Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

>> and good evening from the reagan library in simi valley, just outside los angeles. this as the name suggests, dedicated to preserving the history of the 40th presidents term in office. but it was the 45th president and current republican front runner who took center stage by his absence. >> the former president was in michigan tonight, florida governor ron desantis pointed that out. he also tried to do what he and the other six government grappling with without much success so far. namely, how to set themselves apart from the former president without also ilion eight-ing his supporters. we will take that up in our coverage tonight and speak with some of the candidates as well as iowa voters that watch the debate tonight. we will also watch the first, one i want to start with one of the key moments on, tonight candidate vivek ramaswamy who was a vocal in the first debate -- including in this clash with former south carolina governor nikki haley who is reacting to the answer he gave one asked why he joined tiktok despite it being banned on government issued devices, because of its ties to china. >> this is infuriating, because tiktok is one of the most dangerous social media assets we could have. and what you have, every time i hear, you i feel a little bit dumber from what you say. i can't believe -- tiktok situation, what they are doing is 150 million people are on tiktok. that means they can get your contacts, your financial information, your emails, they can get your text messages they can get -- that exactly what they are doing and what we -- you thought -- -- you are now wanting kids to get on social media that is dangerous for all of us. you when you are in business with the chinese, the -- we can't trust you. we can't trust you. we can't have tiktok. -- >> mr. ramaswamy, you have 15 seconds. >> excuse me. >> you have 15 seconds mr. while most mommy. >> i think we would be better served as a republican party. if we are not sitting here hurling personal insult and actually having legitimate debate about policy. >> so certainly a lot to talk about here, abby philips, david abstracted, -- and david urban and scott jennings. john king, what did you make of it all? >> it was feisty. the big question, the fundamental question is if donald trump is ahead by roughly 30 points in, iowa 30 points in new hampshire, did this change anything? you could see the desantis haley exchanges, they are both in second place right now. they had a bit of a go at, it trying to be the primary second place candidate. i think if you like a candidate, everybody maybe had a moment. but then to fundamentally change, anything i -- my answer is no. it would be interesting what the republicans who do this for a living due. there's another one in 40, days the third, debate then there's going to be a lot of pressure to shrink this field, because if you have six or seven candidates, and donald trump winds period. >> nikki haley was definitely trying to repeat the success she had had the first time in taking on vivek ramaswamy, or ron desantis. >> also, she got into it with tim scott. maybe at the end, in a way that wasn't particularly helpful to either of them, but look my fundamental view in this debate is that several people who did not do well last time did better, including ron desantis who i think was probably far better served by this debate done last one. tim scott who was almost vacant from the last debate was much more aggressive here, even governor burgum jumped in here with a few -- all of this it seems to me helps donald trump, because rather than creating clarity, it creates more of a model for voters. so, by the, way for all of the random shots at trump. they went right for the capillary, not ejaculatory. so he basically got away again with any serious damage, without any serious damage. i think this was a good night for donald trump in the end. >> it was like a fight for second or, third or fourth place among a bunch of people. it wasn't -- i mean sure, some people had some moments, nikki haley had a lot of good strong moments that made her stand out. but they're fighting for the bottom of the race right now. that is really not what is called for when the front runner is leading by how much he is leading by. i kind of had a different view of the desantis of it all, i thought he was okay. he faded into the background, especially the first half of the debate, i was like where is he? he did not speak for about the first 15 minutes. he was in the center of the debate stage. i checked my clock, he had only spoken about twice. he got -- but it took him a while to really find his footing. he is really the person who ought to have the most momentum right now. i don't think this debate changed his trajectory, which is actually not going up in this race. >> one other quick point on this. trump will always let you know who he is mad at, they put up one general statement from the campaign saying the debate was boring and horrible. then it put out one statement attacking nikki haley. >> that was quite a detailed attack on nikki haley. >> let's see if morris to come, but that tells you something about what they think. >> that is what i was going to, say if there is a winner on the stage tonight, i think it was nikki haley. honestly, the question we keep, having cover the christening says this all the time, the republican party has to widen the field. we have folks drop out and consolidate if they want to defeat trump. what i saw is a bunch of people who are ready to attack each other over every single policy issue, perhaps the only uniting force on that stage is how everyone seems to loathe vivek ramaswamy. but, there were some substantive policy issues, but nothing that was going to breakthrough from this debate in a way that would push down donald trump's favor ability in any major way. i'm not sure i would expect to see a major boom for any candidate. >> and as john alluded to earlier, and also abby, everyone is still in market share from each other. they're not taking any market share way from donald trump here. tomorrow governor desantis who had a strong close, i think governor christie had the last five minutes where the best of the whole debate. a bunch of meddling, any and people got a bit of clarity. but somebody will go a bit, somebody will go down a, bit the field is not going to be -- our wake up in somebody's going to drop out. so that is the problem in the shots. there's going to be a lot of pressure in the next 40 days to kick somebody off the island. and i know that chris christie -- kicked donald trump, but donald trump at least -- he is the middle, he is the survivor at the end of the game. >> donald trump is the island. >> below the, island with evaluation -- >> one piece of real estate -- >> i thought this was unwatchable. i mean, we are sitting there watching this. the lighting was bad. the set was bad. the questions were weird. the cross top was just maddening. >> the graphics. >> the fighting. the constant vitriol with each other. i thought the last of it was better. at the next one, desantis and haley will be at the center of the stage again. some of these people likely won't make it. the real question to me is, has the republican zeitgeist just moved on from even the possibility that we would nominate donald trump. right now, what do republicans believe? they believe trump is the most electable. for months without who could make an argument about electability, trump has one that question. at the same time, biden is having a high-speed come apart if you look at these national polls right now. so republicans are like trump's been in the, sky we can't lose to this, that we are finally going to get vindication. i don't need someone more electable, because trump is going to be him. i don't know that a debate or tv ad or anything else -- >> it feels to me like one of the reasons nikki haley is having a moment is because a lot of the polls show she does very well against president biden. not outlier polls, but a lot of polls are showing that she, unlike a lot of the other candidates on that stage, she clears the margin of error in some of these polls. so on electability question, it feels to me she's making the best case for now. -- >> she did not make the case at all tonight. she did mention she was leading in the polls, she obviously didn't think that was a compelling argument for the reason scott said. but electability argument has sort of faded, because when i put on the question of desantis, and i would like to ask you guys, this it seems to me they were moments there like when he went counter to a number of people on ukraine. i was on the other side of this issue, personally, but i suspect there are a lot of voters in these republican primaries, if you follow polls, who don't want to give more money to ukraine. he took a very strong position on that. those kinds of things are memorable to people, particularly in the states you are out in, iowa, new hampshire. i suspect a few of those things may register with those voters. >> he unequivocal did better in this debate in the prior debate, i was actually noticing you could kind of hear the consultants got in the heads of some of these candidates. you mentioned a story about his, wife he tried to show some -- grave site, and -- the biggest critique is he came out of so off putting. >> one of his first answers when he was talking about unions and striking, he expressed sympathy for workers. >> i actually thought that was one of his strongest, moments if there's one question that put on his way how different to these republican party he, is the norm of ten years, ago it was the answer around these strikes going on this -- >> well hearing some of these people are taking a much more pro worker stance, it has less to do with what you are giving to shareholders, and anne -- roth of ukrainian, let's play some of what the conversation was. >> it is in our interest to end this war. that is what i will do as president. we are not going to have a blank check. we will not have u.s. troops. we will make the europeans do what they need to do. they have sent money to pay their bureaucrats pensions, and salaries, and funding small businesses halfway around the world. meanwhile, our own country is being invaded. we don't even have control of our own territory. we have got to defend the american people before we even worry about these things. >> our national vital interests is in degrading the russian military. why degrading the russian military, we actually keep our homeland safer. we keep our troops at home. at the end of the day, when you think about the fact that if you want to keep american troops at home, the attack on nato territory would bring us and our troops in. why degrading the russian military, we reduce, if not eliminate a attack on the territory. >> just because putin is -- an evil dictator, does not mean ukraine is good. this is a country that has been 11 opposition parties. -- >> that is not true. >> a win for china. not for biden. that is why -- >> you will have a chance in just a moment. hurling personal insults is not helping. china is the real enemy, and we are driving russia further into china's arms. we need a reasonable peace plan to end this. especially because this is a country this president just last week -- >> putin have ukraine that is greenlight for china to take taiwan. -- >> but the chinese are paying for the russian war in ukraine. the iranians are supporting more sophisticated weapon, so other north koreans now as well with encouragement of the chinese. the naivete on the stage from some of these folks is extraordinary. the fact of the matter is, we need to say right now, that the chinese russian alliance is something we have to fight against, and we are not going to solve it by going over it -- look, donald trump said vladimir putin was brilliant, and a great leader. this is the person who is murdering people in his own country. >> what a difference. >> there is the divide of the party. that is like the republicans of the house and the senate. you watched it play on the stage right, there you had ramaswamy and desantis playing to the trump base, which is america first, which is not worth the money, even a lot of those voters who say i don't like putin i want that money to go to the border wall first, or something in america first. so you are playing to that piece of the republican base. then you have the more statement candidate saying, wait a minute, putin is trying to steal a country, america has to stand up and lead. what was missing was, donald trump wants a hostile takeover of the republican party in 2016, he won, it is his party now. if there was any place on earth to make the case we need to take it back, if any of them on it is that we need to take it, back it was the ronald reagan presidential library. this man took our, party he is not one of, us and they were piece of it. he raced spending, he did not cut the deficit. he is not ideological. he is not a conservative. he will not stand up to russia. you will not stand up. they did not connect it to say republicans, please, let's take our party back. now can that argument when? they're probably outnumbered. you probably can't. but if you're going to trying to get away from it, you have to give an alternative. a bigger broader alternative. either go back to a new republican party would, look like we'll understand a lot of trump voters, out there and they can't find a way through that. >> just like a issue about where was donald trump today, is michigan appealing to uaw workers? right? it is a different party than ronald reagan. ronald reagan whenever stand and say go to and -- we >> it's a different party. it's transformed itself. want to claim back? it's different, that's gone. are getting it back. >> ronald reagan will be rolling around in his grave for that discussion happening. i have to say i think the moderators did the best that they could. but they are not questions meant to challenge the number one. the person leading the gop nomination. that is what i was most struck by. this is a tactic we use. all those things are true. but we are in a nominating contest. somebody is 30 points ahead. this past week, he said the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. said that he should be executed. it is like a question you'd want people to answer. the fact he will be criminally convicted felon at the time he's president. so if there is kids gloves protecting trump on this debate. some awesomely opted to attack, very few people did. in some ways it almost seemed like so many of them want to take their options open. even somebody like a nikki haley. she is to not really go after trump in any kind of aggressive way. because there's always the possibility he could be looking at this debate stage for mvp. i think that is a serious part of why it's not just about their voters. i think many of these candidates really do not want to foreclose on even potential opportunities. >> she did call him the most unpopular politician in america at one point. >> in the last day and since, she's actually taken away sort of, she's been the only one trying to get the nomination away from him. she has attacked him. she has pointed out what she thinks are the flaws in his candidacy. these arguments i am not sure are going to work. but i actually do not believe she sees herself as vice president donald trump. >> she could see herself as the nominee in 2020. >> nobody sees himself as the vice president until they are asked to be the vice president. that's the reality of the situation. >> on this point about trump and the unwillingness to engage in a direct hit on him i was surprised when chris christie, had a pretty good thing going. good litany against trump and then finished with kind of a corny joke about donald duck. and what he didn't say and i'm surprised he didn't, everybody on that stage but christie said in the last debate that they would support donald trump. even if you are convicted. and there is all of this talk about the rule of law on the platform. how is this consistent with putting a convicted felon in the white house? he had a clear shot at the rest of the field and didn't take it. >> when you're talking with chris christie. . >> we've gotta bring law and order back to this country. not just in our cities. we need law & order back everywhere. we need it back in our suburbs. we need in our rural areas. people feel threatened. we need it in washington d.c. also. donald trump should be here to answer that but he is not. i want to look at the camera right now. donald, i know you are watching. you can't help yourself. i know you are watching. you are not here tonight. not because of polls, not because of your indictments. we are not here tonight because you are afraid of being on this stage. you are docking these things. let me tell you what will happen. if you keep doing that we are going to call you donald duck. >> missed opportunity and bad joke. which is even more offensive. >> but trump did come after him on truth social, proving chris christie's point he was probably watching the debate. >> i don't know, maybe christie has, look christina come out the last debate well. >> especially given the preamble. and the reactions from republican voters were not very positive to the strategy he took. maybe this was the consultants whispering in his ear that he needed to change the strategy a little bit. and the end of the day wise chris christie on the debate stage is not to take trump on directly? best chance of these guys at this point i think it. it's all the iowa at this point right? there is nothing else. somebody does not get within five points of the sky in iowa. this race is over. i think some of them say interesting things. i think desantis has been an amazing governor. i think haley is a polished politician. but right now everything is aiming to iowa. and it does have a reputation for breaking late. and maybe the pro-lifers are nervous about trump. so i don't. given he put three people on the supreme court. but if you cannot find a way between now and january to get within single digits of trump. this is academic. >> desantis and scott are trying to use the abortion issue. because 60% less than 2016. 64% identified as evangelical christians. but the question to your point about the structure of the debate. which is not up to the candidates, it is up to the moderators. that did not come up until 15 minutes before it ended. and again it was not a trump focused question. does it work number one and two point of it is i will only. i'm kristie has new hampshire but first he is counting on i want to do something. for i want to shock the race. trump is not inevitable, he's not invincible, he's not inevitable. and you come. but again, again if you are donald trump and you've got five or six candidates. a couple will drop. asa hutchins and didn't make this debate. it's possible governor burgum. possible vice president pence doesn't make the next way. because of the rules. does the field start to shrink as you get past thanksgiving and towards the voting in january? but even then, if you still got four or five people spreading the anti trump vote he's fine. >> to tim's point, you've got to spend a lot of time in iowa. go to 99 counties over and over again. sitting peoples living rooms and convince them that you are the nominee. you are the better choice than donald trump. because he will not go to people's living rooms. he will not go to 99 counties, he might go to two or three. he will show up and it'll be a big presentation, and big production. but he will not put in the legwork. notice what the time. >> join us, right desantis is playing to win iowa. and kristie is playing to compete in new hampshire. not even running in iowa. and that explains a little bit of their approach. but again just to restate what i've said before. i think desantis is an awkward presence on the stage. less so at times tonight. he looked a little last rehearsed. though some of the substance of what he said was aimed wrecked directly at those iowa voters. his defense of his position on abortion. which he sort of has re-written history. saying i was reelected governor of florida you know as a strong pro-lifer. he did not endorse a six-week abortion ban when he was running for governor of florida. and if he had, he would have not won by the landslide he won by. >> push of the former president, let's just play that. >> people in washington are shutting down the american dream. with their reckless behavior. they board, they printed, they spent. and now you are paying more for everything. they are the reason for that. they have shut down our national sovereignty by allowing our border to be wide open. so please spare me the crocodile tears for these people. they need to change what is going on. whereas joe biden? he is missing an action from leadership. you know who else is missing in action? donald trump is missing in action. he should be on the stage tonight. he owes it to you to defend his record. where they added 7.8 trillion to the debt. that set the stage for the inflation we have now. i can tell you this as governor of florida, we cut taxes, we ran surplus. we've paid down over 25% of our state debt. i've vetoed wasteful spending when it came to my desk. the next president, when they sent me a bloating spending bill that will cause prices to go up, i will take out this veto and send it right back to them. >> great moments. that's his best moment of the whole night. >> might be the best moment of the campaign. >> here's the thing. everybody is memorizing lines right. but that seemed really memorized, really rehearsed. >> but it worked. >> it was rehearsed. >> i think desantis, when you look at the picture, he still seems like a candidate who is struggling to find his footing. he does not seem like at the end of the day the pictures voters you have in their mind. donald trump versus ex. and if that person is ron desantis, i do not know that is the bar. >> the problem is that donald trump is great at the game. he's gray and otr. go to mcdonald's, he puts his arm around the owner and joked with the guy. i know the venue better than you. he's throwing footballs, passing a pizza. he's great at it. so anybody against donald trump. with desantis should say is look, i might not be the most entertaining. but i am affecting as a governor. it might not be dramatic, might not be as entertaining. but i'm going to govern. >> to me it is not the question of entertaining, it's convincing. >> i agree with. >> i'll add a pedestrian note here. and if daniel dale. he can fact check me on this. but i think on desantis voted to raise the debt limit when he was in congress. donald trump was passing budgets. i suspect he voted for some of trump's fiscal policies. >> the central premise of the desantis campaign is i am donald trump without the baggage and the florida results. which is a good appeal. if voters have given up on donald trump. i haven't given up. to make that argument. >> there's a bigger issue here tonight though. tonight on desantis was the candidate he should've been six months ago we weren't doing the anti woke stuff, barely hit on the culture wars. it was his record in florida, that works. when he got the one question. which if we have this we should play. he got asked for the quadruple time about the benefits of slavery in florida. he just kept doubling down. like show some compassion. admit for, act as a leader. >> we'll take a quick break, ahead we will talk with candidates. we expect to hear from victims told me. we'll hear from daniel dale. i don't, what voters in iowa with they saw. and then our special debate coverage. >> welcome, back second may of the campaign of 2024 has just wrapped up here at the reagan library. as you see joining me now, one of the debaters, candidate for president vivek ramaswamy. thank you for being here. i would like to start by playing for our viewers a moment in the debate. where you wanted to get across the message. about how you think people feel about you. >> there is one person in the republican party. talking a big game about reaching young people and that is me. let me level with all the. i'm the new guy here. and so i know i have to earn your trust. what do you see? you see a young man and a bit of a hurry. maybe a little ambitious. bit of a know it all at the times it seems. i'm here to tell you though i do not know at all. i want to listen. i have the best people, the best and brightest in this country. whatever age they are. advising me. >> i have covered politics for a while. when a candidate says something like that, i'm not in a no at all. it might come from research. showing voters are concerned of. that >> it actually did not show up in polling numbers. but i understand that if i was looking at myself after the first debate, to be honest with you and i didn't know me. that is what i would've thought. >> i think that i'm a new guy, i have no voting record in legislatures or the senate where governing track record. i do business track record but people are not familiar with that. and so i understand if i were sitting at home and seeing a 38-year-old guy. who is on stage for the first time. i get that i have to earn trust of people in this country. i think a big part is that we have already been reaching a lot of younger audiences through social media. more effectively, probably in many modern campaigns. but most of the republican primary voter base is not reachable that way. and so i wanted to be candid with people that this is a process. i was not in tonight to have one moment. this is part of a steady climb to what i believe will be winning the nomination. and reuniting this party. we uniting this country. i think that was my mentality tonight and unpleased without one. >> when you came over here, you said to me that from your perspective. phase one of your campaign is coming to close. now you have faced. who can explain what that means. >> most people who come out of nowhere like me, seemingly at least of nowhere. point 0.0% would not be at this phase of that campaign. so that means that we need to talk to everybody at all hours of the day. one of the things i've realized about myself, i'm out my best when i create space to remind myself to think, to have the vision of the campaign. where we are going. so we are not going to be doing media frenzies or anything going forward. i'll talk to everybody, left-wing, right-wing media doesn't matter. but i will focus more on what is day one going to look like. not what just to stay one, what does january 2033 look like. when i leave the office after two terms, what do i want to tell the people of the country we did? from here on out, that is my focus. and there is a little bit of the chicken and the egg when you start a campaign is not severe like this. i think we have achieved critical velocity but now not enough to just be here. i am in this to lead this country and hopefully dare i say reunite this country. i think that will be a different side of me i hope people get to know over the course of the next few months. >> before you get even close to what you've described you very well know that you are going to have to secure the republican nomination. just like the first debate, there were some knives out for you tonight. one of the things that we heard from nikki haley, and i believe mike pence was criticism of you. when it comes to china. >> it's puzzling to me, but it's okay. >> the idea is. so first of all, is that criticism fair? should you not have done business in china. >> i would say that, i'll admit mistakes but that's not mistake because every american ceo was expanding to china. >> i'm seeing with the expectations are. >> you can't criticize the ccp. when i started my next business, not only do we pull out of the first business. when i started my second business strive, i became actually the first leader of an asset manager to say that we would never build an asset management business in china. that was unique. probably of been the most outspoken ceo in america about the risks of doing business in china. and as those governors criticize me, each of them has invited chinese investment to their states. no doubt about it but i did not think it was a good use of time on the debate stage. there are a lot of people going back and forth. i don't think it makes the republican party stronger. >> they said you pulled out your businesses in china. >> that's false. it's just plain false. my view is these personal attacks are meaningless. i've actually made harder commitments and most ceos. it's not a ceo in america i think you'll find who has been more openly critical of the pcp. in the spirit of the reagan library tonight. here's my view on foreign policy as well. as reagan said about the soviet union, what did he say? his vision was we win, they lose. people laughed at him when he said. it for me, season outside, a simpleton well he actually got that done. and i say that for the communist party of china today. that is my strategy, we win, they lose and i understand it deeply enough to lead us to get there. >> there was another comment he made tonight that caught my attention. you said transgender-ism especially in kids is a mental health disorder. >> how do you know that? >> it has been characterized as a mental health condition. and i come from a place of compassion here. i do not think that we are doing these kids a favor, when they are confused to say look let's firmer confusion. asking an open question, of what else might be going wrong in that kid's life. >> the fact schools hide from parents i think is wrong. >> it was not long ago that many people in america thought being was a mental health disorder. >> i think there is a fundamental difference here. unlike for being, where there is no genetic basis for it. you have a genetic basis for gender. two extra zones if you're a woman and an x and y if you're a man. the rare cases of x, y x watcher. it's a fringe. case >> you understand there are people who make the very difficult choice to change their gender. they don't think it's a choice. they think they were born in the wrong body. how do you respond to that? >> let the respect, at say let's draw boundaries. kids are not the same as adults. so the fact that i have met young women, i've mentioned two of them onstage, chloe and katie in a 20 to now regret haven't gone under them double mastectomies. one of the main strictly. one of them who won't have children, the other one will never breastfeed. they regret it now. it's not something we should allow kids in this country to do. just as you can't get a tattoo before the age of 18. >> we are talking about children. or so, what shouldn't be a parent decision with the family? and the doctor. why is that the government's decision what should the government be involved? >> it's a fair question, i think there are certain boundaries redraw to so you can't allow a parent to engage in and it self abusive behavior. in another context, you can't get a tattoo until the age of 18. there are hard lines. you can't smoke a cigarette. just because your parent gives you one. so i do think that we have to protect children. i'm a free market person. i do believe that if you want to dress how you want where a skirt. i will not stop you from doing that. but you are also not going to change the norms and language of our country or how women compete in sports or how people go to which law crumbs that go into. that is not protecting against the tyranny of the majority. what is doing is creating tyranny of the minority. and it's important people call but. that >> one last question to make sure i understand your position. you're talking about children. what about adults. if somebody who is 18 and older is transgender. is that a mental health disorder? >> it is my belief that it is. it's my conviction. i think a lot of psychiatrists for most of the last century have. >> it's not my job. >> it's not my job to be a psychologist for every adult in this country. i'm running for president. we live in a free country. we will treat every person with dignity. but that does not mean that that person gets to change our language or the way women compete in sports or otherwise. so that is the way of government. and as a leader of this country who respects individual freedoms. but also respects the idea that we have to protect children because kids are not the same as adults. and i think most people, even friends on the left. i think they quietly agree with me on this. think of this issue for a second. you brought up the issue a couple of times. the same movement. the sex of the person you attracted to his hardwired on the day you are born. it's now the same movement that says you are own success totally fluid over the course of your life. and i think we have to at least acknowledge that there is a lot of tension there. and so i know a lot of people who are offended by being clumped into the same group of the lgbtq+ alphabet soup. so i think we have to start treating people as individuals. with respect and dignity. and i am in this to unite the country, but i will also speak the truth every step of the way. >> this conversation did not go as i expected. i'll just say, and i want to end it here. my impression is that people who are gonna talk about how they, and who they are attracted to. people who are transgender is they are talking about how they feel themselves. last question. just put a button on this discussion about tonight. do you feel that the dynamic really changed tonight? especially with donald j trump not on the stage? >> i think it. did i think i am on a steady climb to be our nominee. the person who wins the republican nomination will not know that the american first base. i was the american first conservative on the stage. if you look at michael your market is very clear that on like everybody else on that stage. who is implicitly bastion trump. i recognize through the next president. but i'm in this race to unite the country. and that'll take somebody of a different generation. and i think we go further with our agenda if we are united. many people, even democrats are honest about. i think there are parts of the agenda that many agree with two. so yes, i will first reunite this party. and then i will riyadh the country. i will honor donald trump's legacy. i think it's the right thing to do. i'll take you to the next level and unite all americans by reaching the next generation. that is the phase we are in now. >> the victims, for me thank you for coming. appreciate it, thank you. >> anderson also back to. >> welcome back to dan with more. wow. a lot to say. >> ramaswamy by the way. although i think most of this debate was unwatchable. most watchable parts where when nikki haley was taking him over her knee. spanking him over his views his attitude. whatever all night long. all the other candidates got in on it as well. and although he is no threat to get the nomination is just running as a trump surrogate rather than a trump stand in. he observes to be taken to test. after they last we thought out all this detention. he did get a momentary spike. but then we turned the lights on on the sky. nobody like what they're saying, the contradictions. the i didn't say that. yes you did, here's the video. he doing business with china. his crazy views on foreign policy which continue to come out. so i was personally glad to see someone. i mean he is a salesman, he is constantly selling. but it's different than having values and principles. i just thought it was a good thing that came out of it all. >> it was interesting to hear him on the stage sort of acknowledge some of the criticisms. then appointing the so clearly he saw a research on how people viewed him. after the last debate and that is what he said on the stage. >> yes some consultant said hey man they don't like you i think that you are knowing. what they said was everything he just repeated back. that's not exactly how you defeat that. but you can tell that somebody told him that and he's trying to fix it. which is not fixable. it's just too. he's >> you are right. the idea that in an principled salesman can get elected president. it's absurd. >> we've got to stand up to him so they don't? >> it did feel like with ramaswamy the sort of earnestness and character change we tried to do was about as shallow as his policy points. it lasted about a minute until somebody called him out on the fact that last time insulted the entire state. he went right back to who he actually is which is somebody who is antagonistic and arrogant. thanks nina something. and then on policy viewpoints it just in the interview just now with anna bass homage to reagan. but then he literally is once again reiterating that he was just kind of hand over ukraine to the russians ideas on taiwan are frankly insane. but i think that he is there as a surrogate for trump. and ultimately we'll see him backing him. >> they say i think we do better as a republican party when you know this is the same guy who just a few days ago. admitted interview that he does not really consider himself to be a republican. that he's just using the republican party to try to advance what he sees. as his personal platform. >> so he's running to be a surrogate. looking to get a vp no? his people are playing to get the vp nomination. it would be an absolute radioactive general election ticket and i can't think of two more off putting people for women in independents and moderates and donald trump and victims. something they are positioned for. i think a lot of candidates are as well. >> i disagree with. scott he's still getting market share. rearranging the people in the stage, he still taking it from other folks. >> a market share that would go? where >> i don't know. if you would go to desantis it helps trump. i'm saying he's taking market share. the whole market share available. >> i think it does take from desantis. listen it isn't just that he is constantly praising trump that trump artist him. it is also he is doing trump's work here. as for somebody it's also absurd to say that trump could the republican party who is really republican. he's basically following in terms footsteps. there's not a lot of room. >> there's always a candidate needs voices that puts on something totally different. answers right front of us. it happens all the time. vegas seems to be playing the role. it's not absolutely a strategy to win the primaries. at some point those kinds of easy solutions to problems that come up against reality. if you think you try to see on the debate stage that some point, that whole thing is going to. >> do think ramaswamy will be on the ballot. >> share. >> i wouldn't be shocked. >> he's doing trumpet favor taking some non-trump votes away from others. i point out that the guy is 38 or something. he's playing a longer game. he's trying to set himself up. >> lives are no how he could be governor of ohio. a lot of opportunities for the. >> missed opportunity, i seats to bring up polls and debate. selanee kayleigh performs about six points ahead. vivek loses by about 2 to 4 points. as those were on desantis. should still be talked about. you know who definite will prevent arsenal. me >> the crazy thing about this argument is so central to the republican arguments. joe biden is in feeble old man who doesn't know where he is. all that sort of stuff. impression you would get is anybody could beat him. anybody. so i do not even think that people are focused much on this. >> i think republicans have decided we couldn't possibly lose to discuss. we will nominate the person we want. not the person we think is most likely to win. >> they do think trump is the most likely to win as well. >> a lot of democrats think that we can possibly lose to dame trump. that's their strategy. >> i think what you are seeing cracks but. there's a magical thinking in both parties. that are likely a point is the worst possible person in the world. how could we possibly lose? when all. done quite possibly. lose >> this might be a small distinction but i think republican voters genuinely like trump. we believe he's a strong candidate. in spite of all of this stuff. for a lot of democrats to fulfill that it is an anti trump sentiment that drives it towards biden. even if they do not like a lot of other things. but among republicans, they like. trump electrons. that's the real problem. it's why those other candidates are having a hard time. they cannot abide the affinity he has with republican voters. to break that policy. with rehearsed lines. with your rhetoric. it's hard to break those things. it's not tied to anything on a piece of paper. >> so the tribal indictments. they've turned this into a travel to. it's a rally around trump. this idea he's under siege for his views. and therefore there is a feeling we should rally around the guy. >> we mention cnn fact checker daniel dale. closer look at war on dissent said this about education. >> anderson, let's listen to the striking exchange governor desantis had a controversial part of voters standards. >> the new black history curriculum says quote, slaves develop skills which some instances could be their personal benefit. who said slaves develop schools in spite of slavery. not because of it. but many are still hurt. the sense of slaves this is personal. with your message to them? >> first of all that was a hoax perpetrated by kamala harris. we're not gonna be doing that. second of all, it was written by this sentence of slaves. these are black history scholars. when you stop playing this game. >> governor desantis's hopes claim is false. it's not a hoax. social studies standards for middle schoolers includes the sense that the moderate read to him. and i think governor desantis effectively admitted it was not a hoax one immediately after he called it a hoax he pivoted to defending the sentiment is being written by great scholars who are descendants of slaves. so if you're on the facts, for this new standards for six through eight grades say that it, examine the duties entrées performed by slaves. and gives a bunch of examples and that goes on to say that this, standard say that the instructions of slaves developed skills which instances could be applied for their personal benefit. so the moderator was not making it up. vice president harris to make it up. staring black and white. some context, the governor has very allies. and everton argument from scott jennings. saying that this so-called hoax is making it sound like the curriculum broadly is pro slavery. they are entitled to make that argument. some other elements of received criticism from historians. but this debate, here's where it the process line. made it sounded like it was a lie made up by vp harris. on close by noting that it's not just vp harris who criticized it. so black advocacy groups. many historians. various republican lawmakers including a black republican onstage with desantis tonight senator tim scott who said tonight that florida should just cut the line out anderson. you know they'll, build more from daniel dale that was one of the interesting things scott said on the stage tonight. he did respond to that in a lengthy i don't know if we have the full soundbite of tim scott but we should get that and plant. you wanted to mention that you have is interesting that he chose to just full stop so that it should have not been there. no redeeming qualities to slavery. i'm told we have, when we put tim scott set. >> the new black history curriculum says quote, slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit. you've said slaves 12 skills in spite of slavery. not because of it. but many are still hurt. the sentence of slaves. this is personal what is your message to them first of all that's a hoax perpetrated by kamala harris we are not gonna be doing that. second of all it was written by descendants of slaves. he's a black history scholars. we are playing these games. >> should just take the one sentence. out americans suffered because of labor. we've overcome that. >> wow. >> so i think it was a choice he made that the put that in the ground on the curriculum. went on to talk about what has caused nemours african americans to experience the disparities we all know. >> he blamed lyndon johnson. nemours says it cannot be blamed on slavery. is the people came on slavery ended those. >> was a line of thought was great for voters who want to hear that kind of message. i think even tim scott knows this is often the case. tim scott knows that is not a complete answer. after slavery, there's a lot of people in the jim crow south. in the 60s and 70s experienced horrible discrimination where he grew up in south carolina. and he blames the lyndon johnson great society. give us the voting rights act. a lot black people about this country. great numbers. he might have an issue with welfare. i think that's why senator that's around. >> but that context is not there. analysts point i wonder why not. just provide the context. why put it in the sort of small and you think is going to be resonating with republican voters. when he is really the only person who is going to give a clear contractual answer on that debate stage so it's an interesting choice to. he did a similar thing in the first debate. second time he's done now. >> i thought rhonda scent is had an opportunity. to say at that point that look. we should not put it there. i can understand it's very hurtful to folks. we made a mistake and it would've been very illuminating i think. what attracted more voters to understand is that he would get by saying you're doubling down on that point. saying look we made a mistake. this drafted by some folks, we thought was in there. it's gonna provide context. wideman taking out of context that we met we are sorry we are funded folks. this move off of that. we learn our lesson it was an opportunity which i think was missed. whatever it was drafted. on desantis didn't read the standards. >> highly respected african american history ph.d.. today number of interviews strongly refuting the way which was ridden had characterized. and that was my point. for desantis i think he dug in on this. and it was interesting to me over the summer one has decided to go to florida. and attacked the tim scott did with her. it was an interesting moment because you do not only see republicans aligning themselves with her on republicans. >> universal. >> this was pretty much such mistake. it was a lab to say we made a mistake. >> stay where you are. more from the candidates shortly. reaction from the democratic debate. california governor gavin newsom ahead. >> it's always hectic when presidential debates wrap up. trying to get fresh reaction from candidates. joining me now is one of the candidates on the debate stage. doug burgum. you saw it on the, stage you are frustrated. you said me before coming on. some of your perspective voters lost tonight. but he meant by that? >> they want to find out. contrast find out what candidates represent. when you're the candidate create more jobs than anybody else on the stage. since my mid twenties. in making payroll. i don't want business experience in anybody on this stage. and then like tech guy on the stage. talking about tiktok. let me talk about energy. not to go to produce more energy than we are leader in innovation energy. energy policies. doesn't matter your partner affiliation. pain too much for your food, your. energy mnuchin asked the person. they talk about the. border only one sitting governor has troops down there. here's what we are doing right now. north dakota troops. you don't get a question on the border. >> there is a choice. >> you don't feel it is a participant. >> one or two questions. >> let me ask you about one of the things you so you are gonna. you are a chief executive. have to bring the legislation together. we are in a republican state. we are days away from a government shutdown. if you are pro, in the situation is happening now on capitol hill. fighting amongst themselves. many of them hard-liners. >> existing red states still. certain factions within the same party. >> so i'll be done in north dakota. pass the largest tax cut in the history of the state. we'll cut red tape. we passed 51 red tape reduction bills. >> it's easy passed tax cuts and red state. and washington. >> you'd be surprised on how our party can disagree with each other. just like in washington d.c. with mccarthy. most red states have two factions. we have to have a solving the problem. concerned of spending. we should be concerned about spending. we cut it. not slowed growth. we could about 27%. a first four months in office. if you are a business leader, you not to take the cost of government. reduce cost to service. >> we are here at reagan library. as we listen tonight. watch the way republican party is on a national basis now. it's not the party of reagan anymore. do you agree with that? >> when we take a look. when reagan took. override hurry inflation. country was in decline. it's super high interest rates. when a western governor. >> i'm talking with the state of the party. >> the party was divided between goldwater ford reagan. it wasn't a clear thing with him. reagan didn't get the nomination and 76. now here we are, you've got a western governor ronald raegan coming in. there was a cold war with russia. we got the economy sprinter. it's time for another western governor to step into writing. say look we know in a cold war. we know how to get the economy sprinting. we know how to solve the energy problems and take care of the environment. we can do that with innovation. >> this is a national, debate a national conversation. you are telling me before we came on might be obvious, but people should remember. the nominations state-by-state encompass but contest. how do you feel this will or will not impact the voters on the ground for the caucus in iowa. primary voters in new hampshire south carolina et cetera. >> those early states versus feeling great pride in your role they play. they show up. >> alicia perry? >> absolutely, on the ground we are getting great response. staples worst national polls will be closer to the center. so voters voting would move us up to more places in that group. and we will continue to reach out with them. they get to decide. national polls, not cable news networks. voters decide who. we know and we understand their concerns, which again inflation, energy, national security. >> thank you for your time governor >> thank you. anderson, back. you >> dan i think you are. much joined shortly by california governor gavin newsom on the scene. until then let's get a quick reset pass the top of the air. with our panel. >> we also have a focus group to get the reaction. >> this move the needle for anybody in a significant way? or change the dynamic for the race? >> candidates understand the dynamics. it wasn't a brief exchange but at one point governor healey, when it desantis went out a little bit. second place candidates fuel. second and third. either one of them or somebody else games ten, 15 points for donald trump the republican nominee. so you see the tension. we'll leave it up to republican voters. we do it all the, time we watch every day, voters are different. >> did the dynamic change? no. i think david said earlier. in the sense market share might move a little bit. some of the anti trump vote or not trump vote. i'm around. but to anybody come out there like a catapult. >> one of the debates been healing in desantis was on fracking, let's play that. >> we don't need is a president who is against energy independence. desantis is against fracking. he's against feeling. he's been against it. you did it. talking about what happened on day one. but a lot. ship what happened sunday tears when you are in trouble. day two in florida you banned fact. we banned offshore drilling. you did it on federal land. he took subsidies you didn't have to take. >> the right to respond. >> i just did it plan out west texas for american energy dominance. we are going to choose midland over moscow. we're gonna choose the marcellus where the most. and we're going to choose balking over beijing. and we will lower gas prices. we will get that job done. it's important for national security. it's important jobs. one of the best ways to drive down inflation. >> governor desantis. >> you banned it before they voted. >> that's not true. >> they didn't vote on friday. >> check it, check. a i'm sure. we do it in florida. maybe we don't as much as west texas but we do. so that is just wrong. let's get real here. my plan will get the job done. voters didn't even vote on fracking. >> not sure who's telling the truth. they're >> kind of chose alliteration over answer. >> governor haley, she's trying to get in these debates. she's doing her homework too. >> >> >> it doesn't sandra hearst. he is perry on that debate stage. i like to look at by language. so i'm looking at what these candidates to do. i don't think it helped desantis to not even engage with her. he was directly engaged with him. >> he wasn't engaging with her. david you can tell me. a lot of these candidates are sometimes told direct to the camera. but in that, case emoji that was. >> you would've said answer before you turn to the k. >> could've looked at her and still looking in the camera and smiling and laughing. i think your point, she had an incredibly good answer on education. the part where she was asked about education, she had. receipts shoes firing off numbers. literacy rates, math scores. somebody who had just come from an educational summit. it was good. could tell she's never successful governor. >> go back to dan. then? >> anderson, i'm here with not a republican but a democrat. governor of the state of california where we are. thank you for coming in. >> you are in the belly of the beast. >> are you suggesting the belly of the beast? object really, it's not. i enjoyed it. didn't enjoy the debate. i thought was nothing. i'd be hard-pressed in 72 hours to think you guys will be talking much about any aspect of this debate. i don't think any punches landed. a lot of people talking over each other. i think desantis has a lot of answers to. it's not a lot about his executive order. he lied about hydraulic fracking. which he didn't executive order. i know wooden secularism what it isn't. it didn't executive order opposing offshore oil. so the hypocrisy and lie carbonated by haley. >> one of the things we want desantis also talked about was crime. specifically talking about crime here in your state of california. let us listen to that. >> crime in the cities is one of the strongest signs of the decaying of america. we cannot be successful as a country of people aren't even safe to live in places like los angeles and sentiments disco. just being in southern california over the last couple of days my wife and i had met three people who have been mugged on the streets. . this might be an opportunity. to look up jacksonville florida. might want to familiarize himself with miami florida. and his homicide rates. which are 100 percent higher than san francisco. kremlin said his own backyard. higher homicide rate statewide. 60% are in california. but for every reason to, arkansas, tennessee south carolina. and bring up texas. this is an old troop. if you are in new york. people are looking again a little exhaust. but if we are focusing on new york gourmet and not the crime rate in these other republican-led studies. and republican states. >> you're not gonna say that you're on today san francisco's ended shape. >> i'm saying it's a real issue. but i find that the hypocrisy, and willingness to be honest with american people. if you take responsibility. first on crime, is one major cities. i find that curious, not surprising. and i offer that is a point of contrast and consideration. that is all. >> one of the big discussions points were immigration. vivek ramaswamy talked about wanting to militarize the border. and no birthright citizenship. nikki haley talked about the funding sanctuary cities and states like yours. and it went on and on and on. let's first talk about point-by-point, i'm curious about the birthright citizenship. the point he made, and others made. that if you are a diplomat, your kids are not american citizens. so why should illegal undocumented immigrant? >> i completely disagree with him. driven part of the calls out republican debates over notar began. nothing will happen in this space. remember trump talking about mast abortifacient. he wasn't able to achieve that in four years as president. they are doubling down on that. including vivek. we talked about really family units. these guys are not just talking militarizing the border, they are talking about invading one of our trading partners and allies in mexico. by launching attacks and strikes. that's a of a thing. you care about energy endowment, energy imports we have from places like mexico. so this is serious stuff, desantis talking about ready fire aim. shooting people with backpacks. even though 89% are american citizens. >> that was pointed out tonight come through our border crossings, including right here where i put the national guard. helping to support border patrol. not one of them said anything of the fact they want to fund the border patrol, they wanted to fund the military. we are going to walk off the cliff as realistic government shutdown. that wasn't even brought up. >> you mentioned you've had to defend your national guard troops to the border. so it's a real problem. >> it's a serious issue, i've invested 1 million dollars in that. the day i got into office and kept the national guard. i added to the national guard. >> it's more need to happen on a federal? we'll >> immigration system is broken and the nets. it's the sound system is broken. biden put out a plan. talked about workers, each one eases. clearing the backlogs in the court. the voting party is not even debating. so spam-y this is biden's crisis. it is a crisis of our own creation. because the parties aren't going together like a gang of a, a moment to remember 2013. when there is bipartisanship on this. people have to stop. this serious issue. >> i'm intimately involved. a real issue. we all have a responsibility to. it's like ronald reagan's himself did in 1986. >> you mentioned washington, shut down is looming. for three days. >> one of the things republicans are pushing for, to keep running is additional federal dollars for border security. does that sound like a good idea to you as a governor? >> i mean i melfort. for supporting our men and women in uniform. they're having a difficult time agreed. what folks are getting feedback on trucks. submitting the national guard. i'm not an open border democrat. or defund the police cover. we are dynamic to a border in terms of trade. it's a profound model. you haven't seen a front down here every week. not to suggest we don't problems we do. but we've managed our borders effectively. more effectively the most. but it is a real issue. and democrats for the point of contrast. i think we have a responsibility. not to deny the reality at the border. we have a responsibility to be constructive in order to get republicans above. >> brian administration put out a plan, republicans have put out nothing but rhetoric and demagoguing an issue. >> this is obviously political debate. let me just ask you about throughout politics. first, all of you being here you said a couple of times in your answers, upon contrast. how important is it for the democrats to step up and make a contrast. particularly when you look at poll after poll. i know what you'll say about polls but let's just, we know there's an overall feeling of concern in the country. how important is it for people like you to continue to do what you are doing, where you are doing. >> these guys continue to say pence needs to look this up. 5.4. i've lost everybody. it's worth going. and politifact, we are more energy independent than we've been in our history. under the biden administration currently. i margin of five point 94. the highest margin in history. most of them primary in my left. most unemployment rate for women, blacks, hispanics. most poverty rate for african americans in our history. most insurance. >> why aren't people out there feeling the statistics you're sending. >> because we don't talk about. anything three manners. , iota. we are prone to distraction. >> all of us are distracted. we need to be more forceful. 13 by 5 million jobs. so times more than last year. joe biden, 47 million jobs created since ronald reagan left office in 1989. >> 47 at 49 million. administration 96%. as three republican presidents have one thing in common. recession. we dominate on the facts. but not the narrative. we've got to shape-shifter native. we've got to be more forceful, that is why i'm here. at the reagan library. >> coming out of california, the fifth largest economy in the world with an obvious side hustle as being a top spokesperson for the biden campaign. >> i mean it. governor thank you so much. >> anderson, becky. >> anna thank you very much. governor gavin newsom at the debate. was interesting scene. in the belly of the beast, making this argument. >> i think what has wanted him to be there. >> he's sort of touring the country. doing this and famously you know is challenged or i guess he challenged desantis to debate. on fox. he is you know affective the spokesperson. one last question they asked is the one that i think a lot of people ask which is if the statistics are so positive y is the president not getting credit for it? i think one of the reasons is that none of the things he mentioned had to do with prices. even though inflation has gone down. food prices, gas prices are still high. that is how people judge economy. that's how they lived the economy. they go to the store they see prices on the cash register. they go to the gas station. they see prices at the pump. and so i know this from my own experience. when we were in the obama administration. making real progress on economy. if we claim too much, even if it was backed up by statistics. people did not feel it. they turn off and we had to develop strategies for kind of getting the information out in place people would accept. so much of the governors right that's a matter of not claiming these achievements enough. i think it's also about people who lived experience. >> for donald trump. last incumbent president to only served one term with george h. w. bush. and if we go back to look at the numbers, if you have a mild recession. numbers were getting much better. heading into the campaign yet. but they couldn't convince the american people. a collected hard. if you go a recession, you go three months we have a health care crisis we have a mortgage crisis, inflation crisis. you just get tired. takes a long time to feel better about them. even when things start to get better. republicans especially. they are anti joe biden. but even democrats. now the auspices are starting to take up as we head to the mid. so the democratic calendar is changed. president is not facing a serious primary challenge. but if you go to state new hampshire in place like iowa. you're paying for home heating oil. your gas purse is going. you still have the hangover. whether it's covid pandemic or inflation. you just don't feel it. you don't believe. even if you start to feel a little. we are afraid to believe it takes a long time. >> i think it was a big gamble to called bidenomics. i think more help is on the way message would've been stronger. reality is that the polls bear people feel like they are struggling in the economy. we label it after the you're basically going to have to on how people feel. i think that is the strongest case republicans have to make against robin. simply the state of the economy. and all trump, was a hard time putting together a coherent message but could talk about they were the economy was. >> people felt better about it. >> that's what i hear the books, i feel better. >> your point, gavin missing might have a lot of props but he's an incredibly effective communicator. and it is a bridge. it'll be interesting to see. you got this debate coming up with iran desantis. governor desantis might want to rethink watching that there on that interview. but it's going interesting to see how much more done in menstruation keeps rolling out gavin newsom as a surrogate. because he's a fact about. a much more effective than the current president. >> it's an interesting technical question. >> he's much better, much better. >> most of the time for the president's big yourself, but strikes me that the biden campaign is going to have to more than any other recent incumbent lean on other people whether it is newsom or the vice president. all the governors. they will have to depend on a lot of other people to make the case. partly because i think they do not have a ton of confidence in biden to make the case. and because his own credibility on these issues right now so low. they may think that other forces are more hopeful here. so it's a bit of a high wire act to depend on what household names to tell you the story. >> i also think that even in the best of times, given the jaundice of politics, it is hard for president to win a referendum. and when you are -- and i think biden has achieved some historic things on infrastructure and energy and some other climates and some others. but you have to throw this into a comparative. this has to be a choice. in rather than asking for a report card from the american people, i think you've got to throw it into that choice. between trump and biden. >> look i don't think it hurts to keep biden sort of out of the headlines. if gavin newsom can make this veteran desantis's record in florida. how he is flipping that. it's beneficial to a joe biden. somebody else can make it about donald trump and his indictments and the charges he is facing. it's beneficial to joe biden. i think they're comfortable with by not being out there every day. matt called stealing the spotlight but i think that there is no need in their view for biden to be a front now. >> all risk, no reward. >> we'll take a quick, break just ahead what voters in iowa so on the debate stage tonight. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. we are live inside the reagan library in seamy valley, ella farnell talking to candidates and as you see, you have one here. senator tim scott of south carolina. >> hello. >> nice to see you, thank you for doing this. you -- it got spicy between you and your former governor. there was a lot of back and forth. was that something that surprised you? it surprised us? >> i was surprised by the vitriol, but the good news is that this is like a football game. you put on your uniform and play to win. bottom line is for her to talk about any kind of spin when she offered a tax increase that would be a couple hundred million dollars in a state like south carolina would be devastating. so, having a chance to have a contrast about where we are on the issues of spending or where we are on china, frankly. she called china our great friend. or on the issue of abortion. i believe that having a national limit of 15 weeks for three out of four americans is a place we should be. allow states like this one, california, new york to have abortion on demand up until the 40th week. just devastating. >> you talked about the curriculum in florida and that ron desantis put out there the idea that slavery allowed for people who are enslaved to find skills. you also talked about kamala harris. >> yes. what >> what did you mean by that. >> so, they both signed off on similar curriculum. that is it. basically, the same thing. my point is, with kamala or ron, the bottom line is simple. there are no redeeming qualities in slavery. period. >> the idea of being here at the reagan library as somebody who has been on capitol hill for a long time, you have been in politics for a long time and have seen the change in your party. to you feel connected to the notion of the reagan republican party, given what you are seeing on the campaign trail with fellow candidates and wear your day job is on capitol hill? especially considering this will be potentially a shut down in the next coming days. >> of course i do. but listen, ronald reagan helped us understand that all things are possible. that the city on the hill still exists. today, we need another optimistic, positive leader who believes in the future of this nation. i know that america can do for anyone what she has done for me. i am the kids that grew up in a single parent household, mired in poverty, four different elementary schools by the fourth grade. it is this country. think god almighty for america. >> your persona is the nice guy on the campaign trail. you came in here clearly wanting to show a different dimension to your candidacy and to your character as a fighter. is that fair? >> i think the people call me happy because i am happy. but if you are happy and you are a warrior than there are issues you must defend. i should be a voice for the voiceless. i will defend those who cannot defend themselves. the whole notion from the old testament that says that someone should stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves. sign me up. someone did it for me, i want to do it for the rest of the folks. >> i can't let you go without asking about the goatee. will that be your new campaign look? >> you know, what way -- what rate do you give it? >> that is not my job. >> well, i don't know. i don't know. >> i have just known you for a long time and have not seen the goatee. >> i think the gray is such a good contrast to my tan skin. >> so you are going for a great beard. >> i guess i should have said mocha. bottom line, i have no good answer for that one, yeah. >> senator, thank you so much for stopping. appreciate it, i know it has been a very long day. >> take care, god bless >>. anderson, back to you. >> dana, thank you. earlier tonight to scott jennings went out of his way to underscore the degree to which the campaign has been all about iowa. i what, he said is everything. with that in mind, we have voters who watched the debate with gary. gary? >> anderson, we are 110 days away from the first nominating caucuses here in the state of iowa, and we have come back to the hawkeye state to talk to iowa voters who we watched the debate with. we are actually in the same county we were in last month watching that debate, story county, home of iowa state university. we have some i will state people here. you want to see how their thoughts compare today to how they compared last month. it is nice to be here with you again. thank you for inviting us. first thing i want to ask you, if you had to write a headline about this debate, what would your headline be? >> republicans angry that they agree with each other. >> okay, talking about the commotion. yes? >> i'd say really good night for the free marketplace and the gop. >> yes. >> rude republicans. >> republicans? but the commotion, the chaos, did it bother you during the debate? raise your hand if it bothered you. raise your hand if it was okay. okay, you are a lone opinion right now. i want to ask you this, when we were here last month, i asked the question, who do you think did best, vivek ramaswamy came in first, nikki haley came in second, desantis came in third. this month, who did you pick last month? >> i picked haley last month. >> i picked elite last month. >> and today? >> desantis, because he represented himself well and did a lot to show that he is a true winner and he can't win a general election. >> how about you? . >> i picked haley last month's. >> and you? >> haley as well. haley and desantis had excellent debates and a lot of iowans are up for grabs right now and i think desantis has long been looked at as the main alternative in the race. i think the fact that she has strong favorability pulls the best against biden, has two strong to beat performances, and when people meet her they like her. so, i think that will give a lot of folks a reason to look at her. i think she will see a large boost, but i think that desantis it himself all tonight, to. >> last month, who did you pick? >> haley. >> and today? >> haley. every single time she went to the debate, she was realistic. she had the facts and she was strong. she showed what a true leader does and she takes control, and i like that about somebody who is running for president. they are someone who can exhibit a lot in themselves and that is what she did. >> and last month, who did you pick? >> the fake. >> and now? >> desantis. i thought that desantis, because vivek ramaswamy when the last debate, the overall consensus, he was the target tonight. so, i think that a barrage of personal attacks away from desantis and he was able to speak to the issues more than anybody else. i thought that was important. >> i think what is interesting about this group is that of these 18 people, 16 of them are undecided. they don't know definitely who will go to caucus come january. two people have made decisions. this gentleman right now, who have you decided on? >> doug burgum. >> okay, you like burgum. >> and you? >> right desantis, military veteran to iraq. >> what is interesting is that none of you have yet to vote to caucus for donald trump, the former president of the united states. something was brought up quite a bit tonight. the kristie, desantis, but is donald trump disrespectful to republican voters for you for not being part of these debates? what do you think? >> no. >> yes. >> no nds, how come? >> i just think it is his personal decision and i think he feels like he has a lot of people that just know what he is about. he has been here several times, he has been at several rallies, done lots of interviews, he probably thinks that takes the place of him having to be on the debate stage and i don't think he feels like he has a really good shot at what is happening. >> would you like to hear him talk about the abortion issue, for example? >> it bothered me, the abortion issue that has come up. >> but he wasn't here. okay, what about you? >> i think it is disrespectful that he did not come to try and earn i wins votes because so many peoples votes are still up for grabs here in iowa. so, not coming to earn that with the other candidates i think is a sign of disrespect, and i do not think he earned anyone's vote by not coming. >> all right, here is a show of hands in alphabetical order, who do you think did best during this debate, all of you. doug burgum. one. chris christie. his appeal no one tonight. desantis? one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. haley? one, two, three, four, five, six. pence? ramaswamy? one. scott? looks like desantis is the winner in this room. who do you think this was a bad night for? >> pence. >> pence. >> tense. >> why are you all saying pence? >> i think he completely destroyed his credibility he was directly questioned on record during the trump administration on, i forgot what issues specifically were brought up, but he had no defense that they had campaigned on -- again, i forget the issues specifically, and he didn't -- >> obamacare. >> obamacare, yes. instead of answering the question that was given to him about why that was not followed through, and what would he do differently as president himself, he just went off about something completely irrelevant and never answered the question. >> a lot of you restraints about pence, who else? >> why do you think that? >> well, i think that he comes across a little bit like not very believable to meet. he is rather pious sounding in his manner and it makes him come across like i am just a politician trying to get your vote and he does not seem as believable. >> final question, was this good for the parties debate tonight? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> anyone have a problem with the commotion? >> not the commotion, but i think the four man does not allow the issues to be exposed that way. the moderators had way too many subjects and they had too many people speaking at each subject. i think there are too many people in the debate and i think that that needs to be ironed down. >> what many folks told me today is they want to see microphones turned off, at times, is that correct? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> thank you all for inviting us and as you can see, in this room at least here in the state of iowa, a good night for desantis. anderson? >> there, thanks so much and thanks to everyone in the room. always fascinating to hear that. >> it is, and you are listening to iowa voters, there. one, two, three, four, we are in touch with some of the voters we are working with an iowa and new hampshire, and you get the same impression there in terms of the people who are finally going in, or for haley coming out. the reaction there with gary's group, desantis doing okay which is good for hailie and desantis and better for donald trump. you keep the two people -- if the potential breakout candidates are rhonda santas or nikki haley, is there a third? >> ramaswamy. >> ramaswamy maybe after the first debate. but if they are all just trading back and forth and trump stays high 30s or 40s, in some policy is around 50 in these states. the question is, in 42 debate -- in 42 days to the next debate, can anybody starts to pull away into a solo second place as opposed to a bunch? number two, you heard it from those voters there, a, how many qualified by the rnc rules they are tougher for the third debate. be, to the donors and some other big people in the party say, look, sorry, you three have to get out so that these four can stay in and fight trump. >> i think the pence's of the world, the christie's, even the reaction in that room to those names was brutal and they're -- they're not doing what they set out to do by being in the race. it raises the question, what is the rationale going forward and i think the voters and the republican primary have been saying through the polls for a pretty long time, the folks in the low single digits? you are not seeing a whole lot of movement, there. stick to the race for whatever the personal rationales are, and it is not really changing. you are seeing movement higher up, five and above and it's in the low teens. that is where all the action is. >> where was obama 100 days out in iowa? trump has elite way bigger than hillary clinton trump as the biggest lead ever. >> he was in the twenties. >> in fact, there was an abc poll in late august that had him in the lead he was. but, he was on the way up. but, i would just say one thing. chris christie is not running an iowa and you would not expect him to do well with this group. he is putting his chips in new hampshire, latest new hampshire polls show a punch in second place with haley christy and desantis. the interesting thing about that is, and i honestly think that donald trump is a very good position and it will take a lot to dislodge him. the one thing that is interesting about haley's, she is competing in both iowa and new hampshire. she is actually well positioned in new hampshire to do well, maybe not to beat trump, but she is moving up there. if she were to do well in iowa, even if she does not win iowa, you know, i remember that this may predate you, john, but in 1984, gary hart got 16% of the vote in iowa. walter mondale, the runaway front runner and former vice president got 109. hart won new hampshire. he catapulted out of there and finished second. he won new hampshire and then it became a race and the other guy won. i will not predict that will happen, but haley -- there is a lot of interest in her. i think it will continue to be a lot of interest in her after this debate. >> she is well positioned in north carolina. >> she has the longest longevity. >> yet, she is well positioned in all those first three states and i think that is why you saw her go after tim scott. she is trying to lay some groundwork, here. >> everyone, thank you. coming up, new information on the debate that had the biggest impact online with voters. we are starting to get some data on the impact of tonight's debate on those who watched or were otherwise paying attention online. harry enten joins us now with more on that. so, you have been looking at what people were searching for online as the debate was going on. what was the biggest moment in the first hour of the debate? >> well, it won't be too much of a surprise. a lot of the candidates went after vivek ramaswamy and there was one exchange with tim scott let's take a listen to that. >> we think about the fact that vivek ramaswamy said we are all good people, and i appreciate that because last debate he said we were all bought and paid for. i thought about that for a little while, and said, you know, i can't imagine how you could say that knowing that you were just in business with the chinese communist party, and the same people that funded hunter biden millions of dollars was a supporter of yours as well. >> i will respond. these are good people who are tainted by a broken system it is not the fault of anybody. >> gosh, i love that moment because it's sort of illustrates the vibe with republican party right now and how do you attack vivek ramaswamy? i think going after him on this potential china connection is a good strategy. why? take a look at the polling. who do republicans believe america's top enemy is? overwhelmingly, it is china. 76%. russia, who obviously a lot of folks don't want to mess with, not even close at 12%. but i think that exchange also illustrated something going on with vivek ramaswamy, and that is that a lot of the candidates on that debate stage cannot stance the guy we saw that there with scott, with nikki haley as well, and those attacks do seem to be working because what do we see in vivek ramaswamy's polling? compare where he was before the first debate to where he is now and we see that his support nationally has been sliced in half. he was at 9% preet first debate, he is at 5% now and i would not be surprised if after the night and all those accounts -- attacks, he may go down further. >> who is the most searched during the debate? >> it was not anybody onstage, it was the man who decided not to appear. donald trump, and of course there was a big moment, where chris christie tried to make of it with donald trump, let's take a listen. >> i want to look at that camera and tell you, donald, i know you are watching. you cannot help yourself. i know you are watching, okay? and you are not here tonight, not because of polls and not because of indictments. you are not here tonight because you are afraid of being on this stage and defending your record. >> you know, i have to admit, i have heard a lot of attack lines against folks and him calling him donald dunk it's not exactly one of the strongest debate lines, certainly not up there with reagan. but more than that, take a look at where we are in terms of the favorable ratings of where chris christie is and where donald trump is. the fact is, donald trump's beloved by republican voters. he has a 79% favorable rating. chris christie unfavorable rating is close to that 79% and 66%. so, that might be something that chris christie liked to say up there, it was something he might have gotten enjoyment out of it, but the fact of the matter is that donald trump and the polling is overwhelmingly the favorite for the nominee and attacks like that simply put are not going to cut it, especially from a candidate as light as chris christie is. >> all right, harry enten, appreciate it. >> anderson, thank you so much. with me here are two of our terrific colleagues, cnn political director david chalian and cnn's jeff zeleny. hi guys. >> hi, diana. >> we are always last in the room because we have so much to talk about. jeff, i love -- we were talking before hand, and we will take you in our conversations off camera. you are sort of -- your analysis of what we saw tonight, what was it? >> look, as the seasons have changed, just a sense of urgency on the debate stage tonight was so different from milwaukee. we are now in the fall and you can just feel the imperative on the minds of each candidate to try and do something, try and make a move in this race. really, person by person by person. in the beginning when florida governor ron desantis, he wasted no time directly confronting donald trump because that is what he needs to do. he said, he is missing in action. then it went on from there. but i just think that the feeling of time could be running out for some of these candidates in a scramble for second place. they want to make their move. >> yes, and i would just note that for each person, and i agree with what you are saying, the sense of urgency, but the mission is different, right? and so, the other thing that ron desantis did was make sure and get his biography out there. that is something we have heard that they want to do more of. he made sure to get into the mind -- remind everyone that he is a veteran. he served. he doubled back to talk about appearing at the 9/11 memorial. he wanted to get that out there. so, we are still -- it is weird. we are still in this introductory phase where they need to get a certain piece of their bio outs to voters, but there is no doubt that tim scott was seeking relevance in a way that we have not seen before. he revved up his engine, taking on the women who gave him his job. i mean, she appointed him to the united states senate and there was no time for niceties, there. he was definitely going after her. and i think that in addition to desantis and nikki haley and chris christie all going after donald trump, i think it is hard to see how donald trump is not the big winner in this debate. i know that feels like an easy out, you had seven people on the stage and he was not there, but nobody here emerged with a moment where you saw clearly, that is it, they will be able to consolidate all of the non-trump support. >> that was my question for you, because of the three of us. definitely, you have spent the most time in the first two states of iowa and new hampshire. you talked to voters who are open to and even searching for a non-donald trump candidate. do you think what they heard tonight will be persuasive? >> i don't think so because to david's point, some of the questions really were not raised at all. indictments. none of the criminal charges and the uncertainty of the former presidents were mentioned at all. i was thinking back to a conversation i had with a pastor, of course, evangelical voters are so important in iowa. he said, what is going to happen if he is the nominee and he is suddenly convicted? so, there are some of those questions. that is one thing that was not addressed. abortion policy was barely addressed. it was sort of at the end, but not a subject of this. that will still be a part of the debate. but look, we talked a lot about the former president being in michigan. let's look ahead to sunday. he will be in ottumwa, iowa. he is going to iowa because the primary race is still on his mind. he is not -- of course he is looking ahead to the general and all of them would like to be, but he is looking first and foremost to iowa. so, i don't think that anything changed too much with him, but i think below him, things may have changed a bit, tonight that is significant. >> and that race is on by necessary for those candidates not named trump. but what becomes clearer by the day is that there is only one path at this point, and that is for one of these folks to score real political points in those first couple of contests if they are unable to do that, and i mean getting close to donald trump and proving they could be a real threat, if not actually upgrade when and if they don't do that, it is hard to see how donald trump just doesn't steam roll his way through. >> and, you know, here we are at the reagan library debate talking about cnn's debate years ago at the beginning of the 2016 primary session. scott walker, after that debate, dropped out. now, it was a much bigger field, we had two debates because there were so many candidates. but the question is, really, at this point, going back to the beginning when you had so many people who are worried about donald trump running away with it about consolidating the field, does that even matter anymore? i mean, we were looking at some statistics and if you add up the polling percentage of those who were on the stage, none of them, if they were one person, would have -- would be beating donald trump. >> i think it matters for now because there are still uncertainties in the race. i always try to remind myself as we talk to voters, they are not getting ahead of the process, they are letting it play out. so, let's do the same and allow this race to play out. but, for that tense, there is still a sense of urgency. we will see how many of these will be on the next debate stage, which is an early november, some 40 days or so away. so, there is time as you said to introduce themselves, but there is not a lot of time. three and a half months until the caucuses. >> what jeff said about donald trump is going to go on sunday is so important to iowa. and so, it is not as if he -- iowa is important on a general election level, but it is obviously the first caucus state. that is, i think, a sort of telltale sign that they are nervous about taking things for granted inside of the trump campaign. >> about taking things for granted, that is right. they do have their sights set on a potential general election, and if you want to go for joe biden. but, they would think it is their derelict of duties as a campaign if they were to let the foot up off the gas in terms of their attacks of ron desantis who they still see asked their biggest threat to him and getting this nomination. >> david chalian, jeff zeleny, no two people i would rather be with at the end of an important night. thanks. think you so much, anderson, back to you. >> dana, thank you. thank you to all our guests tonight. the news continues next here on cnn. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities.

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Talking About Ready Fire Aim , Works , Haven T Given Up , Culture Wars , Slavery , Compassion , Benefits , Victims , Leader , Break , Debate Coverage , Debaters , May , 2024 , Message , Viewers , Trust , Hurry , Age , Brightest , Politics , Research , Polling Numbers , No , Legislatures , Business Track Record , Track Record , Voting Record , 38 , Most , Campaigns , Process , Voter Base , Audiences , Climb , Unpleased , Mentality , Perspective , Phase , Nowhere , 0 , Vision , Space , Doesn T Matter , Media Frenzies , January 2033 , 2033 , Terms , Focus , Chicken , Egg , Velocity , Course , Criticism , Mike Pence , Knives , Idea , Criticism Fair , Ceo , Mistakes , Expectations , Ccp , Asset Management Business , Asset Manager , Second Business Strive , States , Governors , No Doubt , Doing Business , Peach , Forth , Risks , Investment , Use , Attacks , Foreign Policy , Commitments , Reagan Library Tonight , Ceos , Pcp , Spirit , Soviet Union , Season , Mental Health Disorder , Comment , Attention , Transgender Ism , Mental Health Condition , Life , Fact Schools , Look Let , Confusion , Kid , Basis , Parents , Being , Gender , Ex , Cases , Y , Woman , Zones , Fringe , Yx Watcher , Adults , Respect , Say Let , Draw Boundaries , Body , Young Women , Tattoo , Haven T , Mastectomies , Won T Have Children , Never Breastfeed , Katie , Chloe , 20 , Parent , Children , Decision , What Shouldn T , Family , Doctor , 18 , Gonna , Boundaries , Cigarette , Women , Language , Sports , Free Market Person , Norms , Skirt , Law Crumbs , Doing , Tyranny , Minority , Tyranny Of The Majority , Job , Conviction , Belief , Psychiatrists , Dignity , Adult , Psychologist , Left , Freedoms , Movement , Tension , Group , Individuals , Alphabet Soup , Step , Impression , Dynamic , Discussion , Button , Transgender , Market , Agenda , Bastion Trump , Generation , United , Democrats , Parts , Level , Line Out Anderson , Out Americans , More , Knee , Surrogate , Whatever , Threat , Attitude , Trump Stand In , Contradictions , Spike , Detention , Video , Flights , Salesman , Views , Principles , Values , Sort , Criticisms , Consultant , Estate , Policy Points , Character , Earnestness , Interview , Hand , Policy Viewpoints , Anna Bass , Homage , Arrogant , Thanks Nina , Ideas , Russians , Vp , Election , Moderates , Independents , Ticket , Isn T , Work , Artist , Room , Terms Footsteps , Role , Vegas , Problems , Solutions , Ballot , Others , Votes , Trumpet Favor , Share , Lives , Ohio , Selanee Kayleigh , 2 , 4 , Arsenal , Old Man , Doesn T Know , Parties , Thinking , Dame Trump , Cracks , Distinction , Sentiment , Spite , Trump Electrons , Affinity , Rhetoric , Paper , Rally , Siege , Feeling , Education , Dissent , Slaves , Skills , Standards , The New Black History Curriculum Says Quote , Exchange , Instances , Benefit , Schools , Kamala Harris , Hoax , Sentence , Scholars , Hopes , Schoolers , Facts , Duties , Examples , EntrÉes , Descendants , Grades , This , Moderator , Instructions , Curriculum , Pro Slavery , Allies , Everton , Black And White , It , Historians , Process Line , Elements , Lie , Lawmakers , Advocacy Groups , Soundbite , Qualities , Plant , Stop , Tim Scott Set , 12 , Games , He S A Black History Scholars , Descendants Of Slaves , Put , Labor , Nemours , African Americans , Disparities , Lyndon Johnson , Line , Thought , Alliteration , Jim Crow South , 70 , Numbers , Discrimination , Great Society , Voting Rights Act , Analysts , Welfare , Mistake , Rhonda Scent , Wideman , Move , Desantis Didn T , Lesson , African American History Ph D Today , Interviews , Universal , Gavin Newsom , Reaction , Southern California , Lab , Debates , Contrast , Jobs , Business Experience , Twenties , Making Payroll , Innovation Energy , Tech Guy On The Stage , Doesn T , Energy Policies , Partner Affiliation , Food , Pain , Energy Mnuchin , North Dakota , Participant , Chief Executive , Government Shutdown , Pro , Legislation , Red States , Capitol Hill , Red Tape , Factions , Tax Cut , 51 , Red State , Bills , Tax Cuts , Mccarthy , Cost , Business Leader , Growth , 27 , Look , Interest Rates , Decline , Cold War , Western , Ronald Raegan , 76 , It S Time , Energy Problems , Economy Sprinting , Care , Innovation , Writing , Environment , Economy Sprinter , Nominations , National , Will , Caucus , Pride , South Carolina Et Cetera , Places , Response , Alicia Perry , Staples , Cable News Networks , Concerns , National Security , Scene , Top , Reset , Hair , Needle , Focus Group , Panel , Dynamics , Healey , It Wasn T A Brief , Vote , Sense Market Share , David , Fracking , Let S Play , Energy Independence , Catapult , Day One , Land , Ship , Trouble , Offshore Drilling , West Texas , Subsidies , Energy Dominance , Over Moscow , Marcellus , Midland , Gas Prices , Beijing , They Didn T Vote On Friday , Plan , Check It , The Truth , Homework , Doesn T Sandra Hearst , He Wasn T , Case Emoji , K , Literacy Rates , Receipts , Summit , Math Scores , Dan , Belly , Open Border Democrat , The Beast , Beast , Object , Aspect , 72 , Executive Order , Hydraulic Fracking , Punches , Which He Didn T , Hypocrisy , It Didn T , Secularism , Offshore Oil , Crime , Signs , Decaying , Sentiments , Disco , Streets , Homicide Rates , Jacksonville , 100 , Backyard , Homicide , San Francisco , Tennessee , Arkansas , Kremlin , Troop , Crime Rate , Studies , Exhaust , Gourmet , Willingness , Shape , Responsibility , Consideration , Discussions , Birthright Citizenship , Sanctuary Cities , Immigration , Funding , On And , Diplomat , Citizens , Immigrant , Calls , Notar , Mast Abortifacient , Family Units , Including Vivek , Trading Partners , Energy Endowment , Mexico , Backpacks , 89 , Border Crossings , National Guard , Border Patrol , Guard , Military , Cliff , Need , Immigration System , Sound System , Nets , 1 Million Dollars , 1 Million , Voting Party , Court , Backlogs , Crisis , Like A Gang Of , This Is Biden , Bipartisanship , Creation , 2013 , Ronald Reagan , 1986 , Running , Shut Down , Dollars , Sound , Border Security , Men And Women In Uniform , Feedback , Trucks , Melfort , Front , Police , You Haven T , Defund , Terms Of Trade , Borders , Administration , Order , Brian , All Of You , Poll , Concern , Politifact , Worth , 5 4 , 94 , Hispanics , Primary , Unemployment Rate , Poverty Rate , Insurance , Statistics , Aren T , Distraction , Manners , Iota , 47 Million , 1989 , 5 Million , 13 , Recession , Presidents , Common , 96 , 49 Million , 47 , Economy , Narrative , Shape Shifter Native , Spokesperson , Hustle , Becky , On Fox , None , Reasons , Credit , Gas Station , Food Prices , Store , Cash Register , Experience , Pump , Obama , Strategies , Incumbent , Achievements , George H W , Bush , Inflation Crisis , Mortgage Crisis , Health Care Crisis , Auspices , Gas Purse , Primary Challenge , Home Heating Oil , Hangover , Calendar , Mid , Bidenomics , Help , Covid , Gamble , Republicans , Books , Robin , Communicator , Bridge , Props , Menstruation , Rolling Out , Lean , Big Yourself , Credibility , Confidence , Ton , Forces , Household Names , The Best Of Times , Jaundice , High Wire Act , Referendum , Infrastructure , Climates , Comparative , Report Card , Out , Headlines , Veteran Desantis , Charges , Risk , Spotlight , Reward , Matt , Debate Stage Tonight , Quick , Power , Wifi , Book , Battery Back Up , Data , Power Outages , Xfinity 10g Network , Xfinity , 10 , Reagan Library In Seamy Valley , Ella Farnell Talking , News , Bottom Line , Tax Increase , Football Game , Spin , Friend , Limit , Demand , Yes , Notion , Day Job , Campaign Trail , City , The Hill , Anyone , Elementary Schools , Nation , Household , Fourth Grade , Poverty , Persona , Guy On The Campaign Trail , God Almighty , Fighter , Voice , Warrior , Dimension , Cannot , Goatee , Voiceless , Who Cannot Stand , Old Testament , I Don T Know , Rate , Gray , Stopping , Skin , Beard , Mocha , Adana , Degree , Take Care , God , Caucuses , Nominating , Gary , 110 , Story County , Thoughts , Iowa State University , Commotion , Headline , Marketplace , Chaos , Opinion , General Election , Haley Last Month , Grabs , Iowans , Performances , Favorability , Boost , Fake , Consensus , Target , Barrage , Anybody Else , 16 , Gentleman , Right Desantis , Decisions , Military Veteran , Iraq , President Of The United States , Rallies , Nds , Example , Lots , Sign , Disrespect , Right , Show Of Hands , Alphabetical Order , Nine , Looks , Tense , Cup , Son , Obamacare , Sounding , You , Manner , Subjects , Subject , Microphones , 50 , 42 , 1984 , 109 , 9 , 5 , 79 , 66 , 9 11 , 9 99 , 59 99 , 00 , 800 ,

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Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240703

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>> and good evening from the reagan library in simi valley, just outside los angeles. this as the name suggests, dedicated to preserving the history of the 40th presidents term in office. but it was the 45th president and current republican front runner who took center stage by his absence. >> the former president was in michigan tonight, florida governor ron desantis pointed that out. he also tried to do what he and the other six government grappling with without much success so far. namely, how to set themselves apart from the former president without also ilion eight-ing his supporters. we will take that up in our coverage tonight and speak with some of the candidates as well as iowa voters that watch the debate tonight. we will also watch the first, one i want to start with one of the key moments on, tonight candidate vivek ramaswamy who was a vocal in the first debate -- including in this clash with former south carolina governor nikki haley who is reacting to the answer he gave one asked why he joined tiktok despite it being banned on government issued devices, because of its ties to china. >> this is infuriating, because tiktok is one of the most dangerous social media assets we could have. and what you have, every time i hear, you i feel a little bit dumber from what you say. i can't believe -- tiktok situation, what they are doing is 150 million people are on tiktok. that means they can get your contacts, your financial information, your emails, they can get your text messages they can get -- that exactly what they are doing and what we -- you thought -- -- you are now wanting kids to get on social media that is dangerous for all of us. you when you are in business with the chinese, the -- we can't trust you. we can't trust you. we can't have tiktok. -- >> mr. ramaswamy, you have 15 seconds. >> excuse me. >> you have 15 seconds mr. while most mommy. >> i think we would be better served as a republican party. if we are not sitting here hurling personal insult and actually having legitimate debate about policy. >> so certainly a lot to talk about here, abby philips, david abstracted, -- and david urban and scott jennings. john king, what did you make of it all? >> it was feisty. the big question, the fundamental question is if donald trump is ahead by roughly 30 points in, iowa 30 points in new hampshire, did this change anything? you could see the desantis haley exchanges, they are both in second place right now. they had a bit of a go at, it trying to be the primary second place candidate. i think if you like a candidate, everybody maybe had a moment. but then to fundamentally change, anything i -- my answer is no. it would be interesting what the republicans who do this for a living due. there's another one in 40, days the third, debate then there's going to be a lot of pressure to shrink this field, because if you have six or seven candidates, and donald trump winds period. >> nikki haley was definitely trying to repeat the success she had had the first time in taking on vivek ramaswamy, or ron desantis. >> also, she got into it with tim scott. maybe at the end, in a way that wasn't particularly helpful to either of them, but look my fundamental view in this debate is that several people who did not do well last time did better, including ron desantis who i think was probably far better served by this debate done last one. tim scott who was almost vacant from the last debate was much more aggressive here, even governor burgum jumped in here with a few -- all of this it seems to me helps donald trump, because rather than creating clarity, it creates more of a model for voters. so, by the, way for all of the random shots at trump. they went right for the capillary, not ejaculatory. so he basically got away again with any serious damage, without any serious damage. i think this was a good night for donald trump in the end. >> it was like a fight for second or, third or fourth place among a bunch of people. it wasn't -- i mean sure, some people had some moments, nikki haley had a lot of good strong moments that made her stand out. but they're fighting for the bottom of the race right now. that is really not what is called for when the front runner is leading by how much he is leading by. i kind of had a different view of the desantis of it all, i thought he was okay. he faded into the background, especially the first half of the debate, i was like where is he? he did not speak for about the first 15 minutes. he was in the center of the debate stage. i checked my clock, he had only spoken about twice. he got -- but it took him a while to really find his footing. he is really the person who ought to have the most momentum right now. i don't think this debate changed his trajectory, which is actually not going up in this race. >> one other quick point on this. trump will always let you know who he is mad at, they put up one general statement from the campaign saying the debate was boring and horrible. then it put out one statement attacking nikki haley. >> that was quite a detailed attack on nikki haley. >> let's see if morris to come, but that tells you something about what they think. >> that is what i was going to, say if there is a winner on the stage tonight, i think it was nikki haley. honestly, the question we keep, having cover the christening says this all the time, the republican party has to widen the field. we have folks drop out and consolidate if they want to defeat trump. what i saw is a bunch of people who are ready to attack each other over every single policy issue, perhaps the only uniting force on that stage is how everyone seems to loathe vivek ramaswamy. but, there were some substantive policy issues, but nothing that was going to breakthrough from this debate in a way that would push down donald trump's favor ability in any major way. i'm not sure i would expect to see a major boom for any candidate. >> and as john alluded to earlier, and also abby, everyone is still in market share from each other. they're not taking any market share way from donald trump here. tomorrow governor desantis who had a strong close, i think governor christie had the last five minutes where the best of the whole debate. a bunch of meddling, any and people got a bit of clarity. but somebody will go a bit, somebody will go down a, bit the field is not going to be -- our wake up in somebody's going to drop out. so that is the problem in the shots. there's going to be a lot of pressure in the next 40 days to kick somebody off the island. and i know that chris christie -- kicked donald trump, but donald trump at least -- he is the middle, he is the survivor at the end of the game. >> donald trump is the island. >> below the, island with evaluation -- >> one piece of real estate -- >> i thought this was unwatchable. i mean, we are sitting there watching this. the lighting was bad. the set was bad. the questions were weird. the cross top was just maddening. >> the graphics. >> the fighting. the constant vitriol with each other. i thought the last of it was better. at the next one, desantis and haley will be at the center of the stage again. some of these people likely won't make it. the real question to me is, has the republican zeitgeist just moved on from even the possibility that we would nominate donald trump. right now, what do republicans believe? they believe trump is the most electable. for months without who could make an argument about electability, trump has one that question. at the same time, biden is having a high-speed come apart if you look at these national polls right now. so republicans are like trump's been in the, sky we can't lose to this, that we are finally going to get vindication. i don't need someone more electable, because trump is going to be him. i don't know that a debate or tv ad or anything else -- >> it feels to me like one of the reasons nikki haley is having a moment is because a lot of the polls show she does very well against president biden. not outlier polls, but a lot of polls are showing that she, unlike a lot of the other candidates on that stage, she clears the margin of error in some of these polls. so on electability question, it feels to me she's making the best case for now. -- >> she did not make the case at all tonight. she did mention she was leading in the polls, she obviously didn't think that was a compelling argument for the reason scott said. but electability argument has sort of faded, because when i put on the question of desantis, and i would like to ask you guys, this it seems to me they were moments there like when he went counter to a number of people on ukraine. i was on the other side of this issue, personally, but i suspect there are a lot of voters in these republican primaries, if you follow polls, who don't want to give more money to ukraine. he took a very strong position on that. those kinds of things are memorable to people, particularly in the states you are out in, iowa, new hampshire. i suspect a few of those things may register with those voters. >> he unequivocal did better in this debate in the prior debate, i was actually noticing you could kind of hear the consultants got in the heads of some of these candidates. you mentioned a story about his, wife he tried to show some -- grave site, and -- the biggest critique is he came out of so off putting. >> one of his first answers when he was talking about unions and striking, he expressed sympathy for workers. >> i actually thought that was one of his strongest, moments if there's one question that put on his way how different to these republican party he, is the norm of ten years, ago it was the answer around these strikes going on this -- >> well hearing some of these people are taking a much more pro worker stance, it has less to do with what you are giving to shareholders, and anne -- roth of ukrainian, let's play some of what the conversation was. >> it is in our interest to end this war. that is what i will do as president. we are not going to have a blank check. we will not have u.s. troops. we will make the europeans do what they need to do. they have sent money to pay their bureaucrats pensions, and salaries, and funding small businesses halfway around the world. meanwhile, our own country is being invaded. we don't even have control of our own territory. we have got to defend the american people before we even worry about these things. >> our national vital interests is in degrading the russian military. why degrading the russian military, we actually keep our homeland safer. we keep our troops at home. at the end of the day, when you think about the fact that if you want to keep american troops at home, the attack on nato territory would bring us and our troops in. why degrading the russian military, we reduce, if not eliminate a attack on the territory. >> just because putin is -- an evil dictator, does not mean ukraine is good. this is a country that has been 11 opposition parties. -- >> that is not true. >> a win for china. not for biden. that is why -- >> you will have a chance in just a moment. hurling personal insults is not helping. china is the real enemy, and we are driving russia further into china's arms. we need a reasonable peace plan to end this. especially because this is a country this president just last week -- >> putin have ukraine that is greenlight for china to take taiwan. -- >> but the chinese are paying for the russian war in ukraine. the iranians are supporting more sophisticated weapon, so other north koreans now as well with encouragement of the chinese. the naivete on the stage from some of these folks is extraordinary. the fact of the matter is, we need to say right now, that the chinese russian alliance is something we have to fight against, and we are not going to solve it by going over it -- look, donald trump said vladimir putin was brilliant, and a great leader. this is the person who is murdering people in his own country. >> what a difference. >> there is the divide of the party. that is like the republicans of the house and the senate. you watched it play on the stage right, there you had ramaswamy and desantis playing to the trump base, which is america first, which is not worth the money, even a lot of those voters who say i don't like putin i want that money to go to the border wall first, or something in america first. so you are playing to that piece of the republican base. then you have the more statement candidate saying, wait a minute, putin is trying to steal a country, america has to stand up and lead. what was missing was, donald trump wants a hostile takeover of the republican party in 2016, he won, it is his party now. if there was any place on earth to make the case we need to take it back, if any of them on it is that we need to take it, back it was the ronald reagan presidential library. this man took our, party he is not one of, us and they were piece of it. he raced spending, he did not cut the deficit. he is not ideological. he is not a conservative. he will not stand up to russia. you will not stand up. they did not connect it to say republicans, please, let's take our party back. now can that argument when? they're probably outnumbered. you probably can't. but if you're going to trying to get away from it, you have to give an alternative. a bigger broader alternative. either go back to a new republican party would, look like we'll understand a lot of trump voters, out there and they can't find a way through that. >> just like a issue about where was donald trump today, is michigan appealing to uaw workers? right? it is a different party than ronald reagan. ronald reagan whenever stand and say go to and -- we >> it's a different party. it's transformed itself. want to claim back? it's different, that's gone. are getting it back. >> ronald reagan will be rolling around in his grave for that discussion happening. i have to say i think the moderators did the best that they could. but they are not questions meant to challenge the number one. the person leading the gop nomination. that is what i was most struck by. this is a tactic we use. all those things are true. but we are in a nominating contest. somebody is 30 points ahead. this past week, he said the former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. said that he should be executed. it is like a question you'd want people to answer. the fact he will be criminally convicted felon at the time he's president. so if there is kids gloves protecting trump on this debate. some awesomely opted to attack, very few people did. in some ways it almost seemed like so many of them want to take their options open. even somebody like a nikki haley. she is to not really go after trump in any kind of aggressive way. because there's always the possibility he could be looking at this debate stage for mvp. i think that is a serious part of why it's not just about their voters. i think many of these candidates really do not want to foreclose on even potential opportunities. >> she did call him the most unpopular politician in america at one point. >> in the last day and since, she's actually taken away sort of, she's been the only one trying to get the nomination away from him. she has attacked him. she has pointed out what she thinks are the flaws in his candidacy. these arguments i am not sure are going to work. but i actually do not believe she sees herself as vice president donald trump. >> she could see herself as the nominee in 2020. >> nobody sees himself as the vice president until they are asked to be the vice president. that's the reality of the situation. >> on this point about trump and the unwillingness to engage in a direct hit on him i was surprised when chris christie, had a pretty good thing going. good litany against trump and then finished with kind of a corny joke about donald duck. and what he didn't say and i'm surprised he didn't, everybody on that stage but christie said in the last debate that they would support donald trump. even if you are convicted. and there is all of this talk about the rule of law on the platform. how is this consistent with putting a convicted felon in the white house? he had a clear shot at the rest of the field and didn't take it. >> when you're talking with chris christie. . >> we've gotta bring law and order back to this country. not just in our cities. we need law & order back everywhere. we need it back in our suburbs. we need in our rural areas. people feel threatened. we need it in washington d.c. also. donald trump should be here to answer that but he is not. i want to look at the camera right now. donald, i know you are watching. you can't help yourself. i know you are watching. you are not here tonight. not because of polls, not because of your indictments. we are not here tonight because you are afraid of being on this stage. you are docking these things. let me tell you what will happen. if you keep doing that we are going to call you donald duck. >> missed opportunity and bad joke. which is even more offensive. >> but trump did come after him on truth social, proving chris christie's point he was probably watching the debate. >> i don't know, maybe christie has, look christina come out the last debate well. >> especially given the preamble. and the reactions from republican voters were not very positive to the strategy he took. maybe this was the consultants whispering in his ear that he needed to change the strategy a little bit. and the end of the day wise chris christie on the debate stage is not to take trump on directly? best chance of these guys at this point i think it. it's all the iowa at this point right? there is nothing else. somebody does not get within five points of the sky in iowa. this race is over. i think some of them say interesting things. i think desantis has been an amazing governor. i think haley is a polished politician. but right now everything is aiming to iowa. and it does have a reputation for breaking late. and maybe the pro-lifers are nervous about trump. so i don't. given he put three people on the supreme court. but if you cannot find a way between now and january to get within single digits of trump. this is academic. >> desantis and scott are trying to use the abortion issue. because 60% less than 2016. 64% identified as evangelical christians. but the question to your point about the structure of the debate. which is not up to the candidates, it is up to the moderators. that did not come up until 15 minutes before it ended. and again it was not a trump focused question. does it work number one and two point of it is i will only. i'm kristie has new hampshire but first he is counting on i want to do something. for i want to shock the race. trump is not inevitable, he's not invincible, he's not inevitable. and you come. but again, again if you are donald trump and you've got five or six candidates. a couple will drop. asa hutchins and didn't make this debate. it's possible governor burgum. possible vice president pence doesn't make the next way. because of the rules. does the field start to shrink as you get past thanksgiving and towards the voting in january? but even then, if you still got four or five people spreading the anti trump vote he's fine. >> to tim's point, you've got to spend a lot of time in iowa. go to 99 counties over and over again. sitting peoples living rooms and convince them that you are the nominee. you are the better choice than donald trump. because he will not go to people's living rooms. he will not go to 99 counties, he might go to two or three. he will show up and it'll be a big presentation, and big production. but he will not put in the legwork. notice what the time. >> join us, right desantis is playing to win iowa. and kristie is playing to compete in new hampshire. not even running in iowa. and that explains a little bit of their approach. but again just to restate what i've said before. i think desantis is an awkward presence on the stage. less so at times tonight. he looked a little last rehearsed. though some of the substance of what he said was aimed wrecked directly at those iowa voters. his defense of his position on abortion. which he sort of has re-written history. saying i was reelected governor of florida you know as a strong pro-lifer. he did not endorse a six-week abortion ban when he was running for governor of florida. and if he had, he would have not won by the landslide he won by. >> push of the former president, let's just play that. >> people in washington are shutting down the american dream. with their reckless behavior. they board, they printed, they spent. and now you are paying more for everything. they are the reason for that. they have shut down our national sovereignty by allowing our border to be wide open. so please spare me the crocodile tears for these people. they need to change what is going on. whereas joe biden? he is missing an action from leadership. you know who else is missing in action? donald trump is missing in action. he should be on the stage tonight. he owes it to you to defend his record. where they added 7.8 trillion to the debt. that set the stage for the inflation we have now. i can tell you this as governor of florida, we cut taxes, we ran surplus. we've paid down over 25% of our state debt. i've vetoed wasteful spending when it came to my desk. the next president, when they sent me a bloating spending bill that will cause prices to go up, i will take out this veto and send it right back to them. >> great moments. that's his best moment of the whole night. >> might be the best moment of the campaign. >> here's the thing. everybody is memorizing lines right. but that seemed really memorized, really rehearsed. >> but it worked. >> it was rehearsed. >> i think desantis, when you look at the picture, he still seems like a candidate who is struggling to find his footing. he does not seem like at the end of the day the pictures voters you have in their mind. donald trump versus ex. and if that person is ron desantis, i do not know that is the bar. >> the problem is that donald trump is great at the game. he's gray and otr. go to mcdonald's, he puts his arm around the owner and joked with the guy. i know the venue better than you. he's throwing footballs, passing a pizza. he's great at it. so anybody against donald trump. with desantis should say is look, i might not be the most entertaining. but i am affecting as a governor. it might not be dramatic, might not be as entertaining. but i'm going to govern. >> to me it is not the question of entertaining, it's convincing. >> i agree with. >> i'll add a pedestrian note here. and if daniel dale. he can fact check me on this. but i think on desantis voted to raise the debt limit when he was in congress. donald trump was passing budgets. i suspect he voted for some of trump's fiscal policies. >> the central premise of the desantis campaign is i am donald trump without the baggage and the florida results. which is a good appeal. if voters have given up on donald trump. i haven't given up. to make that argument. >> there's a bigger issue here tonight though. tonight on desantis was the candidate he should've been six months ago we weren't doing the anti woke stuff, barely hit on the culture wars. it was his record in florida, that works. when he got the one question. which if we have this we should play. he got asked for the quadruple time about the benefits of slavery in florida. he just kept doubling down. like show some compassion. admit for, act as a leader. >> we'll take a quick break, ahead we will talk with candidates. we expect to hear from victims told me. we'll hear from daniel dale. i don't, what voters in iowa with they saw. and then our special debate coverage. >> welcome, back second may of the campaign of 2024 has just wrapped up here at the reagan library. as you see joining me now, one of the debaters, candidate for president vivek ramaswamy. thank you for being here. i would like to start by playing for our viewers a moment in the debate. where you wanted to get across the message. about how you think people feel about you. >> there is one person in the republican party. talking a big game about reaching young people and that is me. let me level with all the. i'm the new guy here. and so i know i have to earn your trust. what do you see? you see a young man and a bit of a hurry. maybe a little ambitious. bit of a know it all at the times it seems. i'm here to tell you though i do not know at all. i want to listen. i have the best people, the best and brightest in this country. whatever age they are. advising me. >> i have covered politics for a while. when a candidate says something like that, i'm not in a no at all. it might come from research. showing voters are concerned of. that >> it actually did not show up in polling numbers. but i understand that if i was looking at myself after the first debate, to be honest with you and i didn't know me. that is what i would've thought. >> i think that i'm a new guy, i have no voting record in legislatures or the senate where governing track record. i do business track record but people are not familiar with that. and so i understand if i were sitting at home and seeing a 38-year-old guy. who is on stage for the first time. i get that i have to earn trust of people in this country. i think a big part is that we have already been reaching a lot of younger audiences through social media. more effectively, probably in many modern campaigns. but most of the republican primary voter base is not reachable that way. and so i wanted to be candid with people that this is a process. i was not in tonight to have one moment. this is part of a steady climb to what i believe will be winning the nomination. and reuniting this party. we uniting this country. i think that was my mentality tonight and unpleased without one. >> when you came over here, you said to me that from your perspective. phase one of your campaign is coming to close. now you have faced. who can explain what that means. >> most people who come out of nowhere like me, seemingly at least of nowhere. point 0.0% would not be at this phase of that campaign. so that means that we need to talk to everybody at all hours of the day. one of the things i've realized about myself, i'm out my best when i create space to remind myself to think, to have the vision of the campaign. where we are going. so we are not going to be doing media frenzies or anything going forward. i'll talk to everybody, left-wing, right-wing media doesn't matter. but i will focus more on what is day one going to look like. not what just to stay one, what does january 2033 look like. when i leave the office after two terms, what do i want to tell the people of the country we did? from here on out, that is my focus. and there is a little bit of the chicken and the egg when you start a campaign is not severe like this. i think we have achieved critical velocity but now not enough to just be here. i am in this to lead this country and hopefully dare i say reunite this country. i think that will be a different side of me i hope people get to know over the course of the next few months. >> before you get even close to what you've described you very well know that you are going to have to secure the republican nomination. just like the first debate, there were some knives out for you tonight. one of the things that we heard from nikki haley, and i believe mike pence was criticism of you. when it comes to china. >> it's puzzling to me, but it's okay. >> the idea is. so first of all, is that criticism fair? should you not have done business in china. >> i would say that, i'll admit mistakes but that's not mistake because every american ceo was expanding to china. >> i'm seeing with the expectations are. >> you can't criticize the ccp. when i started my next business, not only do we pull out of the first business. when i started my second business strive, i became actually the first leader of an asset manager to say that we would never build an asset management business in china. that was unique. probably of been the most outspoken ceo in america about the risks of doing business in china. and as those governors criticize me, each of them has invited chinese investment to their states. no doubt about it but i did not think it was a good use of time on the debate stage. there are a lot of people going back and forth. i don't think it makes the republican party stronger. >> they said you pulled out your businesses in china. >> that's false. it's just plain false. my view is these personal attacks are meaningless. i've actually made harder commitments and most ceos. it's not a ceo in america i think you'll find who has been more openly critical of the pcp. in the spirit of the reagan library tonight. here's my view on foreign policy as well. as reagan said about the soviet union, what did he say? his vision was we win, they lose. people laughed at him when he said. it for me, season outside, a simpleton well he actually got that done. and i say that for the communist party of china today. that is my strategy, we win, they lose and i understand it deeply enough to lead us to get there. >> there was another comment he made tonight that caught my attention. you said transgender-ism especially in kids is a mental health disorder. >> how do you know that? >> it has been characterized as a mental health condition. and i come from a place of compassion here. i do not think that we are doing these kids a favor, when they are confused to say look let's firmer confusion. asking an open question, of what else might be going wrong in that kid's life. >> the fact schools hide from parents i think is wrong. >> it was not long ago that many people in america thought being was a mental health disorder. >> i think there is a fundamental difference here. unlike for being, where there is no genetic basis for it. you have a genetic basis for gender. two extra zones if you're a woman and an x and y if you're a man. the rare cases of x, y x watcher. it's a fringe. case >> you understand there are people who make the very difficult choice to change their gender. they don't think it's a choice. they think they were born in the wrong body. how do you respond to that? >> let the respect, at say let's draw boundaries. kids are not the same as adults. so the fact that i have met young women, i've mentioned two of them onstage, chloe and katie in a 20 to now regret haven't gone under them double mastectomies. one of the main strictly. one of them who won't have children, the other one will never breastfeed. they regret it now. it's not something we should allow kids in this country to do. just as you can't get a tattoo before the age of 18. >> we are talking about children. or so, what shouldn't be a parent decision with the family? and the doctor. why is that the government's decision what should the government be involved? >> it's a fair question, i think there are certain boundaries redraw to so you can't allow a parent to engage in and it self abusive behavior. in another context, you can't get a tattoo until the age of 18. there are hard lines. you can't smoke a cigarette. just because your parent gives you one. so i do think that we have to protect children. i'm a free market person. i do believe that if you want to dress how you want where a skirt. i will not stop you from doing that. but you are also not going to change the norms and language of our country or how women compete in sports or how people go to which law crumbs that go into. that is not protecting against the tyranny of the majority. what is doing is creating tyranny of the minority. and it's important people call but. that >> one last question to make sure i understand your position. you're talking about children. what about adults. if somebody who is 18 and older is transgender. is that a mental health disorder? >> it is my belief that it is. it's my conviction. i think a lot of psychiatrists for most of the last century have. >> it's not my job. >> it's not my job to be a psychologist for every adult in this country. i'm running for president. we live in a free country. we will treat every person with dignity. but that does not mean that that person gets to change our language or the way women compete in sports or otherwise. so that is the way of government. and as a leader of this country who respects individual freedoms. but also respects the idea that we have to protect children because kids are not the same as adults. and i think most people, even friends on the left. i think they quietly agree with me on this. think of this issue for a second. you brought up the issue a couple of times. the same movement. the sex of the person you attracted to his hardwired on the day you are born. it's now the same movement that says you are own success totally fluid over the course of your life. and i think we have to at least acknowledge that there is a lot of tension there. and so i know a lot of people who are offended by being clumped into the same group of the lgbtq+ alphabet soup. so i think we have to start treating people as individuals. with respect and dignity. and i am in this to unite the country, but i will also speak the truth every step of the way. >> this conversation did not go as i expected. i'll just say, and i want to end it here. my impression is that people who are gonna talk about how they, and who they are attracted to. people who are transgender is they are talking about how they feel themselves. last question. just put a button on this discussion about tonight. do you feel that the dynamic really changed tonight? especially with donald j trump not on the stage? >> i think it. did i think i am on a steady climb to be our nominee. the person who wins the republican nomination will not know that the american first base. i was the american first conservative on the stage. if you look at michael your market is very clear that on like everybody else on that stage. who is implicitly bastion trump. i recognize through the next president. but i'm in this race to unite the country. and that'll take somebody of a different generation. and i think we go further with our agenda if we are united. many people, even democrats are honest about. i think there are parts of the agenda that many agree with two. so yes, i will first reunite this party. and then i will riyadh the country. i will honor donald trump's legacy. i think it's the right thing to do. i'll take you to the next level and unite all americans by reaching the next generation. that is the phase we are in now. >> the victims, for me thank you for coming. appreciate it, thank you. >> anderson also back to. >> welcome back to dan with more. wow. a lot to say. >> ramaswamy by the way. although i think most of this debate was unwatchable. most watchable parts where when nikki haley was taking him over her knee. spanking him over his views his attitude. whatever all night long. all the other candidates got in on it as well. and although he is no threat to get the nomination is just running as a trump surrogate rather than a trump stand in. he observes to be taken to test. after they last we thought out all this detention. he did get a momentary spike. but then we turned the lights on on the sky. nobody like what they're saying, the contradictions. the i didn't say that. yes you did, here's the video. he doing business with china. his crazy views on foreign policy which continue to come out. so i was personally glad to see someone. i mean he is a salesman, he is constantly selling. but it's different than having values and principles. i just thought it was a good thing that came out of it all. >> it was interesting to hear him on the stage sort of acknowledge some of the criticisms. then appointing the so clearly he saw a research on how people viewed him. after the last debate and that is what he said on the stage. >> yes some consultant said hey man they don't like you i think that you are knowing. what they said was everything he just repeated back. that's not exactly how you defeat that. but you can tell that somebody told him that and he's trying to fix it. which is not fixable. it's just too. he's >> you are right. the idea that in an principled salesman can get elected president. it's absurd. >> we've got to stand up to him so they don't? >> it did feel like with ramaswamy the sort of earnestness and character change we tried to do was about as shallow as his policy points. it lasted about a minute until somebody called him out on the fact that last time insulted the entire state. he went right back to who he actually is which is somebody who is antagonistic and arrogant. thanks nina something. and then on policy viewpoints it just in the interview just now with anna bass homage to reagan. but then he literally is once again reiterating that he was just kind of hand over ukraine to the russians ideas on taiwan are frankly insane. but i think that he is there as a surrogate for trump. and ultimately we'll see him backing him. >> they say i think we do better as a republican party when you know this is the same guy who just a few days ago. admitted interview that he does not really consider himself to be a republican. that he's just using the republican party to try to advance what he sees. as his personal platform. >> so he's running to be a surrogate. looking to get a vp no? his people are playing to get the vp nomination. it would be an absolute radioactive general election ticket and i can't think of two more off putting people for women in independents and moderates and donald trump and victims. something they are positioned for. i think a lot of candidates are as well. >> i disagree with. scott he's still getting market share. rearranging the people in the stage, he still taking it from other folks. >> a market share that would go? where >> i don't know. if you would go to desantis it helps trump. i'm saying he's taking market share. the whole market share available. >> i think it does take from desantis. listen it isn't just that he is constantly praising trump that trump artist him. it is also he is doing trump's work here. as for somebody it's also absurd to say that trump could the republican party who is really republican. he's basically following in terms footsteps. there's not a lot of room. >> there's always a candidate needs voices that puts on something totally different. answers right front of us. it happens all the time. vegas seems to be playing the role. it's not absolutely a strategy to win the primaries. at some point those kinds of easy solutions to problems that come up against reality. if you think you try to see on the debate stage that some point, that whole thing is going to. >> do think ramaswamy will be on the ballot. >> share. >> i wouldn't be shocked. >> he's doing trumpet favor taking some non-trump votes away from others. i point out that the guy is 38 or something. he's playing a longer game. he's trying to set himself up. >> lives are no how he could be governor of ohio. a lot of opportunities for the. >> missed opportunity, i seats to bring up polls and debate. selanee kayleigh performs about six points ahead. vivek loses by about 2 to 4 points. as those were on desantis. should still be talked about. you know who definite will prevent arsenal. me >> the crazy thing about this argument is so central to the republican arguments. joe biden is in feeble old man who doesn't know where he is. all that sort of stuff. impression you would get is anybody could beat him. anybody. so i do not even think that people are focused much on this. >> i think republicans have decided we couldn't possibly lose to discuss. we will nominate the person we want. not the person we think is most likely to win. >> they do think trump is the most likely to win as well. >> a lot of democrats think that we can possibly lose to dame trump. that's their strategy. >> i think what you are seeing cracks but. there's a magical thinking in both parties. that are likely a point is the worst possible person in the world. how could we possibly lose? when all. done quite possibly. lose >> this might be a small distinction but i think republican voters genuinely like trump. we believe he's a strong candidate. in spite of all of this stuff. for a lot of democrats to fulfill that it is an anti trump sentiment that drives it towards biden. even if they do not like a lot of other things. but among republicans, they like. trump electrons. that's the real problem. it's why those other candidates are having a hard time. they cannot abide the affinity he has with republican voters. to break that policy. with rehearsed lines. with your rhetoric. it's hard to break those things. it's not tied to anything on a piece of paper. >> so the tribal indictments. they've turned this into a travel to. it's a rally around trump. this idea he's under siege for his views. and therefore there is a feeling we should rally around the guy. >> we mention cnn fact checker daniel dale. closer look at war on dissent said this about education. >> anderson, let's listen to the striking exchange governor desantis had a controversial part of voters standards. >> the new black history curriculum says quote, slaves develop skills which some instances could be their personal benefit. who said slaves develop schools in spite of slavery. not because of it. but many are still hurt. the sense of slaves this is personal. with your message to them? >> first of all that was a hoax perpetrated by kamala harris. we're not gonna be doing that. second of all, it was written by this sentence of slaves. these are black history scholars. when you stop playing this game. >> governor desantis's hopes claim is false. it's not a hoax. social studies standards for middle schoolers includes the sense that the moderate read to him. and i think governor desantis effectively admitted it was not a hoax one immediately after he called it a hoax he pivoted to defending the sentiment is being written by great scholars who are descendants of slaves. so if you're on the facts, for this new standards for six through eight grades say that it, examine the duties entrées performed by slaves. and gives a bunch of examples and that goes on to say that this, standard say that the instructions of slaves developed skills which instances could be applied for their personal benefit. so the moderator was not making it up. vice president harris to make it up. staring black and white. some context, the governor has very allies. and everton argument from scott jennings. saying that this so-called hoax is making it sound like the curriculum broadly is pro slavery. they are entitled to make that argument. some other elements of received criticism from historians. but this debate, here's where it the process line. made it sounded like it was a lie made up by vp harris. on close by noting that it's not just vp harris who criticized it. so black advocacy groups. many historians. various republican lawmakers including a black republican onstage with desantis tonight senator tim scott who said tonight that florida should just cut the line out anderson. you know they'll, build more from daniel dale that was one of the interesting things scott said on the stage tonight. he did respond to that in a lengthy i don't know if we have the full soundbite of tim scott but we should get that and plant. you wanted to mention that you have is interesting that he chose to just full stop so that it should have not been there. no redeeming qualities to slavery. i'm told we have, when we put tim scott set. >> the new black history curriculum says quote, slaves develop skills which in some instances could be applied for their personal benefit. you've said slaves 12 skills in spite of slavery. not because of it. but many are still hurt. the sentence of slaves. this is personal what is your message to them first of all that's a hoax perpetrated by kamala harris we are not gonna be doing that. second of all it was written by descendants of slaves. he's a black history scholars. we are playing these games. >> should just take the one sentence. out americans suffered because of labor. we've overcome that. >> wow. >> so i think it was a choice he made that the put that in the ground on the curriculum. went on to talk about what has caused nemours african americans to experience the disparities we all know. >> he blamed lyndon johnson. nemours says it cannot be blamed on slavery. is the people came on slavery ended those. >> was a line of thought was great for voters who want to hear that kind of message. i think even tim scott knows this is often the case. tim scott knows that is not a complete answer. after slavery, there's a lot of people in the jim crow south. in the 60s and 70s experienced horrible discrimination where he grew up in south carolina. and he blames the lyndon johnson great society. give us the voting rights act. a lot black people about this country. great numbers. he might have an issue with welfare. i think that's why senator that's around. >> but that context is not there. analysts point i wonder why not. just provide the context. why put it in the sort of small and you think is going to be resonating with republican voters. when he is really the only person who is going to give a clear contractual answer on that debate stage so it's an interesting choice to. he did a similar thing in the first debate. second time he's done now. >> i thought rhonda scent is had an opportunity. to say at that point that look. we should not put it there. i can understand it's very hurtful to folks. we made a mistake and it would've been very illuminating i think. what attracted more voters to understand is that he would get by saying you're doubling down on that point. saying look we made a mistake. this drafted by some folks, we thought was in there. it's gonna provide context. wideman taking out of context that we met we are sorry we are funded folks. this move off of that. we learn our lesson it was an opportunity which i think was missed. whatever it was drafted. on desantis didn't read the standards. >> highly respected african american history ph.d.. today number of interviews strongly refuting the way which was ridden had characterized. and that was my point. for desantis i think he dug in on this. and it was interesting to me over the summer one has decided to go to florida. and attacked the tim scott did with her. it was an interesting moment because you do not only see republicans aligning themselves with her on republicans. >> universal. >> this was pretty much such mistake. it was a lab to say we made a mistake. >> stay where you are. more from the candidates shortly. reaction from the democratic debate. california governor gavin newsom ahead. >> it's always hectic when presidential debates wrap up. trying to get fresh reaction from candidates. joining me now is one of the candidates on the debate stage. doug burgum. you saw it on the, stage you are frustrated. you said me before coming on. some of your perspective voters lost tonight. but he meant by that? >> they want to find out. contrast find out what candidates represent. when you're the candidate create more jobs than anybody else on the stage. since my mid twenties. in making payroll. i don't want business experience in anybody on this stage. and then like tech guy on the stage. talking about tiktok. let me talk about energy. not to go to produce more energy than we are leader in innovation energy. energy policies. doesn't matter your partner affiliation. pain too much for your food, your. energy mnuchin asked the person. they talk about the. border only one sitting governor has troops down there. here's what we are doing right now. north dakota troops. you don't get a question on the border. >> there is a choice. >> you don't feel it is a participant. >> one or two questions. >> let me ask you about one of the things you so you are gonna. you are a chief executive. have to bring the legislation together. we are in a republican state. we are days away from a government shutdown. if you are pro, in the situation is happening now on capitol hill. fighting amongst themselves. many of them hard-liners. >> existing red states still. certain factions within the same party. >> so i'll be done in north dakota. pass the largest tax cut in the history of the state. we'll cut red tape. we passed 51 red tape reduction bills. >> it's easy passed tax cuts and red state. and washington. >> you'd be surprised on how our party can disagree with each other. just like in washington d.c. with mccarthy. most red states have two factions. we have to have a solving the problem. concerned of spending. we should be concerned about spending. we cut it. not slowed growth. we could about 27%. a first four months in office. if you are a business leader, you not to take the cost of government. reduce cost to service. >> we are here at reagan library. as we listen tonight. watch the way republican party is on a national basis now. it's not the party of reagan anymore. do you agree with that? >> when we take a look. when reagan took. override hurry inflation. country was in decline. it's super high interest rates. when a western governor. >> i'm talking with the state of the party. >> the party was divided between goldwater ford reagan. it wasn't a clear thing with him. reagan didn't get the nomination and 76. now here we are, you've got a western governor ronald raegan coming in. there was a cold war with russia. we got the economy sprinter. it's time for another western governor to step into writing. say look we know in a cold war. we know how to get the economy sprinting. we know how to solve the energy problems and take care of the environment. we can do that with innovation. >> this is a national, debate a national conversation. you are telling me before we came on might be obvious, but people should remember. the nominations state-by-state encompass but contest. how do you feel this will or will not impact the voters on the ground for the caucus in iowa. primary voters in new hampshire south carolina et cetera. >> those early states versus feeling great pride in your role they play. they show up. >> alicia perry? >> absolutely, on the ground we are getting great response. staples worst national polls will be closer to the center. so voters voting would move us up to more places in that group. and we will continue to reach out with them. they get to decide. national polls, not cable news networks. voters decide who. we know and we understand their concerns, which again inflation, energy, national security. >> thank you for your time governor >> thank you. anderson, back. you >> dan i think you are. much joined shortly by california governor gavin newsom on the scene. until then let's get a quick reset pass the top of the air. with our panel. >> we also have a focus group to get the reaction. >> this move the needle for anybody in a significant way? or change the dynamic for the race? >> candidates understand the dynamics. it wasn't a brief exchange but at one point governor healey, when it desantis went out a little bit. second place candidates fuel. second and third. either one of them or somebody else games ten, 15 points for donald trump the republican nominee. so you see the tension. we'll leave it up to republican voters. we do it all the, time we watch every day, voters are different. >> did the dynamic change? no. i think david said earlier. in the sense market share might move a little bit. some of the anti trump vote or not trump vote. i'm around. but to anybody come out there like a catapult. >> one of the debates been healing in desantis was on fracking, let's play that. >> we don't need is a president who is against energy independence. desantis is against fracking. he's against feeling. he's been against it. you did it. talking about what happened on day one. but a lot. ship what happened sunday tears when you are in trouble. day two in florida you banned fact. we banned offshore drilling. you did it on federal land. he took subsidies you didn't have to take. >> the right to respond. >> i just did it plan out west texas for american energy dominance. we are going to choose midland over moscow. we're gonna choose the marcellus where the most. and we're going to choose balking over beijing. and we will lower gas prices. we will get that job done. it's important for national security. it's important jobs. one of the best ways to drive down inflation. >> governor desantis. >> you banned it before they voted. >> that's not true. >> they didn't vote on friday. >> check it, check. a i'm sure. we do it in florida. maybe we don't as much as west texas but we do. so that is just wrong. let's get real here. my plan will get the job done. voters didn't even vote on fracking. >> not sure who's telling the truth. they're >> kind of chose alliteration over answer. >> governor haley, she's trying to get in these debates. she's doing her homework too. >> >> >> it doesn't sandra hearst. he is perry on that debate stage. i like to look at by language. so i'm looking at what these candidates to do. i don't think it helped desantis to not even engage with her. he was directly engaged with him. >> he wasn't engaging with her. david you can tell me. a lot of these candidates are sometimes told direct to the camera. but in that, case emoji that was. >> you would've said answer before you turn to the k. >> could've looked at her and still looking in the camera and smiling and laughing. i think your point, she had an incredibly good answer on education. the part where she was asked about education, she had. receipts shoes firing off numbers. literacy rates, math scores. somebody who had just come from an educational summit. it was good. could tell she's never successful governor. >> go back to dan. then? >> anderson, i'm here with not a republican but a democrat. governor of the state of california where we are. thank you for coming in. >> you are in the belly of the beast. >> are you suggesting the belly of the beast? object really, it's not. i enjoyed it. didn't enjoy the debate. i thought was nothing. i'd be hard-pressed in 72 hours to think you guys will be talking much about any aspect of this debate. i don't think any punches landed. a lot of people talking over each other. i think desantis has a lot of answers to. it's not a lot about his executive order. he lied about hydraulic fracking. which he didn't executive order. i know wooden secularism what it isn't. it didn't executive order opposing offshore oil. so the hypocrisy and lie carbonated by haley. >> one of the things we want desantis also talked about was crime. specifically talking about crime here in your state of california. let us listen to that. >> crime in the cities is one of the strongest signs of the decaying of america. we cannot be successful as a country of people aren't even safe to live in places like los angeles and sentiments disco. just being in southern california over the last couple of days my wife and i had met three people who have been mugged on the streets. . this might be an opportunity. to look up jacksonville florida. might want to familiarize himself with miami florida. and his homicide rates. which are 100 percent higher than san francisco. kremlin said his own backyard. higher homicide rate statewide. 60% are in california. but for every reason to, arkansas, tennessee south carolina. and bring up texas. this is an old troop. if you are in new york. people are looking again a little exhaust. but if we are focusing on new york gourmet and not the crime rate in these other republican-led studies. and republican states. >> you're not gonna say that you're on today san francisco's ended shape. >> i'm saying it's a real issue. but i find that the hypocrisy, and willingness to be honest with american people. if you take responsibility. first on crime, is one major cities. i find that curious, not surprising. and i offer that is a point of contrast and consideration. that is all. >> one of the big discussions points were immigration. vivek ramaswamy talked about wanting to militarize the border. and no birthright citizenship. nikki haley talked about the funding sanctuary cities and states like yours. and it went on and on and on. let's first talk about point-by-point, i'm curious about the birthright citizenship. the point he made, and others made. that if you are a diplomat, your kids are not american citizens. so why should illegal undocumented immigrant? >> i completely disagree with him. driven part of the calls out republican debates over notar began. nothing will happen in this space. remember trump talking about mast abortifacient. he wasn't able to achieve that in four years as president. they are doubling down on that. including vivek. we talked about really family units. these guys are not just talking militarizing the border, they are talking about invading one of our trading partners and allies in mexico. by launching attacks and strikes. that's a of a thing. you care about energy endowment, energy imports we have from places like mexico. so this is serious stuff, desantis talking about ready fire aim. shooting people with backpacks. even though 89% are american citizens. >> that was pointed out tonight come through our border crossings, including right here where i put the national guard. helping to support border patrol. not one of them said anything of the fact they want to fund the border patrol, they wanted to fund the military. we are going to walk off the cliff as realistic government shutdown. that wasn't even brought up. >> you mentioned you've had to defend your national guard troops to the border. so it's a real problem. >> it's a serious issue, i've invested 1 million dollars in that. the day i got into office and kept the national guard. i added to the national guard. >> it's more need to happen on a federal? we'll >> immigration system is broken and the nets. it's the sound system is broken. biden put out a plan. talked about workers, each one eases. clearing the backlogs in the court. the voting party is not even debating. so spam-y this is biden's crisis. it is a crisis of our own creation. because the parties aren't going together like a gang of a, a moment to remember 2013. when there is bipartisanship on this. people have to stop. this serious issue. >> i'm intimately involved. a real issue. we all have a responsibility to. it's like ronald reagan's himself did in 1986. >> you mentioned washington, shut down is looming. for three days. >> one of the things republicans are pushing for, to keep running is additional federal dollars for border security. does that sound like a good idea to you as a governor? >> i mean i melfort. for supporting our men and women in uniform. they're having a difficult time agreed. what folks are getting feedback on trucks. submitting the national guard. i'm not an open border democrat. or defund the police cover. we are dynamic to a border in terms of trade. it's a profound model. you haven't seen a front down here every week. not to suggest we don't problems we do. but we've managed our borders effectively. more effectively the most. but it is a real issue. and democrats for the point of contrast. i think we have a responsibility. not to deny the reality at the border. we have a responsibility to be constructive in order to get republicans above. >> brian administration put out a plan, republicans have put out nothing but rhetoric and demagoguing an issue. >> this is obviously political debate. let me just ask you about throughout politics. first, all of you being here you said a couple of times in your answers, upon contrast. how important is it for the democrats to step up and make a contrast. particularly when you look at poll after poll. i know what you'll say about polls but let's just, we know there's an overall feeling of concern in the country. how important is it for people like you to continue to do what you are doing, where you are doing. >> these guys continue to say pence needs to look this up. 5.4. i've lost everybody. it's worth going. and politifact, we are more energy independent than we've been in our history. under the biden administration currently. i margin of five point 94. the highest margin in history. most of them primary in my left. most unemployment rate for women, blacks, hispanics. most poverty rate for african americans in our history. most insurance. >> why aren't people out there feeling the statistics you're sending. >> because we don't talk about. anything three manners. , iota. we are prone to distraction. >> all of us are distracted. we need to be more forceful. 13 by 5 million jobs. so times more than last year. joe biden, 47 million jobs created since ronald reagan left office in 1989. >> 47 at 49 million. administration 96%. as three republican presidents have one thing in common. recession. we dominate on the facts. but not the narrative. we've got to shape-shifter native. we've got to be more forceful, that is why i'm here. at the reagan library. >> coming out of california, the fifth largest economy in the world with an obvious side hustle as being a top spokesperson for the biden campaign. >> i mean it. governor thank you so much. >> anderson, becky. >> anna thank you very much. governor gavin newsom at the debate. was interesting scene. in the belly of the beast, making this argument. >> i think what has wanted him to be there. >> he's sort of touring the country. doing this and famously you know is challenged or i guess he challenged desantis to debate. on fox. he is you know affective the spokesperson. one last question they asked is the one that i think a lot of people ask which is if the statistics are so positive y is the president not getting credit for it? i think one of the reasons is that none of the things he mentioned had to do with prices. even though inflation has gone down. food prices, gas prices are still high. that is how people judge economy. that's how they lived the economy. they go to the store they see prices on the cash register. they go to the gas station. they see prices at the pump. and so i know this from my own experience. when we were in the obama administration. making real progress on economy. if we claim too much, even if it was backed up by statistics. people did not feel it. they turn off and we had to develop strategies for kind of getting the information out in place people would accept. so much of the governors right that's a matter of not claiming these achievements enough. i think it's also about people who lived experience. >> for donald trump. last incumbent president to only served one term with george h. w. bush. and if we go back to look at the numbers, if you have a mild recession. numbers were getting much better. heading into the campaign yet. but they couldn't convince the american people. a collected hard. if you go a recession, you go three months we have a health care crisis we have a mortgage crisis, inflation crisis. you just get tired. takes a long time to feel better about them. even when things start to get better. republicans especially. they are anti joe biden. but even democrats. now the auspices are starting to take up as we head to the mid. so the democratic calendar is changed. president is not facing a serious primary challenge. but if you go to state new hampshire in place like iowa. you're paying for home heating oil. your gas purse is going. you still have the hangover. whether it's covid pandemic or inflation. you just don't feel it. you don't believe. even if you start to feel a little. we are afraid to believe it takes a long time. >> i think it was a big gamble to called bidenomics. i think more help is on the way message would've been stronger. reality is that the polls bear people feel like they are struggling in the economy. we label it after the you're basically going to have to on how people feel. i think that is the strongest case republicans have to make against robin. simply the state of the economy. and all trump, was a hard time putting together a coherent message but could talk about they were the economy was. >> people felt better about it. >> that's what i hear the books, i feel better. >> your point, gavin missing might have a lot of props but he's an incredibly effective communicator. and it is a bridge. it'll be interesting to see. you got this debate coming up with iran desantis. governor desantis might want to rethink watching that there on that interview. but it's going interesting to see how much more done in menstruation keeps rolling out gavin newsom as a surrogate. because he's a fact about. a much more effective than the current president. >> it's an interesting technical question. >> he's much better, much better. >> most of the time for the president's big yourself, but strikes me that the biden campaign is going to have to more than any other recent incumbent lean on other people whether it is newsom or the vice president. all the governors. they will have to depend on a lot of other people to make the case. partly because i think they do not have a ton of confidence in biden to make the case. and because his own credibility on these issues right now so low. they may think that other forces are more hopeful here. so it's a bit of a high wire act to depend on what household names to tell you the story. >> i also think that even in the best of times, given the jaundice of politics, it is hard for president to win a referendum. and when you are -- and i think biden has achieved some historic things on infrastructure and energy and some other climates and some others. but you have to throw this into a comparative. this has to be a choice. in rather than asking for a report card from the american people, i think you've got to throw it into that choice. between trump and biden. >> look i don't think it hurts to keep biden sort of out of the headlines. if gavin newsom can make this veteran desantis's record in florida. how he is flipping that. it's beneficial to a joe biden. somebody else can make it about donald trump and his indictments and the charges he is facing. it's beneficial to joe biden. i think they're comfortable with by not being out there every day. matt called stealing the spotlight but i think that there is no need in their view for biden to be a front now. >> all risk, no reward. >> we'll take a quick, break just ahead what voters in iowa so on the debate stage tonight. the power goes out and we still have wifi to do our homework. and that's a good thing? great in my book! who are you? no power? no problem. introducing storm-ready wifi. now you can stay reliably connected through power outages with unlimited cellular data and up to 4 hours of battery back-up to keep you online. only from xfinity. home of the xfinity 10g network. welcome back. we are live inside the reagan library in seamy valley, ella farnell talking to candidates and as you see, you have one here. senator tim scott of south carolina. >> hello. >> nice to see you, thank you for doing this. you -- it got spicy between you and your former governor. there was a lot of back and forth. was that something that surprised you? it surprised us? >> i was surprised by the vitriol, but the good news is that this is like a football game. you put on your uniform and play to win. bottom line is for her to talk about any kind of spin when she offered a tax increase that would be a couple hundred million dollars in a state like south carolina would be devastating. so, having a chance to have a contrast about where we are on the issues of spending or where we are on china, frankly. she called china our great friend. or on the issue of abortion. i believe that having a national limit of 15 weeks for three out of four americans is a place we should be. allow states like this one, california, new york to have abortion on demand up until the 40th week. just devastating. >> you talked about the curriculum in florida and that ron desantis put out there the idea that slavery allowed for people who are enslaved to find skills. you also talked about kamala harris. >> yes. what >> what did you mean by that. >> so, they both signed off on similar curriculum. that is it. basically, the same thing. my point is, with kamala or ron, the bottom line is simple. there are no redeeming qualities in slavery. period. >> the idea of being here at the reagan library as somebody who has been on capitol hill for a long time, you have been in politics for a long time and have seen the change in your party. to you feel connected to the notion of the reagan republican party, given what you are seeing on the campaign trail with fellow candidates and wear your day job is on capitol hill? especially considering this will be potentially a shut down in the next coming days. >> of course i do. but listen, ronald reagan helped us understand that all things are possible. that the city on the hill still exists. today, we need another optimistic, positive leader who believes in the future of this nation. i know that america can do for anyone what she has done for me. i am the kids that grew up in a single parent household, mired in poverty, four different elementary schools by the fourth grade. it is this country. think god almighty for america. >> your persona is the nice guy on the campaign trail. you came in here clearly wanting to show a different dimension to your candidacy and to your character as a fighter. is that fair? >> i think the people call me happy because i am happy. but if you are happy and you are a warrior than there are issues you must defend. i should be a voice for the voiceless. i will defend those who cannot defend themselves. the whole notion from the old testament that says that someone should stand up for those who cannot stand for themselves. sign me up. someone did it for me, i want to do it for the rest of the folks. >> i can't let you go without asking about the goatee. will that be your new campaign look? >> you know, what way -- what rate do you give it? >> that is not my job. >> well, i don't know. i don't know. >> i have just known you for a long time and have not seen the goatee. >> i think the gray is such a good contrast to my tan skin. >> so you are going for a great beard. >> i guess i should have said mocha. bottom line, i have no good answer for that one, yeah. >> senator, thank you so much for stopping. appreciate it, i know it has been a very long day. >> take care, god bless >>. anderson, back to you. >> dana, thank you. earlier tonight to scott jennings went out of his way to underscore the degree to which the campaign has been all about iowa. i what, he said is everything. with that in mind, we have voters who watched the debate with gary. gary? >> anderson, we are 110 days away from the first nominating caucuses here in the state of iowa, and we have come back to the hawkeye state to talk to iowa voters who we watched the debate with. we are actually in the same county we were in last month watching that debate, story county, home of iowa state university. we have some i will state people here. you want to see how their thoughts compare today to how they compared last month. it is nice to be here with you again. thank you for inviting us. first thing i want to ask you, if you had to write a headline about this debate, what would your headline be? >> republicans angry that they agree with each other. >> okay, talking about the commotion. yes? >> i'd say really good night for the free marketplace and the gop. >> yes. >> rude republicans. >> republicans? but the commotion, the chaos, did it bother you during the debate? raise your hand if it bothered you. raise your hand if it was okay. okay, you are a lone opinion right now. i want to ask you this, when we were here last month, i asked the question, who do you think did best, vivek ramaswamy came in first, nikki haley came in second, desantis came in third. this month, who did you pick last month? >> i picked haley last month. >> i picked elite last month. >> and today? >> desantis, because he represented himself well and did a lot to show that he is a true winner and he can't win a general election. >> how about you? . >> i picked haley last month's. >> and you? >> haley as well. haley and desantis had excellent debates and a lot of iowans are up for grabs right now and i think desantis has long been looked at as the main alternative in the race. i think the fact that she has strong favorability pulls the best against biden, has two strong to beat performances, and when people meet her they like her. so, i think that will give a lot of folks a reason to look at her. i think she will see a large boost, but i think that desantis it himself all tonight, to. >> last month, who did you pick? >> haley. >> and today? >> haley. every single time she went to the debate, she was realistic. she had the facts and she was strong. she showed what a true leader does and she takes control, and i like that about somebody who is running for president. they are someone who can exhibit a lot in themselves and that is what she did. >> and last month, who did you pick? >> the fake. >> and now? >> desantis. i thought that desantis, because vivek ramaswamy when the last debate, the overall consensus, he was the target tonight. so, i think that a barrage of personal attacks away from desantis and he was able to speak to the issues more than anybody else. i thought that was important. >> i think what is interesting about this group is that of these 18 people, 16 of them are undecided. they don't know definitely who will go to caucus come january. two people have made decisions. this gentleman right now, who have you decided on? >> doug burgum. >> okay, you like burgum. >> and you? >> right desantis, military veteran to iraq. >> what is interesting is that none of you have yet to vote to caucus for donald trump, the former president of the united states. something was brought up quite a bit tonight. the kristie, desantis, but is donald trump disrespectful to republican voters for you for not being part of these debates? what do you think? >> no. >> yes. >> no nds, how come? >> i just think it is his personal decision and i think he feels like he has a lot of people that just know what he is about. he has been here several times, he has been at several rallies, done lots of interviews, he probably thinks that takes the place of him having to be on the debate stage and i don't think he feels like he has a really good shot at what is happening. >> would you like to hear him talk about the abortion issue, for example? >> it bothered me, the abortion issue that has come up. >> but he wasn't here. okay, what about you? >> i think it is disrespectful that he did not come to try and earn i wins votes because so many peoples votes are still up for grabs here in iowa. so, not coming to earn that with the other candidates i think is a sign of disrespect, and i do not think he earned anyone's vote by not coming. >> all right, here is a show of hands in alphabetical order, who do you think did best during this debate, all of you. doug burgum. one. chris christie. his appeal no one tonight. desantis? one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. haley? one, two, three, four, five, six. pence? ramaswamy? one. scott? looks like desantis is the winner in this room. who do you think this was a bad night for? >> pence. >> pence. >> tense. >> why are you all saying pence? >> i think he completely destroyed his credibility he was directly questioned on record during the trump administration on, i forgot what issues specifically were brought up, but he had no defense that they had campaigned on -- again, i forget the issues specifically, and he didn't -- >> obamacare. >> obamacare, yes. instead of answering the question that was given to him about why that was not followed through, and what would he do differently as president himself, he just went off about something completely irrelevant and never answered the question. >> a lot of you restraints about pence, who else? >> why do you think that? >> well, i think that he comes across a little bit like not very believable to meet. he is rather pious sounding in his manner and it makes him come across like i am just a politician trying to get your vote and he does not seem as believable. >> final question, was this good for the parties debate tonight? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> anyone have a problem with the commotion? >> not the commotion, but i think the four man does not allow the issues to be exposed that way. the moderators had way too many subjects and they had too many people speaking at each subject. i think there are too many people in the debate and i think that that needs to be ironed down. >> what many folks told me today is they want to see microphones turned off, at times, is that correct? >> yes. >> yes. >> yes. >> thank you all for inviting us and as you can see, in this room at least here in the state of iowa, a good night for desantis. anderson? >> there, thanks so much and thanks to everyone in the room. always fascinating to hear that. >> it is, and you are listening to iowa voters, there. one, two, three, four, we are in touch with some of the voters we are working with an iowa and new hampshire, and you get the same impression there in terms of the people who are finally going in, or for haley coming out. the reaction there with gary's group, desantis doing okay which is good for hailie and desantis and better for donald trump. you keep the two people -- if the potential breakout candidates are rhonda santas or nikki haley, is there a third? >> ramaswamy. >> ramaswamy maybe after the first debate. but if they are all just trading back and forth and trump stays high 30s or 40s, in some policy is around 50 in these states. the question is, in 42 debate -- in 42 days to the next debate, can anybody starts to pull away into a solo second place as opposed to a bunch? number two, you heard it from those voters there, a, how many qualified by the rnc rules they are tougher for the third debate. be, to the donors and some other big people in the party say, look, sorry, you three have to get out so that these four can stay in and fight trump. >> i think the pence's of the world, the christie's, even the reaction in that room to those names was brutal and they're -- they're not doing what they set out to do by being in the race. it raises the question, what is the rationale going forward and i think the voters and the republican primary have been saying through the polls for a pretty long time, the folks in the low single digits? you are not seeing a whole lot of movement, there. stick to the race for whatever the personal rationales are, and it is not really changing. you are seeing movement higher up, five and above and it's in the low teens. that is where all the action is. >> where was obama 100 days out in iowa? trump has elite way bigger than hillary clinton trump as the biggest lead ever. >> he was in the twenties. >> in fact, there was an abc poll in late august that had him in the lead he was. but, he was on the way up. but, i would just say one thing. chris christie is not running an iowa and you would not expect him to do well with this group. he is putting his chips in new hampshire, latest new hampshire polls show a punch in second place with haley christy and desantis. the interesting thing about that is, and i honestly think that donald trump is a very good position and it will take a lot to dislodge him. the one thing that is interesting about haley's, she is competing in both iowa and new hampshire. she is actually well positioned in new hampshire to do well, maybe not to beat trump, but she is moving up there. if she were to do well in iowa, even if she does not win iowa, you know, i remember that this may predate you, john, but in 1984, gary hart got 16% of the vote in iowa. walter mondale, the runaway front runner and former vice president got 109. hart won new hampshire. he catapulted out of there and finished second. he won new hampshire and then it became a race and the other guy won. i will not predict that will happen, but haley -- there is a lot of interest in her. i think it will continue to be a lot of interest in her after this debate. >> she is well positioned in north carolina. >> she has the longest longevity. >> yet, she is well positioned in all those first three states and i think that is why you saw her go after tim scott. she is trying to lay some groundwork, here. >> everyone, thank you. coming up, new information on the debate that had the biggest impact online with voters. we are starting to get some data on the impact of tonight's debate on those who watched or were otherwise paying attention online. harry enten joins us now with more on that. so, you have been looking at what people were searching for online as the debate was going on. what was the biggest moment in the first hour of the debate? >> well, it won't be too much of a surprise. a lot of the candidates went after vivek ramaswamy and there was one exchange with tim scott let's take a listen to that. >> we think about the fact that vivek ramaswamy said we are all good people, and i appreciate that because last debate he said we were all bought and paid for. i thought about that for a little while, and said, you know, i can't imagine how you could say that knowing that you were just in business with the chinese communist party, and the same people that funded hunter biden millions of dollars was a supporter of yours as well. >> i will respond. these are good people who are tainted by a broken system it is not the fault of anybody. >> gosh, i love that moment because it's sort of illustrates the vibe with republican party right now and how do you attack vivek ramaswamy? i think going after him on this potential china connection is a good strategy. why? take a look at the polling. who do republicans believe america's top enemy is? overwhelmingly, it is china. 76%. russia, who obviously a lot of folks don't want to mess with, not even close at 12%. but i think that exchange also illustrated something going on with vivek ramaswamy, and that is that a lot of the candidates on that debate stage cannot stance the guy we saw that there with scott, with nikki haley as well, and those attacks do seem to be working because what do we see in vivek ramaswamy's polling? compare where he was before the first debate to where he is now and we see that his support nationally has been sliced in half. he was at 9% preet first debate, he is at 5% now and i would not be surprised if after the night and all those accounts -- attacks, he may go down further. >> who is the most searched during the debate? >> it was not anybody onstage, it was the man who decided not to appear. donald trump, and of course there was a big moment, where chris christie tried to make of it with donald trump, let's take a listen. >> i want to look at that camera and tell you, donald, i know you are watching. you cannot help yourself. i know you are watching, okay? and you are not here tonight, not because of polls and not because of indictments. you are not here tonight because you are afraid of being on this stage and defending your record. >> you know, i have to admit, i have heard a lot of attack lines against folks and him calling him donald dunk it's not exactly one of the strongest debate lines, certainly not up there with reagan. but more than that, take a look at where we are in terms of the favorable ratings of where chris christie is and where donald trump is. the fact is, donald trump's beloved by republican voters. he has a 79% favorable rating. chris christie unfavorable rating is close to that 79% and 66%. so, that might be something that chris christie liked to say up there, it was something he might have gotten enjoyment out of it, but the fact of the matter is that donald trump and the polling is overwhelmingly the favorite for the nominee and attacks like that simply put are not going to cut it, especially from a candidate as light as chris christie is. >> all right, harry enten, appreciate it. >> anderson, thank you so much. with me here are two of our terrific colleagues, cnn political director david chalian and cnn's jeff zeleny. hi guys. >> hi, diana. >> we are always last in the room because we have so much to talk about. jeff, i love -- we were talking before hand, and we will take you in our conversations off camera. you are sort of -- your analysis of what we saw tonight, what was it? >> look, as the seasons have changed, just a sense of urgency on the debate stage tonight was so different from milwaukee. we are now in the fall and you can just feel the imperative on the minds of each candidate to try and do something, try and make a move in this race. really, person by person by person. in the beginning when florida governor ron desantis, he wasted no time directly confronting donald trump because that is what he needs to do. he said, he is missing in action. then it went on from there. but i just think that the feeling of time could be running out for some of these candidates in a scramble for second place. they want to make their move. >> yes, and i would just note that for each person, and i agree with what you are saying, the sense of urgency, but the mission is different, right? and so, the other thing that ron desantis did was make sure and get his biography out there. that is something we have heard that they want to do more of. he made sure to get into the mind -- remind everyone that he is a veteran. he served. he doubled back to talk about appearing at the 9/11 memorial. he wanted to get that out there. so, we are still -- it is weird. we are still in this introductory phase where they need to get a certain piece of their bio outs to voters, but there is no doubt that tim scott was seeking relevance in a way that we have not seen before. he revved up his engine, taking on the women who gave him his job. i mean, she appointed him to the united states senate and there was no time for niceties, there. he was definitely going after her. and i think that in addition to desantis and nikki haley and chris christie all going after donald trump, i think it is hard to see how donald trump is not the big winner in this debate. i know that feels like an easy out, you had seven people on the stage and he was not there, but nobody here emerged with a moment where you saw clearly, that is it, they will be able to consolidate all of the non-trump support. >> that was my question for you, because of the three of us. definitely, you have spent the most time in the first two states of iowa and new hampshire. you talked to voters who are open to and even searching for a non-donald trump candidate. do you think what they heard tonight will be persuasive? >> i don't think so because to david's point, some of the questions really were not raised at all. indictments. none of the criminal charges and the uncertainty of the former presidents were mentioned at all. i was thinking back to a conversation i had with a pastor, of course, evangelical voters are so important in iowa. he said, what is going to happen if he is the nominee and he is suddenly convicted? so, there are some of those questions. that is one thing that was not addressed. abortion policy was barely addressed. it was sort of at the end, but not a subject of this. that will still be a part of the debate. but look, we talked a lot about the former president being in michigan. let's look ahead to sunday. he will be in ottumwa, iowa. he is going to iowa because the primary race is still on his mind. he is not -- of course he is looking ahead to the general and all of them would like to be, but he is looking first and foremost to iowa. so, i don't think that anything changed too much with him, but i think below him, things may have changed a bit, tonight that is significant. >> and that race is on by necessary for those candidates not named trump. but what becomes clearer by the day is that there is only one path at this point, and that is for one of these folks to score real political points in those first couple of contests if they are unable to do that, and i mean getting close to donald trump and proving they could be a real threat, if not actually upgrade when and if they don't do that, it is hard to see how donald trump just doesn't steam roll his way through. >> and, you know, here we are at the reagan library debate talking about cnn's debate years ago at the beginning of the 2016 primary session. scott walker, after that debate, dropped out. now, it was a much bigger field, we had two debates because there were so many candidates. but the question is, really, at this point, going back to the beginning when you had so many people who are worried about donald trump running away with it about consolidating the field, does that even matter anymore? i mean, we were looking at some statistics and if you add up the polling percentage of those who were on the stage, none of them, if they were one person, would have -- would be beating donald trump. >> i think it matters for now because there are still uncertainties in the race. i always try to remind myself as we talk to voters, they are not getting ahead of the process, they are letting it play out. so, let's do the same and allow this race to play out. but, for that tense, there is still a sense of urgency. we will see how many of these will be on the next debate stage, which is an early november, some 40 days or so away. so, there is time as you said to introduce themselves, but there is not a lot of time. three and a half months until the caucuses. >> what jeff said about donald trump is going to go on sunday is so important to iowa. and so, it is not as if he -- iowa is important on a general election level, but it is obviously the first caucus state. that is, i think, a sort of telltale sign that they are nervous about taking things for granted inside of the trump campaign. >> about taking things for granted, that is right. they do have their sights set on a potential general election, and if you want to go for joe biden. but, they would think it is their derelict of duties as a campaign if they were to let the foot up off the gas in terms of their attacks of ron desantis who they still see asked their biggest threat to him and getting this nomination. >> david chalian, jeff zeleny, no two people i would rather be with at the end of an important night. thanks. think you so much, anderson, back to you. >> dana, thank you. thank you to all our guests tonight. the news continues next here on cnn. is it possible my network could take my business to the next level? it is with comcast business. powering all your devices with gig-speed wifi. and you get fast downloads and uploads. pick it up! pick it up! oh we got this! because it's powered by the next generation 10g network. more speed for your business? it's not just possible. it's happening. get started for $59.99 a month for 12 months. plus, ask how to get an $800 prepaid card with a qualifying internet bundle. comcast business, powering possibilities.

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Communicator , Bridge , Props , Menstruation , Rolling Out , Lean , Big Yourself , Credibility , Confidence , Ton , Forces , Household Names , The Best Of Times , Jaundice , High Wire Act , Referendum , Infrastructure , Climates , Comparative , Report Card , Out , Headlines , Veteran Desantis , Charges , Risk , Spotlight , Reward , Matt , Debate Stage Tonight , Quick , Power , Wifi , Book , Battery Back Up , Data , Power Outages , Xfinity 10g Network , Xfinity , 10 , Reagan Library In Seamy Valley , Ella Farnell Talking , News , Bottom Line , Tax Increase , Football Game , Spin , Friend , Limit , Demand , Yes , Notion , Day Job , Campaign Trail , City , The Hill , Anyone , Elementary Schools , Nation , Household , Fourth Grade , Poverty , Persona , Guy On The Campaign Trail , God Almighty , Fighter , Voice , Warrior , Dimension , Cannot , Goatee , Voiceless , Who Cannot Stand , Old Testament , I Don T Know , Rate , Gray , Stopping , Skin , Beard , Mocha , Adana , Degree , Take Care , God , Caucuses , Nominating , Gary , 110 , Story County , Thoughts , Iowa State University , Commotion , Headline , Marketplace , Chaos , Opinion , General Election , Haley Last Month , Grabs , Iowans , Performances , Favorability , Boost , Fake , Consensus , Target , Barrage , Anybody Else , 16 , Gentleman , Right Desantis , Decisions , Military Veteran , Iraq , President Of The United States , Rallies , Nds , Example , Lots , Sign , Disrespect , Right , Show Of Hands , Alphabetical Order , Nine , Looks , Tense , Cup , Son , Obamacare , Sounding , You , Manner , Subjects , Subject , Microphones , 50 , 42 , 1984 , 109 , 9 , 5 , 79 , 66 , 9 11 , 9 99 , 59 99 , 00 , 800 ,

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