Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends

>> there is now a full-court press to abolish the legislative filibuster in the united states senate. they want to blow through the norms of his country and they want to bypass what the founders envisioned. brian: straight to a fox news alert. but first this, a man arrested after eight people killed in a string of shootings in atlanta spas. police say the shootings happened last night at three different massage parlors and all in the span of one hour. ainsley: police tracked down the suspect, he's 21 years old and his name is robert long. they tracked them down through surveillance footage capturing his car near each of these crime scenes, lawrence. lawrence: police say he was arrested after taking office on a car chase that ended in a crash. police are investigating the motive for the shooting and we will continue to follow this story with new developments throughout the morning. brian: meanwhile, good morning everyone. happy st. patrick's day. ainsley: lawrence, look at lawrence. where is your green? lawrence: this is a green suit. ainsley: okay, let me look at the monitor. it's a little olive. [laughter] brian: ainsley is wearing a royal green. ainsley: royal is not a green. this is more of a kelly green. there are 200 some odd colors of green and. brian: i believe that's a royal. ainsley: royal is a blue. brian: please write as if you are wearing royal green. i believe there is. on a separate note, a much more important to what's happening on our southern border, big story. following national guard troops could stay on the border now past september as the cbp official warns that the biden administration can't keep up with the migrant search. griff jenkins has seen this up close and personal and seen a lot of different administrations try to handle the border. this is is off to a terrible start. am i right, griff? reporter: let me tell you, brian. good morning, ainsley and lawrence. this administration is bracing for unprecedented numbers. we heard directly from sec. mayorkas expecting apprehensions to exceed the last 20 years. unbelievable. even nbc news reporting over 500,000 on a company children every day coming to the border but on this side of the border the border towns are absolutely swelling. we talked to henrique venezuela who is a director right here at the port and has an office and in charge of the migrant population here and says they literally have no more room. listen. >> at this point we have very little capacities in our shelters. we need to open more spaces. we need all the help we can get. reporter: as you mentioned brian, senior cbp official telling fox news we are taking in more unaccompanied minors then we can process. i don't see how we keep this many kids when we can't find sponsors and that is just part of the major problem here. we also got to see the national guard on the mexican side out along the border yesterday and we spoke to the director of the international organization of migration and that is the un organization that is helping process the mvps. we watch them send people across yesterday into the u.s. but he says the real problem are the cartels and the coyotes. listen. >> we know that coyotes are taking advantage, they are trying to keep migrants and trying to make them think that if they arrive here they will be able to cross. reporter: all of this comes as as the president said in an interview on tuesday that he has no plans to visit the border. more congressional delegations are in the pipeline to come see this but one thing is for sure starting with your question, brian, that is will it be different than other administrations? absolutely because of two things. one, it's a pandemic and that limits of capacities and two, the numbers are absolutely earlier than any time in history than what we have seen in the months of march, april, may and june are the heaviest traffic and already in february the 100,000 that is the telltale sign that we should brace for what we have not seen in a long, long time. brian: thank you, griff. congressman henry cuellar is that a border district in texas democrat says the same thing just moments ago. ainsley: the biden administration are not able to keep up with the surge down there and homeland secured a secretary mayorkas announced that the influx is set to be the highest number in 20 years. lawrence: they are on their heels and we knew this was coming. this was a campaign —- remember back in 2019, august 2019, he says we can afford another 2 million people. this is the guy that created the climate for this and they are wearing biden shirts as they come across the border because the president of the united states when he was campaigning said if you want to call him and he said it was bizarre if we cannot take in 2 million people per year so this is the campaign promise. brian: here is president biden yesterday sitting down with george stephanopoulos and the whole interview will air today. >> lot of the migrants came in and saying they came in because you promised to make things better. it seems to be getting worse by the day. was it a mistake not to anticipate this surge? >> first of all, there was a surge for the last two years in 19 and 20 there was a surge as well. it might be worse? well, it could be. i heard the other day there, because i'm a nice guy. we'll here is the deal, they are not. >> you have to say quite clearly, don't,. >> yes, i could say quite clearly don't come over and a process is getting set up and don't leave your town or city or community. brian: what does that mean you're in the process of getting set up? that is what jen zach said to his press secretary. don't come yet, don't come now, not yet so what are they planning on doing over the next two years but the numbers don't lie. ainsley: speaking of numbers, last month there were three 13 unaccompanied children per day and you know what it is now? 565 children every single day. one facility operating at seven 100% capacity, some are sleeping on the floors and some more intense or shipping containers and president trump, former president trump waited in on this and said it's destroying our country. >> people are coming in by the hundreds of thousands and young children are coming in and they fully leave their homes and, because they think it's going to be so wonderful. it is a crisis like we've rarely had and certainly we've never had on the border but it will get much worse. i mean, what you're seeing now is very bad, record numbers but it will get much, much worse with a little bit of time and you will see those numbers expand at a level like you've never seen before. brian: . lawrence: he's not wrong. cbs news confirming that there are 13000 unaccompanied minors right here in the country. the biden administration will have to get control of this because this entire narrative before that trump was bad, orange man was bad and cannot get control of the border, we know that is based on the numbers they had control of the border and it doesn't seem like the biden administration took any consideration when they decided to end the agreement with mexico and to keep these people in the country of origin and then apply for asylum. now people are rushing the border and were in the middle of a financial crisis because of the pandemic as well, plus, we've got covid as well and these that would need a 60 vote margin in the senate and republicans are not on board. unless, of course, you blow up the so-called filibuster which simple majority that you are done for judges and what you haven't done for legislation. mitch mcconnell push back on president trump and every time president trump said mitch, change into simple majority i got to get my agenda passed he said mr. president we have a way of doing things in the senate and i can't blow that up. joe biden used to feel that way and is beginning to change, listen. >> aren't you going to have to choose between preserving the filibuster in advancing your agenda? >> yes, here is the choice, i don't thank you have to illuminate the filibuster and you have to do what it used to do when i first got to the senate back in the old days when you use to be around there and that is in the filibuster you had a standup and command the floor. >> you are for bringing back the talking filibuster? >> i am paid that's what it was supposed to be. look, don't only to the numbers, george, but between 1916 and 2000 and i making this number up and i don't know but there were like 50 filibusters and now there is like 200 since then. ainsley: if they end the filibuster democrats will rule our country forever. we will become a socialist country. first they will kill the filibuster and then they will pass this hr one so felons can vote, no id if you go to vote, register everybody, expand the mail invalid and then guess what, they will start packing the court in the country is gone and it's a free-for-all if this happens. thankfully joe manchin and kristen cinema are pushing back on this and they have said that they will not support this but if they change their minds it is over. lawrence: the republicans play better at this game and they change the rules before and it shot them in the foot in the republicans got conservative judges by the dozens and one third of the federal judges republicans have put into place and mitch mcconnell says not so fast, if you are in the filibuster look what will happen and take a look. >> nobody serving in this chamber can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth senate will look like. senate republicans wind up back in the saddle we would strengthen america with conservative policies with zero input from the other side so the pendulum, mr. president, would swing both ways and it would swing hard. brian: it's amazing, democrats who are so against getting rid of the filibuster when president trump was president now amy klobuchar says yesterday, i don't think we should let an antiquated senate rule undermine the foundation of our democracy and stop us from making progress. dick durbin said somewhere and he will push joe manchin to do but when they talk about a talking filibuster that means one after the other republicans will have to go up there and talk about why they don't want whatever that bill is great okay, you can do that and believe me, republicans can talk, remember, they were out there reading dr. seuss when it was allowed for everybody with ted cruz and company and we know rand paul and never fails they will line up but guess what, nothing else gets done. stop everything if you do a talking filibuster. ainsley: this is the trojan horse that everyone was warning about that it's moving into the city court and this is exactly what's happening. it's a dangerous time, very scary. jason shape it's said about how dangerous this could be. listen. >> this whole thought that the democrats put out during the election thing that they were going to unite the country and work across the aisle and put their hands out and try to work with republicans is absolutely, totally hogwash. they want to blow through the norms of this country and they want to bypass what the founders envisioned. you know, if you wanted to glide past to get things done fast you would just have a monarchy or have a king and he would not want to put a house and senate in there. the senate is very conservative in its nature in that its deliberative and you take off one issue at a time and you have the debate but they don't want that. you cannot overstate how scary this moment is for this country. lawrence: this will be interesting. mcconnell is pushing back and said look, you want to play the games i will make sure every senator is seated for every single game and we will bring everyone to the floor for every single little thing to stop some of this nonsense but again, democrats have nothing to lose on this. the progressive caucus has made it very clear where their agenda is. remember, schumer used to be a protector of the institution as well but now with aoc being involved, aoc potentially running for his seat he wants to change america and say first, we take georgia, then we take america and change the world. ainsley: we thought biden would be moderate but is allowing all these radical agendas to pass and to come into our country. brian: we will see what will happen because in two years as a midterm they will lose their majority and if they davit down ever was thorough because this progressive stuff is not popular with massive democrats and the mass media. and they reckon public. then the next thing you know it will be mitch mcconnell with all the power and the simple majority and we know what happened last time. ainsley: let's hand it over to jillian. she has headlines for us and good morning. jillian: fox news alert, arizona police officer is shot during a parking lot shootout. they approached a vehicle driven by a suspect in a stolen car investigation and the driver reported leafs started ramming into police cars. both suspects fired shots back at officers. one was hit and remains in the hospital. the other is in custody. the injured officer is in stable condition. the trial of the former officer charged in george boyd's death hitting more snags today the first seven jurors seated in the murder trial and they asked about their knowledge of the $27 million settlement reached between minneapolis and floyd's family. the judge said it is to ensure a fair trial. trans aid lawyer has asked for the trial to be delayed or move to a new venue over concerns that the settlement could way jurors. tiger woods thinking his fans as he returns to florida after a serious car crash. in a statement they saying in part quote, i'm so grateful for the outpouring of support and encouragement and i will be recovering at home and working on getting stronger every day. woods suffered multiple leg injuries after a rollover accident in california last month. that's a look at your headlines, back to you. ainsley: thank you, jillian peered president biden speaking out on embattled governor andrew cuomo and what would push him to call for cuomo's resignation? we bring you the answer, next. brian: he answered that question and while many st. patrick's day celebrations are virtual, bars and restaurants hope to see a boost in sales today. how they are adapting to the holiday still ahead and maybe we could say speak easy but first, here's a live look at the temple bar in dublin, ireland where not a lot of people are there though because of the lockdown. ainsley: i miss it. brian: you miss drinking during the day? [laughter] lawrence: i'm not judging. e ♪♪ wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ 's i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. four, five, turn, kick. and we'll make you're first month's payment. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. 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but there should be an investigation. >> still no word from vice president kamala harris despite attending a roundtable in denver and a human summit for women. seven women have accused cuomo of inappropriate behavior and one of them lindsay boylan also telling "the new york times" cuomo's aides drafted letters to discredit her. the letter reportedly accused her of weapon icing a claim of sexual harassment for personal, political gain or to achieve notoriety. her lawyer fired back saying once again a victim of sexual harassment is put in the position of not only having to relive the trauma of a toxic work environment but defend herself against character assassination and a whisper campaign of retaliation. another accuser and annalisa says she's plans to speak with investigators this week as the multitude of investigations against him continues. brian: thank you, carly. that is one of the accusers who's been contacted by multiple women who also want to come forward, i guess, within may be governor cuomo's personality it turns out there was a move to go after lindsay boylan and she was the first woman to come out and as you pointed out she will be running for office and is a progressive. ainsley: running for the manhattan bureau president. brian: one think they bring out is he's mobilizing people to sign a letter saying that lindsey boylan is linked to supporters of donald trump and that is where the accusers and the activations came from and maybe not anticipating that at least six more women would come out. ainsley: but that's not true. brian: why would she be linked to president trump? she no links to trump at all. lawrence: are they can to stop this witness intimidation and tampering? brian: it happened earlier. lawrence: he is trying to get people to support him. i think the real question is why did he get such a softball question from george stephanopoulos. why would you ask him if the investigation is complete and shows that he did something wrong, would you support him leaving office? of course he's not going to say no. the real question should be we know that there is evidence of him tampering with evidence when it comes to the nursing home scandal. should he resign because of that? and then should they wait for the investigation on how he harasses women? we have the facts on that case and we should be dealing with that first and then dealing with the allegations secondly. ainsley: here is tammy bruce to weigh in on it. >> even though you've got, you can't even blame political opponents here because these are democrats and supporters and these are women who supposedly supported his agenda and yet those people don't matter either. this is raw, ugly malignant power where no one matters, no human being counts except for the person at the top. it is so deep in the democrat party that i think he fully expected to be defended and protected and i think right now he probably just doesn't quite know what to do but he will not have a choice very, very soon. brian: right now new york only 35% thank you should resign, 34% should be reelected, 50% said he should not resign in real quick about lindsey boylan she is not backing down. she tweeted out yesterday two words for the most powerful man in the state tried to destroy me when i spoke out in my truth about his abuse and i will never give up and i will never give in, we will not be destroyed by our abusers. she is not taking it backward step. ainsley: so many things here. there's the nursing home scandal to your point, bullying, we heard mr. lou come out the assemblymen who talked about the intimidation that is probably got what he was trying to give his kid a bath and now all these women. lawrence: pattern of behavior. lawrence: but there is due process, innocent until proven guilty. dhs warns of the biggest migrant surge in decades but the biden white house still won't call it a crisis so what does law enforcement see in border communities? we ask an arizona sheriff coming up 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in perspective? >> oh yeah, this is as bad as it bad and worse then the obama days. it's like the wild west of there in the desert on the south end of our county. we are back to that again where we can go out almost every time we go out we are finding 20 people. last night and think with 49 apprehensions in my county. this is just like it was back in the obama days, probably worse and on target to be worse. brian: think about this sheriff, we are worried about coming into the mall and getting encountering someone within 6 feet of us and not wearing a mask. are these illegal immigrants driving with rapid tests? >> no, no, they are not being tested. now we've got some five-page e-mail telling us how it's not a crisis and how they will do a better job of trying to get these people tested but look, they are not being tested in coming in here with who knows what and then we are having to deal with them in our counties and it's unfair. at the same time we're telling businesses and kids they can't go back to school and can't open their businesses but we are opened our borders and letting people come in unchecked. it's ridiculous to me. brian: by the way, let's have the numbers back up your words. right now, look in february, over 100,441 and 221 that's up 20% from the previous month, 134% compared to february 2020 and the president of the united states said there was a surge before him in past years. putting it in perspective how bad is that? >> what they want to do is continue to do the blame game. they want to blame president trump. president trump never denied we had an issue at a crisis on the southern border. we were trying to fix it and building the wall in doing these things but now we sent a message to the world that we have open borders and we are not stopping people and not we are paying the price for it. they're sending unaccompanied minors and the cartel knows what our policies are and that's why we are coming together as sheriff spirit i started an organization to protect american now and you can check it out, protect america now .com, we are fighting to protect our borders in our communities. brian: you are, look at these numbers into songbird of 45% with unaccompanied minors. in yuma up one of 4%, single adult encounters of 260% in yuma, people come down and look or don't show up like president biden has no plans to go down and you have to limit live it every day and living it every day and having it ignored has got to make everything worse. >> it drives us crazy. i've extended the offer and i will do it again to any congressman or woman or senator who wants to come down to see the problem firsthand. please, come down and see it so you can vote with actual knowledge of what is going on because truly they are voting and talking about this issue and they don't know what they are talking about. brian: sheriff, what bothers me so much is to see some of that barrier, the fence, the wall built in the huge gaps as if everyone was told drop your hammer, dropped the tractor and go home. we paid for this already and just for pure political purposes, because senator joe biden voted for the secure fence act it is not completed. >> they literally just told the crews to go home. i've talked to a lot of the workers. from one day to the next they lost their jobs and those families were put out of work and they stopped it in, you know what, the cartel knew that and they started busting people and left and right. hundred thousand people is an extreme amount of people and there is no way, think about that, then handling that amount of people on the border, especially unaccompanied minors in the cartel is making so much money off of this. let's not forget the drugs. last week we had a 12-pound heroin seizure and it's going. brian: sheriff, keep fighting. we will keep the sirens on and hopefully someone will pay attention. sheriff mark lam, you got it. meanwhile, today is the deadline for signatures to be summative for california's recall newsom campaign. by critics say he is now trying to play the race card or he is playing the race card in that story is ahead. from our friends at fox let's get that snare drum going to download the fox super six app and play for a chance to win $10000. predict six outcomes in the fox that super quiz show from entertainment to sports. it's free to play and download the super six app right now. ♪♪ of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy 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philly canceled the parades in the new york city famous parade will be virtual. here in bethpage they had their parade sunday and will have a bagpipes later this morning but they will be a 50% capacity which is good news for business and i talked to the co-owner this morning about them getting back on their feet. listen. >> there was excited people that we miss because we missed st. patrick's day last year but this year will be a celebration for everybody. reporter: really quickly, glancing through this menu, that shamrock sunday is a warm brownie, mint chocolate chip ice cream on top of syrup and then it has a cookie on top of that so that they put me over the line for my calories for the day but i might have to get that later on. brian: could you bring me one back? ainsley: that does some good. brian: a lot of sugar may need insulin. [laughter] thanks, ashley. let's bring in leo to route and fox news contributor, calvin resident, and we talk about the recall the numbers are there, leo good. he will be recalled and is not fighting for his life and it did not take him long to blame the proud boys and race. >> brian, i'm so sick of the democrats. normally they play the race card every four years but they're playing the race card every day 247. gavin newsom is trying to blame that this recall is financed and supported by extremist groups. that is alive but that's a big lie. it is democrats, republicans, independents, barbershop owners, retail store, people are angry at gavin newsom. last year brian was the first time i wanted to leave the state. why? because he basically locked it down for no reason and did not follow the science and he deserves to be recalled but the lying about who supports this recall is it is everyone, all colors, shapes, sizes and political parties. lawrence: it is interesting, leo, because most black folks want to the businesses open and they want their kids back in school disproportionately affecting them. but instead of focusing on that he has been focusing on replacing the seat of dianne feinstein potentially that is not even open yet for a black woman. >> lawrence, that's a very good question but let me tell you right now, it's one of the most insulting aspects of racial politics that the democrats believe just because they are going to nominate a black person all black folks are supposed to follow that. it's done with no other race. it's insulting. as you could have written last year, donald trump received more minority votes because a lot of minorities have rejected that concept of racial politics but democrats will play it 247 if it is their playbook and they will stick to it all the time. ainsley: leo, here is kamala harris talking about the covid relief bill she is trying to sell and why it's so great. listen. >> the white house is set this is a very popular law. if that is the case why is it important to get out and sell it? >> it is not selling it. it's literally letting people know their rights. right? it's kind of like you, you buy a product that you been sold on the product but you need directions on the fox. think of it more like the public education campaign. ainsley: leo, what is your reaction? >> that's a typical democratic / lawyer track. she is trying to change the focus. only 9% of the bill, ainslie, only 9% of the bill goes to covid relief. the other 91% is democratic giveaways, money to the unions, money to democratic pet projects and if it was a great bill you don't have to sell it. americans are smart enough to know the bill is good but it's not and that's a pork bill. brian: we will see —- yeah, so what if there's inflation and larry summers of all said it's a mistake. let's move on and talk about some minerals you can relate to and that is our curriculum. it turns out critical race theory is all over this loudoun county educational system and guess what? people are taking notice. it turns out a group of current and former teachers and others in loudoun county, virginia are compiling a lengthy list of parent suspected of disagreeing with the school system's actions, including the teachers of controversial race concepts. if you are a teacher and you speak or if you are a parent and speak up your name goes on a list and instead of answering the families they target the families. >> brian, i was a former schoolteacher and still have my license. i tell you right now, i thought it came out okay as a student in public schools but the game here is again, race. they are targeting individuals based on their concept that if you don't agree with us on our critical race theory we will go after you and it's intimidation paired its intimidation effort to make sure that their programs get through and to scare people for not talking. we have to speak out. those people should not be intimidated to speak out against this indoctrination of rewriting history. that is what they want to do print they want to rewrite history and it's wrong. brian: leo, you point out that you're just as fired up in the morning as a light is a rare quality. reporter: speech, speech, these topics are driving me crazy. i can't understand. i need a shamrock shake. [laughter] brian: you got it. you are 3000 miles away or i would. ainsley: leo, i need your opinion. do you think lawrence's suit looks green? >> let me think, no. ainslie and brian, yes. lawrence, no. ainsley: one more question, is there a color called royal green? >> never heard of it before. i've never heard of it. brian: . ainsley: brian said there was. lawrence: no, there is not. it's just a green. anyway. ainsley: happy st. patrick's day. [laughter] brian: i guess i will take it from here, what is left of the show. ainsley: sorry, it's janice's time. brian: president biden is a part of the plane the first major tax hike in all most 20 years but our next guest says even though rich people will be targeted the working class will be the ones footing the bill. ith liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a little differently. hey, i'll take one, please! wait, this isn't a hot-dog stand? no, can't you see the sign? wet. teddy. bears. get ya' wet teddy bears! one-hundred percent wet, guaranteed! or the next one is on me! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ out here, you're a landowner, ♪♪ a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ainsley: tax hikes are coming, i hate to tell you. president biden is a poorly working on legislation that would include the first major tax hike since 1993. his proposed plan could include raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, 21 right now. raising the income tax rate on individuals earning more than 400,000 a year and more. the white house says that they are only going to raise taxes for the rich people and our next guest warns everyday americans will still be paying a price could hear with how you can prepare to protect your pocketbook is credible .com personal finance expert and clinical professor of finance at the university of san diego, dan. your morning to you, dan. >> good morning read what is up, ainslie? ainsley: i'm doing well but this news will cost us all and you hear $400,000 and most of our viewers are thinking that doesn't affect me but you say it does. >> here is the deal, i would think the same thing. before you go back to your many weeds understand that when we have a tax increase it is not just the folks at the top end that will be targeted or impacted but it's like a pebble in a pond. it does trickle out through the economy in many different ways. let me give you one example. most business owners are single proprietors or may be partnership and many use something called a pass-through on their business for their business tax return. it basically means they take their business income and put it on their personal tax return. one of the proposals we think will be coming out of washington is to essentially eliminate that. that's important because a lot of business owners get a deduction of 20% for that. without drowning in numbers the fact of the matter is that is one item that go away or be reduced and that impacts businesses in our communities. drycleaners, car dealers, restaurants, things like that. they are the kind of things we might see coming out of washington over the next few months. ainsley: what about the corporate tax increase? aren't we pushing more companies to go to china or other countries when we do that? >> great question. here's the deal, pretty simple, we want to raise taxes on corporations so we say we go from 21% to 28% but the reality is if corporations pay more in tax they probably will pay less in wages and they will create less jobs. there is a direct correlation, direct connection between what companies pay in taxes and what they ultimately reinvest back in their workforce, in their people. that is you and i. again, it's a ripple effect, not to say it's right or wrong and i don't know the correct rate should be but it's 21% or 20% and we should debate that and we will this year but we have to understand that it will have some repercussions. ainsley: what drives us all crazy is when you hear about this $1.9 trillion covid relief bill and only 9% goes to covid relief and that is our money and now they will raise taxes and bring in 2.1 trillion over a decade, they say, with this tax increase but it's our money. they already have money in the bank but that they haven't spent from the last covid relief and now they're adding more money to that bank account and we are paying for it. >> yet, i remember when 1 billion was a big number and now we throw around chileans like it's nothing. you are right, here is the deal. one of the impacts that we are probably going to see and we've already seen it since january is interest rates going up. we've noticed interest rates going up and that's a stealth pass on middle. ainsley: time to buy a house right now for dan, we have to go but thank you for coming on in explaining this to us. former acting dhs secretary chad wolf joins us at the top of the hour and other individuals. but this is worth. .. akes life worth living. principal. for all it's worth. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. my psoriatic arthritis pain? 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>> what i can tell you is a full-blown crisis on the border at the moment. what has changed is the messaging out of the administration. in 2019 under donald trump we had messaging of don't come because you will not be let into the country. the vast majority of these folks don't qualify for asylum but unfortunately today we have a different set of messaging and a different set of policies in place which are encouraging, the factors we see today encouraging this crisis. ainsley: let's listen to president biden and get your reaction. >> the idea that joe biden said come, i heard the other day they are coming because they know i am a nice guy. here is the deal. they are not. >> you say clearly don't come? >> yes. what we're in the process of getting set up, don't leave your town or city or community. jillian: you heard jeff say he interviewed that migrant and the man said that is not the message being spread down here. it is being spread to come. >> dhs official secretary talks from the white house podium saying you can come but don't come now. the messaging is not consistent but at the end of the day these illegal migrants don't listen to government officials. they listen to other illegals who have gotten into the us, call them and tell them they are here, staying in the us, not being deported or removed. that is how -- what they are listening to. as long as they see other individuals coming into the us, being catch and released into the us and staying here you will continue to see this surge. lawrence: wasn't as part of the plan all along? here's joe biden talking about in 2019, we need more immigrants here. take a look. >> we could afford to take in a heartbeat 2 million people. the idea the country of 330 million people cannot absorb people who are in desperate need and are justifiably feel being -- fleeing pressure is absolutely bizarre. i would move to increase the total number of immigrants able to come to the united states. lawrence: what is your reaction? >> reporter: what i would say the us is the most welcoming country in the world when we talk about refugees but the facts also dispute a lot of what was said. 90% of these individuals don't qualify for asylum, are not being persecuted under the asylum laws we have today. we have to remove them. if they come to the us, we do catch and release, we have to go out and find them and remove them and that is an inhumane policy and inhumane message we want to send to folks, try to get into the us, stay here for a year and be removed to your home country. not the right message and feeling this crisis. brian: it is right to jump the line, filling out the forms, going by our laws, meanwhile guess what, it is your fault according to the new dhs secretary who blames the trump administration, quote, the prior administration dismantled the asylum system. we have to rebuild the entire system including the policies, procedures required to administer asylum laws congress passed long ago. the prior administration tore down the lawful pathways that have been developed for children to come to the united states in a safe efficient orderly way. the previous administrative cut foreign aid to the northern triangle. do you want to deal with those facts as they see them? >> absolutely a couple points are made. we want to give one of the most secure borders we have ever had. we gave them a network of policies that allow them to quickly remove individuals, to seek protection closer to their home countries in the northern triangle and provide the asylum system. all of it was working. we briefed the transition team, gave the results, they decided to remove these policies, what would happen, the fact that they are not prepared today's quite unconscionable. we talk about asylum system saying the trump administration tore that down, nothing could be further from the truth. he hired 500 asylum officers, addressed the asylum backlog in four years of the trump administration, dhs and doj gave more people asylum in the last four years of the obama administration so the claim that we tore down the system is simply not backed up by the facts. brian: you restored the aid when they were responsive to requests to rein in their population. >> absolutely. we hold them accountable. wanted to see results before we provided the millions of dollars in foreign aid and that is how it should be. we sign over a dozen different agreements with the northern triangle and had the best cooperation and restored the foreign assistance when we saw those results. ainsley: is that money going to these triable countries so they can fix the problem where they have oppression, persecution or they do have folks who want to come over here and claim asylum because they are dangerous areas where they live. are using that money to fix that problem? >> using foreign assistance funding for corruption issues in the northern triangle and border security. the root causes of that, and in the trump administration, really great results, did not have any migrant caravans in 2020 under these agreements and we did not have these surges you see today as well. jillian: thanks for being on with us. peter doocy at the white house as we learned president biden will have the first formal press conference. what can we expect. >> reporter: reporters have 64 days of questions stacked up for president biden of things go as scheduled, the 20 fifth of march, the first formal 1-on-1 press conference. the white house defended his availability since january 20th engaged with reporters more than 40 times. shouted questions don't allow for follow-up and they do allow the president to just ignore what he is hearing or walk away which he sometimes does. all these things are formal, 89 days without a press conference. and about half a dozen socially distance reporters. and how many outlets we will have on the border. this white house has been reliable, and the commander-in-chief is the commander-in-chief. the words of a president matter, lots of answers we expect. >> thank you so much. and will the filibuster be kicked to the curb, will a simple majority which democrats would hold with the vice president tilting the majority? if that is kicked to the curb every single thing passed through the house will become law but the question is will joe manchin change course with christensen them a and vote to get rid of the filibuster? every democrat wants to get rid of it. even former senator joe biden already talking about changing, listen to what he said yesterday. >> what you choose between preserving the filibuster and advancing your agenda. >> don't think you have to a lemonade the filibuster. back in the old days when you were around here. >> you are for bringing back -- >> that is what was supposed to be. and and and there are 200 since then. >> if there was any doubt progressives are running the ship we know now this is a guy against this. it is not just filibuster stuff but they have control of this administration, and not targeting republicans and joe biden has no shot now, does joe manchin and christensen them a stand for what is right or do they go along to get along? and election coming up soon so we will see. jillian: they said they were against ending the filibuster but they could change course that happen. and this is scary for republicans, they will kill the filibuster and pass hr one, mail in ballots, felons can vote, they will get all the votes and pack the court so then it is all over. they have a year and a half to do it. brian: mitch mcconnell pushed back on the president, the president is so frustrated he couldn't get this done. forget about the filibuster, we have 53 senators, he said no. there is a way of doing things. judges are one thing, policy is different, and the democrats, when donald trump was in power certainly had a different opinion on the needs of the filibuster. listen. >> what about the nuclear option, doing away with the filibuster? >> that would be the end of the senate as it was originally devised and created to the founding fathers. >> we left 60 votes in place. mitch mcconnell changed that. i would prefer to bring it back. >> without the 60 vote threshold for legislation the senate becomes a majoritarian institution like the house. much more subject to the whims of short-term electoral change. no senator would like to see this happen. lawrence: what change? politics, raw power. ainsley: the trojan horse is in the city gates. >> they are going to have to say that was then, this is now, at least acknowledge they are flipping within two years about what they just said. ainsley: jillian has some headlines. jillian: extreme weather, tornadoes expected across the south today as a severe storm makes its way from the rockies, it could bring hail and damaging wind and flash flooding to states like alabama, tennessee and mississippi. in el paso, texas, and created a dust storm that turned the sky orange. the severe weather threat will last into tomorrow. president joe biden says andrew cuomo must go with allegations against him are proven true. >> the claims of the women, should he resign? >> yes. he will probably be prosecuted too. jillian: 7 women have accused him of inappropriate behavior. one of them, lindsay boylein said they drafted a letter to discredit her. portland mayor tim wheeler condemned the ongoing violence in his city saying residents are sick and tired of the destruction. he took aim at protesters saying the looting and violence conducted under the guise of some noble cause is criminal. after a violent weekend in portland left businesses and other buildings damaged. how about this? tom brady giving fans a way to talk to him directly. look at this. >> reporter: talked into giving up myself own on the internet. if you do text me, you suck but i will see it and i may or may not respond. jillian: there is one rule, no texting on game day. you think he has multiple phones? >> deflategate he hammered one. i am not sure. that was gone. >> if you text him and he response, let me know. >> we will put it into the news. >> remember when lindsey graham and donald trump - he gave his cell phone. >> that was his flip phone. let me tell you what a straight ahead. thousands of keystone pipeline workers lost their jobs on day one of blue-collar joe's presidency. the communities feeling the ripple effects. tomi lahren spoke to residents about the fallout. jillian: from our friends, download the super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000. all you need to do is predict 6 outcomes in the quiz show. topics range from entertainment, sports, free to play, download the super 6 apps now. limu emu ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, get 0% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350. jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. lawrence: thousands of keystone pipeline workers lost their job in the first 6 hours, small towns depend on the business have been struggling. tomi lahren spoke to residents in the south communities about the impact. >> constructed for the town of 800 and when we had this influx it was so much fun. started putting pen to paper, how can we expand or invest, and and maybe next year it will be better. there is not other projects coming into our town. lawrence: tomi lahren joined me now. joe said he would give these energy jobs. do you find any of these on the ground? >> i did not. we spoke to folks working on the pipeline and folks working in camps around the pipeline, it is people in small towns being affected and the message they are getting from the biden administration is they don't matter that they should find something else to do. you heard the gym owner say you can't find something else to do when you have a small town of 800. only so many jobs and businesses and when you are relying on these people coming in thousands of people coming into a small town, small business and opportunity and it was taken away in a matter of hours with the swipe of the pen, incredible condescending, incredibly insulting, and the administration is rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants and telling small-town americans they should find something else to do. not sure what that something else is to be answered by the biden administration. >> the mayor of south dakota talked about the impact of the keystone pipeline. >> this pipeline was an opportunity for our small businesses to make a little more, not just getting by. it is an opportunity for them to have an investment and make business a little bigger and a piece of equipment they otherwise couldn't or they could simply put some money away for retirement and this is an opportunity for all of our businesses to get ahead. lawrence: what is your reaction to that? >> absolutely true and a lot of people in the town. i am a south dakota girl, this hits home for me. this isn't something that came and went but has been in the process since 2008. all the permits were cleared, people finally investing, jobs coming into their small-town taken away and the biggest insult to these people, not just the mayor and workers and people that owned businesses, the biden administration didn't come to talk to them, to see the environmental impact, they took it away all for a simple virtue signal and speaking to these people in south dakota they crunched the number, they have been dealing with this process for years, they were making commitments to make sure the environment was taken care of, that they were offsetting any emissions they were creating. the biden administration, if they cared about the environment they would understand, this is for cheap virtue signal and small-town americans are suffering because of it and seems the biden administration couldn't care less. lawrence: take people jobs but won't look them in the eye and tell them you are doing it and then promise them they will get clean energy jobs. thank you for your excellent reporting on this. you can check out the latest episode of no interruptions streaming now on fox nation, fox nation is a members only streaming service exclusive access to original content and your favorite fox news personalities. you can check it now on in the place of his massive nursing home scandal governor cuomo is leaving the white house weekly covid 19 calls, janice dean and the least of frantic have been the loudest voices next. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can take you to deep, depressive lows. or, give you unusually high energy, even when depressed. overwhelmed by bipolar i? 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my sub has bacon. choose better be better and now save when you order in the app. subway eat fresh. but not jayson's sub. >> the impeachment investigation of new york governor andrew cuomo going beyond harassment claims and corruption allegations under scrutiny but while allegations of the nursing home scandal go up, he is leading the covid-19 call. janice dean and congresswoman elise to fennec have been trying to get the government to be held accountable and join us now. are you surprised there wasn't some pushback from the white house? >> janice: this governor has been getting away with it for almost a year now and we have been wanting accountability, there are several investigations into governor cuomo and the fact that he covered up the numbers of the total number of seniors that died in elder care facilities, 9000 covid-19 positive patients will put into eldercare facilities. i lost my father-in-law and mother-in-law almost a year now and all we want is answers. i realized the me too movement is important. he should never treat women that way. part of his personality is to make people feel demeaned and small but i don't want people to lose track of the fact that we lost 15,000 of precious seniors, and need an investigation to continue and the justice department. lawrence: you believe democrats are slow walking this thing but they are not doing a lot. >> janice is right, the nursing home scandal is an impeachable offense. sexual harassment is an impeachable offense. i fundamentally believe this is about corruption or abuse of power and taking advantage of those who were most vulnerable, whether it is 15,000 seniors who lost their lives or women who were victimized. democrats in albany are saying they support his resignation but now they are moving towards impeachment process. they need to move forward as quickly as possible. they lost loved ones in nursing homes have come forward and the new york ag, the attorney general has put out a report the nursing home scandal and withheld information from the public. brian: the first interview with the ag's office went four hours. now the story comes out in the new york times that there was a push to discredit lindsay boylein. she said i was sexually harassed by this guy. there was a letter put together to discredit her and link it with trump supporters. don't you find that outrageous? >> i do but that is what this governor does. he bullies and makes people feel small and that is part of his ammo. told me i'm not experienced on anything except the weather. i'm experienced. i'm experienced in law. both of my in-laws, that is just him. he bullies, he makes people feel like he is the most powerful guy in the room. it is not surprising he will hopefully go down for these kind of tactics. brian: is it surprising the governor of new jersey and the governor of pennsylvania and the governor of michigan are getting the same similar scrutiny? why did you put them back? you were warned not to in new jersey, could result in mass deaths. same thing in pennsylvania. they say their parents and grandparents but they didn't save others. >> the mainstream media was holding governor cuomo up as a bright shining light. new yorkers new otherwise particularly those who lost loved ones. democratic governors across the country rather than abiding by the cdc guidelines follow governor cuomo's illegal edict forcing nursing homes, those governors should face investigations and i want to point out janice dean is right. when you asked about the smearing by this governor janice and many of her fellow advocates, this is not new from governor cuomo, this is who he is. this is how they function and fundamentally an abuse of power. another issue is elected officials, and he was right to say pretty much every elected official in new york state dealt with governor cuomo, who said something like threatening political malpractice. brian: assemblyman kim, they are saying what about you and nail salons. they try to find something vulnerable on and take you down. thanks so much. appreciate you continuing the fight. coming up straight ahead, moderna starts testing a vaccine for kids. what are the risks parents need to know? 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because a good night's rest is where muscles recover, and our minds are restored. introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. the only bed that effortlessly adjusts to both of you. proven quality sleep, is life-changing sleep. >> back with a fox news alert man is arrested after 8 people are killed in a string of shootings in atlanta spot. ainsley: the president has been briefed about the horrific shootings in atlanta. white house officials are in touch with the mayor's office and in touch with the fbi. lawrence: mark joins us with the latest. >> reporter: we are standing in one of the 3 spots, it is located here in the city of atlanta. three women shot dead and right across from it is another spot where the aromatherapy were another woman was also killed. the shooting actually started 30 miles outside city limits of atlanta at cherokee county and another sparkle young asian massage parlor and in their five people were shot, four ended up dying. according to investigators, robert long walked into the facility just before 5:00, also asian, one of female and wayne mail. the survivors hispanic. after the shooting that broke into the city limits of atlanta and opened fire, these facilities, the first one thinking it was going to be inside. that is how they found out about the shooting across the street. they say long fled south and went 115 miles until he was taken into custody and sits in jail as they figure out what caused this and why he decided to do this. back to you guys. lawrence: there's other breaking news even though that was the top story. steve: a final farewell to the following officer, men and women honored him at his funeral. >> let him never before gotten. jillian: madsen died saving others by driving in the path of the wrong way driver. he leaves behind a wife and 3 kids. actress lori laughlin is concerned about the upcoming netflix documentary detailing the college admission scandal was a source telling enter time in tonight she's trying to focus on the positive and is excited to work again. laughlin says two months in prison, paid a fine of 150,$000 for her involvement. a dog rescue charity wanting to impose article could lead to dogs dying. the article accused big dog ranch rescue of funneling money to donald trump by holding events at mara lago. lori simmons called a hit piece saying it could lead to a drop in funding potentially costing the lives of innocent dogs that need help. the huffington post stand by the story. >> nebraska's governor starting a beef with his colorado counterpart to disparage meat consumption. >> colorado democratic governor should approximate and recognizing meet out day, urging them to go one day of the week without any meat. jillian: in response to what was happening in colorado nebraska's governor pete ricketts is declaring this saturday march 20th. to show support for farmers and ranchers, joins us now. why did you do that? >> pushing back against the anti-science anti-agriculture activists like peta that are pushing this agenda. it is part of our food security and in nebraska livestock industries are the number one industry. lawrence: in nebraska, the number one industry is leading the way, this is an economic issue back home. >> absolutely. our farmers and ranchers are the original conservationists passing on the family farm or ranch to the next generation so they are looking to innovate for soil conservation to find ways to grow more animals with fewer resources and reduce greenhouse gases. brian: the governor colorado, in the meat industry, was just in the state -- for meat processing workers in impressive areas, businesses and more. he had a proclamation in 2011. he is trying to balance this out. do you buy the walk back? >> radical groups have been around trying to end animal agriculture in this country so anybody who wants to do that, to learn more about what their agenda is and the proclamations being associated because they want to convert everybody to a vegan diet and it is not a healthy and to do and undermines our security and the big economic impact in states like nebraska. brian: good luck with your meat day. >> it is st. patrick's day, corned beef and cabbage. ainsley: moderna starts testing a vaccine for children this week. what are the risks? doctor nicole saphier has the answers next. ks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. jillian: moderna vaccine trials we can for children this week as world vaccination efforts ramp-up. the family plans to give shots to 7000 children under the age of 12 including babies as young as 6-month-old. what do we need to know as parents? joining me as doctor nicole saphier. good morning. what do you know about this? is it safe? >> pfizer and moderna are starting on clinical trials the last several months. they are extending that 6 months to 12 years of age, they haven't released from their adolescent file you have to assume it is probably pretty good if they are extending it. i can tell you what they are doing is rigorously testing this vaccine to make sure it is not only safe in children but the immune response for adults, the question is going to be who needs to get this vaccine. it is crucial we make sure we have a vaccine available for children, whether all children need to be vaccinated or there should be collective vaccination is the biggest question. ainsley: how many shots will be? >> with children they have a bit of a robust immune reaction to this virus which is why they have less chance to spread covid 19. maybe a single dose or two doses that are less strong as the adult dose. that is why they do clinical trials. moderna clinical trials start with low doses to see how children respond. >> how do they find children for this trial. >> similarly to you to the way they treat adults, doctors and parents, parents have to give consent and they do talk about potential risk versus benefit and a lot of times recruitment can be difficult but children come away from covid 19 seemingly unharmed, children of god, we have the multi-symptom inflammatory syndrome that has affected 2600 children so their children are safe as well. ainsley: donald trump was on fox news yesterday urging his supporters to get vaccinated. listen to this. >> i would recommend it and i would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me but we have our freedoms. i agree with you that also but it is a safe vaccine and something that works. >> this is an important message, vaccinated children that may have an impact on slowing the spread and saving lives. if you have adults receiving the vaccine, adult a significant more affected by the viral infection and those at higher risk, much more important than vaccinating children and moving forward it is important when we talk about getting children back to school you have to remember getting a vaccine, not important to get back to school, children can safely get back to school without these vaccines and a vaccine should not be mandated, parents or teachers who are concerned about that need to be educated with children among school and staff. all the data that came out shows us they can get back to school safely without vaccination. ainsley: country stars making their return to the stage. we have a live report how they are bringing music back to nashville coming up. need to help you lose weight! more simplicity with the what's in your fridge? 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>> yes i can say quickly don't come. we are in the process of getting set up. don't leave your town or city or community. brian: that is not the message, he says we are in the process of setting something up. what are you sitting up? don't come, we have a process. if anything will be set it will be your countries. brian: they were not prepared for this. lawrence: this is the problem. morgan ortagus alluded to this on out number, the state department warned them during the transition we set this up with mexico and other countries on bilateral meetings to make sure they can get asylum in another country and they didn't listen. chad said they briefed dhs about the possibility of the 70 based on policies and this crisis is here, they want to respond. they are on their heels. >> he said this is the story of the country. 565 unaccompanied children coming in every single day. fema is building decompression centers, to place these with sponsors. can you imagine sending your kids across the border, unaccompanied. lawrence: who is encouraging the message? take a look. >> at the southwest border what has changed is the messaging. in 2019, let into the country, the vast majority of these folks do not qualify for asylum but unfortunately today we have a different set of messagings and a different set of policies in place which are encouraging, the factors that we see today encouraging this crisis. >> the news in mexico, the interpreter said on the news said you can come in. >> you wanted to do immigration reform, dick durbin said i'm not going to be a to get my caucus to gather. you want to go immigration reform when you have lost control of the border? that makes me think they had no idea or were dismissive of the previous administration and blaming the previous administration almost not understanding how challenging this is. the other big story, $1.9 trillion, up to the administration, what we want come our own money. the vice president has explained himself this program. how did she do? >> it is a popular law. of that is the case why it is important to get out and sell it? >> it is not selling. it is letting people know their rights. your sold on the product. think of the public education campaign. lawrence: you let them know about the rights before you pass the bill. the problem is there are so many goodies, people don't know what all is in the legislation. they pass it, no way any of them read this bill. less then 10% of it actually, getting back of their feet. >> leo said something similar to this. >> a typical lawyer trick, she's trying to change the focus. only 9% of that bill goes to covid relief. the other 91%, democratic pet projects, if it is a great billion don't have to sell it. americans are smart enough to know the bill is good but it is not. it is a pork bill and it will hunt them. lawrence: look at the states they are going to. these are campaign promises. georgia, we had your back, pennsylvania we had your back. we are sending you money. this is why you gave us that. ainsley: such wasteful spending. your money, gas prices going up, a lot of people lost their jobs. people are really stressed because of the pandemic. they're worried about paying the bill. the wrong side dish of this pork, your money into this bill. brian: everything we thought was tradition is being canceled. if you make a mistake it is canceled. mister potato head, too gender specific which i have been saying for a long time. kidding. dr. seuss books, doing a whole special on this. the washington post has seen this, when you watch bill maher giving a monologue on cancel culture the justin timberlake has to apologize to britney spears for how they broke up. this is getting out of control. the washington post sees this story, why she would cancel the phrase cancel culture. they go on. of the risk of hysteria on fox news i propose we cancel the phrase cancel culture, long since, a trope used by the right. clinically appropriated by some on the left to resist accountability for wrongdoing by talking about cancel culture, the right can pretend the real victims are white men and there's nothing wrong with hurtful comments or hurtful behavior against women or people of color. lawrence: it is not the right that is leading this conversation. it is the comedians. all there are is massive criticism and they started the movement to stop this and good performances, dave chapelle almost went into retirement because he got so sick of picking apart, a good laugh. >> you keep saying that, change the routine. >> kevin hart, and they found some tweets from 6 or 7 years ago. you lost kevin hart and i don't know who benefits from that. >> crazy they pretend this isn't happening. you can see with our eyes and the interesting thing about kevin hart, remember who led the call? ellen canceled plenty of other people for past comments. this goes to show if you try to counsel someone, you got to be prepared. ainsley: ellen almost got canceled. we are not making up these news stories. it is absolutely happening and if you are conservative they want to cancel your they want to kill the filibuster, they want to pass the hr one, this is their way. controlling the country and enforce this radical agenda on all of us. brian: not just people who are celebrities or on camera but everybody. on social media everyone is on camera whether you are live streaming or tweeting, this can get you fired from your job 7 years ago or something you did and heiskell prevents you getting a job. people have to get together in the washington post headline is totally irresponsible and mixed the market. it is something about race or gender. it backs up the exact point of the entire thing. no one can live up to the standards of the individual referee in this world and as we go back to movies and stage, i don't know what is going to be safe. look at disney, disclaimers before their movies or taking their movies down entirely. no one can cancel jillian, she has too much news including what is going on with the weather. >> we begin with tornadoes expected across the south today as a severe storm comes from the rockies and could bring haley damaging wind and flooding to states like alabama, tennessee and mississippi. in el paso, texas, wents as high as 65 miles per hour created a dust storm that turned the sky orange making it nearly impossible for drivers to see on the road. president biden says andrew cuomo must go if the sexual harassment allegations against him are proven to be true. >> reporter: should be resigned. >> lindsay boylein said they drafted a letter to discredit her. tiger woods, after a serious car crash. in a statement saying in part, quote, i am so grateful for the outpouring of support and encouragement. i will be recovering at home and working on getting stronger every day. woods suffered multiple leg injuries after a rollover accident in california last month. jillian: the da for los angeles county facing a recall is reportedly planning additional reform to lighten the way the city prosecutes crime. we will talk to the family member of holland police officer who warns these policies are not just happening in la. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! 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it is not helping the public with gang members cheering and toasting that gascon got into office. that can't be right, can't be good. >> i want to get your reaction to an interview i did in july in chicago. >> it pales in the neighborhood. everyone taking the chance of something happening. miss that community leader. >> it is not working. how many kids have to die before we realize we have to do better. lawrence: this is going on across the country. what should communities do? people who are victims like you doing in these situations? >> the only thing i can do. i am a simple person. a barber for 40 years, only thing i can do is tell the truth the way i see it and the way i see it is seems like the criminals are getting the upper hand and it is because of the people that are supposed to be running that office and i lay it all on gascon. it boggles my mind. i don't understand. makes me sick when i hear other victims families the way they have been treated and it is sickening me. lawrence: we are not surprised because he hasn't prosecuted one case ever, doesn't have any experience on these issues anyway so thank you so much. for your time. we will stay on this case. >> appreciate the time. lawrence: we reached out to george gascon for statement but have not heard back. he is welcome anytime on the show. we have been trying to reach out for him. columbia university under fire for their plans to host separate graduation ceremonies based on race and identity. author and journalist douglas murray sounds off on how woke culture is defining america. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 rx 350 for $429 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. bike shop please hold. bike sales are booming. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your $75 credit when you post your first job at out here, you're more than just a landowner. when you post your first job you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. we made usaa insurance for members like kate. a former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa. steve: columbia university under fire for hosting 6 additional graduation ceremonies based on race and how they identify and sexuality according to the school's website. the separate events will take place for graduates who are native, lgbt q ia plus, asian, plus low income, plus latin and black. when we see something as disturbing as this is hard to reclaim we have to tap into douglas murray who warns this is a further example of how the united states is the divided states. did you -- we like me when you read this and think you read it wrong and had it wrong? >> reporter: it is a further story, and a direction of travel, american institution for a long time. to divide up america not as one nation under the flag but a sense of different special-interest groups this is read get to. go away to university, parents remortgage the house and their worldview becomes narrow where. that is what we have seen, what events actually show. >> can you say the word melting pot, remember the great experiment were races of all races, creeds and religions can come together in one direction because they chose to come to america, we are lucky enough to be born here and now turning off the bunsen burner and separating people into their original groups. >> that is right. the idea that not just you have racial segregation but sexual segregation. so-called lavender graduation for lgbt q ia plus people, the alphabet becoming longer than the original one. the lgbt q ia alphabet people are meant to be graduating separately from their heterosexual counterparts. who once a world where this happens where people come here, it is voluntarily, what direction does this go in. where does it end? people of different races, to celebrate a moment of unity, this is what the problem is, by a few maniacs social justice warriors who make everybody else step in line and divide up america more and more and americans have to ask this to stop. brian: i don't know if it is liberal or conservative. it is just nuts. why can't i graduate next to someone who is upper-class as opposed to lower-class, working-class as opposed to middle-class, now i get my own graduation. here's what columbia says and tries to explain. this held for particular communities in addition to, not instead of the main commencement on class day ceremonies, open to every student who wants to participate. there is one collective but one segmented which the big picture, you see the big picture, somebody wants us to get every day and identify ourselves as male, white, black, asian, who would benefit from making america uncategorized itself as one into many? who benefits from that? >> it is basically something pushed by people who want to one we've the american dream, the american success story. the american success story includes the idea that so-called low income families like columbia, categorizing separately for richer people that lower income people and upper income people, doesn't really matter. you are legal in america under the flag and in the eyes of god and all of this up and all of that. it is not equal, totally different. the only people who benefit, who want to see america go down. it is enormously problematic to use one of their terms, something which all americans should recognize, to see the direction of travel, the division and the descent being sowed in america, they should reject it. we can unite around the flag of the great country and don't have to be divided up by people who wish us all - brian: we will turn the corner when we get douglas murray back in the country. you are a little scared about what is going on here in the uk. we will bring some normalcy back. i make that my personal mission. thank you so much. pick up his book the madness of crowds, gender, race, identity, the strange death of europe. president biden announces his first press conference, karl rove once worked in the white house, at least he told us he did. he is here to react. from our friends at fox, download the fox been super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000. what you need to do is predict 6 outcomes in the super 6 quiz show. it is free to play. download the super 6 apps right now. psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. do you remember matza? this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. she hasn't seen unleavened bread since before the holocaust. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. brian: a man arrested after 8 people killed in a string of shootings in atlanta spot. jillian: the president has been briefed, white house officials in touch with the mayor's office and will remain in touch with the fbi. lawrence: mark, join us with the latest. >> an unthinkable crime in atlanta, eight people gunned down in three spots. we are in front of one of them. 3 victims inside the building. and it is called aromatherapy where another asian woman was killed but the shooting began 30 miles to the northwest in suburban atlanta and cherokee county where another spot was targeted just before 5:00 last night. according to investigators 21-year-old robert long went in and started shooting, three people died, one more died at the hospital. there is one survivor. and opened fire at these two locations. police arrived thinking there was a robbery and a very good idea who they were looking for but had surveillance video and locating his vehicle 150 miles south of atlanta fleeing down the road. deputies as well as georgia state troopers take him into custody. why would he allegedly do something like this? what was the motive. they are looking at this being racially motivated but too simple to know that because of the investigation. we expect to have a briefing from atlanta police later on this morning. hopefully we will get those questions answered. reporter from atlanta, georgia. jillian: let's bring in karl rove, former senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to george w. bush. joe biden has announced he will have a press conference next thursday, 64 days from office. why is he avoiding this? >> it served him in the campaign to stay out of sight. a reputation for that. he wanted to avoid in opening days subjected to a news conference where he might say something that would set a bad tone. you eventually have to have a news conference and they raise the stakes. i am certain they will prepare him extremely well for this. they will hold it relatively early or if they hold it in prime time have a very light morning, to have him at his physical best but raise the stakes on this. >> no one is plugged in, what you hear about the status of joe biden, there were questions with ronald reagan, not asking to play doctor but there seems to be a different joe biden from the greatest retail politician. what do you hear from the guy you plugged into. >> for a long time may be a great retail politician but always had a reputation for saying awkward things and that is with him today. we saw during the campaign, we had a news conference not long ago in which he couldn't remember the name of his secretary of defense standing 5 feet to his left. we face the ravages of time but they have always known he's a gaffe maker and that comes with the territory. >> he has been gaffe free so far which is an interesting take. something that matters, speaking style or not, the filibuster will radically change the country. whatever the house passes it is going to be law and joe biden, longtime senator was asked by george stephanopoulos, tried to read between the lines. >> choose between preserving the filibuster and your agenda. >> yes but here's the choice. you don't have to illuminate the filibuster. when i first got to the senate in the old days when you used to be around, that is the filibuster, you had to stand up and command the floor. that is what it was supposed to be. between 1960, and 2000, i am making this number of, there were 50 filibuster, now there are 200 since then. >> he made everything up sedona how that hypothetical works if you make everything up. what do you think he is saying? there is a talking filibuster they can still handle that. >> it gets nothing done. as long as the senate is focused on an issue and members willing to line up and talk and talk and talk and talk nothing else can be done. what he is suggesting is he's going to make it even more difficult to get essential priorities passed on which there might be bipartisan agreement or more dangerous for him to get his judges confirmed and get his appointees confirmed. the senate had to sit is scheduled business, a filibuster based on standing in line to keep talking and do other business during that time. steve: do you believe it is goodbye filibuster? within three months? >> i don't know. it worries me because it fundamentally transforms the company by not getting in place of a lot of bad legislation on a partisan basis, set up a precedent when there's a republican president or republican congress do the same and we had some stability from the senate filibuster for the requirement you work across party lines and get 60 votes. when he first came to the senate, 67 votes you had to break the sylvester. >> they make washington dc estate, make puerto rico estate and there might never be a republican again. thanks for coming on with us. janice dean tracking this extreme weather in the south possible tornadoes. janice? >> janice: it will continue overnight into tomorrow. i need you to remind folks if you have neighbors and check on the elderly because we will have potential for long track dangerous, perhaps deadly tornadoes in the next 24 to 48 hours so we already have tornado watch is in effect for parts of arkansas through mississippi and tennessee. looks like we have a tornado worn storm for northeastern sections of texas and this will be the today. we will see a lot of tornado watches and warnings, we have tornado watch is in effect for several hours through the afternoon and they will continue into the overnight. i'm concerned with the overnight. we need to make sure people have a way to get those watches and warnings because this could be a significant tornado outbreak ongoing today and tomorrow. rare to see a high risk in that white area where all those ingredients will come together for long track tornadoes and portions of louisiana, mississippi, alabama, extreme tornado threat will continue into the southeast to part of the mid-atlantic tomorrow. we will be on it but i cannot urge this enough. people across the south, worn them in advance they need to have a way to get those warnings. really concerning. brian: 15 minutes before the top of the hour, grendel are pre-bounces back, forced to go virtual last year. mcshane joins us from nashville. how is it going? >> reporter: they had a tuesday night show for the first time in a year last night but this business never completely shutdown even in the worst of the pandemic. the people who run the opry, that wasn't an option. the cathedral of country music, grand old opry. ♪♪ when you heard what i told you ♪♪ >> reporter: a live show with the biggest stars every saturday night. since 1925, then covid-19 hit and that streak could have been in jeopardy. >> it was pretty harrowing. we got through it. >> reporter: colin reed knew there was a chance to hit 5000 straight saturdays later this year. the show must go on. >> welcome back to the grand old opry live on the grendel are priestly age. >> he has played it 200 times. now he has done in an empty building or live stream which was extremely odd. >> we are used to doing it with a big audience. i remember playing the opry when it wasn't sold out. >> reporter: some people are back now but 1100 instead of 4000. the city of nashville and the migrant music scene is taking a huge head for the last year. thanks to a solid balance sheet coming in the opry has done its part to help out, starting a charitable campaign to help struggling artists. now it is only a matter of time until the cathedral itself is packed again. >> it will feel good. it will feel normal. i see that and i know that and it will happen. >> i am hopeful in the third quarter that we will be going here. >> reporter: the location is among the most iconic in all of music, the circle of wood, they moved it over when the opry changed locations in 1974. on the same stage, the same circle, through it all, now even a pandemic. brian: we don't have time or we will get, will to sing a song but we ran out sadly. jillian: comforting st. patrick's day with ireland's finest. after the break. let's check in with dana perino. it is today. senator tom cotton will talk about the filibuster and what news joe biden made leslie when he was interviewed by abc news and a power grab by the democrats. congressman dan crenshaw on what is happening on the border. morgan ortagus will talk about china and the meaning of the administration in alaska today with counterparts and bret baer will join us in this and:00 hour and tell us everything is working out. see you then. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! want to brain better? 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>> happy st. patrick's day. hopefully you are ready to go. all you've got to do is crack it open. nitrogen doing its magic. there is loads of beer in there. at a 45 degree angle at the side of the glass. don't let it touch, you will see the beautiful surge as you pour and bring it all the way to the top. you will get that. beautiful. and that way. it takes 190.5 seconds to pour a perfect.of guinness. the hashtag is counting. >> can you see it there? >> what is the earliest you ever drank a guinness? >> timewise? 12:30 p.m.. over the last couple weeks, there are errors. >> can't have a st. patrick's day without a guinness. it is not legally possible in america. how to give back the toast to.usa right there. we can toast to you right there. all right. everyone is locked down in ireland but have a good time anyway. more "fox and friends" moments away. outside the temple bear, courtesy of earth cam. r ight aw. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa usaa. what you're made of, germ proof your car with armor all disinfectant. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. >> that's perfect, the st. patrick's day cathedral in new york city. beautiful shot. it's one of our favorites. lawrence, loved working with you. >> it's been fun. >> i agree, lawrence, great working with you. >> bill: good morning, everybody. president biden facing fronts -- backlash on two fronts, the crisis at the border growing by the day. a democratic push to throw out the senate filibuster. good morning, everybody. we're wearing green today. bill hemmer. >> dana: how the show or filibuster will go? i'm dana perino. "america's newsroom." fox news confirmed more than 560 unaccompanied children are crossing the border every day up from just over 300 per day in february. president biden telling migrants now is not the time to come to the united states and defending his administration. i didn't think, though, bill -- >> president biden: first of all there was a surge the last

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Steroids , Promises , Headache , Back Pain , Fatigue , Aren T , Shipments , Isn T Just Freight , Promise , Old Dominion , Cuddly , Ya , Bread , Know , Bread Layers , The Real Deal , Guy Fieri , Ya Gotta , King S Hawaiian , Angelic Choir , Invitation , Starts , Sales Event , Payment , Month S , 2021 , 300 , 59 , 359 , 36 , Four , Trumpet Playing , Pocket , Beef Jerky , Five , Internet , Someone , Cup , Come On , Faster , Xfinity , Families , Governor , Allegations , Friends , New York , Addition , Women , Claims , Judgment , Listen , Punishment , Woman , Position , Truth , Sense , Violence Against Women Act , Investigation , Behavior , Lindsay Boylan , Kamala Harris , Roundtable , Word , Them , Human Summit , Denver , Claim , Letter , Sexual Harassment , Personal , The New York Times , Letters , Gain , Aides , Weapon , Lawyer , Whisper Campaign , Victim , Put , Retaliation , Notoriety , Character Assassination , Trauma , Toxic Work Environment , Carly , Accusers , Investigations , Accuser , Investigators , Multitude , Annalisa , Governor Cuomo , Personality , Running , Donald Trump , Supporters , Progressive , Bureau , Manhattan , Activations , Witness Intimidation , Links , Six , Softball Question , Tampering , Nursing Home Scandal , Evidence , Something Wrong , Facts , Tammy Bruce , Opponents , Draw , Top , Person , Counts , Matters , Human Being , 34 , 35 , Estate , Words , Abuse , Abusers , Intimidation , Lou , Assemblymen , Step , Bullying , Kid A , Bath , White House , Migrant Surge , Dhs , Due Process , Pattern , Law Enforcement , Sheriff , Border Communities , Insurance , App , Usaa , Veterans , Hit , Kate , Tenderness , Psoriatic Arthritis Pain , Psoriasis , Wi , Cosentyx , Counting , Psoriatic Arthritis , Results , Risk , Symptoms , Damage , Joint Pain , Stop , Tuberculosis , Ability , Vaccine , Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms , Relief , Plan , Feel , Rheumatologist , Piano Music , Extreme , Comfort , Energy , Mood Swings , Ups And Downs , Depressive Lows , Suvs , Lincoln , Adults , Bipolar , Medicines , Lows , Highs , Episodes , Depression , Vraylar , Bipolar I , Fever , Confusion , Changes , Muscles , Thoughts , Patients , Stroke , Pill , Psychosis , Antidepressants , Reaction , Side Effects , Cholesterol , Issues , Muscle Movements , Sleepiness , Stomach , High Blood Sugar , Weight Gain , Coma , Movement Dysfunction , Individuals , Border , Border Surge , South , Situation , Space , Twenty Eight , Communities , Ground , Let S Begin Sheriff Mark Lam , Job , Perspective , County , Obama , Desert , South End , Wild West , My County , Last Night , Target , Mall , 49 , Immigrants , Feet , Mask , Tests , 6 , E Mail , Counties , Businesses , Borders , The Way , Back To School , 221 , 100441 , 2020 , 134 , February 2020 , Message , World , Blame Game , Price , Cartel , Sheriff Spirit , Fighting , America Now , Encounters , Yuma Up One , Songbird , 260 , 45 , 4 , Yuma , Crazy , Offer , Tractor , Fence , Hammer , Gaps , Barrier , Voting , Purposes , Fence Act , Jobs , Work , Workers , Left , Crews , Money , Amount , Drugs , 12 , Heroin Seizure , Attention , Sirens , Chance , Play , Recall Newsom , Signatures , Snare Drum , Summative , Fox Let , Race Card , Fox Super Six , Critics , Quiz Show , Sports , Entertainment , Outcomes , 10000 , 0000 , Cell Lung Cancer , Opdivo Plus Yervoy , Positive , Immunotherapies , Pd L1 , Combination , Gene , Talk , Egfr , Yervoy Equals , Fda , Treatment , Parts , Yervoy , Immune System , Treasures , Opdivo , Notes , Body , Family Dinners , Desserts , Problems , Eye Problems , Stomach Pain , Chest Pain , Breath , Constipation , Shortness , Lead , Irregular Heartbeat , Appetite , Urine , Rash , Thirst , Nausea , Dizziness , Vomiting , Fainting , Tiredness , Diarrhea , Cough , Memory Problems , Nervous System Problems , Muscle Pain , Conditions , Weakness , Flushing , Itching , Trials , Organ , Stem Cell Transplant , Chest Radiation , Horizons , Best Friend , Friend , Father , Co Pilot , Still A Night Out , Life , Little , Journey , Legend , Chevrolet , Idea , Ideas , More , Fame , Acclaim , Many , Few , Tool , Bags , Cruise , Type , Brew , Coffee , Vivid Hues , Behold , Ads , Bikers , Headwear , Connections , Business Growing , Oysters , Candidates , Shortlist , Data Base , Indeed Com Promo , Seventy Five , Jeans , Radio Up , Chicken , Beer , Burger , Wings , Pair , Applebee S , 5 , 1 , , Festivities , Morning , Latest , Spirit , Ashley Strohmeyer , Bethpage , Morning Guys , Everything Down For St , Parades , Tracks , New York City , Famous Parade , Chicago , Boston , Philly , News , Business , Bagpipes , Co Owner , Parade Sunday , Warm Brownie , Celebration , Menu , Shamrock Sunday , Back , Line , Good , Sugar , Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream , Cookie , Syrup , Contributor , Thanks , Leo , Insulin , Calvin , Race , Boys , Leo Good , Recall , Gavin Newsom , Extremist Groups , 247 , Time , Independents , Retail Store , Reason , Barbershop Owners , Big Lie , Political Parties , Shapes , Sizes , Lying , Science , Folks , School , Dianne Feinstein , Politics , Aspects , Votes , Minority , Relief Bill , Concept , Playbook , Minorities , Kind , Directions , Rights , Education , Projects , Track , Ainslie , Focus , Giveaways , Covid Relief , Pet , Unions , 9 , 91 , Pork Bill , Race Theory , Curriculum , Inflation , Loudoun County Educational System , Minerals , Larry Summers , List , Teachers , Parent , Loudoun County , Others , Notice , Disagreeing , Group , Virginia , Actions , Race Concepts , Teacher , School System , Schoolteacher , Schools , Student , License , Programs , Intimidation Effort , Light , Sprint , Indoctrination , Rewriting History , Topics , Speech , Quality , Shamrock Shake , Opinion , Yes , 3000 , Color , Show , Tax Hike , Guest , Working Class , Plane , Ones , Ith Liberty Mutual , Cause , Car Insurance , Wait , Isn T A Hot Dog Stand , Bears , Teddy , Wet , One Hundred , Landowner , Equipment , Landscaper , Hunter , Kubota , Tax Hikes , 1993 , Taxes , Tax Rate , Income Tax Rate , 400000 , 28 , Expert , Pocketbook , Finance , Personal Finance , Dan , Clinical Professor , University Of San Diego , Doesn T , Most , Viewers , 00000 , Tax Increase , Pebble , Pond , Top End , Weeds , Something , Business Owners , Partnership , Business Tax Return , Use , Economy , Proprietors , Example , Business Income , Deduction , Tax Return , Proposals , Washington , Fact , Impacts , Matter , Drycleaners , Car Dealers , Item , Drowning , Companies , Tax , Countries , China , Corporations , Reality , Wages , Rate , Workforce , Ripple Effect , Correlation , Connection , Repercussions , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , 2 1 Trillion , Money In The Bank , Bank Account , 1 Billion , Interest Rates , Chileans , Chad Wolf , Stealth Pass , Worth , Akes Life Worth Living , Hundreds Of Thousands , The Wild West , Press Conference , News Conference , Mister Biden , Leader , Shooting Spree , Spotss , Fires , Recall Effort , White Supremacy , Guinness , Perfect , Island , Spots , Atlanta Area , 3 , Crime Scene , Benjamin , Thousands , Interest , Another Big Story , Sport , Bridge , Jenkins , El Paso , Tree , 30 , Migrant , Don T Come , Report , Processing Center , Nbc , 313 , Scene , Sick , Coughing , Cdp , Wildlife , Fish , Smuggling Operations , Figure , Care Of , Shelter , Coming , Nowhere , Lifetime , Acting Dhs Secretary , Messaging , Set , Factors , Jillian , Set Up , Spread , Jeff , Don T Leave , Official Secretary Talks , Podium , Illegals , Government Officials , Wasn T , Joe Biden Talking , Heartbeat , Need , Pressure , Being , 330 Million , Refugees , 90 , Policy , Asylum Laws , Catch And Release , Home Country , Laws , Fault , Eforms , Asylum System , System , Dhs Secretary , Procedures , Asylum Laws Congress , Triangle , Aid , Pathways , Cut , Network , Points , Protection , Transition Team , Asylum Officers , Asylum Backlog , Requests , Down , Doj , 500 , Agreements , Wanted , Millions , Assistance , Persecution , Cooperation , Oppression , Areas , Corruption , Funding , Causes , Border Security , Root , Migrant Caravans , Reporters , Peter Doocy , Questions , Fifth , 64 , Times , Follow Up , Hearing , Availability , January 20th , 40 , 89 , Outlets , Commander In Chief , Answers , President Matter , Lots , Curb , Vice President Tilting , Christensen Them A , Changing , Lemonade , Progressives , Ship , Doubt , Shot , Stand , Election , Dover , Ballots , Half , Doing , He Couldn T , Senators , Done , 53 , End , Needs , Option , Fathers , Threshold , Raw Power , Subject , Whims , Least , The Trojan Horse , City Gates , Storm , Weather , Flooding , Tornadoes , Wind , Rockies , Hail , Dust Storm , Threat , States , Mississippi , Alabama , Tennessee , Sky Orange , 7 , Residents , Violence , Tim Wheeler , Protesters , Aim , Destruction , Looting , Portland , Tom Brady , Weekend , Buildings , Guise , Game Day , Phones , Texting , Deflategate He , Response , Cell Phone , Flip Phone , Lindsey Graham , Presidency , Keystone Pipeline Workers , Effects , Day One , Fallout , Tomi Lahren , Apps , 00 , 10 , 000 , Limu , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , Apr Financing , Rx 350 , 0 , 350 , Dealer , Jess , Tv Services , Lifting , Delegating , Services , Sweat , Keystone Pipeline , Struggling , Impact , Pen , Invest , Paper , 800 , These , Energy Jobs , Camps , Gym Owner , Opportunity , Small Business , Red Carpet , Swipe , Incredible Condescending , Mayor , South Dakota , Investment , Make , Business A , Retirement , Piece , Isn T , Hits , South Dakota Girl , Permits , 2008 , Virtue , Didn T , Insult , Signal , Environment , Commitments , Emissions , Suffering , Eye , Couldn T Care Less , Members , Interruptions , Personalities , Service , Episode , Exclusive , Fox Nation , Nursing Home , Scandal , Calls , Dean , Frantic , Voices , Veteran , Hailstorm Hit , Martin , Air Force , Neighbor , Pain , Advil , Action , 2 , Acetaminophen , First , Fast Pain Relief , Subway , Advil Plus , Draymond Green , Advil Dual Action , 8 , Sub , Dunk , Tender Steak , Cheese , Bacon , Subway Eat Fresh , Jayson , Scrutiny , Impeachment Investigation , Harassment , Government , Nursing Home Scandal Go Up , Janice Dean , Fennec , Congresswoman Elise , Janice , Pushback , Seniors , Care Facilities , Accountability , 9000 , Movement , Mother In Law , Father In Law , Eldercare Facilities , 15000 , Offense , Lives , Nursing Homes , Impeachment Process , Loved Ones , Attorney General , New York Ag , Information , The Public , The Ag , Push , Letter Put , Outrageous , Ammo , Both , Anything , In Laws , Tactics , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , Deaths , Michigan , Parents , Media , Grandparents , New Yorkers , Shining Light , Governors , Guidelines , Edict , Cdc , Smearing , Officials , Advocates , Malpractice , Nail Salons , Assemblyman Kim , Fight , Risks , Moderna , Doctor Nicole Saphier , Project Managers , Resume Database , Credit , Seventy Five Dollar , Sleep , Sleep Number , Bed , Night , Rest , 360 , Spot , Fbi , Touch , Standing , Mark , In The City Of Atlanta , Aromatherapy , City Limits , Cherokee County , Sparkle Young Asian Massage Parlor , Facility , Robert Long , Asian , Wayne , Survivors Hispanic , Fire , Facilities , The Street , Jail , 115 , Breaking News , Guys , Steve , Men , Farewell , Funeral , Actress Lori Laughlin , Path , Wife , Madsen , College Admission Scandal , Telling , Documentary , Dogs , Article , Dog Rescue Charity , Fine , Prison , Involvement , Big Dog , Ranch Rescue , 150 , Events , Drop , Hit Piece , Huffington Post , Mara Lago , Lori Simmons , Counterpart , Colorado , Nebraska , Beef , Disparage Meat Consumption , Meat , Meet , Pete Ricketts , Farmers , Ranchers , Saturday March 20th , Peta , Activists , Food Security , Nebraska Livestock Industries , Industry , Generation , Branch , Conservationists , Family Farm , Animals , Resources , Greenhouse Gases , Soil Conservation , Meat Processing Workers , Meat Industry , Groups , Proclamation , Animal Agriculture , 2011 , Proclamations , Anybody , Diet , Security , Corned Beef , Luck , Cabbage , Ks , Family Plans , Vaccine Trials , World Vaccination Efforts Ramp Up , It Safe , Age , Babies , 7000 , Pfizer , File , Vaccination , Virus , Doses , Adult Dose , Dose , Doctors , Consent , Similarly , Children Of God , Benefit , Recruitment , Syndrome , 2600 , Freedoms , Adult , Significant , Vaccines , Data , Staff , Return , Weight , Music , Stage , Workout Classes , Motivation , Simplicity , Fridge , Recipe Feature , Myww , Underdog , Army Medic , Store , Flexibility , Payment Plan , Budget , Soul , Trick , Talks , Conserving , Glide Path , Ending , Janette Nesheiwat , Spring , National Guard Isn T Empowered , Border Patrol Agents , Exploding , Processing Centers , Port Of Entry , Laredo , Housing , Title , 42 , 70 , 65 , 4 Million , 1000 , 11 , 2017 , 29 , 429 , 75 , 25 , 1960 , 67 , 48 , 24 , 15 , 1925 , 5000 , 4000 , 1100 , 1974 , 190 5 , 99 9 , 560 ,

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Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX And Friends :

Transcripts For FOXNEWS FOX and Friends

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>> there is now a full-court press to abolish the legislative filibuster in the united states senate. they want to blow through the norms of his country and they want to bypass what the founders envisioned. brian: straight to a fox news alert. but first this, a man arrested after eight people killed in a string of shootings in atlanta spas. police say the shootings happened last night at three different massage parlors and all in the span of one hour. ainsley: police tracked down the suspect, he's 21 years old and his name is robert long. they tracked them down through surveillance footage capturing his car near each of these crime scenes, lawrence. lawrence: police say he was arrested after taking office on a car chase that ended in a crash. police are investigating the motive for the shooting and we will continue to follow this story with new developments throughout the morning. brian: meanwhile, good morning everyone. happy st. patrick's day. ainsley: lawrence, look at lawrence. where is your green? lawrence: this is a green suit. ainsley: okay, let me look at the monitor. it's a little olive. [laughter] brian: ainsley is wearing a royal green. ainsley: royal is not a green. this is more of a kelly green. there are 200 some odd colors of green and. brian: i believe that's a royal. ainsley: royal is a blue. brian: please write as if you are wearing royal green. i believe there is. on a separate note, a much more important to what's happening on our southern border, big story. following national guard troops could stay on the border now past september as the cbp official warns that the biden administration can't keep up with the migrant search. griff jenkins has seen this up close and personal and seen a lot of different administrations try to handle the border. this is is off to a terrible start. am i right, griff? reporter: let me tell you, brian. good morning, ainsley and lawrence. this administration is bracing for unprecedented numbers. we heard directly from sec. mayorkas expecting apprehensions to exceed the last 20 years. unbelievable. even nbc news reporting over 500,000 on a company children every day coming to the border but on this side of the border the border towns are absolutely swelling. we talked to henrique venezuela who is a director right here at the port and has an office and in charge of the migrant population here and says they literally have no more room. listen. >> at this point we have very little capacities in our shelters. we need to open more spaces. we need all the help we can get. reporter: as you mentioned brian, senior cbp official telling fox news we are taking in more unaccompanied minors then we can process. i don't see how we keep this many kids when we can't find sponsors and that is just part of the major problem here. we also got to see the national guard on the mexican side out along the border yesterday and we spoke to the director of the international organization of migration and that is the un organization that is helping process the mvps. we watch them send people across yesterday into the u.s. but he says the real problem are the cartels and the coyotes. listen. >> we know that coyotes are taking advantage, they are trying to keep migrants and trying to make them think that if they arrive here they will be able to cross. reporter: all of this comes as as the president said in an interview on tuesday that he has no plans to visit the border. more congressional delegations are in the pipeline to come see this but one thing is for sure starting with your question, brian, that is will it be different than other administrations? absolutely because of two things. one, it's a pandemic and that limits of capacities and two, the numbers are absolutely earlier than any time in history than what we have seen in the months of march, april, may and june are the heaviest traffic and already in february the 100,000 that is the telltale sign that we should brace for what we have not seen in a long, long time. brian: thank you, griff. congressman henry cuellar is that a border district in texas democrat says the same thing just moments ago. ainsley: the biden administration are not able to keep up with the surge down there and homeland secured a secretary mayorkas announced that the influx is set to be the highest number in 20 years. lawrence: they are on their heels and we knew this was coming. this was a campaign —- remember back in 2019, august 2019, he says we can afford another 2 million people. this is the guy that created the climate for this and they are wearing biden shirts as they come across the border because the president of the united states when he was campaigning said if you want to call him and he said it was bizarre if we cannot take in 2 million people per year so this is the campaign promise. brian: here is president biden yesterday sitting down with george stephanopoulos and the whole interview will air today. >> lot of the migrants came in and saying they came in because you promised to make things better. it seems to be getting worse by the day. was it a mistake not to anticipate this surge? >> first of all, there was a surge for the last two years in 19 and 20 there was a surge as well. it might be worse? well, it could be. i heard the other day there, because i'm a nice guy. we'll here is the deal, they are not. >> you have to say quite clearly, don't,. >> yes, i could say quite clearly don't come over and a process is getting set up and don't leave your town or city or community. brian: what does that mean you're in the process of getting set up? that is what jen zach said to his press secretary. don't come yet, don't come now, not yet so what are they planning on doing over the next two years but the numbers don't lie. ainsley: speaking of numbers, last month there were three 13 unaccompanied children per day and you know what it is now? 565 children every single day. one facility operating at seven 100% capacity, some are sleeping on the floors and some more intense or shipping containers and president trump, former president trump waited in on this and said it's destroying our country. >> people are coming in by the hundreds of thousands and young children are coming in and they fully leave their homes and, because they think it's going to be so wonderful. it is a crisis like we've rarely had and certainly we've never had on the border but it will get much worse. i mean, what you're seeing now is very bad, record numbers but it will get much, much worse with a little bit of time and you will see those numbers expand at a level like you've never seen before. brian: . lawrence: he's not wrong. cbs news confirming that there are 13000 unaccompanied minors right here in the country. the biden administration will have to get control of this because this entire narrative before that trump was bad, orange man was bad and cannot get control of the border, we know that is based on the numbers they had control of the border and it doesn't seem like the biden administration took any consideration when they decided to end the agreement with mexico and to keep these people in the country of origin and then apply for asylum. now people are rushing the border and were in the middle of a financial crisis because of the pandemic as well, plus, we've got covid as well and these that would need a 60 vote margin in the senate and republicans are not on board. unless, of course, you blow up the so-called filibuster which simple majority that you are done for judges and what you haven't done for legislation. mitch mcconnell push back on president trump and every time president trump said mitch, change into simple majority i got to get my agenda passed he said mr. president we have a way of doing things in the senate and i can't blow that up. joe biden used to feel that way and is beginning to change, listen. >> aren't you going to have to choose between preserving the filibuster in advancing your agenda? >> yes, here is the choice, i don't thank you have to illuminate the filibuster and you have to do what it used to do when i first got to the senate back in the old days when you use to be around there and that is in the filibuster you had a standup and command the floor. >> you are for bringing back the talking filibuster? >> i am paid that's what it was supposed to be. look, don't only to the numbers, george, but between 1916 and 2000 and i making this number up and i don't know but there were like 50 filibusters and now there is like 200 since then. ainsley: if they end the filibuster democrats will rule our country forever. we will become a socialist country. first they will kill the filibuster and then they will pass this hr one so felons can vote, no id if you go to vote, register everybody, expand the mail invalid and then guess what, they will start packing the court in the country is gone and it's a free-for-all if this happens. thankfully joe manchin and kristen cinema are pushing back on this and they have said that they will not support this but if they change their minds it is over. lawrence: the republicans play better at this game and they change the rules before and it shot them in the foot in the republicans got conservative judges by the dozens and one third of the federal judges republicans have put into place and mitch mcconnell says not so fast, if you are in the filibuster look what will happen and take a look. >> nobody serving in this chamber can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth senate will look like. senate republicans wind up back in the saddle we would strengthen america with conservative policies with zero input from the other side so the pendulum, mr. president, would swing both ways and it would swing hard. brian: it's amazing, democrats who are so against getting rid of the filibuster when president trump was president now amy klobuchar says yesterday, i don't think we should let an antiquated senate rule undermine the foundation of our democracy and stop us from making progress. dick durbin said somewhere and he will push joe manchin to do but when they talk about a talking filibuster that means one after the other republicans will have to go up there and talk about why they don't want whatever that bill is great okay, you can do that and believe me, republicans can talk, remember, they were out there reading dr. seuss when it was allowed for everybody with ted cruz and company and we know rand paul and never fails they will line up but guess what, nothing else gets done. stop everything if you do a talking filibuster. ainsley: this is the trojan horse that everyone was warning about that it's moving into the city court and this is exactly what's happening. it's a dangerous time, very scary. jason shape it's said about how dangerous this could be. listen. >> this whole thought that the democrats put out during the election thing that they were going to unite the country and work across the aisle and put their hands out and try to work with republicans is absolutely, totally hogwash. they want to blow through the norms of this country and they want to bypass what the founders envisioned. you know, if you wanted to glide past to get things done fast you would just have a monarchy or have a king and he would not want to put a house and senate in there. the senate is very conservative in its nature in that its deliberative and you take off one issue at a time and you have the debate but they don't want that. you cannot overstate how scary this moment is for this country. lawrence: this will be interesting. mcconnell is pushing back and said look, you want to play the games i will make sure every senator is seated for every single game and we will bring everyone to the floor for every single little thing to stop some of this nonsense but again, democrats have nothing to lose on this. the progressive caucus has made it very clear where their agenda is. remember, schumer used to be a protector of the institution as well but now with aoc being involved, aoc potentially running for his seat he wants to change america and say first, we take georgia, then we take america and change the world. ainsley: we thought biden would be moderate but is allowing all these radical agendas to pass and to come into our country. brian: we will see what will happen because in two years as a midterm they will lose their majority and if they davit down ever was thorough because this progressive stuff is not popular with massive democrats and the mass media. and they reckon public. then the next thing you know it will be mitch mcconnell with all the power and the simple majority and we know what happened last time. ainsley: let's hand it over to jillian. she has headlines for us and good morning. jillian: fox news alert, arizona police officer is shot during a parking lot shootout. they approached a vehicle driven by a suspect in a stolen car investigation and the driver reported leafs started ramming into police cars. both suspects fired shots back at officers. one was hit and remains in the hospital. the other is in custody. the injured officer is in stable condition. the trial of the former officer charged in george boyd's death hitting more snags today the first seven jurors seated in the murder trial and they asked about their knowledge of the $27 million settlement reached between minneapolis and floyd's family. the judge said it is to ensure a fair trial. trans aid lawyer has asked for the trial to be delayed or move to a new venue over concerns that the settlement could way jurors. tiger woods thinking his fans as he returns to florida after a serious car crash. in a statement they saying in part quote, i'm so grateful for the outpouring of support and encouragement and i will be recovering at home and working on getting stronger every day. woods suffered multiple leg injuries after a rollover accident in california last month. that's a look at your headlines, back to you. ainsley: thank you, jillian peered president biden speaking out on embattled governor andrew cuomo and what would push him to call for cuomo's resignation? we bring you the answer, next. brian: he answered that question and while many st. patrick's day celebrations are virtual, bars and restaurants hope to see a boost in sales today. how they are adapting to the holiday still ahead and maybe we could say speak easy but first, here's a live look at the temple bar in dublin, ireland where not a lot of people are there though because of the lockdown. ainsley: i miss it. brian: you miss drinking during the day? [laughter] lawrence: i'm not judging. e ♪♪ wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ 's i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $359 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. four, five, turn, kick. and we'll make you're first month's payment. we got chased by these wild coyotes! they were following her because she had beef jerky in her pocket. 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but there should be an investigation. >> still no word from vice president kamala harris despite attending a roundtable in denver and a human summit for women. seven women have accused cuomo of inappropriate behavior and one of them lindsay boylan also telling "the new york times" cuomo's aides drafted letters to discredit her. the letter reportedly accused her of weapon icing a claim of sexual harassment for personal, political gain or to achieve notoriety. her lawyer fired back saying once again a victim of sexual harassment is put in the position of not only having to relive the trauma of a toxic work environment but defend herself against character assassination and a whisper campaign of retaliation. another accuser and annalisa says she's plans to speak with investigators this week as the multitude of investigations against him continues. brian: thank you, carly. that is one of the accusers who's been contacted by multiple women who also want to come forward, i guess, within may be governor cuomo's personality it turns out there was a move to go after lindsay boylan and she was the first woman to come out and as you pointed out she will be running for office and is a progressive. ainsley: running for the manhattan bureau president. brian: one think they bring out is he's mobilizing people to sign a letter saying that lindsey boylan is linked to supporters of donald trump and that is where the accusers and the activations came from and maybe not anticipating that at least six more women would come out. ainsley: but that's not true. brian: why would she be linked to president trump? she no links to trump at all. lawrence: are they can to stop this witness intimidation and tampering? brian: it happened earlier. lawrence: he is trying to get people to support him. i think the real question is why did he get such a softball question from george stephanopoulos. why would you ask him if the investigation is complete and shows that he did something wrong, would you support him leaving office? of course he's not going to say no. the real question should be we know that there is evidence of him tampering with evidence when it comes to the nursing home scandal. should he resign because of that? and then should they wait for the investigation on how he harasses women? we have the facts on that case and we should be dealing with that first and then dealing with the allegations secondly. ainsley: here is tammy bruce to weigh in on it. >> even though you've got, you can't even blame political opponents here because these are democrats and supporters and these are women who supposedly supported his agenda and yet those people don't matter either. this is raw, ugly malignant power where no one matters, no human being counts except for the person at the top. it is so deep in the democrat party that i think he fully expected to be defended and protected and i think right now he probably just doesn't quite know what to do but he will not have a choice very, very soon. brian: right now new york only 35% thank you should resign, 34% should be reelected, 50% said he should not resign in real quick about lindsey boylan she is not backing down. she tweeted out yesterday two words for the most powerful man in the state tried to destroy me when i spoke out in my truth about his abuse and i will never give up and i will never give in, we will not be destroyed by our abusers. she is not taking it backward step. ainsley: so many things here. there's the nursing home scandal to your point, bullying, we heard mr. lou come out the assemblymen who talked about the intimidation that is probably got what he was trying to give his kid a bath and now all these women. lawrence: pattern of behavior. lawrence: but there is due process, innocent until proven guilty. dhs warns of the biggest migrant surge in decades but the biden white house still won't call it a crisis so what does law enforcement see in border communities? we ask an arizona sheriff coming up 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in perspective? >> oh yeah, this is as bad as it bad and worse then the obama days. it's like the wild west of there in the desert on the south end of our county. we are back to that again where we can go out almost every time we go out we are finding 20 people. last night and think with 49 apprehensions in my county. this is just like it was back in the obama days, probably worse and on target to be worse. brian: think about this sheriff, we are worried about coming into the mall and getting encountering someone within 6 feet of us and not wearing a mask. are these illegal immigrants driving with rapid tests? >> no, no, they are not being tested. now we've got some five-page e-mail telling us how it's not a crisis and how they will do a better job of trying to get these people tested but look, they are not being tested in coming in here with who knows what and then we are having to deal with them in our counties and it's unfair. at the same time we're telling businesses and kids they can't go back to school and can't open their businesses but we are opened our borders and letting people come in unchecked. it's ridiculous to me. brian: by the way, let's have the numbers back up your words. right now, look in february, over 100,441 and 221 that's up 20% from the previous month, 134% compared to february 2020 and the president of the united states said there was a surge before him in past years. putting it in perspective how bad is that? >> what they want to do is continue to do the blame game. they want to blame president trump. president trump never denied we had an issue at a crisis on the southern border. we were trying to fix it and building the wall in doing these things but now we sent a message to the world that we have open borders and we are not stopping people and not we are paying the price for it. they're sending unaccompanied minors and the cartel knows what our policies are and that's why we are coming together as sheriff spirit i started an organization to protect american now and you can check it out, protect america now .com, we are fighting to protect our borders in our communities. brian: you are, look at these numbers into songbird of 45% with unaccompanied minors. in yuma up one of 4%, single adult encounters of 260% in yuma, people come down and look or don't show up like president biden has no plans to go down and you have to limit live it every day and living it every day and having it ignored has got to make everything worse. >> it drives us crazy. i've extended the offer and i will do it again to any congressman or woman or senator who wants to come down to see the problem firsthand. please, come down and see it so you can vote with actual knowledge of what is going on because truly they are voting and talking about this issue and they don't know what they are talking about. brian: sheriff, what bothers me so much is to see some of that barrier, the fence, the wall built in the huge gaps as if everyone was told drop your hammer, dropped the tractor and go home. we paid for this already and just for pure political purposes, because senator joe biden voted for the secure fence act it is not completed. >> they literally just told the crews to go home. i've talked to a lot of the workers. from one day to the next they lost their jobs and those families were put out of work and they stopped it in, you know what, the cartel knew that and they started busting people and left and right. hundred thousand people is an extreme amount of people and there is no way, think about that, then handling that amount of people on the border, especially unaccompanied minors in the cartel is making so much money off of this. let's not forget the drugs. last week we had a 12-pound heroin seizure and it's going. brian: sheriff, keep fighting. we will keep the sirens on and hopefully someone will pay attention. sheriff mark lam, you got it. meanwhile, today is the deadline for signatures to be summative for california's recall newsom campaign. by critics say he is now trying to play the race card or he is playing the race card in that story is ahead. from our friends at fox let's get that snare drum going to download the fox super six app and play for a chance to win $10000. predict six outcomes in the fox that super quiz show from entertainment to sports. it's free to play and download the super six app right now. ♪♪ of two immunotherapies that works differently. it could mean a chance to live longer. opdivo plus yervoy is for adults newly diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer that has spread and that tests positive for pd-l1 and does not have an abnormal egfr or alk gene. opdivo plus yervoy is the first and only fda-approved combination of two immunotherapies opdivo plus yervoy equals... a chance for more starry nights. more sparkly days. more big notes. more small treasures. more family dinners. more private desserts. opdivo and yervoy can cause your immune system to attack healthy 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philly canceled the parades in the new york city famous parade will be virtual. here in bethpage they had their parade sunday and will have a bagpipes later this morning but they will be a 50% capacity which is good news for business and i talked to the co-owner this morning about them getting back on their feet. listen. >> there was excited people that we miss because we missed st. patrick's day last year but this year will be a celebration for everybody. reporter: really quickly, glancing through this menu, that shamrock sunday is a warm brownie, mint chocolate chip ice cream on top of syrup and then it has a cookie on top of that so that they put me over the line for my calories for the day but i might have to get that later on. brian: could you bring me one back? ainsley: that does some good. brian: a lot of sugar may need insulin. [laughter] thanks, ashley. let's bring in leo to route and fox news contributor, calvin resident, and we talk about the recall the numbers are there, leo good. he will be recalled and is not fighting for his life and it did not take him long to blame the proud boys and race. >> brian, i'm so sick of the democrats. normally they play the race card every four years but they're playing the race card every day 247. gavin newsom is trying to blame that this recall is financed and supported by extremist groups. that is alive but that's a big lie. it is democrats, republicans, independents, barbershop owners, retail store, people are angry at gavin newsom. last year brian was the first time i wanted to leave the state. why? because he basically locked it down for no reason and did not follow the science and he deserves to be recalled but the lying about who supports this recall is it is everyone, all colors, shapes, sizes and political parties. lawrence: it is interesting, leo, because most black folks want to the businesses open and they want their kids back in school disproportionately affecting them. but instead of focusing on that he has been focusing on replacing the seat of dianne feinstein potentially that is not even open yet for a black woman. >> lawrence, that's a very good question but let me tell you right now, it's one of the most insulting aspects of racial politics that the democrats believe just because they are going to nominate a black person all black folks are supposed to follow that. it's done with no other race. it's insulting. as you could have written last year, donald trump received more minority votes because a lot of minorities have rejected that concept of racial politics but democrats will play it 247 if it is their playbook and they will stick to it all the time. ainsley: leo, here is kamala harris talking about the covid relief bill she is trying to sell and why it's so great. listen. >> the white house is set this is a very popular law. if that is the case why is it important to get out and sell it? >> it is not selling it. it's literally letting people know their rights. right? it's kind of like you, you buy a product that you been sold on the product but you need directions on the fox. think of it more like the public education campaign. ainsley: leo, what is your reaction? >> that's a typical democratic / lawyer track. she is trying to change the focus. only 9% of the bill, ainslie, only 9% of the bill goes to covid relief. the other 91% is democratic giveaways, money to the unions, money to democratic pet projects and if it was a great bill you don't have to sell it. americans are smart enough to know the bill is good but it's not and that's a pork bill. brian: we will see —- yeah, so what if there's inflation and larry summers of all said it's a mistake. let's move on and talk about some minerals you can relate to and that is our curriculum. it turns out critical race theory is all over this loudoun county educational system and guess what? people are taking notice. it turns out a group of current and former teachers and others in loudoun county, virginia are compiling a lengthy list of parent suspected of disagreeing with the school system's actions, including the teachers of controversial race concepts. if you are a teacher and you speak or if you are a parent and speak up your name goes on a list and instead of answering the families they target the families. >> brian, i was a former schoolteacher and still have my license. i tell you right now, i thought it came out okay as a student in public schools but the game here is again, race. they are targeting individuals based on their concept that if you don't agree with us on our critical race theory we will go after you and it's intimidation paired its intimidation effort to make sure that their programs get through and to scare people for not talking. we have to speak out. those people should not be intimidated to speak out against this indoctrination of rewriting history. that is what they want to do print they want to rewrite history and it's wrong. brian: leo, you point out that you're just as fired up in the morning as a light is a rare quality. reporter: speech, speech, these topics are driving me crazy. i can't understand. i need a shamrock shake. [laughter] brian: you got it. you are 3000 miles away or i would. ainsley: leo, i need your opinion. do you think lawrence's suit looks green? >> let me think, no. ainslie and brian, yes. lawrence, no. ainsley: one more question, is there a color called royal green? >> never heard of it before. i've never heard of it. brian: . ainsley: brian said there was. lawrence: no, there is not. it's just a green. anyway. ainsley: happy st. patrick's day. [laughter] brian: i guess i will take it from here, what is left of the show. ainsley: sorry, it's janice's time. brian: president biden is a part of the plane the first major tax hike in all most 20 years but our next guest says even though rich people will be targeted the working class will be the ones footing the bill. ith liberty mutual — they customize my car insurance so i only pay for what i need. 'cause i do things a little differently. hey, i'll take one, please! wait, this isn't a hot-dog stand? no, can't you see the sign? wet. teddy. bears. get ya' wet teddy bears! one-hundred percent wet, guaranteed! or the next one is on me! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ out here, you're a landowner, ♪♪ a gardener, a landscaper and a hunter. that's why you need versatile, durable kubota equipment. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ainsley: tax hikes are coming, i hate to tell you. president biden is a poorly working on legislation that would include the first major tax hike since 1993. his proposed plan could include raising the corporate tax rate to 28%, 21 right now. raising the income tax rate on individuals earning more than 400,000 a year and more. the white house says that they are only going to raise taxes for the rich people and our next guest warns everyday americans will still be paying a price could hear with how you can prepare to protect your pocketbook is credible .com personal finance expert and clinical professor of finance at the university of san diego, dan. your morning to you, dan. >> good morning read what is up, ainslie? ainsley: i'm doing well but this news will cost us all and you hear $400,000 and most of our viewers are thinking that doesn't affect me but you say it does. >> here is the deal, i would think the same thing. before you go back to your many weeds understand that when we have a tax increase it is not just the folks at the top end that will be targeted or impacted but it's like a pebble in a pond. it does trickle out through the economy in many different ways. let me give you one example. most business owners are single proprietors or may be partnership and many use something called a pass-through on their business for their business tax return. it basically means they take their business income and put it on their personal tax return. one of the proposals we think will be coming out of washington is to essentially eliminate that. that's important because a lot of business owners get a deduction of 20% for that. without drowning in numbers the fact of the matter is that is one item that go away or be reduced and that impacts businesses in our communities. drycleaners, car dealers, restaurants, things like that. they are the kind of things we might see coming out of washington over the next few months. ainsley: what about the corporate tax increase? aren't we pushing more companies to go to china or other countries when we do that? >> great question. here's the deal, pretty simple, we want to raise taxes on corporations so we say we go from 21% to 28% but the reality is if corporations pay more in tax they probably will pay less in wages and they will create less jobs. there is a direct correlation, direct connection between what companies pay in taxes and what they ultimately reinvest back in their workforce, in their people. that is you and i. again, it's a ripple effect, not to say it's right or wrong and i don't know the correct rate should be but it's 21% or 20% and we should debate that and we will this year but we have to understand that it will have some repercussions. ainsley: what drives us all crazy is when you hear about this $1.9 trillion covid relief bill and only 9% goes to covid relief and that is our money and now they will raise taxes and bring in 2.1 trillion over a decade, they say, with this tax increase but it's our money. they already have money in the bank but that they haven't spent from the last covid relief and now they're adding more money to that bank account and we are paying for it. >> yet, i remember when 1 billion was a big number and now we throw around chileans like it's nothing. you are right, here is the deal. one of the impacts that we are probably going to see and we've already seen it since january is interest rates going up. we've noticed interest rates going up and that's a stealth pass on middle. ainsley: time to buy a house right now for dan, we have to go but thank you for coming on in explaining this to us. former acting dhs secretary chad wolf joins us at the top of the hour and other individuals. but this is worth. .. akes life worth living. principal. for all it's worth. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. big promises. small promises. cuddly shaped promises. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. and the people of old dominion never turn away a promise. or over promise. or make an empty promise. we keep them. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. my psoriatic arthritis pain? 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>> what i can tell you is a full-blown crisis on the border at the moment. what has changed is the messaging out of the administration. in 2019 under donald trump we had messaging of don't come because you will not be let into the country. the vast majority of these folks don't qualify for asylum but unfortunately today we have a different set of messaging and a different set of policies in place which are encouraging, the factors we see today encouraging this crisis. ainsley: let's listen to president biden and get your reaction. >> the idea that joe biden said come, i heard the other day they are coming because they know i am a nice guy. here is the deal. they are not. >> you say clearly don't come? >> yes. what we're in the process of getting set up, don't leave your town or city or community. jillian: you heard jeff say he interviewed that migrant and the man said that is not the message being spread down here. it is being spread to come. >> dhs official secretary talks from the white house podium saying you can come but don't come now. the messaging is not consistent but at the end of the day these illegal migrants don't listen to government officials. they listen to other illegals who have gotten into the us, call them and tell them they are here, staying in the us, not being deported or removed. that is how -- what they are listening to. as long as they see other individuals coming into the us, being catch and released into the us and staying here you will continue to see this surge. lawrence: wasn't as part of the plan all along? here's joe biden talking about in 2019, we need more immigrants here. take a look. >> we could afford to take in a heartbeat 2 million people. the idea the country of 330 million people cannot absorb people who are in desperate need and are justifiably feel being -- fleeing pressure is absolutely bizarre. i would move to increase the total number of immigrants able to come to the united states. lawrence: what is your reaction? >> reporter: what i would say the us is the most welcoming country in the world when we talk about refugees but the facts also dispute a lot of what was said. 90% of these individuals don't qualify for asylum, are not being persecuted under the asylum laws we have today. we have to remove them. if they come to the us, we do catch and release, we have to go out and find them and remove them and that is an inhumane policy and inhumane message we want to send to folks, try to get into the us, stay here for a year and be removed to your home country. not the right message and feeling this crisis. brian: it is right to jump the line, filling out the forms, going by our laws, meanwhile guess what, it is your fault according to the new dhs secretary who blames the trump administration, quote, the prior administration dismantled the asylum system. we have to rebuild the entire system including the policies, procedures required to administer asylum laws congress passed long ago. the prior administration tore down the lawful pathways that have been developed for children to come to the united states in a safe efficient orderly way. the previous administrative cut foreign aid to the northern triangle. do you want to deal with those facts as they see them? >> absolutely a couple points are made. we want to give one of the most secure borders we have ever had. we gave them a network of policies that allow them to quickly remove individuals, to seek protection closer to their home countries in the northern triangle and provide the asylum system. all of it was working. we briefed the transition team, gave the results, they decided to remove these policies, what would happen, the fact that they are not prepared today's quite unconscionable. we talk about asylum system saying the trump administration tore that down, nothing could be further from the truth. he hired 500 asylum officers, addressed the asylum backlog in four years of the trump administration, dhs and doj gave more people asylum in the last four years of the obama administration so the claim that we tore down the system is simply not backed up by the facts. brian: you restored the aid when they were responsive to requests to rein in their population. >> absolutely. we hold them accountable. wanted to see results before we provided the millions of dollars in foreign aid and that is how it should be. we sign over a dozen different agreements with the northern triangle and had the best cooperation and restored the foreign assistance when we saw those results. ainsley: is that money going to these triable countries so they can fix the problem where they have oppression, persecution or they do have folks who want to come over here and claim asylum because they are dangerous areas where they live. are using that money to fix that problem? >> using foreign assistance funding for corruption issues in the northern triangle and border security. the root causes of that, and in the trump administration, really great results, did not have any migrant caravans in 2020 under these agreements and we did not have these surges you see today as well. jillian: thanks for being on with us. peter doocy at the white house as we learned president biden will have the first formal press conference. what can we expect. >> reporter: reporters have 64 days of questions stacked up for president biden of things go as scheduled, the 20 fifth of march, the first formal 1-on-1 press conference. the white house defended his availability since january 20th engaged with reporters more than 40 times. shouted questions don't allow for follow-up and they do allow the president to just ignore what he is hearing or walk away which he sometimes does. all these things are formal, 89 days without a press conference. and about half a dozen socially distance reporters. and how many outlets we will have on the border. this white house has been reliable, and the commander-in-chief is the commander-in-chief. the words of a president matter, lots of answers we expect. >> thank you so much. and will the filibuster be kicked to the curb, will a simple majority which democrats would hold with the vice president tilting the majority? if that is kicked to the curb every single thing passed through the house will become law but the question is will joe manchin change course with christensen them a and vote to get rid of the filibuster? every democrat wants to get rid of it. even former senator joe biden already talking about changing, listen to what he said yesterday. >> what you choose between preserving the filibuster and advancing your agenda. >> don't think you have to a lemonade the filibuster. back in the old days when you were around here. >> you are for bringing back -- >> that is what was supposed to be. and and and there are 200 since then. >> if there was any doubt progressives are running the ship we know now this is a guy against this. it is not just filibuster stuff but they have control of this administration, and not targeting republicans and joe biden has no shot now, does joe manchin and christensen them a stand for what is right or do they go along to get along? and election coming up soon so we will see. jillian: they said they were against ending the filibuster but they could change course that happen. and this is scary for republicans, they will kill the filibuster and pass hr one, mail in ballots, felons can vote, they will get all the votes and pack the court so then it is all over. they have a year and a half to do it. brian: mitch mcconnell pushed back on the president, the president is so frustrated he couldn't get this done. forget about the filibuster, we have 53 senators, he said no. there is a way of doing things. judges are one thing, policy is different, and the democrats, when donald trump was in power certainly had a different opinion on the needs of the filibuster. listen. >> what about the nuclear option, doing away with the filibuster? >> that would be the end of the senate as it was originally devised and created to the founding fathers. >> we left 60 votes in place. mitch mcconnell changed that. i would prefer to bring it back. >> without the 60 vote threshold for legislation the senate becomes a majoritarian institution like the house. much more subject to the whims of short-term electoral change. no senator would like to see this happen. lawrence: what change? politics, raw power. ainsley: the trojan horse is in the city gates. >> they are going to have to say that was then, this is now, at least acknowledge they are flipping within two years about what they just said. ainsley: jillian has some headlines. jillian: extreme weather, tornadoes expected across the south today as a severe storm makes its way from the rockies, it could bring hail and damaging wind and flash flooding to states like alabama, tennessee and mississippi. in el paso, texas, and created a dust storm that turned the sky orange. the severe weather threat will last into tomorrow. president joe biden says andrew cuomo must go with allegations against him are proven true. >> the claims of the women, should he resign? >> yes. he will probably be prosecuted too. jillian: 7 women have accused him of inappropriate behavior. one of them, lindsay boylein said they drafted a letter to discredit her. portland mayor tim wheeler condemned the ongoing violence in his city saying residents are sick and tired of the destruction. he took aim at protesters saying the looting and violence conducted under the guise of some noble cause is criminal. after a violent weekend in portland left businesses and other buildings damaged. how about this? tom brady giving fans a way to talk to him directly. look at this. >> reporter: talked into giving up myself own on the internet. if you do text me, you suck but i will see it and i may or may not respond. jillian: there is one rule, no texting on game day. you think he has multiple phones? >> deflategate he hammered one. i am not sure. that was gone. >> if you text him and he response, let me know. >> we will put it into the news. >> remember when lindsey graham and donald trump - he gave his cell phone. >> that was his flip phone. let me tell you what a straight ahead. thousands of keystone pipeline workers lost their jobs on day one of blue-collar joe's presidency. the communities feeling the ripple effects. tomi lahren spoke to residents about the fallout. jillian: from our friends, download the super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000. all you need to do is predict 6 outcomes in the quiz show. topics range from entertainment, sports, free to play, download the super 6 apps now. limu emu ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. thank you! hey, hey, no, no limu, no limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. get 0% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. it's moving day. and while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, get 0% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350. jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. lawrence: thousands of keystone pipeline workers lost their job in the first 6 hours, small towns depend on the business have been struggling. tomi lahren spoke to residents in the south communities about the impact. >> constructed for the town of 800 and when we had this influx it was so much fun. started putting pen to paper, how can we expand or invest, and and maybe next year it will be better. there is not other projects coming into our town. lawrence: tomi lahren joined me now. joe said he would give these energy jobs. do you find any of these on the ground? >> i did not. we spoke to folks working on the pipeline and folks working in camps around the pipeline, it is people in small towns being affected and the message they are getting from the biden administration is they don't matter that they should find something else to do. you heard the gym owner say you can't find something else to do when you have a small town of 800. only so many jobs and businesses and when you are relying on these people coming in thousands of people coming into a small town, small business and opportunity and it was taken away in a matter of hours with the swipe of the pen, incredible condescending, incredibly insulting, and the administration is rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants and telling small-town americans they should find something else to do. not sure what that something else is to be answered by the biden administration. >> the mayor of south dakota talked about the impact of the keystone pipeline. >> this pipeline was an opportunity for our small businesses to make a little more, not just getting by. it is an opportunity for them to have an investment and make business a little bigger and a piece of equipment they otherwise couldn't or they could simply put some money away for retirement and this is an opportunity for all of our businesses to get ahead. lawrence: what is your reaction to that? >> absolutely true and a lot of people in the town. i am a south dakota girl, this hits home for me. this isn't something that came and went but has been in the process since 2008. all the permits were cleared, people finally investing, jobs coming into their small-town taken away and the biggest insult to these people, not just the mayor and workers and people that owned businesses, the biden administration didn't come to talk to them, to see the environmental impact, they took it away all for a simple virtue signal and speaking to these people in south dakota they crunched the number, they have been dealing with this process for years, they were making commitments to make sure the environment was taken care of, that they were offsetting any emissions they were creating. the biden administration, if they cared about the environment they would understand, this is for cheap virtue signal and small-town americans are suffering because of it and seems the biden administration couldn't care less. lawrence: take people jobs but won't look them in the eye and tell them you are doing it and then promise them they will get clean energy jobs. thank you for your excellent reporting on this. you can check out the latest episode of no interruptions streaming now on fox nation, fox nation is a members only streaming service exclusive access to original content and your favorite fox news personalities. you can check it now on in the place of his massive nursing home scandal governor cuomo is leaving the white house weekly covid 19 calls, janice dean and the least of frantic have been the loudest voices next. we made usaa insurance for members like martin. an air force veteran made of doing what's right, not what's easy. so when a hailstorm hit, usaa reached out before he could even inspect the damage. that's how you do it right. usaa insurance is made just the way martin's family needs it with hassle-free claims, he got paid before his neighbor even got started. because doing right by our members, that's what's right. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. ♪ usaa ♪ the ups and downs of frequent mood swings can take you to deep, depressive lows. or, give you unusually high energy, even when depressed. overwhelmed by bipolar i? 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my sub has bacon. choose better be better and now save when you order in the app. subway eat fresh. but not jayson's sub. >> the impeachment investigation of new york governor andrew cuomo going beyond harassment claims and corruption allegations under scrutiny but while allegations of the nursing home scandal go up, he is leading the covid-19 call. janice dean and congresswoman elise to fennec have been trying to get the government to be held accountable and join us now. are you surprised there wasn't some pushback from the white house? >> janice: this governor has been getting away with it for almost a year now and we have been wanting accountability, there are several investigations into governor cuomo and the fact that he covered up the numbers of the total number of seniors that died in elder care facilities, 9000 covid-19 positive patients will put into eldercare facilities. i lost my father-in-law and mother-in-law almost a year now and all we want is answers. i realized the me too movement is important. he should never treat women that way. part of his personality is to make people feel demeaned and small but i don't want people to lose track of the fact that we lost 15,000 of precious seniors, and need an investigation to continue and the justice department. lawrence: you believe democrats are slow walking this thing but they are not doing a lot. >> janice is right, the nursing home scandal is an impeachable offense. sexual harassment is an impeachable offense. i fundamentally believe this is about corruption or abuse of power and taking advantage of those who were most vulnerable, whether it is 15,000 seniors who lost their lives or women who were victimized. democrats in albany are saying they support his resignation but now they are moving towards impeachment process. they need to move forward as quickly as possible. they lost loved ones in nursing homes have come forward and the new york ag, the attorney general has put out a report the nursing home scandal and withheld information from the public. brian: the first interview with the ag's office went four hours. now the story comes out in the new york times that there was a push to discredit lindsay boylein. she said i was sexually harassed by this guy. there was a letter put together to discredit her and link it with trump supporters. don't you find that outrageous? >> i do but that is what this governor does. he bullies and makes people feel small and that is part of his ammo. told me i'm not experienced on anything except the weather. i'm experienced. i'm experienced in law. both of my in-laws, that is just him. he bullies, he makes people feel like he is the most powerful guy in the room. it is not surprising he will hopefully go down for these kind of tactics. brian: is it surprising the governor of new jersey and the governor of pennsylvania and the governor of michigan are getting the same similar scrutiny? why did you put them back? you were warned not to in new jersey, could result in mass deaths. same thing in pennsylvania. they say their parents and grandparents but they didn't save others. >> the mainstream media was holding governor cuomo up as a bright shining light. new yorkers new otherwise particularly those who lost loved ones. democratic governors across the country rather than abiding by the cdc guidelines follow governor cuomo's illegal edict forcing nursing homes, those governors should face investigations and i want to point out janice dean is right. when you asked about the smearing by this governor janice and many of her fellow advocates, this is not new from governor cuomo, this is who he is. this is how they function and fundamentally an abuse of power. another issue is elected officials, and he was right to say pretty much every elected official in new york state dealt with governor cuomo, who said something like threatening political malpractice. brian: assemblyman kim, they are saying what about you and nail salons. they try to find something vulnerable on and take you down. thanks so much. appreciate you continuing the fight. coming up straight ahead, moderna starts testing a vaccine for kids. what are the risks parents need to know? 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because a good night's rest is where muscles recover, and our minds are restored. introducing the new sleep number 360 smart bed. the only bed that effortlessly adjusts to both of you. proven quality sleep, is life-changing sleep. >> back with a fox news alert man is arrested after 8 people are killed in a string of shootings in atlanta spot. ainsley: the president has been briefed about the horrific shootings in atlanta. white house officials are in touch with the mayor's office and in touch with the fbi. lawrence: mark joins us with the latest. >> reporter: we are standing in one of the 3 spots, it is located here in the city of atlanta. three women shot dead and right across from it is another spot where the aromatherapy were another woman was also killed. the shooting actually started 30 miles outside city limits of atlanta at cherokee county and another sparkle young asian massage parlor and in their five people were shot, four ended up dying. according to investigators, robert long walked into the facility just before 5:00, also asian, one of female and wayne mail. the survivors hispanic. after the shooting that broke into the city limits of atlanta and opened fire, these facilities, the first one thinking it was going to be inside. that is how they found out about the shooting across the street. they say long fled south and went 115 miles until he was taken into custody and sits in jail as they figure out what caused this and why he decided to do this. back to you guys. lawrence: there's other breaking news even though that was the top story. steve: a final farewell to the following officer, men and women honored him at his funeral. >> let him never before gotten. jillian: madsen died saving others by driving in the path of the wrong way driver. he leaves behind a wife and 3 kids. actress lori laughlin is concerned about the upcoming netflix documentary detailing the college admission scandal was a source telling enter time in tonight she's trying to focus on the positive and is excited to work again. laughlin says two months in prison, paid a fine of 150,$000 for her involvement. a dog rescue charity wanting to impose article could lead to dogs dying. the article accused big dog ranch rescue of funneling money to donald trump by holding events at mara lago. lori simmons called a hit piece saying it could lead to a drop in funding potentially costing the lives of innocent dogs that need help. the huffington post stand by the story. >> nebraska's governor starting a beef with his colorado counterpart to disparage meat consumption. >> colorado democratic governor should approximate and recognizing meet out day, urging them to go one day of the week without any meat. jillian: in response to what was happening in colorado nebraska's governor pete ricketts is declaring this saturday march 20th. to show support for farmers and ranchers, joins us now. why did you do that? >> pushing back against the anti-science anti-agriculture activists like peta that are pushing this agenda. it is part of our food security and in nebraska livestock industries are the number one industry. lawrence: in nebraska, the number one industry is leading the way, this is an economic issue back home. >> absolutely. our farmers and ranchers are the original conservationists passing on the family farm or ranch to the next generation so they are looking to innovate for soil conservation to find ways to grow more animals with fewer resources and reduce greenhouse gases. brian: the governor colorado, in the meat industry, was just in the state -- for meat processing workers in impressive areas, businesses and more. he had a proclamation in 2011. he is trying to balance this out. do you buy the walk back? >> radical groups have been around trying to end animal agriculture in this country so anybody who wants to do that, to learn more about what their agenda is and the proclamations being associated because they want to convert everybody to a vegan diet and it is not a healthy and to do and undermines our security and the big economic impact in states like nebraska. brian: good luck with your meat day. >> it is st. patrick's day, corned beef and cabbage. ainsley: moderna starts testing a vaccine for children this week. what are the risks? doctor nicole saphier has the answers next. ks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. jillian: moderna vaccine trials we can for children this week as world vaccination efforts ramp-up. the family plans to give shots to 7000 children under the age of 12 including babies as young as 6-month-old. what do we need to know as parents? joining me as doctor nicole saphier. good morning. what do you know about this? is it safe? >> pfizer and moderna are starting on clinical trials the last several months. they are extending that 6 months to 12 years of age, they haven't released from their adolescent file you have to assume it is probably pretty good if they are extending it. i can tell you what they are doing is rigorously testing this vaccine to make sure it is not only safe in children but the immune response for adults, the question is going to be who needs to get this vaccine. it is crucial we make sure we have a vaccine available for children, whether all children need to be vaccinated or there should be collective vaccination is the biggest question. ainsley: how many shots will be? >> with children they have a bit of a robust immune reaction to this virus which is why they have less chance to spread covid 19. maybe a single dose or two doses that are less strong as the adult dose. that is why they do clinical trials. moderna clinical trials start with low doses to see how children respond. >> how do they find children for this trial. >> similarly to you to the way they treat adults, doctors and parents, parents have to give consent and they do talk about potential risk versus benefit and a lot of times recruitment can be difficult but children come away from covid 19 seemingly unharmed, children of god, we have the multi-symptom inflammatory syndrome that has affected 2600 children so their children are safe as well. ainsley: donald trump was on fox news yesterday urging his supporters to get vaccinated. listen to this. >> i would recommend it and i would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me but we have our freedoms. i agree with you that also but it is a safe vaccine and something that works. >> this is an important message, vaccinated children that may have an impact on slowing the spread and saving lives. if you have adults receiving the vaccine, adult a significant more affected by the viral infection and those at higher risk, much more important than vaccinating children and moving forward it is important when we talk about getting children back to school you have to remember getting a vaccine, not important to get back to school, children can safely get back to school without these vaccines and a vaccine should not be mandated, parents or teachers who are concerned about that need to be educated with children among school and staff. all the data that came out shows us they can get back to school safely without vaccination. ainsley: country stars making their return to the stage. we have a live report how they are bringing music back to nashville coming up. need to help you lose weight! more simplicity with the what's in your fridge? 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>> yes i can say quickly don't come. we are in the process of getting set up. don't leave your town or city or community. brian: that is not the message, he says we are in the process of setting something up. what are you sitting up? don't come, we have a process. if anything will be set it will be your countries. brian: they were not prepared for this. lawrence: this is the problem. morgan ortagus alluded to this on out number, the state department warned them during the transition we set this up with mexico and other countries on bilateral meetings to make sure they can get asylum in another country and they didn't listen. chad said they briefed dhs about the possibility of the 70 based on policies and this crisis is here, they want to respond. they are on their heels. >> he said this is the story of the country. 565 unaccompanied children coming in every single day. fema is building decompression centers, to place these with sponsors. can you imagine sending your kids across the border, unaccompanied. lawrence: who is encouraging the message? take a look. >> at the southwest border what has changed is the messaging. in 2019, let into the country, the vast majority of these folks do not qualify for asylum but unfortunately today we have a different set of messagings and a different set of policies in place which are encouraging, the factors that we see today encouraging this crisis. >> the news in mexico, the interpreter said on the news said you can come in. >> you wanted to do immigration reform, dick durbin said i'm not going to be a to get my caucus to gather. you want to go immigration reform when you have lost control of the border? that makes me think they had no idea or were dismissive of the previous administration and blaming the previous administration almost not understanding how challenging this is. the other big story, $1.9 trillion, up to the administration, what we want come our own money. the vice president has explained himself this program. how did she do? >> it is a popular law. of that is the case why it is important to get out and sell it? >> it is not selling. it is letting people know their rights. your sold on the product. think of the public education campaign. lawrence: you let them know about the rights before you pass the bill. the problem is there are so many goodies, people don't know what all is in the legislation. they pass it, no way any of them read this bill. less then 10% of it actually, getting back of their feet. >> leo said something similar to this. >> a typical lawyer trick, she's trying to change the focus. only 9% of that bill goes to covid relief. the other 91%, democratic pet projects, if it is a great billion don't have to sell it. americans are smart enough to know the bill is good but it is not. it is a pork bill and it will hunt them. lawrence: look at the states they are going to. these are campaign promises. georgia, we had your back, pennsylvania we had your back. we are sending you money. this is why you gave us that. ainsley: such wasteful spending. your money, gas prices going up, a lot of people lost their jobs. people are really stressed because of the pandemic. they're worried about paying the bill. the wrong side dish of this pork, your money into this bill. brian: everything we thought was tradition is being canceled. if you make a mistake it is canceled. mister potato head, too gender specific which i have been saying for a long time. kidding. dr. seuss books, doing a whole special on this. the washington post has seen this, when you watch bill maher giving a monologue on cancel culture the justin timberlake has to apologize to britney spears for how they broke up. this is getting out of control. the washington post sees this story, why she would cancel the phrase cancel culture. they go on. of the risk of hysteria on fox news i propose we cancel the phrase cancel culture, long since, a trope used by the right. clinically appropriated by some on the left to resist accountability for wrongdoing by talking about cancel culture, the right can pretend the real victims are white men and there's nothing wrong with hurtful comments or hurtful behavior against women or people of color. lawrence: it is not the right that is leading this conversation. it is the comedians. all there are is massive criticism and they started the movement to stop this and good performances, dave chapelle almost went into retirement because he got so sick of picking apart, a good laugh. >> you keep saying that, change the routine. >> kevin hart, and they found some tweets from 6 or 7 years ago. you lost kevin hart and i don't know who benefits from that. >> crazy they pretend this isn't happening. you can see with our eyes and the interesting thing about kevin hart, remember who led the call? ellen canceled plenty of other people for past comments. this goes to show if you try to counsel someone, you got to be prepared. ainsley: ellen almost got canceled. we are not making up these news stories. it is absolutely happening and if you are conservative they want to cancel your they want to kill the filibuster, they want to pass the hr one, this is their way. controlling the country and enforce this radical agenda on all of us. brian: not just people who are celebrities or on camera but everybody. on social media everyone is on camera whether you are live streaming or tweeting, this can get you fired from your job 7 years ago or something you did and heiskell prevents you getting a job. people have to get together in the washington post headline is totally irresponsible and mixed the market. it is something about race or gender. it backs up the exact point of the entire thing. no one can live up to the standards of the individual referee in this world and as we go back to movies and stage, i don't know what is going to be safe. look at disney, disclaimers before their movies or taking their movies down entirely. no one can cancel jillian, she has too much news including what is going on with the weather. >> we begin with tornadoes expected across the south today as a severe storm comes from the rockies and could bring haley damaging wind and flooding to states like alabama, tennessee and mississippi. in el paso, texas, wents as high as 65 miles per hour created a dust storm that turned the sky orange making it nearly impossible for drivers to see on the road. president biden says andrew cuomo must go if the sexual harassment allegations against him are proven to be true. >> reporter: should be resigned. >> lindsay boylein said they drafted a letter to discredit her. tiger woods, after a serious car crash. in a statement saying in part, quote, i am so grateful for the outpouring of support and encouragement. i will be recovering at home and working on getting stronger every day. woods suffered multiple leg injuries after a rollover accident in california last month. jillian: the da for los angeles county facing a recall is reportedly planning additional reform to lighten the way the city prosecutes crime. we will talk to the family member of holland police officer who warns these policies are not just happening in la. i've lost count of how many asthma attacks i've had. but my nunormal with nucala? fewer asthma attacks. nucala is a once-monthly add-on injection for severe eosinophilic asthma. not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection-site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your doctor about nucala. find your nunormal with nucala. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! 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it is not helping the public with gang members cheering and toasting that gascon got into office. that can't be right, can't be good. >> i want to get your reaction to an interview i did in july in chicago. >> it pales in the neighborhood. everyone taking the chance of something happening. miss that community leader. >> it is not working. how many kids have to die before we realize we have to do better. lawrence: this is going on across the country. what should communities do? people who are victims like you doing in these situations? >> the only thing i can do. i am a simple person. a barber for 40 years, only thing i can do is tell the truth the way i see it and the way i see it is seems like the criminals are getting the upper hand and it is because of the people that are supposed to be running that office and i lay it all on gascon. it boggles my mind. i don't understand. makes me sick when i hear other victims families the way they have been treated and it is sickening me. lawrence: we are not surprised because he hasn't prosecuted one case ever, doesn't have any experience on these issues anyway so thank you so much. for your time. we will stay on this case. >> appreciate the time. lawrence: we reached out to george gascon for statement but have not heard back. he is welcome anytime on the show. we have been trying to reach out for him. columbia university under fire for their plans to host separate graduation ceremonies based on race and identity. author and journalist douglas murray sounds off on how woke culture is defining america. it all starts with an invitation... experience lexus. the invitation to lexus sales event. lease the 2021 rx 350 for $429 a month for 36 month's, and we'll make you're first month's payment. experience amazing. bike shop please hold. bike sales are booming. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. the moment you sponsor a job on indeed you get a shortlist of quality candidates from our resume database. claim your $75 credit when you post your first job at out here, you're more than just a landowner. when you post your first job you're a gardener. a landscaper. a hunter. because you didn't settle for ordinary. same goes for your equipment. versatile, powerful, durable kubota equipment. more goes into it. so you get more out of it. we made usaa insurance for members like kate. a former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa. steve: columbia university under fire for hosting 6 additional graduation ceremonies based on race and how they identify and sexuality according to the school's website. the separate events will take place for graduates who are native, lgbt q ia plus, asian, plus low income, plus latin and black. when we see something as disturbing as this is hard to reclaim we have to tap into douglas murray who warns this is a further example of how the united states is the divided states. did you -- we like me when you read this and think you read it wrong and had it wrong? >> reporter: it is a further story, and a direction of travel, american institution for a long time. to divide up america not as one nation under the flag but a sense of different special-interest groups this is read get to. go away to university, parents remortgage the house and their worldview becomes narrow where. that is what we have seen, what events actually show. >> can you say the word melting pot, remember the great experiment were races of all races, creeds and religions can come together in one direction because they chose to come to america, we are lucky enough to be born here and now turning off the bunsen burner and separating people into their original groups. >> that is right. the idea that not just you have racial segregation but sexual segregation. so-called lavender graduation for lgbt q ia plus people, the alphabet becoming longer than the original one. the lgbt q ia alphabet people are meant to be graduating separately from their heterosexual counterparts. who once a world where this happens where people come here, it is voluntarily, what direction does this go in. where does it end? people of different races, to celebrate a moment of unity, this is what the problem is, by a few maniacs social justice warriors who make everybody else step in line and divide up america more and more and americans have to ask this to stop. brian: i don't know if it is liberal or conservative. it is just nuts. why can't i graduate next to someone who is upper-class as opposed to lower-class, working-class as opposed to middle-class, now i get my own graduation. here's what columbia says and tries to explain. this held for particular communities in addition to, not instead of the main commencement on class day ceremonies, open to every student who wants to participate. there is one collective but one segmented which the big picture, you see the big picture, somebody wants us to get every day and identify ourselves as male, white, black, asian, who would benefit from making america uncategorized itself as one into many? who benefits from that? >> it is basically something pushed by people who want to one we've the american dream, the american success story. the american success story includes the idea that so-called low income families like columbia, categorizing separately for richer people that lower income people and upper income people, doesn't really matter. you are legal in america under the flag and in the eyes of god and all of this up and all of that. it is not equal, totally different. the only people who benefit, who want to see america go down. it is enormously problematic to use one of their terms, something which all americans should recognize, to see the direction of travel, the division and the descent being sowed in america, they should reject it. we can unite around the flag of the great country and don't have to be divided up by people who wish us all - brian: we will turn the corner when we get douglas murray back in the country. you are a little scared about what is going on here in the uk. we will bring some normalcy back. i make that my personal mission. thank you so much. pick up his book the madness of crowds, gender, race, identity, the strange death of europe. president biden announces his first press conference, karl rove once worked in the white house, at least he told us he did. he is here to react. from our friends at fox, download the fox been super 6 apps and play for a chance to win 10,$000. what you need to do is predict 6 outcomes in the super 6 quiz show. it is free to play. download the super 6 apps right now. psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. the worst genocide in human history also destroyed the lives of thousands of jewish survivors still suffering today. god calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. "comfort ye, comfort my people." when i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. these elderly jews are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day this now, is how god's children are living. take this time to send a survival food box to these forgotten jews. the international fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. your special holiday gift will provide everything they need to celebrate the holy season of passover. do you remember matza? this is the first time in over 70 years that she has anything to do with faith. she hasn't seen unleavened bread since before the holocaust. and now we're coming to her and saying, "it's okay to have faith." for just $25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. i just want to encourage all of you to join with yael eckstein and the wonderful work of the international fellowship of christians and jews. god tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. and i pray holocaust survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. brian: a man arrested after 8 people killed in a string of shootings in atlanta spot. jillian: the president has been briefed, white house officials in touch with the mayor's office and will remain in touch with the fbi. lawrence: mark, join us with the latest. >> an unthinkable crime in atlanta, eight people gunned down in three spots. we are in front of one of them. 3 victims inside the building. and it is called aromatherapy where another asian woman was killed but the shooting began 30 miles to the northwest in suburban atlanta and cherokee county where another spot was targeted just before 5:00 last night. according to investigators 21-year-old robert long went in and started shooting, three people died, one more died at the hospital. there is one survivor. and opened fire at these two locations. police arrived thinking there was a robbery and a very good idea who they were looking for but had surveillance video and locating his vehicle 150 miles south of atlanta fleeing down the road. deputies as well as georgia state troopers take him into custody. why would he allegedly do something like this? what was the motive. they are looking at this being racially motivated but too simple to know that because of the investigation. we expect to have a briefing from atlanta police later on this morning. hopefully we will get those questions answered. reporter from atlanta, georgia. jillian: let's bring in karl rove, former senior advisor and deputy chief of staff to george w. bush. joe biden has announced he will have a press conference next thursday, 64 days from office. why is he avoiding this? >> it served him in the campaign to stay out of sight. a reputation for that. he wanted to avoid in opening days subjected to a news conference where he might say something that would set a bad tone. you eventually have to have a news conference and they raise the stakes. i am certain they will prepare him extremely well for this. they will hold it relatively early or if they hold it in prime time have a very light morning, to have him at his physical best but raise the stakes on this. >> no one is plugged in, what you hear about the status of joe biden, there were questions with ronald reagan, not asking to play doctor but there seems to be a different joe biden from the greatest retail politician. what do you hear from the guy you plugged into. >> for a long time may be a great retail politician but always had a reputation for saying awkward things and that is with him today. we saw during the campaign, we had a news conference not long ago in which he couldn't remember the name of his secretary of defense standing 5 feet to his left. we face the ravages of time but they have always known he's a gaffe maker and that comes with the territory. >> he has been gaffe free so far which is an interesting take. something that matters, speaking style or not, the filibuster will radically change the country. whatever the house passes it is going to be law and joe biden, longtime senator was asked by george stephanopoulos, tried to read between the lines. >> choose between preserving the filibuster and your agenda. >> yes but here's the choice. you don't have to illuminate the filibuster. when i first got to the senate in the old days when you used to be around, that is the filibuster, you had to stand up and command the floor. that is what it was supposed to be. between 1960, and 2000, i am making this number of, there were 50 filibuster, now there are 200 since then. >> he made everything up sedona how that hypothetical works if you make everything up. what do you think he is saying? there is a talking filibuster they can still handle that. >> it gets nothing done. as long as the senate is focused on an issue and members willing to line up and talk and talk and talk and talk nothing else can be done. what he is suggesting is he's going to make it even more difficult to get essential priorities passed on which there might be bipartisan agreement or more dangerous for him to get his judges confirmed and get his appointees confirmed. the senate had to sit is scheduled business, a filibuster based on standing in line to keep talking and do other business during that time. steve: do you believe it is goodbye filibuster? within three months? >> i don't know. it worries me because it fundamentally transforms the company by not getting in place of a lot of bad legislation on a partisan basis, set up a precedent when there's a republican president or republican congress do the same and we had some stability from the senate filibuster for the requirement you work across party lines and get 60 votes. when he first came to the senate, 67 votes you had to break the sylvester. >> they make washington dc estate, make puerto rico estate and there might never be a republican again. thanks for coming on with us. janice dean tracking this extreme weather in the south possible tornadoes. janice? >> janice: it will continue overnight into tomorrow. i need you to remind folks if you have neighbors and check on the elderly because we will have potential for long track dangerous, perhaps deadly tornadoes in the next 24 to 48 hours so we already have tornado watch is in effect for parts of arkansas through mississippi and tennessee. looks like we have a tornado worn storm for northeastern sections of texas and this will be the today. we will see a lot of tornado watches and warnings, we have tornado watch is in effect for several hours through the afternoon and they will continue into the overnight. i'm concerned with the overnight. we need to make sure people have a way to get those watches and warnings because this could be a significant tornado outbreak ongoing today and tomorrow. rare to see a high risk in that white area where all those ingredients will come together for long track tornadoes and portions of louisiana, mississippi, alabama, extreme tornado threat will continue into the southeast to part of the mid-atlantic tomorrow. we will be on it but i cannot urge this enough. people across the south, worn them in advance they need to have a way to get those warnings. really concerning. brian: 15 minutes before the top of the hour, grendel are pre-bounces back, forced to go virtual last year. mcshane joins us from nashville. how is it going? >> reporter: they had a tuesday night show for the first time in a year last night but this business never completely shutdown even in the worst of the pandemic. the people who run the opry, that wasn't an option. the cathedral of country music, grand old opry. ♪♪ when you heard what i told you ♪♪ >> reporter: a live show with the biggest stars every saturday night. since 1925, then covid-19 hit and that streak could have been in jeopardy. >> it was pretty harrowing. we got through it. >> reporter: colin reed knew there was a chance to hit 5000 straight saturdays later this year. the show must go on. >> welcome back to the grand old opry live on the grendel are priestly age. >> he has played it 200 times. now he has done in an empty building or live stream which was extremely odd. >> we are used to doing it with a big audience. i remember playing the opry when it wasn't sold out. >> reporter: some people are back now but 1100 instead of 4000. the city of nashville and the migrant music scene is taking a huge head for the last year. thanks to a solid balance sheet coming in the opry has done its part to help out, starting a charitable campaign to help struggling artists. now it is only a matter of time until the cathedral itself is packed again. >> it will feel good. it will feel normal. i see that and i know that and it will happen. >> i am hopeful in the third quarter that we will be going here. >> reporter: the location is among the most iconic in all of music, the circle of wood, they moved it over when the opry changed locations in 1974. on the same stage, the same circle, through it all, now even a pandemic. brian: we don't have time or we will get, will to sing a song but we ran out sadly. jillian: comforting st. patrick's day with ireland's finest. after the break. let's check in with dana perino. it is today. senator tom cotton will talk about the filibuster and what news joe biden made leslie when he was interviewed by abc news and a power grab by the democrats. congressman dan crenshaw on what is happening on the border. morgan ortagus will talk about china and the meaning of the administration in alaska today with counterparts and bret baer will join us in this and:00 hour and tell us everything is working out. see you then. love you, sweetheart they guide me with achievable steps that give me confidence. this is my granddaughter...she's cute like her grandpa. voya doesn't just help me get to retirement... ...they're with me all the way through it. come on, grandpa! later. got grandpa things to do. aw, grandpas are the best! well planned. well invested. well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. guy fieri! ya know, if you wanna make that sandwich the real deal, ya gotta focus on the bread layers. king's hawaiian sliced bread makes everything better! ♪ (angelic choir) ♪ and here's mine! want to brain better? 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>> happy st. patrick's day. hopefully you are ready to go. all you've got to do is crack it open. nitrogen doing its magic. there is loads of beer in there. at a 45 degree angle at the side of the glass. don't let it touch, you will see the beautiful surge as you pour and bring it all the way to the top. you will get that. beautiful. and that way. it takes 190.5 seconds to pour a perfect.of guinness. the hashtag is counting. >> can you see it there? >> what is the earliest you ever drank a guinness? >> timewise? 12:30 p.m.. over the last couple weeks, there are errors. >> can't have a st. patrick's day without a guinness. it is not legally possible in america. how to give back the toast to.usa right there. we can toast to you right there. all right. everyone is locked down in ireland but have a good time anyway. more "fox and friends" moments away. outside the temple bear, courtesy of earth cam. r ight aw. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa usaa. what you're made of, germ proof your car with armor all disinfectant. kills 99.9% of bacteria and viruses. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ (quiet piano music) ♪ ♪ comfort in the extreme. the lincoln family of luxury suvs. >> that's perfect, the st. patrick's day cathedral in new york city. beautiful shot. it's one of our favorites. lawrence, loved working with you. >> it's been fun. >> i agree, lawrence, great working with you. >> bill: good morning, everybody. president biden facing fronts -- backlash on two fronts, the crisis at the border growing by the day. a democratic push to throw out the senate filibuster. good morning, everybody. we're wearing green today. bill hemmer. >> dana: how the show or filibuster will go? i'm dana perino. "america's newsroom." fox news confirmed more than 560 unaccompanied children are crossing the border every day up from just over 300 per day in february. president biden telling migrants now is not the time to come to the united states and defending his administration. i didn't think, though, bill -- >> president biden: first of all there was a surge the last

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Pilot , Still A Night Out , Life , Little , Journey , Legend , Chevrolet , Idea , Ideas , More , Fame , Acclaim , Many , Few , Tool , Bags , Cruise , Type , Brew , Coffee , Vivid Hues , Behold , Ads , Bikers , Headwear , Connections , Business Growing , Oysters , Candidates , Shortlist , Data Base , Indeed Com Promo , Seventy Five , Jeans , Radio Up , Chicken , Beer , Burger , Wings , Pair , Applebee S , 5 , 1 , , Festivities , Morning , Latest , Spirit , Ashley Strohmeyer , Bethpage , Morning Guys , Everything Down For St , Parades , Tracks , New York City , Famous Parade , Chicago , Boston , Philly , News , Business , Bagpipes , Co Owner , Parade Sunday , Warm Brownie , Celebration , Menu , Shamrock Sunday , Back , Line , Good , Sugar , Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream , Cookie , Syrup , Contributor , Thanks , Leo , Insulin , Calvin , Race , Boys , Leo Good , Recall , Gavin Newsom , Extremist Groups , 247 , Time , Independents , Retail Store , Reason , Barbershop Owners , Big Lie , Political Parties , Shapes , Sizes , Lying , Science , Folks , School , Dianne Feinstein , Politics , Aspects , Votes , Minority , Relief Bill , Concept , Playbook , Minorities , Kind , Directions , Rights , Education , Projects , Track , Ainslie , Focus , Giveaways , Covid Relief , Pet , Unions , 9 , 91 , Pork Bill , Race Theory , Curriculum , Inflation , Loudoun County Educational System , Minerals , Larry Summers , List , Teachers , Parent , Loudoun County , Others , Notice , Disagreeing , Group , Virginia , Actions , Race Concepts , Teacher , School System , Schoolteacher , Schools , Student , License , Programs , Intimidation Effort , Light , Sprint , Indoctrination , Rewriting History , Topics , Speech , Quality , Shamrock Shake , Opinion , Yes , 3000 , Color , Show , Tax Hike , Guest , Working Class , Plane , Ones , Ith Liberty Mutual , Cause , Car Insurance , Wait , Isn T A Hot Dog Stand , Bears , Teddy , Wet , One Hundred , Landowner , Equipment , Landscaper , Hunter , Kubota , Tax Hikes , 1993 , Taxes , Tax Rate , Income Tax Rate , 400000 , 28 , Expert , Pocketbook , Finance , Personal Finance , Dan , Clinical Professor , University Of San Diego , Doesn T , Most , Viewers , 00000 , Tax Increase , Pebble , Pond , Top End , Weeds , Something , Business Owners , Partnership , Business Tax Return , Use , Economy , Proprietors , Example , Business Income , Deduction , Tax Return , Proposals , Washington , Fact , Impacts , Matter , Drycleaners , Car Dealers , Item , Drowning , Companies , Tax , Countries , China , Corporations , Reality , Wages , Rate , Workforce , Ripple Effect , Correlation , Connection , Repercussions , 9 Trillion , 1 9 Trillion , 2 1 Trillion , Money In The Bank , Bank Account , 1 Billion , Interest Rates , Chileans , Chad Wolf , Stealth Pass , Worth , Akes Life Worth Living , Hundreds Of Thousands , The Wild West , Press Conference , News Conference , Mister Biden , Leader , Shooting Spree , Spotss , Fires , Recall Effort , White Supremacy , Guinness , Perfect , Island , Spots , Atlanta Area , 3 , Crime Scene , Benjamin , Thousands , Interest , Another Big Story , Sport , Bridge , Jenkins , El Paso , Tree , 30 , Migrant , Don T Come , Report , Processing Center , Nbc , 313 , Scene , Sick , Coughing , Cdp , Wildlife , Fish , Smuggling Operations , Figure , Care Of , Shelter , Coming , Nowhere , Lifetime , Acting Dhs Secretary , Messaging , Set , Factors , Jillian , Set Up , Spread , Jeff , Don T Leave , Official Secretary Talks , Podium , Illegals , Government Officials , Wasn T , Joe Biden Talking , Heartbeat , Need , Pressure , Being , 330 Million , Refugees , 90 , Policy , Asylum Laws , Catch And Release , Home Country , Laws , Fault , Eforms , Asylum System , System , Dhs Secretary , Procedures , Asylum Laws Congress , Triangle , Aid , Pathways , Cut , Network , Points , Protection , Transition Team , Asylum Officers , Asylum Backlog , Requests , Down , Doj , 500 , Agreements , Wanted , Millions , Assistance , Persecution , Cooperation , Oppression , Areas , Corruption , Funding , Causes , Border Security , Root , Migrant Caravans , Reporters , Peter Doocy , Questions , Fifth , 64 , Times , Follow Up , Hearing , Availability , January 20th , 40 , 89 , Outlets , Commander In Chief , Answers , President Matter , Lots , Curb , Vice President Tilting , Christensen Them A , Changing , Lemonade , Progressives , Ship , Doubt , Shot , Stand , Election , Dover , Ballots , Half , Doing , He Couldn T , Senators , Done , 53 , End , Needs , Option , Fathers , Threshold , Raw Power , Subject , Whims , Least , The Trojan Horse , City Gates , Storm , Weather , Flooding , Tornadoes , Wind , Rockies , Hail , Dust Storm , Threat , States , Mississippi , Alabama , Tennessee , Sky Orange , 7 , Residents , Violence , Tim Wheeler , Protesters , Aim , Destruction , Looting , Portland , Tom Brady , Weekend , Buildings , Guise , Game Day , Phones , Texting , Deflategate He , Response , Cell Phone , Flip Phone , Lindsey Graham , Presidency , Keystone Pipeline Workers , Effects , Day One , Fallout , Tomi Lahren , Apps , 00 , 10 , 000 , Limu , Limu Emu , Liberty Mutual , Apr Financing , Rx 350 , 0 , 350 , Dealer , Jess , Tv Services , Lifting , Delegating , Services , Sweat , Keystone Pipeline , Struggling , Impact , Pen , Invest , Paper , 800 , These , Energy Jobs , Camps , Gym Owner , Opportunity , Small Business , Red Carpet , Swipe , Incredible Condescending , Mayor , South Dakota , Investment , Make , Business A , Retirement , Piece , Isn T , Hits , South Dakota Girl , Permits , 2008 , Virtue , Didn T , Insult , Signal , Environment , Commitments , Emissions , Suffering , Eye , Couldn T Care Less , Members , Interruptions , Personalities , Service , Episode , Exclusive , Fox Nation , Nursing Home , Scandal , Calls , Dean , Frantic , Voices , Veteran , Hailstorm Hit , Martin , Air Force , Neighbor , Pain , Advil , Action , 2 , Acetaminophen , First , Fast Pain Relief , Subway , Advil Plus , Draymond Green , Advil Dual Action , 8 , Sub , Dunk , Tender Steak , Cheese , Bacon , Subway Eat Fresh , Jayson , Scrutiny , Impeachment Investigation , Harassment , Government , Nursing Home Scandal Go Up , Janice Dean , Fennec , Congresswoman Elise , Janice , Pushback , Seniors , Care Facilities , Accountability , 9000 , Movement , Mother In Law , Father In Law , Eldercare Facilities , 15000 , Offense , Lives , Nursing Homes , Impeachment Process , Loved Ones , Attorney General , New York Ag , Information , The Public , The Ag , Push , Letter Put , Outrageous , Ammo , Both , Anything , In Laws , Tactics , Pennsylvania , New Jersey , Deaths , Michigan , Parents , Media , Grandparents , New Yorkers , Shining Light , Governors , Guidelines , Edict , Cdc , Smearing , Officials , Advocates , Malpractice , Nail Salons , Assemblyman Kim , Fight , Risks , Moderna , Doctor Nicole Saphier , Project Managers , Resume Database , Credit , Seventy Five Dollar , Sleep , Sleep Number , Bed , Night , Rest , 360 , Spot , Fbi , Touch , Standing , Mark , In The City Of Atlanta , Aromatherapy , City Limits , Cherokee County , Sparkle Young Asian Massage Parlor , Facility , Robert Long , Asian , Wayne , Survivors Hispanic , Fire , Facilities , The Street , Jail , 115 , Breaking News , Guys , Steve , Men , Farewell , Funeral , Actress Lori Laughlin , Path , Wife , Madsen , College Admission Scandal , Telling , Documentary , Dogs , Article , Dog Rescue Charity , Fine , Prison , Involvement , Big Dog , Ranch Rescue , 150 , Events , Drop , Hit Piece , Huffington Post , Mara Lago , Lori Simmons , Counterpart , Colorado , Nebraska , Beef , Disparage Meat Consumption , Meat , Meet , Pete Ricketts , Farmers , Ranchers , Saturday March 20th , Peta , Activists , Food Security , Nebraska Livestock Industries , Industry , Generation , Branch , Conservationists , Family Farm , Animals , Resources , Greenhouse Gases , Soil Conservation , Meat Processing Workers , Meat Industry , Groups , Proclamation , Animal Agriculture , 2011 , Proclamations , Anybody , Diet , Security , Corned Beef , Luck , Cabbage , Ks , Family Plans , Vaccine Trials , World Vaccination Efforts Ramp Up , It Safe , Age , Babies , 7000 , Pfizer , File , Vaccination , Virus , Doses , Adult Dose , Dose , Doctors , Consent , Similarly , Children Of God , Benefit , Recruitment , Syndrome , 2600 , Freedoms , Adult , Significant , Vaccines , Data , Staff , Return , Weight , Music , Stage , Workout Classes , Motivation , Simplicity , Fridge , Recipe Feature , Myww , Underdog , Army Medic , Store , Flexibility , Payment Plan , Budget , Soul , Trick , Talks , Conserving , Glide Path , Ending , Janette Nesheiwat , Spring , National Guard Isn T Empowered , Border Patrol Agents , Exploding , Processing Centers , Port Of Entry , Laredo , Housing , Title , 42 , 70 , 65 , 4 Million , 1000 , 11 , 2017 , 29 , 429 , 75 , 25 , 1960 , 67 , 48 , 24 , 15 , 1925 , 5000 , 4000 , 1100 , 1974 , 190 5 , 99 9 , 560 ,

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