Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

the olympics but didn't rule it out either. 8. i can't even come to work eight straight days. >> she is just incredible. incredible. i get chills watching it because i'm so worried something is going to happen and it doesn't. she just blows my mind. >> can we do another hour of this? >> if you want to. >> cnn this morning continues right now. >> two key hearings, mark meadows will argue his case in georgia should be transferred from state to federal court. >> was he doing something that was part of his job in good faith? >> the special counsel wants january of next year, that seems very ambitious but i think she will lean in that direction. >> jacksonville, florida, where three are dead in what police are calling a racially motivated shooting. >> i thought racism was behind us but evidently it's not. >> the division has to stop. the hate has to stop. the rhetoric has to stop. >> floridians are preparing for severe weather in anticipation of tropical storm idalia. >> we have mobilized 1100 national guardsmen. >> there's even forecast to be a 100-mile-per-hour storm. that may even be conservative. >> russian investigators say genetic tests confirm prigozhin was among the ten killed. >> it brings to the end the life of a controversial figure. >> there are literally tens of thousands of these guys doing putin's bidding all over the world. >> 60 years since the march on washington when martin luther king jr. laid out his dreams for the future of america. >> we have to take on the responsibility to make sure that we do not repeat the same mistake and that we fulfill the dream. >> not tomorrow, we got to do something now. >> good morning, everyone. poppy is off this week, sara sidner is here hanging out. >> filling in the chair. i'm all about it. i'm ready. it's 7:00. >> a good day to be ready. a lot of news going on bracing right now for very big developments in both election subversion cases against former president donald trump at 10:00 a.m. eastern, three hours from now, judges in atlanta and washington, d.c. will hold simultaneous hearings and may give us new details about the timing and substance in the cases about efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> in georgia, fulton county district attorney fani willis will be the first prosecutor to sketch out parts of her evidence and arguments in the anti-racketeering case against the former president and his co-conspirators. this could be a kind of mini trial, if you will, as ex-white house chief of staff mark meadows tries to get his state case, excuse me, moved to federal court and at the same time in washington, d.c., a judge will weigh arguments from the special prosecutor and donald trump's defense team over the timing of the federal trial. jack smith's office wants to start right after the new year while the ex-president is pushing for way after the election. he wants an april 2026 date. >> so let's bring in cnn senior legal analyst elie honig and what's going on in georgia this morning. what exactly is removal? how does it work here? >> it's a big argument. removal is a rarely used law but it's going to be vital here. essentially what this says, if a person is a federal official or former federal official and get charged with state level crimes they can move the case over into federal court if and this is the big if, if they can show they were acting under color of such federal office. now, mark meadows has already made this argument. he'll have his hearing today saying i was acting as white house chief of staff. jeffrey clark has made this argue. he was a doj official. donald trump has not yet made this argument but i think it's very likely he will. so fani willis, of course, is going to respond, no, you were not acting as a federal official. you were committing crimes and therefore were outside of your federal scope and we'll get our first sense of how the judge deals with that. >> what will we see in court today? >> the argument involving mark meadows' motion will happen in federal court in georgia. there will be no tv cameras so we won't physically see what is happening but this will be a federal judge making this decision. fani willis is going to put on a little bit of a case and has subpoenaed brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state, who, of course, was on the other side of the infamous call where trump asked him to just find 11,780 vote, important to remember, mark meadows is on that call. he initiates the call. and that's the famous quote but let's remember, mark meadows does a little bit of talking on this call. at one point he says to brad raffensperger, what i'm hopeful for, there's some way to find some kind of agreement to look at this more fully. you know the president mentioned fulton county. a little bit of doublespeak but at issue, what was mark meadows really trying to do? was he chief of staffing or involved in campaign activity, political activity for trump and to that end another witness who fani willis has subpoenaed for today is this georgia investigator francis watson. at one point mark meadows texted her looking for a way to speed up the fulton county signature verification ford to have the results before january 6th if the trump campaign can assist financially so i think fani willis is going to point to that and say, look, this is political, what he's doing. >> okay, so take a step back here. immediately after this case was brought, everybody was talking about moving from state to federal. why? what's the strategic advantage. >> if you are a defendant in the case, first of all, i think you'll like the jury pool more. if it stays state the entire jury pool will be drawn from fulton county which voted 26% only for donald trump in 2020. if you get it moved federal you'll be drawing from the northern district of georgia which includes cobb county which went 42% for trump, not great but better than 26 and cherokee went 68% for trump so you'll have a more pro-trump jury in the federal court. also, in the federal courts no matter where this case is tried it's going to go up to the midlevel court of appeals whether in state or federal court. if you get into the federal court you have the 11th circuit court of appeals famously conservative, really seen as the second most conservative of the 13 appellate courts in the united states, they've ruled against trump but if you are a trump you want that 11th circuit and finally most importantly if you get into federal court your next move if mark meadows gets there you ask for dismissal on the basis of immunity if you can show you were within the scope of your job and were not doing anything more and that's the whole ball of wax. >> we'll dig in more. sara. >> joining us now cnn anchor and senior political analyst john avlon and former deputy white house press secretary under donald trump, sara matthews, as well as cnn political analyst, you can come over here, it's fine and national politics reporter for "the new york times." thank you so much for coming on. first, what do you expect from the hearings today? >> yeah, as elie laid out, it seems like it's going to be a kind of preview of the arguments to come and most importantly of the d.a. making the initial salvo in the cases and have the trump defendants giving a preview of what could end up being the president's defense from the political perspective, this continues the saga that has crescendoed to this point. for a lot of indictments it felt like one after another, a wash, a waterfall of information that was washing over voters. i think that mug shot and this kind of latest round of georgia indictments kind of broke through in a different way. i think you're going to see more attention on this case. going to see the kind of trump never surrender argument being tested on a national front and we don't necessarily know how that's going to land. we know among the republican base itself it's caused people to rally around him in a short-term way but don't know how that hits with the public at large or if the other candidates will use it as an opportunity to attack him. the continuing kind of development of facts in georgia might have some new political consequences for us, because of the pure reason that for this case specifically whether it's because it has rico charges or whether it has other defendants involved, atlanta, georgia, some familiar facts after january 6th does feel like this indictment is cutting through the noise in a way the last couple ones from the special prosecutor didn't really hit for voters. >> sir, to that point despite the fact never surrender while you're having a mug shot taken while you surrendered, and the idea we're having a hearing today where people will be reminded of what happened, the calls made, how people were involved, do you get the sense that in a republican primary electorate, not the 35% rock solid trump base but the general republican electorate this does cut through? >> i don't know if it will cut through to be honest. i think while the mug shot definitely brought more attention to this case, i think it also makes trump into a martyr. we saw his campaign capitalize on it and had huge fund-raising numbers out of it. best fund-raising day. >> 4 point something during that day. >> i think there is a large amount of indictment fatigue. people don't understand the differences between the cases. i don't think that necessarily it was helpful that alvin bragg's indictment dropped first. i think that most people found that to be politically motivated and so then i think that kind of stained the other indictments even though i believe that these other indictments have a large amount of evidence and that the trump team should be very worried about these other cases, but i think in the court of public opinion, they probably are doing better because it's hard for people to understand the differences between the cases. >> john, i'm curious what you think this is going to do. you can win obviously the primary. but then you have to win the general election. >> right. >> what about independents, the all important independents. >> so glad you asked. that is where the focus needs to be. not that there is a short-term bump because of negative partisanship among the base. you nominate someone to win a general election. independent voters are a plurality of american voters, more self-identified independents than democrats or republicans and two-thirds of independent voters have said they don't want to see donald trump back in the white house. that's a problem. not just for donald trump but for republican party if they continue to nominate him. instead makes the point, look, we're in unprecedented territory. i think we can say with a degree of certainty that multiple indictments on 91 counts does not help donald trump with the american people at large or independent voters. it may have a short-term bump in a primary but the idea that this helps in the general election, it's not just it's unprecedented, that's not reality based. >> elie, on the legal side the idea of meadows moving first and moved very quickly and asked across the board regardless of political affiliation there is a respect for his legal team, the people he has around them in this case. should we read anything into the fact that he went first, moving first and separately from the former president? >> interesting. i think he has the strongest removal case of any of the three people. >> why? >> because the chief of staff i think has broad responsibilities, he has the ability to say, i was doing what chief of staffs ought to do setting up meetings, phone calls, coordinating communications between various political actors. when you're the president giving instructions it's harder to hide from the instructions you've given. jeffrey clark was over at doj. he has not a great argument but has an argument. to what extent are they getting together saying you go first then we'll go? it's interesting to me trump has not yet filed his motion. maybe he wants to see how it goes with meadows and clark. use them as test balloons but there's a lot of moving parts. >> hold on, my friend. for you and sara, but where in the job description for chief of staff does it say help a sitting president try to overturn an election? >> no, but the -- >> fine print footnote. >> i looked in the constitution. it doesn't say that. >> sara was -- did you see that? >> that is sort of nicely underscoring why this is a difficult argument. both are circular. what meadows and trump will say, i pled not guilty. i'm entitled to the presumption of innocence at this point and claim i'm acting within the scope of my job, therefore i should be removed. fani willis will say i charged you with crimes therefore you were committing crimes therefore you don't get to get removed so that's the argument here. >> sara, i'm curious. moving to another case but in the documents case you're seeing cooperation happening by someone who changed attorneys and decided to get a defense that is not paid for by donald trump and whoever else is paying for those attorneys that are linked to trump. do you see more of this happening as these cases get closer and closer and closer, do you think that the people around him will start to break down and say, i don't want to get popped for this? i'm going to cooperate? >> i think we'll see it in multiple cases. obviously the one you reference, the documents case, we suspect i think there is a name out there of people of someone who they think it is that flipped and i think that's the right call because at the end of the day donald trump demands loyalty from everybody but gives loyalty to no one and would be so quick to throw any of these people under the bus so i think this is crucial. we saw this happen with the january 6th congressional committee with cassidy hutchinson. she at first had a trump appointed attorney who was funding her legal fees and they wanted her to not recall events she very much did recall. and then she was compelled to do the right thing, switch lawyers, hire someone who was acting in her best interest and not donald trump's best interests. >> i think that's a really good point to end on, john avlon, sarah, thank you so much. you, elie, you're everywhere. >> don't forget astead. >> you're still in our hearts. >> astead is wearing better shoes than all of us today, a guarantee even if we can't see them. thanks, guys. we appreciate it. justice department is investigating whether the deadly shooting of three black people at a store in jacksonville, florida, was a hate crime. the mayor of jacksonville will join us next. new cnn reporting digs into how white house speaker, sorry, house speaker kevin mccarthy plans to move ahead with an impeachment inquiry into president biden. with custom gear.elps us motivate our students we love w custom ink takes care of everything we need, so we can focus on the kids. - [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. upload your logo or start your design today at from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. that's what they're calling this, an act of racism. i just feel like you is a coward. you went in there and shot these innocent people for nothing that you didn't even know then you took your own life. that's just the cowardly way to go. >> a family member of one of the three victims killed in jacksonville, florida, and what the justice department is investigating as a hate crime. investigators say a white gunman killed three black people at a dollar general store saturday before taking his own life. the gunman was identified as 21-year-old christopher palmeter. this was one of two weapons in his possession. he drew swastikas on them and left behind racist writings. >> we're doing so much to try to determine what exactly led to this. the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a madman. he was just completely irrational, but he knew what he was doing. he was 100% lucid. he knew what he was doing. >> the victims have been identified as 52-year-old angela michelle carr, 19-year-old anolt laguerre and 29-year-old jerrald gallion. joining us is jacksonville mayor donna deegan. condolences to your community. i know you spoke with president biden last night, i believe. what was his message to you in that call? >> i did. well, he was very gracious and obviously offered his condolences for our community and just offered any help that he could give. and i appreciated that very much. >> you said in the wake of this shooting that there are days where it feels like you're going backwards to some degree, the community and the country is to some degree going backwards. how big of a shock has this been to the community? >> unfortunately, i'd say it hasn't been much of a shock, phil. this is something that happens all tooof often and have a violt gun problem in our community and country, we know that. we also have a problem with racism and i think that every step on the path that we take either is a step toward more unity which is something that i desperately want for my community or it is a step in the other direction, and i think that we all want unity, i was grateful the governor came to our vigil last night in jacksonville because i think it's important for him to see up close and personal the pain that this community is in. he offered some help with security at edward waters college. but i think that any sort of step towards unity starts with more communication but also starts with facing the facts of -- that we don't always say the things we should be saying in order to step toward seeing our own and each other's humanity and i think that's what we have to deal with here in a very honest way. >> you mentioned governor desantis' visit, with him at the vigil. it was striking, the response he got at one point during the vigil. take a listen. >> everybody, we've already been looking at identifying some. security for waters college. we are not thinking -- >> you mentioned he's offered assistance. he was there in person at the vigil. why do you think that response transpired while he was there? >> well, listen, as i said i give him credit. he walked into a crowd that he knew was going to be in opposition to many of his policies, and so i'm glad he was there to listen. and i've personally thought that's a step in the right direction but i think he does need to hear those folks. it is a community that has been injured over and over and over again, and either we are walking in the direction of truth when it comes to our systemic racism in our city and our state and in our country, or we are in denial about that and creating policies that don't really help in that regard, and so i think any -- as i said, any steps in the right direction start with better communication so i think he heard from a community that is hurting and absolutely devastatingly tired. >> one of the striking things in listening to the sheriff's press conference yesterday your remarks as well, the guns were purchased legally. there weren't really red flags, at least in the near term lead-up. what could have been done to stop this based on current laws, current regulations? >> well, you know, i have to say i'm going to give credit to our sheriff, sheriff waters for calling this what it was, a racist attack, but he further said that there really wasn't anything that could have been done legally in this situation and therein lies the problem. these guns are far too accessible to folks. these ar-15 type of guns, and, frankly, if we want to go deeper than that, if you want to go further than the guns you got to address the hate and you've got to address the fact that we don't seem to want to acknowledge the truth of our history and the way that we should be dealing with it. so i don't know legally given the way the laws are written right now in the state of florida that there was anything that could have been done and therein lies the frustration for me. >> you know, one last question before i let you go, our colleague juliet had a column in "the atlantic" and the shooter's actions were not a hate crime but performance for all the world to see, this is the age of mass shootings. we want to make sure his intentions were known. he was leaving nothing unsaid. striking because i think it's incredibly accurate. as an elected official when you know that exists out there and it's directly affecting your community and the country at large. >> well, look, i understand why some people don't want to give more glory to folks that clearly want the attention when they do things like this, but it does shine a very bright light on what we're dealing with in our community, in our state and in our country and i think light is the best disinfectant. if we can shine a light on the racism that does exist and the fact that it still exists structurally in our country then we can begin to deal with it. that is my sincere hope, out of this we will come to better unity through listening and better understanding. >> mayor deegan, we appreciate your time. thanks so much. our k8ds to your community. >> thank you so much, phil. all right, preparations are under way along florida's gulf coast as tropical storm idalia rapidly gains strength. hurricane and storm surge watches are in effect along the state's west coast. idalia is threatening to hit the state as a major hurricane. let's get right to cnn meteorologist derek van dam who is watching this very, very closely. how destructive might the storm be, derek? >> yeah, using the words from the national hurricane center they're talking about rapid intensification, last time we saw that hurricane ian, we know how that played out. time to take it seriously. your last full day to prepare is today. we do expect that first arrival of tropical storm-force winds for early morning hours along the southern peninsula of florida. not just a florida storm and could impact the carolinas into southern georgia as well. this is crucial. starting to see that northerly turn and the storm is becoming more and more organized near the yucatan channel. the forecast track. you can see how it runs parallel with the gulf coast of florida so the west coast where we're concerned about, wednesday into thursday, and, yeah, that's a category 3, a major hurricane. we've seen this unfold before with, of course, being a game of miles, any track or deviation to the west or east has major implications for so many population centers but we've got tropical storm and hurricane watches as well as storm surge watches posted, as you said. back to you. >> thank you so much. we'll watch it all morning. appreciate it. well, they almost missed the debate because of a torn achilles but doug burgum still made his case to the voters and will do it again in studio next. >> every minute that these eight candidates spend talking about the past instead of the future is time that is just -- you know who loves it, biden loves it but china loves it when we're talking about the past. muscle, bone, and heart healthth. yaaay!y! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> there were only two on that stage that did not raise his hand. later he raised his hand but then gestured trump's conduct should not be normalized underscoring the former president's grip on the party even as he faces four indictments at this point. joining us now is one of the republican contenders on that stage, governor doug burgum of north dakota. thank you so much for being here. so, the obvious question here is how did you hurt your leg? no, i'm just kidding. we all know he hurt himself during a basketball game and he is somehow up and walking, tore your achilles so thank you for making the trip here. why would you support donald trump? >> i was going to say the weather report, it was raining right before i blew my achilles. >> there's no dunking but there were threes. >> got it. >> starting to pour. >> now to the debate. why is it that you raise your hand. why support donald trump if he is convicted, especially if he's vilthed of trying to overturn an election, which affects democracy. >> well, i thought this was the goofiest question of the whole night. the everybody on the stage to get on the stage signed a thing that said, hey, we'll support a republican candidate in 2024 if it's not you. you're not going to run as an independent you'll support a republican so they asked this question which is hypothetical, i'm pouring my time and energy, everybody that is supporting us to actually be the nominee so, you know, the question is are you going to support yourself, absolutely i'm supporting myself with these hypotheticals and goes into this whole 7 by 24-hour cable news clickbait thing around all of these indictments when we're out talking to candidates which i've been and went to new hampshire for three days, enough i've been in new york the last 24 hours, when we're talking to people, they're asking about inflation. when i'm talking to a lobsterman in new hampshire, they're like, i hey, i'm not making my payments because of how much i'm runn spending on the diesel to run my boat. that's not what people are concerned about. interest rates at a 22-year high. is the american dream falling away, inflation, 700 bucks more for the average family and my mom, my dad died when i was a freshman in high school. my mom went back to work raising three kids. i understand what it's like if you're a working mom to put food on the table and then i was growing up every job i had i took a shower at the end of the day, working on the fan, the ranch, grain elevate ir, chimney sweep. americans today are actually concerned that, you know, how are they going to make things meet, and all we -- they were talking about it on the stage and said it that night, if we're going to spend all our time talking about that, you know who loves that, china loves that, we're in a cold war with china and they got a 100-year plan and doing everything they need to do to beat us and we're divided and divisiveness is a commercial business in our country. >> the former president, regardless of your views about the indictments, he is, a, the former president, b, plus 30, 35, 40 in most national polling and when you dig into the early states you've been visiting, do you agree a 10% tariff across the board is a policy the u.s. should pursue? >> i think that the whole tariff thing is just goofy as a stand-alone question. talking about economic tariffs because look -- >> on policy or -- the former president said 10% across the board seems to make sense. >> i don't think it makes sense across the board. we need to be strategic about it and take a look whether it's the current or former president, take a look at biden. first of all, putin doesn't even invade ukraine if we don't have all of western europe dependent on russian energy. i mean, the first thing we should do is sell energy to our friends and when putin does invade, how many months, six months before we had sanctions on oil and gas and then when, you know, in the meantime, russia makes a bunch of money then we put sanctions on now russian oil is 20% off and china is getting oil and gas at 20% off and american farmers -- if. >> you believe sanctions should be across the board and just completely shutting down -- >> no, i'm saying, if you want to not have wars, if you want to not have world war iii, in this cold war with china which i was the only one on stage that mentioned that and that is the existential threat to our country you've got to have a coordinated effort with your allies to get together. if a few countries put sanctions on russian oil it doesn't do anything other than turn russia into the discount gas station for china which helps the country that we're in this head-on battle with so in the white house you've got to have somebody who understands the economy. i built a business from scratch. it was operating. we had customers in 132 countries and this idea that we're going to somehow, you know, try to run our country when you've got someone there now who has never worked in the private sector, hasn't made payroll like i have for all these year, you know, someone who took a pay cut to make sure their team members could get paid, the economy is so globally interconnected and every job and every industry is changing with technology right now and we've never had anybody in the white house that even understands that. 2 million federal employees, you want to reduce the cost of the federal government, well, then digitize it like every other business like this business has and get some efficiency. >> would you as president completely try to cut off ties, economic ties with china? decouple or completely cut off. >> you can't decouple with the world's second largest economy. you can be strategic about it. but, you know, the way you win a cold war you get your economy sprinting as opposed to crawling like it is right now an start cutting red tape like we have in north dakota and passed 51 red tape reduction bills this last year and have the highest gdp of any republican -- >> strategically what you're saying in terms of doing it strategically because of the interconnected nature of the global economy and u.s. and china being the two largest economies, isn't that what this administration is doing? >> this administration had blinken, yellen and kerry go over this summer and none talked about energy with china. china imports 10 million barrels of oil every day. they're the largest importer in the world. we have an opportunity to be energy dominant in the united states. if you're going to have a negotiation with china, the first thing on the table is energy. and instead we've got an energy policy in the country that i think was written by china because we're trying to kill the u.s. energy industry, move to all evs then buy all our batteries from china. if we're trying to strategically decouple why do we have an energy policy that is not good for the environment because china is making those batteries by tearing up the whole planet in the congo and indonesia and building them in factories powered by coal because they're opening a coal plant every two weeks in china. >> those are important issues but lastly i want to ask, if donald trump is and right now he has the highest polling number, if he does become the nominee, would you be his vice president? >> no. i would not and -- happy to do lots of other things. fabulous, 30 years in the private sector, a lot -- >> in his cabinet. >> i'm not running for a cabinet position. i'm not selling a book. all i've ever done, ceo, entrepreneur, build businesses, attract talent, be successful, understand how the globe works and lead stuff like the remarkable job, the remarkable success story of north dakota. the highest gdp of any state in the nation. we've goat our economy rolling and done it and we're doing it in all the things people would want. we'll be carbon neutral by 2030. you do it with innovation as opposed to regulation. our nation is always winning with innovation, the wright brothers, as far back as you want, the way we win is with innovation and right now we're killing innovation in this country. we're not funding it. we're funding a bunch of ideology but it doesn't even do the thing it's supposed to do like save the environment. we do it better here than anywhere else in the world. >> governor doug burgum, talk policy, we will do that. i like talking policy. >> i do too. >> unequivocal no on the vice president. >> should have more of that on the debate. these things matter to every american an running because we know if we get those things right it will improve the life of every american. >> good luck with the achilles. house republicans are strategizing about how to initial enough an impeachment inquiry into president biden. we'll have new reporting coming up next. rite aid stock plummeting after they're preparing to file for bankruptcy. the reason for that just ahead. there were no surprises. well, my monthly payment d did come out lower than expected. financing g my car with carvana was super smooth. 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[ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ made it! mom! leave running behind, behind. the new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. does life beautifully. kevin mccarthy and other top republicans strategizing. but, skeptical gop lawmakers, no evidence and government funding that is set to expire all critical factors that could complicate their time line. melanie zanona joins us with new reporting. mel, i think the initial question as we try to figure out how to get to 218, they may not need 218 votes but it's the most interesting part of your piece. walk us through it. >> reporter: yeah, that's exactly right, phil. just to walk viewers through the process, republicans want to open an inchment inquiry which would be the first formal step towards impeachment proceedings but there is no constitutional requirement that they actually need to have a floor vote and because as you mentioned kevin mccarthy doesn't actually have the votes right now amongst his conference, there's a lot of moderates and vulnerable republicans that are still skeptical of the idea, they are contemplating just skipping that floor vote altogether and that would spare moderates from having to take a tough vote while allowing them to start to get the ball rolling on the impeachment process and hopefully in their minds give them more time to actually get some evidence for these allegations that they have yet to prove about president joe biden and his son's foreign business dealings and not to mention, phil, mccarthy is under enormous pressure from his right flank and donald trump to show he is taking action here and that he is moving forward on this process and so i'm told he has spent some of the august recess telling former -- current republicans that he is really serious about an impeachment inquiry and strategizing about how to do that this fall. >> as soon as next month. read the piece on melanie, as always, thank you. >> thanks. now to your money this morning. rite aid stock nosedived more than 50% after "the wall street journal" reported the retail pharmacy giant is preparing to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy as it faces mounting costs linked to opioid lawsuits. the chain could also shutter about 400 stores nationwide. cnn covering this and break it down. >> totally embattled even as the business they're losing money, they've got high debt, over $3 billion worth of debts. a lot of that comes due in the next couple of years so just as a business, they were already struggling. then i think a lot of that outweighed by the sheer extent of liabilities they could face tied to the opioid crisis. according to "the wall street journal's" reporting we're talking about a thousand plus federal lawsuits that have all been consolidated in ohio. they've got a similar number of state-based lawsuits then a civil case that the department of justice hit them with just this year. what chapter 11 bankruptcy allows them to do is buy breathing room and allows the pharmacies to continue to run as a business but that they can consolidate the debts and that includes debts this they don't even know they have yet, a/k/a potential legal costs and opioid lawsuits, battle them all out together, find some resolution. they don't know what the liability, the scale of those are going to be but this suggestion in this report is that they are going to be treated as unsecured debt so the hope is that in a chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding, these people eventually if they do settle will be able to get some of their money and the business can go as an ongoing concern. the company has not confirmed anything so it's an open guess. when you look at the financials of the business, it figures. >> julia chatterley, always lovely to see you. a week ago spain won its first title at the world cup, the controversy from the kiss over the president of the soccer federation with the star player has since overshadowed that moment. how that organization in the world is responding is next. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading fefeel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. wi powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex tradg easier. react toast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? 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spain soccer federation is holding a, quote, extraordinary and urgent meeting after its president was provisionally suspended by fifa following a kiss with star player jennifer hermoso. hermoso said she did not consent to being kissed, while rubiales said it was consensual. the league has threatened to sue hermoso, saying she lied. let's contextualize this first up top. this is following a world cup victory, this is the moment of all moments for the spanish women's soccer team, that they should be celebrating and celebrated, and yet we're at this point. >> a man has hijacked this. >> right. >> right? and i think it is unfortunately both a blessing and a curse of women's soccer that these big moments allow us to have these bigger conversations, but this should be the pinnacle of these players' career, and instead we are talking about basically the entire spanish federation melting down in realtime. and we're not talking about the soccer, we're not talking about the accomplishment. we're also not really fundamentally talking about the protest that these players came into, into the world cup. that was one of the major story lines, how is spain going to function. some players didn't get called up. and we're not actually really talking about the fundamental issues that the players had, we're talking about a non-consensual kiss on stage. we're talking about this federation's, the president's behavior. we're talking about the fact that he won't resign. >> you've reported on abuse across many different places, including the national women's soccer league. what do you think about the response that is being put out there by fifa, and by other governing bodies. >> i think the governing bodies have not said -- where's the adult in the room. that is kind of the fundamental question. we've seen fifa now do the bare minimum in that they have suspended him for 90 days. they've banned contact between the federation and her mosso, we've never really seen anything quite like that. but uafa completely silent. and spain wants to host the world cup in 2030, so there is this big political -- >> is that the dynamic here? i have to be missing a bunch of different things? >> it has to be playing a role. i think there is also, just, you get the sense of these governing bodies worry what accountability opens up, right? and i think we've seen that here in the u.s., where we have gone through this reckoning, and we have had a massive investigation into behavior and conduct across the professional league, but also, you know, that bleeds into the national team. so we've had that conversation, we're starting it, at least. there's still a lot of work to be done. but this is what we've seen. and what i think a lot of us are struggling with in the sport is that women have to win in order to be heard. so what about haiti? what about zambia? all of these other teams that came into a world cup with struggles against their federations, against their coaches, who are not being heard, but because this happened on the world's biggest stage, and it has been hijacked, we're having this conversation. >> it's really unbelievable, because these women should be -- everyone should be just celebrating them and being excited in the country for amazing soccer. and here we are -- >> yes. it's frustrating, to say the least. >> all right. meg moynihan, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> in just hours, two crucial court hearings involving two of the four cases against former president donald trump. one in washington, d.c., and one, of course, in fulton county in atlanta. we are live outside of both of those courthouses with details, next. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. fofreeee. that what i'm talking about. order in the subwaapp today. from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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Drawing , 26 , Northern District Of Georgia , Courts , Cobb County , Pro Trump Jury , Cherokee , 68 , 42 , 11th Circuit Court Of Appeals , Conservative , Matter , Court Of Appeals , 13 , 11 , Move , Dismissal , Basis , Immunity , Anything , Ball , John Avlon , More , Wax , Now Cnn Anchor , Reporter , White House Press Secretary , Politics , The New York Times , Sara Matthews , Preview , Elie Laid Out , D A , First , Defendants , Defense , Saga , Perspective , Salvo , Voters , Indictments , Mug Shot , Another , Information , Round , People , Attention , Republican , Base , National Front , Candidates , Opportunity , Facts , Public , Reason , Consequences , Development , Hits , Indictment , Cutting , Charges , Feel , Noise , Fact , Sir , Idea , Primary , Electorate , Rock Solid Trump Base , 35 , Fund Raising Numbers , Campaign , Martyr , Amount , Differences , Indictment Fatigue , Fund Raising , 4 , Alvin Bragg , Team , Court Of Public Opinion , Independents , Focus , Someone , 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, Four , Basketball Game , Contenders , Leg , North Dakota , Weather Report , Trip , Dunking , Threes , Candidate , Vilthed , Democracy , 2024 , Energy , Nominee , Cable News , New Hampshire , 24 , Inflation , Payments , Lobsterman , New York , Family , Diesel , Runn Spending , Interest Rates , High , The American Dream Falling Away , Boat , 700 , 700 Bucks , 22 , Mom , Table , Working Mom , Shower , Dad , Freshman , High School , Fan , Food , Chimney Sweep , Grain Elevate Ir , The Ranch , We , Americans , Cold War , The Business , Divisiveness , Views , Plan , Policy , Tariff , States , Visiting , Polling , B , 40 , Plus 30 , Look , Tariffs , Putin Doesn T , Take A Look , Western Europe , Ukraine , Money , Soil , Sanctions , Gas , Putin , Friends , Six , Farmers , 20 , Threat , Effort , Wars , World War Iii , Countries , Somebody , Gas Station , Battle , Allies , Discount , Economy , Customers , Sector , Business , Hasn T , Scratch , 132 , Pay , Team Members , Industry , Cut , Technology , Anybody , Ties , Government , Efficiency , Cost , Employees , 2 Million , Economy Sprinting , Crawling , Decouple , Decouple , Red Tape , Gdp , Terms , Nature , 51 , Administration , Economies , Doing , Isn T , None , Summer , Blinken , Barrels , Importer , Kerry Go , Yellen , 10 Million , Energy Policy , Negotiation , Energy Industry , Energy Dominant , Batteries , Environment , Planet , Evs , Congo , Indonesia , Vice President , Coal Plant , Factories , Polling Number , Coal , Lots , Cabinet , Cabinet Position , Success Story , Build Businesses , Ceo , Book , Talent , Entrepreneur , Stuff , Globe Works , Innovation , Goat , Nation , Regulation , Carbon Neutral , 2030 , Ideology , Wright Brothers , Talk Policy , Anywhere , No , Strategizing , Running , Luck , Stock , Bankruptcy , Rite Aid , Car , Increase Cravings , Surprises , Pack , Nicotine , Payment D , Announcer , Cigarettes , Progress , Smoking , Carvana A Today , Trying Vapes , Financing G , Word , Duces Cravings , Gab , Good , Setting , Nicorette , Eness , Craving Loop , Hocan , Financing , Health , Centrum Silver , 50 , Charge , Youuu , Works , Beat Conductor , Barcode , Allergies , Decongestant , Allergy , Go , Wake Up , Fast , Let S Go , C Mon , Zyrtec D , Gotta , Gracie , Engine Revving , Family Thing , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Factors , Lawmakers , Time Line , Government Funding , Melanie Zanona , Piece , Process , Votes , Viewers , Mel , 218 , Inchment Inquiry , Floor Vote , Impeachment , Conference , Requirement , Moderates , Impeachment Process , Son , Pressure , Business Dealings , Allegations , Minds , Action , Flank , Recess , Retail Pharmacy Giant , Wall Street Journal , Opioid Lawsuits , Chapter 11 Bankruptcy , Costs , Stores , Chain , 400 , Debts , Debt , 3 Billion , Billion , Liabilities , Opioid Crisis , A Thousand , Lawsuits , Hit , Ohio , Pharmacies , Breathing Room , A K , Report , Resolution , Unsecured Debt , Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Proceeding , Scale , Liability , Suggestion , Settle , Financials , Company , Concern , Open Guess , Spain , World Cup , Kiss , Soccer Federation , Player , Controversy , Title , The Star , Julia Chatterley , Tools , Power E Trade , Charting , Analysis , Organization , Dynynamic , Market , Opportunities , Scans , Sentiment , Make Trading Fefeel Effortless , Morgan Stanley , Wi Powerful , Tradg , Futures Ladder , Markets , Orders , Camera Views , Package , Chevy Silverado , Z71 Off Road , Snoring , Truck , Living , System , Pillow , Hiding , Coffee Subscription Box , Adjustable Mattress Sets , Tempur Pedic , Milestones , Ink Rep , Customink Com , Price , Prices , Bidder , Auctioneer , Mint Mobile , 15 Bucks , Coffee , Steroids , Brand , Tongue , Spain Soccer Federation , Holding A , Fifa , Rubiales , Jennifer Hermoso , League , Sue Hermoso , First Up Top , Victory , Man , Women S Soccer Team , Spanish , Women , Players , Soccer , Curse , Blessing , Career , Conversations , Pinnacle , Realtime , Accomplishment , Protest , Federation Melting , Story Lines , Kiss On Stage , Federation S , Abuse , National Women S Soccer League , Governing Bodies , Minimum , Adult , Room , 90 , Federation , Contact , Mosso , Uafa , Accountability , Dynamic , Role , Conversation , Investigation , Reckoning , Bleeds , Work , Teams , Struggles , Federations , Coaches , Least , Meg Moynihan , Courthouses , Court Hearings , Both , In Atlanta , Subwaapp , Fofreeee , C2 , Meet Arexvy , Respiratory Disease , Surprise , Rsv Vaccine , Rsv , Fda , Health Conditions , Airways , Lungs , 94 , 82 , Vaccine , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Reactions , Ingredients , Muscle Pain , Pharmacist , Headache , Doctor , Make It Arexvy , That S My Boy , Liberty Mutual , Freeways , Car Insurance , Sarane , Monday Morning ,

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Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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the olympics but didn't rule it out either. 8. i can't even come to work eight straight days. >> she is just incredible. incredible. i get chills watching it because i'm so worried something is going to happen and it doesn't. she just blows my mind. >> can we do another hour of this? >> if you want to. >> cnn this morning continues right now. >> two key hearings, mark meadows will argue his case in georgia should be transferred from state to federal court. >> was he doing something that was part of his job in good faith? >> the special counsel wants january of next year, that seems very ambitious but i think she will lean in that direction. >> jacksonville, florida, where three are dead in what police are calling a racially motivated shooting. >> i thought racism was behind us but evidently it's not. >> the division has to stop. the hate has to stop. the rhetoric has to stop. >> floridians are preparing for severe weather in anticipation of tropical storm idalia. >> we have mobilized 1100 national guardsmen. >> there's even forecast to be a 100-mile-per-hour storm. that may even be conservative. >> russian investigators say genetic tests confirm prigozhin was among the ten killed. >> it brings to the end the life of a controversial figure. >> there are literally tens of thousands of these guys doing putin's bidding all over the world. >> 60 years since the march on washington when martin luther king jr. laid out his dreams for the future of america. >> we have to take on the responsibility to make sure that we do not repeat the same mistake and that we fulfill the dream. >> not tomorrow, we got to do something now. >> good morning, everyone. poppy is off this week, sara sidner is here hanging out. >> filling in the chair. i'm all about it. i'm ready. it's 7:00. >> a good day to be ready. a lot of news going on bracing right now for very big developments in both election subversion cases against former president donald trump at 10:00 a.m. eastern, three hours from now, judges in atlanta and washington, d.c. will hold simultaneous hearings and may give us new details about the timing and substance in the cases about efforts to overturn the 2020 election. >> in georgia, fulton county district attorney fani willis will be the first prosecutor to sketch out parts of her evidence and arguments in the anti-racketeering case against the former president and his co-conspirators. this could be a kind of mini trial, if you will, as ex-white house chief of staff mark meadows tries to get his state case, excuse me, moved to federal court and at the same time in washington, d.c., a judge will weigh arguments from the special prosecutor and donald trump's defense team over the timing of the federal trial. jack smith's office wants to start right after the new year while the ex-president is pushing for way after the election. he wants an april 2026 date. >> so let's bring in cnn senior legal analyst elie honig and what's going on in georgia this morning. what exactly is removal? how does it work here? >> it's a big argument. removal is a rarely used law but it's going to be vital here. essentially what this says, if a person is a federal official or former federal official and get charged with state level crimes they can move the case over into federal court if and this is the big if, if they can show they were acting under color of such federal office. now, mark meadows has already made this argument. he'll have his hearing today saying i was acting as white house chief of staff. jeffrey clark has made this argue. he was a doj official. donald trump has not yet made this argument but i think it's very likely he will. so fani willis, of course, is going to respond, no, you were not acting as a federal official. you were committing crimes and therefore were outside of your federal scope and we'll get our first sense of how the judge deals with that. >> what will we see in court today? >> the argument involving mark meadows' motion will happen in federal court in georgia. there will be no tv cameras so we won't physically see what is happening but this will be a federal judge making this decision. fani willis is going to put on a little bit of a case and has subpoenaed brad raffensperger, the georgia secretary of state, who, of course, was on the other side of the infamous call where trump asked him to just find 11,780 vote, important to remember, mark meadows is on that call. he initiates the call. and that's the famous quote but let's remember, mark meadows does a little bit of talking on this call. at one point he says to brad raffensperger, what i'm hopeful for, there's some way to find some kind of agreement to look at this more fully. you know the president mentioned fulton county. a little bit of doublespeak but at issue, what was mark meadows really trying to do? was he chief of staffing or involved in campaign activity, political activity for trump and to that end another witness who fani willis has subpoenaed for today is this georgia investigator francis watson. at one point mark meadows texted her looking for a way to speed up the fulton county signature verification ford to have the results before january 6th if the trump campaign can assist financially so i think fani willis is going to point to that and say, look, this is political, what he's doing. >> okay, so take a step back here. immediately after this case was brought, everybody was talking about moving from state to federal. why? what's the strategic advantage. >> if you are a defendant in the case, first of all, i think you'll like the jury pool more. if it stays state the entire jury pool will be drawn from fulton county which voted 26% only for donald trump in 2020. if you get it moved federal you'll be drawing from the northern district of georgia which includes cobb county which went 42% for trump, not great but better than 26 and cherokee went 68% for trump so you'll have a more pro-trump jury in the federal court. also, in the federal courts no matter where this case is tried it's going to go up to the midlevel court of appeals whether in state or federal court. if you get into the federal court you have the 11th circuit court of appeals famously conservative, really seen as the second most conservative of the 13 appellate courts in the united states, they've ruled against trump but if you are a trump you want that 11th circuit and finally most importantly if you get into federal court your next move if mark meadows gets there you ask for dismissal on the basis of immunity if you can show you were within the scope of your job and were not doing anything more and that's the whole ball of wax. >> we'll dig in more. sara. >> joining us now cnn anchor and senior political analyst john avlon and former deputy white house press secretary under donald trump, sara matthews, as well as cnn political analyst, you can come over here, it's fine and national politics reporter for "the new york times." thank you so much for coming on. first, what do you expect from the hearings today? >> yeah, as elie laid out, it seems like it's going to be a kind of preview of the arguments to come and most importantly of the d.a. making the initial salvo in the cases and have the trump defendants giving a preview of what could end up being the president's defense from the political perspective, this continues the saga that has crescendoed to this point. for a lot of indictments it felt like one after another, a wash, a waterfall of information that was washing over voters. i think that mug shot and this kind of latest round of georgia indictments kind of broke through in a different way. i think you're going to see more attention on this case. going to see the kind of trump never surrender argument being tested on a national front and we don't necessarily know how that's going to land. we know among the republican base itself it's caused people to rally around him in a short-term way but don't know how that hits with the public at large or if the other candidates will use it as an opportunity to attack him. the continuing kind of development of facts in georgia might have some new political consequences for us, because of the pure reason that for this case specifically whether it's because it has rico charges or whether it has other defendants involved, atlanta, georgia, some familiar facts after january 6th does feel like this indictment is cutting through the noise in a way the last couple ones from the special prosecutor didn't really hit for voters. >> sir, to that point despite the fact never surrender while you're having a mug shot taken while you surrendered, and the idea we're having a hearing today where people will be reminded of what happened, the calls made, how people were involved, do you get the sense that in a republican primary electorate, not the 35% rock solid trump base but the general republican electorate this does cut through? >> i don't know if it will cut through to be honest. i think while the mug shot definitely brought more attention to this case, i think it also makes trump into a martyr. we saw his campaign capitalize on it and had huge fund-raising numbers out of it. best fund-raising day. >> 4 point something during that day. >> i think there is a large amount of indictment fatigue. people don't understand the differences between the cases. i don't think that necessarily it was helpful that alvin bragg's indictment dropped first. i think that most people found that to be politically motivated and so then i think that kind of stained the other indictments even though i believe that these other indictments have a large amount of evidence and that the trump team should be very worried about these other cases, but i think in the court of public opinion, they probably are doing better because it's hard for people to understand the differences between the cases. >> john, i'm curious what you think this is going to do. you can win obviously the primary. but then you have to win the general election. >> right. >> what about independents, the all important independents. >> so glad you asked. that is where the focus needs to be. not that there is a short-term bump because of negative partisanship among the base. you nominate someone to win a general election. independent voters are a plurality of american voters, more self-identified independents than democrats or republicans and two-thirds of independent voters have said they don't want to see donald trump back in the white house. that's a problem. not just for donald trump but for republican party if they continue to nominate him. instead makes the point, look, we're in unprecedented territory. i think we can say with a degree of certainty that multiple indictments on 91 counts does not help donald trump with the american people at large or independent voters. it may have a short-term bump in a primary but the idea that this helps in the general election, it's not just it's unprecedented, that's not reality based. >> elie, on the legal side the idea of meadows moving first and moved very quickly and asked across the board regardless of political affiliation there is a respect for his legal team, the people he has around them in this case. should we read anything into the fact that he went first, moving first and separately from the former president? >> interesting. i think he has the strongest removal case of any of the three people. >> why? >> because the chief of staff i think has broad responsibilities, he has the ability to say, i was doing what chief of staffs ought to do setting up meetings, phone calls, coordinating communications between various political actors. when you're the president giving instructions it's harder to hide from the instructions you've given. jeffrey clark was over at doj. he has not a great argument but has an argument. to what extent are they getting together saying you go first then we'll go? it's interesting to me trump has not yet filed his motion. maybe he wants to see how it goes with meadows and clark. use them as test balloons but there's a lot of moving parts. >> hold on, my friend. for you and sara, but where in the job description for chief of staff does it say help a sitting president try to overturn an election? >> no, but the -- >> fine print footnote. >> i looked in the constitution. it doesn't say that. >> sara was -- did you see that? >> that is sort of nicely underscoring why this is a difficult argument. both are circular. what meadows and trump will say, i pled not guilty. i'm entitled to the presumption of innocence at this point and claim i'm acting within the scope of my job, therefore i should be removed. fani willis will say i charged you with crimes therefore you were committing crimes therefore you don't get to get removed so that's the argument here. >> sara, i'm curious. moving to another case but in the documents case you're seeing cooperation happening by someone who changed attorneys and decided to get a defense that is not paid for by donald trump and whoever else is paying for those attorneys that are linked to trump. do you see more of this happening as these cases get closer and closer and closer, do you think that the people around him will start to break down and say, i don't want to get popped for this? i'm going to cooperate? >> i think we'll see it in multiple cases. obviously the one you reference, the documents case, we suspect i think there is a name out there of people of someone who they think it is that flipped and i think that's the right call because at the end of the day donald trump demands loyalty from everybody but gives loyalty to no one and would be so quick to throw any of these people under the bus so i think this is crucial. we saw this happen with the january 6th congressional committee with cassidy hutchinson. she at first had a trump appointed attorney who was funding her legal fees and they wanted her to not recall events she very much did recall. and then she was compelled to do the right thing, switch lawyers, hire someone who was acting in her best interest and not donald trump's best interests. >> i think that's a really good point to end on, john avlon, sarah, thank you so much. you, elie, you're everywhere. >> don't forget astead. >> you're still in our hearts. >> astead is wearing better shoes than all of us today, a guarantee even if we can't see them. thanks, guys. we appreciate it. justice department is investigating whether the deadly shooting of three black people at a store in jacksonville, florida, was a hate crime. the mayor of jacksonville will join us next. new cnn reporting digs into how white house speaker, sorry, house speaker kevin mccarthy plans to move ahead with an impeachment inquiry into president biden. with custom gear.elps us motivate our students we love w custom ink takes care of everything we need, so we can focus on the kids. - [narrator] custom ink has hundreds of products to help you feel connected. upload your logo or start your design today at from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. that's what they're calling this, an act of racism. i just feel like you is a coward. you went in there and shot these innocent people for nothing that you didn't even know then you took your own life. that's just the cowardly way to go. >> a family member of one of the three victims killed in jacksonville, florida, and what the justice department is investigating as a hate crime. investigators say a white gunman killed three black people at a dollar general store saturday before taking his own life. the gunman was identified as 21-year-old christopher palmeter. this was one of two weapons in his possession. he drew swastikas on them and left behind racist writings. >> we're doing so much to try to determine what exactly led to this. the manifesto is quite frankly the diary of a madman. he was just completely irrational, but he knew what he was doing. he was 100% lucid. he knew what he was doing. >> the victims have been identified as 52-year-old angela michelle carr, 19-year-old anolt laguerre and 29-year-old jerrald gallion. joining us is jacksonville mayor donna deegan. condolences to your community. i know you spoke with president biden last night, i believe. what was his message to you in that call? >> i did. well, he was very gracious and obviously offered his condolences for our community and just offered any help that he could give. and i appreciated that very much. >> you said in the wake of this shooting that there are days where it feels like you're going backwards to some degree, the community and the country is to some degree going backwards. how big of a shock has this been to the community? >> unfortunately, i'd say it hasn't been much of a shock, phil. this is something that happens all tooof often and have a violt gun problem in our community and country, we know that. we also have a problem with racism and i think that every step on the path that we take either is a step toward more unity which is something that i desperately want for my community or it is a step in the other direction, and i think that we all want unity, i was grateful the governor came to our vigil last night in jacksonville because i think it's important for him to see up close and personal the pain that this community is in. he offered some help with security at edward waters college. but i think that any sort of step towards unity starts with more communication but also starts with facing the facts of -- that we don't always say the things we should be saying in order to step toward seeing our own and each other's humanity and i think that's what we have to deal with here in a very honest way. >> you mentioned governor desantis' visit, with him at the vigil. it was striking, the response he got at one point during the vigil. take a listen. >> everybody, we've already been looking at identifying some. security for waters college. we are not thinking -- >> you mentioned he's offered assistance. he was there in person at the vigil. why do you think that response transpired while he was there? >> well, listen, as i said i give him credit. he walked into a crowd that he knew was going to be in opposition to many of his policies, and so i'm glad he was there to listen. and i've personally thought that's a step in the right direction but i think he does need to hear those folks. it is a community that has been injured over and over and over again, and either we are walking in the direction of truth when it comes to our systemic racism in our city and our state and in our country, or we are in denial about that and creating policies that don't really help in that regard, and so i think any -- as i said, any steps in the right direction start with better communication so i think he heard from a community that is hurting and absolutely devastatingly tired. >> one of the striking things in listening to the sheriff's press conference yesterday your remarks as well, the guns were purchased legally. there weren't really red flags, at least in the near term lead-up. what could have been done to stop this based on current laws, current regulations? >> well, you know, i have to say i'm going to give credit to our sheriff, sheriff waters for calling this what it was, a racist attack, but he further said that there really wasn't anything that could have been done legally in this situation and therein lies the problem. these guns are far too accessible to folks. these ar-15 type of guns, and, frankly, if we want to go deeper than that, if you want to go further than the guns you got to address the hate and you've got to address the fact that we don't seem to want to acknowledge the truth of our history and the way that we should be dealing with it. so i don't know legally given the way the laws are written right now in the state of florida that there was anything that could have been done and therein lies the frustration for me. >> you know, one last question before i let you go, our colleague juliet had a column in "the atlantic" and the shooter's actions were not a hate crime but performance for all the world to see, this is the age of mass shootings. we want to make sure his intentions were known. he was leaving nothing unsaid. striking because i think it's incredibly accurate. as an elected official when you know that exists out there and it's directly affecting your community and the country at large. >> well, look, i understand why some people don't want to give more glory to folks that clearly want the attention when they do things like this, but it does shine a very bright light on what we're dealing with in our community, in our state and in our country and i think light is the best disinfectant. if we can shine a light on the racism that does exist and the fact that it still exists structurally in our country then we can begin to deal with it. that is my sincere hope, out of this we will come to better unity through listening and better understanding. >> mayor deegan, we appreciate your time. thanks so much. our k8ds to your community. >> thank you so much, phil. all right, preparations are under way along florida's gulf coast as tropical storm idalia rapidly gains strength. hurricane and storm surge watches are in effect along the state's west coast. idalia is threatening to hit the state as a major hurricane. let's get right to cnn meteorologist derek van dam who is watching this very, very closely. how destructive might the storm be, derek? >> yeah, using the words from the national hurricane center they're talking about rapid intensification, last time we saw that hurricane ian, we know how that played out. time to take it seriously. your last full day to prepare is today. we do expect that first arrival of tropical storm-force winds for early morning hours along the southern peninsula of florida. not just a florida storm and could impact the carolinas into southern georgia as well. this is crucial. starting to see that northerly turn and the storm is becoming more and more organized near the yucatan channel. the forecast track. you can see how it runs parallel with the gulf coast of florida so the west coast where we're concerned about, wednesday into thursday, and, yeah, that's a category 3, a major hurricane. we've seen this unfold before with, of course, being a game of miles, any track or deviation to the west or east has major implications for so many population centers but we've got tropical storm and hurricane watches as well as storm surge watches posted, as you said. back to you. >> thank you so much. we'll watch it all morning. appreciate it. well, they almost missed the debate because of a torn achilles but doug burgum still made his case to the voters and will do it again in studio next. >> every minute that these eight candidates spend talking about the past instead of the future is time that is just -- you know who loves it, biden loves it but china loves it when we're talking about the past. muscle, bone, and heart healthth. yaaay!y! woo hoo! ensure with 25 vitamins and minerals and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. ♪ i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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[ cheers and applause ] >> there were only two on that stage that did not raise his hand. later he raised his hand but then gestured trump's conduct should not be normalized underscoring the former president's grip on the party even as he faces four indictments at this point. joining us now is one of the republican contenders on that stage, governor doug burgum of north dakota. thank you so much for being here. so, the obvious question here is how did you hurt your leg? no, i'm just kidding. we all know he hurt himself during a basketball game and he is somehow up and walking, tore your achilles so thank you for making the trip here. why would you support donald trump? >> i was going to say the weather report, it was raining right before i blew my achilles. >> there's no dunking but there were threes. >> got it. >> starting to pour. >> now to the debate. why is it that you raise your hand. why support donald trump if he is convicted, especially if he's vilthed of trying to overturn an election, which affects democracy. >> well, i thought this was the goofiest question of the whole night. the everybody on the stage to get on the stage signed a thing that said, hey, we'll support a republican candidate in 2024 if it's not you. you're not going to run as an independent you'll support a republican so they asked this question which is hypothetical, i'm pouring my time and energy, everybody that is supporting us to actually be the nominee so, you know, the question is are you going to support yourself, absolutely i'm supporting myself with these hypotheticals and goes into this whole 7 by 24-hour cable news clickbait thing around all of these indictments when we're out talking to candidates which i've been and went to new hampshire for three days, enough i've been in new york the last 24 hours, when we're talking to people, they're asking about inflation. when i'm talking to a lobsterman in new hampshire, they're like, i hey, i'm not making my payments because of how much i'm runn spending on the diesel to run my boat. that's not what people are concerned about. interest rates at a 22-year high. is the american dream falling away, inflation, 700 bucks more for the average family and my mom, my dad died when i was a freshman in high school. my mom went back to work raising three kids. i understand what it's like if you're a working mom to put food on the table and then i was growing up every job i had i took a shower at the end of the day, working on the fan, the ranch, grain elevate ir, chimney sweep. americans today are actually concerned that, you know, how are they going to make things meet, and all we -- they were talking about it on the stage and said it that night, if we're going to spend all our time talking about that, you know who loves that, china loves that, we're in a cold war with china and they got a 100-year plan and doing everything they need to do to beat us and we're divided and divisiveness is a commercial business in our country. >> the former president, regardless of your views about the indictments, he is, a, the former president, b, plus 30, 35, 40 in most national polling and when you dig into the early states you've been visiting, do you agree a 10% tariff across the board is a policy the u.s. should pursue? >> i think that the whole tariff thing is just goofy as a stand-alone question. talking about economic tariffs because look -- >> on policy or -- the former president said 10% across the board seems to make sense. >> i don't think it makes sense across the board. we need to be strategic about it and take a look whether it's the current or former president, take a look at biden. first of all, putin doesn't even invade ukraine if we don't have all of western europe dependent on russian energy. i mean, the first thing we should do is sell energy to our friends and when putin does invade, how many months, six months before we had sanctions on oil and gas and then when, you know, in the meantime, russia makes a bunch of money then we put sanctions on now russian oil is 20% off and china is getting oil and gas at 20% off and american farmers -- if. >> you believe sanctions should be across the board and just completely shutting down -- >> no, i'm saying, if you want to not have wars, if you want to not have world war iii, in this cold war with china which i was the only one on stage that mentioned that and that is the existential threat to our country you've got to have a coordinated effort with your allies to get together. if a few countries put sanctions on russian oil it doesn't do anything other than turn russia into the discount gas station for china which helps the country that we're in this head-on battle with so in the white house you've got to have somebody who understands the economy. i built a business from scratch. it was operating. we had customers in 132 countries and this idea that we're going to somehow, you know, try to run our country when you've got someone there now who has never worked in the private sector, hasn't made payroll like i have for all these year, you know, someone who took a pay cut to make sure their team members could get paid, the economy is so globally interconnected and every job and every industry is changing with technology right now and we've never had anybody in the white house that even understands that. 2 million federal employees, you want to reduce the cost of the federal government, well, then digitize it like every other business like this business has and get some efficiency. >> would you as president completely try to cut off ties, economic ties with china? decouple or completely cut off. >> you can't decouple with the world's second largest economy. you can be strategic about it. but, you know, the way you win a cold war you get your economy sprinting as opposed to crawling like it is right now an start cutting red tape like we have in north dakota and passed 51 red tape reduction bills this last year and have the highest gdp of any republican -- >> strategically what you're saying in terms of doing it strategically because of the interconnected nature of the global economy and u.s. and china being the two largest economies, isn't that what this administration is doing? >> this administration had blinken, yellen and kerry go over this summer and none talked about energy with china. china imports 10 million barrels of oil every day. they're the largest importer in the world. we have an opportunity to be energy dominant in the united states. if you're going to have a negotiation with china, the first thing on the table is energy. and instead we've got an energy policy in the country that i think was written by china because we're trying to kill the u.s. energy industry, move to all evs then buy all our batteries from china. if we're trying to strategically decouple why do we have an energy policy that is not good for the environment because china is making those batteries by tearing up the whole planet in the congo and indonesia and building them in factories powered by coal because they're opening a coal plant every two weeks in china. >> those are important issues but lastly i want to ask, if donald trump is and right now he has the highest polling number, if he does become the nominee, would you be his vice president? >> no. i would not and -- happy to do lots of other things. fabulous, 30 years in the private sector, a lot -- >> in his cabinet. >> i'm not running for a cabinet position. i'm not selling a book. all i've ever done, ceo, entrepreneur, build businesses, attract talent, be successful, understand how the globe works and lead stuff like the remarkable job, the remarkable success story of north dakota. the highest gdp of any state in the nation. we've goat our economy rolling and done it and we're doing it in all the things people would want. we'll be carbon neutral by 2030. you do it with innovation as opposed to regulation. our nation is always winning with innovation, the wright brothers, as far back as you want, the way we win is with innovation and right now we're killing innovation in this country. we're not funding it. we're funding a bunch of ideology but it doesn't even do the thing it's supposed to do like save the environment. we do it better here than anywhere else in the world. >> governor doug burgum, talk policy, we will do that. i like talking policy. >> i do too. >> unequivocal no on the vice president. >> should have more of that on the debate. these things matter to every american an running because we know if we get those things right it will improve the life of every american. >> good luck with the achilles. house republicans are strategizing about how to initial enough an impeachment inquiry into president biden. we'll have new reporting coming up next. rite aid stock plummeting after they're preparing to file for bankruptcy. the reason for that just ahead. there were no surprises. well, my monthly payment d did come out lower than expected. financing g my car with carvana was super smooth. 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[ engine revving ] ♪ ♪ made it! mom! leave running behind, behind. the new turbocharged volkswagen atlas. does life beautifully. kevin mccarthy and other top republicans strategizing. but, skeptical gop lawmakers, no evidence and government funding that is set to expire all critical factors that could complicate their time line. melanie zanona joins us with new reporting. mel, i think the initial question as we try to figure out how to get to 218, they may not need 218 votes but it's the most interesting part of your piece. walk us through it. >> reporter: yeah, that's exactly right, phil. just to walk viewers through the process, republicans want to open an inchment inquiry which would be the first formal step towards impeachment proceedings but there is no constitutional requirement that they actually need to have a floor vote and because as you mentioned kevin mccarthy doesn't actually have the votes right now amongst his conference, there's a lot of moderates and vulnerable republicans that are still skeptical of the idea, they are contemplating just skipping that floor vote altogether and that would spare moderates from having to take a tough vote while allowing them to start to get the ball rolling on the impeachment process and hopefully in their minds give them more time to actually get some evidence for these allegations that they have yet to prove about president joe biden and his son's foreign business dealings and not to mention, phil, mccarthy is under enormous pressure from his right flank and donald trump to show he is taking action here and that he is moving forward on this process and so i'm told he has spent some of the august recess telling former -- current republicans that he is really serious about an impeachment inquiry and strategizing about how to do that this fall. >> as soon as next month. read the piece on melanie, as always, thank you. >> thanks. now to your money this morning. rite aid stock nosedived more than 50% after "the wall street journal" reported the retail pharmacy giant is preparing to file for chapter 11 bankruptcy as it faces mounting costs linked to opioid lawsuits. the chain could also shutter about 400 stores nationwide. cnn covering this and break it down. >> totally embattled even as the business they're losing money, they've got high debt, over $3 billion worth of debts. a lot of that comes due in the next couple of years so just as a business, they were already struggling. then i think a lot of that outweighed by the sheer extent of liabilities they could face tied to the opioid crisis. according to "the wall street journal's" reporting we're talking about a thousand plus federal lawsuits that have all been consolidated in ohio. they've got a similar number of state-based lawsuits then a civil case that the department of justice hit them with just this year. what chapter 11 bankruptcy allows them to do is buy breathing room and allows the pharmacies to continue to run as a business but that they can consolidate the debts and that includes debts this they don't even know they have yet, a/k/a potential legal costs and opioid lawsuits, battle them all out together, find some resolution. they don't know what the liability, the scale of those are going to be but this suggestion in this report is that they are going to be treated as unsecured debt so the hope is that in a chapter 11 bankruptcy proceeding, these people eventually if they do settle will be able to get some of their money and the business can go as an ongoing concern. the company has not confirmed anything so it's an open guess. when you look at the financials of the business, it figures. >> julia chatterley, always lovely to see you. a week ago spain won its first title at the world cup, the controversy from the kiss over the president of the soccer federation with the star player has since overshadowed that moment. how that organization in the world is responding is next. power e*trade's easy-to-use tools, like dynynamic charting and risk-reward analysis help make trading fefeel effortless. and its customizable scans with social sentiment help you find and unlock opportunities in the market. e*trade from morgan stanley. wi powerful, easy-to-use tools, power e*trade makes complex tradg easier. react toast-moving markets with dynamic charting and a futures ladder that lets you place, flatten, or reverse orders so you won't miss an opportunity. e*trade from morgan stanley ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all. with up to 13 camera views. and the z71 off-road package. ♪ you ok? 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spain soccer federation is holding a, quote, extraordinary and urgent meeting after its president was provisionally suspended by fifa following a kiss with star player jennifer hermoso. hermoso said she did not consent to being kissed, while rubiales said it was consensual. the league has threatened to sue hermoso, saying she lied. let's contextualize this first up top. this is following a world cup victory, this is the moment of all moments for the spanish women's soccer team, that they should be celebrating and celebrated, and yet we're at this point. >> a man has hijacked this. >> right. >> right? and i think it is unfortunately both a blessing and a curse of women's soccer that these big moments allow us to have these bigger conversations, but this should be the pinnacle of these players' career, and instead we are talking about basically the entire spanish federation melting down in realtime. and we're not talking about the soccer, we're not talking about the accomplishment. we're also not really fundamentally talking about the protest that these players came into, into the world cup. that was one of the major story lines, how is spain going to function. some players didn't get called up. and we're not actually really talking about the fundamental issues that the players had, we're talking about a non-consensual kiss on stage. we're talking about this federation's, the president's behavior. we're talking about the fact that he won't resign. >> you've reported on abuse across many different places, including the national women's soccer league. what do you think about the response that is being put out there by fifa, and by other governing bodies. >> i think the governing bodies have not said -- where's the adult in the room. that is kind of the fundamental question. we've seen fifa now do the bare minimum in that they have suspended him for 90 days. they've banned contact between the federation and her mosso, we've never really seen anything quite like that. but uafa completely silent. and spain wants to host the world cup in 2030, so there is this big political -- >> is that the dynamic here? i have to be missing a bunch of different things? >> it has to be playing a role. i think there is also, just, you get the sense of these governing bodies worry what accountability opens up, right? and i think we've seen that here in the u.s., where we have gone through this reckoning, and we have had a massive investigation into behavior and conduct across the professional league, but also, you know, that bleeds into the national team. so we've had that conversation, we're starting it, at least. there's still a lot of work to be done. but this is what we've seen. and what i think a lot of us are struggling with in the sport is that women have to win in order to be heard. so what about haiti? what about zambia? all of these other teams that came into a world cup with struggles against their federations, against their coaches, who are not being heard, but because this happened on the world's biggest stage, and it has been hijacked, we're having this conversation. >> it's really unbelievable, because these women should be -- everyone should be just celebrating them and being excited in the country for amazing soccer. and here we are -- >> yes. it's frustrating, to say the least. >> all right. meg moynihan, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> in just hours, two crucial court hearings involving two of the four cases against former president donald trump. one in washington, d.c., and one, of course, in fulton county in atlanta. we are live outside of both of those courthouses with details, next. right now get a free footlong at subway. like the subway series menu. buy one footlong in the app, get one free. fofreeee. that what i'm talking about. order in the subwaapp today. from big cities, to small towns, and on main streets across the us, you'll find pnc bank. helping businesses both large and small, communities and the people who live and work there grow and thrive. we're proud to call these places home too. they're where we put down roots, and where together, we work to help move everyone's financial goals forward. pnc bank. i need it cool at night. you trying to ice me out of the bed? 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Technology , Anybody , Ties , Government , Efficiency , Cost , Employees , 2 Million , Economy Sprinting , Crawling , Decouple , Decouple , Red Tape , Gdp , Terms , Nature , 51 , Administration , Economies , Doing , Isn T , None , Summer , Blinken , Barrels , Importer , Kerry Go , Yellen , 10 Million , Energy Policy , Negotiation , Energy Industry , Energy Dominant , Batteries , Environment , Planet , Evs , Congo , Indonesia , Vice President , Coal Plant , Factories , Polling Number , Coal , Lots , Cabinet , Cabinet Position , Success Story , Build Businesses , Ceo , Book , Talent , Entrepreneur , Stuff , Globe Works , Innovation , Goat , Nation , Regulation , Carbon Neutral , 2030 , Ideology , Wright Brothers , Talk Policy , Anywhere , No , Strategizing , Running , Luck , Stock , Bankruptcy , Rite Aid , Car , Increase Cravings , Surprises , Pack , Nicotine , Payment D , Announcer , Cigarettes , Progress , Smoking , Carvana A Today , Trying Vapes , Financing G , Word , Duces Cravings , Gab , Good , Setting , Nicorette , Eness , Craving Loop , Hocan , Financing , Health , Centrum Silver , 50 , Charge , Youuu , Works , Beat Conductor , Barcode , Allergies , Decongestant , Allergy , Go , Wake Up , Fast , Let S Go , C Mon , Zyrtec D , Gotta , Gracie , Engine Revving , Family Thing , Volkswagen Atlas , Leave Running Behind , Factors , Lawmakers , Time Line , Government Funding , Melanie Zanona , Piece , Process , Votes , Viewers , Mel , 218 , Inchment Inquiry , Floor Vote , Impeachment , Conference , Requirement , Moderates , Impeachment Process , Son , Pressure , Business Dealings , Allegations , Minds , Action , Flank , Recess , Retail Pharmacy Giant , Wall Street Journal , Opioid Lawsuits , Chapter 11 Bankruptcy , Costs , Stores , Chain , 400 , Debts , Debt , 3 Billion , Billion , Liabilities , Opioid Crisis , A Thousand , Lawsuits , Hit , Ohio , Pharmacies , Breathing Room , A K , Report , Resolution , Unsecured Debt , Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Proceeding , Scale , Liability , Suggestion , Settle , Financials , Company , Concern , Open Guess , Spain , World Cup , Kiss , Soccer Federation , Player , Controversy , Title , The Star , Julia Chatterley , Tools , Power E Trade , Charting , Analysis , Organization , Dynynamic , Market , Opportunities , Scans , Sentiment , Make Trading Fefeel Effortless , Morgan Stanley , Wi Powerful , Tradg , Futures Ladder , Markets , Orders , Camera Views , Package , Chevy Silverado , Z71 Off Road , Snoring , Truck , Living , System , Pillow , Hiding , Coffee Subscription Box , Adjustable Mattress Sets , Tempur Pedic , Milestones , Ink Rep , Customink Com , Price , Prices , Bidder , Auctioneer , Mint Mobile , 15 Bucks , Coffee , Steroids , Brand , Tongue , Spain Soccer Federation , Holding A , Fifa , Rubiales , Jennifer Hermoso , League , Sue Hermoso , First Up Top , Victory , Man , Women S Soccer Team , Spanish , Women , Players , Soccer , Curse , Blessing , Career , Conversations , Pinnacle , Realtime , Accomplishment , Protest , Federation Melting , Story Lines , Kiss On Stage , Federation S , Abuse , National Women S Soccer League , Governing Bodies , Minimum , Adult , Room , 90 , Federation , Contact , Mosso , Uafa , Accountability , Dynamic , Role , Conversation , Investigation , Reckoning , Bleeds , Work , Teams , Struggles , Federations , Coaches , Least , Meg Moynihan , Courthouses , Court Hearings , Both , In Atlanta , Subwaapp , Fofreeee , C2 , Meet Arexvy , Respiratory Disease , Surprise , Rsv Vaccine , Rsv , Fda , Health Conditions , Airways , Lungs , 94 , 82 , Vaccine , Immune Systems , Injection Site Pain , Reactions , Ingredients , Muscle Pain , Pharmacist , Headache , Doctor , Make It Arexvy , That S My Boy , Liberty Mutual , Freeways , Car Insurance , Sarane , Monday Morning ,

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