Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

>> good morning. welcome to cnn this morning, saturday, march 9. i'm victor blackwell. >> his horizontals in for amara walker. thanks for joining us. and you look refreshed, coming >> back from >> vacation. >> thank you very much. i'm a couple of shades. darker. got a little red toner into there. what i want to beat, feel better >> all right. >> here's what we're watching. were you this weekend will get a preview of what to expect in a head-to-head rematch between president biden and former president trump as the to hold dueling rallies here in georgia today. plus, we'll discuss a biden campaign strategy to try to seize on momentum from the state of the union address tornado watches are in effect across parts of the southeast this morning with some major cities at risk for tornados and dangerous >> hail we're also tracking a significant flood threat. >> cnn got exclusive access to one of the first ship set to bring cool. so humanitarian supplies to gaza well, show you what's being delivered and how the us is helping in the relief that testimony began this week in the trial of james crumbley, the father of the oxford school shooter. the charges he's facing and why he's no longer allowed to make phone calls to anyone except his attorney. >> was the >> military is developing a ufo detection system. >> why how does it work? >> and what have they seen so far, we're getting some answers to those questions ahead on cnn this morning. the biden trump rematch is underway. now, fresh off his state of the union address. president biden is set to hit the road on a battleground. states swing that includes a visit to georgia. biden, former president trump, expected to make appearances today in georgia with biden holding an event in atlanta, trump holds a rally in rome, georgia. that's in the northwest part of the state. >> the biden campaign hopes to continue the president's momentum coming out of the state of the union speech while trump popes to win over nikki haley voters after she dropped out of the race. georgia was a key battleground state that biden won in 2020 by less than a percentage point it is the biggest delegate prize and the only swing state among primary contests taking place on tuesday. super tuesday put both biden and trump on the brink of having enough delegates to synch their party's presidential nominations. >> cnn white house correspondent camila dechalus is in wilmington, that with the president is starting his day. camila. what are the messages that the president is trying to highlight in this first wing after the big address well, victor isabel, one of the things that biden really wants to highlight is what he has done while he's been in office >> when it comes to the economy, like investing in thousands of drops or investing in public safety, or his efforts to try to lower the high cost of prescription drugs. he wants to remind the voters what he's done, but also lay out what he wants to do if he gets re-elected into office. and one of the things that we saw last night and his speech in philadelphia is he going to talk about what's at stake in this election cycle and talk about his former predecessor, donald trump. he mentioned him by name about him, about eight times yesterday, and a lot of that is that he really wanted the distress that he believes that donald trump poses a threat to democracy. and so those are some of the biggest things he's going to highlight. and atlanta and in the months ahead when we arrived down the street, or as a trump fan, i was fu on it and a little and a six-year-old kid putting up as middle finger >> did you ever sit? no, i'm serious. the general thank you. hear people talk the way they do look at domains, domains who we are. that's not who america, that's not america >> as you saw, victor is about biden is really just going to highlight what's at stake in this election cycle. and really just how he believes that donald trump poses a threat to democracy camila dechalus for us there in wilmington. thanks so much. so to me now is michelle price is a national politics reporter for the associated press. >> good morning to you. all right. so camila talked a lot about policy. let's talk about tone during the state of the union address, president biden referred to former president trump as my predecessor. but in this address in pennsylvania, this rally, he called trump out by name regularly. what does that tell us aside from policy, the tonal the tone that the president in the campaign will use moving forward >> yeah, i mean, remember that the state of union is still a speech. he gives as president. it's more on the government side. there certainly pollack plays, plays a central role. but naming, naming trump when he's out explicitly on the campaign trail is a little bit of a shift to make it more of a direct contrast. >> but that speech >> on thursday was still very fiery and i think we can expect joe biden to continue that. you see that that's something that some of the folks in trump world, we're kind of taken aback by. they've been kind of casting joe biden as kind of sleepy and not fully on top of his faculties. and the way he came off in that speech is something that kind of shut some of that down to think we're gonna expect him to continue to do that. but this the way he's been taking on trump directly shows this is the matchup he's ready for it. he wants to draw those contrasts. you want stark contrasts on democracy, on tone you mentioned that the little child who was holding of the middle finger, that's a coarsening of society that's all something that joe biden is expected to probably talk about today. >> yeah, that narrative of the soul of the country fighting for the soul of the nation so you talk about what you're talking about today. they are both in georgia obviously a swing state georgia primary is tuesday. no suspense there. they're each going to win their respective primaries. but what do we know about what the voters want to hear from these two men? >> well, each of these folks today, they're going to be speaking to people who are probably inclined to support them, who were physically in front of them because they're coming out to these rallies. but these messages that they are brought are there. they're each going to be trying to reach some of these swing voters. so he's independence and some of the people who were hoping to support nikki haley, you're going to see joe biden tried to reach some of those folks and he already has started trying to reach out to some of those folks. >> donald trump thing >> that donald trump struggles with is when he gets before a rally crowd like he will today, he tends to speak to his base so what we're going to try to see today is whether he continues that he will be in a very heavily republican part of the state. he's in georgia where there's still fresh memory of what happened at the university of georgia student laken riley, something he has been speaking about a lot. immigration has been central to him. >> whether he can leans into his heart, immigration policies, or whether he cast a wider message that brings people into something to see. but we're going to see a stark contrast between these two laying out what is going to feel like you very long general election stretching out before us, former president trump will be in marjorie taylor greenes district. today in georgia. and of course, she want war the maga hat and buttons calling out the president at the state of the union. so let's talk about the rnc. now the new team is in place. you've got at the top, michael whatley as the chair, lara trump as the new co-chair. chris loves sida lacivita. i should say, as the chief of staff, what does this portend? what does this new leadership mean for the arm? and see, as we contrast it to the organization under ronna mcdaniel to the biggest thing that this symbol is that donald trump is the ohis, the perceived nominee by those in his party. he has fully asserted his grip on the party. these are his hand-picked people, but it's also a merging of the rnc with his campaign, chris lacivita is going to be running a lot of the day-to-day operations at the rnc, but also at his campaign. so whatever, wherever the republican party is active in elections this year with, their campaigning for not only donald trump, but for, for down ticket races. that is all going to be coming in filtered through the trump campaign. so you're going to see him fully commanding that political apparatus now what, what is interesting is some of the things that they're talking about, these new leadership. they want to focus on fundraising, which was struggling with the rnc. but one of the biggest things that they talk about as a new priority, one of the reasons that michael watson was business chair is because if the emphasis he keeps putting on election integrity measures this is something that stems from donald trump's false claims in 2020 that he lost the election because of fraud. he is still bringing that up pretty much every time he speaks. and what he has charged these folks with as they take over the rnc is to have a much more robust program in place to monitor the vote to file legal challenges, to just be much more aggressive this time around than they were in 2020. >> i was look ahead to the potential debates. former president trump has said that he is ready to debate president biden anytime, anywhere. listen to what vp harris and president biden said when they were asked about debating president trump >> but given what you argue is at stake here, will you take the chance to show voters more of what they saw last night to take on trump directly in debates we'll get to that at some point and we'll deal with that >> well, you commit to a debate with former president trump's depends on his behavior now, is that michelle just to appear not to be too eager, or could we see an extension of what happened during the >> primaries? know debates? >> we, could see no debates. it seems like they're very non-committal right now. they're not saying no. >> but the >> way that donald trump handled his republican primary, where he didn't appear at any debates. the reason he gave was that if you're leading, if you, if you're if you're winning, you don't need to debate. they gave joe biden kamala harris that reason give them a reason that they could take up on their own as a reason they don't feel like they need to debate. but you got to remember in 2020 when joe biden and donald trump debated the first one was almost unwatchable because donald trump was interrupting so much that the next time they got together, the debate condition actually invented this mute button to cut off his microphone because they just couldn't hear anything when he was interrupting all the time. so we don't if we get to that again, will i hope we will have the mute button because we might appeal to here to the answers, but we don't know whether it will get there are not in this general election this year. yeah. well, the american people certainly deserve debates. i hope we get to michelle price. thanks. thanks so much >> stronger. storms are sweeping through the south, putting nearly 14 million people at risk for dangerous flooding. there's also the possibility of tornadoes, as this system heads northeast, cnn meteorologists elisa raffa is in atlanta, which saw flooding last night. and the lisa, this is an area pretty much much already saturated, right? they've seen re >> yeah. i mean, we got a month's worth of rain here in atlanta in just a week, we got an inch and a half of rain here overnight, and then we got two-and-a-half inches on wednesday rack peach tree creek would really got some problems on wednesday? it flooded this entire your walkway here we're on a part of the belt line here in atlanta and you can see the creek is still rushing fast and it's rising this morning after we gotta get another engine, a half of rain overnight. there's some debris down here to when you get that heavy rain, it picks up all of our plastic pollution and sends it right into the waters. and we've been watching it kind of rolled down the creek this morning once the sun comes up we able to see it a little bit better, but yeah, rising here with another inch-and-a-half of rain overnight. and we've got even more significant flooding just to the south of us and southern georgia. i want to show you the radar because we've got this storm that's pretty expansive. we've got some showers stretching from upstate new york all the way down the east coast and that heaviest rain is in southern georgia where we've thought all of that, the lightning strikes there. now we do also have a tornado watch that's in effect until 11:00 this morning along southern georgia the florida panhandle, where we could have some spin tornadoes as we go through the morning as well, flash flooding has continued it should be a risk. we've got flash flood warnings that continue through the morning here because we've got heavy rain, we've gotten 2.5 inches of rain and spots and where piling on that some of these rainfall totals have been an excess of five to six inches over the last couple of days. and the southeast has been pretty saturated in an undated all of winter. we've had some rainfall totals that have been well above average so far this year. so far this winter, it's just been well above average and that has let these ground conditions be pretty saturated and keeping the flooding risk of there right when the ground is saturated and you get more heavier the rain on top, the ground really can't take that much more. now we do know that we find that these two inch heavy rainfall days are increasing as our atmosphere becomes warmer, it can hold more moisture and we squeeze out more of these heavy rainfall days. we do have the rain that's wrapping up here in atlanta, but all of that moisture heads up the east coast. so if you're watching from areas like new york to maine, brace for some showers, even some snow and interior new england guys. >> lisa, stay dry out there. thank you. >> all right. we are just getting started here on cnn this morning. >> straight ahead. a cnn exclusive we'll go inside the massive mission happening now to get lifesaving humanitarian aid in the gaza bus, what it talks for a ceasefire state ahead of tomorrow's ramadan deadline. and former president donald trump pays a bond of more than $90 million. in one case and then has a deadline to pay nearly a half billion-dollar judgment a few weeks from now new questions on how he's going to pay for all that still ahead. >> while savannah gone is rolling out new tools to track possible ufos. and it goes on the record about any evidence of alien cnn technology. that story a little later, i'm seeing in this one, lead with jake tapper weekdays it for on cnn did you know that only one in ten americans consume adequate amounts of fruits and 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and only once monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering libretto, who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid cell the injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis >> your shipping manager left to find themselves leaving you lost unique to hire. >> i need indeed >> indeed you do. indeed instant match, instantly delivers quality candidates matching her job description, visit slash higher >> hey, dad, i got an a in my book report was cool and i went for a walk in the woods and i didn't get a single flee or take on me. you are just the best, right? i'm great >> you are great >> this flea and tick season gets 20% off your first pharmacy order at chewy me and you was introduced. >> was my son who keep your head held high >> just like momtaz you see the word color purple now streaming exclusively on max >> secretary of state, antony blinken has discussed efforts to achieve a six-week ceasefire in gaza with the egyptian foreign minister and in this moment, in this hour, we're also intensely focused on seeing if we can get a >> ceasefire with the release of hostages the expansion of humanitarian assistance, and an environment for working on an enduring resolution and there the issue as hamas, the issue is whether hamas will decide or not to have a ceasefire that would benefit everyone the ball is in their court. we're working intensely on it and we'll see what we'll see what they do well, president biden cast a lot of doubt on the prospect of striking a deal that includes a temporary ceasefire paired with the release of hostages by >> the start of ramadan and an exclusive interview with cnn, the european union says it hopes to launch an emergency maritime aid corridor from cyprus to gaza this weekend, citing the dire humanitarian green situation in the enclave cnn's nada bashir joins us live from larnaca, cyprus with more on this historic mission. not well we've had a firsthand look at preparations for what is set to >> be one of the first, the first ships heading to gaza as part of this maritime effort to transport humanitarian aid. and crucially food supplies to the gaza strip. this is a significant development as we've seen over the last few months getting aid and has proven extremely difficult. the amount of aid that we're seeing getting in at this point is just a drop in the ocean in comparison to what is needed in gaza yesterday, we were able to spend day with volunteers and aid workers here at this port in cyprus, preparing for that first and worst at the groundbreaking at mission in hopes that they will get an uptick in here. we want to turn aid into gaza. take a look >> at the port of larnaca. cyprus. preparations are underway vital food supplies, carefully loaded onto this barge ready to be transported to gaza. ngo workers at world central kitchen have been laying the groundwork for this mission for weeks. following difficult ground crossings along gaza's obstructed borders and limited air drops. this is their latest effort to supplying crucial humanitarian aid to the palestinian people well, these products off filled with rice and flower, these volunteers are preparing to carry them by this vessel behind me to gaza. this could be one of the first, if not the first aid missions, transporting food and humanitarian aid by sea >> a bold the open arms ship. volunteers and rescue workers assess the precarious route to gaza's embattled coast the mission comes as the european union, the uae, and other international partners announced the opening of a new maritime corridor allowing ships to carry humanitarian supplies from cyprus to the besieged strip. >> today, we are facing a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza and we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine, search and rescue coordinator as to camps is herself preparing to make the journey to war-torn gaza. >> the worst part of the 1.2 meters. >> this is a deeply complex mission but one which is desperately needed. as gaza teeters on the brink of famine, it's really important because we are like the pilot phase. so if we get this food inside many other so people can do the same we are proving the world that we can do it. so we must do more the establishment of a new maritime corridor has been endorsed by the united states president biden himself directing the us military to establish a temporary port on gaza's coast to facilitate access for humanitarian supplies. israel, for its part, says, it welcomes the development and we'll continue to coordinate with international allies but un experts have accused israeli leaders of quote, intentionally starving the palestinian people in gaza with over half 1 million according to the un's world food programme now at risk of starvation >> and of course, >> while this is a positive development, there are still many questions around how this will actually work in practical terms, there are still a lot of unknowns around how this humanitarian aid and there's food supplies will actually be transported physically once these vessels make it to gas. and as we have heard from us officials, efforts by the us military to establish a temporary port or peer on gaza's coast could take up to two months. is still a lot of questions as to how quickly this maritime corridor will be up and running and of course, how much aid will be able to get into the gaza strip? >> not a, there had been some hope to broker the ceasefire by the start of ramadan, less than a day away. very unlikely it's going to happen. what's the latest on the talks? >> we've seen a lot of back-and-forth. we've seen delegations from both hamas and israel as well as other regional international partners traveling to cairo over the last he weeks taking part in these negotiations, we've heard previously from the united states saying that there is some sort of broad agreement on the terms of a potential truce that would last around six weeks. it would be a pause in fighting. hamas hopes so this could lead to a gradual withdrawal of israeli soldiers on the ground. and of course, israel is still pushing for full release of israeli hostages held captive by hamas in gaza. at this stage, as we know, it is looking unlikely that a deal will be struck before ramadan. we've heard that from us officials, including think president biden wins. i'll say situation at this stage is tough despite the fact that he said both he and his administration have been working tirelessly to broker some sort of truce agreement or at least a temporary pause in fighting at this stage. it is looking unlikely the fear is that we could see perhaps that's an escalation in violence. we know of course that israel has previously warned that if there isn't any sort of agreement for what i'm all done at the hostages aren't returned for hoard. i'm a dad and they could launch a ground incursion instead of that. of course, some 1.3 million people, mostly civilians, are currently displaced >> and everyday that goes by in increasingly dire situation for citizens there on the ground nada bashir. thank you. donald trump has posted bond and the appeal of his new york defamation case coming out, how he was able to finance the $92,000,000 bond as he appeals that decision what happens to the golden boy of new jersey? >> i engaged in affair with another man. >> did you want to we outed united states of scandal with jake tapper, are gonna get a therapist if they're having an interview with jake tapper. >> new episode next sunday night on cnn >> for the ones who work hard to ensure their crew can always go the extra mile. and the ones who get in early so everyone can go home on time there's granger offering professional grade supplies backed by product experts. so you can quickly and easily find what you need. plus, you can count on access let's do a committed team ready to go the extra mile for you. call click her just stopped by granger for the 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package which prevented a government shutdown just hours before the deadline it was bipartisan support for the senate in the senate with 75, 22 votes followed the houses approval. there. it secured resources for vital departments and federal programs, despite a verdict, a partial set down legislators now have to address a second set of funding bills to meet the next deadline that's march 22. >> an investigation is underway for a us military helicopter crashing yesterday near the southern border. the crash claim the lives of two national guardsmen and a border patrol agent. the guardsman were engaged in an aviation operation connected with the federal southwest border support mission when that incident took place, the names of the dead have not yet been released because officials are sold in the process of notifying their families, us forces say they shot down 15 in drones over the red sea and gulf of aden the us acted after houthi forces supported by iran launched a major drone attack that threaten ships from the us. its allies and commercial vessels the incident is after a recent houthi missile strike on a liberian-owned carrier in the gulf of aden, killed three crew members >> former president trump's >> cash crunch is coming into focus. he secured a nearly $92 million bond that'll cover the damages awarded to writer e jean carroll for defaming her in 2019 when he was president, he is appealing that verdict, even as he faces a deadline to put up a much larger bond and a separate fraud case. cnn's kara scannell has those details good morning, victor. and isabel. this came down to the wire. donald trump posted at million bond friday morning to appeal the judgment in the e. jean carroll case, trump had been ordered to pay 83.3 million to carroll in the defamation case. his bond will cover that plus interests. so trump was running at a time and there were questions about how he would cover the judgment global insurer chubb underwrote the bond which trump signed on march 5, this past tuesday while he was still asking the judge for more time to put his financing together the judge has given carroll until monday morning to object to the monde. and if there are any issues, they all be back in court that after her noon. meanwhile, the clock is ticking on trump's bigger judgment, the 454 million he was ordered to pay the new york attorney general's office from its civil fraud lawsuit, trump offered to post a $100 million bond, but that was rejected by a new york appeals court judge now, a panel of judges is weighing trump's request to defer posting judgment until his appeal of the decision is over. the court is expected to rule by the end of this month, which is when the payment is due. and as jury selection will be underway in trump's first criminal trial in new york. he just charged with falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments made before the 2016 presidential election. trump has pleaded not guilty back to you guys, kara scannell. >> thanks so much still to come. the father of a michigan school shooter was caught making threatening statements on a jail phone. we have the latest from his manslaughter trial vegas story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn >> scalp play with us anymore. >> he has something called osteoarthritis pain. its joint pain that hurts him all the time. now there's labriola, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering libretto who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme to avoid self-injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis >> bambas, makes absurdly comfortable underwear need to move with you. knock on you, because their basic things it should be your best thing one purchase equals one donated visit, and get 20% off your first-order. >> always been prone to hair thinning, genetically predisposed. >> you just gave birth i because under our law, stress, i started 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energy sources to secure our future. nine in ten americans agree american oil and natural gas are vital to our account lights >> though we'll states that mr. marbles will receive everything he needs in perpetuity. thanks to auto ship from chewy, i always loved that old man and he gets a summer house what say 35% off your first outer shape border, at to a220 custom-make helps us motivate our students of custom gear. we love how custom-make takes care of everything we need. so we can focus on the kids customer and because hundreds of products to help you feel connected, upload your logo, or start your design today at custom-make dot com >> no yeah >> that's great. >> i can do a cartwheel in here >> would you like to join us now >> we would love to join you look good guys. >> situations are better with the credit gods on your side of common. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many earn points for travel with credit one bank and live large do you have missing 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crumbley is facing a michigan jury just weeks after his wife, jennifer, was convicted on these same four charges of involuntary manslaughter or guilty verdict marks the first time the parent of a mass shooter was ever convicted. james crumbley is the parent who i actually bought the gun for. ethan crumbley, who used it to kill four people at a michigan high school, oxford high school. cnn's jean casarez has those highlights from friday's testimony victor in is about one of the prosecution's witnesses on friday was detective joe brian. he heads up the special investigation unit and he testified that once ethan was in custody, he spoke to him and he asked him who has parents were who is father was? he said james, and the detective called james and told him to get down to the substation because that's where ethan was. so he and jennifer went down there. i think you can see from this video, once they got there, they were ushered into this interview room. there are two detectives, including detective brian in there and they started talking to the parents and james spoke a lot. jamie said that they had gotten in an argument the night before with their son, ethan because of a geometry score and that he had taken to ethan to school that morning, the morning of the mass shooting and he really thought everything was calm down and he told his son, just do the best you can in school he also was asked about does he have any issues and he said, well, he lost his best friend recently, moved out of state, whose dog died. my mother, his grandmother died in april. and then it went too well. are there any disciplinary issues involving him and he said he's never gotten in trouble we're school. but then on the cross examination, the defense, they honed in on a pivotal issue in this case. the safekeeping of that gun six and it's and 45 seconds. james, full view that he had a six hour handgun? >> yes. >> there was 650 seconds. he said that it was hidden in an armbar correct? >> it's six minutes, 58 seconds. >> and these are approximate time stamps. i'm not holding you to britley. appreciate it. >> six minutes and 58 seconds that the bolts were hidden in a different spot under g z signs yes, ma'am. >> when the trial ended on friday, the judge turned to the jury and said, we are really making time on this trial monday, tuesday, and wednesday of next week. we will work and then she told the jury, and after that, you could be getting the case so obviously this case is going at record speed and we'll see what next week holds. >> victor, isabel. >> and that was jean casarez reporting, joining us now to talk about this case is cnn's legal analyst, joey jackson. joey right off the bat. do we know much more about the nature of those alleged threats? james crumbley's accused of making. >> and >> then what are your thoughts on that >> yeah. isabel, good morning to you. so we do not at this point and then the critical issue obviously is how they play into this trial, if at all right to this point, the judge is not admitting anything regarding these communications, only saying that his communications will be the limited moving forward. now, if he testifies isabel and matters come up, it's possible he could be confronted with respect to the threats, but at this point, it's very murky as to that, and it should be because it could prejudice him in this case, he's got much more to worry about in terms of defending himself. so let's see, moving forward, whether we burn more and whether any of those threats come out in a court of law. >> joe, we have this clip from james crumbley's defense attorney. let's listen in real quick >> ladies and gentlemen >> you will not >> hear that james crumbley, new what his son was going to do you will not hear that genes. can we even suspected that his son was a danger? >> all right. that was from the opening statements. what do you think of this sort of defense? can james crumbley saying he wasn't aware of the danger even though ethan we know from text messages as tim and his wife for help with his mental health and accused his parents of not listening to him yes so this is a critical issue, right? because it falls on the matter of foreseeability and it falls on the matter of negligence. what's that about? well first, in terms of foreseeability in the event that you purchase your child a weapon. first of all, which was four days prior to this, and you have knowledge as to his mental health? formalities, right? that's problematic. and so to what extent now were you negligent? furthermore, you saw the clip there with respect to the defense asking about the hiding of the gun, did you hide it enough? where was it in connection with? where he would that is ethan crumbley, the shooter himself convicted, as we know, pled guilty spending the rest of his life in jail such that he could have access to it. so all that's important. you are the father you shot with them. this was your hobby. you have a responsibility will be the argument to make sure he doesn't get a hold of that gun next issue, what extent, if any, are you aware as to what your child's going through and should you have been aware? i have that? >> and so when you saw the clip of the defense focusing on the issue of knowledge, it's important because the juries and say, what did you know about the sun and why would you got them? why would you have gotten him a gun if you knew that? and that's why you saw the defense focusing in on that. they have to separate that issue. father had no knowledge. father secure the gun if they have any hopes of exonerating him in this case is about and speaking of knowledge and precautions that were were not taken, jurors heard from the person who sold james crumbley the gun and saw its unused cable lock still in its packaging. how big is up for the prosecution? and could that impact the jury? >> yeah. i mean, look at the end of the day, going back to the issue of foreseeability. foreseeability is it likely is it potentially possible that this could happen because you were negligent? and so they're going to hone in the prosecution on the gun. what was the nature of where was the gun hidden? when was it there? what did your child know about it? did your child have access to it? should he have as a parent, did you take the proper precautions? remember, is about the father is not charged with shooting at all. the fathers charged with setting the circumstances in motion such that the shooting can occur. so issues concerning the gun and anything related to the gun are very critical. the jury sense of what the father did and whether the whether he did enough is very critical because it goes again to the issue of negligence. what you negligence did you set this chain in motion and was it foreseeable because of what you did not do or what you did do as a father, that this would happen. those are the issues in contention at this trial. >> so let's talk about that emotional testimony from the school victims how powerful is that for the jurors? if james crumbley was not the shooter yeah. >> yeah. you know, is about the reality is this obviously the issue of emotion is something that the jury has got to be instructed about. it's not about emotion, it's not about who you like, who you don't like. it's not about your personal feelings, it's about the evidence having said that p people are people. human nature is human nature. and as a result of that, it's hard not really to make a connection with the fact that there are four kids dead. why who's accountable for that? could it have been prevented? and so when you hear this emotional testimony, when you hear the impact that it had on the school, the impact that had on the community, the impact that had on but you're looking to see why and who's responsible, why we even here, who could have done something better and father, if that was you because of your lack of hiding, concealing the gun, or knowing how to treat your son when he needed help? then what we may be more likely the jury, to assess guilt in the event, right? that that's not the case, then perhaps not, but emotional components are always very difficult to overcome, even with the judge instructing the jury to overlook it. >> and these are such uncharted waters, putting the parents under the legal spotlight, except i guess jennifer crumbley, his wife, joey jackson. thank you for your time. >> so the pentagon says that it has no evidence of aliens among us. that's good news. but they will not stop looking more on the new ufo kits developed by the military. that's coming up cnn saturday >> first of all, with victor blackwell smerkonish, the chris wallace show, the oman who are our the week's biggest stories. the weekend in its hottest topics starting today at eight on cnn. >> now, adt professionally installs google nest products >> you're all set on the system. we should go with the most >> trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, 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detection kit is called gremlin. it's being developed by the us military in an effort to respond faster to reported ufo sightings and to collect better data once they get there timothy phillips, who is the acting director of the pentagon's all-domain anomaly office. the pentagon's office that investigates uap sightings explained these gremlin sensor kits like this, quote, what we're doing is developing a deployable configurable sensors we, that we can put in pelican cases. since the uap target, the signature is not clearly defined. we really have to do hyperspectral surveillance to really try to capture these incidents. now, hyperspectral means across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. so they're trying to collect everything from x-rays and ultraviolet rays to microwave and radio waves, things really outside the normal signatures of flying objects. most flying objects, things like jets produce a big heat signature from their hot engines. some of these uaps do not so that's one thing that these gremlin sensors are going to help try to do, collect better data and they're currently being tested at a big range out in texas. and the pentagon is especially interested in deploying them sensitive national security sites, places like us military bases, navy ships, places where a lot of these uap sightings have been concentrated now, the pentagon initially shared this news about the gremlin sensor kits at a briefing with a select group of reporters, cnn's oren liebermann and was one of them. and add this briefing the whole point of it was to preview a report that dropped on friday, and this was a report that the pentagon put together and it was mandated by congress. and what this report concluded is that quote, the aaro found no evidence that any us government investigation, academic sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a uap representing extra-terrestrial technology. the report concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena, and the result of ms identification. but the reports still does not explain the uaps that were caught on camera by us military pilots who testified under oath on capitol hill that uaps that they saw were behaving in ways that defied the laws of physics. so still a lot of questions here, but the pentagon is hoping that these gremlin kits, these portable ufo uap detection kits will help them collect better data which can then help them get some better answers. kristin fisher, cnn, washington i don't know why i wasn't anticipating like >> a metal detector time. i sort of a pelican case right. so when she said kid, we were starting to talk about this. i was thinking kit in the sense of you get by put this on your roof like a receiver very hardcore. i didn't know is just for them all right. thanks, kristen. so president biden, former president trump, but dueling campaign events in georgia today, how president biden is looking to keep the momentum after his state of the union 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rosalas in for amara kara walker. here's what we're working on this morning. georgia, on their minds,

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>> good morning. welcome to cnn this morning, saturday, march 9. i'm victor blackwell. >> his horizontals in for amara walker. thanks for joining us. and you look refreshed, coming >> back from >> vacation. >> thank you very much. i'm a couple of shades. darker. got a little red toner into there. what i want to beat, feel better >> all right. >> here's what we're watching. were you this weekend will get a preview of what to expect in a head-to-head rematch between president biden and former president trump as the to hold dueling rallies here in georgia today. plus, we'll discuss a biden campaign strategy to try to seize on momentum from the state of the union address tornado watches are in effect across parts of the southeast this morning with some major cities at risk for tornados and dangerous >> hail we're also tracking a significant flood threat. >> cnn got exclusive access to one of the first ship set to bring cool. so humanitarian supplies to gaza well, show you what's being delivered and how the us is helping in the relief that testimony began this week in the trial of james crumbley, the father of the oxford school shooter. the charges he's facing and why he's no longer allowed to make phone calls to anyone except his attorney. >> was the >> military is developing a ufo detection system. >> why how does it work? >> and what have they seen so far, we're getting some answers to those questions ahead on cnn this morning. the biden trump rematch is underway. now, fresh off his state of the union address. president biden is set to hit the road on a battleground. states swing that includes a visit to georgia. biden, former president trump, expected to make appearances today in georgia with biden holding an event in atlanta, trump holds a rally in rome, georgia. that's in the northwest part of the state. >> the biden campaign hopes to continue the president's momentum coming out of the state of the union speech while trump popes to win over nikki haley voters after she dropped out of the race. georgia was a key battleground state that biden won in 2020 by less than a percentage point it is the biggest delegate prize and the only swing state among primary contests taking place on tuesday. super tuesday put both biden and trump on the brink of having enough delegates to synch their party's presidential nominations. >> cnn white house correspondent camila dechalus is in wilmington, that with the president is starting his day. camila. what are the messages that the president is trying to highlight in this first wing after the big address well, victor isabel, one of the things that biden really wants to highlight is what he has done while he's been in office >> when it comes to the economy, like investing in thousands of drops or investing in public safety, or his efforts to try to lower the high cost of prescription drugs. he wants to remind the voters what he's done, but also lay out what he wants to do if he gets re-elected into office. and one of the things that we saw last night and his speech in philadelphia is he going to talk about what's at stake in this election cycle and talk about his former predecessor, donald trump. he mentioned him by name about him, about eight times yesterday, and a lot of that is that he really wanted the distress that he believes that donald trump poses a threat to democracy. and so those are some of the biggest things he's going to highlight. and atlanta and in the months ahead when we arrived down the street, or as a trump fan, i was fu on it and a little and a six-year-old kid putting up as middle finger >> did you ever sit? no, i'm serious. the general thank you. hear people talk the way they do look at domains, domains who we are. that's not who america, that's not america >> as you saw, victor is about biden is really just going to highlight what's at stake in this election cycle. and really just how he believes that donald trump poses a threat to democracy camila dechalus for us there in wilmington. thanks so much. so to me now is michelle price is a national politics reporter for the associated press. >> good morning to you. all right. so camila talked a lot about policy. let's talk about tone during the state of the union address, president biden referred to former president trump as my predecessor. but in this address in pennsylvania, this rally, he called trump out by name regularly. what does that tell us aside from policy, the tonal the tone that the president in the campaign will use moving forward >> yeah, i mean, remember that the state of union is still a speech. he gives as president. it's more on the government side. there certainly pollack plays, plays a central role. but naming, naming trump when he's out explicitly on the campaign trail is a little bit of a shift to make it more of a direct contrast. >> but that speech >> on thursday was still very fiery and i think we can expect joe biden to continue that. you see that that's something that some of the folks in trump world, we're kind of taken aback by. they've been kind of casting joe biden as kind of sleepy and not fully on top of his faculties. and the way he came off in that speech is something that kind of shut some of that down to think we're gonna expect him to continue to do that. but this the way he's been taking on trump directly shows this is the matchup he's ready for it. he wants to draw those contrasts. you want stark contrasts on democracy, on tone you mentioned that the little child who was holding of the middle finger, that's a coarsening of society that's all something that joe biden is expected to probably talk about today. >> yeah, that narrative of the soul of the country fighting for the soul of the nation so you talk about what you're talking about today. they are both in georgia obviously a swing state georgia primary is tuesday. no suspense there. they're each going to win their respective primaries. but what do we know about what the voters want to hear from these two men? >> well, each of these folks today, they're going to be speaking to people who are probably inclined to support them, who were physically in front of them because they're coming out to these rallies. but these messages that they are brought are there. they're each going to be trying to reach some of these swing voters. so he's independence and some of the people who were hoping to support nikki haley, you're going to see joe biden tried to reach some of those folks and he already has started trying to reach out to some of those folks. >> donald trump thing >> that donald trump struggles with is when he gets before a rally crowd like he will today, he tends to speak to his base so what we're going to try to see today is whether he continues that he will be in a very heavily republican part of the state. he's in georgia where there's still fresh memory of what happened at the university of georgia student laken riley, something he has been speaking about a lot. immigration has been central to him. >> whether he can leans into his heart, immigration policies, or whether he cast a wider message that brings people into something to see. but we're going to see a stark contrast between these two laying out what is going to feel like you very long general election stretching out before us, former president trump will be in marjorie taylor greenes district. today in georgia. and of course, she want war the maga hat and buttons calling out the president at the state of the union. so let's talk about the rnc. now the new team is in place. you've got at the top, michael whatley as the chair, lara trump as the new co-chair. chris loves sida lacivita. i should say, as the chief of staff, what does this portend? what does this new leadership mean for the arm? and see, as we contrast it to the organization under ronna mcdaniel to the biggest thing that this symbol is that donald trump is the ohis, the perceived nominee by those in his party. he has fully asserted his grip on the party. these are his hand-picked people, but it's also a merging of the rnc with his campaign, chris lacivita is going to be running a lot of the day-to-day operations at the rnc, but also at his campaign. so whatever, wherever the republican party is active in elections this year with, their campaigning for not only donald trump, but for, for down ticket races. that is all going to be coming in filtered through the trump campaign. so you're going to see him fully commanding that political apparatus now what, what is interesting is some of the things that they're talking about, these new leadership. they want to focus on fundraising, which was struggling with the rnc. but one of the biggest things that they talk about as a new priority, one of the reasons that michael watson was business chair is because if the emphasis he keeps putting on election integrity measures this is something that stems from donald trump's false claims in 2020 that he lost the election because of fraud. he is still bringing that up pretty much every time he speaks. and what he has charged these folks with as they take over the rnc is to have a much more robust program in place to monitor the vote to file legal challenges, to just be much more aggressive this time around than they were in 2020. >> i was look ahead to the potential debates. former president trump has said that he is ready to debate president biden anytime, anywhere. listen to what vp harris and president biden said when they were asked about debating president trump >> but given what you argue is at stake here, will you take the chance to show voters more of what they saw last night to take on trump directly in debates we'll get to that at some point and we'll deal with that >> well, you commit to a debate with former president trump's depends on his behavior now, is that michelle just to appear not to be too eager, or could we see an extension of what happened during the >> primaries? know debates? >> we, could see no debates. it seems like they're very non-committal right now. they're not saying no. >> but the >> way that donald trump handled his republican primary, where he didn't appear at any debates. the reason he gave was that if you're leading, if you, if you're if you're winning, you don't need to debate. they gave joe biden kamala harris that reason give them a reason that they could take up on their own as a reason they don't feel like they need to debate. but you got to remember in 2020 when joe biden and donald trump debated the first one was almost unwatchable because donald trump was interrupting so much that the next time they got together, the debate condition actually invented this mute button to cut off his microphone because they just couldn't hear anything when he was interrupting all the time. so we don't if we get to that again, will i hope we will have the mute button because we might appeal to here to the answers, but we don't know whether it will get there are not in this general election this year. yeah. well, the american people certainly deserve debates. i hope we get to michelle price. thanks. thanks so much >> stronger. storms are sweeping through the south, putting nearly 14 million people at risk for dangerous flooding. there's also the possibility of tornadoes, as this system heads northeast, cnn meteorologists elisa raffa is in atlanta, which saw flooding last night. and the lisa, this is an area pretty much much already saturated, right? they've seen re >> yeah. i mean, we got a month's worth of rain here in atlanta in just a week, we got an inch and a half of rain here overnight, and then we got two-and-a-half inches on wednesday rack peach tree creek would really got some problems on wednesday? it flooded this entire your walkway here we're on a part of the belt line here in atlanta and you can see the creek is still rushing fast and it's rising this morning after we gotta get another engine, a half of rain overnight. there's some debris down here to when you get that heavy rain, it picks up all of our plastic pollution and sends it right into the waters. and we've been watching it kind of rolled down the creek this morning once the sun comes up we able to see it a little bit better, but yeah, rising here with another inch-and-a-half of rain overnight. and we've got even more significant flooding just to the south of us and southern georgia. i want to show you the radar because we've got this storm that's pretty expansive. we've got some showers stretching from upstate new york all the way down the east coast and that heaviest rain is in southern georgia where we've thought all of that, the lightning strikes there. now we do also have a tornado watch that's in effect until 11:00 this morning along southern georgia the florida panhandle, where we could have some spin tornadoes as we go through the morning as well, flash flooding has continued it should be a risk. we've got flash flood warnings that continue through the morning here because we've got heavy rain, we've gotten 2.5 inches of rain and spots and where piling on that some of these rainfall totals have been an excess of five to six inches over the last couple of days. and the southeast has been pretty saturated in an undated all of winter. we've had some rainfall totals that have been well above average so far this year. so far this winter, it's just been well above average and that has let these ground conditions be pretty saturated and keeping the flooding risk of there right when the ground is saturated and you get more heavier the rain on top, the ground really can't take that much more. now we do know that we find that these two inch heavy rainfall days are increasing as our atmosphere becomes warmer, it can hold more moisture and we squeeze out more of these heavy rainfall days. we do have the rain that's wrapping up here in atlanta, but all of that moisture heads up the east coast. so if you're watching from areas like new york to maine, brace for some showers, even some snow and interior new england guys. >> lisa, stay dry out there. thank you. >> all right. we are just getting started here on cnn this morning. >> straight ahead. a cnn exclusive we'll go inside the massive mission happening now to get lifesaving humanitarian aid in the gaza bus, what it talks for a ceasefire state ahead of tomorrow's ramadan deadline. and former president donald trump pays a bond of more than $90 million. in one case and then has a deadline to pay nearly a half billion-dollar judgment a few weeks from now new questions on how he's going to pay for all that still ahead. >> while savannah gone is rolling out new tools to track possible ufos. and it goes on the record about any evidence of alien cnn technology. that story a little later, i'm seeing in this one, lead with jake tapper weekdays it for on cnn did you know that only one in ten americans consume adequate amounts of fruits and 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ceasefire in gaza with the egyptian foreign minister and in this moment, in this hour, we're also intensely focused on seeing if we can get a >> ceasefire with the release of hostages the expansion of humanitarian assistance, and an environment for working on an enduring resolution and there the issue as hamas, the issue is whether hamas will decide or not to have a ceasefire that would benefit everyone the ball is in their court. we're working intensely on it and we'll see what we'll see what they do well, president biden cast a lot of doubt on the prospect of striking a deal that includes a temporary ceasefire paired with the release of hostages by >> the start of ramadan and an exclusive interview with cnn, the european union says it hopes to launch an emergency maritime aid corridor from cyprus to gaza this weekend, citing the dire humanitarian green situation in the enclave cnn's nada bashir joins us live from larnaca, cyprus with more on this historic mission. not well we've had a firsthand look at preparations for what is set to >> be one of the first, the first ships heading to gaza as part of this maritime effort to transport humanitarian aid. and crucially food supplies to the gaza strip. this is a significant development as we've seen over the last few months getting aid and has proven extremely difficult. the amount of aid that we're seeing getting in at this point is just a drop in the ocean in comparison to what is needed in gaza yesterday, we were able to spend day with volunteers and aid workers here at this port in cyprus, preparing for that first and worst at the groundbreaking at mission in hopes that they will get an uptick in here. we want to turn aid into gaza. take a look >> at the port of larnaca. cyprus. preparations are underway vital food supplies, carefully loaded onto this barge ready to be transported to gaza. ngo workers at world central kitchen have been laying the groundwork for this mission for weeks. following difficult ground crossings along gaza's obstructed borders and limited air drops. this is their latest effort to supplying crucial humanitarian aid to the palestinian people well, these products off filled with rice and flower, these volunteers are preparing to carry them by this vessel behind me to gaza. this could be one of the first, if not the first aid missions, transporting food and humanitarian aid by sea >> a bold the open arms ship. volunteers and rescue workers assess the precarious route to gaza's embattled coast the mission comes as the european union, the uae, and other international partners announced the opening of a new maritime corridor allowing ships to carry humanitarian supplies from cyprus to the besieged strip. >> today, we are facing a humanitarian catastrophe in gaza and we stand by the innocent civilians in palestine, search and rescue coordinator as to camps is herself preparing to make the journey to war-torn gaza. >> the worst part of the 1.2 meters. >> this is a deeply complex mission but one which is desperately needed. as gaza teeters on the brink of famine, it's really important because we are like the pilot phase. so if we get this food inside many other so people can do the same we are proving the world that we can do it. so we must do more the establishment of a new maritime corridor has been endorsed by the united states president biden himself directing the us military to establish a temporary port on gaza's coast to facilitate access for humanitarian supplies. israel, for its part, says, it welcomes the development and we'll continue to coordinate with international allies but un experts have accused israeli leaders of quote, intentionally starving the palestinian people in gaza with over half 1 million according to the un's world food programme now at risk of starvation >> and of course, >> while this is a positive development, there are still many questions around how this will actually work in practical terms, there are still a lot of unknowns around how this humanitarian aid and there's food supplies will actually be transported physically once these vessels make it to gas. and as we have heard from us officials, efforts by the us military to establish a temporary port or peer on gaza's coast could take up to two months. is still a lot of questions as to how quickly this maritime corridor will be up and running and of course, how much aid will be able to get into the gaza strip? >> not a, there had been some hope to broker the ceasefire by the start of ramadan, less than a day away. very unlikely it's going to happen. what's the latest on the talks? >> we've seen a lot of back-and-forth. we've seen delegations from both hamas and israel as well as other regional international partners traveling to cairo over the last he weeks taking part in these negotiations, we've heard previously from the united states saying that there is some sort of broad agreement on the terms of a potential truce that would last around six weeks. it would be a pause in fighting. hamas hopes so this could lead to a gradual withdrawal of israeli soldiers on the ground. and of course, israel is still pushing for full release of israeli hostages held captive by hamas in gaza. at this stage, as we know, it is looking unlikely that a deal will be struck before ramadan. we've heard that from us officials, including think president biden wins. i'll say situation at this stage is tough despite the fact that he said both he and his administration have been working tirelessly to broker some sort of truce agreement or at least a temporary pause in fighting at this stage. it is looking unlikely the fear is that we could see perhaps that's an escalation in violence. we know of course that israel has previously warned that if there isn't any sort of agreement for what i'm all done at the hostages aren't returned for hoard. i'm a dad and they could launch a ground incursion instead of that. of course, some 1.3 million people, mostly civilians, are currently displaced >> and everyday that goes by in increasingly dire situation for citizens there on the ground nada bashir. thank you. donald trump has posted bond and the appeal of his new york defamation case coming out, how he was able to finance the $92,000,000 bond as he appeals that decision what happens to the golden boy of new jersey? >> i engaged in affair with another man. >> did you want to we outed united states of scandal with jake tapper, are gonna get a therapist if they're having an interview with jake tapper. >> new episode next sunday night on cnn >> for the ones who work hard to ensure their crew can always go the extra mile. and the ones who get in early so everyone can go home on time there's granger offering professional grade supplies backed by product experts. so you can quickly and easily find what you need. plus, you can count on access let's do a committed team ready to go the extra mile for you. call click her just stopped by granger for the 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package which prevented a government shutdown just hours before the deadline it was bipartisan support for the senate in the senate with 75, 22 votes followed the houses approval. there. it secured resources for vital departments and federal programs, despite a verdict, a partial set down legislators now have to address a second set of funding bills to meet the next deadline that's march 22. >> an investigation is underway for a us military helicopter crashing yesterday near the southern border. the crash claim the lives of two national guardsmen and a border patrol agent. the guardsman were engaged in an aviation operation connected with the federal southwest border support mission when that incident took place, the names of the dead have not yet been released because officials are sold in the process of notifying their families, us forces say they shot down 15 in drones over the red sea and gulf of aden the us acted after houthi forces supported by iran launched a major drone attack that threaten ships from the us. its allies and commercial vessels the incident is after a recent houthi missile strike on a liberian-owned carrier in the gulf of aden, killed three crew members >> former president trump's >> cash crunch is coming into focus. he secured a nearly $92 million bond that'll cover the damages awarded to writer e jean carroll for defaming her in 2019 when he was president, he is appealing that verdict, even as he faces a deadline to put up a much larger bond and a separate fraud case. cnn's kara scannell has those details good morning, victor. and isabel. this came down to the wire. donald trump posted at million bond friday morning to appeal the judgment in the e. jean carroll case, trump had been ordered to pay 83.3 million to carroll in the defamation case. his bond will cover that plus interests. so trump was running at a time and there were questions about how he would cover the judgment global insurer chubb underwrote the bond which trump signed on march 5, this past tuesday while he was still asking the judge for more time to put his financing together the judge has given carroll until monday morning to object to the monde. and if there are any issues, they all be back in court that after her noon. meanwhile, the clock is ticking on trump's bigger judgment, the 454 million he was ordered to pay the new york attorney general's office from its civil fraud lawsuit, trump offered to post a $100 million bond, but that was rejected by a new york appeals court judge now, a panel of judges is weighing trump's request to defer posting judgment until his appeal of the decision is over. the court is expected to rule by the end of this month, which is when the payment is due. and as jury selection will be underway in trump's first criminal trial in new york. he just charged with falsifying business records to cover up hush money payments made before the 2016 presidential election. trump has pleaded not guilty back to you guys, kara scannell. >> thanks so much still to come. the father of a michigan school shooter was caught making threatening statements on a jail phone. we have the latest from his manslaughter trial vegas story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn >> scalp play with us anymore. >> he has something called osteoarthritis pain. its joint pain that hurts him all the time. now there's labriola, the first and only once monthly injection to control your dog's oa pain. veterinary professionals administering libretto who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme to avoid self-injection, which can cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis >> bambas, makes absurdly comfortable underwear need to move with you. knock on you, because their basic things it should be your best thing one purchase equals one donated visit, and get 20% off your first-order. >> always been prone to hair thinning, genetically predisposed. >> you just gave birth i because under our law, stress, i started 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energy sources to secure our future. nine in ten americans agree american oil and natural gas are vital to our account lights >> though we'll states that mr. marbles will receive everything he needs in perpetuity. thanks to auto ship from chewy, i always loved that old man and he gets a summer house what say 35% off your first outer shape border, at to a220 custom-make helps us motivate our students of custom gear. we love how custom-make takes care of everything we need. so we can focus on the kids customer and because hundreds of products to help you feel connected, upload your logo, or start your design today at custom-make dot com >> no yeah >> that's great. >> i can do a cartwheel in here >> would you like to join us now >> we would love to join you look good guys. >> situations are better with the credit gods on your side of common. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many earn points for travel with credit one bank and live large do you have missing 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crumbley is facing a michigan jury just weeks after his wife, jennifer, was convicted on these same four charges of involuntary manslaughter or guilty verdict marks the first time the parent of a mass shooter was ever convicted. james crumbley is the parent who i actually bought the gun for. ethan crumbley, who used it to kill four people at a michigan high school, oxford high school. cnn's jean casarez has those highlights from friday's testimony victor in is about one of the prosecution's witnesses on friday was detective joe brian. he heads up the special investigation unit and he testified that once ethan was in custody, he spoke to him and he asked him who has parents were who is father was? he said james, and the detective called james and told him to get down to the substation because that's where ethan was. so he and jennifer went down there. i think you can see from this video, once they got there, they were ushered into this interview room. there are two detectives, including detective brian in there and they started talking to the parents and james spoke a lot. jamie said that they had gotten in an argument the night before with their son, ethan because of a geometry score and that he had taken to ethan to school that morning, the morning of the mass shooting and he really thought everything was calm down and he told his son, just do the best you can in school he also was asked about does he have any issues and he said, well, he lost his best friend recently, moved out of state, whose dog died. my mother, his grandmother died in april. and then it went too well. are there any disciplinary issues involving him and he said he's never gotten in trouble we're school. but then on the cross examination, the defense, they honed in on a pivotal issue in this case. the safekeeping of that gun six and it's and 45 seconds. james, full view that he had a six hour handgun? >> yes. >> there was 650 seconds. he said that it was hidden in an armbar correct? >> it's six minutes, 58 seconds. >> and these are approximate time stamps. i'm not holding you to britley. appreciate it. >> six minutes and 58 seconds that the bolts were hidden in a different spot under g z signs yes, ma'am. >> when the trial ended on friday, the judge turned to the jury and said, we are really making time on this trial monday, tuesday, and wednesday of next week. we will work and then she told the jury, and after that, you could be getting the case so obviously this case is going at record speed and we'll see what next week holds. >> victor, isabel. >> and that was jean casarez reporting, joining us now to talk about this case is cnn's legal analyst, joey jackson. joey right off the bat. do we know much more about the nature of those alleged threats? james crumbley's accused of making. >> and >> then what are your thoughts on that >> yeah. isabel, good morning to you. so we do not at this point and then the critical issue obviously is how they play into this trial, if at all right to this point, the judge is not admitting anything regarding these communications, only saying that his communications will be the limited moving forward. now, if he testifies isabel and matters come up, it's possible he could be confronted with respect to the threats, but at this point, it's very murky as to that, and it should be because it could prejudice him in this case, he's got much more to worry about in terms of defending himself. so let's see, moving forward, whether we burn more and whether any of those threats come out in a court of law. >> joe, we have this clip from james crumbley's defense attorney. let's listen in real quick >> ladies and gentlemen >> you will not >> hear that james crumbley, new what his son was going to do you will not hear that genes. can we even suspected that his son was a danger? >> all right. that was from the opening statements. what do you think of this sort of defense? can james crumbley saying he wasn't aware of the danger even though ethan we know from text messages as tim and his wife for help with his mental health and accused his parents of not listening to him yes so this is a critical issue, right? because it falls on the matter of foreseeability and it falls on the matter of negligence. what's that about? well first, in terms of foreseeability in the event that you purchase your child a weapon. first of all, which was four days prior to this, and you have knowledge as to his mental health? formalities, right? that's problematic. and so to what extent now were you negligent? furthermore, you saw the clip there with respect to the defense asking about the hiding of the gun, did you hide it enough? where was it in connection with? where he would that is ethan crumbley, the shooter himself convicted, as we know, pled guilty spending the rest of his life in jail such that he could have access to it. so all that's important. you are the father you shot with them. this was your hobby. you have a responsibility will be the argument to make sure he doesn't get a hold of that gun next issue, what extent, if any, are you aware as to what your child's going through and should you have been aware? i have that? >> and so when you saw the clip of the defense focusing on the issue of knowledge, it's important because the juries and say, what did you know about the sun and why would you got them? why would you have gotten him a gun if you knew that? and that's why you saw the defense focusing in on that. they have to separate that issue. father had no knowledge. father secure the gun if they have any hopes of exonerating him in this case is about and speaking of knowledge and precautions that were were not taken, jurors heard from the person who sold james crumbley the gun and saw its unused cable lock still in its packaging. how big is up for the prosecution? and could that impact the jury? >> yeah. i mean, look at the end of the day, going back to the issue of foreseeability. foreseeability is it likely is it potentially possible that this could happen because you were negligent? and so they're going to hone in the prosecution on the gun. what was the nature of where was the gun hidden? when was it there? what did your child know about it? did your child have access to it? should he have as a parent, did you take the proper precautions? remember, is about the father is not charged with shooting at all. the fathers charged with setting the circumstances in motion such that the shooting can occur. so issues concerning the gun and anything related to the gun are very critical. the jury sense of what the father did and whether the whether he did enough is very critical because it goes again to the issue of negligence. what you negligence did you set this chain in motion and was it foreseeable because of what you did not do or what you did do as a father, that this would happen. those are the issues in contention at this trial. >> so let's talk about that emotional testimony from the school victims how powerful is that for the jurors? if james crumbley was not the shooter yeah. >> yeah. you know, is about the reality is this obviously the issue of emotion is something that the jury has got to be instructed about. it's not about emotion, it's not about who you like, who you don't like. it's not about your personal feelings, it's about the evidence having said that p people are people. human nature is human nature. and as a result of that, it's hard not really to make a connection with the fact that there are four kids dead. why who's accountable for that? could it have been prevented? and so when you hear this emotional testimony, when you hear the impact that it had on the school, the impact that had on the community, the impact that had on but you're looking to see why and who's responsible, why we even here, who could have done something better and father, if that was you because of your lack of hiding, concealing the gun, or knowing how to treat your son when he needed help? then what we may be more likely the jury, to assess guilt in the event, right? that that's not the case, then perhaps not, but emotional components are always very difficult to overcome, even with the judge instructing the jury to overlook it. >> and these are such uncharted waters, putting the parents under the legal spotlight, except i guess jennifer crumbley, his wife, joey jackson. thank you for your time. >> so the pentagon says that it has no evidence of aliens among us. that's good news. but they will not stop looking more on the new ufo kits developed by the military. that's coming up cnn saturday >> first of all, with victor blackwell smerkonish, the chris wallace show, the oman who are our the week's biggest stories. the weekend in its hottest topics starting today at eight on cnn. >> now, adt professionally installs google nest products >> you're all set on the system. we should go with the most >> trusted name and home security as the intelligence of google, 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detection kit is called gremlin. it's being developed by the us military in an effort to respond faster to reported ufo sightings and to collect better data once they get there timothy phillips, who is the acting director of the pentagon's all-domain anomaly office. the pentagon's office that investigates uap sightings explained these gremlin sensor kits like this, quote, what we're doing is developing a deployable configurable sensors we, that we can put in pelican cases. since the uap target, the signature is not clearly defined. we really have to do hyperspectral surveillance to really try to capture these incidents. now, hyperspectral means across the entire electromagnetic spectrum. so they're trying to collect everything from x-rays and ultraviolet rays to microwave and radio waves, things really outside the normal signatures of flying objects. most flying objects, things like jets produce a big heat signature from their hot engines. some of these uaps do not so that's one thing that these gremlin sensors are going to help try to do, collect better data and they're currently being tested at a big range out in texas. and the pentagon is especially interested in deploying them sensitive national security sites, places like us military bases, navy ships, places where a lot of these uap sightings have been concentrated now, the pentagon initially shared this news about the gremlin sensor kits at a briefing with a select group of reporters, cnn's oren liebermann and was one of them. and add this briefing the whole point of it was to preview a report that dropped on friday, and this was a report that the pentagon put together and it was mandated by congress. and what this report concluded is that quote, the aaro found no evidence that any us government investigation, academic sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a uap representing extra-terrestrial technology. the report concluded that most sightings were ordinary objects and phenomena, and the result of ms identification. but the reports still does not explain the uaps that were caught on camera by us military pilots who testified under oath on capitol hill that uaps that they saw were behaving in ways that defied the laws of physics. so still a lot of questions here, but the pentagon is hoping that these gremlin kits, these portable ufo uap detection kits will help them collect better data which can then help them get some better answers. kristin fisher, cnn, washington i don't know why i wasn't anticipating like >> a metal detector time. i sort of a pelican case right. so when she said kid, we were starting to talk about this. i was thinking kit in the sense of you get by put this on your roof like a receiver very hardcore. i didn't know is just for them all right. thanks, kristen. so president biden, former president trump, but dueling campaign events in georgia today, how president biden is looking to keep the momentum after his state of the union 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rosalas in for amara kara walker. here's what we're working on this morning. georgia, on their minds,

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Receiver , Pelican Case , Kit , Roof , President Trump , Dueling Campaign Events , Break , Kristen , Identity Crisis , Story , Vegas , Sensitive , Trap , Idea , Beginning , Downfall Vegas , Couldn T Get Out , Ticks , Life , Byu , Both , Foods , Formula , Works , Nutrients , Vitamins , Acting Ag , Making Foundation On Nutrition Easier , Coffee Shop , Employee , Space , Drink Ag One Com , Nationality , Suite , Indoor , Accustoming Com , Theseus , Doesn T Care , Singles , Xi , Night , Effective Machine , Chambers Fainting , Geom Bar , Syndrome , Company , Spreadsheets , Kayak , Shingo X , There S Labriola , Watts No , Internet , Comcast Business , Customer Support , Network Reliability , Dida Twoo , Moaire , 99 9 , Internet Package , Card , Reliability Isn T , Don T Wait , 49 , Ivan Watson , South China Sea , Minds , Kara Walker , My Favorite De The Week ,

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