Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240707

february. see right there, exchange of flowers. ar let signs is at the white house. kate bennett joins us from traveling with the first lady. kate, what do we need to know about this visit? >> reporter: well, we're back in slovakia tonight. earlier today we made the surprise trip with the first lady into the south western corner of ukraine. a 15-minute drive from the border. besides the trip on mother's day, the biggest surprise was the first lady of ukraine. they've exchanged correspondence, and meeting today was a big deal. not only is a first lady going into an active war zone. this is also the wife of the president of ukraine who has tried to keep under cover. the public has not seen her. the two women together on mother's day. as dr. biden said, it was important to express support from america on mother's day for ukraine. now, the two women held a bilateral behind closed doors for about a half hour or so that the press didn't get to see. i'm told they talked about especially mental health. the first lady of ukraine is particularly concerned about the citizens of her country, the soldiers involved in the bloody invasion by russia of the homeland. she wonders who will happen to them after the war does end. of course, dr. biden, a big proponent of mental health, of children, education. this was something the two women conversed about for some time. it was emotional. there were kids. this is a former school that has been turned into temporary housing for families that have been displaced by the war. so imagine your local high school all the sudden becomes sort of a small apartment for people who no longer have homes. the two first ladies did an arts and crafts project. they were close. you could tell there was a connection. dr. biden's entire trip has been about women, mothers and children. this is the culmination. tonight she wraps it up and heads back to washington. >> a surprise visit to the rest of the world, but clearly a welcome visit there to the first lady of ukraine. art arlette, at the white house. what more can you tell us about the meeting. >> reporter: the purpose of the meeting was two-fold. president biden and g7 leaders expressing solidarity with ukraine but also the commitment to further punishing russia through sanctions. if you look at the photo of the meeting, the president held the call from his home in delaware. it lasted a little over an hour. if you look closely, the canadian prime minister was in the room in ukraine with ukrainian president zelenskyy as the leaders all held this phone call. the u.s. and allies said they would further provide military and economic assistance to ukraine. in a statement released after the call, they said there would be more financial aid going to the country in the coming weeks. but they also talked about the need to ramp up the sanctions against russia. the u.s. today rolling out a new package of sanctions that in part target three russian state-run tv stations. it bans u.s. advertising on those stations. additionally, it's prohibiting the u.s. provided management and consulting services to companies as well as imposing export controls on the industrial sector and ramping up visa restrictions on more than 2500 russians and belarusions. in the g7 statement released after the call, u.s. and allied countries committed to phasing out russian gas and energy. of course, the u.s. has already banned russian energy imports. that is noteworthy as the european countries are much more reliant on russian oil and energy compared to the united states. additionally today, the acting u.s. ambassador to ukraine and other officials traveled to kyiv after they had left the embassy there back in mid february. just another sign of support with ukraine, especially as russia is expected to celebrate victory day tomorrow. the u.s. and the allies trying to reinforce to ukraine and show their unwavering support for the country amid this war. >> all right. arlette signs and kate bennett, thank you to you both. the first lady's visit happening amid horrific new violence brought on by russia's on slight. at least 60 people are feared dead after a russian air strike hit a school in the luhansk region. the school had been acting as a shelter for nearly 100 people. the attack comes on ukraine's day of remembrance and reconciliation held in honor of those who lost their lives during world war ii. president zelenskyy offering the sobering remarks on this sacred day. >> translator: this year we say never again differently. we hear never again differently. it sounds painful, cruel, without an exclamation, but with a question mark you say never again, tell ukraine about it. >> cnn's scott mclean is in lviv covering the latest round of events there. so scott, what more are you learning about the attack at that school? >> fredricka, the 90 people according to a local military official were sheltering inside the school because most of the rest of the village was bombed out. it was one of the last remaining good places to actually shelter there, and our colleagues actually managed to get to that area to speak with some of the survivors from this village, and what they're saying is absolutely incredible. one man said that it was just all at once, like flipping a light switch. the lights went out. all three of the floors collapsed on top of them and they could not understand what was going on. another man said he was one of the first ones out of that building. he was sort of chucking wriks -- bricks to the side to try to get out with the help of villagers trying to help with people getting out from under there. he said among the people sheltering there, elderly people and children. and one of the men whose head was visibly bandaged, visibly injured said that a slab of concrete had come down on him in addition to some other rocks and when he got out of that from under that school, he said he felt like a drunk man just completely, completely lost. so at last word, there were 27 people who managed to survive. but it's very likely, according to local officials, that 60 people did not get out because even though search and rescue is ongoing, just given the state of things, they say it's extremely unlikely there's still anyone alive under that rubble. just a little bit of context here. this village is about seven miles or so west of the frontlines. it's taken some heavy shelling in recent weeks as the russians tried to push through that frontline, break through the ukrainian frontlines. there was an evacuation about two weeks ago that successfully managed to get roughly 50 people out including some children, but clearly not everyone took the opportunity or could take the opportunity to get out then. >> so sad. all right. scott mclean, thank you so much. let's talk more about this. let's bring in kim dozier, a cnn global affairs analyst and correspondent for "time". they continue to accuse russia of not keeping its word on invasions. it's not just an accusation, there's evidence. does anyone believe russia is going to respect any other calls for evacuation when continued examples of atrocities like this continue to happen? russia targets places where there are civilians. not by mistake, it seems, but knowingly, intentionally. >> well, fred, it seems that in their frustration that they're not going to be able to deliver any big victory in terms of a territorial area seized in eastern ukraine to vladimir putin in time for victory day, they seem to be doubling down on this practice that we have seen from the beginning of this conflict of hitting anywhere that might hurt the ukrainians and hopefully in russia's eyes, make them withdraw. heedless and some ukrainian officials say intentionally hitting civilian targets. now, that is going to be a difficult one to prove. it's going to be something that we see playing out years from now likely in war crimes trials. but it is devastating and painful to watch. and it's one of the reasons why when the international red cross and other organizations are able to organize a rutte out of some of the embattled areas, that t people just don't trust russia enough to leave. >> right. i mean, there's no confusion on why that's the case. you know? they keep getting targeted as these evacuation corridors are set up for them or circumstances. so you made reference to tomorrow. this is russia's annual victory day, the day they commemorate the victory over nazi, germany. here's what the u.s. ambassador to the united nations said on cnn earlier today. >> they have nothing to celebrate tomorrow. they have not succeeded in defeating the ukrainians. they have not succeeded in dividing the world or dividing nato, and they have only succeeded in isolating themselves internationally and becoming a pariah state around the globe. we're collaborating tomorrow with their own lack of success. >> so for weeks now, you know, the world has been wondering what might vladimir putin do tomorrow to mark that day. so what are the expectations? >> well, that lack of success is one of the reasons that ukrainian officials have said openly that they are afraid vladimir putin might do anything from declaring officially a war on them and a nationwide conscription of his 144 million strong population to using a nuclear or other weapon of mass destruction. but what is most likely is that he is going to use this as a day of propaganda to shore up support for this conflict inside his country as people are beginning to feel the bite of sanctions and from what we know from the little polling that you can do inside russia, it does seem that a large amount of the population is buying into putin's narrative that this isn't about russian aggression against ukraine. that it is about nato fighting russia through the ukrainian people as crazy as that sounds, when you repeat disinformation enough, the population can sometimes believe it. that seems to be what's happening here. >> and we heard president zelenskyy just a moment ago say you know, by hearing the phrase never again for ukrainians, well, that's painful and cruel, because of russia's continued onslaught. he's called out the west for not having the conviction to stand behind those words. he's gotten the attention of the global community. and i wonder if he's getting the attention of the global community when he makes that statement. >> well, he certainly does have everyone's attention, and what he's also doing is rubbing the salts in the wound of a lot of guilt. the british foreign secretary was quite blunt about it. she said the u.s., the west, we all should have done something much sooner. we should have done more to counter russia. and u.s. officials have also told that to me privately, that they wished they'd understood how this might go. let's remember, the u.s., europe, they didn't think this war would last that long. they thought it would be a quick decapitation strike and we wouldn't see the grinding nightmare that is taking so many civilian lives as well. that's the horror that has opened up, and the meetings, the visits by people like joe biden keep the attention on the crisis that i think u.s. and western officials understand is the thing they have to do going forward. they have to show vladimir putin that this time they're not going to let him get away with it. >> all right. kim dozier, thank you so much. all right. coming up, a disturbing mystery in the bahamas. police are investigating the deaths of three american tourists. details straight ahead. a new twist in the man hunt for the alabama corrections officer and inmate who have been missing more than a week. we'll talk with the former detective about the case and the intensifying search. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the popower to do? 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>> reporter: these are two american couples vacationing and now three people are dead and the fourth woman hospitalized. i spoke to the commissioner of the royal bahamas police. he says that autopsies will have to be performed in order to find out the reason for death. and there's key finding so far that is really important here. no signs of trauma, and that basically rules out the possibility of foul play. at the same time, it deepens the history. according to the commissioner, he told me investigators were sent out friday after the body of a man was found in one of the villas at emerald bay sandals resort. and a short time later the bodies of two other people were found in a separate villa, a man and woman. what's puzzling is officials said there were signs the couple had apparently signs of consumption before they died. what deepens the mystery is the two people turned to a local medical facility after feeling vomiting and nauseated the day before they were found dead. and then there was a fourth person, the woman located in the first villa, that was hospitalized and according to officials is still being treated this hour. there's still a lot missing here. investigators say there's a lot of work that needs to be done in terms of finding out what happened to these two couples. in terms of the sandal resort, they put out a statement over the weekend basically saying that a health emergency was initially reported and following their protocols, they alerted medical officials and relevant local officials saying they are currently supporting the investigation and the families of the guests in every way possible during the course of this investigation. the other big question here, identities. where were the couples traveling from? i reached back out to authorities this morning. they are saying they expect to release the identities tomorrow after they officially identify them and notify the next of kin. for now, they continue to work with the u.s. embassy in the bahamas as well as the bahamas ministry of tourism to find out more. >> are they willing to say publicly they ruled anything out? there have been some other mysterious incidents at other resort locations, not necessarily in the bahamas but other places, and illnesses and deaths have been linked to things from extermination, pest extermination around properties to alcohol in the mini bottles in some of the hotel rooms. i'm not talking about in the bahamas but other places. has there been any correlation made to any similar circumstances or have authorities ruled out any of those other things? >> reporter: it's an important thing. automatically your mind goes to unrelated incidents in other hotels with issues with the fumigation or carbon monoxide or other issues. that's a question that will be brought up in this case. was it perhaps an issue with the facilities? we know that health officials there on the ground are looking into that as a possibility, but they have not said that is specifically what they believe was involved here. so the next 24 or 48 hours will be crucial in the investigation as we try to find out if perhaps it was something like that. >> yeah. mysterious and scary, indeed. polo, thank you so much. still ahead, on this very unique mother's day, protests have erupted in response to the leaked u.s. supreme court draft that would overturn roe v. wade as the battle for abortion rights takes on a slew of potential new challenges. we'll discuss straight ahead. aln pull bonnie up on phone, message, or video, all in t the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see you there. ♪ ringcentral ♪ for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. oh on this mother's day the fight for a woman's right to choose taking center stage. senate majority leader chuck schumer is calling for a vote this week to pass a national law countering an expected supreme court decision that would overturn roe v. wade. senator kirsten gillibrand poised to cast her vote and talking to cnn this morning. >> it's bone chilling. it's taking away women's right for life, liberty, and happiness. the point i made you played, america's men need to wake up. they have to imagine what it would be like for ten months to have zero body autonomy, to not know what's going to happen to your body, whether you're going to survive a pregnancy or be forever changed medically. these are the consequences of bringing a pregnancy to full term. and so when women make that decision to have a baby, it's a joyful decision that they are making. but if you take away that right, and require forced pregnancies, you are literally undermining their basic civil rights, their basic human rights and their ability to decide what happens to their body. >> i'm joined now by gretchen. she's the vice president for reproductive rights and health for the national women's law center. good to see you, gretchen. welcome. so you just heard senator gray, you heard senator gillibrand who says a reversal of roe v. wade is a multifaceted issue of privacy and multigenerational fight as well. gillibrand went as far as saying women are being treated like half citizens. what are your thoughts? >> yeah. i mean, i think the senator is capturing the shock waves that have really reverberated throughout the nation. people are just devastated that the court is poised to overturn roe v. wade and decimate our legal right to abortion. it's outrageous and irresponsible and shocking. right now it's still a draft. people need to be reassured that abortion right now is still legal in the united states. but if this draft becomes the final decision of the court, it's going to be stunning and devastating. and the supreme court will have taken away a fundamental constitutional right we've relied on for nearly 50 years. it will be the first time the court is taking away a right rather than expanding rights. that's going to have a dev devastating impact on access to abortion, but it's not going to stop there. this is a court that is dedicated to rolling back rights. and particularly for people who already face barriers and oppression in this country. they're going to feel it the most. >> arkansas governor said on abc today, following any bans of abortions, states will put more programs into place such as increasing adoption and health services. mississippi's governor is sharing this view. take a listen. >> what i can tell you is what we're trying to do in mississippi is we're trying to provide those potential expectant mothers the resources they need so that they can go to a full term pregnancy if they choose to keep that child, then that's a great outcome. we want to make sure we provide them the resources they need. >> you have to provide services. i believe we want to increase the services for maternal health to increase the services for adoption services as well. so we want to invest in those areas that will help those women with very difficult circumstances of the pregnancy. >> okay. so how do those thoughts sit with you? >> well, i just think it's completely disingenuous for politicians to claim they care about women's health and then -- m mississippi is the state banning abortion. that's the case before the court, and mississippi completely fails to provide the support that pregnant and parenting people need to thrive. it is the only state that doesn't have any equal pay law. it doesn't have laws that ensure people can have paid family leave. it has no reasonable protections for people who are pregnant in the workplace. and it has one of the worst gender gaps in the country, and it is the state with the highest infant mortality rate. so to say they want to help women and families and they're going to have those protections in place is just a lie. those protections don't exist. their priority is to ban abortion and take that right away from people in their state. they don't care about protecting or supporting them if they have that child. >> so the house already voted without any republicans voting in favor of codifying a women's right to choose. the senate will vote this week even though it may not pass. do you agree with senator schumer who says it's important to at the very least get a record on how and where lawmakers stand? >> yes. that's right. we all need to speak out. we all need to show up. this is partly a narrative battle. we need to talk about why abortion matters, about how important it is not just for abortion to be technically legal, but to be affordable and available and supported in our communities. and so we need everyone. we need people speaking out, talking about this. you can change hearts and minds by just talking to people in your circle. your family, your friends on social media. we need people to keep showing up. we need them out on the streets already there's been an outpouring and there will be more activations in the weeks and months ahead. we need people to be talking to their elected officials from the local level to the state level to the federal level in congress. they should be saying we expect you to protect and expand access to abortion. what is your plan? what are you doing in this moment? what are you doing over the long hall? that's the thing. if we lose this right, we are going to have to fight for decades to get it back. it is not something that we're going to get back overnight, and so we need people to be showing up for years and years and years and not turn away from this but to keep the pressure on. >> so gretchen, do you think it's going to be a box issue this midterm elections, november? >> i think you're going to see an outpouring of people who are outraged and want to make sure that their elected officials represent their values. and we know overwhelmingly that 7 in 10 people in this country want abortion to be legal. people are going to turn out and make their voices heard. it's up to elected officials to respond and represent their constituents correctly. >> gretchen, thank you so much for your time. grocery store you joining us. still ahead, it's been over a week since an alabama corrections officer and inmate went missing. still little is known about their movements and officials say they are back to square one in their investigation. more on that, next. ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crcrash ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets y you right bk to living the dream. now, where were wewe? 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>> the marshall service, when they say they're back to square one, they're starting the entire investigation over. maybe not from -- from square one, that means reinterviewing witnesses, reinterviewing inmates and anyone -- reinterviewing anyone that was involved in the initial portions of the investigation. >> so the sheriff said this week, and acknowledged there was a special relationship between these two both sharing last name white, no relation. and if that is the case, when it goes back to reinterviews people, perhaps looking at more closely at videotape like this in-house surveillance videotape, what might they be able to glean from this special relationship, and how it might even help determine where they may want to go next or what their potential goal is in the end? >> right. so going back and starting this investigation back over is going to allow investigators to rehash some of the information that may have been missed in the beginning, and i kind of hate to hear the word special relationship between vicky white and this escapee. it makes things extremely hard, because number one, that puts a lot of people in danger. she broke one of the cardinal rules in corrections. that is, she developed a relationship with an inmate. very, very, very dangerous. it makes you do things that you wouldn't normally do. >> and it also means -- >> and things we can't do in law enforcement. >> it also means if they're saying it's a special relationship, people observed that and knew that. a lot of people knew it or observed it along the way. maybe they didn't anticipate a breakout like this, but it also means asking, again, what made you think there was a special relationship here? what is it that you saw? and i guess that will also help them extrapolate whether -- how far back any kind of planning may have gone. >> right. you know, it opens the doors to so many things, because before i went into law enforcement, i was in corrections, and one thing that i know about inmates, inmates know almost everything there is no know that's secretive about what happens within their facilities. going back and starting this investigation over will allow the officers and these investigators to start reinterviewing, especially the inmates. they knew -- they probably didn't know to the extent of how the relationship went, but someone within that facility knew that these two had this relationship. >> okay. but what's the incentive for other inmates, perhaps or other corrections folks to now reveal more about what they knew when it can kind of incriminate them to a degree of having never said anything prior to the breakout? >> so yeah, you know, most of the inmates will probably try to get a lighter sentence or move to a different facility. you know, the explanations or reasons, their reasons for not giving that information will run the dgamut. we could spend an entire interview talking about that, but you still have to take that information. you have to vet it, of course. but it has to be taken into consideration because it can't be disregarded. >> okay. so when you think about vicky white, the corrections officer who was a veteran of some 17 years on the day that she was to be celebrated for a retirement, it turns out she or at least surveillance tapes shows she and the inmate got out. she helped perhaps purchase or arrange this get away vehicle that is orange which they found later, abandoned, maybe that videotape shows her in surveillance trying to figure out a good hotel or something to get, and then sold her home. in other words, she has given up a lot to be part of this team of escape. what are your thoughts or concerns about her well being now, now a week after the escape? >> listen. make no mistake about this. this is a very, very dangerous case. not only for law enforcement and the public at large, but it's a dangerous case for vicky white also. even though she made a conscious decision to orchestrate the escape, she still is in grave, grave danger, because casey's attorneys recently came out and spoke about his mental health issues. and they talked about how he is a different person when he's on his medication, but when he's off, he's a very, very dangerous person. being off the medication, he could decide at any point that vickie will eventually get him captured and he could take her life and even go and exact revenge on the family members who he threatened prior to -- during his initial arrest. this is a very, very dangerous case for everyone that's involved, including vicky white. >> oh, my. all right. sergeant chris anderson, appreciate your expertise. thank you so much. >> thank you. and this quick programming note. cnn's original series "nomad "continues with carlton's first trip to south korea. >> so this is a market. it's one of the oldest markets in korea. it started with different types of clothing. textile. a lot of wholesalers started the market. and naturally grew out to be a lot of food stalls. >> this is incredible. i think we're going to eat good. what's that home wrecker over there? 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(♪ ♪) ask your healthcare provider about rybelsus® today. your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit fanduel and draftkings, two out of state corporations making big promises to californians. what's the real math behind their ballot measure for online sports betting? 90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. welcome back. breaking news out of israel. a police officer has been stabbed in jerusalem at one of the gates to the old city according to israeli authorities. we are in jerusalem following the developments. ha daus, what are you learning? >> reporter: we understand this took place at the main entrance usually used to reach the holy sites of jerusalem. it's often a tense flash point we've seen clashes erupt in this area before. we know tonight israeli police say a 19-year-old palestinian approached say they israeli border police. they're posted with a knife. when police began approaching him for questioning, he stabbed one of the officers in the unner body. the officers responded with live fire. the officer is in moderate condition and the attacker is in serious condition. both were evacuated to hospitals for further treatment. this comes, though, on the same day as the two suspects in the terrorist attack from thursday night in the city of alaud were caught after a three-day man hunt. that attack taking place where they say the suspects used both a rifle and ax killing three people, injuring four more, three of them critically injured. after a three-day long massive man hunt that involved roadblocks, police helicopters, drones, they even used dna technology, the two suspects were caught in the wooded areas not far from where this incident took place. so a very tense time. it's been a tense month and a half for so in israel and across the west bank. this was the sixth attack targeting israelis since late march. at least 18 people have been killed. they increased the raids in counterterrorism operations in the west bank killing more than two dozen palestinians. israeli officials say they expect the potential violence to continue. >> thank you so much for the update coming up, extreme heat across the country from texas to the northeast. at least 200 records could be tied or set. the latest forecast straight ahead. um, she's eating the rocket. ♪ lunchables! built to be eaten. you might have heard of carvana and that we sell cars online. we believe buying a car should be something that gets you hyped up. and that your new car ought to come with newfound happiness and zero surprises. and l of us will stop at nothing to drive you happy. we'll drive you happy at carvana. i don't just play someone brainyn tv - i'm an actual neuroscientist. and i love the science behind neuriva plus. unlike ordinary memory supplements, neuriva plus fuels six key indicators of brain performance. more brain performance? yes, please! neuriva. think bigger. welcome to allstate. where you can bundle home and auto insurance. right, frank? i saved 25%. booyah. and now you're relaxing! we're working from home. save up to 25% when you bundle home and auto with allstate. check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [sound of helicopter blades] ugh... they found me. ♪ ♪ nice suits, you guys blend right in. the world needs you back. i'm retired greg, you know this. people have their money just sitting around doing nothing... that's bad, they shouldn't do that. they're getting crushed by inflation. well, i feel for them. they're taking financial advice from memes. 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Everyone , Hello , Jill Biden , Visit , Mother , Border , Mother S Day , Breaking News , Slo Vok Ya , World War Ii , First Lady , Eastern Ukraine , Part , Eastern Europe , Start , Appearance , Four , U S , Ar Let Signs , Flowers , White House , Kate Bennett , Reporter , Surprise , Corner , Drive , Slovakia , 15 , Meeting , Trip , Correspondence , Deal , President , Women , Wife , Public , Cover , War Zone , Two , Didn T , Dr , Support , Mental Health , Press , America On Mother S Day , Behind Closed Doors , Country , Russia , Soldiers , Citizens , Homeland , Invasion , Something , School , Children , Course , Education , Families , Housing , Kids , Big Proponent Of Mental Health , People , High School , Homes , Ladies , Apartment , Crafts , Arts , World , Mothers , Rest , Heads , Culmination , Connection , Washington , Leaders , G7 , Purpose , Art Arlette , Sanctions , Ukraine , Home , Commitment , Little , Solidarity , Photo , The Call , Delaware , Allies , Zelenskyy , Phone Call , Prime Minister , Room , Assistance , Canadian , Statement , Call , Aid , Package , Services , Tv Stations , Stations , Advertising , Management , Companies , Three , Russians , Visa Restrictions , Export Controls , Sector , Belarusions , 2500 , Energy , Countries , Phasing , Gas , Imports , Oil , Officials , Acting , Embassy , Sign , Ambassador , Kyiv , Victory Day , Arlette Signs , Hit A School , Air Strike , Violence , Luhansk Region , 60 , Attack , Lives , Reconciliation , Shelter , Remembrance , Honor , Offering , 100 , Remarks , Translator , Exclamation , Pacific On Cnn , Question Mark , Lviv , Scott Mclean , Events , Round , Village , Most , Military Official , Fredricka , 90 , One , Man , Places , Area , Some , Colleagues , Survivors , Saying , Floors , Lights , Building , Light Switch , Ones , Chucking Wriks , Help , Men , Villagers , Side , Head , Under , Bricks , Word , Slab , Injured , Rocks , Concrete , Addition , 27 , Things , Estate , Rescue , Ukrainian Frontlines , Context , Shelling , Rubble , Just A Little Bit , Seven , Evacuation , Opportunity , Frontline , 50 , Kim Dozier , Correspondent , Cnn Global Affairs , Anyone , Calls , Evidence , Invasions , Accusation , Mistake , Examples , Atrocities , Civilians , Vladimir Putin , Victory , Terms , Frustration , Fred , Ukrainians , Eyes , Beginning , Conflict , Anywhere , Practice , Targets , Heedless , Reasons , Rutte , War Crimes Trials , Organizations , International Red Cross , Case , Confusion , Evacuation Corridors , Areas , Circumstances , Reference , Nazi , United Nations , Germany , Nothing , Pariah State , Globe , Nato , Lack , Success , Expectations , Anything , Population , Conscription , Propaganda , Weapon Of Mass Destruction , 144 Million , Amount , Polling , Bite , Putin , Sounds , Buying , Narrative , Crazy , Isn T About Russian Aggression , Disinformation Enough , Phrase , Attention , Words , West , Onslaught , Conviction , Global Community , Lot , Foreign Secretary , Community , Guilt , Salts , Wound , British , It , Decapitation Strike , Horror , Meetings , Visits , Nightmare , Up , Crisis , Joe Biden , Thing , Coming Up , Deaths , Inmate , Bahamas , Corrections Officer , Police , Man Hunt , Tourists , Alabama , Details , Twist , Baby , Tools , Search , Shipping G Manager , Detective , Popower , Find Themself , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Grandmother , Legacy , Family , State Office , Ancestry , Problems , Dream , Norms , Projects , On Hundreds Of Projects , Angi , Ratings , Inside , Reviews , Pay , Happiness , Check Out Angi Com Today , Sleep App , The End , Person , End , If I Were You , Congratulations , Doctor , Both , Milk , I M Still Here , Oh Boy , Oh Go , Road , T Mobile , Style , Infiniti Qx60 , Verizon , Dust , Road Trip , Sense , Coverage , Covered Wagon , Highway Miles , 5 , Leader , Reason , 5g Coverage , Highway , 5g , 5g Bars , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Landscaper Larry , Kid , Progressive , Crew , Truck , Timber , Ending , Zbljts , Sandals , Woman , Hospital , Sandals Emerald Bay Resort , Kpu Ma Island , Signs , Trauma , Saw , Bodies , Polo , Royal Bahamas Police Force , Commissioner , Couples , Autopsies , Finding , Death , Order , Investigators , Possibility , History , Body , Emerald Bay Sandals Resort , Foul Play , Villa , Consumption , Couple , Facility , Feeling Vomiting , Work , Sandal Resort , Protocols , Health Emergency , Guests , Question , Identities , Authorities , Next Of Kin , More , Bahamas Ministry Of Tourism , Incidents , Extermination , Properties , Pest , Illnesses , Resort Locations , Correlation , Bottles , Alcohol , Hotel Rooms , Mind , Issues , Hotels , Fumigation , Carbon Monoxide , Health Officials , Issue , Facilities , Ground , 24 , 48 , Protests , Draft , Phone , Roe V Wade , Battle For Abortion Rights , U S Supreme Court , Challenges , Response , Slew , Aln , Video , App , All In T , Message , Bonnie , Ringcentral , Biktarvy , H I V , Pill , Treatment , Adults , Cure , Lab Test , Virus , Research , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Sex , Can , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Nausea , Diarrhea , Breastfeeding , Medicines , Kidney , Headache , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Fight , Center Stage , Decision , Kirsten Gillibrand , Law , Senate , Vote , Chuck Schumer , Life , Point , Bone , Liberty , Pregnancy , Medically , Body Autonomy , Ten , Zero , Term , Right , Consequences , Pregnancies , Gretchen , Rights , Health , Vice President , Human Rights , Ability , Gray , Reversal , Privacy , National Women S Law Center , Half , Thoughts , Shock Waves , Abortion , Court , Nation , Devastating , Access , Impact , Time , Back Rights , Dev , Place , States , Governor , Abortions , Programs , Barriers , Oppression , Bans , Abc , Arkansas , Mississippi , Resources , Health Services , View , Listen , Adoption , Child , Outcome , Maternal Health , Adoption Services , Politicians , Women S Health , Protections , Workplace , Doesn T , Family Leave , It Doesn T Have Laws , Lie , Infant Mortality Rate , Gender Gaps , They Don T , Priority , Codifying A Women S , Care , Voting , Favor , House , Republicans , Record , Senator Schumer , Lawmakers , Yes , Need , Narrative Battle , Friends , Communities , Social Media , Circle , Hearts And Minds , Level , Outpouring , Activations , Streets , Plan , Hall , Congress , Pressure , Box Issue , Elections , Values , 10 , 7 , Constituents , Voices , Grocery Store , Movements , Investigation , Small Business , Progressive Gets Y You Right Bk To Living The Dream , Tires Squeal , Crcrash , Cheering , Wewe , Treasures , Landmarks , Heart , Viking , Viking Longships , Cruise Line , Extras , Ship , Excursions , Readers , Cultural Enrichment , Wi Fi , River , CondÉ Nast , Way , Colors , Diabetes , It Cheers , Range , Guidance , Meter , Nature , Onetouch Verio , Visit Onetouch Com Today , Hotel , Release , Quality , Car , Escape , Vehicle , Distance , Williamson County , Pair , Tennessee , Chris Anderson , State Lines , Co Host , Manhunt , Reasonable Doubt , Birmingham Police Department , Fugitive Unit , Homicide Detective , Sergeant , Service , Viewers , Square One , Marshall , Witnesses , Relationship , Reinterviewing , White , Relation , Portions , Name , Sheriff , Videotape , Surveillance Videotape , Special Relationship , Goal , Information , Hate , Number One , Corrections , Escapee , Danger , Cardinal , Law Enforcement , Breakout , Doors , You Saw , Planning , Kind , Know , Everything , Officers , Extent , Someone , Incriminate , Incentive , Folks , Degree , Sentence , Move , Vet It , Interview , Explanations , Dgamut , Including Vicky White , Consideration , Retirement , Veteran , 17 , Surveillance Tapes , Surveillance , Concerns , Team , Casey , Medication , Grave Danger , Attorneys , Vickie , Family Members , Revenge , Expertise , Arrest , Nomad , South Korea , Series , Programming Note , Carlton , Market , Markets , Types , Clothing , Textile , Wholesalers , Food Stalls , Type , Booze , Sausage , Home Wrecker , Conversations , 37 , Elders , Social Hierarchy , Episode , 38 , Tecech , Replacement , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , 00 , Picture , Restaurant , Field Nurse , Aunt , San Francisco , Union Army , Paralee Wharton Elder , Margaret Ross , Mary Sawyers , Lupe Gonzalez , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Mom , Study , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , 1 , Vision Problems , Lump , Insulin , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Record Label , Vomiting , Healthcare Provider , Dehydration , Sound Engineer , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Fanduel , State Corporations , Draftkings , Math , Promises , Californians , Ballot Measure , Sports Betting , Profits , Eight , Homeless , Scheme , Loopholes , Arizona , Virginia , California , Police Officer , City , Gates , Developments , Jerusalem , Israel , Ha Daus , Flash Point , Entrance , Sites , Clashes , Questioning , Israeli Border Police , Knife , Palestinian , 19 , Condition , Officer , Fire , Attacker , Hospitals , Unner Body , Suspects , Terrorist Attack , Rifle , Killing , Ax , Night In The City , Alaud , Roadblocks , Police Helicopters , Drones , Dna Technology , Incident , West Bank , 18 , Counterterrorism Operations , Raids , Heat , Forecast , Northeast , Update , Set , Texas , Um , 200 , Carvana , Rocket , Cars , Lunchables , Surprises , Neuroscientist , Science , Newfound , L , Brainyn , Tv , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva , Neuriva Plus , Six , Auto Insurance , Allstate , Auto , Booyah , Working From Home , 25 , Vrbo , Sound , Come On , Helicopter Blades , Advice , Suits , Inflation , Memes , Greg , Money , On The Road , Investing , Sort , Friend , Baby One More Time , Onesies , 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95 , Tom , Attacks ,

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20240707

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february. see right there, exchange of flowers. ar let signs is at the white house. kate bennett joins us from traveling with the first lady. kate, what do we need to know about this visit? >> reporter: well, we're back in slovakia tonight. earlier today we made the surprise trip with the first lady into the south western corner of ukraine. a 15-minute drive from the border. besides the trip on mother's day, the biggest surprise was the first lady of ukraine. they've exchanged correspondence, and meeting today was a big deal. not only is a first lady going into an active war zone. this is also the wife of the president of ukraine who has tried to keep under cover. the public has not seen her. the two women together on mother's day. as dr. biden said, it was important to express support from america on mother's day for ukraine. now, the two women held a bilateral behind closed doors for about a half hour or so that the press didn't get to see. i'm told they talked about especially mental health. the first lady of ukraine is particularly concerned about the citizens of her country, the soldiers involved in the bloody invasion by russia of the homeland. she wonders who will happen to them after the war does end. of course, dr. biden, a big proponent of mental health, of children, education. this was something the two women conversed about for some time. it was emotional. there were kids. this is a former school that has been turned into temporary housing for families that have been displaced by the war. so imagine your local high school all the sudden becomes sort of a small apartment for people who no longer have homes. the two first ladies did an arts and crafts project. they were close. you could tell there was a connection. dr. biden's entire trip has been about women, mothers and children. this is the culmination. tonight she wraps it up and heads back to washington. >> a surprise visit to the rest of the world, but clearly a welcome visit there to the first lady of ukraine. art arlette, at the white house. what more can you tell us about the meeting. >> reporter: the purpose of the meeting was two-fold. president biden and g7 leaders expressing solidarity with ukraine but also the commitment to further punishing russia through sanctions. if you look at the photo of the meeting, the president held the call from his home in delaware. it lasted a little over an hour. if you look closely, the canadian prime minister was in the room in ukraine with ukrainian president zelenskyy as the leaders all held this phone call. the u.s. and allies said they would further provide military and economic assistance to ukraine. in a statement released after the call, they said there would be more financial aid going to the country in the coming weeks. but they also talked about the need to ramp up the sanctions against russia. the u.s. today rolling out a new package of sanctions that in part target three russian state-run tv stations. it bans u.s. advertising on those stations. additionally, it's prohibiting the u.s. provided management and consulting services to companies as well as imposing export controls on the industrial sector and ramping up visa restrictions on more than 2500 russians and belarusions. in the g7 statement released after the call, u.s. and allied countries committed to phasing out russian gas and energy. of course, the u.s. has already banned russian energy imports. that is noteworthy as the european countries are much more reliant on russian oil and energy compared to the united states. additionally today, the acting u.s. ambassador to ukraine and other officials traveled to kyiv after they had left the embassy there back in mid february. just another sign of support with ukraine, especially as russia is expected to celebrate victory day tomorrow. the u.s. and the allies trying to reinforce to ukraine and show their unwavering support for the country amid this war. >> all right. arlette signs and kate bennett, thank you to you both. the first lady's visit happening amid horrific new violence brought on by russia's on slight. at least 60 people are feared dead after a russian air strike hit a school in the luhansk region. the school had been acting as a shelter for nearly 100 people. the attack comes on ukraine's day of remembrance and reconciliation held in honor of those who lost their lives during world war ii. president zelenskyy offering the sobering remarks on this sacred day. >> translator: this year we say never again differently. we hear never again differently. it sounds painful, cruel, without an exclamation, but with a question mark you say never again, tell ukraine about it. >> cnn's scott mclean is in lviv covering the latest round of events there. so scott, what more are you learning about the attack at that school? >> fredricka, the 90 people according to a local military official were sheltering inside the school because most of the rest of the village was bombed out. it was one of the last remaining good places to actually shelter there, and our colleagues actually managed to get to that area to speak with some of the survivors from this village, and what they're saying is absolutely incredible. one man said that it was just all at once, like flipping a light switch. the lights went out. all three of the floors collapsed on top of them and they could not understand what was going on. another man said he was one of the first ones out of that building. he was sort of chucking wriks -- bricks to the side to try to get out with the help of villagers trying to help with people getting out from under there. he said among the people sheltering there, elderly people and children. and one of the men whose head was visibly bandaged, visibly injured said that a slab of concrete had come down on him in addition to some other rocks and when he got out of that from under that school, he said he felt like a drunk man just completely, completely lost. so at last word, there were 27 people who managed to survive. but it's very likely, according to local officials, that 60 people did not get out because even though search and rescue is ongoing, just given the state of things, they say it's extremely unlikely there's still anyone alive under that rubble. just a little bit of context here. this village is about seven miles or so west of the frontlines. it's taken some heavy shelling in recent weeks as the russians tried to push through that frontline, break through the ukrainian frontlines. there was an evacuation about two weeks ago that successfully managed to get roughly 50 people out including some children, but clearly not everyone took the opportunity or could take the opportunity to get out then. >> so sad. all right. scott mclean, thank you so much. let's talk more about this. let's bring in kim dozier, a cnn global affairs analyst and correspondent for "time". they continue to accuse russia of not keeping its word on invasions. it's not just an accusation, there's evidence. does anyone believe russia is going to respect any other calls for evacuation when continued examples of atrocities like this continue to happen? russia targets places where there are civilians. not by mistake, it seems, but knowingly, intentionally. >> well, fred, it seems that in their frustration that they're not going to be able to deliver any big victory in terms of a territorial area seized in eastern ukraine to vladimir putin in time for victory day, they seem to be doubling down on this practice that we have seen from the beginning of this conflict of hitting anywhere that might hurt the ukrainians and hopefully in russia's eyes, make them withdraw. heedless and some ukrainian officials say intentionally hitting civilian targets. now, that is going to be a difficult one to prove. it's going to be something that we see playing out years from now likely in war crimes trials. but it is devastating and painful to watch. and it's one of the reasons why when the international red cross and other organizations are able to organize a rutte out of some of the embattled areas, that t people just don't trust russia enough to leave. >> right. i mean, there's no confusion on why that's the case. you know? they keep getting targeted as these evacuation corridors are set up for them or circumstances. so you made reference to tomorrow. this is russia's annual victory day, the day they commemorate the victory over nazi, germany. here's what the u.s. ambassador to the united nations said on cnn earlier today. >> they have nothing to celebrate tomorrow. they have not succeeded in defeating the ukrainians. they have not succeeded in dividing the world or dividing nato, and they have only succeeded in isolating themselves internationally and becoming a pariah state around the globe. we're collaborating tomorrow with their own lack of success. >> so for weeks now, you know, the world has been wondering what might vladimir putin do tomorrow to mark that day. so what are the expectations? >> well, that lack of success is one of the reasons that ukrainian officials have said openly that they are afraid vladimir putin might do anything from declaring officially a war on them and a nationwide conscription of his 144 million strong population to using a nuclear or other weapon of mass destruction. but what is most likely is that he is going to use this as a day of propaganda to shore up support for this conflict inside his country as people are beginning to feel the bite of sanctions and from what we know from the little polling that you can do inside russia, it does seem that a large amount of the population is buying into putin's narrative that this isn't about russian aggression against ukraine. that it is about nato fighting russia through the ukrainian people as crazy as that sounds, when you repeat disinformation enough, the population can sometimes believe it. that seems to be what's happening here. >> and we heard president zelenskyy just a moment ago say you know, by hearing the phrase never again for ukrainians, well, that's painful and cruel, because of russia's continued onslaught. he's called out the west for not having the conviction to stand behind those words. he's gotten the attention of the global community. and i wonder if he's getting the attention of the global community when he makes that statement. >> well, he certainly does have everyone's attention, and what he's also doing is rubbing the salts in the wound of a lot of guilt. the british foreign secretary was quite blunt about it. she said the u.s., the west, we all should have done something much sooner. we should have done more to counter russia. and u.s. officials have also told that to me privately, that they wished they'd understood how this might go. let's remember, the u.s., europe, they didn't think this war would last that long. they thought it would be a quick decapitation strike and we wouldn't see the grinding nightmare that is taking so many civilian lives as well. that's the horror that has opened up, and the meetings, the visits by people like joe biden keep the attention on the crisis that i think u.s. and western officials understand is the thing they have to do going forward. they have to show vladimir putin that this time they're not going to let him get away with it. >> all right. kim dozier, thank you so much. all right. coming up, a disturbing mystery in the bahamas. police are investigating the deaths of three american tourists. details straight ahead. a new twist in the man hunt for the alabama corrections officer and inmate who have been missing more than a week. we'll talk with the former detective about the case and the intensifying search. eyes on the ball baby. digital tools so impressive, you just can't stop. what would you like the popower to do? 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>> reporter: these are two american couples vacationing and now three people are dead and the fourth woman hospitalized. i spoke to the commissioner of the royal bahamas police. he says that autopsies will have to be performed in order to find out the reason for death. and there's key finding so far that is really important here. no signs of trauma, and that basically rules out the possibility of foul play. at the same time, it deepens the history. according to the commissioner, he told me investigators were sent out friday after the body of a man was found in one of the villas at emerald bay sandals resort. and a short time later the bodies of two other people were found in a separate villa, a man and woman. what's puzzling is officials said there were signs the couple had apparently signs of consumption before they died. what deepens the mystery is the two people turned to a local medical facility after feeling vomiting and nauseated the day before they were found dead. and then there was a fourth person, the woman located in the first villa, that was hospitalized and according to officials is still being treated this hour. there's still a lot missing here. investigators say there's a lot of work that needs to be done in terms of finding out what happened to these two couples. in terms of the sandal resort, they put out a statement over the weekend basically saying that a health emergency was initially reported and following their protocols, they alerted medical officials and relevant local officials saying they are currently supporting the investigation and the families of the guests in every way possible during the course of this investigation. the other big question here, identities. where were the couples traveling from? i reached back out to authorities this morning. they are saying they expect to release the identities tomorrow after they officially identify them and notify the next of kin. for now, they continue to work with the u.s. embassy in the bahamas as well as the bahamas ministry of tourism to find out more. >> are they willing to say publicly they ruled anything out? there have been some other mysterious incidents at other resort locations, not necessarily in the bahamas but other places, and illnesses and deaths have been linked to things from extermination, pest extermination around properties to alcohol in the mini bottles in some of the hotel rooms. i'm not talking about in the bahamas but other places. has there been any correlation made to any similar circumstances or have authorities ruled out any of those other things? >> reporter: it's an important thing. automatically your mind goes to unrelated incidents in other hotels with issues with the fumigation or carbon monoxide or other issues. that's a question that will be brought up in this case. was it perhaps an issue with the facilities? we know that health officials there on the ground are looking into that as a possibility, but they have not said that is specifically what they believe was involved here. so the next 24 or 48 hours will be crucial in the investigation as we try to find out if perhaps it was something like that. >> yeah. mysterious and scary, indeed. polo, thank you so much. still ahead, on this very unique mother's day, protests have erupted in response to the leaked u.s. supreme court draft that would overturn roe v. wade as the battle for abortion rights takes on a slew of potential new challenges. we'll discuss straight ahead. aln pull bonnie up on phone, message, or video, all in t the same app. oh... hey bonnie, i didn't see you there. ♪ ringcentral ♪ for people living with h-i-v, keep being you. and ask your doctor about biktarvy. biktarvy is a complete, one-pill, once-a-day treatment used for h-i-v in certain adults. it's not a cure, but with one small pill, biktarvy fights h-i-v to help you get to and stay undetectable. that's when the amount of virus is so low it cannot be measured by a lab test. research shows people who take h-i-v treatment every day and get to and stay undetectable can no longer transmit h-i-v through sex. serious side effects can occur, including kidney problems and kidney failure. rare, life-threatening side effects include a buildup of lactic acid and liver problems. do not take biktarvy if you take dofetilide or rifampin. tell your doctor about all the medicines and supplements you take, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, or if you have kidney or liver problems, including hepatitis. if you have hepatitis b, do not stop taking biktarvy without talking to your doctor. common side effects were diarrhea, nausea, and headache. if you're living with hiv, keep loving who you are. and ask your doctor if biktarvy is right for you. oh on this mother's day the fight for a woman's right to choose taking center stage. senate majority leader chuck schumer is calling for a vote this week to pass a national law countering an expected supreme court decision that would overturn roe v. wade. senator kirsten gillibrand poised to cast her vote and talking to cnn this morning. >> it's bone chilling. it's taking away women's right for life, liberty, and happiness. the point i made you played, america's men need to wake up. they have to imagine what it would be like for ten months to have zero body autonomy, to not know what's going to happen to your body, whether you're going to survive a pregnancy or be forever changed medically. these are the consequences of bringing a pregnancy to full term. and so when women make that decision to have a baby, it's a joyful decision that they are making. but if you take away that right, and require forced pregnancies, you are literally undermining their basic civil rights, their basic human rights and their ability to decide what happens to their body. >> i'm joined now by gretchen. she's the vice president for reproductive rights and health for the national women's law center. good to see you, gretchen. welcome. so you just heard senator gray, you heard senator gillibrand who says a reversal of roe v. wade is a multifaceted issue of privacy and multigenerational fight as well. gillibrand went as far as saying women are being treated like half citizens. what are your thoughts? >> yeah. i mean, i think the senator is capturing the shock waves that have really reverberated throughout the nation. people are just devastated that the court is poised to overturn roe v. wade and decimate our legal right to abortion. it's outrageous and irresponsible and shocking. right now it's still a draft. people need to be reassured that abortion right now is still legal in the united states. but if this draft becomes the final decision of the court, it's going to be stunning and devastating. and the supreme court will have taken away a fundamental constitutional right we've relied on for nearly 50 years. it will be the first time the court is taking away a right rather than expanding rights. that's going to have a dev devastating impact on access to abortion, but it's not going to stop there. this is a court that is dedicated to rolling back rights. and particularly for people who already face barriers and oppression in this country. they're going to feel it the most. >> arkansas governor said on abc today, following any bans of abortions, states will put more programs into place such as increasing adoption and health services. mississippi's governor is sharing this view. take a listen. >> what i can tell you is what we're trying to do in mississippi is we're trying to provide those potential expectant mothers the resources they need so that they can go to a full term pregnancy if they choose to keep that child, then that's a great outcome. we want to make sure we provide them the resources they need. >> you have to provide services. i believe we want to increase the services for maternal health to increase the services for adoption services as well. so we want to invest in those areas that will help those women with very difficult circumstances of the pregnancy. >> okay. so how do those thoughts sit with you? >> well, i just think it's completely disingenuous for politicians to claim they care about women's health and then -- m mississippi is the state banning abortion. that's the case before the court, and mississippi completely fails to provide the support that pregnant and parenting people need to thrive. it is the only state that doesn't have any equal pay law. it doesn't have laws that ensure people can have paid family leave. it has no reasonable protections for people who are pregnant in the workplace. and it has one of the worst gender gaps in the country, and it is the state with the highest infant mortality rate. so to say they want to help women and families and they're going to have those protections in place is just a lie. those protections don't exist. their priority is to ban abortion and take that right away from people in their state. they don't care about protecting or supporting them if they have that child. >> so the house already voted without any republicans voting in favor of codifying a women's right to choose. the senate will vote this week even though it may not pass. do you agree with senator schumer who says it's important to at the very least get a record on how and where lawmakers stand? >> yes. that's right. we all need to speak out. we all need to show up. this is partly a narrative battle. we need to talk about why abortion matters, about how important it is not just for abortion to be technically legal, but to be affordable and available and supported in our communities. and so we need everyone. we need people speaking out, talking about this. you can change hearts and minds by just talking to people in your circle. your family, your friends on social media. we need people to keep showing up. we need them out on the streets already there's been an outpouring and there will be more activations in the weeks and months ahead. we need people to be talking to their elected officials from the local level to the state level to the federal level in congress. they should be saying we expect you to protect and expand access to abortion. what is your plan? what are you doing in this moment? what are you doing over the long hall? that's the thing. if we lose this right, we are going to have to fight for decades to get it back. it is not something that we're going to get back overnight, and so we need people to be showing up for years and years and years and not turn away from this but to keep the pressure on. >> so gretchen, do you think it's going to be a box issue this midterm elections, november? >> i think you're going to see an outpouring of people who are outraged and want to make sure that their elected officials represent their values. and we know overwhelmingly that 7 in 10 people in this country want abortion to be legal. people are going to turn out and make their voices heard. it's up to elected officials to respond and represent their constituents correctly. >> gretchen, thank you so much for your time. grocery store you joining us. still ahead, it's been over a week since an alabama corrections officer and inmate went missing. still little is known about their movements and officials say they are back to square one in their investigation. more on that, next. ♪ just till they taste what we've got ♪ [ tires squeal, crcrash ] when owning a small business gets real, progressive gets y you right bk to living the dream. now, where were wewe? 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>> the marshall service, when they say they're back to square one, they're starting the entire investigation over. maybe not from -- from square one, that means reinterviewing witnesses, reinterviewing inmates and anyone -- reinterviewing anyone that was involved in the initial portions of the investigation. >> so the sheriff said this week, and acknowledged there was a special relationship between these two both sharing last name white, no relation. and if that is the case, when it goes back to reinterviews people, perhaps looking at more closely at videotape like this in-house surveillance videotape, what might they be able to glean from this special relationship, and how it might even help determine where they may want to go next or what their potential goal is in the end? >> right. so going back and starting this investigation back over is going to allow investigators to rehash some of the information that may have been missed in the beginning, and i kind of hate to hear the word special relationship between vicky white and this escapee. it makes things extremely hard, because number one, that puts a lot of people in danger. she broke one of the cardinal rules in corrections. that is, she developed a relationship with an inmate. very, very, very dangerous. it makes you do things that you wouldn't normally do. >> and it also means -- >> and things we can't do in law enforcement. >> it also means if they're saying it's a special relationship, people observed that and knew that. a lot of people knew it or observed it along the way. maybe they didn't anticipate a breakout like this, but it also means asking, again, what made you think there was a special relationship here? what is it that you saw? and i guess that will also help them extrapolate whether -- how far back any kind of planning may have gone. >> right. you know, it opens the doors to so many things, because before i went into law enforcement, i was in corrections, and one thing that i know about inmates, inmates know almost everything there is no know that's secretive about what happens within their facilities. going back and starting this investigation over will allow the officers and these investigators to start reinterviewing, especially the inmates. they knew -- they probably didn't know to the extent of how the relationship went, but someone within that facility knew that these two had this relationship. >> okay. but what's the incentive for other inmates, perhaps or other corrections folks to now reveal more about what they knew when it can kind of incriminate them to a degree of having never said anything prior to the breakout? >> so yeah, you know, most of the inmates will probably try to get a lighter sentence or move to a different facility. you know, the explanations or reasons, their reasons for not giving that information will run the dgamut. we could spend an entire interview talking about that, but you still have to take that information. you have to vet it, of course. but it has to be taken into consideration because it can't be disregarded. >> okay. so when you think about vicky white, the corrections officer who was a veteran of some 17 years on the day that she was to be celebrated for a retirement, it turns out she or at least surveillance tapes shows she and the inmate got out. she helped perhaps purchase or arrange this get away vehicle that is orange which they found later, abandoned, maybe that videotape shows her in surveillance trying to figure out a good hotel or something to get, and then sold her home. in other words, she has given up a lot to be part of this team of escape. what are your thoughts or concerns about her well being now, now a week after the escape? >> listen. make no mistake about this. this is a very, very dangerous case. not only for law enforcement and the public at large, but it's a dangerous case for vicky white also. even though she made a conscious decision to orchestrate the escape, she still is in grave, grave danger, because casey's attorneys recently came out and spoke about his mental health issues. and they talked about how he is a different person when he's on his medication, but when he's off, he's a very, very dangerous person. being off the medication, he could decide at any point that vickie will eventually get him captured and he could take her life and even go and exact revenge on the family members who he threatened prior to -- during his initial arrest. this is a very, very dangerous case for everyone that's involved, including vicky white. >> oh, my. all right. sergeant chris anderson, appreciate your expertise. thank you so much. >> thank you. and this quick programming note. cnn's original series "nomad "continues with carlton's first trip to south korea. >> so this is a market. it's one of the oldest markets in korea. it started with different types of clothing. textile. a lot of wholesalers started the market. and naturally grew out to be a lot of food stalls. >> this is incredible. i think we're going to eat good. what's that home wrecker over there? 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Guilt , Salts , Wound , British , It , Decapitation Strike , Horror , Meetings , Visits , Nightmare , Up , Crisis , Joe Biden , Thing , Coming Up , Deaths , Inmate , Bahamas , Corrections Officer , Police , Man Hunt , Tourists , Alabama , Details , Twist , Baby , Tools , Search , Shipping G Manager , Detective , Popower , Find Themself , Job Description , Candidates , Indeed Instant Match , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Grandmother , Legacy , Family , State Office , Ancestry , Problems , Dream , Norms , Projects , On Hundreds Of Projects , Angi , Ratings , Inside , Reviews , Pay , Happiness , Check Out Angi Com Today , Sleep App , The End , Person , End , If I Were You , Congratulations , Doctor , Both , Milk , I M Still Here , Oh Boy , Oh Go , Road , T Mobile , Style , Infiniti Qx60 , Verizon , Dust , Road Trip , Sense , Coverage , Covered Wagon , Highway Miles , 5 , Leader , Reason , 5g Coverage , Highway , 5g , 5g Bars , Once Upon A Time , Magical Everly Estate , Landscaper Larry , Kid , Progressive , Crew , Truck , Timber , Ending , Zbljts , Sandals , Woman , Hospital , Sandals Emerald Bay Resort , Kpu Ma Island , Signs , Trauma , Saw , Bodies , Polo , Royal Bahamas Police Force , Commissioner , Couples , Autopsies , Finding , Death , Order , Investigators , Possibility , History , Body , Emerald Bay Sandals Resort , Foul Play , Villa , Consumption , Couple , Facility , Feeling Vomiting , Work , Sandal Resort , Protocols , Health Emergency , Guests , Question , Identities , Authorities , Next Of Kin , More , Bahamas Ministry Of Tourism , Incidents , Extermination , Properties , Pest , Illnesses , Resort Locations , Correlation , Bottles , Alcohol , Hotel Rooms , Mind , Issues , Hotels , Fumigation , Carbon Monoxide , Health Officials , Issue , Facilities , Ground , 24 , 48 , Protests , Draft , Phone , Roe V Wade , Battle For Abortion Rights , U S Supreme Court , Challenges , Response , Slew , Aln , Video , App , All In T , Message , Bonnie , Ringcentral , Biktarvy , H I V , Pill , Treatment , Adults , Cure , Lab Test , Virus , Research , Side Effects , Liver Problems , Kidney Problems , Buildup , Sex , Can , Kidney Failure , Lactic Acid , Nausea , Diarrhea , Breastfeeding , Medicines , Kidney , Headache , Hepatitis , Rifampin , Hepatitis B , Dofetilide , Fight , Center Stage , Decision , Kirsten Gillibrand , Law , Senate , Vote , Chuck Schumer , Life , Point , Bone , Liberty , Pregnancy , Medically , Body Autonomy , Ten , Zero , Term , Right , Consequences , Pregnancies , Gretchen , Rights , Health , Vice President , Human Rights , Ability , Gray , Reversal , Privacy , National Women S Law Center , Half , Thoughts , Shock Waves , Abortion , Court , Nation , Devastating , Access , Impact , Time , Back Rights , Dev , Place , States , Governor , Abortions , Programs , Barriers , Oppression , Bans , Abc , Arkansas , Mississippi , Resources , Health Services , View , Listen , Adoption , Child , Outcome , Maternal Health , Adoption Services , Politicians , Women S Health , Protections , Workplace , Doesn T , Family Leave , It Doesn T Have Laws , Lie , Infant Mortality Rate , Gender Gaps , They Don T , Priority , Codifying A Women S , Care , Voting , Favor , House , Republicans , Record , Senator Schumer , Lawmakers , Yes , Need , Narrative Battle , Friends , Communities , Social Media , Circle , Hearts And Minds , Level , Outpouring , Activations , Streets , Plan , Hall , Congress , Pressure , Box Issue , Elections , Values , 10 , 7 , Constituents , Voices , Grocery Store , Movements , Investigation , Small Business , Progressive Gets Y You Right Bk To Living The Dream , Tires Squeal , Crcrash , Cheering , Wewe , Treasures , Landmarks , Heart , Viking , Viking Longships , Cruise Line , Extras , Ship , Excursions , Readers , Cultural Enrichment , Wi Fi , River , CondÉ Nast , Way , Colors , Diabetes , It Cheers , Range , Guidance , Meter , Nature , Onetouch Verio , Visit Onetouch Com Today , Hotel , Release , Quality , Car , Escape , Vehicle , Distance , Williamson County , Pair , Tennessee , Chris Anderson , State Lines , Co Host , Manhunt , Reasonable Doubt , Birmingham Police Department , Fugitive Unit , Homicide Detective , Sergeant , Service , Viewers , Square One , Marshall , Witnesses , Relationship , Reinterviewing , White , Relation , Portions , Name , Sheriff , Videotape , Surveillance Videotape , Special Relationship , Goal , Information , Hate , Number One , Corrections , Escapee , Danger , Cardinal , Law Enforcement , Breakout , Doors , You Saw , Planning , Kind , Know , Everything , Officers , Extent , Someone , Incriminate , Incentive , Folks , Degree , Sentence , Move , Vet It , Interview , Explanations , Dgamut , Including Vicky White , Consideration , Retirement , Veteran , 17 , Surveillance Tapes , Surveillance , Concerns , Team , Casey , Medication , Grave Danger , Attorneys , Vickie , Family Members , Revenge , Expertise , Arrest , Nomad , South Korea , Series , Programming Note , Carlton , Market , Markets , Types , Clothing , Textile , Wholesalers , Food Stalls , Type , Booze , Sausage , Home Wrecker , Conversations , 37 , Elders , Social Hierarchy , Episode , 38 , Tecech , Replacement , Singers , Safelite , Safelite Repair , 00 , Picture , Restaurant , Field Nurse , Aunt , San Francisco , Union Army , Paralee Wharton Elder , Margaret Ross , Mary Sawyers , Lupe Gonzalez , A1c , Stop Rybelsus , Mom , Study , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Ruby , Type 1 Diabetes , Isn T , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Rybelsus , Don T Take Rybelsus , 2 , 1 , Vision Problems , Lump , Insulin , Stomach Pain , Neck , Swelling , Reaction , Pancreatitis , Changes , Blood Sugar Risk , Sulfonylurea , Provider , Record Label , Vomiting , Healthcare Provider , Dehydration , Sound Engineer , Taking Off , Visit Indeed Com Hire Fanduel , State Corporations , Draftkings , Math , Promises , Californians , Ballot Measure , Sports Betting , Profits , Eight , Homeless , Scheme , Loopholes , Arizona , Virginia , California , Police Officer , City , Gates , Developments , Jerusalem , Israel , Ha Daus , Flash Point , Entrance , Sites , Clashes , Questioning , Israeli Border Police , Knife , Palestinian , 19 , Condition , Officer , Fire , Attacker , Hospitals , Unner Body , Suspects , Terrorist Attack , Rifle , Killing , Ax , Night In The City , Alaud , Roadblocks , Police Helicopters , Drones , Dna Technology , Incident , West Bank , 18 , Counterterrorism Operations , Raids , Heat , Forecast , Northeast , Update , Set , Texas , Um , 200 , Carvana , Rocket , Cars , Lunchables , Surprises , Neuroscientist , Science , Newfound , L , Brainyn , Tv , Brain Performance , Memory Supplements , Indicators , Neuriva , Neuriva Plus , Six , Auto Insurance , Allstate , Auto , Booyah , Working From Home , 25 , Vrbo , Sound , Come On , Helicopter Blades , Advice , Suits , Inflation , Memes , Greg , Money , On The Road , Investing , Sort , Friend , Baby One More Time , Onesies , Chapter , Lover , Benny , Britney Spears , Morgan Stanley , E Trade , Invested , Quarrel , Each Other , Green Energy , Bottom Line , Power , Business Owner , Comcast Business Mobile , Wall , Data , Contracts , Data Plans , Gig , 5g Network , Line Activation Fees , Customers , Business , Internet , Thanks , Comcast Business , Powering Possibilities Tm , Xfinity , Paul , 500 , Prime Video , Watchathon Week , Entertainment , Boys , Starz , Xfinity Rewards , Netflix , Voice , Holiday , Holi , Hbo Max , And Peacock , Nay , 13 Million , Tom Sader , Threats , Heat Barrels , Wildfires , Red Flag Warning , Tide , Seasons , Scientists , Fire Threat , Schedule , Tornadoes , Acreage , Worth , Saw A , New Mexico , 219 , Temperatures , Number , Season , Colorado , Colorado Springs , Denver , Extreme Leet , 30 , 20 , High Pressure , Records , Amarillo , Air , Dome , Agent , Canadian Border , Numbers , Heat Wave , Humidity , Fact , Dallas , The 90s , Loreto , Midwest 95 In St , 110 , Louis , Chicago , 95 , Tom , Attacks ,

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