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Fast on-demand multi-material multi-nozzle 3D printing in a
Fast on-demand multi-material multi-nozzle 3D printing in a
Fast on-demand multi-material multi-nozzle 3D printing in a fraction of the time
3D printing is revolutionizing the manufacturing industry by allowing people to create without the need for expensive machinery and raw materials
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Boston ,
Massachusetts ,
United States ,
Mark Skylar Scott ,
Jennifera Lewis ,
Donald Ingber ,
Jochen Mueller ,
Wyss Institute ,
Johna Paulson School Of Engineering ,
Wyss Institute At Harvard University ,
Vascular Biology Program At Boston Children Hospital ,
Harvard Wyss Institute For Biologically Inspired Engineering ,
Biologically Inspired Engineering ,
Applied Sciences ,
Research Associate ,
Research Fellow ,
Core Faculty Member ,
Wyss Professor ,
Wyss Founding Director ,
Judah Folkman Professor ,
Vascular Biology ,
Harvard Medical School ,
Vascular Biology Program ,
Boston Children ,