? turns out jedi is offensive to some folks. the scientific american magazine facing widespread mockery after publishing an article declaring the use of the term jedi to be problematic when describing programs that use justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. it's divisive, and the back of jedi and "star wars" is too heavy to burden the justice initiative where it may undermine these efforts. oh, my god. >> sandra: i feel like you are speechless, john. i am not a huge "star wars" fan, i'm no i'm going to enrage them everywhere. but i'm not a hater either. but i do know that there is enough to be outraged about rather than creating outrage. speak to you in our executive producer, he has never seen "star wars." what is wrong with you folks? >> sandra: wow, calling them out in the control room, okay. it must be friday. >> john: i will sit him down and we will have a binge watch of all the "star wars" films. >> sandra: it is worth sitting down and watching, for sure. police and austin texans responding they will no longer respond to calls to health unless it is an emergency. the new policing policy is largely the result of budget cuts calling to defund the police. casey stegall is live in dallas. hey, casey. >> starting october 1st, the city of austin feeling the impacts of the controversial council decision you talked about that eliminated more than $21 million from the police budget and diverted another 128,000,002 other city departments. it's about a third of their total funding, but just last month, the austin city council voted to give it back for the upcoming fiscal year, that was after the state legislature passed a bill recently that now prohibits the defunding of any texas law enforcement agency. however, it will take time before that cash is infused back into the system, so for now with a shortage of roughly 150 officers, police say they will no longer answer nonemergency calls, listen. >> we recognize the impact that this is going to have on so many across our department, a lot of work went into making these decisions, i am confident that we as a department will again get through these difficult times. >> over the summer many criticizing the response time to emergency calls, priority one, taking on average 9 minutes for officers to get on scene. fox news has reached out to both the austin police department and the union for comments, they approved yet to get us something. >> sandra: thank you, john. >> john: we are expected to hear from the white house and chief deputy alejandro mayorkas. we are still waiting for the white house to tell us how many haitians have been released into the united states. you can expect that to come up at the briefing. martha maccallum, anchor of "the story" will join us on that as well could we will hear from charlie hurt, dr. mccarrick, and marc siegel all 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you could take out $50,000 dollars or more. >> it's horrible to see as you saw to see people treated like they did, horses barely running them over and people being strapped. it's outrageous. i promise you, those people will pay. >> sandra: president biden shifting blame blasting border patrol agents, smearing agents who they say were just doing their jobs. the president making no serious accusations with zero evidence, no video, not even an eyewitness. good afternoon, everyone, i am sandra smith in new york as we kick off another hour. >> john: good to be with you this friday, i'm john roberts in washington, even the photographer who took the picture says he saw no whipping, no people being run over and his pictures were being misconstrued. then there is the issue of the migrants themselves in a very different scene in del rio today. >> sandra: thousands of people no longer camped out in filth, so where exactly did all of the haitian migrants go? and what about covid? >> john: on that front, the attorney general slamming the administration for what he calls a laissez-faire approach about how many of the migrants had been tested for covid. >> sandra: reporters will attempt to get those answers to their questions and more this hour when homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas will join jen psaki at the white house briefing today. we should see that in just a short time from now. we will see what he says about border patrol and the decision to suspend the use of the horses and critics who say it is all putting agents lives at risk at the border. >> john: we have big names to help us out this hour, including tom homan. it's going martha maccallum on the president taking responsibility while blaming the trump administration for all the crises. >> john: marc siegel on concerns of covid coming across the border. >> sandra: and moments away charlie hurt on the borders are a big day, kamala harris on "the view" was all derailed by covid, but we begin first with peter doocy kicking things off of the white house for us. >> good afternoon, sandra. president biden is not giving his own border patrol agents the benefit of the doubt. he has already before the investigation has been done promising consequences for them for mistreating migrants. >> it's and embarrassment, it is beyond an embarrassment. it's dangerous, it's wrong. it sends the wrong message around the world. >> prejudging the investigation before the facts have been fleshed out is not sitting well with the border patrol as a whole. >> i wonder why i get up in the morning and put on the uniform. i wonder why we go out there. we put that uniform on because we care about people, we want to protect people. we want to protect the united states. >> democrats have unified control of government right now, their priorities have been covid relief, infrastructure, and the $3.5 trillion reconciliation to budget, not immigration policy, but even though democrats have the bully pulpit right now, and they have for months, they think that the lack of movement on immigration is the fault of republicans. >> we have seen a lot of speeches out there by republicans, by others who are talking about what is happening at the border being critical, what we have not seen as a plan proposed, and that's what we really need to do to address this over the long term. even as we are addressing the current situation in del rio and at the border as we speak. >> i tried to get the president today to take my question, i had to shout at him because he only took three today. why is it that you never ever have been to the border? but he did not take that one today. sandra. >> sandra: we heard you, peter doocy, we do not hear the answer. thank you, peter. >> john: person was a president, now vice president kemal obey her dilemma and kamala harris piling on the border patrol. but not before two of the host found out on live tv that they tested positive for covid. >> there seems to be something happening here that i am not 100% aware of. can someone please apprise me of the situations. >> i need the two of you to step off for a second. we will come back later. >> shall he introduce the vice president? okay, so vice president -- no. okay. shall we dance? let's do a tap dance. as we always do in television, we will be right back. >> john: and then they took questions from the audience, alex hoff has more on the drama at "the view." >> it was almost harder to make it on "the view" than the u.s. border today. there is some hope that the vice president would address her role in the border crisis as borders are moving forward, but that did not happen today. so what was supposed to be the vice president's first live in studio interview was not. this feeling and just as a schober return from break, two of the host or tested positive for covid-19 and had to leave the set. >> they've been taken off the show, because the vice president is here. now kamala harris, the vice president is going to be on the remote, because they don't want to take a chance of her being on the site right now. >> after clear of logistical issues and with less than 10 minutes remaining she did the interview. who was appointed borders are six months ago was asked about the situation, she deflected blame to border patrol agents. >> human being should not be treated that way. as we all know, it also evokes images of some of the worst moments of our history. where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, has been used against african-americans during times of slavery. >> republicans and some democrats including del rio's mayor have been calling on the borders are to make a trip south. harris has only had one visit in late june could the white house has confirmed that the vice president did not have any direct contact with the two covid positive host and will continue her schedule as planned. >> john: that was pretty bizarre. >> i was watching. >> john: let me add my welcome to washington in d.c. glad to have them onboard. >> sandra: welcome. let's bring in charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor. i don't know if you are watching that in real time this morning, it was hard to believe what was happening. joy behar was in the middle of introducing kamala harris when she was cut off, her cohost were dragged offset because they had covid. a little bit of a debacle, but live tv and things happen. ultimately an hour interview turned into a believe about nine. they started 51 minutes past the hour. there is clearly those that see a political opportunity to ask why is the only place he is addressing the crisis at the border on "the view," and then the question she received were only about the border agents on the horses. >> it may not come as a new surprise, i don't normally watch "the view" every morning, but i did have to catch up on this, but my goodness, what a complete circus. and i think that those questions about kamala harris are very good questions, because she has thought, and it's amazing, especially when you listen to the comments about the border patrol agents who are simply trying to fulfill their duties to uphold the constitution and protect our borders, that is sort of attack on them is underscoring that this is a person who is willing to politicize absolutely any issue that she finds, and the other thing that i think it's kind of astonishing is that while i don't watch "the view" every morning, i do know that they spent a lot of time lecturing the country about vaccines and about covid and all that kind of stuff, and so what is the first thing she does when she comes on after two hosts who have been vaccinated have breakthrough cases, and are taken off of the view, the thing she says, this is proof that vaccines work. if you are trying to convince americans that the vaccines are good and safe and all these good things, then that's not a very logical argument to make to them. and for most people what that sounds like it is, it's another case where she is politicizing something for political ends, and it is not effective. it is not helping the cause to get people vaccinated. >> john: i must say even though they tested positive, neither sunny hostin or ana navarro looked like they were sick at all. it was quite a surprise to them that they tested positive. let me come back to the border patrol, because president biden threw them under the bus and completely mischaracterize what it happened down there when he said that they were strapping, and that is a 1960s term for people at home who have not heard that. and then kamala harris on "the view" said this. >> i was outraged by it. it was horrible, and deeply troubling. there has been now an investigation that is being conducted, which i fully support and there needs to be consequence and accountability. >> john: this morning president biden was asked if he bears responsibility for what he saw were 15,000 immigrants were in squalor, he pivoted to the other argument, and then the vice president did the same thing. i mean, are they trying to avoid responsibility by changing the subject? >> oh, absolutely. and they are also trying to avoid responsibility by scapegoating two people who are doing exactly their job. this is my complaint about the whole border situation from the very beginning. these border agents are fulfilling their responsibility. their obligations to the constitution in order of enforcing our border laws that are on the books. if democrats don't like our border laws, then go change them. but they don't change them. they have control of all branches of government right now, and they have the political power to go through and make changes at the border. if they want to open our borders, do it legislatively. do it the right way. but they don't do that. instead what they are choosing to do is to refuse to enforce legislative laws that are on the books, and then attack a border patrol for doing the job of reinforcing the laws that congress has put on the books. >> sandra: we had brandon judd on with us earlier, he said he wants to see alejandro mayorkas resign. not so sure that that's what is about to happen, but we will hear from the secretary a short time from now at the white house. secretary mayorkas needs to resign, completely incompetent, says that the border is not close, it has been surrendered. so look forward to us as we are about to see him take questions at the white house, what do you want to hear from him? what do you think he will say? >> i would like -- they also resign, because -- and honestly, this goes to the very, very top. this is a political agenda by the president not to enforce our borders. this problem has gone back for decades, and yes, both parties bear responsibility, but one thing you can say with absolute certainty, president trump did get a handle on the immediate crisis at the border are joe biden chose to undo all of those things that were working because he wanted the crisis that we have at the border, he wanted that. and so i would like everybody in the administration starting with president biden and vice president kamala harris to start answering those questions and actually what i really would like is that they should just start enforcing the laws that are on the books, and if they don't like them, go and change them, but they can't, they know they can't, and they know there will be a political killer if they did. >> john: we will see what questions the dhs secretary gets later on. charlie hurt, great to see you. to staying with the border now, concerns over coronavirus spreading across the country as a result of illegal migration. let's bring in dr. marc siegel. good to see you. arizona's attorney general is accusing the administration of a double standard. he sent a letter saying "divide and a administration has chosen the path of increased government registration imposing individual liberties when it comes to handling covid-19 in the midst of american community is coming at the same administration has been nothing short of laws a fair and dealing with tens and thousands of migrants that are pouring across the open border i'm being fared across our nation during the same pandemic. the hypocrisy is stunning and fundamentally unfair to american citizens. do you believe that this administration is ignoring or at least turning a blind eye to the problem with covid coming across the southern border? >> absolutely, john, there is a lot of evidence of that. in a few weeks ago i spoke to the medical director about how covid was pouring into the hospital. i spoke this morning to james hodges in laredo who says there is 250,000 people living here, but you know, the case numbers of covid have gone up from 23 to 130 in just a week or so because of migrants that leaked over are not being tested at all. in del rio, we have had over 10,000 cases of covid over the past week with 233 deaths, and hhs is saying they are testing about 20% of them testing positive for covid. in other words, of the migrants 20% of the families in the unaccompanied children are positive. by john, i don't think it is 20%. it's probably more like 40 or 50% when you have the migrants plus slim and close together and there is not hygiene or vaccines coming either, by the way, they are offering vaccines, but very few are vaccinated. you are going to see more and more and more covid cases. they are not going to be treated. they are not going to be identified, and they are going to leak into the neighboring communities. >> john: peter doocy asked jen psaki about coronavirus and concerns the other day during the white house briefing, and the press secretary seemed to minimize the problem of covid spreading across the country because of so many people coming in illegally who aren't either vaccinated or tested. listen here. >> as individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms, if they have symptoms, the intention is for them to be quarantined, that is our process. they are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. >> john: they are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time as a way of minimizing the threat drew howells of protest from a lot of people who say, well, why are they coming here if not to try to stay here for a lengthy period of time? >> yeah, john, exactly, and our producer said, okay, you are supposed to apply with 60 days whether you can stay or not, meanwhile the 2,000 haitian migrants that are left on their are clustered together and they are clearly spreading covid. so there's no way that this is being handled in a way where covid would be contained. and by the way, on top of this, on top of the public health issue of spread, there is the fact that if you are on vaccinated and again, you saw that with sandra's point about "the view," they had mild symptoms, but guess what, if you are not vaccinated, very much higher chance especially if you run down, especially if you don't have hygiene, especially if you have underlying conditions that you are going to end up flooding the hospitals, which is what is happening on the border. satirical issues, spread, second severity, bad terrible disease and death. all of which are out of control and a dismissive coming from the press secretary does not help. >> john: whether or not to get vaccinated, a good discussion a patient should have with your doctor. dr. siegel, good to have you. >> thanks, john. it's too much more ahead on the border, gearing up as we await for the briefing to begin. >> sandra: everybody will want to watch and see what happens they are, but up next president biden boasting about his push for taxpayers to -- i should say for them to shell out the big bucks to pay for his spending plan, don't worry, the president said he already has this all paid for. not only that, he says that your taxes are going to go down. larry kudlow is here to respond next. ♪ ♪ ys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ - oh, sister of mine. - mmm... - i got you this. - the new iphone 13 pro? - it's on verizon 5g - i can't believe you got me this! - yes, verizon is giving one to everyone when they trade in their old or damaged phone. - oh! so like every sister can get this? - yeah. - every aluminum siding installer? - why not? - every doula? - they would have to! every customer, new and old, can get iphone 13 pro on us. because everyone deserves better. - everyone! - horse trainers! - manicurists! - you get the new iphone! - we're alone. - i know. - what're we doing? - i don't know. why bother mastering something? why hand-tune an audio system? why include the most advanced active safety system in its class...standard? because when you 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rates begin to rise. call now. >> john: president biden claims that is $3.5 trillion economic plan is overwhelmingly popular and that it is needed to ensure corporations and the rich pay their fair share. critics say none of that is true. that it is not popular with small businesses, that it is not just targeting the richer for tax hikes. according to critics even the price tag is not true when the real cost is more than a trillion dollars more than that. maybe five, 5.5 trillion. we will talk to fox business of larry kudlow about all of that, but first let's go to hillary vaughn live on capitol hill for the latest where they stand. >> there are number of tax hikes on the table. speaker pelosi and later schumer basically saying they have a menu of tax hikes that members can truce from to try to come up with 3.5 trillion to pay for the package. some of those tax hikes the democrats drag only impact the rich and the incorporated are actually spooking small business, in particular raising the corporate tax rate to 26.5%, small businesses say they are the ones that are going to be hit hard in this, but to the biden administration and democrats in congress insist that the little guy is not going to be squashed by higher taxes, but the tax foundation says the biden administration is doing the math all wrong. saying "when thinking how higher tax rates would affect the economy, the relevant piece of information is not the number of people affected, it's the amount of economic activity, by focusing on the number of people the biden administration is misleadingly claiming your tax proposals would have a small effect. the actual statistics show more than half of pass-through business incomes could face tax increases. the u.s. chamber of commerce has about 1.4 million small businesses who employ 13 million americans would be hit by higher corporate tax rates. and the president of the national federation of independent business says the impact will be devastating. saying "if these tax heights go through, the damage will be severe and long-lasting come of that country may recover in time, but countless small businesses won't live to see it." john. >> john: hillary for us on capitol hill, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: hillary, thank you, let's bring in larry kudlow, we show you, you look frustrated with what you heard from the president this morning, saying that he has this paid for, this massive spending plan, it's all ready paid for. >> can i just start with the official scorecard? so the plan is 3.5 trillion, which i think it's bogus, it's going to be 5-5.5 trillion, which is what people are saying on a 10-year basis, but whatever, the joint tax committee which is in charge of scoring this could get to 2 trillion in revenues, that's from the ways and means committee, richard neal mark which is in this reconciliation, whatever it is 2500 pages out today for the house. so the president says it is all paid for, it's not paid for. it's not even paid for by our official scorekeepers. that's point number one, point number two, to pay for it is going to be a lot bigger because the size of the cradle of the grape spending is going to be a whole lot better. and i want to say also, hillary vaughn mentioned the tax foundation, so, they use dynamic scoring, incentives matter if you raise taxes on something, you're going to get less of it. they show this plan a decline in gdp of 1 percent for the next ten years, it decline and worker wages of the same, and decline the actual jobs of over 300,000, and the only score 1 trillion in revenues. so we are nowhere close to paid for it. >> sandra: i was wondering what the running commentary was of larry kudlow when joe biden said some of these things in the speech this morning. listen. >> every account of my plan is popular with everything happening, not everybody knows what is in that plan. it is zero price tag, we are paying, going to pay for everything that we spend. look at my whole career, i come from the corporate state of america. i just think it's about just paying their fair share. >> sandra: pay your fair share, we have already paid for everything that we are going to spend, zero price tag says the president, not everybody knows what is in the plan, that sounds sort of familiar, you don't like it because you don't know what is and he yet, but the first line, every element of my economic plan is overwhelmingly popular. is that true? >> i want to be respectful to the president, by the way, these are policy criticisms, nothing personal. no, it's not true. here's the thing. the most important issue in the country right now for the economy is inflation. we just had a fox news poll come out come the number one issue, 81% or 83% inflation. number two, lots of polls, the ibd, tips pole, good reputable poll, people connect big spending with bigger inflation, and this is something that the bottoms are in complete denial about, to some extent the federal reserve is in complete denial too which may be a bigger problem going down the road. people don't want cradle to grave. i mean, newt gingrich calls that big government socialism, he is pulled on that and it is extremely unpopular. a spending is out of style right now, because among other things, look. the government was helpful during the pandemic with these big relief bills and probably totaled about 6 trillion, you're not talking about another 6 trillion? people are scratching their heads and they don't want the inflation. the president's own polls are plunging in the low 40s right now, and i think this argument drives me crazy, people don't pay their fair share, i mean, come on. the statistics from the irs, okay, the top 1%, the rich pay 40%, the bottom two quintiles, the bottom 40% have a negative income tax rate, and as you and i have discussed, the bottom half of the thing does not pay income tax anyway. it's completely wrong, let me go again. >> sandra: john wants to jump in as well. >> john, i'm saving the last one for you. i'm going to give you my letter high fastball for you. the joint tax committee has scored this stuff and they say in ten years the middle-class will pay two-thirds of the tax hike. okay, that's not mean, that's not supply-side, that's not -- that's the bloodied joint tax committee which has never been a great ally of mine as you probably know. so i'm just saying, just the facts man. just the facts. it does not work for the president. >> john: you know that i think a lot of people don't have an appreciation for how big the number is pretty million versus trillion, i did a calculation. 3.5 million seconds is about 40 days. 3.5 trillion seconds is 111,000 years. that's the difference. >> sandra: it does not matter, because that $3.5 trillion number, "the wall street journal" says and sodas larry kudlow is a phony number. this is the piece this morning, budget tricks disguise the vast entitlement plan. >> if you score this thing, well, this entitlement, it will be five years, this will be seven, this will put a cost share with the states, it's nonsense. when the ceo does get around to doing this, and they were very good at scoring, it's going to be very close to $5 trillion. so here's my point, the official scorekeepers are saying to the president, you are nowhere as near paying for this, and by the way -- >> john: hey, larry, we have to go. >> 262 billion short, that was not paid for either. >> sandra: did i mention he was fired up? >> john: he is always fired up. we will see you at 4:00 on the fox business network. we have to run. the white house briefing on the border after we sneak in a quick break. martha maccallum, tom homan on deck as "america reports" rolls on. stay with us. ♪ ♪ and a quarter refi. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year. ♪♪ we believe everyone deserves to live better. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our 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time. of the covid-19 pandemic. as of this morning, there are no longer any migrants in the camp underneath the del rio international bridge. i will walk through what we have done, how we have done it, explain the processes, and provide data that you have requested, but first i want to make one important point, in the midst of meeting these challenges, we, our entire nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are, who we aspire to be, or the integrity and values of our truly heroic personnel in the department of homeland security. the investigation into what occurred has not yet concluded. we know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation's ongoing battle against systemic racism. we have been swift and thorough in our response. first we immediately contacted the office of inspector general and launched an investigation into the events that were captured in a disturbing images of course to patrol units. we seized the use of forced patrol units in the area, the agents involved have been assigned to administrative duties and are not interacting with migrants while the investigation is ongoing. our directed personnel from the cpp office of professional responsibility to be on-site in del rio full-time to ensure adherence to the policies, training, and values of our department. the highest levels of the cpp office of responsibility are leading the investigation which will conclude quickly or to the results of the investigation i will make public. the actions that are taken as a result of what we have seen in those images, the investigation will be compelled, the results will be compelled by the facts that are deduced, and nothing less. let me be clear, the department does not tolerate any mistreatment of any migrants and will not tolerate any violation of its values, principles and ethics. now i would like to turn to our operational response, and the whole of government response to address the challenging situation in del rio. dhs immediately worked to address the acute by partnering the agencies and entities. we rapidly deploy to basic services like drinking water, food, clothing, and portable toilets. i am grateful to the red cross for providing more than 17,000 hygiene kits in the world central kitchen for contributing more than 14,000 meals per day to supplement other food programs. medical resources and capacity including over 150 medical professionals to ensure services for the safety of the migrants for employees and the other community. personal protective equipment including face masks. we erected four climate control tents to support housing for vulnerable populations. let me go through our operational response, simultaneously with the humanitarian response we in the department of homeland security implemented a series of operational measures to process migrants consistent with existing laws, policies and procedures in particular cvp, customs and border protection, 600 agents, officers, and dhs personnel to the del rio sector to operational support. we also dhs conducted 24-hour patrols for general safety as well as to identify anyone who might be in medical distress, i.c.e., the u.s. coast guard, the department of defense and the department of justice provided transportation support to transfer migrants out of del rio to other border patrol sectors with capacity. working with the departments of state in haiti, dhs increase to the number of removal flights to haiti commiserate with the capacity to receive. and they have established a $5.5 million program to provide on the ground assistance that was reproved she did haitian migrants. nearly 30,000 migrants have been encountered at the del rio since september 9th with the highest number of one-time reaching approximately 15,000. today we have no migrants for remaining in the camp under the international bridge. migrants continue to be expelled under the cdc's title 42 authority. title 42 is a public health authority, and not an immigration policy. it is important to note that title 42 is applicable and has been for all regular migration during this pandemic. it is not specific to haitian nationals or the current situation. some more data, to date, dhs has conducted 17 expulsion flights to haiti with 2,000 individuals. those who are not expelled under title 42 are placed in immigration removal proceedings. let me take a step back and explain the process, there are two exceptions to the applicability of title 42 to public health authority. number one is if an individual has an acute vulnerability such as an urgent medical care and two, if, in fact, our operational capacity is such that we are not able to execute the title 42 authority that rest with the centers for disease. i should also say that there is a convention against torture exception if someone claims torture which is a distinct legal standard. individuals as i mention with acute vulnerability can be accepted from the title 42 application. approximately 12,400 individuals will have their cases heard by an immigration judge to make a determination on whether they will be removed or permitted to remain in the united states. that is a piece of data that has been requested of us. if someone is not subject to title 42 expulsion for the three reasons that i explained, acute vulnerability, operational capacity limitations, or a convention against torture exception, then the individual is placed in immigration proceedings. that means they go before an immigration judge in an immigration court, if they make a claim that they have a basis under law to remain in the united states than the judge will hear and adjudicate the claim. if the judge determines that the claim is not valid, the individual will be removed. an estimated 8,000 migrants have decided to return to mexico voluntarily. and just over 5,000 are being processed by dhs to determine whether they will be expelled or placed in immigration removal proceedings under title eight. we have previously articulated and previously expressed that in light of the fact that we had such a significant number of individuals in one particular section in del rio, texas, that we were moving people to other customs and border protection processing centers to ensure the safe and secure process of individuals, and we will assess the ability to the title 4240 in the process centers and then if any apply, we will place those individuals in immigration enforcement proceedings, but if we are able to expel them under title 42, because that is indeed a public health imperative as determined by the centers for disease control, we will do so. and with that, i will take your questions. >> thank you. mr. secretary, thank you for coming in. i was hoping that you could explain more of the agents on the border that violate policies or computers, can you tell us what they did wrong? and the second question, with the episode, how does episode confirms your thinking about the current asylum review and whether perhaps if the administration were to take a more permissive stance, membership and a social group, and they could be seen as one or many in the future? >> i think if i may, you are conflating two very different phenomenon, two very different processes. first of all the images as i expressed earlier, the image horrified us in terms of what they suggest and what they conjure up in terms of not only our nation's history, but unfortunately the fact that that age of history has not been turned entirely. and that means that there is much work to do and we are very focused on doing it. but i will not prejudge the facts. i do not and anyway want to impair the integrity of the investigative process. we have investigators who are looking at it independently. they will draw their conclusions according to their standard operating procedures, and in the results of that investigation will be determined by the facts that are deduced. now with respect to the asylum process that is an independent process and i'm not sure that i understood your question if you are asking about the definition of a particular social group and just for everyone's benefit, the asylum laws provide that the first step in an asylum process is a claim of credible fear. economic need, flight from generalized violence does not qualify as credible fear, but rather credible fear is credible fear of persecution by reason of one's membership in a particular social group. what is the definition of a particular social group was significantly's constrained. that is an understatement in the trump administration, and there is a body of law that speaks to that definition and that definition is currently under review. >> secretary, if i may, for a follow up on this point, the question was if this administration was to take a more permissive stance towards the definition, could this be what we just experienced in the last several weeks just the first of many similar instances to occur in the country on the border? >> what incidents? >> we have 15,000 migrants that the united states government has now processed. >> we determine, we determine the standards to apply in a claim of persecution according to the principles that a government should have both domestically and in the international architecture with the treatment of individuals who are fleeing persecution by reason of their membership in a particular social group. it is not a tool of diff deterrents to define what a particular social group means. >> yes, the people -- sorry, i am here. the people who are under the bridge coming i've talked about some of them have gone to mexico and some of them have been flown to haiti. the others, are they spread out and seeking the holding facilities? have some been released into the community or released to family members awaiting hearings? >> so let me be clear, so some have been returned to haiti indeed. others had been moved to different processing facilities along the border in light of operational capacity. and then many of them will be returned to haiti from there and if any of the exceptions apply, they will not be returned to haiti but placed an immigration enforcement proceedings. i should say release is a very general term, and i may need to drill down on that if i may. individuals, some of them are detained, some of them are placed on alternatives to detention, we remain in touch with them. we monitor them to ensure their appearance in court at the designated time of appearance, does that answer your question? >> it does. >> and i can provide the data if i need to do so again. >> yes, no, i got that. the broader question is that it seems like there are border crises that keep popping up sort of like whack-a-mole's every month or so. there is another clump of people or another major issue or unaccompanied minors or -- and is there a plan to maybe have like fema type teams that go to these crisis points, or is the goal to somehow stop having these crises that keep breaking out. >> you mention fema, so two points if i will, let me first address -- let me go in reverse. from an operational response perspective, we address a challenge of unaccompanied children in march and i said then that we had a plan, we were executing our plan and it would take time. and in fact, within 60 days or so we went from an average time of an unaccompanied child in a border per station of 24 hours to less than 25 hours. and we did that through our operational capacity throughout the department of homeland security as directed by the president and in all of the government effort. here last weekend we had approximately 15,000 individuals in the del rio section, i committed to addressing that within ten days and today we have none, and that was because of the department of homeland security's assets with the assistance of others across the government. that is something very different than the fact of the dynamism of another migration with large and the fact that this is a situation that this has occurred from time to time other than what i can remember and my 20 years of government service. and the president has spoken very powerfully about this from day one and before he assumed office. first and foremost and most fundamentally in foundational he, we are dealing with a broken immigration system, and we need legislative reform. and everyone agrees in a world where unanimity is so difficult to achieve, there is one thing as to which there is unanimity and that is the need for comprehensive immigration reform. and unfortunately it seems to remain elusive, but our real dedication to achieving it is unrelenting, and we continue to do so. number one, number two, we have a three-part plan, we invest in the root causes to address the reason why people leave their homes in which they live and take a perilous journey that they should not take, second, the building of safe orderly and humane pathways and third, rebuilding an asylum system and a refugee program that would dismantle in the prior administration. this takes time, and we are executing our plans. >> thank you, mr. secretary, thank you for being here. i know that we suggested it was a great grievance, so it's good to see you. starting with del rio, the units that were temporarily suspended, are you considering eliminating them altogether? >> we are going to take a look. what we were focused on right now is addressing the urgency of the situation in del rio under that bridge. we are still getting through it, remember, as i mentioned in response to the prior question, we still have operational leads across the border with respect to this particular population of individuals, but we are going to be taking a look at this. with the horse patrol it is customarily used to do for everyone's benefit is horses are able to cross train that might not otherwise be traversed. and what they often do you and in fact most often do is assess the situation, and actually assist in helping people in distress. that horse patrol, the horse patrol that the customs and border protection employees, the border patrol specifically has saved lives many times before, but we will take a look. >> because this is such a sprawling department with multiple issues at once, the situation regarding afghan refugees that are being processed, we have had a few questions on that that have not entirely been answered. i'm just curious if you know how many cases of forced marriage are so-called child brides are in the system so far? >> to my knowledge we have not found one, but i will tell you that we have experts at the airport and beyond who understand that phenomenon very, very well who know how to detect the signs of any such activity and are able to place people in secondary screening to discern the facts and make the decisions that the facts so warranted. we are very skilled in that. >> thank you, mr. secretary, i know you said that you are looking into this, but the parts was clear today, saying that the border patrol agents on horseback, seen those images will pay. he says it is dangerous and wrong and there will be consequences, do you disagree with that? >> i know the president was echoing sentiments of the american public in response to the images and what those images suggest. but i want to speak to the fact that this investigation will be based on the facts that the investigators learn and the results of the investigation will be driven by those facts and nothing less and nothing more. >> he said that they would pay. you're not on the same page? >> i think the president was speaking in terms of the horror of the images and what they suggest. that investigation will have integrity, i can assure you of that. >> secretary, i understand january 20th, you inherited a broken system and a lot of work to be done, but you had thousands of people living in squalid conditions and limited opportunities to go through asylum processes here. a warning about situations like this for months now. how much responsibility do you, the administration take for these situations continuing to pop up in various places? >> so if you are addressing the situation in del rio, i will tell you that it is unprecedented for us to see that number of people arrive in one discrete point around the border and such a compacted period of time. the chief of the border patrol is a 30-year veteran and he has not seen that before. and what we do when we see something that is unprecedented is we respond an end respond we did. >> some democrats want you to be more lenient on the asylum claims because of the earthquake to haiti, have you considered that at all? >> let me speak to that, we studied the conditions in haiti a number of months ago as is our legal obligation to do so. and based on the country conditions that we observed and studied, what we did is we designated haiti for a temporary protective status for those haitian nationals, resident in the united states who were here prior to july 29th. and we were mindful of the assassination that occurred and we were unsure of the results of that ossetian nation in terms of the stability of the political border. once a new leader took office, and things seem to settle down, we determined that the july 29th date was equitable to address the humanitarian relief of haitian nationals already resident in the united states. we have continued to study the conditions in haiti and we have in fact determined despite the tragic and devastating earthquake that haiti is in fact capable of receiving individuals and we are working with haiti and with humanitarian relief agencies to ensure that their return is as safe and humanely accomplished as possible. i was around. i was at the u.s. citizenship and immigration services on january 10th, 2010, the day that the last earthquake in haiti, and that was distinct from the earthquake that devastated people more recently. that had a far greater geographic repercussions than this one now. this one as devastating and tragic as it is was more geographically limited and we made a determination based on the legal standards in the facts that infect him individuals could >> the imageses of the mounted portland. -- border patrol. you said to control the horse long reins are used. the person who took these photos said i never saw them whip anyone. why is the press talking about someone being strapped? >> let me correct your question if i may. it was on friday when i was -- actually it was on monday i believe. i was in del rio on the ground. i made the statements without having seen the images. i saw the images on the flight back. i made the statement that i did with respect to what those images suggested. the horses have long reins. the image in the photograph that we all saw that horrified the nation raised serious questions -- let me finish -- about what occurred. as i stated clearly, it conjurored up images of what happened in the past. let me finish. there is a question how one uses the horse and interacts with individuals with the horse.

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Million , 128000002 , Law Enforcement Agency , Fiscal Year , State Legislature , Defunding , Impact , Answer , Officers , Nonemergency , Shortage , 150 , Decisions , Work , Scene , Emergency Calls , Austin Police Department , The Union , 9 , Charlie Hurt , The Story , Mccarrick , At Aspen Dental , Milkshake Mustaches , 2 On 2s , Smile , Patients , Exam , On 1s , Treatment Plan , High School Sweetheart , Debra , Colorado , 35 , Sharper , Clearer , Foggy , Meetings , Game , Running , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Errands , Plan , Dream , Northwestern Mutual , Planning , Version , Va Home Loan , At Nm Com A , Service Member , Eligibility , Home Values , Mortgage , Cash Out Refi , Newday Usa First , 0000 Dollars , Smearing Agents , Accusations , Eyewitness , Biden Shifting Blame Blasting , Zero , Misconstrued , Filth , Front , Laissez Faire , Putting Agents , Briefing Today , Crises , Concerns , Big Day , Peter Doocy , Consequences , Doubt , Embarrassment , Message , Whole , United States Government , Immigration Policy , Budget , Relief , Priorities , Infrastructure , Bully Pulpit , Others , Immigration , Movement , Fault , Speeches , Border Being Critical , Lack , Term , Peter , Host , Tv , Piling , Kemal Obey Her Dilemma , Second , Tap Dance , Television , Audience , Drama , Hope , Forward , Alex Hoff , Break , Set , Studio , Schober , Return , Chance , Being , Remote , Site , Issues , Know , Contact , Mayor , Visit , Trip South , Schedule , Me Add My Welcome To Washington In D C , Washington Times , Opinion Editor , Middle , Joy Behar , Cut Off , Cohost , Debacle , Believe , 51 , Surprise , Goodness , Circus , Duties , Constitution , Attack , Astonishing , Hosts , Breakthrough Cases , Safe , Proof , Argument , Ends , Sick , Sunny Hostin , Ana Navarro , 1960 , Immigrants , Complaint , Border Laws , Books , Obligations , Order , Branches , It Legislatively , Agenda , Handle , Parties , Certainty , Killer , Migration , Dhs Secretary , Coronavirus , Arizona , Standard , Letter , Liberties , Divide , Path , Saying , Registration , Nation , Midst , Hypocrisy , American Community , Tens , Citizens , Eye , Case Numbers , Hospital , Director , Laredo , James Hodges , 250000 , Cases , Deaths , Hhs , 130 , 233 , Families , Children , Positive , 40 , 50 , Hygiene , Press Secretary , Communities , About Coronavirus , Intention , Threat , Drew Howells , Producer , Top , Spread , Point , Guess What , Disease , Coming , Hospitals , Severity , Bad , Discussion , Patient , Taxpayers , Push , Taxes , Don T Worry , Limu , Bucks , Ys , Sister , Iphone , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Mmm , Siding Installer , Phone , Doula , 13 , Don T Know , Customer , Trainers , Manicurists , Vision Loss , Macular Degeneration , Vision , Preservision , Formula , Eye Vitamin Brand , Studies , Areds 2 , National Eye Institute , Nutrient , Progression , Nei , Moderate , Delicious Scramble , Mission , Brothers , Scramble , Skeptic , Egg , Wright Brothers , Strength , Vitamins , Nutrition , Energy , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , Protein , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Time Highs , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , Bank , Home Loan , Expenses , Debt , Corporations , Tax Hikes , Richer , Fox Business , Capitol Hill , Table , Menu , Let S Go To Hillary Vaughn , Speaker Pelosi , Particular , Tax Rate , Small Business , Members , Package , Truce , Hit , 26 5 , Piece , Economy , Tax Foundation , Tax Rates , Wrong , Math , Amount , Information , Statistics , Half , Activity , Business Incomes , Effect , Tax Increases , Tax Proposals , Tax , National Federation Of Independent Business , U S Chamber Of Commerce , 1 4 Million , 13 Million , John Hillary For Us On Capitol Hill , Damage , Come , Tax Heights , Spending , Scorecard , Joint Tax Committee , Basis , Scoring , Revenues , Charge , Ways And Means Committee , Richard Neal Mark , 2 Trillion , Scorekeepers , 2500 , Grape Spending , Point Number Two , Cradle , Size , Incentives , Gdp , Plan A , Decline , Commentary , Score , Same , Over , Worker , Wages , 300000 , 1 Trillion , Account , Speech , Career , Policy Criticisms , Element , Nothing Personal , Inflation , Polls , Lots , Ibd , Tips Pole , 83 , 81 , Denial , Reserve , Bottoms , Extent , Newt Gingrich , People Don T , Socialism , Road , Style , Cradle To Grave , Relief Bills , Heads , 6 Trillion , Come On , Income Tax Rate , Top 1 , Bottom Half , Quintiles , Okay , Irs , Income Tax , High Fastball , Supply Side , Tax Hike , Middle Class , , Ally , Appreciation , Calculation , 3 5 Million , Sodas , 111000 , Entitlement , Cost Share , Ceo , Nonsense , Trillion , Either , 262 Billion , Rolls On , Deck , 4 , 00 , Stay , Regeneration , Sustainable Isn T Enough , Planet , Restore , Tongue , Mm , Uh , Em , Roadside Assistance , Tight , You Don T Want , Enamel , Repair Toothpaste , Toothpaste , Choice , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Resources , Needs , Standard Operating Procedures , Surge , Del Rio International Bridge , Processes , Challenges , Integrity , Personnel , Battle , Elements , Racism , Office Of Inspector General , Events , Units , Patrol Units , Adherence , Office Of Professional Responsibility , Cpp , Results , Actions , Office , Deduced , Principles , Violation , Mistreatment , Ethics , Services , Agencies , Entities , Drinking Water , Clothing , Toilets , Food Programs , Meals , Kitchen , Hygiene Kits , Red Cross , 17000 , 14000 , Capacity , Community , Professionals , Personal Protective Equipment , Housing , Masks , Populations , Procedures , Series , Cvp , Support , 600 , Patrols , Transportation Support , Department Of Defense , Distress , Ice , Department Of Justice , U S Coast Guard , Departments , Sectors , Haiti Commiserate , Increase , Haiti , Assistance , Ground , 5 Million , 5 Million , September 9th , 30000 , Nationals , 17 , Step , Exceptions , Immigration Removal Proceedings , Applicability , Individual , Vulnerability , Care , Public Health Authority , Convention Against Torture Exception , Centers , Torture , Application , 12400 , Immigration Judge , Determination , Expulsion , Limitations , Claim , Immigration Proceedings , Immigration Court , Judge , 8000 , 5000 , Eight , Section , Customs And Border Protection Processing , Immigration Enforcement Proceedings , Apply , 4240 , Imperative , Computers , Episode , Permissive , Thinking , Asylum Review , Stance , Membership , Phenomenon , Age , Operating Procedures , Conclusions , Definition , Asylum Process , Respect , Fear , Need , Asylum Laws , Social Group , Persecution , Violence , Understatement , Review , First , Instances , Incidents , Standards , Architecture , Domestically , Diff , Deterrents , Holding Facilities , Family Members , Hearings , Any , Processing Facilities , Release , Court , Detention , Alternatives , Border Crises , Sort , Type , Clump , Unaccompanied Minors , Fema , Let Me Go In Reverse , Crisis Points , Goal , Address , Response Perspective , Challenge , Station , Child , 25 , Effort , Del Rio Section , Dynamism , Government Service , Day One , Unanimity , Immigration Reform , Immigration System , Dedication , Homes , Journey , Causes , Building , Refugee Program , Asylum System , Pathways , Orderly , Plans , Grievance , 29 , July 29th , 2010 , January 10th 2010 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS America Reports With John Roberts Sandra Smith 20240709

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few days ago. the numbers diminishing from 10,000 migrants to about 3,000 now. >> sandra: it all comes as democrats compare the situation to slavery with false claims of agents on horseback using whips to control crowds of migrants. the white house now facing widespread criticism for failing to offer meaningful solutions to the crisis. >> john: questions linger over how many haitians are being deported and how many are being allowed to stay in the united states. we have live fox team coverage to kick off this friday afternoon. chris wallace joins us in just a minute. >> sandra: we begin with jeff paul live in del rio, he kicks things off for us. >> yes, big changes in del rio, texas, we think about a couple of days ago there were thousands and thousands of people camped out underneath the international bridge here in del rio, now you can see it's pretty much all cleared out. and you have heavy machinery out here cleaning trees and moving things along. and that's what we have been seeing pretty much all day today, and even just 24 hours ago. you would've seen a bunch of tense out here, and have taken a big turn and change. and reporting back to haiti, roughly around 2,000. another 3900 have been moved from the camp. they are still u.s. custody and likely given a notice to reappear or being excelled under title 42. then there is a portion of that group who has probably gone back to mexico. it comes back to the viral images of border patrol agents confronting migrants a few days ago. to some things are being changed as a result. now the department of homeland security says it has temporarily suspended the use of those horse patrols here and the sector. they face a lot of criticism after some lawmakers on both sides of the aisle found treatment of aggressive and appalling. the president on the union that represents border patrol agents is responding saying those agents weren't trying to hurt anyone. they were just doing their job. >> we put that uniform on because we care about people. we want to protect people. we want to protect the united states. law enforcement officers throughout the country are extremely good people. they go out there and they serve every single day. >> now as far as who is left here. you know, it looks like there really isn't anybody here left it to camp out from underneath the bridge in del rio, texas. but we spoke with the source that tells us a little bit further up the way there is around 2,000 people who still need to be processed, and we continue to still see people come in from places like venezuela, cuba, or other places to seek asylum. >> sandra: jeff paul reporting live from del rio, texas. thank you. >> john: for more and thus we will bring an chris wallace anchor of "fox news sunday." asked it a pointed question of whether he bears responsibility for the situation in del rio. he deflected in through the border patrol under the bus. listen here. >> of course i take responsibility, i am president. but it was horrible to see what you saw. to see people treated like they did, and write at people being strapped. it's outrageous. i promise you those people will pay. >> john: not only did he change the subject, but he repeated what the photographer who took the photo says is a false narrative. nobody was strapped or whipped by the border patrol. >> i was kind of impressed with the speed that he pivoted from the border situation to going after the people on horseback. and you are exactly right. the photographer who took the picture said that they weren't being whipped. they were twirling because that's how they controlled the horses. i have to say i think it's a bad book saying people on horseback pushing back people coming over the border illegally. this comes to the whole question of the biden policy. because he is saying they can move over. and in a terrible encampment, and the border patrol on horses trying to stop the flow, so what is humane? having tough measures that prevent them from coming across the border in the first place? or opening the border and then ending up with this mess? >> john: in terms of changing the subject, the administration seems to be speaking with one voice. listen to what kamala harris said on "the view" earlier today. >> i was outraged by it, it was horrible and deeply troubling. there has been now an investigation that is being conducted, which i fully support and there needs to be consequence in accountability. >> john: you can question the appropriateness of using horses to stop migrants from coming across the border. but she says that was the horrible image, not the image of 15,000 people living in squalor under a bridge. >> or the flood you just saw of people coming across the dam into del rio. it gets to the question of whether supposedly humane asked, rolling back some of the trump policies remain in mexico. it was bad and means that a lot of people are living in mexico. the flip side is you have people peeling the doors open and coming across the border and ending up in very bad situations. one of the reasons that the president was pushing back so hard on kamala harris also pushing back so hard is because they are taking heat on this particular part of the issue on the border crisis about the horses and the alleged whipping from the left, from their base as opposed to taking it from the right who they don't care taking criticism from so much. >> john: also a lot of heat on the $3.5 trillion on both sides of the aisle as well, and a split within the democratic party itself. "the wall street journal" in an editorial today saying about the $3.5 trillion taxing program, $3.5 trillion is a phony number, budget tricks disguise the true cost of the vast entitlement plans. the committee for a responsible federal budget says some set provisions in that bill could mask the true cost which is more like five or five and half trillion dollars. >> that is just over this decade and then it would be more. i've read "the wall street journal" editorial, absolutely fascinating, because it is one of the things that they do in washington where you start a program, but you started two years after tommy started in 2023, or you sunset it in 2025 with the full assumption that the new congress will extend it because you are not going to want to take away something that people are already depending on good and as you say, if you take the real cost of the program over a decade, it's more like 5 trillion, not 3 trillion, and then assuming you continue at its another 5 trillion for the next decade. so once you've set up a government program, it's really hard to roll it back. >> sandra: and also saying that because it is not deficit neutral, because it actually cost more, it should not be subject to reconciliation. that it should be subject to a 60% threshold. "the wall street journal" taking aim at the media for the fact that it will be far more from being hit in, saying that the press has reported almost none of this which is how democrats like it. what do you think of that? >> i suppose that's true, i have to say i did not know it, i did not know that you knew it. i thought the article was an eye-opener. >> john: i was emailed a month to go about it. >> it's very good reporting. i'm not sure i blame the mainstream media so much for this one, i do credit "the wall street journal" for pointing out the true cause and i hope going forward that it is out there beyond john roberts email where people will start paying attention to it. >> john: we did mention it. >> i promise you we will on "fox news sunday." >> john: who is coming up? >> we will talk about the border and we have an exclusive interview with the governor of texas greg abbott, and we will talk about both that and the budget issues, we talk about government shutdown next friday morning at midnight if they don't find a way to fund the government. >> john: good to have you back on the bureau full-time. >> way to rub it in, yes, okay. i'm back full-time, but i'm happy to share the desk with you. >> john: we will see you sunday, sandra. it's been on good stuff. we will have a lot more on that coming up. brandon judge joining us, national border patrol president. and weighing in on kamala harris is appearance on "the view" this morning, martha maccallum will join us at head of secretary mayorkas at that white house briefing a few minutes from now and tom homan and as the situation in the border continues. >> john: it may be friday, but we are pulling out all of the stops. >> sandra: jam-packed show coming up. the fbi has set an arrest warrant for brian laundrie after the death of gabby was found a homicide paired but want to per bank card fraud not murder. here where investigators are again searching that swampy wilderness for this man. phil. >> sandra, we are well into day six now come six hours and, probably six hours to go in the search for 23-year-old brian laundrie. behind me in the swampy florida back country. and laundrie is no longer just a person of interest and the disappearance and death of his former fiancee on a 2-year-old gabby petito. he is now a wanted fugitive. that's because late yesterday a federal grand jury indicted laundrie in the state of wyoming, issuing a warrant for his arrest with him use it eyes -- unauthorized uses two devices, following the death of gabby petito. that laundrie committed debit card fraud between august 30th-september 1st and implied that laundrie was using perhaps petito's atm card for withdrawals totaling more than $1,000. and if it was in fact his bank card as the data would suggest, they believe investigators that petito was dead after august 30th and that laundrie was then using her debit card as they drove their white van without her all the way back home to northport, florida, where he arrived september 1st alone. the federal indictment is not related to her death. that is ruled a homicide paired her body was found sunday in wyoming. now per the fbi last night, while this warrant allows law enforcement to arrest mr. laundrie, the fbi and our partners across the country continue to investigate the circumstances of ms. petito's homicide paired we urge individuals with knowledge of mr. laundrie's role in the matter or his current whereabouts to contact the fbi. and his whereabouts have been a mystery for ten days, leading them to search the florida nature reserve where his mother says he has gone on a hike last tuesday of the previous week. so now any on authorized agent who spots brian laundrie is now compelled by the federal or arrest warrant to put him in handcuffs. but first they have to find laundrie who has evaded the searchers all week. >> sandra: phil keating in venice, florida. we will have a lot more reaction to this coming up. so many new developments everything the day. fact of the matter, he is still missing. and the fbi is obviously actively searching for him. and mercedes colwin will join in coming up. >> john: my observation the fact that they are trying to pin the debit card fraud on him is an indication in terms of gabby's murder, they don't have much evidence, at least not enough to charge anybody. >> sandra: seems like we should probably know more soon, we will see if he is trying to survive on its own, how much does he have and how much can it last? >> john: we will follow for you. us democrats taking action on abortion, approving bill that that would write roe v. wade into federal law stopping states from restricting women's access to abortions like the recent measure that was enacted in texas. critics say that women's health protection act is a publicity stunt to attract women voters before next year's midterms. according to a brand-new fox news poll, 60% of voters want the supreme court to keep roe v. wade in place up from 61% last october, sandra. >> sandra: fox news alert to now, we are learning more about the man behind a grocery store shooting spree. investigators revealing his relation to the store he targeted and what may have happened that drove him to kill. >> john: plus new emails from hunter biden revealing more about the president's son's foreign business affairs per the live report on that you don't want to miss coming up next. >> that's how sleazy this all was, hunter biden was out, right around the 2015 time frame, same time he joined the board, they were cashing in on the vice president's name. ♪ ♪ est ratehistory.r two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. newday's holding the line on rates so veterans can save thousands. this isn't just a walk up the stairs. when you have an irregular heartbeat, it's more. it's dignity. the freedom to go where you want, knowing your doctor can watch over your heart. ♪♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? 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>> great question, sandra. they are taking their time. they are going step-by-step. they have gabby petito's body. they have done the autopsy. they have not been able to speak to brian laundrie, because he has been evasive since the moment he went back to florida. no one can get him, no law enforcement can get him until days after he was allegedly missing. so they are taking their time because frankly, what we have right now could, if they can link him to the visa cards and seized other money within the laundrie home, they are just taking their time. the great thing about charging him now is the fact that he is required to come, and maybe he does not seek authority, but obviously he doesn't, he can raise the constitutional right not to speak to authorities. but now they have the reason to bring him into custody. once they have them in custody, if he does not want to speak, great, but that's when the pressure will start. your parents could be accused of accessory after the fact. we know that gabby petito was killed. she was not something that she did on her own, this is something that having spoken to -- our gifted colleague, i asked dr. just a couple of days ago saying how is it so clear that she was killed? that she was actually murdered? he said i don't know specifically, but as an enemy and has been for decades, is that her neck bones are broken, which means she probably died of manual strangulation. so they are going to have all of this facing brian laundrie in their custody if he is found alive. if so, that pressure will start and it will start them when it he is in their custody. it is to be on just, just brutal. and you see his parents not answering questions, not cooperating, and it's horrifying to think that this is just the way the system works knowing so much. this is directly from the arrest warrant. i want to put it up on the screen because we also have that tip line is we always do when we are covering the story to call the fbi if you have seen anything. while the warrant allows law enforcement to arrest laundrie, the fbi and our partners continue to investigate the facts and circumstances of ms. petito's homicide. we urge individuals with knowledge of laundrie's role in the matter or his current whereabouts to contact the fbi. it is all these people and their tips that are going to find him. >> isn't it amazing? a social media sleuth has done so much here. they were able to recover her body, it was because someone literally driving by and took a snapshot of the van at the time and that's how they found the body. it will take all of us to bring justice. >> sandra: she join us on the show and talked about chills, and that's what ultimately led to finding her. mercedes, thank you. >> my pleasure. >> sandra: president biden claiming that $3.5 trillion spending package will force the wealthy to start paying their fair share. he said it a lot today. the critics say the real price tag is a lot more than what we are being told by this white house, and it is small businesses who will eventually pay the price. larry kudlow is fired up to talk about what we heard from the president today. he will talk to us coming up. >> john: looking forward to that, the center of disease control, endorsing boosters for adults working high-risk jobs. so why'd she do that? dr. marty makary on deck to weigh in. ♪ ♪ the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. these rates could cut thousands off your mortgage payments every year. with their two and a quarter refi, there's no money out of pocket and no upfront fees. newday's holding the line on those low rates so every veteran family can save. why bother mastering something? 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you at this hour, south carolina state police are asking for that fbi help in the murdoch case. paul murdoch and his mother maggie were shot to death in june. alex murdoch prominent lawyer charge last week with allegedly planning his own death as part of an insurance scam to give millions of dollars to his surviving son. >> john: so much for promises of changing their ways, a taliban founder says expectations and amputations will resume as forms of punishment. and warrants countries with interfering with the new rulers. >> sandra: and the vienna station chief of mismanagement of syndrome with agents suffering symptoms of the disorder. the health issue has affected 20 american diplomats in the austrian capital. download the fox news app, scan the qr code on your screen or go to >> john: the head of center for ditzy use control making a very unusual move overruling recommendations from her own agency scientists. the decision allows booster shots were people on the front lines like health care workers, something that the agency panel voted against. the move also gives president biden a big boost as he pushes to get booster shots to huge groups of americans. the medical contributor dr. marty makary joins us now and also a physician and professor at johns hopkins university. as of the daily coronavirus briefing, saying i did not overrule my own folks, listen to what she said. >> i want to be very clear that i did not overrule an advisory committee. i listen to the votes and that comments on the votes, and this was a scientific close call, and you can tell by the duration of the meeting in the discussions that this was a scientific close call. in that situation it was my call to make. >> john: if she did not overrule the advisory panel, what did she do? >> well, she did overrule the advisory panel, because they discuss this very issue, and that is young and healthy people who may be at increased risk of contracting the virus. by the way, that's almost everybody. the delta virus is so contagious that you could argue any person in any setting, any employment setting, almost any home setting is at risk of contracting the virus now. so the language was so vague that it basically opened the booster's upper everybody. that was something that specifically the fda panel and cdc did not want to get into. >> john: was so was this scientific or political? >> so there is a slight leaning in the fisa vaccine efficacy against breakthrough infections. that's distracting and there are some unintended harm of giving of does to people who are young and healthy. we have seen that with young boys at a high rate of one and 6,000, and there is no global equity issue. so it is distracting and is interfering with the global equity issue and i think it's not a good time to be talking about boosters for young healthy people. >> john: one of the things that you have talked about frequently is the spacing of vaccine doses. you have an editorial in mid page today where you say there is a growing body of research suggests robust immune response with extended dosing interval. so they have it at three weeks right now, you're suggesting and had been suggesting that it should be spaced out longer, but is anybody listening? >> i don't think so. unfortunately we are hearing guidance that is very top-heavy and assaying sticks to the three year four week interval after your first test of an mrna vaccine, i recommend people wait three months, your immune response is at least three times stronger. we probably would not even be having this conversation about boosters if we appropriately spaced the second two dose three months out. putting them so close together, which we only did to finish the trial quickly last year, putting them them so close together essentially functions as one primer dose. >> john: so sunday gets the first ghost though it meant dose, they are scheduled for a second three or four weeks out, could you delay that? >> that's what i did for myself, john. >> john: how do you do it? >> i had a gun to my head when i was getting the first dose, you have to come back in three weeks. i said i'm not, i'm coming back in three months, that's when it is more efficacious. you can wait. you live in a free country. and nobody is going to find you unbound you with duct tape and force you to come back in three weeks and get a second dose. >> john: one of the other topics is that all the emphasis has been on vaccines, not therapeutics and there is a growing body of evidence that simple things like saline nasal washes can be effective against covid. >> and someday had covid in the past, we told them to sit at home, there is nothing you can do. turns out that there is a lot you can do, if you use a high salt saline spray, stuff you buy off the counter that the risk of hospitalization is reduced by about 19 fold, and they're a bunch of these things, aspirin, vitamin d, but the salient sprays are showing some more promise, and there are vaccines that are being evaluated as a celine administered a vaccine. there are about seven those in trial right now. >> john: a lot of stuff out there not being talked about, thank goodness we have you to tell us about it. always good to see you, thanks. >> sandra: delta hub pushing to ground unruly passengers after some bad behavior in the friendly skies, could other airlines follow their lead? >> john: and critics are hammering the biden administration for blaming everyone but themselves for the border crisis. the next guest is says he would arrest the president for aiding and abetting lawbreakers if he was not president. much more with brandon judd coming up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ welcome to allstate. where everything just seems to go your way. ♪ ♪ you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. is mealtime a struggle? introducing ore-ida potato pay. where ore-ida golden crinkles are your crispy currency to pay for bites of this... ...with this. when kids won't eat 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grounded for good. delta air lines reportedly pushing to ban unruly passengers from the skies and is calling on other airlines to ban together and share their internal lists. of people who have been misbehaving. delta has grounded some 1600 passengers from their plane since the pandemic started, mostly for refusing to wear a mask, but i don't know if you saw that video, it's out there on youtube of the guy who is yelling the blue streak on a delta flight and a duct taped him to the seat. >> sandra: just brutal, it feels like everyday there is an unruly passenger story out there, and as stressful as it is, i think that we can all do the flight attendants a favor if we are just kind and respectful. >> john: yeah, everybody just calm down a little bit. >> sandra: we are waiting on that white house press briefing set to get in short time from now. we will hear from jen psaki and she will take questions from reporters but we will see homeland security secretary alejandra mallorca's will be present at that briefing. we will take it live. all of this is happening as the bud and a administration is being accused of rushing to clear out the camps in texas because it is planned a black lives matter protest could be bad optics. brandon judd, board of the council and wants us now, so much to take in here, we will see what the secretary has to say when he appears at the white house press briefing, because as we are not hearing president biden or kamala harris for that matter directly address the crisis that is growing at our southern border, what is your statement today as far as what is going on? >> the main thing that we look at us where's the accountability? why is the not the biden administration looking at what they cause and why are they holding anybody accountable? in all honesty and i'm not trying to be cheeky, but the only thing that secretary mayorkas could do today is resign. the border is out of control, what we saw under the bridge was absolute the most inhumane conditions i've seen in my entire life. we continue to apprehend people crossing the border illegally. the biden administration continues to encourage people to put themselves in the hands of dangerous smugglers, the biden administration is facilitating profits that we have never seen before for criminal cartels. again, it's crazy what is going on in the border, and told the public up and let them know they will not stand for it. >> sandra: one can make a case that we see approval ratings for the president. you want alejandro mayorkas to resign, probably not what is going to happen when he speaks, but he is saying publicly that they will fix this. it is fixable, they are addressing the problem, there was an opportunity to ask kamala harris, the borders are about this, she was on "the view" this morning, although it turned out to be a nine minute interview because of a covid debacle onset, but she was only asked, not about fixing the problems at the border, she was asked about those border agents on horses. here is the exchange. listen. >> human being should not be treated that way. as we know, it also invokes images of some of the worst moments of our history. where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country has been used against african-americans during times of slavery. and so i'm glad to know that alejandro mayorkas is taking it very seriously. >> sandra: to be clear, all of this reaction is to photographs of that happening, and the response of the administration is to the images that we have seen. since then, a photographer who took those pictures from the mexico side has come out and said this. he said i've never seen them with anyone. he said "he was swinging at, but it can be misconstrued when you are looking at the picture" said the photographer, brandon. this is a "wall street journal" opinion editorial board this morning writing about the scapegoats at the texas border. the bite and white house blaming border agents who are overwhelmed, and then president biden through those border agents under the bus when he spoke this morning. here's a bit from the president. >> of course i take responsibility, i am president, but it was horrible to see as you saw, to see people treated like they did, horses running them over and people being strapped is outrageous. i promise you those people will pay. >> sandra: so are those border agents scapegoats? >> they are. this is politics. he is putting the safety and security of the american public ahead of everything because of politics. he wants to pander to his base. there is no due process in his statement paid he does not care about an investigation could he does not want to know what the investigation comes out. i can personally tell you that any investigation, they are going to take those reins and test them for dna. there will be no dna. the photographer clearly said nobody was strapped using joe biden's words. nobody was run over. nobody was injured in that altercation, they were running from the horse patrol agents and they had a duty to control that area. to control that situation, and they were doing the best that they can. and by the way, new horse patrol agents right now being trained under the biden administration are training under those exact same protocols. this is politics, and he is willing to put -- he is willing to politicize law enforcement for his own benefit. >> sandra: we will see what alejandro mayorkas says, the department of homeland security secretary will be speaking a short time from now. his initial response was to defend the border agents saying that they were acting properly and this was common process used by border agents, but bowing to public backlash showed his outrage for it. so he will likely be asked by reporters about that in just a few moments. thank you for joining us, brandon judd. >> thank you. >> john: that was a pretty sharp about-face by the secretary perdue the attorney general slamming the biden administration over the growing covid risk as thousands of migrants flood across the southern border. marc siegel ahead with a deeper dive on that. >> sandra: plus push to defund the police creating a new crisis in a major u.s. city, why folks are being told to call someone else for help when reporting nonemergency crimes. ♪ ♪ one, two! one, two, three! only pay for what you need! with customized car insurance from liberty mutual! nothing rhymes with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ray loves vacations. but his diabetes never seemed to take one. everything felt like a 'no.' everything. but then ray went from no to know. with freestyle libre 14 day, now he knows his glucose levels when he needs to... and...when he wants to. so ray...can be ray. take the mystery out of your glucose levels, and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free. visit what makes new salonpas arthritis gel so good for arthritis pain? now you know. try it for 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you failed, your highness. i am a jedi. like my father before me. >> john: well, luke skywalker better watch what he says before he gets canceled, why? turns out jedi is offensive to some folks. the scientific american magazine facing widespread mockery after publishing an article declaring the use of the term jedi to be problematic when describing programs that use justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion. it's divisive, and the back of jedi and "star wars" is too heavy to burden the justice initiative where it may undermine these efforts. oh, my god. >> sandra: i feel like you are speechless, john. i am not a huge "star wars" fan, i'm no i'm going to enrage them everywhere. but i'm not a hater either. but i do know that there is enough to be outraged about rather than creating outrage. speak to you in our executive producer, he has never seen "star wars." what is wrong with you folks? >> sandra: wow, calling them out in the control room, okay. it must be friday. >> john: i will sit him down and we will have a binge watch of all the "star wars" films. >> sandra: it is worth sitting down and watching, for sure. police and austin texans responding they will no longer respond to calls to health unless it is an emergency. the new policing policy is largely the result of budget cuts calling to defund the police. casey stegall is live in dallas. hey, casey. >> starting october 1st, the city of austin feeling the impacts of the controversial council decision you talked about that eliminated more than $21 million from the police budget and diverted another 128,000,002 other city departments. it's about a third of their total funding, but just last month, the austin city council voted to give it back for the upcoming fiscal year, that was after the state legislature passed a bill recently that now prohibits the defunding of any texas law enforcement agency. however, it will take time before that cash is infused back into the system, so for now with a shortage of roughly 150 officers, police say they will no longer answer nonemergency calls, listen. >> we recognize the impact that this is going to have on so many across our department, a lot of work went into making these decisions, i am confident that we as a department will again get through these difficult times. >> over the summer many criticizing the response time to emergency calls, priority one, taking on average 9 minutes for officers to get on scene. fox news has reached out to both the austin police department and the union for comments, they approved yet to get us something. >> sandra: thank you, john. >> john: we are expected to hear from the white house and chief deputy alejandro mayorkas. we are still waiting for the white house to tell us how many haitians have been released into the united states. you can expect that to come up at the briefing. martha maccallum, anchor of "the story" will join us on that as well could we will hear from charlie hurt, dr. mccarrick, and marc siegel all 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you could take out $50,000 dollars or more. >> it's horrible to see as you saw to see people treated like they did, horses barely running them over and people being strapped. it's outrageous. i promise you, those people will pay. >> sandra: president biden shifting blame blasting border patrol agents, smearing agents who they say were just doing their jobs. the president making no serious accusations with zero evidence, no video, not even an eyewitness. good afternoon, everyone, i am sandra smith in new york as we kick off another hour. >> john: good to be with you this friday, i'm john roberts in washington, even the photographer who took the picture says he saw no whipping, no people being run over and his pictures were being misconstrued. then there is the issue of the migrants themselves in a very different scene in del rio today. >> sandra: thousands of people no longer camped out in filth, so where exactly did all of the haitian migrants go? and what about covid? >> john: on that front, the attorney general slamming the administration for what he calls a laissez-faire approach about how many of the migrants had been tested for covid. >> sandra: reporters will attempt to get those answers to their questions and more this hour when homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas will join jen psaki at the white house briefing today. we should see that in just a short time from now. we will see what he says about border patrol and the decision to suspend the use of the horses and critics who say it is all putting agents lives at risk at the border. >> john: we have big names to help us out this hour, including tom homan. it's going martha maccallum on the president taking responsibility while blaming the trump administration for all the crises. >> john: marc siegel on concerns of covid coming across the border. >> sandra: and moments away charlie hurt on the borders are a big day, kamala harris on "the view" was all derailed by covid, but we begin first with peter doocy kicking things off of the white house for us. >> good afternoon, sandra. president biden is not giving his own border patrol agents the benefit of the doubt. he has already before the investigation has been done promising consequences for them for mistreating migrants. >> it's and embarrassment, it is beyond an embarrassment. it's dangerous, it's wrong. it sends the wrong message around the world. >> prejudging the investigation before the facts have been fleshed out is not sitting well with the border patrol as a whole. >> i wonder why i get up in the morning and put on the uniform. i wonder why we go out there. we put that uniform on because we care about people, we want to protect people. we want to protect the united states. >> democrats have unified control of government right now, their priorities have been covid relief, infrastructure, and the $3.5 trillion reconciliation to budget, not immigration policy, but even though democrats have the bully pulpit right now, and they have for months, they think that the lack of movement on immigration is the fault of republicans. >> we have seen a lot of speeches out there by republicans, by others who are talking about what is happening at the border being critical, what we have not seen as a plan proposed, and that's what we really need to do to address this over the long term. even as we are addressing the current situation in del rio and at the border as we speak. >> i tried to get the president today to take my question, i had to shout at him because he only took three today. why is it that you never ever have been to the border? but he did not take that one today. sandra. >> sandra: we heard you, peter doocy, we do not hear the answer. thank you, peter. >> john: person was a president, now vice president kemal obey her dilemma and kamala harris piling on the border patrol. but not before two of the host found out on live tv that they tested positive for covid. >> there seems to be something happening here that i am not 100% aware of. can someone please apprise me of the situations. >> i need the two of you to step off for a second. we will come back later. >> shall he introduce the vice president? okay, so vice president -- no. okay. shall we dance? let's do a tap dance. as we always do in television, we will be right back. >> john: and then they took questions from the audience, alex hoff has more on the drama at "the view." >> it was almost harder to make it on "the view" than the u.s. border today. there is some hope that the vice president would address her role in the border crisis as borders are moving forward, but that did not happen today. so what was supposed to be the vice president's first live in studio interview was not. this feeling and just as a schober return from break, two of the host or tested positive for covid-19 and had to leave the set. >> they've been taken off the show, because the vice president is here. now kamala harris, the vice president is going to be on the remote, because they don't want to take a chance of her being on the site right now. >> after clear of logistical issues and with less than 10 minutes remaining she did the interview. who was appointed borders are six months ago was asked about the situation, she deflected blame to border patrol agents. >> human being should not be treated that way. as we all know, it also evokes images of some of the worst moments of our history. where that kind of behavior has been used against the indigenous people of our country, has been used against african-americans during times of slavery. >> republicans and some democrats including del rio's mayor have been calling on the borders are to make a trip south. harris has only had one visit in late june could the white house has confirmed that the vice president did not have any direct contact with the two covid positive host and will continue her schedule as planned. >> john: that was pretty bizarre. >> i was watching. >> john: let me add my welcome to washington in d.c. glad to have them onboard. >> sandra: welcome. let's bring in charlie hurt, "washington times" opinion editor and fox news contributor. i don't know if you are watching that in real time this morning, it was hard to believe what was happening. joy behar was in the middle of introducing kamala harris when she was cut off, her cohost were dragged offset because they had covid. a little bit of a debacle, but live tv and things happen. ultimately an hour interview turned into a believe about nine. they started 51 minutes past the hour. there is clearly those that see a political opportunity to ask why is the only place he is addressing the crisis at the border on "the view," and then the question she received were only about the border agents on the horses. >> it may not come as a new surprise, i don't normally watch "the view" every morning, but i did have to catch up on this, but my goodness, what a complete circus. and i think that those questions about kamala harris are very good questions, because she has thought, and it's amazing, especially when you listen to the comments about the border patrol agents who are simply trying to fulfill their duties to uphold the constitution and protect our borders, that is sort of attack on them is underscoring that this is a person who is willing to politicize absolutely any issue that she finds, and the other thing that i think it's kind of astonishing is that while i don't watch "the view" every morning, i do know that they spent a lot of time lecturing the country about vaccines and about covid and all that kind of stuff, and so what is the first thing she does when she comes on after two hosts who have been vaccinated have breakthrough cases, and are taken off of the view, the thing she says, this is proof that vaccines work. if you are trying to convince americans that the vaccines are good and safe and all these good things, then that's not a very logical argument to make to them. and for most people what that sounds like it is, it's another case where she is politicizing something for political ends, and it is not effective. it is not helping the cause to get people vaccinated. >> john: i must say even though they tested positive, neither sunny hostin or ana navarro looked like they were sick at all. it was quite a surprise to them that they tested positive. let me come back to the border patrol, because president biden threw them under the bus and completely mischaracterize what it happened down there when he said that they were strapping, and that is a 1960s term for people at home who have not heard that. and then kamala harris on "the view" said this. >> i was outraged by it. it was horrible, and deeply troubling. there has been now an investigation that is being conducted, which i fully support and there needs to be consequence and accountability. >> john: this morning president biden was asked if he bears responsibility for what he saw were 15,000 immigrants were in squalor, he pivoted to the other argument, and then the vice president did the same thing. i mean, are they trying to avoid responsibility by changing the subject? >> oh, absolutely. and they are also trying to avoid responsibility by scapegoating two people who are doing exactly their job. this is my complaint about the whole border situation from the very beginning. these border agents are fulfilling their responsibility. their obligations to the constitution in order of enforcing our border laws that are on the books. if democrats don't like our border laws, then go change them. but they don't change them. they have control of all branches of government right now, and they have the political power to go through and make changes at the border. if they want to open our borders, do it legislatively. do it the right way. but they don't do that. instead what they are choosing to do is to refuse to enforce legislative laws that are on the books, and then attack a border patrol for doing the job of reinforcing the laws that congress has put on the books. >> sandra: we had brandon judd on with us earlier, he said he wants to see alejandro mayorkas resign. not so sure that that's what is about to happen, but we will hear from the secretary a short time from now at the white house. secretary mayorkas needs to resign, completely incompetent, says that the border is not close, it has been surrendered. so look forward to us as we are about to see him take questions at the white house, what do you want to hear from him? what do you think he will say? >> i would like -- they also resign, because -- and honestly, this goes to the very, very top. this is a political agenda by the president not to enforce our borders. this problem has gone back for decades, and yes, both parties bear responsibility, but one thing you can say with absolute certainty, president trump did get a handle on the immediate crisis at the border are joe biden chose to undo all of those things that were working because he wanted the crisis that we have at the border, he wanted that. and so i would like everybody in the administration starting with president biden and vice president kamala harris to start answering those questions and actually what i really would like is that they should just start enforcing the laws that are on the books, and if they don't like them, go and change them, but they can't, they know they can't, and they know there will be a political killer if they did. >> john: we will see what questions the dhs secretary gets later on. charlie hurt, great to see you. to staying with the border now, concerns over coronavirus spreading across the country as a result of illegal migration. let's bring in dr. marc siegel. good to see you. arizona's attorney general is accusing the administration of a double standard. he sent a letter saying "divide and a administration has chosen the path of increased government registration imposing individual liberties when it comes to handling covid-19 in the midst of american community is coming at the same administration has been nothing short of laws a fair and dealing with tens and thousands of migrants that are pouring across the open border i'm being fared across our nation during the same pandemic. the hypocrisy is stunning and fundamentally unfair to american citizens. do you believe that this administration is ignoring or at least turning a blind eye to the problem with covid coming across the southern border? >> absolutely, john, there is a lot of evidence of that. in a few weeks ago i spoke to the medical director about how covid was pouring into the hospital. i spoke this morning to james hodges in laredo who says there is 250,000 people living here, but you know, the case numbers of covid have gone up from 23 to 130 in just a week or so because of migrants that leaked over are not being tested at all. in del rio, we have had over 10,000 cases of covid over the past week with 233 deaths, and hhs is saying they are testing about 20% of them testing positive for covid. in other words, of the migrants 20% of the families in the unaccompanied children are positive. by john, i don't think it is 20%. it's probably more like 40 or 50% when you have the migrants plus slim and close together and there is not hygiene or vaccines coming either, by the way, they are offering vaccines, but very few are vaccinated. you are going to see more and more and more covid cases. they are not going to be treated. they are not going to be identified, and they are going to leak into the neighboring communities. >> john: peter doocy asked jen psaki about coronavirus and concerns the other day during the white house briefing, and the press secretary seemed to minimize the problem of covid spreading across the country because of so many people coming in illegally who aren't either vaccinated or tested. listen here. >> as individuals come across the border and they are both assessed for whether they have any symptoms, if they have symptoms, the intention is for them to be quarantined, that is our process. they are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time. >> john: they are not intending to stay here for a lengthy period of time as a way of minimizing the threat drew howells of protest from a lot of people who say, well, why are they coming here if not to try to stay here for a lengthy period of time? >> yeah, john, exactly, and our producer said, okay, you are supposed to apply with 60 days whether you can stay or not, meanwhile the 2,000 haitian migrants that are left on their are clustered together and they are clearly spreading covid. so there's no way that this is being handled in a way where covid would be contained. and by the way, on top of this, on top of the public health issue of spread, there is the fact that if you are on vaccinated and again, you saw that with sandra's point about "the view," they had mild symptoms, but guess what, if you are not vaccinated, very much higher chance especially if you run down, especially if you don't have hygiene, especially if you have underlying conditions that you are going to end up flooding the hospitals, which is what is happening on the border. satirical issues, spread, second severity, bad terrible disease and death. all of which are out of control and a dismissive coming from the press secretary does not help. >> john: whether or not to get vaccinated, a good discussion a patient should have with your doctor. dr. siegel, good to have you. >> thanks, john. it's too much more ahead on the border, gearing up as we await for the briefing to begin. >> sandra: everybody will want to watch and see what happens they are, but up next president biden boasting about his push for taxpayers to -- i should say for them to shell out the big bucks to pay for his spending plan, don't worry, the president said he already has this all paid for. not only that, he says that your taxes are going to go down. larry kudlow is here to respond next. ♪ ♪ ys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ - oh, sister of mine. - mmm... - i got you this. - the new iphone 13 pro? - it's on verizon 5g - i can't believe you got me this! - yes, verizon is giving one to everyone when they trade in their old or damaged phone. - oh! so like every sister can get this? - yeah. - every aluminum siding installer? - why not? - every doula? - they would have to! every customer, new and old, can get iphone 13 pro on us. because everyone deserves better. - everyone! - horse trainers! - manicurists! - you get the new iphone! - we're alone. - i know. - what're we doing? - i don't know. why bother mastering something? why hand-tune an audio system? why include the most advanced active safety system in its class...standard? because when you 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rates begin to rise. call now. >> john: president biden claims that is $3.5 trillion economic plan is overwhelmingly popular and that it is needed to ensure corporations and the rich pay their fair share. critics say none of that is true. that it is not popular with small businesses, that it is not just targeting the richer for tax hikes. according to critics even the price tag is not true when the real cost is more than a trillion dollars more than that. maybe five, 5.5 trillion. we will talk to fox business of larry kudlow about all of that, but first let's go to hillary vaughn live on capitol hill for the latest where they stand. >> there are number of tax hikes on the table. speaker pelosi and later schumer basically saying they have a menu of tax hikes that members can truce from to try to come up with 3.5 trillion to pay for the package. some of those tax hikes the democrats drag only impact the rich and the incorporated are actually spooking small business, in particular raising the corporate tax rate to 26.5%, small businesses say they are the ones that are going to be hit hard in this, but to the biden administration and democrats in congress insist that the little guy is not going to be squashed by higher taxes, but the tax foundation says the biden administration is doing the math all wrong. saying "when thinking how higher tax rates would affect the economy, the relevant piece of information is not the number of people affected, it's the amount of economic activity, by focusing on the number of people the biden administration is misleadingly claiming your tax proposals would have a small effect. the actual statistics show more than half of pass-through business incomes could face tax increases. the u.s. chamber of commerce has about 1.4 million small businesses who employ 13 million americans would be hit by higher corporate tax rates. and the president of the national federation of independent business says the impact will be devastating. saying "if these tax heights go through, the damage will be severe and long-lasting come of that country may recover in time, but countless small businesses won't live to see it." john. >> john: hillary for us on capitol hill, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: hillary, thank you, let's bring in larry kudlow, we show you, you look frustrated with what you heard from the president this morning, saying that he has this paid for, this massive spending plan, it's all ready paid for. >> can i just start with the official scorecard? so the plan is 3.5 trillion, which i think it's bogus, it's going to be 5-5.5 trillion, which is what people are saying on a 10-year basis, but whatever, the joint tax committee which is in charge of scoring this could get to 2 trillion in revenues, that's from the ways and means committee, richard neal mark which is in this reconciliation, whatever it is 2500 pages out today for the house. so the president says it is all paid for, it's not paid for. it's not even paid for by our official scorekeepers. that's point number one, point number two, to pay for it is going to be a lot bigger because the size of the cradle of the grape spending is going to be a whole lot better. and i want to say also, hillary vaughn mentioned the tax foundation, so, they use dynamic scoring, incentives matter if you raise taxes on something, you're going to get less of it. they show this plan a decline in gdp of 1 percent for the next ten years, it decline and worker wages of the same, and decline the actual jobs of over 300,000, and the only score 1 trillion in revenues. so we are nowhere close to paid for it. >> sandra: i was wondering what the running commentary was of larry kudlow when joe biden said some of these things in the speech this morning. listen. >> every account of my plan is popular with everything happening, not everybody knows what is in that plan. it is zero price tag, we are paying, going to pay for everything that we spend. look at my whole career, i come from the corporate state of america. i just think it's about just paying their fair share. >> sandra: pay your fair share, we have already paid for everything that we are going to spend, zero price tag says the president, not everybody knows what is in the plan, that sounds sort of familiar, you don't like it because you don't know what is and he yet, but the first line, every element of my economic plan is overwhelmingly popular. is that true? >> i want to be respectful to the president, by the way, these are policy criticisms, nothing personal. no, it's not true. here's the thing. the most important issue in the country right now for the economy is inflation. we just had a fox news poll come out come the number one issue, 81% or 83% inflation. number two, lots of polls, the ibd, tips pole, good reputable poll, people connect big spending with bigger inflation, and this is something that the bottoms are in complete denial about, to some extent the federal reserve is in complete denial too which may be a bigger problem going down the road. people don't want cradle to grave. i mean, newt gingrich calls that big government socialism, he is pulled on that and it is extremely unpopular. a spending is out of style right now, because among other things, look. the government was helpful during the pandemic with these big relief bills and probably totaled about 6 trillion, you're not talking about another 6 trillion? people are scratching their heads and they don't want the inflation. the president's own polls are plunging in the low 40s right now, and i think this argument drives me crazy, people don't pay their fair share, i mean, come on. the statistics from the irs, okay, the top 1%, the rich pay 40%, the bottom two quintiles, the bottom 40% have a negative income tax rate, and as you and i have discussed, the bottom half of the thing does not pay income tax anyway. it's completely wrong, let me go again. >> sandra: john wants to jump in as well. >> john, i'm saving the last one for you. i'm going to give you my letter high fastball for you. the joint tax committee has scored this stuff and they say in ten years the middle-class will pay two-thirds of the tax hike. okay, that's not mean, that's not supply-side, that's not -- that's the bloodied joint tax committee which has never been a great ally of mine as you probably know. so i'm just saying, just the facts man. just the facts. it does not work for the president. >> john: you know that i think a lot of people don't have an appreciation for how big the number is pretty million versus trillion, i did a calculation. 3.5 million seconds is about 40 days. 3.5 trillion seconds is 111,000 years. that's the difference. >> sandra: it does not matter, because that $3.5 trillion number, "the wall street journal" says and sodas larry kudlow is a phony number. this is the piece this morning, budget tricks disguise the vast entitlement plan. >> if you score this thing, well, this entitlement, it will be five years, this will be seven, this will put a cost share with the states, it's nonsense. when the ceo does get around to doing this, and they were very good at scoring, it's going to be very close to $5 trillion. so here's my point, the official scorekeepers are saying to the president, you are nowhere as near paying for this, and by the way -- >> john: hey, larry, we have to go. >> 262 billion short, that was not paid for either. >> sandra: did i mention he was fired up? >> john: he is always fired up. we will see you at 4:00 on the fox business network. we have to run. the white house briefing on the border after we sneak in a quick break. martha maccallum, tom homan on deck as "america reports" rolls on. stay with us. ♪ ♪ and a quarter refi. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year. ♪♪ we believe everyone deserves to live better. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our 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time. of the covid-19 pandemic. as of this morning, there are no longer any migrants in the camp underneath the del rio international bridge. i will walk through what we have done, how we have done it, explain the processes, and provide data that you have requested, but first i want to make one important point, in the midst of meeting these challenges, we, our entire nation saw horrifying images that do not reflect who we are, who we aspire to be, or the integrity and values of our truly heroic personnel in the department of homeland security. the investigation into what occurred has not yet concluded. we know that those images painfully conjured up the worst elements of our nation's ongoing battle against systemic racism. we have been swift and thorough in our response. first we immediately contacted the office of inspector general and launched an investigation into the events that were captured in a disturbing images of course to patrol units. we seized the use of forced patrol units in the area, the agents involved have been assigned to administrative duties and are not interacting with migrants while the investigation is ongoing. our directed personnel from the cpp office of professional responsibility to be on-site in del rio full-time to ensure adherence to the policies, training, and values of our department. the highest levels of the cpp office of responsibility are leading the investigation which will conclude quickly or to the results of the investigation i will make public. the actions that are taken as a result of what we have seen in those images, the investigation will be compelled, the results will be compelled by the facts that are deduced, and nothing less. let me be clear, the department does not tolerate any mistreatment of any migrants and will not tolerate any violation of its values, principles and ethics. now i would like to turn to our operational response, and the whole of government response to address the challenging situation in del rio. dhs immediately worked to address the acute by partnering the agencies and entities. we rapidly deploy to basic services like drinking water, food, clothing, and portable toilets. i am grateful to the red cross for providing more than 17,000 hygiene kits in the world central kitchen for contributing more than 14,000 meals per day to supplement other food programs. medical resources and capacity including over 150 medical professionals to ensure services for the safety of the migrants for employees and the other community. personal protective equipment including face masks. we erected four climate control tents to support housing for vulnerable populations. let me go through our operational response, simultaneously with the humanitarian response we in the department of homeland security implemented a series of operational measures to process migrants consistent with existing laws, policies and procedures in particular cvp, customs and border protection, 600 agents, officers, and dhs personnel to the del rio sector to operational support. we also dhs conducted 24-hour patrols for general safety as well as to identify anyone who might be in medical distress, i.c.e., the u.s. coast guard, the department of defense and the department of justice provided transportation support to transfer migrants out of del rio to other border patrol sectors with capacity. working with the departments of state in haiti, dhs increase to the number of removal flights to haiti commiserate with the capacity to receive. and they have established a $5.5 million program to provide on the ground assistance that was reproved she did haitian migrants. nearly 30,000 migrants have been encountered at the del rio since september 9th with the highest number of one-time reaching approximately 15,000. today we have no migrants for remaining in the camp under the international bridge. migrants continue to be expelled under the cdc's title 42 authority. title 42 is a public health authority, and not an immigration policy. it is important to note that title 42 is applicable and has been for all regular migration during this pandemic. it is not specific to haitian nationals or the current situation. some more data, to date, dhs has conducted 17 expulsion flights to haiti with 2,000 individuals. those who are not expelled under title 42 are placed in immigration removal proceedings. let me take a step back and explain the process, there are two exceptions to the applicability of title 42 to public health authority. number one is if an individual has an acute vulnerability such as an urgent medical care and two, if, in fact, our operational capacity is such that we are not able to execute the title 42 authority that rest with the centers for disease. i should also say that there is a convention against torture exception if someone claims torture which is a distinct legal standard. individuals as i mention with acute vulnerability can be accepted from the title 42 application. approximately 12,400 individuals will have their cases heard by an immigration judge to make a determination on whether they will be removed or permitted to remain in the united states. that is a piece of data that has been requested of us. if someone is not subject to title 42 expulsion for the three reasons that i explained, acute vulnerability, operational capacity limitations, or a convention against torture exception, then the individual is placed in immigration proceedings. that means they go before an immigration judge in an immigration court, if they make a claim that they have a basis under law to remain in the united states than the judge will hear and adjudicate the claim. if the judge determines that the claim is not valid, the individual will be removed. an estimated 8,000 migrants have decided to return to mexico voluntarily. and just over 5,000 are being processed by dhs to determine whether they will be expelled or placed in immigration removal proceedings under title eight. we have previously articulated and previously expressed that in light of the fact that we had such a significant number of individuals in one particular section in del rio, texas, that we were moving people to other customs and border protection processing centers to ensure the safe and secure process of individuals, and we will assess the ability to the title 4240 in the process centers and then if any apply, we will place those individuals in immigration enforcement proceedings, but if we are able to expel them under title 42, because that is indeed a public health imperative as determined by the centers for disease control, we will do so. and with that, i will take your questions. >> thank you. mr. secretary, thank you for coming in. i was hoping that you could explain more of the agents on the border that violate policies or computers, can you tell us what they did wrong? and the second question, with the episode, how does episode confirms your thinking about the current asylum review and whether perhaps if the administration were to take a more permissive stance, membership and a social group, and they could be seen as one or many in the future? >> i think if i may, you are conflating two very different phenomenon, two very different processes. first of all the images as i expressed earlier, the image horrified us in terms of what they suggest and what they conjure up in terms of not only our nation's history, but unfortunately the fact that that age of history has not been turned entirely. and that means that there is much work to do and we are very focused on doing it. but i will not prejudge the facts. i do not and anyway want to impair the integrity of the investigative process. we have investigators who are looking at it independently. they will draw their conclusions according to their standard operating procedures, and in the results of that investigation will be determined by the facts that are deduced. now with respect to the asylum process that is an independent process and i'm not sure that i understood your question if you are asking about the definition of a particular social group and just for everyone's benefit, the asylum laws provide that the first step in an asylum process is a claim of credible fear. economic need, flight from generalized violence does not qualify as credible fear, but rather credible fear is credible fear of persecution by reason of one's membership in a particular social group. what is the definition of a particular social group was significantly's constrained. that is an understatement in the trump administration, and there is a body of law that speaks to that definition and that definition is currently under review. >> secretary, if i may, for a follow up on this point, the question was if this administration was to take a more permissive stance towards the definition, could this be what we just experienced in the last several weeks just the first of many similar instances to occur in the country on the border? >> what incidents? >> we have 15,000 migrants that the united states government has now processed. >> we determine, we determine the standards to apply in a claim of persecution according to the principles that a government should have both domestically and in the international architecture with the treatment of individuals who are fleeing persecution by reason of their membership in a particular social group. it is not a tool of diff deterrents to define what a particular social group means. >> yes, the people -- sorry, i am here. the people who are under the bridge coming i've talked about some of them have gone to mexico and some of them have been flown to haiti. the others, are they spread out and seeking the holding facilities? have some been released into the community or released to family members awaiting hearings? >> so let me be clear, so some have been returned to haiti indeed. others had been moved to different processing facilities along the border in light of operational capacity. and then many of them will be returned to haiti from there and if any of the exceptions apply, they will not be returned to haiti but placed an immigration enforcement proceedings. i should say release is a very general term, and i may need to drill down on that if i may. individuals, some of them are detained, some of them are placed on alternatives to detention, we remain in touch with them. we monitor them to ensure their appearance in court at the designated time of appearance, does that answer your question? >> it does. >> and i can provide the data if i need to do so again. >> yes, no, i got that. the broader question is that it seems like there are border crises that keep popping up sort of like whack-a-mole's every month or so. there is another clump of people or another major issue or unaccompanied minors or -- and is there a plan to maybe have like fema type teams that go to these crisis points, or is the goal to somehow stop having these crises that keep breaking out. >> you mention fema, so two points if i will, let me first address -- let me go in reverse. from an operational response perspective, we address a challenge of unaccompanied children in march and i said then that we had a plan, we were executing our plan and it would take time. and in fact, within 60 days or so we went from an average time of an unaccompanied child in a border per station of 24 hours to less than 25 hours. and we did that through our operational capacity throughout the department of homeland security as directed by the president and in all of the government effort. here last weekend we had approximately 15,000 individuals in the del rio section, i committed to addressing that within ten days and today we have none, and that was because of the department of homeland security's assets with the assistance of others across the government. that is something very different than the fact of the dynamism of another migration with large and the fact that this is a situation that this has occurred from time to time other than what i can remember and my 20 years of government service. and the president has spoken very powerfully about this from day one and before he assumed office. first and foremost and most fundamentally in foundational he, we are dealing with a broken immigration system, and we need legislative reform. and everyone agrees in a world where unanimity is so difficult to achieve, there is one thing as to which there is unanimity and that is the need for comprehensive immigration reform. and unfortunately it seems to remain elusive, but our real dedication to achieving it is unrelenting, and we continue to do so. number one, number two, we have a three-part plan, we invest in the root causes to address the reason why people leave their homes in which they live and take a perilous journey that they should not take, second, the building of safe orderly and humane pathways and third, rebuilding an asylum system and a refugee program that would dismantle in the prior administration. this takes time, and we are executing our plans. >> thank you, mr. secretary, thank you for being here. i know that we suggested it was a great grievance, so it's good to see you. starting with del rio, the units that were temporarily suspended, are you considering eliminating them altogether? >> we are going to take a look. what we were focused on right now is addressing the urgency of the situation in del rio under that bridge. we are still getting through it, remember, as i mentioned in response to the prior question, we still have operational leads across the border with respect to this particular population of individuals, but we are going to be taking a look at this. with the horse patrol it is customarily used to do for everyone's benefit is horses are able to cross train that might not otherwise be traversed. and what they often do you and in fact most often do is assess the situation, and actually assist in helping people in distress. that horse patrol, the horse patrol that the customs and border protection employees, the border patrol specifically has saved lives many times before, but we will take a look. >> because this is such a sprawling department with multiple issues at once, the situation regarding afghan refugees that are being processed, we have had a few questions on that that have not entirely been answered. i'm just curious if you know how many cases of forced marriage are so-called child brides are in the system so far? >> to my knowledge we have not found one, but i will tell you that we have experts at the airport and beyond who understand that phenomenon very, very well who know how to detect the signs of any such activity and are able to place people in secondary screening to discern the facts and make the decisions that the facts so warranted. we are very skilled in that. >> thank you, mr. secretary, i know you said that you are looking into this, but the parts was clear today, saying that the border patrol agents on horseback, seen those images will pay. he says it is dangerous and wrong and there will be consequences, do you disagree with that? >> i know the president was echoing sentiments of the american public in response to the images and what those images suggest. but i want to speak to the fact that this investigation will be based on the facts that the investigators learn and the results of the investigation will be driven by those facts and nothing less and nothing more. >> he said that they would pay. you're not on the same page? >> i think the president was speaking in terms of the horror of the images and what they suggest. that investigation will have integrity, i can assure you of that. >> secretary, i understand january 20th, you inherited a broken system and a lot of work to be done, but you had thousands of people living in squalid conditions and limited opportunities to go through asylum processes here. a warning about situations like this for months now. how much responsibility do you, the administration take for these situations continuing to pop up in various places? >> so if you are addressing the situation in del rio, i will tell you that it is unprecedented for us to see that number of people arrive in one discrete point around the border and such a compacted period of time. the chief of the border patrol is a 30-year veteran and he has not seen that before. and what we do when we see something that is unprecedented is we respond an end respond we did. >> some democrats want you to be more lenient on the asylum claims because of the earthquake to haiti, have you considered that at all? >> let me speak to that, we studied the conditions in haiti a number of months ago as is our legal obligation to do so. and based on the country conditions that we observed and studied, what we did is we designated haiti for a temporary protective status for those haitian nationals, resident in the united states who were here prior to july 29th. and we were mindful of the assassination that occurred and we were unsure of the results of that ossetian nation in terms of the stability of the political border. once a new leader took office, and things seem to settle down, we determined that the july 29th date was equitable to address the humanitarian relief of haitian nationals already resident in the united states. we have continued to study the conditions in haiti and we have in fact determined despite the tragic and devastating earthquake that haiti is in fact capable of receiving individuals and we are working with haiti and with humanitarian relief agencies to ensure that their return is as safe and humanely accomplished as possible. i was around. i was at the u.s. citizenship and immigration services on january 10th, 2010, the day that the last earthquake in haiti, and that was distinct from the earthquake that devastated people more recently. that had a far greater geographic repercussions than this one now. this one as devastating and tragic as it is was more geographically limited and we made a determination based on the legal standards in the facts that infect him individuals could >> the imageses of the mounted portland. -- border patrol. you said to control the horse long reins are used. the person who took these photos said i never saw them whip anyone. why is the press talking about someone being strapped? >> let me correct your question if i may. it was on friday when i was -- actually it was on monday i believe. i was in del rio on the ground. i made the statements without having seen the images. i saw the images on the flight back. i made the statement that i did with respect to what those images suggested. the horses have long reins. the image in the photograph that we all saw that horrified the nation raised serious questions -- let me finish -- about what occurred. as i stated clearly, it conjurored up images of what happened in the past. let me finish. there is a question how one uses the horse and interacts with individuals with the horse.

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Uniform , Law Enforcement Officers , Agents Weren T , Country , Anybody , Aren T , Underneath , Way , Bit , Places , Source , Venezuela , Cuba , Responsibility , Question , More , Asylum , Jeff Paul Reporting , Anchor , Fox News Sunday , Course , Bus , Brandon Judd On , Nobody , Subject , Photo , Narrative , Write , Picture , Speed , Weren T , Horses , Book , Biden Policy , Twirling , Measures , Flow , Encampment , The View , Administration , Place , Terms , Mess , Voice , One , Investigation , It , Accountability , Image , Squalor , Appropriateness , Dam , Flood , 15000 , Policies , Flip Side , Trump , Whether Supposedly Humane , Issue , Heat , Part , Reasons , Situations , Doors , Base , Whipping , Care Taking , Don T , Left , Well , 3 5 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Number , Editorial , Wall Street Journal , Program , Cost , Entitlement Plans , Budget Tricks , Split , Bill , Provisions , Committee For A Responsible Federal Budget , Five , Sunset It , Assumption , 2025 , Two , 2023 , Something , Congress , 3 Trillion , 5 Trillion , Government Program , Fact , Press , None , Reconciliation , Media , Threshold , Hit In , Taking Aim , 60 , Article , Eye Opener , Email , Pointing , Cause , Mainstream Media , Attention , Credit , Interview , Both , Governor , Budget Issues , Greg Abbott , Government , Full Time , It In , Government Shutdown , Bureau , Stuff , National Border Patrol , Desk , Brandon Judge , Secretary Mayorkas , Head , Appearance , Martha Maccallum , Tom Homan , Brian Laundrie , Wall , Death In June , Homicide , Bank Card , Arrest Warrant , Fbi , Show , Gabby , Stops , Investigators , Man , Wilderness , Phil Keating , Six , Laundrie , Fiancee , Person Of Interest , Swampy Florida Back Country , Disappearance , 2 , 23 , Warrant , Gabby Petito , State , Federal Grand Jury , Arrest , Wanted Fugitive , Wyoming , Indicted Laundrie , Debit Card Fraud , Death , Atm Card , Devices , Eyes , August 30th September 1st , 1 , 30 , August 30th , September 1st , Data , Debit Card , Withdrawals , 1000 , 000 , Body , Home , Van , Northport , Indictment , Florida , Mr , Circumstances , Law Enforcement , Ms , Partners , Last Night , Individuals , Matter , Whereabouts , Role , Florida Nature Reserve , Mystery , Knowledge , Ten , Agent , Mother , Hike , Last , Reaction , Searchers , Handcuffs , Venice , Everything , Developments , Observation , Mercedes Colwin , Evidence , Murder , Indication , Soon , Action , States , Law , Stopping , Abortion , Roe V Wade , Fox News , Measure , Critics , Poll , Access , Women Voters , Voters , Publicity Stunt , Women , Abortions , Midterms , Women S Health Protection Act , Store , Grocery Store Shooting Spree , Relation , Supreme Court , 61 , Son , Emails , Report , Business Affairs , Vice President , Board , Cashing , Name Est Ratehistory R Two , 2015 , Rates , Apr , Line , Veterans , Newday Two , Stairs , Walk , 2 48 , Doctor , Heart , Irregular Heartbeat , Freedom , Dignity , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , Discounts , Coverage Customizer , Tool , Policy Recommendations , Animal , Pay , Verizon , Bird Legs , Network , Times , Networks , Power , Row , Customers , Reliability , Number One , Network Quality , Rootmetrics , J D , 16 , 27 , 5g , 5 , History , Refi Rate , Veteran Homeowners , News , Lowest , Call , Money , Pocket , Fees , Banks , Rate , Lock , Gunman , Police , Vendor , Suspect , Gunshot Wound , Kroger On Yesterday , 15 , Lives , Employees , Motive , Freezers , Closets , Groceries , Hiding , Pallets , Help , Billions , Assets , Obama , Unbelievable , Laptop , Controversy , Ones , Griff Jenkins , Businesses , Laws , Father , Position , Campaign , Connections , Donors , January 20th , Sam Tahari , 20 , 202019 , Phone Conversation , Dad , Circle , Retainer , Levels , Drug Use , Hunters , Class , Alcoholism , Positives , Negatives , China , Deal , John Stanwyck , Project , Libya Deal , 26 , February 26 2016 , 2016 , Folks , Breath , Relationship , Lawyers , Lobbyists , The Hill , P R , Marc Thiessen , Words , Page , Names , Watch , Joe Biden , News Story , Donald Trump Jr , Jen Psaki , Back , Context , Candidate , The Business Relationship , Some , Conversation , Republicans , Factor , Light , Insider , Investigation Oversight , On The House Side Committee , Sense , James Komar , Move , Fraud , Spin , Gaby Petito , Down In Mexico , Analyst Mercedes , Turns , Fiance , A Person Of Interest , Killing , Boggling , Twists , Hand , September 1st 2021 , 2021 , August 30th 2021 , Great Question , Autopsy , Step By , Thing , Cards , Visa , Authority , Reason , Authorities , Pressure , Parents , Accessory , Dr , Colleague , Enemy , Strangulation , Neck Bones , System , Screen , Story , Tip Line , Facts , Anything , Someone , Tips , Social Media Sleuth , Isn T , Justice , Chills , Snapshot , Price Tag , Share , Wealthy , Mercedes , Spending Package , Pleasure , Larry Kudlow , Price , Contributor , Boosters , Jobs , Marty Makary , Adults , Center Of Disease Control , Refi , Mortgage Payments , Veteran , Family , Bother Mastering , World , Safety , Feeling , Mastery , Audio System , Excellence , Lexus Es , Progressive , Dealer , Apr Financing , Protection , Product , Curve , Innovation , Es 350 , 1 9 , 24 7 , 350 , Door Creaks , Auto , Vehicles , Presentation , Decimal , Doing , Daydream , Music Playing , Fraction , Psoriasis , Toe , Cosentyx , Skin , Four , Risk , Symptoms , Vaccine , Infections , Ability , Infection , Tuberculosis , Reactions , Crohn S Disease , Case , Maggie , State Police , Stories , Murdoch , South Carolina , Paul Murdoch , Ways , Insurance , John , Promises , Lawyer , Scam , Alex Murdoch , Millions , Countries , Expectations , Founder , Forms , Station Chief , Syndrome , Amputations , Punishment , Rulers , Mismanagement , Taliban , Vienna , Health Issue , Capital , Disorder , Diplomats , Qr Code , App , Scan , Decision , Booster Shots , Move Overruling Recommendations , Center , Agency Scientists , Agency , Groups , Lines , Health Care Workers , Boost , Physician , Votes , Professor , Advisory Committee , Daily Coronavirus Briefing , Johns Hopkins University , Comments , Duration , Close Call , Discussions , Meeting , Fda , Advisory Panel , Everybody , Person , Language , Contracting , Virus , Employment Setting , Home Setting , Setting , Delta Virus , Booster , Slight , Breakthrough Infections , Vaccine Efficacy , Giving , Boys , Harm , Fisa , Equity , Spacing , 6000 , Response , Dosing Interval , Vaccine Doses , Research , Three , Hearing Guidance , Sticks , Test , Dose , Trial , Ghost , Primer Dose , Gun , Vaccines , Therapeutics , Duct Tape , Emphasis , Topics , Nothing , Covid , Saline Nasal Washes , High Salt , Counter , Sprays , Hospitalization , Spray , Aspirin , Vitamin D , Promise , 19 , Delta Hub , Celine , Seven , Behavior , Passengers , Skies , Airlines , Guest , Lead , Brandon Judd , Allstate , Coming Up , Lawbreakers , Aiding And Abetting , Hands , Auto Rate , Potato Pay , Struggle , Ore Ida , Currency , Potato , Mealtime , Bites , Eat Dinner , Life , Hearing , Fullest , Starts , Miracle Ear , Technology , Miracle Earmini , Thirty , Obligation , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Town , Pizza , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Everywhere , Candidates , Type 2 Diabetes , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Sulfonylurea , Diabetes , Blood Sugar , Stop Rybelsus , You Are My Sunshine , Sunshine , Don T Take Rybelsus , Pill , 3 , Food , A1c , Sugar , Isn T For Peopl , Majority , Lost , 8 , 7 , Type 1 Diabetes , Lump , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Swelling , Endocrin Neoplasia Syndrome , Changes , Side Effects , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Neck , Pancreatitis , Provider , Kidney Problems , Diarrhea , Vomiting , Nausea , Dehydration , Possibl , Values , Mortgage Rates , Homeowners , Prescription , Lows , Healthcare Provider , 10 , 0 , Cash , Value , Security , Peace Of Mind , Va , Benefits , Highs , Home Equity , Retirement , Newday Usa , 50000 , 100 , 0000 , Terrorist Groups , Flight , No Fly List , Good , Delta Air Lines , Lists , Misbehaving , Pandemic , Guy , Video , Plane , Mask , Duct , Blue Streak , Delta Flight , Youtube , 1600 , Passenger , Flight Attendants , Seat , Reporters , Favor , Press Briefing Set , Briefing , Alejandra Mallorca , Camps , Rushing , Bud , Protest , Council , Optics , Statement , Press Briefing , Honesty , Control , Conditions , Smugglers , Profits , Cartels , Crazy , Approval Ratings , Borders , Opportunity , Problems , Debacle Onset , Nine , Border Agents , Human Being , Exchange , Kind , African Americans , Happening , Pictures , Photographs , Mexico Side , Texas Border , Scapegoats , Opinion , Writing , Bite , Saw , Politics , The American , Border Agents Scapegoats , Due Process , Public , Horse Patrol Agents , Dna , Reins , Altercation , Run Over , Patrol Agents , Best , Training , Area , Duty , Benefit , Secretary , Protocols , Process , Outrage , Bowing , Attorney General , Covid Risk , The Secretary Perdue , Marc Siegel , City , Dive , Car Insurance , Crimes , Ray , Vacations , Glucose Levels , Visit Freestylelibre Us , And , 14 , Salonpas , Prescription Strength , Inflammation , Arthritis Pain , Pain Relief Ingredient , Arthritis Gel , It S Time , Refinance , Medicine , Save Thousands , Dollar , Record , Costs , Advantage , Newday Low Rate Refi , One Dollar , Emergency , Emergency Plan , Supply Kit , Safetyactioncenter Pge Com , Drills , Preparation , Safer , Start , Batteries , Water , Worth , Radio , First Aid Kit , Flashlight , Jedi , Highness , The Dark Side , Scientific American Magazine , Offensive , Mockery , Luke Skywalker , Programs , Inclusion , Diversity , Star Wars , Initiative , Efforts , God , Executive Producer , Fan , Hater , Control Room , Health , Texans , Calls , Policing Policy , Watching , Films , Sure , Council Decision , Impacts , Budget Cuts , Casey Stegall , City Of Austin , October 1st , Dallas , City Departments , Police Budget , City Council , Funding , 1 Million , 21 Million , 128000002 , Law Enforcement Agency , Fiscal Year , State Legislature , Defunding , Impact , Answer , Officers , Nonemergency , Shortage , 150 , Decisions , Work , Scene , Emergency Calls , Austin Police Department , The Union , 9 , Charlie Hurt , The Story , Mccarrick , At Aspen Dental , Milkshake Mustaches , 2 On 2s , Smile , Patients , Exam , On 1s , Treatment Plan , High School Sweetheart , Debra , Colorado , 35 , Sharper , Clearer , Foggy , Meetings , Game , Running , Try , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Errands , Plan , Dream , Northwestern Mutual , Planning , Version , Va Home Loan , At Nm Com A , Service Member , Eligibility , Home Values , Mortgage , Cash Out Refi , Newday Usa First , 0000 Dollars , Smearing Agents , Accusations , Eyewitness , Biden Shifting Blame Blasting , Zero , Misconstrued , Filth , Front , Laissez Faire , Putting Agents , Briefing Today , Crises , Concerns , Big Day , Peter Doocy , Consequences , Doubt , Embarrassment , Message , Whole , United States Government , Immigration Policy , Budget , Relief , Priorities , Infrastructure , Bully Pulpit , Others , Immigration , Movement , Fault , Speeches , Border Being Critical , Lack , Term , Peter , Host , Tv , Piling , Kemal Obey Her Dilemma , Second , Tap Dance , Television , Audience , Drama , Hope , Forward , Alex Hoff , Break , Set , Studio , Schober , Return , Chance , Being , Remote , Site , Issues , Know , Contact , Mayor , Visit , Trip South , Schedule , Me Add My Welcome To Washington In D C , Washington Times , Opinion Editor , Middle , Joy Behar , Cut Off , Cohost , Debacle , Believe , 51 , Surprise , Goodness , Circus , Duties , Constitution , Attack , Astonishing , Hosts , Breakthrough Cases , Safe , Proof , Argument , Ends , Sick , Sunny Hostin , Ana Navarro , 1960 , Immigrants , Complaint , Border Laws , Books , Obligations , Order , Branches , It Legislatively , Agenda , Handle , Parties , Certainty , Killer , Migration , Dhs Secretary , Coronavirus , Arizona , Standard , Letter , Liberties , Divide , Path , Saying , Registration , Nation , Midst , Hypocrisy , American Community , Tens , Citizens , Eye , Case Numbers , Hospital , Director , Laredo , James Hodges , 250000 , Cases , Deaths , Hhs , 130 , 233 , Families , Children , Positive , 40 , 50 , Hygiene , Press Secretary , Communities , About Coronavirus , Intention , Threat , Drew Howells , Producer , Top , Spread , Point , Guess What , Disease , Coming , Hospitals , Severity , Bad , Discussion , Patient , Taxpayers , Push , Taxes , Don T Worry , Limu , Bucks , Ys , Sister , Iphone , Helicopter , Woooooooooooooo , Mmm , Siding Installer , Phone , Doula , 13 , Don T Know , Customer , Trainers , Manicurists , Vision Loss , Macular Degeneration , Vision , Preservision , Formula , Eye Vitamin Brand , Studies , Areds 2 , National Eye Institute , Nutrient , Progression , Nei , Moderate , Delicious Scramble , Mission , Brothers , Scramble , Skeptic , Egg , Wright Brothers , Strength , Vitamins , Nutrition , Energy , Minerals , Whoo Hoo , Protein , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Time Highs , Newday 100 Va Cash Out , Bank , Home Loan , Expenses , Debt , Corporations , Tax Hikes , Richer , Fox Business , Capitol Hill , Table , Menu , Let S Go To Hillary Vaughn , Speaker Pelosi , Particular , Tax Rate , Small Business , Members , Package , Truce , Hit , 26 5 , Piece , Economy , Tax Foundation , Tax Rates , Wrong , Math , Amount , Information , Statistics , Half , Activity , Business Incomes , Effect , Tax Increases , Tax Proposals , Tax , National Federation Of Independent Business , U S Chamber Of Commerce , 1 4 Million , 13 Million , John Hillary For Us On Capitol Hill , Damage , Come , Tax Heights , Spending , Scorecard , Joint Tax Committee , Basis , Scoring , Revenues , Charge , Ways And Means Committee , Richard Neal Mark , 2 Trillion , Scorekeepers , 2500 , Grape Spending , Point Number Two , Cradle , Size , Incentives , Gdp , Plan A , Decline , Commentary , Score , Same , Over , Worker , Wages , 300000 , 1 Trillion , Account , Speech , Career , Policy Criticisms , Element , Nothing Personal , Inflation , Polls , Lots , Ibd , Tips Pole , 83 , 81 , Denial , Reserve , Bottoms , Extent , Newt Gingrich , People Don T , Socialism , Road , Style , Cradle To Grave , Relief Bills , Heads , 6 Trillion , Come On , Income Tax Rate , Top 1 , Bottom Half , Quintiles , Okay , Irs , Income Tax , High Fastball , Supply Side , Tax Hike , Middle Class , , Ally , Appreciation , Calculation , 3 5 Million , Sodas , 111000 , Entitlement , Cost Share , Ceo , Nonsense , Trillion , Either , 262 Billion , Rolls On , Deck , 4 , 00 , Stay , Regeneration , Sustainable Isn T Enough , Planet , Restore , Tongue , Mm , Uh , Em , Roadside Assistance , Tight , You Don T Want , Enamel , Repair Toothpaste , Toothpaste , Choice , Pronamel , Pronamel Repair , Resources , Needs , Standard Operating Procedures , Surge , Del Rio International Bridge , Processes , Challenges , Integrity , Personnel , Battle , Elements , Racism , Office Of Inspector General , Events , Units , Patrol Units , Adherence , Office Of Professional Responsibility , Cpp , Results , Actions , Office , Deduced , Principles , Violation , Mistreatment , Ethics , Services , Agencies , Entities , Drinking Water , Clothing , Toilets , Food Programs , Meals , Kitchen , Hygiene Kits , Red Cross , 17000 , 14000 , Capacity , Community , Professionals , Personal Protective Equipment , Housing , Masks , Populations , Procedures , Series , Cvp , Support , 600 , Patrols , Transportation Support , Department Of Defense , Distress , Ice , Department Of Justice , U S Coast Guard , Departments , Sectors , Haiti Commiserate , Increase , Haiti , Assistance , Ground , 5 Million , 5 Million , September 9th , 30000 , Nationals , 17 , Step , Exceptions , Immigration Removal Proceedings , Applicability , Individual , Vulnerability , Care , Public Health Authority , Convention Against Torture Exception , Centers , Torture , Application , 12400 , Immigration Judge , Determination , Expulsion , Limitations , Claim , Immigration Proceedings , Immigration Court , Judge , 8000 , 5000 , Eight , Section , Customs And Border Protection Processing , Immigration Enforcement Proceedings , Apply , 4240 , Imperative , Computers , Episode , Permissive , Thinking , Asylum Review , Stance , Membership , Phenomenon , Age , Operating Procedures , Conclusions , Definition , Asylum Process , Respect , Fear , Need , Asylum Laws , Social Group , Persecution , Violence , Understatement , Review , First , Instances , Incidents , Standards , Architecture , Domestically , Diff , Deterrents , Holding Facilities , Family Members , Hearings , Any , Processing Facilities , Release , Court , Detention , Alternatives , Border Crises , Sort , Type , Clump , Unaccompanied Minors , Fema , Let Me Go In Reverse , Crisis Points , Goal , Address , Response Perspective , Challenge , Station , Child , 25 , Effort , Del Rio Section , Dynamism , Government Service , Day One , Unanimity , Immigration Reform , Immigration System , Dedication , Homes , Journey , Causes , Building , Refugee Program , Asylum System , Pathways , Orderly , Plans , Grievance , 29 , July 29th , 2010 , January 10th 2010 ,

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