Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704 :

Transcripts For CNNW CNN 20240704

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the coast, we were in shock. we were looking at each other in the helicopter, and we had tears in our eyes and we just couldn't believe, it didn't seem real. it looked like a war zone, a place that had been bombed, and it was just smoking and burning afterwards. just unbelievable. >> the federal judge overseeing trump's election subversion case is saying trump's first amendment rights not absolute but also making clear she's not accepting the special counsel's request full clock. president zelenskyy cleaning house after what he calls a corruption scandal sweeps through the ukrainian military. i'm john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn "news central." ♪ ♪ this morning, officials are warning the death toll from the wildfires in hawaii, which stands at 55, will rise, as search crews are finally able to get inside burnt-outbuildings and search for victims. the historic town of lahaina has been almost wiped out. nearly 80% of homes and buildings are gone. we're hearing story after story of heartbreak. one man is now living in the back of a u-haul because there are no hotel rooms available. he just moved to lahaina and was set to open an art studio on front street, but the fires got there first. >> 50 years of all my paintings, and i've had collectors -- i've had collectors on facebook werie me today, we're heartbroken, we'll give you back the original painting we bought, everything. it hurts, man. it's a lifetime of work gone. >> the fires started, survivors say they got little to no warning to leave. many people got stuck between a wall of fire and the ocean. boats went up in flames looking like the waves were on fire. a boat captain in maui, on tuesday night she watched lahaina's harbor burn, and had to rescue two children from the ocean. she joins us now by phone. captain, thank you so much for being with us. i can't do your story justice. will you walk us through what happened to you that night as the waters -- we're looking at pictures of it right now -- the waters were literally on fire all around you. >> right. we had a 10-foot skiff, and i was evacuating people from the harbor, and i was going to go back for my boat, but the priority was just to get people out and away from the fire because the fire was -- the winds were about 70 miles an hour, and the fire was just -- it wasn't like a slow wildfire. it was a horizontal fire that was chasing you. and the harbor was pitch black with smoke. we got people off their boats. they wanted to try to save their boats, and we're like you're going to die, you got to come with us now. so we got them out, and driving out of the harbor, it's pitch black dark because of the smoke, you can just feel the heat. we got them offshore. there were some boats that were empty, and they were at anchor. we got them on those boats, and in the 70-mile-an-hour winds i was going to go back in to try to save my boat, and the dingy motor, we took a wave and it killed the motor, and we were adrift heading out to sea. but we were luckily able, as we were flying past a boat, i was able to throw a line and get that line to that boat. and we just watched our boats burn. the boat i have is not a pleasure craft, it's a boat that serves the community, and i just want everyone to know that i'm so sorry and i tried my hardest to get to that boat to save it, and i'm so sorry that i feel like i let people down. >> there's so much -- >> the 120-foot boat, we took shelter, and we got a call a couple hours later that the coast guard had a hundred people in the water and they needed help, if there were any boats out there. i'm out there with emma, nelson, and lashanna. all three of us, we're captains, and we knew the dingy motor was not reliable, but we got it to start again and we made the decision to go help people. so that's that video that you saw of us going into the harbor where it's on fire looking for survivors. >> and you were able to pull two children from the water. explain what happened there. >> so, basically what happened was, like people are saying, there was no warning, there was no alarms. the cell phone towers were burned. people weren't able to get water because it was just a trickle of water. the power cut, so people ran for the beach. they had no options. there are cars with the doors still open of people just running. and there are bodies on the street. and it's just 20 feet from the ocean. that's how quickly this fire was. the people that were able to jump into the ocean, the coast guard wasn't able to get in shallow enough. and, so, we were able to get this 10-foot skiff in the middle of the night in the smoke. and it was just explosions going off. hundreds and hundreds of explosions. and we were able to grab two very small children and then bring them out to the coast guard vessel that was waiting outside the reef. >> i mean, your efforts, miraculous given the situation there. i know you probably wish you could have done more. but you accomplished so much. is your home okay? >> my home is okay, thank god. there are so many people that lost so much more than my business. my heart goes out to the people here on maui. it's such a devastating situation. i had about eight people in my house. we have no electricity. our biggest need out here i think is communication. the community made a spreadsheet. there's about 2,000 people unaccounted for. and we just have no way to communicate. i had to drive up a mountain to try to get cell service. my car is burned down. i borrowed a car. everyone here, they're just worried about their loved ones. and we have no way to communicate. >> well, christina, we appreciate your efforts to communicate with us so that we can know what is happening there on the ground. we hope that you and the people of your town get the help that you need very, very quickly. again, thank you for your efforts, and thank you so much for being with us. kate? >> so, crews now are racing to get desperately needed supplies, just like food and water and communications back up in parts of maui. but recovery is very clearly going to be slow, long, and difficult, and so many people on the island are left wondering what is next. >> it was everything i could do to just gather my kids and gather whatever i could in two minutes to get out of the house. we ran out of the house with no shoes. finally saw the pictures of what used to be our house and our town. just trying to figure out what to do from here. because there's nothing to go back to. >> joining us now is the mayor of hawaii county big island mitch roth. mayor, thank you for your time. what support is the big island providing for maui right now? >> well, we put together a task force where we're trying to give whatever support we can. we're helping them find housing for some of their people there. we've just sent over some of our police officers, our animal control officers. we're trying to work with the county of maui to make sure that we're not sending people over just willy-nilly. we want to make sure that they have a place to stay and they'll have a job to do over there. >> absolutely. maui's mayor, one thing he said is it's all gone. lahaina is gone. and he says it's the biggest and worst natural disaster in hawaii's history. when he says that, what does that mean for all of you? >> you know, we look at hawaii as a state pretty much a family. we treat each other with aloha, and mayor bissen, who is a good friend of mine, we've been communicating a little bit about this. we have family members that are over there. we have friends that are over there. we still have people in our county that are looking for their family members over there. it's a big deal for us. when someone in your family has something that goes wrong, people naturally come to help. and that's what the whole state is doing, not just our island. we had our fire. we got done with that. and now it's time to give back to the rest of our family, the rest of our state. >> some residents are now, of maui, are speaking up, and wondering why they weren't able to have more of a warning, thinking they should have been able to have more of a warning and how dangerous the fires were becoming and how quickly. i spoke with a maui city council woman a little while ago, and she said we do need to do better looking forward. but overnight maui's police chief said no one saw this coming. do you think that's the case, mayor? >> well, i would agree that they didn't see it coming to that agree. we knew that we were under a red flag warning. at the same time, on hawaii island, we woke up about 4:00 in the morning. we had our own brush fires that we were dealing with that were pretty extensive. and, so, we knew that we were going to have some fires. we didn't know we were going to have the extent that we did have. and, so, we worked on ours, they worked on theirs at the same time. and i think at one point, they had actually had their fire controlled. when you have 70-mile-an-hour winds, it's very difficult to keep those things under control. >> and, now it's going to be a long process for all of hawaii to get this all back together and recover and to begin to make people whole again. mayor, thank you for your time. >> thank you. for more information f all of you on how you can help hawaii wildfire victims, you can go to you can also text "hawaii" to 707070 to donate. john? he is running a political campaign currently. he has to yield to the administration of justice. those crucial words from the judge overseeing the january 6th case against donald trump the first time we have heard from her key signs how she intends to proceed. a major shakeup in ukraine. president zelenskyy has dismissed all officials in charge of regional military recruitment centers, accusing them of widespread corruption. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a 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given limitations to donald trump and made clear that he needs to watch what he says publicly, versus what he's learning behind the scenes as he prepares for trial even though he's a political candidate out there giving speeches and posting on social media. one of the things that she has already said is going to happen is that when donald trump learns any information he didn't know before from witness interviews that the justice department did, sensitive witness interviews, he's not going to be able to disclose that. that's an order from the court. and that is an order from the court that is going to be above and beyond any sort of free speech claims that donald trump may make. the judge here has been quite clear, saying that his speech is able to be limited, the first amendment does have limitations to it, and that she is not going to be doing things based on what is happening in the political sphere. she is a judge, it is separate. one of the quotes that really jumps out from this hearing today, the fact that he is running a political campaign currently has to yield to the administration of justice. and if that means he can't say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that is just how it's going to have to be. and then also she says, i cannot and i will not factor into my decision what effect it will have on a political campaign for either side. and so there are still many arguments being made here, and they're talking about how trump will be able to disclose or not disclose, largely not disclose information he's learning as he's getting evidence and his lawyers are getting evidence in this case, and they prepare for trial. but also judge chutkan is clearly issuing quite a warning to trump and his defense team that he needs to be careful not to obstruct justices, not to intimidate witnesses. that is a real thing, a real line that he could cross if he keeps talking publicly about witnesses in this case. she's really tried to avoid it being specifically about any witness in particular. his lawyers have brought up mike pence. that's something the justice department also had flagged here. but this is quite a clear sign from the judge. and on top of that they're still working out some details in this situation, how much trump can review evidence, where he can review evidence, who can be with him. also how they will designate the evidence in this case as it gets handed over, what are the things that trump specifically can't share more widely versus what can he incorporate into his political speech. but so far this is quite a set of things that the judge has said really taking on a lot more than just the legal issues in this case, which i might note, have largely been in line with what donald trump's lawyers have agreed to or have proposed so far. >> katelyn polantz, don't go far because we keep getting new reports from inside the courtroom. standby if you will for just a moment. >> paula reid who's been inside the courtroom, she's making her way out. in the meantime, joining us right now is former assistant u.s. attorney nick ackerman. katelyn has been laying all of this out for us, what has been coming out from court what the judge has been talking about. before we jump into some of her quotes and things we've heard from the judge, overall, what do you take from what we're hearing from the judge so far? >> none of this is very surprising. this is a very standard protective order that the government wants. the purpose of a protective order is for the defendant to be able to get discovery and use it for his defense. not to put on a public display or contest the allegations in a public forum. he's already agreed to two protective orders that are almost exactly the same in both the miami classified documents case and the new york case prosecution. so none of this is surprising. i think she's essentially going to be putting in place the order that the government has asked for. and based on the comments that i heard, it just reaffirms my opinion that this case is going to trial in january or february of next year. this judge is not taking any blowback from this defendant. they've tried over the last couple days, if you look at the filings that have been made, they've tried everything to delay this as much as possible, put this over till next week, try and not to make it very important in a matter that's pretty perfunctory. i think the judge has seen through their delay tactics. and she's not going to take any of it. and i think this is a clear message to donald trump that he is going to be in the dock in january or february, and a jury is going to be listening to the evidence. >> the actual legal rulings she could issue here may be narrow today. what she said overall may have a greater impact and may be more expansive, nick. i'm going to paraphrase here. one of the things she did say is that being a presidential candidate is really no different than any other job. she's going to treat running for president like she would treat any job, which is to say that the iowa caucuses don't mean anything more to me than a business appointment that a defendant might have, so don't expect the implication there is don't expect the iowa caucuses in and of themselves to delay a trial date. she also said the fact that he's running a political campaign currently has to yield to the administration of justice. and if that means he can't say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that's just how it's going to be. she's making clear that the politics here won't really impact her legal decisions. >> i think that's absolutely correct. what she is basically saying is today -- as you said before, it's going to be a narrow ruling, she's going to put into place the protective order. trump is going to get all of the discovery immediately discovery well beyond what he would be entitled to normally including witness statements that, by law, don't even have to be turned over until after a witness testifies. i never did this before in all my years as a prosecutor, never gave out this kind of information this far in advance. she's also signaled that on the 28th of august when they discuss the trial date, this is going to go ahead quickly. like i said before, it's going to be january or february. this case is going to move along. she's taken control, and it's so obvious if you look at the docket sheet, she was responding on saturdays, sundays. she was on top of this docket and what was being presented to her by the minute. i mean, it was just phenomenal. i never had a federal judge in any case, whether it was a defense lawyer or a prosecutor be so on top of this. >> nick, stick with us for a second. paula reid was inside the courtroom watching this all play out. paula, can we assume you've left court, that this hearing is now over? >> reporter: it is not over. in fact, i came out a little bit early, as we had some other news that we're working on. but it was fascinating because this was the first time the defense attorneys and prosecutors were appearing before the judge who will handle this case through what is expected to be a trial. and judge tanya chutkan, she has been on the bench for over a decade, and it shows, it was a big contrast to what we saw in florida before judge aileen cannon, who has only been on the bench for a very short time. judge chutkan's experience shows through in her command of the courtroom. the way she is able to pepper lawyers with questions, just get to the heart of an issue. and she infused humor throughout this hearing at the expense of both prosecutors and the defense. and, as you were just discussing, i think the real key takeaway isn't just necessarily how she decided on how sensitive materials will be handled there. she basically sided with the defense and said she's going to go for a more limited set of rules. but it's her argument that the existence of a political campaign will have no bearing on her decisions. she noted that while the former president has a first amendment right, she says there are restrictions on that. and he is now, as she pointed out, a criminal defendant. just like any other criminal defendant in the united states, his first amendment must yield to the administration of justice. and she went back and forth with prosecutors, with defense attorneys about this issue. and she said to the defense attorney, she said, look, without these restrictions, she sees the possibility of a lot of problems. and she really narrowed in on the issue of witness security. she pointed out that if he makes comments about witnesses, that that could put them in jeopardy and they certainly don't have the same kind of protections that he has. but it was clear she appeared to have the respect, the attention of both legal teams. they're still going through the real nitty-gritty of this protective order. but here she ultimately gave a win to the trump defense team in terms of how the rules will be structured, in terms of how sensitive information can be handled here. but it was a really fascinating scene in that courtroom to see an experienced judge. it was pretty clear that she was going to be tough on both sides. she even made a joke at one point that she is keen to move this along quickly. >> the timing here is going to be so crucial. when will this trial take place? the prosecution wants it to be january 2nd. that's aggressive. however, did the judge give any signs that where she may go on august 28th when the trial date is heard before her. i am struck by the fact that she said that being a political candidate is like any other job. i'm not going to treat it different than any other job. the existence of a political campaign is not going to have a bearing, she says. what do you take from that? >> reporter: so, two things. the first is your question about timing. she did not get any indication about when this will go to trial. because the defense attorney, she's still giving them a week to weigh in with their suggestion about when this should go to trial. so it would be premature for her to weigh in on exactly when she thinks this will go to trial. but there was a joke at one point, one of the attorneys was saying i want to move this along, and she said, so do oi. and one of the defense attorneys laughed. the pacing here, that is a central theme. now, her comments about his status as a candidate, i think that is very significant because she was extremely direct. now, it's unclear how this will play in the court of public opinion. but her argument here is that her job is to oversee a trial and that the administration of justice for her is paramount. now, if trump's lawyers want to litigate this, definitely a novel issue, could make it all the way to the supreme court. that's something they may want to do. the extent to which you can restrict the speech of a presidential candidate. >> we will see. i intend to keep politics out of this. good luck. it's very intriguing. court is still happening. thank you, so much, paula, for jumping out, and katelyn polantz for her continued great reporting on all of this. all right, 18 months now into the russian invasion of ukraine. and today a major move by the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, says there is a corruption scandal inside the ukrainian military recruitment operation. and he gets rid of all the military recruiters. what impact will this have?? ♪ ) (camera shutters) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana all right. this morning, a major move from ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy during war time, he says all officials in charge of ukraine's military recruitment offices have been dismissed over alleged corruption. zelenskyy says 112 criminal proceedings are now open against the officials. among the issues he cited, illegally obtained funds, unlawful benefit, and illegal transportation. with me now is someone who's been working to train ukrainian troops on the ground and get them the critical equipment they need. a former national security official who now works with an organization called spirit of america. colonel, it's great to see you. we do have some video here of your organization training some of the ukrainian forces. i just want your reaction to this news today. it's an extraordinary headline when the ukrainian president dismisses the people running military recruitment centers. what's your takeaway? >> well, it sure is. and it's certainly unwelcome that people are exploiting their positions and their opportunities to line their own pockets in the middle of war time when the stakes are so high. but i think it also shows that ukrainians are serious about rooting out corruption at all levels. they've had cases in the past in recent months where they've done these types of things. i think it shows that their investigations are robust and when they see corruption, when they see illegal behavior, they're going to go after it and root it out. and i think that should inspire confidence in americans that they're doing that throughout the entire military and all of this aid and billions of dollars that we're giving is just coming under equal scrutiny. >> we have been getting information from the front lines. our jim sciutto has reported some sobering intelligence assessments of this counteroffensive going more slowly than anticipated. and just today we're getting word from the east here that the area around kupiansk. the russians have been advancing once again on this region. how do you explain that? >> sure. that front line is 600 miles long. the russians have their main efforts. the ukrainians have their main efforts, and kupiansk you're seeing, that's a ukrainian secondary effort. they'll certainly do what they can to keep the russians from advancing. but that's not their primary focus. and if the russians do advance clawback a little bit of territory, ukrainians will be sure to reclaim that at some point or target it. but they are really focused on trying to get that breakthrough. that's where the majority of their forces have to go, and that's where they've got to focus their efforts and they'll deal with the secondary front as it comes up. >> now, we've got some pictures here of some of the drones that you've helped provide to the ukrainian forces here. what is it that the troops on the front lines need the most right now? >> sure. they need a lot of vital equipment. we all know governments are providing vast amounts of aid to the ukrainians to support front line troops. we also know that that aid is not optimized for every circumstance, and there are huge gaps to fill. so, the spirit of america, we're uniting with americans to help provide some of that critical material. and to date we've been able to contribute about $31 million or more of equipment, and over several hundred tons of vital aid of which those drones constitute a number of those pieces of equipment. and we're getting that to the front line troops where they can really benefit those forces and help them unlock the potential going forward. >> colonel, i've heard you speak on one of the difficulties for the ukrainian troops as they try to advance forward. i have a map here of what's called the southern front. this is where the ukrainians have been able to make some gains. but very hard-won gains. i've heard you talk about the mine fields, just how big these russian mine fields are that the ukrainians are trying to get through. how much of an obstacle has it been? >> those mine fields are incredibly dense and incredibly dangerous. they're recovered by russian artillery. they're very difficult to clear. it's painstaking, dangerous, and bloody work. and that's what's keeping this counteroffensive slow. and it's not that the ukrainians are stopped in their tracks, it just takes a little of time to do that judiciously and save the lives of their soldiers while they're doing it. >> colonel, great to have you on with us. please come back to nbc "news central." really appreciate it. >> thank you. kate? >> coming up for us, the pandemic was devastating for the restaurant industry. is it forever changed? famed chef and food network star bobby flay joined us to talk about his deep dive into that very question. we'll be back. woah. 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>> it was so not in our playbook. >> reporter: the guy who had started his pizza joint in the back of a grocery store in 1988 had, by now, expanded to four restaurants in phoenix, arizona. >> there we go. we can get a good shot there. there it is. >> the first time i showed up at your place, he was telling people that showed up, it's four hours. now i know you're used to this, but that's a remarkable thing to have on a constant basis. people waiting in line for four hours for years. all of a sudden the pandemic hits. what do you guys do? >> it was like a movie that we never could imagine. i didn't have a strategy. >> and nobody did either. the one, the only, the bobby flay. how'd you get in the building? just kidding. joins us now. >> snuck in. >> let's talk about this. bianco is not alone. every restauranteur across the country hit with the most unbelievable circumstances with the pandemic. what did you find? how did they navigate this? >> i think everybody navigated differently. and i think -- as he said, there was no playbook for this. and nobody knew what to do. i was one of them. i closed a bunch of restaurants on basically the first day that they told us to shut down. but a lot of people pivoted. you hear the word pivot a lot when it comes to the pandemic and restaurants. and it's continued even though the pandemic has subsided. a lot of these guys, like chris bianco, by the way, the pizza is better than it even looks. it's spectacular. but, that said, people like chris, he had his restaurant serving a bunch of pizza. but then he started a bread business. he started canning his own tomatoes so that he had ancillary businesses besides the restaurant. because the restaurant business was such an unknown at that moment. yes, there was takeout, yes, there was delivery. some restaurants, like this woman that i visited in louisville, kentucky, you'll see in the piece, she opened a corner market out of her restaurant. she was serving frozen burritos and home made tortilla chips because she had all of the ingredients, and she needed income. and people didn't know where to get food. so, everybody was pivoting one way or the other. >> what about now? are you back? is the restaurant industry back? >> well, we're not back completely. i think it's a slow process. and the restaurant business in general is always challenging without something like a pandemic. so add that to it, it just doesn't kick back, you know, into where we were. >> your newest show of your many shows. >> now you haven't been on this show yet. >> that was the question, when is my invite. it is premiering its second season. this is one chef taking on three culinary stars. i have been able to see you -- one chef take on just you, which makes me wonder why would anyone want to subject themselves to this? >> well, bragging rights always, because chefs have egos, as we know. there's $25,000 that i have in a bag. so if they beat -- >> right here? because i'll take it. >> it's right over here. but you have to beat three world-class chefs. i assembled these house chefs. they are killers in the kitchen. but we also bring in some amazing chefs that can take them on. and, you know what, they don't win all the time. >> this is so fun. i can't wait to see this. be sure to tune in on an all-new episode of "the whole story" with anderson cooper, airing sunday only on cnn. wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. it's to die for. and it's all right here. streaming was never this easy, you know. this is the way. you really went all out didn't you? 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the coast, we were in shock. we were looking at each other in the helicopter, and we had tears in our eyes and we just couldn't believe, it didn't seem real. it looked like a war zone, a place that had been bombed, and it was just smoking and burning afterwards. just unbelievable. >> the federal judge overseeing trump's election subversion case is saying trump's first amendment rights not absolute but also making clear she's not accepting the special counsel's request full clock. president zelenskyy cleaning house after what he calls a corruption scandal sweeps through the ukrainian military. i'm john berman with kate bolduan. this is cnn "news central." ♪ ♪ this morning, officials are warning the death toll from the wildfires in hawaii, which stands at 55, will rise, as search crews are finally able to get inside burnt-outbuildings and search for victims. the historic town of lahaina has been almost wiped out. nearly 80% of homes and buildings are gone. we're hearing story after story of heartbreak. one man is now living in the back of a u-haul because there are no hotel rooms available. he just moved to lahaina and was set to open an art studio on front street, but the fires got there first. >> 50 years of all my paintings, and i've had collectors -- i've had collectors on facebook werie me today, we're heartbroken, we'll give you back the original painting we bought, everything. it hurts, man. it's a lifetime of work gone. >> the fires started, survivors say they got little to no warning to leave. many people got stuck between a wall of fire and the ocean. boats went up in flames looking like the waves were on fire. a boat captain in maui, on tuesday night she watched lahaina's harbor burn, and had to rescue two children from the ocean. she joins us now by phone. captain, thank you so much for being with us. i can't do your story justice. will you walk us through what happened to you that night as the waters -- we're looking at pictures of it right now -- the waters were literally on fire all around you. >> right. we had a 10-foot skiff, and i was evacuating people from the harbor, and i was going to go back for my boat, but the priority was just to get people out and away from the fire because the fire was -- the winds were about 70 miles an hour, and the fire was just -- it wasn't like a slow wildfire. it was a horizontal fire that was chasing you. and the harbor was pitch black with smoke. we got people off their boats. they wanted to try to save their boats, and we're like you're going to die, you got to come with us now. so we got them out, and driving out of the harbor, it's pitch black dark because of the smoke, you can just feel the heat. we got them offshore. there were some boats that were empty, and they were at anchor. we got them on those boats, and in the 70-mile-an-hour winds i was going to go back in to try to save my boat, and the dingy motor, we took a wave and it killed the motor, and we were adrift heading out to sea. but we were luckily able, as we were flying past a boat, i was able to throw a line and get that line to that boat. and we just watched our boats burn. the boat i have is not a pleasure craft, it's a boat that serves the community, and i just want everyone to know that i'm so sorry and i tried my hardest to get to that boat to save it, and i'm so sorry that i feel like i let people down. >> there's so much -- >> the 120-foot boat, we took shelter, and we got a call a couple hours later that the coast guard had a hundred people in the water and they needed help, if there were any boats out there. i'm out there with emma, nelson, and lashanna. all three of us, we're captains, and we knew the dingy motor was not reliable, but we got it to start again and we made the decision to go help people. so that's that video that you saw of us going into the harbor where it's on fire looking for survivors. >> and you were able to pull two children from the water. explain what happened there. >> so, basically what happened was, like people are saying, there was no warning, there was no alarms. the cell phone towers were burned. people weren't able to get water because it was just a trickle of water. the power cut, so people ran for the beach. they had no options. there are cars with the doors still open of people just running. and there are bodies on the street. and it's just 20 feet from the ocean. that's how quickly this fire was. the people that were able to jump into the ocean, the coast guard wasn't able to get in shallow enough. and, so, we were able to get this 10-foot skiff in the middle of the night in the smoke. and it was just explosions going off. hundreds and hundreds of explosions. and we were able to grab two very small children and then bring them out to the coast guard vessel that was waiting outside the reef. >> i mean, your efforts, miraculous given the situation there. i know you probably wish you could have done more. but you accomplished so much. is your home okay? >> my home is okay, thank god. there are so many people that lost so much more than my business. my heart goes out to the people here on maui. it's such a devastating situation. i had about eight people in my house. we have no electricity. our biggest need out here i think is communication. the community made a spreadsheet. there's about 2,000 people unaccounted for. and we just have no way to communicate. i had to drive up a mountain to try to get cell service. my car is burned down. i borrowed a car. everyone here, they're just worried about their loved ones. and we have no way to communicate. >> well, christina, we appreciate your efforts to communicate with us so that we can know what is happening there on the ground. we hope that you and the people of your town get the help that you need very, very quickly. again, thank you for your efforts, and thank you so much for being with us. kate? >> so, crews now are racing to get desperately needed supplies, just like food and water and communications back up in parts of maui. but recovery is very clearly going to be slow, long, and difficult, and so many people on the island are left wondering what is next. >> it was everything i could do to just gather my kids and gather whatever i could in two minutes to get out of the house. we ran out of the house with no shoes. finally saw the pictures of what used to be our house and our town. just trying to figure out what to do from here. because there's nothing to go back to. >> joining us now is the mayor of hawaii county big island mitch roth. mayor, thank you for your time. what support is the big island providing for maui right now? >> well, we put together a task force where we're trying to give whatever support we can. we're helping them find housing for some of their people there. we've just sent over some of our police officers, our animal control officers. we're trying to work with the county of maui to make sure that we're not sending people over just willy-nilly. we want to make sure that they have a place to stay and they'll have a job to do over there. >> absolutely. maui's mayor, one thing he said is it's all gone. lahaina is gone. and he says it's the biggest and worst natural disaster in hawaii's history. when he says that, what does that mean for all of you? >> you know, we look at hawaii as a state pretty much a family. we treat each other with aloha, and mayor bissen, who is a good friend of mine, we've been communicating a little bit about this. we have family members that are over there. we have friends that are over there. we still have people in our county that are looking for their family members over there. it's a big deal for us. when someone in your family has something that goes wrong, people naturally come to help. and that's what the whole state is doing, not just our island. we had our fire. we got done with that. and now it's time to give back to the rest of our family, the rest of our state. >> some residents are now, of maui, are speaking up, and wondering why they weren't able to have more of a warning, thinking they should have been able to have more of a warning and how dangerous the fires were becoming and how quickly. i spoke with a maui city council woman a little while ago, and she said we do need to do better looking forward. but overnight maui's police chief said no one saw this coming. do you think that's the case, mayor? >> well, i would agree that they didn't see it coming to that agree. we knew that we were under a red flag warning. at the same time, on hawaii island, we woke up about 4:00 in the morning. we had our own brush fires that we were dealing with that were pretty extensive. and, so, we knew that we were going to have some fires. we didn't know we were going to have the extent that we did have. and, so, we worked on ours, they worked on theirs at the same time. and i think at one point, they had actually had their fire controlled. when you have 70-mile-an-hour winds, it's very difficult to keep those things under control. >> and, now it's going to be a long process for all of hawaii to get this all back together and recover and to begin to make people whole again. mayor, thank you for your time. >> thank you. for more information f all of you on how you can help hawaii wildfire victims, you can go to you can also text "hawaii" to 707070 to donate. john? he is running a political campaign currently. he has to yield to the administration of justice. those crucial words from the judge overseeing the january 6th case against donald trump the first time we have heard from her key signs how she intends to proceed. a major shakeup in ukraine. president zelenskyy has dismissed all officials in charge of regional military recruitment centers, accusing them of widespread corruption. let me be direct... you're watching football wrong! what do you call a guy in face paint that can't get the game? ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a 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given limitations to donald trump and made clear that he needs to watch what he says publicly, versus what he's learning behind the scenes as he prepares for trial even though he's a political candidate out there giving speeches and posting on social media. one of the things that she has already said is going to happen is that when donald trump learns any information he didn't know before from witness interviews that the justice department did, sensitive witness interviews, he's not going to be able to disclose that. that's an order from the court. and that is an order from the court that is going to be above and beyond any sort of free speech claims that donald trump may make. the judge here has been quite clear, saying that his speech is able to be limited, the first amendment does have limitations to it, and that she is not going to be doing things based on what is happening in the political sphere. she is a judge, it is separate. one of the quotes that really jumps out from this hearing today, the fact that he is running a political campaign currently has to yield to the administration of justice. and if that means he can't say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that is just how it's going to have to be. and then also she says, i cannot and i will not factor into my decision what effect it will have on a political campaign for either side. and so there are still many arguments being made here, and they're talking about how trump will be able to disclose or not disclose, largely not disclose information he's learning as he's getting evidence and his lawyers are getting evidence in this case, and they prepare for trial. but also judge chutkan is clearly issuing quite a warning to trump and his defense team that he needs to be careful not to obstruct justices, not to intimidate witnesses. that is a real thing, a real line that he could cross if he keeps talking publicly about witnesses in this case. she's really tried to avoid it being specifically about any witness in particular. his lawyers have brought up mike pence. that's something the justice department also had flagged here. but this is quite a clear sign from the judge. and on top of that they're still working out some details in this situation, how much trump can review evidence, where he can review evidence, who can be with him. also how they will designate the evidence in this case as it gets handed over, what are the things that trump specifically can't share more widely versus what can he incorporate into his political speech. but so far this is quite a set of things that the judge has said really taking on a lot more than just the legal issues in this case, which i might note, have largely been in line with what donald trump's lawyers have agreed to or have proposed so far. >> katelyn polantz, don't go far because we keep getting new reports from inside the courtroom. standby if you will for just a moment. >> paula reid who's been inside the courtroom, she's making her way out. in the meantime, joining us right now is former assistant u.s. attorney nick ackerman. katelyn has been laying all of this out for us, what has been coming out from court what the judge has been talking about. before we jump into some of her quotes and things we've heard from the judge, overall, what do you take from what we're hearing from the judge so far? >> none of this is very surprising. this is a very standard protective order that the government wants. the purpose of a protective order is for the defendant to be able to get discovery and use it for his defense. not to put on a public display or contest the allegations in a public forum. he's already agreed to two protective orders that are almost exactly the same in both the miami classified documents case and the new york case prosecution. so none of this is surprising. i think she's essentially going to be putting in place the order that the government has asked for. and based on the comments that i heard, it just reaffirms my opinion that this case is going to trial in january or february of next year. this judge is not taking any blowback from this defendant. they've tried over the last couple days, if you look at the filings that have been made, they've tried everything to delay this as much as possible, put this over till next week, try and not to make it very important in a matter that's pretty perfunctory. i think the judge has seen through their delay tactics. and she's not going to take any of it. and i think this is a clear message to donald trump that he is going to be in the dock in january or february, and a jury is going to be listening to the evidence. >> the actual legal rulings she could issue here may be narrow today. what she said overall may have a greater impact and may be more expansive, nick. i'm going to paraphrase here. one of the things she did say is that being a presidential candidate is really no different than any other job. she's going to treat running for president like she would treat any job, which is to say that the iowa caucuses don't mean anything more to me than a business appointment that a defendant might have, so don't expect the implication there is don't expect the iowa caucuses in and of themselves to delay a trial date. she also said the fact that he's running a political campaign currently has to yield to the administration of justice. and if that means he can't say exactly what he wants to say in a political speech, that's just how it's going to be. she's making clear that the politics here won't really impact her legal decisions. >> i think that's absolutely correct. what she is basically saying is today -- as you said before, it's going to be a narrow ruling, she's going to put into place the protective order. trump is going to get all of the discovery immediately discovery well beyond what he would be entitled to normally including witness statements that, by law, don't even have to be turned over until after a witness testifies. i never did this before in all my years as a prosecutor, never gave out this kind of information this far in advance. she's also signaled that on the 28th of august when they discuss the trial date, this is going to go ahead quickly. like i said before, it's going to be january or february. this case is going to move along. she's taken control, and it's so obvious if you look at the docket sheet, she was responding on saturdays, sundays. she was on top of this docket and what was being presented to her by the minute. i mean, it was just phenomenal. i never had a federal judge in any case, whether it was a defense lawyer or a prosecutor be so on top of this. >> nick, stick with us for a second. paula reid was inside the courtroom watching this all play out. paula, can we assume you've left court, that this hearing is now over? >> reporter: it is not over. in fact, i came out a little bit early, as we had some other news that we're working on. but it was fascinating because this was the first time the defense attorneys and prosecutors were appearing before the judge who will handle this case through what is expected to be a trial. and judge tanya chutkan, she has been on the bench for over a decade, and it shows, it was a big contrast to what we saw in florida before judge aileen cannon, who has only been on the bench for a very short time. judge chutkan's experience shows through in her command of the courtroom. the way she is able to pepper lawyers with questions, just get to the heart of an issue. and she infused humor throughout this hearing at the expense of both prosecutors and the defense. and, as you were just discussing, i think the real key takeaway isn't just necessarily how she decided on how sensitive materials will be handled there. she basically sided with the defense and said she's going to go for a more limited set of rules. but it's her argument that the existence of a political campaign will have no bearing on her decisions. she noted that while the former president has a first amendment right, she says there are restrictions on that. and he is now, as she pointed out, a criminal defendant. just like any other criminal defendant in the united states, his first amendment must yield to the administration of justice. and she went back and forth with prosecutors, with defense attorneys about this issue. and she said to the defense attorney, she said, look, without these restrictions, she sees the possibility of a lot of problems. and she really narrowed in on the issue of witness security. she pointed out that if he makes comments about witnesses, that that could put them in jeopardy and they certainly don't have the same kind of protections that he has. but it was clear she appeared to have the respect, the attention of both legal teams. they're still going through the real nitty-gritty of this protective order. but here she ultimately gave a win to the trump defense team in terms of how the rules will be structured, in terms of how sensitive information can be handled here. but it was a really fascinating scene in that courtroom to see an experienced judge. it was pretty clear that she was going to be tough on both sides. she even made a joke at one point that she is keen to move this along quickly. >> the timing here is going to be so crucial. when will this trial take place? the prosecution wants it to be january 2nd. that's aggressive. however, did the judge give any signs that where she may go on august 28th when the trial date is heard before her. i am struck by the fact that she said that being a political candidate is like any other job. i'm not going to treat it different than any other job. the existence of a political campaign is not going to have a bearing, she says. what do you take from that? >> reporter: so, two things. the first is your question about timing. she did not get any indication about when this will go to trial. because the defense attorney, she's still giving them a week to weigh in with their suggestion about when this should go to trial. so it would be premature for her to weigh in on exactly when she thinks this will go to trial. but there was a joke at one point, one of the attorneys was saying i want to move this along, and she said, so do oi. and one of the defense attorneys laughed. the pacing here, that is a central theme. now, her comments about his status as a candidate, i think that is very significant because she was extremely direct. now, it's unclear how this will play in the court of public opinion. but her argument here is that her job is to oversee a trial and that the administration of justice for her is paramount. now, if trump's lawyers want to litigate this, definitely a novel issue, could make it all the way to the supreme court. that's something they may want to do. the extent to which you can restrict the speech of a presidential candidate. >> we will see. i intend to keep politics out of this. good luck. it's very intriguing. court is still happening. thank you, so much, paula, for jumping out, and katelyn polantz for her continued great reporting on all of this. all right, 18 months now into the russian invasion of ukraine. and today a major move by the ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy, says there is a corruption scandal inside the ukrainian military recruitment operation. and he gets rid of all the military recruiters. what impact will this have?? ♪ ) (camera shutters) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) ( ♪ ♪ ) we're carvana the company who invented car vending machines and buying a car 100 percent online now we've created a brand new way for you to sell your car whether it's a year old, or a few years old we want to buy your car so go to carvana enter your license plate answer a few questions and our techno wizardry calculates your car's value and gives you a real offer in seconds when you're ready we'll come to you pay you on the spot and pick up your car that's it so ditch the old way of selling your car and say hello to the new way at carvana all right. this morning, a major move from ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy during war time, he says all officials in charge of ukraine's military recruitment offices have been dismissed over alleged corruption. zelenskyy says 112 criminal proceedings are now open against the officials. among the issues he cited, illegally obtained funds, unlawful benefit, and illegal transportation. with me now is someone who's been working to train ukrainian troops on the ground and get them the critical equipment they need. a former national security official who now works with an organization called spirit of america. colonel, it's great to see you. we do have some video here of your organization training some of the ukrainian forces. i just want your reaction to this news today. it's an extraordinary headline when the ukrainian president dismisses the people running military recruitment centers. what's your takeaway? >> well, it sure is. and it's certainly unwelcome that people are exploiting their positions and their opportunities to line their own pockets in the middle of war time when the stakes are so high. but i think it also shows that ukrainians are serious about rooting out corruption at all levels. they've had cases in the past in recent months where they've done these types of things. i think it shows that their investigations are robust and when they see corruption, when they see illegal behavior, they're going to go after it and root it out. and i think that should inspire confidence in americans that they're doing that throughout the entire military and all of this aid and billions of dollars that we're giving is just coming under equal scrutiny. >> we have been getting information from the front lines. our jim sciutto has reported some sobering intelligence assessments of this counteroffensive going more slowly than anticipated. and just today we're getting word from the east here that the area around kupiansk. the russians have been advancing once again on this region. how do you explain that? >> sure. that front line is 600 miles long. the russians have their main efforts. the ukrainians have their main efforts, and kupiansk you're seeing, that's a ukrainian secondary effort. they'll certainly do what they can to keep the russians from advancing. but that's not their primary focus. and if the russians do advance clawback a little bit of territory, ukrainians will be sure to reclaim that at some point or target it. but they are really focused on trying to get that breakthrough. that's where the majority of their forces have to go, and that's where they've got to focus their efforts and they'll deal with the secondary front as it comes up. >> now, we've got some pictures here of some of the drones that you've helped provide to the ukrainian forces here. what is it that the troops on the front lines need the most right now? >> sure. they need a lot of vital equipment. we all know governments are providing vast amounts of aid to the ukrainians to support front line troops. we also know that that aid is not optimized for every circumstance, and there are huge gaps to fill. so, the spirit of america, we're uniting with americans to help provide some of that critical material. and to date we've been able to contribute about $31 million or more of equipment, and over several hundred tons of vital aid of which those drones constitute a number of those pieces of equipment. and we're getting that to the front line troops where they can really benefit those forces and help them unlock the potential going forward. >> colonel, i've heard you speak on one of the difficulties for the ukrainian troops as they try to advance forward. i have a map here of what's called the southern front. this is where the ukrainians have been able to make some gains. but very hard-won gains. i've heard you talk about the mine fields, just how big these russian mine fields are that the ukrainians are trying to get through. how much of an obstacle has it been? >> those mine fields are incredibly dense and incredibly dangerous. they're recovered by russian artillery. they're very difficult to clear. it's painstaking, dangerous, and bloody work. and that's what's keeping this counteroffensive slow. and it's not that the ukrainians are stopped in their tracks, it just takes a little of time to do that judiciously and save the lives of their soldiers while they're doing it. >> colonel, great to have you on with us. please come back to nbc "news central." really appreciate it. >> thank you. kate? >> coming up for us, the pandemic was devastating for the restaurant industry. is it forever changed? famed chef and food network star bobby flay joined us to talk about his deep dive into that very question. we'll be back. woah. 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>> it was so not in our playbook. >> reporter: the guy who had started his pizza joint in the back of a grocery store in 1988 had, by now, expanded to four restaurants in phoenix, arizona. >> there we go. we can get a good shot there. there it is. >> the first time i showed up at your place, he was telling people that showed up, it's four hours. now i know you're used to this, but that's a remarkable thing to have on a constant basis. people waiting in line for four hours for years. all of a sudden the pandemic hits. what do you guys do? >> it was like a movie that we never could imagine. i didn't have a strategy. >> and nobody did either. the one, the only, the bobby flay. how'd you get in the building? just kidding. joins us now. >> snuck in. >> let's talk about this. bianco is not alone. every restauranteur across the country hit with the most unbelievable circumstances with the pandemic. what did you find? how did they navigate this? >> i think everybody navigated differently. and i think -- as he said, there was no playbook for this. and nobody knew what to do. i was one of them. i closed a bunch of restaurants on basically the first day that they told us to shut down. but a lot of people pivoted. you hear the word pivot a lot when it comes to the pandemic and restaurants. and it's continued even though the pandemic has subsided. a lot of these guys, like chris bianco, by the way, the pizza is better than it even looks. it's spectacular. but, that said, people like chris, he had his restaurant serving a bunch of pizza. but then he started a bread business. he started canning his own tomatoes so that he had ancillary businesses besides the restaurant. because the restaurant business was such an unknown at that moment. yes, there was takeout, yes, there was delivery. some restaurants, like this woman that i visited in louisville, kentucky, you'll see in the piece, she opened a corner market out of her restaurant. she was serving frozen burritos and home made tortilla chips because she had all of the ingredients, and she needed income. and people didn't know where to get food. so, everybody was pivoting one way or the other. >> what about now? are you back? is the restaurant industry back? >> well, we're not back completely. i think it's a slow process. and the restaurant business in general is always challenging without something like a pandemic. so add that to it, it just doesn't kick back, you know, into where we were. >> your newest show of your many shows. >> now you haven't been on this show yet. >> that was the question, when is my invite. it is premiering its second season. this is one chef taking on three culinary stars. i have been able to see you -- one chef take on just you, which makes me wonder why would anyone want to subject themselves to this? >> well, bragging rights always, because chefs have egos, as we know. there's $25,000 that i have in a bag. so if they beat -- >> right here? because i'll take it. >> it's right over here. but you have to beat three world-class chefs. i assembled these house chefs. they are killers in the kitchen. but we also bring in some amazing chefs that can take them on. and, you know what, they don't win all the time. >> this is so fun. i can't wait to see this. be sure to tune in on an all-new episode of "the whole story" with anderson cooper, airing sunday only on cnn. wow, you get to watch all your favorite stuff. it's to die for. and it's all right here. streaming was never this easy, you know. this is the way. you really went all out didn't you? 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