Transcripts For CNNW Laura 20240614 :

Transcripts For CNNW Laura 20240614

night up next law codes live, would that interview with the mayor of milwaukee, you won't want to miss it. laura coates live starts right now i feel like we already muted ending of this story trump goes to capital health again, a handshake. >> he was greeted with more than open arms. that's tonight on a special two-hour addition alarm. it's live well good evening. >> i'm laura coates and washington, dc, abby phillip is off tonight and tonight we pass the magic moment. republicans today openly admitting what might be obvious to so many of you, they are all in on donald trump, not dipping a toe, not a midwest smidge, not a little bit all-in no one trying to distance themselves lease on the hill from the republican nominee, who is just waiting for the confetti to fall on his shoulders at the upcoming convention note, ten foot pole. know they can't get close enough. not a triumphant, but maybe a trump being returned to the building the one that was ransac by those who believed the big lie that was told the truth is the show of party unity was sealed with a kiss. >> the ring it was our great pleasure to host the president. this morning, we just had a great read resounding speech by president trump. the presence fired up is in great spirits of and if you look at the row applause, a standing ovations, a president was very eloquent. he was warmly welcomed by the house republican conference. >> i really found his speech should be one of my favorite speeches. and i said president, i said, i've said you do an excellent job, will tell us what's wrong in this country. >> he was joking around constantly with everyone he was really sweet to me, felt like it at that when he was very reagan asked. and as explanations of most things, he saw me in there and he was like, hello marjorie, he's always so sweet and recognizes me. >> he said very complimentary everything's about all of us. we had sustained applause. he said, i'm doing a very good job i mean, we're grateful for that so that was probably expected but i'm telling him this next clip maybe a little less so did you talk to him directly? yeah we sure. >> question from fairly well, that's the republican leader, mitch mcconnell will talking about what glad-handing with trump inside of congress. so why is that so surprising? well, again, this is trump's first time back in that hallowed building the one fins a mob was marching through the marble halls of the capital. since 1,000 plus people have been charged for crimes committed on january 6. now, arrests are still happening and trump faces criminal charges for his actions on around that day mcconnell one so reviled, trump, that he said this out loud the mob was fed lodge they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. >> there's no question none there. president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day no question about it. >> but i mean, the gop seem to now be willing to let bygones be bygones they don't maybe have a choice really that's what one republican congresswoman said to cnn, revealing a little more than maybe she intended he is the leader of the party and he happens to be the guy who was chosen by the overwhelming majority of republicans to be the nominee. >> who are we to say no? just like the overwhelming majority of the dems decided for biden to be the nominee. that's the reality. >> welcome to the united states welcome monday. >> well, joining me now, pam, pam bell, she was part of the january 6 mob and spent time in jail for the january 6 attack. han. thank you so much for joining us tonight. i have to wonder what is your reaction to seeing the former president at the capital? but all at the scene where you are intimately aware of what went down on january 6, what's your reaction to how he was received well, be honest with you, it was disgusting because we all know that he planned it he was his fault that at all happened. >> but it's there's more to it than a lot of people realize. it's actually the republican party that is picked trump. they call on the walking. it's all brought project 2025 in in order to bring their project into place, they need trump because he's a chaos junkie and he's a perfect person to help them bring their plan and to implement project 2025. this started back in 1935 when they started the national prayer breakfast because they want to turn this into an all white national country and so they're using these show that the republicans are using trump. and trump is using them to implement their project 2025 plans. and i'm really grateful to hear that the democrats now are talking about project thank 2025 and how it is? >> because it is a plan to destroy our democracy and florida. >> well, pam, for those who might not be as familiar, project 2025 is referring to a body of policy initiatives that are the i guess kind of a guide and a blueprint for how the trump administration would be run. and i guess to your point, as long as people are talking about him and his statements are not focusing on what might be behind the curtain is that why you think mitch mcconnell, who called trump morally responsible for the insurrection somebody who frankly, politically speaking, mitch mcconnell has been known to compartmentalize more than once for an objective. do you think that was his motivation? >> absolutely. they're all in there. all republican party, as you know, the national prayer breakfast is part of their, it's deep-seated. this has been going on since 1935. and so he was there today to make plans in, get all his allies in line but this is not new. it's new project 2025 to a lot of people out there but not to the republican party. they are so excited to have trump because trump is gonna be there puppet and he'll do exactly what they want. plus, he can get out of anything he thinks he can get out of his only goal was to become a dictator. that's all he don't care what he's gonna do for the people. he just wants to be able to have an opportunity to dictate our nation and the republican party wanted to do that i'm not sure exactly what you're reference the national prayer breakfast, but i do take your point and especially about how you perceive trump as being a puppet. >> i think he does not see himself that way. i think he would say that he is the one dictating the terms the republican party. but you shake your head and suggest no, no. you think it's the other way? fair round. even though donald trump has been speaking about his control over their republicans and his ability to be a kind of, you call them a wolf king. he might say he's a king maker. why do you shake your head to think that he believes he's in control? >> because trump is delusional he's not my real-world gaze, a dangerous narcissus and everything he puts out there is nothing but a lie and there's never any receipts. when he tells you something like the capitol police were charging starting to january 6 insurrection, wears his receipts he just throws out garbage leinz and so people run with it. and believing they don't check any day. but the republican party love it because he's talking for them and they're using these joe, their puppets very sterling. trump has his agenda why he's using the congress. the congress have their agenda and it's unfortunately we're going to see some horrible things start to happen because it's getting worse 30 with garland how dare them pick on him? that's disgusting. and look at our supreme court but it's all been a plan and it's finally coming to well, i don't know the word, but it's come ahead yeah, it's coming and if you watch the documentary, the family on netflix, it explains the roots of project 2025. >> it's been going on for ever and they finally are very happy now they found trump and they're going to be able to implement there policies. >> i have not watched that, but what i have watched over the last several years, that alone over a decade is to see what his happening in the public perception in the trust or lack thereof of what's happening in our institutions. and i can't help but wonder pam ana on a personal level, you spent time in prison for your role at the capitol that day. and yet in our conversation you have clearly had a one at in your viewpoints towards him do you? what's behind your epiphany of sorts? so your change of thought. and do you think that trump even should be allowed on capitol hill oh absolutely not we're all restricted, all generous six years on my probation. i cannot go to any capital and he is surprising that they've allowed him to be there, but he hasn't been to court on that, but he's dangerous. >> and he setting up a cool. this is my belief is how i see it. that he's getting can everybody in line to go along with what he wants to do and he's going to see who's behind him and who, who's going to support him but no, my god. >> that was the worst day in our history. and trump did never been allowed to go there. they should have met somewhere else. >> i guess. we don't have any control. if you could go there or not, i suppose, but that's the point i don't want talk over your habit. >> an important point that you're unable to based on what you have in the time you served on this point? i do wonder for so many people who are listening, he has it has maintained quite a following. pam, as you well know and it extends to you say it's one person scratching the other person's back and there's some sort of symbiotic relationship going on capitol hill. >> but what why do you think the average voter who is so supportive of trump? >> why is there such a strong hold on them? why is he so mesmerizing to those who have supported them throughout because he hijack their bring with fear. >> they're not coming, they're coming after me, but they're actually coming after you and i stand in the way. so they are frightened that the doj has weaponized against the whole nation, which is insane. it's when you're listening to him. it sounds like you're talking to somebody that just broke out of a mental ward because everything he's putting out there are lies. so he's brainwashing them. nobody's checking doing any fact checking or they've lost their critical thinking. and they have put it up there. that god wants this, you know, the christian nationalists what they wanted, they god wants this for our nation. and there's so much more that they're putting out there it's hidden the hearts of most people believing that the democrats want this to be a communist nation, which has so far for the job because it's the republicans that are actually doing projection with everything. it's what they're doing, it's what they want, their accusing the democrats i'm doing pam hemphill. >> thank you so much for joining. it was interesting to hear your insight in particular on your own experience. thank you so much for joining thank you very much in that closed door meeting on the hill, a source in the room where it was happening. >> tell cnn that trump went off topic a number of times when ranting about crime rates and election integrity issues, he apparently called milwaukee whether republican national convention is going to be held next month quote, horrible republican congressman from wisconsin, derrick van orden, who was there, made clear that trump was quote, specifically referring to crime in milwaukee, unquote and not the city itself. democrats, including president biden. well, they see as the opportunity to call out trump over those comments? biden tweeting. >> i haven't 11 milwaukee with a picture of the 2021 nba champion milwaukee bucks at the white house. >> and by the way, who doesn't love giannis some just put that out there right now. >> also, the mayor of the city cavalier johnson tweeting back milwaukee loves you back. president biden and mayor johnson joins me. now. mayor. thank you so much for being with us this evening. a lot of attention is coming to your city. this summer with this convention, where we might even learn instantly who will be the running mate of their republican nominee, donald trump? welcome. how are you tonight i'm excellent. >> how are you doing, laura? >> i'm doing good. thank you for joining trump he's been trying to clarify tonight that he was talking about the crime rate and the 2020 election, not the city overall what's your response well, you know, it's quite interesting. >> there's a company here called the milwaukee pretzel company. and as i heard all the responses from republicans are in the room. they were twisting themselves into so many different ways, kind of remind me of a pretzel but the fact of the matter is this. >> the milwaukee is an excellent city. >> it's a wonderful city. it's a splendid city, it's a city that the republican national committee, donald trump's fellow counterparts and the republican party chose as the host city for the republican national convention this year. so if a pivot according to republicans, were walking is a great place and you don't even have to take the word of republicans for that. look at all the accolades that are coming to milwaukee over the course of the last number of years from that go to condi nast to the businesses that are investing in the city. this is a great place and the former president in every republican who have the chance to come to our great city. they'll see that when they're here on the ground in milwaukee for the convention. >> well, if you were to take republicans at their word that the comments were about crime and not the city itself. the website. >> let's say, called money geek, compiled data from violent crime and property crime data from the fbi and research from university of miami, university of colorado, and found that the walkie has the ninth highest cost of crime per capita in the country. >> so what do you say about the conversation around crime that's happening in milwaukee? does it stand alone or is it indicative of a larger national issue that must be addressed? >> sure. absolutely this is a part of a national issue around crime and particularly gun crime in the united states, we've got far too many guns in the hands of people who just should not have them. that's not a milwaukee thing. that's a united states thing. unfortunately. but this is the key though, right? over the course of the last two years, right? crime and milwaukee has steadily been dropping because in my administration, we've been offering solutions that have focused in on accountability and prevention. and you got to remember too that we're we're pulling ourselves out of issues around crime that raged after the pandemic when the trump administration didn't properly respond to the issues that it come to milwaukee and other communities across the country as it relates to the pandemic, only when president biden gun to office got a hand, a handle on the pandemic and provide a true leadership where we able to make the investments necessary and the focus necessary to bring crime down. and that's exactly what we've been doing in milwaukee i there's a saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you. how about politically, don't bite the hand that could potentially feed you because walkie is very blue area, as you know, its konstan. maybe broadly has a different spin, but you have said today, there are roughly 50,000 republicans in the city in a state that biden only won by fewer than 21,000 votes. i do wonder if a comment like that coming from trump could actually cost him the state in november yeah as you correctly point out, laura in wisconsin were purple state and the election statewide elections are decided on a razor-thin margin. >> and so for the former president to call milwaukee a horrible place, that's insulting the home to roughly 50,000 people who vote republican here in this city who have been here for a long time, who are raising their kids in the city who spend time at the places in milwaukee who are integral members to our community, right here in milwaukee to call their home horrible, i think is just is not the right move. it's kind of bizarre in a way so i think at the end of the day when in a state that's decided on a razor's edge, that may ultimately cost down trump the election what i said earlier today was look, if he thinks that cities are horrible, then we should work in this city and cities all across the country to make sure that he doesn't have to live in another city that he probably thinks it's horrible as well. and that's washington, dc well luck. >> i happen to be a fan and milwaukee i'll be there for a wedding and this coming fall and cannot wait to partake and for the convention this is what really quick married before i let you go we given the dynamics at play and the demographics, perhaps it's always interesting for me and let me outside, looking in to see what the reaction is among your constituents when something like the rnc or a convention is coming to town, there's on the one hand the economic benefit of having it in your city and the thousands of people who that, who will descend. the other hand, there can be controversy surrounding being the location for that. are you seeing or experiencing that in milwaukee now? >> well, fortunately, milwaukee isn't some really rarefied air and that we were selected the host the 2020 democratic national convention. now that didn't happen, of course, because of the pandemic. but what it did do is give us the runway in order to build a infrastructure for a proper national political invention. and so we've used some of the lessons of 2020. we built on those things. we've have relationships in place with law enforcement here. law enforcement nationally are police chief has done a great job of bringing in law enforcement from across the us is going to help us with this. and our partners over the secret service and other federal law enforcement agencies have been critical partners in this and we worked in a bipartisan way with republicans and democrats in order to boost the security grant which had been stuck at 50 million since 2004 and got $25 million more for that effort here. so we've all been coming together around this. we want this to be a safe convention for everybody involved. that's what my priority is mayor cavalier johnson. >> thank you so much for being here thank you. >> laura well, the president says that he won't pardon his son, hunter but while he possibly commute his sentence, the answer is ahead and hillary clinton studying democrats by endorsing the primary challenger of squad member jamaal bowman instead, the congressman is here to respond wednesday cnn special event it's time to celebrate freedom, progress, and the trailblazers pave the way this is a festive day for all black americans. we still have a lot of work to do, joins cnn's victor blackwell for a native interviews and performances by john legend. fatty lewbel, smokey robinson, and so much cnn's vegetable june celebrating freedom and legacy. wednesday at 100 and cnn work play link relief, work. play, blank. >> really, the only three and one extended release formula for dry eyes blank. one second. you feel safe then the police are on their way. >> well he's. still do with armor all a little bit of this protects you from a lot of that honor. >> all less work, more clean from roger two. >> we there yet anyways, to save life ready, while it happy. that's 365 by whole foods market, you give and you give, now you get with straight talk wireless, you get unlimited data and you get to choose who gets on your family plans starting at just $25 a line, doesn't have to be family more leinz, more savings, switch to straight talk for plants starting as low as $25 a line. >> i told myself i was okay with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just okay isn't okay. >> and i was done settling. >> if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or n bro 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which data is paying free text dra w to 369369. today i melies nonna in washington, and this is cnn what tonight, a presidential promise to put the law before a family i'm extremely proud of my son, hunter he is overcoming addiction. he is he's one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything like i said, i'd bide by the jury decision. i will do that. and i will not pardon him. >> well that's president joe biden and a critically important global huddle letting the world know that he will not wipe away the decision of 12 of his sons peers to convict him of federal gun charges. donald trump asked about the current president and it sounds addiction struggles sounded well, are rare note of sympathy today i understand that whole subject. i understand it pretty well because i've had it with people have it in their families are very tough thing is very tough situation for a father. it's a very tough situation for a brother or sister and it goes on and it's not stopping vary whether it's alcohol or drugs or whatever it maybe it's a tough thing. and so that's a tough it's a tough moment for their family joining me now is former hillary clinton spokesmen, felipe brightness, and also former deputy communications director for trump's 2016 campaign. >> bryan lanza. >> good to have both of you here. you do you think that biden should pardon hunter politically? >> no i mean, i can't imagine how hard it is to be person united states with this unfettered power and not be able to use it. i hope he wins. if he doesn't i if i worked for her might say, mr. parson on your way out the door, if he's still in jail, either commute the sentence or whatever the axis, you have two put politically, he can't, you think he should, you have totally understand why. >> i think we made a public policies there's probably about 30 to 40 years ago to treat added to trick attics different. and hunter biden's an addict and the worst part is as the white, what i see with this prosecution is he was singled out because he is the president's so we're now weaponizing our judicial system and that's a problem when it becomes red and blue is sort of taking digitalization judicial process. it hurts. and so i think president biden should pardon himself i think president biden should put pressure on the government of new, of new york to pardoned president trump, and let's get the politics out of our judicial process. let's start stop play not and let's go back to a normal sense of our judicial system staying out, not creating creative laws are stretching the laws are untested theories to bring down a president. let's go back to the normal process and get this out. and i think the pardon of hunter should be the first step, wouldn't you look at this issue and of course you here is point would this why do you think it's because the world would blow up? >> i mean, it his son and it's heartbreaking and he's a father and he happens to be look half the country is not fond of him and half the country is not fond of donald trump. and that's putting it politely. but donald trump in that situation and brian would know the details better, but he lost a brother. i think in his 40s to alcoholism and that's why he doesn't drink. i believe. >> is that why you think he was sympathetic i think i think most family he's can identify with a problem in the family that you don't want 300 million people knowing details about. >> i mean, my god, these text messages between him and his ex-wife and women, he's involved with. i mean, to some extent, this is punishment in and of itself but it is true. would this have happened but for him being the president's son, but just on a human level, it's just so terrible that it's llamas, wince at it happening. and the idea that he would go to prison i am not sure that that would happen for other people. >> well, many a cynic would look at the statements that trump made and thought perhaps he's aware of the risk of alienating what is so increasingly a universal experience, even if i'm not judging is sincerity on that point, he has his own his own views on the issue and opinions but politically it would be likely disastrous to not acknowledge the breadth and the scope of addiction in this country, we've got drug courts for that very reason as well. >> but one of the people who was in the courtroom behind hunter was dr. jill biden, the first lady, obviously his mother. >> i want you to listen to what the first lady had to say about her husband's age. listen to this election is most certainly not about age. >> joe and that other guy are essentially the same age. let's not be fooled. joe, isn't one of the most effective presidents of our our lives in spite of his age. but because of it brian, how does that sit with you around voters you think i think the problem is not joe biden's age, it's his conduct. is this cognitive fitness? i mean, we saw today we saw the prime minister of it billy heading to guide president biden to where he needed to be because he was a wandering off, you need suite. we see it all the time as he speaks, he starts having sentences and then sort of conflates decades. so i think people see that and it's a cognitive decline has nothing to do with his age. trump's not that far along, but i also point to look at warren buffett. warren buffett's 91-year-old. i will take his stock advice. >> i'm just not going to take donald. >> i'm just not going to take a joe biden's governing vice because he clearly has had a cognitive decline and it's just on the world stage. it's troubling, it's dangerous. i mean, these people have seen him for 40 years on the world stage. they've seen the decline. we see the decline warrant i'm talking more about it. it's dangerous this is what i love, is that we have two guys, running against each other. >> he's not running against warren buffet, he's not running against a 35-year-old. he's running against donald trump first of all, we should all take take a step back and wish donald trump in early 70th birthday. i believe it's tomorrow when your dad is 70 is at one and your mother is 78. you don't say dad married a younger woman? these guys are the same age. they are basically in the same i wouldn't want either with them on the road driving in terms of cognition donald trump in the last six months has said, we're up to world war ii. he has multiple times i'm said that he is running baba knows we're hold on a second. >> i wish we had the footage door. >> i was surprised i saw that footage earlier and i knew i did fox allergic today. i knew is going to get hit with it and then this evening, i saw that apparently what was happening was that there was a skydiver demonstration and he was looking at it and he was applauding the demonstration. and of course that's represented as, oh my god, but the right before that, there was a present. he did a press conference with president zelenskyy thing is it guys? but the thing is the voters say sandi get to vote on, then they absolutely will it. but for them, it reinforces the problem that they have is that joe biden has always seen a wandering, tripping. he can't even take the full flight of stairs on air force one, they have to give them a slow one it's still trips. that's a cognitive the cliff. >> it's just what you guys want to go on, but we're boring it. army because you'll get inflation. you did it before, say the union that the guy can't even make it to 70 five minutes let's talk compression. >> and what is president trump do? he says, oh, he must have been on drugs before. i mean, two weeks from last night is the debate sometime between now and then donald trump? i'm just going to say, i demand drug tests. and then the republican was he can have to take the big stares back on air force one again because he knows joe biden congratulate that's that is quite the bump per sticker looking forward to the next over years, i'm going to bring back the forward stairs and a better economy. joe biden, no wars row by biden's watch, we have arisen about the storage. joe biden is created more jobs in the last four years, then president trump get me believe that. do you really want him just lifting around because of covid is job creation. >> the numbers are the numbers i'm not saying do you want to play? >> only asking you. >> do you believe joe biden actually create he did his jobs? i believe they might, which were already is not to give to the rich numbers were i believe that his priorities are the right priorities, but you biden ago, you said he creates as this record job creation. i'm asking he does believe he actually created these jobs as politics grade is jobs or the covid, which donald trump was responsible for let me start to show biden's policies created these jobs the same way that donald trump's policies. we're going to covid, probably led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. you're a spot for what happens? >> your vaccine led to the saving of this world. one would say in president trump was the most responsible for this accident happen to sit here all night talking about four years before january 20, 2020? 21 in the four years since this debate, though people want to have, you want the economy debate, people want to know about inflation. what i'll say about inflation, they want. you heard it today? you hear at the last couple of days, is he is not hit his own target for inflation 36 months. he's been an office a little bit more than 36 months. he said we have a target inflation of two present he's never hit that target. so every month he's failing if you're a baseball player of joe biden, were a baseball player and he was not able to hit the target. he'd be known as a pitcher that never through a strike so gladly talk about the economy because some decimated prezi night fairly man every time he goes tried to send to the congress the republicans in congress well, hold on. why is there no immigration security package donald trump note, donald trump told me not to pass an absolute because because what donald trump said, why is there no, we're past with donald trump said to report publicly what he said to the american people. >> are you really going to trust the person who started the border fire, the fixed the border fire. >> i'm not going to trust the person you might buy it. i'm not going to donald trump told them i'm now going to i'm not going to trust the arsenics and started to fire to put it out and don't joe biden the harrison on the border. >> and why would you trust them, fix them from people they don't talk told house republican yes. to not vote for racial purity boss the democratic in their bill, correct? he said that he said, you can't trust them because they i gave i gave brian a lot of credit for that because that's the first time i've heard somewhat admitted that straight out. >> if only there was a debate happening on june 27 on cnn between two presidential candidates will have to watch that as long as you're debating these issues and not maybe the bigger, a little stairs, the american he wants only be leaning in. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. thank you. >> hillary clinton surprises democrats and endorses the challenger of congressman in jamaal bowman. he joins be live to respond next the most anticipated moment of this election. >> and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two, very different things genes for america's future. >> the cnn presidential debate, thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max you were made to fund inner peace we were made to track flight prices to paradise let's get the rest of these plants organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best golf pardon? i have ever had good soil and you get good results. >> this soil will blow you away. >> it's the martha stewart of soil can the riva support your brain health? married 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from my opponents so many others on these issues we may have a president trump because jamal was good at talking, but not good at delivering. let's talk about how you rushed to the scene to get press coverage when there's a tragedy? no, that's exactly right. >> you nowhere to be found. i do. i have the rebuttal what does he know where to go ahead? >> well, with two weeks until the primary election, this race has become somewhat of a litmus tests on how democrats can navigate the politics of the israel-hamas war in this election. bowman has been one of the most vocal critics of israel and the administration' s handling of the war but latimer, on the other hand, has remained steadfast in his support of israel and hasn't been shy about his campaign receiving millions of dollars from the pro-israel group apac. and now latimer has scored eight major endorsement from hillary clinton he wrote on twitter with trump on the ballot, we need strong principled democrats in congress more than ever. in congress latimer, we'll protect abortion rights, stand up to the nra and fight for president biden's agenda. just like he's always done new york democratic congressman jamaal bowman joins me now. congressman, welcome to the program. i'm glad that you're here. how are you this evening good to see you. >> thank you so much for having me. >> yeah, let's start where we just ended and that is this endorsement now by hillary clinton for your challenger. what's your reaction to that? >> no real reaction. i definitely wouldn't call out a major endorsement with all due respect. >> i mean, we are endorsed by sitting us senator elizabeth warren sitting us senator bernie sanders. >> and the minority leader of the democratic party, hakeem jeffries, will also endorsed by planned parenthood 11, 99, and many others. so i love our endorsements and they are going to help us win this race. you know what? unfortunately, my opponent and secretary clinton do not support a permanent ceasefire they support benjamin netanyahu and they support billions of dollars of our money going to israel and netanyahu for an unjust attack on civilians gaza, versus those billions come in here to our district to help people with childcare, housing, transportation and so many other issues. so it's unfortunate that my opponent and unfortunately, secretary clinton seem to both be out of touch with this district well, i certainly won't speak for either one, but i would presume they believe that they're support is far more nuanced, but it's interesting, congressman, because there's been a lot of attention less so on your policy positions and more so on who is choosing to endorse you and who is not. >> we've heard obviously from today with latimer and i've heard quentin also a former congressman monday or jones, who used to be kind of a progressive darling and now running for new york 17th congressional districts. >> he also endorsed ladder, but he was citing to the point you just raised your position on israel as a top reason i'm going to read a few what he said. >> he said, quote, my own sense of morality aldi compelled me to intervene, given how god awful mr. bowman's conduct has been going on to say mr. bowman's specific actions have caused anxiety, fear, and anger among my jewish neighbors. what is your reaction to a statement from a former member of congress in your own party? >> this is why we need more educators in congress and less career politicians are those who seek to be career politicians. i am an educator. i worked in public schools for 20 years. i have a doctorate in education leadership. i'm actually dr. bowman and i've spent my entire life keeping kids safe teaching against hate and fighting racism anti-semitism, islamophobia sexism and all the isms that continue to play gus after we condemned october 7, we formed we had a healing breakfast with our jewish constituents to hear from them, listen to them and learn from them. and then figure out how to govern with them critique of israel is not antisemitism critique of zionism is not antisemitism the icj has stated that israel at the moment may be committing a plausible genocide. the un has stated that famine is sitting in. so when we talk about more orality more orality is not our taxpayer dollars going a bomb, infants and babies and children and civilians. it's about bringing that money back here and leading with peace to get us to a place to a free palestine, a safe israel. and that's how you end hamas well, before for me not to give you your due title, congressman and dr. bowman on these issues, but there has been statements, not without controversy you of course, are intimately familiar with this regarding the stances that you have taken and voters are keyed into this likely for the very reasons you talk about that, people are very leaned in to thinking about foreign policy, not just what's happening in their own home states back on october 8, the day after hamas attacked israel the democratic socialists of america held a rally in new york. i understand where attendees chanted quote, resistance is justified when people are occupied and one protest or even displaying a swath sika. and what has become pretty widely circulated photo at the time, i remember you came out and you condemned the rhetoric and your office said that your membership that organization had lapsed, but then the new york times has been reporting this week, i'd love for you to address this that you told the group in a private video meeting last month that you never actually left the organization, that you never let your dues lapse is that true? >> the way that it's being reported, can you comment on what you want to clarify, if anything? >> well, first of all, thank you for stating that we condemned the rally on october 8th with that horrible swat sticker. and even holding a rally at all, we completely condemned that. so thank you for stating that. i don't have much to say about the new york times are the book article it's not an issue that's really important to the people of our district. are district wants to know what am i going to do to decrease gang violence? what am i going to do about affordable housing? what have i done about education and climate justice. >> congress may excuse me, it is, it is important. i don't want to cut you off, but i do want to hear response, but voters also are interested in, as well and understanding what memberships you currently hold. they often look at that as indicative of your value system politically, are you a member of the organization? >> oh, yes, i'm a member of dsa, yes. absolutely. that was a logistical era on their part that led to me saying that wasn't a member because i thought once we stop paying our dues, we were no longer members. that wasn't the case. my point is, it's not about the membership or lack thereof it's, about us discussing a logistical issue and not talking about gun violence in a district or for the ability or education which we are brought in tens of millions of dollars to the district to start programs to deal with all of those issues throughout the district, as well as climate justice. and that's what people here when you pull them das, what they want to talk about, not about the gossip that unfortunately too many people are writing about, not you, of course, laura. but i mean others well, of course, never me, but thank you so much for clarifying. i appreciate it. what congressman thank you for articulating some of your other policy positions as well. obviously, the ultimate judge will be the voters. this coming fall and we'll look forward to hearing. of course, ultimately what they choose. thank you for joining us today, dr. and congressman bowman. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me well, you perhaps have oval that it's pictures, but who is really behind? >> and the images taken by the webb telescope has been orbiting 1 million miles from earth. >> wow, maybe i have the answer next 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fireworks and colors and knots and bubbles and all sorts of exciting things that are going on until now. dan and his team had to rely on optical telescopes like the hubble telescope, which only captures visible light at shorter wavelengths. >> but the webb telescope can cap joining me now to discuss her upcoming whole story in-depth report on the james webb telescope. >> are we alone? is cnn space correspondent kristin fisher, very cool. >> i cannot wait for this to air. it's so beautiful to look at the images his overall, but to look behind the scenes. year the daughter of two astronauts. so you really grew up in the industry. what was it like working with these scientists compared to your other experiences with massa, the uniting factor here is that when you talk to astronauts or when you talk to the scientists that finally get a chance to work on the webb telescope? there's something about space and whatever is out there that you unites this kind of like childlike wonder in everybody from the astronauts to the astronomers. >> and so what we tried to do with this show is there's there's so much that's been done about the telescope itself, the hardware, and it is of course one of the most incredible machines that's ever been built so much has been said about the images to that if combat from the telescope. but what we tried to do that was a little bit different is really follow the stories of the scientists that became the first scientist to ever get to actually use the most powerful telescope ever built. and what was so fascinating following them is now some of them were scientists that had been trying to do this their entire lives. this is a telescope that's 30 years in the making. >> but others never even dreamed that they get a chance on a telescope quite as powerful as this. >> this is a telescope that's open to anybody. and so that's one of the things that makes web so unique. so for this show airing on sunday, we really just tried to tell it the scientists stories as opposed to just the telescope itself. well, that's so exciting to think about the vantage point and the perspectives. >> it's very informing to talk about an informative think about whose eyes were seeing the image which is through and why they are drawn to it as well. i'm really exciting. be sure to tune in sunday for a new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper at arras sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only on cnn you back in a moment hey, mom, how many should i decorate it has ram, have blue that's a really tough call. >> for you. >> that's john king i'm cnn. >> let's look at the data. >> your county leaned red eye 15 points in the last presidential election however looking at the latest polling you're going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows this stuff $5 a cupcake, you know, the average cost of a cupcake around here chris, $3. >> no comment your skin is ever changing. >> take care of it with, gold ponds aid renew 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Transcripts For CNNW Laura 20240614 :

Transcripts For CNNW Laura 20240614

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night up next law codes live, would that interview with the mayor of milwaukee, you won't want to miss it. laura coates live starts right now i feel like we already muted ending of this story trump goes to capital health again, a handshake. >> he was greeted with more than open arms. that's tonight on a special two-hour addition alarm. it's live well good evening. >> i'm laura coates and washington, dc, abby phillip is off tonight and tonight we pass the magic moment. republicans today openly admitting what might be obvious to so many of you, they are all in on donald trump, not dipping a toe, not a midwest smidge, not a little bit all-in no one trying to distance themselves lease on the hill from the republican nominee, who is just waiting for the confetti to fall on his shoulders at the upcoming convention note, ten foot pole. know they can't get close enough. not a triumphant, but maybe a trump being returned to the building the one that was ransac by those who believed the big lie that was told the truth is the show of party unity was sealed with a kiss. >> the ring it was our great pleasure to host the president. this morning, we just had a great read resounding speech by president trump. the presence fired up is in great spirits of and if you look at the row applause, a standing ovations, a president was very eloquent. he was warmly welcomed by the house republican conference. >> i really found his speech should be one of my favorite speeches. and i said president, i said, i've said you do an excellent job, will tell us what's wrong in this country. >> he was joking around constantly with everyone he was really sweet to me, felt like it at that when he was very reagan asked. and as explanations of most things, he saw me in there and he was like, hello marjorie, he's always so sweet and recognizes me. >> he said very complimentary everything's about all of us. we had sustained applause. he said, i'm doing a very good job i mean, we're grateful for that so that was probably expected but i'm telling him this next clip maybe a little less so did you talk to him directly? yeah we sure. >> question from fairly well, that's the republican leader, mitch mcconnell will talking about what glad-handing with trump inside of congress. so why is that so surprising? well, again, this is trump's first time back in that hallowed building the one fins a mob was marching through the marble halls of the capital. since 1,000 plus people have been charged for crimes committed on january 6. now, arrests are still happening and trump faces criminal charges for his actions on around that day mcconnell one so reviled, trump, that he said this out loud the mob was fed lodge they were provoked by the president and other powerful people. >> there's no question none there. president trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day no question about it. >> but i mean, the gop seem to now be willing to let bygones be bygones they don't maybe have a choice really that's what one republican congresswoman said to cnn, revealing a little more than maybe she intended he is the leader of the party and he happens to be the guy who was chosen by the overwhelming majority of republicans to be the nominee. >> who are we to say no? just like the overwhelming majority of the dems decided for biden to be the nominee. that's the reality. >> welcome to the united states welcome monday. >> well, joining me now, pam, pam bell, she was part of the january 6 mob and spent time in jail for the january 6 attack. han. thank you so much for joining us tonight. i have to wonder what is your reaction to seeing the former president at the capital? but all at the scene where you are intimately aware of what went down on january 6, what's your reaction to how he was received well, be honest with you, it was disgusting because we all know that he planned it he was his fault that at all happened. >> but it's there's more to it than a lot of people realize. it's actually the republican party that is picked trump. they call on the walking. it's all brought project 2025 in in order to bring their project into place, they need trump because he's a chaos junkie and he's a perfect person to help them bring their plan and to implement project 2025. this started back in 1935 when they started the national prayer breakfast because they want to turn this into an all white national country and so they're using these show that the republicans are using trump. and trump is using them to implement their project 2025 plans. and i'm really grateful to hear that the democrats now are talking about project thank 2025 and how it is? >> because it is a plan to destroy our democracy and florida. >> well, pam, for those who might not be as familiar, project 2025 is referring to a body of policy initiatives that are the i guess kind of a guide and a blueprint for how the trump administration would be run. and i guess to your point, as long as people are talking about him and his statements are not focusing on what might be behind the curtain is that why you think mitch mcconnell, who called trump morally responsible for the insurrection somebody who frankly, politically speaking, mitch mcconnell has been known to compartmentalize more than once for an objective. do you think that was his motivation? >> absolutely. they're all in there. all republican party, as you know, the national prayer breakfast is part of their, it's deep-seated. this has been going on since 1935. and so he was there today to make plans in, get all his allies in line but this is not new. it's new project 2025 to a lot of people out there but not to the republican party. they are so excited to have trump because trump is gonna be there puppet and he'll do exactly what they want. plus, he can get out of anything he thinks he can get out of his only goal was to become a dictator. that's all he don't care what he's gonna do for the people. he just wants to be able to have an opportunity to dictate our nation and the republican party wanted to do that i'm not sure exactly what you're reference the national prayer breakfast, but i do take your point and especially about how you perceive trump as being a puppet. >> i think he does not see himself that way. i think he would say that he is the one dictating the terms the republican party. but you shake your head and suggest no, no. you think it's the other way? fair round. even though donald trump has been speaking about his control over their republicans and his ability to be a kind of, you call them a wolf king. he might say he's a king maker. why do you shake your head to think that he believes he's in control? >> because trump is delusional he's not my real-world gaze, a dangerous narcissus and everything he puts out there is nothing but a lie and there's never any receipts. when he tells you something like the capitol police were charging starting to january 6 insurrection, wears his receipts he just throws out garbage leinz and so people run with it. and believing they don't check any day. but the republican party love it because he's talking for them and they're using these joe, their puppets very sterling. trump has his agenda why he's using the congress. the congress have their agenda and it's unfortunately we're going to see some horrible things start to happen because it's getting worse 30 with garland how dare them pick on him? that's disgusting. and look at our supreme court but it's all been a plan and it's finally coming to well, i don't know the word, but it's come ahead yeah, it's coming and if you watch the documentary, the family on netflix, it explains the roots of project 2025. >> it's been going on for ever and they finally are very happy now they found trump and they're going to be able to implement there policies. >> i have not watched that, but what i have watched over the last several years, that alone over a decade is to see what his happening in the public perception in the trust or lack thereof of what's happening in our institutions. and i can't help but wonder pam ana on a personal level, you spent time in prison for your role at the capitol that day. and yet in our conversation you have clearly had a one at in your viewpoints towards him do you? what's behind your epiphany of sorts? so your change of thought. and do you think that trump even should be allowed on capitol hill oh absolutely not we're all restricted, all generous six years on my probation. i cannot go to any capital and he is surprising that they've allowed him to be there, but he hasn't been to court on that, but he's dangerous. >> and he setting up a cool. this is my belief is how i see it. that he's getting can everybody in line to go along with what he wants to do and he's going to see who's behind him and who, who's going to support him but no, my god. >> that was the worst day in our history. and trump did never been allowed to go there. they should have met somewhere else. >> i guess. we don't have any control. if you could go there or not, i suppose, but that's the point i don't want talk over your habit. >> an important point that you're unable to based on what you have in the time you served on this point? i do wonder for so many people who are listening, he has it has maintained quite a following. pam, as you well know and it extends to you say it's one person scratching the other person's back and there's some sort of symbiotic relationship going on capitol hill. >> but what why do you think the average voter who is so supportive of trump? >> why is there such a strong hold on them? why is he so mesmerizing to those who have supported them throughout because he hijack their bring with fear. >> they're not coming, they're coming after me, but they're actually coming after you and i stand in the way. so they are frightened that the doj has weaponized against the whole nation, which is insane. it's when you're listening to him. it sounds like you're talking to somebody that just broke out of a mental ward because everything he's putting out there are lies. so he's brainwashing them. nobody's checking doing any fact checking or they've lost their critical thinking. and they have put it up there. that god wants this, you know, the christian nationalists what they wanted, they god wants this for our nation. and there's so much more that they're putting out there it's hidden the hearts of most people believing that the democrats want this to be a communist nation, which has so far for the job because it's the republicans that are actually doing projection with everything. it's what they're doing, it's what they want, their accusing the democrats i'm doing pam hemphill. >> thank you so much for joining. it was interesting to hear your insight in particular on your own experience. thank you so much for joining thank you very much in that closed door meeting on the hill, a source in the room where it was happening. >> tell cnn that trump went off topic a number of times when ranting about crime rates and election integrity issues, he apparently called milwaukee whether republican national convention is going to be held next month quote, horrible republican congressman from wisconsin, derrick van orden, who was there, made clear that trump was quote, specifically referring to crime in milwaukee, unquote and not the city itself. democrats, including president biden. well, they see as the opportunity to call out trump over those comments? biden tweeting. >> i haven't 11 milwaukee with a picture of the 2021 nba champion milwaukee bucks at the white house. >> and by the way, who doesn't love giannis some just put that out there right now. >> also, the mayor of the city cavalier johnson tweeting back milwaukee loves you back. president biden and mayor johnson joins me. now. mayor. thank you so much for being with us this evening. a lot of attention is coming to your city. this summer with this convention, where we might even learn instantly who will be the running mate of their republican nominee, donald trump? welcome. how are you tonight i'm excellent. >> how are you doing, laura? >> i'm doing good. thank you for joining trump he's been trying to clarify tonight that he was talking about the crime rate and the 2020 election, not the city overall what's your response well, you know, it's quite interesting. >> there's a company here called the milwaukee pretzel company. and as i heard all the responses from republicans are in the room. they were twisting themselves into so many different ways, kind of remind me of a pretzel but the fact of the matter is this. >> the milwaukee is an excellent city. >> it's a wonderful city. it's a splendid city, it's a city that the republican national committee, donald trump's fellow counterparts and the republican party chose as the host city for the republican national convention this year. so if a pivot according to republicans, were walking is a great place and you don't even have to take the word of republicans for that. look at all the accolades that are coming to milwaukee over the course of the last number of years from that go to condi nast to the businesses that are investing in the city. this is a great place and the former president in every republican who have the chance to come to our great city. they'll see that when they're here on the ground in milwaukee for the convention. >> well, if you were to take republicans at their word that the comments were about crime and not the city itself. the website. >> let's say, called money geek, compiled data from violent crime and property crime data from the fbi and research from university of miami, university of colorado, and found that the walkie has the ninth highest cost of crime per capita in the country. >> so what do you say about the conversation around crime that's happening in milwaukee? does it stand alone or is it indicative of a larger national issue that must be addressed? >> sure. absolutely this is a part of a national issue around crime and particularly gun crime in the united states, we've got far too many guns in the hands of people who just should not have them. that's not a milwaukee thing. that's a united states thing. unfortunately. but this is the key though, right? over the course of the last two years, right? crime and milwaukee has steadily been dropping because in my administration, we've been offering solutions that have focused in on accountability and prevention. and you got to remember too that we're we're pulling ourselves out of issues around crime that raged after the pandemic when the trump administration didn't properly respond to the issues that it come to milwaukee and other communities across the country as it relates to the pandemic, only when president biden gun to office got a hand, a handle on the pandemic and provide a true leadership where we able to make the investments necessary and the focus necessary to bring crime down. and that's exactly what we've been doing in milwaukee i there's a saying, don't bite the hand that feeds you. how about politically, don't bite the hand that could potentially feed you because walkie is very blue area, as you know, its konstan. maybe broadly has a different spin, but you have said today, there are roughly 50,000 republicans in the city in a state that biden only won by fewer than 21,000 votes. i do wonder if a comment like that coming from trump could actually cost him the state in november yeah as you correctly point out, laura in wisconsin were purple state and the election statewide elections are decided on a razor-thin margin. >> and so for the former president to call milwaukee a horrible place, that's insulting the home to roughly 50,000 people who vote republican here in this city who have been here for a long time, who are raising their kids in the city who spend time at the places in milwaukee who are integral members to our community, right here in milwaukee to call their home horrible, i think is just is not the right move. it's kind of bizarre in a way so i think at the end of the day when in a state that's decided on a razor's edge, that may ultimately cost down trump the election what i said earlier today was look, if he thinks that cities are horrible, then we should work in this city and cities all across the country to make sure that he doesn't have to live in another city that he probably thinks it's horrible as well. and that's washington, dc well luck. >> i happen to be a fan and milwaukee i'll be there for a wedding and this coming fall and cannot wait to partake and for the convention this is what really quick married before i let you go we given the dynamics at play and the demographics, perhaps it's always interesting for me and let me outside, looking in to see what the reaction is among your constituents when something like the rnc or a convention is coming to town, there's on the one hand the economic benefit of having it in your city and the thousands of people who that, who will descend. the other hand, there can be controversy surrounding being the location for that. are you seeing or experiencing that in milwaukee now? >> well, fortunately, milwaukee isn't some really rarefied air and that we were selected the host the 2020 democratic national convention. now that didn't happen, of course, because of the pandemic. but what it did do is give us the runway in order to build a infrastructure for a proper national political invention. and so we've used some of the lessons of 2020. we built on those things. we've have relationships in place with law enforcement here. law enforcement nationally are police chief has done a great job of bringing in law enforcement from across the us is going to help us with this. and our partners over the secret service and other federal law enforcement agencies have been critical partners in this and we worked in a bipartisan way with republicans and democrats in order to boost the security grant which had been stuck at 50 million since 2004 and got $25 million more for that effort here. so we've all been coming together around this. we want this to be a safe convention for everybody involved. that's what my priority is mayor cavalier johnson. >> thank you so much for being here thank you. >> laura well, the president says that he won't pardon his son, hunter but while he possibly commute his sentence, the answer is ahead and hillary clinton studying democrats by endorsing the primary challenger of squad member jamaal bowman instead, the congressman is here to respond wednesday cnn special event it's time to celebrate freedom, progress, and the trailblazers pave the way this is a festive day for all black americans. we still have a lot of work to do, joins cnn's victor blackwell for a native interviews and performances by john legend. fatty lewbel, smokey robinson, and so much cnn's vegetable june celebrating 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which data is paying free text dra w to 369369. today i melies nonna in washington, and this is cnn what tonight, a presidential promise to put the law before a family i'm extremely proud of my son, hunter he is overcoming addiction. he is he's one of the brightest, most decent man i know and i am satisfied that i'm not going to do anything like i said, i'd bide by the jury decision. i will do that. and i will not pardon him. >> well that's president joe biden and a critically important global huddle letting the world know that he will not wipe away the decision of 12 of his sons peers to convict him of federal gun charges. donald trump asked about the current president and it sounds addiction struggles sounded well, are rare note of sympathy today i understand that whole subject. i understand it pretty well because i've had it with people have it in their families are very tough thing is very tough situation for a father. it's a very tough situation for a brother or sister and it goes on and it's not stopping vary whether it's alcohol or drugs or whatever it maybe it's a tough thing. and so that's a tough it's a tough moment for their family joining me now is former hillary clinton spokesmen, felipe brightness, and also former deputy communications director for trump's 2016 campaign. >> bryan lanza. >> good to have both of you here. you do you think that biden should pardon hunter politically? >> no i mean, i can't imagine how hard it is to be person united states with this unfettered power and not be able to use it. i hope he wins. if he doesn't i if i worked for her might say, mr. parson on your way out the door, if he's still in jail, either commute the sentence or whatever the axis, you have two put politically, he can't, you think he should, you have totally understand why. >> i think we made a public policies there's probably about 30 to 40 years ago to treat added to trick attics different. and hunter biden's an addict and the worst part is as the white, what i see with this prosecution is he was singled out because he is the president's so we're now weaponizing our judicial system and that's a problem when it becomes red and blue is sort of taking digitalization judicial process. it hurts. and so i think president biden should pardon himself i think president biden should put pressure on the government of new, of new york to pardoned president trump, and let's get the politics out of our judicial process. let's start stop play not and let's go back to a normal sense of our judicial system staying out, not creating creative laws are stretching the laws are untested theories to bring down a president. let's go back to the normal process and get this out. and i think the pardon of hunter should be the first step, wouldn't you look at this issue and of course you here is point would this why do you think it's because the world would blow up? >> i mean, it his son and it's heartbreaking and he's a father and he happens to be look half the country is not fond of him and half the country is not fond of donald trump. and that's putting it politely. but donald trump in that situation and brian would know the details better, but he lost a brother. i think in his 40s to alcoholism and that's why he doesn't drink. i believe. >> is that why you think he was sympathetic i think i think most family he's can identify with a problem in the family that you don't want 300 million people knowing details about. >> i mean, my god, these text messages between him and his ex-wife and women, he's involved with. i mean, to some extent, this is punishment in and of itself but it is true. would this have happened but for him being the president's son, but just on a human level, it's just so terrible that it's llamas, wince at it happening. and the idea that he would go to prison i am not sure that that would happen for other people. >> well, many a cynic would look at the statements that trump made and thought perhaps he's aware of the risk of alienating what is so increasingly a universal experience, even if i'm not judging is sincerity on that point, he has his own his own views on the issue and opinions but politically it would be likely disastrous to not acknowledge the breadth and the scope of addiction in this country, we've got drug courts for that very reason as well. >> but one of the people who was in the courtroom behind hunter was dr. jill biden, the first lady, obviously his mother. >> i want you to listen to what the first lady had to say about her husband's age. listen to this election is most certainly not about age. >> joe and that other guy are essentially the same age. let's not be fooled. joe, isn't one of the most effective presidents of our our lives in spite of his age. but because of it brian, how does that sit with you around voters you think i think the problem is not joe biden's age, it's his conduct. is this cognitive fitness? i mean, we saw today we saw the prime minister of it billy heading to guide president biden to where he needed to be because he was a wandering off, you need suite. we see it all the time as he speaks, he starts having sentences and then sort of conflates decades. so i think people see that and it's a cognitive decline has nothing to do with his age. trump's not that far along, but i also point to look at warren buffett. warren buffett's 91-year-old. i will take his stock advice. >> i'm just not going to take donald. >> i'm just not going to take a joe biden's governing vice because he clearly has had a cognitive decline and it's just on the world stage. it's troubling, it's dangerous. i mean, these people have seen him for 40 years on the world stage. they've seen the decline. we see the decline warrant i'm talking more about it. it's dangerous this is what i love, is that we have two guys, running against each other. >> he's not running against warren buffet, he's not running against a 35-year-old. he's running against donald trump first of all, we should all take take a step back and wish donald trump in early 70th birthday. i believe it's tomorrow when your dad is 70 is at one and your mother is 78. you don't say dad married a younger woman? these guys are the same age. they are basically in the same i wouldn't want either with them on the road driving in terms of cognition donald trump in the last six months has said, we're up to world war ii. he has multiple times i'm said that he is running baba knows we're hold on a second. >> i wish we had the footage door. >> i was surprised i saw that footage earlier and i knew i did fox allergic today. i knew is going to get hit with it and then this evening, i saw that apparently what was happening was that there was a skydiver demonstration and he was looking at it and he was applauding the demonstration. and of course that's represented as, oh my god, but the right before that, there was a present. he did a press conference with president zelenskyy thing is it guys? but the thing is the voters say sandi get to vote on, then they absolutely will it. but for them, it reinforces the problem that they have is that joe biden has always seen a wandering, tripping. he can't even take the full flight of stairs on air force one, they have to give them a slow one it's still trips. that's a cognitive the cliff. >> it's just what you guys want to go on, but we're boring it. army because you'll get inflation. you did it before, say the union that the guy can't even make it to 70 five minutes let's talk compression. >> and what is president trump do? he says, oh, he must have been on drugs before. i mean, two weeks from last night is the debate sometime between now and then donald trump? i'm just going to say, i demand drug tests. and then the republican was he can have to take the big stares back on air force one again because he knows joe biden congratulate that's that is quite the bump per sticker looking forward to the next over years, i'm going to bring back the forward stairs and a better economy. joe biden, no wars row by biden's watch, we have arisen about the storage. joe biden is created more jobs in the last four years, then president trump get me believe that. do you really want him just lifting around because of covid is job creation. >> the numbers are the numbers i'm not saying do you want to play? >> only asking you. >> do you believe joe biden actually create he did his jobs? i believe they might, which were already is not to give to the rich numbers were i believe that his priorities are the right priorities, but you biden ago, you said he creates as this record job creation. i'm asking he does believe he actually created these jobs as politics grade is jobs or the covid, which donald trump was responsible for let me start to show biden's policies created these jobs the same way that donald trump's policies. we're going to covid, probably led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people. you're a spot for what happens? >> your vaccine led to the saving of this world. one would say in president trump was the most responsible for this accident happen to sit here all night talking about four years before january 20, 2020? 21 in the four years since this debate, though people want to have, you want the economy debate, people want to know about inflation. what i'll say about inflation, they want. you heard it today? you hear at the last couple of days, is he is not hit his own target for inflation 36 months. he's been an office a little bit more than 36 months. he said we have a target inflation of two present he's never hit that target. so every month he's failing if you're a baseball player of joe biden, were a baseball player and he was not able to hit the target. he'd be known as a pitcher that never through a strike so gladly talk about the economy because some decimated prezi night fairly man every time he goes tried to send to the congress the republicans in congress well, hold on. why is there no immigration security package donald trump note, donald trump told me not to pass an absolute because because what donald trump said, why is there no, we're past with donald trump said to report publicly what he said to the american people. >> are you really going to trust the person who started the border fire, the fixed the border fire. >> i'm not going to trust the person you might buy it. i'm not going to donald trump told them i'm now going to i'm not going to trust the arsenics and started to fire to put it out and don't joe biden the harrison on the border. >> and why would you trust them, fix them from people they don't talk told house republican yes. to not vote for racial purity boss the democratic in their bill, correct? he said that he said, you can't trust them because they i gave i gave brian a lot of credit for that because that's the first time i've heard somewhat admitted that straight out. >> if only there was a debate happening on june 27 on cnn between two presidential candidates will have to watch that as long as you're debating these issues and not maybe the bigger, a little stairs, the american he wants only be leaning in. thank you both for being here. >> thank you. thank you. >> hillary clinton surprises democrats and endorses the challenger of congressman in jamaal bowman. he joins be live to respond next the most anticipated moment of this election. >> and the stakes couldn't be higher. >> the president and the former president, one stage two, very different things genes for america's future. >> the cnn presidential debate, thursday, june 27th, nine live on cnn and streaming on max you were made to fund inner peace we were made to track flight prices to paradise let's get the rest of these plants organic soil from miracle-gro has grown me the best golf pardon? i have ever had good soil and you get good results. >> this soil will blow you away. >> it's the martha stewart of soil can the riva support your brain health? married 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from my opponents so many others on these issues we may have a president trump because jamal was good at talking, but not good at delivering. let's talk about how you rushed to the scene to get press coverage when there's a tragedy? no, that's exactly right. >> you nowhere to be found. i do. i have the rebuttal what does he know where to go ahead? >> well, with two weeks until the primary election, this race has become somewhat of a litmus tests on how democrats can navigate the politics of the israel-hamas war in this election. bowman has been one of the most vocal critics of israel and the administration' s handling of the war but latimer, on the other hand, has remained steadfast in his support of israel and hasn't been shy about his campaign receiving millions of dollars from the pro-israel group apac. and now latimer has scored eight major endorsement from hillary clinton he wrote on twitter with trump on the ballot, we need strong principled democrats in congress more than ever. in congress latimer, we'll protect abortion rights, stand up to the nra and fight for president biden's agenda. just like he's always done new york democratic congressman jamaal bowman joins me now. congressman, welcome to the program. i'm glad that you're here. how are you this evening good to see you. >> thank you so much for having me. >> yeah, let's start where we just ended and that is this endorsement now by hillary clinton for your challenger. what's your reaction to that? >> no real reaction. i definitely wouldn't call out a major endorsement with all due respect. >> i mean, we are endorsed by sitting us senator elizabeth warren sitting us senator bernie sanders. >> and the minority leader of the democratic party, hakeem jeffries, will also endorsed by planned parenthood 11, 99, and many others. so i love our endorsements and they are going to help us win this race. you know what? unfortunately, my opponent and secretary clinton do not support a permanent ceasefire they support benjamin netanyahu and they support billions of dollars of our money going to israel and netanyahu for an unjust attack on civilians gaza, versus those billions come in here to our district to help people with childcare, housing, transportation and so many other issues. so it's unfortunate that my opponent and unfortunately, secretary clinton seem to both be out of touch with this district well, i certainly won't speak for either one, but i would presume they believe that they're support is far more nuanced, but it's interesting, congressman, because there's been a lot of attention less so on your policy positions and more so on who is choosing to endorse you and who is not. >> we've heard obviously from today with latimer and i've heard quentin also a former congressman monday or jones, who used to be kind of a progressive darling and now running for new york 17th congressional districts. >> he also endorsed ladder, but he was citing to the point you just raised your position on israel as a top reason i'm going to read a few what he said. >> he said, quote, my own sense of morality aldi compelled me to intervene, given how god awful mr. bowman's conduct has been going on to say mr. bowman's specific actions have caused anxiety, fear, and anger among my jewish neighbors. what is your reaction to a statement from a former member of congress in your own party? >> this is why we need more educators in congress and less career politicians are those who seek to be career politicians. i am an educator. i worked in public schools for 20 years. i have a doctorate in education leadership. i'm actually dr. bowman and i've spent my entire life keeping kids safe teaching against hate and fighting racism anti-semitism, islamophobia sexism and all the isms that continue to play gus after we condemned october 7, we formed we had a healing breakfast with our jewish constituents to hear from them, listen to them and learn from them. and then figure out how to govern with them critique of israel is not antisemitism critique of zionism is not antisemitism the icj has stated that israel at the moment may be committing a plausible genocide. the un has stated that famine is sitting in. so when we talk about more orality more orality is not our taxpayer dollars going a bomb, infants and babies and children and civilians. it's about bringing that money back here and leading with peace to get us to a place to a free palestine, a safe israel. and that's how you end hamas well, before for me not to give you your due title, congressman and dr. bowman on these issues, but there has been statements, not without controversy you of course, are intimately familiar with this regarding the stances that you have taken and voters are keyed into this likely for the very reasons you talk about that, people are very leaned in to thinking about foreign policy, not just what's happening in their own home states back on october 8, the day after hamas attacked israel the democratic socialists of america held a rally in new york. i understand where attendees chanted quote, resistance is justified when people are occupied and one protest or even displaying a swath sika. and what has become pretty widely circulated photo at the time, i remember you came out and you condemned the rhetoric and your office said that your membership that organization had lapsed, but then the new york times has been reporting this week, i'd love for you to address this that you told the group in a private video meeting last month that you never actually left the organization, that you never let your dues lapse is that true? >> the way that it's being reported, can you comment on what you want to clarify, if anything? >> well, first of all, thank you for stating that we condemned the rally on october 8th with that horrible swat sticker. and even holding a rally at all, we completely condemned that. so thank you for stating that. i don't have much to say about the new york times are the book article it's not an issue that's really important to the people of our district. are district wants to know what am i going to do to decrease gang violence? what am i going to do about affordable housing? what have i done about education and climate justice. >> congress may excuse me, it is, it is important. i don't want to cut you off, but i do want to hear response, but voters also are interested in, as well and understanding what memberships you currently hold. they often look at that as indicative of your value system politically, are you a member of the organization? >> oh, yes, i'm a member of dsa, yes. absolutely. that was a logistical era on their part that led to me saying that wasn't a member because i thought once we stop paying our dues, we were no longer members. that wasn't the case. my point is, it's not about the membership or lack thereof it's, about us discussing a logistical issue and not talking about gun violence in a district or for the ability or education which we are brought in tens of millions of dollars to the district to start programs to deal with all of those issues throughout the district, as well as climate justice. and that's what people here when you pull them das, what they want to talk about, not about the gossip that unfortunately too many people are writing about, not you, of course, laura. but i mean others well, of course, never me, but thank you so much for clarifying. i appreciate it. what congressman thank you for articulating some of your other policy positions as well. obviously, the ultimate judge will be the voters. this coming fall and we'll look forward to hearing. of course, ultimately what they choose. thank you for joining us today, dr. and congressman bowman. thank you so much. >> thank you for having me well, you perhaps have oval that it's pictures, but who is really behind? >> and the images taken by the webb telescope has been orbiting 1 million miles from earth. >> wow, maybe i have the answer next 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fireworks and colors and knots and bubbles and all sorts of exciting things that are going on until now. dan and his team had to rely on optical telescopes like the hubble telescope, which only captures visible light at shorter wavelengths. >> but the webb telescope can cap joining me now to discuss her upcoming whole story in-depth report on the james webb telescope. >> are we alone? is cnn space correspondent kristin fisher, very cool. >> i cannot wait for this to air. it's so beautiful to look at the images his overall, but to look behind the scenes. year the daughter of two astronauts. so you really grew up in the industry. what was it like working with these scientists compared to your other experiences with massa, the uniting factor here is that when you talk to astronauts or when you talk to the scientists that finally get a chance to work on the webb telescope? there's something about space and whatever is out there that you unites this kind of like childlike wonder in everybody from the astronauts to the astronomers. >> and so what we tried to do with this show is there's there's so much that's been done about the telescope itself, the hardware, and it is of course one of the most incredible machines that's ever been built so much has been said about the images to that if combat from the telescope. but what we tried to do that was a little bit different is really follow the stories of the scientists that became the first scientist to ever get to actually use the most powerful telescope ever built. and what was so fascinating following them is now some of them were scientists that had been trying to do this their entire lives. this is a telescope that's 30 years in the making. >> but others never even dreamed that they get a chance on a telescope quite as powerful as this. >> this is a telescope that's open to anybody. and so that's one of the things that makes web so unique. so for this show airing on sunday, we really just tried to tell it the scientists stories as opposed to just the telescope itself. well, that's so exciting to think about the vantage point and the perspectives. >> it's very informing to talk about an informative think about whose eyes were seeing the image which is through and why they are drawn to it as well. i'm really exciting. be sure to tune in sunday for a new episode of the whole story with anderson cooper at arras sunday at 8:00 p.m. eastern and pacific only on cnn you back in a moment hey, mom, how many should i decorate it has ram, have blue that's a really tough call. >> for you. >> that's john king i'm cnn. >> let's look at the data. >> your county leaned red eye 15 points in the last presidential election however looking at the latest polling you're going to need a lot of those purple sprinkles how this guy really knows this stuff $5 a cupcake, you know, the average cost of a cupcake around here chris, $3. >> no comment your skin is ever changing. >> take care of it with, gold ponds aid renew 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