Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

florida is already feeling hurricane idalia's impacts. squalling coming ashore in the keys, deadly storm surge of up to 15 feet is expected. winds stronger than 100 miles per hour. maybe much stronger. officials warning residents to get out now. and a federal judge set to rule on whether mark meadows can move his case in georgia from state to federal court. but not before he asks for additional arguments from both the prosecution and the defense. ahead, what this could signal for the meadows case and that of former president trump. a father's desperate 911 call, new audio and video from the jacksonville shooting. authorities are continuing to piece together what happened as the community mourns the victims of a racist attack. we are following these major developing stories and many on more all coming in right here to "cnn news central." right now parts of south florida are already feeling hurricane idalia. its outer most bands are bringing heavy rain to the florida keys. you can see here squalls are coming on shore as well. and yet people are still taking photographs. the storm surge is causing water levels to rise at least 2 feet above normal in parts of southwestern florida just so far. idalia is intensifying on the brink of becoming a category 2 hurricane, just hours away from its expected landfall in what is known as the big bend region as a category 3 hurricane. and when it hits, storm surge could be catastrophic possibly up to 15 feet in some areas. director of the national hurricane center michael brennan is joining me now. it is good to have you, sir. i know you have a lot to track. what is the best storm track that we know at this point? i know it is always changing up until the final moment, but what is your best estimate as to where it will hit land? >> well, it looks like idalia is headed for the big bend region of the florida peninsula as you mentioned. exactly where it crosses the coast will be difficult to determine until we get to within a few hours but that will make a big difference as to what area receives the worst storm surge and those very, very strong destructive hurricane-force winds and the i've what is expected to be a major hurricane at that time.i've what is expected to be a major hurricane at that time.expecting it to tu the north/northeast and the center will come to the coast early tomorrow morning. >> and it is expected to undergo rapid intensification as it gets closer to shore. and our understanding is that this has become more common in part because of warming waters there. does that make it more unpredictable as to exactly what you will be dealing with when it makes landfall? >> well, we are forecasting rapid intensification. we've actually improved our ability to make those types of forecasts. we would not have been able to forecast this type of strengthening five or ten years ago, but we have better tools and better understanding of how hurricanes work, better models. and we're able to try to forecast this type of strengthening. it does make it difficult because even if we get the forecast right, people may still be looking at a system that yesterday this was just a tropical storm and people may think that why do i need to take action or evacuate for this. so when you have a rapidly developing and strengthening storm heading for land and reaching land at its peak intensity, there can always be a lag in how people respond and take being a. so we try to get the message out that you have to get ready.bein. so we try to get the message out that you have to get ready. >> another factor to add to the mix is the moon. can you explain exactly why that is? it is a little closer than it normally is to planet earth. explain why that is having an effect and how much of an effect. >> yeah, so when the moon is closer to the earth, we get a bigger tidal range. so hire high tides and lower low tides. with the higher high tides, that can set the stage at a hire base level for the storm surge which is simply the hurricane pushing the water from the gulf of mexico in this case up on to land. so if we assume -- these values assume that storm surge occurs at high tide, so that is why we're expecting 1 0 to 15 feet f the storm surge. and on top of that, the devastating breaking wave action that can be very destructive. >> michael brennan, keep at it. i know a lot of folks will be relying on the up gates that you provide. thanks for joining us. our cnn team is on the ground up and down florida's gulf coast. we have carlos suarez in tampa and also meteorologist derek van dam is in clearwater keeping an eye on things there. carlos, i'll start with you. tampa is already looking at potentially 4 to 7 feet of storm surge if idalia shifts in its track, obviously that could get a lot worse. what are you seeing there, what are people preparing for? >> reporter: well, we know there are two-man todayer to evacuation orders that have gone out here in hillsborough county which is home to the tampa bay area as well as out in pinellas county which is to the west of where we are, that is home to the clearwater st. pete area. as you mentioned, the concern in this part of hillsborough county, the downtown tampa area is the flooding associated with this hurricane. as you noted, we're talking about a storm surge anywhere between 4 to 7 feet and when you take a look at the bay here behind me, you can see it won't take a whole lot of water out here in order for some of the flooding to take place. this time tomorrow, we'll have taken into the account the rain which has already started to fall and as well as high tide and the storm surge. a number of hurricane shelters have opened here in hillsborough county. we're told those can house up to 20,000 people. so right now emergency officials are trying to get folks that live in this part of hillsborough county, which is pretty low lying -- a low lying area. they are trying to get them out of their apartments and condos and homes and trying to get them to hire ground. t flooding concern is not just in the tampa bay area.ground. flooding concern is not just in the tampa bay area. governor desantis talked about some of the flooding that we'll see in a lot of inland counties up and down the western coast from the big bend all the way down here to tampa bay. here is a bit of what he said earlier today. >> this storm is going to impact inland counties. and particularly in northern florida, you are going to see significant impacts. by the path it doesn't just mean in the cone because there is going to be impacts that will be outside whatever the national hurricane center says is the path of the storm. >> reporter: and because of this forecasted path, we expect all of this water to just come into the tampa bay area which again the concern is that it will lead to a good amount of flooding, we're told at least 60,000 sandbags have been distributed in pinellas county. >> and clearwater where you are, peak storm conditions expected i think around midnight tonight, is that right? tell us what you are expecting there. >> reporter: we already had our first kind of initial impacts from the storm, right? we had the outer rain bands impacting us about an hour ago, we got a brief gust of wind about 40 miles per hour, heavy downpours of rain and then it came to an end. that is what we should expect to see gradually increase before conditions completely deteriorate overnight. i want to show you on our graphics, because hurricane idalia is really starting to get its ability together and what i mean by this is notice that kind of spiral wrapping around the storm system, that is indicating that it is starting to become more organized, it is strengthening, deepening, exactly what we anticipated because it is fueling itself off of the record warm water temperatures across the eastern gulf of mexico that sits directly over my shoulder. here is the latest radar information. and you can see the initial rain bands that have already impacted key west, 50-mile-per-hour wind gusts there earlier today, choppy waves on the water. and that is several hundred miles away from the center of where idalia is located. so my point being that the impacts will be felt well outside of where this storm actually makes landfall. so very key, very important. ft. myers getting some hefty thunderstorms right now. there was a tornado warning near marco island earlier today. and something that to pass along to our viewers here, we have a mesoscale discussion talking about the tornadoes continuing through the overnight period. >> and isolated tornadoes, this is a big storm to watch here. derek, carlos, thank you both. joining us now, mayor of gainesville, florida, harvey ward. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> so gainesville of course not on the coast, it is inland, and this storm will cross the state of florida. so i wonder what kind of dangers from the storm you are preparing for most now. >> as you heard governor desantis say, we are going to have impacts outside the cone. so i worry when people pay too much attention to exactly where the cone is. the national weather service tells us that even though we may not be inside the cone he, we have a 93% chance of sustained 40-mile-per-hour winds. we have a 40% chance at 47-mile-per-hour winds. we are going to get a tremendous amount of wind from this. we are a heavily forested city. we love our tree canopy, but we haven't had a storm like this in my lifetime. it has been more than 100 years since we had this kind of storm pointed right at us. and our tree canopy has not been sort of cleared out by storms in recent years. so we should -- i urge everyone in our city to take this very, very seriously. the winds, the potential flooding from the rain and we also expect 6 inches of rain in a short period of time. and we expect that rivers and creeks will swell with that rain and then potentially flood. so we know that following the storm, there is always potential for tornadoes. i want everybody to be concerned about this, to be -- i won't say worried but prepared and taking it very seriously. >> do you find then given you're inland that folks get a false sense of security, right, and aren't listening to those warnings? >> well, floridians by nature take hurricanes and alligators very seriously. we're not joking about this. but we do pay a lot of attention to the maps and when we're outside the cone, often that can lead to a false sense of security. and i want folks to know we should not feel secure. we should feel very concerned about this and we should take every possible precaution so that in a couple of days we can get back to doing things as we normally do. >> no question. and you've got a lot of work do and we wish you the best of luck and the people of gainesville the best of luck as well. >> thank you for having me. >> mayor ward, thank you. and we'll be continuing to monitor hurricane idalia and bring you the latest forecast on how -- and talk about how florida is also preparing. we're also covering other developing stories coming in. former president trump's trial calendar starting to solidify and it is on a collision course with the 2024 campaign season. we have that ahead. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. we, the moms who have lost our children to social media harms. we, we, we have had... enough. our politicians have failed. working for lobbyists, not us. we need your voice to pass the kids online safety act this fall. join us. join us. join us. join us. ♪ let's lead the way. my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. what do we always say, son? 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>> meadows is in a different position. he was white house chief of staff, that is a federal position. and what the judge is essentially saying is if i find that one of these acts outlined in the indictment, one of the things that he allegedly did as part of the conspiracy had to do with his role as a federal official, is that enough for him to succeed and to be able to move this to federal court. or does that not meet the threshold. he's asking meadows as well as fulton county district attorney's office to reply in these briefs by thursday evening. from a timing perspective, we've been trying to figure out when will the judge sort this out. that tells us it will be at least friday is the soonest where we could hear the judge weigh in on this. >> how closely are trump's lawyers watching all of this? >> they are watching it closely. attorneys for trump and other defendants were in the courthouse yesterday. they want to know if someone like mark meadows is able to do this, that bodes well for former president trump, may bode well for jeffrey crash lark who was e justice department at that time. >> and they grilled meadows about that famous or infamous i should say trump/raffensperger phone call in which you have the former president, at the time the current president, literally saying on tape find me the votes to overturn the election here. did that give the cross-examination give any view as to what the prosecution strategy is here? because the other thing trump's lawyers are watching is how exactly are they going to go at this case. >> it certainly shed light on what meadows' defense will be. he is saying i did all this in the capacity of my job and basically everything that i did even if it wasn't related to trump's official policy or the administration, it falls within the purview of my job as chief of staff. and he admitted it was a challenging time for him. he was taking a lot of requests and often asked to bring things to trump and ask trump various questions and pass along different ideas. but at the end of the day, he will say that i did all of this as chief of staff and it should be moved to federal government and thrown out. >> what about the other defendants, are we seeing movement there? >> we've seen three different individuals plead not guilty, one is sydney powell who you will remember is one of trump's former attorneys. she was pushing a lot of baseless claims about -- sort of going her own way. a lot of these defendants are waiting to see how the mark meadows thing shakes out. but powell will waive arraignment and asked for a speedy trial which is the opposite of what trump and his team want. so we're seeing some of the dynamics of a 19 defendant case play out. >> and kenneth chesebro has also asked for a speedy case. so you can see different time lines. now the special counsel interference case aunts nd also classified documents case to keep track of too. a busy legal calendar. >> it will be a busy legal calendar. and there is still a question of how donald trump juggles this and how much that he can put off. the judge in the election interference case here in washington, d.c. pretty much scoffed at the notion that trump's team wanted to delay this by two years and said, no, no, we'll go ahead with this march trial date. i do think that it will be a lot harder in a place like georgia where you do have the issues of is it going to be in federal court, in state court, they will want to get some of these guys to plead out so they can herd fewer cats. >> march 2024, does that hold? >> i think there is a good chance that holds. i think there are some things that the trump team can do to try to delay it, but your ability to be able to appeal a trial date like this before it goes to trial, i mean a lot of this discretion rests with the judge and she really was not buying what they were trying to sell in this hearing about how they need many years to prepare. >> and i think that this will be wild. and you will be along for the ride with us. thank you so much. still ahead, florida's ordeal starting now. hurricane idalia's outer bands, you see them there, already lashing the shore of florida as the eyewall is moving closer to a potentially devastating landfall with catastrophic storm surge. stay with us. 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>> you're right, the most critical point right now is for people to listen to local officials who are issuing evacuation guidance. we they that there are several counties under mandatory evacuation and others who are under voluntary evacuation and the most critical thing whether you've lived in florida whour your whole life and weathered storms or your first time going through this, but listen to the guidance. florida,, all have great information about preparedness kits, what you should have to take care of your family, you your loved ones and pets. we enconcern urge to take it seriously and listen to the guidance. >> and if folks are looking for the latest information on the storm and they are saying as folks sometimes do, you know what, i don't have to go, i'll be fine where i am, what would you say? >> unfortunately we hear that from time to time. i know you had directory brennan on earlier. right now category 3 is forecasted undergoing additional rapid intensification. but it is not just the wind that people should be concerned about. it is the storm surge pup we'll see up to 10 to 12 feet of storm surge in certain areas. and so while homes can be rebuilt and power lines restrung, we want to ensure that everyone is safe riding out the storm. so please listen to the evacuation guidance and if you are told to leave, please leave. >> the fema administrator was at the white house podium earlier today calling on congress to pass supplemental funding to emergency relief operations like this. she said the $3.4 billion they have in the bank right now should be enough for idalia and cleanup for the maui wildfires. does fema have what it needs now and it is more about what they need for the next storm? >> fema right now has the resources to meet the immediate response for both the ongoing efforts in the maui fires, the hurricane idalia and any other immediate response requirements. from there we certainly look forward to working with the administration and congress to figure out supplemental capability for those longer term recovery plans. >> jeremy greenberg, we wish you and your team good luck in the coming days. thank you. >> thank you for having me on. florida governor ron desantis has stepped away from his presidential campaign to deal with the storm that has its eye trained on his state. but the political optics of hanging a hurricane come with high stakes as you can imagine. we have steve contorno live for us in st. petersburg. steve, tell us how desantis is tailoring his message. >> reporter: no florida governor would ever suggest that hurricane is an opportunity to showcase your leadership style. but they certainly have a track record of doing just that. you look at a governor like jeb bush who had to two years worth of deadly storms hitting the state he faced eight hurricanes over that stretch. and he is remembered quite fondly here for that time that he spent and how he navigated the storms. of course one of those storms was hurricane katrina and his brother president george bush, people look at his presidency much different because of how he handled that storm. and that is the paradox facing governor desantis as he navigates florida through the crisis. he says he is hyper focused on delivering for his state, that he has been holding press conferences all throughout florida's west coast, trying to prepare floridians and saying that he is willing to put his campaign on hold for now. listen to what he had to say earlier today. >> you remember ian. we were in the midst of a governor campaign. i had all kinds of stuff scheduled. not just in florida, around the country we were doing different things. and you know, you do what you need to do. so that is what we're doing. so it will be no different than what we did during hurricane ian. i'm hoping that this storm is not as catastrophic as hurricane ian was. but we'll do, you know, what we need to do because it is just something that is important. >> i talked to a republican political consultant earlier today who said that you never want to willingly leave the campaign trail if you don't have to, but when duty calls for your day job, you have to respond. and we have seen this kind of thing effect presidential campaigns in the past. in fact new jersey governor chris christie back in 2016 just weeks before the new hampshire voters went to their primaries, he had to leave the campaign trail to attend to a blizzard in his hope state. and desantis actually has been campaigning quite a bit on his past response to storms. he talked about hurricane ian in that clip. that storm devastated the for the myers beach region and left two bridges totally damaged. hes talked quite a bit about his efforts to rebuild those bridges. and of course the storm also produced images of him wearing white knee high boots that have become fodder showing plus and negatives of having to respond during one of these crises. >> very tough. steve, thank you so much. and still ahead, officials in jacksonville have released the 911 call from the gunman's father, what it resdrveals abou the shooter's mindset before he carried out the racist attack at a dollar general store. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a muchealthier weight. i wish i would have introduced thshe's a lot more active.r. and she's ab to join us on our adventures. get started at betterforthem.c my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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>> yes. and he's been on meds too. >> what medicine is he taking? or was he taking? >> let me see. i have to find the bag. >> do you know if he is still taking it or if he has been stopping? >> it looks like he stopped. >> another just released clip also happened before the shooter opened fire at a dollar general store, it shows the gunman's car fleeing from a campus security officer as the officer got out of his white car the edward waters university. jacksonville police also released footage of officers entering the dollar general traveling through the aisles in pursuit of the gunman and captures the moment they say when the 21-year-old shooter turn ted gun on himself. now to other headlines we're watching. steve scalise says that he has become treatment for what he describes as a very treatable blood cancer. the 57-year-old says he started feeling ill over the august congressional recess. tests led to a diagnosis of multiple myeloma. the louisiana republican plans to continue working in washington while undergoing several months of cancer treatment. also a new call for president biden and congress to address new york's migrant crisis. more than 130 top business leaders have written an open letter backing governor hochul's plea for funds for the migrants, health care, education and housing as well as expedited work authorizations, this as new york city is struggling with the influx of more than 100,000 migrants, many of them sleeping on the sidewalks of manhattan because the shelters are full. jamie dimon of jpmorgan chase, larry fink of black rock and jane frazier of citigroup are among those who signed had open letter. and more firefighting planes and helicopter are being sent to greece to help fight the biggest wildfires ever recorded in the eu. strong winds and hot dry summer conditions fueled flames in the northeast informforest region. at least 19 people have been killed and an area larger than new york city seems scorched. seems like everywhere we look on the globe we see events like this. so we are learning new details about the suspect police say shot and killed a faculty member at unc chapel hill. he is a 34-year-old doctoral student who has been charged with first-degree murder. the shooting in a chemistry lab sent students scrambling for safety. video captured students jumps out of classroom windows during the lockdown. the campus was only in its send w oig week of classes of the fall semester. nick valencia has the latest on the investigation. and the suspect just made his first court appearance. police have just identified the victim. what can you tell us? remember the that's right. tie t tailei qi made his first court appearance. he was not required to enter a plea and the judge says that he will continue to be held without bond. if convicted of first-degree murder, he faces at minimum life in prison. and the district attorney alleged that qi walked in on campus and opened fire gunning down an associate professor in the department of applied physical sciences. the professor had been working on campus since to 19. police have not released any information if there is a connection betweenand jan. but earlier they address the tragedy on campus. >> we really do want to know the why. what led to it. >> so many of you are feeling uncertain about your safety right now. again, we have very good protocols in place. there is nothing more important on our campus than the safety and well-being of our community members and certainly our nearly 30,000 students are at the top of the list alongside fau f faculty and staff. >> the incident caused panic. and students had to jump out of a first story window to get to safety. probable cause hearing has been set for september 18th for tailei qi. investigators are still trying to figure out what led him to do this. look at that video, just awful. >> terrible. very scary situation for so many students here. classes canceled today as well. when is campus reopening? >> reporter: wednesday it seems at this point it gets back to normal, about you events and classes had been canceled for monday and tuesday. clearly a lot of processing that needs to be doneyou events and classes had been canceled for monday and tuesday. clearly a lot of processing that needs to be done as they were just going through their second week of classes. hoping that they were having a good experience only for this to happen. just awful. >> it is. nick valencia, thank fought lalfor the latest. >> the real slim shady just stood up. why vivek ramaswamy is taking heat now from eminem. ♪ ♪ wake up, gotta go! c'mon, c'mon. -gracie, c'mon. let's go! guys, c'mon! mom, c'mon! mi [ engineevving ] ♪ ♪ my favite color is... because, it's like a family thing! 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(intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene. yup. most health insurance companies see us all the same: smiley seniors golfing, hiking... don't forget antiquing. that's why i chose humana. they see me, not a stereotypical senior. i'm pre-diabetic, so i talked one-on-one with a humana health educator who really helped me. now i'm taking free cooking and meditation classes. not aqua-aerobics? better care begins with listening. humana. a more human way to healthcare. gop presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy got some attention at the iowa state fair when he decided to grab a microphone and lose himself in an eminem song. ♪ ♪ lose yourself in the music the moment ♪ >> the real slim shay day just stood up sending a cease and desist letter to stop using his muse on the campaign trail. they said they will stand down and comply. that doesn't always happen. tom foreman joins us now because there's a long history of this. candidates taking songs, sometimes rapping them very badly. >> this goes on all the time. take a look at all of the acts that complained about donald trump stealing their songs. neil young, adele, aerosmith, the beatles, bruce springsteen, credence clearwater. >> getting out of vietnam war. >> elton john and the rolling stone, he used "you can't always get what you want." even mick jagger weighed in on this. he said, funny song for a playout song, drowsy ball lot about drugs in chelsea. it's kind of weird he couldn't beer persuaded to use something else. i'm convinced they don't listen to these songs. >> that list you gave was just trump's list. but there are more. >> for example, newt gingrich, i covered so many campaign, he was using "don't stop believing." he kept using it until the voters stopped believing and he dropped out of the race. bob dole, spent time on the campaign trail with him in 1996. he was using this version about a soul man called i'm a doleman. nice guy to be around. soul is not what you're thinking of at all. and the people behind the original song came back. and all jumped on this song, even though this song also is very specifically about problems with the unions. >> maybe one of the most misunderstood songs. so my question is, when the artists complain, do they win in court? >> sometimes. because they are saying the campaigns are like we're having the use issue. sometimes they will drop it and move on. other times they steam through and say we'll fight it off until we can't anymore. by the way, it does sometimes happen as democrats, bah rack obama used "hold ones." they wanted to change it. i will say this. when you talk about fair use, this is the business of these people. this is the business to take a song when somebody says i don't want you to use it, this is like going to a company and saying i'm going to take the car and drive it around but not pay you for it. >> is there any -- do voters know when the candidates are misusing the song? >> if they pay attention to lyrics. but i watched people stand up and sing along to like "born in the u.s." they are so excited about it. honestly, because i'm a big music fan, played in bands, that whole thing. i listen, and i'm like have you not listened to this song or the lyrics? and then you sort of wish the campaign would go back to hiring live bands to play patriotic music. >> i just sing along. i can't play in the band. tom foreman, thank you so much. fascinating history of music. >> he sure can dance though. still ahead, three strikes and can you're out. that's what security told two fans during a rockies and braves game. details, ahead. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor aob, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. [clock alarm] ♪ morning. ♪ ♪ life after student debt is within reach. refi at you could save thousands and get to your goals faster. sofi. get your money right. my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. more shopping? you should watch your spending honey. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. check it out, you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, i'll look into that. let me put a reminder on my phone. save $700 dollars. pick up dad from airport? ohhhhhh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and savor every bite. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. don't miss enjoying a moment, with our onsite labs to help you, fast, and 20% off your denture care. so, whether you need a new look or a quick fix, you can celebrate with a smile all season— always at aspen dental. book today. so a couple baseball fans got too excited to see a plash during the 7th inning in colorado. a fan actually ran on to the field, gave him a hug, and two security guards rushed in and tried to pry the fan off of him. >> so then another fan ran towards the braves' outfielder, knocked him down. after a few minutes, security were able to remove both fans from the field. >> he gave a thumbs up after the incident and stayed in the game. aftermards, he said he was a little scared at first, but glad everything turned out okay. >> i would happily run on the field, but the security guards take that very seriously. >> it kind of feels like an extension of what we're seeing at the concerts with people throwing things at performers. like hello, these are people. don't do that. >> also multimillion dollar athletess don't like to be tackled. >> they are at work. thr doing their job. it's hard enough with all the people making noise. this is just wild. >> it is wild if i were a braves fan today and they were ahead by 25 games, i might be inspired to run on the field as well. >> run ning on the field and tackling the player are two very different things. >> lots of news. we're watching. today we're going to have much more of our coverage of hurricane idalia. it's a strong category 1 storm hitting florida at this point. >> live pictures now from key west. you can see the stroong winds there hitting the southern keys. people are still taking photographs. i would suggest to get away from the coastline. there are a the lot of mandatory evacuation orders. do stay with cnn for our coverage of hurricane idalia "the lead" with jake tapper starts now. welcome to "the lead." i'm georjake tapper.

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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florida is already feeling hurricane idalia's impacts. squalling coming ashore in the keys, deadly storm surge of up to 15 feet is expected. winds stronger than 100 miles per hour. maybe much stronger. officials warning residents to get out now. and a federal judge set to rule on whether mark meadows can move his case in georgia from state to federal court. but not before he asks for additional arguments from both the prosecution and the defense. ahead, what this could signal for the meadows case and that of former president trump. a father's desperate 911 call, new audio and video from the jacksonville shooting. authorities are continuing to piece together what happened as the community mourns the victims of a racist attack. we are following these major developing stories and many on more all coming in right here to "cnn news central." right now parts of south florida are already feeling hurricane idalia. its outer most bands are bringing heavy rain to the florida keys. you can see here squalls are coming on shore as well. and yet people are still taking photographs. the storm surge is causing water levels to rise at least 2 feet above normal in parts of southwestern florida just so far. idalia is intensifying on the brink of becoming a category 2 hurricane, just hours away from its expected landfall in what is known as the big bend region as a category 3 hurricane. and when it hits, storm surge could be catastrophic possibly up to 15 feet in some areas. director of the national hurricane center michael brennan is joining me now. it is good to have you, sir. i know you have a lot to track. what is the best storm track that we know at this point? i know it is always changing up until the final moment, but what is your best estimate as to where it will hit land? >> well, it looks like idalia is headed for the big bend region of the florida peninsula as you mentioned. exactly where it crosses the coast will be difficult to determine until we get to within a few hours but that will make a big difference as to what area receives the worst storm surge and those very, very strong destructive hurricane-force winds and the i've what is expected to be a major hurricane at that time.i've what is expected to be a major hurricane at that time.expecting it to tu the north/northeast and the center will come to the coast early tomorrow morning. >> and it is expected to undergo rapid intensification as it gets closer to shore. and our understanding is that this has become more common in part because of warming waters there. does that make it more unpredictable as to exactly what you will be dealing with when it makes landfall? >> well, we are forecasting rapid intensification. we've actually improved our ability to make those types of forecasts. we would not have been able to forecast this type of strengthening five or ten years ago, but we have better tools and better understanding of how hurricanes work, better models. and we're able to try to forecast this type of strengthening. it does make it difficult because even if we get the forecast right, people may still be looking at a system that yesterday this was just a tropical storm and people may think that why do i need to take action or evacuate for this. so when you have a rapidly developing and strengthening storm heading for land and reaching land at its peak intensity, there can always be a lag in how people respond and take being a. so we try to get the message out that you have to get ready.bein. so we try to get the message out that you have to get ready. >> another factor to add to the mix is the moon. can you explain exactly why that is? it is a little closer than it normally is to planet earth. explain why that is having an effect and how much of an effect. >> yeah, so when the moon is closer to the earth, we get a bigger tidal range. so hire high tides and lower low tides. with the higher high tides, that can set the stage at a hire base level for the storm surge which is simply the hurricane pushing the water from the gulf of mexico in this case up on to land. so if we assume -- these values assume that storm surge occurs at high tide, so that is why we're expecting 1 0 to 15 feet f the storm surge. and on top of that, the devastating breaking wave action that can be very destructive. >> michael brennan, keep at it. i know a lot of folks will be relying on the up gates that you provide. thanks for joining us. our cnn team is on the ground up and down florida's gulf coast. we have carlos suarez in tampa and also meteorologist derek van dam is in clearwater keeping an eye on things there. carlos, i'll start with you. tampa is already looking at potentially 4 to 7 feet of storm surge if idalia shifts in its track, obviously that could get a lot worse. what are you seeing there, what are people preparing for? >> reporter: well, we know there are two-man todayer to evacuation orders that have gone out here in hillsborough county which is home to the tampa bay area as well as out in pinellas county which is to the west of where we are, that is home to the clearwater st. pete area. as you mentioned, the concern in this part of hillsborough county, the downtown tampa area is the flooding associated with this hurricane. as you noted, we're talking about a storm surge anywhere between 4 to 7 feet and when you take a look at the bay here behind me, you can see it won't take a whole lot of water out here in order for some of the flooding to take place. this time tomorrow, we'll have taken into the account the rain which has already started to fall and as well as high tide and the storm surge. a number of hurricane shelters have opened here in hillsborough county. we're told those can house up to 20,000 people. so right now emergency officials are trying to get folks that live in this part of hillsborough county, which is pretty low lying -- a low lying area. they are trying to get them out of their apartments and condos and homes and trying to get them to hire ground. t flooding concern is not just in the tampa bay area.ground. flooding concern is not just in the tampa bay area. governor desantis talked about some of the flooding that we'll see in a lot of inland counties up and down the western coast from the big bend all the way down here to tampa bay. here is a bit of what he said earlier today. >> this storm is going to impact inland counties. and particularly in northern florida, you are going to see significant impacts. by the path it doesn't just mean in the cone because there is going to be impacts that will be outside whatever the national hurricane center says is the path of the storm. >> reporter: and because of this forecasted path, we expect all of this water to just come into the tampa bay area which again the concern is that it will lead to a good amount of flooding, we're told at least 60,000 sandbags have been distributed in pinellas county. >> and clearwater where you are, peak storm conditions expected i think around midnight tonight, is that right? tell us what you are expecting there. >> reporter: we already had our first kind of initial impacts from the storm, right? we had the outer rain bands impacting us about an hour ago, we got a brief gust of wind about 40 miles per hour, heavy downpours of rain and then it came to an end. that is what we should expect to see gradually increase before conditions completely deteriorate overnight. i want to show you on our graphics, because hurricane idalia is really starting to get its ability together and what i mean by this is notice that kind of spiral wrapping around the storm system, that is indicating that it is starting to become more organized, it is strengthening, deepening, exactly what we anticipated because it is fueling itself off of the record warm water temperatures across the eastern gulf of mexico that sits directly over my shoulder. here is the latest radar information. and you can see the initial rain bands that have already impacted key west, 50-mile-per-hour wind gusts there earlier today, choppy waves on the water. and that is several hundred miles away from the center of where idalia is located. so my point being that the impacts will be felt well outside of where this storm actually makes landfall. so very key, very important. ft. myers getting some hefty thunderstorms right now. there was a tornado warning near marco island earlier today. and something that to pass along to our viewers here, we have a mesoscale discussion talking about the tornadoes continuing through the overnight period. >> and isolated tornadoes, this is a big storm to watch here. derek, carlos, thank you both. joining us now, mayor of gainesville, florida, harvey ward. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> so gainesville of course not on the coast, it is inland, and this storm will cross the state of florida. so i wonder what kind of dangers from the storm you are preparing for most now. >> as you heard governor desantis say, we are going to have impacts outside the cone. so i worry when people pay too much attention to exactly where the cone is. the national weather service tells us that even though we may not be inside the cone he, we have a 93% chance of sustained 40-mile-per-hour winds. we have a 40% chance at 47-mile-per-hour winds. we are going to get a tremendous amount of wind from this. we are a heavily forested city. we love our tree canopy, but we haven't had a storm like this in my lifetime. it has been more than 100 years since we had this kind of storm pointed right at us. and our tree canopy has not been sort of cleared out by storms in recent years. so we should -- i urge everyone in our city to take this very, very seriously. the winds, the potential flooding from the rain and we also expect 6 inches of rain in a short period of time. and we expect that rivers and creeks will swell with that rain and then potentially flood. so we know that following the storm, there is always potential for tornadoes. i want everybody to be concerned about this, to be -- i won't say worried but prepared and taking it very seriously. >> do you find then given you're inland that folks get a false sense of security, right, and aren't listening to those warnings? >> well, floridians by nature take hurricanes and alligators very seriously. we're not joking about this. but we do pay a lot of attention to the maps and when we're outside the cone, often that can lead to a false sense of security. and i want folks to know we should not feel secure. we should feel very concerned about this and we should take every possible precaution so that in a couple of days we can get back to doing things as we normally do. >> no question. and you've got a lot of work do and we wish you the best of luck and the people of gainesville the best of luck as well. >> thank you for having me. >> mayor ward, thank you. and we'll be continuing to monitor hurricane idalia and bring you the latest forecast on how -- and talk about how florida is also preparing. we're also covering other developing stories coming in. former president trump's trial calendar starting to solidify and it is on a collision course with the 2024 campaign season. we have that ahead. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. for freeee. that's what i'm talking about. order in the subway app today. we, the moms who have lost our children to social media harms. we, we, we have had... enough. our politicians have failed. working for lobbyists, not us. we need your voice to pass the kids online safety act this fall. join us. join us. join us. join us. ♪ let's lead the way. my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. what do we always say, son? 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(vo) request a cash offer at opendoor dot com. we handcraft every stearns & foster® using the finest materials, like indulgent memory foam, and ultra-conforming innersprings, for a beautiful mattress, and indescribable comfort. for a limited time, save up to $800 on select stearns & foster® adjustable mattress sets. after more than three hours of mark meadows testimony, the judge now wants more information. a short time ago the judge hearing meadows' bid to move his georgia charges to federal court requested additional briefs from both sides. >> as trump's chief of staff, meadows was a point person for trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. yesterday he testified that those actions were in his view part of his official white house duties. joining us now, zachary cohen and sar aa murray. i asked a constitutional professor what the significance of this is and he said reading a judge's comments from afar is that it looks like the judge is on the fence here. meadows' case has always been slightly different from the other co-defendants. what are you hearing? >> meadows is in a different position. he was white house chief of staff, that is a federal position. and what the judge is essentially saying is if i find that one of these acts outlined in the indictment, one of the things that he allegedly did as part of the conspiracy had to do with his role as a federal official, is that enough for him to succeed and to be able to move this to federal court. or does that not meet the threshold. he's asking meadows as well as fulton county district attorney's office to reply in these briefs by thursday evening. from a timing perspective, we've been trying to figure out when will the judge sort this out. that tells us it will be at least friday is the soonest where we could hear the judge weigh in on this. >> how closely are trump's lawyers watching all of this? >> they are watching it closely. attorneys for trump and other defendants were in the courthouse yesterday. they want to know if someone like mark meadows is able to do this, that bodes well for former president trump, may bode well for jeffrey crash lark who was e justice department at that time. >> and they grilled meadows about that famous or infamous i should say trump/raffensperger phone call in which you have the former president, at the time the current president, literally saying on tape find me the votes to overturn the election here. did that give the cross-examination give any view as to what the prosecution strategy is here? because the other thing trump's lawyers are watching is how exactly are they going to go at this case. >> it certainly shed light on what meadows' defense will be. he is saying i did all this in the capacity of my job and basically everything that i did even if it wasn't related to trump's official policy or the administration, it falls within the purview of my job as chief of staff. and he admitted it was a challenging time for him. he was taking a lot of requests and often asked to bring things to trump and ask trump various questions and pass along different ideas. but at the end of the day, he will say that i did all of this as chief of staff and it should be moved to federal government and thrown out. >> what about the other defendants, are we seeing movement there? >> we've seen three different individuals plead not guilty, one is sydney powell who you will remember is one of trump's former attorneys. she was pushing a lot of baseless claims about -- sort of going her own way. a lot of these defendants are waiting to see how the mark meadows thing shakes out. but powell will waive arraignment and asked for a speedy trial which is the opposite of what trump and his team want. so we're seeing some of the dynamics of a 19 defendant case play out. >> and kenneth chesebro has also asked for a speedy case. so you can see different time lines. now the special counsel interference case aunts nd also classified documents case to keep track of too. a busy legal calendar. >> it will be a busy legal calendar. and there is still a question of how donald trump juggles this and how much that he can put off. the judge in the election interference case here in washington, d.c. pretty much scoffed at the notion that trump's team wanted to delay this by two years and said, no, no, we'll go ahead with this march trial date. i do think that it will be a lot harder in a place like georgia where you do have the issues of is it going to be in federal court, in state court, they will want to get some of these guys to plead out so they can herd fewer cats. >> march 2024, does that hold? >> i think there is a good chance that holds. i think there are some things that the trump team can do to try to delay it, but your ability to be able to appeal a trial date like this before it goes to trial, i mean a lot of this discretion rests with the judge and she really was not buying what they were trying to sell in this hearing about how they need many years to prepare. >> and i think that this will be wild. and you will be along for the ride with us. thank you so much. still ahead, florida's ordeal starting now. hurricane idalia's outer bands, you see them there, already lashing the shore of florida as the eyewall is moving closer to a potentially devastating landfall with catastrophic storm surge. stay with us. 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you may pay as little as $10 per prescription. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom. they customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. you could save $700 dollars just by switching. ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. on the top of the pile! oh. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ floridians are getting their first taste of hurricane idalia's strength. it is only the beginning. squalls are beginning to crash ashore in southern florida. the storm's worst expected hours away from now. joining us now, jeremy greenberg, director of operations for fema's response director. thanks for taking the time this afternoon. >> thank you for having me on. >> as you see this coming, there is a lot of talk of historic, historic storm surge, particularly in the area where it is expected to hit most in the big bend there. does fema have in place what it needs to respond to what this storm is predicted to look like? >> fema along with other federal partners have been working with the state of florida for the past several days to pre-position our incident management teams search and rescue teams and equipment, communications equipment as well as supplies for mass care to be used for those sheltering out of the storm's poath. in addition we'll deploy recovery experts to assist the areas impacted by the storm. >> and i always feel for your teams after the storms hit. when you do rescues oftentimes where people stay, they did not heed evacuation orders. do you have a sense of how many folks are listening to the evacuation orders along the coastline? >> you're right, the most critical point right now is for people to listen to local officials who are issuing evacuation guidance. we they that there are several counties under mandatory evacuation and others who are under voluntary evacuation and the most critical thing whether you've lived in florida whour your whole life and weathered storms or your first time going through this, but listen to the guidance. florida,, all have great information about preparedness kits, what you should have to take care of your family, you your loved ones and pets. we enconcern urge to take it seriously and listen to the guidance. >> and if folks are looking for the latest information on the storm and they are saying as folks sometimes do, you know what, i don't have to go, i'll be fine where i am, what would you say? >> unfortunately we hear that from time to time. i know you had directory brennan on earlier. right now category 3 is forecasted undergoing additional rapid intensification. but it is not just the wind that people should be concerned about. it is the storm surge pup we'll see up to 10 to 12 feet of storm surge in certain areas. and so while homes can be rebuilt and power lines restrung, we want to ensure that everyone is safe riding out the storm. so please listen to the evacuation guidance and if you are told to leave, please leave. >> the fema administrator was at the white house podium earlier today calling on congress to pass supplemental funding to emergency relief operations like this. she said the $3.4 billion they have in the bank right now should be enough for idalia and cleanup for the maui wildfires. does fema have what it needs now and it is more about what they need for the next storm? >> fema right now has the resources to meet the immediate response for both the ongoing efforts in the maui fires, the hurricane idalia and any other immediate response requirements. from there we certainly look forward to working with the administration and congress to figure out supplemental capability for those longer term recovery plans. >> jeremy greenberg, we wish you and your team good luck in the coming days. thank you. >> thank you for having me on. florida governor ron desantis has stepped away from his presidential campaign to deal with the storm that has its eye trained on his state. but the political optics of hanging a hurricane come with high stakes as you can imagine. we have steve contorno live for us in st. petersburg. steve, tell us how desantis is tailoring his message. >> reporter: no florida governor would ever suggest that hurricane is an opportunity to showcase your leadership style. but they certainly have a track record of doing just that. you look at a governor like jeb bush who had to two years worth of deadly storms hitting the state he faced eight hurricanes over that stretch. and he is remembered quite fondly here for that time that he spent and how he navigated the storms. of course one of those storms was hurricane katrina and his brother president george bush, people look at his presidency much different because of how he handled that storm. and that is the paradox facing governor desantis as he navigates florida through the crisis. he says he is hyper focused on delivering for his state, that he has been holding press conferences all throughout florida's west coast, trying to prepare floridians and saying that he is willing to put his campaign on hold for now. listen to what he had to say earlier today. >> you remember ian. we were in the midst of a governor campaign. i had all kinds of stuff scheduled. not just in florida, around the country we were doing different things. and you know, you do what you need to do. so that is what we're doing. so it will be no different than what we did during hurricane ian. i'm hoping that this storm is not as catastrophic as hurricane ian was. but we'll do, you know, what we need to do because it is just something that is important. >> i talked to a republican political consultant earlier today who said that you never want to willingly leave the campaign trail if you don't have to, but when duty calls for your day job, you have to respond. and we have seen this kind of thing effect presidential campaigns in the past. in fact new jersey governor chris christie back in 2016 just weeks before the new hampshire voters went to their primaries, he had to leave the campaign trail to attend to a blizzard in his hope state. and desantis actually has been campaigning quite a bit on his past response to storms. he talked about hurricane ian in that clip. that storm devastated the for the myers beach region and left two bridges totally damaged. hes talked quite a bit about his efforts to rebuild those bridges. and of course the storm also produced images of him wearing white knee high boots that have become fodder showing plus and negatives of having to respond during one of these crises. >> very tough. steve, thank you so much. and still ahead, officials in jacksonville have released the 911 call from the gunman's father, what it resdrveals abou the shooter's mindset before he carried out the racist attack at a dollar general store. about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner. after farmer's dog, she's a muchealthier weight. i wish i would have introduced thshe's a lot more active.r. and she's ab to join us on our adventures. get started at betterforthem.c my brain. so i choose new neuriva ultra. unlike some others, it supports 7 brain health indicators, including mental alertness from one serving. to help keep me sharp. try new neuriva ultra. think bigger. from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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>> yes. and he's been on meds too. >> what medicine is he taking? or was he taking? >> let me see. i have to find the bag. >> do you know if he is still taking it or if he has been stopping? >> it looks like he stopped. >> another just released clip also happened before the shooter opened fire at a dollar general store, it shows the gunman's car fleeing from a campus security officer as the officer got out of his white car the edward waters university. jacksonville police also released footage of officers entering the dollar general traveling through the aisles in pursuit of the gunman and captures the moment they say when the 21-year-old shooter turn ted gun on himself. now to other headlines we're watching. steve scalise says that he has become treatment for what he describes as a very treatable blood cancer. the 57-year-old says he started feeling ill over the august congressional recess. tests led to a diagnosis of multiple myeloma. the louisiana republican plans to continue working in washington while undergoing several months of cancer treatment. also a new call for president biden and congress to address new york's migrant crisis. more than 130 top business leaders have written an open letter backing governor hochul's plea for funds for the migrants, health care, education and housing as well as expedited work authorizations, this as new york city is struggling with the influx of more than 100,000 migrants, many of them sleeping on the sidewalks of manhattan because the shelters are full. jamie dimon of jpmorgan chase, larry fink of black rock and jane frazier of citigroup are among those who signed had open letter. and more firefighting planes and helicopter are being sent to greece to help fight the biggest wildfires ever recorded in the eu. strong winds and hot dry summer conditions fueled flames in the northeast informforest region. at least 19 people have been killed and an area larger than new york city seems scorched. seems like everywhere we look on the globe we see events like this. so we are learning new details about the suspect police say shot and killed a faculty member at unc chapel hill. he is a 34-year-old doctoral student who has been charged with first-degree murder. the shooting in a chemistry lab sent students scrambling for safety. video captured students jumps out of classroom windows during the lockdown. the campus was only in its send w oig week of classes of the fall semester. nick valencia has the latest on the investigation. and the suspect just made his first court appearance. police have just identified the victim. what can you tell us? remember the that's right. tie t tailei qi made his first court appearance. he was not required to enter a plea and the judge says that he will continue to be held without bond. if convicted of first-degree murder, he faces at minimum life in prison. and the district attorney alleged that qi walked in on campus and opened fire gunning down an associate professor in the department of applied physical sciences. the professor had been working on campus since to 19. police have not released any information if there is a connection betweenand jan. but earlier they address the tragedy on campus. >> we really do want to know the why. what led to it. >> so many of you are feeling uncertain about your safety right now. again, we have very good protocols in place. there is nothing more important on our campus than the safety and well-being of our community members and certainly our nearly 30,000 students are at the top of the list alongside fau f faculty and staff. >> the incident caused panic. and students had to jump out of a first story window to get to safety. probable cause hearing has been set for september 18th for tailei qi. investigators are still trying to figure out what led him to do this. look at that video, just awful. >> terrible. very scary situation for so many students here. classes canceled today as well. when is campus reopening? >> reporter: wednesday it seems at this point it gets back to normal, about you events and classes had been canceled for monday and tuesday. clearly a lot of processing that needs to be doneyou events and classes had been canceled for monday and tuesday. clearly a lot of processing that needs to be done as they were just going through their second week of classes. hoping that they were having a good experience only for this to happen. just awful. >> it is. nick valencia, thank fought lalfor the latest. >> the real slim shady just stood up. why vivek ramaswamy is taking heat now from eminem. ♪ ♪ wake up, gotta go! c'mon, c'mon. -gracie, c'mon. let's go! guys, c'mon! mom, c'mon! mi [ engineevving ] ♪ ♪ my favite color is... because, it's like a family thing! 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(intercom) flightdeck, see you at the house warming. cut! another health insurance commercial, another aqua-aerobics scene. yup. most health insurance companies see us all the same: smiley seniors golfing, hiking... don't forget antiquing. that's why i chose humana. they see me, not a stereotypical senior. i'm pre-diabetic, so i talked one-on-one with a humana health educator who really helped me. now i'm taking free cooking and meditation classes. not aqua-aerobics? better care begins with listening. humana. a more human way to healthcare. gop presidential candidate vivek ramaswamy got some attention at the iowa state fair when he decided to grab a microphone and lose himself in an eminem song. ♪ ♪ lose yourself in the music the moment ♪ >> the real slim shay day just stood up sending a cease and desist letter to stop using his muse on the campaign trail. they said they will stand down and comply. that doesn't always happen. tom foreman joins us now because there's a long history of this. candidates taking songs, sometimes rapping them very badly. >> this goes on all the time. take a look at all of the acts that complained about donald trump stealing their songs. neil young, adele, aerosmith, the beatles, bruce springsteen, credence clearwater. >> getting out of vietnam war. >> elton john and the rolling stone, he used "you can't always get what you want." even mick jagger weighed in on this. he said, funny song for a playout song, drowsy ball lot about drugs in chelsea. it's kind of weird he couldn't beer persuaded to use something else. i'm convinced they don't listen to these songs. >> that list you gave was just trump's list. but there are more. >> for example, newt gingrich, i covered so many campaign, he was using "don't stop believing." he kept using it until the voters stopped believing and he dropped out of the race. bob dole, spent time on the campaign trail with him in 1996. he was using this version about a soul man called i'm a doleman. nice guy to be around. soul is not what you're thinking of at all. and the people behind the original song came back. and all jumped on this song, even though this song also is very specifically about problems with the unions. >> maybe one of the most misunderstood songs. so my question is, when the artists complain, do they win in court? >> sometimes. because they are saying the campaigns are like we're having the use issue. sometimes they will drop it and move on. other times they steam through and say we'll fight it off until we can't anymore. by the way, it does sometimes happen as democrats, bah rack obama used "hold ones." they wanted to change it. i will say this. when you talk about fair use, this is the business of these people. this is the business to take a song when somebody says i don't want you to use it, this is like going to a company and saying i'm going to take the car and drive it around but not pay you for it. >> is there any -- do voters know when the candidates are misusing the song? >> if they pay attention to lyrics. but i watched people stand up and sing along to like "born in the u.s." they are so excited about it. honestly, because i'm a big music fan, played in bands, that whole thing. i listen, and i'm like have you not listened to this song or the lyrics? and then you sort of wish the campaign would go back to hiring live bands to play patriotic music. >> i just sing along. i can't play in the band. tom foreman, thank you so much. fascinating history of music. >> he sure can dance though. still ahead, three strikes and can you're out. that's what security told two fans during a rockies and braves game. details, ahead. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor aob, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. 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Precaution , Maps , Question , Work , Luck , Best , Couple , Trial Calendar , Former , Collision Course , Campaign Season , 2024 , Footlong , App , Series , Menu , Subway , I M Talking , Freeee , Children , Moms , Politicians , Social Media Harms , Safety , Way , Lobbyists , Kids , Voice , Neuriva Ultra , Others , Brain Health Indicators , Brain , Mental Alertness , Son , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Freeways , That S My Boy , Vo , White House , Woman , Move , Opendoor , Somewhere , Schedule , Gotta , Sara , Don T Worry , Materials , Comfort , Beautiful Mattress , Stearns Foster , Ultra Conforming Innersprings , Memory Foam , Opendoor Dot Com , Cash Offer , 800 , Stearns Foster Adjustable Mattress Sets , Three , Court , Information , Chief Of Staff , Sides , Bid , Mark Meadows Testimony , Briefs , Efforts , View , Election , Actions , Duties , Zachary Cohen , 2020 , Professor , Comments , Fence , Significance , Co Defendants , Sar Aa Murray , Position , Indictment , Meadows , Official , District Attorney , Conspiracy , Fulton County , Role , Threshold , Office , Soonest , Perspective , Timing , Briefs By , Wall , Trump , Defendants , Lawyers , Attorneys , Courthouse , Someone , Phone Call , Jeffrey Crash Lark , President Trump , Justice , Raffensperger , President , Votes , Cross Examination , Prosecution Strategy , Tape , Job , Everything , Capacity , Policy , Wasn T Related To Trump , Administration , Questions , Requests , Ideas , Purview , Powell , Individuals , Government , Sydney , Mark Meadows Thing , Claims , Trial , Defendant , Opposite , Team Want , Arraignment , Dynamics , Kenneth Chesebro , 19 , Calendar , Special Counsel , Time Lines , Documents , Too , Interference Case Aunts Nd , Donald Trump , Election Interference , Notion , Washington D C , March Trial Date , Guys , Issues , State Court , Cats , March 2024 , Discretion , Along For The Ride , Hearing , Ordeal , Stay , Catastrophic Storm Surge , Eyewall , Outer Bands , Sanctuary , Highway Driving , Event , Apr , Cash , Lincoln , Lincoln Bluecruise , Summer Invitation , 000 , 2023 , 3 9 , 1000 , Middle Class , Tough Making Ends Meet For Sure , Money , Insulin , Corporations , Joe Biden , Drugs , Cost , Trickle , Taxes , Republicans , Company , Families , Spreadsheets , Costs , Fees , Bills , Crazy Junk , Ocean , Kayak , Candidates , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Indeed Instant Match , Job Description , Vacation , Travel Influencer , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , You Guys , Price , I Got You , No One Else , Use Priceline , Weight , Doctor , Pill , Me Rybelsus , Family , Goal , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Isn T , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Changes , Reaction , Help , Gallbladder Problems , Vision Problems , Lump , Blood Sugar Risk , Neck , Swelling , Stomach Pain , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Nausea , Provider , Mom , Prescription , Kidney Problems , Diarrhea , Dehydration , Vomiting , Phone , Switching , Reminder , Pile , 700 , 00 Dollars , Taste , Jeremy Greenberg , Fema , Beginning , Strength , Southern Florida , Operations , Response Director , Historic , Coming , Talk , Partners , Care , Search And Rescue , Incident Management Teams , Communications Equipment , Equipment , Supplies , Teams , Rescues , Recovery Experts , Poath , Addition , People Stay , Storms Hit , Coastline , Listening , Evacuation Guidance , Critical Point , Life , Evacuation , Time , Guidance , Loved Ones , Pets , Preparedness Kits , Ready Gov , Florida Disaster Org , Storm Surge Pup , Riding , Power Lines , 12 , Administrator , Congress , Funding , Leave , Podium , Emergency Relief Operations , Bank , Cleanup , Wildfires , Maui , 4 Billion , 3 4 Billion , Storm , Resources , Both , Response , Response Requirements , Maui Fires , Recovery Plans , Capability , Campaign , Steve Contorno , High Stakes , Optics , Hurricane Come , In St , Opportunity , Petersburg , Leadership Style , Stretch , Track Record , Jeb Bush , Eight , George Bush , Presidency , Hurricane Katrina , Press Conferences , Crisis , Paradox , The , West Coast , Kinds , Hold , Midst , Country , Hurricane Ian , Stuff , Consultant , Campaign Trail , Campaigns , Day Job , Duty Calls , Chris Christie , Voters , Hope State , Fact , Primaries , Blizzard , New Jersey , New Hampshire , 2016 , Clip , Bridges , Myers Beach Region , Images , Hes , Boots , Fodder Showing , Knee , Negatives , Gunman , Crises , Resdrveals Abou , Shooter , Dollar General Store , Mindset , Jade , Food , Dog , Adventures , Muchealthier Weight , Farmer , Thshe , Active R And She S Ab , Streets , Cities , Towns , Places , Communities , Businesses , Down Roots , Bipolar , Highs , Lows , Goals , Pnc Bank , Adults , Medicines , Take Control , Symptoms , Episodes , Vraylar , Manic , Death , Studies , Impact , Risk , Relief , Thoughts , Antidepressants , Saw , Dementia , Stroke , Behavior , Patients , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Weight Gain , Cholesterol , High Blood Sugar , Confusion , Stomach , Fever , Coma , Restlessness , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Abbvie , Legs , Turkey , Let S Go , Gobble , Rude , Fund , Investor , Innovation , Sports Tech , Mr , Anyone , Agent , Smart Fitness Mirror , Leg Day , Invesco Qqq , 1989 , Expenses , Risks , Prospectus , Innovations , Pants , Fund Investment Objectives , Charges , Invesco Com , Nasdaq 100 , Events , Killings , Black , Vest , Gejerrald Gallion , Aj La Lguerrd , Angela Carr , Store , Mental Health , Attacker , Exchange , Anywhere , College , Room , Home Depot , Medicine , Psychiatric , Meds , Yes , Bag , Car , Police , Fire , Campus Security Officer , Officer , Footage , Edward Waters University , Officers , Traveling , Headlines , Pursuit , Aisles , Ted Gun , 21 , Steve Scalise , Blood Cancer , Treatment , Tests Led , Recess , Diagnosis , 57 , Business Leaders , Plans , Migrant Crisis , Cancer Treatment , Myeloma , New York , Louisiana , 130 , Letter , Plea , Migrants , Hochul , Health Care , Housing , Funds , Work Authorizations , Backing , Education , Influx , Sidewalks , Shelters , Citigroup , Black Rock , Manhattan , Jpmorgan Chase , Jane Frazier , Larry Fink , Jamie Dimon , 100000 , Planes , Firefighting , Summer Conditions , Open Letter , Helicopter , Flames , Eu , Everywhere , Globe , Northeast Informforest , Murder , Details , Student , Faculty Member , Chemistry Lab , Unc Chapel Hill , 34 , Campus , Classes , Students , Latest , Classroom Windows , Investigation , Lockdown , Semester , Nick Valencia , Send W Oig , Suspect , Victim , Court Appearance , Tailei Qi Made His First Court Appearance , Bond , Associate Professor , Department , Prison , Sciences , Qi , Connection , Tragedy , Betweenand , Want , Nothing , Why , Protocols , List , Community Members , Well Being , Faculty , Fau F , 30000 , Incident , Story , Window , Staff , Panic , Probable Cause Hearing , September 18th For Tailei Qi , September 18th , Investigators , Campus Reopening , Situation , Terrible , 18 , Processing , Experience , Thank , Lalfor , Real Slim Shady , Vivek Ramaswamy , Heat , Go , Wake Up , Eminem , Let S Go , C Mon , Engineevving , Gracie , Mi , Family Thing , Color , Engine Revving , Favite , Leave Running Behind , Volkswagen Atlas , Crest , Smile , Stain Removal , Nice , Brad , Crest 3d , Business , Game , Fan Experience , 5g Network , 5g Solutions , T Mobile , Mlb , 5 , Timeline , Space Station , House , Intercom , The One , Space , Kitchen , Ethan , Flightdeck , Janet , Flexibility , House Warming , Tanya , Brian , Smiley Seniors Golfing , Commercial , Health Insurance , Cut , Scene , Same , Health Insurance Companies , Aqua , Don T Forget Antiquing , Yup , Humana Health Educator , Human Way , Meditation , Aqua Aerobics , Cooking , Senior , Humana , Healthcare , Iowa State Fair , Song , Microphone , On The Campaign Trail , Music , Real Slim Shay , Cease And Desist , Tom Foreman , Songs , History , Credence Clearwater , Aerosmith , Neil Young , The Beatles , Bruce Springsteen , Adele , Mick Jagger , Funny Song For A Playout , Vietnam War , Rolling Stone , Elton John , Something Else , Drowsy Ball , Chelsea , Weird He Couldn T Beer , Example , Newt Gingrich , Don T Stop Believing , Soul , Guy , Race , Version , Bob Dole , Doleman , Soul Man , 1996 , Thinking , Problems , Unions , Artists , Times , Use Issue , Move On , Democrats , Somebody , Hold Ones , Fair Use , Obama , Lyrics , Big Music Fan , Wish , Fans , Band , Play , Rockies , Strikes , Project Managers , Projects , Shortlist , Job Criteria , Aob , Clock Alarm , Reach , Thousands , Sofi , Student Debt , Sofi Com , Refi , Spending Honey , Shopping , Summer , Airport , Dad , Ohhhhhh , Dollar Athletess Don T , Epic Summer , Aspen , Glass , Bite , Fun , Labs , 25 , Denture Care , Aspen Dental , Fix , 20 , Fan , Security Guards , The Field , Baseball Fans , Book Today , Plash , Hug , Colorado , Outfielder , Fan Ran Towards The Braves , It Kind , Extension , Feels , Aftermards , Concerts , Performers , Thr , Games , Noise , Braves Fan , Player , News , Lots , Run Ning , Coverage , Storm Hitting Florida , Pictures , Stroong , Lead , The Lead , Jake Tapper , Georjake Tapper ,

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