Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

>> the man >> trump belittles as sleepy joe seemed quite fiery last night as the president tries to flip the script launching a campaign blitz, just one day after his forceful kind of political state of the union address. plus donald trump's one-on-one at mar-a-lago today, meeting with hungary's viktor orban ban. the authoritarian leader, knowing, known for anti-immigration nationalist rhetoric, who often cozies up to vladimir putin and attempts to stop the aid. see what happened when cnn confronted israeli protesters, determined to make sure little food, if any, makes it into gaza despite the overwhelming human and tharon crisis welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper and we start today with our politics lead in the white house in an all reelection blitz trying to capture on any momentum from president biden's fiery and rather political state of the union address last night in which the president referenced donald trump, at least a dozen times in less than an hour, we expect to hear from the president outside philadelphia, pennsylvania. he's visiting the commonwealth of crucial battleground state today along with the first lady who hails from their meanwhile, the vice president's, it is about to land in another >> key battleground, arizona. she heads to another battleground, nevada tomorrow. just take a look at the travel plans for the president, the vice president, and the biden cabinet over the next few weeks from california rhode island, missouri, to wisconsin and ohio. this is what the white house sees as the official launch of the biden trump rematch now to boast, bolster that effort, the biden campaign said today that they're launching 100 new offices this month, hiring 350 new team members and launching a $30 media campaign. those ads are expected to reflect some of the key themes we heard from biden's speech last night. and the criticism he leveled at the man he identified only as my predecessor, along with the republican party my predecessor a former republican president, tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. my predecessor on some of you here, seek to bury the truth about january 6, predecessor came to office, determined to see roe v. wade over return. well, my predecessor, many in this chamber want to take those rep. prescription drug away by repealing affordable care act i'm not let that happen for his part. the former president his predecessor, posted his speech reaction on truth social with a lot of all cap's >> rants where he accused biden of lying about his record, being quote, angry as hell and shouting his speech into the microphone. republicans on capitol hill are criticizing biden's speech as well among the criticisms, it was too political >> it was full of lies and political rhetoric. it was a campaign speech. i kept waiting for him and talk about the state of union of people got very emotional tonight because it was overly partisan speeches, campaign speech >> i wanted to hear the state of the union, not a campaign speech. >> i would rather go back to having a actual address so the doctrine about the state of the union >> let's discuss all of this with my panel here me and here with me in studio republican strategist alice stewart and former coalitions director for the biden-harris 2020 campaign. ashley allison. thanks to both of you for being here. asked before the speech, republicans are saying biden was old week gaffe-prone, senile, a pushover >> after the speech. >> unofficial trump adviser and fox host sean hannity, described it instead, like this tonight america saw, let's say, a very different joe biden, i might call them jacked up joe. and that's being charitable. he sounded like a hyper caffeinated angry old man. >> hanadi always knowing from known for being charitable can republicans have it both ways? i mean, this also reminds me of the fact that they accused him of being a dumb puppet fool. and also this criminal mastermind, it just seems like you got to pick a lane here, right? >> well, i think when the first clips you played, when everyone agrees with mitt romney on this issue, i think think there's general consensus amongst republicans that joe biden, clearly he was under pressure to show that he had vim and vigr and stamina to be reelected. but he came across and many people's mind. he came across angry. he came across a full of vengeance. he came across loud and grumpy and look, this was a partisan speech. he came right out of the gate talking about his predecessor over and over and over again and taking it to donald trump instead of talking about the state of the union, which is what this was four. and if i wanted to go to biden rally, i would've gotten my small snacks and snicker bars and hit the road to a biden rally. but this was supposed to be about the state of the union. and on the issues to we can certainly talk about that. but i think the fact that he talked about the economy, which is a big issue for people, saying us is the envy of the world. we're coming back. things are great. >> that's not how people feel and why he can sit there and >> say, we're on a great economic comeback. that's not how people feel. and i think a lot of people that you should have been reaching out to the independence and the nikki haley voters are saying, you know, you just don't understand how we're feeling. you're just not in touch >> well, look, the reality is joe biden had to talk about donald trump because the state of our union is angry because of trump and his four years, trump was device if he still uses rhetoric like vermin and poison the blood. and you have to take that on because when you don't, you will you again, you allow the soul of our nation to begin to deteriorate. so we are in a different time and mostly because of donald trump, because he had his convention at the white house because he used the last four years violating every component of the hatch act. i hear you on that. that might not be how people are feeling and i think that last night it was important for joe biden in a state, all of his accomplishments. and then when he goes out and you actually talk okay, so voters, he's really, really good at that engaging with people. the thing that i find interesting is that, you know, i don't think you can have it both ways and we clearly are not the same type of voter, right we care about america, but we care about different issues in different ways. but all the people that have been in a question mark phase my circle and i'm not talking about dc elites, i'm talking about people in the streets. they are saying last night, joe biden got the job done and that's what you need to do. >> so it was so it was good for the base. >> the base, but i do think that she did talk to me, quote it, ronald reagan in the speech, the first three minutes and talk it's about defending ukraine, defending democracy. so he did not just cower to the left on israel-hamas. he talked about israel being our ally. and so i think he was talking to a coalition that he will need to win, which includes independence. >> so i will say this alice, that like, i think a lot of people going into it thought, oh boy i hope he gets democrats, i hope, i hope it gets through it. i hope he doesn't like collapse. i hope he doesn't like up some major gaffe. it he he he certainly seemed like an 81 year-old, but he did not seem incapable of doing the job, so he at that at least that point, like republicans complaining about it being political, et cetera. i'm not saying i disagree with that, but but that's not the same thing as complaining about him being, weekend at bernie's exam. >> the bar is pretty low. i mean, a lot of people thought he would, but it's the republicans had set the bar that, that's my point. to that point, look, he got through no major stumbles, no major tumbles. but you're talking about having it both ways. don't biden's trying to have it both ways. he campaigned on being the empathetic candidate on unity, on normalcy. that was such a divisive speech, and that was so partisan against donald trump. and he's talking about, we're having great comeback in this country. it was a nasty speech and he is the candidate that is saying he's going to be a unifying this country. and that speech was very far from it. >> i think what was nasty was marjorie taylor greene yelling yelling at the president? >> she >> gave him a button and he used the button. i mean, he he was engaging with her and saying you asked me to say her name and i am saying her name and i have compassion for the parents because i've also a lot of lost a child so i mean, we again, we don't have to agree on this, but i think joe biden got the job done and i'm looking forward to the campaign to try to make alice have to defend marjorie taylor greene. >> that's that's that's that's dirty so let me ask you because actually today the group no labels announced that it is going to move forward with >> plans to field a third-party presidential ticket who benefits from that if there is a third party ticket out there under the no labels label this. nope beyond partisan politics. >> no one, honestly, i don't know who they're going to pick right now. you have chris sununu, who was on a shortlist, larry hogan who was on the shortlist, joe manchin and mitt romney, all of them have said they're either not rent, they're not going sunday. the no labels ticket, or they've already endorsed donald trump. so the question is who and the reality i think it does matter who because if it is someone who is considered as so extreme and maybe just one step away from donald trump. i think it helps joe biden because it takes some votes away from donald trump. but if it is someone potentially that i can't even like a nikki haley, which i think would be counter to what she was saying. she wanted to do. i think it would help donald trump. >> so nikki, i there's no way i think that you hear that it would do what she still wants to be a republic what can president someday? but geoff duncan, who is, i believe still seeing in commentator and our colleague, we all like him. he's a nice guy with former lieutenant governor of georgia, very conservative republican who broke from trump, right he doesn't think trump's republican to begin with. the wall street journal is says he might be in contention. >> i think he would be great. elected official in the future for whatever he decides to run for, he is certainly a man of great conviction until you who benefits from that is the advisers, the people that are buying the ads, people that are doing social media, the people that are advising that no labels ticket. i've spoken with the consultant. the consultant class. i've spoken with someone in that decision-making the process they're looking for someone who is a fiscal conservative, socially moderate, and potentially with some military experience. i think that's sort of narrows it down. they're not saying if it's a male, female, black or white, but they clearly are moving forward. and i think it will be interesting as to see who it might impact, but it really boils down to the actual name and face on that ticket as so i don't think geoff duncan ever served in the military, but he was a baseball player >> it's pretty cool. thanks to both you for being here, coming up. what president biden is saying today about that hot mic moment just after his state of the union address last night when he said something about netanyahu, that he probably didn't want folks to here, plus one friends and family are in high places. the new takeover for trump and the report republican party with a key leader. now out of the way. and in our money lead a slight dip for the dow s&p and nasdaq aftertaste, rather strong jobs report. the us added 275,000 jobs last month then the unemployment rate rose to 3.9%. we're back in a moment >> tawam on this initiative business sunday at eight on cnn >> if you have >> chronic kidney disease, you can reduce 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vote on the bipartisan defending borders, defending democracies we decided to put an end ground pool, a >> literally went on angie and typed in pool, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids. >> we wanted something beautiful when it's something that our children would feel happy swimming in. >> and we love it gets started today at >> sandals went to blue sale is now on for a limited time visit. are called 2,000 sandals meet noodles. >> she's part short hair and part ninja meet the vessel cross wave hydro steam. its part vacuum, mom steamer and ninja nemesis this'll a new breed of clean closed, captioning brought to you by >> mesothelial mom. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country, but us help you get the compensation. you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 40 pretty for >> in our 2024 lead today, hungarian prime minister viktor orban is in the united states, but not at the invitation of the white house. rather, the authoritarian leaders here to visit donald trump, the two, meeting this evening at mar-a-lago, this comes as trump's dominance in the republican in party grows even more evident today as a republican national committee elected his daughter-in-law, wife of his son, eric lara trump, to serve as the rnc's new co-chair. cnn's alayna treene is in houston, texas at this rnc meeting in it, how did this all play out today? >> well, jake donald trump's grip on the republican party is tightening as soon as he became the presumptive nominee, it's tightened even further and we saw that really play out today at the rnc spring meeting where really we saw a trump takeover of the committee, ronna mcdaniel, the chairwoman, resigned formerly from her role during that meeting really made way for more of donald trump's handpicked allies to succeed her. we saw michael whatley, the north carolina republican party chairman swiftly be elected as the new chairman. in of the rnc. and as you mentioned, jake donald trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump also very quickly became and was elected to become the party's co-chair. and that came without opposition. there were some people so in the room when i was chatting with them, they said they were surprised at how swiftly the election was. it was a very quick meeting. no one stood up to oppose them. and it really, i think underscores how much the rnc recognizes that they're in line with donald trump now, i do just want you to listen to some of what ronna mcdaniel said as well as what lara trump said. while they were giving their speeches, take a listen >> stepping aside today because i have long promised to put the nominee and their plans for the rnc for first winning the white house back is just too important for me to do. otherwise, precedent trump deserves to have the team he wants in place at the rnc >> we have one goal. the goal on november 5 is to win and as my father-in-law says big league >> now, jake, the former president, is also planning to install two of his top campaign advisers, chris lacivita and jame, james blair, into roles at the rnc. chris lacivita is expected to take on the role of chief operating officer and financial officer james blair's expected to really lead their political strategy in both of them are also expected to remain in their roles on the campaign. but luck when i talked to donald trump's advisers, they tell me that, yes, it is normal for there to be an overhaul of the rnc for nominee or candidate to want to insert their own touch on the national committee. but the way it's been described to me is more of a takeover. they really want to merge the campaign with the rnc and have them operate as one of the same with a large focus being on donald trump's claims of election fraud, as well as really improving their funds raising. >> all right. alayna treene in houston. thanks so much. last night on a hot mic. president biden mentioned wanting to have a come to jesus meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who needless to say is jewish and does not believe in jesus what he is saying about that comment today next i am not guilty. >> i am resigning administration officials destroyed my cover >> politics. we're great power meets question well, decision-making. >> and then on faceless from iowa backroom deals, cia see affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution. >> as someone who lives for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know. there's so much more to the story >> in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> i named bryan. how fire up. and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. one of my son brian died then drunk driving accident. i put out a video about it and to try to stop the young people from drinking and driving. >> no other family has to go oh, through what we did. >> tiktok has the power to change society. and i think that's sort of the power of tiktok lies to save on person that's one more person 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minister benjamin netanyahu to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza you and i are going to have a come to jesus meeting. president biden says he told the israeli prime minister that was biden and in their huddle was secretary of state antony blinken, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, and democratic senator michael bennet of colorado. biden was asked about that comment today on the tarmac before he boarded his plane for pennsylvania, take a listen. >> yam. come >> what >> i didn't say that in the speech >> after what about apps? >> you guys, he's dropping off >> that show your level of frustration with him on humanitarian aid because he needs to be doing more >> yes, he does. >> meanwhile today in the middle east, at least five people in gaza were killed when an airdrop of humanitarian aid went horribly wrong. in this video obtained by cnn shows aid palettes attached to parachutes falling from the sky one of those parachutes sadly malfunctions falling at a high rate of speed, landing on a residential building. we do not know which nation was behind that particular airdrop united states and other countries have resorted to using these desperate measures as the united nations warns that hundreds of thousands and guys are on the brink of famine so why not get more aid in on the ground? well it's not as simple as it sounds, at least not to the israeli government and others. cnn's clarissa ward traveled to israel's kerem shalom crossing where she confronted israeli protesters who were trying to prevent a drugs from entering gaza >> march with determination to the kerem shalom border as they first six weeks, their mission to block international aid from crossing into gaza the border police are waiting for them. danger of sniper fire and projectiles. he officer warns, i asked you to leave this place but the protesters are undeterred, made up mostly of hostage family members, dormir reservists, and settlers they ignore the order and change course to move closer to the crossing so you can see the trucks with aid over there. the police had been trying to stop the protesters, but then they've just cut through this field and they're pushing ahead how can anyone check and see what's inside or bags of right? that are meant to go to their children our filled with bullet under international law it's israel's obligations to make >> sure that the ordinary citizens of gaza. don't starve to that then right now, they are starving to death amongst is making it very difficult because the muscle is not allowing this to write >> then it's holding it, then we'll do not are saving it. >> but they're doing i'm telling you here and now we knew it's getting to the children of gaza. we will do it. this does not arrive at their doorstep. this arrives into the tunnels of cms that will fight the on holding our hostages >> and nowhere was no evidence to support the idea that all of this aid is going to hamas, not to the rest of the population. this is intelligence only for terror. that's why they're getting it as they should get only the minimum calories required to survive. they're starving to death because there are multiple, they are starting to really make, you know what starving, starving to death give us, gives the hostages back no, a single loaf of bread should go there to our hostages are coming back to many people in the world listening to what you're saying, what you're protesting for it sounds like a a contravention of international law and be incredibly callous in the face of an epic humanitarian catastrophe. in the face of children starving to death, people can't understand why anyone in their right mind would advocate for stopping aid. >> cms has no fec play. hamas has no rules hamas is holding civilians, you know, even if hz or easy humanitarian crisis are in, there is no even if there is, it's my right end my dot to priori replace a life of kubeva. one year old babies, a desert over any gazan vb. >> and with that, the interview is over as the protesters press on previously, they've managed to block aid trucks from crossing but on this day, the police have been given their orders and no one is getting through prompting anger from the crowd. >> you're, confused. go deal with the war this shouts, we can to help you know, i needed to cross here. the protesters tried their luck in another area that the authorities are just as quick to stop them. >> the >> police are now really starting to lose their patients. they've been true brian, to push these protesters away for hours now and still, they're not leaving the crowd on this day is small. but there's sentiment is shared by most people in the country. a recent poll by the israel democracy institute found it's 68% of jewish-israelis oppose the transfer of humanitarian aid into gaza on the other side of the border, the situation could not be more dire. seven year-old fatty sand is suffering from severe dehydration and malnutrition doctors at the kamal adwan hospital say they don't have the resources to properly treat him fadi's mother says she's already lost two children she doesn't want to lose him according to gaza's health authorities, at least 17 children have died of dehydration and malnutrition already. and with a un warning that famine is just a step away, there is hardly room for debate more aid needs to get to more people as quickly as possible now, jake, i do think it's important for our viewers so no, there was another protests yesterday as well. this was of a group that was actually trying to get a convoy of aid into gaza. they tried to get to the the kerem shalom crossing. they weren't able to get near it. but really this does underscore that israel is not a monolith. there are different people who have different feelings about this war how it should be dealt with. and there are those who believe that depriving the people of gaza of aid is certainly not the answer to jake and clarissa. >> what can you tell us about? but who these protesters are >> the progenitors we spent time with are part of this group called saab nine, which literally means border nine as in like a military order it's a group of former reservist, primarily but it's a mixed bag which is interesting. you have some more extreme far right elements. you have a lot of settlers, but we also spoke to an older lady from long island. we met a younger woman from bangor, maine and it is a variety of different people here in israel who come together with this shared conviction they believe and no amount of conversation or debate is going to change their mind that all the aid is going to hamas, and that the only way to get the hostages back is by depriving them some of that aid. and as you heard in that poll, jake 68% of jewish israelis agree that age should not be transferred into gaza. >> all right. clarissa ward. thank you so much here. we discuss retired ambassador mark green, president and ceo of the wilson center and the former administrator of the us agency for international development, or us aid, aid, which is a government agency that administers civilian foreign aid. so mark, thanks for being here. what is your reaction to these protests? is there any legitimacy at all to the concerns that some well, the aid ends up in the hands of hamas, which is obviously a terrorist group that attacked them. >> well, i think what the report reminds us all every day is a bad day right now. in gaza, there are still hostages being held by hamas. israeli hostages, american hostages, and people are hungry. it also underscores how difficult this is. delivering humanitarian assistance during calm times is hard enough but in a war zone and where there's so much rumor and distrust, it's extraordinarily difficult to do. i think we all understand the emotions and the humanitarian need that draws or drives us to do airdrops and to do see bridge that they're talking about. but it's no substitute for getting in over land. and so it's worrisome. it's gonna be a long time before this goes away. and every day, as i said, is a row a bad day right now. >> it is it is horrific watching the human humanitarian catastrophe in gaza and all those innocent civilians. >> do you >> think is really authorities? we saw the police there. do you think israeli authorities are doing enough to keep these protesters from blocking it? >> well, it's hard to know. and again, part of the problem is that rumors run rife, right? and that's what's causing panic and protests and crowds. again, it's going to make it very difficult. remember that before october 7, there was something like 500 trucks per day going into gaza and that's obviously gone down to a trickle. and so even as we talk about the era, we're talking about not even a drop in the bucket of the need that's there. and the hunger is rising, the medical needs are rising, the desperation is rising. so they simply have to get to an answer and get there soon. i know that it's something that the administration missions looking at and pushing on. this said it's really worrisome right now, and nobody should be led into the false hope that somehow airdrops or an a c bridge which is going to take several weeks to put together, is an answer it's something that should be done, but it's certainly not an answer to this problem. >> i of >> course don't want any >> innocent people to starve for in gaza. okay >> so that premises, the next question which is, it's just true though that some of this aid ends up in the hands of hamas. of course it does not just any conflict in any conflict or an aid is going in and there is an armed militia of any sort in that area. they're going to get some of that aid. it just factually, they had the gun. >> when you also have hamas, which is an elected part of the government, is actually running things. so sure. >> i mean, that's, that's the government and the army i've got, i've gaza, so something that is for quite some time the diversion of aid for some time by hamas. yeah. no, it's a significant problem. that's what makes this so very difficult. who do you trust? do your partners, who are you able to work with to not let hamas divert? we know they've been diverting gasoline over the years. you know that they've been diverting supplies, putting them into tunnels yeah. it's very, very dangerous and very, very difficult. >> so i mean, i guess when you worked for a place like usaid, which you don't anymore, but these are just the look, if it was all that simple than we wouldn't even be having these conversations, right? if it was just like no, the israelis are wrong. all of this is going to innocent people. of course, we can't say that. and even members of hamas as evil as they might be, have wives and children and parents, and babies and grandchildren like that need that food to i mean, that's what makes us all very hard, inherently compromised, very, very hard. so humanitarian >> assistance in my day, we lead on venezuela and trying to figure out how you get humanitarian assistance into venezuela and not a maduro is pockets, right? allowing >> murdering a kid that >> 100%, you can't do it 100%. there are a number of things that you can do. david beasley when he led the world food program, i think really pioneered biometric verification. but it's not perfect, especially in a war zone, especially in a conflict zone especially when you have those who are holding terrorists also essentially running the guy government makes it very, very difficult to do. >> i get, i just want to reiterate. i'm not saying that that doesn't mean age should get in these are some of the reasons. and we >> had this hasn't been taken care of and got-away. right? >> by this isn't something that just like this. we write able to take care of. this is very difficult the professionals that usaid are just that they're professionals, they're very, very good at what they do. but this is hard. it takes intense. planning. you have to people on the ground, usaid is now on the ground there, so you have to have reliable partners, trusted partners. and in a situation like this, very hard to find. i just the last point i'm cindy >> mccain, who runs the un's world food programme, was here a few weeks ago when we asked her what about these airdrops and she said they're dangerous and unreliable. i mean, she said that's why we don't do them and we saw an evidence evidence of that it, is extremely difficult it's funny when you do humanitarian work there always people on the outside who are casual observers and they have instance solution, right, right. in the day and mental shoes, shut everything on the military aircraft will fly them all down, right? didn't quite work that way, especially when there's active hostility, fighting going on. you've got hostages being held. you've got hostages being held in tunnels, underground, under hospitals, under some of the places where you'd like to otherwise get aid very, very difficult. the airdrops certainly understand the motivation and why the government want to help these people on the other hand, very dangerous the professional tell you should almost never be done. >> yeah >> absolute desperate last last resort. so this conversation and just this story really gets at something which is that from the outside, as you note, it might look easy. oh, giving fu to hungry people. that's an easy trip. know, it is full back to pickup trucks there. it is full of >> logistical challenges and ethical challenge. all kinds. yeah. all >> thank you for the insightful conversation, ambassador mark green really appreciate it. it's one of the most mysterious, unsolved tragedies and the world, the disappearance of malaysia airlines flight 370. remember that today marks ten years since that fight flight carrying 239 people tragically vanished. it just dropped off radar. there is a new effort by a texas company to get some answers all these years later, stay with us this situation room with wolf 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now so many ways to save life ready wallet, happy. that's 365 by whole foods market. what's considered normal for your cat is interesting. but if your cat isn't their corky self, lately, they may have pain from a common condition called osteoarthritis. now, there are so when cia, so alencia is a once monthly injection to control your cats by wiping veterinary professionals administering zelenska, who are pregnant, trying to conceive or breastfeeding should take extreme care to avoid self-injection. cell phone injection could cause allergic reactions like anaphylaxis. ask your bet about alencia and help get your cat back to their normal >> i was was calling the trap any couldn't get out. >> vegas was having an identity crisis that was the beginning the downfall, but vegas at a different idea, vegas, the story of sensitive next sunday at ten on cnn >> in our national lead today, more than 82 years after the japanese attack on pearl harbor the us defense department just announced it as accounted for one of the men who was killed on that day of infamy, 21 year-old navy fire controlman, second-class, laurence j. overly of los angeles, was on the uss oklahoma. that battleship capsized and sank and only 12 minutes after multiple japanese tornado that's 429 us crew members were killed. there remains eventually were recovered, but most were deemed unidentifiable. >> the pentagon's >> pow mia accounting agency says, thanks to modern dental, anthropological, and dna analysis, overlies remains have been identified and accounted for. overly will be buried later this month. may he finally rest in peace and may his memory be a blessing? >> in >> our world lead it has been ten years to the day since malaysia airlines flight 370 vanished. with all 239 people aboard. and now the search for the plane could be relaunched, reigniting one of the wildest mysteries to captivate the entire world. in the modern era to this day, there has been no concrete evidence showing what exactly happened to that plane. nor its victims. let's bring in cnn's tom foreman, tom tenure flashback experts believe there have been enough technological advances to make a difference in a new search for mh370 >> well, they're hoping so. i mean, the simple truth is when this plane disappeared, there was an international expert, the large just international search ever under the water to try to find out what happened here. now, we are at this ten year anniversary. the somber families remembering what happened all those years ago, remembering the few pieces of debris that finally showed up over near africa after this took off down a kuala lumpur. that's all there really is to work with here because nothing really was found. the idea behind this new surge by ocean infinity, they've asked the malaysian government to say, let us come back again and try again. no investment, we're just you don't have to pay anything for it will just go see if we can find something and then we'll go from there and then we'll work out the finances if we do find something, basically the idea yeah, behind this, although the company is not saying much except that they'd like to go back. they believe there have been advances. >> if you >> combine things like better satellite analysis artificial intelligence, better underwater sensors may be more sensitive ones maybe you can find something that they could not find at the bottom of the indian in ocean, despite this extraordinary search that went on, as you recall, jake, for a long, long time, that's the idea. maybe there's some hope if they do that. >> so that's all well and good. but what are the main problems ten years ago wasn't the technology, it was the vast area in which this plane might have gone down. has that changed at all? have they >> narrowed down the area unless that technology is telling them some information that they haven't shared with us. now, the problem all along was this plane took off and nobody really knew where it went? remember, 39 minutes after taking off and disappeared from all radar and after that time, there was no sense of whether it went down immediately, whether it kept going, turned again with this way, whatever it did, or how long it flu. and jake, you know, at the speed that a jetliner is flying, it covers a tremendous amount of distance every minute. so out in a big ocean or the indian ocean to third largest ocean in the world. to find it out, they're very, very difficult. so the idea that they want to go after it, maybe, maybe they can find something, maybe they can address it's these, these theories that existed from the beginning of the question of, did the crew, for some reason ditch the plane? was it hijack for some reason? did these lithium batteries in the cargo hold catch on fire as some people thought, did that bring it down? was there a catastrophic mechanical issue of some other sort or did the plane depressurize and did everybody on board lapse into unconsciousness? and it finally crashed the truth is, we have no proof of any of those theories. there are just theories that's why ten years later, one of the biggest mysteries in the world from that moment, that the crews said goodnight to the tower and that was last we ever heard awful. >> tom foreman, thanks so much coming up next, getting red for getting the red carpet ready for sunday's academy awards. comedian jimmy kimmel will be back at it as a host. and when it comes to roasting celebrities, all jokes are not on the table. cnn spoke with mr. kimball to talk about where he's drawing any lines that's next what happened to the golden boy of new jersey governor jim aggreviate. >> i engaged in an adult consensual affair with another man. it was shocking. >> was it an instant attraction? >> yeah. >> agree. these >> top fundraiser under investigation, he put a lover want to stay payroll for reasons you immigrating resigned is a lot more complicated than we remember. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper or rather go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake tapper episode next sunday at nine on cnn. >> this is remmington. he's a member of the family for sure we always said them kibble. it just seemed like the thing to do but he was getting picky. we heard about the farmers dog and there was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different it's a no brainer that where maybe should have the best nutritious and delicious food i'm investing in my dogs health and happiness >> get started at long-lived >> meet barkley, his part pitbull and part masterpiece meet the bissell revolution, hydro steam. its part stubborn stain remover, and part of peacemaker this'll a new breed of clean hi, we've both got a big birthday coming up, so we have a lot of washes about medicare plans. >> we've got a lot of answers. how can i help? >> well, for starters, do you include hearing benefits? >> how about a 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times? it makes no sense. it's not even a good round number. >> jimmy kimmel is bad ready to roast the stars. i saw your movies. now it's my turn to make you sit in the theater for three-and-a-half god help you if i know you like if you're if you've been to my house here in trouble on oscar night we caught up with kimmel and days before the show to hear his plans in, see if anything is off-limits >> george santos yeah. safe. but i think he would i think it will make him so happy if he was mentioned at the oscars and i'm not interested in making him happy. >> the hollywood strikes. >> the strikes, yes. is something i will talk about. sure. can being >> nominated, but not barbie. >> there'll be some version of that. >> yes. >> taylor swift and travis kelce, not off limits, but probably played out. >> now, your wife is an executive producer. does she put up some guardrails like honey, maybe don't go there, don't say yes. >> my wife on occasion, will say like, is it worth it? and that's the best question you can ask me because sometimes the answer is yes, it is worth it. >> the first >> side that when trump ever tries to stop someone from talking about them on television, and it's me >> frequent kimmel target donald trump. not only is fair game for the oscars, kimmel told us he welcomed trump on his talk show. >> there are a lot of questions i would like to ask him and i would like to get actual answers. i think most of the interviews that he does don't require are those if trump does get on kimmel, he do what for years, matt damon could not. >> i want to apologize to matt damon. we ran out of the timeframe that >> comedic feud between damon and kimmel also could be fodder for sunday night. >> he was in oppenheimer everyone else was nominated except for him >> is he scared the wrath of jimmy kimmel? >> it's one of the saddest things i've ever heard. he was he asked if he could come and they told him, sorry, nominees, only if daemons like the rest of us, watching from home, he'll have to tune in an hour earlier at 07:00 p.m. eastern a new start time for an atari asli long show. >> does that mean we're still going to try to keep it within three hours. >> show will be starting an hour early and ending justice lead it is going to be a late night on sunday, >> but, you know, jake, i know that you are buddies with jimmy kimmel. you both have been on each other shows. he was so excited to hear that this interview was going to be airing on the lead and since we were talking about roasting celebrities from this stage, i hope you're not mad at me, but i could not resist asking him how he would roast. >> you. shall we take a look at what he said. >> let's bring it on i love jake and he's a great guy. he's i will say jake is very texty like i think i get more texts from jake than anyone in my whole life. >> i would start with >> comparing jake to a teenage girl and go from there fair, tough but fair >> absolutely. there you go. you've been roasted by jimmy kimmel. now jake, how's that? >> no lies detected. i believe me i've been roasted worse by jamaica than that, but that was just accurate. elizabeth wagmeister mr. thanks. so as a fun spot, appreciate it. right now, president biden is in the philly area. we're standing by for a speech from him as he tries to keep up that force moment forceful momentum after his state of the union address stay with us via headliner las vegas that's what i want to do >> unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn, starting >> businesses never easy. the star next eight months pregnant, that's a different story with the chase inc. cart. we got up and running in no time or an unlimited 1.5% cashback on every chase inc. there's been some limited make more of what yours this tiny home trend. >> not for me. now, this is more like it. the same goes for my footwear. do i want hands-free with wide fit sketcher slipping just step in and go without bending down or 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Search , Memory , Peace , Blessing , Reigniting One , Mysteries , Tenure Flashback Experts , Tom Foreman , Showing , Victims , Advances , Expert , Water , Mh370 Well , Difference , Pieces , Families , Debris , Africa , Idea , Nothing , Ocean Infinity , Malaysian , Kuala Lumpur , Anything , Finances , Sensors , Ones , Artificial Intelligence , Satellite Analysis , Bottom , In Ocean , Indian , Problems , Wasn T The Technology , Information , Haven T , Technology , It Flu , 39 , Ocean , Jetliner , Distance , Big Ocean , Indian Ocean , Theories , Reason , Crew , Beginning , Lithium Batteries , Fire , Thought , Plane Depressurize , Cargo Hold Catch , Lapse , Unconsciousness , Any , Crews , Tower , Proof , Jimmy Kimmel , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Celebrities , Host , Red , Roasting , Red Carpet , Table , Jokes , Kimball , Lines , Jim Aggreviate , Affair , Golden Boy , New Jersey , Fundraiser , Investigation , Attraction , Lover , Payroll , Want , Member , Therapy , Episode , Kibble , Remmington 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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

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>> the man >> trump belittles as sleepy joe seemed quite fiery last night as the president tries to flip the script launching a campaign blitz, just one day after his forceful kind of political state of the union address. plus donald trump's one-on-one at mar-a-lago today, meeting with hungary's viktor orban ban. the authoritarian leader, knowing, known for anti-immigration nationalist rhetoric, who often cozies up to vladimir putin and attempts to stop the aid. see what happened when cnn confronted israeli protesters, determined to make sure little food, if any, makes it into gaza despite the overwhelming human and tharon crisis welcome to the lead. i'm jake tapper and we start today with our politics lead in the white house in an all reelection blitz trying to capture on any momentum from president biden's fiery and rather political state of the union address last night in which the president referenced donald trump, at least a dozen times in less than an hour, we expect to hear from the president outside philadelphia, pennsylvania. he's visiting the commonwealth of crucial battleground state today along with the first lady who hails from their meanwhile, the vice president's, it is about to land in another >> key battleground, arizona. she heads to another battleground, nevada tomorrow. just take a look at the travel plans for the president, the vice president, and the biden cabinet over the next few weeks from california rhode island, missouri, to wisconsin and ohio. this is what the white house sees as the official launch of the biden trump rematch now to boast, bolster that effort, the biden campaign said today that they're launching 100 new offices this month, hiring 350 new team members and launching a $30 media campaign. those ads are expected to reflect some of the key themes we heard from biden's speech last night. and the criticism he leveled at the man he identified only as my predecessor, along with the republican party my predecessor a former republican president, tells putin, quote, do whatever the hell you want. my predecessor on some of you here, seek to bury the truth about january 6, predecessor came to office, determined to see roe v. wade over return. well, my predecessor, many in this chamber want to take those rep. prescription drug away by repealing affordable care act i'm not let that happen for his part. the former president his predecessor, posted his speech reaction on truth social with a lot of all cap's >> rants where he accused biden of lying about his record, being quote, angry as hell and shouting his speech into the microphone. republicans on capitol hill are criticizing biden's speech as well among the criticisms, it was too political >> it was full of lies and political rhetoric. it was a campaign speech. i kept waiting for him and talk about the state of union of people got very emotional tonight because it was overly partisan speeches, campaign speech >> i wanted to hear the state of the union, not a campaign speech. >> i would rather go back to having a actual address so the doctrine about the state of the union >> let's discuss all of this with my panel here me and here with me in studio republican strategist alice stewart and former coalitions director for the biden-harris 2020 campaign. ashley allison. thanks to both of you for being here. asked before the speech, republicans are saying biden was old week gaffe-prone, senile, a pushover >> after the speech. >> unofficial trump adviser and fox host sean hannity, described it instead, like this tonight america saw, let's say, a very different joe biden, i might call them jacked up joe. and that's being charitable. he sounded like a hyper caffeinated angry old man. >> hanadi always knowing from known for being charitable can republicans have it both ways? i mean, this also reminds me of the fact that they accused him of being a dumb puppet fool. and also this criminal mastermind, it just seems like you got to pick a lane here, right? >> well, i think when the first clips you played, when everyone agrees with mitt romney on this issue, i think think there's general consensus amongst republicans that joe biden, clearly he was under pressure to show that he had vim and vigr and stamina to be reelected. but he came across and many people's mind. he came across angry. he came across a full of vengeance. he came across loud and grumpy and look, this was a partisan speech. he came right out of the gate talking about his predecessor over and over and over again and taking it to donald trump instead of talking about the state of the union, which is what this was four. and if i wanted to go to biden rally, i would've gotten my small snacks and snicker bars and hit the road to a biden rally. but this was supposed to be about the state of the union. and on the issues to we can certainly talk about that. but i think the fact that he talked about the economy, which is a big issue for people, saying us is the envy of the world. we're coming back. things are great. >> that's not how people feel and why he can sit there and >> say, we're on a great economic comeback. that's not how people feel. and i think a lot of people that you should have been reaching out to the independence and the nikki haley voters are saying, you know, you just don't understand how we're feeling. you're just not in touch >> well, look, the reality is joe biden had to talk about donald trump because the state of our union is angry because of trump and his four years, trump was device if he still uses rhetoric like vermin and poison the blood. and you have to take that on because when you don't, you will you again, you allow the soul of our nation to begin to deteriorate. so we are in a different time and mostly because of donald trump, because he had his convention at the white house because he used the last four years violating every component of the hatch act. i hear you on that. that might not be how people are feeling and i think that last night it was important for joe biden in a state, all of his accomplishments. and then when he goes out and you actually talk okay, so voters, he's really, really good at that engaging with people. the thing that i find interesting is that, you know, i don't think you can have it both ways and we clearly are not the same type of voter, right we care about america, but we care about different issues in different ways. but all the people that have been in a question mark phase my circle and i'm not talking about dc elites, i'm talking about people in the streets. they are saying last night, joe biden got the job done and that's what you need to do. >> so it was so it was good for the base. >> the base, but i do think that she did talk to me, quote it, ronald reagan in the speech, the first three minutes and talk it's about defending ukraine, defending democracy. so he did not just cower to the left on israel-hamas. he talked about israel being our ally. and so i think he was talking to a coalition that he will need to win, which includes independence. >> so i will say this alice, that like, i think a lot of people going into it thought, oh boy i hope he gets democrats, i hope, i hope it gets through it. i hope he doesn't like collapse. i hope he doesn't like up some major gaffe. it he he he certainly seemed like an 81 year-old, but he did not seem incapable of doing the job, so he at that at least that point, like republicans complaining about it being political, et cetera. i'm not saying i disagree with that, but but that's not the same thing as complaining about him being, weekend at bernie's exam. >> the bar is pretty low. i mean, a lot of people thought he would, but it's the republicans had set the bar that, that's my point. to that point, look, he got through no major stumbles, no major tumbles. but you're talking about having it both ways. don't biden's trying to have it both ways. he campaigned on being the empathetic candidate on unity, on normalcy. that was such a divisive speech, and that was so partisan against donald trump. and he's talking about, we're having great comeback in this country. it was a nasty speech and he is the candidate that is saying he's going to be a unifying this country. and that speech was very far from it. >> i think what was nasty was marjorie taylor greene yelling yelling at the president? >> she >> gave him a button and he used the button. i mean, he he was engaging with her and saying you asked me to say her name and i am saying her name and i have compassion for the parents because i've also a lot of lost a child so i mean, we again, we don't have to agree on this, but i think joe biden got the job done and i'm looking forward to the campaign to try to make alice have to defend marjorie taylor greene. >> that's that's that's that's dirty so let me ask you because actually today the group no labels announced that it is going to move forward with >> plans to field a third-party presidential ticket who benefits from that if there is a third party ticket out there under the no labels label this. nope beyond partisan politics. >> no one, honestly, i don't know who they're going to pick right now. you have chris sununu, who was on a shortlist, larry hogan who was on the shortlist, joe manchin and mitt romney, all of them have said they're either not rent, they're not going sunday. the no labels ticket, or they've already endorsed donald trump. so the question is who and the reality i think it does matter who because if it is someone who is considered as so extreme and maybe just one step away from donald trump. i think it helps joe biden because it takes some votes away from donald trump. but if it is someone potentially that i can't even like a nikki haley, which i think would be counter to what she was saying. she wanted to do. i think it would help donald trump. >> so nikki, i there's no way i think that you hear that it would do what she still wants to be a republic what can president someday? but geoff duncan, who is, i believe still seeing in commentator and our colleague, we all like him. he's a nice guy with former lieutenant governor of georgia, very conservative republican who broke from trump, right he doesn't think trump's republican to begin with. the wall street journal is says he might be in contention. >> i think he would be great. elected official in the future for whatever he decides to run for, he is certainly a man of great conviction until you who benefits from that is the advisers, the people that are buying the ads, people that are doing social media, the people that are advising that no labels ticket. i've spoken with the consultant. the consultant class. i've spoken with someone in that decision-making the process they're looking for someone who is a fiscal conservative, socially moderate, and potentially with some military experience. i think that's sort of narrows it down. they're not saying if it's a male, female, black or white, but they clearly are moving forward. and i think it will be interesting as to see who it might impact, but it really boils down to the actual name and face on that ticket as so i don't think geoff duncan ever served in the military, but he was a baseball player >> it's pretty cool. thanks to both you for being here, coming up. what president biden is saying today about that hot mic moment just after his state of the union address last night when he said something about netanyahu, that he probably didn't want folks to here, plus one friends and family are in high places. the new takeover for trump and the report republican party with a key leader. now out of the way. and in our money lead a slight dip for the dow s&p and nasdaq aftertaste, rather strong jobs report. the us added 275,000 jobs last month then the unemployment rate rose to 3.9%. we're back in a moment >> tawam on this initiative business sunday at eight on cnn >> if you have >> chronic kidney disease, you can reduce 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vote on the bipartisan defending borders, defending democracies we decided to put an end ground pool, a >> literally went on angie and typed in pool, getting to talk to different contractors, see different bids. >> we wanted something beautiful when it's something that our children would feel happy swimming in. >> and we love it gets started today at >> sandals went to blue sale is now on for a limited time visit. are called 2,000 sandals meet noodles. >> she's part short hair and part ninja meet the vessel cross wave hydro steam. its part vacuum, mom steamer and ninja nemesis this'll a new breed of clean closed, captioning brought to you by >> mesothelial mom. it's all we do with local offices throughout the country, but us help you get the compensation. you deserve, 800 to eight to 44, 40 pretty for >> in our 2024 lead today, hungarian prime minister viktor orban is in the united states, but not at the invitation of the white house. rather, the authoritarian leaders here to visit donald trump, the two, meeting this evening at mar-a-lago, this comes as trump's dominance in the republican in party grows even more evident today as a republican national committee elected his daughter-in-law, wife of his son, eric lara trump, to serve as the rnc's new co-chair. cnn's alayna treene is in houston, texas at this rnc meeting in it, how did this all play out today? >> well, jake donald trump's grip on the republican party is tightening as soon as he became the presumptive nominee, it's tightened even further and we saw that really play out today at the rnc spring meeting where really we saw a trump takeover of the committee, ronna mcdaniel, the chairwoman, resigned formerly from her role during that meeting really made way for more of donald trump's handpicked allies to succeed her. we saw michael whatley, the north carolina republican party chairman swiftly be elected as the new chairman. in of the rnc. and as you mentioned, jake donald trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump also very quickly became and was elected to become the party's co-chair. and that came without opposition. there were some people so in the room when i was chatting with them, they said they were surprised at how swiftly the election was. it was a very quick meeting. no one stood up to oppose them. and it really, i think underscores how much the rnc recognizes that they're in line with donald trump now, i do just want you to listen to some of what ronna mcdaniel said as well as what lara trump said. while they were giving their speeches, take a listen >> stepping aside today because i have long promised to put the nominee and their plans for the rnc for first winning the white house back is just too important for me to do. otherwise, precedent trump deserves to have the team he wants in place at the rnc >> we have one goal. the goal on november 5 is to win and as my father-in-law says big league >> now, jake, the former president, is also planning to install two of his top campaign advisers, chris lacivita and jame, james blair, into roles at the rnc. chris lacivita is expected to take on the role of chief operating officer and financial officer james blair's expected to really lead their political strategy in both of them are also expected to remain in their roles on the campaign. but luck when i talked to donald trump's advisers, they tell me that, yes, it is normal for there to be an overhaul of the rnc for nominee or candidate to want to insert their own touch on the national committee. but the way it's been described to me is more of a takeover. they really want to merge the campaign with the rnc and have them operate as one of the same with a large focus being on donald trump's claims of election fraud, as well as really improving their funds raising. >> all right. alayna treene in houston. thanks so much. last night on a hot mic. president biden mentioned wanting to have a come to jesus meeting with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who needless to say is jewish and does not believe in jesus what he is saying about that comment today next i am not guilty. >> i am resigning administration officials destroyed my cover >> politics. we're great power meets question well, decision-making. >> and then on faceless from iowa backroom deals, cia see affairs, bribery, corruption, prostitution. >> as someone who lives for politics when a major scandal unfolds, i have to know. there's so much more to the story >> in knighted states of scandal with jake tapper next sunday at nine on cnn. >> i named bryan. how fire up. and because of tiktok, i have the power to educate people and hopefully save lives. one of my son brian died then drunk driving accident. i put out a video about it and to try to stop the young people from drinking and driving. >> no other family has to go oh, through what we did. >> tiktok has the power to change society. and i think that's sort of the power of tiktok lies to save on person that's one more person 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minister benjamin netanyahu to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza you and i are going to have a come to jesus meeting. president biden says he told the israeli prime minister that was biden and in their huddle was secretary of state antony blinken, transportation secretary pete buttigieg, and democratic senator michael bennet of colorado. biden was asked about that comment today on the tarmac before he boarded his plane for pennsylvania, take a listen. >> yam. come >> what >> i didn't say that in the speech >> after what about apps? >> you guys, he's dropping off >> that show your level of frustration with him on humanitarian aid because he needs to be doing more >> yes, he does. >> meanwhile today in the middle east, at least five people in gaza were killed when an airdrop of humanitarian aid went horribly wrong. in this video obtained by cnn shows aid palettes attached to parachutes falling from the sky one of those parachutes sadly malfunctions falling at a high rate of speed, landing on a residential building. we do not know which nation was behind that particular airdrop united states and other countries have resorted to using these desperate measures as the united nations warns that hundreds of thousands and guys are on the brink of famine so why not get more aid in on the ground? well it's not as simple as it sounds, at least not to the israeli government and others. cnn's clarissa ward traveled to israel's kerem shalom crossing where she confronted israeli protesters who were trying to prevent a drugs from entering gaza >> march with determination to the kerem shalom border as they first six weeks, their mission to block international aid from crossing into gaza the border police are waiting for them. danger of sniper fire and projectiles. he officer warns, i asked you to leave this place but the protesters are undeterred, made up mostly of hostage family members, dormir reservists, and settlers they ignore the order and change course to move closer to the crossing so you can see the trucks with aid over there. the police had been trying to stop the protesters, but then they've just cut through this field and they're pushing ahead how can anyone check and see what's inside or bags of right? that are meant to go to their children our filled with bullet under international law it's israel's obligations to make >> sure that the ordinary citizens of gaza. don't starve to that then right now, they are starving to death amongst is making it very difficult because the muscle is not allowing this to write >> then it's holding it, then we'll do not are saving it. >> but they're doing i'm telling you here and now we knew it's getting to the children of gaza. we will do it. this does not arrive at their doorstep. this arrives into the tunnels of cms that will fight the on holding our hostages >> and nowhere was no evidence to support the idea that all of this aid is going to hamas, not to the rest of the population. this is intelligence only for terror. that's why they're getting it as they should get only the minimum calories required to survive. they're starving to death because there are multiple, they are starting to really make, you know what starving, starving to death give us, gives the hostages back no, a single loaf of bread should go there to our hostages are coming back to many people in the world listening to what you're saying, what you're protesting for it sounds like a a contravention of international law and be incredibly callous in the face of an epic humanitarian catastrophe. in the face of children starving to death, people can't understand why anyone in their right mind would advocate for stopping aid. >> cms has no fec play. hamas has no rules hamas is holding civilians, you know, even if hz or easy humanitarian crisis are in, there is no even if there is, it's my right end my dot to priori replace a life of kubeva. one year old babies, a desert over any gazan vb. >> and with that, the interview is over as the protesters press on previously, they've managed to block aid trucks from crossing but on this day, the police have been given their orders and no one is getting through prompting anger from the crowd. >> you're, confused. go deal with the war this shouts, we can to help you know, i needed to cross here. the protesters tried their luck in another area that the authorities are just as quick to stop them. >> the >> police are now really starting to lose their patients. they've been true brian, to push these protesters away for hours now and still, they're not leaving the crowd on this day is small. but there's sentiment is shared by most people in the country. a recent poll by the israel democracy institute found it's 68% of jewish-israelis oppose the transfer of humanitarian aid into gaza on the other side of the border, the situation could not be more dire. seven year-old fatty sand is suffering from severe dehydration and malnutrition doctors at the kamal adwan hospital say they don't have the resources to properly treat him fadi's mother says she's already lost two children she doesn't want to lose him according to gaza's health authorities, at least 17 children have died of dehydration and malnutrition already. and with a un warning that famine is just a step away, there is hardly room for debate more aid needs to get to more people as quickly as possible now, jake, i do think it's important for our viewers so no, there was another protests yesterday as well. this was of a group that was actually trying to get a convoy of aid into gaza. they tried to get to the the kerem shalom crossing. they weren't able to get near it. but really this does underscore that israel is not a monolith. there are different people who have different feelings about this war how it should be dealt with. and there are those who believe that depriving the people of gaza of aid is certainly not the answer to jake and clarissa. >> what can you tell us about? but who these protesters are >> the progenitors we spent time with are part of this group called saab nine, which literally means border nine as in like a military order it's a group of former reservist, primarily but it's a mixed bag which is interesting. you have some more extreme far right elements. you have a lot of settlers, but we also spoke to an older lady from long island. we met a younger woman from bangor, maine and it is a variety of different people here in israel who come together with this shared conviction they believe and no amount of conversation or debate is going to change their mind that all the aid is going to hamas, and that the only way to get the hostages back is by depriving them some of that aid. and as you heard in that poll, jake 68% of jewish israelis agree that age should not be transferred into gaza. >> all right. clarissa ward. thank you so much here. we discuss retired ambassador mark green, president and ceo of the wilson center and the former administrator of the us agency for international development, or us aid, aid, which is a government agency that administers civilian foreign aid. so mark, thanks for being here. what is your reaction to these protests? is there any legitimacy at all to the concerns that some well, the aid ends up in the hands of hamas, which is obviously a terrorist group that attacked them. >> well, i think what the report reminds us all every day is a bad day right now. in gaza, there are still hostages being held by hamas. israeli hostages, american hostages, and people are hungry. it also underscores how difficult this is. delivering humanitarian assistance during calm times is hard enough but in a war zone and where there's so much rumor and distrust, it's extraordinarily difficult to do. i think we all understand the emotions and the humanitarian need that draws or drives us to do airdrops and to do see bridge that they're talking about. but it's no substitute for getting in over land. and so it's worrisome. it's gonna be a long time before this goes away. and every day, as i said, is a row a bad day right now. >> it is it is horrific watching the human humanitarian catastrophe in gaza and all those innocent civilians. >> do you >> think is really authorities? we saw the police there. do you think israeli authorities are doing enough to keep these protesters from blocking it? >> well, it's hard to know. and again, part of the problem is that rumors run rife, right? and that's what's causing panic and protests and crowds. again, it's going to make it very difficult. remember that before october 7, there was something like 500 trucks per day going into gaza and that's obviously gone down to a trickle. and so even as we talk about the era, we're talking about not even a drop in the bucket of the need that's there. and the hunger is rising, the medical needs are rising, the desperation is rising. so they simply have to get to an answer and get there soon. i know that it's something that the administration missions looking at and pushing on. this said it's really worrisome right now, and nobody should be led into the false hope that somehow airdrops or an a c bridge which is going to take several weeks to put together, is an answer it's something that should be done, but it's certainly not an answer to this problem. >> i of >> course don't want any >> innocent people to starve for in gaza. okay >> so that premises, the next question which is, it's just true though that some of this aid ends up in the hands of hamas. of course it does not just any conflict in any conflict or an aid is going in and there is an armed militia of any sort in that area. they're going to get some of that aid. it just factually, they had the gun. >> when you also have hamas, which is an elected part of the government, is actually running things. so sure. >> i mean, that's, that's the government and the army i've got, i've gaza, so something that is for quite some time the diversion of aid for some time by hamas. yeah. no, it's a significant problem. that's what makes this so very difficult. who do you trust? do your partners, who are you able to work with to not let hamas divert? we know they've been diverting gasoline over the years. you know that they've been diverting supplies, putting them into tunnels yeah. it's very, very dangerous and very, very difficult. >> so i mean, i guess when you worked for a place like usaid, which you don't anymore, but these are just the look, if it was all that simple than we wouldn't even be having these conversations, right? if it was just like no, the israelis are wrong. all of this is going to innocent people. of course, we can't say that. and even members of hamas as evil as they might be, have wives and children and parents, and babies and grandchildren like that need that food to i mean, that's what makes us all very hard, inherently compromised, very, very hard. so humanitarian >> assistance in my day, we lead on venezuela and trying to figure out how you get humanitarian assistance into venezuela and not a maduro is pockets, right? allowing >> murdering a kid that >> 100%, you can't do it 100%. there are a number of things that you can do. david beasley when he led the world food program, i think really pioneered biometric verification. but it's not perfect, especially in a war zone, especially in a conflict zone especially when you have those who are holding terrorists also essentially running the guy government makes it very, very difficult to do. >> i get, i just want to reiterate. i'm not saying that that doesn't mean age should get in these are some of the reasons. and we >> had this hasn't been taken care of and got-away. right? >> by this isn't something that just like this. we write able to take care of. this is very difficult the professionals that usaid are just that they're professionals, they're very, very good at what they do. but this is hard. it takes intense. planning. you have to people on the ground, usaid is now on the ground there, so you have to have reliable partners, trusted partners. and in a situation like this, very hard to find. i just the last point i'm cindy >> mccain, who runs the un's world food programme, was here a few weeks ago when we asked her what about these airdrops and she said they're dangerous and unreliable. i mean, she said that's why we don't do them and we saw an evidence evidence of that it, is extremely difficult it's funny when you do humanitarian work there always people on the outside who are casual observers and they have instance solution, right, right. in the day and mental shoes, shut everything on the military aircraft will fly them all down, right? didn't quite work that way, especially when there's active hostility, fighting going on. you've got hostages being held. you've got hostages being held in tunnels, underground, under hospitals, under some of the places where you'd like to otherwise get aid very, very difficult. the airdrops certainly understand the motivation and why the government want to help these people on the other hand, very dangerous the professional tell you should almost never be done. >> yeah >> absolute desperate last last resort. so this conversation and just this story really gets at something which is that from the outside, as you note, it might look easy. oh, giving fu to hungry people. that's an easy trip. know, it is full back to pickup trucks there. it is full of >> logistical challenges and ethical challenge. all kinds. yeah. all >> thank you for the insightful conversation, ambassador mark green really appreciate it. it's one of the most mysterious, unsolved tragedies and the world, the disappearance of malaysia airlines flight 370. remember that today marks ten years since that fight flight carrying 239 people tragically vanished. it just dropped off radar. there is a new effort by a texas company to get some answers all these years later, stay with us this situation room with wolf 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accounted for one of the men who was killed on that day of infamy, 21 year-old navy fire controlman, second-class, laurence j. overly of los angeles, was on the uss oklahoma. that battleship capsized and sank and only 12 minutes after multiple japanese tornado that's 429 us crew members were killed. there remains eventually were recovered, but most were deemed unidentifiable. >> the pentagon's >> pow mia accounting agency says, thanks to modern dental, anthropological, and dna analysis, overlies remains have been identified and accounted for. overly will be buried later this month. may he finally rest in peace and may his memory be a blessing? >> in >> our world lead it has been ten years to the day since malaysia airlines flight 370 vanished. with all 239 people aboard. and now the search for the plane could be relaunched, reigniting one of the wildest mysteries to captivate the entire world. in the modern era to this day, there has been no concrete evidence showing what exactly happened to that plane. nor its victims. let's bring in cnn's tom foreman, tom tenure flashback experts believe there have been enough technological advances to make a difference in a new search for mh370 >> well, they're hoping so. i mean, the simple truth is when this plane disappeared, there was an international expert, the large just international search ever under the water to try to find out what happened here. now, we are at this ten year anniversary. the somber families remembering what happened all those years ago, remembering the few pieces of debris that finally showed up over near africa after this took off down a kuala lumpur. that's all there really is to work with here because nothing really was found. the idea behind this new surge by ocean infinity, they've asked the malaysian government to say, let us come back again and try again. no investment, we're just you don't have to pay anything for it will just go see if we can find something and then we'll go from there and then we'll work out the finances if we do find something, basically the idea yeah, behind this, although the company is not saying much except that they'd like to go back. they believe there have been advances. >> if you >> combine things like better satellite analysis artificial intelligence, better underwater sensors may be more sensitive ones maybe you can find something that they could not find at the bottom of the indian in ocean, despite this extraordinary search that went on, as you recall, jake, for a long, long time, that's the idea. maybe there's some hope if they do that. >> so that's all well and good. but what are the main problems ten years ago wasn't the technology, it was the vast area in which this plane might have gone down. has that changed at all? have they >> narrowed down the area unless that technology is telling them some information that they haven't shared with us. now, the problem all along was this plane took off and nobody really knew where it went? remember, 39 minutes after taking off and disappeared from all radar and after that time, there was no sense of whether it went down immediately, whether it kept going, turned again with this way, whatever it did, or how long it flu. and jake, you know, at the speed that a jetliner is flying, it covers a tremendous amount of distance every minute. so out in a big ocean or the indian ocean to third largest ocean in the world. to find it out, they're very, very difficult. so the idea that they want to go after it, maybe, maybe they can find something, maybe they can address it's these, these theories that existed from the beginning of the question of, did the crew, for some reason ditch the plane? was it hijack for some reason? did these lithium batteries in the cargo hold catch on fire as some people thought, did that bring it down? was there a catastrophic mechanical issue of some other sort or did the plane depressurize and did everybody on board lapse into unconsciousness? and it finally crashed the truth is, we have no proof of any of those theories. there are just theories that's why ten years later, one of the biggest mysteries in the world from that moment, that the crews said goodnight to the tower and that was last we ever heard awful. >> tom foreman, thanks so much coming up next, getting red for getting the red carpet ready for sunday's academy awards. comedian jimmy kimmel will be back at it as a host. and when it comes to roasting celebrities, all jokes are not on the table. cnn spoke with mr. kimball to talk about where he's drawing any lines that's next what happened to the golden boy of new jersey governor jim aggreviate. >> i engaged in an adult consensual affair with another man. it was shocking. >> was it an instant attraction? >> yeah. >> agree. these >> top fundraiser under investigation, he put a lover want to stay payroll for reasons you immigrating resigned is a lot more complicated than we remember. >> did you want to be outed united states of scandal with jake tapper or rather go to therapy is if they're having an interview with jake tapper episode next sunday at nine on cnn. >> this is remmington. he's a member of the family for sure we always said them kibble. it just seemed like the thing to do but he was getting picky. we heard about the farmers dog and there was a complete transformation. his coat was so soft, he had amazing energy. he was a completely different it's a no brainer that where maybe should have the best nutritious and delicious food i'm investing in my dogs health and happiness >> get started at long-lived >> meet barkley, his part pitbull and part masterpiece meet the bissell revolution, hydro steam. its part stubborn stain remover, and part of peacemaker this'll a new breed of clean hi, we've both got a big birthday coming up, so we have a lot of washes about medicare plans. >> we've got a lot of answers. how can i help? >> well, for starters, do you include hearing benefits? >> how about a 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times? it makes no sense. it's not even a good round number. >> jimmy kimmel is bad ready to roast the stars. i saw your movies. now it's my turn to make you sit in the theater for three-and-a-half god help you if i know you like if you're if you've been to my house here in trouble on oscar night we caught up with kimmel and days before the show to hear his plans in, see if anything is off-limits >> george santos yeah. safe. but i think he would i think it will make him so happy if he was mentioned at the oscars and i'm not interested in making him happy. >> the hollywood strikes. >> the strikes, yes. is something i will talk about. sure. can being >> nominated, but not barbie. >> there'll be some version of that. >> yes. >> taylor swift and travis kelce, not off limits, but probably played out. >> now, your wife is an executive producer. does she put up some guardrails like honey, maybe don't go there, don't say yes. >> my wife on occasion, will say like, is it worth it? and that's the best question you can ask me because sometimes the answer is yes, it is worth it. >> the first >> side that when trump ever tries to stop someone from talking about them on television, and it's me >> frequent kimmel target donald trump. not only is fair game for the oscars, kimmel told us he welcomed trump on his talk show. >> there are a lot of questions i would like to ask him and i would like to get actual answers. i think most of the interviews that he does don't require are those if trump does get on kimmel, he do what for years, matt damon could not. >> i want to apologize to matt damon. we ran out of the timeframe that >> comedic feud between damon and kimmel also could be fodder for sunday night. >> he was in oppenheimer everyone else was nominated except for him >> is he scared the wrath of jimmy kimmel? >> it's one of the saddest things i've ever heard. he was he asked if he could come and they told him, sorry, nominees, only if daemons like the rest of us, watching from home, he'll have to tune in an hour earlier at 07:00 p.m. eastern a new start time for an atari asli long show. >> does that mean we're still going to try to keep it within three hours. >> show will be starting an hour early and ending justice lead it is going to be a late night on sunday, >> but, you know, jake, i know that you are buddies with jimmy kimmel. you both have been on each other shows. he was so excited to hear that this interview was going to be airing on the lead and since we were talking about roasting celebrities from this stage, i hope you're not mad at me, but i could not resist asking him how he would roast. >> you. shall we take a look at what he said. >> let's bring it on i love jake and he's a great guy. he's i will say jake is very texty like i think i get more texts from jake than anyone in my whole life. >> i would start with >> comparing jake to a teenage girl and go from there fair, tough but fair >> absolutely. there you go. you've been roasted by jimmy kimmel. now jake, how's that? >> no lies detected. i believe me i've been roasted worse by jamaica than that, but that was just accurate. elizabeth wagmeister mr. thanks. so as a fun spot, appreciate it. right now, president biden is in the philly area. we're standing by for a speech from him as he tries to keep up that force moment forceful momentum after his state of the union address stay with us via headliner las vegas that's what i want to do >> unlike anywhere else in the world, vegas, the story of sin city next sunday at ten on cnn, starting >> businesses never easy. the star next eight months pregnant, that's a different story with the chase inc. cart. we got up and running in no time or an unlimited 1.5% cashback on every chase inc. there's been some limited make more of what yours this tiny home trend. >> not for me. now, this is more like it. the same goes for my footwear. do i want hands-free with wide fit sketcher slipping just step in and go without bending down or 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March , Police , Sniper Fire , Mission , Danger , Six , Settlers , He Officer , Hostage Family Members , Order , Projectiles , Dormir Reservists , Trucks , Crossing , Course , Anyone , Field , Law , Right , Bullet , Bags , Obligations , Death , Muscle , Citizens , Hostages , Tunnels , Here And Now , Doorstep , Cms , Evidence , Calories , Rest , Terror , Nowhere , Population , Bread , Loaf , Aa Contravention , Catastrophe , Epic , Civilians , Life Of Kubeva , Dot , Priori , Interview , Babies , Aid Trucks , Desert , Gazan Vb , Crowd , War , Anger , Deal , Prompting , Shouts , Orders , Confused , Area , Patients , Authorities , Poll , Sentiment , Israel Democracy Institute , Situation , Fatty Sand , Transfer , Israelis , Jewish , 68 , Seven , Malnutrition , Fadi , Kamal Adwan Hospital , Doctors , Step , Health Authorities , Warning , 17 , Viewers , Debate , Protests , Convoy , Answer , Underscore , Monolith , Feelings , Jake , Military Order , Progenitors , Saab Nine , Reservist , Lady , Bag , Extreme , Woman , Elements , Long Island , Conversation , Variety , Maine , Bangor , Age , Jewish Israelis , Mark Green , Government Agency , Agency For International Development , Mark , Administrator , Ceo , Wilson Center , Terrorist Group , Hands , Well , Legitimacy , Report , Concerns , Assistance , War Zone , Emotions , Airdrops , Rumor , Distrust , Bridge , Row , Substitute , Over Land , Rumors Run Rife , Crowds , Panic , October 7 , 7 , 500 , Rising , Bucket , Hunger , Needs , Trickle , Drop , Desperation , Yeah , Hope , Nobody , Missions , Ac Bridge , Premises , Conflict , Militia , Gun , Army , Partners , Diversion , Supplies , Usaid , Gasoline , Conversations , Members , Evil , Grandchildren , Venezuela , World Food Program , Pockets , Maduro , David Beasley , Number , Kid , Verification , Guy Government , Conflict Zone , Terrorists , Professionals , Reasons , Hasn T , Care , Doesn T , Care Of , Got Away , Planning , Cindy Mccain , World Food Programme , Work , Outside , Solution , Observers , Shoes , Everything , Hostility , Didn T , Down , Military Aircraft , Hospitals , Fighting Going On , Underground , Hand , Motivation , Know , Trip , Last Resort , Giving Fu , Challenges , Challenge , Kinds , Tragedies , Company , Radar , Flight , Disappearance , Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 , 239 , 370 , Cat , Situation Room , Attention , Wolf Blitzer Didn T Night , Pain , Condition , Oleh , Osteoarthritis Pain , Walking , Cats , Vet , Everywhere , Oa Pain , Flags , Climbing , Signs , Visit Got Red Flags Com , Business Bank Account , Apy , Parking Gate , Whack , Quickbooks Money , Yep , Insurance , Red Car , Him Jpmorgan , Wealth Management , Investments , Advisors , Investment Research , Investment , Advice , Direction , Okay , Lows , App , John , Bipolar Depression Field , Lighter , Light , Bipolar One , Chance , Bipolar Depression , Depression , Relief , Traits , Carolina , 1 2 , Risks , Dementia Patients , Movement Disorders , Weight Gain , Trials , Mood , Adults , Antidepressants , Report Fever , Movements , Turbotax , Aren T , Confusion , Savings , Permanent , Support Blida Com , Lawyering , Taxes , Count On Me , Mobile Home , Mia , Accuracy , Mimi , Service , Weight Chemo , Reading Sabbath , Polish Choice , Choice , Saw , Polish , Irritation , Writer , Tone , Sephora , Mandela Can Lactic Acid Ha Liquid Exponent Resurface Texture , Wallet , Whole Foods Market , Their Corky Self , 365 , Professionals Administering Zelenska , Injection , Osteoarthritis , Lately , Alencia , Cell Phone Injection , Couldn T Get Out , Bet , Reactions , Self Injection , Breastfeeding , Anaphylaxis , Vegas , Identity Crisis , Downfall , Men , Fire Controlman , Japanese , Second Class , Old Navy , Attack On Pearl Harbor , Laurence J , Us Defense Department , 82 , 21 , Most , Battleship , Crew Members , Tornado , Los Angeles , Uss Oklahoma , 12 , 429 , Pow Mia Accounting Agency , Dna Analysis , Remains , Unidentifiable , Dental , Pentagon , Anthropological , Search , Memory , Peace , Blessing , Reigniting One , Mysteries , Tenure Flashback Experts , Tom Foreman , Showing , Victims , Advances , Expert , Water , Mh370 Well , Difference , Pieces , Families , Debris , Africa , Idea , Nothing , Ocean Infinity , Malaysian , Kuala Lumpur , Anything , Finances , Sensors , Ones , Artificial Intelligence , Satellite Analysis , Bottom , In Ocean , Indian , Problems , Wasn T The Technology , Information , Haven T , Technology , It Flu , 39 , Ocean , Jetliner , Distance , Big Ocean , Indian Ocean , Theories , Reason , Crew , Beginning , Lithium Batteries , Fire , Thought , Plane Depressurize , Cargo Hold Catch , Lapse , Unconsciousness , Any , Crews , Tower , Proof , Jimmy Kimmel , Elizabeth Wagmeister , Celebrities , Host , Red , Roasting , Red Carpet , Table , Jokes , Kimball , Lines , Jim Aggreviate , Affair , Golden Boy , New Jersey , Fundraiser , Investigation , Attraction , Lover , Payroll , Want , Member , Therapy , Episode , Kibble , Remmington 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Interviews , Questions , Timeframe , Sunday Night , Fodder , Feud , Wrath , Oppenheimer , Everyone Else , Daemons , Nominees , Atari Asli Long Show , 07 , Justice , Late Night On Sunday , Shows , Airing , Buddies , Roast , Stage , Texts , Fair , Girl , Jamaica , Philly Area , State Of The Union , Fun Spot , Headliner , Stay , Anywhere , The Story Of Sin City , The Star , Running , Trend , Make , The Chase Inc , Cart , 1 5 , Footwear , Bending , Slip Ups , Sketcher , Skechers , Teeth , Production , Product , Shades , Smile , Eu , 24 7 , My Name , Taxpayers , Edition , Credits , It Turbotax Com , 37 , 1040 , Fiber , Ranchers , Sheep , Beef Cattle , Cody Archie , Central Texas , Plethora , Knowledge , Food Chain , Openness , Car Insurance , Tool , Purpose , Swapping , Way Of Life For Future Generation Liberty Mutual , Yeast Infections , Urinary Tract , Par , Mis System , Like Go Hubs , Holmes , Locations , Style , Vacation , Florida , Valencia , 2 Million , 400 , 55 , Maintenance , Bullfighter , Pickleball , Dining , Clubhouses , Save , Xfinity Mobile , Human Cannonball , Millions , Safer , 5g Network , Stuntman , Devie Duckduckgo , Like Google , Intro , Pi , Fo , Visit Xfinitymobile Com , Blocks Cooi , Companie , Searchs , Chrome , Doesn T Spy , Fre , Devices , Privacy , Freelancers , Duckduckgo , Reagan National Airport , Pete Muntean , Disgraced ,

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