Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Kei

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

russian city of belgorod. russia has accused ukraine of mounting cross-border attacks on fuel depose and military installations. there's new video from the ukrainians that shows what they say are ukrainian drone strikes on russian vessels inside the black sea. not far from snake island. something worth watching there. overnight house speaker nancy pelosi in poland, she met with the polish president there following her trip to kyiv over the weekend. she says the visit will send an unmistakable message to the world america stands with nato allies in support of ukraine. i want to go live to cnn's matt rivers this morning who is in kyiv. i know you are closely following the situation in mariupol, hundreds of people still trapped inside that steel plant and in zaporizhzhia where she are waiting for bus loads hopefully of citizens from mariupol to be evacuated. what can you tell us this morning? >> reporter: yeah, john, two different evacuation operations going on right now in mariupol, on the one hand you have a general evacuation for the entire city that is still -- that is in russian controlled hands at this point, so buses still making their way according to ukrainian officials to get what is hoping to be hundreds if not thousands of ordinary mariupol citizens to the ukrainian held city of zaporizhzhia. that is ongoing, though progress is slow. you have the other operation centered on that azovstal steel complex, the last remaining pocket of ukrainian resistance inside the city. we saw dozens of people get out of that complex over the weekend. this morning, though, no word yet on if anyone has been able to get out. two different evacuation operations. meanwhile, inside that steel plant complex questions remain about the fighters that are also inside, will they eventually surrender to the russians? i think the answer to that question is no, especially when you listen to the story that we're about to show you. russian propaganda with a clear message to the last remaining defenders of mariupol. the video says we guarantee that we will save your lives and we will follow international laws to guarantee humane treatment. such will be the case, says the voice over, with this man, a captured ukrainian soldier dan zvonyk. he was captured at the azovstal steel complex, the last remaining pocket of resistance in the city. cnn has gio located the building behind them to an area northwest of the plant, a russian soldier detailing how they will be treated. as you are captured, he says, we will treat you with honor and with understanding. these videos were published on april 20th, five days later, dan zvonyk was dead. this picture of his face hauntingly lifeless was sent to his mother by officials in russian-held donetsk she told us. we redialed the numbers and was hung up on once we identified as journalists. to confirm who he was they also sent a picture of his chest with a tattoo on the body clearly matching the one seen on zvonyk while he was still alive in russian propaganda videos. >> when you first saw that message, what went through your mind? >> translator: nothing. i just screamed. there was nothing. no thoughts. >> reporter: we met his mother near where she's staying in kyiv. she fled mariupol herself two weeks ago alongside the rest of her family. her sister-in-law also reeling from the photo of her nephew. >> translator: i still have that photograph in front of my eyes. it's constantly in front of my eyes. >> reporter: the morgue in donetsk confirmed to cnn that zvonyk was dead and his body was picked up on sunday. cnn can't confirm how he died but we know he died after being taken into custody either by russian or russian-backed separatist forces. do you think that the russians killed your son? >> translator: yes. i'm sure. >> reporter: russia's ministry of defense did not return a request for comment about how zvonyk died. for weeks cnn has heard directly from soldiers inside the steel plant complex who told us they will not surrender to the russians for fear of being executed. within their ranks zvonyk's death only hardened that sentiment. >> does what happened to him only reinforce the notion that the soldiers that are there are not going to surrender to the russians? >> matt, don't you think it confirms their fear and actually expectations what russia did today? this is a war crime. >> reporter: we asked zvonyk's mother anna if she is angry with the russians? her answer, honest and gutting. >> translator: for now i only feel enormous pain, pain and emptiness, that's it. >> reporter: and even worse for that family that soldier, dan, his father was also inside that mariupol steel plant complex fighting there. the last time the family heard from him was mid march. so his fate, too, is unknown. >> really is a remarkable story. you hear people in ukraine referring to mariupol as heroic mariupol or epic mariupol, courageous mariupol, these are the words used to describe now the people who stayed behind to fight there. matt, thank you so much for that report. the defense department announced that the administration is sending more than 121 phoenix ghost tactical unmanned aerial systems or drones to ukraine and that has raised some eyebrows because even military experts haven't heard about this drone before. cnn's tom foreman joining us at the magic with a you will to explain what we do know with this new drone. >> we know it's a big mystery right now. this phoenix ghost drone is believed to be in some ways similar to the switchblade drone which we've talked about before. this is small, it can be carried in a backpack, troops can launch it in a minutes notice. it doesn't go that far, it doesn't hang in the air that long and doesn't move that fast but it can be used to drive down upon a target, a tank, anything they want to, an artillery position and blow it up and they have been used with great effectiveness. so what is different about the phoenix ghost? the pentagon says it requires some minimal training for knowledgeable drone operators. so, in other words, people who can already use the switchblade drone can probably learn to operate this quickly. differences in the scope of capability, they will not say what this is but one might imagine that it has something to do with the speed and loitering time and it was developed for the set of requirements that very closely match what's happening in the donbas area. john was showing the map a minute ago, the donbas is much more open than what we've seen before so perhaps we're talking about something that moves more toward the turkish made drone which has a higher speed, a longer distance and carry multiple different weapons and maybe that's what we're talking about here. something that can be used in that more open ground to get over bigger distances, lighter a little longer and strike harder. right now, though, it really is a mystery exactly what the phoenix drone is all about, the phoenix ghost, but obviously with 700 of the switchblade drones already headed toward there and these now added to the arsenal it's something the pentagon believes could be another change maker for the ukrainians. >> we've seen the video, just how vulnerable these targets are to these drones. tom foreman, thank you so much for that. a new "washington post" article details how some of russia's elite have started to break under the economic consequences of russia's invasion of ukraine and the piece written it states oligarchs and financial officials are alarmed over the economic toll it's taking and to feel powerless to influence putin. greg miller joins us now, an investigative foreign correspondent for the "washington post." great to see you. you talked to so many of these people, some of them, you know, in the oligarch category. what did they tell you? >> well, they are devastated for selfish reasons largely, i mean, they have seen huge chunks of the fortunes that they built through their connections to the kremlin and often to putin himself just be wiped out, and they see their country sinking into economic isolation in a way that they just did not see coming. i think many of them were absolutely blind-sided by this war and have spent the past two months basically trying to recover emotionally and otherwise. >> so who is actually, greg, expressing their dismay and how are they doing it? >> yeah, so there are different -- they are sort of falling into different categories here and it's some of the very early era oligarchs who are the most vocal so far, these are oligarchs who made their fortunes in the rule during the presidency of boris yeltsin, not vladimir putin, who have left russia, who have denounced the war, have been a little more pointed in their public comments, although an oligarch known to many americans for his connections to russian interference in 2016 and other cases has also talked about the war as devastating. i want to emphasize, though, that they mostly are refraining from directing any pointed criticism at putin himself. they are not blaming him, they are not attacking him, they're mostly bemoaning their own fate. >> why aren't they attacking him? did they learn something early on? >> well, i think that -- i think that mostly that is because their circumstances are very uncertain now. for many of them they now face a life of isolation in russia where putin continues to hold a firm grip on power and where the odds or likelihood that any movement could emerge that could unseat him see very remote. that they are kind of just hedging their bets there and out of self-interest not trying to draw his ire, even as they privately among themselves really talk about just devastation. >> greg, you mentioned in the piece how the head of the central bank, the governor of that bank, tried to resign and couldn't, right? vladimir putin wouldn't accept it. you have an amazing quote from an exiled former oligarch who said everyone will continue working right up to the next hague tribunal. they're stuck there. >> there are many who are stuck there and she is a widely respected central banker, even economist in the west hold her in high regard. she has worked a decade or more to kind of shore up the russian economy and make it more stable, and then was among the last to know that this war was starting, sought to resign, submitted her resignation twice, told twice you're not going to be allowed to leave this position, you're staying in place, you're going to help us deal with the wreckage here. but even so, she has made some pointed comments, including a week or so ago in public warning that the damage that russia has seen so far from sanctions and isolation is only the beginning, basically saying it's going to get worse in the coming months. >> greg miller, great to have you on. it's a terrific story. thank you so much for sharing your reporting. >> thank you guys. jury selection getting under way in georgia in just a few hours in the investigation into former president trump's efforts to overturn that state's election results. more on the urgent manhunt this morning for an alabama inmate charged with capital murder and the corrections officer who officials say may have helped them escape. and the late naomi judd inducted into the country music hall of fame just a day after her sudden death. the touching tribute from her daughters ahead. ♪ because when we stand together ♪ smart bed d is really smart. it senses your movemenent and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortatable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you ststay cool. it's so smart it knows exactly how long, how wellll, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our weekend special. save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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pharmacy. overnight a federal judge rejecting the rnc's effort to block its email marketing vendor sales frorce from releasing records to the committee investigating the capital insurrection. they want to understand the flow of emails from the rnc that said the 2020 election was stolen in the weeks before the capital attack. judge timothy kelly of the d.c. district court to us tossed out the claims that the panel wasn't properly comprised or appropriately seeking information, however, the panel will not obtain the marketing information immediately. kelly is temporarily blocking the data from being turned over until at least may 5th so the rnc has a chance to appeal. judge kelly notes the data won't reveal any major secrets of the internal workings. a special grand jury will be seated today in fulton county, georgia, as part of an investigation into whether president trump and others illegally tried to pressure georgia officials to overturn the 2020 election results in that state. cnn's sara murray has been covering this story from the beginning. it's been like a year and a half since we first heard the tapes of the phone call from trump to the secretary of state but today a very big moment. >> reporter: yes, it has been quite a while but what is happening today is this grand jury selection, it will give the district attorney here broader investigative powers and of course it comes as the january 6th committee is uncovering just a mountain of new information that could be relevant to the investigation here in georgia. >> and even if you cut them in half, cut them in half and cut them in half again it's more votes than we need. >> reporter: it's the now infamous call between donald trump and georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger after the 2020 election. >> all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: the call created so much alarm that a top aide text add plea for help as it was ongoing, writing to trump's chief of staff, need to end this call. then deputy secretary of state jo jordan fuchs wrote i don't think this will be productive much longer to which mark meadows replied okay. thank you. >> the messages which were included in a recent court filing reveal more of the chaos created by a call where trump insisted he won georgia, a state he lost. >> thank you, georgia. wow. that's a big crowd of people. >> reporter: the call is now at the center of an investigation into the former president in the peach state. >> the trump investigation is under way. >> reporter: set to advance today. a special grand jury will be chosen to subpoena witnesses and documents and decide whether to recommend charges against trump or his allies for their efforts to overturn georgia's election results. >> we will have from may 2nd to april 30th, 2023, hopefully we don't need that long. >> reporter: fulton county district attorney also interviewing more than 50 witnesses over the past 15 months with plans to subpoena at least 30 more. >> i imagine we will be issuing subpoenas to a lot of people and that all of them are not going to welcome our invitation to come speak with us. >> reporter: but she's waiting until after georgia's primary to call people to testify as several likely witnesses raffensperger, brian kemp and chris carr are not on the ballot. >> i would request anyone that was on the ballot come speak to me prior to may 24. >> reporter: willis may call on close associates of trump as she investigates which could spell a long road ahead. >> i think she's going to face questions and probably legal challenges full blown court battles if she decides to move forward over presidential i'm community. >> reporter: the trump investigation playing out with heightened security. roads are closed around the courthouse. k-9 police dogs are at the ready and prosecutors have been issued bulletproof vests. >> given everything that took place on january 6 we want to make sure that our community, our justice community, is as safe as possible. >> reporter: now, this special grand jury will make a recommendation about whether they think trump or any of his allies should face charges in this case. it will not issue an indictment. willis can go to any of the regular grand juries in fulton county, ask for ain't imt doo. she hopes to make a decision about whether to bring charges by the end of the year. >> thank you so much. and joining us now is former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia michael moore with us for more analysis here. can you just explain, michael, what exactly this special grand jury is going to be considering. what specific laws will they be looking at to see if donald trump broke them? >> well, good morning. the consideration by the special grand jury is really up to them. they have the right to investigate the case, they have the right to issue subpoenas, they have the right to ask questions to dig a little deeper on certain topics if they want to do it. if you think about it from a general sense, maybe an umbrella under which the investigation will fall you are really talking about election fraud, a conspiracy to commit election fraud, was there a solicitation to commit election fraud or maybe was there an effort to interfere with the performance of the secretary of state's official duties. so those things may have tentacles, they may become a little bit like an october octopus of an investigation. some evidence may be developed that they decide that they want to pursue a little bit further. >> what penalties could trump face and what do you think are the odds that he will actually face any? >> you know, he could face a felony charge, certainly there is some misdemeanors that could be in play here. the request he is what penalty, i think that's the bigger question and to i think at the end of the day he's going to end up in prison? i think that's hard to imagine that a former president in the case like this without a criminal record, you know, is not a repeat offender, a serial offender that he would end up behind bars. there's a provision, too, that allows for an executive official if the allegations stem under the color of the auspices of the federal office they hold, which in this case would be the president, to ask a court to remove the case to the federal court. i think you're like ily to see that. really this today is almost like here in the starting gun at the marathon and there will be legal challenges and i'm sure that subpoenas have come out and there will be efforts to invoke immunity and executive privilege like we've seen in other cases. the stakes here may be a little bit different in the sense that this is a criminal grand jury or at least an investigative criminal grand jury moving forward and that may ramp up a little bit some of the legal arguments that have been made and the discussion. she's doing what she thinks is the appropriate thing to do, but certainly it's been some period of time since the initial charges and i don't think judges will see this as any real delay if they hear those arguments. >> this is all happening in the middle of a very competitive republican primary season, right? and the witnesses, many of them, are on the ballot. so how does that affect things here? >> well, and i think at the end of the day that may push things out beyond november. i mean, it's the right call to not make people come testify and give evidence, especially for those in the middle -- brad raffensperger in the middle of a primary battle against the trump follower who has been touting election fraud. she's saying i don't think he should have to come in and testify and maybe somehow that would have some impact on his primary battle. the same argument can be made and i think you're likely to hear it as people move to the general election in november. they are going to say why should we have to come in and give testimony that will be used against us in an election to either keep or gain our official position. >> it will be really interesting to watch what is happening there in georgia. michael, we appreciate you walking us through it. thank you. >> always good to be with you. thank you. a switch up from team amber heard right before she takes the stand in johnny depp's defamation days against her. an ain't mate charged with capital murder on the run this morning and the sheriff says he believes a corrections officer was involved in the escape. find your beat your moment of calm find your potential then own it support your immunune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those lemons, for less. we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... , that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how 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when she transported casey white alone friday, by the way, they are both named white but they are not related. she said she was taking him to what appears to be a make believe health evaluation, the sheriff says that evaluation was never even scheduled. the two have not been seen since. the u.s. marshal service is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to capture. joining me now is lauderdale county sheriff rick singleton, thank you for being with us. give us the latest on this investigation. >> well, we're still aggressively pursuing every lead that we get. the biggest obstacle we have right now is we still do not have a vehicle description of whatever vehicle they might have transferred into so far. you know, it's a total shock to our employees that deputy white would be involved in something like this, but unfortunately all indications are she was. >> why? why do you think that she was involved? s>> well, that's the question we're asking. you know, obviously she could have willingly participated, you know, but we are also concerned that maybe somehow someone got to her and coerced her or threatened her, forced her to assist in this escape. we're not sure. i don't know the answer to that until we locate her. >> what are the indications or what hints are that she may have willingly participated? there's this video which shows casey singleton -- casey white, i should say, not handcuffed, only one officer on him. do you think that she deliberately altered the protocol? >> well, that photo was inside the facility itself and there are several stages to get through to get out of there from where that photo was taken. inmates are -- on a -- handcuffs. but, yes, she knew the protocol for two vans with 12 deputies left the correction center en route to the courthouse, a few minutes after that she directed a deputy to bring casey white to the booking area and prepare him for trans -- he was cuffed and shackled when he left the facility and she was want to go drop him off at the courthouse, turn him over to the other deputies and she was going for a medical checkup because she wasn't feeling well. >> what evidence if any that the two of them have any kind of a personal relationship? >> well, we haven't found any evidence that they actually had a personal relationship. you know, as an assistant director of -- white was frequently throughout the cell blocks, has contact with all the inmates at one time or another. so she had the opportunity to have contact with him, but as far as a romantic relationship or something like that, we have no evidence or proof that that was the case, although obviously it's a possibility. >> and, again, just so our audience knows, your audio is going in and out, she put him in the car. the two of them were the only ones in the car. she put him in the car, the car drove away, the car never seen again with them in it, correct? >> that's correct, it never arrived at the courthouse and, you know, it was found later at a shopping center parking lot about two miles away from the detention center. >> talk to me about this inmate. he is a large man and there's every reason to believe that he's armed right now because she was armed. >> that's correct. he's 6'9", weighs somewhere around 250 pounds. he is a large -- because she was armed so, you know, especially our law enforcement partners out there if they encounter them they have to be extremely cautious. >> two things may be true, she may have been involved as you suggested in the escape, but she could still very much be in danger at this point given that he is armed. what's the overall threat to the community that you see right now, sheriff? >> well, i think the community of course is concerned, as are we, you know. she's definitely in danger, willingly or not this is no one to miss with and we are concerned for her safety under the circumstances. we've sort of turned the lead investigation over to the u.s. marshals task force -- tremendously helpful to us along with the other federal -- the fbi, secret service, atf, the alabama law enforcement agency is assisting us. we're doing everything we can, looking under every rock, trying to find every lead we can to locate them. that's our primary focus right now, locating them, getting vicki white home, getting casey white behind bars where he belongs. >> you say getting vicki white home, do you think she could face some charges? >> there is obviously a possibility when we determine what the motivation was for the escape. >> sheriff singleton, we do appreciate your time this morning, i know you are busy with what is a very active manhunt. thank you for your time. global anger this morning after russia's foreign minister said hitler had, quote, jewish blood and likened him to ukrainian president zelenskyy. plus we are live from the ukrainian city where civilians who just walked out of the mariupol compound are arriving. this is the plan to expire from russian forces. 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attorney at law. what do you make of this? >> it's clear she knows this is not going well for her in the court of public opinion if she's switching up her pr team at the 11th hour. the question is legally whether any of it matters and whether it's too late to course correct. remember, this is all about this 2018 op-ed where she calls herself a public figure representing domestic abuse, that's the entire defamation case is johnny depp challenging her on that. but truth is the ultimate defense to a defamation case so this week you're going to hear her lay out probably in very disturbing detail all of the instances in which he was physically and verbally abusive to her. she's already said a lot of this in public already, a lot of it's been publicly reported. he already lost a case in the uk where he tried to challenge a publisher, someone who had taken him on on this very issue, he lost that case. so some of that may come out. some of it the jury won't hear. but it's ugly. this case has sort of been a mess from the very beginning and now she's going to have her chance to tell her side of the story. >> changing her communications team which means she doesn't like the way the world is seeing t not doing anything with the team inside the courtroom, obviously that would be strange to change midstream in trial. the other story involving celebrities that is the halting of a forming bill murray is working on "being mortal." they stopped filming because -- >> we don't exactly know what he has done. the details are sketchy, but he broke his silence about it, it was in the public eye, you know, for the past week or so take a listen to exactly what he told cnbc about the entire situation. >> i had a difference of opinion with a woman i'm working with. i did something i thought was funny and it wasn't taken that way. the company, the movie studio, wanted to do the right thing so they wanted to check it all out, investigate it and so they stopped the production. >> so if it was bad enough for them to stop the production it was clearly something. he's not apologizing, he's calling it a difference of opinion, an outside investigator is looking into exactly what happened here. the problem for him is he has tort of a checkered past when it comes to how he treats his co-stars. all you have to do is google bill murray fights on set with co-stars and it's not just women, richard dreyfuss he threw an ashtray to hear him tell it back on the set of "what about bob" in 1991. he has a past here. clearly he's saying that, you know, there was a difference here and things are not the same as when he was a kid, things he thought were funny are not the same these days. plenty of 71-year-old men have no trouble getting along with their co-stars. we will see what the investigators turn up and whether the film can get back on track. >> interesting. laura jarrett, thank you very much. naomi judd along with her daughter wynonna have been officially inducted into the country music hall of fame. they were honored just one day after naomi's death. according to taste of country wynonna told the jens during the ceremony i didn't prepare anything tonight because i knew mom would probably talk the most. i'm going to make this fast because my heart's broken and i feel so he is blessed. though my heart is broken i will continue to sing because that's what we do. joining me now is a friend of naomi judd and fellow country singer t. graham brown. thank you so much for being with us to reflect on the life of your friend here. i know you tweet add picture recently from 1987 when you were presenting cma nominees. i wonder what's on your mind as you're reflecting on her life and friendship. >> wow. well, firstly, i ask everybody to pray for the family to have strength. i know these guys and they're just wonderful people. i know that you always say nice things about somebody that's passed away, but naomi deserves every compliment you can give her. i mean, she always had -- when i was around naomi, she was always positive, just as sweet as she could be. wynonna is right, she did love to talk. that was one thing about her. but she was so well-loved in the nashville music community and admired. we're going to miss her badly. >> one of the things i know i appreciate and so many people appreciate about naomi judd and also her daughters is how openly they have talked about mental health struggles and her daughters they say that they lost naomi to, quote, the disease of mental illness, which, as i mentioned, she had said many things publicly including this during an interview in 2016 on gma. >> because they see me in rhinestones, you know, with glitter in my hair, that really is who i am, but then i would come home and not leave the house for three weeks and not get out of my pajamas and not practice normal hygiene. it was really bad. what i've been through is extreme. my final diagnosis was severe depression, treatment resistant because they tried me on every single thing they had in their arsenal. they really felt like if i live through this, i want someone to be able to see that they can survive because there's 40 million of us out there. >> t., can you tell us about what she was facing here in recent years with her struggle? >> i can tell you exactly what she's facing because i have the same problem. i'm severely bipolar. thank god that there's medicine that i take that keeps me normal, but i've had mood swings where i get manic and think i can rule the world and then you go to this severe depression where i've sat there and looked at a pistol. i mean, i've had those suicidal thoughts, too, and it's a terrible disease and i've done the same things she's done, come home and get in bed and not want to get out of bed. it's the exact same thing and i would urge anybody that's going through this to go find a great doctor because most people can be treated for it and you don't have to live that way. if it's able -- if you are able to be treated and helped, i urge everybody to go because, you know, it's a terrible thing. it's terrifying. >> yeah, and, look, it's very clear from listening to her, especially because for her it was treatment resistant. did she talk about that? did she talk about what her days were like? >> oh, yeah, well, everybody knew, like you said, she was totally open about t that's one thing about that family, they will tell you what they're thinking. and that's -- that's one of my favorite traits of theirs. but, yeah, i think it was just common knowledge that she was going through a terrible situation, but, you know, we all thought that she was handling it okay and -- but you don't know how people think. you can't get inside their head. and it's a chemistry experiment, you know, taking these drugs. i think it's a brain chemistry imbalance and most people can adjust their medicine to make those symptoms go away, but there's no cure for it, but you can control the symptoms a lot of times. >> she had said publicly that the close of the 2012 tour was really a tough time for her. can you shed any light on that? what did she say to you about that? >> well, when you are out on the road, when you are a judd, the pressure is on 24/7. i mean, everybody is looking -- the judds were a huge act. i think they sold like 20 million records. that's a lot. and they were getting ready to go out again this year for the first time in i don't know how long it's been since they last did a show, 20 years or something like that, i think. 20 years or so, i think. she was being inducted into the country music hall of fame, which is the highest honor you can get in country music. that's the tip top. only the cream of the crop get in there. so, i'm sure she was looking at a lot of different things, you know. she had panic attacks and anxiety and depression. you know, i'm telling you, man, i've been there. and it's terrifying. >> well, t., it is wonderful she had such a great friend as you and that you guys could talk about your struggles. >> she was great. she could cook. she was nice. she was always very, very sweet and kind to me, and to everybody. we're going to miss her, man. she was one of a kind. very driven. she made the judds happen. i'm sure that ashley -- ashley's a great actor, but i'm sure that her mother helped her learn, and ashley had that last name, you know, and i'm sure that helped. but naomi was very driven. we were proud of naomi. >> well, we are proud of naomi. she is an icon and she will be remembered as an icon. we appreciate you being with us to talk about your friend, t. thank you so much. >> thank you, brianna. god bless you. >> you, too, sir. it appears ukraine's offensive is increasing. this drone attack on russian patrol ship in the black sea. in zaporizhzhia where buses of evacuees from mariupol expected to arrive any minute. this is cnn's special live coverage. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help kekeep you both comfortable all night. 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Production , Problem , Investigator , Apologizing , Tort , Co Stars , Women , Ashtray , What About Bob , Google , Richard Dreyfuss , 1991 , Men , He , Kid , Trouble , 71 , Wynonna , Investigators , Track , Daughter , Film , Most , Mom , Taste Of Country , Ceremony , Jens , T Graham Brown , Friend , Heart , Fast , Friendship , Add Picture , Nominees , Cma , 1987 , Everybody , Somebody , Strength , Compliment , Nashville Music Community , Love , Struggles , Mental Health , Disease , Interview , Mental Illness , Which , Rhinestones , Naomi To , Gma , House , Glitter , Pajamas , Hygiene , Hair , Three , Depression , Diagnosis , Struggle , 40 Million , Medicine , God , Mood Swings , Pistol , Bed , Anybody , Listening , T , , Knowledge , Traits , Chemistry Experiment , Head , Drugs , Brain Chemistry Imbalance , Times , Cure , Tour , 2012 , Pressure , Judds , Light , On The Road , Judd , 24 7 , Time , Records , Show , Act , 20 Million , Country Music , Cream , Panic Attacks , Tip Top , Crop , Anxiety , Name , Ashley S A Great Actor , Icon , Brianna Keilar , Drone Attack , Sir , God Bless You , Patrol Ship , Coverage , Kekeep , Temperaturee Balancing , Exexactly , Stats , Investment Ideas , Es On The Ball , Merrill , Baby , Digitatools , Trelegy , Copd , Coughing , High , Copd Medicine , On By , Feelin Good , Breeze Driftin , Medicines , Breathing Problems , Heart Condition , Inhaler , Rescue Inhaler , Flare Ups , Lung Function , High Blood Pressure , Vision Changes , Chest Pain , Breathing , Eye , Osteoporosis , Pneumonia , Thrush , Tongue , Mouth , Swelling , Problems Urinating , Trelegy Com , Allergies , Good , Project Managers , Projects , Spraying Flonase , Psst , Quality , Candidates , Shortlist , Matters , Standards , Job Criteria , Guarantee , Visit Indeed Com Hire , Consultation , Visit Bathfitter Com , Bath Fitter , Lockdown , Capital , Coronavirus Outbreak , Government , Reporters , Locking , Dining , Around The World , Latest , Authorities In Beijing , Nation S 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, Arrival , Harrowin ,

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Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman And Brianna Keilar 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN New Day With John Berman and Brianna Keilar 20240708

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russian city of belgorod. russia has accused ukraine of mounting cross-border attacks on fuel depose and military installations. there's new video from the ukrainians that shows what they say are ukrainian drone strikes on russian vessels inside the black sea. not far from snake island. something worth watching there. overnight house speaker nancy pelosi in poland, she met with the polish president there following her trip to kyiv over the weekend. she says the visit will send an unmistakable message to the world america stands with nato allies in support of ukraine. i want to go live to cnn's matt rivers this morning who is in kyiv. i know you are closely following the situation in mariupol, hundreds of people still trapped inside that steel plant and in zaporizhzhia where she are waiting for bus loads hopefully of citizens from mariupol to be evacuated. what can you tell us this morning? >> reporter: yeah, john, two different evacuation operations going on right now in mariupol, on the one hand you have a general evacuation for the entire city that is still -- that is in russian controlled hands at this point, so buses still making their way according to ukrainian officials to get what is hoping to be hundreds if not thousands of ordinary mariupol citizens to the ukrainian held city of zaporizhzhia. that is ongoing, though progress is slow. you have the other operation centered on that azovstal steel complex, the last remaining pocket of ukrainian resistance inside the city. we saw dozens of people get out of that complex over the weekend. this morning, though, no word yet on if anyone has been able to get out. two different evacuation operations. meanwhile, inside that steel plant complex questions remain about the fighters that are also inside, will they eventually surrender to the russians? i think the answer to that question is no, especially when you listen to the story that we're about to show you. russian propaganda with a clear message to the last remaining defenders of mariupol. the video says we guarantee that we will save your lives and we will follow international laws to guarantee humane treatment. such will be the case, says the voice over, with this man, a captured ukrainian soldier dan zvonyk. he was captured at the azovstal steel complex, the last remaining pocket of resistance in the city. cnn has gio located the building behind them to an area northwest of the plant, a russian soldier detailing how they will be treated. as you are captured, he says, we will treat you with honor and with understanding. these videos were published on april 20th, five days later, dan zvonyk was dead. this picture of his face hauntingly lifeless was sent to his mother by officials in russian-held donetsk she told us. we redialed the numbers and was hung up on once we identified as journalists. to confirm who he was they also sent a picture of his chest with a tattoo on the body clearly matching the one seen on zvonyk while he was still alive in russian propaganda videos. >> when you first saw that message, what went through your mind? >> translator: nothing. i just screamed. there was nothing. no thoughts. >> reporter: we met his mother near where she's staying in kyiv. she fled mariupol herself two weeks ago alongside the rest of her family. her sister-in-law also reeling from the photo of her nephew. >> translator: i still have that photograph in front of my eyes. it's constantly in front of my eyes. >> reporter: the morgue in donetsk confirmed to cnn that zvonyk was dead and his body was picked up on sunday. cnn can't confirm how he died but we know he died after being taken into custody either by russian or russian-backed separatist forces. do you think that the russians killed your son? >> translator: yes. i'm sure. >> reporter: russia's ministry of defense did not return a request for comment about how zvonyk died. for weeks cnn has heard directly from soldiers inside the steel plant complex who told us they will not surrender to the russians for fear of being executed. within their ranks zvonyk's death only hardened that sentiment. >> does what happened to him only reinforce the notion that the soldiers that are there are not going to surrender to the russians? >> matt, don't you think it confirms their fear and actually expectations what russia did today? this is a war crime. >> reporter: we asked zvonyk's mother anna if she is angry with the russians? her answer, honest and gutting. >> translator: for now i only feel enormous pain, pain and emptiness, that's it. >> reporter: and even worse for that family that soldier, dan, his father was also inside that mariupol steel plant complex fighting there. the last time the family heard from him was mid march. so his fate, too, is unknown. >> really is a remarkable story. you hear people in ukraine referring to mariupol as heroic mariupol or epic mariupol, courageous mariupol, these are the words used to describe now the people who stayed behind to fight there. matt, thank you so much for that report. the defense department announced that the administration is sending more than 121 phoenix ghost tactical unmanned aerial systems or drones to ukraine and that has raised some eyebrows because even military experts haven't heard about this drone before. cnn's tom foreman joining us at the magic with a you will to explain what we do know with this new drone. >> we know it's a big mystery right now. this phoenix ghost drone is believed to be in some ways similar to the switchblade drone which we've talked about before. this is small, it can be carried in a backpack, troops can launch it in a minutes notice. it doesn't go that far, it doesn't hang in the air that long and doesn't move that fast but it can be used to drive down upon a target, a tank, anything they want to, an artillery position and blow it up and they have been used with great effectiveness. so what is different about the phoenix ghost? the pentagon says it requires some minimal training for knowledgeable drone operators. so, in other words, people who can already use the switchblade drone can probably learn to operate this quickly. differences in the scope of capability, they will not say what this is but one might imagine that it has something to do with the speed and loitering time and it was developed for the set of requirements that very closely match what's happening in the donbas area. john was showing the map a minute ago, the donbas is much more open than what we've seen before so perhaps we're talking about something that moves more toward the turkish made drone which has a higher speed, a longer distance and carry multiple different weapons and maybe that's what we're talking about here. something that can be used in that more open ground to get over bigger distances, lighter a little longer and strike harder. right now, though, it really is a mystery exactly what the phoenix drone is all about, the phoenix ghost, but obviously with 700 of the switchblade drones already headed toward there and these now added to the arsenal it's something the pentagon believes could be another change maker for the ukrainians. >> we've seen the video, just how vulnerable these targets are to these drones. tom foreman, thank you so much for that. a new "washington post" article details how some of russia's elite have started to break under the economic consequences of russia's invasion of ukraine and the piece written it states oligarchs and financial officials are alarmed over the economic toll it's taking and to feel powerless to influence putin. greg miller joins us now, an investigative foreign correspondent for the "washington post." great to see you. you talked to so many of these people, some of them, you know, in the oligarch category. what did they tell you? >> well, they are devastated for selfish reasons largely, i mean, they have seen huge chunks of the fortunes that they built through their connections to the kremlin and often to putin himself just be wiped out, and they see their country sinking into economic isolation in a way that they just did not see coming. i think many of them were absolutely blind-sided by this war and have spent the past two months basically trying to recover emotionally and otherwise. >> so who is actually, greg, expressing their dismay and how are they doing it? >> yeah, so there are different -- they are sort of falling into different categories here and it's some of the very early era oligarchs who are the most vocal so far, these are oligarchs who made their fortunes in the rule during the presidency of boris yeltsin, not vladimir putin, who have left russia, who have denounced the war, have been a little more pointed in their public comments, although an oligarch known to many americans for his connections to russian interference in 2016 and other cases has also talked about the war as devastating. i want to emphasize, though, that they mostly are refraining from directing any pointed criticism at putin himself. they are not blaming him, they are not attacking him, they're mostly bemoaning their own fate. >> why aren't they attacking him? did they learn something early on? >> well, i think that -- i think that mostly that is because their circumstances are very uncertain now. for many of them they now face a life of isolation in russia where putin continues to hold a firm grip on power and where the odds or likelihood that any movement could emerge that could unseat him see very remote. that they are kind of just hedging their bets there and out of self-interest not trying to draw his ire, even as they privately among themselves really talk about just devastation. >> greg, you mentioned in the piece how the head of the central bank, the governor of that bank, tried to resign and couldn't, right? vladimir putin wouldn't accept it. you have an amazing quote from an exiled former oligarch who said everyone will continue working right up to the next hague tribunal. they're stuck there. >> there are many who are stuck there and she is a widely respected central banker, even economist in the west hold her in high regard. she has worked a decade or more to kind of shore up the russian economy and make it more stable, and then was among the last to know that this war was starting, sought to resign, submitted her resignation twice, told twice you're not going to be allowed to leave this position, you're staying in place, you're going to help us deal with the wreckage here. but even so, she has made some pointed comments, including a week or so ago in public warning that the damage that russia has seen so far from sanctions and isolation is only the beginning, basically saying it's going to get worse in the coming months. >> greg miller, great to have you on. it's a terrific story. thank you so much for sharing your reporting. >> thank you guys. jury selection getting under way in georgia in just a few hours in the investigation into former president trump's efforts to overturn that state's election results. more on the urgent manhunt this morning for an alabama inmate charged with capital murder and the corrections officer who officials say may have helped them escape. and the late naomi judd inducted into the country music hall of fame just a day after her sudden death. the touching tribute from her daughters ahead. ♪ because when we stand together ♪ smart bed d is really smart. it senses your movemenent and automatically adjusts to help keep you both comfortatable all night. it's also temperature balancing, so you ststay cool. it's so smart it knows exactly how long, how wellll, and when you slept. sleep number takes care of the science, all you have to do is sleep. don't miss our weekend special. save $500 on the sleep number 360 c4 smart bed, queen now only $1,299. lowest price ever! plus, free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. you know liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need? 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pharmacy. overnight a federal judge rejecting the rnc's effort to block its email marketing vendor sales frorce from releasing records to the committee investigating the capital insurrection. they want to understand the flow of emails from the rnc that said the 2020 election was stolen in the weeks before the capital attack. judge timothy kelly of the d.c. district court to us tossed out the claims that the panel wasn't properly comprised or appropriately seeking information, however, the panel will not obtain the marketing information immediately. kelly is temporarily blocking the data from being turned over until at least may 5th so the rnc has a chance to appeal. judge kelly notes the data won't reveal any major secrets of the internal workings. a special grand jury will be seated today in fulton county, georgia, as part of an investigation into whether president trump and others illegally tried to pressure georgia officials to overturn the 2020 election results in that state. cnn's sara murray has been covering this story from the beginning. it's been like a year and a half since we first heard the tapes of the phone call from trump to the secretary of state but today a very big moment. >> reporter: yes, it has been quite a while but what is happening today is this grand jury selection, it will give the district attorney here broader investigative powers and of course it comes as the january 6th committee is uncovering just a mountain of new information that could be relevant to the investigation here in georgia. >> and even if you cut them in half, cut them in half and cut them in half again it's more votes than we need. >> reporter: it's the now infamous call between donald trump and georgia secretary of state brad raffensperger after the 2020 election. >> all i want to do is this, i just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state. >> reporter: the call created so much alarm that a top aide text add plea for help as it was ongoing, writing to trump's chief of staff, need to end this call. then deputy secretary of state jo jordan fuchs wrote i don't think this will be productive much longer to which mark meadows replied okay. thank you. >> the messages which were included in a recent court filing reveal more of the chaos created by a call where trump insisted he won georgia, a state he lost. >> thank you, georgia. wow. that's a big crowd of people. >> reporter: the call is now at the center of an investigation into the former president in the peach state. >> the trump investigation is under way. >> reporter: set to advance today. a special grand jury will be chosen to subpoena witnesses and documents and decide whether to recommend charges against trump or his allies for their efforts to overturn georgia's election results. >> we will have from may 2nd to april 30th, 2023, hopefully we don't need that long. >> reporter: fulton county district attorney also interviewing more than 50 witnesses over the past 15 months with plans to subpoena at least 30 more. >> i imagine we will be issuing subpoenas to a lot of people and that all of them are not going to welcome our invitation to come speak with us. >> reporter: but she's waiting until after georgia's primary to call people to testify as several likely witnesses raffensperger, brian kemp and chris carr are not on the ballot. >> i would request anyone that was on the ballot come speak to me prior to may 24. >> reporter: willis may call on close associates of trump as she investigates which could spell a long road ahead. >> i think she's going to face questions and probably legal challenges full blown court battles if she decides to move forward over presidential i'm community. >> reporter: the trump investigation playing out with heightened security. roads are closed around the courthouse. k-9 police dogs are at the ready and prosecutors have been issued bulletproof vests. >> given everything that took place on january 6 we want to make sure that our community, our justice community, is as safe as possible. >> reporter: now, this special grand jury will make a recommendation about whether they think trump or any of his allies should face charges in this case. it will not issue an indictment. willis can go to any of the regular grand juries in fulton county, ask for ain't imt doo. she hopes to make a decision about whether to bring charges by the end of the year. >> thank you so much. and joining us now is former u.s. attorney for the middle district of georgia michael moore with us for more analysis here. can you just explain, michael, what exactly this special grand jury is going to be considering. what specific laws will they be looking at to see if donald trump broke them? >> well, good morning. the consideration by the special grand jury is really up to them. they have the right to investigate the case, they have the right to issue subpoenas, they have the right to ask questions to dig a little deeper on certain topics if they want to do it. if you think about it from a general sense, maybe an umbrella under which the investigation will fall you are really talking about election fraud, a conspiracy to commit election fraud, was there a solicitation to commit election fraud or maybe was there an effort to interfere with the performance of the secretary of state's official duties. so those things may have tentacles, they may become a little bit like an october octopus of an investigation. some evidence may be developed that they decide that they want to pursue a little bit further. >> what penalties could trump face and what do you think are the odds that he will actually face any? >> you know, he could face a felony charge, certainly there is some misdemeanors that could be in play here. the request he is what penalty, i think that's the bigger question and to i think at the end of the day he's going to end up in prison? i think that's hard to imagine that a former president in the case like this without a criminal record, you know, is not a repeat offender, a serial offender that he would end up behind bars. there's a provision, too, that allows for an executive official if the allegations stem under the color of the auspices of the federal office they hold, which in this case would be the president, to ask a court to remove the case to the federal court. i think you're like ily to see that. really this today is almost like here in the starting gun at the marathon and there will be legal challenges and i'm sure that subpoenas have come out and there will be efforts to invoke immunity and executive privilege like we've seen in other cases. the stakes here may be a little bit different in the sense that this is a criminal grand jury or at least an investigative criminal grand jury moving forward and that may ramp up a little bit some of the legal arguments that have been made and the discussion. she's doing what she thinks is the appropriate thing to do, but certainly it's been some period of time since the initial charges and i don't think judges will see this as any real delay if they hear those arguments. >> this is all happening in the middle of a very competitive republican primary season, right? and the witnesses, many of them, are on the ballot. so how does that affect things here? >> well, and i think at the end of the day that may push things out beyond november. i mean, it's the right call to not make people come testify and give evidence, especially for those in the middle -- brad raffensperger in the middle of a primary battle against the trump follower who has been touting election fraud. she's saying i don't think he should have to come in and testify and maybe somehow that would have some impact on his primary battle. the same argument can be made and i think you're likely to hear it as people move to the general election in november. they are going to say why should we have to come in and give testimony that will be used against us in an election to either keep or gain our official position. >> it will be really interesting to watch what is happening there in georgia. michael, we appreciate you walking us through it. thank you. >> always good to be with you. thank you. a switch up from team amber heard right before she takes the stand in johnny depp's defamation days against her. an ain't mate charged with capital murder on the run this morning and the sheriff says he believes a corrections officer was involved in the escape. find your beat your moment of calm find your potential then own it support your immunune system with a potent blend of nutrients and emerge your best every day with emergen-c lemons. lemons. lemons. the world is so full of lemons. when you become an expedia member, you can instantly start saving on your travels. so you can go and see all those lemons, for less. we are her teachers, her therapists, chefs... , that's why we're tired. it's because we're doing it every single day, all day. how 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when she transported casey white alone friday, by the way, they are both named white but they are not related. she said she was taking him to what appears to be a make believe health evaluation, the sheriff says that evaluation was never even scheduled. the two have not been seen since. the u.s. marshal service is offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to capture. joining me now is lauderdale county sheriff rick singleton, thank you for being with us. give us the latest on this investigation. >> well, we're still aggressively pursuing every lead that we get. the biggest obstacle we have right now is we still do not have a vehicle description of whatever vehicle they might have transferred into so far. you know, it's a total shock to our employees that deputy white would be involved in something like this, but unfortunately all indications are she was. >> why? why do you think that she was involved? s>> well, that's the question we're asking. you know, obviously she could have willingly participated, you know, but we are also concerned that maybe somehow someone got to her and coerced her or threatened her, forced her to assist in this escape. we're not sure. i don't know the answer to that until we locate her. >> what are the indications or what hints are that she may have willingly participated? there's this video which shows casey singleton -- casey white, i should say, not handcuffed, only one officer on him. do you think that she deliberately altered the protocol? >> well, that photo was inside the facility itself and there are several stages to get through to get out of there from where that photo was taken. inmates are -- on a -- handcuffs. but, yes, she knew the protocol for two vans with 12 deputies left the correction center en route to the courthouse, a few minutes after that she directed a deputy to bring casey white to the booking area and prepare him for trans -- he was cuffed and shackled when he left the facility and she was want to go drop him off at the courthouse, turn him over to the other deputies and she was going for a medical checkup because she wasn't feeling well. >> what evidence if any that the two of them have any kind of a personal relationship? >> well, we haven't found any evidence that they actually had a personal relationship. you know, as an assistant director of -- white was frequently throughout the cell blocks, has contact with all the inmates at one time or another. so she had the opportunity to have contact with him, but as far as a romantic relationship or something like that, we have no evidence or proof that that was the case, although obviously it's a possibility. >> and, again, just so our audience knows, your audio is going in and out, she put him in the car. the two of them were the only ones in the car. she put him in the car, the car drove away, the car never seen again with them in it, correct? >> that's correct, it never arrived at the courthouse and, you know, it was found later at a shopping center parking lot about two miles away from the detention center. >> talk to me about this inmate. he is a large man and there's every reason to believe that he's armed right now because she was armed. >> that's correct. he's 6'9", weighs somewhere around 250 pounds. he is a large -- because she was armed so, you know, especially our law enforcement partners out there if they encounter them they have to be extremely cautious. >> two things may be true, she may have been involved as you suggested in the escape, but she could still very much be in danger at this point given that he is armed. what's the overall threat to the community that you see right now, sheriff? >> well, i think the community of course is concerned, as are we, you know. she's definitely in danger, willingly or not this is no one to miss with and we are concerned for her safety under the circumstances. we've sort of turned the lead investigation over to the u.s. marshals task force -- tremendously helpful to us along with the other federal -- the fbi, secret service, atf, the alabama law enforcement agency is assisting us. we're doing everything we can, looking under every rock, trying to find every lead we can to locate them. that's our primary focus right now, locating them, getting vicki white home, getting casey white behind bars where he belongs. >> you say getting vicki white home, do you think she could face some charges? >> there is obviously a possibility when we determine what the motivation was for the escape. >> sheriff singleton, we do appreciate your time this morning, i know you are busy with what is a very active manhunt. thank you for your time. global anger this morning after russia's foreign minister said hitler had, quote, jewish blood and likened him to ukrainian president zelenskyy. plus we are live from the ukrainian city where civilians who just walked out of the mariupol compound are arriving. this is the plan to expire from russian forces. 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attorney at law. what do you make of this? >> it's clear she knows this is not going well for her in the court of public opinion if she's switching up her pr team at the 11th hour. the question is legally whether any of it matters and whether it's too late to course correct. remember, this is all about this 2018 op-ed where she calls herself a public figure representing domestic abuse, that's the entire defamation case is johnny depp challenging her on that. but truth is the ultimate defense to a defamation case so this week you're going to hear her lay out probably in very disturbing detail all of the instances in which he was physically and verbally abusive to her. she's already said a lot of this in public already, a lot of it's been publicly reported. he already lost a case in the uk where he tried to challenge a publisher, someone who had taken him on on this very issue, he lost that case. so some of that may come out. some of it the jury won't hear. but it's ugly. this case has sort of been a mess from the very beginning and now she's going to have her chance to tell her side of the story. >> changing her communications team which means she doesn't like the way the world is seeing t not doing anything with the team inside the courtroom, obviously that would be strange to change midstream in trial. the other story involving celebrities that is the halting of a forming bill murray is working on "being mortal." they stopped filming because -- >> we don't exactly know what he has done. the details are sketchy, but he broke his silence about it, it was in the public eye, you know, for the past week or so take a listen to exactly what he told cnbc about the entire situation. >> i had a difference of opinion with a woman i'm working with. i did something i thought was funny and it wasn't taken that way. the company, the movie studio, wanted to do the right thing so they wanted to check it all out, investigate it and so they stopped the production. >> so if it was bad enough for them to stop the production it was clearly something. he's not apologizing, he's calling it a difference of opinion, an outside investigator is looking into exactly what happened here. the problem for him is he has tort of a checkered past when it comes to how he treats his co-stars. all you have to do is google bill murray fights on set with co-stars and it's not just women, richard dreyfuss he threw an ashtray to hear him tell it back on the set of "what about bob" in 1991. he has a past here. clearly he's saying that, you know, there was a difference here and things are not the same as when he was a kid, things he thought were funny are not the same these days. plenty of 71-year-old men have no trouble getting along with their co-stars. we will see what the investigators turn up and whether the film can get back on track. >> interesting. laura jarrett, thank you very much. naomi judd along with her daughter wynonna have been officially inducted into the country music hall of fame. they were honored just one day after naomi's death. according to taste of country wynonna told the jens during the ceremony i didn't prepare anything tonight because i knew mom would probably talk the most. i'm going to make this fast because my heart's broken and i feel so he is blessed. though my heart is broken i will continue to sing because that's what we do. joining me now is a friend of naomi judd and fellow country singer t. graham brown. thank you so much for being with us to reflect on the life of your friend here. i know you tweet add picture recently from 1987 when you were presenting cma nominees. i wonder what's on your mind as you're reflecting on her life and friendship. >> wow. well, firstly, i ask everybody to pray for the family to have strength. i know these guys and they're just wonderful people. i know that you always say nice things about somebody that's passed away, but naomi deserves every compliment you can give her. i mean, she always had -- when i was around naomi, she was always positive, just as sweet as she could be. wynonna is right, she did love to talk. that was one thing about her. but she was so well-loved in the nashville music community and admired. we're going to miss her badly. >> one of the things i know i appreciate and so many people appreciate about naomi judd and also her daughters is how openly they have talked about mental health struggles and her daughters they say that they lost naomi to, quote, the disease of mental illness, which, as i mentioned, she had said many things publicly including this during an interview in 2016 on gma. >> because they see me in rhinestones, you know, with glitter in my hair, that really is who i am, but then i would come home and not leave the house for three weeks and not get out of my pajamas and not practice normal hygiene. it was really bad. what i've been through is extreme. my final diagnosis was severe depression, treatment resistant because they tried me on every single thing they had in their arsenal. they really felt like if i live through this, i want someone to be able to see that they can survive because there's 40 million of us out there. >> t., can you tell us about what she was facing here in recent years with her struggle? >> i can tell you exactly what she's facing because i have the same problem. i'm severely bipolar. thank god that there's medicine that i take that keeps me normal, but i've had mood swings where i get manic and think i can rule the world and then you go to this severe depression where i've sat there and looked at a pistol. i mean, i've had those suicidal thoughts, too, and it's a terrible disease and i've done the same things she's done, come home and get in bed and not want to get out of bed. it's the exact same thing and i would urge anybody that's going through this to go find a great doctor because most people can be treated for it and you don't have to live that way. if it's able -- if you are able to be treated and helped, i urge everybody to go because, you know, it's a terrible thing. it's terrifying. >> yeah, and, look, it's very clear from listening to her, especially because for her it was treatment resistant. did she talk about that? did she talk about what her days were like? >> oh, yeah, well, everybody knew, like you said, she was totally open about t that's one thing about that family, they will tell you what they're thinking. and that's -- that's one of my favorite traits of theirs. but, yeah, i think it was just common knowledge that she was going through a terrible situation, but, you know, we all thought that she was handling it okay and -- but you don't know how people think. you can't get inside their head. and it's a chemistry experiment, you know, taking these drugs. i think it's a brain chemistry imbalance and most people can adjust their medicine to make those symptoms go away, but there's no cure for it, but you can control the symptoms a lot of times. >> she had said publicly that the close of the 2012 tour was really a tough time for her. can you shed any light on that? what did she say to you about that? >> well, when you are out on the road, when you are a judd, the pressure is on 24/7. i mean, everybody is looking -- the judds were a huge act. i think they sold like 20 million records. that's a lot. and they were getting ready to go out again this year for the first time in i don't know how long it's been since they last did a show, 20 years or something like that, i think. 20 years or so, i think. she was being inducted into the country music hall of fame, which is the highest honor you can get in country music. that's the tip top. only the cream of the crop get in there. so, i'm sure she was looking at a lot of different things, you know. she had panic attacks and anxiety and depression. you know, i'm telling you, man, i've been there. and it's terrifying. >> well, t., it is wonderful she had such a great friend as you and that you guys could talk about your struggles. >> she was great. she could cook. she was nice. she was always very, very sweet and kind to me, and to everybody. we're going to miss her, man. she was one of a kind. very driven. she made the judds happen. i'm sure that ashley -- ashley's a great actor, but i'm sure that her mother helped her learn, and ashley had that last name, you know, and i'm sure that helped. but naomi was very driven. we were proud of naomi. >> well, we are proud of naomi. she is an icon and she will be remembered as an icon. we appreciate you being with us to talk about your friend, t. thank you so much. >> thank you, brianna. god bless you. >> you, too, sir. it appears ukraine's offensive is increasing. this drone attack on russian patrol ship in the black sea. in zaporizhzhia where buses of evacuees from mariupol expected to arrive any minute. this is cnn's special live coverage. it senses your movement and automatically adjusts to help kekeep you both comfortable all night. 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, Arrival , Harrowin ,

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