Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW The 20240704

states and around the world, i'm omar jimenez live in new york. all eyes are on florida. tracking a hurricane expected to make landfall on the florida coast in the next few hours. life-threatening storm surge developing. i have to reach the second floor of an average building. nadal is now officially a category two storm. max winds of 110 miles an hour. forecast to reach category four by landfall. we mean winds of 130 miles an hour. extremely warm water in the gulf of mexico as fuel the storm. outer bands lashing west floated with heavy rain causing coastal flooding in some areas. florida governor ron desantis urging everybody in the evacuation zones to leave as soon as possible. but for some it may already be too late as desantis is saying first responders will not people get to people in hard-hit areas like the big have been until after the storm passed. >> this is going to be something that will lead significant impacts and particularly in this part of the state. you've got to go back to the late 1800s to find a storm in this magnitude. that will enter where this one looks like it's going to enter tomorrow. so we do not really have a historical analog in anybody's memory so it's likely to cause a lot of damage and that is just a reality. prepared. >> let's bring in meteorologist karen mcguinness at the cnn weather center. on the verge of crossing to a major hurricane. forecast to get there. what do you see now this moment? >> there was an audible sound coming out of our weather office with this latest update. hurricane center sending advisers. at the top of the are this one came in. we were expecting this to be category three. it is not, it is still category two. one mile an hour difference then being category three. 1:10 miles an hour. moving towards the north. 60 miles per hour. we've got our attention is that it is moving at 60 miles an hour. it is slowing down. that is not good news. we've watched this going from just being a massive thunderstorm to having a clearly defined i. and the more clearly we can see the, i am more tells us that it's ramping up. becoming a mature hurricane. now positioning of a few miles to the south of cedar key. it is on task to move to that big ben area. we will make landfall? merrill the eye cross land? well as we all know it is just not that one point. it is the entire area. because this hurricane is so broad. it's still impacting tampa. still impacting naples florida. coral gables florida. with heavy rainfall. there's a tornado watch. until 6 am for the west coast. the peninsula of florida. rightfully so, here you can see some of the bands filling in right around this hurricane. producing some of those bands that produce some activity capable of doing that. here is the center of the hurricane. now we are looking at the push of water. not reena, getting the rain bands but as we see the storm surge, now the inclusion is 12 to 16 feet in these very low lying areas. cedar key has about a five foot elevation. even for tallahassee, these are low-lying areas. a lot of repopulated like a tampa. like a naples florida. wait gainesville. it's a rule area. people of. livelihoods of businesses, they want to protect those things. this is hard for people to recognize. this could be a category four later on this morning. mark, back you. >> it's a scary sight. something a lot of people could be waking up to especially if they decide to stay in the area. which, again was against what many officials have been urging. stay close to their. i want to bring in cnn's gloria pazmino who has been covering this storm from clearwater florida. i can see the winds moving up behind you. give us a sense of what you are seeing right now where you are. >> omar, i have to tell you that it is literally a minute by minute changes you. about five minutes ago the rain had slightly lit up but as you can see now it is coming down in sheets. the wind is whipping around. the trees behind me. seattle their roast him. since the fall. a lot of water moving in this storm. hurricane is continuing to gather strength and speed as it moves towards the coast of florida. conditions will worsen why they are. mandatory evacuation zone for the area. oh, my i want to give you a lay of the land here. directly in front of us. half mile before you get to the water. pitch dark where we are showing you. it's inland. where people were headed in. many lives in the area. so the comfortable doing so. i weigh from the ocean. storm surge overnight. the storm continues to move in the storm surge comes in. that is where we may see a lot of the damage. also the loss of lives. water can be so dangerous and catastrophic. it moves very fast. there's nowhere to go. we will be looking to see if any of the water starts coming in our direction. anywhere from 47 feet is what we are expected to see here. in terms of the storm search. expected to have a direct hit in the area of cedar key. as you can see, conditions here are worsening. in the strength of this hurricane. as it approaches the western coast. as we get into the morning hours. watching the southern border. crossing into that major hurricane status of category three. forecast to be a category four. santa says he felt he was safer further inland. there you gotta stay that we are heating warnings from the officials? from the folks who live across the water, are they evacuating? what are they feel like they're going to take the risky? >> earlier today wilson was out. braving the waves and i did speak to a couple that loves you. showing you this harbor honey here. it's a presidential tire. many of these apartments are dark. showing that there is likely people who are not there right now. there are a few apartments that have the lights on. a couple i spoke to this morning said they would ride it out here. i live in this apartment building. so there are definitely people in this area who do not get out. there are hotels in this area in addition to the residential buildings. people who were here with people to evacuate. people who were guests at this hotel. they had to go. the hotel told him that they needed to go. so if you are traveling in the city, chances are you have already made it. as you can tell behind me, there are people in the spring building. and the next hours, expecting that to be a problem across the region as the storm moves in. perhaps days to slow the power. especially pent people depend on the electricity. >> please stay safe, we know the impacts of these storms can change quickly out our. we will check in with you as the storm progresses. for everyone else, florida's big bend is expected to see the worst impacts. joining us is the public information officer. cross city florida or in the hurricanes past. further north. right off the bat i want to ask what are you most concerned with at this hour in the early morning hours right now? as storm continues to get closer. >> true bands of this coming. slowly creeping up. our ambulances and firetrucks. even our law enforcement. sustained winds. slowly creeping from there to the 80s and 90s. saying there for a good few hours. can no longer answering calls. have to stay in place. take emergency calls. he is from there is most critical and once the storm moves though, out of a path. we can start getting those on the road. have a large influence of goals. followed by the storm surge. things we are stressing right now. ready to get boots on the ground as soon as we can once the storm is on. >> can't see it on the screen, run the forecasts. where your forecast, according to the national hurricane center get some of the heaviest storm surge. potentially 12 to 16 feet. just laid out for us. i know you are experiencing deal storms but laid out for our viewers and folks who might be watching. what is the difference in dealing with storm surge versus the heavy winds and rain? they were going to see here. the closest we've ever came to a storm surge like that on our coastal communities was with her mean. and before foot, five foot in some places. we are low-lying in our communities down on the coast. and devastating. major damage to commercial structure. with a storm surge of 16 foot is just total catastrophe. and devastation, no way people who stay down here and survive that unless they get elevated above that. so we are concerned what we'll find in the morning once it was known for those that we got where that did not evacuate. we have so many nose down there. adamant that they did not want to evacuate. standing there looking out. will be a game-changer as we move forward. a lot of destruction. nothing of, with the timing of this, all of us we waking up to a different situation than when i went to bed. can be very misleading. >> thank you very much, keep us posted. please stay safe. if you want to reach out, so we will get out the message. >> absolutely, thank you guys. >> we will continue our coverage of the hurricane as florida officials warn inland counties powerful storm. i'll speak to a county official next. you've evolved. ♪ you've changed. so have we. that's why dove body wash now has 24 hour renewing micro moisisture for continuous care. dove bodody wash. chchange is beautiful. ♪ ♪ wake up, gotta go! c'mon, c'm'mon. -gracie, c'mon. let's go! guys, c'mon! mo c'mon! mia! 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[whoosh] [ding] or, a cambria hotel downtown for just the two of you. hold my wand. don't wave it at anything. get the best price by booking direct at* mmm! yeah! what did i say!?! >> back to breaking news coverage. florida bracing for a hurricane is transports to say expected to make landfall as a dangerous category four hurricane. powerful storm packing winds of 110 miles an hour. over the gulf of mexico. a tornado watches in effect for more than 7 million people. the u.s. national hurricane center is warning of life-threatening storm surge for some parts of the storms outer bands. already causing flooding from some coastal areas. federal emergency agency urging residents to take the storm seriously and evacuate. >> encouraging all floridians to take this storm seriously. storms very strong and is expected to strengthen to a major hurricane by the time it makes landfall. due to high surface temperatures in the gulf of mexico. it means heavy winds, high winds, heavy rain and forecasted 12 foot storm surge. >> still, that is we often seen situations like this. some living near the path of this hurricane have chosen to stay put. cnn's brian todd has details. >> much of florida bracing for direct impact. >> time is running short. make sure you are prepared for the storm. >> coastal waters rise. lifetime storm surge. along florida's gulf coast. >> could reach 10 to 15 feet in some areas of the big ben. that's life-threatening. if you are there without, hits gonna be difficult to survive that. >> the tampa bay area as well. >> there will be flooding. it'll be worse. 46 inches of rain in a short amount time. >> mandatory, voluntary evacuation orders issued for parts of 22 counties. including coastal, low lying areas. >> take the effort to evacuate to a safe shelter. >> all residents are sure they want. only >> a homes here. my life here. >> coast guard preparing rescue helicopters. power line repair crews and high water rescue team. >> we have high rescue vehicles but there will be a point where we can come get. so make the decisions now. >> already spotted across the gulf like in fort myers. homes being boarded. up dozens of school districts closing. tampa airport suspending flights. some sourcing empty shelves. homeowners filling sandbags. >> hopefully we will get through daca. >> helen is getting sandbags. loading up on ice, food, water and candles. have a flashlight, charge your phone. as of your car, check your cash and prescriptions. >> take pictures of the inside of your house to make a photographic inventory of you and title if you have to fire a insurance claim. >> aston officials hear what he would tell residents in the town of st. mark's where we are. what did he tell those people who decide to stay? it one word answers, don't. he did also say that if you do elect to stay. make sure you have at least 3 to 4 days worth of provisions. ryan todd, cnn, st. mark's florida. >> it's not just about the coastal communities here. in that photo counties are preparing to get hammered by the hurricane. the emergency management director for columbia can florida joins us live. good to see you. breakdown the difference for us. i think a lot of people get caught up in where this is going to hit, how it's going to hit coastal communities but many inland counties especially where you are. forecasted in the direct path of the hurricane are still bracing for major impacts. >> that's right. thanks for having me on my. appreciate it. >> the difference is that a lot of times what we have storms as they come on to shore whether it be the atlantic sure the gulf shore. own experience impacts from the outer bands or the outside of the hurricane. whereas this is a case where we have been having to prepare as if we are going to be in the direct hit of the hurricane. which is position that we've been taking the last several days as we've gotten ready to brace ourselves from the effects of the hurricane as it makes its way through the gulf right now. >> i have covered many of these types of hurricanes. one thing i've noticed when you are further inland's of course you are dealing with some of the salt water storm surge i guess is the way to say it. as it comes in, from the surrounding freshwater, those get flooded, those overflow and sometimes can create a compounding issue in the aftermath of the initial impacts of this hurricane. how do you prepare for something like this where you could see threats or risks from a variety of different factors? >> that is where it comes in with getting the information from our partner agencies. from the national weather service, from the southeast river forecast center. finding out what threats we have from any given storm. because if the rain is severe enough on the inland counties. i remember one several years ago my fbi after the names just kind of playing together but our interstate highways, our roadways, our major arterial roadways were shut down because that was water keeping the roads flooded and so we were having to find an alternative route. so getting that message out to the public is equally as important so they understand what the real life consequences are of the event we are experiencing at a given time. >> what do you tell folks right now? is 1:25 in the morning there locally. a lot of people in theory would be asleep but have gone to bed. they are expecting to wake up to a different picture than what they saw. when they went to bed. what do you say to folks who might be waking up to that different picture? what do you do from that moment? >> well we do is as we have led up to it. our messaging has been that if you feel unsafe in your home. that you make sure to reach out to family members to friends. find a place you can stay to ride the storm out. do not try to stay in your home if you feel unsafe. we have not issued mandatory evacuations for our residents. but we have been encouraging them to find alternate locations to go. i have five shelters we have opened up within our county. i have a total of 87 folks taking advantage of the shelter and saying and then as we move through the nighttime hours. potentially starting to see winds pick up towards 4:00 this morning. and then the rain moving up not long after that. so it is all about the messaging. find places where you can be safe. if you are not feeling safe in your home, find somebody even stay with a go to one of our shelters. >> shane morgan, i appreciate your time. stay safe, we'll continue to monitor as this hurricane develops. >> omar, thanks for having me this evening. >> now, coming up for us after a quick break, the coming storm, this ominous view from a beach near tampa tuesday. as the hurricane bears down on florida's western coast. those are the moments of what was to come. we will go back live to the area ahead of a potentially catastrophic impact. your best defense against erosion and caviti is strong enamel- nothing beats it. new pronamel active shield actively shields the enamel to defend against erosion and cavities. i think that this product is a gamechanger for my patients- it really works. i just found the biggest weight loss hack for ya'll! ♪ the truth is there is no quick fix... ...but there is a more effective way to lose weight and it isn't what you think. it's actually noom. it's two times more effective than doing it on your own. get started right now by taking the noom quiz. when migraine strikes, you're faced with a choice. ride it out with the tradeoffs of treating? 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>> omar, it is really minute to minute here. right now it is simply raining sideways. no other way to describe it. conditions here have been a worsening with every passing hour. the wind whips everything around. hurricane off in the gulf of mexico still gathering strength and speed. forecasted to make landfall as a dangerous, category four hurricane. that could bring catastrophic levels of storm surge. >> western florida is bracing for a monster storm. >> we are going to see hurricane force gusts and wind. possibly some tornadoes. >> hurricane turning through the gulf and gaining strength as it takes aim at the seventh shine state. >> all that water pushes and has nowhere to go. so, yeah it's gonna be bad for a lot of folks. the storm, expected to bring heavy downpours and life-threatening winds of 150 miles an hour. capable of causing widespread damage. >> will be a significant, significant impact the region of florida. >> more than half of the counties in florida are under a severe emergency and mandatory evacuations issued for several counties along the west coast. >> that storm surge is just unbelievable. please evacuate. >> some areas along the gulf coast could see a storm surge of up to 15 feet high. like cedar key. a coastal city of honored that emails north of tampa and dead center of hurricane expected. several homes and businesses there are now boarded up. >> a lot of older structures may have some issues standing up to the islands. and of course this tidal surge that we are hearing. >> tampa international airport has shut down. crews are securing boarding bridges. 5500 members of the national guard are standing by, ready to help those in the. >> so there is several officials, including the national guard. standing by to help. thousands of lineman for the power utilities. in order to get to work if the power goes off. we are expecting that to happen across several parts of the state. and omar, we have been talking about where we are here in pinellas county. this is an area where there is a mandatory evacuation zone. but i want to show you this presidential tower. it's right here behind me. i spoke to a couple earlier this morning. they were walking around the area here. telling me that they lived in this tower and that they were going to ride out the storm here. you can see a lot of these apartments are dark. but some of the apartments still have the lights on. the power is still on in this area. but it might go as the hours go on. and the storm continues to increase and conditions continue to worsen. that is going to be something that we will be watching for here. in addition to the storm surge. that is the primary area of concern here. anywhere from 4 to 7 feet of water is what is expected in the area. the ocean is in this direction. if it starts to move inland. all of this presidential and hotel property will be in the way. and that is catastrophic levels of water. as mentioned, likely to create a lot of damage and potential loss of life. omar? >> gloria pazmino, live in clearwater florida, thank you. let's take a look at the wider area. now we are bringing in meteorologist karen mcinnis who's been tracking this storm for us. karen, what are you seeing. again, it has been hovering on the potential major hurricane status. we are waiting to see how that. goes what is the latest on your aunt? >> yes, fortunately we are getting updates that the national hurricane center at the top of every are. which is good news. however that is not going to stop this train from rolling on into this big bend area. i want to point out just how large this hurricane system is. all the way coming across tallahassee. all the way down towards southwest florida. this entire zone right here is seeing heavy rainfall. but worse than that, if this storm surge is the big killer. now, we have also got a tornado watch. there is potential for tornadic activity. it would not be surprising to see. we will get another update probably coming up the next 20 minutes or so. there was an audible gasp in our weather department when this category two hurricane was not a category three. but, what really got our attention is that it's slowed down. that is terrible. because that suggests that it's getting stronger. we did not see an eye on this until about five, 6:00 this afternoon. so here we are during the early morning hours. expecting to make landfall sometime around 8:00 in the morning. where? well it is making its way towards the north but it is expected to make kind of a curb towards the northeast. that's just a random line i've drawn. it does not matter where this hurricane makes landfall. specifically where the eye crosses the coast because what the danger is, that storm surge. and you heard, this is a low-lying area. i checked the elevations for cedar keys, for steinhatchee, for apalachicola. and it is not significant. so that water is going to move very far inland. it will be catastrophic. people who stayed in this area, it's not very different densely populated. it's very, rule it's beautiful, wildlife areas. they have springs. there you can paddleboard with manatees. it is a very enjoyable community. the power will go out. you will have the storm surge across the region. it's going to be very very difficult post hurricane landfall. so category two right now. and you can see right there. goes from 2 to 4. i atlanta. maybe around atm. so somewhere in the. the national hurricane center says that we might see this as a category four. as it strengthens. right before it makes landfall. but. i want to point out another thing, here's georgia. around here is seven. we have brunswick. that away one hurricane. the folks of the midlands of south carolina. coastal areas could see severe flooding. strong tropical storm. lots going on with this system. we will keep you updated at the top of the hour. karen mcinnis, we will keep an eye out for. that coming up, thousands without power and prosecute. after pounding the western part of the island nation. we will have a report from havana in just a few moments. 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Care , Ones , Research , Doctors , Physicians , Harvard Medical School , One , United States , 12 , Hurricane , Naples Florida , Making Landfall , Omar Jimenez , Eyes , Around The World , New York , Storm Surge , Storm , Coast , Forecast , Floor , Building , Nadal , Two , Four , 110 , The Coming Storm , Water , Bands , Gulf Of Mexico , Fuel , Heavy Rain , 130 , People , Areas , Flooding , Ron Desantis , Urging , Evacuation Zones , Big , Everybody , Responders , Something , Impacts , Part , Estate , 1800 , Lot , Damage , Reality , Magnitude , Anybody , Memory , Analog , Looks , Crossing , Cnn , Weather Center , Verge , Meteorologist Karen Mcguinness , Top , Update , Weather Office , Advisers , Sound , Hurricane Center , Difference , Attention , Miles Per Hour , One Mile , 10 , 60 , 1 , Three , More , News , I , Thunderstorm , Tampa Bay Area , Cedar Key , South , Merrill The Eye Cross Land , Task , Big Ben , Area , Point , Rainfall , Near Tampa , Coral Gables , Some , Rightfully , Tornado Watch , Peninsula , West Coast , 6 , Center , Activity , Push , Rain Bands , Feet , Tallahassee , Inclusion , Elevation , 16 , Five , Businesses , Rule Area , Livelihoods , People Of , Wait Gainesville , Category , Mark , Things , Sight , Officials , Which , Gloria Pazmino , The Rain , Winds , Sense , Wind , Trees , Sheets , Roast , Seattle , Strength , Speed , Conditions , Evacuation Zone , Land , Front , Lay , Lives , Ocean , Doing , Loss , Direction , Catastrophic , Nowhere To Go , Any , Anywhere , Hit , Terms , Storm Search , 47 , Hurricane Status , Border , Santa , Folks , Warnings , Couple , Waves , Wilson , Apartments , Showing , Many , Tire , Harbor Honey , The Lights On , Hotels , Addition , Apartment Building , Hotel , It , City , Buildings , Chances , Guests , Traveling , Spring Building , Power , Region , Storm Moves , Problem , Storms , Good Luck , Safe , Electricity , Storm Progresses , Our , Everyone Else , Hurricanes , Public Information Officer , Big Bend , Cross City , North , Bat , Coming , Firetrucks , Ambulances , Law Enforcement , Place , Answering Calls , The 80s And 90s , 80 , 90 , Path , Emergency Calls , On The Road , Goals , Influence , Boots , Ground , Screen , Forecasts , Viewers , Deal Storms , Dealing , Communities , Foot , Places , Devastation , Catastrophe , Structure , Nose , Game Changer , Situation , Wall , Nothing , Destruction , Timing , Bed , Reach Out , Counties , Message , Coverage , Guys , Dove Body Wash , County Official Next , Go , Micro Moisisture , C M , Wake Up , Let S Go , Mo C Mon , Chchange , Dove Bodody Wash , Gotta , Mon , Gracie , 24 , Family , Color , Engine Revving , Mom , Enne Revving , Thi , Life , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Project Managers , Job , Projects , Candidates , Fear , Mother , Ding , Shortlist , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Job Criteria , Type , Brands , Comfort , Kiddos , Whoosh , Cambria Hotel Downtown , Oooo , Wand , Anything , Price , Don T Wave , Breaking News Coverage , Transports , Warning , Tornado , Storm Packing , Effect , 7 Million , Residents , Parts , Floridians , Emergency Agency , Storms Outer Bands , Surface Temperatures , Living , Situations , Impact , Details , Brian Todd , Waters , Gulf Coast , Lifetime Storm Surge , 15 , Hits Gonna , 46 , Coastal , Evacuation , Effort , 22 , Homes , Shelter , Coast Guard , Rescue Helicopters , Rescue , Power Line , Rescue Team , Vehicles , Decisions , Sandbags , Shelves , Homeowners , Gulf Like In Fort Myers , School Districts Closing , Dozens , Flights , Tampa Airport , Cash , Helen , Candles , Food , Car , Ice , Phone , Flashlight , Daca , Pictures , Prescriptions , Inside , House , Title , Insurance Claim , Inventory , Word , Elect , Don T , Aston , Town Of St , Provisions , St , Ryan Todd , Mark S , 4 , 3 , Breakdown , Emergency Management Director , Columbia , Thanks , Times , Case , Experience , Outside , Gulf Shore , Atlantic , Way , Gulf , Effects , Position , Course , Thing , Types , Aftermath , Compounding , Issue , Overflow , Freshwater , Threats , Risks , Factors , Information , Variety , Weather Service , Partner Agencies , River Forecast Center , Finding Out , Roadways , Names , Interstate Highways , Fbi , Roads , Route , Public , Consequences , Event , Theory , 25 , Picture , Home , Messaging , Family Members , Friends , Evacuations , Shelters , Locations , Storm Out , County , Advantage , Total , 87 , 00 , Somebody , Stay Safe , Go , Evening , Shane Morgan , Break , Western Coast , Hurricane Bears , Coming Up , Erosion , Defense , Product , Gamechanger , Caviti , Cavities , Enamel , Patients , Shield , Pronamel , Weight , Truth , Fix , Weight Loss Hack , Noom Quiz , Pain , About Ubrelvy , Choice , Migraine Pain , Symptoms , Tradeoffs , Migraine Strikes , Option , Dose , Reactions , Sleepiness , Inhibitors , Nausea , Migraine Pain Relief Starts , Cyp3a4 , Side Effects , Cyp3 , Death , Significant , Governor , Pressure Drop , Hand , Feels , Weather , Landfall , Video , Cat , Help , Evacuating , Bit , Somewhere , Gulf Storm Surge , Meteorologist , Storm Passes , Slam , Voters , Capital Tallahassee , Let S Go , Hundreds , Hazard , William Pazmino , Latest , Track Of , Everything , Worsening , Hurricane Off , Monster Storm , Levels , Western Florida , Gusts , Hurricane Force , Hurricane Turning , Tornadoes , Gonna , Water Pushes , Aim , Nowhere , Seventh Shine State , Half , Downpours , 150 , Emergency , Structures , Emails , Surge , Islands , Crews , Hearing , Issues , Members , Boarding Bridges , 5500 , Thousands , Lineman , Guard , National Guard , Standing , Order , Pinellas County , Power Utilities , Tower , Go On , Concern , 7 , Property , In A Lifetime Storm , Karen Mcinnis , Take A Look , Every , Updates , Aunt , Train , Big Bend Area , Zone , Southwest Florida , Hurricane System , Killer , Potential , 20 , Gasp , Eye , 8 , Northeast , Line , Curb , Kind , Danger , Elevations , Steinhatchee , Apalachicola , Densely Populated , Community , Wildlife Areas , Manatees , Springs , Hurricane Landfall , Atlanta , 2 , Georgia , Brunswick , Seven , System , Lots , Midlands Of South Carolina , Report , Island Nation , Sneeze , Allergy , Relief , Allergy Sprays , Astepro , 30 , Investment Research , Investments , Advisor , Plan , Connect , Setting , Wealth Management , J P Morgan , David , Sleep Number , Gab , Home Delivery , Base , 50 , Hearing Arc , Stream It Interest , Excess , Emergency Services , Florida Shoreline , Island , Western Cuba , Flooding Homes , West Edge , Cuban , Province , Blow , Havana , Patrick Oppmann , Hurricane Vidalia , Rains , Portion , Heavy Fly , Government , Car Lines , Process , Kyiv , Hurricane Damage , Resources , Black , Hurricane Ian , Facing , Dave , Patrick , It Smell , Mall , Massage Chair , Boost , He Wasn T , But , Oxi , Febreze , Gain Flings , Gonna Walk You T , Sis , Orbiting Earth , Ur Goal Weight , Which Hote , Noom , Favore Food , Powder , Meal , Withoom , Ears , Views , Bathroom , Lipo , Faves , Craft Beers , Matter , Choicehotels Com , Nutrients , Spa , Shipping Manager , Hearing Loss , Dizziness , Ear Ringing , Ingredients , Lipo Flavonoid , Find Themself , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , 0 , Check , Rinvoq , Ulcerative Colitis , Uc , Damage Rinvoq , Symptom Relief , Remission , Leave Bathroom , Results , Urgency , Colon Lining , Infections , Chance , Ability , Stroke , Intestines , Fatal , Skin Cancer , Cancers , Lymphoma , Tears , Heart Attack , Stomach , Blood Clots , Heart Disease Risk Factor , Tb , Tax Refund , Abbvie , Innovation , Gastroenterologist , Doctor , Erc , Refund , Marshall , Rosie , Emily , Patio , Business , Dr , Facelift , Practice , Innovation Refunds , Stop Waiting , Wax Museum , Brows , Golf Course , Calf , Photos , Aid , Running Out , Game , Arena , Drop , Room , Safety , Floodwaters , Worst , Sheriff S County , Jeff , Versus , Complacency , Calm Before The Storm , Eyewall , Game , 18000 , Laskaris Nikopol , Storm Surge Attrition , Fatalities , Evacuation Orders , Evacuation Order , Vaccination Order , The Storm , River , Evacuee , Reports , Rescue Them , Tides , Can T Go On , Water Rescues , The Sun , Opium Disaster Assessment , Normalcy , Sanctuauary , Handsfree Highway Driving , Apr , Lincoln , Lincoln Bluecruise , Summer Invitation , 3 9 , 000 , 2023 , 1000 , Company , Hearing Aids , Lifetime , Cleanings , Service , Aftercare , Checkups , Adjustments , Miracle Ear , Someone , Opposite , Free , Obligation Hearing Evaluation Today , Call Miracle Ear , Mint Mobile , 800 , 1 800 Miracle , Prices , Arenas , Inflation , Little , Lower , Goat , Their , Customer , Ads , Oh H Ho ,

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