Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708 : comparemela

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708

people. mideast are even though they are out from shelters, they are walking around during the day. i think they are still very aware there's a war going on and that things are still very vulnerable and can change very quickly. we saw that today. five missiles hitting one hitting a building causing damage to the first two floors. causing a fire. a reminder the war is very much going on. not that people need that reminder. >> as you remember in lviv, the air raid sirens go off, there's this false sense of security that developed. you think that's happening in kyiv or is today a reminder of the danger? >> the air raids sirens haven't been going off very often. once you hear sirens going off all the time and at a certain point you start to figure out when you should respond and when you shouldn't depending on where the strikes might take place. this was a wake up call to anybody who was starting to get complacent and just an important reminder of the danger that still is very close. >> anderson cooper, thanks a lot. we'll see you tomorrow. have a good one. this is don lemon tonight. vladmir putin's unprovoked war started nine weeks ago tonight. now russia sending a mess a j to the west with that attack on kyiv tonight right after the meeting with the uchl n. secretary general. >> today, immediately after the end of our talks in kyiv, russian missiles threw into the city. five missiles. this says a lot about russia's true attitude. therefore requires an appropriate powerful response. >> at least ten people were injured. ukraine's foreign minister calls the strikes a heinous act of barbarrism. we'll go live to kyiv in a moment. more than 50 times in a row. the mayor calling the conditions medieval. there are thousands ofs still buried in the rubble. that as the president of the united states, joe biden, asked congress for massive $33 billion in additional aid in ukraine. more than twice as much as the package congress approved last month. the danger is serious. it's real. it cannot be under estimated. >> no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or a possibility of that. it's irresponsible. >> top u.s. officials lining up behind the president and warning the nuclear rhetoric is dangerous. >> it's dangerous. any kind of rhetoric like that, you know, i think is unhelpful. we said over and over again that a nuclear war cannot be won by either side. i think saber rattling in rhetoric like that is unhelpful. >> it's completely irresponsible for a leader to be talking about that in today's world. >> talking about the threat of nuclear war. >> matt, hello to you. a brazen attack while the u.n. secretary general was there. the latest on the ground, please. >> yeah, we heard this explosion and we saw the smoke from our hotel here in kyiv which means this was not very far away from the central part of kyiv. this is not something we have seen in the city for a while now. smoke like that rising from a very central part of the city. at least ten people were injured. once again as a russian missile hit not a military target or not hitting a building where residents were. this is the kind of thing ordinary people being affected that we have seen from russia time and again since this war began. this was an apartment complex. it was damaged. it was fire as a result of that. we saw someone or some thing being carried off in a stretcher. once again russia hitting a civilian target here in kyiv. it's important to underline the fact the u.n. secretary general was just in moscow. the point of that trip and then d coming here was to try to use the power of the united nations open up. the russians knew he was here and yet they still go ahead with the cruise missile strike. if you had my hopes the russians were taking the visit seriously, perhaps progress was being made for the corridors. i think that hope might be misplaced at this point. >> the u.s. is assessing that russian forces are making some progress in the east. what are you hear about fighting on the front lines? >> yeah, we got a briefing from a senior u.s. official who did knowledge russia was making progress in the east. this is the focus point of their new come pain trying to secure the donbas region but not making a lot of progress. calling it incremental at best with this u.s. defense official saying the russian forces are taking quote several kilometer or so on any given day because just because don't want to run out too far aahead of their logistics and sustainment lines. these are problems we saw russia have in northern part of the country during their failed attempts to take the capital city of kyiv and it does appear some of the issues continue. we're hear frg this official that there's low morale because rush ha is using conscripts. people drafted into the army who are being fed russian state propaganda before they get here and when they arrive, they are seeing the real situation on the ground. russia does continue to make some progress taking a few towns in the east over the past fi days. >> leets talk ant russia occupying the southern city for weeks but they are making moves to stamp out ukrainian identity there. what do you know about that, man in. >> yeah. this could be some kind of foreshadowing if russia were to take other large sections of ukraine. this is a city that russia took relatively early in the war. it's many the the southern part of the country. russia wants to stage a fake referendum. the try to give some legitimacy to their occupation by having a fake vote that say all the people who live in the city want to be russian citizens. every one would not believe the result but that's something they would go ahead with in the coming days and weeks. they have replaced all democratically elected officials with government backed officials. they are even talking about replacing the ukrainian currency there with the russian ruble over the coming days and they have taken all ukrainian television channels off the air. all channels that tell the truth and replace them with russian channels that we know just spread propaganda. >> appreciate the reporting from kyiv tonight. thank you very much. russia striking kyiv with five missiles, the first time in five weeks. is that aggression intentional message? >> i think it's definitely intentional. it's an effort to terrorize the people in kyiv and more importantly show the government in kyiv it's isolated and getting help from outside the united nations. it's an insult to the united nations. >> general thrks is a skbig from the president. $33 billion. this aid package for ukraine. that would include more weapons and anti-armor capabilities. how do you think this will impact the fight? >> i think we got do get that material in there. they need the aid and most porptsly they need the military assistance. it's been announced over the last week or two. most of that is not there yet. it's got to get in there. they have about 120 kilometer gap they are holding open of that double envelopment. they are moving slowly. that will or could develop momentum. they are out numbered over there. they are being outgunned by russian artillery. if they are locate them, fix them, they can bring in artillery shells. they will kill anybody out there. they have more artillery and more ammunition than the ukrainians. >> the u.s. is unwilling to help provide planes when the fighting centered around kyiv. now the fight is an open battlefield. at this stage, would more war planes help ukraine beat back russia and should that be a consideration at this point? >> i think ukraine has to do everything it can do to disrupt russian command and control onds logistic, where ever that is. what we're faced with here is not only the battle itself but also the potential ending of the conflict. it's important ukraine not give up this territory in the donbas. if they do, getting it back through negotiation will be extremely difficult. the only wap this can end in a manner is if they get enough material from the west and fight strongly enough to push the russian forces completely out of ukraine, restore their territorial integrity and let russia ask for negotiation. that's the only way we're going to get resolution of this. once the fighting stops, if russia hasn't given up its aims, it's going to rearm and push forward again at the earliest opportunity. >> officials saying the attacks are looking better coordinated now. does russia have the leadership, traening, troops to adapt and recover from previous losses? >> given enough time and enough push from behind, they will make progress. they are still mostly in the east despite the talk about the wide open areas and so forth. the ground is still soft. there's no mad slap dash to try to run through the ukrainian lines which is what they try to do north of kyiv. as they practice day by day moving forward, calling artillery an locating enemy positions, strengthening communications, working their logistics, practice makes perfect. they will get better if the ukrainians can't stop it and knock them off. >> general, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. vladimir putin's threats are bigger than ukraine. the u.n. secretary general meeting with president zelenskyy. how does the world respond? 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>> yeah, absolutely. we had a 30 year holiday from history. we thought we were moving into a world in which these kind of things were unthinkable. europe in many ways the whole european project is built on the idea of being in a kind of world beyond war. the european union has done amazing things but the reality is that's not the world vladmir putin is in. that's not the world that russia currently is in. the result is what we're seeing is the return of great power politics in the world after a 30-year holiday. that's a seismic event. this is a much bigger deal than 911. it was a band of thugs. they were able to crush those kind of terrorists. here what you have is the most powerful nuclear power in the world. he's threatening to use that strength. even to use nuclear weapons to tear up the rules of to road that have governed international relations since 1945. no massive acquisitions of territory. all these rules have been thrown out the window. i'm glad you put it that way . we have taken sides. we cannot afford the lose. if that means ukraine needs 10, 20, 33 billion more in aid, the alternative is vladmir putin wins. the western democracies lose. >> an interesting predicament for the world. listen, president biden saying today that no one should be making idle threats about nuclear weapons. he called it irresponsible. listen to what the ambassador said today. >> we heard their rhetoric. we're prepared to deter nuclear aggression against the united states as we have been for decades back into time with the s soviet union. >> the language appears to be tougher. >> i think the u.s. is finally responding correctly. they need to be just as worried and deterred as we are. yes they have a lot of nuclear weapons. so does the united states. in fact, the soviet union in the old ways and russia, the doctrine has never been for russia to go to the first use of nuclear weapons. it's the u.s. that worried about having to station short range nuke her missiles like that. he is threatening not to send them there. the natural gas due to them. it's all a sign of weakness. he's feeling the pressure. i think the russians really thought this was going to go very differently and was going to be over much sooner. the longer the stakes, the greater the grinds of the sangs, the greater most importantly the cap capacity. they don't have as many options as they thought they did. putin doesn't care about the norms. he is escalating. we should remind vladimir putin, the u.s. can escalate too. if we need to be deterred by russian nuclear weapons, russia needs to be deterred by american nuclear weapons. >> right on. we heard the blackmail keeps coming up. russia keeps claiming blackmail. russia said president putin is using nuclear war to blackmail the world. they are trying to say russia is trying to blackmail every one. how does the world fight back against it? >> look, you're asking me a very big question. i think what we have to recognize is there has to be a much more concerted effort to deprive putin of the money that is funding his war machine. i'm glad we're now thinking about and i hope congress passes $33 billion in aid to ukraine. just keep in mind, we are sending ten times that amount. $330 billion to vladmir putin every year in terms of oil and natural gas revenues and coal revenues. there's still a long way to go in terms of really making him feel the pressure. i think with putin, the only thing he really understands is force. he has to suffer battlefield losses in the donbas. he has to feel like his revenues are declining, that he's getting squeezed. that's the only way. it means a larger coalition. it's very important to try to get countries like saudi arabia and the uae more on board. it's important to try to get india and i undendonesia and so africa on board. to the extent they can be a greater sense of sanctions, i think most of the world agrees that what russia did was wrong. most of the world agrees that it would be enkincredibly destabilizing that the strong can do what they can and the small nations have to suffer it and grin and bear it. that's not a world that i think india wants to live in sitting right next to china. it's not a world that south africa wants to live in. we have to make this case persuasively. the only thing that matters at the end of the day is hard power. >> i think the way you put it earlier was right on. either there's a western democracy or you don't give the money to ukraine, right? that's the choice that we're in right now. that's the situation we face. thank you. >> we have joined the fight. the question now is only who will win. >> thanks, fareed. russian oligarchs found dead with their family. was it suicide or something else? that's next. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe coector lotion... only from gold bond. as parents of triplets, we do a lot of things three times... ♪ ♪ so you can imagine my excitement when i heard scotts turf builder triple action does three things... at the same time. scotts turf builder triple action kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and feeds your lawn. all three in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder. triple action. pair with scotts ultrafeed for a winning combo this lawn season. exclusively at the home depot. this is koli. my foster fail (laughs). when i first started fostering koli i had been giving him kibble. it never looked or felt like real food. but with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food. i saw a difference almost overnight. healthy poops, healthy dog, right? 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i don't think so. i think he knew something and that he posed some sort of risk. >> cnn tom foreman has the details on the suspicious deaths. what do we know? >> at least two russian oligarchs have died in mysterious circumstances in the past couple of weeks. we're told russian authorities are painting this as a murder/suicide situation but we don't know. they are often not transparent about what really happened. we might get better answers about sergei. he also came pr the gas industry in moscow where a lot of the money has flown to these oligarchs out there. he also died with his wife and daughter in a momentum there in spain. the spanish authorities are investigating this probably more likely we'll get transparency and real answers as this moves forward. all of this is happening against the background of the biden administration really trying to step up pressure here and streamline the process of going after these sanctioned russians for the klepto capture task force. they want to more quickly seize high value assets like this 255 yacht that was grabbed earlier this month worth about $90 million. they want to much more clearly and quickly sell these assets off then take that money and turn it around and use it to fund the ukrainian resistance and the rebuilding of the very country that putin has invaded and in large part trying to do. >> tom, thanks as always. douglas, hello to you. welcome. thank you so much for doing this. at least two oligachs and their family members dead under mysterious circumstances. what is going on? >> good evening. you can't put things like this past putin but at the same time it's not consistent. putin has not hesitated to go after his opponents alexi was the target of poisoning. they try to poison him as well and one of his former deputies, they used poison on him. putin usually wants to send a message. going after these people, as they have, under perhaps murder/suicide, they all would be very complex operation. it takes time to plan an operation like this. you have to case the target. there's usually one team that does that. then you bring in another team that executes the operation. to do this once, after some time, perhaps but multiple incidents makes it less likely. for what it's worth, the suicide is quite prevalent in russia. it's the third highest country and more prevalent among men than women in russia. these executives were all associated with gas, energy and banking industry that have been hit hard by sanctions. >> how do u.s. and other western officials figure out what happened here in. >> the case in spain will have more transparency. we have much less visibility in russia unless somebody pops up on social media or starts leaking from the inside. things like this saw break down. >> is there value in the u.s. in keeping these former putin allies safe. could they provide any useful information in. >> most have left the country any form of opposition. their information is likely historical in nature and lack any inlens over putin. they are a number of them and they are being affected by sanctions as well. there are those who came off the ranks of putin in the kgb who serve prominent positions and have great contacts throughout the national security apparatus. those are the ones who not only know what's going on who can ins late putin if they choose to but maybe make change there and tell us what the steps and possibilities might be. >> how will that sound to the top level of putin's inner circle? >> it would put more fear into those losing vast sums of money that could mean ruin and bankruptcy for them. putin could turn around and turn them into mi rows. i think it's reasonable to try to continue to do everything we can to pressure these people, to detach putin from his support and to try to move on the elites there who do hold a lot of power and a lot of money. i think we also have to be aware while emotionally satisfying, there might be second and third consequences for us down the line if we do this for our own interest. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you. the u.s. economy shrinking for the first time since early in pandemic as one big bank warns of major recession. is the risk real? we'll break it down after this. . to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with 2 max-strength pain relievers. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design hr solutions to help you engage and retain top performers today, so you can have more scess tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads tanother, yeah, yeah ♪ with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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post. good to see you in person. it's been a minute here. the president is responding to this question about if he's worried about a recession. here he is. >> i'm not concerned about a recession. you're always concerned about recession but the gdp, you know, fell to 1.4%. here's the deal. we're also at last quarter consumer spending and business investment and residential investment increased at significant rates both per leisure as well as products. >> he's not concerned. should we be concerned? >> i'm more concerned than i was. i don't think a recession is in inevifable but i think the risk of a downturn have risen significantly. we have gotten unlucky. we kind of needed everything to go right. we needed the economy to reopen, supply chains to unwind, people to go back to work and not have anything else bad happen. instead, it's been one thing after another. we had these covid lock ddowns ch china. we had the war in ukraine that is whorrendous for other republicans beyond the loss of life. >> you said to avoid recession everything needed to go right and it didn't. >> we'll have shortages of all sorts of products made in china. the bigger looming question has to do with food. everybody knows by now that ukraine and russia produce a lot of wheat and corn. that's driving up the food prices. things like the avian flu is driving up the egg prices. zeal see more of that in movants ahead. another kind of complications relating to disruptions in supply chains for all sorts of reasons. at the texas border there was this political theater by the gl governor that has affected things. it's one thing after the afothe. we needed not any unwelcome surprises and instead, we have had unwelcome surprise after unwelcome surprise. >> you say, you are more concerned than you have been before. many economists aren't panicking about this contraction in the economy. they say there are bright spots. they issue, as the president mentioned, spending. could these positive trends keep going to help avert a recession? >> i hope so. i hope so. like i said, i don't think it's inevitable that we'll have a recession. the other big question mark that i haven't if he thinks e mentioned that i should have is the fed. it's the fed's job for getting inflation under control. it's tricky and difficult problem to solve. that goldilocks scenario almost never happens. because inflation has gotten so much worse, that means the fed is kind of belihind the eight ball. the odds they will tip the economy into recession have gone up. >> i will say what i've been saying to the economists that come on the show. especially after covid or during the pandemic, do we have the right mechanisms or levers to measure the economy. what is healthy? what is not. we're in a once in a lifetime pandemic and now a wartime economy. the challenge here is partly that consumers, vote voters, care about a lot of the things that are bad and seem to care less about the metrics that are good. job growth has been really strong. unemployment has been way lower than anybody predicted like a year ago. i try to acknowledge these are the good things in the economy. if you ask a regular voter, a regular member of public do they care about that. they are talking about their pocketbook. >> they will say gas prices are high. egg prices are high. >> and i feel poorer. >> interest rates are higher. >> mortgage is more expensive than it used to be the pst great there are jobs to be had. it captured the complicated things happening many the economy. it's not just the hard numbers on the page. i think it will come off as tone deaf. there's a whole lot more. thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! do i look like a money tree? the epson ecotank. just fill l & chill. everyone knowsws eating well and exercise are a big part of losing weight. ww's new program teaches you how to do it. i still eat the foods i want to eat and i have lost 69 pounds, james. you're just changing your 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you help feed kids, you feed their hopes, their dreams, and futures. kids need you now more than ever. so please call this number right now to join me in helping hungry kids or go online to and help feed hungry kids today. freshman congressman madison cawthorn, a north carolina republican facing primary series challenge next month, in fact a slew of candidates lining up to stop him getting a second term, cawthorn's antics and the negative headlines that come with them have angered republican leaders on capitol hill and his home state, including getting stopped this week at an airport with a loaded pistol, more tonight from cnn's diane gallagher. >> reporter: congressman manson cawthorn on instagram, appearing to make light of his latest criminal charge. >> just went through tsa, no major alarms, nothing bad happened. >> reporter: this week, for the second time since taking office just over a year ago, cawthorn was stopped from carrying a gun through airport security. the tsa confirming to cnn that tuesday morning, agents at charlotte douglas international airport detected this loaded p pistol at a check point, police seized the handgun and cited the freshman congressman who said was cooperative with misdemeanor charge of a dangerous weapon on city property. can also face up to $14,000 in tsa fines as a repeat offender. cawthorn called it a, quote, flat-out mistake on his instagram caption. the republican representative not charged in february 2021 when ashville regional airport agents found a different gun in his carry-on bag, his team told them last year he brought the gun by mistake. his run-ins with law enforcement not limited to air travel, cawthorn set to appear before a judge in may on charges of driving with revoked license, dash cam video obtained by a news organization shows the march third stop for driving left of center and an expired tag where a trooper tells the youngest member of congress that his license is revoked, though the reason is unclear. but the record that has republicans on the hill riled up isn't his legal one, it's his pattern of controversial comments. >> madison is wrong -- >> reporter: calling ukrainian president volodomyr zelenskyy a thug. >> remember the ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and evil. >> reporter: claiming he's been invited to cocaine-fueled orgies in dc. >> hey, we're having a sexual get together at one of our homes, and you realize they're inviting you to an orgy and doing a key bump of could obtain in front of you. >> lost my trust, going to have to earn it back. i lay down everything that is unbecoming. >> reporter: members of his own party seeking to stop him getting a second term. >> we're starting to see this coordinated drip campaign. >> reporter: friday, a crowded field of gop candidate. >> call it instagram famous, famous for what they post online. >> reporter: and they're leaving heavily on cawthorn's slate of scandals. so what does this all mean for the may 17th primary? the district is very red and madison cawthorn had plenty of baggage when elected the first time but he's not a new kcomer anymore, seven republicans running to replace him and that is where most of the gop support is concentrated. actively campaigning for one of his challengers, to win the primary, without a run-off, you have to get 30% plus one. look, may 17th, don, sounds a long ways away but early in-person voting in north carolina started today. >> diane, thank you for that. serious damage tonight in the capitol of ukraine where missiles hit a 25 story residential building. we're live on the ground after this. and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is, you gotta know what they're bitin' on. hey! i told you to hire a pro. i did get a pro. an orkin pro! i got this. got termites? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. 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Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708 :

Transcripts For CNN Don Lemon Tonight 20240708

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people. mideast are even though they are out from shelters, they are walking around during the day. i think they are still very aware there's a war going on and that things are still very vulnerable and can change very quickly. we saw that today. five missiles hitting one hitting a building causing damage to the first two floors. causing a fire. a reminder the war is very much going on. not that people need that reminder. >> as you remember in lviv, the air raid sirens go off, there's this false sense of security that developed. you think that's happening in kyiv or is today a reminder of the danger? >> the air raids sirens haven't been going off very often. once you hear sirens going off all the time and at a certain point you start to figure out when you should respond and when you shouldn't depending on where the strikes might take place. this was a wake up call to anybody who was starting to get complacent and just an important reminder of the danger that still is very close. >> anderson cooper, thanks a lot. we'll see you tomorrow. have a good one. this is don lemon tonight. vladmir putin's unprovoked war started nine weeks ago tonight. now russia sending a mess a j to the west with that attack on kyiv tonight right after the meeting with the uchl n. secretary general. >> today, immediately after the end of our talks in kyiv, russian missiles threw into the city. five missiles. this says a lot about russia's true attitude. therefore requires an appropriate powerful response. >> at least ten people were injured. ukraine's foreign minister calls the strikes a heinous act of barbarrism. we'll go live to kyiv in a moment. more than 50 times in a row. the mayor calling the conditions medieval. there are thousands ofs still buried in the rubble. that as the president of the united states, joe biden, asked congress for massive $33 billion in additional aid in ukraine. more than twice as much as the package congress approved last month. the danger is serious. it's real. it cannot be under estimated. >> no one should be making idle comments about the use of nuclear weapons or a possibility of that. it's irresponsible. >> top u.s. officials lining up behind the president and warning the nuclear rhetoric is dangerous. >> it's dangerous. any kind of rhetoric like that, you know, i think is unhelpful. we said over and over again that a nuclear war cannot be won by either side. i think saber rattling in rhetoric like that is unhelpful. >> it's completely irresponsible for a leader to be talking about that in today's world. >> talking about the threat of nuclear war. >> matt, hello to you. a brazen attack while the u.n. secretary general was there. the latest on the ground, please. >> yeah, we heard this explosion and we saw the smoke from our hotel here in kyiv which means this was not very far away from the central part of kyiv. this is not something we have seen in the city for a while now. smoke like that rising from a very central part of the city. at least ten people were injured. once again as a russian missile hit not a military target or not hitting a building where residents were. this is the kind of thing ordinary people being affected that we have seen from russia time and again since this war began. this was an apartment complex. it was damaged. it was fire as a result of that. we saw someone or some thing being carried off in a stretcher. once again russia hitting a civilian target here in kyiv. it's important to underline the fact the u.n. secretary general was just in moscow. the point of that trip and then d coming here was to try to use the power of the united nations open up. the russians knew he was here and yet they still go ahead with the cruise missile strike. if you had my hopes the russians were taking the visit seriously, perhaps progress was being made for the corridors. i think that hope might be misplaced at this point. >> the u.s. is assessing that russian forces are making some progress in the east. what are you hear about fighting on the front lines? >> yeah, we got a briefing from a senior u.s. official who did knowledge russia was making progress in the east. this is the focus point of their new come pain trying to secure the donbas region but not making a lot of progress. calling it incremental at best with this u.s. defense official saying the russian forces are taking quote several kilometer or so on any given day because just because don't want to run out too far aahead of their logistics and sustainment lines. these are problems we saw russia have in northern part of the country during their failed attempts to take the capital city of kyiv and it does appear some of the issues continue. we're hear frg this official that there's low morale because rush ha is using conscripts. people drafted into the army who are being fed russian state propaganda before they get here and when they arrive, they are seeing the real situation on the ground. russia does continue to make some progress taking a few towns in the east over the past fi days. >> leets talk ant russia occupying the southern city for weeks but they are making moves to stamp out ukrainian identity there. what do you know about that, man in. >> yeah. this could be some kind of foreshadowing if russia were to take other large sections of ukraine. this is a city that russia took relatively early in the war. it's many the the southern part of the country. russia wants to stage a fake referendum. the try to give some legitimacy to their occupation by having a fake vote that say all the people who live in the city want to be russian citizens. every one would not believe the result but that's something they would go ahead with in the coming days and weeks. they have replaced all democratically elected officials with government backed officials. they are even talking about replacing the ukrainian currency there with the russian ruble over the coming days and they have taken all ukrainian television channels off the air. all channels that tell the truth and replace them with russian channels that we know just spread propaganda. >> appreciate the reporting from kyiv tonight. thank you very much. russia striking kyiv with five missiles, the first time in five weeks. is that aggression intentional message? >> i think it's definitely intentional. it's an effort to terrorize the people in kyiv and more importantly show the government in kyiv it's isolated and getting help from outside the united nations. it's an insult to the united nations. >> general thrks is a skbig from the president. $33 billion. this aid package for ukraine. that would include more weapons and anti-armor capabilities. how do you think this will impact the fight? >> i think we got do get that material in there. they need the aid and most porptsly they need the military assistance. it's been announced over the last week or two. most of that is not there yet. it's got to get in there. they have about 120 kilometer gap they are holding open of that double envelopment. they are moving slowly. that will or could develop momentum. they are out numbered over there. they are being outgunned by russian artillery. if they are locate them, fix them, they can bring in artillery shells. they will kill anybody out there. they have more artillery and more ammunition than the ukrainians. >> the u.s. is unwilling to help provide planes when the fighting centered around kyiv. now the fight is an open battlefield. at this stage, would more war planes help ukraine beat back russia and should that be a consideration at this point? >> i think ukraine has to do everything it can do to disrupt russian command and control onds logistic, where ever that is. what we're faced with here is not only the battle itself but also the potential ending of the conflict. it's important ukraine not give up this territory in the donbas. if they do, getting it back through negotiation will be extremely difficult. the only wap this can end in a manner is if they get enough material from the west and fight strongly enough to push the russian forces completely out of ukraine, restore their territorial integrity and let russia ask for negotiation. that's the only way we're going to get resolution of this. once the fighting stops, if russia hasn't given up its aims, it's going to rearm and push forward again at the earliest opportunity. >> officials saying the attacks are looking better coordinated now. does russia have the leadership, traening, troops to adapt and recover from previous losses? >> given enough time and enough push from behind, they will make progress. they are still mostly in the east despite the talk about the wide open areas and so forth. the ground is still soft. there's no mad slap dash to try to run through the ukrainian lines which is what they try to do north of kyiv. as they practice day by day moving forward, calling artillery an locating enemy positions, strengthening communications, working their logistics, practice makes perfect. they will get better if the ukrainians can't stop it and knock them off. >> general, thank you so much. appreciate it. >> thank you. vladimir putin's threats are bigger than ukraine. the u.n. secretary general meeting with president zelenskyy. how does the world respond? 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>> yeah, absolutely. we had a 30 year holiday from history. we thought we were moving into a world in which these kind of things were unthinkable. europe in many ways the whole european project is built on the idea of being in a kind of world beyond war. the european union has done amazing things but the reality is that's not the world vladmir putin is in. that's not the world that russia currently is in. the result is what we're seeing is the return of great power politics in the world after a 30-year holiday. that's a seismic event. this is a much bigger deal than 911. it was a band of thugs. they were able to crush those kind of terrorists. here what you have is the most powerful nuclear power in the world. he's threatening to use that strength. even to use nuclear weapons to tear up the rules of to road that have governed international relations since 1945. no massive acquisitions of territory. all these rules have been thrown out the window. i'm glad you put it that way . we have taken sides. we cannot afford the lose. if that means ukraine needs 10, 20, 33 billion more in aid, the alternative is vladmir putin wins. the western democracies lose. >> an interesting predicament for the world. listen, president biden saying today that no one should be making idle threats about nuclear weapons. he called it irresponsible. listen to what the ambassador said today. >> we heard their rhetoric. we're prepared to deter nuclear aggression against the united states as we have been for decades back into time with the s soviet union. >> the language appears to be tougher. >> i think the u.s. is finally responding correctly. they need to be just as worried and deterred as we are. yes they have a lot of nuclear weapons. so does the united states. in fact, the soviet union in the old ways and russia, the doctrine has never been for russia to go to the first use of nuclear weapons. it's the u.s. that worried about having to station short range nuke her missiles like that. he is threatening not to send them there. the natural gas due to them. it's all a sign of weakness. he's feeling the pressure. i think the russians really thought this was going to go very differently and was going to be over much sooner. the longer the stakes, the greater the grinds of the sangs, the greater most importantly the cap capacity. they don't have as many options as they thought they did. putin doesn't care about the norms. he is escalating. we should remind vladimir putin, the u.s. can escalate too. if we need to be deterred by russian nuclear weapons, russia needs to be deterred by american nuclear weapons. >> right on. we heard the blackmail keeps coming up. russia keeps claiming blackmail. russia said president putin is using nuclear war to blackmail the world. they are trying to say russia is trying to blackmail every one. how does the world fight back against it? >> look, you're asking me a very big question. i think what we have to recognize is there has to be a much more concerted effort to deprive putin of the money that is funding his war machine. i'm glad we're now thinking about and i hope congress passes $33 billion in aid to ukraine. just keep in mind, we are sending ten times that amount. $330 billion to vladmir putin every year in terms of oil and natural gas revenues and coal revenues. there's still a long way to go in terms of really making him feel the pressure. i think with putin, the only thing he really understands is force. he has to suffer battlefield losses in the donbas. he has to feel like his revenues are declining, that he's getting squeezed. that's the only way. it means a larger coalition. it's very important to try to get countries like saudi arabia and the uae more on board. it's important to try to get india and i undendonesia and so africa on board. to the extent they can be a greater sense of sanctions, i think most of the world agrees that what russia did was wrong. most of the world agrees that it would be enkincredibly destabilizing that the strong can do what they can and the small nations have to suffer it and grin and bear it. that's not a world that i think india wants to live in sitting right next to china. it's not a world that south africa wants to live in. we have to make this case persuasively. the only thing that matters at the end of the day is hard power. >> i think the way you put it earlier was right on. either there's a western democracy or you don't give the money to ukraine, right? that's the choice that we're in right now. that's the situation we face. thank you. >> we have joined the fight. the question now is only who will win. >> thanks, fareed. russian oligarchs found dead with their family. was it suicide or something else? that's next. age before beauty? why not both? visibly diminish wrinkled skin in... crepe coector lotion... only from gold bond. as parents of triplets, we do a lot of things three times... ♪ ♪ so you can imagine my excitement when i heard scotts turf builder triple action does three things... at the same time. scotts turf builder triple action kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and feeds your lawn. all three in just one bag. i like that. scotts turf builder. triple action. pair with scotts ultrafeed for a winning combo this lawn season. exclusively at the home depot. this is koli. my foster fail (laughs). when i first started fostering koli i had been giving him kibble. it never looked or felt like real food. but with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food. i saw a difference almost overnight. healthy poops, healthy dog, right? as he's aged, he's still quite energetic and youthful. i really attribute that to diet. you know, he's my buddy. my job is to keep my buddy safe and happy. ♪ get started at as a business owner, your bottom line is always top of mind. so start saving by switching to the mobile service designed for small business: comcast business mobile. flexible data plans mean you can get unlimited data or pay by the gig. all on the most reliable 5g network. with no line activation fees or term contracts... saving you up to $500 a year. and it's only available to comcast business internet customers. so boost your bottom line by switching today. comcast business. powering possibilities.™ two russian oligarchs and members of their family found dead in a matter of days. one former bank executive is questioning one of those deaths. telling cnn he doesn't believe-a murder/suicide as russia claims. listen. >> i think he knew something and he must have posed some sort of risk. his job was to deal with private banking. that means dealing with vip clients. he was in charge of very large amounts of money. did he kill himself? i don't think so. i think he knew something and that he posed some sort of risk. >> cnn tom foreman has the details on the suspicious deaths. what do we know? >> at least two russian oligarchs have died in mysterious circumstances in the past couple of weeks. we're told russian authorities are painting this as a murder/suicide situation but we don't know. they are often not transparent about what really happened. we might get better answers about sergei. he also came pr the gas industry in moscow where a lot of the money has flown to these oligarchs out there. he also died with his wife and daughter in a momentum there in spain. the spanish authorities are investigating this probably more likely we'll get transparency and real answers as this moves forward. all of this is happening against the background of the biden administration really trying to step up pressure here and streamline the process of going after these sanctioned russians for the klepto capture task force. they want to more quickly seize high value assets like this 255 yacht that was grabbed earlier this month worth about $90 million. they want to much more clearly and quickly sell these assets off then take that money and turn it around and use it to fund the ukrainian resistance and the rebuilding of the very country that putin has invaded and in large part trying to do. >> tom, thanks as always. douglas, hello to you. welcome. thank you so much for doing this. at least two oligachs and their family members dead under mysterious circumstances. what is going on? >> good evening. you can't put things like this past putin but at the same time it's not consistent. putin has not hesitated to go after his opponents alexi was the target of poisoning. they try to poison him as well and one of his former deputies, they used poison on him. putin usually wants to send a message. going after these people, as they have, under perhaps murder/suicide, they all would be very complex operation. it takes time to plan an operation like this. you have to case the target. there's usually one team that does that. then you bring in another team that executes the operation. to do this once, after some time, perhaps but multiple incidents makes it less likely. for what it's worth, the suicide is quite prevalent in russia. it's the third highest country and more prevalent among men than women in russia. these executives were all associated with gas, energy and banking industry that have been hit hard by sanctions. >> how do u.s. and other western officials figure out what happened here in. >> the case in spain will have more transparency. we have much less visibility in russia unless somebody pops up on social media or starts leaking from the inside. things like this saw break down. >> is there value in the u.s. in keeping these former putin allies safe. could they provide any useful information in. >> most have left the country any form of opposition. their information is likely historical in nature and lack any inlens over putin. they are a number of them and they are being affected by sanctions as well. there are those who came off the ranks of putin in the kgb who serve prominent positions and have great contacts throughout the national security apparatus. those are the ones who not only know what's going on who can ins late putin if they choose to but maybe make change there and tell us what the steps and possibilities might be. >> how will that sound to the top level of putin's inner circle? >> it would put more fear into those losing vast sums of money that could mean ruin and bankruptcy for them. putin could turn around and turn them into mi rows. i think it's reasonable to try to continue to do everything we can to pressure these people, to detach putin from his support and to try to move on the elites there who do hold a lot of power and a lot of money. i think we also have to be aware while emotionally satisfying, there might be second and third consequences for us down the line if we do this for our own interest. >> thank you. i appreciate it. >> thank you. the u.s. economy shrinking for the first time since early in pandemic as one big bank warns of major recession. is the risk real? we'll break it down after this. . to freeze your pain and your doubt. heat makes it last. so you'll never sit this one out. new icy hot pro with 2 max-strength pain relievers. at adp, we use data-driven insights to design hr solutions to help you engage and retain top performers today, so you can have more scess tomorrow. ♪ one thing leads tanother, yeah, yeah ♪ with angi, you can connect with and see ratings and reviews. and when you book and pay throug you're covered by our happiness check out today. angi... and done. ♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. ♪ harp plays ♪ only two things are forever: love and liberty mutual customizing your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. 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post. good to see you in person. it's been a minute here. the president is responding to this question about if he's worried about a recession. here he is. >> i'm not concerned about a recession. you're always concerned about recession but the gdp, you know, fell to 1.4%. here's the deal. we're also at last quarter consumer spending and business investment and residential investment increased at significant rates both per leisure as well as products. >> he's not concerned. should we be concerned? >> i'm more concerned than i was. i don't think a recession is in inevifable but i think the risk of a downturn have risen significantly. we have gotten unlucky. we kind of needed everything to go right. we needed the economy to reopen, supply chains to unwind, people to go back to work and not have anything else bad happen. instead, it's been one thing after another. we had these covid lock ddowns ch china. we had the war in ukraine that is whorrendous for other republicans beyond the loss of life. >> you said to avoid recession everything needed to go right and it didn't. >> we'll have shortages of all sorts of products made in china. the bigger looming question has to do with food. everybody knows by now that ukraine and russia produce a lot of wheat and corn. that's driving up the food prices. things like the avian flu is driving up the egg prices. zeal see more of that in movants ahead. another kind of complications relating to disruptions in supply chains for all sorts of reasons. at the texas border there was this political theater by the gl governor that has affected things. it's one thing after the afothe. we needed not any unwelcome surprises and instead, we have had unwelcome surprise after unwelcome surprise. >> you say, you are more concerned than you have been before. many economists aren't panicking about this contraction in the economy. they say there are bright spots. they issue, as the president mentioned, spending. could these positive trends keep going to help avert a recession? >> i hope so. i hope so. like i said, i don't think it's inevitable that we'll have a recession. the other big question mark that i haven't if he thinks e mentioned that i should have is the fed. it's the fed's job for getting inflation under control. it's tricky and difficult problem to solve. that goldilocks scenario almost never happens. because inflation has gotten so much worse, that means the fed is kind of belihind the eight ball. the odds they will tip the economy into recession have gone up. >> i will say what i've been saying to the economists that come on the show. especially after covid or during the pandemic, do we have the right mechanisms or levers to measure the economy. what is healthy? what is not. we're in a once in a lifetime pandemic and now a wartime economy. the challenge here is partly that consumers, vote voters, care about a lot of the things that are bad and seem to care less about the metrics that are good. job growth has been really strong. unemployment has been way lower than anybody predicted like a year ago. i try to acknowledge these are the good things in the economy. if you ask a regular voter, a regular member of public do they care about that. they are talking about their pocketbook. >> they will say gas prices are high. egg prices are high. >> and i feel poorer. >> interest rates are higher. >> mortgage is more expensive than it used to be the pst great there are jobs to be had. it captured the complicated things happening many the economy. it's not just the hard numbers on the page. i think it will come off as tone deaf. there's a whole lot more. thanks to the cartridge-free epson ecotank printer. a ridiculous amount of ink! do i look like a money tree? the epson ecotank. just fill l & chill. everyone knowsws eating well and exercise are a big part of losing weight. ww's new program teaches you how to do it. i still eat the foods i want to eat and i have lost 69 pounds, james. you're just changing your 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you help feed kids, you feed their hopes, their dreams, and futures. kids need you now more than ever. so please call this number right now to join me in helping hungry kids or go online to and help feed hungry kids today. freshman congressman madison cawthorn, a north carolina republican facing primary series challenge next month, in fact a slew of candidates lining up to stop him getting a second term, cawthorn's antics and the negative headlines that come with them have angered republican leaders on capitol hill and his home state, including getting stopped this week at an airport with a loaded pistol, more tonight from cnn's diane gallagher. >> reporter: congressman manson cawthorn on instagram, appearing to make light of his latest criminal charge. >> just went through tsa, no major alarms, nothing bad happened. >> reporter: this week, for the second time since taking office just over a year ago, cawthorn was stopped from carrying a gun through airport security. the tsa confirming to cnn that tuesday morning, agents at charlotte douglas international airport detected this loaded p pistol at a check point, police seized the handgun and cited the freshman congressman who said was cooperative with misdemeanor charge of a dangerous weapon on city property. can also face up to $14,000 in tsa fines as a repeat offender. cawthorn called it a, quote, flat-out mistake on his instagram caption. the republican representative not charged in february 2021 when ashville regional airport agents found a different gun in his carry-on bag, his team told them last year he brought the gun by mistake. his run-ins with law enforcement not limited to air travel, cawthorn set to appear before a judge in may on charges of driving with revoked license, dash cam video obtained by a news organization shows the march third stop for driving left of center and an expired tag where a trooper tells the youngest member of congress that his license is revoked, though the reason is unclear. but the record that has republicans on the hill riled up isn't his legal one, it's his pattern of controversial comments. >> madison is wrong -- >> reporter: calling ukrainian president volodomyr zelenskyy a thug. >> remember the ukrainian government is incredibly corrupt and evil. >> reporter: claiming he's been invited to cocaine-fueled orgies in dc. >> hey, we're having a sexual get together at one of our homes, and you realize they're inviting you to an orgy and doing a key bump of could obtain in front of you. >> lost my trust, going to have to earn it back. i lay down everything that is unbecoming. >> reporter: members of his own party seeking to stop him getting a second term. >> we're starting to see this coordinated drip campaign. >> reporter: friday, a crowded field of gop candidate. >> call it instagram famous, famous for what they post online. >> reporter: and they're leaving heavily on cawthorn's slate of scandals. so what does this all mean for the may 17th primary? the district is very red and madison cawthorn had plenty of baggage when elected the first time but he's not a new kcomer anymore, seven republicans running to replace him and that is where most of the gop support is concentrated. actively campaigning for one of his challengers, to win the primary, without a run-off, you have to get 30% plus one. look, may 17th, don, sounds a long ways away but early in-person voting in north carolina started today. >> diane, thank you for that. serious damage tonight in the capitol of ukraine where missiles hit a 25 story residential building. we're live on the ground after this. and i've lowered my a1c from 8.2 to 6.7. take the mystery out of managing your diabetes and lower your a1c. now you know. try it for free at ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) obviously, we got termites. well, first thing is, you gotta know what they're bitin' on. hey! i told you to hire a pro. i did get a pro. an orkin pro! i got this. got termites? don't call any pro, call the orkin pro. 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Credit Card , Lives , Breakfast , T Shirt , Home , Big , Learning , Beautiful Snack , Futures , Dreams , Help Feed Hungry Kids , Helpnokidhungry Org , Madison Cawthorn , Republican , Series , Candidates , Antics , Slew , Headlines , North Carolina , Reporter , Pistol , Home State , Airport , Leaders , Diane Gallagher , Congressman Manson Cawthorn , On Instagram , Capitol Hill , Office , Criminal Charge , Nothing , Alarms , Tsa , Light , Carrying A Gun Through Airport Security , Congressman , Handgun , Check Point , At Charlotte Douglas International Airport , Mistake , Weapon , Misdemeanor Charge , City Property , Repeat Offender , Cooperative , Quote , Fines , It A , 4000 , 14000 , Gun , Representative , Run Ins , Law Enforcement , Regional Airport , Instagram Caption , Ashville , 2021 , February 2021 , License , Charges , Judge , Driving , Dash Cam Video , News Organization , Air Travel , Cawthorn Set , Record , Tag , Reason , Center , Pattern , Trooper , The Hill , Isn T His Legal One , Volodomyr Zelenskyy A Thug , Wrong , Evil , Madison , Homes , Get , Orgy , Orgies In Dc , Party , Bump , Front , Trust , Candidate , Scandals , Drip Campaign , Field , Slate , Instagram Famous , District , Baggage , Kcomer , May 17th Primary , 17 , May 17th , Challengers , Primary , Run Off , Seven , Voting , Capitol , Story Residential Building , 25 , Termites , Lisa , Caregiver , Experience , Adults ,

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