Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

leading this hour, a new sign of the clear dysfunction in the republican party, right? right now. i mean, how bad things have to be to turn down two days. all expenses paid at a luxury resort well, that's the reality for many many house republicans and a source says, fewer than half of them have rsvp. yes. for the annual event starting today, that is meant to build party unity. republican congresswoman name since he made she's doing a tv or parents instead congressman kelly armstrong says he'd rather focus on his campaign for governor. and congressman tim burchett remarked, quote, i don't retreat i move forward. i got a farm to run. this comes just one day after republican lawmakers said he's quitting congress altogether next week because of the fighting and bickering cnn's melanie zanona is live for us in white sulfur springs, west virginia where this retreat is taking place. melanie, nice gig. >> what are you hearing? from lawmakers who did show up apparently we lost melanie zanona as sound. okay. i wonder if he didn't laugh at my funny joke. let's go now to congressman mike lawler from new york. he a republican. he's live on capitol hill clearly not at the greenbrier resort. greenbrier resort in west virginia. congressman lawler our thanks really so bad amongst house republicans right now that you all can't even spend a few days together at a luxury resort in the mountains >> listen jake, we spent a lot of time together, obviously here on capitol hill i have some events in washington tonight and then i'm going back to my district for events tomorrow. but look, obviously, we have been focused on a lot of pressing issues in washington and i know there'll be having a good retreat and discussion about the path forward on a number of key issues, including the supplemental package, which i've introduced a bipartisan bill defending borders, defending democracies to secure our border and get aid to our allies and i'm sure i'll get the cliff notes persian of the discussion. but look, we talk daily on these issues on the work that we have ahead of us and, you know, being out of retreat is not going to change the fact that we have a lot of work to do, >> right? but it is the least productive congress since the 1930s. i've never seen it so dysfunction shan, all you have ken buck, congressman ken buck quitting next week instead of even just sticking it out until the end of his term, he announced he was retiring because of how uncomfortable and awkward and dysfunctional and all is you're not denying that? >> well, respectfully, ken buck is one of the people that helped create some of the dysfunction by voting to remove kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. so that's kinda rich coming from him. but look at the end of the day. we have passed a lot of bills through the house. i know a lot of times the focus is on the house. chuck schumer and senate democrats who are in the majority down the hall have not passed much of anything. we have been focused on issues that impact the american people from border security with h.r.-2, which we passed in may of land this year, to energy independence, which hr one which we passed last year as well. so there's a lot that we have focused on just because as the senate chooses not to act can't put that solely on the house. obviously, we would like to get a lot more legislation across the finish line but we are focused on the appropriations process will be coming back next week to pass the second tranche of appropriations bills for fiscal year 24 and get right to work on fiscal year 25. we have the supplemental package before us. i signed a discharge petition yesterday to bring that to a head because we need to support our allies. we need to secure our border. and these are issues that i'm continuing to focus on, despite some of the noise, despite some of the the infighting and despite some of the friction in a divided government right? >> but the reason that you're signing a disk charge petition to force the supplemental the foreign aid package onto the floor is because you're speaker, even though this did pass the senate by a big bipartisan margin, the speaker refuses to bring it up. and the reason he refuses to bring it up is not because it wouldn't pass on the floor if it was introduced today, it would get more than 300 votes from democrats and republicans such as yourself. he's afraid, he's afraid to bring it forward because if he brings it forward there's going to be a rebellion from the far right. >> and he could lose his, his speakers his position as speaker right >> obviously, we had the motion to vacate back in october of last year that ended in kevin mccarthy being removed as speaker i think the speaker obviously has some concern about some of our members trying a similar tactic because they don't get their way. but ultimately, the responsibility of congress is to act. and i and others are willing to do that. and we'll forced the issue which is why i signed a discharge petition my hope is that republicans and democrats not only can unify hi behind getting a border security package and foreign aid package across the finish line, but protect the institution you know, remember, took eight republicans and over 210 democrats to team up to remove the house speaker in october of last year. i know he came jeffries has intimated that they won't go along with that. again >> you know, which >> certainly i think is important for them to clarify that they would not be party to another effort. at undermining the house and the institution. but we need to get our work done. it requires both parties in a divided government democrats control while the senate and the white house working together to get these issues across the finish line from our appropriations bills, which were in the process of doing to this supplemental, we're not going to agree on everything. there does need to be negotiations. that's why we've put this bill forward. but my objective and that of my colleagues, bipartisan group many of us part of the problem solvers caucus is to get this across the finish line. ukraine needs the support. israel needs the support. we see the threats me in aiding from the unholy alliance of china, russia, and i ran this is the moment for america to be the leader that it is of the free world. and we need to pass that's this bill across the finish line here in congress >> speaking of china today, you voted in favor of a bill that would force the chinese owned company bytedance to sell the social media app tiktok to a us entity or face a total ban what do you say to your constituents? who don't see the app is a national security threat. they just want to tell jokes or see funny videos or talk to their friends look as my colleague richie torres from new york said, in the last hour, this is not a the app itself. it is not about the content on the app. we're what our citizens here in the united states are doing on the app. the issue is about the chinese ownership of the app and the tie it is bytedance to the chinese communist party and the national security threat that, that poses as the chinese communist party i'm the government in china looks to use data and information gathered on apps like tiktok for their own intelligence gathered during that is the concern here. and so we have passed legislation that seeks to force bytedance to sell the app so that americans and others around the world can continue to use it, but not be in fear of their privacy. or our national security being at stake. because of the ties to the chinese communist party >> and this move puts your party in the house and senate at odds with former president trump a place that your party in the house and senate is rarely willing to go. mr. trump says he opposes a ban on tiktok, even though he formerly had supported one. your he opposes a ban on chinese ownership of tiktok. why do you think trump's wrong on this issue >> well, i think all of us recognize in a bipartisan way the threats emanating from china. the former speaker mccarthy set up the select committee on the competition between the chinese communist party and the united states, specifically to look into to many of these issues that we all agree on, especially when we're talking about the threats emanating from china, russia, and i ran. and so i think the former president, certainly in the past has expressed his concern about china's ties to bytedance and tiktok and the need to protect the security and privacy of americans and so my position on this has not changed. i've not wavered on this obviously you saw today a large bipartisan group in the house saying that we are concerned about the national security implications here and we move forward with the bill in a big bipartisan vote, and we'll see hopefully the senate will take it up and take action so that again, we're not seeking to ban tiktok were seeking to force the sale of the app to ensure that the ties between the chinese communist party and tiktok are no more, and that they're not able to use them the data collected on tiktok to either manipulate our children here in the united states or pose a national security threat >> do you think of tiktok has essentially spyware on the smartphones of the american people i think there is great potential for that, and that is part of the concern when you see how the data can be manipulated, how it can be utilized, and certainly how the app is being applied in china versus the united states, the restrictions that the chinese he's have put in place on tiktok versus what is being done here and how the algorithm could potentially be manipulated to indoctrinate our children here, to impact our governmental operations. i mean, just look at the fact that they were able to use the app to force teenagers and young children to call members of congress about this vote. and i think that speaks potential to the power of the app and how they can have an impact on our own government here in the united states. again, we want people to be able to use social for media to express their first amendment rights, to be able to communicate their ideas, to be able to create a videos and entertainment. but at the end the day, we want to protect the privacy and security of american citizens and our national security. and that's what this is about. >> why why do you say tiktok forced to teenagers to do that instead of enabled or empowered to teenagers to reach out to their representatives in congress well, certainly look, obviously, everyone is free to call their member of congress and they should. but when you have that type of coordinated effort and basically telling these children that this is going to ban tiktok when that's not exactly what the bill does. the bill is intended to force a sale which is something and by the way, that the chinese do continually two american companies operating in china. and so this is again about national security dirty interests here in the united states and protecting the privacy and security of american citizens, including our young children >> new york republican congressman mike lawler. thanks so much. appreciate it, sir. >> thanks, jake coming up next a judge tosses some of the charges against donald trump in georgia. but what does that mean for the overall election subversion case plus a group of americans say they were safely evacuated out of haiti in a middle of the night helicopter operation, a claimed author, mitch album was one of them. he was rescued as part of that mission. he runs an orphanage in haiti. he joins us live ahead >> the situation room with wolf blitzer didn't night at six cnn. >> can sugar ray leonard you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves >> how bird >> and now putting on his new arch fit skechers, slipping you just step in and go with comfort that will not view out to try new arch fit hands-free sketcher slip-ups >> why did we choose safelite? >> driving around is how we get our 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longer 91 >> still. this is a legal win for trump and some of his co-defendants who had filed to dismiss those counts on the grounds that they were quote, legally deficient apparently, the judge agreed writing quote as written these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes, but failed to alleged sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission. i ii, the underlying felony solicited, unquote. let's bring in cnn's elie honig. elie translates for that for us. i'm not a lawyer. what does that what does that mean? they've to eat took these six counts about trying to get an officer to violate his oath of office, right. the one about the secretary of state and said, you can't do that. why not? right? so jake, the very fundamental purpose of an indictment is to serve notice to notify the defendant. here's what you are charged with doing. that was illegal. and in this case, the six charges they all relate to a sort of unusual georgia law that makes it a crime to ask a public official to violate his oath of office? office, the way those charges are charged in the indictment here, it says, while the defendants tried to get certain georgia public officials to violate the constitution, and the judge said, that's not specific enough because there are dozens, if not hundreds, of separate provisions in the constitution. so you haven't adequately informed the defendants what actual crime there specifically being charged with. that's why the judge, throughout those six counts could they have been written in such a way that they would have stood this test? absolutely. >> in quite easily. the prosecutors could have written that the crime here was soliciting a public official to violate late the constitution, specifically, for example, and i think if they tried to go back and fix this, they will say something like specifically the equal rights, equal protection provisions of the constitution's, the provision of the constitution that ensure a person's right to vote and to have that vote be counted. they haven't specified that. and it's their job as prosecutors fundamental job to inform the defendants of what the charges are. that's the failure here >> so is it just bad lawyering? i don't understand. >> it is bad player and that's exactly what it is. and this is why i respectfully disagree with your guests from the last hour who said, well, it's no big deal. >> it is >> true that this will not this dismissal will not change the broad contours tours of the case will not really change the evidence that prosecutors can use, but the da's office, prosecutors, they're the ones who control the indictment. they're the ones who drafted the da's office is the one who has been telling us this is the most important indictment we've ever seen. this indictment will vindicate the cause of democracy, yet they make an amateurish error like there's an unforced error. that's entirely on them and i think it undermines their credibility, their competency, and the seriousness of this office >> it's also weird because you would think that there are any number of liberal or conservative judges, attorneys michael luttig, for one, who would be willing to take a look at something like this and just give them an extra set of eyes, do a little editing as it were. right? i mean, prosecutors ever do that. oh, my gosh, there's always a >> chain of command here, jake. and this is the kind of mistake that if a first-year prosecutor made, you'd say, okay, we need to do better next time, but let's not let it happen again. and i want to make this point, jake, one of the issues in the other conflict here, the conflict of interest case is that fani willis brought in nathan wade to lead this case, even though nathan wade has never prosecuted a felony trial as a prosecutor. well, this is a rookie mistake and it's not a mistake that anyone who's has any real variance, whatever make >> we're still waiting to hear the judge rule on that and whether or not he's going to disqualify district attorney fani willis over her affair with mr. wade is there reason to be concerned about her handling of this case overall? and do you think he's going to dismiss her? >> so i think if we look back at the history of this case, there are a lot of warning flags about the way that the da has handled this case. if we go back before this case was indicted, the da god herself disqualified because she created a political conflict of interests for herself. she's subpoenaed a republican and then headlined a fundraiser for the democratic different judge threw her off that portion of the case and said, quote, what were you thinking? the da has made dozens upon dozens of public statements, some of which go to the substance of this case, which is inappropriate. the da has served subpoenas on republicans, lindsey graham, and then use that subpoena immediately to try to solicit donations for her campaign. i think that's improper. now, we have six charges being thrown out because of a prosecutorial mistake, and we have the pending conflict of interest issue, which we'll get a ruling on any day now >> all right. elie honig. thanks so much, guys. see an american teacher trapped for hours under rubble after her home in gaza was hit. her message for president biden as she watches neighbor after neighbor being buried that's next >> there is no media personality. businesswoman celebrity chef leichhardt many lives of martha stewart, now streaming on max >> you hits this mark center stage in his crushed by a baby grand piano you're replacing me, customize and saved with liberty. liberty. >> he doesn't even have a mustache. >> only pay for what you need every day >> the inch and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have revoke or invoke is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eggs my fast. some are invoked. patients felt significant inch relief 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side effect. >> i morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. absorbing junior pro, nothing numbs pain more. >> i'm jeremy diamond in tel aviv and this is cnn back with our, world lead. >> now this afternoon, us secretary of state antony blinken said that the israel government and military must do more to get aid into gaza. blinken also addressed today's strike on a united nations facility in rafah in gaza. that strike killed five people according to a die dr. their secretary state blinken said an investigation is ongoing, but all of this serves as a stark reminder of how hard, if not impossible, it is for aid workers to do their jobs and gaza. cnn's nada bashir shares with us now the story of an american woman in gaza whom after barely surviving a strike on her home as a resounding message for president biden >> smooth but vital pockets of peace above war-torn gaza yet another round of humanitarian airdrops from international donors civilians on the brink of famine, desperately scrambled to see what has arrived today yet, amid each delivery, the war continues homes destroyed more people, killed deborah, an american woman living in central gaza, says she has lost count of the number of wars she has lived through in the besieged strip but this time, she almost did not survive. an israeli strike. she says, left her crushed in the ruins of her home for hours rescued and treated without anesthesia. she now wants answers. >> i'm not throwing bombs and not shooting anyone. why did they? come and target me? i need an answer for that you biden >> i need an answer. why are you letting them target? hurricanes and gaza >> the english teacher says, there is nowhere safe left in gaza. some of her neighbors being buried as she speaks. >> yes, i could run i could go back to america but i would feel like it was not right to do that. i should stand beside them. i should try to help them with an open by a voice of solidarity with those in gaza trying to survive the unthinkable nada bashir, cnn, london >> and our thanks to nada bashir for that report. coming up next, i've got some brand new reporting about a very high profile person on robert f. kennedy jr. shortlist for vice president, reporting that you will not want to ms stay with us via headliner las vegas. that's what i want to do. >> it's like anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn >> from meat free monday to sunday so many ways to save life, ready wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market >> look, we know it's going to be a big change, but it's the right thing to do. >> for all of us. >> it's just 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hip, groin, or thigh as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. >> don't le 1806510200, coventry direct redefining insurance >> erin burnett, outfront tonight at seven on cnn we have some breaking news just in i have some exclusive new reporting with cnn's pamela brown >> one of robert kennedy juniors prospects for vice president. he has acknowledged is new york jets quarterback aaron rodgers. cnn has learned that in private conversations, rodgers had shared wild and unhinged conspiracy theories in which he claims that the 2012 sandy hook shooting was not real. cnn knows of two people with whom rodgers has shared these views with, including cnn's pamela brown in 2013, when cnn's pamela brown was covering the kentucky derby, she was introduced a rodgers hearing that she was a journalist at cnn, rodgers began attacking the news media for quote, covering up important stories. rodgers then brought up this sandy hook shooting and said the news media was intentionally ignoring that the shooting wasn't real, that it was a government inside job. i remind you the shooting, of course was very real, very tragic. 20 children and six adults were murdered that day. when pamela brown asked aaron rodgers for evidence of what he was talking about, rodgers then began sharing various theories that have been just proven numerous times by evidence. rodgers falsely claimed to pamela brown that there were men in black in the woods by the school and he asked if she thought that was odd. brown says that she found the entire encounter disturbing. cnn has also spoken with another person, one who would like to remain anonymous in order to avoid harassment, who had a very similar encounter with aaron rodgers saying that rodgers claimed that quote sandy hook never happened, quote, all those children never existed. they were all actors unquote. when asked about the grieving parents, many of whom i've met, and they and their grief is real. the source were called that aaron rodgers said, quote, they're all making it up they're all actors unquote. aaron rodgers through one of his agents, declined to comment to cnn. rfk junior told cnn in an interview on tuesday that he had recently met with aaron rodgers as well as with former minnesota governor jesse ventura about the possibility of joining his campaign as vice president kennedy is expected to announce his peck on march 20, 61 of the winningest college football coaches of all time is now sounding the alarm why nick saban is now calling out the system. he says, let's universities by the best players. and his concerns for the future of college sports. that's coming up knighted states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn it's easy to get lost and investment research, introducing jpmorgan personal advisers david, connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. >> let's find the right investments for your goals. okay, great >> jpmorgan wealth management >> when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back, 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half-century, the folks in this part of massachusetts, so watch the si >> swallow their beach foot by foot, year-by year. >> i had pictures of my kids down there play on the ocean going shooting up toward the cottages. the cottages with this big because there are so because you were so far out. >> so they began fighting back with sand trucked in by the ton a couple of times it's a decade since the state refuses to restore dunes on private property. neighbors banded together to buy 600 worth of sand last month, thinking it would defend their homes for at least the next three years but then came yet another freak storm at king tide >> and over >> half of it washed away single day. >> everybody lost about 50% of what they put in in a day >> in less than eight, right? >> so, but the sacrificial okay. so we call them sacrificial dunes. they did their job only a cost us $300,000. >> what do you think about long term? you got kids. i've got grandkids. i mean, what is solved very beach looked like when he's when you look at the sea level rise projections, the storm projection. >> so i would tell you that back in the early 1970s, people were telling us that by a year 2000 is veach would be gone. we're here to >> it's not going it's like it's as long as you keep rebuilding, it's not going to go away. do you believe in climate change is no, it's raising this, no. believing that? no, i don't believe in that no. >> i think it's climate change. >> i wasn't a believer in global warming or ocean levels, but i mean historically there's no precedent to this. so i mean, i'm willing to consider things that previously i i'm not sure using the tides in the year 2000 as a baseline the state is officially planning for up to a foot of sea level rise by 2030. 34 feet by 2070 and salisbury beach is just one of 79 cities and towns in this state within coastal surge zones defending them all could cost billions. >> so there's hundreds of scientists within an hour driver here warning us of what's happening when it comes to a warmer planet. and what's going to happen to coastal communities like this. you don't believe them or yeah, i'm not i'm not a climate change guy and i believe that climate does have some effect. >> but >> i i don't believe that this beach will be gone in destroyed 20 years from now, 30 years from now. but will it take $1 million worth of sand every year to keep it at the current rate >> it may it might, but you've got a couple of, you have 2 billion in property here. we just need to state to help with the funding to protect the properties what do you do? just say okay. goodbye to $2 billion of property >> jake, despite his thoughts on climate science, that gentlemen tom saba is really responsible for rallying these homeowners to getting these dunes built for reference they came all the way out under the staircase, meant to last several years lasted just a few hours and not all homeowners kicked in. here's a house that did not as a result, the waves went right in through the living room just a stark example as the planet warms up and the tides rise, it comes down to the halves and the have nots. who's defended and who pays for it. >> jake >> and our thanks to bill weir for that report. coming up next, a daring mission to rescue americans in haiti trapped as a swell of violent gang activity plagues the country. bestselling author mitch album runs an orphanage in haiti one that was evacuated. he was evacuated and he joins me live >> our mission here at cnn. is that the news comes first that's the promise of the situation room we work as hard as we can to get the facts. >> the situation room with wolf blitzer. next on cnn when you have chronic kidney disease there are places you'd like to be like here and here not so much here far seeker reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis our sega can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration for nearly tract or genital yeast infections 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thasounds like a reasonably democratic transition of power, but to the violent criminal gangs who are actually ruling much of haiti right now, it's an empty statement. the situation is so volatile, the us is sending a marine unit specializing in terrorism to support security at the us embassy in the capital of port-au-prince prince, since haiti declared a state of emergency earlier this month, there has been some americans in haiti who have had to find a way to keep themselves safe and try to find a way out, rescued in an overnight operation organized by republican congressman of florida, cory mills on tuesday was a claimed author and journalist, mitch album his wife, and a few volunteers from the have faith haiti orphanage operated by albums non profit. and we're honored to have mitch album join us now, mitch, we're so glad that you and the others made it out of haiti safely. what was a situation like before the evacuation? what was the evacuation like? >> well, the situation was terrible. jake there every night, gunfire that we hear from outside our gates while kids are praying buildings set on fire, police stations set on fire, neighborhoods, chased out. we have people living with us who were chased out of their homes by the gangs and just can't return. so that's been going on for a long time. it got hit, got much worse over the course of the last ten days or so with prisons were broken into. this is all while the prime minister was out of the country. and ultimately when the airports were closed down, the ports were closed, the borders were closed as streets were blocked became apparent that we want but gonna be able to get out anytime soon and with a bunch of volunteers that come down to help out our orphanage, i felt it was our obligation to get them out. i go every month and have been for the last 14 years operating. are orphan. it's so this isn't that new to me. we were actually there when the president was assassinated in the same kind of thing happened in the country shut down. but these, these, these guests needed to get out. and so as you mentioned, there was middle of the night helicopter operation that was able to get us out safely and we know you were forced to leave behind the kids from the orphanage in haiti. who's taken care of them and how is their safety being preserved? >> while the people who take care of the people who take care of them on, we're not there. the other three weeks of every month to move. we have a full staff. we have a security riming our property. we have for a long time, we use the time that we were there to stock up on water and food and fuel wherever we could get it because we've been through this kind of thing. unfortunately, for and sadly, what we learned a very harrowing lesson about what it's like not to be able to move, not to be able to go where new want to go or leave when you want to leave, that's the way haitians live all the time. and that's the way our kids live all the time. our kids at orphanage haven't been out of the orphan age and nearly three years because it's not safe to go outside in the streets of port-au-prince and imagine, you can't even go for an ice cream, you can't take kids to the beach. it can't go out for the park. and so i'm trying to use the opportunity that this provided to tell people the world that it's not about stories like people like us who managed to get out. it's about the people in haiti have to live like this all the time because the terror of the gangs and something needs to be done. and i'm beseeching our leaders to get more involved in just putting money towards it. >> what do you think needs to be done? obviously, haiti has been incredibly troubled for decades now, you've seen what haiti was like after the disastrous earthquake in 2010 how can haley fully recover? well first of all, they have to have free >> elections and they have to be able to choose their own people. this isn't for someone else to determine from the outside, but right now, 80% of patients actually want outside intervention because when you have, when the country doesn't have guns and gangs have guns they can pretty much control everything and they sort of do right now the streets are basically the police officers at demoralize. it might be 1,000 of them left. and the gang members actually get paid a salary is to be in the gang that are more money than police officers get paid to be police officers. so you see where a poor country, where people going to turn so until they can have free elections and free leaders. first thing need to get the violence stop. they need to make it safe. and that's going to require in my view, outside intervention. and i know they're talking about a fourth from tenure coming in. still hasn't happened until something like that can get in there and wrestle control back from the gangs. the situation is going to be dire for like ours and for every citizen of aid former us special envoy to haiti, michael foot recently told npr that quote, let's let the haitians have a >> chance to mess up haiti for once, unquote, he's he's arguing that the us and the international community should stop intervening in haiti's politics and let the people of haiti hash it out. it sounds like you think that's a horrible idea. >> doesn't matter what i think jake, they've already asked the people of haiti and 80% of them said, we need help from the outside. i would listen to them and lastly, if people want to help the have faith haiti non-profit and that orphanage that you run, how can they do so? >> it's very simple. have faith we have 60 children there right now. we don't adopt them out. they see that come with us. they stay with us. we educate them. there. they're taking care of with health, with nutrition, with, with education, and so far all of our kids have burned college scholarships. we want to make medical schools. so if you want to believe in giving children a future that's what we're there to do. so have faith, if they care to help us >> mitch album. thank you so much for joining us and thank you for what you do. really appreciate it. >> you're welcome. jake. thank you >> in our sports lead the current landscape of college sports is partly why nick saban, one of the most successful college football coaches ever decided to retire. here's what, save untold a bunch of senators on tuesday during a roundtable discussion on capitol hill all the things that i believed in for all these years, 50 years of coaching no longer exist in college athletics. >> name, image and likeness is a great opportunity for them to create a brand for themselves. i'm not against that at all. but to come up with some kind of a system that still can help the development of young people, i think is paramount to the future of college athletics >> statements concern is shared among many who believed that the focus of student athletes and universities making money is throwing the competitive balance i've college sports and personal development out the window. let's bring in cnn's coy wire, who played football both in college and the nfl. coy. what do you make of saban's comments? >> well, some argue that it's actually making colleagues athletics more competitive when it comes to the balance more parody as opposed to some of these dynastic runs because you have for schools who were able to snag some top talent. and when it comes to making money, the universities have been making money, coaches have been making money. it coach saban was often the higher paid than most every nfl coach. these schools are building $4,050 million plus athletics facilities. they're using funds generated from their sports programs to market for it, to market for their enrollment at their universities. the problem started jake about three years ago with nil. now at the players making money is completely disrupted. the machine he's college coaches are finding that they have to often re recruit even the players already on their team so that they don't go looking elsewhere for path possible higher pay an example of the predicament these coaches are in. jake comes from a recent press conference, tulsa head football coach kevin wilson talking about a text he see from a player he was recruiting. listen to this >> go just asking you about money. i'm not alone. young person don't need a ton of money but this is a transfer i've been getting about six to seven k a month. i got three dogs a goal for him. so what do you think? i'll get there? and the first thing you do is drop the dogs and i'm not sure about the girl so there's a glimpse in raskar head coach matt rhule at the football program that he said a quarterback now and the transfer portal cause one to $2 million. if they want to try to snag him. and so it is creating all sorts of chaos and headaches for these codes which is what on the other side of that is the positive for the athletes who now can earn some money for the work they're putting in from any school or company rather that is willing to pay them caitlin clark, iowa basketball star, making approximately $1 million a year through deals with companies like nike gatorade and state farm, jake so wild west for now, we'll see how it goes. >> do any of the athletes at the professional level or the collegiate level with whom you talk. do they share savings concern about the future of college sports? >> yeah i've talked to several coaches who are afraid now, there's there's no universal rules around this. these nil deals differ from state to state, but i have talked to coaches who they're saying i can't take this anymore and we're seeing a lot of college coaches who are either leaving a head coaching job in college to take an assistant or position coach elsewhere, or jumping to the nfl where they don't have to deal with the headaches. these college head coach has now are having to deal with across all sports right now in the college landscape all right coy wire. thanks so much. always good to see. you can follow me on facebook, instagram, threads, x, formerly known as twitter, and on the tiktok at jaketapper, you can file a show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever, ms an episode of the lead you can listen to the show whence you get your podcasts. the news continues. next on cn

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

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leading this hour, a new sign of the clear dysfunction in the republican party, right? right now. i mean, how bad things have to be to turn down two days. all expenses paid at a luxury resort well, that's the reality for many many house republicans and a source says, fewer than half of them have rsvp. yes. for the annual event starting today, that is meant to build party unity. republican congresswoman name since he made she's doing a tv or parents instead congressman kelly armstrong says he'd rather focus on his campaign for governor. and congressman tim burchett remarked, quote, i don't retreat i move forward. i got a farm to run. this comes just one day after republican lawmakers said he's quitting congress altogether next week because of the fighting and bickering cnn's melanie zanona is live for us in white sulfur springs, west virginia where this retreat is taking place. melanie, nice gig. >> what are you hearing? from lawmakers who did show up apparently we lost melanie zanona as sound. okay. i wonder if he didn't laugh at my funny joke. let's go now to congressman mike lawler from new york. he a republican. he's live on capitol hill clearly not at the greenbrier resort. greenbrier resort in west virginia. congressman lawler our thanks really so bad amongst house republicans right now that you all can't even spend a few days together at a luxury resort in the mountains >> listen jake, we spent a lot of time together, obviously here on capitol hill i have some events in washington tonight and then i'm going back to my district for events tomorrow. but look, obviously, we have been focused on a lot of pressing issues in washington and i know there'll be having a good retreat and discussion about the path forward on a number of key issues, including the supplemental package, which i've introduced a bipartisan bill defending borders, defending democracies to secure our border and get aid to our allies and i'm sure i'll get the cliff notes persian of the discussion. but look, we talk daily on these issues on the work that we have ahead of us and, you know, being out of retreat is not going to change the fact that we have a lot of work to do, >> right? but it is the least productive congress since the 1930s. i've never seen it so dysfunction shan, all you have ken buck, congressman ken buck quitting next week instead of even just sticking it out until the end of his term, he announced he was retiring because of how uncomfortable and awkward and dysfunctional and all is you're not denying that? >> well, respectfully, ken buck is one of the people that helped create some of the dysfunction by voting to remove kevin mccarthy as speaker of the house. so that's kinda rich coming from him. but look at the end of the day. we have passed a lot of bills through the house. i know a lot of times the focus is on the house. chuck schumer and senate democrats who are in the majority down the hall have not passed much of anything. we have been focused on issues that impact the american people from border security with h.r.-2, which we passed in may of land this year, to energy independence, which hr one which we passed last year as well. so there's a lot that we have focused on just because as the senate chooses not to act can't put that solely on the house. obviously, we would like to get a lot more legislation across the finish line but we are focused on the appropriations process will be coming back next week to pass the second tranche of appropriations bills for fiscal year 24 and get right to work on fiscal year 25. we have the supplemental package before us. i signed a discharge petition yesterday to bring that to a head because we need to support our allies. we need to secure our border. and these are issues that i'm continuing to focus on, despite some of the noise, despite some of the the infighting and despite some of the friction in a divided government right? >> but the reason that you're signing a disk charge petition to force the supplemental the foreign aid package onto the floor is because you're speaker, even though this did pass the senate by a big bipartisan margin, the speaker refuses to bring it up. and the reason he refuses to bring it up is not because it wouldn't pass on the floor if it was introduced today, it would get more than 300 votes from democrats and republicans such as yourself. he's afraid, he's afraid to bring it forward because if he brings it forward there's going to be a rebellion from the far right. >> and he could lose his, his speakers his position as speaker right >> obviously, we had the motion to vacate back in october of last year that ended in kevin mccarthy being removed as speaker i think the speaker obviously has some concern about some of our members trying a similar tactic because they don't get their way. but ultimately, the responsibility of congress is to act. and i and others are willing to do that. and we'll forced the issue which is why i signed a discharge petition my hope is that republicans and democrats not only can unify hi behind getting a border security package and foreign aid package across the finish line, but protect the institution you know, remember, took eight republicans and over 210 democrats to team up to remove the house speaker in october of last year. i know he came jeffries has intimated that they won't go along with that. again >> you know, which >> certainly i think is important for them to clarify that they would not be party to another effort. at undermining the house and the institution. but we need to get our work done. it requires both parties in a divided government democrats control while the senate and the white house working together to get these issues across the finish line from our appropriations bills, which were in the process of doing to this supplemental, we're not going to agree on everything. there does need to be negotiations. that's why we've put this bill forward. but my objective and that of my colleagues, bipartisan group many of us part of the problem solvers caucus is to get this across the finish line. ukraine needs the support. israel needs the support. we see the threats me in aiding from the unholy alliance of china, russia, and i ran this is the moment for america to be the leader that it is of the free world. and we need to pass that's this bill across the finish line here in congress >> speaking of china today, you voted in favor of a bill that would force the chinese owned company bytedance to sell the social media app tiktok to a us entity or face a total ban what do you say to your constituents? who don't see the app is a national security threat. they just want to tell jokes or see funny videos or talk to their friends look as my colleague richie torres from new york said, in the last hour, this is not a the app itself. it is not about the content on the app. we're what our citizens here in the united states are doing on the app. the issue is about the chinese ownership of the app and the tie it is bytedance to the chinese communist party and the national security threat that, that poses as the chinese communist party i'm the government in china looks to use data and information gathered on apps like tiktok for their own intelligence gathered during that is the concern here. and so we have passed legislation that seeks to force bytedance to sell the app so that americans and others around the world can continue to use it, but not be in fear of their privacy. or our national security being at stake. because of the ties to the chinese communist party >> and this move puts your party in the house and senate at odds with former president trump a place that your party in the house and senate is rarely willing to go. mr. trump says he opposes a ban on tiktok, even though he formerly had supported one. your he opposes a ban on chinese ownership of tiktok. why do you think trump's wrong on this issue >> well, i think all of us recognize in a bipartisan way the threats emanating from china. the former speaker mccarthy set up the select committee on the competition between the chinese communist party and the united states, specifically to look into to many of these issues that we all agree on, especially when we're talking about the threats emanating from china, russia, and i ran. and so i think the former president, certainly in the past has expressed his concern about china's ties to bytedance and tiktok and the need to protect the security and privacy of americans and so my position on this has not changed. i've not wavered on this obviously you saw today a large bipartisan group in the house saying that we are concerned about the national security implications here and we move forward with the bill in a big bipartisan vote, and we'll see hopefully the senate will take it up and take action so that again, we're not seeking to ban tiktok were seeking to force the sale of the app to ensure that the ties between the chinese communist party and tiktok are no more, and that they're not able to use them the data collected on tiktok to either manipulate our children here in the united states or pose a national security threat >> do you think of tiktok has essentially spyware on the smartphones of the american people i think there is great potential for that, and that is part of the concern when you see how the data can be manipulated, how it can be utilized, and certainly how the app is being applied in china versus the united states, the restrictions that the chinese he's have put in place on tiktok versus what is being done here and how the algorithm could potentially be manipulated to indoctrinate our children here, to impact our governmental operations. i mean, just look at the fact that they were able to use the app to force teenagers and young children to call members of congress about this vote. and i think that speaks potential to the power of the app and how they can have an impact on our own government here in the united states. again, we want people to be able to use social for media to express their first amendment rights, to be able to communicate their ideas, to be able to create a videos and entertainment. but at the end the day, we want to protect the privacy and security of american citizens and our national security. and that's what this is about. >> why why do you say tiktok forced to teenagers to do that instead of enabled or empowered to teenagers to reach out to their representatives in congress well, certainly look, obviously, everyone is free to call their member of congress and they should. but when you have that type of coordinated effort and basically telling these children that this is going to ban tiktok when that's not exactly what the bill does. the bill is intended to force a sale which is something and by the way, that the chinese do continually two american companies operating in china. and so this is again about national security dirty interests here in the united states and protecting the privacy and security of american citizens, including our young children >> new york republican congressman mike lawler. thanks so much. appreciate it, sir. >> thanks, jake coming up next a judge tosses some of the charges against donald trump in georgia. but what does that mean for the overall election subversion case plus a group of americans say they were safely evacuated out of haiti in a middle of the night helicopter operation, a claimed author, mitch album was one of them. he was rescued as part of that mission. he runs an orphanage in haiti. he joins us live ahead >> the situation room with wolf blitzer didn't night at six cnn. >> can sugar ray leonard you everyday tasks wearing boxing gloves >> how bird >> and now putting on his new arch fit skechers, slipping you just step in and go with comfort that will not view out to try new arch fit hands-free sketcher slip-ups >> why did we choose safelite? >> driving around is how we get our 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longer 91 >> still. this is a legal win for trump and some of his co-defendants who had filed to dismiss those counts on the grounds that they were quote, legally deficient apparently, the judge agreed writing quote as written these six counts contain all the essential elements of the crimes, but failed to alleged sufficient detail regarding the nature of their commission. i ii, the underlying felony solicited, unquote. let's bring in cnn's elie honig. elie translates for that for us. i'm not a lawyer. what does that what does that mean? they've to eat took these six counts about trying to get an officer to violate his oath of office, right. the one about the secretary of state and said, you can't do that. why not? right? so jake, the very fundamental purpose of an indictment is to serve notice to notify the defendant. here's what you are charged with doing. that was illegal. and in this case, the six charges they all relate to a sort of unusual georgia law that makes it a crime to ask a public official to violate his oath of office? office, the way those charges are charged in the indictment here, it says, while the defendants tried to get certain georgia public officials to violate the constitution, and the judge said, that's not specific enough because there are dozens, if not hundreds, of separate provisions in the constitution. so you haven't adequately informed the defendants what actual crime there specifically being charged with. that's why the judge, throughout those six counts could they have been written in such a way that they would have stood this test? absolutely. >> in quite easily. the prosecutors could have written that the crime here was soliciting a public official to violate late the constitution, specifically, for example, and i think if they tried to go back and fix this, they will say something like specifically the equal rights, equal protection provisions of the constitution's, the provision of the constitution that ensure a person's right to vote and to have that vote be counted. they haven't specified that. and it's their job as prosecutors fundamental job to inform the defendants of what the charges are. that's the failure here >> so is it just bad lawyering? i don't understand. >> it is bad player and that's exactly what it is. and this is why i respectfully disagree with your guests from the last hour who said, well, it's no big deal. >> it is >> true that this will not this dismissal will not change the broad contours tours of the case will not really change the evidence that prosecutors can use, but the da's office, prosecutors, they're the ones who control the indictment. they're the ones who drafted the da's office is the one who has been telling us this is the most important indictment we've ever seen. this indictment will vindicate the cause of democracy, yet they make an amateurish error like there's an unforced error. that's entirely on them and i think it undermines their credibility, their competency, and the seriousness of this office >> it's also weird because you would think that there are any number of liberal or conservative judges, attorneys michael luttig, for one, who would be willing to take a look at something like this and just give them an extra set of eyes, do a little editing as it were. right? i mean, prosecutors ever do that. oh, my gosh, there's always a >> chain of command here, jake. and this is the kind of mistake that if a first-year prosecutor made, you'd say, okay, we need to do better next time, but let's not let it happen again. and i want to make this point, jake, one of the issues in the other conflict here, the conflict of interest case is that fani willis brought in nathan wade to lead this case, even though nathan wade has never prosecuted a felony trial as a prosecutor. well, this is a rookie mistake and it's not a mistake that anyone who's has any real variance, whatever make >> we're still waiting to hear the judge rule on that and whether or not he's going to disqualify district attorney fani willis over her affair with mr. wade is there reason to be concerned about her handling of this case overall? and do you think he's going to dismiss her? >> so i think if we look back at the history of this case, there are a lot of warning flags about the way that the da has handled this case. if we go back before this case was indicted, the da god herself disqualified because she created a political conflict of interests for herself. she's subpoenaed a republican and then headlined a fundraiser for the democratic different judge threw her off that portion of the case and said, quote, what were you thinking? the da has made dozens upon dozens of public statements, some of which go to the substance of this case, which is inappropriate. the da has served subpoenas on republicans, lindsey graham, and then use that subpoena immediately to try to solicit donations for her campaign. i think that's improper. now, we have six charges being thrown out because of a prosecutorial mistake, and we have the pending conflict of interest issue, which we'll get a ruling on any day now >> all right. elie honig. thanks so much, guys. see an american teacher trapped for hours under rubble after her home in gaza was hit. her message for president biden as she watches neighbor after neighbor being buried that's next >> there is no media personality. businesswoman celebrity chef leichhardt many lives of martha stewart, now streaming on max >> you hits this mark center stage in his crushed by a baby grand piano you're replacing me, customize and saved with liberty. liberty. >> he doesn't even have a mustache. >> only pay for what you need every day >> the inch and rash of moderate to severe eczema disrupts my skin night and day despite treatment, it's still not under control. but now i have revoke or invoke is a once-daily pill that reduces the itch and helps clear the rash of eggs my fast. some are invoked. patients felt significant inch relief 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side effect. >> i morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. absorbing junior pro, nothing numbs pain more. >> i'm jeremy diamond in tel aviv and this is cnn back with our, world lead. >> now this afternoon, us secretary of state antony blinken said that the israel government and military must do more to get aid into gaza. blinken also addressed today's strike on a united nations facility in rafah in gaza. that strike killed five people according to a die dr. their secretary state blinken said an investigation is ongoing, but all of this serves as a stark reminder of how hard, if not impossible, it is for aid workers to do their jobs and gaza. cnn's nada bashir shares with us now the story of an american woman in gaza whom after barely surviving a strike on her home as a resounding message for president biden >> smooth but vital pockets of peace above war-torn gaza yet another round of humanitarian airdrops from international donors civilians on the brink of famine, desperately scrambled to see what has arrived today yet, amid each delivery, the war continues homes destroyed more people, killed deborah, an american woman living in central gaza, says she has lost count of the number of wars she has lived through in the besieged strip but this time, she almost did not survive. an israeli strike. she says, left her crushed in the ruins of her home for hours rescued and treated without anesthesia. she now wants answers. >> i'm not throwing bombs and not shooting anyone. why did they? come and target me? i need an answer for that you biden >> i need an answer. why are you letting them target? hurricanes and gaza >> the english teacher says, there is nowhere safe left in gaza. some of her neighbors being buried as she speaks. >> yes, i could run i could go back to america but i would feel like it was not right to do that. i should stand beside them. i should try to help them with an open by a voice of solidarity with those in gaza trying to survive the unthinkable nada bashir, cnn, london >> and our thanks to nada bashir for that report. coming up next, i've got some brand new reporting about a very high profile person on robert f. kennedy jr. shortlist for vice president, reporting that you will not want to ms stay with us via headliner las vegas. that's what i want to do. >> it's like anywhere else in the world. >> vegas, the story of sensitive sunday at ten on cnn >> from meat free monday to sunday so many ways to save life, ready wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market >> look, we know it's going to be a big change, but it's the right thing to do. >> for all of us. >> it's just 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hip, groin, or thigh as unusual thigh bone fractures have occurred. >> don't le 1806510200, coventry direct redefining insurance >> erin burnett, outfront tonight at seven on cnn we have some breaking news just in i have some exclusive new reporting with cnn's pamela brown >> one of robert kennedy juniors prospects for vice president. he has acknowledged is new york jets quarterback aaron rodgers. cnn has learned that in private conversations, rodgers had shared wild and unhinged conspiracy theories in which he claims that the 2012 sandy hook shooting was not real. cnn knows of two people with whom rodgers has shared these views with, including cnn's pamela brown in 2013, when cnn's pamela brown was covering the kentucky derby, she was introduced a rodgers hearing that she was a journalist at cnn, rodgers began attacking the news media for quote, covering up important stories. rodgers then brought up this sandy hook shooting and said the news media was intentionally ignoring that the shooting wasn't real, that it was a government inside job. i remind you the shooting, of course was very real, very tragic. 20 children and six adults were murdered that day. when pamela brown asked aaron rodgers for evidence of what he was talking about, rodgers then began sharing various theories that have been just proven numerous times by evidence. rodgers falsely claimed to pamela brown that there were men in black in the woods by the school and he asked if she thought that was odd. brown says that she found the entire encounter disturbing. cnn has also spoken with another person, one who would like to remain anonymous in order to avoid harassment, who had a very similar encounter with aaron rodgers saying that rodgers claimed that quote sandy hook never happened, quote, all those children never existed. they were all actors unquote. when asked about the grieving parents, many of whom i've met, and they and their grief is real. the source were called that aaron rodgers said, quote, they're all making it up they're all actors unquote. aaron rodgers through one of his agents, declined to comment to cnn. rfk junior told cnn in an interview on tuesday that he had recently met with aaron rodgers as well as with former minnesota governor jesse ventura about the possibility of joining his campaign as vice president kennedy is expected to announce his peck on march 20, 61 of the winningest college football coaches of all time is now sounding the alarm why nick saban is now calling out the system. he says, let's universities by the best players. and his concerns for the future of college sports. that's coming up knighted states of scandal with jake tapper. sunday at nine on cnn it's easy to get lost and investment research, introducing jpmorgan personal advisers david, connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. >> let's find the right investments for your goals. okay, great >> jpmorgan wealth management >> when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back, 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half-century, the folks in this part of massachusetts, so watch the si >> swallow their beach foot by foot, year-by year. >> i had pictures of my kids down there play on the ocean going shooting up toward the cottages. the cottages with this big because there are so because you were so far out. >> so they began fighting back with sand trucked in by the ton a couple of times it's a decade since the state refuses to restore dunes on private property. neighbors banded together to buy 600 worth of sand last month, thinking it would defend their homes for at least the next three years but then came yet another freak storm at king tide >> and over >> half of it washed away single day. >> everybody lost about 50% of what they put in in a day >> in less than eight, right? >> so, but the sacrificial okay. so we call them sacrificial dunes. they did their job only a cost us $300,000. >> what do you think about long term? you got kids. i've got grandkids. i mean, what is solved very beach looked like when he's when you look at the sea level rise projections, the storm projection. >> so i would tell you that back in the early 1970s, people were telling us that by a year 2000 is veach would be gone. we're here to >> it's not going it's like it's as long as you keep rebuilding, it's not going to go away. do you believe in climate change is no, it's raising this, no. believing that? no, i don't believe in that no. >> i think it's climate change. >> i wasn't a believer in global warming or ocean levels, but i mean historically there's no precedent to this. so i mean, i'm willing to consider things that previously i i'm not sure using the tides in the year 2000 as a baseline the state is officially planning for up to a foot of sea level rise by 2030. 34 feet by 2070 and salisbury beach is just one of 79 cities and towns in this state within coastal surge zones defending them all could cost billions. >> so there's hundreds of scientists within an hour driver here warning us of what's happening when it comes to a warmer planet. and what's going to happen to coastal communities like this. you don't believe them or yeah, i'm not i'm not a climate change guy and i believe that climate does have some effect. >> but >> i i don't believe that this beach will be gone in destroyed 20 years from now, 30 years from now. but will it take $1 million worth of sand every year to keep it at the current rate >> it may it might, but you've got a couple of, you have 2 billion in property here. we just need to state to help with the funding to protect the properties what do you do? just say okay. goodbye to $2 billion of property >> jake, despite his thoughts on climate science, that gentlemen tom saba is really responsible for rallying these homeowners to getting these dunes built for reference they came all the way out under the staircase, meant to last several years lasted just a few hours and not all homeowners kicked in. here's a house that did not as a result, the waves went right in through the living room just a stark example as the planet warms up and the tides rise, it comes down to the halves and the have nots. who's defended and who pays for it. >> jake >> and our thanks to bill weir for that report. coming up next, a daring mission to rescue americans in haiti trapped as a swell of violent gang activity plagues the country. bestselling author mitch album runs an orphanage in haiti one that was evacuated. he was evacuated and he joins me live >> our mission here at cnn. is that the news comes first that's the promise of the situation room we work as hard as we can to get the facts. >> the situation room with wolf blitzer. next on cnn when you have chronic kidney disease there are places you'd like to be like here and here not so much here far seeker reduces the risk of kidney failure, which can lead to dialysis our sega can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration for nearly tract or genital yeast infections 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thasounds like a reasonably democratic transition of power, but to the violent criminal gangs who are actually ruling much of haiti right now, it's an empty statement. the situation is so volatile, the us is sending a marine unit specializing in terrorism to support security at the us embassy in the capital of port-au-prince prince, since haiti declared a state of emergency earlier this month, there has been some americans in haiti who have had to find a way to keep themselves safe and try to find a way out, rescued in an overnight operation organized by republican congressman of florida, cory mills on tuesday was a claimed author and journalist, mitch album his wife, and a few volunteers from the have faith haiti orphanage operated by albums non profit. and we're honored to have mitch album join us now, mitch, we're so glad that you and the others made it out of haiti safely. what was a situation like before the evacuation? what was the evacuation like? >> well, the situation was terrible. jake there every night, gunfire that we hear from outside our gates while kids are praying buildings set on fire, police stations set on fire, neighborhoods, chased out. we have people living with us who were chased out of their homes by the gangs and just can't return. so that's been going on for a long time. it got hit, got much worse over the course of the last ten days or so with prisons were broken into. this is all while the prime minister was out of the country. and ultimately when the airports were closed down, the ports were closed, the borders were closed as streets were blocked became apparent that we want but gonna be able to get out anytime soon and with a bunch of volunteers that come down to help out our orphanage, i felt it was our obligation to get them out. i go every month and have been for the last 14 years operating. are orphan. it's so this isn't that new to me. we were actually there when the president was assassinated in the same kind of thing happened in the country shut down. but these, these, these guests needed to get out. and so as you mentioned, there was middle of the night helicopter operation that was able to get us out safely and we know you were forced to leave behind the kids from the orphanage in haiti. who's taken care of them and how is their safety being preserved? >> while the people who take care of the people who take care of them on, we're not there. the other three weeks of every month to move. we have a full staff. we have a security riming our property. we have for a long time, we use the time that we were there to stock up on water and food and fuel wherever we could get it because we've been through this kind of thing. unfortunately, for and sadly, what we learned a very harrowing lesson about what it's like not to be able to move, not to be able to go where new want to go or leave when you want to leave, that's the way haitians live all the time. and that's the way our kids live all the time. our kids at orphanage haven't been out of the orphan age and nearly three years because it's not safe to go outside in the streets of port-au-prince and imagine, you can't even go for an ice cream, you can't take kids to the beach. it can't go out for the park. and so i'm trying to use the opportunity that this provided to tell people the world that it's not about stories like people like us who managed to get out. it's about the people in haiti have to live like this all the time because the terror of the gangs and something needs to be done. and i'm beseeching our leaders to get more involved in just putting money towards it. >> what do you think needs to be done? obviously, haiti has been incredibly troubled for decades now, you've seen what haiti was like after the disastrous earthquake in 2010 how can haley fully recover? well first of all, they have to have free >> elections and they have to be able to choose their own people. this isn't for someone else to determine from the outside, but right now, 80% of patients actually want outside intervention because when you have, when the country doesn't have guns and gangs have guns they can pretty much control everything and they sort of do right now the streets are basically the police officers at demoralize. it might be 1,000 of them left. and the gang members actually get paid a salary is to be in the gang that are more money than police officers get paid to be police officers. so you see where a poor country, where people going to turn so until they can have free elections and free leaders. first thing need to get the violence stop. they need to make it safe. and that's going to require in my view, outside intervention. and i know they're talking about a fourth from tenure coming in. still hasn't happened until something like that can get in there and wrestle control back from the gangs. the situation is going to be dire for like ours and for every citizen of aid former us special envoy to haiti, michael foot recently told npr that quote, let's let the haitians have a >> chance to mess up haiti for once, unquote, he's he's arguing that the us and the international community should stop intervening in haiti's politics and let the people of haiti hash it out. it sounds like you think that's a horrible idea. >> doesn't matter what i think jake, they've already asked the people of haiti and 80% of them said, we need help from the outside. i would listen to them and lastly, if people want to help the have faith haiti non-profit and that orphanage that you run, how can they do so? >> it's very simple. have faith we have 60 children there right now. we don't adopt them out. they see that come with us. they stay with us. we educate them. there. they're taking care of with health, with nutrition, with, with education, and so far all of our kids have burned college scholarships. we want to make medical schools. so if you want to believe in giving children a future that's what we're there to do. so have faith, if they care to help us >> mitch album. thank you so much for joining us and thank you for what you do. really appreciate it. >> you're welcome. jake. thank you >> in our sports lead the current landscape of college sports is partly why nick saban, one of the most successful college football coaches ever decided to retire. here's what, save untold a bunch of senators on tuesday during a roundtable discussion on capitol hill all the things that i believed in for all these years, 50 years of coaching no longer exist in college athletics. >> name, image and likeness is a great opportunity for them to create a brand for themselves. i'm not against that at all. but to come up with some kind of a system that still can help the development of young people, i think is paramount to the future of college athletics >> statements concern is shared among many who believed that the focus of student athletes and universities making money is throwing the competitive balance i've college sports and personal development out the window. let's bring in cnn's coy wire, who played football both in college and the nfl. coy. what do you make of saban's comments? >> well, some argue that it's actually making colleagues athletics more competitive when it comes to the balance more parody as opposed to some of these dynastic runs because you have for schools who were able to snag some top talent. and when it comes to making money, the universities have been making money, coaches have been making money. it coach saban was often the higher paid than most every nfl coach. these schools are building $4,050 million plus athletics facilities. they're using funds generated from their sports programs to market for it, to market for their enrollment at their universities. the problem started jake about three years ago with nil. now at the players making money is completely disrupted. the machine he's college coaches are finding that they have to often re recruit even the players already on their team so that they don't go looking elsewhere for path possible higher pay an example of the predicament these coaches are in. jake comes from a recent press conference, tulsa head football coach kevin wilson talking about a text he see from a player he was recruiting. listen to this >> go just asking you about money. i'm not alone. young person don't need a ton of money but this is a transfer i've been getting about six to seven k a month. i got three dogs a goal for him. so what do you think? i'll get there? and the first thing you do is drop the dogs and i'm not sure about the girl so there's a glimpse in raskar head coach matt rhule at the football program that he said a quarterback now and the transfer portal cause one to $2 million. if they want to try to snag him. and so it is creating all sorts of chaos and headaches for these codes which is what on the other side of that is the positive for the athletes who now can earn some money for the work they're putting in from any school or company rather that is willing to pay them caitlin clark, iowa basketball star, making approximately $1 million a year through deals with companies like nike gatorade and state farm, jake so wild west for now, we'll see how it goes. >> do any of the athletes at the professional level or the collegiate level with whom you talk. do they share savings concern about the future of college sports? >> yeah i've talked to several coaches who are afraid now, there's there's no universal rules around this. these nil deals differ from state to state, but i have talked to coaches who they're saying i can't take this anymore and we're seeing a lot of college coaches who are either leaving a head coaching job in college to take an assistant or position coach elsewhere, or jumping to the nfl where they don't have to deal with the headaches. these college head coach has now are having to deal with across all sports right now in the college landscape all right coy wire. thanks so much. always good to see. you can follow me on facebook, instagram, threads, x, formerly known as twitter, and on the tiktok at jaketapper, you can file a show on x at the lead cnn, if you ever, ms an episode of the lead you can listen to the show whence you get your podcasts. the news continues. next on cn

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Repair Mouthwash Flash , Riva , Eddie Know , Janet , Memory , Brain Health Indicators , Frank , Fraser , Frank Bred , Riva Brain Health Challenge , Thousands , Tourists , Researchers , Areas , Miles , Ai , Allergies , Learnings , Allergy Headache , Reliefs , Pills , Daily , All Good , Flow Net , Flonase , Ambiance , Space , Air Wigwe , Fragrance , Essential Oils , Breath , Parent , Fresh Air , Air Wick Essential , Infused , Mode , 45 , Detergent Sleep , Plaintiffs , Bacteria , Illness , Lysol , 99 9 , Tenders , Pack , 120 , Three , Money , Line , Customers , Save , Bullfighter , Flash Ribbon , Human Cannonball , Xfinity Mobile , Millions , Safer , 5g Network , Stuntman , Intro , 5 , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , Worth Com , Captioning , Series , Earth , 2 Billion , Billion , Homeowners , Property , Bill Weir , Massachusetts , Sand Dune , Flooding , Chief Climate , Dune , Atlantic Ocean , 00000 , 600000 , Country , Beach , Climate Change , Forward , Beach Front Property , Foot , Ocean , Folks , Si , Pictures , Estate , Dunes , Ton , Sand , Couple , Cottages , Freak Storm , King Tide , 600 , Okay , Sea Level , Grandkids , Projections , Cost , Storm Projection , 300000 , Us 300000 , Rebuilding , Veach , 2000 , 1970 , Ocean Levels , Precedent , No , Global Warming , Wasn T A Believer , Tides , Feet , Baseline , 34 , 2030 , Billions , Cities , Towns , Surge , 79 , 2070 , Planet , Communities , Scientists , Driver , Climate Change Guy , Effect , Climate , Ii Don T , 30 , Million , 1 Million , Properties , Goodbye , Funding , Rate , Gentlemen Tom Saba , Climate Science , Reference , Waves , Staircase , Result , The Living Room , Nots , Halves , Swell , Gang Activity , Facts , Promise , Wolf Blitzer , Dialysis , Yeast Infections , Astrazeneca , Medication , Money Managers , Wannabe , Fisher Investments , Clients , Products , Management Fee , Client , Fiduciary , Health , Lifestyle , Finances , Priority , Idp , Tips , Cid P Derails , Inspiration , Cdp Doesn T Have To , Cid P Com , Finding Hope , Little , Cbp Com , Bu , Likes , Vacation Rentals , Vrbo , Questions , Puppy School , Diploma , Puppet , Couch , Little Guy , Assistance , Plan Smarter , Bank Of America , Migraine Pain , Dose , Drain Pain Relief Starts , Najin Sleeping , Ralph , Throat , Mucinex , Amphi , Drops , Lauren Fox On Capitol Hill , Prime Minister , Council , Will , Situation , Outside , Statement , Unit , Transition , Thasounds , Capital , State Of Emergency , Prince , Terrorism , Embassy , Port Au Prince , Volunteers , Congressman , Operation , Have Faith Haiti Orphanage , Wife , Cory Mills On Tuesday , Albums Non Profit , Florida , Evacuation , Fire , Neighborhoods , Gates , Buildings , Gunfire , Return , Prisons , Bunch , Streets , Gonna , Airports , Orphan , Obligation , 14 , Care , Middle , Night Helicopter Operation , Security Riming , Staff , Food , Fuel , Lesson , Haitians , Orphanage Haven T , Want , Leave , Opportunity , People Like Us , Ice Cream , Go Out For The Park , Leaders , Terror , Earthquake , 2010 , Elections , Intervention , Someone , Guns , Doesn T Have Guns , 80 , Police Officers , Gang , Gang Members , Control Everything , Salary , Demoralize , 1000 , Outside Intervention , Stop , It Safe , Violence , Still Hasn T , Control , Citizen , Tenure , Fourth , Special Envoy , Michael Foot , Community , Intervening , Chance , Politics , Once , Npr , 80 , Faith Haiti Org , Faith , 60 , Schools , Nutrition , Education , College Scholarships , Future , Coaches , Senators , Landscape , College Athletics , Brand , Coaching , Name , Likeness , Exist , Image , Development , College , Balance , Comments , Student Athletes , Window , Nfl , Coy Wire , Football Both , Making Money , Athletics , Talent , Runs , Parody , Coach , Athletics Facilities , 4050 Million , 050 Million , College Coaches , Funds , Sports Programs , Recruit , Finding , Enrollment , The Machine , Elsewhere , Press Conference , Tulsa Head Football Coach , Predicament , Team , Kevin Wilson , Transfer , Recruiting , Text , Girl , Matt Rhule , Dogs , Glimpse , Raskar , Headaches , Positive , Codes , Side , Portal , Football Program , Sorts , Chaos , 2 Million , Athletes , Companies , Iowa Basketball Star , Wild West , State Farm , Nike Gatorade , Caitlin Clark , Level , Any , Savings , Head Coaching Job , Rules , Assistant , College Head Coach , College Landscape , Jumping , Show , Podcasts , Show On X , Episode , Threads , Instagram , Facebook , X , Twitter , Cn ,

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