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i'm brianna keilar in washington following breaking news. a diplomatic source now tells cnn that the handover for the fourth group of hostages in gaza should be complete within the hour. earlier there were significant delays over today's list of hostages. this news coming as we learn from qatar who has been obviously instrumental in these talks that the temporary truce between israel and hamas is now extending for another two days. so far 58 hostages have been set free over the last three days, 58 hostages from gaza. that number including 40 israelis, most of these women and children and in keeping with the current agreement israel has released 117 palestinians from prison, women and people 18 and under in those releases. hamas says it now has the list of prisoners to be released later today while israel has notified the families of the hostages who are expected to be freed today. we do have a team of correspondents tracking all of the latest developments. let's start now with cnn's jeremy diamond at the karim shalom border crossing. any more on those being released? >> reporter: our understanding is the process is under way for them to be released and to be able to cross into israel. we know that there were a number of ongoing issues earlier in the day that appeared to have delayed the release of them. we know the list that the israeli government received with the hostages deemed as unacceptable, part of that appears to have to do with an issue that has arisen before, which is the issue of children being released without their mothers. there were a number of ongoing conversations earlier in the day between israel and hamas mediated by the qatari government with the assistance of the united states also being heavily involved in those discussions today and i'm told that following those discussions additional mothers were, indeed, added to that list of 11 hostages who we expect to be released from hamas custody tonight. now, in addition to that, we also understand that this truce has now been extended for an additional two days by israel and hamas, both parties agreeing to extend the truce and what that will mean, brianna, is additional hostages being released, ten a day as well as 30 palestinian prisoners released per day from israeli prisons and, of course, hundreds of additional trucks of aid entering gaza along with a continuation of the pause in hostilities, all of this coming as we have watched over the last several days, brianna, as we have seen some days where this has proceeded very smoothly. other days where there have been issues as there have been today and as there were on saturday and on saturday as well, brianna, there was the issue of mothers and children not being released together, in at least one case that was the case of a person taken hostage alongside her mother but released without her mother. ultimately it appears israeli officials decided it was better to get her out rather than to not have her -- rather than to not have hila released so that ended up proceeding as it was so we're standing by at the kerem shalom where we know several days they have crossed into the rafah crossing and come to the kerem shalom crossing. >> what do we know about the deal? it works to what hamas wants, a break, and for that to be extended and for israel to get out as many hostages as possible. >> reporter: well, there were a number of conversations over the last several days, extensive negotiations, mediated by the qatari government. the united states playing a heavy role in speaking with qatar. we know that before this news was announced, the secretary of state, antony blinken, spoke with the prime minister of qatar to get this issue resolved, and to finalize the agreements between israel and hamas who don't speak directly to each other. but this has been an ongoing process and israeli officials told me they are taking this day by day to see the number, the list of hostages being released, but clearly over the last 24, 48 hours, those discussions about extending this truce began, and that truly was the understanding from the beginning of this deal that there were going to be two phases. if everything went well, if every side adhered to the agreement delivered on their side of the bargain, this was going to be -- there was going to be a second phase with these ten hostages released per day but part of what had to happen, we're told, hamas has spent the last several days kind of gathering more information about the whereabouts of other hostages and that is still a significant hurdle going forward is the fact that hamas does not have all of the hostages in its own custody, a number of those hostages including we've learned tonight that ten-month-old baby are being held by other militant groups, in that case being held by palestinian militants in khan yunis so that still remains and appears hamas has the ability to release another 20 women and children hostages over the next two days, but after that, there's a big open question, brianna, about what happens and, of course, massive implications for the families of the hostages here in israel but also, of course, for the people of gaza who have benefited enormously from this pause in hostilities over the last several day, not only humanitarian aid getting into gaza but, of course, a much, much needed respite in the constant bombardment they have faced for over seven weeks now. >> yeah, certainly, jeremy diamond live for us is there at the kerem shalom crossing. we are joined by a spokesman. can you update us on the transfer? we understand that this should be completed here within the hour. >> hi, brianna. i'll tell you this is an unfolding story. what we've learned in recent days, it's not over until it's over so from an israeli perspective we're going to wait until we see those hostages, israeli hostages on israeli soil before we comment. you know, sadly, we know exactly who we're up against. we're up against hamas, a brutal terror organization that on october 7th came over our borders and killed children in front of their parent, parents in front of their children, beheaded babies, burned whole families alive so we know who we're dealing with and will wait till we have our people on israeli ground before we comment further on that. >> do you know if any americans will be part of this group? >> again, i can't speak to the list until we have got our people back and we've confirmed that list. what i'll tell you, what you just reported is that the ball is firmly in hamas' court. it has been from the beginning of this agreement, which was -- which wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for president biden and we really appreciate that support and the support of the american people, but we know that if hamas wants to continue, then we'll get those hostages back tonight, and then every day going forward, if they provide then hostages they get an extra day. we've got to the point where we're at because hamas is feeling the pain, because we put up the pressure on hamas both militarily and diplomatically. they needed a break. they were begging for a break and we desperately want our hostages back and so we're -- we will do this humanitarian pause and then continue forward with our twofold mission which is still to destroy hamas and to bring home all 240 hostages from gaza. >> with this agreement for two more days of obviously a cease in the fighting and hostage releases, will we perhaps see more pauses after that and for how long could that go on? >> well, it's really up to hamas. if they're going to release ten a day then they get an extra day, but this is hamas, an organization that as your reporter just said took a 9-month-old baby into custody as a hostage, masked monsters with machine guns holding a 9-month-old baby. he's now 10 months because he's been there for a month with guns pointed at him. he can't walk, he can't talk but they seem to think that he's a justified hostage. this is who we're up against, so we'll take it day by day and we hope, you know, we hope to get out as many hostages as we can and if not, we will go back to the plan, which is to destroy hamas. >> avi, to the families of hostages that are not being held by hamas, they may be held by islamic jihad or perhaps even other groups, what do you say to them about the prospects for getting their loved ones out? >> well, firstly, to all the families, you know, we are one. we are one nation, we have never been more united than we are now, and part of the mission in this war from day one is to free every single one of those 240 hostages. as far as what we say to hamas, hamas is in control of gaza. sadly, it's -- >> i'm asking you about islamic -- i really want to get to the bottom of this question. sorry to interrupt you. because you have a group besides hamas holding hostages, what about getting them out? what is the prospect for that at this point? >> well, the idea behind this humanitarian pause was that hamas controls gaza and that hamas said they needed time to find the other hostages, and all responsibility is on hamas, so we say to hamas, bring back our people. they should not be held in gaza. it is against the laws of war. it is against all realms of humanity, bring them back to israel. >> you have confidence it's within hamas' ability to get those hostages that it is not holding. >> absolutely, hamas controls the gaza strip. islamic jihad are like their little brother. i'll remind your viewers that 93% of hamas' budget comes from iran, 100% comes from islamic jihad. these people all perpetrated the october 7th massacre together and it is on hamas to return every one of those hostages to israel. >> avi, thank you so much for being with us. we do appreciate your time. >> thank you, thank you very much. in extension of this truce is critical to easing the humanitarian crisis in gaza as well. woo he'll be discussing with a u.n. official who says so much more needs to be done or many more children, palestinian children could die. cnn's special live coverage returns after a quick break. i'm wolf blitzer in tel aviv. the final pieces are coming together right now for a fourth exchange today of hamas-held prisoners for palestinian prisoners and detainees happening at a fourth day of a pause in the fighting, the truce, the temporary truce has brought great relief to gazans who have withstood seven weeks of unrelenting bombardment but it also has allowed them to come out to the streets to truly see all that's been lost. cnn's ben wedeman is joining us from jerusalem right now. gaza before october 7th compared to gaza today, give us a sense that you've been there many times how are people there reacting? >> reporter: just from looking at the images it's barely recognizable, many parts that i'm so familiar with, looks like a moonscape really, and that's what many people who are emerging from their shelters are coming out to find, that the city that they thought they knew, the areas, the towns they thought they knew are unrecognizable. many of the people, of course, have fled to the south. there are about a million people staying in u.n. schools taking shelter there in the southern part and in those areas what people are doing are scrambling to get supplies. they're going to u.n. centers where they're handing out bags of flour. they're going to other areas where there is cooking gas available, others are just going out and buying whatever they can because the anticipation is that, yes, the truce has been extended for another two days, but all the messages coming from the israeli government and statements from senior officials that this truce is not open-ended, that there will be more to come. as far as the exchange this evening we understand hamas has received a list of 33 palestinian prisoners and detainees who will be released this evening. this includes three women and 30 teenage boys. it will take time for them to cross over but we're expecting raucous celebrations by many people, happy to see their relatives out of prison. at the same time it's worth noting that according to the palestinian prisoner society which is an ngo that looks after the affairs of prisoners, since the truce went into effect on friday, 260 other palestinians have been detained by the israelis. wolf. >> all right, ben wedeman reporting from jerusalem, ben, we'll get back to you. thank you very, very much. since this temporary truce took effect on friday, 150 aid trucks have been able to reach northern gaza where the devastation is clearly the greatest. they carried food, water, baby formula, blankets among other humanitarian needs. joining us now is ricardo perez, the spokesman for the united nations children's fund or unicef as we call it. ricardo, thanks for joining us. how will another two-day pause impact the work that unicef does? >> thanks for having me wolf. every day counts for children in the gaza strip after seven weeks of terror, violence, bombardments, death, loss, fear, they're having a break now. they're being able to regroup, try to find their family members whom they might have been separated from so it's a day of hope for them and two more days of that is very welcome, of course, not only for them and their families but also for humanitarian actors trying to deliver lifesaving supplies on the ground day after day and with a cease-fire, albeit temporary, these services are reaching more and more children in need and this is very welcome for them, but very uncertain. >> ricardo, i know you've been able to speak with your colleagues in gaza since this temporary truce began a few days ago. how do you -- how do they explain to you their day that there is no fighting compared to six weeks of unrelenting military strikes? >> every day is a day of uncertainty, wolf, even though we've had two days of this humanitarian pause. we don't know what's going to happen in the next 48 hours. it looks like the deal is going through, and there will be an extra two days of cease-fire to deliver again humanitarian supplies, lifesaving supplies to hundreds of thousands in need. my colleagues on the ground are apprehensive but hopeful and positive that they are able to reach these communities and i've heard stories from colleagues that indeed they're doing that even though the difficulties are there, the tension is still there, but they're also being able to move trucks and supplies and water and food and hygiene kits and blankets to, again, hundreds of thousands of children who have been unreached to this point so a lot of tension, uncertainty, but hope and a drive to continue to deliver. >> unicef certainly has been telling stories of at least some of the children in gaza, ricardo, your organization wrote about 14-year-old ahmed who said, i once wanted to become a doctor, but now my most fervent dream is simply to stay alive, end quote. tell us about what a day is like for one child in gaza right now compared to their life before the hamas terror attacks against israel started on october 7th. >> every day is a relentless nightmare for children in gaza. they are very scared, traumatized. they've never experienced this level of violence before and to be fair they have seen their own share of tragedy and humanitarian disasters before, but this one on this level with this amount of children being killed and injured, it's unprecedented so they are very scared but hoping that our support, that's the support of the international community and the humanitarian pause will hold for just a little bit longer so they can heal their immediate wounds which are sometimes life-threatening and not getting the right health care they need, but it's full of fear, uncertainty, again, and just that desire for a little bit more normalcy in their lives again because they are not able to go to school again. they are not able to be with their families and friends and their house has been destroyed and all they see is rubble and dust and violence, so we can't say they're recovering yet but we can say that as a child normally does there is a lot of hope but also a lot of fear. >> ricardo pires, thank you so much for joining us. we'll continue this conversation down the road to be sure. encouraging but emotionally agonizing, the families who still have relatives held hostage by hamas anxious by awaiting word on whether their loved ones will be the next to be freed. i'll speak to one of those family members coming up next. we continue to follow major developments. a diplomatic source saying the latest handover should happen at any moment now. this comes as qatar announced an agreement to extend the truce for another two days. the original agreement was supposed to end today. the white house confirming that hamas will release a minimum of 20 additional hostages over the last two days. 58 have been freed including 40 israelis, some of whom are dual nationals, 17 thai citizens and one filipino citizen. i'm joined by gill dikmon who has two family members being held captive by hamas. his cousin carmel and cougarsen-in-lahr yar. that's your cousin's sister-in-law abducted october 7th and his aunt was killed during that terrorist attack. gill, thank you for taking time to be with us. have you gotten confirmation either way that they are or are not on this list of people being released. >> hi, and good evening from tel aviv. we got confirmation my family members are not on the list for tonight. and we assumed that already but don't know what is going to happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow since these days were just added to the deal and we tried to be not too hopeful but we try to be hopeful. >> you try to be hopeful. i know that's important you're holding out hope for your family members. what is the latest you've heard from the israeli government on your family? >> so, both of them were kidnapped on october 7th. caramel, my cousin, was kidnapped from the house of her parents, actually the last one to see her was her father who was locked in the bathroom and he hid there for the entire day. he saw her through the cracks in the window as she was kidnapped from the house. that's the last we know of her for sure, and we now understand that she is considered kidnapped in the hands of hamas, but we can't really be sure, because as you know, some other hostages were -- they have been described as kidnapped by hamas but now their status is different but we understand, we believe that she is alive and kidnapped by hamas. the story of her sister-in-law is actually different. she was kidnapped from the safe room in the house with her husband and her 3-year-old daughter. they were, three of them, put in a car and driven to gaza and a few meters before the fence they seized the moment and just broke out of the car, started running and she was holding the baby in the arms and understood she couldn't run fast enough so gave to her husband and said run. he took a last look and he saw her and she was hiding behind a tree. that's the last time he saw her and she's now also considered and defined as kidnapped by hamas in gaza. >> it's an amazing story of the difficult choice she made for her daughter that you described there. when you say the status is complicated, are you talking about maybe not being held by hamas but held by another group? is that your concern? >> we know this is an option and know we can't be sure where they are or where they were transferred to, so that's what makes it so complicated. we know that there are two children who were, we thought, or at least i thought they were held by hamas and now the news came that they are actually held by another group or we don't exactly know where. hamas is a terror organization. it's not like a state or it's not an army that holds prisoners in a way. it's just they are using every trick in the book as means of psychological warfare and actually psychological terror, so that we don't know what is going on with our relatives and they are going to be very, very vicious to us during the next few days. we are trying to be prepared for it but it's hard and this is why we don't get our hopes up. we don't try to imagine them coming tomorrow, but we are getting ready for it as much as we can. >> how are you getting ready for it as much as you can? >> we are talking about this. i was just talking today to -- avigail, her parents were murdered and she was held with a couple of neighbors that she ran to. she ran to their house and she was kidnapped from there, so we're talking to other relatives of hostages who came back asking how it is for them. it's very difficult to come back from such -- from such an experience, of course, and we talk about it amongst ourselves. you know, the hostages' families became a big family. when there are hostages coming back and mainly kids, grandmothers and mothers, i feel as if my own relatives are coming home and i think many israelis feel the same way, so we try to prepare ourselves, we try to talk about it. we try to think, what's going to happen but don't want to get our hopes up. >> gil, i certainly hope that you see carmel and yardin very soon. i know you don't want to get your hopes up as you prepare for the possibility of them returning. thank you so much for being with us today. >> thank you, and let's do whatever we can to bring all of them back home, not only carmel and yardin and not only women and children but all the hostages, elderly people, men, all must be returned home. >> yeah, there's still so many captive. gil, thank you, again. coming up, now that it appears this truce between israel and hamas will be extended for a couple more day, certainly a couple more days here, this gives more critical time for humanitarian groups to deliver aid into gaza, obviously much needed aid. we'll have more on those efforts next. the world's richest man controversial tech billionaire elon musk in israel today fresh off of endorsing an anti-semitic conspiracy theory on his social media platform. x formerly twitter. facing growing backlash from his post from november 16th, a post that accused jews of pushing hatred against whites. a post musk relied to by saying, you have said the actual truth. the billionaire's comment drew swift condemnation from human rights groups, politicians and businesses alike. today that same elon musk joined israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu to visit a kibbutz destroyed by hamas terrorists on october 7th. musk also met with the israeli president and promised to do whatever is, quote, necessary to stop hate on his social media platform. we have richard quest here with more on this. he's live from abu dhabi. that's a big promise considering what elon musk has done so far on x, formerly twitter. >> reporter: yeah, i mean the problem here is to try to square that circle, if you will. can we reconcile his tweet approving of what seems to be an anti-semitic trope versus what he says and the answer is, we can't. he's given no further guidance on what he meant by approving that so we have to take him at his word today. what he said today after he visited, he said, actions speak louder than words. he described what he saw at the kibbutz as being jarring and troubling, which some might describe as somewhat of an anti- -- a bit of a small statement considering the massacre that took place but did go on to say, when he saw the video of the way in which the hamas killers rampaged through the kibbutz and saw they reveled in joy at killing civilians that he described as evil, so that is the scenario, brianna. the tweet on the one hand, you have him agreeing to allow the use -- but he has not, if you will, squared the circle. >> no, and, look, what he said about the gleefulness, i mean, we knew that from the beginning. that's not just some new discovery but maybe appears to be for elon musk. how does that star link satellite play into all of this, richard? all right. we're having -- >> to the various ngos and aid organizations, in the region, and he says he's going to do that -- are you still hearing me. >> yes, i am. we lost you for just a second but we're back with you so please pick up, richard. >> reporter: forgive me. yes, look, basically he wants to give his satellite technology to the aid agencies and the ngos in the gaza strip. they're already, of course, done magnificent work for those in ukraine. israel says, hang on, not so fast. not until we say and give approval. tonight it would seem that israel and musk have agreed in some way to give israel approval o overarching approval for starlink, which would be a major advance with the collapse of communications but not confirmed. once again as in so many cases with elon musk we're left wondering, what are the facts? what might happen and what's the reality? >> yeah, we certainly are left wondering. richard quest, thank you so much. wolf. >> brianna, right now humanitarian groups are rushing to deliver as much aid as possible, as much as they can to gaza before the next deadline. we're talking about food, water, fuel, other critically important supplies, and we're joined in cairo and 150 aid trucks have arrived since the temporary truce began some four days ago. with this truce extension now, will the number of trucks allowed into gaza be expanded? >> reporter: that is the understanding because all the information so far points to the deal being expanded and the existing terms and agreements so that means only up to 200 trucks can come in through the gaza -- through the rafah border crossing into gaza. the qataris, egyptians have been trying to expand that but that's not been announced so we assume 200 can come in and 137 trucks got in on friday, 187 on saturday. and the idf said they allowed 200 trucks on sunday and another 200 today, the idf just posted a video. we cannot confirm it. even though a lot come in through the border crossing at rafah, there's a painstaking process to clear them searching before they get unloaded then make their way across the gaza strip so sometimes even when we see movement and trucks coming back, until the palestinian red cross confirms it we don't know how many made it but do know there's been a significant amount of aid coming in bringing in baby formula, food, water, cooking gas, emergency shelter items, because the rainy season is coming which is all very important for so many who after days of fighting have been able to go to the market and like this woman in southern gaza. >> translator: i'm waiting in line to get flour for my children. we are calling on the arab countries for help. we come in the early morning at 5:00 a.m. before the sun goes up to get flour and food. we are asking the arab countries to support us so we can go back to our homes, because here there's no flour, no aid supplies, no food or water. >> reporter: aid organizations say they need a much longer truce, a more long-lasting cease-fire if you like because the u.n. has told us and have talked about it they would need at least 200 trucks coming in every day for two months just to meet the needs of the people across the strip, not just northern gaza but everywhere, 1.7 million people displaced is not easy to take care of them, provide them with water, food and shelter and everything else they need in these circumstances, wolf. >> so critically important, larry, thank you very much. still to come, missiles fired at a u.s. navy destroyer just hours after it thwarted an armed attack on a commercial ship just off the coast of yemen. new information coming in. we'll have the latest right after this. the u.s. military says that a pair of ballistic missiles were fired at a navy destroyer after it responded to a distress call from a commercial tanker ship off the coast of yemen. this is an incident that appears to be the latest connected to iran-backed houthi rebels in yemen against the u.s. we have cnn's katy belilus following this. what have you learned here? >> reporter: let's walk through the sequence of events here. on sunday, this commercial shipping vessel that was carrying phosphoric acid sends a distress call saying it is under attack. a u.s. warship also in the gulf of aidan and off the coast of somalia as part of a counter-piracy task force rushes to the distressed ship and find five armed hijackers on board. those hijackers jump off into a smaller boat, they race away. the u.s. warship gives chase and ultimately is able to apprehend the five hijackers. the u.s. military said the hijackers are believed to be somali, likely pirates. it's what happened in the hours after that episode that's so concerning to the united states. at about 2:00 a.m. local time, while the u.s. warship was still wrapping up responding to this distress call, two ballistic missiles were fired from houthi-controlled territory in yemen in what the u.s. military describes as the general direction of this specific u.s. warship. now these missiles landed harmlessly in the ocean, about ten nautical miles away from the ship. no u.s. casualties, no u.s. injuries. but the concern, of course, for u.s. officials is that the -- that this iranian-backed group, the houthis, may be seeking to escalate in the region. >> because what if -- what if it hadn't been a miss, right? since they are iran backed, what does it say about iran's interest in escalation, deescalation? >> this is the big question, right. so the u.s. generally believes that iran has sought to calibrate its response to the israeli invasion of gaza that has come in response to obviously this horrific attack on october 7th by hamas. they sought to calibrate their response to avoid a broader regional escalation. but that said, the houthis are one of the more independent acting of the iranian proxies. they don't always take direct orders from iran. and in fact, they have launched numerous attacks, both missile as well as drone attacks, against u.s. forces in the region, as well as against israel. so this is sort of the big question for the u.s. >> katie, thank you so much for that reporting. we do have some breaking news. i want to go to wolf in israel as we are watching this hostage release. what can you tell us? >> reporter: very significant breaking news. i want to bring in oren liebermann and brief viewers on the latest developments. a significant development. >> reporter: it's a simple statement here. all it says is based on information that was received from the red cross, 11 hostages are currently on their way to israeli territory. that's from the israeli military. it means a tremendous amount. first, it means that 11 hostages, women and children, are in the hands of the red cross and making their way to israel as we speak. we don't know what crossing they're coming through, that's less significant. it obviously will affect the timing here. they are on their way to israel, and that means the transfer from hamas to the red cross has been completed. and now the next step will be into the hands of the idf and the transfer to the hospitals and to their family. it also means that sometime in the next couple of hours we expect to see the release of palestinian prisoners from israeli jails. they, too, will after a short process head to their families. it completes the first phase of this deal. that means 50 israeli hostages have been released under the agreement, women and children, in exchange for 150 palestinian women and children. but it also means, and we heard mark rege, senior to benjamin netanyahu say this, this t means that what qatar announced, that the agreement is to be extended by 24 hours is barring unfo unfoun unforeseen, is the and means the release of another 20 israeli hostages, women and children, in exchanges for 60 palestinian women and children. it is a good sign all around because it also means that humanitarian aid will continue to flow into gaza. so what the countries were able to put together in touch with all sides has at least as far as we can tell right now got into effect. the process continues. it has been very difficult at times. but the key part is it has not fallen apart. we're watching the fourth day of this play out with hope that the fifth and sixth day that will continue here will also play out. >> it looks like it's playing out -- always some sort of technical delays, at least every single time. but it's moving in the right direction right now, and that's very significant. don't go too far away. we're going to continue our special live coverage right after a quick break.

Related Keywords

Brianna Keilar , In Washington , Hostages , List , Controls Gaza , Group , Breaking News , News , Source , Handover , Cnn , Delays , Hamas , Cease Fire , Israel , Qatar , Talks , Two , Three , 58 , People , Children , Agreement , Israelis , Women , Number , Prison , Palestinians , Keeping , Most , 117 , 18 , 40 , Prisoners , Families , Wall , Releases , Developments , Correspondents , Team , Karim Shalom Border Crossing , Jeremy Diamond , Reporter , Process , Way , Understanding , More , Issues , Being , Issue , Government , Part , Release , Conversations , Mothers , United States , Assistance , Hamas Mediated , Discussions , Custody , Addition , 11 , Parties , Ten , Course , Trucks , Aid , Hostilities , Pause , Palestinian Prisoners , Prisons , Continuation , Hundreds , 30 , Hostage , Officials , Case , Mother , Person , One , Hila , Kerem Shalom , Kerem Shalom Crossing , Rafah , Deal , Break , Antony Blinken , Prime Minister , Negotiations , Mediated , Role , We Don T , Agreements , Each Other , Day By , Beginning , Everything , Side , 24 , 48 , Information , Phase , Bargain , Fact , Hurdle , Whereabouts , Baby , Groups , Ability , Palestinian , Militants , Khan Yunis , Implications , Big Open Question , 20 , Bombardment , Respite , Much , Seven , Spokesman , Transfer , Story , Hi , Soil , Perspective , October 7th , Parents , Front , Parent , Borders , Babies , 7 , Ground , Americans , Biden , Ball , Wouldn T , It Wasn T , Court , Support , Forward , Point , Pressure , Spain , Mission , 240 , Fighting , Pauses , Cease , Go On , Organization , Monsters , Guns , Machine Guns , 10 , 9 , Walk , Avi , Plan , Islamic Jihad , Loved Ones , Prospects , One Nation , Day One , War , Single , Holding Hostages , Question , Control , Bottom , Islamic , Prospect , Idea , Responsibility , Realms , Laws Of War , Gaza Strip , Humanity , Viewers , Iran , Budget , Little Brother , 100 , 93 , October 7th Massacre , Needs , Coverage , Official , U N , Extension , Crisis , Exchange , Detainees , Wolf Blitzer , Tel Aviv , Pieces , Gazans , Truce , Relief , Streets , Times , Ben Wedeman , Sense , Jerusalem , Parts , Shelters , Images , Moonscape , Areas , Many , Unrecognizable , South , City , Towns , A Million , Flour , Supplies , Schools , Shelter , Doing , Bags , Scrambling , Cooking Gas , Anticipation , Others , Messages , Buying , Yes , Statements , Evening , Boys , 33 , Relatives , Worth , Effect , Society , Prisoner , Ngo , Affairs , 260 , Reporting , Aid Trucks , Reach Northern Gaza , Devastation , 150 , Food , Water , Baby Formula , Blankets , Greatest , United Nations Children S Fund , Ricardo Perez , Work , Thanks , Ricardo , Family Members , Violence , Fear , Terror , Loss , Death , Bombardments , Hope , Actors , Need , Services , Colleagues , Six , Uncertainty , Military Strikes , Wolf , Thousands , Stories , Tension , Communities , Hygiene , Difficulties , Lot , Unreached , Drive , Kits , Hundreds Of Thousands , 14 , Child , Life , Dream , Doctor , Terror Attacks , End Quote , Level , Nightmare , Amount , Disasters , Tragedy , Share , Injured , Bit , Wounds , Community , Health Care , Normalcy , Desire , Lives , House , Rubble , Dust , Friends , Conversation , Road , Ricardo Pires , Word , Some , Minimum , White House , Gill Dikmon , Nationals , Citizens , Cousin Carmel , Filipino Citizen , 17 , Cousin , Confirmation , Terrorist Attack , Aunt , Cougarsen In Lahr Yar , Sister In Law Abducted October 7th , The Day After Tomorrow , Latest , Family , Father , Both , Caramel , Last , Bathroom , Window , Cracks , Sure , Status , Hands , Husband , Sister In Law , Safe Room , 3 , Car , Daughter , Put , Fence , Look , Arms , Tree , Hiding , Run , She Couldn T Run , In Gaza , Choice , Concern , Option , Army , Where , Estate , Trick , Book , Warfare , Avigail , Couple , Neighbors , Experience , Grandmothers , Kids , Home , Hopes , Gil , Possibility , Carmel , Yardin , Whatever , Men , Coming Up , Captive , Efforts , Elon Musk , Oman , World , Tech Billionaire , Post , Social Media Platform , Backlash , Conspiracy Theory , Jews , Twitter , November 16th , 16 , Human Rights Groups , Whites , Saying , Truth , Politicians , Businesses , Condemnation , Hatred , The Billionaire S Comment Drew Swift , Kibbutz , Benjamin Netanyahu , Terrorists , President , Quote , Richard Quest , Hate , Promise , Abu Dhabi , Tweet , Circle , Problem , Guidance , Answer , Trope , Words , Actions , Statement , Video , Killers , Massacre , Anti , Place , Saw , Hand , Scenario , Joy , Evil , Civilians , Use , The Circle , Gleefulness , Discovery , Star Link Satellite Play , Region , Aid Organizations , Ngos , Pick Up , Aid Agencies , Satellite Technology , Musk , Approval , Hang On , Ukraine , Overarching Approval , Communications , Collapse , Cases , Advance , Starlink , Reality , Facts , Fuel , Truce Extension , Cairo , Four , Points , Rafah Border Crossing Into Gaza , Terms , Egyptians , 200 , Idf , 137 , 187 , Back , Red Cross , Movement , Border Crossing At Rafah , It , Items , Season , Emergency Shelter , Southern Gaza , Translator , Market , Woman , Line , Countries , Aid Supplies , Sun , Help , Homes , 5 , 00 , Strip , Care , Everywhere , 1 7 Million , Missiles , U S Navy , Circumstances , Larry , Coast , Attack , Ship , Yemen , Military , Distress Call , Incident , Tanker Ship , Pair , Navy , Events , Sequence , Houthi Rebels , Katy Belilus , On Sunday , Warship , Shipping , Phosphoric Acid , Gulf Of Aidan , Hijackers , Somalia , Task Force , Boat , Five , Episode , Somali , Pirates , 2 , Territory , Direction , Houthi , Harmlessly , Ocean , Casualties , Injuries , Escalation , It Hadn T , Miss , Big Question , Deescalation , Interest , Response , Invasion , Missile , Attacks , Acting , Proxies , Sort , Drone Attacks , Forces , Katie , The Big Question , Hostage Release , Development , Oren Liebermann , First , Crossing , Step , Timing , Hospitals , Jails , Senior , Mark Rege , 50 , Unfoun Unforeseen , Sides , Exchanges , Sign , 60 , Play , Don T Go ,

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