Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

peter doocy pressing jen psaki as criticism rains down on the biden administration from both sides of the aisle. >> 5,000 still left. where is everybody else? >> i'm happy to get you a more fruitful rundown if it's helpful from the department of homeland security. >> what about the rest? >> if it's 10% or 15% i don't have the resize numbers. >> dana: now the biden administration is blocking border agents from patrolling on horse back. well oh he speak with a former mounlted border agent who says this is completely foolish. we're at the border in del rio, texas. >> what a difference a few days makes. incredible earlier in the week there were 15,000 migrants camped out underneath this bridge in del rio, texas. crews are out here actively clearing away what remains of this camp. probably around a couple hundred people left right now still camped out. where these folks are going and where the massive group went, a portion of the group has been deported back to haiti, around 2,000. 3900 have been moved from the camp and in u.s. custody and likely be given a notice to appear and released or expelled under title 42. the other portion of that group we're told went back to mexico. as far as that physical camp is concerned, a lot of it has been bulldozed and now has been cleaned out. yesterday there were still thousands of haitian migrants living underneath the bridge in the makeshift tents. all of that for the most part now getting cleared out. the focus now shifts back to re opening this town and businesses that rely on the import/export relationship with the u.s. and mexico. we're told the international bridge could reopen as soon as monday as a big relief for commerce here along the border. some folks commute between the two countries for work. others rely on traffic for selling goods. the other update we want to give you deals with those viral images involving border patrol on horse back. we're told the department of homeland security says they'll be temporarily suspending the horse patrols in the del rio sector after there was a bipartisan outrage about the treatment of those haitian migrants, dana. >> dana: thank you so much. meantime as jeff paul reported the biden administration home la*nld security and white house the horses won't be used to push back migrants trying to come illegally across the border coming after false allegations the agents were using whips and that sparked outrage from progressives. rowdy ballard is a horse coordinator for the del rio sector. i know a lot about horses and you do, too. what is lost by not having these men and women be able to do their jobs on horse back? >> well, the ability to patrol down there more effectively for one. the horse is a great tool. we've used it for almost 100 years now. with that gone it will be harder to patrol that area. >> dana: what did you think about the accusations that these border patrol agents were whipping these migrants? to me the photograph is obviously misunderstood. reporters and people in the white house and administration don't understand how horses work in terms of reins, what damage does it do to the border patrol agents who were doing their jobs? >> well it's frustrating. they've been trained a certain way and when people look at what they are doing and interpret it another way it can be frustrating. we don't have whips. we don't carry whips. they weren't whipping them. it was a form of a press and release. it was a tense situation. the horses were reluctant to do the job that the agents were asking and it's a twirling the reins was just another tool they use to get the horses to do what they ask them. >> trace: rowdy, you talk about frustrating. 35 years ago my first job was in yuma, arizona and we rode with these guys. they're the best at doing this job. better than anybody. frustrating when the homeland security secretary is on monday i want to play this back and forth between the border patrol chief and homeland security secretary talking about monday what they thought about the video. watch. >> patrol units down here are going to play an integral part in the security response, operating in the river environment on horse back is a difficult situation and trying to make control those horses so we don't get in a position where we injure a migrant. >> we'll investigate the facts to insure that the situation is as we understand it to be. >> trace: on monday he was saying this video looked fine, looked appropriate. on tuesday because of the band wagon and democrats screaming bloody murder mayorkas jumps on the band wagon. it has to be frustrating for him to take that position change. what is your thought? >> it's frustrating for the guys in the field as well. they were asked to do a job and they did it to the best of their abilities and now they are getting -- suffering the whiplash from this. >> dana: indeed. in fact, to wrap this up on a note not lighter but i have to tell you, i have to read the tweet from the national fraternal order of police. for all you twitter warriors out there these are not whips and no, border patrol agents are not whipping people, they are reins, stay with us here like a steering wheel is used to drive a car the reins are used to drive the horse. thanks for coming to our talk which was a good way to do it. thank you so much for being here today. we'll keep an eye on it. administration says they will do an investigation and to see what will happen to these border patrol agents falsely accused of whipping migrants at the border. rowdy, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> trace: you know, the idea, dana, is that the border crisis has been a problem for the biden administration since he took office, right? that's a problem for this and only getting worse. fox news has been live on the ground across the southern border wafrpg it all. take a look at this. >> this is one of the busiest sectors for u.s. border patrol. >> in tee juan yeah you see the migrant tent camp living in difficult conditions. we have no idea if they have covid. they aren't being tested. >> the troopers are eyes in the skies when they saw migrants. >> the largest group we've seen so far. >> smugglers bringing the raft to this side of u.s. soil. law enforcement passing the babies up to make sure they arrive safely. >> this smuggler says the border is anything but closed. adding he is making $100 to $200 a day moving migrants across the rio grande. >> you have people coming in now, look at this. >> we've seen steady increases over the last four or five months. >> over 210,000? >> i believe it will be over that. >> a developing situation. >> record numbers day in and day out in the rio grande valley and the southern border. >> dana: it's pretty amazing when you look at that and look back and it's not like you weren't warned that this problem was growing. if they consider it a problem. the only problem they see now is border patrol on horse back that has been used since 1924. >> trace: i want to ask you. you know more about this than anybody. when jen psaki was calling the images horrifying but didn't have all the context or all the information that went along with that video, it seemed a little troubling when you have the white house press secretary coming out making an absolute declaration that it was horrifying and then admitting i don't really have the context of it. >> dana: but then the policy going forward is that they know that and you can misunderstand an image, i get that. then they changed a policy. and they said no more mounted police and then they said that these border patrol agents have to be investigated. to me they're working in a hostile work environment and maybe they should file a claim. >> trace: maybe they should. fox news alert now. the f.b.i. issuing an arrest warrant on fraud charges for brian laundrie missing for more than a week. gabby petito was found dead on sunday authorities calling her death a homicide. jonathan serrie is live for us in north port, florida, with more. jonathan, good morning. >> a federal grand jury indicted brian braund rea. laundry alleging he committed debit card fraud. the family attorney says it's my understanding the arrest warrant is not related to gabby petito demise. he is well versed in surviving in the wilderness. they continue to search for him in the carlton reserve. after heavy rains 75% of the swampy park is covered with water. police in moab, utah requested an independent investigation if their officers were appropriate. the ceo of a domestic violence shelter in sarasota after viewing body camp footage she does not believe police could have done anything more. >> i have always consulted with domestic violence centers. >> trace: we're having some trouble with that sound bite and work on getting it for you later today. a second woman has come forward to say she spotted brian hitchhiking in wyoming august 29. norma jean tells fox news she drove broo*irn to the spread creek camping area where authorities discovered gabby's body several weeks later. he asked her to drop him off at the entrance to the camp and when she offered to drive him into the camp he became agitated and said he needed to get oit right away and tried to exit the car while it was still moving. >> trace: jonathan serrie live in florida. thank you. >> dana: a move by the cdc director. is she big footing scientists for political reasons? >> trace: the hits keep coming for hunter biden. explosive new emails linking him to one of the world's most not toreous dictators. >> dana: how a police staffing shortage in austin, texas could be affecting public safety and also the crisis on the border. >> i will reiterate this. i'm from the state of texas. border agents right now are having to deal with processing right now. the people that are standing right now guarding the border is the texas dps. the national government is not paying for any of this. someones someone else... i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> i've been to all those cities and let's take a look. the criminals are on offense, police in defense mode. solution to this for the response times wasn't to cut law enforcement going to those calls. the solution was to hire more cops. but he can't do that in this current political climb & do it in liberal austin. we see crime across the country. we need more cops to be able to do their job. this just shows you that law enforcement is the enemy now. >> dana: it happened at the border as well. i want to play a little bit of your coverage there. let's watch this. well, it was really good. they don't have it. your coverage was really good and when you were down there and you saw it with your own eyes you described for us what the situation was in terms of all the people that are there. 15,000, now it's cleared out. >> i've been covering the border for five years, four years under the trump administration and covering it under the biden administration. the thing that ticks me off the most is the inaccurate reporting from the national media. being there you saw the haitian community there under the bridge were taking advantage of that and was agitating it because they wanted to go. they were promised by the biden administration they could come here. but that was against the law. and then you have the story of the border patrol officer that was on the horse. maybe it is because i'm a texan and i understand how horses work or maybe because i've been with the mounted unit. i think they were very intentional in the way that they covered this story. it was triggering. when you highlight a story amongst black people and say there were whips, they were chased down with horses, they were not welcome in this country, you know exact will i what you are doing to that population. but that wasn't the story. they were not chased down. they were trying to prevent them from coming across the border which is their job and their training. those were not whips. those were reins and it is a tactic to get the horse to advance forward when you can't get the horse under control. so that was never highlighted within that story. i tried to reach out to this border agent. he upset about that. i want him to have his opportunity to tell his story. but the depiction that they showed. also another photo of him grabbing that same guy. if you want to whip the guy why don't you grab them. it doesn't make sense. chief of border patrol shame on you, sir, this is why you have no support from the border patrol. it is the texas dps now that are handling the rest *r arrests at the border because the border patrol aren't allowed to do their job and the homeland security secretary that allow ice agents to be attacked and you don't have their back. you say you support their right to protest is what the press secretary said? protest what? you can't protest the law. it is really shameful what is happening at the border. >> dana: what about vice president kamala harris is supposed to be working on root causes. she hasn't made any comment about the border until she misunderstood, misinterpreted and basically disparaged those border patrol agents and maxine waters made the comments she did it is worse than slavery and also you had al sharpton go down. now that conversation shifts to something rather than illegal immigrants coming across the border. >> it was the goal. the smoke screen. the moment the story was leaked out. being down there i saw what the press were doing on the ground. they are some procedures we have to follow on border because it's a volatile situation. there were members of other stations and newspaper that were intentionally going within the crowd agitating the haitian community, immigrants that were here illegally and it almost blocked all our press access. and that was their intention. again, kamala harris has not visited the border and not talked to the border agents. then you have the homeland security secretary that continues to behind closed doors admit there is a crisis. when he gets in front of the camera he sings a different tune. that's why every single local democrat in town is upset. mayor democrat, sheriff democrat. none of tlem happy with what's happening in the lone star state. >> dana: thank you so much. you are headed back to texas and we can talk to you again. thank you so much. trace. >> trace: police working to figure out a motive after a gunman targeted shopper at a tennessee grocery store. a live report on that straight ahead. plus dueling issues for president biden on the foreign policy front. the taliban planning a return to brutal tactics as the white house tries to get iran back to the negotiating table. more on all of this with senator tom cotton. he joins us next. >> i'm begging him to lead. begging him to start getting terrorism under control and begging him to have some sort of voice on afghanistan. we've lost our moral core and we have to get it back. lowest rate in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. these rates could cut thousands off your mortgage payments every year. with their two and a quarter refi, there's no money out of pocket and no upfront fees. newday's holding the line on those low rates so every veteran family can save. ♪♪ we believe everyone deserves to live better. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our planet, but restore, renew, and replenish it. so we can all live better tomorrow. ♪♪ use a single hr software? 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just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. >> dana: gunman attacked coppers at a grocery store in tennessee killing one person and injuring 12 others before turning the gun on himself. we're live in collierville, tennessee. do we have a motive? >> the motive uncertain at this point. there were workers who fled the scene here who said they recognized the gunman when he walked in and began shooting. they say he could be a disgruntled employee. someone who worked in the deli area. third party vendor. we should hear more from police in the next couple of hours. the shots were first fired 1:30 p.m. people scrambled to get away and people hiding in the freezers. police were on scene within four minutes. swat team went up and down the aisles. the gunman shot and killed himself. he hit both shoppers and store employees. local police and f.b.i. on the scene here now. the weapon used not clear. the chief of police here in collierville, tennessee said it's the worst event ever in the history of this town. dana, back to you. >> dana: appreciate it. trace. >> trace: top taliban official says strict punishments including amputations and executions will resume in afghanistan as life begins to take shape. fearing for their safety allies are still trying to escape. check out this reporting from trey yengst yesterday. watch. >> there are a number of people outside of this hotel in kabul who worked for the americans at the u.s. embassy and are left behind. they have the documentation. it says u.s. embassy kabul. >> i was an employee of the u.s. embassy as security screener. >> from the deputy chief of mission at the u.s. embassy in kabul promising embassy workers they'd get them out of afghanistan. >> joining us now senator tom cotton. member of the senate armed services committee. great to have you on. the administration says the taliban is professional and business like. reporters on the ground have a different take. they are saying look, the executions are back. women's rights are gone. the chief enforcer of the taliban said the following quoting. no one will tell us what our laws should be. we will follow islam and we will make our laws on the quran cutting off hands is very necessary for security. so much for the taliban 2.0, senator. >> trace, i guess they will be very business like when they execute the hands of minor felons and criminals in afghanistan. who could have guessed that a degenerate gang of 7th century savages would behave like that? anyone who knew how the taliban behaved back in the 1990, you don't have to go back that far. you can see the way that taliban have continued to act over the summer and up to august 15th when kabul fell. they didn't hide who they were. they were doing exactly the same thing. they may have said a few pleasing words in kabul that duped joe biden and tony blinken. this is who the taliban always has been and always will be. this is why it was such a catastrophe to leave behind thousands of american citizens and green card holders and afghans who served with our troops and their families and why we still have to work to get all those people out. >> trace: what about those numbers? trey yengst saying look, some of these afghans who worked in the embassy are still there. they are not being -- there is no active effort rieft now to get them out. what are your thoughts on that? >> it's not apparent what the biden administration is doing to get them out. the biden administration has acknowledged they left behind the vast majority of vetted and approved afghans who worked with our troops. at the same time, they also evacuated apparently thousands of afghans about whom we know next to nothing who maybe had no particular connection to our troops at all. this has led to all kinds of problems in terms of look at the measles outbreak at some of the sites where they're being held. two evacuees in wisconsin are charged with sex crimes against minors. this is what happens because joe biden's rushed, disorganized withdrawal. we left behind those who we should have gotten out and brought with us a lot of people who we have no idea who at the are or if they pose any threat to us. >> trace: i want to move on to iran if i can. antony blinken said this about a new push for an iran nuclear deal. >> we don't have yet an agreement by iran to return to the talks in vienna. we're very much prepared to return to continue the talks and the question is whether and if so when iran is prepared to do that. >> trace: the president is imploring iran, begging to come back to the table. why is iran suddenly setting the tempo here, senator? >> well, it's exactly what they did in the clinton administration and obama administration and now in the biden administration. ayatollahs know that joe biden is desperate for any deal. they'll set the terms and conditions even for sitting down to negotiations. we're probably willing to grant concessions behind the scenes to start the negotiations that were stopped earlier this summer. i think the biden administration was shocked that the ayatollahs wouldn't come back into the nuclear deal. they were trying to surrender to them. ayatollahs wouldn't accept the terms of surrender and less likely now how weak joe biden has been in afghanistan. they expect more concessions which is dangerous for americans. >> trace: i have to go, senator. quickly you tweeted about president throwing border patrol agents under the bus about the horse back thing. your quick final thoughts on that. >> look, the border patrol have been given an impossible job by this president who doesn't want to enforce our border. brave men and women. plenty of places on the southern border where border patrol agents need to use horses to cover large amounts of forbidding terrain. it is disgraceful that joe biden is blaming the brave men and women in law enforcement for his faig you are to secure our border and opening up our border. >> trace: the blame game seems to be what the administration does. >> dana: the president's son is back in the headlines. new emails link hunter biden to billions of libyan assets. >> we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy. >> dana: democrats are once again refusing to offer specifics about what is in their massive 3.5 trillion spending bill. steve moore and austan goolsbee are here to weigh in. ot $58,800. newday lets you borrow 100% of your home's value. i called and got $54,200. near record low rates means lower payments. turn your equity into cash with the newday 100 va cash out loan. hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we did it again. verizon has been named america's most reliable network by rootmetrics. and our customers rated us #1 for network quality in america according to j.d. power. number one in reliability, 16 times in a row. most awarded for network quality, 27 times in a row. proving once again that nobody builds networks like verizon. that's why we're building 5g right, that's why there's only one best network. ♪ ♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain,discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. >> trace: hunter biden under scoout knee this morning again. uncovered emails linking the president's son to billions in libyan assets during the obama administration. griff, good morning to you. >> it's unclear if any laws could have been broken and e-maims are unrelated to his reported laptop but these obtained by business insider points to questionable business dealings of hunter seeking to profit off his father's position. now the first email written january 28th, 2015 by a democrat donor named sam to a shaikh obama campaign doanor obtaining libyan assets through hunter. per phone conversation i met with number two son wants $2 million per year plus success fees and wants to hire his own people. it can be close circle of people for confidentiality. his dad is deciding to run or not. a year later a second email dated february 26, 2016 was sent to both of those donors from attorney who appears to be reaching out to hunter's team about the libyan deal. he said i spoke with hb team yesterday and interested in the project but emphasized for them to get involved the team lobbyists, lawyers and p.r. would need to be a small group of folks. they have a tight relationship with. they do not want a large group involved. at the white house yesterday they didn't want to talk about this. watch. >> thanks, everyone. >> hunter biden -- >> white house spokesman responded no comment when contacted by fox. the top republican on the house oversight committee is speaking out. >> this just vindicates a lot of people like myself and a lot of my colleagues in congress who have always said hunter biden is someone we should be suspicious of and someone who we should be having access for oversight. >> fox news reached out to hunter biden for comment and we haven't heard back. >> trace: griff jenkins live in d.c. thank you. >> dana: no comment zone. president biden's spending spree is closing to becoming a reality. democrats reached an agreement with the white house on a framework on how to pay for the massive $3.5 trillion proposal after fierce pushback from moderates. steve moore economic advisor for president trump and austan goolsbee the same job under president obama. i asked them to do homework and come with two things austan thing is the best thing is about the bill and steve two things the worst thing. the headline from "the new york times." it says pods take warns democrats scale back the social policy bill or lose congress. with that warning from john podesta, strong democrat. austan what are the two best things? >> you limited me by the length of our segment. i could go on at some length. if i have to pick two for me the number one thing is the expansion of education to make higher education more affordable. invest in schools and teachers and the reducing the cost of healthcare for not just parents but for senior citizens as well. >> dana: all right. i will come back. steve, what are the two worst things. >> not too surprising austan likes the more money for higher education. he is a college professor. the two worst things are number one, the fact that this is going to massively increase our debt and taxes at a time when we just can't afford to do this as a nation. we have a $20 trillion debt already. the second thing that worries me about is doubling the irs budget. we learned under the obama administration that they weaponized the irs and used it to go after conservative groups and donors. that's exactly what will happen if they have 5,000 more irs agents. >> dana: one of the things i was wondering about. a child tax credit that would become permanent. that might be a very popular thing but when you think about all the debt that we are adding to future generations, what does that do to children who in the future will try to figure out way to pay for all this? >> well, it would be -- that would be relevant except that the framework that they are agreeing on does pay for it. so if you ask what increased the deficit more, the trump tax cut or this bill? the answer is by far the trump tax cut by trillions of dollars increased the debt and the deficit by more than this because this is paid for. so i still feel like, dana, that if a person runs for president and says i'm going to do x, y and z and i am going to pay for it with taxes on high-income people and large corporations, wins by 7 million votes and takes the house, the senate and the white house, and then does what they said they were going to do, >> dana: you shouldn't be surprised on the expansion of medicare, steve. i read about this this morning. there is a proposal to add dental benefits and hearing aids to medicare benefits including other things but in order to pay for it all, they actually don't have any of those benefits kick in until after the time frame like 2028 so they can say they save a certain amount of money. it feels like there is a lot of fuzzy math is the word. >> if you believe that this is all paid for then you probably believe the afghanistan withdrawal was a great success. the fact is this will -- we did some estimates that a child born today if we pass this biden plan today they pay about 65,000 dollars of the debt. by the year 2050 it will be over 300,000. that's a great gift we give to our children, $300,000 per child of new debt. >> dana: maybe that will all be paid for as well, right, austan? it feels like that's where it is coming from. if you had to guess, austan, do you think the progressives and moderates on the democratic side can come together or do you think that john podesta will be persuasive saying they have to scale it back. biden asked manchin for a top line number and manchin didn't give one. >> i'm a little nervous about it. the segment open you said there is one step closer. there is a lot of negotiation that will have to take place. >> that's something we agree on. there is a lot of negotiation. a lot amount of money. >> dana: a high note of agreement. love seeing you. see you next friday. >> our border is still in crisis. i want to bring attention to the dereliction of duty by this president occurring at our southern border. can we stop pretending this adnistration deserves any benefit of the doubt? >> the biden administration engulfed in the crisis at the disaster of the southern border. why both sides of the political highly are coming down hard on the white house. talk about veto power, the cdc director overruling her own panel on pfizer booster shots. is politics mixing with medicine? 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the white house won't answer questions about hunter biden and all of these issues. i don't know how long they can say no comment. >> trace: i think john durham we're seeing this whole thing is gaining a little bit of traction. we had the indictment last week and now this thing is gaining a little bit of momentum and concerned about when the next shoe might drop in that. in a rare move, cdc director defied her agencies own advisory panel and decided to endorse pfizer's vaccine booster for a broader group of people. the panel recommended it for americans 65 and over and over 50 with underlying medical conditions. but she went one step further to include all adults working in a high-risk setting. this comes as the biden administration takes criticism for getting ahead of the science in its push to roll out boosters. we should note that the president is about to speak on covid-19 any second now and we'll take that. we should -- is he speaking? >> dana: coming in about a minute. do you remember when walensky at the beginning of the administration talked about i believe it was opening schools and that schools should be open and they all pushed back on her at the white house and said she was only speaking in her personal capacity even though she was in front of the cdc back drop. she was accused of not following the signs and she retraced her steps. i understand why my friend sent it to me. the cdc advisory committed excluded healthcare workers and teachers. we'll find out from joe biden now. >> president biden: covid-19. if we come together as a country and use the tools we have. earlier this month, i laid out a six-part plan for the fall that does just that, one, vaccinate the unvaccinated including with new requirements. two keep the vaccinated protected. three, keep children safe and schools open. four, increase testing and masking. five, protect our economic recovery. and six, improve the care for people with covid-19. now we made important progress on each front. this week as planned we took a key step to protect the vaccinated with booster shots which are top government doctors believe provides the highest level of protection available to date. food and drug administration, fda, the center for disease control and prevention, the cdc have completed their independent scientific review and based oh than that review the majority of americans who are fully vaccinated with the pfizer vaccine are now able to receive the booster shot six months after they've received their second shot. six months after you received the second shot you are eligible. those eligible include in addition to meeting requirements of six months after the second shot, those people who are 65 years or older. adults 18 and over with certain underlying health conditions like diabetes and obesity. and those who are at increased risk of covid-19 because of where they work or where they live like healthcare workers, teachers, grocery store workers. that's over -- that group makes up 60 million americans who are now eligible for a booster six months after their second shot. up to 20 million who will receive their earlier pfizer shot, at least six months ago are eligible today. so those folks are eligible now, now. and i have made clear all along the decision of which booster shot to give, when to start the shot, and who will get them is left to the scientists and the doctors. that's what happened here. and while we waited and prepared, we bought enough booster shots and states and pharmacies, doctors offices and community health centers have been prayed to get booster shots in arms for a while. and like your first and second shot, the booster shot is free and easily accessible. booster shots will be available in 80,000 locations including over 40,000 pharmacies nationwide. so my message today is this, if you've got the pfizer vaccine, you got the pfizer vaccine in january, february or march of this year and you are over 65 years of age, go get the booster or if you have a medical condition like diabetes or you are a front line worker like a healthcare worker or teacher, you can get a free booster now. i will be getting my booster shot -- hard to acknowledge i'm over 65 but i'll be getting my booster shot. it's a bear, isn't it? all kidding aside i'll be getting my booster shot. i don't know when i'll do it. as soon as i can get it done. of course, millions of americans got the moderna and johnson & johnson vaccines. my message to you is this, you still have a high degree of protection. our doctors and scientists are working day and night to analyze the data from those two organizations on whether and when you need a booster shot. and will provide updates for you as the process moves ahead. again, the bottom line is if you are fully vaccinated, you are highly protected from severe illness even if you get covid-19. in fact, recent data indicates there is only one confirmed positive case per 5,000 fully vaccinated americans per day. you are as safe as possible and in good shape. we're doing everything we can to keep it that way. which is where the booster comes in. so let me be clear. yes, we made incredible progress in vaccinating americans with over 182 million people being fully vaccinated as of today. but this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. and it is caused by the fact that despite americans having an unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in 80,000 locations, we still have -- we still have over 70 million americans who have failed to get a single shot. to make matters worse there are elected official he actively working with false information the fight against covid-19. this is totally unacceptable. the vast majority of americans are doing the right thing. 3/4 of the eligible have gotten at least one shot. but 1/4 hasn't gotten anything. that 25% minority can cause an awful lot of damage and they are causing a lot of damage. the unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, joufr running emergency rooms and intensive care units leaving no room for someone with a heart attack or an operation needed to get the lifesaving care. the places they would get that care are crowded and they are not available. the unvaccinated also put our economy recovery at risk causing uneast around the kitchen table. i can imagine what's going on in conversation this morning a lot of parents what will happen. those who have been vaccinated, what is going to happen? potentially slowing economic owth, costing jobs. the refusal has cost all of us and i'm moving forward with vaccination requirements wherever i can. these requirements will cover 2/3 of all workers in america. i'm pleased to see more businesses and organizations, instituting their own vaccination requirements. i've had business leaders call me and thank me for setting the policy to allow them to do the same thing and they're able to do it anyway but it gives them the ability to move forward. we're making progress. for example, united airlines which requires vaccines about seven weeks ago now has 97% of their employees vaccinated. just four weeks ago the department of defense required vaccinations for the military. already 92% are active duty service members are vaccinated. and we're on track to administration 24 million shots in arms in september. so please, do the right thing. do the right thing. i understand there is a lot of misinformation that has been fed out there but try to look through it. get the people you trust, the people who have been vaccinated, squ them. -- ask them. get vaccinated. don't just take it from me, listen to the voices of the unvaccinated americans who are lying in hospital beds taking their final breath saying literally we've seen this on television, if only i had gotten vaccinated. if only. if only. they are leaving behind husbands and wives, small children, people who adore them, people are dying and will die who don't have to die. it is not -- don't let this become your tragedy. get vaccinated. it can save your life, can save the lives of those around you. you know, text your zip code to 438829. or visit to find a vaccination location near you now. let me close with this. we also made so much progress during the past eight months in this pandemic and now we face a critical moment. we have the tools, we have the plan, we just have to finish the job together as one nation. and i know we can. i know we can. god bless you all and please look out for your own self interest and health here. get vaccinated. may god protect our troops. thank you. abc, rachel scott. >> thank you, mr. president. you said on the campaign trail you were going to restore the moral standing of the u.s. and were going to end trump's assault on the dignity of immigrant communities. given what we saw at the border this week, have you failed in that promise and this is happening under your watch. do you take responsibility for the chaos that's unfolding? >> president biden: of course i take responsibility i'm president. it was horrible what you saw to see people treated like they did, horses running over people being strapped. it is outrageous. i promise you those people will pay. they will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. there will be consequences. it is an embarrassment. beyond embarrassment. it is daing rouns and wrong and sends the wrong message around the world and at home. simply not who we are. thank you. >> peter alexander. >> mr. president, thank you. you came into office on a message of competence and unity. we've witnessed what has happened in the country over the last several months. chaotic troop with traul fra afghanistan. threat of the democrats divided over your agenda going forward. what do you say to americans who say you have not delivered on that promise? >> remember i said it will take me a year to deliver everything i'm looking at here, number one. number two, take a look at what i inherited when i came into office. when i came into office, the state of affairs and where we were. we had four million people vaccinated. no plan. i could move down the list. so, you know, part of it dealing with the things that landed on my plate. it's reailt. ality. number two, i this i the part of what has to happen as well. let's talk about my economic plan. the economic plan you all are always -- understandably and legitimately studying polls. every element of my plan is overwhelmingly popular. but the problem is with everything happening not everybody knows what's in that plan. for example, all those women out there who are not able to go back to work because they have a dependent grand parent -- parent or dependent child who needs help or they can't find daycare or they can't find -- look at what's happening. well, there is a solution. there is a solution in the proposal that i put forward and the plans we're now debating in the -- among ourselves and in congress is the plan, yes it's the plan i laid out at the beginning. and so i'm confident that at the end of the day we are going to be able to get that done. second point i would like to make we talk about price tags. it is zero price tag on the debt. we're paying. we will pay for everything we spend. it's not -- people understandably well, you know, it started off at $6 trillion and now 3.5 trillion and now 2.9. it will be zero. zero because in that plan that i put forward and i said from the outset i said i'm running to change the dynamic of how the economy grows. i'm tired of trickle down. trillion airs and billionaires are doing very well. you have all reported it. in the middle of this crisis but hard working people and middle class people are getting hurt and so i provide for, for example, a tax cut if you have a child. you get a refundable tax credit. it's reduced hunger in america by 40%. literally for children. you have the whole notion of being able to provide for daycare for your children. getting people back to school, etc. it is all paid for. it is all paid for. a lot of these are flat tax cuts that exist within my proposal. and they are being calculated as if the cost of the childcare tax credit is a cost to the government. it is not. it's reducing taxes. reducing taxes, not increasing taxes. now, part of the problem is i had hoped -- i hadn't planned on although i anticipated might happen. i hadn't planned on the 178 mile top w*inds going to louisiana and 20 inches of rain in new york and new jersey and an area as big as the state of new jersey burning down in the west. and so what i had hoped i would be doing, i do what i did in the campaign. i would be out making the case about what my plan contained. and it has been very much curtailed by a whole range of things. and so i think that it's understandable, i think it's understandable people being frustrated. i think they are frustrated as well by the fact that not just members of congress, democrats and republicans, frustrated by, you know, i thought this was going to be better. i thought everything was working out. we were moving along on covid-19. and now we have all these people who refuse to get a shot and now look at the people dying. large numbers of people dying. i think it is total obviously legitimate question you've asked but putting it in context here it is going to take some time here. and i know i always kid you when you all ask me about well, what about are you going to get a done and b done and c done. i say you want to negotiate. here is the deal, this is going to end up, i believe, we will end up getting both the pieces of my economic legislation. the first piece, the 1.9 fundamentally change the structure and nature of the economy of this country even though remember it got clobbered. all this terrible thing. no republican voted for it. we got real economic growth. now we're at this stalemate at the moment and we are going to have to get these two pieces of legislation passed. both need to be passed. they will have a profound impact according to not just joe biden but according to wall street and the imf and according to international organizations. and so -- and then there is -- i'm going to be having a meeting today with a quad, with the leaders of the -- the leader of india, japan and australia, and we'll be talking about afghanistan, which is a legitimate thing we talk about. the truth of the matter is the end of the day is we were spending $300 million a day for 20 years. no easy way to end that. we're still getting people out but it is really -- there is no picture book way to say okay, the war is ended and let's get everybody out and we'll go home. no war is ever ended that way other there has been a surrender and a totally different circumstance. so anyway there is a lot, i'm sure, along the line that there are things i could have done better but i make no apologies for my proposals, how i'm proceeding and why i think by the end of the year we'll be in a very different place. >> follow upon covid. what do you say to americans who disregard the cdc guidance and get a booster shot anyway? >> well, i am not sure how they get it. >> they got it without any high-risk situation or age limit. >> president biden: i have think what is going to happen is you'll see in the near term we'll probably open this up anyway. there is constantly looking at both moderna and j&j and both as i said in the speech in addition to that we're also looking to the time when we will be able to expand the booster shots basically across the board. so i would just say it would be better to wait your turn in line. wait in line. wait your turn and to get there. ken. >> thank you, mr. president. when you met with congressional leaders this week you told them to try to find a number less than 3.5 trillion on the reconciliation package. that they could live with. what is that top line number in your mind as you deliberate these considerations and then separately you mentioned how you are going to pay for some of these provisions. senator wyden has a proposal on annual taxes on billionaires unrealized gains. is that something you support? >> president biden: yes, i do. i support a lot of these proposals. we don't need all the things i supported to pay for this but i do support that. look, if you get -- if you file a w2 form, you know, the irs has access to your bank account and your bank tells you how much you made, what you have in there and they estimate your tax. well, if you have no income you are just -- if you have no earned income and it is all invested income, it is hard to figure out what the hell -- what the heck you have. and that's why we have to -- and i know some people don't like this, that's why we have to rehire some irs agents not to do -- not to try to make something people they don't just say hey, step up. step up and pay like everybody else does. look, i really mean this with my whole career. i come from the corporate state of america. i just think it is about just paying your fair share for lord's sake. we can argue whether or not the corporate tax will go back up to 26 1/2%, 28, 24. the idea that 50 major corporations in america making sum total of $40 billion pay zero? come on. come on. it is just wrong. it is just not fair. and i think it's beginning to sink through the ether a little bit here on the part of people. i think there clearly is enough from a lot of options to pay for whatever it is that the folks decide to pay for. let me finish by answering the initial part of your question if i may. the way i look at it is what i've been telling my colleagues and it surprises them sometimes in those rooms. i don't know whether you heard but both meetings went very well. i mean, it was -- they were collegial. no one is hollering and people were hanging out afterwards in the oval. anyway, both the progressives as well as the moderates. and one of the things that i think is important for -- and i'm trying to get people to focus on is what is it you like? what do you think -- forget a number. what do you have think we should be doing? this is appropriate in your view to cut taxes for working class people by providing for daycare, providing for early education 3 and 4 years old. is it appropriate to do something about free community college or do you want -- what are your priorities? several of them, when they go through their priorities adds up to a number higher than they said they were for because i think this is -- we're getting down to the hard spot here. people are having now to go in and look in detail as to what it is specifically they are for. it's a little bit like when we went through and i'll end with this. a little like when we went through the issue of the bipartisan deal on infrastructure. there are a lot of negotiations on that. and it wasn't until people were forced to look at what are you for? are you for taking care of that highway or bridge in your state or your region? are you for doing something about environmental degradation? are you for something that deals with allowing us to provide for monies to states so that they can, in fact, deal with things like what happened in states where the major utility lines come down? what do you do to build those back better to prevent that from happening? there is -- you all speak to all these folks so you speak to as many as i do. i find that they are going hum, i never really thought that through before. i think it makes sense. that's how we finally got to a bipartisan deal on what is a serious infrastructure proposal that really does a number of things, including -- including things where people said i don't want to do that to the environment and they start thinking wait a minute. i have all the diesel buses at home. it would be a hell of a lot better if we had electric buses and it would change the circumstance boom, boom, boom. so i think this is a process. that's why i said at the front end that although we got off to a very fast start with the first piece of legislation, i don't expect this to be done and us being in a position where we can look back and say okay, did we get it done, until the basically the end of the year. i don't mean the vote on the two pieces of legislation related to the economy but i think it will take some time. look, you know, my guess is we all come from similar backgrounds. remember used to sit around the kitchen table in the morning if you had a chance to do that or dinner at night with your mom and dad and brothers and sisters. what did people talk about? they talked about are we going to be able to pay the mortgage? at least at my house. what is going to happen if we have another one of those floods? and it blows through here like it did in queens? what will happen? what will we do? by the way, i don't -- i am just not sure that i want, you know, my son or daughter to be going to school when somebody people are not vaccinated, you know. i'm not sure i want kenny to be there doing this. but practical things people are talking about. and they are looking down the road and looking at cost of living issues as well. so what's the cost of living issues? well, it's because we're in a position where the ability to have the product -- the elements of the production of a product that in fact need to go into the production of that product are hard to get ahold of because people are in trouble. they aren't able to produce them. they aren't able to get it or they are being hoarded just like what we have -- and we're making progress -- like what we're doing with regard to making sure we have the computer chips to be able to keep -- in the vernacular to keep -- build automobiles. i mean, i think everybody was kind of surprised when i -- i think if i had said to you -- i may be dead wrong, but if i had said to you in, say, april that i was going to get all three major manufacturers from american automobiles saying they will go electric, i doubt whether you would have thought that could be done. well, right here on the back lawn they've figured it out. they have had a bit of an epiphany and realize wait a minute, man, china is investing billions of dollars and china is making battery technology and this is going to happen anyway. and again i will conclude by saying this is a process and it will be up and down. that's why i don't look at the polls. not a joke. because it is going to go up and it is going to go up and hopefully at the end of the day i will be able to deliver on what i said i would do, one, bringing the country together on a few very important things like on infrastructure. getting us in a position where we can have some coherent policy for foreign pollz. moving us into a position where we're able to actually generate the kind of change in the dynamic of how we grow the economy. not eliminate the super weather, not at all. but allow the working class and middle class to be build out and up. that can be done. like i said, every time i hear -- i drive my staff crazy. every time i hear it will cost a, b, c or d, the truth is based on the commitment that i made, it will cost nothing because we are going to raise the revenue, raise the revenue to pay for the things we're talking about. and we'll give and right now if you take a look at the reconciliation piece, a trillion dollars of that is tax cuts, not raise anybody's taxes, tax cuts. people paying less taxes. people pay less taxes will be working class folks. put women back to work, put people in situations where they have -- i know you are tired of hearing me say it. my dad's constant refrain. just give people a little breathing room. a little breathing room. thank you. [shouted questions] >> dana: president biden just gave a speech about covid booster shots, turned into some questions he took on a range of issues with the border patrol that we'll get to in a second and the economic plan. trace, let's get to our guest. >> trace: president biden facing fire from all sides over the border crisis. the camp under the bridge now nearly empty. joining us with more texas congressman dan crenshaw. i know you listened to the president moments ago. i was stunned at the talking about the border agents and saying things that are not true. we looked at the video, analysts looked at the video. there were no whips used on these people and yet you have people in the administration, including the president, continuing to propagate this. >> dana: we have that sound. can we play that sound and have you react to it, please? >> president biden: to see people treated like they did. horses running over and people being strapped is outrageous, i promise you, those people will pay. there will be an investigation and there will be consequences. >> dana: he also said it was an embarrassment and dangerous and wrong, congressman. >> you know, that was probably the part of his speech in the last 30 minutes that made me the most angry. we could take an air debunking all the lies he told on all different subjects. there was a lot. this one was egregious. the only people he wants to hold accountable for the mess at the border is his own border agents for doing their job. he put them in this position and lies about what they are doing. he liesz about their actions. can't imagine a worse leader right now. if you try to get a mass exodus from the border patrol and quit and lose morale this is a great way to do it. to blame them. you know who else isn't held accountable? all the people illegally crossing our border. all the unvaccinated and the people with covid. all the people infiltrating our country and lying about their asylum claims. they aren't held accountable. but biden doesn't care about that. look, we have to stop pretending it isn't competence. they're doing it on purpose. mayorkas was on the record yesterday bragging about how there is too many of trump's policies that they've rescinded to even count. they rescinded all these policies and act surprised it caused a mass migration about the border. and they act like it is just a tough situation that they have to deal with. but it is not. it was done on purpose. >> trace: and i guess that's the question as you look at this congressman and you talk about what the president is saying and you look down at the border and we've been trying now for a couple of days to get secretary mayorkas and the administration to give us numbers, right? we know there are 3500 of those haitian immigrants down under that bridge in del rio, texas. we know about 1800, 1400 have been taken back to haiti. we don't know how many were released into the united states. but it is in the thousands and we cannot get exact numbers and yet we know they do have the numbers. >> well, it gets worse than that. everybody is focused on the haitians right now. these are mostly single men. it is easier to deport them under title 42 or other immigration laws. everybody is focused on that now. don't lose sight of the fact that well over a million encounters have occurred this year. and they won't give us numbers on how many of them have been released. that will be in the hundreds of thousands. over the million. what does that mean? the eighth largest city in america. that means a population the size of the eighth largest city in america has infiltrated our country and this administration doesn't karat. it is a dereliction of constitutional duty. he is willingly refusing and deliberately refusing to enforce laws. >> dana: thank you for watching speech with us and being the first we react to it. we'll be in touch with you soon. thank you. the f.b.i. is issuing an arrest warrant for brian laundrie. what does this mean for the gabby petito investigation? fi it in their history. two and quarter percent, just 2.48 apr. save thousands a year. re-entering data that employees could enter themselves? that's why i get up in the morning! i have a secret method for remembering all my hr passwords. my boss doesn't remember approving my time off. let's just... find that email. the old way of doing business slows everyone down. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easy-to-use software. visit for a free demo. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. veteran homeowners. if you haven't refinanced yet, ensure complete! get in on record low rates now. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in newday's history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. just one call, and you can save thousands every year. there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. the newday two and a quarter refi. at these rates, you may never need to refinance again. >> trace: if you thought president biden spoke for 22 minutes about 18 minutes ago or 14 minutes ago let's bring if chris wallace the host of "fox news sunday". always good to see you. the president was asked about the litany of problems facing the administration right now talking about afghanistan, the border, this reconciliation bill that we're talking about. he immediately as you saw blamed the previous administration, blamed president trump which seems to be a pattern here. at what point do you think the president starts taking responsibility and that somebody is held accountable for what is happening in this administration? >> he is being held accountable right now, trace, when you see his poll numbers cratering as a new gallup poll down to 43% approval. 55%. the american people are holding him accountable. i was struck. you discussed with congressman crenshaw the border. i was struck by his discussion of this huge tax and spend bill and this is a new pr move. the new way that the administration is going to try to sell it to say the cost is zero. it is not 3 1/2 trillion dollars it's zero because it's paid for. well, it's paid for by raising taxes on individuals. it is paid for by raising taxes on companies. that's not zero. that's 3 1/2 trillion dollars. he makes it sound as if if you borrow it there is a cost but if you tax the private sector is taxed more than the public sector there is no cost at all. i was curious about the fact he discussed the meetings he had with moderate leaders and progressive leaders in congress at the white house a couple of days ago. and he said to them forget the price tag. let's just talk about what is it you want? and maybe you want more childcare, maybe you want free pre-school andfree community college. this isn't the oprah show. it is like saying to a family what do you want? i would like a new car. you get a car. this isn't the oprah show. you have to take into account the price tag. there are a lot of things we would all like in our personal lives, a lot of things we would like from the government but you have to weigh that against the cost and the ability of the government to pay. what it does to the overall economy. this isn't going to cost zero, it will cost $3 1/2 trillion if that's the number they end up with. one way or another they get the money either by borrowing or taxing companies and taxing individuals. >> trace: there is a lot of debate on this bill. progressives pushing back. does it pass? does it have a chance to go forward? >> you know, we've got two things here. we have one the infrastructure bill which moderates are in favor of and passed on a bipartisan basis with 18 or 19 republicans in the senate. then you have the progressives very much want what i call a tax and spend bill, 3 1/2 trillion dollar cost at this point. it may go down a bit. you know, and they are trading off moderates say we won't vote for the big tax and spend bill unless you pass the infrafruk stur. -- infrastructure. it would be such a political disaster. they are the governing party the democrats are. they control the house, the senate, the white house. if they are put in charge as a governing party and unable to pass their president's domestic agenda, i don't know how democrats come back from that in the mid-terms next year. >> trace: that's a fair assessment. we have to go. quickly what is coming up on "fox news sunday". >> we'll talk about this. don't have the guests locked down yet. on the border we have an exclusive interview with governor greg abbott and talk about what is happening at the order and the issue about horses and border patrol. a lot to discuss with governor abbott on "fox news sunday". >> trace: great to see you, sir, thank you. >> you bet. >> dana: the f.b.i. is on the hunt for brian laundrie after issuing with a warrant on fraud. judge jeanine pirro is here next. or there... start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free flu shot and covid-19 vaccine today. - oh, sister of mine. - mmm... - i got you this. - the new iphone 13 pro? 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>> dana: is the search in the carlton reserve or broader? >> it is much broader. everybody thinks they're looking in the carlton reserve for brian. i think they may be looking for evidence in the carlton reserve. remember, the parents helped him clean out the camper -- her van that he brought back. we don't know what was in the van. we don't know what was in the mustang. the parents have pretty much kept all of that away from the police. by their siel ention and laurg up there is all kinds of evidence that's gone. there may be evidence they're looking for in addition to laundrie in that swamp area. >> dana: one thing i don't know if our viewers know about you and i learned this week. in 1978 you set up the first domestic violence unit as prosecutor and one of the reasons you wanted to -- in the country. and you did that because you new it was a problem that happens. what do you think about what mark fuhrman said about what happened in utah? >> you know, the problem is when you have a police officer saying that domestic violence charges are not meant for people going through the state and traveling through the state they are only meant for people in live in the state that's outrageous. that's what people thought 40 years ago. i started the pilot project. that mentality is what gets young people like this in real trouble. the law in utah makes it very clear that there is a mandatory arrest in a case where the police believe there will be continuing violence. there was a call to 911 by an outsider who said he is slapping her. the car was swerving hitting the curb, they were both agitated. she was hitting him and it was clear he didn't want her in the van and trying to prevent her from getting into her own van. you don't just turn around and say they're from out of state. maybe he will leave her here, wife is exactly what it appeared to be. domestic violence cases are cases where you have to assess the danger to the woman or to the man and 10% of the cases. i very much disagree with mark. he was wrong. >> dana: he said if you go through the state the laws aren't there. >> they don't apply to you. there is mandatory arrest in most states in the country. the police have an obligation to assess who was a primary aggressor and the one they'll put under arrest. some states they'll put them both under arrest. he said they will both be bailed. who knows what would happen in this case? >> dana: will we get an update of this case tomorrow flight? night >> we have lou holtz and others. it will be fun. >> dana: great to have you on "the five" the week. >> trace: the life of princess diana is coming to broadway as a musical. up next we'll speak to one of the people responsible for the show and an album that brings the princess of wales to the bright lights. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year. this may look like a regular movie night. but if you're a kid with diabetes, it's more. it's the simple act of enjoying time with friends, knowing you understand your glucose levels. ♪♪ (struggling vehicle sounds) think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ (energetic music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪♪ we believe everyone deserves to live better. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our planet, but restore, renew, and replenish it. so we can all live better tomorrow. ♪♪ veteran homeowners, i have 100 great reasons why you should use your va benefit tomorrow. to turn your home equity into cash. the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. with mortgage rates near record lows.. and home values at record highs. you could take out $50,000 or more to build your dream kitchen, a new bathroom, or a swimming pool for the kids. call newday right now. >> trace: the humanitarian crisis unfolding in del rio texas, where is the border czar, the vice president? she is in new york appearing on the view. we're live in washington with more on this. alexandria. >> you know, this border czar was given the title exactly six months ago. many are wondering where is she right now? of course, she is 2,000 miles away from the border in new york city. on tuesday she shifted liability to homeland security secretary mayorkas following a phone call her office released this statement saying quote. the vice president raised her grave concerns about the mistreatment of haitian migrants by border patrol agents on horses and the need of cpb agents to treat people with dignity, humanely and consistent with our laws and values. the vice president harris's only trip to the border came in late june and she said this at the time. >> the president and i are absolutely committed to insuring that our immigration system is orderly and humane and i do believe that we are making progress in that regard. >> progress was made by tens of thousands of additional migrants illegally crossing the border. last week del rio mayor, a democrat, retreated a video of harris saying she is able to visit fun events across the country and we continue to grapple with immigration reform. where is the visit to del rio, texas? maybe it will be answered today during the appearance. >> trace: good question. thank you. >> dana: a new musical focuses on the life of the late princess diana headed back to broadway in a few weeks. let's bring in david bryan, the composer and lyrics. you wrote the music for "mem f*is." -- memphis." >> it's the same as me. he writes the story, i write the music and we said what about a musical about diana? she is beloved around the world. it was a good challenge and i said the thing about her was she was such -- she celebrated what brings the world together, not separate it. everything she did was humanitarian. the first person to touch an aid patient's hand. a person that helped humanity. >> dana: you take this on and do the music and it is all ready to go and it is the beginning of march 2020. i had tickets to go march 26th and then covid happened. >> boom. >> dana: so now there is no broadway but you do a different type of project. how can people learn about that. >> nine previews and we got shut down and then a couple months later we're like what can we do before broadway comes back? we got in contact with netflix and went into the theater last year under strict covid rules. i was sequestered for a month and filmed it in the theater. usually it's a capture with one hang will. this is like -- it is a high bride. -- hybrid and we made a movie in one week. the cast record is out. it is streamed on everything. and then next week we're on netflix and then november 2 we're back on stage. >> dana: how does it compare to being on tour? you are a very talented person and you've been in bon jovi, travel all over the world. you go to tokyo and everyone knolls -- knows all the words and it is amazing. how do this project compare to rock-n-roll. >> i've been with john since i was 17. the master of your destiny and you are the one who does it. when it comes to broadway i teach everybody, write it, teach everybody and they do it eight times a week. it is a different energy but i put all my rock-n-roll energy into them. >> dana: i can't wait to see it. thank you for being here. check out the cast album out today on all digital platforms under diana. trace, next time you come though new york i'll take you to the play. >> trace: listen, i hope we get a picture with you and david bryan. unbelievable. >> dana: i think you are a fan. trace is a fan. thanks for everything this week, trace, really appreciate it. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here is harris. >> harris: breaking news at this hour the biden administration is scrambling to clear that massive migrant camp underneath the bridge in del rio, texas. i'm harris "the faulkner focus". federal government sending in heavy machinery to clear up the grounds of the home of haitian migrants. the numbers have dwindled to 3,000 people still living under that bridge. what we still don't know, despite repeated attempts to find out, is how many

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Stage , Administration , Dana , Weekend , Charlatan , December 7th , West Virginia , 7 , Migrants , Removal , Trace , Number , Thousands , Answers , Texas Border Encampment , Supply , 15000 , 3000 , Rundown , Sides , Criticism Rains , Everybody Else , Jen Psaki , Peter Doocy , 5000 , Horse , Numbers , Border Agents , Department Of Homeland Security , Rest , Patrolling , 15 , 10 , Border , Border Agent , Mounlted , Difference , Del Rio , People , Camp , Bridge , Crews , Incredible , Group , Folks , U S , Portion , Custody , Haiti , 3900 , 2000 , Lot , Title , Notice , Mexico , 42 , Town , Wall , Part , Businesses , Focus , Tents , Work , Others , Countries , Relief , Traffic , Import Export Relationship , Two , Border Patrol , Update , Patrols , Images , Goods , Joe Biden , Security , Treatment , White House , Outrage , Home , Sector , La , Nld , Jeff Paul , Agents , Whips , Progressives , The Horses Won T , Rowdy Ballard , Allegations , Horse Coordinator , Ability , Jobs , Horses , Men , Del Rio Sector , It , Area , Tool , One , 100 , Border Patrol Agents , Reporters , Photograph , Accusations , Guy Why Don T , Way , Reins , Terms , Damage , Situation , Job , Release , Press , They Weren T , Form , We Don T Carry , 35 , Guys , Best , Anybody , Homeland Security Secretary , Arizona , Yuma , Homeland Security , Watch , Video , Secretary , Patrol Units , Security Response , Operating , River , Position , Horse Back , Facts , Migrant , Environment , Fine , Democrats Screaming Bloody Murder Mayorkas , The Band Wagon , Thought , Abilities , The Field , Fact , Whiplash , Tweet , Note , Fraternal Order Of Police , Car , Thanks , Warriors , Steering Wheel , Talk , Investigation , Eye , Food And Drug Administration , Crisis , Problem , Idea , Office , Look , Ground , Fox News , Sectors , Tee , Troopers , Conditions , Eyes , Migrant Tent Camp , Covid , They Aren T Being , Law Enforcement , Anything , Smuggler , Babies , Side , Smugglers , Soil , Raft , Increases , Rio Grande , Four , 210000 , 00 , Five , 200 , Rio Grande Valley , 1924 , Context , Information , Declaration , Didn T , White House Press Secretary , Police , Policy , Image , Arrest Warrant , Claim , Work Environment , Fbi , More , Gabby Petito , Brian Laundrie , Fraud Charges , Homicide , Death , Jonathan Serrie , North Port , Florida , Laundry , Debit Card Fraud , Federal Grand Jury , Brian Braund Rea , Family Attorney , Understanding , Demise , Water , Wilderness , Carlton Reserve , Swampy Park , 75 , Officers , Utah , Moab , Domestic Violence Shelter , Viewing Body Camp Footage , Ceo , Woman , Trouble , Domestic Violence , Centers , Sound Bite , Brian Hitchhiking , Norma Jean , Authorities , Body , Spread Creek Camping Area , Irn , August 29 , 29 , Entrance , Oit , Director , Move , Cdc , Footing Scientists , Reasons , The Hits Keep Coming For Hunter Biden , Emails , Liberal Austin , World , Police Staffing Shortage , Dictators , Safety , The State Of Texas , Everyone , Government , Texas Dps 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TradiciÓn , La Nueva GeneraciÓn , Es Mas , Que Un , Empleo Para MÍ , Opreza , TomÉ La Ruta De Mi Padre Cuando , Ahora Le Muestro , 47 , Como Una CompaÑia , Que Pertenece A Los Empleados , El Sistema , Convirtiendo , Estamos Orgullosos De Haber , De Reciclaje , En La Ciudad , San Francisco , La Diferencia Juntos , Sigamos Haciendo , Call , Police Officer , Emergency , City Council , Casey Stiegel , Dollars , Staffing Shortages , Police Budget Last , Millions , Dallas , Doubt , City Council Decision , City Departments , Police Budget , Impacts , 128 Million , 21 Million Dollars , 21 Million , 28 Million , Money , State Legislature , Funding , Bill , Law Enforcement Agency , System , Defunding , Shortage , 150 , Answer , Calls , Impact , Departments , Decisions , Summer , Many , Department , Emergency Calls , Priority Ones , Urgent , Comment , Scene , Emergencies , Police Union , Austin Police Department , Nine , Something , Cities , Enterprise Reporters , Senior Correspondent , Murders , 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Nuclear Deal , Question , Agreement , Talks , Vienna , Table , Tempo , Deal , Negotiations , Obama , Ayatollahs , Concessions , Ayatollahs Wouldn T , Scenes , Surrender , Doesn T , Bus , Men And Women In Law Enforcement , Places , Terrain , Amounts , Son , Headlines , Faig , The Blame Game , Hunter Biden , Assets , Controversy , Fog , Austan Goolsbee , Steve Moore , Spending Bill , Specifics , 3 5 Trillion , Record , Value , Payments , 8800 , 58800 , 54200 , 4200 , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , Equity , Personal Assistant , Memory , Friend , Projects , Manufacturing , Owner , Firm , 50 , Sense , Well Being , Better , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Belly Pain , Constipation , Deb , Discomfort , Bloating , Feelings , Coating , Linzess , Children , Signs , Yess , Symptoms Belly Pain , Laxative , Bowel Movements , Ibs C , Stomach Pain , Side Effect , Diarrhea , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Six , 18 , Side Effects , Gas , Swelling , Ibs C , Knee , Hunter Biden Under Scoout , Griff Jenkins , Business Dealings , Hunter , Business Insider , Laptop , Father , E Maims , Email Written January 28th , 28 , 2015 , January 28th 2015 , Sam , Donor , Campaign Doanor , Dad , Success Fees , Phone Conversation , Circle , Confidentiality , Million , 2 Million , Donors , Both , Email , Attorney , 26 , February 26 2016 , 2016 , Hb Team , Project , Relationship , P R , Lawyers , Team Lobbyists , Congress , Colleagues , On The House Oversight Committee , Republican , Oversight , Access , We Haven T Heard Back , D C , Proposal , Framework , Spending Spree , Reality , Comment Zone , 5 Trillion , Things , Moderates , Homework , President Trump , Pushback , Advisor , Social Policy Bill , The New York Times , Headline , Pods , Segment , Length , Warning , John Podesta , Schools , Teachers , Education , Expansion , Parents , Cost , Healthcare , Senior Citizens , Taxes , Debt , College Professor , Nation , 0 Trillion , 20 Trillion , Irs , Groups , Budget , Child Tax Credit , In The Future , Generations , Tax Cut , Deficit , Trillions , Y And Z , House , To Medicare , You Shouldn T , Corporations , Votes , Senate , 7 Million , Benefits , Order , Amount , Word , Frame , Math , 2028 , Child , Estimates , Success , 65000 Dollars , 2050 , 65000 , Gift , 300000 , 00000 , Top Line Number , Manchin Didn T Give One , Manchin , Step , Place , Negotiation , Duty , Dereliction , Love , Attention , High Note , Disaster , Benefit , Highly , Adnistration , Booster Shots , Panel , Pfizer , Politics , Medicine , Director Overruling , Veto Power , Stop , Pilots , Bobble , Usaa , Usaa Safepilot , Mac , Buick , Spin Class , Quote Today , Auto Insurance , Massaging Seat , Apple , All Of You , Wi Fi Password , Parking , Envision , 72 , Purchase Allowance , Owners , Suv , 21 , 5 Hundred , 20 , Models , Pizza , Woo Hoo , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Sugar , Mortgage Rates , News , Flavors , Quarter Refi , Save Thousands , 2 25 , National Security Advisor , Jake Sullivan , Questions , Campaign , John Durham , Perjury , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , Issues , Indictment , Won T , Campaign Attorney , Surfacing , Clinton , Traction , Momentum , Agencies , Shoe , Adults , Vaccine Booster , Setting , 65 , Science , Second , Boosters , Criticism , 19 , Beginning , Capacity , Walensky , Back Drop , Healthcare Workers , Tools , Advisory , Plan , Requirements , Vaccinate The Unvaccinated , Progress , Care , Recovery , Masking , Testing , Three , Doctors , Protection , Vaccinated , Level , Review , Booster , One Shot , Addition , Meeting , Health , Diabetes , Obesity , 60 Million , Shot , 20 Million , Scientists , Decision , States , Doctors Offices , Community Health Centers , Pharmacies , Booster Shot , Arms , Message , Locations , 80000 , 40000 , Age , Healthcare Worker , Front Line , Worker , Teacher , Condition , Isn T , It S A Bear , Kidding , Vaccines , Course , Degree , Johnson , Moderna , Data , Organizations , Bottom Line , Moves , Whether , Updates , Case , Illness , Everything , Safe , Unvaccinated , Vaccinating Americans , Pandemic , Yes , 182 Million , Vaccination Program , Official , Fight , Matters , 70 Million , 3 4 , Minority , Intensive Care Units , Joufr Running Emergency Rooms , Unvaccinated Overcrowd Our Hospitals , 1 4 , 25 , Room , Heart Attack , Operation , Kitchen Table , Economy Recovery , Conversation , Vaccination Requirements , Refusal , Owth , Business Leaders , 2 3 , United Airlines , Example , Seven , Vaccinations , Service , Military , Department Of Defense , 97 , 92 , Track , Misinformation , 24 Million , Unvaccinated Americans , Voices , Squ Them , Husbands , Hospital , Television , Wives , Tragedy , Don T Have , Zip Code , Vaccination Location , 438829 , Eight , God , One Nation , Mr , Self Interest , Campaign Trail , Standing , Abc , Rachel Scott , President , Responsibility , Dignity , Promise , Chaos , Immigrant Communities , Assault , Embarrassment , Consequences , Daing Rouns , Competence , Unity , Peter Alexander , Agenda , Democrats , Troop , State Of Affairs , List , Four Million , Plate , Let , Reailt , Ality , Everybody , Polls , Element , Daycare , Parent , Grand Parent , Plans , Price Tag , Price Tags , Zero , 6 Trillion , Trillion , Economy , Dynamic , Outset , Trickle , 2 9 , Billionaires , Airs , Middle , Tax Credit , Notion , Hunger , 40 , Childcare , Flat Tax Cuts , Back To School , Etc , Rain , New York , Inds , New Jersey , I Hadn T , 178 , State , Range , West , Doing , C , B , Done , Legislation , Pieces , Piece , Structure , Nature , 1 9 , Stalemate , Growth , Need , Imf , Wall Street , Leaders , Leader , Australia , Quad , India , Japan , Truth , Matter , 300 Million , 00 Million , War , Picture Book , Proposals , Circumstance , The End , Apologies , Guidance , Term , Limit , Speech , Turn , Board , Line Number , Reconciliation Package , Ken , Considerations , Provisions , Mind , Gains , Senator Wyden , Tax , Income , W2 Form , Bank Account , Hell , Heck , Career , Step Up , Share , Sake , Lord , 26 1 2 , Come On , America Making Sum , 0 Billion , 40 Billion , Ether , Options , Meetings , Rooms , Oval , View , 3 , 4 , Several , Community College , Priorities , Detail , Infrastructure , Issue , Little , Wasn T , Deals , Highway , Degradation , Region , Utility Lines , Monies , Speak , Hum , Infrastructure Proposal , Boom , Process , Circumstance Boom , Buses , Wait A Minute , Diesel Buses , End , Being , Guess , Vote , Chance , Backgrounds , Mortgage , Dinner , Mom , Brothers And Sisters , Don T , Floods , Queens , Somebody , Daughter , Road , Product , Production , Elements , Regard , Ahold , Hoarded , Automobiles , Computer , Vernacular , Wrong , Manufacturers , Man , Billions , Back Lawn , Epiphany , China , Battery Technology , Few , Joke , Foreign Pollz , Change , Working Class , Staff , Weather , Middle Class , Build Out , Commitment , Revenue , The Truth , Tax Cuts , Reconciliation , Situations , Hearing , Working Class Folks , Refrain , Breathing Room , Biden Facing Fire , Guest , Congressman Dan Crenshaw , Analysts , Sound , Congressman , Air , Subjects , Mess , Mass Exodus , Actions , He , Morale , Isn T Competence , Purpose , Biden Doesn T , Asylum Claims , Policies , Act , Mayorkas , Mass Migration , Couple , Secretary Mayorkas , 3500 , 1400 , 1800 , Immigration Laws , Haitians , Sight , City , Encounters , Size , Hundreds Of Thousands , A Million , Dereliction Of Constitutional Duty , Doesn T Karat , First , Save Thousands A Year , Gabby Petito Investigation , My Boss Doesn T , Method , My Hr Passwords , You Haven T , Newday Two , 14 , 22 , The Border , Litany , Fox News Sunday , Reconciliation Bill , Host , Chris Wallace , Pattern , Poll Numbers , Poll , Gallup , 55 , 43 , Spend , Discussion , Pr Move , Companies , Individuals , 3 1 2 Trillion Dollars , 3 1 2 Trillion , Public Sector , Isn T The Oprah Show , Andfree , Account , Lives , One Way , Another , Borrowing , Debate , 1 2 Trillion , Infrastructure Bill , Basis , Favor , Trading , 3 1 2 Trillion Dollar , Governing , Infrafruk Stur , Governing Party , Domestic Agenda , Charge , Assessment , Interview , Guests , Great To See You , Greg Abbott , Governor , You Bet , Jeanine Pirro , Hunt , Warrant , Fraud , Flu Shot , Walgreens , Sister , Iphone , Siding Installer , Mmm , 13 , Customer , Trainers , Doula , Manicurists , Don T Know , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , It Woah , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Internet , Wireless , Cool , Clam Aroonies , Debit Card , Brian Laundry , 1000 Dollars , Dead Or Alive , Whereabouts , September 1st , 17 , Camper , Evidence , Casing , Activity , Camping , 23 , 17th , Hand , Jail , Van , Mustang , Swamp Area , Viewers , Laundrie , Siel Ention , Prosecutor , 1978 , Violence , Mark Fuhrman , Charges , Pilot Project , Mentality , Arrest , Outsider , 911 , Swerving , Curb , Cases , Danger , Primary Aggressor , Obligation , Lou Holtz , Princess Diana , Musical , Show , Album , Broadway , The Five , Wales , Princess , Bright Lights , Movie , Friends , Glucose Levels , Kid , Premium , Vehicle Sounds , Lineup , Grade , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Gmc , Va Benefit Tomorrow , Home Equity , Dream Kitchen , Call Newday , Bathroom , Kids , Swimming Pool , Vice President , Czar , The View , Alexandria , Border Czar , Statement , Phone Call , Quote , Liability , Border Patrol Agents On Horses , Concerns , Mistreatment , Cpb , Immigration System , Trip , Tens Of Thousands , Visit , Events , Appearance , Immigration Reform , David Bryan , Composer , Lyrics , Mem F , Memphis , Same , Challenge , Aid Patient , Humanity , Tickets , March 26th , March 2020 , 2020 , Type , Previews , Theater , Contact , Capture , Netflix , Covid Rules , Cast Record , Bride , Tour , Travel All Over The World , Bon Jovi , November 2 , 2 , Knolls ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709 :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS Americas Newsroom With Bill Hemmer Dana Perino 20240709

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peter doocy pressing jen psaki as criticism rains down on the biden administration from both sides of the aisle. >> 5,000 still left. where is everybody else? >> i'm happy to get you a more fruitful rundown if it's helpful from the department of homeland security. >> what about the rest? >> if it's 10% or 15% i don't have the resize numbers. >> dana: now the biden administration is blocking border agents from patrolling on horse back. well oh he speak with a former mounlted border agent who says this is completely foolish. we're at the border in del rio, texas. >> what a difference a few days makes. incredible earlier in the week there were 15,000 migrants camped out underneath this bridge in del rio, texas. crews are out here actively clearing away what remains of this camp. probably around a couple hundred people left right now still camped out. where these folks are going and where the massive group went, a portion of the group has been deported back to haiti, around 2,000. 3900 have been moved from the camp and in u.s. custody and likely be given a notice to appear and released or expelled under title 42. the other portion of that group we're told went back to mexico. as far as that physical camp is concerned, a lot of it has been bulldozed and now has been cleaned out. yesterday there were still thousands of haitian migrants living underneath the bridge in the makeshift tents. all of that for the most part now getting cleared out. the focus now shifts back to re opening this town and businesses that rely on the import/export relationship with the u.s. and mexico. we're told the international bridge could reopen as soon as monday as a big relief for commerce here along the border. some folks commute between the two countries for work. others rely on traffic for selling goods. the other update we want to give you deals with those viral images involving border patrol on horse back. we're told the department of homeland security says they'll be temporarily suspending the horse patrols in the del rio sector after there was a bipartisan outrage about the treatment of those haitian migrants, dana. >> dana: thank you so much. meantime as jeff paul reported the biden administration home la*nld security and white house the horses won't be used to push back migrants trying to come illegally across the border coming after false allegations the agents were using whips and that sparked outrage from progressives. rowdy ballard is a horse coordinator for the del rio sector. i know a lot about horses and you do, too. what is lost by not having these men and women be able to do their jobs on horse back? >> well, the ability to patrol down there more effectively for one. the horse is a great tool. we've used it for almost 100 years now. with that gone it will be harder to patrol that area. >> dana: what did you think about the accusations that these border patrol agents were whipping these migrants? to me the photograph is obviously misunderstood. reporters and people in the white house and administration don't understand how horses work in terms of reins, what damage does it do to the border patrol agents who were doing their jobs? >> well it's frustrating. they've been trained a certain way and when people look at what they are doing and interpret it another way it can be frustrating. we don't have whips. we don't carry whips. they weren't whipping them. it was a form of a press and release. it was a tense situation. the horses were reluctant to do the job that the agents were asking and it's a twirling the reins was just another tool they use to get the horses to do what they ask them. >> trace: rowdy, you talk about frustrating. 35 years ago my first job was in yuma, arizona and we rode with these guys. they're the best at doing this job. better than anybody. frustrating when the homeland security secretary is on monday i want to play this back and forth between the border patrol chief and homeland security secretary talking about monday what they thought about the video. watch. >> patrol units down here are going to play an integral part in the security response, operating in the river environment on horse back is a difficult situation and trying to make control those horses so we don't get in a position where we injure a migrant. >> we'll investigate the facts to insure that the situation is as we understand it to be. >> trace: on monday he was saying this video looked fine, looked appropriate. on tuesday because of the band wagon and democrats screaming bloody murder mayorkas jumps on the band wagon. it has to be frustrating for him to take that position change. what is your thought? >> it's frustrating for the guys in the field as well. they were asked to do a job and they did it to the best of their abilities and now they are getting -- suffering the whiplash from this. >> dana: indeed. in fact, to wrap this up on a note not lighter but i have to tell you, i have to read the tweet from the national fraternal order of police. for all you twitter warriors out there these are not whips and no, border patrol agents are not whipping people, they are reins, stay with us here like a steering wheel is used to drive a car the reins are used to drive the horse. thanks for coming to our talk which was a good way to do it. thank you so much for being here today. we'll keep an eye on it. administration says they will do an investigation and to see what will happen to these border patrol agents falsely accused of whipping migrants at the border. rowdy, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> trace: you know, the idea, dana, is that the border crisis has been a problem for the biden administration since he took office, right? that's a problem for this and only getting worse. fox news has been live on the ground across the southern border wafrpg it all. take a look at this. >> this is one of the busiest sectors for u.s. border patrol. >> in tee juan yeah you see the migrant tent camp living in difficult conditions. we have no idea if they have covid. they aren't being tested. >> the troopers are eyes in the skies when they saw migrants. >> the largest group we've seen so far. >> smugglers bringing the raft to this side of u.s. soil. law enforcement passing the babies up to make sure they arrive safely. >> this smuggler says the border is anything but closed. adding he is making $100 to $200 a day moving migrants across the rio grande. >> you have people coming in now, look at this. >> we've seen steady increases over the last four or five months. >> over 210,000? >> i believe it will be over that. >> a developing situation. >> record numbers day in and day out in the rio grande valley and the southern border. >> dana: it's pretty amazing when you look at that and look back and it's not like you weren't warned that this problem was growing. if they consider it a problem. the only problem they see now is border patrol on horse back that has been used since 1924. >> trace: i want to ask you. you know more about this than anybody. when jen psaki was calling the images horrifying but didn't have all the context or all the information that went along with that video, it seemed a little troubling when you have the white house press secretary coming out making an absolute declaration that it was horrifying and then admitting i don't really have the context of it. >> dana: but then the policy going forward is that they know that and you can misunderstand an image, i get that. then they changed a policy. and they said no more mounted police and then they said that these border patrol agents have to be investigated. to me they're working in a hostile work environment and maybe they should file a claim. >> trace: maybe they should. fox news alert now. the f.b.i. issuing an arrest warrant on fraud charges for brian laundrie missing for more than a week. gabby petito was found dead on sunday authorities calling her death a homicide. jonathan serrie is live for us in north port, florida, with more. jonathan, good morning. >> a federal grand jury indicted brian braund rea. laundry alleging he committed debit card fraud. the family attorney says it's my understanding the arrest warrant is not related to gabby petito demise. he is well versed in surviving in the wilderness. they continue to search for him in the carlton reserve. after heavy rains 75% of the swampy park is covered with water. police in moab, utah requested an independent investigation if their officers were appropriate. the ceo of a domestic violence shelter in sarasota after viewing body camp footage she does not believe police could have done anything more. >> i have always consulted with domestic violence centers. >> trace: we're having some trouble with that sound bite and work on getting it for you later today. a second woman has come forward to say she spotted brian hitchhiking in wyoming august 29. norma jean tells fox news she drove broo*irn to the spread creek camping area where authorities discovered gabby's body several weeks later. he asked her to drop him off at the entrance to the camp and when she offered to drive him into the camp he became agitated and said he needed to get oit right away and tried to exit the car while it was still moving. >> trace: jonathan serrie live in florida. thank you. >> dana: a move by the cdc director. is she big footing scientists for political reasons? >> trace: the hits keep coming for hunter biden. explosive new emails linking him to one of the world's most not toreous dictators. >> dana: how a police staffing shortage in austin, texas could be affecting public safety and also the crisis on the border. >> i will reiterate this. i'm from the state of texas. border agents right now are having to deal with processing right now. the people that are standing right now guarding the border is the texas dps. the national government is not paying for any of this. someones someone else... i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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>> i've been to all those cities and let's take a look. the criminals are on offense, police in defense mode. solution to this for the response times wasn't to cut law enforcement going to those calls. the solution was to hire more cops. but he can't do that in this current political climb & do it in liberal austin. we see crime across the country. we need more cops to be able to do their job. this just shows you that law enforcement is the enemy now. >> dana: it happened at the border as well. i want to play a little bit of your coverage there. let's watch this. well, it was really good. they don't have it. your coverage was really good and when you were down there and you saw it with your own eyes you described for us what the situation was in terms of all the people that are there. 15,000, now it's cleared out. >> i've been covering the border for five years, four years under the trump administration and covering it under the biden administration. the thing that ticks me off the most is the inaccurate reporting from the national media. being there you saw the haitian community there under the bridge were taking advantage of that and was agitating it because they wanted to go. they were promised by the biden administration they could come here. but that was against the law. and then you have the story of the border patrol officer that was on the horse. maybe it is because i'm a texan and i understand how horses work or maybe because i've been with the mounted unit. i think they were very intentional in the way that they covered this story. it was triggering. when you highlight a story amongst black people and say there were whips, they were chased down with horses, they were not welcome in this country, you know exact will i what you are doing to that population. but that wasn't the story. they were not chased down. they were trying to prevent them from coming across the border which is their job and their training. those were not whips. those were reins and it is a tactic to get the horse to advance forward when you can't get the horse under control. so that was never highlighted within that story. i tried to reach out to this border agent. he upset about that. i want him to have his opportunity to tell his story. but the depiction that they showed. also another photo of him grabbing that same guy. if you want to whip the guy why don't you grab them. it doesn't make sense. chief of border patrol shame on you, sir, this is why you have no support from the border patrol. it is the texas dps now that are handling the rest *r arrests at the border because the border patrol aren't allowed to do their job and the homeland security secretary that allow ice agents to be attacked and you don't have their back. you say you support their right to protest is what the press secretary said? protest what? you can't protest the law. it is really shameful what is happening at the border. >> dana: what about vice president kamala harris is supposed to be working on root causes. she hasn't made any comment about the border until she misunderstood, misinterpreted and basically disparaged those border patrol agents and maxine waters made the comments she did it is worse than slavery and also you had al sharpton go down. now that conversation shifts to something rather than illegal immigrants coming across the border. >> it was the goal. the smoke screen. the moment the story was leaked out. being down there i saw what the press were doing on the ground. they are some procedures we have to follow on border because it's a volatile situation. there were members of other stations and newspaper that were intentionally going within the crowd agitating the haitian community, immigrants that were here illegally and it almost blocked all our press access. and that was their intention. again, kamala harris has not visited the border and not talked to the border agents. then you have the homeland security secretary that continues to behind closed doors admit there is a crisis. when he gets in front of the camera he sings a different tune. that's why every single local democrat in town is upset. mayor democrat, sheriff democrat. none of tlem happy with what's happening in the lone star state. >> dana: thank you so much. you are headed back to texas and we can talk to you again. thank you so much. trace. >> trace: police working to figure out a motive after a gunman targeted shopper at a tennessee grocery store. a live report on that straight ahead. plus dueling issues for president biden on the foreign policy front. the taliban planning a return to brutal tactics as the white house tries to get iran back to the negotiating table. more on all of this with senator tom cotton. he joins us next. >> i'm begging him to lead. begging him to start getting terrorism under control and begging him to have some sort of voice on afghanistan. we've lost our moral core and we have to get it back. lowest rate in their history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. these rates could cut thousands off your mortgage payments every year. with their two and a quarter refi, there's no money out of pocket and no upfront fees. newday's holding the line on those low rates so every veteran family can save. ♪♪ we believe everyone deserves to live better. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our planet, but restore, renew, and replenish it. so we can all live better tomorrow. ♪♪ use a single hr software? 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just ask your asthma specialist about dupixent. >> dana: gunman attacked coppers at a grocery store in tennessee killing one person and injuring 12 others before turning the gun on himself. we're live in collierville, tennessee. do we have a motive? >> the motive uncertain at this point. there were workers who fled the scene here who said they recognized the gunman when he walked in and began shooting. they say he could be a disgruntled employee. someone who worked in the deli area. third party vendor. we should hear more from police in the next couple of hours. the shots were first fired 1:30 p.m. people scrambled to get away and people hiding in the freezers. police were on scene within four minutes. swat team went up and down the aisles. the gunman shot and killed himself. he hit both shoppers and store employees. local police and f.b.i. on the scene here now. the weapon used not clear. the chief of police here in collierville, tennessee said it's the worst event ever in the history of this town. dana, back to you. >> dana: appreciate it. trace. >> trace: top taliban official says strict punishments including amputations and executions will resume in afghanistan as life begins to take shape. fearing for their safety allies are still trying to escape. check out this reporting from trey yengst yesterday. watch. >> there are a number of people outside of this hotel in kabul who worked for the americans at the u.s. embassy and are left behind. they have the documentation. it says u.s. embassy kabul. >> i was an employee of the u.s. embassy as security screener. >> from the deputy chief of mission at the u.s. embassy in kabul promising embassy workers they'd get them out of afghanistan. >> joining us now senator tom cotton. member of the senate armed services committee. great to have you on. the administration says the taliban is professional and business like. reporters on the ground have a different take. they are saying look, the executions are back. women's rights are gone. the chief enforcer of the taliban said the following quoting. no one will tell us what our laws should be. we will follow islam and we will make our laws on the quran cutting off hands is very necessary for security. so much for the taliban 2.0, senator. >> trace, i guess they will be very business like when they execute the hands of minor felons and criminals in afghanistan. who could have guessed that a degenerate gang of 7th century savages would behave like that? anyone who knew how the taliban behaved back in the 1990, you don't have to go back that far. you can see the way that taliban have continued to act over the summer and up to august 15th when kabul fell. they didn't hide who they were. they were doing exactly the same thing. they may have said a few pleasing words in kabul that duped joe biden and tony blinken. this is who the taliban always has been and always will be. this is why it was such a catastrophe to leave behind thousands of american citizens and green card holders and afghans who served with our troops and their families and why we still have to work to get all those people out. >> trace: what about those numbers? trey yengst saying look, some of these afghans who worked in the embassy are still there. they are not being -- there is no active effort rieft now to get them out. what are your thoughts on that? >> it's not apparent what the biden administration is doing to get them out. the biden administration has acknowledged they left behind the vast majority of vetted and approved afghans who worked with our troops. at the same time, they also evacuated apparently thousands of afghans about whom we know next to nothing who maybe had no particular connection to our troops at all. this has led to all kinds of problems in terms of look at the measles outbreak at some of the sites where they're being held. two evacuees in wisconsin are charged with sex crimes against minors. this is what happens because joe biden's rushed, disorganized withdrawal. we left behind those who we should have gotten out and brought with us a lot of people who we have no idea who at the are or if they pose any threat to us. >> trace: i want to move on to iran if i can. antony blinken said this about a new push for an iran nuclear deal. >> we don't have yet an agreement by iran to return to the talks in vienna. we're very much prepared to return to continue the talks and the question is whether and if so when iran is prepared to do that. >> trace: the president is imploring iran, begging to come back to the table. why is iran suddenly setting the tempo here, senator? >> well, it's exactly what they did in the clinton administration and obama administration and now in the biden administration. ayatollahs know that joe biden is desperate for any deal. they'll set the terms and conditions even for sitting down to negotiations. we're probably willing to grant concessions behind the scenes to start the negotiations that were stopped earlier this summer. i think the biden administration was shocked that the ayatollahs wouldn't come back into the nuclear deal. they were trying to surrender to them. ayatollahs wouldn't accept the terms of surrender and less likely now how weak joe biden has been in afghanistan. they expect more concessions which is dangerous for americans. >> trace: i have to go, senator. quickly you tweeted about president throwing border patrol agents under the bus about the horse back thing. your quick final thoughts on that. >> look, the border patrol have been given an impossible job by this president who doesn't want to enforce our border. brave men and women. plenty of places on the southern border where border patrol agents need to use horses to cover large amounts of forbidding terrain. it is disgraceful that joe biden is blaming the brave men and women in law enforcement for his faig you are to secure our border and opening up our border. >> trace: the blame game seems to be what the administration does. >> dana: the president's son is back in the headlines. new emails link hunter biden to billions of libyan assets. >> we have to pass the bill so you can find out what is in it away from the fog of the controversy. >> dana: democrats are once again refusing to offer specifics about what is in their massive 3.5 trillion spending bill. steve moore and austan goolsbee are here to weigh in. ot $58,800. newday lets you borrow 100% of your home's value. i called and got $54,200. near record low rates means lower payments. turn your equity into cash with the newday 100 va cash out loan. hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen and over time, it made a very significant difference in my memory and in my cognitive ability. i started to feel a much better sense of well-being. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. we did it again. verizon has been named america's most reliable network by rootmetrics. and our customers rated us #1 for network quality in america according to j.d. power. number one in reliability, 16 times in a row. most awarded for network quality, 27 times in a row. proving once again that nobody builds networks like verizon. that's why we're building 5g right, that's why there's only one best network. ♪ ♪ for deb, living with constipation with belly pain was the same old story for years. trying this. doing that. spending countless days right here. still came the belly pain, discomfort, and bloating. awful feelings she kept sugar-coating. finally, with the help of her doctor, it came to be. that her symptoms were all signs of ibs-c. and that's why she said yess to adding linzess. linzess is not a laxative. it helps you have more frequent and complete bowel movements. and is proven to help relieve overall abdominal symptoms belly pain,discomfort, and bloating. do not give linzess to children less than six and it should not be given to children six to less than 18, it may harm them. do not take linzess if you have a bowel blockage. get immediate help if you develop unusual or severe stomach pain, especially with bloody or black stools. the most common side effect is diarrhea, sometimes severe. if it's severe, stop taking linzess and call your doctor right away. other side effects include gas, stomach area pain, and swelling. could your story also be about ibs-c? talk to your doctor and say yess to linzess. >> trace: hunter biden under scoout knee this morning again. uncovered emails linking the president's son to billions in libyan assets during the obama administration. griff, good morning to you. >> it's unclear if any laws could have been broken and e-maims are unrelated to his reported laptop but these obtained by business insider points to questionable business dealings of hunter seeking to profit off his father's position. now the first email written january 28th, 2015 by a democrat donor named sam to a shaikh obama campaign doanor obtaining libyan assets through hunter. per phone conversation i met with number two son wants $2 million per year plus success fees and wants to hire his own people. it can be close circle of people for confidentiality. his dad is deciding to run or not. a year later a second email dated february 26, 2016 was sent to both of those donors from attorney who appears to be reaching out to hunter's team about the libyan deal. he said i spoke with hb team yesterday and interested in the project but emphasized for them to get involved the team lobbyists, lawyers and p.r. would need to be a small group of folks. they have a tight relationship with. they do not want a large group involved. at the white house yesterday they didn't want to talk about this. watch. >> thanks, everyone. >> hunter biden -- >> white house spokesman responded no comment when contacted by fox. the top republican on the house oversight committee is speaking out. >> this just vindicates a lot of people like myself and a lot of my colleagues in congress who have always said hunter biden is someone we should be suspicious of and someone who we should be having access for oversight. >> fox news reached out to hunter biden for comment and we haven't heard back. >> trace: griff jenkins live in d.c. thank you. >> dana: no comment zone. president biden's spending spree is closing to becoming a reality. democrats reached an agreement with the white house on a framework on how to pay for the massive $3.5 trillion proposal after fierce pushback from moderates. steve moore economic advisor for president trump and austan goolsbee the same job under president obama. i asked them to do homework and come with two things austan thing is the best thing is about the bill and steve two things the worst thing. the headline from "the new york times." it says pods take warns democrats scale back the social policy bill or lose congress. with that warning from john podesta, strong democrat. austan what are the two best things? >> you limited me by the length of our segment. i could go on at some length. if i have to pick two for me the number one thing is the expansion of education to make higher education more affordable. invest in schools and teachers and the reducing the cost of healthcare for not just parents but for senior citizens as well. >> dana: all right. i will come back. steve, what are the two worst things. >> not too surprising austan likes the more money for higher education. he is a college professor. the two worst things are number one, the fact that this is going to massively increase our debt and taxes at a time when we just can't afford to do this as a nation. we have a $20 trillion debt already. the second thing that worries me about is doubling the irs budget. we learned under the obama administration that they weaponized the irs and used it to go after conservative groups and donors. that's exactly what will happen if they have 5,000 more irs agents. >> dana: one of the things i was wondering about. a child tax credit that would become permanent. that might be a very popular thing but when you think about all the debt that we are adding to future generations, what does that do to children who in the future will try to figure out way to pay for all this? >> well, it would be -- that would be relevant except that the framework that they are agreeing on does pay for it. so if you ask what increased the deficit more, the trump tax cut or this bill? the answer is by far the trump tax cut by trillions of dollars increased the debt and the deficit by more than this because this is paid for. so i still feel like, dana, that if a person runs for president and says i'm going to do x, y and z and i am going to pay for it with taxes on high-income people and large corporations, wins by 7 million votes and takes the house, the senate and the white house, and then does what they said they were going to do, >> dana: you shouldn't be surprised on the expansion of medicare, steve. i read about this this morning. there is a proposal to add dental benefits and hearing aids to medicare benefits including other things but in order to pay for it all, they actually don't have any of those benefits kick in until after the time frame like 2028 so they can say they save a certain amount of money. it feels like there is a lot of fuzzy math is the word. >> if you believe that this is all paid for then you probably believe the afghanistan withdrawal was a great success. the fact is this will -- we did some estimates that a child born today if we pass this biden plan today they pay about 65,000 dollars of the debt. by the year 2050 it will be over 300,000. that's a great gift we give to our children, $300,000 per child of new debt. >> dana: maybe that will all be paid for as well, right, austan? it feels like that's where it is coming from. if you had to guess, austan, do you think the progressives and moderates on the democratic side can come together or do you think that john podesta will be persuasive saying they have to scale it back. biden asked manchin for a top line number and manchin didn't give one. >> i'm a little nervous about it. the segment open you said there is one step closer. there is a lot of negotiation that will have to take place. >> that's something we agree on. there is a lot of negotiation. a lot amount of money. >> dana: a high note of agreement. love seeing you. see you next friday. >> our border is still in crisis. i want to bring attention to the dereliction of duty by this president occurring at our southern border. can we stop pretending this adnistration deserves any benefit of the doubt? >> the biden administration engulfed in the crisis at the disaster of the southern border. why both sides of the political highly are coming down hard on the white house. talk about veto power, the cdc director overruling her own panel on pfizer booster shots. is politics mixing with medicine? 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the white house won't answer questions about hunter biden and all of these issues. i don't know how long they can say no comment. >> trace: i think john durham we're seeing this whole thing is gaining a little bit of traction. we had the indictment last week and now this thing is gaining a little bit of momentum and concerned about when the next shoe might drop in that. in a rare move, cdc director defied her agencies own advisory panel and decided to endorse pfizer's vaccine booster for a broader group of people. the panel recommended it for americans 65 and over and over 50 with underlying medical conditions. but she went one step further to include all adults working in a high-risk setting. this comes as the biden administration takes criticism for getting ahead of the science in its push to roll out boosters. we should note that the president is about to speak on covid-19 any second now and we'll take that. we should -- is he speaking? >> dana: coming in about a minute. do you remember when walensky at the beginning of the administration talked about i believe it was opening schools and that schools should be open and they all pushed back on her at the white house and said she was only speaking in her personal capacity even though she was in front of the cdc back drop. she was accused of not following the signs and she retraced her steps. i understand why my friend sent it to me. the cdc advisory committed excluded healthcare workers and teachers. we'll find out from joe biden now. >> president biden: covid-19. if we come together as a country and use the tools we have. earlier this month, i laid out a six-part plan for the fall that does just that, one, vaccinate the unvaccinated including with new requirements. two keep the vaccinated protected. three, keep children safe and schools open. four, increase testing and masking. five, protect our economic recovery. and six, improve the care for people with covid-19. now we made important progress on each front. this week as planned we took a key step to protect the vaccinated with booster shots which are top government doctors believe provides the highest level of protection available to date. food and drug administration, fda, the center for disease control and prevention, the cdc have completed their independent scientific review and based oh than that review the majority of americans who are fully vaccinated with the pfizer vaccine are now able to receive the booster shot six months after they've received their second shot. six months after you received the second shot you are eligible. those eligible include in addition to meeting requirements of six months after the second shot, those people who are 65 years or older. adults 18 and over with certain underlying health conditions like diabetes and obesity. and those who are at increased risk of covid-19 because of where they work or where they live like healthcare workers, teachers, grocery store workers. that's over -- that group makes up 60 million americans who are now eligible for a booster six months after their second shot. up to 20 million who will receive their earlier pfizer shot, at least six months ago are eligible today. so those folks are eligible now, now. and i have made clear all along the decision of which booster shot to give, when to start the shot, and who will get them is left to the scientists and the doctors. that's what happened here. and while we waited and prepared, we bought enough booster shots and states and pharmacies, doctors offices and community health centers have been prayed to get booster shots in arms for a while. and like your first and second shot, the booster shot is free and easily accessible. booster shots will be available in 80,000 locations including over 40,000 pharmacies nationwide. so my message today is this, if you've got the pfizer vaccine, you got the pfizer vaccine in january, february or march of this year and you are over 65 years of age, go get the booster or if you have a medical condition like diabetes or you are a front line worker like a healthcare worker or teacher, you can get a free booster now. i will be getting my booster shot -- hard to acknowledge i'm over 65 but i'll be getting my booster shot. it's a bear, isn't it? all kidding aside i'll be getting my booster shot. i don't know when i'll do it. as soon as i can get it done. of course, millions of americans got the moderna and johnson & johnson vaccines. my message to you is this, you still have a high degree of protection. our doctors and scientists are working day and night to analyze the data from those two organizations on whether and when you need a booster shot. and will provide updates for you as the process moves ahead. again, the bottom line is if you are fully vaccinated, you are highly protected from severe illness even if you get covid-19. in fact, recent data indicates there is only one confirmed positive case per 5,000 fully vaccinated americans per day. you are as safe as possible and in good shape. we're doing everything we can to keep it that way. which is where the booster comes in. so let me be clear. yes, we made incredible progress in vaccinating americans with over 182 million people being fully vaccinated as of today. but this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. and it is caused by the fact that despite americans having an unprecedented and successful vaccination program, despite the fact that for almost five months free vaccines have been available in 80,000 locations, we still have -- we still have over 70 million americans who have failed to get a single shot. to make matters worse there are elected official he actively working with false information the fight against covid-19. this is totally unacceptable. the vast majority of americans are doing the right thing. 3/4 of the eligible have gotten at least one shot. but 1/4 hasn't gotten anything. that 25% minority can cause an awful lot of damage and they are causing a lot of damage. the unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, joufr running emergency rooms and intensive care units leaving no room for someone with a heart attack or an operation needed to get the lifesaving care. the places they would get that care are crowded and they are not available. the unvaccinated also put our economy recovery at risk causing uneast around the kitchen table. i can imagine what's going on in conversation this morning a lot of parents what will happen. those who have been vaccinated, what is going to happen? potentially slowing economic owth, costing jobs. the refusal has cost all of us and i'm moving forward with vaccination requirements wherever i can. these requirements will cover 2/3 of all workers in america. i'm pleased to see more businesses and organizations, instituting their own vaccination requirements. i've had business leaders call me and thank me for setting the policy to allow them to do the same thing and they're able to do it anyway but it gives them the ability to move forward. we're making progress. for example, united airlines which requires vaccines about seven weeks ago now has 97% of their employees vaccinated. just four weeks ago the department of defense required vaccinations for the military. already 92% are active duty service members are vaccinated. and we're on track to administration 24 million shots in arms in september. so please, do the right thing. do the right thing. i understand there is a lot of misinformation that has been fed out there but try to look through it. get the people you trust, the people who have been vaccinated, squ them. -- ask them. get vaccinated. don't just take it from me, listen to the voices of the unvaccinated americans who are lying in hospital beds taking their final breath saying literally we've seen this on television, if only i had gotten vaccinated. if only. if only. they are leaving behind husbands and wives, small children, people who adore them, people are dying and will die who don't have to die. it is not -- don't let this become your tragedy. get vaccinated. it can save your life, can save the lives of those around you. you know, text your zip code to 438829. or visit to find a vaccination location near you now. let me close with this. we also made so much progress during the past eight months in this pandemic and now we face a critical moment. we have the tools, we have the plan, we just have to finish the job together as one nation. and i know we can. i know we can. god bless you all and please look out for your own self interest and health here. get vaccinated. may god protect our troops. thank you. abc, rachel scott. >> thank you, mr. president. you said on the campaign trail you were going to restore the moral standing of the u.s. and were going to end trump's assault on the dignity of immigrant communities. given what we saw at the border this week, have you failed in that promise and this is happening under your watch. do you take responsibility for the chaos that's unfolding? >> president biden: of course i take responsibility i'm president. it was horrible what you saw to see people treated like they did, horses running over people being strapped. it is outrageous. i promise you those people will pay. they will be an investigation underway now and there will be consequences. there will be consequences. it is an embarrassment. beyond embarrassment. it is daing rouns and wrong and sends the wrong message around the world and at home. simply not who we are. thank you. >> peter alexander. >> mr. president, thank you. you came into office on a message of competence and unity. we've witnessed what has happened in the country over the last several months. chaotic troop with traul fra afghanistan. threat of the democrats divided over your agenda going forward. what do you say to americans who say you have not delivered on that promise? >> remember i said it will take me a year to deliver everything i'm looking at here, number one. number two, take a look at what i inherited when i came into office. when i came into office, the state of affairs and where we were. we had four million people vaccinated. no plan. i could move down the list. so, you know, part of it dealing with the things that landed on my plate. it's reailt. ality. number two, i this i the part of what has to happen as well. let's talk about my economic plan. the economic plan you all are always -- understandably and legitimately studying polls. every element of my plan is overwhelmingly popular. but the problem is with everything happening not everybody knows what's in that plan. for example, all those women out there who are not able to go back to work because they have a dependent grand parent -- parent or dependent child who needs help or they can't find daycare or they can't find -- look at what's happening. well, there is a solution. there is a solution in the proposal that i put forward and the plans we're now debating in the -- among ourselves and in congress is the plan, yes it's the plan i laid out at the beginning. and so i'm confident that at the end of the day we are going to be able to get that done. second point i would like to make we talk about price tags. it is zero price tag on the debt. we're paying. we will pay for everything we spend. it's not -- people understandably well, you know, it started off at $6 trillion and now 3.5 trillion and now 2.9. it will be zero. zero because in that plan that i put forward and i said from the outset i said i'm running to change the dynamic of how the economy grows. i'm tired of trickle down. trillion airs and billionaires are doing very well. you have all reported it. in the middle of this crisis but hard working people and middle class people are getting hurt and so i provide for, for example, a tax cut if you have a child. you get a refundable tax credit. it's reduced hunger in america by 40%. literally for children. you have the whole notion of being able to provide for daycare for your children. getting people back to school, etc. it is all paid for. it is all paid for. a lot of these are flat tax cuts that exist within my proposal. and they are being calculated as if the cost of the childcare tax credit is a cost to the government. it is not. it's reducing taxes. reducing taxes, not increasing taxes. now, part of the problem is i had hoped -- i hadn't planned on although i anticipated might happen. i hadn't planned on the 178 mile top w*inds going to louisiana and 20 inches of rain in new york and new jersey and an area as big as the state of new jersey burning down in the west. and so what i had hoped i would be doing, i do what i did in the campaign. i would be out making the case about what my plan contained. and it has been very much curtailed by a whole range of things. and so i think that it's understandable, i think it's understandable people being frustrated. i think they are frustrated as well by the fact that not just members of congress, democrats and republicans, frustrated by, you know, i thought this was going to be better. i thought everything was working out. we were moving along on covid-19. and now we have all these people who refuse to get a shot and now look at the people dying. large numbers of people dying. i think it is total obviously legitimate question you've asked but putting it in context here it is going to take some time here. and i know i always kid you when you all ask me about well, what about are you going to get a done and b done and c done. i say you want to negotiate. here is the deal, this is going to end up, i believe, we will end up getting both the pieces of my economic legislation. the first piece, the 1.9 fundamentally change the structure and nature of the economy of this country even though remember it got clobbered. all this terrible thing. no republican voted for it. we got real economic growth. now we're at this stalemate at the moment and we are going to have to get these two pieces of legislation passed. both need to be passed. they will have a profound impact according to not just joe biden but according to wall street and the imf and according to international organizations. and so -- and then there is -- i'm going to be having a meeting today with a quad, with the leaders of the -- the leader of india, japan and australia, and we'll be talking about afghanistan, which is a legitimate thing we talk about. the truth of the matter is the end of the day is we were spending $300 million a day for 20 years. no easy way to end that. we're still getting people out but it is really -- there is no picture book way to say okay, the war is ended and let's get everybody out and we'll go home. no war is ever ended that way other there has been a surrender and a totally different circumstance. so anyway there is a lot, i'm sure, along the line that there are things i could have done better but i make no apologies for my proposals, how i'm proceeding and why i think by the end of the year we'll be in a very different place. >> follow upon covid. what do you say to americans who disregard the cdc guidance and get a booster shot anyway? >> well, i am not sure how they get it. >> they got it without any high-risk situation or age limit. >> president biden: i have think what is going to happen is you'll see in the near term we'll probably open this up anyway. there is constantly looking at both moderna and j&j and both as i said in the speech in addition to that we're also looking to the time when we will be able to expand the booster shots basically across the board. so i would just say it would be better to wait your turn in line. wait in line. wait your turn and to get there. ken. >> thank you, mr. president. when you met with congressional leaders this week you told them to try to find a number less than 3.5 trillion on the reconciliation package. that they could live with. what is that top line number in your mind as you deliberate these considerations and then separately you mentioned how you are going to pay for some of these provisions. senator wyden has a proposal on annual taxes on billionaires unrealized gains. is that something you support? >> president biden: yes, i do. i support a lot of these proposals. we don't need all the things i supported to pay for this but i do support that. look, if you get -- if you file a w2 form, you know, the irs has access to your bank account and your bank tells you how much you made, what you have in there and they estimate your tax. well, if you have no income you are just -- if you have no earned income and it is all invested income, it is hard to figure out what the hell -- what the heck you have. and that's why we have to -- and i know some people don't like this, that's why we have to rehire some irs agents not to do -- not to try to make something people they don't just say hey, step up. step up and pay like everybody else does. look, i really mean this with my whole career. i come from the corporate state of america. i just think it is about just paying your fair share for lord's sake. we can argue whether or not the corporate tax will go back up to 26 1/2%, 28, 24. the idea that 50 major corporations in america making sum total of $40 billion pay zero? come on. come on. it is just wrong. it is just not fair. and i think it's beginning to sink through the ether a little bit here on the part of people. i think there clearly is enough from a lot of options to pay for whatever it is that the folks decide to pay for. let me finish by answering the initial part of your question if i may. the way i look at it is what i've been telling my colleagues and it surprises them sometimes in those rooms. i don't know whether you heard but both meetings went very well. i mean, it was -- they were collegial. no one is hollering and people were hanging out afterwards in the oval. anyway, both the progressives as well as the moderates. and one of the things that i think is important for -- and i'm trying to get people to focus on is what is it you like? what do you think -- forget a number. what do you have think we should be doing? this is appropriate in your view to cut taxes for working class people by providing for daycare, providing for early education 3 and 4 years old. is it appropriate to do something about free community college or do you want -- what are your priorities? several of them, when they go through their priorities adds up to a number higher than they said they were for because i think this is -- we're getting down to the hard spot here. people are having now to go in and look in detail as to what it is specifically they are for. it's a little bit like when we went through and i'll end with this. a little like when we went through the issue of the bipartisan deal on infrastructure. there are a lot of negotiations on that. and it wasn't until people were forced to look at what are you for? are you for taking care of that highway or bridge in your state or your region? are you for doing something about environmental degradation? are you for something that deals with allowing us to provide for monies to states so that they can, in fact, deal with things like what happened in states where the major utility lines come down? what do you do to build those back better to prevent that from happening? there is -- you all speak to all these folks so you speak to as many as i do. i find that they are going hum, i never really thought that through before. i think it makes sense. that's how we finally got to a bipartisan deal on what is a serious infrastructure proposal that really does a number of things, including -- including things where people said i don't want to do that to the environment and they start thinking wait a minute. i have all the diesel buses at home. it would be a hell of a lot better if we had electric buses and it would change the circumstance boom, boom, boom. so i think this is a process. that's why i said at the front end that although we got off to a very fast start with the first piece of legislation, i don't expect this to be done and us being in a position where we can look back and say okay, did we get it done, until the basically the end of the year. i don't mean the vote on the two pieces of legislation related to the economy but i think it will take some time. look, you know, my guess is we all come from similar backgrounds. remember used to sit around the kitchen table in the morning if you had a chance to do that or dinner at night with your mom and dad and brothers and sisters. what did people talk about? they talked about are we going to be able to pay the mortgage? at least at my house. what is going to happen if we have another one of those floods? and it blows through here like it did in queens? what will happen? what will we do? by the way, i don't -- i am just not sure that i want, you know, my son or daughter to be going to school when somebody people are not vaccinated, you know. i'm not sure i want kenny to be there doing this. but practical things people are talking about. and they are looking down the road and looking at cost of living issues as well. so what's the cost of living issues? well, it's because we're in a position where the ability to have the product -- the elements of the production of a product that in fact need to go into the production of that product are hard to get ahold of because people are in trouble. they aren't able to produce them. they aren't able to get it or they are being hoarded just like what we have -- and we're making progress -- like what we're doing with regard to making sure we have the computer chips to be able to keep -- in the vernacular to keep -- build automobiles. i mean, i think everybody was kind of surprised when i -- i think if i had said to you -- i may be dead wrong, but if i had said to you in, say, april that i was going to get all three major manufacturers from american automobiles saying they will go electric, i doubt whether you would have thought that could be done. well, right here on the back lawn they've figured it out. they have had a bit of an epiphany and realize wait a minute, man, china is investing billions of dollars and china is making battery technology and this is going to happen anyway. and again i will conclude by saying this is a process and it will be up and down. that's why i don't look at the polls. not a joke. because it is going to go up and it is going to go up and hopefully at the end of the day i will be able to deliver on what i said i would do, one, bringing the country together on a few very important things like on infrastructure. getting us in a position where we can have some coherent policy for foreign pollz. moving us into a position where we're able to actually generate the kind of change in the dynamic of how we grow the economy. not eliminate the super weather, not at all. but allow the working class and middle class to be build out and up. that can be done. like i said, every time i hear -- i drive my staff crazy. every time i hear it will cost a, b, c or d, the truth is based on the commitment that i made, it will cost nothing because we are going to raise the revenue, raise the revenue to pay for the things we're talking about. and we'll give and right now if you take a look at the reconciliation piece, a trillion dollars of that is tax cuts, not raise anybody's taxes, tax cuts. people paying less taxes. people pay less taxes will be working class folks. put women back to work, put people in situations where they have -- i know you are tired of hearing me say it. my dad's constant refrain. just give people a little breathing room. a little breathing room. thank you. [shouted questions] >> dana: president biden just gave a speech about covid booster shots, turned into some questions he took on a range of issues with the border patrol that we'll get to in a second and the economic plan. trace, let's get to our guest. >> trace: president biden facing fire from all sides over the border crisis. the camp under the bridge now nearly empty. joining us with more texas congressman dan crenshaw. i know you listened to the president moments ago. i was stunned at the talking about the border agents and saying things that are not true. we looked at the video, analysts looked at the video. there were no whips used on these people and yet you have people in the administration, including the president, continuing to propagate this. >> dana: we have that sound. can we play that sound and have you react to it, please? >> president biden: to see people treated like they did. horses running over and people being strapped is outrageous, i promise you, those people will pay. there will be an investigation and there will be consequences. >> dana: he also said it was an embarrassment and dangerous and wrong, congressman. >> you know, that was probably the part of his speech in the last 30 minutes that made me the most angry. we could take an air debunking all the lies he told on all different subjects. there was a lot. this one was egregious. the only people he wants to hold accountable for the mess at the border is his own border agents for doing their job. he put them in this position and lies about what they are doing. he liesz about their actions. can't imagine a worse leader right now. if you try to get a mass exodus from the border patrol and quit and lose morale this is a great way to do it. to blame them. you know who else isn't held accountable? all the people illegally crossing our border. all the unvaccinated and the people with covid. all the people infiltrating our country and lying about their asylum claims. they aren't held accountable. but biden doesn't care about that. look, we have to stop pretending it isn't competence. they're doing it on purpose. mayorkas was on the record yesterday bragging about how there is too many of trump's policies that they've rescinded to even count. they rescinded all these policies and act surprised it caused a mass migration about the border. and they act like it is just a tough situation that they have to deal with. but it is not. it was done on purpose. >> trace: and i guess that's the question as you look at this congressman and you talk about what the president is saying and you look down at the border and we've been trying now for a couple of days to get secretary mayorkas and the administration to give us numbers, right? we know there are 3500 of those haitian immigrants down under that bridge in del rio, texas. we know about 1800, 1400 have been taken back to haiti. we don't know how many were released into the united states. but it is in the thousands and we cannot get exact numbers and yet we know they do have the numbers. >> well, it gets worse than that. everybody is focused on the haitians right now. these are mostly single men. it is easier to deport them under title 42 or other immigration laws. everybody is focused on that now. don't lose sight of the fact that well over a million encounters have occurred this year. and they won't give us numbers on how many of them have been released. that will be in the hundreds of thousands. over the million. what does that mean? the eighth largest city in america. that means a population the size of the eighth largest city in america has infiltrated our country and this administration doesn't karat. it is a dereliction of constitutional duty. he is willingly refusing and deliberately refusing to enforce laws. >> dana: thank you for watching speech with us and being the first we react to it. we'll be in touch with you soon. thank you. the f.b.i. is issuing an arrest warrant for brian laundrie. what does this mean for the gabby petito investigation? fi it in their history. two and quarter percent, just 2.48 apr. save thousands a year. re-entering data that employees could enter themselves? that's why i get up in the morning! i have a secret method for remembering all my hr passwords. my boss doesn't remember approving my time off. let's just... find that email. the old way of doing business slows everyone down. with paycom, employees enter and manage their own hr data in one easy-to-use software. visit for a free demo. ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. whoo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, now introducing ensure complete! with 30 grams of protein. veteran homeowners. if you haven't refinanced yet, ensure complete! get in on record low rates now. the newday two and a quarter refi is the lowest rate in newday's history. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. just one call, and you can save thousands every year. there's no money out of pocket and no up front fees. the newday two and a quarter refi. at these rates, you may never need to refinance again. >> trace: if you thought president biden spoke for 22 minutes about 18 minutes ago or 14 minutes ago let's bring if chris wallace the host of "fox news sunday". always good to see you. the president was asked about the litany of problems facing the administration right now talking about afghanistan, the border, this reconciliation bill that we're talking about. he immediately as you saw blamed the previous administration, blamed president trump which seems to be a pattern here. at what point do you think the president starts taking responsibility and that somebody is held accountable for what is happening in this administration? >> he is being held accountable right now, trace, when you see his poll numbers cratering as a new gallup poll down to 43% approval. 55%. the american people are holding him accountable. i was struck. you discussed with congressman crenshaw the border. i was struck by his discussion of this huge tax and spend bill and this is a new pr move. the new way that the administration is going to try to sell it to say the cost is zero. it is not 3 1/2 trillion dollars it's zero because it's paid for. well, it's paid for by raising taxes on individuals. it is paid for by raising taxes on companies. that's not zero. that's 3 1/2 trillion dollars. he makes it sound as if if you borrow it there is a cost but if you tax the private sector is taxed more than the public sector there is no cost at all. i was curious about the fact he discussed the meetings he had with moderate leaders and progressive leaders in congress at the white house a couple of days ago. and he said to them forget the price tag. let's just talk about what is it you want? and maybe you want more childcare, maybe you want free pre-school andfree community college. this isn't the oprah show. it is like saying to a family what do you want? i would like a new car. you get a car. this isn't the oprah show. you have to take into account the price tag. there are a lot of things we would all like in our personal lives, a lot of things we would like from the government but you have to weigh that against the cost and the ability of the government to pay. what it does to the overall economy. this isn't going to cost zero, it will cost $3 1/2 trillion if that's the number they end up with. one way or another they get the money either by borrowing or taxing companies and taxing individuals. >> trace: there is a lot of debate on this bill. progressives pushing back. does it pass? does it have a chance to go forward? >> you know, we've got two things here. we have one the infrastructure bill which moderates are in favor of and passed on a bipartisan basis with 18 or 19 republicans in the senate. then you have the progressives very much want what i call a tax and spend bill, 3 1/2 trillion dollar cost at this point. it may go down a bit. you know, and they are trading off moderates say we won't vote for the big tax and spend bill unless you pass the infrafruk stur. -- infrastructure. it would be such a political disaster. they are the governing party the democrats are. they control the house, the senate, the white house. if they are put in charge as a governing party and unable to pass their president's domestic agenda, i don't know how democrats come back from that in the mid-terms next year. >> trace: that's a fair assessment. we have to go. quickly what is coming up on "fox news sunday". >> we'll talk about this. don't have the guests locked down yet. on the border we have an exclusive interview with governor greg abbott and talk about what is happening at the order and the issue about horses and border patrol. a lot to discuss with governor abbott on "fox news sunday". >> trace: great to see you, sir, thank you. >> you bet. >> dana: the f.b.i. is on the hunt for brian laundrie after issuing with a warrant on fraud. judge jeanine pirro is here next. or there... start here. walgreens makes it easy to stay protected wherever you go. schedule your free flu shot and covid-19 vaccine today. - oh, sister of mine. - mmm... - i got you this. - the new iphone 13 pro? 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>> dana: is the search in the carlton reserve or broader? >> it is much broader. everybody thinks they're looking in the carlton reserve for brian. i think they may be looking for evidence in the carlton reserve. remember, the parents helped him clean out the camper -- her van that he brought back. we don't know what was in the van. we don't know what was in the mustang. the parents have pretty much kept all of that away from the police. by their siel ention and laurg up there is all kinds of evidence that's gone. there may be evidence they're looking for in addition to laundrie in that swamp area. >> dana: one thing i don't know if our viewers know about you and i learned this week. in 1978 you set up the first domestic violence unit as prosecutor and one of the reasons you wanted to -- in the country. and you did that because you new it was a problem that happens. what do you think about what mark fuhrman said about what happened in utah? >> you know, the problem is when you have a police officer saying that domestic violence charges are not meant for people going through the state and traveling through the state they are only meant for people in live in the state that's outrageous. that's what people thought 40 years ago. i started the pilot project. that mentality is what gets young people like this in real trouble. the law in utah makes it very clear that there is a mandatory arrest in a case where the police believe there will be continuing violence. there was a call to 911 by an outsider who said he is slapping her. the car was swerving hitting the curb, they were both agitated. she was hitting him and it was clear he didn't want her in the van and trying to prevent her from getting into her own van. you don't just turn around and say they're from out of state. maybe he will leave her here, wife is exactly what it appeared to be. domestic violence cases are cases where you have to assess the danger to the woman or to the man and 10% of the cases. i very much disagree with mark. he was wrong. >> dana: he said if you go through the state the laws aren't there. >> they don't apply to you. there is mandatory arrest in most states in the country. the police have an obligation to assess who was a primary aggressor and the one they'll put under arrest. some states they'll put them both under arrest. he said they will both be bailed. who knows what would happen in this case? >> dana: will we get an update of this case tomorrow flight? night >> we have lou holtz and others. it will be fun. >> dana: great to have you on "the five" the week. >> trace: the life of princess diana is coming to broadway as a musical. up next we'll speak to one of the people responsible for the show and an album that brings the princess of wales to the bright lights. two and a quarter percent. just 2.48 apr. save thousands every year. this may look like a regular movie night. but if you're a kid with diabetes, it's more. it's the simple act of enjoying time with friends, knowing you understand your glucose levels. ♪♪ (struggling vehicle sounds) think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ (energetic music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit ♪♪ we believe everyone deserves to live better. and just being sustainable isn't enough. our future depends on regeneration. that's why we're working to not only protect our planet, but restore, renew, and replenish it. so we can all live better tomorrow. ♪♪ veteran homeowners, i have 100 great reasons why you should use your va benefit tomorrow. to turn your home equity into cash. the newday 100 va cash out loan. it lets you borrow up to 100% of your home's value. with mortgage rates near record lows.. and home values at record highs. you could take out $50,000 or more to build your dream kitchen, a new bathroom, or a swimming pool for the kids. call newday right now. >> trace: the humanitarian crisis unfolding in del rio texas, where is the border czar, the vice president? she is in new york appearing on the view. we're live in washington with more on this. alexandria. >> you know, this border czar was given the title exactly six months ago. many are wondering where is she right now? of course, she is 2,000 miles away from the border in new york city. on tuesday she shifted liability to homeland security secretary mayorkas following a phone call her office released this statement saying quote. the vice president raised her grave concerns about the mistreatment of haitian migrants by border patrol agents on horses and the need of cpb agents to treat people with dignity, humanely and consistent with our laws and values. the vice president harris's only trip to the border came in late june and she said this at the time. >> the president and i are absolutely committed to insuring that our immigration system is orderly and humane and i do believe that we are making progress in that regard. >> progress was made by tens of thousands of additional migrants illegally crossing the border. last week del rio mayor, a democrat, retreated a video of harris saying she is able to visit fun events across the country and we continue to grapple with immigration reform. where is the visit to del rio, texas? maybe it will be answered today during the appearance. >> trace: good question. thank you. >> dana: a new musical focuses on the life of the late princess diana headed back to broadway in a few weeks. let's bring in david bryan, the composer and lyrics. you wrote the music for "mem f*is." -- memphis." >> it's the same as me. he writes the story, i write the music and we said what about a musical about diana? she is beloved around the world. it was a good challenge and i said the thing about her was she was such -- she celebrated what brings the world together, not separate it. everything she did was humanitarian. the first person to touch an aid patient's hand. a person that helped humanity. >> dana: you take this on and do the music and it is all ready to go and it is the beginning of march 2020. i had tickets to go march 26th and then covid happened. >> boom. >> dana: so now there is no broadway but you do a different type of project. how can people learn about that. >> nine previews and we got shut down and then a couple months later we're like what can we do before broadway comes back? we got in contact with netflix and went into the theater last year under strict covid rules. i was sequestered for a month and filmed it in the theater. usually it's a capture with one hang will. this is like -- it is a high bride. -- hybrid and we made a movie in one week. the cast record is out. it is streamed on everything. and then next week we're on netflix and then november 2 we're back on stage. >> dana: how does it compare to being on tour? you are a very talented person and you've been in bon jovi, travel all over the world. you go to tokyo and everyone knolls -- knows all the words and it is amazing. how do this project compare to rock-n-roll. >> i've been with john since i was 17. the master of your destiny and you are the one who does it. when it comes to broadway i teach everybody, write it, teach everybody and they do it eight times a week. it is a different energy but i put all my rock-n-roll energy into them. >> dana: i can't wait to see it. thank you for being here. check out the cast album out today on all digital platforms under diana. trace, next time you come though new york i'll take you to the play. >> trace: listen, i hope we get a picture with you and david bryan. unbelievable. >> dana: i think you are a fan. trace is a fan. thanks for everything this week, trace, really appreciate it. "the faulkner focus" is up next. here is harris. >> harris: breaking news at this hour the biden administration is scrambling to clear that massive migrant camp underneath the bridge in del rio, texas. i'm harris "the faulkner focus". federal government sending in heavy machinery to clear up the grounds of the home of haitian migrants. the numbers have dwindled to 3,000 people still living under that bridge. what we still don't know, despite repeated attempts to find out, is how many

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Stage , Administration , Dana , Weekend , Charlatan , December 7th , West Virginia , 7 , Migrants , Removal , Trace , Number , Thousands , Answers , Texas Border Encampment , Supply , 15000 , 3000 , Rundown , Sides , Criticism Rains , Everybody Else , Jen Psaki , Peter Doocy , 5000 , Horse , Numbers , Border Agents , Department Of Homeland Security , Rest , Patrolling , 15 , 10 , Border , Border Agent , Mounlted , Difference , Del Rio , People , Camp , Bridge , Crews , Incredible , Group , Folks , U S , Portion , Custody , Haiti , 3900 , 2000 , Lot , Title , Notice , Mexico , 42 , Town , Wall , Part , Businesses , Focus , Tents , Work , Others , Countries , Relief , Traffic , Import Export Relationship , Two , Border Patrol , Update , Patrols , Images , Goods , Joe Biden , Security , Treatment , White House , Outrage , Home , Sector , La , Nld , Jeff Paul , Agents , Whips , Progressives , The Horses Won T , Rowdy Ballard , Allegations , Horse Coordinator , Ability , Jobs , Horses , Men , Del Rio Sector , It , Area , Tool , One , 100 , Border Patrol Agents , Reporters , Photograph , Accusations , Guy Why Don T , Way , Reins , Terms , Damage , Situation , Job , Release , Press , They Weren T , Form , We Don T Carry , 35 , Guys , Best , Anybody , Homeland Security Secretary , Arizona , Yuma , Homeland Security , Watch , Video , Secretary , Patrol Units , Security Response , Operating , River , Position , Horse Back , Facts , Migrant , Environment , Fine , Democrats Screaming Bloody Murder Mayorkas , The Band Wagon , Thought , Abilities , The Field , Fact , Whiplash , Tweet , Note , Fraternal Order Of Police , Car , Thanks , Warriors , Steering Wheel , Talk , Investigation , Eye , Food And Drug Administration , Crisis , Problem , Idea , Office , Look , Ground , Fox News , Sectors , Tee , Troopers , Conditions , Eyes , Migrant Tent Camp , Covid , They Aren T Being , Law Enforcement , Anything , Smuggler , Babies , Side , Smugglers , Soil , Raft , Increases , Rio Grande , Four , 210000 , 00 , Five , 200 , Rio Grande Valley , 1924 , Context , Information , Declaration , Didn T , White House Press Secretary , Police , Policy , Image , Arrest Warrant , Claim , Work Environment , Fbi , More , Gabby Petito , Brian Laundrie , Fraud Charges , Homicide , Death , Jonathan Serrie , North Port , Florida , Laundry , Debit Card Fraud , Federal Grand Jury , Brian Braund Rea , Family Attorney , Understanding , Demise , Water , Wilderness , Carlton Reserve , Swampy Park , 75 , Officers , Utah , Moab , Domestic Violence Shelter , Viewing Body Camp Footage , Ceo , Woman , Trouble , Domestic Violence , Centers , Sound Bite , Brian Hitchhiking , Norma Jean , Authorities , Body , Spread Creek Camping Area , Irn , August 29 , 29 , Entrance , Oit , Director , Move , Cdc , Footing Scientists , Reasons , The Hits Keep Coming For Hunter Biden , Emails , Liberal Austin , World , Police Staffing Shortage , Dictators , Safety , The State Of Texas , Everyone , Government , Texas Dps 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TradiciÓn , La Nueva GeneraciÓn , Es Mas , Que Un , Empleo Para MÍ , Opreza , TomÉ La Ruta De Mi Padre Cuando , Ahora Le Muestro , 47 , Como Una CompaÑia , Que Pertenece A Los Empleados , El Sistema , Convirtiendo , Estamos Orgullosos De Haber , De Reciclaje , En La Ciudad , San Francisco , La Diferencia Juntos , Sigamos Haciendo , Call , Police Officer , Emergency , City Council , Casey Stiegel , Dollars , Staffing Shortages , Police Budget Last , Millions , Dallas , Doubt , City Council Decision , City Departments , Police Budget , Impacts , 128 Million , 21 Million Dollars , 21 Million , 28 Million , Money , State Legislature , Funding , Bill , Law Enforcement Agency , System , Defunding , Shortage , 150 , Answer , Calls , Impact , Departments , Decisions , Summer , Many , Department , Emergency Calls , Priority Ones , Urgent , Comment , Scene , Emergencies , Police Union , Austin Police Department , Nine , Something , Cities , Enterprise Reporters , Senior Correspondent , Murders , 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Asthma Treatments , Limbs , Tingling , Don T Change , Person , Gunman Attacked Coppers , Gun , 12 , Point , Workers , Employee , Collierville , Shooting , Third Party , Freezers , Shots , Store , Aisles , Shoppers , Swat Team , Back To You , Event , Weapon , Life , Shape , Executions , Punishments , Amputations , Allies , Trey Yengst , Embassy , Kabul , Hotel , Documentation , Security Screener , Embassy Workers , Member , Deputy Chief Of Mission , Senate Armed Services Committee , Business , Like , Enforcer , Women S Rights , Following , Take , Laws , No One , Taliban 2 0 , Quran Cutting Off Hands , Islam , 2 0 , Hands , Gang , Felons , Anyone , Savages , 1990 , Words , Tony Blinken , August 15th , Afghans , Troops , Families , Citizens , Green Card , Holders , Catastrophe , Saying , Thoughts , Some , Effort , Rieft , Majority , Kinds , Problems , Led , Nothing , Connection , Measles Outbreak , Withdrawal , Sex Crimes , Minors , Sites , Evacuees , Wisconsin , Threat , Push , Iran Nuclear Deal , Question , Agreement , Talks , Vienna , Table , Tempo , Deal , Negotiations , Obama , Ayatollahs , Concessions , Ayatollahs Wouldn T , Scenes , Surrender , Doesn T , Bus , Men And Women In Law Enforcement , Places , Terrain , Amounts , Son , Headlines , Faig , The Blame Game , Hunter Biden , Assets , Controversy , Fog , Austan Goolsbee , Steve Moore , Spending Bill , Specifics , 3 5 Trillion , Record , Value , Payments , 8800 , 58800 , 54200 , 4200 , Newday 100 Va Cash Out Loan , Equity , Personal Assistant , Memory , Friend , Projects , Manufacturing , Owner , Firm , 50 , Sense , Well Being , Better , Prevagen , Healthier Brain , Belly Pain , Constipation , Deb , Discomfort , Bloating , Feelings , Coating , Linzess , Children , Signs , Yess , Symptoms Belly Pain , Laxative , Bowel Movements , Ibs C , Stomach Pain , Side Effect , Diarrhea , Stools , Bowel Blockage , Six , 18 , Side Effects , Gas , Swelling , Ibs C , Knee , Hunter Biden Under Scoout , Griff Jenkins , Business Dealings , Hunter , Business Insider , Laptop , Father , E Maims , Email Written January 28th , 28 , 2015 , January 28th 2015 , Sam , Donor , Campaign Doanor , Dad , Success Fees , Phone Conversation , Circle , Confidentiality , Million , 2 Million , Donors , Both , Email , Attorney , 26 , February 26 2016 , 2016 , Hb Team , Project , Relationship , P R , Lawyers , Team Lobbyists , Congress , Colleagues , On The House Oversight Committee , Republican , Oversight , Access , We Haven T Heard Back , D C , Proposal , Framework , Spending Spree , Reality , Comment Zone , 5 Trillion , Things , Moderates , Homework , President Trump , Pushback , Advisor , Social Policy Bill , The New York Times , Headline , Pods , Segment , Length , Warning , John Podesta , Schools , Teachers , Education , Expansion , Parents , Cost , Healthcare , Senior Citizens , Taxes , Debt , College Professor , Nation , 0 Trillion , 20 Trillion , Irs , Groups , Budget , Child Tax Credit , In The Future , Generations , Tax Cut , Deficit , Trillions , Y And Z , House , To Medicare , You Shouldn T , Corporations , Votes , Senate , 7 Million , Benefits , Order , Amount , Word , Frame , Math , 2028 , Child , Estimates , Success , 65000 Dollars , 2050 , 65000 , Gift , 300000 , 00000 , Top Line Number , Manchin Didn T Give One , Manchin , Step , Place , Negotiation , Duty , Dereliction , Love , Attention , High Note , Disaster , Benefit , Highly , Adnistration , Booster Shots , Panel , Pfizer , Politics , Medicine , Director Overruling , Veto Power , Stop , Pilots , Bobble , Usaa , Usaa Safepilot , Mac , Buick , Spin Class , Quote Today , Auto Insurance , Massaging Seat , Apple , All Of You , Wi Fi Password , Parking , Envision , 72 , Purchase Allowance , Owners , Suv , 21 , 5 Hundred , 20 , Models , Pizza , Woo Hoo , Sighs Wearily , Thirty , Sugar , Mortgage Rates , News , Flavors , Quarter Refi , Save Thousands , 2 25 , National Security Advisor , Jake Sullivan , Questions , Campaign , John Durham , Perjury , Donald Trump , Hillary Clinton , Issues , Indictment , Won T , Campaign Attorney , Surfacing , Clinton , Traction , Momentum , Agencies , Shoe , Adults , Vaccine Booster , Setting , 65 , Science , Second , Boosters , Criticism , 19 , Beginning , Capacity , Walensky , Back Drop , Healthcare Workers , Tools , Advisory , Plan , Requirements , Vaccinate The Unvaccinated , Progress , Care , Recovery , Masking , Testing , Three , Doctors , Protection , Vaccinated , Level , Review , Booster , One Shot , Addition , Meeting , Health , Diabetes , Obesity , 60 Million , Shot , 20 Million , Scientists , Decision , States , Doctors Offices , Community Health Centers , Pharmacies , Booster Shot , Arms , Message , Locations , 80000 , 40000 , Age , Healthcare Worker , Front Line , Worker , Teacher , Condition , Isn T , It S A Bear , Kidding , Vaccines , Course , Degree , Johnson , Moderna , Data , Organizations , Bottom Line , Moves , Whether , Updates , Case , Illness , Everything , Safe , Unvaccinated , Vaccinating Americans , Pandemic , Yes , 182 Million , Vaccination Program , Official , Fight , Matters , 70 Million , 3 4 , Minority , Intensive Care Units , Joufr Running Emergency Rooms , Unvaccinated Overcrowd Our Hospitals , 1 4 , 25 , Room , Heart Attack , Operation , Kitchen Table , Economy Recovery , Conversation , Vaccination Requirements , Refusal , Owth , Business Leaders , 2 3 , United Airlines , Example , Seven , Vaccinations , Service , Military , Department Of Defense , 97 , 92 , Track , Misinformation , 24 Million , Unvaccinated Americans , Voices , Squ Them , Husbands , Hospital , Television , Wives , Tragedy , Don T Have , Zip Code , Vaccination Location , 438829 , Eight , God , One Nation , Mr , Self Interest , Campaign Trail , Standing , Abc , Rachel Scott , President , Responsibility , Dignity , Promise , Chaos , Immigrant Communities , Assault , Embarrassment , Consequences , Daing Rouns , Competence , Unity , Peter Alexander , Agenda , Democrats , Troop , State Of Affairs , List , Four Million , Plate , Let , Reailt , Ality , Everybody , Polls , Element , Daycare , Parent , Grand Parent , Plans , Price Tag , Price Tags , Zero , 6 Trillion , Trillion , Economy , Dynamic , Outset , Trickle , 2 9 , Billionaires , Airs , Middle , Tax Credit , Notion , Hunger , 40 , Childcare , Flat Tax Cuts , Back To School , Etc , Rain , New York , Inds , New Jersey , I Hadn T , 178 , State , Range , West , Doing , C , B , Done , Legislation , Pieces , Piece , Structure , Nature , 1 9 , Stalemate , Growth , Need , Imf , Wall Street , Leaders , Leader , Australia , Quad , India , Japan , Truth , Matter , 300 Million , 00 Million , War , Picture Book , Proposals , Circumstance , The End , Apologies , Guidance , Term , Limit , Speech , Turn , Board , Line Number , Reconciliation Package , Ken , Considerations , Provisions , Mind , Gains , Senator Wyden , Tax , Income , W2 Form , Bank Account , Hell , Heck , Career , Step Up , Share , Sake , Lord , 26 1 2 , Come On , America Making Sum , 0 Billion , 40 Billion , Ether , Options , Meetings , Rooms , Oval , View , 3 , 4 , Several , Community College , Priorities , Detail , Infrastructure , Issue , Little , Wasn T , Deals , Highway , Degradation , Region , Utility Lines , Monies , Speak , Hum , Infrastructure Proposal , Boom , Process , Circumstance Boom , Buses , Wait A Minute , Diesel Buses , End , Being , Guess , Vote , Chance , Backgrounds , Mortgage , Dinner , Mom , Brothers And Sisters , Don T , Floods , Queens , Somebody , Daughter , Road , Product , Production , Elements , Regard , Ahold , Hoarded , Automobiles , Computer , Vernacular , Wrong , Manufacturers , Man , Billions , Back Lawn , Epiphany , China , Battery Technology , Few , Joke , Foreign Pollz , Change , Working Class , Staff , Weather , Middle Class , Build Out , Commitment , Revenue , The Truth , Tax Cuts , Reconciliation , Situations , Hearing , Working Class Folks , Refrain , Breathing Room , Biden Facing Fire , Guest , Congressman Dan Crenshaw , Analysts , Sound , Congressman , Air , Subjects , Mess , Mass Exodus , Actions , He , Morale , Isn T Competence , Purpose , Biden Doesn T , Asylum Claims , Policies , Act , Mayorkas , Mass Migration , Couple , Secretary Mayorkas , 3500 , 1400 , 1800 , Immigration Laws , Haitians , Sight , City , Encounters , Size , Hundreds Of Thousands , A Million , Dereliction Of Constitutional Duty , Doesn T Karat , First , Save Thousands A Year , Gabby Petito Investigation , My Boss Doesn T , Method , My Hr Passwords , You Haven T , Newday Two , 14 , 22 , The Border , Litany , Fox News Sunday , Reconciliation Bill , Host , Chris Wallace , Pattern , Poll Numbers , Poll , Gallup , 55 , 43 , Spend , Discussion , Pr Move , Companies , Individuals , 3 1 2 Trillion Dollars , 3 1 2 Trillion , Public Sector , Isn T The Oprah Show , Andfree , Account , Lives , One Way , Another , Borrowing , Debate , 1 2 Trillion , Infrastructure Bill , Basis , Favor , Trading , 3 1 2 Trillion Dollar , Governing , Infrafruk Stur , Governing Party , Domestic Agenda , Charge , Assessment , Interview , Guests , Great To See You , Greg Abbott , Governor , You Bet , Jeanine Pirro , Hunt , Warrant , Fraud , Flu Shot , Walgreens , Sister , Iphone , Siding Installer , Mmm , 13 , Customer , Trainers , Doula , Manicurists , Don T Know , Brain Performance , Indicators , Neuroscientist , Memory Supplements , Neuriva Plus , Neuriva , Tv , It Woah , Sweet , Bucks , 30 Bucks , Internet , Wireless , Cool , Clam Aroonies , Debit Card , Brian Laundry , 1000 Dollars , Dead Or Alive , Whereabouts , September 1st , 17 , Camper , Evidence , Casing , Activity , Camping , 23 , 17th , Hand , Jail , Van , Mustang , Swamp Area , Viewers , Laundrie , Siel Ention , Prosecutor , 1978 , Violence , Mark Fuhrman , Charges , Pilot Project , Mentality , Arrest , Outsider , 911 , Swerving , Curb , Cases , Danger , Primary Aggressor , Obligation , Lou Holtz , Princess Diana , Musical , Show , Album , Broadway , The Five , Wales , Princess , Bright Lights , Movie , Friends , Glucose Levels , Kid , Premium , Vehicle Sounds , Lineup , Grade , Shipping Manager , Find Themself , Gmc , Va Benefit Tomorrow , Home Equity , Dream Kitchen , Call Newday , Bathroom , Kids , Swimming Pool , Vice President , Czar , The View , Alexandria , Border Czar , Statement , Phone Call , Quote , Liability , Border Patrol Agents On Horses , Concerns , Mistreatment , Cpb , Immigration System , Trip , Tens Of Thousands , Visit , Events , Appearance , Immigration Reform , David Bryan , Composer , Lyrics , Mem F , Memphis , Same , Challenge , Aid Patient , Humanity , Tickets , March 26th , March 2020 , 2020 , Type , Previews , Theater , Contact , Capture , Netflix , Covid Rules , Cast Record , Bride , Tour , Travel All Over The World , Bon Jovi , November 2 , 2 , Knolls ,

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