Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240707

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240707

up. up 5.5% from one year ago. that is good news for american workers. good was the president's one word answer when asked about the job report as he left the white house this morning. but a written statement a bit earlier makes clear the president understands he cannot overcelebrate. inflation is the giant election year cloud over the president and his party. let's get to the white house now and cnn's articlette signs. good news for the president, but that but, the inflation. >> yeah, john, those figures you ticked through represent decent progress in the economy for the white house, but they continue to be dogged by the issue of inflation. as that continues to drive the public perception of how the economy is doing. now, the president told reporters he felt the jobs report was good, but in a statement he released, he acknowledged the crunch the americans are feeling from inflation. he said there's no question that inflation and high prices are a challenge for families across the country, and fighting inflation is a top priority for me. he said there is still more work to be done. this comes as americans have continued to show they are concerned about inflation, a cnn poll earlier this week found that 8 in 10 american adults felt the biden administration had not done enough to curb inflation. this is something that the president continues to try to address, especially heading into those midterms as americans are seeing higher prices at the gas pumps and grocery stores and as they're paying their bills. >> articlette, thank you. let's start with the unemployment rate. the president of the united states in the middle of a midterm election year, you should be happy with that, a 3.6 unemployment rate. and the trajectory, 6.4% when the president took office. this line heading in the right way. unemployment you want going down. good news for the president. then you look at wages. americans saying how about a pay raise. american workers are making 5.5% more now than one year ago. should be something the president can sell. the democrats can sell in a midterm election year. your wages are going up. how about giving us political credit? you would think that would happen. plus look at this. this is the economy going back to the beginning of the trump presidency. 2017. this is the covid cliff. you see april 2020. the covid cliff. lost all the jobs. now we are going back up. 90% of the jobs lost here have now been returned to the economy. 90% of the covid flif recovered in the economy. that should be something the president can sell, but he has to be careful because of this. something you see every day. gas prices a year ago, $2.94. a week ago $4.16. right you, $4.28. it was higher a couple months ago, but $4.28. that's why the president has to be careful in telling you all is well. it's not just gas. gas prices up 48 % in the last year. used cars up 35%. electricity heating your home, air-conditioning, up 11%. price of beef up 16%. dairy, meaning your milk, cheese, up 67% in the last year. which is why it should be good news for the president, but the labor secretary understands they need to be careful. listen here. >> it's not just about telling a good story on tv so people feel good about themselves in their home when inflation is high or when they're working in a job they're not happy about. we need to continue to work on bringing down the costs whether it's the gas at the pump, whether it's the cost of milk at and food at the kitchen table. all the other costs that are out there, and we need to continue to make sure our supply chain issues continue to bring supply chains into america so we're not seeing costs. >> with us to share the reporting and insights, kaitlyn collins, josh jamerson, heather kagl, and matt eagan. matt, you look through the report and this is a strong, stable economy with a growing recovery from the covid pandemic. those numbers are gray, but inflation is a wind blowing at the economy. >> absolutely. the economy is what people feel, and right now they feel inflation. yes the jobs market is strong. 12 straight months of 400,000 jobs being added. 16 straight months of job growth. as you mentioned, payroll is almost back to precovid levels. but if you have a job, that doesn't help you. the prices at the gas pump and furniture store have all gone up so much. wages are up. that's great. wages are hot, but inflation is even hotter. so that means when you look at wages, adjusted for inflation, they're actually down. paychecks are not going as far as they used to. that's why people are upset. >> how does the president find the sweet spot in the sense that you want to convince people. consumer spending is the engine of the american people. you want to convince people sure, do your math. but we're okay. we're okay, but you can't overcelebrate. >> right. because it is what people are feeling. and the poll numbers that came out this week of how people do feel about not just the economy generally and thundershower outlook, but how the president is handling it were overwhelmingly negative. the white house knows it needs to be addressed. they know this is going to be a massive factor in the midterm elections. and i think one thing they want to celebrate is the fact that 95% of the jobs that were lost during the pandemic have been recovered. but the other part of that that they are balancing is the labor shortage they're dealing with. you've seen the federal reserve raise interest rates saying the market is out of whack. march it was 11 .5 million job openings. there are only half of that when it comes to job seekers. that's something the white house is paying attention to. >> the president needs help from members of congress to echo things. you have nervous members of the own party going home to districts. the president goes to ohio today. you don't think of that as a big state for midterm elections. the democrats want to look at how do you communicate the economy when people are still, again, paying at the grocery store, paying at the pump? but there are jobs if you want them. >> yeah. it's definitely a fine balance on the hill. you can tell democrats are nervous. they haven't really settled on the message of how to communicate yes, we know that you guys are still feeling pain. we know you're paying a lot for improesh ris and gas, but the job market is strong. the economy is strong. stick with us. and the other problem is there's limited resources and tools on the hill of what they can actually do. they could pass some kind of build back smaller bill if they had agreement, but they're nowhere near agreement on that, and they're losing time. i mean, nothing is really going to happen once we get closer to the midterms? >> part of the president's strategy is to get out there. he's going to the middle of america in the middle of an election year, this being a factory, saying i get it that things are better today, but for tomorrow, getting the supply lines, that we're not just worried about today. we understand we need to sustain this going on. >> right. and it's a lot of explaining to do. and also, i think an issue for the democrats is there's not a lot of good news on the horizon. with the fed raising interest rates, historically when the fed tries to tame a hot economy like this, they may cause a recession. there's not even good news that democrats are talk about on the horizon. >> the president, and the democrats, and the republicans trying to beat the democrats care more about what's happening in real america. but out in real america. but to josh's point, the fed announced a half percentage point rise in interest rates. the markets went yay and rallied. the next day they went no, and today they're flat. what's the assessment among the smart people, does the fed have this right or are they still worried about it? >> well, everyone, including the fed, would agree that this is not going to be easy. the problem is that inflation is so high that the fed can't just tap the brakes on the economy. which is what they would like to do. they have to really hit the brakes. they may have to slam the brakes. that raises the risk of a slowdown or even a recession. i don't think the concern is an imminent recession. the jobs market is strong. the gdp report was negative but for odd reasons. economy looks good enough to handle rate hikes. if the fed has to keep raising interest rates, the higher the rates go, the more pressure on the economy and the more tesh lens in the financial markets, and i think that's probably the last thing the white house needs right now. people worried about inflation, and then they have to look at their 401 k accounts. that doesn't make people feel good. >> normally a president would be doing hand stands for 3 .6 % unemployment rate. wages are going up. a president would normally do hand stands. he can't because of the inflation. the question becomes where's the calendar on this in the sense that this is the mt.'s job arooufl right now. this is the average of recent national polls. the president is at 42 %. that's the north star of most midterm election campaigns. you can tell how well or how bad the party is going to do in november. 42 is a recipe for bad in november. they would lose the house and the senate most likely if that number stays solid. it gets hard to change the numbers. can you change a presidential approval rating from may to november in a midterm election year? you see there ronald reagan went up a little bit, but george h.w. bush, george w. bush, barack obama and donald trump all went south. joe biden needs to go north. the problem is how. >> he has events where they're talking about this. they've dispatched cabinet secretaries to talk about this. it's hard to change what people think with a presidential speech when he can talk from the white house and put out statements. they're still going to the grocery store and pumping gas and feeling this. so that's been a really big concern for them. also obviously a big concern for democrats on capitol hill. who have kind of been distancing themselves from the white house a bit when it comes to certain aspects like this and talking about what they believe is going to be going forward. you saw democratic senator joe ma manchin saying it's a big driver for midterm elections. next for us y t latest from ukraine including new reporting on the sinking of russia's flag ship. for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients s witht insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plpla. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce... joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ today another desperate attempt to save people from ukraine's hell on earth in the middle of a russian assault. evacuation efforts aimed at getting ukrainians out of the-- bombs or from hunger. along the 300 mile frontline gridlock. ukraine says russian attacks have slowed over the past 24 hours. today more appeals to the west for long range weapons and word of a weekend huddle this weekend between zelenskyy and the g7 leaders including the president of the united states. the call for more help comes ahead of russian victory day and uncertainty over what vladimir putin's next phase of this war will look like. listen to zelenskyy here. he argues the west has been weak. needs to do more. prolonging the fight. >> translator: ladies and gentlemen, friends, if everyone in the world or at least the vast majority were steadfast and courageous leaders as ukraine and britain, i am sure we would have already ended this war and restored peace throughout our liberated territory for all our people. >> let's go live to ukraine. the western city of lviv. scott mclean is there. what's the latest, scott? >> reporter: john, no news is good news at this point. officials from the ukrainian side don't want to say anything that might potentially jeopardize the success of the operation. the mayor of the donetsk region says the russians have been known to change the conditions, change their demands for evacuation even after they've already agreed to things. and so we are hearing precious little at this moment. we don't have any sense of where exactly this evacuation convoy might be at this moment or whether it's actually arrived at the steel plant. the u.n. special envoy for ukraine had said yesterday that the hope was that it would arrive by morning, but now it's almost dark here in ukraine, and we still don't have word. but just for a little bit of context, the last time that there was success in getting people out from under that steel plant, president zelenskyy had announced on a friday that there was an operation afoot. he said basically nothing about it on saturday, and then it wasn't until sunday when we got the news that there was at least a partial success. unfortunately in this case, there is a little bit of news that the ukrainians say that the russians have fired on the plant that was this morning. and then more recently a couple of hours ago, the team fighting from inside the plant put out a statement saying a car was hit by an anti-tank missile, killing one soldier, injuring six, saying that car was trying to help civilians to evacuate, saying the russians broke a cease fire. cnn not in a position to verify that. not even in a position to verify that there is, in fact, a cease fire that is in place and holding. >> scott mclean live for us from lviv. sources telling cnn the united states provided intelligence about russia's prized warship. intelligence that was used to help sink that ship. this morning on cnn, the pentagon says that intelligence sharing was lawful, legitimate, and limited. >> we give them information. other partners give them information, and by the way, they have terrific intention of their own. they corroborate all that together, and then they make the decisions they're going to make, and they make the actions they're going to take. >> with me to share his insights, cnn military analyst, colonel lleyton. great to have you. let me show the -- we remember when the ukrainians hit the flag ship of the russian ship in the sea. making the point that this is fair. ukraine is at war with russia. we're not fighting but we're sharing information. is that how it normally works? is this the way or is this special? >> this is somewhat special. the key thing is we have shared intelligence for decades over 100 years in some cases with allies. but usually the allies are countries like brit within a long-standing relationship with us. sharing intelligence with the ukrainians is a bit different. the intelligence is so precise that it gives the possibility of finding cord nants and ships on the open sea. that's a bit different, but it's also the nature of modern warfare, and it's clear that intelligence was necessary to be part of the ukrainian equation to target the ship. >> before i get back to the battlefield at large, i want to focus on the steel plant again. we see constantly, they're trying to evacuate civilians from this. and the pictures have looked like this almost every day. you hear scott mclean saying it's hard to get good information. what's the challenge here, especially with the russians are inconsistent in whether they let this happen? >> they're ib consistent in the fact that they don't play by the normal rules of international diplomacy and international warfare. that presents a real challenge, because the u.n. and the red cross and other organizations that are trying to get people out of this have a real difficult time because they don't know exactly when and where the russians will attack. and what they'll be using in this particular case with the plant. >> the steel plant is here in mar m mariupol. when you hear the ukraine yas say not much movement on the front in the last 24 hours, we can't see it. we're not on the ground. we're not seeing the artillery. we get pictures and glimpses every now and then, but walk through when you hear not movement in the front, it's a giant front. >> it is. about 300 miles or so, and this is the key point right here, john. this area right in here. so between here, these areas are critical at this moment. there are other elements of the front in the south around kherson and in the south north of mariupol. this front is kind of dormant at the moment between the donbas and the rest of ukraine. however, that can flare up at any time. but this is the key area. this is the area where the ukrainians have made some progress, and in addition to this area, kharkiv is key. because kharkiv you see this area right here, these are ukrainian areas that they've just recently taken back from the russians. >> and so let's come out to the bigger map as we close the conversation. if the front is in here, explain, what do you see the russian goal? this is a question we've asked from the beginning. do they just want this, or are they trying to do something like that? >> the russians are going to try to take as much as they can get. at first they wanted all of this. the fact of the matter is, of course, they can't get that. they know that, at least for this instance in time. they will probably settle for this right here, but if they can get this, they'll take it. >> colonel, as always, grateful for your time and insights. democrats know they're short the votes, but next week they'll try to pass federal legislation to protect abortion rights. how would a supreme court ruling of erasing roe v. wade change american politics? 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>> yes. but i think among the vulnerable democrats, they're like why wouldn't we get at least a couple republicans and say we had some bipartisan support. we're trying to do something, but you're right, this is more of a base play. >> we look at national polls and have national conversations. no. we have to go state by state, race by race. here are the vulnerable democrats. in nevada, a record in support. she's drawing a straight contrast with her opponent. maggie hansen in new hampshire, they'll support the national abortion ban. warnock says pass this bill. and mark kelley in arizona. these are not shiny blue states. these are all potential swing states in swing races. we'll learn a lot in the campaign ahead. >> i think what's interesting to your point about basically there is an 11-point deficit that democrats have in terms of high motivation to vote in the midterm elections. this gives them the something else to talk about. we spent the whole first half of the show talking about the dire outlook on the economy. this is something they can pressure their opponents on. >> can i say one thing that's interesting. it's not just up ending democratic races but also republican races. look at the governor's race in georgia. purdue backed by former president trump is calling on the governor to basically call the state legislature together to put together a law in case this ruling does go into effect as it is written in this leaked document. it's also up ending republican races as well. >> i think that's a key point. we know what we know now. we don't know how this is going to play out. we're not certain it's a final supreme court decision. we'll find out next month. john roberts suggesting it is. that he expects it will come out as it is, the chief justice. there are 13 states that have trigger laws. they believe 26 states would ultimately ban abortion. that is the plan now. the question is does something happen in the campaign that may give a republican governor or republican legislature that would like to do this, give them pause? to maybe dial it back and not have a full ban and have restrictions? that's what this campaign, if this ruling is for real, that's what this campaign is going to decide. >> and it's going to raise major questions because not all republican volters are in favor of this or want to see an outright ban in their state. some of them are fine with that. but that is going to be a thread for republicans, a needle for republicans to thread as well. it's going to be a difficult position. for the white house, the position they're in is trying to figure out how they're going to respond. they say they are coming up with options. they won't unveil them until the ruling is final, but there is a huge limit on what they can do and white house officials know this when it comes to maybe releasing some more fda restrictions on the medication aabortions or potentially trying to use medicaid or other form of funding mechanism to pay for women to go to another state. that doesn't seem legal and likely. that's something they're exploring inside the white house. it creates a big question for people on both sides of the aisle. >> both the policy and politics are fascinating and uncertain as we move ahead. ahead for us, two tests for donald trump next tuesday. and then georgia votes later in may. trump says republicans will stay home in november if his candidate for georgia loses. our reporting suggests otherwise. cartridge conniptions? 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>> that's a no-brainer for perdue. he knows something that's fundamental about republicans in georgia. whatever they think of the 2020 election, they don't want abrams to be elected in the fall and become governor. so i talked to a number of republicans in georgia last week. most of them perdue supporters. all of them enthusiastic about trump and a lot of them repiecing the false claims what you hear from trump, but when i asked them will you vote for kemp if he wins the primary in the general election, they all said yes. you don't hear that personal vindictiveness that you hear from trump brian kemp has done a good job of delivering on the message that i am a conservative governor that delivered on conservative policy issues. he signed an abortion ban, fetal heart beat abortion ban that will be important. he signed a concealed carry bill. he got the nra endorsement last week, and he signed in what they're calling the biggest income tax cut in georgia history. john, to underscore the power that comes from being an incumbent governor in a primary like this, i was with kemp when he signed the income tax bill. where? h david perdue's hometown in middle georgia. where was the signing event? in a restaurant that perdue said is his favorite spot. that's a power move. and really shows the different dynamic in georgia. >> before the internet, that's in person trolling. you recently were in georgia as well, and you told us you saw a difference. trump is also for walker. you were at perdue and walker events. it was an enthusiasm question? >> yes. the perdue would say they were doing small meet and greets on purpose, but there's no doubt that the enthusiasm for walker, being a small community and coming out to show for him, there's a ground swell of report. when you talk to georgia republicans about trump, at perdue events and at kemp events you'll hear some people say they view trump as almost more like a senior adviser to the party. they don't necessarily need to follow every step of the way, but he's like a directional guide. i this i the slate of primaries you put up will show how far is the directional going to go? >> and so next tuesday we get west virginia and n nebraska. it's a governor's race in nebraska where the candidate has been accused by women of groping them. trump is for one, senator joe manchin is for the other in another state. let's listen. >> alex mooney 45z proven he's all about alex mooney. west virginians know david mckinley is all about us. >> i'm david mckinley, and i approved this message. >> there is a risk. trump's a former president popular with the base. all politics is local. it's a cliche but true. is trump overreaching in areas he may not understand as well? >> i think that's what manchin is betting on. that's why he cut an ad for a republican which most democrats today wouldn't do. manchin is cut from a different cloth than most democrats. but i read this is a preview of manchin's 2024 messaging and what he thinks the presidential 2024 messaging should be, and this is a way we can counteract trump if he's the nominee in two years. >> let's put the calendar back up. west virginia next week. nebraska next week. north carolina is a senate race. trump in pennsylvania tonight for dr. oz as his candidate. running against the former hedge fund manager david mccormick who has a lot of trump allies on his team. trump had a good night in ohio when j.d. vance won the primary and down ballot trump candidates won as well. the question is can he continue the streak or is he going to get bruises? >> i think to a degree you see in alabama previously, trump can pick a candidate and his supporters in the state don't always follow him. it's not a rejection of trump. it's just that it's their state and they think they know better who should run it. they have a history with a lot of these people. this one will be interesting to see what trump says at the rally. he's endorsed oz. in the race against the wishes of some of his former advisers who are working for david mccormick. mccormick's spouse who used to work for trump in the white house. that's a big question here tonight. also what is trump saying about abortion? he has been so quiet on this which obviously is uncharacteristic for him. three of the justices on the supreme court who are playing a role in this ruling and what it's eventually going to be are his picks. he hasn't said much about it. this comes as mccormick is framing oz as a pro-choice candidate, not pro-life. that will be fascinating to see how he navigates it. >> given the state, we're going to learn state by state in some places within states that the debates on this issue, you could argue in pennsylvania turn out the pro life evangelical conservative rural trump base. or you could argue what about the suburbs? if you get the moderate pro abortion rights cause si republican, soft republicans to vote for the democrats. this is a test. >> republicans are worried because they thought the suburbs, that left us in 2018, they're back. now it's okay if you're in the suburbs to vote republican. now that's complicated. one note about tonight's rally. who else is going to be there is j.d. vance from neighboring ohio who just won his primary and alex mooney who we spoke about. there is a trump slate that they're all kind of coming together and trump is supporting. it would be interesting to watch. >> it elevates the stakes. that's why every tuesday night we hope you're with us as we go through this month. >> ahead for us, the former defense secretary of the former president, his account is simply stunning. 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i think that will be a question. on the book tour, if you will. here's another one here. there were george floyd protests across the united states. we saw this after the minnesota police killed george floyd. minneapolis police. new york times reporting from the book, mr. trump asked about the demonstrators. quote, can't you just shoot them? >> it's givingen sight into some of the things we see publicly when he was in office. how he would use twitter to go after his perceived enemies and his rallies to target and now his endorsement to to after enemies. this gives us a view of what he was trying to do behind the scenes to try to target people. >> esper gets into, let me call it the unorthodox nature of the president and his senior advisers. he talks not just about the president, but also about steven miller who at the point of the president's top policy advisers. he recounts miller proposed sending troops to the southern border claiming a large car vain of migrants was enroute. mr. miller proposed securing mr. al baghdadi's head and dipping it in pig's blood and parading it around to warn other terrorists. that would be a war crime, mr. esper shot back. it's surprising and not surprising. i can't find the words for it. >> yeah. these are weighty claims that he's making in this book. this is -- but this is a pattern of trump officials who leave the administration and then look around and they're like oh, my image is not that great. i need to either write a book or give interviews where i reveal these stunning things that were going on behind the scenes that i did not feel compelled to share at the time. like bill bar. we just saw his media tour months ago. the question is where did these people land in the republican party after this? i mean -- and -- >> or in corporate america after what -- they want to get ons out there. we should look at the facts in the books about the former president. we should also remember part of this is reputation building. you have to cover these issues all the time, about should he have resigned? he writes he could have and weighed the idea several times but he believed the president was surrounded by so many people whispering loyalists dangerous ideas to him that a loyalist would have been put in mr. esper's place. >> that's what you hear from almost every official who has this moment when they find religion when they leave the white house and have this reckoning and say now i'm going to tell you guys everything that happened. a lot of the officials were officials who when they were in the positions and we would do reporting and it would be stories like this where it wasn't attributed to someone's account, it was attributed to sources who didn't want to go on the record, they would come out and deny them publicly and say that reporters were out to get trump and wanted to make them look bad, and after they leave their jobs. he did not resign. he was fired later by trump who often referred to him even publicly as yesper, then they make claims. the one about shooting floyd protesters, to waiting to reveal that, that's one of the moments where you ask why couldn't you have said this at the time? why didn't you resign over that or say it once he fired you? >> critical questions as we get the book next week. we'll see a took tour as well. ahead, jill biden heads overseas. her plan, spending mother's day meeting with ukrkrainian rrefug. 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Swing States , Swing Races , Arizona , Mark Kelley , Terms , Deficit , Motivation , Show , Governor , Middle Georgia , Races , State Legislature , Opponents , Purdue Backed , Ruling , Key Point , Effect , Document , Law , States , Chief Justice , Final Supreme Court Decision , 13 , Legislature , Trigger Laws , 26 , Ban , Restrictions , Questions , Volters , Some , Real , Favor , Thread , Needle , Options , Medicaid , Limit , Form , Funding Mechanism , Medication Aabortions , Fda , Women , Sides , Aisle , Candidate , Tests , Politics , Thanks , Fill , Printer , Amount , Ink , Cartridge Conniptions , Epson , Ecotank , Cartridge , Rididiculous , Epson Ecotank , Yoyou , Auto Glassamage , Dad , Pop Rock Music Tech , He Wouldn T , Safety System , Windshield , Safelite , Smash , Anywhere , Features , Trust Safelite , Pull Over , Automatic Emergency Braking , Crack , Winhield , Dar , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite Repair , Green Space , Sustainability Committee Reach , Goals , Education , Projections , Capella University , Plaque Psoriasis , Flexpath Learning Format , Bachelor S , Deadlines , Skyrizi , Hand In , Most , Study , Starter Doses , 4 , Treatment , Tuberculosis , Chills , Dermatologist , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Fevers , Coughs , Hands , Idea , Family , Experience , Love , Garden , Ways , Personality , Millions , Reflective , Choices , Technology , Lots , Miracle Gro , Business Internet , Provider , Businesses , Needs , Speeds , Fiber Solutions , Largest , Network , Security , Gigs , Choice , Deal , Voice , Business Solutions , Call Today , Price Guarantee , Company , Paul , 9 99 , 49 99 , Watchathon Week , Customers , Entertainment , Access , Prime Video , Boys , Xfinity Rewards , Netflix , Holiday , Starz , And Peacock , Holi , Hbo Max , Nay , Pennsylvania , Rally , Momentum , Three Tuesdays In May , H David Perdue , Win , Reverse Biden , On May 24th , May 24th , Kemp Wins , Michael Warren , Voters , Kemp , Running , So Perdue , Stacey Abrams , Being , Republican , Whatever , Nominee , No Brainer , Supporters , Them Perdue , They Don T Want Abrams , Claims , Primary , Brian Kemp , Heart Beat Abortion Ban , Endorsement , Power , Income Tax Cut , Carry , Georgia History , Nra , Restaurant , Income Tax Bill , Event , Hometown , Power Move , Person Trolling , Dynamic , Enthusiasm , Walker , Meet , Ground Swell , Community , Purpose , No Doubt , Primaries , Senior Adviser , Slate , At Perdue , A Directional Guide , West Virginia And N Nebraska , Nebraska , Alex Mooney 45z , Other , Senator , 45 , Alex Mooney , David Mckinley , West Virginians , Ad , True , Cliche , Messaging , Preview , Cloth , 2024 , David Mccormick , Dr , Oz , North Carolina , Vance , Trump , Candidates , Bruises , Night , Ballot , Streak , Degree , Alabama , History , Rejection , Spouse , Advisers , Wishes , He Hasn T , Justices , Framing , Picks , Pro Life Evangelical Conservative Rural Trump , Places , Debates , Suburbs , Left , Note , Who , Neighboring Ohio , 2018 , Trump Slate , Stakes , Account , Defense Secretary , Sound , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Gu Blend , Baby One More Time , Weadvice , Back , Baby , Onesies , Mone , Wyou , Memes M , Britney Spears , Retired Greg , On The Road , Marketplaces , Friend , Investing , Chapter , Platforms , Morgan Stanley , Benny , E Trade , Sales , Moderate , Godaddy Com Startfree , Tightness , Stinging , Eczema , Dupixent , Vision , Changes , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Itch , Asthma , Joint Aches , Lemons , Member , Expedia , Travels , Lemony , Lovely , State Corporations , Promises , Californians , Sports Betting , Ballot Measure , Draftkings , Fanduel , Homeless , Profits , Loopholes , Eight , Book , Scheme , Author , California , Christian , Military , Kit , Election Day , Protesters , War Crimes , Publisher , The Street , Mark Esper , Ideas , Levels , Few , Mr , Quote , Neighbor , Strike , Ally , Anecdotes , Patriot Missiles , Kai , Labs , Drug Labs , Mexico , Safe , Sky , Someone , Passage , Viewers , Move , Truch , Meeting , Officers , Joint Chiefs Of Staff , China , Officer , Behavior , 25th Amendment , 25 , Unbelievable , Review , Process , Book Tour , Material , Delay , Pentagon Process , Demonstrators , Police , Here , Minneapolis Police , New York Times , George Floyd , Minnesota , Protests , Enemies , Rallies , Twitter , View , Scenes , Steven Miller , Policy Advisers , Border , Troops , Vain , Head , Blood , Terrorists , War Crime , Migrants , Pig , Al Baghdadi , Words , Pattern , Image , Making , Interviews , Media Tour , Bill Bar , Books , Facts , Reputation Building , Ons , What , Official , Loyalist , Religion , Didn T Want , Positions , Stories , Reckoning , Shooting Floyd Protesters , Couldn T You Have , Yesper , Didn T , Tour , Jill Biden Heads Overseas , Mother , Ukrkrainian Rrefug , Caesar , Hail , Ringcentral , Hi Caesar , Ringceral , Pssst Julius , Pill , Otezla , Cream , Memories , Spin , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Depression , Thoughts , Headache , Feelings , Planning , Weight Loss , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Weight , Mom , Stop Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Rybelsus , Ruby , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Swelling , Reaction , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , Dehydration , Lexus Es , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Fasenra , Breathing , Asthma Medication , Nature Breathing , Steroid , Inhaler , Eosinophils , Add On Treatment , Use , Asthma Attacks , Maintenance Dose , Steroids , 7 , Rescue Medication , Tongue , Trouble , Mouth , Face , Life Insurance Policy , Sore Throat , Life Insurance , Income , Retirement , Cash Payment , 00000 , 100000 , Policy Lapse , Reports , Worth , Screen , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Heart Health , Health Info , Health , Action , Journey , Warning , Top Coronavirus Official , Radar , 0 , 50 , Catastrophic , Treatments , Vaccines , Testing , Goodness , Consequences , Funding , Round , Inaction , 19 , First Lady , Jill Biden In Romania , Children , Situation , Service , Slo Vok Ya , Nato , Trip , Podcast , Educators , Refugee , Weekend , Coverage , Ana Cabrera , Policies , Heels , New York , Job Creation Economy , Labor Market , Nation , Least ,

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Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240707 :

Transcripts For CNN Inside Politics With John King 20240707

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up. up 5.5% from one year ago. that is good news for american workers. good was the president's one word answer when asked about the job report as he left the white house this morning. but a written statement a bit earlier makes clear the president understands he cannot overcelebrate. inflation is the giant election year cloud over the president and his party. let's get to the white house now and cnn's articlette signs. good news for the president, but that but, the inflation. >> yeah, john, those figures you ticked through represent decent progress in the economy for the white house, but they continue to be dogged by the issue of inflation. as that continues to drive the public perception of how the economy is doing. now, the president told reporters he felt the jobs report was good, but in a statement he released, he acknowledged the crunch the americans are feeling from inflation. he said there's no question that inflation and high prices are a challenge for families across the country, and fighting inflation is a top priority for me. he said there is still more work to be done. this comes as americans have continued to show they are concerned about inflation, a cnn poll earlier this week found that 8 in 10 american adults felt the biden administration had not done enough to curb inflation. this is something that the president continues to try to address, especially heading into those midterms as americans are seeing higher prices at the gas pumps and grocery stores and as they're paying their bills. >> articlette, thank you. let's start with the unemployment rate. the president of the united states in the middle of a midterm election year, you should be happy with that, a 3.6 unemployment rate. and the trajectory, 6.4% when the president took office. this line heading in the right way. unemployment you want going down. good news for the president. then you look at wages. americans saying how about a pay raise. american workers are making 5.5% more now than one year ago. should be something the president can sell. the democrats can sell in a midterm election year. your wages are going up. how about giving us political credit? you would think that would happen. plus look at this. this is the economy going back to the beginning of the trump presidency. 2017. this is the covid cliff. you see april 2020. the covid cliff. lost all the jobs. now we are going back up. 90% of the jobs lost here have now been returned to the economy. 90% of the covid flif recovered in the economy. that should be something the president can sell, but he has to be careful because of this. something you see every day. gas prices a year ago, $2.94. a week ago $4.16. right you, $4.28. it was higher a couple months ago, but $4.28. that's why the president has to be careful in telling you all is well. it's not just gas. gas prices up 48 % in the last year. used cars up 35%. electricity heating your home, air-conditioning, up 11%. price of beef up 16%. dairy, meaning your milk, cheese, up 67% in the last year. which is why it should be good news for the president, but the labor secretary understands they need to be careful. listen here. >> it's not just about telling a good story on tv so people feel good about themselves in their home when inflation is high or when they're working in a job they're not happy about. we need to continue to work on bringing down the costs whether it's the gas at the pump, whether it's the cost of milk at and food at the kitchen table. all the other costs that are out there, and we need to continue to make sure our supply chain issues continue to bring supply chains into america so we're not seeing costs. >> with us to share the reporting and insights, kaitlyn collins, josh jamerson, heather kagl, and matt eagan. matt, you look through the report and this is a strong, stable economy with a growing recovery from the covid pandemic. those numbers are gray, but inflation is a wind blowing at the economy. >> absolutely. the economy is what people feel, and right now they feel inflation. yes the jobs market is strong. 12 straight months of 400,000 jobs being added. 16 straight months of job growth. as you mentioned, payroll is almost back to precovid levels. but if you have a job, that doesn't help you. the prices at the gas pump and furniture store have all gone up so much. wages are up. that's great. wages are hot, but inflation is even hotter. so that means when you look at wages, adjusted for inflation, they're actually down. paychecks are not going as far as they used to. that's why people are upset. >> how does the president find the sweet spot in the sense that you want to convince people. consumer spending is the engine of the american people. you want to convince people sure, do your math. but we're okay. we're okay, but you can't overcelebrate. >> right. because it is what people are feeling. and the poll numbers that came out this week of how people do feel about not just the economy generally and thundershower outlook, but how the president is handling it were overwhelmingly negative. the white house knows it needs to be addressed. they know this is going to be a massive factor in the midterm elections. and i think one thing they want to celebrate is the fact that 95% of the jobs that were lost during the pandemic have been recovered. but the other part of that that they are balancing is the labor shortage they're dealing with. you've seen the federal reserve raise interest rates saying the market is out of whack. march it was 11 .5 million job openings. there are only half of that when it comes to job seekers. that's something the white house is paying attention to. >> the president needs help from members of congress to echo things. you have nervous members of the own party going home to districts. the president goes to ohio today. you don't think of that as a big state for midterm elections. the democrats want to look at how do you communicate the economy when people are still, again, paying at the grocery store, paying at the pump? but there are jobs if you want them. >> yeah. it's definitely a fine balance on the hill. you can tell democrats are nervous. they haven't really settled on the message of how to communicate yes, we know that you guys are still feeling pain. we know you're paying a lot for improesh ris and gas, but the job market is strong. the economy is strong. stick with us. and the other problem is there's limited resources and tools on the hill of what they can actually do. they could pass some kind of build back smaller bill if they had agreement, but they're nowhere near agreement on that, and they're losing time. i mean, nothing is really going to happen once we get closer to the midterms? >> part of the president's strategy is to get out there. he's going to the middle of america in the middle of an election year, this being a factory, saying i get it that things are better today, but for tomorrow, getting the supply lines, that we're not just worried about today. we understand we need to sustain this going on. >> right. and it's a lot of explaining to do. and also, i think an issue for the democrats is there's not a lot of good news on the horizon. with the fed raising interest rates, historically when the fed tries to tame a hot economy like this, they may cause a recession. there's not even good news that democrats are talk about on the horizon. >> the president, and the democrats, and the republicans trying to beat the democrats care more about what's happening in real america. but out in real america. but to josh's point, the fed announced a half percentage point rise in interest rates. the markets went yay and rallied. the next day they went no, and today they're flat. what's the assessment among the smart people, does the fed have this right or are they still worried about it? >> well, everyone, including the fed, would agree that this is not going to be easy. the problem is that inflation is so high that the fed can't just tap the brakes on the economy. which is what they would like to do. they have to really hit the brakes. they may have to slam the brakes. that raises the risk of a slowdown or even a recession. i don't think the concern is an imminent recession. the jobs market is strong. the gdp report was negative but for odd reasons. economy looks good enough to handle rate hikes. if the fed has to keep raising interest rates, the higher the rates go, the more pressure on the economy and the more tesh lens in the financial markets, and i think that's probably the last thing the white house needs right now. people worried about inflation, and then they have to look at their 401 k accounts. that doesn't make people feel good. >> normally a president would be doing hand stands for 3 .6 % unemployment rate. wages are going up. a president would normally do hand stands. he can't because of the inflation. the question becomes where's the calendar on this in the sense that this is the mt.'s job arooufl right now. this is the average of recent national polls. the president is at 42 %. that's the north star of most midterm election campaigns. you can tell how well or how bad the party is going to do in november. 42 is a recipe for bad in november. they would lose the house and the senate most likely if that number stays solid. it gets hard to change the numbers. can you change a presidential approval rating from may to november in a midterm election year? you see there ronald reagan went up a little bit, but george h.w. bush, george w. bush, barack obama and donald trump all went south. joe biden needs to go north. the problem is how. >> he has events where they're talking about this. they've dispatched cabinet secretaries to talk about this. it's hard to change what people think with a presidential speech when he can talk from the white house and put out statements. they're still going to the grocery store and pumping gas and feeling this. so that's been a really big concern for them. also obviously a big concern for democrats on capitol hill. who have kind of been distancing themselves from the white house a bit when it comes to certain aspects like this and talking about what they believe is going to be going forward. you saw democratic senator joe ma manchin saying it's a big driver for midterm elections. next for us y t latest from ukraine including new reporting on the sinking of russia's flag ship. for your life. so we offer a complete exam and x-rays free to new patients s witht insurance - everyday. plus, patients get 20% off their treatment plpla. we're on your corner and in your corner every step of the way. because your anything is our everything. aspen dental. anything to make you smile. book today at, walk in, or call 1-800-aspendental. psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen, painful. emerge tremfyant®. tremfya® is approved to help reduce... joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. some patients even felt less fatigued. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge tremfyant® with tremfya®... ask you doctor about tremfya® today. ♪ my name is austin james. as a musician living with diabetes, fingersticks can be a real challenge. that's why i use the freestyle libre 2 system. with a painless, one-second scan i know my glucose numbers without fingersticks. now i'm managing my diabetes better and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at check out this vrbo. oh man. ♪ come on. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ today another desperate attempt to save people from ukraine's hell on earth in the middle of a russian assault. evacuation efforts aimed at getting ukrainians out of the-- bombs or from hunger. along the 300 mile frontline gridlock. ukraine says russian attacks have slowed over the past 24 hours. today more appeals to the west for long range weapons and word of a weekend huddle this weekend between zelenskyy and the g7 leaders including the president of the united states. the call for more help comes ahead of russian victory day and uncertainty over what vladimir putin's next phase of this war will look like. listen to zelenskyy here. he argues the west has been weak. needs to do more. prolonging the fight. >> translator: ladies and gentlemen, friends, if everyone in the world or at least the vast majority were steadfast and courageous leaders as ukraine and britain, i am sure we would have already ended this war and restored peace throughout our liberated territory for all our people. >> let's go live to ukraine. the western city of lviv. scott mclean is there. what's the latest, scott? >> reporter: john, no news is good news at this point. officials from the ukrainian side don't want to say anything that might potentially jeopardize the success of the operation. the mayor of the donetsk region says the russians have been known to change the conditions, change their demands for evacuation even after they've already agreed to things. and so we are hearing precious little at this moment. we don't have any sense of where exactly this evacuation convoy might be at this moment or whether it's actually arrived at the steel plant. the u.n. special envoy for ukraine had said yesterday that the hope was that it would arrive by morning, but now it's almost dark here in ukraine, and we still don't have word. but just for a little bit of context, the last time that there was success in getting people out from under that steel plant, president zelenskyy had announced on a friday that there was an operation afoot. he said basically nothing about it on saturday, and then it wasn't until sunday when we got the news that there was at least a partial success. unfortunately in this case, there is a little bit of news that the ukrainians say that the russians have fired on the plant that was this morning. and then more recently a couple of hours ago, the team fighting from inside the plant put out a statement saying a car was hit by an anti-tank missile, killing one soldier, injuring six, saying that car was trying to help civilians to evacuate, saying the russians broke a cease fire. cnn not in a position to verify that. not even in a position to verify that there is, in fact, a cease fire that is in place and holding. >> scott mclean live for us from lviv. sources telling cnn the united states provided intelligence about russia's prized warship. intelligence that was used to help sink that ship. this morning on cnn, the pentagon says that intelligence sharing was lawful, legitimate, and limited. >> we give them information. other partners give them information, and by the way, they have terrific intention of their own. they corroborate all that together, and then they make the decisions they're going to make, and they make the actions they're going to take. >> with me to share his insights, cnn military analyst, colonel lleyton. great to have you. let me show the -- we remember when the ukrainians hit the flag ship of the russian ship in the sea. making the point that this is fair. ukraine is at war with russia. we're not fighting but we're sharing information. is that how it normally works? is this the way or is this special? >> this is somewhat special. the key thing is we have shared intelligence for decades over 100 years in some cases with allies. but usually the allies are countries like brit within a long-standing relationship with us. sharing intelligence with the ukrainians is a bit different. the intelligence is so precise that it gives the possibility of finding cord nants and ships on the open sea. that's a bit different, but it's also the nature of modern warfare, and it's clear that intelligence was necessary to be part of the ukrainian equation to target the ship. >> before i get back to the battlefield at large, i want to focus on the steel plant again. we see constantly, they're trying to evacuate civilians from this. and the pictures have looked like this almost every day. you hear scott mclean saying it's hard to get good information. what's the challenge here, especially with the russians are inconsistent in whether they let this happen? >> they're ib consistent in the fact that they don't play by the normal rules of international diplomacy and international warfare. that presents a real challenge, because the u.n. and the red cross and other organizations that are trying to get people out of this have a real difficult time because they don't know exactly when and where the russians will attack. and what they'll be using in this particular case with the plant. >> the steel plant is here in mar m mariupol. when you hear the ukraine yas say not much movement on the front in the last 24 hours, we can't see it. we're not on the ground. we're not seeing the artillery. we get pictures and glimpses every now and then, but walk through when you hear not movement in the front, it's a giant front. >> it is. about 300 miles or so, and this is the key point right here, john. this area right in here. so between here, these areas are critical at this moment. there are other elements of the front in the south around kherson and in the south north of mariupol. this front is kind of dormant at the moment between the donbas and the rest of ukraine. however, that can flare up at any time. but this is the key area. this is the area where the ukrainians have made some progress, and in addition to this area, kharkiv is key. because kharkiv you see this area right here, these are ukrainian areas that they've just recently taken back from the russians. >> and so let's come out to the bigger map as we close the conversation. if the front is in here, explain, what do you see the russian goal? this is a question we've asked from the beginning. do they just want this, or are they trying to do something like that? >> the russians are going to try to take as much as they can get. at first they wanted all of this. the fact of the matter is, of course, they can't get that. they know that, at least for this instance in time. they will probably settle for this right here, but if they can get this, they'll take it. >> colonel, as always, grateful for your time and insights. democrats know they're short the votes, but next week they'll try to pass federal legislation to protect abortion rights. how would a supreme court ruling of erasing roe v. wade change american politics? 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>> yes. but i think among the vulnerable democrats, they're like why wouldn't we get at least a couple republicans and say we had some bipartisan support. we're trying to do something, but you're right, this is more of a base play. >> we look at national polls and have national conversations. no. we have to go state by state, race by race. here are the vulnerable democrats. in nevada, a record in support. she's drawing a straight contrast with her opponent. maggie hansen in new hampshire, they'll support the national abortion ban. warnock says pass this bill. and mark kelley in arizona. these are not shiny blue states. these are all potential swing states in swing races. we'll learn a lot in the campaign ahead. >> i think what's interesting to your point about basically there is an 11-point deficit that democrats have in terms of high motivation to vote in the midterm elections. this gives them the something else to talk about. we spent the whole first half of the show talking about the dire outlook on the economy. this is something they can pressure their opponents on. >> can i say one thing that's interesting. it's not just up ending democratic races but also republican races. look at the governor's race in georgia. purdue backed by former president trump is calling on the governor to basically call the state legislature together to put together a law in case this ruling does go into effect as it is written in this leaked document. it's also up ending republican races as well. >> i think that's a key point. we know what we know now. we don't know how this is going to play out. we're not certain it's a final supreme court decision. we'll find out next month. john roberts suggesting it is. that he expects it will come out as it is, the chief justice. there are 13 states that have trigger laws. they believe 26 states would ultimately ban abortion. that is the plan now. the question is does something happen in the campaign that may give a republican governor or republican legislature that would like to do this, give them pause? to maybe dial it back and not have a full ban and have restrictions? that's what this campaign, if this ruling is for real, that's what this campaign is going to decide. >> and it's going to raise major questions because not all republican volters are in favor of this or want to see an outright ban in their state. some of them are fine with that. but that is going to be a thread for republicans, a needle for republicans to thread as well. it's going to be a difficult position. for the white house, the position they're in is trying to figure out how they're going to respond. they say they are coming up with options. they won't unveil them until the ruling is final, but there is a huge limit on what they can do and white house officials know this when it comes to maybe releasing some more fda restrictions on the medication aabortions or potentially trying to use medicaid or other form of funding mechanism to pay for women to go to another state. that doesn't seem legal and likely. that's something they're exploring inside the white house. it creates a big question for people on both sides of the aisle. >> both the policy and politics are fascinating and uncertain as we move ahead. ahead for us, two tests for donald trump next tuesday. and then georgia votes later in may. trump says republicans will stay home in november if his candidate for georgia loses. our reporting suggests otherwise. cartridge conniptions? 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>> that's a no-brainer for perdue. he knows something that's fundamental about republicans in georgia. whatever they think of the 2020 election, they don't want abrams to be elected in the fall and become governor. so i talked to a number of republicans in georgia last week. most of them perdue supporters. all of them enthusiastic about trump and a lot of them repiecing the false claims what you hear from trump, but when i asked them will you vote for kemp if he wins the primary in the general election, they all said yes. you don't hear that personal vindictiveness that you hear from trump brian kemp has done a good job of delivering on the message that i am a conservative governor that delivered on conservative policy issues. he signed an abortion ban, fetal heart beat abortion ban that will be important. he signed a concealed carry bill. he got the nra endorsement last week, and he signed in what they're calling the biggest income tax cut in georgia history. john, to underscore the power that comes from being an incumbent governor in a primary like this, i was with kemp when he signed the income tax bill. where? h david perdue's hometown in middle georgia. where was the signing event? in a restaurant that perdue said is his favorite spot. that's a power move. and really shows the different dynamic in georgia. >> before the internet, that's in person trolling. you recently were in georgia as well, and you told us you saw a difference. trump is also for walker. you were at perdue and walker events. it was an enthusiasm question? >> yes. the perdue would say they were doing small meet and greets on purpose, but there's no doubt that the enthusiasm for walker, being a small community and coming out to show for him, there's a ground swell of report. when you talk to georgia republicans about trump, at perdue events and at kemp events you'll hear some people say they view trump as almost more like a senior adviser to the party. they don't necessarily need to follow every step of the way, but he's like a directional guide. i this i the slate of primaries you put up will show how far is the directional going to go? >> and so next tuesday we get west virginia and n nebraska. it's a governor's race in nebraska where the candidate has been accused by women of groping them. trump is for one, senator joe manchin is for the other in another state. let's listen. >> alex mooney 45z proven he's all about alex mooney. west virginians know david mckinley is all about us. >> i'm david mckinley, and i approved this message. >> there is a risk. trump's a former president popular with the base. all politics is local. it's a cliche but true. is trump overreaching in areas he may not understand as well? >> i think that's what manchin is betting on. that's why he cut an ad for a republican which most democrats today wouldn't do. manchin is cut from a different cloth than most democrats. but i read this is a preview of manchin's 2024 messaging and what he thinks the presidential 2024 messaging should be, and this is a way we can counteract trump if he's the nominee in two years. >> let's put the calendar back up. west virginia next week. nebraska next week. north carolina is a senate race. trump in pennsylvania tonight for dr. oz as his candidate. running against the former hedge fund manager david mccormick who has a lot of trump allies on his team. trump had a good night in ohio when j.d. vance won the primary and down ballot trump candidates won as well. the question is can he continue the streak or is he going to get bruises? >> i think to a degree you see in alabama previously, trump can pick a candidate and his supporters in the state don't always follow him. it's not a rejection of trump. it's just that it's their state and they think they know better who should run it. they have a history with a lot of these people. this one will be interesting to see what trump says at the rally. he's endorsed oz. in the race against the wishes of some of his former advisers who are working for david mccormick. mccormick's spouse who used to work for trump in the white house. that's a big question here tonight. also what is trump saying about abortion? he has been so quiet on this which obviously is uncharacteristic for him. three of the justices on the supreme court who are playing a role in this ruling and what it's eventually going to be are his picks. he hasn't said much about it. this comes as mccormick is framing oz as a pro-choice candidate, not pro-life. that will be fascinating to see how he navigates it. >> given the state, we're going to learn state by state in some places within states that the debates on this issue, you could argue in pennsylvania turn out the pro life evangelical conservative rural trump base. or you could argue what about the suburbs? if you get the moderate pro abortion rights cause si republican, soft republicans to vote for the democrats. this is a test. >> republicans are worried because they thought the suburbs, that left us in 2018, they're back. now it's okay if you're in the suburbs to vote republican. now that's complicated. one note about tonight's rally. who else is going to be there is j.d. vance from neighboring ohio who just won his primary and alex mooney who we spoke about. there is a trump slate that they're all kind of coming together and trump is supporting. it would be interesting to watch. >> it elevates the stakes. that's why every tuesday night we hope you're with us as we go through this month. >> ahead for us, the former defense secretary of the former president, his account is simply stunning. 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90% of profits go to the out of state corporations permanently. only eight and a half cents is left for the homeless. and in virginia, arizona, and other states, fanduel and draftkings use loopholes to pay far less than was promised. sound familiar? it should. it's another bad scheme for california. are you a christian author with a book that you're ready to share with the world? get published now, call for your free publisher kit today! shooting protesters in the street. committing war crimes. deploying the military around election day. those just a few of the ideas said to have been discussed at the uppermost levels out trump administration. that according to a new tremp era tell all. mark esper's book is due out tuesday. among the anecdotes in it, esper recounts how the then president floated a first strike against a neighbor and ally. mr. trump asked mr. esper at least quite if the military could, quote, shoot missiles into mexico to destroy the drug labs. we could just shoot patriot missiles and take out the labs, adding no one would know it was us. kai our panel is back with me. a quick fact. patriot missiles are surface to air. they're used to shoot things out of the sky. >> and i think they would know it was the united states. it's safe to say. i'm not sure if esper states that clearly in his book. i think the context of the book is probably unsurprising. it's some of the things you're stunned but you're not totally surprised. one passage that struck me, the fact that esper who for viewers who don't remember, truch fired him after the election in an unprecedented move to fire someone, including the pentagon chief days after losing the election. he writes there was a meeting at the white house, i believe, with the joint chiefs of staff, and it was on china and trump was acting erratic about coronavirus and china's role in that. and apparently one of the officers told esper after he was so concerned about trump's behavior that he went home and researched the 25th amendment. now, esper says he doesn't think anything in the book warranted removing trump from office using the 25th amendment, but the fact that an officer confided in the pentagon chief this and he wrote it in his book and it's just now coming out is striking to me and kind of unbelievable. >> and remember the process. esper was -- the book was in review. he hasn't submitted it because of potentially classified material. some of the delay was tied up in the pentagon process. i think people will say, why are you sitting on this? i think that will be a question. on the book tour, if you will. here's another one here. there were george floyd protests across the united states. we saw this after the minnesota police killed george floyd. minneapolis police. new york times reporting from the book, mr. trump asked about the demonstrators. quote, can't you just shoot them? >> it's givingen sight into some of the things we see publicly when he was in office. how he would use twitter to go after his perceived enemies and his rallies to target and now his endorsement to to after enemies. this gives us a view of what he was trying to do behind the scenes to try to target people. >> esper gets into, let me call it the unorthodox nature of the president and his senior advisers. he talks not just about the president, but also about steven miller who at the point of the president's top policy advisers. he recounts miller proposed sending troops to the southern border claiming a large car vain of migrants was enroute. mr. miller proposed securing mr. al baghdadi's head and dipping it in pig's blood and parading it around to warn other terrorists. that would be a war crime, mr. esper shot back. it's surprising and not surprising. i can't find the words for it. >> yeah. these are weighty claims that he's making in this book. this is -- but this is a pattern of trump officials who leave the administration and then look around and they're like oh, my image is not that great. i need to either write a book or give interviews where i reveal these stunning things that were going on behind the scenes that i did not feel compelled to share at the time. like bill bar. we just saw his media tour months ago. the question is where did these people land in the republican party after this? i mean -- and -- >> or in corporate america after what -- they want to get ons out there. we should look at the facts in the books about the former president. we should also remember part of this is reputation building. you have to cover these issues all the time, about should he have resigned? he writes he could have and weighed the idea several times but he believed the president was surrounded by so many people whispering loyalists dangerous ideas to him that a loyalist would have been put in mr. esper's place. >> that's what you hear from almost every official who has this moment when they find religion when they leave the white house and have this reckoning and say now i'm going to tell you guys everything that happened. a lot of the officials were officials who when they were in the positions and we would do reporting and it would be stories like this where it wasn't attributed to someone's account, it was attributed to sources who didn't want to go on the record, they would come out and deny them publicly and say that reporters were out to get trump and wanted to make them look bad, and after they leave their jobs. he did not resign. he was fired later by trump who often referred to him even publicly as yesper, then they make claims. the one about shooting floyd protesters, to waiting to reveal that, that's one of the moments where you ask why couldn't you have said this at the time? why didn't you resign over that or say it once he fired you? >> critical questions as we get the book next week. we'll see a took tour as well. ahead, jill biden heads overseas. her plan, spending mother's day meeting with ukrkrainian rrefug. 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Swing States , Swing Races , Arizona , Mark Kelley , Terms , Deficit , Motivation , Show , Governor , Middle Georgia , Races , State Legislature , Opponents , Purdue Backed , Ruling , Key Point , Effect , Document , Law , States , Chief Justice , Final Supreme Court Decision , 13 , Legislature , Trigger Laws , 26 , Ban , Restrictions , Questions , Volters , Some , Real , Favor , Thread , Needle , Options , Medicaid , Limit , Form , Funding Mechanism , Medication Aabortions , Fda , Women , Sides , Aisle , Candidate , Tests , Politics , Thanks , Fill , Printer , Amount , Ink , Cartridge Conniptions , Epson , Ecotank , Cartridge , Rididiculous , Epson Ecotank , Yoyou , Auto Glassamage , Dad , Pop Rock Music Tech , He Wouldn T , Safety System , Windshield , Safelite , Smash , Anywhere , Features , Trust Safelite , Pull Over , Automatic Emergency Braking , Crack , Winhield , Dar , Singers , Stay Safe With Safelite , Safelite Repair , Green Space , Sustainability Committee Reach , Goals , Education , Projections , Capella University , Plaque Psoriasis , Flexpath Learning Format , Bachelor S , Deadlines , Skyrizi , Hand In , Most , Study , Starter Doses , 4 , Treatment , Tuberculosis , Chills , Dermatologist , Muscle Aches , Sweats , Fevers , Coughs , Hands , Idea , Family , Experience , Love , Garden , Ways , Personality , Millions , Reflective , Choices , Technology , Lots , Miracle Gro , Business Internet , Provider , Businesses , Needs , Speeds , Fiber Solutions , Largest , Network , Security , Gigs , Choice , Deal , Voice , Business Solutions , Call Today , Price Guarantee , Company , Paul , 9 99 , 49 99 , Watchathon Week , Customers , Entertainment , Access , Prime Video , Boys , Xfinity Rewards , Netflix , Holiday , Starz , And Peacock , Holi , Hbo Max , Nay , Pennsylvania , Rally , Momentum , Three Tuesdays In May , H David Perdue , Win , Reverse Biden , On May 24th , May 24th , Kemp Wins , Michael Warren , Voters , Kemp , Running , So Perdue , Stacey Abrams , Being , Republican , Whatever , Nominee , No Brainer , Supporters , Them Perdue , They Don T Want Abrams , Claims , Primary , Brian Kemp , Heart Beat Abortion Ban , Endorsement , Power , Income Tax Cut , Carry , Georgia History , Nra , Restaurant , Income Tax Bill , Event , Hometown , Power Move , Person Trolling , Dynamic , Enthusiasm , Walker , Meet , Ground Swell , Community , Purpose , No Doubt , Primaries , Senior Adviser , Slate , At Perdue , A Directional Guide , West Virginia And N Nebraska , Nebraska , Alex Mooney 45z , Other , Senator , 45 , Alex Mooney , David Mckinley , West Virginians , Ad , True , Cliche , Messaging , Preview , Cloth , 2024 , David Mccormick , Dr , Oz , North Carolina , Vance , Trump , Candidates , Bruises , Night , Ballot , Streak , Degree , Alabama , History , Rejection , Spouse , Advisers , Wishes , He Hasn T , Justices , Framing , Picks , Pro Life Evangelical Conservative Rural Trump , Places , Debates , Suburbs , Left , Note , Who , Neighboring Ohio , 2018 , Trump Slate , Stakes , Account , Defense Secretary , Sound , Suits , Helicopter Blades , Gu Blend , Baby One More Time , Weadvice , Back , Baby , Onesies , Mone , Wyou , Memes M , Britney Spears , Retired Greg , On The Road , Marketplaces , Friend , Investing , Chapter , Platforms , Morgan Stanley , Benny , E Trade , Sales , Moderate , Godaddy Com Startfree , Tightness , Stinging , Eczema , Dupixent , Vision , Changes , Eye Problems , Eye Pain , Itch , Asthma , Joint Aches , Lemons , Member , Expedia , Travels , Lemony , Lovely , State Corporations , Promises , Californians , Sports Betting , Ballot Measure , Draftkings , Fanduel , Homeless , Profits , Loopholes , Eight , Book , Scheme , Author , California , Christian , Military , Kit , Election Day , Protesters , War Crimes , Publisher , The Street , Mark Esper , Ideas , Levels , Few , Mr , Quote , Neighbor , Strike , Ally , Anecdotes , Patriot Missiles , Kai , Labs , Drug Labs , Mexico , Safe , Sky , Someone , Passage , Viewers , Move , Truch , Meeting , Officers , Joint Chiefs Of Staff , China , Officer , Behavior , 25th Amendment , 25 , Unbelievable , Review , Process , Book Tour , Material , Delay , Pentagon Process , Demonstrators , Police , Here , Minneapolis Police , New York Times , George Floyd , Minnesota , Protests , Enemies , Rallies , Twitter , View , Scenes , Steven Miller , Policy Advisers , Border , Troops , Vain , Head , Blood , Terrorists , War Crime , Migrants , Pig , Al Baghdadi , Words , Pattern , Image , Making , Interviews , Media Tour , Bill Bar , Books , Facts , Reputation Building , Ons , What , Official , Loyalist , Religion , Didn T Want , Positions , Stories , Reckoning , Shooting Floyd Protesters , Couldn T You Have , Yesper , Didn T , Tour , Jill Biden Heads Overseas , Mother , Ukrkrainian Rrefug , Caesar , Hail , Ringcentral , Hi Caesar , Ringceral , Pssst Julius , Pill , Otezla , Cream , Memories , Spin , Nausea , Vomiting , Diarrhea , Depression , Thoughts , Headache , Feelings , Planning , Weight Loss , Medicines , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Weight , Mom , Stop Rybelsus , My A1c Wasn T At Goal , Rybelsus , Ruby , Type 1 Diabetes , Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome , Medullary Thyroid Cancer , Don T Take Rybelsus , Side Effects , Swelling , Reaction , Blood Sugar Risk , Vision Problems , Stomach Pain , Insulin , Lump , Neck , Pancreatitis , Sulfonylurea , Kidney Problems , Healthcare Provider , Dehydration , Lexus Es , Bond , Pure , Lotion , Hydration , Moisture , Dyes , Parabens , Fragrances , Nurse Mariyam Sabo , Fasenra , Breathing , Asthma Medication , Nature Breathing , Steroid , Inhaler , Eosinophils , Add On Treatment , Use , Asthma Attacks , Maintenance Dose , Steroids , 7 , Rescue Medication , Tongue , Trouble , Mouth , Face , Life Insurance Policy , Sore Throat , Life Insurance , Income , Retirement , Cash Payment , 00000 , 100000 , Policy Lapse , Reports , Worth , Screen , Finding Out , Coventry , Visit Coventrydirect Com , Heart Health , Health Info , Health , Action , Journey , Warning , Top Coronavirus Official , Radar , 0 , 50 , Catastrophic , Treatments , Vaccines , Testing , Goodness , Consequences , Funding , Round , Inaction , 19 , First Lady , Jill Biden In Romania , Children , Situation , Service , Slo Vok Ya , Nato , Trip , Podcast , Educators , Refugee , Weekend , Coverage , Ana Cabrera , Policies , Heels , New York , Job Creation Economy , Labor Market , Nation , Least ,

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