celebrating week. randy barnett, a law professor and who has been very deeply involved in this case, was quoted in "the washington post" this week saying, we won in every way except in the outcome. he hnl hoad been hoping for the to be overturned but he was pleased with two ways the court went, one they believed his argument on the commerce clause which was highly criticized and also that the court did strike down part of the medicaid expansion that was part of the law. that's a really new area of law that may turn out to be more consequential because the court said there are limits on congress' ability to influence state behavior by spending money. there's a point at which that becomes coercive. the court had gestured in that direction before but never of actually laid out a limit. >> good commentary there. josh, when we look at chief justice roberts, something we were talking about earlier this morning, fe wif he was an assoc justice, would he have made a different call on that? >> i think that's very possible. i think as an associate justice you consider a different