Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Vi

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

decisions relating to your private life, who you marry, whether or not you decide to conceive a child or not, whether or not you can have an abortion, a range of other decisions, how you raise your child, what does this do? does this mean that in florida, they can decide they're going to pass a law saying that same-sex marriage is not permissible, against the law in florida? there's a -- it's a fundamental shift in american jurisprudence. >> politico obtained and published a leaked draft opinion written by conservative justice samuel alito. now, the opinion would eliminate the constitutionally protected right to abortion. alito writes this in part. the constitution makes no reference to abortion and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision. roe was egregiously wrong from the start. the supreme court chief justice john roberts confirmed the leaked draft is authentic but he cautioned that it is not final. roberts slammed the leak as a betrayal and a singular and egregious breach of that trust that is an affront to the court. and he wants to know who is responsible and has launched an investigation. security at the supreme court is ramped up right now. protesters, you see, are gathered outside. there's a live look right outside the supreme court. let's start with supreme court biographer and legal analyst joan. roberts said today this is not a final decision, but is this a done deal? i mean, the potential that this leak could sway any of these justices? >> good afternoon, victor. first of all, it's not a done deal, and in fact, there probably have been developments that we do not know of since february 10th. february 10th is the date on the document that politico has. and my experience with the court is that several things could have happened behind the scenes between then and now and early may. you know, at minimum, there would be tweaks to the language that other justices on the majority would have wanted changes in various paragraphs, different phrasing, everything from small little tweaks in the footnotes to substantial removal of certain maybe heated paragraphs or maybe the addition of other rationale. so, we know that things happen in that time, and we also know that votes can shift, that suddenly a 5-4 decision that would give one party the win suddenly changes things and the other party's the -- prevails. but i have to say, given what i know independent of this draft, there seem to be five conservative justices ready to adopt this kind of reasoning. maybe not as harshly stated as justice alito has stated it in this opinion, but at least to reverse roe. now again, we have a few more weeks left of the term. things could happen. and when you ask, could this leak mean that it stays settled, i think what it does is it disrupts whatever kind of ongoing deliberations could have happened, and now it puts them all in a microscope, and now we know, victor, exactly what samuel alito thought when he started out, and what maybe most or at least many of his colleagues were ready to sign on to. >> yeah, it will be interesting to see what makes that final published opinion and what doesn't carry over from this draft from february. speaking of ongoing deliberations, you've got reporting that chief justice roberts dissented and was trying to slice away some abortion rights rather than overturning roe v. wade outright. what do you know? >> that's right. this is what i know, and again, you know, i always want to add the caveat that there's so much we don't know because it's such a secretive institution, but i know that the chief, who once upon a time was a pretty strong opponent of abortion rights, did not want to go all the way in this particular case to reverse roe vs. wade. he was willing to uphold the mississippi law that's before the justices right now, which would ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, but he, as far as i know, he was not ready to sign on to this kind of opinion, and he was hoping to maybe pick off a justice or two, the ones that might be -- might have been open to that, would have been the newest justices, brett kavanaugh or amy coney barrett, because they have shown some tentativeness in other areas of the law, but what i was hearing before this big political bombshell and at chief was not making headway. now, he might have been, but we don't have any kind of documentation that would show that he has made headway, but you know, usually, my mantra is, it ain't over 'til it's over, but with a leak of this magnitude, it certainly feels like this is the direction they're going, and this is the direction they're taking the country. victor? >> joan biskupic, thank you. so, this is an emotional time on capitol hill, certainly since this draft opinion was exposed. >> the court should tune out the bad faith noise and feel completely free to do their jobs. they should follow the facts and the law wherever that leads. >> it is about the integrity of justices who said, in open public hearings that they would respect the rule of law and respecting the rule of law means this precedent that has been there for nearly 50 years. look, i feel really angry about this, and what i feel angry about is that an extremist supreme court is going to impose their views on the rest of america. >> cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is with us now from capitol hill. so, lauren, what more are you learning from lawmakers today as they react to this leak? >> reporter: there's a lot more shock and frustration, victor, where elizabeth warren is coming from. and it is coming from not just democrats but also some republicans. there are, of course, concerns about the fact that this very deliberative process at the supreme court leaked out, no matter how iterative it was back in february. there's also concerns from many democrats that the entire integrity of the confirmation process is really on the line now, because if you remember, in those confirmation hearings, you had people like brett kavanaugh saying that he believed that roe vs. wade was settled law. and you have some republicans, senator susan collins, specifically, who made her entire vote for kavanaugh contingent on the fact that he had said that in private meetings and in an open hearing. she said in a statement, quote, if the leak draft opinion is the final decision, and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what justice gorsuch and justice kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office. obviously, we won't know each justice's decision and reasoning until the supreme court officially announces its opinion in this case. and again, you cannot overstate how shocked lawmakers are that this draft leaked up here on capitol hill. obviously, very significant, victor. >> yeah. certainly is. lauren, thank you so much. let's expand the conversation now. cnn's senior political correspondent abby philip, cnn senior legal analyst laura coates, cnn contributor steve vladik, a professor at the joours university of texas school of law. abby, president biden says codifying the protections into federal law, good idea, not prepared to support a filibuster, so what are the plausible options for democrats if they want to protect these rights should that decision come down as it's written in the draft? >> yeah, i mean, i think on capitol hill, the options are fairly limited because while there are -- there's some bipartisan support in favor of abortion rights, i don't think that there is enough bipartisan support to either pass a codification of roe outright, which would take 60 votes, or to eliminate the filibuster in order to do that. murkowski, collins, unlikely to do that, and certainly senator manchin has already said that he does not believe that this, along with many other issues, would justify eliminating the filibuster. but i think you're going to see activists on the democratic side looking to the administration to use executive action and the president, in his statement, alluded to that as well. are there things that can be done around contraception? are there things that can be done to protect providers from criminal prosecution in certain states? i think those are all things that they're going to be looking at, at the federal level, but that's not really going to resolve the overall issue that will happen if roe is overturned, which is that there are 26 states who are going to go do their own thing and i'm not sure that the white house can do anything about that. >> laura, the president also said that this opinion would make every decision made in the notion of privacy, throws it into question. is there a direct path from what you read in this draft to the question of marriage, same-sex marriage, interracial marriage as well, contraception, the basic ideas of privacy, or are there some on the left who are hyperbolic in their language? where do you see this? >> i don't think it's hyperbolic to think about this being a slippery slope, because remember, roe v. wade was premised on the notion that there was a zone of privacy, that the government could not have its hands in every aspect of the american electorate's existence. there are some areas that in order for us to believe in the consent of the governed, there are some things you must be hands-off on and you named several of them, fundamental rights, interstate travel, aspects of interracial marriage, same-sex not only marriage but also same-sex relationships and of course it also includes areas of contraception. now, this area also included, until we saw this draft opinion, abortion, so if you look at the idea of zone of privacy being constrained because justice alito says it should not have existed, it was not decided appropriately in the instance, and the actual inception of roe v. wade, then you have a lot of things that are now going to be on the proverbial chopping block, even if the opinion says, and if we are to believe that it will actually be the final one that, it's only to apply to the area of abortion. there is no way for the supreme court to realistically contain that particular philosophy if the legislator believes that, hey, it's about a zone of privacy that's no longer extended to abortion, then what is to stop the other areas that we have just spoken about? and this is why it's so concerning. we're talking about precedent and the value of precedent. it's to be relied upon, and each of these justices we've talked about, from amy coney barrett to brett kavanaugh to neil gorsuch to even sam alito himself have spoken about the value of precedent and the value of it being reaffirmed because it lends not only the weight to the public but the wealth of wisdom that we come to rely on in this court. >> perfect segue, laura. let's pick up now, 2006, during the alito scotus nominee, his hearing there, this is an exchange with dick durbin on precedent, stare decisis. >> do you believe it is the settled law of the land? >> roe vs. wade is an important precedent of the supreme court. it was decided in 1973, so it's been on the books for a long time. it has been challenged on a number of occasions, and i think that when a decision is challenged, and it is reaffirmed, that strengthens its value as stare decisis for at least two reasons. first of all, the more often a decision is reaffirmed, the more people tend to rely on it. and second, i think stare decisis reflects the view that there is wisdom embedded in decisions that have been made by prior justices. >> steve, how do you reconcile that with what justice alito wrote in this draft opinion, we hold that roe and casey must be overruled? >> yeah, you know, victor, i don't think you do. i mean, i think the best argument in defense of justice alito is that he's allowed to change his mind, but that presupposes that he actually changed his mind, as opposed to answering the senate judiciary committee the way -- the way that they wanted to hear it. and victor, i think that gets to the larger point. you had on before, senator collins's statement. do we really think these folks were fooled when you had these nominees going before them and saying, you know, roe is the law of the land, my job is to follow the law of the land? or was that just cover to vote in support of someone so that without endorsing the steps they were going to take? i think the real bottom line here, victor, is to see just how quickly and how sharply the court has turned to the right over the last four years. i mean, it was four years ago that we still had a supreme court with justice anthony kennedy as the median vote. it was six years ago that kennedy was the swing vote in striking down some retrstrictio on abortion procedures in texas. so what we're seeing here is exactly how political the court has become, where we have had these three successive confirmations of justices who all appear to be in this majority, and where victor, i mean, just to put a fine point on it, the leak is presumably to lock them into that position. i mean, i think the best explanation for why this would come out now is because the majority -- someone in the majority, someone who supports the majority, wanted to ensure that no one in the majority wavered, and that no one was attracted, for example, maybe by a concurrent opinion that chief justice roberts had written and i think no matter what you think of the implications, victor, the notion that this is an institution that's above politics, ought to be one that we can relegate to the historical dust bin. >> of course, as we heard, some republican members of congress think it's the opposite, where there are some liberal members of the court or their clerks who leaked this to apply some pressure. there's an investigation. potentially, we'll find out. steve vladeck, abby philip, laura coates, thank you. cnn is in zaporizhzhia. and president biden is set to tour the plant that's producing javelin anti-tank missiles, which are being sent to ukraine to fight off the russian assault. we are live in alabama next. more protection, more sun, more joy. neutrogena® beach defense® the suncare brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your trals. soou can go and see all those lemons, for less. ♪ you inspired the lexus es to be, well... more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪ see him? 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when we were at the shelter where they are in zaporizhzhia, we heard of people's experiences of dealing with sunlight again. one woman, age 78, olga, blinking, saying she found it hard to see in the intense sunlight. she experienced once she got off the bus that had been part of a two-day journey, olga recognizable from being in a video filmed by the ukrainian military of the initial evacuation out of mariupol, out from the rubble from the basement below the azovstal steel factory and she kept saying to me, i'm alone. carrying with her two bags, essentially her entire life in those, and even her toilet paper in her upper chest pocket here, a head torch around her neck. that was the only source of light she had during those two months in which she was underground. on the other end of the spectrum, ana, a young mother, recognizable from the video in which she was carrying her 6-month-old son. well, she confirmed he had spent a third of his life underground. those last two months they had together in the basement punctuate punctuated by trying to feed him. she said he was an ideal child, frankly, but when they couldn't get hot water, they used a candle to heat what they could. even the ukrainian soldiers, while fighting off that russian onslaught, were able to get him diapers to look after him but she confesses now, when she hears aircraft anywhere near her, she reflexively curls up because she associates that with the intense detonations that were above those heads for those full two weeks. these are a hundred people coming out on five buses, victor, massively expected, huge expectations, massive hopes that this could begin a wider process. the u.n. and the red cross were behind getting these people out, and russian checkpoints do appear to have let them through. the hope had been that might spark some sort of wider, sturdier mechanism that would let thousands of people get out from mariupol, possible 100,000 civilians still in there. the complexity, though, the fact that these 106, took two full days to get out, i think, has some concerned we may not see large waves evacuations imminently but none of that dampens the relief of those felt when they finally saw the sun again. >> unimaginable. nick paton walsh with the reporting there. thank you, nick. president biden is in alabama right now. he's going to tour a lockheed martin factory that's producing thousands of anti-tank fils systems each year. the weapons provide a critical defense for ukraine against russian attacks. kaitlan collins is in troy, alabama, with the president. >> reporter: this is a pretty unusual trip for president biden. and one that a lot of his advisors wouldn't have expected him to take about a year ago. visiting a weapons-making facility in the red state, of course, of alabama. but here he is now, almost 70 days into this russian invasion of ukraine because this is if final assembly plant for those javelins, which have been so iconic during this invasion. this is what the defense secretary, lloyd austin, says have been so effective at helping the ukrainians push back against these russian forces and so the president is coming here to visit with the very people who put the final touches on those javelins that are being sent to ukraine and this comes amid the backdrop of president biden calling for another $33 billion funding bill from congress to continue arming ukraine with things like javelins, other ammunition, other assistance that, of course, they so desperately need, and so while he is here, he will talk about that, but also it's a numbers game here, because this is a plant that only puts out about 2,100 javelins per year. of course, the united states has already sent over 5,000 javelins to ukraine so there are big questions being raised about being able to ramp up production, send more javelins into ukraine, which ukrainian officials have said they need about 500 on a daily basis, and also, of course, victor, replenishing u.s. stockpiles but this visit does come after that major breaking news came out of washington overnight, when it comes to the supreme court, now that they have confirmed this draft opinion about overturning roe vs. wade, of course, the president was talking about this earlier. he said he wasn't prepared to make a judgment yet about whether or not they should try to use the filibuster on capitol hill, change the filibuster in order to try to codify roe vs. wade into law, so it doesn't matter what the supreme court decides. those are all big questions that are still facing this white house of how they will try to navigate this until that final ruling does come out, victor. >> kaitlan collins traveling with the president in troy, alabama. we, of course, will hear from the president next hour. thank you, kaitlan. republican governors across the country are on standby, ready to enact their own boors laws. we'll have more on that ahead. 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>> well, it's going to be a decision that governors and legislatures will make all across the country and it will depend on what the people, you know, in each state think. so, we just going to have to see. there will be some places that will -- i can't tell you exactly what they're going to do, but there will be more restrictions. if, in fact, this turns out to be true. let's just wait and see what the court finally does. but at the end of the day, it will be up to governors and legislators, and it will have an impact on the races for governors across the country. >> okay, that sends me in two different directions. let's start here with what this means for women in some of those states where there will be outright bans. as i said, you signed 20 bills into law that restricted abortions, but you vetoed the heartbeat bill twice. you thought that was a step too far. that will likely be less restrictive than some laws in some states. so as this patchwork comes together, how do you navigate that across a country this diverse? >> each state is going to have to decide, victor, what they want to do and it will not just take a governor to make a decision, it will take legislators as well, and you probably will have a patchwork if, in fact, this happens. so what the court is basically saying is, it's going to be up to the states to decide what they're going to do and we'll have to wait and see what each state decides to do. you have the governor of michigan saying one thing. i don't know what the legislature is saying. maybe some places, they're going to say, you know, we're going to restrict abortion up to 15 weeks or something like that. we just have to wait and see. speculation is nothing more than that. speculation. >> what do you make of the polling that shows that this is highly unpopular? 70%, according to the latest polls we have, from cnn, earlier this year, do not support overturning roe v. wade. so this decision is out of step with most american people, what they believe about the rights to abortion. >> well, you know, the court has to take a look at what the law is and whether the roe v. wade is part of the constitution, all those kind of things, and they make a decision about what they think. and you know, the court is the third side of our government. you have the legislative. you have the executive. and now you have the court. and the court's made decisions in the 1970s, which probably some people didn't agree with, and now they're going to make another decision. let's wait to see what this addition is at the end of the day before we conclude as to what all these leaks are saying they're going to do. but if, in fact, they do that, then again, victor, it's going to be up to the states to decide what they want to do, and the people will be able to speak through their legislators and in terms of who their governor is. >> i get that the branches of government, we get that. but these are also justices, governor kasich, who, when they were being confirmed, respected precedent, respected stare decisis, understood that as one said, precedent on precedent, and now this seems like a dramatic shift. how do you interpret what they said during their confirmation hearings, versus what's in this opinion from justice alito? >> i'm not an expert in the supreme court hearings, victor. i don't know all the things that they said when they were appearing before the congress. i think most people knew, though. i think you would agree with this, wouldn't you, that when you had somebody who was a conservative republican pro-life person being nominated, this was the fear that people had who didn't want to see roe v. wade changed. i mean, you're not surprised at this, are you? that this court would move in this direction? >> senator collins is surprised. she thought that when brett kavanaugh and justice -- now justice gorsuch told her that they respected precedent, that that was something she could depend upon. >> right. well, i mean, it's going to be up to what she wants to do about this. i mean, is it possible that the congress may move to do something else? it's possible. >> like impeachment? >> i don't know how she's going to vote. no, not like impeachment. no. >> okay, so what is your suggestion? >> what do you mean? what do you mean by that, victor, like impeachment? what do you mean? it's going to be up to her to decide, and again, i want to go back to the fact that if, in fact, the court rules this way -- >> up to her to decide what, senator? governor, what are you saying? up to her to decide what? >> if she wants to do something in federal law or whatever. i suppose there's going to be things that are going to be explored, options that will be explored. we're just going to have to wait and see how she acts on that. i'm not a fortune teller, victor. i can't tell you exactly what's going to happen here. what i can tell you, if there is no further federal action by the congress, if there's none is taken, if, in fact, the court does what it's going to do, then it's going to be up to each governor and each legislator. i don't know how many times i can really tell you this and i'm not sure where you're going it hav have. >> i'm asking you different questions, you're giving me the same answer. one more question. do you think this is a motivator, that this energizes -- >> i'm not trying to avoid -- victor, i'm not avoiding your question. you're saying to me that the majority of the people by a latest poll says x and the court rules something else, as though -- but the court is empowered to make decisions in regard to the constitution. that's the way the system works. >> i hear you, governor. >> the fact that they make a decision like this, you know, again, i don't know what all the polls are. i know that when it came to the 15-week or whatever it was ban that the vast majority of americans supported it. i mean, i'm not trying to avoid. i'm just trying to tell you what the facts are on the ground, my friend. >> i understand that, but governor, i'm telling you what the latest public opinion poll is, which is not irrelevant. it is certainly relevant here. that's part of the conversation. let me get back to the question on motivators. >> i didn't say -- victor, i didn't say it wasn't relevant. i just said it's not the way the court -- the court doesn't look at public opinion polls to make decisions. they make decisions based on what they perceive as legitimate legal grounds. >> i understand that. thank you, governor. let me get back to the question i'm trying to get an answer to. what this means for november. is this a motivator? in ohio, specifically? >> sure. >> because the latest polls we see there is that inflation is what is driving voters to the polls. it may not be something that is energizing voters today. we're talking primary races. but in november, is this going to move votes? >> i think it will, victor. i think, you know, it comes now at the midterm, so you know, there's still time to pass, but i think at the end of the day, it is likely to cost republicans some seats is what i think. at the same time, remember that even the base of the republican party, filled by a number of african americans who are pro-life and hispanics who are pro-life, it's not so simple. but i think take everything into account, my sense would be that this is something that's going to cost republicans some seats, particularly in the house, as to the united states senate, i don't know. >> former governor of ohio, john kasich, always good to have you on, sir. >> thank you, victor. all right, sir, thank you. america's top military official issues a new warning as new intel suggests president putin may officially declare war on ukraine. next week. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. jujust like my nonna makes when she cooks! i dodon't cook. wait, whwhat? 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>> reporter: well, i think we have seen how russia's performance has been on the battlefield, which i think as the top u.s. military officials briefed to congress this morning has been disappointing, and i think we are continuing to see that this war, thus far, has been a strategic defeat for russia. >> let's look ahead to monday. this victory day, important on the russian calendar, may 9th. there is u.s., western intelligence that maybe they will declare war officially on ukraine. others suggest maybe they will just declare victory. what's the expectation of what will happen on monday and what that could mean for the next few weeks and months of this war? >> well, the first thing that i would say is victory in europe day is not something that belongs to russia alone. the holiday is going to be celebrated across europe on may 8th and may 9th to commemorate the day when unified efforts came together to defeat nazi germany at the end of world war ii. that included the united states, many of our european allies, as well as the former soviet union, including both russians and ukrainians. so, this is a broader holiday that we should not let be co-opted by president putin on the 9th. i'm not going to speak to bro broader intelligence on this. i'm not going to spectaculate at what putin might do but it's already clear he's launched an unjustified and unprovoked aggression against ukraine and our position on may 9th is going to be the same as it's been every day for the last two and a half months, which is to continue giving ukraine the security assistance it needs to defend itself. >> so, a declaration of war or declaration of a victory, that would not shift the u.s. response, the u.s. strategy at all? >> i think you saw secretary austin speak to this in the congressional hearing this morning. the united states has been giving ukraine security assistance to be able to defend itself. president biden currently is in alabama, speaking to workers at a javelin factory, which is one of the key elements of security assistance that we have given. the president sent a supplemental request to congress last week asking for funding to continue providing security assistance, and that's what our strategy has been and that's what our strategy is going to remain going forward, which is giving the tools to enable ukraine to defend itself against russian aggression. >> the ukrainians, they've regained some territory around kharkiv. it's the largest city in the east. are you confident that these gains can be -- they can keep them, keep that control of this territory as the war continues? >> i'm not going to get into the specifics of what's happening on the battlefield as it's obviously a very fluid situation, but we certainly have seen the ukrainians fight very valiantly and successfully to defend their country, and so our posture remains very much one of continuing to support them as they do so. >> all right. amanda sloat with us from the white house, thank you. >> thank you. all right, breaking developments in the alabama manhunt for corrections officer and an inmate. we have new details on a car they were last seen in. we've got details ahead. bogey's on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting y a helicopter. only pay for what you ne. ♪liberty, lerty, liberty. liberty.♪ an intense man hunt continues for a violent criminal and an alabama corrections officer, and authorities say helped him escape from jail. the town sheriff now says that the officer, vicky white, and prisoner casey white had no relationship but a special relationship, a relationship her family says they knew nothing about. >> she's always been what i would say a good person, and like i say, this is all a shock. >> they were last seen in a 2007 ford edge with unknown alabama plates. they also could be armed with an ar-15 and a shotgun. the u.s. labor market remained on fire in march as the great resignation continues th e i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everytng. which reminds me, earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with nannual fee. how do you cashback? ase. make more of what's yours. draft ruling that they have qu how the white house handles it going forward and the implication of the decision. they did not say anything last night#v1g but you did see presi 3í calling on voters to elect more —u(porte congress so they could pass a lao■%w that would codify roe v. wade. it doesn't matter if the supreme court justices overgjfñ it, based on the opinion draft is the expectation. president biden did talk about what he believes the implication of a rulingv1gp like this is. if this decision holds, it's part of afj÷ radicalñiqy decisi. all decisions we make in@ká privatour eúm!ú-ar life, who yo whether or not you decide to conceive ax[ child, whether or v you cè n')r have an abortion, h you raise your child, does this mean that in florida they can decide they're,ñ}jjt to pass a6 law saying thatm#ú same-sex marriage is not permissible, it's against the law in florida. it's a fundamentalp)6= shift in american jurisprudence. >> so not only calling it a

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Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota And Victor Blackwell 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN CNN Newsroom With Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell 20240708

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decisions relating to your private life, who you marry, whether or not you decide to conceive a child or not, whether or not you can have an abortion, a range of other decisions, how you raise your child, what does this do? does this mean that in florida, they can decide they're going to pass a law saying that same-sex marriage is not permissible, against the law in florida? there's a -- it's a fundamental shift in american jurisprudence. >> politico obtained and published a leaked draft opinion written by conservative justice samuel alito. now, the opinion would eliminate the constitutionally protected right to abortion. alito writes this in part. the constitution makes no reference to abortion and no such right is implicitly protected by any constitutional provision. roe was egregiously wrong from the start. the supreme court chief justice john roberts confirmed the leaked draft is authentic but he cautioned that it is not final. roberts slammed the leak as a betrayal and a singular and egregious breach of that trust that is an affront to the court. and he wants to know who is responsible and has launched an investigation. security at the supreme court is ramped up right now. protesters, you see, are gathered outside. there's a live look right outside the supreme court. let's start with supreme court biographer and legal analyst joan. roberts said today this is not a final decision, but is this a done deal? i mean, the potential that this leak could sway any of these justices? >> good afternoon, victor. first of all, it's not a done deal, and in fact, there probably have been developments that we do not know of since february 10th. february 10th is the date on the document that politico has. and my experience with the court is that several things could have happened behind the scenes between then and now and early may. you know, at minimum, there would be tweaks to the language that other justices on the majority would have wanted changes in various paragraphs, different phrasing, everything from small little tweaks in the footnotes to substantial removal of certain maybe heated paragraphs or maybe the addition of other rationale. so, we know that things happen in that time, and we also know that votes can shift, that suddenly a 5-4 decision that would give one party the win suddenly changes things and the other party's the -- prevails. but i have to say, given what i know independent of this draft, there seem to be five conservative justices ready to adopt this kind of reasoning. maybe not as harshly stated as justice alito has stated it in this opinion, but at least to reverse roe. now again, we have a few more weeks left of the term. things could happen. and when you ask, could this leak mean that it stays settled, i think what it does is it disrupts whatever kind of ongoing deliberations could have happened, and now it puts them all in a microscope, and now we know, victor, exactly what samuel alito thought when he started out, and what maybe most or at least many of his colleagues were ready to sign on to. >> yeah, it will be interesting to see what makes that final published opinion and what doesn't carry over from this draft from february. speaking of ongoing deliberations, you've got reporting that chief justice roberts dissented and was trying to slice away some abortion rights rather than overturning roe v. wade outright. what do you know? >> that's right. this is what i know, and again, you know, i always want to add the caveat that there's so much we don't know because it's such a secretive institution, but i know that the chief, who once upon a time was a pretty strong opponent of abortion rights, did not want to go all the way in this particular case to reverse roe vs. wade. he was willing to uphold the mississippi law that's before the justices right now, which would ban abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy, but he, as far as i know, he was not ready to sign on to this kind of opinion, and he was hoping to maybe pick off a justice or two, the ones that might be -- might have been open to that, would have been the newest justices, brett kavanaugh or amy coney barrett, because they have shown some tentativeness in other areas of the law, but what i was hearing before this big political bombshell and at chief was not making headway. now, he might have been, but we don't have any kind of documentation that would show that he has made headway, but you know, usually, my mantra is, it ain't over 'til it's over, but with a leak of this magnitude, it certainly feels like this is the direction they're going, and this is the direction they're taking the country. victor? >> joan biskupic, thank you. so, this is an emotional time on capitol hill, certainly since this draft opinion was exposed. >> the court should tune out the bad faith noise and feel completely free to do their jobs. they should follow the facts and the law wherever that leads. >> it is about the integrity of justices who said, in open public hearings that they would respect the rule of law and respecting the rule of law means this precedent that has been there for nearly 50 years. look, i feel really angry about this, and what i feel angry about is that an extremist supreme court is going to impose their views on the rest of america. >> cnn congressional correspondent lauren fox is with us now from capitol hill. so, lauren, what more are you learning from lawmakers today as they react to this leak? >> reporter: there's a lot more shock and frustration, victor, where elizabeth warren is coming from. and it is coming from not just democrats but also some republicans. there are, of course, concerns about the fact that this very deliberative process at the supreme court leaked out, no matter how iterative it was back in february. there's also concerns from many democrats that the entire integrity of the confirmation process is really on the line now, because if you remember, in those confirmation hearings, you had people like brett kavanaugh saying that he believed that roe vs. wade was settled law. and you have some republicans, senator susan collins, specifically, who made her entire vote for kavanaugh contingent on the fact that he had said that in private meetings and in an open hearing. she said in a statement, quote, if the leak draft opinion is the final decision, and this reporting is accurate, it would be completely inconsistent with what justice gorsuch and justice kavanaugh said in their hearings and in our meetings in my office. obviously, we won't know each justice's decision and reasoning until the supreme court officially announces its opinion in this case. and again, you cannot overstate how shocked lawmakers are that this draft leaked up here on capitol hill. obviously, very significant, victor. >> yeah. certainly is. lauren, thank you so much. let's expand the conversation now. cnn's senior political correspondent abby philip, cnn senior legal analyst laura coates, cnn contributor steve vladik, a professor at the joours university of texas school of law. abby, president biden says codifying the protections into federal law, good idea, not prepared to support a filibuster, so what are the plausible options for democrats if they want to protect these rights should that decision come down as it's written in the draft? >> yeah, i mean, i think on capitol hill, the options are fairly limited because while there are -- there's some bipartisan support in favor of abortion rights, i don't think that there is enough bipartisan support to either pass a codification of roe outright, which would take 60 votes, or to eliminate the filibuster in order to do that. murkowski, collins, unlikely to do that, and certainly senator manchin has already said that he does not believe that this, along with many other issues, would justify eliminating the filibuster. but i think you're going to see activists on the democratic side looking to the administration to use executive action and the president, in his statement, alluded to that as well. are there things that can be done around contraception? are there things that can be done to protect providers from criminal prosecution in certain states? i think those are all things that they're going to be looking at, at the federal level, but that's not really going to resolve the overall issue that will happen if roe is overturned, which is that there are 26 states who are going to go do their own thing and i'm not sure that the white house can do anything about that. >> laura, the president also said that this opinion would make every decision made in the notion of privacy, throws it into question. is there a direct path from what you read in this draft to the question of marriage, same-sex marriage, interracial marriage as well, contraception, the basic ideas of privacy, or are there some on the left who are hyperbolic in their language? where do you see this? >> i don't think it's hyperbolic to think about this being a slippery slope, because remember, roe v. wade was premised on the notion that there was a zone of privacy, that the government could not have its hands in every aspect of the american electorate's existence. there are some areas that in order for us to believe in the consent of the governed, there are some things you must be hands-off on and you named several of them, fundamental rights, interstate travel, aspects of interracial marriage, same-sex not only marriage but also same-sex relationships and of course it also includes areas of contraception. now, this area also included, until we saw this draft opinion, abortion, so if you look at the idea of zone of privacy being constrained because justice alito says it should not have existed, it was not decided appropriately in the instance, and the actual inception of roe v. wade, then you have a lot of things that are now going to be on the proverbial chopping block, even if the opinion says, and if we are to believe that it will actually be the final one that, it's only to apply to the area of abortion. there is no way for the supreme court to realistically contain that particular philosophy if the legislator believes that, hey, it's about a zone of privacy that's no longer extended to abortion, then what is to stop the other areas that we have just spoken about? and this is why it's so concerning. we're talking about precedent and the value of precedent. it's to be relied upon, and each of these justices we've talked about, from amy coney barrett to brett kavanaugh to neil gorsuch to even sam alito himself have spoken about the value of precedent and the value of it being reaffirmed because it lends not only the weight to the public but the wealth of wisdom that we come to rely on in this court. >> perfect segue, laura. let's pick up now, 2006, during the alito scotus nominee, his hearing there, this is an exchange with dick durbin on precedent, stare decisis. >> do you believe it is the settled law of the land? >> roe vs. wade is an important precedent of the supreme court. it was decided in 1973, so it's been on the books for a long time. it has been challenged on a number of occasions, and i think that when a decision is challenged, and it is reaffirmed, that strengthens its value as stare decisis for at least two reasons. first of all, the more often a decision is reaffirmed, the more people tend to rely on it. and second, i think stare decisis reflects the view that there is wisdom embedded in decisions that have been made by prior justices. >> steve, how do you reconcile that with what justice alito wrote in this draft opinion, we hold that roe and casey must be overruled? >> yeah, you know, victor, i don't think you do. i mean, i think the best argument in defense of justice alito is that he's allowed to change his mind, but that presupposes that he actually changed his mind, as opposed to answering the senate judiciary committee the way -- the way that they wanted to hear it. and victor, i think that gets to the larger point. you had on before, senator collins's statement. do we really think these folks were fooled when you had these nominees going before them and saying, you know, roe is the law of the land, my job is to follow the law of the land? or was that just cover to vote in support of someone so that without endorsing the steps they were going to take? i think the real bottom line here, victor, is to see just how quickly and how sharply the court has turned to the right over the last four years. i mean, it was four years ago that we still had a supreme court with justice anthony kennedy as the median vote. it was six years ago that kennedy was the swing vote in striking down some retrstrictio on abortion procedures in texas. so what we're seeing here is exactly how political the court has become, where we have had these three successive confirmations of justices who all appear to be in this majority, and where victor, i mean, just to put a fine point on it, the leak is presumably to lock them into that position. i mean, i think the best explanation for why this would come out now is because the majority -- someone in the majority, someone who supports the majority, wanted to ensure that no one in the majority wavered, and that no one was attracted, for example, maybe by a concurrent opinion that chief justice roberts had written and i think no matter what you think of the implications, victor, the notion that this is an institution that's above politics, ought to be one that we can relegate to the historical dust bin. >> of course, as we heard, some republican members of congress think it's the opposite, where there are some liberal members of the court or their clerks who leaked this to apply some pressure. there's an investigation. potentially, we'll find out. steve vladeck, abby philip, laura coates, thank you. cnn is in zaporizhzhia. and president biden is set to tour the plant that's producing javelin anti-tank missiles, which are being sent to ukraine to fight off the russian assault. we are live in alabama next. more protection, more sun, more joy. neutrogena® beach defense® the suncare brand used most by dermatologists and their families, neutrogena® for people with skin. lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your trals. soou can go and see all those lemons, for less. ♪ you inspired the lexus es to be, well... more you. so thank you. we hope you like your work. ♪ see him? 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when we were at the shelter where they are in zaporizhzhia, we heard of people's experiences of dealing with sunlight again. one woman, age 78, olga, blinking, saying she found it hard to see in the intense sunlight. she experienced once she got off the bus that had been part of a two-day journey, olga recognizable from being in a video filmed by the ukrainian military of the initial evacuation out of mariupol, out from the rubble from the basement below the azovstal steel factory and she kept saying to me, i'm alone. carrying with her two bags, essentially her entire life in those, and even her toilet paper in her upper chest pocket here, a head torch around her neck. that was the only source of light she had during those two months in which she was underground. on the other end of the spectrum, ana, a young mother, recognizable from the video in which she was carrying her 6-month-old son. well, she confirmed he had spent a third of his life underground. those last two months they had together in the basement punctuate punctuated by trying to feed him. she said he was an ideal child, frankly, but when they couldn't get hot water, they used a candle to heat what they could. even the ukrainian soldiers, while fighting off that russian onslaught, were able to get him diapers to look after him but she confesses now, when she hears aircraft anywhere near her, she reflexively curls up because she associates that with the intense detonations that were above those heads for those full two weeks. these are a hundred people coming out on five buses, victor, massively expected, huge expectations, massive hopes that this could begin a wider process. the u.n. and the red cross were behind getting these people out, and russian checkpoints do appear to have let them through. the hope had been that might spark some sort of wider, sturdier mechanism that would let thousands of people get out from mariupol, possible 100,000 civilians still in there. the complexity, though, the fact that these 106, took two full days to get out, i think, has some concerned we may not see large waves evacuations imminently but none of that dampens the relief of those felt when they finally saw the sun again. >> unimaginable. nick paton walsh with the reporting there. thank you, nick. president biden is in alabama right now. he's going to tour a lockheed martin factory that's producing thousands of anti-tank fils systems each year. the weapons provide a critical defense for ukraine against russian attacks. kaitlan collins is in troy, alabama, with the president. >> reporter: this is a pretty unusual trip for president biden. and one that a lot of his advisors wouldn't have expected him to take about a year ago. visiting a weapons-making facility in the red state, of course, of alabama. but here he is now, almost 70 days into this russian invasion of ukraine because this is if final assembly plant for those javelins, which have been so iconic during this invasion. this is what the defense secretary, lloyd austin, says have been so effective at helping the ukrainians push back against these russian forces and so the president is coming here to visit with the very people who put the final touches on those javelins that are being sent to ukraine and this comes amid the backdrop of president biden calling for another $33 billion funding bill from congress to continue arming ukraine with things like javelins, other ammunition, other assistance that, of course, they so desperately need, and so while he is here, he will talk about that, but also it's a numbers game here, because this is a plant that only puts out about 2,100 javelins per year. of course, the united states has already sent over 5,000 javelins to ukraine so there are big questions being raised about being able to ramp up production, send more javelins into ukraine, which ukrainian officials have said they need about 500 on a daily basis, and also, of course, victor, replenishing u.s. stockpiles but this visit does come after that major breaking news came out of washington overnight, when it comes to the supreme court, now that they have confirmed this draft opinion about overturning roe vs. wade, of course, the president was talking about this earlier. he said he wasn't prepared to make a judgment yet about whether or not they should try to use the filibuster on capitol hill, change the filibuster in order to try to codify roe vs. wade into law, so it doesn't matter what the supreme court decides. those are all big questions that are still facing this white house of how they will try to navigate this until that final ruling does come out, victor. >> kaitlan collins traveling with the president in troy, alabama. we, of course, will hear from the president next hour. thank you, kaitlan. republican governors across the country are on standby, ready to enact their own boors laws. we'll have more on that ahead. 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>> well, it's going to be a decision that governors and legislatures will make all across the country and it will depend on what the people, you know, in each state think. so, we just going to have to see. there will be some places that will -- i can't tell you exactly what they're going to do, but there will be more restrictions. if, in fact, this turns out to be true. let's just wait and see what the court finally does. but at the end of the day, it will be up to governors and legislators, and it will have an impact on the races for governors across the country. >> okay, that sends me in two different directions. let's start here with what this means for women in some of those states where there will be outright bans. as i said, you signed 20 bills into law that restricted abortions, but you vetoed the heartbeat bill twice. you thought that was a step too far. that will likely be less restrictive than some laws in some states. so as this patchwork comes together, how do you navigate that across a country this diverse? >> each state is going to have to decide, victor, what they want to do and it will not just take a governor to make a decision, it will take legislators as well, and you probably will have a patchwork if, in fact, this happens. so what the court is basically saying is, it's going to be up to the states to decide what they're going to do and we'll have to wait and see what each state decides to do. you have the governor of michigan saying one thing. i don't know what the legislature is saying. maybe some places, they're going to say, you know, we're going to restrict abortion up to 15 weeks or something like that. we just have to wait and see. speculation is nothing more than that. speculation. >> what do you make of the polling that shows that this is highly unpopular? 70%, according to the latest polls we have, from cnn, earlier this year, do not support overturning roe v. wade. so this decision is out of step with most american people, what they believe about the rights to abortion. >> well, you know, the court has to take a look at what the law is and whether the roe v. wade is part of the constitution, all those kind of things, and they make a decision about what they think. and you know, the court is the third side of our government. you have the legislative. you have the executive. and now you have the court. and the court's made decisions in the 1970s, which probably some people didn't agree with, and now they're going to make another decision. let's wait to see what this addition is at the end of the day before we conclude as to what all these leaks are saying they're going to do. but if, in fact, they do that, then again, victor, it's going to be up to the states to decide what they want to do, and the people will be able to speak through their legislators and in terms of who their governor is. >> i get that the branches of government, we get that. but these are also justices, governor kasich, who, when they were being confirmed, respected precedent, respected stare decisis, understood that as one said, precedent on precedent, and now this seems like a dramatic shift. how do you interpret what they said during their confirmation hearings, versus what's in this opinion from justice alito? >> i'm not an expert in the supreme court hearings, victor. i don't know all the things that they said when they were appearing before the congress. i think most people knew, though. i think you would agree with this, wouldn't you, that when you had somebody who was a conservative republican pro-life person being nominated, this was the fear that people had who didn't want to see roe v. wade changed. i mean, you're not surprised at this, are you? that this court would move in this direction? >> senator collins is surprised. she thought that when brett kavanaugh and justice -- now justice gorsuch told her that they respected precedent, that that was something she could depend upon. >> right. well, i mean, it's going to be up to what she wants to do about this. i mean, is it possible that the congress may move to do something else? it's possible. >> like impeachment? >> i don't know how she's going to vote. no, not like impeachment. no. >> okay, so what is your suggestion? >> what do you mean? what do you mean by that, victor, like impeachment? what do you mean? it's going to be up to her to decide, and again, i want to go back to the fact that if, in fact, the court rules this way -- >> up to her to decide what, senator? governor, what are you saying? up to her to decide what? >> if she wants to do something in federal law or whatever. i suppose there's going to be things that are going to be explored, options that will be explored. we're just going to have to wait and see how she acts on that. i'm not a fortune teller, victor. i can't tell you exactly what's going to happen here. what i can tell you, if there is no further federal action by the congress, if there's none is taken, if, in fact, the court does what it's going to do, then it's going to be up to each governor and each legislator. i don't know how many times i can really tell you this and i'm not sure where you're going it hav have. >> i'm asking you different questions, you're giving me the same answer. one more question. do you think this is a motivator, that this energizes -- >> i'm not trying to avoid -- victor, i'm not avoiding your question. you're saying to me that the majority of the people by a latest poll says x and the court rules something else, as though -- but the court is empowered to make decisions in regard to the constitution. that's the way the system works. >> i hear you, governor. >> the fact that they make a decision like this, you know, again, i don't know what all the polls are. i know that when it came to the 15-week or whatever it was ban that the vast majority of americans supported it. i mean, i'm not trying to avoid. i'm just trying to tell you what the facts are on the ground, my friend. >> i understand that, but governor, i'm telling you what the latest public opinion poll is, which is not irrelevant. it is certainly relevant here. that's part of the conversation. let me get back to the question on motivators. >> i didn't say -- victor, i didn't say it wasn't relevant. i just said it's not the way the court -- the court doesn't look at public opinion polls to make decisions. they make decisions based on what they perceive as legitimate legal grounds. >> i understand that. thank you, governor. let me get back to the question i'm trying to get an answer to. what this means for november. is this a motivator? in ohio, specifically? >> sure. >> because the latest polls we see there is that inflation is what is driving voters to the polls. it may not be something that is energizing voters today. we're talking primary races. but in november, is this going to move votes? >> i think it will, victor. i think, you know, it comes now at the midterm, so you know, there's still time to pass, but i think at the end of the day, it is likely to cost republicans some seats is what i think. at the same time, remember that even the base of the republican party, filled by a number of african americans who are pro-life and hispanics who are pro-life, it's not so simple. but i think take everything into account, my sense would be that this is something that's going to cost republicans some seats, particularly in the house, as to the united states senate, i don't know. >> former governor of ohio, john kasich, always good to have you on, sir. >> thank you, victor. all right, sir, thank you. america's top military official issues a new warning as new intel suggests president putin may officially declare war on ukraine. next week. refresh italiano subway now has italian-style capicola on the new supreme meats and mozza meat. jujust like my nonna makes when she cooks! i dodon't cook. wait, whwhat? 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>> reporter: well, i think we have seen how russia's performance has been on the battlefield, which i think as the top u.s. military officials briefed to congress this morning has been disappointing, and i think we are continuing to see that this war, thus far, has been a strategic defeat for russia. >> let's look ahead to monday. this victory day, important on the russian calendar, may 9th. there is u.s., western intelligence that maybe they will declare war officially on ukraine. others suggest maybe they will just declare victory. what's the expectation of what will happen on monday and what that could mean for the next few weeks and months of this war? >> well, the first thing that i would say is victory in europe day is not something that belongs to russia alone. the holiday is going to be celebrated across europe on may 8th and may 9th to commemorate the day when unified efforts came together to defeat nazi germany at the end of world war ii. that included the united states, many of our european allies, as well as the former soviet union, including both russians and ukrainians. so, this is a broader holiday that we should not let be co-opted by president putin on the 9th. i'm not going to speak to bro broader intelligence on this. i'm not going to spectaculate at what putin might do but it's already clear he's launched an unjustified and unprovoked aggression against ukraine and our position on may 9th is going to be the same as it's been every day for the last two and a half months, which is to continue giving ukraine the security assistance it needs to defend itself. >> so, a declaration of war or declaration of a victory, that would not shift the u.s. response, the u.s. strategy at all? >> i think you saw secretary austin speak to this in the congressional hearing this morning. the united states has been giving ukraine security assistance to be able to defend itself. president biden currently is in alabama, speaking to workers at a javelin factory, which is one of the key elements of security assistance that we have given. the president sent a supplemental request to congress last week asking for funding to continue providing security assistance, and that's what our strategy has been and that's what our strategy is going to remain going forward, which is giving the tools to enable ukraine to defend itself against russian aggression. >> the ukrainians, they've regained some territory around kharkiv. it's the largest city in the east. are you confident that these gains can be -- they can keep them, keep that control of this territory as the war continues? >> i'm not going to get into the specifics of what's happening on the battlefield as it's obviously a very fluid situation, but we certainly have seen the ukrainians fight very valiantly and successfully to defend their country, and so our posture remains very much one of continuing to support them as they do so. >> all right. amanda sloat with us from the white house, thank you. >> thank you. all right, breaking developments in the alabama manhunt for corrections officer and an inmate. we have new details on a car they were last seen in. we've got details ahead. bogey's on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. woooooooooooooo... we are not getting y a helicopter. only pay for what you ne. ♪liberty, lerty, liberty. liberty.♪ an intense man hunt continues for a violent criminal and an alabama corrections officer, and authorities say helped him escape from jail. the town sheriff now says that the officer, vicky white, and prisoner casey white had no relationship but a special relationship, a relationship her family says they knew nothing about. >> she's always been what i would say a good person, and like i say, this is all a shock. >> they were last seen in a 2007 ford edge with unknown alabama plates. they also could be armed with an ar-15 and a shotgun. the u.s. labor market remained on fire in march as the great resignation continues th e i earn 3% cash back at drugstores with chase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everytng. which reminds me, earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with nannual fee. how do you cashback? ase. make more of what's yours. draft ruling that they have qu how the white house handles it going forward and the implication of the decision. they did not say anything last night#v1g but you did see presi 3í calling on voters to elect more —u(porte congress so they could pass a lao■%w that would codify roe v. wade. it doesn't matter if the supreme court justices overgjfñ it, based on the opinion draft is the expectation. president biden did talk about what he believes the implication of a rulingv1gp like this is. if this decision holds, it's part of afj÷ radicalñiqy decisi. all decisions we make in@ká privatour eúm!ú-ar life, who yo whether or not you decide to conceive ax[ child, whether or v you cè n')r have an abortion, h you raise your child, does this mean that in florida they can decide they're,ñ}jjt to pass a6 law saying thatm#ú same-sex marriage is not permissible, it's against the law in florida. it's a fundamentalp)6= shift in american jurisprudence. >> so not only calling it a

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Captions , Vitac , Www Vitac Com Hello , Biden , Victor Blackwell , Olga Recognizable , Porte Congress , Action , Cnn Newsroom , Alisyn , Decision , Leak , Draft Opinion , Supreme Court , Roe V Wade , Decisions , Abortion , Child , Life , Range , Florida , Idea , Same Sex Marriage , Shift , Jurisprudence , Politico , Supreme Court Draft Opinion , Justice , Right , Part , Constitution , Samuel Alito , Leaked Draft Opinion Written By Conservative , Reference , Draft , Chief Justice Roberts , Start , Roe , Provision , The Court , Investigation , Betrayal , Security , Protesters , Affront , Breach , Trust , Deal , Analyst , Look , Potential , Joan , Biographer , Fact , Wall , Justices , Document , Developments , February 10th , 10 , Things , Majority , Language , Tweaks , Experience , May , Scenes , Minimum , Paragraphs , Addition , Everything , Rationale , Phrasing , Footnotes , Removal , Changes , Votes , Win , 4 , 5 , One , Kind , Reasoning , Party , Five , It , Term , Deliberations , Microscope , Many , Colleagues , Doesn T Carry Over , Abortion Rights , Chief Justice , Chief , Institution , Once Upon A Time , Caveat , Law Of The Land , Way , Roe Vs , Case , Opponent , Mississippi , 15 , Ones , Two , Pregnancy , Areas , Headway , Brett Kavanaugh , Bombshell , Tentativeness , Amy Coney Barrett , Ain T Over , It S Over , Mantra , Documentation , Magnitude , Country , Direction , Capitol Hill , Joan Biskupic , Facts , Jobs , Noise , Bad Faith , Respected Precedent , Law , Rule Of Law , Integrity , Hearings , Leads , America , Rest , Views , Extremist , 50 , Reporter , Lot , Cnn , Lawmakers , Lauren Fox , Shock , Frustration , Elizabeth Warren , Course , Republicans , Matter , Democrats , Process , Concerns , Confirmation Hearings , Confirmation Process , Line , People , Senator Collins , Vote , Contingent , Reporting , Hearing , Statement , Meetings , Leak Draft Opinion , Neil Gorsuch , Quote , Opinion , Office , Abby Philip , Conversation , Laura Coates , Steve Vladik , University Of Texas School Law , Professor , Joours , Aspects , Filibuster , Options , Protections , Support , Favor , Order , Murkowski , Codification , This , Senator Manchin , 60 , Activists , Side , Executive Action , Issues , Administration , States , Contraception , Prosecution , Level , Providers , Thing , White House , Anything , Issue , 26 , Question , Privacy , Interracial Marriage , Notion , Path , Well , Ideas , Left , Slippery Slope , Government , Zone , Consent , Electorate , Aspect , Hands , Existence , Area , Several , Relationships , Interstate Travel , Instance , Being , Inception , That , Chopping Block , Philosophy , Legislator , Value , Each , Wisdom , Nominee , Weight , Public , Wealth , Perfect Segue , Alito Scotus , 2006 , Stare Decisis , Exchange , Dick Durbin , Number , Books , Occasions , 1973 , More , View , Reasons , Defense , Mind , Presupposes , Argument , Folks , Saying , Senate Judiciary Committee , Point , Nominees , Someone , Job , Bottom Line , Swing Vote , Anthony Kennedy , Six , Four , Confirmations , Retrstrictio On Abortion Procedures , Texas , Three , Position , Explanation , Fine Point , Implications , Example , No One , Members , Clerks , Politics , Opposite , Historical Dust Bin , Pressure , Steve Vladeck , Plant , Ukraine , Russian , Protection , Zaporizhzhia , Missiles , Assault , Producing Javelin , Alabama Next , Lemons , Dermatologists , Families , Skin , The Sun , Joy , Beach Defense , Neutrogena , Brand , The Suncare , Expedia , World , Member , Trals , Soou , Work , Lexus Es , Tools , Investment Ideas , Stats , Power , Eyes , Baby , Merrill , Car Insurance , Liberty Mutual , Liberty , Pay , Backpack , Scarf , Marco , Car , Carvana , Budget , Susan , Answers , Money , Seven , Everyone , Guess Who , Salespeople , Mom , Nutrition , Mission , Protein , Energy , Vitamins , Strength , Minerals , Woo Hoo , 27 , 30 , City , Breaking News , Explosions , Sections , Lviv , Details , Attacks , Electricity , Trains , Railway Power Centers , Railways , Zaporizhzhia 106 Ukrainians , Buses , Evacuees , Nick Paton Walsh , Azovstal Steel Plant , 106 , Shelter , Journey , Nic , Safety , Point Out , Sunlight , Experiences , Dealing , Blinking , 78 , Military , Video , Basement , Evacuation , Azovstal Steel Factory , Rubble , Bus , Mariupol , Bags , Chest , Neck , Head Torch , Toilet Paper , Pocket , Source , Spectrum , End , Recognizable , Light , Mother , Son , Ana , 6 , Third , Water , Basement Punctuate , Soldiers , Diapers , Candle , Onslaught , Aircraft , Fighting , Heads , Expectations , Hopes , Detonations , Red Cross , U N , A Hundred , Sort , Thousands , Hope , Wider , Checkpoints , Mechanism , Complexity , Civilians , Waves , 100000 , Nick , Alabama , Relief , None , Lockheed Martin Factory That , Unimaginable , Kaitlan Collins , Weapons , Troy , Wouldn T , Trip , Advisors , Weapons Making Facility In The Red State , Javelins , Invasion , Assembly Plant , Lloyd Austin , 70 , Backdrop , Funding Bill , Forces , Touches , 3 Billion , 33 Billion , Assistance , Numbers Game , Ammunition , 2100 , Officials , Questions , Production , Basis , 500 , 5000 , Overnight , Stockpiles , Visit , Replenishing , Washington , Doesn T Matter What The Supreme Court , Whether , Wade Into Law , Codify Roe Vs , Judgment , Governors , President , Ruling , Boors , Standby , Laws , Caesar , Hail , Ringcentral Tech , G Oh Hi Caesar , Pssst Julius , Tech , Replacement , Man , Windshield , Tyou , Singers , Clicks , Safelite , Tech Vo , Afelite Repair , Candidates , Shortlist , Projects , Project Managers , Job Criteria , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Life Insurance , Program , Ps , Colonial Penn , 85 , Price , Increase , 54 , Coverage , Medications , 65 , 80 , 95 , 9 95 , Rate , Health Questions , Exam , 1 , Information , Beneficiary Planner , Plan , Reason , Calling , Lifetime Rate Lock , Acceptance , Pro , Ants , Don T , What S Going On , Best , Music , Pests , I Got You , Orkin Pro , Call The Orkin , Irish , Orkin , Marketplaces , Platforms , Place , Sales , Store , Godaddy Com Startfree , Kristi Noem , Restrictions , South Dakota , Enstate , Gretchen Whitmer , Report , Michigan , Session , Lives , John Kasich , Ohio , Back , Sir , Hell , Access , 2018 , Count , Abortion Laws , Reaction , 8 , 20 , State Think , Legislatures , Will , Legislators , Some , Races , Women , Directions , Bills , Bans , Impact , Step , Abortions , Patchwork , Heartbeat Bill , Estate , Governor , Something , Nothing , Speculation , Places , Legislature , Polls , Polling , Legislative , Executive , Leaks , 1970 , Terms , Branches , Precedent , What , Expert , Supreme Court Hearings , Wouldn T You , Person , Somebody , Fear , Didn T Want , Impeachment , Something Else , Suggestion , Whatever , If , Fortune Teller , Motivator , Answer , Times , It Hav , Energizes , Poll , Regard , African Americans , Works , System , Ban , Public Opinion Poll , Ground , Friend , Court Doesn T , Say , Grounds , Wasn T , Motivators , Voters , Inflation , Midterm , Seats , Base , Sense , House , Hispanics , Account , World War Ii , President Putin , I Don T Know , Intel , Warning , United States Senate , Military Official , Jujust , Capicola , Meat , Meats , Nonna , Refresh Italiano Subway , Refre , Dodon T Cook , Whwhat , Wait , Subway , Education , Projections , Difference , Bachelor S Degree , Pace , Capella University , Symptoms , Ulcerative Colitis , Crohn S Disease , Moderate , Tracks , Dose , Move , Injections , Stelara , Treatment , Cancer , Doctor , Infections , Infection , Risk , Serious , Sores , Skin Growths , Vaccine , Tb , Pres , Cost Support Options , Reactions , Remission , Lung Inflammation , Janssen , Brain Condition , Friends , Care , Animals , Dinner , Myasthenia Gravis , Adults , Activities , Family Photos , Neurologist , Fda , Didn T , Family , State Office , Grandmother , Legacy , Picture , Ancestry , Field Nurse , Aunt , Union Army , Mary Sawyers , Restaurant , San Francisco , Paralee Wharton Elder , Margaret Ross , Lupe Gonzalez , Policy , Life Insurance Policy , Cash Payment , Retirement , Income , 00000 , Policy Lapse , Insurance , Worth , Screen , Coventry , Finding Out , Visit Coventrydirect Com , May 9th , Vladimir Putin , Mid May , 9 , Th , Intelligence , War Declaration , Regions , Troops , Luhansk , Donetsk , Kbrground , Questionable , Russians , Tactics , Set , Practicing A Decentralized , Battlefield , Directive , Amanda Sloat , Orders , Top , Nature , Top Down , Discussion , Director , National Security Council , Capabilities , Learning , Europe , Performance , Victory Day , Defeat , Calendar , Western , Victory , Expectation , Others , Holiday , Efforts , Allies , The End , Nazi Germany , Soviet Union , Europe On May 8th , May 8th , Spectaculate , Aggression , Same , Unjustified , Strategy , Declaration , Secretary , Response , Declaration Of War , Austin , Security Assistance , Workers , Javelin Factory , Elements , Request , Funding , Forward , Territory , Gains , Control , East , Kharkiv , Specifics , Situation , Corrections Officer , Posture , Inmate , Manhunt , Bogey , Limu , Woooooooooooooo , Lerty , Vicky White , Man Hunt , Criminal , Jail , Authorities , Town , Sheriff , Prisoner Casey White , Relationship , Special Relationship , Labor Market , Plates , Shotgun , Ar 15 , Ford Edge , 2007 , Resignation , Fire , Graduations , Big Time With Chase Freedom Unlimited , Cash , Holidays , Th Ei , Drugstores , Everytng , Chase Freedom Unlimited , Cards , Nannual Fee , 3 , Ase , Implication , Draft Ruling , Say Anything , Night V1g , Presi 3Í , W , Opinion Draft , It Doesn T Matter If The Supreme Court , Justices OvergjfÑ It , U , Lao , RadicalÑiqy Decisi , Rulingv1gp , Ú Ar Life , Afj , Privatour EÚm , Ax , Who Yo Whether , You CÈ N , It A , Fundamentalp , Thatm , Jjt ,

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