Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704

united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you from new york. we start with two of the world's critical hot spots. first ukraine. where president zelenskyy admitted that the counteroffensive is difficult as wes western officials say that kyiv is highly unlikely so where does the war go from here? and then to niger, where a military coup was launched, that makes for a six county belt of cues spanning 3,500 miles across the african continent. we'll tell you what you need to know about this startling trend. also, are you amazed by the power of artificial intelligence? well wait until you hear about quantum computing. it will make today's a.i. look like child's play. i talked to mitchia kaku about what he sees as the real game-changer. but first, here is my take. in early may, 2023, it seems obvious that the united states was going to face an unmanageable border crisis. in the previous fiscal year there were about 2.4 million of apprehensions trying to enter the u.s. at the souther board and they were about to lose title 42 implemented in march of 2022 that allowed them to expel migrants as a pandemic prevention measure. but the end of the pandemic meant that temporary power also had to come to a close. in fact, as it turned out, there was to crisis. the number of encounters with migrants at the southern border dropped by a third from about 7,100 per day in april to about 4,800 per day in june. the latest available data. why did this happen? it seems that the biden administr administration's plan worked. it put in place a series of measures designed to deal with the impending problem, a stiff penalty for crossing the border illegally, deportation, plus a five-year ban on any re-entry. coupled with expanding ways to apply for legal asylum in the migrant's home country. it was a welcome case of well designed policy making a difference. but this success has not changed the fact that the u.s. immigration system is broken. the crush at the southern border may be less than anticipated but it is still an influx and the er theects are being felt across the united states. texas has famously bused migrants to washington, d.c. and new york. but the truth is that migrants have been crowding into many major american cities on a scale that is breaking those communities capacities to respond. the new york metropolitan area has born a huge burden. new york city is housing more than 50,000 migrants in homeless facilities and mayor eric adaadams estimates that the number will double by 2025 and the price tag for the city will be $12 billion over the next three years. each year that would be roughly two-thirds of what the city budgets for the new york police department is. new york city is a magnet because after a 1979 lawsuit, it has based policy on the notion that every person entering the city has a right to shelter. though, in fact, this right is ambiguous and if it exists, it applies at state level, not just that of the city. but places from denver to l.a. are all reeling from the burden of this influx. the migration crisis is being exacerbated by politics on both sides. the maga right demonized asylum-seekers and prefers no solution since a crisis helps them politically. but the far left attacks any sensible measures aimed at curbing the influx as cruel and inhumane and illegal. many blue cities like san francisco have ordinances and rules that force the local government to tolerate homelessness and vagrancy. biden's asylum policy faces lawsuits and court challenges from several left-wing groups. america's immigration system is broken. if the asylum laws were designed in the aftermath of the holocaust to allow admission to a small number of people personally facing intense persecution because of their religion or political relieves and it provided for their residency applications to be evaluated. millions have arrived at border with a huge numbers of them claiming asylum. while some might have legitimate claims but some are fleeing the poverty and instability and disease driving would-be migrants to the united states for hundreds of years. but many are realized if they claim asylum, they get special treatment. some u.s. officials handling this issue have told me that people are simply gaming the system to gain the best possible chance of entry. the laws and rules around asylum must be fixed to they could focus on the small number of genuine asylum-seekers while compelling the rest to seek other legal means of entry. at the same time, it is important to note that america is currently facing a drastic shortfall of labor and needs to expand legal immigration in many areas for just that reason. we urgently need to attract the world's best technically skilled people. so they could push forward the information and biotech revolutions that are transforming the economy and life itself. and with unemployment rates around 50-year lows, it is obvious that we need more workers in many sectors of the economy, from agriculture to hospitality. if this is done in a legal and orderly manner, americans will welcome the new workers. biden has tried to work with republicans on several issues and even had a few successes. he should proposed an immigration bill that is genuinely bipartisan and forces compromises from both sides. it would be one more strong dose of evidence that policy can triumph over populism. go to for a link to my washington post column this week. and let's get started. ♪ 11 months ago on it program, volodymyr zelenskyy told me that his goal was to remove all russian troops from ukraine. the interview took place during a time of triumph, just as ukrainian soldiers seized kharkiv back from russian control. today the picture looks very different. ukraine is evacuating civilians as russia mounts an aerial bombardment of the territory. western officials have expressed disappointment in a much lauded counteroffensive which began in june. ukraine has only taken back an estimated 100 square miles of territory since then. so why does the counter offensive seem to be faltering and does ukraine have a chance of gaining more ground? joining me now is alina polyakova. welcome, alina. so tell us, if we are right that the counter offense is not going as well as people had thought, what is the central reason? is there a central reason? >> yeah you know, the expectations on the counter offensive from the start were unreasonably high and there is two main reasons for that. one, ukraine has never had complete control over the air space. and if you think about carrying out a land counteroffensive, which is what the ukrainians are doing, while being bombarded from the air, no u.s. military operation would be carried out in the same way without complete air superiority. so that is one significant challenge that is slowing down the ukrainians. and the second reason that i think that is equally important is that after many colossal blunders in term of tactics and operations, the russians have now also adapted to a long, drawn out con flick and now in the position of defending territories which is easier than taking back territory. and those are the two main reasons for why we are seeing the kind of on the ground dynamics that have disappointed some western officials. >> so that raises this very difficult question going forward, right, which is that russians are now defending and they've often dug into these positions and they're put land mines in and the ukrainians are trying to attack and you know traditional nato doctrine would say, you need a 3 to 1 advantage in man power, maybe a 4 to 1 advantage to achieve any kind of victory. is it possible for the ukrainians to break through this russian -- these russian -- they've got land mines and they've got trenches and then they've got artillery behind the trenches. >> look, everything is really unknown in the fog of war, right. certainly, right now, it doesn't look like ukraine is in an enviable position. they've taken casualty and the russian side has dug in. they have mined the areas between themselves an the ukraine convenience very heavily and that is hurting in many ways. a lot of the weapons provided earlier on the war, tanks, are being being taken out by the mines and now is the moment to rethink our western policy as well. because we weren't prepared for this kind of war. we were supplying ukraine with weapons to at least be able to defend themselves. but we warrant supplying them with the kind of weapons that they need to be able to launch a proper counteroffensive which first and foremost means mean high, long range missile capabilities so they could disrupt russian's supply lines behind the front lines. they are very limited in their ability to do that. so, never say never, but the outlook does not look positive for ukraine over the next three or four months. >> when you talk to biden administration officials, he this have two arguments as to why they haven't done more faster. one is that the ukraines need to be trained on the equipment. the second is that with longer range missiles, you are -- there is a balance. you don't want to use missiles that attack deep into the hart of russian territory. which could give the russians the provocation to feel that they were at war with nato, to use tactical nuclear weapons, to get much more aggressive in terms of their aerial bombardment of ukraine cities. what do you think of those arguments? >> the argument that we're going to somehow provoke russia beyond what is currently already done, i think this is a red herring, frankly. mainly because i don't think there is a high chance that russians will go toward the nuclear decision. we have managed that nuclear escalatory risk and the biden administration deserves a huge amount of credit for that. and it is not the russian interest because they would lose whoever alliances or p partnerships with china and india who do not approve of the nuclear use have made that clear to the russians and the second point is further into the territory by krarns. this is war. if you're nat able to disrupt your enemy's supply lines and able to hit their -- their centers of operations, even on ukraine territory, the ukrainians cannot fully reach russia's logistics and supply lines in their own country and i think this is where the real problem is. ukraine has no interest in attacking russia. they don't want to escalate this war. as president zelenskyy said on your program, they want to take back their own territory and currently they don't have the reach to be able to truly, truly fight this war in the way that any western military would have in a similar environment. >> alina, that is incredibly enlightening. thank you so much. >> thank you, fareed. next on "gps", niger an the global implications of one more coup in west africa. 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"the new york times" called this the coup belt and if you look at sahell, above the sierra and above the sudanese, i think there have been six coups in the last few years. so what is going on? >> niger is the last frontier of the fight against terrorism in africa. and that is why -- that is the first reason why these countries matters so much now. the second reason is that there is a strong fear that the region, the sahell collapses and falls in the hands of china and russia. because, as you know, there is a skprong competition between global powers and even regional powers in africa. and niger represents these two things. the last frontier of this fight against terrorism, against the islamic state and al qaeda in africa. but also it is an important asset for western forces who would like to contain the chinese and the russian agenda in africa. >> so this is getting very complicated. so let me try to understand it. because what you see is in the same area of the sahell, global terrorism deaths have gone from about 1% in 2007, now it is up to 43%. so, you have the islamic state or isis or remnants of it, destabilizing these countries, which is then causing these governments to get weak and fragile and military coups, and meanwhile the chinese and russians are trying to take advantage? are they allies with the military junta that are taking control in these countries? >> you know, russia, it is more matter of opportunity. and china it is not kecked to the sahell. this global competition is everywhere on the continent. but every time that a coup happens in that area, you could see russian flags in demonstration, popular demonstrations. africa is key in its russian influence an it is a good way for the western government to avoid -- to avoid sanctions because it is a rich -- it is a rich territory. and, as you know, wagner is very active in mali, for example, where they tried to develop and they are developing predatory business through diamonds, gold, sugar, you know, all of these very important materials that are very important to feed the war in ukraine. so, no matter what we say here, the future of the war in ukraine goes through the sahell region. that is why it is so important. >> the whole thing does feel like one more step backwards in terms of democracy. right. i mean, you had the countries that had heroically managed to become democracies and slowly one by one it is unraveling. it feels to me like part of a noble trend. but particularly concentrated in these fragile states in africa. >> when you have been facing the terrorist groups for 10, 15 years, in the poorest countries in the world, knowing that you have to manage very vast and large territories, where local governance is week, i could tell you it is very challenging. and president bazoum was doing his best and many experts noticed that the number of attacks of terrorist attacks against the civilians have decreased this past month, this past year. but it was not enough. and the oko, the west african organization decided to activate its stand-by force, a military force, and to be ready to restore the democratically elected president bazoum who is detained right now in a house in yami, by the coup leaders. so it is a lot that is going on right now. a lot is on the line. will they do -- when they do cross that line and send the soldiers from echous to restore the power in niger, and they have appointed a new government and a new prime minister and they have closed the border and they faced the sanctions. and so, and under the eyes of a international community, so a lot is on the line right now. >> so there is a glimmer of hope there and we'll have to leave it at that and keep watching. thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you for having me. next on "gps", many experts predicted the united states would be recession by now. in fact, most. but the american economy is looking pretty good. why did economists get things so wrong. i ask a harvard professor when we come back. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrateded. the united states postal service. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. right now, the united states is supposed to be in a recession. or at least that was the overwhelming conventional wisdom this time last year when most experts predict ed that high inflation and overheated labor market would lead us in that direction, especially because the federal reserve continued to raise interest rates. one economic model at bloomberg last october set the odds of a recession at 100%. but it turns out the economy is actually humming along pretty well. inflation has come down significantly and america's gdp growth is the strongest in the g7. and unemployment is at a 50-year low and wages are growing. today the fed is not forecasting a recession at all and jp chase and bank of america have walked back their predictions. so why did economists get things so wrong. i'm joined by jason furman who has some answers from kennedy school and a former economic adviser to president barack obama. welcome and before we get started, i want to do a big hat tip to derek thompson, who has a wonderful podcast and he and you talked about some of those issues and this is very much inspired by that. so, my question quite simply is if someone were to ask you how come the united states is not in the recession that many people thought was going to happen, what is the answer? >> fareed, i think there are three parts to that answer. the first part is that in 2020 and 2021, the government gave people $5 trillion. they didn't go out and spend all of that money right away. in fact, it was hard to spend a lot of that money in those years. and so some of that money got spent in 2022, some of it is still being spent now. and you see that in the very strong consumer spending numbers. the second thing is that russian invasion of ukraine is still just absolutely horrific. but in terms of the economic data, the price of oil is back to where it was before there was any concern about the invasion. it is basically that particular issue has gone away. and then the third thing is the fed has raised rates a lot. by more than 5 percentage points but rates still aren't that high. so it wasn't as contractionary and negative of a noforce as people thought it was. >> and let me try to repack two of those. you talk about consumer spending, isn't it true that we didn't keep in mind that the biden administration was also spending. there is a massive infrastructure bill. there is a -- inflation reduction act which has a fair amount of spending in it. there is the chips act, which has a fair amount of spending. and it also did the price cap on oil which forces russia to discount its price, further reducing energy prices. so could that all -- >> think of your buckets, one and two, spending and energy prices, do you think those were effected as well. >> i agree with all of that. normally, you would siee, as th economy strengthens, and the stock market is up, you expect to see the budget deficit go down. now we're seeing over the last year the budget deficit has been rising. and part of that is all of these new programs that you just mentioned, infrastructure, chips, climate change, and the like. and they are really stimulating the economy. and the other thing is, yeah, the reason oil prices fell isn't just pure luck. it is in part the administration, i think, has done of denying russia the money, not all of the money they could have gotten from oilch and while making sure it doesn't cause a global recession by spiking. >> an finally, let me ask you about going forward. as you point out, there has been a lot of government spending, usually in situations like this, the deficit is going down. right now it is going up, it is going up a lot. do you worry about that rising deficit? and could it derail the economy in some way? >> yeah, look, i'm worried about the deficit now. i was a less worried a few years ago. but a few things have changed. one is interest rates have risen a accdecent amount. that makes is harder to service your debt. and there is a old rule, when times are good, your deficit goes down and when times are bad your deficit goes up. and right now we're breaking that rule. we're seeing good times with a pretty large deficit. so i'm not panicked. i don't think the sky is falling. but washington is going to at least in the next few years need to turn its attention to this question in a way that it hasn't for some time. >> jason furman of harvard university, thank you so much. next on "gps," you may think the next breakthrough is in artificial intelligence but i want to tell you would be a bigger technological revolution, the wild world of quantum computing. i spoke with physicist michio kaku after the break. your paint is really bad. what? i said, “best coffee i've ever had.” (slurps) should've used behr. sorry, sign where? 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a chat bot is a glorified tape recorder. it takes snippets of what is on the web, created by a human, sp splicing them together and passes them off as if it created these things. and people are saying it is human like. the chat bot simply rearranges what is already on the internet already. it is a tape recorder of very advanced type. that does not understand truth, what is false, it is not understanding slander versus reality. that has to be put in by a human. >> so the real shift that you say is going to take place is once we get to quantum computing? >> we've gone through three stages of computer revelation. first stage when when communicated with pulleys and swings and the analog stage. and then comes world war ii and we switches to electricity and transistors and that gave us the digital revolution of today. we're in stage two. >> which is the ones and zeros, the bits and bytes. >> that is right. zero and one. mother nature would laugh at us. because mother nature does not use zeros and ones. they create molecules and that is why we're now entering stage three. silicon valley could become a rust belt unless they get on the bandwagon. >> would it be fair to say that the shift that you're describing, quantum computing, basically we're now trying to mimic what nature does because an electron is not a particle, it is a wave or both and that is where computing has to go. >> by god, i think you got it. that is exactly what we're talking about. because, for example, take a look at a transistor. it has two states, up and down, left and right, true and false. so think of an atom that spins either up or down, two states, the digital revolution is based on that idea. however, the quantum computer could be at any angle. think about that. they're infinitely more states you could create if an electronic is allowed to wobble and point in any direction whatsoever rather than up or down. >> so a quantum computing is a computing using not computer chips, but using these waves or these -- >> that is right. >> the various states of the waves, they could vibrate in any direction and they're simultaneous. so that it could actually calculate two or three places at the same time. so think of a mouse in a maze. a digital computer would calculate the trajectory of each mouse at every joint, at every place where there is a decision to be made in a maze. that takes forever. now, a quantum computer sees all possible modes simultaneously. that violates common sense. common sense said you could not be two places at the same time. well, get with it. in the quantum theory, you could be many places at the same time. and that is the power of quantum computers. >> what would it look like? would my computer look the same? >> it is like a chandelier, but it is at the bottom, what is this chandelier? it is cooling pipes to bring it down to absolute zero where there is no vibrations. if someone sneezes a block away, that could ruin your whole c allegation. so you want everything to be frozen near absolute zero. >> and i'm struck, tell me if i'm wrong, if you hear about all of the artificial intelligence and the computing power and the amount of energy to run all of these computers, i think the brain is very energy efficient. we're able to make all of these calculating and we don't need cooling and we're somehow doing it using much less energy than these vast computers with all of their jihite. >> we knew of nothing in the universe more complex than the human brain. which has 100 billion neurons. and even connected to 10,000 other neurons an it is all done at room temperature. so we're playing catch up. catch up to mother nature and mother nature is quantum and that is what we to make the transition. from digital computers to quantum computers. and that will allow us to calculate diseases for example, that are at the quantum level, cancer, parkinson's, alzheimer's disease. these are diseases at the molecular level. we're powerless to cure the diseases because we have to learn the language of nature which is molecules and quantum electronics. >> michio kaku, thank you. are you happy with your job? most employees are not engaged at work. my next guest will tell us how to make work more meaningful, when we come back. thehey'd arre with a replacement we could trust. that's service thehe way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite rerepai, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ tourists tourists that turn into scientists. tourist taking photos that are analyzed byi. so researchers can help life underwaterlourish. ♪ this is how tosin lost 33 pounds on noom weight. i'm tosin. noom gave her a psychological approach to weight loss. noom has taught me how you think about food has such a... huge impact on your relationship with it. visit and start your trial today. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. according to a recent gallup survey, only 23% of the world's employees say they are engaged and thriving at work. that number is actually an krien he is from previous years. but most workers of the world are not satisfied with their employment. my next guest has a vision for how to make work more meaningful. bruce fieler is an author who has written sen "new york times" best-sellers. his latest is "the search, finding meaningful work in a post career world." . bruce fieler, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you very much. thank you for inviting me. >> so everybody is aware that there is something going on in the work force. there was during pandemic and there was that great resignation where people just dropped out. and then there is this whole work from home thing where people are stubbornly resisting the idea of going back to work. all of which suggests some kind of dissatisfaction with the old work model. and what is interesting to me is you've been on to this earlier than most of us because you've been researching this book. tell me what led you, what took you to this place of asking what is going on in the work force and why are people unhappy? >> well i think that is a great frame for this conversation. so as you say, i spent the last six years helping people navigate life transitions. i hav i have crisscrossed the countries multiple times carrying stories of all backgrounds and all walks of life and all 50 states, and i've been looking for clues for how people can find meaning in times of change. and as you say, no area of our life is changing more than work. so let's just set the table here. 70% of americans are unhappy with what they do. 75% of americans in the survey released in april, say they plan to look for new work this year. that means 100 million americans, in a work force of 160 million, will sit across from someone today, tonight, tomorrow, and say i'm not happy with what i'm doing. i want to do work that makes me happy. >> is it possible for everyone to have work with meaning? because i feel like this is something that people like us talk about a lot, because what we do honestly is great fun. i can't believe people pay me to do this. and scott galaway said the whole idea of telling people to find your passion when you are 20 or 21 is kind of nonsense. find something your pretty good at and try to do it well and try to move up and get more responsibility and that becomes more fun. what do you make of that argument? >> i agree that follow your passion is one of the worst pieces of career advice. i asked everybody did you follow your passion? discover or make your position? nine out of ten people did not follow their passion. your passions change. the world changes. along comes circumstances. here comes a.i. to the idea of locking into a passion early is a bad piece of advice. but what i do think is true is that people across the income spectrum care about meaning. but the question, and i think the opening and what i've tried to offer here, is how do you decide what gives you meaning when that is going to change over time? >> and what is the answer? >> the people who were happiest and most fulfilled in what they do, they don't just climb, they also dig. they perform what i call a meaning audit. where they do personal archeology, like this treasure hunt through their own life st story trying to figure out -- >> trying to figure out what it is that they like an what makes them happy and what gives them purpose? >> today. not two years ago, not ten years ago, not what your parents wanted. not what you thought you wanted but what you're doing right now. i'm in a moment in my life when. i'm in a moment in life when i need to make money because my kids are going to college. or i have newborns and i want to spend more time with my children or i want to travel more or i'm an empty nester and now i want to do something for myself. the point is that your who, what, and when, they change over time and this is the opportunity of the work life when you go through 20 of these work -- in your life -- >> and i think what you're saying that we're going through one of these big transitions. >> yes. >> that nothing is going to flip back to what it looked like ten years ago. >> yes. >> that these trends that we see, the work from home, the great resignation, this is all part of a much broader phenomenon. so five, ten years from now, you think the workplace -- careers will look completely different and how? >> i absolutely think it is that big of a change. i think what is happening is a rebalancing of the power between the worker and the work force. and so really what i'm offering people here is this opportunity to meet actual real people, i mean, i tell the story in the introduction, it is one of my favorite stories, of a woman named roy park who was on the soviet desk of cia at the most prestigious and she made a transition within the cia to leave the spy department, to go to the bureaucracy side and run payroll. like her friend said, you are a fool. what did she do? she ended up running the entire cia. and every story has what i call the un-right decision. the decision that will disappoint somebody but it is the decision that is ultimately true to yourself. and that is the burden but it is the opportunity of this moment to decide what story you want to tell. >> bruce fieler, pleasure to have you on. >> my pleasure, thank you for having me. it is a fascinating. my thanks to bruce fieler and thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. postmenopausal women with hr+ her2- metastatic breast cancer are living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you. kisqali is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so you're not just living, you're living well. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live hugs and kisses. ask about kisqali. and long live life. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at (aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. 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, Manner , Republicans , Agriculture To Hospitality , Western , Immigration Bill , Compromises , Populism , Dose , Evidence , One , Washington Post , Link , Cnn Com Fareed , Russian , Soldiers , Interview , It Program , Goal , Troops , Triumph , 11 , Territory , Control , Civilians , Bombardment , Kharkiv , Disappointment , Picture , Offensive , 100 , Offense , Ground , Alina Polyakova , Thought , Expectations , Ukrainians , Doing , Reasons , Land Counteroffensive , Air Space , Way , Challenge , Military Operation , Hair , Air Superiority , Russians , Operations , Term , Long , Blunders , Tactics , Out Con Flick , Kind , Position , Territories , Dynamics , Back Territory , Question , Land Mines , Positions , Forward , Nato , Doctrine , 1 , 3 , Trenches , Man Power , Victory , 4 , Everything , Artillery , The Fog Of War , Doesn T , Side , Convenience , Casualty , Dug In , Lot , World War Ii , Weapons , We Weren T , Mines , Tanks , Supply Lines , Ability , Lines , Missile , Capabilities 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Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW Fareed 20240704

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united states and around the world. i'm fareed zakaria coming to you from new york. we start with two of the world's critical hot spots. first ukraine. where president zelenskyy admitted that the counteroffensive is difficult as wes western officials say that kyiv is highly unlikely so where does the war go from here? and then to niger, where a military coup was launched, that makes for a six county belt of cues spanning 3,500 miles across the african continent. we'll tell you what you need to know about this startling trend. also, are you amazed by the power of artificial intelligence? well wait until you hear about quantum computing. it will make today's a.i. look like child's play. i talked to mitchia kaku about what he sees as the real game-changer. but first, here is my take. in early may, 2023, it seems obvious that the united states was going to face an unmanageable border crisis. in the previous fiscal year there were about 2.4 million of apprehensions trying to enter the u.s. at the souther board and they were about to lose title 42 implemented in march of 2022 that allowed them to expel migrants as a pandemic prevention measure. but the end of the pandemic meant that temporary power also had to come to a close. in fact, as it turned out, there was to crisis. the number of encounters with migrants at the southern border dropped by a third from about 7,100 per day in april to about 4,800 per day in june. the latest available data. why did this happen? it seems that the biden administr administration's plan worked. it put in place a series of measures designed to deal with the impending problem, a stiff penalty for crossing the border illegally, deportation, plus a five-year ban on any re-entry. coupled with expanding ways to apply for legal asylum in the migrant's home country. it was a welcome case of well designed policy making a difference. but this success has not changed the fact that the u.s. immigration system is broken. the crush at the southern border may be less than anticipated but it is still an influx and the er theects are being felt across the united states. texas has famously bused migrants to washington, d.c. and new york. but the truth is that migrants have been crowding into many major american cities on a scale that is breaking those communities capacities to respond. the new york metropolitan area has born a huge burden. new york city is housing more than 50,000 migrants in homeless facilities and mayor eric adaadams estimates that the number will double by 2025 and the price tag for the city will be $12 billion over the next three years. each year that would be roughly two-thirds of what the city budgets for the new york police department is. new york city is a magnet because after a 1979 lawsuit, it has based policy on the notion that every person entering the city has a right to shelter. though, in fact, this right is ambiguous and if it exists, it applies at state level, not just that of the city. but places from denver to l.a. are all reeling from the burden of this influx. the migration crisis is being exacerbated by politics on both sides. the maga right demonized asylum-seekers and prefers no solution since a crisis helps them politically. but the far left attacks any sensible measures aimed at curbing the influx as cruel and inhumane and illegal. many blue cities like san francisco have ordinances and rules that force the local government to tolerate homelessness and vagrancy. biden's asylum policy faces lawsuits and court challenges from several left-wing groups. america's immigration system is broken. if the asylum laws were designed in the aftermath of the holocaust to allow admission to a small number of people personally facing intense persecution because of their religion or political relieves and it provided for their residency applications to be evaluated. millions have arrived at border with a huge numbers of them claiming asylum. while some might have legitimate claims but some are fleeing the poverty and instability and disease driving would-be migrants to the united states for hundreds of years. but many are realized if they claim asylum, they get special treatment. some u.s. officials handling this issue have told me that people are simply gaming the system to gain the best possible chance of entry. the laws and rules around asylum must be fixed to they could focus on the small number of genuine asylum-seekers while compelling the rest to seek other legal means of entry. at the same time, it is important to note that america is currently facing a drastic shortfall of labor and needs to expand legal immigration in many areas for just that reason. we urgently need to attract the world's best technically skilled people. so they could push forward the information and biotech revolutions that are transforming the economy and life itself. and with unemployment rates around 50-year lows, it is obvious that we need more workers in many sectors of the economy, from agriculture to hospitality. if this is done in a legal and orderly manner, americans will welcome the new workers. biden has tried to work with republicans on several issues and even had a few successes. he should proposed an immigration bill that is genuinely bipartisan and forces compromises from both sides. it would be one more strong dose of evidence that policy can triumph over populism. go to for a link to my washington post column this week. and let's get started. ♪ 11 months ago on it program, volodymyr zelenskyy told me that his goal was to remove all russian troops from ukraine. the interview took place during a time of triumph, just as ukrainian soldiers seized kharkiv back from russian control. today the picture looks very different. ukraine is evacuating civilians as russia mounts an aerial bombardment of the territory. western officials have expressed disappointment in a much lauded counteroffensive which began in june. ukraine has only taken back an estimated 100 square miles of territory since then. so why does the counter offensive seem to be faltering and does ukraine have a chance of gaining more ground? joining me now is alina polyakova. welcome, alina. so tell us, if we are right that the counter offense is not going as well as people had thought, what is the central reason? is there a central reason? >> yeah you know, the expectations on the counter offensive from the start were unreasonably high and there is two main reasons for that. one, ukraine has never had complete control over the air space. and if you think about carrying out a land counteroffensive, which is what the ukrainians are doing, while being bombarded from the air, no u.s. military operation would be carried out in the same way without complete air superiority. so that is one significant challenge that is slowing down the ukrainians. and the second reason that i think that is equally important is that after many colossal blunders in term of tactics and operations, the russians have now also adapted to a long, drawn out con flick and now in the position of defending territories which is easier than taking back territory. and those are the two main reasons for why we are seeing the kind of on the ground dynamics that have disappointed some western officials. >> so that raises this very difficult question going forward, right, which is that russians are now defending and they've often dug into these positions and they're put land mines in and the ukrainians are trying to attack and you know traditional nato doctrine would say, you need a 3 to 1 advantage in man power, maybe a 4 to 1 advantage to achieve any kind of victory. is it possible for the ukrainians to break through this russian -- these russian -- they've got land mines and they've got trenches and then they've got artillery behind the trenches. >> look, everything is really unknown in the fog of war, right. certainly, right now, it doesn't look like ukraine is in an enviable position. they've taken casualty and the russian side has dug in. they have mined the areas between themselves an the ukraine convenience very heavily and that is hurting in many ways. a lot of the weapons provided earlier on the war, tanks, are being being taken out by the mines and now is the moment to rethink our western policy as well. because we weren't prepared for this kind of war. we were supplying ukraine with weapons to at least be able to defend themselves. but we warrant supplying them with the kind of weapons that they need to be able to launch a proper counteroffensive which first and foremost means mean high, long range missile capabilities so they could disrupt russian's supply lines behind the front lines. they are very limited in their ability to do that. so, never say never, but the outlook does not look positive for ukraine over the next three or four months. >> when you talk to biden administration officials, he this have two arguments as to why they haven't done more faster. one is that the ukraines need to be trained on the equipment. the second is that with longer range missiles, you are -- there is a balance. you don't want to use missiles that attack deep into the hart of russian territory. which could give the russians the provocation to feel that they were at war with nato, to use tactical nuclear weapons, to get much more aggressive in terms of their aerial bombardment of ukraine cities. what do you think of those arguments? >> the argument that we're going to somehow provoke russia beyond what is currently already done, i think this is a red herring, frankly. mainly because i don't think there is a high chance that russians will go toward the nuclear decision. we have managed that nuclear escalatory risk and the biden administration deserves a huge amount of credit for that. and it is not the russian interest because they would lose whoever alliances or p partnerships with china and india who do not approve of the nuclear use have made that clear to the russians and the second point is further into the territory by krarns. this is war. if you're nat able to disrupt your enemy's supply lines and able to hit their -- their centers of operations, even on ukraine territory, the ukrainians cannot fully reach russia's logistics and supply lines in their own country and i think this is where the real problem is. ukraine has no interest in attacking russia. they don't want to escalate this war. as president zelenskyy said on your program, they want to take back their own territory and currently they don't have the reach to be able to truly, truly fight this war in the way that any western military would have in a similar environment. >> alina, that is incredibly enlightening. thank you so much. >> thank you, fareed. next on "gps", niger an the global implications of one more coup in west africa. 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"the new york times" called this the coup belt and if you look at sahell, above the sierra and above the sudanese, i think there have been six coups in the last few years. so what is going on? >> niger is the last frontier of the fight against terrorism in africa. and that is why -- that is the first reason why these countries matters so much now. the second reason is that there is a strong fear that the region, the sahell collapses and falls in the hands of china and russia. because, as you know, there is a skprong competition between global powers and even regional powers in africa. and niger represents these two things. the last frontier of this fight against terrorism, against the islamic state and al qaeda in africa. but also it is an important asset for western forces who would like to contain the chinese and the russian agenda in africa. >> so this is getting very complicated. so let me try to understand it. because what you see is in the same area of the sahell, global terrorism deaths have gone from about 1% in 2007, now it is up to 43%. so, you have the islamic state or isis or remnants of it, destabilizing these countries, which is then causing these governments to get weak and fragile and military coups, and meanwhile the chinese and russians are trying to take advantage? are they allies with the military junta that are taking control in these countries? >> you know, russia, it is more matter of opportunity. and china it is not kecked to the sahell. this global competition is everywhere on the continent. but every time that a coup happens in that area, you could see russian flags in demonstration, popular demonstrations. africa is key in its russian influence an it is a good way for the western government to avoid -- to avoid sanctions because it is a rich -- it is a rich territory. and, as you know, wagner is very active in mali, for example, where they tried to develop and they are developing predatory business through diamonds, gold, sugar, you know, all of these very important materials that are very important to feed the war in ukraine. so, no matter what we say here, the future of the war in ukraine goes through the sahell region. that is why it is so important. >> the whole thing does feel like one more step backwards in terms of democracy. right. i mean, you had the countries that had heroically managed to become democracies and slowly one by one it is unraveling. it feels to me like part of a noble trend. but particularly concentrated in these fragile states in africa. >> when you have been facing the terrorist groups for 10, 15 years, in the poorest countries in the world, knowing that you have to manage very vast and large territories, where local governance is week, i could tell you it is very challenging. and president bazoum was doing his best and many experts noticed that the number of attacks of terrorist attacks against the civilians have decreased this past month, this past year. but it was not enough. and the oko, the west african organization decided to activate its stand-by force, a military force, and to be ready to restore the democratically elected president bazoum who is detained right now in a house in yami, by the coup leaders. so it is a lot that is going on right now. a lot is on the line. will they do -- when they do cross that line and send the soldiers from echous to restore the power in niger, and they have appointed a new government and a new prime minister and they have closed the border and they faced the sanctions. and so, and under the eyes of a international community, so a lot is on the line right now. >> so there is a glimmer of hope there and we'll have to leave it at that and keep watching. thank you so much. >> thank you. thank you for having me. next on "gps", many experts predicted the united states would be recession by now. in fact, most. but the american economy is looking pretty good. why did economists get things so wrong. i ask a harvard professor when we come back. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrateded. the united states postal service. struggling with the highs and lows of bipolar 1? 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um, it's called commitment. could you turn down the volume? here, you can try. get way more into what your into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. right now, the united states is supposed to be in a recession. or at least that was the overwhelming conventional wisdom this time last year when most experts predict ed that high inflation and overheated labor market would lead us in that direction, especially because the federal reserve continued to raise interest rates. one economic model at bloomberg last october set the odds of a recession at 100%. but it turns out the economy is actually humming along pretty well. inflation has come down significantly and america's gdp growth is the strongest in the g7. and unemployment is at a 50-year low and wages are growing. today the fed is not forecasting a recession at all and jp chase and bank of america have walked back their predictions. so why did economists get things so wrong. i'm joined by jason furman who has some answers from kennedy school and a former economic adviser to president barack obama. welcome and before we get started, i want to do a big hat tip to derek thompson, who has a wonderful podcast and he and you talked about some of those issues and this is very much inspired by that. so, my question quite simply is if someone were to ask you how come the united states is not in the recession that many people thought was going to happen, what is the answer? >> fareed, i think there are three parts to that answer. the first part is that in 2020 and 2021, the government gave people $5 trillion. they didn't go out and spend all of that money right away. in fact, it was hard to spend a lot of that money in those years. and so some of that money got spent in 2022, some of it is still being spent now. and you see that in the very strong consumer spending numbers. the second thing is that russian invasion of ukraine is still just absolutely horrific. but in terms of the economic data, the price of oil is back to where it was before there was any concern about the invasion. it is basically that particular issue has gone away. and then the third thing is the fed has raised rates a lot. by more than 5 percentage points but rates still aren't that high. so it wasn't as contractionary and negative of a noforce as people thought it was. >> and let me try to repack two of those. you talk about consumer spending, isn't it true that we didn't keep in mind that the biden administration was also spending. there is a massive infrastructure bill. there is a -- inflation reduction act which has a fair amount of spending in it. there is the chips act, which has a fair amount of spending. and it also did the price cap on oil which forces russia to discount its price, further reducing energy prices. so could that all -- >> think of your buckets, one and two, spending and energy prices, do you think those were effected as well. >> i agree with all of that. normally, you would siee, as th economy strengthens, and the stock market is up, you expect to see the budget deficit go down. now we're seeing over the last year the budget deficit has been rising. and part of that is all of these new programs that you just mentioned, infrastructure, chips, climate change, and the like. and they are really stimulating the economy. and the other thing is, yeah, the reason oil prices fell isn't just pure luck. it is in part the administration, i think, has done of denying russia the money, not all of the money they could have gotten from oilch and while making sure it doesn't cause a global recession by spiking. >> an finally, let me ask you about going forward. as you point out, there has been a lot of government spending, usually in situations like this, the deficit is going down. right now it is going up, it is going up a lot. do you worry about that rising deficit? and could it derail the economy in some way? >> yeah, look, i'm worried about the deficit now. i was a less worried a few years ago. but a few things have changed. one is interest rates have risen a accdecent amount. that makes is harder to service your debt. and there is a old rule, when times are good, your deficit goes down and when times are bad your deficit goes up. and right now we're breaking that rule. we're seeing good times with a pretty large deficit. so i'm not panicked. i don't think the sky is falling. but washington is going to at least in the next few years need to turn its attention to this question in a way that it hasn't for some time. >> jason furman of harvard university, thank you so much. next on "gps," you may think the next breakthrough is in artificial intelligence but i want to tell you would be a bigger technological revolution, the wild world of quantum computing. i spoke with physicist michio kaku after the break. your paint is really bad. what? i said, “best coffee i've ever had.” (slurps) should've used behr. sorry, sign where? 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a chat bot is a glorified tape recorder. it takes snippets of what is on the web, created by a human, sp splicing them together and passes them off as if it created these things. and people are saying it is human like. the chat bot simply rearranges what is already on the internet already. it is a tape recorder of very advanced type. that does not understand truth, what is false, it is not understanding slander versus reality. that has to be put in by a human. >> so the real shift that you say is going to take place is once we get to quantum computing? >> we've gone through three stages of computer revelation. first stage when when communicated with pulleys and swings and the analog stage. and then comes world war ii and we switches to electricity and transistors and that gave us the digital revolution of today. we're in stage two. >> which is the ones and zeros, the bits and bytes. >> that is right. zero and one. mother nature would laugh at us. because mother nature does not use zeros and ones. they create molecules and that is why we're now entering stage three. silicon valley could become a rust belt unless they get on the bandwagon. >> would it be fair to say that the shift that you're describing, quantum computing, basically we're now trying to mimic what nature does because an electron is not a particle, it is a wave or both and that is where computing has to go. >> by god, i think you got it. that is exactly what we're talking about. because, for example, take a look at a transistor. it has two states, up and down, left and right, true and false. so think of an atom that spins either up or down, two states, the digital revolution is based on that idea. however, the quantum computer could be at any angle. think about that. they're infinitely more states you could create if an electronic is allowed to wobble and point in any direction whatsoever rather than up or down. >> so a quantum computing is a computing using not computer chips, but using these waves or these -- >> that is right. >> the various states of the waves, they could vibrate in any direction and they're simultaneous. so that it could actually calculate two or three places at the same time. so think of a mouse in a maze. a digital computer would calculate the trajectory of each mouse at every joint, at every place where there is a decision to be made in a maze. that takes forever. now, a quantum computer sees all possible modes simultaneously. that violates common sense. common sense said you could not be two places at the same time. well, get with it. in the quantum theory, you could be many places at the same time. and that is the power of quantum computers. >> what would it look like? would my computer look the same? >> it is like a chandelier, but it is at the bottom, what is this chandelier? it is cooling pipes to bring it down to absolute zero where there is no vibrations. if someone sneezes a block away, that could ruin your whole c allegation. so you want everything to be frozen near absolute zero. >> and i'm struck, tell me if i'm wrong, if you hear about all of the artificial intelligence and the computing power and the amount of energy to run all of these computers, i think the brain is very energy efficient. we're able to make all of these calculating and we don't need cooling and we're somehow doing it using much less energy than these vast computers with all of their jihite. >> we knew of nothing in the universe more complex than the human brain. which has 100 billion neurons. and even connected to 10,000 other neurons an it is all done at room temperature. so we're playing catch up. catch up to mother nature and mother nature is quantum and that is what we to make the transition. from digital computers to quantum computers. and that will allow us to calculate diseases for example, that are at the quantum level, cancer, parkinson's, alzheimer's disease. these are diseases at the molecular level. we're powerless to cure the diseases because we have to learn the language of nature which is molecules and quantum electronics. >> michio kaku, thank you. are you happy with your job? most employees are not engaged at work. my next guest will tell us how to make work more meaningful, when we come back. thehey'd arre with a replacement we could trust. that's service thehe way we want it. >> singers: ♪ safelite rerepai, safelite replace. ♪ ♪ tourists tourists that turn into scientists. tourist taking photos that are analyzed byi. so researchers can help life underwaterlourish. ♪ this is how tosin lost 33 pounds on noom weight. i'm tosin. noom gave her a psychological approach to weight loss. noom has taught me how you think about food has such a... huge impact on your relationship with it. visit and start your trial today. mlb chooses t-mobile for business for 5g solutions... not only enhance the fan experience, but to advance how the game is played. now's the time to see what america's largest 5g network can do for your business. with 30 grams of protein. those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks! uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ start your day with nature made. the #1 pharmacist recommended vitamin and supplement brand. according to a recent gallup survey, only 23% of the world's employees say they are engaged and thriving at work. that number is actually an krien he is from previous years. but most workers of the world are not satisfied with their employment. my next guest has a vision for how to make work more meaningful. bruce fieler is an author who has written sen "new york times" best-sellers. his latest is "the search, finding meaningful work in a post career world." . bruce fieler, pleasure to have you on. >> thank you very much. thank you for inviting me. >> so everybody is aware that there is something going on in the work force. there was during pandemic and there was that great resignation where people just dropped out. and then there is this whole work from home thing where people are stubbornly resisting the idea of going back to work. all of which suggests some kind of dissatisfaction with the old work model. and what is interesting to me is you've been on to this earlier than most of us because you've been researching this book. tell me what led you, what took you to this place of asking what is going on in the work force and why are people unhappy? >> well i think that is a great frame for this conversation. so as you say, i spent the last six years helping people navigate life transitions. i hav i have crisscrossed the countries multiple times carrying stories of all backgrounds and all walks of life and all 50 states, and i've been looking for clues for how people can find meaning in times of change. and as you say, no area of our life is changing more than work. so let's just set the table here. 70% of americans are unhappy with what they do. 75% of americans in the survey released in april, say they plan to look for new work this year. that means 100 million americans, in a work force of 160 million, will sit across from someone today, tonight, tomorrow, and say i'm not happy with what i'm doing. i want to do work that makes me happy. >> is it possible for everyone to have work with meaning? because i feel like this is something that people like us talk about a lot, because what we do honestly is great fun. i can't believe people pay me to do this. and scott galaway said the whole idea of telling people to find your passion when you are 20 or 21 is kind of nonsense. find something your pretty good at and try to do it well and try to move up and get more responsibility and that becomes more fun. what do you make of that argument? >> i agree that follow your passion is one of the worst pieces of career advice. i asked everybody did you follow your passion? discover or make your position? nine out of ten people did not follow their passion. your passions change. the world changes. along comes circumstances. here comes a.i. to the idea of locking into a passion early is a bad piece of advice. but what i do think is true is that people across the income spectrum care about meaning. but the question, and i think the opening and what i've tried to offer here, is how do you decide what gives you meaning when that is going to change over time? >> and what is the answer? >> the people who were happiest and most fulfilled in what they do, they don't just climb, they also dig. they perform what i call a meaning audit. where they do personal archeology, like this treasure hunt through their own life st story trying to figure out -- >> trying to figure out what it is that they like an what makes them happy and what gives them purpose? >> today. not two years ago, not ten years ago, not what your parents wanted. not what you thought you wanted but what you're doing right now. i'm in a moment in my life when. i'm in a moment in life when i need to make money because my kids are going to college. or i have newborns and i want to spend more time with my children or i want to travel more or i'm an empty nester and now i want to do something for myself. the point is that your who, what, and when, they change over time and this is the opportunity of the work life when you go through 20 of these work -- in your life -- >> and i think what you're saying that we're going through one of these big transitions. >> yes. >> that nothing is going to flip back to what it looked like ten years ago. >> yes. >> that these trends that we see, the work from home, the great resignation, this is all part of a much broader phenomenon. so five, ten years from now, you think the workplace -- careers will look completely different and how? >> i absolutely think it is that big of a change. i think what is happening is a rebalancing of the power between the worker and the work force. and so really what i'm offering people here is this opportunity to meet actual real people, i mean, i tell the story in the introduction, it is one of my favorite stories, of a woman named roy park who was on the soviet desk of cia at the most prestigious and she made a transition within the cia to leave the spy department, to go to the bureaucracy side and run payroll. like her friend said, you are a fool. what did she do? she ended up running the entire cia. and every story has what i call the un-right decision. the decision that will disappoint somebody but it is the decision that is ultimately true to yourself. and that is the burden but it is the opportunity of this moment to decide what story you want to tell. >> bruce fieler, pleasure to have you on. >> my pleasure, thank you for having me. it is a fascinating. my thanks to bruce fieler and thanks to all of you for being part of my program this week. i will see you next week. postmenopausal women with hr+ her2- metastatic breast cancer are living longer with kisqali. so, long live family time. long live dreams. and long live you. kisqali is a pill proven to help women live longer when taken with an aromatase inhibitor. and kisqali helps preserve quality of life. so you're not just living, you're living well. kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat which can lead to death. it can cause serious skin reactions, liver problems, and low white blood cell counts that may result in severe infections. avoid grapefruit during treatment. tell your doctor right away if you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, a change in your heartbeat, dizziness, yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, a severe or worsening rash, are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. long live hugs and kisses. ask about kisqali. and long live life. ♪ ♪ we're reinventing our network... ...with smarter, more efficient routes... you can deliver more value to your customers. fast. reliable. perfectly orchestrated. the united states postal service. feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte™. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression. unlike some medicines that only treat bipolar i, caplyta treats both bipolar i and ii depression. and in clinical trials, movement disorders and weight gain were not common. call your doctor about sudden mood changes, behaviors, or suicidal thoughts. antidepressants may increase these risks in young adults. elderly dementia patients have increased risk of death or stroke. report fever, confusion, stiff or uncontrollable muscle movements which may be life threatening or permanent. these aren't all the serious side effects. caplyta can help you let in the lyte™. ask your doctor about caplyta find savings and support at (aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. 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Gps , Global Public Square , Ukraine , World , Volodymyr Zelenskyy , Two , United States , New York , Spots , Around The World , Fareed Zakaria , Counteroffensive , Officials , War Go , Wes Western , Kyiv , Niger , Military Coup , County Belt , Cues , Six , 3500 , Quantum Computing , Power , Artificial Intelligence , Trend , African Continent , A I , Mitchia Kaku , Early May , Game Changer , Child S Play , May 2023 , 2023 , Apprehensions , Border Crisis , Souther Board , 2 4 Million , Migrants , Prevention Measure , Title , Pandemic , March Of 2022 , 2022 , 42 , Number , Crisis , Fact , Close , Encounters , Southern Border , 7100 , Biden Administr , Place , Measures , Problem , Plan , Data , Series , It Put , 4800 , Asylum , Border , Ways , Migrant , Home Country , Deportation , Penalty , Re Entry , Ban , Case , Five , Influx , Policy , Crush , System , Immigration , Difference , Success , Truth , Cities , Washington D C , Scale , Texas , Er Theects Are , Eric Adaadams Estimates , Burden , Communities , Housing , Capacities , Homeless Facilities , New York Metropolitan Area , 50000 , City , Budgets , Price Tag , New York Police Department , 2025 , 2 Billion , 12 Billion , Three , Right , Lawsuit , Person , Notion , Magnet , 1979 , Places , State Level , Migration Crisis , Denver To L A , Asylum Seekers , Attacks , Sides , Politics , Solution , Maga , Government , Biden , Force , Homelessness , Challenges , Vagrancy , Court , Asylum Policy Faces Lawsuits , Have Ordinances , San Francisco , People , Asylum Laws , Admission , Immigration System , Groups , Aftermath , Holocaust , It , Millions , Numbers , Religion , Persecution , Residency Applications , Some , Instability , Disease Driving , Poverty , Claims , Chance , Many , Laws , Entry , Issue , Special Treatment , Rules , Hundreds , Gaming , Means , Rest , Reason , Areas , Labor , Shortfall , Life , Economy , Workers , Lows , Information , Revolutions , Unemployment , Biotech , Sectors , 50 , Issues , Successes , Manner , Republicans , Agriculture To Hospitality , Western , Immigration Bill , Compromises , Populism , Dose , Evidence , One , Washington Post , Link , Cnn Com Fareed , Russian , Soldiers , Interview , It Program , Goal , Troops , Triumph , 11 , Territory , Control , Civilians , Bombardment , Kharkiv , Disappointment , Picture , Offensive , 100 , Offense , Ground , Alina Polyakova , Thought , Expectations , Ukrainians , Doing , Reasons , Land Counteroffensive , Air Space , Way , Challenge , Military Operation , Hair , Air Superiority , Russians , Operations , Term , Long , Blunders , Tactics , Out Con Flick , Kind , Position , Territories , Dynamics , Back Territory , Question , Land Mines , Positions , Forward , Nato , Doctrine , 1 , 3 , Trenches , Man Power , Victory , 4 , Everything , Artillery , The Fog Of War , Doesn T , Side , Convenience , Casualty , Dug In , Lot , World War Ii , Weapons , We Weren T , Mines , Tanks , Supply Lines , Ability , Lines , Missile , Capabilities , Arguments , Haven T , Equipment , Outlook , Four , Missiles , Attack , Second , Balance , Provocation , Hart , Argument , Terms , Decision , Red Herring , Risk , Amount , Interest , Alliances , Credit , Escalatory , P , Point , Partnerships , China , Use , India , Krarns , Enemy , Centers , Ukrainians Cannot , Country , Program , Logistics , Military , Reach , Environment , Fareed , West Africa , Coup , Implications , Fisher Investments , Clients , Money Manager , Aren T , Momoney Managers , Market , Stocks , Goals , Portfolios , Strategies , Investmentse , You U , Money , Commission , High Commissions , Otheroney Manager , Righ , Ouclient , Yep , Protein , Help , Glucerna Protein , Blend , Living , Blood Sugar Response , Going , 30 , Feeling , Add Power , Plaque , Round Brush Head , Dentist , Teeth , Tooth , Pro , Oral B Round , Oral B Brush , Superior Clean , Man , Life Insurance , Bath , Bathroom , List , Looks , Honey , Hm , Baxter , Wall , Form , Fast , Sounds , Boxes , Ad , Colonial Penn , Don T , States , Health , Health Questions , Exam , Acceptance , Name , Ages , Colonial Penn Guaranteed Acceptance Whole Life Insurance , Need One , 85 , Mind , Options , Lifetime Rate Lock , Rate , Insured , Lifetime Protection , 35 , 9 95 , 95 , Beneficiary Planner , Premiums , Obligation , Calling , Everyone , Muscle , Mission , Heart Health , Nutrition , Minerals , Vitamins , Support Immune , Nutrients , Bone , Yaaay , Woo Hoo , 25 , Researchers , Tourist Taking Photos , Scientists , Ai , Life Underwater Flourish , Bazoum , Most , Head , Constitution , Charge , Fury , West African Political Block , Prowestern , Countries , Block , Military Intervention , Coups , Split , Member , Mali , Junta , Rama Yade , Atlantic Council , Africa Center , Burkina Faso , Sahell , The New York Times , Human Rights , Belt , Foreign Affairs , Sierra , Sudanese , Terrorism , Fight , Frontier , Region , Fear , Matters , Things , Powers , Competition , Hands , Falls , The Last Frontier , Estate , Asset , Agenda , Islamic , Chinese , Al Qaeda , Area , Deaths , Global Terrorism , 2007 , Isis , Governments , Remnants , 43 , Military Junta , Advantage , Opportunity , Matter , Continent , Everywhere , Influence , Demonstrations , Demonstration , Flags , Example , Sanctions , Wagner , Sugar , Materials , War , Predatory Business , Diamonds , Gold , Thing , Feel , Democracy , Step , Part , Democracies , Unraveling , Terrorist Groups , 10 , 15 , Experts , Local Governance , President , Oko , Terrorist Attacks , West African Organization , Military Force , Line , House , Coup Leaders , Yami , Echous , Eyes , Community , Glimmer , Hope , Prime Minister , Recession , Economists , Professor , Harvard , Perfectly Orchestrateded , Symptoms , Bipolar , Vraylar , United States Postal Service , Take Control , Highs , Thanour , Bipolar 1 , Adults , Impact , Relief , Episodes , Saw , Studies , Manic , Death , Doctor , Children , Weight , Stroke , Thoughts , Fever , Dementia , Antidepressants , Confusion , Patients , Changes , Muscle Movements , Muscles , Reaction , Behavior , Weight Gain , Side Effects , High Blood Sugar , Cholesterol , Restlessness , Coma , Stomach , Sleepiness , Movement Dysfunction , Food , Isn T , Abbvie , Eating Trigger , Bit , Noom Weight , Psychology Julian , Skin , Sotyktu , Pill , Plaque Psoriasis , Psoriasis Treatment , Noom Com , Back , Splendor , Finding Psoriasis , Thighs , Infection , Infections , Reactions , Muscle Problems , Cancers , Tb , Labs , Lymphoma , Risks , Tyk2 Inhibitor , Kidney Problems , Find , Triglycerides , Liver , Jak Family , Vaccine , Hiding , Dermatologist , Jak Inhibitors , Wow , Stuff , To Die For , Out Didn T You , Commitment , Volume , Um , Xfinity 10g Network , Wisdom , Ed , Direction , Inflation , Interest Rates , Reserve , Labor Market , Model , Bloomberg Last October Set The Odds , Strongest , Gdp Growth , Fed , Low , Predictions , Bank Of America , Wages , G7 , Jp Chase , Jason Furman , Barack Obama , Answers , Hat Tip , Adviser , Kennedy School , Derek Thompson , Podcast , Answer , Someone , Parts , 5 Trillion , 2021 , Trillion , 2020 , Invasion , Consumer Spending Numbers , Price , Soil , Concern , Rates , Points , Wasn T , High , 5 , Consumer Spending , Noforce , Spending , Chips , Infrastructure Bill , Reduction , Price Cap , Energy Prices , Buckets , Energy , Th Economy , Prices , Stock Market , Budget Deficit Go Down , Programs , Budget Deficit , Climate Change , Infrastructure , Oil Prices , Like , Luck , Spiking , Oilch , Deficit , Government Spending , Situations , Accdecent Amount , Times , Rule , Debt , Hasn T , Sky , Attention , Breakthrough , Revolution , Michio Kaku , Break , Paint , Brand , Behr , Coffee , Slurps , Home Depot , Ght , Vabysmo , Sight , Wet Amd , Treatment , Treatments , Vision , More , Fda , Eye Infection , Eye Injection , Eye , Causes , Swelling , Ingredients , Retinal Detachment , 2 , Eye Pressure , Heart Attack , Injection , Increase , Blood Clots , Social Media , Behind Closed Doors , Algorithms , Addiction , Fault , Protein Max Challenge , Uuuhhhh , 10000 , 0000 , Technology , Something , Computers , Processing Power , Quantum Particles , Guest , Properties , Book , Physicist , Problems , Kinds , Quantum Supremacy , Everybody , Chat Bots , Media , Chatgpt , Advance , Hyperventilating , Society , General , Chat Bot , Human , Tape Recorder , Snippets , Aspects , Web , Internet , Splicing , Sp , Shift , Reality , Type , Slander , Stage , Stages , Computer Revelation , Transistors , Electricity , Swings , Pulleys , Digital Revolution Of Today , Mother Nature , Ones , Zeros , Bytes , Bits , Zero , Molecules , Rust Belt , Bandwagon , Silicon Valley , Nature , Computing , Particle , Both , Wave , Electron , God , Atom , Transistor , Down , Left , Take A Look , Up And Down , True And False , Idea , Quantum Computer , Electronic , Angle , Waves , Computer Chips , Computer , Mouse , Maze , Joint , Trajectory , Modes , Quantum Theory , Common Sense , Quantum Computers , Chandelier , Same , Cooling Pipes , Vibrations , Bottom , Computing Power , C Allegation , Brain , Cooling , Nothing , Complex , Neurons , Universe , Human Brain , Jihite , 100 Billion , Transition , Quantum , Room Temperature , Diseases , Cancer , Quantum Level , Level , Alzheimer S Disease , Parkinson S , Language , Quantum Electronics , Work , Employees , Service , Thehe , Job , Replacement , Thehey D Arre , Singers , Safelite Rerepai , Byi , Life Underwaterlourish , Weight Loss , Approach , Relationship , Tosin , 33 , Trial , Visit Noom Com , Business , Fan Experience , 5g Solutions , Game , T Mobile , Mlb , 5g Network , Supplement , Pharmacist , Vitamin , Krien , Gallup Survey , 23 , Author , Bruce Fieler , Employment , Sen , Search , Latest , Post Career World , Work Force , Resignation , Home , Work Model , Dissatisfaction , Life Transitions , Frame , Conversation , Meaning , Change , Stories , Backgrounds , Walks , Clues , Americans , Survey , Table , 70 , 75 , 100 Million , 160 Million , People Like Us , Passion , Fun , Nonsense , Scott Galaway , 21 , 20 , Responsibility , Career Advice , Pieces , Passions , Locking , The World Changes , Circumstances , Nine , Ten , Think , Care , Piece , Advice , Spectrum , Opening , Story , Archeology , Dig , Meaning Audit , Treasure Hunt , Life St , Parents , Purpose , Kids , College , Newborns , Empty Nester , Work Life , Who , Transitions , Trends , Yes , Workplace , Careers , Rebalancing , Happening , Phenomenon , Worker , Introduction , Woman , Spy Department , Prestigious , Desk , Roy Park , Cia , Soviet , Bureaucracy Side , Payroll , Friend , Fool , Somebody , Thanks , Pleasure , Fascinating , Women , Breast Cancer , Kisqali , Postmenopausal , Aromatase Inhibitor , Kisqali Helps Preserve Quality Of Life , Dreams , Heartbeat , Liver Problems , Lung Problems , Skin Reactions , Blood Cell , Grapefruit , Breathing Problems , Chest Pain , Pain , Chills , Loss , Urine , Cough , Yellowing , Dizziness , Bleeding , Appetite , Tiredness , Bruising , Breastfeeding , Network , Smarter , Rash , Kisses , Hugs , Routes , Caplyta , Value , Customers , Lytetm , Before Dawn , Medicines , Bipolar Depression , Depression , Movements , Mood Changes , Report Fever , Trials , Behaviors , Permanent , Movement Disorders , Support , Savings , Caplyta Com , Golo , Aidyl , 90 , Closet , Sizes , Yo , Time , Forever , Announcer , Golo Com , Splenda , Isn T Easy , Diabetes Care , Shakes , Blood Sugar , Breakfast , Others , 16 , Aisle Today , Diabetes Care Shakes , Go , Sweetener Brand , Snack , Meals , Lunch ,

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